#that's a lie his wife Sif loves him
sunnys-sonnets · 11 months
Atreus: Has anyone ever told you they love you?
Thor: Parents count?
Atreus: Yeah
Thor: Then no
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The Serpent That Binds Him
Hey everyone, this is the full fledged story I wrote for @rebornerehisuzine which I now am allowed to share on Valentines Day. I’m kinda excited that I get to share this with everyone else and it means the nine realms to me.
The Nine Realms of The World Tree all hang like the golden apples Iddun picks in the gardens for the Aesir, the gods of Asgard. Asgard lived under the rule of Othan who was known by all to be wise and ferocious, Vanaheim was home to the Vanir gods who practiced magic, the Elves lived in Alfheim, the Dwarves dwelled deep in the caverns of Nidavilir mining gems and stones, Niflheim was known to as the Land of Mist and Ice, the primordial fires of Muspelheim gave heat to the young cosmos where it is said Fire Giants made it their home, Jotunheim was home to the giants, Midgard belonged to humans, and the land of the dead was known as Helheim.
Among the Aesir, none were so brazen, so audacious as Eren Carlason. A Jotnar who became Othan’s blood-brother and a master of trickery. A slippery wily fox in a man’s body, none eludes his mischievous ways for it is said he could change shape as easily as one draws breath. From birds, to stinging insects, an otter, and more, none can find him when he is hunted down for his deserved punishment.
Many times his trickery leads to blessings. Once, his prank of cutting off Lady Sif’s golden hair led to the Aesir being gifted such wondrous works of Dwarven ingenuity such as Othan’s blessed spear Gugnir, the most lavishly golden hair for Lady Sif, and Thor’s hammer that became the bane of Jotnar; Mjolnir. After all, one does receive more than fair compensation when dealing with Carlason’s mischief.
But what Eren was guilty of was not even trickery, nor was it amusing. The Aesir were horrified by Eren committing the crime of murdering Othan’s own blessed son, Baldur.
Baldur told his mother Frigg that he had dreams of death. To avoid her son dying, she made everything in the Nine Realms swear to never harm him. And so Baldur’s goodness shone through as the Aesir would then pelt him with slings and arrows for amusement with him chuckling at the jest. Even his half-brother Thor took a swing with Mjolnir in hand and Baldur felt no thunderous strike.
“Brother, that tickled me more than it should.” Baldur laughed.
The halls of Asgard roared with laughter and Eren couldn’t help but be bored by such merriment. Even his wife Historia, for who Eren loved despite his mischief, seemed to enjoy the festivities.
“Eren, it’s not worth getting all dour over.” Historia cooed as she held him while he slumped over drinking his mead in the hall. Her golden hair illuminated by the fire light caught Eren’s green eyes as his face felt warm. Was it the mead? It had to be.
“Historia…” Eren mumbled trying to not sound drunk off of the sweetened honey wine.
Eren felt his body relax as the mead and Historia’s embrace distracted him from the merriment. Was this what if felt for him to feel love? The way Othan loved Frigg? It felt…better.
“I know you have your mind buzzing about.” Historia said as she straddled her tipsy husband. “But just relax, dear. Enjoy the festivities.”
“The lady’s right!” A booming voice roared. Thor himself enjoyed his share of meat and mead and merriment. “Perhaps one day you’ll finally find what can hurt Baldur, but that’s as likely as Ragnarok!”
Eren felt a jolt in his mind as Thor’s words rang in his ears. “As likely as Ragnarok.” Eren mumbled. Historia couldn’t help but notice his smile forming as if he was mimicking a cat.
“Eren, you mind telling your dear sweet wifey why the sudden smile?” Historia teased as she peppered him with kisses. “You seem to be deep in thought over something.”
“Oh it’s nothing.” Eren lied. “Just felt a spark of inspiration for something.” Eren felt his stomach sink as his lie pierced her ears. This wasn’t something that would happen. Eren noted in his head. Why am I lying to her? No matter, I’ll just go about proving that lumbering oaf wrong.
At Historia’s little cottage on the outskirts of Asgard, Eren slept beside her after the feast, his mind still racing with potential schemes whirling about almost as if he couldn’t shake the impulse off.
Days passed and Eren decides to try his luck hurting Baldur with scheme after scheme. Every weapon was ready and he even managed to get Thor in with a goad or several of how he probably didn’t try swinging that hammer of his, but it was all for naught. All his efforts ended with, aside from some property damage, Baldur unscathed leaving Eren grinding his teeth in frustration and his eyebrows alight with flame.
“DAMN YOU BALDUR!” Eren screamed. Drawing in slow breaths, Eren decided it was time for a new ploy. Setting forth to Frigg’s palace in the guise of an old crone, he asked her about how Baldur was unharmed by all of creation.
“Good stranger, I made all of creation swear an oath.” Frigg replied.
“Was there one thing you missed?” Eren asked in disguise.
“Ah.” She gasped. “The Mistletoe, but I think it was too young to hurt him.”
“Thank you.” Eren curtsied. “Your wisdom has made my day.”
And with newfound wisdom, Eren set his plan into motion, but he would need to play his cards right to avoid punishment.
That night was the same usual routine; Asgard’s best would try to harm Baldur for a laugh as he shrugged off all harm, but all Eren could focus on was his sprig of Mistletoe. Grabbing his knife, he carefully whittles the plant to a  point.
“Agh.” Eren hissed as he felt the tip poke him. “Perfect.”
Eren casually spotted faces in the crowd all eager to join in merriment, but someone caught his eye. Hodr the Blind sat alone at the table with no one to have him join. But that didn’t stop him from smiling at the music playing and the laughter echoing.
“Hodr, my dear friend.” Eren said. “You seem to be happy, but something tells me you want to join in on the games regarding Baldur.”
“Eren, you know I’m blind.” Hodr dryly replied. “In case you also forgot I have no weapon to throw at him.”
Eren placed the dart in Hodr’s hands. “Here’s a dart.” He said. “I will be your eyes and tell you when to throw.”
Eren pulled Hodr’s arm back and whispered “Now” as he threw the dart at Baldur’s chest. The dart pierced through his heart and onto the wall causing him to fall to the ground. The voices of the hall silenced as Eren ran to Baldur’s side.
“Baldur?!” Eren cried. “Speak up, Baldur!”
Eren’s heart sank as he realized what he did, but rather than confess his involvement, Eren needed a way out.
“Did I hit something?” Hodr asked.
Eren’s mind was racing. He just wanted to poke at Baldur instead of having him die. Gods on high, what did he think would happen? That his trickery wouldn’t have consequences? But what if Historia heard? What would they do to her? They would chain her as they did to his son Fenrir or cast her into some other realm like his daughter Hel as punishment.
“Not something, you brute!” Eren cried. “It was someone! Hodr, you slew Baldur in Asgard’s halls! Othan himself would not be able to save you from the wrath of all of Asgard!”
The hall cries out in grief. Screams of execution ring louder and louder amidst the rabble. “Hang Hodr!” The crowd roars.
Eren could remember seeing Hodr bound in irons as the hall of Othan the day after Baldur passed with crowds gathering eager to see him beheaded. He could still feel Historia hold onto him as she tried to not cry. His heartbeat racing as his eyes focused on Hodr’s head was sliced off in and fell onto the ground with a wet thump.
Hours passed after the trial and Baldur’s funeral had all of Asgard sobbing. His body was laid to rest on a funeral pyre on his ship. As the flames rose higher and higher into the night, his wife Nanna, overcome with such grief,  flung herself onto the ship. Only the might of a Giantess invited to the memorial was strong enough to push the burning ship into the sea.
Days turned to weeks, months, and years as Baldur’s death brought more disaster. All of Midgard suffered from Fimbulwinter, the winter to span three summers, cloaking the land in a blanket of ice and frost. Man turned against man in conflicts and even the gods started to sour amidst one another. But nothing could have prepared Eren for the day his own fellow Aesir would soon turn on him.
Some rightly believed Eren was the mastermind of Baldur’s death and even the failed attempt at his revival. All of creation was asked to weep for Baldur so he may return to life. And weep creation did. Stones, trees, birds, the sun and moon, and even the wolves Sköll and Hati who chase the sun and moon howled in sorrow. But a lone Giantess that lived in a cave would not weep for Baldur.
“He was never my friend!” She hissed. Her voice dripped with venom. “Let Hel have what she was given.” It was that one dismissal that cursed Baldur to never have his soul lead Hel’s clutches. In doing so, things soured for the gods more than The Norns could weave into the tapestry of Fate.
The feast of Gymir, the sea Jotun, was intended as a time of merriment. Flyting between Eren and Gymir's servants Eldir and Fimafeng started off with them joking in good faith, but Eren’s response to a scathingly clever line at his wife caused him to act and draw a knife right into Fimafeng’s throat. The gods chased Eren out with their shields into the woods and partied on thinking they saw the last of him.
Hours later, Eren marches back from the dark. His eyes sharp with intent glared at the guards at the door.
“Let me in, damnit!” Eren snarled.
The guards allow him entrance, but all eyes turn to Eren. They wondered why the bastard son of Farbautti dared to show his face in Gymir’s hall after the murder he committed.
“Let me at least get a drink.” Eren hissed, brushing off dirt from his verdant robe. “I offer no quarrel.��
“You could at least apologize.” A voice rang out. Tyr, the God of War, asked Eren “Why not at least realize your error?”
“Maybe you can get an extra hand.” Eren mouthed off. A swig of mead clouded his mind and what he spoke was worse than the Aesir could imagine. From shaming Freya’s promiscuity with the gods, to Tyr’s missing arm, insults poured from his mouth, but it was his gloating of Baldur’s death in his drunken arrogance that sealed his fate with the Aesir. Eren stormed out of the hall never to be seen by the gods.
Morning came and Eren found himself awake in Historia’s bed. His mind surged as he remembered his night drinking in the hall and the cascade of insults spewed out. His heart raced with panic as he dashed out and saw his wife and their two sons Narfi and Nari enjoying the morning with tea and honey-infused porridge.
“Eren?” Historia asked as she felt his embrace and rapid kiss on her face. “You’re not usually like this.”
“Honey…” Eren hushed. “I might have to leave.” He turns to his sons with concern in his voice. “Historia, sons…listen carefully. I’m gonna be away for a long time. I might not come back until later.”
“What’s going on?” Narfi asked.
“You tell the Aesir nothing.” Eren asked. His voice starts to crack. “I was never even here and know that I love you three.”
“You’re never like this.” Historia noted. “If you need time alone, I understand.”
“I know…” Eren whimpered. “I just…” he couldn’t even finish his thought as his tears rolled into his face. His mind blurred as Hisu and their sons held him tightly.
“Just try and stay low, please.” Nari whimpered.
“I promise, my son.” Eren assured him.
Before Eren could leave for parts unknown, Historia pulled him back into the house.
“You forgot one thing, Carlason.” Historia purred. Her lips locked to his as their sons looked on with rolling eyes and groans.
And so Eren set off to realms across. Keeping low of course came not without a problem.
Eren traveled for months and months until he came to a hidden part of Jotunheim, land of the Giants. A quaint little shack near a stream was more than enough for him. Sure it wasn’t a mansion of high taste, but at least he could stay put. That is except for the itch in his mind.
It constantly gnawed at him how laying low hindered his trickery. He was trying to stay hidden to save his hide and his family, but his mind screamed for more chaos! Eren spent however long he could trying to busy himself with anything else. But it was all for naught.
The gods managed to find Eren’s hideout to enact their retribution. In a panic, Eren threw his net into the fire and turned into a salmon to swim upstream. But the criss-cross patterns of the ashes told Thor and all what was needed and caught him by the tail. They soon dragged him into a nearby cave and brought his sons, frightened as they were. The gods placed a wolfskin on Narfi and it transformed him into a wolf. Nari pleaded for mercy as his brother savagely ripped him to shreds as his innards spilled onto the rocks.
Eren’s distraught cries filled the cave as the gods bound him in his sons innards that became iron chains. A serpent was placed over his head dripping poison causing his eyes immense pain as his vision blurred Nari’s corpse. His wailing and thrashing caused the cave to shake.
There he rots for days, possibly even weeks, with no food or drink to keep him company. Only the pain of the serpents venom until he heard the footsteps approaching of something or someone. A wailing shriek pierces his ears.
Impossible. He thought. It can’t be her. It’s all a lie!
“BACK AWAY!” Eren roared. “YOU’RE NOT REAL!”
“Eren..” Historia gasped. “Eren…what happened?”
The sound of Historia’s voice made him realize it was her. How long has he been trapped? He truly doesn’t know.
“It was my fault…” Eren sobbed. “Narfi..Nari…our sons…dead…because of me. How can you even stand to be here because of what I did to the Aesir and to him…Baldur…I didn’t…” His howls grew louder and louder.
Historia’s heart sank as she ran to Eren’s body. Pulling with all her might was in vain. The irons didn’t budge. Poison running down her face gave her a taste of Eren’s agony. Grabbing a hollow stone in the shape of a bowl, she attempted to catch the poison. But as the bowl filled, she had to empty it.
“Historia…” Eren whimpered…”run. Save your-”
“NO!” Historia yelled. “I’m staying here. I don’t care what you did. Even if Ragnarok is your fault, I’m standing behind you.”
Eren felt something amidst the pain. Devotion? Love? He couldn’t tell. His mind was fried from the pain. In his mind he saw visions of fire. Death. Historia’s death. His own following a siege on Asgard.
It is foretold one day Eren will break free of his shackles with Historia at his side with the sun and moon swallowed by the wolves Skol and Hati. But until then, Eren remains imprisoned with Historia beside him, evermore catching the poison that harms her husband. Only the comfort of his wife is all he could live for until Ragnarok commenced.There he suffers and he regrets. And he knows that he is beyond redemption,for if he was to be the monster the Aesir feared, then he should be the monster they should fear.
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yourmomxx · 2 years
my (maybe unpopular) opinions on thor: love and thunder
because I have now finally watched this movie with my family and am absolutely ready to make it everyone’s problem.
! careful, spoilers below the cut !
so first of all, being a bisexual and watching this movie was an absolutely fucking blessing
I really enjoyed seeing the guardians of the galaxy again omg! can’t wait for their movie next year
also im probably gonna get hate for this but Peter Quill was FINE this movie
that one scene in the beginning (it was like three seconds) where Peter is shooting things from out of the water? hot not gonna lie to you
mantis was so pretty, I loved the little green/blue highlights her and valkyrie had in their hair
korg, my favorite storyteller
valkyrie in casual clothes😩
valkyrie in her fighter uniform😩😩
just valkyrie😩😩😩😩😩
also that one blonde valkyrie being confirmed as val’s girlfriend? uh, yes?
jane was such a badass I love her
also I don’t know what people are on but this movie was actually really funny
sure, nothing could ever be compared to ragnarok, but the humor was great, I don’t know why everyone said that it wasn’t
I loved the sword’s shadow-magic
< korg 3
I’m not gonna say I cried for the few seconds that he was dead, but I cried for the few seconds that he was dead
valkyrie being bathed in golden blood???? this changed me😩
let’s not forget about darcy here tho🫶
I really enjoyed gorr as a villain, and his whole desert-outfit-black-and-white-shadow-theme, it was quite haunting somehow
the children’s fighting scene was EPIC it kinda reminded me of the one in ragnarok where they all fought hela’s army on the bifrost
that one little girl with her killer stuffed rabbit? iconic.
loved that they brought back the re-enactments of the loki and thor adventures
the sound track SLAYED. literal goosebumps
stormbreaker’s jealousy was hilarious
didn’t know heimdall had a son, but good for him man, good for him.
valkyrie and korg’s friendship was so sweet
also val and jane were girlfriends in this movie you can’t change my mind
my wife sif absolutely slayed her two minutes of screentime
the relationship between thor and his adopted niece daughter was so adorable
anyone else loves the first credits? like, the colorful ones? I don’t know but they were so cool
heimdall and jane’s reunion in valhalla made me a little bit emotional I’m not gonna lie
also thor really got the “lose everyone you love” premium gold subscription
that’s it folks, overall I really enjoyed the movie and if you have something to add, feel free to do so!
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As a taller girlie, I’m wondering... how would Chris and his characters react to their S/O being taller than them?
I honestly have nothing to do so how bout I treat you guys for a comeback. Its a little short just for a small comeback but if you want me to do a part two for this let me know :) Happy Friday yall.
Requests closed for now until I catch up on people's past requests if they still want them.
Characters Listed: Chris Evans, Steve Rogers, Ransom Drysdale, Andy Barber, Johnny Storm, Jake Jensen
How Chris' Characters Would React To A Tall S/O
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Chris Evans
Chris doesn't mind a tall s/o, he might make jokes here and there, you make fun of him. You and Hemsworth are both tall so it's fun when you're in the same rook together. Chris loves when you wear heels though, it makes it more funnier to him on the carpet when his lover is towering over him. If he had a dime every time someone asked, "How does it feel to be the short lover?" He'd be richer than he normally was.
Whether you're taller or not, he still treats you like you're the small spoon. But to be clear, you're definitely not Andre the Giant to him. You're not Shaq to him either, you're the love of his life and he will love you no matter what. Honestly, you probably got a lot of comments of being the pick of the relationship since most loves tall women.
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Steve Rogers
Intimidated the first moment he saw you. It was at a party. Whether you had superpowers or not, he thought you were another supersoldier. "Nah, she's just the front desk receptionist," Tony says. It was a lie, you were in SHIELD as an agent, you actually were Tony Stark's secret bodyguard but also chaperone.
That was also a lie told by Tony. But you were an agent. Steve and Sam were both afraid to step up and ask how the hell you were tall. Thor was even impressed that she managed to be the same height as him and taller than Sif. Thor was fond of you and believed you were a God trying to be an undercover agent.
Years after, Steve asked you out and ever since people never shut up about the height (Tony himself) Natasha was the support but joked every once in a while. Steve always like the height, it was never seen a lot where he saw how strong and confident a tall woman could be. You literally looked like you'd kick ass even if you didn't know hoe to fight. His pre-serum self would be jealous. But he loved you and enjoyed how you looked at him with a smile.
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Ransom Drysdale
There's a chance some things can get spicy. Not inna sexual way of course. There's challenges. Ransom doesn't like being downgraded by tall people but when it comes to his s/o. You're in bit of a tough ride. Ransom never knew how the hell he got you, but he thought you were a model at first.
He didn't plan on dating you, until he actually put effort into something more and eventually asked you out. Now he's gotten cocky. When with family, you've become almost as tall as his uncle, Walt. The family never has filters, especially Walt.
There's always going to be one person who picks on you and Ransom's height differences. "Have you grown taller, Y/N?" Walt asks, "Figured you'd stop by now, one day, it's gonna hurt Ransom's ego."
Being taller only made you the center attention but also help for the kids.
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Andy Barber
Surprising enough, Andy didn't know how he got you and how you got so tall. You just happened to grow faster than him in Law School. Andy doesn't mind having tall wife but Jacob finds that shit cool. There's kids always talking about you with Jacob. Even you became an officer, you'd stop by and scare anyone.
