#that is not an exaggeration i have a screenshot to prove it
thompsborn · 1 year
harley, at heaven’s gates: so being gay doesn’t send me to hell, then?
god: of course not. you are all my children.
harley: okay...
harley: daddy
god, turning around: nevermind
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phayz · 6 months
if i could stop getting that ad where the two dogs are fucking nasty style and a snake bites its exposed asshole and it pisses baja blast everywhere thatd be really great tumblr thanks
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xxlemon-chanxx · 8 months
Important. PLEASE READ!!
For those of you who may not know, which I suspect is probably most of you, I had an interaction with a pro/comship blog (@toh-proship-positivity) about three weeks ago that ended in them accusing a fellow artist, a-magpie-in-gravesfield, of extremely heinous things. I originally was not going to respond to them simply because I didn't want to be bothered with such drama during the holidays. Still, these claims irritated me because, even just from my conversations with this blog and witnessing their behavior firsthand, I knew their claims were likely untrue or, at the very least, exaggerations. I am happy to announce that my intuition was correct and that the claims made about Magpie WERE NOT TRUE.
Several people approached me regarding this, and I also sought a few individuals out myself to look for answers. They provided ample proof, including screenshots, receipts, and conversations between the accuser and the accused, that prove without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that Magpie is innocent of all claims levied against him.
I, along with the help of a few others, gathered as much information as I could find, organized it, and created a master list of evidence to combat every accusation. I am going to share the folder that holds the drama overview as well as every document that was used as an external link. Here are the links to the folder and overview, respectively.
This folder with all related documents will also be downloadable as a zip file on Dropbox to anyone who wishes to have a copy for themself. DM me asking for the download link, and I will provide it to you.
This is not meant to be an attack on the person who levied the claims against Magpie, and this is NOT a call to harassment. This needs to be put out into the open so that this drama inside the Wittebane community can cease.
Here is a direct message from Magpie regarding the situation:
"I just wanted to clarify that I had no hand in making the document itself. I was approached by multiple people asking for my side of the evidence / answering questions about the timeline of things / etc. I myself never look at Horse's posts because I don't want to give any of my time to things like this (and tbh I thought they would have stopped by now). Please don't message me about this. This has been going on for over a year now, and I don't want to focus on negativity. I have already provided a lot of information to the people who made this doc. I also DO NOT condone any kind of harassment towards anyone, including anyone mentioned in this document. I did not ask for this document to be made (actually, for a long time I actively discouraged people from doing it because I thought it wasn't necessary), but because multiple slanderous accusations that included my name were recently brought up to me by people I had never interacted with before as well as friends, and Horse does not seem to have stopped, I figured I would provide my side of things to people who asked as to give answers to anyone who might have heard of this situation. This document was in no way meant to encourage bullying of any kind. Please stay safe everyone!"
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salty-croissants · 9 months
Rayman/Ramon x anxious fem reader
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Thank you @cutegamertv for the request ! I couldn’t seem to find it in my inbox , so I had to use the screenshot I took … sorry for the inconvenience , I don’t know why this happens :,I
Anyway I’ve actually been feeling a bit down these days , so writing this type of comfort scenario really helped a lot :,)👍
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of female reader ;
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Rayman 🧡
Let’s make one thing clear : Rayman would do anything to make sure that you’re comfortable and happy at all times , and if you ever get the feeling that you’re bothering him by being anxious ? 
Well , he definitely won’t just stand by and watch his beloved even think about such things . 
< y/n , my love , look at me … 
You are , without exaggeration , the most important person in my life : you could never , ever be a burden to me . > 
< But … I know you’re busy , you have so many things to keep track of and I’m … I’m making you waste time over something so … dumb … > 
< Darling , you are much more important to me than anything else .
You’re what helps me keep going every day … the least I could do is be there for you when you need it . > 
If you’re one who gets especially anxious in public spaces , you can bet that Rayman will be coming with you , holding your hand if it helps you feel more at ease or simply staying by your side until you both get back home . 
And if someone says something mean spirited about you , they will quickly be confronted by your very protective boyfriend . 
< How about you leave my y/n alone , pal ? 
Back off ! > 
If you ever were to tell him that you don’t feel worthy of being with someone like him , Rayman is going to be shocked …
He is the lucky one to have someone as amazing as you ! 
Still , you can count on him to have just the right words to comfort you . 
< You are more than enough for me , I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else .
If only I could show you just how beautiful in every way you are to me … > 
Then Rayman always makes sure to shower you with sweet , loving kisses all over your face , as a way to showcase just how much you mean to him : 
you really are his everything ❤️
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Ramon 🖤
While he definitely became way more bitter after the events he had to go through , Ramon is still definitely very soft with you , and much like he did in the past he is always looking out for you , making sure you’re okay … 
Also he immediately shuts down any worries you might have about bothering him .
< y/n . There’s literally no way you could ever bother me . 
Don’t even think about that , not for a second . >
< But - > 
< No “buts” . >
Given your fragility , Ramon is going to become even more protective than before over you now , and he won’t hesitate to straight up murder anyone who makes you even a little uncomfortable : 
he won’t accept any compromises , not when your safety is on the line . 
< Everything alright , honey ? I saw that guy approaching you and … > 
< I’m okay Ram , thank you … he was just a bit insistent about getting a drink together , but I’m not hurt or anything , it just … scared me a little . > 
< Tch … well , you can be sure that he won’t think about trying shit like that ever again . > 
< Heh , well you kinda put a bullet through his skull , sweetie … 
That makes it pretty hard for anyone to think . > 
If you bring up the fact that you don’t feel like you’re good enough for him , Ramon will barely even know what to say … 
He feels awful for everything that he allowed Eden to do back when he worked for them , he feels like he doesn’t deserve anything good at all , and certainly not someone like you . The fact that you think that makes him both confused and determined to prove you wrong . 
< y/n , do you have any idea where I would be if I didn’t have you ? 
You literally saved my life : you stuck with me when you knew what I did , you’ve shown me kindness even though I didn’t deserve it … 
If anything , I’m the one who isn’t good enough for you . > 
< Ram don’t say that … you’re amazing and I love you so much … > 
< I love you too sweetheart , I really do … so please , don’t be so hard on yourself , okay ? 
You’re my reason to be alive , I couldn’t go on without you … > 
After all that , you can be sure that Ramon will be cuddling you for hours , demonstrating his seriousness on the matter :
there is no way he will just stand there and watch his beautiful y/n feel like she doesn’t deserve him . 
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I don't know if this will get posted because it's long and a bit ranty, but I want to get it off my chest and I think a LOT of people need to hear it. I won't reference any specific issue but there have been many like this, so it's still applicable.
