#that's a very very real possibility since i got so paranoid when i first heard he was sick and missing the show.
youremyonlyhope · 5 months
There is a nonzero chance that I have COVID.
Let's hope it's just a cold...
#but we know that at least one person in my cast has covid#and i hugged him last night and talked to him a lot post-show with my mask off#i mask during the show but since we were eating and drinking i didn't at that time#sooooooo we shall see we shall see. thank god backstage i'm not as much around the cast as they are with each other.#other people in the cast have colds though. but most have not tested for covid. and honestly more might have covid.#is it bad i'm putting off testing too...#i almost don't want to know if i do... or at least... i don't want to know for the next 12 hours...#if i DO have it then it'll be an easier time than last time when i started developing symptoms on my way home from hawaii#and that was like 18 hours straight of traveling and due to the time difference i arrived home almost exactly a day later.#and over the course of those 18 hours (because literally my throat started feeling itchy at the start of the first of 3 plane rides)#i felt sicker and sicker and sicker. and in the uber home i was like i wanna die. but didn't sleep#because when i got home it was like 10am so i didn't want to totally mess up my sleep schedule so i stayed up most of the day#(i think i did nap at one point) and by midnight when i went to bed i was like oh i'm definitely sick with something#and at 4am when i was woken by a stupid tornado warning i realized i had been sweating in my sleep and likely had a fever#and woke up the next day at 11-ish finding out someone from the hawaii wedding had covid so i should test too#and my brother said the moment my swab hit the activator/indicator/whatever it was a solid positive line. yayyyy.#that was about 48-ish total hours between first symptoms and testing positive.#so. IF i have covid. i might not even test positive right now since i've only felt this sickness in my chest for like 5 hours.#at this point i'd be landing from the first plane and having a layover. and convincing myself it was just the dry airplane air.#i'd still have 2 red eye flights ahead of me to be miserable on while the symptoms progressed.#so i can definitely handle sleeping tonight and running a show tomorrow morning and then see how i feel.#also this might be psychological since i didn't really start feeling sick until AFTER i found out about the sick cast member.#that's a very very real possibility since i got so paranoid when i first heard he was sick and missing the show.
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I’m kind of obsessed with the Jonmartin timeline and how Jon slowly fell in love with Martin, mostly off tape over seasons 2 and 3. I wrote a little bit of an essay trying to pinpoint the shifts and moments when we can tell something has changed. I love fanfics but I am just so interested in trying to figure out what happened in canon as close as possible. Of course this does involve speculation of emotions that we have no way of actually knowing because Jon Sims does not talk about his feelings.
Anyway it’s long-ish.
Jon fell in love with Martin over season 2 but didn’t start to realize it until late season 3 just before The Unknowing.
Martin starts the show with a crush on Jon. In MAG 22 when Martin makes his statement about the worms Jon feels guilty over how all of the pressure he’s put Martin under drives him to put himself in danger and he has Martin move into the archives to protect him which may be the first caring gesture he has made towards Martin but it’s a big one. Martin, who had a decent size crush on Jon beforehand, is blown away by this and his crush becomes a real big one.
Jon tries to continue being hard on Martin but he does noticeably soften towards him. His criticisms are half-hearted.
During Jane Prentice’s attack when Martin and Jon are in document storage Martin calls Jon out and properly snaps at him for dismissing the supernatural and Jon actually sees Martin in this moment for the first time. Martin had never talked back to him in such a way and Jon can now see him as not just his assistant who makes a lot of mistakes but as an equal who might know better than him in some aspects. They have their heart to heart and Jon is able to be honest for the first time since taking this job. He admits he’s scared and it’s okay, well it’s not okay because Jane Prentice might be moments away from killing them, but Martin doesn’t think any less of him. And then Jon asks if Martin is a ghost and he’s wrong and it was stupid but Martin makes fun of him in a way that doesn’t hurt and Jon isn’t used to that. And Martin, seeing this open and fragile and slightly dumb part of Jon, starts falling in love.
After Martin finds Gertrude’s body Jon is one track minded and focused on finding out what happened. Martin, giving his statement about the tunnels, is in tears not because he found a body and was scared, but because he accidentally left Jon. Jon was too distracted with finding answers at the moment but he heard it and absorbed it over time.
Season 2 Jon is full of nothing but paranoia and is unwilling to trust anyone but it’s his obsessive observations that lead him to getting to know Martin enough to love him. When Jon tries to come back from leave early Martin forces Jon to go home and rest more. Jon wonders what Martin is hiding but reasons that, no Martin is actually concerned about his health. Jon thinks Martin gave him a fake jar of ashes to calm him down, he doesn’t seem to think this gesture is part of a conspiracy, he genuinely thinks of this gesture as Martin lying to him to make him feel better. Jon notes that Martin has been very attentive to his needs and recovery and that he is interested to hear Jon’s theories about Gertrude. He remarks that he has observed Martin’s competence and cunning. Of course Jon is ridiculously paranoid and interprets this attention as some kind of plot against him to slow down his investigation and sees these positive attributes of Martin as reasons to see him as a threat, but again, Jon is absorbing it all. The lines in Jon’s supplementals about Martin’s attention to him implies that they’re spending a lot of time together off tape, at least more than they ever used to, probably at Martin’s insistence and Jon accepting this time by justifying to himself that he needs to watch Martin.
In MAG 53 Jon mentions that Martin hovers near him when he goes to the canteen and Martin says it’s because he’s concerned (based on Jon’s lie about how he got the cut from Michael). Martin offers to pick Jon up a sandwich from the cafe and bring it back for Jon. He doesn’t ask Jon to come with him and Jon acts like he’s annoyed to be around Martin when he sits with him in the canteen, but Jon decides No instead of me refusing the gesture for food or saying yes please pick up that sandwich for me, he says “I’ll come with” making another decision to spend time with Martin when he doesn’t have to. Maybe Jon tries to justify this to himself again by saying he’s keeping an eye on Martin but Jon has made no efforts to go spend extra time with Tim, who was an equal suspect, even before Tim was mad at Jon. (And may I add, if Jon tried this tactic with Tim, going out to lunch, watching him by spending time with him etc. maybe Tim wouldn’t have ended up being so angry with Jon.) But Jon is definitely making the effort to spend time with Martin when it frankly has nothing to do with his investigation no matter how he tries to spin it.
In MAG 56 when Jon makes Martin tell him what he’s been hiding and he finds out Martin had lied on his CV he is so relieved that he is giddy. He is smiling, laughing and stuttering. To Jon’s ‘rational’ mind this doesn’t fully clear Martin of suspicion but emotionally this really seems to be a weight off of his shoulders. On a subconscious level he can start to allow the time they’ve spent together to mean something other than just spying.
Meanwhile Martin can see what a hard time Jon is having and he can see him spinning out of control with paranoia and Martin tries really hard to defend him, maybe not the best thing, we know Martin is a bit of an enabler for Jon, but for Jon’s emotional arc of falling in love with Martin it is important that Jon hears Martin defending him to Tim in MAG 58. Martin never stops calling Jon out on his shit like when he tells Jon that he needs to talk to Tim and that Tim isn’t wrong but nowadays it feels like everyone is constantly calling Jon out, not that he doesn’t deserve it, but when Martin calls him out it’s still clear that he cares, whereas anyone else talking to Jon just seems to speak to him with malice.
At the beginning of season 3 Jon is hiding out and staying at Georgie’s place. We know from Season 4 MAG 149 that Jon used to go on about Martin to Georgie “a lot”. Georgie got the full story about The Archives in MAG 93 and Jon decides to move out of Georgie’s place in MAG 99 when he was then kidnapped by The Circus. There’s usually a week of time that passes between episodes unless otherwise implied and 93 and 94 take place over the same conversation on the same day so I’ll assume 5 weeks in which Jon was going on about Martin a lot with full context. He probably talked about him before then too only more cryptically. Importantly though in the Season 4 Q&A Alex asks, Who knew that Jon liked Martin first, Jon or Martin? And Jonny said “Georgie” so even though Jon didn’t know it yet, he was obviously smitten (at least obvious to Georgie who has dated Jon and recognizes signs of affection and romance in him more than anyone else would).
When Jon talks to Martin in MAG 102 there is a very slight almost imperceptible sweetness in Jon’s voice that we’ve never heard before. The way he assures Martin that it’s ok that he didn’t know he was kidnapped. There is a lot of awkwardness and frankly a lot of heavy breathing from both of them for probably just standing there. Their casual talk about the overall institute and Hannah who is having her baby and had that thing with the milk in the break room last year, Jon doesn’t know who she is but Martin knows that Jon knows her probably because they had been around her together since they spent so much time together last year but Jon was too paranoid and she had nothing to do with the plot, it’s just a very normal and domestic moment. Jon tells Martin he knows he’s been reading statements and Martin is just worried Jon will be jealous that he’s taking some of his job but instead Jon is just concerned for him. It’s different and they both know it’s different and they can both feel the conversation is charged with something but they don’t know what. “It’s not too late. Unless the world ends” means a lot in this conversation, yes it does literally mean it’s not too late for them to talk and continue whatever friendship they were stumbling towards in season 2. It’s not too late for them to pick up this weird, oddly charged and tender conversation that may be leading somewhere else. It’s also foreshadowing that it sort of is too late because their world will end when Jon effectively dies stopping the Unknowing.
By MAG 114 Jon says that he has listened to all of the tapes and has therefore heard the gossip about he and Martin. I think something clicked in his brain when he heard that Martin has a crush on him. He probably never considered that idea because things like romance are never on the forefront of his mind especially when he is in active danger, which he has been for the last 2 years, and even more so he wouldn’t expect someone to have feelings for him in general. Being conscious of the notion that Martin has feelings for him lead him to consider all of the strange feelings he’s been having about Martin over the last year and a half in a way that he might not have gotten to on his own until much later. It’s all part of the plan that Jon suggests Martin stay back at the Institute in front of Elias but Jon is genuinely relieved that Martin will be safer there.
In MAG 117 Jon talks about Daisy and Basira’s bond and how he’s been having to do everything by himself. He’s envious of their bond and we can tell he’s been thinking about how things could be if he had someone (Martin) by his side. I don’t think this part of his testament would have played out this way had he not been thinking a lot since he heard the tape. When he addresses the “office gossip” he is flustered. Possibly embarrassed that Georgie, who he trusts, was giving out this personal information to Melanie but I actually think he’s used to that specific type of gossip about him and I think that the nervous stutter and searching for words comes from trying to address the other part of the gossip, which he is still trying to wrap his head around.
It isn’t confirmed but I do think that Jon listened to everyone’s testimony before leaving and he heard Martin’s “I need him to be ok”. Later in MAG 139 Jon says “I need him to be okay. I just do.” I don’t think he’s consciously repeating the same phrase but I think this phrase has lived with him ever since he heard Martin say it and now it’s just organic to Jon too.
I genuinely do believe that at this point, as of MAG 117, all of Jon’s feelings for Martin are already there and internally he has at least accepted romantic feelings even if he wouldn’t have called it love then.
Jon is put in a 6 month coma the next night and is in a full tilt romantic arc the moment he wakes up. Not 20 minutes after waking from his coma he wants to see Martin, he’s surprised that Martin wasn’t there for him the moment he woke up. Maybe if you asked him the next day he’d say it was a silly notion for him to just expect Martin to be there at any given point no matter when he woke up, but a part of him accepted and knew that if Martin could have he would have been there.
Anyway, all this is to say that if he woke up from a coma desperately in love with Martin all of those feelings had to have been present before the coma. I know there was a lot more thought and consideration and emotional work that Jon had to do over season 4 before he could have been ready for his love to literally save Martin but all of the feelings were there by the time he woke up.
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Hair disaster
Just a Brain Blah
Tumblr media
Buggy x FemReader + Dee & Bee
Apart of Old Man Series check those out!
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• You all should have known the twins would find trouble- they always did. This was only amplified by their jealousy of the new baby on the way.
• Due to the recent news of your pregnancy (check out here) You had been being watched by Buggy like a hawk, paranoid of all things which made the twins more aggressive in their destructive tendencies.
• So in order to keep the twins busy he had taken the difficult job of letting the twins be his apprentices-
• It was a way to keep them busy, for Buggy to go out to sea for short periods and in Buggy's words 'Teach them to be real pirates!'
• The next morning at breakfast the twins sit down at the dinning room table, Trying to be as quiet as possible and grab some things like they were prepared to run off.
• For the first few weeks they enjoyed it- Till the reality of chores set in. When they tried to throw a fit Buggy was quick to put a end to that and the boys were now just grumpy.
• It had been a week out to sea with the twins before he returned with some spare loot and things needed for the baby. The twins sour faced-
• "How was everything?" You questioned as you sat in the large lounge chair Buggy had gotten you and saw how dirty and tired the three looked.
• "Ask your sons-" Buggy said, However the steeled glare from you made him mutter a 'Our' and that he was going to shower and sleep in the guest room.
• The boys were no better then Buggy as they grumbled as well and climbed upstairs to clean themselves and sleep. Seemed you got the master bedroom to yourself-
• "Whats got you two in such a rush?" You question, seeing that gleam of mischief on their faces and also some guilt-
• "BOYS!!!!" A loud and wrathful yell sounded throughout the cabin.
• "We aren't in a rush mom- Just have things to do since we are 'apprentices' Right?" Dee said calmly as he looked to Bee who grinned and nodded.
• You raised a brow at their words, Going to question them further when a roar sounded through the house.
• You snap your head to look at the boys but see they had already gone- Clearly had run the moment they heard the voice.
• Blonde- So much blonde in his hair- It seemed like half his hair had been dyed in his sleep by the twins. Most likely using Burondo Burondo Oil that Cabaji used in his hair-
• You quickly rush upstairs, Afraid of what you would see and dash into the guest bathroom were you could hear Buggy yelling.
• However nothing would prepare you for what you saw.
•"I-Its pretty-" You try but he glares hard at you, Grumbling and angrily ranting to himself.
• It took every bit of your soul to keep from laughing.
• "Pretty!? PRETTY MY ASS!" He roared as he stomped his foot more and lost his mind.
• "Buggy- It doesn't look that bad I promise" You say grabbing his hand slowly, Knowing he was very mad right night and needed to calm down before he did something he would regret.
• He turned to you like he was going to scream and lose his temper- However he forced his mouth closed and bit his lips in anger.
• "It doesn't look bad Buggy. Besides it looks like it's Burondo Burondo Oil anyway which fades after a few days to the original color. So it's not very permanent" You reason, giving his hand a squeeze.
• Buggy sighs at this- knowing you were right but still angry. You reach out and touch his newly blonde hair.
• "And it looks pretty! Blonde hair goes well with blue eyes" You point out and say cheerfully. Buggy grumbling still but his spare hand just rubbing your unshowing stomach still.
• You let him do this, despite not being in the mood for physical touch. "Better?"
• "Better..." He grumbled, clearly still irritated but better now. You finally ask him to explain why the twins did this.
• "They wanted to revolt because 'being a apprentice is hard!' so I had them sweep the entire deck. Teach them that Mutiny is always punished" He said calmly, a fair punishment by pirate standards as the twins clearly were in the wrong.
• "But since they wanna be petty now- I can do that as well-" He said with a wicked grin.
• Gods help you all..
• Walking down to the docks for some fresh air, you heard the loud laughs of Buggy and the crew. Following the sound you see them all lounging at the docks drinking and watching the Big Top?-
• Getting close you saw it- The Big Top was covered in tomatoes and other random garbage on it like it had been vandalized!
• Rushing over you then see it- The twins on Ropes cleaning off the vandalism. While Buggy amd the crew hand tomatoes and random things throwing it at any spots they felt they missed.
• "BUGGY!" You yell as you see him fling a tomato at his sons head. The Captian turning to look back at you.
• "Oh (Y/N)! Come sit! Join us!" He insisted with a grin.
• "Doesnt this seem too cruel?" You pointed out. Pointing to the clearly pissed off boys
• "Now my Doll, You have been a wonderful mother. But you have spoiled these two rotten! It's time they get a hard lesson" He said as he patted your shoulder and had you sit to watch.
• You didn't know it was possible for two people alone to clean and repaint an entire ship but sure as hell did Buggy have them do it
• It being nightfall when they finished and glaring hard at Buggy- Cleaely this wasn't over. They had lost this battle but wanted to win the war-
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
It had started as a rough few weeks. A rough few weeks that turned into a rough few months. It was weird, because in all honesty when it came to social standings, Will was doing a lot better here than he ever did in Hawkins. There were no Zombie Boy stories following him here, and he even managed to get a few girls to have a crush on him. He…still wasn’t quite clear how that worked out and he really wasn’t a fan of it. But they were also the only people he could talk to at school. He was way too paranoid of getting close to any guys. God forbid he got another crush on a friend, having none of them just seemed like the better course of action. 
It didn’t help that Mike had basically stopped acknowledging that he existed after they moved. He didn’t write to him, he didn’t call him, and it felt like the only time he heard his voice was when he politely asked for El over the phone. And it hurt. It hurt a lot. Especially when he still put in so much effort to get ahold of El all the time. He’d resent her for it if he could, but the only one who was having a worse time than him with the move was her. Maybe Mike was a shitty friend to him, but at least she had someone to talk to. 
But whatever. Lucas and Dustin cared, and so did Eddie and Steve. And when Jonathan wasn’t busy being high as hell, he had him too. Even Max called him more often than Mike did. Even when she was just trying to get ahold of El she’d take the time to ask him how he was, a courtesy that his best friend from freaking kindergarten couldn’t even offer anymore. 
So maybe Will didn’t have many friends in California yet, but he didn’t feel very lonely. 
Just a little heartbroken. 
But he could get past it. Especially when some of his favorite people were only one phone call away. Sometimes it made him feel a little guilty, that Steve and Eddie were his go to for talking about his problems. Especially since Jonathan was always trying to get him to open up. Even when he was zoinked out of his gourd he never failed to ask Will how his day was. Though…he did have a hard time following the plot when Will told him. 
But that didn’t change the fact that Jonathan always wanted to help. But what could Will say? I’m depressed because I’m in love with my best friend who doesn’t care about me? And oh yeah, I’m gay? Yeah, no. That wasn’t going to happen. If Jonathan of all people hated him for that…he’s not sure he could recover. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t think about it.
It was kind of pathetic, but he’d fantasize about it sometimes. Coming out to his family, everyone smiling and saying they’d love him anyway, no matter what. And if he was being honest with himself, it was technically possible, right? His brother had never said a bad word about Steve and Eddie. His mom never failed to shut the homophobic crap down when his crappy sperm donor had still been around. But it was different when it was your own kid, right? Will wasn’t quite sure. But he did know that he couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
So he called who he always did when he had a problem. It only took a few rings before someone was picking up, Steve’s familiar voice on the other end, “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me,” Will sighed, flopping face first into his bed, the phone pressed to his ear. 
