#that's what i get for befriending people online/not going to college. They are too far away from me and usually too busy with their lives.
twpsyn-who · 2 years
I'm going into 2023 with the next goals and fuck my life if I don't achieve them :
- Find someone to go with me to the Palaye Royale's concert and fucking have fun at my first concert ever
- Buy my own place cuz staying with rent is shitty and makes me wanna d i e
- FINALLY meet with my "too busy with life" friends because I'm a lonely bitch and the last thing I want is to have my ex as the only friend available in my life
- Buy at least one more plushie (cuz this year I tried to stop myself from getting them and now I'm sad)
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atlasisntdead · 2 years
It's honestly weird how I'm extremely avoidant but I managed to have a few good friends and a romantic partner. I think that it becomes a bit more obvious that I am avoidant when I point out that 2 out of 3 friends are people I befriended (aka managed to trust and get close to) before I developed avpd fully, and the 3rd one literally initiated the friendship in every sense of the word, and literally couldn't be more safe personality wise; and as for my partner, we literally met online, spent years slowly getting to know each other (much slower than irl I'd say) and we both are avoidant, plus the added physical distance made trust way easier.
On the flip side, everywhere I go, and I mean Everywhere I Go, highschool, college, workplace with a lot of coworkers, I never manage to actually make any friends. Of course, well, you're not gonna be close and personal with a ton of people, that's completely normal- others often say, but they don't realize to what extent I Do Not Befriend Anyone. I don't do even the basic, small acts of friendliness that lead to being the lowest degree of known by people around me. I think they don't realize this because they consider those smaller acts to be, well, there inherently, cause they are for them.
I do socialize in those places, the socialization being in typical avoidant fashion a surface level interaction that isn't allowed to go any further, and is always lacking even for a detached dynamic, since I can't be too consistent in it, I really can't, cause that can lead to being known, humiliated, intruded upon. And so I often just feel really odd, ghostly and empty if I'm forced to spend a large amount of time in these places. Thankfully, college isn't one of those places so far, but it probably will be now that real life classes have started.
People I know sometimes even assume that the people at those places must just suck so it makes sense I'm not friends with anyone, but that isn't fair to say, because I know that it isn't the main reason. But my parents, ironically, keep blaming me. The people that were most likely one of the primary reasons I am this way.
I guess I'm trying to explain my experience with friendships/relationships, because it doesn't seem "obvious" that I am avoidant if you just look at my surface level situation regarding people, and this is particularly a bad thing because I live in a place where personality disorders are not really recognized and I sincerely doubt I'll be diagnosed with avpd or even acknowledged to have potential PD traits, and this is especially true because when you look at my social life, you see things that make you think I am not disordered, that I function normally, that I manage, cause I managed to get close to all of those people. And I don't know how to explain how specific the circumstances have to be for me to ever manage that, and how incredibly difficult it always is every step of the way, and how it never stops being difficult. I guess no one ever cares about that.
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whiterosebrian · 2 years
To Be a Healer and Sage
You may have read before about my desire to be a healer and sage as a magical practitioner—in short, a real wizard.  I have thought of possibly going into complementary medicine in order to provide holistic healing.  However, how can I be a healer now?  I realized that I may have very well made a huge mistake.  I went to college to pursue a film degree, then I switched to a graphic-arts degree, then I finally earned a degree in media arts and sciences.  I thought that I could find a career as a creative professional and eventually create lovely work to reach out to the culture at large.  That, however, never happened. 
Should I have studied complementary medicine instead?  At the time that I started college, I was still a conservative-leaning Catholic.  I hadn’t even detached from the Christian Right yet—I could very well have been radicalized in the days before 4chan and Twitter!  I likely would have dismissed the concept of complementary medicine as total superstition—in fact, I very well might have.  If I wasn’t a pious Catholic convert and I did study complementary medicine, I could have spent the past fifteen years or so bringing more holistic healing into people’s lives.  Instead, I’ve focused on working hard to make my artwork and writing as good as possible (as well as learning how), trying in vain to find as much online support as possible in hopes of being discovered, and drifting from one menial job to the next.  I often fear that I wasted all that time, dooming myself to worthlessness.
I’m afraid that I can’t be a sage either.  For so much of my life, I have been an autistic loner.  My sensibilities were initially formed by cartoons and videogames.  I have relied on the support of my parents and various counselors to get through my days.  There was a period when I attempted outreach to people over the internet by befriending them in chats.  I am grateful to learn more deeply of human life.  However, I still lack the life experience necessary to really counsel people.  I also still have personality problems that one might expect to find in a child, not a man in his forties—I cry and I yell and I overreact too easily.  Many times, I fear that I am in truth an infantile freak, not worthy of even calling myself a grown man, much less anything remotely resembling a sage. 
It seems, then, that I cannot be a healer or a sage.  Yes, I’d like to be proven wrong, but so far, I seem to be nothing more than a loser.  How can I actually make a difference in people’s lives, much less our world?  I could very well be going through a low-key midlife crisis.  Then again, I’ve felt a sense of discontent for well over a decade.  What is wrong with me? 
Forgive me if this seems like whining.  I still wish to make a difference.  It’s possible that I will need to make a difference as an animist wizard.  No, I don’t intend to run away from the world—on the contrary, I wish to bring the spiritual powers of life to bear upon the society around me.  I could possibly find my voice as a poet—I just read through a thick book of poems from Langston Hughes (though ignoring the appendices with very minor poems), practicing performative reading much in the style of an bard or skald.  Should animist wizardry and performance poetry be my focus for the foreseeable future?  Where does my drawing fit, if at all?  Will I be able to write a high-quality, meaningful novel at some point?  Pardon me if you’ve seen words such as these before.  Pardon me if I end up saying similar things over and over again. 
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
TW: Mention of depression, mental health, TMI for personal situation (sorry my bad ^^;)
College… isn't as interesting as everyone makes it out to be.
Sure, so far (read: three weeks in), classes are chill, long breaks, and going around campus and city is pretty chill,
But it's lonely.
Really lonely…
Classes clash with my friends' schedules, making it hard and not often for us to be able to meet. So breaks in between classes are often spent in the library continuing my schoolwork. And while I do enjoy that solitude most the time, as an introvert, it gets boring doing nothing but work all day.
As a said introvert, making new friends is even harder, especially with zero social skills. Even if I do manage to befriend some classmates (not that it was a choice when the lecturer made the class interact), they're just that — nothing more than classmates.
Maybe being isolated at home for nearly a year has me yearning companionship. Long story short, drama happened within my family upon my diagnosis of depression, and in the end I was pulled out of high school mid-year and was forced to seperate from my friends, out of my parents fear of me leaving them.
Haha… sorry for getting too personal for a minute, but what's happened has happened. Things have gotten better, being able to attend university, first and foremost, reconnecting with my old childhood best friend whom I haven't seen for five years due to moving away, and reconciling with my old friends despite all the drama that's happened, (which I am thankful for. I can't express how grateful I am for their forgiveness and understanding after everything), and I really am grateful for all the people that remain in my life to this day, but at the same time, it feels like theres a gap between me and everyone else.
Perhaps it's the result of what's happened to my mental health, building walls around myself, distancing myself from everyone as a way of preserving or safeguarding myself. So it isn't so surprising, but alas there's no one to blame but myself for my own solitude, and unless I do something about it, it's not going to change.
Even so, a girl can dream right? Even I want the shoujo manga life (despite the fact that I am currently questioning my romantic alignment lol). As delusional as it may be, it's fun to imagine the what-if scenarios that could possibly happen… then again this might be the writer in me speaking XD
But more than that, I want to make new friends. I want to create new connections and grow close to people again. I love my friends, but it'd be nice to… talk to new people. Otherwise, I may grow completely reliant on them when they themselves have learned to move on and make their own friends too. Because I'm not their only friend. So it's time I learn to find more friends, I guess. Though I really wish an extrovert would come and adopt me XD
That all aside, I'm actually surprised that I'm sitting here writing a journal entry of my college life so far. I'm not sure why, the writer in me just suddenly wanted to write for some reason. That should be a good thing, right? Wrong. I have an essay due this Sunday midnight and I'm behind on my online class, not to mention I have Japanese tests next week :") honestly I just want to get up to date with all my college work so I have time to do other things and maybe see if I'm able to handle getting a part time job while I'm currently studing. Oh well.
Signing off,
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Bylines to my heart - Chapter 1
Summary: You are a young journalist navigating the turbulent job of reporting for a local newspaper in D.C. What happens when you constantly bump into a cute boy genius? Can FBI agents befriend journalists? Can they fall in love with one?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x journalist!Reader, Spencer Reid x y/n
Trigger Warning: Mentions of death of love interest (Maeve) and some strong words, but besides that there isn’t really any other for this chapter. Mostly fluff.
A/N: It's my first published fanfic, so let me know how I can improve! I am using some of the themes from season 11, but with adaptations for the story. Overall, some of the themes used for Joy's story. The team in this version includes Emily and Derek, plus all the members that appear in season 11. Joy Rossi is mentioned slightly, but you can decide if she is a journalist as well or not. 
Special mention to my beta reader, @sweetandsunny​ who is an absolute angel and has helped tremendously with this!
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Meet Cute
“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”
― Sarah Dessen 
You usually look forward to the long train ride to your apartment every afternoon. Even during rush hour, when the trains are bustling with people, you can’t help but feel comfort by knowing you’ll soon be at a place you can call home. A place where you, finally, feel at peace. Being a journalist, you expected to have a job that demanded you to be away from home, but taking up this new job at D.C., so far from friends and family, was proving to be another kind of difficult.
You have mixed feelings about your current job, on one hand, being happy to be employed as a reporter in times as hard as these, when press all over the country is striving to make ends meet, on the other, you’d never felt as alone as these past few months. Sure, you had grown closer with some of your coworkers, but not enough to want to spend time together outside of work.
The ride in the Washington metro reminds you of your days as a student at Columbia, and all the trips in the NYC subway. Once you had passed through a subway tunnel so filthy and crowded that the poem inscribed on its ceiling seemed like a cruel joke: 
so tired.
If late, 
get fired. 
Why bother? 
Why the pain? 
Just go home 
Do it again.” 
The Commuter’s Lament. 
Back then, it seemed like the poem made the already grim ritual of getting to and from college positively Dante-esque. You suppose you always were the person who was more interested in words and ideas than in making friends. Even at journalism school, you often found yourself too busy with books and essays, a contrast to all the other students who were into cultivating their online presence and interviewing for jobs at TV networks. Even though you heard repeatedly that "the press is dead", you have always been too stubborn to give up on your dreams. So you persevered, working as a waitress and at retail to pay for your way through school, while most of the other students had daddy and mommy finance their stay at the Ivy League school.
Now you found yourself long gone from your days as a student, working for a paper as a reporter, making enough to pay for a lonely single-bedroom apartment that's waiting for you after a long day at the office. You can't help but feel proud of how long you came. Your thoughts are interrupted by your train pulling into the station. You quickly board it, miraculously finding an empty seat. You get ready for your daily routine of people watching, a habit you adopted in college and have never quite let go of.
You settle into your seat, like you do every single day, occupying your mind trying to imagine what each of the passengers were doing, where they were coming from or going to. Taking note of the old lady who is clearly on her way to a Bingo game night with all her retired friends. The mom and child who are very tired after an afternoon spent at some museum. The girl who is probably meeting her friends for drinks and a good time. The big guy who most decidedly is going from the gym, for probably the fifth time this week, if you can judge from how big his arms look and how sweaty he seems. The cute guy in front of you, with a purple sweater, that you can’t tell if it makes him look endearing or reminds you of someone’s grandpa. His messy hair falling covering his eyes but leaving enough of his face available to your curious eyes to roam free over it. You notice how he is focused, very quickly flipping through a book, hands sliding over each page before turning to the next, as if looking for something on the text and… Oh, no, he noticed you staring.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Time to look at your phone like a normal person and pretend that you have a very important text message that needs your full attention. You unlock your phone, thinking how ridiculous it is to pretend to text, but lo and behold, much to your surprise, your boss has indeed texted you a few minutes ago.
7:15 P.M.
John Williams (work): Hey, Y/N. Sorry for reaching out so late. You'll be covering a beekeepers conference on Monday. Be ready at 9 and don’t be late. Have a nice weekend! 
Oh, well, you suppose there are worse things to write about. Except how the hell are you supposed to know enough about beekeeping to write an entire article about it in less than 48 hours? Just your luck. 
That's far from what you had in mind when you got this job. You suppose a local newspaper would focus on events and conferences at the city, despite that, part of you was hoping your job would look a lot more like covering political conferences and corruption scandals than writing a review on the newest puppet show in town, but this is definitely not the first time your editor has asked you to cover local events. Sigh. Well, better think of a way to know all there is to know about bees by Monday, you suppose. Maybe you can use this as an excuse to go to that nice bookstore a couple of blocks from your apartment? 
Before you have enough time to think, the sound system announces that your stop is coming up next and you have to stand up from your seat. You barely make it to the door before you realize that the cute guy from before is standing beside you. Oh, and he’s tall. Not only that, but his tall self is also very much looking at you. 
He’s looking at you. You feel your cheeks warm up. You suppose it’s fair enough, as you were not very subtle at staring at him moments before. And anyway, how many people take the D.C. metro daily? There’s no reason to think you’ll ever see him again. Even though he’s getting off at the same station as you are. Does he live nearby? Is there a chance you might bump into each other again? You ask yourself as you’ve done a thousand times before, falling for a different someone on every single one of your commutes. Just another stupid subway crush. 
Before you can fantasize about whether he’s a nice guy - he must be, as people who read that passionately can’t possibly be jerks, you decide - but soon you find yourself stumbling for a bit as the train reaches your destination. It’s not a movement strong enough to leave you completely out of balance, but it’s enough that you bump into the cute guy, brushing up against him, instinctively reaching out for something to hold - his arm - feeling the soft fabric of his sweater, that by the way, has no business being that soft as well as he has no business smelling that good, is that a hint of cinnamon? And, wow, his eyes are very pretty- 
“Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry.” You mumble, looking undoubtedly like a fool. Before he even has a chance to reply, you’re flying through the subway door and walking up the stairs that lead outside the subway station, without catching a single breath. In a couple of minutes, who feel suddenly like hours in your embarrassment, you get to your apartment building, air rushing through your lungs. You are not used to power walking that fast after a long day of work. Oh god, why do you always make things weird with strangers? That’s why you’re single, you suppose. Guys must hate girls who stare at them in public transportation. 
As you’re greeted by the sight of your empty apartment, you put down your bag and take off your shoes, wishing any of your friends had moved to D.C. so you at least had someone to laugh about the embarrassing encounter at the subway. Well, seems like this will be another night of ordering a whole pizza with extra cheese for one and watching Netflix. There are worse ways to spend a Friday night, and since tomorrow you’ll have a Saturday off for the first time in weeks, being a reporter and all, you plan to enjoy it.
