#that's appreciated obviously it's just embarrassing to be reminded of certain things I put on the internet
no-one-hears-me · 1 year
man a few years ago this blog was bumping and idk if it's more embarrassing to post now or back then
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stellasvault · 1 year
Okay so I was listening to my favorite TV girl album who really cares and the song heaven is a bedroom came on and it just made me think of a scenario between YN and hobie first hanging out in a playground on swings
ok so i wasn’t sure if you meant them as kids or as his current age so i made the reader and hobie both kids bc it would be a little weird for him to be at a playground at his grown age 😭
keep in mind this is hobie as a CHILD so he’s not gonna act all grown!!
🍓 “that bracelet looks nice”
pairings: hobie x gn!reader
warnings: sfw, hobie has an afro as a kid, um that’s it dudes 😋
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the creaking of the swings every time you went back and forth was head-ache inducing, but the swaying on the rubber seat was weirdly calming.
your hair was splayed around by the wind, your feet swinging every time you went high of the ground. so far it had been a boring day for you. an unexciting day of primary school before going straight to the playground for a mental break, soothing your frail mind.
the sound of wood chips crackling under sneakers perked your interest, as you looked up and saw a boy about your age with a natural afro and a tattered vest. he had a certain vibe, but you couldn’t put your finger on it at that moment.
“you just gonna stare?” you looked up in surprise and saw the boy looking at you with curious, dark eyes. the first thing you noticed about him was his strong accent, which sort of made him more intimidating.
you apologized, embarrassed. “sorry, i’m not creepy, i swear!” you watched him sit on the swing next to you, seeming to not care that you were still, pretty obviously, staring.
“so why are you here?” he asked, kicking up some wood chips as he turned to look at you.
you shrugged, confused. “it’s a playground! i’m here to… play.” you weren’t even convinced that you were telling the truth, all you did here was think.
he looked you up and down as if he could read your thoughts before saying, “you don’t look in a very playful mood right now. what are you really here for?” he asked in a tone that made you feel pressured to tell the truth. you knew something was different about him, you just couldn’t tell what.
you sighed, giving in. “it helps me think sometimes, you know? i know it’s weird, don’t remind me, but it’s just calming for me.” you explained, looking at your sneakers the whole time.
he looked at you before surprisingly giving you a small, understanding smile.
“i get it, y’know. no one really gets me as much as you, a random stranger, has.” he nodded toward you, “maybe i should start having some thinking sessions here.”
you giggled and slowed your swinging, “maybe you should, it gets pretty lonely in a big place all by myself.” he playfully punched your shoulder before looking at what looked like a handmade watch before his eyes widened.
“bloody hell, nana’s gonna kill me!” he muttered under his breath before putting out his hand to shake. “until next time?” he offered, mouth turned up into a cheeky smile.
you took his hand gratefully. “lots more thinking to be done.” you giggled as he ran off into the neighborhood.
i also need to say that all ur reblogs, likes and followings are DEFINITELY not unnoticed!! i appreciate them SO much you guys are amazing!
thanks so much for reading!
• 🎀🎀🎀
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godsdefect · 1 year
9kay take my headconshjm. it's so hot outside. I'm eleting. I'm melting. I feel like an old man how the hell do I do things on this sight without looking like an idiot
- Trauma. The shit that he went through wasn't going to let him live the rest of his life peacefully, and a constant reminder of his trauma was the tremor he gained in his hands. Along with the tremor, little aches and pains would form in places like his back, legs, hands, just really anywhere and it would bug him to no end. His hand writing would change as well as his art style, but eventually he'd learn to navigate around it. The tremor would obviously worsen with anxiety attacks and nightmares. Speaking of nightmares, he would be embarrassed to admit he still has them pretty regularly, and he'd need about an hour to properly calm down after having one.
- He's a doodler. Usually his surroundings fall victim to being sloppily sketched into his case book or stranger's passing faces, but he takes a particular liking to drawing flowers. He likes the way the petals unfold, and this is totally not giving me an excuse to say that his favorite flower is starfighter lilies.
- Cole has a slight ick for needles. It won't freak him out too much if he has to hold a syringe or look at one, but for him to see one and knows it's going in him always makes his arms go stiff and look the other way. The pinch of it always makes him want to grit his teeth together. Syrettes especially freak him out.
- Malewife. He loves doing tasks around the house, especially doing dishes or doing laundry with his favorite outfits in them. He's found that he enjoys much simpler jobs or assignments outside of work hours due to how complex and stressful his job as a detective can be, along with cleaning and how it helps clear up his head after a long day.
- Favorite food. When people ask him if he has a favorite food he always writes off the question with a “I don't have one” because he doesn't like giving out personal info, he wants a thick emotional wall between most people in his life that he thinks keeps him safe. But I've deemed that this man has to have a simple but interesting choice of favorite food, and I've decided that to be waffles. Connected to his childhood, hard to mess up, and tasty with a few simple ingredients. He appreciates the recognizable flavor with such a humble breakfast meal, also likes them with nearly gross amounts of syrup and strawberries. No other fruit than strawberries or he can't look at them the same when they're on his plate.
- Love language is gift giving and physical touch, if coexisting in the same room doing your own thing can count as a love language, too, then count that in. Explanation on gift giving, he doesn't like directly giving the gift to his partner with the item in his hands, moreover just leaving it somwhere subtle until his partner finds it and gets surprised by something sweet. Even little things like a neat trinket he found he would bring home, maybe leave it on the nightstand of his partner's as a little way to say ‘this reminded me of you’. Explaining the physical touch thing, it has to be a certain degree of it. Touch that just confirms that someone's there, not too attention catching but just there. Also, the thing about just coexisting in the same room, it has to be somewhere he considers a safe space. His office, for example, is very very sacred to him, and when he lets someone in there to dawdle it's more of like a declaration of trust. The presence of the other would definitely soothe him and he'd stay silent, but it's still a huge milestone in the relationship he would have with someone, whether friend or romantic partner.
- How he sleeps. Usually Cole is so wound up tight that half the time if he has the whole day to sleep he'll only take a light nap before trying to do something productive around the house, although he could have the place bleached and scrubbed down twice and he would still clean it again if he had time. He generally loathes feeling lazy or unproductive to the point that he works himself into oblivion, driving to spouts of burnout/autistic burnout and general uninspiration. When things like that come around, his body moreover forces him to do things like sleep in, which is usually the only time he's ever brushed shoulders with REM sleep. Okay moving onto sleeping habits, he would definitely be a light sleeper and find himself drooling onto his pillow obnoxiously often. When he goes into deeper dozes you could throttle him and he wouldn't even feel it in his dreams. It's silly but it's a lighter side to how hellish it is for him to get some real rest.
- Cole's stance on religion. He used to be religious, but that was only when he was a kid. By the time he was a teen he just couldn't grasp that there was some big man in the sky looking down on them, it felt impossible to connect to Christianity in any kind of way. White noise was only ever heard when he asked God about something, and the first and last time he ever went to a priest about something like that he was told that he had done something wrong and that God was punishing him for it. This would obviously break Cole's heart as a young boy, but no matter how hard he tried he'd never be able to force God to acknowledge him. So he'd just give up. Religion after that would be kind of a sensitive topic for him, but he'd still say he was Christian in fear of being berated. His stance on firmly not being religious would further solidify when he was fighting in the war and as a last resort would pray to God to save his men only to see them get killed and think ‘no loving god would do this to his creation’.
- Cole gets really bad homesickness. Ever since he got home from the war leaving home would never be the same for him, especially now that he practically sees his home office as a refuge. Leaving home for work or anything like that wouldn't bother him the slightest, but being away from something he holds so near and dear to his heart for a few days would make him feel like he constantly needs to puke or that the air is unnecassarily suffocating.
- Cole is a silent crier. He will actually just sit on the edge of his bed and stare into nothing until he either wills the tears away or they just fall down his face. He’d probably just scrub them off with his sleeves and sniffle a bit before shaking himself out of it and distracting himself with work or liquor – maybe even a task around the house. He was raised thinking that the “boys don’t cry” stuff was real n all, which is really unfortunate, I feel like he would need to catch a break sooner or later or else he’ll have a breakdown at the slightest inconvenience.
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hi! I'm looking for resources/an answer to a question I have regarding trauma. warning for mentions of c-ptsd and abuse(?) but nothing in depth.
I experienced ongoing trauma throughout 2021 and have c-ptsd now. the experience included a lot of being manipulated and made to believe what was happening wasn't really happening. I don't remember just about anything that happened that year. I can put together some memories from 2020 but nothing very specific. I do not remember 2015-2019 clearly at all. I'm not sure why, because I don't remember experiencing anything traumatic those years, and my ptsd is specifically from the trauma I endured in 2021.
what little I do remember from those years feel like something I watched in a 3rd person movie rather than something I experienced myself. I feel like I've been randomly dropped in 2022, or like i woke up in someone else's life.
heres the thing though!
I can remember 2010-2014 pretty clearly. like, a lot of it. about myself (more than I did other years), and how the world was. like news, pop culture, music, movies, fashion, trends, all of it is very clear and familiar to me.
with my memory loss there's this huge gap of lost time between then and now. I've described it to people like waking up from a long coma and seeing yourself and the world completely changed. it sounds very dumb and fake but honest to God I can't remember anything that's happened in the world in the past seven or so years. my few patchy memories are all of myself doing mundane silent things like waiting at a bus stop. and again all of those are fuzzy and third person. anything important? nada. not specific details about myself, nothing related to politics or pop culture, nothing that even suggests I actually existed except for family pictures.
I feel so disorientated with everything all the time and I am struggling really hard with understanding modern things like technology and social media. I have a hard time with remembering basic stuff like bringing a face mask with me when I go out. it's practically impossible to find dvds anywhere (at least where I live). phones are so big and hard to navigate. malls are wayyyy emptier.
I don't really talk about this to people because it's embarrassing and obviously sounds incredibly fake but I feel so out of touch with everything.
I've got an ok grasp on world events that have happened (thanks to lots of googling) and I haven't had much trouble understanding the current political climate cause the "radical" beliefs I held back then are now way more normal and expected today, and my family and friends have been good at reminding me of things that happened in our personal lives when I ask. it's been about 10 months since I started remembering things clearly again and I think I've done pretty well at grounding myself.
I'm not really enjoying it. I still dress the way I did in the early 2010s because it just feels more normal to me. I dont understand what a lot of words or terms mean. people are a lot more hostile online and everyone speaks in a really condescending tone. people have been mean to me when I don't know who certain celebrities are or when so-and-so died or when this-or-that was released. again all of this just sounds stupid but honestly it's really stressful for me and I spend a lot of time feeling extremely anxious and overwhelmed by everything. I feel really dumb for not getting it and not remembering anything. I also feel like I'm faking it, even though I can't imagine why I'd do that and I can't explain where that lost time went.
I guess my question is if anyone knows what this is, what this means, etc? like, what's happening? is this a thing? am I just crazy? is my brain tricking itself somehow? I feel so lost and confused. I've been in therapy and I know trauma can do weird things to the mind but I've never heard of anything like this and I wouldn't even know where to start looking. any help is appreciated
Hi anon,
You're absolutely not alone. My trauma was from 2014-2015, and I can't really remember most of 2015-2019. I think part of it is simply that trauma often sets a bar that everything else now falls under, which can make life seem so boring that it becomes a blur.
Another thing is, in terms of structural dissociation, CPTSD can be a precursor to a dissociative disorder such as OSDD or DID, as well as identity disturbance such as BPD. In my experience with (what I think is coming from) BPD, I literally do not identify with the person I was when I experienced the trauma, and use a different name and pronouns to reflect that. I also do not have a stable sense of self, and sometimes my sense of past is clearer sometimes and foggier other times.
With a dissociative disorder, the explanation of this large passage of time is amnesia. If you're plural, sometimes an alter who experiences trauma may go dormant and/or another alter will front for an indefinite amount of time (this can last years). Then when the previous alter awakens from dormancy and fronts again, it can feel like someone has been living your life without you, because it has. This may also explain why the memories from that time were in the third person. Either way, many alters who emerge from dormancy need to be updated with the current situation.
You may find it helpful to look into Internal Family Systems, IFS. It's a therapy that treats an individual client as made up of multiple parts of themselves, and it helps to identify what those other parts are, how they work, and what they want to communicate. Often times, when speaking to a traumatized part, they believe they're still as old as the age of the trauma, and/or will believe that the Self never aged. This can be why it's disorienting for you to deal with the pandemic and technological advancements.
You've been through a lot. Please remember to practice self-care, whether that's making sure your hygiene is taken care of (even a nice bath or something), or rest. You deserve to do what relaxes you or makes you happy.
You're doing a great job.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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charrfie · 4 months
i like to ask these questions about peoples interests when they need something to talk about...are there any songs that remind you of spamton? any songs that remind you of alien nine? :3 hope you get feeling better soon!!
Hi anonymous thank you so so very much for your question, pondering this alone has helped me reroute my focus, it's very helpful. I appreciate you asking a lot <3 I got very detailed in answering this so I'm putting it under a read more, please enjoy
Surprisingly with as adoring as I am of alien 9, I don't have all too many songs that I directly associate with it? Something about that interest of mine feels very different than all my other interests in which I'm drawn to associate songs with characters or the source material itself. And I'm not sure I could name that difference for you exactly, that's just how it seemed to turn out. I think maybe because alien 9 feels more like a profound open-and-closed art piece rather than something you can delve into just for fun. It has something to say; it's a serious and heavy statement, no more. Not to say I have an issue with folks who *do* decide to delve deeper into it in terms of fandom or song associations, I personally just don't have that pull towards those elements of it. Sometimes I will hear a song though that has a instrumental backing track very similar to the alien 9 ost, and being that it's ost is very striking in terms of how it's arranged, that always sticks out to me. Very sorry I don't have more of a proper answer to give you here!
As for spamton, I have plenty believe me. I was actually just talking to my boyfriend about this the other day, but I tend to associate a lot of 60s and 70s music with him rather than anything else! The playlist I have for him actually doesn't have very many modern songs on it. But before I share any specific songs for this I want to write up a little bit of a reasoning as for why this is.
If we go along with the implications of his origins, we can assume that spamton was born in 1978. He obviously wouldn't have grown up alongside a vast amount of 60s and 70s music right when it was released for this reason, but I think its similar to how a majority of kids grow up listening to music their parents/past generations used to listen to... just kind of a thing you run into and then latch onto bc its such a foundational thing in childhood. That applies to spam too!! I've always imagined music from that time period to be his favorite. It's either easy listening or it's a good dancey tune, both of which are winners in my book. I do believe he'd appreciate the calmness of easy listening 60s/70s actually. I know a lot of people say "oh yeah show this dude hyperpop or some other crazy shit he'd love it" but I truly have to disagree... it feels like that'd overwhelm him if you ask me, he needs something to temper his own erratic nature. Not to mention how it may sound kind of similar to certain phone calls he may or may not have received. Might be pretty unpleasant, to say the least
All this being said: here are a few songs which remind me of him!
Heaven Can Wait by Dean Martin is a really big one for me which is. Slightly embarrassing (๑-﹏-๑) I admittedly do associate a lot of romantic 60s/70s songs with him because well for one I think he's just the type to listen to stuff like that. But also I am love with him. Hope this helps. It's a good song regardless!!
Fairly obvious I feel like but Cars by Gary Numan is also a very big song for him I think. A focus on cars... phone motifs... mentions of "images" in the sense of visions and/or perceptions of someone... generally just an anxious demeanor and sense of wrongness present throughout its entirety... this song's got it all
As for a relatively modern one (2001), the newest song that's come to remind me of him is I Want Wind To Blow by The Microphones. The lyrics are very reminiscent of him to me! Particularly the second verse
Very long-winded answer to your question but I hope this gives you some insight! I'd be happy to provide more songs or explanations if need be. Feeling much better after writing this thank you very very much anon I hope you have a wonderful night
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murtagh-thorn · 3 years
things i headcannon about murtagh & thorn just becase
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- As much as he’s scared he’ll just screw a kid up, he does love them. Especially babies. He feels honored whenever a small kid chooses to come up to him or someone lets him hold their baby. When he thinks no one’s watching, he’s often cooing, making funny faces, and playing peek-a-boo or hide and seek, and regularly lets kids throw snowballs at him or knock him over when play fighting, just to see them laugh.
- He hated the color red as a child and teen since it reminded him so much of Morzan and his dragon, but has learned to appreciate it more since Thorn hatched. Now it’s one of his favorite colors.
- Although he was trained in courtly manners, he does have a bit of a dirty sense of humor--but it’s something he only reveals to people he’s completely comfortable with and only at certain times/places.
- He loooooooves a good murder mystery. If IC was set in modern day, he would be a huge Sherlock Holmes fan and love trying to figure everything out before Sherlock.
- Despite his dirty sense of humor, he’s doesn’t curse all that much and if he’s around a potty-mouth, he won’t say anything, but Thorn hears a lot of internals “phews.”
- He can always tell Thorn’s about to prank him when he slightly dulls their mental connection, making him suspicious. Where his dragon got this penchant for pranks, he’ll never know ~ahem~
- For all his noble training and lifestyle, if he visited Roran, I imagine he’d actually kind of like the simplicity of the lifestyle. Maybe not so much the farming (unless it has to do with horses), but he likes living out in the country where there are less expectations, less people to impress or try to redeem himself for, and likes having vendors, shopkeepers, or bar tenders at the local tavern that know him as regular.
- He’s very touch-starved (obviously), but also very hesitant about receiving touch from anyone other than Thorn. The first time Katrina hugs him, he simultaneously feels like he’s about to explode from embarrassment and cry in relief at the same time.
- He and Ismira are BFFs
- Doesn’t have as much money now that he’s in the wild, but picks up odd jobs here and there in the towns he goes through. It’s always very mundane work, but Murtagh loves working with his hands and being active, so he relishes the opportunity.
- Very adamant about keeping his beard well-groomed, although he’s shit at cutting the hair on his head. Tried once when he was a teen and it was so lopsided, Tornac had to fix it up for him. He either gets trims at local barbers in small towns or if it’s too long, puts it in a small, low bun at the nape of his neck.
- Eventually he and Thorn go to help Eragon train the new Riders and dragons after years in the wilderness. Eragon readily accepts and after months and months of everyone giving him a wide berth (except maybe some of the younger students), people finally start to warm up to him. Except the elves. Finally at dinner one night, Eragon reluctantly tells him it’s the beard. Murtagh is surprised, but decides to shave the whole thing off just to see what the elves do. Despite feeling very naked (and cold) now, the elves warm up to him significantly, which he finds very amusing. Whenever he starts letting his stubble go though, it’s right back to “oh...it’s you.”
- Despite their arguments, Murtagh does really admire Eragon and vice versa. After becoming a teacher alongside Eragon, he and his brother really lean on each other. Murtagh tells Eragon what he can remember of Selena and is actually pretty curious about Brom since he did manage to win his mother over. Wishes he could’ve had more of a chance to get to know Brom himself, and he and Thorn eventually make a visit to his tomb.
- Murtagh loves learning new languages and eventually teaches himself Dwarvish and even a little Urgal (he’s already fluent in the Ancient Language, obviously). Orik is pretty surprised when Murtagh apologizes for killing Hrothgar in Dwarvish and doesn’t forgive him, but says he can sort of understand. Never really fully warms up to Murtagh, but does come to have some begrudging respect for him.
- I feel like Murtagh and Arya would be good friends
- Elva sort of creeps him out, but he does respect her.
- Lots of philosophical debates with Angela late at night.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
romanced hancock reacting to pregnant sole? (obviously not his baby, but a donor's haha)
Hancock x Pregnant! F!Sole Headcannons:
Oh look! I've been enabled yet again! No, but this is great though, I love thinking about happy companions starting a family with Sole ❤
Also, if y'all want any headcannons or anything for companions as parents please hmu, cuz my brain just naturally seems to consider that after doing these pregnancy prompts anyway 😅
Anyway, thanks for the ask, I hope you enjoy!
