#that's not my neighbor au
babeygangstaa · 2 months
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Scary Dog Privilege
• Art trade for @joydoesathing ♡
Time taken- 1 hr 57 mins
Layers used- 8
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
Somwtjing something Francis being forced to kill to defend himself from doppels
It starts out with just one, he thinks it'll be an isolated situation, more for his own sanity than anything else, as I dont think he'd be too keen on having to kill anything, doppelganger or not.
But he just
Keeps getting fucking bombarded by them to the point where he actually starts to carry a weapon with him at all times instead of just having to break one of the glass milk bottles to make a spur of the moment weapon. Which, he was not too happy about.
Something something he's eventually forced to kill someone with the face of his own neighbor as the doorman had accidentally let a doppel inside the building, and with him having experience in killing them himself, and there not really being any time for error or for him to call the D.D.D., he just fucking kills them himself. Bonus if someone sees him do this and thinks he killed one fo the neighbors
Bonus bonus if the person who the doppel was copying sees him kill their duplicate and starts having some second thoughts about Francis as a person after seeing them kill someone with their face so easily nearly without hesitation. (There was hesitation, they just didn't see or didn't notice it.)
So uh, in this context, assuming doppel blood isn't a different color than human blood, Scarlet Milk Francis could really be the real Francis, couldnt he
ALSO bonus bonus bonus, Francie being forced to kill somebody with his own face and body, (ish, depends how weird the doppel is, like if it's Hoon man, I don't think he'd have as much trouble killing him. Don't get me wrong, he'd still have trouble with that, seeing as it's till a doppel of him, and pretty damn close to him if it weren't for the face. I do think he would be freaked the fuck out by him otherwise considering.........yknow......... just fuckin- look at him! If you had to deal with a doppel of yourself with that face, and listen to their garbled attempts at human speech as they try to fucking kill you, you'd be freaked out too.)
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meowczafhaye · 3 months
I'm made a new inside out AU called, "That's Not My Emotion"
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Here's the animation meme from YouTube
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fantasblog · 6 months
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I made new au called neighbortale-
(This is bassically that's not my neightbor game au- Hoorn....Hoorn)
Characters and belongs:
-milkman!sans and his doppelgangers
-that's not my neighbor game by nacho Sama
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deckond · 4 months
what if we like cross over tnmn with the movie rec?!?
like there could be doppelgangers that carry a zombie like virus and one of them manages to infect a neighbor in the apartment complex.
this forces the D.D.D to quarantine the entire building, leaving the neighbors to be trapped in there with the infected too
i think i might be cookin lowkey...
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letraspal · 1 year
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My neighbor Remus. ☔️
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yayee-pspsps · 3 months
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charliemwrites · 1 month
Men At Work - Part 3
I know this has been a little slow to start, but things should progress a little more quickly from here. I wanted to establish some of the groundwork for this weird dynamic they all have but unfortunately, these men don't know the meaning of slow, even in my own head.
No Content Warnings
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“How are the repairs going?” you ask.
It’s just Nikto today, returning your Tupperware from dinner the other night. He’s covered head to toe once again, all that’s visible are those glass blue eyes. One way mirrors - hiding everything beneath the surface.
They remind you of… something. 
Hmm. When you figure it out, they’re sure to make an appearance in your next novel.
“On track,” he answers in that sharp, staccato way you’re learning is just his way.
Unfortunately for him, that just makes you more curious. You know it’s a bit obnoxious - you’re not entitled to information, you know that. And most of the time you curb the inquiries tapping at the back of your teeth. But he’s in your house, snuggling your traumatized cat. If he’s got a problem answering casual questions, you’re certain he’ll have no problem letting you know.
“You’re redoing the whole thing?”
“Most of it. Foundation is good. The rest - дерьмо.”
You don’t know a lick of Russian, but you can guess.
“Good bones,” you hum in understanding. As if you know anything about construction. “That helps. When do you think it will be done?”
He shifts, sharp eyes flicking between your busy hands, the door, and Rasputin holding him lovingly hostage.
