#that someone is most likely Okoye
livstarlight · 2 years
(Not) Patiently waiting for one specific fic where Namor and Shuri get married to better secure the alliance between Talokan and Wakanda, and despite the evident tension because of everything that went down, everyone can see something is up between the two of them, no matter how many times Shuri keeps saying that it's just for politics, nothing more and she feels for him nothing but annoyance and disdain
Namor does zero-to-nothing to correct anyone and is just very unsubtle about how he truly feels about her (whipped, absolutely whipped, he literally has two thoughts: his people and the princess)
Except that there is an attack and Shuri goes absolute apeshit because she doesn’t know where he is, if if he's hurt, and refuses to calm down until he shows up again because no, the missile barely grazed him, he is fine
Then she proceeds to: smack him, yell at him and finally hug him tightly while muttering under her breath that that was so stupid, never do that again (not necessarily in this order)
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gilbirda · 3 months
Ghost Princess!Jazz design
So, since I'm posting chapter 24 of Friendly Neighborhood Vigilante, finally these will see the light of day!!!
Designs and drawing by the amazing @herbatahleb!!! I commissioned him these drawings so I could visualize the suit in my head better; and also so peeps could see what I'm talking about!
Thank you so much Hleb!
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Alt version that was scrapped during the design process and me rambling about design ideas under the cut
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So the Idea was that in this AU Jazz was trained by Pandora and the dead Amazon warriors in the greek afterlife.
Jazz doesn't use guns, not because of morality or anything, but because she sucks ass at shooting and is like the moment she hits the trigger it doesn't matter where she was aiming, she will cause an accident/hurt someone. (Weapons she doesn't have to actually aim are kinda okay, but you have to be ready for her blowing up something)
So she compensates and uses a lot of long range weapons, with her mom's staff being the one she uses the most. The staff has 2 settings: spear, which she uses for a more aggressive approach (think Okoye and the Dora Milaje from Black Panther)
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and War Mode, with the War Mode is the one that is in the final design. I sent Hleb a bunch of reference pictures and the lance is based on Ares' lance in Destripando la Historia (a spanish youtube series)
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My general idea is that Jazz is inspired by the war god because she herself had to become one for Danny. She's one of their best strategist but she is also vicious in battle and the best at hand to hand combat and most versatile weapons-wise.
Her suit is also red because it stands out in the Infinite Realms. She makes herself a target so she can attract her enemies to her, since she can't fly or doesn't have a means of quick transportation during battle.
Armor is made for speed and agility, and it's charmed so it enhances her natural ghostly abilities and physique. Her arm pieces can project an ecto shield for defense.
For the crown I had a few references, but mainly Wanda's headpiece in MCU
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But also I wanted to include some kind of high fantasy crowns for her, because that's her crown as a princess. While Danny has the black metal one that's constantly on fire, Jazz would have this armor headpiece and only the "tips" would be on fire and then the actual crown appears out of thin air as a fire circle over her head.
For me this detail was important because it showed: first, how for Jazz her crown IS part of her armor and how deeply entwined being a princess is with being a warrior while Danny can be the king without the warrior; and second, to represent how "fake" as a ghost princess she is, since she's not actually dead-dead, because only 2 singular points are actually metal but the rest comes and goes and doesn't anchor to anything.
We also used a bunch of references of Kassandra from Assasins Creed Odyssey
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For the boots and other details I really just sent Hleb a bunch of pictures from the Wonder Woman movie Amazonian armor design
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Anyway that's all my rant. I'm very happy with the final design and Hleb was very kind to sit with me and let me be specific about what I wanted. Love you, darling!
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multifariousqueer · 2 years
All that remains
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Summary: You notice Shuri's attention has been elsewhere and in an attempt to get it back, your plan backfires
Wc: 1468
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT, edging, Dirty talk, nicknames???, ,manipulation, jealousy, overstim, face riding, language(although if you're reading smut with the intention of it being clean, you've come to the wrong place),
Song: Escape From LA- The Weeknd(specifically the beginning)
"sthandwa you're so fucking wet for me. You gonna be a good girl and cum for me yeah?" Shuri moaned in your pussy.
"mmmmm yes my queen" you breathed out.
The pleasure mixed with the brain fog caused by how amazing Shuri was enough to almost push you over the edge. Just as you were about to reach your high, you heard Griot's voice alerting your girlfriend of someone entering her lab. You instantly panicked thinking it was Okoye or the Queen but it was someone else:
"Princess? RiRi Williams is here to finish working on the herb and the Ironheart suit."
"Tell her to wait one minute."
"Yes Princess."
Shuri pulled her fingers out of you and gave you a quick peck on the lips:
"Get dressed, my love. We'll pick this up later." Shuri said with a smirk as she licked her fingers clean of you.
You groaned at the feeling of emptiness and a missed orgasm. All you could think about was that she stopped fucking you mid-orgasm. Sure, Shuri may have edged you on multiple occasions but she never and I do mean NEVER denied you an orgasm when you were that close. It felt like a slap in the face but you knew you couldn't dwell on it for too long, RiRi would be down any minute and you had better things to do. You put on some sweats and went upstairs to shower and go out when you heard Shuri and RiRi laughing and talking. It hurt your feelings a bit to know that Shuri was giving her attention to someone else but you knew it wasn't personal, it was business and RiRi was one of the only people who could help her recreate the herb and suit.
You layed out some lingerie that Shuri bought you with a t-shirt and jeans. When you got out of the shower and put the lingerie on, you made sure to take some pictures to send to Shuri later.
Wakanda was truly the most beautiful place you had ever seen and the scenery and botanical elements were truly one of a kind. Even after Namor's attacks, the place was still thriving and the people were still friendly. You bought some herbs and spices, as well as talked to some of the merchants and a couple even gave you a discount. You decided to walk by the water and send the picture of your lingerie to Shuri; normally when you did this, you would get a reply almost instantly and it was always something along the lines of "come home now." or "I can't wait to eat your pretty pussy 😍" but you didn't get that today; All you got was left on seen. You felt your chest ache so you left and went back to the palace. When you got there you dropped your stuff off and went on your phone for a while when an idea crossed your mind.
You shouldn't. Shuri's gonna destroy you. Buutt, Shuri's not giving you the attention you need rn but you know who will? People on Instagram. So with that, you found the photo least likely to get taken down and posted that with the caption: 4 Your Eyes Only.
You reposted it to your story and pretty soon, it racked up a lot of likes and reposts. Most from your friends, a few from random people; you got a lot of DM's from friends telling you how hot you looked and from random people telling you how hot you looked. You checked your story views and saw a random finsta and instantly knew.
Back in Shuri's lab:
Shuri was working with RiRi when they took a short break to just check social media and vibe. Shuri and RiRi talked about everything, from quantum mechanics to the Chicago bulls to even you at one point:
"So how long have ya'll been together?" RiRi asked.
"3 years-ish. We've been through just about everything together." Shuri replied.
"So did your brother meet her?" RiRi asked
"Yes. He loved her just as much as he loved me. He said that we balance each other out; that I need someone who will get me out of the lab every once an awhile when he couldn't." Shuri answered earnestly
"So do you love her?" RiRi asked.
"You ask a lot of questions." Shuri chuckled.
"Sorry it's just that, ya'll seem so happy." RiRi answered half-apologetically.
"We are. And to answer your previous question, yes, I do love her." Shuri replied with a half smile.
RiRi was about to say something when Okoye called:
"Shuri, you need to see this." Okoye said.
Shuri clicked on the link to see the post of you in the outfit(or lack thereof). Shuri froze and said:
"She's gonna get it."
You left your room and tried to come up with something to say when you suddenly felt Okoye's hands on your arm:
"Where do you think you're going?" She asked
"I don't know." You said shaking
"Well I'll tell you where you're going, your girlfriend wants to speak to you about that post." Okoye replied
"What if I don't want to speak to her?" You asked
"Than you should't have made that blasphemous post." Okoye replied sternly.
You felt your heart sink when you saw her sitting at the table with a picture of the post.
"Why did you post this? And better yet why did you use that caption?" Shuri asked tersely. It honestly made you feel better that even mad, Shuri still knew that you hated beating around the bush.
"You weren't giving me attention so I found people that would." You replied plainly.
"Y/n you know how important this is for me and RiRi. Have I ever done anything to make you question my loyalty before?" Shuri asked
"No but-" You were cut off by Shuri
"So why are you questioning it now?" Shuri asked
"Because RiRi is smart and pretty and she knows how to do the things you do and you guys have the same interests and stuff" You said, with tears in your eyes.
"Oh Y/n. I hope you know that I'd never be with anyone that wasn't you and that includes RiRi. I love you and I always will. Sure we have some stuff in common but we don't have what you and I have. Everything between us is strictly business and I know that you need constant love and attention and it's my fault for not giving you that. I won't make that mistake again. I love you and only you Y/n." Shuri said getting a bit teary eyed.
"I love you too. So much and I'm sorry for letting my insecurities get to me." You said.
"It's okay." Shuri said, embracing you and resting her chin on your head.
Y'all stayed like that for a while before Shuri pulled away and said,
"You know... we never finished our little escapade."
"Well why don't we?" You said with a smirk.
"Mmmmm that's my girl." Shuri said, rubbing your body down.
That was all Shuri needed to start kissing your neck and pull down your jeans. She rubbed circles around your clit through your panties and teased your dripping wet hole.
"Mmmmm this pretty creamy pussy. All mine." Shuri said in between breaths.
"all yours" You breathed out
"Shit you're so wet, I feel you through your panties." Shuri said, grabbing you and putting you on the table.
"Let me eat this pussy like I should've done this morning." Shuri said in your panties.
"Do whatever you want, your highness." You said with a smirk
Shuri took down your panties and stuffed them in her pocket before getting back in between your legs. She lapped up all of your juices in one lick. You moaned as she licked your folds and kissed your clit. She stuck her tongue inside of you and you felt your walls clench.
"Mmmmm fuckk feels so good baby" You said
"Such a perfect pussy. Who's pussy is this again?" Shuri feigned
"I- ahh- yours-mmm" You moaned
Shuri got up from in between your legs inserted three fingers.
"open your mouth" She said.
You did exactly that and she spit your juices and her saliva in your mouth.
"And don't ever forget." She smiled.
You felt yourself nearing your high and before you knew it you were on the edge. Shuri was sucking on your clit while finger fucking you when you felt your high approach:
"Cum for me, princess. Or I'll have to puni-" Shuri mumbled.
Before she could finish her sentence you had finished all over her fingers. Your juices coated her fingers and your moans were all that remained.
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jnkgrnde · 1 year
— ms. clumsy
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pairings : shuri x black!reader
warnings : gets a lil suggestive, terribly corny 😕
summary : shuri has a huge crush on the reader, and it’s blatantly obvious. one example of this is how clumsy and flustered she gets whenever you walk into the room. this is based off a post i saw comparing shuri and the reader to naveen and tiana from the princess and the frog, where naveen was able to flirt with any and everyone with ease but when it came to tiana, he choked up.
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“whatcha workin’ on, ms. udaku?” was the sentence that made shuri jump and almost drop her tool. she turned around to find you standing behind her with your hands behind your back. “just- uh- just working on okoye’s midnight angel suit.”
it didn’t take long for you to notice her clumsiness whenever you were around. you noticed the signs a long time ago; the stuttering, the flushed look on her face, her eyes dilating just a little whenever she looked at you.
you knew shuri udaku had a crush on you, and you didn’t mind not one bit because you felt the exact same way.
you let out a giggle at her being so nervous. it was cute to watch, having someone that held so much confidence and have so many girls buckle their knees be so flustered around lil’ ol’ you.
“can i watch?” you asked sweetly. shuri didn’t stop to think about the consequences of this, she just didn’t want you to leave. “of- of course” she looked around and saw that there wasn’t anywhere for you to sit. “i’ll pull up a chair for you.”“oh, you don’t have to do that. i got it.”
shuri looked up at you with her eyebrows raised slightly. you’d heard about t’challa and nakia, the way he would freeze whenever he was around her. is this what they meant? because shuri looked like an antelope in headlights.
she stood there, rendered speechless. “shuri?” you spoke softly. saying her name seemed to do it, because she came back to reality, blinking and blushing.
you gave a sweet, sweet smile and touched her arm gently. “you’re cute when you’re flustered, ms. udaku.” you told her, going to grab a chair. shuri watched you get the chair while she prayed and prayed you couldn’t hear her heartbeat, because it was just about to come out of her chest and run to you with no hesitation.
you watched shuri intently as she worked, asking questions here and there. it was another thing you noticed; her loss of focus. your knee touched hers and it was like she was frozen. before you made yourself known, you watched her work diligently all focus on the midnight angel suit. her fingers worked like you’ve never seen before, perfecting the machinery.
it was another thing you loved about shuri.
beside you, shuri was a fumbling mess.
every time you asked a question, she’d answer with a stutter and would refuse to look at you in the eye in fear that you were too close, and one thing would lead to another..
“so,” she finally breathed out, “why did you come down here?” it was the first time since you sat down with her that she looked up at you, and her heart almost stopped.
you were so close. and you looked so pretty. shuri’s eyes trailed down to your glossed over lips — they looked so inviting, just waiting to put hers on them.
her breathing picked up and it didn’t go unnoticed by you. your heart rate picked up and shuri could hear it. you had to stop yourself from kissing her, stop yourself from just holding her perfectly sculpted jaw and putting your lips on hers.