The ghoul always wondered whether or not his tear ducts would still work after his whole ordeal, and the news that the love of his life was ready and willing to start a family with him would certainly seek to find out. As soon as she gave the word that the donorship had worked, Hancock would be grinning wide and tearfully, with upturned brows and a trembling lip. Unable to speak at first, he would pull an equally tearful Sole into the tightest hug he could muster, their bodies flush, his arms enveloping his love as his roughened cheek pressed insistently against her smooth one. “You just made me the happiest ghoul in the whole damn world, you know that, sunshine?” He’d say just before touching his lips to her cheek in a long, drawn out, tender kiss. (The action may or may not escalate into a long trail of kisses spanning across Sole's entire face as mirthful giggles escape her lips.)
Who would've thought that this was in the cards for him? Certainly not Hancock. He thought he was lucky enough just to be in the presence of someone like Sole, but for her to return the feelings he had for her? To enthusiastically agree to being in a relationship with him? To want to start a family together? Hancock was sure he was dead, or riding the wildest high of his life, for how could this be reality for someone like him? A junkie, a bachelor, a coward, a ghoul, a flimsy torn page with "bad news" written all over it. Nah, he didn't deserve this, but damn was he overjoyed at the fact that Sole thought he did, and who was he to question her judgement?
Hancock had never thought this would be possible, the whole "baby" thing… even though he knew about donors and such, he always thought it would be too painful for Sole to consider having a family again. And with him? Of all the folks in the Commonwealth and beyond, she wanted the infamous ghoulified mayor of Goodneighbor to be a father? To her kid? He was fucking ecstatic. He didn’t quite understand why she wanted to raise a baby with him, why she thought he’d be any good at it, if she thought that. He knew he wouldn’t be the perfect fit for this kinda lifestyle; that he knew for certain, but the fact that she wanted him to try… that shit made his whole body tingle with warm gratitude from the inside out.
He would try to be calm, collected, and altogether nonchalant about the whole process in order to keep Sole relaxed. From finding the donor, to the fertilization, to the pregnancy, and all the way through to Sole going into labor, he would try to be as calm and cool as a November night. And on the outside, he'd do a damn good job, but inside? Nah, inside, this ghoul's worried sick. If anything went wrong with his sunshine, he wouldn't know what to do, he's not sure he could take a blow like that.
So, he’d try not to think too much about what could go wrong, since he knew that would only make it harder for him to be there for Sole in the way that she needed, but occasionally he’d just have those kinda days. A bad trip, a fitful night fraught with horrific dreams, a bout of horrifying overthinking as Sole uttered a pained sound from one little thing or another, or a stint of morning sickness that seemed to last just a bit too long for his liking. All of these would have the poor mayor on edge. Normally, when he was stressed, Hancock would try to chill out with some jet, or calmex, but he really was trying to give up the junkie life to the best of his irradiated abilities. It was a vicious cycle of anxiety every once in a while, but Sole was always there to help him through it. To remind him that this wasn’t her first experience with having a baby, to tell him that he was doing a wonderful job, despite his anxieties, and to remind him that they were the Sole Survivor and the Mayor of fucking Goodneighbor, and that they could face damn near anything when they were together.
Those were only the bad days though. On the good days, oh, hon... Hancock was simply blissful. Sole really is in for a treat, as she is absolutely 100% pampered and loved on, coddled and looked after for 9 months straight, and then some (minus the couple of bad days, where she has to be the one doing the coddling, but really, how could she mind?). As soon as the pair finds out that Sole really is going to have this baby, Hancock is already offering her anything she may need in order to stay safe and comfortable for the next 9 months.
Hancock’s chill personality really shines when it comes to any mood swings Sole may have, and a lifetime of chem and alcohol use has rendered the ghoul particularly skilled at cooking foods that are comforting and easy to make/eat that come in handy after bouts of morning sickness. Who knew that all of his hangover experience would come in handy like this?
While Hancock loves nothing more than going on adventures in the Commonwealth alongside his beloved, he wouldn’t say it in so many words, but would be more reluctant than usual to leave Goodneighbor or Sole’s house. When, before, he would have leapt up at the prospect of hunting down some goons and making the world a better place through some good ole fashioned violence, Hancock couldn’t think of anything worse than having Sole get injured, or potentially losing the one he loves more than anything in the world, and the possibility of a future family with her if some shit went wrong. So, while he absolutely knows she is capable and an complete beast in combat, and he recognizes that Sole can’t stay cooped up indoors for the whole 9 months, (and let’s face it, he certainly doesn’t want to either, but he’s not about to leave his love behind so he can get outta the house once in a while) he definitely steers the pair away from the areas he knows to be more sketchy than others.
Hancock just loves showing Sole off. He did this before the pregnancy as well, but man, now if anyone comes up to the pair when she starts showing, you know Hancock is already beaming as he tells the inquiring stranger just how far along she is, whether it’s a boy or a girl (if they know), or even what they think the baby’s gender is if they don’t want to know/can’t find out, how often the baby has been kicking, and he may even ask for opinions on baby names from certain kind folks who come up to chat with the parents-to-be. It’s also quite likely that he uses these passer-byes as an indirect way to further compliment Sole, saying things to them like, “Doesn’t she look gorgeous?,” “Just look at how she glows,” or “It’s just incredible how you/these ladies do this, isn’t it? Damn it if she's not the strongest person I know,” just to showcase his admiration for her. Does it sometimes result in strange looks from the strangers? Of course. Does Hancock care, or even seem to notice? Not remotely. He's too busy gawking at the love of his life and her blushing, embarrassed glory.
The mayor tends not to be rude about it unless the person ignores him, but if he notices someone smoking nearby, he will ask them to put out whatever it is, or to simply move if he and Sole were there first. In addition to that, he will make quite the lifestyle change for himself, voluntarily giving up chems to the best of his abilities so long as withdrawals don't prevent him from caring for Sole, and when he does partake, Hancock won’t do it around her, he’ll move outside or to another room. He would also offer to give up alcohol, since he knows that she won’t be able to drink with him anyway, and leave it up to her if she wants him to go cold turkey like her. Even if she doesn’t mind, he still won’t drink in excess around her during her pregnancy. It's kind of a respect thing for him, and there ain't no one he respects more than the future mother of his child.
(little bit of NSFW content here) When it comes to sex, Hancock is even more generous than usual in the bedroom (if you can believe it's possible). His every movement acts as a tribute to his appreciation for the woman he loves more than life itself. He’d be sure to be gentle, but in all honesty, Hancock wouldn’t change anything too much (no need to fix what ain't broken, ya know?). He has always paid particular attention to Sole beneath the sheets, since he’s quite experimental, and comfortable with most kinks and things himself, so he tends to let her choose positions, location, duration, and pacing, and would definitely keep it this way during the pregnancy. You think this man used to really get into body worship before, this is just a whole nuther level. As Sole puts on weight later into her pregnancy, he takes full advantage of her swelling plushness, running his hands over her body, taking the time to squeeze and palm every bit of her growing softness, constantly complimenting every bit of her as his starving eyes eat up every inch of her beauty. Especially if Sole is self-conscious about any of the changes in her body, Hancock will be sure to constantly remind her that she’s the most captivating and gorgeous person he’s ever met. No stretch mark appears on her body without being lovingly kissed, no soreness will develop without the offer of a nice, long massage (this perhaps is just another excuse to get his hands on her), no tenderness will go unnoticed and will be accounted for when his hands are roaming her body. In general, he’s as loving and doting as ever, but he's also on high alert for any signs of pain or discomfort coming from his other half.
He’d be SO excited every time the baby kicked. For some reason, the babe seems to wait until he’s around to do it, and he’s thrilled. Sole is a little weirded out by it, but she honestly takes it as a good sign. But oh man, Hancock's hands will be all up in that shit, not wanting to miss a thing as Sole smiles at him like this isn't the fourth time this has happened in one evening (does he use this as yet another excuse to touch Sole? Hmm, who knows [the answer is yes]). Sometimes he forgets to be sympathetic when Sole can't sleep due to the fluttering in her belly, but his roughened hands smoothing rhythmically over her stomach throughout the night might just help her catch a few Zzs after all.
He’s admittedly quite nervous as she approaches labor, becoming ever more protective as her belly swells to its largest point, ensuring she avoids any kinda gun fight, crazy high heights or unneeded stress, and he would be adamant about Sole sitting out any outings, missions, or other activities in the dangers of the Commonwealth. But man, would he make an environment she didn’t want to leave. Pillows, snacks, dim lighting, good conversation, music, soft touches, compliments galore, and a man who is at her constant beck and call, willing and happy to do anything and everything she might need or want? Yeah, here’s to say, Sole didn’t really want to leave anyway.
By the end of the pregnancy, Hancock has a strange mix of apprehension and denial going on. He’s used to Sole being pregnant now, he knows how to deal with everything, how to take care of her, what makes her uncomfortable and how to fix it. But a kid? An infant? He doesn’t know how babies work, doesn’t know how to tell what they want from him. He’s excited beyond belief at the thought of being a father, but he just doesn’t know how to do it. He tries to think back to his own dad, and the way that he was brought up as a kid, (though, he's not sure that's a great frame of reference given the way he turned out) and definitely goes off of Sole’s judgement, but he can’t shake the feeling that he was never meant for this. To settle down and have a family. He isn’t his dad, he’s Hancock. He’s not a “family man,” not a picturesque pre-war looking man with a normal job and a cookie-cutter backstory; he’s a self-made ghoul, a junkie, a deadbeat whose earned his position of power by bathing in the blood of tyrants who died by his own hand, and shooting his veins up with every kinda poison the wastes have to offer. How do you explain that to a kid? That he made himself the way he is, cuz he couldn’t stand the man he’d grown up to be? What the hell kinda example is that? He wouldn't doubt for a second that his baby would be the center of his world from the moment he sees it, but if anything, that only ups the anxiety that he'll do something to mess the kid up. Hancock would be nervous as shit, but if Sole had confidence in him, well… he trusts her judgement more than he does his own, so if she thinks he’s "daddy" material, he ain’t gonna argue with that. All he can do is hope she’s right, follow her lead, take it one day at a time, and hope that him trying his absolute hardest will be enough.
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queenmylovely · 3 years
Would you have any thots to share about....blowing ben perhaps? 👉👈maybe a first time blow job? 😘
well what do you know, I do! (smut, 2.8k words, 18+, gender neutral!reader)
You were not the first serious relationship for your first serious boyfriend, but you didn’t mind. You liked that he had ironed out a couple of the little things that there always were in new relationships (or so you assumed) before so that when they came up in yours at least one of you knew how to deal with them. It also meant that he had more experience with… certain things, whereas you were lacking. You definitely weren’t lacking in enthusiasm, though.
As soon as you felt comfortable with the idea, you put it to your boyfriend. The two of you were cuddling on the couch, just watching some game show you liked when you came to the decision that you were ready.
“Ben?” you asked to get his attention, turning to look at him fully, his arm around your shoulders falling to your waist with the movement.
“Yeah babe,” he replied, taking a second to look at you, making sure he had guessed the right answer first.
You grinned at him, excited to hear his answer to your question, “Can I give you my first blowjob?”
Ben’s eyes just about popped out of his head and he had to clear his throat just in order to speak, “Now?”
“Now, in an hour, whenever, just today,” you clarified, your nonchalant attitude doing nothing to make Ben feel like this was a normal conversation topic while watching contestants in a battle of wits over relatively useless trivia.
“Are you sure? Just ‘cause I went down on you the other day doesn’t mean you need to do it if you’re not ready,” Ben reminded, sweet as ever.
“Thanks for the reminder, Benny,” you rolled your eyes fondly because of course you knew that, but you appreciated his desire for your desire nonetheless. “And yes, I’m sure. I’ve been thinking about it for a minute and the way you thoroughly enjoyed giving me head gave me hope that I might feel the same way when I do it for you.”
With that, you slid a hand along Ben’s thigh and suddenly he looked very conflicted.
“Yeah? Do you not want to?” you asked, the beginnings of a frown on your face.
“No, I do! Just, can we wait until the show is done?” he asked sheepishly and you laughed.
“Yes of course, you gigantic dork. We can wait to see if you’re gonna win the whole thing,” you tell him, moving your hand back down his thigh and then patting his knee.
“Not for me, I’m rooting for uhhh Blair,” the pause was because he had to wait for any of the contestant’s names to pop up on screen.
“Uh-huh, I believe you,” you turned back to the screen. If you were going to be waiting the 15 minutes until the show was over, you might as well try to get more questions right than Ben.
17 minutes later and you and Ben had migrated to his bedroom because you had decided that you might as well be lying down so you could put your full focus on the task at hand.
“Alright, boyo, get naked!” you told him, pulling at the clothes he was wearing but not actually doing anything to take them off.
“You sure know how to turn a guy on,” Ben said as he took off his clothes on his own.
But you didn’t answer, too distracted by the sight of Ben’s chest and abs coming into view and, oh fuck, his thighs. You could count on both hands the number of times you had seen Ben naked and, so far, the effect it had on you had not diminished.
Barely pulling yourself together before you started drooling, you pushed your now butt-naked boyfriend onto the bed and he settled himself among the pillows. He wasn’t hard yet, but that wasn’t a problem. You climbed onto bed with him and straddled him, bringing your lips to his in a sweet, chaste kiss.
But the chasteness didn’t last long. You pulled out all of the stops when it came to your knowledge of kissing Ben (which was much further ahead than your knowledge of blowjobs). Ben liked it when you swept your tongue along the side of his and tickled the corners of his mouth. He also always moaned when you sucked on his lower lip then nipped it, so you did that now, pleased with yourself when you felt his muffled moan against your mouth.
You slowly started to feel him harden underneath you and shifted your hips until you were lined up with him. The heat from between your legs encouraged him along and you began to rock your hips back and forth gently.
Pleased with what you were able to get done with just kissing his lips and moving your hips, you pull back and start kissing your way across his jaw and then to his neck. You’re still not totally sure where his sweet spot is, but it takes you less and less time to find it every time you try, and nothing’s quite like the gasp you get from Ben when you do.
From his neck you move down to his chest, nipping the delicate skin over his collarbones and then licking it, trying to do that soothing thing that Ben does when he bites you but you’re not sure you’ve done it the same as he does. Oh well. Moving on, you got to his chest and instead of a nip, you pretty much fully bit into one of his pecs, unable to stop yourself when you saw the full, squishy muscle right there within reach. But Ben doesn’t seem to mind; on the contrary his hips move up into yours with the fleeting pain. You smile to yourself and add that to your ever-growing mental file folder of Ben's pleasure.
Now you’re bent low enough that you have to stop straddling him, kneeling between his legs for the moment as you lick and kiss his nipples, loving his surprised moan. Then as you crawl backwards, you press kisses to his stomach until his dick gets in the way and you take the chance you have to press a quick kiss to Ben’s head before resting on your elbows between his legs. It seems you had surprised him again, due to the wide eyed look on his face. You just giggled and traced a finger along his thigh.
Being this close to his dick, you could smell him, a faint musky scent that smelled like warm skin and something else. You licked your lips to see if you could taste him, but there hadn’t been enough contact. All of this reassured you a bit as you stared at his cock.
Then you quickly shifted your gaze to Ben and asked, “Should I start now?”
“If you want,” Ben’s voice was huskier than normal, something that made you smile a little, knowing you had caused it.
“But, like, is now a good time?” you asked self consciously, having left all of your previous experience behind at Ben’s collarbone.
“Yes, babe, now is a fantastic time,” Ben reassured, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You nodded, psyching yourself up for a second. Then you remembered that Ben had kissed your thighs for a bit first, so you thought doing the same to him would be nice and a good build up for you to get ready.
So you pressed a kiss to his mid-thigh, looking up to see his reaction. He was looking at you with a funny little smile on his face.
“No, nothing, I just thought you were going to start,” he said with a shrug.
“Shhh, I’m trying something,” you told him, pressing a similar kiss to the other thigh.
Next, you kissed a little higher on his leg, and it was an open-mouthed kiss, so you knew Ben could feel the wet warmth from your mouth on his skin. You kept moving your way up on either side, adding a swirl of your tongue or a scrape of your teeth here and there as you did. It only took a couple of minutes for you to reach the base of his cock, but by that time Ben was panting and his dick was throbbing literally in front of your eyes.
By now, you didn’t need psyching up and just kissed the base of his dick on either side. The natural continuance of your previous movements was to keep kissing up the length of his cock until you got to his head so that’s what you did, the light feeling of your lips on him making Ben’s breath turn shaky.
Finally, you got to his head and finally, you stuck out your tongue and licked it. He tasted like he smelled, which wasn’t bad, just different. So with that knowledge in hand, you brought your right hand to hold his cock in place so that you could do what you wanted at the top. You licked his head again, your tongue running along his slit. It honestly felt almost dry to you, so you gathered some spit in your mouth and then let it fall onto his cock. And even though it was a practical move, Ben moaned out loud at the sight.
You licked all around the edge of his head, trying to remember to give a little extra attention to the frenulum like you had read about in some online magazine. Ben seemed to like that by the way his hips twitched forwards and his breath caught. So you swirled your tongue on it again before moving on.
This time, you opened your mouth and placed his whole head in your mouth, closing your lips around him slowly as you got used to the sensation. It was definitely a little strange because you had never felt anything like it in your mouth. Again, not unpleasant, just weird. But a weird that you could see yourself quickly getting used to.
You moved your mouth further down on his cock and were able to take about half of his cock down. Ben hummed and you looked up, letting his dick fall out of your mouth.
Swallowing quickly, you asked, “Was that good, was it right?”
“Yeah, it felt nice,” Ben smiled. Then he thought for a second, “If you were already building up to it, totally ignore me, but remember you can also… suck.”
Your face dropped and your eyes widened, “Oh my gosh! I cannot believe I forgot about sucking your dick!!”
Ben was so obviously trying not to laugh that you started laughing too.
“Literally your dick was in my mouth, and that’s all! Just fucking sitting there!” a blush, mostly from embarrassment, but also partly from laughter, covered pretty much your entire face.
“Listen babe,” Ben said through giggles. “It’s not like it’s in the name. Plus I wasn’t lying when I said it felt nice. Just, you know, not quite enough to finish.”
The two of you laughed and joked for a few more minutes until the mood had settled. You’re about to get back to business when Ben insisted on a kiss first; you happily obliged.
Once you’re back between his legs, the whole thing seemed less daunting and you started redoing the kissing and licking of earlier since he had liked it. By the time you’re considering actually sucking his dick, the mood had changed enough so you’re not at risk for laughing.
You started by sucking on his head, which didn’t feel awkward in your mouth, and so encouraged, you sucked him a little deeper. His shaft was too long for you to fit the entire thing, but just under half seemed to work. This time you remembered on your own to start bobbing your head and Ben groaned at the feeling.
That worked well until you accidentally went too deep and gagged. Your first reaction was to pull him out of your mouth, a line of spit running from your lips to his cock. Ben immediately asked if you were alright and if you wanted to take a break and you did.
During this “break” you stayed between his legs and just used your hand to stimulate him instead of your mouth. You had given him a few handjobs as foreplay before so that was easy to fall back into. And once you felt ready to start again, it was nice to keep pumping him as you kissed his head. Slowly, you worked him into your mouth again, and this time you knew how deep you could go comfortably (at least enough to know where to slow down to prevent gagging).
It was actually a lot of fun. Doing things that made Ben moan once and then doing them over and over again until his hips twitched upwards. It was also kind of a funny experience, but instead of laughing, you would hum around his cock, which surprisingly Ben also liked.
