#cw: purity culture
lostmf · 1 month
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By @desnos
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tommyssupercoolblog · 4 months
Vent about Antis
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obvs this convo would never happen they would be blocked already but. aguhgh.
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lurkdragonstuff · 4 months
Re: Micky Mouse in horror projects apparently getting a bug up people's butts:
I'm not up on whatever projects are in the works, but please understand: some of the impetus for using Mickey in horror projects is a middle finger at the control of corporations.
I don't have any particular beefs with Mickey as a character, but I do have a lot of beefs with him as a symbol. I would love to see him ripped apart by demons or whatever and have someone who isn't Disney make money off it because fuck how out of control copyright is, and fuck how so much of it specifically Disney's fault.
It's catharsis, in the same way as a lot of other horror. It is seeing a Symbol burned in effigy because burning the real thing would be unethical. It's not like we can or should line up the corporate lobbyists, high-ranking corporate officials, rich Disney shareholders, and the like who got us into this situation and execute them. As a group they might be greedy scumbags who are destroying the commons for a single corn chip, but they're still people. Even if I was into the death penalty, and I'm not, "doesn't let people use things that should rightly be the public's domain" doesn't exactly rise to that level.
But there is a lot of real, justified anger at the whole situation with copyright here, and that has to go somewhere. Taking out your intrusive thoughts on fictional characters is a time-honoured and safe way to sublimate anger.
I'm not saying any given project has such high-minded goals in mind, but, like. There is an audience there. Some of that audience is irony-poisoned folks looking for lulz, and some of that audience are folks who want to throttle that fucking mouse because of what he symbolizes. (And some of that audience is just going to be folks curious to see what people do with a new public domain character. The fact that this is where people are going and wasn't particularly when, say, The Great Gatsby fell into the public domain undoubtedly says something interesting.)
If that doesn't do it for you, that is completely fine. I'll probably enjoy more wholesome public domain Mickey Mouse stuff, too. Like I say, I don't have any particular issues with the character as a fictional person. He seems fine.
But for fuck's sake, let people have their chew toy, too. Maybe if Disney hadn't been such a shitty company there wouldn't be this anger to work out, but here we are.
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coulsonlives · 5 months
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I'm tired, man
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They said the people who left simply didn’t have enough faith,
Lost sheep, sure to be influenced by satan, sure to have sorrow struck deep in their bones, sure to return
I was told that if I stayed in the lines, (clearly painted in red over the messy world) that I would be saved. That if I had enough faith, paid their tithe, went to church, I would be fine. Repeated their words, covered my sinful body, hid away my bad thoughts, I would be accepted. Prayed harder, doubted my doubts, begged forgiveness, I would be loved.
They said the people who left were:
I did nothing wrong. 
I need you to understand, to repeat it, to look at me and know the truth in your bones.
I did nothing wrong. 
I did nothing wrong. 
I did nothing wrong.
I had enough faith, I stayed in the lines, I cried in prayer deep at night, I did nothing wrong. I covered my sinful body, I hid away my bad thoughts, I did nothing wrong. I was a lost sheep only by virtue of being cast out of the flock, banished from their heaven. I did nothing wrong. 
Witness it.
My pain, my hurt, my sorrow.
Witness me. 
They punished and reviled me. 
Witness me. 
They blamed me for my agony.
Witness me. 
They burned me for my imperfections. 
Witness me.
Yet they could not remove me from myself. 
I did nothing wrong.
Witness me.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
"Unlike antis,us prosh///ippers are nice to others😌"You guys can't even handle dnis
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
TW: Religious trauma
Aro (raised in purist culture) culture is forever feeling dirty or sinful for preferring sex without romance and believing fwb is the ideal relationship
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roachleakage · 2 months
Part of the problem surrounding this whole situation (predstrogen, the subsequent callouts about the Cohost founders) is that a lot of people don't make the distinction between "actual report of a person's abusive actions" and "sourceless claims of an intent to abuse based on little to no relevant evidence".
Don't get me wrong, accusations of sexual abuse toward trans women (and many other marginalized people) always deserve at least a little bit of scrutiny. You don't have to suspend your compassion or accuse someone of being a liar, but taking someone at face value isn't the same as taking them in good faith. Just don't ignore that they could be lying, pay attention to major warning signs to that effect, and don't rush into taking actions that could bring immediate or drastic harm to the alleged abuser.
