#thats easily $200 a month!
conspiring-limabean · 4 months
it’s sooooo insane to see more and more studies coming out reaffirming the theory that meat-heavy diets are poor for cardiovascular health—for traits that can be easily identified, like fat content—but people just so so so desperately cling to every tiny possibility they can to disprove it
a study comes out pointing that a plant-based diet even for a few months improves cardiovascular health as compared to a healthy omnivorous diet and 90% of the people who read it go “but wait! The plant-based diet had an average 200 less calories per day! THATS the reason they were healthier!”, a concept which is so insanely flawed I don’t even know how I’d begin explaining it if I had to
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prehistoric-faggot · 10 months
the jews used to live in that region but they were kicked out by the romans and have lived in europe for centuries. but the jews were prosecuted and not welcomed there and they wanted to return to their homeland.
christians who did not want the jews in europe started zionism to solve this problem in the 19th century and they called it the "jewish problem" afterwards the jews took over zionism and wanted to return to their homeland specially after WW2.
however there are people in that land who have been living there for centuries already and thats the Palestinians (muslims, christians, jewish and other minorities). so in order to colonize that land and make a jewish majority country, the zionists needed to remove the thousands of arabs from that land and that started in 1948, first the nabka were 700k people were removed from their homes and the naksa were 80k more people were removed from their homes. these places were now modern day israel.
during the nakba, hundreds of communities near gaza evacuated and went to gaza as refugees with the promise that they will return to their villages after the conflict has ended but instead israel stole these villages and built new villages for the jews to live in. and now gaza is densely populated and the majority of its residences are registered refugees because of that.
israel treated and continues to treat the arabs really badly that that their treatment is compared to how nazis treated the jews. the arabs do not like that so they constantly fight the israeli occupation. one of these resistance groups is Hamas based in gaza and they have been neck to neck with israel since the 80s. in the 2000s, israel let hamas take gaza but it imposed a blockade on them. they basically built a wall around gaza, put gunships off the coast to control people coming in and out of gaza while limiting the food and medicine that came into the strip and they constantly harass and hurt the people of gaza. like tanks running over farmer's crops and gunships shooting children playing on the beach. gaza's water salination plant needed maintenance parts but the israelis didn't let them have it so gaza's water is really bad.
now there are thousands of palestinians held in israeli prisons for no real reason including children, basically holding them hostage and harassing them. hamas broke the concreate wall on 10/07 and attacked the neighboring villages (villages stolen from them) and took hostages in order to exchange them with the palestinian prisoners. israel have always bragged about having a great military and defense systems were embarrassed that day and failed to protect its people. hamas stated that they only wanted to take like 20 IDF soldiers from the guard station and retreat however they defeated the guards really easily and were able to go to the villages and take like 200 more.
israel vowed to destroy hamas however they have been conducting indiscriminate air strikes against the civillians of gaza causing thousands of deaths in the matter of weeks. in ukrain 6000 children died because of the war but in gaza 6000 children died in less than a month and entire families (30+ members) were killed ending bloodlines that are centuries old, thats why its called a genocide because its intentional.
since day one hamas offered to negotiate the hostages release but the israeli government declined and instead continued its attack against gaza because they want to end hamas, however many are saying that they have not yet hurt hamas that badly even after all the airstrikes because hamas was prepared for them.
its long but its not complicated, its a classic story between colonized and the colonizers.
tysm for explaining it to me!!
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mizuta · 11 months
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far from it to be my style to post about hashtag mental health issues on main but like. look. ive& been psychotic as far back as i can tangibly remember (hallucinating at 10-11, cognitive symptoms and episodes by 13-14). its been a part of my life so long that like... in a lot of ways im used to it and coping with symptoms and my life grew around a lot of the symptoms. like a tree trunk growing around a foreign object as a sapling. something that pierces directly through the middle but doesnt really impact the trees ability to stay alive in any meaningful way.
so like in a lot of ways im used to being in my own head. my partner is good at recognizing that things that are distressing to me in episodes dont process whatsoever as distressing to me a good chunk of the time. when im acting visibly distressed it actually means my level of distress is at like, 200%. its fucking unmanageable. if im visibly distressed its worse than anyone could conceptualize because typically otherwise im just numb to a lot of it or its just default my reality that its not distressing in any meaningful way until after the fact.
but like im ngl just because ive spent all of my teenage years upwards trying to take up literally the least space possible to exist and never show 80% of my "unacceptable" symptoms to 99% of people does not mean it makes it any less uncomfortable or awkward to like. be the token psychotic in some groups. to have to be the buzzkill and shit thats like hey sorry heres my hyperspecific request of the year because im fucking insane.
its miserable in a fresh new way of like sorry to have to remind everyone that its not actually a funny character quirk or joke my brain literally does not exist in your 'reality' in any meaningful way and the further outside of it i am on a given day the more unpleasant youre going to find me to be around. ignoring the insane person talking aimlessly in public doesnt actually help me it usually just reinforces that youre not real and never will be if its a bad enough day.
its never intentional. like nobody is ever doing this on purpose. especially again because i spent so much of my life being very good at hiding it. but like... it sucks so much to be masking half the time and be a little too good at it so when you stop being able to people are always levels of uncomfortable or upset. it sucks when you cant articulate anything properly and nobody really knows how to understand what youre asking for. it sucks when you have multiple severe memory conditions and cant trust your own memory and everyone immediately questions your memory when you ask for anything or point anything out. like of course im just going to fucking fold.
i dont know where im going with this or if this itself is even that coherent i know it sounds super vague but it really isnt about anyone specific im just babbling about like years worth of garbage. i got so fucked over by fakeclaiming culture because unfortunately when i started really displaying symptoms i was a teenager trying not to kill himself and being fucking insane loudly in virtual public when that was apparently an "obvious sign of exaggerating" so i had to learn to shut the fuck up and now everybody loves to forget how much im fucking unwell because god forbid you think too hard about what youre saying around others.
thank god for my partner who is literally the first person in my entire life whos ever tried to understand and genuinely knows how to talk to me when im in a particularly bad delusion or hallucinating or whatever.
man. im tired. i found out this last month i probably need to get a cane when i move out and i still feel like im going to be appropriating shit because severe knee and upper leg paint and severe balance problems cant be that bad. i hate having memory problems so bad that i so easily can be told that i dont know shit and Y is actually what happened and i usually cant actually argue against it even if im so sure thats not true.