The only issue was that your jaw was starting to get tired. Apparently, it was not used to this kind of movement. You tried to soldier through, but when it felt like you were getting a cramp (if that’s even possible in your jaw), you had to call the sucking part quits.
“Yeah, babe?” Ben replied, eyes opening and his hands unclenching from the bedsheets.
“My jaw is sore,” you pouted.
“Oh no, babe. Is it okay? Is it bad? Why didn’t you stop when it started getting tired?” Ben’s questions are rapid fire but you can feel his care through all of them.
“I thought it would go away,” you admitted sheepishly.
Ben gave you a look, but just said, “Well, it was very good. And if you wanna keep practicing another day, that is more than fine by me. Plus the more you do, the more used to it your jaw muscles will get.”
As he spoke, Ben started sitting up like he was going to get up.
“What are you doing? I still want to get you off,” you told him with a tone of voice that told him to settle back down.
You grasped his cock again, stroking it up and down firmly, making sure to go over his head as well. When you wanted your hand to move more smoothly, you spat on his cock again and Ben cursed.
As soon as your jaw stopped feeling weird, you took just his head back in your mouth. Since it was less than before, it seemed okay, so you started sucking and swirling your tongue around him in time to your hand.
You could tell he was getting close by the way his moans had gotten higher, but now he seemed like he was at a plateau.
You pulled his head out of your mouth, “Ben are you close?”
His eyes moved from your hand to your face, “Um, mostly.”
You nodded, “Well, maybe you can show me what works better.”
Grabbing his hand with your free one, you situated yours and his together until he was covering your hand that was pumping his dick. Ben started slowly, unsure of your idea, but then the feeling of his large hand over your smaller one stroking his dick was incredibly hot and he started guiding you for real.
With some adjustment, you started sucking his head again. Between Ben’s encouraging words and instruction, and your hums in response to them, Ben was close minutes later and warned you.
You shook your head, quickly popping his cock out of your mouth, “I want to taste you.”
Just five more seconds set Ben off, his hips bucking into yours and his hands, his voice moaning your name loudly, and his cum spurting into your mouth.
It was more than you were expecting, and the taste was a weird mixture of things but not bad enough that you wouldn’t be okay with swallowing. Ben pumped your hand over his cock a couple more times and then let go, so you did the same and took his cock out of your mouth.
You smiled up at him, “I liked it!”
Ben smiled sleepily back, holding his hands out to you. Even though both of you had a hand covered in saliva, you happily let him pull you closer to him.
“Oh, you’ve got a bit of cum on your lower lip,” Ben mumbled and you started to reach up to wipe it off or push it into your mouth when he pulled you even closer. Ben kissed his cum off your lip and your eyes widened as a bolt of unexpected pleasure ran through you. But Ben didn’t give you time to think about that because he was deepening the kiss to show his thanks.
I'm gonna tag for length. permanent taglist: @riseetothesun@drowseoftaylor @caborhapch​  @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @stardust-galaxies @zodiacaldust @buckyluvrs @im-an-adult-ish @sleep-i-ness​
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Could you do some hcs for dating the teen titans?
Yes I can!! I just got HBO Max so I’ve been binging both the animated and the live action series haha 😂 Thank you so much for being my first request!
Also I’m guessing you’re referring to the original teen titans, so if you want the new teen titans just shoot me another request!
Dating the Teen Titans Would Include...
No Specified AU
TW: Language
Genre: Fluff
[DC Masterlist]
Word Count: 2.0K (About 0.2K per Titan)
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Dick Grayson
You must have an insane amount of patience, truly, to be able to date Dick Grayson
If the joke book he probably carries around isn’t enough, I would’ve been certain that the ego would drive you away but nope you’re still here
And that’s how you both knew that it was true fucking love you’re both inseparable and the Titans know it.
To put things simply... he loves you and the Titans fear you.
While you’re both somewhat easygoing and hospitable, one would do well not to piss off one or the other because you both come as a package deal and you can kick ass when necessary you just choose not to embarrass Dick like that because you could totally outmatch him.
Don’t ask him that though he’d insist that he’d win.
Best not bring up the first time you met or else the Titans would never let him live it down
But in all seriousness, I see the relationship as rather lighthearted and enjoyable, maybe a bit spontaneous too. Want to go to the beach? Done. Want to kick some ass in Gotham? For sure. It’s like a match made in heaven.
Not to mention that the Titans rather look up to you, which is a definite plus. Not just anyone can date the Dick Grayson.
Wally West
As opposed to popular opinion... I’d think that this is a rather slow relationship. 
Speedsters are more than just familiar with how life just flashes by so I think Wally would like to enjoy the relationship at a slower pace, he wants it to last as long as possible.
With that said, you’re both menaces. His speed combined with your cleverness? No one is safe and the Titans know it.
The best moment of your relationship, although this is debatable, was when you and Wally successfully turned the Titan tower into an all-out prank minefield. Trash cans were covered with plastic, buckets of water places on doorways, even wardrobes were switched.
And all done in ten seconds, impressive. Nothing quite like starting a war in the Tower then grabbing burgers after, right?
Kind of cheesy but I can see you both having frequent movie nights that differ in genre according to month. You both probably rotate on who chooses the movie too.
Overall I think you both have a lot of fun together, if I were to compare the “vibes” to something, I would say a summer relationship (that obviously lasts longer than just a summer) where everything is just living life as it goes
Nah because like I said before you guys don’t want to rush things, and you’re always there to remind Wally to just slow down every now and then.
I should probably mention that this is a competitive relationship too, before I go, not everything’s a competition but everything’s a competition, you know? It’s a shame that the Titans often get caught in the cross fire though-
Donna Troy
Oh this one’s fun. Donna’s new to this whole “rest of the world” stuff but luckily she has a wonderful partner who’s willing to teach her everything.
A lot of the relationship consists of you explaining things, but it’s kind of endearing despite Donna’s headstrong attitude towards anything
But Donna is also the kind to be open to learning new things, and you’re open to trying new things. It works like clockwork, you’re both young and willing.
Now these “things” can range from baking cookies to extreme mountain climbing so be prepared for anything in this relationship.
Overall I think the Titans see you both as a really cute relationship, one that anyone could be slightly envious of and one that they’re glad that exists
But despite this loving relationship I think you’d both be absolute machines in a battle, I think one thing that is important to Donna is ultimately respect for each other’s abilities, having grown up on Themyscira and all, and maybe that one battle where you absolutely demolished the enemy was when she really caught interest.
Or not. It could’ve also been when you mistakenly ran into one of the glass walls in the tower and she developed a crush over you while you mumbled a series of curses.
This relationship is strongly built on loyalty, so I think you both would be describes as a pair of ride-or-dies who typically tend to lean towards the latter, especially when trying the more extreme things that Donna asked you about.
But overall I think it’s a really sweet relationship with few bumps, they’re still there but I mean that you’re both good at working through them.
Victor Stone
I feel like this relationship is very classical high school romance, you know?
Like walking to class together, holding each other’s books, stuff like that.
But on the other hand I feel like you’re both a very fun couple to be around, like you know how when you’re with some couples it feels like you’re third wheeling? Not these two. You feel like you’re part of the crew
You guys probably switch between fun couple and parent couple every now and then, I can see the Titans relying on both of you a lot for different things.
You and Victor are definitely the type to play games to determine who buys food, like things as simple as rock-paper-scissors to things as complicated as 8-Ball, and so far you’ve been winning at a ratio of 3:1.
Definitely a very trusting relationship, I feel like you both reach that comfortable stage faster than most, but it feels right, you know? I think you’d both understand that relationships go both ways.
There are probably times where you’re both in a teasing mode too, I think, but they’re mostly light hearted pranks, definitely not anything in the realm of what Wally would do
I kinda want to say that you’re a very active couple in that you both like to go to the gym together and idk take hikes together but at the same time I also want to say that you’re both inclined to stay home and play video games so I guess it’s like a 50/50
I can also see Victor being the type to do small acts of generosity as opposed to like buying gifts to show his appreciation for you, like I feel like he’s more inclined to help you with small tasks when he knows you need it, you know? Overall very cute, hehe
Raven (Rachel Roth)
Now this one’s interesting, you and Raven are certainly an interesting duo, but the most interesting thing would likely be how you met. Let’s say it involved a blood sacrifice, a bat, and a very old bicycle.
No you weren’t trying to summon her someone else was you just ended up being at the wrong place at the wrong time anyway moving on
You’re both the perfect example of opposites attract for more reasons than just one. 
But what makes it better is that you’re always open and willing to learn and understand many of the things that Raven does and she appreciates it a lot
It goes both ways also! She’s always willing to do whatever you ask her to and you both end up having at least some fun even if it happens to be something she isn’t used to.
Random, but I think a favorite pass time for both of you is simply sitting in her room and reading books, weird, I know, but like there’s something inherently romantic about either of you excitedly showing the other a certain passage you both enjoyed or telling them about your book, it’s just so sweet.
She definitely has a personal bias towards you, obviously, Garfield can say a joke and she’d stare at him with a straight face but you could say the exact same joke probably right after him and she would crack a smile and she probably does that on purpose but it still feels nice
You also may or may not have caught on to her incantations and now you may or may not be able to perform these spells but you haven’t tried because you wouldn’t know how to but it’s just telling of how much time you spent together.
I only mention this because there was an event in which you corrected her incantation and suddenly hell fire appeared which she had to figure out how to get rid of and since then you both mutually agreed to both (a) not tell the Titans and (b) not say incantations out loud
Koriand’r (Starfire)
STOP YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE anyway you’re definitely both kinds to see beauty in everything
Maybe this relationship is rather dangerous considering you’re both curious people and Kori happens to be able to shoot lasers out of her eyes so maybe you should both be just a little more careful
You’re both probably very doting on both each other and the rest of the Titans and although you’re both well intentioned it has become a case of “oh no there’s two of them” but in like a teasing way
I feel like Kori is very open to sharing a lot of aspects about her culture with you, and you have always found Tamaran culture to be beautiful so it fits
Likewise you share a lot of things about your culture too and you both bond over finding ways to combine them together to make a nice fusion of understandings and it’s all a sweet combination
See a big thing about this relationship if that you both put your everything into it, it is an equal push and equal pull kind of thing where you both love each other with everything that you have and it creates this unbreakable bond that even non-supers have come to acknowledge
Though this also results in the both of you frequently being in your own world even when others are around and that’s something you both promised to fix but yeah...
It’s coming around, don’t worry. You’re both making active efforts but sometimes it just slips your mind and whoops
Now this should go without saying but this trust often leads to powerful combinations when in missions, you’re both fiercely loyal to each other and this often plays in overall favor so all is well
Garfield Logan
This is a fun relationship, definitely, and one that’s also very fulfilling.
You’re both definitely an outdoorsy couple, things like hikes, nature walks (which I guess is also a hike but I’ve been told otherwise), trips to the zoo, etc. but this all just builds the relationship
Also a very sweet one! You both have an unlimited amount of energy and love that you’re often expending said energy volunteering somewhere and helping others out
But when it boils down you’re both also very touchy, I think, you both like being together at all times and cuddles are a frequent occurrence but at the will of the other Titans you both do this in privacy
I also feel like this sweetness can also “flip,” so to say. As in if someone messes with either of you in the relationship the other will come running regardless of whether or not they could do anything about it.
To put it short, you both have each other’s back all the time. Literally, like I said you’re both inseparable. 
Despite these I think the relationship would actually be rather lowkey, I don’t think he would be the type to constantly showcase the relationship. I think he’d mention it like once to get it out there but after that he wouldn’t flaunt you around.
I just think that Garfield, even with his usual out and about behavior, is rather modest when it comes to this topic because you’re more to him than just someone to show off, you’re someone who’s important to him and overall he just wants you to be comfortable
If there’s one flaw in this relationship it’s that when you have arguments it’s just horrible, but also rather comedic. Neither of you talk to the other but you both end up still being in the same room together subconsciously. It’s kind of awkward but the coincidences are what makes the other Titans laugh and honestly you both make up within, like, a day or something.
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deelooc · 4 years
Happy Valentine's day everyone!! So for this occasion i decided to come up with some hcs on how the Jujutsu Kaisen boys would spend Valentine's day with their s/o, having not written some jjk for a while.
Since i wanted to post this on time, i only managed to do Gojo, Nanami, Fushiguro, Itadori, and Inumaki.
Regardless, i hope you enjoy <3
Jujutsu Kaisen Valentine's Day Headcanons              
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❥ To Gojo, Valentine's day must be celebrated. Since the man's got money money, he will not hesitate to buy you the most expensive gifts just because. Watch him show up to your room with a giant teddy bear, several boxes of chocolates (mostly for him to eat), a really pretty necklace he thought would suit you as well as a short tight dress of his choice, and last but not least, a cliché bouquet of your favorite flowers.
❥ "See babe, I am such a good boyfriend. Bet no one else would do this for you, am I right?"
❥ You would then proceed to throw a pillow at him, already used to his cockiness.
❥ After things had settled down, the both of you would be splayed across the bed, munching on the different types of chocolate Gojo had brought home. However, the dumb mf had forgotten to remove a certain note off of one of the boxes. It was your typical Valentine's day cliché note. When he noticed the sour look on your face he proceeded, faking oblivion, "What, is something wrong with the chocolates?"
❥ He would then confess to you that all of these different boxes of chocolates were actually gifts from his fangirls. "I was nice enough to share them with you babe, you don't have to be mad."
❥ Now let's be honest, Gojo is a busy man, being the strongest jujutsu sorcerer and all. So of course, you are going to end up getting dragged to watch him exorcise a curse. "Come on babe, cheer me on!" You would then awkwardly cheer him on, making sure to take note of this situation to get back at him later.
❥ At the end of the day, to make things better in his opinion, Gojo would take you to the most expensive restaurant he could find in order for him to make it up to you. Though according to him, he bought the dress just for this part of the night. Everything ends up going well (i mean, as well as they could go with Gojo of all people).
❥ Expect him to be horny after coming back home. Actually, the alcohol he had back at the restaurant got to his head easily so as soon as you noticed, you made sure to get going since your boyfriend has no shame and would literally grope you in front of a whole audience.
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❥ As it may seem, Nanami isn't a huge fan of this whole Valentine's day thing. In his opinion, people who use this specific day to show their love are simply "foolish", as he likes to put it.
❥ However, when he sees the dull look on your face after hearing what he said, he takes a little mind note that he should actually put in some effort to make this day sort of special.
❥ Throughout the day, you would give him the cold shoulder, trying to make him feel guilty for what he did and rethink his choice. But what you didn't know was that Nanami already gave in to planning a little something for the both of you. It wasn't much, but it was all he could come up with at the last minute.
❥ You had already planned to not go to work that day just so you could spend time with your lover. However, you did end up going in order for you to get your mind off things. Nanami saw this as a great opportunity to start off with this plan.
❥ He went out and bought your favorite scented candle, a new fuzzy blanket, some wine, and a special something he had been planning to do for a while.
❥ When you got back home, you were surprised to see the fireplace lit up, two glasses of wine set out on the table, dimmed lights, and a scented candle set in the middle of your small coffee table near the fireplace. There were cushions on the ground, indicating that this was where you were supposed to sit.
❥ Nanami suddenly popped out of nowhere, blushing like crazy since this was his first time doing something like this (you being his first s/o and all). You were confused about this whole situation but your thoughts were interrupted as your lover gently took your hand and lead you to the cushions placed on the ground.
❥ The both of you ended up drinking wine, wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket, and cuddling by the fireplace. At the end of the night, Nanami took the opportunity to reveal the "special something" he had bought you earlier. Surprise surprise, it was an engagement ring. He ended up proposing to you right then and there. Leave it to Nanami to be unintentionally cheesy while mocking others for it.
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❥ Being with Fushiguro, everything in your relationship has always been more reserved for as long as you could remember. So, Valentine's day wasn't any different for the both of you and you were okay with it.
❥ You being the more outgoing one in the relationship, decided to take the first step and showed up to your boyfriend's dorm in the morning with some ginger muffins you had baked earlier.
❥ He was pretty groggy and seemed annoyed (having just woken up). However, he pulled you in for a hug to show you his appreciation. Fushiguro then lets you in to his dorm room and you end up having the muffins for breakfast while spending the day indoors.
❥ You had planned a little self-care day for the both of you, wanting to do something lowkey and not really lovey dovey. You had to tie your boyfriend's messy hair into a little bun in order for you to spread the face mask on his face. Thinking that you were too focused on the task at hand, Fushiguro would be staring at your "concentration face" with a look of pure adoration on his face. Once you notice this you would go ahead and say, "What's wrong 'gumi, anything on my face?", just to make him more flustered.
❥ He would instantly look away, trying to hide the intense blush that was starting to show on his face. You also had previously taken notice that his ears turn especially red when he's embarrassed (adorable).
❥ Since he's never done something like this before, when it's his turn to apply the face mask on your face, he becomes a bit agitated not knowing what to do next. So to make things easier for him, you propped yourself up on the bathroom counter and taught him how to properly apply the product. He was a bit slow, but props to him for at least trying.
❥ The day ended with the both of you cuddling on his bed, with cups of tea you had made after rinsing the face masks off. (he may or may not have brought out his divine dog since you love it so much)
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❥ With this ray of sunshine, not a day goes by where you feel your relationship is lacking from any aspect. So for Valentine's day, Itadori had planned a little arcade/karaoke date for the both of you to enjoy.
❥ The day had started off with your overly excited boyfriend giving you your part of the matching rings he bought. (It's a pretty cheesy idea, but the boy is trying his best okay😩) This results in you hugging him until he can't breathe anymore, appreciating the fact that he was considerate enough to think of something like this.
❥ You then end up getting dragged to the arcade, which was your first stop of the day. The both of you were usually pretty competitive, so this time wasn't going to be any different. You ended up trying every game available, from air hockey to dance dance revolution, trying desperately to beat one another.
❥ To your surprise, Itadori was actually really good at dance dance revolution, this obviously meaning that he won the round. However, you ended up beating him at basketball which shocked him since he never knew you could score this much. To make things more interesting, he decided to suggest, "The winner gets the loser to do anything they want, kay?". This of course fired you up even more, determined on getting your boyfriend to do whatever you had in mind.
❥ You ended up winning, causing Itadori to whine like a child. Your request was simple; earlier, you had spotted an axolotl plushie in one of the claw machines and you were motivated to get it since it reminded you of your very own boyfriend. "Don't worry, Yuuji. My request is pretty simple actually. Let's see if you can get me that axolotl plushie, deal?"
❥ He was pretty relieved to hear that you weren't going to make him do something crazy, so he concentrated very hard on trying to get you that plushie. After several tries and almost going broke over this one machine, your boyfriend ended up grabbing the prize for you. You ended up naming it Yuuji, of course.
❥ When night time came around, the both of you ended up at a karaoke place. Itadori had of course picked out "Body" by Megan Thee Stallion. He nailed it of course. You bet that Gojo would be somewhere amongst the crowd, filming this moment to send it on the group chat. The night ended with ordering a pizza and somehow ending up at the beach playing tag??
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❥ A Valentine's date with Inumaki would be like any other, yet it's special to you since you don't go out very often; your dates usually consist of staying at home and watching movies together.
❥ So in order for him to make it up to you, your boyfriend had planned a simple day out; grabbing some ice cream and watching the sunset. He avoided you the whole day since he was kind of nervous (that's an understatement) about what he had planned, unsure if you were going to like it or not.
❥ You were furious with your boyfriend for ignoring you today of all days. However, once he showed up at your dorm room with a small panda plushie and your favorite drink, you instantly forgot what he had done.
❥ "Toge~ why would you ignore me for the whole day? You can't expect me to forgive you right after show-"
❥ He ended up cutting you off with a kiss and a small "bonito flakes", scared that he would somehow hurt you with his cursed speech ability. Though that was enough for you to know that he was apologizing sincerely.