He could hear the smile in Steve’s voice, “Hey kiddo, what’s up?”
God, he was such a dad. Will wouldn’t be shocked if he started wearing socks with sandals by the time he hit twenty-three. He went straight to the point, “Do you think that living happily ever after is like a real thing? For people like us?”
Steve laughed, “It better fucking be after all the shit we’ve seen.”
“I don’t mean the Upside Down stuff,” Will sighed, “I mean like…y’know. The gay.”
Steve snorted, “The gay? I’m going to have to tell Eddie that one.”
Will rolled his eyes at the redundant statement. He had learned a long time ago that telling Steve something meant telling Eddie something, and vice versa. He sighed a tiny smile on his face, “Oh what, like he’s not already next to you listening in?”
Will laughed, turning over to stare at the ceiling, “I’m serious though. Like…is it even possible? It’s not like everyone gets to magically find their soulmate at eight.”
“Is that such a bad thing though?” Steve asked, “Because no offense dude but honestly? I think you could do a lot better than Mike-”
“Be nice,” Will interrupted, torn between being defensive for Mike’s sake and amused at Steve never failing to find a way to come at him.
“I will when he starts being nice to me.”
“Well that’s just not going to happen,” Will laughed, “I’m starting to think Eddie’s right to call you a brat.”
Steve gasped, loud and scandalized. He’d been hanging out with Robin too much, “Me?! Never!”
Will could barely hear it over the receiver, but he could hear Eddie’s faint voice coming through, Yes he is!
And it was making him laugh even harder. Will missed this, so much. He missed having a place where he could just say whatever he wanted, with no worries. Even now he was looking over his shoulder, anxious at the chance that his mom or a sibling could come bursting in at any moment to catch him in the act of being comfortable. It was a confusing and weird feeling, and probably a little unfair to assume they’d prefer him to be sad and quiet over happy and queer. But he still did.
But for now he was safe. And he might as well take the chance to speak on all the things he couldn’t with anyone else, “But what if I don’t want to do better than Mike? Like…it’s stupid but do you think that um, I would ever have a chance?”
The answer was a strong no, but sometimes Will just needed a reality check from someone else’s mouth. 
Steve sighed, “I think the odds are pretty low bud. All jokes aside, even if he was playing for our team, I’m not sure if he’s the type who could even accept it. Y’know?”
Will did know, unfortunately. And if he’d never met Eddie and Steve there was a solid chance he’d be that guy. The truth stung a bit, but it was necessary, “I know, I know. But…do you think he would accept me? If he ever found out?”
“He fucking better. Otherwise I’ll-”
Will heard a shuffle on the other end, paired with something that sounded suspiciously like whining before he heard Eddie’s voice, “Will? You there? Sorry about that. I had to take the phone away before he started talking about beating up a child.”
Will grinned, happy to hear Eddie’s voice, “You made the right call. Do you think they’ll ever get along?”
“Not in this lifetime,” Eddie sighed, “And I know Mike’s not perfect, but if he’s okay with us why wouldn’t he be with you?”
“But it’s different when it’s a friend, isn’t it?” Will asked, “I’m not even sure if my mom would accept it, let alone him.”
“Well first of all, you don’t have to tell anyone shit, okay? But I can promise you that Joyce would be fine with it. And so would Jonathan for that matter. And I don’t even know if El is aware of what homophobia even is.”
It all sounded a lot more believable out of Eddie’s mouth than what was going on in his own head. But still… “What if they don’t though? What if I tell them and they kick me out or something? Or make me go to therapy?”
“Okay, on the off, off chance that you tell them and Joyce suddenly became a monster overnight, we’ll go to plan B. Steve and I will drive up there to kidnap you and you can live in Indy with us.”
Will grinned. He could live with that, “Can’t we just make that Plan A?”
“No, because your family loves you, as they should by the way. And this won’t bother them, I swear. Plus, telling them on your own terms is a lot less awkward than getting caught in the act.”
Will didn’t even want to know what Eddie was alluding to with that one. Poor Wayne, “But what if we’re wrong?”
He wanted to believe him, he really did, but stranger things had happened outside of gay people being disowned. 
“Will, listen to me,” Eddie said, his voice confident enough to make Will perk up, “I swear on Steve’s life, okay? There is no way in hell anyone in that house is gonna reject you for this.”
Will blinked, a little shocked at just how much faith he had in his family. More than he did, “Really?”
“Really. Trust me on this man, you’re going to be fine.”
They hung up pretty soon after that, mostly because El started knocking on his door for the phone. The conversation made him feel a bit better, but also…nervous. Could he really tell them? Would it all just work out? Just like that? Will wasn’t so sure. 
He decided against doing it right away despite Eddie’s own confidence. But he did start to drop a few feelers. He started with Jonathan, waiting until he was high enough for him to forget the conversation if it didn’t go well. And that wasn’t a long wait. 
He found him and his new friend sprawled out in his room, Fast Times playing in the background as they both stared into space. Though Will wasn’t quite sure he could count what Argyle was doing as staring. He’s eyes were barely open, and Will was 90 percent sure he was passed out. But that was good for him, now was as good a time as any. 
Jonathan smiled at him as he wandered in, his words kind but slurring, “Hey! What’s up? You never come in here. You wanna watch something or…?”
Will shook his head, his heart aching a little at the way it made his brother frown. Maybe he really had been neglecting him, too caught up in his own head to spend time with the closest thing he had to a Dad. 
It made him feel a little bad, but that wasn’t what he was here for, “No thanks. I just wanted to ask you something.”
“Sure!” Jonathan said, way too excited at the prospect of a simple question, but maybe that was the weed, “What’s up?”
Will shrugged, casually leaning against the door. Or at least he hoped it looked casual, because his heart was beating a mile per minute, “Steve said that his and Eddie’s anniversary is coming up soon. Do you think I should send them something?”
Jonathan tilted his head up to look at him, his eyes bloodshot with a tiny smile on his face, “That’s like…so nice dude. You’re always so nice. How are you so nice?”
“You don’t think it’s weird?” Will pressed, hope fluttering in his chest, “To be, y’know, celebrating them like that?”
Jonathan shook his head, “Nah man. It’s like…romance. Y’know? It’s sweet.”
“Yeah dude, gay guys are cool,” Argyle agreed out of nowhere, his eyes still closed,  “Good for Stu and Eggie. Gay people got like, the best hair.”
Will didn’t really know what to do with that one. But Jonathan was impressed. He jerked his head back to stare at Argyle, his voice in awe, “How’d you know he had good hair? I never told you he had good hair.”
“I bet they both have good hair,” Argyle sighed, “They alway do.”
“Are you like, psychic?” Jonathan asked, like that made any sense at all.
“Shit, you think I could be?”
Will watched as the two of them started to debate the idea, his brow raised. God, weed sure was a hell of a drug. He left them to it after that, deciding to slowly back out of the room. But he was going to chalk it up as a positive. 
preview for the next chapter (kind of) of this fic
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noemilivv · 7 months
Good morning/afternoon/night, I was wondering if I could request a MORNINGSTAR ; send in a list of 5-10 hazbin hotel songs (both pre-show and post-show are acceptable) and i will rank them + give an explanation !
The songs I had in mind were
Out For Love
My Machine
Heaven 2 Hell
We're Sure To Drown (Husks Tale)
More Than Anything
Hell Is Forever
Thank you so much, I love your pics!
hello!! i had to listen to ‘my machine’ cuz i had never heard it before, so this ranking may be a bit wonky, but here it is!!
this list goes from worst-best (there is no worst tho, let’s be real, cuz these are some bangers)
lowkey though, i’m expecting to get murdered for this, cuz i have some opinions that may be controversial 😭
9: We’re Sure to Drown (Husks Tale)
It’s a banger, no doubt. It tickles my ears (in a good way) and makes me absolutely wanna bash out. But honestly, nothing against it, it’s just not for me, I still like it, it’s just not one of my tops.
8: Out For Love
This was one of the very few songs that in the official show that I couldn’t ever fully get into, it’s very good, but halfway through I end up moving to the next song on my playlist :’) I truly wanna love it, I’m just not there yet haha
7: My Machine
I know it must seem like I despise PARANOiD DJ’s music but I don’t! You just stunned me with two of his songs that I’ve only listened to once or twice XD Pentious is one of my fave characters, but tbh Cherri’s part blew me out of the water haha Not much to say cause my first time listening it to this one was like 10 minutes ago.
6: More Than Anything
Don’t get me wrong, I definitely jam out when this song comes on, but tbh I’m a bigger fan of more upbeat songs - especially in Hazbin, and I connect very deeply with this song due to being a massive Charlie kinnie XD and honestly it’s amazingly good, but it’s not at the top for me
5: Heaven 2 Hell
This was the song I would absolutely jam to in like 2022 during my prime-time Hazbin Hotel phase, but honestly, when I listen to it now it’s not my fave, it’s not bad by any means - it’s just my preferences have changed since the show came out
4: Insane
This song has a special place in my heart, but truth be told, I haven’t listened to it in a hot sec since the official show soundtrack came out. It’s chill, makes me wiggle, and this song definitely sparked my love for Alastor, but you gave me so many bangers so it dropped slightly :’)
3: Hell is Forever
Adam (and Lute) are some of my fave characters in the whole show and they nail this scene AND Alex Brightman does a killer job at this song! Imo it really emobodies Adam’s character and his morals, and not only that, it’s catchy as fuck! Also I love Charlie’s part in the beginning haha
2: Addict
This song holds a lot of sentimental value to me, as it’s the song that really got me immersed into this show. It was the song I’d listen to as an escape, and on top of that, Micheal Kovach and Chi-Chi nailed their parts and their voices are stunning together! Also not to mention no matter how long it’s been since I’ve last listened to the song, I can sing my heart out word for word, no mistakes
1: Poison
In the least biased way possible, I relate a lot to Angel Dust (so ofc both of his songs are at the top), and I know how it feels to be in a shitty situation with another person and for it to feel like you have no way out. Also on top of that, this is a fucking banger?! The switch between Angel Dust to Anthony in this song has never felt so real and painful. Blake Roman does an fantastic job with this number and he’s also one of my faves from the voice cast. (I know, I’m biased, sue me /hj)
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abyssmalice · 1 year
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(today on "how can flower make tonitoni's life even worse" !
aka new thought that toni began receiving letters from her family while stationed in sumeru - this would be an annual series of gifts and letters from her family, usually aiming to be received once a year around her birthday, give or take.
important notes on this: toni was stationed in sumeru between the ages of nine to eleven, so about two years. she only began receiving them from her second year in sumeru onwards.
the first year, the letters were absent due to a mixture of confidentiality (toni was undercover in sumeru + her status as a newly-minted harbinger meant she was little known to Everyone; it'd be ideal to milk her obscurity for as long as possible), red tape (the time taken to inform her family about her whole, uh, Situation + trying to figure out how to work around the above regardless), and as a dangling carrot ("you can communicate with your family if you produce results" sort of idea).
and when toni did receive her first letter from home, as a ten year old inching to eleven - she was actually really, really happy!! at that point, she hasn't seen or heard from them since she was seven aka nearly four years counting. so she was very happy to get a letter and wanted to write a really good reply.
however, this never happened - initially, because she kept scrapping every draft she came up with, too dissatisfied with what she had to say or figuring there's some things she couldn't mention even if she wanted. then she got busy with her fatui work and her akademiya courses and reluctantly had to push the matter aside for a later day. and then she got discovered as a spy, kicked out of sumeru, had a Major crisis of faith and disillusion (well, even more) with the fatui and the tsaritsa and all that, and was redeployed to natlan.
understandably, replying to her family's letter kind of left her mind for a while. and by the time she did remember, she had gotten another letter, during her first year stationed in natlan - but because of the aforementioned crisis of faith and disillusionment, she was now skeptical, even paranoid of the letters she receives, unable to know for certain if the letters even are from her family.
in fact, because of the above, she ended up tearing apart the letter in a fit of bitter, paranoid anger.
something she heavily regrets to this day, because again, she doesn't know for certain if the letters are genuine or not. in case they were the real deal...
—all of which neatly slots with my primary hc on this, that toni receives letters from home but never writes back, because she's scared they're just elaborate fakes meant to emotionally manipulate her - but at the same time, she's conflicted about her lack of response, because if they're not hoaxes, she's essentially ghosted her family for more than half of her life at this point and she hates to consider what their perspective on the situation must be, because she has a vivid enough imagination to know it 100% sucks and she's being the shittiest daughter in the whole world but it's gone on for so long now that toni doesnt know what to do but helplessly be stuck just not doing anything about it.
i love my silly mentally ill tonitoni uwu)
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antimonasia · 8 months
Little Death by OwenGrey
Link to the AO3
Chapter 1
It was quiet at Heelshire manor, days passed since Greta moved here. At times, she could hear the house groan in pain due to the decades it stood ground, her ears picking up creaks that she would explain as the house trying to keep itself from collapsing. This was not a comforting house, and sometimes she would feel paranoid, staring at the end of a corridor as if she saw something move just outside her line of vision. She would shake her head and reject those thoughts from plaguing her mind, instead she would make herself a cup of tea and sit by the kitchen counter. The very odd thing about this house however, wasn’t the noises it made or how it brought chills down her spine if she were to stare too long into the walls thinking that someone was living inside them, no it was the rules she had to follow for this... doll, the owners deemed as their son. 
She did what they had instructed, well some of what they wrote.  
No Guests
Never Leave Brahms Alone
Save Meals in Freezer
Never Cover Brahms Face
Read a Bedtime Story
Play Music Loud
Clean the Traps
Only Malcolm Brings Deliveries
Brahms is Never to Leave
Kiss Goodnight 
Honestly, she half assed most of these and with good reason, I mean who would follow a set of rules for an inanimate object especially when the owners weren’t there to see it? She laughed when she read the word “guests” on the list, that was a funny way of the owners to say that she shouldn’t bring her hookups here. Not that she was that outgoing, to meet someone and be eager enough to fuck them especially after her first relationship. Well, an ex now, which is why she was here, trying to escape from that person. So, as unsettling as this house was, it brought her the comfort that she could at least have the luxury of hiding herself away from him. 
Never leave Brahms alone, she followed that rule. She began to see that doll like a mascot, so she would carry it around and leave it in places she would be in which would mostly be the living room where she would read and the kitchen where she would daydream about the kind of life she could have had if she wasn’t hiding. The music that the owners had was only classical, not the kind that she would find interesting but at least it beats the dead silence that would make her ears ring. “Brahms is never to leave” she never really got that one, the doll is not supposed to leave the house, why? Would it turn to dust? All sorts of questions piled up in her mind the more she stayed but one day, those questions were answered. 
It had been almost two weeks since she had moved now, and she wasn’t that diligent in the “duties” that the owners burdened her with, and as she got up from her bed, her eyes fell on her bedside table with a note on it. She furrowed her eyebrows in a mix of confusion and slight fear, and upon reading what it entailed, her heart dropped.  
She had never felt fear this way before, but then she tried to rationalize it and thought of the only possible explanation; Malcolm. She smiled and then laughed to herself a bit. This must have been a prank by him, to stir her up , she thought to herself. However, the handwriting in the note was peculiar. It looked as if a child had written those bold capital letters, the lines were too shaky, the O’s were too deformed and overall, it seemed too real to be a fake note coming from a man who delivered groceries once a week. She heard the house creak again, and she got up. Superstition might be a false conception of causation but when you are alone – as alone as she was – you start to reconsider a lot of things. She would start being serious about the rules, steadily getting them more and more into her daily routine. 
She thought of what she would do when Malcolm came by next week. He must have had another set of keys, but he was too bold to come into her room at night, while she was sleeping, maybe even rude at that. How did she not hear him come in or walk around her bed? She shivered at the thought, was she that much of a heavy sleeper?  
 The house was a living entity, its walls were its flesh, its windows were its eyes and Brahms Heelshire was the blood that poisoned this house, making it rot from the inside out. He was watching her, standing behind a wall with a small slit that barely allowed him view of Greta who was immersed in a book she held against her thighs. She would constantly shift position, and at times Brahms could see the slightest bit of skin revealed when her shirt would lift as she moved. He would support himself against the wooden surface and try to minimize how loudly he was breathing behind his mask. She was so enthralling, everything about her behavior, everything about her made her look so inviting and Brahms wanted to take advantage of that. 
No, he wouldn’t. Not yet at least. He savors this part, the observing part, the stalking part. He gets to know her in her most vulnerable intimate moments and sees how she really is when she’s not putting a facade to other people. It was riveting to watch her go on about her day, not knowing that he was there, looking at her. There were times when Brahms was tempted to watch her bathe, he wanted to see what her body looked like completely bare, but he refrained from indulging. He felt too unstable to withstand the urge to break the wall and take her then and there, if he were to see her naked, well... 
He thought it best not to. 
That doesn’t mean he wasn’t inside the walls of Greta’s bedroom, listening to how she whimpered when she touched herself. Oh, he was there but he wasn’t looking through the slit, he was kneeled with his head pressed against the wall, holding his breath so the only thing he heard was her voice. Brahms was not inexperienced, after all Greta was not his first nanny. The reason why he didn’t want to look at her and see her lying in bed with her legs wide open and her hands travelling down her body was because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to control himself. It wouldn’t be the first time he had gone rogue but this time, he wanted to do things right because he wanted to keep her here. Forever. 
Her voice was so mesmerizing, he could hear her change position and then her moans get muffled. He pictured her burying her face into her pillow, gripping it tightly the more she felt good. Would she do the same with him? Would she moan this way, would she try to muffle her voice and grip the sheets as the pleasure rushed through her body, the same way that pleasure was rushing through Brahms at this moment? His hand slithered under his pants, and he exhaled ever so slowly to forbid his presence from being known and began jerking himself off. He heard her getting louder and louder, and Brahms felt incapable holding himself back any longer and got up to his feet at last, his hand still jerking himself off and finally laid eyes upon her. She was... Oh, she was divine. Her eyebrows were furrowed, one hand gripping the pillow behind her head and the other was... she was fingering herself. 
Two fingers were penetrating her, and Brahms couldn’t stop imagining that they were his instead. He felt lost for a second, his eyes stayed focused on her, watching her body arch and her mouth hang open. It was the first time he had felt this amount of obsession with someone, and Greta was eliciting so many things out of him. He tightened his fist around his cock, making the friction more intense, a tiny whimper escaped him, but he was able to hide it between Greta’s moaning. Fuck ... He wanted her, desperately. He wanted to touch her, feel the warmth of her skin against his, make her feel good, be a good boy for her. His gaze never fell from her, watching her orgasm and finally relax, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to come down from the height of her climax.  
