#that's right fucking facebook
3-aem · 2 years
My gut instinct tbh that twitter is going to die potentially as a service very soon if elon doesn't get it together but part of me hopes or thinks it's not going to stay dead. Simply bc there's a lack of platforms available that fit it's niche which is highly desired.
And i also want to talk about the sheer comedy of a man whose ego is so inflated he thinks that after firing half their colleagues and working the remainder like dogs for a month giving them an ultimatum to either quit or continue to be worked to death would do anything??
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dykebeckett · 4 months
sorry are there people who think doctor who is not going to get another season. doctor fucking who? from the nineteen sixties? sixty one year old doctor who? she will be fine
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gallifreyriver · 2 years
Reminder that Zuckerberg actively lobbied with Republican PR firms to make TikTok illegal because he couldn't compete with it.
Reminder that for all its faults TikTok has brought tons of awareness to important issues that barely got any coverage until they blew up on TikTok, and more that still barely got any mainstream coverage even after they did.
Reminder that TikTok has become the largest and easiest place for people to come together and organize, and has 150 million active users in the US.
Reminder that congress, especially conservatives, stand to gain a lot by banning it, because it means less people will hear about all the problematic (fascist) shit they're trying to pass, such as the 300+ anti-trans bills, the bills seeking to make abortion a felony punishable by death, or how they're trying to remove the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). They also get to 'look tough' against China.
Reminder that claims of concerns over data privacy are bullshit, because China could literally just buy our data if they wanted it. Tech companies just like and including Facebook collect and sell our data all the time. China wouldn't need to build an app to get it.
Reminder that banning TikTok sets a precedent that Congress could come for literally any other social media they deem 'a threat' and ban that too. Yes, even your personal favorite one.
Reminder that we should care about this and instead of saying "Good Riddance TikTok!" we should be actively trying to stop this violation of free speech and stop handing more power to fascists just because we personally don't like a thing or think it's cringe. This is bigger than your personal tastes.
Please sign this letter from the ACLU to your members of Congress and urge them to listen. There's also a hearing this Thursday on March 23rd at 10am EST in DC where the TikTok CEO will be testifying before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The hearing will be open to the public and will also be live streamed online.
I don't care if you hate TikTok or think it's "cringe." If you all actually hate Facebook and fascists as much as you say you do, then you won't stand for letting them win this fight to ban it.
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leverage-ot3 · 10 months
no one:
me: let’s check the vibe of the leverage facebook group
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(blurred out my name for privacy)
at first people passed the vibe check with heart/care reacts, thumbs up… and then the boomers came
a lot of people settled on it’s some configuration of parker/eliot or hardison/eliot give off sibling vibes and hardison is dating parker, but a fair amount of folks said they would accept or would like the ot3. one based guy was like ‘if it drives the story then power to them’. someone else just commented ‘till my dying day’, another said ‘I mean… they already measured his head for the robot bodies’. someone else said they like brother sister eliot and parker but queerplatonic with parker and hardison dating is still good to them.
and then there was one woman who basically said if you don’t want honest answers you shouldn’t ask the questions and then said eliot is a good friend/brother to them and love does not need to be romantic or sexual to be strong (girlie what do you think queerplatonic means 😭💀)
also JUST got this gem (and am going to report them)
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edit with my response:
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last edit: she was kicked out of the group after 💀
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doccywhomst · 6 months
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usa2024election · 2 months
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imaginethathaikyuu · 9 months
it actually makes me sick to see people share the BDS boycott list but continue to support companies on the list lmao
one of my mutuals just made 3 tweets in a row about getting mcdonalds when a month ago they were making a thread of helpful information, posting the bds list, and tweeting the watermelon emoji
like do you actually give a fuck about whats happening or are you only virtue signaling for retweets? this shit is so fucking mind numbing like im so pissed off and i know im directing my anger at something small retrospectively but how are you going to be a hypocrite in this situation how are you going to pretend to care how are you going to ignore the simple things we’ve been asked to do i want to just scream
when the bare minimum is not supporting corrupt brands, and self proclaimed leftists can’t even do that, how is anything going to change. am i going to be angry for the rest of my life
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
It shouldn't be amusing when cops don't know the law; it should terrify you.
