#that or gen x cops but that one’s been out already so this one has the novelty factor lol
easeupkid · 6 months
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ya-zz · 1 year
Hi I just had a kinda funny scenario idea: imagine Reader owns an Omnic repair shop where they fix Omnics up and even have them stay the night there if the situation calls for it. Lately the shop has been experiencing multiple break ins from people looking to steal resources from the shop or to harm the patients inside and reader is getting real fed up with it. One night the telltale noise of another break in wakes reader up. So they grab a crowbar and head to the source of the noise with the intent of beating the shit out of the intruder and protecting their patients (in nothing but their sleepwear btw). They sneak up and get a hit in before realizing they just whacked an already injured ominc, a ravager from the looks of it. Mortified at their mistake, they apologies profusely and offer to fix this mysterious intruder immediately (despite the ungodly hour) as compensation for whacking them with a crowbar. While getting to work, Reader tells the intruder about the break in situation they’ve been dealing with as of late and tries to make small talk as they tend to the injuries. While this all happening, Ramattra is just silently sitting there and trying to muster up the courage to acknowledge and accept the fact that he finds this human to be oddly charming.
Tumblr stop hiding asks on desktop, I beg of you.
This one made me laugh when it came through and I’m glad I finally got around to writing it! Hope I’ve done it some justice!
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Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1625
Notes: apologies if formatting is weird, I’m doing this from my phone
“Your injuries are quite severe, I would like to keep you overnight, if that’s okay?” You asked, soldering a wire within an omnics back. “It’s just to keep an eye on you. If everything is working correctly, you may go home tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you, I appreciate the help.” The injured omnic muttered, vocaliser glitching as it speaks.
“I’ll get that fixed for you in a moment.” Another hiss of the solder follows.
It was a routine for you - fix an omnic during the day, keep them overnight if necessary; soldering broken parts, replacing wires or vocoders and sometimes limbs, tampering with memory cards and CPU’s. Everything had a place inside, red and black wires were the main sources of currents, the blue and yellow for miscellaneous. Some had upgrades from other shops, others were still defaulted to factory systems and designs.
Each one unique, each with their own stories from before and after the uprising. While some did not remember their past, others spoke fondly of the memories, despite being on auto pilot like their code demanded. Omnics were easier to fix, and having working with them for several years now, it was second nature. No more following blueprints and you would jest you could fix them with your eyes closed.
Your customers enjoyed your presence, talking highly of your skills and the way you made them feel at ease. Some would visit just to talk for a few minutes, passing a gift over despite your attempts to assure them they didn’t have to go out of their way.
However, there were people out there that did not enjoy you being around. Graffiti and multiple smashed bottles would litter the store front, preventing anyone from getting in or out unharmed. The graffiti would take an entire day to remove, depending on the size and while you were cleaning up, hateful remarks would pass by your ears as people walked by. It was infuriating. But that wasn’t all.
Some nights, while the store was quiet and empty, the back door would open, criminals hidden behind masks and under hoods would enter with a goal of taking parts or damaging those omnics resting. Due to your security system being damaged, there were no alerts made. You just had to hope that they wouldn’t break in when you slept. When they happened to get in, however, you’d be there, demanding them to leave before you’d call the cops.
It would deter some while the others would scoff, calling you a coward before turning and leaving. It was mindless fun for them, but irritating and downright disrespectful for you. You’d never harm them, no, that was something you vowed to never do, despite the amount of times it happens. You just prayed that they would get bored after getting little to no reaction out of you.
Tonight was no different. After mending one omnic and getting them comfortable for the night, you stayed awake, quickly changing into something comfy and taking a seat at the desk. Your alarm was set for early morning just on the off chance you dozed off. One screen on the desk was monitoring the omnics vitals, making sure currents were flowing and nothing was damaged. The other monitor was currently playing some old movie, volume low as to not disturb the resting patient.
It was peaceful. You’d glance over occasionally, making sure everything was okay and then checking their vitals. Everything was perfect. They were recovering well and a sigh of relief escaped you as your focus turned back to the movie before the inevitable happened.
Eyelids closed, head bobbing as you tried to stay awake, but no matter your resistance, your body was demanding sleep, pulling you in further with each second. It was successful as your breathing shallowed, heartbeat slowing as you drifted off.
Then that peace was disturbed as clanging broke through from outside. Your brows furrowed, annoyance rising as you reach to grab the crowbar from under the desk and groaning, body in auto pilot and still tired.
Standing, you walk to the back door, watching the handle jerk as someone tries to open it from the outside. It stopped a moment later and then shuffling and grumbling sounded from the other side of the door.
You could’ve just left it, but instead you open the door as silently as you can, praying that it didn’t creak as it opened further. Upon inspection of the alley, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but when an empty box fell to your left, you turned to face something, shadows hiding the figure. It startled you, and instinct kicked in, crowbar making harsh contact with whoever was standing there.
Something cracked before a static yelp followed. Your eyes widened in shock, the realisation setting in quickly as you had just hit an omnic. Panic rose within you as you slid the crowbar between the door and the wall to prevent it from locking and then approaching the omnic exclaiming apologies.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Your hand reached up to the outside light, letting it flicker on and illuminate whoever you had just assaulted. Their figure lights up underneath the yellow fluorescent, the damages now visible.
Split wires surrounded its neck, vocoder probably broken, dents upon its chest and its arm hung limp at its side. You look the omic up and down, noticing that his faceplate was broken, and the moment you look down, you realise what you had done. Looking back up, you notice his optic on you, watching it jitter as it looks at you.
“Please, I am deeply sorry.” You beg for some form of forgiveness, offering your hand. “Let me fix what I have broken, and perhaps we can get you mended fully.”
You see the omnic look at your hand before your cheeks flush. You were in your sleepwear, out in the cold. An awkward laugh filled the silence. “Please, it is the least I can do to apologise.”
It nods and then proceeds to follow you inside. You gesture over to one of the free beds as you pull on your overalls and grabbing the tools required to fix its vocaliser. It was a simple fix. While the box itself wasn’t damaged, it was just a case of replacing the wires, something of which that only took a few minutes.
“There.” You say, leaning back against the chair. You look at the omnic, waiting.
It clicks once, twice before static sounds. “Thank you.”
You nod, smiling. “You’re welcome. Now for the rest of you. Lay down for me, please.”
The omnic does as you asked, laying back on the bed and looking up at the ceiling.
“Do you have a name?”
“Ramattra.” He replies.
You hum in response. “Please tell me if anything is uncomfortable or causes any pain and I will stop immediately.”
He stays silent, watching you as you work on mending the rest of his body, hands gently pulling and moving wires.
“I want to apologise again for striking you.” You glance up at him before returning your focus to his arm. “I’ve been having a lot of issues as of late with break-ins. I thought you were another one. I’ve just had enough, you know?” An awkward laugh. “I spend so much of my time in here, but yet I still miss them entering or destroying the store front. They want to take my spare parts and tools, disrupting my work…” You sigh, snipping a wire.
“The security system has been on the fritz for weeks, but even then, the cops won’t do anything. At least, not around here. Not everyone is a fan of me - I mend omnics for a living and the other humans don’t appreciate that.”
He listens to you go on, watching you mend his arm. Your hands were gentle, never wrongly touching him, or causing him any harm. He wondered how long you had been doing this, but he never got the chance to answer as you rambled on.
Something grew warm inside of him. Despite a broken faceplate, you never showed him any fear. His kind, the R-7000, was built to kill, but you… you didn’t see that. You saw a helpless omnic in need of repair. He admired that. He admired you.
His aperture kept focussing on the details of your face. The way your lips moved as you spoke, the gentleness of your voice; the calm demeanour that floated around you. He had never met a human so… kind. So caring.
Silently, he’d pass glances between his arm, your hands and your face. He was comfortable, content, perhaps even calm as his receptors picked up your vocal frequency. There was something about you that tilted his thoughts towards humans and he wanted to know more about you.
“How does that feel?” Your question broke through his thoughts. He looks at his arm, moving it slightly before nodding.
“Feels like new.” He states.
“I’m glad. Now your chest.” You stand, leaning over him. “Same again, Ramattra; if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable-“
“I will.”
The way his name sounded coming from your vocals made his wires bloom with a new feeling. It was strange for him, but the feeling wasn’t unwelcome as he watched you toy with the wires and cabling inside of his chest.
Ramattra was feeling hope, something of which he deemed almost impossible with a human. He was beginning to like you, and he’s still wrapping his electronic mind around you hitting him. It made him silently chuckle, memory log being saved as the hour turns over.
It surely was a new way to meet someone, perhaps one to look back on in the coming months, he hoped.
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aspecriddler · 1 year
THEE Guide to Not Being a Punk Poser
Hey, so if you're reading this, you may or may not be looking to get into the punk scene, and you also may or may not be at a total loss on where to start
Well fear not! I am here with this little introduction post on how to Not Be A Poser (title pending)
FIRST UP: The Ideals
When it comes to the ideals of alternative subcultures, this graphic by @theygender (hope the tag is ok, lmk if it isn't) is the best summary I've ever seen
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And if you're like me, you're solidly on the line between punk and grunge, but leaning just a bit more punk. This is fine /gen
Punk is about community. Punk is about fighting for a better future. Punk is about doing no harm and taking no shit. Punk is about looking out for the underdog. If you don't embody these values then you're not punk. The ideology of Punk is, in my opinion, the most important part of the subculture
But if you've been doing your research you already knew that. Now let's get into what a lot of people call the fun stuff: the music and the fashion
SECOND: The Music
There are a Lot of different subgenres of punk music, the most famous being punk rock and folk punk. I subscribe more to punk rock because I really enjoy fast music
Bands to look for include: Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, Pansy Division, Dog Park Dissidents, Cheap Perfume, Mommy Long Legs, Gang Green, The Germs, Rage Against the Machine, G.L.O.S.S., X-Ray Spex, The Cramps, Circle Jerks, Crass, Limp Wrist, and Pure Hell
Of course there's a lot more but those are some staples plus some of my personal favorites. You can find my personal punk playlist here
Overall the sound is Loud and it is Angry. There are many songs about killing cops and hating capitalism and it fucks. If you like funky basslines, sick ass drums, angry yelling, and shredding guitars this music is for you
PART THREE: The Fashion
Okay, okay, I had to save the quote unquote best for last. Imo the fashion of punk is the most diy out of almost any other subculture
Literally anything you can get your hands on can become fashion. Steal what you can, pick up shit off the side of the road, and if you can't/don't know how to do something get a friend in the scene to either teach you or commission them or something
Brands? The fuck is that, the only brands you need to know are Rit fabric dye, goodwill, etsy (sometimes), your local craft store, and a good spike maker (I don't deal with spikes currently so I have no good resources for them, so other punks feel free to chime in!)
Want cool metal shit? Take apart cans and turn them into spikes. Take a lighter apart and use those metal bits. Steal safety pins from walmart.
Want/need to sew something? Yarn and a tapestry needle if you can't get/don't want to use dental floss. When sewing patches do a straight stitch around followed by a hobo stitch around again and that shit will stay forever. Alternatively pin patches on with safety pins, this works pretty well in a pinch
Fabric paint is your best friend!!! Start with a white base layer and the colors will be much more vibrant. Don't think you have painting skills? Doesn't matter, you're punk and you have the audacity to wear whatever you make with pride
Invest in a leather jacket. I don't mean in terms of money, I got mine at goodwill for ten bucks. But it will change your life. I recommend getting two: one to keep plain and one to diy. Also flannels are good for diy and can also be made into vests for warm weather very easily.
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Both of these flannels I decorated myself in a matter of hours. If I can do it, so can you
Also! When you cut the sleeves off of a flannel you can use the extra fabric to make diy pockets :3
PART FOUR: Community and Conclusion
So this is kind of my close out section lol
I'm not sure what kind of discord communities exist for true punk culture, so if anyone has one they wanna promote feel free
Do some research on local punk bands in your area, get your friends together and diy outfits for a concert, or just to wear. The world is your punk oyster, and as long as you or other people aren't getting hurt you can do whatever you want forever
Plz use this post to find other punks so we can start gaining more community (I'm totally not desperate lol)
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s12e3 the foundry (w. robert berens)
we're back in minnesota. i lived in st paul for a few years. here waxing poetic about the skyways in minneapolis while watching 8x03
avocado toast, dude with a bun, how very millenial?? (me trying to remember when hipsters died out and it went to just ragging on the whole generation. dean and i are at the cusp of gen x but sammy is solidly geriatric millenial, right :p)
you understand babies crying is like. me fighting against every instinct to find and help the baby. which is especially annoying when it's a baby on the tv. it's not as bad now since my youngest is 5, less on red alert for baby crying but it's still a thing for me and it can stress me the fuck out
i would not be able to pass the crying baby haunted house lure
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MARY After you left heaven, when did it start to feel like...like you fit, like you...belonged here? CASTIEL Well, I'm still not sure I do. Mary...you do belong here.
my feelings aside, boys think you do too, cas. and feeling for mary. she got pulled out of heaven (presumably - and with john, presumably? may have read something saying they shared a heaven too) and plonked down with her adult sons who she doesn't know at all, really.
egads what is this music? kind of sounds like recorder/theremin solo. also that's really short you're going there mary! new hair new you, i get it, but doing that big of a chop at home is an undertaking
suspension of disbelief that she managed that very modern cut and styling all alone in the bunker
MARY I'm gonna keep it short if I'm gonna go out on a hunt, you know? Why give the bad guys the advantage of long pullable hair right? DEAN Wow. I've been trying to tell Sam that for years.
vry cute. i'd seen that in a gifset and i was looking for it but searching for the episode just gives me wall to wall cas gifs :p
MARY It's probably nothing. I just thought I might...get out there, stretch my legs. SAM I-I thought you-you weren't down to hunt in the first place. DEAN Well things change, right? Family hunting trip.
poor mary. just trying to get some time alone to sort out her head and dean's not picking up what she's putting down. E for effort
ok i can see some potential with the grumpy and obnoxious buddy cop routine between cas and crowley
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aw they're holding hands, how nice
CROWLEY So mother and I had an unfortunate, if not rather embarrassing, run-in with Lucifer. You're just mad because you're only my second choice for a Lucifer-hunt team-up. CASTIEL (said sarcastically) No, actually I think it's sweet. I thought your motivation was ambition and revenge, but now I know you just wanna save your mother. CROWLEY It's not about saving her. Lucifer has made off with a colossally powerful witch who, by the way, is the only person alive who can slam him back in the cage. He will either kill her, control her, or she will offer her services to the biggest bad in town in order to save her neck, like she always does. Do any of those sound like particularly good outcomes to you?
crowley comin in hot with the logic. see that's another thing that irks me about how they write cas. he's snarky, then he's a buffon. he understands sarcasm and knows every pop culture reference via metatron zap, the he takes everything literally and is constantly confused. PICK ONE. preferably the sarcastic snarky one :p
quietly asking for mark pellegrino to get magicked back for lucifer
MARY Hmm. Mm, maybe, but...all I know is, that little boy who grabbed me, I...he didn't wanna hurt me. He was scared. SAM Yeah, um...it must've felt that way, but, mom, the victims were all lured to their death by a baby's cry. Uh, the spirit marked Natalia right before she was killed, the same way the spirit marked you. I mean, if we hadn't gotten there in time...
mushy music returns but i already used my video quota on the weird recorder music
SAM Look, I'm happy, too, Dean. I am. I'm overjoyed. But...there's something about her. I mean, something's going on with her. DEAN Yeah, she's adjusting. SAM No, she's struggling. I mean, she's trying to bury herself in hunting to avoid dealing. DEAN And how do you know that? SAM Years of personal experience. I don’t know man. Uh...like mother, like sons.
hey sammy, does that mean you're gonna force dean (and yourself) to deal with all of y'all's shit too :p
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ok also slightly suffocating that she's trying to get some space and now she's crammed into one hotel room with her very large sons. so who got the rollaway bed? mary because she's the smallest, but i can't imagine dean standing for that. maybe rock paper scissors with sam
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okay that made me laugh. here for rowena being tricksy
the music in this episode continues to be weird. i really don't understand why it stands out so negatively so frequently to me
DEAN Mom, it's okay. All right? You're home now. MARY No. I'm not. I miss John. I miss my boys. SAM We're right here, mom. MARY I know. In my head. But I'm still mourning them as I knew them. My baby Sam. My little boy Dean. Just feels like yesterday, we were together in heaven, and now...I'm here, and John is gone, and they're gone. And every moment I spend with you reminds me every moment I lost with them. And I thought hunting, working, would clear my head. SAM Mom...w-what are you trying to say? MARY I have to go. I'm sorry. I'm so...so sorry. I just need a little time.
(mushy music round 2)
well. that's shitty. can see where i'd gotten the "mom walked out on them" thing from fic. but as ever, i can see both sides on that one. being yanked out of literal heaven without any say in the matter, thrown into an unfamiliar world and feeling useless. some time and space is totally reasonable. and i don't know that dean would have given that if she stayed in the bunker. but also, can see how hurt and abandoned that could leave the boys feeling. no-win situation. and not entirely sure why we're even doing this resurrected mary plotline.
