#that should be the subhead of this story
senbons · 3 months
The only thing keeping me patriotic this Fourth of July is Shikamaru’s patriotism on Go Easy (that was lame)
Lolololol hand on your heart, stand for that flag, support ya boy's dedication
(no joke if there was like a corresponding day for konoha in this story he'd be even angrier and more depressed than usual alone in his dark room mad at temari for trying to even broach the subject with him)
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mint-yooxgi · 8 months
I just finished reading the first part of Hotel California and I need to say it: you are just calling it "yandere" for clickbait.
The only chapter that really feels like a yandere story is the first one, maybe the second one a bit.
Tf is all this narrative of "we are equals" and "you don't own me"? You know you have a BAD yandere when it don't terrify the reader and the characters. If I'm reading yandere shit I want to scared, I want to see the characters be scared and disgusted. The whole yandere thing is a horror trope and in my opinion it should stay that way.
A yandere isn’t just a love interest who’s a bit possessive or overprotective, it’s a HORROR TROPE of a violently jealous character.
Oh sweetie, don't come into MY ask box, on ANON, and tell ME about what is or isn't acceptable as to how to write a yandere. I can clearly tell you have a very shallow understanding of what yandere actually entails, and I actually feel sorry for you that you believe the only way a yandere can be written is if they're abusive assholes towards their love interest.
Here's a helpful link on all the different characterizations of yanderes to help you out, since you seem quite lost. And aggressive at that.
Please focus on the subheading of "Types of Yanderes", I think that will greatly help. Specifically the subcategory on obsession. I think that'll be very eye opening for you.
Not all yanderes are going to be violent towards their love interests. That doesn't make them a 'good' or 'poorly written' character. It all depends on what the writer wants, and what fits the story. You don't have to like the character, but you shouldn't shit on an author because it's not a character you wanted to see, or they're not written how YOU wanted. Close the book/tab/page, or whatever you're reading on, and move along.
Don't you fucking DARE come onto MY blog and tell me how I SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be writing MY OWN FUCKING CHARACTERS.
If you didn't like it, click away. It's not that hard. You don't need to send such aggressive and downright RUDE messages on ANON. Tumblr is free. My writing is free. You know what I didn't ask for, though? Your shitty opinion.
Maybe educate yourself on the different types of yanderes before you come into MY ask box, on MY blog, of which I've been writing and researching this trope for almost TEN FUCKING YEARS NOW, before you spew some dumb shit.
Also, you know horror isn't all just slasher violence and abuse, right? You know what else falls under the horror category?
Here's another wiki page on just how many horror genres there are. Thought this might be helpful to you as well!
And that's not even to mention yandere is technically part of the ROMANCE trope.
Can't wait until you find out Misa Amane from Death Note is a yandere. You might faint!
There are plenty of fics where the love interest gets abused and torn apart by the yandere in question. This is not one of them. Go get off somewhere else, your high horse isn't that high.
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carriagelamp · 1 month
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Summer really is just a time to read and read and read as much as absolutely possible. We’ve had some rainy weather as well, so it’s been very nice to have a cut to the heat and be able to sit by an open window, with tea and a book, and listen to a summer rain!
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Blood, Sweat, and Pixels
Subheader: “The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made” which about sums it up. This is a nonfiction book that looks into the rough development cycle of some big name games, including Dragon Age Inquisition, Stardew Valley, The Witcher 3, Shovelknight… and plenty others besides! It was fascinating to hear about the highs and lows, what worked and what didn’t… especially for some of the games that I’ve actually played! It was just narrative enough to keep me interested, never felt overly dry, and was accessible to someone like me who is only like… a periphery gamer at best. A really enjoyable read. 
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The Brave Little Toaster
I never knew this was originally a book, I only knew of it as a movie! It’s written to be a “modern fairytale” about appliances who have been seemingly abandoned in a summer cabin. When their “master” doesn’t return over several years, a few of the remaining, functional appliances decide to set off into the woods in an effort to find him again. It’s a harrowing adventure with many obstacles for them to overcome, and some honestly rather unsettling scenes — those weren’t only reserved for the movie! Ultimately the movie and book have some significant differences, but if you liked one it would be worth trying the other. A very neat kids novel.
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The Brides of High Hill (Singing Hills Cycle)
I’m completely enraptured with this series and I don’t know how I’m going to wait for the next novella ;^; it doesn’t even have a release date yet to my knowledge! Augh! You can see my reviews of the early books in the series for more detail, but the general premise is that it follows a cleric from a monastery which is specifically tasked to collect and record stories (both historical accounts and fictional tales) to bring back to be recorded in the archives. With this as a framing device, Chih travels all over an intriguing fantasy world with their magical bird companion, getting into strange adventures, meeting interesting characters, and hearing stories within stories. In this one, Chih finds themself accompanying a young lady who is travelling to marry an older man of questionable character…
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The End of the Line
A youth novel that takes place in Holland during the Nazi occupation. Brothers Lars and Hans run a street tram, and are shocked one day when they witness the Nazis find and arrest a Jewish woman on their very tram. What leaves them even more shocked, is what the woman is able to stealthily leave behind: her young daughter. Scared, overwhelmed, but unable to bear abandoning the child completely, the brothers end up sneaking her through the city and back to their own home, to try to figure out what they can possibly do with a Jewish child during the Holocaust.
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An interesting little novella. It takes place in a fictional “Ikea” called LitenVärld. However, this company is known to experience strange occurrences from time to time… wormholes will occasionally open in their stores, linking to other LitenVärld in countless other universes. At one time they had entire teams trained specifically in dealing with these wormholes and ensuring customer safety, but overtime there’s been budget cuts and layoffs and no nothing exists but old tech and dated instructional videos. When a customer’s grandmother disappears in one of these wormholes, a pair of employees get strong armed into “volunteering” to take on the task of entering the wormhole and finding her once again. It’s a fairly creative scifi adventure that offers some decent (though not subtle) criticism of modern life and capitalism. 
…Not a bad read, I enjoyed it, but honestly if you want “Weird Upsetting Ikea Story That Mocks Retail Life” then you should really go read Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix instead which, imo, was a much tighter version of this sort of story, with a much more effectively delivered message. Seriously, just go read Horrorstör, one of my favourite reads from this year so far.
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Heaven Official's Blessing v7 (TGCF )
Heaven Official’s Blessing just gets better and better! We’re in boss fight territory and it’s getting so intense! This series has way more Gundam battles than I expected but honestly I am here for it! And I’m such a sucker for any story where all the friends (?) you made along the way begin to amass to help in the big final confrontation! Ahhh. So good, so good.
If you haven't heard of this one: it's the story of Xie Lian, a prince who ascended as a god... only to be banished. And then ascend again. And then get banished again. The series starts off after his third ascension (to the exasperation of everyone in Heaven) and is a gradual series of adventures and mysteries that tie together events of the past and building tensions in the present. It's lots of fun, with a ton of humour and heart built into it to cut the tragedy
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Night Witches
More WWII, this time not a youth novel! Night Witches takes place in Russia, beginning during the Battle of Stalingrad. It follows a teenage girl whose father is already gone to fight, and who is forced to watch as both her mother and grandmother die to German bombing. After losing her mother, her only goal is to find the elusive Night Witches — an entirely female and very infamous branch of the Russian air force. Having grown up flying with her father, she’s determined that there she can do the most good, and fights her way across a war-torn city in her effort to join the forces to repel the Nazis. Night Witches (the actual, historical Night Witches, which are cool in and of themselves and very worth looking up if you’ve never heard of them before) were known for flying a special type of light-weight plane which could go much quieter and much slower than other planes, allowing them a shocking amount of stealth and maneuverability on bombing missions.
The writing of this one wasn’t my favourite, but the subject matter was interesting enough to buoy me through it, especially in how it portrayed some of the absolute horror that goes along with urban warfare and trying to fight with scant resources, under the Soviet regime, during a Russian winter. Lots of tragedy.
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More About Paddington / Paddington Goes To Town / Paddington On Top /Love From Paddington / Paddington’s Finest Hour
Travelling to the UK in July got me on a Paddington Bear kick! I got to see his statue in Paddington station and honestly it was too delightful not to drag me back into the books. I’d only ever read a couple as a kid, so this was both a reread and a chance to read some of the stories I’ve never heard before, these were especially nice as audiobooks to listen to as I was falling asleep. For some reason my Libby is missing quite a few so I mostly listened to later ones in the series. I particularly enjoyed Love From Paddington which was a different format from the rest of the series and kind of a need deviation.
If you’ve somehow never heard of Paddington, these books are about a young bear “from Darkest Peru” who immigrates to England when his grandmother enters the Home For Retired Bears and can no longer care for him. He’s adopted by the Brown family, and the books are a recount of the everyday mishaps and misadventures he gets up to around London. They’re sweet and charming and funny! 
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I’ve never read the original story of Pinocchio and I found it a very interesting contrast to the Disney version. It’s very much a coming of age story, in which Pinocchio, a wooden puppet — who can serve as a stand-in for any child — is constantly confronted with a need to balance what sounds enjoyable in the moment versus what is a morally upright choice that often requires more effort. He’s constantly being tricked, fooled, or lured off the moral path, but is never portrayed as irredeemable. He’s a child who is “trying to become a real boy” and is always given chances to fix his problems and return to his loving father. It’s a sweet story with a satisfyingly harrowing adventure and lots of fun naughtiness!
