#that mostly consist of izzy
b4g3lbit3s · 9 months
might be posting lots of ofmd art when i can get past the grieving so look forward to the all the doodles that will be helping me cope
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total-feminism-takes · 5 months
While I mostly focus on the writing of the characters in total drama, probably because I myself am an aspiring writer, today I want to focus on the character designs. This is due to the girls in total drama having wildly different stylisation to the boys and I think that's an issue.
First off, I would like to clarify I do love most of the character designs in total drama, there are some I'm meh about but none I actively dislike. However, I do believe there is something that should be noted, specifically about the stylistic gap between the boys and the girls in the show. For simplicity's sake, I will only be discussing the island designs, however I may make some follow ups on the other casts talking about if the issue got better or worse.
There is a very obvious difference between the boys and the girls. With the boys, while a lot of them share a similar physique, not a single one of them has the same body types. The closest in physique is Duncan and Tyler, but even then Tyler's shoulders are less pointy and Duncan has a longer torso with shorter legs.
The girls on the other hand aren't so lucky, Gwen and Lindsay, excluding their chest, have the same body type. Heather and Katie have the same body type. Bridgette and Izzy, again, have the same body type the only difference being their chest. The only ones with fully unique body types are four out of the elven girls, compare that to (excluding chef and Chris who also have unique body types) elven out of eleven.
Okay so, what about faces? Again, with faces all the boys faces vary wildy in length, width and shape. Even their favorite face type being square/rectangle is expressed in different ways, with DJ being round, Noah being sharp and Trent being long and skinny. What about the girls? Well, Gwen, Lindsay, Courtney, Katie and Bridgette all have the same face shape.
What about facial features?
Boys all have unique noses. Meanwhile, Courtney, Heather and and Lindsay share a nose, Bridgette, Izzy, Gwen and Katie all share noses, and Leshawna and Beth share a nose.
Eyes? Things are more even here, with Trent, Duncan, Ezekiel and (maybe?) Tyler sharing eyes, Noah and Geoff also share eyes. The girls somehow fair even worse, Gwen, Leshawna, and Bridgette share eyes, Katie and Sadie share eyes, Courtney and Lindsay share eyes, Izzy and Heather share eyes. The only outlier being Beth.
Even the way certain body types, like plus sized (see Owen and Sadie), and muscular (see DJ, Duncan, Geoff or Justin with Eva) are portrayed wildly differently between boys and girls, and yes I do see that as a problem.
Either tone down the stylisation on the boys to be more in line with the girls or tone up the stylisation on the girls to match more with the boys. Preferably tone up the girls but if you tone down the boys even after that you should still have added in a bit more body type diversity and facial diversity anyways!
I feel like this was most likely due either the character designers being to scared to experiment with their designs for the girls. This happens often and yes, it is a problem. I don't think it's right to have such a stylistic gap between girls and boys, not only because it's bad for consistency's sake and because it's just generally stupid but it's leads to more unoriginal designs. If you limit how you stylise girls, you are going to end up with girl characters who look the same. I don't think I'd have as much of a problem with this if boys were stylised the same as girls and similarly looked a bit samey but they weren't, which causes all these wild designs for the boys and some girls to end up looking way to similar for my tastes.
In conclusion, all of the island girls deserve better designs, not because their bad or poorly designed, but because they are way less unique and diverse in the way their traits are portrayed than the boys on the show. Again, I might make a follow up for later seasons and casts, but that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed my ramble about character designs =)
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khaleesiofalicante · 23 days
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Here’s your mandatory post covering all things OFRI. I usually share this to manage expectations and address some common questions, so here we go.
What is this fic about?
It’s essentially an arranged marriage fic where Magnus and Alec marry each other for their own reasons (mostly because of Asmodeus, lol) and fall in love along the way. I’ve always wanted to write a story where two people fall in love after getting married, so this fic will explore that.
Who are the main characters?
The story primarily revolves around Magnus and Alec. We’ll also see quite a bit of Asmodeus (he’s good in this one, I promise! But as nagging as you can imagine an Asian parent to be!). There will be some appearances by Jace and Izzy, but not many others. Maybe even a surprise cameo from a TLND favorite 👀. The fic is from Alec’s POV.
Is it angsty?
I don’t think so. I’ve written about 20% of this fic, and it’s been cute so far. According to the outline, it does get a bit angsty in some of the later chapters, but nothing too major. Expect some triggering themes like grief and unrequited love, but still, this fic is written with a softer tone. I haven’t written a big malec fic in a while, so I didn’t want to jump back in with something heavy. This one is about 70% fluff, chaos, and pining—I promise.
You said it’s short. What does that mean?
It’s short by my usual standards, but not short overall. In other words, you won’t find many 5k or 10k chapters in this fic. Some pre-written chapters are around 1k or more. However, it’s a 30-chapter fic, which is pretty long in itself. I anticipate it will be between 50-60k overall, which is by no means short. So, please don’t ask why the chapters are so short or request longer ones—I can’t write filler just to make them longer. I can only write what’s necessary.
What’s the writing schedule? When will you post?
The writing schedule for this fic is September-November. I plan to post twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays - at night). Since I’m writing ahead, you can expect consistent updates.
I heard you’re using a beta for this one. What does that mean?
I am! I’m working with the amazing @gospi. I haven’t worked with a beta before, so I’m still learning what that means too. But so far, I’ve learned more about my writing style and how to improve it. This is especially important to me since I plan to write an original book next year. I hope you’ll appreciate the effort Dee is putting into this!
On a side note, I’m glad this fic has shorter chapters because it makes it easier to work with someone else and get their feedback. I imagine longer, more complex chapters would take much more time and effort and that means we won't get regular updates.
Are you excited to write malec again?
Very much so! This fic has a sassy Alec and soft Magnus dynamic, which is one of my favorites. I’ve also missed writing pining and sarcastic Alec! His POV is always so fun to write. Also, good parent Asmodeus? We love to see it!! I’m still a little nervous about writing for the malec fandom after TLND (mostly because it was overwhelming), so I hope this softer fic will be a nice balance.
Wait, one more question. If the marriage is arranged and they’re not in love, can we expect a happy ending?
Always, babygirl, always.
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Flirty!MultiVillains x Clueless!Reader || Excerpts / Reactions
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Plot: The friendzone is a many splendored thing... not. (You friendzone them) Includes: Candy Pop, Dark Link, Inkubus, Long John Silver, and Oogie Boogie. Warnings: Sexual references!! Derogatory and degrading statements!! These are mostly from the villain’s point of view. Feminine pet names used (Especially in Silver's. He consistently uses 'lass'). Oh also Inkubus may have some sinister intentions... but they are not disclosed and honestly what do we expect. Unedited as of yet. Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball , @miss_understood , @moxiiscool , @ryantryan6969 , @spookiifi , @thecourtofgraywaves , @yesthetrashbin , and @your-mxnd-is-mxne . Hi all! ^^ Please head the warnings, its meant to be comedic, but Candy Pop and Dark both make some very gross comments 😅 Hope y'all enjoy and have a great day ^^
Candy Pop:
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You walk away quickly after that, giving him that sweet kiss on the cheek and saying he’s such a lovely friend to you, and he wonders for a split second whether that was on purpose. “-Excuse me?!?” Surely you know that he wants his hand down your pants? “Hooooold on hold on hold on- “ You can’t be this dumb. Surely! Almost immediately Candy Pop whips around and follows you right down the hall- quickly catching up to you and skipping ahead, walking backwards in front of you, making you smile. “Love! Love, love- what was that last part??”
“I’m glad to have you, Pop.” You grin back, giggling at the befuddled look on his face. It does not clear up.
“Uhuh… as??... “He prompts you carefully, waiving his hand in a ‘go on’ sort of gesture.
“A friend! A wonderful friend.”  
“… hah, sorry, again? I just can’t wrap my head around those words. Must be our language barrier.”
Adorably confused, you tilt your little idiot head at him; Eyebrows knitted together. Oh god, he thinks. Are you not joking after all? “Candy Pop, you’re English.”