“i just..” you barely whispered, “i wanted to see my favorite girl.” you moved your eyes up to the scientist. your body started moving on it’s own, hand going to touch shuri’s face but you hesitated. “i’m your favorite girl?” she repeated quietly. “‘course you are.”
it was silent, only the sound of breathing filled the space. then, shuri did something that surprised the both of you — she kissed you first. your eyebrows shot up in shock, but you quickly reciprocated the thing you craved most. butterflies erupted in your stomach, and it felt like bells were going off. your heart pounded in your chest, as did shuri’s.
you smiled into the kiss and your heart filled with joy and contentment as you did. heavy breathing started, and hands flew to wherever they desired; shuri’s to your waist, yours to her face. hearts were poured into the kiss along with long months of yearning. she handled you so gently, so delicately as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
it was a while before you two finally separated for air. shuri was sure she had hearts in her eyes as she looked at you. your lips were kiss swollen, eyes blown wide and a stupid smile on your face. shuri slowly formed a smile herself.
“can’t believe you made the first move, udaku.”
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Imagine being the daughter of Erik Killmonger and Shuri running into you when her and Okoye find Riri
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The commotion could be heard from across the courtyard as the some older kids gave you a hard time. When you walked past them on your way back to the dorms. It was hard being one of the youngest and smartest kids at one of the most prestigious colleges in America. When you got your acceptance letter from Cambridge you were filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment like never before. You told yourself nothing was going to stop you from taking this opportunity, but you knew it would come with challenges.
One of those challenges was sometimes being underestimated because you were a girl and a loner. Not to mention your outspoken no bull-shit attitude. The older kids liked to push your buttons every now and then just to see what you would do. Most of the time you would just give them a death glare and flip a bird before walking away. The headmaster of the school did not tolerate violence whatsoever. So that was out of the question, but sometimes when they really deserved it. You would give them exactly what they were asking for.
Chad grabbed the strap of your bag and used it to pull you to him. He had that cocky grin on his face and dangerous look in his eyes. "Hey buttercup where do you think you're going?
Across the Courtyard
Shuri and Riri were only a few steps behind Okoye who was hanging back just in case something happened. If someone tried to make a move from behind, they would have to get through her first, and if they attacked from the front. She would see it coming from a mile away. They were walking at steady pace with purpose but not so fast to draw attention to themselves.
"Chad let me go." Shuri came to an abrupt her head snapping in the direction of the female voice in distress. Riri didn't stop right away until Okoye clamped a firm hand on her shoulder. She threw the General a slightly irritated look. "What's up with you two I thought we needed to move quick."
"Give it back you asshole" You shouted as Chad snatched your bag away, and held it out of your reach. At that Riri turned in your direction to see what was going on. A grin formed upon her face at the sight.
"Aye what do you find so funny about one of your classmates being tormented" Okoye chastised her.
Riri shook her head with a laugh covering her mouth when Shuri turned to her with a raised eyebrow. She held up both of her hands "will both of you just chill out and enjoy the show."
It was then the group witnessed Chad grab you by the shoulder and shove you away from him so hard. You fell back onto the ground hard. Shuri had seen enough and even though she knew they didn't have time for it, or should be taking the risk. She didn't care anymore "Okoye can you discreetly go kick that colonizer’s ass?"
"With pleasure princess" she accepted getting ready to go over, but Riri blocked her path. "This again small child move or I will move you."
"Naw man trust me if there is any girl on campus who doesn't need your help. Its her just watch this is part of her plan usually things don't escalate, but these idiots must be new or just dumb." Okoye turned to Shuri who didn't look too sure of what Riri was saying, but gave her a nod to hold off for now. Riri turned back around not wanting to miss what was about to go down.
Chad had his back to you laughing with his friends until he felt you tapping him on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes before whirling around to confront you. "Didn't I tell you to beat it I'll drop your bag off after I copy your answers to the homework tonight."
"Or you could just do it yourself dipshit" You shot back balling your hands into fists.
He frowned. "Hey watch how you talk to me. Do you have any idea how hard I can make your life around here."
"Oh please you're too dumb to solve basic Calculus, and I'm supposed to be afraid of you. Let me guess you're going to send one of your groupies after me. Well heads up not going to work."
"Oh yeah and why is that?" He sneered shoving his face into yours. By now everyone in the courtyard had stop what they were doing to watch the argument.
"They'll be too busy screaming my name in my bed we both know you don't get the job done" You whispered into his ear. It wasn't just a joke but a personal attack. You had actually stole one of his the girls he was full crushing on this semester. It did the job Chad pulled his fist back ready to throw a wild haymaker. But you brought your fist up sinking into his stomach before he could even blink. Specks of spit flew out his mouth as he hunched over wrapping his arms around his middle section. You took a few steps back light on your feet as he recovered. "Are you done?"
Chad let out a groan rushing towards you with outspread arms. You dropped to the ground and swept his legs out from under him. He was sent falling to the concrete face-first. Everyone watching either cheered at the move, or closed their eyes, but the crunch sound when his face made impact was loud and defining. You weren't down yet knowing it would take more to get your point across. You grabbed him by the shoulder and rolled him over onto his back with surprising strength. Then proceeded to straddle him and proceeded to lift his head by the collar of his shirt. You drew your fist back into the air making eye contact with Chad. Before bringing it down into his face.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.
His friends watched in fear and awe as you brutally beat Chad until finally his head lolled back. You released him letting his head fall back to the ground gently. The last punch was the one that knocked him out for good. One of his boys tried to attack you from behind, but you rolled backwards making him miss. A kick to the back of his leg made him drop to one knee. Before he could think you were in front uppercutting him in the chin. This time you weren’t holding back so that one punch K.O. this guy. He fell on his side unconscious.
"Now does anyone else want to pick a fight or mess with me?" You asked loud enough that everyone in the courtyard heard. The rest his posse shook their heads frantically and scrambled away. One of them held out your bag which you snatched up. You slung it across your shoulder and started off for your dorm again. Leaving the two unconscious dudes in your wake like it was nothing.
"Now do you two see what I'm talking about y/n is a freaking badass. No one messes with her and get away it" Riri exclaimed slamming a fist into her own hand in excitement.
Not much could catch the General of the Dora Milaje off guard, but Shuri could tell by the way Okoye's eyes followed you. Until you disappeared into a building that she was impressed by your fighting style. It was a little too brutal compared to her own, but there grace in your movements. Especially when you anticipated the second boy coming in from behind. You didn't move like a young girl who had taken a few self-defense classes. You moved like a warrior with a few years of combat training, and maybe even a few fights under your belt.
Shuri herself was captivated by the way you dealt with those guys. Because the way you fought reminded her of someone else, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "Riri who is that girl?"
"I told you that's y/n" she answered.
Okoye asked the question both of them were wondering. "No what's her full name child?"
"Don't tell me you guys are trying to kidnap her too now. Are y'all short on warriors or something?"
"Riri her name for Bast's sake give me her full name" Shuri snapped.
Riri flinched. "Easy her name is Y/N Stevens alright, and before you ask. Yeah me and her are pretty tight she roughed up these guys who tried to stiff me one time. That girl has had my back since day one I asked her to teach me how to move like that once. She told her father taught her how to fight like that before he died. Apparently her dad was like some super assassin for the government or something like that. Either way his daughter is proof of how badass he was."
Riri was too busy talking to see the look exchanged between Shuri and Okoye. At the mention of your last name, and the look just intensified as she continued on giving them more info on your life. "Shuri you don't think she could be-" Okoye spoke up first letting her voice trail off.
Shuri was too far gone in her head already contemplating what Okoye was implying. T'Challa had her do an intensive background search on Erik immediately after that whole thing was over. Just too make sure his uncle hadn't fathered anymore children all those years ago. If you truly was his daughter wouldn't she have found you back then during her initial search. But then again she didn't think to look for any children Erik might have had himself. It didn't occur to her that he would have kids of his own. He seemed like a man too blinded by vengeance and hatred to have the time or desire for his own family. She couldn't even find a girlfriend linked to him.
"Oh yeah one more thing I mean I don't know why y'all care so much-"
"Just spit it out what else is there?" Shuri demanded coming out of her trance.
Riri grabbed her chest as if she was offended before continuing. "She never gave me her father's official government name and all. But he did have like a badass codename she told me. It was Killmonger."
At the sound of his name both Okoye and Shuri gave each other a knowing look. Both of their eyes widened in surprise, Okoye glanced back at the dorms. While Shuri dropped down into a crouching position with her head in her hands. There was no doubt about now both of them were sure.
You were the daughter of Killmonger and that made you Wakanda royalty.
Tag List: @danveration @xxromanoffxx @romanoffomixam @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @yelenabelovasgf @be-missed @jokertgkk @lizlil
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prettykittycastle · 1 year
Summary: The reader needs one more from Shuri.
(The reader uses she/her pronouns. The ethnicity/race is preferably black.)
(Content Warning: pussy eating, fingering, multiple orgasms, squirting)
Sweetheart - Isithandwa
Baby - Sthandwa
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"Princess, Queen Ramonda and General Okoye are on their way to see your new inventions," Griot's voice continued to warn Shuri, the AI's voice loud and clear in the lab, but sadly this warning, like the ones before, remained unheard.
Besides Griot's voice, the sound of Shuri's moans of pleasure could be heard clearly. She tried to keep her voice down just in case someone was close to the top of the stairs leading into her lab, but the feel of your tongue running up and down her folds, slurping up her juices was too much for her. Leaning back against one of the desks, she tried to keep herself upright as she could feel another orgasm was coming up.
You knew you were running a very high risk of getting caught, but you didn't care. For the past few weeks, cutting close to a month, Shuri had been practically isolating herself in her lab, working on multiple projects. The most you two had done to each other lately was give a quick kiss on the lips or cheek in passing. Nothing else. You knew that Shuri would be planning on presenting one of her projects today and you knew how nervous she usually got before presenting, so you thought this would be a good opportunity to finally have at least a quickie, and you thought a good, quick orgasm could loosen her up a bit.
"(Y/N)," she whimpered, her voice giving out halfway through your name as her legs began to tremble. "(Y/N), we must-"
"Nooo," you whined, pulling away from her pussy to look up at her, your mouth covered in her slick and some of it running down your chin. Holding onto her thighs, you could feel how much they were trembling and knew that she was gonna cum anytime soon. "I want more."
In your defense, you did not think that you would end up getting pussy drunk off her and ended up being on your knees, making her cum back to back. But that was technically her fault for not touching you for nearly a month.
"Isithandwa, my mother will-" Shuri stopped, her eyes moving down to see you ignoring her and returning to her pussy, your tongue flicking at her clit fast, desperate for her cum. "Oh, Bast, yes," she moaned, her grip on the desk tightening.
"Princess, they are not that far," the AI continued to warn her.
"I heard you, Griot," she responded, her voice trembling in pleasure.
Letting go of one of her legs, you gently pushed a finger inside of her, her cum from the previous orgasms making it easy. You pushed your finger in, all the way to the knuckle, and couldn't help but moan at the way she squeezed her walls around you.
"So tight," you muttered, loving the way her juices began to run down your hand.
"Oh," she moaned, letting go of the desk and bringing her hand to the back of your head, pushing you back to her center. "Suck me, sthandwa," she demanded, her gorgeous face held a look of pleasure.
Without another word, you leaned forward and closed your lips around her already swollen and sensitive clit, sucking it into your mouth, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at how good she tasted on your tongue.
"Oh Bast," you heard her moan, her legs trembling harder, almost shaking.
You moaned against her clit, still sucking it, and pushed a second finger into her, her walls quickly welcoming it.
"Fuck," she cursed, her hips beginning to thrust forward against your mouth.
"Cum for me again," you demanded, not taking your mouth off of her and curled both of your fingers inside her.
"(Y/N)," she whimpered out, her head falling back as she finally came. She let out a moan so loud and hot that it echoed through the empty lab, and for a second you worried that she might have been too loud. You could feel her walls tightening even more around your fingers, refusing to let them go. You let out a gasp as she began creaming on your fingers, covering them in soft, sticky, whiteness. Separating from her, the moan that left your mouth at the sight of it was not of your control and the only thought that went through your mind was the word, More.
"Pleeease," you begged her, not giving her a chance to register what you were begging for, and started back thrusting your fingers in her, only this time faster.
"Ah, shit," She cursed, her legs trembling even more, her whole body still sensitive from her previous orgasms.
"Griot, close off my lab," Shuri demanded the AI, her head still back and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "(Y/N)-"
"Give it to me," you urged her, plunging your fingers faster and faster into her, smearing more of her cream onto your fingers. "Cum for again. Last one, I promise."
"Oh, I-I'm gonna-" she began stuttering, the hand that was on the back of your head began trying to push you away, but you wouldn't allow it.
Swatting it away, you leaned back in and sucked her clit back into your mouth, moaning around it. Changing the position of your hand, you fucked your fingers deeper and harder into her, hitting her in the spot that you knew would drive her over the edge.
"Oh, fuck," she moaned, and suddenly you felt liquid flooding your fingers. You quickly took them out, but kept your mouth on her clit, sucking her, and letting her splash your face freely. "(Y/N)! Oh Bast!" She screamed, her whole body jerking, her juices still splashing you and now leaking onto the lab floor.