❥ Inumaki ended up dragging you to a small ice cream parlor you've never been to by the beach. You both ended up getting your favorite ice cream flavors and walking over to the sandy shore, making sure to take your shoes off before getting them filled with sand. Your boyfriend had brought a cute picnic blanket with him that had little onigiri all over it.
❥ You both ended up spending the rest of your time together with your head on his shoulder and his head on yours, all the while gazing at the beautiful sunset displayed in front of you. Few words were exchanged, but that's what you both preferred; it showed how sincere the words you would rarely speak were.
❥ Little did you both know, Panda, Maki, and Fushiguro were all watching you and Inumaki, making sure to catch some photos of you to embarrass you with later.
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dummysmile · 3 years
Hi sweetheart!
Can I request to Minghao as a boyfriend?
Please? Thank you so much ♡~
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Minghao as a boyfriend
Genre: Fluff/smut - head canon
Word count: 969
note: I am soooo sorry I did see this sooner. Also thanks for being my first request. lastly sorry if it's not up to par. I didn't know him as well as I thought I did. Hope you still like it. :)
------------- under the cut.
love language: Affirmation
Some days he needs to be reminded he's important
he won't beg for it, but it's like you can tell when he needs it
"Hao, you're such an important part of my life."
*looks over his book with a deep blush*
he needs to hear words from his s/o right after work
because he's so shy he barely puts in any input at the studio which makes him feel like he did a bad job.
Relationship (general)
The relationship is average sike that lil mf teases you so much
it's to the point where you question whether he's an adult or a literal child
playing basketball with Minghao: "Babe, what even was that?", "HEHE are you even trying?", *scores* "OMG! Someone get my baby a contract." or "Oh, you think you're a hotshot now?"
spoils you to the max
"You obviously need a whole Louis outfit."
like this man would become a sass queen if you refuse any of his gifts
"Why would you get with a Kpop Idol if you didn't want gifts?" *giant eye roll*
he insists that he must flirt with you at any given moment
"Hey baby, lookin' all good in that Louis outfit." ;)
but trust me he will regret it
he is embarrassed so easily!
he's not big on cuddling, sadly
he'll do it if it's something you'll initiate
he'll be super tense for the next few minutes, but he will relax and fall asleep in your arms in the next 45 minutes
he's also not big on sharing clothes (he'll pass you a hoodie or a hat every now and again)
he likes to read his books to you
he also likes talking with you, just engaging in conversation...and hoping to get a bit of praise
teaching you Chinese swear words
The trust in the relationship is a solid 10/10 because somehow both of you are afraid of the relationship being messed up.
The group lowkey doesn't like you
they think you treat him badly because Minghao is usually upset when he comes into work.
"I really want this to work, but I'm scared of doing something wrong."
he tells them how he wishes he could voice certain things to you. like how he appreciates you and stuff, but instead he does it through spending money.
other than that he doesn't talk about you
Seventeen also thinks you use him for his money until they witness one of your arguments
after seeing both make out afterwards they left your relationship alone
not Seungkwan, if anything that made him more nosy
carats don't know about the relationship since he's such a closed book.
It's not there yet, but its there
he's a little self conscious and insecure
I love you's are THE most awkward part of your relationship
mh: *random* "I love you" y/n: "I love you too" mh: "okay." *big blush*
of course, you both are a normal couple. y'all are just ass at communication. T T
he destroys your bathroom beyond air freshener
but he refuses to let out a tiny toot
almost cried because you heard him once.
He kisses you romantically
its always perfect
his hands will be on your waist and then he'll start massaging your waist
when you bite his lip (his favorite) he'll dig his nails into you
if he could he would definitely cream his pants every time you bit his lip.
sometimes he'll teasingly peck you
"You're so cute, I can't."
he kisses you all over your face
you argue over money occasionally
y/n: "Minghao! Stop buying stuff for fucks sake. Focus on the rent."
he will sit at the table while you talk with his head in hand
or more often leant back on a chair with an annoyed look
"You don't want it? Give it back, simple." He'll groan/growl in a husky voice standing from the chair
the new outfit is being thrown on the ground
y/n: "what kind of man are you?"
he gets pissed by that sentence because you know he struggles to talk about his feelings.
to show you that he's your man he'll harshly pull you into a equally harsh kiss
that ends up with you harshly being fucked by Dom Minghao
"I really, really fucking love you." He'll moan while undressing you
He will angrily fuck you wherever you two had argues not too long ago
everything you two have wanted to say comes out during that moment of love improvement. (get it? love making? love improving?)
Then you talk about it.
"You felt like I was trying buy your love?" He'll pant while laying down next to you.
The dates be mad expensive
he takes you to places where full steak and lobster is considered an appetizer
he'll get an expensive red wine
openly talks about the future
"our child will really grow up in this restaurant."
teasing still
"You look like that breadstick"
other teasing ;)
"Baby, do a little nip slip."
Sometimes he wants to stay home and order take out.
NOW this man gives off top energy, but he is a BOTTOM.
technically a switch, but this man just loves bottoming
this is the only time he'll beg for praising
He'd come from between your legs mouth covered in slick and spit
"Am I being a good boy?"
DOE eyes.
He will lay under you and stare at you with big eyes
his favorite position is missionary so he can directly watch your face
he's into degradation (depending on the day), praise, choking, spitting, edging, and he is the ultimate rope master when he's feeling Dommy.
he's pretty vanilla ngl
clarity because the relationship seems toxic:
Minghao is comfortable with you to the extent where he can joke and play. He is just his shy and introverted self. He can't voice out his feelings for you without a gift and y/n wants to help him with that. They are very much in love.
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anomia-sama · 4 years
Akutagawa x Reader | Dark Chocolate
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Pairing: Ryuunosuke Akutagawa x Reader
Warnings: Gender neutral reader (they/them), probably uncorrect english, curses, verbal aggression. 
Notes: Nobody asked for it, this Headcanon is just my way to wish you a happy St. Valentine’s Day, full of love, warmth and affection; even if you’re single, you deserve to celebrate love. Love for yourself, love for you significant others, love for your life! I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Small reminder: In Japanese tradition, only women give chocolates to men, but I wanted to write a more inclusive Headcanon, so I used Gender Neutral pronouns. There’s a huge difference between Honmei Choco and Giri Choco. The so-called Honmei choco (known as the "true feeling chocolate") is given by women to men whom they have romantic feelings for, like husbands, boyfriends or desired partners. It is a qualitatively better chocolate, and it’s generally quite expensive, but sometimes it can be home-made. The so-called Giri choco (known as "obligation chocolate") is given by women to male co-workers or friends, as a customary gift. It’s cheaper and less refined, but it’s a very apreciated symbol of respect and friendship.
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◈ ━━━━━━━━  Headcanon ━━━━━━━━ ◈
Akutagawa is totally clueless about St. Valentine’s day. Seriously, he knows nothing about it! He has no idea of the cultural meanings of February 14th and he doesn’t know much about traditional gifts linked to this celebration.
First of all, he never had time to devote to such a nonsensical feast. And then, he never cared about useless things like romance and love. They’re like profanities to him. 
So, when he sees you offer him an elegant and refined dark red box full of assorted chocolate, he’s a bit confused. Like…what the hell are you doing, exactly? His deep and grey eyes sharpen in a frown, his cheek muscles unconsciously contract, but even in his confusion he looks so cute and adorable at your eyes.
He quietly stares at the box for almost five minutes, exploring every single detail of it, careful not to touch it. It’s a big and rectangular pack, he notices, closed with a thin ribbon, and he doesn’t imagine what it could contain.
It takes a while before Ryuunosuke finds the courage to look at you in the eyes and ask for clarifications. 
“What is it?”
Poor boy. It’s not his fault, he’s just a bit (a lot, actually) ignorant about certain things. 
He notices your bizarre and inexplicable look, that makes his gaze sharpen more and more by the second. His irises linger on your red cheeks, he can see how desperately you try to avoid eye contact and that makes him a little suspicious. Your entire body is shaking, it’s really a weird behavior…
“It’s a…gift. A Valentine’s gift, actually.” You try to explain, with trembling voice.
“A… what?”
Your heart beats so fast, in this moment. You don’t understand if the young man appreciates it or not, he just stands there, right in front of you, with a stern look and crossed arms. An unconquerable stronghold that turns your heart in dust every single time you’re in the same room. 
You don’t even know when you started being so attracted to him, nor when attraction became love. You really thought offer him Honmei Choco was the most natural way to express your feelings and confess to him. But…
“Chocolate, Akutagawa-san. Just chocolate.” You murmur, now embarrassed and quite in panic. You really don’t understand if he’s rejecting you or not.
Being in love with him is a daily challenge. Akutagawa is unpredictable, fierce, a broken soul… and, well, he totally lacks in social skills. You know it, you always knew it, but that doesn’t cushion the blow when it arrives.
“Are you trying to poison me or what?”
Oh god. Is he allergic or something? Does he hate chocolate? What did you do wrong?
Your eyes widen and you finally meet his gaze. He seems angry.
The truth is Akutagawa is not used to kindness. He doesn’t know what it means to receive a gift and something like pure and selfless love, so he just thinks the worst option is the most credible.
“N-No, Akutagawa-san, I could never…” 
“So is this because you failed your last mission? You really think you could corrupt me?”
His voice raises in a rough expression of anger, he makes you feel so small and defenseless. Ryuunosuke totally misunderstands your intentions, but you know you don’t deserve such a treatment, even if you love him and even if he’s your superior.
You put the box on his desk, firmly (because you’re upset, and you got the right to) but gently not to ruin it.
 “I don’t want to disrespect you, Akutagawa-san, you know, or at least you should know, how much I admire you. Think what you want about this gift, I let it here. Now excuse me, I have work to do.”
You get out of his office with fast pace, your eyes shining with tears you proudly don’t cry. 
At the door, you almost bump into Chuuya; the redhead was right there with a raised fist, ready to knock, but you barely notice him. You have rush to walk away.
“...The fuck happened?” He whsipers, following your silhouette with his eyes before enter Akutagawa’s office.
Obviously, the Port Mafia rabid dog has a terrible pout drawn on his face. He’s even more confused than he was before and now he even feels inexplicably weird. His chest is so heavy he’s not sure he can normally breath, his hands are closed in fists.
“Akutagawa.” Chuuya says. 
 “Chuuya-san.” The ravenette murmurs in response, looking at him and trying to mentally come back to his work. He has no time to think about these strange feelings, okay? He has no time to investigate why the hell he suddenly feels so bad.
“Here is a message from the Boss. He wants you to… wohoh! What do we have here?” The redhaired executive notices the box on Akutagawa’s desk and a sly smirk appears on his lips. He looks like knowing a thing or two.
“A box.” Akutagawa answers laconically. What kind of problem do they all have with boxes, today?!
“This is not just a box, man.” Chuuya seems quite intrigued and he delicately opens the box, peeking inside it. His ocean’s eyes widen a little and the older man whistles in appreciation. “My, my…”
“This is the most fucking expensive chocolate in town. The logo is unmistakable, it comes from a famous and refined bakery.” He explains, grinning while he crosses his arms. “From whom is it? I didn’t know you were such a successful Don Juan. No offense.”
Wait, a successful WHAT?!
Akutagawa’s pale cheeks are suddenly touched by a peach colored shade of pink but there’s something in his eyes that suggests Chuuya he not fully understand the situation. The two of them looks at each other for a while, the one with a perturbed expression, the other trying not to laugh. 
It’s Nakahara that breaks the silence: “Seriously, man. It’s St. Valentine’s Day, if you recieve such an expensive gift today, well... you know what it means, don’t you?” 
But, against Chuuya’s expectation, Ryuunosuke perseveres in his silence. The black-coated man starts feeling uncomfortable, realizing he truly has no idea of what the other executive is talking about and rapidly avoids his inquisitive gaze. Akutagawa is clueless, okay, but he’s not stupid at all. He perfectly understands he’s not perfect (someone in his past never missed a chance to remember it to him) and he can recognize his lacks.
Chuuya, on the other hand, he’s quite more understanding than other Port Mafia members, especially when it comes to emotions and feelings. No, obviously he’s not a softie, he just understands a little more human beings and their emotive nature, so when he sees how confused Akutagawa is he sighs in exasperation.
“Man, if someone gives you expensive chocolate on St. Valentine’s Day, it’s because they have feelings for you. They like you that way. It’s a way to confess and, trust me, this is clearly the chocolate box I would only give to someone I fell fucking hard for.” 
First reaction: shock!* 
To our poor Ryuunosuke it’s like receiving a punch right in the stomach. His cloudy eyes widen in surprise and he’s quite sure his not-so-stoned heart lost a beat or two. So… is this the true meaning of your gift? You were trying to confess to him? You wanted to make him feel your affection? You wanted him to feel…loved?
He hisses a curse and slowly hides his face behind his left hand. Shit. He yelled at you. He accused you, just because he never thought he deserves love and affection. 
“So? Whose heart did you broke?” Chuuya jokes, hearing Ryuunosuke swearing.
"Y/n L/n. I asked them if they were trying to corrupt me or poison me.” He admits with a gloomy and yet shocked tone. 
In his defense, he had no idea you could have feelings for him. Let’s be honest: he never cared about certain things, but he’s not blind nor deaf. You are good looking, understanding, kind, diligent, resourceful, supportive. He is...well, he’s a demon. How could he even imagine someone like you falling in love with someone like him?
Chuuya sighs again. 
“You rejected Y/n. Good fucking job, man, only an idiot like shitty Dazai could do something so stupid, you really are his worthy heir.” He says sarcastically. “They gave me chocolate too. But not such an expensive one, so I can assume their feelings are stronger then we can even imagine. Maybe you’re still in time to fix the situation. If you’re interested, of course. Are you?” 
His final question sounds definetly like an insinuation and a provocation at the same time. Akutagawa narrows his feral gaze in Chuuya’s direction, meeting his allusive smirk. 
He doesn’t say a single word. But he knows the answer. 
Later that night, you come back from your daily mission. A successful mission, you want to specify, just to prove yourself (and someone else) you don’t need to corrupt your superior, because you’re the best in your job. Failure can occur, of course, but it’s a true rarity for you. 
You just endend report to the Boss himself when you see a familiar shape standing in the corridor, next to one of the polychrome windows. 
Your steps hesitate, you’re still upset and embarassed so you’re not in the right mood to face Akutagawa again, but just a second later you see he’s holding your chocolate box. 
You just stop your walk, a couple of meters separate you from the man and despite distance you can see how nervous he is. 
“Dark chocolate.” He suddenly says. “Dark chocolate is my favourite. But I didn’t know it before tasting one of each kind in this box.”
He avoids your gaze and his words kinda hurt you. He never tasted different kind of chocolate before today?
“The box is still full. I...I thought, maybe... sharing such a good chocolate with you would be a good idea.” 
“It would be nice.” You say softly. “Dark chocolate is my favourite too.” 
Your voice is trembling again. You didn’t like at all the way he treated you some hours ago, but you can see in his gesture how hard he’s trying to remediate.
“I have to apologize.” He suddenly says, and your e/c eyes widens with emotion and surprise. You perfectly know how hard is to say sorry, for a man like him, but he did it. He really did it.
“No matter what you say, I have to.” He continues. “I just... had no idea. I’m not used to all of this, and probably I’m not wort-”
“Please, don’t say that.” You firmly interrupt him and he finally looks at you. 
“That’s not true. I made you the gift you deserve. And I...”
Now or never, Y/n. Now or never. 
“ ...If you let me, I will give you the love you deserve, too.” 
Ryuunosuke needs some time to process what you said. He stays there, his eyes in yours, incredulous. Now he feels even more guilty about the way he treated you. 
How is it possible? Even after that, you still have feelings for him? Even if he yelled at you, even if he’s nothing more than a cruel and merciless rabid dog?
The silence between the two of you is dense and heavy, but not as much as your breath. He doesn’t say a word, again, and you have no idea of what to do. You did your best, today, and more. 
But, you know, Akutagawa is not a word man. He doesn’t know well how to verbally express his feelings, he’s instinctive, a man of action.
“Can I kiss you, Y/n?” 
Honestly, he thinks it’s kinda weird to ask something like that. But Chuuya always says consent is important and Ryuunosuke is a quiet learner. He doesn’t want to desrespect you, ever again. 
You are so surprised to hear this question, and yet so happy, your eyes are filled with tears. So...does he accept your feelings? And even return them? 
You slowly nod in affirmation, walking at his direction, and just a second later you wrap your arms around his body in a strong hug he tries to return properly. He’s a bit tense and awkward, but he holds you very tight. 
And then he does it. 
He presses his lips against yours, not gently, not softly, but with the quiet and passionate desperation of someone always yerned for love.
Yes, Akutagawa is totally clueless about love, St. Valentine’s Day, affection, human feelings. Totally clueless.
But he will learn, with you by his side. He will. 
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* Sorry, only Italian readers will fully understand this, but I had to.
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taeyongdoyoung · 3 years
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summary: you are a mermaid and you save a handsome man from drowning but little do you know it’s not his first rodeo when dealing with mermaids. seonghwa, a former prince, is currently hongjoong’s first mate and boyfriend. hongjoong is the captain, the pirate king of the most savage crew across the seas. and you want nothing to do with them. not because they’re pirates, but because they’re humans…
ships: mermaid!reader x prince/pirate!seonghwa x pirate!hongjoong; wizard!yunho x demon!jongho, pirate!yeosang x mermaid!soojin x pirate!mingi (implied)
genre: little mermaid!au, pirate!au, fantasy, humour, romance
author’s note: i can’t believe this is over omg?!?! im legit bawling my eyes out rn 😭😭 i hope you guys like the end of pirate kings because i poured my entire heart into it! 💖💖 also be on the lookout for take me home, aurora, one day at a time and promise references hehe 🌅 🌅 thank you for going on this journey across the seas with me!
warnings: some swearing, mentions of drowning & torture, bittersweet (?) ending
word count: 2.6k
chapter one ☠️ chapter two ☠️ chapter three ☠️ chapter four ☠️ chapter five ☠️chapter six ☠️ chapter seven ☠️ chapter eight ☠️ chapter nine ☠️ chapter ten ☠️ chapter eleven ☠️ chapter twelve ☠️ spotify playlist
Yunho's POV
My genius plan was that I would become more powerful than Jongho himself. So powerful that he wouldn't even be capable of taking my soul. So powerful that he wouldn’t even dare to try. Little did I know that as I shared my idea with Seonghwa, a certain someone was conveniently listening. Little did I know how this giant mess I'd created will play out...
Once Seonghwa was reassured that I would be perfectly safe despite the deal I had made with Jongho, he left me to my own devices. No sooner had I teleported myself back to my lighthouse than Jongho appeared out of nowhere, visibly angry. But there was something else in his expression. Something I couldn't quite define. Not yet, at least.
"How much of it did you hear?" I asked, already prepared for the worst.
"All of it," Jongho scoffed.
"Regardless," I spoke confidently. "Even if you do know what I'm planning, you can't stop me. You already know how much potential I have. Or else, you wouldn't have agreed to this deal. I'm right, no?"
Jongho shook his head.
"Your silly little plan won't work, wizard."
"Really?" I smiled, because I knew my own abilities better than he did. I was absolutely certain I could beat him. "And why is that?" I inquired, out of curiosity. He didn't scare me. Just...intrigued me.
"Because I never intended to take your soul, you fool."
Now, that was something I didn't expect to hear.
Jongho had somehow managed to catch me unprepared.
"W-what do you mean?"
"You know why I'm stealing so many souls?" I was about to open my mouth but Jongho wasn't having it. "Ah-ah, just let me finish. I know what you think. I know what everyone thinks. But it's an act. Apparently, I was too good an actor and completely fooled everyone, didn't I? The reason I've been collecting souls is not because I want to be more powerful than the devil. It's because I don't have one myself."
