#that just completely make them un-rereadable
star--anon · 8 months
Dashner’s writing is so ridiculous because what do you mean he writes in the most mediocre style ever, and then randomly pulls out “He turned just in time to see the rain falling outside, as if the storm had finally decided to weep with shame for what it had done to them.” in the middle of the second book.
How do you manage that.
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cheesus-doodles · 10 months
bro i’m so desperate for a shion fanfic or scenarios like i haven’t seen much shion fanfics and i NEED it and i’m obsessed with your works literally i keep rereading them whenever i cant find any good fanfics 😭
come and get your man shion anon 😤 i got you - have some hcs!
Yandere BFF Shion HCs
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best way to describe this man as a yandere bestfriend would be like having a puppy, albeit an overly eager and rather mouthy puppy
thinking of where you could possibly meet this boy and I honestly doubt you would ever find him within two miles of a school
most likely you two would have met before Shion became part of the Black Dragons, because he would have been too obsessed with the gang and Izana after that
fastest way to anyone's heart is through their stomach, so you probably met him waiting in line for crepes at a food cart, though waiting in line would probably be pushing facts by quite a bit
this blond boy instead would have made his way straight to the front of the queue demanding to be served first because he was hungry and he wanted food right now, and on any normal given day, no one would dare speak up
what was respect and conformity again? not anything that Shion knows or gives a shit about
unfortunately for this delinquent, you were apart of the queue that day, and you were absolutely not having it
marched up to him, grabbing him by his ear and giving it a good twist - asking him what did he think he was doing, if he did not see everyone else waiting in line, and if he didn't think that they were all hungry too
dragging him still by his ear to the back of the line chiding him the whole way, making him join right at the end before returning to your spot in the queue
could hear a pin drop in that area, but it didn't seem like you noticed
everyone else around was sure you were going to be absolutely pummeled after that little stunt - did you not see that he was a delinquent, what with that dyed hair, ferocious face tattoos and multiple ear piercings?
surprisingly enough, against their fear, all Shion did was respectfully wait in line till it was his turn, collected his crepe and then made his way to a bench under the shade of a tree to enjoy his food
you joined him at the bench, your own uneaten crepe still in hand and your huffiness completely gone - you had been waiting for him since you had gotten your food earlier
Shion was no doubt huffy himself now though
just who did you think you were telling him what to do??
but he didn't chase you off since he kinda admired your courage and your no nonsense behavior, and you seemed kinda interesting, so he very kindly let you continue to sit un-pummeled next to him
and that was how the two of you first became friends
Shion found himself hanging around you more and more, mostly because despite the fact that he is loud, rude and lack any semblance of respect, you obviously didn't mind
one of the few civilians/non-delinquents that didn't fear him in the slightest, and he appreciated the normal friendship that he seldom got to enjoy
and of course, he liked that you were one of the few could put him in his place with a good tongue lashing and maybe a twist of his ear when you needed to do so
more like this blond boy let you put him in his place because anyone would get beaten in the ground before they can touch him, but still
he likes it :)
you'll be surprised to find Shion turning up at your school to attend classes, because he isn't a student at your school
but you'll still welcome him to join because you know that your new friend barely attends classes at all, and if it took you being there for him to attend, then so be it
all the other students keep a good distance away from you
the two of you quickly become best friends when you realize both of you shared a favorite show, and the two of you start to invite the other over to catch the latest episode at each other's houses
and you would of course help Shion with his homework (if any), while he just bugs you to do something more fun while you are trying to do yours
Shion has always come across to me as a very insecure person; he looks up greatly to Izana, possibly because he had been trained and chosen to be his successor
depends very heavily on getting Izana's approval to feel good about his work and life in general, but now that you were a part of his life, some of that clinginess gets shifted over to you
and that was when the yandere tendencies start
you were an average student with an average number of friends
and this blond boy absolutely hates it when your attention is off of him for any reason whatsoever - you should be focused on him and him alone
he was the only one that deserved (needed) your validation to feel anything like himself
no hesitation at all to beat into a pulp anyone he feels is a threat to his friendship and relationship with you - after all, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission
you would be no doubt very pissed, but nothing that Shion can't solve
would make up some lie that they were bullies/rival delinquents which you would be very suspicious of, but this baby boy would secretly be pleased that your attention was back on him, even if you were angry and scolding him
definitely introduces you to Izana once he joins Black Dragons, as well as everyone else
yet at the same time, Shion would be so eager to earn your approval, like he did from Izana
shows off his bike to you the moment he got it, his gang jacket, and even his knuckle duster collection
though he will fib a little and say that they were only for collection purposes - you know he fights but didn't think he would use anything but his fists
and surprisingly, his completed homework as well (you were always so impressed when he did those)
would be the sort of wanted to show you off to everyone and anyone that would listen - so proud that you were his bestfriend
100% a crier around you (and only you)
it takes a lot of time and a hell lot more of trust from Shion to ever open up to you, because firstly, he has this reputation he needs to maintain of being the "Mad Dog", and he would never show any vulnerability where there is even a possibility that it could be leaked out
and secondly, Shion is really just very shy about emotions and has bad emotional regulation skills - usually he wildly swings from raging to neutral and back and forth, but obviously with a best friend a wider rage is needed and this boy has no idea what to do
but once he does, this baby boy cannot stop crying, especially when shit happens in his life
morphs into a crybaby the moment you two are alone and in the privacy of your/his room with double locked doors
needs the comfort and attention from you to make the booboos go away
knows that you would never let the fact that he cries on your lap leak out, even though you make fun of him from time to time when no one is listening
would deny, deny, deny, but would never get mad at you for teasing him because he is such a softie when it comes to you
you are the both halves that Shion needs in his life - a firm hand when needed and comforting and kind at all other times
would never want to let you go no matter what - you had earned yourself the loyalty of the Mad Dog that you weren't allowed to ever relinquish
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whatevertheweather · 2 months
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Hi hello. I miss y'all. That is my own fault but it's still true, and I'm writing this on saturday night and feeling maudlin about how wonderful and talented and dear this fandom is and how I never join in anymore, so I'm making my little post okay.
I'm going with Musical Chairs again because it's so far past time for that to be done. And I've said this before, but it is approaching done. And I'm gonna get into that, but it'll all be behind the scenes rambling, so it's below the cut, and for those who don't want to delve that far, here is some freshly written Penny POV.
“Ah,” Shepard smiled, “a good deed wasn’t motive enough on its own?” “Not when it’s for a stupid reason.” “What is your un-stupid reason?” “Un-stupid?” Penny repeated. She turned resolutely to her drink. “Nevermind. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” “Hey now,” Shepard said, ducking into her line of sight. “You struck me as someone who prefers being honest.” It was a job not to smile at that, but Penny put the work in.
Now for the mess.
It's a good mess I think. I have a new section in my miscellany document, tucked in between nine (9) sections of ramblings and cut scenes, and the new section is called "we got it this time boys," and I think it's right. I've written a full draft of the scene that's been holding us all back. It's there in its entirety, it just needs to be edited. And I'm so scared to reread it, because every time I think I got this scene right I come back and it's wrong. Which I've decided to be fine with, because so what!!! So what if I got 36k right and there's 5k that doesn't quite hit the way I want it to!!! The earth will keep spinning!!!
