#the 'you on a bad day!' line actually happened when my brother was born
omgahgase · 1 year
modern au: i want to think that during ben's birth, han was a whirlwind of emotions. he was happy, terrified, slightly nauseous, the whole nine yards of a first time father watching his tiny wife push out a little human.
when ben is finally brought into the world, he's kicking and screaming—exactly like his mother who's still feeling the effects of birth. he's covered in white yet his small face, screwed up into a pinched scowl, is purple from all his yelling. han is the first to hold him. it happens in a blur, ben is in his arms, all tiny fists and toes, black puffs of hair matted down across his big round head, and he's beautiful. so, so beautiful that—screw it, han cries. he sees them land on ben's chest before he feels them, then big, fat, rolling tears are falling from his eyes. he doesn't even hear the nurse announce "it's a boy!" to leia because ben's wails echo in the room, bouncing off the walls and rattling around in han's head as one of the nurses takes ben to get him cleaned and checked over.
han is right behind her, watching as they wipe his face and body as best as they can with ben flailing his limbs everywhere. han smiles to himself, proud. he's so proud.
"han!" leia calls from the bed, tired but still with enough fight in her too. "han, what does he look like?"
'beautiful,' han thinks as he peers down at his son. 'he looks like me but he sounds like you. loud and commanding and beautiful.'
han doesn't say that, though, because despite ben's dark hair and strong features that pull more from his father's side, as he screams bloody murder, he looks exactly like his mother. a perfect copy and paste.
"han!" leia calls again, "you scoundrel, what does he look like?"
han takes ben from the nurse, blanket wrapped loosely around him and still purple in the face, before yelling back just as loud.
"you on a bad day!"
the nurses go quiet. the doctor stifles a choked chuckle. ben still yells like it's the only thing he knows how to do. which, yeah. it is.
"wha—?" han places ben's screaming form in leia's arms and she takes her first good look at him, at their son, kicking and crying and waving his pudgy fist around. then, "oh fuck, he does look like me on a bad day."
the room erupts into laughter and han is crying again. the nurses, still giggling, go about their protocol as han slips in next to leia and gathers them in his arms. his little family. he presses a kiss to leia's forehead, mumbles praise into her sweat soaked hair of 'you're so strong' and 'he's gorgeous' and 'thank you for giving me a son.'
han doesn't know how many times he whispers his thanks into leia's ear when he ducks down and cries into her shoulder. he doesn't hear leia say her own praise, the 'thank you for being with me. for staying,' that she presses into the tear-stained flush of han's cheek. han isn't aware of anything around him except for the heartbeats of his wife and the son, the privilege he has to hear them, to feel them against his palms as he hugs them both so tight.
it's takes him awhile to compose himself, and even longer to realize that ben's finally calmed down, his head nuzzled snuggly beneath leia's chin, right on her chest.
"thank you," han says again, voice wet and so full of gratitude. "thank you for letting me have this."
leia smiles and leans up to kiss him. han meets her in the middle and as they share a moment as husband and wife with their new born son, han sends his thanks upwards. to whatever deity or higher power that saw him and thought he deserved something as special as this—as them. leia and ben.
han assumed he wasn't allowed this much happiness, to be loved and feel love, to give love. han thought he'd live his life as nothing but a no good scoundrel. though, like most times, as leia loves to point out, he's wrong. han is so wrong that it's laughable, and if being wrong blessed him with a family, then he never wants to be right again.
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daycourtofficial · 8 months
Everything is Not As it Seems
Summary: You’ve been abducted, and the inner circle have to find you as quickly as possible.
Author’s note: this idea’s been floating around my head all weekend so I needed to get it out. I’m thinking this will be three parts - I already have part two done and some of three ! Also I’m a bit obsessed with the idea of Evil!Eris.
You received a letter three days ago that hasn’t left you alone since. It’s a simple letter, requesting your presence, but it’s signed by a mysterious “hound”.
You’ve mentioned the letter to the Inner Circle, at first they thought it might be someone just messing with you. Telling them that there are things in the letter about you caused some of them to get really nervous.
“What do you mean, specific details?” Rhys asked, as you brought up the letter.
“Little things,” you reply, sitting in the seat next to Rhys, “for instance, it’s addressed to me as ‘Little Fox’. That’s a nickname my brothers gave me because I was born in the autumn court. There’s a line from one of my favorite poems at the bottom. They mention my favorite flowers. It’s small things, but I’m not sure. Things that people could know about me. It’s like they’re luring me in by telling me they know me. I really feel an urge to go to find out who this is.”
“If someone’s stalking you, sweetheart, running into their trap isn’t what you should do,” Cassian says, looking over your shoulder at the letter in your hand.
“I don’t think they’re stalking me - I just think it’s someone that knows me, or at least used to know me,” you say, pausing. “I don’t know how I feel about going. On one hand, why stay anonymous? On the other, what if they have important information? I don’t know what to do.”
Rhys is the only one who looks like he’s actually considering you going to this meeting, everyone else looks apprehensive.
“I think it could be beneficial. Even if they don’t have much to tell us, it could help us determine another ally,” the high lord states.
Azriel is trying to stay calm on the outside, but he is going feral on the inside. Sending you, alone, into most likely enemy hands? He won’t stand for it.
“We’re not risking your life for knowledge on potential allies,” Azriel remarks, looking at you not with possessiveness, but fear. “None of us want anything to happen to you. There’s not much to gain from this, Rhys, but there’s a ton to lose.”
You look at him for a moment, forgetting the point of this meeting, seeing the concern in his eyes as they’re focused on you. You’re about to say it’s a bad idea, not wanting to cause Azriel anymore stress, when Rhysand states, “you’ll go. End of discussion. We’ll have Feyre and Cassian nearby on the lookout for you.”
Seeing Azriel’s distress during the meeting almost made you beg Rhys to reconsider, but the high lord is currently under such a high level of stress, the last thing he needs is you complaining about this meeting.
The letter asked for you to come completely alone. Rhys and Feyre stayed out of your mental shields, afraid that whoever it was would be able to sense their interference. The only thing keeping you from completely loneliness were the two shadows wrapped around your ankles underneath your skirt.
Two shadows was decided - if anything were to happen to you, one would report back to Azriel while the other remained with you. It was the only interference from Azriel Rhys would allow. He wanted to be standing nearby, waiting for any sign of distress from you, but Rhys wouldn’t allow it. He was all too aware of the effect you had on his brother, and he was going to keep Azriel in his sight while you went to this meeting.
You were standing in the trees, at the border between winter and autumn, right where the letter asked you to be. The border is a mixture of deep red leaves littering the ground that trail off into about a foot of snow. The cold morning air making your breath visible.
You hear movement, ready to set eyes on whoever sent the mysterious note.
“Hello, Little Fox.”
Azriel could not stand still. Rhysand had never seen him so visibly under duress. Azriel, who usually kept stock still and kept a stoic expression. Azriel was pacing and his hair was standing up from how much he was running his hands through it.
“Azriel, she’ll be okay. If anything happens, she can winnow to us, to Cassian, to Feyre. She’ll be okay.”
Cassian was stationed in the winter court, Feyre in the autumn court, both equidistant from you, however too far for them to know what’s happening during your meeting.
“I don’t like this. Something feels incredibly off. An ally sending a letter like that? It feels more like a love letter than some form of allyship. I think you let the high lord position cloud your judgement on this.”
“If it were a love letter, she wouldn’t have entertained it.” The high lord said, looking through the correspondence on his desk. He knows his nonchalance will annoy Azriel, hopefully allowing him some reprieve from the concern he’s feeling for you.
Azriel tuts, “you don’t know that.”
Rhys sighs, “you’re right, if she thought the love letter was from you, she would have gone, no hesitations.”
The high lord smirks, looking at the shadowsinger to gauge his reaction. He stops mid-step, “don’t say things like that if you don’t fully believe them,” then continues his pacing.
“I’ve known her for a long time, Az. In that time, she’s had many suitors come to her. She’ll always go on a first date - she says it’s because “you never know”, or whatever. Since being here and meeting you, I haven’t seen her even glance at another male vying for her attention.”
Azriel stops, looks at Rhys’s face for a long time, trying to decipher any hint of deception. His face was void of it. In fact, he looked honest and almost vulnerable.
Before Azriel could ask more, one of his shadows comes whizzing in at an incredibly fast speed, news of you, circling around Azriel’s ears to tell him what it saw as fast as it can.
“We have to go,” Azriel says, his face darkening with concern and shadows.
“Eris Vanserra, as I live and breathe,” you say, a smile gracing your face.
You don’t hate Eris, you actually spent some time with him while growing up. You don’t know if you particularly like Eris, however you’ve always had a soft spot for him due to the cruelties of his father.
“You seem surprised to see me,” he says, a smirk growing across his face, “I’m glad you came.”
“Why in Prythian did you send me a cryptic letter, and not just tell me who was requesting my presence?” You ask.
He steps closer to you and the tree you’re leaning against. “Because I’m sure those dogs would have thrown out any correspondence addressed from me to you.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” you say, letting the dog comment go for now.
“Oh? Then what about all of my previous letters?”
You stop, “previous letters?”
“I’ve been writing to you for months, my dear. I had to figure out new ways to get in contact with you.”
His grin was so feline, your interest in this meeting at an all time high. If Eris wanted an alliance with the night court, why would he go through all of this effort to reach you?
“Well, you have my attention now, Eris, what is it you desire?” You ask.
A wicked grin takes over his face, as he removes his hands from his pocket.
“You,” he says, unfurling his fist to reveal a powdery substance that he blows directly into your face.
You stumble a little and cough, confusion knitting your brows. You start to feel very heavy, and instinctively you reach out to lean against Eris as your balance starts getting more and more unsteady.
Eris is taking a few steps back, making you follow him. What you don’t realize in your confused state is he’s leading you across the border into Autumn, and once you have both feet in Autumn, he allows you to lean against him as he wraps his arms around your waist and winnows you away, except for one tiny little shadow that begins heading toward the Night Court.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Azriel is raving mad, having scoured the border for hours for you. “Where the FUCK did he take her?”
His shadow told him everything, how he incapacitated you, tricked you into willingly coming into his court. The shadows even recognized the faebane he made you inhale, however there was something different about this faebane they couldn’t quite figure out.
Azriel and Rhys scoured the location, with Rhys sending word to Cassian and Feyre to come to the rendezvous point.
“Brother-“ Rhys starts, trying to get Azriel to calm down. His anger was radiating off of him and the entire area was pitch black, with his shadows moving erratically.
“Don’t you dare,” Azriel snarls, “you convinced her to come here! You said “oh it’ll be safe! Cassian and Feyre won’t be too far away!” And now she’s gone! Who knows what he wants with her!”
Feyre and Rhys exchange a glance, clearly speaking to each other internally.
“Shut the fuck up! If you’re going to speak, speak out loud for all to hear!” Azriel barks.
Cassian was seriously concerned for his brother- he had never, ever seen him snap like that at anyone, let alone his high lord and high lady.
Feyre and Rhys were just as startled.
“Azriel, we understand, Feyre was in the spring court-“
“It’s not the same, not even one bit.” He bit back, “Feyre chose to go, she didn’t. Feyre is a High Lady, she isn’t. Feyre has tons of training and is powerful enough to hold her own against high lords, she isn’t. She’s with one of the most powerful non-high lord fae in Prythian. She can’t speak to us telekinetically, she has no mating bond to even tell if she’s alive, it is not the same.”
It’s been days since you were taken by Eris. All the inner circle can guess is that you’re somewhere in the Autumn Court. Eris covered his tracks well by having you willingly cross the border. Unless they had proof you were in imminent danger or being held against your will, there wasn’t much they could do, but that didn’t mean they stopped trying.
They even began going through the confiscated correspondence Eris tried to start with you, but it was mostly pleasantries, asking after Lucien, and updates on the lady of the autumn court, who you were quite fond of.