"H-huh?" I whispered in confusion. "Jongho, I don't understand..."
He placed a finger on my lips and I felt compelled to just...listen. Hear him out.
"But ever since I met you, I've felt...different. Like I could be more than just a demon making deals. Like I could matter."
I was too shocked to say anything so I just stared at him, utterly dumbfounded. And then he continued:
"What good would taking your soul do when you're the very reason I might be growing a soul in the first place?"
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I had to make sure.
"I know it's fucking insane and you’re supposed to be my sworn enemy or whatever but—"
This time, I couldn't let him finish his sentence and interrupted him with my lips on his. To my absolute dismay, he was kissing me back with as much vigour as I was. As much vigour as he put into challenging me and getting on my nerves and frustrating the living hell out of me. As much vigour as I knew only he was capable of.
"I thought this was impossible," I mumbled against his lips once I broke away from the kiss.
"So did I. But do you want me to tell you how I know it's real?"
I nodded, not trusting myself to say anything else.
"Because when you look at me, I no longer feel the urge to torture you for eternity."
"I should feel flattered, I suppose," I joked.
"It's up to you how you feel, wizard," Jongho replied. "And up to me to continue making you feel this way."
"The terrifying Jongho — a hopeless romantic. Who would have thought?" I teased him relentlessly.
"It's not too late for me to change my mind and snatch your soul."
"You greedy little thing. My heart isn't good enough for you?"
"Your heart?" Jongho chuckled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "It's mine now."
Yeosang's POV
The more time I spent around Mingi, the more I could see how much he'd changed for the better. And how much he was about to continue changing. Despite everything that had gone down in the past, I was feeling incomprehensibly drawn to him. And I wanted to be there for him. I knew that it would take some time for the rest of the crew to get used to Mingi being out of his cell. But I was determined to give him a chance. And convince the rest of them, it was a chance worth taking. Especially my dear Soojin...
"Sangie, he literally kidnapped us and left us without water for a week!" she reasoned.
"I know. I'm not making any excuses for—"
"And he cut off your hand! Your hand, Yeosang!" she reminded me needlessly. As if I could forget.
"Like I said, I'm not going to justify Mingi's actions. All I'm asking is that you give him another chance. He's been showing remorse. And I truly believe that if the circumstances had been different, he wouldn't have behaved the way that he did."
Soojin sighed, unsure of what to say.
"People aren't born evil," I insisted. "Everyone makes choices. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. What matters is what we do to fix the bad ones."
"Yeosang...I really want to do as you say, but it just sounds so difficult, okay?"
"I'm literally a pirate, sweetheart," I rolled my eyes. "If you don't hold it against me, I don't see a problem. Mingi's not exactly the villain he's painted himself to be."
Soojin nodded thoughtfully.
"Alright. You have a point. I'll give him a chance. One chance and that's it. If he fucks up again, I'm taking him to the depths of the sea myself."
"I suppose that's fair," I shrugged. "You heard that, Mingi?"
"Loud and clear," he grinned, a couple of metres away from us.
"He was right there the whole time?!" Soojin hiss-whispered in disbelief. "This is so embarrassing."
"Oh, come on. Don't tell me you've chickened out and those were just empty threats," Mingi winked at her.
She physically shuddered and I couldn't help but laugh. So cute.
"Relax, Soojin. Mingi's our friend now. Aren't you?" I asked.
"If you want me to be," he scratched the back of his head a bit awkwardly.
"Come here, let's play cards," I suggested casually. "Loser gets to swim with the sharks."
"There are no sharks in this sea," Soojin pointed out confidently.
"Yeosang wasn't talking about actual sharks," Mingi correctly guessed. "He meant that I would have to go talk to Hongjoong and Seonghwa. Because, obviously, I'm terrible at cards and I would definitely lose the game. And these two are scarier than bloody sharks."
Soojin rolled her eyes.
"Pirates and their stupid way of talking."
"You get used to it," I playfully nudged her arm.
"There's no escape now."
"Let's skip the game," Mingi suggested. "I'll just go talk to the sharks right now and beg for mercy or whatever."
"We'll come with. Right, Soojin?" I offered.
"Like I have a choice," she groaned but I could tell that she was gradually warming up to the idea of letting Mingi stick around.
"Thanks, guys. I appreciate the moral support," Mingi blushed.
"I guess you could say...I'll be your right hand," I stared at the hook replacing my missing hand and snickered sarcastically. Mingi and Soojin were beyond mortified by my dark sense of humour. "Too soon?"
Hongjoong's POV
"I mean...we already had dealings with a demon and a wizard so I don't see how Mingi could pose a threat," I reasoned. "No offense, Mingi."
"None taken," he smiled.
"So, you're going to let him stay? Unguarded?" Seonghwa wanted to know.
"Let him stay — yes. Unguarded — no. If you're so insistent he's changed, you'll have to take full responsibility. You think you can handle that, Yeosang?" I posed the serious question.
"I've got this, Cap," Yeosang promised.
"I'll be around, too," Soojin vowed. "You don't have to worry, Cap."
I nodded in agreement. Seonghwa seemed to be on board with the idea. Honestly, after all the shit we'd been through with that demon, Mingi was the least of my concerns. But of course, I couldn't say that directly. So I had to play the "responsible leader worried for his crew" card. And apparently, I played it well.
"Wow, this went better than expected," I could hear Mingi whispering to Yeosang, as they were walking away. Seonghwa and I exchanged an amused look.
"Shh, we just caught him in a good mood," Yeosang explained carefully. "Be nice and he might let you stay for good."
"Guys, be quiet!" Soojin warned them. Clever mermaid, I told myself and grinned. Speaking of mermaids...
"Not so fast!" Y/N ordered them to stop. And so they did. Rightaway. Made me wonder who was the real Captain of this ship. Not that I minded her taking away some of my responsibilities. I even liked it.
"Yes?" Yeosang seemed kinda nervous.
"Make sure you treat my sister well. Both of you!" Y/N commanded them easily. "Or else...I'll have no problem letting the siren out to deal with you. And she's not someone you want to mess with. Ask Hongjoong."
The shock on my face was not at all exaggerated as I nodded to confirm her words.
"She'll be safe with us, Y/N," Yeosang made a pledge. "Right, Mingi?"
"Um, yeah, what he said."
"You don't sound very convincing," Y/N eyed him suspiciously.
Damn, I had to admit I was proud of her and how much she'd grown.
"Oh, let him go this time, will you?" I pulled her aside gently and she couldn't find it in herself to argue. Once Yeosang, Soojin and Mingi had taken their leave, she removed her "intimidating siren" mask and was back to her usual, gentle self I knew and loved.
"You guys think we made the right call?"
"It'll be fine," I was fairly certain. "If push comes to shove, Yunho will just help us out again, right?"
"As if he doesn't have enough problems with that demon," Y/N argued. "We can't continue using him for our needs."
"Yeah...about that," Seonghwa started.
Seonghwa's POV
As I was telling them about Yunho and Jongho's change in dynamics, Hongjoong and Y/N were too taken aback to react with anything else but by opening their mouths. Which was, to say the least, quite adorable of them.
"So...these two...?" Y/N asked as if to confirm what I'd just finished recounting.
"Mhm," I grinned.
"Wow," Hongjoong managed.
"I know."
"This is good news, yes? It means both Hongjoong and Yunho get to keep their souls," Y/N wanted to make sure it was indeed real.
"I mean, demons can be pretty unpredictable but judging from Yunho's happy expression when I last talked to him, I'm willing to be hopeful for once," I explained. "We've had enough trouble as it is, don't you think? We deserve something good to happen to us."
"Couldn't agree more," Hongjoong grabbed my hand and Y/N's. "But I get what she means. After all the dangers we've experienced, it just seems so unbelievable that we're finally safe."
"Too good to be true, eh?" Y/N sighed. "Let's enjoy this while we can."
"I think this one will last a bit longer," I smiled knowingly.
"Hey, don't jinx it," Hongjoong squeezed my hand softly.
"Just trust me, alright?" I looked at them both.
"I do."
"As do I."
"And I'm gonna catch you when you fall or when you're sinking," I murmured.
"I think I speak from experience when I say I'm the one more likely to save a pirate from drowning," Y/N poked fun at us.
"I was just trying to sound poetic," I pouted.
"And we appreciate the effort," Hongjoong reassured me. "But she's right."
"You two turning against me? Oh, how the tables have turned!" I announced dramatically.
"Don't pretend you don't like it," Y/N ran a hand through my hair and tilted her head towards Hongjoong. "He likes it, doesn't he, Cap?"
"I bet he does."
"Hey, Y/N. My eyes are up here," I reminded her.
"Oh, I know," she blinked, feigning innocence.
"Too bad I can't even be mad at you," I chuckled.
"Why be mad when you can be rad?" Hongjoong interjected.
"That was so terrible," I groaned. "You're lucky I love you."
"Both of us?" Y/N asked hopefully.
"Unfortunately," I admitted.
"Guess we'll have to work harder to turn that into a fortunately," Y/N teased. "Wait, my bad. I forgot you two already have a wholeass fortune in the form of a bunch of treasure chests."
"Is that why you like us?" Hongjoong teased. "Who knew mermaids could be golddiggers?"
"I'll show you a golddigger!" Y/N threatened and started chasing Hongjoong around the ship. They were so childish sometimes...
Reader's POV
You could tell that you had a couple of more minutes left until your siren-like side rose to the surface so you decided to enjoy them. As you were watching the sun setting, you couldn't help but recall your very first memories of Seonghwa and Hongjoong. What started as a simple joke, Hongjoong throwing Seonghwa overboard, followed by you saving Seonghwa from a whirlpool, had turned into so much more. It was funny how life often surprised you in the most unexpected ways. How a few months ago, if anyone asked you about pirates (and humans, in general), you would have scoffed distastefully. If anyone asked Seonghwa about mermaids, he would have still been haunted by the loss of Ariel. If anyone asked Hongjoong, he would have said mermaids spelled nothing but danger. And now...Now, the three of you had become so different. And in a way, so similar. Forgetting all these labels that once used to define you and just finding happiness in each other. In the adventures you'd had together. In the shared feeling of being trusted, feeling known. And loved. It was even funnier how you didn't find it strange at all. On the contrary, it felt perfectly natural that you were here. Made perfect sense that you had a home with Seonghwa and Hongjoong. A former prince, a pirate king and a lost but now found mermaid. You wouldn't have it any other way.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" you said out loud, sensing Seonghwa's presence beside you.
"Yes, it is," Seonghwa replied, looking at you.
"I have to go soon."
"But you'll be back in the morning. As usual."
You simply smiled. It went without saying.
"I wish I could stay the night," you whispered longingly. "Fall asleep in your arms."
"You could. I know you'll be able to control your powers. I'm sure Hongjoong will agree with me."
"I probably could control them. But I don't mind going back to my home in the night. Even though...this is also my home. Does it make sense?"
"I believe it does," Seonghwa rubbed calming circles on your palm. "Just like how you have a human and mermaid self, you also have two homes."
You nodded.
"In a way, I feel the same. Both you and Hongjoong are my homes."
You rested your forehead against his.
"And we will always be your homes, Hwa."
"Don't go," he murmured against your skin. "I don't want to be alone anymore. Every night."
"You're not alone anymore. You have Hongjoong. And me. And I will be back with the first light of day."
"I promise you, Seonghwa. Even if the whole world ends, I will always find my way back to you."
The end
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trulymadlysydney · 4 years
Somewhere In Time: Eleven
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“...and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment...”
― Plato, The Symposium
tw: Death
Previous Chapters HERE
***Please Do Not Repost Without Permission***
April 25th, 2000, 12:06pm
It’s been a long, long few months for Roni.
Today is one of the first warm days New York has experienced in a while, and it’s one of the first times Roni has felt strong enough to actually leave her house without breaking down and sobbing.
Still, she’s aware she isn’t exactly at peak performance either.
Presently she finds herself at the supermarket, bare-faced and exhausted. She reaches up to rub at her eyes, which at this point burn permanently with how often she’s been crying over the past few months.  She’s sure she must look a mess as she walks through the building, searching numbly for the few items her grandmother had sent her for.
Her grandmother, sweet and more than mildly concerned for Roni’s well being, had thought it would be wise for Roni to get out of the house for a bit.  Over the past few months, Roni has gone on a few walks here and there, but each time she’d returned home looking more wilted and devastated than she had when she’d left.  It was disconcerting, to put it lightly, but of course the older woman had comforted Roni through every minute of it.
That being said, however, she’d wanted to push Roni to make the effort to get out of this funk (or at least up and over the hump that stood before her), and although it makes Roni feel strange and disgustingly vulnerable to be out here among other people like this, she can’t say she blames her grandmother for trying.
Besides, there’s something that’s been on her mind for ages now, and she thinks today is the perfect day for it.
She has to keep reminding herself to focus on the task at hand first and foremost-- although she can’t for the life of her remember if her grandmother needs 2 percent milk or skim--, because God knows she wants this grocery store trip to be over as soon as possible.
She runs a hand through her hair, realizing dismissively that it’s a bit greasy and overdue for a wash.  When was the last  time she took a shower?
Ultimately, Roni decides on skim milk (she figures her grandmother will forgive her if she’s wrong) and plops it unenthusiastically into the shopping basket that hangs heavy on her arm.  She scans the basket, mentally checking off everything she sees and searching her foggy brain to determine if she’s missed anything.
When she’s absolutely certain she’s gotten everything on her grandmother’s list, she takes in a deep breath, turning on her heel and walking--almost robotically-- to the next area of the store she needs to go to.
The little section of less-than-fresh flowers is located directly next to the produce section, right where it’s always been, and it’s a place that Roni has visited multiple times in her life since her mother’s passing.  The task of picking out the prettiest flowers is one that Roni has never taken lightly, of course, and this time is no exception.
Because this time, she isn’t going to visit the grave of her mother.  She’s going to find Harry’s.
There’s a pressure on her back mixed with a tinge of anxiety as she scans the colorful flowers in their colorful wrapping.  It would be doing Harry a disservice to pick some that are anything less than perfect, but then none of these seem suitable at all.
Roses? No, too dark. Violets? Ironic, but still no.
Roni is startled out of her thoughts when she hears someone behind her clear their throat.  Expecting to be asked to kindly move out of the way, she shifts quickly to the right,  preparing to offer whoever this person is an apologetic smile.
But then she hears her name.
When she turns she is met by none other than Oliver and his sweet, smiling face. Her heart sinks impossibly deeper into her stomach at the sight.
“Hey!” he greets, as pleasantly as he can manage.  “I thought that was you but I wasn’t sure!”
Oliver looks good, save perhaps for the dark circles under his eyes that mirror Roni’s own.  He seems far more well put together than Roni for sure, and she’s almost embarrassed by her own appearance. His dark hair hangs limp on his head, and the scent of his aftershave tells Roni that he’s probably just taken a shower before heading over here.  She wants to hug him, purely for selfish reasons, but she thinks maybe that isn’t the best idea right now given the circumstances.
He seems to feel the same way, because he holds his hands awkwardly at his side— as if wanting to go to her, but unsure of how to go about it.
So Roni simply smiles.  “Oliver,” she greets. “It’s so good to see you!”
And she does mean that. His face is an oddly comforting sight at a time like this.
“It’s good to see you, too, Ron! How have you been?” He asks this question quietly, as if he already knows the answer, but there isn’t a single trace of judgement on his face. That was something Roni had always loved about him, in fact.  He never judged.  He was always a much better person than she felt she could ever hope to be.
Still, it feels like a loaded question. One that she doesn’t quite feel prepared to answer in the slightest.  How does one explain to their ex boyfriend of several years that they’re doing absolutely terrible?
So she shrugs, offering him a half-hearted laugh.  “I mean, I’m here.”
Oliver laughs, a sympathetic smile on his face that tells her he feels the exact same way. A wordless sentiment is shared between the two in their smiles, and he nods when she giggles. “Same,” he says. “I’ve been better but… ya know.”
And god, Roni does know.
She gestures at him. “You look great.”
“Thank you! Been working out a lot. Changed my diet a bit. Just trying to be like, you know, healthier and stuff.”
Roni nods. “That’s amazing, Oliver.”
She really does mean it. He does look great, especially compared to the last time she’d seen him. Fresh out of their breakup, running on a maximum of three hours of sleep per night, wordlessly helping Roni pack up her things into boxes and moving them, along with her grandfather, back into her grandparents house.
The first few days of the new year had been awful, to say the least.  Roni had hardly spoken, hardly eaten, hardly done much at all except for cry; overwhelmed with sadness and a tinge of guilt— not only for leaving Harry, but for her sudden lack of feelings towards Oliver. And Oliver, the angel that he is, stood by her. Constantly worrying, making sure she was at least drinking enough water, and trying to coax her into telling him what was wrong.
The breakup had not gone at all the way Roni had expected. But then, when do breakups ever?
It was on the 6th day of January, when Roni found herself so completely buried in her grief that she couldn’t stop crying, even for five minutes, or bring herself to step foot out of her bed.  Oliver had tried everything, and was obviously growing impatient himself. When he threw his hands up and exasperatedly told Roni he was taking her to the hospital, that’s when she’d done it. She’d blurted out that she couldn’t be with him anymore.
The look on his face was enough to shatter what little bit of her heart remained intact in her chest.  He’d asked for clarification, then asked again, then again. When his tears started falling, that’s when the cycle of grief started for him. Denial, bargaining, anger.
Roni, of course, couldn’t tell him everything.  She couldn’t tell him about the time travel, and about Harry.  She couldn’t tell him anything, really.  All she could do was cry.
And cry she did.  She cried so hard she got sick, and poor Oliver, through his own tears, called Roni’s grandparents because he didn’t know what else to do. Even in the days that followed, where Roni stayed in the care of her grandparents, she couldn’t give him a straight  answer.  She wasn’t sure where she would even start, she only begged him to understand that this was the right answer for both of them.
And all the while, her heart had ached.  It had ached for her mother, and for Harry.  It flooded with overwhelming grief and guilt as Roni constantly wondered if she’d done the right thing leaving 1925.
It had taken a while, but it did get a bit easier after that.  Two weeks later, Roni and Oliver ended things-- officially-- both with clearer minds and hearts.  Oliver helped Roni’s grandfather move the rest of her things from her and Oliver’s shared apartment back into her grandparents’ home, and she and Oliver talked things through-- as best as they could.
The official reason Roni had given Oliver for their breakup was that she didn’t know who she was on her own and she needed to figure it out; which wasn’t a lie.  She had told him, in more or less words, that she was feeling misunderstood and needed to really find out who Veronica Elliot was.  After all, they’d been together for nearly ten years.  Ten years of her adult life in which she’d done so much growing up, but with him.  She needed to grow up on her own.
And Oliver had understood that as best he could.   It didn’t make the breakup hurt less by any means, but it made enough sense. All he wanted was for her to be happy, which she appreciated more than she could express.   So once she’d gotten settled in with her grandparents, she and Oliver hadn’t spoken again.
Until now.
Oliver nods his head in Roni’s general direction, bringing her from her thoughts.  “What’s the occasion?”  he asks.
“You’re shopping for flowers,” Oliver explains with a laugh.  “For something good I hope!”
“Oh.”  It dawns on Roni that Oliver may actually be able to help her, or at least somewhat understand her current situation.  “Yeah.  Kind of.”  She shifts her weight to her other foot.  “Actually… Oliver, do you remember Mr. Styles?”
Oliver furrows his eyebrows.  “Who?”
“Mr. Styles.  You were assigned to spend time with him in high school.  Right before you graduated.”  None of this seems to ring a bell to Oliver, so Roni sighs.  “You knoooow,” she tries again.  “He gave you the advice?  About asking me out?  You brought me to meet him?”
Oliver’s confusion only seems to deepen.  He shakes his head.  “No, I don’t think--”
“He died like, shortly after I met him,” Roni says, growing a bit more impatient.  “You went to his funeral!”
