#that person spoke as if he had planned to kill matt or as if he really didn't care
wammyhoe · 4 months
When will you update the fanfic whiskey in a teacup🙏 Its well missed
I'm surprised (in a super good, heartwarming way) that you guys still ask about it. It's been on hiatus for about 6 months now, and I'm really sorry for the delay.
I've been incredibly busy, but I'll try to find time to update it soon. The story has become more demanding than I originally expected, and I don't want to post just to "keep it going" with endless fillers that would detract from the story.
Mello is trying to reach his goal but is conflicted about his feelings for the reader, and she has her own challenges to overcome as well. They both need to resolve their individual issues to be together, and I want to execute this well. I aim to keep him as in-character as possible, which is really challenging in a romance story. I've accepted that the Mello I’ve developed might be a bit out of character, which leads to a lot of asks (that I frankly just delete bc ugh, get a life?) criticizing my portrayal, as if those commenters know him personally.
Anyway, my experience in the fandom has been mixed lately, which is unmotivating and mostly disappointing. But I appreciate your support and interest, and I hope to post the next chapter soon!
ily!!! take care 💜💜
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DAY 2 — 04/09/2024
The day starts with Febatista, Choke, Pac, Guhzera and JVNQ logging first, both started to build their houses/bases or explore looking for resources. JVNQ, Pac and Febatista met to talk, leading the conversation to the topic of robbing the bank. The trio then entered the second floor of the bank stealthily, managing to overhear a conversation between Jota and the Banker (The conversation was about the payment that experts would start receiving for their work). After hearing and being caught by the Banker, Choke appeared and the four start chatting before they go their separate ways.
Suddenly, Febatista receives two books from nowhere, the book 1 called "..." and the book 2 called "Hi dad.", all by "Little son" while building your house. The book 1 contained only the phrase "hi dad..." and the book 2 contained the following text "I really want to meet you... I hope we can one day...". After that, Febatista met with the Mayor and the two had a meeting about this "son" (What the two didn't count on was that Meiaum sneakily followed them and listened to the meeting).
At the meeting, Jota told Febatista that someone who called himself Febatista's son said he would return as soon as his father arrived in the city. Jota also spoke about the tragic end that his parents had (We discovered that Jota's parents were the couple killed in the suspicious fire many years ago).
After that, another situation of building vandalism was reported, part of the museum was blown up, luckily the arts were spared. No one knows who did the crime (Sheriff Jorge and Officer Cléber believe that this incident is linked to the fire at City Hall, which destroyed part of the library and the second floor of City Hall).
Moments later, while Guhzera was in his castle, someone knocked him out and trapped him in a cage in the middle of nowhere. Using their cell phones to ask for help, everyone who was online went to the place where Guhzera was, seeing a book on an altar near the cage. The book contained the following text "Don't try to free my prisoner. The cage is protected with a password... Without knowing it, you all will never be able to get him out."
After much investigation, Bagi discovers that the password is "Bia Raux", managing to free Guhzera from the cage.
At Bira's bar, the owner of the place told Felps, Meiaum, Guaxinim and Himaru that Bia Raux was a person to keep away from, that she also wears a mask and that she only brings chaos to the city. Bira also said that the city used to be bustling, but due to a type of stomach illness, most of the residents died (Masks seem to be a type of protection against this disease, and that all specialists will soon have their own mask). We also discovered that Bira was the one who adopted Jota after the tragedy that occurred with his parents, raising him as if he were his own son.
After that, the day was chaotic as always, with fights between some participants, which have since been resolved, house invasions, etc.
Felps, Guaxinim, Matt and Meiaum also made a plan to invade the second floor of the city hall through the opening caused by the fire, with Felps succeeding with his bunny boots but finding nothing suspicious or important.
Yayahz was also fined for several crimes, having to do community service as a way to pay.
Quelpenna and Maethe were not online that day too.
[If there is something that we haven't reported here, please let us know! There are too many POVs to keep track of accurately.]
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Ch 10 - Dangerous Liaisons
Warnings: none/ a little Stefan x Kassie moment?
A/N: the og title of the episode was too iconic I couldn't change it
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October 2010
"I haven't written in this diary since 1996. With good reason though. I was daggered. For 15 years I exited between dream and reality. My mind was in limbo and I could do nothing about it. I was at the mercy of my brother and his whims. I've only been awake for a little over a month and already I find myself itching to get away from Klaus.
Mother is also back. Somehow. I don't like it. I don't trust her. She is up to something, I know it. But the others seem to not notice. Except for Elijah. I think I can convince him. He will believe me. 
She spoke to me about him. She told me that I needed to let him go for my own good and that I had been wasting time waiting for him to return. When she said that...it felt like she ripped open all the wounds in my heart and poured salt all over them. It felt worse than when I was daggered.
I know he is alive. I know it. 
Tomorrow evening I will have to attend a ball Mother has organized. She claims it's in honor of our family being reunited. But...I don't know. I just can't believe she forgave Klaus so easily after what he did to her. 
Oh, did I not mention? Klaus is the one who killed her. Not our father...I know she's planning something. I just have to find out what."
"Are you going with me or not?" Bekah asked as she entered Kassie's room. 
"Of course I am. Just need to put on some shoes." Kassie replied as she grabbed a pair of heeled Chanel boots from her closet. 
She was dressed in black boot-cut jeans and a black turtleneck. Over that, she wore a black Vivien Westwood blazer. 
Where were they going? Well to stalk Elena Gilbert, of course. Once Rebekah was awakened, she told Kassie how, on the day of the homecoming dance (the same day Kassie was brought back by Klaus) Elena stabbed her in the back with a dagger. 
Naturally, Kassie was pissed and volunteered to help Bekah get her lick back. 
They found themselves in front of the Mystic Falls Ambulance as they waited for the doppelganger to exit it. After some time, they finally heard her voice. She was with Matt Donovan, the mortal Rebekah had a crush on, apparently.
"Get home safe," Matt said to Elena and left. 
The girl got inside her car and turned it on. She started reverse parking but seemed to hit something. She got out of the car, worried she hit someone. At the foot of her trunk, she saw someone lying on the ground. 
"Oh my god!" Elena gasped and rushed over to the person. 
She gently touched them and turned their head only to be met with the face of one Kassandra Mikaelson. Her bright blue eyes opened and met Elena's and a wicked smile appeared on the vampire's face. Elena immediately recoiled from Kassandra. 
"Well hello, darling. It seems you should work on your reverse parking. You could've killed someone." The vampire said as she got up and was now face to face with Elena.
"Kassandra...what do you want?" Elena asked as she looked around the dark parking lot. 
"Me? Just out for a night stroll. Don't worry about me, little doe. I'm not the one you should be scared of." She remarked and Elena couldn't help but shudder. Kassandra grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around.
"Drive much?" Rebekah, who appeared of out nowhere, commented. The blonde grabbed Elena by the throat and slammed her against the car.
"Surprised? You drove a dagger through my back, Elena! It hurt." Rebekah hissed and was about to bite Elena's neck when something pushed Rebekah away. It was Elijah. 
He held his sister by her throat and told her to leave. Rebekah pushed his hand away. "Are you challenging me?" He questioned.
"You're pathetic. Both of you." The blonde said and vanished. 
"God, Elijah. You just can't let a girl have some fun." Kassandra commented from behind Elena. The girl jumped and gasped while the vampire just chuckled. 
"Kassandra. I expected better from you." Elijah remarked as he got between Elena and his sister. 
Kassandra rolled her eyes while crossing her arms. "Well, I'm glad you think so highly of me, brother." 
Then her eyes fell on Elena, who couldn't help but cower under Kassandra's intense gaze. "It's nothing personal, love, I just needed to let some steam off since I've been feeling quite...restless lately."
After a moment of silence, she added  "Actually, it is personal because you stabbed my sister in the back!" Kassandra moved toward Elena, but Elijah stopped her. 
A shiver went down Elena's spine as Kassandra hissed in her direction, her fangs on full display. Elena had seen many vampire faces but something about the Original's faces froze her blood.
"Enough! Kassandra, go home." Elijah reprimanded his youngest sister who was still staring angrily at the doppelganger. 
The Original finally listened to her brother and backed off. The fangs and black veins disappeared but her blue eyes still stared coldly at Elena. Elena could feel her heart beating wildly against her ribs. 
Kassandra seemed to notice this as well. "You're scared...Good." She remarked with a smirk and turned to leave. 
"Oh, and If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open." She added, and in a second she was gone.
"Well, I believe we have a little catching up to do," Elijah said and Elena gave an exasperated look.
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The next day
All of the Mikaelson siblings were in the lounge room - Rebekah was getting her nails painted, Finn and Kol were getting their suits tailored, and Elijah was...cleaning his shoes? Kassie was on the opposite side of the couch from Bekah and was filing her nails. She preferred doing her nails by herself. She had a habit of being a little bit of a micromanaging freak.
"Rebekah. Tell me how handsome I am." Kol demanded as he looked at his sister through the mirror.
"Oh, Kol. You know I can't be compelled." Bekah responded and this earned a chuckle from the rest of the siblings. 
"Kassie?" Kol turned to his other sister. 
"You look handsome, Kol," Kassie replied flatly, not even looking up from her nails. 
"But you're not even looking at me!" Kol remarked. She looked up for a split second and repeated herself. 
Then, Klaus burst into the room and questioned Bekah and Kassie for going after Elena. 
"Here we go," Rebekah remarked as she looked up at Klaus. Kassie glanced at her furious brother from the side of her eye. 
"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus threatened. 
"Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol commented. 
"Oh, go back to staring at yourself." Klaus hissed at Kol. 
Kassie rolled her eyes. "God, you're such a hypocrite" She murmured under her breath. 
This caught Klaus's attention because he snapped his head in her direction. "What did you just say?" 
"I said, Oh my god, you are such a hypocrite!" Kassie repeated loud and clear. 
"How dare you-"
"Ah, ah, ah! No! You have been silencing me for centuries. Not anymore. You're the first person in this family to use and promote violence when it benefits your goals and you're the first one to go after someone and take revenge when you feel slighted. 
But when we want to do the same thing, we're not allowed cause it goes against your grand plans. Well, I don't care about your stupid plans. Besides, Elijah stopped us before we could do anything so no need to get your knickers in a twist."
Klaus was fuming and the only thing missing was steam coming out of his ears. He walked closer to her. "You little-"
She quickly got up and stared him down. "Look me in the eye and tell me what I just said isn't true."
"Instead of pretending to know anything about my plans why don't you go back to moping around and pining after your dead lover." Klaus taunted.
The room was dead silent. Nobody moved. It was like time itself stopped. Elijah and Finn exchanged worried looks while Rebekah and Kol stared at Klaus in disbelief. He was not to be mentioned. Ever. It was an unspoken rule and Klaus just broke it after 900 years. 
Kassandra looked shocked and a flash of pain danced across her face but she bounced back. "Ad hominem, brother. I thought you knew the rules of rhetoric. You seem a bit rusty. Perhaps you should brush up on Aristotle." 
Before Klaus could respond their mother intervened all of a sudden and beckoned Klaus into a nearby room. "Enough! Niklaus. Come."
 "Kassie, are you ok?" Bekah asked gently. 
Kassie stood in the middle of the room frozen, thinking about Nik's words. "I don't mope around..." She murmured and quickly left the room, her dark curls bouncing behind her.
One more hour until the ball. Kassie was already dressed, with make-up and hair done to perfection. Yet, she felt incomplete; she felt like something was missing. Looking at herself in the mirror, she tried to find what was wrong and then realized. 
She quickly locked the door to her room, making sure no one would disturb her. She scrambled to her closet, knelt, and brought out her diary chest. Alongside her diaries, there was also a small wooden box. Picking it up, a thought appeared in her mind - "What would the others think? Is this the right move?"
But then, she remembered how Klaus insulted her mere hours ago and how her Mother reopened her wounds only days ago. No, I will do this. I no longer care what they think.
With a deep breath, she opened the box. 
Kassandra was nowhere to be found. Mother instructed him to find her. Using his supernatural hearing, Elijah scanned the house - Kol and Rebekah were talking in the hallway, Finn and Mother were...somewhere and he couldn't hear them, which only raised his suspicions and Klaus was on the couch. 
Kassandra, from what he could hear, was in her bedroom. Speeding up the stairs, he stopped in front of her door and took hold of the door handle, only to find the door locked. Gently knocking on the door, he called for her. 
"Kassandra. It's me. Mother wished for all of us to gather in the living room."
Seconds later, the door was unlocked and opened. In front of him stood his sister, in all her immortal beauty. She was dressed in a beautiful, long gown of blue velvet; the underbust, forearms, and waist were covered in many a pearl. 
Her dark curls were pulled back and braided into a bun. Around her neck was a stunning choker with six rows of pearls and a big oval sapphire in the center. On her ears were small sapphire studs. XXX
He was in awe. "Darling, you look...magnificent, simply brilliant."
She offered him a shy smile and a little chuckle. "Why thank you, brother." She said and did a small curtsy. "You don't look so bad yourself." She added. 
With a smile, Elijah offered his arm. "Shall we?"
She linked her arms around his and at that moment, something caught Elijah's eye - the shimmery blue gem on Kassandra's hand. She hasn't worn it since... 
"What is she up to?" Elijah thought but held his tongue. 
"Don't you look exquisite?" Kol commented as they walked toward the main hall where the ball was being held. 
Kassie rolled her eyes playfully. "You always have something to say, don't you?"
Kol smirked and offered his arm. "What else am I supposed to do with a beautiful sister like you?" 
"Flattery will get you so far, brother," Kassie remarked as they entered the main hall. 
Dozens of people in formal suits and gowns were scattered across the room, talking to each other with champagne in hand. An orchestra was playing a classical piece that sounded familiar. Yet, Kassie had no time to ponder on the music before she and Kol bumped into Carol Lockwood, the town mayor, who was talking to Damon Salvatore. 
 "Mayor Lockwood. We haven't formally met. Kol Mikaelson." Kol introduced himself and kissed Carol's hand. 
"May I introduce my sister, Kassandra Mikaelson." Kol introduced Kassie as she shook hands with Carol. 
"Pleasure to meet you. And this is my friend, Damon Salvatore." Carol introduced the blue-eyed vampire to the Originals. 
"Yes, we've met before," Kassandra commented as she shook hands with Damon. 
Kol was already bored, Kassie could tell. "Excuse us. There are many more people to greet." Kassie said and the two siblings started walking away, just as Elena Gilbert walked in. 
"Doppelgangers and their love triangles," Kassie thought as she observed how smitten Damon seemed with Elena. 
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Kassandra found herself standing on the stairs, below Kol and above Elijah. With her right hand, she held a glass of champagne and with her left, she held onto the stair railing. She observed as Finn talked to the Gilbert girl. 
"Strange," she thought; Finn was never one to go up and talk to random people. 
"If everyone could gather, please," Elijah announced to the entire hall. Finn excused himself and quickly found his way up the stairs. He stood below Rebekah. 
Elijah went on to say how a dance was in order and asked everyone to find a partner. "Shoot. Who am I dancing with?" Kassie thought with panic as her family started descending the stairs. 
She was in such deep thought, that she failed to notice Kol offering his arm. "Kassie!" 
"What? Oh, thank you, Kol." She said and grabbed her brother's arm and they walked down the stairs. 
"What is going on in that pretty head of yours, doll? You seem distracted." Kol commented as they walked toward the dance floor.
Kassie shook her head. "Nothing, just don't know who to dance with." 
"Ah, there you are! Kassandra, it seems Stefan lacks a dancing partner. Would you like to dance with him?" Carol Lockwood asked, appearing out of nowhere while the Salvatore begrudgingly stood next to her. 
"I would, yes," Kassie responded. Better him than someone else. 
Kassandra put her left arm on Stefan's shoulder and connected her right hand with his. They, alongside the other couples, started dancing. This was her first time being so close to him. In the 1920s he spent most of his time with Bekah or Klaus, rarely talking to her; though to be fair this was mostly her fault as she avoided him. 
"You look beautiful, I must admit." His gentle voice broke her out of her thoughts. She felt blood rushing up into her cheeks. When was the last time she was in the hands of a handsome man? She doesn't remember.
"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." She said, returning the compliment. 
As they danced, they outstretched their arms while holding each other's hands. Stefans's gaze fell on the sapphire on her left hand. He doesn't remember her wearing such a ring in the twenties. 
"That's a pretty ring." He commented as he pulled her closer. 
She averted her gaze, catching a glimpse of Klaus dancing with Caroline. "Yeah, it is." She murmured. 
"Where did you get it?" 
"...It was a long time ago," Kassie responded quietly, not excited to talk about her potentially dead husband. 
"Was it a gift?" He asked and she simply nodded. "From who?"
She sighed and unknowingly squeezed his shoulder. "From someone near and dear to my heart." 
Stefan noted the pain in her voice and hummed. "Where are they now?"
Finally, she looked back at him - A storm of emotions brewing in her eyes - anger, grief, anguish and so much more. One thousand years worth of sorrow were swimming in her bright gaze. 
"I...don't know." 
He then spun her around and with that, she was gone, in her place, now stood Elena. 
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After the dance, Kassie found herself all alone. She was sat in a remote corner chugging down champagne. She had no friend in the stupid town, no one to talk to. Maybe Rebekah, but she was with Kol, somewhere. 
Maybe I'll go outside for some fresh air, she thought as she got up. Right as she turned around the corner, she bumped into someone - Caroline Forbes, one of Elena's friends. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you." The blonde apologized quickly. 
"It's alright...I like your hair." Kassie said.
"Oh thank you! You look gorgeous as well!" 
Kassie smiled. She has forgotten how it felt to be friendly with other people besides her family. Caroline left to go outside and Kassie almost went after her but then heard her name being called.
She turned around to find Elijah standing at the end of the hall. She quickly walked toward him, her velvet gown dragging across the marble floor. He pulled her into the same corner she was sitting in minutes ago. 
"Lijah? Is everything alright?"
"I just had a moment with Elena. She went upstairs to talk to Mother. I have a feeling Mother is...onto something. I asked Elena to relay their conversation once it's done."
"And you trust her?" Kassie asked with a raised brow. 
"Why shouldn't I?"
Kassie rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Elijah. The last time you trusted her, she stabbed you in the heart with a dagger! She and her stupid group of friends want nothing more than to get rid of all of us! I have no idea why you put so much trust in her."
