#and i refuse to delete all of these tags to go back and fix it
thompsborn · 1 year
harley, at heaven’s gates: so being gay doesn’t send me to hell, then?
god: of course not. you are all my children.
harley: okay...
harley: daddy
god, turning around: nevermind
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bookshelfdreams · 6 months
Hiii I hope this isn't too forward, but your tags re: Ed's evolving reactions to abuse and Izzy as abuse-survivor-wish-fulfillment are incredible and it would lovely as its own post, if you felt comfortable doing so!
Aww thank you! The post in question
Also, tbf, I'm just obsessed with the rule of 3, whenever there's the slightest chance of seeing a pattern like this I'll pound on it with a sledgehammer until it fits.
Anyway. Ed has 3 abusive white men in his life; his father, Hornigold, and Izzy. And all 3 he deals with, to escalating effect.
His father is the one who exerts the most power over him. Ed clearly comes from a violent household, and as a child, he is obviously completely at his fathers non-existent mercy. He beats Ed's mother, throws dishware against the wall, and there was a deleted scene where he yelled at Ed's mother for "turning my son soft" (oh how I wish they'd kept that in. I can understand why they thought this was expendable, but it would have made the connection between Ed's father and Izzy so much more obvious).
Ed cannot protect himself, or his mother, against this violence - up until the moment that he can. The moment he realizes he is no longer weak and helpless, he retaliates in the only way that he has ever seen conflicts be resolved. He knows that he can't intimidate his father into better behaviour, if he wants to end the abuse it has to be permanent. So he just fucking kills the bastard.
This is, of course, Not Ideal. Even 30odd years later, he feels monstrous and unlovable because of this moment. The violence scars him. Not because he was wrong in killing his father, necessarily; the show doesn't judge him for it. But Ed destroyed the life he could have had when he did it, and he wounded himself.
Violent solution? Possible, but he deserved better.
Next up, Hornigold, who is also a mean, abusive bastard. He represents the avoidance solution: Leave and never look back. We do not know what became of Hornigold after Ed left his ship, but 02x03 implies that Ed expects him to still be alive somewhere. Ed clearly suffered horrific abuse at his hands, both physical and emotional, and even though that is years in the past, he clearly never dealt with any of it. Gravybasket!Hornigold tells him "Sorry doesn't rebuild an abdominal wall. You gotta move on.": Don't expect an apology, don't try to make amends, just ignore what happened. Apologies are pointless, you can never expect your abuser to change his behaviour. So just try to get away from him and ignore him.
This also doesn't really work. In the gravy basket, Ed is clearly still desperate for Hornigold's approval - and is refused, as he probably was often when he sailed with him. "You're never good enough" is one of the core mantras of abusers. Hornigold is still living in Ed's head, and heart, and soul; the poison he fed him is still alive and well within him. Ed even tries a violent solution this time, but obviously that can't work.
Still, avoidance is better than violence. Hornigold is left behind, standing on that cliff, while Ed goes back into the light. Ed doesn't have to take him with him. He cannot make Hornigold regret what he did, but he can remove himself from his clutches.
And then there's Izzy. With Izzy, Ed obviously has the most ambivalent relationship. He seems to truly like Izzy, to some extend (why is that would be another post, but as briefly as possible: I think Izzy provides an interpersonal dynamic that is familiar, and therefore, a twisted kind of safe for Ed. Chronic mistreatment will embed in you the idea that there's something wrong with you, and that's something Izzy is all too willing to point out to Ed. Crucially though, Izzy is someone who's approval is actually attainable. Ed keeps around someone who will tear him down, yes, but who it is also possible to impress, and over who he has authority. He's going back to the previous relationships, only now he is in a position of power, and that may feel like he can fix them. Obviously this isn't exactly a healthy dynamic. Izzy, for his part, clearly gets a kick out of the power and status being Blackbeard's first mate gives him, and manipulating Ed into doing what he wants. Just watch how pissed he gets when his control over Ed starts to slip.).
And there's another, crucial difference: Izzy wants to come around. Izzy is the fantasy of the toxic person who realizes how shitty his behaviour is, and who deep down, cares enough to want to fix it. Who recognizes the pain he caused, and who tells Ed the things he most needs to hear: I hurt you, and I'm sorry. You didn't deserve this. I was wrong; you're fine.
And then - and this is also an important part of the wish fullfilment fantasy! - he dies. Ed doesn't have to deal with him anymore. We remove the possibility that he goes back on his apology, or tries to use that as a wedge to carve out a space for himself in Ed's life, or goes back to manipulating Ed. No. The apology has to be the final note this relationship ends on.
And this fixes it. Ed can look back on Izzy fondly.
He was a fucking nightmare. What a guy.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 8 months
Weekly Recap | January 22nd-28th 2024
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First experiment to try and fix my ao3 history page has been a fail. Will have to delete another userscript to see if it fixes the problem 🙄
On another note, I've made a post but in case you haven't seen it: if I've ever reblogged one of your WIP fics, consider this my permission to tag me in them (not so I'll participate of course, but to increase the chance I'll see them 😆)
let's fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Canon Divergent, Chef Buck | 7K | Teen): Eddie figures if he's going to go on bad dates, he might as well go to Buck and Bobby's restaurant so Buck can save him from them. Buck suffers and pines like the idiot he is, and feelings are blurted out over dinner and fancy wine.
the more we move ahead the more we're stuck in rewind by trysetmeonfire/ @try-set-me-on-fire (S4E5: Buck Begins | 4K | Teen): After the factory fire, Buck’s parents show up at the station. It goes poorly. Written for the bad things happen bingo prompt: backhand slap.
And When You Speak, Angels Sing From Above by callmenewbie/ @callmenewbie (Established Buddie, Proposal | 3K | General): Buck pops the question but before saying yes, Eddie needs to ask someone else first.
we didn't happen the way we were supposed to (where do we go now?) by Iover_of_mine (I_almost_do) / @lover-of-mine (Post-S6 | 4K | Teen): Buck and Eddie start fighting over things left unsaid or just misunderstood.
only the best will do by trysetmeonfire/ @try-set-me-on-fire (Madney Wedding | <1K | General): Buck gets a little intense about wedding planning. Chimney hides in the kitchen. Eddie is a man in love.
through bloodshot eyes the sky is falling (it kills me when i try to push you away) by screamingcolours/ @vampbuckley (Post-S6 | 6K | Teen): Buck and Eddie have a fight, get in a car accident, and confess their feelings. Not exactly in that order.
Partnership: Finding the Right Scent by faradheia/ @faradheia, RhystaRose (Sentinels&Guides AU | 7K | Explicit): Guide Evan Buckley and Sentinel Eddie Diaz navigate through their life as firefighters and a mostly bonded pair. If only Buck could solve his Sentinel's last sense issue there might be the sweet smell of success...
my heart is trying to crawl out of my chest to get to you by bucksclipboard (S6E12: Recovery | 2K | General): Buck is released from the hospital and while the rest of his family is understandably on edge about his recovery, Eddie throws himself back into work. He refuses to be a part of Maddie’s “operation buck up buttercup” and Hen grows suspicious. Listen, it’s not like Eddie isn’t worried, quite the opposite actually. He just found a better way to watch over Buck, without having to spill any of his secrets. Unless technology plays a trick on him, as it usually does, and his foolproof plan goes wrong. But Buck might just surprise him.
forever is in your eyes by appleoctopie/ @appleoctopie (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): or the one where eddie needed his son to help him realize he's dating his best friend (it's okay because buck didn't realize it either)
You don't have to be related to relate by Polish_Amber (David POV, Buck&Bobby | 10K | General): The one where David is determined to prove that he’s in it with Michael for the long-haul, and that includes accepting and caring about the children of the Grant-Nash household. All 3 of them. (And Athena and Michael laugh more than they have in months, Bobby is sheepish, and David learns a bit about chosen families).
this is (not) a puppy love by asteriasera/ @asteriasera (Post-S6, Getting Together | 7K | General): Five times their family realizes Buck and Eddie are in love and the one time Buck and Eddie realize they’re in love
In a drought I'll give you water by JamesPearce911/ @diazsdimples (PWP, Established Buddie | 8K | Explicit): Or: Eddie finds come on Buck's underwear and panics
🔥 the answer to it all (is in the back of my mind and on the tip of my tongue) by waferkya/ @oursisthewinter (Canon Divergent, Cop Eddie | 17K | Teen): AU in which Eddie is a cop who just moved to LA; Buck has zero self-esteem, a praise kink the size of the desert and no clue on how to pick a decent Dom; and eventually love conquers all.
it was your heart on the line (I really fucked it up this time, didn't I, my dear?) by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (Post-S6 | 4K | Teen): Buck gets called to the station to bail Eddie out of jail, but Eddie refuses to tell him what happened and why he punched Phillip Buckley.
Eddie Diaz Is NOT a Birthday Person by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Fluff | 4K | Teen): Eddie doesn't put much stock into celebrating his birthday, as an adult. But for the first time since moving to Los Angeles, it happens to fall right in the middle of a four-off. Buck schemes. Romance ensues rather accidentally.
sleep safe and warm by allisonRW96/ @homerforsure (Established Buddie | 2K | Teen): A few months into their relationship, Buck and Eddie finally share a bed.
🔥 A Minor Delay by rainbow_nerds/ @rainbow-nerdss (Post-S6/S7 Spec | 3/11 | 10K | Mature): Almost a year after the bridge collapse, a lot has changed. The team are scattered—Bobby and Athena on their Honeymoon, Hen on adoptive parent's leave, and Buck and Eddie... They may still work together, still have movie nights with Chris whenever they can, but things have changed. With Maddie and Chimney's wedding around the corner, Buck tries to make it perfect. And maybe, along the way, he might figure out why everything still feels... wrong.
🔥 Winter Prayer by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Road Trip, Buck&Bobby&May | 2/3 | 12K | General): When a work conflict prevents Athena from accompanying Bobby to Minnesota for the ten year anniversary of his family dying, Buck and May offer to go instead. Over the course of the trip, they all learn more about each other, and Bobby faces his grief.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon, S1 through S6 | 108/? | 303K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
Fractals from the Lightning Bolt by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (One Shots Collection | 41/54 | 78K | Not Rated): A collection of oneshots, some originally posted on tumblr. Each chapter is individually rated.
46. My Words Might Stumble but Not My Heart :  Just another cute "what if" getting together fic.
Kiss Me Once Cause You Know I Had A Long Night by I_still_dont_understand_13 / @sherlockcrossing (Prompt collection | 21/? | 14K | Teen): 100 kiss prompts.
Chapter 25. 3. Kisses that travel from your lover's nose to their lips
search history by forgottenwords (Getting Together | 9/10 | 11K | Explicit): Eddie opened the Safari app to find a specific recipe Buck was looking for, but something was already typed in the search box. Beefy blonde twink gets railed by— Buck's voice calls out from the kitchen “Did you find it yet?” and Eddie hastily closes the tab, opening another with a surprising speed from someone considered technologically illiterate. As close as they were, he’d never had a thought about the type of ‘adult entertainment’ Buck was partial to. Now, it was all he could think about.
🔥 Precious & Fragile Things by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Small Miracles AU, Angel Buck | 15/18 | 37K | Teen): Buck is the Fallen Angel of Petty Temptation, who has been tasked with tempting human Eddie Diaz to sin and enjoy life, but just a little. He thinks the job will be easy - get in, get out, go back to Peru to continue messing around with eternity. But when Buck arrives in Los Angeles, he finds Eddie is harder to tempt than expected, and more compelling than Buck had hoped.
🔥 and if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (Canon Divergent Season 6, Friends with Benefits | 6/18 | 27K | Explicit): or, an alternate look at season 6 where buck and eddie have been casually sleeping together since before the beginning of the season. somehow, this changes both everything and nothing at all.
🔥 I Opened My Eyes and There You Were by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Post-S3 | 4K | Explicit): In which Buck provides the dots and Eddie finally connects them.
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starlostseungmin · 2 years
一 oh yes darling, hjs.
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pairing — idol!han x gn!reader
genre — domestic fluff
warnings — mentions of sex but not implied, kissing, not proofread.
word count — 988
notes — this is just for an experiment, might delete later if it doesn't show on the tags. i'm so upset right now.
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“I’m so exhausted darling, are you sure, you don’t want to cuddle with me?” Jisung asked, loosening his tie while you flip a page on the book you were reading, feeling the comfortable mattress and the new sheets from the laundry. It was a good Friday night which means it was your boyfriend’s day off the next day. He’s been working overtime during the week and badly wanted to rest, with the help of your cuddles, of course一but he came a little late today when he promised he will cook dinner for the both of you. 
“No,” You said, flipping another page of the book leaving the poor man pouting his lips. He knows this game, this is one of those nights when you’re trying to play hard to get as a joke to make him act all cute and beg but your boyfriend knows you too damn well. 
