#the 4th gif makes me laugh so fucking hard
mikelogan · 1 year
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Detective Logan has been under a little pressure on this case.
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vioartemis · 1 year
I love her so much...
(Jenna Ortega x fem! reader)
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Summary: After she comes home late in the night, Jenna and you have a fight Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 2 [au] Request is here :)) Warnings: angst (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
You had been Jenna's girlfriend for almost two years, but lately, your relationship wasn't at its best. Rather at its worse actually. She had been ignoring you lately, and it was starting to be difficult to deal with.
You were alone at your shared appartement, in tears, when the doorbell rang. You got up shakily and made your way to the door, opening it for the girl behind it.
"Hey..." she said
"Hey..." you replied
You stepped to the side so she could enter, but quickly broke down in her arms.
"I don't know what to do Emma... I can't... I can't do this anymore..."
The girl held you close and rubbed your back, before leading you to the couch where you could both sit.
"I know, I understand... Maybe..." she bit her lip
"If you wait for her to come home you could talk, get things straight..."
"I don't even know if she will come home tonight..."
"It's okay, I'm sure she will... I'll stay with you until then if you want..."
"Yes please..."
Time passed by, and quickly it was 2am.
As you were still crying in Emma's arms, you heard the door of your appartement open, followed by footsteps. Jenna was home. Finally.
She entered the room, putting her keys back in her bag, and froze and she saw you.
"Where the fuck where you?" you asked
"Are you cheating on me?"
You couldn't believe your ears. Did she really asked that?
"I should probably go..." Emma said, getting up
"No, stay" you tell her, before turning to your girlfriend "You're seriously asking me if I am cheating on you?"
To everyone's surprise, you let out a laugh.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me. You've been ignoring me for weeks, and I am the one who's cheating? You get up so early and come back so late I don't even see you anymore! And when you don't you spend all your time with Percy! "
"I'm sick of your jealousy Y/n! I told you there's nothing between Percy and I-"
"I know!" you cut her off "But you spend all your time with him! It's like I don't exist anymore! Do you even care about me? About us?"
"Of course I do!"
"Okay then. What day is it?"
"What? I don't know the... the 4th of July?"
"And what?"
"What. Day. Is. It?" you repeated, throat tight
She stayed silent. You could tell she was thinking hard. Which hurt you even more.
"I- I don't know, Y/n."
You chuckled, whipping the tears in your eyes with shaky hands. You wanted to believe she would remember. You wanted to believe you were important to her. She just crushed all your hopes.
"It's our anniversary, Jenna. Was our anniversary, considering that it's 2am now. You really do care a lot, huh?"
You watched as realization hit her. Maybe she did care a little after all.
"So you spent our anniversary with Emma?"
Or not.
"Don't try to turn the situation around. I spent all day waiting for you. I had everything planned. I thought we would finally be able to be together and talk about us." you felt your anger rising "I called you 27 times. 27 fucking times Jenna. You never picked up, not once. I texted you too. Still no answer. So yes, I called Emma. It was already past midnight. I called her once, and guess what? She answered and came, even at that time."
You had to take a deep breath to prevent tears from rolling down your cheeks.
"Y/n I'm sorry I was-"
"With Percy? Figured that out."
"No it's not-"
"Jesus, Jenna! Stop trying to find excuses! Stop pretending that you care about us! You didn't even remember it was our anniversary!"
"Of course I care I- there's just... a lot going on right now... But I love you Y/n..."
You couldn't help another chuckle to escape your throat.
"No, you don't love me! You ignore my calls, my texts, you don't kiss me anymore, you don't talk to me anymore, you don't even look at me anymore! How can you say you love me when you do all that...?"
"I do! I- I love you I-"
"If you really loved me you would've picked up. Read my texts. Answered me in any way. But you didn't, Jenna. You left me alone on the day of our anniversary, crying all the tears in my body when I understood you wouldn't come."
"But I didn't know! If I knew you were crying I would've-"
"Of course you didn't know. How would you know, considering you barely say hello to me these days? And what would you have done? Taking me in your arms, telling me everything would be okay, even though we both know it's not true?"
"N-no I- I would've... I would've..."
She too had tears in her eyes now. She was hurt, and it only made things worst for you. But you had to. You couldn't continue living like this.
"It's too late, Jenna. I- I can't..."
"I can't keep up doing this." you took another deep breath, fist clenched hard "It's over, Jenna."
It hurt you to do this, but she didn't leave you any other choice. This relationship had become toxic, and for your own good, you had to end it.
"What...?" she repeated "N-no Y/n wait..."
You took a little box out of your pocket and threw it at her. She caught it, confused.
"Here, your anniversary gift."
You then walked past her, to the door.
"What are you doing...?" the brunette asked, her voice trembling
"I'm leaving." you had to make an insane effort not to cry "I'll be back tomorrow to pack my things."
You didn't wait for an answer and got out of the appartement, Emma following you.
Deep down, you hoped she would burst out of the flat and follow you, try to hold you back, do anything that could prove she still loved you. But she didn't.
You arrived on the sidewalk without anyone to stop you. That did it for you.
You broke down again, in the middle of the street, letting all the tears flood down your cheeks, all the sadness, the pain, out. Your heart was in million pieces.
And again, Emma took you in her arms, patting your back gently.
Jenna didn't move from her previous position, in the middle of your living room. She was devastated, tears rolling down her cheeks. She never meant to push you away. She felt like she had ruined everything. And it was the truth. She did.
She wanted to run after you, tell you she was sorry, tell you she would try to be better, to be more here, anything that could make you come back. But her legs weren't working. No matter how hard she tried to move, she couldn't.
Her own incapacity to do anything only made her cry more. With a cry, she finally managed to move and stumbled to the window.
And what she saw really broke her.
You, in Emma's arms, again. You were crying, again, because of her.
She loved you, she really did. But all she did was hurting you lately. She didn't deserve you. You didn't deserve to be with someone like her.
Maybe it was better if she didn't try to hold you back...
You wanted to run back to her, hold her tight, kiss her, tell her you didn't mean it, tell her you loved her... But you couldn't. It was simply not good for you.
Your cries only intensified at the thought.
"I love her so much..." you cried out, voice hoarse from crying
"I know... I know..."
[Next part] || [Next part [au]]
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buzzkillers · 1 year
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Black!Reader
Summary: You and Hobie fuck after he kills the President of the United States: Norman Osborne.
Tags|Warnings: Happy 4th of July (sarcastic), public oral sex, cum facials, enemies to enemies that fuck, exhibitionism, bratty reader, graphic violence, bad British slang, UNEDITED
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In under an hour Fascism, Capitalism and President Norman Osborne died in the same way: pathetically and in a roaring beat of gunfire and raging anarchy.
It was so punk metal that Hobie reckoned he could've cried. 
Maybe even let out a blood curdling scream before he joined his mates in celebration; in a fight that continued to roar beyond the thick walls of this stupid building. Of the world's now fallen symbol of false freedom, colonization and white supremacy.
All of it was dead now anyway, all of it was gone. So yeah Hobie reckoned he should’ve cried; maybe he even was crying but he was too pent up on adrenaline and rock and roll to notice. Who fucking knew. Who fucking cared? 
What mattered was that Osborne’s head was detached, that his guitar was covered in guts and brain and enough idiocratic bullshit that it had clattered to the floor. 
His weapon stained against the fancy White House carpet. He didn’t mind though, it added to the decor. You didn’t seem to give a shit either. For you, blood still stained your locs and your lips stayed wrapped around his cock.
And well Hobie didn't follow rules. They were barely a suggestion in his radar. Yet apart of him knew this was off kilter, even for him. Even for Spider Punk. 
Spider Punk, the not-hero and the now killer who instead of killing capitalist and fighting corporate drones was here. Here with black nails that dug into your back and wicks that kissed the skin of your cheek. 
It felt good. 
This reward, you told him as you guided him towards the pigs desk. Your hands already at the buckle of his jeans before you looked up at him; eyes hazy and murderously dark. 
It reminded him of foggy London nights, of polluted air and days where he gasped for his inhaler. Something that tried to be something else. It made Hobe feel triumphant, out of breath.
And yet this was ‘His reward.’ You growled again as if this was normal and you weren't you but something different, something new.
At that, Hobie couldn’t help but laugh. It was a pretty comedy after all, a neat joke as your palm— shaking and slick with sweat wrapped itself around his cock and your knees dug into the floor. The blood stained floor. 
He inhaled sharply, either from the adrenaline or the genuine need to breathe before his smile slipped into something wide, dangerous. You shot a glare at him. 
"Something funny?" You mouthed, as if your eyes weren't muggy, as if there wasn't a revolution going on a wall away. Hobie of course simply looked down at you, his own eyes liquid dark, but alight with adrenaline and fire and everything that made a corporate pig like Osborne underestimate him. 
“Fuck yeah,” he rolled his hips up.
"Everything's a bit funny right now, love" 
Below him, you only scoffed as if what he said wasn’t sick given the circumstances. 
As if this was simply another one of those nights; those long nights where this would be your signal to leave. To keep your distance from Hobie Brown, the Spider Punk with too much venom on his tongue and righteous anger in his every word. But you didn’t, you simply looked at him, calculative, nervous. 
Around them, the war raged on and the sounds of corporate drones getting their ass beat made the floors vibrate. None of them aware of their leader's demise before his team crushed them into dust. Below him you sighed, that gleam still in your eyes. (murky puddles and polluted skylines.)
"Of course you'd make this hard," 
"Can't just let me suck you off and shut up huh, SP?" You muttered, and you see Hobie would respond. There was always an excuse to be barked, a word to be said. But music still thrummed through his veins, the air was singing (screaming) and you were here. 
Not with Osborne. Not in a lab, cooped up but here. 
He smiled. "I'm not known for consistency," 
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," you rolled your eyes, "I've heard the speech,” 
"can't be consistent, can't be bought, can't shut up,"
Shut up?
He licked his lips and tasted the metal, the blood. 'Im gettin’ tired of your mouth, boy.’ Osborne had sneered before Hobie broke his face in.
Yeah, he didn't listen to him either. He shrugged his shoulders. "Nah, I don't think so,"
You rolled your eyes. “Spider-”
“Aw, am I ruining your fantasy love?" You cut him a look.
“Catchin me off guard like this, you must’ve planned it, no?”
Your grimace deepened. Which was cute. Very cute. “So you’re just gonna keep talking?” 
“—I mean I'm not against you knowin' your onions and all that, but between you being stuck in your lab and arguing with us who knew you had the time,” he whispered, before your eyes went sharp and your nails dug into his thighs. A warning, that only made his cock hard and his hands crack the lip of the desk. Cute. He thought again.  
So bloody cute that he blinked and his heart raced like a drum, like a rip of his pick against his guitar. 
‘Lay on your back’ you said, ‘drop the guitar.’ and he did.
You had demanded it with a trained nonchalance. Completely unbothered as if he didn't hear the way your lungs sharply inhaled when his guitar separated Osborne's head from his spine. Cartilage, tendons and a thick spinal cord crushed into dust beneath his rebellion before you pounced on him.
You gave him that same look now and it was wicked hot. He couldn't deny it. A fun mix of cheekiness and nerves before you cocked your head and, “You know what, fine,”
In a blink, his back was shoved harder against the desk. His hands twisted into your locs, while your mouth wet, hot and slick like honey, like blood enveloped him, turned him inside out and made him want to curl over and actually cry. 
Not cause it felt good or spectacular or amazing but because it was you. Only cause it was you.
Below him you sucked him off like you had something to prove. Like it was a challenge. It would be a crime to look away. To not match rebellion with rebellion, your hatred with his faux indifference while your lips remained dry, your handwork sloppy and your rhythm off. It was honestly the worst blowjob he’s ever had. 
But you were enthusiastic and you looked up at him as if you expected more. Like Hobie was supposed to fall to his knees and thank you. Of course, a flicker of frustration came out when he gave you the opposite: a slick smile and his eyes wide in wonder.
"Leave it to you too give someone an angry blow job," He cocked his head, "Reckon you’re overthinkin’ it, love?” 
You choked in response. Your mouth off his cock and looking as if you were about to spit on the floor before you paused and Hobie watched you swallow instead. Something hot shot in his core.
“Never,” you sneered as if this was just another part of the battle, your own personal fight.  
Hobie just snickered, a gleam in his eyes even as you went still, embarrassment hot on your face. 
“Yeah that's what I guessed," he whispered, before gloved hands gripped your jaw. Tight and restrictive.
“Quick tip? You’re too rough with it love, let me guess didn’t watch enough videos?”  he teased, before he realized where exactly his dick was.
You gave him a sharp smile, "want to repeat that?" No, not particularly. He rolled his shoulders.
“Slow down,” 
“Where's the rush,” he teased before there was a thump and a scream and oh, he guess they've found the bloke's head. Took them long enough. 
