#thats because your head is so big that it blocks out the light
lordstormageddidnt · 5 months
BBC Sherlock wouldve been 10 times better if John did one of his "me and Sherlock aren't dating" lines and Sherlock just gave him a weird look like "yes we are???? What are you talking about"
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miaoua3 · 2 months
As Sweet As You
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Pairing: scoups x f!reader
Genre: oneshot, fluff, comedy
Description: seungcheol takes his daily coffee intake very seriously. so when the company coffee shop temporarily closes, he faces a very big problem. or maybe, several bigger problems.
so, here’s the thing. seungcheol knows how pathetic he must look like. jeonghan made sure to let him know every day since he has learned about this situation, always followed up by that stupid smirk of his.
a few weeks ago, their company cafe announced that it will undergo a big renovation due to bad conditions of the pipes, which meant seungcheol needed to find a new place to buy his daily coffee intake or else he probably wouldve killed somebody in cold blood.
hey, what can he say, he’s a little grumpy in the morning, thats why he always makes sure to have his morning coffee, otherwise he will make his bad mood everybody else’s problem.
on the day he walked down his usual route to the coffee shop and saw a paper with the info about the shop being temporarily closed glued to the glass window, he was sure he was going to punch somebody that day.
thinking about what he should do since going to jail wasn’t really his top choice of activities to do on that day, he decided to walk down the block to see if there’s another coffee shop.
as he was walking, he came across an alley. he could loosely remember walking past it many times, but he has never walked in the alley itself. for some reason, seungcheol felt like something inside of it was calling his name, like it was trying to show him something.
seungcheol, never the one to ignore his instincts, walked down the alley.
and right there, on the left side of the alley, stood a little cozy looking coffee shop, a coffee shop that would forever change his life.
with almost to no thinking, seungcheol walked in.
the inside of the shop looked like something straight out of a movie. fairy lights strung along the edge of the counter, as well as on one of the walls. dark furniture was decorated with dark green accents like pillows and vases on top of the tables. on the left side, the whole wall was just a big shelf filled with books.
seungcheol felt both the moody and mysterious side of this shop, as well as its cozy and comforting side.
as he was looking around, he noticed that there wasn’t anyone around. unsure if he maybe entered during its closed hours, he decided to call out for somebody. with an unsure voice, he uttered “um hello?”
surprisingly, beneath the counter came a sweet voice, “just a moment!”
and really, after a moment, somebody popped out beneath it.
and seungcheol felt his heart come to a stop for a brief moment.
there, behind the counter, appeared what must’ve been an angel.
and then you smiled gently at him.
and the rest was history.
well, not really.
ever since that day, seungcheol has been going to your shop to buy his morning coffee, in hopes that maybe that day your conversation would go beyond him saying his order and wishing you a good day.
but seungcheol must be 13 years old mentally, because he simply can’t talk to you beyond those two topics without blushing like a teenage boy.
never has he ever felt this stupid, it literally made him want to bang his head against the wall in hopes that the force of the banging will maybe split his single remaining braincell into two braincell.
every day, while he was getting ready for work, he would stand in front of his mirror and would repeat the same words like a mantra.
“today is the day. today you will talk to her. today you will pick up your balls from the floor and ask her if she would like to grab a dinner sometimes. today is the day.”
and every day he still wouldn’t do it, no matter how much he would repeat those words.
it has become his routine.
a routine that has been kind of broken today.
because today jeonghan wanted to come with him.
and seungcheol didn’t like that one bit. but trying to stop jeonghan from doing something he dead set his mind on is right behind the word “impossible”.
as they were walking, seungcheol tried to warn his best friend.
“i swear to god jeonghan, do not even thinking about trying something”, seungcheol repeated for the nth time since they’ve met in front of their company.
jeonghan, ever the good friend, rolled his eyes. “relax, i just want to see who got your panties in a twist so much. plus, i havent had a good coffee since our shop closed.”
jeonghan’s words did nothing to calm down seungcheol.
if he knew his best friend even a little bit, he was 101% sure that he was going to do something.
and seungcheol was dreading it.
soon, they walked into the alley and a few second later, into the coffee shop.
you were stood on a ladder on the left side, cleaning the book shelf when they walked in. upon hearing the door open, you turned your head and smiled.
cheol swore he felt his heart fall down to his feet and skyrocket out of his body all in the same second you smiled. and the worst thing-he felt his cheeks get warmer, which only meant one thing, that he was blushing.
“ah i see you brought a friend with you today.” you said as you stepped down the ladder, scanning jeonghan from head to toe.
“u-um well y-yes, or, well, uh, he, uh, invited himself”, seungcheol stuttered out like an idiot and immediately regretted ever waking up today.
you chuckled as you rounded up the counter and got behind, ready to serve your costumers.
jeonghan turned his head in a way you couldn’t see his expression, but cheol certainly did, although he wished he didn’t, because nothing was quite as annoying as seeing that smirk of his.
“wow, it really is as pretty as you said it was”, he says with a smirk, obviously not talking about the shop itself, and cheol feels like not even your tasty coffee will stop him from murdering his best friend.
you chuckle lightly, a hint of blush on your cheeks, and cheol feels his heart squeeze so much that he unconsciously places his hand on top of his chest.
“thank you. now, what may i get you two?”, you say.
the two men place in their orders, jeonghan going first.
as his drink was being finished, jeonghan turned towards cheol. “i’ll wait for you outside.”, he more-so informs him.
cheol, with furrowed eyebrows, just nods at his friend.
“so, here’s your incredibly sweet drink that you for some reason like.”, you joke as you push a cup towards jeonghan.
“thank you.”, he smiles kindly at you, taking his coffee, turning around to exit the shop.
but of course, it wouldn’t be jeonghan if he kept his mouth shut for once in his life.
in the last second, he turned around and asked you “oh has this idiot asked you out already? no? oh well.”, he smiled innocently as he exited the shop this time for real.
cheol felt both the blood from his face drain and the temperature of his cheeks jump exponentially high.
for a second, you both stay silent.
and then he starts word vomiting.
“w-well, what he meant by- by that is that- see, uh, you’re obviously very p-pretty and uh, well, its presumptuous of me to think that you are single but uh, truth be told, you got my attention on the very first day i came in here so uh, i was just- i mean you can feel free to say no but, uh, i-id really like to t-take you out to a dinner, that is if you’re single of course, if not then im really sorry-“
cheol was a little too busy to notice you leaning on the counter, your chin resting on your hand, gentle smile grazing your features.
to stop his adorable rambling, you put his coffee in front of him, still resting on the counter.
and it seems to do the trick, because he stops talking all together and just looks at the coffee.
“on the house.” , you inform him.
just as he was starting to feel the disappointment seep into his bones, you speak up again.
“or well, not really. i’d really like that dinner in return for this free coffee.”, you smile blush-fully.
and so does he.
usually, he’d think of this as the end of the story, but in this case, it was just the beginning.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Bonjour daddy 😉 can I request the peaky boys with cuddling? Like who’s the big spoon, which positions who’s the most cuddly etc.. me has gotten her period so I’m feeling all 🙍🏼‍♀️
Hahaha a total side note, i made that same joke to b and he just smirked like, if thats what you'd like to believe I won't ruin ur moment haha
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🌿 Is very big on the standing up cuddle, opening his arms up to you and holding you nice and snug against his body, wrapping his arms right around you, one hand stroking through your hair or cradling the back of your head.
🌿Will rest his chin on top of yours, kiss your parting and close his eyes, breathing in your scent
🌿Is a very doomed man and is always lowkey aware that every hug could be the last time he gets to hold his angel so every hug is savoured. He focuses on memorising exactly how he feels in the moment he's holding you, every detail filed away in his memory.
🌿He likes to be big spoon, but more than that he likes to lie on his back with your body on top of his.
🌿Drawing patterns down your back quietly, again trying to remember every detail. Obsessed with the sensation of your light restful breaths tickling his bare chest
🌿Loves the skin on skin feeling, always chasing purity in love and it makes him feel so connected to you, so intimate.
🌿 When you're on your period he recognises the change in your temper and is very careful with you, he will try not to snap at you or show any sign of irritation because he's aware how easily wounded you are... He makes sure to hug you and hold you even more than usual
🌿Modern! Tommy would make sure you had a hot waterbottle and all the blankets you needed, get you cosy in bed or on the sofa in front of the tv to watch your favourite movie. He'll humour whatever trash you want to watch and lie there behind you, kissing you and playing with your hair, more focussed on you than the tv.
🐻 Big spoon always because he just wants to hold you, wants to be able to put his hands wherever he likes.
🐻 Likes to hold you in sexual places in a non-sexual way. What I mean by this is that if you're little spoon he'll hold one of your breasts in his hand, but just that, simply holding it just because he can... And not because he wants anything more than just to hold you
🐻 Also likes to tickle you on purpose with his beard, his stubble brushing your cheek or your neck, making you giggle and squirm rousing you from your sleep for just long enough he can ask for a kiss.
🐻 His favourite place to cuddle with you however is in a rocking chair by the fire, you bundled up in his lap under a blanket, him holding you safe and snug, your head resting on his chest or shoulder. You're the most precious thing in the world to him so he likes to have you bundled up in his arms at any opportunity.
🐻 You could be busy around the house talking to him about your day or mithering and worrying, or asking him about business and he will refuse to talk to you about any of it until you've gone and sat down in his lap. He'll pat his thigh and open his arms for you, "now now zieskiet, whatve I told you eh, if you're gonna come home talkin me poor old ears off about that nonsense you've at least got to let me hold my little girl whilst I listen eh... Take pity on your old man yeah poppet?"
🐻 Very possesive, can't keep his hands off you ever so when you're cuddling he's constantly rubbing his palms over your arms, or holding your thigh, always doing little things to let you know he's there, that youre all his and he's got you.
🐻 Gives big squeezy bear hugs holds onto you so tight, keeps your face burried into his chest, blocks out the rest of the world so that all you can feel his him all around you.
🐻 Alfie's too old to be immature about your period and if anything he feels a little sorry for you, he doesnt like that he can't do much to help you but he always makes sure he's very gentle with you. Even more doting than usual.
🐻 Gives the best belly rubs, like he ubderstands that you need to do more than just rub your hands lightly over your tummy. He'll rub his hands together to heat them up first and then gently massage you until you're feeling a little better.