Brahms came into his hand, his fingers coated with cum, and he placed his hand on the wall smearing it on the wooden surface as if it had been Greta’s face. He had decided that tonight he would enter her room while she was asleep, and he would try not to alert her. Can you be naughty if you’re never discovered?
Chapter 2
He pictured her on all fours, pressed against the mattress while he gripped tightly at her waist, fucking into her. He wanted to have her screaming, to have her begging. Oh, he wanted to break her, to mold her exactly how he wanted her to be.  
 His pace got harder and more aggressive, he was nearing closer to his release. He finally let his hand touch her thigh, and he gripped it lightly enough to go unnoticed, and he came into his hand. He looked down at his hand that was now coated with his cum and looked back at Greta. He considered it. For just a small fragment of a second, he considered leaving his mark somewhere on her body. But he thought of something better, he took off her underwear slowly off her body, making sure to not disrupt her. Once it was off her body, he wrapped his dick with it and cleaned off any of the remaining cum in his hand. He brought the panties to his nose and inhaled, smelling how her scent was mixed with his and it drove him insane. He wanted to keep it, take it to his room and use it but he wanted her to know that he was here, so he carefully put it back on her the same way it was before, only now she would have a piece of him with her and that excited him. 
Would she notice? How would she react if she did? He desperately wanted to jump out one day and be done with it, remove the mask. But no, he will savor this. 
Chapter 3
She woke up and stretched her body, bringing her consciousness back to reality. Getting out of bed, she felt something weird when she moved, gazing down at her underwear she noticed it sticked too weirdly on her skin and touched the outer fabric to inspect it. 
“What the...” She whispered, feeling the fabric hard and sticky against her fingers. She quickly rushed to the bathroom and took it off, bringing it closer to her nose and as soon as she smelled it, she gagged and threw it in the laundry basket. Was that smell coming from her? Did she need a bath that bad, Jesus... She hopped in the shower immediately after that, thinking it was her own hormones that made her produce the liquid on her underwear. It never crossed her mind it could have been anything else, until she remembered the note. No... It couldn’t be, right? She thought there was no way that Malcolm would do such a thing, but now she was starting to feel actually frightened so she would prepare herself to ask him the next time he would come around and to her luck, he would be coming by today. 
She waited all day by the living room, biting her fingernails. At last, she heard the familiar sound of his vehicle coming to a stop at her entrance and she rushed outside to meet him. Malcolm was standing by his trunk and waved up at her, she rushed towards him in a spite of fury and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, frightening the unsuspecting man. 
“Did you get into the house last night?” She yelled, causing more confusion to spread in Malcolm’s face. 
“What are you talking about?” He questioned, looking down at her with a concerned rather than fearful expression. 
“Have you been getting into my room at night? Answer me!” She said, and Malcolm’s eyes widened. 
“No, of course not. What is going on?” The genuine confusion on his face made Greta relax her grip and step back from him. She looked back at the house, and then brought her eyes to meet Malcolm’s. 
“I’m... I don’t think I am okay.” She said, wrapping her arms around her chest and Malcolm dropped everything and led her inside. He made her tea and sat with her by the kitchen counter. 
“Would you like to talk about what just happened? I mean, you looked frightened, what is going on?” He questioned, staring at her while her gaze hung low. He watched her open her mouth to say something, but she closed it before she let out her thoughts. “I don’t think you could tell me anything that would make me think you were crazy, so tell me please.” He pleaded and Greta felt a sense of safety wash over her. 
“I think there is something wrong with this house.” she said, causing Malcolm’s hair to stand and his expression to shift into shock. “Do you know something?” She asked, her eyes entirely focused on his next words. 
“The townspeople talk a lot about this house and the tragedy that it holds but, I don’t see how this concerns you right now and I think it will only feed into whatever it is going through.” He tried to direct her away from the subject. 
“Has something bad happened?” She questioned, and watched as Malcolm’s eyes became vacant almost as if he was disassociating. 
“It’s only rumors, no one knows if any of that is true.”  
“Tell me...” She pleaded and Malcolm sighed. 
“The Heelshire’s had a son, not that creepy doll they keep in that room but an actual son. We don’t know much of the details but all we know is that a fire broke down in this house.” Greta was glued to every word coming out of his mouth. “We don’t know who caused it but during the fire, they lost their son. Ever since then the house was marked as a bad omen, the townspeople don’t like to approach this place.” Greta was stunned to hear all this. 
“Do you think the same?” She asked. 
“Do I believe in that superstition? No, but I am the only one here that doesn’t. I would like you to refrain from believing this shit, it won’t do you any good.” He paused, his mind bringing back their previous interaction. “Could you please now tell me what happened with you before?” He continued. 
“Did their son die?” She further questioned. 
“They never found his body from what I remember, I was about the same age as him back then. But they held a funeral for him, after that Mrs. Heelshire acquired that doll and well, I think I understand the amount of grief she must have gone through to be like this.” Greta was in deep thought. 
“Wait here a moment.” She said and rushed to her bedroom, taking the note out of her bedside drawer and bringing it back to Malcolm. “I found this one morning next to my bed.” Malcolm took the note and read its contents, shooting a few stares at her. “Is it a joke? Did you write this?” She continued.
“My handwriting may be bad, but not this bad.” Greta’s heart stopped. If it hadn’t been Malcolm, who was it? “Greta... I feel like you have been in this house alone for too long and you’re starting to get detached from reality. Trust me I understand more than anyone.” Malcolm said, holding Greta’s hand as he talked. 
“How about this, I take you out tonight to a pub, you have a drink with me, maybe even get your mind off this place. I know, that being alone here would drive a person insane so, getting out once in a while might do you some good.” He said, noticing the smile that crossed her face. 
“I’d like that.” She replied, the smile remaining on her face. 
“Great, I’ll come by at 7pm, is that good?” Malcolm asked. 
The house creaked.
Chapter 4
Greta returned home late, and after she said her goodbyes to Malcolm, she stood by the entrance mentally encouraging herself to get a grip. Her evening with Malcolm brought a lot of clarity and she understood that he was right to get her out of this place. But once she was back, there was something in her that made her want to run away. She couldn’t quite place it, but it was as if the house was awake waiting for her to come back like a strict parent waiting to scold a child for coming home way past curfew. She opened the door and went inside, turning on the lights and leaving her coat by the coat hanger. The house creaked, making her focus on the sound. She shrugged it off and headed to the kitchen, getting herself a glass of water to quench her thirst.  
She stood by the sink staring at the window in front of her, it was pitch black outside so the only thing she saw was her reflection looking back at her. Suddenly, she saw something move in the reflection by the entrance of the kitchen and she froze in place when she saw someone standing behind her. She didn’t move. 
“Greta...” She heard a child’s voice. “Why did you leave?” It continued with the same childlike voice. Greta was terrified, like a deer in headlights she kept staring at the reflection of a tall muscular man looking straight at her. Why is his face like that? She thought to herself. It was pale too pale compared to the rest of his body, almost like it had been a ghost. He moved closer and Greta gasped, making the figure stop in his tracks. 
“I felt so alone...” There was something weird about its voice, the first words sounded like a young boy and the more he talked the more the voice deepened. “I don’t like it when other people steal my things.” His voice was now completely changed into an adult, making Greta’s body tense and cold sweat started forming at her temples. He had taken a few steps closer to her, Greta’s gaze never moving away from the reflection. 
“You’re not real...” She cried. “Please, please you’re not real...” She sobbed, lowering her head to the sink. She closed her eyes and mentally tried to convince herself that she was going insane, and that she needed to rid herself of these delusions. But when she opened her eyes and saw a set of hands placed between the gaps of her arms, pressed against the sink in front of her she jolted backwards, and her back was met with the chest of this ghost. Her eyes were met with a clear image of a guy in a white pale mask towering over her in the reflection of the window, and her body shivered as she saw the guy’s face approach her from the side. She turned her face away, avoided looking and facing what was happening. 
“I’m real and I’m angry, Greta.” The figure snarled against her ear, making her body shake. “I don’t want you to leave again. You’re mine.” He said, and suddenly Greta felt a hand wrapping around her waist, gripping her hips tightly. A cold sensation crossed her neck, which she quickly identified as the mask of this person being pressed against her skin. She heard him inhale, and then exhale in an exasperated and deprived manner, causing her mind to scream and her fight or flight response to kick in. She pushed him back with enough force to send him stumbling a few steps back, she quickly made a run for it and as she was about to make it through the door, a knife was thrown at her, and it landed in front of her on the wooden surface of the door. She didn’t look at the source, but she heard his screams.
Greta had no intention of listening to him, and instead focused on running in a different direction and went up the stairs to her bedroom. Once, in her room she looked back and saw the man just coming up the stairs behind her and she locked the door. She heard loud banging coming from the other side, and the door shook as if it was ready to fall down and then, silence. Her heart felt like it would jump out of her chest, and her breathing was erratic. Soon, she began hearing footsteps coming from beside her and she followed that sound, her eyes widening when she realized where the sound was coming from; he was in the walls.
A loud punch resonated in her room, and she saw a hand emerging out of the walls. Quickly, she rushed to open her window, sliding the panel upwards and sat on the edge, looking down. It was high, the landing would hurt she knew but when she looked back and saw the man burst into the room she jumped, landing harshly on a grassy part in front of the house. Her ankle getting twisted by the drop and her head buzzed from the collision with the ground. She got up to her feet and staggered a few feet further away from the entrance of the house, but she didn’t make it far enough before a set of arms grabbed her by the waist and lifted her from her feet. She struggled and after a few seconds of protest she was roughly dropped against the ground and her vision grew hazy. 
Her limbs were too weak to fight him back, and she felt her body being lifted back up and being led back inside the house. She lost consciousness in the arms of a stranger whom she didn’t know if he would have been merciful enough to let her live and she could do nothing else, but hope that she would wake up the next morning. 
Chapter 5
She regained consciousness later in the night, but now she wished that she hadn’t because as soon as she opened her eyes, she was met with the stranger’s gaze looking back at her. He was on his knees against the floor with arms crossed on the edge of her bed and his face leaning against them, presumably watching her as she slept. They stared at each other for some time, until Greta decided to break the silence. 
“Brahms...?” She questioned, not knowing if she was right to assume that this person sitting next to her had been the little boy that the rumors spoke of, well not so little anymore. The man got up, his gaze never leaving Greta’s. She pushed herself up and winced when she felt a pang of pain in her foot. 
“Don’t move.” A child’s voice again. Greta stared at him with bewilderment, how was his voice changing like that? She thought to herself. “You hurt yourself badly. I had to bandage you up.” He continued. Greta felt like she needed to play along in order to make it out alive, so she mastered up the strength to speak. She looked down and saw that she was wearing her night shirt, and only her night shirt. 
“Did... Did you have to change me as well?” She asked, feeling filthy after realizing that he had seen her naked. 
“No.” He said, his voice more mature. “I didn’t have to but, I wanted to see...” Brahms continued, his eyes travelling down her body, and he inched closer to touch her face. 
“Brahms!” She scolded like a mother, making him shiver and move backwards. “It is very late young man. You should be in bed.” She said, and watched as then man cowered his head like a child. 
“Will you read me a bedtime story?” He said, following her as she limped to get to his room. 
“I’m afraid I’m too tired today, Brahms. I promise I’ll read you one tomorrow.” She said and signaled for him to get into bed which he happily complied and got into position. She brought the covers over him and tucked him in, but as she was about to leave Brahms grabbed her tightly by the wrist to stop her. 
“I want a goodnight kiss.” He said, using his child voice again. “You aren’t reading me a bedtime story so, I deserve a kiss at least.” He complained. 
“Y-You’re right Brahms...” She said, mentally cursing herself for being in this situation. “Okay, lay back down.” She placed her hands on the bedframe to support herself as she leaned down and kissed the mask at the spot where his forehead would have been. “There, now goodnight, Brahms.” She finished and limped her way out, closing the door of his bedroom. She took a few steps forward in the direction of her room but a few feet away from here there were also the stairs that she could use to flee. She stood there for a few seconds and lowered her head as she thought of her injured leg. She wouldn’t make it far with this. 
“Greta...?” She heard Brahms' voice again, and she turned to see him standing outside of his room. His body was tense, his eyes were as black as coal and in contrast to the pale white mask he wore, he looked terrifying. 
“Hm? What is it, honey?” She said, trying to stop herself from sobbing right then and there. 
“I’m scared, can I sleep in your bed?” Greta wanted to cry so badly, but she stopped the tears from forming and continued playing along, thinking that it could be the only thing that would save her at this moment.  
“You can’t sleep in my bed like that. You are dirty. We can talk about this in the morning, now go back to bed please.” Her words weren’t reassuring at all for him, and he stepped forward, until he was standing right above her, his face towering over her. 
“If I’m dirty then give me a bath. I want to sleep in your bed tonight.” He said, making Greta’s face scrunch up beneath him as she felt the fear ripping through her, tears finally dropping down her cheeks. “I can’t trust you, Greta. I want you to stay with me.” He said, his voice more mature again. Trust , that’s it. She needed to make him trust her, and then when he would let his guard down, she would make her escape. 
“Okay then, sweetie. Let’s go take a bath.” She limped to the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water. She turned back and signaled to him to get inside, and as she made an attempt to leave Brahms on his own, he grabbed her by the wrist again. 
“I want you to wash me.” He ordered, making Greta look up at him in disbelief. She shakily gave him a smile and nodded, seeing as in this situation she couldn’t really say no. So, she grabbed a washcloth by the side of the tub and turned to the wall. 
“Undress and get in the tub.” She said her tone was more authoritarian than she intended it to be, but Brahms liked it a little too much. He did as he was told and removed his clothes in a flash, eagerly getting himself in the warm water. Greta heard the water surface of the tub being disturbed while Brahms made his way in and slowly turned when she was certain he was inside. Upon looking at his naked body, she froze. He was muscular, sweat dripped down his hairy chest and it was then that she had realized that she wasn’t dealing with a child, but with a very delusional and demented grown man. She averted her thoughts from keeping her from the task at hand and she got closer to him, keeping her gaze away from looking at his crotch.  
She dipped the cloth in the water and lathered the bodywash on it before she started scrubbing his body. She turned her head to the side as she washed his front, making sure to refrain from staring at his lower half. This act felt too intimate, and she was feeling extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable to be doing this. She tried to think of something else, to bring her mind elsewhere and she was brought back to reality after she realized that she had been scrubbing his front for a little too long. 
“Okay, now lean forward for me. I’m going to do your back.” Brahms complied almost instantly, making Greta a little surprised with how eagerly he was listening to everything she asked him to do. When she placed the washcloth on his back, she watched him cock his head to the side and his body relax against her touch. Greta couldn’t make out what exactly was going on but when he saw him grip the side of the tub tightly, she quickly realized that in Brahms mind her touch was akin to affection. She scrubbed his back as fast as she could to get it over with and then hung the washcloth on the side of the tub, as she grabbed the bottle of shampoo.  
“It’s time for you head now.” She said, hinting at him that he needed to remove his mask, but Brahms made no effort to follow what she asked this time. “You have to remove your mask.” She spoke. 
“No.” He said firmly, looking at her with his blank stare. “You cannot see my face.” She wanted to see his face though, to identify him to the police when she would get out of this place. 
“I promise I will close my eyes while I do it.” She paused. “Cross my heart.” She said, while doing the gesture over her chest. Brahms stared at her for a while and after a few seconds he agreed. Greta placed a good amount of shampoo in her palm and closed her eyes. She heard Brahms move his arms out of the water and after a few seconds he told her he was ready. She extended her arm to find his head and he grabbed her wrist guiding her to his hair. Once she figured out where he was, she started scrubbing his scalp with shampoo. She pushed his head down slightly and thought it would be a good idea to open her eyes a little to see the person behind the mask but as soon as she opened them, her eyes were met with his in the mirror across them and she had barely enough time to see his features before her wrist was grabbed and she was violently pulled forward. 
She would have almost fallen into the bath, if it hadn’t been for Brahms’ head that supported her. She tried to move back but Brahms held her wrist tighter and pulled up her shirt, getting his face underneath it. Greta froze when she felt his breath against her chest, and her hand being guided inside the water. She didn’t have enough strength to pull her hand away, as it made contact with his cock. He held her hand into a fist and breathed deeply against her bare chest. 
“You promised you wouldn’t look.” Brahms said, his head still inside her shirt. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” 
“You promised...and yet,” He paused, and wrapped her hand around his length. “You still cannot be trusted Greta.” He said and licked one of her nipples, letting his tongue playfully wet the area. Greta hunched forward, while simultaneously putting all her might to get away from his grasp. Brahms forced her hand to jerk him off while he sucked on her breast. 
“Brahms... please stop...” She gasped, when he playfully bit her nipple before continuing sucking. That spot was too sensitive for her and stimulating it, made her mind grow weak and her body even weaker at resisting him. His other hand grabbed her breast tightly as he sucked, causing Greta’s legs to get weak and almost losing balance. She grabbed his head, and leaned against him, incapable of concealing the sounds that dared to escape her. Her senses were filled with the stimulation of her nipples being abused and her hand being used for Brahms pleasure. Fuck , her body was reacting in a way that she had no control over, and she despised herself for feeling good at the mercy of this psychopath. She could feel his dick twitch and get harder in her hand as he neared closer to his release, and he quickened his pace. It felt so filthy to be used this way, to be giving pleasure to this man but his tongue was... Christ, it felt so good. 
“Brahms...” She moaned. “Please, stop. Stop...” She felt lightheaded and rocked her head back, her eyes welling up in tears as Brahms came into her hand and he groaned against her chest, finally freeing her from this torment. She leaned forward again, only this time she had no strength to stand or keep herself conscious, the steam from the bath and the intoxication of her orgasm making her mind hazy. The last thing she could remember was the feeling of her feet being swept up from the ground.
Chapter 6
She woke up the next morning with a foreign weight on her body. She pushed herself up and immediately was pulled back down into the embrace. She looked down at the hairy arm that was wrapped around her waist and realized it was Brahms, and as he pressed himself against her she also realized that he was naked. She felt him nuzzle against her back and then mumbled something incoherent. 
“Brahms?” She tried to push herself away from him. “Brahms let go of me.” She said in a stern tone, and he loosened his grip.  
“How did you sleep, Greta?” He was too nonchalant for someone who was keeping her here against her will. She took a moment to respond to him. 