I specifically got this version because of Gris Grimly's art, because he helped out with Guillermo Del Toro's film, and man it was worth it. The art was so cool and creepy!
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The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System v1
Now that I’ve reached the end of Heaven Official’s Blessing and have previously finished Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation I inevitably have to start MXTX’s first series, The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System. This was the one I was most leary about since, as a rule, I don’t really enjoy isekai stories, but I enjoyed her other two series so much that I figured it was worth giving the first book a chance. And boy! Am I glad I did! The first book started off like a gunshot, it pulls you right into the action and it really doesn’t slow down! Shen Yuan, upon dying while furiously reading the worst webnovel he’s ever seen, finds himself transported into the story… specifically into the villain who is destined to be torn apart by the protagonist during a revenge plot! From there, Shen Yuan — now Shen Qingqiu — begins to desperately scheme how he can change his character enough without becoming OOC (which the mysterious “System” that governs this world won’t allow) while still giving him a chance to avoid a horrible death.
This book is hilariously satirical without ever feeling dull or jaded, which is an impressive mix. Shen Qingqiu may scoff at the ridiculous tropes of this world or the author’s poor world-building, but he’s just as swept up in it all as anyone else. He’s a cunning, calculating character, while also managing to run around like a chicken with its head chopped off, rife with misunderstandings and humour and adventure. I’m very very excited to continue!
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Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer
I wasn’t sure about this book at first, I almost quit part way in, but in the end I’m really glad I kept with it! It ended up being much more charming and delightful than I anticipated! This is a youth novel about a girl whose family has just moved to their late great uncle’s farm. While trying to get her feet under her, she comes across a catalogue advertising “unusual chicken for the exceptional poultry farmer”. Though her parents don’t seem keen on having animals on the farm, she decides to write to the company. To her surprise though, she doesn’t need to wait for an order of “usual chickens” because it would appear her great uncle already had some… and she’s found one. And “unusual” really doesn’t even begin to cover it. Things only get stranger as the woman from the catalogue writes her back, and when the first attempt is made to steal this strange new chicken.
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Winner Takes All (Doctor Who)
This is a standard fare Doctor Who novel. It wasn’t bad. It wasn’t good. It was an enjoyable little thing to read just for the sake of reading something relaxing and Doctor Who related. This one follows the Ninth Doctor and Rose who have returned back to Earth so that Rose can visit her mom, and along the way they get to learn all about a strange new give-away that’s being promoted in the local shops. There’s lottery tickets and free vacations and a new video game and all sorts of curious things… including some unexpected disappearances. 
If you like Doctor Who and feel like reading an extra story about Nine and Rose, this one is as fine as any, especially considering that there are some real stinkers out there. The story is compelling enough with some decent stakes, Nine and Rose is a dynamic I always really enjoy and want more of, and the characters they introduce for this story are reasonably enjoyable. A very comfortable middle of the road read.
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su-itca-se · 1 year
Dear Brother (Oniisama e…) LaserDisc scans and machine translations
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These past few years I have fallen in love with the work of director Osamu Dezaki. Alongside Tomorrow’s Joe (Ashita no Joe), I hold Dear Brother in the highest regard.
It was a 1991 anime based on Riyoko Ikeda’s 1974 manga. You should watch the anime. It’s on Tubi for free. But really, just trust me. Buy the Blu-Ray from Discotek.
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This anime came and went. There isn’t any merchandise besides some phone cards. Decaying fan sites and discourse is out there, but it’s a bit of a hunt.
Some time ago I saw a fan letter written by Hideaki Anno, apparently from the LaserDisc releases. From what I could tell, the LaserDisc packaging featured a treasure trove of notes from the staff that I just had to read. But I couldn’t find them!
If you’re not aware, LaserDiscs are one step above burnable trash in Japan — often on sale for 200 yen or less in heavy boxes shoved into the corner of second-hand anime stores. So I bought all five volumes of the 1993 Dear Brother LaserDisc release, was thrilled to notice unique letters from staff and industry luminaries in the interiors, and I scanned everything! And machine translated them.
I hope this (long, comprehensive) post brings fans of Dear Brother the same pleasure it brought me to compose it!
Note: I cannot read Japanese. I’ve used Google Lens for OCR, and GPT-4 for translation. My scans are good (and you can get them on Archive.org in high res) but these translations are not archive-quality and should not be depended on without verification. I’ve done my best to make corrections and have attempted to wrangle the correct tone and meaning out of the AI, but they’re essentially just for fun. Corrections of the most egregious stuff would be welcomed, email me: [email protected].
Volume One
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Each disc is themed after a character and colour. The back is peppered with screencaps and notable quotes (“Anata wa dare?” says little Nanako) as well as series credits. The two notable parts to translate are the disc synopsis, and the subheading (seen here in pink on the far left.) Maybe it’s a pull quote? Not really. So I called it a subheading.
Volume One Subheading
A forbidden cult anime masterpiece born of satellite broadcasting is finally available on LD.
Volume One Synopsis
Private Seiran Academy. A story of beautiful love and deep hatred unfolds at this prestigious all-girls high school steeped in tradition. The protagonist, Nanako Misonoo, who is thrilled to enroll in the high school division of her dream academy, encounters three stunning individuals: Miya-sama, Sanjust-sama, and Sho no Kimi. She also gets introduced to the glamorous world of Seiran Sorority, a society that only the chosen few are allowed to join. As a freshman granted unexpected membership in the Sorority, Nanako begins to take a deep look at love, friendship, and the essence of being human, all while being surrounded by envy and jealousy. She confides her various experiences at the academy, along with unspeakable worries and hardships, in letters to her elder “brother” and a young man named Takehiko Henmi… A masterpiece anime born of satellite broadcasting. It is a work by Riyoko Ikeda that the Dezaki-Sugino duo took on for the first time in 11 years since “The Rose of Versailles.” It is considered a unique work that brings a fresh, unprecedented shock by transcending the framework of TV anime with its aesthetic world.
The disc looks like this:
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An “obi” (sash that covers the spine) is included. Of course, it says “My tears won’t stop!” in huge text, sells it as the latest Dezaki/Sugino collaboration, and describes it as tanibi na sekai — a poetic concept of a romantic, sublime world of aesthetic beauty.
There are two paper inserts in each volume. The first one looks like this, and is an index of LaserDisc chapter markers based not on plot developments, but notable character quotes.
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There’s also a form you can fill out to get a telephone card. Simply cut out a coupon from each volume to prove you bought the full set. Be quick, entries are due end of March 1994.
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The interior is the best part. Here’s the spread for Volume One.
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I haven’t translated episode synopses, but I’ve attempted to translate both the staff letter and the “letter to dear brother” from someone external to the production. There’s a bio for each author.
Volume One’s “From the staff to all the fans”
Osamu Dezaki Joined Mushi Production in 1963. After directing series like “Astro Boy” and “Goku’s Great Adventure,” he was selected as the general director for “Tomorrow’s Joe” in 1970 at the young age of 26. Born on November 18, 1943, and hailing from Tokyo, he has received high praise as a director. Subsequently, he has brought numerous masterpieces into the world, including “Aim for the Ace!”, “The Adventures of Ganba,” “Nobody’s Boy,” “Treasure Island,” “The Rose of Versailles,” “Space Adventure Cobra,” “BB,” and more. He is also referred to as “Sakimakura” and “Mataba Sakimakura.”
The letter:
This is my second time working on Ikeda-san’s work since “The Rose of Versailles.” Her works have a unique aroma, whether you call it a theme or a world. They seem to pursue the literary aspect of the story. When I read the original work of “Dear Brother,” I was very drawn to these aspects, and at the same time, I felt a sense of anticipation that it would be difficult, but perhaps various images could be created. It’s not just about being cool or intense; it’s about creating images that resonate more and more with people’s hearts. Fundamentally, there is an original story, but when the characters start to move, and each begins to live, the story could go anywhere. I always had that sense of tension. So, rather than sticking to the original work, I placed more emphasis on the directorial focus of the reality of the characters who had started to move. As for the techniques, it was not something I was particularly conscious of, but I used a lot of completely black shots simply because I honestly felt they needed to be black. Whether or not it was successful, I wanted to effectively overlap the visuals with the characters’ psychology by delivering such physiological shocks. The psychological fluctuations of the people are indeed the overall aroma of this work. How the audience perceives that aroma is something I want to leave up to each individual’s free sensitivity. - July 8, 1993, at Tezuka Pro
Volume One’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Mutsumi Inomata Born on December 23 in Kanagawa Prefecture. After working with Ashi Production and Kaname Production, she is currently freelance. After going through Ashi Production and Kaname Production, she is now a freelance artist. Mutsumi Inomata is her real name. She was born on December 23 in Kanagawa Prefecture. She is active in both the fields of anime character design and illustration. In the realm of animation, she served as the character designer and chief animation director for works such as “Plawres Sanshiro” and “Genmu Senki Leda,” and as the character designer for “Future GPX Cyber Formula.” As an illustrator, she has also provided numerous illustrations for novels, including titles like “Prince of the Universe,” “Dragon Quest,” and “Continent of the Wind.”
The letter:
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Comics are way hard to translate without actually knowing Japanese. Here’s my best effort to uncover some meaning.