“Are you upset?” He said, taking off his white polo after the blazer. You tried you remain calm and fix your attention on the book you were reading. Jisung loves your reaction every time you see his exposed skin or the way he takes his clothes off in front of you. Nevertheless, it makes you crazy and he knows it. The change of the atmosphere caught you off guard, you didn’t even get to say anything before he was completely topless. Even the book is not helping and the words seem to be scrambled and hard to read. 
“I’m not,” You said. 
“Then why won’t you cuddle me?” He pouted. 
“You were late,” You answered as he chuckled in return. 
“So you’re upset with me,” Jisung smiled but you just rolled your eyes in response. “Come on, how do I make it up to you?” He asked, sitting on the empty space beside you, trying to get your damn attention away from the book. Your boyfriend loves to tease, he can manage to make you give in when he starts to do something that will make you sore in the morning. But it’s not that easy, because sometimes, you weren’t just up for it. Your boyfriend is not the type to be patient, but when it comes to you, he would always understand. Yet you would also feel bad about it when he sighs and leaves in disappointment after you refused. No arguments were made because he won’t force you if you don’t want it. 
You sensed his face getting closer to yours, attempting for a kiss as his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His hot breath gave you the chills down to your spine making the book fall on the mattress. Jisung started rubbing the tip of his nose on your cheek which made you giggle in response while attempting to break free from the tight hug. You knew he wouldn't be able to finish his night routine if you let him be like this for a while. 
“Go wash up first, I’ll cuddle you alright?” You smiled, cupping his cheeks before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. 
“Fine, don’t forget the smooches,” He smirked, kissing the tip of your nose before dashing towards the bathroom. A smile formed on your face as you fixed your hair, and placed the book back on your side table. Your boyfriend has been working too hard that you are worried if he is getting enough rest. Being part of a famous boy group in the whole industry gives him a tight schedule where it’s rare to spend some time with his beloved. And the tour一the tour is right along the corner. 
A sigh escaped your lips as you waited for him. He deserves all the cuddles he could get from you anyway. The love he gives and the time management he has when it comes to you are very endearing. You knew there are a lot of reasons to love him, and being loved by him is already a huge thing to earn. 
You heard the bathroom door open and shut as his footsteps are getting closer to the bed. His hair is soaking wet and his body was enveloped in a white robe, you prepared for him. The dryer started doing its job as Jisung watched himself in front of the mirror while you wait. Watching him like that made you think you are the luckiest person on earth to have him. He’s perfect wherever you look at him, he denies them sometimes but his narcissistic side is not debatable. 
“I will melt if you keep staring at me like that,” He said as you scoffed in response. 
“I was just waiting,” You answered as he ruffled his disheveled hair, taking his way back to your shared bed. 
“There’s something I wanted to say,” He said, halting a foot away from the mattress. 
“Shoot,” You said. 
“Why don’t we spice things up for tonight and stay in all day tomorrow huh?” He said, with a smirk on his lips while wiggling his brows. You could feel the heat rising on your cheeks and Jisung could see how they turned pink because of the blood rush. It’s been a while since the last time you did it一thanks to his occupied schedule, he’s been missing a lot with you. 
“Honey, no,” You said. 
“Oh, yes darling,” He said when he attempted to hover over you but you were too quick to move, making him fall to his face on the pillows. “Oh come on,” He whined in response as he laid on his back, kicking his legs on the sheets like a little kid, making you laugh. 
“You’re so cute,” You said, kissing his cheek. “I was just kidding you know? Come here,” 
“I won’t go easy on you, darling,” Of course, Jisung is a sucker for you. He never hesitated to get on top of you again, before crashing his lips on yours and wrapping your arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. 
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taglist: @wolfchanchan @inseonqt @soobin-chois @hanjiesgf @koovvie @lix-ables @zoe8stay @gwynsapphire @cherryhanji @lixesque @seungly @sleepyleeji @kim-seung-mo @strangevante @h0neydewmoon @ppiri-bahng @myjisung @snow-pegasus @milkybonya @l3visbby @yejis-biggest-simp @tangylemonade @hwan-g — lmk if you want to be added or removed !!
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timbrrwolfe · 10 months
Ok so in my ongoing struggle of my laptop slowly losing its marbles, the worst offender is probably that it's constantly reading the right arrow as being pressed. And I only just now, after a few months of this, thought "Hey, what if I just disabled that key, specifically?" Because I'd considered disabling the whole keyboard but 1) it didn't work and 2) that could have its own problems given the fact that the power button is part of the keyboard. And because the other biggest problem is that the damn screen fell out and is only in place because the top is leaned slightly back at all times. Anyway.
It took me entirely too long but I realized that disabling just the right arrow key would probably be a much better solution than literally anything else. At least for addressing the symptom. Obviously the best overall would be to crack the laptop open and blow it out or otherwise fiddle with it and hope that fixes the root of the issue). But since I'm not gonna be doing that, essentially deleting the key on a software level was the answer. Which you'd /think/ would be something that's doable just. Baked into Windows. I mean, it's certainly a niche function, most people aren't going to be remapping or deleting keys. But still, you'd think it'd be possible to go into system settings and say "hey this key isn't working properly turn it off" But there's not. So you have to download a third party program. First one I tried just. Refused to open. Probably because it's been around since before Windows 2000 (though the site I got it from /says/ it works on Windows 10. Didn't for me). I shopped around, found a different one that seemed legit enough, and even had a page in Microsoft's Store so it's /probably/ less likely to completely ruin my computer. Hopefully.
Anyway excessively long story short I no longer have a right arrow key and hopefully this means I can actually interact with the internet in ways I wasn't being able to for a bit. Including making long rambly tumblr posts (since otherwise it just. Took the cursor to a place that wasn't typeable (definitely a word) and I could only really say anything via tags). Or watching a youtube video properly after opening it from discord or whatever.
Oh right I forgot that half the reason I made this post was that even with that key disabled it seems like my computer is registering....something? Being pressed? But literally nothing is happening. Nothing's being typed, my cursor's not moving around. Functions and locks aren't being toggled infinitely. The only reason I'm assuming it's happening is that my mouse cursor refuses to maintain its presence (because it disappears when I start typing) and stuff like "seeing a preview of a window when I hover over a program on the taskbar" isn't functioning properly. Which is. Annoying. But that's much more minor compared to all of the things that break or malfunction when you essentially hold the right arrow key down forever. So. It stays unless/until I magically figure out what the other "key" being "pressed" is. Or do something to try to address the root of the problem. Which. Eh.
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oathkeeperoxas · 2 years
Helloooooo I would love to hear about 3, 9, and 11 for any and all fics in the invidia-verse! <3<3<3
ofc! this miniverse is a particular fav of mine at the moment 💖 so much juicy potential tbh
3: What’s your favourite line of narration?
part 1: “I want to make a bad decision that doesn’t result in someone dying,” Cody says, the words bubbling up from some dark depths of him, some place where Cody shoves his fears and his despair. “I want a mistake that isn’t fatal.”
part 2: Cody knows how possessive Obi-Wan is of him – if he needs a reminder, there’s one in how Obi-Wan’s fingers curl under Cody’s chin, firm and unyielding. He doubts either of the guards who brought him in will see the end of the day, and he’s not liking the chances the rest of the court has either.  
part 3: “Come with me,” Cody whispers again. “We’ll make something for ourselves. I don’t know what it will be, but I’d like to figure it out with you. There’s a future waiting for us, if we want to find it.”
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Of invidia, yes. It was originally written for the battleship exchange. I just looked in my records and I think I've deleted the tag cloud that inspired it, but how battleship works is that you try to hit as many tags as possible - I can remember that I was going for mercyfic, enemies to lovers, and a few sex tags, but in the end I decided to park that fic for battleship, mostly because I was writing for myself and not for my recipient haha. I wrote the first 2.5k of it almost the instant I grabbed the tags I wanted to hit, but didn't finish the other half of the fic until the morning I posted it during codywan week. The final scenes were mostly going to be the same - I knew they'd chat, I'd lay the groundwork for a fix it, and then they'd have sex - but the contents of the talk changed as I let the characters work out what they needed in the moment, and the sex ended up being a lot briefer than my bold grab bag of tags would have been.
For part 2, it kinda came together because of the prompt "throne sex" on my kink bingo card, and I was like... well that has to be sithywan XD so that was straightforward in idea->execution
I actually started part 3 before I ever had the idea for invidia, probably around the beginning of this year. It was originally going to be set during the war, with the tryst being a time for the two of them to swap intel and for Cody to maybe be forced to see how far he's come and ask if this is appropriate, and if he wants to keep on going with what they have (yes) but I switched out the backstory to make it after the end of the war after I decided to lift and shift the smut I'd written into the invidia-verse, so to speak.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
part 1: the fact that I let Cody voice some parts of himself that I don't think he's ever spoken about before - the pressure that he feels to perform and the weight of accountability for his choices when lives are at stake. Getting to give him catharsis and release through this "bad decision" also felt good and interesting to me because I don't think it's something I've explored about his character so explicitly before. I think I touch on it in my codywan on tatooine series, but only very obliquely through Cody's refusal to go back to that environment because he knows dealing with that pressure again would kill him.
part 2: giving Cody a new kink lol
part 3: the implication that Cody is going to walk out of his space ship onto the shiny new clone planet with Obi-Wan on his arm, decked out with whatever gifts of the week Obi-Wan has given him, and everyone else is going to go uh... whatcha got there Cody, and Cody's going to say "a smoothie"
fanfic ask meme
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I posted 2,392 times in 2022
820 posts created (34%)
1,572 posts reblogged (66%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 833 of my posts in 2022
#ask - 217 posts
#esc 2022 - 134 posts
#eddie munson - 105 posts
#eurovision 2022 - 98 posts
#stranger things spoilers - 96 posts
#stranger things - 74 posts
#dabi - 37 posts
#eddie munson x reader - 34 posts
#joseph quinn - 24 posts
#sabs for ts - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#i once made a gifset and ppl didn't agree and i was this close to deleting my blog cuz ppl didn't leave me alone for weeks lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
Say you'll still be by my side
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 6k
Summary: Eddie made it out of the Upside Down, barely alive. He’s in a coma now but you refuse to let him go.
Warnings: Hurt & Comfort, Fluff, Trauma, Scars, Light Angst
Available on: AO3
A/N: Another Fix-It but this time with the reader taking care of him. The Duffers have to pry him off my cold hands if they want me to let him go because there’s no way this is happening any time soon. Hope this gives you as much comfort as it gave me while writing it. Eddie is alive and I accept nothing else.
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“I can’t believe we did it!” Robin said and hugged you while your eyes were fixed on the bloody ground in front the villa. Was that really it? That…easy?
You hugged her back, but your mind was already wandering towards the two people who were supposed to distract the bats. It must have worked because you didn’t see a single one.
“Let’s get back to the others quickly,” you suggested and she let go of you, your eyes finding Steve’s and he gave you a nod.
There was this feeling in your stomach and a painful tug on your heart. The four of you quickly made the way back to the trailer.
They would be fine. They promised they’re not heroes, promised they’d run as soon as it got bad. You would have stayed with them, but Eddie absolutely refused to let you join the ‘Bait Party’ how he had called it.
He had been the bait and yet, he had been so worried about you.
Letting go of his hand as you split up had been the hardest thing you had done in your entire life.
As the trailer park came closer, your steps became faster without even realizing it until you broke out into a full jog.
“Y/N, wait!” Steve yelled after you, but you didn’t hear him. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you felt sick in your stomach.
As you broke through the tree line, you could hear someone crying and your stomach dropped. You looked around frantically until you saw Dustin, holding someone in his arms.
You sprinted over to him. “Dustin! Eddie!”
He looked up at you as you basically fell to your knees next to him, his eyes red and puffy, tears straining his face.
No. No. No.
Eddie was in his arms, not moving, blood covering his face, the bats lying dead all around them. His body was covered in bites and scratches, his clothes were painted in red and it made you so, so sick.
“No,” you whispered in disbelief and Dustin wanted to say something but only violent wails came out of his mouth.
You took Eddie’s head and put it in your lap, moving the hair out of his face, wiping the blood of his cheek. It was only a very faint movement, but you felt his breath on your hand. He was unconscious and barely breathing.
“He’s alive,” you whispered, and Dustin looked at you with big eyes, his wails stopping. “We need to get him out of here.”
Dustin seemed to need a moment to actually realize what you said and then nodded, swallowing hard. “I’m sorry, I-”
“Don’t be sorry, he will be fine.” You were convinced of that. You needed to believe that, or you'd break apart right here, right now. There was also no way you’d let Dustin take any kind of blame. He was too young for that.
The other three came through the tree line and Steve immediately came running as soon as he saw Dustin’s face, taking him into his arms and then looking down at you and Eddie.
“Is he…?” he carefully started to ask but you shook your head.
“Can you carry him? We need to get him to a hospital,” you said and swallowed, tears in your eyes. The way he lay there, bruised and bloodied, it broke your heart into a thousand pieces.
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3,266 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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4,664 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
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5,994 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Strange Love
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 15k
Summary:  The popular girl mingling with the school’s freak should have been outrageous. Yet you chose him as a quick escape from reality because he seemed to be the only person able to give you what you needed. You had no idea that the escape he offered you would turn into something so much more complicated.