🐻 Modern Alfie wouldn't be embarrassed about going to shops to get your pads but he also wouldn't be going... He'd be sending Ollie so that you and him could have a good laugh at Ollie expense.
🍂 Doesn't realise until one day you climb into bed after him and make yourself big spoon, wrapping your body around his, nuzzling into the back of his neck and kissing down the bumps of his spine, kissing his shoulder too, but he loves being little spoon.
🍂 It makes him feel so safe and loved, makes him feel cherished which is a very new feeling for him, not one he's ever experienced in adult life.
🍂 He loves being able to close his eyes and feel your fingers scratching and massaging his head. You like stroking the backs of your fingers along his jaw where his stubble is.
🍂 He doesnt admit that he loves this for a long time though, and you never ask about it because you know that if you do he'll get embarassed and deny it and then potentially never let you hold him again.
🍂Feels almost ashamed that he likes it because he's the man, so isn't he supposed to be the one making you feel loved and cherished and safe?
🍂 Blushes when you prop yourself up on your elbow looking down at him, leaning down to kiss his cheek.
🍂Will fall asleepy like that so quickly because its the safest he's ever felt.
🍂 He will however insist upon being big spoon at certain times of the month or when youre feeling unwell. He won't know how to deal with your period at all, he'll only know that youre more argumentative and that he has to be careful not to start a fight with you...
🍂 Doesnt like seeing you cry and you cry at everything when youre on your period so he will spend a lot of time hugging you close to him so that no one can see your tears. Leaves those long held kisses in your hair and you feel protected by him for as long as his lips remain pressed to your head.
🍂 Modern Arthur definitely gets embarassed about having to go to the shops for period pads, like, he definitely panics doesnt know what to buy, goes red, feels like he has to say something at the till even though he really doesn't need to.
🌼 Favourite way to cuddle you is to start by tackling you to the ground, play fighting or tickling you. Its like he can't just ask for a hug he has to play a game or trick you into it first...
🌼 Because he loves holding you and cuddling you and he loves kissing you too but he doesn't really know how to persue non-sexual affection without laughing it off and being unserious? The boy just wants a cuddle with his flower but he doesn't know how to ask because cuddling is "soft"
🌼 Definitely big spoon. Similar to Alfie, likes to have possesion of you, when youre wrapped up in his arms youre completely at his mercy and he can do whatever he likes to/with you.
🌼 Loves to tickle you and feel how with nowhere else to go you scramble and squirm further into his hold. And if he makes you jump even better because they you flinch and reach for something to hold onto, so you end up gripping his shirt or throwing your arms around his neck and clinging onto him just the way he likes it.
🌼 Isn't very good at tummy rubs alas, but thats because he can't get his head around the idea that pressing on your tummy when its sore, will help make you feel better "won't that just hurt more?"
🌼 Gives you lots of kisses though, will try to tease and tickle you to make you laugh and smile to distract you from the pain. I guess his cuddle style is playful.
🌼 Loves a naked skin to skin cuddle the best, likes to hold your bare body in his arms and draw patterns all over your skin as you fall asleep.
🌼 Lets you bite him very gently on the shoulder mid hug (one for the girls if u know u know)
🌼 9 times out of 10 cuddles with John lead elsewhere... Like, cuddling definitely puts john in a certain kinda mood
🌼 Oh you just wanted a nice sleepy cuddle? It might start off that way but after a minute or two of having his body pressed up against yours his minds wandered to... Places
🌼 Definitely does stuff like "got ur nose" just as you're drifting off and relaxing.
🌼 Surprisingly serious about your period, perhaps he wouldn't have been once, as a younger lad he'd have teased you or told you off for even telling him about that.
🌼 But he's a man now and he firmly believes real men need to take care of their woman, so he'll make sure you have everything you need. Will pretend to be embarrassed about having to go to the shops to get your period pads or whatever but actually doesn't care at all. He's only teasing you, trying to make you laugh at him by pretending to get really flustered about it.
🌼 His favourite thing to do is pick you up, sling you over his shoulder and then throw you down on the bed to cuddle you.
🍀 The cuddliest sweetheart you can imagine, always finding an excuse to give you a hug, always coming up behind you and making you jump when you're concentrating on something else, he'll wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle into your neck, kiss your shoulder, just rest his chin on your shoulder or have his cheek pressed against yours.
🍀Loves having you sitting in his lap and will always choose a table at the Garrison with not enough seats for everyone so that he has an excuse to pull you into his lap. Really does just like to have a hold on you at all times. Even if you're not talking or interacting in any other way. He just likes to be physically near you.
🍀 Definitely similar to John, play fights, chases around the house/fields always just as an excuse to get his hands on you.
🍀Always pulls you in for a hug when you first see eachother/say hello. Will give you the tightest squeeze and lift you up off your feet.
🍀Loves carrying you, your legs around his waist, you holding onto him nice and tight, dependent on him.
🍀Dreams dreams dreams of the day you've lots of wee kids to cuddle with, the five of you getting huddled up and cosy in mammy and daddys bed for a bedtime story.
🍀When its you and him all cuddled up in bed for the night he likes to either be big spoon or have you asleep on his chest, his hand resting on your back. He often gets worried about the home being broken into or an attack in the middle of the night so he feels most comfortable when you're right there sleeping as close to him as possible. Means he can know you're safe as can be and he can be there to protect you.
🍀Loves naked cuddles, skin on skin, legs tangled, feels so close and warm and intimate and he's so in love with you, so devoted to you that he craves that closeness and only feels complete when he has you in his arms and he can feel your heartbeats sinking up.
🍀Will hold you/spoon you all night!!!! You will wake up wrapped in his arms and if you need to get out of bed for anything in the night sorry but Bonnie will not be letting you go without a fight. Loves to hold your head burried in his chest.
🍀 Probably not phased by your period and if he is he isn't going to show it at all. Doesn't like you being in pain at all and he's very good at giving you back massages and tummy rubs. He also knows that theres another way to help with period pain and he isn't scared of touching you when its your time of the month. (Bonnie and Aberama are the only two peaky men I think would finger you when you're on your period tbh, tommy might but I'm not entirely sure?)
🍀 Modern bonnie sends you a photo of the period aisle at rhe shops because he's confused but determined to get the exact right things for you.
🍀 He's always lowkey dissapointed when you get your period because that means no babies
🐀I think it probably takes him awhile to get particularly cuddly and affectionate. For all I imagine he's a tactile, flirtatious playboy type, I don't think he knows how to just hug it out or have soft sleepy cuddle you know?
🐀You probably initiate most of the cuddles, and he always tries to pull away before you're ready too, so you have to grip him extra tight and put up a fight...
🐀But then he gets a taste for that, feels good how you practically beg him for just a hug... You always ask him "Saiah can I have a hug please?" because unless you tell him you want to be hugged he won't think to do it... But he LOVES hearing you ask for that. "Saiah I wanna hug" when you're tired and whiny. He sometimes denies you just to make you ask again. "Say please love..." "God what am I to you? A fuckin hug dispenser?"
🐀He's always big spoon, because he's a fragile masculinity adolescent... He hasn't grown out of the complex of needing to be the man, so he's always the one cuddling you... He won't ever let anyone think he enjoys all that soft shit...
🐀But when no one is around he's actually very cute and sweet to you. Nose kisses all the time. A secret fan of the penguin kiss (where u rub noses idk?)
🐀I think he learns to be affectionate with you over time and is cuddly but mostly only in private. You have mastered the "hug me" eyes now and if you get them just right and you sit there looking at him like that for long enough he'll say "Right.. You've brought this on yourself y/n" as if you're in serious trouble, then he'll march over and sit himself in your lap squishing and crushing you until you can't breath for laughing. Only then will he give you a proper hug - but the cuddles are worth the torment you have to go through first.
🐀As bad, if not worse than john on the horny cuddler front. Is genuinely so confused about how he's supposed to tangle you up like that, bundled up against his chest so that every part of his body can feel every part of your body pushing against him, and not get turned on... A nice peaceful cuddle can become pretty heated pretty quickly. He'll feign innocence (sometimes he won't and he'll just slip his hand into your underwear and take you buy surprise) all his little caresses and kisses seemingly innocent at first but really, not at all...
🐀When it comes to your period Isaiah pretends he's man enough not to care, he'll screw his face up all "ew no way y/n fuck no..." then crack a grin and make out like he was only teasing you, but secretly he feels really awkward about it and doesn't know what to do. He'll panic at the shop, get annoyed when he buys the wrong thing and you send him back. But he's trying, he wants to be a good boyfriend so over time he'll do his best to learn.
☘️ Secret cuddler...
☘️ You have to work so hard to get him to trust you but once you secure his trust (once he knows you aren't going to laugh at him or tell his brothers what a sook he is) he will reveal his soft side to you and oh my god is he soft
☘️ He loves cuddling and being cuddled. Bug spoon, little spoon, sitting in an arm chair, picking you up and swirling you round, carrying you to bed for more cuddles, having you lie on his chest, him lying on your chest (secretly his favourite way to cuddle) any cuddling at all, he loves it
☘️ But his favourite is definitely lying with his head to your breast, your hand in his hair maybe giving him head scratches or playing with his hair, your legs closed around his body so that he's completely secure. He could fall asleep here so easily. He loves it. Especially after a hard day at the office or when his cousins are being particularly demanding.
☘️ He loves to cuddle you too, loves being big spoon when you're naked in bed, likes getting to hold you anyway he wants. Your legs tangled together, perhaps one of his hands holding your hands, kissing your shoulder, your neck, between your shoulder blades. He loves waking up in that position after a nap, the two of you nuzzled into one another.
☘️ Isn't awkward about you getting your period as such, he doesnt think its gross but he's very concious of social taboos so if you come right out complaining about period pain or saying that you've accidentally bled on your dress he'll turn such a bright shade of red. You always forget and it always makes you laugh.
☘️ Gets annoyed when you tease him about it
☘️ Is very worried that youre in pain. Worried too that you'll lose too much blood. It takes a lot to explain to him that you're not going to bleed out on your period...
☘️ Tries to dote on you but gets overwhelmed by all the demands and the things you need. Because he's so worried about getting things wrong or upsetting you.
☘️Won't give good tummy rubs or massages because he's too scared he'll hurt you. Will run you a hot bath and wash your hair for you.
