#that’s just the background. the rest is gonna be decorated with ribbon or flowers or something and have block letters over the quotes
I have such a cool idea for my grad cap and if I can pull it off I’m gonna be so excited
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undescribed1mage · 2 years
tell me about ur ideal production of rtc if you had complete control over EVERYTHING
Ideally Ricky would be played by a disabled transfem actor.
Costume wise it'd be as close as possible to the original 2016 costumes. Jane would have a ribbon tied around her kneck, Mischa would be wearing a wedding wring(a makeshift one), both Ocean and Jane would be wearing lockets, and Constance & Ocean would have friendship bracelets. Ricky's mobility aid would be decorated with stickers.
Uranium Suite — they'd all be slightly off from each other. Mischa would be a few beats late, Noel would push Ocean out of the way, Ocean would attempt to take Mischa's phone from him.
During the boys line(The smart ones all packed up and went why stay if you can't pay the rent?) Ocean & Constance would dance together
During the girls line (Empty Streets and Empty Shops,Shuttered rows of mom and pops) Noel & Mischa would dance together
What The World Needs:
The Choir members mocking the actions Ocean is detailing(someone fetching her a coffee, someone shining her shoes, etc).Mischa would just casually pick her up everytime she says she gets up.
Would switch the Ricky lyric to 'We're bringing back the girl who plays the tambourine?' and everything that correlates w that.
Yk the movement Tiffany does during the 'teen sex kills!' line?That when the Ocean says 'he's never gonna breed!'.
Super epic Taylor Swift based outfit change for Ocean!!
Noel's Lament:
Outfit is HEAVILY inspired by Lola Lola. Long Haired Noel if possible.Entire song sang VERY aggressively.Beret's for the girls!!Bowler for Mischa!!!
Nischa dance before the kiss, which is less making out and more just a VERY passionate kiss(think Ohio production). Mischa mouthing 'I think I am in love with you.'
Home theatre type vid for the background of the 'my child,' scene.
Ocean, Jane, Ricky & Constance busily walking around Noel during a few parts(specifically during the 'eight months later!i catch typhoid flu!' bit, to emphasize that no one really cared.)
Every Story Has A Lesson:
TAP DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Song Is Awesome:
Super Cool Sunglasses.
Switch Noel & Ocean during the 'Here comes the hotties, here comes the valet.' line.
Not much to say for the rest of this, but epic mic drop at the end(Ocean catches it)
All the girls get flowy dresses & projections I keep going in between Noel in a wedding dress as Talia(not in like a 'Noel is Talia typa way') and there isn't anyone playing Talia.
If Noel is Talia:
Spacedolls & Blackrose dance together on the side.
If Noel isn't Talia:
Everyone switches dancing partners every now and then.
All the girls would have pretty flowers in their hair :)
Noel & Ocean gossiping when they dance during Talia.
Space Age Bachelor Man:
Title and lyrics would probably be changed.She would get a very pretty space themed outfit and I'd give her spacebuns.
We are KEEPING IN the space babies line!!!!
The cats would have furry tails.I would aim to make the meowing as comfortable as possible.
Either Karnak or Virgil as Count Dog-U-Lous!
Ocean being the only one to say 'Ricky, should we pull the switch?'
Only the cats saying 'That son of a bitch!'
Ricky sounding panicked during 'Why are they asking me?I'm a lover not a fighter!'
The Ballad Of Jane Doe:
She'd start out on the ground, looking around at all the choir members(who are imitating what would be her funeral).
As she's raised up she continues reaching out for each choir member, obviously unable to grab them.
She clutches her uniform at every religious reference(her only sense of identity being that she went to a Catholic school).
The tone of 'Just John and Me!' being hopeful.
The tone of the song slowly getting darker and slower until they reach the end.
The New Birthday Song:
It would imply Jane eating the cupcake AND the candle.She would also try to touch the fire.
Jane would hug Ricky after she's given the name Savannah, and then a scene of her pulling the lever(like in mccarter) would happen.
Mischa would ruffle Noel's hair while saying that Noel is tragic.Then Noel would hug Mischa.
During the Blackrose scene everyone else would be visible in the background.
Both Constance & Ocean would get progressively more upset but for VERY different reasons, until Constance finally punches Ocean.
Sugar Cloud:
Purposefully rocky vocals at the beginning before Constance eventually gets more comfortable with her voice.
Ocean nodding during the 'There is nothing wrong with the nicest girl in town!' line.
Noel & Ocean dancing together at some point!!!(THEY'RE FRIENDS TRUST).
Ocean holding up the microphone for Constance, Noel & Mischa dance together, Ricky & Jane dance together!!
It's Not A Game//It's Just A Ride:
Ocean singing the majority of it during Penny's life montage, everyone else joins in near the end.
Mischa shielding the rest of the choir as Karnak breaks.
Everyone copying the movements from their songs during the second half of the song!!!
The Order they stand next to each other is:
(Left to right):
Everyone jumping together as Karnak begins to speak.
'No, I mean me moving against my will.' would be kept in.
Somehow I would merge the improv scene & the porno is magical scene.
Mischa & Ocean both laughing at Noel's Taco Bell photo.
Ocean would be shoved out of the way for Noel's introduction.
Jane would be more life-like(Little Miss No Name based as well).
Ocean speech would include the 'every single one of you is a fricken rockstar!' line and she'd point to the audience as well.
Mischa would attempt to run away from Ocean when she says 'Mischa...I love you!'
This is all i have for now.
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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Say You Won’t Let Go
a Sidney Crosby wedding series
Part Two
a/n: here’s part deux! read part one here. this will have at least one more part, probably 2! worth noting that I know next to no French and am relying heavilyyyy on our pal Google Translate in this story.
summary: a little more background throughout, as Juliette and Sidney meet up with their families and hockey star-studded bridal party for a rehearsal at their iconic wedding venue. if you’re not familiar with the location (it’s honestly incredible), click here for a look!
warnings: mention of deceased father. otherwise, so damn fluffy it’s practically cotton candy.
Sidney and I arrived at the church exactly on time, much to Lauren’s satisfaction, with two cars carrying Mario’s crew pulling in at the next moment. I closed the passenger door of Sidney’s steel grey Range Rover and turned to take in the sight of our wedding venue, Heinz Chapel on Pitt’s campus, reaching a hand up to shield my face from the early evening sun as I gazed. Sidney did the same, coming to stand next to me and snaking an arm around my torso.
“Not a bad place to get married, eh?” he teased, kissing the crown of my head. I smiled and shook my head. “I’ve dreamed of this since the moment I first saw this place,” I told him. “It’s perfect.”
He took a step forward, offered his hand to me and grinned, quite pleased that we had been able to reserve the coveted location last summer despite it typically being booked three or more years in advance. I didn’t often request many special favors in the name of my uncle or fiancé, but this was one that seemed a necessity. Taking Sidney’s hand and walking toward the cathedral-style landmark, I said a silent prayer of thanks that I’d gotten even more than what I always dreamed of, in so many ways.
My family and Sidney walked into the chapel to find his parents and our bridal party already mingling near the pews, excitement palpably buzzing beneath the magnificent arches and towering stained-glass windows that decorated the exquisite interior. As we stepped through the doors, they turned our way, and I let out an echoing, very French-Canadian-sounding, “Allooo!” making them all laugh.
I first greeted Troy, Trina, and Taylor with hugs and warm hellos. Sidney’s parents were staying at his former townhome on Mt. Washington, which previously served as his bachelor pad and now housed Taylor in light of her recent move to Pittsburgh. We had spent much quality time with the elder Crosbys since their arrival from Nova Scotia a few days ago, helping us with final preparations and enjoying each other’s company ahead of my official entrance into their family.
Both Trina and Nathalie had accompanied me earlier in the week to my final dress fitting and pickup appointment at the bridal boutique where I had selected my gown. Though my mother did plan to attend the wedding ceremony as a guest, she was uninterested in playing the traditional mother of the bride role and joining me for such commitments, which hadn’t surprised me but still stung sharply, especially when I was fastened into the gown and presented by the salon attendant to a waiting Trina and Nathalie.
Bitter tears pricked my eyes as I allowed myself to feel robbed of sharing that moment with my own mom. My sadness was quickly overcome, however, when the women, sensing my sadness, warmly embraced me and fawned over me, admiring the perfect fit of the gown, both becoming emotional when Nathalie tucked my headpiece and veil tenderly into my hair.
The three of us stared at my reflection in the mirror for a few moments as we let tears of many complicated emotions fall, with joy prevailing above them all. I couldn’t keep the enormous smile from my cheeks when Trina squeezed my shoulder and whispered, “Oh, sweetheart, just wait until Sidney sees you.”
Now, we were less than 24 hours away from that moment, with our bridal party and family bustling around us in the chapel.
