#the 118 is going to be so confused with Kim
bucknerdycore · 4 months
*Buck entering the 118 in silence*
Bobby: Are you okay Buck? Buck: Yesterday I saw Shannon in a restaurant with Eddie.
Hen: What? Buck: I'm not joking! I told Tommy and he doesn't believe me either.
Chimney: Don't think about it! Cap just made food.
*they sit down while Bobby serves the food*
Kim: Hi I'm looking for Eddie Diaz.
Buck: I told you that I saw her!
Chimney: What's in the food?
Hen: Oh no another brownie situation.
Chimney: I have to take a photo for Maddie.
Buck: Can someone tell Tommy this please? He is not going to believe me.
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groupielove21 · 5 months
I have a theory that Eddie is going to be hospitalized for psychological treatment and that's why "Eddie is going to be isolated from everyone".
I feel that Buck is going to see Kim (confirmed by the actress herself) and is going to go crazy and try to help Eddie, but he won't be able to, so he calls the 118, but they don't succeed either and Buck ultimately calls the Diaz's family, maybe Eddie's Abuela (there are bts photos of her and Chris in the loft) and she is the one who decides to call Edddie's entire family to have an intervention (there are bts photos and videos of them filming) and Eddie decides that "okay, maybe I really need help".
What no one knows is that Chris would not stay with his grandparents, but rather that he would stay with Buck (the will) and probably also that Buck is the one who can make decisions about Eddie's health (this is not confirmed, but I don't know why Eddie would put Buck in his will for Chris and not choose him to take care of Eddie himself if something happens to him regarding his health), and that makes Eddie's entire family angry.
So season 8 would begin with Eddie still hospitalized or maybe not but still unable to work, completely alone because his family is still angry, his son is still living with Buck who is angry with him for all the decisions he made and without being able to approach 118 because he can't work.
(Maddie could be of great help here, because she went through something similar and would give us scenes of them together, as both actors said they would like to finally have some kind of interaction on the show)
And in this solitude and treatment Eddie can finally learn to live his life and heal his trauma, which I feel will address his arc for at least half of season 8.
(And it would be very interesting to see how all this affects Buck because now he is going to have to take care of a probably very angry and hurt Christopher who misses his father. Buck would perhaps have to move to Eddie's house and live with his ghost , and the anger of knowing that maybe Eddie got confused but Buck failed because he couldn't save him.
There's also the Tommy question of everything because... is Tommy ready for this? Can he help Buck take care of Chris? Does he want to do it? Can he live with his new boyfriend missing Eddie and acting like another man's abandoned wife?)
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runninglikeabuckley · 4 months
my batshit season 7/8 theory is that eddie is going to end season 7 (and/or begin season 8) with amnesia. like full blown, ZERO memories of anyone, including the 118, chris and shannon, buck, his family, literally anyone. walk with me here.
i’m basically going off vibes here but in several interviews recently, ryan has referred to eddie ‘literally hitting the reset button’, exploring new territory, being isolated etc by the end of the season/start of season 8 and because this show is insane, i’m getting to the point where i’m wondering does he actually mean a literal reseat button. because eddie’s storylines this season have largely revolved around the past and his unresolved feelings about (and repression of) it. we have the christopher storyline in ep 1, the catholic guilt storyline, the kim/shannon stuff going on now. they’re making a point of bringing eddie’s past up because he hasn’t dealt with it. this man is the KING of repression.
so what if, either because of an injury on the job or sickness/stress etc, he completely loses his memory. AFTER the kim affair is revealed. so there’s this weird tension and then when amnesia!eddie is told he’s like ‘wtf is wrong with me??’ and it becomes a genuine exploration of what is wrong with him, coming from a place of curiosity because he does not understand the man whose body he is currently occupying.
i feel like you have to take eddie out of eddie for a little bit for him to fully understand himself. and if i was writing it (which i am bc i made this up) i would have him choose to go to texas. spend some time with his family, in his childhood home and genuinely figure himself out. and (bc i have to make everything a little bit about buddie) chris stays with buck. no matter what tension is there between buck and eddie after kim, chris and buck are together through this. and of course there’s a conversation about the will (bc we still have those bts pics of the diaz parents!!) and buck takes christopher, because if anything happens to eddie, that’s what is supposed to happen. and maybe that’s when the diaz parents/the 118 find out about it and they’re confused but eddie - somehow - isn’t. because he knows. and that’s why he wants/needs to go back to texas. because he knows that there are things he hasn’t let himself realise about himself, and he knows in his gut it’s not just his army PTSD or grief about shannon, that his trauma and issues go way deeper than he has let himself consider consciously. so he decides to do it for him/not-him. partly because he thinks the eddie that everyone is missing deserves to know himself and partly because he’s afraid if he gets his memories back he’ll never be brave enough to look at those parts of himself
and we get ‘eddie starts over’
because god knows he needs to
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consumedbyfeels · 4 months
Ashes to Ashes Spoilers
Okay so I am not okay after "Ashes to Ashes"
spoilers below
First off I love how proud Buck looks when Tommy gets his award.
And go Chim put Gerrald in his place, Also I hate him but you have to admit "I heard you got your wings" was a clever way to insult Tommy, it doesn't even sound inherently like an insult so A+ for creativity even if you are being a dick.
I just love the Gerrald a man who is playing prejudice bingo and winning had to watch a gay man, a bisexual man, a hispanic man, a asian man and a black lesbian receive awards and play nice and be professional while doing so, He must have hated every moment and I love it.
LEAVE HENREN ALONE!!!! WTF they are best parents Mara could have and they were so close to being family. I know they are going to fight like hell for her and the firefam with be with them every step of the way, but damn that women has it out for Hen and she has the power to make her life hell. I hope they can win but I'm scared, that is a powerful enemy to have.
Also Buck being a good friend to Eddie about the whole Kim thing and being supportive but also lowkey knocking sense into him. I have to admit my favorite part is eddie being confuse whos at his back door and even more confused when it's buck who asks if he can come in as if he doesn't have a key and barges in whenever he wants.
Eddie confronting his feeling over Shannon and finally getting closer is going to be great for him after it blows things up a bit. Marosal and Chris could not have had worse timing but it'll end for the better I believe. I just wanted to give Eddie a big hug in that scene, I was about to start crying with him. Poor baby.
Also bobby telling Buck he knows Tommy is a good man because they haven't had to talk about it is amazing. We love a supportive dad.
Athena honey, "there is a part of you I could never touch" ouch. My Bathena heart.