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megameatboy · 2 years
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I've already fucked it up.
I wanted to do a weekly blog, 1 post with 1 cocktail each week, give or take a few, and I'm already grossly behind. Oh well, too bad so sad.
Here's our first cocktail of the new year, the classic Martini. For better or worse (worse), alcohol has had a presence in most of my life in someway or another. But no matter the form its never been a topic where I've been particularly knowledgeable. I can remember the first time I got drunk, crying with my mom watching the Bruins win the Stanley Cup for the first time in our lifetimes. The memories are sweet but the beer was piss. My first good beer came 2 years later at a New Years Eve party. Earlier that same night I got rear ended at a red light. I got out to check the damage, saw none, and told the guy to have a good new year and took off. He seemed relieved. I had already been in 3 accidents since starting my driving career and this was the only one that wasn’t anxiety inducing. This will be a theme through all of my writing: fuck cops. They make every situation worse, including fender benders. Anyways, that firsdt good beer was bad, some stout from some country, but the memory was delicious. I pretended to like it. I think if I had it now I actually would. It mirrored a lot of my life, faking to enjoy things to enjoy the company of people who enjoyed the things I wish I could. I guess it worked, but I still find myself so often pretending to like things to...what? Seem cool, likeable, sociable, knowledgeable, smart, worldly, know-it-all, educated? Anything but the truth; I don't know.
So fuck not knowing. I want to learn shit. I want to be able to speak about something in my own words without pretending to already know. My first cocktail was something fruity from an Asian fusion place. I don't remember what it was. I don’t remember most cocktails I've had. Beer is easy. Wine likes to look complex. But cocktails have ingredients, variations, names that blend in my head with wrestling moves I already have so much trouble keeping straight in my head. If not ignored they defaulted into "make me something delicious". Which happened most of the time, but I could never tell you what was pounding the heck out of my liver. Through cultural osmosis I learned some names, liquors, drinks, terminology, but never mashed it all together into a weekly word vomit blog. Blogging was dead before I ever got a chance to really engage with it, so in true millennial fashion let's dive into a dead medium as our social media infrastructure crumbles around us faster than our actual infrastructure.
#01: The Classic Martini
Brooklyn Gin + Ransom Dry Vermouth
Couldn't tell you why I picked the brands I did. I never by the cheapest, or the most expensive thing. I'm sure this is some desperate yearning for the stability of being middle class. Or maybe saying that is. Or maybe writing cocktail review blogs is. Or, the classic martini itself is the embodiment of the yearning for middle class.
I don't think rich people drink this.
Maybe in the real life version of Mad Men, but not in *current year*. You can taste the lingering misery on your lips. The yearning for the idea of being well off. The fantasy of being James Bond saying "shaken, not stirred". Which, yes, this martini was shaken, not stirred. Now I know I'm painting a rich picture. James Bond and Mad Men are black tie affairs. But, the martini isn’t Bond and Hamm, its the wanting to be them that is the middle class desire where the martini is crafted and consumed. It's the memory of a more sophisticated desire. It's the overweight white boomer or gen x-er watching their favorite old spy movie avoiding their incoming divorce. With a stronger taste of lemon than you'd think.
My ex hated gin. My best friend wanted to take us to a new gin distillery than opened near her place. She was probably faking having a good time. The first time she got pissed drunk and vomiting (we all have our first) was after gin. She said the smell of Christmas trees made her sick sometimes. I love that smell. I tried at least 3 different types of craft gin. They only tasted like Christmas trees a tiny bit. It was disappointing. Brooklyn Gin however doesn't taste like a Christmas tree at all, which I think is really just my palate finally maturing 8 years later. I find it smoother than expected, I know what juniper is now from my job, and I like it a lot here. I took a look at some other reviews and some people can't taste lemon notes at all. I feel bad for them. Paired in a 5:1 ratio with the Ransom Dry Vermouth was good choice. I have no reference to go on here, Maybe next year I will. But the smell, "aromatics" of the vermouth were really nice, and while maybe not lemon specifically, it definitely had a citrus note that blended really well together. To be honest I made 2. One simple, nothing added. The second I added an olive. Its thee staple garnish of the classic martini. But there is no way I'm making my way through an entire jar of olives in any amount of time in my life. I substituted for a large garlic olive from the grocery store olive bar. It was 45cents. I didn't anticipate how much of a kick the sweat of the garlic shaken into that martini would be. It took the smooth but to be honest, ancient flavor of the martini, the dream for adventure from a dented leather sofa, and kicked it in the ass off the couch and made you want to grab it.
Already I've fucked it up. I wanted to embrace a simple cocktail and review it, and I'm already altering it, trying to make it weird. I guess I can't help it. Scorpion and nature and that whole thing.
Conclusion: The Classic Martini: The flavor of the fantasy of wanting for more. Recommendation: Garnish with flavorful olive. Rating: I would drink it when handed at a party I'm not fancy enough for.
On deck: Lemon Drop Martini                                                                                                    
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scentedchildnacho · 8 months
The security bait and switches I guess.......i think he is a pedophile and he can act out because to his politic the jacobin just read that to him gen x represents the idea that people accomplish the greater science by getting to act out whatever his psychicomachia fantasy conjures instead of public welfare
To them repression and sublimation has no relevance it's just social theory and the greater cause is accomplished by acting out whatever their fantasy life is
By pedophile I mean someone who believes we are all Gods children and should be kept like children to use however but the project did do questionable things to the families till I was like uhm really a library day for their community when there are like big houses around not everybody can just walk up to....
I will like the families much better when they stay to their community districts and just pick up a few books here or there and without the whole caravan because the library really is too small of a space for their community
More dr king there are like vacant homes everywhere that could easily be re zoned for their community so
The library has high voltage areas on it and those types of cognitive studies to children have already been precedented
Its just to cause the children stress till they collapse of third world disease already easily known and treated here and the families choose ecological not environmental settlements
Compared to Washington Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin which is also just a project the library area here is like pre pornogrAphy war 70s treaties
So I kind of agree with mean punk heroin homeless the families have settlements to leave them alone and they kept following them here
The library is a mean scary punk place and I'm for letting the researcher study street punkness it's im sorry but you all kept going at crime and you bothered them when you have really anything else
I think the inside security called the cops not the outside the pale one....
Anyway they called the cops because at first he acted sympathetic but now that I'm trapped here he wants to switch and get the cops to slander me and kill me like an heiress so I suspect a sheriff knows to not be afraid of the hygiene terrorists and started putting pressure on jobs to serve time if they won't reform into a better business strategy so they tried to claim I did something to get away with stealing personal information into registers
They just want to fill up jails with poverty and get away with it....and that's just disgusting
So I ask the cop to disarm himself because his behaviour is really inappropriate to a poverty call and normal people call a psychiatric service about poverty not a combative
The police tells me he will be nice to me but I say again why not just disarm yourself it's incorrect protocol to poverty truth is I can't harm anyone
Then he wants to know about a PetSmart cart I have outside so I just tell him it's just civilly disobedient and show him the sign on the cart that reads children could fall out of the cart
To me the upper management of the store could have replaced the recalled items with child friendly ideas but they persisted in endangering children and try to point his angry mob of dissatisfied jobs at me instead of turning on his masterly ness to them
I told him I just took it because I don't have any other way of transporting my things and I could get stress fractures on the ground from the blanket allowance and a child could fall out of the cart so to me that's what civil disobedience is a mean stripper that won't pay me and so doesn't pay her kind of wanted children either could hurt all of us and so I learn from civil rights activists how to manage situations to stop letting bitch rule with its selfish time
Its not really my obligation to care that as a grocer he could have delivered fresh farm packages to the jail he didn't have to make them take busses
And he was like the homeless coalition could give you a cart and I was like you can go ahead and try to put things in carts that aren't for the families but those are the families and I can take this because the children can't use it
If you ask me the border conflict got really bad and carts or buggies or behind the bike are for the children and children don't like falling out of
That's me sometimes about the stripper issues trying to get by I sometimes inconvenience their activity because they start appearing very selfish it's the upper management that sat and filmed all they do there so again it's not my problem that retail stores around couldnt forgive something there
I told him I am from la Crosse Wisconsin but he confessed somebody said I was some fresno chick that did things she did to justify detaining me here
That's why I don't get mad about a couple years of homelessness I was a job and apparently it was bad for something in some way but after seven years and many assaults and tank based warfare that's way over the top and I realize my job life was impoverished enough to say sorry about something and I never deserved any of that
I just said I reserve the right to be at least a few inches from the ground so I'm not completely shocked
Now I'm just like their just terrorists I don't see any valid politic to telling me to reform through detainment like situations
Well those people can take those carts because they tell the families they will top dog for their kids but nobody told me to top dog so I don't
Anyway the security isn't like personal towards me he just does that goes around jack assing at people it's the college guys he gets near and raps the table to wake them up it's the random punks he just kind of goes at everyone....
Anyway he tried to hit me today with some type of slander so he had to be in close contact with the gold bike nigger so that sort of karma is correct if people hit you they end up getting hit with whatever hits ya
Routine checks now cops know that I'm still here so hopefully something starts reversing so
So I have been homeless ever since like 2013 and it's been like this basketball game I played versus tomah in middle school where this larger more professionally developed and organized team just went at us in really mean demoralizing ways just really made us feel worthless and loser just no team spirit no tap out just everything the ref claimed I did was wrong though this big girl kept running her body into me molestively
So I think Jacobin is right their a more organized larger entity and whatever fuck fantasy they feel like they can do and I can't tell no bitch she can't rape
If they feel that their like the secret poor pretty girls really getting back at the whites then they want their fantasy
Well to those terrorists they are natives and history tells them they can be nazish at religion and
And their teacher pedophile that told them they can isn't wrong or anything
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poly! lost boys with a s/o who is a gen z baby punk who loves going to rallies and stuff like that??? i love your writing btw!!!
We love a modern!au lost boys
Poly!Lost Boys x Modern!Baby Punk S/O
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The boys refuse to give up the counterculture lifestyle. They may pick up fashion trends here or there, but they're old enough to know what'll stick and what won't. However, that doesn't mean that they don't at least have to try to blend in with the current scene. You comment on how they seem to have some old garage rock or grunge vintage styles and the boys are surprised that you know your shit. They decide to keep you around after that, and fill you in on whatever you don't already know. They did witness the literal birth of punk after all
When old school punk and goth became more popular in the modern day, the boys all proceeded to slip in whatever survived from the 80s. Marko never stopped wearing his jacket, David immediately goes back to having a mullet, Dwayne's look was timeless so he didn't have to change a thing, and Paul immediately traded skinny jeans for his old football pants.
You're gonna have to call them out on being elitists at least once. I'm sorry everyone but if you think these boys aren't going to be elitists, you are wrong. They saw the birth of punk, grunge, and all the other major countercultures since counterculture was a literal thing. They're smug assholes about it sometimes, but they're the type of smug assholes that will try to teach you everything they know. Firmly believe that they're the only ones allowed to be dicks about music to you. Anyone else is getting decked. Yes, this includes Dwayne. You mistook an Adolescents song for Black Flag one time and he has never let you let it down
However, David is the only one of them that's a punk/metal purist and you and Paul get on his nerves by playing Ayesha Erotica and by calling him an e-boy. He swears one of these days he's going to actually kill the both of you, especially when he actually gets a tiktok and learns what an e-boy actually is please do not let Paul discover tiktok
The boys love the rallies because there's nothing more punk than getting in the man's face about issues you care about! However, they really would rather if you only went to rallies during the nighttime so they could go with you. The boys hate cops (we been knew this) and they want to be there to make sure they don't start any shit at any of the rallies you're at
However, the boys are quickly banned from going to any rallies cause Marko decked a cop and somehow got Paul arrested??? They couldn't fly away with all the people around and basically Paul didn't help by making jokes the entire time they were putting cuffs on him. "Y'know, my safeword is lotion." "Hey, big boy you going my way?" When they put the cuffs on him, he literally said, "Okay, that's tight. Haha that's what he said" And proceeded to wink at the cop arresting him. The cop car was found down the road with the cops eaten and the car door ripped off. After that, the boys had to lay down low for awhile
The boys have been knew where all the best holes in the wall were, so you were introduced to plenty of new hangout places besides the scene on the boardwalk. Including the best places to shop. You wanted new gloves? Got em. New pants? Got em. New patches? Marko can show you personally where he likes to score. He'll even help you sew and start your own diy jacket. The two of you actually heavily bond over diy and Markos willing to kiss any pricked fingers :) Basically, hang out with the boys for awhile and they'll have you look like you walked right out of the 80s punk scene
Let's not forget the history. The boys know their punk history. With the four of them combined, they could probably run a night class on the subject. You walked into that relationship a baby punk and now you know as much as if you were actually there when it first happened
The boys also really aren't surprised when anyone in the music scene is revealed to be a terrible person in some way and they have a list in the cave of every artist that has been cancelled to date. Some of them were really hard for certain boys *cough* Motley Crue for Paul *cough*
Basically, they love and support you in all of your punk endeavors
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Riven x Musa
Ok, so I keep seeing posts everywhere that basically badmouth S8 and after seeing ten seconds of the trailer (YIKES to the animation, what’s wrong with the industry that they are making everything anime? Powerpuff Gen Z, I’m looking at you – obs: I didn’t watch it fully yet) I can see where some of the criticism is coming from but anyways…
My favorite Winx!couple EVER has always been Musa x Riven since I was kid and first watched the show (Netflix is not helping ‘cause I ship them even there).
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I remember yawning at Bloom/Sky, rolling my eyes at Stella/Brandom and making a completely incredulous expression that I could literally feel forming on my face at Helia/Flora (can anyone say ‘unrealistic’?). Timmy/Tecna are a second favorite.
And why my Winx OTP are Riven x Musa followed after Timmy x Tecna? Because it reflects real life. In real life you’re not gonna stumble into people whose real and deep relationship problems are solved in twenty four minutes (not even that considering that some episodes present the “problem” half-way through said 24 minute-episode).
The breakup between Riven and Musa in S6 (spoilers everywhere after all) was one of the most mature breakups in the history of breakups with the hope for the future (yes, I’m completely ignoring S7, sue me, the whole thing was one huge filler anyways). And, after reading a lot of opinions on both ends (defending Musa/attacking Riven and defending Riven/attacking Musa) and watching the episodes in question (reuniting through reconciling) I think I can give my own analysis.
Since Musa AND Riven (individually and as couple) are my favorite characters in Winx, I think I CAN give a fairly unbiased view (hopefully).
*clears throat*
Ok, keep in mind that I’m defending BOTH of them, because I ship them too hard not to.
Musa Being OC (sometimes being called ‘brat’): C'mon, people! Musa and Tecna are OC since S4 anyways, where are the tomboy and the nerd? With the sneakers, T-shirt and comfortable-looking clothes? Noooo, now they all need neat skirts and hot pink high heels and long, glamorous hair. Do they look good? Of course, but and I would totally be less pissed if there was ANY indication on the reason for the change. Are they just maturing? Expressing themselves differently? Crowd mentality? Tune and Stella finally broke Musa down and Tecna followed soon after? Was it just to please Riven and Timmy? ANYTHING (even the 'pleasing a boy’ would at least be A reason - a ridiculous one that would piss me off, but A reason none the less), was just a sudden impulse that took?
Sure, we can talk about “character growth” until we are blue in the face, but the matter of the fact is that there was none.
The changes we see in Musa and Tecna are basically the creators making them more like the rest of the Winx (I’m including Aisha in this too, where is the sporty girl that matched the boy’s interest in extreme sports? C'mon! Even Bloom and her Girl Next Door looks are replaced with Bratz and Clueless-level of outfits).
Is anyone really going to look me in the eye and say Stella wasn’t a shallow (if friendly and good-natured) Mean Girl? She got better, but as I re-watch the show (currently in S3, meaning almost half-way through the content), Stella still worries more about her hair than anything else even while under literal fire.
More and more, Musa, Tecna and Aisha are losing their identities and what made them, IMO, the more badass Winx.
How did the two on the left went from this…
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… to this:
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Yeah, yeah, Musa still sings, Tecna still technobabble and Aisha is still a Warrior Princess but Aisha was the first one to go Bloom and Stella on us with Musa and then Tecna following soon after. It’s not just their clothing style, it’s the way they carried themselves too.
Right now? The only thing keeping them apart is their BF blues (different kind of blues) and some personal interests (singing, shopping, tech, the whole drama with Domino/Sparks, etc). But that’s IT, their personalities are going down the drain!
Sorry for the long-winded text, but the reason I’m expressing my disappointment at their change is because Musa’s reaction fits it. S6 we have such an AMAZING breakup (didn’t even think that was possible, WTH, right? Amazing breakup?) only for her to be mad as hell at Riven at S8? Bad writing, that has been dragging her (and the rest of the Winx) down to becoming just one unilateral, shallow character (the Specialists are also falling into that pit, what in the world did they do Helia in S8? He sounds like Thor telling about his “brave exploits” there, yikes). And continuity what? What continuity? Do they even remember how the breakup was written?
