#that's not the only problem as well. he also likes to have 5000 things happening at once
animemaniac21 · 5 months
This is my first opinion blog, or simply a rant you will, but if you have completed Solo Leveling and Dr. Stone, bear with me on this one. Recently I found an anime called Aiyou’s Secret Room, a mystery thriller based on escape rooms, and since the 1st episode, it hooked me on itself. The characters, the plot, everything was thrilling! At that time, 15 episodes were released, and with each episode, I was awe-stricken, the mystery deepening, with no easy solution; made it all the more interesting! The hole of mystery dug in Episode 1 had become an endless abyss by then! So, I binged watch them in a day, and waited, for the final one to be released. The finale- where all threads of mystery will be untangled! And today, it was released. So, how was my experience? Well…now, I’m no author but lemme tell you, if you are writing a story and at the end of it you leave a major plot point unexplained…much less what is the centre plot around which the story revolves, and also move your protagonist back to square one, on the name of taking the story to a ‘full circle’, then regardless of how great and thrilling the story has been, it will all go down the drain. Unless there’s a season 2, but there weren’t any details to be found.
And here’s where I rest my argument. Regressions. The ‘back to square one’ trope. Sorry, but I hate them. Why? Cause going back to square one literally defeats the purpose of the story’s development! All progress is lost. Is it that hard to understand?
Let’s take Dr. Stone for example. The manga is finished, and when it was ongoing, I awaited every week for another fabulous chapter. The story may have a lot of cliché tropes, but it doesn’t disappoint on its very central theme- science in a stone world. How Senku develops modern science once again along with other scientists even in a world of primitives. Its science is top-notch, and so are the adventures. So, what about its ending? Well…
The plot is driven by the mystery of petrification itself, and with each turn it deepens. Until ultimately, in the final arc, it is revealed- that the petrification devices are aliens?! The entire moon arc was ‘maybe’ too rushed, and for the entire thing to develop into this, it also felt weird. But alright, this may be my opinion only, but man, when the in the last chapter Senku decides to create a FUCKING TIME MACHINE, trying to return to 5000 years in past, I lost it. Wait, so what about the present? What about Kohaku, Chrome or Suika? What about going to the future together? Won’t they just disappear? What’s the point?
Solo Leveling. It was thrilling. Every chapter. Up until the end, I remained in a thrill, what would happen, how will he win, will he die? But what our protagonist does? Reverses time itself so that everyone forgets his existence and he goes back to square one, of course with all his powers, so that he could redo it overall! I mean, from the audience’s point, all the development that happened, is lost. What makes Solo Leveling so thrilling is this growth of our weak protagonist, and now what? At the other end, he is just an overpowered ‘all-knowing’ protagonist.
This ‘all-knowing’ is so damn annoying. Now, many fantasy manga/manhwas start with the MC returning to the past to solve the problem all over. This leaves us with an ‘all-knowing’ MC and no mystery is left. A reincarnation is different; you go to a distant future. But overpowered cause you are a ‘know it all’?
Let’s compare it to an anime like, let’s say Tokyo Revengers. Regressions are its plot, the protagonist’s power. He corrects the past to get a better future, but mysteriously the future just worsens. Tokyo Revengers doesn’t put a ‘know it all’ ‘correcting the past’ MC on the plate, but an intriguing MC with some mystery entangling him and the past. Its plot is delivered well, unlike the other regression fantasies.
But that can just be my preference, cause these regressions to correct the past making a ‘know it all’ MC is still a well-received trope. But Dr Stone or Solo Leveling? Heck no! Pulling that shit on end, destroying all the ‘development’, back to square one, WHY?
This distaste that I held for these tropes is just reignited with Aiyou’s Secret Room, and unless anyone can confirm there’s more to the story, my advice: please don’t waste your time watching it.
Or any such story for that matter!
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PS: I uploaded this blog a year back, but since I thought I might share all my blogs on other platforms like Tumblr, so I thought to post this one first 😅
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puella-peanut · 2 years
I wish you would write Daniel flirting with some other guy while Terry is jealous and trying to get his attention. They're not together yet so Terry really has no claim and they're in public so he's trying to remain socially acceptable lmao. Daniel being oblivious or not is up to you
Oh my god, I love this. Terry trying to remain socially acceptable, Daniel being oblivious to the effect he has on people men. Some real potential for comedy here folks. And let Terry get his comeuppance for once, hehe. Here are some thoughts...
—Terry has always been a planner, always has something up his tailored sleeve. Which is why he’s at a total loss for how badly his plan for the afternoon has gone awry. He’d intended to sweep Danny off his little feet at this fancy afternoon garden party he’d cordially invited the boy to—to give the poor darling a taste of the finer things in life, and of course to show what he, Terry, would be giving him when he made things official (because of course Daniel is his already, he just doesn’t know it yet).
—But, well...maybe it had been a mistake to buy Daniel that gauzy, see-through summer shirt, and those matching slim-cut trousers (in full white to set off that delicious tan skin), and have him parade about the garden, growing more sun-kissed and lovely by the hour. The boy is turning heads with a vengeance which is one thing (and Terry does so love to show off what is his)...but the problem remains that these upper class louts don’t know that Daniel is his. (Neither does Danny-boy.) Fuck.
—And really, this is stoking Terry’s ego to see how everyone desires his boy, but also—he’s pretty much done nothing but swat these men away from Daniel since they’ve arrived. Just like keeping a swarm of bees from an especially attractive flower. Whoever knew taking the boy out would be such a job and a half? Terry’s not had such an exhausting time in a while—he’s had multi-million business deals less stressful!
—And well Christ on a stick just what he needs—here comes the buffoon of the hour, Spencer James-Edgar Lovejoy-Phillips the Fifth with his idiotic name, too many hyphens, his Swiss Bank Account(s), hideous love of pinstriped suits, and—
—...Apparently an interest in Daniel that runs deeper than just lust. (!!!) Terry’s gaze sharpens, he immediately shifts so his body is as close to Daniel’s as possible without having an arm around him. If only, but that might scare him off, skittish thing that he is. Anyhoo, Terry sends Spencer an ice cold smile as he sips his 5000 year old wine—all while fantasizing about Spencer’s (slow and painful) demise. 
—Meanwhile, Danny innocently prattles on, and clumsily flirts (and it would be so utterly adorable if Terry had been on the receiving end!)—but Spencer looks too damn charmed for his own good, and so smug that the boy is clearly interested (un-fucking-believable!!) in him. Terry silently fumes and wonders if he should round kick him into the bubbling fountain nearby. Maybe he can pass it off as an accident? Man accidentally dies after falling into garden-fountain and snapping his neck: he can taste the headlines now. He shoves a fist into his pocket. This is not happening. (Except that it is.)
—...Terry can’t believe the thought crosses his mind as Daniel and Spencer chit-chat, but, does Daniel have a thing for blonds? Sure, Spencer is tall (though not nearly as tall as Terry, hah), with golden-blond hair (so what?), grey-eyed (Terry preferred his own blue), broad-shouldered and fit (nothing on Terry though). He’s so jealous that even though he’s grasping at straws at this point he’ll do anything to soothe his ruffled feathers. 
—And FOR FUCKS SAKE did Spencer just brush Daniel’s arm? And did Danny lean into it a bit?! 
—Anyway, Terry breaks his wine glass since he’s holding it so tightly. What a pity it isn’t Spencer’s neck. (At least Danny is concerned that he hasn’t cut himself too badly. Take that, you blond fuck.)
—Terry gets his boy to bandage up his hand (so the party isn’t a total loss). And Danny does fuss over him in the privacy of a secluded gazebo, wondering innocently if Terry has heatstroke, or maybe it was the wine? The moment is sweet, and Daniel looks like a wood-nymph in the afternoon sun. If only Spencer were here to stew in jealousy, it would be perfect. Heh.
—Somehow the afternoon ends with Spencer falling into the garden fountain, spraining his arm badly. The guests wonder what happened, and Terry just shrugs. He was probably tipsy, the Lovejoy-Phillips family could never hold their liquor, could they? Terry just soothes Daniel, anxious thing, while Spencer departs to nurse his wounds. Terry just grins as he leads Daniel away--no one even noticed his scuffed shoe, did they?
—In the car, Daniel can't stop babbling about what a good time he had, and how kind (the men) had been to him. His obliviousness is totally adorable, and Terry's jealousy is soothed. Until he says that Spencer did give him a private number, and told Daniel to "expect a call" later on that week. 
—It's a good thing there's a driver, because Terry would have dissolved into road-rage by now. 
—When night comes, Terry has one hell of a migraine, as his pale-Irish ass has been deeply fried by the sun. He had assumed that he might be leaving with something along those lines—but a rival?! For Danny’s heart?! Unacceptable. He’s going to destroy Spencer. In fact, he’s going to start planning his demise tonight. Just as soon as he gets an icepack and some fucking aloe vera first. Damn it. 
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Genshin Impact Necro AU: Sakurai Denki - Personality, Appearence, Quirks
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Made in Picrew, because I couldn't draw to save my life. I'm working on it as well, but the internet will have to do for now.
A/N: I know, I know, this is the worst possible way of describing a fictional character - an info dump. But integrating all of this into a reasonable story with coherent plot and the proper developement would take a very long time (exactly 3.9 days of constant writing. Average pace is 4 sentences per minute, average sentence is 10 words, average chapter is 5000 words long, 45 chapters to do all the content justice [in my opinion, could be less]). So while work happens on the proper fics, have this.
Physical appearance
Height: 192 cm/ ~6.3 ft
Weight: ~90kg
Age: 23 (vessel age appearance) 21 (actual age)
Eye colour: Originally green. His new body, however, mirrors the state of his soul, also in the eyes. The iris is normally light grey in colour, and switches depending on his emotions. It is dark purple when he is angry, yellow during Necro core malfunctions, blue when he is in mental pain/discomfort and everything switches back to green when he is happy.
Hair colour: Brown. It used to be a healthy shade, but after the soul transplant it got brighter (stress-related graying). He wears it short.
Skin colour/race: White, Caucasian.
Physique: Muscular, but not beefy. Attractive by all means (Sunqu didn't make the vessel to leave Denki maidenless, now did he? Everything he creates is held up to a high standard). The original Denki was slender and of average height.
Unique features: Scars, scars, scars. His old body may have been abandoned, but some injuries have been ingrained in his very soul - and that reflects on his vessel. Over time traces of his past reappeared, now as fully healed white scars. Every single one of them carries an especially painful memory. The one on his right eye, for example. It was the second to be removed, leaving him completely blind. Even though he can see again, the trauma remained. Other scars include:
around the neck,
long and symmetrical on his arms,
a few long gashes on his back,
a flurry of small, thin and irregular cuts on his forearms,
a half-moon scar on his stomach,
around his upper chest,
on the inside of the thighs.
Tattoos, piercings and jewelry: None.
Original Denki was fun to be around, all in all. Outgoing, outspoken, friendly. He had a lot ideas for fun activities, and often dragged his few friends along. Despite that he was slightly introverted, enjoying alone time a little more. He loved reading and drawing landscapes of his home - Narukami Island. Denki liked to train swordfighting, but prefered doing things in a way of avoiding direct conflict and bloodshed.
The new Denki is very different. He's cold, unfeeling even. Denki is the only mortal The Watcher respects. He is reliable and direct, working with others with no greater issues.
The problem, however, starts to become visible when he finally relaxes, the doors close, the curtain drops. Denki is awkward in social situations, remaining silent and somewhat absent, always standing on the sidelines, not speaking unless spoken to. He sometimes comes off as dull, other times mean and harsh. A lot of the subtleties of conversation, like flirting and teasing, just makes him confused and angry - why won't they just tell me what they want? Mood swings are a problem. Even thought the Necro core stabilises his soul greatly, the spirit still is an unpredictable thing. Best case he gets grumpy or sad, worst case - an entire psychotic episode occurs. The major malfunctions happen rarely, but small short-circuits are common. He is snappy, but his frustrations never result in injury to bystanders. His jokes are confusing and untactful (the undead he got used to have a very different concept of what's funny). Once more or less a pacifist, Denki got more violent. He no longer strays from killing or harming others, but still dislikes the job he was forced into. The targets of his cruelty are almost exclusively the Fatui, armed or unarmed, innocent or guilty. The mangled, rotting corpses are a tell-tale sign of his presence.