I've been doing my best to stay positive about the fandom but my god, the surveillance of the internet and the "child friendly" insistence is getting ridiculous. No I don't want to chase children off the internet, they can have their space, but they also must understand the internet is mainly used by adults and therefore there will be adult content here. The fandom is not a mess because there are people making erotic writing/art, it's a mess because no one is allowing anyone to have their own space. Between pre-downpour puritans and minors just looking to get adults in trouble for BEING ADULTS, THAT is the problem we have here.
Yes, censoring adult content is important. Having NSFW alts is even better.
The problem?
Nosey people (often minors) who think everyone's business is theirs to meddle in. If someone has "bad" kinks, and makes content about it— going to blow some minds here —they aren't actually a bad person. I had to learn this myself, as I used to be the kind to judge people for it. But they are not reflections of someone's morality. Often times it's a result of trauma, a way to cope with or process something (and in saying that, no, you cannot ask someone what their trauma is to "justify" their kinks. let people have some semblance of privacy)
Something someone enjoys in fiction is not something they are guaranteed to enjoy in real life: take for example horror movies. Your favourite horror movie is Saw? Okay, so that means you're a psychopath who wants to torture people in bizarre ways.
Sounds stupid, doesn't it? Because it is.
We need to let people have their own personal lives again. Not everything needs to be laid out on the table to prove someone is a good person.
You are allowed to not like something, in fiction or in real life. You're allowed to not like NSFW content period. I am in no way saying everyone needs to be tolerant of everything and can't dislike anything, but you are not allowed to stop others from enjoying things that are (despite how much antis don't want to admit it) harmless.
People (especially minors) need to stop hunting for dirt when someone slightly upsets them (usually adults). We are human. We make mistakes. If someone upsets you, communicate it with them, or block them. We don't need to be ruining people's lives with the guise of "spreading awareness" about them.
No, you are not spreading awareness, because I am CERTAIN most people are not reading your lengthy post. They see the big scary words you've labelled this person with (often words that are highly exaggerated or, again, are people misinterpreting a fictional desire, like kinks, as real-life reflections of that person) and witchhunt.
That is no insult to anyone, it's a fact of the internet; Tumblr is another site designed to give short-form content, so big long posts we rarely actually read, we SKIM. Skimming usually means we see the big bad words, scroll past a few screenshots, and go "yep, seems legit", and reblog. We come onto this app for fast, easy dopamine. And drama? We eat that up. But this isn't just silly drama. This is ruining people's lives.
Rarely will people go deeper to look into the other person's perspective, or think about the motives of the person making the post, e.g. how did they get this info? why were they looking for it? and by extension, was this necessary to post and "warn" people about? Or, maybe, just maybe, can we let people do things that aren't hurting anyone (because it is FICTIONAL), and stay in our lanes so we don't have to see what we don't want to see.
Anyways, TLDR: People in the RW fandom, please be careful with who you listen to. If you want to get involved, then do it properly; look into the situation, properly evaluate it, come to a conclusion on your own instead of immediately agreeing with whoever started it. And if you can't be bothered? Then simply don't interact with it, because you are making uneducated decisions that could lead to lives lost.
Thank you to anyone who read this all the way through (if it got posted lol it may be way too long)
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Saved Part 2
Part 2 – Sihtric x reader
Authors note: while rewatching the Season 2 of TLK and going wild with exploring my newly acquired skill of taking and editing screenshots I became obsessed with the idea of writing my own version of how Sihtric met Uhtred. The story seems somehow complete, but from the other side there is still something missing. I am thinking about an epilogue…
I hope you will like it.
Summary: reader is Uhtred’s sister and a skilled healer. She travels with her brother’s men and after the unsuccessful attempt on Uhtred’s life gets curious about the young prisoner, the sole Dane from the group of assailants that is left alive.
Word Count: 2,615
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
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Sihtric raised his head, his eyes filled with surprise as he looked at you.
"Okay, I know it was somewhat strange question," you chuckled, a sense of curiosity driving you forward, "but what would you be willing to do to earn mercy from my brother?"
Without a moment of hesitation, Sihtric's response was firm and resolute, devoid of any doubt. "Everything, lady," he replied, sincerity and commitment lacing his voice, "I would offer Lord Uhtred my life and my sword until death and beyond, if only he would accept. It would be an honour to serve him and to die for him."
You continued to question him, your eyes searching for the truth. "And what about your current lord, Kjartan? Will you break your oath to him?"
"Kjartan is not my lord. I am his bastard son, and my mother was a slave at Dunholm. I have never sworn an oath to Kjartan; he never deemed it necessary. I was merely his property, nothing more than a dog to be whipped into obedience," Sihtric's voice trembled with a mix of shame and vulnerability, as if he feared that revealing this truth would repel you. "I will understand if you now consider me unworthy to serve your brother." As he spoke, his handsome face underwent a transformation, his jaw tightened, and a look of disgust etched upon his features when he mentioned Kjartan being his father. Once again, he averted his gaze, lowering his eyes in submission.
Unable to ignore his distress, you instinctively reached out, gently gripping his chin, and raised his face to meet your gaze.
 "Gods, I am sorry... I couldn't know. But why would I judge you for that?" you were wondering and wanted to reassure him.
"I didn't want you to pity me either," Sihtric sighed, refusing to meet your gaze, and instead keeping his eyes lowered so that his line of sight unintentionally fell upon your breasts. As soon as he realized this, he quickly lifted his eyes in embarrassment, finally meeting yours. Though the dim lighting prevented you from seeing it clearly, you could sense a slight blush colouring his cheeks.
"That's not the case either," you smiled reassuringly. "And I do have a plan," you continued, maintaining your smile. "But first, we need to stitch your brow."
As you began stitching his brow, Sihtric didn't even flinch, proving that he wasn't exaggerating when he claimed not to fear pain. With eyes wide in surprise and awe he kept following your movements his anxiety and impatience openly visible to hear more about your idea. The whole time you worked on his pretty face, you had been kneeling just beside him, so close that you could feel his breath on your neck and feel the tension of his body. Nothing could have prevented him from grabbing you at your throat even with his hands tied up and demand to release him. But there was not even a single motion from him that could hint that he was even considering it. Your closeness and your touch on his skin made his breath accelerate and his heart to pound faster, betraying the effect your presence had on him and the air between the two of you seemed to be getting electrified with anticipation. He did not move as if afraid to distort the magic of the moment. Knowing that he could have used your kindness and forced his escape any moment, but never made a single move to do so made you even more sure you wanted to help him.