Spencer always enjoys planning what he’ll do on his Saturdays off work. It’s been such a long time since the team had some time off, he'd literally dreamed of finally being able to go back to his favorite book store and losing himself in there. He decides that, after spending a peaceful morning playing chess and drinking coffee, it’s time to get out of his apartment for a bit.
He adores being able to lose himself in the shop whilst Mrs. Kazinsky, the owner, sweeps the floors and greets new faces. He was her favorite customer, after all, most people don’t buy twenty books all at once, but he supposed most bookstores didn’t carry Dostoiévski in the original Russian either.  
He’s been there enough times to know all the employees’ names. There’s Hannah, a middle aged woman working as the cashier who always made sure to add a lot of free bookmarks in his bag each time he bought something. Liam, a man around his age, who works mostly at the back of the store and avoided Spencer like the plague (after an accident when he let it slip that he was in fact an FBI agent specialized in catching serial killers, much to Liam’s shock and horror), and lastly, Bryan, the teenager who helped around the store part time and was always too busy cleaning up on the children’s section to pay Spencer any mind. 
He loves the fact that the employees left him alone and unbothered at the store, so he has perfected his routine of going through a list of books he wants to buy and leaving them scattered all across the floor of the foreign language aisle - no one seemed to pay any mind to the strange guy, and more than once people had thought he worked there. The fact that he has memorized where all the different sections of the bookstore has been proved useful more times that Spencer would like to admit to himself. 
So he wasn’t all that surprised when he could see out of the corner of his eye someone browsing through the shelves - most people would lose themselves around a shop filled with so many different books. “The foreign languages books are here so I don’t think you’ll find what you’re probably looking for.” He says, hoping the person will thank him and walk away as many had done before. 
“Oh, thanks, I almost thought it was my eyes deceiving me.” A female voice  replies and Spencer looks up, only to be met by the same face he had seen the night before. She is kneeling, looking at the books on the shelf closest to the floor, but she looks radiant. He is breathless for a moment. What are the odds of them meeting again? 692,683 to one. And she managed to defy those odds. "I had no idea this store had so many books, I’m having such a hard time finding the one I want… “ The end of her sentence hangs in the air as her eyes meet his. 
“It’s you!” Spencer exclaims, before realizing that this sounds very strange. He has no reason to be happy about meeting a complete stranger again. 
She looks embarrassed, so he is certain that he has offended her by bumping into her the night before. He wants to apologize before she starts to talk again.
“I’m so sorry about last night. Oh, I didn’t know, I mean, I’m not stalking you or anything, I actually live a few blocks away and… I know this might sound weird, but I really should have figured you worked at a bookstore, huh? With you being so engrossed in your book at the subway. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! Just an observation…” she talks really fast, reminding him of himself. 
Before his mouth can form around "Wait, I'm not…?”, she’s already launched herself into another ramble. 
Spencer doesn't even know where to start. What can he tell her? 'I am an FBI agent'?  As if.  'I'm a cop'? Technically correct, but not what she wants to hear, he's sure. He wonders whether it would not be better to leave this alone and assume this other identity. The version of Spencer that actually works in a bookstore, what would he be like? He supposes it would not be so different from who he is. After all, he has always loved to read and his knowledge of literature is well-above average. In the heat of the moment, he decides it is worth it, to be that version of himself for a moment, to assume this other identity, if it means he has an excuse to talk to her. He’s taking the fact that they’ve met again after last night as a sign. So he won't take any chances of spoiling his, possibly, only chance. His attention goes back to what the girl is saying, willing himself to memorize every detail of this encounter. 
“Anyway, do you?” She shyly asks, surely noticing how his mind was miles away an instant before. He notices her beautiful voice. He's surprised by how pleasant she sounds. 
“Sorry, do I what?”
“Do you have any books on beekeeping?” She asks again. 
“Oh, I think so, they probably are on the shelf with all the natural sciences. Let me walk you there.” He drops the book sitting on his hands and leaves it at the pile by the floor. 
“Shouldn’t you pick that up first?” 
“No one will mind, don’t worry.” He walks towards the back of the store, his back to her, hiding the heat on his face as well. “So, why do you need a book about beekeeping anyway? Not that it’s any of my business, or that it's weird, it’s just that’s not really that common.”
“Don’t tell me about it, I think the only beekeeper I know is Sherlock Holmes and he’s fictional.” She jokes. Spencer feels his lips curl into a smile almost involuntarily. Oh, she is beautiful, funny and smart? He feels his heart ache in his chest as his mind immediately identifies this as a divine sign. A sign that the Universe and all those watching over him are pushing him towards her. What a coincidence that she would make such a comment. This has to be a sign that even Maeve would approve of this, wherever she is now. Maeve's opinion is something important to him even after her death, something that he thinks about several times throughout the days. It is part of the reason why he has not made the slightest effort to meet new people in recent years. But this? A single, random, innocent little comment, but Spencer takes that and runs with it. It has to mean something. 
“I need it for my job. It’s kind of a long story, but I need it for something at work. I need to know everything there is about beekeeping in the next 24 hours, or I’m screwed.” 
His mind quickly tries to list all the possible professions that might need this kind of information. If she were a beekeeper, she wouldn't need a book on the subject. A biologist would certainly be more specific about the type of bee, he decides. She is a layman, he concludes. But what lay person would urgently need a book on the subject? Someone with a deadline. But she seems too old to still be attending university, he guesses they are around the same age, perhaps with her being a couple of years younger. Ah, it's obvious. A writer. That's it. A writer with a deadline. No, better yet: a reporter. Uh-oh. That smells like trouble. 
“A very unusual job, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess it’s kinda odd.” 
They quickly reach the desired section of the bookstore.
"The books are here, I'll let you have a look," he says, trying not to let her know he is disappointed that the conversation is coming to an end.
"Oh thank you so much, you didn't have to come all this way with me, I can manage my way inside the store, but I suppose it's part of your job" she giggles and Spencer feels like his heart was doing somersaults. He stares at her, memorizing every corner of her face, making mental notes of how her hair falls over her shoulders.
"I didn't ask your name..."
"Y/N..." she says, already turning her gaze to the books, her back facing him, certainly she is more busy hoping to find what she came looking for in the first place to talk to him. 
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." he says, quickly walking off, certain that he somehow had managed to screw up. He finds himself back at where he was, alone in the middle of the Russians and the Italian authors. But his mind is wandering to the most important word at the moment: your name.
You want to ask his name in return, but as soon as you turn around, you find yourself all alone in the aisle of the store. Deciding that you had definitely made the moment uncomfortable and scared the poor boy away, you quickly picked up the book you had gone to get and headed for the cashier. 
You can barely disguise your disappointment at yourself for not having the nerve to ask him more about himself, finding your way to the cashier. Even though fate gave you a second chance, you blew it once again. You can’t shake the feeling of stupidity. 
You get to the cashier and deposit the book on the counter, already pulling your wallet from your purse, preparing to pay. 
"Hi honey, is that going to be all for today?" the checkout lady asks you, a welcoming smile on her face. She gives off the vibe of being someone that brightens up everyone’s day. You find yourself reluctantly smiling as well.  
"Yes, that's all."
“It comes up to twenty nine dollars and fifty cents. Did any employees help you today?"
"Oh yes, a tall brown haired boy, he was around the foreign literature section, I didn't register his name..."
The girl makes a surprised face, “Do you mean Spencer? Spencer helped you?"
"I think so," you reply. 
"Okay, then, I hope you found what you wanted. Have a great weekend!” she hands you your bag, with a couple complimentary bookmarks.
“Thanks, you too”, you take it and leave the store. As soon as you step into the street, you mutter to yourself what’s playing in the back of your mind: “Spencer".
A/N: Please let me know what you think and how i can improve my writing! English is my third language and although I have studied and taken courses on writing, I'm a bit rusty. Also, I plan on making this a series, so let me know what you think of the MC as I tried to make her have a personality but being pretty vague as well. Thank you for reading this far! <3
Taglist: @lil-stark
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ratmonky · 3 years
Stranger Danger
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: non-con
AO3 Link
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Don’t trust strangers on the internet.
Just like how they taught you not to walk off with someone you didn’t know, it was the first thing your parents lectured you about when you started using the family computer. Simple. Stay away from the people who tried to befriend you because they were probably out to get you.
That was why you were wary of making friends online when you first started using the computer, scared that someone might kidnap you through the screen.
Pfft, you had quite an imagination when you were little.
Your parents were also a little too paranoid, of course, you had to be careful on the internet as they told you but there was nothing wrong with making friends. The internet brought people of the same interests together and it helped many people like you who had a hard time making friends start talking to others. Especially with helping you find many sorcerer students like yourself.
You had many friends now, some you video chatted and some you even had met in person.
Today, you were going to meet another one of your friends in person. Another sorcerer college student around the same age as you. You had met Kokichi on one of those sorcerer dating websites and instantly hit it off from the moment you had met before becoming more than friends.
Although his webcam never worked or how he was always out of breath while talking to you, it didn’t stop the two of you from falling in love.
Kokichi lived in Kyoto, far away from where you lived, and trying to manage a long-distance relationship was hard. That was why he had suggested that the two of you met in Kyoto and tried to see if you felt the same about him after meeting in person. If you liked him even after meeting him in person, then your relationship could progress into something more.
You blushed thinking about moving in with him. Ahh, wouldn’t that be wonderful!
Shaking your head you tried to stop yourself from daydreaming and park your car where Kokichi had told you to. Apparently, the parking rules in Kyoto were different than in your city, you had to find a parking lot almost far outside of the city so you wouldn’t get a ticket.
It took you two hours to get here using the highway. Although you would have rather taken the train or bus, it was a lot faster to drive. It took you another fifteen minutes to get to your meeting point with him after you took a taxi.
Kokichi didn’t pick up his phone. You had been trying to reach him since this evening. You weren’t sure if he was already standing next to the alley of the bar your cab driver dropped you off a little while ago or if he was late.
Sick of waiting, you took out your pack of cigarettes and walked deeper into the alley to check. After taking a cigarette out and putting it between your lips, you lit the tip, inhaling deeply.
You were going to scold him for making you wait. A laugh escaped you at the thought of Kokichi telling you how he had explained to you that he was taking the train and it would be slower than you driving here or something along those lines.
Well, it would be a nice icebreaker.
While you were busy smoking and lost in your thoughts, sharp pain to the side of your head made you stumble forward. You dropped your cigarette and before you knew it your knees gave up under you, making you crumple to the ground as your vision went dark.
You froze. Not wanting to move or open your eyes until you could recall what had happened.
There were faint sounds of grunting. The next thing you noticed was the smell. Earthy, cold, and coppery. You tried to identify the foreign smell as you become aware of the tingling from between your legs. It had started to hurt, your hips felt sore and your eyelids felt heavier than usual.
The grunting sounds were soft and you could easily recognize the other sounds aside from it. It was like gears moving, a machine, closer to the sounds your door made when it wasn’t oiled up well, creaking and kinda ringing...
You had probably left the television on, slowly, you opened your eyes.
All you saw was dark, your back felt cold against something metallic. Your back was being roughly rubbed against your metal. What? It was hard for you to understand what was going on. With a pathetic attempt to move your legs, you only felt them being held tightly. There were splashing sounds, your ass was splashing against water. Tears started streaming down your face. you still couldn’t comprehend what was happening but you could feel it. You started to panic as the sudden realization of something thick and firm moving hastily inside you hit you hard.
Opening your eyes, you stared at a man in bandages who was kneading the soft flesh of one of your breasts, his mouth on the other, sucking your nipple in his mouth. You felt his hot tongue swirl around your nipple and an involuntary moan left your lips.
The sharp smell of the medical liquid made you nauseous as you remembered what had happened. But you had to stay calm and try to understand where you were.
You began to panic, trying to move your muscles but you could barely move. Strained, fear of the darkness drove you to move your limbs slightly. You threw your head back in shame and noticed the robot that was holding you instead of looking at the man inside the bathtub of medical liquid. Finally having your mind schooled back online, you started to notice your surroundings. First of all, you were in a cave-like place, being held by a robot by the back of your knees and the robot was moving you up and down on this man’s-
Another moan left your lips when the man’s cock hit a good spot. Glaring at the man, you tried moving your arms that hung slack by your sides but your limbs were weaker than you had realized. Your legs wouldn’t move either, your entire body felt sore.
There was nothing you could do as the robot lowered you up and on this man’s cock other than try to understand what had happened.
You stayed limp in the robot’s arms and took it as your assaulter kept furiously fucking you like a rabid dog in heat with the help of the robot. While the robot lowered you onto his cock and leaned forward for a second, you felt his hand reach to the back of your head and pull you down forcefully to crash your lips against yours as he used the same hand to run his fingers through your hair. He let out a quiet groan into the kiss and lolled out his tongue to lick your face, leaving a trail of his drool that chilled your skin. His hand in your hair crept between your bodies and he flicked a finger on your clit.
Jolting, you bit back a moan.
“The pictures on your profile didn’t do you any justice,” he spoke, planting kisses on your chest. “You’re so much prettier in person.”
Out of a sudden, it clicked.
“Kokichi?” His name broke into a moan as the robot slammed you down onto his cock. The robot was still bouncing you on his cock but to him, it wasn’t enough, he needed more. He had to feel more of you.
The robot dropped you in the bathtub, on top of Kokichi with his cock deep inside you. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck so you wouldn’t sink deeper into the bathtub. The medical liquid inside was cold, it made you shiver but Kokichi’s body was warm. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed his face into the crook of your neck.
“I can’t move my lower body without Mechamaru, I need you to comply.” His tone was impatient, the arm around you was trying to guide you to move your hips.
A grunt left you from the massive effort it took just to move your arm. Finally, you managed to move your arms, although it was heavy and almost impossible, luckily you succeeded. You shook your head, weakly pushing him away from yourself but as tiny, the bathtub was you didn’t have much space. Kokichi wasn’t going to let you move away from him either, he suddenly grabbed you and pulled you back, the liquid inside splashed from the force.
He groaned and you saw Mechamaru move again. The robot’s hands grabbed you from under your armpits, lifting you up and pushing you down onto Kokichi. He had his arm around you, moving your hips freely as he wanted since your weight had lightened thanks to his robot.
Your gummy walls clenched around his cock as you squirmed uselessly. He was breathing slowly and evenly while he carefully pulled you down for another sloppy kiss, paying no attention to your whimpers or the tears streaming down your face.
“You look so erotic when you cry,” he grunted, his hand moving to squeeze your cheeks together until your lips puckered. “Makes me wanna ruin you.”
You glared at him through your tears as he licked your tears that had streamed down to your cheeks before kissing you hungrily. He was inexperienced, you could tell from the way your teeth clashed and how desperately he tried to snake his tongue down your throat for no reason.
Mechamaru started frantically bouncing you on Kokichi’s cock, taking you by surprise. The irregular pace was gone, now, he was fucking you frenziedly, making sure that your gummy walls took the shape of his cock. After a particular spot his cock stroked, your pussy squeezed around him, causing you to moan into the kiss.