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finrays · 2 months
People who think there’s only one “right” way to play a TTRPG are fucking clowns and I’m not afraid to say it.
If you’re looking at a vast, multifaceted game that’s about freedom of choice and collaboration and trying to put it into a one-size-fits-all box based solely on what aspects YOU find most engaging, then you’ve entirely missed the point, and you’re wrong.
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spacebunniezzz · 6 months
I wanted to take a moment to talk about something that has been really bothering me in my personal life because I am so tired of holding in all of the anger and disgust. I know posting about this is very different from my regular content and what I'd prefer to post but I just can't get this off of my mind.
On Facebook I follow a lot of leftist pages but ever since I have I have also been getting recommended a lot of anti LGBTQ, racist, anti feminist content, for every one leftist page I get recommended I get at least about maybe five or so right wing pages and groups recommended to me. This has been kind of detrimental to my mental health, and again I don't follow any page or group that is conservative but every day on Facebook I'm bombarded with seeing hateful and disgusting individuals on my feed.
I have gotten recommend Candace Owens, Brett Cooper, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro and a ton of meme pages dedicated to bullying people or very hateful stuff, hell yesterday I got recommended a manosphere/incel page and I am constantly seeing men have absolute shit takes on FB. I have had to block at least near ninety pages.
The most I ever do is maybe like a comment that is going against conservatives or bigoted individuals but other than that I block every account I see or hide the groups because for some reason I can't block a group but can hide them.
I am absolutely disgusted that facebook keeps pushing these groups on me. Why would I support a group and pages full of hateful men that hate my existence and why would I support groups and pages that hate minorities? And most importantly why tf do these pages and groups even exist? I guess people could say it's their freedom of speech but I think freedom of speech is a bullshit excuse to go out to harass people because others are uneducated and would prefer to spread misinformation rather than listen to minorities and educate themselves.
I like Facebook because I have come across a lot of really awesome groups on there but I'm just so tired of feeling mentally drained when I see these pages and groups that are spreading hate speech because yes I fully believe these pages and groups spread hate speech and I honestly don't give a flying F U C K if its "fReE sPeEcH" to me its just an excuse to be an absolute pos.
Also I guess this is me saying that people like this are not welcome to my page. Just because I can't stop seeing bs on FB doesn't mean I'm going to let that bs slide here and for Facebook: fuck you.
With all of that said and done with all of that ranting I will be continuing to post my regular stuff.
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sluttyten · 10 months
My afraid-of-romance ass has just been asked by another regular customer for my number and the stupid thing is that again I do think this guy is kinda cute and I really probably should say yes
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leverage-ot3 · 11 months
okay so I keep general politics off this blog (other than eat the rich, obviously) but I am so tired of hearing this shit from family members on facebook and am heated at the moment so:
this blog stands with palestine 🇵🇸
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macoto17 · 4 months
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Beware guys, FB/Meta seems to be more actively shadow banning users that support 🍉 and also profiling users while at it.
My FB profile just got locked just moments ago. I was just sharing a GoFund link to an FB group that support 🍉 and suddenly, FB said that I am not allowed to share anything to any FB group anymore...?
Like, I don't even post on FB every day, just about and lurking around.
Then again suddenly after seconds, my profile is locked, and it said that someone is actively trying to hack into my account. I already have the 2-authentication thing set up tho 🙄😮‍💨
Afterwards, it said to retrieve my account, I need to submit a pic of my ID that should at least have the same name as my profile name and at least the same birthday date as on my profile too. Which I did submit the pic, but I guess since my profile name is not my real name and my profile pic on my ID is blurry (thanks to the gov budget camera lol), they further reply through email with this (which really confirms that they really are have been profiling users):
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This is actually already my 2nd account, they did a similar thing to my 1st account, which was making users confirm their real names. If you failed to do so, the profile name will be change to your real name and can't ever again be changed. (This may be old school, but it's not actually safe to reveal and use your real name online.)
I guess from that point on, where they make users confirmed their real names, they were already starting profiling users.
I guess with this, I no longer want to make another account coz this is already too inconvenient since it's already my second account.