Nooo Bobby better be okay, I just know the next episode is going to be heartbreaking.
You can see Amir getting angry as he looks at the photos. Bobby is going to blame himself and that's going to spiral into something bad. Athena's going to blame herself because she asked Amir to come over and everything and now Bobby is hurt.
Also where is Harry during the fire? May is probably at her place but Harry was staying with them. I'm guessing he wasn't there cuz neither of them went all Papa/Mama Bear but I'm gonna need confirmation of this fact pleas ABC.
I hope Bobby lives and stays at the 118.
They really set up for all kinds of heartbreak in this episode. There was a lot packed into this week.
Why is everything but Tevan and Madney a dumpster fire holy shit, I am not okay. Don't get me wrong I am happy Tevan and Madney are thriving they deserve it but damn,
If you need me I will be consoling my broken heart by reading/writing Tevan fics.
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I thought we were pass the split the 118 plot but a friend said as she called rogue theory she was you know how vertigo has the actress and we got the confirmation Kim is an actress and my friend was her lil like bragging reminded her of a tv show she loves so we were talking and her theory was what if the council woman has spies in the inside and want to split the 118 because that will hurt Hen more and my friend said “ my rogue theory is Kim and Tommy might be the spies” but now people is saying Tommy and it all quite of make sense and with insiders saying plot twist Oliver saying the ending is heartbreaking I’m just like what if it js true like Buck has been happy all along and is weird and I know he will hurt just by seeing Bobby hurt and just by seeing Eddie hurt but he is never that lucky to not get really hurt without having to be hurt because his loved ones are hurt so what if at the end we get Tommy was working for the council woman which I would hate because I do want Tommy out but poor Buck 😭😭😭 but like it seems like it can go that way my friends theory wasn’t that rogue after all only that Kim was working for that council woman, and to me it can be that Tommy is cause he tried to get with Eddie first and then realized it was easier with Buck cause he was confused and he did knew since the start Buck was jealous because he wanted eddies attention also that Gerard captain saying enjoy it while you can to Tommy and I’m like omg is that it I’m gonna cry poor buck
Wow. Your friend has an interesting theory. That would be compelling tv if it happens that way.
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andavs · 4 months
the being isolated at the end of s7/s8 being a refresh button for eddie feels very odd and contradictory to me imo. how can s8 be a refresh button if eddie has to work on getting close to his family again after being isolated, even if it's by his own doing, because then he'll still have to be working through all these issues? i can't quite wrap my head around it 😅 but i wouldn't be surprised if ryan was being purposefully misleading for the sake of suspense
Yeah, that’s confusing me too. The way he talked about the refresh button and letting go of the past doesn’t make it sound like a bad thing, so I doubt he’s going to quit the 118 and run off with Kim or something.
He said Eddie would be feeling isolated, so I’m assuming he won’t literally be isolated from everyone else, unless some truly batshit insane stuff happens in the next few episodes. And didn’t he also say something about abuela having a secret at some point? Maybe it’s related to his family too? Some deep dark Diaz secret?
I guess if Eddie’s finally getting over Shannon and accepting that he’s really truly single—probably for the first time in his life with how he’s been entombed in grief—while literally everyone else in his life is happily paired off, that could feel pretty isolating. Like, watch them give Chris his first real girlfriend too, just to rub in how truly alone Eddie feels. 
I’m not betting on any sexuality crises kicking off this season, but if that does happen and he doesn’t handle it well, that would be pretty isolating. Like all of the queer people in his life are so happy being who they are, and Buck found it so freeing and wonderful, so why does he hate this? He can’t go tell the people he loves that he hates himself for being like them, so who the hell would he talk to? Bring that Catholic guilt back!
Or I’ve seen the theory that he realizes he’s in love with Buck but can’t say anything because Buck’s happy with Tommy and he can’t tell anyone else, but that would be a pretty quick turnaround from all this Shannon stuff.
I don’t know! Maybe all the s8 stuff is more Tim sharing partial ideas he has when they haven’t actively started working on it, and it’ll end up being something completely different! This season has been such a wild ride and so different from previous seasons that it’s pretty hard to predict what might come next.
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deelovesbooks · 4 months
911 s7 finale liveblog!
the amount of anxiety im feeling cannot be healthy rn
omg omg omg ok ow i just stimmed too hard and hurt my hand
oh man chris :(((((((
oh shit oh shit okay yeah chris called the grandparents
mara :(((((
lmao i called that the shocked diaz parents was seeing kim
ohhhh Athena
ooooooooooooooooh Athena maam thats a bad idea thena put the gun away
i dont like this lady im suspicious fr
Maddie Han 😍
yeah in danger from you
oh is that the Prayer book eddies holding?
ok its very tense but im loving the teamwork connecting the dots. also love how up in eachothers buisness the 118+ fam is. Sketchy call from athena? better call chim
oh buck and eddie sitting in bobbys room :(
lmao that 911 nba commercial startled me i was so confused
Athena miss maam leave this man alone
i still cannot believe that we get Angela fuckin basset on our weewoo show
Aw Amir
if thats not bobby fucking waking up and fighting the intubation im gonna lose it
the fact that buck is in the same shirt for the bucktommy date as he is in the hospital rn is the only thing holding me together bc if bobby died they wouldnt have the date right?
[also jesus christ why are there so many fuckin medication commercials? america are u ok?]
lmao Athena bout to start her own fire
lmao amir and athena about even now? sorry i threatened u here let me save ur life pls dont press charges lol
OH THANK GOD ok i can untense now lol
"god i hope so" THOMAS
[ok was that just my stream or was there a weird cut edit during their conversation?]
ok yeah hes 13 he should have some choice but also hes 13. have him stay with like hen and karen or even buck for little bit if he needs space not in another state!!
Awwwwwww grant-nash family :')
please excuse me while i go cry :(((
amir :')
yes bobby accept ur a hero
oh thank god we were wrong its bobby n
i legit threw my glasses off my face onto my desk the viceral reaction i had to that motherfuckers face
i- fuck. thats the only thing i got. fuck.
there was only a minute left i assumed the angst and bittersweet part would be chris leaving and ya know he grant-nashs not having a house but then
we knew. we all as a fandom knew that it wasnt just a coincidence that gerrard was at the medal ceremony. i had hoped that it would be one of those instances where fandom read to much into it and thought about it way harder than the actual writers like what usually happens but no.
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blazinghotfoggynights · 4 months
An Eddie reset?
