#the Darkling also sucks
milosupremacy · 2 years
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I spy with my little eye… the Lantsov emerald
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xalonelydreamerx · 2 years
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well, that was a mess
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aleksanderscult · 10 months
my favorite interpretation of him is as a man who WANTS that companionship and love but. He’s been burned so many times before, falling in love with people he outlived due to war and his slower aging. So he can’t allow himself to be hurt like that again. Deep inside his little black heart he would love to be equals with Alina but unfortunately years of trauma and pain have left him entirely unable to exist in a relationship that doesn’t have a power imbalance in his favor. He doesn’t know how to let go of his want for power even in his relationships anymore. And now that he needs Alina for his Grand Schemes, well he definitely can’t fall in love with her without potentially fucking up his plan, right? He needs her to do many very specific things and he can’t be blinded by Real Emotion that might make him change his mind so instead he keeps her at arms length while making her THINK her feelings are requited and he pulls her strings to get her to do what he needs so that his centuries of living will have paid off. And deep deep down the man he used to be yearns to have built something real with her, to have companionship who won’t die in the blink of an eye, someone who understands this Otherness he experiences, an equal. If only the man he’d become could stand to let go of the reins in any relationship for more than like. Thirty seconds. Lol
⚠️TW!: sexual abuse and sexual assault! mentioned at some point⚠️
Yup. You get it, anon!
My favorite interpretation of him is as a man who WANTS that companionship and love but he’s been burned so many times before, falling in love with people he outlived due to war and his slower aging. So he can’t allow himself to be hurt like that again.
I completely agree to all of this!
What antis seem unable to understand is that the Darkling is human most of all. Not a villain, not a hero, not a Grisha but a human being with human emotions and needs. In fact, I find him the most human character in the Grisha trilogy. We all want love and companionship. None of us likes the feeling of loneliness (it's one thing to want to be alone and another to be lonely) and the Darkling is no different in this aspect. He wants to love and be loved. He wants someone to keep him company forever, to not abandon him because of betrayal, death, age or mortality. He doesn't want to be alone. For centuries he suffered from it and was desperate to find someone to fill this void. Alina was this person. She ticked (most of) the boxes for him.
(just a small pause to say that we can also see evidence of his desire to feel and live human things in RoW:
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(He might considered otkazat'sya beneath him, but the feeling of humanity was something surprisingly pleasant for him. And he seeked Alina out to feel this way again. Even though he denied it:)
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(A part of him wanted something simple. Peace and calm and a girl that loved him and he loved her at his side.)
If I could describe the Darkling's need for someone to join him and be with him, for Alina to come to him and love him, I would use this passage from the book "City of Heavenly Fire":
“Imagine if you were the last Shadowhunter left on earth (in this case let's use the term "the last Grisha of your kind"), imagine if all your family and friends were dead, imagine if there were no one left who even believed in what you were. Imagine if you were on the earth in a billion, billion years, after the sun had scorched away all the life, and you were crying out from inside yourself for just one single living creature to still draw breath alongside you, but there was nothing, only rivers of fire and ashes. Imagine being that lonely. And then imagine there was only one way to fix it. Then imagine what you would do to make that thing happen.”
THIS is how I imagine the Darkling's desperation to gain Alina. His last hope for love and companionship.
He has been hurt hundreds of times in the past. The lovers he had, the people he fell in love were dying in front of his eyes from their mortality. Others couldn't understand his powers, couldn't fathom him as a person (because I bet almost all, if not all, his lovers were otkazat'sya). So at some point, he just gave up. Gave up on love and stopped having relationships. He wouldn't be hurt again, he wouldn't allow it.
Deep inside his little black heart he would love to be equals with Alina but unfortunately years of trauma and pain have left him entirely unable to exist in a relationship that doesn’t have a power imbalance in his favor. He doesn’t know how to let go of his want for power even in his relationships anymore.
"his little black heart" that sounded so cute 🥺🫶😭
And, yes, I agree that deep inside (veeery deeply though) he wanted to be equals with Alina because on one hand it seemed right to him, logically and strategically (she had the power of light, he had the power of darkness. They were both immortal and she had a strong spirit). But years had already passed where he had the control in all things. Okay, not all. He couldn't stop Kings and Queens from making stupid or unspeakable things (and yes I'm alluding Genya's sexual assault from the King here). But he had a habit that he couldn't break. "Old habits die hard" fits here. He couldn't put aside his need for domination and just say "Yeah sure do whatever you want in this relationship, Alina! Peace and love!🥰✌️". No, he would still want to have the upper hand in their relationship and their rule.
And now that he needs Alina for his Grand Schemes, well he definitely can’t fall in love with her without potentially fucking up his plan, right? He needs her to do many very specific things and he can’t be blinded by Real Emotion that might make him change his mind so instead he keeps her at arms length while making her THINK her feelings are requited and he pulls her strings to get her to do what he needs so that his centuries of living will have paid off.
Yup. He didn't want to fall in love with her. Just to manipulate her. But the problem is that we don't choose when to fall in love and who. It just happens. And that fucked him up emotionally.
1) Because he hadn't felt that emotion in years.
2) Because it wasn't part of his plans, just like you said.
He literally panicked and didn't know what to do and he certainly didn't know how to express it in a healthy manner.
Alina's constant rejection and rebellion against him (+ her love for Mal and her choosing only him) made him go feral and do impulsive things. Made him fuck up his well-thought-out plans. So, in the end, he really is a person that sometimes let his emotions rule his mind unwillingly.
About him making her think that her emotions are requited, it's a complicated matter. In R&R he confirmed that he seduced her (if you call that seduction) as part of his manipulation.
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But I think he also played himself back then at S&B. He tried to appease her worries at that time and in S&B it seemed genuine. Honestly, for me, it still does. But, according to him (and Bardugo) he did it to feel more bound to him, more loyal.
BUT! I think that in the meantime he played himself and caught feelings.
Like "He he I'm gonna make her feel good for herself 😈......shit.....now I feel something for her. FUCK!!"
But he would never admit that to Alina. Not in a verbal way anyway. Because when he gave her his name it was a type of love confession (GIVING HER HIS HEART, HELLO??).
I kinda agree that he wanted to make her feel that her feelings were requited but he also must have been like "but let's not tell her that I also caught feelings👀👀".
He wanted to fulfill his plans, yes. But he also fell in love with her in the process and everything went DOWNHILL FOR HIM.
And deep deep down the man he used to be yearns to have built something real with her, to have companionship who won’t die in the blink of an eye, someone who understands this Otherness he experiences, an equal. If only the man he’d become could stand to let go of the reins in any relationship for more than like. Thirty seconds. Lol
Hard agree to all of this too.
Just like I said, he didn't know how to live a life without controlling it and everyone in it.
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uchiyaandeewaran · 11 months
Listen. I like toxic fictional relationships. I don’t like toxic toxic fictional relationships.
Hope that clarifies it.
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simp2537 · 7 months
Darkling x breeding kink + spanking?🙈
a/n: My motivation has been low as of late, and my life has gotten really busy as of late. Also I’m really liking my tidemaker! Reader that invented so I’m gonna used her unless specifically told otherwise or if I just feel like not using her. As always hope you enjoy.
Warnings: breeding kink, spanking, dom!Aleksander and sub!Reader, safe word is not established but is their, p in v smut, dacryphilia, war room smut, tidemaker!Reader
Aleksander Morozova x fem! Reader
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You weren’t sure if it was the hard wooden desk digging into your bare hips, the relentless pounding of Aleksander cock inside your dripping cunt or if his harsh hand landing in your ass was what sent you to tears. Your hands grinned onto the desk, trying to center yourself as Aleksander took out all his pent up frustrations of the day on you.
It had not been a good day for your lover. First the king had been particularly nauseating, the grisha were still unsafe as always and to top it off some new noble man made a move on you in front of him. Loyal as you were you denied the man and went to go to him only for the man to touch you.
Aleksander grunted as he felt you grip his cock deep inside. Your moan and gasps were bouncing off the wall and he hoped that everyone would hear. His hand landed hard against the angry red of your ass. You jolted as his opposite hand dug its way through your hair, pulling you up slightly.
He sucked up your neck, biting and leaving marks in his wake. You moaned as he began to suck on the sweet spot of your neck. His gently lowered you back into the desk that moved with every snap of his hips. His free hand moved to your pearl, rubbing fast and steady circles on the nerves. Your moaning increased as he kissed at the back of your neck. His hand colliding with your red ass.
“You’re doing so well for me milaya.” Aleksander praised as your tears hit the desk. You babbled cockdrunk as he hit that spot that always left your mouth gaping.
“I’m gonna shove my cum so fair into your cunt that it takes and everyone will know you’re mine.” The coil inside you tightened the eating to burst. Your moan grew higher, louder, more erratic.
“Sasha! I’m gonna cum- Sasha! Please!” You begged as he smacked your ass again. His over composer began to dwindle as he groan his thrusts growing fast as his own organism grew more apparent.
“I can’t wait to see you swelling with our child. All round and so full of me, all mine. Mine.” He grunted as you whimpered. With a cry of his name you came hard. His own release happening right after. You both panted as he pulled himself out. Your mixed juices dripped onto the floor until her shoved his finger in.
“Don’t want to waste anything, right my Tidemaker?” Aleksander sighed as he kissed your neck. You mumbled softly, not having the energy to be much of a brat. After a while her pulled his finger out and sucked in your combined juices. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap.
He scrapped his kefta over your bare form and kissed your forehead. You nuzzled into him as your eyes dropped.
“Do you think my seed will take?” Aleksander mumbled in between kissing your neck.
“If it doesn’t we can always try again.” He chuckled a smile landing in his face. His darling Tidemaker, always so eager.
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Can we talk about Jesper Fahey unintentionally being one of the most powerful Grisha in the Grishaverse? (Bear with me)
Okay, agreed, Jesper struggles with doing basically anything intentionally. Makes sense - he was never trained.
But if we consider what he can do; controlling the path of bullets. Taking tiny chunks of metal moving at ~120-370 m/s, and directing them. And not just a little bit. He literally managed to make his bullet curve 90° around a right-angle corner. This is a skill we see no other Fabrikator able to do, and you would have thought, if it was a common ability, or even ever seen before, the Darkling or the Triumvirate would have utilised it in the Second Army. They have not. The only people known to use it are Jesper and his mother.
(And let's just give an honourable mention to Aditi Hilli, who could extract poison from the bloodstream of another person. You remember how the tidemakers in the Ice Court needed to be on Parem to mess with a person's blood? But Aditi Hilli? ...I don't want to say no problem, because she did die, but she saved Leoni too, so... half-marks? I'm just saying Jesper has some serious badass genes.)