Oh yeah, don't forget to keep boycotting/cancelling and keep doing the blockout on all platforms guys 🤗 Please don't also forget to keep signing those petitions 💖🍉 TQSM 🙇🏻‍♀️💖
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halloweenthief · 1 year
Take it easy dude but take it
Okay so, as I said, it's pretty clear that Kosa won't pass or it will stay the place it is now for a while, even social media are opposing to it because they agree or not with their anti-lgbt+ stuff they realize that it would take away a lot of their users (For fucks sake, even Google seems to oppose) The main reason Kosa became a bigger problem this year is because a co-sponsor of Kosa managed to convince that the people who opposed to Kosa were on their side now, which was not true because he only convinced those people to be neutral instead of fully opposing And because we have been pretty loud and people of power are also taking action in making sure it doesn't pass, I will say, we are safe
However and here's where the title makes sense, because of one little inconvenient Kosa almost passed, which is why i'm gonna ask you, even after Kosa doesn't passes, please DON'T forget about it, chill out, take your time to be away from this issue and celebrate, but every now and then keep checking on Kosa to see the news because they're clearly not giving up
And at the very first instance that they will try to pass it again, immediately start sending emails, making calls and signing up against it, the more loud we are the more unlikely it'll pass
With that said, I will probably make posts about Kosa if something big happens that requires it, as I'm adding a Kosa thing on my pinned post in a minute, I also want to take it easy, I did everything I can which is signing up every petition (ONCE) against Kosa that I could find and wrote an email
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saminthea · 6 months
Is it appendicitis or just fibromyalgia and a stomach bug? Guess we'll see in the morning!
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jessiarts · 2 years
Look I hate the tiktokifocation of social media as much as everyone else, but I hope we can all still agree the US trying to ban TikTok here is a problem.
TikTok, for all its problems, been a great help in raising awareness for various causes. The news of the train derailment in Ohio spread there way before the mainstream news. There was barely a peep of the protests going on in Iran anywhere else before it started taking off on TikTok. Same for the general strike happening in France. It's provided a place for people to organize much easier than other platforms for activism and causes like protesting the pipelines, the BLM protests, bringing awareness to ICWA and the StopWIllowProject, etc.
Obviously, no one should get all their news from any social media. I'm not implying that at all.
No one is immune to propaganda, and it exists everywhere, even here, regardless if you wish to acknowledge it.
But we still can't deny that this proposed ban isn't about privacy. Sure, I'll give them wanting to ban it on Federal/government devices, whatever. But they really couldn't care less about everyone else's data privacy. Hell, they let FB, Google, Apple, Twitter, etc, gobble up as much of our data as they want and use it, even sell it, all with no fuss.
It's really about control. They don't like that people are hearing about these events and causes in real time on TikTok faster than any other social media or even most news media. They don't like that the increased awareness is inspiring people to organize and pressure the powers at be and corporations to do better. They don't like that they don't have the power to suppress coverage they don't like or push any coverage they do. (I'm not saying it's great that ByteDance has that power either, but I hope you get my point)
But my main point is this, if they succeed in banning TikTok, a place that's helped bring awareness to so many important causes, it sets a precedent that they can ban any other social media they deem a threat too.
And because I know half of you are incapable of caring unless presented with an example that directly affects you, say tumblr manages to gather similar success to TikTok at becoming a platform to raise awareness. They can find a reason to nuke this place too. One day they could just decide too many people are wanting to organize for change over on the blue fandom cringe site. Then it's bye-bye tumblr.
Idk if you've been paying attention, but they've already turned back Roe v Wade, with some states (SC, KY, TX, OK, AR) now pushing bills to make seeking an abortion punishable by the death penalty, with vague enough wording to potentially include miscarriages. They're trying to eradicate trans people- some (36) states are pushing anti-trans bills, with some wanting to ban gender-affirming care, force detransition, or even take children from homes just for having a trans parent or sibling. They're trying to overturn ICWA, which would allow them to take Native American children from their families and place them in white Christian homes. There's so much more.
What I'm saying is fascism is already here, and what do fascists also do? Cut off citizens' access to the outside world.
Unless you want the US to join the list of countries like China, Russia, and North Korea, who block the outside world from their citizens by censoring their internet/news and cutting off access to certain social medias, then you should care about this.
Let's not let this slide just because it's happening to TikTok and it's fun to hate on whatever is popular at the moment.
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