Many posts ago, I mentioned an AU I've been working on for over a year. In it, Eddie was the one who actually died and ended up in a coma during the lightning strike. From the moment Eddie is thrown from the ladder truck, we are in his coma dream. I joked that maybe the writers and I were feeling the same vibe.
Then I started thinking and my mind wandered into that area of weirdness and what ifs. (It gets me in trouble, but it makes life interesting. So, I'll continue doing it. Regularly.)
Rabbit hole entrance below.
Could that be happening in season 7? What if the whole season has been Eddie in a coma and we're watching his dream? Characters have been acting oddly this season and there are some unexplainable plot holes I just noticed.
One example is the Madney wedding. If Chimney had encephalitis that was caused by exposure to something infectious, what was the pathogen? Is he contagious? What is the incubation period?
Something else that stood out was how quickly Chim went from confused and possibly dying to A-ok and a wedding. If the indications are correct, the 118 being in the same clothes they wore to look for Chim, Tommy apologizing for being late because he had to work, as he said the night before the wedding when he left the bachelor party, and Chim being better in minutes to hours because it is still early daytime when Tommy walks in.
There is a still of Abuela and Christopher in Buck's loft floating around. Is it because maybe Eddie's wish that Buck take care of Christopher if he couldn't came to pass?
Eddie and Buck destroyed a hotel room, but there has been no mention of liability. What was really odd was the staff didn't try to shut that party down. It looked like a nicer hotel. They do not allow that type of behavior.
And damage? If you leave the hair dryer on the vanity too long and slightly discolor it with heat, your credit card is taking a beating. Ijs.
People from the past is also a recurring theme this season.
Norman and his wife were on the cruise.
Eddie is with Marisol whom he ran into again after the lightning strike.
Someone from the fire Bobby started found him in LA.
Tommy is back.
Kim is kinda Shannon being back, no?
If the mind can't create new people and can only work with those we've encountered, that could support the coma dream theory.
Those are just some of the "things that make you go hmm" parts of this season I thought about.
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blog-in-a-corner · 5 years
TSOTBL - Words, Words, Words
Kim, Aaron and Lucinda sat around the fire, chatting as the time passed.
“No, I wouldn’t kill the other guy on the moon with a rock if the situation ever happened to come upon me.” Aaron stated, after some deep thought. “I told you Lucinda!” Kim teased in triumph. “Hey! I was just thinking of the best solution to your question.” Lucinda responded in a defensive manner. “Still! We aren’t block characters Lucinda, this is real life.” Kim asserted. Everyone stared blankly at each other for a moment. “So all of that aside,” Aaron said aloud, scooting closer to the fire. “Where is everyone else? The entire time we’ve been here I haven’t heard a peep from Aphmau, Garroth, or Zane.” “Well Aphmau and Zane went down to the kitchen to have lunch earlier. I don’t know where they went after that.” Lucinda replied, trying to recall anything else. “Zane had lunch again? That little rat turd….” Kim said under her breath in annoyance. “If that’s the case they’re probably hanging out in one of the rooms. Zane can’t stand anything moving or breathing that isn’t Aph and she probably doesn’t want to leave him alone.” Aaron elaborated. “Ugh, I’m glad, I’m not very fond of him…” Kim admitted, in an irritated tone. “Not too many people are fond of him to begin with.” Lucinda claimed, proceeding to lie down on the floor. “He’s fine by me, but I’m one of the few people on his good side, so….” Aaron explained. “Exactly. But I guess we really shouldn’t be saying anything, it’s easy to be critical of others.” Lucinda thought aloud. “Yeah….” Kim muttered, staring into the fire. “Oh I almost forgot, what about Garroth? Where is he? He usually hangs out around here.” Aaron asked. “He and I had lunch earlier, we talked for a bit, and then he went to give Zane his phone back after he accidently left it in the kitchen. I bumped into him some time afterward but he was acting a little off, I wanted to ask him about it, but I don’t know Garroth as much as you guys do…” Kim explained, adjusting her glasses. “I’m sure he’s fine. I’ve never seen him not happy, the only times I’ve ever seen him cry or even be upset is when we get to the sad part of a disney movie.” Lucinda assured nonchalantly. “I don’t know….” Kim muttered, somewhat doubtful of Lucinda. “He’s fine. Trust me.” Lucinda stated, gesturing to herself. “If you say so.” Kim responded, still in a bit of doubt. “By the way, are we going to do any cleaning today Aaron?” Lucinda asked, looking over to Aaron. “No, I think we could all use a little break. Besides, we’ve already gotten a lot done, having Zane and Aphmau over was a much bigger help than I thought it’d be.” Aaron answered, proceeding to lie down on the floor with Lucinda. “Yeah, I didn’t think cleaning up this place was going to be such a pain…” Lucinda sighed wearily. “Don’t forget that whole thing with the cars breaking down.” Kim added. “Yeah, that too” Aaron groaned, putting his arm over his face. “At least we were able to buy food right?” Lucinda reminded everyone. “That reminds me, aren’t we supposed to have dinner soon?” Kim mentioned. “Oh yeah, I think it’s Aphmau’s turn today.” Aaron remembered, sitting up. “Then let’s go remind her before she forgets and we all starve to death and BunnyHill is known for its haunted lodge not its bunnies.” Lucinda exaggerated, getting up alongside Aaron. They got up from where they sat and began to rush upstairs and ran into her room.
“Hey Zane do you think giraffes remember when they were little” Aphmau asked, slouched over the bed. “What kind of question is tha-” “APHMAU!” Kim interrupted Zane, busting the door open. “HELLO?!” Aphmau screamed, rushing to sit up on her bed. “WHAT THE HELL?!” Zane shrieked, jolting up from the floor. “MAKE US FOOOOOOOOOOOD!” Aaron joined, yelling dramatically. “Before we starve to death and haunt you for the rest of your life!” Lucinda shouted from behind Kim and Aaron. “Okay, Okay just stop yelling at me!” Aphmau yelled, still confused with the situation. “Irene! I swear you guys are complete ass clowns.” Zane hissed, annoyed with the others. “And you’re not because you have no funnybone or an ass.” Lucinda retorted. “You little-” “Hey! No fighting! It’s dinnertime.” Aphmau scolded both Zane and Lucinda. “Hmph!” Zane uttered angrily.
Everyone went downstairs and waited out in the lobby as Aphmau began to prepare dinner in the kitchn. Aphmau did need some assistance from Aaron to cook, as they didn’t have a lot of common ingredients that she was used to working with.
