#that has proved to be so so true. and ngl i am really enjoying it? love it when the motivation to create is there haha
i-sveikata · 17 days
Tbh i understand pete, the beginning of their relationship wasn't normal or easy at all so him struggling to bottom made sense to me but as you said that he thinks Vegas will get bored eventually if pete will stop challenging him, i think i get where he's coming from , i mean we do know that Vegas loved to see pete resist and fight himself and that's what pete thinks too, that this push and pull game will keep Vegas hooked somehow, but I can't wait for him to let his guards down completely because boy you dont know how Vegas loves to see you taking initiatives and letting loose and enjoying yourself ngl Vegas loves everything pete does that man is down bad I love him so yeah I cannnottt wait for both of you to go all out and fuck
Also by any luck are we getting a chapter update tomorrow? No pressure I am just curious jfhsjdj you won't believe I actually do arrange my schedule acc to the chapter on update days lmaooooo
yeah exactly!!!! like these are the walls he first put up to protect himself and it would be such a huge undertaking for him to take them down now around vegas (esp because it twinges against petes very real hang ups about letting vegas win/ getting what he wants)
yes i think its been left so long now that pete is building it up/ combining a lot of his fears into the act of bottoming in his head- like if he says yes what if vegas repeats more of the horrible things he first said to pete about him obviously wanting it when he was a prisoner, finally confirming it as true? and if vegas wants it so bad is it still that aggravating win for him if he gets it? even if pete might want to try and reexperience it in a new way too? and what if things do change and he loses his power over vegas by giving up that last thing to him? what if vegas grows bored of the pete thats fully accepting of his wants and needs? what if its not a challenge anymore once hes decided hes won? and what if more of vegas dominating side comes out again when hes topping pete? what if he takes complete control again?
like obvs these are really valid fears but a lot of its now is sort of revolving around the fact that if pete lets this get any deeper hes giving vegas the power to hurt him (not physically of course but like emotionally- which he figured out can go badly when vegas nearly died in front of him and the idea of losing him got pete in a total panic) and thats a really big deal for pete. and which hes still trying to decide is actually worth it to open himself up to- the idea of love and loss. so its really so much beyond completely relaxing his guard for vegas. its conceding to the idea of needing him. of wanting him. of being afraid of losing him too.
but yeah honestly pete has a lot of things holding him back from going further atm- no matter how many ways hes sort of passively going along with and both outright asserting himself as part of a romantic relationship with vegas. its still all so messy in his head no matter what his feelings and attraction are. so pete is afraid of being vulnerable like that again but especially about not being in control of his own body/ vegas being in control of his body and these are all things he has to work through. but yeah youre absolutely right he doesnt realise that his fears are totally unfounded and vegas is down bad for him (and is going to absolutely lose his mind when pete starts taking initiative and being even more open about his needs) and they are absolutely going to go nuts on the sex front once they finally reach that much needed equilibrium haha.
it's actually looking less likely that i'm going to post tonight unfortunately!!! the chap editing is taking a hell of a lot longer than i expected and im honestly going to just run out of time before bed (and a girly has gotta sleep) so im guessing it'll be either tomorrow or day after- depending how the editing wraps up. (also lol @ me saying i dont post on weekdays and then immediately proving myself wrong im a clown :) )
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akaashism · 21 days
Are you excited to watch Haikyuu movie? Can I ask what is your fav plot twist in HQ? For me, is when I found out that the 'little giant' who inspire Hinata end up becoming a mangaka (not pursue volleyball). Like, really?
Also, just want to say, love your fics, thanks for sharing your hard work. One of the thing that I love every time I read your Merthur and Kagehina fics is there is no ooc (really feels like I watching the series and anime). 💐🌷🌻🌺
As new merthur fan, I'm glad to have found someone who love bbc merlin and anime (especially Haikyuu). Because not many people that I know who love both series.....
Random, but can I ask your opinion on atsuhina and kenhina (if you don't mind me asking)? Like, even as multishipper, I really can't feel the potential romance with either atsumu or kenma. But I love atsuhina & kenhina as platonic duo.... Not that I hate the ship or people who ship them, every one is free to ship who they love. But for hinata, kageyama is the only one (in my opinion).
From your name, at first I thought it will be bokuaka blog (because your name is similar with akaashi), sorry for my mistake. But do you also love Akaashi as a character? Him and Bokuto is my third fav ship and fav dynamic in HQ 🤣
Yes, I'm very excited to watch the Haikyuu movie, 31st May can't come fast enough!! I've heard that the movie leaves a lot to be desired but it's still an exciting thought to see my boys on the big screen ❤️❤️
The Little Giant/Tenma thing is definitely one of my favourite plot twists in the manga as well, I never thought we'd actually get to see him + Akaashi ending up as his editor in the timeskip was a wild coincidence! Hinata going to Brazil was a huge surprise as well, and also Oikawa becoming an Argentine citizen and facing all his rivals on the highest stage @ the Olympics was so unexpected and iconic and made me a bit crazy ngl 😵‍💫
Thank you for the love on the fics, I'm elated you enjoy my characterization 🥰 A bunch of my friends are actually both into anime and Merlin, so I really enjoy sharing the two with them! Admittedly, I'm the one who converted a lot of them into haikyuu fans, but I have this theory that people who love merthur WILL love kagehina and it has proved to be true till now 😈 I hope you're enjoying merthur, they're truly legendary and the fandom is also incredible, no ship will ever make me feel the way merthur did!!
Oh yeah, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. I love both kenhina and atsuhina as friends, but I can't see either of them romantically. In fact, I am actually insanely fond of the Atsumu and Hinata best friendship agenda aahhh I think it works so perfectly and I enjoy interpreting them as kinda chaotic sibling-coded within the dynamics of MSBY 4, so I love, loveee thinking about that!
Kageyama is definitely the only one for Hinata. Period.
I do adore Akaashi as a character, I see so much of myself in him and he's just very relatable and comforting 🫂 I did used to love bokuaka a lot in my early days of being an hq fan, they were briefly in my top 3 ships as well, but somewhere I lost interest in them :( I've been a lot more into osaaka (osamu x akaashi) these past two years and I know it's a bit of a rarepair, but I love them to death 😭❤️
Thanks for such a nice ask! I hope you're having a wonderful day 💗💗
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s3a-s1ug · 8 months
Mmm after 3 seperate breakdowns with 20 minute breaks in between im in questionable mood, my eyes are still burning from tears so i will use my fragile state of mind to request a fear and hunger nsfw scenerio... fic... thing?
How about Ragnvaldr × Cahara? I know its a joke in the fandom that Cahara is a size queen for all the fucked up reasons you can imagine, but from the ingame art to fanart, he seems kinda like a hoe ngl. I know he has a wife but come on, let a girl dream. Basically the fic would be in the canon setting of the game, and the two would meet as normal, but Ragnvaldr notices that Cahara attempted to steal his shit. However, instead of getting mad and kicking Cahara on his merry way in the dungeon, he decides to keep a close eye on him. The dungeon is a dangerous place and its always good to have more hands for weapons.
One thing leads to another, you'll be the judge of that, and they end up sharing a bed. And Cahara once again proves himself to be untrustworthy by feeling around in Ragnvaldr's pockets. But what he touches isnt his pocket, unfortunately.
God I hate myself. Its 4 am, i need to sleep
Oh and also happy christmas
“The Thief’s Tricks”
Cahara x Ragnvaldr Fic - Part One
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THIS REQUEST SAVED ME!!! This is actually so fun. The next part should be out soon! I’m that case enjoy!!! …and merry Christmas to you too..? Time is a construct I guess.
The prisons. The heavy oppressive nature of the sights to be seen in there would shake anyone to their core. Bloodied empty prison cells captured the true horrors of what happened to its unfortunate prisoners. All for except one.
“…hey…hey big guy..!”
Ragnvaldr stopped in his tracks and locked into the prison cell. A man with dark messy hair on the other side. He seemed to be in shape but he looked very tired. Bags under his eyes. He gave a tired smile
“Look.. I’ll give it to you straight… I’m in a tough one here and I could REALLY use your help. You look strong. You think you could get me outta here..?” He asked with a hint of desperation in his voice
Ragnvaldr analyzed the man on the other side of the bars. Could he be trusted?…then again…the dungeons are very dangerous and it could be better to traverse them with some help…
“Hmm… what is your name?”
“Cahara..! Of the south.”
“Ragnvaldr. If I were to help you out of here you will have to help me too.”
“I am on a quest to find a person..and kill him. He is long way down these dungeons so if you are willing I could use the help.”
The mercenary didn’t even give himself time to think and answered immediately
“Yeah sure! I’ll help. I’d say I’m a pretty useful asset. Im a mercenary so I think I could be of good help.
Ragnvaldr only nodded in agreement. He held the bars of the cell. They were rusty and worn out but sturdy enough to keep someone from getting out. He gripped the bars and slowly separated two of them to make an opening for Cahara to get out.
“Woah…damn…you ARE strong..!” He said in awe. A little intimidated even.
“Ja. But you must promise me one thing. You will not deceive me. Since I have helped you, you must return the favor.” He held out his hand for Cahara to shake
“Yeah sure thing”
Cahara shook his hand then brought him into…a hug..?
“I can’t thank ya enough, man. I mean it”
Ragnvaldr was taken aback by this. He swore he felt something in his pocket but before he could react Cahara pulled off from the hug and smiled
“Well I’d assume you know the way?”
“U-uh ja. Follow me” He said with a hint of confusion. He was still cautious mainly due to Cahara’s “off” vibe.
They walked for a bit trying to find their way out of the prisons. Multiple corners were turned in silence. Ragnvaldr went to grab for something in his pocket but…it was gone… he stopped in his tracks. Cahara, who was pretty far behind him now, stopped us well, pretty taken aback.
“Cahara.” Ragnvaldr said sternly, not looking at him
Cahara seemed nervous
“Uh, yeah..?”
“Give it back. You took it.”
“Took what? I wouldn’t steal anything from you. Uh promise! I’m here to help after all heh”
Ragnvaldr turned around and looked at Cahara. He walked up to him and grabbed Cahara’s wrist.
“Give. It. Back.” He squeezed Cahara’s wrist tightly while giving him a stern glare
Cahara gulped. He was in a tight spot. Cahara was in no way weak. He had a fine build and could try to fight back but… that probably wouldn’t last long.
Cahara sighed. He shuffled through his pocket using his other hand and grumbled pulling the vials out and giving them to Ragnvaldr
He let go of Cahara’s wrist
“You made a promise. Next time I won’t be so forgiving. As it may seem I actually need to help. So don’t try this again”
Cahara nodded silently, clearly getting the message.
“You will walk by my side. You’re very sneaky. This will not happen again.”
Ragnvaldr turned around again and continued walking with Cahara catching up to his side silently
‘Damn this guy is tough. Really tough. I don’t want to stay here but I did promise… if there was just a way I could find to leave…hmm’
They walked for a good long while, encountered some enemies, nothing too bad, but it was beginning to get grueling
Cahara yawned and groaned loudly
“Ughhhh… man how long have we been walkin for? My legs are starting to sore….”
“…hmm…ja I suppose we have been walking for… a while” Ragnvaldr didn’t say it but even he was starting to feel tired “well perhaps there is a room nearby, keep a look out”
They walked for another long while until reaching a small stone room. Wasn’t much in it. A tattered rug, cabinet with some old drinks, and one singular bed. Cahara slightly glanced at Ragnvaldr
“Soooo…um… should I like… sleep on the floor? Or..”
“Nej, we will share it. We both need rest. We will make do”
“Oh..! Alright then”
This was certainly gonna be…interesting.
To be continued…
Next part will be NSFW muahahah so stayed tuned!!!!
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
hi katie 💕💕💕💕 can i ask 15, 22 and 35 from the otp asks? 😽✨
hiii darling!! 💕💕 :D yes, of COURSE you can, mwah. thank you so much for asking!! 😘
15. Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
awwwh, okay, so, time to dig into the emotions a little bit - i think that they might not do it every time, but there are certain times when they always do it. example: when they part ways after a drivers parade on the sunday morning, i think they'd make it a little pre-race tradition to whisper "je t'aime" to each other. because they've both lost too much to racing, and i don't think either of them could bear the thought of "i lost him and today is the one day i didn't tell him i loved him." so, they don't make that an option - not when it comes to racing; not ever.
when it's just in their day-to-day lives, though? i think that they sometimes do, sometimes don't - for no particular reason, really, just that they're humans, and incredibly busy ones, at that. sometimes, humans just forget things in everyday life. maybe one of them would have to leave at a very odd time for a flight, or rush out to some PR event, or something, and just not say it that specific time. and neither of them minds that much, really, because they both get it. the times they do say "i love you" before leaving is when they're going to be apart for a longer stretch of time, or when either of them is feeling particularly romantic. just, you know. domestic things ❤️
22. What reminds each of their partner?
ahhh, omg, i freaking LOVE this one!! and i am just thinking of literally so many answers now, omfg. i'm going to try and keep this short-ish (the operative word there being try, of course xD 🙈) so the first thing that popped into my mind was, quite simply, the colour red. charles has been with ferrari for so long and he wears the red so well that i think every time pierre sees something that even vaguely resembles the rossa corso red -- he'd think of charles. immediately. also, of course, any ferraris he might happen to pass on the road. and!! oh my gosh!! for both of them - any squid plushies/stuffed toys, or even just freaking calamari in a restaurant. for charles specifically, anything that's like a very CLICHÉ french thing would probably make him laugh, and take a picture, and send to pierre (which counts as making him think of pierre/reminding him of pierre, right?)
so... yeah 😅 i don't think i quite succeeded in keeping that one short, but, well. they just have such a rich relationship and such a long history that i think almost ANYTHING could remind them of each other. even something as small as walking past a shop and seeing each other's preferred brand of toothpaste/favourite treat on a menu/something that could work as a birthday gift... you get the idea. anything and everything ❤️
35. Who's more artistic?
oooohhh, this is such an interesting one! i feel like the easy answer would be "they're both a bit shit, ngl" but that's not quite true. as that one grill the grid challenge last year proved, they're both actually surprisingly more artistic than i thought. like, no, they're not going to be the next vincent van goghs anytime soon, not either of them. but they're not completely terrible. charles even did a reasonably acceptable portrait of carlos recently in that one challenge? 🤔 it's not GREAT, no, but hey, it's definitely better than what i could've done, so.
that still doesn't answer the question, though, so let me do that now: i don't think either of them is definitively better, really. knowing them, they would probably find a way to make it a competition though -- why is my mind thinking something along the lines of them arguing affectionately over who actually did a better design in that grill the grid challenge, and that devolving into who's a better artist, and that devolving into them taking freaking art classes just to prove a point... and then, of course, they both just end up getting a lot better, and actually really enjoying the art. (it would of course endlessly frustrate them that there's still no clear winner. they both just keep getting better and better, at all the different mediums 😂😭) so, yeah. they're dumb, but they're dumb and surprisingly artistic, is my answer xD <333
(obligatory otp asks)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
For the red string event!! I can guess you probably have a decent amount of these to do, so no pressure and honestly don't even worry about this if you don't want to do it! With that being said here we go!
[Anni, romantic, she/her, creepypasta/mh please]
Hello! So I suppose I'll start off simple, here are just some main things about me that may prove to be useful! I am best described as that one sarcastic asshole, like think of movies and I'd be the one side character that is constantly cracking sarcastic comments. Yeah, i'm being fully blunt here with how I am, my personality is somewhat of a acquired taste. I can be very charismatic though and people say i'm unique and very based with my opinions and beliefs. I'm someone who can come off a little cold/rude but I really don't mean to, I just kinda have vomit of the mouth sometimes and my empathy isn't the highest that it could be....
On a happier note, I am like a gremlin which means I'm pretty fun to be around. I'm also a klutz, ngl I have almost taken myself out by tripping over my feet, falling out of trees and falling up the stairs. I honestly could use someone that just keeps me out of trouble and stops me from doing impulsive things....like someone save me from myself please. I also have a habit of stealing peoples clothes, like the shirt i'm wearing right now isn't even mine....beware of any hoodies or flannels you may have...they might just vanish....
Lastly random stuff. I find smells like rain, cigarette smoke/campfire smoke, and vanilla comforting...weird mix, I know. I love going for walks specifically at night, i'm a entp and leo sun, and I love naps.
Now I offer you one of my shiny, plastic MVP trophies from my years of swimming, a cool shiny ring, a pair of socks with fat cats on them, and a freshly baked, homemade brownie!
[Disclaimer: The Red String of Fate event is a special event I'm running from August 12th, to whenever I feel it necessary to end - right now, I'm giving it to the first week of September! Check out rules HERE]
Yue Lao has managed to place the ring in one of his jewelry drawers, perhaps for a lovely lady of the courts to wear as it seems a lovely gift. The cat socks, while not appropriate for official business in heaven with the Jade Emperor, but he likes them all the same. The brownie is also a lovely touch, and while he does not let his cat nibble on it, he lets her take a whiff to which she starts purring. The trophy, however, does not feel like it is actually for him. Where would he place it? Instead, the God decides to use it as a gift for your soulmate, someone who, like him, would be proud of your achievements.