“Why are you not wearing any clothes?” She said, scooching a bit further away from him. 
“It felt more comfortable.” He explained. 
“That’s not...” She stared down at his chest. “That is not polite.” She continued. 
“Did I do something bad?” He said in his child voice. “Am I naughty?” He continued, in his mature one. He knew exactly what he was doing, and Greta felt something in her stomach twist when he used that word in his mature voice. He pushed himself closer to her and Greta leaned back, putting her arms in front of her to shield herself only for Brahms to grab them and pin them above her head. He quickly positioned himself above her and buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent. “If I’m already being naughty then I should go all the way, make it worth it.” He purred against her skin, making her body shiver.  
Greta felt his dick pressing against her cunt, rubbing along the fabric of her underwear. “Brahms, Brahms!” She kept repeating in an attempt to stop him, but he was not listening to her. He seemed too entranced, too fixated with the idea of getting himself off that it seemed he was hardly even registering anything that she said. She tried to push her legs together so she would forbid him entrance, but Brahms held both her wrists with one hand and moved the other one down to her thighs, gripping them tightly. 
“Open your legs...” He whispered again her ear. “Please, please keep your legs open.” He whimpered, making her stop her protest and as soon as she relaxed, he slid his hand under her underwear, his fingers coming into contact with her wet entrance. Greta gasped when she felt his finger penetrate her, and she turned her head to the side, gritting her teeth. Brahms breathed heavily against her ear, the feeling of warmth on his finger making him hard, thinking of what it would feel like to be inside her at this moment. He wanted to, so badly, but it was more entertaining to build the tension in him, to make himself wait a little longer for it. 
“I want to use my tongue, but I don’t seem to find myself trusting you enough to let go of your wrists.” He said, using two fingers now. “Should I tie you down?” He considered it for a moment and watched Greta turn her gaze back to him, looking at him with a spiteful, and angry expression. “No, I don’t think you will go anywhere. After all,” He paused, letting go of her wrists and positioning his face in front of her cunt. “Even if you do run, I will end up catching you.” He finished and pulled his mask up just enough to let his mouth free, and he dived his tongue into her entrance. 
Greta grabbed his hair and tried pulling him away, but Brahms was tightly gripping at her hips, having no intention of being separated from her. Brahms’ tongue grazed her clit, making her head rock backwards and beg for him to stop. His hand traveled up her stomach and he grabbed one of her breasts, eliciting more and more lust out of her. In better words, Brahms was devouring her, he was making her gasp for air and the sounds that escaped her made her feel ashamed of herself for finding pleasure in that moment. She fisted his hair and watched him suck and lick her cunt as if his life depended on it. 
“Stop, stop, please...” She moaned, her hips moving alongside Brahms’ movements. He pulled back and as she continued laying down, he brought his dick in front of her mouth. She placed her hands on his hips and turned her head to the side, forbidding him from going on with this, but Brahms was too far gone. He grabbed her face and forced his way into her mouth, moving his hips as he fucked into her throat. Greta gagged when he felt his dick hitting the back of her throat and had to turn her head to the side to take a breath. She coughed, tears slightly building themselves in her eyes, but Brahms gave her no time to get used to it, he pushed himself into her mouth again, this time slower. She looked up at him, her eyebrows furrowed, whining and gagging uncontrollably from Brahms’ rough treatment. 
“Ah, that feels so good. Your mouth feels so warm.” He whimpered, moving his hips harder the more Greta whined against his length. She tapped at his thighs and Brahms pulled back, watching her cough and try to regain her breath. 
“I can’t... please... let me do it.” She said, her voice sounding too sultry for Brahms’ sanity. He did as he was asked, and pulled back, allowing her to get on her knees.  
Greta tried to regain her composure. He would have killed her then and there if he hadn’t stopped shoving his cock down her throat like that. If this was to happen, it could at least happen on her own terms. She wrapped her hand around his length and began jerking him off, but Brahms was too impatient and grabbed face pushing himself in her mouth but made no further movements. Greta looked up at him as she bobbed her head up and down, managing to take only half of Brahms’ length. He gripped her hair into a fist, rocking his head back as the sensation of her tongue around his dick made him reach closer and closer to his orgasm. 
“Greta...” He whined and hunched a bit forward. He was enjoying himself, lavishing this moment, his dick twitching into her mouth. Greta felt his impatience, his need for release and tried to move her head up and down as quickly as possible to get this over with. Her jaw was starting to feel sore, and her movements became sloppy, exhaustion plaquing her body as she drove Brahms over the edge. She didn’t like this, she didn’t want to do this but, there was something about the way he whined her name and whimpered when he felt pleasure by her that made something in her mind reconsider. All morality in her was thrown out the window, her brain went blank, and her eyes became vacant of all life as she felt him finish into her mouth. 
Brahms shoved his dick down her throat, his cum going all the way down her throat and Greta rolled her eyes back, feeling at the mercy of the man. He was panting, holding her cheeks as he pulled himself out and held her chin up to him, looking at her as she tried to swallow down the thick liquid. He sat on his knees, now with a bit of clarity he realized that he had crossed the line and that she was not satisfied with his behavior.  
“I’m sorry.” He said, and Greta’s eyes widened when she looked back at the masked man, witnessing him being profoundly apologetic of his behavior with his head hanging low. She couldn’t understand him, one minute he is rough and relentless with her, the next he is apologetic like a child that has done something wrong. Trust , she remembered. She needed to build his trust and keep the act going if she wanted to survive. 
“When you want something, you should communicate first. It is not right to take something whenever you want it.” She said. He looked at her with bewilderment as if he had never taught before about consent and Greta realized at that moment that she was talking to someone who was locked up inside the walls, with apparently no knowledge of the outside world. He probably thinks that it’s normal to not ask, to just take and use anyone to his liking, but something about his apology made her think that perhaps he does understand to some degree that he shouldn’t be doing this. 
“I’m hungry.” He said, looking down at his stomach. Greta thought of something when he said that, as if a lightbulb had gone over her head.  
“Alright, let’s get dressed first then, shall we?” She made the attempt to push herself off the bed and get to her wardrobe, but she remembered that she was naked and held the sheets up to her chest. “Brahms, would you mind letting me dress myself?” He didn’t get the hint. “Alone?” She continued. 
“I don’t trust you.” There it is again. She faked a smile and tried to think of a response. 
“You can wait outside my room. I won’t go anywhere I promise. Besides, I can’t jump from the window anymore.” She hinted at her injured foot. Brahms took a deep breath and complied, getting outside of Greta’s room, closing the door behind him. Fuck, fuck, fuck. What the fuck , she cursed herself mentally. "Okay, get properly dressed and when we go downstairs and make breakfast, I’ll make a run for it , she thought to herself. She didn’t even consider her injured foot, but she felt that she could pressure herself enough to get far away from here. Malcolm won’t be here for another week. Malcolm... She imagined him coming here, taking her away.  
She finished getting dressed and it was now time to prepare herself for what she planned to do. Opening the door, she immediately saw Brahms standing behind it, waiting patiently for her. She gave him another fake smile and averted her gaze, as he was standing naked right in front of her. 
“Okay, let’s find you some clothes.” She thought of his parents’ room, perhaps they’d be able to find him some clothes there. He followed her as she limped through the hallway, getting into the master bedroom. Brahms looked around; it was the first time in a long time that he had gone inside. They usually didn’t let him come in, so he was reluctant to enter. Greta told him to come inside, and searched into the wardrobe for something that would fit him. His father didn’t have much casual attire, but she found a sweater and some pants that would go along with it. She placed the outfit on the bed alongside a pair of briefs and attempted to leave him at it, thinking it might give her some time to execute her plan, but Brahms got ahold of her wrist. 
“Dress me.” He said, making Greta swallow and feel like she had lost a chance at escaping, but it was not over yet. She could still find another time. She went back to the bed and handed Brahms the briefs, turning around to give himself the space to put them on himself. After that, Greta told him to sit by the bed so she could put the pants on him. Brahms complied and sat by the edge, looking at Greta’s every movement as she shuffled around to get the pair of pants and then kneeled to put his legs through them. She then instructed him to get up so she could pull them up, and in the position she was in, she was met with Brahms’ crotch. She turned her head to the side and shakily got up, pulling the pants up with her. 
Her foot hurt when she applied any amount of pressure and she winced slightly when she tried to keep herself standing. She walked again towards the bed and fetched the light blue sweater, instructing him to lower his head so she could pass the hole through his head. He leaned closer to her, his eyes never leaving hers as he bent down, making her feel slightly anxious. Then, she held the sweater sleeves so he could pass each arm through and that was it. He looked down at himself wearing his father’s clothes and looked back at Greta. 
“How do I look?” He asked, waiting for positive affirmation from her. 
“Stunning.” She said and formed another fake smile. Her heart began to race as she thought of what would follow after this. When they would reach the stairs, she would push him as hard as she could and then she would sprint down the stairs to her escape. She was terrified, but she had to keep this act just a little longer. “Let’s go downstairs.” She said and began walking towards the stairs. She felt him walk behind her, she could feel his gaze piercing daggers through her and tried to ignore it. They reached the stairs and as Greta was about to make her move, Brahms took her in his arms, lifting her from the ground. 
“W-What are you doing?!” She asked, a hint of despair in her voice. Brahms looked at her for a second, his eyes piercing and cold as he walked down the steps. 
“Your leg is hurt. Stairs might be a challenge for you right now.” He said. 
Greta felt something from Brahms, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking of doing, and he made sure to not let her plan come into fruition. She felt dread building in her chest when they passed through the front door and went into the kitchen. Her opportunity was lost, and who knows when the next time will be when she’ll have the chance to escape. She wanted to cry but did her best not to show it, but Brahms caught on as he sat her down on one of the kitchen chairs. He leaned closer to her with one of his hands on the table as he got inches away from her face. 
“You will stay here.” He said, his gaze unforgiving, merciless. Greta tried with all her might not to start sobbing then and there.  
“Brahms... I won’t leave you-” She was interrupted mid-sentence. 
“Don’t lie to me!” He banged his fist onto the table and Greta shivered, memories of her ex-relationship waving through her. “You wanted to leave, I could tell!” He continued yelling, his voice making her body shiver in fear. 
“Brahms please...” She felt the tears prickling her eyes, and she lowered her head in defeat. “I beg of you please...” She sobbed, pushing Brahms away. He got ahold of her wrists and pushed her onto the table, her face pinned against the cold wooden surface. 
“You will not leave! Not ever. You are mine.” He said, his words sounding deranged and his behavior even more unhinged. He pulled her pants down and pushed her head harder against the table as she struggled. 
“Brahms, I’m sorry. I promise, I won’t think of leaving you ever again.” She pleaded, trying to calm him down from his frenzy but it was to no avail. She felt his dick probing at her entrance, forcefully making its way inside her, and she winced from the sting of the intrusion. “Brahms please don’t, it hurts... it hurts...” Greta could hear him breath heavily, as he hunched forward his masked face now hovering next to her ear. He stopped, and made no further movements, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her into an embrace. 
“I’m sorry, Greta...” He said, his voice shaking. “I don’t want to lose you.” He finished, and Greta let the tears drop down her cheeks. She felt hopeless, her mind pictured her remaining a prisoner to him, having to live with this monster for as long as he was alive. She felt him breathe against her neck, inhaling her scent and his dick twitching inside her with anticipation. She placed a hand on his head and caressed his hair. She felt pity for him, even though she had every right to want to leave, she began sympathizing with him. Two broken souls cannot mend one another, but they can understand each other, they can bond.  
Brahms pressed his mask against her cheek and moved his hips, making Greta hold on to the table. He grabbed her waist as he fucked into her, pounding her progressively harder with each thrust. Greta gasped for air, feeling her insides getting filled to the very brim, her walls stretched by Brahms’ girth. His thrusts were too violent, each slap of their hips hitting her deep inside, making her mind grow hazy. 
“You.” Slap . “Are.” Slap . “Mine.” Slap . Greta moaned, feeling her stomach grow hot, as her insides were being ravaged. She extended her arm backwards, attempting to stop him from further going on with this but Brahms held her wrist and pushed her arm behind her back, landing a hard spank on her ass. Greta whined in pain, and Brahms landed another slap on her cheeks, redden them more and more. She arched her back and closed her eyes, the sensation of his dick hitting her insides with this visceral force and his words that dripped with possessiveness drove her to edge, making her lose her sense of stability. 
“I can’t... Brahms... I can’t...” She moaned, Brahms’ thrusts getting more erratic the more she begged. His hand slithered on her throat and squeezed her, as he pounded into her, forcing an orgasm to build inside her. He whined her name into her ear, his words holding a ravenous desire for release, and Greta felt him nearing close. “No... Not inside, please... not inside...” She tried to speak, Brahms’ hand gripping her throat made it harder for her to articulate her raging thoughts. Brahms had no intention of heeding her words, he wanted to make her his, he wanted to forbid her from forgetting that she belongs to him.  
He was desperate; an overwhelming urge to exhibit his infatuation brewed inside him, making him lose himself, disregard all sense of reason. As powerful as he felt for having her pinned on that table, moaning from the pleasure he was influencing out of her, he felt just as weak against her. He was enamored, completely entranced by her, he imagined himself becoming her slave, giving her everything she desired. At this moment, Brahms felt at his weakest, most hungry, most enslaved, by her. He felt his orgasm reaching its peak and in the spur of the moment, pushed himself deep inside her, making her rock forward from the intensity. 
She whined, feeling his dick reach deep inside her as the thick warm liquid filled her to the very brim. She fell onto the table, her legs unable to support her anymore and Brahms noticed her exhaustion and wrapped his arms around her chest, pulling her up against him. She rocked her head back, breathing deeply as she came down from the peak of her climax, the sensation of Brahms’ hips slapping against hers still ringing inside her even after long they had stopped. Her body was remembering the feeling of being filled, her cunt pulsating from the pleasurable torture she was put through. They stayed there in that embrace; Brahms gripped her hips and pressed himself harder against her, his behavior making it known to her that she had no other place to be, no other purpose in her life than to fulfill his needs of companionship. 
Greta turned her head to face him, and she saw the desperation behind his eyes, his need for intimacy. A part of her died that day, and she became something else, someone who could remain, and she entered the maze with no precaution or will of ever getting out. 
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random ass request, feel free to ignore, but could you possibly write something about Tony being all protective and worried and taking care of the reader when she's having a reaction to the vaccine? like, he knows it's all okay & expected, and that she'll be fine soon, but still he doesn't wanna see his baby feeling like shit? just something fluffy and cuddly? it's just that I just got my third dose and I'm all sore and miserable right now (but very very happy to be vaccinated :))
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A/N: Dear nonnie, I’m glad you’re fully vaccinated and safe! And I know it sucks, the after-effects absolutely suck, I hope you feel better real soon, my dear. Hugs!
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: Care bear but paranoid Tony? Come on…
“Tony, I told you she’s fine. Its just a reaction to the vaccine, stronger than anticipated but nothing to worry about.”
“What do you mean by anticipated, Banner? Most people weren’t affected this bad, I checked. Run some tests, make sure she gets better.”
“You know this isn’t my field of expertise right? I can give Helen a call if you want.”
“You mean you haven’t?”
You heard muffled voices coming through from the living room, one was Bruce and the paranoid one was none other than your boyfriend.
The past couple of days had been the worst for you, the vaccine had taken its toll on your body and how. High fever, muscle pain, fatigue like you hadn’t felt before, all that because of a stupid injection.
You were aware of the side effects, and yet the magnitude of it hit you like a train, that and it had sent Tony in a frenzy.
The paranoid billionaire wouldn’t leave his surgical mask while coming to check on you and that perpetually anxious look wouldn’t leave him.
His worried self was adorable at first before it became borderline annoying, maybe it was the discomfort you were in that caused you to feel so. The man would randomly wake you up by poking you with a stick from a safe distance after you’d dozed off to make sure you were fine, snap his fingers and fidget around constantly, pace around the room while talking to the AI about possible solutions and remedies.
“How long has it been since you had a good night’s sleep Tony?”
Your voice was groggy from sleep, hair in complete disarray as you sat back against the headboard one day, watching the genius rearrange your pillows.
“Uh, what makes you think I haven’t been sleeping? There’s not much to do around here since you’re in and out of consciousness, I’ve—I’ve been napping.”
“When will you learn how to lie with conviction?”
A small smile made its way on your face as he dismissed your comment, the mask hid most of his face but his downcast eyes revealed everything.
“I’m worried about you, (Y/N). If something happened—”
“I’ll be fine, Tony. I promise.”
You shrugged, watching him sigh in relief before he plopped down next to you, placing his head in your lap.
“I’ve never seen you so paranoid. Hey, while your at it, I’d appreciate a little foot rub.”
You teased, feeling a little better than before, glad that the aftereffects were starting to wear off.
Raising a hand to card your fingers through his hair, you couldn’t help but chuckle when he swiftly moved away from your touch.
“I love you and all that honey, but I can’t risk this.”
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Hope you like this, dear nonnie! There’s no cuddling here sorry, but let’s face it the man’s a germaphobe.
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terichii · 3 years
Stalking | Haitani
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Warnings: clumsy english text, typos
Can I just write something before I see these beautiful boys in the new episode?
You knew for sure that you had already seen this guy. By a stupid accident, one day he helped you collect your things that were scattered all over the street. Since then, he surprisingly often began to catch your eye. You noticed him on the way to and from work when you went to the store or just walked around the city. Sometimes he was passing by you and smile, which was confusing, but sometimes you noticed how he was watching from afar. In the end, it was like being paranoid. It seemed that you were about to see these two braids that callused your eyes, sitting on the sofa in your living room.
And you've come to terms with it. Almost. Until something happened.
"You've been finishing up pretty late lately."
"Eh?...",- the familiar voice sent shivers down your spine. You froze, unable to move. But you didn't want to turn your head because you probably knew it was him. Now it was just like a terrible dream that did not want to let you go.
"Do you need a ride?"
Swallowing, you turned around. Yes, it was him. That creepy guy with those stupid braids that you hated. Leaning on the steering wheel of the bike and propping his chin on his hand, he looked at you with a narrowed eye and a grin.
"Uh...n-no, thank you, I'm not far here...", - but you're lying and it seems that he understands this. The time was really late, and you live far away. But right now you were thinking about how to escape from him. You walked further along the street, periodically glancing at him and speeding up your pace. If you had the opportunity, you would have run with all your might now, but you knew that this opportunity was not there. You definitely can't overtake a bike.
The guy caught up with you, looking right into your face, the grin became even wider when he realized what was going on, it seemed that he felt you too well, - "Are you afraid of me?"