“You don’t have to help me cook, it’s my turn and you need rest anyway.” Aphmau insisted. “Yeah but we don’t have a lot of ingredients to use, a liquor store doesn’t exactly have the most diverse grocery selection, and uh, not to be rude or anything, but you don’t cook a lot, so...” Aaron replied, taking some bread and canned meats from out of the cabinets. “True...but still! I’m sure I’ll figure something out, trust me I don’t need any help.” Aphmau stated, taking the bread from Aaron. “Don’t worry it’s no trouble at all!” Aaron persisted, grabbing the bread back from Aphmau. “I mean uh, unless I’m bothering you, I wouldn’t want to-” “No you’re not bothering me at all! I just don’t want to bother you with this.” Aphmau explained. “You’re not bothering me either.”
They shared a small moment of silent awkwardness.
“Erm, why don’t we just get to cooking?” Aphmau suggested quietly. “Yeah let’s do that.” Aaron agreed, quickly getting to work with Aphmau.
After about an hour Aphmau calls out.
“Dinner is ready!” “Sweet!” Lucinda cheered, heading to the kitchen with the others.
Lucinda, Kim, and Zane all walked into the kitchen and sat down around the table. Zane then seemed to have remembered something and began to look around the kitchen.
“Looking for something Zane?” Aaron questioned, plating everyone’s food. “Yeah, I just realized I don’t have my phone on me. The last place I remembered leaving it was in the kitchen.” Zane answered, putting his hand on the kitchen table in reminiscence. “You don’t have your phone?” Kim asked in confusion. “I don’t? Wow totally not like I just said that.” Zane replied sarcastically. “Odd, I found your phone in here earlier and Garroth told me he was going to give it back to you when he was done cleaning the kitchen.” Kim stated. “Knowing the dumbass he probably broke it somehow and tried to cover it up.” Zane sneered, rolling his eyes and sat back down. “Speaking of Garroth, Kim, could you do me a favor and find him so he can come down for dinner?” Aphmau asked, passing everyone their food. “Sure thing!” Kim responded, getting up from her seat. “Because unlike some people I like to keep my promises.” Kim said under her breath, glaring at Aphmau. “Didja say something Kim?” Aphmau questioned, looking back to Kim. “I said I’ll be as quick as I can! I don’t want Garroth to miss dinner.” Kim lied, heading out of the kitchen.
Kim looked around the lobby for a moment, in case Garroth was already there.
“”Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it!” What a load, if you didn’t want to confront someone on their crummy behaviour all you had to do was say it.” Kim muttered angrily to herself. “Well, I guess I’d better get a start on finding Garroth.” Kim sighed. “Hm, I should go upstairs, I doubt he’s where the supply rooms are, otherwise he’d have probably heard Aphmau call everyone for dinner. If anything he’s most likely in his room.” Kim thought to herself, proceeding to walk upstairs. “Okay so let me see...i’m in room 118….Lucinda’s room is right next to Zane’s, being 117….Aphmau’s is next to mine and across from Zane’s…..gah! I wish I had a better memory...okay so Zane didn’t want the room next to Garroth’s but all of our rooms are really close together so….Garroth’s room should be 115!.......I think.”
Kim went up to room 115, she tried to open the door but it was locked.
“Locked…? Hey Garroth! You in there?” Kim called aloud, pressing her ear against the door to see if she could hear anything from inside the room. “Do you need something?” Garroth answered from inside the room. “Dinner’s ready! Aphmau sent me to come find you.” Kim replied. “Oh okay give me a second!” Garroth shouted, proceeding to exit his room. “Why were you in there for so long? I haven’t seen you since lunch.” Kim questioned, walking through the hall and down the stairs with Garroth. “Oh I was just….resting. The whole broken shoulder n’ all kinda gets me tired sometimes...” Garroth answered, looking at his arm. “Ah okay! I was worried it might’ve been something else.” Kim said, relieved. “Heh, yeah…..” Garroth muttered, walking alongside Kim. “I hope it's good, from what I've heard Aphmau isn’t that great of a cook.” “Irene have mercy on our souls and stomachs. Unless Aaron helped her like he tends to do, then nevermind that, he's a real good cook.” “Is that so? Then I guess we don't have to worry about dinner anymore huh.” Kim thought aloud, walking into the kitchen. “Oh good you found Garroth!” Aaron said quite happily, as Garroth and Kim sat down. “We made some reubens, except uh, without the sauerkraut, because there wasn’t any at the liquor store, and some weird canned version of corn beef.” “Looks yummy!” Garroth stated in delight, proceeding to take bite out of his sandwich. “Oh by the way, Zane.” “What is it?” Zane replied in annoyance. “You forgot this in the kitchen earlier.” Garroth said, handing Zane his phone. “Tch, why didn’t you give it to me earlier then you moron?” Zane asked, taking his phone from Garroth’s hand and putting it beside his plate.” “I couldn’t find you, I figured I’d give it to you later, and then…...it just slipped mind I guess.” “Typical.” Zane said with disdain. “I’m pretty stupid, what'd you expect.” Garroth uttered, looking down at his plate. He really wasn’t hungry, and he didn’t feel like being around Zane, but he didn’t want to bother his friends with his personal problems, so he just sat and ate with them, acting like everything was normal. Kim gave Garroth a quick glance of concern before returning to her meal.
Nothing new under the sun.
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taehyung-and-suga · 6 years
Someone I Didn’t Expect Chapter 13
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You entered math class and went to stand behind your chair. The teacher came in and looked around the room. “You may sit down.”, she ordered and you obeyed. After everyone sat down she took a paper and called you name by name for your presence. “Na Jaemin” “Present” “Kim Donghyuck” “Present” “Lee Jeno” “Present” “Jeon Mina” “Present” “Hwang Hyunjin” “Present” “Han Jisung” “Present” “Kim Seungmin” “Present” “Lee Felix” It was silent in the room. You looked behind you and saw an awfully tired version of Felix. “Present”, he said in a tired voice. “A quicker reaction would be nice, Felix-ssi.”, the teacher remarked making Felix roll his eyes. You smiled at Felix to greet him but he avoided eye contact.Weird. You shrugged it off and put all your attention to the teacher. You’d see him with lunch so there was enough time to talk about it. “For today we will make some exercises  about functions. So I’d like all of you to take your books at page 118.”