Azriel was looking paler than usual due to the loss of his shadows. They were all in the Autumn court, scouring every inch for you. They do as Azriel tells them to, yes, but he’s noticed how much they seem to like you. Some of them won’t come back to him when called, opting instead to play in your hair or ghost along your hands. He sighs at the memory.
Feyre is trying again to tap into your mind, just like she and Rhys have been trying to do the entire week you’ve been gone. Azriel was losing hope. He’d keep searching, he’d never stop searching, but he was losing hope.
Lost in his spiraling thoughts of a life without you in it, he was jolted from them when he heard Feyre gasp. “She let me in,” is all she says. The room has gone deadly quiet. “I’m not sure she knows I’m here, so I’m trying to keep very still.”
When you woke up, you were very confused. You must have fallen asleep at some point, the blankets wrapped around your naked body. The room you’re in is gorgeous, with brown walls, an ornately decorated fireplace, and beautiful artwork covering the walls. The door to your room begins to open and you breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of him.
“Hi sweetheart,” the male tells you, “I brought you coffee.”
The smell of the coffee hits you and you reach your hands out for a desperate taste of it.
“What time is it? How late did I sleep in?” You ask, taking a sip from the coffee cup. The notes of pumpkin melting onto your tongue.
“Mid-morning,” he coos, sitting next to you on the bed.
“And why didn’t you wake me?” You ask.
“I figured you deserved all the rest you could get after last night,” he says, placing a hand on your thigh, “and to have you well-rested for today.” He smirks.
You blush, still not used to this directness from him, “don’t you have work today?”
He sighs, “yes, yes, I just figured I’d bid you good morning before I started my day. Besides, I know you’ll be busy wedding planning all day. Wanted to see my beautiful bride at least once today.”
He kisses your temple, leaving you alone in the room, buzzing just thinking about his inevitable return.
Feyre didn’t dare broadcast the image to the Inner Circle. At first out of fear of what she might see - if you were being tortured, she didn’t want them to see that, especially not Azriel.
The contents of what she saw were almost more horrifying.
“Eris is playing tricks on her mind. She, uh, -“ Feyre looks around the room, afraid to tell them what she saw, making eye contact with Azriel, ultimately deciding to say something to get him to leave.
“He’s coercing her into marrying him.”
Everyone sits up straighter and chaos erupts. They all start yelling and bickering, trying to figure out what to do.
Rhys commands everyone’s attention, already having spoken with Feyre about getting Azriel out of the room.
“Azriel, see if you can find out anything about an upcoming autumn court wedding. If Eris and Beron are trying to hide this, it might not be known that it’s for a member of the High Lord’s family.”
Azriel leaves, thankful for something, anything, to keep his mind off of you marrying someone else and thankful for a small lead to finding you.
Once Azriel’s gone, Feyre turns to the group. “It gets worse.” She says, looking at Rhys in nervousness.
“How the Hel can it get any worse? Our friend being forced to marry him? What is worse than that?” Cassian asks, absolutely outraged that he let you go to that meeting.
“Eris has glamoured himself, it’s how he’s convinced her to go along with the marriage.” Feyre speaks softly, looking down at the ground.
The silence hangs in the room for a moment, and just when Feyre thought the silence would settle and stay for a while, Mor speaks up, “and who exactly is he glamoured as?”
Everyone in the room knows the answer, but they wait for Feyre’s confirmation.
“He’s glamoured as Azriel. She thinks she’s safe with Azriel in the Autumn Court and that they’re getting married soon.”
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f10werfae · 1 year
Smokin’ Hot Husband
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pairing: Dad!Husband!Ransom Drysdale x Pregnant!Wife!Reader
summary: Y/n catches her eldest son smoking, and with her being very emotional, it’s up to Ransom to save the day (Protective Ransom‼️) (requested by anon)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
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“How ya feelin today treasure?” Ransom cooed hugging onto his wife from behind, watching as she skilfully gathered all her ingredients for her famous stir fry, one that she was desperately craving. His large hands travelled down to her 6 month bump, his hands smoothing over it gently as she leant back into his chest.
“I’m feeling fine babe, jus a bit hungry but that’s all baby boo’s fault” Y/n laughed, using their newfound nickname for their next baby, their third one and hopefully a girl. Their eldest was Mark who was 15, then there was Reign who was 8, brothers who definitely got their father’s wit and sly personality whilst also having the loving nature of their mother. The perfect combo to Y/n and Ransom Drysdale
“Where are the other two little shits?” Ransom joked kissing her neck softly, swaying both of their bodies side to side as she finished up her cooking, a proud wide smile on her face. “Ransom! If you must know Reign is upstairs writing for his new fantasy book, and Mark I think is out the backyard? Here i’ll get Mark while you get Reign okay?” Y/n beamed turning around and kissing Ransom fully on the lips, a loud smack echoing through the kitchen, her pregnancy glow making her absolutely radiant in Ransom’s eyes. God how lucky was he?
“Yes ma’am” He smirked watching her walk away, not without his hand slapping harshly onto her ass, even after all these years he still found her irresistible. After getting married quite young, even when he was cut from his grandfather’s inheritance, he built a name for himself with Y/n by his side. His rock.
Ransom walked back down the stairs with assurance that Reign would be down in ten minutes, his brows furrowing when he suddenly saw his wife rush in through the backdoor, her face flushed with tears streaming down them uncontrollably. “Baby? Treasure what’s wrong? Tell me now” Ransom rushed out skipping the last few steps, storming to his wife’s side, she was absolutely inconsolable. Partly due to the hormones but clearly something bad had happened,
“I-it’s Mark, Ran” She hiccuped the palm of her hand on her forehead, the other holding onto her waist to ease the back pain. “What’s happened with Mark? Breathe with me baby, follow me” Within seconds Y/n had started to follow the pattern of her husband’s breaths, letting her calm down just that tiny bit more.
“Ran, he’s smoking! Actual cigarettes too, doesn’t he know how dangerous they are? Did I do something wrong? That’s my baby boy” Y/n cried out, her chin wobbling as sobs threatened every time she spoke. Remembering how just seconds prior, she walked out to see her first born puffing away on a cigarette, one thing she had always asked them not to do.
“shh treasure, you go upstairs and i’ll call you down for dinner, i’ll talk to Mark” Ransom said through gritted teeth, if there was one thing he hated, it was seeing his woman cry. The fact that it was his own son? Oh that just made it so much worse.
After making sure she got upstairs alright, Ransom stormed out to the back porch, seeing his 15 year old sat on the swinging chair looking guilty and glum; clearly anticipating his father’s arrival. Now Ransom wasn’t a scary parent, but he was protective and strict, step out of line and he’d be sure to put you back.
“C’mere Markie, now please” Ransom grumbled rubbing his creased forehead with his fingers, watching his son slowly shuffle towards him with his head down. “Where the fahk did you get these son? You know what these can do to you right? I can’t believe you’d do this, you’re barely 16!” He said raising his voice by a little, but not shouting, that’s not how he did things.
“T-they’re my friends Dad, I just thought it’d look cool-“
“Cool if what? You end up sick cause of your lungs and your poor mother and I have to come save you? I thought we told you the consequences of smoking, you know what it done to your mother’s family. I’m so disappointed, you’ve upset your ma and you know she gets emotional now that she’s nearly in her last term”
“I know, i’m sorry, didn’t mean to upset Ma. I just wanted to fit in a bit more”
“Not good enough son, not good enough at all. What are you sorry for?” Ransom asked bending down to his height, his lips held tightly into a line. “I’m sorry for disrespecting both you and Ma, and for putting myself in danger”
“I promise not to do it again” Mark said holding his hands behind his back, his father’s old cream sweater hugging his body like a blanket. “Like hell you won’t, now go on and apologise to your mother” Ransom grunted pulling the red faced boy into his arms, kissing him gently on the head before pushing him inside. Not without throwing the cigarettes into their outside campfire.
Slowly following behind Mark, Ransom smiled as he saw Y/n pull their first born into her arms, kissing his face repeatedly as she continuously told him off softly “Don’t scare me like that again, ya hear me?” “Please don’t ruin your body like that baby, took me 9 whole months to make it”
“I’m sorry ma, I really am, please forgive me” Mark said now tearing up, fiddling with the bottom of his mom’s sweater, feeling her fingers wipe away his tears. “You’re my baby, I could never be that angry at you, you just scared me honey” Y/n whispered kissing him on the forehead one last time, then whispering that he and his brother could both go down for dinner first.
Ruffling his brown hair as he walked past, Ransom walked into their shared bedroom, his wife’s arms instantly reaching up for him cutely. “You handled that so well hubs, definitely better than I did” She laughed with tears in her eyes, standing up to fully hug him, his chin resting atop her head as his arms engulfed her tightly. Her strong coconut scent filling his nostrils as she lifted her head to look up at him, placing a kiss onto his chin affectionately.
“Well, we raised them well, s’jus our job to make sure they learn from their mistakes. I’m just glad they got your emotional vulnerability, and I hope our little butterfly does too” Ransom spoke softly, his fingers brushing against her growing stomach, feeling the tiny butterfly-like flutters hitting against his hand. His hopefully, baby girl, kicking against his hand.
“Oh she’ll be just like her daddy, I can feel it” Y/n smirked kissing his lips gently, her lips basically ghosting over his to tease him, giggling when she felt his hand push her into the kiss. Their kiss only being interrupted when they heard their two boys call for them downstairs, their little Drysdale troublemakers.
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agirlattea · 2 months
Mahoyaku Children’s Day Voice Lines: 
Central Wizards: 
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Oz: When I was young, I lost to the twins countless times. I was once sealed in an iceberg and abandoned there. The next morning, they came for me, saying “Poor thing, it must have been cold”. At the time, I questioned the point of locking me away but… … Even now, I still question it. 
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Arthur: When I was younger, I admired the way Sir Oz’s hair would flutter in the wind, and I wanted to grow out my own. At the time, I was told to refrain from doing so until I was powerful enough to protect myself, as parts of Wizard’s bodies can be used as mediums in spells, but… I wonder if it’s about time for me to match Sir Oz? 
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Cain: Was becoming a knight my childhood wish? Yeah, of course! … Is what I wish I could say, but it was pretty different when I was little. According to my Mom, my dream was to become bacon until I was about three years old. Why? ‘Cuz it’s delicious… Hey, don’t laugh!
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Riquet: My childhood memories… I enjoyed the time I spent talking with the Head Priest. He taught me what I needed to know and what I should do. I wonder what he is thinking, now that we have been separated… … I hope he feels lonely when he thinks of me. 
Northern Wizards: 
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Snow: The other day, I witnessed a child fall down and cry on the street. When I summoned sweets with my magic, her tears ceased and she smiled. The expressions young children wear are always innocent. They do not yet harbor hidden intentions. It is touching* to see.
*Due to the roots of the word 愛しい (Itoshii), it can have a double meaning of both beloved/dear and pitiful. 
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White: A strange child approached me on the street and offered a small flower as a token of gratitude. I thought her foolish for approaching a stranger but… it appears she was grateful for something Snow did for her to bring her back to her senses. This happens quite often. I think I will decorate our room with this flower for a while. 
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Mithra: I don’t have any particular childhood memories. All I had to do was transport the corpses on my boat… now that I’ve remembered, I want to pick it up again. Please play the role of a corpse. I’m going to take you to the other side of the shore and throw you there, so please roll over docilely. 
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Owen: I don’t have any childhood memories: I don’t remember anything… <Cur Memini>. Look, I’ve reverted the weak wizard’s hearts back to their childhood state, so go watch them. Most of the things children do are the same.  
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Bradley: When I was a kid, my human siblings were still kicking. Every time I did something, people complained. They were weak and annoying, but when I look at the manor’s kiddos… I remember them.  