"What?? Of course not", - the words, full of indignation, literally burst out of you. No, you weren't afraid of him, you were already sick of seeing him. Isn't that right? Right? ...
From your harsh words, he looked thoughtfully somewhere up into the night sky, before turning back to you, - "That's how...but…"
But you're already gone.
Pausing in mid-sentence, Ran began to look around, peering into the depths of the dark streets. He pursed his lips when he realized where you went – to a remote alley. The place is not the safest.
Your rapid footsteps echoed hollowly from the concrete walls of the narrow alleys. Hoping to take a shortcut and get out of here as soon as possible, you wound through unfamiliar courtyards until you once again came to a dead end.
"Damn",- your thoughts began to get confused again, a tight lump rose somewhere in your throat, you felt panic. If you go back, he will be there. But you're tired of looking for a way out.
"Hey, baby, are you lost?"
Lost in your thoughts, you did not notice how three criminal-looking guys turned out to be nearby. One of them came up to you with an imposing gait, unceremoniously grabbing you by the waist, the disgusting type pulled you closer to him.
"Why are you so tense, relax, we can help you with this, right, guys?", - the guy looked at his friends and laughed, they also took up his initiative.
Unpleasant laughter causes a headache, for a second you thought that you could just give up, that this is not happening to you and it has gone too far.
"Take your hands off!!", - pushing him away from you with a sharp jerk, you jumped back a couple of steps.
The guy staggered, but stood on his feet, although an unpleasant aching pain spread over his chest, which caused his cheerful mood to instantly evaporate, giving way to anger, - "Catch this bitch."
After these words, you immediately slipped back into the narrow alley along which you came, when the others ran after you. Out of the corner of your ear, you heard threats flying after you. You ran, running out of strength until you found an even narrower alley with containers behind which you could hide.
Footsteps and voices echoed past your shelter, sweat broke out on your face, and your legs were buzzing because of the heavy load, but you were still sitting stiffly on the cold, dirty asphalt, unable to move and breathe calmly.
But the panic again covered you when the steps were approaching in your direction, and the shadow fell on the wall of the building opposite. But you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the tall figure of a guy you already know. It seems that for the first time you were happy to see him.
"Are you okay?", - an excited expression appeared on his face as he looked you up and down and held out his hand to help you up.
"Yes, I was just a little scared...", - you accepted the help and got up on your numb legs, brushing off your clothes from the dirt, - "Thank you for...oh...you have blood on your cheek", - you didn't understand why you were worried about him, seeing only a small scratch on his face, but...from this angle, you noted that your pursuer was very cute, which made your cheeks turn pink.
"Hmm?", - passing his hand over his cheek, he looked at his fingers, which really had smeared blood on them, but..- "It's not mine", - the guy smiled gently, which caused you confusion, but you were calm.
"Do you see how many problems there are just because you didn't agree to my offer?", - a light chuckle eased the tension between the two of you as he held out his hand to you again, - "So can I give you a ride?"
Confused, even more, you looked uncertainly into his eyes and, not seeing the danger, carefully put your hand in his, - "I think...yes."
"I think it's starting to rain...", - a familiar voice drawled thoughtfully to your's right, while you were standing at the intersection and was waiting for the green light.
From surprise, you turned around and shuddered – in the crowd of people waiting for the signal, there was him - a guy with blond hair and a very ordinary sharp face. The purple eyes shine a little, brazenly looking at your's face. Without turning around, he opens his umbrella right at the moment when the first thunderclap sounds somewhere in the distance.
"Aren't you afraid of getting wet?", - It became obvious that this guy was talking to you, taking a light step past those standing around.
"No", - you whisper, taking a step back.
Suddenly, a beep is heard behind him. The cars on the road freeze, and the flow of people rushes forward, carrying you away. Your thoughts were confused as your legs desperately carried you somewhere ahead. You had already passed the crossing, but something made you turn around. Your heart stopped for a moment, then began to pound wildly – you saw him among the huge mass of heads. His blond, disheveled hair shone like the sun from under a black umbrella. It seems that he also noticed you – a friendly smile appeared on his face. Lifting his umbrella, he waved vigorously at you with his free hand.
This innocent gesture caused a wave of icy goosebumps to run down your back, and you hurried to escape from a crowded place to some courtyards.
You ran for a long time, ragged breath coming out of your mouth until the strength left you, and you stopped. You needed to catch your breath. The rain was beating harder and harder on your head. Your hair and clothes were soaked through
"You'll catch a cold if you keep running like this," - he suddenly heard very close to your ear.
You jumped on the spot and turned around. It's him again! And how does he manage to catch up with you, while maintaining an absolutely calm appearance?..
The guy came closer, taking advantage of your confusion. He held out his hand. Cold…
His angular hand slid onto your forearm and, moving up, pulled uncomfortably on your wet sleeve.
"What do you want from me?...", - you whispered very softly. Your voice was hoarse, frightened. You were shaking all over.
A real hurricane of thoughts was spinning in your head. The first meeting was on a clear evening, a sweet, promising conversation. When did everything go wrong? Now he was following your constantly. At first, he seemed unobtrusive and courteous – he met you, accompany you through dangerous streets to the house. But...after one of the meetings, everything changed. Or not?
"I just want to walk you home", - as always, he smiled warmly with his simple smile, as if he did not understand how creepy he looks now, in their "accidental" meeting. - "Yes, and this rain is so not at the right time. And I see you don't take an umbrella…"
"Fuck off already!", - you screamed and started running again, leaving the frightening interlocutor in slight confusion.
The rain was falling harder and harder, blurring the view with a solid wall. Where did you run to? You didn't care anymore. A straight section, a turn, another turn, a wide street that you run diagonally, ignoring the indignant shouts in the back. The lights of the signs and windows dance around you. Everything merges into a strange nightmare, where bright colors are just decorations. Your heart continues to pound wildly, the noise of blood in your ears is deafening.
That's when you bump into someone's thick carcass. An elastic blow throws you to the wet asphalt. Your hands are burning with pain, and you finally come to your senses.
You were now sitting in some dark alley, where neither lonely windows nor the black doors of various eateries do not go out.
A moment of confusion.
"S-sorry", - you rise, leaning on a skinned palm. It stings. – "I just…"
"Are you lost, beautiful?" - A high-pitched adult voice was heard.
You lookup. In front of you is a heavy man significantly exceeding you in height. He chuckles slightly as he looks at you. And now he was reaching out to you
"Let me examine your hands...", - a hard grip shackles your right wrist, pulls forward.
You are overwhelmed by panic, you can't resist it, are absolutely tired. From despair and pain, you began to howl softly.
"Well, well", - the man encouraged you, smiling maliciously, continuing to pull you to him. – "There's nothing terrible here, dear, now I'll help you get rid of the pain…"
The other hand was also close to your body. It seemed that something irreparable was about to happen.
"Don't...please let me go!", - you whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut in a fit of hopelessness.
And then something happened.
You opened one eye, unable to restrain a strange curiosity. The man let go of your hand, and all his attention was now focused on the guy standing almost between them. With one hand he continued to squeeze the umbrella, the water from which was just trickling down the rough man's neck, and with the other, he was squeezing his fat wrist.
"I think they told you to let go," - he said seriously, looking straight into the small, surprising beady eyes.
"What?", - that's all the boar said, after which he tried to crush the stranger with his mass, stepping forward.
What happened next, you remembered vaguely. More precisely, you just didn't have time to remember exactly what happened. The guy only smiled rapaciously at the fat man's movement, after which he made several blows so fast that you simply did not catch them all. Just sharp shadows under the light of a lone lantern suddenly crashed into a thick carcass. The pig didn't even say anything, just fell back, collapsing on the garbage bags against the wall.
Realizing that it was all over, you turned her gaze to your pursuer and were amazed. He stood there, absolutely calm, smiling affably and holding out his hand to her.
"It's dangerous to go home alone. Can I walk you out?"
A lump rose in your throat, but you immediately overcame herself and took the stranger by the hand. - "Yes, I think I should agree"
You smiled sweetly back at him, then obediently stood under a wide umbrella, and together you moved to the exit of the alley.
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ttuesday · 3 years
HCs of the fellers trying to flirt with you
You sat at the bar in the saloon, alone. You weren't planning on staying long but after dropping a particularly troubling bounty off at the local sheriff's office, you decided that you needed a drink. That's when he walked in. He was with a rough looking group of men but the second he entered the saloon, the only thing he could pay attention to was you.
it takes Arthur about an hour to work up the courage to approach you. When he finally makes his move, he goes to stand next to you at the bar and casually orders a drink.
While the bartender rushes off to get him a beer, neither one of you speak. Just before Arthur goes to sit with his group again, he mumbles "Excuse me but um... you got some real pretty eyes".
Arthur doesn’t hang around to see your reaction. Before you can even say thank you, he's already walking away. We all know Arthur doesn't have the highest self esteem so he’s already certain you'll reject him.
You have to show him you're interested, otherwise he presumes there's no chance. The next time he comes up to the bar to order a drink, you say "You never let me thank you, how's about I pay for your beer?". There's no way Arthur let’s you pay for his drink but that does show him that you're interested. As you both start talking, you can't help but notice his small smile and his cheeks turn a rosy red.
Let’s be real, Charles doesn't know how to flirt. He's seen Dutch chat up Molly and Mary-Beth at camp and he has unfortunately witnessed Micah try to charm the majority of people but he just doesn’t think he can do that.
Charles comes up to the bar and orders himself a drink, making sure to keep a respectful distance from you. He wasn't going to say anything to you but he couldn't help himself when he saw the beautiful hunting knife you had holstered in your gun belt
“That’s a nice knife, is that a custom handle?” he asks, timidly gesturing to it. You answer him and it leads to a full blown conversation about different weapons you both own (how romantic). Charles talks about his bow and how he prefers to make his own arrows
Before the night is out, Charles offers to make you some arrows and asks if you'd like to go hunting with him sometime so ye can exchange some tips and tricks with each other
Dutch has rehearsed this a million times, saying the best pick up lines to himself in the mirror and trying to figure out the formula to get anyone into bed. He immediately turns on his charm as he approaches you.
Dutch gazes at you for a few seconds, his eyes wandering up and down your frame. He clears his throat before saying "My apologies, I don't mean to stare. It's just, I've never met someone quite as beautiful as you". This man will absolutely smother you in compliments and of course, he'll get poetic. "The brightness of your smile makes the most dazzling star look dull" he recites as if he’s in a Shakespeare play.
He tries to impress you with his money, obviously. Dutch doesn’t even ask you if you want a drink, he just buys you one. And when he's paying for it, he opens his wallet just wide enough for you to see all the fifty dollar bills he has stuffed in there. On the slim chance his charm doesn’t get you into bed, he’s hoping his money will.
Dutch vaguely describes what he does for a living, emphasizing the fact that he's in charge to try and impress you yet again. And since Dutch is just so generous, he offers to pay for a room at the hotel down the street too *wink wink*
Micah will completely abandon whoever he came into the saloon with and walk straight up to you. He doesn't waste anytime, coming up next to you with a cheesy smile plastered across his face. "How's about you pay for the drinks and I'll pay for the room" he smirks.
You could go off with him immediately or if you tell him to stick his shitty pick up line where the sun don't shine then he backs off... but not for too long. Micah comes back about 10 minutes later, putting his hands up in mock surrender. "Easy tiger, only came to get another beer" he lies, not even half done his first drink.
He stays around the bar and tries to make small talk with you. It doesn't work at first but eventually you both actually start talking. It doesn't last long though. It all happened very fast but some drunk bumped into the both of you and then Micah shoved him into another group which led to the whole saloon erupting into chaos.
Two men grab Micah and throw him out of the saloon, one of them yelling at him that he's barred. You could stay inside, finally free of Micah bothering you or you could follow him out and see where the night takes ye.
You wouldn't think John is good at flirting... and you're right but John thinks he knows what to do. He waits for the perfect moment before going up to you, which is basically when you finish your drink or pull out a cigarette.
Then he quickly hurries over to you and offers to buy you a drink or light your cigarette. John presumed flirting would be easy after that but he doesn’t know what to say. He opens his mouth to say something but words fail him.
For a few seconds he just stands there, trying to think of anything impressive to say to you but then he starts to get paranoid that he's taking too long and that he looks weird. So he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind "So... you come here often?".
Poor John's mind is absolutely racing as he tries to figure out if that sounded stupid. He’s already picturing about twenty different scenarios of you rejecting him but to his surprise, you smile and answer his question. It settles him a little, knowing that he didn’t immediately fuck it up and he asks if he could sit with you for a while.
This man is the definition of smooth. He’s nervous approaching you but he tries not to show it. He acts confident and hopes for the best.
Javier doesn’t go straight into flirting, first he starts a normal conversation with you but throws in a few compliments. His one goal is to make you blush as much as possible so he can tell you how cute you look.
He casually asks if you’ve eaten yet and that the food at the saloon is terrible. Luckily for you, Javier tells you that he knows the perfect place to eat and that it has the most beautiful view he’s ever seen.
Javier leads you out of the saloon and to the general store, telling you to wait outside. He comes out with a satchel full of all kinds of food and brings you away from the busy street and sits under a nearby tree for a picnic. When you question him about this apparently amazing view, he looks at you and nods “Yeah, it’s the most beautiful view a man could ask for”. 
Bill doesn't exactly know how to approach you, so he spends the majority of the night admiring you from a far and thinking of how he can make a good first impression. Eventually, the fellers he came in with get sick of him talking about you and tell him the 'perfect' pick up line.
It's super obvious that he’s trying his best to act casual as he approaches you. Bill gestures to the tacky menu beside you "Y-you using that?". You pass it over to him and Bill says what he believes to be possibly the best pick up line known to man.
"Huh, I wonder what's on the menu... you and me? Wait, no, shit... shit I said that wrong, I meant to say me n' u... heh, get it? It’s like menu". Of course he had to fuck it up somehow. On the inside he's cursing himself but he's trying to put on a brave face.
He only relaxes when he sees a small smile on your face. “That was a uh... pretty terrible pick up line” he admits. You agree with him and Bill starts laughing “If you think that was one bad, you should’ve heard the other ones”. You spend the rest of the night laughing with Bill as he recites some more god awful pick up lines.
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serpenteve · 3 years
I'm having the horrible realization that Aleksander never actually did any serious wooing of Alina in the books. It's all just Alina her self being horny attracted to him. But this is supposedly???? His grand scheme???? Of manipulation???? Implications! It seems like the girls in these books wasn't the only one slut shamed. I'm- ☠
Leigh wrote a man sexy and captivating and said "it's his fault, actually, that Alina got a crush on him. He shouldn't of.... uh.." Flips through papers. "Ah, had such pretty eyes."
Okay! 👀Yes, we are finally doing this!
I'm flipping through my copy of Shadow & Bone and noting down all the interactions between the Darkling and Alina which I've put in chronological order beneath the cut.
First of all, the Darkling and Alina are only alone together in about a handful of scenes. Most of the time, the are surrounded by other Grisha or Baghra or are in a public place. A lot of the Darkling's actions and words are clouded by Alina's own insecurities. She constantly voices how she feels like she's not good enough, not pretty enough, not strong enough and he takes it in stride and gently encourages and placates her. There are a few lies he does tell her (that the Black Heretic was his ancestor, that he wants to destroy the Fold, and he doesn't know what Baghra's power is, etc) but if we extrapolate the trajectory of her ill-fated romance arc, I think even book!Darkling would have told Alina about his real plans if she seemed like she'd accept them.
A lot of speculation has been made about the Darkling's seduction of Alina and honestly???? Aleksander literally just exists and Alina is thirsting for him because she's desperately looking for validation and re-assurance. I initially head-canoned his first kiss by the lake as being pure calculation and the kiss at the Winter Fete being 100% accidental (because Dark Lord Sasha played himself lmao) but on this re-read, I don't even know anymore. He already came close to almost kissing her after they have a tender moment, catches himself and then immediately leaves before he can catch feelings. Then when they share another tender moment at the lake, he kisses her and then is surprised by it and before he can really process it, Ivan comes by to cockblock.
Like, even Leigh (as much as she has shit on this ship) said at one point that the Darkling has strong feelings for Alina, even if he may not necessarily quantify them as love. So looking back, I don't read anything the Darkling did as manipulative seduction. He obviously lied about some stuff and wasn't transparent about his real plans for the Fold, but as a military commander who sees Alina as an opportunity for a coup, it makes sense that he'd play that a little close to the chest---especially when Alina has proved to be wary of his powers and has a very black-and-white sense of morality. If anything, this is less "the Darkling seduced Alina to manipulate her into being used!!11" and more "local dark lord tried to encourage his protege and accidentally caught feelings and it was a mASSIVE FUCKING INCONVENIENCE TO HIS EVIL PLANS"
But you know who does slut-shame Alina a lot? Baghra. Seriously, Baghra makes Alina feel like shit for her crush on the Darkling numerous times. She has all these lines:
"You want to be [his pet]...Don’t bother lying to me. You’re like all the rest. I saw the way you looked at him."
"Dreaming of dancing with your dark prince?"
"Foolish girl." (After Alina shamefully admits the Darkling might come to her that night)
At one point Baghra creeps on Alina and the Darkling's interactions and even though literally nothing happens between them and when the Darkling leaves, Alina catches Baghra giving her a snooty look. ("For no reason at all, I blushed")
She is determined to shame Alina for her feelings and make her feel like a lovesick idiot for daring to crush on him and this is in addition to all the slut-shaming Mal does. The narrative revealing the Darkling is the bad guy all along while leaving Alina no compelling arc to discover this on her own feels very much like Leigh hitting us all with Baghra's stick, like "Foolish girls! You thought he cared about Alina just because he has a sexy jawline??? HAHA HE LIED YOU SLUTS"
Scenes with Alina and the Darkling in Book 1
Their first scene together is in the Grisha tent. Based on Alina's description of him, she already thinks he's hot as barely any other character in this godforsaken series gets so many descriptions of their grey/smoke/slate/quartz eyes as Aleksander does 😏
The next time they're together he saves her life. Alina is traumatized from seeing a man sliced in half and the Darkling instructs her to keep her eyes on him instead. She is disturbed that he killed the person about to murder her and this aversion seems incredibly contrived and arbitrary on behalf of the author. It's almost like she wants Alina to be vindicated and shamed for not trusting her initial bigotry against him or something 🤔The Darkling admits even he can make mistakes and then he touches the back of Alina's neck (with some secret Heartrender/Healer abilities?) and she falls asleep riding on his horse.
