#that tiktok audio just wont leave my head
reyislikesotired · 5 months
step, holding jason close: HE WAS THE BEST GUY AROUND
dick: he murdered SEVEN people already!
tim, putting pressure on his stab wound (jason stabbed him) and slurring due to painkillers: WHAT MURDEERR??
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aresonist · 2 years
i loove the hotguy mask design,, do u have any lore like about the bad things that happened to him in his past?
this au is generally just my little scar angst pile and is just really messy cause its made via me listening to emo tiktok audios and walking in a circle and was made like 2 days ago and i havent like explored it good good and its probably not good story wise but like i said so far its my scar angst pile and i dont imagine myself actually working on this other than random thoughts durning the day BUT! miserable things that have maybe happened to scar in that au!:
-his bestest friend (cub) went missing at some point! reappeared as a villain and is basically an empty vessel for vexes and vey much not in control of himself and also tries to get him to accept vexes! leaves him very miserable everytime they see eachother
-i imagine like heroes generally dont know eachothers identities unless they tell eachother its like a trust thing, by a thing government might know. But the way scar found out mumbos identity was bc mumbo got really fucking hurt durning a mission they were on together and has this couple days coma and scar just refused to leave his side, he ofc felt bad about it but cmon its his friend!!! when mumbo woke up he offered to show him his face too but mumbo refused
-when mumbo left the whole hero gig scar was DEVASTATED, he gave him a big big hug and cried a little and they also made a deal that scar wont go out of his way to look for him for safety reasons or whatever (and also the fact that mumbo didnt want him to find out that hes gonna be joining their villain kind of friend)
-he works at a cafe to give him something normal to do when hes off duty, since he doesnt really have many non hero work friends and even if he did that friendship would be a hard time bc of the whole hero thing so working there when he has the time is his little escape and also a place where he meets grian! a very loyal customer who very quickly becomes one of his best friends even if they dont hang out much besides grians coming to the cafe. so imagine his suprise when his good pal grian brings in his other good pal mumbo and he has to act normal and not like he missed the man, its a very minor thing but HE MISSED THE MAN!!!
-when he finds out mumbo quit to become a villain he is quite distraught but hes deffo more distraught when he gets some crystal/bomb/whatever magic thing blown up in his face while trying to take it away from his kind of friend villain, and he technically dies? but vexes do keep following him in an attempt to join them and not very surprisingly saving his life is a pretty good offer when hes not really concious, now in this moment i am not sure whenever they villains just leave him after checking to make sure hes still alive and clicking an emergency button on his communicator or he, now under hre control of the vex attacks them or hes dead when they check all of those seem fun in one way or another
anyway theres a bit more?? but as you can see its all tangled in my head and most content was generated from me hearing music and going what if scar bad things happen
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ultrastellara · 3 years
Here comes the boy
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inspired by the famous cat walking video on tiktok, i decided to use this audio on this small drabble. please enjoy !
"theres my favorite boy" you said as you entered the inn. seeing xiao looking down at the balcony seeing all of the workers and guests working and chatting down below. his eyes didnt look upon you until he felt your warm hands on his sides.
he then looked behind himself to see you smiling widely at him. noticing the way you looked at him, he knew something good happened.
"what happened at work today, hun?" he then wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in to admire the view of the lake and the people below.
you continued to talk about your job and told him the great news. throughout the conversation, he would nod along and mess around with any strands of hair that was left out.
"hmm..you got a promotion?" he gave you a smirk, knowing you would hear his praises afterwards.
"i did, weren't you paying attention?" you said jokingly, flicking his forehead lightly.
"i was but your face really caught my attention" smoothly his gloved hand was caressing your cheek, making your heart flutter a bit.
"hello my favorite boy" you once entered the inn, seeing your boyfriend eating down in the kitchen.
he was into his meal right now, not looking at you until you sat across from him.
"you're enjoying lunch huh?" you asked.
he nodded with his mouth full of the almond tofu. his hand gently caressing your cheek as he continued to eat. he doesnt say much but you know deep inside he enjoys touching your face. it makes him relieved knowing you're alive right now. seeing you breath under the same roof as him, makes him wake up each day knowing you're actually here and alive. you're you. and you're here with him.
"xiao? your food's getting cold" you tapped his nose making a 'boop' noise. he shook his head making himself look at you with full awareness.