He searches around for a loving match for you, someone he thinks would light up your world like nobody else. He's seen quite a few men he thinks would suit you well, but one catches his eye over anyone else. A young man that seems to be just as carefree and wild as you by the name of Toby. He begins to tether the two of you together with a red string that's a tried and true classic, one that has birthed kingdoms from the love planted by it. He takes the trophy you've given him and places it carefully in a basket attached to his old friend's back and whisks the cat off to earth.
Bao's tiny paws flutter across the earth as she holds the treasure on her back. She moves quietly through the alleyways to the edge of the forest where the man and his group are hiding out. She can hear her God's voice in her ear, guiding her to his location. The red string that's just materialized on his finger is enough to give her direction, but she enjoys hearing his voice all the same. She wonders what you will think of being fated to someone like him.
She quietly walks along the mid autumn ground covered in fiery leaves and broken off branches left from a storm that fell not too long ago to find an odd little cabin in the middle of nowhere. The string loops around the side of the house to an open window, presumably to give the man inside of it fresh air. She climbs upwards, careful to not jostle the package too much to see a man in yellow sleeping. There's no red string attached to him, so she disregards him. She moves out of his room to the one directly across from it, where the string leads to. Softly, she steps in and sees her target. Purring, she hops up onto his bed and onto the proxy's chest, resting for the night.
In the morning, Toby awakes to a pressure on his chest. He can feel the low purr of a cat and almost smiles before wondering why on earth there's a cat on his chest. He quirks a brow up and then looks in the basket resting on her back. Hesitantly, he reaches in and plucks the trophy up to read it. There's a name alongside the achievement it's for. His eyes leave the plaque to see the cat's awoken, her curious jade colored eyes looking at him widely. She nudges her head against his palm before she leaps off his chest, earning a very concerned "hey!" before she runs out. In the kitchen, Masky can be heard making a small sound of surprise at the cat running through the living room and out of the cabin.
It's a little awkward, what happens next. Hoodie mentions Toby's string and Toby has to mention it to the boss. He has to find out who this trophy belongs to. Who will it lead him to? Kate almost laughs when she wakes up and sees it.
"It's a red string of fate, you dummy," she giggles before sliding a plate over to him for breakfast. "Whoever's on the other end is your soulmate."
After receiving permission to pursue this all the way, Toby leaves his group for a bit. He follows the string with his car, watching as it winds and guides him to you. His heart flutters, and every now and then, he can tell you're getting a little anxious too. The flashes of light that aren't from him must certainly be from you. He travels hours before finally needing gas, and might as well get some candy from the gas station too. He thinks he's the only person in here. After all, who else would be up this late at night and on such a silly quest like him?
He's bending down to get a can of monster when he fells his string tug, like you've just opened a door. His head pops up before he begins to scan the aisles. He knows you're near, and judging by how your string is tugging, you know it too. The two of you reach the counter together. The cashier isn't there, talking with someone in the backroom, which lets the two of you just stew in each other's presence. Toby glances at you, not blushing, he's not shy, but he is just a tad cocky.
When the cashier comes back, she smiles. "You two make a lovely couple."
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myaquariusheart · 1 year
So, I was late to Uni today, missing the Inclusion presentations, and who didn't see that one coming. Honestly, I have no excuse, even though I had an eye-opening realization yesterday this just proves to me it's going to take a long time and some real drive and determination in order for me to be able to wake up on time, stop oversleeping and actually be on time for once. It was the first day of Uni today and it was somewhat interesting and the start of new beginnings and the end of some things too. I saw old friends, and I saw J and T. I thought J was being a bit cold to me but I still haven't figured out if that's just how she is. T was super friendly and kind to me which kinda put me in a better mood. I also had a meeting about my dissertation today. It was really long overdue and also stressful. I've been waffling too much in my work and not being clear about my aims and objectives, so that means I'm going to have to carefully read over my work again and create a new question. ALL THIS and the 9th of May is getting closer and closer and I'm honestly having an internal panic attack. I need to just focus and think about what's really important here but also not overwork myself or the work is not going to be good, just rushed and not thought about properly. Next week is the presentation and Philosophy is also due. They're both complete but just need some improvements and a read-through. I need to include references on both which is going to be challenging because I have no idea where to get them from. I've brushed and got ready for bed but I also feel like I didn't do all that I could have today, I still need to read, watch some JoJo and also think about what I even want to do tomorrow. I need to wake up early and take Alv to school, then come home, have a shower, and get to Uni on time. I had iftar plans but I think I'm going to cancel them and just come home, I do have work on Wednesday which is such an early start and I am dreading it. I also saw S today which was probably the highlight, only because I didn't think I was going to see them. I was definitely speaking that interaction into existence because there was literally no chance of me seeing them, I haven't seen them since OCTOBER 2022. It's been almost 6 months now, and wow time has really flown by. I'm going to graduate and get out of that place and say goodbye to all my Uni memories. I'll defo be bored and miss everyone in that place but can't wait to say bye to the drama. I'm feeling a little excited now and hopeful, like Tiffany Ray said, 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and there's always room for improvement and change. Tomorrow could be that day who knows? Mum is also having a meeting with Z's school and I just hope it goes well, usually, I'm the one going to these things but I think it's best now that Mum goes because it seems like I'm not as effective when I go to these things. I think at the parent's meeting we literally met one teacher and we called it a day, but it does make me feel excited for when I go to my own children's parent meetings. Anyway a bit off-topic here I watched the Love Is Blind reunion and everyone online was saying that it was underwhelming and a bit shit. Ngl I actually enjoyed it and thought it could be as juicy as it could be. I'm glad Irina got thrown under the bus, not to hate on her but she was a bit horrible and I'm glad everyone watched it unfold. I also felt sorry for Marshall, and Zak. Zak's singing was sweet but it was hard to hear but honestly, Bliss is one lucky girl, no man has ever sung for me and at this point, I'm dying for someone to write a rap about me. That would be a dream come true. I think that's when a man is truly in love because what kind of man does that?! Someone who is so in their feelings and is sensitive and not afraid to share how they feel. So you go Bliss and Zak. With Love Island and Love is Blind all finished I don't know what love show I'm going to watch and keep me occupied. With my love life going down the drain I just want to watch other people be in love and happy.
0 notes
I've been asking around this one question for a few people now, because I like hearing what people have to say about it...
So I wouldn't mind it if you shared a list on who's your favourite (from Most to Least) from the Obey Me! Crew (Brothers & Formally Undatables)...
Also, please feel free to ramble on about why you placed them in each space...
O-oh dear-
First off, you spoil an infodumper like me too much lol (I am happy sfjsjjdjn) and I am going to go overboard (and changing the order of things) for my own pleasure.
And so...
Second off...
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Here is My List of LEAST to MOST Favorite of The Obey Me Boys ^^
That I just did on spot because I didn't have one ready because it's hard for me to rate the characters as they all have their traits and even their flaws add something good to the character but I'll be dammed if I don't enjoy deep frying my brain for fun.
Please take note I am taking this literally and all characters in here are FAVORITES, just some will be more and some less, which mean I LIKE ALL OF THEM. Yes, I have changed my opinion on a certain two characters I have said to not like, and I am not ashamed to say I was incorrect.
So let's start this off with the right foot shall we?
#12 | Diavolo
He is still infuriating I won't deny that. And I won't pity him though he is a tragic character that is so lonely he overrates any kind of affection, that doesn't know how to interact with others without exagerating, that has no one to give an oposing opinion because of his status and so it's increasingly hard for him to learn to make good decisions, and with his goal to unite the realms I could almost say he is naive. He's a bit of a puppy always wanting some pets, but as a not dog person, I don't have enough in me to be always playing, so to me an overly needy puppy can end up getting annoying, though of course, I can't help it but at least give it a few pets before going my way.
#11 | Simeon
Yes in the end I actually liked him all along but was just in denial after I thought about it. Simeon is a good character, he's a dick even though he's an angel and he doesn't bother to be any different, he definetelly has his own set of rules he follows and I believe he would be a Chaotic Good just like me. He's well made. And as much as he is pretty unlikeable, the mystery, the questions, the fact that he has always been the same we just didn't get to interact with him much to see it, to have a naturally asshole character put down some of his walls to help us even if part out of possible self interest. And of course he's also fun. Simeon is charming, and I have come to appreciate all of him.
#10 | Luke
A kid. A brat and a tsundere. I Absolutely love the character development and it's extremelly adorable. He's now officially our guardian angel and I love that. He was just a prick that I rolled my eyes so hard whenever I encountered him in the game and now he's just a lil' bratty brother that is fun to tease and squish the cheeks off. He's a really nice kid in the end, just previously ignorant, but still nice because he was willing to learn and change despise saying he didn't want to. I personally can understand Luke as I was pretty alike as a kid. Again, he's a nice kid I would gladly buy some balloons and cotton candy for.
#9 | Barbatos
The number 1 buttler, he's just, a good dude l o l. He has his distance from everyone due to his position but that doesn't make him any less interesting. He is mysterious and powerful and yet he feels, so chill. He's also fun and actually has a pretty soft personality in which he knows exactly when to switch off to strict. He's a character I respect and wish existed in real life so I could be friends with (╥﹏╥).
#8 | Solomon
Shady sorcerer is actually a pretty good guy though mildly insane. He is actually responsable (and takes it pretty seriously seeing he's basically the representative of the human realm). He's kind though again, mildly insane, and diligent. He may have terrible food but the fact he does it with good intentions is pretty adorable, he just likes to follow his instincts and be spontaneous because he likes new and exciting things. He probably has quite a bit of angst to him due to his not only immortality in not aging but also by not being able to be killed but even so it feels that, contrary to how many human immortals end, he still hasn't lost the light in his eyes and can still enjoy things and enjoy being alive, and that is most likely thanks to other immortal/long living beings such as demons.
#7 | Lucifer
Yep. Lucifer is actually a really fucking great character, he's fond of his family, hard worker to the point of destroying himself, self punisher, elegant, pretty af, cute at times. But not exactly my most favorable cup of tea. Seeing I can see through his bullshit all his posessiveness, all his pettiness, all his actions just becomes ridiculous and annoying. And theres also a problem with the fact we always end up submiting to him, I don't want that. For every time he disrespects me I want him to kneel and kiss my feet. His pride collides with my own, and his decisions do too. But even so he is very reliable and so he has my respect for that, I do want to hug him and tell him he deserves nice things and that he can rest now this is not the war anymore you don't have to bow down to anyone anymore you didn't doom your brothers but freed them instead, but then again he makes bad decisions because he has zero braincells for emotional intelligence and that pisses me off and makes me just want to yeet him off a cliff. Yeah Lucifer, I would gladly kick you in the balls with ♡°.•love•.°♡.
#6 | Leviathan
Surprising is it not? But it's true, I often focus on Levi due to him not only being pretty alike to me but also because he's related to many things I have been familiar with since I was born: animes and games. His anxiousness is relatable, the outcastness is relatable, the awkwardness is relatable, the obsession is relatable, the references are relatable, the infodumping is relatable. He's very relatable to me, but not my most favorite, and all because of his envy. He's a guilt tripper, and though I am long immune to it in real life due to extreme exposure to it from my family, it still is enough for his rank to go down. I still love him though, but mostly as the character that represents the thing I am most familiar with in life: myself.
#5 | Beelzebub
Big puppy, he's the type of guy who will talk to plants. He has big and strong hands that could crush anything and yet he will do his best to handle some things gently. He's chill and non judgemental, loyal to the core. Once you win him over, you win him over, he would die for you. He is purposely childish at times and it's cute. He is amazing. I wish I could enjoy eating like he does. He's the only character I truly feel hurt for, as he is deeply inflicted by survivor's guilt and it just pains me I can't comfort him because he isn't real ಥ‿ಥ
#4 | Belphegor
Hoh boy. The brat. The fandom itself is pretty divided on their liking of Belphie and it's understandable lol. But I personally understand Belphie. To hide hurt behind anger, hate and spite, to turn to agression to prove a point but you end up just fucking up. But the guilt and wish to fix things can lead one to giving themselves up, and so it becomes a constant battle of getting close but not too close for the sake of both parties involved. I get this boy more than I wish I ever did, and that's why he's high on the ranking. And because he's cute ngl.
#3 | Satan
H o h b o y, another one that reminds me of myself, only it's the aftermath of the above where one bottles up all their negative feelings because being emotional is not being rational and who the fuck even wants to not be rational. Where you have no fucking idea who you are because all you know is to stomp your feet and scream for the sake of making an statement but that just proved all your enemies a point so now you turn to smarts to prove yourself. To make others angry, to make them frustrated and infuriated with your knowledge because you want to prove yourself, be reconized for who you are, to be someone and also, hopefully, change other people's ways, to make them understand they are wrong because you deep down actually want to get along with them. Yeah, Satan is high on the list, and it's also because he likes detectives uwu.
#2 | Asmodeus
What a fucking icon he is I love him okay. It frustrates me when people use cheating as a angst prompt for him as he's obviously someone who just isn't made for monogamy, and he's pretty honest and I feel he would have nothing to hide and would talk it all out with all his partners. He's a sweetheart that works hard on daily basis and hour after hour to mantain an image, he likes the attention, he wants to be loved. If anyone mildly self centered ever told me 'I love you as much as I love myself' I would marry them on spot. Asmo is just incredibly sweet and I love all his affection and respect him for all the work he does to make a good impression and look up to that self confidence even though most of it is actually just him trying to convince himself. Also perfect example off gender is an ilusion lol.
#1 | Mammon
Yep, our number 1, The Great Mammon, the most lovable dumbass that has been by our side from the start though with a bit of whining. This man is perfect. He has incredible self control over his powers, and as someone who used to be an angel to be able to use money all you want bro. I wouldn't feel bad either. He's our protector from start to end to the point he focuses on us instead of the queen in the Dame event. He isn't stupid just has selective focus just like me! And all the people with ADHD and many other neurodivergents. When he wants something he does is perfectly and diligently, he just needs the right push at the right time. He's the most good of all demons and even angels and he loves all his brothers deeply, he is always there to support everyone to the point of even allowing himself to be the punching bag for the sake of them not turning too much on one another. He was literally our first SSR card, our first call, our first pact, our first and the best. He IS great, truly.
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tuiyla · 4 years
She-Ra’s like, really good, people
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It’s been over a week since She-Ra season 5 came out and I binged it and this is not going to be coherent but I just want to rant about it a bit before writing some more structured metas. I deffo wanna write about Catradora and how I think SPoP is the true spiritual successor to the Avatar.
But first, let me just scream about how good this show is. I already started rewatching it, pretty much straight after finishing it, and I don’t rewatch tv shows often. The exception is Avatar (seen it like 15 times) and sitcoms. But She-Ra is so layered that I felt like I needed to watch it again just to appreciate the dynamics even more.
I already enjoyed the first season but it kept getting better and better. I’m not in love with the art style and it’s definitely for a younger demographic overall than my other favourite animated shows, but like any good kids’ show it balances tone well. It doesn’t talk down to its target demographic but also includes more traditionally mature themes in a digestible and entertaining way. Not all the jokes landed for me but as the series went on I learned to appreciate the tone and the type of humour She-Ra goes for.
It’s funny to me because this is definitely the type of show I would have rejected as a kid, with all the princesses I would have deemed it “too girly” and therefore not for me because screw gender roles. There’s a degree of internalized sexism to that, for sure, a rejection of the feminine because it’s always been seen as less somehow. But there’s also a truth that, at least in my childhood of the late 90s and early 00s, children’s media targeted at girls often had a poor quality to it, at least when compared to “boys’ stuff”.
She-Ra is not only a clever, heartfelt, complex story, it also transcends that binary of having to be either for girls or boys. I know most of modern animation rejects that as well, but She-Ra embraces so many traditionally feminine qualities while also going beyond gender roles and even the gender binary. This show is so queer, man, and I love it. It’s especially impressive when you consider the source material that was literally just the girly version of He-Man. I have no beef with 80s She-Ra, haven’t seen much of it, but this is such an upgrade.
That being said, I would have loved to watch She-Ra as a kid. I’m so incredibly envious of kids, aged around 10, who get to watch this show as they’re growing up. But I am so, so, so happy for them and for the future of animation that shows like She-Ra can be made now, that they’re being made. I’m going to go into spoilers soon, but just before that: She-Ra’s a perfectly enjoyable show in many aspects. I think the worldbuilding’s pretty cool, the story feels coherent and planned out, it’s lighthearted and so genuine. That’s the word that I ultimately choose to describe the series: genuine.
I feel like so much of TV aims to be dark and gritty nowadays, animation included, and though that’s slowly turning to dark comedy or a balance between fun and serious, it’s still the norm. At some point in the last decade, creators became terrified of being judged as cheesy. Even something like the MCU bathes in bathos to avoid being cheesy. But She-Ra proves that creators shouldn’t be afraid of being genuine, of basing characters and storylines on the simple power of love. Like, it’s such a cliché trope but I think that’s mostly because it has become stale.
Noelle Stevenson has talked about the importance of love in her story and I’m so grateful for that. Through, She-Ra, she’s truly proven how powerful love can be in a story and how it doesn’t have to be cheesy. It’s just so unabashedly genuine. The power of love and friendship literally saves the day several times but it’s always so genuine and more importantly it always makes sense that it doesn’t get boring. If the foundation wasn’t there, then I’d say “well this is just super cheesy”. But the show makes a point of building relationships and making them the focal point of the story.