But ok, let’s put the Audience View aside for a moment and focus only on the In-Universe terms.
S6: You’ll always be my hero.
S8: What on EARTH are you doing here. 
I laughed a bit, the contrast just got to me but instead of getting mad at one or the other like most of the fandom, I laughed.
Musa followed that by saying that Riven has not maintained contact and just in that I would be beyond pissed as well and giving my support to Musa. WTH, Riven? I think that each season is more less six months to a year? Sort of? Still, zero contact for so long even after ending on amicable terms and wanting to stay friends? And he went off on his own! A text now going, “I’m not dead” would be the bare basics for Musa not to worry herself bald!
BUT then I also read comments about how this was a two-way street, why didn’t Musa call either? That’s unfortunately something that I very much doubt will ever be explained. One of those: did it or didn’t it? Musa could have called and went straight to voicemail with no signs of life from Riven or she might not have called and just expected him to call as if feminism were dead and all initiative must come from the guy (which doesn’t even fit because they parted as friends).
Since we have no info on the above, I put it on both of them. It’s not fair to say, “HE should have called!” or “Why didn’t SHE call?” because we don’t have fricking context. So the only thing we can take is: no contact.
BECAUSE I put the lack of contact on both of them, Musa’s reaction was a little too much, however, Riven shows up all smirks and leaning against a tree with his arms crossed and I would have flashbacks to S1 if it wasn’t for the animation style that made all the guys look like girls. Dude! Not the time for that kind of posture. Not saying that he should be all sheepish and rubbing his arm as if he had done something horrible (again: we don’t have context on the no contact) but a more neutral approach was warranted here. Nobody does themselves any favors with that kind of attitude no matter what how high of a horse they may be (rightly or not) riding on, if anything I would react like Musa solely on that one.
Next episode we have that Riven convinced the guys to follow the girls in some mission and Musa was angry. Again: I would be too. WTH? Yes, yes, they helped and if it wasn’t for them, the Winx would gotten seriously injured but Musa did have a point saying that this demonstrated that they had no trust in them and need their hand held, it was no sanctioned mission like on Earth after all. BUT, Riven does something that I would never expect from in S1-4: he explains, he reasons it, he puts it in all the words that he does trust Musa and co and that he only wanted to show that he’d be there for her (you know? One of the main issues in S6 that made them breakup in the first place? His inability to conciliate Specialist work with supporting his girlfriend and ultimately failing or feeling like failing in both?) and Musa still pouts, crosses her arms, and turns around. Geez. I expected that one from Stella, not Musa. I think the closest Musa has ever come to THIS was back in S2 when Jared explains that Riven was the one to recommend that he interview Musa and yada yada yada and she got mad and stomped off on the poor guy that didn’t even understand what was going on (only to immediately apologize to Jared and recognizing that it wasn’t him that she was mad at… like I said: what character growth?).
Riven then goes to show that he indeed grew when he asked for advice from Sky and Brandon (WTH, right? Can we picture that happening back in S1-3? He very grudgingly would LISTEN to UNSOLICITED advice from Nabu and Helia in S4-6). And does a very, very goofy and embarrassing show of affection. Yeah… again… I can picture Stella loving the light show with her face for IDK how many people to see but not Musa (although can we really blame the guy after the series went out of its way to make Musa all Stella-like? Clothes, attitude, the only thing missing is making Riven carry her shopping bags around and call him “Shnookums” (although the mental image is already enough for me to fall over laughing, just for the face Riven would make). Still, I have to count that one against Riven if only because (as much as the show gives only lip service to it) Musa isn’t Stella.
Riven being mind controlled (again) aside, those two are back together. And on the overall? Riven showed more growth than any other character in the show COMBINED (he is the Zuko of the show), that doesn’t go to say that he didn’t make mistakes since coming back in S8 (but that was more a guy trying to win back a girl than… betraying his friends for a pair of nice legs or… IDEK like in S1 – where, mind control or not the show itself made sure to make it clear that he had free will) or that he is now the one out of Musa’s league. I think that NOW it can actually work… if the show allows him to keep the progress, Musa is the next to see her flaws and work on them (which she showed to be able to do since S2) and put effort in the relationship. The difference between them is that Musa can actually work on herself and the relationship at the same time. That’s not me saying she is better than Riven in any way, everybody has their own pace and their own way to cope, to improve and to self-reflect.
I still root for them.
PS-IDK why, but I read posts about how Riven changed so much and posts about how all his progress disappeared and he is now back to his S1 attitude and I’m just cofused. Yeah, different of opinions and so on, but such opposite opinions on the subject of a guy whose relationship was focused on three episodes? 
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xkandy · 4 years
Psycho Pass - timeline and why you shouldn’t hate on S3 that much
I’ve been following Psycho Pass ever since the original run of Season 1 back in 2012. I’d like to make you and everyone who disliked S3 understand some things. Hope I structure this well, here goes.
Obviously there will be some spoilers.
First let’s take a look at the releases in the PP universe so far. We have:
Season 1
Season 2
Sinners of The System 1,2,3 (2 being a prequel)
Season 3
First Inspector
Before I write anything I’m going to stop you and say that nothing tops Season 1. So there,now that we have that out of the way let’s continue.
Season 1
Takes place in late 2112-2113
Central characters are Akane and Kogami and let’s face it, for many Kogami is the one who carried the show, even if some consider him to be a “generic edgy”  protagonist I think he’s pretty solid as a character at this point.
Akane has had MAJOR character development throughout the whole season and I’ll never forget how upset some people were that she was a noob. That was the whole point, she is a newbie and a model citizen who trusts the system, her character evolution revolves around coming to the realization that the system is flawed.
Makishima as a villain was phenomenal and not because quoting from books , but because his motives and reasoning were clearly established  and he made both protagonists question themselves and the system.
Season 1 is written by Gen Urobuchi , the following seasons (except the movie) are not written by him.
Season 2
Takes place in 2114.
A trainwreck, don’t even want to go here. The disappointment was huge.
I found Mika to be extremely annoying and unbearable with 0 character growth. The only highlights for this season for me were Gino and Akane.
The Movie
Takes place 3 years after the events of Season 1, in 2116.
Nothing of major impact happens but if you love the old cast , namely Gino, Akane, Kogami you’ll enjoy this and I have a feeling this is what they were betting on and wanted to see: the public reaction to the old cast.
The interaction between Akane and Kogami is the highlight (another one being Gino vs Kogami).
It’s clear as day that Akane evolved as a character and Kogami is questioning his past, so let’s say some minor character development.
Sinners of the System
If you enjoy the universe and aren’t too attached to the main cast you will like these, although case 3 is about Kogami so I’m sure it’s the one most people will like.
Case 1 has some minor Mika character development (she still sucks imho)
Case 2 is a prequel that sets up some details about the storyline that will be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Case 3 is the one you’ll want to watch if you want to see S3/First Inspector as it revolves around Kogami and him coming to terms with his thoughts when he is asked by a young girl to train her as he sees in her a version of himself and where this will lead (girl seeks revenge) . 
His story arc regarding Sasayama’s death, revenge, Makishima is complete, it ends here as he decides to head back to Japan.
This triggers the potential for the future series/movies in the Psycho Pass universe to deal with the (possible) unresolved storyline of dealing with Akane once he gets back to Japan, because he will have to face her at one point.
So after Case 3 Kogami is already a complete character , there is no strong conflict or drive for him as the one which had driven the plot of season 1.
We already know everything about him.
Let me jump back to Gino for a brief moment, his first arc concluded when his father died and he became an enforcer, his current arc might be related to what I’ll get to in a second.
Season 3
Alright so here we are,a new season nobody was expecting and 2 new protagonists we expected even less.
Taking place in 2120 , 8 years after the events of Season 1 it follows Arata and Kei in their own CID adventures.
The tone of the series is vastly different from both S1 and S2, most notably :
it feels like those friendly buddy cop TV shows
the violence is greatly reduced, no more “shock value”
the side characters aren’t invested into, they’re just there for being there and plot devices (they’re alright, the new enforcers get some characterization but it’s not season 1 level)
Arata’s “skill” - if you think about it as high level empathy it’s gonna feel less dumb
Being new protagonists, the writers had to make sure we get to like them by offering us details about their past and what drives their motives, I’d say they did an ok job at that.
There’s no room for comparison to Akane and Kogami, those 2 are already established characters who have resolved story arcs and suffered changes.
Keep in mind Akane is 28 now and Kogami is 36, whereas the new protagonists are in their early 20s. They have time for character evolution, it’s easier to write new characters into the universe than deal with established ones such as Akane and Kogami.
Also, we see Kou visiting Akane while she’s in jail, her not being surprised means this may have happened before, which leads to further questions in the storylines that will definitely be explored in the new PP installments to follow:
Details on the incident which caused her to be in jail
What happened when Kogami returned to Japan and how the Sibyl system dealt with this
Kou reuniting with Ginoza, since both work for the hot blonde now
etc, you get the idea
First Inspector
It’s actually not that bad, I’m not going to spoil anything (well...not everything) but I suggest giving it a chance. If you don’t want to watch S3 just read about it and watch this, the most important things to take are from episode 3′s last scenes
Akane is released AS AN ENFORCER by Sibyl and will help Mika
Kogami is sent to get her, there will definitely be a recap between these two
Arata and Kei both have secrets regarding the case they worked on, not gonna spoil anything
Yayoi is alive, and will live with Shion. Just puttin this out there since they’re everyone’s favorite lesbians
Mika is still shit.
Gino is still based as fuck 
Also, there is a post credits scene with Akane saying something along the lines of “ let’s talk about the incident that got me jailed “ . This was only in the theatrical release so you can bet your ass we’re getting more PP in the future.
Lastly, what everyone needs to understand is that S1 made PsychoPass become a franchise. A franchise revolves around different characters in the same universe, sometimes the focus is on the OGs , but sometimes it isn’t.
I would like to note here that Gen Urobuchi is responsible for Season 1 (you know, the dude who wrote Madoka and other stuff like that...) and he did a great job writing a compelling story. Did he want PP to turn into a franchise? This I do not know and I have a feeling this might explain his absence from the later installments of the series. 
He wrote a complete story in 22 episodes which could have been left at that but seeing how well received the first season was it spawned a franchise.
What I want to say is please give Arata and Kei a chance (S3 protags) . They’re not that bad and they help the franchise stay alive as it seems they were pretty well received in Japan. Would you rather Mika be the main character again?! HELL NO
Now I love the main trio - Akane,Kou,Gino - as much as everyone but at this point they’re so high level it’d be hard to write a series just about them. Make one wrong move and the fanbase will hate you.
Also, this one is for all you Kogami x Akane shippers, I view their relationship as professional only but I’ll be damned if I didn’t scream at those 2 short scenes these 2 had in S3 and FI .Can’t wait to see the interactions between grown up Akane and seasoned peace-of-mind Kogami.
If you’re still here thanks for reading my rant, hope I made sense. 
edited to add some stuff
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wincestisasincest · 4 years
The Green Book (Thorin’s Company x Reader, Part 3)
Hey gang! Wow, it has been a long time. I actually had the draft on my desk top for a really long time and just never got around to post it, because my life has been really crazy, but she’s back! I’ve already started the draft for the fourth chapter, so ready yourselves! Thanks so much for your patience : ). 
Summary: (Y/n) falls into Middle Earth. Shocker. Somehow, she gets recruited to join a party of dwarves on their kinda crazy mission to reclaim their home of Erebor.
Part: 1, 2, 3
Tags (let me know if you want to be added to the list!): @stuckupstucky, @dianaarelyfernandezgarza97, @alexloveskili
Words: 2188
Warnings: None I think...? I mean (y/n) is kinda a pussy in this chapter and Thorin is... himself so just be aware of that
Finally gaining my footing, I drew myself to my feet and regained my surroundings in the middle of the hazy afternoon. 
I used the reflection on the phone to observe myself. My (h/c) hair was an absolute tangled mess, with leaves, small twigs, and even a few pebbles here and there. I mussed it with my hand before lightly parting it, like I would do every morning. Of course, I still looked terrible, but something about fixing hair always makes people feel better.
I looked at my chin, where a massive bruise had planted itself, no doubt from the rather aggressive pushing and shoving from the trolls. Additionally, my legs and arms had been littered with small cuts and bruises that had just now begun to sting and make themselves noticed. Great. 
The next order of business was to find the Company. Admittedly, I was highly uncomfortable with the idea of meddling in a familiar tale. I touched on it earlier, but, reader, the tales of Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Gray, and all of their adventures in reclaiming Erebor were, in fact, very common tales from where I come from. So common that they are read aloud to children every night. However, no one actually believed them to be true, for dwarves, hobbits, and wizards, along with every race except human, do not exist in the world where I come from. 
I would expand on this further, but I imagine that whoever reading this has many of the same questions as my dwarf companions will ask later in these many tales, so do be patient. 
While we are taught as children that it is bad practice to mess around with things that are already set in stone, we are also taught that cops are good and that “because” is a valid reason for anything, so I ignored that advice. 
They may be my only chance to ever see civilization again. 
Catching up with them was very easy, as, while they are quite business oriented, they travel very slowly. They had spent a long time searching in the caves of the trolls that had been killed earlier, and even longer packing and preparing for the journey ahead. Dwarves are tough, that’s for sure, but they are also very methodical, and do not like to be interrupted when they have already begun something. 
Like a stalker (which I guess I technically was), I peaked out at their company from behind a tree, wondering when exactly my entrance should be made. They were apparently wondering something similar. 
“I say we should look for ‘er.” Fili posited.
“I second the lad.” Dwalin piped up. Oh dear, that dwarf was so intimidating up close. Even though I was noticeably taller than him, he could take me out with a single swing of his axe, no questions axed asked. 
“If she wanted our help, she would’ve come back and gotten it by now.” Nori remarked, to which Thorin sternly nodded. He was right. I did need their help, and I was back to get it. Gold digger life. (A/N I’m so sorry for removing the immersion, I would just like to apologize for all of the Gen Z shitposting in this. Feel free to tell me to knock it off.) 
Gandalf and Bilbo were there. It was a moment I recognized, when Gandalf introduced Bilbo to his now famous blade, Sting. I realized in that moment that literally any point in which I decided to emerge would be interrupting something. I quickly swallowed my pride and decided to reveal myself. 
“Uh, hi! I’m back.” I had absolutely no idea what to say. They all turned to face me, though at this point I was used to being gawked at. I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t make me feel a little bit dizzy, though. 
I waved awkwardly, supporting my red canvas backpack over my shoulder. No one was saying anything. 
Gandalf lifted his every curious head up and eagle-eyed me from across the clearing. 
“Miss (Y/n)! So you have decided to join us.” It felt supremely unnatural to have him say my name. He crossed the way to approach me, leaving a rather disconcerted hobbit in the dust. 
“Uh… yeah. I guess I have.” 
“Wonderful! However, I’m afraid that I only offer my acquaintanceship to ladies whom I know more than their name. After all, it is only fair, since I’m sure you know mine?” No one bothered to interrupt the wizard, who, if I wasn’t mistaken, was doing the same thing to me that he did when he first met Bilbo outside of his hobbit hole. 
“Ummm, yeah, you’re Gandalf the Gray. And I guess, uh,” I breathed in deeply, realizing that, whether I tell the truth or lie, I’m going to sound extremely pathetic, “I’m (f/n) (l/n), but you can just call me (f/n). Uh, I’m human, I guess, and um, I don’t really know where I am right now. I’m kinda lost, I guess.”  
“Where do you hail from?” Damnit, damnit, I had no idea how to answer this.
“Ummm… really not from here. Like, so far that you probably haven’t heard of it.” His expression deepened a little bit. He was not playing as much as he pretended to. A somewhat scary reminder of the actual investment in the protection of his friends that it was easy to forget that he had.
“Try me.” 
“(Hometown name).” I answered back, with a fair amount of fake confidence. He furrowed his brow and pondered slightly, while everyone else remained completely puzzled. Of course, they had never heard of my hometown either, but the were far less travelled then Gandalf, and simply resolved to not seem outwardly ignorant. 
“You’re right, I suppose. I never have been there,” he paused, and no one surrounding him, myself included, was exactly sure what that pause meant, “But, how does one from the mysterious land of (hometown name) get so far from it?” 
“I’m not sure. I truly have no idea how I got to this place. One day it was life like any other, and the next thing I know I had woken up about to be eaten by a troll. I swear, I don’t know.” I added that last part, because I was serious, even if it sounded like I was completely making it up as I went a long, and doing a very poor job at that. 
“No need for swearing, I believe you.” 
“Well, I do not.” Thorin Oakenshield entered the ring.
“She wasn’t talking to you, dear Thorin.” Gandalf may appear spacy at times, but his sharp wit never left his side. 