“Where is Felix?”, you asked Jeno when you arrived. You were pretty late so you expected everyone to be here already. “I don’t know. I guess he isn’t feeling very well or so.”, he responded. “Who are you lying to? He is over there with Chan and his friends.”, Jaemin exposed Jeno. You looked over at the other table and saw Felix sitting between Hyunjin and Changbin, an older guy. You sat down and sighed. “Why didn’t he tell me he wouldn’t be eating with us today?”, you asked yourself, being upset. “C’mon, don’t make such a big deal out of it, Y/N. They’re also his friend and he doesn’t need permission from you to hang out with them.”, Mina said and locked her hand with yours. “You’re right but I’m just used to him being always with me and he keeps avoiding me.”, you said and pouted. She half smiled at you. “I thought everything was okay between us since I found out he told everything to Yoongi-oppa but clearly not.”, you continued. “I’ll talk to him for you. If you’re okay with it of course.”, Jaemin suggested and you nodded. “Okay, I’ll go to him right now.”, he said and stood up and made his way to the boys. You looked at Jaemin walking and once he reached them you noticed Felix not being there anymore. Jaemin talked to Jeongin and you watched them carefully. “Stop looking, it’s quite creepy.”, Mina said and you turned back to your original position. “Felix isn’t there anymore.”, you informed her. “Maybe he went to the toilet.”, as soon as her words left her mouth Jaemin was back at our table. “He doesn’t want to talk with anyone for a while.”, he informed you. You took your phone and texted him.
‘Are you okay?’
‘Yeahh don’t worry’
‘We missed you at the table’
‘You’ll get used to it.’
“What the hell does he mean by that!”, Mina screamed when she saw his text. “Seriously guys, let him alone for a while.”, Jeno said to make her stop screaming. “But we are worried! Look at the way he talks! Shouldn’t we contact him?”, you made your argument. “Just call hi in the evening. I think that’s the best solution.”, Jeno requested and you nodded.
It was 9PM and you made your homework. You took your phone out of your pocket and called Felix/ he didn’t pick up. You looked confused at your phone. Maybe he was too late to pick it up? You tried again. You let the sound beep for a few times but still no answer. If he doesn’t want to call with me I’m going to call his aunt then. You thought and called his aunt. Surprisingly she took the phone immediately. “I thought you’d call Y/N.”, she said . You greeted her and asked where Felix was. “Look, Y/N. I don’t know how to say this in a good way but Felix doesn’t want to talk to anyone of you for a while. I can’t say why nor until when but just leave him alone.He is a great guy and he won’t let you down forever”, you let her speak. “Oh- well, okay. Can you tell him that I love him?”, you asked, trying to hold the tears. “You love him?”, she asked shocked. “Not in that way but I never said it to him while I clearly feel like he should know.”, you explained. “Okay I will. Take care Y/N. Bye” “Good evening.”, you said and hung up the phone. You laid on your bed and stared at the ceiling.  Is this the end of your friendship? Before you realized, tears formed in your eyes and you were crying.
I don’t want to lose you Lee Felix.
I will always be by your S.I.D.E.
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7.1.1. Relationship with France
Question 7: Modernization of Korea and its obstruction › 1. Beginning of the rule by Daewongun › 1. Relationship with France
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Question 7: Modernization of Korea and its obstruction
  The way of thinking and the reality of Korean people in the final years of the Joseon era are reflected in the measures taken against the pressure from other countries to open the country as well as the moves inside Korea. That is why we would like to study them in order to understand the real state of Korea.
7.1. Beginning of the rule by Daewongun
  Below is a summary of the essential parts from pp. 3-4 of “Chapter 1, Opening and Modernization of Korea” in Korean History II.
[In December 1863, King Cheoljong died. As all his princes had already died young, the second son of Heungseongun Sieung was enthroned as successor. That was King Gojong (in office between 1863 and 1907). […] As Gojong was still young, Queen Shinjeong governed the country in his name (by getting involved in decision-making]; however, the king’s father, Heungseongun, took control of power by exercising royal authority in his place, receiving the honorific title of Daewongun.
  After gaining power, Daewongun tried to establish his political foundations rapidly. The first measure he took toward the members of the Andong Kim Clan in the Noron faction consisted of deepening cooperation with the Kim Byeong-hak and Byeong-guk brothers, who were the nephews of Kim Mun-geun, father of Queen Cheoljong (Queen Cheorin), while reducing the power of Kim Jwa-geun and Kim Byeong-gi, who were respectively the son and grandson of Kim Jo-sun (father of Queen Sunwon, wife of King Sunjo; he took control of power in 1806).
  The second was to strengthen the position of the Seon faction in the royal family and to promote their appointment to the key positions.
  Third, he actively recruited those belonging to the Southerners and the Northerners, which were small and weak factions.  
  Fourth, he improved the status of military officials and increasingly promoted them to posts in the upper levels of government. […]
  Daewongun united various forces and exercised power in a peremptory manner by strengthening the foundation of the administration. As a result of long-term control of power, the Daewongun faction (composed of parts of the Southerners, Northerners, and Soron factions), which pledged alliance to Daewongun, was formed.]
  This was how Daewongun took control of politics in Korea, embarked on reform of the administration system, pardoned and restored the honor of those who had been convicted, and reinforced royal authority by showing that the king was the most powerful person, through implementing reconstruction work on Gyeongbokgung Palace and so on.
  Below are quotations of essential points describing the policies taken by the Daegunwon Administration from pp. 117-118 of “Chapter 7. Heungseon Daewongun resolutely performed reform” in History Textbook of Korea.
[First, Heungseon Daewongun recruited officials regardless of faction. Next, he weakened the forces of the Sedo families by largely reducing the functions of the Border Defense Council (Bibyeonsa).Alternatively, he revived the function of the State Council of Joseon (Uijeonbu) and set up the Three Armies Headquarter (Samgunbu) to separately administer political and military affairs. In addition, he compiled such codes of law as Daejeon Chongtong and Yukjeon Jorye, reflecting the great social and economic change in the latter period of the Joseon era.
  At the same time, he redeveloped the Military Training Command (Hullyeondogam) and reinforced the navy to avoid possible invasion by foreign navies. […]
  In parallel with the political reform, Daewongun also proceeded to reform the three fields of administration which constituted the major cause of rebellions by peasants. First, he tried to identify the lands secretly owned by the Yangbans and local clans, and he also carried out land survey in some regions.
  From the beginning of his rule, Daewongun was interested in the Seowons (academies of classical learning). This was because local clans used Seowons as their stronghold without paying taxes, a situation that caused political conflicts. In 1865, he ordered the closure of Mandongmyo, which had aroused many problems as the stronghold of the Noron faction, and in 1868 he decided to oblige Seowons to pay taxes. In 1871, among more than 600 Seowons nationwide, he closed all but 47. The elimination of Seowons reduced the tyranny of local clans and contributed to the stability of national finance and people’s lives.