For several years, I had stopped watching anime and stuff… Living a hectic life, it’s been like this for a while now. Having a set day and a set time to watch a specific program (not just limited to anime), had become impossible for me. Recording videos is also a hassle, and first and foremost, I just don’t feel that “I must watch the next episode!” kind of emotion anymore. Ah well, I was thinking maybe I’ve just become an adult. Heh heh heh. I’m such an idiot. No, that’s not it.
The blonde guy in the bottom-right is labeled as her friend, and she’s saying something about “Poupee-chan”. I think in the second panel he’s yelling saying “But that doll is supposed to be a girl!”
The final monologue starts with:
By the way, I have a container for “dangerous items” at the corner of my work desk. I keep things like cutter blades in it, so that I don’t accidentally drop them on the floor and cut myself or something. The “dangerous items” container I’m using now has a sticker with Saint-Just-sama’s “Nanako’s Eyes,” heh heh heh ♡
That’s about all there is to note about Volume One, besides the fact it comes with an enormous poster (it’s the same art used on the cover of the Discotek Blu-Ray.)
Volume Two
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Volume Two Subheading
Those eyes of that person, mysteriously and beautifully shining. Why these feelings? Why...? The increasing heartbeat, the endless tears of adolescence. A masterpiece of forbidden cult anime born from satellite broadcasting! The second installment on LaserDisc!
Volume Two Synopsis
Nanako’s life at school, after being chosen as a sorority member, was not all glitz and glamour. There were misunderstandings with her best friend Tomiko, and jealousy and slander from other students, including Misaki Aya. And then there was the obsessive love from her fellow sorority member, Nobuo Mariko. “What is a sorority? Is it really that important?” Nanako began to question the very existence of sororities. Yet, she tries to look straight into herself, even while confused. Always before her were the mysteriously beautiful and shining eyes of Saint-Just. Drawn to those eyes that seemed to peer into a distant past, Nanako attempts to uncover their secret. Then, by chance, she finds out about the special relationship between Fukiko and Saint-Just. Could it be that Miya-sama and Saint-Just-sama are…? The complicated interplay of relationships and the previously enigmatic characters start to become a little clearer in “Volume 2: The Chapter of Freezing Rain.” The subtle breaths of the people surrounding Nanako can be heard.
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Volume Two’s “From the staff, Dear Nanako”
Hideo Takayashiki Born in 1947, native of Iwate Prefecture. After passing through Osamu Tezuka’s Mushi Production, became a scenario writer. Known for scripts of theatrical anime films such as “Hang in There, Tabuchi-kun!”, “Barefoot Gen”, and the “Phoenix” series. Also worked on numerous TV anime scripts like “Gutsy Frog”, “Gamba’s Adventure”, and “Tomorrow’s Joe”. Additionally, wrote scripts for original videos and TV dramas like “The Laughing Target”, “One-Pound Gospel”, and has written many novels, actively contributing as a versatile scriptwriter. Member of the Japan Broadcast Writers Association.
The letter:
Dear Nanako Misonoo, How are you? How is university life? It’s hard to believe that three years have passed since then. I was involved with you and those around you for just one year, but in retrospect, it was a very intense year. In any case, I did something terrible to you. It may have been the extreme form of “bullying” in some sense. My work as a scriptwriter involved probing and expanding the uncharted worlds between the frames of original works, constructing new narratives. In a sense, it was a painful job. And for you, it was excruciating. But now it’s a wonderful memory. I am filled with the feeling that I did some real work after a long time. How is your best friend, Tomoko? What about Mariko? I assume Fuki is becoming more and more beautiful? Do you occasionally receive letters from Kaoru? This summer marked the third anniversary of Saint-Just-sama’s passing. Thinking back, it was an unusually hot day. Your anguished form, waiting alone at the platform while listening to the chirping cicadas and the sound of the sea, is still etched in my memory. I hear that there has not been a single day without flowers at the electric pole where Saint-Just-sama fell. I am grateful for the chance to have met you and the people around you. Autumn, 1993
Volume Two’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Kazuhiko Shimamoto Born April 26, 1961 From the hinterland of Hokkaido After being selected as an honorable mention in the 9th Shogakukan Newcomer Comics Award Debuted with “Hissatsu no Transfer Student”. His masterpieces include Gyakkyo Nine’ and Moeyo Pen. Examples include Flame Transfer Student’ and Kamen Rider ZO.”
The letter:
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Another piece directed by Osamu Dezaki and supervised by Akio Sugino has become a permanent edition (converted to LaserDisc)! (Hooray!) From the anime “Ashita no Joe” (1), the unique and beautiful way of life portrayed in anime is so intense that it has consistently given us dreams, hopes, despair, loneliness, friendship, love, perseverance, and revival! These works have even surpassed the original works in the emotional impact of their final episodes. I continue to be captivated by the atmosphere conveyed by these works. The reason I enjoy drawing the final episodes of my own works is entirely due to Director Dezaki’s influence! Currently, Osamu Tezuka and Ikki Kajiwara, the two individuals whom I revered as gods in the manga world, are no longer with us. Even now, these works, which possess added charm, continue to provide us (even those who have become professionals) with anticipation for the next episode, life lessons, and motivation for creating works. Seagulls, dance! Liquids, shine!! Wind, blow and then, “Why go to such lengths?” Charafo! Go as far as you can go! Mariko, somehow you’re really scary, Mariko.
Then the words scribbled next to the drawing of Mariko:
You are the protagonist of this work! I’m paying the most attention to you. You’re not alone! That’s right! Make me Mariko’s ‘older brother’… ‘older brother’…
Mariko is saying (OCR mangling here, sadly):
Thank you… I just feel… that’s special… Why not? If I had to say, maybe it’s a ‘woman’s world’…
(Clearly a reference to Rikiishi Toru of Dezaki’s earlier anime Ashita no Joe, who intensely speaks of a “man’s world”. He and Mariko love a good starvation diet!)
The little chibi version of Shimamoto(?) in the bottom left is saying:
But everyone, don’t easily become someone’s ‘older brother.’ It’ll be troublesome later!
GPT-4 noticed a cute reference it couldn’t include in its translation. Its note:
The text seems to be OCR scanned partially, and hence some meanings might be missing or distorted, such as “マンガ界のジョン・シルバーだ!!”, which appears to compare Dezaki and Sugino to a ‘John Silver’ of the manga world.
Volume Three
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Volume Three Subheading
It’s not too late; our beautiful time can still be preserved, forever unspoiled, just like this white snow… A forbidden masterpiece of a cult anime born from satellite broadcasting! The fourth release on LD!
Volume Three Synopsis
Suddenly summoned to the sorority house, Nanako is pressured by Fukiko to end her relationship with Hemimi. Upon hearing this, Saint-Just confesses her complicated relationship with Fukiko. The shocking truth behind why “Miya-sama” wanted Nanako in the sorority unfolds, leaving her deeply shaken. Meanwhile, Saint-Just is tormented by the realization that the stronger her feelings for Fukiko, the more she ends up hurting her. The complex relationship between Saint-Just and Fukiko has a tragic past involving a near-suicidal event. On another front, Mariko causes an incident by attacking Misaki, motivated by slander about her parents’ divorce, which leads to a movement spearheaded by Kaoru to abolish the sorority. Amid the crumbling sorority, Fukiko remains composed. The fourth volume, “Chapter of Snow Dance,” captures her frightening yet noble confidence and deep sorrow. In the snow that never melts, remains the sad yet beautiful promise of Saint-Just.
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Volume Three’s “From the staff to all the fans”
Tomoko Konparu Born on March 13, 1956, in Nara Prefecture. Pisces. Blood type AB. A fan of both manga and anime, she became a screenplay writer and debuted during her university days with “Ikkyu-san.” Anime works include “Urusei Yatsura: Only You,” “Urusei Yatsura: Remember My Love,” “Touch 2: Farewell Gift,” “Phoenix,” “Cat’s Eye,” “Hime-chan’s Ribbon,” and more. Novel works include “Mystery at the Tower of London,” “Mystery at Nara’s Great Buddha” (published by Kobunsha Bunko), among others.
The letter:
When I heard that this work was going to be turned into an anime, I was shocked. I’d known about the series since its serialization, so my reaction was something like, “What!? Are they really going to do it!? And on NHK of all places!?” Expanding on the original work and filling in the parts that hadn’t been depicted was incredibly challenging, but also enjoyable. What surprised me was that, around the midpoint, the characters started to assert themselves, taking actions that were entirely different from what I had planned. The princess would say, “My pride isn’t so easily swayed,” San Just would insist, “I’m not going to commit suicide,” and even the older sisters of the sorority were like, “We can’t back down now.” Every time this happened, I had to rework the composition. This phenomenon of “characters moving on their own accord” was a first for me in an anime series, and it was an incredibly fresh and pleasant experience. That being said, it’s rare to be so emotionally invested in characters while working, to the point of even role-playing their lines. To be honest, this was a work that got my inner anime fan excited. Ah, I want to do work like this again!
Volume Three’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Keiko Fukuyama Born on September 7. From Tokyo. Currently, she is working as a manga artist, authoring works like “Ruru-chan of Star Island” and “The Tale of Appfelrant.” She also illustrates for children’s stories, including the “Mama Ghost Series.”
