#that weren't around in the 60s
ladyloveandjustice · 2 years
It’s so funny when people are like ‘superhero comics don’t sell because they’re too leftist’ (comics have leaned left from the beginning, often not radically so and they still don’t, but yeah,that’s what happens when most of the writers from New York) rather than like, the much more obvious reasons of constant reboots and being unable to read any one story without either buying a million comics or spending hours on wikis because of all the crossovers and constant shifting timelines.
The reason manga is selling better is because when you pick up my hero academia or yona of the dawn or something, you get the whole story and it’s consistent and able to build on it’s characters. Even if it ends up being a million volumes, you don’t need a dedicated research team to figure out the story, and even if it ends up being consistently mediocre like my hero academia you can still follow along pretty easily and won’t have to worry about the character suddenly being erased from the story or becoming unrecognizable because of a crossover in some other title. or the writer changing halfway through, or a new company wide initiative. The artists have a little more freedom to tell the complete story they want to tell, to actually pull off a good ending or plot twist that won’t be undone in a few years, there’s usually just one main editor, and they also have anime adaptations to hype them up that are much more similar to the source material than marvel/dc movies are to comics and simpler to get into.Also they’re less expensive. Manga is just more accessible, especially to kids.
 It’s just a solid business model (though it has it’s own problems, mainly the endless greed and enforced overwork from those at the top), while comics run around in circles with constantly changing editors and writers and making snap business decisions. Like isn’t that obviously the culprit here? It’s not rocket science.
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sob-dylan · 1 year
i’m fucking sick and tired of the internet not understanding what minimalism is. if i see one more person reblog a picture of a white or beige apartment and tag it “i hate minimalism” i’m gonna lose my mind.
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my school wants us all to use their uncomfortable formal uniforms every day despite literally all the parents being against it because of the raise on chikungunya and because students overall hate it and their response was ''the gala uniforms have been part of school tradition for more than 60 years we must keep with that'' aaaaaaaa
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curemoonliite · 1 year
reblog with your age and the first website you remember someone showing you! i'm 28 and mine was ebay!
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itsfloortimebabey · 2 years
some laws are okay to break btw. but traffic laws are absolutely never ever fucking part of that
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airagorncharda · 1 year
For any followers of mine still living with parents, guardians, family, or even just with roommates and who've never lived alone and/or fully on your own terms (whether ye be 16 or 60), I have TWO pieces of wisdom for you for when you eventually do:
You WILL discover that you were wrong about some shit you felt pretty strongly about before. Maybe you never realized how often your mom ACTUALLY cleans the bathroom and it turns out she asked for help really rarely. Maybe, much as it grates to admit, putting $50 into a different savings account every paycheck really IS the ONLY way to save any fucking money. Maybe that big rolling trashcan you resented your roommate putting in the kitchen, and got in that big fight about, really WAS super convenient and now you have to buy one for yourself after they move out and take it with them. Maybe blanching vegetables so they retain their color when cooked actually DOES enhance a meal, pretty food slaps actually, and the reason you didn't think it was worth the effort is because you were depressed.
You WILL also discover new shit that works SO much better for you than everything you'd been taught. Maybe you'll discover that dropping trash off at a recycling center at your convenience works way better for your brain than getting it picked up on a set day. Maybe you'll realize you don't actually hate tofu, you just hate how your family cooks tofu. Maybe you'll love being able to walk around the house naked whenever you want. Maybe you'll find you thrive in a space with giant framed nude photography, or taxidermy animals, or fandom themed Everything. Maybe you'll realize that keeping the thermostat set like 5 degrees colder (or hotter) than is typical makes you sleep better than you ever have before in your whole life.
The point of this wisdom is: Stay humble, but also, stay excited. There's no point pretending you weren't wrong about shit you were wrong about, just eat the crow and move on. But also, there's so much to look forward to about your own space-- even more than you could ever imagine when you don't have it yet.
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rebeccathenaturalist · 9 months
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Welcome to my Tuesday morning PSA about plastics!
So--I was walking along the Bolstadt beach approach sidewalk here in Long Beach, WA yesterday afternoon, and I started seeing these little orange pellets on the ground that looked a little bit like salmon roe (but probably weren't). So I picked one up, and it was most definitely rubber. I went around picking up every one I could find, and while I didn't keep exact count I probably amassed 50-60 of them. I took this picture before depositing them in the nearest trash can.
These are airsoft gun pellets, and you can buy them in big jars containing thousands of them. That means that someone who decided that the beach was a great place to shoot their airsoft guns could easily litter the place with countless little bits of plastic rubber in less than an hour. We already have a huge problem here with people leaving trash, including tiny bits of plastic, all over the beach (you should see the gigantic mess after 4th of July fireworks when thousands of people come in from out of town, blow things up, and then leave again without picking up after themselves.)
But these airsoft pellets have a particularly nasty side effect. You know how my first thought was "wow, those look kind of like salmon roe?" Well, we have a number of opportunistic omnivore birds like crows, ravens, and several species of gull that commonly scavenge on the beach, especially along the approaches because people often feed them there. If I can catch the resemblance of an orange airsoft pellet to a fish egg, then chances are there are wildlife that will assume they're edible.
Since birds don't chew their food, they probably won't notice that the taste or texture is wrong--it'll just go down the hatch. And since they can't digest the pellets, there's a good chance they might just build up in the bird's digestive system, especially if the bird eats a large number of them--say, fifty or sixty of them dropped on the ground along the same fifty foot stretch of sidewalk. The bird might die of starvation if there's not enough capacity for food in their stomach--or they might just die painfully of an impacted gut, and no way to get help for it. If the pellets end up washed into the ocean, you get the same issue with fish and other marine wildlife eating them, and then of course the pellets eventually breaking up into microplastic particles.
You can get biodegradable airsoft pellets; they appear to mainly be gray or white in color rather than bright screaming orange and green. But "biodegradable" doesn't mean "instantly dissolves the next time it rains." An Amazon listing for Aim Green biodegradable airsoft pellets advertise them as "Our biodegradable BBs are engineered to degrade only with long-term exposure to water and sun and will degrade 180 days after being used." That's half a year for them to be eaten by wildlife.
I don't know, y'all. That handful of carelessly dropped rubber pellets just encapsulates how much people don't factor in the rest of nature when making decisions, even on something that is purely for entertainment like an airsoft gun. We could have had a lot of the same technological advances we have today, but with much less environmental impact, if we had considered the long-term effects on both other people and other living beings, as well as our habitats. We could have found ways from the beginning to make these things in ways that benefited us but also mitigated any harm as much as possible. Instead we're now having to reverse-engineer things we've been using for decades, and sometimes--like the "biodegradable" airsoft pellets--they still have a significant negative impact.
But--at least there are people trying to do things better, thinking ahead instead of just on immediate profit. We're stuck in a heck of a mess here, figuratively and literally, and changing an entire system can't be done in a day. Maybe we can at least keep pushing for a cultural shift that emphasizes planning far into the future--if not the often-cited "seven generations ahead", then at least throughout the potential lifespan of a given product.
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karmazogs · 11 days
she's timid, shy, risk averse. never broken a bone, never threw a punch. 19 years of age and she survived her whole life by keeping her head down and waiting for it to blow over. she would've lived a boring life, died regretting it, then fade into obscurity. if it weren't for me.
it doesn't matter what unfortunate circumstances led to my employment of her; when you try your best to avoid life, life comes to you. she was too weak to be a laborer, too anxious to be a foot soldier, and there was no way she could be a pilot. "she'd make a fine technician or assistant", I thought, believing she'd only be here for a few years at most to pay off her debts, then I'd drop her back off at her backwater nothing settlement and she can get back to being a nobody.
that was until I decided on a whim to have her screened for NILC (Neural Interface Link Compatibility). I had lost a hound around that time and good hounds are hard to come by nowadays. Surely this would just be a waste of time and I'd have to get back to hiring real pilots
98. 98 out of 100.
the median is closer to 60. my best hound is 82. this girl, this pathetic little thing, was in the 2nd percentile of all humanity for NILC. Clockmouth, often considered one of if not the best pilot of all time, was 95.
I had the techs redo the test 2 more times. they re-calibrated the testing equipment and tested 2 more times. same result each time.
that's when I started to see it. the way this girl carried herself, the way she didn't walk but glided with long strides. the look in her eyes, the way she spoke. she was not born this pitiful, hopeless whelp.
I don't know what made her this way, nor do I care. I would not pass up this opportunity. I would make something of her, even if she hated me for it.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
Researching herbicide resistance in weeds.
A decade ago, everyone said rotating applications of different herbicides was key to stopping herbicide resistance.
Then, around 2015, evidence from a large study emerged saying that this actually causes weeds to be MORE resistant, so the best thing to do is to spray a combination of multiple herbicides mixed together at once.
Now that is being called into question too. Whoda thunk it...
Herbicide resistance among weeds is only getting stronger. Recently, scientists found an annual bluegrass (Poa annua) on a golf course that was resistant to seven herbicide modes of action at once. Seven. SEVEN. Amaranth plants been found with resistance to six herbicide modes of action at once. Twenty years ago, the narrative was that resistance to glyphosate (Roundup) was unlikely to become widespread; today it's the second-most common type of resistance.
What's more, plants are developing types of herbicide resistance that are effective against multiple herbicides at once and harder to detect. Instead of changing the chemical processes within them that are affected by the herbicides so the herbicides don't work as well, they're changing the way they absorb chemicals in the first place. Resistant plants are producing enzymes that detoxify the herbicides before they even enter the plants' cells.