Anyway, "we got it this time boys" is 3 pages of what is technically kind of an outline for 5 pages of story, and every time I read the header it's in the voice of someone from some black-and-white hardboiled detective noir, which brings me the joy that might be the only reason I feel I've gotten it right in the first place. The outline is all written about as cohesively as it starts:
I think maybe, and gosh haven’t I said this a million times, I just need to stop trying to go that way. Stop trying to go any way. Like always “how do I get them to this moment” instead of “what would they do in this situation.” Unfortunately, the latter requires I connect with them on a level I’m not sure I can right now. But I guess let’s try. Actually let’s go for a walk, I can see the sun setting on the top of the house across the way and it’s lovely. Okay nice, it was lovely. Relaxing, refreshing. Saw a stump that looked like a beaver. Saw a cat. Thought of the opening to something I’m never going to write. So anyway,
It also sort of ends with:
Oh shit came up on an obstacle immediately. [Redacted]. This does not actually open the door for Baz to say something that can incite “[Redacted].” Fuck god okay whoops already going completely back on all I’ve decided and thinking maybe we could keep some of the new exchange I’d written, maybe he does reveal the ugh no stop I hate this. Just figure out a transition to bring in [...], what would Baz say to that other than what I’ve written him saying to that which doesn’t work for what I’m trying to do. I guess it could just be, like…he murmurs incorrigible. Or something. With a raised brow, a la baz. Sure let’s do that, however, I’ve laid down to do this and learned I’m actually quite sleepy, so let’s do it another time. Hopefully I don’t come up on another immediate problem and despair. Just remember not to start combining things and rereading things yet, okay. Please.
This would be alarming if I hadn't already gotten past this point and written the thing. So I'm going to go into editing it with the mindset that nothing substantial shall change and boohoo to me if I want it to, and once that's done we're pretty much home free.
Now tags.
Gonna dip a toe back into being melancholy and wistful about this fandom k, I really do miss it even though I'm the only one keeping me out. You're all my friends even if that is a surprise for you to hear because we haven't talked in months or maybe ever, but I love each and every one of you x
@fatalfangirl @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @moodandmist @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy
@bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @mooncello @noblecorgi @alexalexinii
@rimeswithpurple @ivelovedhimthroughworse @basiltonbutliketheherb @whogaveyoupermission @facewithoutheart
@martsonmars @iamamythologicalcreature @run-for-chamo-miles @thewholelemon
@forabeatofadrum @youarenevertooold @ileadacharmedlife @monbons
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outoftheskillet23 · 9 months
7 Things I liked about “Carry On” By Rainbow Rowell
Trying to get myself to write something, anything, to get out of a creative slump, so I wrote a review of “Carry On” by Rainbow Rowell! If there is a fandom I'm sure I'm late to it haha. Spoilers below the cut 
In no particular order, things I liked about the book: 
I felt like I got to experience a whole series condensed into one book. Before I discuss this one, yes, I know there are more books in the series. But I thought it was really cool how this book could stand on its own! It tells a complete story from beginning to an end I was satisfied with. And I thought it was cool how Rowell uses flashbacks or character conversations to cover the important events from “earlier in the series.” I felt like I got a series-worth of build up to both the main relationship and to the defeat of the main villain, without having to actually live through a slow-burn. 
Agatha escapes the narrative. Again, maybe this changes in later books. But I had so much respect for Agatha leaving campus (and then the country!) as soon as she escaped the Mage and his threats to suck away her magic. For most of the novel she only sees her expected role as “girlfriend of the chosen one” and feels dutifully resigned to the accompanying dangers. I loved seeing her choose her own happiness and safety (in the non magical world, which she prefers!) after successfully escaping with her life. Very inspiring personally as I work on leaving a high demand religion. It wouldn’t necessarily work for all characters to do that, but I love that for her. 
The existence and power of the Insidious Humdrum directly results from Simon's use of magic. This one is a twofer. A -  I really like when an antagonist exists in opposition to the protagonist’s goals without any malice of their own, and the protagonist overcomes them in a way that feels more like a release than a defeat. No Face from Spirited Away serves as a good example of this kind of antagonist. After being corrupted by the bathhouse he causes a lot of destruction and hurt, but to solve the issue Sen/Chihiro didn’t fight him, but just got him away from the bathhouse and he was able to return to a calmer state. And for the Insidious Humdrum, he accepts and welcomes Simon un-creating him by pouring back all the magic. It felt very complete and satisfying, and a good ending for all parties. B - I love when the end of the story reveals new information that will change my perspective on certain scenes during a reread. I think this would be more prevalent if it were going on for a whole series, but even as is I think knowing the connection between Simon and the Insidious Humdrum makes a reread worthwhile. 
The Mage, the real antagonist, is a tragic character. In the traditional sense of the word I mean, where he brings about his own destruction through a character flaw. He does some good things too, like opening the school to a more diverse group (countering both ableism and racism to some extent). But his hubris in thinking he can prevent the downfall of the mages through creating a savior (Simon) leads him to also create a force that destroys magic (the Insidious Humdrum). He has good intentions, but ultimately he frightens me just like a villain should, especially at his most desperate. In the ending scene on Christmas day he disregards both Ebb’s and then Agatha’s humanity, seeing only their power that he could use to save everyone (from a problem he caused). He also does not treat Lucy as a full person, sacrificing her health and eventually her life to achieve his goals. And even knowing Simon is his son he does not demonstrate any love toward him, only thinking of how to train him to defeat the Insidious Humdrum. He creates his own problems and hurts the people closest to him because of his determination to control the big picture. 
Perspective jumping reveals the backstory to the audience but not the main characters. Because Lucy tells about her life with The Mage and giving birth to Simon, we as the audience know the full story, but the book ends with Simon and his peers not knowing the identity of his parents, nor that they intended him to be the mages’ savior. It feels more true to real life. We often don’t get to know all the answers. 
Powerful Ebb chooses to live a simple life. She serves as a foil to the Mage. Powerful, but unassuming, she values people and relationships (like that with her brother or with Simon) more highly than anything else. Very cool character, especially at the end when she comes back to save Agatha. A classic, but you got me with the self sacrifice. I love her. 
Penelope’s dad teaches Simon about damaged ecosystems recovering over time. Very sweet. <3 And such a cool way for the Insidious Humdrum to have had real damage and yet we end on a hopeful note. 
I stayed up late to make myself finish this. Finally something I not only started but finished! Thank you for reading, if you made it this far. Hopefully I will create more in the future, either art or writing. 
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
As a writer, do you find it annoying when readers comment asking for chapters? Because as a reader, I've always wondered how I could correctly phrase that I'm looking forward to reading more so that it doesn't come off as pestering and pressuring the author. Sometimes, when stories that stick with me hasn't been updated in months, I find myself back in the comments section thinking, I wanna leave something nice for author letting them know that I'm here and I love their story. Is there any particular do's and don't's we should be aware of?
Honestly? Completely honest?
Yes it's annoying when people ask for updates 😬 BECAUSE, and I can't stress this enough, no one on earth wants that story to be updated more than the writer. No one. That un-updated story haunts their dreams and taunts their waking days. We want it to be finished too, and we're painfully, excruciatingly, cripplingly aware of how long it's been since it was updated. Authors want to update their stories, so if they haven't, there's a reason why. And asking for updates only does 1 of 2 things (or usually both): makes writers feel even worse than they already do about not updating, or straight up piss them off because if they could update, they would. Because in the end all asking for updates really is is pressuring someone, whether the commentor means to or not. It's fantastic to know someone loves the story and wants to read more of it, and we DOOOO wanna know you're excited about the story and want more. So while we absolutely want to hear from you, here's 3 better ways to convey that than asking for an update:
Just tell the author you like the story! Doesn't have to be complex, just say "I love this story! I've reread it X times and enjoy it every time 😌" Boom, instant shot of serotonin for the author
Paste a line or lines of dialogue you loved. Maybe a specific scene that spoke to you or made you laugh or cry or you thought was hot. Authors love having their words thrown back at them because then we know which parts work the best, and which are reaching the audience and leaving an impression. It actually helps sometimes moving forward in the story knowing what parts readers felt were the strongest. Yes we write stories for ourselves, but we also want you guys to like them too. And feedback helps us grow.
Say how the story makes you feel. Do you like it reading it before bed as lil comfort story that helps you wind down? Maybe it's something that when you're sad you pull out of your bookmarks cuz it brightens your day even just a little bit. Maybe you like it because it hurts in the best ways, it gets emotions flowing that you can connect with and commiserate. Do you wanna squish those little dope's faces together for being too cute, or boop them on the nose with a newspaper for being dumbasses. We wanna know! Authors put their heart into these stories, so hearing what emotions they bring out in readers is like winning the fucking jackpot
Understand this isn't me saying if you've ever asked for an update I think you're a bad person or you should feel bad. What I'm saying is that it's not conveying what you may be meaning to convey, and at worst you might be actually thwarting any motivation the author had managed to gather to update.