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rhincowave · 2 years
hiiii 💟 what do you think mike and will’s favorite things about each other are? what are YOUR favorite things about the both of them? 
just fpund this ask in my inbox i. am so so so so so so deeply sorr y it has been sitting in there for months...! so i will answer it now (sorry)
mike: he really admires will's creativity but i think the thing he loves most about him (looks wise) are his eyes and hands. will's hands are super warm all the timw and mike's are super cold so he loves to hold his hands. he probably also wrote poems about will's eyes in his denial phase (while constably telling himself he's not in love with him and that anyone would think that will's eyes look beautifzl)..... ........ .. personality wise mike really admires how caring abd funny will is.
will: looks wise i am 200%sure that will loves mike's lips and nose. he also thinks it's very cute that you can very easily see when mike blushes . he loves mike's features and also loves to draw them . and personality wise i think it's very obv that will loves the way mike treats him. (caring, tender, protective)
what i love about will is his sense of hunor and also the facf that he's so relatable. he's a very very well written character especially in terms of queerness
what i love about mike is his complexity. how he does thibgs that, at first may seem so out of character but when you look deeper into it you can understand WHY he did them
thats all!!!!!! again sorry anon for answering so late you probably already blocked me and created a hate page for me. anywasy thank thanks thanks for the ask love you
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joshrgomez · 2 months
I bet Tati forgot she was crying last night. I just want to wake her up with forehead kisses and light hugs. Rub her back and left her know it’s alright. You look so beautiful.
Making like $600 in one day kinda brightens up your mood. Lol. Need my baby to be serious about tik tok. That’s the stuff I talked about for myself baby.
Thats WHY im not working so I can work out and focus on my body. I have been reading every single day and working out. You want to do IG reels and tik toks. You get paid to literally just to cook or to work out. Whatever. Do a little dance and sing. It takes like an hour of your day at most and you make $5000+ easily a week.
again I want to delegate that work to someone else. I want to do the paddle boards, ice machines, clothing, and bouncy houses. Plus buy any land I purchase as a parking lot since people will literally pay you $200-$300 a month to park their RV or Semi.
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spyderslut · 2 months
im barely holding it together
Ive by the skin of my teeth scraped together rent for the month, and put 200$ towards next month. Itll be a tight squeeze but Im probably not gonna be homeless. I have several large bags of lentils and wheatflour and oats that ive saved for just such an occasion. It wont be fun, but I wont starve.
But i havent been able to buy medication for close to a month now. Ive got my last couple estrogen patches on me and im gonna just be leaving em on there to try and get somthing outa them. My anti anxiety/antidepressant medication was really nice, meant I didnt just shut down nearly as easily, meant it was much easier to find the will to get outa bed and out of the house, meant I didnt think about wanting to die. But now ive gotta walk on eggshells, around myself. It is so fucking exhausting to be constantly careful/on the lookout for anything that could send you into a badthoughts (tm) spiral. But, ive managed to not do that. Ive not gotten out of the house as much and ive felt consistently worse just about every moment of every day, but no badthoughts (tm) But for how much longer? Many of the things I hold onto as anchor points arent unlimited. Once my last two estrogen patches start itching too much ill probably boil them in water and then drink it to try and get the last bits out, but eh? Maybe ill get some money for my birthday thats coming in the next week. It might even be enough to pay for another month of rent, probably at least for another months hrt/medication. But after that? I dont know. If I like to help people but am unwilling to accept charity myself, then that basically me saying that im better than everyone I want to help, and I am very much not.
I have both a Kofi and a fansly. If you would like to see somthing nsfw and give me money, then go to the fansly. If you would rather not see somthing nsfw, then go to my kofi.
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maximuswolf · 3 months
I didnt know how much the controller I use changes how the game plays
I didnt know how much the controller I use changes how the game plays Okay so to preface this, I will say a lot of nice things about the PS5 Edge controller but honestly everything besides the customizability is not my concern, this is more about wanting more controllers like this. I pulled the trigger on the Dualsense Edge about 2 months ago and honestly it has changed how I play games. For those who dont know if you own a DualSense Edge controller these things are a ridiculous 200 dollars which not worth the price for most people but the biggest upside to this controller:ButtonsYou get 2 extra buttons in the back that can either be wing buttons or push tabs, I prefer the semi circle tabs but both felt natural and honestly I loved resting my hands on these instead of the triggers but these buttons are fully customizable. Just these 2 buttons alone allowed me to be a lot more comfortable playing every single game. For HellDivers 2 it was the trigger button to shoot, for Elden ring its set to LR and Triangle for easy 2 handing or easy access to my flasks, For SF6 its my Heavy Punch/Kick making combos a lot easier.Though as some of you know, thats not even all. Layouts/ProfilesYou can customize 3 layouts and switch between the 4 (One default) at anytime, this means you can easily just change controls depending on what you want to be easier to press. It might seem small but the applications for this are pretty vast, just in the games I mentioned above I tend to use multiple profiles. You can change the existing buttons on any dualsense controller but edge makes it so much easier and gives you the ability to do it on the fly. I hope that more controllers in the future provide this level of flexibility if not more. Submitted June 29, 2024 at 12:10AM by HollowCalzone https://ift.tt/zZOCIQL via /r/gaming
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ouppio · 1 year
Man the one thing ive noticed since I was passed fronting duties is that I've got way more suicidal which is not cool because like. Thats not my style! But I guess putting someone in what has always been an abusive situation will do that to you..
We even had a dream that we stood up to the person emotionally manipulating and abusing us and told her she was the one behind the abuse but we had to take it back for some reason.. god I hate that I feel bad still even accusing her of it but everyone can tell she's done it and continues to.
I don't think I'll be safe until I can leave this household but I'm still on the council housing waiting list and I don't think I'm legally allowed to make a donations post or anything.. guess I'll just die then!!