"i know hun, i just got busy with thoughts" he stated, picking up his chopsticks again.
"thoughts of ?" you asked, tilting your head.
"of you, obviously" he felt your presence become more flustered, seeing the way you shyly looked at him made him have butterflies.
"xiao!" you screamed, running through the forest. the bamboo trees werent helping you as many treasure hoarders were coming at you.
you had called his name, why wasnt he there right now.
"xiao!! help me!" you had no vision, knowing that he said he promised you he would always be there once you called his name. little did you know as you were running you tripped over a rock. you were falling but before you could let tears out, xiao came.
he wasnt there as you were falling but sadly he was seeing you fall from above. the shouts of the treasure hoarders had died down because he was going after them not realizing you didnt know he was there already.
"Y/N!!" he shouted, wanting to go after you as you were falling from the steep mountain. his eyes were shattered once he saw your body, blood gushing out. millions of his tears were calling once he teleported to where you were. it was his fault. he wasnt there the first time you called. he came at the second time now assumed that something bad bad was happening.
he didnt know what to do seeing you there unalive, caressing your cheek like he always did.
"im sorry, im sorry..." he kept on repeating and held your body close to him.
hearing you not breath, for once he wished he couldve been more careful with you like he always has.
"theres my boy," you stated.
awoken to seeing you holding him, in your arms. he was the small spoon currently with you holding him tightly to your chest.
"theres nothing to be afraid of, xiao. you're here with me" he didnt realize he was actually crying until he felt your fingers wiping the left over tears.
"im sorry...i couldn't save you in my nightmare.." he said, feeling a bit bad you had to see him in a weak position. hes seen your worst but whenever he was feeling down or sad he would teleport away from you and be in the mountains for a while until he felt better.
however now in your arms, he felt safe. a home where he could always go to. of course he knew he could but he felt somewhat nervous to always let his guard down.
"you're okay xiao and im here with you. im not leaving you nor will disappear within your eyes. i promise you even as vision less i am, ill always call your name hoping or that i know you'll be coming to me for when im in danger. you are here with me now and therefore you shouldnt be afraid of losing me. you know im always going to come home to you with news or stories from my work. but love, i hope you know i love you dearly and wont let you go.." you said in a sleepy tone. he wrapped his arms around your waist, proceeding to make you now be in his muscular chest.
your smile had widen once feeling his breathing yet his heart beat pumping fast because of you. closing your eyes, allowing him to pull you more towards him, gently kissing the top of your head.
"goodnight, hun." xiao stated before now sleeping in peace thinking of you in the fields of qingce village. yes there you were alive, picking up many glaze lilies and bringing them to him.
he was indeed your boy and your only favorite boy as you would say.
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inactivefandomblog · 4 years
Things I noticed when I re watched Birds of prey last night
Hi all, I watched BOP for the second time last night and I wanted to write down some of the things I noticed as I had seen @wordsoflittlewisdom​ , Idea credit goes to them on this one. I’m aware that some of these things are not exactly new discoveries and were blatantly obvious to others, but I have ADHD and a processing delay meaning that I don't always take in all the information the first time I watch a film. For example, I had no idea Renee was gay for ages, even though they tell us she had an ex girlfriend (I think I was too busy fan Girling that Ali Wong was in the film then though to hear that bit). I have to focus more on the overall plot when I watch things the first time, but the second time I was able to scan for little details and take in more things. Without further ado, here’s what I noticed.
“Do you know what a harlequin is? A harlequin's role is to serve. It's nothing without a master. No one gives two shits who we are, beyond that.”
-When Harley is talking about Harlequinns serving  their master, she is not just talking about her relationship with the Joker, but about Canary letting Roman be her master. She is saying that she felt like she was nothing without the Joker. She is also implying that Dinah feels the same about Roman, and that she shouldn't because he doesn’t actually care about her like the Joker didn’t care about her.
-THATS WHY SHE ONLY HAS ONE SHOE IN THE CHASE SCENE!!!!!  SHE USED IT TO PIN DOWN THE ACCELERATOR IN THE TRUCKKKKKK!!! MYSETERY SOLVED!! ...  though.. she didn’t change her shoes to a full set between then and the police chase the next day/ later on the same day. Meaning she didn't go home after that...so did she just like wander around Gotham after committing a huge crime obviously tide to her XD of course she did, she’s Harley Fucking Quinn! Either that or she passed out somewhere from being very very drunk, hopefully her apartment and not just a street or something.