"Are you skilled with the sword?" you asked once finished tending to his wound. You retrieved some honey salve and gently applied it to his brow, knowing it would aid in healing and reduce the visibility of the scar.
"I am a warrior, lady," Sihtric replied with a hint of pride in his voice.
"But you were captured, weren't you?" you pressed further, not going easy on him.
"I was fetching the horses. I wasn't even there when the fighting started, and by the time I arrived, it was already over. There was no point in fighting your brother's men alone. I didn't even draw my sword before that big Dane struck me down," Sihtric explained, likely referring to Clapa.
You hadn't encountered a man larger than him thus far. At first glance, Clapa appeared terrifying and intimidating, but you were well aware that while he excelled in a shield wall due to his imposing size and strength, he lacked the speed and finesse required for a skilled sword fight. And though Halig was skilled in swordcraft, you were fairly certain that after completing the task entrusted to them by Uhtred, they would not limit themselves to just one drink, which would inevitably affect their agility the following morning. This knowledge brought a smile to your face, and you proceeded to share your plan with Sihtric. However, his response caught you off guard.
"No, lady," he firmly responded, leaving you surprised.
"No?" you repeated, unsure if you had heard correctly.
"No, there is no way I would endanger your life. You may not believe me, but you are the first person who has shown me kindness in as long as I can remember. Perhaps apart from my mother, but she passed away so long ago that sometimes I fear I can't recall her anymore. So, no, I cannot do this," Sihtric shook his head, his eyes darkening, resolute in his refusal.
"Are you intending to harm me?" you inquired.
"No, I would never..." he exclaimed.
"Then what's the problem?" you interjected, a sense of frustration creeping into your voice. "The only danger to my life would be you, and if you have no intention of harming me..."
"You would truly entrust your life to me, lady?" Sihtric remained hesitant, disbelief and uncertainty apparent in his tone.
"Why?" he asked, almost whispering, his voice trembling with perplexity and disbelief. From his tone, it was evident that he expected a trap, a deception. "Lady, please, don't be so cruel as to play with me."
In truth, you weren't fully prepared for this question, as you yourself were unsure of why you were doing this. You were captivated by this stranger, by his soft voice, his composure despite his dire circumstances, and his despair. Moreover, you were captivated by his honesty and gratitude, which radiated from him. The way he looked at you with awe and indebtedness left you spellbound.
"Believe me, there is no deception in what I am proposing, and I am not toying with you. That would be unnecessarily cruel. However, I cannot explain why," you spoke honestly. "I simply have a strong feeling that you deserve a second chance. Fate is relentless, as my brother loves to say, and it seems that destiny brought us together tonight."
"And you are far too handsome and young to be killed by Uhtred for a mere task of fetching horses," you silently reflected.
"You desire my brother's undivided attention, and I can offer you that. But first, you will have to prove yourself against Clapa and Halig. Consider it a test of your sword skills. I won't deny that my life will be somewhat in your hands, but if you were to harm me, you know that your fate would be far worse. So, what is your decision? Actually, you don't have to answer now. I will learn it tomorrow when I come to see you," you smiled at him, taking again the bread from your bag, and placing it, along with the leather water flask, on his lap.
"Good night, warrior!" With that, you turned away and headed to your tent, leaving the young Dane looking after you, his face filled with confusion and indecision.
Your mind whirled with thoughts of the plan you had set in motion, and your heart raced with anticipation. Once inside your tent, a wave of nausea washed over you, causing your stomach to churn. "Why did I come up with this? Is he truly worth it?" you questioned yourself. "I still have the chance to change my mind until tomorrow," you attempted to calm your anxious mind, but deep down, you knew you wouldn't. Sihtric hadn't asked for your help, nor did he want it. It was your own idea, and there was no way you could betray him and leave him thinking you were toying with his unfortunate situation.
You had a restless night, unable to find sleep as your mind raced with thoughts of what you had proposed to Sihtric. You had to admit to yourself that your life would be in his hands and there were no guarantees that he wouldn't attempt to kill you and make his escape. However, you took solace in the fact that you were prepared for such a scenario, concealed behind your seemingly fragile appearance, but harboring a wealth of experience with a blade that Sihtric was unaware of. Over and over again, you contemplated your actions, unable to stop marveling at yourself why you felt responsible for the young Danes life, not wanting to admit to yourself that perhaps, beyond all else, you had simply fallen in love with that youthful and handsome warrior.
"Good morning, lads!" you greeted the groggy Clapa and Halig. Clapa had dozed off, leaning his back against the side of the wagon, while Halig was curled up on the ground, still clutching an ale cup in his hands. "I must inform Uhtred of your remarkable skills in guarding our prisoner while asleep," you couldn't resist teasing them a bit.
You cast a glance at Sihtric, who remained seated by the wagon wheel with his eyes closed. He showed no signs of acknowledging or hearing you, leading you to believe that he had likely stuck to his resolve of rejecting your unconventional proposal. Clapa and Halig stumbled to their feet, startled awake by your voice.
"We weren't sleeping, lady!" they protested, attempting to maintain their composure. However, their sudden awakening had left them visibly disoriented, unsure of their surroundings and their intended duties.
"The prisoner requires your attention," you informed them as you passed by the wagon. At that moment, Sihtric opened his eyes and his gaze met yours. His expression was one of bewilderment, as if he had glimpsed a ghost. He instinctively raised his hands to touch his stitched brow, shaking his head in disbelief. It seemed as though he struggled to accept the reality before him, unable to believe that you were truly standing there. Perhaps he thought that your conversation from the previous day had been nothing more than a dream.
"He says he needs to go to the woods!" you called out to Clapa and Halig, continuing your way. It was not unusual for you to venture out of the camp early in the morning to gather herbs and mushrooms. You quickened your pace and, once out of sight and concealed by the bushes, you stopped to observe what would happen next.
Clapa and Halig engaged in a brief argument, as expected. Their tendency to disagree with each other was a familiar trait, yet it never hindered their deep friendship. You heard them approaching, and when you peered through the foliage, you saw Sihtric being dragged behind them. Remaining hidden, you silently followed them through the underbrush, eager to see where their path would lead. They didn't go far before reaching a secluded clearing, hidden from direct view of the camp.
"Could you untie my hands?" you heard Sihtric ask. "There are two of you, and I am not armed anyway," he continued.
"No way," Halig cut him off. "You need to piss, so you'll have to manage it the way you are."
And then, you heard it—the clash of swords. Sihtric had somehow disarmed Halig and was desperately attempting to defend himself against Clapa, wielding the sword with his still-bound hands. Halig had fallen to the ground but was scrambling to get back on his feet. At that moment, you approached the scene, wearing a surprised expression as if you were completely oblivious to what was unfolding.