Daewongun judged it most important for the royal family to recover its dignity to make such reforms successful. For that purpose, he rebuilt Gyeongbokgung Palace and also restored Uijeonbu, Six Ministries and Offices, the Capital Castle and Bukhan Mountain Fortress.
  However, the situation changed, as large-scale civil engineering works required enormous cost and labor. The “requested payment” changed its character from voluntary donation to compulsory levy, and the passage tax that needed to be paid when entering the capital was quite a burden. Dangbaekjeon coins, whose substantial value was different from the nominal value, were issued, causing terrible confusion in distribution and economy. There was a lack of timber and forests in the cemeteries were cut down, provoking increasing complaints among the Yangbans and ordinary people.]
  We can see that Daewongun put into practice various programs to reform the regime of Korea. That was what former rulers had not been able to do, and people hoped for the successful reform of the Joseon regime. However, he made a fatal error in provoking hatred among the members of the Yangban class through the abolition of the Seowons, for example, as well as by conducting the large-scale works at a rapid pace.
  7.1.1. Relationship with France
  Continuing, below are quoted several passages from pp. 120-121, “Chapter 8, Western disturbance following Korea’s rejection of commerce and amity” in History Textbook of Korea.
[In addition to internal reform, Heungseon Daewongun was deeply interested in moves by Western superpowers. In particular, he was vigilant against Russia, which was expanding its power in northeastern Asia. To prepare against future Russian expansion toward the south, he tried to use French Catholic missionaries to side with France.
 The anti-Daewongun forces took advantage of this situation to strongly criticize him.
  As the negotiations with France did not work well, the Korean government refused the requests by the Westerners to start trade and carried out the large-scale oppression of Catholics from spring 1866 (Byeongin persecution). More than 8,000 Catholics and nine French missionaries were executed.
  Using this incident as a pretext, France dispatched its army in order to force the Joseon dynasty to conclude a treaty of commerce. The French Eastern Fleet based in China dispatched over 1,000 soldiers on seven battleships to attack Korea (Byeongin yangyo). In late September 1866, the French forces, after going up as far as Yanghwajin and conducting reconnaissance over Han River, blocked the mouth of Han River and attacked Ganghwa village in early October.
  The Korean armed forces stopped the French troops, which were advancing from Munjusan Fortress toward Seoul, by strengthening defenses along Han River. The Korean army, led by Yang Heonsu, fought with the French troops, and imparted great damage on them at Jeongjoksan Fortress. Faced with stubborn resistance by the Korean forces, the French troops withdrew from Ganghwa Island on November 11. At that time, the French forces took away gold and silver as well as  the books kept in the Outer Kyujanggak Library.]
   By repelling the French attack in this way, it seems the Korean people became confident that they could expel the Western forces.
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jeremyevelandus · 5 years
New Testament Lesson 20 - Come Follow Me #GospelDoctrineHelps This Lesson covers John 12 in the New Testament. The lesson is called "Behold, Thy King Cometh” - Unfortunately, we just don't have enough time to cover everything, so we just went over chapter 12 of John. This is the LDS Sunday School Lesson #20 from the Come Follow Me New Testament Manual. Now, about 1/2 way through, I had to stop recording to take care of my kids, so there is a brief interruption and then I come back on and finish up the lesson. Sorry for it being disjointed and not as "professional" as I wanted it to be. Hope you learned something new. Enjoy! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I want to give special thanks to The Interpreter Foundation for releasing Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 118: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 20, “Woe unto You.... Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos! Is Roman Catholicism a cult? - Ravi Zacharias at Texas A&M's Veritas Forum The Last 7 Years -Daniel 9:27- Royal Skousen - “A theory! A theory! We have already got a theory, and there cannot be any more... Satan's Top 10 World's Largest Churches! Who??? | Dr. Gene Kim HIDDEN TEACHINGS of the Bible That Explain Manifestation, Consciousness & Oneness (POWERFUL Info!) Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 107: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 9, “Seek Ye... Pastor Robert Morris - Ten Deadly Sins Gay prayed to God if he would go to hell? God answered. 2019 Prophecies About Trump, The Wall & America! "Deep Tranquil Healing" Clear Bad Energy, Meditation Music Relax Mind Body, Release Stress & Anxiety The Man Who Knew Communism Best | Bishop Fulton J.Sheen Beyond Space and Time Chuck Missler How I Came To Fellowship And Why I'm Retiring Old Testament Bible Stories -Elijah Myles Munroe - Attitude For Financial Management THE LAW: A Muslim Student Challenges Ravi Zacharias Stanford Carmack - Exploding the Myth of Unruly Book of Mormon Grammar I’m Confused About My Calling | Maybe: God | Pastor Steven Furtick Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 108: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 10, "Take My Yoke... Nimrod and the Tower of Babel Fiat Lux Mark McMillion The Interpreter Foundation BBC International Your Youniverse The Interpreter Foundation gatewaychurchtv Christ is king Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Meditation and Healing The Catholic World Rapture Ready 11 Charles Jenkins Christian Classic Movies Stan Belyshev Sean Giordano The Interpreter Foundation Elevation Church The Interpreter Foundation Truth Center Take a look at The Interpreter Foundation stats and you'll understand why I am a fan. Video Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9aJIYMg1M8 Video Title: Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 118: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 20, “Woe unto You... Username: The Interpreter Foundation Subscribers: 2.7K Views: 866 views ------------------------- More at https://youtu.be/RF4gPvdellk from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fvc-Ak3I0DDFudELbkO1g
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midnightmacaroni · 7 years
Well shit, okay anon, I found the post I think you're referring to, so without further ado, here are my answers... (Also super sorry for any spelling mistakes or unanswered questions, this literally took me like two hours to type up on my phone) 200: My crush’s name is: Gal Gadot tbqh ;)
199: I was born in: a hospital?? (September lol)
198: I am really: tired, currently
197: My cellphone company is: AT&T, formerly Verizon
196: My eye color is: blue
195: My shoe size is:men's 9 or 9.5. I just like the colors available in men's shoes better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
194: My ring size is: idk, actually. Planning a proposal??
193: My height is: 5' 6" 
192: I am allergic to: Most antibiotics! And bleu cheese.
191: My 1st car was: baby blue 2008 Toyota 
190: My 1st job was: dishwasher at a diner. Still work there!