This gave Elijah food for thought. 
"Plus, Finn's been acting strange," Kassie added as she looked over her shoulder.
"How so?" 
"I don't know. He's been ignoring me all evening. I would expect it from Klaus, but not him. He's never been so cold toward me." 
Elijah hummed. "I'll keep an eye on him as well, I suppose." 
"What do you need me to do?" 
Elijah sighed. "Try and keep Rebekah and Kol out of trouble. You know Mother's rules." 
Kassie nodded. "I'm onto it."
All the attendees were now in the main hall. A round of champagne was served. Kassandra stood next to Kol and Finn. A waiter passed by with three glasses. Finn took one for himself and gave one to her. 
"For you, sister." He said, which was the first time he spoke to her that night. 
"Thank you." She said and took the glass. She smelled it. It seemed like normal Rosé. 
From atop the stairs, Mother gave a speech about how happy she was her family was reunited. 
"Cheers!" Mother said, raising her glass. Everyone else followed suit. 
Kol was the first one to drink it. Finn was second. Kassie hesitated, but it seemed that Finn noticed. 
"Won't you drink the toast, sister?" Finn asked. 
"I've drunk enough and maybe even too much this evening," Kassie remarked. 
"One sip won't hurt." Finn insisted. 
Kassie looked down at the pink drink and hesitantly took a sip. It tasted like regular champagne though something in it left a strange aftertaste in her mouth. 
"....he gave you five seconds of attention? Don't be so predictable, Rebekah."
"You don't have to be rude about it. Just leave him be, okay?"
"What's happening?" Kassandra's voice rang clear as she approached Kol and Bekah. 
Kol sighed and rolled his eyes. "What do you want? Elijah sent you here, didn't he?" Kol groaned, his voice laced with annoyance. 
Kassie looked him up and down, her brows furrowed. "Excuse me. What's with the attitude?" 
"Kol is just being an arse. Let's go." Bekah said, grabbing Kassie's arm, set on leaving the scene. 
"Rebekah chickened out, that's what happened." Kol hissed. 
"Chickened out of what?" Kassie asked. Kol proceeded to explain their plan of killing Matt. 
"Seriously?" Kassie sighed and pinched her nose. 
"No. You're not killing anyone. Kol, just leave him alone. You know Mother's rules." Kassie said sternly and left alongside Rebekah. 
Almost half an hour had passed since Kassie last saw Kol and she was nervous he was going to do something. She split from Bekah and told her she would go upstairs to search for him. Bekah went to search for Matt.
Just as she was climbing up the stairs, Matt Donovan came into view. His back was turned to her and he seemed to be walking toward a balcony. Damn this dress, she thought as the heavy velvet gown drug across the floor. She wasn't able to use her vampire speed in front of all the humans roaming the halls. 
She walked briskly, her white heels clicking against the marble floor as she neared the balcony. Focusing on her vampire hearing, she could hear Kol's voice as he introduced himself to Matt. From the sounds she was hearing, he was crushing Matt's hand. Damn it! 
"Hey, hey, easy on the hand. The guy's a quarterback."  The voice of Damon Salvatore rang in her ears. 
"ENOUGH!" Kassandra's clear voice but through the night air. 
All three men looked at her - Kol was crushing Matt's hand, Matt was kneeling on the floor and Damon was to her right, looking at her like she spoiled his fun.
"Kol, let him go! Now!" She commanded her brother in their mother tongue. 
Kol looked outraged that she was commanding him but something in her eyes told him he wouldn't like the alternative. He clicked his tongue, rolled his eyes, and sighed dramatically but eventually released Matt's hand.
"Well, what are you doing? Help him and get out of here! Both of you!" Kassie commanded Damon. 
Giving her one last look, Damon helped Matt stand up and the two walked away. Kassie turned her attention to her brother and gave him a disappointed look. 
She tsked. "Why did you do that!?" 
Her brother avoided her eyes, his gaze fixed on the marble floor. 
"Kol. You're not a child. So why do you act like one?"
"...Just shut up." He spat and walked away, leaving her alone on the balcony. She sighed and walked over to the railing. Looking down, she saw Elena and her band of friends leaving the party. 
Elena looked up and locked eyes with Kassandra. A shiver went down her spine as the Original stared her down. There was a certain vitriol in her eyes that Elena knew was directed explicitly at her. Something told Elena that Kassandra specifically would be difficult to get rid of. 
Taglist: @ashaluuler
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westeroswisdom · 2 months
Lord Oscar Tully scores major rizz at Harrenhal. He even maneuvers Daemon Targaryen into executing a Riverlord for essentially carrying out Daemon's own wishes – thereby dousing a smouldering issue.
Tywin Lannister was reputedly astute when very young. But Oscar Tully, with fewer resources, has demonstrated superior guile – at least so far.
Lord Oscar Tully (Archie Barnes) isn’t vying for the Iron Throne like many of the young dragonlords shaping the Dance of the Dragons. The newly appointed Lord of Riverrun is just a young kid who happened to inherit his elderly grandfather’s seat. In his first appearance (Episode 4), he seemed to recoil at Daemon Targaryen’s (Matt Smith) suggestion that he speed up his inheritance by mercy-killing his grandsire, Lord Grover Tully, the elderly lord who had the nerve to take his sweet time dying. Oscar is a young man of honor who upholds his oaths. While he might not like Daemon—adding to the hostile animosity held by the Riverlords—he seemed willing to placate Daemon’s more temperamental nature in public while voicing any concerns or snide remarks in private. He would support Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy), planned to call his banners to arms, and called Daemon his “king consort.” But then Oscar Tully met with the rest of the Riverlords in Harrenhal’s godswood and the mask came off, revealing Oscar as a tactile politician. Daemon was now demoted to “prince” as Oscar promptly handed Daemon his ass. His loyalty is, first and foremost, to his fellow men, not Daemon. And like his namesake, Oscar Tully refused to suffer fools. In a matter of minutes, Oscar pulled off a young lord liege master class. He listened to his men’s concerns about his age, his judgment over declaring for the Blacks when Daemon sanctioned brutal violence against the Brackens, and acknowledged the faults of his greenness. The longer Oscar spoke, the more Daemon slowly realized that he didn’t get the upper hand on Oscar—in fact, it was the opposite. At every opportune moment, Oscar reminded Daemon that he was a terrible person, that nobody liked him (least of all himself), and that he was unworthy of anything the Riverlands had to offer him because of how he acted while staying there. Daemon’s only saving grace is that Oscar and the Rivermen had enough integrity to uphold oaths sworn by a different lord more than 20 years ago. And Daemon had to stand there and take it because the alternative was losing the support of every house in the Riverlands, who would’ve absolutely walked away if Oscar ordered it. “I take to heart your words, Lord Piper, and I agree, I am young,” Oscar said. “And I have no love for Daemon Targaryen. He has dishonored himself and the crown with his comportment here. Nevertheless, having so little experience to guide me, my best course is to defer to the oath my grandsire swore to King Viserys when he named Rhaenyra his heir. I see no reason to cast aside loyalty no matter how loathsome I may find her representative the prince.” Seeing Oscar’s words as the threat that it was, Daemon allowed the insults to stand. But then Oscar took it a step further by making Daemon atone for the savagery he allowed to be unleashed by executing Willem Blackwood (Jack Parry-Jones). It was an act that might’ve satisfied the Riverlords but made Daemon feel uneasy.
It's a great scene. Oscar unleashes various microaggressions at Daemon, some not so micro, and gets away with them because he knows exactly how far he can go. Oscar has something that Daemon needs and the latter understands that he can't just bully his way to getting it.
Just about everything about this scene rules. It features a teen the adults in the room are almost eager to underestimate and take advantage of. Oscar looks like he’s way in over his head and approaches the scene gingerly, but he slowly becomes more confident the further he pushes in the scene. He pulls one over on Daemon, someone who could end him with a dragon, and forces his hand. And Barnes can easily hold his own in a scene against Smith and Simon Russell Beale (Ser Simon Strong, who we mostly see in reaction shots).
Just as Cregan Stark is the ancestor of Ned and his siblings, Oscar Tully may be the ancestor of members of House Tully we see in GoT. Seeing Cregan and Oscar interact at some future point would be one big Easter egg.
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heartmix · 2 years
Sickness - Mat Barzal
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Pairing: Mathew Barzal x gn!reader
Word Count: 1k+
A/N: I am still in mourning over the haircut, but at the same time it is so funny. Also not really proofread
*Christmas Prompt - Sick*
Masterlist / Hockey Masterlist
This was not how you planned your December going. December was supposed to be filled with Christmas activities and playing in the snow. Your body however had different plans for you. That involved you stuck to your bed all day, maybe a week. The only upside was that you could watch as many Christmas movies as you wanted, it's not like you had a choice anyways.
Being sick was miserable. The runny nose, itchy throat that you had to cough every second to feel some sort of relief, the headaches being unbearable. Your current best friends were a bottle of Advil and Vicks. It got to a point where you had to wear a mask to sleep because the cold air was bothering your nose.
When Matt noticed you haven't texted him in a few days or even gone to a game during the week he knew something was up. You would text him constantly and he should have noticed on the second day when you didn't text back, but he was so wrapped up with the games he didn't bother to check.
So when he saw the Uber eats notification on his phone, from sharing accounts, of course, he knew right away you weren't feeling the best. You would never order medicine online and you'd never buy soup, your mother had a fantastic soup recipe that you perfected.
He was determined to make you feel better. He felt guilty for not noticing something sooner. He rushed out of practice faster than normal just so he can meet the Uber eats guy before he could reach your front door. His teammates gave him all weird looks, but they let it go knowing they can get something out of Anthony in a few hours.
While Matt was rushing hoping time will go slower so he can surprise you, you sat in bed hoping time would speed. You would like your medicine and soup asap to hopefully make you less miserable. After thinking it would never come you heard a knock at your door. You groaned at the thought of getting out of bed, but moaned at the thought of the best soup and medicine money could buy. Opening the door you did not expect a 6-foot hockey player to be delivering your order.
"Mat..." you gave a small smile followed by a coughing fit. You quickly shut the door to avoid coughing on him.
"It's a bit rude to shut the door on the person who has your soup." He said through the door with a playful tone making you chuckle.
"It would be rude to cough on the hockey player who is currently in season." You defended opening back up the door to a goofy smile on Mat's face.
"How kind of you. Too bad you can't get rid of me that easily." He said pushing through you to get inside your apartment.
"Mat leave. I'm sick and I will literally kill myself if you get sick and miss a game." You groaned taking a step back each time he tried to take on to you.
"You're so dramatic. You should have called me earlier. I would have brought you whatever you needed." He grumbled.
"I will lock myself in my bedroom if you don't leave." You threatened with your voice cracking. This conversation was the most you spoke all week.
"No, you won't. I got your medicine and soup." He said holding up the bag filled with your saving graces.
He was just as stubborn as you and you knew that he wouldn't leave on his own. You slowly grabbed the bag from his hands with a reassuring smile. Before he could make any move toward you, you made a beeline for your bedroom door and locked it as fast as you can.
"You're being childish!" He yelled from the door although he didn't need to. You could hear him just fine.
"You're being stupid Barzy! You have a game tomorrow. You can't afford to get sick." You tried to yell as loud as you can, which sounded like your normal talking voice.
"Two can play that game. I'm gonna sit outside your door till you open up." He said and you heard him sink down to the floor. 
He somehow became more stubborn and stupid. You thought he would up and leave in half an hour tops, but you were so wrong. It's been almost two hours and he was still here. He's been here so long that you've gotten texts from mostly everyone from the islander's locker room. Anthony probably opened his big mouth. Your soup was long gone and your medicine was working, you could barely keep your eyes open. The only thing stopping you was his voice talking about yesterday's win over the Blackhawks.
"Barzy." Your voice was soft and hoarse but he could still hear it clear as day.
"What's the matter?" His voice matches your soft tone compared to the normal voice he was just using a minute ago.
"I need water."
"Well, you need to open the door for that." He pointed out making me groan.
"If I give you a hug can you get me water and leave." You asked hopefully the offer would work.
"That's a hard bargain." He sounded like he was really contemplating the offer.
"I'm going to fall asleep on you. I'll watch your game tomorrow and even change into your jersey even though my shirt is more comfortable. Please." You begged. He could tell you were tired and was surprised you were still awake after taking your medicine.
"Okay. I got you water already. Open up."
Opening up the door he was met with your tired body and also you in a sweater and mask. It was a sight to see and he couldn't help but chuckle. He handed you the water which you threw on your bed. You turned back to him to see he had his arms open waiting for you. A promise is a promise. As much as you didn't want to embrace him, this is the best you'd felt in days.
"I'll come over after tomorrow's game. We have the next day off. You'll let me stay right." He asked which you nodded at.
"You're sleeping on the couch." You mumbled into his chest making him chuckle.
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punchdrunkdoc · 10 months
Part 3, Chapter 4
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 (maybe 4??) parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Chapter 4
I’m a good person; I’m worthy of love.
I’m a good person; I’m worthy of love.
Those eight words became Calina’s silent mantra. She recited them to the mirror as she brushed her teeth in the morning. She chanted them on her daily six-mile run. They were the soundtrack to her sparring matches with her sisters, and the echo she fell asleep to at night.
She hoped that if she repeated them often enough, the sentiment would start to penetrate.
And it was…maybe…starting to work.
Her guilt about Italy had definitely started to wane, at least - thanks to her talk with Katya. Somehow, the act of just voicing what she felt had helped lessen the sting of that particular emotion.
Which probably explained why so many people went to therapy.
Calina knew she’d probably benefit from a few sessions with a trained professional, but it wasn’t exactly practical in their current situation. So in the meantime, she’d continue with her mantra and try to believe the words.
I’m a good person; I’m worthy of love.
The task to bring down Volkov was also helping. She and the other Widows took shifts surveilling the footage from the cameras planted in the Jersey warehouse, and the mind-numbing hours spent watching the black and white footage provided a nice distraction from her negative thoughts. 
And then, less than a week later, they got the evidence they needed.
The whole group sat around the dining room table reviewing the scenes that Viktoria had alerted them to during her turn at the monitor. They watched as lab equipment and various chemicals were delivered to the property. They watched as men in protective coveralls sterilised volumetric flasks and set up distillation kits on newly constructed worktops. And they watched as soldiers in tactical gear started patrolled the site at night.
Volkov’s operation was underway.
The mood around the table was less jubilant than expected. Even though they had the confirmation they wanted, the tangible proof of Volkov’s plan for them was sobering.The chemicals being mixed and the serum being manufactured was meant for them. Meant to control them and subjugate them and turn them back into mindless killers.
“Can you turn it off, Anya?” Katya asked. “I think we’ve seen enough.”
“Yeah,” Sofia agreed. She rubbed her brow as if the footage had given her a headache.
Viktoria spoke up next, her voice equally as dispirited. “Okay, now that we know what’s going on, what’s our next step?”
Everyone looked to Yelena. She was seated at the head of the table, twirling one of her butterfly knives, her reaction to the video evident in the way she was flicking the dangerous weapon - as if imagining Volkov on the receiving end of the blade.
“I have an idea,” she said. “But I’m not sure you’re going to like it.”
“What is it?” Calina asked.
“We wait.”
“You’re right. I don’t like it.” Inessa replied. “We have our proof. We need to raid the place and-”
“And what? Kill them all? Take them hostage?”
“Either’s fine with me.” That came from one of the newer members of the group - Sanvi. She was glaring at the paused video, her jaw clenched in anger.
“There’s too much risk,” Yelena responded. “We’ll only get one shot at this before we lose our element of surprise.”
“So what’s the plan exactly?” Katya asked. “What are we waiting for?”
“We need Volkov. We need to wait until he’s on site before we go in. If we take him down, this is all over. We’ll be free.”
“How can we be sure he’ll show up?” Sanvi asked.
“Men like him are control freaks. They can only delegate for so long before they need to see for themselves that their plan is being followed. He’ll show up - I’m sure of it. And when he does, we’ll be there.”
“We’ll need to set up a base in Jersey,” Anya added, working through the logistics.
“Yes,” Yelena replied. “We’ll need a team close-by and on-call for when the moment comes.”
“I volunteer as tribute,” Katya said, raising her hand. A few of the Widows laughed at her reference to the movie they’d watched the other night. And a few other hands went in the air as well.
Including Calina’s.
Yelena eyed her critically. “You’re not just using this as an excuse to be closer to Murdock, are you?”
Calina shook her head forcefully. “No. I want to be a part of this. I need to be a part of this.”
She couldn’t explain why she felt so strongly about joining this mission. Maybe it was her way of atoning for leaving before. She’d been content to try to build a life in New York while her sisters did the hard work of freeing other Widows. Katya may not regard that as abandonment, but Calina did. And she wanted to try to erase that bit of red from her ledger. Balance the bad with something good - like backing up her team during the last stages of their battle for freedom.
“Even if that involves killing Volkov or his men?” Yelena asked Calina. “You told me you couldn’t take the violence anymore. I need to know the people on this team have the resolve to do whatever it takes.”
Whatever it takes. Yelena’s words were an eerie echo of Calina’s thoughts from that early morning on the pier six weeks ago. Back then she’d sworn to herself that she would go to any lengths to gain her freedom and get back to Matt. That vow had been sorely tested by Italy - and she still felt there were some limits to ‘whatever’ - but they had to do this.
Volkov had to be taken down.
And if that included killing again…so be it. She would live with the consequences.
For this - for her freedom, for her sisters, and for her future - she would take on one more stain on her soul. She’d never forgive herself if she sat this mission out and someone got hurt…or worse.
“I can do it, Yelena.” Calina held the other Widow’s gaze, and let her see the determination in her eyes.
Yelena nodded. “Okay. Let’s get to work.”
The mansion became a whirlwind of activity as they put Yelena’s plan in motion. A team of nine was selected to set up the base in Jersey. Anya found a property close enough to the warehouse for them to be able to mobilise in a hurry, but far enough away to give the Widows some cover. Weapons were gathered, transport was arranged, and gear was packed.
A few hours later, Calina stood in the doorway of her bedroom, a small suitcase at her feet and a bag slung over her shoulder. She surveyed the room, now devoid of any hint of her life here. There was no book on the bedside table. No running shoes shoved under the desk, and no necklace hanging over the mirror on the vanity table.