After he reunited and got together romantically with Kuki Shinobu, his best friend from his childhood, Denki started slowly improving. His mood always lightens up when she is around. He talks more, is overall happier and more upbeat. He got used to talking to living people again. His sense of humour remains dark, but lightened up enough to not attract worried glances from bystanders. Teasing stopped annoying him - he even started to bother Shinobu on a daily basis (mainly about their height difference, which is about 30 cm apart). Breakdowns still occur, but they got less violent over time, thanks to his soul finally healing. Denki started slowly coming back to parts of his old self, but got more mature and masculine. His intense protectiveness over Shinobu is also to be noted.
Body image - Ever since his soul got moved, he felt that his body didn't belong to him any more. All of the nooks and crannies he was used to were gone, replaced with artificial flesh. It is attractive, beautiful and perfect from the outside, but it's not his. It feels like a golden cage for his soul. At first, Denki couldn't even blink correctly. It took what felt like years to get the new flesh puppet into the rhythm of being alive. All of the natural functions, like breathing, walking, sleeping or speaking had to be done with outside help at first. Only after a long time was he ready to fully use it as intended. Every day felt awful. The vessel was cumbersome and clumsy, and it hurt. Everything hurt. Speaking, moving around, breathing. It felt just as a too tight costume. But he got used to it over time. He has to maintain it regularly, just in case something is wrong. That made him enjoy taking long, thorough baths. Yet he doesn't feel the same type of worry at seeing it injured, like one would with their own body. It is unimportant to him. It was, actually, before Shinobu got into a relationship with him. She adored it's beauty, helping him clean off the blood and grime on many occasions. She hated seeing it hurt, and urged him to be careful. If Shinobu values his vessel, then why should he not? It won't be that bad. Probably.
Allignment - Every time he cleans the blood off of his hands, he can't help but question himself. Is he good, or evil? How come his fingers are so gentle and full of love on Shinobu's, but so hateful inside of his opponents' eye sockets? The beings that saved him are objectively evil - they torture, kill, raid and destroy, but to achieve a goal of world order and create a paradise at the command of the Creator. Do the ends justify the means? They showed kindness and understanding, offered him a chance to live again, but forced him into a job of murder all the same. Is killing the guilty really a good deed? Is giving payback to those who hurt him in an equally cruel way a crime, or a justifiable action? And finally - after so much wrong-doing, this much cruelty and hate - does he even deserve to be hers?
Identity - If Denki's soul remained unchanged, he would have ended himself or gone off-the-rails long ago. Because of this, Sunqu had to piece together whatever was left of him, and fill the gaps with fragments of others' life essence. His memories are still there, but the mood swings certainly beg the question: is Denki really one person? When he looks into his grey eyes in the mirror, does he see the old Denki, the one who smiled and laughed without a care? Is it the weak, pathetic, scared and whimpery shell of a human Beleth rescued? Or the new Master Denki - the same man on whose hands is the blood of hundreds? Which one gets up, which one eats, which one cuddles with Shinobu to avoid nightmares? Which one does she actually love? If he is, indeed, one individual, that brings forth even more concern.
Trauma - It's not like the memories suddenly vanished from his mind. The seven years of agony left permanent imprints in his mind, resulting in many quirks and habits reflecting that. Examples include:
Constant nightmares, up to a point where he has to sleep in short, three hour bursts to get any rest,
Brief 'jamming', resulting in zoning out or randomly snapping at anyone around,
Occassional flinching at sudden movements during relaxed moments,
Dislike towards salty and dry foods,
Dislike towards turpid soups - because who knows what's really inside,
Picking apart purchased meals with cutlery, subconsiously looking for needles, razors, broken glass or similiar "surprises",
Eating quickly, as if someone was about to take his food away,
Absolutely despising being restrained in any way,
Reluctancy to undress or show is bare body in other ways,
Scratching at his neck and forearms whenever he is uncomfortable or sad,
Disrespecting most authority figures, excluding the Legion,
Unwillingness to submit in any way, be it major, minor, or even as just a joke,
Paranoia; always standing in a way to observe the most people around at once,
Desperation not to get sick and become dependant on others, even if for a day only,
Tensing up at sudden physical contact...
... and the list goes on and on. Most of the stress is made more bearable with his girlfriend around. She is an expert at calming him down and comforting him whenever he needs it. With the smaller woman in his arms, every pain seems to dull - even the nightmares subside.
(Feedback is always welcome! :>)
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Thanks for reading!
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arielgobuss · 8 months
Hello, we have aready translated and added 5 new chapters of our Snarry ff "Desiderium Intimum" in english. We've also added almost all of 75 illustrations that has been created to our story 🥰 We plan to post 3-4 chapters a week, so the translation should be finished soon.
We wanted to share with you one of over 5000 comments we received to our story over the years, which is one of our favourite comment and amazingly sum up the whole story and the most important characteristic of our fanfic 🥰 Maybe it can let you have a brief idea about what to expect.
Comment by Wilczyca:
"This story is... substantial. I have never read something so well written, with such a narrative that the readers feel like they are standing right next to the characters, and it's all really happening, right in front of our eyes. No, it's not addictive, it sucks you in and makes you feel a need to read, read, read, forget about God's world, about the fact that you had to study, eat something, go to the toilet, and sometimes you even forget about breathing!
All the other Snarry fics are so... girly. What I mean is that Severus and Harry may have a bit of a quarrel there, but it ends very quickly and, true to a girl's sense of romance, they very quickly come to an agreement and head towards eternal happiness. Because it's so... good. Because everyone likes good endings and stories about reciprocated love. Because we were brought up in such a culture that basically everyone dreams about it. However, this romance shouldn't be easy, because there are too many differences between the characters for them to just get together and be happy. The second problem I noticed in other texts is that Snape is completely flat and does not behave at all like a thirty-something man who has had a hard time serving a psychopathic murderer. And this does not surprise me, because it is difficult to realistically portray such a character, it is difficult to empathize with him. Your Snape... is Snape-like. There is no sense of absurdity in your text, it's not read with a pinch of salt, it's not bus-reading and I think it makes an impression on the reader regardless of age, as long as they like such atmosphere. The narrative is absolutely amazing, Harry's stream of thoughts and feelings are described so smoothly and naturally that you feel as if you are thinking all these thought yourself, feeling all these feelings yourself.
Snape is so… frightening! Haha, that's the first thing that comes to my mind! He is also incredibly intelligent, mysterious, and sexy. At the beginning he is so aloof and closed off, but later, thanks to Harry's efforts, he opens up more and more, allows him to do more and more, and I really like how it was presented. Nothing changes too suddenly, it's 'transformation' occurs subtly and logically, the reader does not feel like there is a sudden jump. Snape is a very complex character and it's not easy to portray him, and I think no one has ever managed to do it like you did (not even Rowling xD)
Harry is absolutely delightful and disarming. At first I thought to myself; why is he so blinded, so naive and devoted?! But then I remembered that damn, he's only 17! And Severus is his first love. And basically his behavior reflects the idea of first, crazy, uncompromising love. Every scene of his fighting for Severus and trying to get closer to him is read with such warmth in the heart 😊
I also really like how Ron and Hermione are portrayed, but I like Luna even more. She is an extremely colorful and interesting character whose strangeness adds to her charm. Despite the fact that she seems to be constantly in the clouds, in between these strange behaviors she sometimes makes extremely accurate, hardheaded comments, and that's great!
The story is phenomenal as a romance, comedy, erotic and psychological text. Erotic scenes, even though there are so many of them, are very varied and there is no feeling of monotony. They are described in an extremely graphic way, with an emotional background and interesting poetic metaphors, which makes them very hot. When it comes to comedy scenes - I love your slightly mischievous and playful sense of humor! I'm sitting in the office and reading this, smiling like an idiot at the monitor and I just have to hold back with all my strength from bursting out laughing so as not to attract curious glances from other employees!
Love… well, love is always beautiful. But in your fic it's described in a wonderful, realistic and such sensitive way and blooms slowly like the most beautiful flower. Ultimately it overcomes all obstacles and changes an extremely mocking, mean person into… a slightly less mocking, mean man! But that's good, because if Snape suddenly became a cuddly mascot, the charm of this text would disappear forever xD
You can simply feel this text, I think you have great empathy, sensitivity, sense of humor, emotional maturity, and the ability to express it all with words. Each scene evokes great emotions.
Now that I've gone through the whole thing so pompously, at the end I wish you a long, happy life, lots of inspiration to write a thousand more Snarry pics and I suggest you start writing a novel with a world presented by yourself, because it will definitely win the Nobel Prize! Whatever you write, it will be great and I will definitely read it, even if you decided to read a book about planting beans xD I live in hope that I will soon see some new Snarry on the website or a sequel to Desiderium or a small miniature of your own creation! Good luck, girls! You guys have talent, I'll be damned if you don't!"
We want to thank all readers that's been with us for those 4.5 years of writing and helped us to finish the story and we hope that those, who haven't read it yet will love it too 🥰
Ariel & Gobuss
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darlingandmreames · 1 year
Hi I'm rotating my OCs in my head like rotisserie chickens and I've decided to make that everyone else's problem. So here are the questions posed by a cool post I have saved about my OC D.J.
1. What is the character's go-to drink order?
Okay so the original question was aimed at bar/restaurant drinks but I'm going to split this into bar vs cafe/coffeeshop.
Bar: he's used to drinking in shitty bars in ports, so his go-to is usually whatever beer is local/cheapest. However, his preferred drink is whiskey and he's a particular fan of heavily peated whiskey.
Coffeeshop: black coffee, occasionally with a shot or two added is he's particularly tired. He's also an avid drinker of terrible energy drinks.
2. What's their grooming routine?
Relatively minimal outside of the bare necessities due to spending much of his life living on various boats. He mostly just lets his hair do its own thing (it's thick enough and with a nice wave that it generally works out). If he knows he's going to be out and not wearing a hat he might put some loose-hold product in to keep it manageable, but he often wears hats on the boat so it doesn't usually matter. Regarding shaving, when he was working longer fishing/salvage jobs, he got into the habit of letting his beard grow out for however long he was out and then just shaving when he got back to port. Now that he has an entirely port based job with most outings on the boat only being for a day max, he generally keeps a stubble beard.
Despite not generally caring about his grooming routine, he is very particular about what soap he uses. He's found certain brands that he thinks are the best for getting grease and oil off and by god he WILL die on that hill.
3. What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go?
His most expensive purchases have mostly been for work gear, but his disposable income generally goes towards alcohol and books. He drinks less now than he used to but still enjoys spending evenings in a bar (especially now that he's more settled in Reykjavik and has a favourite local place) and will get a drink or two pretty frequently. He's also an avid reader, thanks largely to growing up in an extremely rural area and then spending much of his life on boats. He knows where all the good used bookstores are in the various ports he used to regularly sail into, and would exchange/buy books between ports so that he always had something to read.
4. Do they have any scars or tattoos?
Several of both! He has a number of tattoos on both arms and up onto his shoulders. Some are ones with specific nautical meanings (a swallow for having sailed 5000 miles, a polar bear for having crossed the Arctic Circle) but others are just because he liked how they looked. His largest tattoo is an octopus on his shoulder that goes partway down his arm.