“Roni,” Oliver says slowly,  “I think you’re confused.  I was assigned to Mrs. Brown. Mildred Brown. You met her, but there was no one named Mr. Styles.”  
Roni shakes her head. “No,” she says.  “No, that’s not true.”
“Yes it is,” Oliver insists, then chuckles.  “I would’ve remembered someone with a name that cool.”
“But Harry-- Mr. Styles… he--”
“I knew pretty much every resident in that place,” Oliver says.  “There was no one named Mr. Styles. At all.”
Roni lets out a breath, blinking as she tries to process exactly what Oliver is telling her. Of course there was a Mr. Styles. She remembers him vividly, both in his youth and in old age.  “No…” she says slowly.  “No, there definitely was.”
Oliver shakes his head.  “Roni, I’m not lying to you.  I knew everybody there.  There was nobody with that name.”  
Roni is only halfway listening to him as her thoughts run a million miles a minute.  “He… no, because...” She trails off, finally blinking confusedly up at Oliver.  “Are you sure?”
“Positive.”  Oliver watches her for a moment, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.  After a beat, he speaks again.  “You okay?”
“Yeah it’s just… I could’ve sworn--”
“Is that who you were planning on getting the flowers for?”  Oliver’s confusion continues to show on his face. “Why?”
“I just--”  Roni isn’t even sure where to begin.  She sighs.  “I just thought… he really meant a lot to you.  I wasn’t at the funeral.”
“You’re thinking of Mrs. Brown,” Oliver insists.  “I loved that woman.  But I haven’t thought of her in years.  I’m shocked you even remember her.”
“Apparently I don’t,” Roni jokes half-heartedly. Oliver laughs.
“Where did you come up with that name anyway? It doesn’t even sound remotely familiar.”
Roni, still confused, shakes her head. “I don’t know. I must have heard it in passing or… something.”
“Yeah probably.” Oliver nods towards the flowers. “Anyways. If you’re wanting to get some flowers for Mrs. Brown, she loved lilies.”
Roni glances back towards the cheap bouquets. Lilies. Those might be good.
Her confusion only fogs up her brain more than it already is, and try as she might to hide it, it projects very easily onto her face.  Oliver eyes her, as if wanting to touch her but unsure of whether or not he should.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Ron?”
“Yeah,” Roni says quickly, realizing she must look strange. “No, yeah, I’m good. Sorry. Just… brain fart I guess.”
Oliver chuckles. “I know how that goes. Had a ton of those the past couple months.  Things have just been like, weird? I guess? That’s the only way I can describe it.”
“I know,” Roni agrees, a tinge of guilt striking her chest. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be!” Oliver says quickly. “Seriously. I didn’t say that to like, make you feel bad or anything.  I’m just saying.”
The air is thick with tension all of a sudden, and Roni clears her throat, trying desperately to will it away. Oliver laughs awkwardly.
“Well I don’t want to keep you or anything. I’ll let you get back to your shopping.  But it was really good to see you.”
The way he’s smiling at her makes Roni instantly relax, and any awkward vibes in the air fizzle away. She smiles. “It was good to see you, too. Seriously.”
There’s a brief moment of charged energy between the two, before Oliver decides to just bite the bullet and move.  He reaches forward before Roni can really even process it and he wraps her up in a hug.
It feels ridiculously comforting in a way that Roni would have never expected, and she surprises herself when she feels her eyes grow misty.  She hadn’t realized how badly she’d needed a hug  just in general, and she definitely hadn’t thought the most comforting one would come from Oliver himself.   She relaxes into him, wrapping her arms around his torso and giving him a gentle squeeze in return.
They stay like this for a while, and Roni realizes that Oliver probably needs this just as badly as she does.  She feels him take a deep breath in through his nose, burying it in her hairline and sighing quietly under his breath.  He’s missed her.  And Roni can’t lie and she hasn’t missed him, it’s just different.
She can’t go back to him.  She absolutely cannot.
“Please take care of yourself,” Oliver mumbles, before finally pulling out of the hug.
“Take care of yourself, Ron.  Go easy on yourself.  Please.”
His words touch Roni’s heart, and she smiles.  “Oh.  You too.”
He smiles right back at her, and there’s a long moment where she feels like he might say something else.  Ultimately he decides against it, and he nods in finality.  “Right,” he says.  “See ya.”
He’s gone before Roni has even finished saying her goodbye, and she’s left feeling empty and somewhat melancholy.  How is it possible to feel so simultaneously relieved, as if some unexpected closure has occurred between the two, and yet so hollow, as if far too many words were left unspoken?
Roni’s stomach churns and she clears her throat, trying to re-center herself.  
Flowers.  Harry’s grave.  Right.
She knows what Oliver just said, and it confuses her to no end, but she isn’t going to give up that easily.  She’s certainly not just going to take his word for it; she has to see for herself.  She believes the finality of seeing Harry’s grave-- if there even is one-- will grant her the strength to push forward.  To know in her heart that what she had with him is long gone.  Otherwise, she fears she’ll never be able to shake the feeling that there is lingering unfinished business between them, and it will continue to haunt her until she knows for certain.
Even if Oliver insists Mr. Styles never existed.  She has to try.
So Roni sighs, reaching for a bouquet of white lilies that seem to be the least wilted out of all of their counterparts, before making her way to the checkout line.
The cemetery is somber, but it brings a peaceful sense of calm over Roni as she steps through the gates.  It’s colder and cloudier than it was this morning, and Roni finds herself wishing she’d brought a jacket.  She takes a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed as she scans the many headstones before her.  Finding Mr. Styles’ grave is going to be far more difficult than she’d anticipated.
She takes a step forward along the gravel road that winds through the expansive cemetery.  She hadn’t realized it was going to be such a large place, with headstones covering the hills everywhere she turns.  It’s only the slightest bit disheartening, but Roni is no quitter.  If she can’t find his headstone today, she’ll return tomorrow; and if necessary, every day after that until she finds it.
Oliver’s words echo in Roni’s mind as she walks, scanning each headstone for the name she wants so desperately to see.  Why didn’t he remember Harry?  Surely she hadn’t dreamt that entire day in which she met the elderly gentleman; she has vivid memories of Oliver calling her cousin’s house where she was staying the day of the funeral and telling her how upset he was. That was real.  The books on his nightstand were real.
Harry was real.
In the distance, someone sits on the balcony of their apartment and plays guitar.  It’s a melancholy song, and although Roni knows they’re just practicing and this has nothing to do with her, it feels strangely fitting.  Roni smiles to herself, enjoying the music, as she continues her way down the path.
It feels silly in a way, to be here without any knowledge of the location of Harry’s gravesite or if it’s even in this cemetery at all.  In hindsight, she feels, she could have done just a bit more research.  She could have called around, done some inquiring about Harry.  To be fair, though, she had called his old retirement home only to find that it was no longer a retirement home, but a preschool; a fact that she found quite odd.  The circle of life, so to speak.
As she scans the headstones, she reads each name quietly to herself. She figures it may be best to take the cemetery in sections; a section or two today, another tomorrow. It makes the task feel far less daunting and besides, she could use some more peaceful walks like this in her daily life.
She runs her fingertips along the rough top of a headstone, soberly realizing that there are caskets beneath her very feet at this exact moment.  Realizing that everyone ends up here in their lives, and that one day she too will end up here.  The thought of Harry being somewhere beneath this grass, however, makes her stomach churn.  She hates that she’s here, and she knows it’s too late, but she’s hoping it will give her some type of the closure that she’s aching for.
Roni sighs, muttering a gentle “where are you?” under her breath as she scans the headstones.
She continues along the dirt path, shyly chuckling to herself at some of the names (and immediately feeling guilty for it).  She switches the bouquet of flowers from her right hand to her left and wipes her sweaty palm along the thigh of her jeans.
As Roni continues her walk, she grows a bit colder than before. She wraps her free hand around her stomach, as if it’s going to help, and sniffles when the wind tickles her hair across her nose.  Today had started out so misleading with such beautiful weather, and now she’s shivering against the chilly wind.
It’s about thirty minutes later when Roni happens upon a headstone bearing a name that draws her attention.  The name isn’t exactly the one she’s been searching so desperately for, but it does interest her.  She goes to it. turning off the gravel path and walking along the moist grass.  As she approaches, she reads aloud from it.
“Mrs. Mildred Brown. Beloved wife and mother. Born October 12th, 1899.  Died June 6th, 1990.”  Roni sighs as she continues, reading the passage from the Bible written in script along the bottom.  “‘Well done thou good and faithful servant.’  Matthew 25:21.”  
She shakes her head.  “I don’t understand,” she mumbles, squatting down beside the headstone to get a better look.
It all checks out, as far as Oliver’s story goes.  She regrets not asking him for more information while she had the chance, however.  How did Mrs. Brown die?  What was it like the day Roni supposedly met her?  Had Mrs. Brown been interested in time travel?  Why is none of this making sense in Roni’s brain?
As Roni processes all of this, she suddenly gets the unmistakable feeling that she’s being watched.  It isn’t a threatening feeling by any means, but she can practically feel a pair of eyes on her out of nowhere, and it is somewhat unsettling.
Of course, her logical brain thinks, she is at a cemetery. There are other people here, no doubt, visiting loved ones.  She tries to brush off the feeling, running her thumb over the carved indentations spelling out  Mrs. Brown’s name.
Roni notices a rock atop the headstone, indicating that someone has been here to visit Mrs Brown’s grave recently. She feels it would be disrespectful to touch the stone, so she refrains.  Instead, she just looks at it, wondering who could’ve left it-- someone in Mrs. Brown’s family?-- and why she can’t, for the life of her, remember this woman.
She can’t shake the feeling that she’s being watched, however, and she glances over her shoulder subtly to see if she can see anyone.  She waits a moment, and just as she turns back to observe the headstone once more, she swears she hears her own name.
The voice is feminine and foreign yet so familiar all at once, and Roni isn’t even sure she’s
actually heard it when she stands up.  She turns to her right slowly on her heel, expecting to see someone and feeling slightly disturbed when she doesn’t.  She licks her lips, feeling her heart rate increase.
She hears it again, closer now and coming from the other direction, and she turns to her left.  Instantly, she is relieved when she realizes who the voice belongs to.
There, standing against a tree with that beautiful, all-knowing smile, stands Violet.  Dressed as if she’s just walked straight out of the 1920s.  
Perhaps she has.
A million thoughts run through Roni’s head; how did Violet get here?  How did Violet know she’d be here?  Violet nods, as if reading Roni’s mind.  
“Hello, dear.”
Realizing she hasn’t said a word, Roni laughs lightly.  “Violet!”  She walks over to the mysterious girl, smiling wide.  “God, it’s so good to see you.”
As she approaches, she wonders if it would be polite to give Violet a hug. Are they at that level of friendship? Do they know each other that well? Is it weird?
Violet doesn’t allow any more time for Roni to overthink, instead taking charge and pulling her into her arms for a warm embrace.
It’s so ridiculously comforting,  and Roni hadn’t even realized just how badly she needed this.  When Violet pulls away, she continues to hold Roni at arm’s length, scanning her face.  “How have you been?”
“Well…”  Roni trails off, then shrugs.  “I mean.  Not great.”  She laughs.  “And you?”
“I’ve been well,” Violet replies, voice calming and warm.  “My, but it’s good to see you.”
“It’s so good to see you too, Violet.  What are you doing here?”
Violet smiles, something subconsciously shifting in her tone, though not in a bad way.  “I had a feeling I would find you here,” she explains.
“But how?”  Roni asks.  “Why today?  Why right now?”  She leans in.  “Why me?”
Violet doesn’t directly answer Roni’s question.  “I’ve come to bring you something,” she says, reaching into a satchel that rests on her hip.   “Something that might be of great value to you.”
Roni doesn’t want to get her hopes up that this gift has anything to do with Harry, but it’s too late.  “Something of great value?”
“Sentimental, if anything.”
Roni can’t help but to deflate.  “Oh.”
Violet finds whatever it is that she was looking for and retrieves it from the satchel.  It seems to be a folded piece of paper, and she holds it out for Roni to take. Roni hesitates, eyeing the paper cautiously, before taking it from Violet’s hands.
“Read it,” Violet prompts.  “It might make you smile.”
Slowly, carefully, Roni unfolds the paper.  Her heart starts pounding as her mind runs through all the possibilities of what this could be.  Before the note is even fully opened, she stops when she recognizes her own handwriting.
“I know what this is,” she says, looking up at Violet slowly.
“You do,” Violet says, nodding. “Read it.”
Roni swallows down the lump in her throat, casting her eyes back to the paper and reading silently to herself.
If you’re reading this, it means that I left.  I am safely back where I came from, proving you wrong-- just like I knew I would.  However, it seemed rude to leave without a proper goodbye.  So here it is.  I know I only stayed one night with you, but you’ve been really great. I hope your new year is “swell” or whatever it is you’d say, and that all your hopes and dreams come true. Thanks for letting me stay with you. Sorry about the black eye. Take care.
Roni looks back up at Violet, swallowing down the lump in her throat.  “I wrote this the day after I got there,” she says, as if Violet didn’t know.
Violet nods again.  “You did.”
Roni shakes her head, feeling tears prickle at her eyes.  “I don’t understand,” she admits, shrugging in submission, as if Violet is about to play some trick on her.
“Harry’s kept it,” Violet explains, and the way she speaks of Harry in the present tense makes Roni’s heart pound.
“Kept it,” Violet repeats.  “Yes.  He found it under his bed a few days after you left.”
“Is he…” Roni doesn’t want to get her hopes up, so she hesitates to ask. “I mean, are you... have you—“
“I have seen him since you left,” Violet answers, smiling knowingly. “Yes.”
Roni swallows the lump rising her throat as the wind whips her hair lightly against her cheeks. “Is he alright?” The question comes out in a whisper.
“He is alright.” Violet nods. “He misses you.”
For some reason, Violet’s words completely overwhelm Roni. She can’t stop her eyes from welling over with tears immediately , and she lets out a little choking laugh. “God,” she says, reaching up to wipe at her eyes. “Does he?”
“Yes, darling.”
“I miss him so much,” Roni says, only half-heartedly attempting to stop her crying. “Can you tell him that?”
“I can.”
Roni laughs again through her tears and steps closer to Violet. “God, I’m sorry. I probably look like a mess. I just can’t believe you’re here, and I…” She trails off, looking down at the paper in her trembling hands. “It’s real,” she says, almost as if reassuring herself. “He was real. This is real.”
“It is real,” Violet says. “You didn’t imagine him.”
“I’ve felt so…”  Roni gestures vaguely as she searches for her words.  “So stupid, I guess.  I don’t know.  I haven’t been able to tell anyone the truth.  I’ve started doubting myself. I-- I mean it all just seems so crazy, doesn’t it?”
“It doesn’t.”  Violet shakes her head.  “Not to me.  Though I can understand the hesitation to share your experience with others.”
“And I broke up with Oliver, you know,” Roni continues.  “Oliver, my boyfriend. We were together for so long and I… I didn’t love him.  I mean I did, but not the way I love Harry. Or… loved Harry.  I guess. But I--” she laughs.  “God, I’ve never felt more alone in my life than I have in the past like, four months, and I-- I can’t even begin to tell you how good it is to see you.  To see… this.”  She gestures at the letter, then speaks again; quieter this time, as if to herself.  “Fuck, I miss him.”  
“Your feelings are completely understandable, Veronica.  And justified.  You have been through so much.  It’s only natural to feel confused.  And the connection you have with Harry transcends time itself.  But these are odd circumstances, and certainly not a situation that anyone should be expected to know how to navigate.  You are not stupid for feeling this way.”  
“No,” Roni laughs, almost bitterly.  “No, I am.  I know I am.  It’s just… god, you’re helping me so much just by being here but I--” she sniffs, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her shirt, “I don’t know.  I know I need to move on.  I know I can’t go back to him but I want to.  More than anything else in the world.”
“What would you tell him if you could?”  Violet asks, cocking her head to the side.  
“Oh god,” Roni says, dabbing at her teary eyes.  “I would say…” she trails off, really considering  what it is exactly that she would say to Harry if given the chance.  She sighs shakily.  “I would tell him he’s the love of my life.  I would tell him he is the greatest thing that has ever and will ever happen to me in this lifetime.  In any lifetime. That I regret leaving him more than anything I’ve ever done. That I miss him.  That I love him.”
Roni doesn’t notice the way Violet’s eyes flicker behind her, because she’s still going.  “And it’s silly,” she continues, “but I have never stopped hoping he’ll come.  I cant…” she sniffs again,  “Can’t bring myself to stop. Even though I know he isn’t coming, I’ve never stopped looking for him.  I don’t know if I ever will, you know?”  
Violet smiles like she knows something that Roni doesn’t, but before Roni can even question it, a voice comes from behind her.
“Well,” it says, slow and deep. “The funny thing about that is, he’s never stopped looking for you either.”
It takes Roni a full ten seconds to even process what she’s hearing, and Violet’s all knowing smile only deepens.  Roni whirls around on her heels slowly, her feet still feel frozen into the muddy, damp ground.
And there’s Harry, as young and as handsome as ever, if not a little bit older than the last time she’s seen him.
He smiles, tears welling in his own eyes as he takes a step towards her. “In every timeline,” he says, and takes another step, “in every lifetime. He’s never stopped looking.”  He stands only a few mere feet away now, and Roni notes the single tear rolling down his cheek, contrasting his unwavering smile.
“I’ve kept my promise, bunny.”
In a whirlwind, Roni is rushing to him. She trips and stumbles a bit on the mud, falling directly into his arms. She doesn’t even bother standing upright, melting instead into his embrace and wrapping her own arms around him. He does his best to straighten her on her own feet, his arms wrapping tightly around her back, but he loses his own footing and falls ungracefully onto his back.
Neither seem to care about their tumble, and Roni crawls up his body— kissing every possible inch of visible skin she can get her lips onto.  Her tears blend into Harry’s own, and he laughs joyfully against her lips as he wraps a supportive arm around her back.
“My god,” Roni sobs into his neck. “My god, my god, what are you doing here?”
“I told you,” Harry says, not even worried about the way his voice cracks. “I never stopped looking. And I found you.”
Roni giggles a wet, teary giggle, squishing his face in her hands and fastening their lips together in a clumsy kiss. He willingly kisses her back, stabilizing her with his hands and squeezing her as if he can’t hold her tight enough.
“Harry,” she sobs, “I missed you so much.”
“Me too, sweetheart.” He kisses her teary cheek. “So fucking much.”
Roni presses a few more haphazard kisses to his lips, as if terrified that she’ll lose him the second she stops. She pulls away after a moment, scanning his face through her own blurry eyes.
“I don’t understand,” she says, “how did you get here?”
Harry beams. “Some people have the gift. Some do not.”
“And you have it?!” Roni asks. “You had it this whole time?!”
Harry laughs at the urgency in Roni’s voice, reaching up to wipe the tears out of his eyes. “I don’t know. I guess so. Violet helped me.”
“Violet!” Roni says, suddenly remembering the witchy girl’s presence. She turns to where Violet had just been standing minutes before, and is surprised to see that she is no longer there.  Harry and Roni both scan the graveyard, but Violet is in fact nowhere to be found.  Roni furrows her brows. “Where did she go?”
Harry doesn’t reply, instead he tilts Roni’s face towards him for another smiley kiss. Roni needs absolutely no persuasion, melting right into him and sighing contentedly.
“I’m so happy,” she cries against his mouth. “So fucking happy.”
“Yeah?” Harry pulls away, tears still streaming freely down his smiling cheeks. “Me too.”
“This feels like a dream,” Roni giggles. “Genuinely. And if it is, I hope I never wake up.”
Harry giggles. “It’s not a dream, sweet girl. I’m here. And I’m staying.”