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tyunzonlystar · 8 months
Bike ride (10:06pm)
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Warnings! Sub!beomgyu, virgin!beomgyu, big dick!beomgyu, dom!reader, nipple play (gyu rec), strangers to ???, mentions of abusive parents, cuts nd bruises (injuries not sh), making out, pet names (pretty boy, mommy, baby, good boy, beomie, gyu) mommy kink, dick sucking? And unprotected sex (please use protection!)
word count: 1391
summary: Beomgyu snuck out his house to go on a bike ride and ends up falling off! :( but luckily you helped him..
smut under the cut!! MDNI‼️
You left your house about 20 minutes ago and decide to walk to the beachside a few minutes away from your apartment. As you were walking this boy kept riding past you until he fell off! You quickly run over to him and crouch next to him.
“Oh my god are you okay?” You asked him even though he now had cuts and bruises on his body
“Yeah im fine” he tried to move his bike off him “could you please help?” 
You nod your head and move his bike off him and help him up 
“Hey im y/n i live a few blocks from here so i can help clean you up if obviously you wanted?” 
He looked at you and smiled “really?”
“Your not gonna hurt me for like annoying your walk that was meant to be peaceful?”
“What? Of course not! I just wanna help you and then you can go home” you explained to him now having a bit of suspension on why he thought you were gonna hurt him so you decide to ask him as you two start walking back to your apartment.
“Hey i was wondering why you thought i was gonna hurt you? If anything is going on at home with whoever you live with you can talk to me or anything.. but you dont have to if you dont want to” 
The boy looked at you and nods his head to say he listened and appreciated your words
“Uhm i come out on my bike quite often at night when my family is asleep and i sneak out and come here often..” 
“Ohh so like its an escape for you then?”
“Yeah i uh guess?”
Soon enough you get to your apartment complex and you open the door and let him in first and then you walk towards the elevator and press floor 8. 
“Sorry you couldnt bring your bike in here.. but don’t worry the receptionist will keep it safe!”
The boy laughs a little as the elevator dings signalling your at floor 8. You walk out the elevator and the boy follows behind you as you walk to your apartment
“My apartment is kinda big and theres a spare bedroom incase you cant get home..”
“Thank you y/n you dont know how much this means to me..” He says just above a whisper. You make you way to your bedroom and grab your first aid kit
“Hey i never got your name..?”
“Thats a pretty name for a pretty boy. Anyway sit down here” You pat a chair next to you and Beomgyu sits down with light blush covering his face from your complement. You open the kit and take out a antibiotic wipe and gently clean his cuts while he hisses in pain.
“Shit.. ouch” He mumbles
You finish cleaning his cuts and bruises and bandage them up
“Its 11pm and i dont want you riding home alone and my car is broke.. would your family mind if you slept here just for tonight?” You asked him
“Mm no they wouldnt mind..”
You nod your head 
“You can sleep in the spare bedroom but if you need me or anything you can come in my room”
Beomgyu smiles down at you on your knees and thanks you before asking another question…
“Could i sit on your bed uhm with you and we can just talk?”
“Yeah if you wanted i dont mind!”
“Really?” He asked surprised you didnt shout at him for wanting to be in your bed. You get off your knees and put the bloody tissues in the bin and put away the first aid kit and get on your bed and pt the space next to you. Beomgyu stands up and sits on your bed
“Can i tell you something?”
“I was on my bike earlier cuz i wanted to escape from my family.. i can’t remember if i told you.. but i wanted to escape from them because they uh abuse me.. so some of the bruises you saw were from my  dad as he doesn’t support what i do..”
“Oh well what do you do?”
“I play the guitar and livestream it and he doesn’t support me playing music.. it’s because he doesnt want me to make more money than him since he gets really bad pay days like he doesnt get alot of money and my mom she pays for the bills and my dad uses her but my mom also abuses me but she does it mentally.. and earlier today my dad smashed my guitar while i was livestreaming…”
You nod your head and listen to him carefully.. 
“Im so sorry thats happened to you Beomgyu and im thankful you trust me to tell me considering we met a few hours ago..”
He smiles and nods his head.
A few hours go by and you dont know how you got onto the topics of your sex like but you did and beomgyu kept a pillow on his lap.. you  knew why but didnt say anything until the question came around..
“Are you a virgin?” You asked him and he shuffled slightly as he face went a crimson red as he slowly nodded and soon enough you found yourself on his lap heavily making out with him as you slowly grinded down on his lap.. He whimpered. 
“Holy shit..” you thought growing wetter at his moans and noises.
You run your fingers through his long oreo hair and pull away from the kiss
“Are you sure you want this? I mean your a virgin and we dont know eachother super well..”
He eagerly nodded his head
“Okay Gyu if its what you want” you shrug as you sit between his legs and pull his jeans and boxers down to his knees and his thick long veiny cock hit his stomach.
“Jeez baby your huge” you say as you watch the pre-cum drip down his shaft. 
“Ready pretty boy?”
You took that as a yes and kitten licked his tip before taking little by little in your mouth slowly bobbing your head up and down while jerking the rest you couldnt fit in your mouth
“Y-y/n! Fuck fuck fuck!” He whined loudly as he gripped onto your hair
“‘m gonna c-cum.. please let me mommy” his whimpers bounced off the walls of your bedroom as your hands reach up and rub his nipples as he chanted your name like it was a ritual as he came in your mouth and of course! You swallowed.. you dont want his cum going to waste did you?
“M-mommy want your p-pussy..” 
“What do we say when we want something baby?”
“Good boy”
You get of the bed and shimmy your pj pants off and let Beomgyu tale your panties off
“Go on take them off for mommy”
His hands slowly took your panties off and he threw them on the floor as you hovered above his cock
He nodded once again as you slowly sank down on him. You stopped halfway to try get used to him stretching you out and a few seconds later you took him all in your gummy walls.
“Hnng.. f-feels so good..” He moans as you start bouncing on his thick girthy cock 
“Doing so well for me Beomie.. so pretty.. fuckkk!” You praised as he hit your sweet spot 
At this point the only noises were skin slapping and both of your moans and whimpers
“G-gonna cum” Beomgyu whimpers as he bucks his hips to meet yours
“Cum for me baby” you whisper in his eat as you kiss his neck and leave nasty dark purple splotches on his neck and collarbones. He bucks his hips up to meet yours one last time before he releases his hot load into you and soon after you cream on him and collapse on top of him
“Did so well for me.. im surprised your a virgin with that cock” i laugh and he laughs back 
“Ill get towels then you can shower and we can go bed” you say as you get off his cream covered dick and go get warm towels to clean the both of you up..
After your both are cleaned up and in comfy clothes you two fall asleep cuddling….
do not steal, copy, translate!
feel free to reblog my lovelies!
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arcan3-reliquary · 5 months
VERITAS RATIO HEADCANONS (because we need more content of him that's him-centric)
And because you guys asked. Most of these headcanons are purely based on my readings of him or have 0 basis in canon, so if you don’t like them, feel free to scroll past them!!
fighting the war on autism on the side of autism. As a neurodivergent he's very nd coded to me, especially with the fact that he's a very caring person but terrible with emotions and words. He's losing the idgaf war so badly like there's no way a neurotypical person has a temper that short over the most (seemingly) inane shit
Kind of pasty. not just like porcelain skin, like clay-sickly-victorian-boy type palor. He tries to go outside more often, but by the nature of his job he's rather sedentary and inside alooot. He's perfectly healthy, he just looks like that. Same complexion as Freminet in my head, with fewer freckles and a tooth gap he likes to deny he has.
Wears the alabaster headpiece not just to deal with idiots, but to self regulate out in public. It blocks out smells, and dampens sound and light enough for him to tolerate some of the veeery overstimulating environments he visits.
For a man that values creativity explicitly, not enough people seem to believe he’d have an interest in the arts. So I think he's into sculpting. A chisel and hammer are very comforting weights in his hand, and while he doesn't particularly care for pottery or wet clay, he gets why it's so well liked. He uses himself as reference mostly because he's most familiar with his own body and asking others can be awkward or seen as weird.
The dude has extremely obscure taste in sci-fi novels. Like he will yap on and on about why he can't stand most sci-fi and recommend the most odd shit out there if asked.
Not really a hc, but he has very brittle self-esteem. It simply comes with the territory of being labeled “gifted” or “a child genius.” For years, a lot of his perceived worth came from the quality of his work or academic validation, and now his big reason for staying in academics isn't the knowledge itself, but rather the joy of teaching and sharing the things he knows.
Somehow both touch starved and touch averse. Contact must be initiated by him on his terms, or a shutdown will happen. But when someone he trusts does this, it's the funniest thing because he thinks he's being so subtle about his enjoyment of it. (Aven played w his hair once and Veritas passed tf out like that and Aven couldn't move for an hour.)
Chronic over-explainer. Either he misreads someone's tone and thinks they need the detail, or past conflict was caused by him thinking he didn't explain enough (it was usually just people being purposefully obtuse or daft.)
Unsurprisingly terrible to deal with when sick. Non-verbal, sits under a mountain of weighted blankets, and only communicates via the notes app on his phone or having Aventurine help him.
Ratio is terribly farsighted - just genetics. Lasic surgery fixed most of it, but he still needs reading glasses and contacts.
Intimacy issues alert. Vulnerability is scary and being put on a pedestal your whole life tends to make letting down pretenses a lil nauseating. Mortifying ordeal of being known and all that.
Girl Anachronism by the Dresden Dolls makes me think of him. I can't explain it. I think it's a combo of him being hella self aware of his issues but also just kinda treating them like something of a character flaw or moral failing rather than something he can ask for help with. Just a thought
AND THATS ITS IVE YAPPED ENOUGH ABOUT RATIO. The Aveenturine and Golden Ratio posts will come soon but for now have these. He makes me insane.
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sexxyasia · 6 months
polaroid [luke castellan x !fem! reader]
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ABOUT: after the camp perv; luke goes through your things to find a pair of your panties he finds a scandalous polaroid you took of yourself and takes it back to his bunk, when you find out he's been jerking off to your picture and panties, but when you notice your shit was gone you confront him. but, you ended give him what he wants most.
tysm anon for sending this beautiful request 😋 (send anons, get weird w it too, idc ill write abt it!!!)
