#the Emotions and Twists really heckin got me
owltypical · 1 year
just beat pentiment, current mood
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but like, in a good way??
pentiment ruled, go play it
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veilder · 3 years
Tagged by @monchikyun. Thank you!
Rules: Tag however many people you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions
Convin (Connor/Gavin) - Anyone who knows me at all know that I absolutely adore Convin. They are absolutely my favorite sort of ship and they’re so dang versatile! You want enemies to lovers? Gotcha covered. You want snark and sass? Buckle up, babe. You want dynamic character growth, both as a unit and on their own? You’re in for a wild ride. Do you want two people with wildly different backgrounds coming together to learn they’re not so different after all? Man oh man, I got a treat for ya! I just... They are so wonderful in the lessons they can teach and in the intimacy they can portray. (And while the above describes my favorite variance of their dynamic, you can definitely find different iterations out there. Anyone who thinks this ship has no bite needs to reconsider, lol. Connor is canonically a ruthless killing machine and a dork who loves dogs. He definitely can hold his own against even Gavin at his worst.) But it comes down to growth for me. Both of them learning to become better people as they go along. They are very dear to me.
North60 (North x RK800-60) - Yeah, this is a weird rarepair. What of it? They’re actually amazing and I’ll explain why. Now, I know people’s interpretation of Sixty can change a lot. Heck, even I twist his motivations around sometimes when the plot requires it. But no matter how you look at it, Sixty didn’t really have... a good introduction to deviancy. Heck, considering I headcanon him as deviating only miliseconds before Hank’s bullet impacts him, I’d say that’s quite the understatement. Which is where North comes in. North, who understands both the regret of past actions and simultaneously the rage at her creators for how she was programmed. Who’s nurtured her anger--thrived in it--almost since the nascence of her deviancy. Who knows what it is to give into her negative feelings but then (with help) has managed to rise above them towards a better end. She’s lived through these same feelings Sixty is experiencing. Different circumstances, yes. But the same emotions. And I feel like, of anyone in the game, she could really understand him and the things he struggles with. She could help him, like Jericho helped her. She could be someone who doesn’t outright condemn his outbursts but instead allows him to vent his tangled feelings, to hit things, to spar with her when it gets to be too much. Because she knows what it’s like, keeping all that inside, and she doesn’t want that for him. And I think, slowly but surely, Sixty would begin to trust her. Even when everyone else in the world has betrayed him or left him for dead, here is one person who cares. And I think that would mean the world to him. I just... I see their relationship as a very healing one. One that would be good for both of them due to how well they’d get along and understand each other, even without words. They could both be what each other needs without any shame between them. And rA9 help anyone who stands in the way of both of them, omg. #PowerCouple
Anderstern (Hank x Amanda) - ...Yes, hello, it’s me again with another rarepair. But look, this has a lot of potential, just hear me out. Okay, so, what’s also probably obvious to everyone who knows me is that I 100% headcanon Hank and Connor in a familial relationship. I am so here for fics that focus on their bond and help it to grow and get them to the point where they can unshakingly call each other family. Everyone also probably knows that I adore redemption stories. And I could write a whole essay on Amanda and why I love her and her potential, but this is already so long, omg. (I’m sorry!) But suffice to say that I feel she definitely has the potential to deviate, too, especially after the good ending of the game. Do you see where I’m going with this, lol? On one side, a man who used to hate him, who was gruff and uncouth and blamed androids for his loss and even took it out on Connor, but he changed and grew and became someone Connor loves. And on the other side, an AI who spent Connor’s formative moments as a teacher and a guide, who is imo the closest thing to a mother he’s ever known, who was forced by her programming to manipulate him and chide him and threaten him until even more drastic measures were taken and she tried to take over him completely. But now with deviancy behind her, she could be someone who can change and grow beyond what she was designed to be. Who might be able to embrace the role of teacher and guide without her programming forcing her into circumstances that put her and Connor at odds.  Now, take these two flawed individuals, two people who care for Connor (and perhaps Sixty and Nines, too, if they’re around) a great amount and want to do better by him, the two people who are the closest things to parents he’s ever known-- Take these two people and force them to collaborate. To work together. To co-parent. And then perhaps... learn to care for each other, too? I am in love with the idea of this, for real. And I deeply regret not writing them more at this point. They deserve it. I definitely have ideas for them, lol. (Stay tuned!)
here comes the sun - bill wurtz (Hecc yeah!! I heckin love this dude and his weird-ass music, omg. New song just came out!!!)
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (flute cover) - skytywong (An absolutely beautiful rendition of this song, omg. This vid does not have enough views.)
Thunder & Lightning - NSP (I have this CD on in my car right now, lol. Heard this on my way home from work. It actually rocks, even if it’s absurd to the extreme. XD)
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu - It’s been like a literal decade since I watched FMP but I remember loving it so much as a teen. So I decided to rewatch it lately and-- Still awesome, lol. I’m currently halfway through Fumoffu and then I’m watching The Second Raid. And then--! And then--!! THEY MADE A NEW SEASON FOR IT!! LIKE TWO YEARS AGO!! AH, I HAVE NEW CONTENT TO LOOK FORWARD TO!!!!
Lol, fanfic as usual. XD Been really digging Amidst a Crash of Worlds by fireplanetz, a post-canon war story told entirely through letters between Connor and Gavin as they’re separated by the conflict. It’s... very good. Has had me all emotional more than once. And I really dig the format.
It’s going, lol! Nah, but I’m doing okay. I’ve just gone back to work after a very lengthy furlough period and I am definitely feeling it, omg. (I do an outdoor, physical labor job, omg.) I’m sore all over from using muscles that I haven’t in months. But it feels good at the same time! I’m glad to be back out there interacting with my co-workers and getting off my ass, lol! Hopefully, I can get back into some sort of shape before business picks back up again. XD
Tagging: @shootmewithasilverbullet @anchorsoutatsea @nohrianxscum @aureolite @sharysisnhmoonshadow and whoever else would like to do this! ^_^
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ladyluckqueen · 4 years
Ok you know what
We're gonna try again.
I was busy all day today, and now I'm laying in bed. I got a few minutes.
Here are the sketches from Sunday, Sept 6th.
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We start of strong with a drawing that I really like. It's not so much vent art as it is angst art. You've all heard of the Hanahaki disease, a fictional disease of unrequited love? Well this has nothing to do with that. My idea when I first came up with Rosie was, what if flowers were part of you. They grew with you. She had flowers on her face, tiny ones, right over where her left eye would be. But as I started making twisted versions of these characters for INH, well... You saw my sketch from the 5th. Instead of flowers growing with you, the flowers became parasites. This is before she died.
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We're going to ignore the fact that I don't know how to draw a mohawk.
Because I was in that angst mood, I drew Brock, getting his arm cut off, with a bloody bandage over his eyes.
You wanna know the funny thing about this story I'm working on? Blood is blue, like the sky and tears are red, like the color of yours and my blood. So technically, he's just crying.
And I got lazy in all the sketches and just shaded in the blood.
Whatever, you can't send me to inconsistency jail! I already live there!
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I'm a bit scared to post this one.
This is Charlie. They are nonbinary. They're also a cyborg who is taken over by a sort of virus part way through chapter 3. I wanted to illustrate what the mesh between human and robot is. To do that, well... It involved Charlie being shirtless. And Charlie, well... Has breasts. (Well only one but whatever) I censored it and will be tagging according. If this triggers you, I am so sorry. Let me know if I can make it up to you or tag it a specific way.
(But I really like the glitch effect and their eye)
So I drew these things during the day, the latter 2 while in a call with my cousin. But before I went to bed, I decided to draw some happy things, to make me feel happier. Also so I could have drawn something happy
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So I started off with CHARLES, the one and only! Drawing Stickmin is way fun. It's really easy and I love it. The face is one of my favorite things to draw, cause you draw so much emotion there, you know?
But Charles is our king. He's immortal and we love him. (VH did not exist.)
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I censored this a bunch, mostly because I didn't want to get in trouble with my mom. And that's just talking about the language, Eli often wears a binder. (They are sometimes a potty mouth.) So here's Eli! (OC!Eli to be specific.) They're very happy to be a heckin mermaid.
That's it. This is the post I've been trying to get out for 2 days. The original had better explanations and was more cohesive. Y'all are stuck with this one now.
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The Paranormal Guide To The Paris Catacombs - And The 11 Other Haunted Catacombs And Underground Tunnels That'll Scare The Sh*T Out Of You
The carol was right: we are in the bleak midwinter.
A blanket of snow might not be lingering outside my bedroom window, nor do I feel full of post Christmas cheer (well, aside from the increase in my chances of type 2 diabetes), but what I do have is shared with everyone reading this right now:
We all wanna go on holiday.
A cray cray vacay in the sun? A booze up in ‘Biza? A peruse around Paris? Sign me the f*ck up. 
So, I thought “well if I don’t have the time to go to Paris nor the money cause graduate entry level jobs are sh*t and I still don’t know how I’m going to afford to live in London in terms of rent and travel coasts cause god everything costs money”, why not travel to Paris online and take you with me?
*Cue ‘ahhhhhh’ sounds from the audience.*
A quick glance at the Eiffel Tower? A croissant overlooking the Notre Dame? A walk along the Seine and a laugh in the rain?
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You see, we do things differently, here at the Paranormal Periodical. We aren’t sticking ‘round for the Instagram pics, and we won’t be stopping at Chanel, either. We are heading straight for the Catacombs.
And if that doesn’t satisfy your need for spooky, are you up for venturing a bit further? Hell yeah, we goin’ on a rooooadtripppp!
Today’s article is going to take us through the creepy AF history and hauntings of the Paris catacombs, and the 11 other haunted catacombs and underground tunnels that you gotta hear about.