Actually, talking about the tidemakers on parem, Jesper, with no training and having all the blood in his body sucked out of him, still managed to kill them with dust. A rather dark trick, but one we've never seen David Kostyk, or Leoni Hilli, considered the two most powerful Fabrikators alive during canon, replicate.
But the real reason Jesper is so powerful has very little to do with that, so much as HOW he does it. Every grisha alive used their arms to direct their abilities. After being captured by the Darkling in S&S, Alina has her hands bound, and says something about how she can summon, but not direct light without her hands, so she's basically powerless. It's obviously a common tactic, because the Druskelle do the same thing with Nina and the other Grisha they captured, and only after they get their hands freed on the sharp edge of a broken cup can they use their abilities again.
The only people we see not using their hands for the small science, in fact, are Adrik, who has to relearn his technique after he loses an arm, and, of course, Jesper Fahey, who can direct bullets with his mind - no hand movements required.
If anything, it's probably this ability that makes him so good at directing bullets. After all, at the speed a bullet is going, you don't have time to be waving your hands around to control it. What's especially funny to me is that before Wylan pointed it out, he had no idea he was even doing it. He was using an ability no other Grisha can, and Didn't Know. Can you imagine him mentioning that to Nina... or basically any Second Army Grisha.
("You can control bullets?"
"...you can't?"
"I'm not sure. I mean, my mother sort of taught me, but also I didn't really realise I was doing it until my boyfriend pointed it out, you know?"
This is, of course, all book canon, but somehow the show takes it even further. It hasn't been officially revealed Jesper's Grisha in the show, but there are enough clues - Jesper repairing Kaz's cane, Ivan's cut-off comment after their fight, not to mention the fight itself - that I'm taking it as canon. In this, it is accepted NO ONE can use their grisha abilities, except merzost, without first touching their hands together. Not The Darkling, not Alina, no one. Except, of course, Jesper Fahey, who can shoot his bullets and direct them to the exact same point on a kefta, after deflecting them off random objects first.
Tl;dr: Jesper Fahey is amazing and crazily powerful and should be appreciated.
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kasagia · 9 months
❄️️Warm my heart pt. 7❄️️
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/ The Darkling x fem! heartrender! reader Summary: The truth sets you free… sometimes even if you don't want it to. (Belated) Merry Christmas!! There is a one last part left to this story... Word Count: 4,3 k Taglist:@aoi-targaryen @budugu @flostvs1508 @chelseyyouraverageluigi ~•♤♤♤•~ Aleksander Morozova’s Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ ~•♤♤♤•~ Part 6 ~•♤♤♤•~ Part 8 ~•♤♤♤•~
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"Leave me alone, Fedyor!" you shout at the heartrender, who somehow managed to find you in the crowded city. Christmas was in a few days, and the residents of Os Alta took to the streets to buy the rest of the gifts at the last minute.
Tomorrow, you would have probably been among them too, picking up a gift for the general, if it weren't for the conversation with that old witch who tormented you in your youth when she was your mentor and trainer.
"C'mon, Y/N. We need to go back to the Little Palace."
Fedyor grabs your arm, trying to pull you away from the bar. But you don't let yourself be distracted from your place. Instead, you pour him a glass of alcohol and hand it to him, clinking your glass against his.
"How is it that the guy I like always turns out to be a red flag? Is it because of our keftas? Do we always end up with a man fitting our outfit?"
"Oh, saints... I thought you were a little more sober." he sighs and downs his drink, sitting down next to you. You lean against him, nuzzling into his shoulder as you continue your drunken accusations and complaints.
"I am sober! I am finally sober, Freddy!"
"Fedyor." he corrects you, smiling in amusement at your cute drunken state.
"Whatever." you say and drink a shot. "The point is... that men suck." you speak in a very serious tone, as if revealing a great secret to him.
"Hey!" he says, acting indignant and playfully pushing away from you. This makes you lose your balance a bit, and you grab the wooden bar counter with all your strength.
"Not you! I mean, not gays. Well, Ivan too, since you both argued, but… Ugh! You know what I mean." you lean on his shoulder as he tries to lead you out of the bar without you noticing.
"Yeah, I can imagine." he obediently agrees and puts your cloak on you before leading you out into the streets of Os Alta.
"What I want to say is that I am finally sober from my stupid feelings, crushes, and everything I was feeling since I've started to work with that damn bastard."
"Who the hell made you hate him so much?"
"Myself. And woman. A really wise woman. We should listen to women more!" you shout, hugging him tight as you lose your balance in a rush of emotions.
"Y/N. Let's get home. Before you fall and smash your head on the ground."
"I should've taken Zoya with me. She knows how to have fun. Not like others. And she also hates him! Alina probably too. We can start a club! The club: 'I hate the Darkling." you mumble in your drunken state, holding on to Fedyor for dear life as he leads you to the Little Palace.
He thanks all the saints above for not noticing that you two are passing through the gates of the palace.
"You don't hate him. You are just hurt for some reason. I can't tell why, but I guess you should go and talk with him about anything that happened."
"You have the right!" you agree with him enthusiastically, and he frowns in surprise. From the combative and defiant way you expressed your sudden aversion and hatred for the general in the bar, he expected you to fight him at all costs. "Let's go!" his eyes widen at your words, in realisation that you weren't on a peaceful path to reconciliation at all.
You push away from him and stagger towards the general's chambers.
"No! Y/N! Wait! Not now." he says panicked and runs after you. He grabs you by the collar and pulls you back before you hit the wall.
He sighs, realising that it won't be that easy for him to convince you to go to your own chambers instead of going and arguing with Kirigan.
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Aleksander was returning from a meeting with the king, to which Ivan had dragged him. He was angry at this old fool for interfering in the affairs of him and the Little Palace. Or, actually, he was so angry that he had to leave your warm arms and soft lips to deal with this royal asshole for three hours.
All he wanted was to come back to you. He secretly hoped that maybe he would find you completely naked in his bed or in his warm bathtub, waiting for him.
But when he reached his chambers, he didn't find you at all.
"Y/N?" he asks as he comes inside. He walks past the war room and kncoks on the table in case you didn't hear him walking inisde. "Y/N?"
He looks into his library, his dressing room, his bedroom, and even his bathroom (yes, he was a fool who never gave up hope), but you are nowhere to be found.
"Y/N?!" he shouts, returning to the war room. His heartbeat sped up dramatically. You weren't here. You were supposed to wait for him.
Aleksander had to find you. You wouldn't just leave without leaving a note—nothing. On the other hand, he didn't notice any signs of a fight or a skirmish in his chambers. You simply vanished. You disappeared. Like you've never been here. Like all the moments he shared with you, they were only an imagination of his mad mind. For a moment, he felt like he had lost all his common sense.
He put on the kefta again, which he threw off as soon as he arrived. He was adjusting his collar when he stopped, alarmed, hearing a noise in the corridor.
Just in case, he summons his shadows and leaves the chamber with his black shadows dancing around his fingers. He leaned out slightly, scanning the corridor, ready to cut in half whoever dared to take you from him again. He sighs in relief when he sees you on Fedyor's shoulder as you say something to him.
For a moment, he was terrified. That they came for you again, that someone took you from him again, that something happened to you again and he wasn't there in time to save you... or that you wanted to run away from him and leave him like so many others.
Like Luda or Ulla.
"Y/N." he sighs with relief. Your eyes widen as you see him.
He was walking towards you, but he stopped when he saw betrayal, bitterness, and rage shining in your eyes instead of the loving gaze he used to receive.
But that wasn't what worried him most. That was your look—the same look he got from many people in his youth when they found out he was a shadow summoner. Except that your disgusted, angry look hurt him more than any of the people's glances at him, his mother's scoldings and taunts, or the wound from the blades they tried to kill him with.
He sees how you tense up at the sight of him, watching his every little move carefully. He felt anxious, a shiver running through him as he was greeted with your hostility instead of the sweet smile with which you said goodbye to him. And he had no idea where your change in attitude had come from.
Something was wrong…
"There it is! The liar! The bastard! The walking devil himself!" you shout, walking towards him.
You trip over your feet, and he automatically takes a few steps forward to catch you in his arms before you land on the floor. He looks at you carefully, and by the strong smell of alcohol coming from you and your flushed cheeks, he perceives your condition.
He completely forgot about your hostility. For now, his priority was keeping you safe and comfortable. Firstly, he just needed to understand the reason for your drunkenness. When it turns out that nothing terrible has happened (such as the sudden death of one of your family members), then he can cope with that sinister glint in your eyes that appears each time your gaze meets his.
"Is she just drunk or something bad happened?" he asks Fedyor, confused, as he finally get together enough to say something.
"YOU! That's what happened! You are the worst fucking man I have ever felt in love with." his heart skips a beat at your drunken confession. He wanted to hear it; he had secretly craved it for some time, but certainly not under these circumstances...
"C'mon, milaya. Let's take you to bed." he whispers, nodding at Fedyor to leave. Heartrender bows to him and heads towards his chambers, leaving you two alone. He gently hugs you and leads you back to his chambers.
You lean on him, and for a moment, everything seems okay as he sits you down on his bed and kneels in front of you to untie your shoes. But when your eyes meet his face again, you go into a kind of fury, kicking him and moving away from him as far as possible.
"What happened to you?!" he asks, bursting out. He doesn't understand your sudden hostility, how your attitude towards him changed in a matter of minutes—hours, actually—and how suddenly all your love and affection just... stopped existing for him.
"You!" you shout, pointing your finger at him. You wobble on your feet, and at the last moment, he comes over to catch you. This time, you let him place you on his bed and take care of you.
"More details, please." he sighs in anguish, making sure you're comfortable for the rest of the night. Whatever wrong you think he's done, no matter how mad you are at him, he won't let you escape his watchful eye like this. He would keep you safe even if you pointed a damn shotgun at him.
"I had a really nice conversation with Baghra." he freezes, halfway through unbuttoning your coat. Baghra talked to you. His mother, who hated his insides. Various scenarios and stories that she could have told you run through his head. He's glad you're telling him that when you're drunk. At least this will give him time to prepare his counter-speech until you sober up and can have a serious conversation. He just hopes that Baghra hasn't had time to make you completely hate him and to turn you against him in the few hours he's been gone. "That's it, you lying traitor! I know everything!"
"Y/N... it's not what it looks like..."
"Of course! Yes! How was I so blind to fall for your lying tongue?! I believed your sad stories and cute, puppy-like eyes, like some stupid, naive girl. Ugh! I stayed with you for damn Christmas, so that you don't feel lonely and could enjoy the holidays for probably the first time in your damn life instead of visiting my little brother!"