It took Monsanto ten years to develop crop varieties resistant to Dicamba (after weeds made 'Roundup Ready' crops pointless). Palmer amaranth evolved Dicamba resistance in five years.
So I asked, "Why are all the proposed solutions dependent on using more herbicides, when we know damn well that this is going to do nothing but make the weeds evolve faster?"
The answer is that chemical companies have the world in a death grip. They can't make money off non-chemical solutions, so chemical solutions get all the funding, research, and outreach to farmers.
But why do chemical companies have so much power?
One of the biggest reasons is the U.S. military.
In the Vietnam war, all of Vietnam was sprayed with toxic herbicides like Agent Orange, which was incredibly toxic to humans and affected the Vietnamese population with horrible illnesses and birth defects. Monsanto, the company that made the herbicides, knew that it did this, but didn't tell anyone. The US government didn't admit that they'd poisoned humans on a mass scale until Vietnam veterans started dying and coming down with horrible illnesses, and even then, it took them 40 years. (My Papaw died at 60 because of that stuff.) And the soldiers weren't there for very long. As for the Vietnamese people, the soil and water where they live is contaminated.
Similarly, during the "war on drugs," the US military sprayed Roundup and other chemicals on fields to destroy coca plants and other plants used in the manufacturing of drugs. This killed a lot of crops that farmers needed to live, and caused major health problems in places such as Columbia. The US government said that people getting sick were lying and that Roundup was just as safe as table salt. (A statement that did not age well.)
So chemical companies make money off arming the USA military. The American lawn care industry, and the agricultural system, therefore originates in more than one way from the United States's war-mongering.
The other major way is described in this article (which I highly recommend), which describes how after WW2, chemical plants used for manufacturing explosives were changed into fertilizer producing plants, but chemical companies couldn't market all that fertilizer to farmers, so they invented the lawn care industry. No exaggeration, that's literally what happened.
This really changes my perspective on all the writings about fixing the agricultural system. The resources are biased towards the use of chemicals in agriculture because the companies are so powerful as to make outreach and research for non-chemical methods of agriculture really hard to fund. All the funding is in finding new ways to spray chemicals or spraying slightly different chemicals, because that's what you can actually get ahold of money to look into. It is like the research has to negotiate a truce with the chemical companies, suggesting only solutions that won't cause lower profits.
Meanwhile my respect for Amaranth is skyrocketing.
Who would win: The USA military-industrial complex or one leafy boi
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adragonprinceswhore · 2 months
Sexting & Taking Nude Pics w/ Hockey player!Aemond
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Warnings: 18+, smut, AFAB reader, naughty pictures, degradation, teasing, masturbation, edging, manhandling, orgasm denial, P in V
A/N: Sometimes ovulation wins.
Inspired by this amazing art by @novembermorgon 🩵
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“Where's my reward?”
An amusement snort leaves your nose. The game only ended a few moments ago, yet he's greedily demanding that you send him what you'd promised.
“Only winners get rewarded”
“I won.”
You smile to yourself as you type, fingers quickly moving over the screen.
"We won*"
"Whatever. Send it."
"Winning by sudden death doesn't count. You should've scored before it went into overtime"
You see him typing, but knowing Aemond, the reply won't be a long one. The delayed answer is due to him not knowing what to say.
God, you love tormenting him.
In all fairness, you were just quoting what he'd told you before. Winning a match that goes into overtime means that the other team scores a point, even if they lose. "If you can't beat them in 60 minutes, you didn't win", he'd said.
"I'll do better next time. Please, send it."
Usually, it'd take more to make him beg. He must be desperate.
You're still smiling as you close your eyes momentarily, imagining him sneaking off to one of the bathrooms by the locker room, still breathing hard from the strenuous match and with sweat covering his face, droplets sliding down his neck and disappearing inside his away jersey.
If you were there, you'd help him out of the white shirt and shoulder pads, planting tender kisses to his wet neck, secretly craving the taste of his salty skin. He always smelled his best straight after a game.
Maybe you'd get a bit carried away and let your tongue glide over the smooth skin over his adam's apple, prompting him to huff in proud amusement as he teases you for being such a needy slut.
Unfortunately, he’s not playing home in Old Town tonight and you're not there to greet him as he exits the ice.
Instead, you've agreed on a different arrangement. Whenever his team wins a match, you send him a little reward.
Today, it’s a picture of your ass, clad in a black thong you know he likes. It had taken you a good 30 minutes to get the position, lightning and angle of your camera just right, and you weren't about to spoil that on someone who can't beat the Winterfell Dires before overtime.
"Only winners get rewarded. Do better."
Still smiling, you bite your lip to calm yourself.
You can picture it so clearly; Aemond frustratingly exhaling through his nose at your unwillingness to give him what he craves.
He's not much better himself. He's teased you to the brink of madness before; edged you until you couldn't think of anything but him.
You feel a dizzying yet pleasant rush of power wash over you as your screen lights up again.
"Please, baby. I need you"
Mischief makes the smile on your face grow wider.
"I don't entertain losers"
Oh he must be fuming. Running his hand over his face in annoyance, clicking his tongue, thinking of all the ways he wishes to make you submit to his will.
Surely only making his balls ache more with need.
"Please, I've thought about this all night. I'm so fucking hard."
Warmth spreads in your chest. You know he only wants you; that he's just as insatiable for you as you are for him.
Yet, opportunities to tease him like this do not come often.
"There's plenty of porn online. Enjoy!"
If you were with him right now, this is where he would've had enough. Picking you up and throwing you on the bed, climbing on top of you and caging you in. Pressing his heavy bulge against your core, lowly murmuring "If you don't shut up, I'll make you" into your ear.
But the distance between the two of you has robbed Aemond of his cockiness.
"Show me"
Your mouth waters as you open the image he sends you. The large hand he has around his shaft holds on to it firmly, veins on the back of his hand and down his forearm popping out from the intense blood flow. The tip of his cock looks vexed; bright red and glistening with arousal. You press your thighs together, no longer able to ignore the pounding growing fiercer.
You type even faster than before.
"What are you thinking about right now?"
"You. About how badly I wish you were here. About how I'd fuck you in this filthy bathroom as the lads are getting ready outside"
Defeated by your own desires, you send him the picture of your ass before putting away your phone, closing your eyes and allowing your hand to travel down between your thighs.
You can see him clear as day. He's grabbing the side of the white sink with one hand, the other furiously stroking his length, eyes glued to the screen of his phone as it rests on the ceramic surface.
He's panting; biting his lip and huffing loudly through his nose. Sweat slides down from his forehead to his flustered cheeks, pooling above his parted lips, dripping down.
Staring at his reward, he thinks back to all the ways he's had you. In your flat, in his car, in the bathroom of that high-end restaurant.
His grip on the sink tightens, thinking about how he'd grabbed the flesh of your ass so harshly it left marks as he pounded into you, causing your unabated moans to echo through the room.
He bites his lip to stop the words from spilling;
"My little slut", "My dirty girl", "My good whore”
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Aemond runs the soft pad of his thumb on your cheeks, collecting the tears of frustration spilling from your tired eyes.
“Poor thing can’t take a bit of teasing”
He’s tone is infuriatingly smug, tutting and interrupting you when you open your mouth to protest.
”Doesn’t feel nice, does it?”
No, it doesn’t feel nice.
Or does it?
You honestly don’t know what’s pleasurable anymore, being forced to the edge of pleasure but denied release time and time again.
Aemond’s fingers, lips, tongue and teeth had coaxed you into pleasure-drunk submission. They’d made you beg for permission to cum, cry for permission to cum, plea for permission to cum. But to no avail.
“Tell you what-”, he starts, seeing eye boring into yours with an intensity only ignited when he was feeling particularly bloodthirsty.
“-I’ll take some photos of you, to enjoy when I win next week’s away game, and then I’ll let you cum”
You’re beyond feeling embarrassed, head instantaneously moving up and down in a furiously eager sign of compliance.
Aemond’s teeth sink into his bottom lip to stop the amusement bubbling up inside of him from making itself know.
He must admit that he likes you best like this; completely at his mercy. His to do whatever he wants with.
Grabbing his phone from the nightstand next to the bed he’s got you caged within his arms in, he swipes his thumb over the screen to open the camera.
He admires you through the lens. The way the short, delicate hairs by your hairline stick to your sweaty forehead. The way your naked breasts still heave from exhaustion; skin damp and glistening. The way your agape mouth pants softly.
And then, your features change.
“Stop doing that”
Aemond looks stern, like he’s about to lecture you, “Faking it. You’re posing”
“I’m not!”, you defend yourself with a high-pitched protest.
“You are”
Mind still fuzzy from the strenuous, extensive foreplay Aemond had insisted upon, you don’t know how to appease him.
What does he want?
Sensing your confusion, he places two large palms on each side of your waist, leans down to offer you a soft kiss, and flips you over so you’re on your stomach.
Being manhandled by Aemond while your senses have left your head and relocated to your throbbing centre feels comforting, so when he grabs your hips to pull your ass up, you mumble a muffled “thank you” into the mattress.
He always moves your body with soft yet commanding hands, making his display of dominance feel more like an act of adoration and care.
And he’s always so warm, soothing your exposed skin from the chill air of the hotel room.
“Look at me”, he commands softly, tracing his fingers from the small of your back down to the velvety skin of your buttocks.