That's my girl, you thought, pulling away from her clit and looking up at her. Her head was thrown all the back, eyes closed, and she was breathing heavily, but even after tasting her cum and her squirt, the absolute look of bliss on her face made you want to put your face back in her pussy. Despite you promising that that was the last orgasm for her, you most definitely would have went back to eating her if it wasn't for the fact that you knew Okoye and Queen Ramonda was waiting on her.
Placing a hand on one of her trembling legs, you quickly grabbed her attention and made her look down to see your wide eyes looking up at her with her juices dripping from your face.
"Sthandwa," she sighed, her whole body loose and tired, and still slightly jerking.
"Thanks, baby," you said, getting up off your knees and standing up, both of them sore from kneeling for so long. "I really wanted to taste you." You placed a soft kiss on her lips which quickly turned more sexual as she reciprocated and even pulled you close to her body, her hand returning back to the back of your head.
"Mm-Shuri," you tried to speak against her lips, but before you could get another word out, she had already entered her tongue in your mouth, tangling it with yours.
"Shur-" you tried to pull away and speak again, but she quickly pulled you back to her.
Still kissing, you placed your hand on her shoulder and tried to separate from her lips, the action bringing a hum of disapproval from her.
"Shuri, your mom," you reminded her, your lips now swollen and covered still in her juices.
"Oh, right," she nodded, her whole face still holding a look of bliss. "Griot!"
"Yes, princess?"
"Please send my mother a message informing her that I'll introduce my invention tomorrow."
"Yes, princess."
"Come here," she told you, pulling you back to her lips. You weren't expecting this but you weren't complaining, glad to have more of her.
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aokoaoi · 1 year
𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮. ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿˢ
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pairings : shuri x fem!reader.
synopsis : shuri has a little crush on you, another lab worker.
genre : fluff.
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# someone managing to capture the princess' interest was something she least expected something to happen. but how can she help it if the interest was non-other than a lab worker, (name) (lastname).
# it was definitely strange figuring out if she liked you, or if it was just admiration. eventually, it was infact a small crush.
# she can't help but let her gaze lingers on you from time to time when you're working in the lab. she absolutely loves the dedication and focus you put on your work, it's what always caught her attention when it comes to you.
# you have done countless of important tasks around the lab. so many to the point shuri trusts you to do the most impossible ones.
# you are one brilliant girl as well, but you wouldn't say your knowledge rivaled the princess'. let's just say you were smarter than half the lab workers, or practically even all of the lab workers!
# you both rarely talk though, which is why shuri just admires you from afar. she doesn't know why she's so afraid of approaching you. you've literally been working for her for years, damn it.
# one interesting thing about this, is that you know alot about the wakandan princess, but the princess knows nothing about you.
# when her brother t'challa was still present, he'd often tease his sister to just come up to you and form a conversation. which she didn't.
# all she could do was wave and say hello! maybe when she's lucky, she can say bye to you when you're leaving.
# approaching you wasn't even a challenge, but she was definitely making it one. you just seem like the type to be hard to approach. what if she does end up going near you? what will she say then? 'yo what's up?' 'you look good?' 'nice work?'
# yeah she's definitely not gonna take that chance just to embarrass herself.
# often times, she sees nakia coming up to you to strike a conversation. it made shuri internally sulk to herself to see someone else talk to you so freely. she probably even believes you and nakia are 'besties'.
# when you see her staring at you, you form the most beautiful and sweetest smile she's ever seen. augh, your smile bro, it can make someone's day.
# despite not knowing much about you, shuri can definitely tell you're a very sweet and caring person. she justs can't help but melt when she sees you take over someone's work to help them when they're struggling.
# she thinks you're perfect girlfriend material too.
# she assumes alot about you and your personality based on what she sees you do. as of right now, she thinks you're caring, but you easily run out of patience when you're being provoked. yes, she's made a mental note not to get on your nerves because you're absolutely ruthless when upset.
# shuri has had enough feeling left out though. okoye, nakia, and other people had already had formed some sort of bond with you already, but she hasn't. she can't help but feel jealous when she hears nakia talk about you.
# sooner or later, she will eventually have the courage to talk to you.
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"how can an edit be hot?" — "its hot when letitia wright is in it."
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desswright29 · 1 year
Shame Pt.1
Hello all! I am very new to all of this, but this story came to my head while listening to this song and I was like well hell why not give it a try! Thought I’d give you guys a taste and you let me know if you want more! If you do this Series will be a definite roller coaster. Hope you want to know more about my girls and the story of how they got here!
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Shuri stood frozen in the middle of the New York State Capital building. A burning sensation starting in her chest, quickly spreading throughout her entire body. Okoye to her left, hand settled firmly in the center of her back as Nakia stood to her right firmly grasping her bicep, both with the intention of keeping their Queen stable on her feet as they all looked up at the screens with a mixture of emotions. 
 They’d come to The States to start plans on the new outreach program for the state of New York. As they walked into the building there was an obvious distraction that peaked Shuri’s interest to say the least. People were gathered in groups watching their phones or headed towards somewhere where there was a television. As she walked through the building she noticed sympathetic glances thrown her way. 
“What in Bast’s name is every one looking at?” Okoye says on high alert. “Something does appear off.” Nakia chimes in. “Ikumkani wam if you feel uncomfortable at any moment we will retreat.” “I am fine Okoye. I don’t believe their to be any threat. Let us follow the crowd” Shuri continues her confident strut following behind the crowd ignoring the weird looks she’s receiving. Nakia and Okoye shoot eachother a look as they follow ready and willing to protect the Queen and Black Panther at all cost.
     As they came up on the crowd in the center of the building they were all looking up at the screen with fond looks of adoration. Smiles, tears, hushed conversation. “She’s beautiful.” “She deserves this after what happened.””I’m so very happy for her.”
   All three women looked up at the screen in confusion to see…. A wedding. “All the commotion over a wedding? Must be royalty.”
The bride walked down the aisle in one of the most beautiful gowns Shuri had ever seen veil covering her face, as her groom sang to her a song he wrote for her special for this occasion. It was beautiful. 
   But something felt familiar about this bride. A strange feeling tugged at Shuri’s chest her breathing picking up. The bride walked up to her groom. As he finished up the song he took his mic free hand and gently removed the veil from his brides face to reveal a beautiful beaming bride. With beautiful brown glowing skin that she used to refer to jokingly as”Pecan butter tan”. It was always the perfect description to Shuri because when it all boiled down to it Shuri always thought she looked edible, smooth and buttery. With her perfectly beautiful smile that lifted the apples of her cheeks adorably. 
“Y/N” Shuri let out breathlessly.
Okoye and Nakia immediately held Shuri stable. However, pointless because Shuri couldn’t move if she wanted to. Frozen. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. As Shuri watched the love of her life … Marrying someone? Some.. Man?
She felt her breathing become shallow. Immediately becoming over stimulated. Feeling  Claustrophobic, everything was too much. She started to hyperventilate. She took off not caring who she knocked over to find a place of solitude. This couldn’t be happening. 
‘I know it was a while ago but I’m better now! I’m better for her! I have to have another chance! Please Bast, No this isn’t real’ so many thoughts ran through her head as she found a sign for a restroom she ran in lucky it’s empty locking the door behind her. 
   Shuri felt the familiar pain in her belly as she crossed her arms across her center in agony. She slid down the wall to the floor groaning as tears flowed freely from her eyes. Choking on a sob trying to breathe.
 “Shuri! Open the door!” Okoye whisper yelled 
“Shuri you need someone with you when you get like this. You haven’t had one in a while let us be here for you!” Nakia spoke up.
  It’s all background noise to her. 
“I can’t break. I can’t break. I can’t break” she chanted over and over to herself. 
She’d really fucked up that bad? It’s really over? ‘I was getting better… baby I was gonna be better for you. Please.’
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quigonswife8 · 1 year
New home: Namor x reader
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warnings: wakanda forever spoilers, swearing, death.
The world around you is so much different than the surface world. Life is different. The atmosphere is different. People thrive in this kingdom, people are happy. K’uk’ulkan’s people, which now includes you. It's so beautiful, more than the surface world.
When his people had arrived on the bridge, to kill the 'scientist' the words 'i'll go, just let the princess live' fell from your lips. So quick it was like you hadn't even said it. Still they had agreed, and brought you to his- K’uk’ulkan’s kingdom.
"Holy shit."
Riri's eyes, widened, her expression was full of panic but awe. You couldn't contain the awe on your expression either. You'd found the place to be beautiful, and felt drawn to it.
When he had called for you to see him, an outfit was held out for you. Then you had told Riri to stay and 'stay calm', before leaving to speak to the ruler.
When you met, he’d smiled at you, and it was like all your defences came crashing down, and all you could do was look at him with wide eyes.
His words had snapped you out of your 'trance', which only returned when he had shown you his kingdom. Something you had never witnessed before- words couldn't even describe it.
"This is why I must kill the scientist."
Those words. Words that should have scared you, brought your defences back up...but they didn't. 'Cause all you could do was be on his side. He'd had a way with words, but you could see where he was coming from at the same time.
He'd suffered too long, and only wanted to protect his people.
You'd been pulled into the world of the Wakandan's when the queen had hired you for your technological skills, much like shuri. Just not as advanced as her.
The queen had found your skills to be an asset, and had offered to let you work there because they'd needed 'as much help', despite already havcing a lot of help.
Shuri had become a close friend pretty much straightaway: you'd been there for support when her brother passed, to let her vent to scream to cry. She considered you like a sibling...but you knew it would never be the same as her relationship with her brother, or even Okoye, or Nakia.
Still, after all these years, you felt like an outsider. Which you knew you shouldn't have been feeling like. Never really having someone who understand you...until Namor. Who understood that you knew what it was like to be an outsider amongst others, who only wanted to do what was right.
Namor sits next to you. One hand on his knee, the other by his side. His eyes on you.
"I just want to do what's right for my people..."
Pushing your cape away slightly, you adjust your position.
"...I understand you, Namor. I...understand what that's like..."
He is intrigued. He'd expected you to get annoyed.
"...for most of my life..." you begin, looking up at the ceiling, water reflecting off it like diamonds. "...i've been an outsider. So when I was asked to come and work for wakanda, for the queen, I thought I would feel like less of an outsider.."
Memories of years past flicker in your mind. The times where you'd been privy to conversations between the wakandan's, your friends, had felt special. Only now, thinking back, you still had been an outsider.
"...but I'm not any less of an outsider than when I was before. I’ve…never felt like I’ve belonged..."
You look at him, expecting him to be bored...but there's a look. A look of something in his eyes that says otherwise. He looks down at the water, sighing.
"...I'm sorry you've felt that way, but I understand you (y/n). I know what that is like."
He doesn't look away from the water, but he still pays attention to you.
"...I thought all surface dwellers were different...but it seems like we are more alike than I thought."
Then, he looks at you again, and a smile flickers onto his lips.
You were soon rescued [well not really rescued, since you'd gone willingly] after that, and you hadn’t seen K’uk’ulkan again until he attacked Wakanda. Killing the queen, destroying the rest of Shuri's family, separating Wakanda, forcing you all to flee.
Still as you had stood at the queen's funeral, all you could think about was the feathered serpent god. Hell you were angry for what he did, but at the same time, you'd felt conflicted. Wanting to yell, scream at him, but wanting to give him another chance. Like the chance he had offered you.
When the fight happened between his people, and the wakandan's, he'd been seperated crashing on the desert with Shuri. So you had followed wanting to make sure the princess- the new black panther- would be alright...but also wanting to make sure K’uk’ulkan wouldn't be killed.
By the end of it Shuri had spared him, and he'd yielded. You can still remember that look on his face when he'd seen you standing there...
"I yield."
Shuri nods, and then drops the spear. Offering a hand, which he takes.
Shuri glances over at you, a smile falling on her lips, then she nods. You give her a thumbs up, the other hand pressed to your side to relieve pressure on the large cut running down your side.
You look away from her, then to Namor. Who's standing in the water, but the look on his face makes you absent-mindedly smile.
He nods towards you, and then disappears into the water. It's now that Shuri comes up to you, her hands moving to rest on your arms.
"…I did it…"
You smile.
"I'm proud of you, Shuri."
After the treaty had been signed everything slowly resumed to normal. Wakanda returned to normal, you could all heal. That was all that mattered. Though you couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. No, someone.
[back to 2nd person pov]
The winged god remains in your thoughts, in your dreams, even though it's been weeks. You miss him-despite everything, you miss him. Like crazy. That you wish he would show up one day, would be able to convince you to join him.
Which is what he'd offered you…but maybe his mind has changed.
It's a beautiful night. You sit near the shore in silence, hands pressing into the sand softly. Shuri had let you take a few days off to finish healing, though no amount of time would ever heal the wounds you have.
Head tilted back, eyes to at the sky, a sigh falls from your lips. The water has always been calming, to you. Maybe that's why being in K’uk’ulkan’s kingdom sorrounded by water made you feel that more connected. How it had called to you.
Crash. the waves crash, loud. You pull your eyes away from the sky, instead to look at the water. It's dark, but you are still able to see pretty clearly.
Then your eyes go wide, and you scramble to your feet unable to contain the surprise that's so clearly on your face, and through your body language.
A figure emerges from the ocean, silhoutette blanketted by the darkness. The figure walks towards you, a hand pushing back some hair. Then they stop at the edge of the shore, watching as you step back a moment.
You want to hug him but refrain from doing so. Instead standing there taking him in since it's been weeks.
The winged god steps out of the water. Brings himself in front of you and you catch how his eyes sparkle in the moonlight.