He doesn't respond to your words. He just holds your hand and strokes it gently as you continue to drunkenly mutter whatever's on your mind. And he listens carefully, focusing his attention on all the noteworthy words that will help him understand at least a little about how you feel and how he can fix the mess that this mad witch called his mother has gotten him into.
"I just thought you would turn out to be a better man." you whisper disappointedly, snuggling into his pillow. He finds the sight both endearing and heartbreaking.
He sighs and presses a kiss on your forehead, running his hand through your hair as you sleep deeply.
He won't lose you. Many people turned away from him; he let many of them go; he also lost many, but you won't be one of them. He may be selfish, but he's fed up with loneliness, and with you... with you, he feels like a completely different person. Someone he was before centuries of life shaped him into the man he is now. A general who was supposed to take care only of his Grisha, no matter what. A man who knew that power was something that had to be tamed, something that could not be allowed to go uncontrolled, and with you, he had lost too much of that control lately.
He had to fix everything.
And the sight of your tears drying on your cheek and neck, where he had placed tender kisses hours earlier, made him realise where he needed to start.
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"You're already crawling here? I thought you'd be chasing your precious little heart first." his mother said this as he stood at the entrance to her cottage. She was finishing packing. A few years ago, he would have thanked the Saints for finally getting rid of her, but now he was glad he had made it before she left.
"Did you think I would just let you leave? That I'll let you escape and hide in a hole while I put out the fires you start?"
"I don't need anyone's permission. Besides, I doubt you'll be able to put out this fire. This little girl is quite a gasoline. She didn't need much to understand what she got herself into. Or to run away." he laughs mockingly as he steps inside. He leaves the door open to get on her nerves.
"Then, with great pleasure, I am here to say that she is back and sleeping peacefully in my bed."
"Stupid girl." she mutters under her breath and closes her bag. She throws it over her shoulder and finally turns to face him. "And what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on her? After all, she can tell your little secret to the Sun Summoner. And then your plans…"
"I trust her." he says confidently, staring defiantly at his mother. "She won't do anything against me." he adds, feeling the necklace you gave him under his kefta and remembering the countless times you stood by his side, the countless times you showed him your devotion and affection.
"She trusted Kirigan. Not Aleksander." she notices. Aleksander feels bile rising in his throat and uncertainty, but he quickly shakes off the feeling, knowing that causing it is the purpose of his mother's words. And he learned better than to continue listening to her poison.
"She will trust the real me too."
They both stare at each other, waiting to see who will give in and whose defence will be low enough to strike a blow. This was mainly how conversations with his mother went. Eternal strategies, planning the next step, careful observation, and most importantly, keeping a mask and not expressing any real feelings and thoughts.
Maybe if he hadn't created the fold, things would have been different between them. But it wasn't. And he didn't know what hurt him more—that he had lost his only support over the centuries or that he couldn't just let her go or hate her completely as she deserved.
"After you lied to her? I doubt it. Remember what I told you? That greedy man may be terrible, but..."
"But there is nothing like a mad woman." he finishes for her, rolling his eyes at her poor attempt to make him doubt or dislike you in any way. "I have nothing to worry about."
"Then you should watch out for her. She may be Grisha, but she's as dead as we are, as is Miss Starkov. It's easy for something to happen to your precious little second-in-command."
"Be careful with your words." he growls menacingly, taking a step towards her. He glares at her with his evil gaze, but it does nothing for her. He knows he won't hurt her, just as she won't attack him... at least not yet. "If you put her in harm's way... think about what I might do..." an unspoken threat hangs between them.
"You were pathetic. You are pathetic. And you will always be pathetic, Aleksander."
He almost flinches at her remark. The eternal dispute between them. About Aleksander's attachment to people. Even the most fragile and weak ones, when Baghra abandoned her own children when they were not strong enough... Like she did with Ulla.
"Just like you'll always be alone, mother." he points this out and is happy to see the slight change in her facial expression as her mocking smirk disappears from her face for a moment. His small victory.
Baghra doesn't respond to his words. Shadows engulf the cabin, and before he knows it, she is gone, leaving him alone inside. He clenches his fists and spreads the shadows with a sweeping movement of his hand. He sighs, wondering how much Baghra told you was true about him and how much she made up to paint him as a power-hungry monster in your eyes.
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He returns to the Little Palace in the morning. He's waiting for you to wake up, trying to read some reports and finish writing orders, but he can't bring himself to do it. All he thinks about is you, what he will tell you, how you will react, and whether you will hate him like his mother wanted you to.
When you finally wake up, he feels both delighted that his torment is over and concerned that he will have to talk to you soon. He walks up to you and hands you a cup of water and some hangover medicine.
But you don't accept it from him. Instead, you stare at him uncertainly, distrust shining brightly in your eyes, piercing his heart. He swallows, trying to get rid of the feeling of pain.
"You are aware I am the same man I was 24 hours ago?" he asks jokingly, setting the glass and medications on the nightstand next to you. He doesn't sit on the bed; he stands next to it, giving you some space. He must act methodically and carefully. Approaching you like a deer… or stag.
"No, you are not." you say it stubbornly, glancing at the things he left on the bedside table.
You raise a glass and look at the drugs carefully. Fortunately, he refrains from snorting, disbelieving that Baghra only needed a few hours of conversation to turn you against him. YOU. The only person he showed the parts of Aleksander hidden deeply in the darkest parts of himself from the world.
"Y/N... please. I just want to talk."
"About what? How have you been lying to me?" she asks him hostilely, looking at him defiantly. He knows that look and attitude. He had seen you like this more than once, when you were interrogating the Fjerdans they had captured. He never wanted to be at their place. And there he was.
"About how can I fix the way you think about me because of my mother, who isn't as much of my fan as you can guess now?"
"Well, at least now I know who you inherited this attitude from." you huff, getting out of bed. You reach for your folded kefta on the chair he left for you and start to put it on yourself.
"I beg your pardon? I am nothing like her."
"You even wrinkle your nose in the same way when something irritates or annoys you." you point it out, and he chuckles bitterly, shaking his head as he walks over to you. It's not too close, though. After yesterday, he knows better than to try to treat you with the same tenderness as before. Even if he desperately wants to.
"It's been many years since I thought of us as being anything remotely similar... of course, instead of being shadow summoners, immortals, and Morozovas."
"Wait, Morozova? Like... like the stag of Morozova?"
"Yes. Like the stag of my grandfather." he admits, shocking you even more. He watches the gears in your head turn as you uncover the hidden truth, connecting the lies Baghra told you with what he managed to reveal to you about himself.
"So not only are you… a Black Heretic, but you're also Morozova's grandson?"
"Y/N... I know it can seem complicated for you..."
"No! No. Nothing is complicated. You... you created the fold. And now you chase the stag to get its bones so you can amplify your and Alina's power to have full control of the fold. To take control of Ravka and call yourself a king."
"That's... not exactly the truth." he says, taking a step towards you. You automatically move away from him, and he clenches his jaw in frustration and anger at his mother and you for so easily believing Baghra's words.
"And what should I've believed in? You've been lying to me all this time!"
"Telling you half a story is not the same as lying." he defends himself, now staring at you with an equally obstinate gaze as you both stubbornly stick to your opinion.
"Maybe in your point of view, but not in mine." he sighs at your words, running a hand through his hair. You see his shadows hovering in the corners of his chambers as he stares at you in annoyance.
"I do not understand your behaviour. Nothing happened. You know that I was slowly revealing pieces of myself and my past. I guess you didn't expect me to tell you right away that I am... a Black Heretic. That I had lived a hundred lives, that I had to be reborn each time as somebody else to keep my existence in hiding. What other choice did I have?"
"That's the problem, Aleksander, you don't see any other solutions. You go with what is easiest for you." he huffs furiously and walks over to you. You fall back, bumping into a wall.
"Yes, because fawning over the king for hundreds of years to keep my Grisha safe is the easiest thing to do. You have no idea what I went through to give my people what we have now. If it weren't for me, you would be running away from Ravkans, Fjerdans, Shu Hans, and other beasts that want us dead or experiment on us. You don't know what it's like to go hungry, to have no roof over your head, to fear every day for your life and the lives of your loved ones, to see them die, and to bury every single person you have ever cared about. And do you know why? Because thanks to me, Grisha are now treated better than animals." he's now standing exactly a step away from you, breathing heavily with anger as he glares at you defiantly. He doesn't touch you, but you feel his heavy breath on your cheek.
"Creating a golden cage from the fold will not make us safe. You cannot isolate yourself from all evil and danger. You have to fight it. I never thought you were a coward, Aleksander. Don't make me believe you're really someone else."
You manage to push him past so you can walk towards the exit. He grabs your elbow, stopping you from leaving. Not hard enough to bruise, but enough to make you stop right there.
"What are you going to do?" he asks after a moment of heavy silence between the two of you, staring intensely at the back of your head, waiting for any movement from you.
"Nothing. You are still my general. Besides, I doubt anyone would believe me if I tried to tell the world who you really are. And don't worry. I won't tell Alina that you want to claim her power to yourself."
"It's not like that at all…"
"DON'T." you say furiously and sharply, turning to him slowly to meet his gaze. It takes all of your strength to hold back your tears that are also shining in his eyes. “Don't lie to me anymore.”
"Milaya..." he whispers desperatly, trembling as he is reaching to cup your cheek in his hand, but you pull away from him before his fingertips can touch your skin.
"If you want to prove that Baghra lied, that you weren't pretending to be a boy hurt by the world just because you were looking for some sick feeling of comfort or normality from me... if you want to prove that I'm not another Luda for you, someone who only reminds you of your great love, then prove it to me. Prove that you are a better man than Baghra taught you to be and describes you."
"The world needs a monster to change, Y/N, not a saint or hero."
"You are good, Aleksander." you say, taking a step towards him and cupping his cheeks with both of your hands. His beard tickles you a little, but you don't mind as you stroke his skin with your thumbs, keeping those dark, teary irises focused entirely on you. "I see it every time. In your patience with the little Grisha, in your concern for the well-being of each of us, in how sweet and protective you are around the people you care about... in the fact that despite hundreds of years, you still have a fragment of humanity preserved. You don't have to be rough. You don't have to be evil and ruthless. Baghra taught you that you won't survive by showing weakness and taking care of the people you outlive, but you are not like her. You are not a monster. Please don't prove me wrong. Don't prove to me that you don't care who suffers, Ravkans, Fjerdans, or others, as long as you win and achieve your goal, however honourable and glorious it may seem." you whisper the last sentence shakily and tilt his head, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead. You close your eyes for a moment, absorbing his warmth and scent and memorising it.