“No, that is true, though perhaps she should’ve been, considering that I am the leader of this company.” I found it strange that, though he was arguing about me, Thorin had not yet dared to look me in the eye. 
“A leader who was too afraid to approach a frightened young girl alone in the forest?” My face twisted into a bit of a displeased expression. I thought I had hidden my fright well enough, and I was practically an adult. 
“She appeared far from frightened. While you were not there to see it, she was the one who confronted the troll head on, even when he was threatening her. And that thing that she can do with her eyes! I do not believe that she is as innocent as she appears.”
“Perhaps then, dear Thorin, all the more reason to have her accompany us for some time being. Perhaps,” he turned to me briefly before returning to the conversation, “we shall discover some more hidden skills that may be of surprising use.” 
I’d never felt so painfully passive in my entire life, just watching two people argue about what was to happen to me while pretending like I wasn’t even there. Did I even want to accompany them? To this point, I just wanted to go with them to Elrond’s house and then see if there is any aid there. Of course, it helped that Elrond’s house is basically an all-expenses-paid vacation, and particularly accommodating to lost souls. 
It became frighteningly clear that whatever separate visions they had of what was to become of me in their mind, neither of them were what I wanted.
“Are ye hungry, lass?” A finger poked my side. It was Bofur, a slightly more comforting sight. Though the two continued their bickering in the background, I diverted myself from the conversation slightly to face him.  
“Um, no, I think I’m okay, I-“ my stomach growled. 
Bofur smiled understandingly. 
“Well, we got lots o’ food if y’ever change your mind.” 
“Mahal, where did you get that?!” Kili yelled from the side. It appeared that I was now up for grabs by anyone who wanted to talk to me, as Thorin and Gandalf walked off. 
“That!” Kili pointed a finger at my chin, which I stroked thoughtfully, realizing that he was taking note of my large, now splotchy bruise that almost appeared to be a poorly shaved five o’clock shadow. 
“Oh, this? It was from the troll, I think. It wasn’t there before.” I rubbed my chin thoughtfully again before giving him something of a lopsided smile. He appeared quite amused at the concept of large bruises. 
“Lad, it’s considered polite to introduce yerself before askin’ a lass about ‘er wounds.” Balin remarked from the side, winking at me thoughtfully.
“Ah, yeah. Apologies. I’m Kili, at your service, miss!” He playfully bowed. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that I already knew all of their names, so I just passively watched as the introduction ritual took place, feigning mental notes as though it would be a struggle for me to recall them later. 
I “met” Fili next, as he always tried to one up Kili with the showmanship, then Bofur, who introduced his family, Bifur and Bombur. Dwalin and Balin respectfully bowed, which felt way more gratifying than it should. Dori, Nori, and Ori introduced themselves together, followed by Oin and Gloin. Finally, the smallest member, Bilbo, appeared to have the most practiced bow, and politely introduced himself. I nodded. 
“(F/n) (l/n) at yours.” I recalled the response to the standard greeting from the book, while doing a mock curtsey. I was still wearing jeans. 
“I have to admit, it’s been a while since we’ve seen a lass, or anyone for that matter, in these woods.” Balin chatted curiously. 
“I can only guess as to why.” The sarcasm was the first thing that I had felt natural saying in a while. 
“Perhaps the giant trolls?” Ah, yes. Sarcasm was something that the dwarves were not yet used to. I nodded at let it pass. 
The group held their breath and Gandalf and Thorin returned, a tacit agreement among them to let Thorin do the talking. He stepped forward.
“Very well, (y/n) of (hometown name). You will be permitted to travel with our Company until you may be returned to some area of safety, though I must warn you against doing anything that may inhibit our quest.” 
I nodded, silently agreeing to the terms that had been placed before me. He grunted, and returned to packing for the journey ahead. 
“You must tell me more about this (hometown name) when you get the chance, Miss (y/n).” Gandalf added. 
“I’d be glad to.” I smiled, lying through my teeth. Part of me wanted to begin planning for when I would eventually have to lie about where I came from, but the other part of me simply had no idea what to anticipate. 
I recalled my red canvas backpack, knowing that it was filled with things so far from this time that it would be disastrous if they got in the hands of any of my travelling companions, even someone as wise as Gandalf. I recalled my familiarity with their tales, knowing that, no matter how honest I was, I could not reveal to them that I knew the end. I recalled the death of Thorin, Fili, and Kili, the abuse of Bilbo, the psychological torture of Thranduil, and everything unfortunate in between. 
Perhaps I was better off dying in the forest alone. 
“Miss (y/n), you may walk with me if you like? We are both quite out of place in this company.” Bilbo cautiously approached me, his small voice easier to focus on as the rest of the Company began to leave me alone to pack for the time being.
“I would be honored, though I’m afraid I am not a terribly experienced traveler.”  
“Then we shall make fine company, Miss (y/n).” 
“Oh, you can just call me (y/n), no ‘Miss’ needed.” 
He appeared somewhat startled, and on the verge of insulted. 
“Oh, no, no, it’s just that the ‘Miss’ isn’t very common where I come from. I didn’t mean anything by it.” I hastily added, trying to fix whatever mess I had started. 
“You really do come from far, don’t you?” Now he seemed to be observing me. I nodded. 
“Yes. It’s going to be a long way back.”
So we finally start the shenanigans, though I must warn you that this is only getting started. As always, feel free to shoot me ideas as to what (y/n) has, or perhaps even a pairing. I’m considering also making this one a choose-your-own-adventure in terms of pairings, but that would take a lot more work, so if y’all have a specific one let me know and I can just write that!
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ourimpavidheroine · 4 years
Do you think Bryke meant to queer-code Wu?
The short answer to this is that no, I don’t think Wu was meant to be queer-coded. I do not think Wu was meant to be gay at all.
That being said? I think there’s a lot more to it than that.
The long answer to this is that I think Wu is, as a character, queer-coded. I mean, wildly so. In fact, I think he’s the most blatantly queer-coded character in both ATLA and TLOK, and I am including characters that Bryke have told us after the fact are queer, including Smellerbee and Kya.
But do I think Bryke purposefully coded him that way? Nope. Not at all.
Now, what they did do was create a character that was meant to a)irritate us, b)eventually amuse us and c)mirror Mako’s growth as a character. To do that, they gave us a very spoiled, very clueless rich boy. However, as part of accomplishing their goal of a character who would give us A, B and C, they chose to make him both effeminate as well as someone who doesn’t respect social/personal boundaries. 
As in, here’s an undeniable sissy-boy who has his hands all over Mako. But! Never fear! To “prove” that he wasn’t (GASP) Gay For Mako, they had him hit on women.
Because apparently, in the minds of cis white Gen X dudes, having a character hit on women, regardless of how badly he does it, sort of Erases The Gay that you’ve coded him into with all the mannerisms and grabby-hands characterization.
I could be wrong, but I am going to make a wild guess that they didn’t have a queer person - especially a gay man - in the writing room. Because I am pretty sure anyone on the rainbow spectrum could have told them that a part and parcel of being in the closet is enthusiastically proclaiming your sexual attraction to people of the opposite sex. Like, very enthusiastically. So everyone will get that you really, really super duper like people of the opposite sex and could not in anyway be construed as being gay/lesbian. Because wooooo-wee! Look at those ladies (men)! Pretty hot, huh? That’s because I am a heterosexual person! Very heterosexual! Yes, I am!
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I mean oh my god. Methinks the lady doth protest too much, hello!
Do I think Mike or Bryan are homophobic? Well, I think that they don’t want to be. I think that it is very important to them to have representation and I think they are making a very big effort towards that. I fully believe them when they say they wanted Korra and Asami to be bi and have a relationship in the show and certainly the two of them are a couple in the comics. They had Kya come out in the comics as well and while I personally don’t like the whole coming out/homophobia in the Fire Nation/acceptance in the Air Nomads plotline that was written into canon via the comics I do appreciate that they included it because representation matters to them. Korra, Asami and Kyoshi have been specifically canoned Bi/Pan and Kya is a lesbian and Smellerbee and the nameless City Council clerk in TLOK are somewhere on the trans spectrum.
That being said? I will point out that at this time (unless I have missed it) there have been no actual canon gay men characters or canon bi/pan male characters. 
Which is...par for the course. Lots of het cis guys will include queer female characters and consider that queer representation without realizing that they are excluding men. It happens a whole lot. If you call them on it, they will insist that they are not homophobic! They have lesbians! But gays? Eh, not so much.
(And there’s a whole fucking lot to unpack about that but there are plenty of amazing queer scholars who have already done that work and I don’t need to clumsily rehash it. It’s a well-researched and written about thing. It exists. Systematic homophobia exists.)
I think that Bryke could, if they chose, take a step back and ask themselves why they wrote Wu the way they did. They could also take a step back and ask themselves why, exactly, Wu and Mako could not be a couple when canonically speaking they really do suit each other very well. Mako yells at Wu and Wu doesn’t care! Mako gets all pedantic and pissy and Wu doesn’t care! Mako imparts Mako-wisdom and Wu not only listens but takes it to heart! Wu never shuts the fuck up but Mako’s lived with his brother and clearly doesn’t care! Wu orders Mako around and Mako clearly doesn’t care! Wu buys Mako shit and Mako is clearly used to this and not only doesn’t care but considers it par for the course! 
Mako never quits the job, regardless of how annoying Wu is supposed to be. And he very easily could; he even just accepts it when Beifong tells him Raiko is planning on sending him to Ba Sing Se with Wu which is just bananas. I mean, a)Raiko has no authority to do that whatsoever and b)Mako isn’t even a citizen of the Earth Kingdom. But Mako just...goes along with that without a fight at all. The dude is a pro-bender. He’s the pal of the Avatar and has personal contacts with some of the most influential people in the world. He’s a decent cop (although not a particularly by the rules kind of one, see growing up on the streets in a criminal gang). The man does not need to settle for being a bodyguard if he doesn’t want to be, is all that I am saying. So why does he keep doing the job? Oh, I think we know.
I’ve said before that Mako, in Bryke’s eyes, is clearly the handsome young protagonist. He was a pro-bender and is a self-taught bending master! (There is no other character in either ATLA or TLOK who handles lightning the way Mako does.) He had both the Avatar as well as the beautiful Asami Sato as girlfriends! He had a tragically romantic background! But as the seasons go on it is revealed that actually, Mako is kind of a dork. He’s the Mom friend. He’s pedantic. He’s not really all that great of a cop and not much better as a bodyguard. He’s a socially awkward mess. (I personally think he’s autistic as well as suffering from massive PTSD, but that’s for another time.) But even still, handsome, manly Mako? He can’t possibly go for the Rich Disaster Twink. Because that’s not what handsome young protagonists do. 
I wish like hell there had been a queer person in the writer’s room; I wish they could have taken Bryke aside and pointed out to them that using queer coding in order to make a character annoying is homophobic as fuck, even when you have the best of intentions. But clearly nobody did that, just as nobody has sat them down and said, so after the entirety of Season 4 and all of the good that Mako and Wu do for each other, why exactly are they not a couple? Because Mako is straight and has to remain that way because...why? Why exactly? It’s okay for women to be canonically queer but not men because....?
I just wish.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
No Such Thing
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Summary: The reader has been having a hard time after an accident leaves her on her own. But when a man shows up at her door claiming to be her father, her life may start to change...
Pairing: Jared x daughter!reader
Word Count: 8,600ish
Warnings: language, angst, mention of death
A/N: The reader is 18 for this one...
You’d been dreading the knock at the door all week. You knew you were getting evicted finally. It’d been two months already and you were behind. The landlord had been forgiving last month but you knew you wouldn’t be getting just a warning today.
You braced yourself as best you could, sighing when you opened the door. A very tall man that was most definitely not your landlord was standing there, giving you a half smile, half grimace.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” he asked.
“Yes,” you said quietly, already glaring at him. He took a step back, giving you a sad tilt of his head, his eyes going up and down. “Get lost creep before I-”
“No. No. I...I’m you dad,” he said quietly.
“Excuse me?” you scoffed. “I don’t have a dad.”
“Is that what Sarah told you?” he said softly. You scowled and slammed the door in his face. There was a soft knock after a moment.
“Get lost!” you shouted through the door. “My dad is dead or a loser. Either way, you aren’t him.”
“To be fair, I didn’t know you existed until about five hours ago,” he said. You leaned your head back against the door.
“Go away before I call the cops,” you said, sliding down the door, resting your chin on your knees.
“I sort of just flew halfway across the country,” he said. “I’m Jared.”
“Fuck off, Jared,” you snapped.
“What’s going on?” you heard the landlord say out in the hall. You stood up and opened the door. “You’re late on rent. Again.”
“I know. I-”
“You got 24 hours to get out,” he said. “I’ll cut you a break on the back rent owed cause you and your mom were good customers but-”
“I get it. Thank you,” you said. He left, Jared on the other side of the hall, biting his bottom lip. “I’m sorry pal but I’m not your kid. You’re barely old enough to be my dad. I’m 18 and you do anything but leave me alone-”
“I’m sorry about your mom,” he said.
“Me too,” you said, glancing away for a few seconds. “It’s been three months. I did the whole grieving depressed thing. I got shit to do so if you don’t mind-”
“Let me...just call Officer Kensaw. He’s the one that called me this morning,” said Jared. “I’m staying at the Marriott near the airport. Jared Padalecki. When you’re ready, stop by and we’ll go get a bite or something. I’ll be there as long as you need me.”
He turned and walked away as you sighed and pulled your phone out of your pocket.
“Thanks,” you said, glancing at the officer in the hotel lobby.
“It’s not a problem,” he said.
“I meant...why’d you even try to find my dad? As far as I knew, he was dead,” you said.
“It’s my job to help people,” he said.
“We were in a car accident though,” you said.
“I know. I just...I’m only a few years older than you. I...I don’t know if I could have held myself together as well as you,” he said.
“I was supposed to start college this month,” you said. “Now I’m homeless and-”
“We’ll get you someplace. Maybe even with your dad, I promise,” he said. You hummed as you saw the elevator doors open and Jared step out, a bit hesitant as he approached. “Mr. Padalecki.”
“Officer Kensaw,” said Jared, shaking hands with him. “I uh, I’m not really sure what we do from here.”
“To be honest, I wasn’t expecting you to show up today,” he said. “I think the three of us should sit and we can figure out the best way to handle this situation. There’s a diner not too far.”
You were mostly quiet as you picked at your leftover fries, Jared listening intently to everything Kensaw told him. You were 18. You weren’t a minor. You had a part time job, had for a long time, and were looking for full time. You’d pretty much been on your own since the accident a few months back.
And apparently, Jared was on your birth certificate, even though he never signed it, even though he didn’t even know you existed until that morning.
“Why didn’t she tell me?” you said to yourself. “Mom, why…”
“I don’t know, Y/N. If she had let me know, I would have been there in a second. I would have...I don’t know. I wish I did,” said Jared.
“Did you mean to-” you said, Jared shaking his head.
“No, no,” said Jared. “I remember using protection. There’s always a risk though,” he said.
“Awesome,” you said, dipping a french fry in ketchup.
“Officer, can we have a moment alone?” asked Jared. He nodded and got up, taking his coffee over to the bartop. Jared gave you a nervous smile, wincing a little.
“You got no idea what you’re doing,” you said.
“Not really, no,” he said.
“Well you missed the first 18 years. Don’t really matter if you miss more,” you said with a shrug.
“It matters to me,” he said. You lifted your head, tilting it at him. “Your life doesn’t look like it’s going so hot right now.”
“Nope,” you said, eating another fry.
“I know I’m a stranger-”
“Yup,” you said.
“...There’s always a place for you with me. I live in Texas. It’s a bit warmer than here but you don’t have to grow up so fast,” he said.
“Sorry. I already got the whole, dead mom and college dropout thing going on for me right here so I’ll pass,” you said.
“You go to college?” he asked.
“...I was going to start my first year in a few weeks. I can’t afford it,” you said. “I was supposed to be job hunting tonight and apartment hunting and-”
“I can help you,” he said.
“Dude. Don’t fall completely into the stereotype. I don’t want you to pay for jack shit,” you said. “I appreciate you coming out here or whatever so you don’t feel guilty but I’m done with this little family reunion. I got a life to figure out if you don’t mind.”
“You’re stubborn,” he said. “And hard headed and scared to death. I am not...right now I’m just your father and I get that. Give me the chance to be your dad.”
“I’m not a little girl,” you said.
“I didn’t come here so we could read bedtime stories and play candy lane,” he deadpanned.
“Why did you come?” you said.
“Because I have a daughter. And today’s one of the best days of my life. But you need help and part of being an adult is knowing how to accept it. I was a lot older than you when I learned that. I’m not saying you have to do anything. I’m just offering,” he said.
“Offering what?” you scoffed. “I already said I don’t want your money.”
“What about a family?” he asked.
“I had a family, thanks,” you said.
“Officer Kensaw says you have no other blood family out there besides me,” he said.