-BONUS:  fanfic idea: DRUNK HARLEY HAS A FUNERAL FOR HER SHOE THAT GOT BLOWN UP IN THE ACE CHEMICALS EXPLSION, WITH BRUCE AND THE BEAVER. after she leaves the crime scene. That just seems like a thing drunk Harley would do, as I imagine she loved those shoes as they were awesome..so were her sequin socks.
-The first time I watched it I didn't realise that the fireworks weren’t actually there - because that was all in Harley's head and the film is from her pov - even though we are showed that when the police arrive there are none and it's just a regular explosion. Not until I was told this was the case and realised we were literally shown this later on.
-She goes from being a Harlequinn to Harley Quinn as she becomes emancipated.
-Roman just lets Zsas grab his arms and restrain him when he’s mad, switch energy much.....also they are defo gay for each other. Zsas was acting like a jealous boyfriend when he gave Dinah even an ounce of attention. He legit told her to come back later when he just started massaging Roman’s shoulders. Roman let's Zsas rub his shoulders and comfort him, Zsas wants to protect Roman...need I go on.
- Cass’ parents are yelling about how they don't want her if you listen to what they are saying, so they’re not just fighting, they’re fighting because they wish they never adopted her. She can hear them saying all this too. This made me feel even more sad for Cass than when I thought her parents were toxic to each other in my first watch through.
- (Trigger warning: mention of domestic abuse and child abuse)
Cass’ parents didn't want her and seemed to be very hostile, its not mentioned how Cass got her cast...but I realised that it could suggest that her parents broke her arm. Which would go on to suggest that they were abusing her physically as well as emotionally. Hence why she didn’t trust people, and was so hurt when Harley betrayed her. Because when she says that she though Harley was different, she meant that she thought she could trust Harley and that Harley wouldn’t hurt her.
-Margot’s real accent comes through when she tells Canary ‘I haven't told that to anyone’ when telling her she Broke up with Joker, as well as a few other times throughout the film.
-Cassandra is quiet and not talkative in her first scene because her throat was hurting because of the diamond. That's why she coughed to try and clear it . At that point in the film we hadn’t been shown that  part but it was set after it happened so it makes sense when you re watch it.
-Cassandra’s jacket has a little middle finger logo on it, which I thought really suited her character.
- Cass has ‘asshole’ written on her cast, a drawing of a gun the word ‘fuck’, the word ‘magic’  - which is probably a reference at how she does some stuff that is similar to closeup magic and uses the same magicians technique of the art of misdirection - she also has what appears to be two playing cards, one with hearts  and one with diamonds. Which is most probably a reference to Harley Quinn’s whole  hearts and diamonds thing she has going. Didn’t comic book Harley also have a link to those specific playing cards too? or something like that?
- TW: mentions of abuse and child abuse and trauma
The whole diamonds are a girls best friend is Harley going somewhere else mentally to cope with the trauma of being abused  - we see her being spanked by a nun when was younger suggesting she was abused then too, and I think it is a part of her comic book story  that she was but I don't know for sure - when it flashes and Guns appear that's reality trying to seep in. She's trying to focus on the diamond and block everything else out
-I spotted what looks like a mini mallet on the wall in her kitchen that could potentially be a meat tenderiser, and if that is the case then that is  a fantabulous little Easter egg type thingy. The handle looks too long to be a pot, it has a diamond pattern on it and it is next to another tool for preparing meat...so now I'm just waiting on Margot Robbie,Cathy Yan or Ella Jay Basco to Reply to my tweet and confirm it.
-Helena speaking Chinese makes me laugh for some reason, I think its her facial expression. 
- Kid  Helena’s crayons when she's drawing the revenge pic are all perfectly spaced and placed like her stuff in her bathroom scene. Further evidence of her perfectionism/ her liking things a specific way.
- The towel in Helena’s hotel room  on the bed (seen in mirror reflection) is in the shape of a little person.
- Canary sheds a tear when Roman harasses the lady on the table, I didn't notice that before because I looked away as the scene made me really uneasy.
- Harley screws the cap on the nail polish before putting it down even though there's someone at the door after them. This made me laugh because she thinks the police is after her but still takes time to do this, which is such a Harley thing. Like when she bent down to pick up the penny when that guy was gonna kill her.