He also has a number of scars, mostly from work accidents. Some are relatively small but he has several large scars on his torso. He got them in an incident which resulted in the death of most of his previous crew but he doesn't talk about what happened, not even with the other surviving crew member. He's rather self-conscious of those scars and doesn't like when people ask about them. He also has scars on his knuckles from fights.
5. When was the last time they cried and under what circumstances?
While drinking alone on the anniversary of the death of his previous crew. He was drunk enough that he doesn't really remember it and even if he did, he wouldn't admit it happened.
6. Are they an oldest, middle, youngest, or only child?
Youngest! He has two older brothers but doesn't speak to either of them, or his parents.
7. Describe the shoes they're wearing.
Steel toed work boots. They're practical and well worn in, and they're what he wears when he's off the boat. On the boat, he also has a pair of rubber work boots
8. Describe the place where they sleep.
Very sparse. He's never had an actual apartment before and is used to living in a very small space out of a few duffle bags, so the idea of decorating an actual apartment is...not something he's used to
9. What objects do they always carry around with them?
A knife! Sometimes several
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Simply put they have a system that's faulty and massively annoying and all the way and it's crap and it don't seem to understand it. So there's a bit of a backlash from the message but it is happening and it's really it's a two-way street if you know what I mean and BG doesn't get it macro you understand a little but when you put it out there Tommy F gets upset I guess and he's spoiled and his men are spoiled and they don't understand what they're doing and saying to people and they get their asses handed for them but that's kind of making this transition less bloody and less painful the more sitting around doing nothing and really we need people to do stuff at least maintain your own self in your yard and your refrigerator and cleanliness and it wasn't happening either. Do you want to California and it's a picture and the last a few days it's totally disgusting and they're forced to do stuff and that's what they need I guess that's what's happening and yeah these people are geniuses.
-and some million and one people who have all sorts of stuff the same really there's only a few people he talks to but still the message went out and they get it you're going to be stuck in this pocket of 5% of the Damned and that's not 5% of Florida that is a very small area all of the other apartment complexes and houses for rent are going to be owned or our own actually by someone other than a moron the evictions will begin we think on Monday and in a large scale it is going to be a massive massive day for that to happen the two idiots to be threatening everyone else and it's going to continue in that vein fairly soon they're going to get it they're not welcome here but to explain it 5% of what they owned what they owned was 20% of the housing and apartments and commercial and everything else so if you took a look at the housing it's still 20% of the housing and it's still 20% of the apartments so it would be 2 out of 10 houses or two out of 10 apartments which is not that much right now they are down to 5% of the houses and or apartments. So it's 1/5 of that ratio so instead of let's say one out of five it would be one out of 25 approximately it's more like one out of 35 which would it works out to with guards to a neighborhood the most neighbors here have probably 25 houses you're only going to be one either owned or owned and rented by someone else so it might not even be a monologue who is there it's just owned and it really is not dispersed like that it's only in four or five areas and three and concentration okay then you're talking about apartment complexes and that's one out of 35. If you have an apartment up in say Orlando area there's probably 5,000 apartments not units 5,000 apartment buildings so one out of 35 isn't that bad. It's just over a hundred apartments. And that's a business that's terrible there's this really 150 apartments out of that number, there's nothing the ratio is terrible it's 1 to 35 so it's 35 times roughly 180 apartments no almost 200 but who cares if you're talking about 5,000 apartments. Also that the density is highest at that number and up in Orlando it's about half that so really it's about 90 apartment complexes versus 5000 and you'll be one out of 60 houses that was owned by a warlock not necessary occupied moving on but this doesn't apply to occupancy it's different this is ownership but in the morlock apartments since 80 to 90% more luck and the rest is like this wild card type thing someone with a mixed brain or a smaller race and things like that but as a total population it's dropped well with a 1% today and they are having a lot of trouble getting here and if not impossible they're going to have a lot of trouble trying to get here from now on if they want to I don't know why they would want to it's ending several other things are occurring
-those with down syndrome and that's 90% of the more lock here or more are being grams if they appear as their selves so those with brain problems are being forced to rectify them and they're doing it rapidly
We're going to publish he's not normal that guy but he thinks he is
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
These people are all crazy as hell mental illness it is very rampant
Couple other notes they're not very Swift they don't understand what time it is here most of their lollygally saying stupid s*** to our son and being mean so that's what's happening
Frank Castle Hardcastle
It is a lot worse than lackadaisical behavior just not knows they're being their snide the senile and they're just horrible so we're watching it and we're going to go over it and they're trying stuff but we're moving in now just to make sure it's safe
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
And I hope you will be okay there's a lot of them here for bothering and what he says is bothering me makes it a lot worse for themselves and deep down inside a lot of them know it some don't they pushed to do things but with so few of them here they are having difficulty with regards to not being arrested and I do understand that
0 notes
feathered-serpents · 2 years
Watching the Sandman and so far it’s good and trying very hard to be faithful while also making the story more streamlined for Netflix but somehow that is making me Tense because the American Gods TV show was also good and faithful at first and then went TOTALLY off the rails and every frame of Sandman some part of me is thinking 
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thebroccolination · 2 years
Recently, there was an unfortunate kerfuffle with Boun’s official fan club, and since misinformation keeps spreading, I’d like to try and head off more rumors before they start.
Off the bat, Boun himself wasn’t involved at all. People are saying he escaped to Korea (🤦🏻‍♀️) for good (😐) to avoid legal problems (🤨), and I just…don’t even know what to do with that. I know it's a challenge to stay informed in a fandom where you don't speak the target language, but please use common sense.
Boun is in Korea on vacation with his manager Dao and his friend/fellow actor Yacht. He hasn't shared his return date with the public because it's a personal trip and he shouldn't ever have to do that…not because he's escaping the law or whatever goofy Wattpad premise people are spreading around. Considering the extensive visa procedures Thai nationals need to go through to visit South Korea as tourists, this trip was probably planned long in advance. The timing also makes sense since Boun just finished his part in filming EvenSun and he hasn’t traveled outside Thailand for fun at all in over two years. He probably didn’t announce this trip until he was about to leave because it’s a private vacation.
What happened?
My answer: it’s complicated and I don’t know all of it. What I know for sure based on official sources is that the fan club One Always Boun upset many fans over the past few years doing things like mishandling money donated by fans, so Wabi Sabi has terminated their role as his official fan club. They will decide on a new official fan club at some point and the admins of that fan club will be under much more rigorous scrutiny than OAB was.
I learned a lot of what was angering Thai fans about OAB by going through the hashtag #วาบิอย่าปล่อยเบลอบ้านไม่ใช่เจ้าของด้อม, so I recommend having a look there for receipts and personal accounts from Thai fans themselves. There are claims that OAB treated other fans sarcastically and dismissively in the official fan club’s Line group chat, gave Boun very low-priced food support (fast food) compared to the amount of money OAB accepted, didn't set up a booth for him at the 7Project event even though he was one of the biggest names there, etc.
OAB's admins have also been demonstrably cruel about Prem, and this is something I saw from the sidelines back in July of 2020. An admin essentially told the Line group chat (which can hold a max of 5000 people) that they didn’t like Prem and only wanted to support Boun. There are screencaps on Twitter, and if I find them again, I'll edit them into this post. Since they said this in the main group chat, it was almost guaranteed that Boun himself would see it, and he did. I don’t know all of what went on, but it did seem to have an effect on Prem himself, and LazySheep offered to take him out to eat shabu-shabu to comfort him.
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I can’t translate Sheep's tweets with more than auto-translate, but it seems she was encouraging the two of them as well as remembering a day when either Boun or Prem asked her if he'd done anything wrong. The tweet is (probably intentionally) vague, but considering how focused that entire day was on the incident, it seemed to be about the fan club's treatment of Prem. Either of them thinking they did something to deserve that is heartbreaking to me.
She tweeted a lot of support for them both that day, and they both seemed to appreciate it.
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One Always Boun smoothed over the incident by saying that the admin in question was sorry. Some fans wanted the admin removed, but that didn't happen. In the years since, according to fans in the hashtag, OAB admins have gone so far as to crop Prem out of photos and to only post Boun-specific hashtags during BounPrem events.
Things continued on, and OAB was named Boun's official fan club in 2021.
On May 7th, 2022, OAB announced some troubling information about the donated money they'd been entrusted with:
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By their own official admission above, they mishandled donated funds and apparently only admitted to it months later once they were caught.
So, with all of this under consideration, Wabi Sabi have made the decision to terminate them as Boun’s official fan club.
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So again: Boun wasn't involved.
It was his fan club.
It's my understanding that OAB’s admins were at one point Boun’s earliest fans from when he was very young. So when he apologized:
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it wasn't an admission of wrongdoing. He was probably just feeling generally miserable about the whole situation and felt he owed everyone an apology for the trouble caused under his name. People who had supported him for so long managed to cause so much harm to others, and while this is just conjecture on my part, I imagine he wasn't in the best mood when he posted this to his IG story:
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It's possible that it's a coincidental match of the kind of photo Prem posted back in July of 2020, but he was definitely sad at least.
So, that's all!
Boun's in Korea on vacation doing touristy things with his friend and manager, and he'll probably be back in a few days, since their vacations seem fairly short in general. Prem has one more day of filming for EvenSun on the 15th, and he seems to be fine as well.
No one's running from the law, Between Us isn't canceled, and LazySheep deserves a lot of love for how well she looks after her actor children.
The End!
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yobaba30 · 4 years
Dec 18th - House Impeaches Trump.
Jan 8th - First CDC warning.
Jan 9th - Trump campaign rally.
Jan 14th - Trump campaign rally.
Jan 16h - House sends impeachment articles to Senate.
Jan 18th - Trump golfs.
Jan 19th - Trump golfs.
Jan 20th - First case of coronavirus in the US, Washington State.
Jan 22nd - "No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine."
Jan 24th - "It will all work out well."
Jan 28th - Trump campaign rally.
Jan 30th - Trump campaign rally.
Jan 30th - "We have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five. And those people are all recuperating successfully."
Feb 1st - Trump golfs.
Feb 2nd - "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
Feb 5th - Senate votes to acquit. Then takes a five-day weekend.
Feb 10th - Trump campaign rally.
Feb 10th - "Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away."
Feb 12th - Dow Jones closes at an all time high of 29,551.42.
Feb 15th - Trump golfs.
Feb 19th - Trump campaign rally.
Feb 19th - "I think the numbers are going to get progressively better as we go along."
Feb 20th - Trump campaign rally.
Feb 21st - Trump campaign rally.
Feb 24th - "The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!"
Feb 25th - "CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus."
Feb 25th - "I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine."
Feb 26th - "Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."
Feb 26th - "We're going very substantially down, not up." Also "This is a flu. This is like a flu"; "Now, you treat this like a flu"; "It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner."
Feb 27th: "One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear."
Feb 28th - "We're ordering a lot of supplies. We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical."
Feb 28th - Trump campaign rally.
Mar 2nd - "You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?"
Mar 2nd - "A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly."
Mar 4th: "If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better."
Mar 5th - "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work."
Mar 5th - "The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!"
Mar 6th - "I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down."
Mar 6th - "There is no testing kit shortage, nor has there ever been."
Mar 6th - "Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. And the tests are beautiful…. the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good."
Mar 6th - "I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president."
Mar 6th - "I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault."
Mar 7th - Trump golfs.
Mar 8th - Trump golfs.
Mar 8th - "We have a perfectly coordinated and fine-tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus."
Mar 9th - "This blindsided the world."
Mar 9th - "The Fake News Media & their partner, the Democratic Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power to inflame the Coronavirus situation."
Mar 10th - "It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away."
Mar 13th - [Declared state of emergency].
Mar 13th - "No, I don't take responsibility at all."
Mar 15th - "This is a very contagious virus. It’s incredible. But it’s something that we have tremendous control over."
Mar 17th - "This is a pandemic," Mr. Trump told reporters. "I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."