And yeah it's nice that we're going to two cons this year with our sister and that we have the money to do that but we still don't have the money to take care of ourselves and I've seen how easily people get thrown back into an abusive household and the level of shit that they get on here for even suggesting they might need help. I don't wanna go through that I'm trapped either way.. I can only hope that council housing comes through and Steff can immigrate soon..
Maybe if we keep saving we'll get there but like I still have to pay out for food and everything. I still have to pay one of the people that hurt me like 200 a month..
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mmorgexpert · 2 years
Cyberlink director suite v power director
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#Cyberlink director suite v power director for free
#Cyberlink director suite v power director full
#Cyberlink director suite v power director software
#Cyberlink director suite v power director full
Whether you are new to video editing, or a seasoned pro, PowerDirector 365 lets you take full control of your creation process, and produce videos complete with music, effects, and transitions without a steep learning curve. Produce masterpieces with professional editing tools that won't take years to learn. Apply supported transcoding of non-full frame video clips in a single timeline track. The best and brilliant video editing tool was released in 2001. Basically, CyberLink PowerDirector is focused towards the production of CD´s and DVD´s in which it´s not. Its editing technology is with a bunch of saving money. CyberLink PowerDirector is probably one of the best tool suites to edit videos that you can find. Whether you’re creating cinematic-style movies, videos of your latest adventure or combining clips to share exciting, memorable moments, PowerDirector is the. Make stunning, high quality videos like the pros quickly and easily. That includes the latest versions of photo, audio, video, color director tools. PowerDirector The best full-featured video editor and video maker.Add music, transitions, motion titles, effects, emoji, background, filters and etc. Move, resize and rotate painted objects within your video frame for total control. Cyberlink director suite is a creative software. Preview your projects in 4K quality, and see how your video will look like before you produce.
#Cyberlink director suite v power director software
Thats a 29.99-per-month (129.99 per year) plan that includes all of CyberLinks media software along with plug-ins, content packs, and 100GB. Receive exclusive new features and format support. Overview of CyberLink Director Suite 365 Features. CyberLink PowerDirector 11 deluxe Full Download CyberLink PowerDirector 11 Full Download + Crack Complete video editor to create custom media presentations CyberLink PowerDirector is a complete video editor with which you can create colorful video presentations, mixing all sorts of multimedia elements: videos, images, transition effects, clipart, text layers and, of course, a custom background. Another subscription option is Director Suite 365. User rating, 2.3 out of 5 stars with 3 reviews. Select from a continuously expanding collection of ready-made templates, themed animated titles, effects and PiP objects to enhance your projects. Cyberlink - PowerDirector 365 (1-Device) (1-Year Subscription) - Windows Digital Model: CYB9451000115. With over 200 precise, high-end, comprehensive performance tools across multiple platforms, intuitive multi-timeline interface, and access to an ever-growing library of plug-ins, effects and audio tracks, PowerDirector 365 streamlines the workflow to make routine video production easier than ever supporting the latest video, photo and audio formats in up-to 4K resolution.
#Cyberlink director suite v power director for free
Those who own any software in the Director Suite 365 can access this expanded library for free with unlimited access and royalty-free. PowerDirector 365 is a multi-award winning video editing software with over 100 million professional and casual creators worldwide. Now, CyberLink announced that they are opening the floodgates and giving unlimited, free access to an extended Shutterstock premium library if you use any Director Family 365 product.
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zanguntsu · 2 years
i recently decided to start playing brave souls but there's a lot going on and it's scary. any tips?
ye i can offer some tips << certified gamer
-maxing out your characters is the best way to get orbs. for 4 stars its lvl 75 i believe for 35 orbs for 5 star characters its level 100 for 50 orbs for 6 star characters its lvl 150 for 75 orbs. thats a whole 125 orbs for one 5 star pull.
-honestly no pressure to lvl 200 your 6 star character unless u really want to/like the character a lot. its much better to conserve resources imo. in fact you dont even have to fully max out a 6 star character just lvl to 150 and fill out the soul tree if your gonna use it. i got a few unfinished soul trees on level 150s and i simply do not care
-the only stats that actually matter on characters are spirit pressure (purple) and attack (red). sp is strong attacks and specials while attack is the big attack button. the best builds are maxing out the highest stat as much as you can. its something a lot of people dont do and bbs combat is all about maxing out damage output. no one gives a fuck about defense stamina and focus.
-killers are very important which gives you additional damage against character affiliations (like ichigo being a soul reaper). and are only available on 6 stars attributes are like pokemon types and honestly its just if u know the pokemon types for fire water grass just apply it to the colors and know that purple and yellow both are effective against each other. attributes are also decently important because it can also affect the damage you deal and i believe also affects damage you are dealt
-events are good to grind through mindlessly like you get a free 4 star and some orbs but grinding points can get u some goodies like summon tickets which are basically free pulls, orbs at certain point ranks and i got to 2 mill points on the current event and somewhere along the lines i got a whole 5 star ticket.
-other game modes that are good for orb grinding are senkaimon (which i can write a whole guide on combat strategy to) and guild quests. unfortunately those are what i consider the harder game modes due to some being very character specific like theres only one exact card that fits every requirement but you can easily get orbs and other goodies and even earn tickets. although if youre new id wait a bit before attempting until you got a fair repertoire of characters
- be careful about splurging on banners some banners are baits right before a really good banner such as cfyow safwy or anniversary or general end of month banners and those characters tend to be really good. its probably bc they want to bait ur orbs so youd spend money on the good banners.
-side note dont feel like you need to spend money. i have like 100+ 6 stars and havent spent a cent on this game. and i also took several months off. do not feel like u need to spend money thats the devils temptations.
-do not become a pvp sweat its bad news the meta is very strict and also at a certain level ppl just spend money to get the upper hand like its not worth it at all unless u want medals ig. also its the least fun gamemode but if u want a basic rundown of pvp meta anything with high attack is good. thats rlly it.
