#that's technically more than 10 but. eh
yukarishoodie · 1 year
Vocaloid Tag Game!
tagged by @vocaloid-song-of-the-day
Grab your ten favorite vocaloids and/or vocal synths and name the first song you heard for each of them!
(I'm differentiating between demos and non-demo songs since it feels fairer and also a good excuse to fit more songs)
Yuzuki Yukari: 紲月歌 (demo song) and probaby There's Supposed to be a Cheat Code to Happiness (non-demo song)
VY2: The Cendrillion demo with VY1 and Glass Flower
VY1: The Cendrillion demo with VY2 and the ever-popular Fairytale cover
Kagamines: Gemini
Kaai Yuki: Disco☆Chocolatheque
KAFU: Uh. Probably Heterodoxy? It's the song where I began taking active interest in KAFU at least
vflower: The Close To You cover (was this a demo? Sure felt like one)
KAITO & MEIKO: Tsugai Kogarashi
GUMI: Either a DECO*27 song (probaly Yowamushi Montblanc) or a buzzG song (probably Shiwa or Marshall no Kyousei)
Yamine Renri: Nerve Impulse
Tagging @mushroomjar @nikoberry @hopealop3 @miss-floral-thief @licerice anyone else who wants to
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
minotaur Joe for the fanon swap prompts? i feel like he'd do something very philosophical and Joe(tm) about mythology. or butterfly/moth Joe?
After waking up with a headache and looking in the mirror to shave, Joe pauses. He stares at his reflection in the mirror. For the past several days, he hadn't thought anything of it; it's usual enough, for a hermit to start to get weird as the day of the start of a new project approaches. Why, if all that moon stuff hadn't happened, Joe can only imagine what growing snakes would have been like for Cleo.
He wonders if it was anything like this: Joe wakes up, stretches, hears weird clacking as he goes to the bathroom, goes to grab his razor, and rather abruptly realizes that he doesn't have a beard, or, rather, that since he now has a bull's head, he has far more beard than can possibly be reasonably shaved, and he should throw the whole concept of 'shaving a beard' out the window.
"Huh," he says. "I guess growing horns does give people a headache? Who knew?"
If his voice is wavering as he says it, well, no one's around to hear. They're between seasons, and while Joe is sharing a server with several hermits at the moment, his mountain lodge doesn't have much by way of neighbors. He's alone to have this horrible revelation.
"How will the bunny ears look with the bull head?" he asks himself. He tries to picture the result and, determining it a little less existentially terrifying than a sudden, unplanned change of species, decides to put them on. He nods. "I am a Playboy Minotaur," he mutters to himself. "I am confident! Composed! Perhaps even a sexyman? Eh, I'll workshop it. I wonder if there's better-matching armor for this..."
He hitches in his morning routine when he realizes the weird clacking he'd been hearing had been hooves. Realistically, he should now be wondering how well any of his boots will fit, now that he doesn't really have toes, and if he needs to be shoed, like a horse might, to protect the hooves from damage instead. Realistically, he should be contacting Iskall about whatever modifications need to be made for the remainder of his time hunting vaults before season 10 starts. Realistically, he should be hunting down one of the less-human hermits and asking if eating burgers to gain levels is now cannibalism. All of these things are realistic concerns that he can bother people about right now, if he wants to!
Unrealistically, he's thinking more about a conversation he'd had with Cub the other day as he stares at his hooves, hands shaking far, far more than he'd care to admit.
They'd been arguing about who Daedalus was.
It had started when they started planning together. Joe had mentioned wanting to build a labyrinth a little bit ago, and Cub, who apparently loved building mazes, was going to help out with the planning. With any luck, all of the hermits were going to help build it! He'd rambled about giving himself a bit of themeing about Theseus as a result, about conquering this whole labyrinth build, this project he'd designed not to really have an end. About having to guide himself in and out through twisting tunnels.
Cub had then pointed out that if Joe had been building it, that technically makes him Daedalus; the one guy who knew the layout, the genius inventor building the trap for the server, designing its hallways. Joe had argued that was who Cub would be; Cub is the expert madman inventor being brought on, and Joe just like, wanted to build a maze. Cub had said that that sort of made Joe Minos then, but given season seven, the guy who once got cursed to turn everything he touched to gold didn't feel very fitting. Joe had agreed it hadn't fit. Maybe they'd split Daedalus then, if Theseus was a little too thematically muddled?
They'd laughed about it. Joe hadn't really intended for the maze to be based on myth, anyway. That would be stealing Cleo's bit, and he knows better than to do that.
And yet.
"We didn't consider I might be the Minotaur," Joe says to no one in particular. "You know. Of the figures associated with the Labyrinth, we didn't consider the big bull trapped in the middle. I should tell Cub we forgot about that one. It'll be a real laugh."
He can't quite say out loud the thing he's really thinking, which is this:
Well, if the universe has decided the guy with the maze won't be the hero, or the inventor, or the king, but the bull it was designed to trap--well. What's that say about him, exactly, in symbology?
"Maybe it's just in reference to the vaults," he says, trying to hype himself up. It falls a little flat. He takes a deep breath. He realizes he's still holding his razor, even after crossing his house to get the bunny ears. He goes to put the razor down and catches sight of his head in the mirror once again.
Monstrous. He's friends with a lot of monsters, of course; he's known Cleo for more than a decade. And his mannerisms, they're still him. But right then, in that moment...
He pokes the bunny ears.
"I am the Playboy Minotaur," he says, more insistently. "Didn't Iskall have that dress he had covered in flowers? That's what's really important here. That, and the obligatory cannibalism if I want to reach the level 100 goal in time, of course. The Minotaur clearly ate meat, despite being a cow, and ate people, despite being half person, but we really know nothing about what cow would do to my diet. Hold on, I have a very confusing message I can write Iskall about this one."
He deliberately turns away from the mirror and goes to write Iskall something that will explain nothing at all, and then tell Cub about their oversight. It's not like he can change it now.
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deusvervewrites · 3 months
Genome AU:
I like this au a lot and have been rotating it in my head for a bit now. specifically how the whole clone project gets revealed - in one of the asks, you mention that AFO/the doctor likely aren't actively scheming with it in mind, and given that it was canned approximately 10-15 years ago by the time canon rolls around and only a few clones were kept, the fact that the clone kids are then old enough to possibly be in UA would probably have not occurred to them.
But. while the project may not be on their minds, it most definitely had to have some sort of records of it taking place. the first thought that i had was that maybe the doctor kept notes/records of the process, along with files for specific clones, their "parents," where they were kept, and possibly even when or why they were dropped.
If those files didn't exist, whether due not being made in the first place or being lost/destroyed, there would most likely be suspicious holes in the clone kid's paperwork, or at least an absence of any record of former/possible parents. If i remember correctly, some of the nomu project was done inside/connected to the AFO orphanages - so if that was discovered, and the investigators noticed the link between the UA students who came from them and their lack of early life records, then a DNA test could be ordered and reveal their odd parentage. The whole "clone" thing would be more of a running theory than a definitively proven fact, but oh well.