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moth-n-glitchsmp · 2 years
Howdy! Are you monochrome_sunsets on ao3?
One of my pals saw your bookmark tags and are FASCINATED! I’m really curious, what’s the code to your tag system?
yes hi!!! i'm moth, aka monochrome_sunsets on ao3, one of the owners of this blog! i really like to organize things, and i ALSO really like things that match, and thus my rice tagging system was born.
white rice - classic fics, or otherwise just fics that are super well written that i really enjoy and reread a lot. fics marked as recommended with the white rice tag are what i consider the Best Of The Best! chosen because white rice is a classic go-to that i will always enjoy.
cinnamon rice - fics that made me laugh! chosen because laughter makes me think of fried dough & the fair, fried dough has cinnamon on it, bam! cinnamon rice
coconut rice - fluffy fics! fics that made me feel all gooey inside! coconut is fluffy :)) (also i absolutely LOVE coconut almond rice, it's so good)
almond rice - angst!!!! additionally, heavy on the almonds is a tag for heavy angst, and light on the almonds is for light angst. chosen because almonds are bitter sometimes
tear covered rice - fics that made me cry; happy tears AND sad tears are included in this, so keep an eye on the other tags here
family rice dish - found family, bio family, friendships... basically, fics that focus on non-romantic relationships!
magic rice - superhero aus, alien aus, vampire aus, werewolf aus, fae aus, bnha quirk accidents, midoriya izuku has a quirk aus.... basically, anything vaguely magical.
dragons! - i really like dragons. i like them so much i wanted a whole separate tag JUST so i could find my bookmarked fics with dragons in them.
spicy rice curry - smut. i... don't have a lot of these i think?
rice porridge - sickfics & caretaking fics. chosen because rice porridge is a good thing to eat when you're not feeling well.
rice pudding - crossovers! chosen because rice and pudding is quite the food crossover
multicourse meal - series!
mystery rice - mystery fics! i most likely bookmarked them before they were made mystery fics, then couldn't remember for the life of me what they used to be. i am clinging to them in the desperate hope that they will one day be un-mysteried.
cooking... - uncompleted fics, or fics that are currently completed but i haven't finished reading yet.
no longer cooking - discontinued fics i couldn't bear to unbookmark and part with :(
brown rice - fics that don't fit any of the above tags. chosen because brown rice isn't my first choice, but it is still rice and i will still eat it with a smile on my face.
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aurorawest · 1 year
Reading update!
So as you'll see below I've read a lot of books since the last time I did one of these. I'm not going to write a little blurb for all of them, only the ones I feel strongly about. But I'm going to start including my ratings.
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Arctic Sun by Annabeth Albert. 4.25/5 stars
Where We Left Off by Roan Parrish. 5/5 stars
Peter Cabot Gets Lost by Cat Sebastian. 5/5 stars
This book was just. So lovely. Short and fast-paced, but I loved Peter and Caleb so much. I love the time period too. I know this is me being toxic and problematic and showing my internalized homophobia or whatever but I actually really like books set in places and time periods where homophobia is a real and present danger. I think it's because I'm totally a Love Conquers All romantic, so the fact that people dgaf and make a go of being together anyway scratches that itch.
Anyway, good book. I picked up the other two in the series but haven't read them yet.
Let's Get Back to the Party by Zak Salih. 4/5 stars
Literature. Good but pretty sad.
No Gods For Drowning by Hailey Piper. 3/5 stars
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas. DNF
I got 50 pages in before I gave into my hate and DNFed this.
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley. 5/5 stars
I find it genuinely upsetting that Natasha Pulley isn't a household name, because she writes the most beautiful, gutting books that I have maybe ever read. I don't understand how she's able to write what is, on the surface, a completely mundane sentence, and yet there's this roiling sea of heartbreak underneath it.
This is the sequel to The Watchmaker of Filigree Street, easily one of the best books I've ever read, and this one is at least as good.
Natural Enemies by Roan Parrish. 4/5 stars
Us by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy. 3.75/5 stars
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh. 5/5 stars
Lovely little novella that read like a fairy tale.
The Prince's Poisoned Vow by Hailey Turner. 4.25/5 stars
At first I despaired of ever learning who all the characters were in this book because the first like, 10 chapters were all from a different POV, but I got a handle on all of them and liked it a lot.
Spectred Isle by KJ Charles. 4.75/5 stars
Un Lun Dun by China Miéville. DNF
This is the book that made me realize I hate whimsical books.
Here the Whole Time by Vitor Martins. 4/5 stars
The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Klune. 3/5 stars
I ranted about this one already but Jesus, Klune. This straight up reads like the kind of stuff I wrote when I was like, 14, and I don't mean that as a compliment to my 14 year old self.
Love, Hate & Clickbait by Liz Bowery. 5/5 stars
!!!!! This book was so good!!!! I picked it up way back when it came out but it only surfaced in the TBR pile in March, and it did not let me down. Thom and Clay are SO unlikable, but you start to like them in a way that's practically insidious because you don't see it coming. By the end, I was totally rooting for them and loved them both. And this is a romcom with a truly great villain, too, which definitely isn't standard in romances.
Red Skies Falling by Alex London. 5/5 stars
Second book in a series that revolves around a culture where falconry is hugely important. If you want fantasy that doesn't take place in fantasy England, check this series out. It has an A+ sibling relationship, a lovely romance, and high stakes. But this one was saaaaad ugh so sad.
Less by Andrew Sean Greer. 3.75/5 stars
I hated this book until about 80% through, and then it subverted all my expectations and I ended up liking it okay. I thought it was just about a pathetic middle aged gay white man (I know I know, that's my type, what's the problem?) feeling sorry for himself, but it was deeper than that. And it had a nice ending.
Invitation to the Blues by Roan Parrish. 4/5 stars
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston. 5/5 stars (reread)
Bought this edition for the bonus chapter from Henry's POV and for @vkelleyart's end pages. Totally worth it. I love this book just as much as I did the first time.
Threshold by Jordan L Hawk. 4.25/5 stars
So this is a series with like, 11 books? I read the first one and was kind of eh on it. Good enough to buy the second, not enough to buy all 11 or whatever. But the second one was substantially better, so now I've acquired like 5 more of them. I continue to be a sucker for late 19th century/early 20th century settings.
Lavender House by Lev AC Rosen. 4.5/5 stars
Is gay noir a thing? Because that's what I'm calling this book. Gay noir. I loved the main character and I'm really excited this is going to be a series (I've already preordered the second one). The only reason I knocked off half a star is because some of the side characters were irritating. And as a mystery, it wasn't great, so I wouldn't read this one if you're looking for a really good mystery. It's definitely more about the character development and the relationships.
Though possibly one reason I didn't think the mystery was that good is because it got spoiled for me on tumblr by someone who imo had a pretty shallow read on the book. Honestly not sure if they actually read it or they just skimmed it.
Something Wild & Wonderful by Anita Kelly. 5/5 stars
AHHH. THIS BOOK!! This book was so good. So I've been making fun of it for a while because if you look at the cover, it looks like a Stucky AU. And you know what, maybe it was, but at least it didn't read that way, lol. It was really lovely and I'll be using it as a comp for the manuscript I finished last week.
The Bedlam Stacks by Natasha Pulley. 5/5 stars
I don't even have anything else to say except that you need to read Natasha Pulley's books. Please. If you're reading this post, go get her books. Buy them, take them out of the library, whatever. Do it.
Work for It by Talia Hibbert. 4.25/5 stars
A Tree of Bones by Gemma Files. 4.5/5 stars
Any Old Diamonds by KJ Charles. 5/5 stars
Something happened in this book that made me close it and stare into the middle distance, then put it aside until I could process.
Anyway you should definitely read it.