- do not spend orbs on accessories just hoard tickets. orbs are for summoning characters and you can still get rlly good items from the tickets. its a lot harder to get golden accessories sure but its not worth the orbs imo
-btw if u get stuck on like a floor of senkaimon or ur on a mission and dont want to restart the thing to get all orbs just force exit the app the moment either you know youve fucked up or right as your character hits the ground dead. like a full restart the app moment. for apple devices i just get to the scrolling apps part you know the one with all the apps youve used recently and swipe up. its cheap and its cheating but by god im not no hitting a floor again
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Au thingy ma bob for eddsworld
I'm actaully making a post of this god forbidd cursed account.Uhhh.I don't know the limit of typing but i have a massive au with a red commander which is like red leader but also old.Most of the text and stuff i have written for him is very badly spelt.Which i am very sorry for.I'm a shit speller but also the text doesnt connect with one and another.ITs just random things i deiced to write for my au whenever i wanted.No one will actaully find this account.But i'm still gonna post all the writing for the au here.Again sorry for the shit writing.Anyways lets start World three i wrote i guess After tord lef the guys in 2008 in 2009 tord and his red army started a world war 3.His army took over nowary while tord was living and having a life so thats why he went away.Using his army he started a world war three.No used nukes mostly cause tord kinda made most of them useless.So he declared war on germany getting it first.Then he got all of the regions where austria used to be and now is a mess i'm not typing out.HE then ignored the border states bewteen russia and where he is.He then got all of the countrys near france.Taking them and forcing them to join him.He then got some of asia to make sure that they wouldn't rebel.Then he took the north of africa.Declaring war on britan but not attacking.Instead attacking russia in the summer to make sure that the winter trooops wouldn't come out. He then flew his super soldiers to america.Getting it pretty quickly.He then got canada and jus kinda left south america after he got mexico.Then in 2016 he decied to attack great england taking most of the north citys first crawling down until he got to the big citys which weren't that bad until he got to london where he had to bomb almost everyone troops up in the sky fighting in the streets.And since tord was their he decied to try to go back to edds place to get a giant robot to end the war before failing but getting london and taking most of the world.In the start of the war in 2009 germany held back the nowergian line.Leaving a massive scar on tords cheek.The battle for berlin lasted 3 months until christmas.Tord broke the line and took berlin with ease after killing 200 thousand german men and woman. And losing 100 thousand of his troops.Once he captured the city he made sure the native germans would be scurnetized and treated terribly for not being british or nowergian.Food was restricted people forced to live in the worst condotions.The nowergains and british people rose to higher ranks the bordering states between germany and russia were puppeted so russia wouldn’t have a front. .America was sitting on its ass failing to take canada Once the front was tooken the allies started to become scared of this invading nowergian began to take the smaller countries surrounding germany to expand the nowergian countries anexing them.Bordering on france.In 2011 tord went down to north africa to take the countries their and attack france from the south.And in July 15th 2011 tord launched the invasion of southern france. About 300 thousand soldiers from great britian were sent down in a panic.!00 thousand french men were sent down to hold the line. The trenches were dug and layed in for a siege that lasted about 3 months.Durning that time tord destroying most countries nukes.The french and british kept sending more men.Failing to get past the nowergian line and push them back.Their navy was blown out of the water.Every time they did a air strike they were shot down by the nowergian planes.The nowergian broke the trenches.Taking most of france and anexing it it in january 14th 2012.Leaving a puppet communist france in only southern france The north part being tooken by norway. .
Spanning most of europe and having a puppeted poland.Africa was easily tooken by most of tords.He pushed in southern asia area.Taking most countries and launching a invasion of china.The chinese mostly accepted him cause communist.He then took most of southern asia and went after australia.Launchign a invasion in it on october 21 2015.Great britian,Austrilla,Russia,America and new zealand.The nowergian soldiers pushing quite easily until they got to sydney.Brutal trench warfare happend in the streets of the city.Tord lighting most of the country on fire to distract everyone.Tord killed 1 millon soldiers in the taking of austrilla..They surrendered and got annexed in february 10th 2016.Tord then launched a invasion of great britain.Taking most of the north using the familys and children being turned into soldiers for his red army.Going to london.Soldiers from every free country did brutal fighting.So Red commander decided to try to go back to his friends and use the giant robot.It failed.His face was melted to just be the meat layer.Bloodshot eyes.Straight white sharp teeth and a robot arm.Taking britain and america in june 10th 2016.Having a war with russia failing to break the line and still going on. Tords Red empire is the biggest one.Following communism.It has a specail metal and concerte called the red concerte and metal cause i'm lazy.So tord used it mto build mega citys and super soldiers.With his super soldiers,better wepons,and stricer laws he the moster powerfull nation. Russia became a mega captalist country after world wazr three.Evewrytnhing jsut ruled by money and slaves and shit like that.Russia has more food and troops but not more wepons.
And the allied states don't have the best wepons.Food is rare.The living condotions and troops are shit.Buldings are shit too. Okay.First post done.More to come i swear.
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iwaisa · 4 years
a/n. HEY NONNIE!! congrats you’re my last sfw alphabet request 🥳🥳 thank you for requesting!!
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
↳ he’s actually very clingy. he loves seeing you get annoyed with him lol it makes him giddy on the inside. he always drapes himself over you, reaching down to lace his fingers with yours until you’re shoving him off.