Mar 18th - "I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning"
Mar 18th - "It’s not racist at all. No. Not at all. It comes from China. That’s why. It comes from China. I want to be accurate."
Mar 18th - "No, I’ve always viewed it as serious, there was no difference yesterday from days before. I feel the tone is similar but some people said it wasn’t."
Mar 23th - Dow Jones closes at 18,591.93 erasing whatever growth he took credit for during his tenure sup to this point.
Mar 25th - 3.3 million Americans file for unemployment.
Mar 30th - Dow Jones closes at 21,917.16.
Apr 1st - "Did you know I was number one on Facebook? I just found out I’m number one on Facebook. I thought that was very nice, for whatever it means." (Trump has 25 million likes, Obama has 55 million for comparison)
Apr 1st - "I don’t think I would have done any better had I not been impeached."
Apr 2nd - 6.6 million Americans file for unemployment.
Apr 2nd - More than 1000 Americans die from coronavirus in a single day. Over 5000 dead total.
Apr 3rd - “The models show hundreds of thousands of people are going to die and you know what I want to do? I want to come way under the model,” Trump said. “The professionals did the models and I was never involved in a model. At least this kind of a model.”
this is just a sample, of course.
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Part 4 - Basic Concepts of Miraculous Ladybug: Glamour
You can call it however you want: kid's show logic, superhero disguise logic, magical girl show logic, cartoon laws, suspension of disbelief, etc. But the fact that nobody recognises Marinette, Adrien and others when they are suited up IS NOT BAD WRITING. It's one of the main laws of this genre. That's not because characters are stupid, okay? So, being frustrated that everyone in the show acts stupid about this "wearing a mask that covers only eyes" trope is strange. This criticism is not valid or fair.
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But, this trope has to make sense in-universe as a worldbuilding and narrative element.
Miraculous doesn't give us much direct information on how glamour works. And in this case, I think we need both SHOW and TELL. Because if you don't establish the glamour rules clearly, you are going to run into problems and create unfortunate implications with your storytelling choices.
Miraculous obviously gives our heroes magical glamour. In "Lady WiFi" we find out that masks can't be taken off. It's magic. No other explanation is needed.
Miraculous can slightly change the appearance of users (eyes, face shape, height and hairstyles). People can identify and notice the hairstyles of heroes (numerous Ladybug wigs, statue in Copycat). Jagged Stone points out the change of hair when he mistakes Chloe for Ladybug ("Antibug"). But it's just a costume. There is no magic that prevents Jagged from understanding that Chloe isn't Ladybug. So, how does it work? But it's forgivable because it's cartoon logic. Suspension of disbelief works here, I suppose. I won't judge this too harshly.
Glamour also obviously prevents people from making a connection that Marinette and Ladybug have identical hairstyles. So people know that Ladybug wears her hair in pigtails, but magic does not allow them to notice similarities.
Another important question. Does glamour work on Kwamis? Can they see who is behind the mask?
New York Special makes it clear that magic does not affect robots and they can see through glamour. Does that mean that Markov, AI built by Max, knows the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir? And it's never addressed.
Plagg in "Frightningale" says that holders can subconsciously choose their superhero appearance. This is actually pretty interesting and I like this idea a lot. Except the show is not consistent with this. The transformation of Master Fu looks identical to Nathalie's. And we have seen how different from each other Ladybug and Black Cat holders looked in the past. At the same time, Master Fu and Nino have different takes on Turtle superhero suit.
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Age Glamour
Does age glamour exist? Do people see Ladybug, Chat Noir and other heroes as adults even when they look like teenagers to the audience (their height and build are smaller even when they are transformed)? Is that why no one ever questions the fact that children nearly die on a daily basis?
I mentioned unfortunate implications earlier. Well, this is where they come into play. Let's talk about "Copycat". A lot of people discussed it before me, so I won't bore you with details.
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When I watched "Copycat" for the first time Theo's crush on Ladybug didn't bother me, because I thought that he sees Ladybug as his peer, a girl who is about 20-23 years old. Theo is an artist, his character design is that of an adult. He has his own studio, its appearance indicates that he did serious commissions in the past. The guy has no idea that Ladybug is like 13.
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But then we get "Heroes' Day" and "Ladybug". And Hawkmoth calls them "kids", which means that there is no age glamour. Others see Ladybug and Chat Noir as teenagers. Perhaps, other Miraculous users aren't affected by age glamour. Therefore regular people see all heroes as adults but other heroes are able to guess their age more or less correctly. But you must spell this thing out because the audience can interpret "Copycat" differently. If there is no age glamour, then Theo is crushing on a teenage girl and he is fully aware of this fact. And this doesn't look good for your show.
The "No Age Glamour" theory is further confirmed in "Sapotis" where Alya just straight up analyses voice recordings and says that Ladybug is a girl their age. If glamour exists then it should also cover technology. Kwami can't be photographed. Face and voice recognition software shouldn't be able to analyse transformed superheroes and detect their identities in any way.
Besides, after "Sapotis" Alya should definitely be sure that Ladybug is not 5000 years old (also not an adult), especially after she wore Miraculous herself and was one door away from detransformed Ladybug.
SEASON 4 UPDATE! There's no age glamour after all.
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In "Furious Fu" Su Han calls Chat Noir a child without knowing his identity. It means that everyone knows their superheroes are teenagers. "Copycat" can't be saved from that, uh, subtext anymore. No one questions the danger of their job or the balance of their lives outside of the mask. No one doubts their competence after "Origins" ever again. No one becomes annoyed after being bossed around by two teenagers in spandex. You had many opportunities to drop these details into the narrative. Someone could have been akumatized over this (I will not be ordered around by some magical kids!).
I don't know why writers decided not to use at least this idea and slightly adjust "Copycat" if they got rid of the age glamour completely. It can be explained as kid's show logic, but unfortunately, I'm reluctant to do it. If many characters sympathise with akuma victims on-screen, why not with the teenage superheroes who must fight them?
New York Special had this weird focus on collateral damage out of nowhere (the damage done by sentimonster Robostus) and yet it has 0 effect on the main story. No one in Paris is pissed that their 2 teenage protectors weren't there.
Ironically, "Furious Fu" and that one remark made by Su Han also created unfortunate implications for other moments in the show. Just hear me out. Apparently, Jagged Stone wrote a "thank you" song for Ladybug knowing that she is 13-15 year old child back in "Pixelator". Fandom is more than happy to roast Lila for lying about saving Jagged Stone's cat and him writing her a "thank you" song. Fandom claims that Lila's tale could harm Jagged's reputation, when he wrote a song for teenage Ladybug several weeks prior. Meanwhile, in-universe this lie is 100% believable.
If we put on "realism glasses", then both this whole song situation and Theo's crush in "Copycat" have uncomfortable implications. However, the show's canon can't be viewed and criticised through "realism glasses". I admit that bits and pieces of my criticisms are affected by these "glasses", but, ultimately, I'm trying to be fair and concentrate only on things that can't be justified by "cartoon logic and worldbuilding".
Could the existence of age glamour solve this problem of unfortunate implications and other concerns mentioned above? YES. Is it better for the narrative? YES. Is essential for the story? NOT QUITE. Could the absence of age glamour be called an irredeemable storytelling flaw? NO.
Disclaimer: On a side note, only older audience can notice these implications. Children, the target audience, most likely won't understand this subtext simply because they don't have enough experience. So, perhaps, this criticism is unfair, because these moments only look weird to me as an adult. It's like an adult joke in a cartoon that you don't get until you reach a certain age.
There's nothing technically wrong with adult writing a "thank you" song for a teenager. It's just an expression of gratitude. However, unfortunately, we live in a world, where adults normally wouldn't write songs for teens to express gratitude only. In real life similar actions would imply pedophilia and would be actively scorned by the public. No one would risk their reputation like that even if their intentions were genuinely pure and sincere. But this show can't be viewed through "realism glasses", because it's a cartoon and in certain cases we as the audience must use suspension of disbelief and pretend that certain things are possible for plot to happen.
Su Han also wants to give Ladybug and Black Cat to adults. Why didn't Master Fu do this then? Writers don't give us any explanation. Throughout the show we never question this up until the moment it's revealed that adults don't have time-limited powers. Then comes "Furious Fu". Story suddenly becomes self-aware here. Because apparently nothing prevented Fu from giving the most powerful Miraculous to adults who won't have time limit and will be more effective against Hawkmoth (see part 3 for more details).
I have a very good example of Age Glamour done right. It works in the story. There is no confusion or unfortunate implications. There is like one plothole connected to the glamour (it's been years and I still can't forgive them for Cornelia and Caleb) but otherwise, it's a pretty solid example of both show and tell. Clearly, writers wanted to avoid uncomfortable implications which are present in "Copycat". I am talking about W.I.T.C.H. comic books and animated series.
If you are not familiar with it, I'll give you a brief explanation. The story follows 5 girls, the Guardians of Kandrakar who are chosen to protect their world and parallel ones from evil. They receive magical powers from the amulet known as the Heart of Kandrakar. Their powers are based on elements: fire, water, earth, air and energy. Our main characters are about 13-15 years old. In the animated series they are younger and they attend middle school, making them 12-14 years old. But the transformation makes them look 18-20. They look like young women to each other and to other people. At the same time, people can recognise them, their looks and voice don't change. Most people don't know that they are really teenagers when they are not transformed and these people don't know that magic can make them look older. That's why everyone treats Guardians like adults when they are transformed. Comics establish this fact in the very beginning. In first issues characters state that they look older, we are also shown this multiple times.
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In fact, one of the first side plots revolves around the fact that Irma uses her powers to sneak into the disco club to meet up with her crush. Irma is 13 at the beginning of the series, she is a high school freshman. Her crush, Andrew Hornby is a senior guy 17-18 years old. Irma has liked him for a long time and wants to impress him, so she decides to be clever about this. She transforms into her Guardian form of the 18-year-old girl, hides her wings, sneaks out to the club after her parents are asleep without any problem, and meets Andrew, who obviously doesn't recognise Irma in this girl who looks about his age. Smitten Andrew offers her a ride and 13-year-old Irma doesn't understand the implication of that offer, so she accepts. And, obviously, he decides that she is interested in more than just a ride home, since she agreed, and the comic implies that he fully intended for them to have sex in the backseat of his car. But Irma understands the implication only when Andrew tries to kiss her. She panics and turns him into a frog. And she actually pulls this "I need to look mature" trick more than once over the course of the series.
It's not the only situation where this age difference is handled well and makes sense. People who know the main characters in everyday life remark on their older appearance during transformation. Sometimes people flirt with Guardians when they are transformed. In one of the side-novels centred around Cornelia, she is worried that the prince of the realm they helped to save from famine would try to marry her. That never happens, but Cornelia actually brainstorms with her friends about how to tell the prince that she is really 15.
There are many other plot points where this happens, but I think that you got the idea. I really like how "Age Glamour" was handled in W.I.T.C.H.
How do we fix this? Create the situations where people offhandedly mention "Age Glamour" in the presence of Marinette or Adrien, use Kwami for this.
"Don't worry, dear. Chat Noir and Ladybug are adults, who know what they are doing. I am sure that they will handle this. "
Theo could say: "Oh, I wonder which university Ladybug goes to?"
"So, does that mean that other people see us as grown-ups, Tikki?"
A few words and boom, problem solved. Then allow the "show don't tell" rule do the rest.
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What if a professional makeup artist SO decided to give the skeleton a full facial in their sleep as a prank. When they wake up, they look absolutely fabulous with galaxy eyeshadow matching their magic color. SO even managed to get the lipstick on perfectly somehow, despite them not having lips.