You finally pull away from him and leave his chambers without looking back. He gives you a longing look and closes his eyes, letting out a shaky breath. His eyes land on the plans spread out on his war table.
And he can't help but wonder: Is everything he has worked for all these centuries worth standing utterly alone at the end of his glorious purpose?
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stromuprisahat · 4 months
The climax of Malyen's two-person blame train
Siege and Storm- Chapter 18
Starting here, I've analysed Malyen's outburst about losing Alina to her importance. I've saved the end for new post, because Aleksander gets dragged in the middle of it, and uses it accordingly.
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Ironically, his tantrum only makes Alina feel so lonely she unwittingly reaches out to Aleksander.
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And he turns it against her, slightly twisting the facts she doesn't know how else to interpret.
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Why is he immediately offended?
Alina's obviously struggling with something, why isn't he worried FOR her? Why only bark "What?" and draw conclusion she's somehow treating him unjustly? They've just discussed she has a lot on her shoulders, but when she doesn't melt as soon as he kisses her, she's rejecting him?!
Even his body language is aggressive.
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How can someone, who claims he ~cares~ about Alina as a person, jump to conclusions so quickly?! And force their view, as if they already agreed on it.
He only cares about how will he look if she dumps him.
Reading it over and over- All the time I was standing there, going on like a fool.- the wording makes it sound as if he weren't speaking just about his declaration, but more generally.
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Cunty cunt pokes the wound while fresh, entangling it with his own words to make sure Alina remembers he's always right.
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Another unfunded conclusion.
It's funny how it's always Alina unable to control her pussy. It never occurs to him she might realize he sucks and dump him without another man involved.
... hoping that you’d miss ME enough to tell them all to go to hell. "Supportive" boyfriend, hoping his girl will get sick of her duties enough to abandon everything AGAIN, and run off with him, because nothing matters more than him.
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He just can't shut up, can he?
(Where else isn't he able to shut up?)
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Alina finally finds the courage to tell him about her hallucinations, and Malyen demonstrates, why was she reluctant to tell him in the first place.
This is one of many reasons, why I don't believe Alina's "happy" post-R&R. The only close person she has left is Malyen, who:
a.) Hated her being Grisha, so how could he ever get even close to getting a whit of understanding of what was taken from her.
b.) Hates the Darkling being as much as mentioned. He has no clue what's binding him and Alina together, and never wants to hear about any of it.
c.) Just the fact he basically calls Alina Darkles' whore, and a month, two later it doesn't occur to him she might still harbor illicit feelings for him.. there's a new guy, right?! She totally forgot about that first one...
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And he doesn't even let her finish a damn sentence.
He doesn't care what's wrong. He doesn't care what's going on. He doesn't care about Alina's feelings. She didn't fall over his neck, all excited, wet and willing, so she doesn't want him. She's just leading him on. Humiliating him... HIM, HIM, HIM...
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Funny, how Alina's either whore, or a pathetic inexperienced virgin (derogatory, if you didn't notice), depending on what's easier to shame her with.
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And Alina takes all the blame and necessary work on herself.
Alone, she falls apart. Shaky not only due to her duties, but lacking support of the only person she lets close.
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Awww, when they comfort the other...
No, but I think this is genuine. On one hand Aleksander wants Alina for himself, but he also realizes the amount of pain she'll have to weather as long as she feels "so strongly" and clings to people, who can never understand her. Or in SOMEONE's case don't even want to.
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iconuk01 · 19 days
The heroic Spectral Knights and corrupt Darkling Lords invoking their magic powers... can you guess which one's are the heros and which ones the villains? (The answers are unlikely to surprise you)
Plus a shoutout to the vehicle drivers, who sadly never got to use their spells at all, as the cartoon never made it clear that only a specific person could activate a specific vehicle (Because of plot purposes I guess)
Spectral Knight Feryl's Capture Chariot:
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Which could throw fireballs from the two passenger modules it could also launch
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Feryl's spell (never heard or used on the show) was "Fire", with the cantrip:
"Draw upon the breath of stars, And scorch the sky with fiery scars"
So the vehicle had the same magic, the cartoon just never used the spell.
Likewise the Darkling Lord's Dagger Assault, piloted by Reekon
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Which had a holding cell in the back which could suck out any magic users power
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The cantrip for "Magical Extraction" was
"Flay the flesh, lay bare the bone Upon this field, let grief be sown"
(Actually, I think I can see why that one wouldn't have been allowed anyway, I mean "flay the flesh"? Most kids would have to look that up and if it was an illustrated dictionary... ouch!)
We also had the Spectral Knights "Lancer Cycle" which was piloted by Ectar, with the spell Protection, and the cantrip
"Shield this craft from one and all! Reflect, deflect, depose and fall!"
And finally, the Sky Claw, piloted by that most toadying of bootlickers, Mortdredd
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Given some of the other vehicles could fly (or at least bits of them could) it seems odd that the spell for this vehicle was simply "Flight" with the cantrip
"Wings of steel shall ride the breeze, Invade the air, the land, the seas!"
But in the cartoon they sort of got round this (even without the spell being used) by having the behicle be able to manifest dragon beasts to attack chosen targets.
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And we shouldn't forget the ladies, who didn't have action figures, or spell staffs, or vehicles (Because... boy-targetted toy lines in the 80s, even cool ones, could be staggeringly sexist), but who did show up in the cartoon, and the comics.
We had the Spectral Knight Galadria, with the totem form of a dolphin, and the Darkling Lord Virulina, who took the form of a shark. (Since they had almost no aquatic adventures, it was convenient workaround to not have to animate them using their powers very often)
The comics did try to ameliorate this in it's short lived, and cancellled halfway through the first major story, publication history.
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And here they are in action...
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"By warmth of heart, your pain I feel, Grant me the power, your wounds to heal"
Which heals pretty much everything within range, from sick people, to damage trees, but at the cost of some of Galadria's own life force, so she can't keep using it.
Galadria she gains the power to spread a blight, which can target a single person or an entire group.
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A shame the whole thing was over in a year, this series was serisouly fun and deserved more time to grow, especially when they had already designed and prepared the second years worth of toys (Which STILL didn't include Galadria and Virulina, mind you...).
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darklinaforever · 6 months
I really think Mal Oretsev is the worst endgame romantic interest in existence.
There are many canonical ships I disagree with, but Malina ? This is the worst of all for me.
Alina had so much potential, and it was all wasted on a stupid tracker ; When she could have had the Darkling or Nikolai !
As much as I will always wonder what could be wrong in Alina's head to prefer her childhood friend to these two, and also what could have been going on in Leigh Bardugo's head when she wrote the character of Mal and the Malina relationship.
Like... she didn't notice that the character and the relationship were catastrophic ? Is that the height of romance for her ?
It sucks...
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m4rs-ex3 · 7 months
i "did a thing" if you will
kefta's oh me oh my!!
*canonically ignorant keftas
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(individuals n in-depth analysis aka rambling under cut)
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i mean. what do you want. B L A C K.
the pattern (which you must zoom in to see) is a swirly deal, different from the sun summoner swirls; more like wood grain
sun summoner
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sun rays! swirly swirls! yellow! idk just look at!!
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more swirls! these were kinda hell but idk i like em
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first big divergence: orange as opposed to red. i made sure not to have any repeat embroidery colors.....even though i changed alkemi so there is no red anymore.............anyway. i'm iffy on this one bc i suck at drawing fire but i think it turned out (it's mostly just the upper side panels cuz they look a lil too fur-ish)
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they were teal in the show right?? idk but. this one might me my favorite, but i do fear it's a lil complicated, but then again: i can do whatever the fuck i want. and no i cannot draw water without copying the great wave. whatever it's sick
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coporalnik were harrdddddd. heartrenders are--naturally-usually symbolized by the heart but i hate drawing real hearts so cartoon hearts it is!! kinda feel like that kinda heart wouldn't exist in this universe..... but hey look it pointy
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heart but upside down!! (seriously what r u supposed to do.) plus bandage imagery, as a treat. these two were really just Vibes.
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also pretty hard, also mostly just Vibes. btw it is a distinctly different shade of gray (1 of 50, i've heard) from the squaller silver. u will not catch me lacking nice try bud
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the most notable sticker-outer--yea she's green. i mean cmon we have enough red and no green and everybody knows science is green. anyway this is another one of my favs. vapor clouds and bubbles what's not to love
i do love the embroidery in the show, especially how, yk, much there is of it, and how identifiable it makes it, but on the other hand the books only ever mention the cuffs and hems so i like to think i struck a nice balance
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𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 2
Tagging: @bloody-mf-bsc
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Liked by freddycarter1, kittheyounger, benbarnes and 5,795,598 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Field Day ❤️‍🔥🏜️
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freddycarter1: I'm telling you, this woman has problems. A "Field Day" is supposed to be fun, not scorching.
Y/N Y/L/N: Ancient civilisations lived like that and they were fine 😑
freddycarter1: They DIED! And we are in modern times, if it wasn't for Amita and Danielle, we would be one of those skeletons in the corner!
freddycarter1: And yes, there were skeletons! See the TRUE side of your precious, her fans!
User3: She could do no wrong😒
Y/N Y/L/N: Ahh, yes, I had to think of the ladies...🥰 And then you and the others.😒
Y/N Y/L/N: @ user3 my babies, I knew you would back me up 🥰 SUCK THAT FREDDY 🖕
kittheyounger: benbarnes, come and get your woman from here. She is bullying us!
Y/N Y/L/N: What gave you the idea that I don't bully him already?
User2: Y/N's clear love for the women of the cast is... Just so us.
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Liked by benbarnes, archierenaux3, pascalispunk, milliebobbiebrown and 6,745,352 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Archie said it wasn't that hard to be the Darkling
1. This is just Ben waiting like a Karen so that this "bullshit" would stop.
2. And this is Ben when he actually realized that Archie looked good doing it.
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benbarnes: How dare you call me a "Karen" woman?! I call you "love of my life" and that's what I get?
Y/N Y/L/N: But you love me~ 🤭🤗🥰 Besides you don't need to be told that, you are the most handsome man to me!
benbarnes: You know other men? 🤨
Y/N Y/L/N: Seriously? ರ⁠_⁠ರ
User5: Now, Ben is also being a gremlin lol
User3: Only Y/N could call Ben a "Karen" and I'd be fine with it..
User5: She calls us "her gremlins" but at this point, she is the gremlin of all gremlins 😂
User6: Somewhere down the comments, It's said that Y/N had found her new victim, none other than DADDY PEDRO
User5: Their energy matches so well, both chaotic and energetic
User1: And add Oscar too... OMG THE GREMLIN TRIO *WAR SOUNDS*
User2: Ben Barnes Slander made by Y/N affectionetly had started again. Sorrows... sorrows, prayers.
pascalispunk: Suddenly I'm scared of having her around after all of her chaotic posts, and even more chaotic captions...