Okay so im still thinking about this. Basically a continuation from my last ask about this. back to the clone project records - for this reveal to even come about, there would have to be a further investigation into the nomus/the doctor's work specifically, rather than just the broader lov. Im not sure if there were any given dates/approximate timeframes for the nomu project in canon, and i don't know for sure if the doctors work had any appearances in vigilantes that would date the creation of nomus/similar things to being active earlier than in the main series, but from what i can remember about the reaction to the USJ is that nomus and similar don't seem to have been encountered and thus recorded before its appearance at the USJ. (it also doesnt seem like people react to the idea of bioengineered weapons made from the corpses of missing people as like. a main concern and it was kind of brushed off in favor of focusing on shigaraki, which i get that he is far more important in the long run but was the entire task force really like "eh, whatever" about the fucked up frakenstein things???) take this with a grain of salt bc i havent reread this specific part in a while. But in this au, the doctor's work clearly goes back pretty damn far. they were advanced enough to make viable clones from multiple sources of DNA, and while the project was technically a failure, there would have been a lot more research into the mixing of quirks that could be repurposed for the nomu project, which would then have at least 10-15 years before canon to develop, possibly even more if it was running next to the original clone project while the latter was winding down in its last years. So. My thought was that if the project had far more time to develop, then the nomus used in canon would likely be far more powerful by the time the heros catch on to their existence, possibly matching the high-end nomus. Because of this, they'd be even more of a problem than in canon. The investigating heros would then dedicate a second team to focus on the origin of the nomus, eventually clueing them in to its predecessor in the clone project. Okay last ask bc i should sleep. still connected to my previous two but mercifully shorter. my bad for occasionally dropping huge asks onto your blog sometimes i have more thoughts than i thought i had. Anyways i think it would be fucked up if one of the clone kids was put onto the investigation team that dug up the files.
We do know that the Noumu specifically were canonically a recent development because the main antagonist of Vigilantes was the thing AFO tried before moving on to the Noumu project (specifically because of how Vigilantes played out for him), but I'm not sure whether that's the case here. (And, yes, Kurogiri was already around in Vigilantes)
The Noumu being stronger makes sense, considering what I have cooked up with the few clones that AFO kept, and they've also adapted the Noumu technology back to the clones for implanting new Quirks, so it all ties together for Garaki.
Finding records about that makes sense
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mumms-the-word · 4 months
In Fathoms Below
Teaser + Masterlist
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Plot Summary: In ancient times, well before the Age of Humanity began, there existed a series of islands inhabited by powerful elves—the islands of Nautera. Rumored to have been the birthplace of multiple magical wonders and inventions the likes of which the world has never seen again, or is only just now reinventing, Nautera was legendary even during its own time. Until one fateful day, over 4500 years ago, the islands vanished, never to be seen again...
Now they’re no more than myth. No more than a bedtime story for young children. Not a single, legitimate record of Nautera exists, save for one. The Nauterran Account. Long thought lost, it has recently been retrieved from the depths of Candlekeep’s archives and placed into the capable hands of one Gale Dekarios. With the Nauterran Account in hand and an eclectic team of Baldurians and other allies mounting an official expedition, Gale journeys to find the ruins of Nautera…but hopes to find so much more.
ao3 link to the full fic
Pairings: Gale x fem!Tav (technically she's an OC not a Tav but eh)
Genre: Adventure, Angst, and Romance (everything you can normally expect from my long fics lol)
A/N: This fic is heavily, HEAVILY inspired by the Disney movie Atlantis, so be prepared for a familiar plot and several callbacks! For all intents and purposes, this fic takes place in an alternative version of the Faerûn setting, set in the 1490s. In this world, the Absolute Plot didn't happen, but our various characters have found a different adventure to bring them all together. Some things stay the same and some things change. Some stuff is completely made up by me to fit the idea, so if you’re looking for lore-accurate content, you’re probably not going to find much of it here. Just have fun with it!
Ch. 1 - The Adventure Begins
Ch 2. - The Launch
Ch. 3 - Expert in Gibberish
Ch. 4 - The Stowaway
Ch. 5 - Dragon Turtle
Ch. 6 - In Memoriam
Ch. 7 - Getting Underway
Ch. 8 - Cloakers
Ch. 9 - The Journey
Ch. 10 - Mythallars
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Take me back to the Faerûnian Masterlist!
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Can we please have this with the UT cast?
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Sans and Papyrus are on the original ask!
Undertale Toriel - She's not too sure how she ended there, but now she is kinda stuck in the middle of the crowd so she guesses she's a part of it now? She's more concerned about all these young people walking in the street topless. Don't you know it's still cold outside? You're all going to be sick! What if it rains? She learns a lot of things about nonbinary people though and keeps taking notes to report to Frisk as soon as she gets home :')
Undertale Asgore - He just had a bunch of rainbow flowers in front of his shop and somehow now his shop is invaded by young people who kept congratulating him for some reason and he has no flowers anymore after an hour. He's a bit in shock and confused, but, eh, at least his business is working! He's still not sure what happened though.
Undertale Undyne - She's having fun, both proudly representing lesbians and scaring the shit out of any queerphobe guy too close to her. She has Alphys on her shoulders the whole time and even takes breaks to get out of the crowd when her lizard wife is too overwhelmed.
Undertale Alphys - So many people... She's holding for dear life to Undyne, but slowly relaxes as the day goes on, as Undyne makes sure to let her breathe from time to time when she's too overwhelmed. Eventually, Alphys even starts talking to some people and finds another lesbian scientist and they end the day talking excitingly about nerd things while their girlfriends sympathize.
Undertale Frisk - They're both here to represent genderless people and queer monsters! Frisk has to do a lot of speeches during the day. They're the one everyone sends when journalists ask too many questions as Frisk is trained to answer most of them. Frisk is excited they can help their way and make things move because they're a little bit of a celebrity now.
Undertale Chara - They're following Frisk around, being the second prince(ss) of Monsterkind but Chara refuses all interactions with other humans. They clearly stated they're here to support monsters during pride month, not the others. They're hissing at every journalist or giving death glare, letting Frisk handle everything.
Undertale Mettaton - He's an official guest of the pride and he's performing all day to support his fellow queer people. He's having fun, everyone is calling him a trans icon and he could never get bored of all the attention.
Undertale Gaster - What... What's going on? He wanted to go to the grocery stores. And now he's in the middle of a crowd. With his groceries. And people are drawing random flags on his bones? And somehow he's too confused to say no? Gaster is completely lost. Can he go home now?
Undertale Grillby - He's making sure everyone stays hydrated and well-fed. He cooked a lot for the pride and he has his own Grillby's float where everyone can come and buy food during the walk. He's also watching his niece, walking with the lesbians like 10 meters in front of him. He's multitasking!
Undertale Muffet - She's mad because Grillby has a float and hers got refused. So she's selling her pastries at the foot of Grillby's float, trying to steal his clients lol. Sure, all that she sells technically goes to the same association Grillby's sales are going, but still! She will sell more than him! Her ego can't take it!
Undertale Burgerpants - He's hiding from Mettaton in Grillby's float, making himself busy by helping the fireman because he can't stand the idea of staying an entire day next to Mettaton. It's not that bad though. He keeps flirting with gay people so he's having fun! At least until he flirted too much with a guy already married and got chased by the husband across the entire parade.
Undertale Flowey - Well he can't really participate since, you know, he has no legs. So he's insulting homophobes from the window. He even throws himself from the balcony after he saw someone insult Chara and then he bit their ankles like an enraged chihuahua.
Undertale Gerson - He's only there to show all these stupid Karen that old boomers understand what being queer means and that they have no excuse to be queerphobic. He painted his shell with flags so he's visible from far away!
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edosianorchids901 · 9 months
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Ere the Sun Rises
Ace Omens Hugfest prompt - "a morning hug"
When Crowley snapped awake for the fifth time, gasping and drenched in sweat, he immediately rolled over and grabbed his mobile. He flipped it up, then mashed the home button when the screen decided not to light up.
1:10 am.
“Crowley?” A hand landed on his arm, and he yelped. “Easy, easy. It’s only me. It’s Aziraphale.”
“Hi.” Shivering, Crowley squeezed his eyes shut. He took a few deep breaths, calming himself, and then flopped back to the pillow with his mobile still clutched in one hand. “So. How about that morning, eh?”