Andy jokes here and there but he loves you no matter what. Sometimes the niegbors gossip on how a tall woman should be with a man taller than her but you didn't give a dang and married someone just a couple inches shorter. Who cares? Tall people are cool.
"How's the weather down there?"
"I'm a lawyer, not a Weather Forecaster."
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Johnny Storm
There's two things, Johnny being mentally and physically bigger but in reality, he's neither. With a tall woman, he's shocked to see a tall glass of water (he says) roam in the building with Reed. There's a lot of moments where he's going to flirt almost any chance he gets.
"I know the air is pretty thin up there," Johnny began, he smirk, "Why don't you lay in my bed and catch your breath?"
"Uh... no?"
Rejected? Oh no, he doesn't take that for an answer. He's going to try.
"Do you play basketball? Maybe volleyball?"
Johnny tries again. "You would totally be worth the climb!" Disgust received from you. "You're a tall drink of water. And I'm thirsty!"
"Just ask me out already and stop talking about my height." Johnny didn't need to be told twice as he happily gave you his number.
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Jake Jensen
Oh, you two aren't the ones talking about height differences. It's your friends you guys work with. Yeah, Pooch out of the rest was a pain in the ass about your height. But you happened to be the most powerful person in the group.
Jensen loved your height, he liked being the smaller one (secretly). He liked it when people were watching you. Even though you weren't that overly tall than him, he liked it when you placed your hand on his head or shoulder. He likes looking up at you too. There's always a point where he gets on one knee to dramatically request help or anything.
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goddessofmischief · 4 years
Blue Monday, Chapter Six - Loki x T.V.A.! Reader
Chapter Six: Blood and Blade
...Asgard, some years ago...
“Amora!” teenage Thor shouted, tossing her a sword. “Train with me!”
She grinned, picking the weapon up and obliging, while teenage Loki glowered on the sidelines. He hated seeing them together, because he could always hear the whispers that accompanied it, even if there weren’t any.
They’re perfect...
He loves her...
She’ll be queen, someday...
Trying to breathe around the lump in his throat, he reacted, too distracted by his own pettiness to have care for anything else. And when he reached out his hand, the sword Amora was presently using to pin Thor to the ground transformed into a serpent.
“Ow!” she shouted, stepping away from it. “What?” asked Thor. “What, what’s wrong?” She shook her head.
“Nothing, it just... it bit me.”
Thor kicked the snake away, and she laughed, slightly, waving her hand over the bite on her arm and using magic to remove the venom.
“Are you alright?” he asked her, putting his arm around her shoulders. It was a brotherly action, Loki conceded. He saw that now. There hadn’t been anything between them, at all.
“Yes,” she said, smiling, slightly, her face trembling. “Yes, I’m fine.” Thor still looked confused as to what had happened, and Loki prayed that Amora wouldn't connect the dots, either - but she gave him a withering glance as she passed by, and he knew that she had.
He set down his book, following her to the wooded area where they sometimes went for walks.
She didn’t turn around. “Amora, I didn’t mean it-”
She stopped in her tracks, and he caught up to her.
“You’re... crying,” said Loki, sort-of awkwardly.
Amora raised her blue sleeve to her face, drying her eyes, and she swallowed.
“I’m not.” “I saw you, love. You can’t lie to me. Thor, maybe, that wouldn't be so difficult-” “Fine. I was crying. I... I just...” Amora raised her face to look at him, and he felt frozen, made guilty by her red eyes. “We used to be... we used to be friends. Why d’you hate me?”
“I... don’t.”
Amora scoffed. collapsing on a tree stump.
“Then why do you send snakes after me? Or transform my sword, when I’m trying to train? Or... even little things, like using magic to tug my hair during ceremonies. Or avoid me. It seems like you’re always avoiding me.”
“And you’re not going to tell me why, are you?” Loki sat down, cross-legged, next to her.
“Do you really want me to?” Amora nodded.
He swallowed.
“It’s only because I love you,” he managed, fighting around the lump in his throat. “That’s... that’s why.” He took note of her confused expression, looking away. He was about to stand up again and walk away, but she reached over, grabbing his hand.
“Because, you’re...” he struggled to find the right words. “You’re really... really... beautiful.” Amora looked hurt, almost. Disappointed.
“And... that’s it? That’s all there is?”
He tried, desperately, to think of what Thor would say. He’d know what to do.
“Well... what else is there?” If she looked hurt before, she was devastated now. Her hands crossed over her chest, and she turned, as if she was about to walk away.
It was at that moment that it really sunk in. She didn’t care what Thor would do.
She wanted to know what he would do.
“No,” Loki said, reaching out to her. “Truthfully, no. I didn’t mean that.”
“Tell me the truth, then.”
He gulped.
“I care for you because... because you’re the only person I’ve ever met who makes me feel not-so-lonely. I’m happier, with you. Different. You make me different.” She reached over, then, and kissed him, softly. “Don’t be too different, okay?” “Never,” he promised. “Let’s just... swear to stay the same, forever?” “Oh, I swear.”
Just then, he woke up.
It had been three days since the last mission.
You felt broken.
Loki had noticed.
You were upset with yourself, mostly. Upset that you couldn’t let it go - but even more upset that you’d let yourself become attached. You’d only known the female Loki for moments.
Even still... you were sure that you had loved her. You knew that.
It was Mobius, standing in your doorway.
You cleared your throat.
Please don’t be a new mission, you thought, your heart pounding. Please, please-
"I think it’d be best if you underwent some training. Trained Odinson, as well.” You nodded, feeling relieved. “Of course,” you agreed, standing up and following him down the hallway.
Loki waited for you.
Of course.
You knew he felt guilty about how things had gone. Not that he regretted killing Lady Loki - he didn’t seem to. But he regretted your part in it.
And he still had his doubts that you could even tolerate him now that he was responsible for death of the woman you had fallen in love with.
So he’d kept his distance, for now.
“I’m here to train you, right?”
“Yes,” Loki said, “...But not only. Mobius has been made aware of the last mission’s... fate. He believes you should be trained with a weapon you could defend yourself with. From other supernatural beings, from... me.” “Alternate versions of you, you mean?” “Hopefully, yes. But you never know. People who liked me have tried to kill me before.”
“I never said I liked you, Odinson,” you said, teasing for the first time in awhile.
“You never said you didn’t, either - now, we’re going to have to get you acquainted with a few different weapons, so you know your options. Try these.”
Loki passed you his daggers.
“Here, hold them like this-”
You shrank away.
“What?” he asked, sounding vaguely offended. “What, you don’t like them?” You shook your head, slowly.
“The... weight doesn’t feel right in my hands,” you offered, trying to come up with an excuse. What else could you say? The truth, that you didn’t want to wield the same weapon that had killed female Loki? Could you say that, without hurting your Loki?
He nodded, taking your words as the truth.
“Have you tried a staff?” “A... a couple times. I’m clumsy with it.”
Loki hesitated, almost imperceptibly.
Your breath caught in your throat, and something familiar, yet new echoed through you.
Sword. Yes.
You wanted a sword.
“...How did you know...?”
“Amora used a sword,” he admitted, bluntly. “Though you couldn’t exactly wield hers... it was a powerful thing, really, called Kursebreaker - the long blade of the damned.”
“Kursebreaker?” “Yes, well... we were a little obsessed with fairytales back then. The Kursed were a breed of Dark Elf - well, they were. All the dark elves are dead, now. Nothing to worry about there. But Odin had loved to scare us with the stories - my mother, not so much. She’s terrified of them.”
Even though you were upset with him, you loved hearing Loki talk, no matter what the subject.
But listening to him speak about Asgard was nothing short of magical.
“Then again, Kursebreaker is gone.”
“She was set off with it. At her funeral. That’s a thing Asgardians do... we bury our dead by casting them off waterfalls. It’s peaceful, really - of course, I can hardly remember it. I was well and truly drunk.”
You hadn’t known for sure before that his Amora was dead - you’d thought perhaps she had disappeared, or cast him aside. Somehow, there was something even more terrifying about living up to the standard set by a dead woman.
“ I can’t ever imagine you being a drunk,” you said, trying to tease and lighten the mood. “...Even on Asgard.” “Well, I wasn't. But I had begun being so many things I hadn’t been before she left us, I figured... why not add another? And it was only for the week of her funeral, anyhow. My father - Odin... had never liked the idea of us, had expected her as a wife for Thor. He spent most of the time around her burial trying to convince me that I would have been better with someone else. He didn’t understand. I didn’t... want anyone else. I still don’t.”
Loki swallowed, and you knew you were hearing all of this as a form of apology for the mission.
“Anyhow,” he spoke, clearing his throat and withdrawing a thin sword from seemingly nowhere, “You’ll need this. I want you to fight me with it.” “Fight you?” “You’ve never fenced before, and I have to see your form. See how hopeless you are at it.”
“...Hey!” He grinned, and you rolled your eyes.
“It’s alright, no one starts out good. Well, I did.” “Maybe I will, too,” you countered, assuming what you thought was a good fencing position. “What is that? What in Hel are you doing?” You shrugged, waving the sword, carelessly.
“I’m preparing to fence? ...I think?” “No, no, no,” he muttered, walking toward you. “No, this just won’t do - stand like me.” “I’m trying, Loki!”
“Don’t be difficult, now - I’m not going through this again...”
“What, do all your students give you trouble?” “Amora did.”
She was talented.
Amora, in recent memory, had been nothing. Which is why their friendship had always made sense to him - he felt close to being nothing, too.
And, since she had been nothing, just an orphan girl that Odin had rescued from a village in Vanaheim and given a home in the palace, she was absolutely miserable at fighting. Miserable at it.
To others, this was acceptable. She wasn’t meant for much else than a symbol of Asgard’s great kindness, how they’d taken in some pathetic girl, a girl who if Odin wanted it, would someday be the people’s princess, and then their queen. She was a sad story. A convenience of war. Someone Thor mostly ignored, someone Sif hated. No matter how good a warrior Sif was, as long as Amora was Odin’s chosen, Sif could never have Thor. No matter how kind or noble, Sif could never beat out the sob story of the poor little orphan.
To Loki, she was simply his best friend. The only person who ever spoke to him, or laughed at his jokes, or stood beside him at ceremonies.
But she was tiny, and frail, and easy to be picked on. That was completely unacceptable to him. He himself had experience with being pushed around from an early age, so he’d trained. Every bone in his body was a weapon, especially his mind. He could be outmuscled, sure, but never outmaneuvered.
Amora, he knew, shared many of these same traits. She lacked a certain cruelness that he prized, but he saw her become occasionally savage. He’d appeal to that instinct, draw it out. “Again,” he said, tapping his own sword on the ground. “Again.”
"Loki,” Amora groaned, struggling to get up. “We’ve gone five rounds-” “And I intend to keep going until you win. Again.”
"Again!” Loki shouted at you, and you could swear a rib was broken. Around your fourth dueling loss, something seemed to have snapped inside of him. He’d become manic, unhinged. He’d pushed you to limits you didn’t even know you had. Training had begun slowly, but he’d gotten to the point of even throwing obstacles at you with magic. He seemed to have forgotten, in his fever, that you didn’t have magic to defend yourself with.
It had to stop.
He was going to kill you.
“I said,” he yelled, running at you, “Again!”
You ducked, a curl of your hair cut off by the blade. You supposed you should have considered yourself lucky it wasn’t a finger, or your arm entirely.
“Loki, stop-” He knocked the sword from your hands, kicking you to the ground. “Yield.”
“I yield! I yield, okay!”
“I can’t!” “Yes, you can! I intend to keep going until you win!”
You took up your sword again, readying yourself.
Again, he trapped you. You were struggling, trying to escape the chokehold he had you in.
“Yield,” he insisted, and you tried to breathe long enough to get the word out.
“I... y...”
“Yield!” He wouldn’t really kill you, you thought, blood rushing to your head.
Would he? Loki seemed to have forgotten that he was fighting you, a Midgardian. Maybe on Asgard, this was training for beginners.
“I yield,” you choked out, and he released you.
“Again, Amora!”
The words escaped his mouth before he could think them, and all at once, you saw his face fall. He collapsed to the ground.
“Loki?” you whispered, timidly, approaching him and wondering if this was an elaborate sneak attack. If it was, he had no need for one. You hadn’t won a match yet.
He was crying.
You knelt down to his level.
“Hey, Loki,” you said, clutching your injured rib with one hand and taking his hand with the other, “I’m really okay, it’s not so bad-”
He shook his head.
“What have I done,” he spoke, quietly, looking at your bruised figure.
“I’m okay.” “I could have killed you.”
“I kinda thought you would, for a minute,” you admitted. He didn’t respond.
“Promise me you’ll be looked over? By... do you have healers here?”
“Yeah, we do - but Loki, can't you heal people?” “No. Not me.”
Loki wrenched his hand from yours, and without another word, he turned his back to you, retreating to his rooms.
gorgeourrific-nerd @suwupremeleader​ @sserpente @tripleyeeet
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thefluffzone · 4 years
Where the Ocean meets the Forest, Chap 3
Yeah it’s ya boi reader, back at swooning for Eivor. Because lets be real, who wouldn’t.
Chap 1
Chap 2
fem!Reader x male!Eivor
typed on my phone but FINALLY edited on laptop. :D
Music Tipp: Wardruna - Grá
As soon as the settlers arrived, the people immediately began to scout, hunt, set the tents and rebuild the broken parts of the longhouse. It was the most important building, since there were not enough tents to house all the villagers. The people of the settlement worked all very well together and like that, every makeshift home and the big house were finished very soon. Everyone worked so well together, Eivor and you even had the time to teach each other and your chats soon became joyous banter.
The evening the longhouse was finished, Sigurd called for a feast. In his opening speech, he welcomed his people again in Anglia and decided, the name of the settlement should be Hræfnathorp, Ravensthorpe. The crowd cheered him on and the Jarl urged Bragi to start singing, so the festivities could begin. You were currently sitting with Randvi when the Jarl and his friends from the east sat themselves close to the two of you. "What say you, Sif, how long does it take you to train young ravens as messengers?", Sigurd asked you while pouring another mead for you and his wife. You thought about it for a second before you gave him an answer. "Sadly, my Jarl, it will need several moon cycles.", you admitted then. "One for finding the fitting birds, and at least three more for training. I will give my best to speed up the process, but I cannot guarantee anything. Please forgive me."
You felt bad. They took you with them because of the birds and now you could not even meet their expectations, but now you saw Sigurd shrugging and heard him laughing. "We will make it work. For now, enjoy the feast my friend!" Randvi nudged him and he smiled at her. "Yes, my love. Right.", he told her. Then he looked at you. "Randvi told me you do not have a tent of your own, only one for your birds. Is that true?", the Jarl asked. "Yes, it is true. My.. my parents always said we can sleep outside, but we have to treat the birds well or else they will fly away. I intend in keeping it that way." Your friend laughed and even Sigurds strange companions chuckled. "Have I not told you that she will not grasp your hint?", she told him. You stared at her for a moment, then asked very confused: "Is something not right?" "We finished the longhouse first so everyone without a tent can sleep in the hall.", Sigurd explained with a tone in his voice which said, he thought that fact would be obvious. "As long as we do not have any guests, you can  even use the spare bedroom. But anyways you can stay in this hall as long as needed. Also, as soon as you find some birds, I guess they will like the warmth of the house more than a windy tent."
Your eyes grew wide when you heard that, as well as your grin. "Thank you, Jarl Sigurd! I will gladly accept this offer.", you exclaimed. The bench beside you creaked. "Which offer?", you heard Eivors voice. He just did not wait for your answer, but took your hand to drag you to a free spot amongst the dancing people. "Eivor! What was that just now?", you asked him, laughing quietly. He smiled at you - there was his favorite sound again! "Care to dance with me?", he asked you then instead of answering, so you simply nodded. The two of you fully expected another cheerful song by the Skald, but Bragis next piece of music was a slow, quiet one about the beauty of the nature the gods created. The warrior before you asked first "May I?", before he gently laid his hands on your waist. You automatically placed yours on his shoulders and gods, it just felt so natural. Like you were made for embracing his strong form. Quickly, you hid those thoughts in the back of your head in favor of  swaying to the music and enjoying the beautiful tunes. After a few moments, Eivor whispered: "My brother has told you to reside in the house for the moment, right?" You grinned. "Yes! I am so happy, it will be great for the birds.", you explained, equally silent. Then a mischievous glint made its way to your eyes. You winked at him and added: "Also it will do wonders for you to see something as beautiful as me first in the morning." He had to hide a laugh. "For that, you would need to lie in the same bed as me or someone else could be faster than you, dear Sif." Although you tried to hold his gaze, you could not stop yourself from blushing. He smiled at your red face while you tried your best to come up with a good answer, but then you retorted: "Well, I fear my birds would not like me if I would reek of blood, sweat and grime. So I am sorry, my friend, but I will rather use the bed they offered me and let the Norns decide about the fate of your eyes every day."
Now he could not hold himself back any longer, Eivor just had to laugh out loud. That loud and sudden, the Skald even stopped singing for a moment. As soon as the warrior regained his breath, he apologized for interrupting the singer and led you back to the table you were sitting before, tears of mirth still glistening in his eyes. You had to chuckle too, as proud as you were on your answer. "Another mead for you, my dear?", he asked you, but you declined. "No, thank you. If I take another cup of Teklas ungodly brews I fear I might not know where up and down is anymore.", you told him. He poured you another drink anyway and very eagerly so. "If I can drown your wit with Teklas help, so be it.", he chuckled. "Although I do like women with not only sharp axes but sharp minds and tongues alike, I might cut myself if I cannot dull all of your weapons." You laughed merrily and took your drink, but your answer, what kind of warrior would fear such tiny blades, led to a long and mead-soaked talk with the drengr. It became late, the hall emptied and you two still talked with each other, now indeed very drunk. The brew made your sight turn, but also it gave you the  confidence to place a tiny kiss on Eivors cheek when you wanted to go to bed. He wished you a good night and watched your every step when you left, until a merrily smiling Sigurd sat beside him.
"You are staring, brother.", he stated simply and stifled a laugh when Eivor started shifting around. The younger pouted. "You are imagining things. Since when does the alcohol not agree with you anymore?" Sigurd laid a hand on Eivors shoulder. "I know you all your life, brother. And I know  how you look at people you are fond of. If I were you, I would act on it. But if the fog if alcohol clouds your eyes so much that you cannot see the obvious, you should maybe go to sleep first. Maybe the light of day will bring you the clarity you need." The redheaded laughed quietly and left his brother  to the thoughts he stirred in him.
Sorry for the length. I only can do drabbles and essays, nothing in between.
Chapter 4 in progress!
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hela-avenger · 4 years
poison & wine- part 32
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1482
Summary: Prince Loki of Asgard is in need of a date to take back home. That’s where you come in with a task of your own to make the whole trip with an insufferable prince worth it. Too bad that things don’t always go as planned and you end up giving more than you can take. Fake-Dating AU.