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Alright, so, spoilers because I need to talk about character arcs and THAT KISS and just everything. I really need to write more in depth about Adora and Catra and their relationship but for now I feel like it’s so important to appreciate how they’re developed. Everything from their shared childhood to their trauma with Shadow Weaver and the finding their way back to each other, it’s just *chef’s kiss*. It’s so well-written and believable. Ngl, I do have some minor issues with Catra’s redemption arc. Let’s just say that on a scale from Kylo Ren to Zuko, she’s definitely closer to Zuko. I also appreciate Shadow Weaver’s death scene and how it allows them to move on. I didn’t see that one as Death as Redemption and it shouldn’t be. Again and again the show made it clear that she was abuse towards both girls and nothing will negate that.
From what I can tell, the fandom really latched onto Catra, even when it wasn’t clear whether she’d get a redemption arc. I think that’s important, because unlike some characters in animation, Catra’s actions were almost always framed appropriately. There was always an understanding as to where she’s coming from, how she’s acting from a place of hurt, and yet her actions weren’t justified. They weren’t suddenly all okay just because she’s hurt, too. I especially loved in the season 3 finale when Adora was allowed to finally say no, to say that Catra’s actions were not her fault. That season as a whole was beautiful, like, episode three when Adora’s struggling so much and Catra has the opportunity for a better life but she still fails to choose her own happiness because she’s too bitter over SW and Adora? It’s poetic cinema. I love that angst, so well done.
It would be so easy to misfire in Catra’s storyline and either a) write off all the awful things she does because she’s just “misunderstood” or b) irredeemably stuck in her abusive environment with no hope of escape. They balanced quite well there and managed to handle such a complex character with delicacy. I’m quite happy with how Catra was portrayed because on the one hand, she’s painfully relatable to me and I assume to many others. The audience can see their own mistakes reflected in her character because we’ve all been too stubborn, done things out of spite, refused to acknowledge that we were wrong because we were hurting so much. At the same time, I always felt like the show gave me enough space to judge Catra’s actions and acknowledge that she was in the wrong. I honestly think I would have been a better adjusted teenager is if saw this show just before my angsty years, lol.
I’m going to write more about Adora at some other point but I love how vulnerable she’s allowed to be. Protagonists never used to be my favourite characters because they all seemed the same, with two major categories: the stereotypical male hero who can do no wrong or the angsty boi who can be shitty and the text still frames him as awesome. It’s only recently with series like The Legend of Korra and She-Ra that I go “damn, protagonists can be like that, huh.” Adora is a dumb jock who tries so hard and she deserves all the hugs in the world.
Also, Catradora? Breathtaking, amazing, groundbreaking. No doubt She-Ra needed shows like Adventure Time, LoK, Steven Universe and the likes to pave the way but still, it went there. I saw people be anxious about whether they were gonna be queerbaited, but I always, idk, knew? Trusted? That She-Ra would follow through. I didn’t wait six years for Bubbline to happen for Catradora to not get their big damn kiss. The series has been so effortlessly queer from the get-go that it just made sense that they were always heading there. I did see a gif of the kiss before watching s5 and ngl, that spoiler kind of bummed me out in a way that I wanted to be surprised. But even before I saw that I wasn’t worried. And the context of their journey in season 5? That cannot be spoiled by a simple gif. You have to experience that to fully appreciate it and that is the marker of good storytelling.
I understand that, though this should be the norm by now, Noelle Stevenson still had to be smart about how she approached the execs and she wasn’t sure this could happen. I cannot tell you how happy I am about what she said regarding how Catradora was so integral to the story that the execs couldn’t not allow it. That’s so brilliant, and it feels so natural in the story. Queer love saves the day and it’s not ambiguous, it cannot be censored because you lose a part of the story without it. You did it, Noelle, you funky little lesbian, what an icon. I can’t wait to see more stuff from her.
In other news, I appreciated other characters as well, like how all the princesses got to be different and awesome in their own unique way. Season 5 was great for so many characters, Mermista got so much to work with and Spinnerella and Netossa got so much more characterization than in previous seasons. Glimmer continued to be the third most important character in the story and I’m happy about all the relationships that also got to be canon. Good characters and dynamics all around, no wonder since the show is built on that.
Such a satisfying conclusion and one that makes you feel like this is just part one of a much bigger story. Such genuine, heartfelt moments, well-developed characters, complex themes explored in a respectful and digestible way, and such an unapologetically fun show. Melissa Fumero as a side character? Yes please. Catra’s new haircut? Heck yeah! She-Ra’s new design? Oh my.
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I’m not even like, super into She-Ra, and I usually don’t write so much about things I only watch casually. But this show is so good and important that I had to rant. And I will write more about it eventually, but for now I needed to get all of this out. I’d give it a better structure but if I really get into I might never end up posting it so for now here, have this ramble of love. She-Ra, of all shows, deserves that.
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 9: Spicy Six Time ft a disappointing elimination (Commentary & Thoughts)
Hello everybody! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every single episode of the Masked Singer. So, after a week off because of the sing-a-long episode (which I never recap because there isn’t anything new to talk about), we are into our spicy six (that’s a Cinco de Mayo thing) or should I say top 6? This is where things are getting tough because everyone is so good and tough eliminations. Anyways, let’s get into this episode because *spoiler alert* I am not very happy with the result...
Side Note: I am not including guesses here because I feel like it is a bit repetitive (if you are new, you can see some of my previous blog posts hehe... especially the last one I posted)
First, let’s begin with the elimination that I feel is the saddest of the season:
Robopine 😦😦
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Commentary: He sang Water Runs Dry by Boyz II Men and it was beautiful! Like I understand I might have a bias for this guy because I love his voice and I think it’s butter... but I do gotta say the competition is stiff at this point of the show and people are really bringing it. However, come on guys, his voice is just stunning and emotional and ughhhhh why did he leave?! If you guys know my blog, you probably know that he is one of my favorites so this makes me super sad, I am now really hoping Black Swan wins it all
Having said that, he was revealed to be (as I suspected):
Tyrese Gibson
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Yeah, wooo I got it right. Honestly, this was upsetting but when he said in his post show interview that Beyoncé didn’t win Star Search but she still Beyoncé made me feel a tiny bit better about this tho. Idk man these eliminations every season as the show is about to wrap, it gets sadder and more annoying every time when we reach this point. Anyways, yeah Tyrese! He sang amazing, he did THAT so like I guess it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. Oh and if you wanna understand how that last clue package relates to him, the person he lost was Paul Walker and the amusement park ride he was talking about was Fast and Furious, which has a ride at Universal Studios (which I have been on... it’s cool ngl, his face is on the ride and everything)
Anyways, moving onto our remaining five or how they called it in the previews the “fiesty five”...
1. Black Swan 🦢🖤
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Commentary: Ok, so now that Robopine is gone, she is the sole person I am routing for to be in the finale at least (but I have heard some rumors about her this episode coming up tonight that I hope and pray are not true.. so this makes me nervous). In my ideal world, she can win it all. She sang Do I Do by Stevie Wonder and girlll be picking insane songs wow, but she be killing every last note. Her voice really is something special, I wasn’t too sure about her first performance, but she’s really proving herself omg. She is honestly a favorite of mine as you probably know.... because 1. Girl Power ladies and gents... but most importantly 2. IT’S FREAKING JOJO... LIKE THE GIRL WHO SANG “GET OUT (LEAVE) RIGHT NOW IT’S THE END OF YOU AND ME...” (if you know it, sing along) She got them pipes and I feel the same way about her as I did Tori Kelly last season, and to refresh your mind or let the new people know.... mark my words ladies and gents.... these girls are SOME OF THE BEST VOICES OF OUR GENERATION. There, I said it, drop the imaginary mic 🎤
2. Russian Dolls 🪆
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Commentary: Ok guys, so my gut feeling isn’t my favorite thing in the world... but it tells me how this show is being set up that they might win this season. I like them, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t really think they deserve to win it all (but like at the end of the day, wtf is all? A trophy? Is that it?! Just think about that before you get annoyed... also a message to myself because oof this season has tested my patience). Anyways, they sang Shallow by Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga and like always their harmonies are on point but this whole “let’s be 2 people and then surprise a 3rd person and then ohhh is there maybe a 4th, nope jk we are back to 2, oh wait nvm now we are 3 again thing” is getting annoying and aggravating. Let’s just be straight here: THERE ARE 3 PEOPLE UNDER THESE DOLLS... NO MORE, NO LESS... don’t let them mess with your head. It’s Hanson, point blank end of story... are they the best thing since sliced bread? Ofc not... but the show is really hyping them up and setting it up for them to win so a group can like finally win for the first time... which makes me flash back to the time Kandi won because she was a woman and they wanted a woman to win... like I am all about girl power but that was not the move. Just like if they win, this will also not be the move. Not because they are bad, but because there are better *cough* Black Swan *cough* 🤷🏻‍♀️
3. Yeti ❄️☃️
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Commentary: I feel like Yeti is the most versatile of the singers, like he can sing, roller skate (still can’t get over that), dance, and now rap! I feel like he can really do it all and has a chance at being in the finale. He rapped It Takes Two and wow it was super fun to watch, it was hard to resist the urge to dance in your seat when you watch it. He really is super talented man.. he danced his little Yeti butt off and freestyled and everything wow. Everyone got super hyped, it was an awesome performance. He really brought the entertainment factor ngl. This is so Omarion, obviously, and I feel like he can do it all. He has a shot at the finals but we really gotta see what he decides to do in the next week or so.
4. Chameleon 🦎
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Commentary: I am sorry to all the Wiz Khalifa fans and the rap fans in general, but he should have gone home this episode (actually, he should have gone home instead of seashell but that’s beside the point). He rapped a Busta Rhymes song (who fun fact: was also on the show last season and got eliminated 1st) and I gotta admit, it was his strongest performance, but I feel as opposed to everyone else, he isn’t as vocally strong. He can rap like nobody’s business and has got flow for days... but this ain’t the Masked Rapper... this is the Masked SINGER, guys, I can’t believe he actually has gotten this far honestly. If he doesn’t go home tonight, I am gonna be a bit upset ngl.
5. Piglet 🐷
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Commentary: Alright, so Piglet reminds me so much of Crocodile, who I liked but I was very hot and cold about, because when he does certain songs, he knocks it out of the park, like the last performance he gave for the Spicy Six, where he sang Against All Odds by Phil Collins and it was one of his best performances. However, it’s only when he does love ballads that he shines, and I know it’s Nick Lachey and that’s how he is and all but like I feel like when he tries them upbeat songs, he falls flat a bit. Idk man I think ballads suits his voice more, or the upbeat songs he chooses are just not the right ones for his voice. Either way, I think he might go home next week in the semifinals.... I predict but you never know with this damn show.
Anyway, that’s it! Sorry for the late post.... it’s been an insane week for me. I am starting summer classes so I am trying to get used to this new schedule. I hope you guys enjoyed this recap and tonight is the fiesty five and I am a bit nervous ngl! Anyways bye guys and see you next week! 👋🏼
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feliciamontagues · 4 years
My Ranking of Every Hercule Flambeau Episode (S01-S08)
There are some spoilers for S7 and S8, but they are fairly vague and pretty much the sort of thing that you might see on the official press release. So not true spoilers as such. Also this is totally subjective and the result of my own personal biases. It’s also behind the cut because it’s looooonnng. 
8. The Two Deaths of Hercule Flambeau (s06e10)--
So, this episode is *fine*. It’s hardly the worst episode of the show, but it’s easily the weakest of the Flamby eps, despite their being a few isolated moments I enjoy. (Hercule getting a long overdue bedroom scene for one :P)
My main gripe is with this episode is the uneven way Lisandra Flambeau is written. The script seems to flip-flop over whether we are supposed to find her sympathetic or not.  On one hand,  many scenes imply that she genuinely loves Hercule despite them having a shotgun marriage after only a few days of knowing each other. On the other hand, she does not hesitate for a minute before poisoning an innocent (Fr. B) for no other reason than to hurt Flamby, which makes her lose a lot of sympathy points.
And as a result, it seems to make Flambeau seem like more of arse than normal for betraying her, while somehow also absolving him of responsibility for doing so, because she turns around and does *THAT.*
And ngl, it does make me a little uncomfortable that while the character of Lisandra (as an Italian) is possibly not meant to be interpreted as a POC, the actress portraying her definitely is. (Sara Martins is of Afro-Portuguese descent).  Which makes the uneven characterization (and underwritten-ness) seem even more glaring, especially  when compared to that of the other (white) women in Flambeau’s life (his first love Rebecca and his daughter Marianne, arguably Lady Felicia as well). It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth even if  in all likelihood, the part wasn’t written with Sara Martins in mind.
I think a much more interesting approach to Lisandra would be to have intending to betray Flambeau all along. Maybe she had her own agenda for seducing Flamby, meanwhile he thinks he’s the one using her for his plan. Maybe she does develop some feelings for him along the way, but it only makes her hesitate for a moment before going ahead with her original plan. That way, she keeps her agency and isn’t reduced to the “woman scorned” stereotype while also leaving the writers free to ship Flamby with others in the future without seemingly endorsing guilt-free adultery .
Other random note: I can’t take  parts of this episode seriously because the “Crown of Lombardy” is very obviously Guinevere’s crown from BBC Merlin with no attempt to alter or disguise it. 
7. The Daughter of Autolycus (s04e05)--
Not gonna lie, I am not really a fan of “character has long lost relative that we’ve never heard of until now” plots. And that goes double when said long-lost relative is a child or sibling. As such my low ranking of this episode is partly due to unconscious personal biases against that trope.
That being said, if we had to get a long-lost relative that we’ve never heard of until now plot, I’m so glad we got Marianne--even if it takes her another episode to really live up to her potential. 
I have to knock off a few more points for Nero Hound as a villain. For one thing, he was played by Nancy Carroll’s real-life hubby, but they didn’t let let him interact with Lady F at all. Such a *waste.*  Also Nero Hound is far too similar a name to Nero Wolfe, and I’ve definitely confused them on more than one occasion). He’s also rather generic in my opinion, even compared to some of Flambeau’s other “generic mobster” rivals/associates like the ones in S8.
However, there are some moments in this episode I genuinely like--particularly the theft “imagine spot” and Flambeau’s bishop disguise in general. Plus, the scenes where Flambeau and Marianne appear together are excellent, as are the hints that Marianne will become a redemptive trigger in Flambeau’s life.
6. The Judgement of Man (s03e10)--
Again, the low ranking of this one may be due to personal biases.  In this case, I’m still low-key bitter--five years later-- at the BBC marketing department for baiting me with the idea of Flambeau actually interacting with the rest of the squad (esp romantic tiems with Lady F)  and then giving me the absolute minimum of Felicia/Flambeau flirting and no Flambeau/Sid and Flambeau/Mrs. M interaction.
But there are other reasons why this is in my bottom 3 Flambeau episodes. 
Honestly, I feel like an equally compelling episode about the Vatican’s complicity in Nazi art theft could’ve been made without having to insert Flambeau in it. I mean I suppose it does make sense to have the art thief character  in the art episode, but still I feel like both Flambeau backstory and important historical lesson about Nazis, the Church, and Jewish art suffer from being crammed into the same episode. 
That being said, Mrs. McCarthy’s duchess disguise in this episode cleared my skin, watered my crops, etc, which is why I’ve ranked it higher than the previous two. 
5. The Folly of Jephthah (s08e05)
It loses a few points because I got very exited about the idea of Marianne becoming Bunty’s thief gf cool new friend, and yet in the episode itself, they only shared one scene and didn’t really interact much in it. That being said, I did like like that Bunty and Mrs. M had a bigger role in this episode than the squad usually gets in Flambeau episodes. 
Overall, I feel this episode works a lot better than most of the other “backstory-heavy” Flambeau episodes, because we’ve already gotten the Marianne-related exposition out of the way and can focus more on allowing her character, Flambeau’s and their relationship with each other to develop.
I’m also a bit smug in that I predicted (or at least hoped for) this exact character arc for Marianne within a few weeks of “The Daughter of Autocylus” airing and that my hopes came to fruition so beautifully.
It doesn’t particularly impact the ranking too much, but I do feel like this episode deserves a special shout out, because it has established a (hopefully-continuing!) pattern of Father Brown calling Flamby  almost exclusively by his first name, which is a major significant step in their bromance and deserves recognition as such. 
4. The Blue Cross (s01e10)--
As someone who was first exposed to Father Brown through reading the stories for a college course, I always find it especially interesting to look at the episodes that were adapted from Chesterton. 
This episode is neither the most faithful book-to-show adaptation (which is probably “The Three Tools of Death”) nor is it the best (imo “The Sign of the Broken Sword’) , but it is arguably the most significant. “The Blue Cross” was the first ever Fr. Brown story and is probably the most well-known. It’s also the first real look we get at the character of Flambeau, who (in the stories and arguably the show as well) is probably the closest thing we get to a clear character arc.
The show keeps some of the important elements of the short  story: Flambeau’s clergyman disguise, the switching of the packages. But it also has the challenging task of upping the relatively low stakes of the story, as well as introducing a major recurring character that resembles his book counterpart but remains distinct enough to justify the fairly different direction show canon is taking him. 