"…didn't think i'd see you again."
He chuckles, his head lifting up a little.
"I would never leave without saying goodbye…"
and you realise he's right. He wouldn't do that.
"…so…" you reply, a pang of sadness hitting you in the chest.
"This is goodbye…for good?"
Of course it is. Though it's nice he'd come and say goodbye before leaving, at least. Or…that's what you think. He moves closer, bringing a hand out for you to take.
"(y/n)…" once he's holding your hand, he starts to trace lines on your palm.
"…when I offered you to come and live with me, with my people, I was not lying…"
He flicks his eyes back to you.
"…when everything happened I had wondered if you had changed your mind…but I have not."
He moves closer, closing your hand.
"…if you would like to, the offer is still open. I would love to have you in my kingdom, as one of my people."
Then, he lets your hand go, and takes a step back waiting for your answer. Which doesn't come straightaway because you're too busy standing there in shock.
He actually wants you to live there? He thinks you deserve that? K’uk’ulkan trusts you enough to let him back into his kingdom, to live rather than to visit?
He has never trusted surface dwellers, until you. You became the first he trusted, wanted to have in his kingdom. Which doesn't happen at all.
"…you will not be an outsider with me…"
After a moment you take a step towards him, glancing back.
Back through where you had come from, where Shuri had dropped you off. Had wished you well. If you would do this you would be leaving everyone, leaving your home, those you loved. If you join him you'll rarely see Shuri, or anyone else for that matter.
Though when you think back to the times you felt like an outsider, you remember feeling like you belonged more when you had been in that cave with him. All the times you'd seen eachother you'd belonged. Something you have craved for many years.
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enaspaces · 1 year
my shuri headcanons 𓃠
a dump of my thoughts because i love her and she’s taken over my mind
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• on the trans/nonbinary spectrum. more specifically a demigirl and doesn’t care what pronouns you use on him. owns a binder for specific days that she wants her chest to look flat.
• very lesbian. her heart is for women and non-men 🏳️‍🌈
• i view her as a stud or a stem. it depends on how i’m feeling atm.
• she’s not just a nerd in the science sense she’s a huge fandom geek and has a stan twitter account to talk about her interests.
• also has fan edits of her favorite characters and interests saved on her phone. probably makes her own edits too.
• average minecraft enjoyer (she’s obsessed)
• reads a lot of wlw comics, novels, and other media bc they’re a gay ass.
• has AuDHD, argue with ur mama.
• is almost always seen wearing noise cancelling headphones or earbuds because she gets overstimulated at times. when she visits riri in chicago for the first time, the constant loud city noise is something he’s not used to. he had forgot to pack the headphones he made for himself so riri makes him a custom made pair to help him relax. they end up using riri’s more than their own. (riri indulgently put small cat ears on the top of them and shuri almost cried at the sight).
• catgirl energy. riri may make her look tall but that’s still a 5’5 girl twink that stopped growing at age 13. she’s small and likes to sit on counters, lab tables, the floor and any other weird place that’s not meant to be sat on. she curls up in a ball when she sleeps alone, and if she’s in the bed with someone else her limbs are all over their body. has cute sounding sneezes that m’baku makes fun of her for. one of the lab workers once found her asleep in a random corner of the room. naturally very light-footed and basically has human toe beans, making it very easy to sneak up on people without them hearing.
• has quite a few fidget toys to help her focus on work in the lab and ease her anxiety. a rubik’s cube, fidget spinners, stress ball, pop its, etc.
• she stims. so much. especially after she successfully completes a task or experiment and she’ll do a dance or do the lil hand flapping thing. her vocal stims are always random song lyrics or tiktok meme audios lol.
• has a sweet tooth. when okoye was a dora she’d occasionally bring candy or other sweets for her to snack on. riri goes to the store and buys him all the popular american snacks for him to try. nakia always has a mini stash prepared for when they visit her and toussaint in haiti.
• favorite color is purple. it just suits her.
• a GAMER™. she plays all genres but her favs are probably minecraft, puzzle, or rhythm games. did i mention minecraft? she loves it. riri loves rpgs and pvp games the most and has her play smash bros ultimate pretty often. they’re super competitive with each other and both sore losers lmao. shuri got her to play minecraft once and riri kept getting blown up by creepers.
• ↑ she becomes super close with mj, ned, and vivian through riri. they’re always on discord vc together playing games and doing many other things and it’s the most chaotic shit you’ve ever seen.
• if the word ticklish was personified. simply elbowing her in the stomach on accident would get a giggle outta her. every ticklish spot she has is extremely sensitive and you could have her curled up cackling in tears with ease.
• funny as hell for no reason. life of the party fr. she takes her jokester persona very seriously but sometimes she’s hilarious without even trying. the first time she ever smoked weed was with riri in her dorm and riri never laughed so hard in her life that day. shuri was literally all over the place. she’s definitely a lightweight too, just as goofy, giggly, and clingy in her drunken state.
• definitely likes kpop girl groups. I can’t prove it but they love loona you just have to trust me.
• also loves vocaloid and has a hatsune miku figure in her room somewhere. trust me on that.
• has a list of favorite black american artists. riri definitely put her on some r&b classics and less mainstream artists. has a massive celebrity crush on black women rappers.
• music taste is very versatile. her playlist has almost everything. she just can’t listen to one genre only, she’s too open minded and exploratory for that.
• he’s not one to fall in love easily, but when he does he falls hard. riri was the first person he ever fell for and it changed the trajectory of his life, poor thing had no idea what to do with that information.
• a romantic, lovesick loser. cannot flirt to save his life. flustering him is so fucking easy lmao. riri once called him shawty and he malfunctioned for 5 minutes. whenever he’s on the phone with riri his crush is genuinely so obvious to everyone around him. he be giggling and cheesing real hard 😭. kicking his feet squealing on the bed when he’s alone thinking about the cute nickname riri called him.
• her love language is acts of service and gift giving. she’s not always good with words or emotions so she expresses her appreciation towards her loved ones by distributing her wealth in many ways. buying riri things she might need for college, fixing stuff that breaks in nakia’s home. things like that.
• has trouble being vulnerable with those close to her. she’s lost so much, so opening up to new people is always a scary, big step. it took a while for her to let mj, ned, and viv into her heart because the closer she becomes with them, the more it’ll hurt if she loses them. they take her in with open arms regardless, because having a support system with people her age is something she needs. they take her seriously in ways that the elders don’t. they see her for who she is outside of being a royal figure to her country and allows her to be her full, authentic, geeky self. she’s able to grasp onto the youth that she almost lost when her family was taken away.
• very talkative. can infodump about an interest for hours and completely lose track of time if you let them. they cannot stay still when excited, nor can they keep eye contact, pacing around the room and darting their eyes everywhere while rambling about the history of vibrainium or something.
• maladaptive daydreaming. will lose herself in a song and start imagining scenarios in her head. t’challa once caught her in the act and refused to delete the video footage. sometimes, she pulls up the video her brother recorded just to hear his laughter in the background.
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devnicolee · 1 year
Watching Wakanda Forever and my hot take is that, while Queen Angela KILLED the throne room scene, Ramonda was COMPLETELY wrong for firing Okoye… all of her criticisms were off base.
First, yes - it was Okoye’s idea to bring Shuri but it was a good idea and Shuri was needed with Ross and RiRi. Okoye has no bedside manner lol she wouldn’t have gotten that info from Ross to even find RiRi in the first place and Shuri was able to relate to RiRi more. But it was Shuri’s idea to go with Namor’s people after Okoye single-handedly took down like 3-4 people before they blasted her to high hell in a lake. Okoye didn’t lose her - Shuri chose to go. And Ramonda would’ve known that had she asked Griot, Shuri’s AI, before jumping to conclusions.
Second, while I didn’t agree with Okoye’s actions in the first movie, being upset at her for siding with Killmonger was completely wrong. Whether she liked it or not, whether it was fair or not, Killmonger did “win” the challenge so she had no choice but to serve him because that is her duty. I think the deciding moment was when T’Challa returned and Okoye made the right decision then and sided with T’Challa because the challenge wasn’t over. Further proof that Okoye serves the throne and its traditions - not the individual siting in it (which is her damn job).
And last but not least, I don’t even need to explain why questioning Okoye’s loyalty to the throne, her family/daughter, and Wakanda was just wrong wrong wrong lol like let’s get serious… Okoye is the most loyal AND BEST fighter Wakanda’s got. And if I were her, I would’ve wanted Okoye and Nakia out looking for my daughter - the best of the best.
Now do I blame Ramonda? No, I totally understand where her anger came from. She lost her husband, lost her son and daughter and had to grieve them for 5 years, got them back, lost her son again, and then thought she lost her daughter again. I would be pissed at everyone too. I would probs misdirect that anger and guilt for agreeing to let Shuri go and fire someone as well.
But this is an Okoye stan account and she didn’t deserve this treatment!! And I don’t think we are talking about it enough!! Lol #JusticeForOkoye lol
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xblackreader · 1 year
An Interview with My OTP: Attoye
Attuma | Okoye
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Q1: Who’s the big spoon?
I am.
He is lying. When we sit on the couch, He loves to lay on my chest and have his hair petted like a baby.
But often, while we lay together in bed, your back is to my chest.
But where are we usually when we cuddle?
… on the couch.
Q2: WHO is the better cook?
I love my warriors cooking, but the way I cook is much easier.
They didn’t ask who’s the easiest cook, thick skull. I am the better cook, you should see how he licks his fingers after I made him seconds and thirds.
I change my answer, I like her mothers cooking the most.
Q3: WHO is more sentimental/affectionate? Romance wise?
Attuma is. But I’m catching up with him these days, when he came home, I had dinner ready for him and gave him a shoulder rub and told him how much I love him and he turned into goo.
They need not know all details of our relationship.
Says the blunt oversharer.
I was simply asking advice on the best way to ensure your pleasure is mind numbing each and everytime.
Q4: WHO apologizes first?
I feel like we both do.
Then you feel wrong. It is always me.
Someone had to be the bigger person. She’s very stubborn.
I’m NOT.
if it was up to you, we would still be in a fight from last month.
You ass!
Q5: What’s one way your personalities compliment each other?
I’m very comfortable in a position of chase. Because of Okoye’s past experiences, she has trouble trusting others and frequently pushes them away. I have no problem standing firm and persevering her even when she rejects me.
I don’t reject you anymore… I love you.
I know my love. I knew before you did.
He would come to my house and bring me gifts and things, even when I’d insult him. I don’t know why I did that…
It’s because you’re a brat. And I am shameless in spoiling you further.
Im not a brat!? Wtf?
Q6: What are your respective love languages?
Gift giving and Words of Affirmation.
Quality time and words of affirmation.
Remember when I first kissed you?
…yes. I remember.
You punched me and then sat in my lap crying.
I hate you.
Q7: Who’s the funnier one?
Attuma is so funny to me, but he’s never funny on purpose.
When I tell jokes on purpose, she hates them.
They suck.
We’re not comedians. Our humor is dry.
Sarcasm is comedy. We cater to ourselves and we think we’re funny.
We are not, I’ve learned.
No, others don’t think so.
Q8: Who’s more likely to get jealous?
I am.
He is. I get jealous, sometimes but honestly he’ll shut down anyone before I can. But he gets jealous irrationally.
I’ve accepted this. I’m a jealous person.
He used to think everyone who looked at me wanted my heart.
It only makes sense. If I wasn’t your lover, I would probably kill whoever was.
That’s why I stay alert at all times. I do not want to lose my position.
Q9: How do you feel about PDA?
He would take me in front of all of Wakanda if I let him.
Yes. But I know her boundaries and would never risk hurting her feelings or reputation.
Q10: WHO wants kids? how many if any?
…I am prepared to love Okoye through whatever. Children are not a factor of importance in our love.
You can say the truth I won’t be mad.
I want ten of my own children. Gender does not matter as long as I may raise them up to one day surpass me.
Let me know if you all want to ask specific characters from my stories questions? Or if you’d like I can do this again with your questions!! :P
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queenofsimpsblog · 1 year
believe me - shuri x reader
also heads up the reader is poc (obviously) but has a white father… BUT YOU BEST BELIEVE SHE MOCKS WHITE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME
i feel like at this point all the reader inserts in my stories have tony as their dad but a black/poc mom, and i kinda love the idea of tony simping for a woman of colour so we’re going with this
this story takes place about 2 years after wakanda forever
“i just get a bad vibe from her,” you ranted to riri as you did your hair for the day. your braids weren’t co-operating so you just decided to throw them up into low space buns.
“are you sure this ain’t just jealousy?” she asked and you snapped your head to your phone which was placed on your vanity.
“no! of course not! i just get a bad vibe from that mara chick,”
“maya,” riri corrected you and you rolled your eyes.
“yeah yeah whatever. the bitch is on to something. i’m telling you. besides. shuri is my best friend. i’m allowed to be protective over her.”
“right. and the fact that you confessed your feelings to shuri 3 months ago and the fact that she rejected you, has nothing to do with this. obviously,” you sneered at the girl staring back at you. riri had the habit of being way too honest sometimes. but you knew she meant well.
and technically, she wasn’t lying. you’d known shuri since your dad, tony stark, took you to meet t’challa. you were about 15 back then, and about 20 when your dad sacrificed his life to save the universe. as a symbol of goodwill and gratitude, t’challa invited you to move to wakanda, and you accepted the offer.
you became best friends with shuri since the day you met her. as predicted, you fell in love with her rapidly. after a lot of convincing from riri, you gathered up the courage to confess your feelings to her.