If Hobie remembered how hard he kicked it correctly; The fuckers skull was three rooms away with thick walls and flimsy doors in each of them.
His smile turned giddy, "We all the time in the world," 
"Please tell me you're joking," and there it was again, that look.  That need for order and propriety. Hobie patted your cheek.
"What, getting nervous?" Your eyes shot to the door. To the distant footsteps that only got closer to the currently unlocked room. 
"Fine," he shot the hinges up with webbing. It wouldn't last. But you didn't need to know that.
"See? Good,"
Quickly, your shoulders relaxed; your nape warm beneath his hand, prickled and covered in sweat till he gripped it harder, guiding you down until your mouth was on him again. He shuddered. 
“Make it wet,” you looked confused, your eyebrows twitching before your mouth went agape and he felt it. 
Something hot and sticky that dripped down his cock. Your lips were now sheen, a messy mix of precum, sweat and everything that would never normally be in a pretty mouth like that. 
Of course, you still managed to glare at him. And yeah nah, he wasn't gonna think about why that made his mouth dry before he angled his hips up and up until the tip of him was at the rim of your lips; he took a deep breath. 
“Grip the desk for me,” 
You frowned again, harder if that was possible. And Hobie couldn't have that. 
"Wh--" in a blink he's already bullied his thumb passed plush lips and sharp teeth. Expertly, rubbing his painted nails against the soft flesh of your cheek until drool and spit slicked down his wrist and, 
"That's wicked," he whispered.
"You’re so fucking pretty like this," You shot him a look. Your eyes still shakingly looking towards the door. The soldiers have gotten louder, they've must've bursted pass the first room. But Hobie only sighed, unbothered
“Is this why you've been so nice to me lately? Been wanting to give me this," he rambled, his eyes back on yours before his smile melted into a smirk. The last thing Osborne ever saw, before his head rolled down the stairs. 
Now, the funny thing about trying to tell a punk what to do was that you shouldn't actually expect them to listen. Osborne learned that the hard way. But you weren’t like the rest of them. No matter what the team said about you turning your back on your upbringing for the cause. You weren’t like them. Clean and simple. 
It was written in the cracks of your face, in the corners of your eyes. That want for order that battled with the need to rebel and make things right. 
 It's probably why you continued to look at him like that; your eyes slitted, red and angry.
You hated it but you wanted it too. Which meant that it took no effort to grip your jaw, keeping it still as you moved to chop your teeth onto his thumb. Light work. 
But it was another thing to dodge the whistle of your studded fist and the gleam of spikes on your knuckles before they're webbed to the dead Pigs desk. You were smart not to try again. Still your face stayed twisted in anger. 
 Hobie couldn't help but laugh again, all sharp teeth and youthful indignation in his voice. 
“I'm not good with mixed signals love, you hate me, you don't, you want to give me a reward about a job well done and then whine about it,” 
“This is still a reward right?” he whispered, his voice deep and molten. It dragged you into a spell, made you nod.  “Good,”
"Now, why don't we start stickin’ to our words, yeah," you made no room to reply, just continued to look up at him with that fire in your eyes that reminded him of madness, of a man whose body could be found in various parts of this makeshift castle. For the first time, Hobies face went stern, his body hands suddenly on your nape gripping tight. 
"Yeah?" He repeated. 
That madness in your eyes only take a moment to flicker, a moment to wick and out before your face twisted again, "Yeah," 
"There we go," 
You made no room to stop him. As his prodded his cock against your lips again, against that slick heat, hellfire, glory, his reward that was found in the tightens of your throat. "Good," 
He gripped the back of your neck tighter. “There we go,” 
“Breathe through your nose,” Then you squeezed your eyes shut, prepared to choke, for Hobie to bruise your throat, for your jaw to ache while he used you like you prepared to use him. 
Then he hummed, like a thrum of his guitar, like the flutter of a hummingbird. It was your only warning before he brought you down, slow, sluggish. He made you feel the weight of him, the way it pressed against your tongue, expanded your throat. 
You couldn’t help it really, the way your eyes closed. The hazy sensation that made your vision blur. Hobie fucked your throat as if he had all the time in the world. As if a world leader wasn’t rotting in the next room. 
And this would be a great time to joke. For Hobie to make you regret bringing him here and not give the secrets to ruining him but nah, this was better. This was more satisfying. Worth the shock in your eyes as you tried to keep them open. Your cunt not so subtly grinding against his boot. 
“Don't look so surprised love” 
“Let me guess, you expected me to go hard?” he whispered, voice ragged.
“Wanted me to bruise your pretty throat?” He dragged himself out again. Withdrew his hips, until your lips were once again at the tip of him. A thick residue of spit left behind.
Perfect even.
But below him you struggled to remain composed. Your mind was a fog that thickened, and your ears roared with the music that was Hobie Brown. The sounds of his shockwaves still in the air. On a better day, you'd remain aloof. You'd look at hobie with bored eyes and tell him to do his worse.
Clearly, that day wasn't today.
Your eyes were still closed after all, and the taste of him still stained your throat. You wanted more. You wanted-
His hand tightened on your neck. 
“Now when did I say you could do that?”  You blinked up, teary eyed with more of Hobie’s cock in your mouth than he previously allowed.
Suddenly, your cheeks burned and Hobie watched embarrassment wash over you. Watched you drown in it, in an attempt to cover up the desperate move before you just sat there, unable to go forward, unable to move back.  “Cute,” 
And then he jerked forward, cock hitting your throat until tears brimmed in your eyes and well Hobie was only a man at the end of the day. He unwebbed you, “Use your hands wrap them around me,” 
Quickly, you complied. “Yeah love like that,"
You didn’t need further instruction. You continued the slow tempo he set. And for a moment, it stayed like that: you swallowing him with a sloppy mouth and tears in your eyes, your hands now slick with well, everything. Snot, spit and tears. 
He laughed again, a bit more choked up and bit more delirious as your tongue dragged against the undervein of his cock. Sharp pleasure blinded him, he felt like it was too much, not enough. Like his heart was gonna burst from the adrenaline, the heat. 
For a moment, he craved something on his lips too. Something just as hot and slick and you. He reckoned you'd like that. Want to shut him up with your thighs locked around his head and your cunt slick on his studded tongue. If you were gonna do this, you might as well do it right, do it in the worst way possible while Osborne's corpse rotted in the next room. 
Below him, you gripped him tighter. Suckled your lips at the head of him until he shuddered and groaned. His palms slicked in blood gripping right at your face. If he knew this would be the reaction to winning the war— he'd bring Osborne back to life himself. 
Let you watch him kill him again, again and again if it meant you looked at him like that. Like a drunkard, like the feeling he got when he strummed his guitar just right, just perfectly against his pick. Until you were like this: your lips, tight and harsh. Sucking him off as if it was another fight, your eyes red hot with anger and tears.
He was close.
He couldn’t even be embarrassed, if they knew what a pretty picture you made no regular bloke  would be either before he felt it. That liquid hot build up; like something molten that grew and morphed and dripped in his belly before his thighs trembled, his fist cracked the desk and you looked marvelous. 
He tried to draw away, cause he was proper and raised right but he couldn't get far. Not against someone who looked like they wanted to prove something. You started this for a reason after all. So of course, your hands pressed into his hips, kept him still. Fucking brat.
Before the room became an echo chamber of gasps and whines and— he lurched forward, hands on your shoulders, a sharp cry of your name. 
 The orgasm was just as violent as the murder. It ripped through him and rearranged his insides until it felt painful, overwhelming. Like he was stuck in his own shockwave, pulled at the seams, the points of musical notes at his ears. 
Then he whimpered, sharp and inaudible. But it made your eyes glitter all the same before you pulled off him with a satisfying grin as the violence in him transcended to a soft shudder. 
Both of you didn't talk for a minute. Just let everything settle. Until slowly the world trickled back in and Hobie watched half amused and half delirious as across your face, emotions flickered too fast for him to dissect. 
What he did know was that you were looking at him, at the floor and then randomly at the door. Oh yeah, the goons. He should focus on that, but you were still on your knees, looking pretty and fucked out and well Hobie couldn't help it. He suddenly had the taste for something sweet.
"Up, c’mon" 
You looked at him, leg kneeled. "Fuck you,” you coughed, throat dry. “Where do you think I was doing?"
He shook his head, and with little effort, he towered over you. You looked up at him, eyes wide, lips plush and the corner of your mouth twinkling with beads of white and shit, shit. Hobie did not wait for you to get up. 
In a blur of red white and blue, the two of you switched places. It was like carrying a stack of paper, a bag of groceries before you plopped into the desk; your eyes wide, legs spread and cunt wet through your trousers.
 "Hobie come on—"  
His thumb dug into the seam of your jeans, ripped them in two until you were cunt hit cold air. You dripped on the desk. "Don't be selfish,”
“I thought this was a reward,” And then hobie’s tongue was on you, desperate and hot. 
Studded fingers pressed into your hips, digging,digging and  "Hobie, what-”  Hobie pressed you further into the desk. 
His tongue was slick and sticky against your folds. The pleasure that was white and hot grinded you to a halt. Your brain morphed into mush. You weren't going to last. This, you can admit with a certainty as your thighs wrapped around hobie’s head anyway. 
You looked towards the door, but Hobie with his freakishly long arms gripped your jaw and forced your eyes back on him. Pay attention, they said. Until your eyes went wide, frantic; and your hips fought the battle of jerking away from Hobie and against him while he flicked your clit; his finger prodding against your entrance. 
It's almost embarrassing how fast you came.
Even worse how you tried to hide it. With teeth the bit into your wrist, and moans that you tried to choke down while your hips moved on him with a grind that only made it worst, made it last.
You grunted and swore, the flat palms of your hand slammed into the desk. Once twice and then Hobie got up, looked at you splayed out on Osbornes desk, jeans pooled to your knees, the hairs of your cunt glistening. 
With a gasp, you could only focus on the sound of the door as the screams of soldiers bulged against the doors frames. 
Your blood was pulsing but you couldn’t feel your throat. Couldn’t feel the scratches and bruises that later you won't be able to tell was from Hobie or from the fight. 
The wooden door bent beneath the weight of the army. Before eventually it popped and you threw the spider a smile. 
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What are we Wanda?
I got a little carried away with this request but it's finally here!
Request for @katiemcgrathsbitch1 I hope you like it 😊 I'm sorry it took so long!
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Summary: You and Wanda were friends with benefits and that’s it or is it? Wanda can’t make up her mind about how she feels about you until a party forces her to confront her feelings
Words: 3,384 (got carried away)
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, light smut, swearing, and Wanda having emotions
“Shit Wanda, that must be a record” you were breathless and yet Wanda was still going, riding you with no abandon, a strap nestled deep inside her, for what felt like hours now, actually it probably was hours for all you know “fuck Y/n! Keep going!”
You let out a strained chuckle gripping her waist “you’re doing most of the work”
She laughed and slowed herself down after her like 4th orgasm? “yo-you never do any work”
“Fuck off Wands I eat you out” a particularly hard thrust made Wanda fall on top of you and you laughed "are you okay mommy?" you feigned concern for her "fuck you Y/n" her breath was ragged trying to gain control but you laughed halting your pace and holding her still on your lap
"Y/n! Come on don't stop please! I'm sorry just keep going!" Her incoherent ramblings made you laugh, she was so cute, her nose scrunch and the way her hands gripped your shoulders and the small whimpers leaving her mouth every time she rolled her hips
"What are y-you staring at?" Wanda wasn't sure why you were staring at her but you'd been doing it a few times since you guys started sleeping together and while it seemed fine Wanda worried you were getting feelings for her, this was about sex and sex only, yeah you and her had little takeaway dates before you tore each other’s clothes off and sometimes breakfast in bed but you both agreed it was nothing serious, that's what she keeps telling herself anyway
"I'm staring at the hottest woman in the world on my lap, maybe I'll take a picture and send it to our friends, I know Vis has been eyeing you up, do you think he'd like seeing you fall apart on my lap? I bet he would the-
A slap stopped you talking "the fuck was that?" You refused to move ignoring the way her nails dug into your shoulders "you've never slapped me"
"You wouldn't shut up" she breathed out
"There's other ways to shut me up Wanda" you laughed and Wanda rolled her eyes removing herself from your lap "I'm no longer in the mood"
You tried to hold in your laughter as you watched Wanda limp to the bathroom, sighing you removed the harness throwing it to the floor and covering yourself with the blanket
When Wanda came out a few minutes later she was in one of your bathrobes glaring at you "so what do you have to say?"
You shrugged "you'd look better without the robe to be honest"
"Not me idiot, why'd you involve our friends and Vis? I don't want to think about them while I'm riding you do I?"