The show does this reasonably well--if not particularly imaginatively. I do enjoy some of the touches (I’ve written an entire meta before about Flamby’s reading material on the train and how it relates to his character)--particularly the show’s choice to have Flambeau fixated on religious art specifically (RIP for Flambeau’s Dairy Company though. It will always live in my heart).
Unfortunately in the adaptation, loses a few points for not really using the show-original characters particularly effectively. It loses still more for Flambeau’s characterization in this episode . He comes across as much more  serious and menacing in this episode than in all the others. It works okay when we consider this as a standalone episode but provides some glaring Early Installment Weirdness when we compare it to other episodes. 
3. The Penitent Man (s05e15)--
So as the rest of this list  will testify, I have strong preference for the “fun” Flambeau episodes over the more series ones. This is the exception that proves the rule--the  serious, cerebral, melancholy episode that simply “works” for me in the way that some of the others have not.
A lot of it is due to the more-intense-than-usual Flambeau character focus that goes into this. Sure, we’ve met his (presumably ex-by-now) wife, his daughter, and his first love by this point, but all of those episodes focused primarily on Flambeau as an extension of the relationships with others. (”The Judgement of Man”  in particular is far more Rebecca’s story than Hercule’s.)
Whereas this episode is very definitively focused on Flambeau himself and allows more nuanced exploration of two of the most defining facets of Flambeau’s character:  (1) his fascination with religion--and spiritual salvation in particular--  as  something he seems to resist and crave in near equal measure  (2) his almost masochistic streak of recklessness.
Even though Flambeau’s supposed “piety” is revealed to be all part of his heist plan, there are strong hints that his desire for redemption and atonement are at least somewhat genuine, even if he is not  ready to pursue them just yet. 
Off topic, but a few random things of note in this episode: this episode all-but-confirms bi!Flambeau, wet!Flambeau at the end is extremely relevant to my interests, Father Brown attempts to smuggle Flamby a lock pick from the beginning and has the audacity to say “ I only use it when I get locked out of the presbytery.”
Also, it has this iconic exchange:
Goodfellow: What is that awful smell?
Father Brown (covered in sewage): It’s me
2. The Honorable Thief (S07e10)-- So nearly all of the Flambeau-centered episodes from S3 on  have been a little preoccupied with filling in some of the gaps in Flambeau’s backstory, which is *fine*, but honestly, I feel like in doing so, they’ve really lost sight of why we fell in love with the character in the first place. 
 He’s vibrant and clever and funny and over-the-top. But most importantly, Flambeau is a lot of fun. Therefore, it follows that episodes that feature him should be a lot of fun too. 
And well... they are all fun in some way,  but they aren’t as fun as they really could be. John Light is insanely charismatic, but charisma can only go so far when the episode in question is a downer.
Fortunately, this episode is the furthest thing from a downer imaginable. It’s absolutely delightful from start to finish. The plot is serious enough to keep things engaging, but also light enough to keep us from getting too distracted by angst. 
I’m also incredibly biased in favor of this episode, because it finally gave me the Felicia/Flambeau ship tease I’d been passionately hoping for (if not really expecting to get after “The Judgement of Man” disappointed me). But it was so much and so good, and I wasn’t ready for it.
In a broader sense though, this episode really delivered with Flambeau/squad interaction in general--which was a key component that has been missing from most of the other episodes. And the Father Brown & Flambeau interactions were also has heartwarming and funny as they always are.
If I have one tiny little gripe with the episode, it’s that Daniel is not Sid. He has enough broad similarities with Sid that I can’t help but wonder if the episode was originally written with Sid and then hastily re-written when Alex Price couldn’t return. That being said, he was a likable enough guest character in his own right, and I wouldn’t mind seeing him again.
1.  The Mysteries of the Rosary (S02e05)-- Perfection. Not only is this THE definitive Flambeau episode, but is also one of the best episodes of the show overall. It has everything: the birth of bearded Flamby, bromantic road trips, a treasure hunt, great guest turns from Anton Lesser and Sylvestra Le Touzel.
I think part of the reason this episode resonates so strongly with me is that it’s really the first proper sense that we get of Show!Flambeau as a character. Sure we officially met him in “The Blue Cross,” but considering he didn’t show up until halfway through the episode and was in disguise for most of it, we didn’t really get much of a sense of who he is.
This episode changes all that and sets Flambeau up as the character we will know and love for the rest of the series--charming, urbane, funny, passionate, a carefree carpe diem exterior masking (or overcompensating for?) a sense of uncertainty and conflictedness.
Somewhat off topic, but as great an episode as this is for Flambeau’s character, it is nearly as wonderful for both Sid and Father Brown’s characters. We get to see Sid’s  ease with Father Brown, the casual camraderie that the two of them have--as well as Sid’s protectiveness (and jealousy) when Flambeau decides to gatecrash their bromantic road trip. 
Honestly, there are so many things that are great about this episode that I don’t think I could possibly list them--but one little detail that really struck my the last time I watched was that the first proper glimpse we see of Flambeau in this episode (we see him in shadow in a flashback before) involves him  saving Father Brown’s life.  Whereas the last proper glimpse we see of Flambeau is after Father Brown has saved Flambeau’s life.  Thematic reversals. Cinematic parallels. We love to see it. 
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beigejournals · 4 years
Season 5 Lucifer
welcome to my unsolicited thoughts about Season 5 of Lucifer.  
as an avid and veteran series binger AND a talker-while-watching-a-movie-or-series-but-does-not-want-to-spoil-anything-for-my-friends type of person, i have finally dedicated a space and found a good way to let all my thoughts out as i watch a movie or series when i am alone when i can’t bother a lot of people because (1) they don’t want to be bothered and (2) i don’t want to spoil things for them.
so here are my thoughts, and of course, SPOILERS AHEAD.
BTW, i LOVED all of Lucifer! but this season was a slow burn for me. 
drug scene at Lux; is Amenadiel mean now?
so is Lucifer himself in his own hell loop when he became the ruler of hell? his own guilt towards his father? idk (to be frank, i don’t remember the past episodes except for the fact that he is now back in hell)
the premise of the first episode is cute!
side note after the title card: i remember how much i loved the soundtrack for Lucifer!
Maze is still hot.
I love how Maze and Chloe’s relationship developed and how they don’t have to use words to communicate.
Amenadiel’s and the Psychologist’s house HAHAHAHA i love it.
is Charlie Jesus? His mom’s faith in front of Ella is like every mom plus every religious person ever haha
self-improvement is now a meme, huh?
Dan is me.
comment on drug scene: Amenadiel is still the same, haha!
Maze and the card, haha!
how was the guy in the mask face (did i just say mask face?) blurred but in the party, Los Angeles was in perfect accuracy. excuse me.
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coming out of the dead: “oh sorry, that’s so gross!” LORDT HAHA
love you, Charlie! hope you don’t feel like you have to perform because your mom expects a lot from you and that’s so ironic because she’s a psychologist!
Dan’s speeches about parenting: i get it tho, parents try to love their child, sometimes, they just don’t know how
also, i think it’s the sister but Chloe’s just a softie
lol Maze is jealous that Chloe got to talk to Lucifer and trying to say that they don’t need Lucifer.
i forgot about what happened with Eve.
the amount of projection as defense mechanism in this episode is too much it feels like it’s too on the nose.
but i do love the parallel between what’s happening on Earth and in hell.
the amount of layers in this question either it’s Lucifer’s or his or his sister’s (assuming it is his sister who was behind his murder)
ok apparently it’s not his sister.
me in law school:
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sana all kaya kang mahalin na babalik from hell. kilig aq.
also, after all these years, Lucifer’s house has been so clean!!! wala man lang alikabok
if she’ll be fine without him then who tf is that?
ok i read the synopsis for the next couple of episodes. i don’t like spoilers. don’t make the same mistake.
i’m Ella when it comes to my friends’ special people HAHA
also, i love the slight lean to one side to show us that this is not the real Lucifer.
why does he have to be naked???
it’s so funny for me how they have to reestablish him. LUCIFER NEVER LIES HAHAHAHAHA yes we can remember now after you repeated it 3x.
Oh Michael. Nice. Was he an archer? We love the American accent.
how can Amenadiel not know that was Michael? GANON KA IDENTICAL SIZ?
we love the unnecessary car chase just to  reinstate the fact that this is a crime show
that slomo with the wings!!!
also everything is so slow with this show!!! idk why but everything feels just a little bit slower (or maybe i just want lucifer and chloe to be together? idk)
gwapo ni lucifer nung nagmomol sila ni Maze pls
cringe ng elevator scene
ykw. i think it’s because i like the lucifer character that’s why i’m impatient. he hasn’t been appearing the way i want him to.
see. you don’t have to remind me so much about the show because i know he was supposed to say “what is it that you truly desire” not fear. I FEEL LIKE THIS SEASON IS DUMBING THE PEOPLE WHO LOVED THE SHOW FOR SO LONG. okay sige.
either she knows it’s not him or SHE’S REALLY THAT NICE AND POWERFUL OF A HUMAN BEING.
oh i’ve been questioning whether they had sex already and this episode answered my question
CRINGE coffee scene: the spoon???
random question: are angels virgins? so is Michael a virgin?
what kind of a person would just go deep on someone else’s pocket just because they ran out of money?
knew it Maze won’t do Chloe dirty like that!
thanks Chloe. u know better than that. (full disclosure: I THOUGHT SHE WAS ACTING BADLY APPARENTLY A GOOD ACTOR CAN ACT BADLY TO PROVE A POINT?)
literally just liked it and now there’s a new secret that was said too soon.
God baka naman pwede mo ko gawing Chloe Decker char.
AH so interesting. Lucifer = Desire. Michael = Fear. Too on the nose again but that time, i needed the guidance because i am a dumbass.
God ain’t raising his children right!
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yes explain everything to me it’s literally not like we have been binging this show for 2 hours straight
see, the Lucifer character is really endearing. i’m enjoying myself again hahaha. (well, i guess Lucifer when he’s with Chloe?)
can i just say that Tom Ellis was born for that role. he fits is so well that him acting as his own twin doesn’t sit well with me.
i just feel like this show was written by a psychologist who liked watching murder shows.
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it’s Lucifer, Chloe!!! siya yon.
love Lucifer-Chloe tandem!
we love how the actors can sing and the show gives them a chance...
one thought: is everyone going to play a double of who they are?
also is Maze the daughter of Lucifer?
i love how they’re transcending mediums, reminds me of Community with their random episodes.
there you go, Chloe’s doing the double acting too.
Now it’s Linda. (so maybe this is the episode i was asking about earlier).
Now it’s Ella.
omg is this why i loved fleabag, it took forever for the Priest and Fleabag to finally do it? no. i just love the Priest.
Charlotte’s back! and the distance from the table shows how not okay they are. okay.
green screen while driving i love it.
now, Daniel!
we love gender fluidity? i guess. i’m not sure how you call it but i appreciate.
Lilith’s dress for the second song. OMG.
there again to make us dumb. after we just watched the whole thing happen, they retell the whole story again. damn. they think we dumb.
literally this season is making every girl kiss Chloe.
why did she blow the ring? was that her life?
what’s that song in the end?
OH that was the reason why she was retelling everything.
damn celestial beings are the worst parents.
i wanna be Dr. Linda Martin please.
i appreciate Lucifer wearing the bracelet until now. (but i expected nothing less)
i’ve always loved how people reacted to Amenadiel. he always seemed nerdy but these are times where he truly shine and im so happy.
i forgot.  i think i was showering that time that Michael and Lucifer fought and theyre hella dumb. ok lets go toxic masculinity mixed with daddy issues.
i know they’re too on the nose ABOUT EVERYTHING but i do like the debate about free will and predestination
honestly i don’t know what’s Chloe’s issue is with being made by God probably just because i’m lazy and i just want to lay everything in His hands but coming from a very atheistic perspective where she comes from i kinda get it. i guess my only reasoning why i’m okay with God’s reason is with her is because of my fear of the unknown; my current fear with not knowing my true purpose. at least she got hers! what is she complaining about?
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oh i get it now, but that’s why there’s free will Chloe (or idk, idk how God works; there’s currently no electricity in my house rn. i don’t get how that works even if we pay for our electricity all the time, how am I suppose to know God’s plans?)
but aren’t well created for something else? looking at a selfish perspective, maybe He created all of us just because He wanted to.
wow. literally when the nun kissed Amenadiel, the lights in our house opened up. if that ain’t God. idk who that is.
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wow that’s so interesting.
“There are no shortcuts.” 🥺
he exposed himself i’m interested. what if i were the one to whom that was exposed to... how would i react?
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another sample of them explaining to us WHAT WE ALREADY CAN INFER FROM THE SHOW (the conversation actually continues to dumb it down for the audience) but i get it. it’s religion and fiction built together.
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oh i just cringed i almost vomited with this 
also can i just share these. these are the funniest thing Chloe said on the show.
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OOF what a horrifying way to start the episode (after the beach fiasco)
they’re holding us. that’s so adorable!!!
ugh. im still cringing.
yes jowa for ella yes pls. ELLA YOU SAID YOU WANT A NICE GUY!!! HE’S THERE!!! i’ll take him if you won’t!
Chloe if you don’t want Lucifer, i’ll take him too!
can i say how proud i am of Chloe and Dan’s relationship. it’s very healthy for what they are. add Lucifer and Dan to that too! we love men.
also the women in this show have bad taste in men. (except for who Linda married, i guess)
we love the seasonal girl’s night!
that whole charlie thing being amused by lucifer’s devil face is the best bit
was it Michael calling? and oh noooo ;(
ngl i could have waited for another season for them to have sex on season 6 episode 6 but sure have it at season 5.
we love a person who wakes up and is not pretty. princess anna who? (i mean she is wearing full on make up, but we’re okay with that snore)
Deckerstar!! they made a word for it
our mojo??? does it only work on lucifer or does it work when she does it to others as well, we shall find out.
oh no! Lucifer’s isn’t working at all HAHAHAHA
it’s currently 2:19 AM. i am tired and sleepy.
Dan talking to Charlotte 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Fucking Michael
oh he emphasized archangel Michael. with my limited knowledge being raised Catholic, i was going to ask earlier if he was an archer because he had crooked shoulders. AND I JUST CHECKED. ARCHANGEL MEANS HIGH RANKING ANGEL NOT AN ANGEL WHO’S A FUCKING ARCHER. me being raised Cathlolic means nothing. HAHAHH
now i’m realizing if i see an angel, maybe i won’t be in the situation where i’ll see Amenadiel but Michael
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i love this HAHAHAHAHA
knew it. called it! worked on lucifer ONLY. HOW CAN TWO PEOPLE BE THAT MADE FOR EACH OTHER. LORD BAKA NAMAN.
i’m ella shipping them.
what song was that? “When it hurts, just to breathe” same
The Shining reference no thank you pls
NAAAH i really can’t do horror things especially not with things i truly fear and when i don’t have a curtain on. No thanks.
14:54 and i’m watching again open the lights bro, it’s easier to find clues that way   also i do get that they’re closing it to ensure that the killer is not there but theyre also moving like the killer is not there anyway so better open up the lights! tho i really know nothing about crime solving (i just typed crime solving instead of solving crimes didn’t i)
we stan ella’s healthy relationship!!!
can i just say there was a time where i can’t even say serial killer out loud so this is really hard for me to watch alone
i know that he’s vulnerable around the detective. BUT SHE SAID HE CHOSE TO BE SO BY NOW HE SHOULDN’T BE AFFECTED BY WHAT HE DID.
Fucken Michael.
how attractive can you be that even in slow motion, you look great.
oh apparently he did not die.
you know that montage of people just studying and it’s now happening to chloe trying to solve a crime. that’s my cinematography goal HAHAHA. it’s been awhile since i’ve been invested in studying like that.
Lucifer can be just so immature some times
is KillShare based off of SkillShare?
also i’m thinking that Chloe was either taken by Michael or Dan or the SK.
that ring of Lucifer on Maze is probably the longest ring someone has waited for.
i love Maze’s eye make up! ALL THE TIME!
if the lady here is not detective and they’re relieved. that’s just fucked up, man. they were slightly relieved. that’s good acting HAHAHAHAHA.
his mojo is back, does that mean Chloe is gone? 😢
kamukha niya pa si Penn Badgley, nice.
AH NO. i think he genuinely likes her. except that she... you know found that he’s a fucking murderer
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right??? why does this show have to say everything out loud like don’t already know.
oh he just used her but then he liked her. idk. the way he speaks too, so nonchalant.
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preach, ELLA!!!! shout out to those who had crappy childhoods and are not serial killers! that’s the bare minimum i guess.
go, Ella!!! know your worth!
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lol made me love Pete, he’s funny.
ok my assumptions were right-ish.
HAHAHA, his american accent.
his choosing to be bot vulnerable around her anymore, Michael, i think is a way of him staying alive for Chloe but ofc Chloe will think that Lucifer would rather have his vulnerability than to be with her.
MICHAEL STOP. Michael the shit stirrer. we all have that one friend.
awa me kay Maze. she’s like a lost dog throughout the show.
does Michael want to be God?
skipped thru the speech. cringe.
what’s Amenadiel’s problem with his child having a normal cold? what’s wrong if he’s a mere mortal?