A/N: Thanks for your comments, everyone! The last update certainly brought the drama and I know I broke some hearts but it will be resolved! I promise! Only three parts left! With some bonus scenes too! 
poison & wine masterlist
Loki had told you to leave. In fact, he yelled at you to leave. As if you had been a hindrance to him and perhaps you are for having convinced him to continue with the lie to this exact point. 
You’re stupid. 
Incredibly stupid to have thought that this could ever work. 
Loki did not love you. Maybe he cared, but he did not love you. You mistook his friendliness for love and now you were suffering the consequences.
You’re humiliated and worst of all you’re alone in a random hallway of the palace far away from the home that you know and love. A home that hadn’t made you suffer like your time spent in Asgard. 
Yes, you’re a half-breed, a demi-god, a girl split between two realms.
You’re also an orphan. A traveler with no sense of direction. A flower with no roots. 
Most importantly, you’re a heartbroken fool who thought that a royal prince could ever find you worthy of his love. 
You didn’t know where to go. You don’t know where you were meant to go. You were too focused on trying to keep the tears at bay to formulate a plan at the moment. All you desired at the moment was to leave this realm once and for all and forget everything that’s happened here.  
So why not? Why not leave the realm once and for all? It was what Loki desired just a day ago and for good reason. He had tried to spare you the heartbreak and you had still asked for it. 
You pick up your silk skirt once again and start to run. 
You somehow manage to find yourself back at the royal stables but any luck you had, which was not much to begin with in the first place, is all gone as the Lady Sif looks up at you in clear surprise.
“What are you doing here?” you ask. “Shouldn’t you be at the celebration like everyone else?”  
“Someone has to keep guard,” she answers before glancing at your gown. “What’s your excuse? Isn’t it for your honor?”
You don’t know how to respond. You may be upset but you weren’t ready to let all your feelings out to the first person you found. Especially to someone who showed her clear distaste to the man you loved. 
“I had to get out of there,” you answer. “I just… It’s not what it turned out to be.” 
“So you came to the stables?” she asks, confused. 
Your impromptu plan was falling apart all because of a nosy knight. 
“Look, I just came for a ride so if you don’t mind…” 
You try to move past her but she’s quick to catch your arm. 
“You’re very upset,” she notes. “What did Loki do?” 
“Why do you think he had something to do with this?” 
“Because I know him.” 
“Well, it’s clear that you don’t,” you argue. “He… He did nothing. This was all me.” 
You let out a sigh knowing you wouldn’t get anywhere without revealing the truth. 
“I fell in love with him, and he didn’t,” you confess. “My heartbreak is my own to blame.” 
Surprisingly, Sif relents and lets you go. 
“I understand,” she whispers. “The princes have a certain allure, don’t they?” 
It takes you a second to realize who she’s referring to.
“Oh,” you answer. “You and…” 
“Yes, and we don’t have to speak about it,” Sif remarks sharply before softening. “I’m sure you don’t.” 
“I don’t,” you agree. “But I love him and he doesn’t which is why I can’t be here anymore. I have to get out of here.” 
“So where do you wish to go?” Sif asks as she pulls her horse out of the stable. “I’ll take you.” 
“The Bifrost,” you state ignoring her obvious surprise. “I wish to go home.” 
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The moment you left the royal hall, Loki turned to his enraged father. He did not dare to offer an explanation until you were far enough away from the scene. Loki hated himself for having to raise his voice at you but it was better than the alternative. You didn’t deserve to be caught in the aftermath of his lie. You didn’t deserve to be hated by Asgard and incur Odin’s wrath because of him. 
“Tell the musicians to start,” Loki orders the nearby servant as he hands the case holding the apple for him to take. “And keep the guests away from the throne room.” 
With that order done, Loki turns to his silent and angry Odin. 
“My father and I wish to discuss in private.” 
Odin refrains from snapping at him as Frigga comes into his vision. Just a gentle touch from his wife seems to bring him back from the brink of disaster and allows for Odin to be led into the nearby throne room without uttering a word.
“Now, son,” Frigga begins calmly. “Please explain to us why you’ve caused such disruption on a day like this?”
Loki looked between his mother and Odin unsure of how to speak the truth he had evaded and ignored for so long. 
“I lied,” Loki states simply. “I’ve been lying to you this whole time. The courtship and now this engagement…” 
Loki pauses and looks at Odin with a sigh. 
“You were right,” he whispers. “I made a deal with her to fake a courtship with me and she accepted.”
He can’t help but laugh now, bitterly. It drove him mad trying to figure out when things had suddenly gone wrong. At what moment were fake emotions became real and true. 
“And now… Now, things have become such a mess,” Loki exhales as his dark humor fades away. “Such a mess and I have no idea how to fix it because I love her. I love her with my entire being and she doesn’t even know. She doesn’t know that I would follow her till the end of the universe if it meant I could be by her side always.” 
Loki turns away from them, his hands shaking, and he doesn’t know why he's confessed more than he had to. 
“I love her,” Loki whispers. “And because I love her, I couldn’t force her to take a bite from the Apple of Idunn. She already detests time for having taken her away from her family, a home, and… love. How could I let her take a bite of that apple when it is the last thing she wishes for herself?”
“It was not your decision to make…” 
Loki is surprised by this calm response from Odin prompting him to turn around to finally face him. His father’s wrath was gone, replaced by gentle understanding. As if the patient wisdom that Odin’s always described with finally made itself known in Loki’s presence. 
“The gift I offered was for the Lady Y/N,” Odin continues. “She should have been the one to accept or reject it, not you.” 
Loki opens his mouth to argue but Odin raises his hand to stop him before he could even utter a word. 
“No, no, it’s time for you to listen to me now,” Odin interrupts him. “I’ve known all along the game you were playing, Loki. The timing of it all was too convenient to be true, but the lies and stories you wove to explain it all were convincing. They were convincing because in brief moments of clarity you two were speaking the utmost truth about the way you perceived and felt for each other.” 
Odin glances over to Frigga who offers him a small smile. 
“When I spoke to Lady Y/N after the incident of your tournament match, a tactic I hoped to unveil the trickery you were pulling, she met me strong and unafraid. She further revealed the loyalty and trust she held for you as she defended you quite strongly.” 
“I already know this,” Loki tells him. 
“I know you do, but what you don’t know is what she told me afterward.” 
Loki waits for Odin to tell him but the Allfather remains silent. 
“What? What did she tell you?” 
“That, my son, is something you will have to hear from her,” Odin answers with a hidden smile. “I have spoken more than enough on her behalf. I believe it is time you have an audience with her. Tell her how you feel and allow her to do the same.” 
Loki doesn’t trust Odin’s genuineness in the situation but a glance to his mother reveals that he should as Frigga nods for him to go. 
“We will make excuses for you and Y/N’s absence in the hall,” Frigga tells him. “Go after her!” 
Loki doesn’t need to be told twice as he quickly runs out of the throne room in search of you. There were many places you could be hiding in, but Loki doesn’t get the chance to look at any of them as a flashing of lights on the horizon catches his attention. 
The Bifrost. 
You were already gone.
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poison & wine tag: @damalseer @just-the-hiddles @jessiejunebug @nonsensicalobsessions @smollest-soybean @assassinoftheworld @readerbandit @doyoufeelikeayounggod @strangemcuvlogs @ha-tep @i-dont-know-eiither @gene-king @day-dreaming-fox @bn-studies @is-it-madness @devilbat @victor-criss-bish @skinny-macncheese @musicconversedance @baby-bunnyxn @fandoms-allovertheplace @marvelloonie @jinxjinxednova @queenmuahaha @accio-boys @eternalqueensworld @umlvk @roger-the-reindeer @punkrockhufflefluff @your-local-abyss @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals​ @rogerrhqpsody @imsad420 @pandacookieowo @justnerdystuffs @hanoi15​ @oneprolificqueen​ @nikki-who-likes-coffee​ @fandomrelative​ @nikki419ninja​ @onedollarduck​ @help-i-need-a-social-life​​ @ephemeraljade​ @catsladen @amwolowicz​ @captainmarvelnerd​ @thegirlbeyondtheuniverse​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-njorddottir @aoirohi​ @defunctcherrybomb​
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie​ @moonlightprime
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
OG616 : Thor 1 - Pt.6 [The Mourning]
[My masterlist, where all parts of this and my other fics can be found]
Pairing: Loki / Sigyn (basically an oc based off the marvel/myth namesake)
Warnings: Angst, some.. Hopelessness? And mild flirting.
Author’s Note: Very long one here. Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @high-functioning-lokipath
To be added to the taglist, just ask me here or send a message! <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A very distinct, sharp pain washed over Sigyn as she pondered Odin's words. Like a knife plunging into her gut, twisting, pulling - but never leaving. Only hurting worse and worse, the very air in her lungs seizing up.
Loki is dead.
Her throat burned.
Loki is dead.
Tears streamed down her face.
My Loki is dead.
She broke. Her entire body shook with a sob as she collapsed onto the couch she was seated on, weeping. "He can't, he- He's not, he's not.."
"Sister.." Thor wrapped her in a hug, his jaw set firm. Frigga placed a hand on her back.
Odin’s grip tightened around Gungnir. "He's gone."
"No he's not."
"He's NOT!" She screamed, struggling in Thor's grip, who clenched his jaw as he held her. "He's not- He can't be, he.. Loki.." Her body gave way, unable to cope.
Thor helped her stand, letting her sob against him.
"I wish it were true," Odin resumed, forgiving the interruption, "That he could still be with us. But he made his choice."
Sigyn glared at him.
"You made your choice when you lied to him! When you lied to all of us for countless years. We built our life around that lie!" She choked back another sob. "Now our lives are ruined because of it."
Odin didn't respond.
"Sigyn, have care how you speak." Frigga stepped between them, finally composed, though her eyes still glistened. "We need time to grieve, all of us. But perhaps, you most of all." She cupped Sigyn's cheek, wiping a tear away. "Go rest. Arguing will breed nothing but more pain."
Frigga was right. Arguing now would only make things worse - Odin wasn’t exactly known for a cool temper. But her head was still spinning. Loki couldn't be gone. There had to be some other way. Straightening up, Sigyn wrung her hands together. Swallowed. "I-I am sorry, Allfather.. I spoke out of line.."
Odin waved his hand, still looking away.
"Thor," Frigga managed a gentle smile at her son, "Please take Sigyn back to her chambers before you visit the healers."
Thor nodded, and without another word, he and Sigyn left.
Sigyn stayed in her chambers for days on end. She ignored the time. Refused to eat. Refused to sleep in her bed - no, their bed - it still smelled like him. She spoke to no one. Retreated into the solace of being completely and entirely alone. Once the dust had settled, the wounded healed, and the palace put back in order, a feast was held for those who defended Asgard and helped Thor return home.
Sigyn was required to attend.
I can't exactly refuse... She reasoned, pulling on an emerald green gown. Putting on her favorite necklace, she gazed in the mirror.
She was pale. Paler than usual. Sickly and thin, with dark circles under her eyes. Hardly the shining goddess she would be expected to appear as. She looked down at the necklace. She’d had it for a long time. A rectangular medallion on a thin, metal chain - the medallion bearing two serpents, intertwined with each other, each biting their own tail. A symbol of Loki’s adaptability and cunning.
"If you should like to...” Loki had murmured, obviously nervous has he offered it to her, “I would be honored to see you wear it.”
It had been a perfect gift, marrying her colors with his symbol. She barely took it off, except of course when she was expected to wear coordinating clothes. Then it lived in a small wooden box on the dresser, safe from dust.
This will be my first meal without you. She ran her thumb over the symbol. I love you. I miss you.
Composing herself, she left her room.
Servants and guests alike stared at Sigyn when she arrived. She was late. She adjusted the necklace, ignored their whispering. Ignored the stares, the side glances...
Maybe I should’ve stayed alone.
"Sigyn.." Sif walked up to her. "I am so sorry for your loss.."
Sigyn merely watched the warrior as she spoke. She felt like something inside her had died along with Loki. Something was lost. She wasn’t sure if it would ever return.
Sif swallowed. "Truly, I am."
With great effort, Sigyn spoke, her voice dry from lack of use. "Thank you, Sif." She forced as much of a smile as she could, then took her seat.
Conversation picked back up. Stories were told. Laughter spread.
Sigyn stayed there. Motionless. Expressionless. Staring at her untouched goblet. This wasn't worth it. Nothing was worth it. Nothing had meaning anymore.
She turned to look at all the guests. They were eating together happily, drinks sloshing over their food as they raised toasts and struggled to contain their laughter at Volstagg’s stories.
Their spouses hadn't been taken from them. They hadn't lost someone.
This is life now, isn't it. Sigyn turned back to her empty plate. This is the lot I was cast.
Her vision grew blurry with tears.
The curse worked. Loki is dead. I'll never be loved agai-
She clenched her jaw.
Don't you dare start thinking like that. Don't you give up now. Keep going. Keep fighting. If not for yourself, for him. Do it for him.
She looked back at all the familiar faces around her.
Be strong. Be strong for him.
A tear ran down her cheek.
Make him proud.
"A toast, to Asgard! For the glory of our realm!" Roared Volstagg, raising his glass.
Be strong for Loki.
Sigyn stood and raised her glass with a smile.
"To Asgard. Our home."
Time passed. The grief-stricken goddess still wept for her lost husband, still dreamed about him every night. But as the months went on, she wept less. She slowly began healing from the wound deep within her heart. Accepted that for now, Loki was gone.
For now.
She had thrown herself into old books and tomes, determined to improve, to make her husband proud. In the shadows of familiar bookcases within the palace library, she found writings on the Norns. The sisters Wyrd, Veranthi, and Skuld - three powerful beings controlling the past, present, and future. And there in the crumpled pages, she found a familiar symbol: the web of Wyrd.
Three sets of overlapping lines, the it symbolized the inherent interconnections of all actions - and all realities. How the past influenced the present, the present the future, and the future, perhaps the next life.
Our next life... Once the Asgardian twilight comes, and I embrace a final sleep, I will wake up and see him again.
We won’t be alone.
She would remind herself, with each new day, she was another step closer to seeing him again someway, somehow. Alive or dead, they would be reunited. The thought of it inspired a little spark of hope within her. With each passing day, she spent hours pouring over old spellbooks. Studying ancient runes, practicing spells. Mastering them.
She filled books with ideas, charts, musings.
And most of all, she remembered Loki.
She mapped out his entire life, beginning to end. Considered everything that had happened. Asking Thor, Odin, and Frigga exactly what he'd said to them - and exactly how they'd responded. Recorded what they said in books of her own. It helped her grieve.
But it also served her in other ways.
Rumors spread quickly throughout Asgard. Rumors of the prince who was hungry for power. Who stole the throne, and tried to kill his own brother to keep it. Who abandoned his wife in her time of need. Who betrayed his family and his realm.
The liesmith.
Sigyn considered it her duty to dispel false assumptions about him. And as she traded for a new book at the marketplace, she heard one such assumption. A group of ladies stood nearby, gossiping over their goods.
"There she is - that's her, the princess."
"Oh my,"
"Lokiwife, wasn't it?"
"Yes, that's her," A pretty brunette leaned in closer to the others, "I heard she and Loki had quite the time before he.. Well," she frowned, earning murmurs from her group.
Sigyn glanced their way, eavesdropping on their conversation, tucking the book into her satchel.
A blonde nodded in agreement. "Anyone would have a rough time if their husband abandoned them like he did."
"Oh yes," The blonde shook her head, "It was just awful. The Warriors Three said he was always envious of Thor, always wanted the throne. And when he got the chance to steal the throne, he took it."
"If only Thor had been crowned in time. None of this would have happened.” The youngest piped up. The brunette shrugged an agreement.
“Such a waste - we waited hours for that coronation.”
“We had such a nice view, too.."
"A nice view of Prince Thor, certainly." The brunette nodded, her cheeks turning a slight pink.
The blonde smirked. "I'd even say Loki was glad Allfather Odin fell into the Odinsleep.. After all, that gave him access to the throne."
"Finally got him what he wanted," Mused the brunette.
The blonde huffed, "Though a lot of good it did him. Abandoned his wife and his honor, and what did he gain? He's likely in Helheim now.." The group murmured again in agreement.
Sigyn couldn’t take it anymore. "Excuse me - beg your pardon, ladies," She smiled, walking over to them. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation."
The women's eyes went wide. They bowed, paying their respects. Sigyn nodded her own greeting.
The brunette was the first to speak. "Yes, Princess, we were discussing your husband.."
"And his life's motivations. I heard." Sigyn glanced at the blonde, who gulped.
"We meant no offense to you, Princess.."
"Tell me, did any of you know Loki?"
They shook their heads.
Sigyn sighed. "You must understand: he was not evil. The Loki I knew had not a single malicious bone in his body."
"But he was jealous, Princess. Lady Sif said so, I heard her discussing it over a goblet of mead.." The blonde fidgeted.
"And she's right."
The ladies blinked.
Sigyn straightened up. "Sif is correct. Loki was jealous. And do you know why? He spent his life feeling less than Thor. How do you think Loki felt, then, when he found out his life was a lie? That his greatest fear was true because he was different, he was lesser?”
The women were quiet. Sigyn paused, then continued.
“Loki didn't want the throne. He wanted to be like Thor. To be equal, not less. So when Queen Frigga gave him the throne - he took it. She told him to make his father proud, and he tried to do just that. He tried to prove to Odin he loved him, he was his son, and - and yes, he tried to have Thor killed." Sigyn swallowed.
"I won't deny that. He likely did it to prevent Thor returning and squelching his efforts. But consider why he did it. Loki was... Mislead. He made the wrong choices. He tried to prove himself by vanquishing the Frost Giants, Laufey among them. And what did he have to go off of?" She laughed a single, sad laugh, "We're all raised to fear Jotuns! Slay them like the stupid beasts they are! Hunt them down, bludgeon them! What else would you expect him to do?"
By now a small crowd had gathered. Curious passersby all stared at the princess.
They probably think I'm mad, Sigyn mused, But I don't care. This isn't about me. It's about Loki.
"So he tried it. He tried massacring the Jotuns - and was foiled. Again. By Thor. Again! He was trying to prove himself! Desperately grasping at the final threads of hope! And on the Bifrost," Her breath caught in her throat, "On the Bifrost, that night, he begged Odin for approval. And how did Odin respond? He said no to his son, to the boy who only wanted to be as loved by his parents as his brother was." A tear streaked down her cheek.
"And he fell. He gave up. My husband died because his hope ran out. He could bear the pain no longer." Sigyn stepped toward the blonde, "So the next time you talk about Loki, I ask you to remember that. I hope you remember how my husband, the most wonderful, beautiful man I knew, lost hope that night. And now he's gone."
Without another word, Sigyn turned. Pushed past the crowd, ignoring their stares and whispers.
"Come, Villeildr," She mounted her horse, squeezing his sides with her legs, "It's time we take our leave."
Later that night, Sigyn was in the library when a familiar voice called her.
"I thought you'd be here." Fandral stepped in, smirking, his cape sweeping behind him.
"Here I am." Sigyn's focus remained on the book.