Turning your head to the side, you meet his eye, watching as he picks up his phone once more with one hand, while the other grabs his hard length, stoking it briefly before lining it up with your dripping cunt.
As he finally enters you, after god knows how much excruciating teasing, you feel your body turn into jelly; pliable to his every whim.
Your fists grab the sheets of his bed with a cramp-like grip, your mouth falls open with a loud moan, and your back arches in pleasure.
And you hear a click.
Aemond smiles behind the camera, satisfied with getting the picture he’d wanted all along. He moves it down to inspect the way you eagerly take him in, swallowing his cock over and over like the greediest of gluttons.
Enthralled, he admires the way he goes in and out; stretching and shaping you from the inside.
He puts his phone to the side, both hands once again finding home in the dip of your waist. His eye flickers to your bliss-filled face, an amused, condescending laugh leaves his lips,
“Are you drooling?”
You don’t care about his taunting anymore; too filled with him to care about anything else. Aemond moves forward, resting his face right next to yours.
The damp skin of his cheek sticks to yours, his breath fans hot air over your face,
“You’re so pretty like this”
You wait for him to kiss your cheek and award your endurance by finally paying attention to your aching clit.
Instead, he leans back once more, and pulls out.
“Aemond!”, you cry, unable to hide the utter devastation you feel at being denied your peak yet again.
“If you want to come you’ll have to work for it”
He’s smug again, enjoying your desperation a bit too much for your liking. Irritated and impatient, you push him to lay on his back and sink down on him in a selfish attempt to chase your own pleasure.
To your surprise, he allows you to take command; placing one of his hands on your hip, thumb coming down to flick your clit. The other hand picks up his phone again.
“You’re close?”
“Y-, yes”
His thumb continues to rhythmically circle your bundle of nerves as the grip he has on you tightens. His hips roll up to meet yours each time you sink down.
You grab his bicep, anchoring yourself to him with nails that harshly dig into his flesh.
So close.
A few more rhythmic movements and you feel fierce pleasure erupt inside of you, causing your mouth to fall open again as you whine out your pleasure.
You’re still sitting on him, breathing heavily as you try to catch your breath and come back to reality after feeling the release of seven denied orgasms wash over you.
Suddenly, you’re on your back again, Aemond hovering over your panting form. Your face is flustered and your hair is even messier than it was before.
The smug smile on his face has morphed into pride, and perhaps there’s something more, something far more vulnerable than he’s ever allowed himself to show you, hiding behind his miss-matched gaze.
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Thank you for reading! I have an idea for an upcoming part about these two, but with loads of angst as well 🤩 lmao you know I can’t help myself! Kisses 😙
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retroellie · 5 months
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Summary: After being dragged to a small town for a case, spencer found himself littering the town with his moans because he couldn't keep quiet.
A/N: I actually hate this, but i wanted to post something. Work has been killing me (literally) Anyways, miss yall <3
Warnings: NSFW, riding, dirty talk, praise, normal CM stuff
Word count: 3.9K
Spencer Reid was vocal in anything he did whether it be profiling, chess, books, statistics... you name it and he can talk your ear off about it. So this didn't come as a surprise to you when he was extremely vocal and loud in bed. He would whimper and whine until his noises were bouncing off the walls, consuming every single quiet corner. He couldn't help it, it was so hard to focus on anything when his cock was deep inside of you. It did not help that you tried your hardest to get these noises out of him, it fed the huge ego that you had developed since having sex with him.
Spencer had been shamed his entire life for how talkative and loud he was, so he assumed his loud whimpers weren't an exception. He tried so desperately to keep quiet, he would bite his lips till they bled, shove his face into your skin until it turned red, he would strain himself so hard so no noise could sneak past his lips. You hated the fact, that Spencer tried so hard to keep his noises in. You wanted him to enjoy himself, you wanted him to be comfortable with everything you were doing with and to him. You didn't want him to feel like he had to hide, ever.
To be completely honest, you had grown to enjoy his high-pitched whimpers filling the room. It was your favorite song, your favorite melody to play as you rode him into the sun. You would constantly reassure him that you loved those noises, you would even sometimes punish him if he tried to hide them. One time you even got so frustrated with his shyness that you edged him for 2 hours, teasing him with your pussy until all he could do was babble... suddenly a 187 IQ went straight down to 60.
As much as you loved his loud moans and would usually encourage them! This was neither the place nor time to be letting them flow out of his mouth freely...
A case had dragged the team all the way to a small town in Alaska, a population of less than 300 people. It was a quiet town, made on top of hunting and farming. There was only one motel, the townspeople were more than happy for you and the team stayed in it. They were actually more eager to get you checked into the motel, they had all been so tired of this person killing their loved ones.
It was a small motel, with only 4 rooms and 2 shared bathrooms between the team. You couldn't complain though, it was beautiful and quiet... quiet, something Spencer wasn't being at the moment. Something along the long trip here had gotten you excited, basically bursting at the seams as you were immediately on top of Spencer as soon as you stepped foot into the room.
Both of your clothes had been scattered around the small room floor, things knocked over from tables, the bed already looked slept in as you rode Spencer roughly. There was already so much noise that echoed through the room, between Spencer's moans, the sound of slapping skin and the headboard being rocked into the wall. You prayed that the others didn't hear, but it was a small and old motel... The walls were thin. You were going at an animalistic pace, trying to get both of you guys off in a quick round so you wouldn't disturb the rest of the motel for long and hoping it was quick enough to be able to be written off as "old cabin" sounds. You knew Spencer wouldn't last too much longer, due to his high pitched whimpering and beet red face. He started off good, his moans stayed below a whisper but his cock started grazing the spongy part deep inside you... he couldn't hold back.
"Shhh..." You shushed, putting a hand over his mouth as his eyes fluttered closed. "gotta be quiet honey... Morgan and Garcia are quite literally 5 inches away from us."
Spencer moaned into your hand, digging his nails into your thighs. He couldn't make out most of your words, his hearing going in and out as you spoke to him. He threw his head back, your hand falling from his mouth as he obeyed you and quieted his moans.
"72 inches...." Spencer huffed out, squeezing his eyes shut as his cock twitched inside of you. He was so extremely close to the edge that he could taste it.
"What?" You asked. Your words barely above a whisper as your confusion took over your mind.
Spencer let out a few more moans, gripping tightly onto your thighs they started turning red and will probably leave a bruise in the morning. Your confusion led you to slow your movements, causing a whimper from spencer to rise from his chest. He sounded whiney, almost pathetic as he pouted that your movements had slowed. Spencer squirmed underneath you, taking in a breath as he found the words to explain himself.
"Garcia and m-morgan are actually 72 inches from us..." He stuttered, moving his hips up to meet you as your confusion still filled your head.
You didn't really even want to know how he figured that out, especially since the only time you guys had been in this room is now... and Spencer didn't have enough time to scope the room before you were on him. Spencer's mind worked in mysterious ways, it was the main reason why you were riding him now. His mind was amazing to you, his knowledge of literally anything was so impressive that it felt so amazing that only you could make him a dumb, moaning mess. Spencer looked up at you as you furrowed your brows, a face that he saw often because everyone was confused about why he knew anything he knew.
"I took the square footage of the building, divided it into 4 rooms, and then..." Spencer couldn't finish because, with a swift move of your hand, you took your underwear that had been hanging off one of your ankles and showed it in his mouth to silence him.
He looked up at you with big eyes, his surprise taking over his face as you leaned down to be face to face with him. He bit down on your panties as you drove your pussy down on him, a couple of hard thrust almost pushing him over the edge.
"It doesn't matter..." You hissed, watching his eyes snap shut as you brought him closer and closer to the edge. "Either way, they can hear you... the entire cabin can hear you. Do you really want our coworker to know how much of a whiny brat you actually are?"
Spencer whimpered softly, the taste of your juices making his back arch into you and his hips thrust widely. Your dominance leaked from every pore of your body, only causing Spencer to moan louder. You were getting frustrated with him, his moans bouncing off the walls as the sound of your hips hitting his was still echoing through the cabin. However, there was a slight bit of excitement that coursed through your body. Everyone hearing how easily you can break down the boy wonder, everyone knowing that you were the only one who can reduce a 187 iq down to 0 with just one swift move of your hips.
"can't... gonna..." He tried to get his words out through your underwear that was stuffed into his mouth. He was shaking now, frustrated with his inability to speak but also your slowed movements. You chuckled softly, brushing his hair from his face before pecking his cheek.
"Gonna what?" You asked, mocking his inability to form a single sentence. "Gonna cum huh? Gonna cum in me like a good boy?"
Spencer whined softly, your praise ripping his self-control away from him. He could no longer control his loud moans or his hips snapping back into yours. You leaned back from him, sitting straight as you placed your hands on his chest. You prepared yourself to go faster, preparing yourself to push you both off that edge. You lifted yourself and then snapped your hips back down over and over again, watching as Spencer bit harder down on your underwear with each thrust. Your nails dug into his chest, your own moans escaping your mouth as you sloppily thrust into him. It took only seconds for you both to be cumming, your liquids soaking the bed beneath you.
You shoved your face into the sheets next to Spencer, moaning loudly into them as you were too embarrassed for your own moans to be heard. Your body spasmed out, not able to stop your hips from fucking yourself through your orgasm. Spencer had been doing no better than you had. He had left his body and went to cloud nine, your underwear now soaked with his drool as his body tensed. His nails were still dug so deeply into your hips, small moon-shaped crescents were becoming present now. It was a fast but lovely type of pleasure, it was there and then it wasn't.
