#the Adam one is canon and no one can tell me otherwise
Been inactive way too long but I don't have anything ready except
So let's go!
-Velvette has never been genuinely complimented,when someone compliments her she always thinks it's because they need something from her
-Velvette sometimes "flirts" with Carmilla just to get under her skin
-Sir Pentious fixes his blimp by hand each time it's destroyed
-Charlie's first word was a very high pitched singing note
-Dazzle and Razzle are two lambs that Adam sacrificed to God and that Lucifer took care of when he was still in Heaven and who followed him when he fell from Grace
-Adam has an erect statue of himself with a boner somewhere in his house in heaven
-Nifty has a collection of bug parts that she tore off from them while dissecting them
-Nifty has an ultra-dimensional pocket in her hair in which she stores all kinds of sharp objects and cleaning items she uses
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ghoulsbounty · 4 months
Hi! I wanted to request a TH/fem reader and RZMM/fem reader
Maybe like a how would they show possessiveness over someone? A little angsty bc they're big guys and they would definitely manhandle their so in the heat of the moment
How Thomas Hewitt and RZ!Michael Myers Show Possessiveness Over You
Warnings: smut (18+), aggressive sex, slight mention of dumbification, manhandling, bruising/mark making, angst, obsession, stripping, stalking, slight yandere i guess?, possessiveness, canon-typical violence, control.
Words: 2.7K
A/N: Anon, thank you so much for my first slasher request! I love these boys so much and wanted to delve into their intentions behind their protectiveness a little, cause I think it would be very different for both. This is my first time writing a headcanon, I hope I've done you proud. I’d love to know what you all think to this, and feel free to send me more requests 💌
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Thomas Hewitt
→ Thomas's struggle with social norms makes his possessiveness glaringly apparent. He perceives everyone outside the family as a potential threat to his happiness, particularly when it concerns you. His demeanour shifts abruptly at the slightest hint of danger; his typically measured movements become swift and aggressive. Despite his efforts to restrain his emotions in public, such as at the Cele Community Centre where you and his mother work, Thomas often finds himself instinctively drawn to your side. His hand firmly grasps the fabric of your shirt, his protective stance evident to anyone who dares to look at you. His gaze sweeps the surroundings with a discerning eye, meticulously assessing each customer until you gently remove his grip and convince him to wait in the back.
→ Thomas's overprotectiveness occasionally acts as a double-edged sword, simultaneously shielding you from harm while subtly restricting your freedom. As a man of few words, he struggles to articulate the depth of his need to keep you safe, resulting in actions that may be misinterpreted as possessiveness rather than genuine concern or fear of losing you. He means well, but it can feel suffocating.
→ Preferring to keep you within his line of sight whenever possible, Thomas's protective instincts often clash with the demands of daily life, leading to occasional conflicts with Charlie over the use of his time. The older man's frustration with what he perceives as your bad influence over Thomas' attention to his work further exacerbates tensions within the household. 
→ Certain areas of the house are off limits to you. The basement serves as a sanctuary for Thomas's work, and he is adamant that you are shielded from the horrors that happen inside. However, he still insists on your presence nearby, perched on the steps that lead down to the space or listening to the radio in the dining room upstairs. Your proximity seems to offer him a sense of security and focus, enabling him to delve into his his task with unwavering concentration and produce some of his best work.
→ Thomas finds solace in words of affirmation and constantly seeks reassurance from you. Despite the intimacy you share and the countless times you've assured him otherwise, he harbours an unshakeable fear that if he loosens his grip even for a moment, you might slip away from him. This nagging insecurity gnaws at him, overshadowing moments of connection, leaving him perpetually haunted by the possibility of losing you.
→ Physical gestures become one your languages of reassurance. You hold his hand tightly, intertwining your fingers as a silent promise that you're there for him. Running your fingers through his hair as he nuzzles into you becomes a comforting ritual, soothing both him and you. Your touch on his chest, just over his heart, keeps his anxieties at bay.
→ Words also become a source of comfort for Thomas. You express your pride in him, highlighting his strengths and the ways he makes your life better. You tell him how happy you are to have him by your side, emphasizing that he's not just your protector but also your partner. Sometimes, the simplest affirmations have the greatest impact on Thomas. Hearing you call him "yours" fills him with a sense of belonging and purpose, and when you tell him that he's been good, he can't help but prove just how good he can be by filling you with his fingers, tongue or cock.
→ Thomas feels most valued when you grant him your undivided attention and allow him to reciprocate. He revels in spending hours between your legs, skilfully coaxing orgasm after orgasm from your willing body until you're left a whimpering, trembling mess beneath him. Despite his efforts to maintain control in your relationship, you always seem to hold the upper hand, which is why he finds solace in reducing you to a thoroughly fucked-out state on his bed. In those moments, with your mind blissfully empty and your body consumed by a primal hunger for his touch, he feels a sense of power and satisfaction unlike any other.
→ Despite this, the mounting tensions within the household, particularly with Charlie, often leave Thomas grappling with pent-up aggression. As the demands on his time intensify, with Charlie clamouring for more of Thomas's attention and you taking on additional shifts at the community centre to assist his mother, Thomas finds it increasingly challenging to maintain his composure.
→ You've become attuned to the subtle shifts in his demeanour, recognizing the tell-tale signs when he's received a stern tongue lashing from his uncle or had a particularly taxing session in the basement. Thomas' simmering rage begins to permeate his interactions with you. His touch, once tender and reassuring, now carries an undercurrent of tension. The few words he mutters in your presence are laced with frustration and discontent, rather than devotion.
→ Despite your best efforts to sooth him, there are moments when Thomas's volatile emotions threaten to overwhelm him. In those instances, you find yourself walking on eggshells, navigating the precarious balance between offering solace and inadvertently stoking the flames of his anger. You are never fearful of Thomas, but these are the times when you remove yourself from his presence when possible. That is, until you learn that the best way to calm him during these storms is with your body.
→ Thomas's heavy-handed nature becomes even more pronounced during these moments of heightened emotion. He handles you with a forcefulness that borders on brutality, moulding and contorting your body into painful positions that elicit tears of discomfort. While he typically refrains from spanking you unless requested, in these instances, his large hand comes crashing down upon your flesh with punishing force, leaving behind welts and bruises that you carry for days. Unlike his usual attentiveness to your pleasure, Thomas's focus shifts solely towards finding an outlet for his frustration, using your body as a means to an end in his quest for release. He bites, scratches, and fucks every inch of you with an almost desperate intensity, seeking solace in the physical connection between you.
→ Yet, there are fleeting moments of clarity when the clouds in his eyes dissipate, and the gentle giant you know and love re-emerges. It's in these moments of vulnerability that you offer him comfort, reassuring him that he can take what he needs from you, and that you will still love him.
→ After the intensity of the moment subsides, Thomas retreats into the solitude of the basement, locking himself away as a form of self-imposed punishment for his mistreatment of you. Despite your efforts to coax him out, reassuring him of your well-being and offering comfort, he remains secluded until he feels ready to face you once more. When Thomas finally does emerge, you're quick to envelop him in the warmth of your affection and reassurance. With a soft kiss to his leather-clad cheek, you convey your unwavering support and understanding, letting him know that you harbour no resentment towards him.
→ In the aftermath of the encounter, Thomas's protective instincts kick into overdrive as he tends to any wounds that adorn your body, his touch gentle yet purposeful. It's in these moments that his true nature shines through—he may be heavy-handed and prone to bouts of aggression, but above all else, he possesses a deep-seated desire to care for and protect you, to make amends for any harm he may have caused.
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RZ!Michael Myers
→ Michael's possessive nature over you begins with an intense and inexplicable fixation. From the moment his eyes land on you, something primal within him snaps, and he becomes singularly obsessed with making you his own.
→ He can't quite explain what draws him to the Red Rabbit Lounge that evening, but as he leans against the wall, trying to catch his breath after a harrowing escape from Smith's Grove, he is immediately captivated when you emerge from the back door. Unlike others who shrink away from him in fear, you meet his gaze with a calm demeanour, lighting your cigarette and casually pointing out his papier-mâché mask. Your nonchalant remark about liking the orange because it reminds you of your favourite holiday only adds to the intrigue, sparking something deep within Michael's psyche.
→ Following that initial encounter, Michael becomes an omnipresent presence in your life, a shadow that lingers at the edges of your awareness. You sense him in the periphery of your vision, catch glimpses of his shadow darting past windows, and hear the faintest rustle of his breath in the stillness of the night. He becomes your unseen companion, meticulously observing your every move. He studies your routines and habits, committing them to memory with an almost obsessive attention to detail. Always one step ahead, he waits patiently until the opportune moment presents itself to make his presence truly known.
→ Michael finds immense pleasure in the exhilarating pursuit of you, convinced that you share in his enjoyment of the chase. He keenly observes the subtle signs of your awareness, noticing the wry smirk that graces your lips when you sense his presence nearby. In those moments, he imagines feeling the same giddiness that surges through you when he lightly brushes your hair, a fleeting touch that leaves you yearning for more, even as it vanishes before you can turn around. The first time you called out to him, he battled against every instinct urging him to step out from the shadows and claim you as his own. Despite the overwhelming desire possess you, he restrains himself, savouring the anticipation of the inevitable moment when he would finally make his move.
→ In Michael's twisted psyche, you are more than just a person; you are a coveted prize that he will protect at all costs. He perceives himself as the sole rightful owner of your being, and he harbours an intense fixation on claiming you as his own.
→ As the regular patrons of the lounge mysteriously vanish one by one, leaving a bewildered community in their wake, Michael remains a silent observer, his gaze fixed unwaveringly upon you. He knows all too well the allure of your presence, the captivating dance you perform for these men, reminiscent of the performances his late mother once gave. Yet, while others may see you as an entertainer, Michael sees something far deeper—a connection, a possession, a symbol of his ultimate dominance that he must preserve.
→ From the shadows, he watches as you bare your body to these patrons. To Michael, it doesn't matter whether you are aware of his claim over you; what matters is that he sees you as his, and he will go to any lengths to ensure that no one dares to challenge him. In his mind, you are his alone, and he will stop at nothing to secure what he believes is rightfully his.