… Right… okay- “Yes, well, English used to be quite different in my time, right??” Yeah, that’ll do for an excuse. Sure. “Anyway- again?? You love me… as??”
Sighing, you stop walking and reach out to put a hand on his arm; Making him stop, too, and guiding him towards you. Theirs a gentle, concerned look on your face and your touch makes him feel weak, makes the skin under your fingers light on fire, and he just wants to shove you against the wall and taste you under his tongue. All over. But- “Candy Pop. Whatever you’re thinking… stop.” Holy shit you’re not joking!! You’re truly a dumbass!! What is he going to do!?? He wants to shove his tongue in your asshole, so this- he can’t- this won’t- this is just not going to work!?? “You are lovely- to me, at least.” You give a giggle, and its enchanting, you’re enchanting, but he has never wanted to squeeze you more then right now. Even with your pretty hand on his arm and your pretty eyes on him and your pretty voice in his ears. “and I do love you. Believe it, bud.”
Then you give him another soft, maddening kiss on his painted cheek, and leave again. This time he does not follow. This time he’s too gobsmacked.
Slowly he brings a hand up to his mouth, chewing on his nails and staring at the floor… oh my this is a disaster.
Dark Link:
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“Mmm, y’know Y/N,” As the movie begins the play, after you’ve opened your jumbo bag of doritos and settled down beside Dark on his bed, he takes the opportunity to throw an arm over you. He’s close, now, just like he likes it, and he can see you stuff your face with artificial cheese in detail, sure, but eh- you’re a cute pig. You pull it off. Good on you. “This is a pretty freaky flick… if you get scared, be free to get cozy with me… BEN’s not gonna be here, tonight.”
At least he better not; Dark paid the little weasel handsomely in Hostess cakes and threatened his little man if he did show up. Tonight is the night Dark makes his damn move on you. A real move. One you won’t be able to write off a joke or just friendly. You’re obtuse, but you’ll get it this time. He’s sure.
… because honestly if you don’t, he’s going to lose what’s left of his ever-loving mind. He may have to fuck BEN, or Jeff, if you don’t get it this time. Any dank, warm hole will do but he hopes it’ll be yours. He’s going insane using his hand and wishing it was you. This trying to fuck you thing, has been an ordeal. He’s actually exhausted. You’re dumb as a box of rocks and he wants to feel you so bad. It’s killing him.
You’re killing him.
“Oh,” You pop a dorito in your mouth, looking at him with those pretty (clueless) eyes. “Where’s he gonna be?”
“Don’t know, don’t care. Anyway- “
“That’s a shame.”
“Yeah whatever. So like I was saying- “
“Are you sure he’s not coming around?? I’ll wait- “
“New conversation babe. Stay with me. I just want- “
“I have a bit of a crush on him… “You confess then, awkwardly, a nervous look on your face- but also relieved, like you’ve been wanting so badly to tell him this for a while.
… And Dark sputters, losing his entire train of thought entirely and just staring at you; Under his arm, looking adorable and shy, picking at one of the corners of your dorito bag and telling him… what!? The sound of blood curdling screams erupt from the horror movie then, which is fitting. “… C- Uh, c- come again please?”
You look bashful, before groaning and hiding your face in your hands. Dark follows your face with his eyes, not moving because he’s in shock. “You couldn’t tell?? Aghhh, I feel like I act like a total loony tune around him.”
“… Nope, baby, I couldn’t tell… “
“Oh you’re just saying that!”
“No, babydoll, I promise I am not.” … I guess I’m fucking Jeff tonight then. Goddamnit.
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… He feels like he’s being filmed. Leaning back suddenly, Inkubus brushes a few leaf’s from your annoying pot plant aside and glances behind it. Camera crew?? Secret hidden videographers?? Hello??
He looks swiftly back to you, and you’re still gushing! And yes, you are gushing, right now. To him. That is how he would describe it because that is the correct word. You’re positively glowing, right now, and you certainly don’t notice how disorientated he has gotten- almost feeling dizzy, of all the pathetic human ailments, because this has never happened before, things have never gone this horribly wrong-  
“- oh sorry!! I’m talking too much, aren’t I??” Inkubus watches you tuck hair nervously behind your ear, as innocent as ever, and barely restrains the urge to roll his eyes- or snarl. You’re still completely what he wants, still clean and pure and perfect for his needs. Just your scent puts a sweet taste on his tongue. He can’t… he has to have you. “You don’t want to hear about this… hahah… “
He absolutely can’t believe it. … what are you? If you’re human, which he’s sure that you are, then you shouldn’t be immune to his charm’s. You should be physically compelled. And even if he wasn’t using his powers, you still shouldn’t be able to resist him. He has had a long time to perfect his act, and women - as well men, and everyone else, anyone he wants, - usually fall at his feet. It’s just… the way that it is! Si... What- What- What!?-
But you’re completely in love with someone else. That’s clear.
… But he wants you.
… Taking a deep breath in and rolling his shoulders gracefully, almost totally inconspicuously, forcing himself to calm down, Inkubus pastes a smile onto his face. “No,” He shrugs. “I don’t mind at all- tell me more.” Eugh. “Maybe we can come up with a solution together, hm? Be free to tell me everything… “
It’s been a few centuries since he has played the long game… but here we go~
Ugh… quaint. Truly.  
Long John Silver:
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... Just shoot me. Put me out of my misery, please. Morphie, pal-
The little traitor just jiggles and bubbles in the air behind the lass's head, silently laughing his bleeding backside off after the mortifying kick in the pants that Silver just received from you. Silver glares at the creature, but quickly smoothens his face back out again when you look back at him.
Agh... just keep smilin'. Jussttt keep smilin'... dont be a sore git about this... it was worth a shot at least, it was.
"Y'know lass," Silver finally manages to speak, hating what he has to say. "I didn't know y'had a lad, back home... Y'never mentioned 'im, before now. Promse ya, I wouldnta asked-... well, I cant say that. Lets just say I wouldnt've come on quite so strong, eh? If I'd known." He gives a playful wink, brushing off the awkward moment for your sake. Its not yer fault you aint got room in your life for an old pirate like him!
"Oh, hah. Didnt I?"
No, ya sure didn't. He'd've remembered. "Nope, but that's okay lass... I'm just gonna be a splash heartbroke, now. Probably cry meself to sleep fer a couple nights..." He jokes, rubbing the skin over his heart and watching you cover your face, in sweet sheepishness. Oh, you're cute. Very cute. Whoever's got ya is one lucky bastard. "... But I'll get over it, promise ya."
"Ohhhh," Bashful and sweet as all hell, you peak out from your hand and look all-guilty up at him. Damn, you are a lovely thing you are. "I'm so sorry... "
"Don't even think on it, love. Now- "Clearing his throat, Silver picks up the huge, heavy stew pot in his two strong hands. "lets get the grub out there for those men, unless we want a mutiny on our hands."
Oogie Boogie:
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"Wha- Friend!???" Oogie immediately throws his body dramatically backwards, hearing that; A hand to his chest. "You see me as a friend!???"
"Well... "Nodding your head, all-wholesome (Blegh), you confirm his suspicion, making the bugs in his stomach absolutely roll. "Yeah, Boogie!- "
"Friend!???" If he had a heart, he would seize it. My god, wasn't he clear?? What does a guy haveta do around here to get some pretty little tail??? The hell is this 'friend' crap!?
"Yes, Boogie!"
"How doya figure that!?"
"Well... " Now you're starting to look kind of hurt. You?? You hurt??? He's the one who's hurtin' now, doll!! What the heck is goin' on here??? "I- I- I mean, I thought so- "
"Pumpkin! I do like ya- but I don't think ya get what's happenin', here!" When you just tilt your head to the side, like a damn puppy dog (Disgustingly sweet), Oogie facepalms. Satan gimmie strength! "... do I have to be painfully clear with you, sweetbean??~~ "
"... Hm?"