Eastern Wizards: 
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Faust: I don’t have any grand childhood stories. I simply did my best to play the role as the head of my household, with the support of the adults in my village. I’ve been told I was polite and hard-working, I don’t think I was very cute. …That can’t possibly be true? Haha, you’re quite kind. 
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Shino: My childhood memories aren’t great… No. Actually, there was a dream I had once ina. While that I liked. I was a rich man’s son. I went to nice restaurants with pocket money, had a nagging tutor, and fought with someone who was like my younger brother. That’s pretty nostalgic; I forgot about it until just now. 
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Heathcliff: When I was a kid… ah, no. I was remembering a friend: an irreplaceable friend whom I met in the Orangery of the courtyard of my parent’s home. Someday, I will definitely take Shino with me to visit that friend once more. When I do, you should come as well, Master Sage. Please, allow me to introduce you once more.  
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Nero: When I was a kid, huh… Well, I was born in a pretty bad place*. If I didn’t want to be abused and used by others, I had no choice but to be stringer than them. That’s probably why the first time someone praised me with “good job”… honestly, I barely understood what was happening. 
*Literally: A place with bad manners
Western Wizards: 
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Shylock: Myself as a child? I loved the view from the top of the hill, and on sunny days I would stroll through the vineyards. At times, I would sneak grapes off the vines before the harvest… Even now I have not forgotten that fresh, sweet taste. 
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Murr: What I was like as a child… hmm, I wonder? That’s right, lets ask this Red Beryl*! After all, this is something I cut myself as a kid. I’m sure it will still remember me though, I was young. <Eanul Lambru>!
*A type of gem 
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Chloe: I cried pretty often when Rustica first found me, I’m sure it scared him. I mean, even when I ate delicious food, or wore beautiful clothes I cried. That’d surprise anyone, right? But each time, Rustica wiped my tears. That’s why, from now on, I’ll wipe his… 
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Rustica: I tend to be quite forgetful, so I can’t tell you much about my childhood… instead, why don’t I change to the age you wanted to know about? Whether it’s the age Chloe and I met as or younger… fufu, very well then: <Amor Est Viesse>.
Southern Wizards: 
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Figaro: I wasn’t very childish as a kid. Both adults and children relied on me, and I wanted to guide them in turn. I didn’t have a particularly childish childhood, but in that regard I’d say Oz and Mithra are quite similar to me. Don’t most Northern Wizards have stories like that?  
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Rutile: Aaah! Glasses! …Ah, I’m sorry, Mr. Leno. Earlier, Mr. Owen cast a spell on me that turned me back into a child. The spell was already broken, but for some reason I’ve become really scared of glasses… Oh, Mr. Faust. Aaah! More glasses!
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Lennox: A story from my childhood… I started working in the coal mines when I was young, so I don’t have many interesting stories. …That’s right, I remember being told I had long legs and looking forward to growing as big as my father. I was so proud when I outgrew him. I’m sure my father felt the same. 
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Mitile: A portrait of me as a baby? …Ah, there is one, but I don’t want to show it to you. Because my head was so big as a baby… Mr. Figaro used to say it was “Rounder than the full moon” … Hey , Master Sage, please don’t laugh!
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s-milesart · 11 months
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workin on the next B team member,,, the read more might be filled with... notes. *distant thunder sfx*
The Penitent Patrician.
"I was always the most… physical of my sisters and brothers. I would, perchance, wager I could take a punch better than them."
Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she traded it in for loose teeth and a split lip. 5th in line for a mining maganate’s empire of dirt, she knows how to navigate the cloak and dagger of the upper-class and rough and tumble of the lower blocks.
oh god
see, one little hole in lucille's plan is that they really can't deal with the nobles of the lands. not a single nun or priest living at The Abbey can tolerate em. much less postulate to em to ask pretty please "can they not be a giant fuckhead during the end of the world please thanks."
they don't know what the fuck is in that rich people water, but fuck me these people are borderline sociopathic. see, this is where our penitent patrician comes into play.
she knows these kinds of people. she was RAISED to be one. unlike em, being a more worldly person requires a bit more than buying up trinkets and baubles of dead societies and heartsink events.
you can't buy a heart, after all.
so see, this is where she comes into play. by the time she enters the story, she's actually 2nd in line for the family business. lo and behold, the other 3 siblings have perished from heartsink related fallout/monsters. {ashlung, getting your caravan destroyed, and died being a hero.]
father's not doing to hot, and so when his flake of a daughter comes rolling back with the Sisters of The End, [Lost Beacon knows about them by now. they really are the only people trying to stop the Heartsink, for good.] father's a little surprised. half expected her to be drowning her short-comings with ale.
The Abbey needs funding. the donations have been very generous, but actual funding would solve right quick the shortcomings of the Sisters.
Better training grounds, city repair work, funding for research and faster rollout time, everything. [think about why XCOM needs funding to fight the aliens! money makes shit happen.]
long and short, I have the stories set up into two parts kinda sorta. Chapters, and Encounters. chapters move the story and build character, encounters spill blood and reinforce characters and themes.
I want side-missions. rich fucks like people that can get shit done. they also like the skulls and trinkets of bad shit out there. they'll pay if The Sisters can get some shit done. something small that I can sketch out during the slow days of me writing heartsink. [btw almost done outlining part 1, part 2 and 3! i have so much written for part 1 it's almost done for the art stage!]
something that'll allow me to showcase more of the world and it's people. more monsters and how the people deal with/cope with their existence.
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
Can you please do a CE characters reactions to reader announcing she’s pregnant?
YES 😩 - I’ll also add how they act after the news are announced because I feel like that will differentiate them better.
WARNING - the following contains: pregnancy, mention of sex and breeding kink.
Steve Rogers
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When you first bring forward the news, he’s over the moon with eagerness.
“Sweetheart, are you serious? Oh my god, this is amazing! I’m going to be a father!”
He has been waiting for this very moment for so long, and you’ll have to deal with his constant strokes around your belly for the next 9 months. Even when you aren’t showing, he can’t seem to stop touching your stomach, because to him it’s a reminder of the bundle of joy it’ll grow to be soon. He is just in full amazement of how you’re glowing when your baby bump starts so show, and he’ll remind you as such.
“Have I told you how amazing you are? Keeping my child, safe and healthy in your womb…you’ll make an amazing mother. I love you so much.”
He will spend all his time with you at the end of your second trimester, taking you out for slow and nice walks in a quiet park while planning on what names you should consider naming your child, and talking about your plans on moving to a nice and secured family house where you can raise your child in peace.
Ransom Drysdale
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I think Ransom would be a bit shocked, especially if it wasn’t planned.
“Wait, what? Are you sure? Well damn…- wait no, - I mean that’s great news darling, m’just processing it….”
He’s aware of the heavy responsibility that comes with raising a child and he is unsure of himself if he’s capable of being a good father. You’ll have that talk where you soothe and assure him that everything will be okay, and that he will be a wonderful father if he’s willing to put in the effort.
“Well, if you’re up to raising a brat into the Drysdale family, count me in. M’sure we will manage. Besides, I’m willing to bet you’ll look fucking sexy with your tummy all round with my child.” He will add with seductiveness.
Ransom will take care of your needs, both physical and sexual needs at his best. He will hire maids to take over the chores you used to do, and as for your other needs - it’s left in Ransom’s good hands. Your pregnancy period will also be Ransom’s journey of discovering he has a pregnancy/breeding kink.
Johnny Storm
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Johnny would be taken by surprise, and wouldn’t know how to feel right after being given the news.
“You’re pregnant? For real? That’s…wow, I don’t know what to say. Not that it’s bad news or anything, I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon…”
Behind his somewhat excited facade, he’s actually really scared of parenthood. In the beginning, he will resolve into being distant only days after knowing, and go on his own adventures for a temporary escape. Ben, Reed and his sister, Susan will call him out on it as it goes noticed and they will tell him he needs to man up. He’ll realize he’s in the wrong for not being there for you as much as he should be and he will be of full support after the end of your first trimester, dedicating himself for the full life commitment.
“I’ll be here more from now on, I promise, babe. I’m sorry I was distant, - I was being a coward. I love you and can’t wait to meet the little guy.” He’ll say softly, while stroking your baby bump. As you spend more time together, the more excited he is to be a dad - especially since there’s a possibility for his child being born with powers similar to his own.
Ari Levinson
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Ari is thrilled when he receives the news, mostly for your behalf because he knows you have wanted to be a mom for some time. He hasn’t had the space in his thoughts to think about kids due to how busy he is being a part of these secret operations of the operation brothers, but he’s happy to know he has something to look forward to.
“No way! You’re pregnant? Now that is some exciting news, sugar!“
While he has huge passion for his line of work, he’s more than willing to take a small break and take care of you during your first pregnancy. He’s also eager to be a father again, with your child nonetheless. Still, he’ll have to be away sometimes but he’ll come back sooner than before.
“I’ll be gone every now and then, but I can’t wait to see you each time, glowing more with our child. You’ll look absolutely stunning, muffin. Call me and update me always, okay? That way I have rest assured over yours and the little one’s well-being.”
Jake Jensen
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Jake would be reacting with most physical excitement. When you tell him, you’ll witness his eyes pop out, almost coming through his glasses and his mouth agape. He can’t even remain seated as he rises up from his seat in anticipation.
“What?! We’re having a baby?? Holy shit! - sorry, I’m just - I’m so freaking happy right now! We’re gonna have a baby! We need to celebrate, babe!”
You’ll throw a baby shower and invite his friends, the losers, and later throw a gender reveal party and everything. Jake’s all about going full out on pregnancy celebrations because he thinks they’re fun to arrange while you wait these 9 months due. He’ll buy lots of toys meant for 5+ years kids because he’s so over enthusiastic about it.
“Man, I can’t even contain myself - I know the baby hasn’t even come out yet but we need to buy these action toys. I mean look how cool they are - We should buy them and they’ll be able to play with them after passing year two or something.”
Andy Barber
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You were more than nervous to tell Andy as you didn’t know how he would react when he already has a child from his previous marriage. As you tell him the news, he doesn’t react overly excited but far from disappointed either - rather his face will soften with adoration.
“Aww, honey…this is wonderful. We’re finally going to be parents of our very own baby.”
The two of you are already off shopping for baby clothes and supplies because Andy likes being prepared. You haven’t even ended the second trimester and Andy’s already doing arrangements of turning the guest room into your baby’s room. He doesn’t let you lay down a finger as he wants you to keep all your energy till when you give birth.
“Sweetie, put the pan down. I’ll handle dinner. Just relax on the couch, keep our baby comfortable and I’ll soon come over to you with your favorite dish. I’ll make it’s just the way you like it.” He’ll assure you.
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Note from author: fuck, to be pregnant with any of these men’s child. Sounds like a dream. - anyway thank you for the suggestion anon! ♥️
Hearts & Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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gemstone-ruby · 12 days
Bridgerton S3 (part 1)
I had this sitting in my drafts since the first release day but I wanted to hold onto it to see how feelings change after part 2. Full disclosure: these are my thoughts on everybody BUT Penelope. I think I'll give her her own stream of consciousness post after her story is complete.
~ Spoilers after the break ~
Cressida Cowper: I was pleasantly surprised that we got to see Cressida as a growing person instead of a just an airheaded mean girl. It's well known that all debutantes are under an immense pressure to marry and marry well. This season puts Cressida's pressure on full display while also showing how she's realizing that being a shark trying to catch a man can only do so much. Whether she finds a match or one is forced on her, she cannot continue this way if she wishes to have actual friends when all is said and done. This especially shows when she decided to not rat out Eloise for a quick piece of gossip like she might have done in the past. I hope she catches Lord Debling so they can both be put out of their societal misery. Now, speaking of Eloise....