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected Sex, drugs, feels, lots of words
Available on: AO3
Sequel: Part 2
A/N: Okay this author’s note is a little longer but please take the time to read it! When I started this I just wanted to write a small smut fic but Eddie somehow started to have a life on his own and wanted to get feelings and character development in here. I know that 15k words is very intimidating, especially for people like me with a short attention span. Here on Tumblr, you have the whole fic in one go. The chapters are seperated with bold and italic lyric parts so you can just read one part and take a break if necessary. For more reading comfort I would recommend you to check the AO3 link above, I seperated this into actual chapters on there cuz it’s easier to do than here on Tumblr. Enjoy!
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Everybody wants to know If we fucked on the bathroom sink How your hands felt in my hair If we were high on amphetamines
“Fuck,” you moaned and the fist in his long hair got even tighter.
He didn’t seem to mind at all.
You had no idea how you ended up here. You were supposed to cheer on the basketball team with your friends, support the cheerleading squad because your best friend was currently a member there.
It was supposed to be a fun night.
And yet you were here in the men’s bathroom furthest away from the gym and the game.
With Eddie Munson.
Your hands in his hair while his length was buried deeply inside of you. The cold of the bathroom sink pressed into your heated skin and yet you couldn’t care less.
One of his hands was at your hip, holding you steady, the steel of his rings digging into your skin, his other hand was pressed against the mirror behind you, his mouth kissing and biting the sensitive skin in the crook of your neck.
It was actually a lie you told yourself, not knowing how you ended up here. You knew exactly how it happened.
All you did was follow the smell of weed and the wish of getting away from everything for a while.
You couldn’t stand being in the gym anymore, it was loud and there was this musty smell of a big sport event. Normally it wouldn’t be a problem but with everything going on in your life right now, you really didn’t need that.
The night air around you was fresh and you took a deep breath. As you walked further away from the gym, you noticed a different smell joining in. Weed.
Curiosity got the better of you because everyone was supposed to be at the game.
When you turned the corner you saw a figure standing there, the glint of a joint close to his mouth.
The figure noticed you and pushed himself off the wall, coming closer to you. For a moment you considered simply walking away but then you saw his face illuminated by the street light.
Eddie Munson.
School freak, drug dealer and consumer, the typical guy the parents warned their daughters about.
Exactly what you needed right now.
“Mind sharing some of that?” you asked him when he came to stand in front of you. Something in his features shifted and it seemed like he only recognized you now.
“Miss Y/L/N? What a surprise to find you here, so far away from your popular friends.” He didn’t seem too amused with you invading his alone moment here. There was this edge in his tone that he always had when talking to someone from the popular crowd. Not that it occurred often. He tried to stay away from them most of the time and they did the same.
See the full post
8,437 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The only heaven I’ll be sent to is when I’m alone with you
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: You and Eddie have some time to spare before D&D starts. It escalates quite quickly.
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected Sex, inappropriate use of a D&D table
Available on: AO3
A/N: I’ve fallen down the Eddie hole and I can’t get out. I’m a D&D player myself, so I had to use that poor playing table here.
♣ Eddie Munson Masterlist ♣
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It was dark when you entered the cold hallways that lead to the Hellfire Club.
Your club shirt was freshly washed and ready for a long night of Dungeons and Dragons. Or, how other people would say, time for satanic rituals.
A low chuckle left your throat when you thought about it and all those newspapers and magazines talking about it, causing panic for parents. Yours didn’t care, also didn’t know you were playing the game. Otherwise they might care but then again, they were probably too busy.
All they cared about was your family image and “Stay away from Eddie Munson, he’s bad news.”
Thankfully they didn’t know that you were into bad news.
His cologne already covered your senses when you entered the Hellfire Club. Later on it would smell more like sweat and tears in here, depending on what he would throw at the group during the session.
You smiled to yourself when you saw him standing at the table, preparing his Dungeon Master screen with little notes.
“You’re so early,” you said and he looked up at you, a small grin on his lips.
“You know I have to prepare, sweetheart. The Dungeon Master is always early.” Eddie pushed himself away from the desk and walked over you. “Better question is, why are you this early? It’s at least thirty minutes until the others arrive.”
He put his hands on your hips and raised an eyebrow at you. You didn’t even realize you were that early, you just really wanted to see him before the others joined for the night.
Your relationship had been secret for a few months now and so far, no one had seemed to notice. You were just two friends playing that dumb fantasy game with other freaks. At least that's what it looked like to the other students.
No one knew about stolen touches under the lunch table and late nights in his trailer. No one needed to know that. For some reason it felt better that it was just the two of you. Easier.
If your parents knew about your relationship with the ‘School Freak and Drug Dealer’ Eddie Munson, they would try to cut your contact with him. If the other students would know, you would be a freak couple which you didn’t mind but it was just extra hassle right before graduation. Only a couple of months and you were out of here, off to college, mostly free from your parents and you didn’t need to hide anymore.
“I guess I just really wanted to see you,” you said with a shrug and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before taking your jacket off, placing it on your chair where he had already prepared your character sheet.
He turned around and looked after you, a happy grin on his lips. You knew his life wasn’t easy and that you had changed quite a lot for him, yet you would never get used to that happy little grin that was always directed at you.
“Besides,” you started, a little mischievous grin forming on your lips, “I wanted to see what you were up to behind your screen.” You quickly turned on your heels and hurried behind his seat, trying to get a glimpse at his notes.
A huff left his mouth when he started to come after you with quick steps, grabbing your hips and turning you around to face him and not his DM screen.
“That’s not very nice. Wouldn’t want my girlfriend to gain any advantages for the upcoming combat.”
A shiver ran down your spine. You loved when he called you his girlfriend, something he could only do when you two were alone. Gods, you yearned for the day he could say it openly.
“Combat huh? That’s good to know, given we’ve left off far away from any combat situations.” You bit your lips when you heard him groan in frustration.
“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath and you laughed which seemed to mesmerize him. He always looked at you as you were his sun.
His look then turned into something intense and his eyes darkened slightly, his grip on your hips getting a little tighter. “We still got like twenty five minutes,” you mumbled before swallowing hard, the knot already building in your stomach.
See the full post
9,026 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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teaberrii · 2 years
The Birthday Photo
Accidents happen. In Heizou's case, he's glad it happened.
Inspired by Heizou's official birthday photo.
Tags: Slightly suggestive themes, funny, birthday fluff
Cross posted on Ao3
You're standing outside Heizou's apartment when you receive a strange photo. The man is yawning, or at least he looks like he's yawning with a light blush across his face. You want to assume his hand is on his lower stomach, but you can't tell as it gets cut off. While you don't want to make any weird assumptions, the angle plus his expression makes the entire photo questionable.
But the real question is why he sent it to you.
Suddenly, you hear a short scream behind the door. Then, “Unsend it! How do you unsend it?”
"What? What happened?" You're almost sure that's Aether.
“...How do you accidentally send a photo when I asked you to delete it?” You instantly recognize Venti’s voice.
“I don’t know! You were the one who took it in the first place!”
“Yeah, and you wanted to delete it yourself because you didn’t trust me with it. So… jokes on you.”
“Well, did she read it?” Oh, Xiao’s here too.
"...Yep, it turns out she did." Leave it to Kazuha to deliver the traumatic news.
You hear footsteps. “...I can explain to her. It’s—I’ll—”
“How are you going to explain something like that? You look like you’re—”
“Gah! Shut up!”
“Oh, stop being a drama queen. Here, I’ll fix it,” Venti says. You see the indication that someone is typing on your phone. “How’s this?”
You hear some laughter and some disgusted groans. “No… that’s… no,” Kazuha says. “‘Waiting for you’? Please, no. She won’t come within fifty feet of you.”
“It’s better than nothing,” Aether says. Is he forcing back a smile? “I mean… when are you going to make a move?”
You hear a loud thud. “Do you think I can make a move now?” Heizou asks, clearly annoyed. “After this, I’m clearly in the negative.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Xiao says. “...I mean… maybe she digs stuff like this.”
You choke back a laugh but quickly go quiet when you hear silence behind the door. Then, you gather your emotions and knock on Heizou's door. You hear footsteps, and then the door opens. As soon as Heizou sees you, he instantly turns red, as if he isn't enough already. You see wine bottles and two large pizza boxes on the table. Multiple gaming controllers are scattered on the floor, and you hear the nostalgic Final Fantasy soundtrack.
“Happy birthday,” you say cheerily. Then, you hold up a small present which Heizou can already guess is a book.
Heizou takes it and looks away, clearly embarrassed. "...Thank you." Then, he steps aside, and you walk in.
You exchange hellos and hugs with the rest of the 5WIRL gang, but no one mentions the photo. Not even you. The night goes on, and you enjoy wine, pizza, and a fun gaming session with the boys. You pass your controller to Xiao, who takes over as you head into the kitchen. Heizou is putting some food away in the fridge. As soon as he closes it, he almost jumps when he sees you behind the door.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you,” you say.
Heizou refuses to meet your eyes. “...It’s okay.”
"Hey," you say quietly, just before he can walk away. Heizou doesn't turn around. So, you walk beside him and take his hand, the action cleverly hidden behind the counter from any wandering eyes. He immediately looks down and then back at you. "...How long are you going to keep me waiting?" Heizou's face gets redder, if that's possible. He wants to look away, but you quickly tilt his head back to you and put your finger on your lips. "It'll be our little secret."
Your wink sends his emotions into overdrive as he grips your hand tighter. Maybe sending that photo wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
A/N: I couldn't resist. His official birthday got an unholy amount of attention, and I strangely got inspired.
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Okay, I’m not sure if what I was trying to say in my last post was said very well.
I completely understand the tagging situation from the First Wave with the DC fans. That’s discourse that is mostly solved and we can’t do anything about those who are forever gonna be bitter or lazy. I’m not talking about that stuff.
The stuff I want to prevent/limit is the hate that comes after our fandom deliberately. And yes, I know I can’t stop it. None of us can stop bitter, antagonistic people from being bitter and antagonistic. None of us can stop people who just want to be angry.
I’m not talking about stopping them, though.
I’m talking about what we can do to protect ourselves as creators and consumers in this fandom. As people who love and appreciate what the creations and people in this fandom have to offer. In simplistic form, I’m saying we need to learn how to shield ourselves from bullies. And there are methods we can use to make ourselves less of a target to the people who go after us, and methods to cut their attacks off short. None of these methods are fool-proof, but they will work to filter out a good majority of the shit we would otherwise be showered by, like a big umbrella against Assholery. Sure, the wind might still blow some in our face and we might splash in a puddle or two by accident, but at least we aren’t soaked.
So let me list the various things that can help you shield yourself from hate/harassment/antis who might just be out to get you.
1) leave the fandom.
The most effective, but least attractive method possible. This is limited to being a last ditch effort, if things have just gotten too hard to handle. I’m covering it first though, because we have to acknowledge that it is a viable method. If you feel trapped, hated, bullied, I’m sure all of us in this fandom would prefer you take a break and leave us for a while in the sake of your own health and safety then stay where you are miserable. This is less of a problem for us though, because mostly this option is gonna be for fandoms where the discourse and attacks are internal. Maribat is largely a peaceful and supportive/healthy environment once you’re inside our little bubble, the main discourse comes from outside in. So let’s focus on the main point of this post— how to keep our bubble from popping.
2) Make it apparent right away that you are Unapologetic.
Whenever you post content or are approached by someone about the topic of your fandom, don’t you DARE ever apologize for liking what you like or posting unproblematic content. You need to make it clear right off the bat that you are not gonna be swayed, bullied, or shamed out of your fandom. Stand with pride and make it clear, but don’t be verbose about it. A simple “Don’t like, don’t read” is classic but sometimes if you’re posting/talking during a more confrontational period of the fandom, you need to up your game to reflect that. The funny thing is, people can easily be intimidated by swearing if it isn’t directed at them or clearly antagonistic. If you’re swearing in a joking, casual or even in a manner that shows you’re not taking yourself too seriously, people will usually avoid picking fights with you. For this, my favorite lines to use on my work include;
“Don’t like, I don’t fucking care. I fell down the rabbit hole.”
“Don’t bother reading if you’re not into this, this shit bitch-slapped me and dragged me along on it’s adventure.”
“I’m addicted to this fandom, don’t bother trying to save me. If it bothers you, I don’t give a fuck. Save yourselves.”
3) Don’t approach or interact
Unless someone comes at you first, never try to persuade someone away from hating us. That just makes you a target in an empty field, for the vultures to surround and gang up on. If someone approaches you with provocative but not overly insulting or intelligent language— I.e; trying to start a fight, vague insults not always relating to the fandom itself, trying to insult your character/judgement— do not respond. Delete the message, block the account, and surround yourself with fluffy good stuff to forget the wanna-be harasser. These people are often not brave enough to outright start a fight, and want you to get defensive first so they know the weak points in your armor to exploit. Defensive statements declare your own insecurities, don’t get defensive. It gives them a way to win without having to defend themselves or feel vulnerable— it’s like exploiting type differences in Pokémon. You wait for an unfamiliar Pokémon to expose it’s type, then snipe it with the moves it’s weak to. Then, you have a near sure-fire win even with under leveled Pokémon on your team.