"Oh- " Huff "fine." Suddenly Oogie slips in close to you again, curling an arm sneakily around your waist and yanking you against his front. A dirty old smirk tears across his face as he leans into yours. "... this'll be fun, anyway~ Hehehe... Hold on tight to me gorgeous, we're goin for a ride~ And its all or nothin', so keep ya wits aboutcha okay doll?"
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weirdozjunkary · 7 months
Ranting about the G5 MLP reboot, cause it annoys me cause it could be so much better. (This is very sporatic and has no set points so just go along with it)
Overall I don’t think that the G5 reboot for MLP is that bad. It’s fine for what it is, especially being aimed for the kids of today.
My only gripe is the absolute shit writing in the Make Your Mark series on Netflix. There is little to no consistency for characters or anything, like do any of the writers communicate with each other?
One major example I can recall is during the small Dragon Lands ark, Pipp enters the portal and is like “shit, there’s no signal, we can call for help.” And that’s fine, that’s normal for her character from what they’re trying to do with her (make her less obsessed with social media). But then after the episode ends after they go back inside, the next episode when they go back to it Pipp is like “NO THERES NO SIGNAL HERE! OH NO OH GOD!!!” And like…. You already knew there was no signal????
Another gripe I have is with Sunny. Like I get that she’s supposed to be the positive one, but literally her only thing is to be positive, to be the spokesperson. Just “we can do this if we set our minds to it.” There were so many parts where something important to the magic is at risk of being stolen, but she is all just like “it’s fine!” And just doesn’t do anything to protect it or keep it safe? Also she lowkey gaslights Zipp when she expresses concern over the magic. I love Sunny, but in the MYM show she just pisses me off so much.
Hitch and Izzy are the most normal, other than Hitch turning into a dad. But Hitch still stays mostly in character despite being a bit dumb and overprotective sometimes.
Earthy ponies were just getting used to learning new magic, and this caused someone to NEARLY GET CRUSHED by a large fruit, so hitch sets rules. Everything goes haywire because no one is using the magic. AND SOMEHOW THEY TRY TK GASLIGHT HITCH AND THE VIEWERS THAT THERES SHOULD BE NO RESTRICTIONS OR RULES???? Like did you forget that before someone nearly died or at least got seriously injured because ponies were just using it Willy nilly?
I get that this show is for kids, but come on, you could do so much better than this. I’m not even getting to Opaline. (I think she’s alright as a villain, but her character feels so forced).
I hope to god that if they make more stuff for this reboot that it would actually be good. There’s so much wasted potential and such weird and bad writing, it makes me wanna claw at my skin.
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total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
I'll be honest all I can think of is P!Noah's family react to his tv persona.
Like, they know the littlest of their family is a little unhinged but they know he's not bloodthirsty so they're just a wee bit confused.
(And since Noah has, like, 8 sisters I just like to imagine the rest of their giant family is COMPLETELY normal. Like, they have their own individual quirks like anyone else but they're just normal people.)
If you can't tell one of my favorite dynamics is gremlin x just some guy but in this au it's multiple "just some guy“s and it's platonic.
And they've never actively troed to real P!Noah in either btw. They're perfectly content with their little adrenaline junkie baby brother.
Though it does make me wonder how they react in the P!Noah getting stabbed ask
No, see, this is a part of the AU that I actually have some thoughts for.
P!Noah's whole schtick wouldn't be achievable without the showrunners being aware that he's not really gonna do anything to permanently harm the other competitors- it'd be a PR nightmare to justify having an actual loose canon on the show risking the safety of the other teens. So, at the very least, the producers would know that a lot of his threats of violence or otherwise concerning behaviour are an act. (Or an exaggeration of his wilder tendancies.)
Thankfully, canon has its' own subtle little explanation for keeping someone so 'dangerous' around - Izzy's audition tape(s). In those, Izzy states that she'll do her best to "not be boring", which is probably the line that cemented her inclusion in the show. She's kept around as a conflict starter and an audience engagement device, since her antics are so entertaining to watch.
In a similar vein, in p!Noah's audition tape he explains that he's only auditioning for the show out of boredom, and he mostly sees the whole experience as a relatively quick cash grab - after all, he's wicked smart and plenty talented; it'd be child's play to outperform the other contestants (keep in mind, pretty much all of the OG cast were under the impression that Total Drama was going to be something more akin to a talent-based competition at an island resort). He explains that he's not really interested in the show itself, but it could be fun to spend his summer somewhere new where people don't know him or his eccentricities.
At this point in time, Noah's already got his gameplan planned and set; he's already presenting himself as the stoic and somewhat egotistical bookworm, which honestly isn't too far from his actual personality. Save for his psychotic tendancies, that is. Of course, Noah really is smart - smart enough to know that if he came in guns blazing to an audition tape for what is at it's core a social game, he probably wouldn't be picked.
And then the video is interrupted by one of his siblings, who points out that Noah's idea of "fun" generally consists of tormenting the people around him, providing examples of his more daring pranks from a seemingly endless list.
Then more of his siblings join in, all the while Noah stares towards the camera with a smug smile, which only grows wider - unnaturally wide, with hints of unusually sharp teeth poking from stretched-thin lips - as they share transgression after transgression. The tape ends without elaboration, nothing but a still frame of Noah's sinister smirk.
These pranks themself start off pretty tame sounding, like rigging water balloons full of vinegar above doorsteps. They quickly devolve into Noah cutting the breaks on his teacher's car after recieving an unfair grade, mowing down his classmates on a renegade bumper cart during a school trip to a theme park, and things along those lines. Chris, and more importantly the producers, feel a sense of sadistic kinship with the little psycho after hearing about his dangerous endeavours, and cast him on the spot.
So he's chosen to compete for a similar reason as Izzy; to wreak havoc in an entertaining way, and hopefully to kickstart drama.
His family are fully aware of this, though they don't fully anticipate the gleeful sort of vigour Noah has towards tormenting his castmates whilst remaining undetected... by the castmates. They do, however, expect Noah's sly grins and menacing smirks he throws towards the cameras before each successful prank he pulls off with Izzy. And the blank, uncannily empty stares he fixes towards the audience from the background of challenge footage - as if Noah himself can see through the lens into their souls.
After all, they've dealt with him for his whole life. They know his tricks, they've lived his tricks. The whole family has become accustomed to their baby brother who doesn't fully understand concepts like morality and empathy and, as such, can be a little silly sometimes. And they all know just how committed Noah can be to things he finds fun and interesting.
Their first bout of genuine surprise is during one of his later confessionals, when Noah gets too into the persona he's cultivated and starts portraying himself as violent and out for blood.
In Noah's head, he's just upping the ante of his metasocial game. For his family? They know he isn't nearly as violent as he's portraying himself as.
Sure, he's a little impulsive and thrill-seeking, but he's never had a fascination with blood or sharp objects of whatever else he tries to claim in the confessional. When Noah gets home from his stint on Island his siblings are lining up to berate him for his act - doesn't he realise how dangerous portraying himself as an unstable lunatic for the world to see is?
He justifies that anyone who believed his act is an idiot. It's reality TV - anyone with half a brain knows that things are exaggerated for entertainment purposes. He was just giving the editors something good to work with.
Noah is promptly dogpiled by eight irate older siblings.
(I'm also a big fan of "gremlin & just some guy", in this case it's gremlin & many exasperated some guys who aren't afraid of the gremlin. The rest of his family are perfectly normal people who just so happen to know how to deal with somewhat morally bereft hijinks and tomfoolery thanks to their youngest member. P!Noah has an incredibly healthy home life, he's just like that by design.)
As for the stabbing ask; I'm not sure if I want that little scenario to be "canon" to this AU, (and if it is, it'll be re-written with things like context in mind, as opposed to the shitty sleep-deprived drabble I wrote way back when) but if any of his family witnessed Noah being stabbed on international TV the whole brood would be storming the network's headquaters and/or chasing down the Jumbo Jet to get to him. He's The Baby™, you can't stab The Baby™. (Though, inwardly, they'd all agree that it was karma in action. Noah was tempting fate by playing around with knifes for so long, it was only a matter of time before someone got stabbed.)