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
↳ he’s definitely seen you around the school before, but why were you with the twins? turns out they were asking for some tutoring help, and upon seeing suna, atsumu told him to join too because he also needed help. he was angry at atsumu for embarrassing him in front of you - his classmate and crush but nothing more. he would always try to get closer to you, telling you he needs more help with english. both you and him know it isn’t true.
c - cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
↳ he loves them <3 he loves laying on his back with your head resting on his stomach/arm.
d - domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
↳ lowkey shy about admitting that he definitely does. because he’s friends with osamu, he’s picked up on a few cooking tricks so yes, he does know how to cook. he cleans everything religiously. his room, his body, everything.
e - ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
↳ he knows he has to end it in person - it’s far more courteous than over the phone. he knows the twins and the rest of the volleyball team will be disappointed to lose their #1 fan, but god didn’t plan for you two to end up together apparently.  
f - fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
↳ he would want to wait until the two of you have enough money, a fully furnished home, and have been living there for about a year. he has it all planned out, plus where and when he will get down on one knee.
g - gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
↳ super gentle and super doting at the same time. he will never snap at you - he’s terrified of what would happen if he did. he knows he looks uninterested whenever you give him affection, but he truly tries to reciprocate it.
h - hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
↳ light but warm!! suna doesn’t accidentally want to crush you because he will. he has an impulse to just *squeeze* but he has to stop himself.
i - i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
↳ he actually says it really quickly. he knows, plus he’s been planning to since they day you first got together.
j - jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
↳ not that jealous, he just puts his guard up. he’ll grab your waist/arm and pull you into his side if anyone tries anything with you. he loves whenever you kiss him in front of someone trying to flirt with him.
k - kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
↳ slowwwww and passionate. suna likes taking it slow, therefore he definitely loves trailing his kisses down from your lips to your jawline, to your neck. he loves being kissed on his neck.
l - little ones (how are they around children?)
↳ really good with them. he’ll talk to them, play with them, the whole shebang.
m - morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
↳ he loves waking up and making the two of you a cute little breakfast <3 the two of you eat together at the table, talking about funny things either of you have said in your sleep.
n - night (how are nights spent with them?)
↳ he loves cooking with you. it doesn’t matter if you’re making dinner based on a recipe from osamu or just heating up some ramen. he just loves talking to you and bonding with you.
o - open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
↳ he might take a month, but he honestly loves holding a conversation with you that the topic just switches and all of a sudden he’s talking about his whole life since he was a baby.
p - patience (how easily angered are they?)
↳ very very patient. he’s forgiving also, but only if he can get a few teasing remarks in.
q - quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
↳ he doesn’t exactly have the best memory, but he teases you for forgetting things </3. he remembers all of the important stuff, but something you said months ago he won’t remember unless it was some excruciating piece of information.
r - remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
↳ the first time you said that you loved him. you listed all of the things you found cute about him, but little did you know that he’s been keeping notes of all of the things you’ve been doing that make his heart flutter.
s - security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
↳ super protective. he will snap anyone’s fingers if they try anything with you and him. he loves when you try to physically block him from anyone’s view and defend him.
t - try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
↳ he tries </3 but that’s all that matters. he loves seeing your face light up each time he introduces a new date idea or gives you a gift that he saw you looking at on your phone.
u - ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
↳ people tend to think he’s unexpressive. once he hears what they think, he avoids them. he starts avoiding people more so they don’t assume the wrong thing about him. he’s very detached from everyone.
v - vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
↳ he’s not concerned, he just makes sure that he looks good for you 🥺
w - whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
↳ he constantly wonders if he’s to blame. was he too bland? too unexpressive? did it come off as him not caring? he did care, and he still does. but he can’t when he knows you’re both supposed to be healing. it’s still fresh after all - and suna isn’t getting over you anytime soon.
x - xtra (a random headcanon for them)
↳ HE LIKES CHUUPET (fruit jelly things) HES SO CUTE GBJWBGJ- anyways. he buys tons of them and just keeps them in a cabinet at home specifically labelled for him.
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
↳ since he actually does really love hanging out with the more chaotic people (atsumu) and the calmer people (osamu, aran, kita, etc.) he doesn’t care if someone is chaotic or calm. he likes em all. BUT,,, he doesn’t really dig people who are pessimistic about everything.
z - zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
↳ he likes to take extra time brushing his teeth and washing his face to make sure he looks his best. he likes listening to music as he’s falling asleep, but wakes up to take his earbuds out because they start to hurt his ears.
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issa’s 200 follower event - now closed
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mcsupersized · 4 years
Hey! I'm loving your blog. It's insane that you're under 200! I'm so freaking happy for you, you're such an inspiration. I just wanted to know what you were doing?! On your post, you said you still lost weight after minimal exercise and tons of binging. I just wanted to know if that was really true, cuz if so WOW! TELL ME YOUR SECRET lmaoo
@gold3nchildr3n haha yeah of course! thanks so much for the hype, i love sharing and id be more than happy to share what ive been doing! also yes haha everything on this blog is true, its all me and i take pics of my scale too just to keep me accountable!
so to put it in perspective, i started at 240 pounds in june. at that time, i ate easily 3000-4000 calories every single day and didnt work out at all. i went out to restaurants for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and got huge sugary drinks twice a day too! thats how i became obese.
i started by restricting down to 1200 cals from 3000, which absolutely shocked my system. i also followed the Chloe Ting 2 Week Ab Program, which literally caused me to lose 12 pounds in just two weeks!! this was a combo of the intense cardio and restricting from 3000 to 1200. so that was how i ended june!
then for july i started restricting to 1000 and lower, and i also cut out alcohol and weed because theres just too many calories in drinks and munchie food. i worked out in the beginning of the month but started to drop off as i got busier.
for august, ive worked out just twice! ive been fasting for around 36 hours twice a week, and restrict to around 400-600 cals a day if i do eat. i drink a whole lot of water and eat clean, so mostly fruit and eggs. but when my friends want to hang out, i absolutely eat whatever theyre eating and i just started drinking again with my friends. this has included chicken alfredo, pizza, margaritas, steak and potatos, ice cream, panera, just like any fear food you can think of!
the important thing is to remember the positive reasons why you are losing weight and never lose sight of your goal. negative self talk, meanspo, and overall bitter feelings cause us to feel hopeless and binge, then feel so shameful and guilty the next day. remember to enjoy life when it comes around, remember that you want have a beautiful life, look amazing and feel amazing too. go slow, forgive yourself, dont set too high of goals just a couple pounds here and there, and recognize when youve done a good job and had a good day!
if anyone would like to chat with me privately to be buddies, please feel free to message me. im absolutely PRO RECOVERY and want every single one of us to lead POSITIVE, HEALTHY, WONDERFUL LIVES!!
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freelancearsonist · 4 years
I literally just started following you but I already love your blog! And I'm sending in a song and character if thats okay :) Din Djarrin with Red Desert by 5 Seconds of Summer? And congrats on 200 followers!!