She’d miss this room, with its rustic charm and the view of the grey, churning water of the harbour. She’d miss the sound of the seagulls and the early morning calls of the fishermen.
She’d miss it…but she hoped she’d never have to return here.
She hoped this next mission would be the last, and that this would all be over soon.    
She grabbed the hoodie draped over the edge of the bed - the last of her possessions to be packed away. She brought the fabric up to her nose, breathing in deep. She’d stolen it from Matt at Christmas, wanting a tangible memento of their wonderful night together, and it still retained a hint of his scent. Instead of shoving it in her bag, she slipped the oversized sweater on and tucked her hands into the long sleeves, feeling surrounded by him again.
She would see him soon.
She hadn’t been lying to Yelena when she’d volunteered for this mission - it wasn’t just an excuse to be nearer to Matt. But it was a side benefit she was definitely going to take advantage of.
She needed to know if she could face him again. She needed to know if her mantra had worked, and she could stand to be in his presence without feeling overwhelmed by guilt and fear.
She needed to know if there was hope for them. 
Bang…bang.bang. Bang…bang.bang.
Matt stumbled out of his run across the rooftops as he picked up the sound of a familiar code.
Dash…dot.dot. Dash…dot.dot.
Calina’s code. Her message to him. The beacon that had brought them together two weeks ago on the crane above the Hudson.
And now he was hearing it again. He froze and cocked his head, trying to pinpoint the faint metallic noise.
But there was just silence.
Had he hallucinated it? In his desperate desire to see her, was he imagining the sound of her call?
Bang…bang.bang. Bang…bang.bang.
He smiled as the code rang out again. Nope. Not his imagination.
She was here.
He took off running in the direction of the sound. Not near the docks this time, but further inland and to the south. He flew across the skyline of the city until he ended up on top of a luxury spa, the night air around him perfumed by aromatherapy oils and hot wax.
And the subtle fragrance of sea salt and strawberries.
She emerged from behind a large ventilation shaft and he could hear a shy smile in her voice as she greeted him. “Hi.”
Matt didn’t hesitate. There was no crane between them this time. No metal barrier to keep them apart, so he strode forward, took her in his arms and kissed her.
His intention must have been clear on his face because Calina didn’t seem surprised by his sudden embrace. She just wound her arms around his neck and returned his kiss. It was a messy, hard and passionate kiss, with all of the frustrated longing of the last couple of weeks - the last couple of months - stoking the fire of it. 
Matt may have come to terms with their separation, but he still missed her with each and every moment that passed.
And now that she was back within reach, he wanted her as close as possible. He tightened his hold on her and buried his fingers in the braids of her hair and slid his thigh between hers. The contact caused Calina to moan, and Matt swallowed the sound as his own lust ratcheted up in response.
He hitched her up into his arms, and used the air vent behind her to brace her weight. Her back hit the hollow structure with a clang, but neither of them seemed to notice. Matt sank into the cradle of her thighs, and Calina tightened her legs around his waist, as they kissed and kissed and kissed, their movements as they rocked against each other frenzied and almost desperate.
It was amazing…but it still wasn’t enough to sate Matt’s desires. He wanted her naked. He wanted her in his bed again, with days to worship her body and explore every inch of her skin. He wanted her on her back, he wanted her moving over him, he wanted to spend hours between her legs, and bring her to climax a million times.
He wanted everything with her.
But all they had was this. Stolen moments in the dark, high above the city.
He tilted Calina’s head and deepened the kiss as he ground his hips against her core, unable to resist the sensation of the friction against his hardening cock. But then a harsh wail from a police siren rang out from the next block over, jolting Matt back to reality. He broke out of the kiss, breathing harshly in frustration.
This wasn’t their time. And Calina deserved better than this place - a dirty concrete rooftop exposed to the prying eyes of the neighbouring apartments.
He trailed his lips across her cheek to bury his head in his favourite spot beneath her ear. “I’m sorry,” he whispered into her neck.
“What for?” Calina answered, rubbing the exposed skin between his suit and his mask. “That was a hell of a welcome.”
Matt laughed and tilted his head back. “Hi,” he said, belatedly.
It was her turn to laugh. “Hi.”
He dropped a quick kiss on the tip of her nose and stepped away from the vent, letting her slide to her feet. Then he took her in his arms again, reluctant to let her go completely.
“How long are you here for?” he asked, dreading the answer.
She sighed. “Not long. In fact, I should probably head back.”
He looked away, trying to hide his disappointment. But she pressed her fingers to his cheek and turned his face back to her. “But I have good news,” she said. “We’re close to the end, Matt.”
She nodded. “We’ve set a trap for Volkov - we’re just waiting for him to walk into it.”
“That’s good,” he said, squeezing her tighter to him. “That’s really good.”
“And there’s more…,” she teased.
“I’m not sure I can take any more good news. It’s such an unfamiliar concept,” he teased. “But hit me with it.”
“The trap is…close by. So you’ll be seeing me around more often.”
“That really is good news.” He dropped a kiss on her lips, and they spent long, lazy moments exploring each other’s mouths, the world around them falling away as they basked in the luxury of being able to touch each other.
His duty to his city, the danger she was in being in New York, the possible prying eyes around them all vanished into insignificance as he held the woman he loved in his arms.
But inevitably - and all too soon - she ended the kiss and dropped her arms from around his shoulders.
“Time to go?” he guessed, catching her hand as she stepped away.
“Yeah,” she said, the single word infused with so much sadness.
Matt remembered his vow from a couple of weeks ago - to not wallow in the despair of their parting, but to cherish the moments they managed to steal together. So he smiled at her, and pressed his lips to the back of her hand. “I’ll see you around, then, sweetheart.”
His positive outlook seemed to help Calina. Her sad, downcast eyes lifted to him, and she met his smile with one of her own. “Yeah. I’ll see you around.”
With a final squeeze of her hand, Matt turned and ran towards the edge of the rooftop. As he raced across the concrete, he flung one end of his billy club across to the adjacent building, using the weapon as a grappling hook. In one flowing movement, he launched himself off the edge and swung across the gap to land on the fire escape.
“Show-off!” he heard Calina shout from behind him.
He laughed at the now-familiar tease and started leaping up the metal staircase, his senses split between concentrating on his climb…and following Calina as she travelled in the opposite direction.
She flowed across the rooftops, her movements quick and graceful. And he had to resist the overwhelming urge to track her all the way back to her new base. To find out where she was staying and what this mysterious trap was.
It went against everything that made him the man he was to let her head into danger alone. He wanted to protect her. Or, at least, be a partner in her fight.
But that’s exactly what it was - her fight.
Not his.
He had to trust that she could take care of herself. Trust that the other Widows would have her back. Trust that this would all be over soon and they would be together again.
It was a lot of trust for a man who struggled with the concept.
So he opted for a different concept - one he was much more familiar with.
He had faith that she would come back to him - free and unharmed and ready for their life together.
“Three guesses where Calina was,” Inessa teased when Calina returned to the safe-house.
Calina just rolled her eyes and collapsed onto the soft worn couch in front of the bank of monitors. They’d converted the entire top floor of a condemned apartment building into their new base, and were watching Volkov’s warehouse 24/7 while waiting for his arrival.
The nine widows deployed to Jersey had decided to operate on a rotation system - alternating between surveillance duty, training, weapons maintenance and rest -  to ensure everyone would be at peak fighting fitness when the time eventually came to engage.
Tonight Calina had decided to use her few hours of downtime to visit Matt.
And she was so glad she had.
She’d been so nervous waiting for him as she tapped out his code. As the clanging sound seemed to echo in the night air, her heart had raced with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
What if, as soon as she locked eyes on him, all the guilt and self-loathing returned? What if they were just an impossibility now?
But she needn’t have worried. The moment Matt landed on the rooftop and strode towards her, passionate intent evident in his every step, the trepidation disappeared. Everything suddenly felt so…right.
They were not an impossibility. They were an inevitability.
She was meant to be with him. No one could ever love him more. No one could ever want him more.
As he took her in his arms and kissed the life out of her, she felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of ‘home’. For the first time in her life she truly understood the meaning of that concept.
Matt was her home. He was her safe haven, and the place she belonged.
Being with him quieted all her doubts and insecurities and fears. When he kissed her, she did feel worthy of his love. When he caressed her cheek and called her ‘sweetheart’, she knew she could make him happy. When he held her tightly against him, reluctant to let her go, she believed that all of the darkness in her soul and the misdeeds of her past could be forgiven.
Being with him wasn’t the problem - it was the answer to everything.
It was only now, an hour later, when the heady warmth of their encounter had worn off and she was once again alone with her thoughts, that those doubts started to creep back in.
Which meant only one thing: she had to spend as much time with him as she could.
Things are finally looking up for Matt & Calina. But that can't possibly last...right?
Chapter 5
Tag list: @hollandorks @stilldreaming666 @yanna-banana @chezagnes @tearoseart-blog​ @acharliecoxedfan @freckledbabyyy
If you’d like to be added - let me know!
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witchofthemidlands · 1 year
I finally finished Bad Sisters, I found it difficult to watch in places, I’ll be honest & I’m not sure I could have been able to watch it if we, as the audience didn’t know that JP was dead in the beginning, not because of anything wrong with the show but because I found his scenes so uncomfortable to watch. I genuinely think it is one of the best shows I have ever seen. The writing, the story as a whole, the characters, the acting & the music 🤩 everything about it was absolutely phenomenal. The villain was incredibly well written because not only did he make me feel nauseated every time he was on screen. HE WAS JUST A PRICK! There was no tragic backstory, no trying to explain away his behaviour with this reason or another, he was just a DESPICABLE MONSTER & we need more villains like that. The dark humour was so witty & so well executed, some moments i may have to gif because words would never do some of those scenes justice (the chaos of the boat scene, every time they're on the phone to grace wondering if they succeeded)
Bibi Garvey was my favourite, from start to finish I absolutely loved that woman. Her passion & determination to get the job done was everything. The only thing I wish is that there had been more of her with her wife, Nora & their son (I also think Nora should have helped with the plotting 😈). Eva Garvey coming in close second, her love for her sisters, how she would do anything for them & that scene with her & her sisters around the table when they find out what really happened absolutely broke my heart. Grace Garvey unexpectedly became one of my favourites by the end, especially in the last episode 😍 her journey was incredible, i cannot wait to see her in season 2 now that she is completely free of the trash between a racoons toes. I loved Becka Garvey as well, I saw a lot of myself in her but what she did near the end was the only thing I couldn’t really get past even though it was an accident & i do genuinely think poor Minna would have been killed by The Prick. Ursula, I liked her, I really did but for personal reasons I just found it difficult to like her as much as the others.
Honestly what I loved the most about it was that it was so clear that whilst they were planning a murder, it was completely justified, there was NEVER a moment where i thought, ‘oh, this is wrong’ oh no, I THINK THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE IT SOONER! I genuinely think they'd have gotten away with it & all because of how much of a loathsome prick he was which is why the insurance people INFURIATED ME (not matt in the end though because he clearly realised that the guy was an a grade PRICK & did the right thing) because when it came to the murder, the sisters were not bad to me, they were completely in the right 100% of the time because JPrick was disgusting, he was horrible, vile creature, an absolute abomination of a man, they created the most unbearable character I have ever seen in all my years of watching television & I feel so bad now for the rather harsh words I wrote about Claes Bang's acting in a certain bbc show (which i now feel like i should actually finish watching one day) for part of a writing project for my degree because CLEARLY I was wrong about him, he IS a good actor, he acted The Prick in a way that I had to look down at my phone nearly every time he was on screen because the character was that horrific & uncomfortable to watch in the way that he spoke & moved around the sisters, his wife, his daughter, his neighbour & well, everyone he interacted with & I think it’s because I have met people exactly like that character in real life & I have felt the same emotions the sisters portrayed when in the presence of someone like that.
ANYWAY! Bad Sisters is the best show I've watched all year & it deserves all the awards, all the hype & all the praise because it is a masterpiece. ALL THE STARS 🤩🤩🤩
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
A swimmer said he feared for his life after he was attacked by otters in a scenic Northern California lake, leaving him with around 40 puncture wounds.
Matt Leffers said he was bitten at least 12 times while swimming at Serene Lakes in Placer County, about 90 miles northeast of Sacramento, on Sept. 3.
Leffers told NBC News affiliate KCRA 3 in an interview on Thursday, two months after the attack, that he had been swimming in the lake, where his family has a cabin, for 30 years. But he had never experienced anything like this.
He felt something bite his calf and then suffered another bite within seconds.
"And then I started swimming fast, but there was the otter, popped up right in front of me, and then I was bit again," he said.
"These things were so aggressive that, literally, I felt like they wanted to kill me," he continued. "It is by far the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had in my life. Nothing even comes close."
Leffers' wife had to rescue him on a paddleboat before taking him to the hospital. Pictures from the hospital shared with KRCA show Leffers' leg badly cut and covered in blood. Months later, the scars remain.
KCRA 3 spoke to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, which confirmed that an otter attack took place at Serene Lakes in July — prompting Leffers to call for greater action.
"I think the fact that I’m the second person attacked here this summer, it’s a big red flag," he said.
Peter Tira, a spokesperson for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, told KCRA 3 that otters had also attacked dogs in the Redding area. He stressed that while otter attacks on people are very rare, they are a predator species that is very good at swimming and has very sharp teeth.
"They won’t normally attack people or larger animals. However, they will defend their territory if they feel threatened, whether that’s a real threat or perceived threat," Tira said.
One theory is that the otters are attracted to the lake and emboldened by its high fish population.
A letter to the Serene Lakes community dated Sept. 21, which was obtained by KCRA 3 from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, said that biologists who visited the lake "agreed that the abundance of fish in the lake is a likely cause for otter presence and behavior."
Leffers said the department's response was "wimpy."
"They need to mitigate the situation before somebody gets killed," he said.
The letter said state wildlife officials were working to confirm the number of otters at Serene Lakes and would develop a strategy once they have more information.
Otter attacks are not unheard of in America. In September, a rabid otter bit a man and a dog in Florida before it was captured.
Three women were injured in August when an otter attacked them as they floated on a Montana river.
In July, California wildlife officials reported that a 5-year-old sea otter was "aggressively approaching people and biting surfboards" near Santa Cruz. The wildlife department said it planned to capture the creature and place it in a zoo or aquarium.
NBC News has contacted the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for comment.
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garciaasfluffypen · 1 year
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a kind of betrayal
prompt: continuation of new roommates and insane plans wc: 1.6k  ship: jennifer jareau x elle greenaway 
a/n: reads part 1 and two before this!! also, let me know if you want me to do s2 & 3 with our lovely ladies :) 
part 1 • part 2
after a long talk with elle about her mother, and a failed attempt at getting an extension on her term paper, jj found herself at a loss. she toyed with the necklace she had found sitting on her desk, deep in thought.  they were trying to save the lives of everyone on campus, and she couldn’t even do that and balance her school work. her father was going to have a field day with her.
“please tell me you’re having better luck with the mystical weapon situation.” jj turned to elle, who was reading out of the sumerian book she and tara had gotten from the library.
elle let out a sigh. “mm, not so much. ascalon, an enchanted spear that kills dragons but only if you’re a christian saint. the scepter of kerykeion will heal them. the holy hand grenade of antioch would be perfect for an influx of monstrous rabbits.”
“wait,” jj pulled something up on the computer screen, waiting for elle to look over. “what about this one? the blade of hastur, forged from the burnt bones of starspawn and meant to shatter all that oppose it…” she trailed off.
“that may or may not be sealed into the face of a cliff in an underwater cavern a thousand feet below sea level.” elle continued, a plan forming in her head.
“no. it’s sealed in the face of a cliff in an underwater cavern, a thousand feet below sea level. nobody could survive that, which is probably the point.”
“i could get it.”
jj’s eyes widened as she looked over to elle. “what?”
“the sword. i could get it. pressure depth and nitrogen narcosis aren’t really itches for a vampire.”
“that would be- i mean, you’d be risking your life. and if your mother found out she would…”
“yeah, well, my mother fed the only person i cared about to a monster and maybe i don’t feel like letting that happen again.”
“i mean, i know that you’re not just doing it for me but seriously…”
“don’t be an idiot, jennifer. of course i’m doing it for you.” elle noticed the necklace she was wearing and started to freak out. “where’d you get that necklace?”
“i found it here, i thought you left it for me-”
“get it off.”
elle reached for the necklace, hissing as it burned her hand the moment she made contact with it. before she knew it, jj was collapsing onto the bed, and elle was panicking. there was only one person who could be behind this. and she knew exactly who that person was.
“hello sweetheart,” jj- the dean- spoke, smiling sickenly sweet at elle. “i thought it was time we had a little talk.”
“what do you want, mother?”
“you didn’t come when i sent for you, i can’t imagine poor matt was at all unclear. he doesn’t quite have the brains for… delicacy.”
“if you’re going to kill me, why not just come yourself?” elle snarked, crossing her arms.
“kill you? when you think of the lengths i’ve gone to save you from your own foolishness?” a heartless chuckle fell from her lips. “i think you’re a practical girl and you’ll see that everything i do, i do for the best. that silly little creature couldn’t’ve loved you. the second she knew what you were, she spilled all your secrets like an idiot school child. she was a cockroach. a wretched, crawling thing just like poor jennifer. and you, my doll, are a diamond. stone can not love flesh.”
elle resisted the urge to spit in her face. “how could i ever trust you?”
“why don't i start us off with a gesture of good faith? matt has derek right now, and he’s just itching to help out.”
“i thought your hungry little night light wanted virgins.”
“oh, you’ve been reading barkley’s transcriptions. that man was obsessed. no, we just take girls because it's traditional. besides, the worlds just gonna grind them up anyway, so it’s almost a mercy. derek though, believes some idiot accident, perhaps depression over his lost sweetie.” she turned back to face elle. “so what’s it to be? shall we take the prom king here and leave you and the little moppet alone?”
elle sighed. “deal.”
“remember, she’s safe as long as you keep her from meddling. if either of you get in the way again, all bets are off. now be quick, catch!”
jj stared at the screen, the events that had previously conspired playing out in front of her. tears brimmed her eyes as she watched, her feelings and emotions getting the best of her as she tried to figure out what was going on. alex watched along with her, a whacked up tara sitting on the bed mumbling about going to the party that she and alex were preventing her from going to. as if on cue, elle walked into the room and alex turned around, a stake being pointed right at her.