But even with that in mind, a lot of the accusations I've seen people circulate don't even come CLOSE to firsthand victim reports. Instead, we have people being labeled as various types of predator for behaviors that include: being trans women, doing sex work, having squicky/uncomfortable kinks, being furries, being willing to engage in complex and potentially difficult conversations regarding taboo topics, and worst of all, more than one of these at the same time.
Here is the logic beside presenting these things as "proof": "This person doesn't exhibit the level of disgust or avoidance that I expect around sexual taboos, or does not fully understand the reason why some of them exist. If someone does not automatically and unconditionally accept and enforce a taboo, it must be because they want to engage in taboo actions, including ones that might cause harm. Therefore, this person is dangerous and a predator."
And yes, while I only brought them up directly in the entry about discussions, every single thing I listed is a sexual taboo. Even when, as is the case with kinks, furries, and being a trans woman, they may have little or nothing to do with actual sex. By and large, this is because whenever a person exhibits ANY unexplained desires or behaviors, the default assumption is that they must be "a sex thing". Which is just another way of saying "my tastes represent the human default, yours are irrational, superfluous, and yucky."
And that's how it works. "That thing you're doing is strange > that thing you're doing is sexual > you're obsessed with sexually deviant behaviors > you are a sexual predator."
Trans women get a double dose of this, because they're not just transgender, they are also women - who are viewed as inherently sexual for plain ol' misogyny reasons. But while women of relative* privilege exist in a rotating superposition of being innocent recipients with no sexual agency, and devious seductresses out to ruin men's lives, trans women (and many nonwhite cis women) are permanently trapped in the role of seductress, because their very womanhood is taboo.
The reason I'm taking the time to bring all of this up because any one of these beliefs is enough to secure your participation in this system. For example, you might not believe consciously that being a trans woman makes someone a predator, but if she violates some other taboo, even in a completely innocent manner, you end up sliding right on down the chain to "clearly this trans woman is, though". Plus, you probably unconsciously associate trans women with predation, and while you know consciously that's a transmisogynist belief, the recognition of "evidence" still taps into that hidden bias to make the conclusion feel more solid and reasonable than it actually is.
And so all of this needs to be challenged. Challenge your assumption that "freak" is the same as "threat", that your beliefs and preferences are universal and require deliberate and malicious intent to divert from. Pay careful attention to what kind of evidence you're being shown. Keep a wary eye out for emotionally-loaded language designed to influence how you read a situation - e.g. describing some behavior as "disgusting" or "pedophilic" before you've even had the chance to see what the person did. Be careful and patient with the information you've been sent, and above all, remember that peer-to-peer rumormongering is not equal to an actual victim's testimony. It should always be taken with an immediate grain of salt, and examined carefully before you recirculate it or take other action.
*Within the scope of "being women, and therefore obviously affected by misogyny".
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amethystsoda · 9 months
It’s kind of cliche how stereotypical my abuse and indoctrination was growing up—
(I guess this is technically a bit of trauma dumping??? But hopefully it’s more like “here are some experiences other traumatized millennials will relate to.” We share in this history together 🤝)
Family was into religious cult activities (aka evangelical pentecostals) and made us spend lots of time at church (good for becoming someone who cares about others and giving, but not good bc brainwashing/shaming/etc)
Only got one year of kindergarten before getting pulled into homeschool after a move. Mother got into talk radio and the conservative brain poisoning.
Not allowed to watch cartoons other than veggie tales. Christian bookstore almost exclusively. Hyper patriotic. ONe nation under GOD!!!!!!! *eagle caw*
Rapture scare and apocalypse fear—don’t deny Jesus if someone tries to shoot you and make you renounce Christ. Forced to watch The Omega Code at way too young. Listened to the audiobooks of all the Left Behind series (content including rapture, natural disasters, assassinations, beheadings for not taking the mark of the beast, etc).
My biggest fear around 7-10 years old was that I would have to be loyal to Jesus and get beheaded. I literally sat around thinking about how scary a guillotine was and how I would have to steel myself to accept that fate.
Also as a Pentecostal family, my parents believed in speaking in tongues. Cue up me at maybe 4 years old being forced to “learn the language” (I was getting no divine insight, no spiritual spark. I was a child with my brain still developing)
but being put into the empty bathtub until “the spirit worked” (aka I faked it and replicated how my parents did it with tear streaked cheeks, just so I could escape that hell).