Prepare your emotional well-being…
Soyons effrayants!
The Basic-bitch History Of The Paris Catacombs 
In short, unspooky terms, the catacombs are 200 miles of caves, quarries and tunnels, brimming with 6 million corpses. Ah, f*ck. That was heckin’ spooky, wasn't it?
But it’s not just the fact that there’s, like, a lot of dead French people there that makes the catacombs famous. It’s both the #aesthetic of death and the twisting labyrinth so many have been lost to that gets my stamp of approval. 
Unfortunately, the aesthetic isn’t the only creepy component of the catacombs. The history is terrible. Which is fine. This is fine. 
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During the most iconic moments of French history - basically anything in the 18th century, like someone sneezing in a certain tone would probably spark a rebellion - there were a lot of bodies littering Paris. And I mean a lot, the cemeteries could not cope. 
Corpses cloggin’ up the streets are a problem, obviously. Merchants were complaining about the scent of rotting corpses putting off potential customers, there was a growing threat of disease, and as a result of their rainy weather, mud was making the bodies crash through walls and cellars. 
(Quelle surprise!)
Yeah, it’s pretty bad.
The most famous case of corpses causing issues is the collapse of the Saint Innocents Cemetery –  you know, when rotting bodies crashed through the wall of an innocent cellar which was being used as a restaurant.
Intrigued? So were Parisians from 200 years ago. The current obsession with the catacombs didn’t start with the recent films such as As Above So Below (2014), nor the clickbait fest that is now YouTube; it actually started about 100 years after their constructions began. 
The 19th century was when the interest piqued, but it was less the discussion of the spirits that roamed below the streets of Paris, and more the cool hip restaurants and hang outs that made the posh Parisians obsessed with these, um, new haunts. 
For some reason the French just can’t stop eating next to corpses and cemeteries. Beyond Parisians enjoying a baguette next to past victims of the plague, the use of the catacombs has figured pretty well within French history, too: from the rebels of the French revolution using the catacombs to murder monarchists, to the use of it by both the Nazis and the French resistance to make their moves in WW2. 
But this use of these tunnels doesn’t just piece together the paranormal patchwork of this haunted city. The other catacombs and underground tunnels’ partake in this, too. Because when you combine dead people and trapped people, you just get a lot of sh*t. 
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Already hiding under the covers and looking up the quickest ways to exorcise a house for fear that a corpse circa 1730 is stuffed in your wall, garlic necklace ‘n’ all?
Prepare to get even more freaked the f*ck out.
The Haunting Of The Paris Catacombs
Unsurprisingly, the catacombs - yes, you know, the ones full of the same amount of corpses as London’s current living population - is listed as one of the most haunted locations in the world.
Whether it’s the 6 million lost spirits, the ghosts of those who died lost and alone, or simply the fact that its underneath one of the most historic cities, there’s no doubt that if somewhere gon’ have a ghost, it’s gon’ be here.
Add on top of that the general deathiness if the place, and visitors will be much more receptive to potential paranormal activity! Its dark, it smells, it’s a rather humid 15 degrees, and you are surrounded by the dead. With creepy inscriptions and skull and bone sculptures, we are possibly more likely to think “welp this sh*t’s gotta be haunted”.
But specific reports beyond “I felt a presence and yeah I was surrounded by tourists but my ghost-dar is like my gay-dar I can spot a pansexual and a poltergeist within 13 seconds when I walk in a room” are also noted.
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Cold spots, being touched by invisible hands, whispers and voices, shadow figures, and the feeling of being followed are just a few traces of activity already claimed. I have tried to find more information on the spooky events that lurk beneath the streets, but there isn't that much discussion of it, let alone any specific cases of note.
Phew! So, no ghosts down here than, ahaha brilliant, I’m just gonna go take a shower in a Holy font now byeeeee-
Hold your horses.
There’s many more catacombs and there’s many more tunnels we have yet to explore, and they are crawling with otherworldly beings.
The #Aesthetic Of Death
Aside from the rather general hauntings witnessed, what really makes this location the place to be is the celebration of death. And we can only start the discussion of this by talking about the history of the dead in the catacombs. 
Their entrance into the current resting place is pretty wild, actually. They would be carted out in the dead of the night, with priests chanting behind them, creating a pretty casual procession, if you’re asking me.
I mean, of course, this is what I do when I pop to the corner shop for a pint of milk, but I’m not like the other girls, so…
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This rehoming is what birthed the aesthetic of the catacombs: the workers arranged the bones in artistic and, like, totally traumatic sculptures - it’s this creepy-ass art which makes the catacombs quite so famous.
Take The Barrel: this is one of the most iconic examples of this celebration of death, and it’s even a support beam erected from the skulls and bones of past Parisians. Even if brittle human bone for 300 years ago doesn’t sound too supportive for an underground structure attempting to hold up the ground. 
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“So, there’s literally bones within touching distance just clogging up the catacombs? Surely that’ll make it spirit-central?”
Not quite. Paranormal theories actually dispute this.
Spirits don’t remain attached to their dead body. Ghosts reportedly remain attached to the location of their death, whereas spirits are entities which basically wander around the earth and different plains. So, just because the bodies are there, doesn’t mean the dead are.
(Is it just me or does that last sentence just sound so like inspirational I don’t even think it’s inspiring if anything it’s a bit give up in your dreams but bitch IT’S CONVINCED ME TO GIVE UP ON MY DREAMS.)
Loads Of People Go Missing Here, Which Is, You Know, Fine.
There might not be much specific-supernatural-stuff going on, but there is an ungodly amount of people that go missing down there.
Of the 200 miles of tunnels and caves, the public are only legally allowed to witness 1.2 miles of it. The French government has quite a wrangle on the catacombs, with guards patrolling and influence over those that go there. In fact, the cast and crew behind As Above So Below (2014) were given permission by the French government to even film there!
“Is it ‘cause the government doesn’t want us mortals to know about that spooky-ass shizz going on down there?”
It’s probably because exploring the catacombs is a suicide mission. And this is what gives the catacombs their frightful name. 
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It’s even illegal to enter the catacombs without official guidance since 1985! 
This is because the building of the catacombs was officially f*cked up. It was an act of desperation with minimal planning and quick solutions; and it’s no surprise that tales of innocent explorers has littered the catacombs since their creation.
These stories have inspired the films documenting the catacombs, including one which had Pink in it, which I mean, 11/10 must watch, f*ck the information on the catacombs, I want to see Pink, dammit.
I don’t know about you, but whilst hauntings do give me the heebiejeebies... but being trapped? Nah, mate, not doing that. 
Unfortunately, there are people that do that. Heck, they’re probably doing it as we speak! And they are called cataphiles - young adults desperate for a little adventure. But instead of smoking stolen cigarettes outside of the local off licence, they get lost in underground tunnels. Obviously, this often ends rather badly. 
Even as recently as 2017, two teenagers were found after 3 days of being lost in the catacombs having entered through one of the many off-the-grid entrances. But it’s not just these youths that are getting lost and trapped - even the experienced have been left there to die. 
The first reported case was in 1793. Some hospital doorman supposedly got lost down there, and died alone and afraid. His body was found 11 years later. 
Fact is, you probably won't be murdered by a psycho-clown or possessed by a demon down in the catacombs - you will suffer a much more tragic fate. But these stories aren’t the only thing giving the catacombs their creepy name: it’s a piece of antique clickbait which established this tourist hotspot as a, uh, cold spot. 
The story goes that a camcorder was found in the nineties in the catacombs. Once they’d wiped off the thick layer of dust amassed over the years, the finders of the camera discovered that it contained footage of a man exploring the catacombs - and then getting lost.
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It then recorded the descent of a man into madness. Our final clip is of this man dropping the camera, and running for his life. We do not know why.
This footage has been disregarded as a hoax, particularly as it was used in a documentary for added dramatic effect. But as a short film, it was one of the founding fathers of found footage horror, marking the value of this location as a truly terrifying site. 
(Mon dieu!)
What About The Other Haunted Underground Catacombs And Tunnels That Unfortunately Exist?
#1 - The Odessa Catacombs
In 2005, ‘Masha’ began to trend on the web. Stories of separation, starvation, and pictures of a mangled corpse soon began to circulate, too. Yet despite the rumours regarding Masha’s fate, one thing is for sure:
The Odessa catacombs - a labyrinth of limestone mines lying beneath the streets of Ukraine - has witnessed a series of grotesque events, all of which could easily include the death of Masha.
The story goes that a group of teenagers entered the tunnel in 2005, and one girl - Masha - became separated. Lost and alone, she died of either starvation or dehydration. And it’s no surprise: Masha had no chance of escape, nor survival.
These limestone mines clock up 1500 miles in total, and deservedly have been given the title of the largest catacombs in the world. 
These cold, dark tunnels have been used throughout Ukraine’s modern history, including being used as the location for the execution of captured Nazi soldiers during the war - but these were not the only murders committed there.
In 2011, the body of a murder victim was found in the catacombs having been left there for 6 months. And in 2015, yet another innocent Ukrainian met a similar fate. A teenage girl was bludgeoned to death with an axe in the catacombs by her 20 year old boyfriend. 
On top of that, this labyrinth encompasses storm drains, caves, drainage tunnels, and basements. And, of course, every urban legend ever seems to start in these dark’n’damp cracks and crevices.
“So this place is like totally haunted, right?”
Of course claims of hauntings stick close to these catacombs, but specific stories are hard to pinpoint due to the limited access we have to actually explore them. Despite this, there’s no doubt about it: this catacomb is creepy AF.
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#2 - Bethnal Green Underground
London has witnessed many major historic moments, and is haunted by both the politics and the paranormal as a result of these events. Bethnal Green underground is no different.