As our officiant, Father Antonio, announced that we would be lining up for the rehearsal momentarily, Lauren approached me with a grin, extending a bouquet she had made of the countless ribbons and bows from my bridal shower gifts acquired a couple of months ago. I giggled at how cheesy yet adorable the arrangement looked, thanking her as we huddled at the back of the aisle with my bridesmaids and Sidney’s groomsmen.
“This place is a little beat up,” Nate MacKinnon, our best man, ribbed Sidney from between the two of us. “I don’t know why you guys picked this dump,” he added, pulling me to his side. Sidney shoved lightly at his chest before the two of them laughed and embraced.
“Yeah, the old barn in Cole Harbour was booked this weekend, so we kinda had to settle for the next best thing,” Sidney played into Nate’s teasing, as his longtime best friend Mike, also a Cole Harbour native, approached us.
“Kind of a shithole,” Nate whispered, earning a warning glance from me as Austin tried to hold in hysterical laughter. “You can’t say shit in church!” Austin forced out from under his breath. “Oh, we’re going straight to hell,” Mike commented softly. Sidney gave me an apologetic look and I smiled up at him.
“It’s fine. These are our people!” I said to him, flicking Nate’s elbow as I passed him. “Besides, we’ve already been living in sin,” I added, winking at Sidney. He gave me a look of mock disbelief and insisted, “No. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a nice Catholic boy.” I giggled and pushed onto my tiptoes to kiss his cheek, which smelled of his fresh aftershave.
In addition to Nate, Mike, and Austin, we greeted Sidney’s other groomsmen as we prepared for the rehearsal — his current teammates Kris Letang and Evgeni Malkin and former Penguin Marc-Andre Fleury. They had all graciously accepted the invitation by Sidney to play this special role in our day, with Geno flying in from Russia and Kris and Marc-Andre from Quebec.
Marc-Andre had brought a few other important components to our day along with him — not the least of which was his wife and my best friend, Veronique. She and I had first met when Sidney and I were only casually seeing each other, and she had predicted this wedding long, long ago. She had been one of our biggest cheerleaders since the day we met, and despite her and Marc’s eventual move to Las Vegas, the four of us remained the closest of friends, visiting each other when the men’s respective teams played and whenever else possible.
With Lauren as my maid of honor and Stephanie, Alexa, and Taylor as three of my other bridesmaids, my friend Jacqueline, a Pittsburgh transplant with Canadian roots whom I met while studying at Duquesne, rounded out my crew of six ladies who would stand by my side on this long-awaited day.
To up the cuteness factor, Sidney and I had selected Marc-Andre and Veronique’s daughters, Estelle and Scarlet, as our flower girls, with Geno’s son Nikita and Kris’s son Alex as our ringbearers. Nikita was still a bit young to understand his role, but grinned broadly when Sidney told him when they arrived just how important he was to our day. On the other hand, Kris told us that Alex had cried after his parents had asked him to be in our wedding, because, as much as he adored and was attached to Sid, Alex had been under the impression that I was his girlfriend, not Uncle Sidney’s.
Eventually, after Sidney and I made the rounds to greet them all, the entire bridal party was grouped together to begin the walk-through. The venue’s wedding planner wrangled the children as the priest noted that Sidney needed to leave my side to approach the front of the church alone, in preparation for his emergence from one of the side doors at the front of the sanctuary tomorrow.
Playful “oooh”’s erupted from our groomsmen, who teased Sid about having to pry himself away from my hip. Sidney rolled his eyes, nodding and smirking, before turning his full attention to me. He tucked some hair behind both of my ears before caressing my cheeks with his thumbs.
“You gonna be okay, Jules?” Sidney asked, eyes wider than normal as he searched mine carefully.
I knew he wasn’t asking if I would be alright once he left my side to stand twenty yards away for the next five minutes, but rather if I would be able to contain my emotions as Mario walked me down the aisle, even during a practice run, in place of my father.
We had talked about this specific part of our day a number of times, with Sidney even pondering aloud whether he should walk me down the aisle himself because walking with anyone except my dad felt impossible to me. His sweet dad had even offered to do so, should I desire. After each conversation, Sidney and I both kept arriving at the same conclusion — that the best and most appropriate plan of action was for Mario to give me away and also to join me for the traditional father-daughter dance at the reception.
I nodded, holding onto Sidney’s wrists. “Yeah,” I whispered. “I’ll be okay,” I promised. He nodded solemnly in return and kissed my forehead before pulling back with a wink.
“You can do this,” he encouraged. “I’ll see you up there.” I gave him my best smile as he turned and walked to the front of the chapel.
As our wedding party lined up in front of me to take their positions, Nate stopped me for one of his signature bear hugs, resting his chin on top of my head just for a moment before releasing me. The rest of our group squeezed my hands and rubbed my arms lovingly as I walked to the back door of the sanctuary where Mario waited, hands folded in front of his hips and a tentative smile on his features. He, too, gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead before holding my shoulders at arm’s length.
“Listen, princesse, it was one of the greatest honors of my life when you asked me to walk you down the aisle,” Mario said, soft enough that only I could hear. “But if you’ve changed your mind and would rather do this some other way, please, just say the word.” I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his waist just as the piano music began.
“No, you are exactly the person my dad would want doing this if he couldn’t,” I told him confidently. Mario let out a small exhale, and I could tell he was trying to remain composed. As we parted, he said, “Then let’s go make him proud.” He offered his arm to me and I wrapped my hands around it firmly, leaning my head into his shoulder briefly.
We watched pairs of our party head down the aisle toward Sidney and the priest at a relaxed pace: Jacqueline and Geno led off, followed by Veronique and Marc-Andre, Taylor and Kris, Alexa and Austin, Stephanie and Mike, and finally, Lauren and Nate. Alex walked down the aisle in a near-skip, holding a fake pillow very carefully just as his mother, our beautiful friend Catherine, had instructed him, with Nikita by his side mimicking his every move. Their fathers gave them thumbs up and everyone clapped lightly when they reached the end of the aisle.
Next, after a bit of prompting from both their parents at the front, Estelle and Scarlett followed the boys’ path, scattering fake rose petals in place of the real ones they would have tomorrow, earning their own quiet round of applause. As the children were seated at the ends of the front pews on either side, the music shifted, and our wedding planner turned and gave Mario and me the nod.
“Ready, Juliette?” he asked softly. My eyes traveled down the long red carpet in front of us to the steps where the love of my life stood centered in between our closest friends and family, waiting for me. He gave me a warm, adoring smile and at that moment, I felt my unease melt away, just as it always did when Sidney was near.
“I’m so ready,” I whispered.
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marixx · 4 years
Title: have a bouquet made from my love
Words: 1177
Fluff!! Flower shop/Book shop Au + Modern Au
Warning: swearing
"It's so fucking noisy out there, that construction has been going on for almost a week. Can't a guy just get some peace and quiet?"Ranpo whined, roughly placing down the arrangement of flowers and leaning on the counter, his emerald eyes glaring at the construction just across the street. His friend/coworker sighed at him, rolling her eyes.
Yosano places down the small vase on the display window. "Language, Ranpo,"She scolded. Fixing the curtains of his flower shop. Then leaving towards the back storage/hangout room.
The flower shop he owned—or well technically his fathers but he inherited the business about two years ago, was called Bouquet Agency, the shop itself was fairly small but not too much. It had a very homey vibe to it. The shop was like a small cottage, with nicely trimmed bushes on the side of the windows accompanied with arranged bouquet of flowers, some pots on the shelves that had small trees and cactuses on them, hanging flower pots filled with a wide variety of sinewy plants, a gentle scent always somehow filled the air, and soft Lofi music playing in the background. The color scheme of a few exposed brick and white accompanied with dark brown always made Ranpo feel so much at home, it made the shop have a small vintage look to it. Once in a while, the original owner, was named Fukuzawa Yukichi, would visit from time to time. Just to stay for maybe about twenty minutes or more to greet everyone, ask them about their day, and how the shop was doing then he would leave with a small smile on his face.
The workers there were, Yosano who was the one the customers would seek help to, Atsushi took charge in taking care of the plants, Kunikida was the one who kept the delivery's and their schedules in line, Ranpo on the counter, kenji would carry the heavy load to the back (once in awhile he would take the counter), and Dazai who....didn't really do much, but he helped out from time to time. Their frequent customers were the Tanizaki siblings, who owned a bakery just a few blocks down, they had heard about the flower shop from Atsushi (Ranpo made sure to have given him chazuke that day) and returned once or twice a week.
Dazai who always lounged on the small couch in the corner, putted away his favorite 'guide to suicide' book on the in table next to it. "Hey, did ya hear that construction site out there was gonna be a new shop?"Dazai grinned.