Farview by Kim Fielding. 4/5 stars
Whistling in the Dark by Tamara Allen. 4.25/5 stars
Currently reading The Restless Dark by Erica Waters
Which I'm enjoying more than I thought I would!
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aphroditestummyrolls · 9 months
🎉 end of year questions 🎉
Sorry I’m a little late to this! Tagged by @genyathefirebird ! Thank you so much for thinking of me 🥹 happy new year!
Tagging: @kezzzx, @jazzythursday, @maddielle and @non-un-topo only if you want to, no pressure!
What is your favourite thing you created?
That’s a tough one! I think this is the first year where I’ve been pretty consistently pretty happy with my writing— even if I have my days where I second guess myself. As far as completed fics, I think I’d have to pick Only Way Out (is through), and the ultimate favourite? Gotta be Time for a Spare Prayer! My beloved!
Which work are you proudest of?
Keep You Safe! My first completed fic in so so long. The story that got me into the grishaverse fandom, got me a little obsessed with Colm Fahey, and reminded me that not only do I love writing, but that I’m even kinda good at it!
Is there anything you are proud of that you achieved this year?
This… feels like the same question, but I’m definitely proud of my tenacity to finish stories this year. I’m sorry I’m slow sometimes, but you WILL be getting new chapters of Spare Prayer and BHaD soon! The engagement series WILL continue! I’ve gotten pretty good at wiggling my way out of writers block, and keeping up the interest in my longer term projects. And that makes me feel so much more creatively liberated!
Did you explore anything new this year? (A new way to be creative, a trope you didn’t write before, or an idea you hadn’t thought of earlier, etc.)
It’s less of a new trope I’d never written, and more of a return to an old trope that I love— ✨secret reveals✨ it’s something that never quite suited the old guard, in my opinion. But Jesper Fahey and his big secret from his da??? Wylan Van Eck and his big secret??? AH. So juicy. So fun.
Which work gave you the most difficulty?
Between Hope and Desperation is, for some reason, the story that my perfectionism is really latching onto. It’s making it so difficult to move forward. Every time I write, it feels SO wrong, unless I get it PERFECTLY right.
Yknow, perfection? That totally attainable goal? 😅
What was your biggest creative challenge this year?
Overcoming perfectionism! And just posting!
Which work brought you the most joy?
Ooooo. Probably Only Way Out. The regular posting schedule, the pleasant surprise of looking back on things I wasn’t sure I liked and finding that things I was stuck on the night before were just what the chapter needed in the light of day.
It was really invigorating, and I wish the feeling was more consistent.
Which of your works do you think people should check out?
All of them! Really, just look over my AO3 and pick whatever suits you. My personal recommendations are Only Way Out (is through), and Keep You Safe. ❤️ and Time for a Spare Prayer, if you’re alright with WIPs.
Do you have creative plans for next year? Is there anything exciting you’re currently working on?
I’m still up to my eyeballs in BHaD, but while those chapters are long, there aren’t that many of them left! Spare Prayer is also a long term project, but the new and exciting thing is the new engagement series stories in the works— the proposal! A 5 +1 format! Stirring the pot and suffering under the judgement of the Council in equal measure! And of course, a very dramatic wedding 👀 I’m SO looking forward to it.
Lastly, any words of wisdom or anything else you would like to share?
Just post it. It’s never going to be exactly what you want it to be— just let the characters talk to you, write it all down, give it a reread and an edit, and post it.
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honesty-my-policy · 4 months
Oh, and I don't think you're evil. Morally bankrupt, maybe. But more likely just gullible, ignorant, and uninformed.
I wasn't going to respond to anymore of these but I'm in a better headspace and rereading this makes me just laugh. Especially when I follow up with the following asks - all on anon. So, let me properly educate you and prove that you are just regurgitating shit you've read on social media or surface level researched.
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I'm going to break this down because so much of what you've said is wrong. Including, millions of jews.
Displacement of Palestinian people comparatively to Jews? Okay, lets go there.
North Africa Jewish Population Estimates 1948: 500,000 1972: 40,000 2021: 3,000
Middle East (excluding Palestine/Israel) Estimates 1948: 300,000 1972: 7,500 2021: 400
Non-Arab Muslim Countries Estimates 1948: 150,000 1972: 100,000 2021: 24,000
Of the 900,000 Jewish immigrants, around 650,000 emigrated to Israel, and 235,000 to France. The remainder went to other countries in Europe as well as to the Americas.
Operation Ezra and Nehemiah airlifted between 120,000 and 130,000 Iraqi Jews to Israel during the massive Jewish exodus from the Muslim World started - thanks to the violent dispossession against the recently almost completely wiped from the earth Jews in Baghdad, Iraq from the Pro-Nazi Government. It took place on a Jewish holiday as well.
also for reference - https://www.docdroid.net/BZHplSm/the-complete-list-of-the-1030-jewish-expulsions-in-human-history-pdf#page=2
So if you are going to TRY and play the "this person is worse off card." fuck right off.
"Occupation" - you make me want to laugh and throw up at the same time from how ignorant you are. Let us break down this word yes?
Occupation (noun) - the act of controlling a foreign country or region by armed force.
Control (verb) -  to exercise restraining or directing influence over 
Regulate (verb) - to bring under the control of law or constituted authority
So, before this all happened, Israel had check-points set up, that is what you are referencing correct?
In 2000 Palestinian leaders launched the 2nd Intifada, which if you think that word is something nice, you really are just vomiting words back you've heard because a campaign of suicide bombings and terrorism killed over 1,000 Israeli citizens. So, to counter this Israel put up checkpoints in the West Bank instead of just starting a war. Nice of them huh? 1
Stolen their land? Eh? It wasn't their land to start with? Jews are native to Israel? Everyone is now calling for a two state solution but HAMAS, even before HAMAS, the government of Palestine at the CONCEPTION REFUSED a two state solution by the UN. The "Nakba" or "displacement" was them getting their asses whooped after thinking they could run the Jews out of Israel with the help of their Arab states, so Palestine, Egypt, Transjordan known now as Joran, Iraq and Syria all ganged up on Israel even after the ZIONIST Jews accepted the agreement. 1
Why do you blame Israel for everything bad happening to Palestine in History when if you look at a fucking map
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Look at all those Muslim/Arab Majority countries that have access to them that could be helping them? Also, the Gaza strip is connected to the sea, it's how the US Navy has built a dock just for aid! Where are the other Muslim countries? The West Bank is connected to the Jordan River. It passes by Jordan, Syria, Israel and the Palestinian trevorites. Again, if nothing else, crates of aid could be sent down this river.
If anyone is preventing them from being "self-determined" which do you know what that means?
1:  free choice of one's own acts or states without external compulsion 2: determination by the people of a territorial unit of their own future political status
Palestinians are governed by HAMAS. I keep repeating this and it just never gets through to you people.
The Israeli, American, EU, UK, Japanese, and Canadian governments define Hamas as a terrorist group.
The last presidential election was in 2005, which Fatah won. The last legislative election was in 2006, which HAMAS won. Since 2007 HAMAS has taken over the Gaza Strip as a de facto government without any free elections. Freedom House is a website that ranked Gaza Strip's electoral process with the worst score.
Human rights groups and the Gazans themselves over the years have accused HAMAS of restricting the freedom of the press and forcefully suppressing dissent. 1, 2
In September of 2007 they disbanded the Gaza Strip branch of the pro-Fatah Union of Palestinian Journalists, which was criticized by Reporters Without Borders. In November of the same year they arrested a British journalist and for a time they cancelled all press cards in Gaza. In February of 2008, Hamas banned distribution of the pro-Fatah Al-Ayyam newspaper, and closed its offices in the Gaza Strip because it ran a caricature that mocked legislators loyal to Hamas, later the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry issued an arrest warrant for the editor.
Oh, also, Palestinian HEALTH OFFICIALS reported that the HAMAS government has been shutting down Gaza clinics in retaliation for doctor strikes. Which HAMAS confirmed and justified saying "in its view, they had incited other doctors to suspend services and go out on strike."