They spend the next few days traveling. Alina notes that the Darkling hasn't spoken to her (probably because he's focused on getting her to the Little Palace without any more assassination attempts) but Alina is a paranoid she's offended him somehow. Again, this is just Alina's insecurity painting a narrative that simply doesn't exist based on what actually happened so far.
They exchange a few words by the stream and Alina fishes for pity points by saying she's ugly and can't possibly be Grisha. Aleksander appears 100% done with her stupidity and says she doesn't understand but he's not in the mood to explain at the moment and walks off ☠️
Alina joins the Darkling and his men for a meal. She notes that the grouse they've killed is meager shared meal but that the Darkling doesn't want to put his men in danger by sending them out to hunt in the forest at night 😌He also sits on the floor to eat like they do and he doesn't take more than the regular portion than they do 😌. Sorry, how is this man the most ~evil~ wizard on the planet? He is obviously a good and fair commander and beloved by the Grisha.
Alina has been checking Aleksander out the entire time so when he catches her, he walks over to talk. He fishes around for information on what Alina has heard about him. He seems sad when Alina mentions she has heard that Darklings are born without souls, though not surprised. He then spins the story about the Black Heretic being his ancestor and how the Fold was a mistake and how every Darkling since then has tried to undo it and how Alina is "the first glimmer of hope" he's had in a long time.
Because Alina is still on that "Grisha are unnatural monsters" agenda, she asks him about the Cut and he explains it but she's still distrubed. He asks her if it would have been better if he used a sword and she replies: "I don't know". The Darkling gets offended and leaves. Alina tries to convince herself she can't have possibly hurt his feelings (because Darklings don't have souls or feelings?) and then feels paranoid that she's failed some secret test. Yeah, the test you failed is called "empathy", Alina 🙄
Two days later, they arrive at Os Alta. Aleksander roasts the Grand Palace as the ugliest effing building he's ever seen. He leaves immediately after dumping Alina at the Little Palace and Alina actually seethes that he isn't paying more attention to her? I understand that it's overwhelming to go to a brand new place, but Alina expecting him to constantly hold her hand and explain everything to her after she basically insulted him is a bit strange.
The next time Alina sees the Darkling, they are scheduled to appear before the King and Queen. The demonstration is a surprise for Alina and Aleksander's lack of transparency of what's expected of her means she's forced to rely on him and trust his instincts. This might be his underhanded way of getting Alina to see that she can trust him; that he will not make her look like a failure or humiliate her; that they are in this together and it will only work if she trusts him.
After the demonstration, Genya and the Darkling trash the monarchy for a bit (Alina is horrified) and then the Darkling orders Genya to get a black kefta for Alina, to which Alina infamously wants a blue one. The Darkling doesn't really put up much of a fight, merely wanting to know why. Alina decides he doesn't approve of her choosing blue and wonders to Genya if he's angry.
After Alina's first day, the Darkling calls her to his quarters to ask her how her day was. Alina is surprised that this is all he wanted to know because she was paranoid he was going to torture her??? She says: "Why shouldn't I be afraid of you?...You can cut people in half. I think it's fair to be a little intimidated." If the Darkling is offended or angry about this, he doesn't show it and merely indulges her. He notes that she has a habit of running her hand across a scar on her palm and asks her about it, tracing the scar himself. Alina gets distracted by his touch but manages to answer his questions: she got the scar at Keramzin, Mal is also an orphan, he is good at tracking. He shows her a secret passage back to her rooms to avoid the main hall.
Alina starts her training and at one point laments that the Darkling is rarely at the Little Palace and when he is, he never speaks to her or barely looks her way and she is convinced it's because she's a failure and can't summon light on her own. It could also be because, you know, he's the commander of the Second Army and is usually seen in talks with other military advisors and the fact that Alina kinda lowkey insulted him with her wariness about his powers???
The next time they are together, Alina interrupts him and Baghra arguing. He politely asks her how she is. Baghra antagonizes her. The Darkling defends her. They talk about amplifiers and because Baghra is being a snarky little shit about it, they take their conversation outside.
Aleksander complains about how annoying his mom is and then asks Alina what stories she's heard about Morozova's herd. At one point he laughs for the first time and Alina practically creams her pants at the sound. Alina expresses her concerns that she can't summon any light and the Darkling says he's not worried and it will happen when it happens and worse case scenario, it will happen once she has the stag. They have a quiet intimate moment, gazing softly into each other's eyes and then suddenly Aleksander realizes he's catching feelings and steps back suddenly like "GoodLuckWithYourLessonsOKayBYE". Baghra watches this interaction from her hut and gives Alina a slut-shaming look.
Alina eventually does learn to summon light on her own. Baghra gives her grief about how it's not enough. The Darkling shows up during one of these lessons and says as much. Alina says she's useless. The Darkling corrects her (“I don't think you're useless, Alina....No Grisha is powerful enough to face the Fold. Not even me”) and then he apologizes for letting her down ("I've asked you to trust me and I haven't delivered"). He wonders if his mother is right and he's crazy to hunt the stag. They have a nice bonding moment, Aleksander lies about Baghra's power, and then he asks if Alina would think him crazy for still wanting to find the stag. She asks why he cares what she thinks, he seems genuinely surprised himself that he cares. Then he kisses her. He seems not to have meant to kiss her because then Ivan shows up for his 5 o'clock shift of cockblocking and the Darkling immediately pretends like nothing happened and walks away with him. Like dude is acting like a fucking dork who's allergic to feelings at this point. I should note here that Alina practically has an orgasm from how giddy she is about this moment. She can barely think of anything else.
The next time they're together, it's at the Winter Fete. They do their demonstration and Alina accidentally reveals her insecurities about how he had kissed her and then disappeared. He responds, "Did you really think I was done with you?" and then they enjoy some steamy kisses and thigh grabbing in an empty room before a random round of Grisha show up for their 6 o'clock shift of cockblocking. Aleksander is annoyed at his own attraction to Alina. He asks if he can come to her that night but Alina doesn't get a chance to respond.
and then the Darklina romance arc falls off a giant cliff and dies a terrible death 😭😭😭
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itssuppertim3 · 3 years
Lean (Miraak x Reader):
Contemplating on writing for Pyramid Head every once in a while since I can't get the thick bastard off my mind but we'll see what the future brings
"Do you like winter, Miraak?" I asked the man strolling quietly beside me. "Not necessarily. However, I remember a time when I did. My temple always felt a bit warmer-- more enjoyable during that time." I snorted at him in amusement, to which he wasn't fond of. "I just imagined you stringing up holiday decor." He merely scoffed in denial, though we both knew it was true.
While searching for another conversation topic, my foot slid against the mud beneath me. "Careful," Miraak warned as his hands clasped firmly around my shoulders. My breath was trapped in my throat from the sudden startle, but somehow he only made it worse. Once my voice came back to me, I said, "uh...-- yeah. Thank you." Damn, his hands were so warm. I could feel the heat emitting from them even through my armor. Alas, the soothing feeling dissappeared as soon as he retracted his arms.
"Honestly, I'm surprised you hadn't already cracked your skull before I came along. It seems that you are always tripping and stumbling wherever you go." I scratched my cheek and chuckled sheepishly. "Ah, you know me so well."
"That is only because I stand witness to it," he uttered. We continued onward to Morthal in silence. A week ago, Jarl Idgrod sent me a letter of assistance; "potential murdurer on the loose," it had read. She noted that she wasn't one to fall victim to senseless gossip, but over the last several days she had been growing paranoid of the situation. Thus, she requested us to investigate. "I wonder why the jarl wants two dragonborn to take care of a killer instead of the guards? Gods, I feel like most of the soldiers are just using this pitiful war as an excuse to be lazy," I grumbled with my arms crossing.
"I agree. Though as far as I'm concerned, she wants you to handle it, not I." I perked up at his remark. "What do you mean? Everyone should know by now that you're just as powerful as I am. We've been traveling together for three months." Miraak diverted his gaze from me and pointed it straight ahead. "Perhaps, but you and I are still very different from one another. The people of Skyrim view you as a hero to be remembered for ages, whereas I will forever be remembered as a traitor-- if I was even remembered at all." The atmosphere around us suddenly became very dim. For a moment, the only noise that could be heard was the mire sloshing under our boots.
"That's bullshit," I retorted finally. Miraak was taken aback by my sudden change of attitude. "Excuse my language, but it is. Look at all of the good you've done since we've been together! We took down a vampire lord for crying out loud! And yeah, we weren't thanked for it or anything--"
"But that doesn't matter. What does matter is that you put in a lot of effort to make the world safer, and I think that deserves respect."
"Y/n." By now, Miraak was no longer walking at my side. "What is it?" Before he was able to respond, the muddy ground had fallen loose beneath me and I plummeted into a brown socket of water. Oh yeah, I forgot that we were trudging through a swamp. The filth shot through my mouth and nose as I was completely sumberged. To make matters worse, the water was also incredibly frigid, making it even more difficult to sort through my panic. A pair of arms dove into the murk and proceeded to yank me up by my collar.
I gurgled, spluttered, and heaved strong breaths once I was dragged out of harm's way. Miraak shook his head at me all the while. I could practically feel the smirk hiding under his mask. "Oh, yeah. Real funny. Please continue... to remind me of how much... of a klutz I am," I rasped, still trying to flow air into my lungs. "I did try to warn you, you know. You were about to walk straight into the pond," the man defended. "Ok. I'll give you that." Miraak helped me to my feet after I finally regained my composure. "Oh, great," I sighed at the muck covering me head-to-toe. "I look so unprofessional." He skimmed over the grime coated over my outfit before scooping a clump of mud and smearing some over his robes. "I suppose we'll both have to look unprofessional, then." My cheeks tainted a dark pink at his actions, but I decided to blame it on the nip in the air.
My arms hugged my body when I started to shiver. Going for a dip in late autumn definitely wasn't the best of choices. Miraak scanned over the map and pinpointed our distance from Morthal. "We won't be able to arrive there before nightfall. We still have an hour left to go," he informed. I groaned to myself in reply. "Guess we'll have to make camp, then." He nodded, gesturing me to follow him.
In a matter of minutes, he had already secured a decent campfire and was now assembling the tent. Meanwhile, I was sitting on a nearby log with my bedroll enveloped around my trembling body. I was enjoying watching him, though. "I'd say you're a natural. When did you get so skilled at camping?" I inquired once he took a seat next to me. "By learning from you," he stated simply. Gods, how could he be such a jerk yet act so charming?! I avoided saying anything more and began scrubbing the dirt from my armor with a wet rag.
It was freezing, tonight. There was no comforting glow from the moon and stars due to the thick layer of clouds overhead, which only made it feel colder. I shuddered when a breeze travelled through the area and tormented my body. I was still wearing my undershirt and trousers, and even those were still damp. The cloth made my fingers sting the more I used it, until I felt Miraak's hand take ahold of my own. "Your fingers are red," were the only words that left his mouth before he grabbed my other hand and squeezed them both gently. I was so shocked by this that I couldn't even so much as blink. "Are you cold?" I had forgotten about the prickles climbing over my skin. "Um--uhh, kind of." How did my voice become so small?
Before I could protest, I was pulled closer to Miraak. And now that I left exposed, he felt even warmer than he did earlier. I wasn't even touching him! Not to mention how nice his hands felt. He was like a portable smelter! I stayed more silent than a moth as he continued to caress my fingers and palms. There was no telling what was going on inside of that brain of his.
"You may lean against me, if you like."
My heart was thrashing around inside of my chest. He wanted me to just... slide even closer and lean on him?! Just like that?! By now, my mind was spiraling in both confusion and embarrassment. Still, I was very cold. There wasn't any harm in doing it, right? He was the one who offered. I ultimately accepted his proposal.
It started off with our knees touching awkardly, and then with my head attempting to rest against his shoulder, which failed due to the golden scales protruding out from his sleeve and jabbing me in the side of the head. Miraak eventually lifted his arm, inviting me to scooch under it-- to which I did. As soon as I got situated, he let his hand ease onto my shoulder. I was so flustered that I could barely breathe. It was suffocating, practically unbearable, yet I only felt myself nestling further into him. "You're really warm," I mumbled.
Oh, dear.
Why on Nirn did I say that? I sounded like a pervert!!! What if he thought I was creepy?! My heart dropped as he held me still and turned to look at me. "Y/n, how do you feel?" It was made to be a question, but it sounded more of a demand. I sat tense for a long while, lips parted yet unmoving. "About...?" I gulped when he slowly placed my hand flat against his chest. I could feel his heart throbbing at a rapid pace, as was mine. "Me."
Miraak's voice was low and sounded on edge. Perhaps he was more nervous than I thought he was? My next movements were reckless. Recklessness seemed to be my only sense of courage, right now. I carefully drew his hand towards me and slipped off his glove. He didn't stop me, however his muscles twitched under my touch. I stared at his pale skin for a long while. It was decorated with veins and had a scar stretched over his knuckles. Thanks to the protection of his gloves, his fingernails were in prestine condition. In short, his hands were utterly glorious.
I tilted my face down and pressed my lips against his scar, leaving him breathless. "Does that answer your question?" I asked Miraak with a flushed grin. Without responding, he brushed his thumb over my cheek and felt the entirety of my features. His hand was so calloused and smoothe! I cupped my own against it, keeping it there for as long as possible. Once again, I was pulled into another embrace, this one being much tighter and affectionate. Neither of us decided to speak, and somehow it felt more befitting that way.
With my head resting against Miraak's chest, I could hear his heartbeat quite clearly. It was much slower compared to earlier, more soothing than anything. He wasn't very sure where to place his hands, so he kept one firm on my waist and the other rubbing my hair. Sure, my face was hotter than a bonfire and there was still panic fresh on my mind. Then again, I also felt so calm in his arms. This may have been the first time in my life where I actually felt normal. Everything around me simply fell into place. It was selfish of me to inwardly beg for this moment to never end. As a dragonborn, I had my responsibilites, but for now I kicked those responsibilities aside. I had the right to be selfish every now and then.
"Maybe I should go diving into swamps more often," I teased, breaking through the comfortbale silence. I felt my heart flutter in the midst of him vibrating a soft chuckle. "That would certainly be an entertaining idea. Though I might not get the same reaction from you each time." I peered up at my new love interest with a quirked brow. "What kind of reaction?" In one swift motion, Miraak nudged up his mask to his nose and blessed me with a kiss. It was quick and simple, hardly lingering over my lips in time for me to process it. It was as if I had just imagined it!
Even so, the blush stained on my cheeks was already spreading to my ears. This man was a complete menace. His mask was already tipped back down, but the coy smile he was holding was evident. "You bastard," I hissed. He only shrugged his shoulders at me. "If you fall into the swamp again, I may even give you another kiss," Miraak jested. I proceeded to whack his bicep.
I bet Miraak got those plump ass lips :^3
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
... I just love OTPs, I can't help it.
OTP HEADCANONS: 2020 Edition
These will include the series of Red Queen, Dorothy Must Die, SGE, The Folk of The Air, and Nightmare Before Christmas(I'll throw in the Skellington kids, too, because I love them💙)
At the news of a Pandemic, Mare and Cal are equally confused and scared, but at least they're not on the battlefield.
They hold up in Paradise Valley until the quarantine is lifted.
It starts off fine with them doing puzzles, hiking, and doing some exercises to pass the time. Then 3 weeks pass and both are bored; Mare's bored enough to drink coffee onto of the fridge and Cal's sitting in a chair upside down because fuck court etiquette, he's so bored.
Cal contemplates luring wolves with dinner scraps again.
They had a mini argument that meant nothing because Cal's hair got long and he wanted Mare to cut it, she but only offered to shave his stubble, not cut his hair.
They both get a lot of sleep, and have a lot of nightmares, which they comfort each other from.
They also really enjoy the silence.
Cal gets into poetry and Mare paints. Both are surprised at how good the other is at their new hobbies.
They talk. A lot. It begins awkwardly and ends with the two in each other's arms.
Cal becomes more of a punner, and Mare loves and hates it.
There's tall of getting a dog, but there's one problem: Paradise Valley doesn't have any shelters, and they'll be arrested or forced ro turn back hime, regardless of rank.
Mare grows taller... by 2 inches. She almost killed Cal for how much he laughed.
When they're allowed to go out, Mare often forgets to bring her mask.
Cal's good at remembering their masks.
Mare REFUSES to leave when she hears about the murder hornets.
Cal gets repellent to calm her down.
They also recover some Old Era TV Shows.
ENDLESS quotes from The Office, Friends, and many more shows.
Cal visits Maven's grave more. Mare comes with every now and then, but usually lets him go alone.
They don't usually argue, but those arguments never last.
They tried a bit of ability training, and greed that they should be careful when Mare summoned a bolt of lightning from the sky and Cal almost set fire to everything around them.
They read a lot, too, but Cal reads more than Mare because she falls asleep, usually on him.
Nox had no clue what a Pandemic was, or what the big deal was about going outside and not being near people, until Amy explained it.
First day of online school crashed and burned because Nox had NO IDEA what he was doing, which led to Amy 'accompanying' him in classes.
Amy puts her college plans on hold for a little while.
Nox is more emotional and neither of them know how to handle it.
They have more nightmares, since there's nothing to keep their minds busy, but Amy is more reserved about it. Nox prefers to write about what he dreams, anyway.
Nox stays up, from all the nightmares, but Amy sits with him to keep him company.
When Amy heard about the murder hornets, Nox held up a fly swatter and opened all the windows.
Amy does fine, but Nox dies from boredom, when they're done with school. And I don't mean he just sits and groans, he lies face down on the couch as Amy tries to get him up.
They spend A LOT of time in Nox's apartment, and it's literally spotless because Nox is THAT bored.
They binge a lot of TV shows, and Nox falls in love with shows like Peaky Blinders.
They tried watching Game of Thrones. It didn't go well; negative past experiences.
Nox figured out the plot twist to The Umbrella Academy WAY before Amy did.
They watched Heathers and Amy asked Nox what he'd do if she was dealing with trash friends and guys who don't take 'no' for an answer. The look on his face when he asked who it was reminded Amy of who he was before meeting her.
Nox finds YouTube and discovers the guy that makes knives out of anything and makes it his mission to copy each and every video, come Hell or high water.
Amy walked in on him doing this and genuinely wondered if he was okay, and asked if she could help him.
They also binged musicals. Nox isn't a huge music person, but he still loves them; Kansas has its own magic that he finds intriguing.
Amy once found Nox crouching ontop of the fridge while drinking a mug of coffee.