WARNINGS : told in 3rd person, pet names (reader & luke), cursing, p in v, use of y/n, kinda soft sex, luke is kinda soft dom if u read between the lines... squirting (i kinda have a kink so...), protected sex FINALLY 🥳, luke jerking off to a picture of you and to ur panties :3, luke deadass stealing ur shit, luke is being a little shit towards ur siblings so, thats that... luke being nosy and sniffing ur underwear (what a freak amirite!) and the reader can be any race (no shit) but i intended for her to be black bc i am but idc...
MDNI :P (wait until ur 17+ stink stink... if u think thats dumb, i MIGHT have to click that block button)
PEEP THE NEW BANNER (its still a gif, but im working on it... its a little bit better tho...)
luke ran as fast as he could to your cabin when he saw you going to the showers, shoving kids out the way and busting open the door to the athena cabin.
"oh hey luke!" one of your siblings said. "y/n's in the shower, take a message?"
"fuck no, move!" luke said in a sassy tone going straight for your underwear drawers
"what're you lookin' for luke?" one of your siblings ask
luke looks your younger brother up and down before scoffing.
"something you dont need to see? now move!" luke says while shooing your siblings off.
"well the only thing you're gonna find in there is underwear, trust me. i was looking through her things to find her diary to read to my friends, and i found girly underwear instead..!" your younger brother jokes.
luke sideyes him until he moves out of his sight. whipping his head back and forth to see if anyone saw him, luke shoved a light blue thong into his front pocket.
while he continued looking through the drawer, he was left disappointed. until he found an upside down polaroid in the back of the drawer.
he flips the photo before gasping in pure shock.
a picture of you, nude... your perky tits, your big soft ass, your curvy hips all on display in the one photo.
he continued digging through your property before finding another polaroid. this one you sat with your freshly shaven fat cunt taking up almost all of the space on the little piece of film.
luke shoves the pictures into the pocket with your panties and closes the drawer, "couldn't find it, thanks for distracting me you fuckin’ shit face." luke stupidly responded to your younger brother before running back to the hermes cabin.
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when you came back from your shower you picked up your clothes and went straight for your underwear drawer to find something to put on. but you couldn't find your underwear, or your strategically placed polaroids that you purposefully hid under your bras in the back corner.
"was anyone snooping in my stuff, i can't find anything..." you asked your brother.
"i dont know, im not the police of your underwear or something!" he whined.
he left the room to go to the weekly campfire. the only place luke couldn't possibly be because he got his privilege taken after he was caught jerking off in the showers.
when all of a sudden you got to thinking and realized who took your things, the most promiscuous boy at camp, also known as luke.
quickly you dressed and stormed out of your cabin going straight for the hermes cabin knowing luke would be there.
you didn't know what he'd be doing, but you had a good guess.
you still decided not to think about the consequences of going into the camp pervs cabin unannounced during his "alone time"
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you opened the front door to the hermes cabin to see your panties clutched in his hand with the polaroid resting on his thigh, his eyes hazy and low but still fixated on the photo. his big hand quickly stroked up and down on his thick cock.
"oh my god, you really are a perv!" you yelled out.
his gaze shifted to you. eyes instantly locking with yours, yet he didn't stop
"hey baby, thought you'd be at the campfire by now..."
he stood up, still stroking and walked over to you.
"we're not together and you know that, and stop jerking off to me and on me! you're so weird." you whined
"or what" he whispered, his hand traveling from his dick to your shoulder. "i know you like seeing me like this, naked, sweaty, and horny for the most sexy, delicious girl at camp."
you sighed, trying to ignore the sea of lubricant your cunt was making in your shorts.
"i dont even like you, perv..." you said brushing him off of you.
he shook his head and pointed down.
"what about that... you may not like me but she sure does. you" luke says pointing to the crotch of your shorts.
your juices leaked through the light wash shorts you put on since you had on on underwear to catch it.
"you knew what you were doing coming here without underwear on. you wanted me to see you like this..."
he got behind you and rubbed his hand up and down your back.
"how do you know i didn't put underwear on..?" you asked.
luke chuckled "you dont get camel toe and soaking shorts from putting on an extra layer. i may not be the smartest, but im not stupid. hell even the most gullible idiot could tell you didn't put any on..." he snappily replied.
you placed your hand over your crotch and looked at him. "if we do this, you cant tell anyone... ok?" you said
"yes ma'am" he said with a shit eating grin on his face.
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slowly luke rolled a condom on, "i always keep these handy incase i get lucky." he said with a smirk.
his hands wander in between your thighs to your dripping cunt "you're already so wet, and loose for me baby. thats what i love to see" he praises while leaving hickeys all over and around your erect nipples.
"you wanna get on top mama..." he says while massaging your throbbing g-spot.
"yes." you said slowly trying not to moan too loud
luke sits up straight while you lower yourself onto his cock.
"more like this baby." he says with his hands on your hips guiding you to move a little smoother.
looking down into his big brown eyes, you ride on luke slowly while messing with the curls on his head.
low grunts and slight moans escape lukes mouth every once in a while.
"you feel so good sweetie" he praises
your eyes are shut tight and your mouth his completely sealed before you respond.
"you feel even better, you fill me so fucking good." you answer back.
"wanna do doggy or something?" he suggests, you nod in response. luke quickly flips you onto your stomach and into the new position.
his long girthy cock feels even better from this angle, filling you completely making you almost scream his name out after every stroke.
luke speeds up as well as rubbing your clit and whispering nasty phrases in your ear everytime you throw your head back as a pleasure response.
speeding up, luke curses to himself about how good and wet you are.
confidence fills luke to the brim, he pulls your hair forcing you to look up at him. "look at me while i fuck you.. good girl, keep fucking looking at me like that"
luke lets go of your hair and looks down between the two of you, he watches as his cock slides in and out of you so smoothly, how your perfect pussy leaves opaque white rings around the base of his girthy member.
to his suprise you quickly begin fucking him back, his movements stop completely as he lets you do the work of slamming your phat ass onto his cock, making him almost whimper in pleasure.
"just like that... oh- you're s'fucking good dont fucking stop." he says looking up at the ceiling trying not to cum too quick.
his hand speeds on your clit making you whimper and squirm until you mess up his sheets with your liquids.
your dripping pussy squirts out all the sexual frustrations you've been holding in since you got to camp last year.
"good girl, just like that, keep fucking me. you can do it baby. make me cum, make me cum, make me cum." he whined out while using your slightly overstimulated pussy to chase his high.
"im fucking cumming, dont stop..." luke whispered "holy shit..."
you felt the condom fill with his hot seed after his release.
"thank you so much baby." luke says
"i guess i should go, they're gonna be back soon." you said
luke nodded and took off the condom. you both dressed and went your separate ways.
"oh, i almost forgot." luke handed you your items. "no keep them." you responded. "i need a reason to come back tomorrow, dont i?" you whispered into his ear smoothly.
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thatblackravenclaw · 2 months
Hello my love!(sorry if thats kind of creepy its judt my nickname for everyone)
Idk if you still do hp but can i get james potter staring at reader in class and she confronts him abt it and maybe smut or spice????
Ravenclaw!reader (fem!reader)
Somewhere Only We Know
a/n: Hello there, darlin! I'm so sorry I'm just getting back to you a month later. My writers block has been vicious and I didn't want to give you something half-assed. I hope I did your ask justice :)
Blog Details | Let's take a trip
James Potter x fem!reader (Ravenclaw)
warning(s): not proof read, fluff, reader is called little bird and birdie, light cussing, smut, public?, fingering
word count: 3.04k
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The cauldron erupts bubbles in front of me, waiting for the final ingredient for today’s brew. There’s a gag stuck in my throat as I pick up the little vial filled with troll bogeys. I turn my head to avoid the slimy liquid drip out of the bottle. I unfortunately turn my head and make eye contact with James. His stare is unwavering and it’s almost as disgusting as the bogeys. His full pink lips are turned up into a smile and his big doe eyes are staring right into mine. I raise a quizzical brow before turning back to my cauldron. With five counter-clockwise turns, and a gold shimmer emerging from the pot, my invisibility potion is finished. I fill up the empty vial in my left hand and the ladle with the other to spoon in the clear liquid. 
With the cork pushed in, I turn around and walk towards Slughorn’s desk. I can tell he’s recruiting for the Slug Club by the thankful look on Gwenog Jones’ face for a reprieve when she sees me walking in their direction. 
“Excuse me, professor?” I tap his shoulder before I speak. Gwenog makes a swift, but discreet exit when he excuses himself to talk to me.
“Finished already?” He asks me with a smile. 
“Of course.” I respond, with a proud, but humble expression. 
“10 points to Ravenclaw for being the first to finish.” There’s a giddiness that bubbles through my body at the praise. 
My eyes catch James’s again when I turn around to return to my station. He’s such a weirdo. Every time we’re in proximity his eyes are on me. Before my mind even registers it, I’m walking over to his station with an unwavering determination in each step. His eyes widen, but he quickly recovers. The shocked look on his face turns into a smug one in half a second.  
“James, why must you insist on staring at me during class? It’s bad enough you do it in the halls, at Honeydukes, Slug Club parties, in the middle of a quidditch match. I can’t even escape your stares at common room parties. What do you want?” The irritation in my voice is not suppressed by my volume, low as not to disturb the others around us still working on their invisibility potions. 
“Little bird-” He starts.
“I told you not to call me that.” Yet it still makes my heart palpitate, if only for a short while.
“Little bird,” I roll my eyes. “it is not a crime to stare. I just happen to be admiring one of the many beautiful wonders in Hogwarts.” 
“Dream on, Potter. Weren’t you just flirting with one of your precious fellow Gryffindors in Muggle Studies not even an hour ago?” I walk away from him and back to my station to clean up. I sadly hear his footsteps not too far behind me.
“Someone sounds jealous.” He accuses in a calmish tone. 
The bad part is I think he’s right. The worst part is, I know he’s right. He’s annoying, an ass, an extremely corny flirt, yet I don’t entirely hate when he’s around. He tells decent jokes and I enjoy the pranks he and his friends pull on Filch. It almost feels wrong to like him. I’d hate to be that type of girl that easily falls for a guy just because of a smile and the slightest bit of attention. 
“Someone sounds delusional.” I refute. 
“Class is dismissed! Don’t forget to clean up your stations and return Friday with Leech Juice, Shrivelfig Fruit, and Stench of the Dead for Thunderbrew. Oh, and Miss Jones, please see me after class.” Poor Gwenog could only escape the Slug Club talk for so long. 
“I’ll be right back.” James informs me with haste. 