I can keep going and y'know what, I haven't addressed the "starving" part yet. So, here.
HAMAS government members are worth BILLIONS, yet, somehow their people have lived in poverty, people love to blame Israel, yet the leader Khaled is worth (allegedly) between 2-5 billion. Invested in Egyptian banks, Gulf countries and some real estate projects.
In 2017 Palestinian ministers' monthly salaries were increased from $3,000 to $5,000 (67% raise). All the while economic hardship was hitting their people, in March of the same year the government said they'd have to halve the wages of all but the lowest earning employees, or the 40% of the workforce that takes home only $555 or less a month.
In data from 2017 provided BY THE UNITED NATIONS, using the general barometer for a country's wealth, so they used, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the (sic) State of Palestine's per capita of $2,946 per capita (per person) far exceeds, say, South Sudan ($453) and Yemen ($990) and even their neighbor of Egypt ($2,000).
How does a countries GDP manage to be so high, yet the common man so poor? Uneven income distribution. Keeping the Palestinians poor serves to exploit them for the personal gain of HAMAS aka the uber-rich.
While Egypt’s GDP is lower than that of the Palestinians, description of the poor Egyptians and rallies for their support are non-existent.
As for the bombing. Palestine has been firing at Israel since 2001, even before they declared their second Intifada. 1
I'm not going to claim that Israel has not struck back but I will ask you again, why didn't HAMAS build a defense system for the citizens they are supposed to protect like Israel did with the Iron Dome? Why do they fire rockets from CIVILIAN ZONES/BUILDINGS? Like UNRWA schools? 1
Failed rocket launches and rockets falling short of their target are a COMMON occurrence. 1 , 2
But I think this has gone on long enough and I haven't even responded to the TWO OTHER things you sent to me. Keep coming at me. I'll break these down and explain how stupid you are for being the mouthpiece of a terrorist organization that has kept the people under its control brainwashed to hate Jews, to commit suicide bombings and think that is wonderful, that child soldiers are a good thing, that Islam should eradicate every other religion in the world.
Get your head out of your ass if you can. WAKE UP or come off of anon. I'll respond to the rest later.
Also, I'm going to once again beg you to learn READING COMPREHENSION. This hellsite lacks it entirely. There is a difference between reading words and comprehending.
I'll be helpful - https://www.readingrockets.org/reading-101/reading-and-writing-basics/reading-comprehension
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laurrelise · 2 months
so plot twist on my old deleted account i actually posted about fnaf a lot and i recently discovered a saved post of a bunch of headcanons of mike and abby schmidt and upon rereading them i realized kinda like them so im dropping them here !! :D
(i know most of my mutuals are umbrella academy related so sorry about that)
mike is absolutely a cat person. the only reason they don’t have a cat is because he was too embarrassed to look “un-manly” and buy one himself. he found one outside at one point, and kept trying to get abby to want to take it in and keep it, but she didn’t really want a pet to have to take care of so mike just let it go. mike leaves leftover food outside for it when he remembers, and stops and spends time with it when it’s lingering outside his porch.
he likes to surprise abby with new toys, even if he doesn’t have the extra money for it. her favorites are dragon action figures and stuffed animals (polar opposites ??) and he finds cool smaller ones at the dollar store. she can tell the difference, but pretends not to notice to make mike feel proud of himself. she also likes them, anyways.
mike drinks a lot of water. he drinks almost nothing but water. he very rarely drinks alcohol because he was invited to a high school party at one point, got super drunk, then jumped on a pool table and tried to do a backflip. he broke his leg and was humiliated, and vowed that he’d never drink again. (not completely true, because he goes for a beer once in a blue moon, but it’s so rare that it barely counts.)
him and abby have a 15 year age difference, but she takes care of him just as much as he takes care of her. when he’s super tired after work, she reminds him to brush his teeth before he goes to bed. she brings him a blanket when he falls asleep on the couch. she grabs his keys when he leaves them on the dining table, the kitchen counter, his nightstand, or her dresser, and puts them on the coat hooks so he’ll never lose them. she picks up on when he’s having really really hard days, and even though it’s hard for her, she eats for him.
(i’ve realized this one really isn’t canon, but i don’t care, it’s cute and i want it) mike has curly hair. abby doesn’t. neither does their mom, or their dad, or their little brother, garrett. (he’s older than abby, but shut up and let me have this) abby is jealous of mike’s curls. so, reluctantly, mike taught himself how to curl hair. he found a cheap curling iron at the convenience store down the street from their house and practiced on himself, burning his hands like crazy, and hiding it from abby. the first time he successfully curled her hair, she gave him the biggest hug and ate her entire dinner without having to be begged.
mike loves cleaning. he hates waking up early, but he doesn’t mind when he gets to turn on his music and spend an entire morning cleaning the house. he also really loves his music. he loves divorced dad rock. nickel back, green day, smash mouth, the black keys, etc. he loves putting a cd (he burned some illegally, abby helped him) into his boombox and blasting it at 7 a.m. he’ll walk into abby’s room, nodding to the music and singing along confidently, waking her up and laughing with her when she makes fun of him. but, still, she helps him clean.
abby is really good in school. she has to be, because mike is a bit of a bumbling idiot when it comes to math and english etiquette. the last time she asked him for help on her homework, even though it was just simple multiplication, mike ended up staring at the page for ten minutes before calling his neighbor to ask if she could help because he was “busy”. (he was bored out of his mind, but he couldn’t figure out what 36x5 was, and was too embarrassed to admit it.)
mike loves sweets, but he prefers his coffee bitter. he has a chocolate stash that he keeps on top of the kitchen cabinets for when abby is really good. he also has it because chocolate is his #1 craving when he wakes up in the middle of the night.
mike loves when abby draws him. sometimes, he’ll find her looking at him while she’s coloring, and he’ll hold the pose for as long as he possibly can to be a useful reference to her. he will never criticize her art. drawing is abby’s comfort place, so even when he’s so upset with her that he could rip his own hair out, he would never even think to insult her artwork.
mike despises shopping. in fact, he despises spending money, which is mostly due to the fact that after his mom died and dad left, he’s never had much of it. and he hates the fact that he has to give so much of it back to a government that hates him. so, to make up for it, he prefers thrift stores. not goodwill, essentially a corporate office that helps no one but it’s filthy rich CEO, but small, local thrift stores. the kind that are always filled with volunteers, whose profits exclusively go to keeping the shop running and a small cause, like dental care for youth in Guatemala or starving kittens who would be put down without proper funds to keep them alive. he likes knowing that his money is going to a good cause, even if he hates handing it over.
mike does, however, love picking out the clothes. he scours through the kids’ section for the brightest pairs of overalls, t-shirts, cardigans, skirts, and sneakers. he loves the look on abby’s face when he finds her a pretty sundress, because the smile that so rarely appears is filled with such innocent bliss. for himself, however, he moves as quickly as possible. he pretty much exclusively wears old hoodies, sweaters, jeans, and work boots. as long as it’s comfortable and in a size medium, it works for him.
anywho thanks for reading :3
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discuntelysium · 11 months
imho, the second you turn rbs or comments off, you lose. But there are so many inaccuracies and logical fallacies in your response. Normally i would just let sleeping dogs lie but you’re not the only one who believes this bullshit so i want to respond. 
“Israel is not an apartheid state. you link your articles and resources, but have you ever been to Israel? come visit- it's a beautiful place. talk to arabs living here, in israel- not in the west bank or in gaza, which i never mentioned in my post. ask them how their lives are here.”
This actually made my jaw drop. She said, “Yeah the UN and Amnesty International say it's apartheid but its a beautiful country 🤓”. Everything just flew right over your head, huh? What's the matter, is systemic too big of a word for you? Grab a dictionary and reread what I wrote in my original post, cause there's no way you're stupid enough to believe that this is a valid argument.