Ranpo looked at him appalled. "Where'd you hear that information?"He asked. Dazai simply shrugged, replying with 'chuuya' in a small voice. Of course. Chuuya, who was a worker at the tattoo shop next door (and was also the brunette's boyfriend) had always been one for gossip. Ranpo hummed, through the years he had been here, he hadn't seen a new shop open since the place they were in wasn't that crowded.
"A new shop, huh?"Ranpo grinned.
"Apparently it's gonna be a book store,"
"Hey look, it seems that their opening,"Dazai pointed out. Staring at the building from across the street.
The black haired male's grin only widened. "Hopefully they don't steal our customers,"he laughed. Suddenly, Yosano Imerged, pushing away the curtains that hung on the arched doorway. "Shouldn't you two be working instead of gossiping like two high-schoolers?"She glared.
The two males flinched. Muttering an apology, turning back to the flowers he was working on. He thought of an idea, his eyes trailed back outside, eyes squinting at the new shop from across the street. Seeing two people talking to each other.
"Ranpo, put these geranium and meadowsweets on that bouquet will you?"Yosano called out.
"Ah, figured it was missing something important,"Ranpo smiled. Taking the flowers from Yosano, and carefully started placing them in. "What's the bouquets for anyways?"Dazai asked. Sitting up from the couch, and leaning forward.
"Some girl wanted to send a bouquet to her best friend and ex,"Ranpo shrugged. "Don't geraniums mean stupidity, and don't meadowsweets mean uselessness?"Dazai tilted his head.
"The best friend hooked up with her ex,"
Humming, Ranpo gazed at the two. "Hey, how about we give a welcome to the newly opened shopped across the street?"He suggested. Carefully placing down the bouquet of flowers.
Yosano scrunched up her nose, hands placed her hips. "Ranpo, if you want to give the newcomers a warm welcome. You should go over there and do it,"She shrugged, the black haired male gasped. "Moi? Why should I do it?"he huffed.
"You're the one who suggested it, Ranpo,"
"But I have to man the cashier,—,"He babbled. "Don't worry, we'll handle the rest!"Dazai smirked, a proud look on his face. "You hired us for a reason, Ranpo-san,"Yosano laughed.
Rolling his eyes. Ranpo went and got a pair of gardening scissors to make another bouquet. Roaming around the store, trying to find a good set of flowers, his emerald eyes fell on the forsythia in the corner, beaming he immediately strolled his way over there. Grabbing the flowers and cutting them one by one.
Yosano gave him an unpleasant look, "fine! I'll do it,"He groaned. Snatching papers and ribbons from a box, and stomping over to the counter. "Perfect, you can give that bouquet your working at for them!"She beamed. Clapping her hands together.
Despite the fact that Ranpo was the one who owned the flower shop, Yosano did most of the work, she was practically considered as the owner of Bouquet Agency as well. Which was the reason why she got away with bossing everyone around (and because she scared everyone). Snipping away the stems, Atsushi suddenly made an appearance from the front door, holding what seems to be the newly ordered soil.
"Atsushi, perfect timing, were just about to open—"Ranpo said but cut himself off mid-sentence. "Shouldn't kenji be the one doing the heavy load?"He questioned, his eyes trailing up and down the younger boy. "Ah, kenji's apparently sick! So I offered to take up his job for the day....I-If that doesn't bother you, Ranpo-san,"He relied, sheepishly.
Waving his hand. "Nah, it's fine. Just don't overwork yourself, kid,"He said. Adding daffodils to the bouquet in his hand, "there we go! All done!"He exclaimed, quite proud of his work.
Dazai came in, with a piece of paper. Placing it inside, it said 'we warmly welcome you to this small part of Yokohama! We hope you enjoy your time here, Bouquet Agency.'
"Now go, our dear Ranpo-san!"the brunette grinned, yanking the older male out and pushing him towards the front door.
Sulking, Ranpo begrudgingly walking towards the new shop. As he got closer, it seems that the bookstore was just as big as his flower store was, the outside color was black, and was accompanied a big window that gave off a good view of the inside. Opening the door and hearing the small bell jingle, he took a good look at it.
From the inside, the bookstore was a little larger than it looked outside. It didn't have many lamps but there were some (the big window gave the store a lot more natural light), the walls were decorated with shelves that had labels on them and small amounts of books. In the middle were more shelvings but unlike the ones on the walls, they were empty, in the left corner were some couches and a small coffee table. To his right had a little display section of notebooks with pens, then at the front was a counter and a back door. A coffee like aroma filled up his nostrils, the smell was very calming. Everything about the store was calming either way, it reminded him of his own store, but with a more cozy vibe to it.
"Um, excuse me....we, uh, were not open for business yet..."
A soft voice called out to him, suddenly a tall man came into his view.
And holy shit.
Ranpo felt like he descended to heaven. The taller male was adorable, handsome even. Though his hair was indeed a mess, and it did cover half of his face, though one eye was visible. Ranpo could stare at them for the rest of his life. They were a shade of dark violet, amethyst eyes glowing so brightly. eye-bags were underneath them, and they had such a soft look in them. It made him feel so warm inside, they had a sense of kindness in them. The guy's physical physique was tall and lanky, in his arms was a small box, and he wondered if he could perfectly fit in them if he were to just straight up run into him. Gosh how much he wanted to test that theory out. He was wearing a large gray sweater that went up his knees, black pants, and brown shoes.
"O-Oh! Sorry, I.....uh, I own the flower shop across the street. Me and my coworkers wanted to welcome you guys,"Ranpo stuttered. Still staring at the other man's eyes. "Uh...here! Take these,"He exclaimed, offering the bouquet in his hands.
"Oh thank you!"The other said, smiling brightly. Taking the flowers in his hands.
Holy fuck!! Ranpo screamed mentally. He was so adorable, and so pretty! He felt as if his heart had ran a marathon from how hard it was thumping.
"U-Uh, would you look at the time, it's almost nine already! I have to get back to my shop,"Ranpo stammered. Looking at his watch.
"Oh I see....."The other said, clearly disappointed. "But uh....if you don't mind,"He then said quickly.
"W-Would you like to go out f-for coffee sometime, maybe? As a thank you for the f-flowers?"The taller male mumbled, playing with his fingers. Suddenly, Ranpo's face turned red
"That sounds wonderful!"He said, happily. "By the way, my names Edogawa Ranpo,"He introduced himself. "Ah, my names Edgar Allan Poe.....y-you can just call me Poe,"Poe said. Sheepishly.
"Well then Poe, I'll pick you up this weekend, if your free?"
"Uh, sure! I'm free then,"Poe blushed. Giving a small smile.
"I'm looking forward to it then,"Ranpo smiled at him. Poe wasn't expecting to see such a beautiful smile. He was glad he had worked up the courage to ask him out. He absolutely could not wait for this weekend.
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sweetwritertanya · 5 years
Happy Valentine’s Day (Namjoon)
Summary: Namjoon takes you to a beautiful place for Valentine’s Day, but something puts a damper on the moment. Back home, your boyfriend shows you how much he thinks you’re beautiful and how much he wants you.
Warnings: SMUT! A lot of it on this one! So, beware of: swearing, erotic body touching, oral (female receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (yet again, be safe!), overstimulation (female receiving).
Word Count: 3360
“C’mon, Y/N, just one more!” Namjoon requested again, throwing his arm around your shoulders as he stretched the other in front of both of you, phone turned to you.
“Don’t you think we’ve taken enough pictures?” you chuckle, although still smiling for the photo.
“I can never have enough photos with you. Plus, you look so cute today, how could I not?” he asked you as he retrieved the phone to see how the picture turned out.
You did strayed out of your comfort zone for today’s date. Getting a silver midi skirt that hit just above your ankles, hiding your thick legs as it fell in pleats around your frame, a tucked in white blouse decorated with an oval neckline with a rounded collar, a thin black ribbon hanging in the middle, with bell sleeves covering your soft arms. Some black heels and a black coat, silver small bag in hand, you thought you looked pretty today. Namjoon seemed to think so too.
“Okay, let me just go and get some snacks from the store at the corner and I’ll be right back, flower” Namjoon informs as he kisses your cheek and runs to the store he was mentioning.
You chuckle as you watch him go, enjoying immensely this day with him. He had taken the day off for this Valentine’s Day to be with you, taking you on a train ride to a remote but beautiful place near a small river with these beautiful redbud trees on either riverside, blooming in beautiful pinks, reds and lilac. It was the perfect background for all of the pictures he took of both of you.
Just as you decided to go and sit at a nearby bench, you passed by two elder ladies and couldn’t help but notice their judgmental stares at your body, making you suddenly self-conscious as you tried to cover yourself up with your coat as best as you could. Sitting down, you hear hurried steps coming towards you and you look up to see Namjoon running contently your way, unaware of the flabbergasted stares the ladies had when they saw him sitting next to you.
A tall, handsome and attractive guy dating a fat girl like you. You didn’t blame them.
“Got you your favorite snack! Wanna eat first and then go?” he innocently asked, a dimple smile on his face.