Your body shook, hands placed into Spencer's hair as you left sloppy kisses on his neck appraisingly. Spencer was coming back into his body as you did so, each kiss sent him further down within himself until he was there and he was present with you.
"Did so good for my love..." You spoke, continuing your kisses on his neck. Spencer and neck kisses were like a puppy to a treat, his favorite way of getting praised. "Always so good for me. How'd I get so lucky huh?"
Spencer couldn't help his blush, he loved the praise and it had caused his cock to twitch once more. You rubbed his cheek softly, leaving a small little love bite down his neck. He definitely was going to scold you for that decision in the morning but as of right now, you did not care. All you cared about was the fact that you were deeply fucked for spencer, you just fucked him in a small town, with a serial killer on the loose, while your coworkers were 72 exact inches away. How fucked can someone be for another person?
"Not lucky..." Spencer whispered out, his voice raspy. Your panties had been taken out of his mouth, laying by his head as he tried to catch his breath. "Just really nice boobs." He joked.
You chuckled softly, pecking his neck one last time before sitting up. You were still straddling him, feeling as his cock was starting to get hard again. The way your sweat-drenched chest looked while on top of him had his cock standing to attention, his exhaustion soon melting away and turning to excitement. You would have loved to go a couple more rounds, fucking spencer till he cried and than passing out in his arms was one of your favorite before-bed activities. However, this was not the time or place to go multiple rounds.
You looked around the room, looking for anything in your close proximity to clean you both up with. Spencer took this time to sit up, wrapping his arms around you to keep you in place as he started to work his own soft kisses down your neck. The feeling felt heavenly, his hardening cock beginning to brush against your clit as his mouth worked wonders on your soft spots. You could feel yourself slowly start to melt into his kisses, moaning softly when he nibbled at your collar bone.
Spencer was kind of messy and dumb when he was horny, he didn't have much common sense when it came to it. All he cared about was how good it felt, how the inside of your walls would clench around him until he felt he would go crazy if he didn't cum deep within you. So as of right now, his mind was not in the place yours was. He wasn't thinking about the serial killer on the loose or your team being only inches from you, all he was thinking was you and how he wanted to be inside you once more.
If you weren't in your "FBI profiler" mode then you would have caved in the moment he started kissing your neck, but you were and you knew one round was enough for right now. You didn't want to disturb the motel more than you already had, knowing that Morgan was definitely going to be teasing the both of you in the morning. You just wanted to save you both the embarrassment of it all, even if Spencer was the one making all the noise.
"I gotta take a shower." You said simply, reaching up to grab his face in your hands. He looked up at you, eyes glossed over with lust as he looked at you like you were a goddess. That look alone was going to really make this much more hard than it already was. You left softly little kisses along his face, the only thing you could do without losing complete control over what your vagina did.
"Can I come too?" He said innocently, his lip coming to rest between his teeth.
You wanted to say yes, so desperately wanted to let him come with you. But you knew better. You knew that every time you took a shower with spencer he some how had your face shoved against the cold wall as he fucked you roughly. Spencer didn't like the germs that came with sex, so he let loose when he fucked you in the shower. It was never an innocent "I'm going to help you get clean" shower, it was always a shower that still came out dirty. You sighed softly, brushing your hand through his hair as you knew the one single word that was going to come out of your mouth was going to break his little heart.
"No." You stated simply.
"What! why?" He pouted, looking like a literal child as he did so.
You smirked softly, hoping off his lap as you made your way to your closet. You were still naked, with only a flimsy button-up over your shoulders. Spencer thought you had been teasing him, watching your thighs glisten with his cum as it dripped out of you. He wanted more, he craved more and you were completely denying him of a need. Spencer knew in the morning he was going to regret this entire decision, he wasn't dumb. He knew he would cringe at the fact he was so loud, that Morgan would probably cook him for this one. But he didn't care, all he could focus on was his now very hard cock.
"Because..." You mocked him, bending down to grab your pajama pants that somehow made their way onto the floor when you threw your bags down. You weren't worried about where they would land, you were too worried about the fastest way to get Spencer's cock in you. "Showers always end with sex and since you can't keep quiet... you will not be joining me."
You took a washrag from the desk, assuming that the motel staff put them there for your stay, and wiped his cum off the insides of your thighs. Spencer pouted some more, letting out huffs and promises that he'll be quiet and blah blah blah. You didn't hear much of it though, trying to clean yourself up as best as you could before going over to Spencer and doing the same thing. He was still pouting when you wiped your own juices off his cock, making sure to get his lower stomach as you did so.
This was definitely a punishment, it was so much fun hearing spencer begging to fuck you and get all high-pitched when he didn't get his way. When he was all cleaned up, you quietly collected your things as he listed the reason for you to let him get in the shower with him, your favorite one being "You made a mess out of me! I need to get cleaned up too!". You knew his intention was not to get clean in that shower, you knew he'd somehow end up inside of you. You were stronger-willed than him however, you begged and he would cave almost instantly but it was not the same for you. You couldn't tell if you were good at not giving in or if Spencer was bad at begging.
"You will live my love." You smirked, collecting your things in a small shower bag before making your way to him. You bent down to peck his lips softly, taking his face in your hands as you did so. "One shower without me will not kill you."
Spencer tried to make the kiss deeper, trying to make it so you just couldn't say no to the hard passionate kiss he had created. You again were much stronger than that, pulling away with a smirk as he whimpered at the loss of your lips. Spencer sighed softly, he couldn't stand your self-control sometimes. You grabbed buttoned up the long button up shirt, making your way to the door.
"There's still an unsub on the loose, so it might kill me." He pouted out, watching you walk away. You couldn't help but laugh loudly at his words, shaking your head as you did so.
"Alright well, don't die I guess." You joked back, opening the door to your hotel room. Spencer ripped the sheets over him as he was still sitting on the bed, cock out and everything. "cause then you wouldn't ever get to fuck me ever again."
You fake pouted, watching as he rolled his eyes as you mocked him. You stepped outside the room, closing the door as you did so. You swear he was going to be the death of you, his sassiness and sex drive was going to one day make it impossible for you to even utter the words "no" to him. But for tonight, you were going to take a nice hot shower without your boyfriend's cock deep inside of you... although that did sound nice.
You made your way down the steps to the old motel, files in your hand as Spencer followed closely behind you. There was a new break in the case, a new suspect that the town's sheriff had put together with the help of your profile. This caused hotch to call your cell phone at 4 am, telling you that you needed to be at the police station in 20 minutes. You debated on getting up this morning, wanting nothing more than to sleep off the side effects of an overwhelming orgasm. Your thighs were sore and your legs were still slightly shaking. Spencer wasn't doing any better, for he had to go to bed with a hard cock.
He woke up extremely needy this morning, but he couldn't do anything about it due to the fact you both were rushed out of your hotel room to come and once again go over the details of the profile. You found yourself being extremely irritated with the day already, you should've just caved in and let spencer fuck you... maybe this mood you were in could have been avoided if you didn't avoid the orgasm. You debated on if you and spencer could get in a quickie in before you arrived at the station, but most of the drive there was spent going over case details and you actually did care about catching this fucker.
You both arrived a bit late, the team had already begun talking about the suspect and Morgan even went in to interview him. As soon as you two had stepped foot into the room, the team had stopped what they were doing and their eyes landed on you both. Even Hotch had begun looking and if Hotch looks then you know it's bad. Spencer was completely clueless about it, he was never much for picking up on social cues, but you knew. Spencer sat down with a smile, saying "good morning" before digging right into the new case file.
"Good morning indeed, pretty boy." Morgan teased, causing the rest to snicker.
'Oh god, it's already starting' you thought to yourself, hoping that you could at least get a moment of peace before they started throwing their jokes at the two of you. You rolled your eyes, sitting down at a chair next to Spencer as you sat your stuff down on the table. You were not prepared for today, even on 3 cups of coffee you could not handle this. Spencer squinted his eyes at the team, again not really picking up on their reason for laughing.
"Did y'all sleep well?" Morgan added, hoping at least Spencer would fall right into his trap... and he did.
"Yeah, we slept as good as you could in a 60-year-old bed," Spencer said back, his statement not even an overstatement. Those beds were around 60 years old and they sounded like it when you fucked in them.
You just kept your head down, not wanting the attention on you even though it was. Spencer was lucky that he was clueless, not understanding that you are quite literally the butt of the joke. Spencer's words caused a slight reaction in them all, they all knew you did a lot more than sleeping in that 60 year old bed... they all heard it. You could tell they all could, even Rossi who was the very last door in the hall could hear you.
"I know I didn't sleep too well..." Emily added in, looking over at Morgan as she smirked softly. "I kept hearing what sounded like a grunting goat?"
There it was, Spencer's confusion turned to embarrassment as she said those words. He suddenly sunk into his chair, feeling exposed as he now knew he was the butt of the joke.
"No, it was more of an owl who hasn't gone through puberty yet." Garcia joined in, causing everyone to laugh as you and Spencer both grew red.
Hotch was even laughing softly, his eyes peeling away from the file as he looked at you both through his eyebrows. You knew this was going to be a long trip... excruciatingly long and you knew this was only the beginning of the teasing and the jokes. Morgan had now started to make high pitched moaning sounds and Garcia would do it back to him, sounding completely ridiculous but honestly pretty close to what Spencer sounded like... you couldn't hide your laugh as they did them.