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Alright, *cracks knuckles, back, pussy, crack, etc* more trailer to break down.
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Mirror image of the shot in the teaser? Was it flipped for a reason or are we getting more than one scene like this? What boat are they on? It's not the dinghy, not the revenge (I don't THINK?), and they're not dressed the way they are with the Chinese pirates. (Red scarf presence noted.)
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Speaking of: Is this 'Susan' he's talking to? This has to be early on, he's not got his cunty little earring yet. (Just trying to nail SOME of the timeline down, you understand.)
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Scarf. Feeling more and more sure it's Ed's silk.
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Oluwande 💚. The way this dialogue is cut seems like they're skipping something, the way Olu says 'you dumped him' doesn't flow with the conversation the way it would if it was a immediate response to Stede's 'no, why would he do that?'
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Presented without comment.
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They're eating the wedding cake. :)
This is presumably happening while Ed is throwing knives at Izzy's head. :(
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Anyway. This looks like they're definitely trying to get Blackbeard to stop -
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- doing this so they can get through the storm or tell him something's gone wrong. Maybe Izzy's foot/leg gets real bad during the storm? Could be a lot of things.
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Initially I thought this might be a precursor to him menacing Frenchie in the one shot in the EW article, but that's in the galley not Stede's cabin and this is a bucket full of bottles (alcohol) and with Frenchie it's a box with bottles (containers, possibly food but I think it looks more likely to be medicine)
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(for reference)
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I think this is in the auxiliary wardrobe, bride figure in the top right.
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Izzy looks MISERABLE here. Whether it's the idea of him knowing EXACTLY why they're at a wedding or because he's in a hell of a lot of pain (foot still present and infected and all that) or some unfortunate combination of both (likely both), I want to wrap him up in a blanket burrito and give him forehead kissies. Also, wider shot here lets me update who's where on the topdown, so:
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Unnamed bald one with the studded bracers behind Izzy in the previous shot
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Ed. Ed you are like. Consistently seen smoking from a pipe. You can't handle a blunt? Or is the weed too dank? Also, pretty sure this is him and Anne and/or the person she's with in the shots a bit after this.
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This is why I thought it might have been the shot from the EW article but again, different container with different miscellanea and different room. He. Does seem to be. Interacting with Frenchie a lot though. And. This instance seems very specifically similar to. To him interacting with. A certain someone else. In season 1. . . I'm not saying Izzy's out with a case of Leg Gone and Ed's leaning on Frenchie in the aftermath. . . but.
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I feel this so hard. We've all been there Ed. Anyway I'm pretty sure this is the same place he's smoking with mysterious, mostly offscreen, light skin-toned hand person who may or may not be Anne and/or her friend. (No scarf.)
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Genuinely I feel like the nose staying on his face would look more believable without the ribbon. Lucius didn't need a ribbon for his finger. Maybe if it was horizontal as opposed to diagonal? It looks LOOSE and that makes it seem like it's not secure enough to be staying on his face like it is.
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Deserved (the punch). My baby's leg tho. :'(c It's not even the right height for him. Look how he's gotta bend his other leg just standing.
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Olu fighting someone???
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Bracer looks like guy number 6 from the wedding raid but this doesn't look like it's on a ship. This guy also seems to have a beard or something that the other guy didn't so idk.
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Cracked the code here thanks to @tizzyizzy pointing out something in my server. I was right about this not being during the storm. I was wrong about it being a possibly mutiny. I'm gonna jump a bit ahead in the trailer in a sec to explain but: Ed's got a rock tied around his waist here. You can see the rock at the bottom of the screen.
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You can see the line go taut and pull him down.
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You can see the rock continue to pull him down. (The rock is right at the bottom of the screen.)
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Jumping ahead in the trailer and. Well. Rock with some rope tied around it. (Once again, thank you Tizzy 🙏 you eagle eyed hero) The lighting certainly matches better than the storm did. The question is: Is Hornighost trying to talk him into it or out of it? (And. Yknow. Is he a ghost at all, even?)
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Back to where we jumped from. Are these guys wearing the same clothes as the guy Stede 'did a punch' to? Looks like it. *Black Pete voice* What IS this fucking timeline!
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Love that Izzy is the only one who doesn't duck away. Also 👀 Lucius spotted. Is he holding hands with Jim? He certainly seems comfortable positioned right between the two little killers doesn't he? ;3c
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'Oh no my boat :'(c' Is anyone still on board or did they take a dinghy and get outta there after the storm?
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(New promo pic.) This.
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(Skipping ahead in the trailer.) And this, are all the same version of Stede. The outfit (weird little arm flappies, red sash) and location are the same. This is absolutely a dream sequence. Stede is dreaming about being the kind of pirate he wishes he was. I'd also venture as to guess this is the extent of his 'revenge on Izzy' that Some Of You are all so clamoring for.
[Out of allowed images, please hold]
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g5mlp · 1 year
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Here's the entire My Little Pony 2024 Franchise Overview presentation. This was originally distributed online in mid-June 2023, and we reported on it then, but there are a couple of details that didn't make it into the post.
Download links 2024 Franchise Overview 2023 Marketing Plans Hasbro Brands Overview
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Slides 2–4. Various random stats which are mostly not important or not properly contextualized. I have just a slight feeling that the stat on slide 3 implying that MLP is bigger than Barbie at the moment is cherrypicked.
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Slides 5–6. Slide 6 is the first slide with specific data about Tell Your Tale viewers. It tells us that Tell Your Tale outperformed Make Your Mark on audience approval and toy purchase basket size, and that it outperformed other franchises on repeat toy purchase rate. There are a few more of these stats on slide 20.
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Slides 7–9. Tell Your Tale Season 2 will be real, and will have four specials (the accompanying visuals don't seem to be related, other than the beach stuff for special 2). They didn't really explain what "hair play in every episode" or "more magical moments" will mean, although maybe the former is intended to encourage the purchase of toys.
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Slides 10–12. This is basically a summary of things that have already been done within the MLP brand over the last few years. "LBE" means "location-based entertainment".
Slide 10 seems to indicate that there are about 7 songs left to be released in Tell Your Tale Season 1.
On slide 12, from left to right, the featured things are the VR book My Little Pony: Virtual Magic; the Sofia Carson-narrated Calm "sleep story"; the I Can Read Comics Level 1 book Sister Switch; the first issue of the G5 IDW comics; the MLP mascots at the Galaxyland theme park in Edmonton, Canada; a render of the lobby of the My Little Pony & Transformers Playlodge in Shanghai; and the "Flight to Equestria" ferris wheel at Galaxyland.
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Slides 13–14. Mostly licensed merch, although the Izzy brushable on slide 14 still hasn't been seen anywhere other than this presentation.
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Slide 15. Another indication that Make Your Mark won't get anything in 2024: the best they can say about it is that it will "live on Netflix" (i.e. won't be removed from Netflix), which was probably going to happen anyway.
Given the "new episodes weekly" statement, 328 minutes can be neatly divided into 4 22-minute episodes and 48 5-minute episodes, all for Tell Your Tale. Consistent episode lengths make sense for Hasbro, since they intend to license their shows out to TV networks with standard half-hour programming blocks.
"Linear and AVOD" probably refers to traditional TV channels and ad-supported free streaming sites. Some past MLP content is already available on "AVOD" sites such as Pluto TV.
It seems like G5 music will continue to have that generic pop sound.
It's implied that some of the video games shown will be updated in 2024. Maybe not all of them, though, since the MLP Roblox game (Visit Maretime Bay) was shut down in February 2023.
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Slides 16–17. They want to grow viewership a lot and convert it to toy purchases. They call Tell Your Tale their "one & only ponable content series"; obviously, maintaining two ongoing animated shows would directly contradict this statement.
The Pipp, Misty, Sunny and Izzy brushables shown all seem to be new, as is the concept art for the accessories of the former three. The Izzy brushable is probably the same one as on slide 14.