Don’t be a proud Infernape that gets sniped by a weak-ass level 5 Piplup. We’re strong, don’t show them the chinks in our armor.
4) Have a support network. Even if they don’t know they are your support network.
The fandom as a whole serves this purpose, and this is mostly gonna be a tactic you use when the discourse is inside the fandom, but there can be uses for this in discourse from outside the fandom as well. If someone tries to act like they like your story/art “but...” they passive aggressively state things they “would prefer” or they try to make it sound like you made stupid mistakes (a tactic to make you insecure about yourself) instead of kindly pointing out errors or offering constructive criticism (ex: “you know you put your trigger list somewhere where it’s useless right? Love your story though.)—THESE ARE ALL PROVOCATIONS. They are trying to make you insecure so that you change things about yourself, your work, or jump through hoops to try to “make it up” to them when you did nothing wrong and there are no problems to fix. Do not fall for it! Instead, politely as possible, bring the issue into a public space where you feel safe/trust the people in that space to keep the bullshit from escalating. For me, I straight up explain my reasoning for the placement of my trigger list as if I’m advertising a particularly boring but important product that I’m selling, then offer places for them to bring the issue into a discussion with others. I send them to a discoed group or right here to my tumblr, and I immediately make the issue into a big discussion (do YOU think there is anything to change? Let’s ALL talk about it) so that I am no longer isolated and easy for them to harass. They might refuse to join the discussion and further try to pressure you, but do not cave. Merely say that a public discussion has been started, and if they are actually, legitimately concerned about the way you do things then they can debate it in a public setting. This way, you have back up. 9/10 people who try to target you this way will back off and never enter the conversation you started.
5) Do not fight back.
This sounds counterintuitive, but a lot of the time once discourse gets this bad, arguing/defending/ trying to prove your point only fuels their rage more. I have found that people hate very little in this world more than they hate being wrong. And people who hate being wrong will fight to the bitter death about their opinions, no matter how invalid or hurtful they are, in the favor of their blissful ignorance. Remove yourself from harmful discussions or those that seem to be going in circles as soon as possible, and try to surround yourself in your support group. Never let people make you feel stupid, your opinions illegitimate, or your likes/dislikes invalid or evil.
6) Try to learn how to recognize bullies in disguise
It’s too much for me to try to cover here, but you need to PLEASE look into how to spot gaslighting. Tactics of gaslighting are often used to attack others and try to make them feel like their own opinions are invalid or their mindset untrustworthy. People will often approach you in the guise of friendship/support/ “I am not into this, but...” and while this is not always a red flag, we have to keep our eyes open for any signs of this person or their approach being rooted in anything other than legitimate curiosity or kindness. Not all suggestions that say they are out of concern actually ARE. Keep an eye out for warning signs, and cut off interaction once things seem like they may lead to an argument or you being in a vulnerable position if you continue interacting.
(Brief mention of s**cide and threats in the section below)
7) If all else fails, BLOCK THEM.
No hesitation, we don’t need this shit. They make a second account? Block that too. Don’t respond, only take screenshots or reblog if it is directly harmful information that can/should be documented (words that encourage suicide, threats, insults that seem a little too specific for comfort) and give the evidence to someone you trust to look out for you. A therapist, a family member, or even the authorities if you deem that necessary. Just don’t handle it alone.
We are not responsible for other people’s actions, opinions, or anger. Take the steps to protect yourself instead of trying to reconcile. Sometimes, reconciliation isn’t an option. Both parties have to be willing to reconcile, and it is clear they have nothing in mind but hurting us. So raise your shields and protect yourself and your friends, we’re not gonna lose a war to petty jerks.
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mlovesstories · 4 years
His Guitar
Summary: YN has always been close to Jensen, but not her mom, Kayla.  Noticing this, Jensen tries to fix it, but it only stirs up more of a divide between YN and her mom, leading to a big discovery. 
AN: Shout out to @cherryblossomflowers for letting me bounce ideas off of her and editing it! Love you! 
Warnings: Cheating, sabotage, blackmail, cussing
Words: 3000
Tag List
Ask Box
Masterlist of Masterlists
Jensen walked onto the set of Ten Inch Hero with YN in tow.  
“You remember the rules, right?”
“Yes, Daddy.  I’ll be good, I promise.” She smiled at him as she was trying to keep up. She practically took three steps for each step he took.  
“Hey, Dee,” Jensen smiled. He hugged the lady in front of him and introduced her to YN. “This is YN. YN, this is Danneel.”
“Hi, Miss Danneel,” she smiled.  
“Hi, YN. How old are you? You look pretty big.” Danneel tickled the girl’s belly.  
“Seven!” YN grinned.  
Danneel gasped, “Wow! Such a big girl!”
“That she is.  I told her to stop growing, but she doesn’t listen.” Jensen playfully messed with YN’s hair.  
“DADDY! Mommy did my hair all nice, and you messed it up!” She pushed her father’s hand away.  
“Jensen, you know not to mess up a girl’s hair!  Would you like me to fix it, YN?”
“Please?” YN looked to her dad.  
“That’s fine with me,” Jensen laughed. “But I didn’t mess up your hair.”
“Yes, you did! Come on, Danneel.” The girl took her hand over to a chair, and YN plopped herself down. "It’s all messed up on the top," YN pouted, "Can you redo my braid?”
“Absolutely.  Let’s do it.”
Within two minutes, the girls were back, and YN was happy with her appearance.  
“That was fast! Looks nice!” Jensen stroked her braid.  
“I like her.  She's good at hair."
“Well, thanks, YN.  I’ll take it. Where’s Kayla?” asked Danneel.
YN was shocked, “You know my mommy?”
“I’ve met her before. I like her a lot. After all, you’re pretty cool!” Danneel gave the girl a high five.  
That night, YN raved to her mom about her new friend.  
“That’s very nice, honey. Eat your dinner, please.”
“Daddy?” A few years later, YN asked, “can I spend the night at Dee’s?” She skipped to stand in front of her father. The two ladies had become very close since they met on set the first time.
“I’m fine with it. Ask your mom though.”
“SWEET! She already said yes.” YN started to leave the room.
“Stop.” Jensen watched as she froze in her spot. “Did she, or are you fibbing to get your way?”
YN turned to face her dad.
“Mom said it was okay, promise,” she shrugged.
“Fine. Your mom will have to take you though. I’m meeting up with Uncle Jared tonight.”
The next day, Kayla didn’t talk to YN. YN gave glances to her dad wondering why her mom was acting so funny.
“What was up with you today?” Jensen asked his wife as they climbed into bed.
“What do you mean?”
“You didn’t give YN the time of day. She asked to do things with you, but it seemed like you ignored her.”
“Don’t tell me I ignore my own daughter-“
“No, no, I’m just asking if you’re okay or if something happened today, that’s all,” Jensen wrapped his arm over his wife.
“It’s nothing, and it’s nothing I want to talk about tonight. Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow when the kiddo isn’t around.”  
“Sure, babe,” her husband agreed. “Anything you need.”
The next morning, Jensen and Kayla discussed what was bothering her before YN woke up.  
“I don’t like that she goes to Danneel for things.  She should be coming to us.” Kayla huffed.  
“Oh,” Jensen tightened his lips.  “I didn’t know that bothered you.”
“It does bother me, that’s why I’m telling you, shithead!” Kayla outraged.  
“Whoa, hey,” Jensen crossed the room and sat next to her. “YN doesn’t have any siblings, I just thought of their relationship as like sisters or something.”
“YN went to Danneel before she came to me about almost everything. And with her getting older-"
“Honey, you’re gone a lot and-”
“Will you listen to me?” Jensen shot off the couch.  “You are gone a lot because of work, and maybe she feels ignored.  I don’t know, but maybe.  Danneel is probably just more available.”
“How dare you.” Kayla growled.  She stood and stomped out of the house.  
YN walked into the living room.  
“What happened?”
“I made her upset.” Jensen blamed himself, hiding his frustration.  
“She was probably being a bitch.” YN said offhandedly.
Jensen's eyes went wide, “EXCUSE ME?” He walked in front of her. “You do not EVER call her that.”
YN sucked in a breath.  
“I’m sorry, Daddy.” She whispered.  
He retracted and guided her to sit down.  
“Do you not like your mom?”
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t really hang out with her.”
“It’s fine. Leave it alone.” YN practically ran out of the room.
Jensen knew there was a lack of relationship.  He didn’t really know why.
Jensen watched over the next few years how they interacted and didn’t seek out time together. He noticed they didn’t mind each other, but they didn’t joke or be silly.  Jensen tried to fix it as much as he could, but both were stubborn and very much the same.  He would not state that to either one of them though.  
YN hung up the phone with Jensen. With him being on Supernatural, they were apart a lot of the time.
She walked into the kitchen to get a water bottle from the refrigerator when she heard her mom talking.
YN came to a halt when  fed the corner and saw her mom kissing a man who was not Jensen.
She retreated so that her mom and the man couldn’t see her. In shock, YN stood still and took in the scene.
Coming back to reality, YN pulled out her phone and took a picture. Not realizing that her sound was on, the sound of the camera went off. Her eyes went wide.
The couple separated.
“YN!” Kayla looked alarmed, seeing her daughter and the phone in her hands. “Get over here!”
YN’s eyes went wide and she shuffled her feet to stand in front of her mom.
“Give me your phone.” Kayla snatched the phone out of YN’s hands. “This picture will never be seen by your dad’s eyes. Nice try though.” After deleting the picture, Kayla shoved the phone back into her daughter’s chest.
Shocked by the events in front of her, YN left the room to escape the situation.
Kayla stormed after her. Before YN was able to shut her door, the mom entered her room.
“You are not going to tell Jensen about this, you hear me? And if you do, I’ll tell him you broke his favorite guitar that grandpa gave him.” Kayla crosses her arms, eyes narrowing. “Do we have an understanding?”
Kayla got in YN’s face. The daughter gasped. She swallowed slowly.
“Yes,” YN looked away.
Kayla walked out of her room and slammed the door.
YN crawled onto her bed, wrapped her arms around her moose stuffed animal and cried as quietly as she could.
YN stayed away from her mom as much as possible until her dad came home for the weekend.
She hated that at the drop of a hat, she could be in big trouble with her dad. She loved him, and they were so close.
He was the perfect dad. He always took her calls no matter what he was doing.
She didn’t ever want to disappoint him, she loved him too much. She would stay silent as long as she had to. That was just the way it had to be.
“Homework,” Jensen pointed to the piece of paper in front of YN’s face.  His daughter refused to complete her math assignment.
She huffed, “Now?”
He smiled. “You can do it, booger.”
Just then, Kayla walked through the door.
YN immediately got to work.
"Hi, honey,” Jensen smiled, relief and pleasure covering his face.  
“Hi, babe,” Kayla smiled. "Hello, YN,” she looked past her husband.  
“Hi,” YN didn’t look away from her homework.  
“I gotta clean up, and then we can’t have some dinner, okay?” Kayla smiled.  
“Sounds good, I”m going to take the trash out.” Jensen hugged her as she passed him.  
“What’s going on with you, kid?” He walked over to his daughter as Kayla left the room.
“Nothing. I need to finish this.” She shrugged him off of her shoulder.  
“Alrighty then,” Jensen sighed. “Glad you’re able to focus.  Be right back.”
When Jensen came back, Kayla was starting dinner.
“What are you making for dinner?” Jensen wrapped his arms around Kayla.  
“Awesome, sounds delicious.  YN, you want a taco?” Jensen turned to face YN.
“Yes, please,” she tiredly looked up at him.  
Jensen narrowed his eyes at her.  
“Move your homework to the couch so we can eat, please,” he smiled at his daughter.  
“Yes, Daddy,” she ducked her head and moved quickly.  
The last few days, he’d noticed her withdrawing.
Jensen knew she was a teenager now, but even for her, she was acting funny.  YN did everything he asked and didn’t look at her mom.  She did everything without comment other than a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.  
“What is going on with her?” Jensen pulled his wife into bed with him that night.
“What do you mean?” Kayla looked over to him.
“She is keeping to herself.  Did something happen at school?”
“I don’t think so,” Kayla responded. “Maybe it’s that time of the month for her or something,” his wife shrugged.  
“No, that was two weeks ago.” Jensen shook his head.
“You keep track of her period?” Kayla raised a brow.
“Saw some blood in the trash can.  Not hard to figure out. Let’s get to bed, sweetheart.” Jensen kissed his wife and turned off the light.  
The next morning, Jensen saw the same behavior from his daughter as the night before.  He saw her quickly finish her breakfast with no conversation.  
“Honey,” he caught her attention.  “I want to talk to you when you get home, okay?  You’re not in trouble or anything, I just want to ask you something.”