“No, let’s get going. We’ll eat on the way” you decided, feeling uncomfortable.
“Is something wrong?” Namjoon questioned, sensing something was off.
“Let’s go, I’ll tell you later” you hurried, not really wanting to have to explain to your boyfriend that some simple nasty looks from total strangers had put a damper on the day he so lovingly planned for you.
Instead of trying to keep prying at the subject, Namjoon spend the rest of the day trying to make you smile, take your mind off of whatever was bugging you. Even in the train, where he was supposed to keep a low profile so no one would recognize him, he kept talking about everything and anything with hopes of making you feel better. It worked, he made you laugh and smile happily in no time, you having to keep him silent next to you so he wouldn’t grab any more attention than needed.
With a lighter mood, you and Namjoon munched on the snacks he got with satisfaction, you resting your head on his shoulder as you looked at the passing scenery out the window. Once all of them were finished, he cleaned his hands and grabbed yours on top of his thigh, intertwining your fingers and resting his head on top of yours for the rest of the trip.
Arriving home, you had all but forgotten about you bad mood, but Namjoon seemed to remember it clearly. As he helped you get out of your coat at the entrance of the house, he brought it back up.
“So, are you gonna tell me why you got sad by the river? I thought you liked that place” he began.
“Oh, I did! It was incredibly beautiful, Namjoon. Thank you so much for taking me there, it was lovely for our Valentine’s Day” you assured him, not wanting him to think you didn’t enjoy your day spent there.
“Then, what happened?” he persisted, getting his own coat off.
You sighed, not really wanting to talk about it but knowing he was just curious and concerned for you. It would keep on bugging him until he figured it out.
“It was just the stares of the two old ladies. Like they were disgusted by me. And the look when they saw us together. They were probably wondering why the hell a guy like you would be with someone like me” you explained, taking off your heels and going towards the bedroom to change.
“Y/N…” he started, his deep voice sympathetic. “Those ladies don’t know you, who cares what they think? I love you, all of you.”
“I know, Namjoon. You’re gonna tell me you love my body as is and I believe you, I truly do. But it still irks me that other people don’t” you confessed, sitting at the edge of the large bed and starting to take off your sheer stockings. “Especially if it means I make you look bad.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” Namjoon questioned, sitting next to you on the bed.
“Because I’m so much bigger and people don’t really like that” you pointed out, feeling defeated all of a sudden. “And I don’t think I can get thin like the beautiful girls you deserve.”
“Stand up” he suddenly ordered, catching you off-guarded.
You moved your head to his side, with frowned eyebrows and slightly parted lips looking confused at him.
“Get up and stand in front of me” he persisted, pointing at the floor in between his two long legs he had stretched out in front of him.
Noticing the frustrated tone of his voice, you decided to concede to his wishes and stood up in between his legs, still confused and blushing slightly at the way Namjoon’s thin eyes took your body, from head to toe, very slowly.
You almost jumped in place as he moved his hands to start unzipping your skirt and unbuttoning it at the waist, on the back.
“Namjoon, it’s-”
“Don’t you think I deserve the absolute best?” he interrupted, eyes focusing up on yours with a burning passion behind them that had you swallow dry. “You said I deserve beautiful girls, right?”
Not trusting your voice, you just nodded. At the same time he pulled the now open skirt from your wide hips, making it pull at your feet and leaving your legs bare, only the white lace and cotton panties on your lower half. Your muscles tensed up and heart hammered on your chest as he leaned forward and kissed your succulent thighs, hands squeezing your ass cheeks making you gasp.
“If I deserve the most beautiful girl, then in my eyes that is you. My girlfriend is the most titillating woman I have ever seen, divine in every sense of the word.” His hands roamed up to the hem of the blouse you were wearing and he stood up in front of you, fingers dancing on the skin of your sides, underneath. “Don’t I deserve to have what I want?”
“Yes” you sighed with half-closed eyes lidded with lust. His stare, his hands, his mere presence had you craving him, craving his touch and craving to touch him back.
“Then” he leaned his head down so he was eye level with you as he whispered the next words hotly, minty breath brushing your skin “I want you. Let me show you.”
Before you could process his words, he grabbed the ends of your blouse and pulled it out your head, leaving you only in the white lingerie you had chosen to wear. His lips took no hesitation in finding yours, not giving you even enough time to take another breath after his sudden actions. Mouth slanting around yours, he delved his tongue deeply past your lips and skimmed it across the recesses of your mouth, caressing your tongue with soft strokes that had you lose strength on your legs.
His hands were clawing at the abundant flesh of your sides, a tight grip on the malleable skin that kept your warm full body pressing against his slender one, still fully clothed while you were almost naked.
Tongue hooked on yours, he guided you to lay down on the bed, mouth moving as avidly as ever and enticing a surge of heat from your core to spread across your entire body. You were moaning against his lips without even realizing, one hand at the back of his neck to keep him close and pull at the hairs at the nape, while the other was struggling to get inside the sweater he was wearing, wanting to feel his skin against your fingertips.
Namjoon descended from your lips to leave wet kisses down your jaw and neck, sucking and nibbling at the skin and making your now free lips groan out loud as he did so. Every swipe of his tongue and rush of his teeth had you trembling slightly, an uncomfortable tension forming at your center. Expert hands made their way to your back and undid your bra, slowly taking it off as his kisses moved down from your shoulders.
He lifted his head only for a moment, to admire the breasts he so liked to play with, taking his hands to them and squeezing them, adoring how they felt on his palms. You arched your back to his touch and he leaned down to take one perky nipple in his mouth, while twisting and pulling at the other.
“Ah, Namjoon!... Fuck, Joon…” you couldn’t help but curse, his tongue and fingers teasing you to no end and turning your brain to mush in the process, only focused on how needy you felt.
Reluctantly, he turned away from your chest only to start sucking on the fluffy skin of your belly and lumpy sides, even going as far as to bite slightly on the skin, although not deep enough to leave a mark. His hands, in the meantime, were rubbing up and down your thighs, contributing to the heat pooling in between them.
When his fingers grabbed your panties and pulled them down your chunky legs, you swallowed apprehensively. Namjoon was very silent and seemed determined, which usually meant he had some kind of plan. You were both aroused and nervous about what he was thinking to do with you.
Kissing up your legs all the way to your inner thighs, Namjoon pulled your hips closer to him as he kneeled on the ground with his torso laying on the bed, face inches from your drenched exposed womanhood.
“Namjoon, please…” you beg, the need taking over everything.
Listening to your request, Namjoon places his head comfortably in between your pillowy thighs and parts your folds with his tongue, swiping it from low to top, flickering the tip of his tongue against your sensitive clit. Your whimper and raise your hips automatically, making him have to press them down and keep them in place. Lips around your hardened nub, he starts sucking on it at the same time his tongue circles it and it drives you absolutely crazy.
You are balling the sheets on your fists, blood rushing to your head as he keeps lapping at your fleshy little button, a coiling tightening in your lower abdomen as the tension keeps building up to danger levels. His lips leave your pearl only to insert his tongue as far as it can go inside your fluttering inner walls, the sudden but welcomed intrusion making you gasp and squeal as it feels like something is about to snap.
Then he brings you even closer to his mouth, retrieving his swirling tongue to lick up your folds and scrape his teeth on your nerve cluster before sucking on it again, and that is it. You wail as you cum, inner walls clenching at nothing as liquid heat covers them, the coil inside unfurling violently and relieving your muscles of tension in a wave of pleasure.
You had your eyes closed, seeing stars exploding behind your eyelids, and trying to catch your breath after the orgasm, when you feel Namjoon’s tongue licking again at the velvet skin of your quim, eyes still closed as he keeps his face in between your legs.
“N-Namjoon, wait!” you ask, trying to squirm away. “I’m still too sensitive, give me a moment!”
“I know” he grumbles against your folds, the vibration sending spikes of pleasure up your spine.
“Ah, ahh…!”
You bite down on your index finger as his mouth keeps moving against your still sensitive mound, a tightness resurfacing quickly and tears pooling at your eyes at the pain/pleasure of his continued actions. But soon you don’t feel anything other than pure bliss as his lips make blasts of ecstasy began to sweep through your body and you tip over the edge once again, crying out his name as your legs convulse around his head before falling completely limp on the mattress, alongside your whole body.
The bed shakes a bit when Namjoon leaves to stand up, but you were too tired to see what he was doing. When the bed dips beside you, you feel his body laying down next to you and realize he is now naked too. He is leaving kisses up and down your arm and his hand his brushing your skin, from the side of your neck down the valley and hills of your breasts, all the way down to you navel, as you recover.
Just as you felt good enough to open your eyes again, his hand moves even lower and fingers rub at your abused slit once more, making you instantly close your legs to keep his hand still, as you grabbed his arm to keep it from moving.