The letter:
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It appears to be titled “To the Unforgettable Older Sister”. Much of it is too hard to OCR. It opens with this caption:
“To My Older Brother…” is so melancholic and sentimental that it instantly takes us back to our student days where we felt we were tossed around by fate for no fault of our own…
Here’s some of the text beside the character drawings:
Fukiko/Saint-Just: Reputed as the most beautiful sisters in school Mariko: The most popular Mariko-san who lured our tears. There’s a lot to think about! Tomoko: A straightforward, kind friend Nanako: So there I was, fully embracing my Nanako persona, reaping all the sorority perks you could imagine. (I mean, they even say they’ll hook me up with a dreamy guy!) 💧 And just when I’m soaking up that sorority vibe, guess who’s set to make a surprise appearance right after the teaser for the next issue!
Text coming out of the TV:
It was “Oniisama e”!!!! Poor Mariko-san, right~ Misaki-san also, there was no need to say that much, you know.
Volume Four
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Volume Four Subheading
It’s not too late yet, our beautiful time can still last forever, unspoiled by anyone, just like this white snow… A forbidden cult anime masterpiece born from satellite broadcasting! The fourth installment on LD!
Volume Four Synopsis
Suddenly summoned to the sorority house, Nanako is pressured by Fukiko to end her relationship with Hemmi. Hearing this, Sanjust is compelled to confess his relationship with Fukiko. The shocking truth makes Nanako reel in disbelief. He deeply ponders that the stronger his feelings for Fukiko, the more he ends up hurting her. The unusual relationship between Sanjust and Fukiko reveals a tragic past of a failed double suicide. Meanwhile, in the school, an incident occurs where Mariko, slandered for her parents’ divorce, attacks Misaki, leading to an anti-sorority movement centered around Kaoru. Fukiko still acts nonchalantly in front of the crumbling sorority. The volume unfolds displaying Fukiko’s terrifying yet noble confidence and deep sorrow. A beautiful yet sad promise lingers in the snow that never melts.
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Volume Four’s “From the staff to all the fans”
Kenichiro Haneda Born on January 12, 1949. Graduated from Toho Gakuen College of Music in the Piano Department. An accomplished concert pianist, Kenichiro Haneda has a broad range of experience, including composing and performing music for movies and TV themes, as well as acting as a musical director for musicals and commercials. He has worked on numerous soundtracks such as NHK’s morning drama “Youth Family,” TBS’s “Women Work Hard” and “Life Is Full of Demons.” With his genre-defying approach to music and his bright, humorous personality, he is a sought-after multi-artist in various fields.
The letter:
I’ve worked quite a bit with Music Director Seiji Suzuki in the past. Suzuki gives me the music menu, and I’m the one who creates it. We’ve had some pretty detailed discussions about it. Of course, I’ve read the original work as well. When I read it at home, my daughter gives me a puzzled look, as if to say my interests have changed quite a bit (laughs). I think I wrote around 40 songs in total. The music is meant to have a Baroque sound while also feeling contemporary. The order was for something classical yet with a pop atmosphere. The image that immediately came to my mind was a rhythm section, with a harpsichord playing the melody. String instruments intricately marking the rhythm, much like Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. And on top of that, a flugelhorn playing the melody… Regarding the scenes where the piano is played, I played all of it myself. I often compose and perform my own pieces. It’s less about talent and more like playing two roles; maybe I contribute quite a bit to cost-saving (laughs). In any case, this work has a unique atmosphere. If the music I created successfully captures that, then I must again express my gratitude to Suzuki for coordinating everything. October 28, 1993, aired on NHK
Volume Four’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Hideaki Anno Born on May 22, 1960. Originally from Ube, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Height is 180 cm; weight is a secret. Debuted as an animator during his time at Osaka University of Arts, working on the TV version of “Macross.” Later worked on “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind,” the film version of “Macross,” “Royal Space Force,” and others, before directing “Gunbuster” and “Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water.” Currently planning new projects.
The letter:
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Way to go!! Oniisama e… Wow!! The long-awaited, tumultuous Volume 4!! This volume shows us the peak of the series, from Mariko-san’s stabbing incident to the dissolution of the sorority. Amazing, this is really amazing!! Yes. Especially the heartbreaking breakdown of Nobuo’s family, and the portrayal of the sorority’s downfall reminiscent of the French Revolution, are things that are indescribable with words. Yes. The highlights this time are– Brilliant! Highly sophisticated direction and high-quality animation in Episode 27! Tear-jerking! In Episode 28, Mr. Nobuo Hikawa’s soul-stirring outcry!! Upon hearing those lines, my tears really wouldn’t stop. Seriously. Amazing!! Oh, so moving! The heartfelt words of Miya-sama at the end of Episode 32. The sight of Miya-sama waiting alone in the Sorority House and those lines really hit me hard. Moreover, as always– Incredible!! The world that reminds me of ‘Aim for the Ace!’ and ‘The Rose of Versailles’!! Impressive!! The drama unfolds only in limited settings, like homes, trains, buses, crossings, schools, and other familiar places!! Very Sophisticated!! The direction, composed of stillness and motion, light and black, feels so mature. As expected, Dezaki-san! And, Powerful!! Nanako-san is turning into an adult right before our eyes. Moreover, the music is also great!! I wish the BGM CD would come out soon. The use of chimes and telephones remains clever as ever!! Ah, the only thing missing is a bit more on the background elements… by H. ANO ‘93 10/27
The tiger is saying “It’s awesome, isn’t it!”
Written above the drawings of Mariko and Saint-Just: “These two are definitely the ones. Yes.”
Volume Five
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Volume Five Subheading
The summer full of light ends, the eventful summer ends… And then the cherry blossoms bloom again… Brother, I am now… A satellite broadcast-born forbidden cult anime masterpiece! The final chapter on LD!
Volume Five Synopsis
Finally, the petition to abolish the sorority has garnered signatures from over two-thirds of all students. As the campus is in a state of upheaval, Saint-Just is lost in thought alone. One day, he calls Nanako out and promises to take her to the beach where he used to go often with his mother when he was younger. However, on the promised day, Saint-Just never shows up. His sudden death plunges many people, including Nanako, into the depths of sorrow. Among them, Kaoru, who is battling cancer and fearful of its recurrence, takes the news of Saint-Just’s death most seriously. She finds comfort in the warmth of Takahiko Henmi, but continues to stubbornly refuse his love, thinking about his future. Love, friendship, bonds… The fifth volume, titled “Chapter of the Fireflies,” explores the dignity, beauty, and value of human life. Seasons turn, and the cherry blossoms bloom again, bringing back familiar scents to Nanako. All of this is accompanied by the most beautiful “love.”
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Volume Five’s “From the staff to all the fans”
Riyoko Ikeda Born December 18, Showa 22 (1947). Native of Osaka City. Blood type AB. Graduated from Tokyo Metropolitan Hakutsuru High School and went on to the Philosophy department at Tokyo University of Education (now Tsukuba University). Began drawing manga during her time in school and debuted with “The Girl in the Rose Mansion.” In 1972, she achieved great success with “The Rose of Versailles,” acquiring a broad fan base that transcended the realm of girls’ manga. Known for her keen historical perspective and deep insight into human nature. Active as a writer and essayist as well. Her hobbies include Nihon buyo (Japanese traditional dance), oil painting, movie appreciation, vocal music, piano, cooking, and knitting. Her work has been selected for the 76th Nika Exhibition. Major works: “The Rose of Versailles,” “Window of Orpheus,” “Empress Catherine,” “To My Brother,” “At the Ends of the Sky,” “The Blue Pomegranate,” “My Manga” Books: “If Only Life Could Be Lived Once,” “Women of the French Revolution,” “Women Who Wrote Masterpieces” Currently writing “Eroica” and “Prince Shotoku.”
The letter:
As one who has journeyed far from that radiant chapter called youth, a time that shone with an almost awkward brilliance, I find myself in a peculiar blend of bewilderment and nostalgia. Seeing my old ideas of high school life come to life as animation almost 20 years later is surreal, to say the least. Still, it’s exciting: hearing voices given to these characters, seeing them talk, laugh, and get angry. Watching them come alive is truly a thrilling and satisfying experience. Ah, adolescence — everyone’s inescapable stairway to adulthood. Some people take each step slowly and carefully, while others rush ahead, ending up out of breath or even lost. And then, there are those who may lose their direction, standing still, contemplating each step. Wrapped in the love of family, meeting various people, nurturing friendships, experiencing love, and going through the ups and downs of hurt and forgiveness — it would be wonderful to climb those steps in such a way.
Volume Five’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Rumiko Takahashi Born in Niigata Prefecture. Debuted in 1978 with “Katte na Yatsura,” submitted while still in college, in Shonen Sunday. Famous works include “Urusei Yatsura,” “Maison Ikkoku,” and others. Currently serializing “Ranma 1/2” in Shonen Sunday.
The letter:
A masterpiece infused with the creator’s soul. When I heard from the staff that “Oniisama e…” was getting the anime treatment on satellite TV, I was surprised. I’d delved into the original comic before and it’s quite an eccentric story. “How are they going to pull this off?” I thought. But learning that the script was in the capable hands of my acquaintance Tomoko Konparu, I was very excited. In fact, the anime that aired was genuinely captivating. The characters are so larger-than-life that they electrify the screen the moment they step into frame. It’s been a long time since an anime had that kind of presence. I believe the animation is done by the same people who worked on “Tomorrow’s Joe 2.” The scenes are so visceral that you can almost feel the punches land and see the fighters hit the mat. I kept asking myself, “Why isn”t a mouthpiece flying out?” (laughs) My favorite character in the work is Nobuo Mariko. The scenes where she bites her lip until it turns a flushed red, I find it really cute. But what blew me away was the show’s emotional intelligence. Just when the heroine seems on the brink of breaking, a lifeline is thrown her way. This nuanced touch prevents the darker, more harrowing elements from overwhelming the viewer. It’s as if you can feel the sincerity of the creator throughout the piece.