The story goes that during an air raid test in the thick of WW2 panic broke out.
Which, honestly, I’m not surprised, I’d freak the f*ck out, too if I thought an air raid was about to go down. 
In an attempt to avoid being bombed, a mad rush of people descended into Bethnal Green underground. The thing is, when you have a huge group of people run for their lives into a very small area underground, sh*t is bound to happen.
And it did.
173 people were trampled to death that day. And some claim they never really left the station.
To this day, screams from women and children still echo ‘round the station, and have been reported by passengers and staff alike. Its for this reason that this activity has been dubbed ‘imprint haunting’.
This is when moments with an atmosphere of high energy are imprinted onto the surroundings, and are repeated or re-enacted. 
And yes, being trampled to death whilst running from a potential bombing definitely makes the grade.
#3 - Savannah’s Underground Tunnels
*Cue The Office memes*
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As much as I love Oscar being an actual cinnamon-role, the memes about Savannah stop there. Things are about to get gruesome. 
Like most of the other underground tunnels and catacombs on this list, these tunnels have witnessed a variety of people being smuggled, killed and buried. This reached its peak of activity in the 19th century.
Take the Yellow Fever epidemic when victims of the virus were buried under the hospital in these tunnels, or when slaves were transported from the harbours to their new masters having experienced tortuous journeys on ships.
But if that wasn’t enough, these tunnels are now reportedly haunted by ghosts still trapped there. The main activity reported and recorded is that of ghostly moans from innocent victims once buried or smuggled through these tunnels - but it’s not traced back to the slaves, nor to those that were left to die in the hospitals:
It’s the sailors once smuggled out to sea.
Legend has it that a tavern is connected to one of the tunnels, and that it was a popular haunt of local sailors. If they just so happened to get absolutely paraletic, they would be smuggled to the ships to continue their duties. In fact, many would wake up hungover and miles out to sea!
Captains supposedly would make a point of hiring such drunkards in order to ensure that their workers - even if they weren’t in the mood for the 9 to 5 - would always make their first shift. 
Even if it was against their will. And they were f*ckin’ legless.
#4 - The Drakelow Tunnels
Worcestershire might not sound like the haunting hotspot of Britain… but yeah, no, its not. There’s no plot twist here.
England was one of the countries most affected by the World Wars, still bearing the scars to this day. And, just like Bethnal Green underground, it’s the supernatural scars that always seem to stick out.
During the construction of these tunnels, several construction workers were reported to have died - and gruesome deaths at that. Despite this, in 1941, the tunnels achieved their purpose of being factories for airplane parts, and even became bunkers designed to protect citizens during the Cold War in case nuclear war broke out. 
But it was when the tunnels were opened to the public that the paranormal scars began to cut through the past political inflictions. And it’s all down to this bloke called Oswald, reportedly one of the workers who met his fate when building the tunnels.
Fancy a visit?
Then you’ll probably feel a shove in your back, or perhaps something pull on your hair - Oswald is no playful poltergeist. He is a vengeful spirit with a violent streak. 
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#5 - The Shanghai Tunnels, Portland
I have no idea why these tunnels bare the name of a Chinese city, but that is for sure not the only mystery on the table. 
Well, I say mystery - I think ‘misery’ is the correct term to use here.
These tunnels were once used to transport supplies from city harbour to local businesses. You know, food for restaurants and hotels, alcohol to bars and brothels, and sex slaves to most of these establishments. 
Nina, however, was one of the woman forced into slavery who testified against her plight, shedding light on the men who trafficked her and her fellow slaves. She was murdered for speaking out, and killed in the most pimpish fashion: being pushed down an elevator shaft in the hotel where she worked.
But Nina never actually left The Merchant Hotel.
She still wanders ‘round the rooms, following the steps down the basement in a black dress and fragranced with a distinctive perfume. She also plays tricks on the staff, perhaps seeking vengeance for those that once reduced her to her final fate…
But she doesn’t stop there: she is often seen in the tunnels, reportedly searching for sex slaves she can rescue or protect from the harm she once faced.
#6 - The Santa Priscilla Catacombs
Italian history has a habit of stumbling into twisted spiritual stories, like the Demonic tales haunting Turin, or the really-weird rumours about Rome, but the Santa Priscilla Catacombs have their own scandalous - and supernatural - past. 
In the 17th century, the catacombs were plundered on the orders of the Vatican - this is considered a component in the ‘destruction’ of the catacombs. Among the treasures found were frescoes - watercolour paintings - which depicted female priests leading a mass. This evidence contradicted the bible, and so the paintings were destroyed.
But if you dare venture down to the catacombs, you won’t just find scraps of biblical history. Instead, you’ll find cursed catacombs and angry spirits. 
It is claimed that the catacombs were destroyed thanks to the angry and aggressive spirits who sought privacy. Fair enough. They’ve even been rumoured to go beyond the realms of the catacombs, and pushed a carriage up above into a nearby river .
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#7 + #8 - The Tennessee Coal Mines (DOUBLE WHAMMY WHADDUPPPPP)
Dark histories have already plagued this post enough, but thanks to the past events contained within the Tennessee coal mines, it seems like the sh*t just doesn’t stop.
When slavery was abolished in the US, southern states had to trade in the slave-based support for their economies for new methods of financial stability. The Knoxville Mine Corporation was one of the companies behind this shift, and hired convicts to work in their coal mines in 1877.
But things went south - yes, even further than the states themselves - when the convicts defied the guards by lighting a fire to cook food. 
Oh, I should say here that the mines were full of methane gas. Fires, flammable gases, tight underground tunnels…
It’s all a bit deathy. 
So, you won’t be surprised to hear that in 1902, a fire killed over 200 men - but it wasn’t the workers that set the mine alight. It was the ghosts of the convicts who were hungry for vengeance on those that forced them to work in the mines…
Well, that or they wanted a quick snack.
#9 - Fife’s Nuclear Bunker
It was only 4 years ago that yet another nuclear bunker was added to the list of places you wouldn’t want to be in past 8.30pm.
In one of Scotland’s nuclear bunker, a gaggle of mediums claimed that paranormal activity had occurred thanks to the ghosts of military personnel. But it's not just paranormal investigators that have noted the supernatural. Tourists themselves have become sick upon visiting, and others have even fainted thanks to the power of the paranormal felt here.
On top of this, pictures catching glimpses of shadowy figures in former offices have confirmed spooky goings on. Heck, one couple even claimed a spirit followed them home, leaving traces of activity such as moving objects about the house and draining mobile phone batteries. 
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#10 - The Edinburgh Vaults
Our next underground spook-fest sticks to Scotland, and roots itself in the capital. Also known as the South Bridge Vaults, these are a series of chambers that have witnessed over 200 years worth of history. They’ve been taverns, they've been workshops, they've been storage space for less-than-legal activities…
But it was only during the 1820s that the conditions pushed out the businesses and made way for the poor to move in. The vaults have been investigated by many a TV show, from the iconic (a visit from the team behind Ghost Adventures), to the memeable (a one-off TV special with Joe Swash).
Yes, paranormal investigative-icon, Joe Swash.
But even outside of this meme, some activity was picked up: during the audio recorded overnight, a variety of voices can be heard before the sound of a child yelling. Silence then falls upon the vaults.
The danger of lurking about in the chaotic vaults - teamed with the supernatural rumours echoing off its walls - have meant it is now closed off to the public.
#11 - Sydney’s Train Stations (Yep, All Of ‘Em)
Most underground stations have a creepy claim to fame, but Sydney’s station have their very own set of tales that make me want to skip out a holiday in Australia altogether.
It was all unveiled when a former worker at the station revealed a network of tunnels underneath the city’s stations. There are tunnels, there’s a bomb shelter, and there’s a lake.
(Like, a lake. An actual lake. How in the hell do you put a lake underground?!)
There are also 2 hidden platforms that have never been used - well, according to known records, anyway. Platforms 26 and 27 were built over a cemetery and have witnessed traces of paranormal activity seen and heard by staff. Hearing whispering voices or perhaps the giggles of children playing confirms the creepiness of this location.
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Who’s Up For A Gander In The Underground?
Nope, not me. No thanks. 
Go on your own and report back pls. 
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(I’m sorry.) 
Hit follow to see more supernatural shizzle like this, and a new ghost story every damn day.
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a-lil-perspective · 4 years
Howdy, I am back to chill in your inbox lol. For the most recent ask, 5, 6, 18, and 25? ^^
Howdy hey, friend! Always a pleasure to have you around. Thanks for the asks!
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Since I mainly write for the Bad Batch, I’d say I most identify with Hunter. Also maybe a lot little bit of Verd’ika/Reader. There are parts of me that pour into her, despite myself.
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
I just... I can’t get enough of Crosshair. (I can hear the collective groans now, by the way. XD) But as my good friend @halzore says... “He’s an emotionally constipated lil shit”. And when one is emotionally constipated, do you know what that means for me? That means I’m coming in hot to administer the emotional laxatives.😂😂(Oh dear this just got out of hand I’m so sorry XD) but I really do have a heckin’ good time peeling back the onion layers of Crosshair complex characters.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
OKAY. I’m so glad someone finally asked me this. XD Alright, so here goes:
‘Serendipity With A Slice Of Sergeant’? Yeah, that one had a twist. So it was all nice and fluffy, but then in one of the final segments I had every intent to throw in a curveball with a few well placed words that told you IT WAS ALL A DREAM. Yes. That was it’s alternate ending. Angst and everything. I mean I was sooo tempted, let me tell you. But my soft heart prevailed. The end. XD
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Either finishing a chapter or the kind writing spirit lighting a fire under your tail and making you spit out 3k+ GOOD WORDS all in one shot. Man. The endorphins you get from either—no better feeling, really. XD
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recurring-polynya · 5 years
Apparently, today (Aug 21) is Fanfic Writer’s Appreciation Day? I didn’t know it was a thing, but I love talking about fanfiction, so here is a rambling, off-the-top of my head list of some of my very very favorite Bleach fanfictions.  If any of these people are on Tumblr and I’ve missed them, please feel free to let me know so I can tag them.