For whoever fits this scenario best~
Let’s go then :D
Undertale Papyrus - The problem with Papyrus is that, the morning, he is very, very speed. He won’t notice right away, because, you know, his routine is timed very precisely. You are in the living-room when you suddenly heard a loud crash. So when you go upstairs, Papyrus is outside (on the second floor, somehow, flying in the air), looking very spooked. Yeah. He got scared of his own reflection. Passing the shock, he will calm down and admire your work a little more, before absolutely praise you. After that, he insists to show it to all of his friends, because he is so happy. The only tiny problem is that he is so happy to have your make up on his face he decided he would not wash his face ever again. It will need you, his brother and Undyne to convince him. It will takes two weeks.
Underfell Papyrus - Of course, he won’t compliment you. Too proud for this. But when he got out of the room, his clothes are matching your make up and he is definitely strutting like never before. Later that day, you caught him yelling at a kid in the street because his dog poop in front of the house. The kid is holding his laugh and it’s pissing Edge even more. I hope you enjoy this day because it was the only one where he allowed it. He’s still offering you dinner to thank you however. He’s not fluffy and cute, but that doesn’t mean he had to be rude.
Dancetale Sans - O M G. He is so happy he is jumping everywhere. You never saw him like this. Rambo loves make up, this is the best gift you could do to him. He loves this so much that he will ask you often to do it again to match with his dresses or to go dancing. He also insists to do the same with you ! Well, the result is... Uh... Honestly, you are looking like a clown, but I guess the heart is here :’) He will also showing off in front of his brother just to make him jealous. And it’s working. Salsa is begging you to paint his face too.
Dancefell Papyrus - Not only he loves it, but he wants everyone to see it. He took a picture of his face and post it on Instagram. You won 5000 followers in one day, 500 commissions and 2 marriage proposals. Well, at least, it was profitable for the both of you. Oh yeah, Tango is also recruiting you as his professional make-up artist for his shows (secretly because he is scared Mettaton could try to take you away for his own purposes). After this day and the money of several good partnerships, the two of you went on vacation on a desert island. Money, money, money.
Ink - He is very confused at first. Did he draw on himself while he was sleeping ? Oh well, things happened. He proudly comes downstairs to showing off what HE could do when HE sleeps. When S/O said angrily that was not his art, he *poof!* in the air out of shame. What a plotwist. Ink is stealing art. He will apologize later. Maybe. If he remembered why he got out of the house in the first place. It’s hard to concentrate, man.
Error - ?????????? How did you even manage to touch him without him noticing ??? ... Are you a wizard ? DAMN ! HE KNOWS IT ! You can never trust humans, they are painting your face while you are not looking ! Oh wait. It’s just paint. He will never say it outloud, but he kinda like it. It makes him look a little less scary. He allows it. For now.  You are lucky he is in a good mood.
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
2. WEB
Some random oneshot for TwstOBer ~ Enjoy please xD
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“Sebek, you need to find some other hobby. Do you want to try playing with my PC?”
“Human inventions that have nothing to do with magic? Hmpf! Sounds disappointing.”
“Well, well, at least give it a try, okay? It maybe surprises you.”
“... If you say so, Lilia-sama...”
That was how it all began. A simple proposal from Lilia had been his first and until now last contact with that world. And he still didn't know how he had gotten to the point where he was right now.
That day, in Lilia's PC, he found a program on the web that caught his attention. "Pass on your thoughts or knowledge!" It said. Sebek arched an eyebrow, and ended up creating an account outnof curiosuty with the first nickname that came to mind (Best Bolt) until he came across a recording function. Then he realized what this must be.
“I understand. It should be something like a journal, but instead of writing it by hand, you speak directly to it. Interesting invention, not bad for humans...”
And then, after clearing his throat and hitting the 'Record' button, he began to speak.
“... Hello? ... I don't know how this works, but I will try to adapt. This is my first time using one of these... inventions. It's interesting, but... Hm? Wait, why is there a light that is blinking on the side? Okay... I'll try to fix it. I don't know how the recording is turned off...”
Sebek began to investigate what happened to the computer, and in that time he wasn't seeing suddenly the counter of 0 that appeared on the side of the recording screen went up to 1, then to 2, and thus it began to rise. increasingly.
Once he finally fixed it, he returned to his starting position.
“Done. It was not a problem for me. What could I talk about today... Huh?”
As he was thinking, he suddenly saw an alert glow red on the screen, next to a speech bubble. Sebek brought the mouse to it and opened it, finding the words: "You can talk about anything you want."
“I understand. It even gives you suggestions... What a useful program... I'll talk a bit about myself in that case.” Despite this, Sebek decided not to speak the names of anyone he named... for his own sake. He didn't want to be embarrassed later if he listened to his own diary... “Right now I don't live with my family, so to speak. It's not that I get on badly with them at all; I went away to study and to fulfill my duties and my work. So now I'm living somewhere else, surrounded by... ahem, people. However, the ones I am closest to are... the family of a person I have known since childhood.”
He leaned back in the chair.
“One of them treats me almost as if I were his son, and sometimes I think he cares too much about me and pampers me too much. He has taught me so many things, and I feel that every day I learn a little more from him. I respect him a lot... although he sometimes takes advantage of me and plays practical jokes on me. I don't know if he wants me to feel comfortable and enjoy all of this despite being away from my family... or he just wants to play with me. He left me all this... equipment to test it and 'have fun'. Hum. I think once again he was right. His advice is always helpful.”
He made a mental note that he should thank Lilia.
“And then there is... the one who is the only person my age who has always been by my side. He is a very decisive... person, and too calm, I'll say. That is what makes him fail so much in many things. However... he is the person I have been with the most since children, and despite his failures and the fact that we argue so many times... he is very important to me. We do not consider ourselves nor have we called ourselves 'friends' before, rather it is that in addition to being one of the same rank as me, he is my rival and someone I like to continually surpass. I think he may feel the same way.”
For some reason he was saying things that surprised even him. He had never spoken so openly about Silver. How was this happening? Was he so comfortable talking to himself...?
“And there is someone else, who is who I am doing all this for and for whom I strive every day. He is the most incredible being I have ever met. Always correct, with the greatest power I have ever seen, diligent, perfect... It is directly my reason for being, I am SURE of it. I want to become stronger for him and be by his side to serve him whenever he needs me. I'm lucky that someone like him recognized my worth. He is my role model... Although...”
He bit his lip.
“... I think I'm not good enough to help him, protect him, and still be worthy. But I will be. Not because I started showing results later than others am I going to give up. That is something I am not going to do. I want to make the world see that I can become the best in my course... No; the best ever. And prove that he was not wrong with me. It doesn't matter where you come from, whose son you are, or if your power came to light sooner or later... WHAT REALLY MATTERS IS YOUR PASSION, AND STRIVE EVERY DAY TO KEEP WALKING!”
After blurting that out with a big smile and clenched fists, he soon realized that he had lost his composure a bit. He returned to his starting position, clearing his throat.
“... Ahem. For now I feel like I'm on the right track to achieve that goal. The first step is to be the best in my course. Or so I think. The people I... hang out with, from the same course as me are... peculiar. There is one who seems to be pursuing the same goal as me. But he still has a lot left. I notice conviction in his words but I don't see any improvement in his studies. However, he is stronger than I expected at first, and he excels at P.E. There's another... thing who wants to become the best too, but... I'm not even going to talk about him. That one is a lost case. There are two more who instead appear to be quite normal, but one only seems to have an interest in one thing, and the other... honestly, I don't know what to think of him, but he's very strong. And besides the four of them there is a... person who does not seem to want to improve on anything at all. Or rather, he doesn't seem to have an interest in it. But he is not an idiot, rather he seems like one, and I have learned from other sources that when he proposes it to him, he is capable of being the best student in his class. Perhaps he is the most suitable to call him a 'rival' among them. Although as long as he continues to seem so bored of everything that comes his way, there should be no problem... He also shouldn't like me too much. Although he keeps talking to me. He is an interesting guy.”
Sebek then took a breath to talk about the last person he was missing, after talking about Deuce, Grim, Epel, Jack and Ace.
“And lastly there is this… ahem, person, that came along all of a sudden. They doesn't have the capacity to be here, but they somehow got in and we're on the same course. When I learned of their existence, I felt that I had tried very hard to get here, while they had a special ability, although not the one that everyone else possesses, was able to enter without problems. It was unfair. I have ever thought that they were making fun of everyone.” He paused. For some reason, even though he had blurted it out, he didn't feel good about himself... Was that the whole truth...? It was then that he recalled certain moments that he spent with them from then on. “... But they are very clumsy. I feel like I have to be there to hold them if they falls. Studying with them is not unpleasant, they are capable to follow my advice and understand things quickly. I do not dislike those who strive to achieve their goals...”
Another notification appeared on the side of the screen. Sebek stopped speaking, a half smile adorning his face, and looked at the message, taking advantage of the stop in his monologue. Would it be another suggestion from the program...?
“How beautiful is love.”
The boy jumped.
“WHAT?! NO!!” He yelled at the screen, totally flushed. “H-How can a program say these things?! This is a joke?!”
The notifications came out again and Sebek managed to read some.
“Program? What are you talking about man?”
“Hey, there is nothing wrong with you liking someone, I support you!!!”
“Is Story Time over? I was really enjoying listening to you, Best Bolt”
“I have become a fan of yours! Will you talk about more things another day?”
“Your words are very inspiring!♡”
“Best Bolt u r the BEST!”
Sebek began to check the screen, and saw that next to a symbol that represented an eye appeared the number "5000".
5000... eyes?
“Hey. Did you listen to Best Bolt the other day on this popular app with podcasts that premier live?” Ace asked, as he ate his burger.
Sebek stopped eating when he heard that.
“No, but I have heard people talk about him to class people. He seemed interesting” Said Epel.
“I had listened to podcasts, but few that talked about personal life... And he spoke so calmly and in such a sincere and focused way... I wish I could do something like that” Deuce commented. Epel smiled at him, he felt the same way.
“I don't know who you're talking about” said Jack confused. (Y/n) and Grim were just like him.
“He cut the recording suddenly the other day, something may have happened to his PC... But hey, if he comes back I'll let you know for sure.”
Sebek ate without saying anything, next to them, who were talking so happily about Best Bolt, until...
“Sebek, youuuu... well, I don't even know why I ask, in Diasomnia you all are very old-fashioned, right? You don't use technology much... except Lilia-senpai.” Ace started to say, looking at him.
Sebek tried to avoid him as best he could.
“HUH?! A-Ah... No, n-no, I don't have interest in that kind of human-made things...”
“Heee... Well, I'll let you know when Best Bolt comes back anyway. Maybe it surprises you.”
“Y-Yes, okay, thank you” He replied, looking away... where he met the watchful gaze of (Y/n), quite close to his face.
“Sebek, are you okay?”
That was the last straw. Sebek quickly rose from his chair.
And with that said, the boy ran towards the exit, while everyone else looked at him.
“... Hey now that I think about it, doesn't Best Bolt look a bit like Sebek? That way of speaking, and everything he said...”
“Ha, ha. Good one, Deuce.”
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thetaoofzoe · 4 years
Fic: You, The Boy, and The Golden Shoes 1/1
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Title: You, The Boy, and The Golden Shoes
Pairing: Henry Cavill X YOU (AU)
Word Count: 1890
Summary: Girl you are a fucking mess. How you managed to keep a top tier lad such as Henry, your sanity and a flagging perfume company is beyond me. 
Rating: Nothing you wouldn’t share with mum. Slice of life, fluff, reality, tiny bit of angst, but it has a happy ending. :)
Note: This is a bit different than my usual fare, and of course AU, so I hope you like it. 
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You knew that if you stood there one moment longer, sodden in the cold drizzle, bare knees scraped and bleeding, face illuminated by the sickly pink neon Girls Girls Girls sign, and staring drunkenly at the plump old ladies eating ice cream inside the sweets shop, you’d likely start screaming.
What else was there to do on a wet Friday night, but scream into the void?
‘Show us yer tits!’
A man’s ugly voice jerked you out of your despair.