And that’s it. Again, check out the full scans on Archive.org, and remember to encourage all your friends to experience this beautiful anime!
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copperbadge · 1 year
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Graphic design is my passion. :D Might adjust the title font or the background pattern color, but I'm liking how the "svichwurm" came out. Bless her mythical little heart.
I've uploaded the proof copy to Lulu and ordered a print of it. As of now I'm on track for it to go on sale on August 16th (Reclamation Day!) but even accounting for delays, it should be good to go by the end of August or early in September. Exciting!
[ID: A cover image for Dinner At The Palace, my new book of short stories; the title is in a very "diner menu from the 80s" style font, and below that it reads "The Shivadh Short Stories". There is a fuzzy, very light green patterned background, and below the title and subhead is the Welsh dragon, tinted brown-green to resemble the mythical Svichwurm from one of the stories.]
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satancopilotsmytardis · 2 months
So I know the title of this fic is technically “101 kinks: slime” but I was wondering if you were going to come up with a more book appropriate title what would it be? Sorry if that’s a weird question lol, I’m working on making a typeset for the fic so I can print and bind it but I just feel like it would be weird to put “101 Kinks: Slime” on the cover of a printed book, like imagine the looks I would get reading that in public lmao
So I would not retitle this story. In fact, when I posted it, I genuinely thought about giving it a subheading like Guard Dog or Prince's Consort, but I deliberately decided not to. I know that titling things with "101 kinks" will make people skip over stories because there is the perception that stories written for the sake of porn are considered lesser and that they won't have anything of value to say. I had a lot to say and a lot I wanted to explore in 101 Kinks: Slime, but those things were added on after the fact because it is, first and foremost, porn and I didn't want to hide or devalue that. If the title of the story is something you feel is inappropriate to be on a book cover, then maybe it would be best to leave the cover and spine blank or not print it at all. If you really feel the need to change it, then I can't stop you, but I don't have an alternate title for this work. Sorry to get so pretentious, but I don't think a fanwork should have to be renamed so that it appears more normal to other people 🤷🏽
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badpancakelol · 2 years
They finally have a true and proper heart to heart. It’s completed with sitting down in Wayne’s new apartment, Eddie bringing over cookies that Steve had made. It kind of makes him feel like they’re the two little old women who used to live in the trailer across from them — bickering and bitching about anything and everything over a cup of tea. But they have the heart to heart, because things have finally settled, and for once, they have time.
He didn’t really know where to start. Eddie doesn’t really know when Wayne had started slipping out of his life, or when Eddie had started pulling away, but he knows that it definitely started way before everything that happened with Vecna. Maybe it started when he fell off his bike, when his mother didn’t show. 
(“How am I even meant to start?” Eddie asks Steve, watches as he shapes the little handfuls of cookie dough on the tray. “There’s just— so much.”
Steve hums, and stops his hands for a second, wipes them down on his apron. “Well, you know I like lists,” He points in the vague direction of where their first sticky note has been framed on the mantle. “They help me look at things from a different point of view. Make things that seem overwhelming and suffocating into something smaller. More manageable.”
He turns back to the cookies after giving Eddie a small smile. Eddie thinks he likes this domestic aspect of their relationship. Where they can now stay at home on days that are too cold or too hot, and not have to worry about the things that they used to. Now, it’s just them, living and breathing within each other’s space.
“Help me?” Eddie asks.
“Always.” Steve answers).
And so, they had made a list. It had rationalised it in Eddie’s mind, had let him make headings and subheadings, how to move from one subject to the other, how to prepare himself and what he wanted to say. 
The Upside Down.
Eddie’s mum.
It’s not a long list, but it still feels daunting. They should be easy, quick, enough to talk about, and yet. Steve had said that’s how he felt when he was trying to fix things. Making a list that only held three or four items — items that by themselves would be fine, that combined, made his teeth hurt in a way that spelt trouble.
Eddie knows that he’s probably not supposed to tell Wayne about the Upside Down, what with the letters and legal notes that he had to sign, but when he had admitted it to Steve, had said that it hurt to keep it a secret, Steve had just held his hand, had said if you trust him, as if it were even a question.
“You know that story that went around about the serial killer, and Steve and I—”
“The one that was very obviously a cover story?” Wayne snorts, takes a sip from his mug. This time, it’s one that Steve had made at one of the pottery classes out of town. It’s smooth to the touch, with a green glaze along the edges, ants and frogs and spiders in a cute-simple style littered across it. Wayne will never admit it, not to his face, but it’s his favourite.
“Yeah.” Eddie says. He knew that people didn’t really believe it (as someone who didn’t really buy it, himself), but hearing Wayne say that it was so obviously fake, and to know that he never questioned Eddie about it? Well. It’s definitely something to process.
“So, you’re ready to tell me about,” He waves his hand in a roundabout movement. “Whatever happened to you two?”
He pauses. Tries to think of a way to delicately say, I fought monsters, and monsters killed those teenagers, and my boyfriend can bend time. But there isn’t one. There isn’t a manual that dictates how to approach any of those topics. So Eddie does what he does best, and pulls the bandaid off as fast as he can.
“Monsters.” Eddie spits. “And time travel?”
“Kid, please tell me you’re pulling my leg.”
“Not joking. At all.”
And then, the gates are open. Eddie talks about his point of view — hearing the sounds of the monsters every year but not really understanding the gravity of the situation. He talks about Chrissy coming over to buy, and how she had stood still, and how she had floated. Skips over the details, because, while he’s getting better at not feeling sick about it, not feeling guilty about it, he doesn’t think she should be remembered that way. 
He talks about running. Hiding. How the group had found him, how he had been chased by Jason, how he had seen Patrick die. Wayne keeps his gaze the entire time, but he doesn’t interrupt or say anything, because Eddie is still really only at the start of his story, at the start of it all. So he keeps going. Max, the kids, the gate. Lover’s Lake, Steve’s change in demeanour, Vecna, the battle, the monsters. 
“So that’s why they moved us out? Set us up in this place?” Wayne asks, nods his head to his side, to the apartment walls.
“Because of one of the gates, yeah.” Eddie says, feels his leg bouncing up and down. Wayne holds onto himself like a man lost, and Eddie supposes that he is, right now.
“But you two are — you’re safe, now?”
“Yes.” Eddie replies. Realises that he means it. “We’re still — working through it. There were a few things that we figured out, after everything had happened. You’ve seen some of Steve’s scars, so. I’m sure you know.”
Wayne nods, and his eyes look misty. “You boys are happy, though. I can see it whenever you talk about him, or whenever he talks about you. It’s— I’m happy for you, Ed. Proud of you. I know I never said it when you was young, but. I’ve never been anything but proud of you.”
“Don’t make me cry just yet,” Eddie jokes, brings his sleeves over his hands to wipe at the corners of his eyes. “We, uh, Steve helped me make a list. ‘Cause, you know how I called to have a heart to heart, and then I wouldn’t say what about, because there’s kind of— a lot. Like, a lot, a lot.”
He nods, and he smiles, and there is a fondness in Wayne’s eyes when Eddie mentions Steve. 
“I don’t think I ever officially said it, but, well. You know about us already.”
Wayne nods, but says: “If you want to say it, you can. I won’t take that away from you.” 
Eddie breathes in. He knows that Wayne won’t act any different, won’t look at him weird or say anything that would hurt. Wayne went to their housewarming, and had seen the way they looked at each other, held hands. They had dinners over at Wayne’s place every couple of weeks, and Steve would greet him with a warm hug. There is love between the three of them, and it makes Eddie wonder why he never really, truly, told Wayne about Steve.
“We’re dating. I love him.”
Wayne nods, and he smiles, and he had said it before, Eddie had heard him say it not only a few moment ago, but now he can see it in his uncle’s eyes: the pride. 
“He’s a good kid — Steve. Now, you better treat each other right, because I do care about the both of you, and I don’t want to see anyone getting hurt.” He breathes out and reaches towards the platter of cookies between them, now, almost gone. “And ask him to make more of these, will you?”
Eddie smiles and says yes, sir, because he knows that Wayne hates being called sir. He makes a face at the title, and then Eddie smiles like he’s been caught doing something bad, and Wayne just remarks making me feel ancient, over here. And nothing changes. 
The tea has gone lukewarm, but Eddie still holds the mug between his hands, just so that he can grab onto something. Because those were the easy ones. Because Wayne hadn’t been a part of them.
“Um, and I wanted to talk about my mum.”
Wayne’s smile pauses, and Eddie can see the way that it crumbles from his position on the couch. In his mind, he’s already trying to find a way to backtrack, and smooth the conversation over, try and point it back towards Steve, and how that seemed to make Wayne happy, and how they’re going good, and how much he loves him, instead of—
“What about her?”
“Why did she—” He tilts his head, and moves his hands, and makes a small noise to try and convey everything and nothing that she had given him. That she had done to him.