"Alright, alright..." You finally said, your face now on fire as you tried to redirect their focus on the case. "I'm sorry you guys are all not getting any... but we really have to focus on the case right now." You joked back, wanting the attention off of you now.
Spencer looked over at you, silently thanking you for attempting to get them to stop. They all continued to laugh, however, laughing even harder at your words. Your embarrassment slightly dissolved as you realized how stupid this entire thing was. You felt stupid for being embarrassed at how good you fuck your boyfriend, how he wasn't able to control his moans when he was with you. Your embarrassment turned to an ego as you looked at it like that.
"Y/N is right..." Hotch joined in, looking back down at his file. "But y/n, If you and Spencer keep me up until 2 am again... you're fired." 
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venusbby · 1 year
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characters/pairings: itoshi sae x reader
warnings: fluff. the reader is an avid reader lmao so funny. sort of clingy sae? annoyed sae? just sae. maybe ooc too but idrc.
note: self indulgent because i've been reading this one book nonstop for the past week and can't think of anything else. wondered how sae would act with a reader who likes to read a lot like me lol this is lowkey bad forgive me sorry for typos
🌊 summary: sae starts to get annoyed because you won't stop reading your book. (and also because you won't give him your attention, but that's a secret— that isn't as well kept as he thinks it is.)
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"y/n," sae muttered. he watched you with a glare, noticing how you had heard him clearly yet still ignored him, continuing to smile to yourself with your bottom lip between your teeth. he rolled his eyes, trying again, this time resting his hand on your thigh. his fingers impatiently tapping against the soft skin.
no response. you even giggled as you read the lines in that book you had been attached to all day long. that little 600 page romance book that entertained you so much more than he could— what the hell was it even about?
sae knew you loved books. you visited the library nearby almost every week, and he couldn't even decide if it was because the lady there was so nice to you or because you wanted to get away from him. there was no way he was that boring, right?
it was always sae who accepted all your amazon packages for the books that hadn't yet arrived in the library— and although the sight of your excited smile when he told you it was finally here was something, he never understood the hype at all.
why would he, when his sport was his all-time focus? books weren't ever as exciting to him as they were to you. so as long as you got any and every book you wanted (he made sure of that) he was alright.
but right now, sae had this urge to hide all your books from you.
especially this one.
because it stole you from him.
sae was annoyed. and he was even more annoyed that he started to think about hiding your books away from you like a madman, because it's fucking embarrassing that he's going borderline insane just because you haven't talked or even looked at him for the past two hours. and he's been in bed next to you this whole time.
he cursed under his breath and subtly thrashed around under the covers like a child who didn't get the toy he wanted. he shifted closer to you in the midst of his little quiet tantrum. "y/n. look at me."
when you finally looked at him, it was as if he'd found oxygen.
and he hated it even more. why was he like this for you?
but then you went back to that book.
that stupid fucking book. again.
sae was going to cry.
fuck no, he wasn't. he won't. not ever. that's lame. so lame.
whatever. if you liked your book that much, maybe he should find something else to do too, he decided.
he turned around with his back to you and shut his eyes.
and then he heard another sigh. a dreamy one, at that.
"alright, enough. give me that." he jumped up from his sleeping position, grabbing the book from your hands. he didn't even know how to properly hold a book, but he didn't find it in himself to care as he shut it close, a breath of relief escaping from his mouth just as you started to whine.
"sae, no," you struggled, trying to get the book back, but you knew better than to fight against your boyfriend who was glaring at you like that with his lips pressed in a sad, thin line. his hair was still a little damp from the shower he took while you were just into the first 60 pages of the book. he swept his hair back, setting the book beside him, where you couldn't reach— atleast not without getting through him.
"i was almost done," you said slowly, trying your best to explain now that you were out of that world. "i promise, just gimme it now 'n i'll finish the first part in just 20 minutes."
sae scoffed. "fucking no."
he stared at the book placed near his side, literally judging it by its cover. "what's in this that has you giggling so much? some dude?"
you gasped, dramatically. "okay, he is not some dude. he is my husband."
"oi," sae groaned, things still not getting better for him even after that book had been closed and put away from you. "i'm sleeping next to you shirtless, and you've been giggling with your book husband?"
"you're always shirtless, though."
"that doesn't fucking matter." he retorted, huffing and looking to the side, chin up. you pursed your lips, placing a soft hand on his back, and leaning closer to leave a kiss on his shoulder. he always smelled so nice. he shook you off.
"baby, my sweet sae, if you wanted me to stop reading, you could have just said so." you smiled, watching him run another hand through his hair, his fingers pulling on his roots this time.
"first of all, i don't want your attention." he said blankly, finally looking at you. "and second, you ignored me when i said your name. guess you were too busy with your husband."
you laughed quietly, incredibly amused. about an hour ago, you were actually expecting sae to go back to sleep after showering— but for some reason, you were glad he didn't. this new side of him was so adorable that you never wanted it to end.
you sighed, lying back down, urging him to do the same. he listened as you explained, with you on your side facing him. "you know, i love this book a lot."
"i can see that."
so snarky. you resisted the urge to kiss his slightly puffed out cheek.
"it's really romantic. it's about the relationship of this newly married couple, how it develops day by day, and it's so cute. the main guy— my 'husband', is so good to the main character."
sae raised an eyebrow lazily, still opting to look at the ceiling and didn't respond. you weren't going to gain his attention this easily after that.
you went on. "and this guy reminds me of you. like, you guys are similar to an unhealthy extent. and the reason i was so invested in it was because there was a particular scene where things got a little hot."
"so?" he asked, still not convinced.
your cheeks were reddened from embarrassment. "so, whenever he said or did something, i thought of you. and that is why i was giggling."
sae turned to look at you. his eyes looked much more focused on your lips. he had forgotten how much he missed the feeling of kissing you. again, feeling another annoying pang in his heart because seriously, it had just been two hours. he had to stop acting like you'd been away for days.
"so basically you were having sex with 'book me' in your mind."
"oh god, no!"
"that's exactly it."
"you're so wrong."
"shut up, i'm right."
you groaned, covering your face with your palms and closing your eyes. you felt sae's arm slowly trailing around your stomach, him shifting closer until you could feel his breath fanning against your neck. you giggled out of nervousness and embarrassment, both. "that was not what was happening, okay?"
his lips twitched slightly at your state. "you know i'm way better than him."
"...are you, though?" you peeked one eye open, dragging out your words, guilty. fictional men were just different—
"ah, do you need proof?" he said, a smug look on his face as he began hovering over you. your laugh echoed through the room as you smacked his chest playfully, your arms going around his neck to pull him down on top of you.
"i don't need proof, thank you very much." you said softly with another laugh, letting sae rest his head on your chest. "but i wanna make it up to you for ignoring you. im sorry, my sae. i'll be better. you were just really cute."
"don't do it again," he said, staring up at you from his comfortable position. "or else you might have to go back to your 'husband'."
"i won't really mind— wait, baby, don't go! i was joking!"
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taglist: @hyomagiri @yoimyas @beanxiv @hqfeatbetty @shuvvloverrr 🤞🤪
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meetmyothersouls · 1 year
Write a Timmy smut to celebrate 2K!!
Been thinking this up throughout today :)
Five in Five
Warnings: friends to lovers, smut, dirty talk
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It's around 2:45 am when the heat from Timothee's body wakes you. You untangle your legs from his and slide your arm from underneath his neck wondering how a man so lean can produce that much body heat. He groans softly in his sleep, and you wait until he's turned over to get up and go to the bathroom. You're sure that if he sees you creeping out of his bedroom, your only chance to go to pee will be blown.
You tip toe out of his room, leaving the door open for easy access when you return and as you cross the hall for the bathroom, your eyes wander downstairs to his front doors. They're massive double doors made of dark oak standing at least fifteen feet high. For a second, you think of leaving, like you always do. You never stay the night with Timothee...well not a full night. Having sex with him and leaving once he falls asleep was just a thing you guys did. You've always left, ever since he took your virginity in a vacant Marriot hotel room during the 11th grade La Guardia field trip to Los Angeles. It wasn't until years later, you realized Timothee wanted more than that. And it's not that you don't want to be his girlfriend...it's just that being his girlfriend could mean losing him completely if things turned shitty. Losing him as a boyfriend would suck. Losing him as a friend...you weren't sure you could handle. So, you always stuck to this. Sex. Great sex. Sex that you'd only be able to get with someone that loves you just as much as you love them. You sleep with him; you tell him how much you love him-because you do-and you leave when he falls asleep. He's never mad, he's never upset (that you can see and the thought of that gnaws at you constantly) and he never brings it up when you see him again.
Until a few hours ago.
You think about it as you remove your gaze from his front door and tip toe into the bathroom. You never thought he'd convince you to stay the night, but here you are peeing in his overly expensive, self-cleaning toilet and washing your hands with $60 hand soap that smells like vanilla and lavender. You drag a hand over your face as you make your way back out, avoiding the temptation of the front door this time on your way back to his room.
The door is open the way you left it, and you walk softly into his room, jolting a little when you see Timothee sitting up in the bed. He's got his thin, white sheet draped over his naked bottom half and even though he looks half asleep, he also looks sad. Your heart breaks a little as you realize this is what he looks like when he wakes up and you aren't there.
"Relax," you whisper "I'm still here." You crawl back into Timothee's bed, climbing over his body to get back to your favorite spot on his mattress. "I told you I'd stay," you tease him in a whisper and kiss his shoulder.