“Namjoon, please, I can’t!” you warn, moving to your side and looking up at him through heavy lashes.
His eyes were almost completely dark, the black pupil eating away at any color, sweat accumulated at his temples and lips still glistening from when they were where his fingers now tried to reach. He had a resolute look on his face.
“Of course you can. I made you cum three times before, today I want to beat that” he explains, starting to kiss bellow your ear and opening your legs again in order to move his hand.
“Ahh, why are you keeping count!” you moan out, no longer able to stop his fingers as they dipped inside you, sensitive walls clenching tightly around them.
“I memorize everything that as to do with you” he clarifies, biting down on your ear lobe. “You’re my divine treasure, Y/N.”
Maybe you would have responded in kind, if his fingers didn’t pick up the pace and made you forget about any type of speech as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, the friction against your insides and the way he opened his two fingers inside and stretched your walls making you lose your mid once more. His digits rubbed against the spongy spot just once and your whole body convulsed and contorted next to him as you came once more.
You felt your heart beating so loud and strong, you wondered if you were having a heart attack. It was like every cell in your body was pulsating in sync with the rapid beats of you heart, deafening your ears for a few moments and cutting any connection of your brain to the rest of your body, everything going numb with pleasure.
“Are you okay?” Namjoon questions after a few minutes, hand on your face brushing your skin with concern.
“Yeah, I think so” you respond, regaining a bit of your strengths.
“Good. ‘Cause we are not done yet.”
Your eyes widen at that and you see as Namjoon moves to hover above you, leaning down to steal another deep kiss from your lips, this time going slower and showing patience as he coaxed your tongue with his, building up the passionate hunger you thought was more than extinct by now. But no, his smart hands gripping and squeezing your heated skin and his knowing lips had you earning for him once more, with as much force as any other time.
You gasp and shudder when you feel him rubbing his hard length against your slit, the fluids from the previous orgasms coating him nicely as he pumps himself before aligning himself with your soaking entrance. You are more than properly lubricated as he easily slips in, bottomed out in the first thrust. You wrap your legs around his waist and arch your back up, your chest clinging to his as you throw your arms around his back and hold on to his shoulders, face hiding on his neck.
Unable to tell who, you could tell one of you was burning hot and throbbing mercilessly, but you were so sensitive you couldn’t focus on it. You felt about to explode just from having him filling you finally. When he starts to move, rocking back and forth against your flesh, you had to bite down on his shoulder to keep from screaming.
“Na-Namjoon, it’s too… too much, I can’t…” You weren’t sure what you wanted to say, for as much as you felt so overwhelmed, you definitely were chasing after another sweet release as your hips moved with his.
“Just one more. Last time, with me, okay treasure?” he whispers in your ear, picking up the speed of his pelvis.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Namjoon…!”
You are a babbling mess as his hips snap rapidly against yours, the tip of his shaft rubbing against the sweet spot inside that made you throw your head back. Namjoon holds your body close as he keeps drilling into you, the bed moving with each of his thrusts until your nerves catch alight and you cry out his name, your slick heat spasming and tightening around him as you flooded with spasm after spasm of pleasure.
“Crap… Y/N! Ah…” Namjoon’s muscles all tense up and a vein pops on his head and neck as his hips stutter and he grunts loudly through clenched teeth as he stills inside and spills warm white strings into your womb, filling you completely.
When he pulls out, you can fill the mixed heated juices dropping down into the bed. You were in a completely dazed state, brain so filled with bliss you couldn’t really function at the moment. Taking matters into his own hands, Namjoon gets up and comes back with a warm towel and, very carefully, cleans the sweat off your glowing skin and the fluids off your sex. You hum in acknowledgement of his sweet actions, too tired to actually speak.
Cleaning himself up last, he gets back in bed pulling the comforter over your naked bodies, pulling you into his arms as he rests his chin on top of your head, pressed against his chest.
“I never wanted any other woman as much as I want you. Your beauty outshines everyone else in my eyes, Y/N. You’re my treasure, don’t you see? I couldn’t care less what anybody else thinks. I want, and forever will want you and no one else. I need you to know that. Y/N?”
But as he leans back to see your reaction, he realized you had already fallen asleep. Maybe he did go a bit overboard, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to make you feel as good as possible, as worthy of him as possible. He would never do this to anyone else, and he knew it.
Chuckling with small dimples at each side of his cheeks, he kisses your forehead and pulls you closer yet again, closing his eyes as well and feeling his own sleep taking over.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, treasure” he wishes upon your sleeping ears, falling asleep himself not too long after.
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ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 18
Read Ch. 17 | Masterlist
SPOILER ALERT: It’s the day of the Festival! In the main story, there were parts that were more focused on Midoriya. So this version will focus on the school ground’s point of view while that was going on.
This chapter was particularly hard to write, given all the moving parts. But I think the end product came out well.
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The day of the culture festival finally arrived after months of preparation. Students of U.A. scattered about, tending to their tasks for the day. Class 2-A finished their stage preparations earlier than planned and had some free time to wander around before curtain call. Ren walked around with Tomoe and Seri, visiting the food stands for sustenance before heading over to 1-A’s performance.
“I hope the show goes well for them,” Ren mumbled and placed her hand over her chest, trying to steady her palpitating heartbeat.
“They’ll be fine,” Tomoe blurted out before finishing her serving of takoyaki. “Those first years are more than capable.”
“I agree,” Seri added and took a small bite of her crepe. “This is merely a small bump in the road for them.”
The pink-haired girl smirked and looked up at the sun shining up in the autumn sky.
“Yeah… you’re right.”
Making their way to the gym, the three were amazed to see how quickly the place filled up.
“Wow… there really was a lotta hype behind ‘em huh,” Tomoe said and looked around in amazement. Ren saw Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic leaning on the back wall to the far right of them. She also managed to pick out three heads from the crowd; they were the third years from the general studies who were shit-talking her juniors. Probably here to ruin the show, she thought.
But she had faith the first years will have the power to change their hearts and opinions.
Only they could do it.
The whole room immediately went dark and everyone’s excitement was building. A literal explosion from Bakugou’s drums and sound roused the crowd, followed by the light show to cue the dancers in.
“Thank you all for coming!” Jiro cheerful voice reverberated through the entire hall as their performance went underway. Everyone’s hard work and efforts all came together in this one moment. Ren looked around to see the audience’s faces light up with joy and elation as they cheered loudly.
The effects team outdid themselves by using Todoroki and Kirishima’s quirk to its fullest by making shaved ice into sparkles that complimented Aoyama’s Navel Laser hitting the mirror ball. Streamers were replaced with Sero’s tape cascading down and around the roof. Show goers who tapped Uraraka’s hands were lifted up in the air and secured by the tape above to ensure their safety. And Iida was continuously doing the robot dance on the edge of the stage.
Just as the show started, it ended with a big enough bang to blow away everyone’s darkness and doubt.
“Well done, 1-A,” Ren said to herself and wiped a proud tear from her eye and crossed her arms.
“Well, shit. We can’t lose now,” Tomoe said within an earshot. She looked up at her tall friend with fire in her eyes.
“Yes, we can’t let them outshine their seniors,” Seri concurred. “We’re up next.”
The girls looked at each other and nodded before turning their heels toward Gamma Gym to prepare. Ren was only able to get a glimpse of the beauty pageant with Nejire-senpai putting on her performance before running back in for make-up and costume. As the sun slowly set, it was nearly time for the curtains to go up for 2-A.
“Uwah, I’m getting nervous,” one of the students quivered out.
“Don’t say that! You’re gonna make me nervous!” Ito shouted.
Ren looked around and saw one of her other classmates writing “person” repeatedly on her palm*. Frankly speaking, she was nervous as hell too and kept herself occupied by rehearsing the footwork to her dance routine.
She had to focus up.
There were people who were coming who were important to her.
“C’mon guys! It’s almost time!” Jiro shouted and ran through the scattered crowds. “2-A’s performance is gonna start!”
“You sure are excited ‘bout it, Kyoka-chan,” Uraraka chimed in happily and ran alongside.
“Of course! Ren-senpai helped us out so much with our rehearsals. It’s time for us to show her our support!”
Togata looked at his juniors running off with a big smile on his face and felt Eri tug at his index finger. She looked up at him with an excited glimmer in her big eyes.
“Can we go see too?”
“Of course!”
Making their way into Gamma Gym, a sign with an arrow reading “2-A: The Enchanted Forest” directed the crowd. The layout was like a traveling circus. Seats were arranged in a half-moon formation, whereas the stage took up the other half. Dark red curtains with light gold accents hung all around, giving it a sense of intimacy in the space. It wasn’t as flashy as 1-A’s, but this certainly had its own homey charm. The class had to split up due to the amount of open seats left over. Light chatter that echoed through the space soon died down as the lights dimmed.