“not one more step, bloodsucker.”
“what is this?”
elle looked to jj, who simply pressed play on her computer. “were you ever going to tell me? about derek? about the fact she possessed me and used me to hurt my friends? or was it just going to be ‘sorry babe, no sword no rescue, that’s just the way the world is’?”
“jj that’s not- she promised to leave us alone.”
“yeah, just so long as you let her kill my friends. you know, it’s not the sword. the sword would kill you and i get that. it’s that you just gave up. after everything, you didn’t even try.” with tears in her eyes, jj turned away. “go away, elle. go run and hide. we’re done.”
they had won, they had actually won. and elle was dead. elle was dead and it was all jennifer’s fault- if she hadn’t gone on that stupid adventure with tara and alex, she wouldn’t be sitting here all alone staring at elle’s side of the room and wishing she was there. jj missed elle, and it was something she had never thought she would miss her stupid remarks, and the hair in the shower drain. it had been approximately three days since they had won, and jj was going absolutely insane. an aftershock hit the building, and jj simply sighed, staring at her computer screen as she rode through it. as nice as it was having kate back, jj felt like there was a piece of her life that was missing now that elle wasn’t there. a weird emptiness that couldn’t be filled by another human, no matter how hard they tried.
“hey, jj.” alex lightly knocked on the door, pushing it open slightly. “so um, something happened and i um, i just wanted to come prepare you so that you wouldn’t freak out. so derek and some of his zeta bros were throwing cherry bombs into the big pit under the lustic building and um… the found… um…”
as if on cue, emily walked in with a passed out elle in her arms. jj shot up from her bed, running over to her.
“okay so, we think she’s… i mean she seems dead, but she’s a vampire, right?”
“blood! she needs blood!”
jj ran over to where kate had left the soy milk container earlier that day, grabbing it and bringing it back over to elle. slowly and carefully she poured some blood into her mouth, barely noticing alex and emily slipping out of the room to give them their privacy. a few minutes later elle stirred, a groan falling from her lips. jj practically catapulted herself onto elle, barely registering the fact she had thrown herself onto an injured person. elle was back, and that’s all she could think about.
“are you hurt? it looks like you’re hurt. and i’m sorry i hugged you so hard that you're hurt.” jj looked at elle as she stood up. “it’s just that you were dead and-and now you’re not and i know that you’re probably going through a lot of stuff with your mom, it’s just that-”
elle cut jj off with a kiss, pushing herself as close to the young blonde as she possibly could. she held her close, pulling in every scent of her that she hadn’t had while she was knocked out in the pit. the two of them pulled apart for air before jj initiated the second kiss, this one filled with more emotion than the last. elle pulled away, smiling slightly at jj as she stared at her in disbelief.
“so, you’re a giant black cat huh?”
elle chuckled. “so i am.”
“how are you- are you okay? how are you alive?”
“well, that’s the thing about being a vampire. kinda hard to hurt me unless you put a steak through my heart.”
“let’s not joke about that.” jj let out an exasperated laugh. “i just got you back. i can’t lose you again.”
“oh?” elle’s eyebrow raised. “you can’t loose me, you say?”
“what happened to the hatred you had for me a week ago?” elle teased.
“we don’t have to talk about that.” jj hid her face in elle’s good shoulder, blush covering her cheeks. “we really don’t.”
“mmm we do eventually, but i’m okay with not talking about it for now.”
“oh my god i’m so mean, do you need blood? you probably need more blood.” jj detached herself from elle, running to the fridge. “i know we have more in here somewhere.”
elle couldn’t help but smirk. to think that the semester started with jj hating elle’s guts, and here they were, about to embark on… well, she wasn’t sure what she could call it yet but…
jj was hers.  
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th1s1smyw0nd3rland · 2 years
Vampires Dream Too (Part 3)
Sandman x TVD crossover
Morpheus x reader! Salvatore sister
Uses fem!Y/N and third person POV, minimal description of Y/N just cause she’s a Salvatore so she’s gonna look similar to Stefan and Damon
Word Count: 3472
prev part next part
(( inspired by a post by @kpopgirlbtssvt​ ))
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Y/N’s eyes opened and she slowly sat up, her hand coming to her head as her dream replayed in her head. She wondered if what happened really, truly happened but with her lack of thirst, she found her question answered and her hand moved from her head to brush against her lips. The feeling of his blood flowing down her throat replayed in her head and her eyes closed as she remembered the taste so vividly. A slight flush was shown on her cheeks but she quickly waved it away, her eyebrows furrowing as Damon stormed into the room.
“Where is he?” He asked and she stood, her hand coming up to his arm but he brushed her away, his eyes searching the room.
“Who are you looking for, brother?” She asked, “Stefan?”
“Yes, Stefan! He’s not answering my calls,” Y/N patted her pockets for her phone, quickly picking it up from the table as she spotted it and she dialed Stefan’s number, her head tilting as it rang for a moment before going to voicemail. “Apparently he’s not answering you either. Fine. Time to check with Elena.” “Wait! I’m coming with!” Y/N called and she quickly grabbed her coat, looping her arms through the sleeves as she jogged to catch up with Damon. As the two made their way to Elena’s, Y/N asked Damon what was going on, her eyebrows furrowing as she realized how much she missed. According to her older brother, there was a mysterious vampire hunter around, which Y/N did happen to know about but decided not to share that with her brother, wondering if that was why Stefan was meeting with Klaus. When they arrived at the Gilbert residence, her eyes widened as Damon just walked in, leaving her to stand outside the doorway for she had not been invited in. Her hands leaned against each side of the doorframe, her mouth opening to call out to her brother but she rolled her eyes as he was already up the stairs, hearing him and Elena speaking. She looked around the part of the house she could see, sensing it out and she realized that Jeremy, the younger Gilbert wasn’t actually home so he wouldn’t even be able to give her permission to walk in. With a huff, she turned away and her eyes searched the neighborhood, the annoyance quickly growing as Damon and Elena spoke of their night out drinking but Y/N chose not to bother inserting herself into that situation. Last time I did, it literally killed me, she thought to herself and she contemplated leaving when the two barged out of the house. 
“The hunter has hostages at the Grill,” Damon said to her quickly and she nodded, following behind as the two made their way to the grill, “And Stefan is playing sergeant.”
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked but before Damon could answer, her phone rang and she placed it to her ear once she saw Stefan’s name, “Stefan? What’s going on?” 
“The hunter has Matt, Jeremy and April. I’ll meet you guys at Alaric’s apartment,” Stefan said before hanging up and Y/N stared at the screen for a moment before looking up at them.
“To Alaric’s apartment,” Y/N said and she gestured for Damon to lead them, making him roll his eyes before he started walking, “We need a game plan, brother.”
“Oh, so you take his side now?”
“What is with you two and sides? Are the hostages not friends of yours? One of them being Elena’s brother? Sure, Jeremy can come back with the ring but what of Matt and this April? You may not care, Damon but are they not important to Elena?” Damon’s eyes narrowed at his little sister’s words before looking at Elena, who gave him a look that basically agreed with everything Y/N had said. 
“Whatever,” Damon muttered after a moment and Y/N did a walk of the building that stood at the perfect spot to look at Mystic Grill, Damon and Elena going up to the apartment. The youngest Salvatore moved ever so quietly around the area, not wanting to get too close to the Grill but she explained that no one besides them and their friends knew she was here, so the hunter wouldn’t be looking for her. She mainly wanted to gauge any traps the hunter might have placed outside, not heading to the apartment until she was sure there were none. When she walked up the stairs and looked into the open doorway, her eyes widened as she saw Stefan gently laying Damon onto the couch.
“What the Hell did you do??” Y/N cried, pushing Stefan slightly as she knelt next to Damon and she looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed. 
“I can’t trust him to do what I need him to do, Y/N. He will wake up after a while, hopefully when Klaus’s hybrid gets Connor.”
“Your way? You can’t trust him when he was the one struck by you?”
“Please, Y/N. I am only asking for you and Elena to trust me,” Stefan said, looking into her eyes and she searched his, finding none of the answers she was searching for. The only thing she was sure of was that he was hiding something. She narrowed her eyes but spoke nothing more, turning away as she knelt back by Damon.
“Do as you wish, brother,” Y/N muttered and Stefan sighed before he left, heading to Mystic Grill. Elena stayed for a moment, Y/N sensing her presence behind her and she let out a sigh after a while, looking over her shoulder. “You’re not going to disobey Stefan and follow him?” Y/N asked simply and Elena seemed to consider her options before taking a step towards her. 
“Why do you hate me?” she asked and Y/N scoffed, shaking her head as she stood up, turning towards the doppleganger. “Is that funny to you?”
“Hate you?” Y/N asked, “I know nothing of you, Elena. There is nothing for me to like or hate. All I know is that, even if Stefan and Damon try to kid themselves by saying it’s different, I see 1864, the year Katarina Petrova came and ruined my life. Sure, Elena. You’re different. That is very clear by how hard you cling to your humanity but you know what hasn’t changed? The effect you have on my brothers. I said when we met that I watched them fight over the same woman and I left because I couldn’t stand it. I still can’t.”
“I…Stefan never mentioned you-”
“Yeah, I know because when I left all those years ago, I told them I would never forgive them for dragging me into the mess that that bitch made. Unlike Damon and his petty game of making Stefan miserable for Katherine turning him as well, I couldn’t stand to see my brothers change into what they were. I grew up with two loving brothers, Elena. Damon always spoiled me with his love and his attention, always protecting me and reminding me that I was not to settle for any man. Stefan was father's favorite but he was there for me the instant he was needed. When Damon left to serve, Stefan stayed by my side and helped me through the sadness. He filled the loneliness. I loved my brothers more than anything, Elena. They were my everything and one woman was all it took for them to toss me aside. They ignored my warnings, both too busy fighting for her attention to pay me any mind and then we were all dead. Because of her. I was forced to be a vampire. Because of her. So forgive me, Elena if I cannot seem to stand being in the same room as you when you share her face. You only remind me of the life I lost.”  Y/N let out a deep breath, her eyes closing as she tried to calm her anger, opening them once again when she heard Elena sniffle. In typical newly turned vampire fashion, Elena was unable to control the tears that slowly fell from her eyes as Y/N’s words hung in the air, the youngest Salvatore running a hand through her hair.
“I’m sorry…” Elena said softly and Y/N looked away for a moment, her eyebrows furrowed as she sensed Damon stirring. Another deep breath, her emotions at bay and she looked up to meet Elena’s eyes.
“The only difference I notice,” Y/N said, “Is that, unlike Katarina, you seem to be wanting to choose Damon.”
“I-” “It doesn't matter to me. Choose who you wish, Elena Gilbert. I will be here this time to pick up the pieces of the brother you break. I will not let that same face ruin my brothers again. Wipe your tears now. I will do my best to see you as someone different but forgive me if it takes some time. I only came back because I missed my brothers but it is very clear they both care for you which means, to an extent, I do too.” Elena nodded, wiping at her tears and she left to follow Stefan, sensing Jeremy being hurt. Y/N sighed, her eyes turning back to Damon, who was now gone and she walked towards the window, moving the blinds to stare at the grill. Left behind once again, the youngest Salvatore held her place on the sidelines. 
“That…was fucking sad,” Y/N jumped, whirling around, “Whoa! Whoa! Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I was literally there when you told Death it wasn’t a good idea to surprise a vampire.”
“Are you…a talking raven?” Y/N asked aloud, mostly to herself, her face showing her confusion and she took a step back when it hopped forward, its head bobbing back and forth before bowing. 
“I am a talking raven, yes. I know, it took me a bit to get used to it too. I’m Matthew, newly appointed raven to Dream. It is a pleasure to officially meet you, Y/N.” 
“Uh…the same to you?” She said but her tone came off as more of a question before her mind actually processed his words. “Wait, raven of the Dreaming? Of Dream? Was it not um..what was her name?”
“Jessamy, yes,” Matthew aid and Y/N tried not to show her discomfort at how alive the raven seemed, nodding his head with his words, “She was unfortunately killed when the boss was imprisoned..” “Ah, yes. Death told me about that too.”
“You seem to be pretty close to the boss’ sister.”
“She’s like..the only friend I have, really…which sounds really pathetic when I say it out loud,” Y/N chuckled to herself, shaking her head before she bent down, offering her hand. Matthew’s head tilted before he jumped up, his talons perched on her fingers as she stood back up, her other hand coming up to gently touch his head. “Oh, you were human..”
“Who apparently died in his sleep before Lucienne turned me into a raven,” Matthew said, “How did you know?”
“Vampires can get into the minds of humans quite easily. I merely wanted to pet your head but I felt myself able to look into your thoughts so I only guessed. What’re you doing here if you are the Dream Lord’s raven?”
“He sent me to check in with you,” Y/N’s eyebrow raised as she looked into his eyes and a smirk fell on her lips as she stared deep, searching the raven’s mind, “What are you doing?”
“Testing something,” She whispered before her pupils dilated, “I don’t think I needed to do this so my apologies for overstepping, but why are you checking on me?”
“The boss wants to know if you are experiencing any changes from your visit last night but he didn’t elaborate on what happened and he also just wanted me to show him how you were doing in general,” Matthew said before shaking his head, “Whoa, what was that?”
“A vampire thing,” she said, the smirk on her lips as she continued to stare deeply into the raven’s eyes, raising her arm up a bit, “I appreciate your concern, Dream Lord but next time come yourself instead of spying with your raven. Goodbye, Matthew.” She said, using her compulsion once again and Matthew flew off her hand, his wings flapping gracefully as he flew out the window Y/N opened. Her eyes followed him as he soared into the sky, curious how he got to the Dreaming that way but she smiled to herself as she recalled his words, knowing Dream was looking through the raven to see her. Her fingers brushed against her throat, not feeling the usual dryness of hunger and she noted how long it had been since she awoke. The longest I have ever gone without wanting a drink, she thought to herself before her eyebrows furrowed, the smell of blood suddenly filling her nose. Using her vampire speed, she ran towards the source of the smell and into the forest, stopping when she heard the sound of a shovel. She walked slowly, her hands using the trees to balance her against the rocky ground until she sucked in a breath, hearing Elena’s sobs. In a random open area, the Salvatore brothers turned briefly to look at her before turning back to Elena who was attempting to create a grave, the body of the hunter laid next to her. 
“Well, shit,” Y/N whispered, running a hand through her hair and she took a deep breath before looking at her brothers, all three nodded before taking action. Stefan took Elena in his arms, Damon taking the shovel from her and Y/N knelt beside the hunter, her hand hovering over the bloody bite that Elena left on his neck. Damon finished digging the grave as Stefan took Elena away and Y/N rolled the body into the hole, the two burying the body together. 
“What’s the plan now, brother?” Y/N asked and the older looked at her as she rubbed her dirty hands on her jeans, having used them to move the dirt back in place, “Elena did the very thing that Stefan so badly wanted to avoid.”
“It’s a part of being a vampire,” Damon muttered, his eyes staring at the grave, “Like I told him, there is no case of a vampire having existed without killing at least one person. At least he was a dickhead so she shouldn’t feel that bad about it.” He smirked over at Y/N who shook her head as a chuckle escaped her lips, the two making their way back to their home. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“For what?” Y/N asked, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked up to meet her brother’s eyes, seeing the sadness in his bright blue irises. His hand reached over to grab hers, his fingers brushing over her daylight ring which also held the Salvatore crest and he took a deep breath before looking back up at her.
“Stefan and I have to be the worst brothers in the world…” “You heard what I said to Elena,” Y/N said and he nodded, making her sigh. Only now did she realize that of course Damon would’ve heard some, if not all, of what she had said and she felt the embarrassment creeping in as she recalled her words. “I-There’s really no need to apologize- I didn’t mean-” Y/N couldn’t form a complete sentence, her stuttering continuing as she pulled away, wanting nothing more than to vampire speed her way out of there. She hadn’t meant to let her emotions get the better of her, spewing all the built up emotions she had locked away all these years. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes but she violently wiped them away, swatting Damon’s hand as he reached for her.
“Y/N-” The younger sister shook her head, refusing to look as her older brother reached for her again, letting out a yelp as he gripped onto her wrist, pulling her into a hug. His hand was quick to cradle the back of her head, her eyes widening, “I am so sorry.” He whispered against her hair and she sniffled, feeling the tears fall as stood in his hug, his arms holding her tight. 
“You may not believe me at the moment and I would understand if you didn’t,” Y/N heard Damon speak in her head and she closed her eyes, clinging onto him as she hid in his chest, “I know history is repeating itself as much as I’d hate to admit it but we will be different, little sister. You are home, we are all together and we will do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”
“Okay,” Y/N whispered, nodding her head slightly and Damon gave her a squeeze before pulling away, cupping her cheeks before using his thumbs to wipe her tears. Her blue eyes looked up to look at his, smiling as he placed a light kiss to her head before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. The two walked home where Stefan waited, his arms opening to take Y/N into a hug, making her giggle as they swayed slightly in the doorway. 
“Where’s Elena?” Y/N asked, looking up at Stefan who sighed before pulling her into another tight hug.
“She’s at home with Jeremy. She wanted time to process and we decided some family bonding time was needed,” Stefan said, his chin resting on her head and Damon placed his hand on Stefan’s shoulder. “We play nice for one night for now, little sister and when we’re done helping Elena, we promise another one. Sounds good?” Damon asked and she giggled, nodding her head as she wrapped an arm around each of them, all three disappearing into the house. As they all worked to clean all the paper that were sprawled across the room, Y/N could feel eyes and glanced at the window, a smirk on her lips as Matthew perched himself on the window sill outside. She gave him a wink before turning back to her brothers, giggling as Stefan threw some paper in her face and she was quick to grab a pillow, using her speed to throw it. Stefan caught it with ease, smiling at her but he let out a grunt when another pillow flew his way, making Y/N laugh for a moment before one was flown at her. The two looked at Damon who was smirking proudly at his sneak attack but that quickly fell when they grabbed the pillows he threw. “Get away from me,” He said sternly but his younger siblings didn’t listen, all three using their vampire speed to fly around the house, pillows in hand. Thuds from pillows flying and laughs filled the Salvatore household as the siblings had their little pillow fight. For a moment, when Y/N leaned against a wall hiding and letting out a breath, she was brought back to when all three of her brothers were back in the mansion that was their home in 1864. Y/N felt the scene vanish, the hallways dissolving into the ones in the manor, her jeans and shirt being replaced with a casual dress that puffed around her waist. Her hair was waved down her back and as Stefan and Damon rounded the corners, they too were dressed how they did back when they were mortals. Y/N smiles as her brothers approached her and she was suddenly thrust back into the present, the memories of the past vanishing in a storm of sand. Sand. 