“I said had, dumbass,” you said. You glared at him, his face softer than you were expecting. “I’m not your kid. I don’t need you.”
“You are my kid. We don’t-”
“Would you shut-”
“No one wants to be alone, Y/N. No one. And if you are anything like me in that regard, being alone will be the worst thing for you. Why don’t...why don’t you come visit for a few days? We can get to know each other. I’ll pay for it all. If you decide you never want to speak to me again, want me out of your life, I’ll respect it,” he said.
“I will give you three days and not a second more,” you said.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
You didn’t have much and thankfully were able to stow everything in your car for the time being. You weren’t thrilled with the idea of travelling with a strange man but the officer had done a background check on him and he was a perfectly normal guy it seemed. Still, he offered to call a few times while you were away to make sure it was going good.
“So...did you tell your wife you had some other kid?” you asked on the drive to his house.
“Yeah. How’d you know I was married?” he asked.
“Wedding ring,” you said, leaning your head against the window. “It’s too hot here.”
“You get used to it,” he said, quiet for a few minutes as he drove. “I have other kids.”
“Forget to wrap it up for those chicks too?” you scoffed.
“They were planned with my wife and they are young. Please watch the language around them,” he said.
“I’m not an idiot,” you grumbled. You didn’t talk for the rest of the drive, your eyes wide when you saw the neighborhood he lived in, jaw dropping when he drove down a driveway. “How rich are you?”
“Just come on,” he said with a sigh. He got your bags before leading you through a garage door and into a house. He set them down, a pitter patter of little feet running on the floor before you saw him bending down and handing out a few hugs. “I missed you guys too.”
There were two boys and a girl, the three of them soon looking up at you. You caught a woman in the kitchen giving you a smile.
“Guys, this is Y/N. She’s going to hang out here for a few days with us,” he said.
“Hi,” said the tallest and oldest looking one. “I’m Tom.”
“I’m Shep!” said the other boy, a little smile on his face. The littlest one gave you a smile and hugged your leg. “That’s Odette. She doesn’t talk a lot yet.”
“Hi,” you said, giving her a smile before she peeled off, off to do something else it seemed. The boys stayed put though, your gaze going to Jared. “So…”
“Guys, why don’t you go play with Odette in the family room?” he asked. They looked at one another before they wandered through the kitchen, a few sounds of playing reaching the kitchen area. “Y/N, this is my wife, Gen.”
“Hi,” she said.
“Hi,” you said back, giving her a nod, looking over your shoulder at Jared. “You got two and a half days left. I’d get on it if I were you.”
There was tension all day long and it wasn’t until the kids were in bed that you saw Jared’s cheery facade start to crack.
“Can I ask why you aren’t excited to find out you have family?” asked Jared, sitting on one end of the long couch.
“Because you might have made me but that doesn’t automatically make you my family,” you said. He paused but nodded, leaning his head against the couch cushion. “Obviously this isn’t working. Why don’t I just get a flight back home tomorrow, okay?”
“So you can get back to your shitty life even faster?” he said.
“I do not have a-”
“Yes, you do,” he said.
You stared him down, Jared giving it right back until you heard Gen come in and clear her throat.
“She’s as stubborn as you, Jare,” she said. “You’re both tired. Go to bed, you can spend the day tomorrow getting to know each other.”
“Sure,” he said, giving you a smile, waving you up the stairs. You veered off down a hall to their guest room, sighing when you shut the door. A quiet knock came five minutes later, Gen standing there when you pulled it open.
“Hi,” you said. She stared at you a moment, giving you a nod. “What?”
“This is a bigger shock than you may realize, to all of us. I think you should remember that his first instinct when he found out he had a daughter was try to help you,” she said.
“Alright,” you said, giving her a shrug.
“He loves you,” she said.
“He doesn’t know a thing about me,” you said.
“He still loves you. If you decide you want to be part of this family, all of us will love you too,” she said.
“Thanks but I already had a mom and she’s dead so goodnight,” you said. She turned and left you, your hands already shutting the door the second she was out.
You changed and crawled into the bed with a sigh, pulling the covers up tight. You didn’t want to think about anything, just get some sleep and forget the rest for now.
“Good morning,” said Jared, finding you sat at the kitchen table with a glass of water. “Did you get yourself something to eat yet?”
“No,” you said.
“Are you hungry?”
“Okay,” he said, tapping his finger on the countertop. “Can we at least try to talk to one another today?”
“We’re talking right now,” you said.
“Let’s go outside, sit on the back porch,” he said. You sighed as you followed him outside, taking a seat on some nice patio chair, Jared sitting down next to you. “It’s not so hot out this early in the day.”
“Yeah,” you said.
“You an early riser?” he asked.
“No. Just don’t sleep much lately,” you said.
“Promise me something, please,” he said. He turned his body closer, watching you for a few seconds. “If you decide to leave, know you can always come back. It could be a week, it could be ten years. There’s always a place for you here.”
“You don’t have to feel guilty,” you said, Jared blinking at you. “Neither one of us knew. I’m not blaming you for missing my childhood or anything. So don’t.”
“Alright,” he said. It was quiet outside, Jared pursing his lips after a minute. “I’m sorry I said you had a shitty life last night.”
“It’s the truth,” you said, rubbing your hand against your head, gazing out at the yard.
“Can I ask you what’s back there you want to go back to?” he asked.
“Besides a car full of stuff, nothing,” you said.
“You can’t buy me off, Jared. My mom worked hard for everything we had. The second I was old enough to start working to help, I did. Nothing is free, nothing. I’d rather not owe you so sorry but-”
“Owe me what?” he said.
“Money or...I just don’t…” you said, Jared looking to his lap. “Why are you so hung up on this?”
“Why are you so against this?” he said.
“People like you don’t just exist. You want this to help your career or something? I’m not buying it,” you said. He scrunched up his face and shook his head.
“I’m on a break and I don’t care about that stuff. I’m your dad. I want to try and be your dad. That’s all I want,” he said.
“I’m sorry but I don’t want a dad,” you said. He nodded, staring down at his lap. “I think I should go.”
“Maybe this was too fast. I...maybe we can talk on the phone, ease into it more?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” you said. “If I decide I want to talk, I’ll call you.”
“Okay,” he said quietly.
“Alright,” you said as you got up. “I’m going to go pack up.”
“I can drive you to the airport then I guess,” he said.
“Thanks,” you said.
“Yeah. No problem.”
You sighed when you were back home. Jared had refused to let you leave without giving you some money. A pile of money sitting in the bottom of your backpack in the back footwell of your car. You were stretched out as comfortably as you could be in the backseat, a blanket pulled over top of you as you sighed.
You’d gone from your well off father’s million dollar home the night before to the backseat of your used car, parked in an alley.
“He felt guilty,” you mumbled to yourself, shifting to your other side. You sat up and beat your pillow again, laying down with a huff. The car was cool and a buckle was digging into your back. You grumbled again and rolled over, jumping straight up when something knocked on the window. A flashlight stared you in the face, moving away just so when you caught site of Officer Kensaw.
You pushed open the door, Kensaw sighing when you pulled on your shoes and stepped outside.
“What are you doing back here?” he asked. “I thought you moved down to your dad’s.”
“It didn’t work out,” you said, rubbing your eyes. “What, you keeping tabs on me or something?”
“You’re in a no parking zone,” he said, moving his flashlight over to one of the walls. “He an asshole or something?”
“No,” you said, rubbing your bare arms. “It’s cold out. Can I go back to sleep?”
“In that car, no,” he said. You rolled your eyes and he threw his head back. “Y/N. I am not letting you sleep in an alley. Come on.”
“I am not going to a shelter or a home or...I will be just fine,” you said.
“Clearly,” he said.
“Don’t pity me,” you snapped.
“I am not the bad guy,” he said. You took a deep breath and nodded, Kensaw rubbing his temple with his free hand. “I got a real bed and someplace safe for you to stay if you want.”
“I’ll move my car, park somewhere else,” you said.
“I wasn’t asking, kid,” he said.
“Said the kid,” you said. “You’re barely old enough to drink.”
“Shut up. Get in your car and follow me. I wasn’t asking.”
You grumbled when you parked behind a police car in a driveway, exiting to Kensaw getting out of his own car.
“You live here?” you asked.
“Since I was born. Come on. You can crash in the guest room,” he said. You shook your head, his eyes squeezing shut. “It’s after midnight. I’m off duty. Just get in the house.”
“I don’t need help, Kensaw,” you said.
“Officer Kensaw,” he said.
“You’re off duty,” you said.
“Fine. I’m regular Owen right now and right now, get inside,” he said.
“No,” you said.
“Why are you so averse to people helping you,” he said. “And why the hell did you come back here? Your dad is a good guy from what I looked up. He really seemed to want a relationship with you.”
“I don’t need him to feel sorry for me or you,” you said.
“I’m a cop. My job it to protect people and sorry but leaving an 18 year old girl to sleep in a sketchy alley by herself didn’t scream safe to me,” he said. “I should drop you off someplace or take you in honestly.”
“Then why don’t you,” you shot back. “You don’t even know who I am. Why would you even let me in your house?”
“Tomorrow you’re going back to Texas,” he said. “You’re moving there, back with your family, or I will start filing paperwork to get you placed somewhere. I don’t care if you’re 18. You’re not capable of taking care of yourself right now. Understand?”
“Good luck with that,” you said, getting back in your car and driving off.
You grumbled when you saw Kensaw show up at your work. You kept your head down as you scanned his items, putting them in a bag.
“Twenty three seventy four,” you said quietly.
“You’re off of work in ten minutes. I want to talk,” he said. You sighed as he paid, his cruiser parked out front with him leaning against it when you exited work. “So what are we going to do?”
“Leave me alone, Owen,” you said.
“I knew your mom, Y/N,” he said when you started to walk away. You spun around, Owen nodding. “Ms. Y/L/N. She was my third grade teacher.”
“She was lots of people’s third grade teacher’s,” you said.
“She didn’t want this for you, Y/N, I can guarantee that,” he said. “Your dad...he’s a fresh start.”
“He can’t buy my love,” you said.
“I don’t think this guy gives a rat’s ass about money. When I contacted him, he immediately asked if you were okay, all these questions about you. This guy already loves you. He can help you,” he said.
“I can do it alone,” you said.
“I’m sure you can,” said Owen, giving you a nod. “But you don’t have to.”
“...I’ll go if you leave me alone,” you said.
“Good,” said Owen. “Good.”
Two Days Later
“Hi,” said Jared, picking you up from the airport. You nodded and climbed in the passenger seat of his truck, setting your bag down by your feet. “We got all your stuff at the house already. Shipped in this morning.”
“All three whopping boxes,” you said, closing your eyes. You’d sold your car. It wasn’t worth much but it gave you a little extra money in your pocket. “I’m not exactly here because I want to be. As soon as I’m able to, I’m gone.”
“I can understand that,” he said, forcing a smile on his face. “Do you want to head home or did you want to stop somewhere first?”
“Your house is fine.”
“Y/N, dinner!” you heard shouted from downstairs. You pushed aside your computer from where you’d been filling out job applications all day.
Downstairs the kids were seated and a plate was set for you, some kind of chicken dish on top of it. You kept quiet as they talked about their day, plans for the next, who was taking who to school and daycare.
Jared didn’t say anything when you excused yourself after your meal and retreated back to your room. It was starting to get later when there was a knock at the door and Gen came in, setting a packet down on the small desk in there.
“That’s some information on the local colleges and universities around here,” she said. “I have a friend who works at one of the universities, said as long as you meet the qualifications, you might be able to transfer in before the semester starts up.”
“Thank you but I don’t think I’ll be going to school,” you said. “I’ve been job hunting all day.”
“Oh. Did you change your mind on school?” she asked, almost sitting down on the end of the bed but pausing when she looked at you.
“It’s a lot of money and would have been a waste of a degree. Maybe someday when I have my feet under me,” you said.
“What were you going to go to school for?” she asked. “If that’s okay.”
“Education. I thought of being a teacher, like my mom,” you said, pasting your resume into another job application.
“Oh. It must run in the family,” she said. You raised an eyebrow. “Jared’s mom was a teacher. Jared’s entertained the idea of trying it since he’s between jobs right now but I keep trying to convince him to write a book. I think he’s going to give that a shot.”
“That’s nice,” you said.
“So you don’t want to be a teacher anymore?” she asked.
“Nope. Should probably get a business degree or something in a few years,” you said. She sat down at that. “People change their minds all the time.”
“Why’d you change yours?” she asked.
“Teachers make barely enough to get by. I’m not living the rest of my life that way,” you said.
“Well, I think you should still end up doing something you enjoy. Take a look at the colleges around here. There might be one that sparks your interest,” she said.
“Sure,” you said as she stood up.
“Y/N,” she said. “I am very sorry about your mom.”
“Me too,” you said.
“Talk to Jared some tomorrow. Please. It’d mean the world to him if you just said hello at breakfast,” she said.
“Alright. Goodnight.”
The house was quiet when you got up. It took you a moment to realize the kids must have been gone already for the day. You thought maybe you’d do some job searching on the back patio since it wasn’t obnoxiously warm yet. Jared wasn’t downstairs when you got there but with how still everything was, you wouldn’t have been surprised if you were the only one there.
After making yourself a cup of coffee, you slipped outside and settled in on the patio, finding a nice shady spot. You hummed as you got your computer up and open. It was quite beautiful there, their house privately tucked away in suburbia. You couldn’t imagine living in a place like that all the time.
“Hey,” said a voice you didn’t recognize. You looked right and saw a guy in a baseball cap step onto the patio from around the corner of the house. You swallowed, the guy pausing and giving you a nod. “I’m Jensen, a friend of your dad’s. I’m helping him move some stuff in the garage this morning. He around?”
“I don’t know. Actually yeah, he is,” you said. He smiled and looked around.
“Alright. I’m making you uncomfortable so I’m going to leave. You see your dad around, tell him to text me and I’ll swing back,” he said. He nodded his head and you caught his hat before he spun around.
“Hey. Where’d you get that hat?” you asked.
“Why? You want one? I only got a gajillion,” he said with a laugh. “Come on.”
He walked away and you cautiously followed him around and to the driveway, the guy climbing in a back seat and coming back with another hat, this one all black.
“Keep it,” he said, tossing it over to you. “I give ‘em away to friends and family all the time.”
“Why do…” you trailed off.
“Cause this is my brewery, silly,” he said.
“Really? I just applied for a job there last night,” you said.
“I see,” he said. “How old are you and I know the answer by the way.”
“It’s like the best paying job though without a degree and-“
“And you’re not 21. Can’t do it, kid. Sorry,” he said. “But I might be able to convince the powers at be to not put up that other posting. We need someone help to run social media and organize events on the weekends. You interested?”
“Depends on what it pays,” you said.
“Same as the other gig plus five percent. You want it?” he asked.
“Uh, yeah, for sure,” you said.
“Cool. When he gets back, have him give me a call and we’ll get you signed up to start working next week if you want,” he said.
“Great, uh…” you trailed off.
“Jensen,” he said with a smile. “You’ll be seeing me a lot. Oh and, I don’t know a ton about your situation, not my place and all until we get to know each other a bit better, but Jared’s a good guy. If he’d known, he would have been there for you. I guarantee it.”
“Yeah. Thanks,” you said. “I’ll let him know you came by.”
“See you around, Y/N,” he said, giving you a wave as he slipped into his truck. He was gone down the driveway like that and you went back to the patio, wondering how best to kill some time now that you apparently had landed a decent job.
“Hey,” you heard when you were halfway through your coffee, busy wandering around the backyard. You spun around and saw Jared standing there, covered in sweat. “Good morning.”
“Morning,” you said, wrinkling up your nose. “You kind of smell.”
“Sorry, run went longer than expected. You didn’t see a guy hanging around the house at all did you?”
“Jensen. Yeah, I met him. He gave me a job at his brewery,” you said. Jared lit up, a big smile on his face.
“That’s awesome! I’m sure he’ll be super flexible with whatever your fall semester ends up looking like too,” he said.
“I’m not going to school,” you said. He nodded, looking around.
“Probably a good idea. It starts up in a week or so. We’ll get you in for the spring semester. It’ll give you time to settle in, get used to Austin,” he said.
“I don’t want to go school,” you said. He started to gnaw on his bottom lip, giving you a slow nod.
“I think you should think about it more. If you decide in a few months you don’t want to then that’s okay too. I know you quit because of everything that happened with your mom but I’m guessing she was proud of you and excited for you to go,” he said.
“I’ll think about it,” you said. He smiled, rocking back on his feet for a moment before he turned around. “Jensen said to call him?”
“Alright, thanks,” he said. You sighed when he jogged back up to the house to get cleaned up.
“Why am I out here?” you grumbled, Jared and Jensen moving some boxes around in his garage.
“What else do you have to do?” asked Jensen, grabbing his hat from earlier you’d left out there, pulling it down on your head. “Come on. Show your new employer some work ethic.”