His feet match the speed in which he spoke. He’s gone back to his cauldron before I get the chance to fully turn around. After putting my book and potion in my bag and casting the cleaning charm on the cauldron, I send it back to my room and turn to the door. I’m about two steps into the hall when I feel his presence right behind me yet again.
“James, this is borderline stalking. Don’t you have something to go blow up with your friends?” 
He walks ahead and opens one of the double doors, letting me through without having to switch my books under one arm. I debate taking the floo flames near the arched opening at the end of the hall to get to my common room quicker, but there’s this feeling inside of me, a yearning, that wants to just keep walking. 
“It’s only stalking if it’s unwanted.” He grabs my books and continues to walk next to me, forcing everyone else who was walking from the central hall. It’s not the narrowest hallway, but him and his strut insist on walking smack dab in the middle of the hall. 
“I doubt that’s correct.” 
We make a right and ascend the stairs to the heart of the castle. Only a few students litter around the found and near the staircases, indicating that some of us actually decided to go to class today or are in Hogsmeade to await detention when they are inevitably caught. Ferdinand spies on the students in The Three Broomsticks and runs (as far as a portrait can run any way) to the nearest professor to tell on us. I swear he’s worse than Peeves. I’m surprised no one has stolen his frame and placed him in Hog’s Head or burned him. 
“Besides, who said your attention was wanted?” My tone holds a slight hint of teasing as I make another and continue to walk up 2 more sets of stairs. 
“Possibly the fact that you haven’t used depulso on me yet.” I smile to myself, glad that he’s able to work with my wit.
“I wouldn’t be so harsh. You’re only a minor nuisance.” 
I make the mistake of looking over to him and I am instantly hit with the curiosity of how he is still single. He’s the ideal boyfriend height, popular, funny, and caring. Some of his pranks are annoying, but they’re never with malice intent. I do slightly agree that this school needs to light up a little. And his hair, I mean, the most perfect set of loose curls you’ve ever seen. His round glasses enhance his attractiveness rather than a dork like I did my first few years here. Not to mention he smells amazing. Like coffee and eucalyptus with a hint of tobacco from the ciggies that he smokes.
“So you’re saying I have a chance of taking you out?” I pause my steps at the landing between the steps behind us and the next on my left. 
“Now when did I say that?”
“You didn’t not say it.” I blink up at him once and again a few seconds later. Only him. My head leans down as I chuckle. 
“Fine, one date. You have one date to impress me. This Friday after Magical Theory. Meet me at the boat house.” 
I don’t miss his subtle fist pump to himself as I take my books from his right arm and walk up to the floo flames. 
“Wait! Why the boat house?” He asks after I’ve told the floo to take me to the common room. I shrug.
“I’ve always wanted to go on a picnic date.” With a wave, I step in and let the flames take me where I directed. 
I caress the corduroy material of my skirt while gently swishing my feet in the water at the bottom of the wooden ramp. The sound of the tiny waves the water makes due to the slight breeze that’s running through. The sound of nearby trees accompany the water, tempting me to doze off until James gets here. 
“I made sure to get one of everything from the kitchens.” I turn my head to see James holding a basket and a goofy smile on his face. It's small and sincere, yet still goofy.
“You’re abusing the elves. Pitts should put you to work considering how much you’re down there.” I return the smile before drying off my feet and putting my shoes back on and walking to him. 
“He only makes you work if you’re there for detention.” Smug.
“Speaking from experience?” 
I gently take his hand in mine and walk around to the outside where the extra boats are stored. We sit down, swinging our feet over the edge of the ground. The water isn’t high enough here to wet our shoes and we have a perfect view of the castle. That’s why I chose this spot. One would think that you’d be sick of looking at the place that you’re stuck at for almost 9 months out of the year, but I still find the beauty in it years later. I’ll miss this place dearly when it’s time to graduate. 
“No. Maybe. Okay, fine. Yes, but only because I made that tiny puddle in the trophy room.”
“Ha, tiny puddle my ass! You flooded the whole room plus the hallways that surrounds it. I’ve never seen Filch that pissed off before. I was sure he was about to explode and tap into the power he was never given.” It’s hard for us to do much besides laugh as we recall the memory.
After a few “okay”’s and “okay seriously”’s, we open up the basket and take out the spread. More stories are told between the both of us as we let the world go on around us. I find out about his long lineage of Gryffindors and I tell him of my lineage of Ravenclaws. We grew up similar, with my family being a little more strict. Time seemingly flies by and it saddens me in an unfamiliar manner. A feeling I can’t place. I miss him? How can you miss someone who is still in your presence?
“Hey, where’d you go?” His serious tone startles me out of my thoughts. I look over to him and give him a lopsided smile.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I believe I have feelings for you, James Potter.” A sarcastic chuckle flows from my lips before I can stop it. “In one afternoon, you have somehow forced me to admit the impossible. Well, not the impossible. Not that it’s impossible for anyone to like you! I just didn’t think that I wou-” 
He encloses my cheek in this palm of his hand and gently brings our faces together until our lips touch. I don’t resist and let my lashes kiss the apples of my cheeks as I sink into the kiss. It’s not a particularly long kiss. Short enough to have me silently praying to Merlin that it could have gone on longer. I chase his lips when he pulls away and my eyes flutter open. 
“Why’d you stop?” I ask in a whisper.
“I want to show you something.” I look at him bewildered. He fails to notice as he rushes to pack everything up and help me up.
We’re back in the boat house and in front of the floo flames. I’m still trying to process how his lips felt on mine, smooth and pillowy soft. No rush and definitely better than the last person I kissed. I can’t believe he stopped. Didn’t even give me enough time to savor it. I don't realize that he had the flames take us to the greenhouses until I look up and see the giant wisteria tree that sits in the middle of the entrance. I give him a deadpanned, and slightly irritated look when I realize where we are. 
“You stopped kissing me so we could come to the greenhouse? I love plants, but I preferred the other thing we were doing.”
“Hush.” He kisses me on the cheek and leads me down the curved steps closest to us and down the path to the greenhouse tree. It’s deeply rooted into the castle, so it sits in a small pool of water. What I never noticed is the stairway on the side that leads below ground. 
We walk, a little faster than I intend, down the spiral stairs and passed an archway that reveals to be some sort of storage place, but also displays the trunk of the tree through glass windows.
“Godric, how did you stumble upon this place? It’s gorgeous! Wait, why are we here?” I touch the glass lightly in wonder that such a place has existed all this time and I never knew about it. 
“Well, little bird, I figured that it was time for you to give your wings a rest. Here, come lie down with me.” I turn to find a set up of blankets and pillows and him nonchalantly sitting there as if this array of cushions has been here this whole time.
I follow his directions and sit down next to him. My head finds a home on his shoulder and I watch the water bubbles float to the top. Now that I have calmed down, I’m glad he took me here. It's quite gorgeous. Right as I get comfortable, he shifts up and moves behind me. With one leg on either side of me, he pulls me closer to his chest. 
“You okay there, Mr. Potter?” I put my arms on the outside of his bent legs, letting my hands rest on his knees. 
“Perfect.” The tips of his fingers lightly trace up and down my arm. My eyes close on instinct. I lean back into him and let my body focus on the one sensation, sighing as I do so. 
“Is there a reason you were so reluctant to go out with me?”
My heart takes a hit at his question. A question I’m not sure how to answer without saying bitter or pathetic. A question that I don’t know the true answer to. 
“I mean, you’re James Potter. One of, if not the most popular guy in school. You run around with your friends pranking anyone and everyone. No offense, but why would I take you seriously about wanting to go out with me? We’re on different calibers and just by recalling what you told me about your family, you guys don’t venture outside of your houses when it comes to the romance department.”
He’s quiet, and it makes me nervous. Did I deeply offend him? Is there going to be another date after this? Did I completely fuck everything up? His hum interrupts my internal spiraling.
“Well, you got me there. Everything you said is true,” His hand begins to trace the top of my thigh, inching closer to the inside. I subtly, but slowly open them up. I don’t know why, but I assume my body does. “However, that has nothing to do with you and my feelings towards you.”
He traces the apex of my thigh. Starting at my knee, down to the crease that joins my thigh and hip, and back up. 
“We’re both equally popular, so I’m not sure that was a mark against me.” I open my mouth to rebuttal, but he beats me to it, “You may not know it, but you, my dear, are very popular.”
My skirt has now become a mini with the opening of my thighs pushing it up. The tip of his middle finger skirts the hem of my underwear. It’s such a simple touch, not even touching anything truly intimate, yet I gasp in pleasure at it. 
“James,” I lightly huff.
He ignores what sounds as a plea and proceeds to gently push down on my clit. “As for the other things, I heard that girls like funny guys. It seems you do since I’ve caught you laughing a time or two whenever I set off fireworks in the Great Hall or throw a dungbomb in Charms.” The circles he draws causes my back to arch and push myself more into his hand. 
“As for my family, I happen to not be like them. I prefer to venture out and experience more.” He finally slips his hand inside of my underwear and makes contact with my clit bare. His finger slides in between my inner lips and collects the already formed arousal, then he brings it back up to continue circling my clit.
“J-James,” The air thickens in my throat. I gather any air I can, but the sensation from him touching me makes that more important than breathing. 
With my hand on his, I direct him further down to my entrance and ease his middle and ring fingers inside of me. The thrusts are slow, but deep. Each whimper that escapes my lips becomes prominent after the last. I have to fight the urge for my thighs to close around his hand. The palm of his hand rubs perfectly against my clit when his fingers switch from pumping pressing up against the squishy part inside of me that causes a pornographic moan to fill the room. 
“Such a good girl, birdie. Come on, cum for me.” His fingers return to my clit, with a little bit more pressure, completely undoing me. 
My thighs entrap his hand and I hold on to his arm. His coos and praise help ground me after a few minutes. I’m eventually able to relax my thighs and let go of his arm. He whispers a “good job” in my ear before softly pecking my cheek. When my clit stops throbbing, he pulls his hand out of my underwear, revealing my cum completely blanketed over his fingers and thinner layers scattered on his palm. 
“Is my attention still unwanted?” I can feel the smirk from a mile away. I turn around and softly connect our lips before responding.
“Yes.” I tease. Our lips are a mere centimeter apart, letting mine brush against his as I speak.
“You make the prettiest moans, you know that?” My eyes widen and I turn my head to the side to avoid eye contact, closing mine in embarrassment at his words.