“Elena needs us,” Damon said suddenly, though his tone showed his hesitation to say so as he look at his phone screen. Stefan and Y/N looked at him with furrowed brows and he sighed softly.
“Why did Elena message you?” Stefan asked
“I don’t think that’s the right question, brother,” Y/N said and she placed her hand on his arm, “Is she alright?”
“She stabbed Jeremy. No time to explain. Let’s go, Stefan,” Y/N could see the pain in Stefan’s eyes but he followed Damon nonetheless, Y/N brushing her brothers off before they could apologize.
“I have my own appointment to attend to,” Y/N smiled and her brothers looked at her with curious eyes before she smiled and they were gone. The sound of flapping wings filled her ears and she looked up at Matthew who sneakily flew into the residence, perching himself on the post of the stairs. “Just the raven I wanted to see.” “Here to be the best guide into the Dreaming, Miss Y/N!”
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the-firebird69 · 10 days
These people are very hypercritical of our son and daughter and has translated to their personal lives and their kind of attacking each other with comments and it has turned into some sort of threat war and they're trying to pull each other and intimidate each other on a nonstop basis and they are getting hurt doing it and getting killed being these class **** characters that you hear running around in circles they're running into a brick wall and that leads us to the next topic which is having a deep decent lifestyle they've been saying it lately and our son doesn't deserve one and he's not one of us and that kind of **** so we started to come down on them and we're telling them to go to hell and they're not understanding what we're saying so we're going to put it in writing and tell them in no uncertain terms are you supposed to treat them like this and it's lawsuits tons of them most of them are against Matt Morlock and it is something that the max had planned to happen and they plan to award him money from all of the lawsuits And to keep him hot and to keep these people dying these guys started talking about that and it was not a welcome discussion by the empire and they said we're going to screw ourselves one more time and that's what they're up to still. So they did acknowledge that it probably is wrong and that there's going the wrong way and that they're constantly doing it. It's gonna be awhile before things go back to normal and it will take a big effort and it will never be the same but it will it will change from what it is now this is ridiculous these these guys threaten a ridiculous amount of times a day and they're stupid and they're unrelenting and they're wrong and the reason why they're wrong is that they just don't understand what they're doing but it can't be accepted and it won't be so we are going to actually help change what's happening. And there are signs that that is going on right now and we won't be deterred from it but there are certain things that are coming to our attention that are very upsetting and you people are disgusting so we are turning it up on you and as we turn it up your numbers are going downwards there will be a moment in time coming up soon where massive numbers of you are going to disappear and it is approaching that hour and you will regret all of this stuff and some of you will be too stupid to but a lot of you will regret it is the wrong thing to do. more shortly
Thor Freya
we need his stuff to et don here now
we shall all
Thor Ferya Frank Castle Hardcastle Duke Nukem Blockbuster an more to see as well and we clear need it now
good great work good
Hera me too thse gotta go
and we do that soon and we spoke she acknoledggs it good
he says
Thor Freya
0 notes
jin0 · 3 years
Can I request a reader Peter Parker Andrew first big fight ? 🥺 and ending it with fluff. I’m obsessed with your writing and the way you write angst
Healing Broken Hearts and Broken Bones [TASM!Peter Parker]
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Summary : Peter was ready to lie and get himself practically killed for you. You would never accept that, because he was just as much your everything as you were his.
Pairing : TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
Warning : 18+ ONLY, Minors DNI, mentions of blood (like a lot), wounds, miscommunication, angst, fighting and yelling and crying, a lot of feels and emotions honestly, kinda toxic i feel like ?? like these two are really violently in love it's kinda scary, and fluff too (i feel like absolute trash about my fluff writing capacities but yeah...)
A/N : OKAY !! JUST A HEADS UP !!! I DO NOT TAKE REQUESTS !!! i just felt really emo and inspired by this but i kinda also feel like it's really bad so yeah... i have another one for matt murdock but these are gonna be the only one I'll take until my milestone where I'll have something special for you guys :)
He should’ve seen it coming, you were always too smart to be tricked. Or maybe he was too in love and loyal to truly try. Spiderman was known for his quick wits and jokes and also for being really good at coming up with plans that he was the only one capable of understanding. At least, he’d been the only one until you. You didn’t necessarily outsmart him, it was more of a language thing. You spoke fluent Spiderman and even better Peter Parker.
Maybe that’s why he had fallen so hard for you, bending and folding his world to fit you. He’d done it unconsciously, working like a robot made to love you. He thought, no, knew, that you two were soulmates. That’s why tricking you was useless. He could try and save his reputation by saying that it wasn’t his fault you made him so stupid for you, he couldn’t think of anything smart to save his life. Now that would be implying that Peter cared about his reputation at all.
That stupidity of his easily translated into groundbreaking recklessness. He would be reckless, practically getting himself terribly hurt anytime you were in the picture. A bad guy had had the misfortune of taking someone hostage in the crowd once and unlucky him, this person had been you. That day, the crowd had witnessed Spiderman, the friendly neighborhood hero lose it. He had punched and punched until his knuckles were showing, covered in blood, and he was panting heavily. He only stopped when he felt your hands on his back, begging him to stop.
You hated the cheesy and corny trope of the girl saving her boyfriend from losing himself but it was needed at the time. Peter didn’t care about how people viewed him, but you did, because he was good and so was Spiderman. You knew he was a good guy, that’s why he was your boyfriend as well as your partner.
The vigilante life would get lonely and finding you had been another blessing in his life. He never thanked the sky enough for the girl dressed in flowy white and carrying a golden spear who had flown in front of him when his web had given up on him. That day, he had truly seen his life flash before his eyes and you had been the light at the end.
Maybe it was some obscure form of Stockholm syndrome or something else that had him this attached to you, but you were just as in love for him as he was. Which is why it hurt the most to see you here, sitting in the dark, staring at his figure as he tried to slip back into his apartment as discreetly as possible.
His senses were always turned on you, he felt your eyes on him and exhaled. This was about to turn very bad for the both of you, he knew it and already hated it. This would be a fight, and the first in your relationship. Even after all this time, he could feel the first storm raining on him.
Turning around slowly, he opened his mouth to speak, explain himself as fast as he could, but when you adverted your face he kept quiet. He couldn’t say a thing, not when you were looking away from him, your face hard and full of emotions. You were trying to keep in the anger and the tears, you were trying but it was hard.
He dropped his mask, rubbing his bloody face to hide how badly hurt he was but it only resulted in him wincing in pain. He cleared his throat, turning away from you and searching for clean clothes before walking away from you. You looked at him in disbelief, he was walking away ? Right now ? No, you wouldn’t take it.
“Where were you ?” You asked, voice hard as you stood up to follow him.
“Patrolling, you can go to sleep princess. I’ll be joining you in a little.” He responded, keeping his face away from your line of vision.
“You fucking liar !”
You slammed the door open, forcing him to turn towards you by pushing his shoulder and inhaled sharply at the vision. He didn’t fight you, to tired to do so or maybe because he didn’t want to. Fighting you was useless when he knew you’d win from the beginning. He had already partaken in one battle tonight and was trying his best to avoid a second one.
Your face scrunched in a displeased expression, your eyes filling up with tears as you watched his face, covered in blood and other wounds. You didn’t have it in you to look lower, knowing that the rest of his body was probably in a way worse state.
“Please… Please princess, go to sleep…” He pleaded, trying to keep in his pained grunts.
“You’re asking me to go to sleep when you look like this ? Where were you Peter ?!”
“I told you… P-Patrolling. I just came across a minor incident. It’s nothing to worry about.” He was breathing heavily, swallowing back his pain as he struggled with taking his suit off. You could smell the lie from miles away, his usual cheerful and teasing tone replaced by this dull and pained voice.
“Stop lying to me ! Where were you Peter !? Where the fuck were you ?!”
“Princess… I’m begging you to please go to fucking sleep ! Please, for once in your fucking life, listen to me !” He kept his back entirely turned, leaning forward so that you wouldn’t hear him painfully spit out blood. You were only getting angrier, his attempt making you grit your teeth tight. You could hear his voice tremble, he was struggling to keep himself together when he was in pain and getting just as emotional as you. You saw his hands grip on the sink and practically break the ceramic.
You walked up to the hero, trying to force him to look at you which resulted in him walking away from you again.
“Stop walking away and tell me where you were Peter ! Where were you the whole fucking night and don’t you fucking dare tell me you were patrolling because I’m not fucking stupid ! I’m not fucking dumb and you’re taking me for a fucking clown right now ! Where were you ?!”
Snapping towards you, you finally got to see the anger and tears spilling out if his eyes, drenching his bloody face.
“Why do you fucking ask ?! Why do you want to push and ask when you know where I was ?! You know I was out fighting the fucking dick who threatened to murder you on national television, that’s what I was doing !” He snapped, voice so loud and deep, it made the entire room shake and your body vibrate.
You smiled through your own tears, a smile as fake as they could get. You remembered the guy he was talking about. Some petty thief who’d gotten his hands on an artifact your family had been looking for. Magical things in the hands of a commoner who enjoyed shiny and pricey things was never a good thing. You had been home, watching his trial as years of stolen objects were finally revealed and while being taken by the authorities, he screamed at the top of his lungs that he would get out and get to you first. He vowed to carve your heart out and keep it as his most prized possession. Petty men were never the best at managing their emotions.
You knew the man you loved and the things he would do to keep you safe. Superpowers or not, you were his everything and your safety meant that he would go above and beyond to protect you. Even if that meant breaking your thrust in the process. He would never handle this but he’d rather you not thrust him than you dying.
The man had managed to escape the high facility prison he had been in. You found out when you woke up alone in Peter’s bed. The sheets were still warm and the window was open wide. The patrolling excuse would’ve worked if the TV hadn’t been on, broadcasting the fight between Spiderman and the thief who had found heavy weaponry. It had been only a few minutes before he came home, the fight over a long time ago.
In these five minutes, you’d remembered how you had him promise to not do anything without you if it got bad. You reminded him that you were safe and that he didn’t need to worry but that if he did worry and decide to act, you would do it together. Because you were a team. A team before anything, and working together was what you did.
“I keep begging you to fucking go to sleep and to leave me be but no ! You have to stay and ask questions ! You keep fucking asking and asking and asking when you know exactly what happened !”
“That’s the problem Peter ! I can’t sleep ! How can I fucking sleep when you keep breaking your promises and hurting yourself in the fucking process ?! You don’t care that you’re lying to me, but God forbid I lie to protect you ! God forbid I hide something from you because i want to keep you safe ! Suddenly, when I do it, it’s the fucking end of the world !”
“Yes it is ! Yes it fucking is and there’s nothing to do about it !” His voice had boomed in the bathroom, resonating loudly and shaking the apartment even harder. He’d slam his fist in the wall and made a hole in it, bruising his knuckles a little more.
You should’ve bee scared of him, anyone would be in this situation. Your very first fight and it was already that bad.
He marched towards you but quickly changed direction to face the wall and hide his tearful face. He wasn’t in any state to be this angry and to feel this many emotions. All of them were suddenly stacking up over each other, his wounds still dripping blood down his chest and his mind suddenly going fuzzy.
“You don’t fucking understand ! You think I can just stand there and watch this fucker threaten your life like this ?! Act as if nothing was going on and as if I’d be fine not doing anything !?”
“It was just some random petty thief Peter ! Not some grand psychopath !” You countered, swinging your arms in the air in disbelief and exasperation.
“I don’t give a fuck ! I couldn’t fucking care less !” He responded, looking into your eyes. “I don’t care if it’s just a fucking thief, I don’t care if it’s a pervert in the middle of the fucking street or whoever it could be ! As small and insignificant these people are, I can’t stand on the side and watch them threaten to hurt you as if your life was disposable !”
“So you’d rather lie to me and break a promise than let it go ?! You’d rather get hurt and bleed everywhere you go than let it go Peter ?! Is it that important to you ?!”
“Yes it fucking is ! Because that’s your life behind ! Your life on the line !”
You scoffed, a condescending look on your face. You sniffed hard, wiping the tears that covered your cheeks and adverted your eyes from him.
“Yeah because obviously, if it was ever needed, I wouldn’t be able to take a petty thief with fancy gadgets. Thanks for thrusting my capacities too.”
“Don’t you fucking dare think that I don’t trust you and your capacities. It’s not about that. It’s about the fact that you could be the fucking physical embodiment of the universe itself that I would do everything in my power to protect you. Because I fucking love you.” He snarled, glaring at you before going back to his wounds.
The implication that he didn’t trust you offended him to a point that did surprise you and him. He trusted you, with everything he had, blindly too. If you told him to jump, he would ask how high. He was madly in love for you and trusting you was the first thing he did. But he wouldn’t mind breaking your trust if it meant keeping you safe.
You couldn’t look at him, not when you were this angry at him while he was wounded. This point you were trying to make was already hard to deal with but having to make it while he looked like it crushed you. You felt like your lungs were giving up on you at the vision of the wounds that covered his body. You could smell the blood, metallic scent covering everything and making you nauseous. You couldn’t take it, your hands trembling and sweating profusely. The blood wasn’t stopping and speaking was getting more and more difficult. You could barely organize your thoughts without swallowing back a sob each time you heard him wince.
Was this love ? Being willing to hurt yourself to the worst point for the other ? Being ready to suffer this much pain and wounds if it meant safety for the other ? If this was love, you loved Peter enough to let him go. You couldn’t fathom seeing him get hurt this much every time someone threatened you. That would kill you overtime, constantly worrying about what could have him killed, because of you.
“What ?” Suddenly asked the man, put off by your sudden silence. “You’re not gonna say anything more ? That’s it ?”
You kept quiet, finally letting the tears you’d tried to keep in, flow out of your eyes and cover your soft cheeks. Maybe this was for the best, maybe overtime, you’d feel better about this choice.
“Let’s break up…”
As soon as you said theses words, his eyes double in size and his senses started ringing, his entire being on alert. No, absolutely not. He refused. The pain didn’t matter anymore, as he rushed to you, the blood dripping everywhere. When you saw the deep gashes on his chest widen and drip big scarlet droplets on the bathroom floor, you started panicking, your previous restraint completely abandoned. You shuffled towards him, holding his shoulders and trying to push him back towards the sink.
He fought you hard, harder than he should’ve, pushing your hands away. They were warm and comforting, felt like home. This feeling alone was a justification sufficient enough for him to not care about how he felt. He’d think about his wounds after he would get this stupid idea out of your pretty head.
“P-Peter please, don’t fucking move so much ! You’re gonna bleed out if you keep going ! Stop fucking moving !” You exclaimed, trying to stop the blood with towels that he ripped out if your hands.
“I don’t fucking care about bleeding out ! You just said you wanted to fucking breakup ! Me bleeding out is the last thing you should focus on !”
“No it isn’t and that’s why we can’t stay together if you keep thinking that way ! You take your life as a fucking disposable thing ! You ignore your vital needs and safety for me and I can’t stand it ! I’d rather walk away and give you a fucking reason to hate than go to your fucking funeral !” You wailed, cries echoing in the small bathroom.
Finally looking at you, he felt it. The worry, the desperation, the love, the anger, he felt it all and could see it. It was all in your eyes, these beautiful eyes that he loved more than anything but avoided since he came back. He was finally seeing you, the woman he loved, and the issue you had.
How could he not see it, how could he not understand when you’d made it so clear. You weren’t mad, or at least not entirely. You were scared, terrified even. What he could see in your face that’s what he’d felt the whole night while he was fighting that man. Terror. The pure terror of losing you, that terror that pushed him into a corner of desperate actions. Actions that would hurt him and you both but that would probably be good on the long run.
You both worked on the same things, your motives so similar that it was painful to think about. You truly were soulmates, it just took a few too much to figure it out.
“Y-You think I want to fucking break up, really ?! I love you so much, I feel like I should talk to a specialist sometimes ! I feel like I might not be mentally well but I still love you ! Because that’s the only thing I want to do ! I only want to love you ! But you keep fucking doing this ! You keep acting like your life was disposable and like it was okay because you did it out of love ! Fuck that ! Fuck you and your love ! I’d rather you hate me than being fucking dead ! Because if you die, I lose everything ! Because you, Peter fucking Parker, the national fucking dumbass, are everything to me ! You’re everything and it hurts to see how willing you are to break yourself and me in the process just to keep me alive !” You cried, tears dripping down the floor and mixing with the blood.
Snot was running down your face too and you should’ve been embarrassed about it but you weren’t, you were in no mood to care about your snotty nose when you had a point to make.
You go close to him, poking his chest in a spot that was covered in blood but didn’t have any wound under. You started poking repeatedly, each time harder and harder. He kept quiet, watching you in silence, his own eyes filling with tears as he saw you slowly crumble even more.
“You keep acting like it’s okay for me to hate you if I get to live. Even if you don’t. Well guess what you fucking dickhead, this is the worst thing you could do to me ! I’m stupidly in love with you and you make me feel fucking stupid every time you put me first because it always ends with you bloody and bruised when I’m more than capable of protecting myself !”
“But that’s the problem ! I don’t want you to have to protect yourself ! I want to be able to do this for you !”
“And I want you safe and sound Peter ! Why can’t you understand that I need you safe and sound to be okay ! I need you as safe as you could be being fucking Spiderman ! I need you to be fucking okay to fucking sleep at night ! I need you to be okay to eat or to simply fucking breath ! I need you to be okay to live ! Because I get terrified that one day you won’t be okay because of me and that you won’t be there at all after !” You sobbed against his chest, getting blood and tears all over your hands and face as you wiped them off.
“See ?! That’s exactly how I fucking feel and I can’t stand it ! This fucking fear of losing you and ending up alone ! That’s killing me ! You’re scared that I die ?! Well I’ll be dead no matter what if you’re gone !”