“Morning?” The soft sound of a closing book, and Aziraphale moved closer. He slid his hand under Crowley’s, lifting it, and kissed his knuckles. “Is it already? It’s so dark out.”
Crowley held up his mobile without comment. This time, the screen decided to light up.
Aziraphale was silent for a moment. “Um. I don’t think that technically counts as morning, Crowley.”
“It’s after midnight. That makes it morning, by my book.” Hissing, Crowley flung his mobile back to the bedside table and rubbed his eyes. They were crusted with dried tears. “I’ve had it. I’m done. No more sleep for me, at least for now.”
Slowly, Aziraphale laid down beside him and fussed with the blankets. “You do seem to be having an awful lot of nightmares.”
“Could say that.” A few more tears rose, and Crowley quickly rubbed his eyes. He might not remember crying, but he’d apparently already done plenty of it. “It’s nothing huge. Just, y’know. Humans coming after us, demons coming after us, Archangels coming after us, that sort of thing.”
Mostly, though, it was the thing he never talked about if he could help it. All of today’s nightmares involved humans and demons and angels coming after them, and destroying Aziraphale. And then Crowley running around, screaming for his angel, unable to find him.
Aziraphale gave him a worried look, and Crowley quickly looked away. “Um. That sounds rather ‘huge’, in truth, even though I know it’s not exactly abnormal for you.”
That was an understatement. He still had nightmares almost every time he slept, although they were usually loads less horrible than this. Usually, they were just mildly disruptive of his sleep instead of shattering it.
“It’s not terrific,” Crowley finally admitted. “And I’m definitely not going back to sleep. So. What grand adventures shall we have today?”
He tried to say it sarcastically, but his voice cracked. And there were those damn tears again, threatening to break free.
Aziraphale gave a little sympathetic pout. “I think we ought to start with the grand adventure of having a lovely hug. Is that okay?”
“Gosh, yes.” Managing a faint smile, Crowley curled towards him. “S’ always a good way to start the morning.”
This time, Aziraphale didn’t challenge him about the definition of morning. He curled a hand around the back of Crowley’s neck and drew him closer, cradling him to a warm, reassuring chest. “There, now. Everything’s okay.”
Everything very much did not feel okay, even here, but Crowley found himself breathing a little easier. He closed his eyes again, sinking into Aziraphale’s warmth, into the endless field of love that hummed through the cottage at all times. Sometimes, he thought he could stay right here forever.
At the moment, he was tempted to try to stay right here forever. Normally, he didn’t like to be held for too long, feeling trapped. It was different after nightmares. He didn’t pull away, even when Aziraphale’s arms loosened and a kiss brushed to his head.
“My dear?” Aziraphale murmured after a few minutes of him not making a break for it. “Are you okay? Did you fall back asleep?”
“Nuh, not back asleep. Just… comfortable.” Which was a novel feeling, after the panic of thinking he’d lost his angel again. “I love you so damn much. You know that?”
“I do know that.” With a soft hum, Aziraphale nuzzled into his hair. “And I love you dearly, as well. Please tell me if there’s anything I can do to help.”
“Nnnnh.” Even now, after all these years, Crowley hated asking for help. “Maybe… can we just stay here a while longer? I know it’s morning, but the sun’s not up yet. Won’t be up for a while, so I can’t go out to garden or anything.”
Aziraphale chuckled. “You can see in the dark.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think the plants would appreciate being woken up this early. And it’s cold.”
With another chuckle, Aziraphale slid one hand down and rubbed Crowley’s back in slow, careful circles. Then, with the same care, he pulled the blanket back up. “It is indeed a touch nippy. Therefore, I think it would be perfectly acceptable to stay right here until sunrise.”
“Mm.” Crowley wasn’t quite sure if he was that patient. That was hours away, and he wasn’t very good at remaining still for hours. But even a shorter time in Aziraphale’s arms would soothe him and chase away the lingering chill of his dreams. “Definitely a grand morning adventure.”
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Okay okay, in my opinion and this might be controversial, Carlos should get a contract extension if Charles gets one.
For some reason people seem to tjink last season Charles was way better than Carlos, which is just massively biased by Charles last few races being better. Abu Dhabi and Vegas saved his championship standings, as otherwise he would have finished below Carlos.
Why bring it up? Because somehow people think Carlos is lesser than Charles, when realistically if ferrari let them fight, they beat each other. Leclerc is ferraris golden boy, hence the contract, but if ferrari is smart they keep sainz because he can beat charles at times which is great to have in a team
The rumor about carlos having to win 5 races better be bullshit, because if carlos needs to win 5 races (total of races charles won in recent years for them) then Charles, becaus ehe has a contract, should at least win double that? Meaning that car is essentially needing to win more than half the races, meaning red bull needs to have a huge drop in performance and max needs to be beat. Which is ironic, because the only time that happend in 2023 Carlos won and not Charles
I do like charles, just hate his toxic fans, the normal once are very very nice
For Lando, the discourse is stupid. He got an extension with a team he wanted to win with yet people focus on him "not wanting to race max" dezpite him literally saying the opposite. If he did go to red bull they'd be angry because "he thinks he's better than max Hhaha nowins". They just like to hate on Lando. Most of them are toxic charles fans ironically😂
TLDR: carlos deserves a contract, Lando is fine where he is, Charles is.... Charles, and you are amazing, have a nice day!❤️
I just can’t understand why ferrari would let carlos go. he’s a brilliant driver, got them their only win of last season using his own intelligence and tactics, has proven himself time and time again. sure, this season he wasn’t the most consistent, but I do think a part of that was technical issues with the car and tactics/strategy. and they work well as teammates!! they clearly like each other (sure maybe they’re not in love or anything but there’s definitely a camaraderie there)
charles definitely is the golden boy. which isn’t a bad thing!! he lives, breathes and bleeds ferrari, and his commitment to the team is just astonishing. their bias is a tiiiiiny bit obvious - but as long as it doesn’t effect their driving/relationship, it’s not going to make much difference. it’s like this.*
the charles fans are passionate for sure. there’s a group of them on twitter that are a little nasty, they go after other drivers on a personal level for literally no reason. and the way they hate carlos… it’s excessive.
lando catches so much hate and for what reason?? he said he didn’t want to go up against max, not because he was scared, but because it’d wreck his career. max is literally number 1, will continue to be red bulls number 1 until he retires lol (and rightly so). the car, the team, the strategies… red bull has built them around maxie. how would lando ever fit into that??
lando has grown up in mclaren, he’s improved the team so much, it’s his home, his family. obviously he’s not going to give that up to go and be beaten by max every week, on track and in the garage.
the toxic f1 girlies love to go for landos neck for having no wins, but like… there are people on the grid who’ve been racing for upwards of 10/15 years and never won… haven’t got podiums for years (or ever)… I think maybe we need to focus on moving those drivers on, and bringing new talent in? perhaps? and giving mick his fair chance finally but that’s a whole other conversation
thanks for this, my love!! I enjoyed the rant <3
*Charles Leclerc, 2023. A direct quote.
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ainarosewood · 13 days
New Home
FFxivWrite2024 Day 10 Prompt: Stable
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"Well old boy whaddya think?" Ruru asked as she led Pumpkin into the newly built stables that the Adventurer's guild decided to grant the Scions with their move to the Rising Stones in Revanant's Toll.
The old chocobo strode in looking around making small Kwehs as he appeared to inspect every inch of the new space before turning to her and giving a loud approving "Wark!"
She grinned at her old parnter and said, "Ya def more fancy than we had back home aient it."
He gave another couple o warks and kwehs that suspiciously sounded like grumbles and she chucked stating, "Oh don't be like that ye know I made it as comfortable as I could for you old boy."