You thought about it and you guessed she was right but she still didn't have to be so overdramatic "sorry Wands I guess I just got a little excited"
She giggled "I like you excited but that was a bit much"
Wanda walked back to the bed getting in a cuddling up to you laying her head on her favourite part of your body, your chest, chest was definitely her favourite
"Why don't you ever let me cuddle on your chest?" You laughed always admiring how Wanda curled into you and gave a small kiss to your shoulder.
"Are you kidding me? Your chest is heaven your breasts are like pillows"
"That sounds like a teenage boy talking" you patted her on the head and if she wasn't so comfy she'd shout at you “just shut up and take the compliment for once”
Nat pressed up against Wanda kissing her neck and smiling at the moans that escaped her mouth "you're adorable Wands, such a brat too"
She pushed Nat away at that frowning at her "I'm not a brat Natalia"
The woman laughed "what's up with you? You've been distracted, have you been with Y/n again? You always get so boring after being with her-
"Don't say that!" Wanda scrambled from the wall pushing the redhead and drawing the attention of some of the other partygoers but they quickly disbanded
"Come on Wands just admit it, you like Y/n-
"Shut up!" Wanda walked away Nat storming through the drunken crowd coming to a small table and couch where she could collect her thoughts, was she really falling for you? What the hell was happening? She told herself, told herself she wouldn't get feelings and yet here she was acting like a stupid in love 16 year old
Sitting down she groaned holding her head in her hands, maybe she should call you, no! That's crazy, she called you for sex and sex only not advice.
"Fucking pathetic Wanda" she whispered to herself falling into the cushions behind her closing her eyes and sighing.
Trying to enjoy the few minutes she had alone Wanda closed her eyes but a small sniffle stopped her, turning to her left she saw a girl with her head in her hands trying to stop herself from crying
"Hey..Hey you okay?" She put her hand on her shoulder and when she looked up Wanda gasped "Y/n?! What happened?!"
Wanda pulled you into her lap squeezing you tight listening to you cry and hating every minute of your sadness, especially with how she currently felt about you "what happened Y/n?"
Your cries were finally quiet enough for Wanda to ask you the question and you lifted your head up to meeting her soft eyes that made you smile "Car-Carol's a bitch"
Carol of course it was Carol! Wanda couldn't stand her, every time she wanted something she'd go to you and you would hep her each and every time, if Wanda wasn't around one time you would've given Carol the $8,000 she asked for that one time.
"What did she do moya lyubov'?" Wanda tried containing her simmering rage and urge to go and slap Carol with a hot iron
"Does it matter? She's just a bitch, doesn't need a reason" the tears stopped falling and you sat up out of her grasp "I'm gonna go home coming here was a mistake" you went to get up but Wanda stopped you keeping you in her lap and nuzzling her face into your neck
"You'll stay right here with me and we'll show that bitch that you deserve only the best in life-
"She wanted me to go on another date with her and I said no and she said thats okay because she didn't want your sloppy seconds and everyone laughed and I didn't know what to do and it just hurt because I know it's kinda true-
Wanda kissed you hard shutting you up and rubbing her hand up and down your back soothing you, finally pulling away from you Wanda smiled wide "let me have a chat with the queen bitch herself, I'll be right back" she kissed you again quickly and left you on the couch while she stormed off into the next room
"Hey Carol! Wanda interrupted her laughing with her friends making her turn around smirking at her "oh here she comes, Westview's biggest whore-
A crack echoed through the room and then went silent as Carol held her nose blood gushing out from it, and Wanda smirked in satisfaction "what were you saying Carol? Were you trying to call me a whore? Better being a whore than a self centred bitch with anger issues and a seniority complex-"
"Wanda chill out!" Tony tried but Wanda stopped him "get fucked Tony you're just as bad! If any and I mean any of you insult, mock or even look at Y/n the wrong way I'll come back and do worse to the lot of you what I did to Carol, stay the fuck away!"
The redhead stormed out of the room ignoring the glares and whispers coming back to you and grabbing your hand to pull you out of the party and to her car "Wanda your hand, your hand's bleeding"
"Doesn't matter come on" she opened the car door getting you in and settled wincing every time she grazed her knuckles against something
"What did you do?" You tried again when Wanda got into the driver's seat driving off to your house "I took care of Carol" was all she said keeping her eyes on the road trying to hide the sting that came to her hand everyone and then
"Did you punch her?" You were impressed actually, you didn't know Wanda had it in her, it was Pietro who was the angrier twin but you guessed she had it in her
"Yeah, yeah I did" she smiled "she deserved it and I'd do it again"
"Thank you" You whispered and Wanda smiled reaching over to grab your hand squeezing your hand "you're welcome my love"
When Wanda pulled up to your house she got out and opened the door for you "now, we're going to go inside, get some snacks and watch some crappy TV shows"
"Actually can we talk?" You held Wanda's hand keeping you both in place next to the car "I need to ask you something"
Wanda sighed getting nervous but nodded letting you ask your question
"Wanda what are we?" Such a simple question, just four words and yet Wanda was struggling to find words to respond with "I-Y/n I just-
"Never mind, I'm going inside, thank's for the ride home" you let go of her hand going to the front door
"Y/n wait!" Wanda ran up to you bringing you into a hug "I love you" she whispered over and over again "I love you, I love you so much" the tears fell from Wanda's eyes hugging you close to her body refusing to let you go
"I'm sorry for messing you around I'm sorry for not saying how I feel because I'm awful with feelings and emotional shit-
You held your head up smiling at Wanda shutting her up "I love you too Wanda, thanks for being honest with me"
Wanda let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding and started laughing "you're the best, come on I could really use a drink now"
The redhead opened the door letting you in first and quickly shutting the door bringing you back into a hug wrapping her arms around your front kissing you neck "forget the drink how about we just go upstairs?"
You chuckled leaning your head back into her "actually I'm kinda hungry"
Wanda sighed closing her eyes knowing full well she wouldn't be able to get you to do anything without being fed
"What do you want to eat? I'll get you absolutely anything you want moya lyubov', maybe some oysters and chocolate covered strawberries to get you in the mood?"
You turned around in her hold kissing a slightly frustrated Wanda "let's order Chinese and while we wait we can do whatever you want"
Wanda perked up "hmm sounds good, how about you wear that lingerie set we bought a few weeks ago?"
You lowered your head "you mean the one I got for my valentines date with Carol?"
Wanda lifted your chin up kissing your nose making you giggle "she doesn't fucking deserve you Y/n you're mine now and I will never ever take you for granted now, go upstairs and put the lingerie on, I'll be up in a minute after ordering our food"
"I like it when you're bossy"
"I know, now go on before I make you watch me pleasure myself" she threatened you but all you did was shrug "I always enjoy watching you fall apart by your own hand"
It was true, the image of Wanda doing anything sexual either by herself or with you was like watching angels carve a Picasso, absolutely gorgeous
"That wouldn't be much of a punishment would it? No no you'll be forced to just watch me cum over and over again knowing you can't touch me or yourself-
"You wouldn't?!" The interruption surprised Wanda but she carried on "I would princess and you know I would"
You nodded pulling away from the woman going up the stairs without another word
"Good girl!" She shouted after you and searched through her pickets for her phone only to see multiple messages and missed calls from Nat, Tony and Vision
When she opened the phone a phone call came in
'Nat calling'
She answered speaking into the phone "what do you want-
"Did you punch Carol in the face?! Wanda you can't do that! All for Y/n? I know she's hot and good in bed but seriously? She's not worth it!"
"Nat calm down! Yeah I punched the head bitch and she deserved it no one upsets my girlfriend and gets away with it"
Wanda heard Nat gasp and she realised what she said "girlfriend?! Come on Wanda don't be ridiculous, you can't handle being in a relationship-
Wanda angrily hung up the phone and stormed upstairs, she'll show Natasha, she'll show all of them
Opening the door to the bedroom Wanda softened seeing you ready and waiting in the lingerie you had gotten and her mouth watered "fuck me Y/n this is better than seeing you naked and seeing you naked is the hottest thing in the world"
You blushed but remembered how she looked when she came into the room "were you angry when you came in?"
"Yeah, yeah Nat called me...it doesn't matter, go and get the strap" Wanda took her white shirt off and undid her bra waiting for you to do as she asked "cat got your tongue princess?"
"No, but I don't remember you ever wearing the strap, how about you get it for me malyshka?"
Wanda groaned hearing you speak a little Russian "you know what that does to me baby"
"I do, so how about you be a good girl and get the strap-
Wanda interrupted you "hold on, you're in skimpy lingerie knelt on the bed and I'm stood above you, pretty sure I'm in charge here"
She was right, you looked like the submissive in this situation it made you laugh actually "you're in charge some of the time sure but you like being my little pet"
Wanda groaned "yeah I do, can I do one thing though?"
"Like what?" You asked
"Can I take a picture of you?" The question was so innocent and you couldn't help but giggle "a picture? Do you want to frame it too?
Instead of responding Wanda crawled on top of you kissing your neck and biting the spot "I'm sending a picture to Carol, she needs to see what she's missing out on and will never get"
You thought about it and smirked "I have a better idea, get the strap and we'll take a really good picture"
Wanda was intrigued "oh? What are you thinking?"
"Do you want me to tell you or show you?" Wand was quick to get what you asked and made her way back to you laying on the bed kissing you softly "I'll take the picture when it's perfect"
"Why you?"
You pulled the redhead into your lap making her squeal "because you'll be too busy"
Wanda blushed hard "shit okay then, yeah okay-
"I can't believe that bitch broke my nose!" Carol was mad like really mad, Wanda wasn't as physically strong as Carol and she was shorter so how the fuck did she manage to break her nose?
"All for a girl who can't order her own food in a restaurant because of her stupid anxiety"
Tony chuckled taking a break form wiping Carol's nose taking away the blood "didn't you want her a bit ago and when she turned you down you called her a whore?"
"Because I heard she's great in bed not because I want to date her" the group dispersed into laughs, Carol laughed as best she could with a broken nose until her phone beeped with a text message and picture attached
'Look at what you're missing out on Carol'
A simple but effective message that made Carol throw her phone onto the couch
"God she's such a bitch!"
Tony grabbed the phone opening it and seeing the picture "woah! She's really sticking it to you Caz”
Nat and Vision peeked over Tony’s shoulder at the picture and Nat whistled “damn I thought Wanda was the top”
“But Wanda’s on top? Doesn’t that mean she is the top?” Oh vision, he was so naive
“Bless you Vis but no, Y/n has the strap on her waist and it’s inside Wanda, Y/n has all the power, she can set the pace fast or slow, thrust hard or soft, that has all the hall markings of a top”
The group stared at Nat dumbfounded “that was so in-depth I’m scared” Tony gave the phone back to Carol who quickly deleted the picture
“Let’s just drink"
"Are you okay baby?" You teased Wanda laughing when she refused to remove her head from your neck "no" she whispered
"Do you need some water?"
She gave a weak nod but when you tried to move she groaned "move again and I'll slap you"
"If you want water then you need to let me move" moving once again to sit up on the bed she kept to her promise and gave a very weak slap to your cheek "come on Wanda that was pathetic-
"After like 5 orgasms and me doing all the work that's the best you get" all the work? Okay she deserved to be like this
"Now now Wanda no need to be grumpy, come on let's get you some water" Wanda sighed but got up whimpering at the loss of you and standing on shaky legs
"I'm hungry" she said and you laughed "so you're hungry and thirsty? Do you need a bath too? I'll get some candy for you to should I?"
You undid the harness and strap and threw it in a drawer standing behind Wanda kissing her shoulder and wrapping your arms around her "go and shower and I'll order us some food then we can cuddle and watch a film"
"Okay" Wanda turned her head and kissed you back smiling so wide you giggled "you are so not a top-
"you ruined it" she pushed you away going into the bathroom and turning the shower on "so you don't want me to join you?!"
"No I want you to order the food and the cheesecake I've decided I want!"
Moving closer to the bathroom and opening the door you went to join Wanda in the shower but was immediately stopped "literally what did I just say?"
Shrugging you joined her anyway "I don't know, I think I need a reminder, an in-depth reminder"
Kissing her neck Wanda sighed knowing you weren't going to give up "you're insatiable"
*Knock Knock*
"Who the hell is knocking at the door at this time?!" Reluctantly pulling away from Wanda you put on a robe and marched downstairs opening the door
"Oh hi everyone? Did you enjoy the picture?" You smirked and Nat spoke up first "personally I loved it, Vis and Tony thought Wanda was a top but I corrected them because you were wearing the strap therefore had all the control"
"I'm weirded out and impressed all at the same time, well done" you all laughed, well apart from Carol "you did that on purpose"
You raised your eyebrow in a question "and you came all the way over here just to tell me that?"