"I heard you had a run-in with some acquaintances of mine today."
Sigyn stopped reading.
Fandral continued. "Gave them quite the talking to. Did you rehearse it, or did it simply come to you?"
She shut the book, peering up at him. "They were lying about Loki."
"You seem to forget he lied too.."
"Of course he did. We all do; that doesn't make it right. They were lying about him, Fandral, disrespecting the dead - spreading false rumors about how he 'always wanted the throne.'"
"Well, he was always jealous of Thor.."
She huffed, "I know."
They sat a moment in silence. Fandral moved closer. "I was hoping you would join me for a drink tonight. You’ve barely left the palace in.. Well, far too long."
"I don't drink."
He looked hurt. "You used to."
"There are many things I used to do." She returned to her book, hoping he’d get the hint.
"And I could help you with more than one, if you so wished..."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Remember that bit about respecting the dead?"
"You're doing a horrid job."
He chuckled.
"Now, even I can't be the best at everything, dearest Sigyn."
"Oh, I believe it." She smirked.
His brow furrowed. "You were meant to be the goddess of compassion, you know."
"Compassion is like sympathy; I can sympathize with you and still point out the fact you're inappropriate."
"You sympathize with me?" He smirked.
"Fandral, do not twist my words.."
"Even if it makes you smile?" He tilted his head slightly. She couldn't resist a small huff of a laugh.
With a slight sigh, he took her hand and kissed it. "Ah, I may never be anything more than your friend, Sigyn," He lowered her hand, smiling at her. "But even if that's the case, I am honored to be your friend."
She smirked, nodding at him once. "Thank you. You're a good friend, Fandral.. Even if you are rude."
With another chuckle, he sprung to his feet. "Until we meet again, fair Sigyn," He bowed, "I take my leave." Turning on his heel, he headed for the door.
He stopped.
"Don't get too drunk. Lady Sif is tired of cleaning up after you."
He shot her a grin, then disappeared around the corner.
He's going to get absolutely ruined. Sigyn thought to herself, shaking her head.
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Sweet Little Lies
Fandom: MCU
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 636
Anonymous Requested: “I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do.”
A/N: Written for my 400 Follower Drabble Celebration. Thank you for requesting! And, I know, I hem and haw over Loki’s last name all the time. Just going to stick with “Loki” from now on lol
Warnings: Angst. Arranged Marriage!AU
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What a dramatic notion; time stopping.
As if a revelation suddenly made the entire world slow. Made people fade into nothingness so that it was only you, in the quiet, suffocating to the sound of your heartbeat.
Because if that was a thing that happened for others – the universe revolving around them; it certainly was not a thing for you.
The laughter was a loud raucous. The liquor poured freely, and the court continued its joyous feast.
It was only a flash akin to lightning, as if Thor had tapped you on the back with a shock from his fingers.
Lady Sif stared knowingly across the table.
You grabbed your goblet and slipped away. Down the stone halls, lit by floating balls of flame, where guards stood erect at intervals.
You rounded a corner, intent on your room, but stopped suddenly when you nearly came crashing into the one you were running from.
Dressed in his ceremonial garb of black and green, his head tilted as he stared down at you. The snake who had found his prey.
“And where would my dear wife be headed in the midst of all this reverent joy?” His tone was biting, his gaze like ice. “Looks awfully disrespectful to leave in the middle of our own wedding reception.”
You dropped your gaze from his, gluing it to his chest in an effort to steel your resolve.
“Loki, please.”
“I believe we agreed you were to call me my lord. You’ve kept the barrier up this long, why stop now? This is, after all, only business.”
You couldn’t help the flash of pain across your face.
Because he was right. You were the one who kept him at a distance for the duration of your engagement. Returning his advances with cool rejections on the pretense that this was all against your will.
Finally settling on an agreement with the Prince that the arranged marriage would be nothing more than a diplomatic sham. Civil in public and separate behind closed doors.
But something had changed in the last two weeks. And the Queen Frigga had been the one to point it out to you.
He had started to turn to you for political council, she voiced gently.
But you disregarded that with the fact that it was a part of the position you were obligated to fill.
You showed true concern for his well being when he would leave on missions with Thor.
But that was because if anything were to happen, the arranged marriage and the subsequent truce would be threatened.
And the fierceness with which you defended his capabilities to Odin himself?
Again, simply fulfilling what was expected of you.
And the fondness?
How you watched him with a satisfied expression when he was laughing across the room?
It was obvious to everyone but you.
And, staring up at Loki now, with his piercing gaze and pouting mouth; you realized he had no idea either.
“My Lord,” You spoke slowly. ““I think I’m in love with you.”
He stared long and hard.
“Have you taken to playing tricks?”
“My dear, that is my forte-”
The annoyance at being interrupted was clear on his face, but he pursed his lips together and allowed you to go on.
“I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do. I know how I have treated you, I know what we agreed…That is why I am leaving. I need a moment. I need time.” Because the universe wasn’t going to stop to let you catch up.
Judging by the careful expression on his face, the furrowed brow and calculating eyes, the way it appeared he was holding his breath until he could dismantle your lie to reveal the truth – Loki wasn’t about to let you either.
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 3 years
⛔️ This Chapter is pretty violent. *Torture/Canon Typical Violence/ Big Battle
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Small Time Witch (30)
Battle preparations were in full swing. Most of the realms armies were to be positioned on the battlefield as frontline forces. Skrýmir the giant from Utgard would lead his armies along with Aesir forces. You warned them of the dog like creatures that came in hoards. At times they were absolutely overwhelming. For that, Thor and Ororo would flank the battlefield to take out as many as possible. You were able to reach Carol Danvers who will be accompanied by the Skrull. On the back end, the Vanir and your coven would maintain a protection spell that would debilitate some of the more simple minded soldiers in Thanos’ army and to shield from air strikes. The Avengers would be on the field as promised to help with the Black Order. The plan was falling in to place. You had the numbers. The problem was radio silence from Thanos.
You exhausted all avenues in the universe to find out his plan. Even Mobius hadn’t heard so much as a rumble from him. No one had disappeared mysteriously from Vanaheim. Nothing really changed except for one thing. Loki’s memories of his time with you were restored. He was a hybrid version of your Loki. Mobius told you he wasn’t the leak. You wanted to believe him but now you were deeply doubtful. You decided to confront him but you had to be as gentle as possible.
You took dinner in your chambers that night. You were noticeably quiet. “Pet, something on your mind?”
“If I say no will you believe me?” He shot you a look that told you he did not in fact believe you. “I have to ask you something. You’re going to be angry with me. We’ll fight about it.”
“Now I’m nervous.”
You sighed heavily, “You should be. Loki, before I healed you, were you still informing to Thanos?”
He looked away from you ashamed, “Yes. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He cowered at your touch. Did he think you would hurt him? He was afraid of you.
“Loki, look at me. I’m not mad. Loki, look at me.” You could see he was shaking. You stood up from the table and knelt in front of him, “Can he still hear you?” He nodded yes. “Can he hear me?” He nodded no. “Good. I’m going to free you, my love. But first I need you to do something for me. Go get him. Bring him to me.” You kissed his hands and didn’t say anything else. You finished your meal in silence. He could feel how angry you were.
You didn’t believe that Thanos couldn’t hear you or see you when you were in Loki’s presence so you opted not to speak about your plans any longer. Before you went to sleep you rested on his chest and held him tight. He was asleep. You stroked the fine dusting of hair on his belly and said aloud, “I’m going to rip you apart for this.”
The next morning you were minding your p’s and q’s around Loki. When you had a strategy meeting with the Avengers and X-men you didn’t tell him. When you met with the coven you didn’t say a word. You made Thor promise to watch his mouth and not argue because obviously the man was in pain. You were the general of this army today. Anything that needed to be said to Loki needed to cross your ears first.
Your Avengers meeting was interesting. You knew so much about them and it made you giggle to yourself. Steve was not as soft as when you met him. He mostly looked lost. You wanted to just hug him tight but you knew that would be wildly inappropriate. You decided, to hasten your actual mission, to split up the team. You had a feeling Thanos would split the Black Order to do as much damage as possible. Steve and Nat would join the Warriors, Lady Sif and Heimdall on the Bifrost. Odin would command the rest of his troops from Asgard.
That evening everyone gathered for a feast. One of many feasts before battle. You found your way over to the Avengers table to hang with Thor.
“Princess, have a seat.” Steve pulled out a chair for you and you laughed out loud. You couldn’t tell him why.
“Why thank you, kind sir. I’m sure you’re accommodations are much nicer than an army encampment.”
He laughed, “Oh by far. So you’re from Earth? How did you get involved with and marry a Prince from Asgard?”
“Oh, honey. It is a long story. Another time maybe.”
“Of course. You wear the title well, Princess.”
“Thank you, Captain.” You winked at him and freshened his drink. “Enjoy your evening.”
You made your rounds saying good night. Promising to make good on invitations to visit realms. You finally made it over to the table with Odin, Frigga, your mother and aunts. “I’m going to get Loki prepared.” Frigga looked worried.
“Oh please don’t make that face, Allmother. I feel guilty enough as it is.”
“I just want him to come home safely.” she wiped tears from her cheeks.
“It’s what we all want.” You kissed them all goodnight and asked your mother to sit with Frigga for a while. Odin asked to walk you to your chambers.
“I’m sure I’m quite capable of walking myself, sire.”
“Give an old man the pleasure of seeing his daughter off to bed. Y/N, I’m curious. Has anyone asked why Thanos is trying to destroy the universe?”
You snorted (such a princess), “Does it matter?”
“It’s always good to know what drives an opponent. For instance, love can make people do irrational things. Your meticulous plans are laid before you and something can make any seasoned general snap and the whole thing goes up in flames.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Thanos is known as the Mad Titan not the Kind Titan. I’ll be shocked if Loki comes back alive. Whatever you see, what ever he does to Loki, you mustn’t waiver. You must stay composed and trust your plan. Do you understand? There will be time enough to mourn our losses.”
“I hope I have half the nerve that you do in the face of such evil.”
“I have to tell myself the same speech. He’s my son. I would move mountains to protect him. We have to hold steady. Sleep well.” He kissed you on the cheek and went to rejoin the party.
When you entered your chambers Loki was sitting in front of the fire. “Did you have a nice time?”
“I did. I missed you.”
“And I you. I’m ready to go.”
“Lok, why is he doing this? Why does he want to destroy so many lives?”
He smiled to himself, “For love. His mother and father were Eternals. They were terribly beautiful. When Thanos was born, he was not beautiful like his parents so his mother tried to kill him. She failed but ultimately treated him as though he were a ghost. He tortured her until she perished. He just wanted to be loved and accepted. Sound familiar? And then he fell in love with actual Death. Not Hela. This being is death and one of the creators of the stones. She has rebuked him. Denied his advances. So, this is his love letter to her.”
The parallels were obvious. The two of them understand each other on a very deep level. “But you see, darling, Thanos is jealous of me because I have my goddess. He will see our union destroyed.”
“Not a chance.” You pressed your forehead to his and slipped your bracelet on his wrist. With the tiny golden screwdriver you closed it tight. “For luck.”
He kissed you deeply and deeper than any kiss you’ve ever shared. “I love you.” Before you had a chance to say it back he slipped through the portal you opened.
Thanos sat on his throne watching his daughters argue when Loki returned.
“Ah Loki. I thought you scurried away to the far reaches of the galaxy like the rat you are. What have you brought me?”
“She is alone on Vanaheim. Waiting for you.”
He laughed and looked at Nebula, “Tell me , daughter, do I look stupid?”
“No, father.”
“Do we believe the god of lies?”
“No, father.”
“Should we kill him?”
“No, father. We should torture him and drop him at his wife’s feet.”
Thanos laughed again as he rose from his throne. He grabbed Loki by the neck and brought him close, “You are lucky my daughter is merciful. Gamora!”
“Yes, father!” Gamora rushed to his side.
“Take the god to the dungeons. You and Nebula play nice.”
She cuffed him and stabbed in the side then dragged him behind her. “Please listen to me. He’s going to wipe out half the universe.” Loki croaked and groaned.
“Shut up! You lie!”
��No, I don’t. I can prove it.”
She dropped him on the ground at her feet, “Can you?”
“Sister, don’t listen to him. He is the god of lies.” Nebula grabbed his bonds to continue to the dungeon.
Gamora knelt down in front of him, “Prove it.”
Loki touched her forehead and shared with her the vision of the reality you escaped. He destroyed everything just like her own planet. She could not let that happen again. She also couldn’t betray her father. “It doesn’t matter. No one will ever beat him.” She grabbed him by the hair and took him to the dungeon where Corvus Glaive was waiting.
Gamora hung him to the wall using his bonds. Corvus pulled out his knife and dragged it up Loki’s chest. He used the blade to cut the straps of his armor. He stuck him between his ribs. Loki’s lung collapsed. He was unable to take deep breaths with his hands above his head. He would pass out soon.
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.14
The Garden Hallway
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 5,974
Warnings: language, smut, smutty smut smut, talk of pregnancy, jealousy, spoiled lobster, alcoholic Brunnhilde, babies
A/N: First post of the new year! This was a fun one to write with lots of little tidbits that were enjoyable. Writing doubts aside, I hope you all enjoy this one! Sorry it took so long to get to you, but holidays, ya know? xoxo
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“She’s beautiful, Thora. Just gorgeous.” You bounce the infant in your arms and she coos and goos.
Spittle runs down along the edge of her lips and Thora, the most gorgeous woman you have ever seen in your life, leans forward to gently dab away at the clear liquid.
Her very long ice blonde hair falls forward, half braided, the other half loose. She tosses it back then sighs and rips it back feeling frustrated.
“You could cut your hair, if it’s bothering you.” Ice blue eyes meet yours, slight shock at your observational skills painting her pale cheeks pink.
“Oh, no. I’m too fond of it, Your Majesty. I’ll grow used to it again. Having a little one to care for does make it a bit tedious to handle. But ‘tis no worry. I will just have to braid it more tightly and perhaps wear it atop my head to keep it tame.”
She’s all politeness, this Agardian beauty. The Goddess of it, if you’re honest, though you know that’s not true. To you, every Asgardian woman is the Goddess of beauty. They’re all so stunning in their own unique ways.
The same could be said for the women of your own species, but these Asgardians seem to glow.
“Well, if you ever change your mind, it’s really very normal for women of Earth to have very short hair in some cases. Especially when work or busy lives get in the way of maintaining it. I’m not sure how often women in the old Asgard used to-”
“It was not uncommon, though ‘twasn’t very common either. Most of us keep our hair long. I’m not sure my husband would love me as much if I did cut it.” She confesses, and you see a fleeting worry pass through her exquisite face and you can’t imagine how a woman this beautiful can doubt the hold she has on her husband when you’re only mortal and constantly worry about Thor’s love for you.
“Armod is a lucky man. I’m sure he knows that you’re more than your hair. But if it’s that important to you, I can try to find ways of keeping it out of your way? Some new hairstyles maybe?” You smile at her, hoping to offer comfort.
She relaxes, the little bundle in your arms wiggling just a bit as you lean forward to place your hand over hers.
“She really is so beautiful,” you say, hoping to redirect her attention to her perfect little girl.
Luta has deep olive skin, her hair the same stunning raven as Armod.
Thora’s entire being shifts. She gleams at her daughter, the clear apple of her eye.
“It won’t be long before you and His Majesty are blessed with a baby of your own. An heir to the throne? The celebration will be monumental.” She wiggles her eyebrows at you and you smile shyly, remembering almost every night since your honeymoon has been spent pinned either underneath Thor, or to the wall, or on the dresser, or his desk, or the tub, or even the floor in an attempt to get that heir to finally come.
Both of you want a baby so badly.
“We’ve been trying for almost two months,” You confess, a sadness in your voice incapable of hiding.
“Armod and I tried for nearly a year,” Thora nods, her own happiness sidelined to make way for understanding. “I believe that sometimes it just takes a while. My sister was able to conceive so quickly I began to think there was something wrong with me.”
She gives you a reassuring smile, almost like she can read your very thoughts.
“But it happened. It took time. It will happen for you as well, Your Majesty. We are all looking forward to an heir, but even if it takes a while, you’re still our Queen.” She assures you and her words do make you feel better.
Maybe you and Thor have just been trying too hard?
Oof, but there’s no way you can give up those touches.
“I guess I’ll just have to relax and take it one day at a time. Thank you for your encouragement. I’m seriously really jealous of you. She’s so lovely.” You offer her over, and Thora takes her eagerly.
The baby, Luta, whines a little but then settles as she’s held to her mother’s breast.
“She’s a peach, isn’t she?” Thora gloats, and she’s absolutely beaming.
The front door opens and there’s a startled pause by the tall dark Armod, long pitch braids swishing as he comes to a stop.
“Your Majesty?” The shock is clear, but he quickly bows and you get up, waving away his formality.
“No, please.” You smile, throwing out your hand for him to shake, “It’s so nice to see you, face to face and not from the backseat of a car.”
Armod laughs, taking hold of your hand gently and he quickly kisses the back of it.
The respect of the gesture is flattering.
“I was not expecting to see you here today, though I’m not going to lie, it’s an honor.”
“I promised I’d come,” you remind him. “I’m sorry it took so long. I’ve been so busy with the planning of the park and meeting with the Ambassadors to see what they want from us, and it’s just been so busy day after day.”
“Your Majesty,” Thora stands, shaking her head. “You have no obligation to explain yourself to us. We are at your service.”
You smile at her, reaching over to caress Luta’s little head then Thora’s shoulder, “I think it’s the other way around, but I’m grateful for your generosity.”
They both seem happy with you and as lovely as they are, you can’t spend all day here in their comfy little home.
Armod is paid really well and that’s reflected more in their belongings as opposed to the size of their house.
Very neat and high quality furniture and gadgets display their wealth though compared to the one you inherited and the one you married into, it’s just a fraction.
Armod and Thora's wealth lies in their love and family.
As they stand there, the ache in your chest begins to get unbearable so, you quickly tell them goodbye and you walk back up to the palace.
Armod's home is situated within the grounds of your New Asgardian dwelling. Smallish cottages that line the inner stone and vibranium wall are filled with staff who living close by makes it easier to work here.
If they lived outside of the palace walls, you'd have needed Armod's services to visit his own house. Luckily, in this way, you can visit some of your people without the need for fanfare.
You like not having to dress up.
As you slip into the garden and move for the large heavy door that Thor had shown you through two months prior to propose to you out here, you smile at the sight of the only person who hates it when you don't wear a dress, or at the very least a skirt.
This isn't of course because he wants to have you he all wrapped up in tight dresses and uncomfortable, but rather it makes certain activities just a little more difficult in rushed moments.
Thor's smile widens as he spots you, shutting the door behind you before you put your hands behind your back.
"There you are, I've been looking for you," Thor says.
He looks so good in dark jeans and a slightly loose tan t-shirt. The round neck gives just the slightest peek at his trapezius and you force yourself to keep your eyes on his beautiful face instead of the way his biceps strain against his sleeves.