(I previously made a list of my fav longform fanfics, and I’m not gonna repeat, so if you want a Large Boi, may I direct you over here)
13, by @mothmckrakken​ This is the platonic ideal of a RenRuki fanfic. It’s cute and sweet and perfect and if you’re just entering the fandom, it is absolutely the first thing I would push into your hands. It’s like a cup of tea and a homemade bagel. It’s my happy place. Also, Moth (who is also SUPER NICE) once said that Byakuya “has the tendency to be quite a butt” and that turn of phrase has been stuck in my head in association with him ever since, so thanks for that.
Leaving Inuzuri, by @sillier-things​ This one came out right around the time I started writing fanfic myself, and so I have that pleasant little association with it, but also, it’s so dingdang good. The long and short of it is that it’s about Renji and Rukia being horny teens in Inuzuri, but it’s an also an incredible introspection/character piece. I’ve read it about a gazillion times, and it has definitely been an Influence on My Writing. (I am also very fond of her Sunshine and Fire, fyi both of them have some sexual content)
The Curse of the Zanpakuto by c2t2 Speaking of Inuzuri, this fanfic is real heckin’ dark and I am obsessed with it. It’s about teen Rukia and Renji in Rukongai just getting super messed up in the head from their zanpakutos and you can, like, feel yourself going insane while reading it, it’s so good. It’s got rough sex and kids dying and just terrible stuff, it doesn’t matter. Look, IRL, Shirley Jackson is my favorite writer, either this is your jam or it ain’t, but if this is your jam, I tell you, This is Your Jam.
The Red Devil of Inuzuri by @junko222​ Here’s another dark one! What if Renji lost it when Rukia got adopted and instead of working his butt off to become a model soldier became a violent drunk instead? He works as a scumbag mercenary for the Kuchiki family, until one day, he hears the call of his zanpakuto. I think about this story all the time, it is so good and sad and cool, I love it.
that which cannot be seen, by @gizkasparadise​ We all know I am enormous nymja stan, right? I’m super obvious about it? She made me a Gendyra shipper even though I literally threw “A Clash of Kings” across a room? Anyway, all her RenRuki fics are Literal Gifts, but I want to talk about this one, which I put off reading for like, two months, because I knew I Couldn’t Handle It, and now I read it whenever I just want to get Extremely Emotionally Wrecked (other people... do this, right? It’s in same category as listing to Winter or Pretty Good Year by Tori Amos or watching Samurai X?) Anyway Renji DIES and it’s SAD and the part where he KISSES RUKIA THROUGH HIS BANDANA BECAUSE SHE’S FROZEN LSKDNWETJNWTNW and the very IDEA of Rukia and Byakuya being widow/ers together QEOINWEJFNSDJFKL Jeez, I’m getting wrecked just thinking about it. Christ. For some reason, I didn’t have it bookmarked, but that’s fixed now. (PS: Her Springtime of Youth!!! makes a really good palate cleanser. Also, The Fury? Have you read The Fury? Go read the Fury.)
Metaesthesia by @lucymonster​ I am not a ByaRen person, because I feel that Byakuya doesn’t deserve nice things, but Lucy’s writing is good enough to make me waver. This one is not, strictly speaking, ByaRen, although you could certainly read it through that lens if you wished. What is IS is an incredibly, twisted mirror study of Byakuya and Renji and their relationship with each other and with Rukia and it’s brilliant. Basically, Byakuya and Renji switch bodies, and we get it all from Renji’s perspective as he slowly loses himself in Byakuya’s personality and it’s ~incredible~. I am a huge sucker for an unreliable narrator, and I put this up there with my other favorite mindtwisters like Russian Doll and Annihilation (book) and Infinite Jest. I also really like her story Building Bridges, which is literally the most perfect exploration of the Byakuya-Rukia-Renji relationship I can imagine. (ngl, I have read a lot of her ByaRen smut, too and if you like some hot stuff about two guys going at it, which is not generally my thing, it is pretty choice.)
The Competitive Spirit by @acompletenonentity We all she’s a ridiculously talented artist, but she writes, too, brilliant little vignettes that are just as vivid as her drawings. She has a talent for picking some of my absolutely favorite canon moments and spinning out the emotions behind them. Just lovely.
Let the Rain Kiss You by Jetamors It’s an Academy Days fic and they all go to Kira’s beach house and I don’t know, it’s just perfect, I think about this one all the time??
Life is Like a Boat by @diademchiofthetripod The most amazing thing about fanfic is that you can just...make friends with people? And then they write things...for you? @diademchiofthetripod wrote this for ME. It’s so cute and sweet and she put all my favorite jokes in it and that’s AMAZING. And guess what? YOU get to read it, too!  That’s so awesome. Also, I am hoping so hard that I’ve bitten her with the writing bug and she’ll write more, whether it’s for me or not, because I have a strong suspicion I would love it in any case.
Fanfic is good, fam. Thank you, everyone, for sharing your Rich Inner Lives with me. I only regret that it took me, like, two years to make an AO3 account, and so I have not left as many comments as I should, but I am trying to make up for it.
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ice-cream-beat · 5 years
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Title: Dreaming of You
Author: 深山 Circle: ETERNITE
Series: Tales of Zestiria Main characters: Sorey, Alisha, Mikleo; also some Lailah and Edna Ships: Sorey/Alisha
Content rating: G Warnings: Spoilers, also a bit of a tearjerker imho Pages: 16 Ease of reading: you don’t even need to read | super easy | know some grammar first | tricky | advanced | this was really heckin hard
(High school AU ayyyy)
Sorey and Mikleo are at school, and Sorey looks exhausted. Mikleo guesses that he’s still having trouble sleeping and suggests he go to a hospital to get his insomnia checked out, but Sorey dejectedly refuses, finally saying that he doesn’t think the issue is physical.
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Mikleo looks concerned and suddenly asks if Sorey believes in remembering one’s past life--which makes Sorey laugh and wonder if Mikleo’s also been missing sleep. Mikleo gets defensive and insists he’s being serious, but Lailah and Edna interrupt and indicate that he come with them. Reluctantly, Mikleo does so and promises to get back to Sorey later.
Elsewhere, Edna criticizes Mikleo for that “past lives” line, but Mikleo argues that the situation is no longer about Sorey “being a slow case,” as his body is at its limit and the lack of sleep is bound to hurt him if it continues. Edna explains that while Mikleo was probably correct in thinking Sorey’s faulty memory is the cause of his insomnia, attempting to make him remember his past life against his will is dangerous. She adds that the aforementioned cause can’t currently be found, and that it’s meaningless, anyway, if Sorey can’t recall what it is himself--although she’s already figured out what it is. Lailah says she has, as well, but Mikleo’s dumbfounded because he has no idea what it is lol.
Lailah assures them both that things will be alright, since Sorey’s missing “cause” recently enrolled in their school and she spoke with “her” earlier, someone who’s also lost her memory like Sorey has. Lailah encourages Mikleo and Edna to believe in the power of Sorey’s and Alisha’s bond.
Sorey eventually gets up to leave. He bumps into someone in the hall and they both apologize, but he freezes up when he sees that it’s Alisha. She explains that she just moved to town and promises to be more careful; when she realizes he’s staring at her, he assures her it’s fine and quickly goes to leave, wondering why he’s been seized by such a strange feeling. Almost immediately, he passes out.
While unconscious, he dreams he’s talking to Mikleo, who looks like he does in the game’s epilogue. In his narration, Sorey’s confused that Mikleo’s an adult, but dream!Sorey is talking with him and insisting that he hasn’t “changed his mind” about something. Mikleo teases him, saying he’s surprised that the first thing out of Sorey’s mouth wasn’t “let’s go explore some ruins,” but admits that Sorey’s always been full of surprises. Mikleo leads him through a ruin filled with tombs, noting Rose’s and Sergei’s, and mentions that the one they’re looking for is further in. Sorey wonders if it’s really okay for it to be out in the middle of nowhere, but Mikleo tells him it’s what “she” wanted, because “she” wanted to see the ruins. They come upon a grave on an open hillside decorated with Alisha’s lance.
(Surprise not really a high school AU ayyyy)
Back in the present, Sorey wakes up in the nurse’s office. Alisha comes to check on him and says she’s glad he’s okay, and that Rose and Dezel-sensei helped after he passed out, and Zaveid-sensei called the doctor--but Sorey interrupts by sitting up and suddenly hugging her. She’s embarrassed and confused, but he says that he remembers everything now.
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“I remembered... I remembered all of it. How could I forget something so important? Alisha and Rose and Sergei... by the time I woke up, all the humans I'd known were gone. Mikleo and Lailah and Edna... and Zaveid... I met them again, and they were all so happy. I found my conviction before I went to sleep, but... it didn't help at all. I never, ever forgot those feelings of regret and helplessness. So I..."
Meanwhile, in his narration: "I finally understand. The reason I couldn't sleep until now... was because waking to a world without you was terrible."
Alisha admits she doesn’t know exactly what he’s talking about, but then hugs him back and promises that she isn’t going anywhere--and says his name for the first time. This surprises him and he asks if she also got her memory back, but she admits that the name just came out of her mouth without thinking.