“Hey,” with a gentle hand he makes me face him again, “can I hear some more?”
James Masterlist | United Kingdom
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mikobeautifulheart · 7 months
jjk boys (aged up cuz itd be weird lol) with an older girlfriend, like 3 or 4 years older. tysmm!!! 🩷🩷 love your writting
Awww shucks your making me blush.
JJK men with an older girlfriend
TW: Ageing lol. Yuji is aged up to 21 but Yutas like in his first yearish while your almost graduating ig. horrible spelling.
INCLUDING: Yuji and Yuta
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"Itadori, I know that Todo kid asked you this almost 6 years ago, btu what's your type in women?" Gojo asked in curiosity.
The more Gojo thought about it he never saw Yuji be romantically interested or in a relationship. Thats why he nearly fell backward with Yujis reply
"Eh, my girl friend really, she's all I look for and all I need." He said mindlessly walking ahead futher into the cursed building.
"G-g-girlfriend?" Gojo said turning his head a 180.
"Yep! We've been together for 8 years!" Yuji said proudly.
"Well I was a student a Jujutsu high at the time and she was in the starting her college degree" Yuji said.
"College degree? What is she, super smart for a 16 year old?" Gojo asked his interest only growing.
"Uh...Well she would have been, I met her when she was 19 so she kinda had everything figured out." Yuji says playing with his thumbs.
"So she's older then you?" He asked
"Well yeah but... that dosen't matter, only by 3 years any ways. Honestly is there really anything wrong with that?"
"No, no of course not its just that you didn't strike me as the type of guy to go for older women, you little devil." Gojo said giving Yuji a gentle but hard slap on the back.
"When you think about her age is no where near Sukuna's so I wouldn't be so worried."
"YUJIIII" you yelled waving in the distance.
"Is that your little friend or something." Gojo asked looking at you.
"No, that's my girlfriend." He smiled waving back.
"What was it like having an older girlfriend anyways?" Gojo said slightly taken aback.
"It was actually pretty good, honestly she would sometimes pick me up in her car or drive me to surprise dates, I think I prefer older women more actually." Yuji said quickening his pace.
"Hm interesting."
"Plus she's talker then me." Yuji finally tan to you. He picked you up and swung you around as Gojo looked on in envy.
"Okkotsu. What's your type!" Todo asked anticipating his answer.
"M-M-MY GIRLFRIEND!" He accidently shouted in nervousness.
Everybody's Heads turned.
"Rika?" Panda asked.
"No..." Yuta sighed almost dropping his Katana
Now he had everybody's attention.
"Well. What's she like" Todo said crossing his arms.
"Well...she's really kind. And pretty. And amazing. And smart. And strong. And-"
"I get it, but what dose she look like." Todo said cutting off Yutas mumbling.
"Well she's shorter then me by uh maybe 2 cm?"
"So? What dose that mean, shes younger by 2 years or something?"
"The opposite actually. She's finishing high school soon, she's 3 years older then me so..."
Again everybody listened.
"You like older women?" Todo asked
"I'm not really picky but...yeah..." He rubbed his hand sheepishly behind his head.
Welll it didn't matter anymore because the school competition still happened and Kyoto lost.
Yuta walked down the streets finding your apartment block and walking up its stairs. He used his key to open the door and creep inside, the lights were off and everything was suspiciously silent. He kept walking through the apartment spotting you asleep on your desk, all your school work scattered around you.
"God your so perfect" He mumbled going over to you and picking you up laying you down gently on your bed.
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AITHOURS NOTE: I didn't really know what to write because the age difference isn't that big of a deal compared to some other age differences... anyways I hope it's kinda what you wanted, reblogs r okay and good whatever time to you.
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
Professor Ratigan x Reader || Smexcerpt
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Plot: ... (:(:(: 👄👅🍆 (:(:(:
Warnings: You give the professor a blow job. It's very simple 🤣 Kind of cock worship maybe?
He's trying so hard, you think, your mouth so full of his cock your lips touch the skin of his pelvis. You can't laugh, but you can hum; causing a vibration in your hot mouth and making Ratigan's fingers dig so tightly into the arms of his chair that the leather cracks and stuffing creeps out the slits.
You'd wanted to do this all day, but you had to convince him to control himself first. You can do it!~ You'd assured him, fluffing him up with all your genuine flattery. Ratigan you're so smart and so strong, I know you can keep still for me~
After all- you wanted this man's cock down your throat, to keep him warm and cosy with your hot mouth; feel him throb. What you did not want was to be smothered and meet an early death because your giant fucking sewer rat fucked your face.
Luckily flattery almost always works with him~ Call him intelligent, call him a genius, call him perfect- and he'll try his best to be just what you said he was. His image is important to him, like that! So here he is, all the way down your tight slippery throat, his eyes squeezed closed and his sharp yellow teeth grit so hard you can hear them groaning against eachother. But, you trust he'll stay put. He'll behave for you. So you're perfectly calm and able to continue having his thick cock buried and blocking most of your airway. You're able to breath slowly, and purposefully, taking the air you need so you're only a little light headed (well, a lot but light headed but thats part of the fun), while stroking his slick cock with your tongue. Driving him insane.
"Y/N... " Ratigan growls, his voice so gravelly and croaking from the strain, makes you look up to see his face. His teeth grit together, his nose scrunched up his eyebrows furrowed so deeply you'd almost think he was pissed off if it weren't for how much precum was leaking down your throat. "If you think-- ... if you don't realise that I know... exactly... what you did my dear-- " Unconcerned about the course of Ratigans accusation, you slip off his cock, leaving it a slimy mess with your spit, then take in only his tip this time, sucking gently; tantalisingly. He cracks a bright eye half open to set you with a forced-focused, tortured look. "You'd be mistaken."
... you just make your eyes big and innocent, slowly sliding your mouth over his cock again, burying him easy right back down your throat and sucking him deep, and watch him growl and squeeze his eyes shut again, his scowl growing deeper and more horrible on his handsome face. He grabs at the arms of his chair more viciously once again, making claw marks in the leather, and his hips jolt off the seat for half a second; overwhelmed by the torture and the pleasure. "Fuck!"
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Can I ask for Croc and Bane with a short s/o? Just any general hcs having to do with height differences or how they see their s/o. (For example, do they feel extra protective of them, do they feel they need to be more careful?)
Killer Croc and Bane with a short reader
I mean if you wanna get technical, EVERYONE is short to them.
Tw: there's like one Suggestive line
Killer croc
- oh my god the (affectionate) clowning around he would do with a tiny s/o.
- Have you seen that meme where a short person puts their camera on their taller partner to see how they "look" to said partner? He wants you to do that and is probably guffawing at your reaction. You're so tiny! That's how he sees you all the time!
- He tries his best to not use too much strength with you. He just knows he's fucking ripped and big w/ claws. He's more worried about past/current anger issues hurting you more than you being small.
- In fact, you being so small means he can pick you up like a sack and sling you over his shoulder like it's nothing. (He thinks its SO funny if you fuss about it.) Yeah, he could do it to any of his partners given his strength but it's so EASY with you, fun size!
- oh you are going to get so many goofy ass nicknames related to your height- fun size, short stack, baby bird, his little beignet..... and he knows how ridiculous they sound.
- He will be very protective in certain venues, however. Concerts where you got standing? He is a wall blocking anyone from pushing at you. Crowds he's practically growling and snarling to give you breathing room. If anyone tries picking on you, he's There and Terrifying.
- he has tied a balloon to you so as not to lose you. When you point out he's so fucking tall there's no way he could lose you, he just gets this dumb smile on his face.
- He's the one that tends to act more like he might break you. I mean, he's actually broken people before. Snapped batmans back like a fucking twig that one time. He's acutely aware how easily he could.
- Yet you might notice thats A-Okay especially if you have any skin/body sensitivities. Him being careful is Good because even him being "gentle" is strong. He still picks you up around the waist like you weigh nothing if he needs you to move. Gives a light chuckle if you say anything.
- Talk about the big spoon. When you sleep next to each other, his body almost curls AROUND yours because of his size in comparison to yours. It's kind of like having a heated, weighted blanket. Nice during the winter but you'll probably want to make a pillow barrier in summer or you'll die.
- If you're ever somewhere you can't see above a crowd and it's appropriate, he's picking you up to put you on his shoulders. You can see, he gets his head between your thighs. Win-win.
- if hes ever feeling cheeky, he'll pick you up bridal style and pretend to use you as a weight, curling you up towards his body and kissing your face.
- The one time someone tries picking on you because they think you're just tiny and easy pickings, he literally steps to them... breaks thier nose with barely any effort. Word gets around, and no one tries that shit again, that's for sure.
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fictionalwhores · 2 years
Dating Remus Lupin would include...
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A/N: I already want to make a part 2 to this
-The marauders always tease Remus about girls but when they see you give Remus his book back they almost fall on top of each other trying to rush to him because holy shit, Remus lent you a book? You must be pretty special, what’s going on here 
-So many nights in the common room reading together until you’re falling asleep in each other’s arms 
-The werewolf ordeal. Listen, this goes one of two ways, he either keeps it from you forever and the boys have to push him to tell you OR you figure out in the first 3 months of your dating and he's baffled no between 
-Remus isn’t big on PDA but sometimes around the full moon he gets so overstimulated and he just needs you to ground him. Sometimes this means him just burying his face in your neck, arms around waist and trying to block out every noise, light, and unwanted thoughts 
-Keeping him company in the library and making sure he takes breaks before he rots his brain out with stress, he’s fairly quiet but you can get him going on a ramble if it comes to his favorite studies 
-Getting him out of bed is impossible so have fun with weekly morning cuddles when you spend the night and him groaning anytime you try to leave 
-During parties Remus tends to stand closely behind you, sometimes resting his chin on your head while you guys talk to other students. HUGGING FROM BEHIND ugh 
-The other marauders love and adore you but tease you all the time about stealing their moony 
-You help him around his time of the month and he’ll help you around your time of the month.. If they happen at the same time.. Lord help us all 
-Remus is insecure about his scars, so when he allows you to touch his skin under his clothes, thats a big deal 
-And this boy is a sucker for back scratches under his sweater so buckle up 
-I imagine Remus being patient and wouldn’t get too worked up with you unless it was too close to the moon but you would know what time of the month it was and he would make sure to separate himself for a couple of hours to calm down before he lashes out 
-He’s also patient in the sense of teaching you things, he’ll walk you through any homework assignment if you need it 
-This boy is a radiator you cannot convince me otherwise, stick your hands under his shirt for warmth and you shall find he finds it so amusing
-he likes to play with your hands if he gets anxious and does the “wow my hands are so much bigger than yours” comparison 
-He’s so tall he could kiss the top of your head with ease and does 
-Borrowing his sweaters 
-Remus TRIPLE checks the lock on the dorm room when you guys do steamy things because the other marauders walked in once and they still do not let it go 
-Jokes about height differences 
“You are so tall” 
“Maybe you’re just abnormally short” 
“You’re practically a tree! I have to break my neck to talk to you” 
“You’re one to talk, I lose you in a matter of seconds with how easily you disappear!”