Eloise Bridgerton: You are getting on my fucking nerves. She spends two seasons turning her nose up at society and complaining about achieving something of substance and does absolutely nothing about it expect play Sherlock Holmes so badly that the Queen nearly publicly crucified her. Yes, I understand why she is mad at Penelope for writing the article; it is an extremely valid reason to be upset. But if you ask me, Eloise is being a better friend to Cressida, a bully she supposedly can't stand, than she ever was to her oldest fucking friend. The friend who was always encouraging, always gave her an ear to complain, always ready, happy, willing, and able to be by her side even if that meant they were on the outskirts of society while doing so. At the end of Season 2, I came to the conclusion that Eloise is more hurt by the fact the Penelope did what she couldn't/can't bring herself to do, which is showing society a woman can achieve "real" accomplishment without being attached to a man. Eloise would bitch and moan about attending university but notice how she never said what for. She never gave a solid aspiration like doctor, lawyer, writer, etc. (if she did please correct me). She was just pissed she wasn't handed the option like her brothers were for simply being born male. If Eloise WAS a man, I think that man would be a mix of Season 1 Anthony and Season 1&2 Colin: Traveling to big named places under some noble guise only to laze around with all the money lining his pockets. Even if Pen is writing in secret, she's still doing it; Lady Whistledown is a hit. Penelope has found something she is so passionate about that she's risking everything and she's so skilled at it that she's actually succeeding and Eloise can't stand it. She can't handle the fact that while she was complaining and then being used as a pawn by the Queen (almost to the determent of her reputation), her best friend was living out her own dreams, outsmarting everyone while doing so. And in all honesty, with the witch hunt the Queen was on and the way their society works, I don't think there was any other way of 'clearing' Eloise of being Lady Whistledown than what Penelope did. Nothing short of turning herself in anyways. And I think that if Eloise truly cared for Penelope as a person, she probably would have came to that conclusion on her own had she taken that time to think of anyone other than herself. Up until then, Lady Whistledown never really "targeted" anyone; she just reported things as they happened no matter how good or bad they made someone look. Unfortunately, I feel like Eloise liked being 'the smarter friend' to the 'wallflower' more than she actually liked Penelope as a person.
Colin Bridgerton: This is going to come off a little harsher than I mean it to but I still think Colin is a fickle man who just used his last trip abroad to master the art of manipulation with a soft smile and pretty words. I am not truly heartless; I can empathize with the reason why when his mother called out the people pleaser in him. I just feel he's suffering a little from what Eloise is going through; he wants the dopamine hit of achieving something but he has no ultimate goal. All he really had up until this point was the loaming reputation of being a Bridgerton boy that he felt he had to uphold for the longest time. I think his soul searching only really truly began on his last trip because Marina finally 'set him free'. I don't think he really loved her; liked her and could see a nice future with her? Yes. But loved her? No. There was some small part of Colin that was still attached to the idea that everything could/would turn of perfectly with Marina as they were playing that game of society so well together when in reality, she was essentially playing him to save her own life. Hell, he didn't even acknowledge the fact the Marina basically outright told him Penelope was in love with him and all homie heard was "I don't want you, stop coming here".
Francesca Bridgerton: Poor sweet neurospicy girl!!!!!! Francesca Bridgerton is a girl who grew up in a house full of noise (probably with sensory issues) and all she wants now is peace. She just wants a quiet home to practice her music; She'll pop out a baby or two for her husband cuz she knows that's what's expected of her but a large family? NO. You can see it as she moves through society: she has no desire to be there. I think her story hurts my heart a little more because she's stoic struggling in silence. The Bridgertons are a giant family with the reputation that they LOVE their giant family. Which means she can't verbalize that they make her uncomfortable sometimes without hurting their feelings because they will never understand. That isn't to say she doesn't love her family, she just needs space without them. So she's stays quiet. She adjusts her mask while playing a funeral march to regulate her emotions before stepping out into the bustling world. Francesca's only hope of escape is if she goes through society's games; once that's accomplished, I know for a fact the only people who will ever she that girl again is her family, their staff, and a special few music prodigies that make their way into her circle. I wish her and her equally neurospicy suitor all the best! (If the Queen fucks with this I'm going to be pissed off)
~ Additional Thoughts ~
THAT CARRAGE SENCE What a hell of a cliffhanger to leave us on half through the season!
I was absolutely dying when Lady Featherington had to go home from a ball early to give the birds and bees talk to her daughters. Like this lady had the audacity to ask if they expected a baby to just appear in the womb? PROBABLY BITCH! WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING???? All you rich assholes go through life sealing your daughters away from the world, telling them the only point to their time is to make themselves perfect in the art of "sit still, look pretty"; They are then peacocked around and pitted against one another to be sold to the highest bidder. They will either (and most likely) get to the end of the 'marriage' season, because this is just 3 months out of the year BTW, alone and in tears thinking themselves not good enough OR get married to a man they do not know at all and hope he's gentle in giving the lesson that their parents purposely censor from them.
I love the Violet Bridgerton is getting herself back out there but I hope she doesn't get played. We obviously don't know what caused Lady Danbury to come to dislike her brother so much but I hope she spills before Violet gets in too deep. I know Violet is a grown woman who can make her own choices but I also feel like it takes her just a second too long to take off the rose-tinted glasses she wears 24/7.
Benedict is a bleeding heart looking for a MILF to simp over but he keeps getting screwed, first in the way he wants and then in a way he doesn't. (Yes, I know how insane that sentence is. No, I will not re-polish it.)
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bishie-haven · 1 month
After-party, Day 2!
Day 3’s contents are here! This one is gonna be a bit different compared to showing off merch or ranking cards…it’s gonna get a little personal.
I’ve been wrapped up in this Obey Me! rabbit hole since January 2020. 2 months after the game released and now over 4 years of my life have been taken over. I’ve went back and forth from trying to tier in events, dumping Surprise Guest items at characters to care about intimacy levels, and have even been in the VIP sphere on both games. However, there’s one thing that’s stayed the same in those 4 years, and I bet you can guess what.
My #1 since the game began has been, and continues to be, a certain pink-hued fifth-born.
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And I know, everyone has favorite characters in whatever media they consume, who cares? Well, this one’s a bit different. I may sound absolutely insane when I say this, but being practically obsessed with this lust demon has actually improved my life for the better. 
I think I can sum the process up in three words: adoration, consolation, and motivation. 
Each of these stages started at different times, but in a way they eventually all melded in the end to create the love I have today. When I first started playing, the word of the day definitely WAS adoration. I remember laying on the couch in January, starting up the first chapter, and Asmo’s energy practically radiated through the screen of my tablet. I think my first statement about it was “Ooooh, you…I like you~ Keep talking!” the second he showed up on screen. 
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Through the first few months turned to a year, I loved everything I found out about him and wanted to know more. I liked that he wasn’t afraid to like what he liked, even making trends through RAD in the process. I found it interesting how he was the only brother at the time with a legitimate power at his disposal that wasn’t just a big blast, and that it actually served a purpose. I loved how in the early chapters of the game he truly had flaws out in the open, ripe for development later on (I mean, not giving a damn about LITERALLY starting a war? DUUUUUUDE-). I adored that, outside of certain lines we don’t talk about, he showed bits of his drive and his loyalty that are key parts of his underlying personality today. I honestly couldn’t get enough! While some loved their sadistic ice kings like Lucifer and others liked their bad boy tsunderes like Mammon, I had my self-centered fashionista.
And somehow…self-centeredness ended up being a comfort for me.
We all know what happened in 2020 and bled into the following couple of years. Well, I found out something through all of that time, whether I was in my house or up at college: my mental health was a wreck. Being cooped up and isolated only exacerbated those feelings.
In other words, me in 2020-22:
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My self-confidence was at an all-time low. I was anxious about everything, and even trying a new place to have lunch or go study sent me sweating lots of the time. It was hard to talk to people, and there was a point where I was holing myself up in my dorm room and only leaving if I had nothing to eat or if I had a mandatory lecture or lab.
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And while it didn’t solve my problems entirely (that’s what counseling helped do), this stupid little mobile game and that strawberry blonde was definitely a help when it came to calming my brain down. It actually comforted me to see, even if it was a fictional supernatural creature at the end of the day, someone who could put themselves out there without any worry and be happy out in the open with others. Especially when we were ripe in the time of social distancing, even if I didn’t necessarily want to be in a crowded club, seeing someone have the ability to just put a smile on my face. 
And soon, as the regulations loosened and daily life seemed to go back to a relative normal, something else came from this passion and comfort.
Now while I would absolutely kiss this demon on the lips if I ever got the chance to in real life, I know that isn’t going to be the case. I must go through the struggles of life alone…in the corporeal sense, at least. 
By that, I mean that in many facets of my life, I see Asmo as a role model of sorts. Not in the sense of being egotistical and putting myself first at the unneeded expense of others, no, but rather putting myself first in a healthy way. I’ve developed a skincare routine because of this guy. I’ve started eating better and have gone to the gym regularly for over a year now in order to care for my body more. I’ve used multiple quotes and scenarios from him in order to pull myself out of self-loathing states and be able to walk into situations with more confidence than I ever had before. I think I even started caring more about my personal fashion style!
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I know that this was a bit more low-key, and even a bit deep, in terms of what I have been posting here for these little celebration things. But, I wanted to use this post to show a bit of reasoning as to why I love this character so much, why I care about and do these things in the first place, and…honestly…to let anyone who is worried about “liking a fictional character too much” know this: there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. As long as you are able to distinguish the lines between fiction and reality at the end of the day and you aren’t hurting yourself or others in the process, love them as much as you want, show that love as much as you want! At the end of it all, your loves and adorations make you who you are. And if there’s anything I’ve learned from a certain fifth-born, it’s this: almost anything you do can make you unique, adorable, and absolutely amazing.
Thank you for listening to me ramble about my experience with how my troubled mind processes this horny boy. Day 4's content is coming, and features a special guest you might recognize~
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tamiisnthere · 3 months
Crossover Universe Family Trees + more Lore!
It's finally done! :3 I decided to also add some backstories about my OCs (especially from TaE Family) bcs I'm sure there will be relationships that would give you questions (and you might have more questions anyway lol).
I apologize for the bad English and grammatical errors as always.
Enjoy! 💕
Explanations of icons and lines:
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Maud and Umar were in non-marital relationship since Al Mualim didn't allow assassins marriages. The only thing the master allowed them is give birth to a child who will become a future assassin. The birth was fatal for Maud and later Umar was executed by the Saracens.
Cyril and Rozália are in an unknown status since they left their daughter in an orphanage. It's still not known why they did it...
Tami and Jarrod dated for less than two years, then they broke up for losing passion in their love, but still remained as friends.
Altaïr and Adha were in a secret relationship. Once they escaped from the Holy Lands, Adha lost her life due to Templars and Altaïr unknowingly entered the Crossover Universe, that's how they got separated.
Altaïr blamed himself for Adha's death and decided he would never fall in love, but then he fell in love with Tami. Later they got married and had a daughter named Sabina.
Sabina in her teen years falls in love with a blacksmith boy named Pablo who has a shy younger brother named Rafael (yes, they are from Coral Island and I added them into Crossverse bcs why not? 😂).
Altaïr and Desmond are distant relatives (ancestor and descendant), despite both being from different AUs.
Desmond once hooked up with an unknown woman for one night and then she gave birth to Elijah. After the death of Elijah's mother, the boy decided to search for his biological father in an unknown world.
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All of them come from the alternate universe of Azeroth. The exceptions are Tarion, Tanisa and Relante, who were born in the Crossover Universe.
Maiev and Illidan were in a relationship before the War of the Ancients, but broke up when Illidan became more interested in Tyrande, who was actually more loyal to his twin brother Malfurion and also she adopted Shandris. When Illidan betrayed his kind and injured Jarod, Maiev's younger brother, Maiev became enraged and became a Warden since she was not allowed to kill him, but somewhere deep down in her heart she still loved him.