“Okay, Dad.”
She stood and grabbed her backpack.  
“Can you take me to school now?”
Jensen looked to her confused, “Sure, but you’ll be early-”
“Gotta talk to my math teacher anyway. Let’s go.”
“Honey, what I wanted to talk to you about was that you seem so quiet. When I call you or I ask you a question, you answer with yes or no, and that’s it. Where’s my baby girl gone?” He stroked her braid as he faced her sitting on the ottoman, her on the couch.
“I’m fine, Dad.” YN stiffened.
“Uh huh.” Jensen smiled. “You lie about as well as I do. You’ve been so quiet, and it’s scaring me. Did something happen? You can tell me.”
“No, Daddy. Nothing, I promise.” She eyed his prized guitar hanging on the wall with the note framed next to it.
Work hard, have fun, and don’t forget where you came from.
“What are you looking at?” Jensen turned, looking the same direction as his daughter. “Gramps’ guitar?”
“No, daydreaming. Sorry.” YN said,  “I’m fine.”
“The guitar?” Jensen walked over to it and took it off the wall.  Kayla walked back in.  YN’s eyes went wide.  
“You told him, didn’t you?” Kayla walked over to her daughter and raised her voice.  “You told him.  I told you what would happen if you did!”
“Dad, hang on to it!” YN screamed to her dad.  Kayla tried to take the guitar out of Jensen’s hands.  “She told me she would break it!”
“What?” Jensen moved it out of the way and tossed it lightly to the side.  He took his wife by the shoulders as she struggled to go after it. “What is going on?” Jensen looked over to his daughter who was in tears, standing there.
His wife continued to fight aimlessly and then stopped.  
Seeing the defeated look on her face, Jensen turned toward his daughter.
“She’s cheating on you.” YN gasped for air.  “She said she would break Grandpa’s guitar if I told you, but I didn't tell him, Mom.  We were just talking about the guitar, that’s all, Mom.” YN rambled all of her words out.  “I saw her kissing a guy in the kitchen, and I had to not tell you or she would destroy the guitar!”
Jensen let go of his wife. YN saw his face change from confusion to anger.
“Get. Out.” He seethed.  Jensen stared at her until his wife moved.
“Fine.  If I can’t break your heart with the guitar, I’ll let you in on a little secret, husband of mine. YN’s not yours."
A silence washed over the room.
Kayla continued, "I’ve cheated the whole time we’ve been married and you were too clueless to notice. “
Jensen and YN looked at each other.
“I never wanted kids.  But you got your wish.  Here ya go, there’s a kid for you, Jensen.” She emphasized the last word.
YN ran out of the room.
“GET THE HELL OUT.” Jensen ordered his wife. “Your things will be on the porch tonight. Goodbye.” He took her purse from a side table and threw it so that she could catch it.  “Leave.”
Jensen passed her and went up the stairs to catch up to his daughter. Hearing her wails and sobs, he opened her door.
Showing tears of his own, he engulfed her.  Not knowing if it was her mom or her dad, she fought back, flailing.  “It’s me. Calm down, it’s me.” Jensen calmed her. "I got you, baby. Daddy's got you.”
They both cried for a long time.
After a while, YN asked, “Do you still love me?” and looked up at him.
“What?” Jensen backed away to see her face.  “I love you always. Don’t you worry.” He stroked her back.
Hours later,  Jensen made sure YN was asleep in her room before he called his friend.  
“Jared, I-I need you to come over.”
Jared heard the uneasiness in his voice.  Without question, Jared agreed and came as soon as he could.
The two men stayed up all night talking, Jared supporting Jensen with whatever he needed.  
“You need to go to bed.  I’ll take care of her.  She and I will be fine.  Go rest.” Jared nodded toward the hallway.
“I can’t sleep in that bed, Jared.”
“So sleep in the guest room.  You need to sleep.  I’ll drag you there if I have to.” He nudged his friend.
“Okay, okay.”
“I’ll crash on the couch.  I’m sure as hell not as tired as you.  Go.”
“Fine, see you in a bit.”
A few minutes later, YN saw Jared from the steps.  
“Uncle Jared!” YN gasped.  She ran down the stairs and into his arms.  Jared turned the TV off.
“I know, I know.” He whispered.  “Your dad told me,” he tried to calm her.  
She was about to start crying again when he looked at her in the eyes.  
“No.  You can do this.  No crying.”
YN whined into his shirt.  
“I know, I know,” he affirmed her. “You’re still ours no matter what.”
Still being exhausted from the previous day’s events, YN fell asleep against her uncle’s chest.  
“Hey, YN.” Jared woke her up.  “Look who came over.”  YN turned toward the door to see Danneel taking off her shoes.  
“Dee!” YN smiled.  Having her friend there was a relief.
“Hi, sweetie. Jared called me, he thought having a few friends around might help a little bit.”
“Yeah,” she sighed.  With Jared on one side and Danneel on the other side, the three leaned into each other.
The two adults let YN snuggle with them until she was calm again.  
“Do you want to talk about it?” Danneel said after some time.
“Mom hated me.  I didn’t know she didn’t want to have kids.  I feel so bad.  And Dad isn’t my dad? What am I supposed to do with that?” YN looked to the woman.  
“You live your life. He is still your dad. He doesn’t love you any less.”
“I hate my mom.” YN sighed.  “She hurt my dad.”
“She hurt you too,” Jared joined in.  “Don’t worry about him, we’ll take care of your dad.” He smiled down at her.  
“It’s already the afternoon.  Let’s get something to eat" said Danneel, standing up, "YN, go wake up your dad, he needs to eat too.”
"Okay,” YN agreed.
“Come on, Jared.  Let’s go.” Danneel took the man’s arm and led him to the kitchen.
Looking back, Jensen could recognize the warning signs of what had happened between his wife and the rest of them.  YN had seen it too, but she couldn’t express it like Jensen could.  
Having spent so much time together and consoling YN, Danneel and Jensen became closer.  
Kayla deserted her daughter and husband with the occasional mean phone call to her husband when she felt extra angry.  
After their divorce was final, Danneel and Jensen sat down with YN to discuss their new relationship.
“We have something to tell you,” Jensen started.
“Are you guys dating?”
The two adults froze.
“Finally. I won the bet,” YN clapped with glee.
“What?” Danneel asked confused.  
“Jared and I had a bet about when you guys would get together.” YN beamed. “He owes me dinner now.”
“So you’re okay with it?” Jensen grinned.  
“Of course!” She ran into his arms.
“I know your birthday was a few weeks ago, and I hope you won’t be upset with me…” Jensen slowed.
“Umm. Okay?”
“It seems like your mom hasn’t been very nice lately, and I thought she may be pulling our legs about something," said a nervous Jensen.
YN gave him a questionable look.
He sighed and continued, "So, I got a paternity test, and it turns out that I am your biological dad.” He beamed.  
“Wait, what? But Mom said-”
“Your mom was upset, sweetie.  She used something against me to make me not like you, but it didn’t work. You’re mine, okay? You always were, are, and will be.”
YN grinned. “REALLY?”
Forever Friends (Everything):
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  @ellie-andthemachine @supernatural-crazed-girl
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@a-magey @vicmc624 @hookedinto-fictionalworlds   @beatifuldisaster018
@miraclesoflove @myopiamystical @fallen-wolf22
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meteor-sword · 4 years
🍉 jet recovery fic outline? 👀
anon let me tell you i accidentally deleted like 500 words of this on my first try. i’m sorry this took two weeks :(
also i am using a crowdsourced OC, so shoutout to @shortkingzuko @katarahairloopies @kdmcolorfulmagic @gingersnapped  and lmk if i missed anyone!!! edit to add @ordinaryfruitpunch 🥺
ok so: longshot and smellerbee get jet out of the catacombs. i imagine he has so much wrong: broken bones, internal damage, a concussion. he’s bed ridden for weeks at minimum, and frankly a lot of it doesn’t heal right/completely. 
while ba sing se must have been difficult before (having to work for wages or steal from civilians rather than hunt/scavenge from soldiers), now they have to feed themselves AND jet. i imagine they sheltered in place during sozin’s comet, not able to transport jet anywhere else when there were beefed up FN soldiers everywhere. it must have been terrifying 
after the war ends and the EK monarchy is restored, maybe they’re able to get proper jobs in the lower ring. longshot works in a restaurant kitchen, and maybe he’s able to get smellerbee a job there too. jet works a goods stand or something. he’s a good talker, he could probably haggle prices UP! 
longshot is a great cook, and he and smellerbee decide to move to Republic City. jet refuses (and besides, do they have the money to buy three tickets?) although he acts tough about it, they’re all sad when they part ways 
let me just say, i think longshot would be a wiz at creating complex flavor profiles. his restaurant is a hit, and before long they are able to send for jet to be brought over (if he wants) (he wants to, because without his friends it’s very lonely) 
first they arrange for him to be able to stay in/near katara’s new hospital. they approach katara, who is eager to help! she is relieved to learn that jet survived, and listens to them describe his state since the catacombs. with regular healing sessions, his badly mended bones and other internal damage. what is trickier to heal is the effects of his concussion
@shortkingzuko proposed that jet’s mother had been a potter, so maybe as he gains more fine motor skills back, he signs up for a pottery class. i imagine people who can teach skills like that may go to teach for short periods in republic city
so once a week, longshot or smellerbee meet him to walk him to the pottery class and walk him back several hours later 
the instructors switch at some point, from a mildly kind middle aged woman from somewhere north of BSS to a young man around jet’s age from kyoshi island (jet knows bc the distinctive blue robes + headband). their name is yū. 
he’s very nice and is a very good teacher. the kind who makes every student feel like they’re getting special attention, learns everyone’s names and remembers everyone’s projects. he notices jet’s poor form and asks what makes it difficult for jet to do it correctly (i’m not gonna pretend to know what i’m talking about. something injury related). 
yū thinks about it and comes back around to jet’s wheel 20 minutes later and shows him an adjusted method to fix his form. he fixes jet’s hand placement.  extra credit if this reminds jet vaguely of him helping his freedom fighters with something, perhaps showing the duke how to hold his weapon or something else. the point is, jet is a little flustered here. 
yū checks in with jet whenever the class learns something new to make sure it’s doable for jet, and thinks of adjustments when needed. jet, usually so eloquent, is a bit of a mess. he’d never seriously had time to consider these kinds of feelings (i’d say he liked both katara and zuko, but he always had other things on his mind). he doesn’t really know what to do here but he’s pretty sure he likes yū
so there’s this he/they
one day after class, longshot is supposed to meet him but longshot is held up at the restaurant. so yu sits with jet and they talk. without the rest of the class there, jet is more emboldened. longshot can tell something’s up with jet as they walk back to jet’s place, but jet is purposefully misreading his expressions. (so he’s able to put off talking about it until smellerbee meets them and immediately reads longshot’s face and demands jet explain)
(so imagine smellerbee walking jet to class the next week and then... sitting in. to see who this guy is. jet sweating the whole time) 
ok and then yu coming over and greeting smellerbee after the class is over, jet beat red as he makes easy small talk with one of his best friends and smellerbee giving him the Most Shit Eating Little Sister Look. 
yu invites them to an earth kingdom cultural event in the city. then invites jet to his favorite coastal EK restaurant. and a tea shop. and a show. and.... you see where i’m going. 
jet is... slow to build a new relationship, afraid that he’ll mess it up or that yu will get to know him and not like him, and unsure of how to just have a relationship unrelated to survival needs and not being in a caretaking role. so imagine how flustered he gets when they hold hands. 
a year or so passes and jet is doing well now, and he’s been seeing yu for a handful of months, and then yu’s time teaching in the city is coming to an end so...
jet goes with him home to kyoshi island. at first he’s just visiting and meeting yu’s family, but then.... he doesn’t return to republic city. 
he helps in yu’s family’s ceramics shop, longshot and smellerbee come to buy dishes for  their restaurant annually. perhaps others from the freedom fighters come to visit periodically. 
inevitably, the gaang visits suki on kyoshi island and runs across him years down the road, and he’s happy and loved and he’s got the family he never thought he could have. the end 
straight up i want to write a jet/yū fic so bad
i may give more description of yū if people are interested! or if their other parents (tagged above...) would like to contribute! this is the extended universe
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You Know
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Reader (****), Bucky
Summary: What Steve walked into was a catacomb of missed chances, squandered love, utter betrayal, and regret plastered on the walls. Poster sized prints weren't taped to the walls, oh no, **** glued reprints of him fucking another woman on whatever space she could manage.
Tags: Angst, Cheating, Broken Engagement, Drunk Texting/Video, attempt at Humor
AO3: Mirkys_Concubine
You didn't need or want a boyfriend... Or girlfriend for that matter.
One minute you were fine and dandy wiping down a table and the next your tray whizzed through the air and smacked a perv in the head.
And again.
And again.
And again.
If someone gropes your ass the logical reaction would be murder. At least that's what your mama had taught you.
Kill them like the roach they were.