Spanking as punishment… I wasn’t even that bad of a kid. They just didn’t know how to handle me being an independent thinker and curious.
Talk out problems?? Nah. Open palm spanking your butt will silence you and train you not to talk back. You said something I don’t like??? Time to push you to the wall and grab your chin and yell at you until you “repent.” (No wonder my response eventually was just to shut down.)
It didn’t stop there. When we got older and they didn’t spank as much. It was “you have to pray and repent out loud” “you have to read scripture.” And for someone who went nonverbal during those times, it was so painful to do.
I got diagnosed with adhd in kindergarten but my mom basically said “that doesn’t exist” and ignored it. I had tons of sensory issues and that motor system stuff where you trip or are clumsy a lot. I cried when the crinoline of dresses scratched my legs. I was hyper fixated on red shoes and butterflies.
I had purity training at 9 years old. A sliding scale off a cliff diagram of “dangerous actions” (the start was holding hands. Off the cliff was laying in bed naked and sex).
Growing up fat and constant throat infections but no doctor’s care because “you just need to pray when you’re sick and quote scripture and god will heal you.” The advil? Hidden up in the kitchen cupboard and judgement any time you would reach for it.
I remember never talking about crushes too because everyone would embarrass me. I didn’t know any terms for demisexual/bisexual. I just knew I felt deep love for everyone, and sexual desire for almost no one.
I often think about how things could have been different. How I ended up parenting myself and only relying on myself. No one else would care for me, so I had to.
Sure there were occasionally good moments.
I’m sure my mother was trying her best with my dad constantly at work until late hours.
But it also could have been so much better…
If you also grew up like this, I am holding you so tenderly. I’m holding a warm washcloth to the old wounds and wiping the childhood tears off your face.
I’m giving 10 year old you a mug of hot cocoa and a warm blanket and putting cartoons on. There’s no yelling. No threat of abuse. You’re safe 🫂🫂
We’ve been through so much, but there are better days ahead. 💖💖💖
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condomatsu · 11 months
HOW TO BE AN ANTISHIPPER - a helpful guide
VERY LONG POST, mostly sarcastic lol, enjoy if you want to laugh a little bit ((no, I didn't have to make this a second time because tumblr sucks, ha ha, I don't know what you're talking about))
DISCLAIMER: I'm barely creating anything here. Those are real thing I saw/heard real antishippers say. Those are basically their words, not mine.
CW: repetitive use of the word "pedo/pedophilia" and such, feel-ashemed-sicko rhetoric, puritan/christian culture, fiction=reality stuff, hate on >30 years old people (I'm really sorry), pRoBlEmAtIc stuff and discourse (sort of), "kys" mentions, some LGBT+phobia (poorly masked), ableism (poorly masked), some insult/swear words in some points, trauma talking, DNI talking
In my long ship-discourse career, I've seen many antishippers not be coherent with what they belive. It is understandable, for many antishippers, to be too much distructed and fall into the Problematic(TM) category they're figthing against. Thinking "kill the pedo" all the time might be exausting and occupy all the congitive processes that someone else would use to actually watch the media they are consuming. But antishippers aren't like other people, they are morally superior, and worrying so much about morality in media is very much time and energy consuming; it's just impossible to keep a track about what to watch and enjoy and how to enjoy it and at the same time thinking.
But oh boy, isn't this guide just for you! This FREE guide¹ is for all the antishippers out there, who might fall in the nasty-proship territory without realizing it and must come out quickly, before starting to spread harmful messages, such as Don't Like; Don't Read, Ship And Let Ship, Your Kink Is Not My Kink And That's Ok, and other nasty, predatory things.
¹gimme ur monei plz, i need themm
Send this guide to whoever you think might benefit from it and, most importantly, consult it when in doubt. Being perfect all the time is difficoult after all.
This guide will help all antishippers with many things when approuching media and fandoms. This includes:
What media consume;
How to consume it;
How to interpret the characters and how to Ship(TM);
What fancontent create/consume and how;
How to create OCs for original stories and fandoms;
What to do if the media/character/ship/fancontent we liked became or happends to be Problematic.
All in this FREE antiship guide.
[I accept paypal and cash, DM me for more info].
This is where the majority of antishippers stop at. As I mentioned before, thinking is energy consuming and actually analysing what we have in front of us might be stressful and difficoult at times.