Little guy is currently perched on your shoulder, face buried against your collar in abject despair that his bestest friend hasn’t come to visit. Shithead is poaching (or attempting to, anyway) the sandwiches you’re assembling. So far, she’s only swishing her tail, biding her time. You’re keeping an eye on her.
“Two months. Three if any of us are called.”
You hum, reach for the tomatoes. It’s only because you’re looking at him that you notice the slightest twitch around his eyes. Beneath his mask, you’d bet he’s scrunching his nose.
“I will eat.”
You leave the tomatoes off. Guy mews sadly, you tilt your head to press a kiss to his little ear.
“So, two or three months. Krueger said you’ll move in then.”
You top the sandwiches with a final slice of bread and turn to the oven. Spin back just in time to catch Shithead’s paw reaching for Krueger’s designated sandwich. Nikto eyes the plate of brownies in your free hand; you bite the corner of your mouth to keep from grinning.
“What about the yard?”
Nikto tilts his head. If he didn’t give the impression of a particularly large predator, you’d call it cute. As it is, even spiders and snakes endear themselves to you somehow.
“What about yard?”
“Any plans for it?” You sneak an extra brownie onto Nikto’s plate. Reward and apology for wrenching conversation out of him. “Grass? Trees? Flowers?”
He blinks. Just once. Some sort of intuition tells you that even that behavioral tic is a big social step for him.
“Oh, uh… gravel then?”
“We mean no plans,” he corrects.
“Oh! Alright, I suppose that’s a long way off anyway. There’s still so much work to do on the inside.”
But it does get you thinking. What even goes into fixing a house? And how do they know all this stuff? The electric, the insulation, the… whatever else goes into a home. Is it just Weird Things they picked up from the military?
You stare contemplatively at the house’s exterior as you walk the plates across the street with Nikto. (Ras is riding on his shoulder and Guy refused to detach his claws from yours. You fear for the state of your home with Shithead left behind, but neither you nor Nikto had a spare hand to wrangle her with.)
Nikto practically kicks the door in, shouting for the others as he goes. Guy chooses that moment to start crying - uncanny sense for appearing pathetic as possible.
Konig must hear him halfway down the stairs, because the steady boot steps get faster after a moment.
“Oh, bubchen! Why are you sad? What has happened?” Konig coos, nearly running to your side.
Of course, now that he’s gotten what he wanted, Guy’s volume lowers. He makes a pleased little “mrow” and slinks off your shoulder and into Konig’s reaching hands. You’d call him a traitor but you’re a damn sucker for a big man with a cute animal. 
“You two are ridiculous,” you laugh, setting the plates on the counter.
It’s already been replaced since last you saw it. Black granite, very sleek. You like it. (Which of them installed it? Nikto? You usually catch glimpses of him on the ground floor.)
“He is a baby, Biene,” Konig protests, “he must be treated like one.”
“He’s already five!” You reply, like you don’t have a papoose for when your hands are too full to snuggle him.
“Did I stutter? I do not think so. This is a baby.”
You have to turn away to hide your laughter, pretending that taking the foil off the lunches requires your full attention.
Krueger steps up behind you while you’re not looking. The heat of him is what alerts you, the only reason you don’t jump when his rough voice comes by your head.
“Where is the Shithead.”
“Hello to you too, Krueger. How is your day?”
He grunts and reaches past you, trying to snatch up a brownie. Without a thought, you slap at his hand - balk at the sharp whack sound it makes. He jerks his hand back in shock.
“You deny me my dearest friend and you attack me in my own home.”
You spin on your heel, mouth already open. False start as you realize he’s even closer than you expected. The height difference doesn’t seem like much until you’re eye level with his neck. You untangle your tongue and ignore the smirk growing at the corner of his scarred mouth.
“This is barely a house, never mind a home,” you scoff.
He snorts - that smirk turns to a full blown grin. A little crazed. Unfortunately, that makes it more attractive. (And the bastard probably knows it too.)
“You insult me too, now.”
“Sure, but I brought you food.”
He flicks his eyes to the plate behind you and arches a brow.
“Bring me the little Sheisskerl and I will forgive you.”
You tilt your head to the side. “Go get her yourself.”
What the hell did you just say? Inviting a man into your house unaccompanied?! You may not be a true crime writer, but you know better.