He broke the kiss, groaned loudly as your gummy walls started spasming around his cock. His bandaged hand went to grab your hip tightly to move you on his cock forcibly.
Medical fluid splashed and splattered on the ground each time you slammed yourself on his cock frantically with Mechamaru’s help.
You gasped in pleasure, your body was getting aroused. He must have noticed it because a smug grin spread on his lips before Mechamaru pounded you on Kokichi’s throbbing cock.
The knot of pleasure building in your gut quickly took over your senses, your gummy walls clenched around his cock and your muscles inside started pulsating.
Kokichi was caught off guard by your cunt trying to milk him for all he was worth. His cock twitched inside you as he lost control of Mechamaru who abruptly dropped you onto his cock. With a wanton moan, you wrapped your arms wrapped around him to balance yourself. His cock throbbed inside your pussy and thick spurts of cum burst inside your womb.
It continued coming out until you felt it overflow. As if he had been saving everything he got for this moment.
You went limp on his lap with his arm barely holding you up. Still, Kokichi managed to press a kiss against your temple, silently promising to keep you safe from the strangers on the internet from now on.
Or rather, he wanted to keep you for himself. Kokichi, as someone who had grown up on the internet, was desensitized to many things. He had no idea how women worked and most of the things he had learned about sex were from hardcore porn. Sometimes from even a more disturbing genre of porn. Having you here with him was something he had planned for a long time. He had been patient, patient, and patient. There was no way he was going to let you go. No, not when he finally had a taste of you. He wasn’t going to be only an internet friend or someone you met online who you got to be more than friends. He was going to be something a lot more than that. Perhaps, a boyfriend. Yeah, that had a nice ring to it.
One thing was for sure, the two of you weren’t going to be in a long-distance relationship anymore.
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kiki-is-writing · 4 years
the beginning and end of everything UPDATE!!!
DISCLAIMER: This is my original work. I choose to share my work here and here specifically for my comrades in the writing community. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. 
It’s actually sort of surreal, I started it in June of 2020 and now it’s 2021 and it’s over! Ty, Jude, Ada, Dorothy, and Madison have been living in my head since October 2019, and less than a year and a half later, they’ve been brought to life! Crazy!!
A summary in case you forgot/are seeing this and don’t know who the hell I am:
Ty Kassisieh has no direction. He’s just graduated college with a degree he doesn’t care about and no clue what to do with his life. Per his parent’s request to be more like his genius twin sister Ada, he picks up a job at a local library to save some money. There, he meets his coworker Jude, who’s stuck in a position not too far from his own, and Ty immediately sees the potential for companionship. But after speaking to him, Ty discovers Jude is everything he isn’t: he’s cold, introverted, aloof, and worst of all, humorless. Soon, Ty forgets all about his initial goal and becomes determined to crack Jude and see what makes him tick. 
Ty’s journey of self-discovery is uprooted completely as what begins as an investigation blossoms into a friendship, and then into something more. Ty is forced to confront the feelings he’s been pushing down since high school and come to terms with himself, his family, and the relationships he thought would never change. It’s only when he befriends a young library patron, Madison, that he finally begins to see the world for what it is and figures out how to pave his own path.
Here are some stats!
Word count: 65,900 (it’ll get at least 20k words longer)
Genre: Romantic comedy
POV: third person limited, present tense
Characters: Ty, Jude, Ada, Madison, Dorothy, Diane, Omar, Paul, Uncle Hubie, Ethel
Chapters: 15
Font: Times New Roman (sorry)
This was my second novel, but the first novel where I actually knew what I was doing, at least a little bit. And holy shit, I learned SO much about my writing process:
1. I cannot pants for the life of me. I have no idea what I’m doing without an outline. But sometimes, the outline doesn’t know best. I added a ton of subplots and off-the-cuff scenes halfway through that have no set up, gave up on subplots that weren’t working halfway through, it’s a disaster of a plot. BUt the important thing is that I know how to make it perfect. I know what the story needs and how to get that.
2. Why can I only write in bursts? I wrote like seven chapters, half the novel, in the month of July. There was a day where I wrote almost 5,000 words. And last night, I wrote for 6 hours straight, without eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom (because frankly, I forgot those things existed) and I cranked out a chapter and a half in a DAY. I had such a headache and was very hungry by the end, but it was SO REWARDING. 
3. I noticed while drafting is how often bits of my real life bled through. Little anecdotes, arguments, dynamics and experiences. Those who know me particularly well can probably pick out little allusions to either some of my past works, my friends, and myself.
It was 1:00 AM when I finished, and I live on the east coast of the U.S. so we’d just had a huge Nor’easter (New England for blizzard) and I went outside in the middle of the night, in my pajama pants and my uggs, and stood in my backyard and looked at the trees and processed the fact that wow, I just wrote a novel. It was cathartic and beautiful and I 110% recommend standing in snow up to your knees by yourself in the middle of the night. Very peaceful. 
As exciting as it is to be done, it’s kind of weird to be ending it. I started this novel from Ty’s first person POV, and he was just kind of another goofy, dorky character that shared my own sense of humor as well as my sense of perfectionism. But as I wrote, not only did I realize that third person worked so much better, but I started realizing how much of me and my own journey as a queer person had gone into this. It turned from a light-hearted, silly rom-com with little depth, a fun summer project to keep myself busy, to the most self expressive story I’ve ever written. I didn’t expect it to come out with much deeper meaning, it was summer and I was on a light-hearted rom-com kick, and life was carefree and silly and I wanted a book that reflected it. And then, school started, and life just descended into absolute chaos, and it was November, and it was NaNoWriMo, and I was writing my novel while watching CNN for a week straight. (But it all turned out great! New president!)
I can’t remember exactly when I started to incorporate my own struggles growing up as a queer kid, but somehow they bled through in the second half. The last scene of the book is (no spoilers) an incredible breath of fresh air for Ty. It’s something I can only wish for every queer teenager, that moment where you can finally be unapologetically and authentically queer without that nagging worry in the back of your mind. I’ve struggled over this past year with my identity, and as Ty found his place, I found mine as well. 
Seriously, writing this book was one of the best experiences I’ve had. Yes, the entire time I had a separate document open, writing down every little thing that needs to change, but I legitimately feel excited for draft 2 and continuing working on this project. I think about how much this book helped me, unconsciously creating the story that I needed to hear, and how maybe, in ten, fifteen years, some queer teenager will be wandering around a bookstore and pick up The Beginning and End of Everything. Maybe just because the cover is pretty. Maybe they like the F. Scott Fitzgerald reference in the title. Maybe they heard about it on Twitter somewhere. But they pick it up, and see themselves in Ty, or in Jude, or in Madison. I know every book that gave me that feeling, I cherish them so deeply, and all I really want is for someone to get that feeling from something I wrote. To see themselves in the pages and know they’re not alone. It’s cheesy, but it’s true, and it’s important. 
I think one of my favorite themes in the novel is the whole ‘someone’s got your back’ thing. I 100% did not mean for it to go in the way it did, but I was writing this as I was going through some Stuff, some stuff in which I realized that having someone, just one person in your corner can mean the entire world, if only for that moment. And if there’s no one in your corner when you need it, you can be in someone else’s when they need it. Frankly, I love how it plays out throughout the novel. There was always that theme of Ty and Madison sort of being there for each other, but as I found myself in the first semester of the school year building new friendships with incredible, smart, funny people (albeit most of that being online) and strengthening old bonds, it worked its way in, and it fits perfectly. It adds depth and strength to the story I couldn’t have done consciously. 
Essentially, it is still the romantic comedy I intended it to be, but it’s also a coming-of-age (except much older than the traditional coming-of-age). Watching some of my close friends and family graduating college and continuing to struggle with their identities and places in the world I think is what truly carved out this idea. Because not everyone has everything figured out as soon as they graduate, and I feel like, as a teenager, that’s something my friends and I really need to get through our heads. A lot of us expect to have everything figured out as soon as we turn 18. But, we’re 18. There’s a lot of life ahead of us, and we can’t possibly know what we’re going to do so young. So I think that was my main source of inspiration for this novel, and I’m really proud of the way that fleshed out. Of course it needs lots and lots of work, but. I like it. The way my personal life bled through and strengthened the story is incredible to reflect on. Honestly, I really, truly, cannot wait to start working on draft 2.
@alicewestwater @august-iswriting @lottieiswriting @phiwrites @jennawritesstories @chloeswords
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superfamilyexchange · 3 years
Superfamily Fanwork Reveals!!
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THE DAY IS FINALLY HERE!!! All twenty-six (26) gift works had been revealed earlier today! Dive right into the Ao3 collection (here) and hop on over to the Discord server to scream and cry and laugh along with everyone else!
Creator reveals will be next Wednesday, July 7th. Also check out the fanworks below the cut!
A Boyfriend for Dad for betheflame (T, 6k)
Peter wants the best for his dad and worries that he'll be alone when he goes off to college. He needs to find a boyfriend for his dad. The best candidate is Mr. Rogers, his Academic Decathlon coach, but Tony hates Mr. Rogers. Peter decides to try anyway.
A Father, a (Super)Hero. for Sprout (G, 2k)
It's Father's Day in the Stark-Rogers' household, and Tony's had to leave early in the morning for a work emergency. Steve and Peter decide to surprise him with some flowers and chocolates, but can anything be as simple as that for a family of superheroes?
A House That's a Home for Skeeter (G, 6k)
Steve and Tony go through the long process of becoming adoptive parents. It's a harder road, as far as they can see, full of bumps and potholes. It's all worth it when they meet baby Peter for the first time - who captures their hearts and refuses to release it, not that they'd want him to of course.
ace in the hole for Huntress79 (T, 10k)
Sheriff Steve Rogers falls for the new guy in town (and for the adorable boy he has with him), but when Tony's secret catches up with them, will his love be enough to save them all?
basic unit [FANART] for Perlmutt (M, art)
steve never imagined he'd have a family of his own until he met tony. first, it was just two of them, and then he knocked tony up and they had peter. when peter graduated high school, tony was in his labor month.
it was perfect.
bring him home for geekymoviemom (T, 17k)
During the clean up after the Battle of New York, Steve finds a little boy in the rubble of an orphanage. He finds out this little boy is almost as strong as he is, and he knows he can't let anyone get their hands on him. People would do crazy things for a mutant child. Steve vows to protect him so he can grow up as a child and not as a lab rat.
citrus and lavender for captainstars (T, 8k)
Tony wasn’t his. He had made it very clear that he didn’t need some alpha in his life to mess with everything he’d worked so hard to accomplish. Especially not Steve Rogers.
Dying Inside to Hold You [Art] for Infinitywrites (G, <1k)
It was his wedding day. Tony looked over the sea of people in front of him, at Steve by his side, and felt his heart clench. He wondered, for a split second, how he had even got to this moment.
Family Is... A Web of Love for crypticrose (T, 1k)
Following the sudden death of his Aunt May, Peter is, more or less, shell-shocked. Good thing he has Tony, Steve and the rest of the Avengers to catch him.
Finding home for Pookiethefrickinbunn (G, 4k)
Tony and Steve are in an established relationship or married. Peter has been Spider-man for a while, but his parents don't know/have their suspicions. I would love a confrontation scene between the Avengers and Spider-man and Peter ends up getting injured and the husbands find out who there son actually is. Tony and Steve would definitely feel guilty for what has happened to their kid, and maybe Peter would think his parents hate him. Some fluff at the end would be fantastic.
Forever and Ever for Neverever (G, 3k)
"Can I see it just one more time? Pretty please?" Peter hounds Steve, using the bigger man's knees as leverage so he could jump up and down.
"Okay, okay, one last time. But we need to be quick so your Dad doesn't see."
AKA: Steve, Tony, and Peter all go on a family vacation together, but Steve has a couple of tricks up his sleeve.
Head Full of Stubborn, Heart Full of Hope for ChocolateCapCookie (T, 2k)
In which Steve makes a decision for all the right reasons, but it still wasn't fully his to make, because parenting means discussions.
Heights in Depths, Depths in Heights for parkrstark (N/A, 5k)
"Suddenly everything that had happened prior came rushing back to him. Peter and him were going on a trip. A plane. The craft had jolted and made a loud noise before it began to lose altitude. The pilot had said something about engines failing, and because they were currently over the Rockies there was no safe place for them to land. Steve had buckled Peter up. The pilot told them to brace for impact. And then nothing." ---- Steve goes with his boyfriend's son on a trip across the country, just the two of them, to try and get some bonding time in. But this was not the kind of bonding he had in mind.
In my Favorite Dreams (I feel your heat) for wingheads (E, 6k)
Steve is on his morning run in DC when a ghost from his past comes back into his life. And he's not alone.
Just Desserts for JehBeeEh (G, 2k)
Tony grabs a midnight snack... Steve helps him finish it. There's one bite left before they read the note. They have have 45 minutes before Peter wakes up
Just the way you are for starkspangledsoldier (G, 4k)
'The view was beautiful but deafening. He could enjoy the sight in silence. But the silence was oppressive since it was not his choice. The silence did not help with the voices in his head, rather it made it worse.'
Let Your Haunted Dreams Go Tonight for UisceOneLove (T, 14k)
Tony Stark and Peter move to the suburbs to start a new life. On this journey Peter befriends resident hermit of the area, Steve Rogers. Little did the kid know it was gonna change his father's and own life upside down.
My Boys for Corsets_and_Cardigans (G, 10k)
Steve is assigned as the bodyguard to omega Tony Stark and his son. Through fluff and angst we watch as Peter subtly plays matchmaker and Steve does everything he can to keep his boys safe.
once upon a childhood for SilverDraconyx (G, 10k)
“Would it be okay to tell you a story, Pete? I hope it is. It’s the only thing I have planned for tonight. Just wake up if you want me to stop, okay?” Steve pauses, and the silence is unnerving but not unwelcome. No one stirs, especially not Peter, so Steve hums and Tony releases the breath he has been holding.
Steve, despite being a wanted vigilante, visits a comatose Peter in the Avengers Facility Medbay hoping to wake him up with stories about their past.
Six Letters for jacobby (T, 3k)
This was not at all what Steve had imagined when he’d dreamed of starting a family and being with Tony for the rest of his life, and as he drove the car up to the secluded cabin, he prayed inside that this trip could make it all better.
Sun Breaks Through the Sandcastle Walls for starksnack (G, 4k)
With the sun deciding to shine today, Tony ditched work and took Peter to the beach. What he wasn't expecting was to see his boyfriend there, too, and now his orbits were crashing together before he knew it.
The Heart of Heroes for Coffee_and_notebooks (T, 9k)
Peter has an internship at Stark Industries. It’s cool, except the most interesting thing he gets to do is be in the building. He figures that the internship is to gain good press by ‘helping poor orphans’.
That all changes, when he is sent to bring coffee to the Tony Stark!
As he spends time with Tony and Steve, they can’t help but come to love the teenage vigilante.