Timothee relaxes a little, laying back down, holding his arm out for you to cuddle into him.
"Would it be so bad?" he asks after a few moments of silence. You thought he'd fallen back asleep, but he must have been thinking.
"What?" you answer.
"Being my girlfriend."
"No seriously, what would be so bad about it? You're used to fame, so that wouldn't be an adjustment for you. We both have crazy schedules, so you wouldn't have to worry about one of us being busier than the other. And I know everything about you, y/n. Everything."
You laugh at his confidence. He definitely knows everything about you. You'd been sleeping with him for twelve years and been friends for longer. But you weren't going to let him think he knows everything. "You don't know shit, Chalamet."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhmm, though it's cute that you think you do."
Timothee turns over on his side, facing you. He gives you a quick kiss that instantly turns into a deeper one. You whine when he pulls away, wanting his tongue in your mouth. He's close still, his lips grazing yours occasionally when he talks. "I know everything about you, y/n. Platonically, sexually, mentally. I know everything."
You study his face for a moment. He looks quite sure of himself. "Okay then," you say "five facts about me that no one else knows in five minutes."
"Go on then."
"Number one, I know that if I drag my fingertips across your back" Timothee slides his hands under the back of your shirt, demonstrating his words. "I can have you asleep in less than ten minutes."
You roll your eyes, knowing it's true. He's gotten you to sleep that way many times before.
"Four more, tick tock," you tease him.
"Number two, I know how much anxiety ordering food gives you, so I know your order at every restaurant we've ever been to, so you don't even have to say anything."
His fingers are still tracing lines up and down your back and it takes everything in you not to close your eyes against him.
"Number three, I know that if I kiss your neck right here" Timothee demonstrates his words again, placing the softest kiss to the side of your neck. "I can have you ready for sex almost instantly."
"Ugh, fuck off, Timothee."
He's right again.
You're pretty sure he takes two extra minutes just kissing your neck, the fucker, and you let him because it feels so good.
"Number four, I know that" he pulls you on top of him so that you're straddling his waist "when you're riding my dick, I have to hold your right here because it feels so good, they shake." Timothee's hands grip your thighs, his long fingers indenting the skin on your legs.
"Number five, I know that if I suck one of your nipples into my mouth" He removes a hand from your thigh and removes your shirt. Immediately, he uses his index finger to circle one of your nipples. It hardens instantly at his teasing and peppers your skin in chills "I can get you to do whatever the fuck I want."
You're silent for a minute, feeling his hard dick under you. You contemplate holding it and sliding down onto it but decide to show him he's not the only one who knows everything about the other.
"How'd I do?" Timothee asks.
"Not bad," you admit. You tease his cock with your pussy, sliding him through your wet folds. "But now it's my turn."
"Can I fuck you first?"
"No, Timmy, you can't."
Timothee groans, pressing his erection against your heat.
"You know, you can't call me 'Timmy' and not let me fuck you."
You smile knowingly, satisfied in the use of a secret weapon you learned about not too long ago while having dinner in a very public setting.
"Patience is a virtue, Timothee. Anywho, Number one, I know that when I whisper in your ear, it gives you these cute little chills all over your skin." You lean forward letting your folds slide across his hard dick again. Timothee groans softly through gritted teeth, shaking his head slowly at you. "Like this," you whisper once you're inches from his ear and like you said, you feel his skin prickle with chills. You run your hands over his arms, still gripping your thighs just the way you like, attempting to erase some of the chills you created with your warmth.
"Skip the rest and let me fuck you, y/n," Timothee begs.
"But I've got four more," you pout.
Timothee groans again, pushing his dick against you.
"Number two, I know tha-"
Your words catch in your throat as Timothee shifts on his bed, flipping you onto your back. His knees nudge your legs open, and he runs his nose along your neck until he finds the spot that makes you weak. He kisses it lightly before sucking the skin into his mouth.
"Give it up, y/n. You know it's me you think about when someone else is trying...and failing...to make you come. You know it's me you've been talking yourself out of for years. Over a decade worth of depriving yourself of the one thing you know you need the most. Why? I'm right here and I'm entirely yours. Take me."
Your eyes bounce back and forth between his, until your lips crash into each other's. Tongues winding and twisting fighting for dominance. You love him. You always have and there is no escaping him. There never will be. Timothee breaks your heated kiss and begins lining his way down to your breasts in kisses. He licks around your nipple once he's reached his destination, then suck it into his mouth. And just like he said, in that moment, you're willing to do whatever he wants.
"Be mine and no others," he says to you in between kisses to your soft skin.
"Whatever you want," you say breathlessly.
"No. Say it. Say you'll be mine and mine alone."
Timothee slides a finger along your folds of your pussy, gently pressing a finger inside to you see if you're ready for him. When he decides your wet enough, he lines himself up with you entrance. You're bracing for him; your legs are wide open and waiting but so is he.
"You can't leave me when things get hard. You can't give up on us, because I can't lose you, Timothee. If I tell you yes, then this is it."
"That's all I've ever wanted."
"I mean it; you can't leave me."
"Y/n," Timothee said, as he pushed all the way inside of you, "I'd never dream of leaving you."
Tags: @imnotoverlyobsessive @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @louievr @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp @kteezy997 @sufferingstarlight @xoxoloverb @tropicalrozmajzl @iloveneilperry @syirnge
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ariestrxsh · 2 months
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⚠️ content warning: ⚠️ smut, drugdealer!chris, mentions of drugs and weapons, exchange of sexual favors for drugs, oral, face fucking
✍️ Summary: ✍️ You're a little short when you go to purchase weed from Chris, but you offer him something more valuable than money.
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"I need a re-up," I texted Chris. He was the smooth talker, the cool guy every guy wanted to be and every girl wanted to be with, and he also happened to be the local drug dealer. "Come thru," he responded shortly after.
It was about a 20-minute drive to his place since there was still snow on the ground, and it took me even longer because I had to stop at the ATM. The chilly winter air bit at my nose and my fingertips while I typed in my pin. Fuck, I'm $20 short. Chris and I weren't close or anything, but I'd never asked him for a favor before, so I figured maybe I could just this once.
I made sure to park on the street where he always asked me to, and I texted him "here" as I walked up the driveway. As I approached the door, before I could knock, it was swinging open and Chris materialized in front of me. He looked especially good today. He was wearing a dark green sweater, grey sweatpants, a silver chain, and a black beanie with Boston 'B' on it. I absent-mindedly bit my lip a little when I first saw him. His blue eyes were hazy and glassy, presumably from having just smoked, and he shot me a stoned smile.
"Hey ma, come on in," he said, placing his hand on the small of my back as I walked past him. Chris was always touchy and flirty like that with everyone. I think it was part of his charm. "Have a seat, I just rolled up. We can smoke while I weigh out your shit," he picked up the blunt off his coffee table and lit it up as we sat down on the couch.
"Listen, I know it's $60, but I only have $40 until I get paid," I winced, wondering if he would be mad for wasting his time. "That's alright, ma. I'll just weigh out $40's worth then," he smiled, passing me the blunt. "But here's the thing. I need $60 worth. I have a stressful week ahead of me, and I can't run out before the weekend. Do you think you could front me? Just $20 til Friday?" I begged him. I took a few puffs off the blunt and gave it back to Chris. "I don't do fronts, sweetheart," he scoffed at me. "But you can still smoke this blunt with me, and I'll sell you $40."
"Chris, please," I desperately whined. He shook his head no. "What if I give you something more valuable than money?" I asked him, looking him up and down. He really did look so good today. "Sweetheart, what could be more valuable than money?" Chris chuckled as he blew out a cloud of smoke and coughed. "My mouth," I said, reaching for his crotch.
"Woah, what are you doing?" He said, grabbing my wrist right before I touched him. "If I give you head, will you let the $20 slide?" I asked him. "Do you know how dangerous it is to offer up sexual favors for drugs from a dealer?" He asked in a deep, hushed voice, leaning in close to me and pushing a piece of hair back behind my ear. His hand lingered for a second, and he bit his lip. I shook my head no. "Well, you've gotta be careful about that, princess. There are some dangerous men out there who will do awful things to you, and you don't wanna get mixed up in their worlds," he said with his face only a few inches from mine.
"I wanna get mixed up in your world. Just for one night. Please," I whispered, glancing between his blue eyes and his plump lips. This was somewhat about the weed, but it was becoming even more so about the fact that I just really wanted to make him cum. He passed me the blunt, and I watched him intently as I wrapped my lips around the tobacco leaf, trying to be suggestive and took a long, slow drag.
"Yeah? I'll make you a deal. You're still giving me that $20 when you get paid, but I will accept the blow job as a down payment until then," he smirked at me. "Only if you promise to stay away from these other scumbags. They don't have your best interest in mind," Chris whispered, running the back of his hand across my cheek. I nodded and smiled up at him with innocent doe eyes. "Let's finish this blunt, baby, and then you can do whatever you want to me," Chris softly uttered, smiling. We spent the next few minutes passing the blunt back and forth, mostly giving each other bedroom eyes and staring at each other's lips.
I knew Chris was dangerous. He sold other substances besides weed, and he often times had really sketchy people over. I even saw guns in his house haphazardly laying around on many occasions. I knew he was bad news. I knew what I was getting myself into. And I knew that despite all the red flags I saw and despite alarm bells that would go off whenever I was with him, he made my pussy throb, and I wanted him so bad.