"Well y-yeah! Why did you do that?!" Carol stuttered and you tried holding in a laugh "you're pathetic Carol and I can't believe I ever wanted to date you"
You slammed the door on her and the others faces making a mental note to apologise to Nat later, turning around you let out a sigh seeing Wanda at the top of the stairs wearing your long shirt twirling a piece of her wet hair in-between her fingers "everything okay?"
You smiled "nothing, come on let's put on a film" she skipped down the stairs into your arms and kissing you "gorgeous girl aren't you?"
Wanda blushed "hm yeahhh"
"Cant believe you're all mine"
"Believe it moya lyubov' now come on stop stalling and let's get some food, I'll be waiting on the couch" she left with a kiss to your cheek
"Yes princess Wanda"
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itz-me-brett-duh · 1 month
Part 2 Random tmnt Bayverse questions and my thoughts: Dick…Cock…the Shlooong?
(Side note: mature audiences only and they are all 18+,but feel free to cackle like a slut…I know I do 🤣)
Is it big for a normal human or big for a mutant turtle? Are they a grower or a shower? Are they long or girthy or both 😏? What is sex like? Would it even fit? What does it look like? Do they have balls? Do they have tails? How do they secure their bulge?
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I think we can all agree that he is big for mutant turtle. I think his dick grows only slightly, but even then he looks big to any human who is blessed enough to see it. It’s literally perfect. Long with the perfect amount of girth. All of the boys hurt, especially for the first time. It feels as if you’re being split in two. It feels good! But even if he is gentle with you, you’re still not walking for a week 🤕. He makes sure to prep first before putting it in. There’s a reason he teases and makes you beg for so long. On good days you can take a 3/4ths of him. But with quick little mischievous fucks you can only take 2/3rds he’s so big.
Again it looks perfect. Just imagine the perfect dick. Turn it green. Grow it 3 sizes. And BOOM. That’s Leo’s dick. After sex Leo’s tail always perks up, it’s so cute 🥰 ! Leo struck gold and found an unopened package of snug boxers, they hold everything in place when he does all his cool ninja tricks. They make him look so fine. He literally looks like an underwear model with that waist and those rippling muscles underneath the thin fabric.
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BIG. BIG. BIG. Definitely not a grower but a shower. Don’t get me wrong he has length, but boy is he girthy, and you thought his fingers were big. Ow. But yum. But ow. Raph has two sides: hard fast and rough or soft sweet and sensual. Usually when he’s angry you know you’re in for a pounding 🤬, but luckily or unluckily, you calm him. You barely open enough for the head of his cock. Once stretched though he stuffs you as much as he can. He reaches places you never knew existed. It feels so painfully pleasurable. Forget not walking for a week, you wouldn’t be walking for almost a month. Might have to invest in a wheelchair.
Veiny, but not too much to be weird. It’s like you can see the blood pool and pulsate into his crotch. It matches the veins on his neck and forehead when he’s filled with rage. It’s so hot. Also, he is hung! His balls hang low too. You love it when he’s taking you doggy style because his balls slap against all the most sensitive places. Raph’s tail mainly stays down and tucked away. It’s so cute and small next to his muscular ass. Raph usually lets everything hang. He likes seeing you stare. A smug smirk creeps across his face every time. He felt ugly before meeting you but know he feels hot knowing he can make you think the dirtiest of thoughts. Sometimes when dealing with tough missions though he secures everything with wraps.
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Long like a slide, fun like one too! If you could you would play with it and ride it all day long. He is definitely shower but not as much as Raph. His baggy cargo pants mostly cover it up. You don’t know how but somehow it doesn’t hurt as much as you think. Little do you know that he is just very careful not to hurt you too much. He feels so good. You wish you could fit all of him. It’s not his fault he’s big but Donnie gets punished for being a bad anyway. He takes it as always like a good boy 😇.
His length is smooth. His tail is long as well and it’s fun to tease it with feathers and stuff. To hear is snickers, giggles, and snorts. Luckily he is thin enough to fit into a like a looser pair of boxers.
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Like his brothers he is big. And he knows how to use what he got. And he uses it a lot. Not just with you, but he’s not ashamed to admit he enjoys self pleasure. Only slightly a grower. His is girthy but a bit stubbier than his brothers. Sex is fun. You never thought laughing during sex would be, but he makes it hot. He fills you up nicely only a 4th of him can’t make its way inside you.
Just your good ol nice cock. Except it’s bigger. And greener. He got big balls. It takes them when live with 4 older brothers. Every time you’re around Mikey his tail wags like a happy puppy. When you first met, you didn’t even realize the mutants still had their tails, until you saw him naked for the first time. Which was in no time at all. Y’all were inseparable from the very beginning. Mikey used to wear lose ragged boxers he found in the dumpster. He says they passed the sniff test 🤢 at the time but you bought him new ones. They had fun colors and funky prints and everything. He loved them almost as much as he loved you. Some times you switch underwear for fun too. His are baggy on you and you have to use a safety pin or two just to keep them up. They look cute though. Mikey looks looks funny in yours his cock pokes out the side. Both of you are real goof balls sometimes.
The others💚:
Master Splinter. Let’s just say there’s a reason he is called Mast-
Network Error!
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bakugo-dee · 1 year
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WARNING: contents: fem! reader, reader is Kirishima’s and Bakugo’s girlfriend. established relationship. rough sex. degrading. Characters are aged UP!!
How long have you been in this position? Your back pressed up against Kirishima's chest and your legs hooked around his bulging biceps. He has them spread wide open so your dripping wet pussy is on full display and his cock is relentlessly trusting in and out of your sore hole. You're so over simulated that you can't even think straight anymore. You were fucked dumb hours ago and your legs have gone numb.
Bakugo is sitting in the chair across from you. Casually stroking his cock as he watches Kirishima fuck you senseless. This is one of his favorite things to do but this time is different. You have been misbehaving and now your boyfriends are teaching you a lesson.
Tonight at the Hero Gala, you thought it would be cute to shamelessly flirt with Izuku. Especially since you knew he has a crush on you and he gets extremely nervous around you. When saying hi, you leaned in way to close and held on longer than you should. Then, you wrapped your arm around his and pressed your big tits against him.
None of  that bother your boyfriends one bit. Hell Bakugo even thought it was funny watching you make the the idiot squirm. But when you starred up at that big dumb nerd with your beautiful big (e/c) eyes and gave him a look that made his cheeks flush and his cock hard, Bakugo exploded! That look was for them and them alone. How dare you look at that bastard that way!
"P...please...I...I can't take it. No more." your voice was low and weak. Your head propped up on Kirishima's shoulder. He places a chastise kiss on your cheek “Just a little more Angel.” Katsuki only smirks "Oh no Princess. A lot more.” “Katsuki! We’ll brake her!” “Exactly Ei! Naughty girls need to be punished." He gets up and walks over to the bed. He's already cum inside you at least 3 time and Eijiro just as many but they weren’t done.
Katsuki wipes the tears streaming down your cheeks with his thumb and with his other hand he starts rubbing your clit. "Ahhhhhh...NO! Baby! Katsuki please don't! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" They both let out a laugh "Sweet angel. It's too late for apologies. Now cum for us." He growls and just like that you cum hard. Squirting all over the both of them.
Kirishima lifts you off his cock and lays you on the bed. Your legs are shaking and you try to close them but Bakugo grabs your ankles. "Oh no baby. We're not done. Ei!" "Yeah?" "Clean her up." “With pleasure!” With a big grin on his face, Eijiro positions himself in between your legs. Using his tongue he begins to lick all over and inside your already abused cunt. Savoring every sweet drop of the elixir that is the three of you mixed into one. Your cries and moans fill the room.
“Tell me Angel, are you going to flirt with Deku again?" You immediately scream out "NO! NO! NO! I promise!" You can feel Kiri smile into your pussy and you hear Katsuki laugh "Good girl. Now, let's put that sluty mouth of yours to work.” He grabs you by the back of your head and shoves his huge cock in your mouth “And look at me! I want to see those big beautiful eyes looking ONLY at me!" were the lasting words you hear before he thrusts his cock all the way to the back of your throat and you squirt for the 4th time tonight all over Kiri's face.
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siremasterlawrence · 3 months
May The 4th Be With Him
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It is the bizarre celebratory wild night of The Fourth of July at Luke’s Bar which is pulling the opposite vibes very low key with only a few paying customers there he was about to close early and go enjoy the nonsense that transpires on this night when his best friend Kyle walks in to the establishment. This our young man stood next to him unsure of all that is about to play out when Luke warm in his embrace welcomes them as they take a seat at the bar and prop on to two vacant bar stools as Luke is suddenly spreading his lips in to a smile he so overcome with a case of emotion.The two ignore him facing the windows as a firecracker explodes shooting in to the sky it immediately implodes upon impact the sky is lit with most beautiful and illuminating color schemes ever imagined before there eyes stunning both Luke and Kyle as there eyes are now glued to the display.The two shook it off a few minutes later in a bought of confusion before Luke hops up on his right leg yelling that they should play a game of pool and the two guys agree as they head to the table completely unaware of Gary’s plan he is about to hatch for a new life. Luke sets up the table placing race a ball one at a time in a heap leaving the triangle shaped curb over the balls keeping them in place before removing them and taking a shot the balls are hit head on rolling through the whole table and keep them throughly entertaining.The young man backs up sneaking off to the sides mysteriously and unbeknownst to them with a agenda he hops over the bar to the side digging through his pockets he found the item in question a oddly precise nuzzle for the beer tap swiftly securing it as he disappears.He suggests they all get some beer on him he shouts flipping the tap switch as he pouts for all three of them, he lands on the counter to which they happily accept slurping loudly in such ungodly and ungentlemanly manner causing a scenes as both men burp and fart unconscious filling the room up with a horrid smell as they faint. Gary laughs so hard watching the effects go take plan automatically on instinct so he is on fire. He switches the sign to close, makes sure the place looks neat, and awaits for our two friend to wake up eventually they both do two hours late he with intense headaches and drunk as hell fully under this young man wicked desires. He claps his hands extraordinarily loud as his sound booms bouncing throughout the house ricocheting left to right stirring an echo in its place. The two man experience a swift changes as the young man voice is booming through the walls of the bar they bellow deep in to his ears causing Luke and Kyle to drop to their kneesThe young man smirks standing in the main center bar he snaps his fingers as both of these men come to life taking the young guys in the air lifting him up in the air on to the bar itself. The stare mindlessly in utter obedience foolishly giving in to their new inner desires of submission, devotion and declaration of love.
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“The fireworks…”
“So beautiful “
“Both of face me”
“Yes who?”
“Master Gary”
“Kneel to the floor “
“Drop for me”
“I am your new God”
“Worship me”
“With pleasure my love “
“Strip off your clothes “
“Yes…My love”
“Yes…My God”
“Standing naked for me”
“Stay in the light “
“Your shaft on display for me”
“Take me to your private bedroom “
“Oh God! Yes Master”
“Lead the way Luke”
“Fuck off bastard! “
“Or what fucker?”
“I’ll break your neck”
“Just try it “
“Asshole! I dare you “
“Bend over! I’ll do it”
“Make one move “
“I’ll light your ass up”
“Give Master more access “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“The two of you”
“Yes Sire”
“Zip it”
“Go upstairs”
“Don’t say a word”
“Open the door “
“Kneel before me”
“Close the door “
“I love you “
“We love you too”
“Sir Yes Sir “
“Will you serve me?”
“With my life and body “
“Take us”
“Wrap your hands on my waist “
“I can’t wait to worship you”
“Enter me”
“Me too”
“I need you “
“Want me too”
“Oh God Master! Please! Fuck! yyyyeeessss”
The end
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richoff9to5s · 7 months
lil tony x black fem reader
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you sat in class as the teacher — mr.key taught the class about poetry. his deep baritone voice with his deep southern drawl speaking to the class about how songs were poetry. you really wasnt paying attention to anything he said.
you was just looking at him noticing how he had a key on the side of his face and the name “mia” above his eyebrow. the lighting strikes going down his neck and the words “billionaire benefits” also tattooed on his neck. you noticed he licked his lips before he continued. his free form dreads hanging in front of his black ray band glasses that he pushed up.
you was so much in deep thought about mr. key until he approached you slapping his hand on your desk. making you sit up straight and close your mouth. you were damn near drooling. “y-yes mr.key” “what’s the term for a poem that is used for the mourning of a person?” he quizzed you to see if you would know although he knew you wasn’t paying attention.
now he was up close and personal, you noticed the birthmark above his lip and his dark brown eyes staring back at you. along with his diamond stud earrings glistening in the classroom light. mr.key smacked the desk again. “see me after class, —princess” your heart dropped to your ass the second, he said those words. you could hear your class mates around you whisper about seeing him after class.
you attempted to pay attention for the rest of the class but you were nervous for what was going to happen after class then the bell rung. your heart started beatingout your chest as mr.key smirked at you as the rest of the class left the room. mr.key didnt have a class for 4th period so this was his planning. As the last person left the room and the door close, you heard mr.key's deep voice echo through the class. "come here princess" you swallowed hard not making eye contact.
you choked as mr.key pushed your head down further on his dick. attempting to push your head back using his thighs, he forced your head further down. making you close her eyes trying not to choked further on spit before he let go and allowing you to breath. you coughed violentlyand breathed hard preparing yourself to go back down on his 10in dick. "you gone pay attention while im teaching" he spoke as you as he guided your head up and down his shaft.
you moaned in response. “your promise?” as he made you deep throat him. you moaned again. he pulled your off of his him, string of spit coming still connected. he grabbed your jaw making you look at him while he smiled looking down at you. he kissed you before he made you get off the floor.