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Slide 18. They will do a bunch of promo stuff, including releasing a licensed console video game in Q3 2024. The first and third Tell Your Tale specials are to be the tentpole moments (i.e. big marketing focal points) of 2024.
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Slides 19–20. Slide 20 features some more new stats on how well Tell Your Tale is performing; it has 177 million cumulative YouTube views, good repeat viewership and better repeat purchase rate than Make Your Mark.
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This image is from a different presentation, "2023 Marketing Plans". This slide reveals the Secrets of Starlight logo for the fourth and final My Little Pony: Make Your Mark special.
The "album launch" could be referring to the My Little Pony Theme Song (Sped Up + lofi remixes) EP that was released today. Or maybe something else?
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This slide is from the other presentation that was revealed, "Hasbro Brands Overview". It doesn't really reveal anything that wasn't previously known, although it does suggest that Bridlewoodstock will feature in more marketing content through the rest of the year.
Almost all of the text in the 2024 Franchise Overview presentation is shown in the Calibri font. It doesn't seem like it was originally intended to be that way, and I think it might be due to custom fonts not being loaded properly by whoever converted the presentation to PDF. In spite of this issue, the presentation is likely genuine, evidenced by the high quality images embedded in it, including a shot from a future Tell Your Tale episode on slide 8.
Slides 15 and 18 both note that future plans are subject to change. However, it's probably somewhat unlikely that Hasbro could return to Make Your Mark in 2024. Even if they were to commission more Make Your Mark episodes right now, and could justify the budget for it, it would probably still take more than a year before the first episodes could be completed. I could be wrong about this, but there's nothing to suggest that it would be in the interest of Hasbro, Netflix, Atomic Cartoons or anyone else (except maybe the fans) for Make Your Mark to be renewed after 2023.
While the TYT Audience Report and MLP Shopper Analysis by AIM & We Are Family both seem to be focused on 2- to 8-year-old girls, it's not necessarily an indication that Hasbro is focused solely on this demographic – they might just be the most lucrative demographic, or the one whose analysis produced the best numbers to show to Hasbro's investors and partners.
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eijaksa · 8 months
I love how everyone's eager to conclude Izzy and Ed have been fucking all this time in response to the comment about Izzy not having realised they weren't in a romantic relationship before he was Ed with Stede, but I gotta say I LOVE the idea of Izzy getting like... scraps of attention from Ed, or being in an "old married couple" kind of dynamic with Ed (the kind where you kinda mostly don't pay attention to the other but them not being there would still be aa significant thing; there isn't really anything between you anymore but routine and being used to having the other around, what ever there used to be is long gone) and just. going "this is it, we are a thing" even though Ed doesn't actually do anything to indicate there being anything there. But all Izzy needs to go "ahh, this is a romantic relationship" is for someone (Ed) to be there consistently and pay some attention to him.
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
Izzy tries to fuck Black Pete to make Lucius jealous and prove he was lying about the whole "we don't own each other" thing. Pete easily falls for Izzy's seduction, which mostly consists of showing off with his sword and answering Pete's inane questions about Blackbeard. Eventually they start getting intimate and Izzy arranges for Lucius to walk in on them together. He's expecting Lucius to freak out, but he just shrugs and tells them to have fun. Izzy has accidentally caught feelings throughout this whole scheme and he ends up unwittingly integrated into the Revenge polycule.
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my-favourite-zhent · 8 months
New Tricks - Chapter 14
Status: Work In Progress Version: 1.01 Pairing: Rugan x AFAB!OC Rating: NC-17 (This chapter R) Genre: Adventure/Romance Summary: Misadventures of Rugan and the original Zhentarim Gate's crew before and during the year of three sailing ships. Notes: Want to say thank you to @rolansrighthorn for beta-reading for me and providing some helpful suggestions, and of course to  @fistfuloftarenths who is of Sally Menke levels of importance when it comes to editing these chapters~ The characterization would not be as consistent without her help! Table of Contents
Read below the cut or on AO3
New Tricks - Chapter Fourteen
Consciousness, if it could be called that, came to Rugan in short bursts. Every memory retained that same watery feel, the edges bleeding into each other. Rolling in and out like waves on the shore.
He felt aware of Olly at his bedside, though all he saw was the lamp light behind his eyelids. 
‘Chin up, Olly.’ He tried to say but his tongue felt heavy in his mouth.
Muffled voices, arguing amongst the lads. Bellar grumbling, Sal scolding, Olly pleading. He couldn't make out the words.
The next ebb seemed sharper, clearer. 
“You were just going to leave him here alone like this?” A woman's voice this time, familiar, though he couldn't yet place it.
“...I'll stay with him.” He tried to remember, there was a thread there that tugged at him and he felt he was so close to knowing.
A hand squeezing his own, it was soft and cool to the touch and then just as quickly it was gone. He wanted to reach out for it but the tide was going out again.
It seemed brighter now and there was a cool breeze against his cheek.
“Rugan, do you know what a lucky bastard you are?” 
He didn't feel lucky, he felt like he was being jostled about like a sack of flour. Everything smelled of ox shit.
The memories were mostly dark and silent after that, but there were other sensations. The feel of a metal spoon pressed against his lips, warm broth on his tongue, richer than any he remembered tasting before. A cool cloth pressed to his forehead, slick fingertips smoothing over his chest and throat mingling with the scent of cedarwood and peppermint oils. 
There was a bitter broth the next time, but a gentle voice bade him drink and he relented without any hesitation.
This time when he slipped under there was not that familiar inky blackness but instead a staccato of noise. Was that Brem’s laughter? Bellar?
“It's your hand Rugan.” Tamlyn was seated across from him at a round wooden table. They were a quartet, the other two players were at his sides and yet somehow obscured from his vision. He looked down at his cards, four through nine of hearts.
“Flush of hearts, lucky me.” He laid them down on the table.
“Not so lucky as me. Royal flush of blades.” She laid down her cards and the swords seemed to shine under the lamp light. 
When Rugan looked down at his cards he saw that the hearts were more articulated than before. They seemed to pulse and beat, blood dripping down them.
His eyes darted back and Tamlyn’s blades now each had blood running down from tip to hilt. He looked up and there was a hot red line across her throat from which blood began to seep.
Rugan jumped back from the table, knocking it to the ground. 
The right player turned to him, suddenly clear and illuminated, Izzy.
“You killed her with kindness.” Izzy's voice had a strange timber to it, it was polite but not kind.
“Will I kill you with kindness?” It was Olly on the left, drenched by the rain, lips purple from the cold.
He stumbled back and fell, when he rose to his feet he was in water, a river perhaps? But he could see neither shore in all the blinding fog. It came up to his knees and he was shivering from the cold, his back was slick. 
A small skiff approached and Sal stood at its prow, hand extended.
“I can take you to the other side, do it for say fifty tarenths.”
“The other side?”
“You know, the one we don't come back from.”
“I'm fine, thanks.”
“Suit yourself,” Sal had already put his pole into the water and began pushing off. “but you'll have to wait a while for the next one, watch out for the sirens.”
“Sirens?” But Sal had already disappeared into that blinding mist.
“He's exaggerating.” It was Izzy at his side, but he hadn't heard her approach.
“How did you get here Iz?”
“I came with the rain.” She pointed up.
He looked but saw nothing but blinding white, when he looked back again she was gone. In fact the entire river was gone, replaced with rolling grasslands, yet it was still too damned bright.
“We can give you a ride to the next town.” It was Zarys astride a horse.
“Cost you an arm and a leg though.” Bellar was grinning wickedly, having pulled up beside her on his own steed. In one hand he did have the bloodied arm of some poor sap, and he wiggled it for emphasis.
“Same old story.” He muttered in response.
Izzy again in that green flowing dress. She was smearing something on his forehead, charcoal? Where had she come from? The walls of the tower office felt so claustrophobic, hadn't he remembered this place as being large? 
His own hand wrapped around her wrist in an instant.