Light, ethereal music played in the overhead speakers as a small girl walked on stage, looking around the dark space in fear. Scary glowing eyes blinked in the background as wall to wall ominous sounds and a wary melody replaced the music before, sending chills down the audience’s necks. All of a sudden, a shadowed figure emerged from the ground directly in front of her. The girl cowered in fear as the creature lunged at her only to be repelled by a sudden bright floating light with a fading hum. A flying glowing creature appeared on stage to banish the monster with another glow.
Everything was still and quiet.
The fairy looked around the darkness and thought this wouldn’t do. She summoned a small ball of warm light from her palm and shot it into the audience. The ball of light scattered and illuminated the entire space like stars scattered in the night sky. Walking up to the shaking figure, the fairy placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, prompting her to look up.
Intelligible whispers echoed with the translated words appearing at the center of the stage in midair.
“How did you get here, human child?”
“I was playing in the forest and got lost. I can’t find my way back.”
The magical being looked at the child and reached her hand out for her to grab it. Without another thought, she took it and the fairy flew up into the air and the stage went momentarily black.
The scene changed to a forested scene with a faint glowing light to the right of the stage. The fairy gently lays down the child steps from the entrance, gesturing at her to wait. Moments later, the child was invited in and the entire space lit up with falling warm balls of light. Tree branches grew all around and into a domed shape with flowers and leaves sprouting.
A procession track played overhead and in came the rest of class 2-A, dressed up as woodland creatures and magical beings. Golden confetti rained down from above. Some levitated in while others marched through the entrances holding flowers, sparklers and long, thin ribbons; the cast threw and handed the props over to those in the crowd who could reach.
And there Ren was, transformed into one of the forest wisps.
She looked like a summon from a video game crossed with a pierrot, wearing an off-white lacy costume decorated with glimmering beads and pearls all over. The apparel tailored to her body was modest and made her legs look longer than they seem. A flowing lacy train at the back of her jagged skirt made her look like she floated as she walked and shimmied. Her usual side-parted hair was styled up in a gravity defying way and decorated with translucent beads and pearls head piece. Her make-up consisted of alabaster face paint and elongated lashes with beads at the tip. A faint peach blush graced her cheeks with golden flecks of constellation-like freckles, her lips a light tangerine tint.
She danced into the aisle with the group and spotted Togata and Eri nearby with some 1-A students. Casually skipping up to them, she handed Eri a daisy with an entrancing and serene smile. The girl’s eyes sparkled with joy and beguilement as she accepted the gift. The wisp flashed another smile at them before joining the rest up on the stage.
The audience couldn’t take their eyes off of the grand procession of the entire magical village.
But all of class 1-A could see was their resident advisor; she was mystical and captivating.
They all circled the human child, out of both curiosity and fear. Before they could get any closer, a loud bang of a bass drum, followed with a soft melodic harp ceased all movement. All of the creatures backed away in a circular formation as another floating figure approached the stage from behind the audience.
The spectators looked up and saw a girl with snow white hair and owl-like features glide down on a drifting periwinkle blue cloud in a sparkling pastel purple dress holding a decorative wooden staff; it was the village leader. Gracefully landing on the stage by the tips of her toes, the village bowed as she turned her attention to the human girl. Analyzing the scared small figure, the leader placed a gentle hand on her head, soothing her worries. Soft muddled whispers echoed through with the translated words appearing out of mid-air again.
“We will get you home, little one. But before we do, please stay for our festivities as we are in the middle of a celebration.”
The little girl nodded in agreement and was helped up by a few of the wisps and faeries into a now small wooden chair. The chief sat beside her in a bigger version of the furniture. The woodland creatures performed in small groups of two to three; it was their tribute to the fairy in charge and to the forest they live in. The background music changed to a more upbeat melody to reflect each performance.
One group did acrobatics with throwing hoops to see how many the other one could catch as the speed increased, leaving the audience in laughter and explosive applause. Another was a group of two who created giant bubbles to throw into the crowd and bounced around like a beach ball. When it popped, the onlookers were showered with glitter. A male tree fairy did a solo endeavor with a coin magic trick where he kept on misplacing it on his person. He ended up finding it in one of the audience member’s jacket pockets, to which he gave a playful scolding gesture to. The next group was another trio who gave a dazzling musical performance.
It was then Ren’s turn to perform with another male wisp. The two stepped out hand in hand and went into a dance number. The style was a mix of contemporary, salsa and freestyle. As the male lifted her up into his arms, he spun her around and threw her up high into the air, disappearing halfway up. The male wisp punched the ground, forming several earthen structures as Ren reappeared on top one of them.
She jumped up in the air again and disappeared as her partner changed the formation of the stage; this time in the smiling face of All-Might. She reappeared sitting on the sculpture’s shoulder and blew a kiss at it before departing again.
The earth this time was formed into words, reading “Thank you for coming to U.A.’s Culture Festival!” Light laughter and loud applause echoed the room as the ground reverted back to its original state. He walked around the stage searching for his partner to no avail; his gaze then went upward to direct the crowd’s attention.
And there his companion was, swinging from a swing high above the spectators, dangling her feet like a child. Building up the momentum, she leaped off as the crowd gasped while diving down; her partner on stage readied himself to catch her only to see her disappear again. Frustrated, she reappeared behind him and comically tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around fuming and covered her mouth to express her mischievous nature, followed with more laughter as they bowed and went back into the group.
The village leader rose up from her seat and walked center stage. She held her staff up and proceeded to swing it in a pattern as she danced with it. Chaine turning in the form of a circle, a ball of light elevated up from the fresh earth. She picked it up and hovered her palm on top of it, giving it her blessing. The leader then hovered it on top of the human girl’s head and transformed into a flower wreath. Incoherent speaking echoed through the tent with the ghosting text appearing once more.
“The forest path from hereon is dangerous. This will protect you from anything that may harm you as long as you have hope in your heart. One of my wisps will be your guide.”
With a wave of the village leader’s hand, Ren appeared out from the crowd and bowed deeply to her. The chieftain presented her a glowing necklace and placed it on her neck. Gesturing for her to stand, she placed her forehead to the wisp, giving her blessing before she leaves. Bowing once more, the wisp walked up to the human girl and reached her hand out with a smile. The child took her hand and off they went.
An instrumental track played as the stage transformed; the wooden domed arch retracts its limbs back into the ground while the woodland characters danced and removed items and replaced them with another. Once the set was finalized, out came the child and Ren, using her quirk to zip around the area to scout for any danger up ahead. The two walked in place while the stage lighting gradually dimmed to black. The only source of light came from the wisp’s necklace and the little girl’s flower crown.
The two moved around cautiously, hoping not to attract any creatures. A sudden boom shook the air, startling the crowd. A heavy set of mist poured on the stage and seeped through the seats as an unsettling chill came in. The previous looming shadow emerged on stage and transformed into a spiky, slithering-like monster. Shielding the young girl from it, the dark spiky creature hovered closely at the two, analyzing them. A series of incoherent, guttural and hypnotizing whispers echoed the stage, followed with a strong, light response.
“Creature of light, sacrifice this being to me and I’ll spare you.”
“I refuse, Nightsnatcher!”
The wisp brought the child behind her as the Nightsnatcher tried to snap at her limbs. Gesturing the child to run, she did so while the glowing creature defended to the best of her ability. The creature of the night managed to break through and just as it was about to attack the human girl, the wisp teleported in between them and sacrificed itself. Audible gasps could be heard in the crowd and a deathly silence filled the void as the wisp’s form thudded across the stage and went limp.
The girl crawled up to her protector and shook her wounded body, tears streaming down her small cheeks. The magical creature gingerly reached up to wipe them away and handed her the necklace the chieftain gave her. A hushed series of whispers echoed.
“Wear this and the creature cannot harm you.”
Placing it into her small hands, the girl refused to leave. With the Nightsnatcher surrounding them, the stage grew darker into an obsidian abyss with only the girl illuminated. An strong pressure rose up from the pit of the audience’s stomachs as if someone was choking the life out of them. Clutching the necklace tightly, she squeezed her eyes close and a blinding warm light materialized from her palm to wash away the darkness and the creature with it with a fading scream.
The stage was once again lit in a lightly wooded area. The little girl looked up in wonder for a moment before bringing her attention back to her wisp friend. She quickly crawled up to her still body and shook her again with no response. Tears formed in the child’s tiny eyes as she repeated her previous action. Slowly, the spirit stirred back to consciousness and met the little girl’s look of relief. She drew the wisp into a tight hug to thank her. She released, shaking her head and cupped her hands.
Slowly getting up off of the ground, the two traversed at a slower pace due to her injury and soon saw the exit to the forest. A bittersweet melody played above as they saw several shadowed figures in the shape of other children at the other end of the forest. The wisp gave her a sad smile before her departure. The two embraced once more before the human child disappeared from her sight.