The bird stamped his foot and still continued on his warking tirade and Ruru just watched amused as he also wandered through each stall deciding which one he was going to take for his own. The Lalafell simply followed after the chocobo letting him grumble.
"Yes, yes I know. it was comfy cozy then I dragged you back on the cold cruel road with all manner of unpleasantries that have barely been alleviated by some o the stables we've stayed at." She replied
He turned again toward her and stamped a foot again and gave an emphatic "Wark!"
Ruru just laughed and then looked him in the eye and said, "How in seven hells did ye think I felt with both Momodi and Papashan dragging me back eh? I was quite happy with our quiet life on the ranch with not much to do aside from chores and the occasional help o our neighbors."
She then gave a sigh, "But, thats how life is bud, ye should know this by now. Things change and we just gotta make the best o such,"
The bird chirped again and then leaned back giving her a gentle nuzzle and nip before trotting forward and beaking the lock of one of he stalls.
"This one huh, no surprise there right near the hearth outside so when it gets chill ye'll be nice and toasty. Okie lets get ye settled." She responded opening the door for him.
As he trotted in she grabbed some o the nearby bedding straw and helped him make a nice plump nest for himself. Then the old bird settled down in it giving a contented chirp causing Ruru to chuckle as she hung his tack on the pegs for it next to the stall and then rummaged through her packs till she found his blanket.
It was almost as old as the bird himself and had been lovingly patched many times by her own hands. She had woven it back when she had first started learning the craft and the feisty bird had snatched it and settled under it as soon as she had finished it. He had loved the thing so much she didn't have the heart to separate him from it and had taken pains all these years to repair it when it was damaged. As a result it was a patchwork of different patches depicting various vegetables that he loved.
As soon at it draped over him he gave a contented Kweh and snuggled down settling in for the evening. As Ruru turned she saw Alphinaud looking at her with questioning look. She cocked her head slightly and said, "Something on yer mind lad?"
"Do…does the Echo allow you to understand his calls?" He asked
Ruru gave a heartly laugh, "No no, I got no idea at all what those chirps actually mean technically. I just know the old bird from all our years o travel and get….call it impression o what he means when he starts the chattering. Alot o it is mostly reading his body language."
"Oh, I pray forgive me it was just almost like the two of you were actually conversing…"
Ruru nodded, "In a way we were. Look lad when ye travel as much as I have for as long as I have and yer only companion on the road for a chunk o it was the bird ye ride. Ye tend to well have to talk to someone."
"I see," he responded
She grinned, "Sorry to disappoint but it aient some mysterious, mystical god given power. Its just years o association and not worrying bout what someone might think o me talking to him."
He smiled, "I wasn't disappointed, more I was merely wondering if it was a yet known facet of the Echo since we do not fully understand all of its capabilities."
She nodded her grin widening, "Nope just an old adventurer babbling to her oldest friend on the road. Pay it no mind."
He simple nodded and watched her as she left the stable whistling to herself. The Echo allowing actual understanding that would be handy she thought to herself as her mind drifted back to the many times over the years the bird had tried to warn her of some danger or hazard and she hadn't known until it was too late to avoid it.
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theheirofthesharingan · 4 months
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 and 24 for the ask game
2. Is there a least favorite character or title you dislike writing for?
My least favorite character would be Kabuto to write. I don't want to write him at all. But eh, have to write him because bro is quite important for a while. More than Sasuke I want to get rid of him.
3. Name a fanfic/story you are particularly proud of writing.
I've written a lot of stuff, but one fic I'm extremely proud of is Unbreakable Ties. I loved writing it and all the right emotions I could convey through my words. It'll always be close to my heart for its rawness and angst and the feels. Also because I wrote a fic for a large fandom, which was quite challenging for me initially too.
4. Where did you get your inspiration from?
I just like to explore the possibilities and different ways the characters feel and to explore those emotions. That's my inspiration. Sometimes reading does help too.
5. Where do you find your motivation?
I'll say it's discipline. I don't rely on motivation as much. There are days I can't get a lot of work done, but I do try to write some words before I go to bed.
6. What would you say your strongest genre to write for is?
I love adventure, Gothic fiction, and magical realism to write. But i guess magical realism is what I would be most comfortable in writing.
7. What would you say your weakest genre to write for is?
Action. Ugh. I cannot write fight scenes.
8. How many WIP do you currently have?
Only one. I can't have more than one WIPs or it'll be too distracting.
9. (I already answered it)
10. What frustrates you the most as a writer?
Among many other things, I sometimes feel my sentences are terrible. And I sometimes can't recall the most basic words. And of course, typos.
11. What’s something you have learned as a writer?
A lot of things. But mostly, I've learned to be expressive and more empathetic towards people. As a writer you get into the skin of the characters and feel the emotions they feel very deeply, and that is bound to affect you as a person too. It's what happened with me.
12. Do you enjoy receiving feedback?
Oh, yes. All writers do.
13. Already answered.
14. What’s one thing you dislike about your blog?
Ah, there's nothing I dislike about my blog. It's one of the very few places on the internet I like to be. xD
15. What made you start to write fanfiction/stories?
A TV show in my country. It was loosely based on Wuthering Heights, and I fell in love with it. So I loved exploring its main characters (who were ill-treated in canon because its writers were not interested in telling the story).
16. Any ideas you wanted to write about, but never did?
A fic based on the show I mentioned above. It was my dream project and could be my magnum opus with 150+ chapters, but for all the effort I put in it, there were no readers whatsoever. After 30 chapters I abandoned it in 2018. But I think I wasn't mature enough to handle all the themes back then. Still.
17. Already answered.
18. Are there any topics you find difficult to write for?
There's nothing in particular, but here and there, there will always be some topics that will be tough to write. But more for the technical reasons instead of personal ones.
19. What is something your readers don’t know that you do?
I might have mentioned it here, but no one knows I tend to have breakdowns writing some parts of my fics. Not just with Itachi and Sasuke centric stories, but for my fics I wrote previously, I'll end up crying a lot because some moments were like that. Itachi and Sasuke just take that angst to some other level, so I'm left wounded writing some of their moment.
20. What’s one thing you want your readers to know about you?
I love you, guys. If you read my works there must be some kind of bonding between us. Whether you're the silent reader of my stories or leave comments/kudos there it makes me feel seen and heard in a good way. So, thank you for that.
21. What’s your favorite writing advice to share?
There are a lot of pieces of advice that I follow, but one thing that I absolutely love as a reader is concise writing and avoiding the "-ly words." And you don't need too many synonyms of "said." Just use said and switch to other words occasionally. That, in my opinion, leaves more impact than writing the synonym for said with every dialogue.
22. Care to share any future WIP ideas you have lined up?
Ah, yes. There are three more ideas I'm considering to work on. One is inspired by Cormac Mc Carthy's The Road. The other is a post-war story with inter-dimemsional travel with a twist. And the other is set in the Land of the Waves arc. All the fics are Uchiha brothers centric. This is the only info I can give right now.
23. Most memorable review/comment on a fic?
Okay, so this is going to sound like I'm bragging, but here it is. One of my friends I keep in a very high regard because he's been writing for years and has published many of his poems too, read one of my fics, and said "Your writing reminded me of Emily Brontë's" and I cried tears of happiness. ;_;
24. What future fics/events can we expect to see?
It's the same as answer to #22. I'll try to finish The Everlasting Love by the end of this month and might start the next one right away.
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beccasafan · 2 years
1D Fanbruary 2023
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So I've been wanting to do something nice for the fandom, but I've also been thinking about how to help the fandom help itself. These ideas have settled into Fanbruary!