Roni scans his face for any sign of sarcasm, taken aback by his words. “You’re… staying?” She asks. She doesn’t want to get her hopes up, but God the thought of Harry being hers forever makes her heart pound in her own ears. “Are you serious?”
Harry beams brilliantly at her, letting go of her back to shrug. “Better be prepared to teach me a thing or two about the future, angel. I’m not letting you out of my sight ever again.”
“Oh my god.”  Roni slams her lips into Harry’s, so much so that their teeth clank together, and he chuckles lightly into her mouth.
“I love you,” he says, lips hardly moving from hers.  “I love you so fucking much.”
“I don’t understand,” Roni says, pulling back but still holding Harry in her arms.  “How did you figure it out?  I mean like, the fact that you can time travel.  How did you--”
“Trial and error,” Harry explains.  “Violet wanted me to wait a while.  She said that it would be difficult to learn if I tried right after you left.  The broken heart would make it more devastating if we failed.”  Harry smiles.  “Smart girl, Violet is.  But I couldn’t wait very long.  About a week later, we started working together to get this all sorted out.  We worked on exercises.  We worked on visualization.  We did everything.”
“And then?”
“It took some time.  Obviously.  Went to a few different places.”  He grins. “The 18th century was a lot of fun.”’
“You went that far back?”
“Sure did. Almost didn’t want to leave.”  A playful twinkle glistens in Harry’s eye. “Some old Victorian broad showed me her ankle and I was ready to propose marriage.”
Roni slaps his arm lightly.  “Shut up.”
Harry laughs, finding himself so hilarious. “M’joking,” he says.  “Of course that didn’t happen.”
“Where else did you go?” Roni asks, then softens.  “What took you so long to find me?”
“Wanted to make sure I had the technique perfected,” Harry explains.  “Wanted to be sure I knew how to control where I was going.  The first time I traveled was only to 1899, and it was quite unintentional.  The second time, I was experimenting a bit.  That’s how I ended up in 1778.  But there was a catch.”
“Which was?”
“It was a different 1778.  Not one that you’ve heard of.”
Roni looks confused.  “But… how--”
Harry grins like he knows something Roni doesn’t.  “Ever heard of parallel universes?”
Roni can’t help the laugh that escapes her lips. “Well holy shit.”
“I take it you’re familiar with the concept?”
“I am,” Roni says. “You were the one who told me about it.”
Harry raises his eyebrows, then immediately furrows them in confusion. “I did? I don’t remember—“
“As an old man,” Roni explains. “I met you when you were like… 90 something.”
“Oh.” Harry’s confusion softens. “No kidding. That’s neat.”
“No but… that would mean...” Roni trails off, confusion etched into her features, as she processes everything that’s going on.  “I saw you… you were old…. you died. And Oliver said you… you always talked about this girl from your past... That would have been me, wouldn’t it?”
“I tapped into something even you couldn’t tap into.”  Harry seems proud of himself, and he flashes Roni that smug grin she’s missed so much.  
“What do you mean?”
“Alternate realities,” Harry explains.  “Shifting into another dimension.”
“But how does that--”
“In another universe, yes. Somewhere in time, your memories are true.  I was old.  I was unsuccessful in finding you. In that universe--” he gestures vaguely around the graveyard, “--I’m six feet under somewhere around here.”
Even he seems to be hit with the somberness of his words.  He takes a moment to let that sink in, and then he’s right back to his normal, cheery self.  “But!” he says.  “I shifted.  Into this reality.  With the help of Violet, I created a separate timeline.”
“At the cost of--?”
Harry sighs.  “I mean.  At the cost of some of the people I loved most back home.”  He shrugs.  “But that’s what alternate universes are for, I suppose.”
“Why couldn’t I have just… created my own alternate universe then?  In which I could have kept my mom alive AND stayed with you?  Why didn’t Violet give me that option?”
“You could have,” Harry explains.  “But there wasn’t a guarantee you could have both.  Plus, once you leave one, it is extremely difficult, if not entirely impossible, to get back. You weren’t willing or ready to make that sacrifice.  I was.”
“So we’re in a parallel universe?”
“I am.  You’re not.  You’re in your regular timeline.”
“And you--”
“Shifted into it.  Changed the fate’s design, so to speak. It did shift your timeline a bit, as far as my own existence goes. You remember me being old.  You remember Oliver attending my funeral.  But Oliver doesn’t.  No one has any memory of me, in fact.”
“So who are you to everyone then?”
“That’s the beauty of it.”  Harry grins.  “I’m whoever I want to be.  For all they know, I’m a famous singer from the UK who moved here for work.”
“Oh my god,” Roni giggles, leaning in to kiss all over his sweet, teary face once again.  
Harry smiles that dimpled smile, obviously over the moon and basking in the way she’s loving on him.
“My sweet boy,” Roni says, lips smushed just below his ear.  “My sweet, sweet boy.”
“Missed you,” Harry says quietly. “Couldn’t go on in a world without you.”
Roni bumps her nose tenderly along Harry’s. “I missed you so much.”
Harry laughs quietly to himself.  “Can’t even begin to tell you how excited I was when I ended up here.  Cried with happiness.”
“How long have you been here?”
Harry’s eyes dart up to the sky as he thinks, doing a bit of mental math in his head.  “Two days.  Give or take.”
Roni feigns offense. “And you didn’t come find me right away?!”
“Tried.  Couldn’t.  Didn’t know where you’d be.”
“But how did Violet know?”
Harry smirks.  “I don’t know.  I don’t know how she knows anything. But it seems she knows everything.”
Roni chuckles.  “Apparently so.  God.”
Harry hums, brushing Roni’s hair behind her ear and leaning in to kiss her nose.  “God, I love you,” he says.  
“I love you, too, Harry.  Thank you for finding me.”
“Promised you I would,” he says, punctuating his sentence with a kiss to the corner of her mouth.  “Was so hoping more than anything that you’d be waiting for me.”
Now Roni frowns.  “You had doubts?”
Harry shrugs.  “No.  I mean…” he trails off, eyes scanning the sweeping hills of the cemetery as he considers his words. “No.  I don’t know.  I was hopeful.”
“But…?” Roni presses, leaning into him.
“But you lived in the future.  You had--” he trails off, eyeing Roni carefully.  “--have…. A boyfriend?”  His statement turns into a question, and the look on his face makes Roni giggle.
“Had,” she answers.  “We broke up.  Very shortly after I came back.”
Harry frowns.  “M’sorry to hear that.  Was it… you know...?”
Roni shrugs.  “I was hopeful, too,” is the only answer she offers him.
“Hopeful for me?”
“You knew I’d find you.”
Roni kisses Harry’s cheek. “I hoped you would.”
“Poor bloke though. I know how hard it is to live in a world without you.”
“Somehow I think he’ll manage.” Roni giggles. “No, actually, I saw him this morning. When I was—“ She trails off, suddenly remembering the bouquet of flowers she’d bought that now lays forgotten a few feet away. Harry seems to notice them at the same time she does, and he turns back to her. He doesn’t push for her to finish her thought, he instead strokes her hair and admires the way it looks in the wind.
“I was going to put flowers on your grave,” Roni explains, sheepishly.  “I don’t know what I was thinking was going to happen.  Maybe… like, closure or something.  I don’t know.”
“Closure,” Harry repeats, smiling. “Wanted rid of the haunting memories of me then?”
Roni rolls her eyes but she giggles that giggle that Harry has dreamt about every night since she’d left.  “No, god, of course not,” she laughs.  “It’s just that living with the weight of how much I missed you…”  She trails off again, and Harry can see the gears turning in her head as she immediately processes another thought.  “I still don’t understand,” she says.  “I never believed you when you told me.  You as an old man, I mean.  I’d brushed it off.  I hadn’t thought it was realistic.”
Now it’s Harry’s turn to feign offense.  “As realistic as time travel.”
“I know,” Roni giggles again.  “It’s just that you were old when you told me.  I didn’t know you.”
Harry grins now.  “Was I a handsome old bastard?”
Roni’s giggles turn into full belly laughs.  “I mean, I was like, sixteen.  So I didn’t think so, no.”
“Bollocks,” Harry curses, and Roni snorts.
“This is insane,” she says, shaking her head.  “I’m talking to you about… well, you… but as an old man. Memories I have of you, that you didn’t even exist for.  But you did.  I don’t know.”
Harry nods.  “It’s an odd thing,” he agrees.  “An odd situation we find ourselves in for sure.”
Roni hums in agreement, and a moment of comfortable silence falls between the two. She giggles after a moment, squishing Harry’s cheeks between her fingers and kissing his lips again, slow and smiley.
“God,” she says, when she finally pulls away. “I still feel like I’m dreaming.”
Harry pulls that cheeky look of his that Roni’s missed so much, wiggling his eyebrows.  “You want me to pinch you, honey?”  He squeezes lightly at her sides and she squeals, wiggling out of his grasp.  He beams at the sound, wrapping an arm around her quickly and pulling her right back into him before smooching all over her cheeks and her nose.  “C’mere,” he growls playfully.  “Not getting away from me that easily.  Never again.”
She continues to giggle, submitting completely  to him as he tilts her head and kisses her.  They laugh into one another’s mouths, their giggles dying down as their kisses increase in intensity.   His tongue trails along her bottom lip, and it’s almost embarrassing how quickly Roni grants him access to her own tongue.  She’s missed his taste more than she’d ever thought it possible, and she can’t help but to moan when her tongue slides along his.
“Fuck,” she whispers, completely unaware of the fact that she’s crying again.
“Hey,” Harry coos, pulling away and cupping her face with his hands.  “Stop that.  No more of that.  No more crying.”  He swipes at the tears under her eyes, stroking her cheek bones as lovingly as he can. There is no way to convey exactly how he’s feeling right now; he’s just so in love with her and so relieved to be holding her again. Seeing her cry, indicative that she feels the exact same way, makes his heart both sink and soar, and his eyes well up with tears all over again.
They both realize he’s crying too at the exact same time, and they laugh at how silly they’re both being. Harry, still holding Roni’s face in his hands, continues to wipe at her tears while she reaches up to wipe at his.  They continue to laugh and cry and kiss, holding one another as close as they possibly can and forgetting about the entire world around them.
After a little while, Harry pushes himself to his feet with a little grunt. Roni immediately misses his warmth, which is pathetic, she knows.  She can’t help the little whine that escapes past her lips as she reaches for him, and he chuckles as he takes her hand in his. “I’ll be right back, honey, I promise.”  He gives her hand a quick squeeze before turning on his heel to go retrieve her discarded bouquet of flowers.
Roni watches him, so completely enamored and in love with him as he walks.  He’s dressed sort of funky, not quite in his 1920s style but definitely outdated by today’s standards.  He isn’t wearing his cap that she’s missed so much, but his curls are styled messily-- which isn’t helped at all by the wind.  He looks so handsome. So soft.  So him.
Her Harry.
She still feels like she’s dreaming in all honesty, and as she keeps her eyes glued to him she revels in the fact that he’s here. This person that she’s quite literally ached for for months now, the person she didn’t think she could possibly live without, the person she never thought she’d see again— he’s here. He found his way back to her because he loves her. It simply doesn’t feel real.
Harry picks up the bouquet and buries his nose in them, taking a big inhale and smiling to himself with the cutest dimpled smile.  He looks back to see Roni— his sweet Veronica sitting there on the grass, wind whipping her hair and a silly, sweet smile on her face.  He’s overwhelmed, really, and he walks quickly to close the space between him and his girl.  
When Harry arrives by Roni’s side he plops right back down beside her, kissing both cheeks and the tip of her nose. When he pulls away, he’s smiling softly, and he nods down to the bouquet in his hands. “These were for me?”
“Yeah,” Roni says, somewhat bashfully. “I mean… for your grave. So. Yeah, for you but like… not? I don’t know.”
Harry chuckles, humming as he nods. “Mm.”  He reaches into the cheap paper that holds the bouquet together and fingers lightly at a petal. “These are lilies.”
Roni, impressed by his knowledge of botany, smiles. “They are, yeah! How’d you know?”
Harry laughs. “Wasn’t born yesterday, Veronica, for heaven’s sake,” he teases.  “In fact, I was born….” Harry scrunches his face, doing a bit of mental math in his head. “About a hundred and one years ago I think!”
“Holy shit,” Roni says, doing the math in her own head. “So you’re… old.”
“Technically, I suppose,” Harry chuckles. “But also, not actually.”  He kisses her temple,  then reaches into the paper bouquet.  Roni wonders briefly what he’s doing, until she sees him snap a lily off of its stem.  It looks so delicate between his fingers it makes her shiver, and she hardly has time to register what he’s doing before he’s tucking it gently behind her ear. He moves slowly, his thick fingers brushing lovingly against her skin.  
Harry’s eyes scan her face, and in this moment Roni has never felt more loved. He cups her jaw and runs his thumb along her cheek, his green eyes still wet with tears. He hums, his mouth looking so irresistibly delicious, and Roni holds his eye contact with bated breath, waiting for him to do something.
“You are so beautiful,” he says softly, almost more to himself than to her. “My beautiful girl.”
“Your beautiful girl,” Roni repeats, leaning into his touch. “Thank you for finding me.”
“I’ll always find you, Veronica.”  Harry drops his hand from her jaw and wraps it around her smaller hand that’s placed in her lap. “In every timeline,” he leans in and kisses her forehead, “in every lifetime,” he kisses her nose, “I will find you,” her lips, “and I will love you with everything I have to give until my heart stops beating.”  He kisses her lips again, slower this time, before resting his forehead to hers and allowing his eyes to close.
They sit like this, silently drinking in one another’s presence, and when a tear slips down Roni’s cheek neither of them mention it.  Harry presses velvety kisses to Roni’s lips every few seconds or so, and even he’s crying after a bit.  
No words are spoken, but no words are necessary.  In fact, it doesn’t feel like there would be any words to even begin to describe the happiness in both of their hearts presently. Roni swallows down a lump in her throat and giggles, sniffling a bit.
“God,” she says, “I think I’ve cried more in the past few months than I have in my entire life.”
“Well we’re fixing that,” Harry says, pulling away and wiping at her tears. “Effective immediately. No more tears. From here on out.”
“You promise?”
“Only happy ones. I promise.”
Roni licks her lips, then leans back in to kiss him again. “I like the sound of that.”
They stay like this for a while, disregarding the way it’s getting colder by the minute and the way that the tiny bit of sun that’s peeking through the clouds is beginning to dip behind the treetops. Roni catches him up one everything that’s happened in her life since she’d left him, and Harry tells her all about all the adventures he’s had while trying to find her. They laugh, and they continue to cry on and off (which makes them laugh harder) until Harry finally notices Roni shiver subconsciously at a gust of wind.
“Getting colder,” he observes, then adds “perhaps we should get out of here.”
Roni hums in agreement. “We should.  You’ve got to meet my grandparents.”
Harry’s face changes into somewhat amused confusion. “Already?”
“What?” Roni says, rising to her feet and brushing the dirt off of her jeans. “If you’re going to be staying with us you’re going to have to meet them eventually.”
“Yes, but….” Harry rises to his feet as well. “Don’t you think we ought to do this right? I mean, they don’t know me, you’ve just broken up with your long term boyfriend, they’re going to think I’m a creep.”
Roni giggles. “They won’t. I promise. I’ll say you’re a friend from college who’s recently moved to town. We caught up today and you needed a place to stay for a bit. They won’t care.”
“They won’t think it’s… I don’t know, improper?”
“You’ve never met my grandparents,” Roni says.  “They’re like the chillest people ever.”
When she’s met with only a look of pure confusion on Harry’s face, she laughs again. “You’re in the twenty-first century now, Harry. It’s your turn to adapt.” She lightly pinches his side, causing him to laugh.
“Suppose so,” Harry giggles, taking her hand in his and interlacing their fingers.  “Lots to learn.  I have a feeling you’re an excellent teacher, though.”
Roni smiles, swinging their hands as they fall into step, walking along the gravel road winding through the cemetery.  “Well, I’ll do my best,” she says.  “It’s the least I can do for you after you bent the laws of time itself to come and find me and all that.”
“Exactly,” Harry says, nodding.  “Although I won’t lie to you, Veronica, I’m a bit nervous to get it all sorted out.”
Roni gives Harry’s hand a reassuring squeeze.  “Don’t be,” she replies.  “We don’t have to have it all sorted out. When have we ever had anything sorted out?”  She laughs quietly to herself.  “I’ve come to find that life is much better unplanned.”
“Yeah?”  Harry squints, eyes scanning the vast hills as the wind whips his curls messily.  “Well, I’ve come to find that you’re right about most things.”
The silence that follows is comforting and soft, but both are thinking the exact same thing.  Sure, it is a bit terrifying to start a life together--properly--like this.  Harry is here to stay, and as wonderful and exciting as that is, they both know it’s going to be hard work.  He’s going to have to adapt, and it isn’t going to be easy.  He’s starting from scratch.  No job, no house, nothing.
But he does have his honey by his side.  And somehow that’s enough.
They exit the cemetery, hand in hand, and Harry tries his best not to look so clueless as he observes the world around him.  Roni is patient and gentle with him, answering any questions he has and giggling when he makes jokes.  They’ve fallen into their comfortable swing of things that they’ve both missed so deeply, and Harry reckons that with his Veronica holding his hand, he can conquer anything.
As they approach Roni’s grandparents’ house, however, the butterflies in Harry’s stomach begin to act up.  His hands grow sweaty and he hopes Roni doesn’t notice.  (She does.)  He wipes his free hand on the thigh of his trousers and swallows, slowing the pace of  his walking until he stops altogether.
He looks up at the big house, daunting but quaint and surrounded by a completely innocent looking white picket fence, and he can feel Roni watching him.  She’s nervous, too, he knows it.  She gives his hand a squeeze before letting go, and his hand falls dully to his side.
“You sure you’re ready for this?” Roni asks quietly.  “I mean, are you sure this is what you want?  To be here, in a different time, re-learning the world and the people in it?”
Harry turns to her now.  “Of course this is what I want,” he insists, almost defensively. “I just… it’s a bit more scary close up, isn’t it?”
Roni knows he isn’t talking about the house.
“It is,” she says slowly, after a beat.  “But, if I know anything for sure, it’s that you and I make an excellent team.  Whatever the circumstance, we can navigate it together, even if we haven’t got a clue what the right answer is. Somehow I know we’re always going to figure it out.”  She lowers her voice, stepping in closer to Harry.  “You’re the bravest, most wonderful man I know, Harry.  You’re going to be fine.”
He turns to her, smiling as he swallows down the nauseous feeling in his throat.   She beams.  “You’re going to be just fine,” she repeats.
Harry reaches forward, taking her hand in his and bringing it up to his lips, pressing a tender kiss to each of her knuckles.  “Alright,” he says quietly.  “I’m ready.”
Roni smiles, squeezing his hand again and taking a deep breath in through her nose.  “To our new life,” she says.
“To our future,” Harry adds.  “To… forever.”
Roni nods.  “Forever.  Yeah.”
With deep breaths and trembling fingers, Harry and Roni step though the little gate surrounding the yard of the house and make their way onward.  Into their future.  Into the intimidating uncertainty of navigating a life brought on by such unique and odd circumstances.  Two souls, interwoven and transcending time and space itself for the chance to be together, taking on the new set of challenges that await them because they have each other.
No matter where they end up in any lifetime, together or apart, they will always find one another somewhere in time.
131 notes · View notes
For the ship game: prime numbers for Lupin x Jigen!
Under a cut, allegedly, though mobile has been known to just IGNORE THAT. Sorry in advance if this gets goofed for anyone.
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, in any place?