Madison stopped by and dropped off some rhinestones, lash glue, and a tool to apply the stones. Amy spent a lot of time putting the stones on her face while Nox watched, with Madison and Dustin also watching via Facetime, sitting backwards in a chair and wondering what her plan was, even making very Julien Solomita-esque comments, mixed with very 'I used to be a fighter and a spy' comments that made Amy, Madison, and Dustin laugh. Some if those comments:
"I know Glamora told you to lighten up, but I don't she'd expect this."
"If those were real diamonds, you wouldn't need any armor or a weapon. Just headbutt them, and you're good."
"Don't be upset, but it's the beginning of summer, so I don't think winter's coming any time soon."
"Whichever chandelier you made out with, I will find them, damn it."
After a little while, Amy asked if Nox wanted a rhinestone face. He agreed, but only as long as she took out all the red stones. He could handle pink, but no red.
It took them an hour to get the stones off.
Their hair gets long and they agree to cut each other's hair. Nox cuts her hair chin length and Amy tries to be as style his hair. They don't look the best, but they at least look good.
They absolutely watch Unus Annus, and start quoting that.
When they get the news they can go out wearing a mask, Nox got confused and got 3 different masks: a masquerade mask, a normal face mask, and a gas mask, which he wears all the time to annoy Amy.
They do stay in shape as much as possible, but there is evidence that they could have been more active, with their muscles shrinking and both having lost a little weight.
Nox NEVER drops his guard, and quarantine didn't help.
They tried dying their hair, but it didn't work as well as they'd hoped.
Tedros worries about Agatha and everyone else, but Agatha keeps him in check.
Crime drops big time, so that's a plus for Tedros and Agatha.
They have more time to breathe, with everyone being inside and avoiding each other.
Tedros hates the quiet at first, but Agatha helps him adjust.
They spend a lot of time wandering the castle and answering whatever call there is, if any.
The SGE is out for a little while, so they don't hear too much from there.
Tedros, without normal king business to distract him, has more nightmares and starts losing sleep because he doesn't want to dream about what's happened to him and his friends.
Agatha has nightmares, too, but she's better at hiding it.
They do talk about it and agree to be more open with what's going on in their heads.
They also agree that they'll help each other through these times.
Tedros helps Agatha with swordplay and Agatha both gets him into reading more and tries to help him with his magic.
Whenever there's something they need outside, Agatha gets it because she's not that afraid of getting sick; she grew up eating frog and lizard soup.
Tedros worries about her, but doesn't really stop her because she's taller, and having fun trying to stop Agatha once she's committed to doing something.
Tedros finds a new hobby: origami.
Agatha doesn't join in, per se, she more watches because she's never seen Tedros be so patient with something.
They play around with each other's hair, as it grows longer. Agatha ties Tedros's hair back and Tedros braids her hair.
They write to Sophie or anyone else, like people who have some sort of report of a crime or complaint duch as infertile soil, so their penmanship improves.
Tedros grows a bit of a stubble and, after some prickly kiss attacks, Agatha threatens to shave it off herself, if he doesn't. It's all in good fun, but she sort of did mean it because his face and cheeks were really scratchy.
Tedros REFUSES to let Agatha go out alone, even when she's masked up.
When they go out, Tedros always carries a sword.
Picnics in the woods.
Star gazing at night.
Agatha starts wearing pants, as an experiment, and her "dresser"/dress designer is APPALLED.
There are times they argue, but they stay together and communicate because relationship goals.
At the news of a Pandemic/plague, Cardan ordered all the human servants to get as healthy as they could so they'd be able to go outside. He would accompany them, but they could not let Jude go out.
She's not happy, when she finds out
Cardan asks if she can avoid going to the human world, so she doesn't get sick.
She goes anyway and returns unscathed.
Cardan considers glamoring the human servants to keeep Jude healthy, but Jude almost pincushions him for it.
Anxious? Worried? Psh! Don't be silly. Cardan becomes somethimg if a paranoid maniac because he's scared of Jude getting sick and dying because he's Fae and she's Mortal, so she's more susceptible to illnesses and he doesn't know wnoufh about mortals to get her healthy agaun were she to get sick, but there's nothing wroung with him, really.
Whenever they're not ruling, Jude practices her swordplay while Cardan reads, major plus being that he reads full series to not worry about Jude so much.
Jude helps Cardan with sword fighting, using wooden practice swords not metal, and Cardan helps her try to get into reading, reading to her as she rests her head on his chest when she doesn't want to read read.
Cardan discovers manga and graphic novels and is too confused for Jude NOT to laugh; "He's in armor made if IRON. How is he able to fly!?" "I've seen a lot people different people, and none of them have made this face." "... So is Spiderman THIS one or THIS one?"
Sword practice usually ends with Cardan on the ground exhausted while Jude simply stands and chuckles for him to get up.
Cardan doesn't get beat smd scarred, he gets poked and minorly bruised, which he was not ready for because of how he was treated by Balekin.
One day, while Cardan was reading some Sherlock Holmes, Jude slipped hoop bracelets on and tied ribbons to his tail, at least as many as she could before she got caught; she only realized as such when his tail started flicking out of her reach and curling around her wrist, and saw Cardan grinning at her.
They do visit Taryn and Vivi still, but Cardan only wears a mask to remind Jude, who does not forget ever.
Cardan thinks about his 'friendship' Nicasia, Locke, and Valerian and semi-realizes that Valerian and Locke may have been using him while Nicasia was at least a little genuine.
They talk about Locke and equally wish that they had helped Taryn in killing Locke. If not, then they wish that they at least watched. They agreed that if time travel was real, Jude could help Trayn kill Locke and Cardan could watch, as long as he helped dispose of the body.
They laughed at that a couple minutes later.
THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS(Featuring the Skellington kids(I'd say Skull Kids, but I feel like Skull Kid(s) was taken)):
Jack knows what a Pandemic is; he lived through one while he was alive.
Sally knew it would happen because she knows one happens about every two hundred years/whenever a year ends in 20.
The triplets know what a plague is, but have never seen one actually happen.
When they explored the human world at night and noticed there were absolutely no humans in sight, Luna reminded her brothers that the humans were told to stay inside to prevent any spreading.
Jacob takes the opportunity to MAKE SURE people actually stay inside.
Pro: he got Instagram famous. Con: Jack and Sally were not happy at all with how reckless he was.
Let's say, for the sake of the story, Halloween had to be cancelled worldwide because regulation and a need for things to get better.
Upon hearing the news of Halloween getting cancelled, Jack was very salty about it; "Why cancel Halloween, if the 4th of July was still allowed to be celebrated?"
All of Halloween Town was very upset; the living are so fragile, it ruins the fun of scaring them.
The Mayor was in deep, DEEP distress, but Jack made it up to him, and the rest of the town, by saying next year's Halloween would be ine no one would ever forget, and it's not because he's 'borrowing' a holiday again, it's because they'll all have a year of scaring shenanigans built up inside them all that will make up for what was missed.
Everyone rejoiced and Jack, once he got back inside his house with his wife and children, sighed and mentally kicked himself for saying no one would forget next year's Halloween; there was one Halloween in particular he sure as hell isn't forgetting any time soon.
Daemon's carving more intricate pumpkins and plans on giving the humans mini-scares so they keep quarantining, hiding a 'surprise' for any entitled Karens he finds.
Luna is the most obedient of the triplets by staying in Halloween Town and instead studying what she calls a 'counter-plague' so there's no need for a Pandemic; she refuses to call it a vaccine because that would imply sje wants to help the humans that shot down and could have killed her dad. She still has a bone to pick.
Jack doesn't spiral out like in the movie, he has Sally to help and the triplets to keep his mind busy.
While Jacob and Daemon keep the humans from leaving their houses, Luna researches the current events and learns of murder hornets that are large, sting like all hell, and cause death to anyone unfortunate enough to get stung.
Jack gets very intrigued and they collect as many as they can and keep them in a jar, but take one out to study it.
They were not impressed; murder hornets? Jack has seen worse.
Since there wasn't a Halloween, Jack decided to walk through the streets, seeing as how Daemon and Jacob already did a lot of the scaring for him(thise little shits). He had to admit, it was nice to walk in the night and only hear the animal sounds and not screams.
Luna did not find a 'counter-plague,' even with Sally's help, but she did discover some poisons she could use against her brothers. Sally made her promise not to do so.
On the Halloween night where nothing happened, Jack took his family out to a picnic/star gazing session. Genuinely one of his favorite Halloweens to date.
Henry and Ellie knew it was going to happen and were more than surprised to also see Charles planning ahead by making a list for what they needed, even admitting he'd been following the news and rumors and stocking up on ADD medicine so he wouldn't have to go out to get them.
The other soldiers weren't worried until they were told to go home and take a break for a little bit.
Triple Threat wasn't really effected until day 24.
On day 1, they just hung out and were relatively calm, working online, doing workouts to stay fit, and just being as normal as possible.
On day 24, all three are more than a little bored. Henry's bored enough to andwer calls from telemarketers and prank them, Ellie's contemplating bleaching her hair with peroxide, and Charles is playing with fidget toys he's bough and collected over the years, though he's doing it more because he's a little stressed than bored.
Henry and Ellie are surprised to this this, but Charles admits he used to bite his nails a lot, but stopped after a LONG while.
Speaking of names, Ellie paints hers and the boys', though while Henry paints his in clear coat, Charles paints one hand black and the other in red, mint, and glittery pink on one nail because try stopping him.
It makes Ellie laugh and pisses off Henry so much.
Ellie gets calls from her family saying they want her to come home, or closer to home, because they're worried and she instead blocks their numbers.
They watch a lot of horror movies as a reason to stay inside.
When they get bored of American horror and try Japanese, Asian, and more western horror movies.
Instant regret.
They watched the movie Audition and Henry looked at a very unimpressed Charles, who said the antagonist was being sloppy, and hid all the kitchen knives, saws, and sharp and blunt objects, including tools(must've remembered Human Piece).
He stopped after a week of Charles being himself and literally shaking at Hannibal Lecter as they watched the Silence of The Lambs series.
All three open up more about their lives. It's ugly, there's yelling, conflicting life philosophies, and even some insults thrown. Henry admits that gotten screwed over by the law enough times while fending for himself to have as little faith in it as possible, Ellie admits she ran away from home and would rather die than go back because of how tight of a leash they kept her on, and Charles admits that while he has thought about quitting on the government and turning to a life of crime, he never did because that would have been to easy of a choice. Training for the military was and still is hard as hell, which Henry and Ellie can tell because Charles can physically do more than them(if they ran a mile, Henry and Ellie would be exhausted and Charles wouldn't even be out of breath), but he's never given up on it because he knew his parents would skin him, if they were still alive.
There were tears at the end, and the team all needing to be alone for a little bit, but they were back together and agreed to be a little more open with each other, since they were a team now.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Nagito, Rantaro, and Gundham comfort their S/O through their migraine
Nagito Komaeda:
·       It was a day like any other. Nagito was running late to class, his bad luck deciding to show up and leave him completely covered in scratches and bruises in the process. He dashed down hall after hall, running up the stairs not wanting to be any later, but of course when he reached the top of the case his shoelaces had somehow become untied, and he stepped on one, sending him tumbling back down the stairs, rolling and crashing into a wall. Strangely as he shakily got up, he heard… whimpering? And it wasn’t from himself despite how his whole body hurt.
·       “Y/N?” You sat against a wall next to the stairs, face tucked into your knees, covering your ears with your hands. “Hey, what’s wrong?” “Oh… hey Nagito.” Sitting beside you he could hear how unsteady your breathing was. You quietly, pitifully laughed before speaking. “M-migraine… been a while since I had one this bad though…” “Uh…” “Basically a real bad headache… one so bad it made sound louder, lights brighter an… shapes? I can’t see right now.” He draped an arm over your shoulders, pulling himself close, and when he spoke next he made sure keep his voice quiet. “Okay, just lean on me, alright?” He led the way to the nurse’s office, letting you burrow your face into his shoulder, shielding you from the light. Nagito decided that falling down the stairs was actually be good luck so he could be here for you.
·       You were placed in a dimly lit room after being given some pain medicine. It wasn’t much, but at least it was something better than making the trek all the way back to your dorm room to lock yourself away there for a time. “You can go… if you want to. I’ll just be laying here for a while.” “I want to be here. Want anything, just tell me and I get it for you.” You were quite for a moment, simply taking deep breaths, hoping that could ease the pain that seemed to throb behind your eyes and in your head. “… could you lay with me then?” After a moment you felt the bed lightly shift and heard the rustling of fabric. Hugging him, you burrowed your face into his chest. He held you close, hoping he could help you at all. He wasn’t entirely sure as to what he could do to help you, but he was going to do anything within his power to lessen your pain.
    Rantaro Amami:
·       “Babe! I’m back!” Silence was all he had gotten in response before shutting the door behind himself. “Y/N?” Were you out? Unlikely as it was, it was still possible. The thought of you going out for a walk or the like was a rather kind one for him. If you had gone out, you’d have left a sticky note explaining yourself somewhere he’d most certainly see but having not spotted anything of the sort he trotted through the apartment, straight for your temporary office.
·       Your door was left open. Taking a peek inside he found you sitting before that little table, the laptop illuminating your silhouette in that otherwise small, dark room.
·       “Babe…” You were snapped from your trace feeling how he had enveloped you in a hug from behind, planting a kiss on the side of your head. “I know stocks don’t wait, but you’re only human.” “I’ll take a break later.” He sighed, still hugging you he rested his chin on your head, his gaze scanning over the screen, how your mouse zipped about, flipping from page to page in the blink of the eye. “It’s been a few days now, what’s gotten you so worked up?” “A depression’s coming. I need to make the right moves so we can out last it, and still have enough to keep searching for your sisters. On top of that I also need to keep an eye out for my clients, I know for a fact some of them are going to panic and make rash decisions, I need to stop them.” You groaned, rubbing your stiff neck before yawning. Rantaro held on for an extra few moments before letting go. “I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.” “Thanks.” When he got to the door he stopped, chuckling to himself. “You haven’t changed a bit since High School.” Oh, that clicking of the mouse pad actually stopped. “… You mean that in a good or bad way?” “Both. You still are so kind, to the point of sacrificing your own health. You can’t help others if you’re bedridden.” “Just a bit longer, I can keep going. I know my limitations… and I have you to babysit me.” “Har, har, very funny.”
·       He was not surprised going to bed alone that night. It did put a smile on his face though when not long after he got under the covers you moved yourself and your laptop to the bedroom, continuing your work atop the bed.
·       Rantaro awoke with a hum, the sun’s rays shining through the blinds landing on his face. He slowly flipped over and hugged your waist. “Morning Babe.” “… oh… m-morning…” Sitting up, he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes, seeing the bags under yours. You took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of your nose before getting back to work. Giving you a peck on the cheek he slid out of bed, going straight to the restroom.
·       Still in his pajamas he set about making a light breakfast, promptly returning to you. Upon return to the bedroom, he found you burying your face into your hands. “huh?” You only seemed to notice he was there when he placed a water bottle in your lap. “o-oh, thanks.” After passing you your meal, he looked over what you had up, making sure he wouldn’t be messing up anything, as he exited out of your programs, shutting off the laptop, closing the lid before sliding it to the end of the bed. “You were right.” Rantaro didn’t say a thing in response, simply hugging you as he gave you some pain medicine, tucking you in right after.
·       A day of lazing around, at least he could make sure you were taken care of now. He also got all the cuddles he had missed out the night prior so he didn’t mind. He was rather used to this by now, though he didn’t care for how you so often pushed yourself, at least he could still help you. recalling the many times he had to play nurse for you in high school, it seemed he hadn’t change much either.
    Gundham Tanaka:
·       Even as thunder rumbled and lightning flashed, he didn’t stop for a moment. Such things could not startle the Overlord of Ice. He dashed through the pouring rain, even as it pounded down, soaking through his clothes. There were several occasions where he had almost slipped on the slick puddles that covered the ground. The droplets that came cascading down blurred his vision, the torrent wind thrashed about knocking him over. He held tight to his coat, racing back to the apartment complex.
·       Upon reaching the room, he immediately shut the door before sifting through his inner coat pocket, taking out a wet paper bag. He ripped apart the soggy mass, getting to the pill bottle. Though sure he was right, still paranoid he compared it to the empty bottle he had in his pocket, finding the prescription was still exactly the same. Though ridiculous he worried somehow only once he got back to your place would he find he got the wrong one from the pharmacy.
·       With a heavy sigh he quickly dried himself off and placed on some clothing he kept at your place. Walking into the bedroom he found the blanket fort he had built around your bed was still standing. With a prideful smirk he crawled inside, you still cuddling the Devas, several pillows covering your head. When you felt the bed shift, you slowly knocked the pillows off, turning to face him, looking dreadfully exhausted. “My Emperor, I’ve received your healing salves.” You gave him a strained smile. It was strange to hear you Ice Lord use such a soft tone. He had spoken so quietly if it wasn’t for the fort dampening the thunderous noise, you likely wouldn’t have heard him. “Gundham… y-you didn’t have to get this the moment the pharmacy opened… it’s storming out, and it’s my fault for forgetting to get it last week. You didn’t even give me a chance to stop you.” He simply shook his head, passing you the bottle. “Nonsense. In your state you could not possibly make the journey unscathed, let alone in such a sleep deprived state having gotten no rest for eons now. I am at fault too. I had should have had the forethought to bring my own supplies of your care before arriving. But now that the world has flooded even I, could not fare the journey to my own domain long ago when your curse first showed signs of surfacing once more.”
·       As he had spoken you took your pills as well as water, hoping it’d at least dull the throbbing, pulsing pain that had pounded through your head, only having compounded as the world around you seemed to grow louder and louder as the storm continued to rage on. “Seems things would be easier if we just lived together.” You placed a pillow back over your head, not noticing how Gundham had frozen in place, a light blush dusting his cheeks. “… I suppose…” “Gundham, did you say something?” You were confused seeing how he stiffly laid beside you. “… Sharing a domain with one another… We already have given one another all other things, even access to obtain one another’s delicate items such as your medicine… Sharing that as well, is a thought I’m… most fond of.” You simply stared for a moment the pain making holding onto a single coherent thought for long difficult, but quickly it clicked. “Ah! Ow-” “My Emperor?” “I-I… hey, let’s talk about this when my medicine kicks in, okay. But… well… I didn’t really think about what I said but… always having you around, living together sounds nice.” With a growing wobbly smile his blush darkened. “Yes, I wish you to be of clear mind when we even consider this endeavor.”
·       As much as you hated the pain, perhaps for once some good came from it, keeping you from thinking before you speak.