"What's happening? Halig, why are you rolling on the ground?" you demanded, pausing amid the brawl. You stood just a step away from Sihtric, who let out a fierce growl as he kicked Clapa with all his strength in the stomach. He swiftly moved to your side, putting Halig's sword at your throat and positioning himself behind you.
"Don't come any closer!" Sihtric commanded with a firm voice, though it was unnecessary as Halig and Clapa remained frozen on the ground, their eyes wide with shock at the sight of Sihtric holding you hostage.
"Go, fetch Lord Uhtred!" he demanded, his voice commanding, unwavering, and filled with determination. There was no trace of the insecurity that had emanated from him the day before.
"Tell him that I mean no harm, I simply wish to speak with him," Sihtric continued, while Halig swiftly ran towards the camp to alert Uhtred.
"Lady, I swear upon my life, I will not harm you. I would rather die than hurt you," Sihtric reassuringly whispered in your ear and so far, everything was unfolding according to your plan.
You could see Uhtred rushing towards you, accompanied by several warriors, with Halig trailing behind.
"Harm her, and I will flay you alive," were Uhtred's first words as he reached the clearing.
"Lord Uhtred, I merely wish for you to listen to me," Sihtric asserted. "I offer you my life and my sword. Look, I disarmed them both," he nodded toward Clapa and Halig, "with my hands bound. I am a skilled warrior, and I can be of use to you. Please accept my oath, and I will be honoured to serve you. And lord…, I would never bring harm to your sister. I swear it on the Thor's hammer. She is the kindest person I have ever known in my entire life," Sihtric clenched his fingers around the Thor's amulet that hung on his chest and his voice carried sincerity and determination, with a slight quiver as he spoke the last words. He lowered the sword, driving it into the ground with all his strength, and knelt down with a bowed head.
"Sis!" Uhtred called to you with a worried tone, and you rushed into his arms.
"I am fine," you reassured him as you embraced him, feeling him draw his sword.
"I will kill that little bastard here and now," he snorted in anger, but you firmly took hold of his sword hand.
"Uhtred, no harm has been done. Can't you see how desperate he is? He's offering you his life and sword. Listen to what he has to say," you spoke softly yet assertively, causing Uhtred to pause.
"Sis, do you even understand what you're suggesting? I can never trust him. He's Kjartan's man and he just took you hostage," Uhtred replied, completely taken aback.
"Talk to him," you took your brother by the hand and approached Sihtric, who remained kneeling, awaiting his fate.
"Are you Kjartan's man?" you asked Sihtric, already knowing the answer.
"No, I am Kjartan's bastard son and there is nothing that ties me to him," Sihtric stated firmly, his voice carrying a hint of defiance. "I have no loyalty to him," he answered, raising his head to meet Uhtred's gaze.
Looking incredulously between you and Sihtric, Uhtred suddenly laughed.
"Kindest person, my sister?” he repeated Sihtrics words suspiciously. “Sis, you already knew! Don't pretend you didn't. I will want the whole story later," he shook his head at you.
"But those two deserve a beating for allowing the prisoner to disarm them," he gestured to Clapa and Halig.
“What’s your name, young warrior?” Uhtred asked.
“Sihtric, lord!”
"Place your hands on the sword, Sihtric," Uhtred instructed and Sihtric obeyed instantly. Uhtred then placed his palms over his, and Sihtric spoke his oath. As soon as he had finished you took the knife from the small scabbard at your waist and freed Sihtric's hands, sensing that you were now bound together, and only the future would reveal whether it was for good or ill.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Suspend Your Disbelief. Seriously.
One thing I've taught myself when it comes to interpreting literature, no matter what it is or where it comes from, is when something is left unsaid, I assume the best-case scenario.
An example: Greek Mythology.
Greek Mythology is notorious for having very...disturbing things happen. And yeah, it happens to even your favorites.
But something that ticks me off (on this website in particular) is exaggerating a myth.
I think Apollo is a very good example of this. I have heard "Apollo raped [insert name here]!" so many times, but you know what? They never back it up with actual sources! Just heresy!
Daphne? He never even touched her. Chased her? Yes, but people also tend to disregard Eros's own involvement in that matter. (i made a post about it and other things)
Castalia? Same as Daphne. also was a very late addition by the Romans and is not Greek
Cassandra? This is literally a case of a woman being given autonomy! If Apollo was literally any other god, she would have been raped - but he didn't! Curse her? Yes and there's a lot more to unpack here but that's another post but he never assaulted her! "But she was coerced-" NO SHE WAS NOT. AS A MATTER OF FACT SHE LOVED HIM. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT CASSANDRA LOVED APOLLO. PROOF IN THE TROJAN WOMEN:
Farewell, ye garlands of that god most dear to me! farewell, ye mystic symbols! I here resign your feasts, my joy in days gone by. Go, I tear ye from my body, that, while yet mine honour is intact, I may give them to the rushing winds to waft to thee, my prince of prophecy
also this is after the curse situation. so. they have NUANCES! and i like that. euripides be giving us NUANCES and i SALUTE him GIVE ME THE NUANCES PLEASE
I could go on and on. But one myth is a very good example of this "assume the best happened" vs "assume the worst happened" mindset.
Bolina. She was a mortal who Apollo fell in love with, but she threw herself off a cliff. Apollo turned her immortal to save her life, and that's the end of the story.
Yet I have heard people use Bolina's myth as "proof" that Apollo's a rapist.
First of all, I have a whole post basically debunking this notion, but also, where does it say. at any point. that Apollo raped Bolina?
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(screenshot from Theoi.com)
That's right. Nowhere.
Sure, I guess you could assume it was done after Apollo turned Bolina immortal, but honestly, in my opinion, that's just grasping at straws. That's looking for something to complain about.
What I've learned is to assume the best happens. And guess what? That makes me enjoy mythology more! Suspend your disbelief! Not that difficult! Just because these myths are from ancient times doesn't mean terrible things happened all the time!
And I say this as an enjoyer of Mythology. This is not my religion, or my culture, but I am an avid enjoyer (particularly of Apollo's myths, hence why I used him as an example) and I do get irritated when these myths are twisted around in someone's quest to "prove" that a certain god usually Apollo is The Worst.
and it's kinda funny how people are determined to make Apollo this terrible, misogynistic asshole when...he's not. Then turn around and call the goddesses feminist girlbosses when they have also done fuck-up shit to other women.
Suspend the disbelief. You'll be happier.