Y/N Y/L/N: You should be, I'm coming for you next after we're done with those dorks
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Liked by jessie_mei_li, benbarnes, blakelively and 7,677,421 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Uhm, excuse me but what the actual fuck? Can you get your hands off of my wives benbarnes?
User2: It's official: Y/N is a simp for Jessie the most and a big fan of her ladies lol
User4: Today, folks, even Ben Barnes lost to women
User5: But is it trully a loss if It's SaB women?
shadowandbone: Once again, women 🌠
User2: I think SaB account is also run by her...
User8: Where is Amita, Daisy and Sujaya? 🤔
Y/N Y/L/N: Safe in my room.🫦
User8: and Anna?
Y/N Y/L/N: I'm safe in her room.
User4: If Y/N was a Man, she would be the greenest green flag
Hater1: or a red flag... ı don't understand how everyone can love her so much. She is so annoying
User3: you can dislike her but never insult her like that. One, she has millions of fans two, she is almost the backbone of the industry and three, her man is overprotective asf
User2: @user3 don't bother too much, girl. Queen Y/N doesn't care about what the other think of her
User3: Say what you want, but I'm sure she cheated on Ben with one of them, or who knows? Maybe Ben also did it? Look at how he is with Jessie and say it to my face
User3: wtf is wrong with you? Neither Ben nor Y/N would ever do that. They had been together for almost three years and are committed to each other! They trust each other immensely which already means a lot to both of them, and shows us the deep connection they have. They are both succesfull, they already met their families and will probably get married soon and be happy with each other forever! And don't even bring my Jessie into this, she is the sweetest soul ever and she is like that with everyone else! She told many times that she was so nervous to shoot her scenes with Ben because she thought Y/M would be angry but our Queen never did and rrusted Ben, which isn't an easy feat for her! If you aren't a delulu girl, I don't know what you are and stay away from our beautiful and cute Y/N and her amazing boyfriend benbarnes! Liked by Y/N Y/L/N and benbarnes
User4: Sis ate up and left now crumbs user3, amazing human being really...
User3: and I'm calling the dibs on their wedding! This is literally the only thing I want and my mum tells me that I wasn't that passionate and eager to go to college... So, imagine my state right now (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
User9: When did this shit go south like that?? Let our parents live their lives peacefully you jealous shits! Are yall blind to not see the obvious love in both their eyes? I can take you to visit a doctor??
SaB.memes: Just a quick question: What was your first reaction when you saw Danielle in the audition?
Y/N: I fell down from my fucking chair, that is what happened.
SaB.memes: and what about the Blake Lively liking your chaotic posts? 🤔
User3: You shouldn't have pointed that out *looks at Y/N worriedly*
Y/N Y/L/N: She didn't like my- HOLY SHIT, IT'S THE FUCKING BLAKE LIVELY?! *screeches like a dinosaur* JUST ONE CHANCE PLEASE!
User3: yep, the reaction we all expexted
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Y/N Y/L/N: People had been asking me to share some Ben appreciation because I had been bullying him... And since he doesn't agree on talking to me unless I make a fluffy post about him, and he is backed up by the fans, here it is... I guess?
1. Said this one was for me before he went and shot the most obsecure and violent scene we ever did... Gee, thanks😑
2. Can you get off of my throne? You lost your chance 600 years ago!
3. This is just Ben turning crispy and flirting with me , using a corny pick-up line like "There she is, my saviour angel!"... Sir, I'm the reason you are burning in that costume😑
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User4: Y/N slandering Darkling is forever gonna be carved into my mind.
Y/N Y/L/N: Darkling deserves to be punched, rolled over, stabbed, burnt and every other thing... But my Ben only deserves to be coddled and well-taken care of as I babygirl him
User5: I don't know why... But suddenly, a tear ran down my legs at her possessive usage of "my Ben". Was it just me? (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ )
User5: No bestie... I think I just flushed so bad that I had to take a breather (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)
User4: It's official ladies! Ben Barnes is getting the babygirl treatment! As he should djjddj
User7: Do you guys think Ben stalks her page and giggles like a highschool girl whenever he sees her posts?
User1: would be a shame if he didn't
amita_suman: to add to the comments, he blushes until he is a walking tomato too!
freddycarter1: and we confirm that yes, he does all of that indeed.
jessie_mei_li: And yes, he read her comment with "my Ben" and now we can't find hım... They are either making out right now, or he is hiding. Either way, he was so red 🤣
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Liked by benbarnes, freddycarter1, vancityreynolds, amita_suman and 7,896,995 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Be grateful for me and my holy ability to take unexpected yet amazing photos. Eat them up everyone!
View 897,698 comments
User5: our lord and saviour has blessed us once again🤲
User4: Had it been not for her, we wouldn't start our day good
freddycarter1: As usual, I'm looking good.
Y/N Y/L/N: Only thanks to me and your wife Kazzle Dazzle
User7: Y/N knows what she is doing... And she is having her fun
User9: There doesn't go a day without her bullying them at least once 🤣
Y/N.Fanpage: She wakes up, looks at Ben's sleeping face and just decides that It's a good day to bully him as she prepares her coloring pencils 😌
User2: What?! OMG I CAN'T- She didn't right? 🤣
Y/N.Fanpage: she did! And he didn't leave the house for the whole day and trapped her inside with him... iykyk 😉😏
User5: OMG-
Y/N Y/L/N: said the man who avoided me because I had the same reaction with Blake 😒😑
freddycarter1: do you both have to simp for everyone?
Y/N Y/L/N: We are appreciating the God's work, Freddy... AND RYAN AND BLAKE ARE NOT EVERYONE!😡
benbarnes: Well-said, my love! Peasants like hım wouldn't understand...
User6: To see both of them having a weak spot for Ryan and Blake is... My two parents showing their love for each other 🥹
User4: Blake and Y/N are good friends for years now, and seeing that they are both happy with their lovers is just so beautiful
User8: yeah, they both went through hard times alone together. Seeing them find their other halves is so nice!
blakelively: It's so nice to see you both so well, love! Missed you so much ❤️
Y/N Y/L/N: Me too, Blake! Gosh, it has been soooo long... How are my precious nieces?
blakelively: missing their auntie as usual! And the newest one is eager to meet you too! On thursday? The usual? 😉
Y/N Y/L/N: You bet! And Ben can finally shut up about me being have to introduce Ryan and him
vancityreynolds: Please don't play monopoly...
benbarnes: Too late... She is already grinning like a cheshire cat and is very eager to use her "Crows tactics"...
vancityreynolds: We are doomed...
User6: both Ben and Ryan being uxorious for their lovers is what we ladies need to look for in a man
User10: Y/N, what's the thing you love about Ben the most?
Y/N Y/L/N: Aww, such a sweet question coming from such a sweet person! The answer is: Everything...😍🥰☺️. Liked by benbarnes
User10: OMG you both are so cute! Thank you for answering and being who you are! Have a good day both of you! Liked by benbarnes and Y/N Y/L/N
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ncarnesir · 1 month
What came before Eternity
A fic I wrote last year for pine4pine 2023 about an alternate reality where the Darkling wins on the skiff at the end of episode 1.08.
With a forced wedding, plenty of angst and pining, a drunken mistake, and ultimatly reconciliation and happy ending.
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Art on the moodboard are from Phantom Rin and Boomdafunk
Chapters: 4/4
Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV), The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Relationships: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov
Characters: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Alina Starkov, Mal Oretsev, Genya Safin, Fedyor Kaminsky, Ivan (The Grisha Trilogy)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Heavy Angst, Mutual Pining, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Smut, The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova Loves Alina Starkov, Alina Starkov Loves The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Forced Marriage, drunk talk, Unplanned Pregnancy, Communication, Tsar The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Tsaritsa Alina Starkov, switching POV, Drunk Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Size Kink, No Beta, amazing political plot got eaten by the deadline monster, which is probably just as good cause I suck at writing political plot, Sorry slight Mal bashing because I just can't help it, Also Grisha love their Darkling, Alina basically admits "Sasha did nothing wrong", Pine4Pine 2023
Alina and Malyen lost their fight to the Darkling on that skiff during the crossing to Novokribirsk. And so they all went back to Os Alta, both captives of the Darkling, the new Tsar of Ravka.
Or what would've happened if episode 1.08 went differently.
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aleksanderscult · 8 months
That may seem random 😭 but I want to know what your favorite pro Darkling bloggers are.
That's a beautiful question actually. Because it also gives me an excuse to give kudos to some amazing pro Darkling bloggers out there.
I won't rank them of course and I have many but my most favorite are:
@stromuprisahat (I agree with everything she says about the Darkling. Also I absolutely love her posts where she throws dirt at the good guys. Like, yes girl remind me how they suck actually 😭)
@starlesszova (her love for the Darklina ship is immense. Also she gives light to the Darkling's dark side as well but that doesn't stop her from stanning him and standing by his side even more!)
@theweeklydiscourse (if you haven't read her metas, go read them now. She puts her thoughts into words so beautifully and the things she criticizes the Grishaverse and its author about are only facts)
@is-today-tomorrow-in-nz (same thing as @theweeklydiscourse. Her criticism about the good guys' bullshit and actions is so true and she understands the Darkling so well)
@greensaplinggrace (her page is only facts about the Grishaverse and the Darkling. She brushes off neither his bad actions nor his good ones)
@darklinaforever (the way she has exposed the fandom's and the antis' bullshit needs to be applauded)
All these pages support Aleksander and none of them ignore his bad side. But they just prefer to dig deeper not only inside his psychology but also the Grishaverse's problematic messages and the author's failed attempt to deliver a cohesive, satisfying and non-problematic story. They also acknowledge how toxic that fictional world and society is and how it had affected the characters' personality and actions.
Also, all of them have critical thinking. They don't eat whatever the author says with the spoon but on the contrary they judge based on their own opinion and common sense. Which is something very important.
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depressedbagpipe · 7 months
A Heartrender's Fire: ch. IV
Tolya Yul-Bataar x Lantsov!ofc
Words: 5205 Warnings: vasily lantsov, misogyny (mentioned), someone gets a hit to the head a couple of times, anxiety? i guess, david, netflix's poor pacing choices (what even is neshyenyer), made up ravkan A/N: and off we go! why on earth are these chapters so long like wtf am i writing💀 anyways, i think i suck at writing slowburn? or romance in general
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IV: Every Monstrous Thing
“Why must you always play the diplomat, Nikolai?” Vasily spoke with disgust in his voice. “Grisha dining beside true Ravkan soldiers is a bit much for all our stomachs.”