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lilikags · 4 years
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ೃ‧₊› a b o u t  t h i s  p o s t° ➮ Pairing: Miya Atsumu x reader ➮ Oneshot ➮ Tags: fluff ➮ Word Count: 2182
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A/N: This is for @serowotonin​! [for Luna’s Valentines Day collab] Ik I said I was doing Atsumu bc “I was bored” but I always say “imagine being bored” and truly, I haven’t been bored for so long. I forgot that this was for the collab for a fat moment then when you saw the preview I was like, “Wait- no- it’s a surprise.” 
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Premise: You and Atsumu are cleaning out the apartment, when you find a few letters you thought you would never see again… 
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“Oi, (y/n), look at what I found,” you heard Atsumu say, leaning over the contents of a drawer he had been sifting through. 
“What?” you walked over to see what he had found. The two of you were cleaning out the apartment, as you were going to be moving out soon. Atsumu had a habit of keeping things that connected him to an important memory of his, unless he wanted to forget it- and this was one of them. You didn’t know he kept them- actually, it did make sense of him to, but you had simply forgotten about it and you somehow expected the same for him. You looked down to see what he had in his hands, and your face literally went emotionless as you saw the letter in his hands. 
You really didn’t mind the letters, for the most part. Actually, they held dear to you. However, that first one… you were grateful for it, but you also remembered just how bad you wanted to buy a grave space and bury it for eternity back then... 
Miya Atsumu.
This was a dare. This is a love letter. For Valentines. Happy valentines day. If you have extra chocolate, send me some. 
Sincerest thanks, (y/n). 
Atsumu usually threw away the letters he received every Valentines. It wasn’t that he was trying to be rude; it was just that there were too many letters for him to read (and reply to), so he usually just threw them out. Osamu often teased him for this; he boasted that he at least read his letters.
“Oi, ‘Samu, look at this one,” Atsumu called out to his brother. 
“What?” Osamu looked at him, with a face of disbelief. “Yer actually lookin’ at them?”
“Nah, not really, but this one’s hilarious,” Atsumu laughed. 
“Okay, not funny, keep yer lame humor to yourself.” 
“(y/n), truth or dare,” (b/f/n) asked. 
You smiled, “Dare.” 
“Hmmm… alright, send a love letter to Miya Atsumu- it has to be at least one line long.”
“I’m- okay then.” 
You brought out a piece of paper, wrote the first things that came to mind, and once you reached one line, you stopped. You folded the paper and grabbed whatever envelope you could find and sealed it with tape. The dare required actually giving the letter, much to your dismay, but it wasn’t like you could back down from a dare. After all, it was (b/f/n), and the nonstop teasing would definitely occur if you failed to complete the dare. 
Dearest (y/n), 
I did in fact receive your rather interesting letter, and I have decided to bring you some chocolate as you wished. I wish you, as well, a very happy valentine’s day this year.
Most sincerely, Atsumu. 
Atsumu was intrigued enough to write a reply; in fact, he decided to write in the most formal way possible. He knew from the letter that you were either a tsundere or someone who was actually dared to do so, and decided that it would be fun entertainment for the both of you. 
When you received the letter, you were surprised to see a reply. It was known he didn’t send out replies, yet you had received one. As you read it, you felt a need to reply; you’d simply feel bad if you didn’t. However, what was there to talk about? How the chocolates were good? He had stuck it on your first period desk, out in the open. And you also sincerely wondered what was with the overly formal tone. You do remember writing the most shitty letter you’ve ever written to him, and that volleyball-obsessed dude just writes something formal to you? Baffles the mind.
Well, then, if he was going to reply, you would too. 
Miya Atsumu,
Thanks for the chocolate- your fans make pretty good chocolate, I have to say. Bet I could make better chocolate than ya, ‘cause all ya focus on is just volleyball. Anyways, what was with the overly formal tone- ya like me or somethin’? Would be funny if ya did and I turned ya down. XD  
You never really thought of Miya Atsumu, but this really sparked your interest. It was amusing, his reactions. It was definitely something you didn’t expect- you actually didn’t expect a reply at all. The reply you received was definitely out of the ordinary as well, one you never thought a hotshot volleyball player would write. It seemed he was interested in you in some ways- and you as well. 
Pfffft, you think I might like ya? I just thought yer letter was interestin’, that’s all. Ya really think I can’t make chocolate? Bet I could make better chocolate than ya, I’ll show you. I make you chocolate myself and we’ll see how it tastes. Just you watch, I’ll make ya say I make the best chocolate ever! 
You saw that in your shoe locker the next morning- and everyone saw it. You were beginning to regret actually replying to him, but there was no backing out now. (b/f/n) really hit the goal here, for her. People were probably talking about it. It’s always some event that involves romance that catches everyone’s eye. And since it was just after valentine’s, everyone would automatically assume it was a love letter. In reality, it was simply a little bit of playful banter. 
You wondered if people actually knew who it was. You hoped not; it would gather way too much attention for your liking. You’d have an entire fanclub after you, and it was definitely (b/f/n)’s fault that you got into this entire mess. You had absolutely no idea if anyone saw him slip that into your shoe locker, since it had probably been there for a good hour or so before you and most of the other students got there. In any case, there was nothing you could do about people knowing things they already know, so you headed onto class. It was exam week, and you sighed; it would be a long day. 
When you arrived at homeroom, you were not-so-pleasantly surprised with what you found at your desk. You just wanted a quiet day; go to school, take the tests, and get out so you could relax at home. But no, you just had to see this and you knew there was a thing called rumors you had to deal with. Well, you could just be like “whatever” and not care, but you definitely knew who’d be after you, for real. Atsumu’s fanbase was quite scary, and definitely large- a group of people one would regret messing with. 
“Ugh- what am I going to do with this chocolate now, he gave me a lot yesterday…” 
“(y/n)! Oiiii, you got chocolate?! From who from who-”
“(b/f/n), if you say a word, you are going to be dead to me.”
“...” she looked away, but then turned to you again and whispered in your ear. “So, Miya Atsumu, who has a fanbase, likes you.” 
“I’m- no-”
“But what I’m seeing says otherwise?”
“Ugh, you’re coming to my house and you are going to pay for that dare.” 
“Oh ho ho, seems like I started something…” “Bet you did.”
Pisshead Atsumu
LMAO bet ya didn’t make the chocolate, yer terrible at lying <///3 seen this chocolate before. And like wtf you put a box of chocolate on my desk with YOUR NAME on it. Ya know that people will do a thing called assuming things, right? Smh, think before you act. Anyways, I’m counting on ya to fix up this mess.
When you finished class, the first thing you did was write the note. You were absolutely paranoid with this mess, and you were going to have Atsumu fix it. Yes, you did technically initiate contact first, but that was (b/f/n)’s fault and this could’ve avoided this if he hadn’t pulled off a whole stunt. 
It was already around 6 when he saw the note. A small smirk filled his expression, he was so sure that he would be able to get a good reaction out of (y/n). It was written on scrap paper, the back of a phys. ed worksheet. You wrote it in a rush, very obviously. That wasn’t really what caught his attention though; he was puzzled as to how he would fix this. Tell his fans to fuck off? Osamu would tease him for eternity.
“Oi, what’cha starin’ at?” he heard Osamu nag. “Mom’s waitin’ for us for dinner.”
“Hey, ‘Samu…  ya know how to fix this?” 
“Oi, ya shouldn’t be fightin’ at this hour,” the two heard Kita say, as he gave them a certain look. “... ‘m sorry…” the twins apologized.
Even after a fulfilling dinner made by their mother and a nice, hot shower, Atsumu still couldn’t think of a solution. Osamu almost snitched on him, but he decided that there was enough on their mom’s plate of problems at the moment. 
“What if ya said you were dating?” Osamu offered. 
“HAH?! ARE YA INSANE?!” Atsumu yelled at him.
“That would explain what happened at valentine’s.” 
“But there’s nothin’ between us-”
“Yer fanclub wouldn’t really believe anythin’ else.”
Can we meet when practice ends at 6 on Thursday?
M. Atsumu.
“... I’m- Is he just going to apologize then run away? Tch.” you sighed. You had the idea that Miya Atsumu was overconfident and carefree, but not to this extent. The least he could do was fix this- he had power over his fandom and what people said about him, unlike you. You had to go, it wasn’t like you really had much of a choice if you wanted to talk it out and fix it. 
“Hey, (y/n) are you and Atsumu dating?” one of your classmates asked, and a bunch of others hovered around the table, waiting to hear a response. (b/f/n) had told you rumors had spread around the entire school; you figured that would’ve happened. Any topic related to the twins spread like wildfire, especially the blonde-haired one. 
“... Can you not try to pry into my private life?” you replied, which you instantly realized was exactly a wrong answer to give. This implied that you were in fact dating Atsumu secretly, and you just made your life 10x worse. You figured you should just tell everyone what had happened, then the blame would be on (b/f/n)- it should preferably be placed on Atsumu, since he started it, really. 
When you met him at 6pm, you expected no contribution from him. Instead, you were met with a solid plan for something you weren’t really happy about, but it seemed the easiest to convince the public of a story they put out. 
“(y/n)... let’s tell them that we’re dating.”
“Hmm… well, they already think that…”
“I’m sorry… I wasn’t thinking…” “It’s fine. All we can do is move forward, I guess.”
“Yeah… ‘Samu gave me this solution; it’s all I have, I’m sorry if it’s-”
“It’s fine. Let’s go through with it. Just protect me from the crazy fangirls; that’s all I want.”
“And we’ll need to put together a coherent story; what’s yer number?” 
“Ahaha, seriously, maybe (b/f/n)’s a prophet. She told me that she was aiming for somethin’ to happen between us,” you commented, remembering what happened years and years ago. 
“Ya were just so unnecessarily worried about the fangirls,” Atsumu mentioned. 
“Oi! Yer fangirls were hella scary back then…” 
That night, you stayed up coming up with a story, which ended with the two of you breaking up so that you could go on your separate ways again. However, the story didn’t last too long, as (b/f/n)’s parent’s investigations went a little too far and spread the truth a little too much. (b/f/n) is one thing, but you had almost forgotten her parents were another, seriously. They’d been a little busy over the last few years, thus the lack of investigations of local drama, but they had been doing so for decades, what could you expect from them? 
Nothing was Atsumu’s fault to the fanclub, unless he seriously convinced them that it was. You were guilty until proven innocent. Unbeknownst to you until after, he gave them a whole (to be honest, not-so-great) speech on how he kind of went too far with the joke, but also placed the blame on everyone else for assuming things. People were absolutely ridiculous; their ideas and their insane imagination should learn that the left side of the brain exists too. 
“Funny how we met again after college, after all that time.”
“Ya… a real wonder” 
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『••✎••』 Extra Info * ˚ ✦ ⇢ If you would like to read some of my other works, find them here! * ˚ ✦ ⇢ Taglist: @serowotonin​ @luna-la-ley​ // send me an ask if you would like to be added!
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black-dragon1998 · 4 years
New trainer (Kelley O’Hara x reader)
Summary: After being away for two years, the reader finally comes home to Kelley.
Warnings: sorry for any miss use of military terms. sorry for any mistakes written.
Thanks for reading and comments are always welcome.
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“you are the reason I wake up every morning, the reason I want to come home every night. See you soon love <3” Kelley read the message for what had to be the mullioned time. (Y/N) had been overseas for the last two years and Kelley missed her every day.
They face-timed every chance they got even so, (Y/N) being in the army in another country and Kelley being on national camp. Meant those chances were few and far between.
It had been so long since they had seen each other that the other players on the team didn’t even know Kelley was dating. The only one who knew was Alex even nevertheless she knew not to mention it or Kelley’s mood would go south swift with how much she missed her girlfriend.
 “heard anything new?” Kelley was pulled out of her thoughts by Alex who was sitting next to her on the bus. Alex knew how much her best friend missed the love of her life and wanted to lighten the pain in any way possible.
“no. last I heard her squat had to stay behind because the region was unstable and she didn’t know when she would be sent home. Or even when we would be talking the next time.” Kelley had to swallow hard to keep her emotions in check, not wanting the other women to see her cry and worry about her.
Luckily the bus was rowdy enough that their conversation wasn’t overheard by the other players. Sonnett was busy blasting music and pestering the others for no real reason.
 The national team had a day off before the world cup camp started and they decided to go paintballing as a team bonding. Teams had been made at the hotel, if Kelley was being honest she didn’t pay attention. She was to occupied by the message she had received from you. This meant she didn’t know who was on her team.
After the bus stopped everybody got off the bus and into tactical gear very easily and were getting a safety talk before they were let onto the field to play the game. Vlatko also wanted to talk to the team before they became their competitive self.
“I know teams have been made at the hotel already but I have been informed by the staff that a special game is being prepared for you.” Hearing this caught the attention of the team.
“what special game are we talking about?” Julie asked with a critical eye. Ever the level head of the group. Vlatko was happy everybody seemed eager to at something extra to the game.
“While you guys are playing against each other one person is out hunting all of you. Even if they don’t belong to any team they can take out everybody. The person taking out this mystery person gets a special price.” The mention of a special price got everybody excited.
“How will we know that we have been shot by this mystery person and not somebody from the other team?” Ali asked, trying to keep Ash calm before the game.
“Unlike the coloured paintballs, they shoot with black paintballs.” Vlatko told them. After everybody was given guns they split up
 Both teams were so immersed in defeating or upscaling the other world that they completely forgot about the mystery person playing with them. The mystery person moved around undetected as they observed the teams looking who they could take out first.
After looking around a bit they decided to go after Emily and Lindsey first. Emily was her thunderous even id she tried not to be thus easily found. As the mystery person looked at the smaller blond they could see why they worked with Kelley so well.
Emily was shot in the chest and Lindsey in the right shoulder.
Next came Ashlyn and Ali. The couple was well coordinated as they moved around, but again no match for the mystery person. Ash was hit in the stomach and while Ali was doting over her down wife she was hit in the back.
Than came Christen and Tobin, Alyssa and Becky, Mal and Teirna, Rose and Sam, Juli and Crystal, Carli and Megan.
The last two left where Kelley and Alex. Juli and Crystal informed them about this when they passed them. Kelley and Alex who were already on their guard had their senses even more heightened.
Kelley even had the feeling of being watched and could swear she heard branches break around her. Alex told her she was being paranoid. Just as the statement left her mouth she was hit in the stomach by a black paintball.
Kelly immediately dived for cover when a paintball hit a nearby tree. Gun razed the defender peered around the tree to see if she saw anything.
Not noticing the shadow creeping up behind her, hitting her once on each ass cheek. Kelley quickly turns around to catch a glimpse of the shooter but saw nobody.
After a loud horn goes off signalling the end of the game and all the girls sulk back into the changing rooms. Complaining about being taken out in the ways they were.
 Everybody was groaning and being grumpy about the game when Vlatko walked in. being the only person knowing it would end like this. Knowing the identity of the mystery person. He knew they would be unhappy, he wasn’t expecting them to be pouting.
“well girls how did the game go?” it was a rhetorical question, on their faces, he could read how good it went.
“great if you look past that we all got our asses handed to us by a single person. Want that seems to be invisible.” Sonnet remarked. Vlatko could barely contain his chuckle.
“I can assure you I am anything but invisible.” A voice responded from behind Vlatko
Kelley froze at hearing the voice. It couldn’t be her. Kelley thought she was imagining things. You couldn’t be here. Vlatko talking on was what pulled her out of her trance.
“Ladies I like you to meet your new endurance trainer, sergeant (Y/N) (L/N).” Kelley flings herself at the woman when she heard her name. tears spring in Kelley’s eyes when she looks at you.
You are taller than her, with broad muscles shoulders. You are clad in camouflage gear, probably helping you stay hidden in the bushes.
“you’re here. You are here.” Kelley breaths into your shoulder as she keeps hugging you. You hug her back and kiss the side of her head. For the first time in ages, you feel home and safe.
“I’m here love and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” You tell her. It takes a moment before your words sink in but when they do. Kelley looks up at you with a massive grin on her face.
“so you don’t have to go back?”
“I’m not going back. I was honourably discharged two days ago.” The massive grin on Kelley’s face almost split her face. She kisses you passionately, a kiss you reciprocate immediately.
The happy bubble the two of you had created around you two was broken when the team swarmed the two of you. Seeing you with Kelley made them forget about the slaughter that was the paintball game.
Emily Sonnet was the first to speak being too hyped about the new person in the family.
“you know this behemoth of a woman?” the blond asked looking up at you, earning a slap on the head from Lindsey. This made you chuckle, she reminded you a lot of Kelley. Whispering so much to Kelley earning a slap on the chest from her.
“care to introduce us, Kelley?” Christen asks, trying with the rest of the veterans to rail in the youngsters of the group. Turning around with Kelley still in your arms you were met with twenty curious faces looking at you. You felled a little uneasy with all eyes on you.
Kelley felled your tattooed arms flex around her and gave them a little squeeze to reassure you.
“Guy’s I like you to meet (Y/N) my girlfriend.” The moment girlfriend left Kelley’s mouth the room seemed to explode.
“GIRLFRIEND!” the same word was yelled by over a dozen women at once. Together with.
“Why didn’t you tell us you had a girlfriend?”  you were a little taken back at this, you didn’t know Kelley hadn’t told her team about your relationship. Was she ashamed of you maybe?
“Quiet!” Alex yelled, you gave her a thankful smile. Nobody seemed to want to go against that woman.
Kelley looked down at the ground when she spoke. The reason why was a deep-rooted fear of losing you.
“I didn’t tell anybody because she was overseas for two years and in those two years I didn’t even know if she was coming home or not.” Emotions suddenly overtook you. I didn’t know she had it this hard with me overseas. In all ore conversations, she never let I shiny out that it was this hard on her.
“oh, Kelley. I am so sorry I put you through that.” You turn Kelley around so she is facing you and take her chin between your fingers to gently make her look up at you. Big brown eyes look up at you, littered with unshed tears.
“you have to believe me when I tell you that every day in those two years you are the only reason I got through every shitty thing happening. You were the reason I wanted to come home.” This time you couldn’t help the little crack in your voice. The woman in your arms had a knack of turning you into a big softy.
Instead of answering Kelley pulled you into a passionate kiss that the two of you got lost in completely.
After the heavy moment passed the lighter mood returned and the girls started asking questions. Julie even threatened you, that if you ever hurt Kelley in any way she would find you and hurt you.
It must have been funny to see a soccer player not even reaching your shoulders make you take a step back.
After seeing you weren’t a complete hardass Emily saw it fit to teas.
“so (Y/N), because you are Kelley’s girlfriend those that mean you are going to go easy on us?” you couldn’t help but laugh at the bubbly blond. Not even into first training and she was already asking to slack off. Kelley was smirking knowing you crazy work out habits.
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