→ When Michael finally decides to collect his prize, it's in the eerie stillness of the night. He patiently waits in the shadows of your home, a silent sentinel standing rigidly in the corner of your bedroom as he observes your every move. You can feel his presence, an unspoken acknowledgment that he has come to stake his claim on his property.
→ As you undress, acutely aware of his watchful gaze, a shiver runs down your spine. There's a palpable tension in the air, a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension. Yet, despite the unease that courses through you, there's also a strange allure, a primal instinct drawing you inexorably towards him. When you finally coax him from the shadows, he engulfs you in his arms with a ferocity that takes your breath away. The force of his embrace is suffocating, his touch demanding as he grasps and claws at every part of your body. In that moment, there's no denying the intensity of his desire, the need to make you his own consuming him entirely.
→ Michael is not gentle with you; he doesn't hold back his deep urges to possess you completely. He revels in your whimpers and the screams of his name as he stretches you open and takes what he deems rightfully his. His touch is rough, unyielding, as if trying to merge your bodies into one. Each movement is driven by a fierce need to mark you, to ensure you understand that you belong to him and no one else. Every night with Michael is filled with a mix of pain and pleasure. His eyes intense and unwavering, remain locked on you, drinking in every reaction, every cry. To him, this is the final step in owning you, the ultimate act of protecting what is his.
→  Removing the mask takes time. It's one evening, after the intensity of your shared orgasms have ebbed, and Michael lies heavy on top of you. Your fingers tentatively trace the edges of the white rubber mask, sensing his body tense beneath your touch. His hand instinctively reaches out, grasping your wrist to halt your movement, but your lips find solace in the warmth of his knuckles as you plant a gentle kiss, your breath whispering a desire to see him. For a fleeting moment, there's resistance, a hesitancy borne from years of concealing his true self, before he lets you unmask him. His long hair cascades over your face as the mask falls away, revealing the man beneath. In that vulnerable moment, you stroke his sweat-glistened cheek, your fingers tracing the contours of his features as you call him "handsome", perhaps the first time he's heard the word since his mother.
→ Despite Michael's disapproval of your continued work at the lounge, you are unwilling to relinquish your independence completely. He grumbles and fumes when things don't go his way, but deep down, he appreciates your defiance, feels a strange allure in your willingness to challenge him. Although his overly protective nature remains, he secretly enjoys the way you push back against his control, finding a strange sense of satisfaction in the game of give and take between you. A hand on his chest or a kiss along his strong jawline is all it takes for him to soften, his resolve melting under the warmth of your affection. You eventually compromise, only working certain shifts and allowing him to escort you home. As if you really have a choice on the matter. Michael finds your attempts at negotiation endearing.
→ If anyone dares to come between Michael and what is his, he reacts with violent outbursts of rage. His attacks are brutal and merciless, driven by a primal need to assert his dominance and protect you. Unfortunately, you are also not exempt from his aggression, and when he catches sight of you one night, engaged in conversation with a stranger outside the back of the lounge during your smoke break, he snaps. In a frenzy of fury, he swiftly disposes of the man, his actions marked by a sickening crunch of bones as his body is hurled against the brick wall. Then, turning his attention to you, Michael's muscles coil with tension and his chest heaves with barely-contained anger. Gripping your arms so fiercely that bruises bloom in their wake, he shoves you against the wall, once, then again, as if attempting to jolt some some sense into you.
→ With swift determination, Michael hoists you over his shoulder and retreats into the shadows, his purposeful strides carrying you home. But the journey doesn't lead to the bedroom; instead, he deposits you onto the stairs with a roughness that steals your breath. There, in the dim light, he strips away the remnants of your clothing, his actions forceful and unyielding. Again and again, he fucks into you with a ferocity that leaves you screaming his name, your pleas mingling with the echoes of both passion and pain. In those moments, as his protectiveness gives way to possession and consumes you, you find yourself uttering the words he craves to hear—that you are his, and his alone.
→ Yet, even amidst the ecstasy, a shadow of uncertainty looms. You can never be certain that Michael wouldn't cross that final line, that his compulsion wouldn't drive him to take everything from you, including your life. For Michael, protection is not just about control—it's about ownership to the point of obsession. If he can't have you, no one else can either.
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papayatori · 3 months
Jjk x reader!
Head canons (bc I like these ^^) (incl: Yuji, Megumi, Yuta, Toge…)
Yuji Itadori
Golden Retriever Gets super excited over the little things Likes being called "baby", he prefers it over his real name, which if you use his real name he'll get suspicious// Super clingy, but in a good way, doesn't try to hide it in front of anyone. He will shamelessly hold your hand or squeeze your thigh in the car, no one can make fun of him enough for him to stop. (not even you, but he knows you secretly like the attention) Probably the best boyfriend ever
Megumi Fushiguro
Terrified of affection, makes him feel weak. Always worries about you, especially if you don't text back within a certain amount of time Is clingy, but he'll never admit it. Drinks his coffee black, that's just how he is. Always offers to do everything for you, regardless of how he tells you he feels about it, but not without complaining. Secretly really touchy, but only behind closed doors, he can't bear the teasing from the trio. Jealous type, secretly though, you'd never know Scary dog privilege.
Yuta Okkotsu
Very shy, but very loving. Won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, offers you a safe word (as he should, go Yuta.) Likes holding your hand, loves physical attention, no matter where you are unless you're uncomfortable. Isn't shy about telling others he loves you or that you're his girlfriend, he enjoys seeing people's reactions Prefers tea, but will drink coffee with you if you asked. Adamant on making sure you're healthy, asking if you've slept well and eaten. Will scold you if you haven't
Toge Inumaki
Doesn't say much, but offers you wordless support, always. Tries to be cool constantly, but is actually really sweet and a big softy when it comes to you Loves cuddles, holding you, everything that involves touching you. Canonically likes plushies and matcha, you can't tell me otherwise. Very playful, likes to bully and tease you. If he wants to help you with something he'll just take it from you, teasing you about not being able to carry everything by yourself, especially in public. He enjoys embarrassing you. Plays fortnite/valorant with you <3 Gamer boy, probably has a twitch and they hear all about you Super clingy, he doesn't care what others think. Drinks Chai, just his vibe. will buy you starbucks every morning. (he knows your favorite) Easily jealous. (thats why he takes it upon himself to order for you almost everywhere, he's the only one that can look at you.)
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starport-rodeo · 8 months
i finished the hazbin finale and there’s so much happening in my brain
1. i absolutely adored the focus on charlie and vaggie’s relationship. a lot of the time in queer media there isn’t great wlw representation but hh has been soooo good about!
2. speaking of the gays, huskerdust is canon like shut up don’t even try to tell me otherwise did you see the way angel looked at husk the night before the fight OMG they’re in love! also loved the badass battle boyfriends moments
3. rosie is such a sweetheart i adore her more than anything (see what i did there ;)) she’s such a supportive chaotic mom i wanna live in cannibal town solely because of her
4. SIR PENTIOUS YOU SWEET SLIPPERY SNAKE MAN WTF so now sera can’t keep denying that demons can redeem themselves
5. alastor’s obvious panic after adam broke his mic was honestly kinda scary like we’ve never seen him in that kind of position where he wasn’t the one in control but i’m hyped to know more about what the fuck is going on with his deal
6. niffty just fucking wrecking adam was honestly such a fucking power move for the show like no one saw that coming and it was absolutely correct
7. what the hell is going on with lilith like what and how the fuck???
8. didnt super love lucifer coming to the rescue kinda out of nowhere but i do love how much he’s trying to support charlie
9. the cuts to the vees commentary was actually hilarious
10. season 2 is gonna fuck me up FOR SURE bitch
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marunene · 2 months
—· Castiel Head/canons!
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There are also some angels headcanons too! — Remembering that these are HEADCANONS and even if they don't make sense to you, they make sense to me./LH. Some (many) of them I only kept in a jar in my brain while I was reading fanfics, hehe...
English is not my first language, be patient with me.
- Pansexual! I firmly believe that angels don't care about your sex or gender, for them it's practically the same thing besides your body.
- This also means that they don't care if you are a man or a woman, if you do something they don't like you will be beaten, probably die. I see Castiel from the first seasons doing this so— yeah.
- Autism spec. You can't convince me otherwise.
- For petnames, he doesn't use it much, but if he does sometime, he calls you honeybee or love. Probably "human" if you call him "angel".
- He LOVES physical contact, even if it's not apparent, he could cuddle with you for hours and still want more
- His wings are HUGE, dark and blue, when you touch them they feel like silk, they are so soft, completely from another world.
- And to complement, I like to think that they are quite sensitive to touch.
- If he were to choose a favorite color, it would be green because it reminds him of nature. But he also likes blue (sea and sky) and yellow (bees)
- His trenchcoat are his comfort object.
- HE HUGS YOU WITH HIS WINGS WHEN YOU CUDDLE OR ARE JUST SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER. Imagine him protecting you with them while you sleep <3
- Gets grumpy when drunk <3
- Legends say that Castiel once tried to make breakfast and Dean forbade him from touching his stove...
- He's almost always watching you, just... Looking at you. Sometimes it's a little creepy, but he loves you too much not to look.
- When you had your first kiss, all the light bulbs in the neighborhood just exploded and he looked at you with a surprised face-- (not because of the light bulbs)
- After seeing how good you are with children, sometimes he imagines what you would be like as a mother and what it would be like if you could have a normal life, without hunting, without dating an angel. He knows what could happen if you two had a child and can't even imagine what he would do knowing that he was the one who did this to you :3
- Physically, what he likes most about you are your eyes. And his favorite part of himself is his wings, even after the fall, it still reminds him of what he really is. Jimmy isn't exactly... Him. He's just a vessel. It wouldn't make much sense for him to choose some part of his body as his favorite.
- You collect his feathers when he's moulting (I love comparing angel wings to bird wings! Sorry...)
- besides tasting molecules, He can literally SEE them... Or at least some of them...
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- PRAISE AND DEGRADATION KINK. It depends on the day, although at first if you degraded him he wouldn't understand why you would be doing that... But praise him and this angel will be on his knees for you.
- He's more into slow and sensual sex.
- He doesn't sweat at all, not in the intercourse or out of it. (This is canon actually)
- Something between 7/8 inches, specifically 18/19cm, a bit thick - (Misha messed with my head when said he has 9 inches, so hmm)
- He definitely doesn't shave, just let it grow and wouldn't mind if you didn't shave it too. He is an angel, he saw everything from the beginning, including Eve and Adam. There were no razors at that time.