(UPDATED) 400 Follower Celebration
Thank you so much for being here! I really enjoyed writing this one :) I also might have accidentally fallen in love with this song and learned how to play it on the ukulele to procrastinate writing, but that’s besides the point
He doesn’t even really remember programming your coordinates into the navicomputer. One moment, he’s encasing a bounty in carbonite. The next moment, you’re standing in front of him, one eyebrow raised as you rest your hands on your hips like you’re expecting something from him.
You are expecting something from him, he realizes. You asked a question, and he was too busy trying to remember how he got here to answer.
Shit. “Huh?”
You just scoff, rolling your eyes. “Unbelievable. Seriously, Din? You can’t even pay attention to me for five seconds?”
Seriously, apparently. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sure you are.” You roll your eyes again. “Come on. You look like you’re starving.”
He doesn’t know how you can tell with all of his beskar on, but he is. He hasn’t had a home cooked meal since… well, since the last time he showed up on your doorstep unannounced.
You turn and head back inside your small house, and Din follows wordlessly. What else can he do? You’re already pissed at him—he doesn’t want to disobey and make you more angry. You really have every right to be pissed. He leaves for months at a time, and he never reaches out. When he does come home, it’s only for a few days and then he’s gone again. Yet he still expects you to love him. Even stranger still, you do. You take him in and care for him, feed him and give him clean clothes to wear and a warm bed to sleep in. You let him make love to you, while he’s here. You let him leave with little to no argument.
He just takes and takes and takes, and he hardly ever gives in return. What does he have to give? The few credits he earns as profit go straight into his savings. At least he has something to save for now. You. When he’s ready and he has enough, he’ll let you take off his helmet. He’ll give up the creed. He’ll give you the life you deserve, he just needs you to wait for a little bit longer. Just a little longer.
“Are you okay?” You ask once he’s seated at your table, your tone considerably kinder. “Do you have any wounds?”
“I’m fine,” he insists, feeling guilty that you think he’s worth your concern. “I just… missed you.”
“I missed you too, you great big moof-milker,” you sigh, but the relief in your tone—from seeing him alive and well—doesn’t match the venom of your words. “I always do.”
“We wouldn’t have to miss each other if you came with me.” That’s different. So far, your interaction has been pretty routine for the two of you. He’s never made that kind of offer before, though.
“I miss you. A lot, when I’m gone. And I love you. I really do. I don’t like… not seeing you for so long,” he’s stumbling over his words a little bit, and you can’t help but smile because you’ve never seen him so goddamn nervous before. It’s hysterical, watching the big bad-ass Mandalorian get in his own head.
“If I join your crew, what kind of paycheck do I get?” He completely blanches, and you can’t help laughing. It’s a warm sound, and even though he’s beyond confused it melts his heart a little bit. “Din, I’m kidding. I… don’t know, honestly. It would be hard to give up all of this.” You gesture around you, at the tiny hut you live in. “Not that I’m super attached to it or anything, but… it would be an adjustment.”
“I don’t know,” he shrugs, and it’s as sarcastic as a mundane muscle movement can be. “It’s about the same size as the Crest.”
You throw the rag you’re holding at him as you laugh, and he catches it easily.
“All right, hotshot,” you tell him after a long moment. “I’ll think about it.”
Even your consideration is more than he expected, and he’ll happily take it. He wants to spend every possible moment bathed in the sunshine of your love, and he wouldn’t mind having to share the tight bunk on his ship with you.
Song Fic Masterlist
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sadboyayeron · 4 years
I came up with this Idea of Kevin having to raise Rikos son who’s name I decide would be Nikoshi Doe aka Niko
So If you Read “Tapping on my Chamber door” 
You know Nikoshi’s mother, Naima Dixon was born in Jamaica but came to the states at a young age after her mom past away.  She lived in the Bronx with her Aunt. She had tight curls aften in box breads or corn cornrows and dark skin with light brown eyes. She was 5’8.  Had a muscular build from all the years of track and had a scholarship to run at Eager Allen University. She was soon to have a spot on the olympic team for long jump, 100, 200 and 400 meters. She was then pregnant with Nikoshi after her and Riko started there little hook up.  The knew of each other but they first met in class.  She noticed Riko looking at her.
“Like what you see.”  I was trying to catch him off guard but he didn’t even look surprise.  But then he smiled.  Something sharp that left me feeling tingly, similar to how I feel before racing.  
“Not to bad, no.”  He chuckled, looked me up and down before he landed back on my eyes, “Want to sit.”
He left me in a trance and I took a seat next to him and sat my books in front of me.  I tucked some braids behind my ear and looked at him again, he was looking back with a smug smile on his face.  
At first I was thinking Nikoshi was Rikos frozen sperm and his mother was forced by Rikos uncle to have him BUT I decide that Riko died before he knew about Naima being pregnant She found out she was pregnant and went to Riko’s uncle for help and he said to give him the kid and she could get her scholarship Back.  So she agreed naming him “Nico” but sadly she died while giving birth from bleeding out. Tesuji doesn’t use that name and changes it to ‘Nikoshi’ stripping him of any last name (Doe) putting the kid into the system in the same place she grow up in Bronx. Ichirou is informed of Nikoshi ten years later after having his Uncle killed. Who then informs kevin.
Nikoshi is from the Bronx has a accent when he speaks. He knows Spanish because of the amount of Dominican and Puerto Rican foster parents he’s had.  Kinda understands broken english two because one of his foster brothers was from Jamaica which is cool because he knows he’s half Jamaican and some type of asian. He wears beat up high top jordan 1s baggy ripped jeans and long sleeves with a baggy jacket. He plays soccer because the system put him on a team and he’s very fast. He didn’t have much clothes but his best ones are the uniforms and he’s fine with that. He also plays street basketball and baseball with some kids in the area.
Kevin has to take Nikoshi in, according to Ichirou. Bringing Neil and Andrew with him. Ichirou just sent him a picture a kid and he was confused until he got that call that explained everything. He doesn’t need to explain who the kid is because you can clearly tell from the picture. Though the kid has milk cholclate skin, and curly hair that falls around his head in a fro.