Lupin, obviously (and canonically). Just the horniest man you ever did see. Jigen knows what he wants and when he wants it, but he has difficulty keeping up with Don Juan Triumphant over there. Lupin is also far less picky about locations and times than Jigen is. Jigen still has a FEW standards, thank you, and also a stronger sense of self-preservation. Lupin sometimes tries to start shit in public or during a heist and Jigen is like “I REALLY, REALLY APPRECIATE THE SENTIMENT BUT CAN WE NOT.” The closest to public anything Jigen will put up with is bar bathroom/back-alley hookups, and he doesn’t really tend to do that with Lupin or Goemon since they have secondary locations far more suited to such activity (or at least the damn Fiat, if nothing else). That said, Jigen is a spiteful bastard and gets a huge kick out of riling Lupin up over the walkie-talkie during jobs. He is more than happy to get jumped by his boss after they make it out and secure the loot.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
Honestly, while I can totally see Lupin and Jigen doing this with their other partners, I have a harder time imagining the two of them doing this together and I’m not sure why. I feel like these two on their own both like the privacy bathing gives them, whether it’s to clean wounds or decompress from a job.
On the occasions when they do bathe together, I feel like it’s an unspoken kind of thing, where the other person quietly slips in the tub/shower with them and they just don’t bother protesting. I think Lupin is more likely to join Jigen in his bathing, but if Jigen is sleepy enough or lonely enough he might do the same. There is a lot of mutual appreciation of scars. They’ve definitely smoked in the tub before (Intricate Rituals™). Lupin is probably more likely to get handsy, because Lupin, but two can play that game if Jigen is feeling it, and also Jigen gives Lupin a run for his money in the staring department. No hat to hide behind now.
Lupin has also 100% done the whole “Hey Jigen, do you know if—stop screaming, it’s me—do you know if we have any more instant dashi? Goemon’s gonna slice up the sofa if I ruin soba night again.”
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
Jigen, but to be fair, he canonically sleeps on the couch most nights (possibly to keep an eye on the door, possibly because he knows that place, at least, is always “acceptable” for him to occupy). It’s an odd night if you don’t see Jigen out there with a glass and a bottle of scotch and an old movie on TV. The main difference is that if he and Lupin have been fighting, he won’t bother with the formality of a glass and the TV will be playing far louder or not at all.
7) [A] Who said “I love you” first? And [B] who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
I hate to take the coward’s way out here, but I think the answers are A) either one - depends on the headcanon/fic/version of the characters I’m feeling that day, and B) both.
For A, they’re both the sort of people to show their love—true love/affection, not just flirtation/infatuation, LUPIN—in action, not words. Lupin is a man of many words to a fault, generous with his verbal and physical affection, so Lupin has to find a way to make sure Jigen knows he means it and how he means it. He may rightly fear that Jigen won’t believe him (or else believe him but take it platonically) if he says “I love you” to his face, so first he’ll show him through every little action he can. Jigen is a man of few words to a fault, so saying personal stuff like that out loud is both a last resort and the point of no return. Getting him to say it at all, unambiguously, and while sober is like pulling teeth. Once one of them finally spits it out, though, I think the other is quick to reciprocate (again, if they manage to say it clearly and under good circumstances and not ambiguously/while drunk or wounded/etc. They’re both idiots and selective cowards so this is a big if). The mutual relief is palpable and immediately followed by sex, because they’re both (horny) idiots and selective cowards who do not want to talk about Emotions and Personal Things any more than strictly necessary.
For B, ohhhh man, if it isn’t that same emotional avoidance coming to bite them in the asses! Looks like talking about deep emotions is strictly necessary after all! You know it’s a Big Important Argument for them if this is what it comes to. This is going to tie in somewhat to the answers for 11, 17, and 23, so stay tuned. “Because I love you” coming from either of them should give the other pause, but if they are angry enough, they’re both quite likely to storm off after that declaration anyway. They’ll come back and have a real discussion later, but the shock or frustration of that arresting declaration dropped in the middle of an argument is something neither of them are great at dealing with. Hearing that from Jigen might be enough to stop Lupin in his tracks, but Lupin might also be so dead-set on something that he’ll steamroll right over it even if he knows he’ll regret it later. Hearing that from Lupin probably only makes Jigen angrier because of his awful self-esteem (see answers 11 and 23), and even if he’s been working on that, his instinct will be to snarl “Yeah, right” and storm out the door. I like to think that one day they are able to get to the heart of the argument sooner (because this is almost always it) and work on the behaviors that worry the other so much, but alas, they are a mess.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
Once again, either of them depending on the day.
As you mentioned in your JiGoe post, Jigen says it partly because he thinks it’s funny (“You have a crush on me, Boss? Fuckin’ embarrassing”) but also because he’s fishing for validation. His self-esteem/confidence in anything outside his shooting skills is shit and he still can’t quite believe that Lupin isn’t lying/he hasn’t conned Lupin into something. This is rather overestimating his conning skills and underestimating his many good qualities, but, well, genuine, lasting affection is kinda new for him. Much to Jigen’s annoyance, Lupin figures out exactly what Jigen’s up to after the first few times and answers him seriously (and positively) instead of continuing the “joke”. Lupin loses patience for this particular tactic over time but I like to think that Jigen finally begins believing in the affection, too, so it comes up less and less and one day Jigen might actually play the quip straight without the self-deprecation. Ideally he would just take the damn compliment, but it’s LupJig and banter is one of their love languages.
When Lupin says it, he typically is playing the quip straight and fondly giving Jigen shit for showing an Emotion and motherFUCKER I just realized Jigen could probably be considered a tsundere. I hate this. ANYWAY. Jigen then immediately snarks back that yes, Lupin, considering we’ve been travelling the world together and actively fucking for X years, it’d be damn awkward if I didn’t by now.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
Lupin absolutely initiates duets, or rather, he tries to; whether or not Jigen actually chimes in is another matter entirely. Lupin is also the better singer by far (when he’s sober). He loves singing along to pop and rock in the car (“This is the reason God invented America!”).
Much as it would please me personally to give Jigen a smooth operatic baritone, there’s no way in hell he sounds good after smoking a pack a day for twenty-something years. I think Jigen can carry a tune and he’s a decent hummer and whistler, but his singing voice isn’t spectacular.
Lupin occasionally succeeds in getting Jigen to join him in car karaoke, though as in all things, Lupin is much louder and more impassioned. Jigen frequently hums along under his breath, though, and Lupin loves hearing Jigen’s a cappella renditions of classical music (complete with hand motions).
When Queen starts becoming popular, car singalongs become much more involved because it’s MY silly headcanon and You Are Not Immune To Queen. Jigen cried the first time he heard “Bohemian Rhapsody” and he will kill Lupin if he ever tells Goemon or, God forbid, Fujiko. When the four of them are in the car it’s a full-on Wayne’s World headbanging party. (Pops is the drunk guy they pick up along the way. Also, seeing Payless Shoe Source in this clip dealt me psychic damage.)
Lupin and Jigen (and Goemon) are the living embodiment of the drunk friends singing “Sweet Caroline” post, and Jigen is specifically this version of “Sweet Caroline”.
17) Who is more protective?
THAT IS THE QUESTION, HUH, GHOST? Jigen’s job and, to a certain degree, raison d’être is protecting Lupin, but (to cheat slightly and quote your own DM to me), if you think Lupin won’t raze everything to the ground to keep Jigen (and the others) safe, you don’t know him at all. They are this meme to the deepest of faults. They are both so desperately afraid of losing what they have (and in Lupin’s case, this is tinged with a bonus, even more concerning “what is his”) that they will go full self-sacrificing, scorched-earth policy. This is, in fact, my favorite reason for Lupin to do the worst thing he does: fake his own death to protect his partners. Lupin never stops to think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, he should trust his partners to fake grief and keep the secret long enough for whoever’s on their tail to give up or let their guard slip. Lupin is willing to hurt them in an effort to protect them, so in that way, I suppose Lupin is the “most” “protective”. Jigen’s self-abasement to the point of unhesitating and perhaps even hasty sacrifice is painful, too, but Jigen would never dare go to the same level of deception (except in Goodbye, Partner, apparently? But 1) I haven’t watched it yet and 2) while awful, I still feel like fake betrayal pales in comparison to very convincingly (AND MAYBE REPEATEDLY) faked death).
19) Who drives and who has the window seat?
They split driving duties, but Lupin genuinely loves driving and Jigen is more than happy to prop his feet on the Fiat’s dashboard and smoke or sleep the hours away.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the other’s love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! I think the answer to all of these is ultimately Jigen, but that’s not to say Lupin doesn’t share the exact same worries.
Jigen has a very difficult time believing that his partners’ love is genuine, and since Lupin is the one he knew first, that’s where it first manifests. Jigen has had very, very few good romantic connections in his life (if any). He doesn’t know what Lupin could possibly see in an older, prickly hired killer with a drinking problem and a head full of demons. He’s willing to believe that Lupin keeps him around for his skills, for protection, and for sex, sure, but anything past that? Doubtful. This ties into the other two parts of the question: Jigen is afraid that if he fails in his sharpshooting or his protection, he will be cut out of the gang, or worse, Lupin will end up dead because Jigen slipped up. As mentioned in question 17, Jigen cannot bear to lose Lupin and he would never forgive himself if he believed it was somehow his fault. Accordingly, Jigen takes “failure” that exceeds his usual margin of error very seriously in the early days. Later, he is better about this, but the worst-case scenario still stands.
Lupin, on the other hand, has had plenty of romantic connections, some good, some bad, though it is perhaps telling that Fujiko is his longest romantic relationship other than Jigen. He is afraid that if he doesn’t put on the world’s greatest show at all times, no one will give a rat’s ass about some scrawny grandson of an old French thief (or the perhaps unwanted/disliked son of a ruthless crime lord, because I love that fanon for Lupin the Second). He must live up to and indeed surpass the previous Lupins, he must shower his partners in money and adventure, he must always, always come out on top no matter how south the plan goes, or else what is the point of him? It takes time for him to turn his persona off for more than a few seconds, to let the quieter, sometimes contemplative side that slips through the cracks come to rest out in the open. Years down the road, Jigen finally gets up the courage and the words to tell Lupin that he would love him no matter what he did or where he went, even if that was nothing and nowhere. And again, see question 17 re: losing Jigen.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Lupin is by far the most guilty of this. He’s constantly pulling dumb shit, whether that be for World-Renowned Gentleman Thief reasons or just He May Be Stupid reasons. Case in point: the tunnel scene in The First, after which Jigen was duly impressed. Fortunately for Lupin, Lady Luck must be head over heels for him because the bastard keeps surviving, but sometimes even she can’t save him from medical consequences. Jigen bulk-ordered “Stupid Hurts” band-aids specifically for Lupin. Jigen’s bad choices are more likely to literally backfire on him, but Goemon more than makes up for Jigen’s slack in the Crazy Stunt department.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
Ateez: Teasing Them In Front Of The Members (Rated)
May contain certain NSFW scenarios.
Kim Hongjoong:
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Truthfully, it wasn't something you purposefully planned to happen, nor did you actually want to tease him in front of the others while you all watched a movie. You were just so needy for affection at that moment and Hongjoong didn't seem to get the hint.
"What's the pout for?" He asked as he looked at your sad face.
"Daddy! I want you to cuddle me!" You whined at him.
When you spat out that word, San choked on his drink, Yeosang and Jongho covered their mouths, Wooyoung had popcorn falling out of his mouth, Mingi and Yunho just widened their eyes and Seonghwa snorted. But Hongjoong had panic written all over his face and you hid your face when you realized what you said.
"Oooh I didn't know you were into that stuff." Seonghwa teased his best friend.
"Hyung! You seriously like being called Daddy?!" San exclaimed, really shocked yet amused at the revelation.
Hongjoong got over his shock and simply smirked at them.
"Yeah she calls me Daddy. Jealous?"
He simply shrugged it off and finally pulled you close to him to cuddle you, and they all resumed watching the movie. You thought it was all over until Hongjoong whispered in your ear.
"Just wait until we're alone. You wanted Daddy's attention so badly? Don't worry, you'll definitely get it."
Park Seonghwa:
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All throughout dinner with the boys, you kept poking fun at Seonghwa. You didn't start it, Wooyoung and San, as usual, kept picking at him and somewhere along, you joined in on the fun. It was funny to you seeing his reactions. You wanted to see just how far you could push him, how much he'd let you get away with. His patience was definitely surprising, because although he'd glare at you every now and then, he wouldn't really budge.
"Y/N. Behave." He simply told you, as he went back to eating.
Now you felt you had your chance.
"Or what? You'll bend me over and spank me?" You smirked at him.
All you heard was the sound of Seonghwa dropping his fork on his plate harshly, his eyes burning right into you. Everyone was silent, the air suddenly got really tense and nobody wanted to say anything anymore. That's when you know, you were screwed.
Seonghwa scoffed before getting up and walking over to you. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder and made his way to his room.
"I suggest you all leave for a few hours. I've got a little brat here that needs to be reminded their manners." Was the only warning he gave the rest of them before slamming the door shut.
"Who wants to get ice cream?" Hongjoong suggested and immediately all of them got up and practically ran out the door, not wanting to hear what Seonghwa was planning for you.
Jeong Yunho:
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It was supposed to be a normal movie night with the boys. So why must you torture Yunho like this? He didn't think that when he'd agree to let you sit on his lap, that you had other plans and were bent on seeing him flustered. At first he thought you were simply adjusting yourself, trying to get comfortable. Boy was he wrong. When you started grinding against him, he knew he walked straight into a trap.
"Babe....don't." He whispered, his hands gripping your hips in an attempt to stop you from going any further.
You looked back at him and feigned innocence.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
However, you shifting around, clearly grinding against his growing erection said something completely different. Yunho tried to focus on the movie but your movements weren't helping. He grabbed a nearby blanket and covered your bottom halves with it. At least that way no one would suspect anything.
Yunho tried to hold back the noises threatening to escape his lips. He hid his face in your neck, thankful that they chose a scary movie. In one particular jump scare, he took advantage of the fact all the others screamed their lungs out to let out a groan when he felt himself cum inside his pants.
"Yunho, are you ok?" Yeosang asked him, looking at his flustered state.
"Huh? Yeah.... I just got really scared." He quickly replied, hoping no one noticed.
Kang Yeosang:
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You were busy cooking food for the boys. They've been working so hard, and you felt they deserved it. So obviously your mind was occupied with making sure nothing burned and everything would turn out perfect. Yeosang however kept distracting you, whether it was by poking your sides or trying to pull you into a hug. He was needy, you could tell, and if you ignored him, he was pouting and letting out a tiny whine.
"Yeosangie, let me finish here and then we can cuddle ok?" You hoped he'd back off and let you finish your task.
He seemed hell bent on making that impossible for you though. He began taking away things he knew you needed, or threatening to add things to the food, luckily you stopped him, or one of the other guys, who were casually hanging around. You decided to put an end to his bratty behavior. When you caught him trying to take away the salt, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him against you.
"Baby boy... I would appreciate it if you let me finish, I wouldn't want to have to punish you later tonight? Do you?" You cocked your head to the side and smirked at him.
Yeosang turned beet red at your comment and the giggles coming from the other members weren't helping. He was embarrassed, he could only nod and backed away from you. You sighed. You really didn't want to tease him like that in front of the others, but he left you no choice.
Choi San:
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Maybe you had a little too much alcohol in your system, maybe it was the fact all of you decided to go clubbing and the environment just made you want to get crazy. Whatever it was, San definitely wasn't a fan of your overly chatty mouth right now. You kept teasing him. At first it started lightly, but then it got to be too much. Wooyoun wasn't helping either, not with following along and certainly not with how close he was to you. It made him insanely jealous.
"Y/N......" San grabbed your attention by pulling you off Wooyoung's lap and setting you next to him.
"What?" You asked in a mocking tone.
"Shut up." He ordered you, his eyes piercing into yours.
"Make. Me." You scoffed at him.
Having had enough, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you up. He dragged you across the club and made his way into one of the bathrooms. You kept protesting, telling him to let go of you, but he was not listening. He pressed you against one of the walls and gripped your jaw, making you shut up instantly.
"On your knees. Right now you dirty brat." He commanded you in a sharp tone.
You slid down and obeyed his orders. He never took his eyes off you. He only smirked as he began unbuckling his belt.
"Want me to shut you up? Don't worry, I'll make sure to shut that mouth of yours."
Song Mingi:
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All of you were hanging out together, playing games while enjoying a bunch of ice cream and popsicles. It was summer and they were a must. You decided it would be funny to mess with your boyfriend for a little bit. Making sure that he was looking over at you, you winked at him before sliding most of the popsicle inside your mouth, almost to the point of deep throating it. Mingi legit froze and just stared at you for a moment, trying to process what was happening. However his face caught the attention of the other members.
"Mingi what's with you?" Yunho asked.
"I think his brain finally stopped working." Hongjoong said.
Yeosang however followed Mingi's gaze and looked over at you. You quickly tried to hide what you were doing but failed.
"Y/N! You're disgusting!" Yeosang exclaimed when he realized what you were doing.
"What? Why?!" San asked.
"Cause they were right there deep throat-"
"Ahhhhhh!!!! Quiet you!!" Mingi shouted, covering Yeosang's mouth so no one would hear the rest.
"And you! No more popsicles for you!" Mingi continued as he snatched the popsicle stick away from you, sweat dripping down his forehead from how flustered he was.
Jung Wooyoung:
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Having dinner at a restaurant with the boys was nothing new, they often liked going out, and you liked spending time with your boyfriend. After you were all done eating, of course they wanted to talk their hearts away. The conversation wasn't particularly interesting, and you decided to have a little fun. Maybe it was a little dangerous, especially given that you were in a public setting, with the boys right there with you, but you didn't care. You rested your hand on Wooyoung's thigh. At first, he thought nothing of it, you often did it. But slowly, it crept its way in between his legs, palming him and making him get hard instantly. You watched his Adam's apple move as he swallowed hard when he realized what you were doing, but he quickly got over his flustered state.
His hand tapped your thigh, silently commanding you to spread them out for him. You only shut them more, not willing to budge. When he pinched your thigh harshly, that's when you opened them and he wasted no time in slipping his hand and began rubbing you through your panties. You stiffened when he pressed hard on it, biting down on your lip to suppress any noise that was threatening to spill out from your lips. You definitely weren't expecting him to give you a taste of your own medicine.
He looked over at you and leaned close to you.
"You really wanna play this game? Fine. Let's see how long you can last." He whispered in your ear, his fingers moving your panties to the side so he could have direct contact with your clit.
You scoffed at his challenge, your fingers making a quick work of his zipper, slipping easily inside his boxers. You definitely weren't going to give in so easily. And that's how you two ended up playing with each other under the table, trying hard not to get caught and not give in to the other person.
Choi Jongho:
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You purposefully decided to wear a thong under your skirt for the day. You don't know why, but you knew you wanted to mess with your boyfriend for a little bit. When you showed up to the dorm, he definitely had no clue what you were up to, although he did thought you looked adorable.
Everything was going fine for a while. Nothing out of the ordinary. But then suddenly you got your chance to strike. You went to pick up something that one of the boys dropped, which was conveniently right in Jongho's sight. You bent down, making sure that your skirt would rise up enough for him to see what was underneath.
When you came back up, you looked behind you to see Jongho's reaction. Boy was shook. He just stared at you with wide eyes and pink cheeks. You chuckled softly and were walking back to your seat in the living room, but Jongho grabbed your hand and excused you two before taking you to his room.
"Are you crazy?!" Jongho asked you once he shut the door.
You tilted your head to the side. "What? You didn't like the view?"
"You! Aish! No- I mean yes! I mean, ugh!" He stuttered.
"Of course I liked it, but what if one of my Hyungs had seen? I don't like them seeing what only I can!" He huffed and crossed his arms
You giggled at his words and cupped his cheeks.
"Ok, I'll make sure it won't happen again."
"Oh trust me it won't."
He wasted no time rummaging through his closet, looking for something to cover you up in.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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