*flashback brought to you by riri’s speakers that okoye so graciously sliced in half*
you cleared your throat to get shuri’s attention. as always, she was in her lab, tinkering away on some invention of hers.
she raised her head to look at you. “hey, what’s up?”
“i need to talk to you. alone,” shuri nodded and grabbed your hand, leading you up the stairs of her lab to her ‘break room’ where you could have some more privacy.
“what bothers you?”
your pulse was racing. your heart was pounding. you thought to yourself: i’ve made it this far. i can do this.
“shuri, i have to confess something. i’m in love with you. i have been for a really long time. and i was so terrified to tell you. but i realised that i couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. it’s alright if you don’t feel the same way, but i just needed you to know.”
you looked up to make eye contact with shuri. her eyes showed shock, surprise, and then something you dreaded.
you knew the idea of her liking you was absolutely ridiculous. but seeing her look at you like that just felt as if someone ripped your heart out and tore it into a million shreds.
“i’m sorry y/n, but i don’t feel the same about you. and i guess i forgot to tell you that i… have a girlfriend,”
goddamnit it!
you didn’t say anything. you wanted to talk. but you just couldn’t. your throat just closed up. so you did what you thought was best, and just bolted out of the room. you could hear shuri call for you, but you didn’t have the heart to look back. you just ran, and went back to your apartment, and cried your eyes out.
*end of flashback*
you shook your head, trying to rid your mind of that memory. somehow, you and shuri still remained friends. she said that things didn’t have to be awkward between you both. it was sweet that she wanted the friendship to stay the same, but insensitive at the same time. i mean, how can she expect you to just move on like that?!
either way, you said goodbye to riri and gathered your things, leaving your apartment to head to the lab. you worked in weapon design, but today you were most likely to help with assembling as the lab was short staffed today.
you sighed as you walked into the lab, smiling at the dora milaje outside and making your way towards your station, where a bunch of your unfinished works lay taunting you.
you cracked your knuckles and hit play on your lab playlist, shrugging off your jacket as you grabbed a screwdriver. you spent the next hour or so fixing up the first project before moving on to the second one. you were, how you say, ‘in the zone’. your day was going very productive, until your focus was interrupted by a fit of giggles.
“baby, stop,” a voice giggled out. you didn’t need to turn around to see who it was.
maya. the girlfriend who you just didn’t like.
“i can’t help it, usana. i just love you so much,” shuri spoke and then you heard them kissing. the thought itself made you wanna throw up.
“yeah okay i can’t take more of this,” you said and turned up the volume. ‘girls in the hood’ by megan thee stallion blasted in the lab as you lifted a hammer, trying to fix up the piece of vibranium you needed to finish off the modified spear you were making.
“y/n, hey!” shuri said as she walked up to you, turning down the volume of your music to be able to talk to you better.
“hi shuri,” your gaze stayed on the hammer, not wanting to look at her.
she cleared her throat. “so… what you working on?”
“the modified spear. if i can build it right, this one should be able to electrocute people when wielded. the blueprints look great, but i didn’t realise how tedious it would be to build this stupid thing,” you huffed out and shuri laughed. god, you loved her laugh.
“anyways, i wanted to ask if you were coming to the party this saturday?” you looked up at her in confusion.
“maya wanted to throw one. she thinks i need to let loose more,” shuri sighed, “i need a friend there to help me get through the night,”
you laughed at the image of shuri pushing her way through the crowded dance floor. she hated crowds like that.
“yeah, for sure, i’ll be there. i’ll drag riri too,”
shuri cheered and you smiled at her stupid antics. you talked to each other for a few more minutes until you were disrupted.
“hi, my love,” maya looped her arms around shuri’s waist and stared at her with a look of ‘adoration’. you could easily tell it was fake, but shuri looked really happy and you didn’t want to ruin it for her.
“hello maya,” you sneered out and managed to shoot her a fake smile. she returned it. “i hope you’re coming to the party i’m throwing?”
“wouldn’t miss it,” you grimaced. she chucked and looked you up and down. “i hope you dress well this time,” this bitch had a fucking death wish to talk to you like that. the only thing stopping you from yeeting your wrench at her face was that shuri was right in front of you.
“anyways, if you’ll excuse me, i really need to finish this,” you ushered maya away. shuri frowned at your behaviour but understood that you had work to do and left as well. before you knew it, the day ended and you were on your way back home.
you changed into some pyjamas and made a sandwich for dinner, not having the energy to make something too elaborate. just as you were about to take the first bite, your phone rang. you groaned and answered the call.
“bitch who takes so long to pick up a call?!” riri’s voice bursted from the phone.
“i was eating dinner,” you mumbled, eating your sandwich.
“okay, listen. summer break starts tomorrow and shuri asked me to come to wakanda for the month. i’m obviously gonna be living with you the entire time,”
“oh and before i forget! she told me about some party maya’s throwing this weekend?!” you rolled your eyes at the mention of her name.
“yeah, i really don’t wanna go but i don’t have a choice,”
“i still don’t get why you hate maya so much. i’ve texted her a couple times and she seems really nice.” you gasped dramatically in mock betrayal.
“dude i don’t really know how to explain it. it’s just… you know when you meet someone and they act nice to you but you can kinda tell that they’re faking it? it’s something like that. i’m telling you, she doesn’t actually love shuri. she’s just using her. but obviously i can’t go tell shuri about this without sounding crazy. so i need to gather evidence,”
“evidence?! girl this ain’t no damn cop show!”
“you trust me, right?” you asked your friend.
riri sighed. “of course i do. i always do. i just think that you might be blowing this out of proportion a little bit. it’s completely plausible that maya is a normal girl that shuri is into. and honestly, it’s a little unhealthy for you to fixate on this so much.”
you raised an eyebrow. “what do you mean?”
“you’ve been ranting about how ‘evil’ maya secretly is. but has she ever actually done something shady? besides, you’re supposed to be getting over shuri. planning on how to prove maya is a bitch— which she isn’t— isn’t gonna help. you have to move on. you have to let her go.”
“look, i get where you’re coming from. but i promise you, this isn’t jealousy. yeah, shuri rejected me. and yeah, it hurt a lot. but above all of that, she’s one of my best friends. and i want her to be safe. my gut is telling me that maya is not what she seems like. and i have to tell that to shuri, but i gotta find some dirt on her to prove it.”
riri rolled her eyes again. “if you don’t stop this crazy talk…”
“i just care about shuri. i want her to be happy, and we both know a shady girlfriend isn’t gonna help with that.”
eventually riri got fed up and just yelled, “okay fine fine! if you shut up about her for the rest of the week, we can keep a close eye on her at that party. as long as you stop hyper-fixating on this every second of the damn day,”
you cheered as riri laughed. both of you talked for a while longer until you hung up to go to sleep.
*one week later*
it was the night of the party and you and riri were in your room, getting ready together.
riri picked out a sparkly white tank top and some wide legged jeans, while you picked a sparkly black dress with full sleeves that stopped mid thigh. both of you did each others makeup and took a billion pictures before getting in a cab to go to the party venue.
maya decided to host the party at club purple, which she happened to own. you’d been there a couple times before, and knew that the third floor of the building was off limits for everyone else. you figured that if maya was hiding something, it would probably be there, seeing as she didn’t even let shuri enter that floor.
you and riri soon made it to the club and got inside, instantly spotting shuri and maya talking to some other people. you made a beeline to shuri and gave her a hug.
okay so technically speaking you weren’t fully over shuri, but hey, who’s asking?
“yay, you made it!” shuri smiled at you and then moved to hug riri.
“oh i love your outfit riri,” maya looked her up and down and shot her a smile. riri seemed to have bought it but you knew it was fake. you talked to them for a few minutes before maya left to greet some other guests.
you, shuri, and riri were sitting at this booth in one of the farther edges of the club. it was relatively secluded, but you could still hear the loud bass of the music. it was the perfect place to talk.
“so, riri, how’s college going?”
“oh well my last year starts in like 3 months, and then i have an internship at stark industries which starts in july, so i’m super psyched for that,” riri smiled.
you all continued to talk about your lives, while waitresses kept bringing you drinks and a couple snacks.
(a/n: i’ve literally never been to a club so i’m making this shit up, sry if it’s not accurate)
“these are courtesy of the owner,” the waitress winked at riri and walked away. you looked at your friend as she smiled sheepishly and shrunk into her seat.
“oh my god, i think she’s into you,” you laughed as riri dismissed you with a wave of her hand.
“no, no, club girls just like that,”
“bitch don’t be stupid! go talk to her, shuri and i will be fine here,” you ushered riri to go meet the waitress, leaving you and shuri alone.
“so,” you turned to look at shuri. “you having fun?” she rolled her eyes in annoyance and you laughed.
“shut up, you know i hate clubs,”
“i honestly don’t get why you dislike them so much. they can be pretty fun,”
“i don’t get what’s fun about paying 15 dollars for one drink and then dancing with a bunch of strangers and ending the night by crying in a disgusting bathroom,”
you laughed at her oversimplification of clubbing.
“well, when you’re with the right people, club nights aren’t that bad. unless you’re with a dirty skank who ditches you the moment you get here,” you said and took a large sip of your drink.
shuri looked taken aback and slightly offended at your answer. “was that a dig at maya?”
“what?! no,” you scoffed and tried to hide your lie. shuri knew something was up with you.
“is there something you want to tell me, y/n? something about maya?”
you sighed. maybe trying to talk to shuri might help you.
oh god. you were SO wrong.
“look, it’s not that i don’t like maya. she seems pretty alright. i just get a bad vibe from her,” you mumbled, hoping she wouldn’t hear you. but alas! for the heart shaped herb blessed her with enhanced hearing.
“why do you dislike her? and don’t tell me you don’t, cause i catch the way you glare at her whenever she comes nearby. she’s just trying to get along with you,” you could tell that shuri was starting to get pissed off. you didn’t wanna fight with her, especially at the club her girlfriend owns. so you tried to be as nice as your drunk ass could be.
“shuri, i’m your best friend! it’s my job to be wary of the people you surround yourself with. i’m just trying to keep you safe,”
“safe? oh please, you’re just jealous that i love maya and not you,” she spat out.
ouch. that stung.
at that point, you decided to just give up. clearly, shuri wasn’t going to believe you. so why bother?
you grabbed your purse with your phone and stormed off. maybe shuri tried to call for you. maybe she didn’t. you couldn’t hear much anyways as the club music blasted through your ears. you moved to a part of the club where shuri wouldn’t be able to see you. you managed to glance at riri who was talking to the waitress from earlier. you smiled at the sight.
at least one of us is having fun tonight.
you started moving your body to the beat of the music. the alcohol finally affected you as you lost the burning sensation in your heart. a girl came up to you and began to dance with you. you thought, ‘ah what the hell’ and danced with her. for a moment, you forgot about all of it. maya. shuri. everything. you lost yourself in the music and whined your hips, slowly stopping your movements when you saw maya stealthily walking up to the elevator and going to the third floor.
now, a normal person would just forget about it and continue dancing. maybe get another drink. some food. hell, a normal person might’ve even decided that they partied enough and would’ve left to go back home.
but you weren’t normal. not at all.
so you did what you originally planned to do. you left the dance floor and followed maya to the third floor, trying your best to avoid all the guards littered everywhere. she turned to go to another side of the floor, but you unfortunately didn’t see that and so you began to investigate.
somehow, you sobered up fast and your feet led you to the room at the farthest end of the hallway. the door was, surprisingly, unlocked which in hindsight was not a good sign, but then again, you were too invested to catch maya than to care about that.
the room wasn’t brightly lit, so you used your phone torch to see better. you saw a drawing board with a bunch of papers about shuri, her inventions, her security passwords, her secrets.
you took a picture of that before turning to the computer in front of you. you opened it up and it asked for a password or touch ID. you sighed and looked around the room, when you spotted some tape and a bookshelf with one book popping out. you looked at the title: beginners guide to hacking into servers.
you chuckled to yourself. holy shit, i was right all along.
there was an ink stain with a few fingerprints surrounding it. she must’ve tried to clean it up and made the stain worse by accident. you took a small piece of tape, put it over the fingerprint, and gently peeled it off. then, you moved the tape to the pad of the computer for the touch ID, and it unlocked the device.
there were multiple folders and they were all messy and disorganised, but a few caught your eye.
there was one folder titled ‘work’. you opened it and were welcomed with a billion documents. one of them titled ‘wakandan weaponry database’.
turns out, the file had tons of classified information that other countries could’ve used to take down wakanda. it was filled to the brim with details about wakanda’s army, their architecture, and ‘potential spots to attack’.
your gut instinct was right. maya was bad news. she was trying to harm the country you loved so dearly. the country where your love resides. but why? what was her motive?
quickly taking pictures of all those documents, you shut the laptop and got up from the desk, rummaging around to try and find maya’s real identity.
unfortunately, your ‘snooping around session’ was cut short.
“what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
should i make a tag list for part 2?
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bestfriend491 · 1 year
Super Powers
| Made From Request 2
Okoye x Female Reader
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Summary: Okoye doesn't smile for anyone, so everyone wants to know what super powers you have that make Okoye change completely.
Author's Note: I kind of came to the conclusion that this work is in the same universe as Hateful Love, because of the writing style. But the two stories aren't related for the most part. Just read it if you enjoyed Hateful love. 