“I’m right here” 
“Yet I can look over you without any effort, you just disappear from my line of sight”
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miya-rin · 2 years
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you wanted this
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he swerved you.
he actually just swerved you.
and that little laugh he let out afterwards pissed you off more than the fact that your boyfriend just swerved you.
“oh i bet you think you’re sooo funny don’t you?” you say, fists clenched ready to beat the hell out of anything you can get to fast enough, in this case, its him.
“a little,” he retorts, a shit eating grin spreading across his stupidly handsome face. your eye slightly twitches which doesn’t go unnoticed by him, seeing he tries to play his little stunt off all smoothly, realising you were actually waiting for a kiss. “oh baby i’m sorry, come here.” he says as he places his thumb on your cheek bone, caressing it softly, while his fingers rest under your jaw. leaning in slowly as his apology. only to be met with your turning face.
you just swerved him.
you actually just swerved him.
“babe!” he almost yells, the colour draining from his face at the thought that he just fucked up badly enough for you to reject his kiss. “im sorry i didnt mean it, kiss me please.”
“im busy.” turning your body away from him so he can just see your back, he takes the opportunity to run his hands up and down your sides. putting his head in the crook of your neck and placing feather light kisses in your most sensitive spot, what he would normally be met with was the sounds of your laughter filling the room. but there is silence. oh he really fucked this up.
“baby im sorry.” he babbles into your neck, moving away from you to try and turn you around, but when that doesn’t work he returns to his toddler instincts. tantrums.
“pretty please y/n, i said im sorry, just kiss me and ill stop!”
“don’t raise your voice at me, you wanted this.” you pick up your phone and put your headphones in trying to block out the sounds coming from your 26 year old boyfriends mouth. oh but that doesn’t stop him.
“YN!!!!! LOVE ME!!!” he shouts loud enough to be heard over whatever is playing on your phone.
“sorry what was that?” you tease, dramatically turning your phone’s volume up, “i can’t quite hear you.” and with those words his face drops. he sighs in defeat and starts to walk out the room. but it’s not over yet.
as you start to turn away from him once more he charges at you and jumps with so much force you both fall onto the floor. while your guard is down he takes the opportunity to place your arms above your head and pin them there with one of his hands. his legs are places over your thighs as he knows there is no way you can escape like that.
he has you right where he wants you.
he starts to place slobbery kisses all over your face like a dog, and you know he’s only doing it like that to annoy you because of the fact he starts giggling. your big strong boyfriend is giggling like a little girl. and thats when you can’t keep up your cold act anymore.
“HAHAHAHA, GET OFF OF ME YOU LITTLE-“ your sentence is cut short as he places one last wet kiss on your lips, and pulls away with the largest smile you have ever seen on him, the corners of his eyes start to wrinkle and in that moment he just looks so handsome.
although, you cant let him know he’s won yet, so you decide to start writhing under his strong grip, even though you both know that you’re no match for him.
“oh don’t start struggling now baby, you wanted this.”
ATSUMU, suna, OIKAWA, hanamaki, matsukawa, yahaba, KUROO, bokuto, konoha, sugawara, futakuchi
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morganaspet · 7 months
Housewife in the basement
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Warnings: smut, roughtop!Agatha, mommy kink, very light pet play, fem!reader , established relationship, sex magic,
18+ only
Authors note:
This is my first one yall, chronically horny reading smut for years but here I am taking a stab at it myself. Let me know if you guys would be interested in a part 2. Because I’m enjoying writing the smut I’d want to read
Your life has certainly gotten quite strange since you followed your witch girlfriend into town. “Westview” is what they call it but it feels more akin to the thunder dome.There has been so much you have not been able to understand since you fell into the world of magic, and what ever the fuck is happening in this town flew right over your head so you stay at home, away from outside, and people. Agatha had warned you that the witch you now know as Wanda may notice you and force you under your spell, which of course, you did not want to happen. So you stay inside of Agathas home, well you think its Agathas home… there are many questionable rooms that suggest a man lives here but you always brush it off as a weird design mistake. You did not mind being the house wife though, if you squinted it was almost like Agatha was coming home from work and not gaslighting her neighbour so she can absorb her power. Agatha has always been like this though, she makes it hard to stay fully committed but at the end of the night she always has you on your knees begging, its a kind of love you feel as if can never break.
You sit at the edge of the couch, mug in your hand thinking over and over again about what you saw in the basement today. It all happened so fast, you were making sandwiches for Wanda’s kids and then all of a sudden you see Wanda in the centre of the basement bound by Agatha’s power. No matter how hard you tried, it was just that moment playing over and over in your head, seeing Wanda tied up and tossed around like a rag doll sent waves of heat through your body. You went over this scenario in your head thousands of times before you were snapped out of it by the sudden opening of a door. In walks your girlfriend- but wait she’s not wearing her big “final boss bitch” outfit like you had planned.
“Aggie?! What happened” you ran over to her as she slammed the door and dropped the purse you did not remember her owning.
“I got completely fucked by the Scarlett Witch thats what” She replies and with a wave of her hand her outfit changes from the suburban neighbour look she was wearing to the outfit she had on earlier in the day except her hair is a wavy mess and fingers stained with the aftermath of the dark hold.
She slumped on the couch “I almost fucking had her too… damn me and my villainous monologues”. You sit down beside her trying to gauge the damage and what has happened.
“Are you hurt? If she hurt you I swear to-“ “What? What on earth could you possibly do to her? I got my ass beat into the ground. You couldn’t hurt a fucking fly.” She snaps. Taken aback by her anger you scoot over on the couch, her grimence softens and she replies in a lighter tone
“no, im not hurt… well other than my largely inflated ego…” . “So… she just let you go? Just like that?” You respond. “No… it was humiliating she thinks she trapped me as Agnes again don't know how she thought that would work but…” she pauses and lightly laughs “she just doesn’t know how to use all that power” she sighs and slumps into the couch.
“So… now what?” You ask cautiously “I guess we leave?” “Oh no darling Wanda will be back trust me, I’m just forced to play the waiting game” You place a kiss on her forehead as you stand up, on the way to get some more tea, but a purple wall of magic appears in front of you blocking your path.
“Tsk tsk tsk did I give you permission to leave?” Agatha scoffs. You sigh and roll your eyes “I am just going to get some more tea Aggie”. Agatha snaps her fingers and instantly your cup is refilled and one appears in her hand for herself.
“No princess, you are going to sit down and tell me why your mind is being so loud”. Damn, nothing ever gets past her. Agatha stays out of your mind because she does care about your privacy but when you feel an emotion strongly, she says she can always hear the muffled thoughts. Not clearly enough to pick out exactly what you are thinking but enough to know something is distracting you from the conversation.
“Sorry Aggs, I'm listening I promise, I guess my mind is running from the fight you had with Wanda today and all..” you try to play it off as worry. Suddenly your body is immobilized and you feel a tightness around your throat.
“Now what did we say about lying” Agatha’s voice has that tone that makes your knees weak, the one reserved for the bedroom. At that moment there was no more playing it off, she already knew what was happening. She begins to pace around your body and takes the mug out of your hand.
“Believe me angel, we probably have decades before Wanda shows back up for me to tell you about the fight- but suddenly I’m interested in something else” she smirks, releasing you from the magic. Instantly she holds out her hand and your underwear appears in it. You have now become increasingly aware of its absence against your sweatpants. Your breath hitches as she runs her blackened fingers over the underwear, picking up all the slick your dripping wet core had left.
“My my my well what do we have here” she smirks. She pushes you onto the couch and straddles your hips. You can feel the blood rushing between your legs as you whine softly.
“Wanna tell me what happened here” she purred dangling the wet underwear between the two of you. You moan, unable to form words and she grasps your chin firmly “you answer me when I address you” she snapped. You flinched
“I…. I saw you… in the basement… with Wanda” you reply basically out of breath. Agatha cocks an eyebrow and replies “you saw me in the basement with wanda?- OH” her voice deepens as she realizes exactly what in the basement elicited that reaction. She grinds into your lap very lightly teasing where you need her most and then releases standing up tossing your underwear to the side.
“You’ve got quite the dirty mind, I'll give you that” she looks over your body again, enjoying the state she has left you in. She starts pacing back and forth and you can feel her eyes raking over your body
“My little innocent angel sat here all hot and bothered just because little ol’ me tossed Wanda around a little. I knew you liked it rough but sweetheart, this is quite the new shade” she claps her hands and all of a sudden you are both standing in the middle of her basement. Agatha circles around you slowly eying you up and down. Far too distracted to notice her precious darkhold is missing. You snap out of the haze Agatha has you in when you notice the absence of the tomb and attempt to speak up
“Agatha your-“ You are cut off with a slap to the face as Agatha looms over you. The familiar sting in your face sends an ache down to your core. “You don’t get to call me that… not here” she snarls. Fine, I guess the darkhold can wait you thought, far too preoccupied with what is happening in front of you to have a second thought. You stare off into her eyes, struggling to form sentences when you feel her magic slowly lock onto your body then roughly throw you into a wall. Your body floats back to the centre of the room in front of Agatha, completely out of breath and bound just like Wanda was hours before.
“Oh Angel, this is your last warning, I wont be so nice next time, you understand me bunny?” She coos, running her fingers down the side of your face.
“Yes mommy” you speak softy. She grips your hair tight as you wince in pain “speak up” she growls into your ear. “Yes mommy” you moan, feeling the inside of your pants coat with your arousal.