The Hundred Million Dollar Question for LenkaVittoriaElisse16 (G, 5k)
Maybe this was the hardest question that Tony and Steve ever had to answer. Their children's big puppy eyes surely didn't make it any easier. "Papa? Daddy? What's love?"
The Man Out of Time for sweetspiderstew (T, 17k)
For a moment, Steve is frozen, absolutely convinced that his eyes are playing tricks on him.
Because it can’t be right.  Wanda destroyed the Mind Stone, so how could Thanos have possibly gotten his hands on it?
But even besides that, there’s something else.  Something that Steve’s swirling mind and throbbing head can’t quite wrap around just yet.
He only knows that it’s wrong.
To Begin Again for IronDadStan (M, 11k)
Steve, a 35 y/o. Alpha meets Tony, a 21 y/o. Omega through an online art forum. Realizing that they lived in the same city, they decided to meet in person. And when they met in person, Steve gets instantly attracted to Tony. After all, Tony was handsome, intelligent, and has easy to be with. There was one problem though, Tony is a married omega.
You and I, we belong together for MCUKenna (G, 3k)
“What’s your name, kid?” He asked him.
“Peter. Do you…” The kid’s eyes darted around the room. “Do you not remember who I am?”
Memory loss. Tony hadn’t considered that one. It could be, he was still betting on an illusion, but (he quickly calculated the statistics in his head), it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. “Maybe. If this place is real.” He told the kid, Peter.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Wasteland, Baby, Chapter 1 (Crygi, Nicky x Jaida) - Metaluna
A/N: Hey, everyone! Here’s chapter two. Just to self plug, I made a tumblr for my writing, and you can find me on ao3 as metaluna. 
chapter summary: Crystal confides her insecurities about the end of the world with a  friend. Gigi and her friends make their own plans, and meet a bubbly blonde along the way
After shutting off the TV and downing her glass of wine, Gigi turned off her tablet. Even though she totally didn’t believe it, because there’s no way the world was ending, she went to the fridge and grabbed an entire bottle. After taking off the cork, she went to pour it into a glass before electing to drink straight from the bottle.
When she returned to the couch, she turned the TV onto the Real Housewives of Some City. Gigi was too numb to pay attention or care which city. She wasn’t sure why, because none of it was real. None of the catty fights were holding her attention. She was just staring at the TV mindlessly chugging wine.
Right as she finished the bottle, she heard a knock on the door. Gigi managed to stumble her way to the door.
“Oh my god, what are you guys doing here?” Gigi slurred.
Standing at the door were her two best friends, Jaida and Nicky.
Nicky raised an eyebrow. “Having fun tonight?”
“Shut up.”
Jaida and Nicky both took one of Gigi’s arms and led her to the couch.
“Did you guys hear the world is ending?” she laughed. “Alexa, play It’s the End of the World as we Know it!”
“Chile, what are you doing?” Jaida questioned, genuinely concerned. She knew her friend enjoyed a glass of wine, but rarely did she get drunk. Gigi was too much of a control freak to ever willingly lose control.
The night that Jaida befriended Gigi was the only night she’d ever seen her drunk. It was at an after party for GG Designs’ first fashion show. Jaida was one of the models who walked in the show. That night, Jaida went into the bathroom to fix an eyelash when she saw a skinny blonde girl fumbling around looking like she was about to be sick. Jaida realized that the skinny blonde girl was the one who gave her a job.
Right as she put her hand on the door to leave Gigi lost her liquor narrowly avoiding Jaida’s Louboutins. She was genuinely concerned at how such a small person could hold so much vomit. Jaida spent the rest of that night holding back Gigi’s hair while she continued to throw up.
Ever since, they were best friends. The bond of a sober girl and a drunk girl in the bathroom knows no bounds.
“The world is ending! Who cares?”
“Gigi,” Nicky began. Her tone harsh. “We don’t know that. We don’t know what any of this is.”
Gigi dramatically took the remote from the couch and flipped until she found a news station.
“—fallout shelters are going to be available. The starting rate will be 10,000 dollars per person. They are available to reserve online.”
“Fallout shelters? Goddamn.” Nicky adjusted herself in her chair. “This has got to be pretty serious.”
“Who knows? It’s not like I pay attention to the news!”
“Gigi shut up,” Jaida lightly swatted her friend’s warms. “Is this something that we should look into?”
Jaida and Nicky discussed the pros and cons. Gigi chimed in occasionally, not adding anything of any value, other than that she was willing to pay for all of it. The three decided that their best option was to stay safe in a shelter just in case. There was one not far from them in LA. Check in was the next day.
Jaida and Nicky made it back to their studio apartment. They tucked a very wine drunk Gigi in on the couch. They knew their friend well enough that once she was sober, she would be in a better headspace. Before they left, they packed a bag for her.
Now, they had to the same for themselves.
Nicky sighed. “How are we supposed to pack up our whole lives? How do we even know this is going to happen?”
Jaida kissed her girlfriend’s forehead. “I know, baby. I hope it’s nothing. I really do. But just in case we need to be ready.”
Nicky looked at Jaida while she was packing. She loved her girlfriend so much. The models had Gigi to thank for their relationship. Gigi met Nicky a few months after she’d met Jaida. They met at a fitting Nicky had for an upcoming shoot for GG Designs.
After they talked, Gigi realized that she and Jaida would be a good match. After a month of protesting from both sides, they finally agreed to meet. The chemistry was instantaneous, and they started dating a couple of weeks later.
Once they finished packing, they sat on the couch together. Jaida rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder. They sat and said nothing. Both of them were trying to take in their surroundings. Neither of them wanted to forget what a single inch of that tiny apartment looked like.
A month into dating, Nicky’s lease ended, and Jaida couldn’t stand living with her roommates for another minute. The two of them became a stereotype and moved in together. There were so many memories in that apartment. The first meal they cooked together. The first time Jaida said she loved Nicky. The time they almost set their kitchen on fire. The walls were lined with memories that were about to be left behind.
Nicky and Jaida sat together for as long as they could.
Nicky nudged Jaida. “Babe, we have to go eventually.”
Jaida felt a tear run down her face. “Okay.”
“I know that this is home. I thought France was home. Home is when we are together.” She wiped Jaida’s tear. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
With one last look, the couple left their apartment for the last time.
Gigi didn’t know what to expect with the fallout shelter. It was beyond anything she would have imagined. The whole area was surrounded by a large barb wired fence. There were armed guards at each of the doors. The exterior looked like an army barracks. She could only imagine what the inside looked like.
They walked up to a scary looking man who was checking people in at the gates.
“It should be three for Georgiana Goode?”
“Go ahead. Here’s a map. I marked your room. It’s a four person bedroom. You will have a random roommate who is also female. There’s an itinerary as well. Do not miss orientation tonight.”
The shelter was bigger than Gigi thought it would be. There were four different buildings, and each building had 25 rooms. Each building had a community bathroom, a common area, a gym, and a dining hall. Their room was next to the dining hall. The bedroom was very cramped. Gigi’s dorm in college felt like it had more space. There were two bunk beds. The furniture looked like what would be at a cheap roadside motel, a stark contrast to Gigi’s chic home. She tried her hardest to hide her disgust for the place.
“I knew it was not going to be much but wow,” Nicky said, testing the cheap mattress.
“I mean…” Jaida trailed off looking at the furniture.
Both Nicky and Jaida came from a comfortable life. Their life was not as extravagant as Gigi’s, they lived in a one bedroom studio apartment, but they were used to a nicely furnished and decorated space. None of them were used to a cramped space primarily decorated with beige and army green.
Gigi sighed, sitting on a bed. “I can’t do this. This is a nightmare.”
“G. Calm down. It’s not great but we’re going to have to deal. Jaida and I aren’t happy either, but we’ll get through it together.”
Before Gigi could reply, the door opened. A bubbly looking blonde came through the door struggling to lug two large purple suitcases.
“Oh my god hi! I’m Jan. I really have no idea what’s going on. Oh my gosh, you guys are so pretty how are you? ” Gigi blinked and didn’t say anything.
“Excuse Miss Gigi here, she doesn’t know how to act.” Jaida gave Gigi side eye. “I’m Jaida. Nice to meet you.”
“My name’s Nicky.”
“Oh wow, are you from France? That’s so cool! I went to France when I was sixteen and it was really cool. What brought you to LA?”
“I moved over here to model.”
“A model? That’s awesome! Are you all models?”
“Nicky and I are,” Jaida explained. “Miss Gigi over here is a designer.”
“Wait. Wait a minute. Are you Gigi Goode? Like GG Designs?” Jan’s expression is stunned.
“Uh, yeah, I am.”
“Oh my gosh, I’m such a huge fan. I wore one of your dresses to the opening of a show I was in back when I was in New York a few months ago. The purple A-line? It was gorgeous. Wow this is an honor!”
“Thank you so much.” Gigi’s mood instantly improved. She loved all forms of attention, especially when she was being praised about something that she worked so hard on. People thought that Gigi was conceited, when in all actuality she was proud of her work. She’d worked so hard that she felt as though she deserved to be the way that she was.
“So Jan,” Jaida began. “What’s your story?”
“Okay. Well. I’m an actress and singer. I actually got my break being an understudy for Jenna in Waitress on Broadway. After that, I opened a Go-Go’s jukebox musical. It didn’t last long. We barely made it out of previews. That wasn’t great. Then, I moved out to LA for the out of town tryout of a revival of Anything Goes. I’m actually playing Reno. It’s so much fun! Well, uh, it was fun… before the president decided he’s going to end the world.” Jan laughed nervously.
The four girls continued becoming acquainted. Gigi, Jaida, and Nicky all liked Jan, even if she was a little over enthusiastic. Jan liked just about anyone who would talk to her, so a fast friendship was forming. They talked for so long, they lost track of time and almost forgot to go to the orientation.
The dining hall looked like what prisons looked like in movies. There were steel tables that looked cold. The linoleum was impeccably clean. The entire shelter was, even the tiny living spaces. The space was already packed. All the tables were full, so the girls elected to stand against the wall in the back.
An extremely intimidating woman who started speaking. Gigi realized that it was the woman who made the report on the news.
“Hello, everyone. My name is Michelle Visage. You all have been selected, or have paid, to survive the looming threat of nuclear war. This shelter has enough supplies for a year. You must now all say goodbye to your lives. After this meeting, the shelter is going to be sealed. No entering or leaving. If that is not something you can commit to for a full year, please let one of the guards in the back of the room know. By now you should have gotten your rooms and roommate assignments. If you have conflicts with your roommates, settle it like adults. We aren’t here to solve your roommate qualms. Meals are at 7, 12, and 6 and last one hour. Don’t be late. There is a common room that will have the news as up to date as possible. Other than that, you are free to roam about the shelter. I know that it’s not going to be easy. It doesn’t feel like home, and it won’t. But it’s the best we have. Welcome.”
On the way back to their room, Michelle’s voice came over the loudspeaker. “Now beginning lockdown procedures.”
There was a loud buzzing that filled the air. It was loud enough that Jan covered her ears. Gigi’s ears began to ring. There were loud slams as the lead walls came over the shelter. Even though the shelter looked the same as it did on the inside, Gigi felt a wave of claustrophobia envelop her. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.
“Well,” she began. “I guess if the world’s ending I’m glad I’m with all of you.” — Crystal was angry at herself. She had no reason to be so stressed. This was something she was waiting the majority of her life for. Almost any situation that could happen, she was ready for. But yet, a part of her had always hoped that she had been preparing for something that would never happened. She didn’t want the world to end.
Her mind wandered, thinking of what could have been. There were so many scenarios that played in her mind. What if she would have went to the art school that offered her scholarships? What if she decided to move to Chicago with Jackie? What if she didn’t let her aunt have control over her life? None of it mattered. It was all going to end, and she hadn’t even lived her life. She knew nothing beyond her town.
The pit of her stomach felt like it had dropped to her feet. It is a feeling that she had felt many times throughout her life. She felt it right after the accident that killed her parents. She felt it when she had to tell the psychologist about the accident. The time that she felt it the most were the nights that her aunt drank too much and lashed out. The very first time she took solace in the basement is when she first moved.
The basement was her sanctuary. It is where she felt the safest, which is a feeling she longed for, ever since the accident. Ever since the day her parents died, she didn’t feel safe. But, when she spent time alone in the basement, she felt safe, if only for a moment. When she was younger, she and Jackie played in the basement. It is also where she worked on her art projects. When she was fifteen, she asked her aunt if she could paint the walls of the basement. For once, her aunt was agreeable, and let her.
As she stood in the basement, she admired her paintings. Painting the walls is what made her fall in love with painting. When she was first sent to live with her aunt, Crystal was mandated to see a child psychologist. The psychologist recommended that she draw how she felt. Ever since, she turned to painting as an emotional outlet. It was the one thing that she felt that she was good at.
In the corner of the basement, there was a makeshift bed Crystal made out of pillows. There were many times where Crystal fell asleep in the basement. Even though she now slept in the bed, she couldn’t bring herself to disassemble the pillows.
At some point, she’d fallen asleep. Around 2 A.M., she woke up from an incoming FaceTime. It was her best friend, her only friend, really, Jackie. Jackie had been around since Crystal first moved to Missouri. They became friends because they were both outcasts. Jackie’s mom was extremely strict, and didn’t let Jackie do a lot of the things that everyone else got to do. Because Jackie had no friends, she introduced herself to the new girl back in the seventh grade. They became friends and never looked back.
“Hi, babe,” Crystal said groggily.
Jackie’s eyes were red and puffy. “This is fucked.”
“Do you think this is actually going to happen?”
Because she studied political science with a concentration in foreign affairs, if anyone were to understand, it would be Jackie. Jackie wasn’t much of a crier, so the fact that Jackie looked so stressed, Crystal already knew the answer.
“Yeah. Yeah I do. I feel like this was going to happen eventually. I just happened after we were dead. The relations between us and North Korea have just went downhill ever since the president was elected. Unfortunately, because the way the president has completely managed to the checks and balances that we learned about in grade school, as much as the senate and house have tried, they can’t do much.”
After a silence, Crystal said, “So what are your plans about… all of this?”
“Honestly? I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to my mother in six years, and my dad died two years ago. I don’t really have anyone to be honest.”
“Do you want to come here? I think that I can do this. My aunt has been prepping me for this for the past ten years. But, like, what if it’s not enough? What if I’ve been waiting for this to happen all for nothing? I’m so afraid that I’m not ready for this.”
“Hey. Hey. Listen. If anyone can survive this, it’s you. I know that you don’t really like to talk about what she’s all taught you, but I know it’s a lot. And yes, I’d love to come over. It’s like a three hour drive, so it shouldn’t take too long. I think that traffic is going to probably be pretty bad because everyone is panicking. If I leave in about an hour I should be able to make the drive in probably four with traffic.”
“I don’t want the world to end. I always thought I turned into her, but I don’t think I did. She was sitting and waiting every day for this. I always hoped that it wasn’t going to happen. I wasted my whole life on this. I haven’t even left this damn town. There’s so much stuff in life that I’ve never gotten to do. Shit, Jackie, I’ve never even been kissed.”