Once we finished smoking, he led me to his bedroom. I'd been to his house many times before, but this was the first time I'd seen his bedroom. He had blackout curtains, a simple bed set up with a flannel comforter and black sheets, and he had a few posters up in his room. He had money and drugs laying around his desk next to his computer.
I playfully pushed him back onto his bed, climbed on top of him, and my lips melted into his. Things were getting heated quickly as our soft pecks morphed into a heavy makeout session. He helped me out of my corduroy jacket, tossed it onto the floor, and his hands wandered to my waist. My fingers fell into his hair, and I moaned against his lips as we started grinding against one another.
I pulled away from kissing him and nudged him a little, so that he tilted his head to expose his throat. I started sucking, licking, and biting on his neck until he started becoming more responsive. I slid my hands under his green sweater, motioning for him to help me take it off of him, and after removing his own shirt, he removed mine too. His hands traveled from my hips to my tits, and he gently pinched my nipples, which caused me to let out a soft whine.
I put my hand down the front of Chris' pants and started stroking him while we continued kissing. He was bigger than I had imagined. The head of his cock was smooth, and I felt as a bit of clear liquid emerged from the tip. I stroked him until he was fully erect, and he moaned against my lips as we continued venturing each other's mouth.
With Chris laying back on the bed, I maneuvered my way between his legs, took out his dick, and began doing what I'd always wanted to do. There were many times I imagined how he would sound and how he'd look while getting head, and I was endlessly grateful to be experiencing it firsthand. I took the tip into my mouth, gently suckling while I descended down his shaft, taking him further into my throat. He gently rocked his hips forward as my tongue slithered around in circles around his sensitive head. His moans were soft and needy at first. He held my hair out of my face while I hungrily gagged on him.
As soon as he heard me choke on his member, it triggered something in him. Immediately, he became rough. He held my face, and started to fuck it. His groans became deeper and more urgent. His body started quivering beneath me. I loved making such a dangerous guy come unraveled at the seams using just my mouth and my sheer desire to make him cum.
That was my trick to giving good head, especially to Chris. All I had to do was really want it and make it my life's mission to make him feel good, and the rest came naturally to me. I loved that Chris knew what he wanted and made it easy for me. I hardly had to do any work. My eyes started to well up as he slammed against the back of my throat, earning a retched sound from me with every thrust.
"Shit," he muttered as he painted my tongue with his load, delving so deep into my throat that my nose was nearly touching his stomach. I swallowed up the remnants, making him smile. "Goddamn, you took that so well. Your mouth is more valuable than money. This one's one me. Just keep your $60."
taglist: @ariithereyet @bsturnzmtt @sofieeeeex @ribread03 @fratbrochrisgf @strnlxlqve @sturniolo-girl @chaossturns @blahbel668
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mncxbe · 6 months
ANNE DONT MIND ME PLS you write so good and reading these drabbles made me want to request one of my own !!
imagine professor!dazai giving u an extra lesson after class 🤭 it's 12 from the list btw <3
CHIYO MY DEAR♡ i'm so happy you requested this one. hope you like it. I made Dazai a literature professor👀♡
12 — Professor!char giving you an extra lesson after class
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑𝒄𝒘: lowkey unethical, sex toys, semi-public space, creampie
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"Keep reading, bella, you're halfway there."
Your professor's voice carried a hint of mockery as he soothed your thigh with a hand, pushing the silicone toy deeper inside you. You winced at the sensation, shooting Dazai a desperate glance over your shoulder.
Osamu Dazai was the new literature professor at your college– some prodigy kid who finished his PHD by the age of 25 and whose novels sold like hot cakes and now everyone was singing him praise. Frankly, you weren't too impressed by his accomplishments, but he was the only professor in the whole faculty who actually encouraged you to write something different, out of the norm; so you did anything to stay on his good side.
Even if it meant helping him around the office and fucking him from time to time. Not that you'd complain, Dazai was incredibly good looking and knew how to please a woman.
So naturally, when your professor asked you to come to his office after class you expected a quick fuck, as usual.
But the smug bastard had you bent over his desk with your panties lowered mid-thigh and a vibrator shoved up your pussy, making you read the assignments your colleagues turned in while he made snide comments on the side.
"Was that supposed to be a metaphor? 'The mist of the summer evening' what's that supposed to mean? God, I swear these texts are getting worse and worse..."
"Ngh– 'samu please" you whined, shifting your hips "Can't we just do this later?" The ache between your legs was almost unbearable, you needed him inside you, not that stupid toy.
"Sorry, bella, I have to grade this paper by 6. The kid's coming to discuss it" he mused, watching your walls clench around the toy with keen eyes. God, your pussy was divine– his pants were tightening just by looking at you.
Reaching a hand towards you, Dazai touched your folds, gathering your slick and smearing it all over the inner part of your thighs. "My, my, you're dripping, dear. Better hurry up and finish reading if you want me to fuck you properly" His deft digits found your bundle of nerves and gave it teasing flicks.
Your mind was starting to get foggy, the sentences melting into a jumble of letters as you struggled to read the last paragraph out loud. It was painfully embarrassing, the way your body jolted up as he drew slow circles on your clit with his thumb, how desperate you were to have him inside you. All the while, Dazai was toying with you, playing with your pussy like it was his favourite toy.
The second you were done with your paper you let it fall on the desk next to you. "Done, I'm done." you huffed out, looking over your shoulder to see Dazai's teasing smile.
"Good job, bella. I think it's worth at least 60 points. I mean, it's a progress from the last assignment he turned in. What do you think?"
I think you should stop messing around and fuck me already– you wanted to say back but all that came out of your mouth was a breathy yes, sir. i'd say so too.
The man got up from his chair and slowly ran a hand through your hair. You could hear him unbuckle his belt and lower the zipper of his suit pants, your hips swaying in anticipation. "You're such a pretty girl" he hummed, removing the toy from your pussy with a wet pop and alligning himself at your entrance "And obedient too. I think you deserve a reward ah shiit—"
A broken whine slipped from his lips as he slammed himself inside you, the grip he had on your hips growing fiercer. Fuck, your cunt was basically sucking him in. You were so damn perfect he swore he could spend all day fucking you and it wouldn't be enough.
Your moans filled the tiny office, the smell of your arousal lingering in the air, fueling the man's need. His hips snapped against yours, the tip of his cock hitting your sweet spot with each thrust. "Y-you're so tight bella think 'm gonna– fuck i'm gonna cum soon"
"Me too me too 'samu" you mewled as the tight knot in the pit of your stomach snapped and you came around his cock, soaking it in your juices.
It wasn't a surprise you came so fast, he'd been edging you for hours and you were so sensitive. Even now as your walls pulsed around him, Dazai's fingers found your puffy clit and your body jolted up. "W-wait 'samu you can't I just–"
"Want you to cum again with me, donna. Can you do that for me?" he huffed out and your pussy fluttered at the sound of his breathy, whiny moans, pressure building up in your core again.
When the two of you reached your high again, his hips halted flush against yours, his milky cum shooting deep inside you. The man's breath was ragged and he hissed when he slightly pulled out, watching the sticky substance form a ring at the base of his cock as it dribbled out of your hole.
Something sparked inside him at that moment and he quickly flipped you over, caging you between his arms as he leaned over your frame. Droplets of sweat clung to the tips of his hair as he pressed his forehead against yours "Can we do it again?"
"But Dazai we just–" you wanted to protest but he cut you off with a deep thrust, making you choke out a moan.
"Don't care bella you don't understand what you do to me I can't get enough of you" he sighed, slowly, almost lovingly, rocking his hips against yours, his lips ghosting over your cheeks, jaw and down the expanse of your neck, making you shudder. You'd lie if you said that his confession didn't stir something inside you too.
Before you could answer, a knock on the door snapped both of you out of the intimate moment you were sharing. "Um... professor? You said I could come by at 6 so we can discuss my paper"
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𐙚prompts closed
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wileys-russo · 1 year
ignorance is bliss II l.williamson x reader
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nah she's so fit i could actually die
ignorance is bliss II l.williamson x reader 2.9K words
"-can't wait to watch you spew doing laps tomorrow foordy!" you teased your australian teammate, the poor girl losing nearly every drinking game played had meant she was far from sober as she rolled her eyes and shoved you out the front door.
"oi! watch it skippy." your girlfriend scowled, hugging you protectively from behind and wagging a finger toward caitlin who mocked her sarcastically with a slur and flipped you both off before closing the door with a slam. 
avidly waving goodbye to the rest of the girls you heard leah gently remind you of the time as she grabbed your hand and lead you down the street to where her own car was parked. the blonde couldn't help but let a soft smile grow on her face as you swung your intertwined hands back and forth, chatting away to her as she merely hummed in response.
"such a gentlewoman." you grinned, your girlfriend always making sure to open the door for you, bowing goofily as you playfully shoved her head and slid into the car, clicking your belt in as leah closed your door and jogged around to the drivers side.
as she pulled away from the curb your hand rested on her leg, other one scrolling through your phone and smiling as beth sent you a dump of photos from the team bonding night you'd just attended, leah in her own world singing along quietly to the radio.
"baby you're speeding again." you glanced up and rolled your eyes noticing the blonde was doing 80 in a 60, clearly in an unnecessary rush to get back to your shared home. "its nearly eleven there's hardly anyone round, it's fine." leah shrugged it off as you sighed loudly, wordlessly letting her know you weren't impressed.