Maybe that's when he saw you more than a random part time human he interacted with? He had swooped in, plucked the tray out of your hand, and broke it in half over the guys head.
Of course you politely said thank you before landing a solid kick into the perv. Not the face. If there weren't cameras you'd have stomped on his head.
The way your mama had taught you.
That was then.
Before routine.
When he had to stalk you for a date in his goofy bashful self. When his best friend would get a kick of the 'old Steve' that was a mess around girls. When he had... no... there was no sense in getting nalstagic.
While you didn't want a boyfriend you never expected to get married. Steve's friends had been more excited than you, magazines and samples had taken over the small breakfast nook in the corner of the kitchen. You lit them on fire on the roof in one of the communal pits and lounged with takeout and wine. It's where you sat and made the decision to leave.
You couldn't stay.
God what would your mother say if she had been alive? She'd be disappointed in you.
The ring was rose gold, shaped like an octagon, and while pretty you had been afraid you'd lose it. Tempting as it was to flush it down the toilet you left it in the freezer atop a bag of sweet corn.
You packed your clothes - the ones you had purchased - into one luggage, another luggage was your shoes and intimates, and your carry on bag was large enough for your toiletries and kindle.
The car you purchased - with cash and registered under an alias - had enough space in the trunk for the luggage. The lovely security guard had helped you - bless him - and then you drove off. You refused to look back and you refused to shed another tear.
Well planned and as thought out as one could get considering their ex was an avenger with questionable access to the interwebs. You waited until the Avengers were on a mission.
A friend of a friend helped with your makeup and prosthetics to make you look like an elderly man, and you had enough cash on you to fund a bank. No paper trails, no cell phones beyond a simple Nokia that had no internet access, and once you made it outside state lines and to a safe house you'll disappear.
No more chances at romance.
All men were the same.
Even all american test tube super hero's weren't immune to cheating and lying.
It used to be warm, smelled of dessert, savory meals, music played in the background, **** off tune voice singing along, there was a garden scattered throughout the condo, fruit always filled a basket, and more importantly **** was there to make him feel human.
Less lonely.
That was home. One he worked hard to obtain.
What Steve walked into was a catacomb of missed chances, squandered love, utter betrayal, and regret plastered on the walls. Poster sized prints weren't taped to the walls, oh no, **** glued reprints of him fucking another woman on whatever space she could manage.
The glossy original prints hung from the ceiling right over their bed like a weird still mobile. With that thought Steve remembered the birth control pills and hoped she would never catch on as to how insane he really was over her.
The doorbell rang.
Had it been anyone else, Steve wouldn't have opened the door but instinct fueled his hand and trust didn't make him flinch as a fist hit him in the face and he was down. Dropped on his ass in his own home with an incensed soldier grabbing him by his shirt and tossing him like a rag doll before shutting the door and locking it.
The island held an empty fruit basket and a ring. A frozen mockery of a promise he remembered in great detail from months ago. Bucky had found it as he had been gracious enough to offer a bag of frozen peas only to find a bag of sweet corn and a ring.
Steve wanted to cry.
He wanted to get angry.
He wanted to call Tony for a favor but he could do nothing but sit on a stool his fiancee, future wife, future mother to his children, now 'ex', had picked out.
Only Bucky would probably kill him if he so much as sniffled.
The bag of sweet corn smacked him across the face none too gently and Steve winced. The other stool creaked as the crack and hiss of a Fanta soda being opened. Yet another check against him, **** made a point to stock the fridge with his and Bucky's favorites.
"Hope she was worth it."
"Blond, green eyes, fake tits, didn't know desperate was your type."
Steve shut both eyes and slouched, "It was a mistake."
Bucky's brows lifted, soda can midway to his lips. "Fucking her for two months is now a mistake?"
"Look... I tried to stop it. Every time we met it just... Happened." It was stupid and in a way so true. He had tried stopping but some how they always end up fucking and every time he promised himself it was the last.
"Bullshit!" The can bent as it was slammed onto the counter. "You don't commit to marriage and then run off to fuck some floozie from legal!"
"I'm sorry!" Steve snapped, "I know I fucked up! It's on all the fucking walls!" Which was true. Even the fridge door had a blown picture of his face between slender legs and the freezer door a blown up shot of his cock being sucked. "I need to find her, apologise, and fix this." Bucky snorted, "I can fix this."
"**** has more respect for herself than you do of her."
"I love her." He did. Steve loved **** more than he'd love Peggy.
"You don't love a woman like **** and then fuck a bitch behind her back."
"It was a mistake." Steve grit out, irritated.
"Two months isn't a mistake. That's a fucking affair. Litteraly. You fucked like rabbits."
Steve stared, a frown tugging at his lips. "How do you know?"
Bucky stood and went for another soda only to stare at the woman splayed out for the world to see, "She is hot. Better looking than ****. It would've hurt more if you'd downgraded."
"**** is perfect!" Steve spat, throwing the bag of mushy corn where it burst as it hit a well.
"Look at her though." Bucky tapped on the breasts, "Nipples are spaced perfectly, more than a handfull, kudos to her surgeon."
"Kudos? When do you say kudos?"
"Must be on a low carb keto diet or those green smoothies, and even her belly button is worth cumming over."
Steve stared. Horrified. What was going on?
"And look at her skill!" A metal knuckle tapped at where the womana nose pressed against Steve's pubes. "Porn quality. The type of girl you want to teach you some shit."
"You know where she is." It wasn't a question. Bucky didn't talk like that. The man was a storm of swears, stares, and threats. Not... this. "Where is she?"
"Wish I knew so I could tell you to fuck off."
"She couldn't have gone far if she met with you, I might have time..."
"I haven't spoken to **** and i don't expect to hear from her again actually." Bucky ignored his friend's glare as he rummaged through the fridge for another soda and snagged a bag of cookies because only **** would hoard cookies in a refrigerator. "She left her phone in my apartment and instructions to watch her video."
Bucky pulled out **** phone tucked on the inside of his jacket and tossed it to the other man. He returned to his seat, opened his soda, and munched on his cookies.
The phone wasn't password activated and a quick search proved most of the personal stuff like pictures and apps were deleted except for a single video.
Hey Tiny.
**** personal nickname for Bucky who had lost a bet but secretly was amused by it. The phone shook as **** had nearly dropped it with a swear. She looked as if she had been crying and she was chugging from a bottle of plum wine. Her favorite wine.
Just wanted to say i will miss you and i love you. Like, really, really love you. I'd give you my kidney sorta love.
She giggled and sipped at her bottle, eye's roaming the room. Tears slipped from her eyes and Steve felt his own burn. **** was a mess. She used a sleeve to wipe at her nose and her smile was shaky.
I redecorated, Steve will love it.
The camera flipped and **** showed off the wallpaper of porn. The condo looked trashed and luggage was open on the living room floor half packed and takeout piled on the coffee table.
I figure since he loved to fuck random pussy he'd like this theme. I call it *Whore of Narcissism*
The camera swivels and zooms into a familiar picture of the woman laid out and the hand holding the bottle points at the woman.
Not her. She not a whore Tiny. Ok!
The camera swivels to another portrait of Steve's face.
He's a cunt faced whore.
The camera switches and **** is giggling again.
Shhh. Look what I did. Put it it on the fridge door, that's where I keep the fish sticks.
Bucky snorts and Steve barely refrains from giving the man the finger.
See. Cunt whore faced.
**** giggles
Don't tell him but he can't eat pussy. He can't, he misses the clit. Like how do you miss this?
The phone tilts and Steve swears as she's wearing practically nothing. It wasn't her sexy underwear but the shear laced thong left little to be hidden.
It's right there, see it pokes out a bit too.
**** bumps her pussy with the bottom of edge of the wine bottle.
How can he miss it?
"It gets better." Bucky happily munches on a cookie.
"Fuck you."
Look. Just look.
There's a thunk as the bottle was set down and **** shoves aside her underwear and it was a crooked close up of her manicured pussy.
How is this not buffet worthy? My pussy tastes like sin yet he treats it like a McD's drive through. My pussy is not a Big Mac! It's MSG!
The phone jerks up back to her face and she's angry.
Chinese buffet MSG quality. My pussy is it's own zodiac sign ok!
Bucky's shoulders are shaking and Steve is mortified.
Maybe he likes her sauce though?
The camera points to his head between the girls legs.
He never spends forever with me but with her... I got so many pictures of her and he is just there. I have a buffet he can eat from and he chooses this...
Her hand smacks on a breast.
She's hot Bucky. Look at her. She's fucking perfect and her tits are fucking perfect. You see them? Nipples spaced perfectly, bigger than his hands, kuddos to whoever worked on her, she's a fucking art piece, I wanna know her surgeon, I want tits like hers.
The camera shifts and **** holds the camera up at an angle downward as she unhooks her bra with one hand and slips one arm out while it dangles from the other and she's touching herself.
See one's smaller.
"Did you..." Steve couldn't get it out as he watched his fiance complain about her breasts on camera to his best friend. Brother.
"Fuck her?" Bucky crushes his empty soda can, "I'm not you. If I had that in my bed I wouldn't get complaints about my mouth."
... at least she's hot you know. If he's going to fuck another bitch at least she's beautiful. I'd die if he downgraded you know. He fucked her in the office you know. Her office. She's beautiful and educated and I'm a mess.
The wine bottle was back in her hands and she took a long swallow uncaring that she was half naked.
I'm sorry Tiny. Bucky. I'm... This... I should delete this one but my battery is gonna die so fuck it. I'm leaving. When you see Steve punch him. I can't be there when he gets back. I'll kill him.
She sipped her wine and her brows furrow.
She has to be on some low carb keto diet... I don't think I can drink those green smoothies but I would have. I could look like a porn star! I can look plastic too!
Her eyes go wide before she blinks and frowns.
I can get wigs and wear those waist thingy's and change names... We could have role played. I would have called him daddy or - or - dirty stuff. I could have been his whore you know. I'm not a basic bitch Tiny. If she were my friend she'd teach me to not choke!
**** shakes her head and takes another swig.
I want to hate her but she... Bucky she was crying. He lied to her, for two months he lied to her, and she brought me ice cream Bucky. I couldn't hit her. She got me chocolate.
Her eyes narrowed and the sadness was swept away.
I want to hurt him. Rip his heart out through his ass and shove it down his throat! I planned it too, killing him. Got explosives... was gonna put a trigger thing on it and boom. Take out the whole floor.
**** makes a boom noise before flopping on the couch atop folded clothes, her wine bottle gone from her hands.
Neighbors got a kid downstairs and... Kids... No kids.
She rubs her face, tears leaving tracks and her breadth hitches and she's doing her best to not break down.
I was right. I told you there's no such thing as happily ever after. I told you they're all the same. I'm...
Her breath hitches and she's staring into the lens. Broken.
I'm not perfect Bucky, I'm not her but I loved him. I believed him. You said... Said he was good and I be-believed you cuz I trusted you and I want... Wanted... I deserve to be loved. I am good enough... I'm good... Right? Bucky... Why... Why am I not good enough? what did I do wrong? I... I... I'm sorry.
The phone tumbles and the screen goes dark but Steve can't hold back his own tears as he hears her sob before it cuts off completely.
What had he done?
How did he fix this?
Can he fix this?
Part 2 of 1/2
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tomiokai · 4 years
Agent Reid || Spencer Reid
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A/N: I honestly have nothing to say but I write too much and I can’t stop as much as I try. When I watch anything I always have to do do something else along so when I watch CM I also write these.  When I was first writing this I was going to set this all in one day but then halfway through I decided I wanted this to take place in a series of days so low and behold I deleted the whole thing and started over. Enjoy.
Please don’t copy my works, but if you do want to use it as inspiration please give me credit, at least tag me. I do read a lot and when I see my ideas getting stolen and then turned into new stories it really hurts me.
Summary: Y/n loves teasing Spencer by calling him Agent instead of Doctor. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Category: Fluff
Warnings: Extreme fluffiness. Some innocent teasing. Maybe it gets Kinky. 
Word Count: 2.0k
Day 1 at the BAU
The first time it happened it was simply a mistake. It was my first day at the BAU and I was simply a rookie. 
I walked behind JJ as she showed me around the BAU, the conference room, Hotch’s office, Rossi’s office, Garcia’s den, and finally my desk, that was also with a bunch of other peoples workspaces. JJ told me that we all worked as a team and I nodded along. JJ was very nice to me and acted as if I was her own child, perks of being young and likable I had thought to myself. At 8 o’clock sharp everyone started filing in. Before everyone poured in tho JJ had warned me I would be the youngest of the group which meant I was going to be the baby of the team. 
 I meet Aaron Hotchner first, he was as you would suspect the “alpha” man he gave me boss vibes, let’s be honest. He seemed nice enough but I could tell he was going to work me hard for the first few months. 
Then I got to meet Derek Morgan, he, on the other hand, was not as uptight as Hotch, he seemed chill but he did warn me I better do my best but also be safe. I already could tell he and I are gonna get along well. He was cool.