“Crystal. Stop. You’re spiraling. You aren’t her. Even if you are know so much about all of this and could single handedly survive this, you never lost yourself. You’re still such a kind soul. You’re funny and put others before yourself constantly. You didn’t leave town just to take care of your aunt, and she was terrible to you.”
“Thanks, it’s the anxiety.”
“I mean it. Seriously. You’re one of the best people I’ve ever known.”
“Thanks, Jack.”
“Anyway, I better pack. I’ll see you soon.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
Crystal was so thankful for Jackie. She was the only one who could talk her out of spiraling. Somehow, Jackie always knew what to say. Even though she was an only child, she always thought that her friendship with Jackie is what it would be like to have a sister.
After managing to fall back asleep, Crystal was jolted awake by a knock at the door. She had barely managed to open the door before Jackie nearly tackled her to the ground with a hug. They hadn’t seen each other in about a year.
“It’s so good to see you.” Jackie’s voice was muffled, as her face was pressed into Crystal’s shoulder. “You too.”
“So what all do we need to do to… get ready?”
“Honestly?” Crystal started to absentmindedly play with her hair. “I have everything done. I check all the supplies about every month, and I just did it a couple weeks ago. The artillery is loaded, there’s enough food and supplies for a year. I also have a lot of honey. Honey is good because it’s something that is hard to come by, and can be bartered for. It also doesn’t really ever go bad. Oh. Do you know how to shoot?”
Jackie had no idea how she was so calm about all of this. Crystal was talking about the end of the world and playing with her hair, talking about guns? She knew that her friend was well versed in this, but she had no idea how nonchalant she was about it. It was like a switch was flipped. The normally anxious girl had never looked so self-assured.
“Uh, no. I’ve never shot a gun.”
“Would you be willing to learn?”
Guns made Jackie nervous. Going to her town’s Memorial Day celebration made her nervous because the gunshots made her scream. “Yeah. Yeah, I think so.”
“Okay. Cool. So I think all we have to do is teach you how to shoot. Don’t really it’s really easy. I’ve been doing it for like ten years. Also; would you be willing to learn how to use a Kearny meter?” Crystal saw how confused Jackie looked. “Oh, it’s just a radiation meter. It’s made out of a coffee can. Super easy, I promise.”
“I barely have any idea what you’re talking about, but I’m glad I’m spending the end of the world with a doomsday prepper.”
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vee-angel · 4 years
Non-consent Nancy (part 1, repost)
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Chapter 1, parts 1 and 2
WARNING: This story focuses on a lesbian black woman who fetishizes rape, misogyny, racism, and abuse. As such, there will be copious amounts of offensive language and themes, including the sexualization of victims. The story is fiction, and nothing written here should be taken as an endorsement for any of these view or activities. In fact, I wholeheartedly condemn nearly everything the main character thinks and does in this story. I believe that consent is a central tenet of morality, and violations of it are only acceptable in the context of fiction.
Nancy had grown up in a conservative, affluent neighborhood. Being one of the only black girls, she became a target for bullies and bigots at an early age. The fact that she dressed and acted like a lesbian before she even fully realized her sexual orientation certainly didn’t do her any favors.
Her mother worked hard to give her a better life than she’d had; as such, she could be a bit dismissive of her problems. When she was little, and informed her that she was being bullied at school, she simply suggested that she try to turn her abusers into friends. Taking her suggestion to heart, from that point on, Nancy always responded to cruelty with kindness. She want out of her way to accommodate bullies, to show them more kindness than she showed anyone else.
In middle school, she pressed her mother to tell her about her birth-father. After a long conversation, her mother finally admitted that Nancy had been conceived through rape by a man her mother had never met. She reasoned then, that her mother had virtually nothing to do with actually creating her. Her father was the one who took the initiative that resulted in her existence. Therefore, every moment of her life, every instant of joy or pleasure she took from being alive, she owed to a rapist. Her gratitude and affinity for rapists and abusers began to reach a level that bordered on worship, with those who defied them being, in her eyes, akin to heretics.
When she reached high-school, her views became even more extreme. She had internalized her affinity for sadists so much that she began to hate victims that tried to fight back. She felt as though they were dishonoring the blessing they had been given. When her best friend, Janet tearfully confessed that she’d been date-raped by a boy she had a crush on, Nancy insisted that she not tell anyone, convincing her that she must have enjoyed it and that she should call the boy and apologize for being such an ungrateful brat. She was proud of herself for facilitating the three-month abusive relationship that followed. Even prouder that she thought to secretly ask the boy out herself, allowing him to cheat on her best friend, as was his right and her honor.
Nancy loved how creative the young man was. He often had Nancy come over right before a date with Janet so he could fuck her and have Janet unknowingly suck her best friends cunt juice off of his cock. He liked to ask Janet for particularly humiliating naked pictures which Nancy insisted it was her duty as a good girlfriend to send him. She often assisted Janet with these photoshoots, helping her write humiliating words on her body, making sure she spread her ass far enough to make her holes clearly visible, ensuring that her tongue really was making contact with the inside of the toilet.
Their friendship ended after the boy mentioned to Nancy that her friend refused anal, and fought vigorously when he tried to force her. Nancy was appalled at learning of her friend’s refusal, insisting that she would help; that night, they stripped her naked and Nancy held her down and covered her mouth while the boy raped her ass. It’s no wonder she thrashed about so much, her barely-lubricated asshole was bleeding pretty badly by the end. Nancy made her apologize for ruining the boys sheets and made her give him money from her purse to replace them.
Janet didn’t talk to Nancy after that, which annoyed the budding rape-enthusiast. That left Nancy with the problem of how to distribute her former friends humiliating pictures as punishment for her ingratitude. Certainly she couldn’t allow the boy to be blamed for sharing them with their classmates. Hell, she would have happily lied under oath to ensure he didn’t suffer the consequences of taking what was his.
Eventually a solution became apparent. There was another girl in her school who always rejected the advances of the boys, a nerdy type who talked back when people made fun of her. Nancy eventually figured out that this girl was a dyke as well. She had no problem with dykes, per se, she was one herself. She had a problem with bitches who thought they were too good to be a plaything for cruel men. So she hatched a plan.
She pretended to befriend the dyke, and eventually the two of them became lovers. A few weeks later she broke up with her very publicly at school, making sure to loudly announce how bad her pussy tasted and claiming she was breaking up with her because she couldn’t stand the girl’s hardcore scat-fetish. This would ensure that the little bitch would be made fun of for the rest of her Senior year, and it would open the door to blame her for posting Janet’s humiliating pictures online.
When the authorities investigated, Nancy admitted that she’d helped Janet take the pictures (claiming that it was Janet’s idea, and backing up the boy’s claim that it was actually Janet who pushed for kinky sex, a story she’d arranged with him earlier). She said that the dyke must have hacked into her computer after she broke up with her, and distributed the pictures as payback. Nancy made sure to include a few compromising pictures of herself in the photo-dump just to make the story more believable.
The plan had worked, in one fell swoop Nancy had managed to humiliate that ungrateful bitch Janet, and teach that stupid dyke what she gets for refusing men their right to use her body. It was one of the great triumphs of her young life, but she only just barely got away with it. Nancy knew that she’d need to be more careful from now on if she wanted to continue abiding by her life’s mission to help all bullies, abusers, and rapists.
So when she got to college she reinvented herself. Publicly she was an advocate for every marginalized group. She went to feminist marches, she spoke at Black Lives Matter events, and collected donations for LGBT causes. This way, she could be seen as a champion for the abused, they would trust her. Never suspecting that she actually masturbated each night to the teary-eyed confessions by dumb bitches whose boyfriends smacked them around or sorority cunts who didn’t appreciate getting gang-raped when they were stupid enough to get drunk at a party.
A few years in, Nancy was majoring in psychology and volunteering at a rape crisis center as a counselor. This is when she met Darla.
Part 1
Nancy walked in that day with a button-up shirt and tie beneath her black vest. Her masculine fashion sense left little doubt to onlookers that she was a lesbian. It was form-fitting enough to display her slim body. Had she had her clothes ripped off in public, as she so often fantasized, observers would see a strong, athletic body with clear muscle definition beneath her smooth, dark brown skin. They would also notice the ample curves of her large breasts atop her six-pack abs, a contrast rarely seen in non-black women. Her hair was styled in neat dreadlocks that hung down just past her chin. Her whole style screamed liberal black lesbian feminist. Yet she dressed with enough allure that she hoped every misogynist, racist, and sadist that saw her went home and planned how to make her scream while they raped her dyke-nigger asshole bloody. She secretly believed it’s what all women deserved, and made it her life’s mission to ensure it happened to as many women as possible.
When she saw the defeated-looking woman with a bruised face in the rape crisis center office, she knew she was in for a treat.
“Hi, have you been helped yet?” Nancy said to the girl in a gentle voice.
“They said they don’t have anybody who can see me right now, and they said I have to wait.” she responded meekly, still staring at the ground, but obviously in distress.
Nancy squatted down in front of the girl to meet her eyes and gave her a reassuring smile. “My name is Nancy, would you like to go somewhere private and we can just sit together? If you want to talk, I’ll listen. If you want to just sit, that’s okay too. If you need a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to hold, I’ll be there for you if you want. And if, at any point, you think you’d feel better being alone, you’re welcome to leave, I won’t judge you or think less of you no matter what. I only care about making sure you get what you need right now.” She gave some version of this speech to almost every ungrateful cunt that came in. It made it easier for them to open up to her.
The girl nodded and Nancy led her to a small, quiet room where they sat across from one another. “Would you like to tell me your name?” Nancy asked.
“Darla.” She replied.
“It’s very nice to meet you Darla. What can I do to help you, today?” She asked softly.
“He raped me again last night.” Darla replied, her tone hectic. “I don’t know what I did! He always does this, even though he says he’s going to stop!”
Haha! What a stupid cunt! Nancy thought. “Who did this to you?”
“My ex boyfriend. Back when we were started dating, he said he understood that sex is something that’s really, really hard for me because of my childhood. But after a little while he said he didn’t want to wait anymore. And after that he stopped caring, and he didn’t even stop when I said no and begged him! That’s why I broke up with him, but he called me and said he changed. Except it seemed like he really meant it this time! He asked me to come over so he could give me a gift to apologize. But when I got there he…he…”
Oh, come on, don’t tease me you little rape-slut, Nancy thought, “It’s okay, you’re safe with me.” her gentle voice reassured the girl.
“He…put it in my butt.” Darla replied blushing, though the bruising on her face made it difficult to tell.
“This was the first time he’d forced you to have anal sex?” Nancy asked
Darla nodded, “That was always like really, really super off limits.” Tears rolled down the girls face. “And, and, and he knew that! I said I’d break up with him if he ever did that. He said he always wanted to, and that he was going to do it now that I can’t break up with him again.”
Well I can’t fault his logic! she thought as the girl cleaned the tears from her face with a tissue. Nancy briefly had a fantasy in which she congratulated the girl’s ex-boyfriend for a stellar job of tricking her into getting raped so many times, followed by the two of them laughing over how stupid she was to fall for it so many times. A brief moment later she considered how improved the fantasy would be if Darla were bound naked and gagged listening to them during the exchange as they prepared to rape her together. She was tempted to smile as she contemplated the scenario, but fortunately she was practiced at not letting her inner thoughts show on her face.
“You mentioned that sex was difficult for you because of your childhood. Was there something that happened when you were younger that resulted in you having a strong negative reaction to that particular act? Nancy asked.
“My parents used to make me do that when I was little. They used to make videos and let strangers do it to me for money.”
“They made videos of you having anal sex when you were underaged?”
“They stopped when I was fourteen, they said I was too old. But they only had men put it in my butt, because they said it’d be really bad if I got pregnant and had to see a doctor.” Darla explained, her lip quivering.
Jackpot! Nancy thought, I’ve got a real life porn-star in front of me! She wondered how many men and women had masturbated while watching her little asshole get sodomized. A spark of anger suddenly shot through Nancy. Ungrateful cunt, do you know what I would have given to have a childhood like yours?!? Her thoughts alternated back and forth between arousal and resentment. She compromised between the two emotions when she vowed to make Darla properly suffer for how blind she’d been for all the wonderful honors that her family and boyfriend had bestowed on her.
“Your boyfriend knew this when he anally raped you?”
“Yeah! He said he thought it was funny. He laughed and said that this keeps happening to me because I’m a whore, and I deserve it.” Darla said with tearful anger.
Smart AND a sense of humor! How dare this dumb bitch deny this charming boyfriend of hers the right to use his victim! She should be begging him to blister her cunt with a belt to show how sorry she is! God, I hate her!
“You’re a good-hearted person. It was very kind of you to keep giving him chances. But your kindness doesn’t mean you deserve to be raped.” The fact that you’re weak and you have a cunt means you deserve to be raped. Nancy finished the thought in her head.
The rest of the session continued along the same theme, with Darla pouring her heart out about her tragic life full of rape, molestation, and abuse. Nancy struggled to contain her excitement, but managed to maintain her professional disposition. Her only worry was that her cunt may have soaked through her slacks and left a stain on the chair. She resented this pathetic girl for having been given so much, yet being so stupid as to complain about it.
Finally finished with her cathartic confessions, Darla was finally ready to leave. Nancy, not wanting this delightful encounter to be fleeting, wrote down her phone number on a slip of paper and handed it to Darla. “I know you feel better now, but this isn’t something you can get over in one session. I’m taking a special interest in you. Feel free to call or text whenever you need, and I absolutely expect to see you back here soon.”
“Thank you, Doctor. That means a lot to me.” Darla replied before hugging her tightly. Nancy only had an Associate’s Degree, but chose not to correct her, hoping the assumption would work to her advantage at some point in the future. Darla walked out, riding on the high of catharsis.
Nancy stayed for a few more hours, but the rest of the afternoon was rather banal. A few girls came in asking about domestic abuse resources or abortion services. Much as she didn’t like helping these little rape-dolls, she had to if she was to keep her cover intact. Normally, she’d at least get a kick out of making girls give a few extra details before she provided them with what she wanted, but all she could think about is how she wanted to ruin and violate Darla.
When she left the center, she was so lost in thought, she hadn’t even heard the awkward footsteps of the girl racing to catch up to her.
“Hi, Nancy! I’m really glad that I get to volunteer here with you. You’re such an inspiration.” the girl said, failing at coming up with a natural way to start a conversation.
“Oh, Hannah. Hi, I didn’t notice you.” she replied. Hannah was a pansexual Jew-cunt that answered phones at the rape crisis center. She also took care of all the accounting. She’d been raped by her friend’s older brother when she was ten years old and it fucked with her self-esteem. She was desperate to get people to like her, a fact which Nancy regularly took advantage of. The big-nosed bitch always tried too hard, especially with people who treated her like shit.
“So, do you have any plans tonight?” Hannah asked.