Each day during the month of February, you can earn entries by commenting on fics on AO3, reblogging fic posts, or reblogging art posts.
(I am super awful about lurking and not reblogging content myself, so this is definitely something I need to be better at myself!!)
At the end of the month, I will randomly select 7 people. Each person will receive an eGift Card to Redbubble. (I am based in the US, please see the Rules for a note on international users.)
If there are any clarifications needed for the rules, they will be edited into the original post. Chances that I'm forgetting something at the time of writing this post? Eh, 83%.
To submit an entry, fill out this form. Please make sure you have thoroughly read the rules below.
Limited to the 1D fandom and 1D-related content only.
1 entry per AO3 comment / 1 entry per Tumblr fic reblog / 1 entry per Tumblr art reblog.
DO NOT REPOST CONTENT!! Tumblr entries should be reblogs of an original post from the author/artist of the content.
Art content can be a manip, gif, video, drawing, painting, moodboard, etc. Generally, something that took work to make original.
Each entry must be unique throughout the month. Example: reblogging the same fic (even if posts for different chapters) will not count as multiple entries. Commenting on AO3 and reblogging the same fic on Tumblr will count as 2 entries.
You may not submit a reblog/comment for your own content as an entry.
There is a max of 5 entries per person per UTC day. Please do not flood the form with entries. I won't count any more than 5 per day, please don't make things difficult for me.
Reblogs should include commentary tags in addition to any categorical tags (date, fandom, trope, etc). AO3 comments don't need to be deep or profound but should be more than just keysmashes.
AO3 comments may not be anonymous. I need to know who you are!
If your Tumblr username and AO3 username are different, please make sure that there is an obvious link between them so I know they belong to the same person.
You must allow Tumblr messages or asks - I can't send you a gift card if I can't communicate with you.
I'd prefer to do Redbubble gift cards so that the money hopefully loops back to fandom content creators.
Redbubble gift cards are available in AUD / CAD / EUR / GBP / USD.
I am willing to discuss alternatives with each winner and send a gift card to another company.
This is technically open to all international users, but note that purchasing a gift card for someone outside the US will be tricky. Many cards will only work in the country of purchase (Amazon, Starbucks, etc). I will incur a fee for any currency besides USD.
I am willing to discuss alternatives to Redbubble and winners outside the US but note that I may need to adjust the prize amount to account for currency conversion and fees.
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vengefulcooking · 5 months
Made a sweet n sour curry variation— it was meant to be a pineapple chicken, but I had a few missing ingredients (namely uh the chicken) and so I played around with it a bit.
No chicken to coat and cook, so instead I threw in boiled potatoes and sweet potato. I'm really becoming the boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew potion concocter, eh! But I'm moving next week, so this was less of a 'let's go get ingredients!' thing, and more of a chance to use up what's in the fridge so I have to carry and move less stuff.
So we made the sauce as is:
Sauté chopped onions: heat them in oil on low heat until they're a bit soft
Add spices to it: garlic powder, whatever else your heart fancies in small doses: I used some cinnamon powder and some cayenne. Your salts and peppers.
The sweet n sour bit of the sauce:
Pineapple juice (loads), brown (or w/e) sugar, vinegar, soy sauce (all in equal quantities) and some flour (about half of the sugar, etc.). Technically, the recipe called for cornflour, but if you give it a good five minutes to cook properly, flour is okay.
I also used some of the sweet potato boiling water because it's also kinda sweet and I didn't have as much pineapple. Chicken broth would also do, but like I said. No chicken in my fridge rn.
Keep whisking as you add each bit in so you get an actual sauce without lumps of flour/sugar or stuff settling in layers.
Pro tip: if the flour is the last thing you add, you can taste the proportions as you add stuff. Too sweet? Add more soy. Too much vinegar? More of everything, sorry, you're fucked
Into the base of sautéd onions, add the boiled (and cut, because I'm not a heathen) vegetables: for me it was potatoes and sweet potatoes, but I also had some frozen veg so that went in. Bell peppers n stuff is lovely with this. My pot's (potatoes; this did not look like I thought it would in my head) were soft enough from boiling so honestly I sort of ended up just coating them.
Then add in the sauce, keep stirring, add more broth of choice if you like. If you've got too much pineapple sweetness, then actually do add non-sweet broth. How much is really you vibing it and sizing up your onions: the minute you've got too much water and not enough onion, you will taste the water; the unfortunate truth of cooking is that water is cool, but water is not food. If you want more quantity of food, you uh, need more quantity of food (this was for me, I am bad at proportions).
If you'd like a thicker, more jam-like texture, then firstly the stickiness of pineapple juice from a pineapple helps with that (I got one of those pre-cut ones from the grocer's, they tend to release juice over time). Secondly, go for less liquid, but also remember to account for the fact that some will evaporate because you're cooking.
Sorry if you're smarter than this; if you check the premises of this blog (pinned post) this is basically cooking for dummies. For idiots. For vengeful, low-skilled bastards that want to make something so good, it makes everyone in their life who has doubted their cooking re-think their whole life so far. Such idiots are often so focused on the revenge part of this dish that we forget little details. Like. Water boils when you heat it and then there's less water.
I ended up also adding a finishing sweet and sour (possibly Thai; I can't remember bc it is 2 am) sauce I was enticed to buy at the grocer's even though it was 10 days before I move house. How we all fall. So anyway, I must use the sauce, and in lieu of just coating cooked chicken/shrimp/other meat or veg, I just kinda threw it into the sauce.
Again, this is all optional because it's cupboard-emptying stuff, but I threw in some flax seeds on top, and honestly, when serving, I have also enjoyed it with a dollop of mayonnaise and a small cut of a cheddar cheese slice, but I don't really think using mayo in everyday cooking is a great idea? But also, I had soft-boiled eggs, which also did a fantastic and really fancy-looking job of drizzling into the stew at the very end ('plating', if I may be so bold (<- sucks at plating)). That's vengeful cooking, baby!
And of course, me being me, I finished it with rice. My whole existence is stews for rices. I bought a 3 kg pack of rice because it was 1) long grain (my mum nods in approval) and on discount. But. 10 DAYS BEFORE I MOVE. So yeah, rice bonanza. I am having so much rice. Living a real regal life out here.
And that's the dish! Revenge may be best served cold but please for the love of god have this while it's still hot and mmm so yummy.
Pics tomorrow maybe (though it'll be of a reheat) because it was mmm so yummy that I never took a picture.
(Quick rice tip: water : rice 2:1, + maybe a quarter glass of water extra to keep it from burning if anything fucks up, 18 mins on the timer, start at high heat, when you hear the boiling, turn it down to medium (that's like a 5 on a numbered stove, think 6 o'clock) and then just taste and monitor when you've got around 4 mins left. People say rice is hard, please, rice loves you and it's very easy give it a chance.)
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With some sesame sprinkled because why not. Extra flavour. Lovely eh?
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miztrixx · 11 months
So, after some deliberation, I’ve decided to do a daily blog thing where I play through the entirety of YTTD, go through every route and scene and also watch through the minisodes before then doing an analysis of everything within it…
What better place to start than the beginning, eh?
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We begin the game off with an ominous silhouette asking us one simple question. “Do you know what a majority vote is?”. At the beginning of the game when there is barely any context, this scene serves as a helpful way to introduce the core concept of majority votes to us. Our friend, Shadow the Beaniehog over here gives us a simple demo of a majority vote with two options that are, ironically, positions regarding majority votes. There is not much to say about the dichotomy between Mr. Blue and Ms. Red in this scene other that they represent compliance and defiance to majority votes. Whoever we choose, the other one dies which foreshadows the concept of the Main Game very early on. A majority vote to choose who is killed. Compliance and defiance to majority votes are things we will discuss in other scenes, because they are themes that become important.