- LOVES oral sex, give him a blowjob and he would be a pathetic whiny mess. However, he doesn't really like to GIVE bc of the taste of the molecules. (Human Cas would LOVE to taste you tho ;))
- As I said before, his wings are sensitive, he LOVES it when you stroke them when you 2 are having sex, even if it makes him a bit overwhelmed and quite Desesperate
- Usually a dom. He followed rules his whole life, let our little angel have a little control <3 But of course on his first time he would like you to tell him what to do, but over time he would become more confident and you are fucked.
- LET HIM USE HIS GRACE ON(in) YOU. Pin you against the bed, you can't even move properly as he fucks you w his grace, looking into your eyes with a little smirk on his face.
- As an angel, he has much more stamina than you, so you would only stop when you are tired. For him, you 2 could do this all night.
- MY BOY IS A VOYEUR! I'm sure he's watched you touch yourself and stuff when he were invisible, but never had the courage to jerk off to it tho
- He will look you in the eye almost all the time, he just can't help it.
- ALWAYS checking on you, asking if what he's doing is okay (especially the first few times you did this), he doesn't want to hurt you... :(
- Call him a good angel/boy when you're jerking him off and that you're proud of him when he finish, he'll fucking MELT.
- He'll get confused if you say “Oh my God”... Why are you moaning his father's name when he's the one fucking you? (HELP)
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There are a lot of nsfw hcs I'm genuinely scared of myself, sorry 😭 I used practically all my headcanons in this post, there probably won't be a pt 2, be glad, mwah mwah mwah
Look at his Dom look HELPP
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
one of my favorite things about ten's so called vanity is how it's really born out of what he, as nine, percieved rose's dream man to be and how he subconsciously manifested that when he regenerated. i think a lot about him saying "can you imagine me with no head? and don't say that's improvement." when the process starts and then the first thing he does is ask rose what she thinks, multiple times- both in born again and again in the christmas invasion (i can think of three times off the top of my head) and then that coming sort of full circle when cassandra is like "you've been looking, you like it." that's why she doesn't want him to regenerate in the stolen earth, because ten is everything she could ever want in an s/o.
and it's obviously not that rose wasn't physically to attracted to him as nine because objectively she clearly was, it's that he didn't see it that way and probably because he felt undeserving of that attraction but he also saw her flirt with men like adam and jack, and you can see how he aborbed that and infused it into ten with the pinstripes (adam) and the flirtatious nature or as they call it "dancing" of jack.
you could say this is all shallow but not only is his vanity physical, it's mental as well. think of the last thing nine says being that he was fantastic with a huge smile on his face because of rose's impact on his life and how that carries onto ten's "i'm very clever/brilliant/etc" to the point of arrogance sometimes.
he saw all that she wanted and that she was made of and it became part of him so deeply that rose cannot be seperated from the tenth doctor. it's objectively canon that what the doctor is feeling during a regeneration affects the next incarnation and what nine was feeling was absolute love for rose tyler, he was feeling hope and healing. and he was feeling, still, a sense of being finished - remember: telling rose to let the tardis die.
so you take all of this and remember how it not only explains how tentoo works: because he was born out of love for her TWICE- (in the parting of ways and again, the last thing tentoo remembers is running toward her in that street- looking happy for the first and last time in two seasons) but also explains why ten doesn't want to regenerate and why he doesn't want to go, despite feeling obviously suicidal again in the next doctor which has multiple allusions to rose in it.
both ways it's rose because rose runs so deeply in that incarnation of him that either he has to get to grow old with her or he has to change, but he doesn't want to change because when he does the change will be so drastic that it'll be like he died because it's what he needs to think/feel to keep moving forward, and that means leaving what he wanted to be, and what in one world IS, the doctor's ending and since how regeneration feelings affect the next incarnation this is a self fulfilling prophecy to a degree and is why eleven is able to move on and not look back. because otherwise it would've killed him. he had to regenerate so powerfully that the tardis exploded and changed with him. he had to regenerate like that because he never wanted to regenerate again because he was reborn to be rose's.
that's what it means to say to understand ten's character you have to respect the depth of his feelings for rose. like it's literally not optional.
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scekrex · 6 months
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙
Request 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Pearl from Steven Universe like male reader x Adam, when Adam first joined the exorcis Adam had y/n on his side loyal to Adam did anything and everything for Adam just like pearl and so ever since y/n stuck with Adam until he died womp womp but y/n trust to help Adam fight with Lucifer but Adam won't lesson ( you can pick one or both I can't decide 🙃 ) so he cut of his wings to stay with Adam, Charlie asked y/n if he can stay in the hazbin hotel with no place to go he accepts the request then after a few days y/n finds Adam or he goes back to heaven and griefs and has to be the next leader of the exorcist. 🙂👍
"I need someone to tell me what to do."
"He made me feel like I was everything."
"Everything I ever did, I did for him but now he's gone and I am still here."
If you can thank you pookie 💕💕💕
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So I went with the 'reader tears of his own wings and stays in hell' situation. If you want me to write reader as the next exorcist leader and the struggles that come w that position, lemme know!
With broken wings we're fallin'
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, self harm, low-key canon typical violence
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Your soul felt empty, just a big void that consumed you from the inside, that swallowed all your feelings and emotions until all that was left was cold, lonely emptiness.
Adam has died.
The person that you had sworn to protect, that you had loved - fuck that, you still love him - more than anyone. He was dead, stabbed brutally by that little demon bitch. There had been blood everywhere, for Christ's sake, his blood had been on your hands too as you had held him. Everything had been coated in golden liquid, it had made you feel dizzy.
You remembered it so clearly, the day you two had first met. He had just been announced leader of the exorcists and Sera had assigned you and Lute to assist him. You quickly bonded with Adam, he was a pretty chill guy once you got to know him and despite him claiming otherwise, he had a soft side for those he cared about. That mainly included you and Lute.
And then the flirting had started, the ‘babes’, the touching, the ‘shit you look hot today’. It had been wonderful, to love and be loved. Now that was gone, brutally torn from your hands by the sinners you had sworn to kill.
After Adam's death, you had stayed in hell, not because they weren't letting you go back to heaven, but because you chose to. You had failed Adam, you had failed yourself. You didn't deserve heaven. You deserved damnation for the rest of your existence.
The exorcists had already left heaven as you kneeled next to Adam's corpse and prayed, prayed to the all nightly lord above that Adam would find peace. Your wings were spread, shielded you and your dead boyfriend from whatever was going on behind you. The devil's daughter, her father and her friends stood there in silence, their eyes on you, confused by your reaction. They didn't know Adam had someone special, someone who actually cared about him. Lucifer wanted to interrupt the scene but Charlie held him back, “Dad. Let him have this moment. His boyfriend passed.” So the devil relaxed, not pleased with the order his daughter had placed, but he accepted it. At least for now.
You looked down at the first man's face, it was as white as a ghost, his eyes stared up at you lifelessly and it killed you inside. Your hands reached for your wings, nails dug into them and you started to pull. It hurt but the physical pain was bearable, it was survivable compared to the emotional pain you went through. “What is he doing?” Charlie asked and Lucifer just watched in silence. He knew, Vaggie knew too. And then the sound of tearing echoed through the air and a shocked gasp followed the painful scream that escaped your lips.
The wings fell out of your hand and onto the ground, blood tickled down your back but you couldn't bring yourself to care, not when the physical pain numbed your emotions so well. The blood felt warm against your skin and for a moment it reminded you of Adam's warmth, of the warmth you felt whenever he had wrapped his arms around you, the warmth that had filled you with every kiss he had gifted to you.
But numbness was temporary and your emotions caught up quicker than you liked them to. So the next thing that provided warmth were the tears that started to stream down your reddened cheeks. You were alone again. All alone in hell, the only person you ever cared about was gone.
The weeks had passed and nothing had changed. Well, that wasn't true. A lot had changed, actually, life in hell was different from life in heaven, but you've known that before you had lived here. Charlie had offered you a room at the hotel. You weren't truly a sinner, your fate wasn't forced onto you, yet she saw the good. And you had accepted because where the fuck were you supposed to go anyways? The only thing left was the ring Adam had given to you a couple thousands years ago. That was it. His body had disappeared, Lucifer had said something along the lines of 'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.' Whatever that had to do with Adam.
You sat on the floor of the lobby as the others were chatting. It was some kind of board game evening but you weren't feeling like it, just sat there and stared against the blank wall. “I need someone to tell me what to do,” you whispered and Charlie immediately shifted her attention from the game to you. With questioning eyes and a soft voice she asked, “What do you mean?” Without looking at her you sighed as you pulled your knees against your chest and slowly rocked back and forth. It gave you some sort of comfort. “Everything I ever did, I did for him but now he's gone,” your nails dug into your shins, leaving angry red marks as tears welled up in your eyes, “And I'm still here.”
Angel rolled his eyes at that, “He just wants fucking attention, why's he here anyway? It's not like he's forced to be here, he chose that shit.” You only heard him say these words and angry replied, “You can't fucking understand how I feel. None of you fuck-ups had what Adam and I had.” Husk huffed at that, “Yeah and we're fucking greatful for that.”
But Charlie shook her head, clearly disagreeing with the porn demon, “This hotel is not only about redemption Angel, it's about changing in general. Y/N is lost in the dark, we can guide him back to the light.” You huffed but didn't comment on it, why was she so fucking damn right?
The princess of hell got up to sit down next to you, pausing the game officially. “Do you wanna talk about it? About him?” you wouldn't have imagined that Charlie would ever offer you such a thing, she hated Adam, fuck, she probably hated you too. Yet she tried her best to comfort you. “He made me feel like I was everything,” you started and the others turned towards you at that.
Adam? Making someone else feel special? Not in their universe.
“He always acted all rough and badass in public but when we were alone he was… soft. He cared, more than he would've admitted but he cared. And he loved, he always made sure I feel loved because-” you were interrupted by the front door swinging open. And there he stood. “Sup bitches, what did-” he stopped as soon as his eyes landed on you. The golden eyes widened in shock. “What the fuck are you doing here?” the both of you spoke at the same time. You got up from the floor quickly, pushing Charlie out of the way in order to get to Adam.