“We’re just packing up a few things to donate,” said Jared, carrying a box out and setting it in the trunk of his SUV.
“Baby toys, clothes the kids never wore. Stuff that’s better used elsewhere,” he said.
“We’ll go on, grab a box,” teased Jensen. You rolled your eyes behind his back when you picked one up. Something sharp dug into the back of your hand and you dropped it, backing away fast as they both spun around. You saw something long start to slither away from the back of the box and out onto the driveway, your eyes wide. “Just a garden snake. I think you pissed it off though.”
“Garden snake!” you said. Jared shook his head and walked over, holding up your hand.
“Non venomous. Probably hurts and will be a little sore but you’re fine,” he said. “Garden snakes are normally very gentle. I think you just scared it is all.”
“Yeah, well it’s still an asshole,” you said. Jensen chuckled and grabbed the box for you, Jared going inside and coming back with some ointment and a bandage.
“Let’s just be glad it wasn’t one of the bad ones,” he said.
“Bad ones?” you asked.
“Rattlers, water moccasins...scorpions...spi-“ said Jensen before you didn’t want to hear the rest.
“I got the picture, Jensen, thank you,” you said, shaking yourself out.
“General rule is to look in dark places first. There’s special first aid in the kitchen, top leftmost cabinet if you or anyone else ever needs it,” said Jared.
“God, why did I move here,” you mumbled.
“Hey, Jared, you take the kiddo out to Torchy's yet?” asked Jensen.
“To what?” you asked.
“You like tacos kid? You’ll love it.”
“How’s your lunch?” asked Jared as you sat on a bench in the park, right in the middle of the city.
“Good,” you nodded, taking a bite while Jensen ordered his food. “Is Jensen your neighbor or something?”
“You didn’t look up much about me, did you,” said Jared softly. You shook your head, a smirk crossing his face. “Well, yes, Jensen is our neighbor, just a few streets away. I’ll show you on the way home. He and I used to make a show together. Like for fifteen years. He’s one of my best friends, like another brother to me. We’re pretty close.”
“Oh,” you said.
“Family’s important to me, Y/N,” he said. “I know you don’t...I know you’re not here because you want to be. Officer Kensaw told me the ultimatum he gave you and I know you’re looking to get out of the house and away from us as fast as possible. Just let me have one chance though. Please.”
“Why do you want me to be your kid so bad?” you asked.
“Hey,” said Jensen, frowning at you as he sat down next to Jared. “Cut him some slack. He’s your dad, that’s why.”
“Jensen,” said Jared. Jensen held up his hands, eating silently. He got up to toss out his trash and you did the same, hoping you could go home soon.
“Hey,” he said, stopping you in the way back. “I get that you’re going through something right now but don’t forget, so is he. He’s not expecting you to be bubbly and excited but you will treat him with some respect and kindness, got it?”
“You got no idea how hard life can be,” you said.
“Don’t assume things about people,” he said. “I know him. He’s scared shitless on what to say so I’ll say it for him. Knock it off. You’re 18. You’re an adult. Act like one,” he said.
“You’re right. I am an adult and there is absolutely nothing keeping me here now,” you said.
“Oh, stop with the front. Just stop, kid,” he said. You crossed your arms, narrowing your eyes.
“Forget what I said earlier. I don’t want to work for you,” you said.
“It’s your choice if you want to or not but answer one question first. If your mom saw you right now, right now in this park, the way you act towards him and me and everybody else, what do you think she would think of you?” he asked.
“You didn’t know my mom,” you gritted out.
“No. But I know when a Padalecki isn’t dealing properly. Jared is scared of saying the wrong thing, frankly I’m scared for you. Life and your family isn’t who you share blood with. He’s not even related to me and he’s my brother so by default I’m your Uncle and-“
“What’s your point?” you shot back.
“He loves you. Give him the chance to show it,” he said. You stared him down, eventually sighing. “Good. I still expect to see you ten am sharp on Monday at work.”
“Lovely,” you mumbled. He headed back ahead of you, talking briefly to Jared before he took off towards his truck parked down the block.
“Things looked a little heated over there,” said Jared when you returned.
“It’s whatever,” you said. “Can we leave now?”
“Is there anything you’d like to do?” he asked.
“Actually, yeah.”
“You want to buy that car? It’s falling apart,” said Jared.
“It’s what I can afford and I’m getting it,” you said.
“If you need a car, you can always use one of ours,” he said.
“I want my own,” you said.
“Well let me go half on it with you, get you something built this century at least,” he said. You rolled your eyes but had a feeling you weren’t getting out of there with a car unless you did what he said.
Two hours later, you had a slightly beat up old outback in the driveway at home.
And Gen was not happy about it if the sounds coming from the kitchen were anything to go by.
“Is that thing even safe? Why didn’t you get her something newer?”
“She barely let me do it as it was,” he said as you listened in from the top of the stairs. “We’ll get something better for her soon. She’s still…”
“Jare, she likes you,” she said.
“Pretty sure that’s a hard no. Pretty sure she bought the car so she can run off soon too,” he said.
“It’s a lot of change at once. She really should have a better car though,” she said.
“It’s got a few dents but no accidents. It’ll do for now. Just...by easy. I don’t want to scare her. She already doesn’t like Jensen. I don’t need her to not like you too,” he said.
“I’m sure she likes him. He just gets protective of you,” she said.
“Do you want to go out to eat tonight? Maybe that’ll help spark a conversation?” he asked.
“Sure, baby. That sounds great.”
“Did you enjoy dinner?” asked Jared when you got home that night. You hummed and headed upstairs, one of the boys stopping in front of you.
“Do you want to play before bed?” he asked.
“Um...sure,” you said. He lit up and grabbed your hand, tugging you to a part of the house you hadn’t been in yet, a playroom for the kids set up. You played some kind of made up game that he and his brother seemed to understand perfectly, Gen eventually coming in and sending them off to bed.
“Thanks for coming to dinner tonight,” said Jared, giving you a forced smile when you headed upstairs.
“Thank you for it,” you said, giving him a nod. You didn’t change for bed though. This wasn’t working. He was getting more and more uncomfortable and all you wanted was to be left alone.
You jotted down a note, promising to pay back the other half of the car when you could, and left it on the bed in the guest room. You waited until after midnight to slip outside. You didn’t want this and you were tired of everyone trying to force you into it.
He wasn’t your family and you weren’t his.
You drove about half an hour out of town, finding a park to stay in for the night. The new car was way more comfortable for sleeping in at least.
You woke up early and stretched out, your phone not going off probably a sign they hadn’t seen the note. You ended up going for a walk, finding a bridge over a small stream a little ways in. You hopped up on the railing, everything so quiet.
“Well hey stranger,” you heard. You whipped your head around, a sweaty Jensen in a tee and shorts coming to a stop at the bridge. “You an early riser? Only time I can get a run in without melting to death.”
“Uh, couldn’t sleep last night,” you said. “Why are you here?”
“The brewery is a few minutes away. Sometimes I wake up early, do some work and a run before the kids get up,” he said, looking you up and down. “You on a walk or something?”
“Yeah. Just want some quiet,” you said.
“I get that,” he said. “I’m a quiet guy myself.”
“You literally don’t shut up, ever,” you said.
“Well that must mean I feel comfortable around you,” he chuckled, leaning over the railing. He gave you a half-smile, blinking a few times. “You’re 18. You’re a legal adult. If you want to run away, run towards something else, okay. I’ll respect that. Don’t run away because you’re afraid of getting hurt again. Life is weird. It is. But think of that police officer who found Jared for you, in his own free time. Think what your mom wanted for you. I got this feeling you were this great kid, nice kid, probably a little sarcastic but a good kid that family meant the world to her. It still can.”
“I’m…” you said, pursing your lips.
“Y/N. Go home to your father and your family. Your mom is not being replaced. I promise,” he said. “It’s never too late to change things.”
“I’m used to being on my own,” you said. “I don’t want to get attached. I just want to go.”
“I want you to stay, and be brave and strong. Do it for your mom at the very least. Talk to Jared. Learn about him, who he is. Please,” he said.
You stared at him for what felt like five minutes, Jensen’s face blank as he let you.
“Okay,” you said with a small nod. “Okay.”
“Go home kid before they realize you snuck out. Come home with some coffee and muffins or something, say you got up early to grab some,” he said.
“You’re really not going to tell them?” you asked.
“Tell them what? You got up early, went for a walk, got some breakfast food on the way home?” he asked, offering you a big smile.
“Do you know why Jared’s so quiet around me?” you asked.
“I think he feels incredibly happy right now but there’s a lot of guilt bubbling up in him,” he said. “Go talk to him. Ease some of that for him.”
“Okay,” you said, climbing back on the bridge. “I didn’t use to be so…”
“No hard feelings, Y/N. We’re good. Go on home now.”
You were glad you followed Jensen’s advice and came home with some coffee as Jared was already up with the kids.
“Good morning,” you said, setting the bag down on the kitchen counter, Jared giving you a friendly smile. “I brought home muffins.”
“Oh. That was very thoughtful of you,” he said. You hummed and skirted upstairs, finding the note untouched.
You quickly grabbed it and ripped it up, tossing it in the trash. You bumped into Gen in the hall, getting a smile as she popped in the room and started to tear off the sheets.
“Sleep okay?” she asked.
“Yeah. I can do my own laundry if you show me the washer. I don’t mind,” you said.
“Eh, I got to do all the sheets today anyways but I’ll show you. Feel free to do your stuff anytime,” she said. You hummed and followed her down the hall and another, finding the kids rooms on that side of the house and a nice laundry room tucked away. “You got anything you want me to toss in with your stuff?”
“No, that’s okay. I’ll do it later,” you said. You went back downstairs, Jared covered in a bit of applesauce, Odette wearing more on her face.
“Y/N,” asked Tom. You glanced over to the kitchen table, giving him a smile where he munched on some toast. “Do you go to school?”
“Not right now no. But I think I’m going to try to go to college somewhere around here in a few months,” you said.
“Cool. Are you my sister?” he asked. Somehow that was the first time it crossed your mind that you were actually related to the kids. You had siblings.
“Uh, yeah. I am. Half-sister but yeah,” you said. “Jared’s my dad too.”
“That’s a funny thing to call him,” he said.
“Tom,” said Jared, definitely a dad voice if you ever heard one.
“It’s alright,” you said. Tom dropped it though and went back to eating, Jared back to helping Odette.
Fifteen minutes later the kids were out the door with Gen, Jared looking like he was about to make himself scarce.
“Hey, Jared. Um,” you said, stopping him in his tracks. “I was thinking of checking out a few of those colleges around here today if you’re not busy...you could come.”
“Okay,” he said, a big smile on his face. “Sure thing. I’ll drive.”
“I think I liked UT the best,” you said. “They had a lot of options for majors.”
“It’s a good school,” he said on the drive home that afternoon. “Y/N. Can we talk? About the letter?”
You felt your heart skip a beat and you were pretty sure Jared saw it. He pulled over near a park, giving you a soft smile when you got the courage to look at him.
“I know I’m not dad material yet, to you at least. I don’t know if I’ll ever be. I’m not sure why you came back but I’m glad you did,” he said.
“I talked to someone this morning,” you said. “They made me admit to myself what I was doing, what I’ve been doing the past few months. This isn’t who I am and I can’t imagine what you or your family thinks of me.”
“What have you been doing?” he asked gently.
“Pretending I’m okay,” you said with a shrug. “I knew I could get back on my feet in a little while once I got a better job and maybe some roommates or whatever. But I feel...I don’t know how to describe it even. Bad’s not the right word for it.”
“Can I try to help you feel better?” he asked.
“How?” you asked.
“Trust me.”
Three Months Later
“Hey, slacker,” said Jensen, popping his head in the back. He glanced at his watch, giving you a head tilt. “What are you still doing here? Your shift ended over an hour ago.”
“Trying to figure why some idiot planned out inventory this way. It’s a waste of time and money,” you said.
“I planned out the inventory,” he said. You bit your bottom lip, Jensen shaking his head. “Just messing with you. How bad is it?”
“You order in new material third week of the month right? You’d save money doing it the fourth. End of the month, it goes on sale, every single time,” you said.
“Huh. If you weren’t going to school in January I’d hire you full time right now,” he said. “Nobody here caught that.”
“Mhm,” you hummed, looking back at the computer.
“I appreciate the hard work but there’s like nobody else here and can you go home so I can go home? Please? Don’t you have father daughter time tonight anyways?” he asked.
“Yes,” you said as you stood up. “I’m going, I’m going. I got my schedule finalized for the semester so I should be able to sit down next week and rework it with you.”
“Hey, whatever you’re good with we’ll make work,” he said. “Now shoo.”
“Hey Jared,” you said, meeting him in the city a short while later.
“How was work?” he asked.
“Good. Is it okay if we ditch the movie tonight and go hangout instead?” you asked.
“Sure. Want to grab a bite?” he asked.
“I was thinking food trucks?” you said. He nodded and followed after you, making small talk about the day until you both found a spot in the park to settle down with your food.
“How you feeling today?” he asked between bites.
“Okay,” you said. “Better than I was before. I still miss mom.”
“I think you’ll always miss mom, honey,” he said.
“I know. I don’t think she’d worry about me so much now though,” you said.
“I got a call from Officer Kensaw today. He said he’s coming down to Texas to visit family this weekend. He was wondering if we could meet up with him, let him see how you’re doing,” he said.
“Yeah, that’s cool with me,” you said, twirling your plastic fork around. “I never really understood why he cared about me so much. I’m glad he did and all. Just never got it.”
“He didn’t tell you?” said Jared. You shook your head, Jared smirking. “Your mom’s accident...that was his very first call, his first day of work. He’d never done that before or dealt with it. I’m pretty sure the kid found it really easy to put himself in your shoes.”
“I never knew that about Owen,” you said.
“Oh, but we know his name’s Owen,” teased Jared.
“Shut up, old man,” you said.
“Old man? Yeah, right,” he said with a smile. “So you excited for thanksgiving next week?”
“Nervous,” you said.
“Your extended family would really like to meet you if you’re okay with it. We can still always stay home though if you changed your mind,” he said.
“I want to go. I’m ready,” you said. “If they’re like you, I’ll be okay. Just watch my back.”
“Always. I’m glad you stuck around and gave us a shot,” he said.
“I mean...I could have wound up with a worse dad,” you said. “A lot worse. I don’t know. I guess that image of you being some deadbeat that didn’t give a shit was hard to get over. You just didn’t know about me was all.”
“I would have been there for you. I would have,” he said.
“I know. You’re here now,” you said. “That’s good enough for me.”
“I feel like I owe a thank you to whoever convinced you to come back,” he said. “Let us have this.”
“I’m sure he knows,” you said. “Hey you want to try mini-golf tonight?”
“That sounds fun,” he said. “There’s a great one back closer to home.”
“Awesome,” you said. “Maybe ice cream after?”
“Ah, yes. There’s the proof you’re my child. The love for ice cream runs strong,” he said, finishing off his food. “Want to stop home quick to drop off your car?”
“Sure,” you said, taking your last bite and gathering up your trash. “I’ll meet you at home then?”
“See you at home, kiddo.”
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mlovesstories · 5 years
Shake It Off Part 4
@spngenrebingo square: accidental confession
Warnings: cussing, arguments, flangst.  I think that’s it.
Words 1600
Summary: YN overhears something she shouldn’t have. 
Jensen x Reader!Platonic
Jared x Reader!Platonic
Danneel x Jared!Platonic
Gen x Reader!Platonic
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“Hey, YN.  It’s Jensen.”
“What the hell do you want?  I used to really respect you.  Now you just treat me like crap even though I don’t do anything-”
“I’m sorry, but he needs you.  Hold on.”  YN heard shuffling and then hurried breathing.
“I- can’t-”
“Okay, I gotcha. You need to breathe, Jared.  Give the phone back to Jensen real quick.”  After a few seconds of background noise, Jensen’s gruff voice could be heard on the other end.
“Pressure.  Use pressure,” YN said quickly.  “Where are you?”
“Trailers.  Umm.  Okay, buddy,” he started soothing his friend.  “I found a down pillow… and one of our thick winter jackets.”
“Perfect.  Use them.”  YN heard Jensen moving things around.  
“Okay, I think we’re good.  He’s calming down now.”
“Awesome.  Have him call me if he needs anything else.  Or you can.  As long as you’re not an ass.  Good night, Jensen.” 
“Hi, YN.”
“Hi, Jared. Oh! Hey, Gen!” YN saw the couple on her phone screen.  
“Hey, YN!” Gen waved.  
“How you doing?”  YN smiled softly.
“Better, thanks,” he appreciatively responded.  “Sorry about Jensen,” Jared said.
“I’m glad he called me.  Glad you’ve improved.  Have you been taking care of yourself like I told you to?  I’m sure your loved ones have been saying the same thing.”
“I’m fine,” he became defensive.
“Jared, it’s okay.  I’m sorry.  You know you need to do something though.  Self-care is so important.  You know this,”  YN reminded him.