Nancy smiled and took the Jew-cunt’s hand as they walked, interlocking her fingers. “I do! I’ve been dating a lot; getting pretty lucky in the romance department lately. But I don’t want to tell you about that, it’d be inconsiderate of your feelings. I’m sure you have something interesting going on. Tell me about that.”
Nancy knew that Hannah wasn’t especially popular and had a bit of a crush on her. Her background in psychology allowed her to utilize her knowledge to hurt Hannah in subtle ways while still pretending to be her friend. In a few sentences, she’d managed to remind her of the humiliating rejection that had occurred a few months ago; impress upon her the fact that while she has trysts with lots of women, she doesn’t find Hannah attractive enough to date; and put her on the spot to share plans that Nancy knew she obviously didn’t have.
The pair of them walked hand-in-hand as Hannah’s eyes frantically darted back and forth in thought as her chest slightly tensed, not knowing how to respond.
“Oh… ya know.” she finally replied with a forced smile.
“No, I don’t know. Come on, Hannah! Open up a little, you’re always so timid.”
“Ummm. Just… just catching up on some reading. Heh. Guess we’re not all as popular as you.”
“Hey, you’re a wonderful person. Any man, woman, or nonbinary would be lucky to be with you!” With that, Nancy kissed the lonely, desperate kike on the cheek and veered off in the other direction.
Nancy’s mind began to reel with delightfully villainous ideas. It’ll probably be a few days until I get a chance to see Darla again, she thought,  Maybe it is finally time to give Hannah some attention.
Part 2
That evening, Nancy went home and ordered a few spy cameras that she could use to record subsequent encounters with Darla. With that quick errand finished, she focused her attention on ensuring that her good friend Hannah the big-nosed Jew-cunt finally got put in her place.
Nancy worshipped individuals who violated others, but she did have a certain affinity for rapists on a cultural or societal scale as well. It’s why she has a strong veneration for men, whites, and authority figures (the last group being made up, predominantly, of white men). It was no wonder that she had developed a fetish for misogynist white-supremacists; in fact, she’d become a bit of one herself.
Jews like Hannah were among the worst, Nancy believed. As a shit-skin dyke, she couldn’t exactly claim superiority, but at least Nancy knew her place in the world. Hannah, however, was such a stereotypical Jew that it almost seemed intentional. She whined about being raped when she was little, she whined about her ancestors being tortured in the Holocaust, she even sometimes whined about her ancestors being enslaved in Egypt. In typical Jew fashion, she played them off like jokes, but Nancy knew that the little kike actually did feel as though these things were injustices.
Nancy hoped her friend would eventually learn her lesson and join her in honoring all the wonderful contributions that rapists and abusers make to society, but she was impatient and wanted to help her along.
A few months before, she sent Hannah a naked picture of herself out of the blue. She had picked up on the girl’s crush on her and hoped to use that to subtly humiliate her. Hannah’s response was ecstatic, she poured her heart out, saying how she’d loved her from afar for so long and was overjoyed to know that she felt the same way. After that followed a series of lewd images of the black-haired kike. Nancy didn’t reply, despite the increasingly nervous-sounding texts that followed. Instead, she confronted Hannah the next day in person. She remembered the conversation vividly…
“I felt like I owed it to you to explain this in person. I think you got the wrong idea yesterday. I had a great day at the gym and I was just feeling really good about my body, so I sent pictures to some of my close friends, but it was completely platonic, Hannah. I’m just a very body-positive person. I’m so sorry you got the wrong idea, it must have been so humiliating to you, but I could never be intimate with you. I value our friendship so much, so I just want to be clear. You are not attractive….to me. I still think you’re a great person, but I could never find you physically appealing.”
Nancy smiled as she thought back on that moment with pride. The look of pain and humiliation on Hannah’s face was priceless. She had run to the bathroom just after the conversation, and Nancy snuck in a few minutes later to hear her crying loudly. She felt an exhilaration at knowing she’d hurt the girl so deeply. In just a few moments, Nancy had left a mark in her mind and soul that would last for years, probably decades; words that would echo over and over again. There was a sort of romance to that, knowing that her friend would carry that moment with her for such a long time. It was the kind of gift that bullies left their victims with. But tonight, Nancy wanted Hannah to have an even better gift.
She knew that Hannah would be home alone tonight, so Nancy reached out to some of her online resources. She could be herself on the internet, and it made her many friends among rape-baiters and rapists. Those were the people she needed that night.
Nancy was posing as Hannah online, she was uploading the obscene images that the Jew-cunt had sent her a few months before and claiming that she was finally ready to fulfill her fantasy of being brutally violated by racists. She had even photoshopped an image she’d found of Hannah online. The original image showed her face holding a sign reading “I need feminism because no one believed me when I told them I was raped. I was 10.” But with some slight touch ups, in the new image, the sign read, “I don’t need feminism, I need my Jew-holes brutally gang-raped by Nazi cock.” Photoshopping “I need feminism” signs had become a bit of a hobby for Nancy, and she’d become pretty good at making them look real.
She was sure to include this new picture along with the other images of her naked body. She sent them to anyone with potential, even posted them online in a few spots with her name and location. Finally she got into a conversation with someone who was close enough and real enough to get it done tonight. Nancy shared private details, still posing as Hannah and claiming to consent to anything he and his friends wanted to do to her. She begged him for an assurance that he’d violate every hole, that he’d beat her. Even made him promise that he’d break her big Jew-nose. She warned him that she wanted it to be real, so she was going to beg and cry a lot, but they weren’t to stop raping her, no matter what.
The stranger online gave assurances that he’d do everything she asked and more. Nancy proceeded to give him Hannah’s home address, along with details of her house, and the location of the spare key. She finished by thanking him, then went off to masturbate for hours as she thought about all the wonderful things that could be happening to Hannah that night.
I’m such a good friend. She thought with a smile before falling asleep. 
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greenninjagal-blog · 5 years
currently vibing in a two-week lockdown, can you share some of your favorite fics? i need some new things to read, and I've got too much time on my hands-
Aw man, same! The rest of my actual Spring Semester got turned online… Let’s see…..Fic recs for the pseudo End of the World (Courtesy of AO3, arranged by most prominent ship!) Keep in mind that my descriptions are shorter and written mostly for comedic effect than the actual fics, so if something looks interesting Click it! Get more info about it! Don’t just take my word! I tried my best to get a lot of variety of fics and topics and tropes, as well as authors that might not be as well known! Uhhh here are the links to lists I’ve already made for various other reasons check out my Fic Rec Masterlist!
I also am including various of my fav authors masterlists for funsies!
jungle321jungle’s || Max-isTired’s || TrashficParlour’s || Lefaystrent’s || Mine!
Completed Fics
A Deal in which Virgil tries to summon a familiar and gets a Circle King instead. And he’s really pretty. (Anxceit)
Love Like You in which Virgil decides to give up looking for a romantic partner and considers adopting instead. He finds more than he’s looking for with a set of twins and the man who watches over them (Anxceit)
A Dragon’s Tail in which Logan is cursed to be a Dragon by his best friends stepmother, Virgil is struggling to learn a power he can’t control, Patton who’d rather marry a servant than the Prince, and Roman has no clue what is going on but the Prince he’s supposed to be saving can probably kick his ass. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
A Game of Vice in which Remus kidnaps Roman and turns it into a game of who can come save him from his lonely tower. (Logicality, Prinxeity) 
double down with the paradigms in which Logan tries to explain away his own OCD while dealing with the emotions he has for a certain Pre-Vet. Excellent depiction of OCD, made me cry, 300/10 would read again. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
It Takes Two to Tango in which Roman begs his brother, Logan, to let him go back in time to meet a famous dancer. Falling in Love was not part of the plan. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
A favorite star in the heavens in which everyone has at least one soulmate. They’re luckily enough to have three each. (LAMP) 
Forgotten Forests and Magnified Myths in which Logan finds out very suddenly that he has the passive ability to talk to dragons. (DAMP, Remilie)
Sense5 in which five people in different countries are suddenly psychically linked together and uh…yeah fun times. (DLAMP)
Stray Hearts Are Subject To Change in which black cat hybrid Virgil plans to die very heroically in an alley and Roman completely messes up that plan by being a decent human being. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
Hidden In Shadows in which Virgil is the boogieman every adult warned you about but he doesn’t actually enjoy being scary. Good thing the three Sanders kids aren’t scared of anything. (Not so good for their very confused Dad who isn’t sure what to do about their new imaginary friend)
Paved with Good Intentions in which the dark sides agree to send Virgil to the light sides as a way to get Thomas to listen to them more. Now if Virgil can just get along with the Light sides enough to actually start making some progress…
Absent Gods and Silent Tyranny or: How Logan Learned to Stop Over Thinking and Love Everyone in which Logan is a morally grey scientist who just works for supervillains because they pay well. He doesn’t expect someone like Virgil to change that.
Clouds and Moss AU in which the sides are gods and its very gay and very good. (Intrulogical, Roceit)
Colors in which Logan is an excellent Dad, Virgil is an amazing son, and the world is very colorful. (Logicality)
Labeled in which Logan is a famous superhero, Patton is a doctor, and they adopt the would-be super villain and everything is soft and lovely and I cry at the purity. (Logicality, Remilie)
Fbi!au in which the sides work for the fbi and I diligently reread these series of oneshots for a daily dose of serotonin!  (Logince, Moxiety)
Growing Old is More Fun with You in which Patton is a PTA dad and so is Deceit and they have a “rivalry”. (Mociet)
Gilded Cage in which Roman is forced to dance for the fairy queen whenever she wants it. (Prinxiety)
Renegades! in which the sides live in a dystopia and fight the government while being completely in love with each other. (Prinxiety, Logiciality) 
Love and Other Fairytales in which a couple decides to keep their changling and their actual son, a child is cursed gifted a voice that makes people do whatever he says, a boy makes a rotten deal for the sake of his friend, and centuries before any of this, a fae prince is tricked into an endless sleep by his brother. 
The Vampire Hunting Vampire in which Virgil was turned into a monster and LPR slowly convince him he’s not as bad as he thinks he is. Through cuddles. (LAMP, DLAMP)
Wasteland, Baby! in which there are things in the woods and Patton gets,,, intimate with them. On purpose! (LAMP)
Destined in which Damian has successfully ignored his Soulmates for five years and he planned on doing it for much longer but on his twentieth birthday fate intervenes with a second soultrait that forces him to come face to face with all of them. (DLAMP)
Old Gods in which Gods sometimes walk the earth and Remus is pleased to hear that people are still making offerings to him– wait that is not a goat. And other fun stories!
Sit back and watch the world go by in which Virgil is a human abducted by alien smugglers, befriends Patton, breaks out, and everyone fears humans as space orcs, almost as much as Virgil is afraid of them. 
Teaming the Pieces Together in which Thomas is a pokemon trainer and eevees just…click with him.
Tales from the Dark Sides in which the author provides a lovely hub of works where Virgil is abused by OC dark sides and DLMPR are there to help patch him up.
Uncle Emile and the Super Nephews in which Emile gets custody of his six nephews and tries to bond with them. They in turn try very hard not to tell him they have superpowers.
Cuffed Universe in which Remus is a cop chasing after a hacker, Logan breaks the laws and Virgil would just like tO KEEP ONE JOB WITHOUT ONE OR BOTH OF THE OTHERS DRAGGING HIM INTO THEIR SHIT. (Analomus)
Ongoing Fics
The Origin in which space travel via Thomas Sanders’s ship SS Revelation gets more complicated when the Planets themselves turn out to be entities who aren’t all on board with humanity spreading to the rest of the solar system. (Remile) 
Delicato in which Logan and Patton are music professors with very different conceptions of music, and Virgil and Roman are students in both their classes who just want them to kiss already. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
Coming out of The Shadows in which a small mutant child Virgil is treated as subhuman because of his uncontrolled ability to manipulate shadows up until a scientist buys him. (Royality)
Falling Stars At My Command in which Roman wishes on a star and Patton reaps the benefits while Logan unfortunately gets dragged along for the ride. (Royality) 
Sugar in which Patton has three sons and no free time to bother with a relationship while he’s trying to manage bills. At least until Roman walks into his life. Sugar Daddy anyone? (Royality) 
A Man, a Snake, and a Rat in which Logan, Deceit, and Remus become college roomates (Intruloceit) 
a.s.h.es, ashes (We all fall down) in which after Logan almost dies during one of his recuse missions, him and his partner start to dig into the superhero agency they’re employed by and stumble into something far bigger than they expected. (Logicality, Prinxiety, LAMP? LAMP)
Keep him safe in which Detective Logan falls for the owner of his new favorite bakery while his partner Roman falls for the gang member they’re chasing. Ft: emotions, a pet rat, dealing with delusions 101, trauma, and family so gooey it literally makes me melt whenever it updates. I love this fic so much. (Advertises as Logicality and Prinxiety but theres so much LAMP I can’t not put it down here)
Multitudes in which Virgil works at a coffeeshop, pines over the customers that come in, and wonders why they all tip him so well. (LAMP)
Songbird in which the only thing keeping Virgil’s parents alive is his voice: the moment the (new) King gets tired of listening to him its off with all their heads. And Virgil’s okay with that, he is…. Until three visiting nobles leaving him wishing for his freedom for the first time since he was ten. (LAMP)
Shatter in which Logan gets fed up with not being listened to, and takes some poor advice from Rage, which ends with the entire Mindscape being turned upside down and inside out. Now its up to Deceit fix it all. (aka the author decided it was about high time Deceit got some love and appreciation and I’m out here living for it.) (DAMP)
Incredible Cosmic Power in which Virgil awakens some genies by accident and they refuse to let him go back to living a relatively normal peaceful life. (DLAMP)
Plea for my New Self in which Vampire Virgil decides he wants to start over again, and goes back to college to work on coding. There he proceeds to do reckless good with his absurd amount of wealth and a “fuck it” attitude. Actually one of my favorite things ever okay. I love this one so much. (DLAMP)
Your Wish Is My Command in which Thomas accidentally rubs six lamps and becomes the glorified babysitter to six jinn who definitely don’t trust him. But its fineeee. (DLAMP)
6 Dads in which Deceit, Emile, Remus, Roman, Thomas, and Remy make a relationship work and their children aren’t sure how but go along with it anyway.
Rebel Rebel in which Thomas, a well respected man, visits the Imagination, for some pleasure business as a one time thing. Except that he keeps coming back. Maybe maybe falls in love with one, two, thr– all of the men who work there. 
A New Kind of Experiment  in which Virgil runs away from home, and ends up kidnapped by merman, and somehow he doesn’t mind that much.
Becoming His Own Hero in which everyone has to juggle their superhero lives with their regular lives and sometimes…its just hard.
don’t wanna be a tragedy in which brothers Roman and Remus get a house and subsequently find out its totally, completely, 100% haunted.
Don’t You, Forget About Me in which the author recreates Breakfast club and does it spectacularly.
Heart’s Heroes in which Patton may be a villain but that does not mean he wants to see the child heroes of the city dead.