Looking at his face, the anger back on your features, they were quick to soften when you noticed his head in his hands. He was leaning against the sink, shoulders shaking and muffled sniffing noise resonating in the room as he tried to cry in silence. He was never scared to cry in front of you but admitting to himself that he was scared did something to him, something so good he could barely talk about it to describe it. He felt overwhelmed by a sense of comfort and peace, a weigh being lifted off his shoulders as soon as he admitted to himself and to you that he was scared of losing you. He was terrified of the weight and power you had over him and what it made him do but he was too far gone to stop himself. He was always ready to do more, for you and your safety. Team or not.
Walking towards him, your reflexes and instincts were quick to act for you, your body sliding between his legs to hug him as tight as you could. You felt him sink in your arms, sobbing on your shoulder and hold your waist tightly against him.
Neither of you cared about the blood soaking your shirt as you held him. Your hand kept combing through his hair, whispering softly that you were sorry and that you loved him. You needed him to know you loved him, because you did, so, so, so much. You loved him too much maybe, not for you but for some. Enough to bend the world for him and bring down all the stars there were.
Lifting his face, you pecked his lips tenderly, his sobs still loud and his breathing still as heavy as it would be for an asthmatic. He was trying to tell you back that he loved you but his words would be muffled by his cries, which you thought was adorable. You’d kiss him again and complete the words fir him while he’d nod hard to validate your guesses.
“I… I get so… S-So scared that if I don’t protect you… You’ll get hurt and leave me… I can’t stand that thought and I won’t fucking try to because I hate it… Your life is everything I need, and… And trying my best to keep you safe is all I’ll do if I have to…” He muttered, kissing your cheeks as you kept on holding his in your hands.
“I know baby… I know… But I need you… I need you to be there… With me… There’s no point in me being safe if… If I don’t have you…” You smiled, looking into his eyes with so much love, he thought he’d drown on the spot.
Cupping your cheeks softly and cooing at you, he kissed your forehead tenderly through his tears. His lips lowered, traveling around your face and going through your cheeks, your nose, your eyelids and ending on your soft lips. He lingered on your lips, his own needing to feel your warmth burn through his skin and carve itself on his body.
He was an idiot, a reckless one, who had seen his actions as a necessary evil to not be terrified but who had completely ignored the possibility of you being terrified for him. He went above and beyond to protect you, even when it wasn’t needed but completely forgot that a part of protecting you meant reassuring you when you felt scared and alone. Just like now. You were scared and alone because he pushed you away, and that realization killed him. You were scared because he forgot to do what he had promised : take care of himself.
He had been in love, so in love, that he had completely ignored the most basic rules when it came to being in love and in a relationship with someone : don’t break a promise and don’t hurt the other. Work as a team, no, a couple. You two were idiots in love who just so happened to be ready to go to the darkest corners to protect the other.
When he tried to lift you off the floor, you started to squirm away, trying to keep him in place and moving the least amount possible. You pushed him away as gently as you could while also scolding him profusely for trying to hurt himself again. He watched with live and admiration as you checked his body up and down for any sign of more pain that he would let through. You needed him to be okay, that’s all you needed. He smiled, you were the woman of his life, his everything and here you were, providing that there was no one better to keep his heart.
“Bunny… Bunny, look at me… Please Bunny, let me see your pretty face.” He called, searching your eyes as you moved your head out of his line of view repeatedly. You needed to be sure he was okay. “Bunny, you can stop looking, I’m okay, I’m not bleeding as much anymore. Please look at me…”
You raised you head to star into his eyes, a disapproving pout on your face. His smile grew bigger, impossible to control. He had been feeling every negative emotions in the book, all at once and it was suddenly bringing him back to life to see you pout.
Raising his hands softly, he took ahold or your face softly, cupping your cheeks and kissing you tenderly. The kiss shifted nature, going from soft and tender to passionate and desperate. His lips were molding over your, sucking on your flesh and bringing you closer every time you tried to back away from him. He needed to taste you, to feel your warmth on him. This first fight had drained his entire being and you were what he needed to be back on track.
“I love you Bunny… And I’m sorry. For not protecting myself better.” He whispered, leaning his forehead against yours when you pulled away.
You could feel his breath fanning over your lips, his eyes closed and his nose rubbing against yours. You whined, needing to feel him on your lips again. He knew you better than he knew himself sometimes and that was one of the things he understood perfectly. When you needed him to love you as visibly as he could. And God, could this boy love you. After all, he was ready to die for you.
“Let’s do things right Bunny… Help me fix these and then let’s go to bed and cuddle okay ?”
You didn’t want to fight him, completely drained of your energy, so you nodded, accepting his deal. He was lucky, whatever power you had came with pretty neat healing tactics and spells. Worked wonders and it always felt good in these situations, giving you the possibility to punch him for being stupid and getting hurt badly.
Once you were done, he was quick to scoop you up in his arms, spinning you around as he carried you bridal style to the bed. He moved you in his arms before sitting down and placing you on his lap. He crawled backwards on the mattress until his back hit the pillows and got comfortable before tucking the both of you under the covers.
“Bunny…” He whispered, waiting for you to look at him. “You really meant it when you said you’d find all the Ouija boards in the world to ruin death for me ?”
“Yeah… I don’t give a fuck if it means having the literal devil in my living room. I know he’ll side with me cause you were being stupid.” You grumbled, nuzzling closer to him and kissing the base of his neck tenderly. You needed to feel him, to heal from all that fighting.
“No one has ever promised to reverse haunt me before. That’s probably the most romantic thing anyone as ever planned on doing for me. You’re really the best, you know that Bunny ?” He smiled against the crown of your head, his lips warm and comforting. You both needed as much contact as possible and you were getting it in the perfect way.
“Yeah well…” You got up from his chest, leaning on your elbows over his head. “Don’t take this as a fucking chance to die so that I can reverse haunt you Parker. I’ll resurrect you and beat the dog shit out of you.” You threatened before facepalming into his shoulder again. He simply chuckled, pecking your forehead repeatedly as his hand ran up and down your back in a soft and soothing motion.
Suddenly wrapping your legs around him, you made him fall to the side, before laying on the mattress and inviting him to lay on you instead. You did not have to ask him twice, the man diving down to nuzzle into your neck. He inhaled a big breath of your scent, letting it fully sip into his cells and bring him back to his happiest place, you.
He let out a purr of comfort and smiled against your skin when your lips met the side of his face in a tender kiss. His hands wandered lower, grazing the curve of your ass and settling on the back of your thighs. He sigh in relief at the simple contact, his entire body shivering when the warmth of your flesh traveled to his body. He rubbed the tip of his nose on your collarbone while raising your legs to wrap around his waist again and keep him tightly held on top of you.
He squirmed a little more on top of you, which made you smile lovingly, he was always very picky about the perfect position to cuddle you in depending on his mood. You kept quiet, letting his long fingers guide your body like a puppet master would. He was in control and you’d simply follow whatever he wanted from you. His hands went back up, one of them circling your waist and pulling you tighter to his chest, while the other went up to your back to lay flat on your shoulder blades.
When you heard him exhale, you knew he was done, in the perfect position, one he picked regularly (if not all the time) and still needed time to find perfectly. The only movement he made after was lowering himself to jury his nose between your breasts.
“Finally comfortable ?” You ask, wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing his further into your chest which resulted in a groan of happiness from him. You chuckled, kissing his forehead and his eyelids.
He tightened his hold around your waist, forehead kisses were his kryptonite, making him melt at your feet each time.
“Yeah… All cozy against my Bunny. My sweet, sweet, sweet Bunny… God, I love you so fucking much Bunny… You know that ?” He asked, voice husky and making your body vibrate under his.
“Yeah I do… You love me, and I love you… My Bug Boy… I love you… Love you… Love you…” You muttered, feeling the sleep crawl into your brain.
And finally then, was he back on that cloud of love and perfection he loved so much. He was finally able to block out the world and whatever it wanted from him to fully focus on you. You, his everything and more. He finally could feel the terror and the anger and sadness from earlier be completely annihilated to be replaced by you, shining bright over all his worries. He was at peace, with himself and with you, you were peace. And so was he, to you.
In the moment, with your hand running down his scalp and softly grazing his nape, you felt like you were both making another promise to each other. One you knew you’d both keep. In that moment, you promised each other to never hurt each other, even if it was to protect the other. You promised to never let fear drive you apart and push you towards danger. Nothing was worth losing the other to keep the other alive. You both deserved to love each other for as long as the universe would allow, all that while being as safe as you could be. The lives you lived were already gloomy and bloody enough, you did not need to make it worst, so you wouldn’t.
And while you were at it, this fight was a good enough lesson. A first that went so terribly wrong that you’d learn to let your questions out before letting the anger show. It was easier said than done indeed, which is why a first fight like this was a good lesson. You’d spend the rest of your relationship growing and learning to share the fear before it turned into anger. This was a first, you would have other fights (not that you wanted it, but it was inevitable in a heathy couple. Now as a healthy couple, you’d keep them to a minimum) and these, you would handle them better.
Because you were a team and you would do it together. No matter what.
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Not You Too
Marc Spector X Lawyer!Reader Khonshu had been quiet, not wanting for his avatar to get into any more issues when it came to his well being. There was nothing worse than being labeled as insane when you were stuck in a maximum security prison. His lawyer had been assigned to him, learning all about his DID as he waited for the dreaded day of his trial. a/n:thank you to everyone who reads and leaves comments! cw:violence, murder, gore, death, blood
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Marc wasn’t sure what had happened after he’d been arrested, Layla’s blood covering his clothes as they shoved him harshly into the backseat of the patrol car. How could they blame him? He was innocent in all of this, he would never murder her. No one believed him though, refusing his phone call longer than seemed legal. He didn’t complain though, knowing he would be better off inside the prison than out with everyone else. He’d end up in prison anyway when he found the person that murdered her.
Khonshu had been quiet, not wanting for his avatar to get into any more issues when it came to his well being. There was nothing worse than being labeled as insane when you were stuck in a maximum security prison. His lawyer had been assigned to him, learning all about his DID as he waited for the dreaded day of his trial.
“Matt, they’re not going to believe a single word I say, they’ll hear that I have two other people in this body and say one of them killed her, I know it,” Marc wasn’t stupid, he’d accepted his fate months ago “I’m going to figure this out, just try and stay out of trouble until the trial if you can,” Matt knew the truth, Marc couldn’t hide any secrets from him.
He’d done as much research as he could, reading through every single detail more times than he had for any past client. There was something about Marc that made Matt want to do his job even harder. Marc Spector wasn’t a killer, he made it obvious each time they met for a pre-trial conversation.
“All I can see whenever I try and sleep is her lifeless body, I never should’ve left that day, they wouldn’t of been able to break in,” Marc had always blamed himself, that she had been murdered because of him.
Matt stayed quiet, noting the way his new partner, due to Foggy being out sick, tensed slightly at the mention of Layla’s death. You had been offered the job by Foggy the moment you graduated from law school, he’d been friends with your older brother, and when he mentioned where you were going to school Foggy jumped at the chance.
“You couldn’t have known this would happen, whoever murdered Layla knew you would be leaving, this was planned,” Matt needed to keep Marc calm, unsure of how he’d react to bringing up why exactly they were meeting, again.
The guards took Marc back to his cell after the hour-long session Matt had booked, gathering as much information that he could. He knew you were writing down everything you could, afraid to leave any details out that could be important.
“He didn’t do it, you can see how heartbroken he is over her death,” You kept your voice quiet, afraid if you spoke too loud you would break the bubble you and Matt had found yourselves in.
You’d known all about Matt’s secret life, how he could tell whether someone was lying or not, that he’d even used it on you when you first started at the firm. Karen had been apprehensive, you seemed so young to be a lawyer.
Your first case proved everyone wrong, you won the case within a day, which shocked not only Karen, and Foggy, but Matt as well. He’d never felt more proud after that day, you were determined to make sure no innocent person went to prison.
“I know, Foggy mentioned that the crime scene photos didn’t seem to capture everything either, that things were missing,” It seemed to click in his mind, why would they leave out any evidence? 
“It was someone on the inside, someone that knew what to hide to make sure Marc went to prison. We need to get the rest of those photos,” You nearly ran out of the room, leaving Matt behind, though you knew he could find his way out just fine.
Unfortunately the guards would be slightly suspicious, sure he used his cane to get around, but to magically know where a door was or if someone was too close? Yeah, it didn't really seem normal for a blind man.
“I’ll call Foggy when we get outside, he’ll have a better chance at getting anything we’re missing,” Matt wasn’t sure how Foggy had become more of a smooth talker than he was, especially when it came to risky trials.
You nodded slowly, keeping a grip on Matt’s arm as you led him back out to your car, the sooner you two could talk in private, the better. Matt slipped into the passenger seat, holding his bag on his lap as you got into the driver's seat.
“I’ve been in contact with Frank,” You were terrified to admit to Matt you’d been talking to Frank Castle again, that man had put you in more danger than anyone else you knew.
“Y/N,” Matt’s tone was exasperated, he knew exactly the type of person Frank was.
“I know! But we need his help, and he’s willing to do some digging without breaking any laws, I promise,” Frank had treated you like a sister, someone he felt the need to protect at all costs.
Matt wanted him to be as far away from you as possible, the man was too dangerous for his own good. Of course that didn’t mean Matt even wanted you to be around him at times, considering his nightly activities.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Matt risked a glance in your general direction.
“Not really, but I’m not going to let an innocent man rot in prison because of someone else,” You’d suspect they were jealous of Marc, or they had a vendetta against him for something due to his past.
“Such a bleeding heart,” Matt smiled to himself, you had refused to hide your true persona from anyone.
Matt knew better than to poke fun at the way you showed emotion, lord knows he wouldn’t be able to show anyone true emotion even if it killed him. Maybe he should open up a little more, it would get him back into Foggy’s good graces, mainly cause he’d been pissing off his friend once again.
You parked once you reached the firm, pulling out your phone to see if Frank had gotten back with any information. To your delight he’d sent a few messages, most were pictures along with a small description as if you couldn’t figure out what you were looking at.
“Frank’s got something for us, I’ll see if he can swing by for a few minutes,” You got out of the car, gathering your things before heading up to the office. Matt followed close behind.
Foggy was busy behind his desk, typing away at what seemed like lightning speed, even Matt was stunned at the pace the other man was holding. Maybe he’d gotten a new case, trying to get all the information down before he missed something important.
“You two, sit down,” Foggy hadn’t stopped typing at all, eyes glued to the screen with total focus.
You raised your brow, plopping down into the chair across from his desk. Karen was working quietly, typing in the paperwork that sat beside her left arm. Foggy didn’t stop until Matt sat down beside you, fixing the chair so he could rest against the back comfortably.
“What’s going on? Sounds like you’re trying to light a fire with that keyboard,” Matt wasn’t sure if this was an appropriate time to make jokes or not, but after the day you two had had it felt needed.
“Someone at the station noticed there was a lot of evidence missing, apparently the knife that had been used was ‘suddenly missing’ and no one’s been able to find it. They’re expecting foul play now,” That sounded perfect, they could prove that it wasn’t Marc, he wouldn’t of been able to steal the murder weapon while imprisoned.
Matt went to open his mouth, to say that even if the evidence was missing it wouldn’t be enough to prove Marc was innocent. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on who you asked at the moment, Frank walked into their office.
“I know who murdered the wife, and even have a witness that saw him leave during the time of the murder,” Frank sounded so confident, chest puffed out as he glanced at you.
You wanted to jump up from your chair and hug the man so tight he lost his breath, but you knew there would be more to the case than that. Matt would need to speak to the witness and bring them forward, to have them tell a jury the truth. Now, all they needed was for this witness to survive until after the trial.
6 Months Later
Matt was downright terrified, there had been many murder attempts on the witnesses life, they’d had to resort to hiding them to make sure Marc became a free man. Even with all the evidence they’d gathered they needed to make sure anyone who had seen the actual killer stayed alive. Matt went out at night more often, not willing to risk the life of anyone that was deemed important to the case.
Marc had kept to himself, refusing to rise to any bait that had been thrown his way from the other inmates. They’d tried to fight him on multiple occasions, hearing the rumor of how he’d killed Layla, ignoring his pleas that it wasn’t true. Steven refused to front, knowing he would get pummeled into the ground the moment he opened his mouth. Jake had taken over most of the time, keeping his lips sealed and staying in his cell whenever he could.
Marc couldn’t stop reliving that night in his head, holding Layla’s lifeless body in his arms as he sobbed into her cold skin. The one woman he’d truly loved was gone, taken from this world before her time was up.
As Marc sat beside Matt, Foggy, and You he waited to hear what the verdict would be, listening to different testimonies for hours on end. There was no way they’d let him out, not without proof and evidence that he truly hadn’t killed her.
It wasn’t until a short hispanic woman had taken the stand, her frail hand resting atop of the bible as she swore to speak nothing but the truth. Jake felt an odd connection to her, though he couldn’t truly figure out why. She mentioned seeing two different men force their way into the apartment at the time of the murder, hearing Layla’s muffled screams. They’d threatened anyone who had dared open their doors as the two men tried to flee. 
She’d recalled Marc walking into the apartment, his horrified screams echoing through the halls as he found Layla. Marc was shocked at how much detail she was able to give, even mentioning the dark blue coat he’d had on when he’d gotten back home. They had confiscated his clothes, as was procedure since he was labeled a criminal.
When grilled by the other lawyers, the old woman kept her calm and let them know she was too afraid to speak up, that she had children to worry about. It wasn’t until a man had come to her door, asking if she’d seen anything that she felt comfortable enough to tell her side of the story. The owner of the bodega near Marc’s old apartment had given his own testimony, along with video evidence that Marc was indeed in his store when Layla was murdered.
With all the evidence pointing that Marc was indeed telling the truth, the judge had ruled in his favor, declaring him a free man. He would have to spend at least a week in prison before he would truly be released, the issue of paperwork causing him to go back to that cold cell. He simply thanked the judge before being led off to a back room. Marc wasn’t going to lose his freedom, not when it was so close he could nearly taste it.
“I’m so fucking glad you found her, thank you,” You wrapped your arms around Frank, pulling him into a tight hug.
He chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you flush to his own body. There wasn’t a day that went by without him worrying as well. Frank knew Matt kept an eye on things everyday, but he was afraid something would happen to their witness.