“Didn't I tell you before this place was off limits?” He asked, growing frustrated with her constant intrusions.
“Did you?”
“Why are you haunting me, Iz?” He demanded.
“Why are you haunting me, Iz?” It came out as little more than a whisper, his voice straining from disuse.
“I'm not haunting you, Zhent. You're ill.” Izzy moved from her chair to sit on the bed beside him, reaching out with her free hand to brush back the hair from his temples. She felt such relief at the sound of his voice, even hoarse as it was.
“I’m dreaming.” He murmured.
“You probably were, you’ve been asleep for a few days now.” But he was already slipping back under.
When next he woke there was sunlight streaming in past the thin white curtains. This seemed less chaotic, more grounded than the memories that came before, yet the place was so unfamiliar to him he wasn’t sure if he truly was awake. 
The room was bright and clean, the ceilings were high and the windows narrow. He tried to sit up and it felt as if his body was weighted down. He groaned, muscles straining, he was able to get himself upright but already felt exhausted from the effort.
He heard the rustling of fabric to his left and looked over the edge of the bed. There on the floor was a small woman in a bedroll.
He watched her stir and look up at him bleary eyed. Her hair was a tangled mess, dark circles hung under her eyes and it looked as if she had slept in her clothes. In short, she was gorgeous.
“Iz.” His voice little more than a hoarse whisper. 
“Hey, you're awake.” Izzy smiled at him, she looked relieved.
“Where–?” His question was cut off by a cluster of coughs that racked his body. Izzy scrambled to his side and smoothed her hand over his back until the fit subsided. She handed him a glass of water from the bedside table and he drank greedily. 
“We’re in Crimmor, the boys said you fell ill on the mountain pass.”
When he was done she took the cup and pressed her hand to his forehead, frowning slightly.
“Your fever’s returning. I’ll brew you some more tea.” She propped up the pillows behind him and helped him to lean back against them. “I’ll just be a moment.”
He wanted to ask her to stay but found he didn't have the strength for it, already his eyelids felt like lead. Rugan rested them for what seemed like only an instant but when he opened them next Izzy had already returned, pressing a hot mug to his lips.
It was bitter and he made a face when she pulled the empty mug away. “Lass, that is not a proper brew.”
He heard her tinkling laughter and smiled as he closed his eyes once more.
Over the course of the next day Rugan's condition began to improve, and with that came longer bouts of lucidity. 
While his newfound clarity boded well for his health it did not help at all with how he physically felt. 
Now he was aware of every ache the fever provided, his whole body felt sore and misused. The coughs were equally bad. They racked the whole of him when they came on and often were accompanied with the expulsion of sickly green bile. Izzy was always there with a cup of water and handkerchief, a gentle hand on his back. But her pitying looks grated on him, they reminded him of Olly in Daggerford. After the tenth or so time he found himself snapping at her. 
“Gods’ sake woman stop mothering me.”
She had flinched at this, but he had pretended not to see.
And that was another thing. What in the hells was she doing here of all places? Hadn't he worked to banish her twice already. First her memories then her damned letter. Now here she was, in the flesh, still her sweet self. Doting on him as if she had nothing better to do. When she sat next to him he would catch a whiff of her hair. She smelled like soap and hazelnuts and cherries. Rugan found himself alternating between wanting to pull her into a tight embrace or sending her back to whatever hell she came from.
“Where are the lads then? Haven't seen them yet.” He asked between mouthfuls of dinner that night.
“They went on ahead to Athkatla.”
“Happy to leave me for dead were they? Suppose it's only sensible.”
“That's not so, they were going to wait two days then pool their coin to put you up at an inn. I volunteered to look after you instead.”
“Don’t have anything better to do Iz?” He scoffed.
“Not when the ground’s frozen over, no.” She teased.
“Needn’t have bothered.”
“Would you rather some tavern wench ran off with your coin purse?”
“Surprised Bellar didn’t do that himself.”
“He took my ring as collateral so there’s that.”
He had forgotten about the ring and felt a rush of guilt. If Izzy was upset by that, it didn't show.
Izzy looked at her hands pensively. “Olly was really worried about you, you know.”
“Lad's soft heartedness is the whole reason I'm in this mess.” He didn't bother to hide his frustration.
“He meant well.”
“With all due respect, lass, his little crisis of conscience nearly got the both of us killed.”
“Just don't be too hard on him when you see him next, please.”
“I don't need you telling me how to do my job.” Rugan snapped. The way she recoiled at that stung but he held firm, there had been more than enough weakness for one run already.
His point was somewhat undercut by a series of coughs that doubled him over. When he had gotten hold of himself he noticed Izzy fidgeting, trying to restrain herself from the coddling he so detested. At least he had told her that he detested it.
‘Just as bad as Olly she is.’
In an effort to maintain some of his dignity he rose from the bed and poured himself a cup of water from a pitcher set on the nightstand. His eyes met hers over the top of his glass, as if daring her to chide him for getting out of bed. She didn’t take the bait, though she looked at him appraisingly.
“If you’re well enough to stand, then here, hold out your arms, and straighten your shoulders.”
“What for?” He looked at her curiously but obeyed.
Izzy took out a loose bit of string from her pocket and pinned it between his shoulder blades with one hand while pulling it taught to his wrist with the other. She repeated this strange gesture with his back and shoulders before scratching something down in a notebook.
“What was that about Iz?” He asked again.
“Not telling, you'll just give me a hard time about it.” She blew the loose dust off the charcoal before clapping the book shut and tucking it into her pocket.
He snorted. She had been the one fussing over every little thing, but fine he wouldn’t push the matter.
Another repercussion of his prolonged bouts of consciousness was that he had begun to take better note of his surroundings.
The walls were clean and plastered, with raised wooden side panels topped with smooth chair rails. There were also brass wall sconces and an impressive looking fireplace against the far wall. Next to the fireplace were a pair of plush looking chairs and a small tea table. It wasn’t extravagant and gaudy like the homes of patriars he had seen, but it was more that he could have ever hoped to afford in a lifetime.
The following day he made a mental note to ask Izzy about it when she next appeared and did so. She had come again with a cup of the bitter tea. Sitting down on the bed beside him she held it out.
He accepted it with both hands and drank it down quickly to get it over with. Still his face winced with distaste and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Iz, be honest.”
“You are a bleeding noble aren't you?”
“What?” She looked utterly baffled.
“There’s no way you can afford to stay at this inn on just digging up dead people’s trinkets.”
“Oh, gods the house.” She laughed.
House? For some reason that struck him as worse than an expensive inn.
“No this isn't mine Rugan, my friend from school is putting us up.”
“School? You didn’t make out like you’d properly attended.”
“Only for the first year, couldn’t afford to after that.” She looked away sheepishly and busied herself with the hem of her shirt.
“Ah, I'm much the same, only did a couple of years at the temple school before I was put to work. Your writings rather nice though for only the one year, can barely do more than chicken scratch m’self.”
“You got my letter.” She was smiling at him now and he tried to push down the warmth he felt at that.
“Aye, was a kindness for you to bother, my thanks.”
“I didn't learn writing from school though, my dad taught me. You’ve him to thank.”
“Suppose that saved a coin or two.”
“Well I didn't go to temple school at all. We were moving around too much, my parents and I that is. So they just taught me reading and writing and what have you on the road. I just did the one year of university well after they’d died.”
“University?! That’s a sight better than you let on Iz.”
“Oh, they don’t really teach dead languages anywhere else. Not unless you're high up in some clergy or another. Thought it might be nice to have classmates for once too. What about you? What was temple school like?”
“You don't need to humour me Iz, sophisticated lady like yourself.” He huffed.
“I'm not! I didn't have anyone my own age to play with growing up, always thought it must be nice to have peers you see every day.”
“Doubt the lil bastards I used to knock about with would've met your standards.”
“Wish my standards were as high as you seem to think.” She snapped.
They both sat stewing till a rap came at the door.
Izzy let out a sigh of frustration. “That'll be your bath.”