Almost 10, 000 years later Maiev unexpectedly became pregnant and had a daughter named Ellynina. Maiev knew that her daughter was also a Betrayer's, but she decided to keep it a secret from everyone, including her child. 300 years later, Illidan escaped from prison and the Wardens chased him all the way to Outland, while Ellynina remained in Azeroth.
Taino and Talar are twins and the sons of Daria Moonshade and Fehnaal Starfeather. Their parents were proud of Talar as a skilled warrior, while the Taino struggled with mastering druid magic and he studied history of Azeroth instead.
One day, their village was attacked by an orc clan called Warsong and they killed their mother. They managed to escape and survived the Battle of Mount Hyjal conflict, which unfortunately the night elves sacrificed their immortality to save Azeroth and stop the Burning Legion. And for that, Fehnaal fell ill and died (the same fate happened to Shalasyr, Jarod's wife, a few years later). After their father's death, the twins got wrinkles, which indicated that it was time to become independent and go out into the world.
Talidea was actually born as a human named Dea to Trisha and Cooper Snowart, who died during the Second War and Dea ended up in an orphanage. Life in the orphanage was hell for her. Later, she was placed in a foster family, but unfortunately it was the same. At age 20, Dea became an Adventurer and chose the Mage class like her mother.
Soon she met Ellynina for the first time and began to follow her because she had been fascinated by the Night Elves since they had joined the Alliance and started call her Elphina. Ellynina didn't like Dea at first, but as they traveled together they grew closer and became like sisters - the birth of DaE Duo (Dea and Elphina's Duo).
The pair managed to travel to Outland, where they found Maiev imprisoned. She revealed to Elphina that Illidan was her father, which angered Elphina that her mother had kept it a secret all her life and ran away. Dea cheered her up and they preferred to continue their journey. Even though Elphina was angry at Maiev, she hoped that they would meet again.
A few years later, the pair met Taino and Talar for the first time and became friends - renaming to DaE Squad. Dea had a crush on Taino, but she was ashamed of the fact that she was a human and he was a Night Elf, while Elphina was annoyed by Talar. Together they traveled to Northrend to fight the Lich King and his Scourge. In one battle on a snowy mountain against the undead, Taino and Dea were killed by an avalanche, leaving Elphina and Talar devastated, which actually brought them closer together.
The bodies of Taino and Dea were found by the death knights and taken to the Lich King. One necromancer experimented on Dea's body and turned her into a Night Elf and shortly after Taino and Dea (now as Talidea) were revived and became death knights under the Lich King's command. Taino changed his surname to Teron after the first death knight named Teron to forgot his previous life.
Although most death knights are emotionless and memoryless and always obey the Lich King at his word, surprisingly Taino and Talidea gradually regained their emotions and memories and resisted the Lich King's commands, even the two eventually fell in love. The Scourge was about to kill them for this, but luckily the pair managed to escape and were able to rejoin the Alliance. They also reunited with Elphina and Talar and together defeated the Lich King with the other adventurers. They then renamed themselves the TaE Squad (Talidea's and Elphina's Squad) and traveled across Azeroth to fight anything what threatens Azeroth.
But seven years later, Teldrassil, the world tree and main home of the Kaldorei, was set on fire by the Horde, which started the Fourth War. TaE Squad tried to escape from the fire using a boat, which was unfortunately hit by gunfire, they fell into the water and accepted their fate... Until they woke up on the beach of Cheetah's Valley. They decided to stop fighting and start again. Tarion was born first, and Tanisa and Relante three years later. At that time, they eventually renamed themselves TaE Family.
Few years later, Maiev somehow managed to get to the Crossover Universe to find her daughter and finally reunited with her. Even though they still had some misunderstandings from the past, they finally make up with each other.
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Elvan and Anja Nambinga had a daughter Nathalia together, and seven years later Emma was born, but Anja died during childbirth. After this tragedy, Nathalia began to hate her little sister. Elvan tried his best to take care of his daughters despite suffering from cancer which unfortunately after three years he lost the fight against.
Then the girls ended up in Gepardia's orphanage where Nathalia ditched Emma and later she was moved to Ashte'quel where she was adopted into a suitable family. Nevertheless, Nathalia regretted what she had done to her younger sister and hoped that one day they would meet again and she would say sorry.
The Hunter triplets were born at the Harmony Side's Laboratory in Fouria, where experiments were being conducted to find a vaccine against the Green Flu virus. They and their parents, Ranger and Lightear, are mutant Hunters and experiments. They developed immunity against all diseases, resembled closer to a human and even managed to enable human speech. But they were still aggressive and at times ruled by their instincts. Despite this, scientists wanted to create more medicines and vaccines from them. While the Hunters hated humans, on other side Hoody Boy (at the time named Subject GFEXH-27 by scientists) was fascinated by humans and even got along well with the two scientists.
When the triplets were nine years old, there was an accident in the laboratory, which the Infected and mutants took advantage of and escaped from the laboratory, killing hundreds of scientists and guards. The family and some experiments managed to get on the ship without the crew noticing, and it sailed to Havaykia. The ship was beached near Pecker's Hills when the crew eventually discovered the stowaways who had managed to escape into the mountains and after a long journey settled in an abandoned town now called the Infected's Refuge.
The family joined the pack of Hunters, where the triplets grew up. Unfortunately, Hoody Boy was bullied by the others for being the weakest of the group and was always protected by his two older brothers, Southy and Northy since they share a strong bond.
Once Hoody Boy was patrolling the territory and noticed a human woman with a child in her arms, who was surrounded with one Hunter. He pounced on his packmate so that the woman and child ran away. For that, the pack considered him a traitor and banished him from Infected's Refuge. His brothers and mother were devastated, while Ranger was ashamed that he was his father.
Ryland was adopted by Charger since many Hunters ditched him due to having Charger DNA like for example he couldn't pounce high. Charger taught him his abilities, which Ryland easily learned and became stronger than the average Hunter. When Ryland grew up, he left the Infected's Refuge and wandered the savanna. There he met Hoody Boy and both of them grew closer as they were outsiders of their kind, but once they split up when the Survivors attacked.
Hoody Boy ran to hide at the TaE Family's Ranch. Thinking that he would be dead, TaE Family saw him not as a monster, but as an abandoned person who needed help as they found out he can talk. Thanks to his story, the TaE Family changed their opinion about the Hunters to a positive one, that not all of them are evil and allowed him to join the family. Hoody Boy was happy that find his true "pack" and was given the real given name Vincent. Some time he met Ryland again, confessed his feelings for him and became mates.
After a few months Southy and Northy started missing their younger brother and decided to find him. They followed his tracks and scent and after a week managed to reach the TaE Family's Ranch. They were shocked that their brother lived with humans and night elves peacefully. Even though they didn't trust them, they still joined the family for their brother and were given the names Mike and Tyler.
After a while, Mike and Emma had a crush on each other regardless of being human and Hunter and later got married, Mike took the surname Nambinga. Together they had children, Jasmine and Blake, who surprisingly looked like normal humans, despite Hunter's genes.
The Hunter Brothers, the Infected, who regained the ability to speak but still relied on instinct. They used to live in the Infected's Refuge and found it boring there, so they left it and have been terrorizing anyone in their path ever since.
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Gavin was born to Rocco and Elisabeth Fishrod. At the age of four, his father cheated on his mother and the two divorced. Unfortunately, Elisabeth could not cope with the divorce, so she began to take alcohol and drugs and abused her son.
Soon the social workers took Gavin to Gepardia's orphanage and Elisabeth ended up in recovery. Since then, no one knows what happened to her. Meanwhile, Rocco lives in Greentree and is the best fisherman on the island. Maybe one day Gavin will meet him…
Takuya was born as the first son to Sugino and Rina Hidarihi. His parents couldn't handle him, because they were still young and inexperienced parents at that time, so they decided to go on a trip without their son, in fact, to abandoning him.
When Takuya got to Gepardia's Orphanage, his parents went to Oakheart City and later had a second son named Takara and loved him very much. Surely, one day, the first child will find them…
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Jarrod was born in Fortress of Red and Lennon and Clara were born in Mann Co. City.
Jarrod's parents, Esther and Jasper Fastrunner, divorced when he was six years old and his mother took care of him, but at the age of fourteen, Esther was murdered and his father recruited him into the RED Team, where he trained him to be a perfect mercenary.
Lennon, Jarrod's cousin, was raised by Linda Baseck. His father, Kelvin, was killed in battle before he was born. At the age of fifteen, Jasper came to his sister and convinced her to let Lennon go to the RED Team. With a heavy heart, she agreed and Lennon trained at the Fortress of Red with his cousin. Half a year passed since the start of training, Lennon received a letter that his mother died in a car accident and he was devastated.
Clara lived with her parents, Chloe and Evan Willow, who worked for the BLU Team. Before becoming a mercenary, she used to hang out with Lennon and they were best friends despite being from two opposing factions. But one day, when Clara came home from school, she found both her parents shot dead. Shortly after, Conall, who is her father's younger brother, found her. He took her under his wing and traveled with her to the Fortress of Blue where he began to train her.
Before dating Tami, Jarrod was in a relationship with Bianca McPrice. He met her while training and got so close that they started dating. They both were strong and dangerous duo, but unfortunately few years later she manipulated and mentally abused him, showing her real self.
Six years later, they entered the battle and fought for territories. Lennon and Clara met again on the battlefield and from then on secretly met every night until they fell in love and later would be married. No one knew about their meetings until one evening Jarrod followed Lennon and found him talking to a member of the rival team. He tried to convince his cousin that Clara was manipulating him to gain an advantage for her team. Fortunately, Lennon convinced him that it was not true and that he really loved Clara. Jarrod understood and promised not to tell anyone about their secret meetings.
Jarrod later found out that Conall was his mother's murderer and decided to hunt him down and kill him. But Conall told him the truth: he was actually hired to assassinate his mother by… his father… Jarrod fell into depression from the shock and betrayal and wondered what to do.
Clara later found out about this when Conall discovered that she had fallen in love with the enemy. She lost all respect for her uncle saying: "If you say I'm a traitor because I fell in love with an enemy from RED… So aren't you a traitor as well for cooperating with an enemy from RED and kill innocents?" and then she ran away to find Lennon and Jarrod.
Lennon found Jarrod in his depressed state and found out from him what Jasper had done. This infuriates him and they decide to confront him. Jasper realized he couldn't get away with it and confessed that he had Esther murdered because she wouldn't let Jarrod become a mercenary. But in addition, he said that he saw Lennon meeting Clara and the whole team already knows about it. Jarrod had enough, he shot his father with a scattergun and they both fled the RED base as fast as they could.
They met Clara who was fighting against Bianca. Jarrod yelled at his girlfriend to leave Clara alone, which Bianca realized Jarrod was also a traitor. Thankfully Clara managed to stun her into unconsciousness and the three of them ran away, towards a new beginning...
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The Batter, the "original Purifier", may have been distantly or closely related to King Myron, as the two are almost alike, but this is unknown.
Cleanth is from the royal family of Pure Kingdom. King Myron and his wife queen Priscilla ditched him due to his curse. The only family member who cared about him was his older sister Luise who had an arranged marriage with Nixon and they had a son together named Reign who wanted to be king too soon. Cleanth was taken care of by the castle cleaners. Cleaning and cleanliness calmed him while his parents and others were mean to him.
One evening Cleanth as twenty-six years old was cleaning the fountain. Nixon took advantage of this and tried to drown him there, seeing him as competition for his future throne. To defend himself, Cleanth transformed into his monster form for the first time and accidentally threw Nixon into a rock, hitting his head hard on it and bleeding to death. When the royals found out and thought Cleanth had killed Nixon to claim the throne for himself and that he knew how to transform into a monster now, they exiled him from Pure Kingdom.
Cleanth sailed to the Mann Islands, where he could live in peace, but found that these islands were full of war and chaos. While traveling he met Jarrod, Lennon and Clara. He had never seen any other humanoid in his life, so he thought they were his kind, "colored Purifiers". The Scout Trio accepted him and found out about Havaykia, where there are no wars and all factions are at peace there.