But it is important to understand what type of content we are consuming, in order to be as morally superior as possible! As we all know "we are what we eat", therefore "we are what we watch". This means that the media we are engaging with must:
Not have any controversial opinion in it (unless those are your opinions as well);
Not have any Problematic themes involving children (17 and below), such as killing, death, sex, etc.;
Have ONLY good people behind it: no controversial opinions, no flaws, no rumors about them;
Explicitly say why a character action is good or bad and condemn bad actions and characters;
Not have sexual themes that aren't LGBT+ and NO sex or nudity scenes in any case, not even referential.
«But what about violence?» I hear you say. That's a stupid observation. Violence content doesn't turn you violent, that's a christian mom's stupid belife, not the reality. Besides, killing in movies and such is cool- DON'T RUTE FOR THE KILLER THO!
Anyways if you are a little child (17 and below), there's another point to follow for you:
The media must not have any Problematic theme in it.
This means no cool-killing for you, I'm sorry. Yes, I don't care you are 17 turning 18 in a few days, just wait those few days. And another whole year as well, just to make sure you're REALLY an adult.
Now, there are many medias, movies, comics and shows that are marked as "iredeemable media"; this means that, if you watch or, worse, enjoy those things, you are 100% lost and Problematic, just like the media itself.
Here's a little list of Problematic media to avoid. The list may vary and, unfortunatelly, it is very short. Ask other superior antishippers for advise when you're not sure whether the media you're about to consume is Problematic or safe.
The list includes but is not limited to
South park
Rick and Morty
Attack on titan
Genshin Impact
Harry Potter
Camp Camp
Steven Universe
Obey me!
Dream SMP
Mystic messanger
Killing stalking
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Any VTuber
Stranger things
Any kid show if you are >18
Literally anything if you are >30. Where is you spouse? Children? Wtf are you doing here, old fart?? Go get a job or something.
OK, now that you've found your good christian Problematic-FREE content to enjoy and like (and you have to like it, how could you not like it? It's completely unproblematic!), you have to consume it in a puritan unproblematic way as well!
As I already mentioned, you can't watch kids shows if you are 18 and above, it's not age appropriate for you². However that doesn't mean you can engage with the media in a "mature" way, especially in fandoms; just like we'll see in point n.4 as well.
²This doesn't count if you are autistic. As we all know, autistic people unfortunatelly do not have free will and are basically big babys, so you can only watch kid friendly things.
You have your good pure media in front of you, who's your favourite character?
The villain? Who has sympathetic traits and understandable reasons to do what they do and has a corrupted yet strong moral? The male main character? Who is good at heart, maybe a little cold and unable to show emotions but still brave and strong in their unique way? Or maybe the female not-main character? Who uses their beauty to attract their victims, and knows they're beautiful, skinny with wide boobs and light skin?
DISGUSTING! Are you even listening yourself!?
The villain is the villain! Do you support their action? Do you condone killing, mass shooting, you sick fuck-o!?
Are you implying that only males can be the main characters? Then why are they your favourite, hypocrite!? Also, that character theaches toxic behaviour, you are condonic toxic masculinity.
Are females good at nothing but to be beautiful? And beautiful to who!? The male gaze!? You are pushing harmful stereotypes on little girls, making them go through plastic surgery and making them live a miserable life.
Hoping you feel ashemed of yourself.
But don't worry, if you didn't already consumed any iredeemable media (look at the list at point n.1), you are still redeemable and capable to become pure again.
It is important to every christian antishippers to like and enjoy only good characters who do good actions³. We are able to elevate ourselves though what we like, as it reflects 100% what we are inside.
³If you're not able to find who is the good character and who is the evil character, go back to point n.1 and search a media that explicitly tells you that.
A good character must:
Be progressive;
Follow your same logic and morals, so that others knows how you will act or react to certain topics and situations;
Do the good thing at all costs, always;
If they do something wrong, do mental gymnastic to excuse their actions: what they do is what you do or would do in their situation;
If your character is black or/and LGBT+, then don't worry, nobody will attack them in any case.
There is a last thing to consider when talking about characters: their age. If the character in question is a little child (17 and below) you can enjoy them (if you are below 21), but not too much. It doesn't matter if they are your same age, they are children, therefore they must be protected. As we know, those characters were created by a real person, which means they are real people as well. And so it is legit to fight for their rights, protect them from disgusting people, and treat them like real people, just like you would do with anybody else. Or even more! Why calling a group "fictional characters" and the other "live breathing existing people" when they are the same thing?