You say your argument excludes the West Bank and Gaza? That’s fine. To be clear, you and I both know that Israel is still an apartheid state. There’s something you never mention in any of your posts. Probably because you know that it completely destroys your argument: It’s that your “country” distinguishes between nationality and citizenship.  
Which means that “Arab” citizens do not have the same access that Jewish Israeli citizens do. Because nationality, in Israel is determined by ethnicity, cannot be changed, and this discrimination affects nearly every aspect of Arab-Israeli life. So as you can see, apartheid still exists, even within the green line. 
Let me be clear: when multinational NGOs, multinational IGOs, and human rights groups both in and out side of Israel claim that it is an apartheid state, there is nothing you can say to dispute that. Okay? Nothing. Stop embarrassing yourself. 
“HAMAS is a terrorist organization. they control gaza completely. hamas hides behind children and stores ammunition (that is used against israeli citizens) in the middle of neighborhoods where gazan citizens live: in kindergartens, schools, hospitals and actual buildings where people live.”
But do they, really? 
An investigation done by the BBC found no evidence to corroborate this claim.
An investigation done by the Belfast Telegram found no evidence to corroborate this claim.
An investigation done by Amnesty International found no evidence to corroborate this claim. 
And still, there is no evidence from either side that Hamas is using these “human shields”. 
Furthermore, this kind of logic only serves to dehumanize the Palestinians living in Gaza by making it seem like their deaths are circumstantial; by turning them into accessories to the war; by obfuscating the truth which is, Palestinian people die because Israel carpet bombs them. Because Israel is not targeting Hamas; it’s targeting Palestinians. Because for the past 70 years, Israel has demonstrated a commitment to wiping Palestine off the map completely. 
In fact, Israel is the one who uses Palestinians as human shields; by forcing Palestinian citizens to check homes for traps, or by tying them to tanks to prevent people from throwing rocks. So maybe it’s just a case of projection.  
oh, and by the way, hamas isn't the only terror organization around here. Hezbollah is the one bombing Israeli civilians in the north, so Israel fights back. you know, like every country does, but for some reason we, the one Jewish country in the world, have to justify protecting ourselves from terror.
What does it mean for a settler-colony to ‘protect itself’? Protect itself from whom? The people whose land they took? 
I’m actually genuinely curious as to how you can believe that violence on behalf of the IDF and the Israeli government is an act of self defense. You didn’t respond to anything I said in my first rb about all the palestinians detained in Israeli prisons without trial, do you think that they were put there in self defense? Or the 200+ people killed when Palestinians organized their peaceful march for freedom. Did that stem from the need to protect Israel too? What about when the IDF forces Palestinians to cut down their olive trees, their only source of income, some of which have been in families for generations. What do you say to this? It’s not defense. It’s cruelty. 
And oh my god, stop victimizing yourself. There was massive pushback to the Vietnam War, the war in Afghanistan. Because guess what— most people feel some amount of discomfort at the idea of innocent civilians being killed in their name. There is nothing unique about your country or the situation that it is in right now. It was born out of violence, it maintains itself through violence, and it justifies this violence through the dehumanization of the other. And you are complicit. 
my country was created because this is our land. 
This line of reasoning + the claims to Jewish “indigeneity” are often presented as justification for Israel’s creation. But this is a response to a strawman argument; as if the question of who lives in Palestine just depends on who got there first. Evidently, between the first century and the nineteenth century, people moved in, populations and demographics shifted. Palestine was not “your land”; if it was, there wouldn’t need to be a mass exodus of Palestinians, you fucking dumbass. 
Do you know who really is ‘a people without a land’? African Americans whose ancestors were brought to America as slaves. Romani people, who also faced persecution in Europe and during WWII. Why do you think they aren’t getting their own ethnostate? 
I don’t trust your critical thinking skills, so I’ll just tell you. It’s because giving them an ethnostate doesn’t further western hegemony like the creation of Israel did. The very roots of Israel are steeped in colonialism. It was described as a “colonial project” by Theodore Herzl, one of the founders of zionism. Other notable quotations from proponents of an independent Jewish state in Palestine include, “Zionism is a colonial adventure”; “The Arabs do not want us here because we wish to be the rulers of this land. I will fight for this. I will make sure we are the landlords.”
It’s not “your land”; even modern day politicians know that there is no legal justification for Israel existing. The only people who believe that it does are people like you. 
on November 29th, 1947, the UN suggested establishing two states—one Jewish, one Arab. the jews agreed. the arabs started a war the very next day.
It amazes me how people always manage to learn just enough history to appease their own world-views, nothing more. 
The UN’s suggestion was just that— a suggestion. The UN does not actually have any authority to create states. In fact, the UN committee on Palestine acknowledged that the establishment of Israel had infringed on Palestinian right to self determination.  
You framed this in a way that implies that “the arabs” are to blame because they started the war. Read this very carefully: colonialism is always, always the original act of violence. Everything that happens after-wards is a symptom of that. The UN’s two-state proposal was essentially just asking Palestinians to agree to their own colonization. No peoples should ever be asked to do this. 
why didn't you mention the horrible massacre that happened on October 7th? the citizens kidnapped by hamas?
Because I recognize that this didn’t happen in a bubble. 
Because Hamas was originally funded by Israel. 
Because Hamas attempted to negotiate a peace treaty with Hamas 5 times, and Israel rejected its terms; to free Palestinian prisoners in Israel; to remove Israeli troops from Palestinian territories; to restore Palestinian borders to what they were in 1967. 
Because Hamas began as a peaceful group and radicalized incrementally, and each radicalization occurred directly because of Israeli violence.
Because Israel prefers violence to peace, as has been demonstrated throughout its short and bloody history. 
i will continue to live here- i have no where else to go. this is my home. that is it.
You can do whatever the hell you want. I have no objection to where you live. What I do object to, is the beliefs that you hold about your citizenship, about your country, and about the people that had to be and still are killed and exiled to justify your country’s existence. 
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tuesday again 10/11/22
in which i read a book but completely fail to discuss it
listening Bloody! Bloody! by Junie & TheHutfriends. self-described indie pop, incredibly fun chorus! the same sort of frantic plinky..banjo? undertones that i liked so much in my absolute favorite song of hers, The Consequence of Imagination Is Fear.
very good spooky halloween song. i truly do love this band so much for how fucking Weird it is.
And you’re driving with your hands, not believing all the bleeding, and they’re calling you- Bloody! And the knife sits gleaming in the red back seating, and they’re calling you- Bloody! And they’re all still screaming in your head, and their lips dead, calling you- Bloody!
there are a couple creatives where i'm like "yes i WOULD like a new Frog Detective/twine novel/something every year, where i have a marvelous time for forty minutes and it's a little self-contained experience". this band goes in the same brain bucket, bc it feels like it is as much an excuse to collage and make felt puppets as it is to release a new single once every few months. now i am projecting bc i do not know this lady or her process, but i would like more people to be able to make art where i the art enjoyer get a little thing every once in a while, without the artist feeling the crushing need to be a professional artist hitting it big in order to make the art and any sort of living also.
reading The Man In The High Castle by Philip K. Dick.