But they were searched for by some RED Team members who knew about their betrayal and chased them. Cleanth turned into a monster again and killed them all. After the battle, Cleanth thought the Scouts would be afraid of him, so he wanted to leave, but they stopped him and thanked him, which warmed Cleanth's heart.
They finally managed to get to Mann Co. City, where they sailed to Havaykia from there. After a two-month voyage, they reached Gepardia and accepted a job at the TaE Family's Ranch, where it eventually became their permanent home.
Zacharie the Merchant is just there, chilling. Anyways, he travels around the island selling goods.
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Beatrice and Monty own a farm where they grow the best crops and raise the best livestock. They are good friends and business partners of TaE Family. The two are happily married and have children Ezekiel and Tilly, who are also friends of the Hoodie Four.
Mayur was once married to a woman who left him and their daughter Naya for another man. So Mayur had to take care of his child alone even though he works as a cook. Fortunately, his daughter appreciates him very much for everything.
Naya, like the Palins siblings, is a friend of the Hoodie Four and loved going to their house. Then she and Ezekiel fell in love and later got engaged.
Programs: Prehistoric Kingdom (just for background), The Sims 4, WoW.Export, Blender, XNALara, Source Filmmaker, Fire Alpaca and LibreOffice
Assassin’s Creed © Ubisoft
Warcraft © Blizzard
Team Fortress 2 & Left 4 Dead © Valve
OFF © Mortis Ghost
The Sims 4 © Electronic Arts Games
Sanchez Brothers © Stairway Games & Humble Games
Other Characters © Me (TamiIsntHere) Note: I don’t own the most TS4 Custom Content, these belong to their creators and most textures and models are modified by me.
Credits for Models/Textures/Meshes (Authors only; I hope I credited them all right):
From DeviantArt: milance941, LorisC93, ItalianUtent, DecanAndersen (deactivated), MyllaDinX, o0Cristian0o, CelestialDarkMatter & JhonyHebert
From Steam: Mailer, zeton, Maxxy, Sync, uberchain, That One Motherfucker (no joking, it's really their profile name xD), Rebbacus, мяFunreal, Garlic & KomoBungus
From Other Websites: NassimO & Blaholtzen
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
Oh god okay this one is. So incredibly stupid and combines at least three different plots that I keep recycling (time-travel, rexwalker, Anakin's Gender/omegaverse). I also only came up with it last night so [shrug emoji].
Warnings: mpreg, arguable dubcon (the sex itself is fully consensual, but some of the motivations are kept secret for complicated reasons).
It's an omegaverse AU. Anakin's an omega, capable of pregnancy, and Rex is either alpha or beta. Probably alpha. The important part is that they're compatible.
Anakin and Rex were in a relationship during the war, alongside Anidala. Anakin really wanted to get pregnant, but it didn't really come up outside of Bedroom Games because, you know, there's a war on. A few times he begged, and Rex had to be the one to actually put his foot down about Not Now, because [gestures at Anakin's lack of responsible behavior when family is on the table/line].
Eventually, Padme gets pregnant with Anakin's kids, and RotS goes down basically as canon. Rex is devastated by the loss of his lover(s), does Rebellion work freeing brothers, etc.
Shit Happens. Rex finds out about Anakin being Vader. He and Ahsoka commiserate.
Time-travel! For lack of a better option, we'll blame the bird (Morai), and the not-Jedi (Ahsoka). Mental, so Rex is inhabiting his younger body. Bit weird. Ahsoka is also inhabiting her younger self, and largely Not Acknowledging the Anakin situation. She's letting Rex handle that part.
He and Anakin are still in love, as far as Anakin is concerned, and Rex still loves him, but... he can't forget Vader.
Rex himself is Acting Weird but Anakin's off doing Jedi things on Coruscant for the first couple days of Rex adjusting to when and where he is, so it's not super noticeable. Rex uses the time to plan.
The thing is. Anakin always made it 100% clear that he wanted babies. He wants to be pregnant. He wants to be filled up and used and then watch his belly fill out and start glowing and all that. He is into it, partly for kink reasons and partly because he's got a lot of neuroses about life and death and so on.
Rex only feels a little bad about it, when he 'bends' and lets Anakin ride him in heat without a barrier or any real birth control. He even provides a proper caveat (if Rex agrees to getting Anakin pregnant, then the Chancellor isn't allowed to know), repeatedly checks with Anakin that he's consenting to this, and then talks dirty to the point that Anakin nearly loses his mind. It ends, almost inevitably, in Anakin being pregnant. With twins.
(Rex probably knew about Padme's pregnancy. He probably guessed that Anakin's fall was for her sake, for her life. I'm not sure anyone told him the babies survived. Obi-Wan and Bail and Yoda might not have known about how deep his relationship with Anidala was. Rex doesn't know that the twins Anakin is having are the twins Padme would have carried. He hopes, though.)
The pregnancy is enough to distract Anakin from all the shit that's going on, even keeps him and Padme from doing things that could get her pregnant. Rex's plan, to get Anakin pregnant and distract him from going evil, works. It works phenomenally, and his contacts in the Corrie Guard and among the Senate pull together enough information to take Palpatine out of play.
Rex admits to Anakin that he's from the future, and that he agreed to getting Anakin pregnant (with babies that are by now born and a few months old) as a ploy to keep Anakin from falling to the Sith. Anakin is offended and generally hurt and overall really angry about Rex manipulating him like that. Padme is also hurt that Rex resorted to sexual trickery instead of just talking to them. Doesn't it cheapen the act of creation? Various other flowery accusations are thrown about. Anakin doesn't talk to Rex for a week.
Ahsoka finds Anakin and sits down and listens to him and Padme talk about how hurt they are. Then she explains what she knows (what she's put together) about how Anakin Fell the first time around. Explains the brain chips and the genocide and the burning of the Temple. Explains just how close Rex came to killing Ahsoka herself, his best friend. How he had to kill his own brothers. How he failed to save yet more. Ahsoka spends hours telling Anakin and Padme about how Rex was not the man they'd fallen for, but someone who'd been through a decade more of trauma, and was working off a level of paranoia and pain that they couldn't even begin to fathom, especially not when Rex could still see how much Anakin trusted Palpatine, and didn't have the clearest memory of these years, certainly not enough to know if Anakin would trust Rex's word over that of the Chancellor himself.
It's a heavy conversation. They take a few hours to mull it over after Ahsoka leaves, and then message Rex to come back. There's a long, heavy conversation that ends with kisses and cuddles, and the two of them extracting a promise from Rex to get some psychological help, which he only agrees to if Anakin does the same.
IDK I just think an AU where the world is saved by paranoia-induced pregnancy schemes with someone who wants it but doesn't know why their partner agreed are a special shade of fucked up fun.
Also, this was loosely inspired by the premise of @inferior-fairy's "[Only] Think of Me," which is a different ship but still has the delightful nonsense plot that is "get Anakin pregnant to keep him from doing stupid evil."
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goodnightmemes · 2 years
❛ Welcome back. I trust your ride was pleasant. ❜
❛ Try not to look too relieved. ❜
❛ I believe I’m quite content as a spectator, thank you. ❜
❛ I’d rather serve as a knight and ride to battle and glory. ❜
❛ We have royal wombs, you and I. The childbed is our battlefield. ❜
❛ Now take a bath. You stink of dragon. ❜
❛ Well, that sounds suspiciously like good news. ❜
❛ And are we meant to weep for dead pirates? ❜
❛ The crown has heard your report, and takes it under advisement. ❜
❛ You must understand that these things are mere estimations. ❜
❛ We have no way of predicting the sex of the child. ❜
❛ Court is so dreadfully boring. ❜
❛ I bought you something. ❜
❛ You’re always like this when you’re worried. ❜
❛ I want to fly with you on dragonback, see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake. ❜
❛ You aren’t worried about your position? ❜
❛ I like this position. It’s quite comfortable. ❜
❛ Bad humors of the mind can adversely affect the body. ❜
❛ Cauterization would be a wise course of treatment. ❜
❛ You spend more time in that bath than I do on the throne. ❜
❛ This is the only place I can find comfort these days. ❜
❛ After this miserable pregnancy I wouldn’t be surprised if I hatched an actual dragon. ❜
❛ You do understand nothing will cause the babe to grow a cock if it does not already possess one? ❜
❛ I’m certain of it. I’ve never been more certain of anything. ❜
❛ The dream. It was clearer than a memory. ❜
❛ I know it is my duty to provide you an heir, and I’m sorry if I have failed you in that. I am. ❜
❛ Carry on. You were saying something about my impunity. ❜
❛ Making a public spectacle of wanton brutality is hardly in line with our laws. ❜
❛ Our city should be safe for all its people. ❜
❛ You know how my brother makes sport of provoking you. Must you indulge him? ❜
❛ Now, I’m fairly certain I can win these games. Having your favor would all but assure it. ❜
❛ She’s fighting with all her might, but it may not be enough. ❜
❛ And the day grows ugly. ❜
❛ These knights are as green as summer grass. None have known real war. ❜
❛ We must either act now or leave it with the gods. ❜
❛ Don’t be scared. ❜
❛ This is the last thing any of us wish to discuss at this dark hour, but I consider the matter urgent. ❜
❛ Despite how difficult this time is, Your Grace, I feel it important the succession be firmly in place for the stability of the realm. ❜
❛ What are you saying? My brother would murder me, take my crown? ❜
❛ The gods have yet to make a man who lacks the patience for absolute power. ❜
❛ My wife and son are dead! I will not sit here and suffer crows that come to feast on their corpses! ❜
❛ All I wanted was for someone to say that they were sorry for what happened to me. ❜
❛ But dream and pray as they all might, it seems I’m not so easily replaced. ❜
❛ The gods give just as the gods take away. ❜
❛ You cut the image of the conqueror. ❜
❛ We must all mourn in our own way. ❜
❛ I have only ever defended you! Yet everything I’ve given you, you’ve thrown back in my face. ❜
❛ I’ve only ever spoken the truth. ❜
❛ He doesn’t protect you. I would. ❜
❛ I have decided to name a new heir. ❜
❛ When you look at the dragons, what do you see? ❜
❛ The idea that we control the dragons is an illusion. They’re a power man should never have trifled with. ❜
❛ I’m sorry. I have wasted the years since you were born wanting for a son. ❜
❛ You are the very best of your mother. ❜
❛ Promise me this. Promise me. ❜
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the-frankenmost · 4 months
Alright so, I don’t talk about my canon openly very much, but I think there’s at least two people who want to hear about here so I’m just gonna ramble.
I don’t remember a lot before Gloomsvile so we’re not getting much of a “backstory” here :/ sorry. I do remember that it was only Mom though. I was a total momma’s boy. Len was very obviously the favorite though. I don’t really want to get into that here. I had (and still have) ADHD and Autism. Can’t comment on Len too much because memory is still very fragmented, but he definitely was not neurotypical. I was a very sensitive little guy while Len was the more rough and tough boy. Mom would call me a cry baby a lot. Len and I were twins, we weren’t born conjoined. I don’t remember how we died which is probably a good thing. Len loved creepy crawlies, I did not. He’d play with worms and I’d just be there freaking out. Still really don’t like the squirmy type.
Came to Gloomsville in search of more and stayed because, Ruby, duh. R.I.P Actually hit it off In Gloomsville and the neighboring towns. I remember the first time we made it into the paper, Ruby threw a big party and Len and I ate too much and got sick lol.
One time Skullboy thought he was related to a long line of Rock Stars and tried to get us to let him join the band. I’m named Frank for a reason (jk). Shut that shit down quick. Dude sucks at music. I think Iris AND Misery had had crushes on us for a while but that was extremely short lived. I don’t think anyone in that house was straight
(-Poe & Skull Boy) but I was probably the last one to come out for reasons we’ll get to later.