“sit on my desk, spread your legs.” he commanded. he pulled you closer to him as he pulled your panties to side under your skirt, keeping eye contact with you.
he opened his desk drawer pulling out a magnum condom. “i took it from a student earlier, chill.” he chuckled deeply as he looked your confused expression. his laugh sent a shiver down your spine as he used to his mouth to open the condom. he slipped it on and grabbed your face to force yo to look at him.
sliding in slowly making sure you was comfortable, you moaned and when you felt all of him in you, clenching around his veiny sienna-pink colored dick. the action made him groan as he began to slid in and out at medium pace. he kept his grip on your dark chocolate colored thighs. he put his face your neck, sucking softly on the skin there. you closed your eyes loving the feeling of mr.key pushing in and out of you.
he switched sides, going to the other side of your neck.
“fuck princess” he dragged out as he slid in and out you faster.
“im finna cum.” you let out as you felt your stomach twist and turn.
“princess” “princess” “PRINCESS—“
your head snapped up as you looked at mr.key standing in front of you. all your classmates laughed and giggled mocking you in your sleep.
“alright now, leave her alone” mr.key stood up for you as your face heated up and you put your hands on your head. “everybody get back to work” as he stood in front of your desk still. “listen i understand, i had wet dreams about my teacher when i was younger too.” he giggled trying to make you feel better but instead you cringed.
“meet me after class, i’ll make your dreams come true” you heard mr.key whisper in your ear. your eyes widened as you looked up at him as he smirked then winked.
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riverpatel · 2 years
when: saturday, feb. 4th where: the phoenix who: @trixstone​
It was a grand plan and River had no idea if they were going to be able to pull it off from start to finish. Of course it could have been simple but River had never been one to do things small. They had always been a performer and as a New Orleans native, everything needed to be big, flashy, and a little bit loud. Lucky for them, they were able to get help from everyone close to them. First it was getting the blessings of their family, Bowie, Del, and then Nehir and Indie. Next was coming up with an idea. With the help of Nehir and then Stevie they were able to come up with an event that was both good for the community but also the base to execute their plan. Together they came up with a Love Rocks event, showcasing cover songs from the punk, metal, and alternative rock world. The first set was to be played by none other than the band formerly known as Thrift Store Lingerie (they couldn’t remember their most recent name). Yas and Bowie helped River with decorations but more importantly, finding something to wear. Everything had to be aesthetically perfect, they wouldn’t have it any other way. Next they needed special help from Del to find the special item that only they had the expertise of tracking down. With all the plans in place, the only thing left was to wait for the night to come.
Everything was going as planned, plus there was a decent crowd for both their band and the band that would come after them. All of the people closest to them were there, with the exception of Yas who had agreed to distract Trix so they could set everything up and bring them in halfway through. Once it came time for the last song, River paused to look back at Moth and Fox who had helped them write an original song for the occasion. One centering breath and a few encouraging nods from their best friends later and River was back at the microphone. “Thank you all for coming out tonight, please make sure to give love to your servers and bartender. Don’t forget to stick around for Secondhand Theory coming up after us.” River paused and easily found their tall demi-deity in the crowd. “This last song is one I wrote with the help of Fox and Moth for the other half of my soul.” And with that they started it up, knowing once they did there was no going back. 
(original song and cover ensemble found here)
"And still these songs can't really put into words what I feel, what we have, what we are. I want to keep telling our ghost story until there is nothing left to tell. Though," River moved to sit down on the edge of the stage and curled a finger to get Trix to come over to them. "A lot of people helped make tonight happen and they're all probably sick of hearing about our story and getting ignored when we get lost in each other. Sorry Foxy.” They let out a short laugh laced with nerves. “This time I thought I would include them all in the same moment and chapter of us." River takes a small coffin shaped box from Bowie that she graciously protected and put her own blessings on. They paused to kiss her cheeks before turning their attention back to Trix and spoke into the microphone, their hands suddenly trembling.
"Hey Trixie baby?" River spoke low and soft, as this part was more for them than anyone else. "I don't if you knew but, you mean galaxies to me. You are everything and I don't know if I would be where I am right now if you weren't there to hold my hand through the really hard parts in this journey called life." They continued and cleared their throat, feeling water already form in their earth colored eyes. "Not to mention you're so fucking pretty I could die every time I look at you, but that's besides the point. I uh, I was wondering. Well what I'm getting to and rambling on about is," they paused again to laugh and blink the watery start away. "You think you'd maybe, um, want to marry me?" They popped open the coffin shaped ring box to reveal two matching engagement rings. River smiled and did their best replication of Trix's famous eyebrow pop.
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eddiesghxst · 3 years
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i’ve honestly had this typed out for the longestttt time but i’m just gonna post it now lmaoo, hope y’all like it!
18+ content
summary: Harry’s tipsy and can’t keep his hands off of you
contains: drinking, public(ish) sex (not really they’re literally in a restroom), unprotected sex, a sliver of choking, and harry being a cheeky mf <3
word count: 2.6k
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No cause let’s talk about Harry taking you, his girlfriend of a few years, to a wedding as his date. The wedding is outside, you would be wearing a cream silk dress that matches his cream-colored suit, and you two look fucking amazing together. You and Harry can’t keep your hands off each other, stealing quick kisses here and there before you’re both pulled off in separate directions to talk with different people.
Eventually, Harry finds you standing by some friends, listening to them chatter whilst nursing your 4th flute of champagne. He sneaks up behind you, one hand holding his drink as he presses his other palm flat against your tummy to swiftly pull you into the front of his body as he nuzzles his face into your neck. Your skin is warm from the sun that had been beating down on you until the night took over. A tipsy smile makes its way across your lips as well as his as he presses a kiss to the inside of your neck. “Doin’ okay, love?”
You hum as you lean into him, the rich scent of his cologne wrapping around you in a hazy manner. “Amazing. You?”
He smiles, hand shifting to squeeze your hip as he takes a quick sip of his drink. “Never been better, baby. Y’look so good tonight.” He pauses to lightly nip his teeth at your ear, grinning when you softly giggle. “You look good every night. Wanna take you home.”
Your free hand moves to rest over his hand that’s resting on your hip, you hum, your body buzzing from the bubbly drinks running through your veins and the gorgeous man touching you so sensually. “A bit early to leave, H.”
Harry groans, low enough for only your ears. He pitches your hips back against him, the feeling of his hard cock pressing against your ass making your heart race in anticipation. “I’m not gonna make it the whole night, baby. You look so good, can’t get a fucking grip.”
You look around, gazing through the crowds of tipsy people dancing and laughing, paying no attention to the two of you practically grinding against each other. You finish the last sip of your champagne as you grab the wandering hand of your lover, leading him through the clumps of people. Harry follows suit, bottom lip tucked between his teeth and eyes half-lidded as he smiles. He leaves both of your glasses on a random table, whining to grab ahold of your hand once again. The tips of his shoes knock against the heels of your pumps once or twice, the both of you drunkenly giggling as you push open the door to the building, a gush of cool AC kissing the both of you as you stumble into the establishment.
“Where are you taking me, miss?” He raises an eyebrow as you continue to pull him through the building. “Somewhere we can be alone, lover boy.”
Harry smiles as you stop in front of a door, ‘FAMILY RESTROOM’ written across the top of the heavy wood. Harry’s chest is pressed against your back as you push the door open, the heat radiating from him nearly making your knees buckle.
Luckily, no one is in the restroom as you drag the tipsy man in with you, instructing him to lock the door. His fingers fumble with the lock as he pulls you closer to him, stealing one, two, three, kisses before sealing it with one lengthy kiss. You both smile, teeth knocking against teeth as he backs you up against the counter of the restroom.
“You’re naughty, dragging me into family restrooms for a shag.” He teases, heavily decorated hands coasting up your dress to dance across your smooth skin, finally arriving at your hips to pitch you up onto the countertop. You hum, lips hungrily moving against his for a moment as you tug his white wife-beater out of the waistband of his trousers.
“You’re the one who can’t keep it in his pants.” You point out, panting out against his cheek as he pushes your dress up your legs to bunch up at your hips.
“Never can when you’re around.” He playfully bites the tip of your ear, smiling when you giggle, squeezing his bicep. “Gotta be quick, H. Still have a wedding to attend.” You remind him as your alcohol-weighted fingers undo his belt.
“Don’t think they’ll miss us too much, yeah?” He shrugs, leaning in to kiss you once more, warm hands drifting across your body and up your torso, pausing to squeeze at your tits.
“Don’t even have anything under this dress, s’like you’re just begging me to fuck you.” He mumbles, fingers lightly pinching your pebbled nipples causing you to moan. “Please, H.”
Your hand slips into his pants, quickly finding what you’re looking for and wrapping around his cock, lightly squeezing him. He moans into your mouth as his hips buck against your hand, eyes squeezing tight and mouth dropping in ecstasy. He shudders, a low hum rumbling from the back of his throat before he whines, “Oh fuck, do that again. Do it again.”
You follow his orders, squeezing before giving him one stroke, thumb swiping across the tip to smear the pre-cum that’s collected there. “Fuck me, Harry. Please fuck me.” You whine, squirming against his body as you steadily pump his cock in his pants.
He swiftly removes your hand, pushing his pants down just enough to free his hard length from the designer trousers. As one hand wraps around himself, his other hand slips under your dress, heavy eyes watching your face as he swipes two fingers from your clit down to your weeping hole, slowly easing the thick digits into the hot and wet cavern. Your jaw drops, eyebrows furrowing as he curls the digits in a ‘come hither’ motion, a breathless moan falling from your mouth. He mumbles something against your lips and in your arousal fogged mind, you can only make out a few words; his instruction to hold your dress up, which you swiftly do, holding the thin fabric against your stomach. He looks down, moaning at the sight of your slick heat snug around his fingers. “Look at you, always so ready for me.”
You mewl in slight embarrassment from how wet you are in such a short time, but you’re practically always turned on when you’re around Harry. You’re insatiable when it comes to your boyfriend, in every way shape, and form.
He removes his fingers, wrapping them around his dick, stroking himself a few times, using your arousal to slicken the slide.
You push against his chest causing him to stumble back a few steps, watching as you hop down from the countertop to turn around, hands resting against the edge of the cool marble tops, glancing at him through the mirror. “Want you to fuck me from behind, H, please.” You beg, ass pressing back against him. He groans, his free hand reaching out to grasp your hip, pushing you forward until the edge of the counter digs into the soft skin of your hips.
“My dirty girl, begging me to fuck her from behind in the middle of a wedding.” He mumbles against your ear as his hands make quick work of pulling your dress back up. With one hand holding your dress at the bottom of your spine, his other hand grabs ahold of himself, shuffling forward to paint his tip across your wet cunt. Your hips stutter backward, chasing the full feeling you know he can give you, whining out into the air, “Please...”
He hums, softly tapping his foot against your ankles to kick your legs wider apart. He taps the tip of his cock against your cunt before swiftly pushing into you, body shuddering at the overwhelming feeling of your pussy. You’re wet, tight, and so fucking warm, his knees nearly buckle within the first few moments. He watches as your eyes shut, swollen lips parting to let out a soft moan.
“Fuck...y’feel so good baby.” He whispers against your ear. You whimper, hips pushing back against his as you subconsciously squeeze down on his hard length, a whine emitting from the back of Harry’s throat. “Don’t do that, fuck don’t do that. You’re gonna make me cum.” He rushes out, fingers squeezing your hips harder. You laugh, peering at him through heavy eyes as he tips his head back, jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed in frustration.
“Already?” “Shut up,”
You laugh again, another whine tumbling from his lips along with rambles of ‘stop fucking laughing I can feel everything.’ and ‘It isn’t funny it’s embarrassing, I’m so fucking horny.”
You tug your lips between your teeth, suppressing your laughter as you wait for him to collect himself. “I love you, but if you don’t fuck me soon I might lose feeling in my legs from this position.” You tease. His head tilts back down to look at you, heavily swallowing as he nods.