"you've only got two points left on your license! can you just slow down leah, please?" you took your hand off her leg and gave her a firm stare, the blonde purposefully not replying and instead continuing to sing along to the radio, though this time a little louder to try and ease the growing tension between the two of you.
you were doing well at ignoring your girlfriend until her hand squeezed at your upper thigh, the defender turning her head slightly and beginning to serenade you, rotating between squeezing your leg and poking at your cheek as she did.
you took your bottom lip between your teeth to try and stifle the smile which so badly wanted to spread across your face at her silly antics, but with leah belting out the last line of the song at the top of her lungs and wiggling in her seat you couldn't help but to let out a laugh and shake your head at her.
"made you laugh, loser." leah teased with a wink, holding her hand out expectantly over the middle console as you intertwined your fingers, but as you leant in to press a kiss to her cheek the flash of red and blue sirens behind you had the both of you recoiling in shock.
"oh fuck." leah mumbled under her breath, wincing as she quickly pulled over. "i told you! dick." you spat at her as leah gave you a firm warning look to be quiet and rolled down her window, smiling at the officer who wasted no time asking for her license.
"fuck!" leah swore again, punching her steering wheel angrily as the man walked off to do the checks needed. "right. i can get us out of this but i need you to stay quiet unless he asks you something and to trust me." you ordered firmly as you unzipped your jacket a little, leah giving you a strange look and opening her mouth but you waved her off as the officer returned.
"are you aware of why you've been stopped tonight?" he asked leah with a raised eyebrow, her license still in hand, and you were relieved to see he couldn't have been much older than thirty or so if that as you leant in a little closer to the window, purposefully exposing your plunging neckline just slightly. 
"we were just out for a late night drive sir, were we singing too loudly?" you pouted with a flirty smile, leah tensing beside you as the officer chuckled. "no your friend here was doing twenty over the legal limit, is there a reason we were in such a rush girls?" he asked, directing the question more toward you than leah.
"girlfr-" leah began to correct as you harshly pinched her leg and she hissed, shooting you a glare. "were we? oh god that's so embarrassing, we were just so into the music." you feigned innocence, burying your face in your hands with a groan, leah not missing the mans eyes drop down toward your chest as her hands tightly gripped the steering wheel, knuckles turning white.
"well mistakes happen, but that's also how accidents happen." the man warned and you nodded enthusiastically. "oh trust me we completely respect road safety sir. we might have just been in a slight rush because my friend has training tomorrow morning, she plays football for arsenal." you smiled charmingly, silently praying he was a local and your gamble paid off as he glanced toward leah, a brief look of surprise crossing his face before it once again turned placid.
"mm, good for her. wait here a second!" he ordered and with a nod disappeared back to his own car. "what the fuck was that?" your girlfriend seethed, rounding on you with a scowl as she leant in and quickly zipped your jacket back up. 
"that was me trying to save you from losing your license, because you didn't listen to me when i told you to stop speeding!" you whispered angrily, smacking at her shoulder with a cross frown.
but before the blonde could utter another word the officer had returned. "this is an infringement notice for speeding, it's a $311 fine. but i'm not going to register it as a proper offence so you won't lose any points or your license, but if i catch you speeding again i'll have this-" he paused to tap the top of leahs rather expensive car, only worsening her mood.
"-impounded and your license gone. understand?" he now directed his words towards leah who nodded and mumbled a thank you. "you girls get home safe now." he then smiled charmingly toward you, leah gripping the steering wheel even tighter before the man finally left, the police car pulling away and peeling off around a corner.
you readied yourself for your earlier argument to recommence but to your surprise leah simply tucked the fine away and turned the engine back on, carefully pulling away from the curb and continuing the drive back, refusing to even look at you.
"what time do we have to be at training tomorrow?" you asked, hoping a simple question might be the best way to break the thick silence which built up, almost suffocating. "leah?" you questioned, watching the blondes jaw tense but she still remained silent.
"are you seriously giving me the silent treatment right now?" you asked in disbelief, folding your arms over your chest and twisting your body to look directly at the blonde, who felt your eyes piercing into the side of her head but still, not a word.
"if i hadn't done that you'd not be driving home right now leah or for the next however many months, think about that!" you continued seriously, your irritation growing as your girlfriend scoffed quietly but otherwise said nothing.
"and for something as stupid as speeding." you spat, engrossing your attention back into your phone as leah turned the radio up, rolling her shoulders and neck as her sights never left the road in front of her.
the thick tension between the two of you only seemed to worsen throughout the duration of your ride home, and as leah pulled into the garage she couldn't get out of the car fast enough. you felt your stomach clench as the taller girl stormed off inside, making a firm point to slam the door after her.
with a tired exhale you sunk into your seat, tucking your knees into your chest and resting your chin on them. flicking aimlessly through your social medias you decided to give leah some space to hopefully cool off, feeling your own previous irritation begin to melt away as you did.
after around twenty minutes you felt your back starting to stiffen and finally slipped out of the car, closing the garage door where it had been left open and making your way inside. you heard the tv going as you followed the sound to the living room, seeing your girlfriend curled up on the furthest corner of the sofa, of course watching the golf.
"lee?" you called out softly, frowning as once again the english captain ignored you, eyes never even flickering away from the tv screen. "leah. come on baby please can we at least talk about this?" you attempted to sit beside her as the older girl suddenly swung her body around, her legs occupying the once free space instead.
"oh really?" you scoffed in disbelief, moving to stand directly in her eyeline as the girl simply looked through you, refusing to drop her stubborn behavior. "you are so fucking immature leah." you spat with a shake of your head, storming off into the kitchen and taking a seat at the island, head thumping down softly to rest on the cool marble of the counter top.
you let out a long and tired sigh, your eyes strained and begging for sleep as your body craved nothing more than to be curled up in bed with your blonde lover, betraying your mind which wanted nothing else than to slap the stubbornness right off her face.
you glanced up as you heard a noise, seeing leah rummaging through the fridge clearly looking for something. "top shelf at the back, to the left." you sighed, knowing exactly what she was after as the blonde plucked out a chocolate and wordlessly left the kitchen.
"you're welcome." you rolled your eyes and decided to follow her, beyond exhausted and having had just about enough of this by now. "leah, you're being stupid." you stated firmly, snatching the remote and flicking off the tv, the blonde rolling onto her back and looking up at the roof.
"i really don't see why you're so upset with me, if you had just listened and slowed down we wouldn't be in this position in the first place!" you huffed, throwing your hands in the air as once again leah ignored you, staring upward as if the ceiling was the most interesting thing in the world.
but as you looked at her properly, taking into note the way her eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched and there was just a slight hint of a pout on her lips, the penny dropped.
"oh my god you're not angry you're jealous!" you laughed, the way your girlfriend was quick to disagree only further proving your point. "leah really!" you shook your head, bounding over toward her and sitting down, your legs straddling hers as you grinned down at the moody blonde.
"get off." your girlfriend muttered quietly, crossing her arms over her chest as you attempted to hold her hand. "you can't seriously be jealous that i flashed a cute smile and played dumb to get you out of losing your license." you smiled in amusement, any previous annoyance completely gone as leah huffed.
"im not jealous." the older girl finally looked at you, propping her body up slightly more with a frown. 
"lee, baby. firstly; that police officer was a man! secondly; i did that for you! thirdly; i'm a little preoccupied being head over heels for a certain grumpy blonde defender to even pay anyone else a single thought." you promised with a smile, laying down on top of her.
"come on, stop being stroppy." you teased, poking at her as she smacked away your hands. "you told him we were friends. you said and i quote that your friend plays for arsenal!" your girlfriends face softened, a pout now replacing her once tense frown.
"well there wasn't much point in me flirting with him if he thought we were dating now was there? I also didn’t mention that I too play for arsenal, he could have figured it out and given you the full fine and offence!" you rolled your eyes as leah huffed slightly. 
"see you were flirting with him, i know that stupid little unzipping of the jacket trick." the taller girl rolled her eyes and your grin widened. "certainly worked on you didn't it?" you smiled smugly, hands cupping the captains face and gently tracing her jaw with your thumbs. 
"you are never again allowed to flirt with anyone that isn't me or katie!" leah warned sternly causing you to let out a laugh. "-and the only reason you're allowed to flirt with mccabe is because i know she's my best friend and wouldn't ever dare to go there, and the two of you only do it to wind up me and rue!" leah rolled her eyes, arms coming to wrap around you, sneaking up the back of your hoodie.
"mm absolutely correct and it works every damn time!" you hummed knowingly, dipping your head and peppering the older girls face everywhere with light kisses, your heart soaring as she laughed. 
“see this? what letter is this?” you tugged your necklace out from your collar, holding up the small golden L with a raise of your eyebrow. “an L.” leah mumbled with a roll of her eyes. “correct. and why would I be wearing a necklace with an L?” you questioned again.
“cause you’re a loser?” leah answered seriously and your eyes widened, hands removed from her body and moving to unclasp the chain. “okay okay! for leah.” your girlfriend stopped you, tugging your hands away and kissing your palms sweetly.
“exactly, because i love you. even if you are a frustratingly stubborn woman to deal with sometimes williamson." the words were accompanied with a playful eye roll.
"and i love you, even if you are an absolute handful to deal with pretty much all of the time." the blonde teased, moving a hand to rest on the back of your neck, pulling you down to capture your lips with hers.
"you know the best part about arguing with you?" the older girl mumbled into the kiss, and you squealed in surprise as the defender easily flipped your positions, hovering on top of you with a suggestive smirk.
"makeup sex."
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