“You always check the scene of the crime, something told me someone had seen something, and I was gonna make sure of it,” Frank let you go after another moment, patting your head gently.
Matt packed up his things along with Foggy, thankful they had been able to prove Marc was truly innocent. The only downside was not knowing where the actual killer was, would they attempt a hit on Marc, or someone close to him?
“I say this calls for celebration,” You’d offered to buy everyone dinner, thankful that the court session had ended before it was too late in the night.
“You know what? I agree,” Matt normally wouldn’t want to celebrate so soon, wanting to wait until Marc was finally out of prison.
“Look at you, finally letting loose,” You laughed, wrapping an arm around his bicep to help lead him out to Foggy’s car.
You’d all carpooled in the morning, deciding it would be easier to drive together rather than take separate cars. Frank declined the offer for dinner, saying he wanted to take Mrs. Garcia back to her apartment to make sure there were no surprise visitors. Matt would be patrolling her building that night, taking out anyone who dared to attack her.
Unfortunately Matt, or Foggy had been prepared to deal with you once they realized you planned on getting drunk. You’d kept saying you planned on celebrating, and you definitely did. 
“Matty! You’re so pretty,” You slapped a hand to his cheek, giggling as you stumbled along the street, Foggy following close behind.
Matt chuckled to himself, trying to hold you upright so they could get you back to your apartment. The pair knew you would wake up tomorrow absolutely miserable, complaining that your head was pounding for hours on end. He’d worry about that tomorrow though, when things didn’t seem as tense. He handed you off to Foggy once the trio reached the apartment, saying he had to head off and do something important.
You and Foggy both knew what he meant, and Matt was thankful you hadn’t blurted out that he was going off to do his things as Daredevil. Foggy made sure you got changed, being careful as to not get a glance as you threw on your favorite sweats and t-shirt, before tucking you into bed. He laid a couple tylenol alongside a glass of water, letting himself out and locking the door behind himself before heading to his own apartment.
Matt waited for your phone call the next morning, frowning once it hit noon and there was nothing but silence. Maybe you were still asleep, or even nursing the rager of a hangover you surely had. He’d asked Frank to swing by and make sure you hadn’t accidentally hurt yourself trying to get out of bed too quickly.
“She’s fucking missing, someone broke in while she was asleep. Looks like she put up a fight,” Frank’s voice was lethal, he was going to find the bastards who took you and kill them himself.
“Don’t do anything drastic, I’m on my way,” Matt threw on whatever clothes were closest, not even caring whether they were clean or not.
Your apartment had been in disarray, your bedding torn off the mattress, your phone laying discarded next to your bed. The glass of water laid on the hardwood floor, water spread out in a wide puddle. There was only one suspect in the back of Matt’s mind, whomever had killed Marc’s wife had gone after you.
“We need to find them before they end up killing her. They know she was part of the trial,” Matt was terrified, though he refused to show it outwardly.
“I know where she is,” Marc’s voice startled them.
How the hell was he already out of prison? The judge had said he wouldn’t be out until the following Monday, this was too soon.
“They bumped up my paperwork, something about being a liability,” Marc scoffed, stepping further into the apartment where Frank and Matt were still brainstorming.
Matt knew Marc could be of use, but he wasn’t sure this would be a good idea, not with him getting out of prison so recently. It wasn’t until he’d mentioned Khonshu and the suit he adorned at night that Matt seemed to loosen his grip on the reins. Frank was all for Marc finding the assholes that took you, ready to torture them until they cried.
“They’re still in New York, some empty warehouse down by the bridge,” Marc furrowed his brow for a moment before the realization dawned on him.
He knew exactly who had taken you, which meant the same people that had kidnapped you had also been the ones who’d murdered Layla.
“How the hell do you know this?” Frank knew there was something different about Marc, but he hadn’t been able to put his finger on it.
Marc grimaced, not sure whether he wanted to let Jake take over so he wouldn’t have to deal with anymore of this shit.
Let go, I’ll make sure those assholes get what they deserve so you don’t have to deal with it.
Marc nodded, letting his consciousness be taken over by the other alter.
“Sorry, there’s not a lot of time and we need to go now,” Jake could give them all the answers they needed later, but first they needed to rescue you.
He didn’t bother to wait for Frank, or Matt, deciding to head out and rescue you whether the other two were on board or not.
“Wait, just give me five minutes so you can have some backup,” Matt normally wouldn’t break out the Daredevil suit so early, but you were important.
Jake didn’t want to wait though, they were wasting precious time that could be used saving you before it was too late. Matt didn’t waste any time, rushing out the door with a quick, ‘five minutes!’ before he was out of the building entirely.
“If she’s hurt, it’s on you two,” Jake normally wouldn’t wait for anyone, not when it came to a mission, but you were important to Matt, and Frank.
True to his word, Matt was on the rooftop no more than five minutes later, red suit adorning his body as he waited for Jake, and Frank. They were going to find you no matter what it took, and take down anyone that had hurt you.
Jake called to Khonshu, nearly begging for the suit so he’d be able to protect you once they found you, there was nothing worse than getting hurt when you needed to be strong.
“How the fuck did your suit just appear?” Frank was floored, he’d seen a lot of shit in his day but nothing compared to that.
“It just sort of happens, helps keep me protected though,” Jake turned and ran across the rooftops, footsteps silent as he landed on the concrete.
A trip that would’ve taken a normal person nearly an hour took the trio a mere twenty minutes, the three men listening for any sign you were inside. Frank could see multiple men with guns, rifles held close to their chest as they paced nervously.
“They’re expecting us, I can count at least five from where we are, might be more wherever they have her held right now,” Frank dropped his bag, reaching in for his own guns.
“Let’s not go in guns blazing, we need to make sure they won’t kill Y/N,” Matt wasn’t entirely sure you were even still alive.
Frank turned to ask Jake what he planned on doing since he was the one who’d found out where you were, only to realize the other man was gone.
“Shit, he went inside already,” Frank set up his vantage point, calculating which point would give him the best advantage.
Jake stuck to the shadows, slinking across the walls as searched for you. There were more people than he’d been expecting, but it was seeing Harrow that things finally clicked. He’d been angry that Marc refused to kill him when given the chance, and knowing he was the cause of everything? It made him want to kill the man even faster.
“I’m gonna get you out of here darling, that’s a promise,” Jake could see where they had you hidden, arms tied behind your back on what looked like a kitchen chair.
Your face was bloody and bruised, shirt torn that let him know you definitely didn’t give in without a fight. At least you were stronger than you looked, it put Jake in a slight sense of ease.
“Make sure nothing happens to her, I’ve got word Marc Spector is out of prison,” Harrow was pacing nervously, cane held tightly in his right hand.
It was obvious he didn’t have his special staff any longer, which meant Jake could kill him with no issue. All he had to do was take out the other idiots and he’d be home free.
Gunshots began to ring out inside the building, Frank taking out everyone who held a rifle in their hands, their bodies hitting the ground with nothing more than a pained grunt. Matt hopped down soon after, incapacitating everyone else that attempted to come after him.
Jake took that as his chance to go after Harrow, grabbing the man by the throat and slamming him into the wall roughly. The mask pulled away from his face.
“Bet you weren’t expecting to see me, were you asshole,” Jake was livid, anger boiling in his blood as he tightened his grip.
“Jake Lockley, what a pleasant surprise,” Harrow’s grin was sickening, he was taking pleasure in knowing he was the one to find you.
“Marc should have killed you when given the chance,” Jake tightened his grip, smirking with Harrow’s choked breaths.
The warehouse was silent, save for Matt attending to you and seeing how severe your wounds were. He wanted to get you out of there as soon as possible, but they couldn’t risk Jake getting caught, not when he’d just been given his freedom.
“They won’t be able to recognize you once I’m done,” The mask pulled over his face once more, hiding his face from the man who’d ruined his life once already.
Frank watched as Jake pummeled Harrow to a bloody pulp, herding the bones crunch beneath his fists, blood soaking into his suit. Matt had gotten you to safety the moment he could, calling Foggy once you were both outside. It wouldn’t look good if Daredevil showed up with a bloody woman in his arms, what would the public think?
Jake walked out a few minutes later, the suit disappearing from his body in the blink of an eye, which startled both you and Frank. Jake let Marc know it was safe to come back out, that no one would be coming after them ever again.
“Is she going to be alright?” Marc had refused to co-front when Jake had taken over, knowing he wouldn’t be able to handle it.
“As far as I can tell, I think she’s mainly in shock right now,” Matt had your head propped up, being careful of your injuries, whether they were external or internal.
Marc knelt down beside you, checking over what he could see. It was obvious they’d beaten you pretty badly, but there didn’t seem to be any knife wounds which helped ease his mind. Hopefully you’d survive, Marc refused to let anyone die because of him.
Foggy showed up a few minutes later, taking you to the hospital so your injuries could be checked over. He had a whole alibi as to what happened so no one bothered to check the warehouse where everyone had been murdered. Marc couldn’t risk getting arrested again, not when things could finally get better.
2 Years Later
You were staring at the laptop, eyes burning as you struggled to finish copying down the paperwork that sat beside you. Matt had taken a couple days off, claiming he had a cold that was kicking his ass, you knew better of course. He had accidentally gotten more injured than expected during his latest adventure. Foggy had covered for him during that morning's trial, which much to your happiness had been an easy one.
“Hey, why don’t you head home for the night, it’s getting kind of late anyway,” Foggy knew you were exhausted, could see it in the way you struggled to stay awake.
“I will in a few, just have to put in this last paragraph,” Your hands had begun to slow down until you were typing a letter every minute.
“Don’t make me call Steven, you know for a fact he’ll drag you out of here,” That was a very real threat.
Ever since they’d found you tied in that warehouse Marc had felt an obligation to keep you safe, walking you home from the firm every night. Neither of you were sure when the feelings began to change and grow, or when you’d actually admitted you had feelings for one another. You were happy though, it was the healthiest relationship you’d ever been in.
“Alright, don’t need to threaten me with Steven,” You logged out of everything and shut your laptop, tidying up the papers to make sure everything would be easy to find the next day.
You bid both Karen, and Foggy a quick goodbye before leaving the building, smiling when you noticed that Marc was indeed already waiting for you outside.
“Well hello there handsome,” You ran into his embrace, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Steven wanted to be here, but work was a little more hectic than usual so he’s taking a nap,” Marc pressed a kiss to your head, wrapping an arm around your waist.
You knew that Steven couldn’t actually take a nap, even if he wasn’t fronting it fell onto whoever was fronting’s shoulders. Didn’t matter of course, what mattered was that they were here with you, making sure you got home safe.
Marc had asked you to move in after a year, citing that he’d felt better with you close by, you knew the real reason was that he cared for you more than he admitted at times. Steven showed how much he adored you daily, along with Jake. They made it very obvious how much they loved you, showering you with praise and gifts daily.
Marc had started getting you flowers weekly, whereas Steven would get little trinkets he knew you’d love. Jake would cook dinner, claiming the other two couldn’t cook for shit and he didn’t want to risk you getting sick. It was adorable.
“You’re gonna take a nice bath when we get home, and then we’re gonna spend the rest of the night cuddling in bed watching movies,” Marc knew how much you loved movie nights, so he would wait until you needed that relaxation before offering.
Life wasn’t all it was cracked up to be at times, but this was a diamond in the rough.
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mybrainiswild · 3 years
I can't handle when you're disappointed in me
Matt Murdock X Female Reader
Word count; 659
Warnings: cursing, angst, implied smut {if I've missed any let me know}
Summary: You do the opposite of what Matt asked you to and he gets disappointed in your disregard for your own safety.
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“I can’t believe you! How could you be so foolish?”  Matt was angry, I can understand why to some extent. I ran head first into danger doing the one thing Matt made me promise not to do.
“Look Matt I know you’re mad okay I get that but I'm ok, alright. I didn’t get hurt and, not to mention I saved your ass.” My attempt to defuse the situation by using humour failed. Matt froze in front of the kitchen table, he aggressively sat in the chair he had previously pulled out as if to make a point.
He took a laboured breath before speaking. “I’m just so disappointed in you.” I swear you could hear my heart shatter. If there was one thing, I couldn’t handle it was Matt being disappointed in me. It didn't happen much but on the odd occasion it did it made me feel like the most awful person in the world.
“Y/N...” He paused before continuing as if he was planning what to say in his head so he didn’t miss speak. “You made a promise and then broke it. You put yourself in danger! How could you be so naïve, so stupid I don’t understand. Do you want to get yourself killed? Do you want me to have to hold your dying body be...because I wasn’t there to protect you or quick enough to stop you?”
Tears were welling in both our eyes at this stage. I stood there unable to conjure a response. I slowly stalked towards Matt unsure if he wanted me near or wanted to push me away in true Matt Murdock fashion. He slowly parted his legs allowing me to sand in between them. My hands found their way into his slightly damp hair as a content sigh passed through his lips I spoke up.
“Matty I can’t handle you being disappointed in me. I didn’t do it to spite you, I heard you were in trouble and I just couldn’t stand by knowing I could possibly do something to help.”
I slowly moved to sit on his thigh resting my head on his shoulder. His hand slowly moved up and down my thigh pulling me closer, needing to feel me with him even more now.
“This... This is why I didn’t want to bring you into this side of my life. I knew you’d get hurt or use that big heart of yours to get yourself into trouble. But I guess I should’ve seen it coming when that made me fall in love with you.”
Matt Murdock is one of the biggest hypocrites there is. His big heart puts him in harm's way every single day and I guess I've just learned to accept that. Deciding I didn’t want to have a disagreement tonight I decide to cut my losses and call it a night. I place a loving kiss on his slightly chapped and busted lips. A declaration of my love without words.
I pulled back slowly seeing a whisper of a smirk across those heavenly lips. I smiled at how pure and content Matt seamed in this moment.
“Are you sure it wasn’t my good looks that made you fall in love with me? I mean sure I've got a big heart but there's more to me than that.” This attempt at humour was a success. A slight chuckle passed through his lips.
“You are one cruel woman; you know I can’t stand knowing everyone else gets to see my girl and I don’t” This was true on many occasions mostly during our own late-night rendezvous, he made it known to me how sometimes he gets jealous of Foggy and Karen for getting to see me. Mostly after Foggy has called me hot in the office. But tonight, just like all those night I remind him.
“They may get to see me all day but, only my sweet devil gets to feel me all night”
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banner by: @maysdigitalarts
hi all if you want to be added to my tag list for future works or have any requests just leave an ask x
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afeb · 4 years
Bucky Barnes - Salvation
long and kinda slow-burn :)
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“Stay safe you,” Matt said as I walked out of the small bookshop.
“Always try.” I smiled back as I skipped down the steps.
I scanned over the books I’d bought on my short walk home, turning the first few pages and already sinking into the stories within. The streets were quiet, sun setting as I hurried home to avoid dark.
I finally stepped foot inside my apartment and immediately went around and turned on all the lamps. I detested the dark, an old habit I found hard to break, as I swiftly checked from room to room. I did this to make sure no one was inside, but in the back of my mind I only looked for one man. Books placed on the side, I was about to sit down when a heavy knock sounded from the door.
“Bloody hell,” I muttered as I walked over. I swung open the door.
Slamming it shut quickly my heart raced and face paled. I could throw up, or faint, and I considered doing both. How did he know where I lived? What was he planning on doing? I bargained that I’d never go to police, and I didn’t for that matter, so why is he here?
“Y/N?” The Winter Solider said through the door.
“I-I haven’t told anyone.” I said.
“That isn’t why I’m here.” His voice was softer than I remembered, he sounded...normal.
“P-Please just go.” I begged, hand still tightly holding the doorknob.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he promised. “I won’t even come into the apartment, I just need to say something.”
I peeped through the spy hole, making sure he was alone. He usually was, however, on one occasion he brought back up. That was the worst of times.
“Step away from the door.” I ordered, to which he readily complied and took two large steps back. I opened the door a crack, waiting for him to pounce. But he remained firmly planted in his spot.
Warily, I creaked the door open. He was dressed in black jeans, a navy top and a black leather jacket. His hair was cut short, his beard was growing out and he no longer donned the muzzle he used to in public. Gloves covered his hand. He looked completely normal.
“My name is James Buchanan Barnes, and I am no longer the Winter Solider,” he said. “Apologising to you is my way of making amends with my past.”
I furrowed my brows. “What?”
He gulped. “I...I did awful things to you, and I’m sorry.”
“Is this...is this a joke?” I asked, peeping my head out a little and looking down the hallway.
He shook his head. “I’m trying to be a better person, and apologising to you is part of that. I could also, do things for you?”
My eyes widened. “Excuse me?”
“No!” He said. “No, I meant like...jobs or, I dunno...anything.”
“I’m so confused.” I whined as I rubbed my eyes. “Are you going to kill me?”
He shook his head. “No.”
His eyes looked pleadingly at me. He was alone, he looked normal and I could feel the truth drip off his words. After a long pause, I sighed deeply.
“Do you want to come in?” I stepped aside.
“If that’s okay.” He stiffly smiled and walked past me.
I shut the door and watched him. He looked around the small space, standing in the hallway. I had photos lining the walls, all of friends and family, and he took care to look at some of them.
“You can take off your coat and gloves.” He nodded and shrugged of his jacket, however, chose to leave the gloves on.
“Nice place.” He complimented.
“Thanks,” I had no clue how to act around him. He followed behind me as I led him into the kitchen, turning to face him as he lingered in the doorway. “I was going to cook some dinner.”
He nodded. “Anything special?”
I shook my head. “You could...join, we could talk.”
“That would be...nice.” He smiled.
I cooked in near silence. James took a seat at the small table by the window and watched me as I mulled around the kitchen. Chicken in, salad made, I turned to face him.
“It’ll be about half an hour.” I said as I sat opposite him.
“You’re being very kind.” He said.
“So, what is this?” I gestured between us.
He leant back. “The US Government has pardoned me, and part of that agreement is that I have to go to therapy. My Doc came up with a plan to help me...move on from my past. I have to go around and make amends with the people I hurt, or helped, and that means you.”
I nodded. “How many have you done?” I asked.
“A few,” he said. “I was...I was putting off doing you.”
I frowned. “Why?”