“How?” you whispered once you had reached him, your hands roamed over his face. The feeling of his familiar features on your skin was unbelievable, it made a new will to live spark up in you. “No fucking idea, but why are you still here?” he hummed, his eyes were looking straight into yours, oh how he had missed your pretty eyes. They were just as golden as his own, yet so different, so unique. “I-” you wanted to explain as Adam interrupted you yet again, “And where the fuck are your wings?” His hands traced over the wounds, the wounds were still healing, touching them made you flinch away. The first man's eyes darkened as he looked at the other hotel residents, “Who did that?” You were quick to force his attention back onto you, “I did that, they have nothing to do with that.”
“But why? Your wings were so perfect so-” he stopped himself this time. You continued for him, “They had been holy Adam. I'm not holy, not after failing you.” His big hands softly cupped your cheeks as a tiny smile appeared on his lips, how you had missed this smile, so subtle yet it meant everything. “You fucking idiot.” You knew it meant ‘You didn't fail me’ and ‘Stop that fucking bullshit right now’. But you couldn't help but feel like you did. He had died, he had been reborn a sinner.
All because of you, all because you hadn't been quick enough to stop Niffty.
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jennilah · 3 months
hi there!
please do share your thoughts on canon vs non canon (TO YOU) scenes from saw if you feel like it
this seems like a fun topic to explore 👁
i was thinking about this all day im gonna hella ramble too much
to reiterate and expand on what i kinda said in that post's tags: im genuinely cautious when it comes to the canonicity of deleted scenes and script changes for most things because, well, things dont get included in the final product for a reason sometimes.
trust me i know about deleted scenes. ive had months of work erased from existence because of deleted scenes. and sometimes it really was for the best
and im equally if not more skeptical of things like.. lore coming from outside sources. if its not in the original media, its questionable. film novelizations, game adaptions, spin-off comics, all that stuff is usually written by some third party with little to no input from the real writers. unless it gets some serious seal of approval and that shit actually gets referenced in the next film, then im like "ok im listening." Otherwise, i shrug it all off as maybe-canon side adventures until contradicted
sometimessss those nuggets of lore or characterization from deleted scenes/iffy canon off-shoot material are sick af so we just kind of adopt it anyway!!! we all do it!!!
FUCKIN. The goddamn Saw franchise makes me insane with the different cuts of each film so we basically choose our favorite canon already. so. its a bit loosey goosey here sometimes
ok first of all i KNOW im gonna forget things so imma just kind of list and describe what i can remember off the top of my head. i dont actually have things like the scripts memorized i only know some moments that get passed around between us little freaks like drugs
like this one
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i dont care if this doesnt happen on-screen in Saw IV, it happens in my heart
and this little bit of characterization from all 3 goofballs here despite us not really seeing much of it in the film:
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Strahm being a butthead just interrupting Perez and Hoffman having a nice little talk because he hates his ass so much
Hoffman being more of the annoying little flirt that i know he is in my heart
Perez being charmed by him, the two of them having a cute little bonding moment as acquaintances for a moment there, and then STRAHM AGAIN being a butthead
i love them. i LOVE THEM
its very important to me that Perez kind of liked Hoffman. it makes his betrayal hurt so much more
this whole moment. i love this. ough. as much as i loved this scene already, in my head i pretend the scene played out like this....
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falls onto his ass
angel of death
my fucking goodness
also, i cant list off everything because theres so much its a little depressing, but there's a lot going on in the Saw 3D script that is tragically cool. they really leaned into Hoffman going off the deep end and i enjoyed that. and how grisly his scar was originally supposed to be, and the symbolism with his declining mental state. and his interactions with Lawrence being a little more fleshed out. its just kind of neat. i think the film would have been a bit stronger if they stuck closer to a few of their earlier ideas
and as for spin-offs that are absolutely not canon, this description of Hoffman from the video game from Tapp's POV is intriguing.
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i love annoying and weird colleague Hoffman but i also really enjoy the idea of shy and weird colleague Hoffman.
also, boring cop Hoffman who wont bend the rules? that is so much more interesting than the hashtag brutality moment.
too bad this game is like. well. yknow. not very good. i dont think thats a controversial statement
but you know what IS good?
Saw the Musical
thats canon to me. no notes
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Conflicted: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Summary: It’s hard convincing people what you can see without the physical proof to back it up. You immediately know who the unsub is, but you have to wait for everyone to catch up to you. How can you make them see what you see?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"State your name."
"Adam Jackson."
"What color are your eyes?"
"Where were you the night Carl Cade was killed?"
"At work."
"Who is the current president of the United States?"
"Barack Obama."
"Did you murder Dan Keller?"
"Did you murder William Browder?"
"What is thirty-two minus nineteen?"
This is where it gets interesting. Something clicks in Adam's mind. It's only for a split second, but you see the subtle change in his attitude. He tries to hide it, which is why it goes unnoticed by Spencer.
"I don't know."
"Would you kill for Julie?"
"You lied about the altercation with William. Is there anything else you've lied about?"
"Did you murder Dan Keller?"
"What time did you leave work the night William was killed?"
"I don't remember," Adam stutters.
"Have you ever had a sexual relationship with Julie?"
"Did you murder Carl Cade?"
"Using the formula y equals mx plus b, what does b represent?"
"I don't know."
"Did you murder Carl Cade?"
"Did you murder William Browder?"
"Would you kill for Julie?"
This is getting nowhere. You and Spencer take a break and give someone else a try with the questioning until almost two hours have passed. Julie and Adam are free to go since there is no hard proof that either of them was involved with the murders. While they are signing out at the front, your team is watching the videos play back not far from them. You can still see Adam from where you are, and your eyes haven't left his since he got to the desk.
Spencer plays back the video again, paying close attention to Adam.
"What are you looking at?" JJ asks.
"I'm not sure."
"Well, they both passed. With flying colors, I should say."
"The only spike I got on Adam was from a control question regarding geometric equations, but I think I just flustered him. Either way, we got nothing."
Spencer looks at Adam who is staring at you and him. There is something in his eyes that tells you Adam is no longer in the building. He has that look about him that screams dominance, but he and Julie are already out the door before you can question it. Spencer sees the same thing you did, and he pulls up the security footage from when Adam tackled William into the pool.
"So, where are we now?" Derek asks.
"Honestly? Nowhere. We just watched our two most viable suspects walk out the door."
"If Adam isn't our unsub, he has all the makings to become one someday."
"Tell me the question that he spiked under in the polygraph," Spencer says. "It was a geometric equation, right?"
"Reid, I really think he was just intimidated. He tried and got it wrong, but he wasn't supposed to know the answer anyway."
"What if he lied? What if he knew the answer but intentionally got it wrong?"
"Why would he do that?" JJ asks.
"Because he realized that he wouldn't know the answer."
"You're losing me, kid."
"Adam said he wasn't getting any rest. He takes midday naps because he's always exhausted. He has a history of blackouts, reclusive behavior, and prolonged repeated abuse suffered at the hands of a dominant male who transferred abuse from his female spouse to his prepubescent child. What if our unsub couple isn't a couple at all? I think Y/N is right. He has another personality in his head."
All eyes are on you and all you can do is shrug.
"You had to come to that conclusion on your own. You say we're a team but right now doesn't feel like it. Excuse me."
You leave the group to grab some air outside. Everyone feels bad for not listening to you but it's hard with this job since they need proof and facts, not intuition even if they believe you or not.
"We've seen this before."
"Check this out. The first intervention is timid and apprehensive, right? Then, he gets knocked down. There's a moment of calm, and then his entire body language changes. I saw this exact same transformation when Adam left the station. Only it wasn't rage, it was arrogance. Like the alter ego wanted me to know."
"Why?" Hotch asks.
"I don't know. Maybe for power or control. All I know is the person that stared me down over there was not Adam. He's not assertive like that. He doesn't make eye contact."
"You think the stress of the interrogation blurred the line between Adam and his alter personality?" Emily asks.
"I think the unsub surfaced for just a moment. It knew the answer to the question, realized Adam wouldn't, and lied. Y/N was right. We profiled the duo accurately, only the dominant personality is inside of Adam."
"Adam has no idea he killed all those people."
"You could argue that Adam didn't kill those people. A separate person inside of him did. It's what Y/N was trying to tell us this entire time."
"Everyone, go over to the Hudson Street Hotel. I'll be right back."
Hotch leaves and finds you outside sitting on the bench just staring at the street. He takes a seat next to you, and you look at him with a sigh.
"I feel like we always seem to have these conversations."
"I'm sorry we didn't believe you."
"It's not that. You guys will never understand what I see on a daily basis. You'll never truly understand how energies and spirits work, and I get that. I am here today because I want to help take down the bad guys and save as many people as I can. You allowed me onto this team for what I can bring to it. I am grateful for the opportunity you have given me.
"I've spent my whole life relying on my gift and using what I see to my advantage. I never had to gather hard evidence because I never needed to. Just as much as you're learning from me, I'm learning from you. I don't know what it's like to see a crime scene and to only know what's physically in front of me. I've never had to piece the puzzle together because I see it whole.
"I know what the law is. I know a judge needs evidence and proof to put someone away. Sometimes I forget that. So, you had to come to that conclusion about Adam on your own. I can give my input but I needed everyone on the same page for us to move forward as a team. You're doing a good job, Hotch. I'm sorry for what I said. We are a team."
"Let's call this a learning experience for us both, yeah?"
"I promise to do better and to gather all the evidence before coming to you."
"No, still come to me. I actually enjoy seeing your view on things."
With that out of the way, you get ready with the rest of the team to head over to the hotel. There are police sirens and ambulances there when you arrive, and you rush to the back to see what the commotion is. Julie is lying on the ground covered in blood because she was pushed off the roof. You look up and see Adam on the roof with an evil look in his eyes. Though, when he mists away, you know he's not actually up there.
"Julie, can you hear me?" Hotch asks carefully.
"Help is right outside. I need you not to move."
"It wasn't him... strange.
"Julie, did he say where he was going?"
"He called himself Amanda."
"That's his other personality," you say to Hotch.
"Where would he go?"
"Not he, she. Amanda panicked. She knew we would connect this to her."