When he frist sees Nico he has a scrape scab on his cheek, bruises on his wrist and purple knuckles. His ears a surprisingly pierced.
They find out Nikoshi Doe goes by Niko, he likes chocolate and cafe con leche (coffee), he likes shoes, he likes the color green, he uses a lot of slang and sometimes uses broken english and spanglish words, he’s quite but hyper and doesn’t know how to say still, asks why a lot, he hates math and likes to read, he loves listening to music it’s his safe place, he was diagnosed with ADHD/ADD and takes a pill in the morning and after noon on school days, he doesn’t like the way the pills make him feel, he likes Bee, Bee suspects Niko my be Borderline but it’s hard to tell, Kevin explains Riko was too.  When they go to pick up Nikoshi they are informed of his diagnoses. 
“So Kevin Day, It is very nice to meet you my husband loves watching you guys play Exy,” She smiled at them and then opened a drawer in her desk pulling out two folders.“ Now these paper were just printed out today.  One from Nikoshi’s Doctor and another from his psychologist.”  Kevin straightened his back more at that.
“Psychologist?”  She looked up at Kevin.
“Yes, a lot of children in foster care go to see a therapist.  It helps cope with abandonment and makes sure the kids are transitioning well in their new homes.”  She opened one of the folders.  “Nikoshi saw a therapist who recommended him to a psychologist.  He was diagnosed with ADHD/ADD and given medication.  He went through three different medications before he was put on Focalin XR.  His biggest issues are impulsivity, managing feelings, and energy.  There is more information in the folder with getting the prescription at a pharmacy and things to know about his behavior.  He takes Focalin every morning before school, its not needed on the weekends but to long off it isn’t the best idea.  Though if you want him off the medication, if you ever come to adopting him you can do that.”  She looked towards the other two. “Will you two be helping take care of Nikoshi.”
“Yeah we are, is there anything else we need to know.  If he needs a therapist we already got that covered.  We can send her the information.”  Neil replied with a bored tone but
“Thats good to know, he just saw the doctor last week.  He gained some weight and is now at a more healthier weight then he was before.”  She sighed. “You have to reminded him to eat, he forgets to and he doesn't ask for food.  The foster home he was just at was good with keeping a schedule, he ate, took his meds, ate at school, had a snack at home, soccer practice and then dinner.  He gets distracted and has little habits that cause him focus to much on random things.  The meds take away his hunger also, so it important that he finishes.”  She then closed both folders and stacked them together before sliding them to Kevin.  
Kevin didn’t know how to process that.  This information sounded to familiar.  He always had to remind Riko to eat something.  Riko would go days without eating, or sleeping, or even both.  It got so bad the master had to tube feed him because he past out and didn’t get back up.  Niko always got back up.  He was taken out of his thoughts when the lady, Jennifer stood.  He picked up the folders and got up following Andrew and Neil out the door.  Nikoshi was still sitting in his chair, he was singing his legs slowly and seemed fixated on his hands.
“Nikoshi, these gentlemen here are going to be your new guardians,”  Niko looked up at them.  He got a better look at there faces, now that the glasses were off he could easily recognize who the taller man was with the chess piece on his cheek bone.  He was confused o say the least.  This had to be some sick joke, or a stupid stuPID dream.  He looked at the other too, the screw that littered the red heads tan face and the man with blond hair and black studs.
“Deadass?”  He blurted out suddenly.  Fuck.  He did not mean to blurt that out.  Kevin day looked taken back by his statement and the other too snickered from slightly behind him.  The lady looked horrified.
Riko used to self harm, stop eating for days, wouldn’t sleep for days either.  His uncle had to force him into a tube feeder once because of this.  Kevin and Riko had to see a therapist and she diagnosed Riko. His uncle disregarded it and gave him sum type of pills that made Riko’s anger at himself turn down a bit but he was more depressed. He tried to commit 3 times after. Kevin made him promise not to. He flushed the pills and started to abuse others.
Kevin explains this to Neil and Andrew.  They then try to learn more about BPD.  They watch youtube videos, read articles and books on it till they had a better understanding of the disorder.  They learn about the self-destructive tendencies and suicidal gestures that are quite common with the disorder.  They all try there best to build a good support system. 
Niko has a hard time with his identity and ‘who he is’,  he tries to remember that Kevin wants him and isn't going to abandon him, he tries to keep his shifts in moods to himself but in only makes things worse.  He tends to shut down in his room more often then not.  He finds himself getting angry at little things knowing he shouldn’t but he still does.  Anger attacks aren't as bad as the empty feeling he gets sometimes.
When Niko meets all the foxes he drifts more towards Nicky for whatever reason.  He finds that he like Nickys happy vibes and feels it radiate from him.  He likes to soak in it.
Niko likes talking to Neil, he gets candy from Andrew, and he likes playing Exy with Kevin. He didn’t like school and says it’s hard for him but he still makes honor roll no problem.
During the second month of school when he first started living with Kevin he expriences racism for maybe the first time.  He didn’t have any friends, nor knew anybody.  He could tell he was different from the other kids.  They were mostly white with a splash of color here and there.  The way they talked and walked was different then how he did.  He didn’t grew up with white picket fences like they seemed to.  They dressed different too.  He didn’t like the stares he was getting from the kids in his class.
“Nice hair are you a girl?”  One of the boys said, with his little click at his back.  It was recess and Niko stuck to staying to himself drawling in his note book that Andrew gave him. 
“No.”  The boys continued to laugh.  He hated when people talked about his hair.  He didn't like his hair.  Especially when his foster mothers always tugged and pulled on it.  That wasn't just it though.  It reminded him of his foster father Mr. James.
“Such pretty hair.”
The boys crept closers and Niko started to feel closed in.  One of them pulled out scissors and two grabbed him by the shoulders.  One talked about how there dad said them Black boys need to cut there hair.  Another used a slur Niko heard a lot back in the Bronx, used it himself when with the kids in the neighborhood but he never heard it used like this.  He started to struggle but another one grabbed his face and held him down so his face fell between his knees.  He felt chuncks of hair being cut of from his head as they fell down his back and some at his feet.  