Next was Penelope Garcia. She was the biggest sweetheart ever! She definitely had the best style. She wore funky clothes that I loved. She instantly loved me but I suspected she snooped through my personal life before she liked me, but can I blame her. 
Next was the supermodel Emily Prentiss. She wasn’t a supermodel but she might as well be one. At first she was cold to me, like very cold to me, but you know like all ice they melt and now I proclaim Emily as my second mom besides JJ.
Then came David Rossi. He was very nice and funny. He acts tough all the time, but we all know on the inside Rossi is a big softie, he’s like a teddy bear. I proclaim him as my father. I think that since I am the youngest of the bunch I can proclaim anyone as my mother or father. Period. 
The last person walked in through the doors and I felt like I was drooling let’s be honest. He was tall had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was dressed in a purple dress shirt with black dress pants and a dark grey cardigan. In my eyes he was beautiful. 
JJ and I walked up to the beautiful man and she introduced us. 
“Y/n this is Spencer Reid, and Spencer this is Y/n  Y/l/n.” JJ introduced. 
“Hi, Agent Reid,” I said sticking my hand out for a handshake. First mistake I made.
“It’s actually Dr. Reid and I don’t do handshakes, It’s actually safer to kiss,” Spencer responded waving at me instead of taking my hand. 
I looked over at JJ but she turned around to hide her laughing face. 
I looked back to DR. Reid and lowered my hand. “Okay Dr Reid. Nice to meet you.” I responded going on my tippee toes to kiss his right cheek. 
When I pulled away he looked shocked and I just laughed. “See you around Doctor.” I smiled and walked away with an innocent look on my face, but not before I saw Derek pat his back and mumble, “You should really try fixing you introductions kid.” 
Day 9  at the BAU
The second time I called Spencer ‘Agent Reid’ it had accidentally slipped out. We had finished a successful case and I went in for a hug with Spencer. Spencer and I had gotten close over a week’s worth of time, he and I had become very good friends. We would often go to 24-hour cafe’s and we would talk about books and anything we were interested in over coffee. 
“Good job Agent Reid. You did great,” I said to Spencer as soon as I saw him walk through the door to the Philadelphia police station.  
Spencer hugged me back tight but when we pulled back Spencer looked at me sternly. “Remember Y/n it’s DOCTOR Reid not AGENT Reid.”
I let go of him with a small laugh and winked at him. “Okay doctor, I’ll watch my mouth,” I laughed.
Later that night when we landed back in Virginia we went to our favorite cafe together and talked till 12:47 in the morning before the manager kicked us out because we were “too loud”.
Day 68 at the BAU 
It slipped again. It was an accident I swear! We just arrived in a small town in Canada and it was my job to introduce everyone to the deputy. 
“Hi, I’m SSA Y/n  Y/l/n,” I said walking into the police and shaking the deputies hand. 
“This is SSA Aaron Hotchner,” I said pointing at Aaron. “This is SSA Derek Morgan,” pointing at Derek. “SSA Prentiss, SSA Rossi, Agent Jennifer Jareau, and Agent Spencer Reid.” I introduced everyone. 
Everyone shook hands and when it was Spencer’s turn to shake the deputies hand he refused and said, “Actually it’s Dr. Spencer Reid.” 
Shit, I had thought. 
When we were sent off by Aaron to go investigate the crime scene I quickly apologized. “It just slipped I’m so sorry Spencer.” 
“It’s okay Y/n just make sure next time you say, Doctor.” Spencer brushed it off. 
“How about I buy you a coffee after the case to make up for it,” I asked as we walked into the Johnsons house. 
“Only if you get me a refill too,” Spencer answered as he inspected the house. 
“Anything for Dr. Reid.” I sang back. 
Day 143 at the BAU
When we had a first-ever disagreement I called him ‘Agent Reid’ just to rial him up even more. We were arguing about who would do better with children. Honestly, the whole fight was just stupid but neither of us was going to give in to the other. 
“I did so well with the children today.” I bragged as we got on to the jet, Spencer right behind me. 
“I think I did the better job,” Spencer responded as we took a seat across from each other. 
“No,” I drew out slowly looking at Spencer dead in the eye. 
“Yes,” Spencer responded taking out a book from his bag. 
“Whatever,” I said, rolling my eyes and turning away from Spencer.
“Okay Y/n, whatever you say,” Spencer said, rolling his own eyes then turning his attention to his book. 
I started fidgeting with my fingers as I mumbled under my breath. “I know I did better.”
Spencer looked up from his book and turned to me, “You know I can hear you right?” 
“I know, Agent Reid.” I shot back narrowing my eyes at him. 
“It’s doctor. D-O-C-T-O-R,” Spencer spelled out. 
“Actually I can call you Agent if I wanted to.” I sassed. 
“I’d prefer if you called me Doctor, Y/n,” Spencer spoke, he was obviously annoyed. 
“Nope I think I prefer calling you Agent more than Doctor,” I responded standing up to go get myself a coffee. 
I walked over to the coffee pot and flicked it on to make some coffee. I glanced over to where Spencer sat and he had turned back to his book, but this time he was biting his lower lip. I wasn’t a profiler for nothing, he was thinking of something for sure.
I poured myself a coffee and added in creamer and sugar. Out of habit, I grabbed another mug and poured some coffee for Spencer. Darn my stupid habits and I. I grabbed the other mug and walked back to where Spencer was. 
“If you admit I did better than you, I’ll give you your coffee,” I said sitting down both coffee’s in hand. 
“Fine you did better, hand me my coffee now,” Spencer said not looking up to me. 
“I’m not convinced,” I bluntly answered. 
Spencer looked up at me this time, “You did better than me Y/n, you are better with children than I am.” Spencer deadpanned. 
“Fine,” I puffed, handing him his coffee. 
“Good girl,” Spencer replied taking a sip. 
I don’t know why but my face immediately heated up and I quickly excused myself to the bathroom. That’s when I realized I had a crush on him. 
Day 757 at the BAU: Current Day
Over the past 2 years, I have never dropped the ‘Agent Reid’ act because: A) It’s a tease and B) It’s hilarious because he always gets so frustrated. It simply clung to me and it won’t be going away anytime soon. 
I sat at my desk and typed away on my computer, it was a quiet day at the BAU. Hotch, Rossi, and Prentiss were all out on their own business. JJ was sorting through files, and Garcia was in her office having a dinner date with Kevin. Spencer was reading at his desk across from mine waiting for me.
I had three more sentences to write for tomorrows report and then I’m done. Spencer and I had plans to go see a movie after work today so I quickly typed my last three sentences and quickly shut off my computer. I started shoving my papers into my to-go bag and throwing pencils into my desk. 
“Calm down Y/n, I’m not going anywhere.” Spencer laughed putting his book away too. 
“Oh, I know I’m just really excited,” I said back standing up and swinging my dark blue cardigan on. 
We walked together to his car and we got in together. “So you wanna tell me what movie we are watching now?” I asked buckling my seat belt. 
“I’m not telling you, it’s a surprise,” Spencer responded smirking as he sat into his seat. 
“Alright Agent Reid.” I teased. 
Before I could register what was happening next Spencer lunged forward to me and wrapped one of his hands around my neck. I was shocked truly, I always thought Spencer was vanilla even after prison. I starred at Spencer in shock as he held me by my neck. 
“In the past two years, you have called me ‘Agent Reid’ exactly 432 times. The first few times I get it, it slips, but now you straight up tease me with it, and you won’t stop because you know how much it bothers me. Were you trying to get me to snap, buttercup.” Spencer asked his face dangerously close to mine. The nick name came out of no where I swear.
I bit my bottom lip and instead of an answer I gave him a small moan. 
“Oh you naughty girl,” Spencer whispered a small smirk on his lips.
I leaned forward as far as I can and attempted to kiss Spencer, but he moved back and smiled. He let go of my neck and said, “We can’t do that right now, we have a movie to catch.” before he sat back into his seat and started the engine. 
I slumped down in my seat and pouted at Spencer as he drove. I glanced at him once in a while to see if I caught his attention. But I suspected he knew what I was doing and smiled as he drove. 
“Finally he looked over at me and laughed, “Tonight.” 
I instantly sat back up in my seat, once again happy. Oh boy was I excited about tonight. 
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crystalirises · 4 years
Clouds V.2.
Help girl, I think I’m confused./j
I swear I posted this??? Huh??? I can’t find it on my blog? Bruh???? 
Sorry if I did post this and this becomes a repost, I just can’t find the original post (am I being dumb wtf???)
Anyway... uh... second version of the Clouds fic I posted. Again, sorry if this is a repost I literally am so confused rn. Help ;-; (did I delete it??? omg I can’t remember whut)
It can also be found on Ao3 but Tumblr is being weird for me rn so I can’t add the ao3 link ;-;
Edit: I found the original post but it doesn’t appear unless I click on the fundy tag on my own blog but if I look at just the blog it doesn’t appear... I am so confused tumblr what did I do.
So, same warnings as the previous Clouds fic.
TW: Poisoning and Major Character Death
The pitter-patter of his footsteps echoed loudly against the cobblestone, wringing his hands together he wondered if it would be too inconsiderate of him to cancel at the last second. Ghostbur would be here at any second. The thought only fueled the terrible anxiety that had taken over him the moment Ghostbur had suggested his idea. He should just pretend he was sick... Yeah. Yeah. He could do that, right?
His ears twitched at the top of his head, drooping as he recalled that today was supposed to be a happy one. Phil had come over and Eret had shown him around the castle as Fundy watched from behind the corner. Phil had given nothing away, his lips set into a thin line as he took in the stone walls of the structure. Fundy felt his heart pound at the recent memory, he really thought Phil was going to refuse.
"As you can see, there's plenty of room here for Fundy. I was actually planning to give him this entire wing of the—" Eret was a great host, a perpetual smile on their face despite the tense atmosphere between them and Phil. Fundy didn't know how Eret could keep their calm when he was over there panicking.
"That's enough, Eret. I've seen enough." Phil's voice cut through the air. It was the only time he's spoken since the tour began. Eret turned to face him, their flurried movement muffled by the soft red carpet beneath their feets.
"What's the verdict, then?" Eret's voice was soft, a hint of their own nervousness coming through his tone. Fundy was shaking. He liked Eret. He really did. But Phil... He didn't know what Phil knew about Eret but—
"You're a kind person, Eret, and I can see you've put a lot of thought into this adoption thing." Phil let out a sigh, gesturing to one of the rooms. "Shall we look at the papers then?"
The two disappeared into the room, leaving Fundy to his thoughts. Eret had left the door open a crack, an invitation. Fundy couldn't bring himself to hear Phil break the news that, no, he wasn't getting adopted. Not if Phil had anything to say about it. Fundy sat down in one of the alcoves, forlornly gazing out the window at the clouds that drifted into view. It felt as if an eternity had passed before he heard the creak of the door.
He looked over at the two, a warm grin on both their faces. "You'll be a great parent, Eret. Take good care of him." Phil patted Eret on the back. "If they ever do you wrong, Fundy. Don't ever hesitate to tell me."
And with that, Phil walked away, declining Eret's offer to escort him out the castle.
He looked at Eret - his dad? mom? ren? - disbelief on his face as he realized that it was over. He... He had a parent again!
"D-dad?" The word felt foreign against his tongue... but it felt right.
Eret smiled, opening up his arms. "Come here, son."
He practically jumped into his new parent's arms, a happiness he hadn't felt in a long time bubbling from within him. "Thank you."
Fundy awoke from the memory, a smile had climbed its way to his face as he thought of the events of the morning. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with Eret but Ghostbur paid him a visit. The ghost looked pale - well paler than a ghost should be - he flickered in and out of view so fast that Fundy thought his mind was playing a trick on him. Fundy expected that visit, but he didn't expect what Ghostbur wanted to say.
As blood seeped from the ghost's chest, he had fallen to his knees (uh... Fundy wasn't sure if the ghost tail could be counted as knees), begging Fundy to give him one last day to be a father. If it had been the old Wilbur, Fundy would have said no. But... He couldn't help but pity Ghostbur. He was trying so hard to fix his mistakes… and it wasn't like he knew what he had done in his life. How could Fundy leave him in such a desolate state?
He should have said no. What would he even say? There’s so many things he wished he could say. But Ghostbur… he wasn’t Wilbur. Wilbur was gone, replaced by a pitiful remnant of the man’s spirit. Maybe he should just leave and say he was sick—
“So— Fundy!”
Shit. Too late to go back now. A shiver ran down his spine as the ghost’s presence made itself known, Ghostbur’s low voice causing him to jump a bit as he turned to look around. Ghostbur had a soft smile on his face, his complexion paler than before. Phantom blood clung to the man’s yellow sweater, dripping every so often only to dissipate the moment it reached the ground. Fundy could only hope that Ghostbur’s blood didn’t end up inside the picnic basket he was carrying.
“Hey. Hey, Wil. So, what’s with the picnic basket?”