“Good girl” she purs as she starts to poke at your clothing. “Now this is far too much clothes for you don’t you think bunny?” She cocks an eyebrow inches from your face. With a snap of her fingers your clothing is entirely gone, left naked and bound in front of your girlfriend. She stands back to admire her toy, running her fingers along the various bite marks she had left all over your chest. Your breath hitches as she runs over one of your sensitive nipples and you let out a small moan at the attention. She closes the distance between the two of you and attacks your mouth with pure lust. You groan as her tongue dominates your mouth, her hands slowly moving up your chest and gripping your tits hard. You grind your legs together desperate for some kind of friction until Agatha forces your legs apart, this time with separate threads of magic. She breaks from the kiss tugging on your nipples as she lets go.
“See the difference here is that Wanda was a good girl and didn’t try to get pleasure before she earned it” Agatha cooed, hand brushing down your face. You wimper desperate for some attention “please mommy… please make me feel good…” you beg. Agatha stands back and laughs
“Oh darling, its quite adorable to think you have earned that”! She releases you suddenly from the magic binding and you fall to the floor in a thump.
“You have to show mommy how much you want this cupcake” she waves her hands forming a magical collar around your neck with a leash attached. You try to hold back a moan when she pulls tightly on the leash in her hand. She snaps her hands and a bed appears behind her and her own clothes disappear. “Now be a good pet and make me cum.”
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wonniev · 1 year
< heavy steps , heavy heart your loves lift all of it >
pair : kimgyuvin x reader
angst(?) , suicidal thoughts , not proofread
thats the most long week ever in your life and all you want to do now is literally crying or actually unalive yourself because you dont even think deep sleep will treat the wound right now. hell what the worse thing right now is these whole week you did not reply a single text message from your boyfriend that make you feel like a bitch person to text him right now seeking comfort.
have been staring at the ceiling in dim lights for solid 20 minutes then you decide to put on mask and hat for walk its like almost 1 am and you think getting hurt and be in dangerous situations sounds better than going to work again.
loud music , busy street , night lights , people cheers drinking , all of that is the reasons you are crying while walking down the street and oh my god you swear that night suddenly everyone aware of your existence , of your big wounds. your destination right now is han river all you wanna do is just sit by the river take a nap and cry. the walk is shorts , you looking for quiet place rather than lot of parents watching their kids running around or a couple is taking a selfie together. theres one spot that had couple of wall bricks that block the street light you sit down and lean over the wall and close your eyes trying to sleep, oh how you wish gyuvin is with you right now so you can place your head on his shoulders and he whispering nothing but sweet word. speaking of him , your phones ringing although its on do not disturb mode he has set that only his contact you can receive calls from. you definitely didn’t want to answer it and listen to him asking why are you didn’t reply to him for weeks or why are you crying but the ringing is making you want to just get over it and all of these are already making you sick of it. you pick the calls up after 10 seconds letting it ringing " you did so well love i hope you resting well do you want me to come over " didn’t expect that will came out then you cried loud enough for your boyfriend to aware of your current state. " oh my love where are you right now can you enable your location for me " .
your boyfriend didn’t said anything and hanging up just like that and right now you just wait if he’s actually coming to you because if he is you already planning in your head to bury your whole body in his chest and has him hold your head kissing your face and all. “ love , " you look up and find him smiling instead of the pitiful face that you definitely didn’t need it. the way he smile make you feel like you able to made him smile even in your worse situations. you quickly open your arms sign for him to give you a comforting hug and he wrapped his hand around your waist place your head on his chest and you start sobbing really loud the sounds fortunately block by how close you were to his body. a good hug cure everything the way you stopped crying after 15 minutes but continue hugging him tightly in drowsiness feeling. your boyfriend is patting your head kiss every each of your face even its all soaked with salty tears. " you so beautifully amazing my love " tears are swelling in your eyes again all of these word are touching your heart so much. your boyfriend unwrapped his arm and hold your face in both of his hands " there’s no other person is strong as much as you baby thank you for still holding on "
he moves to sit next to you holding your hands and take out the tissues he keep in his pocket to wipe your face as he caresses your face gently he looks at you like the prettiest person under the moonlight . " i dont want to make you cry anymore but baby i will always with you and words that you need " you nodded your head and said " hurts. painfully eating me alive but thank you for holding me " his lips is touching yours and he cries you stopped him when you about to said something- " oh how i wish im the fall one instead of you , where im standing right now is because of your hold my love " you bring his face closer and touch both of your lips together .
this is it, the worthy of life . once again universe show you gently that giving up is not the right decision but slowing down the path is . you kiss your boyfriend cheeks and wish to every god to always tie both of you together that one of you would not fell down as the other weight is holding the gravity .
writer notes : i had really rough weeks and i hope everyone that reading this cheer up and thank you for reading 💗
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YO! What kind of art materials do you use? Whenever I look at your art I’m always amazed at how friggn PRETTY the colors are! It’s just *chefs kiss* (Also your designs are amazing ok BYE)
YO! thanks for the ask, prepare for yappin'!
short answer: i really only use copic markers (i got the big 72 colour box for christmas a few years ago) and my trusty 4H pencil, with a 6B for the outlines!
longer answer: a few years ago i literally only worked in black and white, because i was terrfied at being bad at colouring. as a result, i was consuming a LOT of colour theory content but never really using it, and getting really good at tones and values. greyscale (for my style at least) forces you to block in shadows, so i learned how they work.
when i finally got my 16 year old rat hands on expensive markers, i had some idea of how colour worked, but not really. it took a lot of trial and error just to figure out how to colour a face. if i can be one of those annoying art people who gives advice, it would be practice effectively. it's about quality, not quantity, and i don't mean the quality of your work - don't be afraid to fuck up. changing my mindset from 'this is starting to look awful, time to set fire to my sketchbook' to 'this is starting to look awful, but now i can try and make something else about this good; at the very least i know what not to do' got me a lot further than just churning out art regularly.
one thing that took a while to shake (and im still not entirely over it) is using colours that look Wrong (tm) to gain a desired lighting effect. artists have to train themselves out of Knowing The Colour Of Things (we've all seen those colour theory videos where red is actually grey or some bullshit) and learn to take a step back when applying colour in their work. traditional art comes with the caveat that once colour is down (unless it's in pencil), it's there for good. no multiply layers to be seen.
the trick is to trust the process. the portrait of porter in the club (my profile picture, at time of writing) looked AWFUL with just flat colours and rim lighting. i get vibrant colours by layering them - especially with faces - until i build a 3D shape with the values. highlights are your best friend in the whole world. one shitty paint pen from ebay changed my entire artstyle because i could start creating depth in my colours without worrying about keeping light areas light.
ok thats all i got
thanks for supporting my page! (kisses you gently on the head)
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bakiuwu · 1 year
If you saw the bullshit that happened yesterday on Baki Tumblr, I'll gladly give a summary of the "drama" that happened.
@yandere-writer-momo got salty tha I blocked her and so she made a passive-aggressive call-out post about it
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calling me a "cop" and making me look like a bad person who just calls out people for no reason and is a big meanie-head. She talk about how I "police people on what they should or shouldn't like" and judges people on their ship. then uses the example when I informed her about the artist (banano-san ew) that she was praising in a post. She's making it seem like I'm policing and being judgmental when I was letting her know about how that artist is a fucking weirdo but apparently wanting to warn someone about a person who fucking disgusting is a crime.
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WHAT'S REALLY INTRESTING is that after I commented tha you dm me about it, agreeing thats shit was weird, so how come now you're making seem like I'm big meanie-head for warning you about them?? seems ass-backwards to me.
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Who is the artist that is being discussed? Who is she defending? that artist being banano-san. A weirdo I call-out a few months ago for their gross behavior in the baki Fandom, but for some reason, shes acting like I call out an innocent baki artist who's done nothing wrong???
I was bringing their gross actions to light to warn normal fans about their weirdo behavior, especially since they're mainly on tumblr/ I saw a bunch of people i was following praise them. If you dont know, there's a lot of weird/disgusting artists in the baki community. Artist like
Stvd-ships incest(baki x yujiro,Jack x baki), also pedophile (baki x tha 12 year old boy)
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Chyiomm-ships baki x yujiro
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There's too many of these weirdos in this small fandom, but banano-san is one of them. If you would like to see that post, it's pinned on my account. Where I basically go over screenshots of their disgusting behavior that's out in the open and is allowed to be judged because yall know it's public, duh.
What's also funny is that you say, " I can't judge cause I also dabble in taboo subjects. "....so you're grouping yourself with a bunch of incest likers?? That's very weirdo of you to admit that you wouldn't judge someone's whos fine with incest and pedophile
But if we're using momo and her brain-dead followers' logic, I shouldn't judge and be sympathetic and understanding about why a person would post and say such things🤓
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I JUST LOVE how you're trying to make it seem like this hateful person. How cute, also you bring up "you need to understand tha people aren't going to agree with your opinions"........are you fucking dumb, why are acting like the my opinion on incest and pedophile can be something that can be debated, this shows how much of an weirdo you are cause what normal sane person would say tha about those very fuck up topics.
Also putting "they told me to stop writing.😅" Oh brother, did you or did you not vent to me about the weird request you were getting for non-con???? And how uncomfortable people were making you I told you to take a break from writing and figure other things to write. Don't make it seem like I was trying to be a dick
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Like come now
MOST IMPORTANTLY, this whole dumbass theard is basically her trying to "educate" me on how I can ruin someone life because of calling them out for they're disgusting behavior and making nothing but excuses for these weirdos.
That I should sugar-coded theses types of weirdos who are in the baki Fandom. Don't even get me start on the weirdos agreeing with her in the comments making me and my friend look like we were wrong for having these opinions. The Fandom itself is small and honesty not that good(especially with all the dudebros), but lord forbid I warn people about fuckers like banano-sana.
Apparently, that makes me a cop now. Also don't try act all calm in proper in the reblogs "I won't use insults" when you was being a bitch in tha rude ass post trying to make me look like I witch-hunt innocent people, girl fuck you. I don't appreciate that type of petty ass behavior.
In conclusion, this shit all starts because of a distasteful call-out post all because I have her annoying ass blocked and her portraying me as a mean-ass who judges innocent people on the internet. At the end of the day, you're defending a freak. I had her block for a very simple reason......CAUSE SHE WAS FILLING UP THE DAMN BAKI TAG. I was tired of seeing post after post after post, shit was getting annoying, so I blocked her. Apparently thats wasnt allowed, so she made that dumbass post. Finally, that's all I have to say, and that's the "drama" summarized and explained.
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