He pulls out just enough to where his tip is all that’s left in you before swiftly pushing back in, watching as your jaw drops further and further each time he repeats the action. His lips brush against your ear as he speaks, “Anything for my girl, right? Always wanna make you feel good.” The pace steadily picks up, the both of you heavily panting into the air as you greedily chase your highs. One particular harsh thrust has you pathetically mewling, keening forward over the counter, hand reaching forward to the mirror to catch yourself. “Oh fuck, Harry. Shit, harder, please harder.” You ramble, whimpering with each thrust as he begins to fuck into you at a harsher pace.
“You’re so tight. So good to me, always so good to me.” He pants against your ear, left hand moving up your body to squeeze your tits, moving the fabric of your dress down to expose the soft flesh. His fingers pinch at your nipples until they harden, broken moans tumbling across your lips to spill into the thick air.
That recognizable warm feeling begins to bubble in the pit of your stomach, your moans becoming loud enough to be heard from outside the heavy wooden door, anyone passing would know without a doubt what was going on behind the closed door. Your arms have become weaker, your upper body dropping to lean on your elbows as Harry relentlessly pounds into you from behind. His hand has left your breasts, now gripping your shoulder to help pull you back against each powerful thrust he gives you.
Your heart is racing, your body thrumming with the need to cum, and you can hear the blood rushing through your ears, the heavy moans and grunts spilling from your boyfriend, and the sinful sloshing sound of your sex paired with the repetitive noise of Harry’s hips slamming against your ass. You glance into the mirror, watching Harry as he works himself in and out of you, a sheet of sweat dancing across his skin, necklaces bouncing in the middle of his chest, his gaze stuck watching where the two of you meet. He looks like a god damn sex god.
“I’m…” Your mind is so hazy from the champagne and the way Harry is fucking you, your words seem to jumble up in your brain. His eyes snap up to meet yours through the mirror. Harry’s hand slips around your neck, fingers gripping your throat to deliver a delicious squeeze, a strangled and broken moan rising from the back of your throat. “I’m gonna cum.” You rush out.
Harry uses his grip on your neck to pull you up against his chest, your back arching as your head rests against his shoulder. “Yeah? Gonna cum for me?” His silky voice is right at your ear, the sensation of his cock slamming in and out of you paired with the heavy and calculated squeezes he gives your throat causes your body to shake with overwhelming pleasure. “Yes. Shit, yes, Harry. Just like that, I’m gonna cum.”
Harry can barely think straight, the only coherent thought running through his brain is the goal of you and his climaxes, his hips persistently delivering sharp thrusts into your backside, watching the filthy scene unfold through the mirror. Your head is dropped back against his shoulder, mouth ajar as pathetic moans slip with every thrust, the straps of your dress have fallen, your tits on full display as they jolt with each movement. Your skin is flushed and shiny with a thin sheen of sweat, every inch of you is fucking sinful and Harry loses his mind just a little more each time he runs his eyes over your shaking figure.
His fingers find their way to your throbbing clit, rubbing fast and calculated circles into the sensitive area. “Come on,” His voice is low in your ear as he encourages you. “You’re so good...so good to me, baby, please cum.” He begs. Your eyes are squeezed shut, legs beginning to shake because you’re so fucking close.
“Wanna feel you squeezing my cock like you did this mornin’ when I had you bent over the hotel patio with that white slip you had on, yeah? Remember that, baby?”
“Fuck! Yes yes yes, I remember. You fuck me so good, Harry, every time. Shit.” Your fingers have lost themselves in his messy curls, gripping them tightly as you begin to tip over the edge, a hiss falling from Harry’s lips at the sting from your actions. “There we go. Such a good fucking girl, cumming all over my cock, look at you all cock drunk.” He slurs, watching as you shake and moan, pussy quivering as your climax finally washes over you.
Your nails dig into his scalp, calling out in ecstasy when he continues to sloppily thrust into you, chasing his own high.
“Fuck… oh fuck, baby.” He cries out. You watch through lidded eyes as his jaw falls open, eyebrows pinching together as his orgasm hits him, the warm feeling of his cum shooting into you in several spurts causing a whine to erupt from you. “Love you so fucking much. So fucking good to me.” He pants into your ear, lips smearing wet kisses against your hot skin.
You whimper, mouth dry as you swallow, limbs feeling even heavier than before now that you’ve had a mind-blowing orgasm on top of the countless flutes of champagne. You’re sloppily kissing Harry as he pulls out, a whine coming from you at the loss of his cock.
“God, I fucking love you.” A sharp slap is delivered to your ass causing you to jolt with a giggle. “Love you,” You press another kiss to his swollen and bitten lips.
“Did you really have to cum inside me? It's uncomfortable.” You frown as you reach over for a paper towel to clean yourself off while Harry gets himself situated behind you. He mischievously grins, reaching forward to pull you close and smack a wet kiss to your cheek. “I didn’t wanna ruin your pretty dress.” He hums, softly squeezing your hips.
You roll your eyes as you pull the straps of your dress up and begin fixing your hair. “It’s already ruined. S’all creased and crinkled.” You frown. “Don’t tell me you’re complaining after I gave you one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had in your life.” He deadpans.
You scoff as you turn around to glare at him as a grin spreads across his face. “Don’t get cocky, it’s easy to fake an orgasm.”
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iconocon · 2 years
fireworks | ricciardo
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summary: fourth of july firework madness
warnings: american dan
type: one shot | word count: 700 | ✧ FLUFF
as an honorary american no one was more excited than your boyfriend daniel to spend the holiday in texas with you. when he told you he was finding the first flight back from the united kingdom just so he could be with you it made you laugh because only someone like him would take a holiday like this so seriously, not even most die hard americans really celebrated the day other than to take the opportunity to get drunk or take a day off work. spotting him from a crowded texan airport was all too easy as he was already following the dress code of a big black cowboy hat and university of texas burnt orange hoodie that you can only assume he stole from your closet. from the minute he stepped foot in your eye line he couldn’t stop spewing everything he was looking forward to doing tonight out of his mouth.
“so you’re gonna cook that amazing steak the way you do, and then we are going to play with sparklers, and then i’m going to set off these fireworks” his eyes all but twinkled as he remembered the fireworks stopping in the middle of the parking lot to grab your shoulders as he looked down at you. “babe you have to see these fireworks i bought.”
“you will not set off fireworks you know the rules”
“no daniel me and michael agreed after last year that you cannot set them off anymore”
“you think i can’t drive with nine fingers?”
“get in the car daniel”
“even my own girlfriend doesn’t believe in me anymore first mclaren now you it’s low baby”
the drive home was just the same as he continued to be dramatic about the rule you imposed even when you both knew that you would let him do it anyway because whatever made him happy ultimately made you happy too. making a b-line to the backyard he disappeared the moment you stopped the car leaving you to bring his suitcase into the house which you would definitely make him pay for later.
stopping in the kitchen after doing a once over of the house you grab everything needed to make him his dream american bbq dinner that he had been frothing over for days now. steak, corn, ribs, every texans dream reminding you of your own childhood growing up here doing things like this with your own family.
when dinner was done and cleared and the sun finally went down you eventually allowed your big child of a boyfriend to go get whatever he was planning. “daniel joseph ricciardo”
“full government eh?”
“that thing is fucking huge.”
“you act like you’ve never seen it before baby”
the dirty joke did not go over your head as you rolled you eyes but still remained concerned at the brightly colored package in his hand labeled ‘THE RED WHITE AND BLUE DEVIL’. this was the year. this year you were gonna have to explain to zak brown why you were sending daniel to the red bull ring with only one hand and missing fingers. somehow he reassured you enough or more like maybe he distracted you with enough kisses that you let him go running into the wide-open backyard looking like a kid in the candy store. when you couldn’t see him anymore in the starry sky you listened and waited before an aussie countdown came out of nowhere.
“you can’t rush beauty baby”
next thing you knew a huge sizzle was heard from the field following a giggling ricciardo running towards you as a red spark zoomed in the sky. the pace of his body could not follow his feet as he all but tripped, slamming you both to the ground as squeals coming out of you both mixed with the sounds of explosions both of you relaxing/settling in amongst the grass as each explosion hit the skyline. feeling the gaze of those huge chocolate eyes attached to the man you were all but obsessed with you found yourself also turning your eyes to the even prettier sight of the man in front of you hoping to have moments like these forever.
“happy fourth beautiful”
“happy fourth cowboy”
happy 4th babies american or not we can all enjoy some daniel!!
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spookybabey · 2 years
Eddie Munson x GN! reader (nondescript)
Reader is a vet assistant but that's it.
TW: just swearing i think let me know if there's something else
A/N: this is mainly for me lmao
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Gif isn't mine.
   You sigh as you finally clock out. Your feet are killing you and your scrubs are itchier than you remember. Your back aches and your whole body feels heavy. It’s been a hectic day and you can't wait to put your shit down and take off your shoes. The heat immediately hits you as you step out into the Hawkins summer sun and a thin layer of sweat instantly forms on your forehead. The good thing about working in the vet's office is the AC is always on blast to keep things sterile. 
    Your face pulls into a bright smile as you see your favorite person in the world. There he is sitting in the parking lot with the back of the van open. 
   When he sees you he smiles, “There’s my favorite little critter keeper!”
   “Hi my love,” you groan out in relief when you’re  finally in his arms. 
   “C’mere baby,” he pulls you to sit in the back of the van, ”How was it?”
    You blow some air out of your mouth in an exaggerated sigh, “It was good you know, it’s just the last day of the week we’re open it’s always hectic.”
    “Did ya get any nippers?” He chuckles.
    You groan, ”Yeah this mean little fucking chihuahua little bastard got me twice.”
    “It's always the small ones,” he laughs. 
   “Not even. Today I had to wrestle my notepad back from a Great Dane,” you complain animatedly, “It went on forever because he thought we were playing.”
     “An absolute menace,” he quipped, “Lucky I'm here to save the day.”
     You quirk your eyebrow at him and he pulls something from behind him. It’s a bag from your favorite burger joint. 
    “I fucking love you,” you say kissing him so hard it knocks the wind out of him. 
     “Woah this is all i have to do to get you to jump on me?” he jokes, “Get ready i'm definitely doing this more.”
     You smile at him, “I just had a really rough day and you’re so considerate.”
     “That's me Mr. Considerate, providing comfort for my baby,” he laughs. 
      “Alright that’s enough, shut up and give me the bag,” you say as you grab it from him, “Ooh and onion rings, you do love me,” you whine. 
      He goes to pull something out of the bag when you stop him and he raises a questioning eyebrow. 
      “As much as I love van picnics with you, and you know I ADORE them,” you say fervently, “I would like to get the fuck out of here and spend the night with you my love.”
       “Say no more my dear, I will save you from your prison,” he proclaims dramatically. 
        “Oh my god you’re gonna get me fired,” you can’t help but laugh at his antics. 
     The ride with Eddie is just like any other, him tapping the beat of the loud music on the steering wheel, giving you that bright smile of his occasionally, and you both singing terribly off key. 
     When you get to your trailer you are immediately met with your two chocolate labs. Your big boys jump to greet you, giving you sloppy kisses and making you groan in fake annoyance. 
    “Alright alright,” you laugh, “come on.”
    Eddie follows you to the couch with the food in hand. 
   You moan as you sit down on the old comfortable  couch you bought at the second hand store. Pulling your sneakers off and feeling instant relief. You couldn’t wait to take a shower to finally wash the rough day off of your body. 
   But first you are gonna enjoy dinner and a movie with your honey. 
     “It's my night to pick” he grins.
     “Ughhhh fine,” you exaggerate. 
   He jumps a little like the fucking gremlin he is and walks to the shelf and puts his hand on his chin looking over every title. 
     “AHA,” he shouts, making you and the boys jump a little. 
   He grabs it off the shelf and quickly makes his way over to the tv. He pops it in the player and wiggles his eyebrows at you. You groan hoping it’s not something stupid scary like cannibal holocaust again. For the 4th time. You swear you don’t know where the fuck he finds that shit. 
   He plops next to you as close as he possibly can without being right on top of you, and pulls out the contents of the bag as the previews play out. 
  You let out a satisfied huff when you saw that it was your favorite film. He knows it was a rough day and you need this.
   So you two eat and watch, making jokes, and repeating your favorite lines. It’s a pleasant change to your day. When the movie ends you get up from the couch and groan as you stretch your arms up. 
     “I'm gonna go take a shower,” you inform him. 
     “Alright love I’m gonna go walk the knuckleheads,” he chuckles. 
     “Ok,” you smile, leaning to give him a kiss. 
   You take a long hot shower letting the day rinse off with the water before getting out and patting yourself dry. Humming a tune to yourself, you put some lotion on. You brush your teeth and put on your pjs, before walking into the bedroom. 
   Eddie is sitting on the bed in some pj pants with no shirt. He always says it’s too hot to wear a shirt and pants to sleep. You smile to yourself as he plucks some chords on his guitar as the boys laze around on the bed. You just stand and stare for a while until he looks up and smiles. 