“Don't need a bath.” He wasn't sure he had the strength to climb into a tub.
“Oh didn't realize we'd been housing an ox in here with you, that would explain the smell.”
“Well I certainly don't need your help with it.”
She was getting to her feet now. “Did you think it was Bellar sponging your bits while you were busy being unconscious?!”
His face felt hot with embarrassment but he couldn't back down. “And just how exactly would you manage to get me in the tub, lass?”
“Unlike you, I haven't suddenly developed an aversion to accepting help when needed.” She had stomped over to the door and now threw it open.
A frightened servant stood on the other side, he couldn't have been much older than Olly.
“Gregor if you're still willing to help me with this surly bastard I would very much appreciate it.”
“Yes saer.” Came the timid response and Rugan wished that the fever had just killed him outright.
Rugan had traded stewing in the bed for stewing in the tub. He sat arms crossed, piping hot water up to his shoulders.
Like the bedroom, the bathing room was luxurious without ostentation. The floor was composed of simple stone tiles, these continued halfway up the wall and were topped with a black stone trim. The floor slightly sloped to the center where a drain was ready to accept any spills. There was a faucet fixture on the wall nearest the tub with runes on either side that allowed for the adjustment of the water temperature. Everything was practical without a hint of excess and that aggravated him all the more. At least he could make fun of the frivolity of patriars.
Izzy was sitting on a stool behind the tub, her fingers slowly working the shampoo into his scalp. This should've been nice, after all when had he last enjoyed a hot bath? This would've been nice if he hadn't felt like some aging invalid that needed a wet behind the ears pup to help him into a damned tub. He had at least been able to scrub himself clean. He could've done the hair himself too, but Izzy had asked so nicely and he did feel some small bit of remorse for how he had treated her. 
Obliquely he watched her reflection in the mirror, gauging her expression, Izzy seemed to be enjoying herself at least. She dragged her nails lightly over his undercut, eliciting a sigh of approval. He could see the corners of her mouth quirk up in a smile.
“We could take the boat down to Athkatla when you're feeling well enough,” She suggested as her fingers trailed down his neck to his shoulders. “it's much faster than a caravan. Might even be able to make that job.”
“Cost half my coin too I'll bet. Bane knows how much of my wages Zarys will cut when she finds out I've been out near a tenday.”
“My boss back in the Gate, black-hearted vixen, that one.”
“I can pay for the boat.”
“Just flush with it aren't you lass?” And despite his best efforts he couldn't hide the bitterness in his voice.
“Work’s better in the summer but since Corra lets me winter here with her I can save on room and board, that's all.”
“Don't know why you bothered slumming with us Zhents in Waterdeep if you could come home to this.”
“It's not my home.” She said, soft but firm. “And I don't recall you ever bringing me to a slum.”
“Usually save that for the fourth date.”
Instantly her hands were gone from him and she was stalking over to the other side of the tub, filling a bucket from the faucet.
When she returned she dumped it over his head without warning. Rugan shouted and spluttered as the ice cold water crashed down about his face. 
“There,” She said, glowering at him. “you’re all rinsed.”
“What the hells woman?!”
But she was already throwing open the door to speak to the servant from earlier.
“Gregor, he's ready to be taken back to his room now. If you can manage on your own.”
When the boy answered in the affirmative she stalked off on her own.
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blackhannetandco · 1 year
So far this season, the stizzy interactions have mostly consisted of Izzy trying to spare the crew from emotional responses Stede might have in the most self-destructive way possible - deliberately trying to provoke Stede's ire and directing it towards himself, and Stede responding bitchily but not with the great emotion Izzy seems to expect. Their final interaction is the only one Izzy starts off with genuine sincerity, and Stede, finally being fully able to sit in the fact that Ed was terrible to his crew and that his crew (seemingly) killed Ed, cuts him off by just running walking away to be with Ed.
Given that, and given that everyone is going to find out Ed is actually alive, as well as the fallout of that - I think it's likely Stede and Izzy just won't know how to act around each other. Because where do you go from here, now that everything is out in the open and there's no singular happy solution to the problems presenting themselves? But that sort of awkward tension isn't conductive to running a ship, is it?
I say all this to build up to saying that I hope the members of the Breakup Boat Crew will try to talk to Stede, to nudge him into being the one to break the ice and to ask Izzy to train him. Because he's a dick, but he's their dick, and Stede needs him, no matter how awkward things are right now. A real talk it through with your crew moment.
OR. If we're sticking to comedy over sincerity, I think it would be really funny if the entire crew came together to hold an intervention for these two guys who clearly need all the help communicating that they can get lmao.
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
OFMD Fic Statistics, Revisited
I made this statistics analysis post about Izzy’s popularity on AO3 back in January 2023, and I’ve been wondering for a while how the numbers have shifted. (More thoughts.) Seeing as S2 is about to ramp up fic writing again and upend current trends, I figure this is about my last chance to look only at S1 / hiatus popularity. So. New numbers.
The original post was made at 12,072 fics. Today we are at 23,187. Almost doubled.
“Israel Hands” is character tagged in 11,271, so 48.6% of all fics. Lucius Spriggs is tagged in 6153 (26.5%), Jim Jimenez in 3732 (16%), and Oluwande Boodhari in 3201 (13.8%). Our mains still unquestionably take the top spots, with Blackbeard / Edward Teach at 17,773 (76.7%) and Stede Bonnet at 16,355 (70.5%). Also if I exclude all the character tags of the Revenge crew I get 1441 fics (6.2%) that mostly don't use character tags, around 60% of which appear to be BlackBonnet. Did see one Doug/Mary though. Get some, girl!
Compared to 9 months ago, Izzy is up about +3.9% and everyone else is down less than -4%. Lucius at -3% and Edward at -3.6% appear to be the biggest hits. But, again, these percentages are still nearly twice as many fics total (ex: Lucius added +2593 to his January total of 3560). This looks like the fandom has been pretty consistent about which characters they write about? (I'll muse on trends later.)
Re: Shipping... Let's get BlackBonnet out of the way. This ship is tagged on 15,111 OFMD fics, making it 65.2% of the fandom. Now 906 of those are also tagged SteddyHands, making it a whole 6% of all BlackBonnet, and reducing BlackBonnet to 14,205 fics and 61.3% of the fandom if we exclude them.
Running the otp:true search says that now 10,016 fics and 43.2% of all OFMD content is BlackBonnet with no side pairings at all.
The fandom is getting a little more varied and willing to write about more than their OTP. It's down -6.9% which is a good thing if you like basically any side characters. All these numbers are still definitely on the high end, though, even for a canon pairing. Like the main thing making them seem less skewed to me is Good Omens (TV) that has AzCrow at 83.7% of 57,524 fics. And that's a huge outlier with less side character attention than a true ensemble cast.
Izzy Hands compared to shipping tags is still probably a better idea of how much positive attention he's getting, so we'll break those down next. See if that slight character tag gain reflects in ships.
BlackBonnet is still the biggest tag under "Israel Hands" with 5499 fics - that's 48.8% of all "Israel Hands" fics. It also means 23.7% of OFMD fics are tagged with BlackBonnet + "Israel Hands". SteddyHands is also tagged on 840 of those, so we can exclude that many and say 41.3% of "Israel Hands" fics / 20% of OFMD fics are tagged with BlackBonnet + "Israel Hands" and NOT SteddyHands.
The actual Izzy ships go:
Edward/Izzy at 2816 under "Israel Hands", 3029 (13%) total. Excluding SteddyHands becomes 1997 under "Israel Hands", 2139 (9.2%) total
Edward/Stede/Izzy at 1819 under "Israel Hands", 1994 (8.6%) total
Stede/Izzy at 1290 under "Israel Hands", 1385 (6%) total. Excluding SteddyHands becomes 532 under "Israel Hands", 567 (2.4%) total
Izzy/Lucius at 1015 under "Israel Hands", 1116 (4.8%) total. Black Pete/Lucius still outranks it even inside Izzy's tag, btw
For comparison Black Pete/Lucius is sitting at 1845 (8%) of fics. 75.7% of those are also tagged BlackBonnet, and excluding it leaves you with 448 (1.9%) of fics. I didn't want to run otp:true since there's so much poly!Lucius.