"Okay, so she's feeling the pressure. She obviously knows she's running out of time. Where would she go?"
"She's gonna go after the man these victims represent."
Amanda is going back to Mark Harrison's house to finally deal with the root of all hers and Adam's problems. He is the reason why Amanda was created in the first place. Penelope sends over the address for Mark, and half of you head over there immediately. The other half stay with Julie in case Adam comes back for her. When you get to Marks' house, you see him bound and gagged to a chair with a bag over his head. Adam is standing next to him with a knife in his hands, but it's not Adam.
It's Amanda.
"Amanda put the knife down."
"Stand back or I'll kill him," Adam says in a feminine voice.
"You do not want to do that."
"You don't know what he did!"
"When Adam's mother died, his stepfather needed a new outlet for his aggression. He put Adam in dresses, beat him, and touched him. Adam was too weak to go through all of that alone. He was just a little boy. He needed me to protect him. I could take it. I was stronger than he was. He deserves to die," Amanda says angrily.
"Amanda, that is not for you to decide. I swear to God, if you put him down and you come with me, I will get you and Adam the help that you guys need."
"Adam will be sentenced for what I've done. No, I can't let that happen."
Amanda lets Mark go and puts the knife to her throat instead. She'll kill Adam rather than watch him go to prison.
"If you kill yourself, you kill Adam. I don't see how that's protecting him. Do you know what I know? I know that all you want to do in this world Is protect Adam."
"It's all I've ever done."
"Then why don't you and I help him together?"
"You can't help him. I'm the only one. I know what I have to do. I will keep him safe forever."
Amanda drops the knife so that Derek can move in to arrest her, but the look in her eyes suggests that she is never letting Adam out of her mind. He will be locked away in his own mind for however long Amanda decides. Spencer rushes over and tries to find the shred of Adam left, but he's gone and you don't think he's coming back.
"Reid, he's gone," you sigh.
Spencer is taking this harder than you thought he would, and you don't know why. While everyone else is focused on arresting Adam and trying to get Amanda to release him, you approach Spencer who is off to the side by himself.
"Hey, what's going on in that big brain of yours?"
"We've taken the victim into custody and let the abuser go free. I don't really see that as much of a win."
"A lot of lives are gonna be saved now that Amanda's off the street. You know that."
"I should have listened to you. I should have known."
"You needed to come to the conclusion on your own, but this is more than just Adam. What else is going on?"
"Tobias Hankel."
"Tobias drugged and tortured you for two days. He almost killed you."
"No, he didn't. The personality of his father did those things to me. The real Tobias saved my life. He brought me back from the dead. I know that Adam is still locked inside his own head somewhere."
"Baby, people with DID are never black-and-white cases. There's always going to be a 'good' personality or someone who is innocent in all of this. It sucks but sometimes, we can't save everyone. Imagine a world if we could."
"Yeah, I guess," he sighs.
"Look, we're in Corpus Christi. The case is over with. My reunion is right around the corner. If you're up for it, would you be my date?"
"I think I can do that," he smiles.
The rest of the team flies out of Corpus Christi that night so they can get home faster, but you and Spencer stay to enjoy a night of memories and old friends. You'll fly back after the reunion and maybe spend the night on the beach or something; something romantic with Spencer before returning to your life.
The reunion is being held at a banquet hall where half your class is already there. Spencer heads straight for the bathroom while you look around for some familiar faces. Sitting by himself in the back is the kid who was being beaten by his dad. He hated you for accidentally telling everyone this even though you never meant to. People were eavesdropping; how is that your fault?
Still, you walk over to him in hopes he's not still mad at you over what happened thirteen years ago.
"I didn't think you'd remember me, honestly."
"How could I forget the woman who saw what no one else did?"
"So, I'm guessing you're not mad at me anymore?"
"Not at all. How have you been? What do you do?"
"I've been good. I'm in the FBI, actually. We just got done with a case just in time for this reunion," you chuckle. "What about you? Are you here with anyone?"
"I'm here by myself. I actually have my own graphic design business." He hands you his business card with a smile. "I do a lot of designs for bands and websites and other things."
"That's amazing."
"Are you here with anyone?"
"My boyfriend is in the bathroom. He told me I should come to this. I wasn't even going to go. To be honest, my time at that school wasn't the best as you know."
"About that, I just want to say I'm sorry. You're the only one who ever saw there was something wrong. Because of you, I finally stood up to my dad and left. I never looked back."
"I'm happy for you. If you're ever in the Quantico area of Virginia, I'd love to take you out and catch up."
"Yeah, that sounds awesome," he chuckles.
"There you are." Spencer comes back from the bathroom. "This place is a maze."
"Sean, meet my boyfriend, Spencer. Spencer, this is Sean, one of my classmates."
"You're very lucky, man."
"I know," Spencer smiles and pulls you closer to him.
Spencer was right, this is giving you closure you never knew you needed. High school was such a long time ago that you don't need to ever worry about what anyone else is doing. You have an amazing boyfriend, a super cool job, and a life you wouldn't trade for anything.
"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." - Stephen King
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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outoutdamnspark · 5 months
HH Lucifer Morningstar Headcanons - Angelic Anatomy
(I love this nerdy duck man. I would kill for him, I swear to fuck.)
Listen. I'm so tired of the Beautiful™️, Perfect™️, human-looking depictions of angels - give me the Be Not Afraid, weird as fuck angels. The more uncanny the better!
🍎BODY. Starting off, I know HH's animation style is very stylized (and quite beautifully so), but I'm gonna go ahead and say that no, he just Looks Like That™️. That waist? Snatched. Why would an angel have organs? He doesn't. Man is built like an apple core (because of course) in that he has some semblance of a rib cage and then a waist smaller than Dita Von Teese. He also has no ass. None. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
🍎HANDS. I would have said he legitimately only has three fingers (again, I know it's stylized), but there's actually a moment where he's animated with four; it's right at the start of 'Hell's Greatest Dad', while he's on his throne - so as much as I'd like him to have more fucked up hands, I'm going to say he does, in fact, have four fingers. HOWEVER! We've all seen how long his fingers were drawn for the fight against Adam, right? "Your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer"? That. Long-ass fingers. Unnaturally so. This guy has inhuman, Del Toro-esque hands and no one can tell me otherwise. I'm thinking like Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth levels of disproportionately long fingers, with almost spider-like joints and half-inch long talons. They probably click ever-so-slightly when he moves them. Just. Creepy hands. Love it. Also? I don't think those are gloves he's wearing; I think his hands are just black, and that there's a gradient all the way up his arms, ending a little higher past his elbows.
I saw a couple people saying they headcanon his hands/arms as actually being burnt from when he tried to reach back up to Heaven while falling from grace. I kind of like that idea, but I'm not sure just yet if I've assimilated it into my own personal headcanon. Heavily considering it, though...
🍎FACE. Again, why would an angel have humanoid features? Lucifer straight up has no nose. Or ears. But heck, let's take it further than that, even - why not say he has oversized eyes? (And yes, I totally believe his eyelids are just naturally purple, though I wouldn't put it past him to be into makeup, being the embodiment of the Sin of Pride and all.) He might have little snake-like slits where a nose should be, since we see him flare his nostrils in determination when Charlie is calling him, but other than that I imagine there's just a faint slope down the center of his face like we see with Sera.
As for his mouth, we all saw his canonically forked tongue but I need to overthink everything, so for the few seconds we see him stretch his lips wide enough to where his gums are visible? To me they look black. I'm thinking like. Black Mamba. The inside of Lucifer's mouth is just black, minus the red tongue and bone-white fangs.
🍎HOOVES. Look. I feel like I saw somewhere that it was confirmed Charlie has little hoovsies; she obviously got them from her dad. Lucifer wears boots, right? And if you look at them closely they're heeled - this guy 100% has digitigrade legs with hooves and he has to wear heeled boots to compensate for the way his legs/feet bend. Me, personally, I prefer the look of like, pig or cow hooves, because I like the idea of a more clawed-looking foot over a traditional goat hoof. Originally I headcanoned Lucifer as having something more akin to gargoyle feet, with two or three long, bird/raptor-like, taloned toes, but the idea of hooves has since heavily grown on me. I think they'd be the same gradient black-grey-white as his arms, too.
🍎HORNS. When we first got to see him with his horns fully out, I thought the black striping around the base of his horns was torn flesh with the red of his horns showing through. I respect the black stripes - those are cool - but I'm of the belief that if it can be made weirder, it should be. I will never unsee the base of his horns as having strips of torn, loose white flesh clinging to the keratin. Maybe he bleeds every time his horns come out, ripping through the skin like Wolverine's claws - maybe it's been so many years that he doesn't even feel it anymore, so used to the pain that he's numb to it now. Because seriously. What's more badass than watching an unearthly being rip themselves apart to reveal their true nature and not even flinch while doing so?
🍎EYES. Be Not Afraid, motherfucker. During the battle against the Exorcists and Adam in the final episode of season 1, we see that Lucifer has eyes on the inside of his tailcoat and on his bow tie. You cannot tell me he can't see with those. I will die on the hill that this man has a myriad of features he just. Doesn't show. (Like how Sera and Emily had a moment where their extra eyes appeared and then vanished again.) There are probably invisible eyes all over this guy, and also surrounding him, not even actually attached to him in any way. Extra eyes can manifest in his wings, on his face, on his clothes, in the air around him, you name it. And yes, he can see with all of them because they're all extensions of his being. Angels aren't physical entities, so it would makes sense that their "physical" attributes aren't bound to what humans perceive as normal limitation. Even Charlie hasn't seen his Actual Angelic Form. (Which is totally a duck-like celestial creature with six wings like in the flashback during 'More Than Anything.')
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fujosh1dreamer · 3 months
I hate Alastor and it's all your fault.
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This was not always the case of course, way back when the pilot first can out Alastor was one of my faves and the more I learned about him the more I loved him.
The real icing on the metaphorical cake was his sexuality, as someone who identifies as aroace he was the representation I never had. And still don't have.
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That's neither here nor there I guess. His sexual orientation has already been solidified there no changing it. However, the problem is with the Fandom.
The people who want to preach on asexuality and tell people who are on that spectrum what for, who want to excuse their disrespectful actions by telling us we're wrong they're the problem.