Beyond the apparent stuff we can glean from this scene, we can also analyse it from our present point of view in hindsight. This scene at the very beginning is meant to make you distrust the character we come to know as “Sou Hiyori” (the name taken on by the body of Shin Tsukimi) it makes you suspicious and wary of him from the get go and makes you primed for his betrayal and “nice persona” to fall. When in reality, this scene is being conveyed to Shin himself. Beyond this scene being just an introduction, we are literally seeing how the fear of death was being injected into Shin like poison, forcing him to take the “Sou Hiyori” persona and becoming the catalyst for 2/3 of the game’s conflict. This is also, technically, the first time we get to see Midori (or atleast a warped yet accurate perception of him, I’ll elaborate more when we actually get to Shin reflecting on this in 2-2). The shadow teasing and mocking the player is also such a good use of subverting expectations. It makes us think that Shin/Sou is going to be a prick (which he is, don’t get me wrong) but also, the reality is that Shin is the one that the shadow is mocking in a malicious tone, cornering him into a situation he can’t get out of.
It’s interesting how the first scene of the game we see ends up being about Shin when he’s not even protagonist. I’d say that our actual protagonist, Sara and Shin are both equally important and crucial to the story. But speaking of Sara…
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Our next scene (or less of a scene, more of a 10 second moment) features the main girl, Sara Chidouin! This scene is another one meant to sow suspicion and distrust within us (even though it’s not aimed at anyone in particular) as two long arms reach out seemingly about to grab Sara. You can make various assumptions from this, that these arms belong to the kidnappers and this is the scene where Sara is being kidnapped to the Death Game, but it’s be wrong. With the benefit of hindsight, we know that this is Keiji reuniting with Sara during the Banquet after Ranmaru locked him in the lockers. It’s a small sliver of content that hints at the dynamic between Sara and Keiji, one of the most important dynamics in the game coming just before Sara and Joe’s dynamic and Sara and Shin/Sou’s dynamic. Again, a scene that comes off as frightening ends up being a moment of reunion and confidence.
These two scenes do help illustrate one of (what I see as) the themes of the game. Of trusting those who are in the same situation as you, as trying to connect with your fellow human beings. These scenes try to sow distrust but end up being subvertations from the truth (Shin’s real persona being masked by a defence of malice, Keiji being a supportive person to Sara despite what he does at the beginning of the game)
Let me know if you have any criticisms, or disagree with what I’m saying!
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badsalmonella · 10 months
Media I tolerated for the 2023 cast of Camelot
I'm documenting these reviews for SCIENCE.
Ground rules: 1. I had to have watched this SPECIFICALLY for no reason other than a Camelot actor. Meaning no Phillipa's many great works aren't here. I just watched Hamilton because it was well made not specifically for her. (but like she WAS THERE and she ate it up so BONUS!) 2. I'm doing the bad ones for comedic purposes so I won't talk about Spain but like just know. I don't tolerate Spain. I. LOVE. SPAIN. Spain would blow all these entries out of the water. Don't just seek out Spain for the Danny Wolohan+ Andrew Burnap of it all frfr like it's just gOOD.😭
Under the Banner of Heaven
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Verdict: ??/10
Definitely the most ""refined and pristine"" of the bunch I am about to talk about, I acknowledge this. But it turns out I didn't care about mormons when I saw Book of Mormon back in the day and went "eh." and I STILL DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM NOW. I unfortunately was not strong enough to finish this show. The first two episodes barely had Andrew Burnap and it was hard to continue knowing that there was some unsavvvvourrryyyy content waiting ahead of me. I'm always torn when talking about shows like this like what do you do when you know it's technically more competent but alsooo....it's more boring to you?
My whore levels: -ˏ͛⑅❒⌧⌧??/10
Someone (you know who you are) sent me this UNHINGED review for the show
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and I went 'haha that's insane. that won't be me'. bad news folks.....it maybe might have been me. BUT ALSOOO all that progress would IMMEDIATELY undo because then the camera would zoom out and I'd be like 'ohhh.... oh no he does fit right in with these unsettling caucasians.... :/ Yeahh.............but then I'd see him in that blouuuuseeeee with that funky lil perrmmmm. 👀👀👀👀 all this to say. I am conflicted. I am confused. I am unwell. I want...a perm and a blouse?????
Broken Hearts Gallery
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Verdict: 5/10
It's fine. It was alright. I'm not really a romantic comedy movie person so like I'm not the target audience but I mean this movie is doing what it says on the tin. Ya know? It's fine. Didn't offend me. Did what it had to do. Made me wish I was living an art life in New York City and Bernadette Peters was my boss.
My Whore Levels: 9/10
Honestly I love the glasses on Phillipa Soo, they got her in some fun outfits. I love the quirked up weirdo lesbian vibes. I love how she collects girlfriends like accessories. I would watch a movie about this character. Can I have a sequel??? There's a scene where she is mercilessly chopping a cucumber with a very sharp knife, it turns out my type is Phillipa Soo threatening murder I refuse to unpack that :)
One True Loves
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Verdict: 0.5/10
Actually AWFUL. Like in a it barely feels like a movie kind of way. It's like it was made by someone they plucked off the street. Like the qualifications were 'have you seen a movie before???? okay cool then you can make one'. The worst editing I have seen in a movie in a long time. Holy shit. This movie costs 2$ LOOK AT THAT MOVIE POSTER!!!! If this were some random amazon prime movie with a bunch of nobodies I would understand BUT PHILLIPA SOO WAS IN THIS. THIS IS WHAT SIMU LIU ASKED TO BE IN AFTER DOING THE MCU. (not a joke)THE AUTHOR OF THE 7 HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO WROTE THE SCRIPT???? PHILLIPA PRODUCED THIS FILMMMMM. GIRLIE NOOOOOO💀💀💀 Also MASSIVE tonal problem. This movie is still sticking with me. Like I am GOOPED this was made. THIS APPARENTLY HAD A THEATRICAL RUN? and I know I said this before but HOLY SHIT I CANNOT BELIEVE BUZZFEED MAKES MOVIESSSSSS
My Whore levels: 2/10
They did my girl so dirty. This whole movie has the aesthetic of a high schooler's first photoshop project being a mood board inspired by a Taylor Swift song but all they use is the first 5 images you find on google search when you type in 'fall' and 'latte'. This movie told me "salt is spicy :(((" This is like if you could turn a cursive live, laugh, love sign into a look of a whole movie. They are dressing Phillipa Soo up like the most interesting thing she has to put on her dating profile is "I like reading :)". Two points though because for exactly one brief scene she was shoulder out, hair swooped dramatically and I whispered "slay".