Word Count: 3.5k Fluff Warnings: None
Dedicated to : @hyperf1xate-much because guess what? That one very short convo we had about this ended up being the only reason I decided to finally make it. So everybody say thank you, Mayari!!! 🫶🏾😌
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Joy and Happiness are two different things. 
Though frequently used interchangeably, they are both defined as different states of emotions. Hosting many differences in how they might appear in someone. 
Happiness is an emotion that is often outwardly portrayed as a feeling of absolute elation. 
It's often felt before, during or after one has had an earthly experience, or when someone has acquired a material object of their desire. 
It is that feeling that one gets when something good has happened, or is about to happen. 
It is the one thing that many people spend their entire lives trying to attain. It's the thing that most people believe will make them feel whole for once. 
People chase hopeless opportunities in the name of finding happiness. 
The only problem is that they don't know the truth about it. 
They don't know that happiness isn't everything that it's talked up to be. 
It is brief. 
And it is fragile. 
It is as easy to lose as it is to gain. 
It can pamper you with gifts and warm feelings one moment and strip you bare the next. 
If Happiness is a state of being, then joy is an existential being. She can't be seen but when found, she remains loyal for as long as one will have her. 
Happiness is nothing like Joy. 
Joy is peace and contentment. She connects you with your internal self. Diving into the deep crevasses of one's soul to find all the good in their life. 
Joy doesn't give out fake promises. When she announces her presence, she promises to stay forever. 
Joy is nothing like happiness. 
Because if happiness is the end goal, joy is the result of an entire healing journey. She is an eternal feeling.
Joy can be channelled into one person. one thing. It can be placed into the heart of someone and hidden from the rest of the world. 
Joy is the underdog of emotions. She is not given the respect that she deserves. 
Instead she is grouped in the same category as Happiness. 
Because to the common person, they are one in the same. 
At least, that’s how Kabia felt about it. 
To her, if you could find happiness, you could find joy. It was all an interconnected chain of reactions to her. 
Raneah, her close companion, felt very different about it.  She was an existential thinker after all. 
She thought about those slight differences between both words. The details that changed the entire meaning of them. 
She was a lot more in her head than Kabia was. 
Her daydreaming, however, didn't stand a chance against the last addition to their close friendship. 
The way that Ekih thought about life was far less complex or detailed. It was more imaginative, like a child's way of viewing the world and it was constantly coming up with new ideas to explain old concepts.
She also knew of the difference between Joy and Happiness. She just didn’t know all the needless details that others had pointed out about them over the years. Happiness is just what she felt and joyful was what she was. 
The three had their own definitions of happiness and joy, and they often disagreed on who was more correct.
By each teenagers’ standard, the amount of people who had found their joy between the three of them differed. 
WIth Ekih’s theory. Everyone had found joy. Her more than the rest of them as she was always happy and full of joy. Both Kabia and Raneah could agree on that. 
What complicated things was figuring out whether or not Kabia and Raneah were happy using Raneah’s theory. 
Ever since they’d become Dora Milaje, the answer to that one question had been hard to find. 
With the new skills and experiences that they had acquired over the last year, they were both sure that they were more than happy with their positions in life. 
The only issue was that Raneah was sure that Kabia hadn’t found joy yet, and it was affecting her ability to fully indulge in the honour of serving her country. 
She was always chasing the hero title, spreading herself thin with unnecessarily intense training. 
Kabia argued otherwise, claiming that it was Raneah who felt this way and she was just projecting. 
She knew that she was just distracting from the truth. Seeing as Raneah had always been more reserved. But she wasn’t willing to admit that she had no idea where she was supposed to look for this mysterious ‘Joy’ figure. 
So she stood her ground. Arguing with her friends and comparing who was happiest. And who held the most joy. 
The same conversation recycled itself over and over again, becoming a regular topic of conversation for them. 
Even as they walked into the training grounds of the palace, they bickered about it. 
“For the last time, Kabia. Joy and happiness are not the same things.” Ekih said to her friend. She walked backwards to be able to face the other 2 as they approached their desired building. 
“Exactly, “ Raneah started, looking at Kabia with her all-knowing eyes. 
“I’m just saying how can we compare the two when they bring the same feeling to us? Why are you two being so headstrong about this? It’s not like you can physically see any of these things anyway.” Kabia argued. 
The never ending comparison between the two feelings was becoming tedious. She was becoming less susceptible to listening and understanding their points. 
So much so, that she easily allowed herself to be distracted by the calling of her name. 
“Kabia!” came a deeply rich voice from behind. 
She turned instantly, knowing who she was going to find standing behind her. 
“T- Thimi.” she stuttered out. 
“You’re back from your mission.” she continued, struggling to keep her mind focused anymore. Her cheeks burned as she tried to push down a smile. 
Thimi nodded with a grin. Going in to hug Kabia, who just stood stunned at the young wardog’s reappearance. 
“I missed you.” Thimi whispered in her ear, sending chills down Kabia’s back. 
She held onto the other woman for far longer than necessary. Forgetting who she had previously been walking with. 
When she let go, and let the wardog go to hug the other two girls, her mind was in a completely halted state. 
A dizziness came upon her. And she had to hold on to Raneah's arm to keep her balance. 
“Kabia?” came a voice again.
"Hm.?" She asked once she realised that someone had been talking to her. 
"I asked if you wanted to hang out sometime next week. Before I get assigned to leave again." 
"Uh," Kabia started, trying to arrange her thoughts. Looking at Ekih and Raneah, she realised that this wouldn't be a group activity. It would just be her and Thimi. 
Her face grew hot, and her mouth dry.
The wardog stood looking down at her. “I’ll give you some time to think about it.”
Still, Kabia didn’t say a thing.
She watched the woman hesitantly walk away, instead.
“Well there’s your problem.” Raneah’s voice came through, snapping her out of her daze.
“What’s my problem?”
“You’re your own worst enemy.”
“I am not!”
“Kabs, are you serious right now?” Raneah continued. 
Ekih interjected finally, “Kabia, that was your physical evidence of joy and you just let her walk away.” 
Kabia shook her head and folded her arms, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
The other two rolled their eyes.
She dismissed them.
"I don't have time to talk about this. We're going to be late." 
Luckily they didn't press the issue more, deciding to just follow her to the training facilities. 
From the moment that training started there was a strange energy in the room. 
It wasn’t as tense as every other day. 
Kabia looked around for any particularly different features in the room that she stretched in, but the room looked identical to how it had when she had last been there. 
She wasn’t the only one to notice. Ekih and Raneah doing their rounds of observation too. They made eye contact with each other when a laugh came through the room. Unfamiliar to all of them. 
Their focus shifted to near the door of the room, where an unknown woman stood talking to the General. 
As they looked closer, they saw the most unusual thing of the day. 
The General had a large grin across her face. And it was clear that she had been the one laughing. 
Kabia’s eyes grew large at the sight, seeing General Okoye’s hand being held by the woman without the General flinching or pulling away. 
Instinctively the girls stood up and went to a corner of the room to talk. 
“Is that-” Ekih started. 
“-General Okoye smiling.” Kabia finished. 
They were huddled in a triangular shield-like form. 
“Who’s that woman standing next to her?” Kabia asked.
“Clearly Bast herself; with the way she’s making her smile.” Ekih laughed, getting a chuckle out of the others. 
Raneah looked up at the two again making sure that she was seeing things correctly, “So none of us have ever seen her before?” 
Her friends shook their heads in agreement. 
Nobody had ever seen this woman. But clearly Okoye was very familiar with her.  
“Maybe it’s a test. Something the General has set up to see if we’re observant.” Ekih suggested. 
A minute of silent thought took place, and the other two couldn’t argue with her idea. It was likely that Okoye was testing them. 
That was what made the most sense. She had to be pretending to be happy to trick all the newer Doras. 
“Should we approach?” 
“No.” Kabia quickly stopped them. “If we attack and it’s not a test we’ll be done for. Let’s just stay together and keep an eye on them until the woman leaves.” 
The others followed her lead, going back to their positions close to each other. They kept an eye on the General and the strange woman for the majority of the session, even slowing down their normally fast paced sparring to take more glimpses of the scene that never ended. 
By the end of the day, they were certain that something was wrong. Okoye had barely been herself the entire time. All she was focused on was the woman that held her so closely. 
Okoye hadn’t been oblivious to the stares that she had been getting throughout the day. Especially the ones from the Triple Bullets, as she liked to call them. 
Kabia, Raneah and Ekih were her strongest new recruits.
They were also the nosiest. 
From the first day that they entered the palace, they were a tight unit of gossipers. 
Which was why she wasn’t surprised that even 30 minutes after training had ended, they were all still pretending to pack their things up, when really they were just staring at you and her. 
She was more surprised that the girls hadn’t found out about the two of you months before.
You stood in front of her, your hand in hers. “They’re still there?” you asked, looking away from the girls to prevent yourself from laughing. 
She nodded, her day-long smile fading as she rolled her eyes. 
“I should probably introduce myself before I get ambushed on my way home.” you said, getting a sigh as a reply. 
“Fine. Let’s get this over with.” 
The two of you turned, looking directly at the group of young girls. 
“Girls.” she said, crossing her arms in salute. 
You stood next to her with an awkward smile, as you waited for your cue. 
“General.” they all said in patchy unison. 
“I’d like to introduce you to someone.” Okoye said.
They all looked at you. You crossed your arms, before extending your arm out. “I’m Y/n. Okoye’s-”
“-Wife.” Raneah declared. She pointed to the ring on your finger, then at the matching one that Okoye wore. 
The other two gasped, getting a chuckle out of you, while Okoye tried to hide a grin. 
“I did not expect that.” Raneah said breathlessly. 
Okoye eyed her questionably prompting her to correct herself. “Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I meant to say; You look like a wonderful couple.” 
You smiled at her as she finally took your extended hand and shook it. She had a strong grip, apologising through her expression. 
When you offered your hands to the others, it was a lot more comical. 
Kabia had completely zoned out so she didn’t notice until Raneah bumped her shoulder. 
Ekih was more aware of your presence. Taking your hand in hers but nearly yanking it off with the amount of force that she used. 
“Woah” you said, pulling your arm back. 
“Oh sh-.I am so sorry.” she said, breathing heavily. 
“It’s okay.” you said,
Okoye glared a warning to the girls.  
‘Stop embarrassing me.’ 
You cleared your throat, “ I was assigned a new weapons development project that requires me to work with the Dora for a few weeks.” you started to explain. 
The girls nodded in understanding. Clearly having been waiting for an explanation. 
You all stood there for a while, before Raneah looked out and saw that the natural light from the sun was dimming. It was getting late. 
“I think we’d better go.” she said.
She led the other two out of the facility.
“Of course they chose the one day you were going to be here to act like that.” Okoye said. 
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The girls made their way to their homes, all shocked by the new revelation of Okoye actually having the ability to smile for longer than a split second. 
“It’s got to be magic.” Ekih said, walking backwards once again. 
“Magic? Don’t be ridiculous, Ekih.” Kabia argued. 
“I’m not being ridiculous. What else would explain seeing the General smile for hours on end?” 
“I don’t know, but it’s definitely not magic.” 
“Think about it. Maybe Y/n has some kind of power that attracts people to her.” 
Kabia rolled her eyes, “If that were true we would have acted normal back there. And in case you didn’t notice we were a mess.” 
“Fine. Maybe it only works on the General. There’s no other way she would have been acting like that. Smiling is not a normal thing that she just… does.” 
“She seemed pretty normal to me.” Raneah finally pitched in. 
“Of course she looked normal to you, Miss “Joy can find everyone”. “ Kabia mimicked her. 
Raneah gently shoved her to the left. 
“Well maybe it is joy.” she shot back. 
The other two both looked at her questionably. 
Ekih’s expression pleading for her to elaborate while Kabia’s pleaded for her to let it go so she could forget about the embarrassing interaction. 
“I know that we’ve always seen the General as this emotionless woman who doesn’t experience regular human feelings like the rest of us. But maybe we’re not one-hundred percent right. 
What if she’s kept a tough exterior shell and made it an entire fake-personality to showcase to the rest of the world. And she deliberately chooses to fool the rest of us and make us paint a specific picture of her. 
And she does this as often as possible. Pretending that she’s unapproachable and unhappy or annoyed. All because she knows that she can store her Joy into her forever person. 
The person that she knows will love her regardless of what’s going on and won’t judge her for her authentic personality…” Raneah rambled on, completely enthralled by the potential of the concept that she had developed actually being correct. 
Ekih leaned into every word, loving the idea too. 
Both of their minds were spinning in different directions, analysing the situation. 
Kabia on the other hand, barely paid attention to the absurd idea. 
“Or maybe she was just having a really good day and decided to smile for once.” Kabia argued. 
Ekih shook her head. “That wasn’t something you get from a good day, Kabs. What we witnessed back there was Joy. Real , pure joy that is probably not going anywhere as long as Y/n is there. Again, magic.” 
“You're really going to keep calling it magic?” 
“It’s either that or I’m calling it love powers.” 
Kabia sighed at the suggestion. 
Somehow she preferred the former. 
“So what do we do with this information?” she asked. She was becoming intrigued, though she didn’t want to admit it. 
“Well, you should use that information to put your pride aside and agree to go out with Thimi.” Raneah said. They were nearing her house, which meant that the other two’s houses weren’t too far away either. 