You still don’t take it back.
He locks eyes with you, gives the distinct impression that he knows exactly what you just thought and he’s amused by your obstinance.
“Fine.” He reaches past your hip. Smells like sweat and something that reminds you of heat. Solder? Certainly not anything you’re used to. “Behave, eh? Konig is easy to take advantage of.”
You snort and glance at Konig over his shoulder, who’s glaring now. (Somehow no less intimidating even with Guy nuzzling at his mask.)
As Krueger turns, he takes a big bite of brownie, humming appreciatively under his breath. You shake your head, then turn to Konig.
“If you want to steal one of his sandwiches, I’ll look the other way.”
Konig barks a short, sharp laugh of surprise. It startles you a bit, but not enough to wipe the grin from your face. You know he really means it when he sounds like that.
“How are the bathroom repairs going?” you ask.
“They are going well!” he answers. Then launches into an in-depth explanation of all the ongoing projects. Replacing walls, rewirings, outlet and light installations. What doesn’t go over your head is almost too fast to understand as his accent thickens with excitement. You nod along anyway, because you asked, and he’s stupidly endearing - big muscular man getting a bit squeaky while he rambles about pipes.
He barely even notices Guy’s little paw reaching until it’s shoved into his open mouth. He sputters as you burst into laughter, gently tucking Guy’s arm against his chest.
“Why would you do this?!” he asks, only to receive a slow blink in response.
“He’s saying you need to eat,” you giggle, nudging Konig’s plate.
“Oh, that’s right! Thank you for the lunch!”
Barely a couple bites in and you hear the door open again. Krueger stomps in with Shithead bundled in his arms, one hand under her bottom, the other around her tummy. She’s got her head tilted all the way back to chirp and chitter at him.
“Why are you carrying her like that?” you ask, choking back a giggle. 
“It is how she wishes to be carried.”
You blink at her - but sure as shit, she’s perfectly content being held like a child’s toy.
“Well good luck eating like that.”
“You won’t feed me?” he leers.
“I don’t want rabies if you bite me.”
His laughter is even harsher than Konig’s. You like it instantly.
All that’s left is to hear Nikto’s.
Agatha is outside when Nikto walks you back home.
(Krueger huffed that he had too much work to do for the day, but he would see you for dinner. While you were still blinking in shock at his self-invite, Konig transitioned Little Guy back into your arms. All the while grumbling at Krueger’s impatient German.)
She scowls as she notices your two-person parade. Nikto’s juggling Little Guy and Rasputin; you’ve got a firm grip on Shithead and the stack of dirty plates. You snort a bit just thinking of her paranoid comments about them being bad men. Sure, they might be in some ways, but it’s a hard sell when Ras is trying to lick at the edge of the mask around Nikto’s eyes.
“Afternoon, Agatha,” you call, just to be petty.
“When is your fiance coming by again?” she calls back. “Such a lovely young man.”
Your mirth dries up in an instant. “I broke up with my boyfriend four months ago. I thought I told you.”
You did. You know you did. Because she’s a nosy pain in the ass that was asking about your Easter plans with him (trying to invite you to church once again) when you told her that you left him. She’d even fussed about it at the time, saying that there’s hardly anything that can’t be healed with time and understanding.
(It was only your commitment to your own privacy that kept you from asking how much time it takes to smooth over someone cheating with your cousin.)
At your side, Nikto grunts. You glance sideways at him, wondering what he must think.
But his eyes are on Agatha. Even Rasputin has paused the grooming routine to narrow his one eye at her.
“Is this the one that looks in mailbox?” he asks, louder than you’ve ever heard.
Loud enough that she hears. And flushes redder than the poppies in your flowerboxes.
“That’s her husband, actually,” you answer. She sputters, and an incredibly immature bolt of satisfaction suffuses you.
He grunts again. Eyes her up and down. “Maybe we leave surprise for him next time, da?”
You press your lips together, but it does nothing to prevent you from grinning. He’s deadly serious, though, which somehow makes it even funnier to you.
“Maybe!” you reply in a tone that really means absolutely.
Nikto shuts the door on her face before Agath can get out a threat to call the police.
“You’ve got a petty streak,” you say, grinning at him.