I would have more respect for these people if they just went and said, hey I hate ace people and I don't respect your or think you belong in the LGBT community and I would have way more respect towards them.
The hazbin hotel Fandom is the worst I've ever been in. Which says a lot I'm not some wide eyes preteen, I'm been around a long time and I've been in some pretty terrible Fandoms. I still get flashbacks anytime someone mentions Voltron, but Hazbin is 1000× worse than Volton could ever be.
I would never recommend this show for people to watch because of this Fandom.
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Specifically the Alastor fans you're toxic and terrible. I don't care what side of the argument you're on. I don't care if you agree with the argument about Alastors sexuality or not.
There's a way to talk to people and discuss thing and the way it happens in this Fandom is not it.
It not just the stuff about being ace it's everything about his character that this Fandom makes worse. The way he gets headcanoned and misinterpreted, and the way those same people deny the Canon evidence right in their faces. The way they get mad a vivzie the creator for not making the character "correctly" when he doesn't belong to them.
I hate everything about Alasor now because of the toxicity of this community.
It's crazy how Val fans are more understanding and bearable to be around than an Alastor fan. At least the Val fan base can acknowledge that he's a bad person. At least they're not constantly arguing that secretly deep down inside he's actually kind and understanding. My god man. He's a serial killer.
Don't even get me started on the abuse talk. If I hear one more person say Husk deserved his abuse I'm gonna lose it. Or if I hear one more person say Husk has it better than Angel, and compare their traumas again... you guys suck.
And you're sick in the head.
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Current as it stands Alasor is my least favorite character in this whole show. I like Adam more than this guy, and I hated Adam.
What makes it worse is that, things would probably be different if people respected tags. And tagged things properly so people like me don't have to be triggered by things. That's what should me this stupid he'll site better than Twitter is that I can block things I don't want to see. Instead you freaks can't even do that right.
I'd like to think most of the people watching this show are seasoned tumbler veterans. But the lack of proper tagging tells me otherwise. Or maybe it's the lack of respect.
Because that what tagging is all about respecting others, and gving them the choice not to see something they don't want to. Correctly using tags is courteous.
People have been using tags properly on this site and it sucks that the Hazbin Fandom thinks they're about it.
Thinks they're above everyone and everything.
There's probably more I need to say but I can't think of it.
You guys are terrible and I hope you have a terrible day. Screw this Fandom and screw Alastor because apparently yall just don't care.🖕
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crow-man72 · 9 months
GET SAM AND MAX HEADCANONED (because I have no art to post due to sudden art block 💔💔)
- mid-late 20s in Hit The Road, 34 in everything else (sticking with the time travelling Sam and Max theory I made, it's canon in my head)
- trans, aroace spectrum and bi. why? because I said so (also I think Sam considering the name Tyrone before Max suggested Sam is funny)
- has autism, at one point he was EXTREMELY hyperfixated on animals and wanted to work in a pet store, then he discovered 40s detective movies and he was like "OK NEW CAREER PLAN"
- on the topic of autism he mainly verbal stims like his long ass speech patterns he does when he's surprised
- surprisingly really good at drawing, even Sam doesn't know where he learnt it (I think this one was proven to be canon in tdp)
- basically just steals really vital evidence from crime scenes with the excuse of "we might need this later" (they will never need that later)
- Geek made him and Max watch spiderverse, he's now a spider noir and spiderham stan
- late 20s in Hit The Road, 35 in everything else
- took woodwork classes in high school
- REALLY likes cowboys. idk why I just feel like he'd like cowboys
- (this is more like my interpretation of alt tdp but whatever) Max basically went through a depressive/psychotic episode during 303, pretending Sam was still alive when he damn well knew he wasn't
- he's also autistic because I'm autistic and I kin him (corn dogs are a comfort food)
- when he has to wear clothes he'll either go all out or dress like Adam Sandler, no in between
- die hard Santa believer, freaked out when he found out Santa was real in 201
- Geek introduced Max to Tomodachi Life, he instantly fell in love with it (he's pissed about the gay couples not being allowed in the game tho, so he got Miitopia so him and Sam could be in a relationship in the game)
thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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As much as I can't stand AI using any sort of content where the creator hasn't explicitly given consent to their creation being used, I have to admit I had a good laugh because of one particular "interaction" I had with ChatGPT.
During the previous semester, our English professor at uni told us to just try ChatGPT at least once because it's quite fascinating what it can do. She of course also warned us that the information we receive might not be 100% correct. So I wanted to know just how wrong it could get and tried asking it something I feel I know a lot about and could be easily checked otherwise: The Dragon Prince.
I asked ChatGPT to summarise Runaan's character and tell me the source of the information. At the beginning everything seemed correct until it came to his relationships with other characters. ChatGPT was adamant in telling me it only used official sources for the provided information, like the Wikipedia page ... even though I could definitely show you with a quick search on ao3 the fanfiction(s) where it got the "official information" from that Runaan befriends Queen Aanya and becomes some sort of bodyguard for her during the series.
While I can't get that response anymore (I sadly didn't take screenshots and ChatGPT now seems to know those two never interacted in what has been officially released until now), some of ChatGPT's answers still definitely are just a mix of numerous fanfictions sprinkled with a bit of canon.
TL;DR: Don't trust what ChatGPT tells you, especially if it's important, because it can't even discern fanfiction from canon.
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keithpoenewt · 5 months
5 Times Montague and Silas Fought + 1 Time They Didn't - Part 1
A friend put this idea in my head. I ran with it. Does anybody even ship this? Who knows. It ain't my fault Montague canonically asked Silas to join the Society multiple times. WHY IS THAT HUH???
1. the boy is mine / when the party's over - Mega City
Word count: 2,806
“I’m usually so unproblematic So independent, tell me why”
If there’s one thing Montague cares about, it’s power (and Fizz, but that’s a discussion for a different day). He likes knowing the chain of command, who to stay away from, and who can be extorted or bribed. Montague prefers to be higher up on the food chain otherwise he’ll remain off people’s radars. He’s not here to piss anyone important off (unless it will turn into a profit for himself). Power is what he wants, but he can’t quite have it just yet. The Seven failed to stop The Herald from chromifying all realities, thus causing the universe to explode. The Rift Warden couldn’t repair the damage, allowing other realities to seep into this one, one of them being a place called Mega City. Honestly, Montague didn’t mind it there much. He met some potential allies who he may decide to contact later when the right moment arises. Though, one he couldn’t get out of his head: Silas Hesk. He liked the mysterious aura Silas gave off (that and having a pet snake as an accessory is pretty badass). Montague decided to keep meeting up with him since he enjoyed his company the most out of everyone he met.
Even with the world on the brink of another explosion and a new rainforest (a place Montague will NOT be setting foot in because he doesn’t want to have some unknown bug bite him and kill him), he still seeks out Silas’s company. After months, Montague still can’t figure out why he feels so drawn to him.
“‘Cause that boy is mine, mine Something about him is made for somebody like me”
“So, what’s with the snake?” Montague asks before downing the rest of his cocktail. He knows Silas usually doesn’t care when people ask him personal questions because he just won’t answer the questions but anything on the snake? Well, that always sets him off. If Montague’s being serious…he kind of likes it when Silas loses his cool.
Silas turns and gives him a small glare. “For your ssssake, that better be a joke. I could just walk out of here.”
“Don’t you know too much already? I’ll only hurt you if you let me”
“You could, yes, but you would have done it the moment I asked about it.” Montague grins, signaling the bartender for another drink. “But you didn’t.”
“I sssstill could.”
“What’s stopping you?”
Silas leans in, glasses slipping down his nose. If this is his attempt at intimidation, it almost works…if not for his snake, Frank, moving to lick Montague’s cheek. Montague’s smile widens when Silas pulls Frank back. “Hey!” he scolds. “Not cool!”
“I don’t mind.”
“I know you don’t mind. I mind esssspecially when I’m trying to prove a point!” Silas exclaims. He takes a deep breath and pushes his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “How about thissss—I’ll tell you the sssstory when you’ve earned it, deal?”
“And how will I know I have earned it?” Montague wonders.
Silas grins and removes his glasses. He wipes them on his sleeve then places them on Montague. “Telling you would ruin the fun. It’ssss a game. Unlessss you want to divulge the secret of that amulet of yourssss.”
Montague places a hand on his blue amulet instinctively. As far as everyone is concerned, it’s just a statement piece to make him appear as a bigger asshole than he is. When in reality, it’s how he’s able to manipulate diamonds to fight and get what he wants. Montague does trust Silas, but if he won’t talk about the snake, then he won’t talk about the amulet.
“I will tell you about the necklace when you tell me about the snake…how about that?”
Silas nods. “You’ve got a deal.” He turns away and sips his drink. Montague admires his side profile, gaze moving to his Adam’s apple when he swallows. There are many words Montague could use to describe Silas, but right now, he can only think of calling him pretty. His sharp jaw contrasted by his soft skin (not that Montague would know what it feels like…he just imagines Silas has a great skincare routine—is that glitter on his cheek or a trick of the light?)
“Baby, come over, come over And God knows I’m trying, but there’s just no use in denying”
The bartender brings Montague’s drink, but for once in a long time, alcohol isn’t at the center of his attention. He thought Silas’s eyes looked purple because of the tint of his glasses he always wears, but they’re blue. Not like the sky in the daytime, but the kind of blue you’d only see at the top of a mountain when the sun is slipping below the horizon. The flashing lights make it look like stars twinkling in vast violet galaxies encompassing his eyes, waiting to be discovered. Montague would spend millennia exploring them if the opportunity presented itself.
He shakes his head and turns back to his drink. Crazy talk. It’s a miracle Silas even agreed to keep meeting. He can’t ruin it by making things weird between them. Although, he could blame it on the alcohol and deny everything if it all blew up in his face, but by now both men are familiar with each other’s limits. Silas would call Montague’s bluff almost immediately.
“It looked like you wanted to ssssay something,” Silas comments. “You were sssstaring at me pretty intently.”
“You, um, your eyes have a little purple to them.” Montague swirls his drink. “I thought it was just your glasses.”
“Mm, yes, they are dark blue. Although, not quite as impressssive as yours.” Silas takes a sip of his whiskey. “I would desssscribe them as disssstractingly alluring.”
“Is that why you gave me your glasses? My eyes are distracting you?”