Kabia immediately shook her head. “I’m not doing that.” 
“Why not?” the other two whined in unison. 
“Because I’ll look like a foo- I just won’t, okay.” She stopped the conversation there. 
Ekih grew completely silent, detecting her house from a farther distance and offering her goodbyes. 
Raneah and Kabia stood in front of the formers’ house. 
Kabia, looking at the ground, felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up trying her best not to show too much emotion.
“Look. I know you might think you don’t need joy in your life because you're making a mark by being a Dora. but everyone needs that extra something that keeps them going. I’m not saying you have to go out with her if you don’t want to. I’m just saying; if you want to - which I can tell you do- you should do it.” 
Feeling her eyes start to water, she wiped the developing tears away, smiling at Raneah. 
The two hugged, and Kabia made her way home.
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A week after the first time anyone had seen the General smiling, it was becoming a regular occurrence. 
With you so close by, she was constantly smiling at you or with you. 
She had barely noticed that there was a major shift in her behaviour. She always acted like that around you. 
Though the previous weeks’ intense stares had been directed at Okoye. Now they were mostly being given to you. 
The girls had been a bit more subtle than the last time, but you could still clearly tell that they were staring at you as you worked. 
Okoye had walked past you and pointed it out a couple of times, but you had politely declined all her offers to handle the situation. 
As the third hour of training came into action, and the Doras were taking a break, you could feel the stares intensifying. 
Again, Okoye came to you. 
‘Y/n, my love. If I catch them looking at you one more time, I’m going to cause a scene.” she spoke with a fake smile on her face. 
You hummed in understanding. “Let me talk to them first, Okoye.” 
She reluctantly let you go, watching you approach them as they tried to avoid eye contact now that you were close. 
By the time you stood right in front of them, they were still trying to avoid looking directly at you. 
“Did you girls need something?” you asked, looking at Raneah, who was the only one comfortable enough to look at you. 
“We’re really sorry for staring. We just have so many questions.” she said to you. 
“Go ahead.” you offered. 
Ekih’s eyes lit up and she immediately looked up at you. 
“We’re trying to figure out what to call what you have.” 
Your eyes wandered up in thought. “What I have?” you questioned.
“The thing that you have that makes General Okoye smile so much.” Raneah explained. 
You looked out towards your wife when you heard this. She was always at least slightly smiling when you were around. It was hard to envision her not being the same when you weren’t around.
“How often is she like this when I’m not around?” you asked no particular person. 
Kabia let out a sly chuckle, “She’s never like this when you’re not around. It's like a magical super power that you have. That’s what Ekih calls it. ”
A super power? You wanted to laugh at the idea, but the girls seemed very serious. 
As you turned her head to look at Okoye, and you saw her bright smile towards you, you softly returned her one of your own. 
“Okoye smiles.” you tried to reason with the three. They shook their heads heavily. 
“Raneah’s the most observant person we know and even she hadn’t seen the General smiling so much before you came last week. “ Kabia spoke. 
“It’s amazing to look at honestly.” she continued , “I don’t want to agree with Ekih’s idea that its a literal super power, but it's a nice figurative super power.” she smiled sheepishly at you. Thinking about her own potential superhero. 
You took in a deep breath of contentment. 
“Maybe it is like a super power.” you whispered.
 ‘One that I’m more than grateful to have.’ you thought. 
If you could bring Okoye even a fraction of the happiness that she brought you, you would be more than glad to. 
As for Kabia, she was starting to soften up to the idea of taking Thimi up on her offer. 
After all, what was the worst that could happen?
Maybe she’d find her joy.
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85 notes · View notes
heejayy · 1 year
Shuri U. || How I met your mother
Warning • none
Genre • fluff
Pairing • Mom!Shuri x Mom! x black reader
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“Mama how did you and Mommy meet?” your beautiful nine year old questions as she looks up at you from your lap. You smiled down at her playing with her braids taking a second to remember how you met.
“Hmm let’s see, we met in college- well I was in college she just broke into my dorm room” the little girl gasps shocked at your choice of words.
“Mommy kidnapped you?!” You laugh at her frightened expression shaking your head.
“No my love she- well it was complicated.”
“Yeah so complicated” she mocked “your mother fell in love with me at first sight” you rolled your eyes at Shuri’s unneeded input
“that’s a complete lie.”
“Oh yeah? If you remember it so well you tell me how it went then?” You looked at her cocking an eyebrow with a know it all glare
“I will then, so let’s see I believe I was hanging out in auntie Riri’s dorm when a certain someone knocked on the door...”
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“Ri! Someone’s at the door!” You yell not bothering to get up.
“Ri I said-“
“I heard you damn shut up big mouth!” She groaned stomping out of the bathroom towards the door muttering about how lazy you were.
Another knock was made before she reached the door “ Riri Williams?”
“Yo I don’t do drop by’s anymore you’re gonna have to go to the website” you ignored the whole exchange thinking it was another customer until you heard Riri gasp shockingly as she backed up.
You quickly closed your laptop alarmed by a attractive stranger entering your friends dorm room, she seemed familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“you’re th- you’re princess Shuri” That’s who she is!
“Oh shit am I getting recruited?” Riri asks with a curious face.
The princess looked at her confused “No.”
You giggle at her response causing the princess to turn to you.
“And who are you?” Shuri asks pointing towards you. You hop off the bed holding your hand out “y/n and I’m single too” you smiled shaking her tatted hand. Shuri smirked shaking her head turning back to Riri.
“I’m here about the vibranium metal detector you created for the CIA” Riri glances at you then back at shuri confused.
“Nah I ain’t make that for no CIA-“ she paused “Oh shit I pissed off Wakanda?” Shuri nods “not just us others too, so we need to leave quickly before they come and find you.” Riri nodded slowly giving you a nervous glance.
“Well let us” she said putting the emphasis on us meaning you and her “go grab some things” she snatched your wrist making her way to the bathroom but you two were quickly stopped when a tall woman emerged with a daring look on her face.
“Oh shit!” You both screamed in unison running towards the corner of the room.
“Uh uh yall gotta go!” Riri said hiding behind you with an electric heater “ tell ‘em to leave” she said pushing you forward. You rolled your eyes glaring back at her.
“Maybe we can work something out? Why does she have to leave, can’t the problem be solved from here?” Shuri shook her head
“No Riri has to come back with us to Wakanda, it’s too dangerous here.” Riri made a grunting noise disagreeing.
“I’m not going no where get out!” She yelled while she so called threatened the two outsiders with her heater.
“You will come with us whether you like it or not” the tall bald woman threatened approaching slowly.
“Okoye” the princess called and she retreated back by her side.
“How about this if your friend here goes with you will you comply?” Shuri asks holding her hands out cautiously hoping to defuse the situation. You thought about it for a second and it wouldn’t be that bad, you get to visit the most secured country in the world along with the nations princess as a guide? Sounded like a deal with you.
“Alright we’ll go.”
Riri gasped slapping your shoulder “Y/n what the hell?!”
“What?! It won’t be that bad, they seem like they want to protect you and whoever is out there may be worse then them” you placed your hand on her shoulder trying negotiate with her.
“Do you want to go to keep me safe or you just wanna chance to shoot your shot with the princess?” She cocked an eyebrow staring up at you, in response you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe both…but does that matter?! I won’t be able to shoot my shot if I’m dead along side with you” she shifted back and forth on her heels giving a few skeptical glances towards the princess and her guard.
She gave in with a sigh placing her heater on the ground “Fine.”
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A loud screaming laugh erupted from your wife “That is not how it went!” She held her stomach unable to breathe. You smacked your lips pushing her over on the couch, your baby girl didn’t know what was going on but she was laughing along with her mother.
“Well how do you remember it ms know it all?” She sat up wiping the tears from her eyes trying to calm her laughter.
“Well for one you were the one to open the door and two you flirted way more than just a lazy pick up line. Your mama was practically drooling over me, she wouldn’t let me out her sight” Shuri tells your daughter as she continues to tease.
“That is such a lie!” Ok maybe it wasn’t but you weren’t goin to admit that. You smacked your lips “Whatever.”
“So what happened next mama?” Your daughter asked wanting to know the rest of your love story.
“Well we’ll save that for another day baby you have to go to sleep it’s past your bed time” she groaned burying her self into your arms further.
“No I don’t wanna I’m not sl-“ she let out a cute yawn as she rubbed her eyes “I’m not sleepy.” You and Shuri glance at each other with a knowing look, you shake your head smiling.
“Yeah it’s time for bed little one.” You gathered her and she wrapped her tiny legs around you as she laid her head on your shoulder. You take her to her room and put her to bed tucking her in with a kiss on the forehead.
“Goodnight my sweet girl” she whispered a goodnight before she quickly drifted off to sleep.
Shuri left her a kiss before you two made your way to your room. You changed into your pajamas along with Shuri finally making it to bed.
“Come here gorgeous” Shuri wore a tired smile as she pulled you in by your waist wrapping her hands around you.
“Goodnight my love.” You pecked her lips cuddling into her chest, you were drifting off to into a good sleep until you heard shuri speak.
“Can we have another baby?” Her question was met silence until you spoke up “I’ll think about.”
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Shuri’s Masterlist
©heejayy 2023 — any reposts or translations of my works outside of tumblr are strictly prohibited unless granted permission 🤍
358 notes · View notes
Imagine Shuri revealing your true heritage to you
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"Shuri wait" Okoye demanded catching the Princess by the wrist as she started in the direction of the dorms.
Shuri came to a stop looking over her shoulder with a guilty expression. "We can't just leave her here Okoye."
"And we can't just whisk her off to Wakanda right now with everything that is going on. Do you really think now is a good time? Okoye argued nodding her head towards Riri who was standing off to the side arms crossed over chest. A single foot tapping the ground as she tried to stay calm. She still didn't know why they were so obsessed with you all of a sudden. Sure your fighting skills was badass but surely Wakanda had better warriors.
Shuri ran both of her hands through her hair letting out a long sigh. The General was right now wasn't the time for this, but how was she suppose to carry on with the mission. After this jaw-dropping revelation Erik Killmonger wasn't suppose to have any relatives. She searched every corner of his past and the unpleasantness to make sure. This very day never came a day where another secret relative with direct ties to the throne came out of nowhere. Did you know who you really were? Did your father tell you about Wakanda, and your the history of your grandfather? Were you currently trying to follow in his footsteps and seek out revenge on them right now. It struck her that your father had also attended this same school. Is it why you chose to go MIT as well?
Shuri was going down the rabbit hole of possibilities and it was about to drive her crazy. Okoye moved to stand in front of her and took a hold of her chin gently. She tilted her heads upward to capture her gaze. "Breathe Shuri just breathe" Okoye soothed her rubbing her back. "The girl isn't going anywhere we can return for her another day plus isn't it best we make sure. She truly is his daughter before approaching her."
"Okay does someone want to tell me what is going on?" Riri blurted out.
Shuri's head snapped in her direction with a look or urgency. It made Riri regret speaking up as she shrunk back. "Have you been in her room before?"
Riri answered with a small nod.
"Does she have any pictures of her father?"
"Yeah she got one but she keeps it on her all the time. Its in her locket and she never takes the thing off. Its like her most prized possession her and her pops were real close." Riri informed her speaking in a way that made it clear she knew exactly how you felt. It was one of things you and her bonded over when y'all first met.
"Okoye the locket we need it" Shuri demanded.
"Hold on" Riri spoke up anger in her voice as she walked over to the two. "What's all this about anyway?"
"It doesn't conc-"
"Naw man I didn't tell y'all that so you could go take it from her. The locket is like the last thing she got to remember her father by. All of his other belongings went up in flames when their house caught fire. The picture is everything to her I'm not just going to stand by why you go take it. Not without an explanation" Riri said.
Okoye raised an eyebrow at the young girl's bold behavior. She noticed the way Riri was clenching her fists, and how her mouth twitched. She was nervous and maybe even a little afraid of what would happen next, but she wasn't going to back down. Even though Okoye wouldn't ever admit it Riri had just won a few brownie points with her. She didn't think the girl had it in her. "Easy Riri we're not stealing it we just need it to confirm a theory."
"Well it better be one hell of a theory if it's worth giving her a mental breakdown" Riri replied.
"I have reason to believe that your friend is my long-lost cousin who's father was a Prince of Wakanda" Shuri finally told her.
Her fists unclenched as her eyes widened in surprise then squinted in disbelief. Her hands came up to grip her head as she tried to come to terms with the truth. "Wait what?"
Okoye shook her head. "May I retrieve the locket now with your blessing Riri?"
"Um yeah" Riri waved her off as she started fiddling with her fingers.
Neither of them knew how the General was able to separate the necklace from your neck. After she returned just five minutes later with it in hand. She promised you can to no harm and didn't even notice her enter your dorm. Okoye handed the locket off to Riri surprisingly for safekeeping.
Riri didn't say anything just stuffed it in her pocket, but she appreciated it.
A Week Later
Riri wasn't kidding about the mental breakdown you were going to have if your locket went missing. When you came out of the bathroom to find your locket missing from your nightstand. Where you left it while you gave your face a quick wash off because of the sweat accumulated from the fight. You freaked out and destroyed your entire dorm trying to locate it. At first you assumed that maybe you misplaced where you put it, but deep down you knew it wasn't true. You never misplaced the locket not a single day in your life since your father gifted it too you. Before he departed on what would be his final mission, but at the time neither of you knew that.