It took a moment to force focus from the ice cream ladies to the window’s watery reflection in time to see the raggedy white car crawling along the edge of the kerb, slow enough so that the equally as raggedy man in a splotchy tie dyed shirt could give you a right old shouting at. The driver behind him leaned on the car horn and with tires hydroplaning on the wet road the white car moved on.
I deserve it, you thought, and tried to push your wig upright on your head again.
The synthetic strands were waterlogged and the entire thing had begun to make its migration down one side of your head as if searching for dry refuge.
You are a fucking mess, girl, your mouthed to your reflection.
Making a sour face, you tried to use the edges of your dirty fingers to clean up the oozing mascara. But you only succeeded in smearing the sticky water proof khol down your cheeks and ended up looking as if you were preparing for some concrete jungle camouflage.
Maybe becoming one with the macadam was a good idea. It was the perfect time to just disappear and never come back, especially considering how you’d just ruined your life. The strap of your shiny gold dress slithered off of your shoulder and with a growl of frustration you hooked it with your thumb and dragged it up again.
You then glanced down at your dirty gold lamé pumps. The sudden shift of your booze heavy head caused your stomach to roil unpleasantly and wanting to prevent seeing those 5 whiskey sours and cherries make an encore appearance, you looked up at the ice cream ladies.
They seem to be enjoying themselves, you thought, miserably. I hope they rot. 
In the reflection you could see yet another car slowing and coming to a stop directly behind you.
‘Oh fuck me,’ you muttered, when you saw a tall dark haired man get out and pop open a clear plastic umbrella to shield himself from the drizzle.
A vague thought drifted like a fluffy cloud across your drink addled brain.
Looks like the same umbrella that I have. Really, similar… hmm I wonder where I left it.  I really liked that umbrella.
The man walked close and a painful tension clenched between your shoulder blades. You hoped he was either heading for the candy shop or the porno house and not about to harass you.
‘I’ve been looking everywhere for you!’ he shouted.
The anger was clear and sharp in his voice and mingled with an overlay of concern. In the window’s reflection you watched him drag a hand through his curls.
‘Why did you run off like that?’ he asked, quieter this time and moved close to hold the umbrella over you.
You watched the old ladies abruptly burst into laughter over something. Then the one with her back to the window suddenly turned round to look you directly in the face. They had obviously been talking about the nutcase who was watching them through the window and embarrassed, you turned to face the man behind you.
‘How did you find me?’ you asked him and messily palmed the rain from your face.
Henry sighed and looked heavenward as if asking for deliverance from your special brand of crazy.
‘You’re not hard to miss,’ he said gesturing to your ruined and mud splattered evening gown.
You looked down at yourself and self consciously dragged the slipping strap back up onto your shoulder again.
‘Well, that’s what happens when you go crawling through the hedge.’
Henry gaped at you a moment then one-handed, shrugged out of his evening jacket and draped it about your shoulders. His hand drifted to your lower back and it was such a familiar gesture that it couldn’t be more of a Henry-move if he tried.
Mmm, he smells good though, you mused, catching his scent from the jacket and clutching the lapels of the jacket tighter.
Although you were grateful for his chivalry, you didn’t allow him to exert that soft, manly pressure against your back to hurry you along to the car. You wanted to wallow for a moment longer.
Henry stopped trying to guide you to safety and just stood there, observing you sympathetically and fortunately, silently. He had a tendency to talk every problem to death until he felt better about the situation, no matter how you felt about it. But, he was getting better about that and you put a hash mark on his side of your mental scoreboard.
Wanting to explain yourself and your outlandish behaviour, you spread your hands and tried to speak. But you couldn’t find a coherent explanation for why you did what you did.
‘I’m sorry,’ you said finally.
‘Why did you run away?’ he asked, jumping at the chance to get the conversation rolling.
Looking up at him, you scoffed with disbelief.
‘Why did I run away?’ you sneered in response.
The fundraiser had been a disaster. You had been a fucking disaster.
All you needed was for the earth to open you up and swallow you up to your neck, leaving your head free for birds to perch on. But no, you had to deal with the ramifications of the worst moments of your life. 
It all started at the beginning of the year when a recluse aunt dropped a strange and failing fragrance company into your lap. Did she give you actual ownership where you could reap the benefits of being a company woman? 
 She’d made you the figurehead who did all of the work to keep the business afloat whilst she did whatever recluses did in the south of France.
So, who could blame you for taking a little credit here and there as your hard work began to increase market shares. Who could blame you for slipping into her vacated persona and eventually into her name? It helped the business, for Christ sakes!
It definitely helped to have a face with the name so that people could deal directly with you, rather than by carrier pigeon, of whatever archaic method of communication your aunt liked to use. You never understood what she wanted anyway, so you ran things the way you saw fit.
From that point everything had proceeded swimmingly. You had a flourishing career, a bright future and a handsome lad. Henry was amazing and the sex…oh Jesus.
That was, until your reclusive aunt decided that the reclusive lifestyle just wasn’t for her any more. She’d turned up at a fundraiser you’d organised, in order to steal your spotlight once again. Word had spread like a raging grease fire that you were a fraud and you had tried to swindle a poor little old lady out of her fortunes. When in truth, it was you who saved the drowning business with its foul scent combinations and turned it a healthy, popular and thriving company.
So what did you do? When all accusing eyes were pinned on you?
You ran. As usual.
It really didn’t help that the house where the fundraiser was being held, was on a steep hill surrounded by thick hedges. It also didn’t help that you’d tried to leave through a balcony door that dumped you right out at the apex of that hill. It was a long way down and your rump became acquainted with every rock and bump and mudslide this side of the Mississippi.
You ripped your dress, muddied your 5000 quid shoes and dislodged your fabulous wig. And it was only later that you found refuge and solace on a high street off shoot road that boasted curries, candy and naked girls.
And that’s also where Henry found you.
‘If this is about what your aunt said,’ he began and you stiffened, waiting for the blow of his disapproval and eventual breakup. ‘It… doesn’t make sense.’
You looked up to meet his unbearably fond gaze.
‘You did all of the work. If it weren’t for you, there would be no business. You are the rightful head of it. Not her.’
‘Henry,’ you sighed, relief choking off your words.
You cleared your throat.
See? Amazing lad, isn’t he.
‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t more honest. I–‘
‘You didn’t lie to me,’ he said, smiling a little to reassure you, his hand sliding about your waist to pull you close. ‘If you had to stretch the truth a little to succeed well…’
He shrugged lazily as if it all didn’t matter one whit to him.
Holding your wig so that it wouldn’t slide forward, you leaned in to kiss him, grateful that you still hadn’t ruined everything. At least in his eyes, for Henry always saw the best in you.
‘Thank you. But… I still trashed my reputation.’
And in business, reputation was Queen.
Henry was about to say something, but the soft ring tone of the beginning of the 80s song ‘Take on me’ interrupted him. 
It was your publicist.
‘Hello?’ you asked, defeated and hesitant, bracing for the fury.
Henry righted your wig and mashed it down on your head to prevent it from shifting like an awkward cake.
‘Why did you run off?’ she laughed. ‘I saw you! You took a swan dive out of the window! Are you coming back?’
‘Coming back?’ you asked, looking at Henry.
He pointed to himself with brows raised as if asking, /me/?
You shook your head.
‘Well, yes. This is your company and your fundraiser, right? We can’t make the final toast with you.’
You were flabbergasted. Surely you weren’t welcomed back after what had happened.
‘But, my aunt,’ you began. ‘She… I… I shouldn’t have said that I was–‘
The publicist cut you off.
‘Look, honey. It’s true, her name is on the deed, but we all know who’s the star. You can write it off as a publicity stunt and come out with a new perfume called… Escape or something. With notes of tobacco , mud and whiskey. They’ll love it.’
You stood in stunned silence and the knot in your chest slowly unravelled as the realisation that you hadn’t ruined your life began to dawn.
‘I can’t come back now. I’m a mess. I’ll leave you to do the toast for me. Just tell them something. You’re good at that.’
‘Ok, honey. I’m going with the Escape thing, ok? So you’d better come up with something amazing.’
You disconnected the call and stood there, leaning against Henry and contemplating this peculiar turn of events.
‘All right?’ he asked and you nodded.
‘Can I at least get you into the car?’ he continued gently. ‘You’re shivering. Let me take you home.’
‘I’d rather have some ice cream, if you don’t mind.’
You saw him look through the window behind you and smile.
‘I could go for some as well,’ he replied and together you walked into the shop.
Suddenly life wasn’t quite so bad.
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Episode 5 reactions
I'm just... I'm just jamming to the opening
Maimtron 5000
Love that Max still works for the commissioner despite being president.
Also love that he’s performing his presidential duties in the office
Asdfgh the bill of rights is on the dart board
"Looks like it's another mob protesting your barbaric school lunch program." "Again? They just don't understand genius."
Mr. Spatula stole Sam's job as vice pres!?
"There it is, Jesse James' actual hand." "No, remember that carbon dater said--" "Jesse James' ACTUAL hand, amazing."
Leonard is still in the closet
"I sell it to you and next thing I know the bunny has it pointed right at me." -Max nods-
Jimmy just shot Sam with a tiny cannon ball
Bosco's a half-elf now
"Internet do-hicky" Oh Sam, you old fuck
"We fear and mistrust computers!"
"Max, I only bought you those encyclopedias because you promised you couldn't read."
Well that got me nowhere. To Sybil's!
Ooh she has a vr headset
Oh no, they think she's brainwashed
No don't hit her!
Ok we can't actually hit her
"I can't shoot Sybil!" Aw, friendship. She's probably one of the few people they wouldn't maim.
Oh, so I can steal the cannon.
Pfft Max just shoved Jimmy into it.
Do as Sam and Max would, launch a rat ass first at your friends face.
She's a beta tester now... And we ruined that gig for her. Sorry baby girl.
"I'm confused by the word, 'Reality.'"
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Max?" "I highly doubt it!"
"You're not suppose to cave that quickly! And you call yourself an addict."
Sybil, about Max, "He has no idea what he's talking about, does he?"
Sam, "Never."
Huh, the c.o.p.s. are a bunch of ais in outdated machines. Cute.
Lol Sam still thinks Sybil was hypnotized
"All we have to do is destroy the internet and all our problems are solved."
Oh boy, another song!
Chippy has some talent
Oh boy, encore.
Here they go a third time.
Max is getting progressively more annoyed as Sam encourages them
"YOU CAN NOT ESCAPE!" "You'll have to forgive him, he has a hard time saying goodbye."
When the internet say they make everything perfect. "But Sam still looks the same." "That's because I'm already perfect." Yeah my mans, you are!
Sybil has a cat named Musty.
"-gasp- A jack in the box, let's kill it!"
We're fighting with Jimmy over a virtual coin.
Ofc he runs into his rat hole.
"I love you, Hugh Bliss." "Hi, I'm not High Bliss." "I HATE you."
If you die in the game you die for real
"It must die. It and every one of its kind."
Wooden longsword of intense longness
I have to get his password, OK.
The fourth wall break while stealing the binoculars tho.
"Prune nuts." *giggles*
Ok I can’t distract him yet until I get the sword I think.
I guess let's use the bug on all the c.o.p.s.
Yeah OK, that's what I have to do.
-Sam makes a Mario reference- Max, "sellout."
Nice on the road reference
Time to beat the shit out of vr Jimmy for his vr money
"Jimmy is good people. Good people"
Got the sword, time to kill the slime.
Can I hit Bosco?
I can!
Sam and Max are so smug about it
Oh cool that knocked his vr goggles off
Oh, Bosco, you're so easy to trick
It took me far too long to get through the bank puzzel
Bosco sold us snot for a billion dollars
The computer disease looks like a veggie tales character
Got the jack in the box
New sword in billboard!
Oh, that's what the slime is for.
"You're just compisating for something." "You're a fine one to talk."