“Oh! I was wondering what we could do today and then I remembered. Remember when you were younger and we would have a picnic near the riverbank?” There was a glint in Ghostbur’s eyes, Fundy swears he’s seen it before. “I… I thought we could do that.”
Fundy doesn’t have the heart to tell the ghost that... technically… the only person who’ll be eating was Fundy. He sighed, nodding as an answer to Ghostbur’s question. “We used to do it with mom.” He does not miss the way Ghostbur’s smile disappears, grief flickering on the ghost’s face at the mention of his old love. The sad emotion faded just as quickly, replaced by that infuriating smile as if nothing had just happened. “Lead the way then, Wil.”
“OH! Right!”
Ghostbur floated beside him, the cobblestone pathways gave way to wooden bridges and wooden bridges gave way to grassy plains. Fundy wondered why Ghostbur wanted to have their picnic away from New L’Manburg when there was a river nearby its borders. He would ask… if the ghost didn’t keep changing the topic every second. Ghostbur alternated between telling what he had done that day to what Fundy had done that day. Fundy could hardly keep up with the conversation at all. It was almost as if the ghost was rambling.
“I helped Niki with her bakery today—“
“Oh? That’s great, Wil—“
“Have you talked with Niki recently?”
“Well, I—“
“Oh, I also had a small chat with Phil!”
“Uh huh.”
“He eventually had to leave for something, mentioning Eret and a meeting…”
“That’s probably cause—“
“You like Phil, right?”
“Yeah, Wil can you pick one—“
“Oh I also picked some flowers and some berries today.”
“That’s great, Wil.”
“I made you a salad!”
Fundy tuned out midway, seeing as Ghostbur didn’t really care for what he had to say. He looked up into the sky instead, watching the clouds float by, their ethereal presence soothing him a bit. He began to trace their edges, imagining a world within the clouds. If he looked closely, he could almost see a cloud that looked just like a salmon. He felt a sharp pang in his heart, a memory from his childhood echoing from the recesses of his mind.
“My little champion, look at you. When did you get so big, huh?” Wilbur held him closely to his chest, a calloused hand caressing his hair as they made their way through the grassy field. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, a beautiful day… a peaceful day. “What present do you want, huh?”
He looked up, the clouds that floated above their heads looked like the marshmallows that his uncle Tommy had once given him. He pointed at one that looked suspiciously like a flower, “Clouds.” Wilbur laughed, holding his son closer.
“You deserve the world, Fundy.” He placed a small kiss on the top of Fundy’s head. “Someday.”
“Hurry up, you two!” His mother’s voice drifted across the field, the sunlight tangled in her long red hair. She had gone ahead to unpack for the picnic. Fundy could remember her smile, her deep love for him… but… he… he can’t recall what she looked like…
“Fundy?” He tore himself away from the memory, his mother taught him to see the shapes in the clouds, didn’t she? there was a cold hand pressed against his cheek, Ghostbur’s eyes peered down at him from above. The steady noise of a rushing river registered in his ears, how long had he zoned out? He moved away from Ghostbur’s touch, the heat returning to his cheek. “We’re here.” The ghost gestured to the idyllic spot they had stopped at… it almost felt familiar…
“Huh. Sorry, I was… thinking.”
“It’s alright, so— Fundy. Here, sit down.” Fundy looked at the patch of grass his father had pointed to, the picnic basket having been placed down beside it. “Are you hungry? Now, we both know I’m not a great cook but I… tried my best with the salad.”
Fundy hesitantly looked inside the basket, nightmares of Wilbur’s… less than stellar cooking coming to mind. The salad looked dangerously pink, a multitude of berries mixed into the strange creation. Fundy looked up, the chill of Ghostbur’s eager gaze eventually forced him to take the salad out of the basket. He tries not to jump as Ghostbur claps his hands together, spinning mid-air with an almost manic glee.
“It… looks great, Wil.”
No, it did not look great, but… Ghostbur seemed so happy, and Fundy hasn’t even taken a bite yet. Ghostbur giggled, floating down to sit beside Fundy. “It took me a while to gather everything I needed.”
Fundy looked at down at the pink mess of a salad and shakily took a bite. He tries not to gag at the bitter taste on his tongue. Ghostbur looked so happy and he didn’t want to ruin the poor ghost’s efforts. He sighed, shoveling more of the muck into his mouth. The sooner he finishes eating, then the sooner he can get back home to Eret. Ghostbur hummed beside him, seemingly satisfied as Fundy continued to eat.
“You know…” Ghostbur’s voice broke through the silence. Fundy looked up, shaking his head a bit as the world blearily spun around him. “I… don’t like Eret.”
“Wil… the papers were already signed, okay?” Fundy nearly snarls. He didn’t come here to talk about this. “It doesn’t matter what you— I-I thought you wanted to spend time with me!”
Ghostbur blinked down at him, his mouth agape in surprise. “W-wha— Of course I do! I-I’m just… I-I don’t see why you need another father when I’m right he—
“Okay, okay, that’s enough, Wilbur. It’s been fun, it’s been great. But if this is all you wanted to talk about then I’m leaving.” Fundy sighed. He didn’t know what he expected, but he had heard enough. His head was starting to pound… he turned to stand up, “You know what, Wil—“
He shuddered, falling back onto the ground as the world faded into a blur. He felt weak, his head beginning to ache… was he… was he sick? He shivered, curling into himself as a wave of nausea rolled over him.
“Wha— Wil… What did you—“
“I’m sorry, Fundy.” Ghostbur floated into view, a halo of white around his form as he placed a cold hand on Fundy’s head. “I… I tried! I want you to be happy Fundy but I just... Eret? You want Eret as your dad?”
He felt those ghostly hands gently caress his hair, exhaustion seeping into his veins. “It took me a while to find those foxgloves… Niki almost caught me… b-but you have to understand, Fundy, I’m doing this for you!”
“I—“ Fundy whined, his headache worsening as his vision began to blur. He felt so tired…
“I know it hurts, but I promise it’ll be over soon.” Wilbur let out a small huff, wrapping his arms around Fundy’s shivering form, wishing that he could provide some semblance of comfort. “I’ll be here when you wake up. Just… you must be tired, huh?”
Fundy cried as Ghostbur began to hum a familiar tune.
‘I don’t want this.’
‘I don’t want to die like this.’
‘Why did I trust you, Wilbur?’
Fundy began to weep, Ghostbur’s constricting embrace the last thing he feels as he finally falls into sleep.
“It all started on a day like any another”
Fundy woke to a bloody red sky.
“All the salmon had swum to the sea”
The sun was setting in the distance.
“When my lover she darted, away from the stream”
Fundy felt the soft grass that tickled against his skin.
“With a heart that she’d taken from me”
The clouds were beginning to drift away.
“And my chest though it ached, there was hope”
Where was he?
“A little beacon of light”
He knew that song. He looked up, a familiar silhouette stood nearby.
“Though my sunniest days were now stolen away”
There was a satisfied grin on Wilbur’s face.
“Hello, son.”
“I still had our son by my side.”
I am so confused I swear I posted this ;-; (maybe I deleted it idk...)
So yeah this is the second version, hope you guys liked it! Sorry if this is annoying, I’m trying to sort out some stuff on Tumblr cause some of my posts are just *poof* ;-;
Anyway, bye bye.
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random-mha-thoughts · 5 years
Study Date (Todoroki x Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader
400 follower special!  Thank you guys so much again 🥰🥰
Genre: Flufffff
Summary: Todoroki and you are up doing homework late in the library when he exhibits some very strange habits.
Inspo: A part of this headcanon post by @bnhaclaimedmysoul​, that blog is floof central I love ittt
Word count: 1,077
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: Surprise reveal!  This is a little sample piece for a Todoroki x fem!Reader multi-chaptered fic I’m working on in the background.  Not sure where I’ll be publishing it, but that’s a far away thought from now.  I still have to work out the kinks for the plot, but the characters are pretty much set already.  Here’s a little part that serves as a deleted/bonus/extra scene that doesn’t really fit into the plot, but I think it’s really cute and can stand alone as a gn!reader drabble that anyone can read for now.  I didn’t put a lot of details to give anything away, but I will say that this is the calm before the storm :).
My head almost falls off my propped arm, heavy with sleep in the middle of doing a problem.  Sitting up straight and stretching, I see the time on my phone says 9:37 PM.  I let out a groan, realizing I've been awake for at least 12 hours at this point.
"Are you okay?" Todoroki's smooth voice expresses concern at my sudden noise.  His pencil freezes in place over his notebook, mismatched eyes gracing me.
"Yeah, just a little tired."  I rest my head against my hand again, pulling my earbuds out.  The steady instrumental playlist must have been low enough that it almost put me to sleep.
"Would you like to go back to the dorms?"
Flipping through the textbook pages in front of us, I sigh.  "I still have a lot of these math problems to do, I can't stop yet."
Going back to work, I plug myself back up.  I pull myself back into a monotonous rhythm of switching between writing and pushing buttons on my calculator as lo-fi music plays on loop in my ears.  The numbers have meshed into my brain and become meaningless, and using the same equations over and over have me running on muscle memory.
Suddenly, hands softly capture both sides of my face and I'm snapped out of my reverie.  Todoroki's deep stare bores into my soul.  The difference in temperature of his hands confusing the senses in my cheeks, but even more unsettling is the way his eyes remain unmoving.  The intensity almost makes me believe he has something to say, but I can't fathom the words to ask what it is.  All I can do is stare back at his unreadable expression, making me more flustered as the endless seconds tick by.
As abruptly as it happened, Todoroki lets go of me and returns back to his own homework, leaving me dazed and confused about what just happened.  The breath I didn't know I was holding finally exhales from me and I remain watching him.  Nothing about his demeanor suggests he just did such a rogue action, or for what reason he did it.
Am I supposed to do nothing?  Do I just disregard it?  His uncaring reaction tells me I should.
Somehow, it's woken me up with a new shot of energy.  I reach into my bag and pull out a box of Pocky to keep up that energy while I finish up this dreaded homework.  I chew on a chocolate stick, considering that he might have done such a strange thing because he doesn't know any other ways of expressing emotions.  In hindsight, it might have been affection in his eyes, they were definitely intense enough for something like that-
I'm shaken out of my thoughts again mid-chew when Todoroki nestles my head between his palms again, the same intense and unreadable emotion creased in his eyes and his furrowed brows.  My gaze flickers between those orbs and the thin line of his his lips pressed together, unable to meet his eyes for very long.  I'm about to find my voice to ask him what's gotten into me.
And he quickly presses a kiss to my nose before letting go.
My eyes widen and heat flows to my cheeks, stomach doing a quick flip.  Oh.  My mind scrambles to calm my heart beating at just a simple peck on the nose.  Todoroki seems fine, he'd already picked up his pencil and gotten back into his rhythm while I'm still staring at him dumbly.
He must have been trying to figure out how to do it properly from before, silly boy, I think, smiling to myself and basking in the warm aftermath.  I can't concentrate on the stupid math in front of me because of his little gesture.  The grin on my face can't be helped, refusing to relax.
To calm myself, I grab another stick of Pocky and bite into it to keep my mouth busy doing something else.  Scanning over my paper to pick up where I left off, I spot a mistake I'd made in my work.  Holding the long treat between my lips, I grab my eraser to clear the entire problem and start over.  Picking my pencil back up to fix the whole problem, I furiously rewrite the work over, being the perfectionist I am and reprimanding myself for making such a stupid error.
In the middle of writing, Todoroki holds me once again.  He looks down at the treat still hanging out of my mouth.  Tilting my head up slightly, he inches closer.
And bites off three-quarters of the stick, our noses brushing briefly.
If my face was hot before, it's nothing compared to now.  This time, Todoroki removes his hands and leans back, chewing thoughtfully.  By some miracle, the words come out, albeit in a stutter, "I-If you wanted some, you could've said so."
"I thought it would taste better from your lips."
The suave way the words naturally flow out makes me embarrassed, even though we're the only two here.  I feel the heat intensifying and making me dizzier.  "For someone who can't express your emotions properly, you're a smooth-talker," I mutter, chewing the small piece leftover between my lips.
He shrugs.  "It felt right to say, I guess."  It's nonchalant, but I can see the slight tinge of pink across his own cheeks.
"Does that mean I can make a far-fetched conclusion about you?" I smirk, wishing to get back at him.
The color spreads and saturates on his face.  "I know I apologized about that, it was rude of me."
"I know, I just like teasing you about it."  I hug his arm, comforting his ashamed expression that didn't leave at my assurance.  "I'm over it, really.  We'll be laughing about it in the future."
The poor boy isn't convinced, the guilt still present in his features.
Instinctively, I press a kiss to his icy cheek, watching the darkness morph into shock with a chuckle.  "It's my turn to fluster you," I offer in defense.
Cheeks red as his hair, he looks away to hide the color, but the warmth even under his cold side gives away his embarrassment.  "We should finish our homework.  It's getting late and we have class tomorrow."
I unwind myself from him reluctantly and place the box of Pocky between us, leaning my head against my arm again.  This time, to silently admire the beautiful color of my precious boyfriend.
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