“Wow, Vasily, I almost forgot how annoying your voice is,” Irina rolled her eyes.
“Really? I could never forget how stupidly insufferable you still are, dear sister,” he counter-attacked.
“Shut it, you two,” their Queen mother commanded lowly, smiling again for her fellow court members. 
The lines on her face were a lot more prominent after Genya’s departure, and Irina almost frowned at the sight of her mother, looking old and frail. She had always known the constant alterations were only physical, but the Queen of Ravka had always made sure nobody would see her look anything other than perfect. 
“We are all Ravkan here,” Alina spoke after a few seconds of silence, also wanting to defend herself against the heir to the throne. 
The Sun Summoner sat next to Irina at the end of the table, the odd one out in the picture-perfect royal family. Nikolai and Irina had changed into proper garments as soon as they had arrived at the Spinning Wheel per their mother’s request, and seeing each other dressed in something other than their usual attire at sea was beyond baffling. It had been too long, and although both of them automatically knew how to behave as princes, Irina particularly felt she was playing a character. 
“Doesn’t need to be us versus them,” Nikolai added, looking for conciliation.
“General Kirigan should’ve thought of that before he tried to murder my father and stage a coup,” he looked at the King, whose poor wealth was becoming more apparent with every passing second. 
Nikolai and Irina shared a glance at their older brother’s words, never missing the double meaning Vasily always added when he spoke of his birthright. The King was leaning on his chair, barely touching his food, with his gaze lost somewhere in front of him. Irina almost felt bad for the man, yet he had barely shown any interest or affection in either of his lesser kids when they still lived in Os Alta. Deep down, he knew too. 
“That said, absent their Darkling, the Grisha are rather easy to manage.”
“By ‘manage,’ do you mean ‘execute,’ moi tsarevich?” Alina asked with a fierce smile. 
Irina repressed a smile, glad she had yet another person supporting her hatred for her older brother sitting next to her at the table. 
“That fate is reserved for traitors to the Crown, Miss Starkov.”
“If the Second Army requires a leader loyal to the Crown to assure their fealty, then I will lead them.”
Irina gripped her goblet, suddenly interested in the dark and luxurious wine that she had been unwillingly drinking for the past hour. She certainly preferred the cheapest options in beverages, because those belonged at sea with Sturmhond and Ainthe. 
Vasily laughed audibly, looking at their mother before turning again to face the Sun Summoner. “Why should I believe you have any loyalty to my family?”
Irina was already taking a big gulp of her drink when Nikolai stood up, his loud voice taking up the entire chapel they were having dinner at. 
“Today marks the start of a new era of cooperation between Lantsovs and the Grisha,” silence filled the room as they stared at the second son, wondering. “I’m delighted to announce my engagement to Alina Starkov, the Sun Summoner and new leader of the Second Army. Together, we will build a better future for Ravka,” he concluded.
Irina quickly surveyed the room. All Grisha cheered, edged on by the twins presiding the table to the left. The rest of the court and soldiers weren’t as buoyant. They shared worried looks, some of them shaking their heads in disbelief, others frowning deeply, staring at the King and Vasily for guidance they wouldn’t ever get. Irina tried to remain impassive, showing no emotion. Princesses didn’t get to care about politics, according to her mother. That was only reserved for the King. 
Nikolai sat down, yet his hand shook a little, drops spilling off his own goblet as he put it back down on the table.
“That was a bit much,” Alina commented, hiding behind her goblet. Her eyes were fixed on Mal, whose head had dropped in defeat. 
“Understatement is overrated.”
Vasily didn’t take long to leave, either. His chair made a profound squeaking noise against the marble as he pushed his chair away, his meal forgotten. 
“Thank Saints he’s gone,” Irina smiled, taking a big bite of her meal with a happy smirk, more animated than she had been since she had stepped foot into the dining room.
“Are you sure about this, Sobachka?” the Queen spoke to her son, her daughter forgotten. As usual. “I understand the political alignment, but is this what’s best for your long-term positioning?”
“This is what’s best for me and for Ravka, Madraya. Your other son is working hard to send this country into civil war. I aim to stand in his way,” Nikolai responded. 
His mother sighed. “It’s best I’d better plan some sort of official celebration.”
“Now’s not the time for parties.”
“Back straight, shoulders back, elbows down. Smile,” Irina whispered to Alina, trying to fix the Sun Summoner’s posture. “If you’re about to become a princess, you need to start behaving like one.”
“You know I don’t plan on that,” she frowned, yet she followed the princess’s orders. Her attempt was almost comical with how she had been sitting before Irina’s comment, but she had to give it to Alina. It wasn’t easy pretending to be graceful and poised when all you would rather do was run free in the wild.
“I know. But they don’t,” Irina discreetly motioned to the people before them, soldiers from their royal guard, court members, and Grisha alike, staring at her with newfound expressions. “As long as you play the part, they’ll follow you.” She took another glance at her mother. “You want to be in her favor, too, at least for now.”
Both girls looked at the blonde woman, who, at the same time, was already setting the details for whatever celebration she wanted to throw in honor of her youngest son’s engagement. 
“I’ll have my seamstress run you up something appropriate.”
Alina only smiled at her, taking another gulp. 
Irina wanted to laugh, or cry, or both. When had life become so complicated? 
“Sometimes I wonder,” Irina took a breath. “What would have happened if I had come clean since the start? Would Ravka be any different? A Grisha princess… maybe we wouldn’t be here now.”
Irina looked around, making sure to speak in hushed voices. Nikolai walked beside her, occasionally smiling at the many refugees that littered the Spinning Wheel. Tolya trailed after them, always vigilant, no doubt listening to their conversation, yet Irina didn’t mind. Tolya could always have access to the deepest parts of her soul, and she’d gladly allow him in every time. Nikolai had ordered Tamar to guard Alina while she remained under the Crown’s protection, knowing even in his own house she wouldn’t always be safe. Tolya, instead, guarded the siblings, becoming a safe shadow in every corner. Even though Irina hated having a bodyguard, she was glad it was Tolya trailing after her. She wouldn’t have felt safer had it been someone else.
“You know pretty damn well what would’ve happened, Irina. You would’ve become yet another pawn on Kirigan’s plan.”
“Would I?”
“Just think. The leader of the Second Army, betrothed to the princess of Ravka. It would only take him five seconds to get rid of his competition and sit himself on the throne.”
The girl frowned, stopping dead in her trail. “Is there any scenario where I don’t become a bargaining chip?”
Nikolai grimaced but didn’t need to say further. They both knew what the future for a princess always held, no matter the circumstances. 
Her brother looked at her, almost pleading. “You would’ve left eventually, Irina. I know that. I know you. You were never meant to spend your days locked away in a palace.”
“Neither were you.” She jokingly punched his arm, eliciting a smirk from the prince.
“That’s why we have Vasily for,” Nikolai laughed. 
Nikolai smiled at two Summoners who bowed as they walked by them, and Irina stared after them longingly. Many Etherealki still wore their blue keftas, even though most of them rejected General Kirigan’s old status quo. Irina could understand them, anyway, wanting to at least feel like they had a place to belong. Wearing their keftas was the only thing tying most of them to their past –a past that had yet to be tarnished by civil wars. 
“You know, blue doesn’t suit you,” Nikolai commented, quickly piecing the puzzle together after seeing what her sister had been staring at.
“Gold doesn’t either.”
Her golden apparel mirrored her brother’s. Both of them the vivid images of the golden Ravka. Even if there wasn’t anything left of it. 
“I’d much rather see you in red.”
Irina and Nikolai had hidden their jackets, erasing any trace of Ainthe and Sturmhond. Nobody but them, save for the Heartrender twins and now Alina and Mal knew of their identities. Irina knew the day of the reveal was coming closer at a fast rate, but she wanted to hold on longer to her fiery red garment, a gift Sturmhond had gotten her after she joined his crew. It was only fit that his second-in-command would wear clothes worthy of a ship captain –especially if said captain could summon fire with just a thought. 
Irina smiled a pained smirk. “You and me both.”
“When all of this is over, we’ll go back home. To the Volkvolny. To sea.”
The princess shook her head. “What about Alina?”
“What about her?”
She raised an eyebrow. “You like her.”
“And she likes Mal.”
“Besides,” she insisted. “We both know things are about to change forever. Doesn’t matter how much we want to go back, maybe we never will.”
They both frowned at the reality they had desperately tried not to think about. They both felt it deep in their souls –there was no turning back from this.
“Moi tsarevich!” 
Both siblings turned their heads at the sight of Mal running after them, his eyes wild and angry. Tolya stood straighter despite Mal having proven over and over only to be loyal to his Saint. 
“What’s wrong?” Nikolai asked, frowning. 
“You better come see this.”
Alina’s murderous glance was enough to make Irina shiver. Hers wasn’t the look of a powerful Grisha; hers were the eyes of utter betrayal. She arrived shortly with Tamar and Nadia, the Squaller that had welcomed her at the Spinning Wheel. Nikolai’s petite commitée had gathered at the same war room they had improvised the day before, only this time, David Kostyk, trusted Fabrikator back at the Darkling’s Little Palace, was pathetically standing by the center of the room, with both hands separated to prevent him from using the Small Science. 
David awkwardly waved at the mention of his name, his eyes perking up slightly after seeing Alina.
“Oh, so you do know him,” Nikolai groaned, walking forward to stand next to Alina, which only angered Mal more. “He claims to have escaped from a very alive General Kirigan.”
If the situation wasn’t dire enough, Irina would have laughed. David was tall, yet Tolya, taller and bigger, seemed to loom over him completely. The princess was aware of the many separations the Grisha bore back at the Little Palace, yet she couldn’t understand how the Fabrikator before her could hold such power to attract the Darkling. Yet, she was one to talk. She had practically hidden herself away since she was born only to not give away her own strength. After Alina, the Stag, and the Sea Whip, Irina Lantsov was starting to believe anything could be possible.
“He gave himself up without a struggle. We found this on him,” Nikolai gave the crumpled diary to Alina. “He says it’s one of Morozova’s journals.” He turned back to David, speaking in a louder, boastful voice. “I, for one, am dying to know more, but he insisted he speak with you.”
“Alina,” David tried, yet Tolya’s firm hand on his chest prevented David from walking any further. The Heartrender didn’t even look at him, yet David recoiled, defeated, ready to fight his case.