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lividria · 3 months
Funny Story: The Thousand-Year Door (Part 2)
Yea, remember the time I made a post about how everyone associates me with this game's Vivian because that's also my name, I'm also trans and my OC persona character looks similar? I have now beaten TTYD and I already wasn't opposed because I liked the character but I used Vivian for literally as much time as possible once I got her so uh
Here's some of the highlights of my playthrough, spoilers obviously
In the chapter 8 Shadow Sirens rematch (I know they're the Three Shadows now but I'm used to the old name, fight me), I had Goombella out to get tattles, tried to switch over to Vivian, and the FUCKING GAME CRASHED? Which I interpreted as Beldam getting so pissed it broke the space-time continuum, thankfully I saved right before and Vivian later dealt the final blow to Beldam to win the fight when I tried again
Shadow Queen kicked my FUCKING ASS HOLY SHIT, it took me 3 tries, I feel like if I were to rematch Prince Mush they would be so much easier than SQ it wouldn't even be funny AND THEY'RE A SUPERBOSS, I WIPED THE FLOOR WITH JUST ABOUT EVERY PRE-CHAPTER 8 BOSS BUT THEN THE FINAL BOSS WRECKED MY ASS LIKE SHE WAS TACO BELL
One of my friends hyped up Bonetail as being even harder when I immediately went to do the Pit after the credits, I JUST beat them without using any items (Though I did eat a couple in the earlier levels of the Pit) and it was so much less intense than what I expected, especially because I got really lucky with bingos and Pretty Lucky (badge) so I was never in any danger
Yes I know about Whacka, yes I know what I have to do to fight them, yes I'm gonna try them, but that's for tomorrow
I was actually trying to get 100% tattles this playthrough but only realized far too late I didn't get the tattles for the scripted Shwwonk Fortress encounters (Not the Golden Fuzzy, though, I got them & their Fuzzy horde) and I don't know if those guys respawn or are anywhere else so uh fucking whoops
I laughed my ass off when the Atomic Boo had it's own battle theme, that was the most unnecessary thing ever
Chapter 3 made me absolutely lose my shit because all I did was do all the Trouble Center side quests before that and I was somehow hilariously overpowered (I actually got a Power Plus from was their name Dazzle or Sparkle? So that's probably why) I destroyed everything and everyone, I knew about the poisoned cake but I didn't know leaving it killed that poor Koopa, I was completely floored by Bowser not having his boss theme (It's used in the Chapter 8 fight don't worry), and laughed for like a half hour straight at Grubba actually just dying at the end of the chapter after confessing to murder, can you actually find him anywhere after that because I never saw him ever again and Jolene said he was out of the picture so I choose to interpret that as Mario just straight up killing the guy
I fucking hate Rawk Hawk, I rematched him a couple times, all of them unintentionally besides for one time I was like 2 points off a level up, he goes down so fast it's so cathartic, I got an e-mail at some point from him that looked like he was saying he's a better fighter now, I'm gonna go beat his ass right now to prove he ain't
I somehow got Vivian into that bucket in the hidden part of Rogueport Harbor, she teleported out before I could screenshot it, I open Tumblr and first thing I see is that one post that's art of bucket Vivian, reality is taunting me I swear
For the several years on Discord I've always made it a thing to exaggerate some personality traits whenever it'd lead to funny jokes, so I have this entire gag persona I'll put on sometimes where I'll act like a narcissistic asshole out of nowhere (which is pretty easy because I'm incredibly easy to anger and thus act like a jerk more than I should), and it's some of the same people I do that with that compare me to TTYD Vivian sometimes, so imagine my reaction when I see the dialogue implying Vivian has a crush on Mario when I always switch out the player character with myself in my head, Vivian has a crush on essentially herself
I never used Zess T. once throughout my entire playthrough so imagine my horror when I check the requirements for 100%ing the game and seeing the recipes are there in the Journal menu, yea fuck no lol, I don't even know if I'll get all the Star Pieces & Shine Sprites but I am definitely not catching up
So uh yeah really good game
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stupendousfoxthing · 4 months
What do you think is going with this daen n jmn situation? You think she behaving like exo's wife? Or some jilted lover? Think she's gonna respond to all this hate by exposing her relationship?
Well, it's been a situation for a while. It was background noise until last year when Jimin did a live from his apartment and showed a brief glimpse of his bedroom, which matched with pics and videos of a bedroom Daeun posted. Then the documentary was released in October which was when it really started to blow up. That showed his living room and kitchen/dining area which also all matched with pics and videos that Daeun posted. I think a lot of Taekookers saw this but stayed quiet. Daeun just got very very loud about it a week ago. I think that is obviously his apartment. Whatever relationship they have, they were close enough that she spent time in that space. The one thing that makes me think it was/is probably romantic is the "Da Eun <3U" caption on the video because I think Jimin most likely added that. But I'm open minded until they confirm what is going on, if they do. I've seen the clips where she supposedly denied it and I don't see a clear denial. One short clip I can't even tell if she's reading messages or responding to them. If she denied it as clearly as is claimed, why has she been posting pics and videos from his apartment since last year. A lot of people are trying to say she's just a clout chaser who links herself to everyone. This also appears exaggerated because the previous rumors seem to have been quickly officially denied and one was over two pictures matching a couch and pictures of sandwiches she shared with someone she was working with at the time. They're trying to say she pushed a rumor with Jungkook with a collage circling matching items like a dog toy and a Fiji water bottle, but she never pushed anything with him. This is shippers doing this, this is what they do. So if that's her trying to link herself to JK, I guess every idol that has any matching items with another idol is intentionally trying to link themselves. So she somehow matched her apartment to Jimin's that he didn't start revealing until last year, but also all of these pic/videos are older than that (taken around the time the documentary was shot). Those explanations obviously contradict each other. I know she posts pictures and videos from another apartment, and this is also not a denial to me because having separate places would not be odd at all. I think people immediately jumped on the "they live together" narrative and so think if they can prove they don't live together that debunks everything. I don't know what's going on or why she escalated things so much a week ago, but I don't play the "someone in a relationship wouldn't do that" game because we're all humans with complicated feelings. I've done not smart things for (what I thought was) love. In her recent live clips and IG stories she seems fed up with the harassment but not afraid for herself. As far as "to stop the harassment she can just stop what she's doing" goes, if they're actually together how would she stop that. End the relationship? This is an IG account dedicated entirely to hating her, and here's them bragging about finding her in the comments section of her friend's IG and harassing her there until she deleted a post from January that showed her sitting in front of the obviously recognizable couch. I took this screenshot and censored her friend's name.
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How much of this would you put up with before you fought back?