More infos on how to engage with "characters" (A.K.A. people) in point n.4.
This is clearly the most important point to every antishipper. It's antiSHIP for a reason!
But, before that, we have to talk about what there is at the core of every ship: its characters. We already establish what character you can enjoy, but how can you enjoy them?
Your unconditionally-favourite character might be progressive (example: a female main character, who is explicitly femminist and independent and strong and an ally, etc.), but might also not be progressive enough.
Everyone has their headcanons and there's nothing wrong with it and wanting to see yourself in said character. Afterall, there's never enough queer/black/fat representation out there (/srs).
So you make you favourite character black, chubby, disable, trans and bisexual⁴! Good job! Unfortunatelly, that is not the canon view of said character, but your view is progressive! This means that everybody has to interpret them as you do. If they don't, they are racist, fatphobic, ableist, homotrasphobic and probably a pedophile too, which is unacceptable!
⁴Rule for bi/pan/ace characters: they can't date the opposite gender, or they might "faking it".
What do good fuckers antishippers do when somebody clearly un-progressive refuse to accept clearly superior headcanons?
Here's the list of what-to-do, point by point:
Ask gently to redraw/write the content about said character (example: "excuse me, but in this non-canon artwork of Terezi Pyrope she's fat, draw her as such, thank you").
If they ignore you or rufuse to do as you say, accuse them of what they really are in a polite way (example: "All I'm saying is that it is very fatphobic of you interpret her as differently as the majority of us all, that's all").
Further reistance? Then be even more honest with them! (example: "I mean, you are already drawing a 13-years-old girl, that's kinda predatory, don't you think? At least draw her right, which is how I interpret her").
Politness is the key, but those sick-os aren't really entitled of that, so you may just tell them to kill themselves and call it the day!
With all of that being said, now we can finally go to the SHIP section! What characters I can ship, how can I ship them, etc.
The game is very, very simple, just answer this quick questions:
Are this characters both over 18? >YES (go to 3), >NO (go to 2), >NOT SURE (go to 19)
Are they both under 18? >YES (go to 4), >NO (go to 21)
Are you above 18? >YES (go to 5), >NO (go to 22)
Are you under 18? >YES (go to 5), >NO (go to 21)
Is there some age gap between them? >YES (go to 21), >NO (go to 6)
Are they both black? >YES (go to 9), >NO (go to 7)
Is one of them black? >YES (go to 8), >NO (go to 9)
Are you black? >YES (go to 9), >NO (go to 23)
Are they both boys/men? >YES (go to 10), >NO (go to 11)
Are you a gay/mlm boy/man? >YES (go to 14), >NO (go to 24)
Are they both girls/women? >YES (go to 12), >NO (go to 13)
Are you a lesbian/wlw girl/woman? >YES (go to 14), >NO (go to 24)
Are they a girl/woman and a boy/man? >YES (go to 25), >NO (go to 14)
Do they work together? >YES (go to 15), >NO (go to 16)
Is one a grade superior to the other? >YES (go to 27), >NO (go to 17)
Are they both superheroes/good people? >YES (go to 19), >NO (go to 17)
Are they both villains/bad people? >YES (go to 27), >NO (go to 18)
Is one of them a superhero/good person and the other is a villain/bad person? >YES (go to 27), >NO (go to 29)
Are they both aliens/supernatural creatures? >YES (go to 28), >NO (go to 20)
Is one of them an alien/supernatual creature? >YES (go to 28), >NO (go to 29)
You are pure
This little game is very helpful and quick to make. However I encourage to reach a superior antishipper when in doubt, especially if your ship-case isn't here.
Remember that only the couples you will like to see in real life or the people you would like to date personally in real life are allowed. If you are an antishippers and aromantic, I'm sorry, but you can't participate in ship culture, unless you're faking being aromantic, which will make you a bad person.
Congrats! You have your Problematic-free ship in you Problematic-free media! You obviously want to create or consume content of it, especially if the ship isn't canon. Having social medias might help, but also, before doing anything, you have to cure you space online.
Blocking, muting, filtering content and/or people you don't like? Pft, NO, that's what nasty proshippers always tells to do, you don't want to do what they say, ever. What you have to do is to make a DNI banner, post or carrd which tells everything that there's to know about you and what kind of people you don't want near you.