He felt his eyes water and struggled harder.  He kicked the one to his right in the shin, knowing how much it hurt from when he played soccer with out shin guards.  The kids let go of that shoulder and he swung his arm hitting another kid.  They all let go once they heard a teacher yell at them.  Niko reached for the scissors and threw them in the grass.  The boys ran away and Niko was left to look at the small and large chunks of his hair on the concrete.  He didn’t mean to bother anybody.  He didn't ask to have this type of hair.  He didn’t ask to be different.  Sometimes he missed the Bronx but then remembered his foster sister getting shot, and his doped up foster parents he used to end up with.  He didn't want to go back, but he found himself missing it sometimes.
Nobody asked abut his hair during the rest of the school day.  Not even his teacher.  Its fine he didn't want to bother anybody.  When Andrew came to pick him up he was wearing his hoodie.  Today Neil and Andrew were coming over, so was Aaron.  Aaron practically lived with him and Kevin now though.  He said nothing on the way home.  He didn't want to bother them.  He was trying his hardest not to.  
But then he got home he went straight to the bathroom and locked the door.  He didn’t hear Kevin nor Aaron calling him.  He stared in to the mirror and glared at himself.  Disgusting. You look like a girl. He ripped off his hood and he felt something in himself crack.  His hair was clearly uneven.  Some areas you couldn’t tell but he could see how his curls on his forehead were shortened compared to the pieces on the sides.  He could tell where every spot was that had been cut, like there were circles showing him where to look.  A broken sob cut through his throat.  The tears rolled down his cheeks.  He always thought he was an ugly crier.  He grabbed his hair and pulled.  He kept pulling till he felt arms wrap around his torso.  He wanted to fight who ever they were off but he couldn't.  They grabbed his hands but they couldn't pry them from his hair.  He heard someone calling his name and found a face to that voice.  He noticed another person accompanied him in the mirror.  Holding on to him.  It wasn’t his voice he heard though.  He saw the other three at the bathroom entrance but it was Aaron standing closest to him.
“Niko its okay, let go buddy.”  He didn’t know if he meant his hands or his feelings but he let them go.  He saw more pieces of hair fall through his hands but ignored it and them screamed.  Kevin turned him around and held him again.  Kevin lowered himself to his knees to let Niko cry and scream into his neck.  He rubbed his back till he calmed down.  Neil and Andrew left to prepare some ice cream and play music.  Kevin noticed the hair that fell to the floor and so did Aaron.  It didn’t match the amount that should still be connected to his head.
Niko told them what happened at school with less emotion then he displayed before.  They were all furious but chose to keep it inside to comfort Niko.  They called the school and told them what happened.  The school apologized but Kevin still wasn't letting Niko go back to that school.  He transferred Niko to another and reassured him it was okay and it was the same distance anyways.  They took Niko to the babor shop and they evened out his hair.  He got it cut some on the sides as well, allowing the back and top to be longer.  His hair showed more off his forehead and ear piercings now.  He felt more exposed, but was happy with the hair cut.
When he meets Dan she gives him oils and creams to put in his hair.  Even showed him how to wash it too, Matt helps.  He got to meet there kids.
Allison braided his hair down for when he graduated Elementary School.  She teaches how how to do other things like twist, braids, and box braids.
When he goes to college Renee helps him bleach the ends of his hair blond.
He has nightmares often. And likes to have hot chocolate to calm his nerves. He gets irritated easily, they learn. When he gets irritated he stops talking and fidgets, tapping his foot and cracking his knuckles. 
Kevin’s night terrors slowly fade as Riko’s dark shadow fades into Nikos warm glow.
Niko definitely learns how to skateboards when Aaron gives him his old one. Kevin likes to watch them practice it together.  Just like Aaron likes to watch Kevin teach Niko Exy.  He joins a team in Middle School.  He's definitely going to be something.
Hope you guys like this.  Leave ask and suggestions about Nikoshi Doe. I would love to hear about it and write the prompts.  
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christopher-bryant · 4 years
sooo what about this new potential job if u wanna tell us about it?👀
well this should help distract me from my heartache :)
my grandfathers fiancee works as a high level manager in her water treatment company. she oversees her own plant. on the side what she does is maintain systems by cleaning the systems known as backwashing, taking meter readings and once a month taking water samples from each place to be tested at the lab. she oversees 40 accounts. because her full time part of the job keeps her busy she only gets to do the maintanence part time. she hires a few other people to do what she does once a month. she does it every 4 months. so two others will do it one month then another and then her. but because my grandfather is retired, he does this for her to keep himself busy.
so im in the training part of the job for when i fully take over. first i have to become certified and take what they call a t1 test. which is the very basic test so i can do all of these meter readings, backwashes and sample takings on my own. its not going to happen right away but its lined up. shes planning to retire within the near future. her and my grandfather are supposed to get married in september over in ireland! (covid permitted) i hope it works out because im officiating. so anyways. she likes me which is great and she could easily sell off these accounts and make serious bank. but shes offering to hand them over to me. for free. 20 accounts to start off with. down here in southern mass. a bunch in rehoboth, some in westport, lakeville, carver, dartmouth, freetown. so 20 accounts to start off with.
the hours are ridiculous. 4-5 hr wrk days and 4-5 days a week. i have to do all the meter readings every week or two. still figuring that part out and it pays something like $150 or $200, again im learing most of whats going to happen. but, heres where the money really kicks in....once a month, a water sample has to be taken and brought to the lab for testing. for bacteria levels and all that stuff. 20 accounts. within fair range of each other. i went with my grandfather last month. he likes to spread it out over 2 days but if i really wanted to i could get them all done in one day and take to the lab.
so this part i will never forget. each account, is charged $50 for a sample. 20 accounts, $50 a pop, thats 2k in my pocket for 2 days of work averaging like 4 hrs a day at the most. which is insane. i cant pass up this kind of opportunity. and the best part is, theres no oversight. i work independently, by myself, at my own pace. pretty much no boss.
so to sum up, small work hours, insanely big pay.
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