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i had to think really fucking hard about if i wanted to talk about this book, bc like a lot of older scifi it critiques the problems of its time but is also very much a product of its time. and i then i remembered that i'm going to do what i want forever until i die :) and then i didn't really have time to even discuss this book much at all :)
let's yoink the description straight off wiki
The Man in the High Castle (1962), by Philip K. Dick, is an alternative history novel wherein the Axis Powers won World War II. The story occurs in 1962, fifteen years after the end of the war in 1947, and depicts the political intrigues between Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany as they rule the partitioned United States. The Grasshopper Lies Heavy is a novel-within-the-novel which is an alternative history of the war in which the Allies defeat the Axis.
i do enjoy how scifi, especially older scifi, often refuses to resolve neatly or at all. this one left me unsettled. this is not a bad thing! it is unsettled in a way that is un-fan-ficcable. it is unsettled in a way that even though Philip K. Dick planned a sequel, he couldn't bring himself to write one bc the research for this book was so depressing. i do think i gotta let this one percolate in the back of my brain a bit, bc i don't have any useful thoughts aside from "wow yeah this series of events is totally plausible and plays out in a very 'yup i can see that happening' way". this entry is more setting down a marker to myself that i can in fact read full length books. maybe even do it again
how did i find it: this entry came about through a perfect confluence of events: i read this all in one sitting (rare) after seeing it in a thrift store earlier that day (also rare) and thinking "this probably isn't a book i'll reread, does my library have it" (near-miraculous).
watching Ōtomo Katsuhiro, director of Akira, has done three...whatever the animated version of a book of short stories is. is it just an anthology also??? anyway i watched Memories (1995) back in july, adored it, half the soundtrack is on my regular roulette wheel of data entry music, and i finally looped back around and watched the other three anthologies he was part of this week.
didn't like them as much! it is eleven forty three pm as i write this so i will not be going into great detail. overall impressions only.
robot carnival (1987) i did not care for very much at all. i think it is the weakest overall of the four both in animation and in story. it did give me this baller screenshot.
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neo tokyo (1987) absolutely off the fucking chain with animation flexes. stories overall were not as strong as memories (i am going to be thinking about the first short in memories until i die probably). i have never seen such a perfectly animated cat that nobody seems to have really giffed? unrelated in a different short, i have never seen fire animated like that and now all other animated fire looks wrong.
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short peace (2013) i liked much more both on strength of animation and strength of storytelling. "possessions", wherein a wandering samurai takes shelter from a storm in a shrine to...discarded objects? charmed me the most.
playing Card Cowboy by a large assortment of people and published by Luckshot. available PWYW on itch and it's like three american bucks on steam. you're out seeking "Revenge against the Gunman who killed your dad, wooed your mom, and kicked your dog" in a procgen fashion gathering cards board-game-style to progress along a web of little location options. and the little opening animatic has the best royalty-free morricone i've ever heard
this is a very polished game with all the quality of life features and smooth art one expects from a card game. it wants to be a phone game really badly.
this is not a moral judgement or a dig at how fun it is, bc it's very fun, but the whole time i played it i thought about how much fun it would be to play on my phone.
at one point i had three bandits, a wife, a baby, a baby horse (the game did not call it a foal don't @ me), and a gold lasso. the next turn i got Blood Money from sending the foal off to compete in the rodeo.
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the below is how i got a baby
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the below is how i lost the baby
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this game is very easy to tell stories about like "oh yeah did you get the blood money from sending the foal off to the rodeo???" which is always super fucking helpful in both game discovery and selling the damn thing. extremely streamable bc it is procgen. i hope it sells a billion copies.
making having a fancy bathroom makes me feel like a rich bitch so i got a new shower head. the shower head of course did not fix the abysmal water pressure in this house but it does have an additional detachable head so possibly i will actually clean my bathtub more often. got to use a big fuckoff pipe wrench to take the old showerhead off which was fun. other than recaulking the little escutcheon to the shower wall (annoying) this was a fairly quick and painless process. suspicious. shower head here except i did not spend seventy five dollars on it, that’s ludicrous, i found a new in box one on eBay for thirty bucks.
in other news, acquired the Perfect double breasted trench coat in the Perfect length, it’s got the belt, the wool lining is intact, it’s in decent shape except for the horrible stain on the front. so it’s at the dry cleaners to see if anything happens. the armscyes are just a hair too tight for me in a thin tshirt to lift my arms over shoulder height without looking stupid as fuck so i may find a tailor if i ever want to wear it with a sweater or something. i cannot stress enough how much it is the perfect cut and the perfect length for me. i am willing to invest some dollars in a good classic trench coat i will hopefully have for the next twenty years.
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mumblingsage · 1 year
15, 25, 35 !
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
Part of the issue here is that I don't think I have any books I consider "mine." Not only are many of my books checked out from the library, even books I do, in the legal sense, "own," are ones I expect will one day pass on to new readers, either if I resell or donate them (many Little Free Libraries close to me) or someone goes through my extensive personal library after my death at a dignified old age or something.
This keeps me out of the habit of marking up books, though sometimes I will jot something down in the margins if it makes me feel clever. I enjoy reading other people's marginalia, provided it doesn't block out the book itself and isn't the rather thin gruel of "symbolism" pointing to thuddingly obvious symbolism...
My "favorite" piece of marginalia was whoever wrote "DON'T READ THIS" in Nancy Friday's Women on Top, above the introduction to the section on women's fantasies of Kirk/Spock slashfic. That person should objectively not have done that for many reasons, but I did get a good, ugly, belly-shacking cackle out of it.
In practice, when I want to take note of a passage (often for typing up as a quote or for story inspiration), I use a post-it sticky note. Post-it sells thin tabs specifically for books and notebooks, but I go through them so quickly it's more economical for me to buy full-fized Post-it pads and cut them into ribbons with scissors.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
If I have a good detail, I try to fit it into the story because it's simply too much fun not to. I am, like most writers of 16th century England, trying to fit an encounter with Christopher Marlowe in somewhere.
That said I recently developed a couple of side characters for one of the Novels in Progress who are so adorable, I'd like to dig more into them, but they also have a very un-dramatic relationship and lifestyle, to the point that I can't think of a storyline that would hold together. We'll see if they break out of Supporting Characters into something more dominant as I draft the book.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
As the previous answer hints at, the idea that you should only include what is "relevant to the story." Story is a convention (I've long suspected this but owe its full realization to Craft in the Real World by Matthew Salesses, which is the most exciting book I've read on writing in recent years). It has room for whatever you can fit into it, if you can hold the interest of yourself and your target reader. (This is not to say you can't or shouldn't remove great chunks of story during editing; sometimes a few paragraphs of description just belong in a different story. But the actual guiding line for "does this belong here?" is much fainter and more wriggly.)
The other writing 'Rule' I dislike, as both a writer and an editor, is the body of rules that is simply suspicious of editing, and as a result paints it as a brutal punishment. A specific example is the body of writing advice that says you should NEVER rewrite or edit until your first draft is finished. As always, there's nuance: we hear of famous writers spending days writing and rewriting a 7-word sentence, and that has diminishing returns. But rereading what you wrote yesterday and cleaning up typos, plus refreshing your memory and picking up on ideas to further develop, can be extremely useful to some people's processes. I just learned Stuart Woods - hardly a non-prolific author - works by rereading the previous day's writing, making notes and simple corrections, and letting it "catapult" him into the next few pages. In my editing work, I often come across small repetitions and inconsistencies (as one of my authors put it, "coffee cups materializing from nowhere" - the scene hadn't seemed to take place in proximity to coffee) that might be caught by a bit more memory-refreshing midscene. And that makes the larger edits down the line a bit less intense.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
🎁 👓💡💛 🔮🎨
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
NSFT Your revealed body awed him, the fantasy he tried to shame himself away from returned to his eyes, and he found it difficult to contain himself. Vegeta's impatient hands slowly ghost over your bare legs up to your hips. Craving the words that would give him permission to touch, yet you were already close enough that the tip of his cock could kiss your skin. A touch he didn't take for granted, but you cup his chin to lift his dreamy gaze to yours.
“You remember what I like?” You asked him gently. How could he forget? Vegeta glances at his own hands and nods to you.
"Yes, My Lady." He answered, pulling the white gloves from his hands one at a time and letting them fall.
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
The right song to lose myself in while I write and oddly enough something on tv to completely ignore. That last one is crucial to me for some reason
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
Actively 3, but in total 7...ish
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Write. What. You. Want. Write whatever you want. Write for you. Write what you want to see. Write something that hasn't been seen before. There is no wrong way to engage it, start it, or finish it. Also have a backup platforms to write out your drafts, preferably something with an auto-save function at you go. Don't be like me who was writing in wordpad only for the file to corrupt when you're 90% done and had no way of un-corrupting it to get back despite all the troubleshooting and then all your progress is just gone and therefore have to start over *Hyperventilates* DWD Ch2. was one chapter once...