“Yeah, but it’s so hard when I’m worried about having another medical issue!” He raised his voice, and YN backed away from her phone on instinct.
“You have no control over that and you know it.  Jared, no matter if you worry about it or not, stuff will happen or it won’t.”
“We’re working on it.  It’s gotten better,” Gen looked from YN to Jared next to her.  
“I got a letter in the mail,” Jared sighed sadly. “The state froze my license until I can get stable on meds.”
“Yikes,” YN huffed.
“Should be able to reinstate it soon though.”
“Good,” YN offered a grin.
“It’s so- I don’t know. It’s like my freedom has been taken away.”
“I’m sorry. I can see how you would feel trapped.”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“But we’ll get through it. We always do,” Gen reassured him.
“Go read or something, Jared. You’re getting tense. I can see it on your face.”
“Alright. Thanks, YN.”
“Danneel?” Jared breathed quickly into the phone.
“What’s wrong?” The woman’s voice became serious.  
“I’m having a panic attack,” he whispered.  
“How can I help you?” Danneel asked soothingly.  
“I don’t know…”
Danneel calmed him by talking to him about the kids and what she and Gen had done together that day.
“Thanks, Dee.  Didn’t want to bother Jensen.  Not that I’m not bothering you, but-”
“Padalecki!” Danneel shouted into the phone.
“What?” Jared asked, alarmed.
“You aren’t a bother.  Now get back to work, mister.  I’ll see you this weekend.”
Jared gave a tired laugh and thanked her.
As a thank you, Jared gave YN the best fan experience at another con at no cost to her. She was able to stay backstage, get photos with everyone, and stay in the green room between panels. YN watched Jared closely, but he seemed to be doing okay. As she walked from her audience chair to the green room after the Gold Panel, she heard arguing and stopped.
“That’s why you don’t like her? Are you serious?” Jared raised his voice. “Because she looks like someone you used to know?”
“This girl and I dated in high school! She got pregnant after we broke up, but she said the timing was off, so it wasn’t mine!”
“She doesn’t look like you. Besides, what are the chances?”
“I heard her say her mom’s name was Cindy. That was the girl’s name!” Jensen became flustered.
At the realization of the topic of conversation, YN froze.
Mom got pregnant at 16. She had me at 16. What the hell?
“So you think she’s yours, and that’s why you’ve been freaking out?”
“I had somebody look into it…”
“You did not, Ackles!” Jared groaned.
“YN’s mom’s full name was the name I knew…”
YN couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She slid down the wall that she was leaning against. Her rear thudded against the carpeted floor.
“What was that?” Jared asked.
YN stood when she realized they were going to come her way. She ran with tears falling down her face.
Jared and Jensen picked up her belongings on the floor, and they chased after her.
“What’s wrong?” Jared spun her around at the end of the hallway.
Tears streaming down her face, she answered. “You were mean to me because you thought I might be your kid? Wow. Classy. You treat your kids like this? Hold grudges and cop an attitude?” She wipes her face.
“Uh- You heard-“ Jensen stuttered.
“Yeah. And you know what sucks? You may be right. My mom was not the best at keeping track of guys she decided to hang out with, but you would really stoop that low? Be mean to me because of some bad relationship 25 years ago?”
“Forget it. Lose my number. Both of you.”
YN stomped down the hall and slammed the exit door.
“Gen, don’t.”
“YN, you know you can’t be angry forever. And who knows if it’s true anyway?” Gen sulked on FaceTime with YN.
“Jensen said he looked into it. Same high school, same name. It makes sense. Except for the fact that she did sleep around. She doesn’t know who my dad is. She never did.”
“I’m so sorry, sweetie. This is a lot to deal with.”
“As is life, I guess. Tell Jared hi. I need to go,” YN cut her off.
“Good night, Gen.”
“Hi, YN. Since when do you call me? You ignore my calls.”
“I need to know something. And I need the truth.”
“Okay…” her mom said, puzzled.
“...Is Jensen Ackles my father?”
YN heard a cough in the background and her mom’s throat clearing.
“So it is true?” YN elevated her voice. “Wow, Mom.”
“That’s why I didn’t tell you! He got famous in LA. He didn’t even know. Don’t blame him. I didn’t tell him because his career skyrocketed and I-“
“Didn’t want to ruin it with me. Got it. I need to go,” YN whispered.
“YN, just listen.”
“Thanks for telling me. Talk to you later,” YN said shortly.
“I can’t even- I don’t know what to do.”  
“It stinks, sweetheart.  I can’t even imagine.  I’m sorry,” YN’s best fried said on a Monday evening.  
“The convention was great, but he just had to ruin it!  I have to take a DNA test!  I might be Jensen Ackles’ kid!  What?  And my mom knew!” YN leaned into her friend on her couch.  As she took another bite of ice cream, she turned up the cheesy rom-com they were about to watch.  
“I know, honey.  You’re so strong.”
YN sniffled.
“Yeah, sure,” she rolled her eyes,
“You are.  Who knew this would be my life.  Be Jared’s hero and Jensen’s bastard kid.
“I’m always here to stand by you.  I love you,” her friend wrapped an arm around her as YN snuggled into her.  
“It’s positive,” YN sighed to herself. 
YN to Jensen
It’s positive.  I just heard back from the company.
I know.  I just heard too. Do you want to talk about it?
Nope.  Apparently I was kept a secret to not ruin your life.  Not gonna do it now.  
Congrats, you have another kid, DAD.
You aren’t ruining anything.
Does Danneel know?
Told her as soon as I found out.
Good.  I’m not about to keep secrets like that.  Don’t worry, I won’t sue you are shout it from the rooftops.  Go live your life.  I’m not mad about it.  But you could have treated me better.  Grow up.
I want to be in your life.
You messed up that opportunity when you treated me like crap.  
Come on, YN.  Can I just call you? Please?
I’ll think about it.  I need to go eat too much and get hungover.
Jensen tried to call her anyway.  YN turned off her ringer and left her apartment to go to her local bar.  
“Hey, sweetheart,” a man approached YN.
“Go away, sleeze bag,” YN stared straight ahead.
“I’m sorry you think that about your father.”
YN recognized his voice.
“What IN THE HELL do you want, Jensen?  How did you even find me?” She turned to face him.
“Is this seat taken?”
“I guess it is now,” she blinked and shook her head rapidly, trying to keep herself alert.  
“I think you’ve had enough.  You look like you’re about to fall over.”  Jensen took her beer glass and slid it toward himself to block access to it.
“Have not,” she reached for it, drowsy.
“She’s had enough, cut her off,” Jensen told the bartender.  The employee confusedly narrowed his eyes at Jensen.  “Here’s fifty bucks, now go serve somebody else,” he growled to the bartender.
“Yes, sir,” the worker smiled and walked over to a few waiting customers.  
“Asshole,” YN groaned, slurring her words.
“I might be an asshole, but I’m not letting you get any more plastered than you already are.  Come on, sweetheart.” He tried to guide her off of the barstool, but she swatted at him.  “Fine,” he returned.  Jensen threw her over his shoulder and walked out of the bar.  He heard a groan.  Jensen put her back on her own two feet before she turned away from him and threw up into the bushes outside the bar entrance.  “Okay, let’s go.” Jensen stood her up again and walked her to a waiting vehicle.  YN fell asleep in the car.  Her father woke her up when they arrived at the Ackles’.  
“This isn’t my apartment,” she noticed, groggy.  
“I’m not letting you have a hangover by yourself.  You’re going to be awfully sick tomorrow.  Let’s get you inside.”
Jensen walked her to a downstairs bedroom, and she plopped onto the mattress.  
“Goodnight sweetheart.  I know you don’t think this, but I do love you.”
She was asleep before he finished his sentence.  He laughed to himself watching drool fall from her mouth.
“You’re going to regret it all tomorrow,” he whispered with a smile.  Shutting her door, he walked up to the master bedroom.  
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tclcpathy · 5 years
we need to talk about Dark Phoenix
This is going to be a VERY long post alert. And I also want to preface this by saying that this is just my analysis for my interpretation of Charles. If anyone else in the Charles squad wants to add or debate anything said in this post, feel free to message me! I would love to talk character meta and see what makes each of our interpretations unique and special!
So. Where to start with the clusterfuck of a movie that is Dark Phoenix? I mean, I had seen the dark phoenix plot play out in the old gen movies, so I thought I had a bit of an idea what they were going for, but BOY OH BOY was I wrong. Movie criticisms aside (though I thought it was actually a pretty enjoyable film all things considered, setting aside that atrocious scene where Jean puppets Charles up the stairs I mean COME ON), this movie gave me A LOT to think about in terms of character analysis for my boy. In part, I am really making this long ass unnecessary post just to get my thoughts down about how to even portray Charles moving into the future.
I have always been a very unwavering member of team Charles in the messy Charles-Erik divorce saga. I have made other posts about Charles major character flaw, but by in large Charles main motivations were for the good of human and mutant kind alike. And on a gross scale this still holds true in light of XMDP. But things got COMPLICATED man. This film threw Charles in a new light. We already knew that Charles had been altering Jeans mind in XM Last Stand, but he still more or less came out to be the good guy put up to the impossible task of trying to rein in the destructive force of the dark phoenix. He was, in essence, tasked with trying to put the ocean in a box. He may have gone about it in an ethically grey (pun intended) way, but he still came out to be a good guy with honest intentions of trying to help Jean, and even trying to protect the world FROM Jean.
But man, oh MAN does Charles look to be the main villain in XMDP. When I was watching, I was disgusted with his actions, and rightfully so. The film does a good job painting him as despicable, at least for the majority of the film. The main difference plot-wise between Last Stand and Dark Phoenix is that in XMDP, Charles alters Jeans memories BEFORE she is venom’ed by the spooky dark phoenix energy. In last stand, Charles always knew that Jean was capable of darkness, like an alter ego vying for control that he had to fight against. In XMDP, yes, Jean is still the most powerful mutant, like, EVER (get rekt en sabah nur), but she doesn’t adopt the dark phoenix personality (if you can call wanting to boink her boyfriend a ‘personality change’) until she is inhabited by the space junk. The chronic tension before the events of XMDP isn’t Jean struggling with a dark alter ego, but merely just trying to come to terms with the shear amount of power she has. She can’t control her powers because they are simply too strong to be contained.
So that begs the question… how does altering her memories and LYING to Jean help her with the chronic tension of the movie? How does altering the memory of her parents help her control her powers? Well, it doesn’t really. And this is where we diverge. This is why Charles in Last Stand comes off much cleaner than in XMDP.
So, we have to address the question, why the hell did Charles do it then? In essence, Charles doesn’t alert her memories to HELP Jean necessarily. I mean you could make the weak argument that Charles did it to protect Jean from the guilt of knowing she killed her mother, and that her father wants nothing to do with her, but even the film seems to think that this is a weak answer at best. For that matter, why does Charles not alter the memory of every child at the school with a hard to swallow past? How can he preach accepting the past to make you stronger when he turns around and makes Jean forget hers just so she doesn’t have to feel sad about her parents?
This is where it gets complicated. We all know that Charles puts everything with a pulse in the dad zone. Raven, Scott, this blue kid with a tail, this guy with memory problems who is hundreds of years older than Charles, yeah sure, throw them in the mix. But none fill the family sized hole in Charles’ life better than Jean. Charles sees so much of himself in Jean that he cannot separate himself from her identity. To Charles, Jean is not necessarily her own person, but an extension of his own consciousness, of how he relates to himself and his past (sounding familiar?? Perhaps reminding you of a whole movie devoted to Charles realizing that his surrogate sister is her own damn person??). When Charles meets Jean, he doesn’t see a girl who needs to overcome her past and accept what she is capable of for better or worse. More than anything, Charles sees the opportunity to give this struggling, lonely child what he wished he had. He puts himself into the role of father, caregiver, sole confidant. He attempts to erase her traumatic childhood and set her on a different path, the path that he thinks is best for her because it is what would have been best for him.
Again, we see Charles exhibit his fatal flaw. For someone with access to every person’s perspective, he cannot see past his own damn ego. Charles sees the people in his life, Erik, Raven, Jean, as players that he can control. And Charles is stubborn with a capital S. He is an unwinning combination: he has the perspective of someone who is extremely privileged with the notion that he genuinely knows exactly what everyone is going through. That he has observed everyone’s truth exactly as it is without his own privileged filter.
This is what kills Raven (other than Jennifer Lawrence’s absolute disdain for the series). Charles will not listen to anyone, convinced that he is a good person, and that he ultimately does what is best for those around him. When Raven brings her concerns to him, he dismisses her time and time again. And when Raven dies and Hank confronts him, he is STILL convinced that he did what is best for Jean, despite the obvious truth that he was WRONG. Full stop. If Jean had been allowed to process her past with her powers, she could have been able to have some element of control over her powers even after she is inhabited by the dark phoenix juice. He simply cannot believe that his actions set in motion the events that kill his sister. And so he comes across as extremely disingenuous and ignorant, like a child thinking pulling a rug over the broken lamp will make it go away. In short, he looks like a big bald idiot.
And I’m not convinced Charles has really learned his lesson. To be honest, I don’t remember exactly what changed Charles’ mind other than Erik deciding he’s going to ’86 Jean. And Erik calls Charles on it (it is always a treat when Erik bitchslaps Charles with reality). Until Charles realizes that the people in his life are their own people, he will never understand. And all of his pontification will fall on empty ears.
I’m not even going to get into Charles clout chasing and basically being an attention whore for the American government, because I do think this comes from a genuine place of wanting mutants to be seen as saviors instead of threats. It does humanize Charles to some degree; we are all victim to loosing our heads when it comes to fame and attention yadda yadda etc.
So, where to go from here? Well, Charles basically has a lot of ‘splaining to do when it comes to his future in the XMCU. I’m rejecting canon that he retires from the school, despite how cute his little chess match with Erik is. This seems like a cop out, dismissing Charles from the main x men plot lines instead of dealing with his ongoing character development. And understandably so, no one wants another movie devoted to Charles learning how to not be a dickbag. Well, except me I guess.
Here’s how I see his development going forward: we all know Charles has a lot to make up for. Step one is swallowing his damn ego and seeing the world from a different viewpoint. Charles has to rebuild the trust placed in him by Hank, Jean, his whole damn school, in essence his family. Charles is no longer the infallible patriarch, the almighty, almost deification of a father figure. This façade has been ripped away, and he must learn to accept this new way of perceiving himself in the world.
OKAY well that’s all I have to say for now. If you actually managed to read all of this, holy shit why but also thank you and I hope it made one iota of sense. Feel free to message me and talk more about it, because I don’t think my thoughts on the matter are fully realized and I would love to further develop the subject. Until then lovlies!
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brittle-bone-gabe · 5 years
The Forgotten: Chapter Four- But What If?
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve, Chapter Thirteen, Chapter Fourteen, Chapter Fifteen, Chapter Sixteen, Chapter Seventeen, Chapter Eighteen, Chapter Nineteen, Chapter Twenty, Epilogue
Summary: Barry Berkman couldn’t remember much of his childhood; he knew he used to live in Derry, Maine, but that was about it, besides being taken by his “Uncle Fuches” at age 16 to move to Cleveland, Ohio. Eddie Kaspbrak moved from Derry, Maine to LA, becoming a police officer, surprisingly enough. Normally things were quiet for the most part, besides the occasional drug busts, but it’s when someone named Barry Block enters his line of sight as a possible suspect for the recent string of murders he has to push the feeling of remembrance to investigate.   Pairing: Adult Reddie  (Richie x Eddie) Or, technically, Barry x Eddie Read on Ao3: Here
After finding out that Barry was, in fact, being followed by an unknown person in an unknown car, he couldn’t take any more chances. On the way back to the hotel he was taking the back way, with many turns, took almost thirty-minutes longer, and overall was a pain in the ass. However, if that’s what Barry had to do to be kept from being followed then he’d do it over and over again. The entire time to keep from picking at his skin, he kept drumming his steering wheel, trying to focus on anything but that. Well… it seemed like he wasn’t being followed at this point, so maybe it was time to head back to the hotel; he was starting to feel exhausted anyways. With all the anxiety attacks and dissociation, of course he had the right to feel tired. He felt embarrassed about what happened in class tonight anyways, so isolating completely until the next classes sounded like the perfect plan for him. 
Once he got back to the hotel, Barry was standing in front of the elevator, not yet having pressed a button. He swallowed hard as he was looking at all the floor options, but couldn’t bring himself to press on for some reason. I’ll be followed, I’ll be followed, I’ll be- He snapped out of it quickly when he heard the elevator beep, indicating that someone was on their way down. Eyes wide, Barry backed off quickly, heading to the stairwell to go up to the third floor of the hotel, constantly checking over his shoulder as he did.