Wayne simmers down, and he folds in on himself in a way that Eddie has seen before on Steve. Trying to make himself smaller, trying to make himself seem less imposing, or terrifying, looking for comfort and forgiveness. Forgiveness for what? He hadn’t done anything wrong.
“I don’t know.” Wayne says, quiet. “I tried to talk to her about everything, when it happened the first time. But she would never listen. I know I wasn’t the best growing up, and I’m sorry, Eddie. Sorry that I couldn’t just— make her go away. That I just let her keep coming back and raising your hopes up, only for to— to leave.”
None of it is his fault, though. Or, maybe it was, but Eddie doesn’t see it that way. Wayne wasn’t the one to leave, Wayne wasn’t the one to break promises, Wayne wasn’t the one to tell him to be quiet, and pretend to love him, and then never return a call, and then love-bomb him the next time they met. That was on her. Not Wayne.
“That’s not your fault—”
“—And even if it was, I’m not going to— to blame you for it! We were in a shit situation, and there was so much stuff going on, even before the monsters, and the night shifts, and I know I wasn’t an easy kid to take care of—”
“You were wonderful, Ed, I couldn’t have asked for a kid so kind—”
“—but there was nothing you could have done to make me feel more loved!” Eddie breathed. The noiselessness of the apartment seemed so loud, now. Wayne sits across from him, leaned forward on the couch, hands by his sides. He wipes at his eyes with the edge of his sleeve, and he looks Wayne in the eye, because he needs him to know.
He needed Wayne to understand that there was no one else that he would have wanted, no one else he would have loved as much. He went above and beyond in every possible way, even when Eddie was making it difficult, even when he was being difficult to love, Wayne had still done it. Wayne had still loved him.
“You were there.” Eddie whispered. “Every day. Even when I was acting like an asshole, and taking out my anger for her on you, or when I kept fucking everything up. You were there.”
Wayne stood from the couch, crossed to where Eddie was sitting. He knew it was coming before the arms had even wrapped around him, and yet when it happened, when he felt how warm Wayne was, how soft and firm and comforting his hold was, he let his tears run. Eddie closed his eyes as tight as he possibly could, and he tried to imbed his hands into the back of Wayne’s shirt. And when Eddie had felt that noise make it’s way up his throat — loud and ugly and so very human, he let it.
-- -- --
one of the sections from my epilogue, and finale of my steddie series!!!
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I would be super interested in hearing more of your thoughts on the bedard athletic article... i read it just now and. hmm.
OK we’re back for Part II, the Bedard/Fantilli parenting part! (Part I here.)
I previously squawked about being jarred by the subhead in the Star: “But Connor Bedard’s story was always more about raising a happy and grounded child than a star.” But now that I’ve processed both articles, it’s not necessarily off-base. The Bedards clearly do very much care about raising a happy and grounded child. It’s just that their philosophy about how to accomplish that outcome seems to be focused around making sure Connor has everything that Connor thinks he needs.
There’s presumably a difference between everything that Connor thinks that he needs and everything Connor actually needs, just like there is with any teenager. So what really stands out to me in both of these articles is the many examples of how the Bedard parents seemingly do not ever go against Connor’s decisions around hockey, even when they’ve had (or arguably should have had) legitimate misgivings. Some examples from the Toronto Star article:
Melanie didn’t think Connor should apply for exceptional status, to the point where she was losing sleep over it. Connor “told her how upset he’d be if she blocked his goals,” and she caved. (The quote is from The Athletic but Melanie’s emotions get more attention in the Star.)
This quote from dad about little kid Connor going to open ice: “He’d stay there eight hours at a time,” says Tom. “More, sometimes. He’d come off, eat, go back on. His feet would be literally bleeding. I would go on once in a while, but normally I would just let him do his thing.” Like… maybe it’s time to make your kid take a break if his feet are literally bleeding????
Ah, the Hawaiian vacation, the trip that Connor refused to go on unless he could take his hockey gear and keep practicing. There’s a series of choices there as a parent. Not only are you acceding to your kid’s demands to play hockey in the midst of your one and only family vacation ever, you’re actively facilitating his demands by paying to check his goddamned gear bag and leaving your own relaxing lounge by the pool/on the beach to drive him to the only rink on the island (which I’m fairly confident was not walking distance from any resort they may have been staying at.) Like!!! That is such a series of choices!!! All made in the service of allowing your hockey-obsessed kid to have exactly what he wants, rather than deciding that perhaps it would be good for him and for your whole family to have a tiny little vacation from his life’s obsession!!! (Much of the information in this paragraph is based on the TSN spot, which has the most detail about this trip.)
I think it’s super interesting that the coach of the Pats says he’s tried to dial Connor back (making him take days off, against Connor’s wishes) but apparently his family never has.
This is not the Fantilli family shared decisonmaking model, where all four of them talk about collectively making every decision about what Adam’s path has been. (And also extol the importance of family vacations.) In the Bedard family, Connor is driving the bus and his parents have decided that their role is to support him as he decides how best to follow his dreams.
I was absolutely gobsmacked by this quote:
Melanie moved to Regina to be Connor’s billet the past two seasons, because nobody knew what it would be like for a kid of his calibre, and as Paddock puts it, “His whole preparations are based around perfection, and she’s the only one that knows it.” 
Moving because you don’t want your 15-year-old to live with strangers would be completely understandable. Moving because you are the only person who can possibly live up to your 15-year-old’s standards of perfection and you don’t want him to have to live a life where everything is not exactly perfect for him is FUCKING BANANAS.
Of course, there’s a Fantilli contrast here too. I’m thinking of the interview where Adam said his performance coach therapist helped him “turn rituals into routines.” Learning how to cope when it is not possible to have everything run exactly according to your standards of perfection seems like a fairly important life lesson for your kid to learn if you want him to be happy and grounded. (Most parents start teaching that around the time their two-year-old throws a tantrum because the purple cup is in the dishwasher so they have to drink their apple juice from the green cup.) But maybe it’s less important if your version of “happy” is that your kid gets everything he wants.
It’s interesting that there’s a common thread between the Bedards and Fantillis of some distaste for the minor hockey scene. (“Melanie had already started staying away from the games after experiencing the fierce currents of youth hockey on the moneyed North Shore.”) The Fantillis dealt with that by finding a different path that took their kids out of that system entirely, and the Bedards don’t even seem to have considered that option. Connor wanted exceptional status in the CHL and that’s what Connor got.
And maybe that’s connected to another interesting Bedard/Fantilli contrast. The Fantills, in describing their shared decisionmaking model, always seem to radiate confidence that they’ve made the right decisions, even when those decisions have been hard or haven’t been popular. See, e.g., Julia emphasizing in Adam’s TSN spot that “it was about making the right decision for each son,” or Giuliano evangelizing the prep school route in the Gulo Gulo article, or Adam explaining, “It’s probably about a week-long process for every decision that we make and I don’t think we’ve made a wrong decision so far.” But the Bedards, apparently, have some self-doubt about letting Connor drive the bus:
Bedard’s parents still worry. Melanie worries about school taking a relative back seat — in the room at the Brandt Centre, a chart of Hamlet’s characters is the only real indication it’s a classroom. Tom thinks about the kids of the people he works with, and how they’re growing up.
“Their kids play hockey, but they hunt, they fish, they motorcycle, they snowmobile and they’re good at all of them,” he says. “But they’re not great at any of them. But is that better in the long run? Maybe it is.”
sources: The Athletic, the Toronto Star, TSN, Gulo Gulo,
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
One of my favorite follows on Twitter right now is a smallish account run by an anti-imperialist activist who goes by “Left I on the News”, because he has a real knack for going through articles in the mainstream press and highlighting the mundane little manipulations we’re fed each day to shape our worldview in alignment with the US empire.
One story he singled out recently was a New York Times article titled “Russia Fires Drones and Missiles at Southern Ukraine,” which opens with the line, “Russian forces launched drones and missiles at cities in southern Ukraine from the Black Sea early Tuesday, Ukrainian officials said, a day after Moscow blamed Kyiv for an attack on a bridge linking the occupied Crimean Peninsula to Russia.”
Can you spot anything funny in that sentence? It’s not super obvious at first glance.
“Look how the NYT phrases this subhead to make Russia sound extra evil,” Left I tweeted with a screenshot of the article. “Not ‘a day after Kyiv attacked the Kerch Bridge’, but a day after Russia blamed them for doing it (as if it’s just some wild accusation). Remember — the most effective propaganda is the subtlest.”
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“The most effective propaganda is the subtlest” is a phrase you should try to remember, because it’s so very true.
It is indeed ridiculous to try to frame this as some wild accusation by Russia, as though Moscow should have remained open to the possibility that the bridge was struck by Bolivia or Nepal. CNN reports that Ukrainian officials have taken credit for the attack, and just days ago Ukraine’s deputy defense minister publicly acknowledged that Ukraine was behind last year’s attack on the very same bridge. No serious person doubts that Ukraine was behind the attack, including those who support Ukraine.
But that subtle manipulation didn’t really stand out when you first saw it, did it?
As we’ve discussed previously, these subtle little adjustments of perception are what constitutes the vast majority of the propaganda westerners ingest through the news media from day to day. This is because the really overt, ham-fisted propaganda isn’t what’s effective; what’s effective is those sneaky little lies that slide in unchecked underneath people’s critical thinking faculties.