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myfandomrealitea · 4 months
I'm so upset by antis sometimes. once i made a few mistakes with a minor as an adult:
acted inappropriately with them, i thought they could handle more than said they could, things they consented to at the time they were facetious about how 'comfortable' they were-- probably to set me up
now everyone labels me as a predator just because of that and the fiction i like. so much for 'forgive and forget', huh? :/ i hate child brats in Fandom so much they ruin it for everyone. i don't get mad if i see some kid get shit bc at this point i know they're lying or exaggerating claims to get out of trouble.
This is one of those scenarios where I really can't comment on anything except future safeguarding because "acting inappropriately with a minor because they consented" could literally mean anything and I'm not about to validate actions I do not actually know.
However, in the future, its best to adopt the practice of setting firm boundaries with minors. Very firm boundaries. Unfortunately the internet never forgets, no matter who forgives, especially when it comes to things like this.
While minors are absolutely welcome in fandom spaces and I refuse to participate in trying to segregate minors off and treat them like fragile little glass babies who can't know about murder and sex until they're 21, I also understand for the safety of both sides there needs to be a certain level of separation and firm boundaries in place.
For example, I refuse to have any private conversations with minors online. Any discussion I have with one must happen publicly so there is evidence and witnesses to the original texts, and evidence that can't be so easily manipulated.
(E.g; if someone edits a screenshot of a post I made, its all too easy to link to the existing, original post proving its fake.)
I don't roleplay with them or collaborate on fanfiction (again, this involves too much closed-off and private communication, unless its something public like a SFW round robin). If I'm in Discord servers I use the note box on their server profiles to mark who is a minor so I know what is and isn't appropriate to say or involve them in.
It really is better to be safe than be sorry. I can't control what a minor chooses to involve themselves in or expose themselves to but I can control how much I involve them in and expose them to.
I'd also fully recommend blocking anyone who attempts to contact you or interact with you in bad faith. Some people will simply weaponise anything they can against someone they disagree with.
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crush3dmary · 1 year
Regarding Ritchie "Kiel" "Rox" "Mimo" "Lain" ryuuseini / mimoriru
So, at the end of 2022, I made a post on twitter about this particular user, who runs a merch store, abusing my personal info that he obtained from his store to doxx me and threaten to "ruin my life". You can find it here, as well as receipts and additional testimonies in the quote retweets from other people impacted by his actions.
Well, his art showed up completely unprompted on my dash, which tells me that since being called out, he has taken no accountability, changed his name, ran away to tumblr, and not only opened his store again but is trying to fandom hop to escape his sordid past. So if you're too lazy to read the twitter post, or if you got hit with my block chain, to summarize:
Ritchie and I were friends for over a year and a half. He cut ties because he didn't like a couple things I said or how I ran my server, which is fine. He's entitled to that. What he's not entitled to is to start a smear campaign DMing all my mutuals with very exaggerated accusations about me that he can't back up or accusing me of "stalking" and "harassing" him when I haven't contacted him since we cut ties in 2021. But that's all just friend group infighting. What matters is the literally illegal shit he did after and again, has taken no accountability for.
While we were friends, he said he had some leftover Zelos merch and he'd send it to me for free if I covered shipping costs, to which I said sure and gave him my address. Well, in September 2021, when his panel did not get accepted into Rappig Crossing's conline, he assumed I had used my connection to Maple Gel to get him blacklisted... when I had literally moved the fuck on at that point. I had nothing to do with whatever beef he had with them, but as a result, he went into a large Tales server and shared my personal information, made threats to get me kicked out of school and to "ruin my life", and encouraged the people in this server to "look up my irl credentials" to prove I'm not who I say I am or... something, which I can prove wrong easily. Receipts here.
People in Tales generally don't fuck with him anymore because people know he's shady but I have ygo:dm mutuals who unfortunately don't. If you're looking for merch there are better, more reputable creators who won't compromise your personal information as soon as they decide they don't like you. Take this information as you will, but Ritchie: I hope you know changing your name and hopping groups every time you get called out for something is an abuse tactic.
You can think I'm the literal devil all you want, you can say I'm dragging things out, but you intentionally and knowingly compromised customer information in order to threaten my safety over something you assumed and said yourself in the screenshot that you couldn't prove. You couldn't prove it because it was false, and you still went to such extreme lengths to put me in danger regardless. People have the right to be able to decide whether they want to support your business with this information in mind. I have the right to speak up when I believe I was wronged and the perpetrator has not only taken no accountability for what they did, but might go on to hurt someone else too.
In conclusion, if you're a pokeani/yugioh/tales creator who does merch, send me your info. I want to plug your shop.
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wardogsong · 7 months
Good bye. I hope everyone who bullied me is fucking happy. I hope everyone who got my account deleted is happy. I'm done.
cw: mentions of self-harm and mutilation under the readmore, and also just basic dash consideration. I realize I have not been here in months, owe everything and everyone, etc... which adds an extra layer of mind-bending hilarity to this all.
You are both breaking my heart and wearing my last nerve out. I'm only human. I'm not a saint. While I am genuinely very sorry that tumblr deleted your account, did you read the email that they sent to you? I know that you screenshotted it. You have it posted right now on this iteration of your blog.
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Truth be told? I don't know if anyone reported your account. I can say with a clear conscience that I didn't. I had no reason to. The last I interacted with you and/or that account was when I was in the comments of your pinned post, talking to you there.
I am not exactly certain that your account would have required much reporting, to be honest. I think that you are imagining a bandwagon of people joining together to work against you, given the way you are currently in several inboxes, calling people bullies and so on. Again, I can say with a completely clear conscience, I have never participated in any such link up or bandwagon against you, or anyone else.
So let's keep it a buck. You do somewhat routinely post about the things mentioned in that email. It's your blog, you have a right to talk about the state of your mental health if you want to, but in this case, it was tumblr itself taking notice and action of the frequency of that, and what specifically you were saying.
Hell, let's go back in time a bit. You and I literally met and became mutuals BECAUSE you posted a farewell note on your blog, several deletions and remakes ago. It was written as if it were a done deal, and having been familiar with your url in the fandom tags, I was immediately worried for you, stranger that you were, and desperate to reach out to you hoping it would come before a too-late kind of moment. You know what the saddest part of that search for you was? Encountering people who did claim to know you and who said, with great shame, that this was somewhat regular for you.
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You know it too, because even in our conversations you mentioned having been blamed or accused of attention seeking in the past and having callouts written about you.
The answer is right there, Stray. Your blog was deleted for mentions of self-harm. You may not have been glorifying it or promoting it, but you posted about it enough that you finally tripped a flag somewhere. That's it. That's all it is.