WHY IS EVERYONE IN THIS SHO’W SO INSECURE. i get so annoyed every time Chloe’s mad that Lucifer doesn’t get what he wants
it’s just that i resonate with Lucifer. it’s hard for me to say i love you and now i think Amenadiel stopped time.
oh. i thought Amenadiel’s fears about Charlie being mortal was superficial, i just realized that he was afraid that his child was going to die. but, he can take him to heaven like what he did with Charlotte, right?
oh Michael.
MAZE! MICHAEL IS A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!!!! you’re fine! i don’t have a soul either.
celestial beings and their daddy issues and inability to communicate with one another and the desire to fight it out as if that’s the solution
itong si God ngayon lang magpapakita anuna siz.
ep 8 should have been called blueballz tbh
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paperclipninja · 5 years
Younger post-ep ramble 6x11
I may be on holiday but if you think that’s going to stop me offloading some thoughts and feelings about this week’s episode of Younger, ‘Holding Out for a SHero’, then you’d be sorely mistaken (any chance to over-think and over-analyse my fave fake reality). In saying that, this will be a briefer version of my usual post-ep ramble, what I shall refer to as Ramble Lite™. There were parts of this episode I really liked and parts I felt disappointed with, but it largely played out in a way that I expected, with the exception of that twist at the end! Hats off to Joe Murphy for that fab misdirection, I may have gasped.
This episode opened with Maggie in her tomato garden looking radiant and Liza filling her in on the decision not to see Josh anymore because it’s complicated and feelings and that undeniable thing called chemistry (or something like that). I applaud Maggie’s consistent use of Chaz (I really hope we get to hear her say it to his face at some point) and Liza stating out loud that she chooses Charles, but this scene also delivered one of the two big moments of disappointment I had in this ep. If anything was ever going to be out of character on this show it would be Liza, a writer and editor, being unable to come up with decent adjectives to describe the man she is supposedly in love with. Yet here she is describing Charles as ‘a peer’ and ‘appropriate’ as reasons for choosing to be with him. For real? I understand the effort to paint him as the sensible choice vs. the less sensible, the head vs. heart, in this triangle that’s been resurrected. This particular way of describing men has always served a clear purpose in the Youngerverse and ngl, my alarm bells went off in episode 7 when Michelle referred to Charles as ‘appropriate’. Liza uses this exact term to describe Richard, the horrendous man Michelle sets her up with in S1E2 who starts reading emails at the dinner table on their date, he’s ‘age appropriate’. She also described Jay as nice, viable, legitimate prospect, sure, but she also sobbed on his shoulder because she was so in love with Charles that her heart was aching at the thought of missing the chance to be with him.
It feels so painfully deliberate, Charles has gone from intellectually invigorating and romantic and been relegated to safe and ‘appropriate’. My disappointment comes from the fact that if this triangle must remain in play, there can be two men who are vibrant and compelling and really different, without painting one as ‘boring’ and one as ‘fun’. Knowing the way Liza talks about the important people in her life, with such admiration and affection, I feel she would at least say Charles is intelligent and romantic or kind or thoughtful or SOMETHING better than being ‘a peer’ and ‘appropriate’. I do believe that as viewers we often form our own interpretations of characters and when they don’t behave the way we imagine we are disappointed, but in this case it’s the disappointment that Liza’s entire reason for being attracted to Charles is being reduced to the idea that it’s sensible when we have been shown this is simply not the case. Phew, glad I got that off my chest (and so much for Ramble Lite™ lol).
Once in the office Liza is running Diana through the wedding planning, which frankly I cannot wait to see all come together. I love that Liza’s already secretly planned a bachelorette party and really does know Diana well enough to know she’ll want one (so many lols @ Diana’s, ‘yes that’s why I was bringing it up, because I don’t want one’ and could Liza look any more pleased with herself that she’s managed to pull the wool over her eyes? Adorbs). Charles arrives looking for Kelsey and is wanting to see how she would like to break the news that he is once again publisher, because that’s how they work now that they’re the dynamic duo and have I mentioned this week how much I LOVED seeing their dynamic last week? Kelsey proves that she has indeed kept her head and announces that Millennial secured a new investor and that Charles is once again in the boss seat and I am once again extremely impressed with Kelsey this season, as is Diana (and honestly if you have the D.Trout stamp of approval, what more do you need?).  I will also never tire of seeing Diana, Kelsey and Liza as true peers and now friends, it’s undoubtedly a highlight of season 6.
The book pitch of the week is extremely timely (as always), a manners for millennials piece that aims to counteract the generation’s greatest shortcomings, such as ghosting exes and not RSVPing to weddings. This episode really did have some stellar lines and the fact that Liza can now drop jokes in meetings, such as her ‘neither was I’ response to the author’s ‘I am not proud to be a millennial’, is the kind of goodness I am here for since the lie is no longer a thing. Naturally Liza and Diana are both very interested in finding out more about these topics and it turns out the best way to get some finality with the ex is to write a good ol’ fashioned Dear John letter (best way to get those RSVP’s -unknown). This is reinforced nicely in Charles’ office, when Liza leaps off Charles’ desk as though she and Charles were caught christening the damn thing (which would’ve been very ok by me and at this point you should know I’m not at all sorry) by Diana bearing flowers and note from Alice the author letting them know she will not be publishing her book with Millennial (so no Charles, the flowers are not for you).  All this talk of how good letters are leads to Liza penning her Dear Josh letter that night, which we only catch a tantalizing glimpse of initially, before the narration and accompanying montage when Josh actually receives it.
While it was only brief, Charles asking Liza how she feels about him being back as publisher and her answering honestly, she just wishes Kelsey hadn’t been unceremoniously stripped of the title, is yet another lovely insight into their relationship. Charles continuing with, ‘what about you, always thinking of others, how do you feel?’, excuse me while I clutch my heart at the sweetness of it all and seriously, does ANYONE ever ask Liza this? The family picture on Charles’ desk is noted and it’s great but I also can’t help but feel it’s somewhat ominous so I’m putting my gush on pause (v. open to being proven wrong on this).
Kelsey and Zane continue to be all over the place, I have so little investment in them as a pairing and I really think it’s because I have simply not seen enough of them together to know whether I care, though I have enjoyed a number of their interactions recently. It also doesn’t help that Zane has been many shades of douche this season. Since professing their love for one another, he is being caring at the start of this week’s ep, apologising and saying he feels partly responsible for Kelsey’s demotion and trying to allay Kelsey’s self-doubt. It is Kelsey who says that she doesn’t know how to do this with Zane and that one of them always loses (the old editors-who-were-peers-and-then-one-became-the-boss-but-now-they’re-peers-again curse), which returns Zane to Douchetown in time for the staff meeting.
I felt for Kelsey, it would be so hard sitting in that first meeting with Charles at the helm again, though him going through all the acquisitions and saying these are a credit to Kelsey’s impeccable instincts was great and necessary. But then Charles brings up the Arabian Seas book and the ‘we’ enters the conversation, along with a list of books that sound like they belong on the bargain shelf because yawn and yes it’s fine that Charles has his own instincts, but Zane in this meeting is awful. Kelsey calls him out, she is clearly and rightfully angry about the unfairness of her entire situation and she warns Charles to, ‘pay attention…and you too Liza. I didn’t have any boundaries at work and look what happened’. I have no idea if this is foreshadowing but I feel like it could be juicy if it was so let’s keep abreast of any future developments (yes that is a boob pun and you’re welcome).
Highlight of this whole scene of course is Liza ripping into the guy and the whole office when Kelsey walks out of the meeting and can hear that her meme has been made into a banger of a tune. We get fearsome Liza schooling the entire room on the fact that Kelsey did get the money, ‘that’s why we all have a job, she’s a goddamn hero’. YESSSSSS Liza *praise hands*. Kelsey in turn agrees to speak at the girls school event that Lauren put to her earlier (yes it IS ok to be angry and Kelsey no longer distancing herself from her social media mistake but using it as a platform to empower others and be a role model…where do I sign?).
Lauren was in ultimate PR and friend mode for Kelsey this week, trying to figure out how to spin Boobgate and trying to see the positive side of all the invitation cancellations. I always say it, I know, but Lauren’s unrelenting advocacy for her friends is absolutely one of her best qualities and her line, ‘you are an example of a woman who made a very simple mistake and the patriarchy seizing that opportunity to tear you down’, was fantastic. She also very much latched onto the SHero theme and I appreciated her use of the word at any given opportunity.
It is as Lauren and Josh are leaving to catch an Uber to Inkburg Midtown that we discover this means he is very relieved Claire doesn’t have to move to LA now. I really don’t get this. I said last week that Josh is far too woke to expect the mother of his child to bail on her career aspiration just so he doesn’t have to move to LA, especially considering he knows the struggle Liza faced in her own career journey after having Caitlin (who you may remember is her daughter…or was. Current status unknown). If we’d seen in their conversation Claire saying that she really doesn’t want to move but she can’t see another way to give Gemma the life she hopes, then ok, Josh finding a way to up his income is ace. So I do hope we find out at some point this was the case, because Josh deciding he’ll get more money so Claire and Gemma can stay for his convenience, it’s just nope.
Though I do have to say that the biggest benefit of Josh securing the Infinitely 21 partnership is getting to see more Shelly because omfg I cannot with her. The way she talks about paint colours, giving her personal number, the line I could not believe I heard, ‘but seriously, Josh, unload on me’ ( I love that this season has seemed censored af compared to previous ones – I don’t love this but you know what I mean- yet lines like this get dropped in. Too good), I am in awe of her complete and unabashed lust for him.
It is between picking paint colours that Josh finds the letter from Liza and it is heart wrenching. And beautiful. The emotion really is palpable as Josh leaves the store to find somewhere to read it once he realises what it is. The flashback montage is certainly something that hasn’t been utilized in the show and it really leaves such an impression. Coupled with the narration of the letter, it really captures the impact of Josh on Liza’s life and Liza’s genuine commitment to make her relationship with Charles work. If this show was wanting to move these characters past this old relationship it would have been a poignant and perfect way to do it. However it plays out in the long run, I thought it was really well done.
The hands down highlight of this entire episode for me was Diana’s bachelorette party. Lauren running at an unsuspecting Diana screaming, ‘get in the Hummer bitch’ is one of the funniest moments of the series, I will be laughing for eternity. Liza reminding Diana that, ‘I get you’, yes she does and I just love everything about seeing these women, all the Younger women, out together. I feel like the focus of this episode really got pulled to the other drama but this is the first time we’ve ever seen every female character of this show together in a room and I feel like THIS IS A BIG DEAL. Maggie schooling Diana on how strip clubs work and SO many brilliant lines, as Diana waves her money in the air only to tell the first stripper, ‘You’re a lot, no thank you’, then ‘Hi, little one’ as she flags another. The hilarity does not stop with Diana, Lauren’s, ‘here’s a fiver, you should smile more’ is every kind of YES (I sense a whiff of Liz Lemon in that line and I approve). As Liza and Kelsey talk about men and work and blah, Diana tries to bring them back to the purpose of the evening, ‘ladies, there are bulging crotches in your faces, can you focus?’. Listen to the Queen people. Yet another Diana wedding related event in which she ends up asking, ‘how did tonight become all about you?’ and I was thinking the same Diva. *Eyeroll*
The Hummer ends up at Inkburg because Lauren wants to help Diana fulfil her wish of doing something she’ll regret for the rest of her life (and obviously the reason they all need to be there is so Liza and Josh can have their post-letter confrontation). They are all so drunk, it’s hilarious and I would watch an entire feature film about the antics of this group while inebriated. Seriously, take my money. From Lauren’s, ‘Get out of the hummer Doana’ to Maggie’s, ‘I forgot we were in a car’, they cover the entire drunk person spectrum. On top of that we have Diana’s penis balloon hat position which just cracks me up because I am 10 but my fave is Diana saying to Josh, ‘John, just something small, tasteful and literary’ and then as she’s leaving, ‘it was nice to meet you Jake’. Obvs a wise choice not to go through with the tat but I’d love to know what Diana would have ended up with.
Josh calling Liza out on writing the letter and trying to walk away never talking to him was completely fair enough. Him reminding her that she said she would always be there for him, be Gemma’s aunt Liza, he’s not wrong and his hurt and confusion are understandable. But it is so nice to finally hear Liza making a choice and sticking to it (whether she does or not in the future). Josh saying that he gets it, she’s scared of what they were, they still are, it’s powerful and her defensiveness of Charles when he says that she’s making the safe choice is exactly the right response if she really means she has chosen him. And not because I love Charles and Liza together, but because Liza is standing up for her choice and her ‘don’t you tell me what I feel’ retort is so charged and fierce and I love it. ‘I know this is hard to accept Josh, but we were a moment in time. But the time has passed’ - this whole scene is wonderfully acted, the chemistry between these characters has always been strong and this is no exception. And obviously I agree that they need to move on. However my second big disappointment for this episode is the, ‘you forget Liza, I know you. I know when you’re lying (a couple of seasons of thinking she was 26 might contradict that but ok), especially to yourself.’
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I absolutely understand the sentiment and I completely appreciate the setup for the zinger, ‘you wrote a letter to the wrong guy’ (though I do take issue with that line in general considering Liza has just said she’s made her choice. Even a simple, ‘I think’ in front of it would’ve made it less arrogant), but if this setup is leading to a Josh and Liza reunion down the track, then I would have preferred the execution be different because to me, this is not insightful or romantic, it’s Josh once again questioning Liza’s understanding of herself and her needs (I know it’s meant to be him trying to get her to ‘be real’ but it just doesn’t land like that for me). I have no doubt lots of fans are jubilant but it feels manipulative and is not a tactic that compels me to think they might have something worth revisiting. If after Liza said, ‘I love him more’ Josh had looked at her with that heartbreak in his eyes he can convey so well and said, ‘well then I hope he loves you the way you deserve’ or something and walked away, then THAT would show growth and make the possibility of him being an option again (which is clearly where this is all heading) far more compelling IMO.
So in one of the best bait and switch moments this show has delivered, Liza returns to the loft and has a good hard look at the gala photo with Charles and Michelle and Tom (and in my head she’s thinking about how good it is she and Charles promised each other they won’t go to things like that anymore) before we see another letter starting, Dear Charles. And just when all the Team Charles Stans were going to have a collective meltdown, it turns out it’s Kelsey writing her resignation letter and we all exhaled but then didn’t because Kelsey, what are you doing??? So. Much. DRAH-MAH, so little time.
Ramble Lite™, that was a good joke wasn’t it? Can’t believe we’ve reached the finale but I am also very ready because WE GET TO GO TO A WEDDING!!!! Better get my neckwear sorted…
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head-and-heart · 6 years
The 100 Highlights - “Damocles: Part 2″ (5x13)
Hey guysssssss. 
I’m back to cover my final highlight recap for Season 5. After this, I’ll be going more in-depth on analysis/criticism of the overall season so enjoy this lighthearted blundering while you can. :)
To read other posts in this series, you can click here. 
Tree is really out here (as always) doing his best work. The score during the opening sequence this episode was *kisses fingers*
I have to say that I did enjoy Bellamy protecting Madi in various ways throughout the finale. He promised Clarke that he would, and it feels like he’s living up to that promise. First by stepping in front of her to protect her from Octavia, and then later when he told her “we’ll be right beside you”, ensuring that he would have her back the entire time. And that he would be there to advise her whenever she needs his help.
“Now we win.” Lousy shot. Ha. Sorry, but that was hot.
“You’ll never know your daughter.” Good. Fucking. Riddance.
“We’ve been here before, Madi. We were the criminals. The 100.” I get weak for any reference to the original hundred what can i say i’m a starving woman
“You can execute them because they’re the enemy, or you can break the cycle. You can be better than them. You can be better than us.”
I do like the theme of Season 5 being about breaking the cycle. Let’s hope that the writers really do mean that when they say it.
I also enjoy the return of motivational speeches Bellamy. Madi may have been the figurehead throughout this episode, but it was really Bellamy leading the way. He may have changed, but he’s still the heart. He still inspires people, and I’m glad that he got to the be the one to have this moment where he changed the tide of the war. It felt like a nice wrap up of his journey over the course of “Book One”.
“We’ll wait as long as we can.” “Deja vu.” MONTY IS THE ONLY REAL ONE HERE. My first thought when Raven said that line was “oh ffs not this again”. 
I did enjoy the parallel of Monty saving Murphy’s life like Murphy did in 4x13. 
“First we save their lives. Then we let them prove they deserve it.” “The commanders told you that?” “No. Bellamy.” aksqinsks first lemme laugh at Clarke’s skepticism about the flame telling Madi to spare them because that bitch KNOWS that they would never be so noble lmao. Second lemme appreciate my crumbs.
I mean ... I guess we finally know how the radio calls were addressed???
Clarke’s hopeful little smile when Bellamy sat down next to her on the ship was really cute. She looks so guilty and nervous. Eliza raised millions for the Blarkes in this episode.
“THAT’S BRILLIANT!” Me, every single time Bellamy Blake speaks. Thank you for the enthusiasm, Clarkey G.