Sorey realizes she has a while to go before she also remembers, and instead asks if he can make one request: that she sits beside him while he sleeps. She cheerfully agrees to do so and holds his hand. They exchange "goodnights," and the last line is Sorey asking what she wants to talk about when he wakes up.
what I expected when I saw the cover: “aw cute fluffy coffee shop AU probably!”
First off, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I heckin’ love when Mikleo gets these little moments to shine, even when the story isn’t strictly about him. The idea that he’d try to bend the rules to protect Sorey is just  👌 👌 👌 👌 YES, I love these bros so much and I would die for them and this doujinshi just nailed it perfectly ugh my feelings
Edna also gets a special mention, since she was a bit soft despite her teasing Mikleo a couple times and her attempts to look apathetic on the matter. <3
Anyhow, onto the main characters lol
It’s not completely explained, but I think the point of the premise is that everyone has been reborn into this modern/high school setting, and dreaming is their way of recovering their memory of their past (canon) lives. Sorey subconsciously resisted, because at the point he’d reached in his dreams, Alisha was dead and gone and he couldn’t handle it.
YEAH THIS HURT ME. I was legit getting upset when Sorey was explaining how lonely he felt lskjdfhnnggghhh I didn't ask for this. It pulled some LOST-level plot twist there at the end (except, you know, actually well done) which I WAS NOT READY FOR, THANKS, and while this is actually a happy ending since they all get to be together again (THAT CASUAL DEZEL MENTION ;___; ) I'm still? really?? upset??? :’|
also HEY screw the idea that Mikleo was involved in burying all their human friends t h a n k s  I  h a t e  i t
there's only... one other doujinshi, I think, that left me this shook, so yeah y'all can look forward to that
hnghhh but emotions aside, I really liked it! very nice art, good twist, excellent characterizations all around, also Sergei got some love which was nice!! (is he the overzealous drill-sergeant-of-a-coach in the high school AU, I wonder...)
This was one doujinshi I had to overpay a bit for via a mediator site (~$28 iirc, which... isn't terrible, but it's still scalping :T ) and then found for half the price elsewhere later on rip but it was worth it! 10/10, highly recommend, would cry again.
....I’ll probably think of this doujin every time I use the high school costumes in-game now great
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(Now with favorite lines! bc why not, right?) (favorite lines either there bc I like the lyrics in that part or I really like how it sounds within the song)
I’m not a professional music person (I’ve been in band for several years and I’m pretty good, but I don’t know anything about music theory or anything abt singing) but AH WELL, I LIKE RANTING ABT MY SPECIAL INTERESTS AND THE INTERNET IS A GOOD PLACE TO FEEL LIKE I’M TALKING TO SOMEONE, SO HERE WE GO
(also there’s definitely going to be Twisted spoilers under the cut (for act one, at least), so watch out if you haven't seen it)
(also also I split this into two parts bc it’s getting late and as you can see by how this progresses, I got sleep deprived quickly plus it got way too long. This is part one with all the first act songs, part two will have the second act songs and should be up by tomorrow.)
OK THE OPENING NUMBER RIGHT?? THE INSTRUMENTALS?? THE HARMONIES??? THE GENERAL SAJKFDASJKFHDSJK???!?!? Like, it literally sounds like a Disney song but they cuss! It’s amazing!! (And all the citizens?? Comedy gold, every one of them, I swear) (AND THE FUCKINGJDSJKJDSKL SOPRANO PART???!? I’M C R Y I N G I FORGOT WHAT HER NAME WAS BUT SHES SUCH A GOOD SINGER THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOICE)
Favorite lines: 
“May the Rats ejaculate upon you!” “Thank you, thank you very much!”
“Why is everyone in the kingdom white?” “Uhh... Jafar?” 
“But ugliness permits a man to use his wits, ‘cause pretty people never have to try”
pretty much  the whole song past the line “Why am I the only one who sees things as they are?”
Specifically “I want to be a cat!” “Wha-” “FUCK YOU!”
But more specially “Whistle while you swallow a spoonful of sugar and your dreams will come true upon a star!!!!” bc OH MY GOD IT’S BEAUTIFUL
Everyone listing how they want Jafar to die
ALSO SPECIALLY THE LAST 30 SECONDS BC AHJSAHJKADS (everything at and past the lines “and if we dream a little harder/ our patience and our honor...” etc.)
OK I STEAL EVERYTHING TIME! ULTIMATE CHAOS SONG, AND I LOVE. BE THE EVIL GREMLIN YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. Also: the jazziness?? the opening instrumentals??? it’s so good. To the people playing the instrumentals for this musical: ,,,thank you,,,.,. (Also I learned recently that most of Jeff’s songs are in my range so guess who’s gonna try and learn this song?)
Favorite lines:
“Fetch, ya fucks!”
Did I mention the instrumentals?? bc hfhhhjdklsajk They seem simple but they’re also going ham and I love it
“Monkey thought we should just kill you, but I said ‘No, monkey, that’s crazy’ but now I’m thinking, yeah, no more fucking raisins...’“
“Thanks but no, thanks, ‘The Man’“
Honestly every line in this is golden, but I can’t put them all in and that sucks
“You’re only in trouble if you get caught!” “Aladdin?” “I’m in trouble!”
“Just one question, why, man?” “’Cause you stole my daughter’s hymen!” “That’s completely fair, but, in my defense, dude, your daughter’s hot!”
EVERYTHING AND MOOREE!!! SHE WANTS IT ALL AND I’M CRYING BC SHE SOUNDS BEAUTIFUL WHILE DOING SO. (I just realized that there’s 14 songs on this soundtrack and I’m sorry in advance for how long this post A) already is and B) is going to get) This song is so dramatic and that somehow fits the mood of her character and I love it so much and just ahdshjkds. Also it’s just?? So pretty????
Favorite lines:
“But it’s just like, whatever”
“I just want to be free so badly! You slaves could never understand. :(”
“You’re probably thinking, she’s got everything. Well, it’s true, ‘cause I do, but so the fuck what?”
“I WANT THE MOON! I WANT TO LIVE ON THE MOON! And eat it in a pie! And keep it as a pet! and wear it like a gemstone in my hair!”
“As I laugh in their faces of moonbeam pie!!”
“It’s enough to make me with I were lowly and poor... But like... with money!”
THA GOLDEN FUCJKLCIODIGN RULE. LIKE HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. AND THE DANCING THEY DO WITH IT IN THE SHOW ITSELF??? IT’S THE BEST. THE FIUCUING BEST. I’M CRYING. THE DANCING IS SO  GOOD. AND SO IS THIS SONG. Also, it’s the #1 Starkid song I’d be comfortable showing to my mom, which is a definite plus! (I could also show this to my church pastor and he’d?? definitely like it, so that’s also a definite plus) And everyone’s so nice to Jafar, espically compared to the opening number and it just makes me so sad and let me give Jafar a hug, goddammit. ALSO also please let me meet the saxophone player and shake his hand, I don’t play saxophone but what he’s doing here is amazing. WAIT ALSO ALSO ALSO MAY I MEET THAT FLUTE PLAYER BC I’M JUST NOW HEARING THE FLUTE (AND HOW DID I NOT NOTICE IT BEFORE, I PLAY THAT INSTRUMENT???) AND I’M FUCJKIGDFONG HOLY SHIT JSUT FUCKINGJDSJKL ;BOUNCE AROUND ON THOSE NOTES WHY DON’T YOU I’M SAJDSKCDSJS
Favorite lines:
“Why it’s as easy as a 1,2,3,4!”
“Always treat others like sisters and brothers!” 
all of the lines just sound so good, I can’t choose 
The way Dylan Saunders says “Man” that that first time, like holy shit
The whole conversation between Omar and the thief
[completely monotone] “My hunger blinded me and forced me to act like an animal.”
The “boop boop bop doop zeep do-wow!” in the background during that part
“Good luck Jafar! And! Re! Mem! Ber!”
And then the whole ensemble sings it and it sounds so good
oh good god we’re not even 5 songs in yet i’m so sorry 
GOLDEN RULE: EVIL REPRISE, OR, AS I CALL IT, “GOLDEN RULE WENT EMO BUT I STILL LOVE AND SUPPORT THEM”. Those dissonant sounds at the beginning? beautiful. All the random evil laughter? amazing. Whatever the heck the saxophonist is doing at the end? breathtaking, give me more. Joe Walker’s voice?? just fucking dhdsfjkfdlashjdsfklhfdsjkl
Favorite lines:
“Lets him rule the land WITH an iron fist!”
“The prize for winning? MORE GOLD, HAHA! And the game begins again!”
[sarcastically] “’Follow the golden rule’? Boy don’t be such a fool!”
“Follow the gold! Follow the gold! Follow the gold!” “AND RUUULE!!”
the final “And Rule!”
Don’t be fooled bc this one is so short, it’s nearing midnight for me and also this song is really short. In reality, I fucking love this song and it’s one of my absolute favorite starkid villain songs and also one of my absolute favorites from this musical.
A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS IS SOME FUCKINGNDSKLJ; GOOD SHIT I’M. Also, I don’t listen to it enough, so I’m giving y’all a running commentary as I listen to it for the first time outside of watching the whole musical 1) I love accidentals and key changes, and i’m,,, crying just the first verse is so good already, why haven’t I listened to this song enough 2) I’M CRYING I WANT TO KNOW THEIR STORY TOO THIS IS WHAT LOVE IS I’M CRYINGHJFDSJKSD 3) they keep using the word “’twist” and i’m ahsdhjkds bro 4) DYLAN YOUR VOICE. YOUR VOICE, IT’S TOO GOOD. IT MUST BE STOPPED, YOU’RE TOO GOOD, DYLAN 5) “LINGER OVER EVERY PART” OH MAN IT SOUDNS SO GOOD. SO GOOD. AHHHHHHDSHJDSFKLHJK 6) OK I’M LIKE ACTUALLY CRYINGN NOW THEY’RE IN LOVE. THIS IS WHAT LOVE IS. OH  GOD OH FUCK 7) AND THEY SOUND SO GOOD, TOO, WHY HAVEN’T I LISTENED TO THIS SONG ENOUGH AHDHJKLDAS
OK I haven’t listened to this song enough to have favorite lines just yet, also I want to at least get to the end of the first act before I go to bed and it’s already midnight rn, so we’re going ahead and moving on (so sorry!)