His eyes cast over to me as he took a shaky breath. “I...hurt you. In life changing ways, even if you forgave me, I could never forgive myself.”
I pursed my lips for a moment and didn’t speak. His eyes looked down at his lap, a sad expression coming over his face.
“I hated you,” I whispered. “I always thought in my head that if I ever got the chance, I’d kill you. But then I spent a while researching you, your past. What they did to you, how they treated you, what they made you do. And I realised, it wasn’t really you who hurt me, it was them.”
He gazed at me through his lashes. “Y/N...”
“You have nothing to apologise for,” I smiled, reaching over and taking his hand. “Water under the bridge.”
His hands flexed, squeezing mine. “Water under the bridge.” He repeated.
The gloves were soft against my hands as I peered down at them. “Can I see?”
His face grew uneasy as he shifted in his seat. “Um...yeah, sure.”
He peeled the gloves of slowly, almost waiting to me to stop him. The metal had changed. Instead of the bright silver I was used to, it instead was sleek black with gold details. He rolled his sleeve up as high as it would go, the infamous star now gone. It suited him better, I thought, complimented him more.
“It looks nice,” I smiled. “Better than the old one.”
“Thank you.”
“Could I?” He gave me a nod as I ran my ran over the cool metal.
It was really a work of art. Oddly, this one didn’t scare me. The other had felt my skin, brought me to the edge of death so many times, but this one? This one had only gently squeezed me hands.
We both jumped as the oven beeped, giggling a little as I stood and plated up our meal. We ate quietly, James complimenting my cooking one too many times. The evening drew on and soon James was shrugging on his jacket and lingering by the door.
“Thank you,” he smiled. “Dinner was amazing.”
I laughed. “I’ll have to cook it again.”
His eyes glistened with happiness at the chance of us seeing each other again. “I’d like that.”
I opened the door for him. “It was nice seeing you, the real you.”
He nodded. “I meant it you know, need a boiler fixing, walls painted, I’ll do it.”
He quickly scribbled his number in a small notebook and ripped out the page and handed it to me. “I’ll keep that in mind,”
“Bye.” He danced around me for a moment before enveloping me in a short, tight hug.
Weeks passed and I didn’t contact him. I thought I’d be a painful reminder of his past and thus didn’t want to keep contact with him. That was, until my sink burst and my landlord claimed it wasn’t his responsibility. I’d tried hard to fix it myself, and the local plumbers charged ridiculous rates, so I found myself texting James.
To James B -
Hi! Sorry I haven’t contacted you before, been very busy! Could I pick up the favour you owe me? My sink has burst and I’m in desperate need of a plumber. - Y/N
I didn’t expect a reply, but he text back before I’d even put my phone back on the table.
From James B -
Hey! No worries. Heading over now.
I scrambled to tidy the apartment, dreading to confess I in fact lived like a pig most days. After a frantic half an hour, a knock sounded from the door.
“You’re a life saver,” I sighed as I opened the door.
James offered a lopsided smile, shrugging his shoulders. “No worries,”
“It burst two days ago, I had a go myself but I think I made it worse.” James set his bag of tools on the counter and opened the cupboard under the sink.
“Oh yeah, I see what’s wrong,” he silently set to work, laying on his back and doing god-knows-what.
After a while I went into the living room and read my book, curling my legs underneath me and settling down. James banged about the kitchen and a swear word or two later, he popped his head around the door.
“So soon?” I quickly stood and bounced into the kitchen. I turned the tap and stepped back, expecting water to drown my feet, but instead it simply swirled down the drain. “It lives!”
James chuckled at my remark. “A few bolts came loose and disconnected, easy stuff really,”
“Thank you James.”
“Bucky,” he quickly said. “Call me Bucky.”
“Thank you, Bucky.” I smiled. “Want to stay for lunch?”
We chatted mindlessly as we made sandwiches, Bucky telling me about his childhood. When he was the Winter Soldier I only heard gruff orders, but he had a voice that sounded smooth and sweet. His eyes lit up when he spoke of his siblings and parents, of a life that felt like thousands of years ago.
“You got a boyfriend?” Bucky asked, fiddling with the label on his beer.
I cocked a brow. “No, you?”
“No.” Bucky said. “I’ve tried these dating websites but...feel out of my depth.”
I nodded in understanding. “I abandoned those long ago,”
“I’m glad you text me.” He said. “I’ve spent the last few weeks wondering if you would.”
“Truthfully, I thought you wouldn’t want to speak to me.” I confessed.
“Why would you think that?” He frowned.
“I’m a reminder of your past,” I explained. “I can understand that even looking at me must be hard for you.”
Bucky paused for a moment and scanned over my face. “I see you as my salvation, not my damnation.”
I smiled. “I don’t think I said it before,” I shuffled a little closer. “But I forgive you, Bucky.”
His breath hitched, arm dropping to rest behind my head. “Say it again.” He whispered.
“I forgive you.”
Our bodies were close, Bucky resting his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and waited for him to make a move, but they fluttered back open when I felt the moment slipping.
“I don’t want to push it,” he confessed.
“You aren’t.” I promised.
“I did bad things to you,” his hand stroked over my cheek.
“Then do something good.”
His lips pressed to mine. They were soft, softer than I’d thought, and he went slow and easy. I sighed into the kiss and pressed my body flush against his, my hands planting on his chest. His hand on the back of the couch slid off and looped behind me back, pressing me further into his as the other hand slid into my hair and held me close.
“Please,” he mumbled against me.
Bucky eased me back into the sofa, lips still pressed tightly to mine as he eased between my splayed thighs. My hands moved up to fist his short hair, causing a quiet groan to escape his lips. Bucky’s hands held onto my hips as he gently, almost teasingly, ground his crotch to mine.
“Lemme make it better,” he whispered, trailing kisses down my cheek and neck.
“You can do anything,” I breathlessly promised, rolling my body up.
His hand slid down my stomach and into the back of my loose trousers, cupping my clothed pussy and flexing his fingers. I gasped and threw my head back, Bucky surfacing to peer down at me with hooded eyes.
“There?” I nodded at his question.
His fingers eased my underwear to the side and felt over the slickness he’d created. The cool metal of his hand ran over my burning cheeks and I thanked god for the relief of coldness in this moment. My eyes widened as his finger tips circled my swollen bud.
“So wet,” he murmured, gazing into my eyes.
“For you.” I whimpered back, cupping his cheeks.
“Me?” I nodded. “Good girl,”
I moaned again at his words, his fingers picking up their pace. My back arched as he eased two fingers into me, stretching me out. He groaned a little, muttering something about my tightness, before pressing his lips to mine.
“O-Other hand,” I said against his lips.
“What?” He pulled back, stopping his movements.
“Can you u-use your other hand?” I pouted my lips.
“Are you sure?” He furrowed his brows.
I nodded. Bucky removed his hand from my underwear, offering his glistening fingers to my lips. I hastily took them in my mouth, small hand wrapping around his wrist as I sucked. He momentarily closed his eyes, losing himself for a second before easing his metal hand between our bodies.
“Really?” He questioned again, playing with the waistband of my trousers.
I bucked my hips. “Please,”
I couldn’t help the loud moan that left my mouth as his metal fingers resumed his flesh fingers task. They rubbed tightly into my clit, causing my eyes to pinch shut and my jaw to slacken and drop.
“Such a good girl for me,” he cooed against my cheek.
I whimpered again. “I-I’m-“
“Gonna cum baby?” He asked, fingers increasing their speed.
I nodded and cried. “Yes!”
“Like feeling my metal hand, huh?” He teased with a smirk.
“I do! Yes!” My nails bit into the skin of his forearm, the other hand running over the smooth metal of his shoulder. “Oh Bucky!”
“Cum,” he shortly ordered. “Please baby, please cum.”
My head threw back and I saw stars. My back arched as Bucky wrapped and arm under me and held me close. He moaned softly into my neck, grounding his crotch against my thigh. My arms loops around his neck as I shuddered against him.
“S-Stop,” I begged, gently coaxing his hand from my underwear.
“Sorry baby.” He sighed into my neck.
We stayed tangled in each other for a moment before I reached a teasing hand down between us. Bucky quickly stopped me, sheepishly grinning down at me.
“I already...just then...” he blushed.
“Really?” I giggled.
“You have no idea how good you looked.” He whispered, pecking my lips.
I smiled warmly, stroking over his cheek. “Would you like to grab a coffee with me?”
He laughed loudly. “I’ll do more than that.”
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granolabird · 3 years
Life Is So Busted
Tonights episode had me all kinds of upset that Beth’s parents would just leave her after telling her they’re divorcing so you KNOW I had to fix it with soft Hournite. That’s the only way.  (Sidenote this was entirely written while listening to my Hournite playlist, hence the title. Link to the playlist is in my pinned post!!)
The thunderstorm starts as soon as Beth’s parents leave the house. She’s alone, sobbing on the livingroom floor as thunder wracks the home. Fitting weather for the solemn mood she’s in. She should’ve known it would go this way, should’ve known that her parents wouldn’t provide much solace, but she had held out hope. 
Beth was getting tired of holding out hope. 
She’s not entirely sure what to do with herself, so she resolves to call the one person she knows will know what to do. It’s a slow trek as she sniffles her way to where her phone is plugged in, and she winces as lightning illuminates the window. He’s at the top of her contact list, the only person she’s called in the last few days, so all she has to do is press the small green phone icon beside his name, and wait. 
She prays to whatever higher being is out there that he answers.
Rick is in the woods. It’s terrible weather and he’s soaked to the bone but he has to check if Grundy’s shown up. After the Eclipso-induced visions he had of Grundy back at the school he can’t stop himself from checking for the creature, even if it means being out in such terrible weather. There’s no sign of Grundy though, and all Rick has received for his efforts is water weighing him down and a terrible case of the chills. He lets out an exasperated groan as he flops into the driver's seat of his car, slamming the door and letting his head fall onto his steering wheel. He really doesn’t feel like going home to whatever drunken insults Matt is going to throw at him, especially after everything he saw at the school. And so Rick mulls over the idea of staying the night at the Pit Stop, like he usually does on the days when Matt’s being particularly cruel. As he slides his keys into his ignition, his phone rings from where it’s been discarded in a cup holder. He slowly lifts his head and squints at the screen. His heart skips a beat when he reads the name. 
Beth :)
He scrambles to pick the phone up, wet fingers sliding uselessly against the screen as he attempts to answer. By some miracle he manages to hit the right buttons, answering the call. 
He presses the phone to his ear,
Silence for a moment and then 
She’s crying. That’s clear the second she speaks, her voice quivering as she says his name.
“I’ll be right over.”
“Beth, hey. What’s up? Are you okay?
“My parents are getting divorced. Or at least, they’re pretty sure they are. They just told me and left. I’m just… I just need someone to talk to. If that’s okay.”
He hears Beth sniffle before she hangs up. Rick grips the wheel of his car and takes off, not caring about the weather, not caring about much of anything really. At this moment, all he cares about is Beth Chapel.
“Rick, the weather is terrible! You don’t have to come all the way over here if it’s not safe-”
“I was planning on coming into town anyway. It’s alright. See you in a bit, okay?”
Beth hates the way she’s waiting at her door like some sort of sad puppy, but there’s not much else to do. She’s managed to slow her crying as she stares out the small window beside her door, waiting to see a bright yellow car pull into her driveway. She’s starting to get worried, her anxiety telling her Rick had gotten into some terrible car accident, when she sees his car. She can’t help but smile, standing as he parks, and opening her front door when she sees him get out of his car. The storm is forgotten for a moment as she runs down the front steps of her house, leaving her door wide open behind her as she throws herself at Rick, engulfing him in a hug. She’s crying again, sobs wracking her body as she presses herself into his soaked sweater and he holds her. No questions or objections, he just presses one hand on her back and the other into her hair, and holds her. Rick feels his heart break as she looks up at him with tears in her eyes, but he forces himself to stay calm.
“Beth. We should probably go inside. It’s raining.” 
“If you don’t wanna be at home I could drive you to the Pit Stop? That’s where I was headed.”
Beth has gotten Rick a towel and turned on the electric fireplace which he’s not even sure provides heat, but it’s nice anyway. She’s in the kitchen now, steadying herself while she makes hot chocolate, and he towels off his hair and clothes to the best of his abilities as he waits for her to return. After a few minutes Beth enters the living room with two mugs, one with just marshmallows and the other piled high with whipped cream. She offers a soft smile as she hands Rick the whipped cream-topped hot chocolate, before settling in beside him on the sofa. 
She shakes her head.
“You’re soaked. I don’t want you to get sick because of my stupid emotions, come in. I’ll make us some hot chocolate, if you want?” She manages, gesturing for Rick to follow her inside. He nods, and the pair walk into Beth’s house.
“You remembered I like whipped cream.” He laughs and it warms his heart to see her chuckle along with him.
“How could I forget? You scarfed down that whipped cream off the milkshake at the diner like it was your last meal!” 
Rick is fumbling his words and he hates himself for it, but he really is trying his best.
They laugh for a moment, and it’s a relief to see that Beth is feeling at least a little better. After a brief pause Rick knock’s Beth’s knee lightly with his own, and she looks over at him. He searches her face, struggling for the right words to say.
“How are you holding up? I mean, I guess not very well but... I mean, is there anything I can do? I’m not very good with parent things, but if there’s anything I can do…”
“I’m just glad to have you here. I didn’t know what to do, and my parents left me alone, and I really didn’t want to be alone. So I called the one person who I knew would be there for me.”
Beth is tearing up again, and she looks down. There’s one question at the front of her mind that she really doesn’t want to dwell on, but she knows she has to ask.
“Do you think it’s my fault? The divorce, I mean.” She sets her mug on the coffee table and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand.
“What? No. Beth no, if anything you were what held them together. You talked to them every day, made sure they had at least some time together as a family. There is nothing you could’ve done, this is entirely on them.”
“But I could’ve done something. I know I could’ve. When Eclipso showed up at the school he showed me my parents, and told me it was my fault. Rick, he said it was my fault. I couldn’t fix their relationship.”
Beth slowly lifts her head, still trying to no avail to wipe the tears from her eyes. 
Now Rick is the one to put his mug down on the table as he leans towards Beth.
“Hey. look at me.”
“It’s not your fault. It will never be your fault. You tried so hard, you did everything you could. This is on them. You are the kindest, sweetest person I know, you could never cause something like that. Okay?”
He’s subconsciously laid a hand on top of hers as he spoke, but he leaves it there as she offers a small nod. He smiles at her as they settle into a comfortable silence. Rick is the one to break it.
“How about we watch a movie? Nothing cheers you up like a good movie marathon.” He tips his head towards the TV. This seemingly breaks Beth from her stupor as she leaps up to turn the tv on, separating their hands swiftly. Rick awkwardly picks his hot chocolate, taking a sip as Beth grabs the converter.
“Rick, you’ve never seen Megamind!? Well we have to watch it now!” 
“Yes! Megamind just got put on Netflix, and it’s one of my favourites.”
“I’ve never seen it.”
About halfway into the movie, Beth comes to a rather abrupt realization. She had told Rick all about what Eclipso had shown her, but she hadn’t actually asked him what he had seen. She remembered how shaken he had been when they returned to the Pit Stop after the mission, but he hadn’t talked about it. A feeling of guilt settled into the pit of her stomach, she had forced all her problems onto him, but hadn’t taken the time to listen to his own struggles. 
Beth’s mind is still lingering on her parents, lingering on the way Rick had held her hand, but she can’t dwell on it for too long. Rick is right, she needs to distract herself. So she does, settling back into her spot beside Rick, the duo quietly drinking hot chocolate as the movie begins to play.
“Hey Rick?”
He turns quickly, and she can see he’s scanning her face, trying to gauge what she’s feeling. He does that a lot, and it takes everything Beth has to not smile, knowing that he cares so much. Always checking up on her.
Rick takes a moment to think. As much as he wants to tell Beth the truth, he knows he can’t. He can’t tell her he was too much of a coward to kill Grundy, but he can tell her at least some of the story.
“When we fought Eclipso at the school, what did you see? I saw my parents, but you never said what you saw.”
“I saw Grundy. And I saw myself. I saw myself at my worst moment. I was so angry, and I just let my rage take over. I let it consume me. I don’t think I’ve ever hated myself more than that moment. Looking back on it, I was so stupid, just letting myself go like that. And you tried to tell me that, back then. You tried to stop me, and I didn’t listen.” That’s the truth. He does hate himself for that, but he also hates himself for letting Grundy go. It’s a whole whirlpool of conflicted emotions that he hasn’t taken the time to process. He’s not sure he ever will.
Beth is silent for a moment. There’s a lot to unpack there, and she’s not entirely sure what to say. Megamind drones on in the background, entirely forgotten. 
“I’m serious! You’re my closest friend. You’re the only person who listens to me, who’s there for me. Courtney and Yolanda are great, but they don’t stick up for me the way you do. They don’t care about me like you do. There’s no reason you should hate yourself. You let your anger take over, so what? Everyone makes mistakes, there’s no reason that you should hate yourself for having real emotions. I literally sobbed into your sweater in the rain like an hour ago, and do I hate myself for that? No!”
“Rick… You shouldn’t hate yourself.”
“Wow, very insightful.” he lets out a spiteful chuckle, and Beth halfheartedly slaps his arm.
“That was different.”
“It wasn’t! I was feeling really, really sad. You were feeling really, really angry. And you had every right to feel angry. Grundy killed your parents. If I was in that situation, I’d probably have done the same thing.”
“You wouldn’t have.”
“You don’t know that.”
Rick locks eyes with Beth when she says that. He feels something inside him break, and he almost slips up,almost tells her how much he cares about her. How much he loves her. He wants nothing more than to kiss her at that moment. But now is not the time, the thoughts of failed love leading to divorce still fresh in her mind.
“I do. Beth, you're always looking for the good in people, always looking on the bright side. And I’m me. I’m always angry, always ready to fight. I hate everyone and everything.”
“You don’t hate me.”
“Beth. Thank you.”
“Rick, I should be saying thank you to you! You’re the one who came rushing through a thunderstorm to rescue me.”
“And yet somehow you’ve managed to find a way to flip the tables. You’ve rescued me.” 
They smile at each other, and lean just a little closer to one another as they turn back to the movie. Things are far from perfect for both of them, but together they’re working to make things at least a little better. And in that moment that’s all that matters.
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