Bellamy and Clarke are so, so, so awkward in this scene between them but it kind of feels like ... the start of something? Like, they both have made huge mistakes and still found it in them to forgive each other despite it. And now they know how much the other cares for them. I have to hope that it means they’re going to move forward. For real, this time. How they’re supposed to.
“You’re not mad at me for leaving you in Polis?” “The commander told me not to be.” Anyway, Bellamy’s jokes still suck and Clarke still laughs at them so ... some things never change?
“I’ll meet you on the bridge.” That was a weighted fucking look, my dudes. I liked that Bellamy thought to include Clarke. It felt like an apology, in a way. 
Also, WAS THAT THE S5 BELLARKE THEME I HEARD IN THAT SCENE. Cause if so, it’s fucking beautiful.
“Cheer up. I wasn’t invited either.” I LOVE A WOMAN
“Your mistake was liking it. Power. It’s the kiss of death. It’s okay. I liked it, too.” Ivana and Marie are both such compelling actresses and HEY LOOK THEY GOT CHEMISTRY. I honestly really enjoyed this short scene between the two of them. They were enemies and yet - no hard feelings. Because the war wasn’t personal to them. We didn’t get many scenes between Charmaine and Octavia this season (or obvious reasons) but I’m intrigued to see if we’ll get more in Season 6 because they work really naturally together. And they seem to understand something about each other (or, at least, Charmaine understands something about Octavia). 
Bellamy and Clarke leading the meeting on the ship ... it felt like old times. I really loved that everyone looked to them for guidance in that scene, despite everything that happened throughout the rest of the season. Gives me hope that we might (finally !) get that co-leading dynamic back in Season 6, especially since they were the two that will be informing the others of Monty and Harper’s discovery. 
Bellamy, in particular, gave me serious Chancellor vibes in that episode. He really stepped into his leadership boots this season, especially near the end there. 
Dear god, please get rid of that goddamn flame as a viable form of leadership. If anyone from Eligius starts following it next season I’m calling B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T. Let Bellamy and Clarke lead, dammit! 
Also ... Zeke looked to Bellamy for permission to speak. Not the Commander. So jot that down, honey’s.
“And Bob’s your uncle.” “I thought you hated that phrase.” “It’s growing on me.” STOP this was cute (and now i’m cryingggggg cause that was Monty and Raven’s last interaction ever)
Clarke taking the bindi off of Madi. 10/10 great scene, let’s burn it now.
Marie in that tank top ... ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm where’s the nearest bucket of holy water
“Kind of like closing the door in the floor.” “Kind of like that.” I liked this callback. Octavia is soft with Bellamy in this scene in a way we haven’t really seen all season. It’s ... oddly nice? Coming from someone who has never cared for Octavia.
“You’re my sister, and a part of me will always love you.” “Does the other part of you still wish I was dead?” “The other part wishes a part of you was. Yeah.”
OKAY. I really liked this scene for a couple of reasons. The first being that I think it clarifies the line from 5x12 where Bellamy tells O that he wishes she was dead A LOT. It basically confirms that Bellamy was referring to the part of Octavia that is blodreina, which doesn’t feel as out of character (whereas Bellamy wishing for his sister’s death did). 
I also really like that, even though Octavia tells Bellamy that she loves him and he tells her that he loves her, too, he doesn’t forgive her. Bellamy and Octavia feel like they are finally on the road to establishing healthy boundaries and burying their dysfunctional relationship in place of building something new. I’ve always wanted this to be textual on the show and I never anticipated that we might actually get it. What they did with the Blakes this season is probably one of my favourite things to come out of the season.
And, as always, Marie and Bob are stunning together. This is a large part of the reason that I’m actually okay with Octavia surviving this season, because they work so damn well together.
I feel like Tree doesn’t get enough credit for his work so I have to mention, again, how beautiful the score was during that scene. He elevates the show so much with his music. In the scene where Clarke and Bellamy woke up, alone, it had such an eery feel to it. I really liked it.
Ngl, my FAVOURITE moment in this entire episode was Bellamy and Clarke’s soft-ass fucking smiles when Bellamy’s pod opened. Like, Clarke’s face when she was watching Bellamy wake up? A BITCH IS IN LOVE. And Bellamy was so soft too ughhhhhhhh Platonic Excellence
I’m a Big Fan. They’re so fucking cute. That was so domestic. How do I move on?
“Why is it just us?” I literally stood up and yelled “BECAUSE IT’S FATE DUMBASS”
“That’s the way mom and dad wanted it.” I stan my new Bellarke warrior 
“Can I just say that - wow - I mean, I can’t tell you how good it is to finally meet you. Weird, but good. Great, actually.” WHY IS THIS LITERALLY ME WHEN I MET BOB AND ELIZA 
“Who are you?” WHY THE FUCK AM I LAUGHING. Bellamy is so intense and he’s got his deep voice and he’s wearing his intimidation face and him and Clarke are both looking at Jordan like “what the actual fuck is going on” and then there’s Shannon Kook with his adorable fucking smile and his adorable fucking voice and he’s literally a bundle of sunshine and these two people are just glaring at him. BELLAMY, CLARKE, SWEETIES, PLAY NICE THAT IS YOUR GODSON YOU ARE TALKING TO
“My name. Right. I didn’t tell you my name. Sorry. I haven’t met anyone before, so clearly I suck at it.” Reason #2 for Jordan being the most relatable character ever. I, too, am the most horridly awkward human in the world. Step aside, Clarkey G, I think I’ve found my TRUE self-insert on this show.
Monty and Harper are just the loveliest couple on this show. I never anticipated how much I would love them when they hooked up in Season 3. Wow. It was really nice to get all of those shots of them in peacetime, just loving each other, on the ship - especially after how little screentime they got throughout the rest of the season. Also, I swear that Shannon has a mixture between Monty and Harper’s smiles. What is this sorcery?
“Smart like his father.” “Kind like his mum.” CAN YOU HEAR ME CRYING ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE ON EARTH 
(Also ... sounds like my new damn favourite character.)
“Hey Bellamy ... hey Clarke.” WTF MY EYES ARE SWEATING
“Wait ... take care of our boy.” Listen, Jordan. Madi failed me. I’m counting on YOU to parent trap them. Okay? Okay.
But seriously, the fact that Monty and Harper trusted Bellamy and Clarke to take care of their kid, that they wanted it to be them ... is A Lot. I’m excited to see how that goes in Season 6. 
When Jordan opened the window and the new planet appeared and the music started swelling I got fucking shivers. Holy hell. It was so beautiful. TREE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME 
“Can you see it? Is it beautiful? It is in my dreams. I hope we do better there. I hope Jasper was wrong and we aren’t the problem. I hope your lives there will be as happy as mine has been. Be the good guys. May we meet again.”
This is honestly the first real time where I’ve had hope that they might actually break the cycle. That they might build something new. Its the end of an era, but it feels like the start of something new. I genuinely cannot predict what is going to happen on that planet. Which is a new feeling. And I like it.
And of fucking course it would be Monty and Jasper (and Harper) who are responsible for breaking that cycle. Of course. This is the best thing they could have done with Jasper’s memory, is sending Monty on this mission to do better for the rest of humanity. And this is the best send-off I ever could have asked for for any character. Monty and Harper have been with us since the beginning. It just feels right that they should get this ending, that they should be the ones who usher in the next generation of The 100. Like. Wow. I’m speechless.
Also, that Bellarke side hug was er nice. That’s the most domestic they have ever looked. Idc. Bellamy staring at the Earth alone on the Ark in 4x13 and 5x01 vs him staring at the new planet with Clarke at his side is the ONLY parallel I claim.
The final shot of them through the window with the planet reflected around them was STUNNING. Honest to god the most beautiful shot I think this show has ever done. 
“End Book One” on Bellamy and Clarke, together, staring at the new world and the new hope they will deliver to their people. Maybe that’s what the first five seasons were really about. Bringing them to this place, where they are staring at the future - side by side, as a unit, ready to face whatever comes next.
I have to say that I enjoyed the second half of that episode way more than the first half. I feel like it had a lot of emotional beats that I really wanted to see throughout the season (that we just weren’t getting) and it also teed up a lot for the next season. I’m so intrigued by what they’re going to find down on that planet, and I’m excited for the writers to really break the cycle and build something new - hopefully something that involves more character moments. 
I still haven’t decided if I’m going to continue with this series in Season 6, but stay tuned! I hope you enjoyed reading all of my recaps throughout this season. It’s been a ride ahaha. See ya on the other side, folks. 
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idealisticrealism · 7 years
Blindspot 3x01 recap
Okay so honestly, until the episode actually aired I wasn’t sure this recap would happen. This hiatus has been all too easy for me, because the finale-- or, specifically, the time jump paired with the realisation that Weller really was going to have a kid-- really made me question whether this was still the show I fell in love with, and if I really wanted to dedicate any more of my time to it. Plus, since I avoid spoilers, there were some serious concerns-- for example, whether Weller even knew why Jane left-- that I had, that I didn’t have the answers to yet.
Which meant that basically I went into this episode not really expecting to feel particularly positive about it. But instead-- like with the second half of S2 after that rather unpleasant start-- damn Gero managed to pull me back in, as he somehow always does.  
So here goes. Recap time. But fair warning: this review is about my personal feelings towards the show, and therefore you may not agree with what you read. Feel free to come and talk to me about it anyway.
Honestly I (like everyone else) knew a wedding was coming, but unlike everyone else I wasn’t all that interested to see it. I mean, I’m happy for them and all, but I’m more interested in seeing the being-married part than the actual getting married. But then the flowers, and the music, and the family looking so beautiful, and Patterson OFFICIATING, and Hirst and Stuart being there (side note: I am only now recognising Stuart as an actor from Gero’s old show the LA Complex, along with about six other actors who have been on this show over the years lol). But anyway, considering my biggest problem with S2 was the baby fiasco, I was expecting to feel the same nausea when seeing the baby onscreen as when I thought of it at any other time (it’s literally one of my least fave tropes, guys, so I’m sorry but I will always hate the existence of the baby), but it was fairly easy to just ignore it. I was bummed not to see Sarah or Sawyer, who would literally have never missed this wedding and tbh would have been a waaaaaaaay better inclusion in S2 and 3 than the unwanted offspring, but whatever. #Foreverbitter
That said, seeing the team laughing and dancing and having an amazing time was just the best. And of course the Jeller lovey-doveyness was so great, and maaaann I really wish we could have heard those speeches. Reade and Tasha dancing was a little bit borderline for me-- they’re so cute and I love them as best friends but PLEASE GERO JUST LET THEM BE BEST FRIENDS. DON’T PUT THEM TOGETHER. PLEASE DON’T.
Ngl I don't at all like that Jeller moved to Colorado. Big nope for me, though I understand why it happened, and god I did love the scene with the fam helping them pack and then tough-as-nails Tasha crying??? Let me die. But I also identify with her the most rn, bc she GETS it. With Jeller gone, their family will never be the same. The roadtrip montage was cute, and the carrying over the threshold???? Ughhhhh save me. I love that they took on the project of the house, the two of them making the perfect team (was there a baby in this montage? Nope, not that I saw. No babies here. Maybe just Allie’s new puppy that they look after from time to time. Yeah, let’s go with that. Bethany is a puppy they babysit and no one can force me to view it as anything else).
So as much as I’m enjoying this montage of domestic bliss, I’m kinda ready for it to end because GUYS PLEASE I’M TOO USED TO ANGST AND SLOW BURN, YOU CAN’T OVERLOAD ME WITH FLUFF LIKE THIS.  And then phew it ends, leaving us in the new Jeller residence with Weller just returning from napping in the laundry beside Bethany’s basket because she still howls when she’s left alone and so he had to pet her until she fell asleep. Awwwww, so nice of these two to look after Allie’s puppy while she works nightshift. I love that Jane cooked dinner-- I bet Weller’s been teaching her and lots of sweet and sexy kitchen times have ensued. Jane gushes about the puppy’s cuteness and Weller suggests maybe they should get one of their own. Good thing they’re talking about a puppy and not a child because wow “one of our own” sure had a very exclusionary implication, like Jane was not at all connected to any other puppies/babies that might exist. But anyway I gotta move on before the world I’ve carefully constructed in this Matrix starts glitching. Saved by the bell, or rather the phone-- it’s Keaton with a warning that their lives are in danger, and here’s yet another topic that threatens to glitch my reality. Keaton tortured Jane for THREE MONTHS. Brutally and without true remorse. He should be persona non grata with literally everyone (the team and the fans alike), but instead the writers have turned him into the team’s new buddy. This is the biggest issue I’ve had with the show, I think-- not Keaton specifically, but what he represents. Because honestly when I think about certain plot points in theory, I feel very strongly and very negatively about them; but when the show goes “no it’s fine everything’s actually great” it somehow sucks me in and I just go ‘oh okay cool everything is great, that’s good then’’, and I just?? For example, I really enjoyed watching Keaton in the finale, and then I thought about it after the episode ad was like ‘wait no I hate him, how did I forget I hate him?’ Like I stg Gero is a wizard, and like anything truly magic related, that’s both a good and a bad thing. But anyway rn I’m appreciative of Keaton because he just helped save Jane and Weller’s lives. So I guess he gets points for that, though technically Jane has saved his life a couple of times already now. Jeller proceed to beat the crap out of their attackers, and aaahhhh, isn’t this so much more THEM than painting walls and picking out cushions? Their Colorado life was a nice little holiday but it wasn’t them.  Naturally the gunshots wake little puppy Bethany who is now barking in distress, but they check on her and she’s fine. Keaton rocks up to explain that some Sandstorm member has put out a hit on Jane for $10M, and now no one can stop a shit-ton of mercenaries from coming after Jane. Keaton and Jane are in agreement about putting Jane into a version of WitSec-- hopefully with much more comfortable lodgings than the last time she was put up by the CIA. (#Yesstillbitter).  Weller tries to reject the idea, then decides he’s coming too, bc “You’re my wife” ughhhhhh, but Jane can’t let him walk away from the rest of his life. She knows what that’s like, after all, though lbr giving up her life as Remi was the best thing she ever did. Unfortunately for Weller, he has a very hardheaded wife and he sleeps very heavily when he’s cuddling a fluffy puppy, so Jane bails in the middle of the night, and nope nope nope  I never needed to see her crying as she pulled off her wedding ring, thanks Satan (I mean Gero). But lbr, Weller is Jane’s everything, and she would do anything-- including break her own heart-- to keep him safe. Oh, Jane, you noble idiot.  At least this whole scene has allayed one of my concerns going into this season-- Weller definitely knows why Jane had to go, so he knows it was done out of love, and not for the lack of it.  I still think she could have kept the ring, but I suppose by leaving it she was telling him that she was okay, that she was leaving of her own accord and hadn’t been kidnapped or murdered or anything.
Have I mentioned lately how much I really hate time-jumps??? After the finale, I desperately hoped that they had been married the majority of that two year gap and that their separation was only like three or so months. I even mostly-completed a oneshot postfinale fic along those lines, but then we found out about the 18 month thing and I was like “well screw you too, show” (#yepdefinitelybitter) and abandoned the story entirely. Plus, it’s been otherwise proved non-canon now, so that was rather a waste of time. But anyway, it’s now 18 months after Jane disappeared (undoubtedly aided by Keaton) and you just know the whole family will have been scattered to the winds. Another reason to hate time jumps. Speaking of the team, Hirst shows up at Weller’s apartment-- which he somehow still has; renting it out, I guess?? But damn he’s clearly richer than I thought he was. He’s about to sell it though bc he’s spending all his time and money searching for Jane, just as he has for the last 18 months. And on one hand, I can totally be like “awww he loves her so much” but on the other hand I want to be like “wtf you sadistic writers, you’re literally going to rip apart a couple who loves each other for A YEAR AND A HALF, which is a FREAKING LONG TIME (seriously where were you 1.5yrs ago? Think about that and how much of forever ago it was) and then also literally have the love of Weller’s life disappear into thin air, when he had already spent 25 years of his life searching for the last person he loved who disappeared, and OH YEAH, WHO TURNED OUT TO HAVE BEEN DEAD THE WHOLE TIME???” Legit, if you actually take two seconds to think about it, this entire plotline is freaking awful and upsetting and yet the show will literally brush it off like it’s nothing, or merely a tiny insignificant blip in their lives. Just watch. And so again, this is one of those moments where Gero bedazzles us into not being upset by things which very much should upset us. But ANYWAY, Hirst is there because the team has been kidnapped, and I use the word ‘team’ lightly here, because they literally haven't seen each other in like a year because everything fell apart after Jeller abandoned them to go puppysit in Colorado. Anyhow, a mysterious box with Jane’s name on it (or her maiden name at least, no one can convince me that the woman for whom Weller is her home wouldn’t have taken his name and the belonging that went with it) was left in Reade’s apartment, likely because he’s the only one left in NYC because all the others bailed. Seriously I feel like this team’s breaking apart has given ME abandonment issues, so I have no idea how they’re all managing. But anyway the other nifty thing about the box is that it has coordinates on it, very possibly leading to Jane’s location. Congrats, Weller, looks like you don’t have to sell your apartment after all. And you totally have all the info you need to go find Jane, plus an excellent excuse, given that only she can open the box and help them save their friends (who they completely ditched two years ago). Fun times.