Oh, old Jack is a shield
Killing Auntie Biotic feels as if I just punched my racist great aunt in the jaw due to her resemblance to Myra.
Time to shove the disease in the mailbox
Oh lord the internet is going berserk
"But I'm too young and pretty to die." Oh max
Oh boy, old fashioned text adventure.
"I thought you always wanted a kitten." "I'd prefer a dry one." Max wants a kitten!!!
Aw, the internet apologized after we gave it back it's respect for living things.
Oh no, she died before she could tell us who Roy G Biv is.
Asdfgh they just move on from the whole ordeal as if nothing happened
Hugh Bliss in the moon... yeah I had a feeling he was probably going to be the final antagonist
35 notes · View notes
belpheroo · 4 years
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Title: Fear & Loving in Devildom, Part 1 Pairing: Belphegor x MC Rating: 🍋 Summary: Belphie is guilt-ridden, but also horny. Funny how often those two things coincide when you catch feels for the girl you killed. Notes: Another sequel to A “maybe” and On the Way to a “Yes”. Why do all my mature fics have pictures? No idea. But enjoy this edit of Belphie with an “o” blush. This... is basically a pwp at this point.
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In hindsight, perhaps the kiss was ill-advised.
This was the first thought that slipped through Belphegor’s mind when he woke up, a human girl asleep in his bed, wrapped up tightly in blankets to keep her roaming hands at bay. Having to result to bunting in this day and age was truly incredible, but so was this girl’s intense desire to get him out of his clothes.
This. This was his punishment. His personally designed hell within Hell.
That is what he told himself as he lay, aching and wanting underneath her just the night before. He’d even risked touching her as she did him, over her clothes, but still enough to make his body respond and thrum with heat. She had gotten her hand down between them, palming him through his pants before he managed to tear her hands away and roll over to recover, half curled in on himself and groaning with frustration.
Just take me, she had said. Brazen, foolish, irresponsible human. She had no idea what that meant when spoken to a demon. He couldn’t be his own self-control and hers!
Instead, she ended up straight jacketed into a fluffy blanket and he counted backwards from 5000 until his body calmed and he felt sleepy again instead of wired and awake.
Like he said. Hell.
Of all the people who had to understand humans in… this matter, Asmo was Belphegor’s only hope. He caught his brother between RAD classes and he was all too happy to take in the gossip.
“There is this… student.” Belphegor began carefully.
“Hmm?” Asmo hummed, eyes sparkling with interest.
“She— we… okay, look. We kiss. We touch, but she keeps pushing for more and I don’t know how to talk her out of it.”
Asmo looked positively beaming and the sight alone made Belphegor start to think he had made a huge mistake.
“Aww, Belphie! I’m sure if you just explain to her that you aren’t ready she will listen! Though I can’t imagine what is holding you back…”
“Oh no, I’m ready. I’m always one provocation away from fucking her to death, that’s the problem. I gotta get her to stop wanting me so I don’t get the opportunity.”
Asmo stared, silent and wide eyed.
“… is that a euphemism for your eagerness or an actual concer—“
“Actual concern.”
“Why in the world do you think having sex with her will kill her?”
“Overzealousness? Superior strength? Going demon in the moment?”
“Really?!” Asmo gasped for dramatic effect, “You think you would? Sheesh, you really do wanna bang this girl!”
“Good! I’m so proud of you! Though… I still don’t get why you think that would hurt her. A good ole RAD girl isn’t going to wilt like a delicate flower over you, Belphie. You aren’t exactly Lucifer.”
Ah. Asmo thought he was referring to another demon. Why wouldn’t he? There was only one human female in Devildom. He thought to just come out with it, to say who it was, but then it struck him that within a day every one of his brother’s would know his predicament and if Lucifer heard he’d be imprisoned in that damn attic for the rest of his life.
This was… a calculated error.
“Yeah. Uh. Guess you’re right. Just… been awhile.” Belphegor said, trying to back off the topic.
“I’ll say. I never pegged you for the type, Belphie.” Asmo said, tone going sing-song as he waggled an eyebrow at him.
“Well if you need any fun treats for the occasion you just let me know. I have a whole assortment of condoms, flavored and regular! Also some things to help spice things up… but maybe we’ll save that for your second or third go.”
“…I regret speaking to you.”
Asmo clapped his hands together joyfully, “Then my job is done!”
By the end of the day, Belphegor actually had considered for half a second turning himself into Lucifer on his own. He dreaded each ticking hour, knowing full well she would come bouncing up to him, smiling slyly with her greedy little mitts ready to grip and pull and hold him down while she sealed her lips over his again and again the moment they were alone.
He’d fallen asleep once during a make-out session. That’s how often this madness was occurring, but he liked it too much to stop. He liked her too much to stop. The time where he had supervised visits with her was long over by now and with how little time they had left until the end of the year, Belphegor treasured every single moment he had her all to himself.
And yet, he was wracked with anxiety that he’d hurt her. Again.
Classes ended for the day and sure enough by the time he was halfway back inside the House of Lamentation she was waiting for him.
“Beel is in your guys’ room.” She said, and Belphegor made a soft sound of understanding.
“And Mammon might come poking around if we go to my room.”
He knew where this was going.
“Soooo… you wanna go take a nap in the a t t i c?” She spelled out the word, careful to keep her voice down with the other brothers funneling back home.
“I’ll just go nap in my room.” Belphegor said, trying to keep his voice even and nonchalant.
“…oh. Okay.”
Belphegor restrained a groan at the disappointment in her voice, shooting a direct line of guilt into his chest.
“You can still come with me,” he continued, “Beel would be happy to get some time alone too.”
She pouted, but kept her voice quiet, “Belphie, I want a kiss.”
“You always do.” He said, meaning to sound begrudgingly affectionate, but instead it came out more exasperated. Her cheeks flushed but it had nothing to do with embarrassment.
“I think I’ll just go hang out with Mammon then. You go take your nap.”
He felt his heart sink a fraction.
“… you don’t do the same kinda stuff with Mammon do you?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” She said, voice stiffening and doing nothing to ease the faint edge of jealousy spreading in his chest.
“I mean, do you ask him to kiss you?”
“Sometimes!” She said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one side as she cocked her hip.
“I like Mammon. I hug and kiss people I like.”
“… are you serious?” His voice was hushed but harsh.
“It’s not like I belong to you, Belphegor.”
It wasn’t intentional, but within a second there was a sudden surge of a sulfuric smell and his visage changed, horns curling at his temples and his tail swishing violently around his ankles until it snaked out and wrapped around her ankle. She yelped, stumbling so that he had to catch her.
“What did you say?” He hissed, holding her tightly against his chest, his grip unyielding and hard enough to make her breath flutter in her chest.
“…I don’t belong to you.” She repeated, voice low and her eyes narrowed. There was no fear in her tone and in her gaze was a familiar heated sparkle that jarred Belphegor with recognition.
She was toying with him.
“Upstairs. Now.”
Her lips spread into a sensuous smile, self-satisfied and smug.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” She said, pulling back. Belphegor refused to let her go for a few seconds, just to remind her of the strength in his arms and that she would leave when he allowed it.
The sudden possessiveness passed him as quickly as it came and he let go of her quickly, remembering himself and trying to quell the anxious feeling that had replaced the emotion in his chest.
Belphegor gave her a wilting look, shoulders sagging just a fraction in disappointment at himself for being so easily baited. Regardless, he followed her up the stairs, trying to keep his eyes off the way she was deliberately swaying her hips with each excited little half jump up the steps.
When they got to the attic door she turned to press her back against the wood, hands behind her back on the doorknob.
“I don’t really do that stuff with Mammon.”
Belphegor said nothing.
“Just you.”
He made a gruff sound, stepping forward and pressing against her as he took hold of the doorknob over her hand and pushed it open. She stumbled, but kept herself up right with a giggle as she unzipped her jacket and tossed it on the floor before sitting on the edge of his old bed.
She was working on the little snap buttons on the side of her ankle boots, kicking them off with a smile as she leaned back on the heels of her palms.
She spread her thighs open slightly, flashing her panties from beneath her RAD uniform skirt. They were pastel pink and made with delicate lace. Slowly she slipped her thumb under the hem of her thigh-high socks, sliding them down just the smallest fraction.
“You still wanna nap?”
He said her name, not soft and sensuous but firm and serious. Her expression changed, brow furrowing slightly as she slowly closed her legs.
“…We need to talk.”
“I’m sorry, it’s not… it’s nothing bad it’s just—“
“Belphie.” She sat up, raising a hand to stop him. Her other hand patted the side of the bed next to her, “C’mere. I’ll behave myself, I promise.”
Her tone had changed too and it was enough to help ease the tension arching through his body. With a sigh, Belphegor sulked over and sat next to her, shoulders falling forward.
“I’m not dumb, Belphie. I know something is up, but I figured when you were ready you’d just tell me… which was probably not how I should have handled it.��
She gently took his hand within hers and after a moment, he curled his fingers around her own.
“I like you. I really like you, Belphie. I wanna be with you because I like you so much, not because I’m… ya know.”
“I was gonna say ‘thirsty as fuck’ but that sounds better!”
Belphegor chuckled despite himself and her smile became genuine and amused. It helped relax him.
“I still don’t get you.”
“Because of what happened?”
“Not specifically. I’m worried that…”
Why was it so hard to say to her? He’d told Asmo easily but now looking at her he felt the words get caught in his throat.
“You’re worried if we’re intimate you’ll accidentally hurt me.”
Belphegor sighed.
“Demons are stronger than humans. When our emotions are heightened that raises ten-fold.”
She smiled and suddenly burst into a fit of giggles. Belphegor started at her, wide eyed.
“You’re just so unbelievably sweet, you know that?”
He sputtered because he did not know that! A scowl flashed over his face as he shook his head.
“That is not a word anyone has used to describe me for a very, very long ass time.”
“There is absolutely no way you’re going to hurt me you big idiot.”
“Y-you don’t know that!”
She only laughed, leaning in to rest her cheek against his shoulder. He stiffened, sitting up straighter as he felt his face go hot. How could she laugh at him over this?! It was a serious situation!
“You do love me.” She said, rubbing her cheek against him, “Sometimes I wondered, ya know? You’re always so damn aloof!”
Belphegor didn’t even know what to say, opening and closing his mouth several times before he settled on a frustrated groan.
“…you don’t understand anything, per usual.”
She sat back from him, a curious look on her face as he turned towards her. She yelped as he shoved her down, pinning her to the bed, his hand gently finding its way around her neck and keeping her firmly in place. He straddled her thighs, using his own legs to keep her down before looming over her with a look in his eyes that made her pulse jump beneath his hand.
“‘Love’ doesn’t begin to describe what I want. I have owned your death and now I would own your life. Your body. The very depths of your soul. I want everything you have to give, I want the things you wouldn’t give to anyone else.”
His hand tightened, but not enough to cut off her breathing. The placement of his hand did more to cut off her blood flow then her breath, making her head spin as she looked up at him through her eyelashes.
Belphegor leaned down to press a kiss to them, her eyelid fluttering shut beneath his lips.
“Are you prepared for that? Are you ready for what it means to be mine? …I don’t know if you are.”
He kissed her, gentle and slow. The softness of the kiss was cut short suddenly when she set her teeth into his bottom lip, sharp and hard enough to almost draw blood. Belphegor jerked back, a growl in his throat. She smiled mischievously up at him.
“Careful. I bite.”
“You’ll beg too.”
His voice was a low rumble, turning her head to the side and latching his teeth to the side of her bare neck. He was not gentle, sucking fiercely until he was certain the skin would be bruised and red. She whimpered, but the sound was more pleasure than pain as he worried the sore spot with his tongue.
“Belphie…” she keened, “…make a pact with me.”
“Finally,” He said, breath hot on her skin, “You begin to understand.”
“Give yourself to me.”