There wasn’t a reason he should’ve been so panicked, right? Hell, he wasn’t even this anxious when he killed Janice. Just the fact that he kept the cop alive, that there was that slim chance that he couldn’t be out there again trying to find him sent Barry crazy. He couldn’t wait to tell Fuches what was bothering him this time, just so he could get slapped and told that he was overreacting, to just calm the fuck down and it’ll all go away. Hopefully… 
He opened the door to the hotel room, all the lights were off, meaning that Fuches wasn’t in the room. Barry couldn’t think of where he could’ve run off too; he only went to the diner down the street, or once in a while he would go out personally to talk to a new contract. Whatever it was he was up to, Barry was hoping that it didn’t involve him in any way. The last job was exactly that… the last job. 
From his back pocket, Barry could feel his phone vibrating. He was hoping that it was Fuches, explaining what he was up to, but it was Sally. 
You okay?  U seem upset :( 
Barry sighed, throwing his phone on his pull out bed, which he could not be happier to see. He plopped down, hearing the springs settle from underneath him, putting his face in his hands as he let out a sigh. His heart was still pounding against his chest like he was in the middle of a gun fight, he needed to ground himself somehow. Who was Barry kidding? He didn’t have the coping skills to deal with this; he wanted to throw things, break things, release this anger somehow. 
“I’m gonna have to kill him,” Barry mumbled to himself almost as if on autopilot, like he didn’t know what he was saying. “No, don’t do that…” he smacked his closed fist hard against his head trying to get rid of those thoughts. “You had your chance, you let him live, you can’t take that back now.” 
Barry looked over to his right, seeing his laptop that was sitting with the screen half way closed. He couldn’t help himself when he grabbed it, opening his history and going back to Eddie’s Facebook profile. He couldn’t stop thinking about this; yeah, that was certainly the cop he let live, there was no doubt about that. Barry must’ve known him from Maine, even though he didn’t remember much of the place he knew him somehow. Something in Barry’s brain was trying to break free; memories, a bunch of memories were trying to escape being locked up after all these years. There was a lot Barry couldn’t exactly remember and it drove him fucking crazy, like something was trapped under his skin and he needed to rip it out. 
Eddie Kaspbrak. The name filled Barry with happiness, like he knew him from long ago. A long lost friend maybe? Barry smacked his forehead a couple of times, trying to get himself to think harder about this. Nothing was exactly coming to mind, pushing Barry into further frustrating. 
Suddenly, Barry slammed the laptop shut, putting it on the floor as he began breathing heavily. Fuck. He needed someone to talk to. Now. 
He grabbed his phone, calling Fuches, praying that he picks up. 
“Barry!” Fuches answered, sounding happy yet drunk at the same time. Must’ve been at the bar. 
“Fuches…” Barry said, trying to keep his voice from shaking more than it already was. 
“What’s the matter, son? You okay?” He asked, and Barry couldn’t tell if he really cared or was just drunk so it seemed like he cared. 
“I’m fine… I just… You know how I lived in Maine?” 
Fuches was silent for a moment, trying to understand what he was talking about. Oh. Right. “Huh?” 
“Maine. I lived in Derry and we moved the Ohio.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Barry. We lived in Ohio,” he obviously lied through his teeth. 
“No… no, I know where I grew up, Fuches. Derry, Maine. That’s… all I remember though. It’s like… a mental block. I don’t remember where I went to school, I don’t remember my parents or home life, shit, I don’t even know if I had friends.”
“Ooooh…” Fuches said, panicking before taking a quick shot. He was getting his lies tangled and needed to play along now. “Right. Derry. That place was so small I almost forgot about it.” How could he tell Barry that his father moved him and his wife to that town because it was so small and nobody could find him there? He wouldn’t. “Right. I took you to Ohio when you were sixteen, remember?” 
“I mean… yeah, but-” 
“I don’t have any answers for you, Barry. I took you out of there when your parents left.”
Barry opened his mouth to ask more questions, but Fuches had hung up on him almost immediately. Well, that left Barry with more questions than answers, and he was feeling more upset than he did before calling Fuches. Thanks. He grabbed his laptop again, typing in Derry, Maine in the Facebook search bar, hoping to find other people who may have lived there that maybe he could recognize. 
Only a small handful of people showed up in the search area, none of which Barry recognized based on faces and names. Barry was better at knowing faces than names anyways, but this wasn’t at all helpful. Well… there was one he possibly recognized. A woman with red hair named Beverly Hanscom. She was pretty, someone Barry felt like he also remembered. 
Fuck. Barry didn’t know what the fuck was going on anymore, he was in an endless loop of what if’s and it was driving him insane. 
Driving up and down the dark roads only being covered by street lamps was making Eddie grumpy and antsy. How could he have lost their car so easily? It was a crappy old beat up car that would’ve been easy to spot. He had no idea who was driving it, but based on how the tall man was acting outside noticing Eddie’s car it made him suspicious. Yeah, he noticed how often this guy was looking around his mirrors in his car, getting out the moment he saw Eddie’s car and was trying to hide his face from him. All of that jumped out as suspicious, right? Or maybe the need to catch the guy who shot him and most likely Janice was getting the better of Eddie. 
Shaking his head, Eddie turned his unmarked car around, heading back to the theater. There was only car left in the parking lot, hopefully it was Gene Cousineau hanging behind. That’s who Eddie really needed to talk to right now. He put on the necklace he carried around with his police badge, he only used it when he was wearing civilian clothes but needed to do police work on the side. 
When Eddie stepped out of the car he checked his surroundings, making sure nobody was going to ambush him as he limped his way to the theater. That was the last thing he needed. He wasn’t carrying his gun and would be defenseless if anyone tried anything. 
The theater was dark when he entered, only the lights up by the main stage were on and the lights in the nearby hallway. Eddie looked around before making his way down the hallway, he didn’t see anyone yet. 
“Gene Cousineau?” He called out, hoping to get a response. There was some fumbling around on the second door on the right, so that’s where Eddie headed to. He stood in the doorway, seeing an older man he recognized from the pictures of the possible suspects back at the station. The man that Mae had swore was innocent. “Gene?” He asked again. 
“Interested in the class?” was the only thing the older man said, standing up from his chair at his desk. “First class is free then you gotta pay upfront,” he continued as he picked up the picture frame that tumbled to the floor. 
“Oh, no, I’m not… I’m Officer Kaspbrak,” he held up his necklace badge to the older man who looked at it with a confused expression. “I was hoping we could talk about Janice Moss. It won’t take long, I promise.” Gene didn’t say anything, he only gestured to the seat that was in front of his desk, both taking a seat. “Firstly, I want to apologize if I… bring up any old feelings,” Eddie started, pulling out a small notepad and pen from his front t-shirt pocket. “But I need to know what happened the night you last saw her.” Eddie noticed the picture frame that Gene was putting back on his desk was a picture of him and Janice, both in formal wear with huge smiles on their faces. Aw, that’s sweet. 
“Well… we were up at my cabin with two of my students; Sally Reed and Barry Block,” as he was talking Eddie was scribbling down notes, 
“Why were you guys up there?” 
“Well, I was bringing Janice and thought since Sally and Barry were together at the time they’d like to come join us.” 
“Okay,” Eddie pulled the folded up pictures that were sticking out of his back pocket, “I need a visual,” he started, handing the pictures over to Gene, “which one is Sally and Barry?” Yeah, the pictures had their names on the back, but Eddie needed to be sure who was who here. The first picture was of the pretty woman with blonde hair and green eyes, the other one who Eddie had expected to be Barry Block. Great. “So they’re dating?” He asked, turning the pictures over so he could see them.
“Well…” Gene shrugged a little, “off and on again. An odd chemistry between them.” 
Eddie bit his bottom lip, trying to think of anymore questions he may have had. Nothing was coming to mind at the moment, so that should be it for now. 
“Mr. Cousineau, I just want to thank you for your time and cooperation. I’ll come back if I have anymore questions, but if you have anything else for me…” he dug through his shirt pocket again, pulling out his card. “Feel free to give me a call.” 
“Wait,” Gene said as they both stood up, holding the card in his hands, “why are you opening this case up again? And why my class of all people? None of them could hurt a fly- well… besides Ryan who apparently could’ve, I suppose.”
 Eddie put a hand on his leg as it suddenly started to ache. “I think I may have discovered some connections between the case,” he started, “I feel like the same person who killed Ryan also killed Janice and…” he paused a moment, starting to feel emotional himself. “Janice was my best friend, y’know?” Eddie was doing his best to not cry in front of Gene. He was a police officer, he needed to keep his emotions in check. “I just need to make sure the right people are getting punished for the crime.” 
Gene held out his hand to Eddie, who looked at it before looking up at the shorter man.
“Thank you,” Gene said with a sad smile on his face as Eddie shook his hand. “Thank you for reopening the case. I haven’t been able to sleep at night because I just know it was never properly solved. Oh! Here!” He moved to his coat that was on the back of his office chair. He pulled out a key, dropping it in Eddie’s hand. “That’s the key to my cabin if you need it to look around.” 
“Thank you, this’ll be helpful. Have a goodnight, Mr. Cousineau.” 
“Stay safe, Officer.” 
The moment Eddie turned to leave the office tears were silently falling down his face. He waited until he was walking down the hallway to wipe them off. Keep it together, save the emotions for later, he thought to himself as he went back out to his car. 
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Forbidden Fruit - Part 13
Summary: You’re Jared’s assistant for almost a year now. Hiding your feeling for your married boss you try to resist tasting the forbidden fruit.
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Reader, OFC Chuck, Alexis Bledel
Warnings: angst, pregnant reader, fluff, threatening with a knife, attempted murder 
Forbidden Fruit Masterlist
 The next weeks you always look over your shoulder. Jared and Genevieve made an official statement about Alexis and her behavior back then but the cops still refuse to tell you and Jared if the messages were sent from her phone.
Your nervousness grows with every day. What if she doesn’t stop after blackmailing Jared? What if she wants to try something else? Maybe drug Jared or hurt him. You heard so many stories about stalkers and their victims you are afraid something could happen to the man you love.
“How about we go and visit Jensen and Danny?” Jared asks seeing your nervous state.
“We should stay at home.” You whisper.
“Baby, we won’t let that woman rule our life’s. We have a bodyguard, the cops are investigating our case and Jay lives not far away, Y/N. Let’s relax for one time. Jensen wants us to join his barbecue, I know you love his barbecue…” Jared tries, and you lick your lips.
“Okay. Let me change my clothes and we can drive to Jesen. Shall we call our bodyguard?”
“We drive to Jensen’s. There’s no need for Chuck. Jay offered we can sleep at his place if you don’t want to drive home that late at night. I want you to feel safe.”
“I’m just worried she could hurt you or anything, Jared. I mean stalkers are waiting for their chance to get hold of their victims. She’s obsessed with you, Baby.” You say placing your hand onto his heart.
“Alexis might be obsessed but I don’t think she would hurt me.”
“You never know, Jared.”
“Okay. How about we call Chuck? He can come to the barbecue too and we drive home with him.”
“Sounds good to me. I hope he didn’t have other plans.”
“He gave me a schedule on which days he has time to come around without making an appointment. Chuck is free for the next three days. You go and change clothes and I’ll call him on my way to the car.”
“No. Stay in the house, Jared.”
“Baby…fine. I’ll stay and call Chuck first, satisfied?”
Nodding you squeeze his hand as you look up at Jared. “I just want to be sure you are safe.”
“Same, Baby. We will make sure you, the babies and I are safe. Now change clothes or I will take a picture of your sexy outfit.” Jared chuckles looking at your ‘lazy Sunday’ sweatpants and an oversized shirt with Mickey Mouse on it.
“You love my outfit!” You mutter.
“I do love it, Baby.”
“No time for funny business, Padalecki. You will call Chuck and I’ll change into something…more presentable.”
Wearing your favorite dress you walk downstairs only to find Jared gone. He must’ve walked out of the house without waiting for Chuck.
Shaking your head, you open the front door, but Jared is nowhere to be found. Walking toward the garage you hear someone chuckle so you turn around to see Alexis standing behind you, a knife in her hand.
“Alexis? What do you want here?” You gasp glancing at the knife in her hand.
“For all these years I tried to get Jared back. I tried so hard but then he met Gen and married that bitch! Finally, I hear they are going to get divorced only to see him banging his assistant. His goddamn assistant, what a cliché! Not just that, he knocked you up!” Alexis spats and you take a step backward.
“Jared wanted the baby with you but you already aborted it. You ended the relationship. He was devasted and needed therapy because of you. You should know that – you stole his file after all. Let him move on. Do the same…”
“You don’t get it! Jared is mine, whore. He is mine and no one can have him. If he doesn’t leave you on free terms, I need to use force.” She chuckles now. Her eyes show pure hatred and you fear she will hurt you with the knife.
“Alexis…you don’t want to do this. Jared will never forgive you if you hurt me or his babies. He wants nothing more than these babies. You can always try to win him over but not if you hurt the babies.” You try as you walk backward once again.
“I can have his babies! We don’t need your bastards. I’ll give him all he needs. I’ll soothe the pain and grief of the loss of his babies and he will be mine.” Alexis chuckles.
“Please…” You gasp as she wields the knife in front of you.
Your back hits the brick walls as she gets closer to you. Ready to attack your bump she shrieks as the garage door opens.
Using her distraction you turn around to protect your baby bump but she doesn’t get the chance to attack you as two strong hands grab her wrists. She tries to wiggle and fight against Jared’s strength but she can’t compare with him.
“Y/N, call the cops.” Jared gasps as Chuck jumps out of the car to run toward you.
“Let me handle this,” Chuck says taking his handcuffs out to restraint Alexis. Screaming and kicking she tries to fight the tall man but he’s way too strong for her.
“Y/N, are you okay? Did she hurt you, baby? Are you hurt?” Jared asks as you sink to your knees. “Baby…can you hear me?”
“She didn’t…” You sob. Falling into Jared’s arms you start crying. “Jared, she wanted to kill our babies…our babies…”
“Shh…I swear I will kill her if they do not arrest her crazy ass.” Jared yells.
“But I love you, Jared, …please…” She whines.
“You do not love me! All you ever did was destroying everything good in my life. I talked to your family, you never were pregnant. You lied back then, Alexis. My whole life I hated myself for making you leave, for aborting our baby. I ruined my marriage with Gen, I hurt her. I betrayed Y/N, the woman I love to get her pregnant. I did horrible things only to fill the hole the loss of our baby caused.” Jared yells and you look up at him.
“There never was a baby?”
“After Genevieve told us about the blackmailing, I got suspicious and called Alexis family, friends and colleagues. She told me that there were complications and she had to stay in the hospital for two weeks…”
“Let me guess, Jared. She wasn’t at the hospital.” You whisper.
“Cause not, she was on vacation. While I tried to save our relationship, our baby she had an affair with Milo. Can you believe this…”
“I’m so sorry, Jared.”
“You shouldn’t be sorry. It’s her who should be sorry.”
Watching the cops leading Alexis toward the patrol car you smile when Jared moves his arms around you. His warm chest pressed against your back he softly kisses your hair.
“I know this is crazy but for the first time, I feel like I can leave my past behind,” Jared says.
“That’s good. Do you think they will arrest her?”
“The Detective confirmed it was her sending me the messages. This and the fact she broke into Nancy’s office would’ve been enough to arrest her but she also tried to attack you with a deadly weapon, a pregnant woman.”
“I was so scared.”
“I know, Baby. You turned around to save the babies.”
“I thought at least they will survive.” You whisper starting to cry once again.
“I’ll call Jensen and Danny. I think we shouldn’t go to the barbecue.” Jared chuckles.
“Are you trying to make me laugh?”
“Does it work?”
“How about we have a hot shower and rest a bit? I’ll call Jay and tell him what happened. The Detective needs our statements tomorrow. Chuck will keep in touch with us. He has connections to the police station.”
“When I saw her with the knife…” Jared chokes out.
“You saved me…” You whisper turning around in his embrace. “I knew you would come to save me, Jared.”
“I can’t lose you or my babies.” With trembling fingers, Jared gently strokes your cheek and you lean into his touch.
“You won’t lose me or the kids. I love you and I’ll never leave you. We are in this together…till the end…”
Forbidden Fruit Tags
@ellallheart, @discoatthelola, @pretty-fortune, @slut-for-jared, @idrkwhatthisisimsorry, @dreaminemz, @tiffany-leigh, @smoothdogsgirl
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana31, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @voltage-my2dlove, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic, @fandomsrourlives, @wittysunflower, @drakelover78, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes​, @electraphygelectraphyng , @spnhollis​, @void-imaginations​, @jay-and-dean​, @shatteredabby​ , @juniorhuntersam​, @helpmeluci​, @neii3n​, @goodgodimaweirdperson​, @alltimesamantha​, @chonisberonica​, @supernaturalonice​ @stuckys-whore​, @shadowkat-83​, @officialmarvelwhore​, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel, @wecantgiggleitsafandom​, @meganywinchester​, @shikshinkwon​, @miraclesoflove​, @yolobloggers​, @guardian-tn, @lu-sullivan​
If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you for some reason. Sorry.
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