Fuck he looks good.
"Looks like you've found me. What did you need?"
"Where were you?" He wonders, putting his own hands behind his back to copy your stance.
"Is it curiosity, suspicion, or control making you ask?"
"Interest. And because I missed you and if I have an hour free again, I'd like to spend it with you."
Damn him.
"Well, shoot," you scoff.
He quirks his head inquisitively and you smile wide at the sight of your puppy. How can he be so damn hot and cute at the same time?
"That was the perfect response. But, an hour?" Quick glance down at your watch reveals it's too early for lunch. "I thought we were meeting for lunch at eleven?"
Thor’s smile falters and he nods slowly, looking at your collarbone instead of your eyes.
"About that…"
"Oh, shit. What?"
"I'm leaving in about twenty minutes," Thor confesses, bringing his hands back to his front to fidget.
"Twenty minutes? But you said an hour!"
"And I spent forty minutes looking for you, cherub. That leaves me with twenty."
He closes the distance between you, tracing the length of your arms to your wrists and then pulls your hands out from behind your back.
"And leaving? Where are you going?"
The pout that overtakes you feels inevitable. You can't even attempt to hide it.
"The Warriors Three have reported in. Sif says that they are ready for inspection so I must go and see each outpost's condition before I can deem them proper watch towers to guard against the threat that Loki has foreseen.
"Heimdall says he is in agreement. Whatever it is that is coming, it's hiding itself from his sight which should be impossible. I must go, love. I'm sorry."
He really does sound and look apologetic too.
"And...I won't be home until possibly very late. Nearly morning I think," he tells you, voice low.
For two long moments the two of you stand there, minds whirring until they both reach the same realization.
It's Thor that voices it first and he nearly kills you with how much you want to swoon, "You know, this will be the first night since we've been engaged that I won't be sleeping beside you."
Your pout only grows more pronounced.
"Will you be lonely without me?"
All of the insecurities he's felt since marrying suddenly come pouring out of him in that one singular question and you can suddenly see all of the fear and strife he has been dealing with since he chose to marry you.
Like you, he's been wondering whether you're happy in your new married life. He's been worried about you in your role as Queen but worried for you, not whether you can do the job as you have been fretting.
You sigh, a heavy release of your own tension, "Oh, Thor…"
Hooking your hand behind his neck you pull him down until you can kiss him.
His response is ready, eager. Hands funding your hips as he pushes you back until you're shoved into the small space between one pillar and the wall it supports.
You're both very aware of the loss of activity this night will also bring, but maybe a rest is due.
Pulling back, you place your hands on his chest and give him a little push. He stops his kissing, licking his lips as he leans back to fix you with his star-eyed gaze.
"Maybe this is a good thing? We've been trying so hard to get pregnant for two months and my last test was negative. Maybe what we need is a break?"
Thor blinks, considering your words but then he shakes his head.
"Is that the only reason you've been laying with me night after night? To be with child?"
He almost sounds hurt by the idea and you hurry to reassure him.
"No! Of course not, Thor. I...being with you intimately is one of the best things about my adult life that I never knew I wanted or needed. It feel so good to be with you. Sometimes I can't believe that you want me.
"You're this perfect God, desired by millions. Billions even. And I'm-"
"Let me stop you there, cherub. If you are ever in any doubt as to how you affect me-mind, body, and soul-" He reaches down between your bodies, unbuttons his jeans and lowers his zipper.
"Thor!" You gasp quietly, peeking around at both ends of the long secluded hallway.
"No one will see us," he whispers, seductive and deep.
He's right though. Especially here where the pillar meets the wall, a tight corner where he's got you trapped. Right where you want to be.
He takes your hand and pushes his pants down a bit until he's exposed, erect, and throbbing.
As you wrap your fingers around him, he purrs and after another lick of his lips, he flies into a frenzy that you match with your own fervor.
It has to happen fast and before you know it he's inside, thrusting up into you as he holds your right leg up around his waist.
Neither of you have any words, only heavy breathing. A gasp. A grunt. Mewling moans that rise from your throat which he quickly silences with a finger pressed gently to your lips.
"Shh, my cherub," he urges.
Even if no one ever comes down here. The sound of the Queen making these noises would surely draw someone's attention.
"I'm coming…" you whimper, hands vices around the fabric of his shirt.
Thor groans again then mashes his lips against your own, thrusting faster and smoother. Like silk on skin he fills you up and as you grip his cock, twitching around him, he empties into you.
He coats you with his heat, caressing the curves of your body as he continues to kiss you with slow and deliberate passion.
"We aren't missing a day," he declares.
As the two of you recover, a voice from the far end of the hall interrupts.
"Thor, we must go if you're to be back by morning."
For a moment your heart leaps into your throat. Loki’s voice is knowing. He clearly gets what you two were doing.
You peek over Thor’s shoulder but don't see Loki anywhere. He's got the sense to give you two your privacy and stay out of sight.
"I'll be right there," Thor says, leaning in to kiss your lips slow. "Don't worry, he's discreet."
Thor helps you get dressed again, blocking your body from sight even though he knows no one is looking.
When you're both decent again, he takes your arm in his and leads you out into the main hall where Loki stands by the large doors pacing.
As he spots the two of you, he gives no indication that he heard or saw any of what happened down in the garden hallway.
"You two look...refreshed," Loki says pointedly.
"Brother, do not tease Her Majesty the Queen. She's already fretting."
Thor adjusts his arm to wrap around your shoulder and gives you a quick squeeze as you glare at Loki.
"Of course, you're right. I'm sorry, Y/N."
Loki gives you quick polite bow, then a mischievous smile curls his lips and you can see the trickster God peek through.
“I am a most avid supporter of my monarchs doing what they can to provide the kingdom with an heir, and if there is any way that I can help, I would be happy to lend my assistance.”
“Watch it, Loki,” Thor warns, only half heartedly but with the punch of genuine jealousy.
You haven’t really questioned lately whether you’re Thor’s because you are. No doubt in your mind. He has you wrapped around his finger. Hearing him assert that claim, the one on your heart and body--it drives shivers up your spine and you suddenly want him back home from his trip already.
“I only meant that I am glad to make excuses if you two wish to escape for a few hours a day,” Loki clarifies. “What did you think I meant?”
He’s teasing Thor, you can see it. That playful jabbing is routine and you’ve seen him do it before but you were never the tool for his poking at Thor.
“I’ll wait out front,” Loki takes his leave, shutting the large doors to the front hall with ease.
Without a word, Thor pulls you into his arms. He embraces you tightly, sighing heavily and you shut your eyes at the feel of his body wrapped around yours.
You can’t remember ever feeling so happy. So, safe? There’s something in the way it feels to have his large arms around you, a weight pressed to you but not down on you.
He’s not suffocating you or oppressing you. He’s supporting you, ducking down a little to get a better hold of you. He presses his nose against your hair and breathes in deeply.
It could just be a sigh, but if he’s anything like you, he might be trying to memorize your scent.
As your own nose is pressed into the crook of his neck, you let his own wash over you.
His unique smell brings to mind a dark cloudy sky, a field of soft overgrown grass swaying in an endless cool wind. The scent of freshly sodden earth. It’s rain and nature, with the briefest sting of ozone as the sky lights up with his immeasurably powerful lightning.
All of that runs in him and you can’t believe that you’re lucky enough to be here holding him close.
“I will be as quick as I can be,” he says, deep tone settling in your chest.
“I wish you were back already.”
You can hear him laugh, just a small huff of air before he kisses the side of your head.
“You will be so busy with the park and then so exhausted you will pass out before you even have time to miss me.”
“I miss you already, doof,” you sigh.
“Will you promise me something?” he asks, pushing you back to meet your eyes.
“Anything,” you promise.
“Will you stay in the palace for me? I-I know that you were supposed to go down to the park to walk the new pathways and tree markers but I would feel much better about leaving you if I know that you’ll be here, safe.”
“You said there was nothing about this threat to worry about?”
Suddenly, a fear begins to grow in your belly. It twists it in knots and makes you nervous. Like if your marriage and all of this confidence you’ve found in yourself as Queen of New Asgard has been snuffed out, you feel like the nobody who sat in her room writing stories of lives you would never live.
“There isn’t, cherub. Not that we can tell. But we don’t understand it. With Stark and Banner having had delays in coming to install their extra measures of security, I was hoping that this inspection could wait until they had finished whatever business it was that drew them to Wakanda, but Steve says he is not sure how long they will be there.
“And until they can come, I--I cannot stand the thought of something happening to you, that’s all.”
Thor hooks his hand behind your neck, caressing your cheek as he ducks his head and gives you a reassuring smile.
Inside you’re at war with yourself. On the one hand, if he’s this scared, this threat is more serious than any of them are making this out to be.
On the other hand, Thor is so convincing in his words. You can clearly see the worry he has for you, for your safety. The tight hand on your hip tells you that he does indeed have some fear, but his gaze tells you that his favor is for his peace of mind.
So, you nod.
“Yes,” you give in. “I’ll stay here. I can work on the plans from my room and I have a lot of studying to do about the Valkyrie anyway.”
“Thank you,” Thor physically relaxes, his shoulders falling as a teeny bit of weight comes off them. “I will be as quick as I can be and then I will be here with you again and we can resume trying for that baby.”
“Thor about that,” you begin, licking your lips and wondering if he’ll even understand where you’re coming from. “I think maybe-?”
“Thor, I’m really very sorry. Y/N, if we don’t leave now we might have to extend the inspections until the day after tomorrow. Volstagg has to leave the planet for a short visit with his kin and cannot miss his window to do so.”
Thor stands taller, disapproving of the interruption, but he knows better and he leans down to kiss you.
“Can we continue this conversation when I return?”
You kiss him back as he leans down for another and nod when he pulls away, “Of course, Thor. Go. Hurry back.”
He gives you one more kiss, this one lingering before he presses in on your lips a little harder as if it pains him to pull away, then marches out the door without another look back.
The heavy doors close with a loud clatter and you’re left in the empty hall feeling strangely out of place.
You take your time getting up to your room. The bed looks huge without Thor sitting on its edge, pulling his shoes on in the morning with a groan of complaint at having to leave you so early.
His mornings are always full of rolling back into bed to cuddle you for a few more minutes before he has to go.
This morning feels like ages ago and maybe it’s because this really is the first time the two of you have been separated since before your wedding, but you miss him so much already and it’s only been minutes.
There’s a rush of air from the balcony, so strong it pulls your attention, but the smell that entices you has you running for the open door.
Through the rippling flowing curtains you see Thor in full armor, gold and black, his right hand wrapped around his hammer.
He opens his left arm for you as you reach him, pulling you right up against his body as he meets your lips sweetly.
“Mmm,” he mumbles.
“Why are you here? You’re supposed to be gone!”
You gasp, hands pressed to his chest as your heart pounds hard.
“Just one more kiss,” he simpers. “This is truly much harder than I thought it would be.”
“It’s only a few hours,” you tease, but you’re so ecstatic that you weren’t the only one feeling that ache.
“Too many,” Thor sighs.
“Then kiss me, and go. The sooner you’re gone the sooner you’ll be back.”
He obeys, and kisses you only less sweetly and with the passion to leave you wanting more.
He leaves you in a second rush of air leaving the smell of coming rain in his wake.
“Well, that was dramatic.” A voice interrupts from within your room. “You’d think he was going off to war.”
Moving inside, you find Hilde strewn across the chaise at the end of your bed, crystal bottle sloshing with brown liquid in her hand.
“Give us a break, it’s been nearly two and a half months since we’ve been separated.”
“Two and a half months is but a split second in time for us,” Hilde explains.
Her words give you pause and then the ache in your heart is hard to keep from spilling onto your face.
Hilde notices and quickly sits back up, “Your Majesty, I didn’t meant-”
“It’s alright. Really. It’s okay.”
With a quick smile at her you move to sit at your desk and put your feeble mortality out of your mind.
It’s not something you like to think on, and you’ve been good at forgetting about not only the significant age difference between you and Thor but also how fast you’ll age in your marriage and Thor will pretty much look the same as he does now.
Pulling over the large binder with the park plans, you reach for your phone to dial up Edgar, New Asgard’s senior construction manager and explain to him that you won’t be making your appointment for that afternoon.
“Good morning, Edgar. Yes, I’m doing well, thanks. I just wanted to give you a heads up that I won’t be able to walk the park today. Yeah. Thor has gone with Loki to attend to some things and won’t be back until early in the morning and I’ve had to take over a few things here in the palace. I’m so sorry, I hope you can forgive me.”
Edgar is all politeness and eagerness to please you and Thor. Like the rest of his people, they look up to the God of Thunder and for some reason, they’ve accepted you into their hearts openly.
“We should reschedule. Let me know when you can walk the grounds with me and I’ll-” You stop and listen to him assure you that he’s available at your convenience. “I appreciate that. I’ll give you a call tomorrow and we can set something up for later this week. Thank you, Edgar. Okay, bye.”
“It’s really not necessary to call him and tell him all that, you know? Just tell him you want to reschedule and he’ll do what you want.”
“I know, but that feels weird to do. I can’t just order him around. What if he had something special to do later in the week and me moving the appointment affects that?”
You throw open the binder and the map of the planned park. Already you and Edgar have marked it all up with red scribbles where things would need to be changed. You’d wanted a man made lake in the center, but you’ll have to settle for a small pond in one of the corners until more land can be leveled for a lake.
Several of the trees you’d wanted are not available so you’ve had to get new ones there too.
Every bit of this park has been selected by you from the type of grass, the stones in the pathways, to the wildflowers planted in the flower beds.
The responsibility of giving your people a space that they can love and appreciate stresses you out from time to time though you’ve pretty much accepted the weight of your crown.
Without another word, you go to work and Hilde, who you assume is here to be your personal bodyguard while Thor is out, gets up and presses a small button hidden underneath a small steel panel the size of Thor’s large palm.
She moves back over to the small breakfast table where you and Thor enjoy your first meal of the day in private, and sits back to wait patiently. Her bottle with drink has been abandoned on the chaise, now empty.
As your mind begins to focus on your work, you register Hilde telling Estrid to send for food and drinks.
“And make sure they bring her Majesty’s favorite snacks so that she can eat while she works. I’m sure she’s been neglecting her meals all day,” Hilde knows.
Time passes without you realizing and you do appreciate the small munchies that are brought and placed on the edge of the desk.
You eat without thinking and soon the plate is empty, wrappers littering the top right corner of your workspace as well as the floor below.
“Shit, what time is it?” You crane your neck around to look for Hilde and find the room empty.
Pulling your phone close you click the screen on to see that it’s just before dinner and Hilde is probably waiting for you down in the dining room.
You don’t bother changing much of your clothes. You slip out of your jeans and shirt and quickly pull a simple cotton dress on.
It’s customary to dress up for dinner a bit but without Thor here, you put in minimal effort and the burnt orange cotton dress is relaxed enough to let you breathe but nice looking enough to be presentable.
You’re tying the sash around your waist to heighten your curves as you make your way down the two floors to the dining room and fixing the wrists of your long loose cinched sleeves when you reach the hallway and look up only to gasp as Hilde stops right in front of you looking frazzled.
“Hey, what-?”
“I need you to know that he didn’t know about this. If he did, he would have warned you-us. I also don’t think he thought he’d be out when they came.”
She’s so stressed that you reach out to grab hold of her arms and smile through your confusion.
“Hilde, what are you talking about? Who’s here?”
You receive your answer only too quickly, “Is that you, Cherub? Queen of New Asgard?”
The snark is brief but familiar and you don’t need further explanation to know who you’ll see behind Hilde.
She steps aside to reveal Tony Stark, moving towards you a few steps until he’s standing right in front of you.
He bows.
“Oh, shit, please don’t do that,” you gasp, embarrassed.
Tony smirks, “Gotta follow the rules, Your Majesty.”
“Please, Tony. Just my name is fine,” you plead. “Really, I can’t bear anything else.”
“Queen’s orders?” he teases.
You genuinely chuckle, rolling your eyes before finally noticing his extended hand. Taking it, he lifts it to his lips to give you a quick polite kiss, then gently drops it.
“Thor wasn’t expecting you for another few weeks. Wasn’t there a mission? It was going to take a while?”
“My fault,” Bruce’s voice interjects.
Tony steps aside and you smile as your eyes find Bruce. He walks towards you both with his head slightly ducked, his hands held together at his front as he moves towards you nervously, wringing them.
“I kind of Hulked out and might have single handedly taken out the guys patrolling the building we were trying to get into. And then broke in through a wall and started a fire. And then sat on the mainframe of their computer system and lost us all the data we were trying to steal in the first place which cut our mission short by a few weeks.”
Bruce extends his hand and you take it, all too happy to see him again.
You’re halfway to a laugh at the chaos he seems to have caused when you notice a small head of swaying hair behind him. As your chuckle is caught in your throat, you freeze mid handshake, heart stuttering as those pretty brown eyes that have plagued a few of your nightmares meet yours.
“Jane…” you quietly gasp.
“Remember what I said?” Hilde asks, moving to stand by you.
“Oh, um…” Tony points at Jane as Bruce releases your hand and moves aside to give you full view of the pretty brunette dressed in a semi-formal pantsuit complete with thick jacket to combat the Norwegian temperatures that press in on the warmth of any home after the sun sets.
Jane is quick to give you a much better curtsy than she did the first time and then hesitantly offers you her hand, “Hello again, Your Majesty.”
“Jane has something to show Thor and well, you. Where is he, by the way?” Tony asks, giving the hallway a complete turn to see if he can spot Thor hiding behind some chair or doorway.
“Just, my name, please,” you tell Jane, giving her your hand and fighting the urge to run and shove your face into a pillow to scream in order to focus on the stronger urge of finding out why your husband’s ex-lover came all the way to your home to see him. “Thor’s out. He and Loki have gone to meet with Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun, and Sif to see how far along the outposts are.
“Does your visit have to do with the threat?” You turn back to Jane and slowly take your hand back.
“I’d really like to talk about it with both of you, if you don’t mind?” Jane explains.
“Listen,” Hilde begins, but you shake your head just a teeny bit and she stops and shuts her mouth.
“Okay, that’s fine. He won’t be back until tomorrow morning at the earliest, so join us for dinner?” With a gesture at the doors to your right, Estrid throws them open and inside is waiting a modest but still lavish feast compared to most dinners in common households. There are three main courses to choose from as well as plenty of sides to give the most picky eater options.
Even though there is plenty of food, they’re simple foods. Roast chicken, sandwiches, salad, soup, bread, rice, potatoes, and other vegetables. Lots of it, but plainly prepared.
Hilde had known you wouldn’t even really be tasting your food with Thor gone and now, you doubt you can find your appetite again to consume anything.
“Nice spread,” Tony admires, but he holds out his elbow for you and you take it.
He escorts you to your usual seat by Thor’s at the end, then pulls it out for you and as the others take to standing behind their own seats--Hilde across from you and the others wherever they’d like--they wait until you take yours before they even attempt to pull their own out.