Mortals and Fae in which Deceit barely escapes the wrath of his town when they all turn against him. Dying, he stumbles into a fairy circle hoping that with his name the fae make his death short and sweet. Big Shock for him when he wakes up with a Fairy Prince swearing to protect him.
Sanders Family in which Thomas adopts six kids and has no regrets about it.
How Not to Go About an Important Inspection in which after a devastating betrayal the crew of the USS Bifrost is docked for repairs and the crew just wants to go back to being a normal family but Command is insisting on an inspection to ensure nothing so…drastic occurs again.
Symbiotic in which certain Vampires have a vemon that leaves with victims craving getting their blood drunken. Deceit, one of these Victims, continues to burn bridges because that’s easier than admitting he might need help dealing with this. 
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regalrain · 4 years
You know, as I’m sitting here 11:58 pm at night as I’m starting to write this, I’ve decided to do some reflecting instead of actually doing my free form writing assignment on knowledge. Which I’ve been thinking on, for awhile.
There’s a thing that stuck out to me today, that thomothy asked me, on how stories are come up with, and for this I’m saying ideas. Simply put,,, I don’t know.
My minds always whirling on things, often several at once, and has always been like that. I get excited, as when I was younger I was often either painfully shy, or told to stop talking or to quiet down. See, I had a large problem with apparently getting loud when I’m happy on something, or forcibly stopped from what I now know as stims. I still get excited, I love interaction and sharing and building on ideas with people. Especially as I had, as everyone, my own sum of problems throughout life. It didn’t take till after I went to college, sorted myself mentally as best I can with a hard situation going on in one of my homes and no true support from the other, gaining little support from two I gave my all for that eventually led to this rather rude attack by one and the unintended insulting to me by the other when all should’ve been said and done, to realize I don’t need to put with a lot of stuff I did. I gained two true friends online, as I had irl too, even if ones doing their own thing right now. I’m gaining more. And I’m sharing my ideas as I see them, not truly tailored to anyone’s own views anymore but my own. Unless, of course, I’m having fun trying to help someone build their own ideas and run off of that. Like I said before awhile, I was anons, with a signature or not, and I do regret some of that now for I would love to have attempted to actually befriend some, or to not have my ideas no longer seen as my input or help.
That went on kind of a ramble, but back to it,,, I just always have something going on, or I can get ideas in a snap if someone suggests something. I’ve always need a kind of guidance to help keep them from overflowing in different directions, even as I’m also thinking on things like family, school (college as of now), and friends. I guess, though I’m reluctant to admit it as I feel everyone says this about themself, that I’m really, really caring. So often so, when my friends need ideas, for something fun or for help with their problems, I want to be there and focus a lot towards that. The same for my family, though I went from having a house of five to having one house with five, with five more when more extended family from my stepfather comes, another house with five, one apartment of two, and another apartment of two. Not including how I should be back in dorms again come fall. Some more actual blood family, my mother’s youngest sister and her children also want to try to reach out too, so I get run ragged from a lot of that, as my family has had a lot of... let’s just say problems even with the ‘original’ five.
But at the moment, all I’m doing is college work which is stressing me, I’m majoring in criminology if anyone’s actually reading this far and cares to know. When I’m not actively working, I’m still thinking a lot on assignments. I’m helping with the family and friends best I can, and I’m trying to make myself happier too! Illinois and Yancy, all their au’s, at the moment they make me happiest, role playing as them or expanding their story, or when I get to talk to people on ideas! Chatting with people makes me happier too, whether it’s about my things or theirs, or trying to build a joint collaboration of ideas! I’ve also gotten into Flight rising, and a new YouTuber to watch, it’s really funny how doctordiscord123 apparently has a lot of the same taste as me.
Speaking of her, I just want to say I really appreciate her. She’s proven to be a really great friend, one who’s open and honest, and often makes my day brighter when we talk. Though I don’t have much to say sometimes, seeing as all my irl friends are in different states thanks to COVID, and my states still pretty locked down, I’m mostly stuck at home so there’s not much news on my end. That goes to anyone I talk with though, the latest family drama in one branch or the other probably isn’t too interesting, nor is the fact that all I’ve been doing is work, rp, writing, and taking care of the house. Plus, two of my classes are taught by cops, a very sensitive subject at the moment, one of which requests we don’t share what we’re learning because “People aren’t equipped with the understanding and information you’re getting”, one by a elderly man who hates technology and just gets paid to tell everyone their opinions suck and that interpretations by the class of ancient philosophers writings and old movies suck, and an elective class I’m in that’s for digital art basics like shape building.
All in all, I just really appreciate all those who want to chat, friends I made, and new interests I’m getting shown. And that I’ll always have ideas floating around if anyone wants to take a gander at asking me to give them some, whether for creative fun, homework help, or general help.
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untapanimedraw · 5 years
Anime of the Decade 2018
Oh boy, we’re getting close to current day. So much anime, where to start? How about the beginning of the year? Lets get started!
Darling in the FranXX - Oh man, what a way for Trigger to drop the ball. For what was set up to be such an interesting show with a cool premise and a variety of characters, they just had to go and pull a typical Trigger ending with SPACE! There’s a lot to like about this show and it gave us an iconic best girl in Zero Two, but the ending is just so lackluster and disappointing that it really casts a sad pall over the whole show. 
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Skilled Teaser Takagi-san - I have never seen such a heartwarming, wholesome, calm, low-stakes, enjoyable show like this ever. It’s a just budding romance between a couple middle school kids where all the flirting is cloaked behind Takagi-san’s teasing and Nishikata’s naïveté . Truly a show worth watching. 
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Yuru Camp - Speaking of chill shows, this was definitely the laid-back (pun intended) show of the season. This is a very nice slice of life show about a bunch of cute girls camping in the winter. Lots of yuri undertones and a fun cast make this a really fun show to watch. Also season 2 in 2020!
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After the Rain - A romance show that’s all about to very different and lost people who come together and find romance, but not in each other. They use their connection to find what love means to them, and it’s a fully underrated and sweet show. The art style is really nice and unique and the sound design is A+. 
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A Place Further Than the Universe - And here we have my AOTS and a very strong contender for AOTY. The story plot is really just a group of girls go to Antarctica, but like in almost all things: it’s not the destination, it’s the journey. And that goes doubly so for this show where it’s fully character driven, and the four main girls are all different enough and unique in their own ways that there’s a lot comedy and growth and maturity. So fucking good. 
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Ms. Koizumi-san Loves Ramen Noodles - I’m including this for 2 reasons. Number 1, like always, cute anime girls. And Number 2, you get a fairly decent education in styles of ramen. If you like ramen and anime girls, watch this show. I learned there are so many types of ramen in different regions and really just whatever the chefs want to create to make something unique. 
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Last Period - This is an action/magic/fantasy show that’s not really any of that. It is, but it’s really more of a full on comedy parody of gatcha-games and the related tropes. It’s a really fun comedy with excellent ED and OP songs. 
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Megalo Box - Hot damn, how do we in the year 2018 get a show that’s straight out of the 80′s and still look and sound like the best of the year? Absolutely unique and excellent in all regards. It’s my AOTS for sure. 
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Comic Girls - This is a show all about finding confidence in what you want to do. Lot of cute girls, fun comedic situations, and just a nice feel-good show. 
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Golden Kamuy - Ever been vaguely interested in Japanese history? No not samurais and stuff, but like late 19th and early 20th century Japanese history and some of the indigenous peoples who kinda got pushed out. It’s a story about war, the Ainu people, and a legitimate Gold Rush! Fantastic show that got a second season and I’m holding out hope for a third. 
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Hinamatsuri - Definitely the comedy of the season for me, though in the end it almost ended up more heartwarming and adorable than full on comedy. 
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Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online - Ever wanted to explore the ideas and games of SAO without the main characters holding the story back? This is the show for you. It’s a legitimately good SAO show without any of the drawbacks and baggage the main story carries with it. 
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Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku - One of the most relate-able and honest adult romance stories I’ve even seen. This isn’t some shitty high school rom-com that spends the whole 12 episodes building up to a confession that may or may not turn into anything. This takes care of all that in the first 2 episodes and then spends the rest of its time exploring the ins and outs of an actual relationship. All while both work together and have their own otaku hobbies. 
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Attack on Titan S3 - The political navigating begins! This aired in 2 parts with a couple seasons between them so I guess it’s technically 2 seasons though not. And part 2 is rightly hailed as the best of AOT so far, but this part 1 has one of the best action scenes I’ve ever witnessed. The Levi chase scene is so fucking good. 
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Overlord S3 - There is a whole lot of interesting story that happens in this season and a lot of good, but it almost all gets brought down by some absolutely terrible CGI in the last couple episodes. 
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How Not to Summon a Demon Lord - That a stupidly trashy show. I fucking love it. 
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Grand Blue - Grand Blue is a diving show! That is like 90% college shenanigains and drinking. It’s also quite funny and has some fantastic faces. 
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Asobi Asobase - I’m a big fan of comedies, and somehow this one seems to top everything I’ve seen. The scenarios, the voice acting, the art, the timing, the OP and ED... literally everything about this show is cranked to 11 in order to provide the best comedy experience around. AOTS. 
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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - This is a super fun isekai show that is done well. No there’s not an overpowered, black-haired, generic MC; in fact the MC isn’t even human, he’s a slime! Who just so happens to befriend an elder dragon and use the unique slime characteristics to kinda become stupidly overpowered. He just wants to chill and have some fun and ends up building a nation of monster-kin while he’s at it. Lots of comedy, lots of fun, enough well-animated action to keep you entertained, and a lot of heart for this little slime and his family that he builds. 
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Sword Art Online: Alicization - More SAO! This is supposed to actually be good though... and I have to agree! 
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Goblin Slayer - Goblins are a menace, but they’re not flashy so most of the adventurers just ignore them. However the titular Goblin Slayer knows better, when they gather en masse they are a force to be reckoned with and can even wipe out whole cities not to mention any little villages along the way. He will not stand for that and has specialized in goblin hunting. Are there goblins to kill? He’ll do it. Souka. 
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Bunny Girl Senpai - The romance/mystery story that took the anime community by storm. The movie that came out later was a heartwrencher too. So good. 
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Run With The Wind - Here we get to my AOTS and strong contender for AOTY. I never thought that an anime about a bunch of boys working towards running a relay marathon would be one of my favorite shows of the entire year, but here we are. It just has so much heart and soul that’s it just ends up being a greater than the sum of it’s parts situation. 
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Alright, so we have A Place Further than the Universe, Megalo Box, Asobi Asobase, and Run With the Wind. Like with every year so far, the AOTY comes down to personal preference and this year goes to Run With the Wind. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. How has covid affected you? Fortunately, so far neither myself nor anyone close to me has had it. My parents have been able to keep their jobs. My brother was out of work briefly when his job closed, but thankfully he was able to get another job a few months later with the same company. I’m able to stay home with the exception of my once a month doctor appointment, so I’ve been able to quarantine. I am very thankful we haven’t been affected terribly. However, it certainly has caused a lot of stress and anxiety to say the least. It makes scared. And sad. Everyday I’m afraid to read the news. I worry a lot about my family who like I said has been working this whole time during this, so they’re out there around other people all the time. I worry about people not taking the necessary precautions and not taking it seriously. I know people are tired of it so they’re started loosening up. I’m afraid there’s no end in sight to this anytime soon. :/ It’s also made me even more of a homebody than I already was since like I said I only ever leave the house once a month for a doctor appointment. Which, by the way, makes me very anxious. I’ve been in this house for most of this year, afraid to go anywhere or do anything. I don’t when I’ll feel safe to do anything.  2. What is a comfort show of yours ? Probably shows like The Golden Girls, Roseanne, The Gilmore Girls, Full House, Boy Meets World...stuff that makes me feel nostalgic.  3. Are you open about your past or do you not let anyone in? I’m pretty open in these surveys that’s for sure. I’m more closed off in person. 4. Favourite fast food joint? It changes. Lately, I’ve been into chicken tenders, fries, and cheesecake from Carl’s Jr. 5. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? Yes.
6. What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Nothing. 7. Do u ever feel like surveys are usually the same questions? Too many of the same basic questions like about your relationship status and exes and who you last kissed.  8. What were you doing 10 years ago? Wow, I was 21 years old. I was attending community college. I had friends and a social life. I wasn’t without some of my health issues, but it wasn’t like it is now that’s for sure. 9. Do you call out Karen’s when they’re harassing a cashier? No. 10. Animal crossing , yay or nay? Yay. I love New Horizons. It’s the only Animal Crossing game I’ve played, but I’ve been enjoying it since I started playing back in like April. 11. Why do you like to do surveys? They’re like my diary entries. I’m able to express how I’m feeling and vent and ramble when needed. There’s questions that prompt and allow me to get stuff off my chest. They give me something to do, something to distract myself with, stuff to think about. And like diaries, I’m able to look back and see how things have changed and what was going on at different times.  12. Did you ever have a MySpace ? Yep. I was super into Myspace back in the day. It’s crazy how one day everyone seemed to just leave and migrate over to Facebook and that ended up becoming the popular thing and Myspace and was seen as lame.  13. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I wouldn’t say they’re toxic.  14. Do you have a YouTube channel? If no , would you create one? If yes what’s your content? I have an account, but that’s so I can subscribe, favorite, add videos to be watched later, and comment if I feel the need to do so. I’m not a YouTube creator. 15. Are you a math person? Nooo. 16. What’s the worse thing someone has said to you? Hm. 17. Have you ever befriended someone because you felt bad? No. 18. Would you ever date someone online? No. 19. Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? Yes, I have. And I’ve ghosted. :/ 20. When do you think things will be normal again? I don’t know. :/ I mean, I don’t think things will ever be exactly how they were pre-covid. Things are and will be different, we’ll have a new normal going forward. I just pray for the day we have it under control and better managed and it’s not this major threat and looming fear over us. That we’ll be able to go out and not have a high chance of catching something potentially life threatening or deadly. We’ll always be mindful of it and I think we should keep our precautions in place as our new normal, but things will be safer and not as strict. 21. Do you watch anime? No. 22. Biggest goal you wanna reach before 2020 is over ? Just get through it. 23. How old did/do you turn this year ? I turned 31. 24. Do you like tiktok? Yeah. I end up spending a lot of time on there.  25. Do you ever miss vine? I went on Vine and there are the classic funny vines that people still remember, but I’m honestly into TikTok a lot more. I spend more time on there and there’s people I follow who I’ve really taken an interest in and keep up with. There’s the funny side of TikTok and people tend to just think of the dance trends on there, but honestly there’s a really wholesome side to it that I really enjoy as well. 26. How are you doing, seriously? ”Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once? I am one of those melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it.” 27. Is there someone you want to talk to but you know you can’t? Not at the moment. 28. Do you make jokes to cope with your problems? Yeah.  29. Have you ever had someone call you their best friend but you didn’t even consider them a close friend? Yes.  30. Have you ever dealt with a pathological liar? No, I don’t think so. 31. Long or short surveys? Long. 32. If ur in school , are you doing it on zoom or in class? I’m glad I’m done with school and don’t have to do the zoom thing.  33. Would you ever have a pet rat? Noooooo. 34. Favourite memory with your best friend? I have countless favorite memories. 35. Favourite type of content to watch on YouTube? ASMR, vloggers, lifestyle. 36. Are you allergic to anything serious? Nothing serious, no. I am allergic to tangerines, but it’s not life threatening. 37. Dream job? I don’t have one. :/
38. Do you think dreams mean anything? Sometimes. 39. Fav clothing brand? Is Hot Topic and Boxlunch a brand cause I get majority of my graphic tees from them. Oh, I also love Adidas. 40. Do you miss anyone? My loved ones who have passed away.