Irina felt almost ashamed at how Tolya’s action had her warm up. He sat casually on the railing, almost bored, knowing he could take down the Fabrikator before the slimmer man even thought about it, should it be necessary. Irina was having a really hard time not to smile. She knew the Heartrender could be deadly, yet he barely chose violence if he could help it. But his appearance told otherwise, and that was enough for any enemy to think twice before attacking the half-Shu. 
“I know I wronged you,” David began. “Please believe I regret my role in that deeply. I know you have reason to distrust me, but I have no loyalty to General Kirigan.”
“He survived the Volcra?” Alina asked.
“I’m afraid so. He also knows that you survived and that you’re in East Ravka.”
Mal intervened. “Tell us where he is.”
“No, no, no,” David shook his head. “Mm-mm, that would be a very bad idea–”
“You can’t expect us to trust you unless you’re willing to share information,” Alina pressed on. 
Tolya readjusted on his seat, noticing the tension rise in the room. He discreetly looked at his sister, standing a little too close to Nadia. He saw Nikolai, standing in between Alina and Mal. And he stared at Irina, standing by herself, with squinted eyes and trembling hands. 
“Confronting him would be suicide.” David sighed again, looking at every single person before finally giving in. “Kirigan used merzost to create something in the Fold. Creatures that do his bidding, the size of two men.” It was comical the way David moved his hands, trying to get his point across. “Formed of pure shadow. They have no breath to take, no heart to stop, no blood to drain. Yet they live.”
Irina felt her own heartbeat pick up at the thought of such monsters. She had only very recently come to terms with the fact that a living Saint was standing and breathing next to her, and now these creatures were freely roaming her homeland. That was a lot for the young princess to take. 
“They live and they kill. They are nichevo’ya. Nothing. Bullets, blades, fire, all simply pass through. And they walk freely in sunlight.”
Everybody looked at David in silence, wrapping their heads around his words. Irina tried to share a look with her brother, as they usually did in every meeting back at the Volkvolny, but the blond prince was looking at Alina. The sudden lack of fraternal comfort only came with another wave of nervousness. The room suddenly seemed darker, colder, and heavier, and the many candles that surrounded the group weren’t enough for Irina’s mind. Despite the light that came from the skylight at the dome of the chapel, darkness seemed to creep around them at its mere mention.
David finished his deadly blow. “I fear that merzost may be the only way to kill them.”
“So how did you manage to get away?” Mal fired the question everybody was dying to know.
David’s face paled even more, looking Alina straight in the eye. “Genya.”
Even Nikolai and Irina perked up at the mention of their mother’s Tailor. Although Irina hadn’t seen much of her, due to their mother keeping her hidden away for her personal use, she could imagine the hatred she had harbored for her family for years. It made sense that she had worked alongside the Darkling to bring the Royal Family down, and even though Irina wasn’t a fan of them either, save for her older brother, she couldn’t help but feel the twinge of betrayal in her chest. 
This time, Nikolai looked at his sister, yet Irina had her gaze lost somewhere in the darkness in front of her, already spiraling into a thousand different thoughts. It didn’t take a genius to recognize the pure terror on the princess’ face.
“We tried to escape together, but… the nichevo’ya. She sacrificed herself to get me out. I don’t know if she survived.”
Tolya then spoke, with one hand discreetly placed before him. “A smart spy will always play the victim.”
Irina didn’t have time to wonder what her friend was doing, for she immediately felt her heart slow. She looked down, unconsciously allowing the contactless source to apply pressure on her chest, effectively breaking her pattern of thoughts as the blood in her system flowed slow and steady, instead of the erratic speed it had just previously harbored.
Breathe. She felt his words inside her skull, almost enough to lull her to sleep. Her eyes unfocused for a second before the girl turned her attention back to the Fabrikator, still feeling the pressure in her chest, only the anxiety had seemed to evaporate with one last breath. Although she hated it when either of the twins used their power on her like that, unprompted and abruptly, she was now grateful that Tolya had seen her despair before it could get worse.
“No, no,” David shook his head. 
“You make a valid point, Tolya,” Nikolai picked Tolya up. “As leader of the Second Army, this is your call,” he looked at Alina, who looked back at Nadia.
“You’ve known David the longest. What do you think?”
The Squaller had not stopped looking at David, but she still responded in a whisper. “Kirigan always kept him very close.”
“Take him to a holding cell,” Alina declared, looking at Tolya, whose hand was still aimed at his princess.
The giant nodded, slowly breaking the connection with Irina with a small nod in her direction, and quickly walked away with David, taking all of the tension with them.
Irina found Tolya a while later right by the small fountain inside the chapel. The dome stood directly above him, showering the room in light, which the Heartrender used to read his poetry. Some of the Grisha around him eyed him warily, almost afraid, and once again, Irina had to laugh. He wasn’t the deadliest person in the room.
She smirked, seeing as he hadn’t heard her coming yet. She tried blending in with the background as much as she could, sneaking up behind him and scaring him as she forcefully gripped his arms. The girl laughed at the little jump the giant did, congratulating herself on scaring the scariest man in the room. Good-natured Tolya didn’t have the heart to tell Irina that he could recognize her presence anywhere, even before she came into the opening.
“Thank you for earlier,” Irina said as she sat down next to him, fixing her attire after taking a big gulp of air to calm down. 
Tolya smiled at her. “Anytime. I thought you were going to faint any minute.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
Irina thought about it for a second but decided against it. “I’d much rather forget all about it for now. What are you reading?” Although she knew Tolya would eventually ask again, she sighed in relief when she saw him pick his book up again, and open it up.
“Selected poems from Negu Kir-Tizur,” he leaned on the fountain, lowering his arms so Irina could see the poems better.
She frowned. “They’re in Shu.”
“You forget I am half-Shu,” he softly hit her with the book in her head, earning another giggle from her.
“I can’t read Shu, you dumbass” she laughed.
“Oh, I’m sorry, moi tsarevicha, I forgot to speak the language of the Saints,” he mocked her, feeling desperate all of a sudden to hear her laugh once again.
That’s exactly what he got. “Hey, that’s not fair!” she giggled again. “You know I always ask you to teach me and then you never do!”
“It’d take years! I don’t think you’d ever understand the complicated themes of the Shu verse,” he continued his teasing, which Irina adored.
“And why is that?” she crossed her arms, trying not to smile.
“You don’t have the patience for that.”
Irina was about to fight him, but she knew he was right. “Well.”
It was Tolya’s turn to laugh. The melodic sound was carried through the dome with its marble columns, and for a second, Irina thought about how that memory would always haunt her in her mind. How, for a few moments, she wasn’t the princess of a dying nation, but a normal girl, talking to the boy she was desperately trying not to like.
“But… I can translate it for you?” Tolya offered, his fingers skimming through the paper, looking for the one poem he knew his companion would like.
“Please,” Irina smiled innocently, using the book as an excuse to not stare into his eyes.
But their moment didn’t last long, because Malyen Oretsev always seemed to have the most perfect importunate timing.
“I was skimming this again for leads on the Firebird, then I remembered a legend about a sword from Shu Han.” Mal had taken it upon himself to read over and over the Istorii Sankt’ya. He claimed it was only to find another way to help Alina, but Irina knew Mal was looking for a way out in it.
Tolya resumed on turning pages of his poetry book, not yet ready to burst the little bubble Irina and he had accidentally summoned for themselves.
“Neshyenyer. The Relentless Blade.”
“You know of it?”
He shrugged. “Of course I do. It’s a folktale. The Fabrikator Kho created an unkillable army made of cogs and bone–”
“Until the Fabrikator Neyar forged Neshyenyer,” Mal finished for him. He showed Tolya and Irina the paintings in the book, reading the words. “‘When Neyar fought, her blade flashed so brightly that people watching swore she had lightning in her hands.’ A blade so sharp it could cut shadow.”
Tolya chuckled. “It’s a bedtime story. My culture has the best myths.”
Irina slapped him across the head, much in the same way he had done earlier with her, only harder. He could take it.
“The Sea Whip was a myth,” said Mal with a smirk at their interaction. “So was the Stag. And they were real. She killed an unkillable army. This could be the weapon we need against Kirigan’s monsters. And this book… says it’s in a temple in Ahmrat Jen.”
“No, I doubt that. The one on display is widely rumored to be fake.”
But that didn’t let Mal down. “Okay, how do we find the real one?”
“Who has the money and means to acquire valuable weapons?”
Mal looked at Irina, but she quickly raised her hands in innocence.
“Wrong sibling.”
“The blade in Ahmrat Jen is indeed a replica,” Nikolai sighed. He hadn’t left the improvised war room at all, and the exhaustion was evident in his voice. “And the original was stolen long ago. I suspect it’s never left Shu Han. If it turned up in the wider black market, Sturmhond would’ve heard about it.”
“This could be the only weapon able to kill Kirigan’s shadow creatures. We need to find it.”
“It’s a valuable old sword, sure. That doesn’t mean the story behind it is true.”
“Any chance is better than no chance,” Mal argued.
Nikolai grinned. “That’s a very Sturmhond thing to say. Were he here, he would surely commend you.”
“It’s a little bit unsettling how you talk about him like he’s someone else.”
“Get used to it,” Irina commented.
“And he would suggest that our mutual friends in Ketterdam might be the perfect crew for the job.”
“You’re really gonna trust the Crows with this?” 
Irina trailed after him, right after they finished their meeting with Tolya and Mal. The giant had volunteered to find it, and rapidly Nikolai had issued a request for a Squaller to join him.
“Not just the Crows. I trust Tolya,” he said as he stepped into his room, turning around to face his sister as she closed the door behind her. “And I trust you.”
Irina froze. “Me?”
“You’re sending me away for this?”
Nikolai could argue all he wanted about how he just wanted his best people to get the sword, but Irina knew better.
“Yeah. If anything the Durast said is true, I don’t want you anywhere near Ravka while the Darkling is still alive.”
“That’s not fair. You need every loyal person right here.”
“I do trust you and Tolya to get the sword. He’ll need an Inferni to cross the Fold, that’s where you come in. And even if this little mission didn’t succeed, I’d still feel better knowing you’re not within the Darkling’s range.”
She shook her head. “Do you think I feel any better knowing I’m leaving you here alone?”
“I’m not alone! I have the Sun Summoner!” He walked to his closet, pulled an army pack from it, and handed it to his sister. “Everything you need is already here. Including your coat.”
She stared at her brother for a few seconds before taking the bag from his hand. “You’re awfully prepared.”
“I always am.”
“Was this your plan since the beginning?”
He shrugged. “I have my own bag, too.”
She shook her head. “And what do I do? Am I supposed to be Irina or Ainthe?”
“Whatever feels right to you.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“You’ll know when the moment comes.”