This is where the memories get more frequent and also a bit more sensitive. Read ahead at your own risk please.
Len and I had a medical emergency one night and for some reason the only solution the doctors could think of was to separate us, we were so far gone when they had us sign a waiver so neither of us could comprehend what was happening. Woke up in my own hospital bed in my own hospital room. Good lord the fear I felt that afternoon. Apparently Len had been freaking out way worse because he’d woken up like two days before I did. Shit was terrifying. You’d think “oh well now you get to experience privacy!” Fuck that I want my brother. I don’t remember exactly what had been wrong but both of us needed several different transplants, I got a new stomach. With that came new stomach issues. Could no longer have a lot of favorite foods or I’d get really sick. Len got off easy, I’m happy for him. We both got new dicks because we’d shared one. God bless that decision holy shit.
It was shortly after the emergency separation is when my mental health started to decline and I had that big meltdown that Skull Boy found reason enough to break my nose. In all fairness he’d thought I’d shoved Ruby when really I’d just startled her pretty bad. Not much better in my opinion. She didn’t deserve that. The guilt is what drove me to go hide in the woods surrounding the house. I’d originally planned to cool off and then lock myself in the garage for a while but fate had other plans for me that night. Took a tumble all the way down that huge hill the house sat on. I tried to find my way back home, I really did I promise. But I’d been so exhausted and was so lost I’d ended up in the neighboring town in the complete opposite direction of the house. I was lost in those woods for so long I’d kinda lost it a bit. My brain convinced me that there was nothing for me back home and that they didn’t want me there anymore. Kinda exiled myself at that point. Some guy found me collapsed in the snow and took me to him place to fix me up so I wouldn’t die out there. Definitely would have if he hadn’t found me. He’s the one who gave me the train ticket and the deed to the farm in Pelican town.
The train ride took days to get to Zuzu city. I slept the whole time anyway so don’t remember much. Lewis met me at the station and escorted me to the bus to the town. Passed out on the bus and woke up in the hospital, again. Getting real sick of that. Harvey thought Lewis had brought him a corpse at first so when I’d woken up he freaked out. Comforting. People would come visit. They were so nice. Got released from the hospital and Lewis and Robin showed me to the Farm. I miss the farm to this very day. I’d give anything to go back. Got the place all cleaned up with Robin’s help. Hid in the old cottage, refusing to come out for a month or so. Finally decided to try planting the seeds Caroline had given me to start the garden. Was very cynical about it until the little baby seedlings popped up. Immediately was hooked. I’d sit on the steps leading to the patio and just talk to the little guys. Random chicken showed up on my property one day and that’s when I’d met Jas, Vincent and Charlie. Jas was fascinated while Vincent was dragging her away from the farm screaming and crying that I was going to eat them. Only came outside to water after that. I’d catch Jas snooping around the property. She reminded me of Ruby so I’d get sad. She’d leave little flowers from the fields surrounding the ranch just south of the farm. Those flowers kept me chugging during that period of time. Eventually decided I wanted to keep Chickens for company so I made my way to the ranch. That’s when I met Marnie and Shane. Marnie had Shane help me with building the coop and the run. Didn’t say much. Marnie took it upon herself to keep pressuring him to come help on the farm after a while. He’d never really say much to me. We all know where that ended up.
Shane and I would talk more and more with each visit. Jas would come help too. I got fairly dependent on their visits. As Shane and I would talk more we’d get closer. We officially started dating about six months after I’d first got there. I was happy for the first time in ages, and so was he.
Things carried on as they were for two years until the big Stardew County fair. I was cleaning up my little booth when I heard a familiar voice shouting my name. I don’t know how or why they’d decided to attend this fair of all the other fairs and festivals but they’d found me. Len quickly went from sobbing in relief that I was alive to throttling me. Oh ho ho he was pissed when he found out about Shane. Had to pry him off of him. Poor Shane was so rattled. We had a big sit down talk with everyone. Skull Boy couldn’t even look me in the eyes. I could tell he blamed himself for my disappearance, and that made me feel terrible. Ruby never gave up on looking for me.
Everything eventually went back to normal. They’d come visit fairly regularly. Len would just show up unannounced sometimes but I liked it. Shane didn’t. Shane and I eventually got married and this is where you’d think it was happily ever after. I wish that was the case. I really do. I don’t remember the exact amount of time between that and my eventual, untimely death. It wasn’t long enough though. I was so happy. I had my friends back. I had my brother back. I was married with an adopted daughter, though Jas continued to refer to me as “ Uncle Frank” I didn’t mind though. I’d told Shane I was going to the mines and he practically begged me not to go because I’d previously gotten hurt down there, but I’m a hard headed, stubborn idiot. He knew he couldn’t stop me so instead he came along. I don’t know what happened down there, as I’ve blocked it out but something terrible obviously. Shane carried me all the way to Harvey’s, but it was too late. There was nothing anyone could do.
And now I’m here. Anyway, it’s 2am so I’m going to sleep now. I’m certain there are typos but I can’t be bothered. Goodnight.
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
The Price May Be Right - Number 31
Welcome to “The Price May Be Right!” Starting today, I’m counting down My Top 31 Favorite Vincent Price Performances & Appearances! The countdown will cover movies, TV productions, and many more forms of media. Our countdown begins with Number 31: Sir Despard Murgatroyd, from Ruddigore.
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I have to admit, the main reason this performance makes it onto the countdown has more to do with the production itself than Vincent or his work in it. I just really, REALLY want to talk about “Ruddigore.” Is that so wrong? I hope not. For those who don’t know already, “Ruddigore” is an operetta – a light opera – made by the famous duo of Gilbert & Sullivan. These two creative geniuses created arguably the best, and certainly the most popular, comic operettas in history; their works are typically regarded as the forerunners to modern musical theatre. While my favorite of their works is the ever-renowned “The Pirates of Penzance,” this somewhat lesser-known work of theirs is a close second. “Ruddigore” is, in a bizarre way, a sort of forefather to stories like “Wicked,” as it actually asks the same basic question as that show and explores the concept in its own unique fashion. That question, of course, is “Are people born wicked, or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?” Are people we regard as evil just naturally inclined to do bad things, or are they simply products of circumstances? Ruddigore plays with these themes in a way that is both poignant and totally absurd; it is, like most of Gilbert & Sullivan’s creations, a farcical comedy, but it has a darker tone and a slightly more complex message than most. The plot of the story focuses on the Murgatroyd Family: a long lineage of nobles in England who have long guarded the estate of Castle Ruddigore. Long ago, one of the Murgatroyds quite literally made a hobby out of burning witches (as you do). While most of his victims were innocent people, this hobby did come to bite him in the arse when one witch he chose to persecute turned out to be a REAL enchantress. Before her death, she cast a hex upon the Murgatroyd Family, declaring that all future Baronets of Ruddigore would be forced to commit a crime every single day of their lives upon inheriting the estate. If they do not, they will suffer fits of tortuous agony and die. This leads to a long line of Bad Baronets of Ruddigore, as this lifestyle quite literally transforms each inheritor into a stereotypical Moustache-Twirling Villain. It happens. The main character – Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd, a.k.a. Robin (please hide all your Dick Graysons) – is the rightful heir to the castle. He is also a naïve and sweethearted young lad who has absolutely no desire to do evil and become the next Bad Baronet. This is where Sir Despard enters the picture: he is Ruthven’s younger brother, but when the fellow fakes his death and goes into hiding, becoming the humble gentleman Robin, Despard is forced to take the role of the next Bad Baronet. Despard is thus forced to abandon his fiancé – who goes mad from the loss – and commit numerous crimes, leading to him become a despised and physically ghoulish figure. It is only when Robin’s true identity is revealed that Despard is able to find a way to abandon this lifestyle and return to his beloved. The story is a mockery of typical Victorian melodramas: in here, the main character is both a handsome young man AND a moustache-twirling nasty. Despard, meanwhile, at first plays the role of the moustache-twirling bad guy, but eventually is redeemed. The damsel who gets embroiled in all this is never in any REAL distress, and – very ironically – the real bad guy of the story turns out to be the character who, in other tales, would typically be the hero. That role goes to Richard Dauntless: a sailor who at first starts off as Robin’s best friend, practically a brother to him…but when he falls in love with the same woman Ruthven does, he conspires with Despard to take the lady for himself. I absolutely love Ruddigore’s story and its sense of style. It’s a delightfully dark and Gothic comedy with some deep themes that lie beneath its completely silly surface. Really, my only problem with the play is it’s completely redonculuous ending, but…eh. It’s a comedic farce filled to the brim with patter songs, I wasn’t expecting a Shakespearean conclusion. :P Now that I’ve jabbered about that for so long…let’s get to Vincent himself. Vincent played the role of Despard in a TV production made for the 1980s. It was part of a series of televised productions of Gilbert & Sullivan’s plays, all of which featured a mixture of opera-trained theatre performers, mixed in with bigger-named screen actors to sort of draw in crowds. Vincent was a perfect choice to play some role in this story, as the show does have a wonderfully spooky and decadent atmosphere. Price had also done some musicals before this, both onstage and onscreen, so one would expect him to have the chops needed. To Vincent’s credit, he gives it his all, as he always did; there’s a wonderful, ironic charm to the way he plays Despard, especially in his more villainous mode, which contrasts delightfully with his more mild-mannered and somewhat persnickety persona when he is allowed to reform. However, as much as I love Ruddigore – and I love seeing Vincent in it – it’s a little hard for me to buy Despard as Robin’s YOUNGER brother in this film, considering the actor playing Robin – Keith Mitchell - was twenty whole years Vincent’s junior at the time, and he looked it. Also, Vincent’s voice is actually not as strong here as you might expect: while Price did have some musical training, the mixture of age and a constant smoking habit weakened his vocals over time, and you can definitely hear it in Ruddigore. It’s not necessarily bad, and he acts his heart out to make up for it, but when you compare it to virtually everybody else in the cast, it’s an obvious weak spot. Tomorrow, the countdown continues with my pick for Number 30!
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duckiehq · 1 year
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「  lana  condor  .  24  .  non - binary  .  she / they  」 hey  ,  look  !  its  daphne  “ duckie ”  pham  rocking  up  with  their  camp  uniform  on  .  it's  their  third  year  working  at  cooper  creek  so  it's  like  they've  never  been  away  .  they're  pretty  popular  with  the  kids  due  to  their  +  whimsical  and  +  adventurous  nature  .  but  it's  a  tough  crowd  and  they  can't  please  everyone  ,  especially  those  that  say  they're  -  irresponsible  and  -  scatterbrained  .  they  also  remind  everyone  of  uncontrollable  laughter  in  the  summer  sun ,  smiles  that  start  small  and  reach  a  thousand  watts ,  &  always  finding  a  silver  lining  .  what's  their  favorite  activity  to  lead  at  camp  ,  you  ask  ?  oh  ,  definitely  paddle - boarding  .  well  ,  let's  hope  they  can  survive  the  summer  .  it  can  be  brutal  out  there  !
hi-diddly-ho, neighborinos! your friendly neighborhood maeby (27, they/she, mst) coming in hot and so stoked to be here ♡ i’m bringing my teeny-tiniest, sunshine-iest lil pea, duckie! so without further ado…
given name: daphne elaine pham preferred name: duckie - given as a child, an offshoot of “daffy duck” other nicknames: duck, goose, daph, pham birthday: august 8th, 1998 (24 years old) zodiac: leo sun, aquarius moon, sagittarius rising identity: pansexual, panromantic non-binary person hometown: newcastle, nsw, australia hobbies: surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing, amateur filmmaking, acoustic guitar, matchmaking/meddling, dance dance revolution, creating the ultimate nachos favorites: pizza with pineapple, pasta with white sauce, chocolate lava cakes, clueless (1995), romy and michele’s high school reunion (1997), josie and the pussycats (2001), psychedelic indie folk pop, richard linklater character inspo: jack dawson (titanic), ferris bueller (ferris bueller’s day off), dani rojas (ted lasso), darcy olsson (heartstopper), jj maybank (outer banks), ilana wexler (broad city), bubbles (powerpuff girls) pinterest: click here! playlist: click here!