He tilts his head. “You like.” He doesn’t even sound sure if it’s a question or a statement.
“Yeah,” you giggle, “I like it.”
He grunts and takes the plates from your hand. “We wash. You think about dinner and revenge. Da?”
You plop yourself onto a stool by the kitchen counter. “Da.”
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First | Previous | TBC...
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pengold · 5 months
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Nacha Mikaelys, the "Chef"
Headcanon for Nacha is that her late husband was the right hand to the Irish mafia. She knew what he did, but as long as he was loyal to their family she did not care.
(( Also I based her off of Selena Quintanilla-Pérez))
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diazisms · 5 months
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this buck with this tommy <3
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That’s Not My Neighbor (1) | Yandere Bnha
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“I’m sure you didn’t have a nose piercing the last time I spoke with you, Mister Kirishima. Besides you're not on today's list.”
“Wait it’s not what you think please–”
As apathetic as your reasoning you clicked the button and began to dial the D.D.D. It didn’t matter that there was frantic and harsh banging against the closed metal doors. All that did matter was that the shouts and struggles of D.D.D agents were quieting down. The metallic door came up to show the mysterious build of the building’s agent. 
“The cleaning protocol is completed. You may continue your job.”
“Thank you.”
You look down to reorganize and once over the documents you had; stopping when you find the agent still standing in front of your window, gas mask, and all. 
“Do you need something?”
Instead of apologizing or defending themselves they simply stood there. Rolling your eyes you put the documents down, sending a light glare. They were in the way of possible residents. Which means wasting time on your shift. 
It was three minutes before a voice crackled again. 
“You—took up more shifts.”
Resisting the urge to sneer you took to restacking your papers while you answered. 
“I did. Is there a problem?”
“I thought the other guy would be here at this time.”
Refusing to hide your anger this time you slammed your papers down as you leaned back in the chair.
“On the books he is but he had an emergency so I’m filling in, my shift is next anyway.”
“...Are you getting paid for this?”
So that was why…You sighed, no longer scrunching your eyebrows. Flashing a small smile you straightened your posture.
“He owes me a favor and lunch; so I’ll be okay.”
They stood a little while longer before bowing their head and making their way out of the building. You wondered if this meant one of you was going to get fired. Pushing that aside you continued to look ahead waiting for the next possible resident to walk through.
Your gaze was so fixed on the window you failed to hear the squeaking of the door of your office and the steps behind your back. Only squealing when your chair suddenly twirled around to reveal an intruder.
“HIya (Y/n)!”
“Don’t get so nervous just wanted to stop by!”
It was Denki Kaminari,  resident in F2-03 shared with Hitoshi Shinso, piercings on his ears, yellow hair with a black stripe, and an occasionally derpy look on his face. His current employment is as a private electrician, which means he’s often called out for emergencies and may not always be on the list. 
Which he isn’t because he’s got the day off. 
“Sir Kaminari please don’t surprise me like that. I am working.”
“Sir?! Ouch, (Y/n) you wound me!”
He fakes a shot to the heart wobbling around before dramatically falling onto the floor.
“It’s not healthy to take a job as dangerous as harshly as you do. You know all the residents have countermeasures.” 
It’s Shinso Hitoshi, a private detective, and D.D.D reporter, with crazy purple hair and eyes with bags under them, and a hanging earring on his left ear. He also isn’t on the list today. Figures, his work is sporadic and Shinso is an insomniac homebody. 
“Yes, but my job is meant so that you won’t have to use them. I must stay vigilant against Doppelgangers.”
He sighs and scratches at his unruly head. He kicks his partner who is still playing dead on the floor. Kaminari stands up swiftly to once again invade your space as you fail to scoot your chair away. 
“So have you eaten today?”
You pushed him away, turning to your window once again, scanning the perimeter before speaking over your shoulder. 
“I keep myself hydrated when I’m working.”
Shinso sucked his teeth, coming to your right side as he glances at the files you’ve neatly organized. Kaminari follows his lead going on the opposite side to poke at your phone and the list. You swatted his hands away.
“That doesn’t sound like an answer.”
You sighed, “Relax. My coworker promised to give me lunch as compensation for taking his shift.”