“Irina, do whatever you want. I’m not letting you live in my shadow forever. This is your time to make your own decisions.”
“I want to stay.”
“Except that one,” he tried to smile but failed. He stood before his sister, staring at her as if trying to remember the sight of her. “Look, I don’t know what’s going to happen here, but it doesn’t look good. Should anything happen to me or Vasily, you’ll know what to do. But please, just do me this one favor and step away, at least until we can defeat those shadow creatures. Please.”
It wasn’t like Nikolai Lantsov to beg. Irina knew right then just how much she meant to her brother. He was willing to send her away on a permanent vacation just so she wouldn’t have to face the horrors that roamed freely in Ravka. 
You do what you have to do to protect the people you love. But how do I protect you?
But before Irina could ask, Nikolai was already shoving her out of his room.
“Get ready, you leave at three bells.”
The door was closed after her, leaving a confused and quite afraid young girl in an empty hall of the Spinning Wheel.
Almost automatically, Irina simply followed his instructions, changing into her old pirate’s clothes and keeping her mind as empty as possible. She didn’t have time to cry. It wasn’t the first time the girl left on a mission for a few days without her brother, but for some reason, she knew things would be much different once she came back.
Her red coat felt like a second skin on her, and for a split second, she grinned. The blood in her veins and the coat in her arms would always be something she shared with Nikolai. 
It didn’t take her long to walk back onto the main entrance, where her small party was waiting, together with Mal and Tamar..
“If anyone can find Neshyenyer, I suspect it’s them,” Mal agreed. “Thick as thieves, those Crows. Clever too. Managed to cross the Fold on some sort of fortified train.”
“Last time I was in Ketterdam, I didn’t get to stop at the Kooperom for an omelet,” Tolya commented out loud.
Tamar groaned. “Oh, so that’s why you volunteered. Without me, who’ll stop you from following your stomach off the edge of a cliff?”
“That’d be me.” Irina stepped into the light, joining their conversation. 
Tolya almost broke his neck at the sound of her voice, smiling a wide grin as he got his pistol ready. Tamar’s eyes twinkled at the prospect of her best friend and her brother on a mission together, and she would’ve made another smart remark at that had Zoya Nazyalensky not interrupted them.
“I thought we were leaving at three bells?”
Irina had yet to share a word with the Squaller, but her stiff posture and annoyed voice almost made her roll her eyes. She did recoil at the sight of the princess, but she still looked at Tolya with a questioning glance.
“Tolya’s trying to cram his entire poetry library into his pack,” Tamar smiled at his brother as he gave him his last book, which didn’t fit.
Zoya frowned, disgusted. “Poetry?”
Tolya began. “Long may the night whose dark–”
“No,” Zoya cut him off, making Tamar giggle and Tolya frown. “There’ll be none of that.”
Mal patted him on the back and whispered to the remaining party. “Bring back Neshyenyer for Alina, alright?”
“We will, don’t worry,” Irina said, taking the book from Tolya’s hand and shoving it into her backpack, not missing the appreciative grin the giant sent her way.
The three of them followed Zoya, who had already opened the door to the outside and was walking down the stairs.
“That was from Rabinov’s Cantos. A definitive work.”
Tamar trailed after them. “Yeah, now let’s go over the snacks you’ll bring back from Shu Han…”
“Guys? A word?” Nikolai suddenly called as they were about to exit.
The four of them stood at the entrance, looking at each other with fondness in their hearts.
“Take care of each other. I know I don’t have to worry about you two out there together, but be careful.” 
Tolya nodded, with a solemn expression. “I’ll protect her with my life.”
Irina scoffed. “Don’t be dramatic.”
“Good.” Nikolai shook Tolya’s hand decisively, before bringing him closer for a quick hug.
“Your brother’s an idiot.” Irina looked at Tamar, who had watched the interaction with a smirk.
“I know.” She smiled. “Be careful, okay?” Tamar tightly hugged her friend, rubbing her back. “And don’t let Tolya eat all of Shu-Han’s sweets. He’s got to bring some back for me.”
Once they parted, Irina looked again at Nikolai. Whatever emotion wanted to escape through her eyes was quickly repressed, if only for a few seconds until her brother couldn’t see her anymore.
“Say goodbye to Madraya for me?” she offered a weak smile. 
Nikolai nodded. “Try not to set anything on fire,” he joked, before crashing into her body and embracing his little sister tightly. “Stay safe.”
“You too,” she whispered as she closed her eyes, her heart cracking slightly at the finality of their words.
“Alright, c’mon, group hug,” Nikolai joked again, and Irina laughed loudly when she felt two pairs of arms embracing them, basking in their warmth for a few seconds before they parted once again. “Come back to us.”
“We will.”
Next chapter
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dearmantis · 2 years
First Snow
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova /The Darkling x Tidemaker!Reader
Summary: Snow finally falls and you want to enjoy the freezing temperatures at night in peace.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.3k
Authors' Note: Yes, I wrote this because it finally snowed where I live and I really missed it. This is completely plotless and pointless, I won't lie. This is also not edited and English isn't my native language.
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You've lost the feeling in your nose, ears, hands and feet twenty minutes ago, but you can't bring yourself to go back inside as you stare up into the sky, snow landing on your face and settling on top of your lashes.
The wish to lay down in the thick, undisturbed layer of snow in front of you is strong but you still remember the last time Aleksander found you buried under a few centimetres of snow, his face red from anger and the freezing temperatures.
"Do you want to freeze to death?" he had asked, voice sharp as a knife as he grabbed you by the collar, quickly pulling you up to your feet before removing the snowflakes sticking to your cloak, scarf and fur hat with quick, light slaps against the fabric and fur.
He has never been able to understand your love for freezing temperatures, for ice and snow, thick cloaks and hot teas, so you decide every year to sneak out during the coldest winter nights, leaving him, comfortable in his ignorance, alone as he works the night away.
You usually make it back inside before he notices your absence, the exceptions being few and far in between, so you don't think he knows just how often you leave him during the night to enjoy the winter in peace.
Of course you wish you could spend the nights with him, surrounded by shadows and frost, but he has simply never been the type to truly get it.
In all honesty, you don't fully get it either. Why snow and ice are what has you in such a trance while almost every other Tidemaker you know feels the happiest around lakes, rivers or the ocean. Closeness to the element you control brings ease to Etheralki, at least most of the time. It's like having a weapon close by that you'd be able to wield blindly if required. Why your favourite weapon is tied to a season is a mystery, however.
Humming quietly you rub your gloved hands together before lifting them up to your lips and blowing hot hair into them, trying to get some feeling back. The metal bench you're sitting on is still ice cold and refuses to truly warm up, instead sucking the heat out of your thighs, but it's also the only place where you can sit, and it's still too early to go back inside. The first heavy snowfall of the season deserves to be appreciated.
Thick clouds are sitting in the sky, covering the stars and blocking the light of the moon, drowning the surroundings of the Little Palace in darkness, the only light source being the small lantern you carried outside with you, housing a big, white candle, proudly burning with all it's might inside of the protective metal and glass box.
It's peaceful, so peaceful in fact that you don't even notice it when somebody approaches, stuck too deep in your own thoughts to realise what's going on until the person sits down next to you and holds a steaming cup under your face. Your head whips to the side, hands moving together in case you have to defend yourself, when you finally recognize the huge black fur coat next to you.
"Sasha" you huff, fingers wrapping around the hot cup, the warmth stinging as feeling returns slowly to your hands.
"I woke up because I got cold" he confesses, a small, bashful smile visible on his lips. "And you weren't next to me, so I looked out the window to see if I could find you out here."
You're sitting on the bench closest to your shared quarters, directly visible from the windows. As cheesy and stupid as it might sound, the closeness to Aleksander brings you a similar feeling of safety and peace as the snow. Staying too far away from him, especially when you're both vulnerable, easy targets – him being asleep and you being stuck daydreaming – is almost uncomfortable.
Taking a small sip from the tea he has brought you sigh softly, leaning your head against his shoulder. The dark fur of his coat tickles a bit against your skin as you respond.
"I'm sorry, Sasha. I just wanted to get outside and enjoy the fresh snow. I completely forgot that you could wake up."
Aleksanders sleep has always been notoriously light, waking up at the slightest of sounds, change of lighting or shift in temperature. All things considered it is quite a miracle that you got to spend those previous thirty minutes undisturbed. Usually you choose to sneak out while he isn't in the palace or while he's working the night away in the war room, but tonight you simply couldn't help yourself.
He shakes his head, lifting his own cup to his lips to drink a few sips before he speaks. "Don't worry about it, milaya. I should've expected this. You've spent the whole day staring at the falling snow outside. I just assumed you wouldn't dare to leave while I slept next to you. You usually only disappear when I work."
There's a thick layer of amusement audible in his voice and it warms your heart better than any cloak or fur ever could.
"So you knew?" you ask surprised, lifting your head from his shoulder to look at him. "But you always get so mad when you catch me. I don't understand-"
"Let an old man have his fun, milaya." Aleksander cuts you off, hand moving to your shoulder to press you back against him. "Of course I notice it when you sneak out. And I come and get you when you stay out for too long. It's cute that you thought I wouldn't notice it, though. Especially considering that I always have a Heartrender around to stand guard."
You groan loudly, taking another long sip of the tea before burying your face in the Darklings thick fur coat again. It smells nice, like rosemary and burning wood, with an underlying note of something sweet. Aleksanders own smell that you've never been able to fully identify.
"So Maksim betrayed me." you murmur into the coat, taking another deep breath to take in more of the smell. Sweet berry jam, maybe?
He laughs loudly, his body shaking with the sound as he leans his head against yours. "Betrayed? He is doing his job, don't be too hard on him."
His hand rubs your back carefully and you can hear him taking a big sip from his own tea.
You sit like this for a few minutes, occasionally taking a sip from your teas, enjoying the darkness and snow. When your cup is empty you place it on the ground in front of you before you stand up to quickly sit down on his lap, hands moving inside his coat to lay flat against his back, soaking in the warmth his body gives off.
Pressing yourself tightly against him he moves to rest his chin on your head as a laugh rumbles through his body. "Are you getting cold, milaya?" he purrs, placing his own cup next to you on the bench to free his hands and hug you freely.
"I just want to be closer to you for a bit." you answer softly. His thighs are so much warmer than the cold bench, his whole body radiating heat like a fire.
"You could be even closer to me if we went back inside." Aleksander whispers back.
"I don't want to go back inside yet. The Squallers are gonna remove the snow in the morning. I want to enjoy this as long as I can."
"Maybe, but we will freeze to death together."
"We will freeze to death by then."
You giggle quietly.
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