the ballad of duckie pham starts with a chance, however impulsive and hopeful, given to two people; two polar opposites. a surfer, just starting to rise through international ranks, and an honors interior design major home for summer break. a chance meeting at a diner when he happened to be in town for a competition. was it impulsive for them to stay out all night, talking to each other when they were complete strangers? definitely. did they care? not at all. duckie’s older brother was born nine months and some change later and though her parents weren’t actually married until a few years ago, that hopeless romanticism became a constant theme in duckie’s life.
as she grew older, while all of her friends spent their time in the middle of crazy schemes to try to get boyfriends and girlfriends (often that she came up with), duckie was learning how to kickflip, running around filming everything around her, teaching herself how to play bad covers on her dad’s old acoustic guitar, and surfing newcastle’s impeccable waves any chance she got. by far the closest to her heart, surfing took up the majority of her attention and love. until her dad retired from competition and opened his own surf shop with duckie’s uncle, duckie spent every summer chasing the greatest waves in the world with him as he made a name for himself. even when she was thousands of miles from home, she learned how to make friends everywhere they went. anywhere could feel like home.
when her father did retire, they went back to living in newcastle year-round and duckie’s adventures around the globe suddenly stopped. she was sixteen, freshly blossomed in the ocean surf, and ready to fall in love with her hometown again. what she hadn’t expected was for her to fall in love. she had her heart broken three times by the time she finished school and left home, but that never stopped her from falling again. every summer in newcastle, duckie was determined to have more adventures and make more memories than the last. these hometown summers had summers in portugal and brazil and south africa to compete with, after all. but somehow, they managed to. every single year.
despite everything, when she was twenty, duckie started to feel stagnant; complacent; bored. it seemed newcastle wasn’t enough for her uncontrollable wanderlust anymore. deeply in love with one of her best friends, duckie followed her heart and followed them to los angeles. without any real job experience or great ideas, she went back to what she did best and started entering in local surf competitions; getting her name out there, just like her pops had. the next couple of years were less of a whirlwind and more of a tornado. confessions and love and breakups and parties, parties, parties. the year she would start at camp, it all became a little too much for duckie and when she needed to get away, camp answered her call. one half-serious offer from a friend to join them at camp, and duckie was jetting off to florida to test her skills as a counsellor at cooper creek.
camp was everything she loved about the summers around the world with her dad and the legendary summers in her hometown all rolled into one. everything about camp suited duckie. when she’s there, the rest of the world melts away. all her usual stresses are replaced with cackling laughter, childish pranks, and pure possibility. after all, anything can happen at camp. for as much chaos as she causes there, camp centers and grounds her for the rest of the year when she’s back to surfing, traveling endlessly, and helping out her dad and uncle with their surf shop in newcastle (her home base once again) every chance she gets. newcastle is her her hometown and very soul, so cooper creek must really be something special to compete with it in duckie’s heart like it does.
when this summer rolled around, she was already itching to get out of newcastle and get back to florida. back to summer crushes, acting like an idiot, and showing everyone what duckie pham is made of.
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Thank you for asking about thisssssss :D
Best personality trait
How much he wants to protect people, definitely—specifically Tommy!
In this universe, Tommy was born when Ghostbur was around seven years old, ish? So Ghostbur has literally been with Tommy since he was a baby and he’s watched him grow up and get bigger and he has Many Feelings about that 🥺 He freaking loves his brother. Absolutely adores him. He would actually die for Tommy, no question about it.
And because Ghostbur & Tommy’s bio family was very Not Good, Ghostbur was pretty much the one who raised Tommy—not the parents. And soon after Tommy was born, the two were moved into foster care, which was confusing and scary and nothing ever stayed the same. So, Ghostbur became even more of a protector for his tiny brother :’) He worried a lot about Tommy’s safety, and what could or would happen to him if Ghostbur wasn’t around.
Ghostbur essentially acted as a shield for Tommy; he stepped in and saw/experienced/felt/went through bad things and hard things and scary things and sad things so that Tommy wouldn’t have to. Not that Tommy had a flawless childhood, of course—he absolutely went through super hard things—but Ghostbur did his very best to protect him from the worst of things.
Ghostbur would literally do anything for Tommy, like. His love for his little brother knows no bounds. He’ll protect him to the ends of the earth or die trying.
How they feel about Wilbur
His feelings about Wilbur are… turbulent. Alsgaksgkag
He didn’t even know Wilbur existed for most of his life, so when he finally discovered that he had a twin he has a freaking twin, he was… confused. Very, very confused.
Wilbur didn’t exactly help with that 😅 He’s very… um. Well, he’s very Wilbur XD He’s loud and theatrical and dramatic, and takes up so much space personality-wise. He’s not cruel or trying to be mean, but he can definitely come off as pretty sharp, and that made Ghostbur not like him too much at first 😅
However, things get better! As time goes on, Ghostbur comes to understand Wilbur more and more, and realizes that Wilbur cares a lot and has Big Feelings and struggles with things, and—perhaps the strangest of all—Wilbur loves. He loves Tommy. He might even love Ghostbur.
Things are confusing. Ghostbur’s thoughts on his twin are confusing.
But at the end of the day, when the house is quiet and Wilbur sits on the porch and plays guitar and watches frogs and birds and bugs, Ghostbur thinks that he likes Wilbur. He thinks that Wilbur is not a bad guy.
Love is confusing.
How they react when they are feeling joy or sadness
For happiness, it’s almost exactly like canon; his voice gets super high-pitched and squeaky, he smiles a lot, he has a great time. Basically, wholesome. So darn wholesome.
His joy is absolutely contagious. You can’t not smile when Ghostbur smiles, I mean come on. Especially when he’s super happy :D
Hugs!! He definitely hugs!! He hugs when he’s happy!! Tommy quite likes the hugs (sometimes aksgaksgjag) and he’s learned that it’s something Ghostbur loves doing, so he mostly lets Ghostbur hug as much as he wants :)
And happy bouncing, as well. Ghostbur does little happy bounces; sometimes jumping a few inches into the air, but often just bending his knees a little bit (I do this sometimes when I’m happy!).
There’s a lot of other times when Ghostbur’s joy is much quieter, however—BUT NO LESS WHOLESOME!!!
For example, just being around Tommy is enough to make him very happy :) So like, at night when the both of them are a bit sleepy and sitting on the couch, Ghostbur will smile to himself and not say a word, content to let Tommy rest. Content to just be.
Ghostbur loves the quiet moments, man. He just loves ‘em.
He also likes to trace his finger along Tommy’s hand, when he’s happy!! Going over all the lines and such, quiet and thinking about how every human hand is different and looks different and feels different, and how wonderful that is. He’s glad that Tommy’s hands are soft.
For sadness… :0
Ghostbur’s definitely a denier; when he’s feeling sad or not-happy, he never likes to say that or admit that to anyone—even to himself. He’ll try and convince himself that he’s happy, or distract himself with things that will make him happy, or simply… metaphorically run away from the bad thoughts, and desperately try to forget them. If he forgets, then they’re not real.
It’s not very healthy :( The poor man needs to be more honest with himself, and more open about this to people :(( GAHHHHHHH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND WANT TO GIVE HIM A HUG AND LET HIM CRY ON ME <333
Almost always, Ghostbur reaches a breaking point, when the bad thoughts get too loud and take up too much of the space inside his head, and he can’t feel happy and he doesn’t feel happy, and he’s scared and he just wants to feel right again but he doesn’t and that really scares him.
When that happens, pretty much the only thing left to do is… cry. And thing is, Ghostbur doesn’t cry all that much! He really dislikes crying, and tries not to do it at all! But when he feels like this—sad and scared and scared and scared and scared—he can’t stop crying. And he hates it, he hates how much he cries, he hates how he can’t stop, but he doesn’t know what else to do.
Every once in a while Tommy will find him crying, and trying to be quiet about it so that Tommy doesn’t see. When that happens, Tommy just hugs him, and Ghostbur hugs back, and there’s… Lots of crying. Lots of it.
And then afterward, Ghostbur is “back to normal” and tries not to think about crying or sad things or scary things! It’s… definitely not a healthy way to live :(
Scariest moment of their life
Oh… man :(
Honestly, Ghostbur could make a list of all the scariest moments of his life—that is, if Ghostbur actually acknowledged those moments, which he doesn’t.
I’m still figuring out the specifics of his backstory, but I do know that…
He’s drowned at least once (hence his fear of water/not knowing how to swim)
He’s watched some people die (more than one)
Bad things have happened to Tommy
Ghostbur couldn’t stop the bad things from happening to Tommy
Ghostbur blames himself for the bad things that happened to Tommy
He’s also Very afraid of doctors/needles, but I’m not sure exactly why yet :0
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Wait so is this anon lying?//
if your taking about the first one that said that there’re major inconsistencies in Harry’s case. Nope they aren’t!
There are major inconsistencies in everything him and his wife say. Unfortunately or very fortunately for them barley anyone fact checks what they are saying, and the few people who do so publicly are unfortunately rarely being objective and down to the facts. So H & M get to built their poor us holier than thou victim narrative. The thing is he fucked up big time at the start of their relationship and they rushed like crazy. (Then again he didn’t listend to anyone warning him, and telling him to slow down. To the point where he cut out most of his friends out of his life). He should have introduced her properly to the life by his side and they should have sat down together with other members of the RF, private secretaries etc. To outline their role. Which seeing as everything outfolded the way it did, no one ever did sit them down. (There is as reason why both Chelsy and Cressida bailed on him, besides him apparently being quite a shitty bf, royal life isn’t easy. Public scrutiny is crazy. Will & Kate went through it, Chelsy and Catherine were actually followed and stalked by paparazzi back in the day. I know nowadays there is barley any criticism about Catherine, as the British press found a new “victim” but the things the girls had to endure were truly vile. Back during the first hacking Catherine’s phone had been hacked the most a bit more than 100 times if I remember correctly.)
Then again Harry has always been a terribly entitled man child, back in the day around William & Catherine‘s wedding. He had this truly amazing privat secretary Edward Lane Fox. Built him the whole one of the guys, Hero Harry Narrative. Should be after Vegas, I’m really not good with dates and to lazy to look up the years but damn, he fucked up soo much but everything was basically swept under the rug. That’s why when his book came out in January a lot of friends / former acquaintance anonymously went nothing you say about us / anyone else will be as bad as what we have to say about you.
He was the star back in the day and he got a bit to much into it, ignoring, willfully so, that as much as they all are family they also have public representative roles and he comes second to his brother. And after George, Charlotte, Luis were born he dropped further down the line. I mean the guy said in an interview that he only has so many years left of public interest before his nephews/ niece are getting the limelight instead of him. Man is highly insecure! And the thing is he’s been getting away with it for sooo long. I mean boy doesn’t even know how tax payer funded royal protection officers (RPO) are chosen and who actually gets to use one. He really just had everyone taking care of him and working out his problems, to the point where he doesn’t know how to do it himself.
Btw that’s his other lawsuit about the payed protection, if I don’t get any I want to pay for some police officers. As if one can just “buy” a few police officers. Home office looks into who gets a RPO and who doesn’t. That’s why Beatrice and Eugenie lost there’s in 2011.
Basics this couple just loves to sue people, unfortunately for them they haven’t figured out yet that lies don’t really work at court and that some unpleasant truths might get out. Very unfortunately that it happens to be about stories told in books and Netflix shows that were meant to tell the truth. Then again it seems to be the classic case of my truth, your truth and the things that really happened.
Thank you for this ask! I needed all of that info to understand 😭
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