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Contrast the above example with the response we’ve been seeing to Yeonmi Park, whose outlandish, larger-than-life propagandistic lies about what it’s like to live in North Korea have turned her into an internet meme. She’s become so widely mocked that even The Washington Post, among the first to help amplify her as a trustworthy North Korean defector after her arrival in the US in 2014, is now openly questioning her credibility.
This is because propaganda only works if it doesn’t ring people’s cognitive alarm bells. You can’t slide propaganda down people’s throats if it triggers their critical thinking gag reflex. If you want to poison someone’s food, you can only pull off the deed if they don’t taste the poison or throw it up before it takes effect.
So most propaganda isn’t of the Yeonmi Park “communists are so poor that they have to eat mud and get out of the train and push it because there’s no electricity” variety. It’s subtle. It’s these tiny little adjustments where US allies are reported on more sympathetically than US enemies, claims made by unaligned governments are reported with much more scrutiny and skepticism than aligned governments, and the sins which take place within the US-centralized power structure are overlooked while those outside it are amplified and condemned.
We’ve been ingesting these tiny little manipulations all our lives like microplastics in our water supply, and they build up within our reality tunnels to significantly warp our perception of what’s going on in the world.
And the fact that it’s been so many tiny little lies over years and years means it’s a lot harder to extract all the perception management from our worldview once we’ve discovered that it’s happening. If it was just a few really big lies we could reorient ourselves toward truth fairly quickly just by recognizing them, but because it’s so very many tiny manipulations it takes years of sincere work to fully free yourself from all the distortions and false assumptions you grew up with.
But it’s worth doing, because positive change can only come from an awareness of what’s true, whether you’re talking about individuals or humanity as a whole. Our task as humans is to come to a truth-based relationship with reality to the furthest extent possible, and that means fearlessly diving headfirst into the long, hard slog of sorting out fact from fiction, one lie at a time, no matter how subtle.
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
Open call for (very) small collabs!
I'm going to have a post in the coming weeks consisting of a bunch of magazine covers, like this one.
My characters will be the main headline of magazine, but I'd like to fill out the sidebars and smaller headlines with news and current events from other people's stories!
If you've got newsworthy sims (royals, musicians, politicians, athletes, reality TV stars...) please reach out and share a pic and headline with me, and I'll feature them in an upcoming post.
Please give me a headline and subheader! Headlines should be SHORT, around 5 words, subheads can be a bit longer! Please note that I might need to edit headlines/subheads to fit them into my templates!
Pictures should be a clear, waist-up picture of your sims with their face clearly visible (unless they're a DJ who always wears a mask or something)
The magazines etc. I have in-universe range from legitimate news agencies to online rumor mills to salacious red-top tabloids. Feel free to submit something serious and journalistic OR something salacious and speculative -- I can make room for all of it!
I'm not putting a number on the "slots" I'm offering for this, but if I get TOO much interest and can't work with you, I'll let you know as soon as I can!
On this kind of project, I'm happy to collab with anyone regardless of how "established" their blog and story are! I am especially encouraging people with newer blogs and smaller followings to reach out!
My one caveat is this: no minors, please! I'm nearly thirty, I've got no business socializing with teens online.
I'm posting this on July 27th, 2023. The magazine covers post will go live on August 14, 2023.
ETA: Also I'm traveling rn and flying home today, so if you respond right away, I will probably not be able to get back to you until tomorrow!
ETA2: I'm reaching out to people who express interest via DM. If you're interested, send me an ask or comment on this post and I'll follow up!
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 years
New look, same story
Hey folks! Did you enjoy the memory lane posts? I know I did! Before we jump back into the story, I want to give you a heads up. For the TL;DR folks, I'm rebranding The Piersons and Friends, so be on the lookout for new banners, colors, etc.
For those who enjoy my thought process, board my train of thought under the cut. (woo wooooo!)
A year or two ago, I gave my blogs one cohesive look. I wanted to brand myself! So I made this banner and have been using the colors and fonts from it for everything.
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In the spirit of rebranding, I also remade the banners for PnF to match this new style.
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Recently, I realized this was a mistake. I make different banners for my stories to give them their own identities. Changing PnF's assets to match the blogs essentially took away its identity, and that's probably why I've felt a bit unsettled when looking at it lately; it didn't work for me anymore. I needed to change it, but to what?
This story is a rotation, but it's also the story of a family, the Piersons. That's why I used trees in the previous banner. The tree also reinforces the organic feel I want. The story is funny sometimes, but it's not a comedy. It's sometimes dramatic, but it's not a soap opera. It's everything all at once and flows in and out of various emotions seamlessly--organically!--which is why script fonts work well for the title. Looking back at old banners, I had those elements and didn't even realize what they meant and how well they worked.
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It was clear I needed to go back to my roots with the tree and script font, so I set out to make something new. I also needed to move away from the black and yellow. Even though I could think hard and come up with some deep, philosophical reason for why I use those colors, frankly, there is no reason. I was new to storytelling on Tumblr at the time, and I just did what I saw other people doing. Also, I didn't have the design knowledge I have now and was just winging it.
Black doesn't convey organic according to color theory, so I ditched it, made white my primary neutral, and introduced green, which just so happens to be Kameron's favorite color! I suppose, theoretically, we can pay homage to him for generations after he's gone, but I'm sure this story won't be around that long. I also wanted to make the banners more modern to match the present-day setting. After trying a LOT of different designs, this is what I came up with!
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I know, I know. "But, Jess! Where's the tree???" It's there! I promise lol. It's just very blurred and covered in bokeh. I think it works for the modern style. It still feels very organic to me, so it's working.
I added the characters' names to the banner because I think it will help new people who begin reading in the middle.
So what do you think??? Did I accomplish my goals? Does it work for you?
My design brain tells me I should go ALL the way with this branding thing and change my dialogue typeface to the sans serif one I'm using for the subheading. But, a. it only comes in regular, thin, and bold, and not having italics is problematic for me (see what I did there lol), and b. Myriad Pro is perfect for what we do because it's clean, readable, and has multiple fonts in its family. I experimented with green text, but yellow just works better. Honestly that's how I started using yellow in the first place. But anyway, that's my announcement! I hope you enjoy the new hotness!
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For the Remadora Fest, is there a certain way we should post the stories to the collection so that they are published anonymously or can we post them how we would any other fic? Sorry, I've never posted to a collection before and just don't want to do it incorrectly.
Hello anon! For @remadorafest, you post to the collection as if it were any other. I've got it set up to be anonymous and unrevealed - this means that as the mod, I go in manually to reveal the fic, leave it anonymous until the fest is over, and then remove the anonymity to do an author reveal. You don't need to do anything but post to the collection.
If you've never posted to a collection, this is how you do it:
Go directly to the collection page: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Remadora_Fest_2024. There's a button that reads "Post to Collection." Click that and enter the details for your fic as you would any other and submit it.
Post a new work. Go to "Post">"New Work". Enter your details. When you get to the subheading "Associations," the first option is to "Post to Collections/Challenges." Type in Remadora_Fest_2024 and Remadora Fest will pop up. Once you click that and submit the fic, it will show up on the collection page.
That's all! If you need, you can message me or the fest account to double check that the fic has been received. It takes a few minutes to show up so give it about 10 minutes before sending an email or message.
Thank you!
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shadowmaat · 1 year
(un)True Artist
Today tumblr radar featured an "art" piece by verum-artifex. As their bio says, it means "True Artist" in Latin, but there's nothing "true" about this art; it's artificially blenderized through use of one of those art theft engines. Here's a snippet from the image so you know what to watch for:
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It should be a great piece: it features a studious, dark-skinned Black woman dressed in white, standing before a book case, reading a book. But there are no obvious human touches and no indication that digital assistance was used to help the artist rather than do all the work for him.
Initially the art wasn't labeled as being "AI" generated, but apparently enough people called the hack on their bullshittery that they went back and added tags. There's also a post explaining their actions in that elitist, condescending way that so many tech bros tend to adopt when they get caught.
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[alt text: Headline reads: The Essence of Verum Artifex: with the subheading A Journey Beyond Mediums.
Welcome to Verum Artifex- My journey in the world of art has spanned many years, enriched by various tools and mediums, both digital and traditional. Recently, AI has emerged as a valuable collaborator, not to overshadow the human touch, but to amplify imagination and bring visions to life.
The core essence of every creation here is birthed from human emotion, experience, and creativity. It's not solely the tool used, but the stories, emotions, and concepts they represent.
As you delve into this space, I humbly ask for an environment of respect and understanding. The beauty of art lies in its ability to evoke diverse emotions and interpretations. While I strive for artistic integrity, it's crucial to remember that Verum Artifex is a realm of limitless creativity and possibilities. Some pieces may be explicitly tagged based on the tools or methods used, while others might not. Regardless of tags, every creation, be it hand-drawn, digitally crafted, or AI-assisted, is a testament to the passion, thought, and artistic intent.
Thank you for being part of this journey. Here, let's celebrate art, imagination, and the myriad ways we express ourselves on this vast digital canvas.]
VA very clearly doesn't want people looking closely at the methods they use because the message and emotions are more important. It reads as deflection, to me. As Marshall McLuhan famously stated, "the medium is the message." It may not be true of all artists and creative types, but it's true enough that even someone as art-ignorant as myself recognizes that how you choose to deliver your message can be just as important as what you say.