Jump to Nepal, and the scene from the finale. Now we know for sure that the hug was because Jane had never wanted to leave him, which is nice. Also that whoever left the box (lbr we all already know it’s Roman) literally made it so the two of them HAD to solve this together. Looks like someone ships his his sister and brother in law lol…  Aaaand okay now Jane is glowing. She admits that it must have happened when she was in an accident some months ago that had her in and out of consciousness for days, and wow how must that feel for Weller? Hearing that she literally almost died months ago and he would never have known about it? Dammit Jane, I know you suffered without him too and that you were doing it for ‘good’ reasons, but I still think you were wrong to do it. If anyone has a time machine up their sleeve, please donate it to these guys so they can go back and make better choices.
But all realistic feelings aside, the pair are straight back into tattoo solving mode (admit it guys, you’ve missed this) and quickly figure out that the first clue is a reference to the place that Weller proposed to Jane-- St Mark’s Square in Venice. Which on one hand is ugh so sweet and romantic but on the other is… kinda unoriginal? Lol. But regardless I need to hear more about his proposal. How long were they in Venice? How long had they been together? Did he intend to propose the whole time or did it just happen? Why did they holiday in Venice as opposed to other locations? Tell me EVERYTHING, GERO. But anyway Jane’s like ‘It’s happening all over again’ and it’s easy to assume she’s unhappy about that, but then again, maybe she’s actually not? Technically working with the team on the tattoos was the best time of her life (with some exceptions here and there). Weller offers for her to stay out of it if she wants to-- which is big of you, Weller, it really is. I mean we all know you're desperately hoping she comes with you, but then again you want her to be safe, so… this must be conflicting lol. But of course Jane is down to rescue their best friends (again, friends that they abandoned #irrationallybitter), and lbr is probably super sick of climbing that damn cliff, PLUS can’t face leaving her hubby a second time, so together they set off to Venice. Yay!
Weller has taken some full-body shots of the new tatts (I feel like that had to be slightly awkward for both of them) and sends them through to the lab, where they are received by Stuart (onya for moving up in the world, buddy), Hirst, and… RICH DOT FREAKIN COM. I mean, we’ve all known for a while that he was returning, and suspected long before that, but honestly this is the moment that makes the episode for me. My fave is back and is making jokes about nudes, and all is right with the world.  Jane is like ‘wtf’, and so Weller gives her a rundown on all she missed-- namely, that her entire ‘family’ has become estranged-- Reade is working in a position that tbh feels above his ability and experience level, give that his predecessors are the superhuman Mayfair and the wonderboy Weller; Tasha the CIA-hater is now working for the man who tortured Jane; Patterson has literally moved as far across the country as she can, to do work as far from their FBI work as possible. See what happens when parents abandon their children, Jane?? Everything falls apart, so you better go fix it. Also, two things: first, I wanna know all about Rich’s dealings with the FBI in the last two years. Give me a spin off just about that, please. Secondly, did Rich and Patterson try to find Jane after she disappeared and how did they feel about their (apparent) lack of success?  But anyway ugh literally every line of Rich’s is pure gold. I love that he’s staying in the same safe-house she did?? Keeping it in the family lol.  And then ugh for all his jokes about the nudes etc, you can tell he’s legitimately concerned that they’re about to walk into a trap. Oh my baby loves and misses his friends and wants them back in one piece and I juST LOVE HIM SO MUCH
Meanwhile, in the fun bunker, Reade and Zapata wake up after being drugged, and while he’s all business, she’s like “it’s good to see you, even if it takes being kidnapped for it to happen” and we discover that they haven't spoken at all in the year since Zapata went to the CIA. Dammit Jeller, see what you did??? Everything is broken!!!  And now a long-haired Patterson is herded into their cell, and is understandably all ‘wtf’ about it. Well, at least they’re all in the same room again, right?
Seeing Jeller in Venice is weird. I walked right there in the spot where they're walking, many times. I saw everything they’re seeing now. And ugh Jane says it seems like forever ago that they were last here, whereas for Weller it feels like it just happened. Which subtly demonstrates how they’re no longer in sync, and then ugh Weller tells her that this was the first place he came to after she disappeared, going straight to the place that only they knew about, hoping that she was waiting for him. But she wasn’t, and ugh you can tell how much that hurt him, realising that she was never going to come. How long did he wait for her before he realised that?? Ugh. But I appreciate that she immediately stops to apologise and try to explain herself, including making it clear that her love for him was the driving factor behind everything she did. The choice of language by the writers is clever, though, because we (and Weller) hear her say ‘loved’ and neither of us know for sure if that love is still present tense or not. Which of course it is, but still, the suspense… But ugh poor Weller. He’s still so hurt. Jane can you just give him another hug please? For longer this time? Like, say, forever?  
Also sidebar: I’m holidaying in Vanuatu atm, and there’s an old guy swimming in the pool that I’m sitting beside, and he looked up at me as I was writing that last sentence and at first I thought maybe it’s because he’s a man and I’m female in a bikini, but then he goes (in a cute, accented voice) “Don’t work so hard. You’re on holiday! You should be relaxing!” hahaha. Don’t worry, buddy, I’ve been lazing by this pool for hours now, and I’m currently writing about some of my favourite fake humans. I’m all good.
Meanwhile back in the Blindspot world, Jeller find a case on the roof that has her tattoo on the side, and while Weller is all ‘wait for the bombsquad!!’ Jane ignores him and immediately opens it. Ah, Weller, did you miss this? I mean it’s just like old times.  Inside the case there’s a phone, and Jane calls the number, and Roman answers almost too eagerly. He’s clearly pleased to be interacting with them both, and proud of himself for his genius plan for ‘tormenting’ them (while also bringing them back together, freeing Jane from the hit on her, and giving him an excuse to interact with them whenever he wants). Aw, my psychopathic lil boy just misses his family. Honestly it sounds like he’s gone through a fair bit of trouble to get to the guy who holds the hit out on Jane and give them a way to take him down… a way that involves kinda almost killing Jane but eh, could be worse? And then ooooh they realise from the bells that he’s right there in the square too, and omg as Jane is asking him how they get their friends back (answer: apparently they don’t) she’s spinning around looking for him, and right behind her is a walkway with a snack bar on one side of it, and man I have such clear memories of walking along that walkway to our hotel or stopping into that snack bar for gelati. Ugh, I miss Venice. And then he says her name again (dude it’s Jane WELLER, not Doe) and she spots him and takes off after him and Weller suddenly panics because he doesn’t know where she is (ugh my poor boy) but luckily he manages to take the exact right turn to find them (do you know how easy it is to get turned around in Venice?????  He’d have never found them) and he jumps onto Roman’s getaway boat which is badass, and after what seems like several minutes of an unpleasant upper-body workout he manages to pull himself up on the boat and attack Roman. Meanwhile Jane, who got left behind earlier, has managed to just about catch up to them despite having commandeered what appears to be the Italian version of a motor-pontoon.  Also Roman manages to keep his sunnies on throughout their fight which is pretty damn impressive considering that Weller has bodyslammed him a couple of times as well as punching him full on in the face more than once. But eh. Weller does manage to dislodge Roman's jacket as he gets literally kicked off the boat, though. Good thing Captain Jane and her trusty vessel aren't far behind, and pick him up. I like that she called him Weller; that’s right Jane, just because it’s your name now too doesn’t mean you can’t still call him that. Oooooh but rather than being grateful for the rescue, Weller is too busy being upset with Jane for ditching him, which he’s understandably just a tad sensitive about these days. Looks like these guys have still got a little bit to go in terms of getting their groove back. And while Jane is lamenting Roman’s escape, Weller shows her the phone from the pocket of Roman’s jacket, his voice all proud. Yeah, son, you did good.
Back at the lab, Stuart is still being antagonized by Rich, who I have to say pulls off those flowered shirts better than I would have believed possible. Though lbr, I gave up on trying not to be inexplicably attracted to Rich a long time ago. While they’re cracking the encrypted phone, Jeller go ahead with Roman’s plan to get rid of Jane’s bounty. Not that the munchkin is happy about it, of course, but Jane is determined to have her life back-- lbr, after getting to see Weller again after all this time, there’d be no way she could ever let him go again. While Weller’s super against the death-mimicking drug, it gets support from Stuart and Rich, the former in simply confirming that it does what Roman says it does, and the latter detailing his own uses for it which include faked-death border crossings and, of course, ‘some sex stuff’. Not sure I wanna hear the sex stories, but the border crossings one sure has me intrigued. The guys do bring up one catch: if she doesn’t have the antidote within 90 mins, she’ll actually die.  Weller is NOT down with that, but before he can even get past the opening statement of his list of all the reasons why this is a Bad Idea, Jane stabs herself in the leg with the needle. His face is the most hilarious thing, like ‘Aaaaand she did the thing. Of course she did the thing. Why do I even ever try to talk her out of the thing, she always just does it anyway.’ lol. But let’s not forget there, he could literally grab the antidote right out of that case and stab her with it right now, completely counteracting the drug’s effects and preventing the plan from being able to go ahead. But she begged him to do it for her-- for them-- and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. Especially if it gives him the love of his life back. And come on, it’s not a true Jeller moment until one of them does something the other tells them not to, nearly dies, and is saved by the other, so…
In the fun bunker, the (now loosely defined) team is trying to figure out where they are (no clue), and why they were taken, and Reade immediately assumes it’s something to do with Zapata’s work at the CIA, and the two of them are immediately at each other’s throats about it before Patterson plays mediator, trying to get everyone to focus. On one hand I agree with Reade, bc the CIA is pretty shady and I don’t trust them, but Zapata’s probably right when she says that it must be about their time in the FBI since all three of them are here. However some Spanish-accented military dudes appear a moment later and tell them to break into a fancy safe or die, and hmmmm that is not quite what I expected. While Patterson assesses the crackability of the safe (fairly easy apparently, and dude how could I ever forget how much I love Patterson) Reade gets his wet-blanket on, and starts preaching about how they shouldn’t open it bc it’s a government safe and might have dangerous secrets inside etc, whereas Zapata is all “pshh, that’s a problem for another day. Today’s problem is not dying” which I fully support. And then they’re at it again (and not ‘at it’ in the sexy way, which in this moment would be uncomfortable for all kinds of reasons) but in the squabbly bickery way, but Patterson interrupts with some much needed truth bombs: Reade is mad at Zapata for leaving, Zapata’s mad at him for freezing her out after she left, and the team fell apart after Jeller left and they’re all still trying to deal with that loss. And ughhh everyone missed each other and they’re all unhappy in their separate lives and clearly the solution here is for everyone to come back to the team and stay together forever and never let Gero break them up ever again ugh. But anyhow, like all Patterson rants, this one results in everyone being like ‘sorry mom what do we need to do’ and ugh I’ve missed themmmmmm
Back in Venice, Weller is rolling a duffel bag with his estranged wife’s death-adjacent body inside. Act natural, Weller, because this would be a really awkward time to get stopped by the cops. Also sidenote, he’s rolling that bag like it doesn’t weigh much at all, which I'm going to pretend is just because he’s jacked and not because there’s actually nothing in the bag that they filmed with lol. Anyhow, the bag is now up on the altar in a church filled with bad guys, and time is running out before Jane needs the antidote. Of course the bounty guy is late. Thanks for my blood pressure issues, Blindspot. Also another sidenote, but the guy who greets him is totally a silver fox. Too bad he’s soon to be either arrested or dead. Finally his boss arrives-- he got caught up watching a glassblower, which tbh I completely understand, bc that kind of thing is awesome-- and then lolllll he listens with a stethoscope for like 2 seconds and then does a blood pressure and then declares Jane dead?? Um, no. As someone who has certified the deaths of many people in the last three years, and also interacted with a lot of death-adjacent people, let me tell you that a) a blood pressure is useless, b) he would need to listen for at LEAST two minutes with the steth, and c) there are several other simple checks he should have done that totally would have given Jane away.  But whatevs, his lack of any medical understanding totally works in our favour.  Weller is all “cool I love that she’s dead and that I’m getting all the moneys for it, hey can I have a sec with the body please?” but nope, the dude has his cronies ready to take her to the in-house crematorium (wow, talk about a one-stop shop) and Weller’s al ‘coolcoolcool’ *punches the dudes out and stabs Jane’s body right through the bag before being pulled away and having his ass handed to him*. And okay Jane would not have woken up instantly like that but DAMN if it doesn't look cool with her slowly emerging from the bag like an avenging angel (cool parallel with the pilot, of course) and then she’s all ‘how dare u hurt my man’, leading to a shot like in those cartoons where two characters are brawling inside a closed room or building and all you see is like the door bending outwards and clouds of dust puffing up and windows rattling etc, and then BAM BABY, JELLER IS BACK AND KICKING BUTT and also looking like they’re both a little turned on by it which is kind of awkward but at the same time I fully support it and Idk there’s just a lot of emotions going on rn
Rich excitedly confirms that Roman’s plan actually worked and Jane is now free, and ugh I like to think that it’s not just because he can’t believe it worked but more that he’s just really happy for them bc he ships them so much and it also means that they’re going to be coming home and basically I just  want the whole gang back together ugh. That might be a little difficult though, as Rich informs them of the not-so-good good news-- Roman sold the other three into slavery, but thankfully he’s freaking awesome (and knows it) because he’s managed to figure out where they were taken. Lol at Weller's “Ugh he’s worse than Patterson” hahahaha. Ugh I just LOVE THESE GUYS. And so the others are apparently being held by the Venezuelan government, and Rich tells Jeller where, but they can’t have any official help (Oh Stuart: “shouldn't we just call the president or something?” my sweet summer child) and so Keaton is there to hook them up with some of his contacts and goddammit why is hating him so damn hard. And awww I love that lil baby Stuart is getting to play with the big kids these days, and awww Hirst is determined to get their ‘friends’ back (not their ‘agents’ or their ‘team’) and ugh this FAMILYYYY. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the original family of five has now been joined by the cool wine aunt, the awkward and often annoying but also kinda useful uncle, the wacky flamboyant cousin, and the shy young nerd cousin now added into the mix.
In the fun bunker, Patterson is casually cracking the safe while snacking on her MRE, while Reade whines about his own food and Zapata messes with him for entertainment. Ah, good times. Then Patterson opens the safe-- literally the others seem to be barely there for anything other than moral support-- and they realise that  the safe contains a government computer, probably with a bunch of dangerous secrets on it. Uh-oh. Before they can argue more about the merits of dying for the cause, though, the baddies arrive. They want Patterson to decrypt the computer which is gonna take a hella long time. Awww ‘we paid for the best computer specialist in the FBI’, and ughhh she really is. And then it turns out that Reade and Zapata are literally just there as incentive for her to get crackin’ or they’ll be killed. Eeeep. But our Patty Pat is a genius, and the baddies made the epic mistake of providing sustenance in the form of MREs. Basically if they use the hot packets from the food to turn the computer into a flashbang, they can distract the baddies long enough  to overpower them and escape. Ugh I’m so proud of my lil baby genius. And she makes Reade apologise to the food for badmouthing it hahaha. Man I have missed this lil team so much!!
Up in the sky, Jeller are rushing to save their buddies, but also having The Talk-- aka the ‘what are we now?’ talk, bc lbr Jane so desperately wants their life together back, both as a married couple and as kickass FBI agents, but she doesn’t know if she has the right to have it back or if it's even what he wants, and then he’s all ‘yep let’s be married again we can just sweep this past 18 months under the rug please I’m good with that let’s just do that’ and ugh Jane admits that leaving him and their life was the hardest thing she’d ever done, but-- and man does he feel the ‘but’-- she really found herself after she left him. Oh man, what a kick in the guts. I totally get what she’s saying-- it’s not that she doesn’t want to be with him, or that she can only truly be herself without him, it’s that the puppy-sitting life in backwater Colorado is just not for her (Well, duh). She did it once to make him happy, but she can’t go back to it again or she’ll go stir-crazy. Well, good thing these new tattoos have given them both the perfect excuse to go back to their lives of kicking ass in NYC! Poor Weller though, he doesn’t understand yet, and the way his voice gets a little choked up just kills me. Oh Weller, just because she discovered who she is as a person without you (bearing in mind that pretty much her entire life that she can remember, you’ve been there), doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you with all her heart!
Now Jeller are at the compound, about to search every building individually when the others save them a bunch of time by causing a hell of a ruckus (exploding computers, gunfire, all-round hell breaking loose-- you know, the usual) and so Jeller have to adjust their plans. In a big, kick-ass way. I love the three making their big escape and then seeing the tank a roll up and aim towards them and they’re all ‘shit alright you got us geez we surrender’ and then BAM, the tank destroys the bad guys’ vehicles and probably everyone’s eardrums as well. I just love the wtf moment that these three must have when Weller suddenly pops up out of the tank-- dad’s here guys! Time to go! And then they’re inside and mom is driving and they all probably think that they’re hallucinating from something in the Mexican Style chicken stew and ughhhh they must be so relieved and Jane literally drives over a car bc ain't nothing getting in the way of getting her family to safety. Also lol Patterson must have been raking it in with the app designing because she’s all ‘I gotta buy me one of these’ haha. I’d love to see her cruising around NYC in one hahaha. And then ugh Jeller are all in sync again , taking out the baddies following them and the team is half-confused, half-happy and they have so many questions and then Reade’s “We got time, this tank is slow as hell’ lolllll. Well he’s not wrong…. wonder how long it took for things to get awkward??