You held onto that locket the way a person dangling off a cliff held onto the hand keeping them from falling to their death. The locket was your last connection to your father. The only thing bonding you to him still at least in your mind. So you knew without a doubt you didn't misplace it, or just toss it somewhere carelessly. The second theory that came to mind was Chad and his friends followed you to your dorm. They saw the opportunity to get payback for the beat down you gave them and took it. But if you had been thinking clearly you would’ve realized that you left Chad and one of his lackeys laid out in the courtyard. So it was highly unlikely either of them regained consciousness in such a short period of time, or one of his friends gathered up the courage to follow you to your dorm after the display of your fighting skills.
But you weren't thinking with your head instead your emotions were in control, and just like your dad. When your temper got the better of you it meant destruction and pain. Especially for the target of your anger you tracked Chad and his friends down that same night. At the sight of you stalking towards him with a look of pure hatred in your eyes. While him and his buddies were in the woods at a bonfire party, and away from the school-grounds, and the safety that the rules and policies granted them. The first time y'all faced off sent chills down his spine he dropped his beer, and attempted to run. But with blinding speed you were on him in a matter of seconds. Chad found himself pinned to the ground with his arm pulled upward in your grip. Your hand pushing his face into the ground not caring the dirt was filling the side of his mouth, and one of his nostrils.
His eyes squeezed shut as his screams of pain filled the air when you planted your foot in his back, and yanked on his arm. It felt like you were trying to rip it out of the socket. You leaned down to whisper in his ear.
"One. Chance. Where. Is. My. Locket." You practically growled pausing at each word.
"I don't know I don't know please y/n please." Chad babbled tears pooling up into his eyes. He was the co-captain of the swimming team and had an important meet coming up. If you broke his arm he would be out for the a couple of months.
"Stop lying to me you cocky son of a-" You were cut off when a body slammed into yours knocking you off of him, and to the ground. You and the rescuer rolled over each other. Both of you trying to get the upper hand you managed to plant a foot in the ground. On the fourth roll that put you on top, and push the mystery person down onto their back. Whoever it was struggled to get you off but a swift and hard punch to the nose made them stop. There was a sickening crunch after the blow letting you know their nose had broken. Blood poured from the injury some of it coating your fist as you brought it down again. This time striking the rescuer in the mouth a groan of pain, but at least you didn't knockout a tooth.
Well good for them but shame for you, so you hit the person again in the mouth. They brought a hand up pushing it up against your face, you knocked it away. Then struggled to pin both of their free arms under your knees. You caught a glimpse of the rescuer's face lit up by the flames of the raging fire. It was none other than Liam Hanes the captain of the swimming team, and Chad's best friend. He hadn't been in the courtyard earlier when the two of you got into it. But no doubt did he hear about the fight, and probably plotted some revenge against you.
All you saw was red as you were finally successful in pinning his arms. Now with complete control over him instead going for the face you turned around and slammed your knuckles down onto his taut stomach. His legs kicked out as he screamed in pain "Stevens calm the fuck down its not that serious."
"Yes it is that locket is all I have left this isn't funny. What did you and your friends do with it?" You cried back.
Liam saw the pained look in your expression and knew this had to do with so much more than Chad giving you a hard time. It was personal and if he couldn’t convince of their innocence. There was a good chance him and Chad would leave the party in stretchers tonight. Another rapid shot to the ribs followed by a kidney punch left him winded, and tears in his eyes. He didn't know you could be so ruthless.
"I was at....." He paused taking in as much air as he could only to expel it again to plead his case. "At swimming practice when the shit went down y/n. I didn't hear about the fight till an hour ago here got damnit. Listen to me we didn't do it we were going to dump some paint on you as payback tomorrow in class. Stevens I swear on my mother's grave it wasn't us." His voice got louder as did the desperation in his tone. As you bunched up his shirt in your hand to pull him up a bit. Your fist pulled back as you stared him down.
But when your eyes met his and he swore on his deceased mother that it wasn't him. You had no choice but to believe him because the pain of losing a parent that you loved was one that only so many people knew. And no one spoke on the deceased if they didn't mean it. You let him go and stood up looking around. Some kids were watching the fight go down with their phones up recording. While others were too drunk and caught up with themselves to pay attention.
Chad stood a few feet away clutching his right shoulder. While it wasn't broken you probably did strain so badly till it sprained. He would have to go to the doctor tomorrow.
"I'm sorry" you murmured your apology barely reached his ears, but he nodded. No one tried to stop you from leaving Chad was more concerned with his beaten and battered friend.
You returned to your dorm that night and cried yourself to sleep. The next morning you checked the lost and found with no such luck. As the days went by your mood got worse as you were forced to accept that it might just be gone for good. It wasn't just a normal locket with a normal picture. Your dad specially made it for you out of some precious metal he'd been holding onto, and the picture in it was a mini digital photo reel. It had all of your best memories with him installed it so you could always look back.
You became a ghost around campus, and while no one messed with you in the past. Because you would literally beat the living hell out of them. Now everyone was steering clear of you as if they could see a dark cloud of despair floating above your head.
This went on for a week until out of the blue a knock came from your door bringing you out of your thoughtless trance. Music was softly playing in the background something to just keep you aware, but nothing you really cared to listen to.
Whoever it was knocked again a bit more forceful this time. "Girl come on and open this door I know you in there. People are starting to stare and they looked scared for me. What did you do?"
You threw yourself out of bed hurrying to yank the door open to see if it really was her. The voice sounded familiar but it'd been so long in your head since you heard a friendly voice. You had to be sure you weren't being delusional. Indeed it was Riri Williams who was behind the door dressed in a simple black shirt, tight dark blue jeans, and had a pair of black Nikes on as well.
"Where the hell have you been Riri" You exclaimed throwing your arms around her neck, and burying your face into her shoulder.
She stumbled back from the force of your hug not to mention you had a couple of inches on her in height. But wasted no time in returning the hug. "You didn't hear your girl got whisked away to Wakanda for some outreach program."
You let out a low whistle as you pulled back to look her in the face. "I heard that wasn't sure if it was a rumor or not. How was it?"
"It was eventful I mean don't get wrong Wakanda is beautiful and all but it was a lot" she said.
You finally released and stepped aside to let her in, and missed the way she was trying to gauge your reaction about her mentioning Wakanda.
You closed the door and went over to sit beside her on your bed where she was already located. "I've heard stories about the beauty of that country. I bet the sight was breathtaking, but what happened that made you come back here so fast?"
"Well I know you heard the queen died over there and everything. Things just got crazy afterwards and it didn't feel right to be there" Riri told you. Letting out a sigh afterwards and falling backwards on your bed.
You did the same but scooted over so your head was on her shoulder. "I actually didn't hear about that and I'm sorry you were there for it. I've been out of the loop these past couple of days my locket is gone, and I can't find it."
"Oh yeah I saw Liam and Chad on the way here one of them has an arm in a sling, and the other has a bruised up face with a bandaged nose. I'm guessing that was your doing. She felt your head move against her shoulder in a nod, and let out a little laugh. "Damn I actually feel sorry for them."
"No more sorry than I do I'm surprised neither of them snitched on me. Plenty of kids got the evidence on their phones pretty sure they could've gotten me kicked out of school."
"Well I for one am happy they didn't it was just a misunderstanding after all." Riri tried to reassure you wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"It doesn't change the fact my locket is gone" you whispered burying your face into her chest.
"You mean this locket" Riri whispered in your ear with a tone of excitement. You looked up to see your locket dangling in her hand, and tears flooded your vision. She managed to slip it around your neck somehow as you sobbed into her chest. Of course you wanted to question her on how she got it. But for now you were just overcome with emotions at being reunited with the thing you valued most in the world. The cool touch of the metal on your neck felt like your father clasping your neck as he looked down at you with that proud smile on his face.
"There's my little solider" He would whisper
Riri brought a hand to your hair and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "Its okay I know" she repeated over and over letting you get it all out.
"How did you get it?" You asked in between hiccups.
"I found it in the brush near where you beat Chad up that day. It probably came off while you fighting them." She lied smoothly hoping you wouldn't pick up on it. She had rehearsed it a hundred times over during the plane ride back home, and the walk over here.
Shuri caught her by the wrist just as she was leaving and placed it in her hand. "I'm going to assume y/n is going to be looking for this."
Riri opened her hand to see the locket and her eyes widening in realization. "Hell yeah I can't believe I almost forgot it homegirl is probably freaking out still." She had been through so much these past couple of days, but you were her main concern just like that. "Wait is her father who you think he is" she asked curiously.
Shuri gave her a nod the expression on her face going stern. "Do not tell her about it we have no way of knowing how she will react. I'll be there in a few days to talk to her after I take care of something"
Riri assured the Princess of Wakanda she had no desire to be the one to deliver such big news. After all she could barely comprehend it herself.
"I can't believe it was there the whole time" You said with a joyful chuckle.
"Well you know you get pretty heated during those fights. I been telling to learn some damn control" Riri joked with a grin.
"Oh please you be egging me on all the time especially if I'm fighting for you" You laughed lifting your head from her chest to look down at her.
"Hey don't act like those guys don't have it coming plus its not like I don't repay you back. Who does all of your chemical engineering homework for free?"
"You do but don't get a big head about it that has nothing to do with my major. I was shoved into that class by force" You reminded her playfully digging all of your fingers into both of her sides.
"Stevens" she squealed out your last name immediately trying to roll away, but she should've known better. You were an expert at pinning anyone down which is why she hated no despised tickle fights with you. She never stood a chance but luckily for her you were in her debt for finding the locket.
Her laughter was cut off as you pressed her lips to her's in a hesitant but adoring kiss. Your fingers stopped moving against her ribs as your hands rested on her waist. Riri froze up at first but started kissing back the second she realized what was going on. The kiss lasted for maybe two seconds before you pulled away
"Thank you Riri god I freaking love you."
The confession made her speechless too much was happening too fast. Of course she downplayed her relationship with you that day with Shuri and Okoye. She didn't know what they wanted with her, and didn't want them to know about you. While the two of you weren't together then she had definitely been feeling you for a while.
"I love you too" Riri said after a few minutes not wanting you to think she didn't feel the same.
"Mmmm I know" You whispered head resting on her chest again.
Three Days Later
You thought your relationship with Riri would be good after the two of you finally confessed your feelings for each other. Things were okay after the kiss you and her now had a habit of crashing in each other's dorm more often now. And the making out was awesome but you felt like she was keeping something from you. What bothered you the most was you didn't know if it was the new relationship, or whatever happened in Wakanda eating at her.
Every time you tried to talk to her about the trip she would either deflect or completely changed the topic. You didn't think the two things were connected at first until you started noticing the way her gaze would linger on your locket sometimes. When she thought you weren't looking and the guilt on her face as she stared. Like she knew something about your dad that you didn't. You wanted to trust her and let it go but it was your dad. There was still a lot of mystery surrounding his death, and what happened. Which you expected from the beginning when news of his passing finally reached you. But the file the agent gave you was completely blacked out not even telling you where the mission was.
So it was impossible for you to just move on. While you weren't going to twist her arm about it you were going to ask, and pay attention to the way she answered. If Riri lied then you would know.
You were on your way to meet her at a nearby cafe for the conservation. But when you opened your door to leave your dorm you came face to face with Shuri. The Princess of Wakanda.
Your jaw-dropped in shock as you took a step back into your room. She took the opportunity to come into your room, and kick the door shut with her foot.
"Y/N Stevens we need to talk."
Um if you're looking for Riri then I was actually on my way to her right now." You told her with a nervous smile as your mind went haywire. There was no way she was here for you right?
"Riri is actually the one who told me where to find you. She's been worried about you, these past couple of days texting me to come and clear things up with you as fast as possible."
Now she had your attention as your phone slipped from your grip as you were in the middle of texting your girlfriend. "What?"
The phone would've slammed into the floor if it wasn't for Shuri dashing forward to catch it just inches from impact. She tossed it on your bed and took a seat in the desk chair. Leaning forward she rest her elbows on her knees and jutted her chin towards your bed. "You might want to sit down for this."
"What could you possibly know about me that Riri wouldn't be willing to share if she knew too?" You asked.
"Sit down please then we can talk" Shuri demanded again.
You were getting ready to head for the door determined to get the answer out of Riri yourself. When her next words made you freeze up, and your blood run cold.
"Your father Erik Stevens aka Killmonger was a Prince of Wakanda just like his father before him. Prince N'Jobu and that makes you y/n Stevens a Princess of Wakanda as well."
You whirled around eyes widened in shock and they practically bulged out of the sockets. At the sight of her holding up a gold chain with a large purplish black ring on it. The ring was identical to the one your father wore all the time around his neck. It matched the material your chain for your locket was made out of. You squinted your eyes as you realized it was your father's ring. But that was impossible it had to be everything she just said had to be a lie. The room started spinning as you stumbled over to Shuri hand reaching for the ring.
But you fell short as your body collapsed and you lost consciousness. The last thing you remember is Shuri lunging forward to catch your body in her arms. Right before your head hit the floor, and you could swear you heard your father's voice clear as day.
"There's my little solider."
Tag List: @lizlil @darkmemesworld @rhayanm @aliives @angel-bi666 @agustdeeyaa @liliana-byers @lightskintedsblog @marice23top @filmsbyhyuna @shuriswhore @vevethirst @londyn-loves-u @iwillbeabitch @klackyb @ziayamikaelson @taleiakirby @awolfcsworld
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