189: Last book you read: uhhhh....Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. Haven't finished it yet but so far it's pretty good. Other than that, been reading lots of fanfiction lol 188: My bed is: My Home, I love my bed
187: My pet: is my baby and a perfect boy (an orange cat named jack)
186: My best friend: not sure who this is sometimes, actually. I have a few great friends but Idk who I would call my best friend. I hope that doesn't stir any pots.
185: My favorite shampoo is: herbal essences
184: Xbox or ps3: uhhhhhhhh Xbox One
183: Piggy banks are: a waste of good ceramic, imo. Use a bank, earn interest!
182: In my pockets: typically: wallet, keys, phone, iPod. Cargo shorts, while not fashionable, are wonderfully functional.
181: On my calendar: TOO MANY THINGS
180: Marriage is: something I think I'd like but that's a long time from now. 
179: Spongebob can: make a great Krabby Patty
178: My mom: was an amazing woman who I wish I could have gotten to know more as an adult, she passed away when I was 19.
177: The last three songs I bought were? Country Roads by John Denver, LA Devotee by P!ATD, and Nowhere by East of Eli
176: Last YouTube video watched: "super Mario 64- endless stairs" because I was feeling nostalgic
175: How many cousins do you have? Too many to count, honestly. My dads half of the family grows exponentially and I have cousins I've never even met.
174: Do you have any siblings? Yes, two younger brothers and a younger sister.
173: Are your parents divorced? They divorced when I was 4, in 1999.
172: Are you taller than your mom? I was, yes. I think I was taller than her when I was in 7th grade onward.
171: Do you play an instrument? Not really, I kinda dabble on the piano sometimes but I can't actually play anything besides Chopsticks.
170: What did you do yesterday? I spent the day swimming at a friend's house and then played beer pong with some other friends. [ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: no. infatuation, maybe. You need to know a little more than what a person looks like to fall in love with them.
168: Luck: yes
167: Fate: hmmmmmmmm maybe
166: Yourself: most days, no.
165: Aliens: absofuckinglutely
164: Heaven: not in the Christian/Catholic sense...
163: Hell: no.
162: God: not in the Christian/Catholic sense.
161: Horoscopes: sometimes? 
160: Soul mates: mmmmm I like the concept, but the execution is sloppy. 3/10
159: Ghosts: yes. I've had way too many paranormal things happen that can't possibly be coincidence.
158: Gay Marriage: uh why is this in the "believe in" category? This Just In: gays who get married are mythical creatures (Yeah, anybody should be able to marry whoever they love) 
157: War: I don't think there's ever a good reason for war
156: Orbs: like, ghost orbs? Or...like... uh what??
155: Magic: as a witch, yes, I believe in magic. [This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: why not both? But hugs are great for friends so I guess hugs. Kisses have to be at a certain standard, but hugs are always nice.
153: Drunk or High: never been high, so drunk I guess 
152: Phone or Online: online ON my phone! (Is that what this is asking?) 
151: Red heads or Black haired: uhhhh I don't really know any red heads so black haired I guess?
150: Blondes or Brunettes: another hard one, i don't really care what hair color you got tbh
149: Hot or cold: cold. You can always throw on another layer, but you can't always strip down to nakedness if you're too hot.
148: Summer or winter: winter.
147: Autumn or Spring: autumn.
146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 
145: Night or Day: night
144: Oranges or Apples: apples! I don't like the texture of oranges, or any citrus fruit, really.
143: Curly or Straight hair: Wavy?
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonald's fries, burger king's burgers.
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate, all the way.
140: Mac or PC: macs are too confusing to me, so PC.
139: Flip flops or high heals: *heels, and definitely flip flops. I can't walk in heels to save my life.
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor. 
137: Coke or Pepsi: I don't drink soda anymore, but at different points in my life I would have said coke, then Pepsi. I think if I did drink soda, I would be a Pepsi kid.
136: Hillary or Obama: when was this written, jfc lol (Obama forever, that family was the classiest and most well-educated to enter the White House and I miss them dearly.) 
135: Burried or cremated: neither.
134: Singing or Dancing: singing, but only when I'm alone in the car or shower.
133: Coach or Chanel: I have no idea...
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who???? Seriously, who??
131: Small town or Big city: moderately medium suburbs 👌🏼
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target!
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler annoys the shit out of me, so ben stiller.
128: Manicure or Pedicure: pedicure, I like when they fix up my toes and give me a foot rub. Hand massages are great but foot rubs are A+++
127: East Coast or West Coast: since I live east coast and have seen most of the states on this side of the country, I'll have to go with east coast. Sorry Cali!!
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas, because then I can give my friends things too.
125: Chocolate or Flowers: uhhh chocolate.
124: Disney or Six Flags: never been to six flags! 
123: Yankees or Red Sox: yanks all the way!!! [ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: it's pointless and we sensationalize it way too much. It's not something glamorous, it is awful.
121: George Bush: he was a shit president and the fact that some people are treating him like a cute grandpa nowadays is really kinda sketch.
120: Gay Marriage: it should be legalized and celebrated everywhere.
119: The presidential election: electoral college is bullshit 
118: Abortion: a woman should have access to safe, affordable healthcare, no matter what her choices are. I wish it didn't have to happen, but I fully support any women who make that choice. Their bodies!
117: MySpace: I like having my own space! (Jk, I never had a MySpace so I can't comment)
116: Reality TV: reality is not TV. It's mindless entertainment but other than that, has little value.
115: Parents: they do the best they can and do what they think is right. and sometimes they fuck up. It happens
114: Back stabbers: I don't like liars or people with malicious intent, but that's human nature sometimes so yanno (งツ)ว 
113: Ebay: sketchy, but I know people who have gotten good deals so I guess it's cool
112: Facebook: Facebook is a good place to dump a lot of my photos to make more room on my phone
111: Work: I like to make money, and I have a good work ethic. I feel like sometimes people don't take their job seriously and don't perform to the best of their ability, which makes me upset. I think if you're working at a job, you should always do the best you can and be a good employee
110: My Neighbors: at home, my one neighbor is really awesome and the other just sucks
109: Gas Prices: normally, they're about $0.20 cheaper here at school but they've been on the rise so I'm a little miffed.
108: Designer Clothes: I think the prices are way too jacked up for some fabric that covers your body. You're paying for the brand name, and that's nuts.
107: College: it's a great time, but not for everybody
106: Sports: America cares more about sports than the planet we live on. I personally think that we shouldn't be paying basketball players thousands of dollars to shoot a ball in a hoop but hey that's America and capitalism for you. Doesn't make sense to me
105: My family: backwards and dysfunctional but there for me when I really need them. Family doesn't always have to be blood, either.