Staring at the path for another beat, she turned her heels and slowly headed back into the forest. But before doing so, Ren looked down at a spot and hovered her hand over her chest. In one swooping gesture, she flung her arm up in the air and golden confetti-like sparkles rained down from above as the lights cascaded back to black.
A swell of the music faded out with the fizzling of remaining sparkles. Seconds later, the house lights came on with the full cast on stage. The audience erupted in thunderous applause, some even wiping away tears from their eyes. They all took their final bows before the lights dimmed for the last time and disbanded off stage. Shuffling and commotion from the audience grew loud as they exited one by one, each commenting on what they thought about the show excitedly.
As 1-A regrouped and exited together, they saw Ren wearing only the jersey of her gym uniform carrying some props away. The head dress she wore was now off but her hair was still styled and makeup was on without the extended lashes.
“Ren-chan!” Togata called and excitedly waved. She turned and saw everyone’s smiling faces. Setting the prop down in the storage box, she quickly ran over.
“Oh good!” she huffed with relief. “You guys managed to make it.”
“The show was so awesome!” Jiro jumped out and tackled her in full force in the form of a hug, pushing her back a little. “I barely recognized you in costume!”
“I cried out of joy and sadness!” Kirishima shouted enthusiastically. “It was so beautiful!”
“Well, we wanted to make it dramatic,” she chuckled, her arm wrapped around Jiro’s shoulder. “And when I told everyone the first years killed their performance, it lit a fire under everyone’s butts.”
Ren then looked down to see Eri’s curious gaze. She was still holding the flower she gave her and bent down to meet the child face to face.
“What did you think, Eri-chan?”
“The show was really fun!” she beamed with a full smile and hopped around. “But there were some parts that was scary that made me go ‘ahh!’ When the bubbles popped like ‘poosh!’, I giggled when the glitter rained on me. And when you were moving around like ‘zyoom’, I was like ‘wahh!’ Then you jumped off of the swing over us, I jumped too!”
She let out a soft chuckle with a full smile and said, “You know you were the inspiration for this play?”
Ren nodded.
“I wanted to make something everyone could enjoy with you.”
The child’s eyes lit up with glee and gave the happiest smile she could make. Togata looked at Ren and smiled to himself. She’s changed so much after the raid, like she gained perspective on something she was looking for from her past. Compared to how she was before and now, he could now acknowledge her as a full-fledged hero in his eyes.
Because she now had the heart to forgive and move on. He could now comfortably pass the title of the Big Three over to her.
“Takahiro! You slacking over there?!” one of her classmates called.
“Oops, I have to go.” She stood back up with a small pop from her knees. “We’ll talk more later!”
She ran back to her class to help with the rest of the dismantling. With the festival finished, each of the dorms had their own after-party. With the second year’s party wrapping up, she headed back to 1-A’s dorms, with Tomoe and Seri in tow, only to still see them going, blaring music and all. Togata could be seen talking with Midoriya by the kitchen area.
“Senpai! You’re back!” the class happily greeted.
“Great work today!” Sero raised his cup at her. “The show was amazing!”
“Back at you guys!” Tomoe cheered. “1-A was the talk of the festival!”
The three girls mingled separately in different groups. Ren went to plop down on the couch with let out a content sigh.
“Wow, senpai. Your hair is still styled,” Ashido commented in amazement and poked at it. “What did they use?”
“A combination of hair spray and a lot of hair wax,” she replied and lightly chuckled. “I was told it’ll undo once I run water through it. But we’ll see.”
“Don’t you think senpai kinda looks like Aizawa-sensei when he uses his quirk?” Uraraka blurted out between her giggles.
Ren put her best facial impression of Aizawa and mumbled in a gruff voice, “You zygotes! Behave yourselves! I’m getting dry eye over here!” The entire class went silent for a beat and all burst out in uncontrollable laughter.
“Oh my God, senpai’s the best!” Kaminari wiped his tears away with dying chuckles.
“I never thought she was this funny,” Midoriya remarked and smiled. “But it feels like she’s really opened up.”
“It’s like she’s finally allowed herself to be herself after everything,” Togata stated with a small smile, looking at her talking to some of the juniors. “I’m gonna head out after having a word with her.”
“Oh, okay. When do you think you’ll see Eri-chan again?”
“That completely depends on Aizawa.”
The tall blond boy got up off of the chair and strutted over to Ren. Before she could greet him, he drew her into a sudden hug.
“Whoa! A sudden embrace!” Ashido exclaimed and hopped in place. “Could this be a budding love story?”
“Ah, but what about Tororoki though?” Hagakure chimed out.
“Whoa, a love triangle?!” the pink alien screamed.
“An unlikely story,” Ren flatly answered to kill off their wild imaginations as she remained stiffened at her sudden senior’s hug.
“The play today...” He spoke softly in her ear. The boyish bass of it shook her eardrums. “It was about Eri-chan and I, wasn’t it?”
Togata felt her arm reach up and hugged back, nodding into his shoulder. All the blond boy could do was bury his face in her shoulder trying to keep his emotions at bay.
“Thank you, Ren,” he whispered in her ear and released his grasp. The muscular boy then noticed her beet red cheeks. “Oh! Did I hug you too hard?”
“Huh? Uh, no. No. I’m, uh… I’m gonna go change,” she stammered and teleported up to her room.
Back in the darkness of her personal space, she slid down the wall and clasped both her hands over her mouth.
This was the first time he’s ever said her name without honorifics. And it felt weird.
“What are you doing to me, senpai...” she squeaked out.
*Hito moji: If you’ve watched “Food Wars!,” you’ll notice Megumi does it often. The story goes you write the kanji for “person” on your palm three times and swallow them. This is to calm yourself from nervousness before the audience swallows you with their presence.
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angelicarreaga · 6 years
a concept!you're pregnant with no baby daddy but that doesnt stop zion form having a big ass crush on you. it gets worse for him when you throw a baby shower at the pm house cuz they have the most space and he sees you literally glowing in your maxi dress with a lil flower crown on omg
“Dude, I really fucking like her,” Zion said, covering his eyes with his hands as his head fell back against the back of the couch, Nick laughing beside him, poking fun at how whipped he was for you.
“You don’t care that she’s about to be a mom?” Nick asked, wanting his best friend to realize that a lot of responsibility came with that.
“Not at all,” he shrugged, “I’ve been into her for what feels like forever, and the thought of a small version of her is adorable honestly.”
“Yeah her kid is gonna be damn cute,” Nick agreed, remembering how he was honestly excited when you confessed to him that you were pregnant. You had been scared, but the boys got you through the initial fear, and were still there for you every step of the way.
As if on cue, Zion’s phone began ringing and your contact appeared, bringing an instant smile onto his face as he answered, hoping his cheesy grin wasn’t audible on the other end.
“Hey Z, I have a question,” you proposed.
“Anything,” he replied.
“I really want to throw a baby shower but my apartment is way too small,” you sighed, “I was wondering if you guys would do me a huge one and let me throw it at your place?”
Nick nodded enthusiastically, and Zion laughed before telling you he would be honored to throw your baby shower there.
You squealed excitedly and soon hung up, Zion letting out a sigh as he looked over at his best friend, who was almost smiling.
“You’ve got it bad bro,” Nick laughed, shaking his head as he stood up from the couch, “let’s get this place clean if we’re throwing a party.”
The boys didn’t let you do any of the work for the party. Despite your constant offering to plan the whole thing, buy the food, decorate, and whatever else needed to be done, they refused.
They took pride in planning it all and making it the best baby shower for you. Since you knew it was no use, you sat back and let them do their thing, kind of excited for the surprise. You knew it was happening, but you had no idea what it would consist of other than the people you invited.
Boys usually didn’t attend baby showers, but you couldn’t imagine not having your best friends there for something so huge in your life, considering they were there for you more than anyone else was, including your family.
You stood in front of the mirror as you got ready to meet the boys at their place, turning your body sideways as you ran your hands over your bump that was emphasized in the pink maxi dress you had put on.
“You’re gonna be the cutest,” you muttered to your stomach, smiling as you admired the bump in the mirror for a bit longer.
You secured the flower crown on your head that you got for this occasion, thinking it matched the outfit well. You had put on light makeup and got ready to go, not knowing what to expect.
When you rang the doorbell, the door immediately was flung open, Zion standing it front of you with the other boys piling in behind him.
“Happy baby shower!” they called out, moving away so you could walk in, and your eyes lit up as you scanned the room.
There were balloons, streamers, gifts, snacks, a huge cake, every baby shower decoration you could think of. There was a playlist quietly playing in the background, and you covered your mouth in surprise as you walked in, keeping your sandals on as you went through the house.
“Guys!” you shrieked, “you didn’t have to do this for me.”
“We wanted to,” Edwin smiled, pulling you into a hug, rocking back and forth.