- Roman has a shirt with his face printed on it.They did a good job of using the costumes and sets to show his egomaniacal trait.
- The look of acceptance of Harley's face when she realises that no one cares about, after the last person she thought cared about her (Doc) betrayed her, is heart-breaking. 
-How was Renee not injured from getting launched out the window? Even if she didn't fall all the way to the ground and landed on the top of the entrance bit, she’d still be injured.
-WHERE DOES HUNTRESSS STORE ALLL THOSE ARROWWWSSSSS????? SHE FIRED SO MMAANNNNYYY! I DIDN’T SEE A QUIIIIVVVER OR ANYTHING. I guess she just stores them in sub space along with her hammer¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
-Also I think I figured out what the chain is  for, at first I thought it was for the crossbow to attach to. Then I though not as she leaves the crossbow on the floor by itself in the funhouse fight scene, but then I think I saw it attached to it..so I think she can just disconnect it when need be. Plus it just looks cool.
-Alllssoo, she toooottallly checked out Dinah! HELENA IS DEFO GAYYYY! she has big useless lesbian vibes. They really knew who their target audience was when they made Helena look so stunning and badass. The producers really said ‘hello LGBTQ+ community’ (hopefully y’all know that tiktok audio or that wont make much sense) Also, if you don't believe me, I have a gif of her doing it on my blog. So there’s no denying it.
-Why were the lights on in the funhouse if it was  abandoned?? Maybe its just more Harley vision? but the carousel was rotating too...
Anyway that's everything I noticed, thanks for reading if you made it this far, and even if you didn’t...you wont see this then but still. Thank y’all .
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steves-on-a-plane · 3 years
Trending Cap
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Words: 843 Pairing: Sam Wilson X Reader Also Staring: Bucky Barnes Summary: When Reader finds out Sam, as the new Captain America, isn't planning on doing anything special to celebrate 4th of July she suggests he recreates a viral TikTok trend. With the help of Reader and Bucky, Sam adds his own twist to the trend to great success.
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“So, what are you doing for the fourth, Sam Eagle?” You asked the newly minted Captain America. You tossed yourself onto his couch and made yourself comfortable in his Washington, DC apartment.
“Who the hell is Sam Eagle?” Sam laughed.
“He’s a Muppet.” Bucky supplied as he walked into the kitchen carrying a six pack of beers. “He’s an eagle Muppet who’s whole personality is freedom and loving America. You have wings and you’re Captain America now. Also, your name is Sam. It’s a very funny joke.” He assured.
“Now you expect me to believe you know who the Muppets are?” Sam shook his head as Bucky began packing his beers into the fridge.
“I have a television in my apartment.” Bucky reminded him.
“To answer your question, [Y/N], this is what I’m doing. Sarah’s taking the boys off on a long weekend trip so I invited my two friends over and I’m going to cook some food, we’re going to hang out.” Sam shrugged. “What more could I want?”
“Ok, but I meant more like what are you doing as Captain America?” You clarified. “Like I know Steve used to go way over the top because it was his birthday and all, but are you not even going to post like a Cap meme or TikTok dance or anything?”
“A TikTok dance?” Sam chuckled.
“Why not?” You shrugged. “Maybe not a dance, but there’s this audio that’s been getting pretty popular.”
You reached for your phone which was dangling precariously off the edge of Sam’s coffee table. You opened the TikTok app and searched for the audio you wanted. Once you found it you played it for Bucky and Sam. The Audio started with the Star-Spangled Singer’s singing the verse of The Star Spangled Man with a Plan, the song from Steve’s old USO shows. Once the audio reached the line “We can’t ignore there’s a front and a war we must win” the background music changed to a more modern beat mixed with Sam’s very recent speech “I know there are millions of people who are going to hate me for it. Even now, here, I feel it. The stares, the judgement, and there’s nothing I can do to change it. And I’m still here. No super serum. No. Blonde hair or blue eyes. The only power I have is that I believe we can do better.”
“The trend is sort of a way to celebrate you as the new Cap.” You explained. “What most people do is they’ll do something like wear 1940’s fashion until the part where the music changes and then they switch to modern clothes. There are also some pretty impressive cosplays on here with homemade suits. For those typically its someone who starts out in a replica Steve suit and ends in a replica of yours. Usually they’ll act all hokey and exaggerated during the first bit and switch to a very serious lip-sync when it gets to the Captain Sam part.”