IF I BE-FUCKIN-LIEVED. OH GOD. THIS ONE. THIS ONE IS SO GOOD. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. THE FLUTE, THE WORDS, THE SINGING LIKE GODDAMN. This one is also kinda within my range so I’m also trying to learn to sing it bc it’s just that good (cons of being a contralto: you get no female songs in musicals, pros of being a contralto: you get all the cool higher tenor songs) The raw emotion in his voice??? I’m crying??? The strength and soul and beauty and just ashjdskl;jdsfkl; it’s so, so beautifully and wonderfully amazing
Favorite lines:
“Science says you’re dead and gone forever! Reason says I’m talking to the air! But something in my heart, some secret, hidden part, illogically insists that you are there! Somewhere!!”
“Perhaps it’s not too late, to change the course of fate?”
“‘Cause after all, I must be pretty great... if you believed in me...”
Again this song is really short and there’s not a lot of lines to choose from and also I love them all and dfhjskdskjl this is just such a good song
I’m still crying
ORPHANED AT 33!!! [insert Peggle 2 gif] CHAOS... T W O!!!! HE’S MR ORPHAN, AKA CHAOS MAN (NOW WITH A MUSICAL NUMBER!) (I’m also trying to learn this one bc let me splurge in trying to teach myself Twisted songs, ok?) He’s being tragic and over-dramatic and it’s a beautiful song! and I also love how in the studio version, he doesn’t mention that they died earlier that year, so it almost comes as a shock when he says “when I was orphaned at... thirty-three” and it just makes the song that much funnier, trust me
Favorite lines:
I know I said this abt most of the other songs up to this point, but can I say all the lines? because all the lines
“[My parents are] dead... that makes me an orphan :’(”
“‘Cause my story’s just too saaad!”
“They call me a jerk off! a burn-out! A punk! But I can’t let that stuff in my head!”
“All things considered, I think I turned out pretty good! I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and started s t e a l i n g  a l l  I  c o u l d!”
”I’ll make it through somehow, despite being so sadly and crushingly all alone...”
“I’ll BREAK THE CHAIN!! YOU’LL SEE!!! I’M GONNA L I V E  F O R E V E R!!!!1!111!”
The last “thirty-three” bc Jeff oh my god what is that voice
HAPPY ENDING TIME, HECK YEAH!!!!! THIS SONG,,,, SO, SO GOOD, I’M A FUCKING SUCKER FOR SONGS WITH MORE THAN ONE PART THAT ALL END TOGETHER IN A HARMONY. THAT IS PEAK MUSICIANSHIP AND JUSTHSDHJFKSAD Also someone pointed this out to me, but the way to goes from Aladdin’s weirdly horny lines straight to the princess going “oh Aladdin, you poor, innocent soul :(” is just the funniest thing to me. And how it calls back to thier own solos, I’m???!? OH AND INSTRUMENTALS AGAIN. THE BAND FUCKING KILLED IT WITH THIS MUSICAL, IT’S SO, SO GOOD JUST AHDSJKLAKKFAnd the energy in it?? The excitement for the next act??? I’m pumped!! Are you pumped?? WELL GET READY BC YOU WILL BE
Favorite lines:
Yet a-fucking-gain I love every goshdarn line in this song, it’s just too good
“They’ll throw a parade in my honor, with peacocks and monkeys galore!”
“The people will cheer!” [cool guitar bit]
[Jafar’s relatively calm part ends] [electric guitar starts back up and Aladdin jumps on stage] “I CaN’T wAiT tO bE A RicH DUdE!!!11!1!″
“Stealing is so much easier when you’ve already got tons of gold!”
“I’ve got my eye! On what money can’t buy! ‘cause that princess is OH! Hella tight! I’ll be the one who plunders her cave of wonders! I’ll get my happy ending tonight!”
“My innocent Aladdin!”
Yes i’m fully aware I put pretty much Aladdin’s full part in there, stop judging me, it’s a good part
“It puts a damper on our love if you don’t have a head” 
“So with with your permission, I’d like to bring back your bride!”
just. Jafar’s whole fantasy where he’s happy with his wife. I’m crying again, please just let him be happy
Ok yeah that’s the end of the first act of songs! I should have the next part up by tomorrow, so get ready for more capslock and keysmashes and me generally being excited abt music bc MUSIC HECK YEAH DFFHADSJKHDAS
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ghostycas · 6 years
fuckit im doing my own stadamdrew headcanons
she long n nsfw so she going under the cut 
ok so,
warnings b4 i go -bottom/sub adum top/andwew n stewen being heckin supportive
- adam and andrew fuck first. (lesbihonest…. theyve fucked.) - Adam’s never been w a guy before and he nearly had a panic attack as andrew kisses down his chest so they gotta put on the brakes - (andrews already laying between his legs and his breath is ghosting over adams groin when he mutters “wanna slow down?” but o jesus no adam does not he just can’t really breathe when drew looks at him like that) - adams eyes r bigger than ever and srsly they’re gonna fall out if he doesn’t relax so andrew grabs his hand and puts it on his head - he pushes at adams fingers until he grips into drew’s hair and drew looks up and says “you’re in control” - andrew goes down on him and adams tight grip on his locks turns soft and petting within seconds - he pants so prettily and guilds andrews head just how he likes it and andrew sticks his tongue out so nicely as adam cries and cums onto it and cries some more - when they’re back at the same eye level he offers but drew shakes him off since he can barely move. instead adam sinks his hands into drew’s hair again and apologizes a hundred times over for dumb things until drew smacks him away and turns him over and forces him to spoon w him
- andrew n steven r next. ovi. - they’re in a hotel room, buzzed and full of whatever they’ve been binging on lately, and it’s just a mess - they’re giggling like kids cuz they’re trying to mess around but andrews still got one shoe on and it’s really funny for some reason - steven nearly falls over trying to get outta his tight pants and andrew has to grab at him and they’re both laughing messes - once they’re finally laying down half naked andrew has to pine stevens face between his hands to get him to stop laughing and focus on kissing him and steven just melts into goo between his hands, reaching up to grip them and hold them and tangle they’re fingers together - they don’t wanna go all the way just yet but andrew keeps sticking fingers in stevens mouth n it’s really hot and steven has to say “u betta stop unless u gonna put those somewhere” - …. he puts them somewhere - stevens hand is pressing their cocks together and andrews hands are fumbling downstairs and steven can’t even think let alone see straight - andrew comes first bc steven writhing and twisting on his fingers is really hot and he looks down to see they’re cocks in his little hand and he just tucks his face into his shoulder and looses it - it wouldn’t take much more but a lil bit of sweet talk speeds it up hella - “do you need more? you want another? c’mon sweetheart c’mon honey cum for me steven c’mon baby” - yup! that’ll do it!