104: The future: frustrated about it because my goals are far away from me and I can't think much farther ahead than 3 months. [ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: last night, alex and gabby 
102: Last time you ate: twizzlers at about 7:00 pm?
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: uhhh idk? When I was home last, that was a while ago.
100: Cried in front of someone: I cant remember.
99: Went to a movie theater: a few weeks ago to see Wonder Woman
98: Took a vacation: last summer, when I went to Italy to meet Bruce Springsteen
97: Swam in a pool: yesterday!
96: Changed a diaper: uh approximately 8 years ago when my little siblings were babies haha
95: Got my nails done: no idea
94: Went to a wedding: my cousin Kim's wedding in 2013
93: Broke a bone: does fracturing count as a break? Because that was in like February/ March lol
92: Got a peircing: December 2014
91: Broke the law: how deep we talking here? Because I feel like there are a lot of minor laws we all break on a daily basis lol
90: Texted: 2 seconds ago to my friend Jenna [ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: probably my friend Jordan, lately though it has been Alex and Gabby
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: The familiarity of everything that I grew up with
87: The last movie I saw: Wonder Woman,12/10
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: going home next week because I need a break from school and summer work
85: The thing im not looking forward to: taking my math final exam
84: People call me: ?? Dumb bitch, probably 
83: The most difficult thing to do is: type all these answers out... No but really, forgiving yourself is hard
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: uhhhh 3 times 🙈
81: My zodiac sign is: Virgo 
80: The first person i talked to today was: My buddy Guber
79: First time you had a crush: uhhh when I was like 9 and loved Lindsay Lohan. Had posters, autographed photos, magazines, everything of her lol
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: uhhh??? Idk man I hide things pretty well if I want to 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: It happens a lot. Today, a few times?
76: Right now I am talking to: Gabby, Bri, Gina, Jenna, Elizabeth
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I am a grown up and I have no idea what I'm doing lol
74: I have/will get a job: I have been working as a resident assistant for the past two years and hopefully will be getting a job for the next year as a domino's pizza delivery driver
73: Tomorrow: I'm volunteering at a cat rescue and then doing math homework
72: Today: I went to Hershey park and had a bunch of fun!
71: Next Summer: who even knows lol
70: Next Weekend: I will be getting ready to go home for a week
69: I have these pets: 9 cats, 2 dogs and a Senegal parrot 
68: The worst sound in the world: cardboard scraping on cardboard
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: no one person really makes me cry?? Idk...?
66: People that make you happy: Gabby, Alex, Gina, Bri, Michelle...hooo the list goes on and on. 
65: Last time I cried: like ten mins ago lol
64: My friends are: great but sometimes I feel like they don't like me as much as I like them 
63: My computer is: getting old 
62: My School: is the best!!!
61: My Car: is my baby but she's getting a little beat up. 
60: I lose all respect for people who: treat janitorial staff like garbage, don't tip their servers, voted for Drumph
59: The movie I cried at was: I cried a little bit during Wonder Woman
58: Your hair color is: naturally a dark blonde but currently brown. Need to re-dye it soon.
57: TV shows you watch: so many. Supergirl, Arrow, Flash, Orphan Black, Lost Girl, Orange is the New Black, TWD,...and more.
56: Favorite web site: probably Tumblr tbh lol 
55: Your dream vacation: I would just really love to see Australia, London, Ireland, and eventually all 50 US states
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I had mono and it felt like there were knives in the back my throat
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium-rare. I'm at a fancy place, rare.
52: My room is: tidy, but also cozy.
51: My favorite celebrity is: Cher
50: Where would you like to be: right where I am, which is in bed
49: Do you want children: nope nope I'll babysit but I don't want any junior me's running around 
48: Ever been in love: yes, a few times.
47: Who’s your best friend: this is a repeat question and I don't know how to answer it
46: More guy friends or girl friends: more girl friends. 
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: getting complemented, even if I don't to leave them half the time
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my mom. I need advice and it would be great to see her again. 
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: I don't even have a five minute plan, who do you think I am??
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: one time I did, but idk where that list is.
41: Have you pre-named your children: no, don't want any.
40: Last person I got mad at: uhhh I don't know? I was annoyed with some friends the other night but not mad.
39: I would like to move to: Canada, Toronto specifically.
38: I wish I was a professional: parkour artist (Idk what else you'd call a parkour person) [ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: take five
36: Vehicle: ?? I don't know, I drove a 2014 chevy impala once and that was really cool so that, I guess?
35: President: Obama, 100%
34: State visited: Idk!!! I liked Cali a lot, but it's hard for me to judge because I wasn't really allowed to go do my own thing and explore soooo idk
33: Cellphone provider: Verizon
32: Athlete: idk any athletes to be able to answer this one
31: Actor: Stephen Amell, Robert DeNiro, Jim Carey 
30: Actress: Meryl Streep, Calista Flockhart, Tatiana Maskany
29: Singer: Cher, Prince, Beyoncé...many more
28: Band: Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band, U2, P!ATD, a lot more.
27: Clothing store: Old Navy
26: Grocery store: Wegmans
25: TV show: Any super hero show, I don't know...
24: Movie: Princess Bride, Homeward Bound, Wonder Woman, Scary Movie 3, The Heat
23: Website: tumblr lol
22: Animal: cats!!! I love all animals tho so hot that down
21: Theme park: universal studios in Florida
20: Holiday: Halloween 🎃
19: Sport to watch: women's soccer, or baseball
18: Sport to play: soccer 
17: Magazine: I don't really read magazines
16: Book: Nancy drew books were rad. I haven't read an actual book in a long time, so I don't really know if I have a favorite
15: Day of the week: Thursday
14: Beach: Amalfi Coast, Italy. Or Bermuda.
13: Concert attended: Bruce Springsteen, 2016, the River tour.
12: Thing to cook: Italian food. But I like cooking anything really 
11: Food: chicken is always a good time
10: Restaurant: I dunno I like lot of places 
9: Radio station: 104.5, 98.5, 92.1... a few more 
8: Yankee candle scent: Cranberry woods. (Is that a yankee candle smell?? Could be some other rand tbh idk)
7: Perfume: uhh anything from bath and body works is nice. I personally wear Acqua Di Gio by Armani pretty often.
6: Flower: daffodils
5: Color: blue
4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Fallon
3: Comedian: John Mulaney is pretty funny. Also Bo Burnham.
2: Dog breed: Golden Retrievers.
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Truthfully, yes. 100% Seriously? Not all of them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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