Silas shakes his head. “I didn’t mean it as an inssssult. Both colors ssssuit you quite well.”
Frank hisses.
“I am not ssssaying that,” Silas snaps. “Hush.”
Montague resists the urge to comment on that, knowing Silas won’t like it. As much as he likes to rile Silas up, this would go too far. He just makes a mental note that Silas can communicate with the snake telepathically in some way.
Frank hisses again, causing Silas’s cheeks to flush. He quickly finishes his drink then stands.
“I’m ssssorry, but I have to go.” He glances at Montague. “Thissss was nice. I will get the glasssses from you next time we meet.”
Montague nods. “Is everything okay?”
“Call me a friend but keep me closer And I’ll call you when the party’s over”
Silas looks like he wants to say more, but he simply nods. “Yessss, don’t worry. Good night, Montague. Thank you for thissss. I do alwayssss enjoy our time together.” He leaves some money on the counter and leaves the club.
Montague watches him go. If he had more liquid courage in him, he’d follow Silas out. But he doesn’t…yet. Montague downs the rest of his drink. There’s a numbness blooming in his chest, but he’s not going to pluck that tonight. He signals the bartender for a set of shots.
“The boy is mine I can’t wait to try him”
Silas has his secrets, and that’s what makes the little back and forth they’ve got so invigorating. Montague loves the chase. And if getting shitfaced means he doesn’t make a poor decision and chase after the snake…well…it’ll be worth the hangover in the morning.
When the world exploded yet again, Montague worried he’d never see Silas again. Who knows how many people got lost, but honestly, he didn’t care about the rest of the world. He sought out Silas’s last known location, thankfully finding him alive and well.
Knowing his friend was okay, Montague could see an opportunity presenting itself—the very opportunity he’d been waiting for since having to deal with chrome staining his clothes every other day. During a walk to survey the area around his soon to be Grand Glacier Hotel, he stumbled upon something glowing from underneath a pile of snow. Montague brushes the snow out of the way with his foot, kneeling down when he spots five golden medallions peeking out. He lifts up one to examine it further and it begins to transform, morphing into a copy of his amulet. It glows briefly before settling in his hand.
“Oh…this changes things,” he mutters to himself.
Montague digs out the other four medallions and hurries back to the hotel. He has no idea the full power of these medallions, but he does know he needs allies. The first few people who come to mind are Oscar, the owner of Lavish Lair, Nisha, owner of Fencing Fields and the largest FlowBerry farm on Helios, Valeria, a mysterious woman who could control fire, and lastly, Silas Hesk. Well, Silas was the first person he invited over, but he wanted to wait to tell him in person what the plan was. Montague told everyone else over the phone since he didn’t think they’d want to make the trek to his hotel without good reason (they all had busy schedules afterall).
Oscar and Nisha arrive first. Oscar heads straight for the bar while Nisha hands Montague his favorite bottle of wine as a gift before joining Oscar. Nisha was quiet when they first met, but Montague could tell she cared more than she let on. She did remember him mentioning her family made his favorite wine. Valeria arrives shortly after, greeting Montague with a hug that lasts a bit longer than expected.
“I am very much looking forward to our alliance, Montague,” she whispers, tracing his jawline. “I think we’re going to accomplish a lot together.”
Montague gives her a polite smile. “As am I, Valeria.”
She rubs her thumb on his chin. “Call me Val. I think you’ve earned it.”
A blush creeps onto Montague’s cheeks. Oh, she was good. Her smile seems genuine, but there’s something in her eyes that he can’t quite place. Montague doesn’t know if she’s being serious in her advances, but there’s only one person he really wants to work with here.
“Ssssorry I’m late.” Silas stops when he sees Valeria with her hand cupping Montague’s chin. “Am I interrupting?”
Valeria smiles and removes her hand. “No. We were just chatting.”
Silas says nothing, but Frank hisses at her. This further confirms Montague’s theory that Frank just puts Silas’s inner thoughts on blast.
“Silas!” Montague exclaims, stepping away from Valeria. “No, you’re not late. You’re never late.” He grins, hoping to improve Silas’s mood.
Silas’s expression never changes, but Frank moves to get closer to Montague. Silas gently grabs him to stop him. “Sssso, why are we here?”
Montague claps. “Yes! Right! Okay!” He leads Valeria and Silas over to where Oscar and Nisha are. Montague pulls out the medallions and passes each of them one. “These are what I found the other day during a walk. I am not sure where they came from, but they are extremely powerful. They give us near indestructible shields. And I’m thinking we take this opportunity to take some control over this place, yeah? There’s a power vacancy, and I think we have waited long enough for our turn on top. We will call ourselves the Society.”
Oscar, Nisha, and Valeria all nod in agreement, each of their medallions transforming. Oscar and Valeria’s turn into a sort of self-portrait of themselves while Nisha’s takes the form of her fencing school’s emblem. Montague looks to Silas, waiting for his medallion to transform but nothing happens.
“Silas?” Montague asks. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m not ssssure about this,” he responds, rubbing the medallion with his thumb. “Why didn’t you mention thissss to me on the phone?”
Montague grins “I wanted it to be a surprise!”
“Or did you think he would say no and hang up?” Valeria wonders, putting her medallion around her neck. “Really, we don’t need someone who’s not willing to commit to our plans. If he’s not an immediate yes, find someone else.”
Montague rubs his temples. “Guys, give us a moment in private please?” He waits for the other three to walk away before continuing. “What’s wrong? Is this because I didn’t tell you over the phone like everyone else?”
“No! I’m used to your theatricssss. I’ve known you long enough to expect the unexpected, but I didn’t think you’d go thissss far!” Silas hisses.
“I am not sure what you mean. I thought I have been pretty transparent with my ambitions in life.”
Silas groans. “Not what I’m referring to. I know that you’re power hungry. It’s one of your more endearing traitssss.”
Montague blinks, cheeks flushing briefly. “Okay, well, you have lost me now.”
“Do you even know who you’re working with? Or what their intentions are? In all thissss time we’ve known each other, you’ve mentioned each of them maybe twice. I only recognized Nisha because sssshe’s the only one you ever introduced me to—and I think that’ssss because she gets you Fizz.”
Montague scoffs. He’s capable of finding someone’s company pleasant without the idea of alcohol in mind. Nisha is nice and funny when you get her talking. Montague is starting to wish he was talking with her right now instead of Silas.
“Plussss, something’s…off about Valeria. I don’t know what it issss but I think there’s more to it…more to why she’ssss here,” Silas continues. “You need to—”
“Is this because she had her hand on my face when you walked in?” Montague winces at the bluntness. He didn’t mean to sound so accusatory…it just kind of came out. “Wait—”
Silas’s expression hardens and Frank curls under Silas’s shirt. “Oh, sssso you’re going there? Really? After everything?!”
“Silas, I didn’t—”
“I don’t want to fucking hear it, alright? You know what?” Silas shoves the medallion into Montague’s arms. “Enjoy your Ssssociety life with people who’d gladly sssstab you in the back, Montague. Call me when you get your head out of your assss.”
“And don’t even think about asking me to join your little Ssssociety ever again because if you do, we’re done, got it?”
Montague deflates and nods. He watches Silas storm out of the hotel, slamming the door shut behind him. A moment passes before the others walk over to him. Nisha places a hand on his shoulder to offer some reassurance.
“Good riddance I say,” Valeria says. “I don’t trust a guy who has a pet snake. Anyway, we’re gonna need someone to fill the fifth spot. Anyone have any ideas?”
“There was this guy I met at Fencing Fields when I was visiting,” Oscar shares. “I think his name was Pedro? Peter? I dunno. He seemed…interesting. A little weird…kept asking about somebody named Lois?” He shrugs. “We could try him?”
“Whatever. Fine. I want to get started on building our empire as soon as possible,” Valeria says. “Montague…are you focused?”
Montague simply nods at her, still staring at the door.
“Great. We’ll meet again tomorrow at my place. Can’t risk any reptiles getting in.” She motions for Oscar to follow her. “Come, tiger. We have a lot to discuss.”
The two leave and Nisha steps in front of Montague, removing her mask. “Are you okay?” she asks. “Because you look like you’re about to go finish that entire bottle I gave you in one sitting.”
“Would that be so bad?”
Nisha crosses her arms. “Listen, if you want things to work out with Silas—”
“We’re not—”
Nisha waves her hand dismissively. “Sure you’re not. Regardless, you can’t push him like that, alright? I’ve only met him a handful of times, but you and I both know he doesn’t appreciate being cornered. Give him some time to cool off and then have a conversation. You two clearly care a great deal for one another—don’t let this destroy what you’ve built together.”
Montague nods. “Thank you, Nisha. I knew asking you to join me was the right move.”
“Usually I aim for first place, but I can settle for second this one time.”
“Who said you were second?”
“I don’t think anyone could beat Silas.”
Montague’s cheeks heat up. “Whatever…have a good night, Nisha.”
She waves and heads out.
When she’s gone, Montague does exactly what Nisha predicted—he pops open the wine bottle she gave him and takes a swig out of it. It burns going down, but he doesn’t give a shit. Did he have to fuck things up so bad to send Silas storming out? Why did he ask that? Was he wanting Silas to admit he was jealous? Why should he care about whether or not Silas is jealous?
He takes another swig.
No. Montague is not in love with Silas Hesk.
He just doesn’t want to lose the only person he’s ever cared about.
Part 2
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itsclydebitches · 7 months
I have two thoughts about your Alastor theory: First, I legitimately think that he's smiling as his own choice as a form of copium. Like in a "If I smile like I'm in control, I AM in control" kind of way. Just because "You're never fully dressed without a smile" being his favourite song, and telling Charlie to use her smile as an advantage over others, and praising her when she does. It's just such a big part of his characterisation that I think I'd be disappointed if it wasn't his choice, y'know? The green threads on his mouth are there to stop him from telling anyone about the deal imo.
Second: The exorcists legitimately do seem to be smiling like that, just because we see with Lute that the masks change and emote with the wearer (notably when the shield comes up and she and adam talk, you can see how emotive it is), so I reckon those lil freaks really are just grinning their heads off because they've been trained to enjoy what they're doing. However, I do agree that the mask seems to default to smile.