As several younger looking men and women move in with pitches of ale and wine and water, you catch Estrid’s gaze as she whispers instructions to a much younger looking girl with very curly dark hair.
The young girl rushes off when Estrid sees you need her and gives her a small push and a quick word.
“Yes, Your Majesty?” Estrid asks, stopping beside you and silencing the others as they had begun to dig in and chatter pleasantly.
“Have three rooms made up for our guests? Make sure they want for nothing while they’re here, alright? The best rooms for Thor’s close friends.”
“Yeah, I’ll take the suite,” Tony teases, and Estrid looks flustered for a moment before she realizes that he’s joking and then with a kind and surprised smile, she gives you a curtsy and then rushes off to do as she’s been asked.
“I’m sorry if the food isn’t more…” You can’t find the word to convey what you want to say, so you leave the sentence hanging there. “If I’d known you were coming, I’d have had Cook prepare you something nicer.”
“Oh, this is wonderful,” Bruce assures you, lifting his fork laden with broccoli and chicken.
He nods and smiles, then shoves the forkful into his mouth.
“Yeah, this is good,” Tony nods, using your name which gives you a strange sense of acceptance.
It’s casual, the way he says it. It’s like he really has welcomed you into his circle after your visit with them during your honeymoon.
“We can’t all have lobster every night. Bruce is allergic.”
“What?” Bruce asks, slightly stunned. “Me? I’m not…”
“Aren’t you?” Tony asks.
“No,” Bruce shakes his head, flabbergasted.
“How come you didn’t want to eat those Lobsters on Fourth of July then?” Tony demands, dropping his hand so that his fork clinks against the side of his plate.
He’s starting to look upset.
“You bought the box off some guy standing at the mouth of the alley where we were catching arms smugglers!”
“What’s your point?” Tony demands.
As their banter flows, you keep a pleasant and appropriately amused smile trained on the pair of them but you have one eye fixed on Jane and carefully you take a few hurried looks at her. Admiring the way her hair falls softly against her shoulders and the way she eats with poise and why the hell did she have to come in person?
Hasn’t she ever heard of fucking e-mail?!
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odisn · 4 years
NAME :   thor odinson
EYE  COLOUR :   hazel
HAIR  STYLE   /   COLOUR :   style :  wavy ,  messy ,  as stubborn and uncontrollable as he is ,  at times .    dark  brown  /  black .  
HEIGHT :  6′6
CLOTHING  STYLE :   there’s the armour ,  of which there are many different types .   the three variations described in more detail here .   when he’s on earth ,  he’s usually in jeans and a t - shirt ,  unintentionally tight - fitting because he’s a chunky lad who can’t find much in his size .  combat boots .  a long coat .  a scarf .  loves hoodies .  I think his style is mainly comfort - driven .
BEST  PHYSICAL  FEATURE :  how do i pick one   …
FEARS :   failure ,  losing his loved ones  / abandonment ,  a loss of control ,  Ragnarök
GUILTY  PLEASURE :    I bet he’s watched a shit - ton of terrible tv during his time on earth .   needs to know what’s happening with the kardashians ,  and whether the affair has come to light in neighbours ,  and whether gordon ramsay can save the oaktree restaurant from total collapse in kitchen nightmares USA
BIGGEST  PET  PEEVE :   journalists .   midgardian tech .   traffic .   people constantly asking thor why he ain’t married yet .   royal politics .   ok there are many pet peeves .
AMBITIONS  FOR  THE  FUTURE :    to be a king his father would be proud of .
FIRST  THOUGHTS  WAKING  UP :   what he’s going to have for breakfast
WHAT  THEY  THINK  ABOUT  MOST :    the future .   but also Sif .
WHAT  THEY  THINK  ABOUT  BEFORE  BED :   his friends ,  his family ,  his day .  his wife .
WHAT  THEY  THINK  THEIR  BEST  QUALITY  IS :    I think Thor is really hard on himself but he would say he’s loyal as shit ,  like once you have him as a friend ,  it’s really difficult to lose him
SINGLE  OR  GROUP  DATES :   both are good .   he’s very sociable .
TO  BE  LOVED  OR  RESPECTED :    both are necessary .   but ,  loved .
BEAUTY  OR  BRAINS :    brains .
DOGS  OR  CATS :    dogs .
LAYER  005 :    DO THEY …
LIE :   yes ,  when it’s necessary .
BELIEVE  IN  THEMSELVES : less and less the older he gets .
BELIEVE  IN  LOVE :    yes ,  absolutely .
WANT  SOMEONE :    yes .
BEEN  ON  STAGE :   when he was a kid ,  yes .
DONE  DRUGS :   no .
FAVOURITE  COLOUR :   red .   also loves grey / silver .
FAVOURITE  ANIMAL :    bears .   also snakes .
FAVOURITE  BOOK :    ooof ,  I think he loves stories of battles won ,  of heroes fighting the long fight ,  of the underdog etc .   I can imagine him ardently reading tales of his ancestors and their glory perhaps ,  as a child .   or like   ...   on earth reading the shahnameh ,  the book of kings . 
FAVOURITE  GAME :   any game is his favourite if he wins .   enjoys card games ,  most kind of sporting games .   does sparring and the games involved with that count  ?   also played pac - man this one time ,  loves that little yellow dude .   has been caught playing candy crush on his friend’s phone ,  many a time   ...
LAYER  008 :  AGE .
DAY  THEIR  NEXT  BIRTHDAY  WILL  BE :   he doesn’t remember when his birthday is
HOW  OLD  WILL  THEY  BE :    3 thousand 2 hundred and something something  . . .
I LOVE :    my family ,  my friends ,  my people .
I  FEEL :   under pressure .
I  HIDE :   my disappointments .
I  MISS :   Loki .
I  WISH :   I could change the decisions I made when I was younger .
tagged  by :  @billysrussc  thank u  <333 tagging :   @isledark  (  finian  ) ,  @felinewiles ,  @bakcr ,  @rahbbit ,  @mudwoven  (  sooraya  ) ,  @destinedgreat ,  @envywar
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
May Queen (Loki Laufeyson)
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x OC
Summary: Astrid, the princess of Vanaheimr relocates to Asgard to seal a betrothal to the youngest prince and an attempt to escape unforeseen forces. She soon finds happiness and a multitude of new friends. Unfortunately treachery and deceit lie in the court of Asgard in unlikely places, and she learns that true love never dies.
Warnings: fluffy fluff, tiny bit of angst
Words: 2138
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this part! Please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all very much! xxx
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Part Nine -  The Garden
The early afternoon in Asgard was beautiful and wondrous, the sunlight was blazing out through the stained glass of the windows, casting the gardens in a wash of rainbow light. Loki looked up from his book from where he was sitting in the tree, he grinned as he saw her through the window of her chambers, long brown hair elegantly curling down her back. She had done well in Asgard over the past couple of weeks, this foreign princess and Loki was proud to call her his future wife, he hoped those deep feelings of passion would come within him soon. Though, he couldn’t deny that she was very beautiful.
He saw her face light up with happiness as she read his letter and lifted the rose with the green ribbon tied around the stem out of the folds of the thick parchment. Astrid’s face glowed with wonder and amazement when she touched a single delicate petal and the rose changed from its ruby red colour to an ice cold blue. The prince smiled, that little bit of magic was a little complicated and he thought that that particular shade of blue would bring out the colour in her eyes.
Loki had spoken with Sif – one of Asgard’s best warriors – and Sif had agreed to train Astrid, the fair maiden wanted to be a warrior just like her father. The letter contained arrangements for her to be fitted with suitable armour and weapons later on that afternoon. She was due for her first training session the following day.
Loki closed his book and stood up, intending to see his mother and father, Astrid had shown an interest in the old wing of the palace which was shut up behind a locked door and she was curious as to what was inside. She noticed it when Loki was showing her around the palace. Loki wanted to know what was in there as well since the story around the palace was that the old wing had been closed before he was even born. He knew that Odin and Frigga must have the key, his father probably wouldn’t allow him to have it but he was confident that his mother would talk his father round.
As he strode up to the golden doors of the throne room he lowered his raised fist when he saw that the door was open just a crack. The King and Queen seemed to be quarrelling inside, Loki couldn’t remember the last time his parents quarrelled, it must have been when he was a child.
“Please my love, they’ve been growing fond of each other over the span of a couple of months! Don’t you want our son to know his future wide a little before they marry?” Frigga sounded distressed. Loki wanted to go in and help her but he was curious as to what his father would respond with.
“If they’re growing fond of each other then that’s all the more reason to keep them in separate chambers. If he gets her pregnant,” his father sighed and trailed off.
“Well, they’re going to marry in less than a year so if he does get her pregnant it makes no matter,” there was a long silence before Frigga spoke up again, “ah, I see, you only want to hold onto this alliance if it’s absolutely the last option!”
Loki had never heard his mother sound so cold. Was his father planning to marry him off to somebody else? He didn’t understand.
“Remember how this alliance was born Odin, it was born from your tyranny! We cannot go back on it.”
Loki decided that he’d heard enough, shaking his head, he pushed open the door. His parents stopped talking immediately and looked at him. Odin looked angry and Frigga looked worried.
“Loki sweetheart, is everything alright?” Frigga smiled as she descended the steps that led up to the throne of Asgard and combed her gentle fingers through Loki’s hair, “have you been showing Astrid around the palace?”
“Yes mother, that’s partly while I’m here,” he hesitated as he looked past his mother at his father who was eyeing him suspiciously, “I wanted to show her the entirety of the palace,” Frigga nodded for him to continue, “I came to ask whether I could have the key to the old wing. We want to discover what’s inside.”
Frigga chewed her lip; her eyes were soft as she parted her mouth to say something before his father interrupted, “no! That wing has been closed for over 20 years; do you really think that I’d open it just for you?”
Loki glared at his father, “please father, I,” he was cut off by Odin.
“It’s nothing but dust and stone, it’s dangerous. It’s closed for good reason,” Loki sighed, knowing there was no way he could change his father’s mind.
“Come on sweetling, I’ve got something to give you,” Frigga smiled as she led her son out of the throne room, “I know that look Loki, I’m sorry but your father is right. There is nothing but rubble and danger in that wing.”
They entered Frigga’s chambers that Loki hadn’t been in since he was a boy; it was just as pretty as he remembered.
“Mother, why didn’t father marry off Astrid to Thor? He is the future King and she’s a future Queen,” Loki asked, he wouldn’t change anything but it had been gnawing at his mind for quite some time now.
Frigga looked at him with the most unreadable expression before quickly turning away, “your father wanted to but Astrid’s father disagreed. Terrible things can happen to future Kings, Loki,” the explanation seemed loose but he didn’t want to argue with his mother.
“Ah, here it is,” Frigga smiled and turned back around from her writing desk and dropped a silver key on a golden chain into Loki’s hand. Loki stared at it for a second before raising his eyebrow; he had no idea what this was for.
“It’s the key to the garden, my garden. The one that’s hidden beneath the ivy, your father constructed it for me when we married. Unfortunately, it’s fallen into disrepair due to my duties here, it is now Astrid’s, I hear she has a green thumb. It will be a good place for your children to play in.”
Loki flushed a pretty shade of scarlet as his mother mentioned children, he tried to imagine himself as a father, and he made a vow to himself that he’d be a better father than Odin. He’d actually spend time with his children and make it perfectly clear to them that he loved them as was proud of them. The prince smiled as he closed his hand over the small key, “thank you mother,” he grinned, kissing his mother’s powdered cheek, “if you’ll excuse me.”
Frigga nodded and bowed her head, “of course my son, I hope that Astrid likes the garden,” Loki smiled and left his mother’s chambers.
Right about now Astrid would be on her way to get her armour and weapons fitted but there was somebody that he needed to apologise to. Then his conscience would finally be clear. He found Mara walking down the hallway with Sif; she was wearing the flower crown that Astrid had made for her from the spring flowers. With Mara’s kind face, long white blonde hair and big blue eyes that you could drown in she seemed to be the picture of innocence. After all this time it seemed like she could be in fact innocent.
“Mara?” he called out and the two ladies looked at him expectantly, “may I have a word with you?” he asked, glancing at Sif, “privately,” he added.
Mara nodded and smiled at Sif before walking to Loki’s side, “can I just tell you first that you’ve made Astrid the happiest I’ve ever seen her.”
Loki chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m sure it’s not just down to me. I wanted to apologise for accusing you of trying to kill Astrid but really you can’t blame me. All that unmistakable evidence pointed to Arna. I’ve still got my eye on you though.”
Mara smiled, “Loki, you don’t need to worry, I saw how upset everybody was when Arna tried to poison her, I don’t want to cause that kind of pain, especially not for you.”
“What about getting back to your family? I thought you had to kill a princess in order to get back to them?”
Mara shrugged, “I’ve been with Astrid for so long that she has become my family. I was foolish to not see it before.”
Loki wondered what it was that had caused Mara’s sudden change of heart, maybe it was how she said, she had sounded sincere. He was still going to keep his guard up, he had met extraordinary liars before, himself included, and “very well, I believe you. Could you do me a favour and ask Astrid to meet me by the wall of ivy round the back of the palace? Alone?”
“Yes Loki, I will. Good day to you,” Mara nodded as she walked back down the hallway to join Sif again.
Astrid giggled as she closed her eyes and put her hand in Loki’s, she heard the rustle of leaves being pushed aside and a heavy key turned in the lock. It was when she heard the creak of a door that she really started to get impatient.
“Loki,” she whined in a way that was very unbecoming of a princess, Loki laughed and moved a hand to her waist, leading her further and further.
“You can open your eyes soon, I promise, I just wanted this to be a surprise,” Astrid felt a kiss on her cheek and she flushed pink at his gentle touch. She walked a little farther and it felt like she was wading through oceans of long grass, “okay, you can open your eyes now.”
Astrid grinned and opened her eyes, gasping in awe as she did so; she was in what looked to be an overgrown jungle. On closer inspection it was a garden, complete with a stone marquee and a swing. Even though it looked like the garden hadn’t been touched in many years Astrid could still smell the faint scent of the wild flowers. In the centre of the garden there was a statue of a handsome prince and a beautiful princess dancing together. It seemed to be a very romantic place, just like a story and Astrid loved it.
“What is this place? It’s so beautiful,” she smiled, sitting on the stone step of the marquee.
“My father had it constructed for my mother when they married,” Loki gestured at the statue of the prince and princess, “she wants you to have it and so do I. I think it’s an early wedding present,” he chuckled.
Astrid gasped in delight, “really?” she looked around the garden and she could see exactly where she would plant the roses and forget me nots. She could just imagine the number of animals that would be attracted to the garden.
“Really,” Loki grinned, his hand coming up to rest on her cheek, he bowed his head at the same time that Astrid stood on her tiptoes. They shared their kiss in the garden that had been empty for so long and would soon be brimming with life again.
Astrid felt the gentle kiss of the snowflakes on her nose and she thought it odd that it was snowing in spring. She opened her eyes and saw that it was a large room shrouded in ice and snow. She heard her name whispered through the snow like a soft breath, she followed the voice and it led to a man in shackles that had icicles all over his face.
When he grasped her hand he was so cold that it turned her hand blue and she couldn’t feel her fingers, the man spoke in a hoarse whisper, “don’t drink the wine. Don’t drink the wine at the celebration, whatever you do.”
“Get away from me,” she cried, suddenly very afraid as she tried to pull her hand out of his grasp, “leave me alone!”
She bolted up in bed with a shrill scream and screamed once more when she saw Loki standing in the doorway, “what’s the matter?! You were crying and screaming.”
“I had a bad dream,” she said, suddenly feeling embarrassed, “will you stay with me? Please?” she asked in a small voice, moving over to make room for him.
Loki nodded with a smile, sliding in next to her and when he wrapped her up in his arms the dream didn’t seem so terrible after all. It was a strange one though and she wouldn’t be forgetting it anytime soon.
@theonelittleone​ @void-imaginations​
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Into the Dark (4/?)
A/N: More Angst ahead. No smut or implied smut really. Character Deaths mentioned for the sake of length they’re not described. This chapter is long as hell. Sorry. 
“You’re pregnant,” Thor says, early one morning. He’s blinking at you in surprise. Almost as if he didn’t expect it. You feel your heart drop to somewhere around your feet. It doesn’t take much to avoid looking at him. He never expects you to look at him. He doesn’t expect you to flinch away from him when he reaches for your hand. His own hand drops and he nods to himself. You never really want him to touch you if you can avoid it. But some of the hardness in his face softens as he looks at you now.
“Go see mother,” he says quietly. An order. You swallow back telling him to go fuck himself. Your last hope was to be barren and then maybe you could end this farce. But scarcely a month into marriage and a handful of couplings later, clearly that is not the case. “I will,” you say flatly. You want to ask him if he’s off to see Sif this morning but you already know. They may be forbidden from being alone together but that doesn’t mean they avoid each other. You stand up from the table and start to leave but Thor catches your hand making you freeze.
You’re so touch starved you don’t care who’s touching you. You just need someone to hold you and tell you it’ll be okay. “Yes, husband?” you ask your voice still toneless in your shock. He wants to tell you he’s pleased with you but instead, he drops your hand. “Nothing,” he says turning back to his breakfast. Your face tells him you feel nothing about this news. He can count on one hand the number of times you’ve even spoken more than a few words to him since the wedding. He’d thought that preferable. But in bed, as he looks at your back, as you move as far from him as you can after he’s found release, he can count your ribs. He looks down at the plate you left behind, where there’s hardly anything eaten and glances back up to see you already gone. Away from him to find whatever comfort you can.
Guilt gnaws at him again and he hates you for it. He wants you to be mean. He wants you to be angry. He doesn’t want you to make sure that the breakfast table has his favorite things on it. That his armor is polished to a mirror finish, that everything in your shared chamber is arranged to his liking. You’re the mother of his child now, he tells himself, he needs to be a better husband. And he means to. He doesn’t know anything about you because he never bothered to ask. But he goes in search of a peace offering. Something that might at least remind you that this is his child too.
Alone, far from everyone as you can get, you cry. You’d give anything to be at home with someone who’d dry your tears and hand you a cup of tea. It’s Frigga who finds you. She’d been searching for you, needing to show you something about her healing wing. You try and stop crying, still considering anyone on Asgard to be “public” instead of family. She pulls you into her arms gently and holds you. She doesn’t know what her son had done to you to make you this distraught but she intended to have words with him. She was over his stolen moments with Sif as if he were a schoolboy instead of a man with a wife. “I’m sorry,” you say quickly, wiping your face with your sleeve and trying to adjust yourself clumsily. “What happened, darling?” she asks gently. You smile a little. You can’t bring yourself to tell her you’re with child. You simply can’t. Besides. Thor didn’t order you to tell her. He only ordered you to see her. And you had.
“Nothing,” you say, “Really, a misunderstanding I am sure.” It’s not a lie. Nothing had happened that you considered important so the rules that disallowed you lying didn’t make you choke. She doesn’t believe you, you know but she doesn’t press. You follow her to the healing wing and learn what she has to show you, grateful for the distraction for a little while but your trembling hands and pale skin have Frigga putting you on a table to examine you just as Thor comes crashing through the door.