As for the rest? This is the second time you're calling me a bully. Yet again, I am asking you to prove it. Please show me the instances in which I bullied you, or the actions that I took against you. What, exactly, did I do? Because to the best of my recollection? I spent a while trying to be your friend, trying to be as supportive as I could be, introducing you to other friends of mine to help widen your circle, gaming with you, plotting things to write with you and then the one night I couldn't stay up late to talk with you because I was literally recovering from being incredibly ill AND had to take my son to an appointment the next day... ended up with you having sent me overnight screenshots of deleting your blog and either blocking or unfriending me on discord. Which one of those things was the bullying, Stray? Because the way I see it? You're the one who ditched me the second I couldn't be of use to you.
last but not least, rumor out of the hell part of this country says you have a problem with sharing mutuals. you don't like it when someone you like writes or interacts with someone you don't like and that may be the root cause of your distress. if so, rumors of my and @lt-ghxst's relationship are both greatly exaggerated and misunderstood. it's not my fault I tagged and bagged him, as that is what you do with wild gators. however, if he has slighted you, I don't take any responsibility for him. he's untrained and not yet housebroken. it's a miracle if I can get him to only piss outdoors. he bites. he's ornery and nasty-tempered. Honestly, he should probably be put to sleep but I am determined to break him in.
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prettyrealm · 1 year
i find it funny international fans always call korean fans delusional and crazy but korean fans are always the first ones to accept the truth while international fans are in complete denial and grasp at straws to prove something is false like the jennie and taehyung situation i've seen so many bizarre theories these past few days and also the jennie and gd dispatch reveal like yes they actually dated but somehow international fans are still in denial
I think that has a lot to do with racism/fetishization and often misogyny. There’s many cases where you’ll see Korean fans of these boy groups (whether it be fansites or regular fans) speak out and immediately get hit with the “hysterical crazy lying female” response, with people claiming “it’s all sasaengs and antis spreading lies!!” before even finding out what actually happened, and people just accept that as the truth and never listen or look deeper.
We all claim we know that men with money and power can be bad and abuse it, and see it happen in real life and in Hollywood all the time. But the minute it happens in kpop it’s always “he would never” or “knetz/kfans are just crazy!!!” or someone just saying we shouldn’t believe women without out right saying it. The belief that these stans have that these idol men would be so much more different and incapable of being as bad as the guys they know or hear about in real life or even celebs like Justin Bieber is also just straight up racism and fetishization. It’s as if fans can’t even imagine Koreans living as normal humans.
And yeah it’s crazy how often people will straight up deny photographic evidence, screenshots and even company confirmation in kpop. Every fan wants to look the most logical and real, but whenever something happens their accounts all look like this:
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There’s just something about the kpop fandom culture that warps peoples brains and makes them go against their own common sense.
Back on the topic of racism and fetishization you’ll notice that Western couples don’t ever get denied this hard. I mean it happens sometimes, but not like this and it’s almost purely due to the “sterile Asian” stereotype. Despite kfans constantly telling us what relationships are real, or even idols themselves tell us that they’re all dating each other, international fans just refuse to believe it. The kpop industry would be soooooo much smaller too so it’s even more likely!! Everyone knows each other to a certain extent and idols of past gens have even shown us popular secret dating spots or have referred to the industry as being like high school or an “animal kingdom.”
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This was funny to me because he said he regretted it not because it wasn’t true, or it was an exaggeration or something, but simply because he knew they’d be mad he spilled their tea 😫
You’ll also find a lot of female idols from past gens warning younger idols and rookies not to date any idol men because they’re nasty and sly and don’t know how to treat women. But of course, fans will just assume their fave could never be included in this narrative. It’s just weird how much people will deny to make these people match the image they have of them in their head.
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sootwilb · 26 days
I do not trust Alice.
Her story feels too vague for me to trust. She didn't give enough evidence or details to verify anything but left enough for people to assume the worst. She doesn't say when they met up, she only gave the year, - where a majority of bars were closed for most of the said year - no exact timeframe, no exact date, she didn't even say what bar they went to. 
She didn't give any hard evidence, which I find weird considering she has/had pictures of them together to prove that they knew each other at least. - correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't at least one (1) of those photos shopped? Because I recall people pointing out things in the photos that didn't make sense. - She could’ve shown a screenshot of their exchange to meet up or some sort of bill or receipt of what they ordered at the bar. 
Some of the things she said in her story also rubbed me the wrong way. Like him walking through a populated town and getting recognized and her saying that felt intentional, like… He is a famous creator and musician, he is going to get recognized?! It's not like he told his fans to purposefully walk up to him, talk to him, or recognize him on that day. And him interacting with them could just be him being nice to his fans and not showing off?! Also isn't Brighton just very populated, like in general? Another is her saying that he didn't want her to appear on his stream, which he is in the right to do. Wilbur is a private person. It’s no wonder why he told you to stand where the camera can’t see you because he didn't want his fans to know he was dating or hanging out with someone?! 
These things make me feel she was purposely painting Wilbur in a bad light.
Do I believe that Alice and Wil knew each other? Yes. Do I believe that they had a weird or complicated relationship? Yes. Do I believe that it's possible they met up?  Yes. Do I also believe she could’ve lied or exaggerated? Yes.
It wouldn't surprise me if she did lie because of all the attention she saw Shelby getting. It wouldn't be the first time I've seen or heard of a person lying about an event to get support, money, attention, or for the simplicity of just hurting somebody.
I would also like to propose something, is it possible that Wilbur could be unaware of what Alice said about him? 
He was on a mental health break when this started and I doubt he was using Twitter all that much during his break and then the allegations Shelby made came out, we’ve only seen him use Twitter once and that was to address Shelby, it wouldn't surprise me if he deleted Twitter after he posted that. After all, we saw how much of a cesspool Twt is and what they were saying and probably sending him. (Hell, he most likely went offline entirely) Alice made her post on Twt and Instagram but she took the Instagram one down, so now, it's only on Twitter.
With the internet things tend to get exaggerated, completely make up things (like Wilbur doing Coke), or misinformation starts spreading. Weren't there people who thought Alice’s story was Shelby’s? Could Wilbur have thought the same thing? That people were exaggerating or making stuff up to hate him more if he did see any of it?