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dontxlook · 4 years
hey look, it's IVY JOHNSON! she’s a TWENTY-FIVE year old originally from PORTLAND. i heard she’s pretty DEFENSIVE, but i think she’s so AMICABLE at the same time. while she’s terrified of being harmed, she’s perhaps more afraid of people finding out WHEN SHE WAS SIXTEEN SHE SNUCK HER BOYFRIEND INTO HER HOUSE AND HER DAD ACCIDENTALLY KILLED HIM THINKING HE WAS BREAKING / ENTERING. she had no idea what she was getting herself into when she moved to wrenbury.  ➸ phoebe tonkin, bisexual, female + she/her PENNED BY MJ
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ivy johnson intro –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
full name: ivy jane johnson
nicknames: ives, ivybelle
dob: july 5th, 1995
place of birth: portland, or
occupation: ex-coffee shop employee
sexual orientation: bisexual
appearance; standing at 5′8, 120 pounds, ivy finds herself feeling more frail nowadays than she does strong. though she has no reason to not workout, eat whatever she wants, just generally indulge, a piece of her does not allow her to delve into the happier sides of herself, thus leaving her more on the thin side. her style is big hoodies, big jeans, converse or vans. ivy doesn’t wear jewelry except for a ring that was shaped into a moon (a gift from her previous boyfriend). 
personality; (+) amicable, virtuous, empathetic, resourceful (-) defensive, withdrawn, outcasted, pessimistic
aesthetics; tear soaked pillows, under eye bags, restless nights, apologetic, broken glass, oversized sweaters, messy buns, band-aids, heartache, meaningful tattoos
bedside table; cellphone charger, ibuprofen
biography: murder tw* depression tw* When Jared and Lisa Johnson found out that their daughter was going to be born the day after the fourth of July, they thought she would be just as much a firecracker as the celebrations the day before had predicted. They couldn’t have imagined just how much of a handful the young girl would turn out to be. The wildness within her ran from her untamed locks to her dirty bare feet. It couldn’t be helped, she was a wild child raining down loud laughs and intense hugs. She was loved beyond belief. 
Though there was a little Johnson that came after Ivy, it didn’t matter to her where the attention went, in fact, she thought that the more attention that was on her little sister, the more she could get lost in the world, find her own way around. Though her parents were more on the side of free love and hippy music, they allowed her to roam free and discover parts of herself that might not have otherwise come to the surface. They thought that all little girls should make their own marks on the world. 
School was a struggle for Ivy. The more she wanted to rebel, the more she was repressed down into herself. She was given red lights, her sticks were moved, and her apple had fallen far from its tree more than she could count. Jared and Lisa were brought in multiple times and told they needed to have her tested, needed to settle her down, needed to do all these regimes with her to get her in order. If they didn’t she wouldn’t get out of Kindergarten. So the free love parents that praised her willful attitude before, now squashed every free feeling she had for the foreseeable future. 
Rebelling against her parents proved to be worthless as Ivy grew older, she began to find her place among stacks and stacks of books. In the pages of dystopian novels, she could disappear and escape to places she could only dream of. Ivy would spend hours upon hours in the library just curling up to read her favorite authors. That was where she had met Jack. In her freshman year of high school, she had found the person her soul had wanted to be with. How many teens could say that? It started with sideways glances and notes pushed over to the other, but the relationship grew to sneaking kisses in between the stacks and hand holding through school. 
Her parents, now strictly a khaki and button up family, enjoyed Jack’s company at the dinner table, but advised their daughter that she was not to seriously date until she was a junior. The rebellion in Ivy’s throat grew day-by-day the more her parents told her she couldn’t see Jack, couldn’t go to the movies with Jack, couldn’t do anything with Jack. One night, Ivy had had enough. Because Jack lived decently close to her, she texted him to come to her house and she would sneak him in. That night Ivy told Jack she loved him and kissed him until 3 am, when eyes were prickly with sleepiness. Just as Jack was exiting through a side window, Jared Johnson heard a noise, gathered his newly purchased firearm, and fired at the perceived burglar. 
Ivy’s father was charged, but was not convicted. The guilt, shame, and sadness that hung over the Johnson household was palpable from streets across town. Ivy began taking classes online instead of going to school, and her parents removed the door to her room after a counselor suggested she may be depressed. 
As her life slowly shifted, Ivy began to develop nasty habits of snapping at anyone who would dare enter her room or disturb her peace. It wasn’t fair that she had to live this life without Jack in it? Time went on, wounds grew scabs, and eventually Ivy graduated high school and joined the workforce. As she took a few online classes through the local community college, Ivy began to feel as if her life was finally getting back on track. 
Between saving her money from living at home and working nonstop to get away from her family, Ivy had saved enough money to leave Portland and not look back, at least not for awhile. With a newly minted Bachelor’s Degree in English, Ivy began her new life with a trip to North Carolina...
wanted connections; friends; my girl needs someone! anyone! to befriend her. though she may be a tad prickly on the outside, her heart is truly gold. the person who gets her out of her shell; whether it’s talking weird and random facts (things that calm her down when she gets too in her head) or just the constant prodding, this person gets ivy to open up. a love interest?; homegirl has had one boyfriend and that didn’t go so well. though she is bisexual, i think it would be interesting to see what sort of relationship could form after the tragedy of her last one.  an enemy; someone who doesn’t get ivy and who she is? maybe rubs ivy the wrong way from their actions?  open; i’m very open to any and every plot! this little sad bean needs a hug pls!
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Forty-Two: Taking Chances ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, gun ] [ Verse: Of Monsters and Men ] [ AO3 Link ]
She was never really the type to take chances, but then, well...Uchiha Sasuke came into her life, and nothing has been the same.
Hinata had been trying all her life to just be a normal girl. She went to school, never skipped, got good grades. Maybe not enough to be top of the class, but close. Bookish, introverted, and shy, she coasted through most of her educational years alone. Her grades did well, but...her social life, not so much. It wasn’t until college where she really began to branch out a bit. She met a few other girls her age taking what was meant to be her core classes that they were taking as electives: those relating to horticulture. Sakura took it slightly as a vanity project, given her name. And Ino’s family owned a flower shop in her hometown. The former wanted to become a doctor, and the latter wanted to study cosmetology. While Hinata didn’t consider either of them close friends...they were the closest she’d gotten to the notion in quite some time.
The changes college brought about meant changes in her, too. Ever so slightly, she felt herself growing bolder. She’d skip study hours to go with them to movies. Listen in to gossip as the pair would mull over boys in their classes or spotted on campus. None of it was really her typical style, but...she told herself she liked it. Told herself it was normal to befriend people her age, especially girls, and actually do things besides study and lurk online.
And then life had to go and make her wish she’d never stepped outside her comfort zone.
It was stupid. She knew it was stupid. But she also told herself it wasn’t that big of a deal. The odds of something going wrong were surely not that high. Her university city is big, sure...but the crime rate isn’t too high. Surely a quick jaunt on her own wasn’t going to land her in any trouble, right?
Walking quickly and eyes flickering, she’d found herself suddenly grabbed by an arm and dragged into an alleyway. Heartbeats soared with panic, mind screaming, “I told you so!” as a man leered down at her, gripping her neck and pinning her up against the building behind her.
But it wasn’t just any man. This man wasn’t human...he just looked the part, sans the bright red eyes and sharp teeth in his grin.
Hinata knew what he was. She’d seen beings like him since she was small. A talent - or in her mind, a curse - she’d had for as long as she could remember...one her father had insisted she stamp out, ignore, somehow cure herself of.
But for all her playing ignorant, for all her pretending not to see...Hinata could never fully escape her sight.
And even then...it wouldn’t have saved her.
No...her saving grace came in the form of another man. Another vampire. This one wielding a gun and demanding the attacker let her go. Claimed to be an Enforcer...whatever that meant.
The word had stiffened her assailant, bolting only to be struck down. Hinata was alive...and in shock. Though, admittedly, not as much as a typical human would be.
The officer attempted to drug her, to help her forget...but there would be no forgetting. She’d been privy for their world long before then.
The world of monsters...of Nightwalkers.
Awakening something long buried within herself, she’d managed to break free with what felt like a kind of...magic.
And then she fled.
She had fully expected that to be the last incident. No more taking chances - she’d just...hole herself up in her dorm when not in classes, and get through the rest of her schooling without anything else going wrong.
But Ino and Sakura were relentless, and a few weeks later insisted she join them for another movie. No matter her insistence otherwise, they wouldn’t let up...and finally she caved. The movie itself was fine, the gaggle of them heading back to the station to take the train back across the city. But little Hinata, short of stature in the crowds, was lost and left behind.
And that’s when he found her again.
Part of her had panicked, wondering if he was here to arrest her, or try to take her away. But all he’d offered was a ride back, given she’d missed her train.
Wary...she’d agreed, part of her admittedly curious about him, and his world. He’d introduced himself as Uchiha Sasuke: a vampire, and a kind of officer tasked with protecting their world from detection.
He also told her she wasn’t human. Not...completely. Hinata, as it turned out, was an odd in-between. The term varied by culture, but in Japan they were often called mikos...or in less friendly terms, witches.
It had been...only partially shocking. Hinata had always known she was different, but wasn’t aware of how rare, or that she wasn’t just crazy, but...simply something different than anyone else she’d ever known.
To her detriment, however...the rather handsome vampire was spotted taking her home, spurring rumors and begetting interrogations from her friends. Barely holding them off with his tale of being a cop (which...was true, just not the way they thought), she’d found herself at a crossroads. No longer could she keep trying to be blind to the other world, but...doing so would make existing in the human half difficult.
Sasuke kept contacting her. Kept trying to learn more about her. About her lineage. The pair grew closer. She even dared to call him a friend. And that friendship was tested when Sasuke found himself wounded nearby her campus, stopping in and asking for her help...only to end up drinking her proffered blood to help overcome the silver-inflicted injury.
...but that’s when the trouble truly started.
There was something...else between them now. The act had felt...strangely intimate. Hinata wasn’t sure what to call it. But it wasn’t long after that she found herself dragged into a political disaster.
Sasuke’s boss - the leader of his coven, and one of the most powerful Nightwalkers in the world, Uchiha Madara - had finally taken interest in Sasuke’s little project of studying witches. He had her kidnapped, dragged to one of his many hideaways...and wanted to study her for himself.
It was then Sasuke showed his true colors at last. Nearly going feral with anger, he’d been stopped only by his brother in an attempt to attack the Japanese vampiric Senator of the Nightwalker Senate. Madara, explaining more of their history, also put the pieces together and declared that Sasuke had fallen quite deeply in love with the little witch, if his reaction to her being stolen away told them anything.
...Hinata wasn’t sure what to think.
But that wasn’t all Madara wanted. Backing her into a corner, he forced (under a guise of choice) Hinata to agree to work for him: to ally her budding powers to him and his own. She was given a week to think it over, during which she consulted Sasuke...but there wasn’t much to discuss.
To refuse was to be killed.
...she’s taken a few days to - rather than mull the ‘offer’ over - simply...come to terms with it. Part of her still isn’t sure about...well, anything. But though meeting Sasuke has led to this entire chain of events...she can’t bring herself to regret it. Any of it.
She knew that, eventually, there’d be no more running. Either she’d accept her oddity, or she’d succumb to it. And if nothing else...well, at least she’s finally made a true friend. Conquered her fear. And become a person she never really thought she could be.
Staring up at the doors before them, Hinata turns to Sasuke. As he’s been since Madara’s revelation, he holds a carefully blank expression. She has yet to address the accusation of his being in love with her. Partly because there’s just...too much else to think about. But mostly because she really isn’t sure how she feels, given the chaos that has ensued since learning the truth. There’s been no time to sit and think about it. Consider their history, their bond, their experiences...and the feelings they all bring.
But at the very least...she knows he’s the most genuine friend she has. No one else has ever cared about her like he does...even if the birth of their bond was an odd one.
So, with a small glance to his hand, she gently reaches and takes it. Unlike all of those silly vampire stories, it isn’t cold or hard...but warm. Calloused. Maybe just a little sweaty.
It feels so...human. Even if she knows he isn’t.
But mostly it feels...familiar. Comforting. Reassuring.
It makes her feel that she can do this...so long as she doesn’t have to do it alone.
A hint of a smile curls her lips before looking up to his face. “...yeah. I think I am. Are you…?”
“...if you can do this, so can I.”
That earns a brief laugh. “And here I was t-thinking the exact opposite.”
“Some people tell me that what I do makes me brave, but...in a lot of ways, it’s what those like me have always done. But you...you’re being far braver than I’ve ever been, Hinata. You’re taking one hell of a chance with this. For someone like you to do what you’re doing...that takes far more guts. I hope you realize that.”
Her smile just softens. “...I guess so. It just feels like...w-what I’m supposed to do. And...thank you for being with me.”
“I can’t abandon you now - you wouldn’t be in this mess if not for me.”
“...no, I wouldn’t be.” Slowly, her expression warms. “...but I think...I-I think that, as much as it’s cost...it’s been worth it...ne?” Her grip on his hand tightens.
Something flashes through his eyes for the briefest of moments. “...if you say so, then...guess it’s true.”
“...come on. Let’s...get this over with.”
     (This is a sequel to days 35, 44, 52, 80, 82, 105, 115, 133, 159, 162, 188, 193, 289, 298, 307, 310, and 317!)       I am...so behind OTL And this is really late. Like...almost 20 days late. I'm just so stinkin' burnt out and busy and blegh. So lemme just apologize for like the fiftieth time about how badly this is crumbling here toward the end. Life is just really making it difficult these last few weeks. I'm sorry.      BUT, either way, I'll finish! Just...very late, ahaha~      Anyway, on to the story. A bit more of the Nightwalkers crossover. Sort of a recap kinda thing given just how LONG this one's gone on, and partly as a refresher for myself. I LOVE this accidental mini series, and have every intention of making it into a proper fic down the road, and even have the ending plotted, which is exciting! So I don't want to go TOO much further with it during the challenge. But this prompt just...insisted on being in this verse, lol      I'd...say more but I'm very tired. It's 3am and I'm a doof for being so late, but...guh. Writing is a real struggle nowadays, so hopefully y'all don't mind being patient with me ;w; Either way, that's all for now...thanks for reading!
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