    “C’mere,” he says, putting the guitar back on the stand. 
   You walk over and crawl into bed beside him. He instantly wraps his arms around you and you let out a sigh of contentment. 
    “This is the stuff,” you mutter sleepily. 
    “Damn right it is,” he agrees, ��I get to go to sleep and wake up next to my favorite person.”
     “I love you,” you yawn.  
     “I love you darling,” he says, kissing your forehead and pulling you closer. 
  This is where you were meant to be. Here with Eddie and your boys in the home you bought and the life you built together. There was nowhere else you’d rather be. 
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queeniridescence · 3 years
𝕻𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖔𝖜𝖓 (one-shot)
(𝑴𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
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𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌: 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥,𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧,𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐱,𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠,𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐥𝐦𝐟𝐚𝐨...
The music was loud and your head was spinning.You were stumbling around,trying to use any nearby furniture as a support to prevent yourself from falling down.The intoxicated substance in your blood wasn't helping much either,like you thought it would.
Colorful led lights were blinding your already worn out vision and made it hard for you to see the exit door of the nightclub.You harshly bumped into someone and nearly fell down if it wasn't for that person who grabbed you just in time.
"I'm sorry.I didn't see you.Are you okay?"he said.
You looked up at him and was about to give him a snarky response,but when you looked at his grey eyes,you felt your heart skip a bit.The noisy and toxic environment of the club was suddenly tuned out and you felt yourself lost inside the boy's beautiful silver eyes for what seemed like an eternity.
"Hello?Do you hear me?"the boy in question waved his hands infront of you.
"Mhmm...sowwy...."you said,sheepishly.
The boy laughed at your cuteness.The way he was acting seemed like he too was drunk,but not as much as your depressed ass.
"It's okay.My name is Mitsuya."the silver haired boy said wrapping his arms around your waist,which caused your short tight dress to lift from a few centimetres.
The cold air slapped your lower body and you felt a tingling feeling inside your belly.
"Mine is Y/N."you said,wrapping your arms around Mitsuya's neck and rubbing your body against his hard chest.
Mitsuya's eye lit up when you returned his flirty action,a killer smirk slowly appearing on his handsome face as he felt his pants tightening by the seconds that passed since he "accidentally" bumped into you.
"You wanna hang out.....somewhere?"he smirked,his hands making their way to grab your ass.
"Where?"you asked,while rubbing your knee on his perceptible boner.
Mitsuya approached your ear and whispered,
"Pound Town".
You didn't expect Pound Town to be on Mitsuya's bike,back pressed against his toned body while he's been fucking your abused pussy for a good while now. You don't understand how his bike has been able to withstand both of your weights including all of those violent shakes that it was receiving but it made it easier for you to appreciate the pleasure Mitsuya was giving you,without worrying about anything else.
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"A-argh....you're going to be a good girl- shit- a good girl for daddy and- fuck you're so tight- and you're gonna cum on his dick for the 4th time,okay?"your man was panting,within each thrust.
"Mitsu-...I c-can't!!!"you said,feeling your limbs numb.
Mitsuya quickly pulled out of you and harshly swung you so your back was pressed against the cold seat of his bike.He grabbed your jaw and looked at you,
"Hey baby,"he said in a deep voice,"If you've got the guts to get me this wild,you've got the guts to cum more than twice."
And so he grabbed your neck and savagely thrusted into your ass,while shoving two of his long fingers inside your tight pussy overloaded with his hot cum from the previous pounding sessions.Your body fell numb from the overstimulation.
But you couldn't ignore the twirl inside your lower abdomen.
"I'm gonna...gon-"you couldn't end up your sentence when you felt your toes curled up while you came for the last time.
Mitsuya let out a loud grunt,as he too,reached his climax and released hot thick ropes of cum inside of you.
He pulled out and after wiping himself and your cunt with some tissue paper,you both fixed your clothes.He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you passionately,under the moonlight.
After the hot kiss,he looked at you.
"Damn,that was the best sex I've ever had"he said,blushing.
Your cheeks reddened,
"Same here.No one has ever made me feel that good."
Mitsuya smiled,
"You know....Uhm.Well you're really cute and I was wondering if we could maybe,hang out some more and get to know each other."he looked nervous.
"OF COURSE!!uh I mean..yes sure,why not?"you hid your embarrassed face.
Mitsuya giggled and made you properly sit on his bike,behind him,while he started the engine and drove away.
"Also, sorry I went a bit too overboard earlier,hehe," Mitsuya chuckled,nervously scratching his nape, "didn't even pull out."
You smiled while wrapping your arms around his body and rested your head on his back.
"It's okay.Good thing you were wearing a condom."
You laughed,alongside Mitsuya,who didn't know how to tell you that he didn't bring any protection.
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
REQUEST (Yandere!Hyunjin x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, size kink, humiliation. Read at your own risk.
"I… I don't think it's working out, Hyunjin…" Y/n finally managed to let out over his excited chatter as he read the menu to the diner they were at. The girl's head was lowered as she stared at the table in front of her, biting her lip and fiddling with her fingers under the table. She honestly couldn't wait for this to be over. His presence was so overbearing and overwhelming.
"... What isn't, baby?" The older asked after a few moments of silence, genuinely confused. His words were slow and unsure, eyebrows furrowed under his fringe of dark hair and plump lips pouted.
This wasn't the first time this was happening. This was the fourth fucking time after she told him for the very first time that she wasn't feeling it. But he kept begging for a chance, making it just so damn hard.
Hyunjin's words caused the girl to sigh under her breath. It was so uncomfortable; a constant feeling that he was not just dating her but almost as if he were obsessed with her. "This, Hyunjin… us… you and me… we aren't working out…" When the boy stayed quiet, she gained some confidence, thinking it'd be that easy to get rid of him. "You asked me out and I agreed because it seemed fun and- I don't know- but it's just really- forget it" picking up her bag, she bowed. "I am sorry. I hope you understand" before she walked out without looking back even once.
"Seemed fun?" The boy whispered to himself, eyes trained on the table in shock, a manic expression on his face as his eyes watered while lips stayed parted in shock. "My feelings… seemed fun?" Standing up before slinging his back over his shoulder, Hyunjin smirked before throwing his head back and then shaking his head. "I didn't want to resort to this but fuck, baby."
Y/n was returning home from work that night when she passed by that one small alley she dreaded walking past, gulping before sighing in relief when she reached the streetlight next to it. But that was short lived as she had to gasp harshly just the next minute when she was roughly pulled into the closed little dark space, groaning when her back came in painful contact with the brick wall.
"Fuck, baby… Must you wear such stuff that makes it so damn hard for me to not pounce on you right at the spot before taking you right there and raw?" Y/n's muscles tensed even more when she recognised the voice, trying to pull his hand off while trying to scream. "Uh uh uhhh~" he cooed, injecting a liquid in her neck and laughing as she freaked out, holding her down in an iron grip.
"No baby… Little girls like you have no idea what's good for them. And so they need Daddies that can teach them…" Y/n felt nothing but horror when she felt her limbs losing strength, making her basically paralyzed. "Tsk. You really think I'd let you go? After all those years ever since 4th grade?" Her eyes pooled up with tears as she could do nothing but look at him helplessly, hanging by his hands that were groping her privates that she could oh-so-torturously feel.
"No, I fucking won't." Her jaw felt like it'd been glued together, heavily pressing down and now she could only let out weak little sounds from her throat, trying to shake her head. "You're mine. From the moment you were born and until the day you die of old age… in my arms. I'd sell my soul to the Devil himself for you if I had to. Don't test me."
Y/n let out a weak little pleading moan from her throat when Hyunjin ripped her shirt open, pushing it as well as her jacket off, all of the girl's stuff having already dropped on the ground. "Tsk… look at this attention seeking whore!" The boy taunted when he noticed her foam bra, laughing as he revealed the small swell from behind the cup, kissing it before squeezing it. "Trying to distract everyone from your tight shirts when your pathetic little tits are just fat nubs underneath this padded bra."
Y/n's cheeks redenned in embarrassment when he fondled her A-Cup breasts, laughing at them before pinching and flicking her nipples as her bra slipped off too, licking and biting at them whilst one of his hands undid her pants now, pulling it down and hungrily feeling up her naked thighs and pussy, moaning as he felt his jeans tighten. Fuck.
"It's only fair though. Considering you're so small…" His eyes darkened and voice became sickly low, lips hungrily parting open. "Almost like a little doll… a puppet, perhaps?" His finger pushed into her mouth, forcefully collecting some of her spit, which by the way was drooling down her chin from the corner of her mouth, before Hyunjin pushed it between her pussy lips, rubbing it up and down her folds.
"You feel it baby? Oh I know you fucking feel it!" Smacking her cheek when she tried to shake her head while crying, Hyunjin grinned. "I made sure only your limbs would give out but the rest wouldn't lose sensation. Tsk tsk. Thinking you can lie to Daddy? How fucking disrespectful. This is exactly why you need training. Little babies like you always do…"
Before the male pulled his phone out, turning the camera on and starting to record. "Are you sure you're even potty trained, hm? Tsk… Look at that drooly mouth just like a baby's… that tiny body and of course! Those adorable boobies!" Smacking them one by one, Hyunjin trailed his rough and big hand all over her skin. "Oh! I was right! You haven't been potty trained! Look at that piss!" Y/n felt more tears escape her as the male ridiculed her, the flash of the camera rubbing in the realisation that all of this was being recorded so fucking painfully.
"Is it because you're little or because you're scared of me, baby?" Putting his phone back in his jacket, Hyunjin pushed her up against the wall by her lifeless legs, quickly unbuckling his belt and pants. "Or both?" Lining his hardened tip against her slut, the male spat on it before looking back up at her. "Both?" He spoke to her like one would to a baby, taking the phone out again and getting her expression when he painfully pushed his hard cock in for the first time on footage, the low screams trying to escape from Y/n's mouth music his ears.
"Good. Good baby. As you should. Fuck… you moan so well for me, Y/n-ah…" This time ending the recording and putting the device back in, Hyunjin leaned in and kissed her deeply, pushing his tongue in her messy mouth and loving how she tried to avoid touching his tongue but she had no choice but to take it, crying in agony against his lips whilst he fucked her harder and harder.
"You think you'll be able to take my big balls in that tiny little slit of yours, huh babe? You must… it is the only way…" Hyunjin was now kissing her neck, licking and sucking at the soft skin as he marked it his, continuously torturing her tit with one hand while the other one pressed against her stomach, moaning and loving how he could feel himself, pushing in his balls now too.
"Fuck baby… maybe I'll damage those cute little organs with my big cock…" He giggled sickly, pulling at her hair. "You're just so fuuucking small…" His breaths were heavy and thrusts deep, hips snapping rapidly as he fucked her close to his high, moaning loudly and throwing his head back when he felt himself starting to shoot up her bundle of nerves, arms flexing because of how he was effortlessly sliding her smaller body up and down.
"So perfect… exactly what I have always wanted…" Hyunjin whispered as his thrusts got sloppy now, foreheads resting against hers as his cock twitched between her tight walls. "All mine… finally…" Taking his jacket off, he wrapped her nude body in it, the article fitting the girl like a dress because of how much taller and muscular Hyunjin was. "Now let's get you to your new home, baby." The male grinned.
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geminixevans-stan · 3 years
Surprise Guest
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Pairing: dilf!Andy Barber x Nanny!Black Reader x Manny!Steve Rogers
Words: 2,282
Summary: It’s a double celebration but the fireworks aren’t the only surprise
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Explicit language, smut (oral m, throat fucking, voyeurism, masturbation m)
A/N: The 4th installment of Nanny’s heart is here! I had so much fun writing this one and I hope that it makes up for last week. Let me know if you all have any suggestions or requests to be added to the Nanny au! Like, comment, and reblog! I hope you all enjoy reading! ♥
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The backyard of the Stark’s house was decked out with red, white, and blue to celebrate not only the 4th of July but Steve’s birthday. They spared no expense for the importance of the day but were leaning more to making sure Steve had a good Birthday.
The Stark’s adored Steve and could never really repay him for being such a good influence on their kids. Sounds of guests mingling and the sound of children were all you could hear but, Steve was all you could see. This would be the first time you saw him since he’s been back and missing him was an understatement.
Steve’s infectious laugh could be heard throughout the crowd of people as you set your eyes on him, sipping your drink slowly as you took him in. It was as if he could feel your burning stare as his eyes looked up catching you. Even in a crowd of people, he would always find you.
He was dying to know what you had been up to feeling a slight shift in your demeanor over the past weeks. But he wanted to ravish every part of you first. He smirked over at you, leaning his head to the side and mouthing, “5 minutes,” reciprocating his request with a nod.