“[Y/N]’s right.” Bucky commented as he scrolled through TikTok on his own phone. “Walker might not be the only one you have to fight for the shield. These are some pretty impressive…what did you call them?”
“Cosplayers.” You supplied.
“Dress up people.” Bucky nodded.
“Alright, you’ve convinced me.” Sam nodded. “But the two or you have to help me.”
“Perfect! I’ve always wanted to raid your closet!” C’mon Buck, you can be my onset 1940s fashion consultant.” You dragged him towards Sam’s bedroom.
“[Y/N]! Don’t even think about taking one of my flannel shirts!” Sam called after you.
“Two shirts it is then!” You shouted back.
With Bucky’s help you were able to piece together a presentable 1940s stye outfit from Sam’s closet. The outfit consisted of Khaki slacks, a brown belt, brown leather shoes and a brown and beige stripped shirt. The collar wasn’t exactly wide enough for the time, Bucky wanted to point out, but it would do in a pinch. Luckily the wallpaper in the living room of Sam’s apartment looked ancient. It probable hadn’t been updated since the 1920’s let alone the 40s.
So, you positioned Sam in a corner of the room where most of his modern amenities were out of sight and filmed him dancing and mouthed along to the Star Spangled Man song. When the music stopped you stopped filming. Sam changed most of the way into his cap suit. He gave you the signal and you began filming. Sam added on pieces to his outfit, like his wings, and his goggles while repeating his speech. When he reached his final line “I believe we can do better.” He looked directly into the camera. You held his gaze for a second before cutting off the recording.
“People are going to love it, Sam.” You told him confidently.
“We’ll see I guess.” He took his phone from you and added his own caption to the video. “Wanted to get in on the trend. Have a safe and happy 4th of July.” He added in a few hashtags before posting the video.
“Now will the two of you let me enjoy the rest of my day in peace?” Sam asked setting his phone down.
“I don’t know, I kind of want to see you make a Sam Eagle TikTok now that [Y/N] has put that idea in my head.” Bucky announced.
“This is my place.” Sam reminded you both. “I can kick you out any time.”
“I was promised cold beer and free food. I’m not leaving until I get both.” Bucky insisted. “And don’t bother asking if I’d throw hands with Captain America because we both know you wouldn’t be the first or even the second to find out that answer is yes.” Bucky sat down on the couch you’d once occupied. Sam had a witty retort prepped and ready to fire, but his phone began to buzz in his hand.
“Our TikTok’s got a like.” He shared proudly. His phone buzzed again. “Oh another one!”
“There’s a few comments too.” Bucky said. “’Welcome to the App Cap’ and ‘It’s the 40’s fit for me.’ [Y/N], what does fit mean?”
Within minutes Sam’s phone was booming with notifications. They were happening so frequently he had to set the sound to completely silent just so he could hear himself think. There were a few negative comments. Someone had dredged out the classic “Not My Cap” hashtag, but overall the response was positive. After twenty-four hours the video had over 500 thousand likes and ten thousand comments.
“[Y/N], you want a job as my social media/PR?” Sam jokingly texted you the next morning. “But seriously, it was a good idea. Thanks for the assist.”
“Anything for you, Cap.” You replied back. “You can pay me back with dinner next Saturday night. I’m still dreaming of last night’s dinner. Oh also, I stole a flannel from your closet.” You added a winking emoji before sending Sam a photo of you wearing his flannel shirt.
“It’s yours.” He replied. “That shirt’s never looked so good.”
“I can think of one place it might look better. You’re floor.” You sent, trying to sound flirty.
“That’s probably where you found it in the first place.” He messaged back with a series of laugh emojis. “You can return it if you want.”
“You’re so oblivious!” You told him with an eyeroll emoji. “The shirt is mine, and…” But before you could send another reply a new message from Sam came through.
“I’m just joking. Are you free tomorrow for dinner?” He wanted to know.
“We just had dinner together yesterday.” You reminded him.
“Now who’s oblivious? You have to eat every day don’t you? And Bucky wont be at this dinner.” He texted back all in one message.
“Ohhhhhh.” You typed several extra ‘H’s to emphasize your realization. “I’ll see you at 6, your place.”
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