Oluwande/Jim is at 1662 (7.2%) of fics. 72.1% of those are also tagged BlackBonnet, and running otp:true leaves you with 302 (1.3%) fics that are purely TealOranges.
Very, very modest gains in the Izzy shipping sphere, mostly via SteddyHands and its +1.9% raising several boats if we're being real. Still... take Stede out and not even BlackHands breaks double digits. Izzy/Lucius went up by +0.5%. Comparatively Black Pete/Lucius is down -1.8% from January, and Oluwande/Jim down -1.3%. Again, we're seeing a pretty consistent fandom here. Remember these drops aren't all going to SteddyHands (obviously)... there's a lot of negligible ships that are fluctuating too and hopefully benefiting from having a slightly larger slice of the pie to share (and twice as many fics in that slice)!
Trend-wise, I'm actually surprised it's still so consistent? BlackBonnet going down is easily the largest change here, and it's not exactly huge. Also inevitable and a good thing, based on patterns from other fandoms. I mean, you might be disappointed if you are literally only here for them, but very little sucks like watching an ensemble show and then finding out the fandom gives zero fucks about any of the characters outside the huge main ship... even when you like the ship!
I do wonder if the very small boosts in Izzy content have anything to do with Izzy fans retreating into the canyon to keep their fandom enthusiasm alive? I know all the aggression from the Izcourse has cut off a lot of Izzy fans from the general fandom and all the side character and minor ship content therein, and creative communities around minor ships are small enough without being subdivided further. If you have a whole community who will talk to you about Izzy, and then you can only talk about TealOranges with your Izzy friends because half the TealOranges people have you blocked, you might just write more Izzy???
Anyway hope people find this as interesting as the last one.
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fillingthescrapbook · 11 months
Let's Talk About: Burrow's End and Reactor Charlie
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Hello, Preternatural Predators!
Holy shit. Holy shit. Spoilery shit ahead!
This feels like two wildly different episodes because of the energy and the vibes and I also cannot fathom a universe where they were halved and released separately. The events of this episode needed to happen in one sitting even though my heart is beating so quickly for two very different reasons.
Let's talk about the first act where Erika Ishii is MVP for being the most no-fucks-to-give grandma. Just casually strolling up to one of the bigwigs and straight up talking to them like they're equals. May we all have the confidence of Ava and her four winters of age.
I loved the reactions Brennan, Rashawn, and Jasper were exhibiting throughout. Truly children of a parent who not just has their foot in their mouth--but their whole legs as well.
Jaysohn and Lila getting the family into trouble and facing consequences for their actions feels like a natural progression--but god damn if I didn't have the sweats throughout the entirety of it. Siobhan and Izzy are truly delivering one of the most consistently amazing portrayals of pre-teens.
Also--Viola and Thorn? Couple goals. Tula? Fucking scary. And Brennan Lee Mulligan with those dice? Even as a player, he truly knows how to make those click clacks sound menacing.
And then we get to the second part. And the map. Holy shit. Aabria Iyengar, you mad woman. Rick Perry, you mad man. The art department is truly comprised of geniuses. (And I have been remiss in shouting out the make-up and styling department, but they have been delivering every single episode too.) Holy shit.
My adrenaline is still through the roof because of that second half. And I'm naming Jasper William Cartwright as a second MVP this episode. Mostly because of what happens after the map is revealed--but also because of the stuff he did prior. But the Box of Doom moment really solidified my case for having two MVPs this episode. (Again, not discounting all the other players. They're all great. But some actions and decisions just elevate the experience of the episode for me.)
This episode is high octane. Big ups to everyone.
Now for stray thoughts and stray screen captures:
Was "don't be suspicious" a thing on TikTok when this was filmed? I know of the meme because of Tumblr. And I loved that the gang was immediately singing the song--because I was singing it too!
Acorn hat!
The lesson is this: everything new is bad. For a while.
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fearthedancer · 1 year
A season 2 plot idea I had in mind
Lego dreamzzz s1 part 2 spoilers below
While looking for a way to close the rift, the dream chasers find a hidden scroll in castle nocturnia that talked about Lunia and her allies 500 years ago.
According to the scroll, every 500 years it is fated that there is a rift made between the waking world and dream world, and a dreamkeeper needs to gather along 4 allies and close the rift.
Each ally,along side their dream crafting powers, has a specific role with its own powers that will aid them in battle.
The first role is the soul. The soul is connected to dreamers and dream creatures, being able to create dream creatures and aid people.
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The second role is the gear. The gear is connected to the dream realm itself and can use its resources to create weapons, vehicles etc.
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The third role is the clock. The clock can manipulate time, rewind and create time loops.
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The fourth role is the mind. The minds powers consist of mind control, telekinesis and telepathy. People whose role is the mind are usually very low imaginative.
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Each role can take advantage of their allies powers because they mostly operate on cooperation. For example: if a person whose role is the gear is next to a person whose role is the mind, the gear can use the others telekinesis so it's easier to combine while the mind can use the others connection with the dream world to have knowledge of where exactly they are.
The dream chasers come to the conclusion that Mateo must train to become a dream keeper and the others must train for their respective roles with: Izzie as the soul, Cooper as the gear, Zoey as the clock and Logan as the mind.
The plot itself is also a huge journey filled with both dream world and waking world shenanigans, as Nova and the insomniacs are closer and closer to finding out about the dream worlds secrets aswell.
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ghostbustermelanieking · 11 months
i think our flag means death is going to end in a historically accurate way, but in its own version of historical accuracy -- i.e., ed and stede faking their deaths in order to retire. here are the reasons why.
retirement has been foreshadowed consistently from ed's first full episode on the show (1x04). 1x09 hinges on the idea of retirement (the failed plan to run away). the idea of ed (and stede by association, in 2x07) leaving piracy behind has been heavily embedded throughout season 2. inevitably this seems like it would be where the show is ultimately headed in the season 3 i really hope we get
building off that last point... the idea of faking one's death as a way of escape has also been present throughout the show, particularly in season 1. specifically, ed's plan in 1x04 is to fake his death and assume stede's identity, in order to retire. for sort-of different reasons, stede fakes his death in 1x09, and although that doesn't seem to be something he's trying to keep consistent this season, the faking of his death was still an important plot point. it doesn't seem out of the question that they'd revisit this plot point again as a way for two infamous pirates to leave things behind
while ofmd is mostly not historically accurate at all, it does keep a lot of things true to history (real people like mary bonnet, spanish jackie, calico jack, anne bonny and mary read, etc.; specific things being true such as blackbeard marooning stede bonnet's crew, izzy hands getting shot in the leg, stede bonnet making people walk the plank, etc. etc....). with all this attention spent on these nods to history, it seems to me that they'd keep it consistent with the historical exits of blackbeard and stede bonnet.
i grew up in north carolina, where the historical blackbeard died, and the stories i grew up hearing sounds soooo much like a fuckery to me, if put in the context of ofmd. shit like "it took multiple attempts to kill him, rasputin style" "when his headless body was thrown overboard, it swam around the ship multiple times" (x) screams either of an elaborate fuckery, or of stories of said fuckery being exaggerated through multiple retellings. if this happens, i really hope the writers do something with these batshit crazy legends, that could legitimately be fun
this premise, depending on how it would be approached, has some seriously angst potential. (i am specifically talking about this post. that is what i want)
i love the fact that the show doesn't insist on being grimdark 100% historically accurate -- in fact, i don't think ofmd could exist in its current form if it tried to do this. but the references to/portrayals of real history are fun. and it almost feels like the show is trying adhere to history a certain amount on purpose, based on things i've read in interviews. and so i just think it would be fun if the show indulged in the angst of that tragic ending, blanketed in the knowledge that everything is ultimately going to turn out fine and happy in the end
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