Finishing the rest of your drink, you pushed yourself away from the table. Walking to the open doors of the house. Making it through the house, you were very familiar with where Steve’s room would be. The door cracked just a little bit as you see him sitting at the edge, legs splayed open as he caught your body coming through the door.
Keeping your eyes directly on him, you closed the door, taking slow strides over to him. He flashed that knowing smirk, grasping the front of your dress to bring you closer. Ghosting your lips over his, you lightly drag your tongue over his pair, “missed you, Stevie,” pressing your lips softly to his
Steve ghosted one hand up the back of your thigh, meeting the cuff of your ass, squeezing the flesh of your cheeks. He reveled in the feeling of your soft lips, leaning forward to deepen the kiss, griping the soft flesh. Feeling the electricity of his fingers dancing against your skin you whimpered in his mouth at missing his touch. Your tongue swept over his, sucking on it desperately before pulling away.
Your knees met the hard floor, placing your hands on the tops of his thighs. The blues of his eyes were now dark as he saw you in one of his favorite positions. Steve was desperate to have any part of you touch him, taking the plumpness of his lip between his teeth. The unspoken words could be felt with how intense you looked at each other. The longing was all around the room and you needed him.
Taking your eyes towards the tent in his pants, you look up from your fluttering eyelashes, grasping his bulge. Steve hissed at the sudden contact, lightly rutting up into your hand, “Shit, doll. Teasing are we?” That was the farthest thing from your mind.
After all, it was his birthday. You placed tiny kisses on his covered cock, shaking your head from side to side. You made quick work of releasing his cock from its prison, pressing slow open-mouth kisses down his length. Steve dug his teeth into the skin of his knuckles at how good your lips felt, “So pretty like this doll…”
Pooling saliva over your tongue, you flatten it at the underside of his cock licking from the base all the way to the top. Letting the tip of your tongue curve as your drag the smooth side of it down until you reach his balls sucking on in your mouth making a complete mess of him. Steve is a sight to see with his fists clenched, mouth open in a perfect ‘O’ as you make him into straight putty with your mouth.
You suck the other in your mouth, giving the same treatment before leaving them both a dripping mess. Swiping the leaking cum from his tip, you wrap your lips snuggly around it, swirling your tongue as you taste his sweet saltiness. His chest heaves up and down as you take more of him in your mouth making that glorious sound that he loves when he hits your throat, “oh fuck doll, that’s it. Swallow all of me. That’s a good girl,” he pants stroking the outline of your jaw with his thumb.
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Andy had finally made it from doing some light work at the office. It was technically supposed to be his day off but the case that he was currently working on was a big one and he didn’t want to miss a day of it. Making his way into the backyard, he was met happily by tony, who embraced him, “Glad you could make it Irishman,” he smirked knowing that he was the only one that could call him that.
Andy let out a chuckle as he reciprocated the hug from tony, “good to be here Stark, how’s the party going?” He looked out to find the kids first, seeing that they were in the good watch of Pepper.
Tony looked around at all the guests, snickering, “going good as planned. Your heathens are playing with my spawns. Grab a drink and join on in leprechaun,” he patted Andy on the back, waving at the other guests.
“I’ll do that but hey, where is your bathroom? Drank too much coffee and my bladder is nonexistent during work,” Andy asked as he saw the billionaire slapping his chest.
“Head to those doors, walk in the kitchen, and go into the hallway. Should be one right there on the left,” Andy thankfully nodded as he made it into the entranceway. Walking into the wide hallway, he couldn’t help but hear a faint sound coming from the room at the end. The closer he got, the more he could make out one low, gravelly voice mixed with loud slurping.
“Such a good girl letting me use your throat. Fuck… just like that,” Andy had a decision to make; mind his business and use the bathroom or see who was behind the cracked door. The sounds were calling to him and if he hadn’t just heard your voice, he would have made a beeline to relieve himself.
You released Steve from your mouth with a pop, strings of the pre-cum and spit mixture hanging from your lips as you looked like art to Steve, “want you to fuck my throat Stevie. Use my throat please,” your words sent a shiver down both men’s spine as Andy leaned against a wall near the bedroom door, looking at you on your knees. He should have been angry but the blood rushing to his dick said otherwise.
He palmed at the bulge forming in his pants as he witnessed Steve fisting your hair, shoving you back down on his cock until your nose hit the soft patch of pubes. You coughed and gagged around his thickness breathing through your nose as he kept you there. Spit gathering at the base as he relished at your throat clenching around him, “This what you want doll? Mouth full of my cock hmm?”
Steve didn’t give you time to respond before pulling back and snapping his hips forward at a steady pace. Andy’s cock painfully straining at his zipper, fucking into his hand at the filthy sounds your mouth made. He wanted you to make those same sounds around his cock. But the sight of you and Steve made him want to bust right then and there. His eyes were too focused on you swallowing Steve’s cock that he didn’t see the pair of ocean eyes staring at him.
Even though your throat felt amazing, Steve caught a figure standing outside the door. To his surprise, Andy was enjoying the show and if that’s what he wanted, he was going to give him one. He would have usually stopped but seeing Andy palm himself made him fuck your throat even harder. Steve’s mouth watered at what was behind Andy’s zipper. Andy finally caught Steve’s eyes on him, wanting to leave. But seeing his girl on her knees and doing such a good job was calling to him.
Steve smirked over at Andy, still snapping his hips relentlessly against your lips. He eased off, slowly pushing his hips up and down to give you a break. His eyes were still on Andy as he moved his sight to his growing cock. Steve’s tongue swept over his bottom lip motioning for Andy to enjoy himself more. Andy quietly popped the button of his jeans open, pulling the zipper down and pulling his cock from the tight briefs. Steve sped his thrusts, looking at how hard Andy was as stood fisting his cock at the sight of you two.
The sight of Andy and the feeling of your throat wrapped around his cock was more than Steve could take. He gripped your tight curls, placing his feet flat to the floor as he thrust quickly into your mouth once more. Your nails dug into the rough material of his jeans as he kept his eyes on Andy the entire time. Andy matched Steve’s thrusts, breathing heavily as Steve’s movements began to get sloppy.
White spots formed in Steve’s eyes as his balls tightened up, letting out a loud groan as he pumped white ribbons down your throat. Andy following right behind him, shooting all over his hand, fisting his pulsing cock until no spunk was left. He stuffed himself back in his pants, looking back at Steve and you before making it quickly into the bathroom before being looked for.
Steve pulled you from his softening cock, looking at your wreck face as he leaned down and captured your lips in a starving kiss, swiping his tongue over yours as you regained your breath. Tears and spit stained your face as you looked up at him with a wide smile on your face, “Happy birthday Stevie,” he chuckled at you, pressing his lips softly against yours one more time.
He pulled back, looking into your eyes at how beautiful your look with his and your fluids on your face, “The best birthday ever doll,” the sight of seeing Andy would be ingrained in his mind later on tonight. He wasn’t even embarrassed at being caught, something felt like Andy wouldn’t be saying a word either.
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You and Steve separately emerged back at the party as you found Andy, sipping on a beer. You walked over to him as he looked happy to see you. Standing on the tips of your toes, you placed your lips to the shell of his ear, “Having fun?” Little did you know, he just caught a full-on
show of you being such a good slut.
He smirked down at you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulled you close to him. To the other guests, it would look like you two were engaging in a friendly conversation. He brought his lips down so only you could hear, “You have no idea honey… Looks like the heathens are having fun too.” You nodded at him smiling as you heard a loud commotion from the back entrance of the yard.
You saw the beaming smile spread across Steve’s face as he embraced a figure not able to be seen by the sea of people. But when you heard the name spill from his lips, you stood still as your mouth became dry.
Steve wrapped his arms around his long lost-friend, holding him tightly, “Roque you son of a bitch! I haven’t seen you in fucking ages,” you clutched onto Andy’s arm as he looked down at you in alarm. It was him. The real question was how the fuck did Steve know that motherfucker?
He brought Roque into the sea of people as he introduced him to Tony and Pepper, “Guys I would like to introduce you two to my long lost war buddy William Roque. We toured together a very long time ago,” William offered his hand to both Tony and Pepper and you felt a large pit in your stomach. Andy’s grip tightened on your waist as he tried to keep a neutral face. He knew he had to get you out of here.
Steve made his way over to everyone with Roque, stopping in front of you and Andy. Roque couldn’t help the smirk emerging on his face as Steve’s voice started, “This is Andy Barber and his nanny, they’re really good people,” he beamed at letting Roque meet his best girl.
A knot formed in your throat as Roque smiled down at you, “It’s so nice to meet you, it’s like I know you already,” he extended his hand to you but Andy took it with a strong grip as he looked directly into Roque’s eyes.
The heat radiating from Andy was nothing but rage but he didn’t want to cause a scene. He issued a smile that didn’t reach his eyes as he spoke, “Nice to see you too. Happy to know Steve here has a friend,” they nodded and Steve whisked him away to talk to the other guests.
You let out a shaky breath, Andy feeling you shake from under him. He looked down at you, his expression softening at how your demeanor had fully changed. Everything in you wanted to bolt to the house. But giving Roque the satisfaction of knowing where you actually lived superseded all of it, “I need a fucking drink….
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peyton-warren · 3 years
Tripping- Part 2 of Stick Handling Series
Characters: Walter Marshall, Jake Jensen and Syverson. Oh right and Ransom Drysdale and hint of Ari.
Pairings: Marshall x Reader, Jensen x Reader and Sy x reader, hint of Ransom x Reader
Word count: 578
Reader Gender: Any/Neutral
Type: series, humor
Warning: stupid fic, breaking the 4th wall.
Author’s Note: I have no idea how this fic went so far off the rails but here we are.
Summary: Continuing domesticity of Walter Marshall, Captain Syverson and Jake Jensen living with the Reader. Two unexpected guests make a surprise appearance. Turns out this has nothing to do with hockey, not even a little. Still a total crack fic though.  (Blame @LongLineOfCrazy, I do.  She feeds the muses even when I beg her not to)
Ask Box: Open
Series Masterlist
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“Why do you smell like Aika?” Marshall asks him from his spot on the couch, turning to look at the blondest member of your little group.
With his goofy half cocked smile, Jensen walked out of the bathroom, dressed in his comfy jeans and ridiculous shirt who’s reference was so not in your knowledge base, his hair damp, glasses a little foggy. As he steps into the living room, you suddenly notice a very familiar scent filling the air, making you turn away from him, tucking your lips inward in an attempt to keep from smiling. Oh. My. God….
Jake stops dead in his tracks, his cheeks and ears pinking up. "Wait...What?"
You slide your hand over your mouth as you try to stifle a giggle. "What shampoo did you use?"
“The one on the edge of the tub. The green label with the….. cartoon…" he swallowed hard.
Syverson snickered. "Dog on it?"
"Oh fuck me,” Jensen muttered realizing his mistake, removing his glasses and rubbing his hand over his face. Syverson and Marshall both burst into hysterical laughter.
"It’s alright, baby,” you try, stepping forward. “It’s all natural. No chemicals!" You pat a hand on his chest as you press a kiss on the hinge of his jaw, before settling your head on his shoulder.
“Awww look who the favorite is now," Syverson comments to Marshall as you wrap your arms around Jensen’s narrow waist.
Jensen quickly wraps one arm around your shoulders, the other around your stomach, holding you against him as you turn to glower at the other two. “Maybe if you were nicer you’d be the favorite,” you quip at them.
“Oh sure, love,” Marshall retorts, the smile on his face widening, the eyebrow of meow high on both his and his almost twin’s foreheads. "Don’t even pretend the Captain and I are here because you like nice guys.”
The group, including the man trying to encourage you back into his embrace, all snicker at Marshall’s tease. You may or may not feel your cheeks burn as you squirm against Jensen.
“Fuck you all,” you say with no real venom in your tone. You could hardly argue with Marshall.
Sy raises his hand. “Ah ah, darlin’, if we did that you’d have to change the rating of this little tale of yours.”
“That escalated rather quickly," Jensen mumbles into your hair loud enough for everyone to hear.
The laughter half dies as a cream colored wide shouldered man starts up the stairs. Marshall is the first to notice, grabbing for the weapon that wasn’t currently on his hip. “Where the hell did you come from?"
Ransom gave you all a smug closed lip half smile with a shrug. He points at you. “You need to ask that one there. They claim to not like me but yet here I am, headed up to be the first to get into bed because it’s not nearly big enough for all of us and I am not sleeping on the floor.” He laughs as he walks up the stairs.
As the other three are giving you a silent but questioning glance, your eyes fall on the crossed arms under the sharp blue eyes of the man leaning in the doorway of the kitchen. “Jesus, I know! I’ll get to you too. It’s not my fault the impatient bastard jumped the queue,” you mutter with a small pout.
“You snooze, you loose,” Ransom calls from somewhere upstairs.
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