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
Forget what you just wrote and reread what you wrote from the start, or even if it's multiple chapters go back to the previous ones as if seeing it for the first time. You may change your direction and get inspired to write it in a different way that works for you. If that doesn't work, leave it alone. Go do something else to rest your mind. Inspiration will come back to you ♥
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
That moment in TWYSILY of Goku sick/dying from his Heart Virus where he removed his breathing mask to kiss the reader's palm with just this...acceptance.
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Response to an ask from Ophelia:
Ophelia! Hello! I'm so glad to see you and my response got long, so it's under the cut! (There are also stellarlune spoilers under the cut)
No need to apologize at all! I don't mind the times between talking and completely understand the social energy thing. I missed hearing from you as well, so yes! Let's commence with the talking!
I'm truly sorry about your sibling; it absolutely sucks that you have to deal with them and listen to the things they say. You can absolutely ask for my thoughts, and my opinion on the matter is that you are absolutely not required to disclose any information to them. They're not entitled to it, it's not their diagnosis. The unfair thing would be you being expected to shoulder this burden of trying to "fix" them and make them change their mind. It's not your responsibility, it's your parents' responsibility to be a parent and correct their behavior.
You do not need to tell anyone you don't want to, that's for you to chose who you want to disclose it to. Not your parents. It also sounds like disclosing that information is something that would put you directly in the line of fire, and if that's not something you want or are prepared to handle, then you do not have to do it. Your parents didn't tell your sibling about their own diagnosis (that was also un-diagnosed if I'm remembering right), so you could even say it's hypocritical for them to expect you to share your own.
That's how I see it, at least. You don't want to, then don't! It's your diagnosis.
And yes! I finished Stellarlune! My final thoughts so far are that I'm going to need to process this book for a hot minute. There were some elements I expected--I've talked about the "friends shocked and surprised and uncomfortable with storehouse fire" thing before along with the "sophie being more separate and reckless" aspect.
I think what it really comes down to is that, for me, there was a lot that felt out of left-field. Like these conclusions and culminations of things from the series were not at all what I was expecting and so it threw me off. Like Elysian being a person in a place that turns out to be super important to the whole entire series they spend so much time focusing on? I didn't feel like there was enough leading into that in previous books for that to really hit me the way Shannon probably wanted it to.
instead I was like...how, exactly, did we get here?? I noticed that especially as well with "stellarlune" as a concept. It was super important in this book and like the whole focus, but the whole time I was still trying to figure out what it was. Like what are we actually talking about right now that's so crucial? Same with the whole power source thing; it felt like it was explained once and then we were supposed to just accept and rely on that for the rest of the book, which left me a little confused.
So I'm really curious to read through the series whenever I do my next reread with the information I have now and see if things line up in a way that makes it click better in my head.
That's not to say I didn't have fun reading it, because I definitely did! Absolutely loved the connection to Biana's hair combs that'd been mentioned of her getting them from Cyrah's shops so many books ago, love when things tie together like that :).
Jensi! Yeah, he made a brief return, though it looks like he may have more importance in the next book as well. I wasn't sure how it would happen, but I 100% expected that part. I've talked about it before so I won't go into detail (unless you want me to!), but it was nice to have him around. I think I know what his role in the story will be, so I'm curious to watch it play out
Whether or not the book ends up being a Lodestar in terms of its memorability I think depends on if you're looking at plot or characters! In terms of plot, I could definitely see that. It feels like a transition to the big final thing of book 10 (and possibly book 11), so it doesn't feel like it has it's own concrete arc aside from moving the story to where it needs to be.
But...if you're an avid sokeefe fan (i'm not really a ship person), then I don't think you're forgetting this book anytime soon. I won't get into that here because that can be it's own post, but I think this book will be dear to many readers for a certain chapter and that chapter alone.
And I did enjoy the event! I love learning behind the scenes information about the series, so it's super fun to attend. Since it's virtual, it's a relatively easy thing to do energy wise, and then I can make notes of everything and share it all. One downside is I don't get to ask Shannon any questions and have to wait for my book to be shipped, but otherwise 10/10 love it.
I've missed speaking to you, too! It's not at all creepy to say, it's normal :). Was thinking about you recently since I was compiling that playlist I sent you, so it's lovely to hear from you! And yes, you can refer to me as a friend! We are friends!
As for twilight, I think one of my favorite things to look at is the plot itself. There are certain characters I adore (Emmett and Alice), and worldbuilding things that fascinate me (Alice's ability, the Volturi's history), but at the end of the day the delightful absurdity of the plot just does it for me! I'm not 100% sure why, but the plot just has something about it I can't look away from. Love thinking about it, talking about it, laughing about it, analyzing it, etc.
Then for my name, you nailed it! It's not too personal and not too many questions at all. I've engaged with Sander Sides a fair amount in the past and always watch a new episode when it comes out (you know, every three years or so /j), and I am 99% confident that I did, in fact, steal the name from Thomas' friend Quil. I say 99% because I can't actually remember when I did that or why, but like. Timelines match up and that was my introduction to the name, so I'm pretty certain that's where it came from. My partner actually also stole a name from the Sanders universes, so we've got that in common :)
Don't worry, you're not annoying me at all! Sometimes hyper-brain just wants to ramble, and you're more than welcome to talk in my inbox at any time! And hell yeah cake recipes!! I don't actually remember the last time I had cake now that I think about it. I should make one.
OH, that reminds me I should make another keeper recipe to celebrate stellarlune! Emotionally, I'm making some sort of sugar atrocity from keeper with you :)
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pazodetrasalba · 11 months
De raptu Iuniperi
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Dear Caroline:
Obviously enough, this was a spoiler that I was unable to avoid - but to mitigate its effects, at the time of reading it, I wasn't sure that I was ever going to read Worth the Candle, and even though I have ended up doing it, I don't think it spoiled anything much, although I was waiting for it to occur.
Rape is such a really sensitive topic, and it's so easy to say something stupid, careless and offensive about it. Very risky too to include it your fiction. I think the author has dealt with it in a sufficiently tactful and effective way, and would completely underscore everything you say in this comment.
This was male rape, which is something we are singularly apt to misperceive and misconstruct. On the plus side, if there is any to it, it helps me as a male reader to interiorize and subjectively personalize just how unpleasant rape actually is. It is not just a question of a deontological sacredness of one's body and boundaries: the way it causes long-lasting psychological damage above and beyond the physical, and very difficult to completely fix, turns it effectively into a form of torture. It is difficult to conceive of something worse, beyond murder itself.
But all of this is obvious. Going back to the fiction, I'd agree that it makes sense in the context of the character of Bethel and its (her?) own weird, un-human and abused personality. And I haven't yet read how Juniper deals with the situation in the long run, and how Bethel earns -or fails to- forgiveness. I do strongly feel that we can never expect victims to be generous to the people that hurt them so, and that anything they do in this regard is massively superrogatory, conspicuous moral good, gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.
And I am rereading this post in light of the last of the previous one of yours which I commented upon - the pull towards bare truth, wanting to know and see things as they really are, without making value judgments. This is really difficult to even conceive in such a charged area as sexual abuse in the real world, but if we can't reflect about these things in such a way in fiction, then how are we supposed to do it in the real world? And there is a way in which we do have to see it this way too, even with the most heart-rending and painful of situations which happen and which we wish never did.
One last thing: while reading this, as well as your desires of dissociating feeling from fact, I couldn't help but reflect on the different but not completely unrelated topic of the rather shitty and emotionally abusive relationships that you've been through and that have become now common enough knowledge. And I am really, unimaginably sorry that you've had to go through this, and that it might still represent another layer, another burden, piled up on the other ones you're already carrying upon your shoulders. I don't think I can be of any help here, but would like to close with my best hopes and desires for you, my wish that at least in this regard you are in an emotionally better situation in the present, and my making myself available for any support and aid that you could need and that you could imagine me being capable of providing.
What had human beings become? Did war make us evil or just activate an evil already lurking within us? Ruta Sepetys
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