Nazis, pedos, TERFs, etc. will surely be polite enough to listen to your little mind and respect your boundaries. Oh, and also they won't surely use the personal infos you've provided them to harm you in any way or capacity. Big move, really. And, of course, put every online label you heard of without really searching them! That's important. What's a proshipper? Well, my mate ilovekarensfeetinaplatonicway-101, who is totally not a real predator, told me it means pedo-shipping, therefore it is true and disgusting, so might tell "kys" to all of them.
After that, you start to post the content of you favourite character/ship. As I mentioned in point n.2, you can't make just any type of content.
Do you enjoy gore, extreme violence and angst? Meh, you are kinda borderline. Maybe don't post too much of it, or, even better, keep it private. There are children here. Yes, even in your adult-fandom and your adult-only-account and your barriers to filter your content away from children's eyes, some of them might still see it. It's just better if that content do not exists at all.
Do you want to make NSFW content of your favourite adult character/ship? No, big no no. That's nasty. Maybe some fanfic that ALUDE to what they might do in their "free time" or a suggestive art, but that's already too much! Sex is nasty and disgusting and kinks makes you a pervert and a pedo. Do you have a foot fetish? Pedo. Do you have a piss kink? Pedo. How? Because sex and sexuality is nasty and therefore predatory.
Also, making your characters explore their sexuality through sex/sexual behaviour is fetishizing LGBT+ people, stop that.
You MIGHT enjoy some NSFW content if you PROVE to be above 18 but BELOW 30. As we all know, teenagers are pure little souls who do not know about sex and shoul not engage in any dirty content; while after 30 you should already have kids and a job, so why are you in "fandoms" and enjoying your sexual life? You're already done, go do your housechores or something. Watch soapoperas.
The content you make or consume must be pure, which means, as said in point n.1, must not contain any Problematic themes or elements.
This point talks about OOCs too, so you might want to just interpret a canon character differently instead of creating a whole new other character.
For the stories you create (original and fanfictions), just follow the previous points. Going further, however, there's much more to say.
Let's say you project yourself onto this very cool, good, progressive character, let's call them Cutie. You like Cutie a lot and want to make content of them. You make SFW fanarts, SFW fanficts and so on.
Then, something bad happends in your life, and you get attached to Cutie like it was you comfy teddy bear. You are still processing what happend or what is happening to you and don't feel anybody enough near to talk to them or to get help from them. You then use Cutie as a way to help you through what you've passed/passing.
Don't worry, on fandoms you will find plenty of people ready to help you! If you are coping the right way, of course.
You might want to avoid completely anything correlated to your expirience; making only cute, fluffy content with Cutie, and that's valid (/srs).
But some depravate might want to explore their experience to overcome it, making Cutie pass what they pass and that's just disgusting. You want to make other people suffer? Yeah, that's a fictional character, but we already established they are real people! What you do to them is what you would do to your children. Deplorable.
If you are type 1, then you're fine, sorry for your expirience. If you are type 2, at least feel sorry for what you are now and cope in private. Doing what you do is just making yourself traumatize again at best, making you even worse at worst. No, your therapist isn't right. No therapist will encourage such behaviour.
Just treat your characters like real people and everything will be fine.
You are at the last point of the guide! Good job, antishipper, you did great!
Even doing great tho doesn't preclude some accidents in the way.
You may like a content who happends to have been made by a horrible person, or you favourite character/ship might became toxic over time or, even worse, might always have been Problematic and you didn't know (example: they have TWO years gap).
In this case, don't worry, here's how you do in every situation:
The person behind [insert content/media here] is Problematic: don't engage with the media/content ever again and insult/attack whoever does it.
Favourite character became Problematic: if they can still be saved, just excuse they actions, or just ignore that and go on with your life (remember to attack whoever does the same with other characters tho).
Favourite ship became Problematic: stop shipping them or embrace the rightful hate you'll get.
Favourite ship is considered Problematic: shit some proship-rhetoric then act like that doesn't count for every ship and embrace the hate you'll get.
If you don't like the idea to follow precisive rules and conditions in fictional worlds that doesn't affect real life just for not getting hate, harassment or death threats by other people; living in costant fear of what you might enjoy next and care about what other people do or enjoy (in fictional world) all the time and not having the freedom to write/draw whatever you want... Just became a proshipper, idk, you failed this guide, congratulation.
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coulsonlives · 3 months
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
The fact incest isn’t a line for you says a lot.
I'm in the Tolkien fandom.
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