Thanks for the thoughts! Yeah, I can understand being disappointed, though I personally don't think it detracts from his characterization if it's not an active choice. As you say, "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" is his favorite song and I do think Alastor 100% believes the advice he gave Charlie. He's a character who others might want to take advantage of through his preferences ('You believe in smiling, Alastor? How about you do it all the time then...') and who is determined to turn every obstacle to his advantage ('Well, if I have to smile at least no one will know what I'm really thinking. Silver lining!') Usually any theories I have are just fun What Ifs, with only a tenuous belief that it could really become canon, but for this particular detail I'd be shocked if Alastor's smile isn't a permanent fixture somehow. Beyond the scene I mentioned where he really should be frowning if he was capable (and that would be a sucker-punch for the viewer too. How best to visually convey that he's freaking out than by having him NOT smile for the first time all season?), we have the fact that Alastor is seen making another active choice about his presentation: the radio voice. Yet he drops that a couple of different times, most notably when his staff breaks in the fight with Adam (and we know the voice isn't because of the staff because he goes back to normal a second later while the staff is still in pieces). So this is something Alastor controls himself and losing it for a second is GREAT because it conveys the seriousness of the situation. Alastor is so damn shocked he briefly drops his persona.
... except for the smile.
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If he could stop smiling I'd expect this to be another moment where he does. Not for long because agreed, it's a huge part of his character, but we'd likely see him forcing a smile back as the radio voice comes back too. Instead, it's a fixture despite the surprise of the moment undermining everything else we know about Alastor's persona: he doesn't speak without his filter, he doesn't curse, he doesn't retreat. The smile is the only thing that doesn't waver in a moment that otherwise completely undermines him.
Also: "so I reckon those lil freaks really are just grinning their heads off because they've been trained to enjoy what they're doing" YEAH I think the default look of the masks might still be important but that doesn't erase the fact that they're clearly enjoying themselves. It makes me want to know more about Vaggie's time between falling and present day. It's sweet to have the insta-love moment as Charlie bandages her eye (and as a queer H/C lover that hit all the right buttons) BUT more realistically I'd expect it would take some time for her see Charlie and her people as worthwhile souls. Redemption is a journey and all that.
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the-oc-lass · 10 months
Nimona OC - Charlotte Swiftheart/Corova
Aaaaand HELLO! As a special treat for this being the last part of my canon + Charlotte storyline, you get to have it an hour earlier than usual.
Reminder that the poll to vote what I write next should (if I've done my math correctly) have about one hour left, so vote while you still can!
But all that aside, here we go! By the way, was no one going to tell me that there's a damn WHALE PLUSHIE in front of Nimona's memorial wall? I'M GOING TO CRY SOME MORE, DAMN YOU.
First, Previous
Golden "Twins" Rebellion AU
Knight Charlotte AU
Whatever else comes next?
"Yes, Charlotte?"
"Why are things the way that they are?" Minara purses her lips as she thinks, and Charlotte watches her carefully. Her mother looks so very tired, and Charlotte is old enough to know that she has a great deal on her shoulders. Minara Corova is much too young to have seen as much as she has. Finally, she speaks again.
"This kingdom is broken in ways that its people simply don't understand, my love. These cracks have been woven into our society for longer than any of us have been alive. It was always doomed to be this way," she says. Charlotte tilts her head.
"What do you mean?" she asks. Minara hums softly, closing her eyes for a moment as she thinks. Then, she looks down at her daughter.
"Look at how people treat Ballister, dear. Look at the lies we had to tell so that you could join the Institute. Does any of that seem right?" Charlotte shakes her head.
"But do you know why that's how things are?" Charlotte frowns, casting her eyes down.
"Because we're commoners. They think we're less than them." Her mother sighs.
"Yes, my love." After a few moments, a hand reaches out and gently tilts Charlotte's chin up. "Our ways of life are broken, Charlotte, but they don't have to be. They can be changed and fixed. It may not happen today, nor tomorrow, but one day, you will stand in this kingdom as you are, not as the lie that we've woven for you, and you will be seen for who you are, not by what blood runs through your veins."
"You really think so?"
"Oh, I know so. You will be there to help bring in a new era of this kingdom, one that's better for us all. It will take time, but in the end, it will be beautiful."
The past few weeks (months?) have been like a dream, but the type of dream where you know that something is missing. She knows exactly what (or, rather, who) that missing thing is, but she tries not to linger on it too much. She mourns, but she lets life move forward. The wall had been broken open on that fateful night, and a thousand years worth of knowledge and history had been brought to light and questioned. But they've been healing, rebuilding. Ushering in a new era for their kingdom, just as her mother once said. Things have been getting better every day. People are traveling beyond the wall, and the Institute is being reformed into what it always should've been. The wall itself is no longer simply a structure to protect them, but has been transformed into somewhere lively and beautiful. The cannons are still coming down, but soon, even those will be gone and forgotten. The Knights Betrayed have disbanded, instead turning their attentions on these reforms, and on the new sanctuary. A sanctuary that no longer needs to hide in the shadows. She still heads it, of course, but Ambrosius has been there to back her, financially and otherwise. After he and Ballister had both recovered, the three of them had gotten to work, working to fix not only the kingdom, but their relationships with each other. Ballister and Ambrosius's romance had rekindled as if it had never gone out, and Charlotte has found herself just as close with her two best friends as she once was. And the kingdom knows Ambrosius not only as her friend, but as her brother. He'd been adamant about it, actually.
"They should've always known. I never cared what it might cost me. I just wanted my sister."
And the reception had been mixed, but that's always what she expected. What matters to both of them is that it's not a secret they feel that they have to hide anymore. Maybe things would've been different if the truth had been known sooner, but they'll never really know.
But she has to return to the elephant in the room sometimes. Or, rather, the lack of elephant. Nimona is still gone. The kingdom is finally changing for the better, seeing her for who she truly was rather than what they'd all been brainwashed into seeing since birth. But Nimona isn't here to see it. She's still gone. And Charlotte's very being aches when she thinks about that for too long. Yet here she stands, before the memorial wall made in Nimona's honor. Covered in drawings from the sanctuary's kids and others, gifts lain at its base. Charlotte cradles her bouquet in her arms, staring at the wall for a moment before she looks at the flowers. Paper, made by her own hands, in all of the most beautiful colors.
"I hate the way the real ones make me feel, but I don't know how to tell the kids no."
She's only broken from her thoughts when she feels a gentle nudge against her shoulder, and she lifts her head. Ambrosius smiles softly at her, and she smiles back just as softly, leaning over and nudging his shoulder back. They both look toward the wall again, and they linger in silence. Eventually, she sees him lean down in the corner of her eye, and she looks down at him. He lifts a drawing from the ground and holds it out in front of Ballister, who takes it carefully and looks at it. She watches a small smile appear on his face, then a look of scrunched contemplation. Finally, though, the smile returns and he looks up at the wall. Eventually, he looks over at them.
"There's something I need to do," he says. They smile back at him, and Ambrosius nods in understanding. Ballister's eyes find Charlotte's after a moment, and he tilts his head. "Do you want to come?" Her smile saddens slightly, and she shakes her head.
"You go. That place belonged to you two, not me," she says. She moves around Ambrosius, however, to set her hand on Ballister's shoulder. "But if you need us, need me...Just ask." His smile softens, and he reaches up one hand to place it over the one on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
"Thank you," he says softly. She smiles back, then leans forward and kisses his cheek. When they step away, she plucks a light pink paper flower from her bouquet and offers it to him.
"These were her favorites," she says. He takes the flower, holding it like a treasure, then gives her a final nod before he turns away and heads off on his own. Charlotte turns away as well, finally walking forward to set her bouquet among the dozens of other gifts. She looks up at all of the artwork lovingly decorating the wall, and her heart aches. A hand settles upon her shoulder, and she rises, turning to look at Ambrosius.
"Let's go home." She nods, settling against his side and slipping her arm around him as his wraps around her shoulders, guiding her away from the memorial.
Although she and Norshe finally have a home of their own, Charlotte admits that Ballister and Ambrosius's place feels a lot more like home to her. She's here a lot, both with and without her fiancée. Being here, with them...It helps.
"Do you think he'll be back soon?" Ambrosius asks, his mug of freshly brewed tea between his hands. Charlotte sips at her own tea for a moment, then finds herself staring down into the mug.
"I think it depends on how he feels now that he's there. It's one thing to be somewhere she never was. It's another to stand where she should be," she says. She had almost broken down when she'd returned to the sanctuary after that night. She had broken down when she'd found Nimona's stash of trinkets and gifts in the small nook she'd once commandeered for herself. She takes a deep breath and lifts her head, looking over at Ambrosius. "But he needed to do it. For himself as much as for her." Ambrosius looks at her with a sad, sympathetic gaze.
"I wish I'd gotten to know her how you and Bal do," he says. She blinks back tears.
"Me too." She can't help but smile a little. "When you weren't fighting on opposite sides, I think you would've really liked her." She lifts her hand to brush away a tear, but she quickly realizes that the tears aren't stopping. Ambrosius takes her mug and sets their tea aside, then tugs her into his arms. The cry isn't as bad as others have been, but she still loses track of time. They might sit there for hours before she finally pulls away, sniffling slightly. Ambrosius gently wipes the remaining tears off her cheeks, shushing her when she tries to apologize for crying.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," he says, soft yet firm. It's what he always says when she cries these days. She's tried to argue with him before, but he shuts her down in the way that only he can. Once she's properly calmed down, he reaches over and picks up her mug, handing it back to her. As she takes a long drink, she hears the front door being unlocked, and it opens shortly after. Ballister must be home. She lowers the mug from her lips to call out, but whatever her words might've been die in her throat. She must be dreaming.
"Nimona?" she all but whispers. Nimona smiles softly at her.
"Hey, Chari." Ambrosius takes Charlotte's mug from her before she can drop it, and she rises and rushes around the coffee table, practically tackling Nimona in an embrace.
"Nimona." When she squeezes the shapeshifter, she's squeezed back just as tightly, and the tears begin to flow again. Nimona's alive. She's back. She's home.
Perhaps Ambrosius will get the chance to know her after all.
Lovely tagged people:
@ammonitetheseaserpent @perfectkittystranger @madlad06 @xxlunadrawsstuffxx @floxu
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