“Look at this cake!” you exclaimed, pointing at it. It was huge, and decorated beautifully, you knew they must have paid someone a lot to make that for you.
“Go look in the watermelon,” Brandon told you, pointing to a watermelon that was on the table, part of the arrangement of snacks they had placed there.
“That sounds strange,” you chuckled, but obliged as you walked over to it, realizing the watermelon was hollow, and inside was a baby shaped carved cantaloupe, with grapes for eyes. The rest of the watermelon shell was filled with fruit.
“You put a melon baby in a watermelon carriage?” you asked, raising your eyebrow as you looked at your best friend, unable to contain your smile.
“We did, isn’t it cool?” Brandon asked.
“It’s amazing,” you agreed, “thank you guys.”
“We also planned a bunch of games!” Zion told you, clapping his hands together, “so get ready for that.”
“You guys really went all out,” you smiled.
“Our best friend and her baby deserve the best,” Nick shrugged.
“I love you guys,” you smiled, pulling them all into a hug.
The other guests slowly began arriving, greeting you with huge grins and excited squeals as they touched your belly, handing you gifts as they walked in which you placed with the ones the boys already had.
After you guys had played the first game of everyone attempting to guess how big your belly was with a piece of ribbon, you were standing by the snacks, talking to some of your girl friends.
Zion was across the room, watching you as you threw your head back laughing, looking down at your bump with a sparkle in your eyes he had never seen before. The way your dress hugged your figure and your bump perfectly made his heart soar, knowing that baby was going to have the best mother ever.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he used to think “pregnancy glow” was a myth, but looking at you now, he knew it was real.
He didn’t even realize that you caught his eye, walking over to him after the conversation was over, pulling a dread lightly to catch his attention.
“Why were you staring?” you asked, lifting an eyebrow.
“What?” he asked.
“I saw you looking at me,” you laughed, pushing his shoulder lightly, “need something?”
“No, no,” he said, “I was just looking. You look really gorgeous.”
“Thanks, Z,” you blushed, looking down, feeling embarrassed to look him in the eyes.
“Look at these lil flowers,” he said, reaching for your flower crown and fiddling with the flowers that were secured on your head, telling you he loved them.
The party continued, and soon it was gift time. You felt sort of awkward sitting there opening a bunch of gifts that people had given you, but you made sure to tell each person how thankful and grateful you were for what they got you.
Edwin had of course given you way too many clothes, telling you that your baby was gonna be the most fashionable one out there.
Brandon had gotten cute stuffed animals, bath toys and towels and even a little bathtub.
Nick had gotten you the crib that you said you wanted but weren’t sure if you could afford.
Austin gave you a mobile for over the crib, some books and a “Diaper Genie”, which of course made you cackle at the name
The last one to open was Zion’s, and he had a huge arrangement of things for the baby. From toys, to onesies, to a photo album, he had gone all out. There was one box left from Zion, and you opened it to reveal a pair of tiny shoes.
The shoes were the same ones that you and Zion had bought matching pairs of together. You looked up at him, smiling widely as tears sprung to your eyes. Damn hormones.
Once you thanked everyone you went around to give hugs, and you stood with the boys, making sure to tell them how grateful you were for everything they do for you.
“I love the shoes, Z,” you smiled, “I mean I love the rest of the gift too, but the matching shoes are pretty damn cute.”
“I thought so too,” he grinned, tilting his head to the side slightly.
“You really didn’t have to do all this,” you said again, “I don’t deserve someone as amazing as you.”
“I would do anything for you, mama,” he smiled, feeling as though his heart was growing 5 sizes at the sight of you. He knew he was in love with you, and he promised himself he would confess it soon.
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jjbaheaven-blog · 8 years
Hi Amora! Good luck with the blog! :D In the spirit of Valentine's Day, can I please have some headcanons about how Polnareff would spend the day celebrating his love with his sweetheart? Sfw and nsfw if you're up to it (otherwise just sfw is fine too!)
Anonymous said:Hi! May I please have some Valentine themed headcanons for Polnareff and his s/o please c:
Hi to the both of you~ And of course you two can get hcs! Since you’re both asking for the same thing, why not put it together? ALSO! Take this overbearingly cheesy edited photo of Polnareff I did! 💝
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• in French culture/in France, Valentine’s Day is only meant for people in love. (As in, no loving/friendly gestures to those who are not the person’s lover.) Because of this, if he happens to see you giving out some form of gift to another person that isn’t him, he’d be a little confused–but definitely not to the point of being completely clueless. Just explain a little bit to him and he’ll be fine, but Polnareff definitely expects the best and most precious form of affection and gifts from you as he is your lover. Of course, he’d prepare his gift(s) the same for you!
• Polnareff is a man who loves to love. And he expresses his love for you practically every day, but on Valentine’s Day his feelings seem to kick into overdrive as he’s swayed by the beautiful decor around town and the overall atmosphere of people he passes by. Polnareff is that traditional and familiar sense of romance kind of guy, so the specially picked bouquet of roses or your favorite flowers is definitely something you’re given each Valentine’s Day, as well as your favorite chocolates (or sweets if you’re not a chocolate fan.) As he’s handing you your “ribbon gifts,” you take notice of the little note card stuffed delicately between the bunches of flowers. On that note card is most often a sweet and simple sentence in French or a loving nickname he calls you by–and he’s keen on getting you to learn a bit of his language, so at this point you’re able to pick up the meaning. 
• I said “ribbon gifts” before, yes? I think Polnareff might refer to his gifts in certain terms that you would associate with an actual present in a box. The ribbon, being the “beginning” of that present/what you unwrap first of that present, so, the flowers and sweets are just basic but still very pleasant gifts. That means you have to get through the box cover afterwards! And for the finale, the “most precious” gift he can give you for the holiday.
• Polnareff definitely loves taking pictures with and of you on holidays! Valentine’s Day is no exception to that, so expect him to carry around a camera while on your date. Don’t worry, he’ll try to not be obnoxious while doing so! If he happened to cook you a Valentine’s Day breakfast, he’d probably take a picture of that before serving it to you or will sneak a quick photo while you’re eating. Or if you two plan on spending the whole day out, he’d still take photos of your food at the cafe, encouraging you to pose with your food in any way, maybe with a big smile, or fingers pointing at the food with a surprised expression! 
• In France, the people spend their Valentine’s Day just like everybody else: buying simple gifts, going out on a date, maybe shopping, and occasionally stopping to eat something. Throughout the day Polnareff will happily and lovingly hold your hand or have your arm linked with his, his gaze and head often turning down and to the side to look at you, an enamored expression very clear on his face. Just by glancing at him you can tell how happy and content he is to be spending Valentine’s Day with you, the one his heart belongs to. While walking around, Polnareff is more than happy to buy you little gifts here and there, like: earrings, clothing, nick-knacks, etc.. He sort of thinks of it as the “box cover,” like I kinda poorly explained before–something to ease you into the actual present he’s bought. You might not even want any little gifts throughout the day, and if you voice it, Polnareff will stop from spending so much–and instead, be over the moon if you say something along the lines of “I don’t need all those presents when I have you,” so on and so forth.
• After spending a good majority of the day around town, light window shopping, buying even more sweets, taking pictures of the decorations and you or him (and the both of you, courtesy of a nice stranger), Polnareff might like to watch a movie with you as the sky begins to dwindle down its brightness. If not a movie, then surely a dinner at a fancy restaurant is the second choice. There at the table is when you notice just how romantic Polnareff is. You’re not sure if it’s because of the atmosphere–the warm candles offering a dimmed appearance, the fallen rose petals that scatter around the vase, and even that light, relaxing piano in the background–or if it’s because of the way Polnareff is looking at you with so many emotions that you can’t help but feel shy, 
• At the end of the day, you and Polnareff are most likely relaxing at home. He likes to brew you any kind of warm beverage you’d like, telling you to wait for him patiently. Afterwards, warm cuddling and sipping of tea/hot chocolate ensues for the rest of the night (if not feeling frisky). Polnareff would reveal the last bit of his “box present,” happily yet anxiously handing you an adorned box wrapped with pretty wrapping paper. Inside is, well, something he wishes could convey his feelings for you. Would a promise ring be too much for a Valentine’s Day gift? 
HASHAAAAAA. My two Valentine’s Day themed requests finished in one post! Speedwagon and Polnareff were the only two requests revolving around Valentine’s Day, (and I don’t know if I was supposed to receive more or not? tumblr has been deleting a few asks, i’ve noticed so i’m sorry if there were more!) so I wanted to finish those themed requests on the actual holiday! I hope you guys like it, and sorry if it seemed inconsistent and repetitive! >
Anyway~ Happy Valentine’s Day to everybody! Did you guys have fun? Received any chocolates and sweets? I did, and still have a big box of cookies to go through, haha~ (I’m definitely gonna get tired of anything sweet for a while after this tbh)
♡ Amora
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