She frowns at him, stopping him dead as she runs practiced hands over your body. You’re more emotionally distressed than she realized. She can feel how thin you are and now that she’s examining you she can feel the new life starting to grow inside you. The dull hollow feeling in your chest makes her eyes sting. There is nothing you’ve felt that isn’t exposed to her and she kisses your forehead gently. You’ve been in misery. She knows that’s not a natural state for you. Your natural state is joy. You were made to walk in the sunshine. Hopeful optimism and kindness are the traits she wanted you for. But now? You’re hollow and wrung out. The few times you are content you’ve bespelled yourself just to make it through the day. She keeps a hand on your cheek, gently rubbing your cheekbone as she whispers instructions to one of her ladies to escort you back to your bedchamber and let you lie down.
You go, a Lady in waiting to support you, holding your arm. You don’t even look at Thor. You don’t bother. It’s not as if anything that happens to you actually matters. Once you've been helped into night clothes and put to bed, Thor dismisses the ladies and brings you the goblet his mother handed him. Her warnings and her scolding still ringing in his ears. He’s not to so much as look at Sif again or she’ll have her banished. He’s to be a model husband and treat you with dignity. If he does all of that she’ll consider letting him live to see his next birthday. “Mother bids you drink this,” he said. He didn’t know what it was but he assumed it was for the baby. “She said it would help you feel better,” he said shrugging when you look at him in askance. You take it wordlessly and take a cautious sip before crinkling your nose slightly. Thor sits awkwardly on the edge of the bed and you scoot away from him slightly. The silence stretches on. Thor seems to prefer when you don’t speak in his presence so you restrict your remarks to short replies out of habit. “How do you like Asgard?” he asks after a moment. “It’s fine, the architecture is beautiful.” The only thing you can say that isn’t a lie. Thor glances at you, all these wonders and all you care about is buildings? “How are you feeling? Mother said you were unwell,” he tries again. “I’ll be fine, your highness,” you say, “I think I am only overtired.” You feel exhausted so it isn’t a lie. Thor doesn’t miss that you use his title or call him husband when you address him at all. He hates it and he’s pretty sure that’s why you do it. He’s right. “Conversations are easier to have when everyone contributes,” he huffs out, frustrated that you don’t seem to care if he’s speaking to you or not.
“Conversations are easier to have when you want to have them,” you reply, “Please, husband. It’s bad enough that I’m married to someone who is at best apathetic towards me. Don’t make me make small talk with you too.” Thor winces at that. You’re not wrong. His feelings towards you do tend towards apathetic these days. “Mother said you were lonely,” he said, “She said that was bad for the baby. That your emotions are making you sick.” You snort, “And forced small talk is the way to fix that, hm?” you ask bitterly. How fucking dare he force this on you? How dare he even pretend? After all the times he’s come home lips kiss swollen and reeking of Sif’s perfume. After all the times he’s barked at you as if you were an unruly soldier and not his wife. He reaches for your hand and you pull it away, “Don’t. touch. me.” you say warningly. You are tired and sad and all you want is sleep. Sleep is the only respite you get. Anger flashes in Thor’s face and you meet his eyes for the first time in days. When he sees that there is nothing there. Nothing. You face is blank as if you have nothing left to feel but pain, he moves away from you. “Fine,” he bites out. He leaves you then and you hurl the goblet and it’s contents at the wall as the door slams shut.
“Where is my wife?” Thor asks Brunhilde as she orders herself another drink. The Valkyrie shrugs, “She left here about 10 minutes ago. Got on her motorcycle and just fucked off... She does that.” Thor pinched the bridge of his nose, “Where did she go?” Brunhilde shrugs again, “Probably the woods somewhere. I know she has a garden someplace where she grows the healing herbs we use. Loki probably knows where it is.” Thor nods and trudges off to find Loki. The trickster is similarly tight-lipped about where you’ve gone, “Thor, she doesn’t want to see you,” he said, “After so many years, I don’t blame her.” The blonde winces, “I want to make things right with her,” he said. Loki barked a laugh, “That implies you had a relationship with her before,” he said, “You never wanted her. You wanted Sif. And then Jane, but nowhere in any of that did you want your wife. She spent years hoping you’d come to at least value her... Mother. It broke Mother’s heart. And it was only that girl, the one you refused to pay attention to that kept us from war with the fey. If she had ever told them anything, they would have been honor bound to storm the palace and bring her home.”
Loki thrusts a small stack of leather-bound journals into Thor’s hands, “If you ever tell her I gave you these, I’ll deny it... She told me to burn them but I thought that if she were to ever kill herself, you should know what your part in it was.” Thor takes them carefully as if they might bite. Loki considered you a friend. One of his only friends and he didn’t take your mistreatment lightly. Not even coming from Thor whom he also loved. As Thor ambles away, Loki prays to the gods that this might just give you some peace. That it might help Thor foster an understanding of you. He also prays that if you ever find out he disobeyed your request that you wouldn’t be angry long.
Thor takes the journals back to his tower, ignoring Korg as he calls out to Thor to play more Fortnite. They are bound together with a piece of leather cord. About 8 or 10 slim volumes. Easily concealed in your jewelry box or any other small crevice in your room where you could secret them away. He’d seen you writing in books like this before. He assumed it was just a way for you to record your days. But they feel heavy. They hold the weight of sleepless nights and countless disappointments. The weight of a rebellion. The pressure of being where no one wanted you. They smell of pain and fear and hopelessness. He holds them for a long time. He knows this is intensely private. You’d asked Loki to burn them so no one else might ever see what you’d had to say. Carefully, with a prayer for forgiveness, he opens the first volume. 
You stand in the crowd. Watching Thor be named Odin’s heir. At 20 weeks pregnant you’re starting to show and nothing you can do makes you happy about that fact. You’re too tired to keep yourself bespelled and have to force yourself into a calm smiling composure. You feel Sif glaring at you but you ignore her. The Warriors three are watching Thor. Sif is watching you, her stare would burn your skin from your bones if she had her way. Since Thor is forbidden to even speak with her, his ardor for her has seemingly cooled. And recently he’s been at the very least, less curt. It isn't loving but at least with his hatred of you turned down to a simmer in front of the court, some of the whisperings have stopped. It’s small relief and you welcome it with the growing amount of stress the pregnancy puts on your body. 
The aftermath of the Frost Giant attack and Thor’s banishment leaves you again in Limbo. Though strangely, you don’t care that he’s gone. Loki promises you quietly that he won’t let you be hurt. That you’re safe with him on the throne. You apply yourself to supporting Frigga and tune out all the other court intrigues. The Queen is terrified for her husband who may never wake up. You hold her hand and do whatever she asks without question. 
Heimdall visits you often. He tells you Thor is safe. He tells you of things in Faery. Things that often don’t get put in letters. Little cousins losing teeth, jousts, and picnics. Things you miss so much your heart aches. Heimdall does not approve of the way Thor treats you but a prince will do as a prince will do. Heimdall is bound to protect the Bifrost and obey orders. He was ordered not to allow you to return home unaccompanied. He was not ordered not to tell you of home. Heimdall does not tell you of Jane. You do not ask. 
When Thor returns, a triumphant hero and Loki is gone, your heart shatters again. Loki was your friend. Your only friend in this place. His loss is one thing too many. The stress and strain cause you to lose the child. Frigga stays near you, holding your hand and directing the healers as they hurry to save your life. You’re in pain, half in and out of fever dreams crying for your mother, your cousins, your music tutor, any familiar anchor to this life. Never Thor. You don’t ask for him once. The small part of your brain that is still lucid tells you that even if you did call, he wouldn’t come. 
Thor sits with the warriors three, drinking. He misses Jane. His child is dead, and for all he knows you still might die. Loki is gone. Nothing is right. 
When Frigga is finally sure that you’re not going to die on her healing table, she has you put into a comfortable bed to rest and goes in search of her son. “Thor,” she says, standing in the door way, beckoning to him. He stands, staggering slightly, “Is she dead?” he asks hazily. Frigga itched to slap him, “No, thank the gods, she is not. She is alive. We only lost the child.” Thor nods, “What was it?” he asks, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. “A girl,” Frigga answers softly. She hadn’t wanted to tell you when you asked. She didn’t want to cause you further distress but your pleading had torn her heart in two. Thor eases himself into a chair with a groan and Frigga puts a hand on his shoulder, “Y/N is asleep now. Resting. It will take her body some time to heal.” Thor nods, “Will she see me?” he asked. He felt responsible for your current state. His actions had lead to the stress that caused your pain. Frigga shook her head, “She won’t see anyone right now. I think Loki is the only one she’d admit to her room and he isn’t here.” Thor nods and sighs, “Perhaps... perhaps in a few days. When the pain isn’t so new,” Frigga says bracingly. She wants to be more sympathetic and she wants to punch him in the mouth. A mother always loves her children. That doesn’t mean she likes them.
Thor tries to be admitted to your room every day. Every day one of your ladies politely sends him away. For four days. He comes each day to talk to you. On the 5th day, when they let him inside the room, guilt gnaws at him. You’re still too thin and too pale. You look ill and tired. You look sad and scared. Then he reaches for your hand, you don’t pull away you let him hold it. Your skin is cold.
He doesn’t say anything. Not a word. Until the silence makes him uncomfortable. “We can try again,” he says.
You look up at him slowly, pulling your hand away from his like he shocked you. “Get out,” you say quietly. He starts to stammer out an apology but the tears are flowing and you’re louder, screaming at him, “Get out, get the fuck out!” The god scrambles backward. For all the times you’ve just taken his insults with a blank stare, he didn’t even know you could scream. He didn’t know you even had the lung capacity to do it. You sound like a banshee. Your sudden rage shakes him to his core and he just barely managed to get out of the way as you hurl a stone vase at the wall where he stands. It shatters on the floor and he ducks out the door. Your screams and heartbroken sobs still echoing in his ears. Frigga half shoves him out of the way and gathers you into her arms, rocking you gently. A week of silence and trying to accept things undone in a matter of a few moments. She says a prayer for patience and kisses your head, “Sweetheart,” she soothes, “It’s alright. Whatever he said, it’s okay. It’ll all be okay. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was the shock of everything.”
“I want to go home,” you say softly, “Please just let me go home.” Frigga gently settles you back in bed, pushing a potion to your lips to help you sleep, “As soon as I can sweetheart. We’ll send you for a visit.” She knows. She knows you mean forever. But that cannot be. Marriage vows are forever. And vows cannot simply be broken.
When Thor returns to Midgard, he will not take you. He forbids you to go. Leaves you on Asgard saying that it isn’t safe. He really doesn’t want you to see Loki this way. You’ve reached a fragile peace. Thor lets you do whatever you please, you don’t ask him about Jane. He dotes on you in front of his mother. He does not come to your bed at night. 
When he leads Loki back in chains, you and Frigga both plead with Odin to spare him. Odin listens only because he cannot bear to see either of you cry. 
When he returns to Midgard again, he doesn’t take you with him. Instead, he braves bringing back Jane. She’s in danger and he cannot just let her die. “Husband,” you say, aloof politeness in your voice, “Who is your friend?” You know who it is. You aren’t stupid. Thor can’t look at you and leads Jane away. Loki sees the tear tracks on your cheeks when you bring him books and smiles sadly, “Little sister,” he says gently, “why do you let him do this to you?” You sigh, “Because. I’m a fucking idiot and some small, broken piece of my heart is still waiting for my fairy tale. I didn’t choose him but he’s my only chance.”
Loki wants to reach out and wipe your tear away. Instead, he tries to make you laugh, anything to quell the pain for a moment. He does. You laugh. It’s a rare sound these days but it reminds him of the comfort he felt in your mother’s court. Reminds him of the Fairy Princess who rode horseback with no saddle and wove spells that gave him chills to watch the artistry. His friend. The only person who had never commented on how cold his skin felt to the touch. The one person who liked him because of who he was, not just that he was a princeling. 
With Frigga’s death, you push your own pain aside to hold your husband and brother in law together. You pray she taught you enough. That you learned enough. And you try not to blame the Mortal girl who had brought her end. 
The Third time he goes to Midgard, you force him to take you. You tell him that you don’t even want to meet his Earth friends. You just want to go home. You just want to eat food that doesn’t repulse you and hug your mother. Thor has no choice. But when you get there, you don’t get to go Home. Thor needs to be protected. Mostly from himself.
So you stay at his side. You can see the awkward flurry of emotions as he introduces you as his wife. The questions. When they ask what planet you’re from, it is immensely satisfying to say “Connecticut” and watch it process through. When you pick up a sword and dress for a fight, Thor looks at you side ways, “I didn’t know you knew how to fight,” he says quietly. Not without Tony hearing. You shrug, “You never asked. I am a princess of Faery. I was taught to protect my house.”
“Nice one, Pointbreak,” Tony said, slapping his shoulder, “How long have you been married? Two minutes?” Thor has the grace to look embarrassed, “Three years,” he says.
“Very nice,” he said. He was idly admiring your body in your fighting gear. It was not of Asgard. Fitted close. Made for speed and stealth. “She’s gorgeous,” Bruce says, “You’re lucky.” Thor makes a noncommittal noise and folds his arms. He’d learned long ago that he might be the only man in a room that didn’t find you beautiful. But you weren’t unfortunate, he supposed. Tony and Bruce trade looks but say nothing. You talk with Steve and Natasha, getting a feel for them. Barton gives Thor a thumbs up and mimes a soft whistle. Fey have that effect on humans, he supposes. He wonders if you’re aware of it. You don’t seem to be. 
You hold your own in battle. You’re quick and fierce, darting hither and yon with feet so fast that he often only sees the back of you as you rush forward. He vaguely recognizes that you probably could, in fact, kill him if you wanted to. And he’s impressed. After the battle he goes to pull you to him and you freeze, “Please don’t touch me,” you say quietly. You want to imagine that this might be love. But it’s only the heat of battle and you’re the closest available woman. You can’t. You just can’t deal with him rutting away on top of you pretending you’re anyone else. 
When you return to Asgard, Thor is slightly kinder. He bothers to offer you his arm and ask you how your day is. It softens you towards him a little. You go back to trying to be a good wife. Doing little things he doesn’t notice to ease his way. 
It’s all fine. Until Ragnarok. Until Thor and Loki are both gone doing gods only know what. Until you start the rebellion. Until you lead the people. 
But after Thanos. You’re back to square one. Thor hates you. He hates everything about you. And you have no choice. As he slides into the dark. Into a depressive spiral, you lead. You and Brunhilde and Loki. You run New Asgard and they carry out your wishes. You integrate the Asgardians with Midgard. You set up schools and healers and libraries. You make them a comfortable place to be in the world. They love you for it. The whispers stop. You are Queen. You are her Majesty. Aided and abetted by Loki deferring to you and no one else. Not even Thor who in his drunken state cannot even rule a teapot.
Thor roars at you. He orders you from his tower and you tell him to sit the fuck down and eat the meal you brought. You clean as best you can. You’re a solid, stable presence, even though he doesn’t want you. Even though he leaves you cold and lonely. When the Avengers show up, you bring them to him. Quietly watching. Not drawing attention to yourself. He scurries off when the Raccoon mentions beer. Banner looks at you with pity on his face and you shrug. You stopped feeling long before now. A decade of his apathy has worn you down to numb. 
After the Second snap, you scramble to house the people. Thor is the hero while you struggle to manage the influx. 11 years. Married 11 years with no children. Married 11 years and for most of that, your husband has loved someone else. All you know is work. All you know is that you are Queen and Queens suffer silently. 
Thor sits on his bed in the tower. Surrounded by pages of your private writings. His heart is broken. He wants to find you and kiss you and tell you that he’s sorry. He knows it isn’t enough. He found suicide notes you started so many times in the depths of your pain. He saw the notes from the rebellion. The entries after you lost the child. Your agony at not being anything he wanted. 
He thinks of how long it’s been since he’s seen you. Since he’s been close enough to touch you. You’re still young and fresh, forever 22. But your hands are work calloused and your eyes are older. He thinks of the sound of your laugh and how he hated it. How he misses it now when he can’t hear you playing with the Asgardian children in the street. He wipes tears away and gathers up the pages carefully. He doesn’t deserve you. He never did. 
But his parents were right. He had needed you. More than you will ever need him. The times when you needed him are passed, he knows and he wasn’t there to catch you. He hides the journals away and watches out the kitchen window. There’s a pack of Children marching, laughing down the street. 
The Children. He smacks his forehead gently. If you were anything like his mother, the Children of Asgard would always know how to find you. They were always the best way to find Frigga in a hurry. 
Thor pulls on his jacket and simply follows them. Sure enough, they lead him straight to you. You’re sitting on some cliffs, idly scribbling in a notebook and munching on your lunch. It was supposed to be a break from it all but when the Children find you, giggling and running at you, you laugh. “Oh no, I’ve been found,” you say, picking them up to cuddle the little ones, “Wherever will I eat my lunch now.” They want a story and they’ll not be dissuaded. So you tell them. You spin out a tale easily and send them all away chattering and acting things out. Thor keeps his distance. You’re happy. And you’re not bespelled. He honestly can’t remember the last time he saw that.
When the last of the children have scampered out of earshot, he approaches. “Y/N,” he says softly. You don’t turn to look at him, “Your majesty,” you reply, “How can I help you?” He winces at the formal tone of your voice. “I need to speak with you,” he said. You check your watch, “It will have to wait. I have a budget meeting in a few minutes.” You pack your lunch away uneaten and stand, going to walk past him. He catches your wrist and squeezes gently, “Please,” he said. There’s a tricky little maneuver and your wrist is easily out of his grasp as you walk forward. “Do you hate me then?” he asks after you. 
You turn slightly to look at him, “No, husband. That would require me to feel anything for you at all.” You walk away from him, headed back towards the town. Leaving him on the windswept cliffs alone. 
@lancsnerd @innerpaperexpertcloud @stevieang@peachykeen3502 @vxidnik, @past-perfect-future-tense, @trumpettay, @buckysblondie,
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intotheshadowblog · 4 years
Chapter XIII Írimë finds a friend
After that conversation with Loki things had been very different for Irime.
 Now she harbored a firm hope about her mission, thought that the possibility of having failed was perhaps not real, she was clinging to a new hope.
 Time had passed and the young woman was already recovered, her Lady Elbereth had not returned from Alfheim and the mission had taken a different turn.
 Suddenly the idea of ​​new negotiations had been left behind and the meetings with Odin to discuss the truce had not been repeated.
 Irime constantly received news from Alfheim and expected new orders but these were always the same, she had to wait for the return of her lady and meanwhile generate good relations with the inhabitants of Asgard since they king had decided to allow her to stay in his kingdom, perhaps At the queen's insistence, everyone thought.
 Irime imagined that this had a meaning, that her Lords had not forgotten it there but were meditating on the next movement. So over time that idea became a conviction and little by little those days of doubt and obligation were behind us.
 What had not changed was that feeling of betrayal her soul felt, she was still a guest in the house of her enemies.