What should have soothed their worries instead made them more upset. Both of them glaring at you. 
“If he’s going to give you lunch but you're taking his shift today, that means you’re not eating lunch today.”
“Yeah..what he said!”
You sighed again standing from the chair to turn the both of them away. Putting your foot down–you cross your arms and look at them with your customer-service smile,” As an extension of D.D.D I’m tasked with not only guarding the door from doppelgangers but protecting my health. 
Kaminari was making that infamous dumb face and Shinso was just about mirroring him.” 
Nonetheless, you continued,” It’s important to the D.D.D that their door people are in their best working conditions and I am paid handsomely to do that. “
Shinso was the first to try to speak narrowing his eyes as though he was questioning the validity of the statement. 
“Wait, hold on–”
But you continued, “If you have any complaints, please call the non-emergency number if you’d like to make a complaint.”
As if timed perfectly a knocking at the glass had you hurriedly hopping and turning in your chair to look through the window. Looking more exhausted than Hitoshi was what looked like the teacher Aizawa Shouta, who was glaring at the couple past your head. 
“I’m about to file a complaint if you don’t check my ID and Entry request.”
“Sorry sir. Right away sir.”
Nothing was out of line, everything matched and thus you let him in. A passing glance at the reflection behind you showed both of them sporting an annoyed grimace. Sending a side–eye to the grumpy teacher their gazes were still fixed on you. 
“(Y/n) if you’re the only one working you need to take an appropriate break.”
“I already said–”
“No (Y/n) whether the D.D.D okays it or not this isn’t healthy.”
Hitoshi’s interruption was a lot harsher than his usual speech, the kind you imagined he used when speaking to captured doppelgangers. It made your skin crawl and the hairs on your arms stand up. 
Feeling the heat of someone’s breath on your neck, you hadn’t noticed Kaminari closing the gap between you two. You wanted to turn but you could feel his arms cross over the arms of the chair trapping you in your seat and leaving you far too close to look him in the eye. 
“I think as concerned neighbors we ought to intervene. What do you say Hito?”
“Guys I haven’t been working that long really–”
“I think that’s a great idea.”
Taking advantage of the wheels on your chair Kaminari pulled you away from the desk, holding you in your chair to the doorway leading to the apartments. Hitoshi made quick work of your station closing everything locking the doors and closing the office window slot. 
“But there’s only one more for my shift please—at least let them in!”
At your behest, Hitoshi rolled his eyes looking at the list of expected tenants before scowling at the one uncrossed name on the list. 
“I honestly think having a doppelganger is better than him.”
You wanted to protest but Kaminari quite easily tossed you over his shoulder as he skipped down the hall. Watch from your bobbing perspective as Hitoshi easily locks up your office with your backpack in hand. How did he know where the key is?
Trying to speak up, you were shaken by Kaminari trying to get your attention with his smile as though he wasn’t abducting you. 
“So what should we have for lunch (Y/n)? Beans and Rice? Meatballs? Katsudon?”
“Come on (Y/n). He’s not going to stop until you say what you’re going to eat.”
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Tnmn doodles! Mostly including the TON au.
-Zoth and Abducius dancing flirtatiously
-Steven, Francis, and Albertsky shooting a doppel only to move close to Peach
-Izanami and Drugia creating nightmare monsters to fight in arenas
-Teutates threatening to kill Izaack with Nacha watching in fear, caught along with him
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crudaka · 5 months
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That's not my neighbor but the neighbors are actually doppelganger traps created by the DDD MORE PAGES:
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rosestarlightkatarina · 3 months
Someone must do this
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In Coffeewoman we trust!
Tap for better quality
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phatkochi · 6 months
Fuck it, Milkplane Swap AU
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(yes this applies to the rest of the characters too but I haven't planned anything for them yet😭)
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puntastic-artist · 6 months
HI HERE'S SOME MORE TNMN DOODLES, sorry (not sorry) a majority of them are of Gabriel (this is where the among us doodle came from lmao)
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ALso I am forever cursed to make pirate AUs for each fandom I enter so have that
I only did 3 neighbors per floor
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Gabriel really wants the tired guy to kiss him
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