Aaaand the team is safely back at the NYO, and Jane is in the scanner again, and Keaton is there again for whatever reason-- oh, because he wants the CIA to take the tattoo cases, while Hirst is all ‘bish please” in her excellent southern accent. So lemme guess, this is about to be a joint task force… and yep, Reade is all ‘this is the most sensible option’ like he totally doesn’t just want Zapata back. Haha yeah Keaton, you get me on this. It’s nice to see Reade stepping up and going head to head with the big kids, though I still don’t think he’s ready to be in this position (Are we forgetting the whole Jones thing and the drug binge??). But whatevs. Reade goes to tell the team about the joint task force and they’re like yeah duh, we’re all already in’. Well, except Patterson, who is playing a little hard to get. Maybe she’s still struggling to deal with all the Sandstorm trauma? And then omg “Rich is gonna brief us in Stuart’s lab” was the perfect sentence to say right then to convince her to stay haha. Well played, Reade. Patterson is not happy at all about Rich being involved, though Reade defends him which feels kinda weird but I also like it. I wanna hear more about their interactions. Again, spin-off, anyone?? Weller is all ‘oh god please where is the briefing just give us the briefing’ so after a lil more Patterson/Rich bickering (ah how I’ve missed that), Stuart tells them what they already know-- lots of tattoos to crack, so they better get…. Cracking (*insert finger guns here*). Patterson is now all in, refusing to leave this to Rich and Stuart (“No offense Stuart” hahahaha), and Jane is in too, despite Hirst offering for her to be free if she wants. Aww, Hirst. You are a sweetie pie. And then Rich: “Backstreets back alright! Six best friends and Stuart!” And UGH YES. Give me all the Rich, and all the Patterson and the Stuart and the ughhhh all of it. I do love that all joking aside, Rich does very genuinely tell Jane it's nice to see her again. He loves his Jane and he would do anything for her ugh
Oooh Jeller in their old apartment, and he’s all unsure whether she really wants to be there with him and she makes it clear that there’s nowhere else she wants to be, and yaaaas my boy acknowledges that the move to Colorado really didn’t fit her and that she’d given up a lot of her own happiness and personal meaning just to make him happy. So now they just need to strike a balance, which is all she wants-- to be there with him and be happy and in luuuurve while also kicking butt and saving people.  And then ugh he pulls her ring out of his pocket and he’s been carrying it EVERY DAY since she left and he rushes to tell her that she doesn’t have to put it back on until she’s ready and ugh she takes it and kisses him and then lord save me from how husky her voice goes when she tells him she’s missed him so much and ughhhhh he’s missed her too and ugh my babies are about to have reunion sex on multiple surfaces in the house and I’m so happy for them. Damn Gero yet again you have managed to make the thought of 18 awful months completely disappear in the face of this excellence, and it’s all too easy to just let you make me forget, and ugh I want to stay upset about it but I just can’t. Damn it you crafty wizard, how have you gotten me so under your spell….
Lol Aunty Hirst checking in with Reade, seeing if he’s okay with all his fam coming back, but also warning him (and us) that none of these people are the same as they were two years ago. And to prove that point, uncle Keaton and Zapata are having their own, much shadier  little conference about one of the tattoos, one that clearly points to something related to either them or the CIA in general, but it’s something they’re both very familiar with and won’t let the others find out about. Oooh, secrets. Speaking of secrets, Rich and Patterson have apparently been interacting regularly over the last two years??? And before anyone goes there, NO, I  I don’t think their relationship is at all romantic or sexual. I think they’ve been business partners of a sort (probably with Boston as well, since he and Patterson kinda became buds) and I also think that Patterson has been secretly helping Rich help the FBI with their cases. But again, I want to hear ALL about whatever they’ve been up to bc ugh I love these two and their dynamic though I also kinda wanna give Rich a hug and tell Patterson to be nicer to her weirdo cousin haha. Oh wait, you thought we were done with the secrets???? Nope, Jane is looking unhappy and  hiding a bunch of passports (probably given to her by Keaton) away the moment Weller leaves, and he steps outside their (apparently-renovated) building and immediately encounters Roman, who basically blackmails him to help him with tattoo-related stuff or he’ll tell Jane about ‘what happened in Berlin’. Weller is agrees to help immediately, which kinda makes it seem like whatever happened in Berlin was really, really bad. And again NO IT WAS NOT SOMETHING ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL. Geez, people. Neither Jane nor Weller would have slept with anyone else during their separation. To think so would be to have no understanding of either of the characters, or their character growth. Far more likely Weller did something that would be considered illegal or amoral, like killing someone, or something. Personally I think he and Roman encountered each other in Berlin and had an altercation wherein Weller injured and very nearly killed Roman, and Roman only survived by pure luck? That feels like a thing he’d want to keep from Jane, that he nearly killed her only family? Plus then he would kind of ‘owe’ Roman as well,. But idk, maybe it was something even shadier. Guess we’ll find out….
And so okay, I admit it. You've won, Gero. You’ve done a ton of things that have upset me or that I object to on multiple levels, but try as I might I can’t escape from your web. Looks like I’m stuck with this show, which means you guys are stuck with me and my recaps...
18 notes · View notes
pllsetskyonice · 7 years
plisetsky answered:
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
In which Yuri finds out that Otabek has a tumblr. 
AO3 link
We recently found out that Otabek is “well versed in all kinds of social media” and I am SHOOK. Somewhat inspired by the ask that altisetsky replied to, here’s the fic that no one asked for, but you’re all getting anyway.
cc: @otayuriwriterscollective
He doesn’t mean to pry.
Really, he doesn’t. But Otabek’s left his laptop open on the kitchen counter and it’s unlocked. Otabek is in the shower, so Yuri won’t be disturbed. It’s not like he’s going to go through his personal files or anything, but that’s unmistakably a tumblr dashboard, and Yuri is intrigued. The thought of Otabek having a tumblr is almost of ludicrous as Otabek DJing in his spare time, and – well. Now everyone and their mother has Otabek’s tracks downloaded on their Spotify or iTunes.
So he crosses the room and investigates.
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Ice Tiger of Russia
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Edit appearance
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Yuri mutters as he opens the blog in a new webpage and begins to scroll through the posts. It’s all him, all of it. There’s posts from his Instagram, official photos from competitions and aesthetic edits interspaced between countless answered asks. How hasn’t he come across it before, this blog that that seems to be the one stop shop for anything Yuri Plisetsky related? Admittedly it’s not like he frequents the fandom side of tumblr often, his own blog is mostly bands and aesthetic and cats, but still – how hasn’t he come across the blog that has his last name for its URL?
He can’t risk following it. However, Otabek has anonymous enabled on his ask box, so Yuri can still ask him stuff. This is going to be fun.
Anonymous asked:
Holy shit I’ve only just come across your blog and I AM IN LOVE
plisetsky answered:
Haha thank you! I hope you enjoy your stay :)
3 notes                #ask #anon
Anonymous asked:
How long have you been a fan of Yuri/been on tumblr? I’m curious!
plisetsky answered:
I’ve been a fan of Yuri ever since I was around 12 years old, and I started the blog when I was 13. I’ve been here a while – seen a lot of changes in that time and I even made the mistake of being online when the Mishapocalypse happened.
5 notes                 #ask #anon #i’ve seen some shit in my time let me tell you
Anonymous asked:
You were on tumblr when the mishapocalypse happened? You have been here a long time!
plisetsky answered:
Haha yes, those were dark times
3 notes                 #ask #anon
Anonymous asked:
Who did you kill for your URL like seriously HOW DID YOU GET IT??
plisetsky answered:
Taken from Q4 of my FAQ: How did you get this URL? I was simply lucky. I set this tumblr up in 2011, and was fortunate enough to find ‘plisetsky’ available at the time.  
4 notes                 #ask #anon #check the faq please
Anonymous asked:
I’m on mobile can you link me to your FAQ please?
plisetsky answered:
2 notes                 #ask #anon
plisetsky’s FAQ
Q1: What name/pronouns should we use to address you?
You can call me B. He/him.
Q2: Where are you from? What languages do you speak?
I’m from Kazakhstan, and can fluently speak Kazakh, Russian and English.
Q3: How old are you?
Q4: How did you get this URL?
I was simply lucky. I set this tumblr up in 2011, and was fortunate enough to find ‘plisetsky’ available at the time.  
Q5: How many followers do you have?
Q6: Do you skate yourself, or are you just a fan?
I do skate myself, but I’m also a huge fan of the sport. And Yuri.
Q7: Does Yuri follow you?
Sadly not.
Q8: Do you have any other social media?
Not that I’m willing to share with you all, sorry.
Q9: Post a selfie?
Q10: Are you single?
No, I have a boyfriend.
Anonymous asked:
So you’re 21, from Kazakhstan, you have a boyfriend and you skate, are you sure you’re not secretly Otabek Altin?
plisetsky answered:
8 notes                 #ask #anon #lmao I joke
icetiger + phichit-chu ··· ↘ X
Have you heard of the tumblr plisetsky?
Yeah, I’m following it! Why?
Well you’re not going to believe this
He left his laptop open on the kitchen counter and it was open onto tumblr and I don’t know what to do with this information
I have an idea…
Phichit no
On How an FAQ Hides an Identity (OR: plisetsky is Otabek Altin and I’m going to prove it to you)
So I’m sure that anyone who’s spent a certain degree of time in the Figure Skating corner of tumblr has come across the blog plisetsky at some point. For those unfamiliar, it’s a Yuri Plisetsky appreciation blog run by some mysterious guy in Kazakhstan that never reveals much about his identity. However, I’m going to delve into the blog’s archives and dissect their FAQ to prove to you that this Mysterious Kazakh Guy that we all know and love is, in fact, none other than the world-renowned skater Otabek Altin.
After months of hiding their relationship behind closed doors, Otabek and Yuri finally told the truth about their relationship when Yuri posted this photo to Instagram last May. This was also the same time plisetsky posted a post titled Life Update: I have a boyfriend. His FAQ was also updated at the same time. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
Question 1 of his FAQ says that we can call him “B”. Those close to Otabek call him Beka (Yuri is especially fond of the nickname) so it’s not unreasonable to suggest that “B” is a nickname of a nickname, so to speak.
He also states that he’s 21 in his FAQ. That’s the same age as Otabek.
He’s FROM KAZAKHSTAN and can fluently speak Kazakh, Russian and English (just like Otabek). I rest my case.
He skates, and once stated in an ask that he’s not overly fond of ballet. Sound familiar?
He’s a massive fan of Yuri.
He’s never posted a selfie, and refuses to whenever asked.
Likewise, he won’t share any of his other social media accounts. Otabek has an active presence on Instagram and Twitter and so on, and although it’s not unusual to keep your tumblr separate from the rest of the rest of your online presence (looking at you, fandom blogs), he’s always flat out refused to share any of his other social media accounts. For someone with over 26k followers, you’d think that creating another Snapchat or Twitter for online tumblr friends to follow you on wouldn’t be too much to ask: you’d be wrong. Whenever asked, he’s always said that he’s “too busy” or “can’t deal with the hassle” of creating other accounts. Or he’s too busy with training and even if he did create other social media accounts, his true identity would soon be revealed. Either or.
In response to ask, he said that he’s got two siblings. I’m not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but IRL, Otabek has two sisters. #otabekfactoftheday
Once, way back in 2014, he posted a photoset of some DJ decks with the caption “today’s work”. It mostly went unnoticed as the World Juniors happened later that day and the post was buried underneath photos of Yuri’s skating. That might have been deliberate, I don’t know, but either way, we all know that Otabek likes to DJ in his spare time.
Our online presences are strange in a way the world hasn’t seen before. You can make a Twitter account, call yourself Charlie and say you’re from LA when in reality you’re Alex from Luxembourg. Our online personas take years to perfect as we craft them into the best versions of ourselves, showcased through Facebook status updates, Snapchat stories and photos posted to Instagram. You can be whoever you want to be online, and whether it’s good or bad, the vast majority of your audience won’t be any the wiser. I could be reading into this far too much, but the possibility of plisetsky actually being run by Otabek is there and is a reality.
4,521 notes        #otabek altin #figure skating #conspiracy theory #please don’t take this too seriously lmao
otabekaltinn reblogged phichit-chu and added:
4,527 notes        #FUCK ME #IF THIS IS REAL
katsukki reblogged otabekaltinn and added:
4,538 notes        #this actually kinda makes sense tho ngl
plstsky reblogged katsukki and added:
@plisetsky you seen this?
4,547 notes        #b tell me this ain’t true #it can’t be #i can’t have been talking to otabek altin for months life is not that good
nikiforovik reblogged plstsky and added:
4,556 notes        #phichit I love you #but no #just no
icetiger + phichit-chu ··· ↘ X
what have you done?
a service :)
“So,” Yuri says as casually as he can as they have lunch, “I hear tumblr’s going a bit crazy at the moment. Something about some Yuri Plisetsky appreciation blog secretly being run by you?”
Otabek pauses with a piece of bread halfway to his mouth, his usual calm expression replaced by a mildly panicked one. “I left my laptop on the kitchen counter this morning, didn’t I?”
“Yes,” Yuri says, a grin spreading across his face, “you did.”
“You saw?”
“I saw.”
Otabek puts his bread down on the plate. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I understand if you find it weird. I’ll delete the blog if you want.”
“What?” Yuri asks. “I don’t want you to do that!”
“You don’t?” Otabek looks relieved, and Yuri can’t say he blames him. After all, it’s not every day that you’re told that your boyfriend has discovered the secret tumblr you’re running about how wonderful everything about him is. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. But I do think that you need to tell your followers the truth about who’s actually running the blog everyone seems to be following.”
You’re now following plisetsky. Want to get notifications when they post?
Post notifications are turned on for plisetsky.
I just updated my FAQ, I recommend that you go and check it out!
1,302 notes        #housekeeping #update
phichit-chu reblogged plisetsky and added:
@ all the people saying there was no way it was otabek how does it feel to be wrong let me know
1,398 notes        #i knew it was him lmao #yuri found out and told me
katsukki reblogged phichit-chu and added:
(via @phichit-chu) #i knew it was him lmao #yuri found out and told me
1,413 notes        #BURY ME FOR I AM DEAD #DEAD #D E A D #RIP TO JEN
otabekaltinn reblogged katsukki and added:
Q1: What name/pronouns should we use to address you?
My name’s Otabek Altin. He/him.
Q2: Where are you from? What languages do you speak?
I’m from Kazakhstan, and can fluently speak Kazakh, Russian and English.
Q3: How old are you?
Q4: How did you get this URL?
I was simply lucky. I set this tumblr up in 2011, and was fortunate enough to find ‘plisetsky’ available at the time.  
Q5: How many followers do you have?
Q6: Do you skate yourself, or are you just a fan?
I do skate myself. I have medals from the Grand Prix Finals, 4CC, World Championships and the Olympics.
Q7: Does Yuri follow you?
Yes, he does.
Q8: Do you have any other social media?
Facebook: facebook.com/otabekaltin
Twitter: otabek-altin
Instagram: otabek-altin
Snapchat: otabekaltin
Q9: Post a selfie?
[Selfie of Otabek which shows his tumblr open on his laptop in the background]
Q10: Are you single?
No, I have a boyfriend, Yuri Plisetsky. (icetiger on tumblr, yuri-plisetsky everywhere else)
1,426 notes        #there you go folks #go wild
plstsky reblogged otabekaltinn and added:
phichit-chu reblogged plstsky and added:
I’m still in shock ngl
1,654 notes        #it doesn’t feel real lmao
icetiger reblogged phichit-chu and added:
If you’re not following @plisetsky what r u doing with your life
1,723 notes       #in case you missed the memo it’s Otabek #GO FOLLOW HIM U WON’T REGRET IT
icetiger asked:
plisetsky answered:
…you’re literally sitting a metre away from me why are you asking me over tumblr
12 notes              #ask #icetiger #WHY
icetiger asked:
plisetsky answered:
Pretty sure the internet doesn’t need to see it but whatever we’re having pizza, I’ve already ordered and it’s on the way
14 notes              #ask #icetiger #are you happy now
icetiger asked:
SO HAPPY (but I’m still hungry have we got anything else I can have in the meantime *raises eyebrows in a suggestive manner*)
plisetsky answered:
54 notes              #ask #icetiger
icetiger reblogged plisetsky and added:
why u gotta spoil my fun like this
56 notes              #i’m joking btw #...mostly
otabekaltinn reblogged icetiger and added:
…is this real life am I actually witnessing this with my own two eyes
61 notes              #i cannot believe
plstsky reblogged otabekaltinn and added:
I do believe so but who knows I’m struggling to process this
65 notes              #what a time to be alive #i mean this is killing me but still
[photo of Otabek and Yuri dancing together at a skating banquet]
@icetiger @plisetsky cuties!
6,514 notes        #yuri plisetsky #otabek altin #figure skating
plisetsky reblogged phichit-chu and added:
6,523 notes        #yuri #beka #both
icetiger asked:
I love you. ♥
plisetsky answered:
I love you too ♥
73 notes              #ask #icetiger #♥♥♥
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