I think if they were more willing to consistently tag their stuff as being artificially generated, I might be willing to grant the benefit of a doubt, but as it is, nah. There's plenty of honest and straightforward artists out there whose work I can peruse; I don't need to waste my time on someone who knowingly uses tools based on theft and doesn't see a problem with it.
Just passing along info without giving the fauxtist any more traffic.
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cboeck-webdesign · 1 year
How to write outstanding blog articles the key success factors for doing so
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In this article, you'll learn how to write better blog articles. Have you ever read a blog article that captivated you from start to finish and provided you with valuable insights? Writing a good blog article is an art that appeals to both readers and search engines and provides real value. It's not just about presenting interesting content, but also about the right structure, tone and presentation. In this article, you'll learn how to write better blog articles that engage readers and increase your blog's reach.  
Choosing the right niche
First, you need to be clear about what topics you want to blog about in the future and how you can add value to your readers with it. Writing blog articles can be fun, especially if you are passionate about the topic. But also make sure you choose a suitable niche, because that will determine your success later on. Choose a topic that has a high demand and in which you already have experience or previous knowledge.  
Here you will find inspiration for new articles
Finding ideas is often not that easy, so it's best to brainstorm first. That means, you write down everything that comes to your mind about a topic. Choose a niche or a topic that you know particularly well and can build up an expert status over time. My favorite way to get inspired and find new ideas is to use Pinterest. But books or YouTube videos can also be a good inspiration. It's also worth reading other blogs or magazines. In addition, Facebook groups or tweets offer a good insight into what your target group is interested in at the moment. Tools like Answer the Public and Buzzsumo also show you what is currently trending. Always keep your thoughts and ideas in writing, otherwise they can quickly disappear.  
Find a headline that arouses interest
In order to win the reader over, an exciting headline is very important. The headline should captivate the reader and encourage him to read on, it should make clear what the article is about. I think that the topic and a suitable headline should be clear even before the keyword research. The title decides whether the text is interesting enough to be read. Especially good are headlines, questions, short phrases, tips and step-by-step instructions.  
Finding the right keywords
After you have thought about the topic and a headline you should dare to do the keyword research. I recommend the tools Hypersuggest and Übersuggest. Put yourself in the position of the reader and find out under which keyword you want to rank on Google. Pay attention not only to a high search volume, but also to the competition. Often it makes more sense to fall back on long-tail keywords. One more tip: when you type a keyword into the Google search box, automatic additions often appear that can help you determine long-tail keywords. With Google Suggest you can also find out which similar keywords are used. My best tips for keyword research: How to find the right keywords (the-moneyinsider1.de)  
Structure and readability of articles
It is worth defining a rough structure of the blog article in advance. The structure of an article should include the following points: - A short or exciting introduction - Main part detailed solution of a problem - Use subheadings and paragraphs - Conclusion - summary and recommendation The plugin Yoast SEO not only helps you with keyword optimization, but also shows you with a traffic light system how good the readability of an article is. It is important to structure the text well and to choose subheadings that make the topic interesting. This way, there is a good chance that the article will not just be skimmed over.  
Find your own style
Every blogger has their own individual writing style. This gives your blog something unique and makes it special. Therefore, it is worth telling personal stories and doing storytelling. Of course, it also depends on the target group, a younger target group wants to be entertained, while an older target group expects added value in the form of good content. A personal writing style gives your articles a high recognition value. Choose a writing style that fits your target audience.    
Publish and publicize blog articles
The optimal time to publish depends on several factors. When is your target audience active? As a rule, it is worth publishing articles during the week; most people have time to read an article in the evening. Depending on the target group, it may also be that blogs are better read on the weekend. Who you want to make a blog known, use social media networks and Facebook groups. And my favorite to make blog articles known is of course Pinterest. Even if many always count it to social networks, it is strictly speaking a visual search engine that can bring the enormous amount of traffic. Next to SEO, Pinterest is my best traffic source.   Conclusion: how to write a successful blog article Creating a perfect blog article is undoubtedly a challenging task. It requires a rough plan and a first draft to make the process easier. But as time goes by, you'll notice how writing new articles becomes easier and easier. You'll become skilled at researching new content and finding inspiration for future articles. Your blog can become a powerful marketing tool that perfectly complements social media. Read the full article
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crossingbaranduin · 1 year
Post-3x02 thoughts: I know it’s impossible in show canon, but I would love to see Dawn’s reaction to the Anders’ near death incident. Word dump of various reasons below while I work:
(General note: besides #6, this takes place post-series finale but with Dawn remembering + having been told about their time as gods. Details beyond that don’t really matter; I’m placing this sometime within a year post-finale, where Dawn finds out about the Idun stuff in passing and then finds out the full story from Anders. Cue “what the fuck”.)
1) Huge one is because I think she’d have one of the more interesting “outsider-looking-in,” mortal takes on the whole situation. Neither Anders or Gaia had control over the situation; it’s lose-lose, and they clearly didn’t want it as themselves. I think it’s a reasonable mortal perspective to expect the gods to get this, considering it’s a vessel-specific problem — but the inverse occurs where it’s almost seen as a worse offense/excuse (or, at the very worst, the accusation that Anders used his powers on Gaia to make this all happen). Really just want a confrontation here that boils down to “if anyone should understand why the hell neither of them could stop this, it should be the gods, so what the fuck happened?”. (Even more room for discussion with how while Gaia does get some criticism for what happened, Anders definitely takes the majority of the heat by the end.)
2) I think Anders would explain the situation better to her than the actual conversation with his brothers, at least to a degree. A lot of where the bar conversation goes wrong is with Anders’ blustering that super reads as a defense mechanism tbh. It’s definitely not that he’s good with being emotionally open with Dawn, but I think if the subject was pressed, she’d have the best chances by far of getting the emotionally honest version of how fucked up it is to be a vessel in that situation.
3) Ty/Dawn material because I can: add in a Ty and Dawn conversation about what happened. I need it. So much good hurt/comfort potential there. Ty’s reaction to seeing Anders’ injury and his subsequent falling unconscious really gets me (him pleading with Anders to stay awake? so many emotions about that), and tbh that’d be pretty damn traumatizing to see. Really just want a conversation that goes from “how the hell did this happen?” to “even for this family, how did it escalate this badly?” to “things went unchecked for way too long, and now Ty has to live with seeing his brother bleed out in front of him in mere seconds”. Can’t really get a better postponed breakdown finally happens + comfort hugs scenario than that! (Also: Ty being the only one to really get how unavoidable the bond is between god-spouses. Would any conversation have gone differently if the Hod-Hel and Bragi-Idun parallel had been explicitly brought up?)
4) I have a MILLION thoughts about the scene where Anders almost opens up to Mike about what’s happening but just stops short of doing so. This literally might get subheadings. Anders ending up in over his head and subconsciously running to Mike to fix it on instinct and then rethinking it because their relationship isn’t the same as it once was. Mike not having 100% confirmation but knowing what happened before it’s confirmed nonetheless. Mike wondering if he had actually pushed Anders and intervened, maybe they could have had a different conversation with Axl not leading to Anders’ near-death. In general, the complications that come with needing to run after Axl but that also meaning Mike can’t/doesn’t stay back to see how Anders is recovering. (Okay, back to the part that actually involves Dawn, oops!) Less direct than I feel like there’d be with a conversation between her and Ty, but I feel like after the topic gets brought up again, it’d be possible for Anders and Mike to have a fuller conversation about this hell scenario and to at least repair like, one tiny block in the Jenga tower that is their relationship.
5) Axl’s got a looot of shit to work through, which I’m usually much more sympathetic about. However, in this context, I really want to see the hilarity that is “the former most powerful god getting intimidated to hell and back by one very angry and terrifying mortal”. Don’t piss off Dawn, she basically runs JPR for a reason.
6) While I’m picturing this post-series finale, with the caveat that Dawn remembers everyone + they’ve explained their former god powers to her, a mid-S3 AU has some fun angst potential with Anders still having Bragi’s powers. Specifically: Dawn confronting the other gods about how almost killing someone over something they couldn’t control is Pretty Fucked Up, but Anders attempts to Bragi her out of continuing because he doesn’t think this talk will have any real effect and being openly defended in this situation is not something he’s mentally ready for. Twist: Dawn is 100% set on doing so because she genuinely believes this one wasn’t on Anders, so his powers fail. One hell of a shock for everyone involved, especially considering how rarely his powers fail in canon!
7) I just need more Anders and Dawn hugs in general. He’s tiny enough in comparison (especially with Dawn in heels) and deserves to put his head on her shoulder and be wrapped up in a good hug.
…This went on for far longer than I expected and should basically be its own Google Doc fanfic WIP at this point. TL;DR: please ask me about my 3x02 related thoughts because I have So Goddamn Many Of Them. (Thanks for reading if you got this far!!)
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When is the time to start a new document?
Right now, I have a document called "Tumblr Oneshots" where I had planned to put all my stories that were limited-run or requested but right now I'm currently working on 3 stories in there that are getting long!
The original idea was that it would let me have less tabs open at once, but now the document is getting difficult to navigate and track progress on. It's not that bad though. Not super urgent, just mildly annoying.
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Note! This isn't the entire outline, just a sample of what it looks like. Stories are listed chronologically as the ideas come to me (in bold) and then chapters are listed as subheadings.
It worked fine when the stories were mostly oneshots, but now that things are getting longer and have more chapters, it's getting laborious.
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