 For this reason, she tried to make it clear who she was and constantly watched Thor.
 She had befriended Lady Sif, his wife, and was constantly having conversations about Jotunheim and her version of the stories told by Odin
Lady Sif was someone she had learned to trust.
 Her relationship with Loki had also grown, as had her certainty that by now she was hopelessly in love with him.
 Loki was still elusive and taciturn, with that lost look and that darkness that enveloped him every time young woman tried to approach him.
 It was not a real rejection, it was not that he did not feel something for her, that was clear, she could feel it, but something took him away from her, it was a fact that she did not seem to be able to change.
 Loki remained hidden behind his shadows.
 That morning Irime and Lady Sif had met in the palace and conversed assiduously while drinking mead.
 -I love listening to your stories, they really are revealing to me
 Irime replied with a bow
 "The pleasure is mine, Lady Sif. It is an honor that you wish I share my stories with you, especially when ..."
 And she stopped because she felt that she shouldn't go too far in her statements, but Sif understood her discomfort and smiled
 -Especially when I'm Thor's wife?
 Irime felt ashamed, the lady was too kind to attack her in any way, having her friendship was really valuable to her and she did not want to disturb her
 -I didn't mean to offend you ...
 Interrupted her
 -I understand what you mean and I also understand that it must be difficult for you to start these conversations with me, but let me tell you that I do not ignore the things Thor has done in Jotunheim and I do not approve of them either
 Irime breathed relief
 -I do not defend my husband in everything he does, I have my own opinions ...
 And took a sip of the drink
-In truth, we have always been told that the giants of Jotunheim were our enemies and it never occurred to me to doubt it but the things you tell me have completely changed my way of seeing them, believe me Irime, I am willing to accept that some things are not as they told us ...
 -It is encouraging that you are able to understand, it means a lot to me ...
 -I know…
 Lady Sif continued
 -I can see in your eyes how much you love them, your words are sincere and I have no reason to doubt what you say ... but believe me Irime, in reality Thor is not as evil as you can believe, even his mother was a Jotun, he responds to Odin's orders and attacking Jotunheim has always been aimed at showing who is in command and it has not been something he has decided to do of his own free will… in fact, he even admires you…
 Irime raised her eyebrows upon hearing that.
 -It's the truth, more than once, when he returned from Jotunheim and confronted you, he has shown his respect towards you, he knows that you have fought bravely for your convictions and he recognizes that you are powerful too, Thor has a habit of respecting his opponents even when you don't love losing the battle ...
 -I never wanted to hurt anyone ...
 -I know ... and you've tried to reason with Thor more than once ... he told me
 Irime nodded sadly
 -But if he has not accepted, and I am not justifying his actions, it was because Odin never allowed him to do it ... a truce with Jotunheim is something that has never been in the plans of the Father of everything ...
 Irime nodded again now with more regret than before
 -I'm sorry to tell you this dear Irime but none of us consider that your mission can be successful ...
 Irime ducked her head nodding at her words, she better than anyone knew that Odin would be unable to accept the union between the two worlds and she knew the reasons
Lady Sif sighed before continuing
 -Well ... Thor is not really the only one who admires you ...
 Irime raised her head upon hearing her say that
 -Loki has turned his attention to the stories of Thor when he returned from a trip to Jotunheim and I have seen that flash in his eyes every time he mentioned that mysterious protector of the Jotnar
 Irime blushed at hearing her say this and Lady Sif wouldn't let it go
 -And from what I see the desire for attention is mutual ... which seems incredibly revealing to me too ...
 The young woman was nervous to hear this and tried to get away from the conversation
 -It is very flattering for me that the princes of Asgard have so much respect for me ... I have only been faithful to my nature and ...
 -You don't have to explain anything to me ...
 Both ladies looked at each other for a few seconds in silence then Irime was the one who spoke
 -I wish you were right, I really want Loki to feel comfortable with my presence here but I think I have done nothing but disturb him ...
 Sif frowned at her
 -He is very kind to me and he has never told me otherwise but I can feel his desire to keep his distance ... I know how much he hates the Jotnar and I am very afraid that he will never see me as someone with whom I feel like being ...
 Lady Sif sighed again
 -Loki has always been complex to understand ... do not worry about his disdain, I think that over time you will discover that he hides from those who matter most, the rest only serves him to make mischief ...
 Irime almost smiled at her words but said nothing and Sif respected her right to remain silent.
 -But what I don't understand ...
 She said trying to change the tense atmosphere in which the conversation had sunk
 -It is because Odin would lie about the Jotnar ...
 Irime was silent once more but Lady Sif insisted
 -I would like to know your opinion without fear that I may betray our trust
Young Istarí doubted again but her spirit gave her the confidence to trust that Sif did not represent any danger.
 -Maybe because he knows they are powerful ...
 Sif nodded thoughtfully
 "Do you think Odin fears that the Jotnar may usurp his throne?"
 Irime smiled
 -No, and if he believed it he would be in a huge mistake, the Jotnar would never take anything that was not their, I think he wants to keep them away for something else ... maybe he fears that the Jotnar reveal something  he does not want to be revealed ... keeping them away ensures that his secret is safe ...
 Sif nodded again
 -Maybe I should be more faithful to our king but the truth is that I have never completely trusted him, he exerts too much influence on Thor and I try to keep the balance between his strength and his mercy, Thor is benevolent but Odin's angry character dominates his will ... I have always tried to keep him away from that anger that drags him towards madness ...
 She paused again
 -Also I know that Odin keeps secrets, I have been aware of this for a long time, I would not be surprised if some matter with the Jotnar is one of them.
 Now it was Irime who nodded and deep in her soul she felt enormously happy because she recognized Lady Sif as a valuable ally.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Imagine that you are Stark’s niece and you secretly share a strong relationship with Loki since he entered the crew. One day you get hurt so bad during a mission that you are about to die.  Loki knows a spell that will save you and share his immortality with you but you and he will be linked forever sharing thoughts, pain, emotions…
RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS:  Also on AO3 click here
You woke to Loki lifting you from the couch and you stirred in his arms. “How was catching up with your dad?” you asked him softly, not truly awake, but awake enough to remember why you had been waiting up for him, even though you had failed at actually staying awake.
It was the thought that mattered.
“It was wonderful,” he replied with the brightest smile you could remember ever seeing on his face. He was so lit up that his father had finally given him some attention.
“I’m glad,” you told him sleepily, your voice a soft purr.
“You should not have waited up for me,” he scolded, but he was gentle and teasing, and was actually touched that you had. He tried to sound stern, but it came out lovingly exasperated.
“Didn’t. Fell asleep on the couch,” you reminded him. 
He chuckled. “Bedtime, darling. We have nothing but big days for the rest of the week,” he reminded you . He settled you in the bed and joined you a minute later. He was surprised that you instantly curled up with him. Usually cuddling for sleeping only came after the nightmares. He didn’t complain, though, and you fell back asleep safely curled in your boyfriend’s arms.
Loki wasn’t lying when he said the rest of the week would be filled with nothing but big days. You barely saw him for the week, as you had to learn how to be a princess in the course of a few short days. Frigga and Sif spent every moment possible prepping you for the ceremony and in princess lessons. It was hard work when you had terrible American posture and no idea how to be a princess.
Suddenly, it was the day of the ceremony. Thor burst into your suite stupidly early, before the sun had even rose. “Thor!” you shrieked, pulling the blankets up to cover yourself, even though you weren’t indecent. Loki sat up and Thor grabbed him before he could look over at you and tossed him over his shoulder.
“Thor, while I’m sure your wife appreciates the view of your derriere, I would much rather see my darling soulbond,” Loki commented dryly, while you giggled at their antics. You didn’t know what was going on, but it was fun.
“Tough luck, Brother. You shall just have to enjoy the view of my posterior instead. My soulbond has told me on numerous occasions that it is a wonderful view. It is tradition to not see your soulbond until the ceremony on the day of. You know this, Brother. It is bad luck,”
“We’re already bound, moron,” Loki replied grumpily.
“Tradition is tradition, Brother,” he somehow maneuvered to set Loki on his feet so Loki was facing away from the bed and couldn’t see you. “I am willing to be generous, this morning, though,” Thor added with a grin. He tied a strip of cloth over Loki’s eyes.
“How is this generous, Brother?” Loki demanded indignantly.
“I will allow your lovely soulbond to kiss you goodbye,” Thor announced, pleased with himself for being so generous.
“Ah, yes, very generous, Brother,” Loki replied sarcastically while you climbed out of the bed. You blushed a little as you was wearing an Asgardian nightdress, which was way more revealing than your normal pajamas. Thor didn’t seem phased, though. Loki turned around and you went over to him and stood on your toes so you could give him a kiss. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you  deeply, holding you against him while you wrapped your arms around his neck. You finally let him go when Thor cleared his throat. He grabbed Loki again and threw him back over his shoulder.
“I would hate for you to run into a wall, little brother,” Thor laughed at Loki’s indignant splutters. “Mother and Sif will be here soon to help you get ready, Sister,” Thor warned you before he left with Loki. You pulled a robe on and used magic to straighten the room quickly before curling yourself on the couch in the sittingroom with a book to wait for Frigga and Sif.
“They are perfect for each other,” Sif commented when they walking into the room later. You smiled up at them at set down your book, getting up from the couch at the same time.
“You expected?” you asked her in reply. 
“Nothing less,”
“Dears, we have a lot of work to do before the ceremony,” Frigga reminded you gently. You stopped your laughing and let the day begin. Your hair and makeup were done expertly by the palace staff. It took forever since they did it without magic, but the results were amazing. You was dressed in an elegant blue gown with golden sparkles throughout, looking like stars that were falling into the border of golden sparkles at the bottom of the dress. It was gorgeous and fit you like a glove.
Once all the preparations were made, you went to the antechamber near the throne room. The procession would start from there. Loki was there with Thor already, waiting for you. Loki was blindfolded again and protesting the treatment. You laughed at him when you entered the room. “Thor, you are in charge. Sif and I will take our places,” Frigga told Thor, who gave her a bow.
“Of course, Mother,” he replied formally. Frigga and Sif left you.
“Now may I take this stupid blindfold off?” Loki whined at Thor. Both Brothers were dressed in their finest formal wear and had crowns on their heads.
“No, you may not,” Thor replied pleasantly. He turned to you. “You look beautiful, Sister dear,” he told you warmly. You had the feeling that he just wanted to rile Loki up.
He succeeded.
“I am sure Thor is correct, darling,” Loki finally said after he’d finished grumbling. He reached a hand up to his blindfold, but Thor slapped it back down immediately.
“No tricks, Brother. You shall see her soon. And don’t you even think about vanishing it with magic,” Thor added quickly. Loki huffed, but obeyed. He only did because it was important to his family. Loki tried to come over to kiss you, but Thor held him back by the back of the shirt. 
You couldn’t help giggling at their antics. 
You finally heard the music change. “Come along, Brother, our cue is soon.” You all left the antechamber. That music had indicated that all the guests were in place. You followed them, staying a couple steps behind them so you could wait for your cue. “The doors will open again when it is your cue, Sister,” Thor reminded you.
“Thank you,” you told him, feeling the nerves now that you were standing there. You kept trying to convince yourself that this wasn’t a real wedding. This was too soon in your relationship for a real wedding. It was a ceremony to appease his family, to prove to them that this wasn’t a sham. The feelings were real, even if the soulbond had come from unfortunate circumstances.
/It won’t change anything, darling. I promise you/ Loki told you, reading the emotions of your worry.
/I know. This is still a step we wouldn’t be ready for except that circumstances give us no choice/ you reminded him, expressing your feelings.
/I know, darling, and I wish that you could be spared it, but it was the only way to save you life. Now, we both must face the consequences of you being soulbound to a prince/
The music changed again. Thor removed Loki’s blindfold moments before the doors opened, just enough to allow them to pass through. Loki was extremely well behaved for once and did not look back to catch a glimpse of you. It was against the rules. 
You were jealous of Loki for a moment. He had his brother to walk with him. 
You would have to make the procession alone.
The music changed again and the doors swung open. You steeled yourself, and made the procession down the long aisle of the throne room, focusing on nothing but Loki as you walked, careful not to trip. You tried to ignore the crowd around you as you passed them. Loki’s expression was worth all of this. He was so overjoyed and so in awe of…you.
You were just a little mortal and he was in awe of you.
You couldn’t quite believe it.
You finally made it to your place in front of the throne, facing Loki, just like a human wedding. You tried to force that thought from your mind. This wasn’t a wedding. Odin and Frigga were standing in front of their thrones. Odin made a short speech that you didn’t catch a word of. You were too entranced with everything else that was going on. “It is on this joyous occasion that my youngest son, Prince Loki, would like to make an announcement,” you caught the last words of Odin’s speech. This was the important part.
Loki dropped to one knee and you felt your heart skip a beat. You had to remind yourself again that this wasn’t a real wedding, not a real proposal. It was a ruse, an act to appease his people. When you saw the look in his eyes when he took your left hand in both of his, you knew that was a lie. No matter what he said, this was very real to him. You should have been uncomfortable with that, but he was so insistent that your relationship wouldn’t change, that nothing back home would change, that you weren’t uncomfortable and got swept up in the moment instead.
“Blessed be the name of Odin, my father, and Frigga, his queen.” Loki started the ritual words, speaking them slowly and clearly this time. He didn’t have to rush through them to save your life. “In their names, with their power, and with joy in your heart you make this vow. With their blessing, you give this gift. I choose you, Y/N Kathryn Stark. To stand by your side and sleep in your arms. To guard and cherish, to bring joy to your heart. To learn with you and grow with you. Without your love, I am incomplete. I bind myself to you with these vows, willingly and wholeheartedly, free from doubt or reservation. With love, I will tell you the truth as I understand it. I will honor and respect you. I will rejoice in your joys and weep in your sorrows. I will love and cherish you without cease, without pause, without hesitation for all of our days. You are my equal, my partner, my life. So I give this gift to you and you alone. I share your life and my soul with you. All that is mine is yours, I bind myself now to you, from this moment until the end of all of our days.” He kissed the back of your left hand and the pattern of black and green lines up both of our arms started glowing in response.
There was absolutely no sound in the audience while they waited for your reply. You took a breath and spoke the words you had worked so hard to memorize.  “Blessed be the name of Frigga, queen of Asgard, and of Odin her king. In their names, with their power, and with joy in my heart, I return your vow. With their blessing, I give this gift. I choose you, Prince Loki. To stand by your side and sleep in your arms. To guard and cherish, to bring joy to your heart. To learn with you and grow with you. Without your love, I am incomplete. I bind myself to you with these vows, willingly and wholeheartedly, free from doubt or reservation. With love, I will tell you the truth as I understand it, I will honor and respect you. I will rejoice in your joys and weep in your sorrows. I will love and cherish you without cease, without pause, without hesitation for all of our days. You are my equal, my partner, my life. So I give this gift to you and you alone. I share my life and my soul with you. All that is mine is yours, I bind myself now to you, from this moment until the end of all of our days.” You spoke the words as you had been practicing all week, loudly enough to be heard by all and clearly enough to be understood. You took Loki’s left hand and bowed over it, placing your lips against the back of his cool hand, over the pattern there. The lines of gold and blue magic on your arms glowed in response. The crowd cheered as Loki stood and pulled you into a hug to kiss you deeply.
Frigga stepped forward when Loki finally broke the kiss and you stood side by side in front of her. She held a beautiful silver tiara in her hands. You dipped into a curtsy in front of her when she moved to stand in front of you.  “Welcome to our family, Daughter,” she announced, settling the tiara on your head. “Rise as the newest Princess of Asgard” You rose and turned with Loki to face the crowd who broke into cheers again.
You and Loki led the procession back out of the throne room and straight to the waiting feast. The feast lasted until dawn. At least you could escape the crowd then and return to the safety of your suite before the feast ended.  “You are quite ravishing darling,” he whispered, holding you tightly once we were safely in your suite. You wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your toes to better kiss him. “I have been wanting to do this all day,” he said between kisses. It was after quite a few kisses that you remembered what you had neglected to remember all day. This was the equivalent of his wedding night. You hadn’t taken that into account, somehow. Loki had kept saying that nothing would change, so you hadn’t even thought about it. You stiffened in his arms and took a step back. “What’s wrong, darling?” he asked, concerned.
You held up a finger to tell him you needed a moment. It would take you a minute to figure out how to explain your concern. He waited patiently, which was impressive given the circumstances. “This is the equivalent of your wedding night,” you started, still unsure of your words. You couldn’t ask the thing you needed to, couldn’t tell him that you was denying him the activity that generally occurred on a wedding night.
“Technically,” he answered, warily. “Kat, I thought you made it clear. Nothing is changing between us, just because we had to survive a ceremony for your family and kingdom. Nothing has to change,” You paid attention to his words since he actually used your name for once. “I would love nothing more than to marry you someday, but that day will be in the future, once we are both ready for it. I’m sorry I had to force the soulbond on you. It was the only way to save your life. I’m not sorry for saving your life, but I’m sorry to have put you in this situation. My previous statement still stands: when we go home, if you want me to leave, to stop courting you, to stand aside, I will. I will go without complaint the instant you ask. I will not force you into a relationship with me. If you want to continue our relationship, we will and we will move at the speed you are comfortable with and not one bit faster,” he told you firmly. He opened his arms to you and you wrapped your arms around his slim waist and let him hold you.
“You’re not…disappointed that we’re not…consummating… your marriage tonight?” you asked him in a small scared voice. He kissed the top of your head.
“Not at all, darling. I would consider myself extremely lucky if you allow me to spend our resting hours with your heartbeat next to mine. I would be perfectly content sleeping on the couch if that is what it took to make you feel safe and comfortable,” 
You looked up at him and smiled, reassured by his honeyed words. “How did I ever deserve you?” you asked him softly. 
He kissed you lightly.  “I ask how I ever deserve you every day,” he replied. “Now let’s get out of these uncomfortable pretty clothes and get some rest. We only have one more day of visiting before we have to go home,” he reminded you. You turned your back to him and moved your hair away from the back of your neck.
“Can you get the tie for me?” you asked him. You couldn’t quite reach it. You knew that since Sif had to tie it for you earlier.
“Of course,” he replied. You felt his cool fingers against your neck as he undid the tie for you.
“Thank you.” You blushed and ducked into the bedroom to find some pajamas, cursing yourself for not just using magic to change clothes. You kept forgetting you had powers sometimes. 
You found your pajamas and curled in the middle of Loki’s giant bed. He joined you a minute later and you finally got to get some sleep, even with the sun shining into the bedroom.
You only slept a few hours as you had a lot of visiting with Loki’s family to do today. You were leaving first thing tomorrow morning. Saying goodbye to everyone was going to be hard, you absolutely loved it on Asgard. You spent the afternoon with Sif and Thor and the evening after dinner with them and Loki’s parents. It was bittersweet when you said goodnight that evening. The goodbyes the next morning were even more difficult, even with Frigga’s reassurances that you could come visit anytime. You and Loki created the portal together that morning and gave everyone one final hug before you walked through it back home.
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