Charmed (2018)
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Verdict: 3/10
My worstie. My bestie. The beginning of the end. The moment that cemented that my bar was low. Honestly this would have been far and away the worst thing I watched for a Camelot cast member but One True Loves swooped in last minute and took home the gold(?) for being even more incompetent and even cheaper. I honestly have way too much to say about it though, which is proof that I somehow got emotionally invested. I'm convinced they had some sort of business deal struck with the Zara brand because everyone dresses like a business casual 35 year old woman on her way to the office (NO MATTER WHAT THEIR PERSONALITY IS THEY ALL DRESS LIKE THIS.) They must be getting awful direction or something because nooobody is doing a good job in the acting department (I'm typing this through tears. I'm choking and sobbing as I confess this to you all). There's DEFINITELYYYY a colourism problem. The show does NOT know how to utilize it's fun setting seriously for a show with witches you'd be SHOCKED how little magic is used in this show. THERE'S SO LITTLE WHIMSY!! and yet............I found myself bewitched (I'm sorry) by the show. I have given episodes rewatches. I have literally fallen to the floor, on all fours, WHEEZING, watching the bad credit card product placement in one of the episodes. My friend and I got to the episode where they say 'The curse is lifted! :) But the struggle continues' (the struggle....IS RACISM!!!) and our jaws DROPPED. A character projectile vomited on a man and he EXPLODED and all that were left were his boots in a smoking pile. It sucks but in a way I can't look away from. I wish there were ungodly amounts of seasons of this show. I wish Jordan Donica was trapped in a 13 season cycle of being this show's damsel in distress (no actually no I don't)
My Whore levels: I cannot share this number publicly💀/10
I'm not proud of the person I become when Jordan Donica is on screen in this show. YES they mostly dress him boring grey hoodies and jeans. YES He spends a whole season with his hair in the sad in between mid length stage that nobody likes being in (I stand in solidarity as a person who also likes keeping her hair short when it gets too long it's not great but it's part of the human experience) but damn dude that ain't stopping him from SERVING NORMIE CORE CUNT!!!!! Also because this relationship with me and Charmed is toxic every once in a while they would throw me the most delicious bone. Various suits in funky colours and long hair, ohhhh a bowler hat!!! The episode where he puts on a Shien punk leather outfit!! It's the small things, ya know? :) <333
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portra400s · 6 months
MUN INTRO: hey! my name's peyton [th/th, cst, 21+] & i'll be writing for sverre olsen, lee hyeon, selena palacio & dylan hwang here. you can find me on discord @ #seamonkeydefender & please feel free to add me w/o asking as well! discord is my preferred plotting method. all of my characters are on sideblogs aside from sverre, so i will be dming from this blog when necessary... hehe
CHARA INTRO: first up, sverre olsen. he's a 26yr old grad student studying @ jeju natl university on the gks scholarship. he's an assistant editor for the local paper, but mostly works remotely as he spends a lot of time in jeju city for school. currently on his ~2nd year of living in yuseong bay. you can view his stats here & his pinterest here if interested!
answer the following prompts, either ooc or ic!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?: technically, about three and a half years ago when he did a semester abroad @ jeju natl uni as an undergrad student. he was living in jeju city, but a friend brought him to yuseong bay to see the meteor shower and he kind of fell in love with the place, which prompted him to consider doing the entirety of his grad studies in jeju. obviously, things ended up working out in his favor and he moved to yuseong bay two years ago.
what does an average day look like for your muse?: wake up at 6:30am, check on his cat (let her in if she spent the night outside; let her out if she spent the night inside) / make sure she has food, get ready, grab a quick coffee & breakfast @ andante cafe, catch the bus to jeju city, hate his life for about 7 hours, catch the bus back to yuseong bay, check on his cat (let her in if she spent the day outside; let her out if she spent the day inside), spend the rest of his evening working thru his laptop, which he will usually do in a public setting in order to people watch and daydream about having more friends than he does, try to go to bed by 10:30pm, usually lay awake regretting until midnight. rinse, repeat.
where can your muse usually be found?: around 7:30am he'll make a brief appearance at cafe andante (every weekday) / 8am to 3pm he'll be in jeju city @ jeju natl uni (mon, tues, thurs, fri) / frequently makes appearances at daeyanghwa florals to buy himself flowers, usually around 5:30/6pm / stops by ojo records about once every two weeks to see if anyone's given up any old records that might be up his alley / seen in the vicinity of hanwha resort wednesdays around 11:30am for undisclosed reasons, shut up, no you didn't see him there, that must've been someone else / does his weekly grocery shopping at lemon martes on wednesdays somewhere between 2pm and 5pm, usually loiters for a bit hoping to have a meetcute (hasn't happened yet, maybe next time?).
how does your muse feel about hanwha resort?: admittedly indifferent, but the general consensus suggests that he shouldn't be too into the idea, so he'll talk his fair share of shit if the social situation calls for it. unfortunately his parents chose to purchase a timeshare as an excuse to be closer to him for at least two weeks out of the year, so that's both making sverre truly hate the place but also making the locals think he's a supporter since his name is also on the timeshare and he has to attend the seminars.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?: eh... he's got a stray cat that's taken a shine to him, he's on a full-ride scholarship and still has another year to go before he gets his master's degree, and rent's cheaper here than it is in jeju city, so he's got reasons to stay at least for the next year. however, he doesn't romanticize yuseong bay like he used to & wouldn't be opposed to relocating—regardless, he'll have to go back to the netherlands once he's done with school, soooo...
answer the following, ooc!
list your muse's three favorite songs: annie's song by john denver, chateau lobby #4 (in c for two virgins) by father john misty, my girl by the temptations; a fan of emotionally-charged, old (or old-sounding) love songs.
describe your muse's wardrobe: “grandpacore,” to put it simply. a color palette of neutrals in vintage inspired pieces. a lot of chunky sweaters, loose trousers & loafers, has sometimes been told that his fashion choices are “reminiscent of oatmeal,” whatever that means. occasionally breaks out a bold t-shirt or sweatshirt with some ironic phrase on it. accessorizes with messenger bags, dad hats, minimal gold jewelry & retro (sun)glasses. has a collection of converse high-tops, but rarely wears them these days.
color, word, and emoji to describe your muse: beige, "oatmeal", 🧸
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse: really likes animals (especially ones that people are usually afraid of or grossed out by, i.e possums, insects, rodents), the sound of the ocean (including putting a big shell up to his ear to "hear the ocean"), laughing / really doesn't like ac/dc, traveling by taxi, action movies.
three positive and negative traits for your muse: positive affectionate, sincere, intelligent / negative obsessive, irrational, dependent.
three talents and shortcomings for your muse: talents cooking, picking up new words, befriending wild critters / shortcomings can't drive, nervous about making phonecalls, low spice tolerance.
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome: at the moment, sverre's an assistant editor for the local newspaper; in the remaining time that he'll be in yuseong bay, he would like to be promoted to just... an editor... but that probably won't happen. aside from that, he's currently The Loser of Yuseong Bay so it would be nice to see him gain more confidence in himself / make meaningful friendships!
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chubbybunyu · 1 year
Kazuscara OTP tickle questions
So I saw the OTP tk ask game going around again, and I know this technically isn't how you're supposed to do it but I am. Brainrotting. About these two sO BADLY I HAD TO GET THIS OUT before I disappear back into the void lmao
✨️So here I go ehe✨️
1. Who has the cutest tickle laugh? Kazuha! His laugh and giggles are so airy and just the right amount of raspy uGH I wanna hear him laugh all day...
Wanderer's laugh is really cute too but man's screaming half of the time. Tho one thing that makes him almost cuter than Zuzu is that he starts hiccupping if you tickle him long enough~
2. Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be? I'm not saying that neck is an unusual spot, but I think Wanderer's made_in_Inazuma mark is ridiculously sensitive-- if Wanderer is acting bratty in public, Zuzu just uses his vision to make a gentle breeze brush against the spot and Wanderer stops whatever he's doing as if he slammed into a wall and turns to pout at the other sdfghfh But also when they're alone Kazuha LOVES peppering it with tiny kisses and Wanderer is in stitchessss hehe
3. Who gets cheer-up tickles? Wanderer 100% and it's so effective and he's sO GRUMPY ABOUT IT like my god he wants to be mad about it bc it doesn't fit his ✨️mean aesthetics✨️ but he can't help but just giggle and feel like his head is getting all fuzzy n happy when Zuzu scoops him up and gently tickles him all over until he's feeling better again
4. Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt? B o t h, but Wanderer definitely learned from Kazuha ahah. And they both wear so many layers that it's a weekly occurrence and at this point they're so used to both of them taking advantage of it that they just automatically start to panic a little when they realize they're stuck, so if the other hadn't noticed it on their own they sure would now sdfghj
5. How did they discover each other’s ticklishness? Wanderer was probably breaking records being annoying and buzzing around Kazu's head, provoking him in one way or another and he just got fed up and grabbed his ankle to pull him down, but to both of their surprise Wanderer fell out of the air on his very own accord (accompanied with an adorably uncharacteristic squeak, I might add) bc the feeling startled him so much lmao and Zuzu did NOT leave him be until he admitted he was ticklish (I think y'all can imagine how Kazuha coaxed that out of him~)
And afterwards Wanderer tried to tease it out of Kazuha too but he just straight up admitted with a chuckle that "ofc I'm ticklish" and Wanderer could Not wrap his head around how he wasn't even slightly embarrassed about it lmao
6. Who can’t take tickle bites? Kazuha oh my gosh, he melts in seconds. I also think that Wanderer's teeth are a bit sharper than normal so his nibbles are DEADLY. And he knows that.
7. Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning? Hmm, neither has trouble in the morning, but I think Wanderer has to be tickled INTO bed sometimes. Sure, he technically doesn't need sleep but Zuzu wants to cuddle at night and if Wanderer's being difficult about it (which he usually isn't bc Kazuha's cuddles are god tier) he just gets dragged to bed, locked into a hug and tickled until he gets tired enough to actually fall asleep himself too hehe
8. Who gives up in a tickle fight? Wanderer, the feeling still catches him off guard quite a bit, especially when it goes on for a while since tickling has been introduced to him quite recently, so if you manage to pin him down he's done~
But once he gets a bit more used to it he'll be a dangerous opponent for sure///
9. Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other? Kazu, Wanderer f l a i l s. Not a single limb is left unused in his attempts of breaking free if you tickle him hard enough He'll still pout if you stop too soon tho
10. Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how? Wanderer~ His brattiness goes up a notch and he seems to find something to playfully bicker about over everything, and it all is accompanied with a faint blush (that he will deny to the end of time) and an occasional glance at Zuzu's hands. So subtle~
But Kazuha also somehow manages to provoke him into GETTING tickled from time to time. Don't ask him how, Wanderer has no goddamn idea but it just. Keeps. Happening.
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nerdylittleguy · 2 years
just my rambling about the new alignment chart and poster, mostly in relation to Breakdown, but there's more in my head then Breakdown's arms spinning in circles. trust me im sane!!
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i am going to add a 'keep reading' to keep the rest of you unsuspecting mortals saner than me! /lh
okay! so here are some notes i made throughout the day, edited to sound more coherent and structured because i was loosing my marbles today! (these are about the alignment chart btw!)
tarantulas... evil? i'd say true neutral or something because he just wants to be alone, not cause anyone any trouble. leave my guy alone he just wants to do science!!
skullcruncher... chaotic evil? has he even had a voiced line??
grimlock - well, we haven't seen him, either. maybe this hints at his personality? i haven't seen many grimlocks yet (bits and pieces of cyberverse, RiD2015 and G1) but he's always seemed more chaotic than lawful, or just in the middle. eh, what do i know?
the most lawful good character i can think of in earthspark is Optimus, or if you asked me to think fast and name an LG character, optimus would come before bumblebee, that's for sure. i've seen lots of people say - and honestly this sounds very likely - that optimus is being isolated from other transformers by GHOST, so they can manipulate him. perhaps that would/ will shift him away from LG?
before we get onto my main event - Breakdown, of course, anyone surprised? - i'd like to quickly say i'd love one of these for the humans!! it'd be cool i think. calling that agent Croft would be lawful evil, or even neutral/ true evil.
okay, fasten your seatbelts, you're in for a ride! maybe. a ride of my rambles!!
it seems that this chart, for better or worse, had defined the good-evil scale as an autobot-decepticon scale. fair enough, that could be the basic idea.out of the three neutral characters, we have one we've seen nothing of (however, grim still has his autobot badge, so he's not with GHOST. maybe he's more of a rouge from the autobots, not decepticons?), we have megatron (who switched sides onto the side of 'good' - autobots and later GHOST, but that's falling apart pretty fast ain't it?) and breakdown (whose heart seems in racing more than fighting).
based on that, the alignment chart could be:
good - autobot/ main characters who are obviously good
neutral - rouges, side-switchers and unenthusiastic fighters
evil - decepticons lmao.
alright, alright, but what about BD??
here's my line of reasoning: if he's dead, why has he been on both the new things released? there's a lot of characters missing from the poster - hashtag, nightshade (who's on the chart), jawbreaker and tarantulas (who, despite being put as NE, did the Maltos more good than breakdown.) etc etc. so, why put a dead man on these two new releases?
if whoever was making this alignment chart was just 'ticking boxes', so to speak, and needed a CN character, why breakdown? okay, so who else could be classed as chaotic neutral?
if our scale here truly is autobot - rouges/ side-switchers/ whatever breakdown's loyalty is - decepticon, who could be neutral?
it's kinda a short list, but here it is:
sky warp and nova storm no longer work for the decepticons. it even sounded like they considered joining the autobots, but (curiously sounding in episode 9/10) didn't for fear of ghost. technically, they're former decepticons who would take a better chance if it was presented to them. on the scale, that might be considered neutral. and they certainly have an air of chaos
laserbeak and frenzy, mostly for those same reasons. yes, they do currently (? well, last we saw, anyway) work for mandroid, but they're former decepticons and they're very chaotic. additionally, from a realistic point of view, they're more likely to be alive than breakdown. we didn't see their limbs hanging around, they're small, and laserbeak and fly. they'd get out of that brawl no trouble! therefore, if breakdown is dead, laserbeak and frenzy could have been placed in CN.
here's the conclusion i wrote down: Breakdown is alive! why would he be in the poster, and on the chart, if he's dead? what the heck would be the point of that?? especially becuase he's so popular...
oh? what's this? i haven't mentioned arms yet? well, i'd hate to disappoint. here goes!
in both the new images, one of his arms (the left one, which was seen hanging in mandroid's lair) is out of sight. unfortunately, my digging has lead me to the conclusion that the image from the chart is not new, it's from the moment when breakdown leaps, transforms, and attacks GHOST agents.
note the red lights underneath his torso, and behind the letters. apologies for the awful episode screenshot!
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the angle and zoom on the chart made this hell to pinpoint, and i still don't feel perfectly confident, especially due to his head's angle - something just feels off about the images, but maybe if i'd pinpointed it better it'd make more sense. and obviously the above images are not perfectly pinpointed, but it was hard to find a frame where it wasn't all blurry! maybe someone can get a cleaner image?
the image from the poster, though, it's bugging me. he's literally a few pixels on it, but...
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that other arm is bailing me out here! as far as i saw during ep 14, i didn't see him raise his arm like that, but that could be just me. also, here's a shot from later in episode 14:
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it has paint scratches on, and because the poster-breakdown is a few pixels, i can't really see if there's scratches there, but there might be a little bit of discolouration in similar places. so, either the poster is like... an unused image, or the paint is there (painting... knockout?) or (so??) it is a new image. whoohoo! he'd... be alive, then??!!
and would it really be one of my rambles without a little diagram?
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no i cant do proportions. next question--
anyway, i'm sure i've missed something, or made a massive leap, but it's been chewing away at my mind all day, so enjoy! feel free to point out stuff that i have missed/ assumed. thanks for reading :)
@transformers-earthspark, you seem to enjoy my madness. /lh here's more overanalysing!
(funfact: i have been rambling about this to my family. my dad joked about a wanted/ missing poster...)
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the search continues i guess!
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