“That’s my line.” Belphegor whispered, releasing her neck and gently running his fingertips through her hair. She mirrored the touch, trailing her hand into the hair at the back of his neck and curling her fingers there. Her other hand rubbed a path up his chest, massaging into his skin as she fisted his shirt into her grip.
“It’s mine too.”
How had he resisted this for so long? How could he have denied himself the touch of her bare skin against his? She was so unbelievably soft, despite the harshness in which she gripped her thighs around his waist. Her nipples pebbled hard when he pressed his chest against hers. He could feel the heat radiating from between her legs against his hips, but he’d yet to possess her yet. Belphegor was more focused on leaving his mark on her neck and across her collarbone, making her as spotted as himself.
Her hand curled at the base of one of his horns, finger brushing against the ridges of it. He liked her touch there, his tail curling around her calf gently if only to give himself another point of contact.
The pact was already made. The sensation of connection was strong now, tying him to her and her whims, though she had yet to make use of it. She liked him being in control, she liked him making decisions for her in this moment, letting her just enjoy the sensation of touch.
She’d left a mark of her own, right at the juncture of his shoulder and his neck, but Belphegor would wear such a bite with pride, even if he did give her a small punishing spank to the side of her thigh when she gave it to him.
“C’mon… c’mon…” she panted, rocking her hips against him in a bid to slide the length of him up against her core.
“So impatient.” Belphegor said with a soft laugh, “You make it so difficult to treat you nicely.”
He hefted her up, turning unto his side and then his back. He sunk comfortably into the bed, hands stroking up and down her thighs as she sat above him.
“Take care of it yourself… I’m tired.”
“Lazy cow.” She mumbled, but hardly had a reason to complain now that she was in the perfect position to get exactly what she wanted. He rose up his hand and smacked her on the backside, earning himself a rock of her hips.
“Come here then.” She sighed, sitting up on her knees. Her hand wrapped around him, taking her time to feel the soft silky skin and admire how hard it was beneath it. Belphegor hummed contently, kneading his hands into her hips as she guided the tip of him between her legs, letting his head just barely kiss her folds.
She was ungodly wet, using his head to rub against her swollen bud before she pushed him back towards her entrance and slipped down, inch by delicious inch. His tail tightened around her leg, his throat working as a groan wracked through his throat at the sheer tightness. The hot, textured feel of her walls, clutching and spasming as she adjusted to him was as close to the celestial realm as he was ever going to get again.
Belphegor ran his hand up her stomach to her breast, gently palming over the soft delicate skin and thumbing her nipple until it was swollen and pink.
She rocked a few times, slipping him in to the hilt until she was sitting perfectly flush against his hips. She rested one hand back on her own calf, leaning back to angle her hips just so. Belphegor took the time to admire where they were connected, wet and glistening. She rose and fell slightly and he moaned at the mere sight of himself disappearing into her.
She sought out his hand with her other, lacing their fingers together as she lifted again and slid down onto him in slow, agonizing thrusts. He let the hand on her breast fall to her hip, helping to hold her steady as he occasionally lifted his hips to push up into her when she came down.
Her face was a picture of absolute ecstasy, lips parted and kiss swollen, skin flushing prettily from her cheeks down to her chest. She was always so god damned lewd, but nothing about this was for show. Belphegor knew he looked positively wrecked himself, expression painted with the pleasures of comfort and sex.
They moved together, slow and relaxed and relishing in the simple enjoyment of being connected. She’d been right. Belphegor had never felt so safe. From himself and from the world. Here with her, here inside her… he had never felt so perfectly content. Her soft chants of ‘yes’ and quiet moans was a sweeter sound than any angelic choir.
Her breath came quicker, head lolling slightly to the side as she lost herself in the rise and fall of her own hips. Her pace was losing its steady rhythm, going fast and then slow as she found an angle that made his head rub right up against the bundle of nerves against her upper walls. Her thighs trembled as she whimpered out a soft cry. She was clutching tighter now, unrelenting and steadily rising as her thrusts became shallow and short.
Belphegor pushed his shoulders down into the bed, bracing himself as he rocked upwards, edging her on as her pink skin turned ever more red and blotchy.
“Fuck… I’m going to cum. Belphie… Belphie…” She gasped with complete abandon, “Belphie, I’m going to cum.”
God dammit, if she kept talking like that, so was he. He smoothed his hand down from her hip to her center, pressing the pad of his thumb firmly against her clit. He didn’t even have to rub, the touch alone snapped the cord of tension, spasms wracking over her body and clutching their way down the shaft of him as she broke apart.
Belphegor’s eyelids fluttered closed just so she wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing his eyes roll back in his head. His balls pulled tight against him as his cock flexed and jerked and he came inside her. Belphegor held back a cry in his throat at just how rapidly he was spurting, pulsating erratically as she practically milked each drop from him. Exhaustion nearly immediately overtook him, but he resisted the burden of his Avatar through sheer force of will.
“Ow…Bel…your tail..” She mumbled, tugging gently at the side of his tail. He had wrapped it around her so tightly her skin was indenting. Belphegor let go immediately, holding an arm around her to keep her in place as he sat up and checked the damage.
“M’okay.” She said, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling her nose against his hairline, damp with sweat. Belphegor sighed with relief, hands running up her back and down a few times before he wrapped his arms around her.
“You okay?” She asked, voice quiet in his ear.  He nodded, strands of his hair tickling her cheek as he did so.
“I love you.” Belphegor said, as simple and direct as if he were stating the sky were blue. She wouldn’t have expected it any other way.
“Goodie.” She said with a deep breath, giving her hips a little wiggle around him. He was still hard, but knew he would soften soon. Belphegor felt the slow slide of wetness as his own cum slid down his shaft from inside her, messy and warm.
“You feel so good.” She cooed, pressing kisses to his neck, open and hot.
Alright. Maybe it wouldn’t be that soon.
She used the pact to tap out by the sixth round, thighs creamy and wet and trembling. Shame. He had hoped to make it a solid seven.
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atopearth · 3 years
Collar X Malice: Unlimited Part 5 - Yanagi Aiji Route
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Aww, it was so cute how Yanagi held her hand after her near-death experience with Tachibana, that was cute. It's nice to see Ichika trying to in her own way to accept that her good friend Saeki is Zero, the head of Adonis. Aww I love how even though Yanagi is bad at puzzles, he still does them because he likes them, like dangg that's some dedication though, 5000 pieces?! I love their matching keyrings! Puzzle pieces that fit together are cuteee. I like how even though their dates are pretty chill e.g. cooking together, Yanagi still makes effort to do things with Ichika that are not "him", but because it's with her, he finds it fun to try new things. I think that's something I really enjoy about them, they both kinda broaden each other's horizons when it comes to their lives, their thinking and stuff they do.
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I loveeee all Yanagi's CGs, like danggg. The bed one, the kiss one before they leave together like newlyweds, I loveee how comfortable their relationship is. It's sad that Yanagi is having trouble at work and doesn't seem to want to burden Ichika with it though. LOL at Enomoto's "high level skill" tiering, I guess Enomoto must have been pretty proud of himself in his route then if SSSS tier is proposing in public hahahaha. I always find it saddening that in every other route besides his own and Yanagi's, Enomoto's still kinda "lost" and doesn't rejoin the police force and then just stuck with the "idiot" persona, but yeah glad to see him moving forward here and wanting to show Yanagi some results for always being so considerate of him. I guess I never really thought much about what Yanagi's troubles could be, but it's understandable huh? Back then with the X-Day cases, Yanagi was the leader and it was in a sense "easier" for him to make and relay decisions because not only did he have people such as Sasazuka who were capable in handling matters, but there was that sense of unity and a team to investigate. Whereas now, everyone has gone back to their respective lives to achieve their goals, so it's just Yanagi at the office making decisions by himself, taking responsibility for himself and not really having anyone to discuss the cases with. I think Yanagi is someone who thrives when he has people to protect and is much stronger when he does things for others, so I guess I can understand how confused he must feel right now. So, I'm glad Yanagi has Morioka, someone he respects that he can chat with about his problems.
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I actually don't remember Yanagi mentioning having an older brother so I guess this is an interesting surprise. Well, guess we were better off not knowing his brother considering he's the typical brother that doesn't want Yanagi's shameful past to affect his prospering career. Aside from that though, it does seem that even though Yanagi has no positive feelings towards his brother, he does care about his parents and seems to feel bad that he left them (and distanced himself) when he joined the police back then. I liked how Yanagi initially helped Ichika try to face Kazuki back then, and now she's helping him try to face his brother and his past. The discussion definitely went much easier than I thought, but I think from Yanagi's sincerity, I could finally understand a bit more about why his brother is so cold. It seems like his brother had a rough time in school because of what Yanagi did back then, so that coupled with the fact that Yanagi just up and left them without ever communicating with them again or not much must have built quite a bit of resentment, especially since Yuji (his brother) believes that Yanagi was the one who abandoned them and not the other way around. So, I guess it's fitting that Yanagi should be the one to try and reach out to them again. It's nice to see Yuji actually much kinder than he acted with Yanagi the first time. I guess in his own way, he thought that Yanagi was "straying off" the path again and wallowing in his own sadness and regret over the assault rather than doing something with his life by working in the police, so seeing Yanagi be able to prepare so many things and talk to him must have made him realise that he was wrong. Loll at Yuji purposely messing with Yanagi btw.
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Awww, I loved how forward Ichika was straight up telling Yanagi that she wanted to marry him. I guess it's really helpful to get advice from the lovey-dovey Mochida and getting the approval of Yuji haha. I really enjoyed the talk Yanagi had with Kazuki, they were so honest with each other and I really loved how understanding Kazuki was, and how he appreciated getting to know Yanagi better and knowing that he was the one who saved Ichika back then. Yoshinari as an assault captain in a gang back in the day is something interesting to imagine lol. Awww Enomoto gathering everyone at Yanagi's place for a little party was so sweet and fun. I loved the whole catch up. Enomoto is best boy~ Anyway, I find it so cute that Sasazuka and Okazaki are work lunch buddies, and Yoshinari being sad over having to train rookies is cute too lol, he's a senpai now! Shiitake mushroom creme puffs are probably one of the most adventurous desserts I've ever heard and I don't know if I would ever want that to be real. LOL at the glossary note on Yanagi being called a pervert when he was indecisive over picking a toy for his niece🤣 
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It was sad to see Yanagi break down over regret on not having done more for Shiraishi, a sentiment that Ichika shared towards Saeki... I guess Ichika has finally come to some sort of terms with Saeki by seeing him, but probably not much lol. Anyway, Ichika offering to take a bath together with Yanagi was so brave hahaha! It didn't happen but the boyfriend shirt seduction did and I'm so happy for Yanagi lolll, she was so cute. Yanagi definitely alwaaaays has the best CGs though, like wow, the wedding one is so beautiful, I love it. Lmao at Kazuki crying at the wedding, he's so adorable.
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Overall, I enjoyed Yanagi's route. Personally, I think they attempted to tie some loose ends with their feelings towards Shiraishi and Saeki, but because they didn't delve much into it, everything just kinda rang hollow in the end for me. Like, Ichika's talk with Saeki didn't really feel that different from when they talked before (I think) so it just felt like "nothing happened". Otherwise, I thought it was nice to see Yanagi exploring different types of dates with Ichika, but also keep with their home cooking dates haha. I also really liked how Yanagi is still kinda awkward and that's reflected in the situation with his brother, but it was sweet to see how much he really wanted to improve and how he is stepping forward slowly with Ichika by his side. The romance was definitely strong with this one and I really liked how much bolder Ichika is even though Yanagi is still a bit shy haha. But I guess Ichika was always the one pulling him out of his "hole" so that's understandable. I think I might have liked Yanagi's talk with Kazuki the most because it was really nice to see him open himself up to someone else besides Ichika. Now I'm super curious to see what the Adonis route is about!
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