Correct me if any of what I said is misinfo. I've been focusing on Wilbur being on stage again.
hello anon you bring up so many good points!
i think it’s completely possible for the photos to be photoshopped but we don’t know for certain. I agree she could have shown evidence like you say or because they were in a bar someone would have seen them. she makes out that normal things like him asking for her to keep the relationship secret due to her potentially getting hurt was a bad thing. i also think that it’s weird she said that when she talked to him about her mental health issues all he wanted to do was talk about his own and she made it out like that was bad when i know that’s how a lot of people communicate their feelings and how they express to the person that they are not alone.
one thing that confused me that i don’t see people talk about is that shelby said that before her he hadn’t dated anyone in 5 years but that completely contradicts alice whole thing so one of them is wrong.
i think it’s possible that at the start wilbur wasn’t aware of alice’s story because as you say he was on a mental health break and probably completely offline but i think he would know by now. i assume one of his band mates would have told him or someone from his team would have told him.
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yurissweettooth · 1 year
Tired of every single day seeing 29583995 posts about how you are supposed to engage in fandom and how everyone who engages differently is wrong and bad and not allowed to do this and that.
Literally do not understand why people are so pressed about what other people are doing for fun.
Do I find the way people interpret/misinterpret some characters to be annoying and baffling at times? Yes! I think everyone does. But that doesn't mean the person who is over there having a fun time not hurting anyone is at fault for it. You can block them and move on and say nothing.
This was inspired by a screenshot of someone saying something to the tune of "normalize mischaracterizing your comfort characters. I dont care whether or not they would canonically do something." And someone retweeted (to a seemingly large audience) telling them that they must not actually like the character. Which feels pretty mean-spirited to an innocuous post about how someone chooses to engage with something that comforts them.
And I honestly think the original person had a point. Normalizing it does not mean YOU have to do it or YOU have to like people's interpretations, it means that people will be allowed to engage in harmless fun without everyone getting up and arms and making assumptions about them or QRTing their post to thousands of people calling them a fake fan.
Everyone has a different idea of what fun and comfort is and for some people that's making wacky AUs or exaggerating traits and playing dollhouse and for others that meticulously researching and nailing down every canon detail in their works. Some people like tiktok and incorrect quote edits and some like meta and deepdives into and it's all okay and fine!
Someone doesn't HAVE to make an OC. If they want their quick fix of comfort and catharsis by just tacking traits on to a pre-made character that they don't have to expend extra energy on then who cares?
Also lots of neurodivergent people (like myself) and kids get caught in the crossfire as well, but really I think EVERYONE should have the right to do what they want. This feels like another extension if cringe culture which should be dead an buried by now.
And I say all this as a person who PREFERS to engage in fandom in a canon-compliant, lore-friendly way and yet has also been the victim of this.
I have had bad/mean fandom experiences over presenting evidenced, well-sourced, and canon compliant material that just happens to contradict popular fanon. I have also received backlash for putting a character through 10+ years of canon-compliant, well researched, and carefully constructed character development which led them to do things differently in the future than they did in canon.
But I don't always feel like giving a 20+ paragraph disclaimer on every single doodle, edit, or short fic to prove to you exactly how they got here and why it's canon compliant (although I unfortunately DO tend to do this to avoid repeats of past hate :/) because it really shouldn't matter. Blocking me outright or blocking my tags should suffice.
I will never understand this mentality of "Only I do things correctly, everyone else is wrong and bad and ruining everything and I have to shame people doing harmless things so everyone sees how right I am" and I feel like I've been seeing it more and more every day lately and it's frustrating. This is a big part of why I left twitter but it's getting popular here too now.
This is honestly a big part of why I don't post the majority of my fanart and fics anymore. I no longer post meta or silly edits, I no longer reach out to people to discuss ideas, I rarely share my thoughts on any characters publicly, etc.
I live a very stressful life and I engage in fandom to relax and have fun but that has been very difficult for me due to people who always feel the need to be hateful over innocuous things. I feel more and more like I need to walk on eggshells so I do not accidentally incite another ✨️incident✨️ because I dared to post a silly headcanon or edit. And that sort of hate and "umm, actually..." response STILL happens to me, even in recent days because god forbid I post an AU I enjoyed and wished to share with people who might also enjoy it!! It's so frustrating.
And this, of course, is NOT referring to people who try to force/shame others into their interpretations (regardless of if they are compliant or not). This is also NOT about bigoted material. Turning characters into harmful stereotypes (making a black woman who is not sassy sassy, for example), using them to spread hateful messages, and erasing their identities/whitewashed their designs. That is a separate issue. But someone making a character you like say something they wouldn't say in canon? Making them act a little silly? Ignoring parts of canon to make an idea they have work? It's not hurting anyone!!!
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twopoppies · 2 years
There’s a screenshot of an article from The Sun going around which basically says Harry is at risk of being blacklisted in Hollywood and some fans are going into a frenzy over it.
First of all, never believe anything The Sun says. That should be a given.
Second of all, he’s a rich, white, extremely famous young man. He’ll be okay. If he really wants to, he’ll get casted. This fandom seems to always forget the privilege Harry holds.
That’s not to say there aren’t consequences to the whole Don’t Worry Darling debacle.
Studios/movies that value commercial success above all else will hire him just because of the buzz his name brings. (Think: streaming services, etc)
Where he will have issues, at least for the next little while, is if he wants to be a part of another film like My Policeman. That is, an independent film that wants to be taken seriously and moreso trying to score with critics/awards.
The reason Harry can’t do promo for MP is not for the reason fans think, rather, it’s because the filmmakers want the film to be taken seriously rather than turned into a pop star movie. (What he said in the Rolling Stone article really did a number.)
Just adding on to all this: he also really hasn’t proven himself in terms of acting to show skeptical studios he’s worth the drama. He’s okay, in some cases bad. Or, if DWD had at least done somewhat better at the box office, the fact that he gets butts in seats in itself would have been a reason to hire him.
Anyway, he’s far from being blacklisted. What an exaggeration. What I’ll say is this: Everyone has seen the media circus that is now taken as a given in the industry when you hire Harry Styles. Some will want to take advantage of it, whereas others will steer clear of it. It’s fair to say he can only expect to get casted in certain types of films from now on, at least until he’s less exposed than he is right now.
Hi love. Yes, I agree with most of this. That article is complete hyperbole and fans really need to get a grip before just believing nonsense The Sun spreads. Most of all, I think Harry needs to be less exposed and get tf away from Olivia—she’s not just doing nothing for his image, she’s actively damaging it. I do think if he wants to keep acting, he’s going to really need to prove himself in smaller roles that he really knocks out of the park. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
As for MP, I don’t entirely agree with your summary of why he’s not doing promo, but I very much think the DWD/Holivia debacle has a lot to do with it. I truly believe if it hadn’t happened, critics would have treated his role in MP much differently, despite his inexperience.
Anyway, he will ultimately be fine. It does hurt to see your fave get constantly criticized and made fun of. But failure makes you improve and work harder. He’ll be okay. I’d just very, very much like to put these last two years behind us.
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