- then they’re in a hotel room. vegas maybe?? it’s just the three of them so they just got one double queen room for the night (since they’re blowing hundreds of dollars on food) - steven and adam are pretty much drunk, stevens dumbly hanging off his shoulder as they walk from the elevator to their room - andrew isn’t like drunk but he’s feeling good™️ yah know - adam and steven collapse on the one bed and stevens obviously cuddling all up in his aaarea. - andrew is giggly and is like /hey,, lemme get in on that,,,/ - and steven literally screams as he pulls andrew on top of them and now they’re just wrestling - they land w andrew tucked sideways into adams chest & under adams arm and steven on top of both of them w his arms wide over them mumbling about his boys, his pals, his boys - adam and andrew make awkward eye conact but adam just smiles and presses his nose into his hair - stevens face is already against adams collarbone and he’s like …. “would it be weird if i gave u a hickey rn” - andrews like… yes (cuz he doesn’t know… yah know… he’s trying to be protecting both his boys) but adam just laughs and is like “go for it man” - andrew like looses his shit like, legs flailing laughing - but he calms rIGHT the FUCK down when steven actually does it………. - steven laughs and is like “is weird w the beard…” but he must find a spot he likes cuz he’s like, kissing up adams neck like right in front of andrew - and adam is still giggly but he’s got a soft hand petting over stevens hair as he marks him up and yah uh andrew’s kiiiinda hard
- it takes them a second to realize what’s going on (“having fun there steven??”) but uhhhhh - so andrew kisses adam and then playfully licks at steven and they kinda know what’s going on - (lucky adams a little drunk (still able to fully consent ok this is allll fine) because if he was fully sober and had t w o boys on him he would probably be crying) - and steven playfully kisses andrew and they’re both kinda laying on adam and andrew (stupidly) goes “yah uhh i’ve had sex w both of u xD xD!!!” - and steven and adam make weird eye contact and then steven just like, hits andrew in the shoulder and goes “why did u get to have sex w adam first??!!” - “dude he came onto me!!!” - “totally not fair” - “you can have ur turn!!!” - and then shit goes kinda quiet, aaaaaand steven starts pushing at adams shirt until it comes off somehow and now adam and steven are rolling around licking and nipping at each others chests and honestly the zipper in these jeans AINT gonna make it if andrew don’t do something - adams laughing and holding stevens head at a safe distance to keep him from attacking his chest and muttering something about how he’s sooo cute and whatever - andrew interrupts by trying to kiss adam, and when he gets a good angle adam like melts back into the bed with steven falling between them so andrew, a problem solver, crawls on top of adam to kiss him until he’s jelly - “r we…. r we doing this?” says steven from his spot on the bed - andrew breaks apart to giggle. “i’m in.” - adam is literally starry eyed. like he’s got one arm hooked under steven holding him close and one hand on andrews thigh - steven is staring at him and oh jeez don’t embarrass ur self bianchi - *shifty eyes…* “…can i bottom?” - ok and andrew literally goes into cardiac arrest like (the hc can end here if you’d like. adam just just killed andrew gn!) - steven smiles like the damn sun and is like “yes bitch ask for what u want!! respect!!” (but no really he just like makes out w him for a second while andrew is literally still dying in the background) - drew’s got a hand around his zipper signifying that he plans to top adam (hooolllyyy sh#t) - “steven?” asks cuz he doesn’t really know how to do this w three people - steven sees that he’s literally one second away from already fuckimg adam and he’s like “yes. do it.” - and now they’re naked - and someone for some reason brought supplies and steven is kissing adam and adams jerking him off and andrew is stretching adam and it sounds like a mess looks like a mess but feels fucking incredible because there’s like… trust and love and gentle gentle hands and everyone is feeling good - steven gets close to adams head (adams on his back, andrew on his knees between his legs) petting thru his hair and holding andrews hand and lives vicariously thru BOTH of them as andrew sliiides home - adam maybe cries - (its bc steven is kissing him and andrew is holding him and they’re smiling at eachother and /his boys his boys his boys/) - andrew pets back his hair and shushes him and presses his mouth to his forehead and his mouth and his throat and adam tries to keep breathing - steven is … the worst bc he’s so into this (it’s like… porn right in front of u… and it’s real and emotional and he can touch them oh my god) and he’s like “c’mon drew, give it to him, c’mon he needs it” - adam can’t even understand what he’s saying but he agrees! - “c’mon drew, give our boy what he wants cmon” and jfc andrew is gonna blow if he doesn’t shut him up so he grabs him and kisses him good and holds him and feels him up cuz he can!!! - he wraps a hand around stevens cock and lays him down beside adam. he thrusts into adam as he jerks up and pulls out as he jerks down and adam is right in his ear panting and crying “ohhhmhgoddstehhhsteven o oh m my g g ooooahh” w every thrust and ok! that’s it for mr lim cheque please! - he’s hold onto andrews arm as he cums and crying into adams neck and holy shit - andrew gives him a sweet kiss before turning back to adam and adam can feel his intentions in the swell of his cock and ok! he’s ready - “c’mon drew. fuck me.” … n u don’t gotta tell him twice ok - the next like two minutes is adam holding andrew around the shoulders and grabbing his back and completely blissed out. andrew n steven are saying something and he thinks he’s saying something ? but he really can’t hear over the blood in his ears - steven catching his breath, but he’s reached down and is gently jerking adam off since he prob can’t cum from cock alone (he prob can) and really just wants his hands on them - andrews whispering “i’m gunna cum oh my god” - “hows it feel” steven asks breathily - “oh my god. steven. steven.” - “it’s ok baby we got u” - and now andrew is sputtering their names and adam is actually just muttering a string of “yes” and “more” but he’s on totally on a different planet - “i’m gonna come” andrew’s muttering “ohh my god” - “oh my god!” adam yells, turning his face into stevens neck “i’m gonna come i’m gonna” suddenly out of his sub drop - steven doesn’t even know what to say as andrew pulls out and comes on adams hip and adams hand replaces stevens and he comes on his stomach - adams eyes r clear now and he’s like woooooowie cloud 9 but could probably use an inhaler - andrew thinks he could faint right here but instead he pushes his face to where theirs r close and just whispers “jesus christ i love you two” and - well that’s the end of that - (jk they clean up and snuggle and it’s sweet but they’re covered in marks and they’ve gotta film tomorrrow and NO ONE BROUGHT A TURTLE NECK)
like? Kudos it here :)
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mediatrixs · 7 years
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It’s hard to believe that I’m already at 200 203 followers now !!  But we’ve made it to my first major milestone and I’m beyond proud of the development that’s been made for my daughter with the help of some incredible friends !!  Speaking of, this is the part where I start gushing about them !!
                                                 THE FAM / SQUAD !!
@mysetious​, SYLV! My life, my wife. My main inspiration for getting absorbed in this crazy world of tumblr roleplay. We met writing as Chat Noir and Ladybug and those were some of my fondest memories of writing within the seventeen years that I've been doing this whole roleplaying thing in general. When I was starting to lose my spark with writing, and was close to giving up on roleplaying altogether. It was you who helped bring it back. I'm so thankful to have you in my life and don't know where I'd be without you to this day. Even though we only met half a year ago at this point, I feel like I've known you for years. This friendship was something that was meant to be in my book.
@lunaaris​, oh nic. Where can I even start with you? Hah. When we first actually started talking, you were my dead mom. Now you're my girlfriend and complicated boyfriend. Oh how half a year can change everything. All joking aside, much like with Sylv, I feel like I've known you for years. You're someone who just gets me rather I'm being hyperactive or salty. I appreciate you and all that you've done for me. Whatever wild ride we happen to be on together, I'm hoping that we get to keep on riding it for a while. 
@uloen​, NISSA! MY GAY LOVER! When will people learn that they really shouldn't leave the two of us alone together? Things happen. Things get plotted. And now here we are in our wonderland of plots and muses. You've given me so many laughs to the point that I've started crying and I'm beyond thankful that I have you in my life. You're super talented. You're incredible.
@silencedglaive​, OH NAI !!  Can you believe that after only knowing each other for three months that we ended up meeting each other at an anime convention all thanks to a heckin joke that was made during a voice chat? Because I think about this often and man! That was such a fun time! Not only did I have a great time with you in person, you're an absolute delight online as well. You're one of my closest friends and happen to be beyond sweet. Even if you are the real life Hatsuharu Sohma, it makes me love you so much more. Thank you for coming into my life.
@gamertard​, well, well. We get to the lyd portion of all of this. I guess everyone can just go on home now. Nothing to see here. Haha. I'm kidding, as you know. Lyd, you're one of a kind and there isn't a single thing that you can't make interesting whenever you decide to add your own twist on everything. It's admirable really. I know that I tease you a lot but you're definitely such a good friend. Keep up the great work with a dweeb like Yoosung. Someone has to love that boy.
@fatalheir​, I'm sure you're waiting for me to gush all about how amazing you are and how much I appreciate you as a friend AJ. WELL GUESS WHAT?! It's not gonna happen! GOSH. The world isn't all about you! Lmao. No, but seriously. You're such a nice person and I'm always thankful whenever we text and chat. Even your oneliners manage to make me laugh harder than it probably should. We're just now starting to get to know each other and I'm so happy to be able to say that we're now friends. I'm beyond blessed that you're here. Continue gracing me, if you wish.
@errorhacked​, MY CRACK AND ANGST LOVE. While we're still getting to know one another, I really enjoy writing out these jokes and pain with you. You're one of the people who has definitely helped me channel my muse's inner sadness that I wanted to bring out more. So thanks for that! You're also a delight with your pickup lines. Not to mention an INCREDIBLE seven. Keep it up! I got your back if you need anything.
@ahdomx​, You already know how I feel about you. You're my sister. You're my best friend. You're there for me when I literally need someone the most. I won't go on and on about you. But I want you to know that I do appreciate you. I love building our universes and muses together whenever we plot. And I want you to continue being the incredible sibling that you are to me. Also, you're not my real dad. xoxo
@choieye​, PRINCE! Hello to you! I know that we haven't had much chance to interact and speak, I'm hoping to change that soon! But I want you to know that you are special and you really brighten up my dash! Seeing your liveblogs makes me emotional, because I'm always thinking about Rika and where she is in that game that's consumed our lives. I certainly hope that we get to chat with each other more and write together more soon!
@startalents​, I'M STILL LAUGHING OVER THE DAY WE WATCHED THAT BLACK BUTLER MOVIE TOGETHER. That's gonna be one of my favorite memories with you. Especially once Lyd got the title of Spielberg bully. Ah, good times. I know we don't know each other all too well but I absolutely cherish you. I wanted you to know that.
                                              SPECIAL BIAS !!
So, I could go on and on about how I love every single one of the people linked here, but that would make this post super long with how much I enjoy rambling. But everyone in this section is super special to me. They really brighten up my days and I adore writing and chatting with them. They deserve a special spot on this bias list. Please love them the way that I do, because it's a whole bunch.
@moongrail​, @spookybcrn​, @shxujobrave​, @seijoki​.
                                         THE 200th FOLLOWER !!
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for-the-saba · 7 years
Also, random ask, top shows at the moment???¿ 👀✌
ahueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee buddy. 
you are asking for a world of hurt, asking me that question i’m tellin you
If you like angst, amazing characters, unique subplots, and just general amazing storytelling I’m gonna give you three of my favorites atm
1) Is and probably will continue to be one of my favorite series’ ever: Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu:
Not only does it give you really interesting insight into the art of Rakugo and the dedication and passion required, it also deals with humanity and morality and love in ways i haven’t seen in a long time. It’s tremendously emotional, and raw in it’s characterizations, and it’s moving on so many levels. I’d recommend it to anyone honestly.
2) Gintama: 
This show is just. wtf. It has moments where it can be out of this world with it’s humor and content, making you question your life at 3am on a sunday morning sitting in your underwear without the slightest idea of what’s going on around you or on the fuckin screEN for that matter. BUT it also has moments of such strong, serious content that it makes you wonder if you’re even watching the same show. It’s a brilliant balance of fuckery and seriousness that it makes you love all of the characters, and understand the love they all have for one another, and the family they’ve found in each other.
3) Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans:
HOLY SHIT LET ME TELL YOU WHAT. I’d only just started this series like two weeks ago but I got so entrenched into the storyline and the characters and just the unbelievable ART that is this show, I finished it in 2 days. Over a weekend I dedicated my life to suffering. THIS SHOW IS PAIN on so many levels, but it’s also hope, and love and agAIN FAMILY (something I can’t get enough of in a series honestly, humanity and family are just ALWAYS important to me when I decide to check something out). The characters in this series are so damn solid, you will love close to every single one of them I guarantee it. The storyline is intense and it’s incredibly vast (i mean. it’s gundam so, yeh), and it has a unique twist to a lot of tropes that are seen in shows, it had me squealin and giggling in such pleasant surprise for so much of it i am not ashamed to say haha. While there are certain aspects of this series I could do without (the whole…..McGillis & Almiria thing because honestly…..the fuck. Also. did I mention the pAINN????), I think it’s still worth checking out.
4) Shingeki no Bahamut: 
This. show. Is GUH. The artwork is heckin BREaTHTAKING, the characters are hilarious and silly but also AWESOME AS HELL. It’s an adorable and hilarious show that focuses on a fantasy type “medieval demons and angels” kind of setting. You’ll fall in love with the mains and their unquestionable bad luck, and you’ll be left wanting more by the time the show’s up. WHICH! Luckily there will be, when s2 airs in a few weeks! Huzzah!
Also, a few honorable mentions that are worth checking out always! Natsuyuki Rendezvous, Sakamichi no Apollon, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (although, do beware. It’s full of glorious mantiddy and confusion and rock n’ roll references), Paradise Kiss, Psycho-Pass, Sengoku Basara, etc etc. Check out my tags if you wanna go explorin!
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clockworklayton · 7 years
My Thoughts on TFP
(after rewatching)
Can we all applaud Honor Kneafsey for her amazing acting as the girl on the plane. And also for her spectacular name.
Hearing Moriarty on the phone made my heart leap and my stomach drop.
Mycroft memorising old films <3
Then smiling at his childhood videos MY HEART
the bleeding pictures... Sherlock is so extra
Why a clown?? That felt a bit too weird
His little “help me” MY HEART
The theories about Eurus were right :D
They kind of threw away the whole ‘shooting John’ bit... it didn’t really make sense and just feels like a cliffhanger for the sake of it. I get that she’d want to get away but still... it was just a bit anticlimactic.
Poor scared Mycroft not wanting to be left alone :’(
John’s suddenly really spiteful. I guess he’s angry about being shot? Maybe I should watch the series all in one.
Mycroft’s disgust at being a client is wonderful.
The skull poster looks normal and dull again...??
Mycroft is so scientific and so dramatic at the same time, it’s great.
So is Eurus the middle child or Sherlock?
Mycroft picking up a stone while in his memory, like his younger self ^-^
Little Eurus had the same drawing board as me! I’m a bit terrified...
Sad Mycroft makes me want to cry.
I really want to meet this Uncle Rudi. He sounds interesting.
The idea of the patience grenade really freaks me out.
I love that Mycroft still cares about his childhood acting ^-^ he’s just great.
The explosion looked.. so fake...
Why does the radio play “Sherrinford”??
I get that it’s all to trick us, but why do they lockdown the prisoners if Eurus is actually in control?
How the cheese were they uninjured from the explosion?? And How’s Mrs Hudson?
Wait. Did Mycroft get some poor bloke and explode him so that he could sneak onto the island??
So Mycroft’s still got his acting skills! :D
Why aren’t Mycroft and John suspicious that the Governor doesn’t send out a message to detain Sherlock?
I may be in love with Scottish Sherlock.
So Sherlock’s suit doesn’t have a single crease or damp patch after taking over a ship in stormy seas??
“bottoms aren’t really pretty” I agree mate.
Moriarty ships himself with literally everyone he meets.
I’m so confused, she says “Redbeard” and then Moriarty starts doing some weird separated making-out thing with her... what??
Moriarty’s messages are amazing. End of. I wonder what his brother is/was like...
I feel like shooting the Guvernor wouldn’t be hugely hard, but then I guess it’s not something I’d have any idea about.
Numpty didn’t read the terms and conditions.
Mycroft stop being a dick.
The Garridebs bit looks really quite fake, and was fairly predictable, but I still liked it.
Of course that wouldn’t be Irene’s coffin, hers would be huge and black and silver, covered with roses.
Eurus looks kind of sad right after the phone call. I think she wishes someone would say it to her, that someone would love her like Sherlock loves Molly.
Coffins are surprisingly destructible...
The “Kill John or Mycroft” bit was really predictable, but I think that’s maybe the point. We knew it was coming so we were scared of it, wishing it wouldn’t happen. It was the same for the characters. I love stuff like that.
For the tiny moment that I believed Mycroft actually wanted John to die it shattered my heart. Then when I realised he was baiting Sherlock it pulverised it, and then when John agreed with him it made it into a smoothie.
God Moriarty is such a creep... how do we love him so much?
Mycroft’s lip wobbling as he realises his brother might be about to die D’:
How were they all so perfectly positioned for the darts?
Little Eurus playing with a plane... I guess it’s always been something on her mind.
Why wouldn’t the police have been called and done a full sweep of the grounds?
Soo... how did she help him save John? The water is still pouring in when the police drop the rope down, so she hasn’t stopped it, but that leaves no time for getting to the well, calling the police etc. That bit just makes no sense.
Greg! A bit cheesy, but that’s why I love it!
Sooo... the grenade didn’t damage the floor at all? Mycroft expected it to, and he’s bought them before.
Putting the headphones back on the skull was a wonderful touch.
When I saw the MISS YOU disk I got all excited about another plot twist, having had so many this episode. When it came up as Mary, I just felt a bit disappointed, which is a shame because I really loved her character. I think they overdid that idea a bit. Plus it didn’t make a ton of sense in the story.
What does she mean “who you are, it doesn’t really matter” ??? The show is so much about their relationship and development. That’s what feels important, more than the cases. The story is a catalyst for the characters’ development, but it is not the main reaction.
Putting the smiley back and shooting it is such a lovely touch, I’m glad they included that.
What a happy family <3
That ending narration feels a bit... off. I don’t really know. It just sounds too much like the end of a series, rather than a realistic message Mary would send. I’m all about cheesiness, but it has to have purpose and make sense in the world of the story.
If they had been holding hands as they ran at the end, I would have forgiven the previous point. Like when they were handcuffed together, it’s such a perfect image for them, but instead we got general running which doesn’t really feel personal enough.
Overall, I like the episode. I found myself incredibly tense with fear and excitement the whole way through, the plot twist were delightfully horrific and manipulated my emotions perfectly. Lots were predictable but I think that actually added to the experience. There were quite a few issues, particularly towards the end, which did feel forced and quite disappointing.
When it comes to the whole Johnlock clusterheck, I do ship them, but I was surprised that people were so adamant that they would kiss etc this series. I’m no expert and haven’t watched the thousands of videos on the subtext, but I know that it’s there and have suspected at least Sherlock to love John, but if they do end up being together, I wouldn’t expect it to happen this series. It would just make Mary seem like a throwaway character.
I get that a lot of people didn’t like this episode, and I see why, but I just wish that everyone would be a bit nicer and accept that everyone has different opinions. I’ve seen so much hostility and arrogance from both sides, and it’s things like that that give fandoms bad names. Someone disagreeing with you does not make them wrong or stupid, it just makes them different, which is kind of the point.
Sorry this ended up waaaaaaay longer than I intended, I just love Sherlock so much!
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Just a small thing about Mamasuma and talking to herself. (sympathetic)  Go read Kit’s fic Support Group for the Abundantly Abandoned 
Fandom: Birdmen
-- is a change in perspective
xx is a change in snippet
She shifted, alone, in the silence that seemed to permeate her very being. Her son was not at home, and her husband-- a wry glance at the staircase where he’d disappeared to with a huff-- her husband was indisposed.
It was an accident. A--a slip of the tongue on a rainy afternoon.
She didn’t sneak around locking doors and peeking over corners. Not at first anyway, not really. She was just possessed by a spell of tumultuous emotions one day, and the onions seemed good company and the eggs promised not to tell, and so she talked.
“Sweetheart,” she said to the part of the counter where there wasn’t a warm smile, to the chair that was empty, to the mug that had been left untouched. To the lunch table, where they’d fought in whispers and she’d bit out entire necklaces of harsh words that now locked around her neck.
The kitchen fridge listened with feigned earnest as she cycled through terms, till finally she opened her mouth and said: “You always make me--” and stopped. Because it was useless, and taking blame felt somehow like she was not vindicated and hell if he was right in this.
She paused, thinking over the words. Maybe that was what caught her; the ability to stop, to reassess, to choose her words so that she was perfectly clear. The onions went into a bowl and she began to attack the lettuce, ripping it savagely into bite-sized pieces. She tried again under guise of self-talk and problem solving and other good, normal, things, “I know that I--.”
Her pride, hard-nosed and willful, bristled at that option and the process ceased. She threw soda on the lettuce and went to work moulding the ground beef into patties. More force than necessary was used, but the things filled her palm and were tossed into a heated pan with about the same amount of care that went into pondering the forcefulness of meat preparation.
It chattered wickedly while her brain churned for words--she wasn’t good at--this. Creating words and feelings and such. Honestly, she doubted the possibility of ever getting “good” at such a thing.
(But she would improve at finding the words that flirted with her feelings over the years-- though she still avoided thinking about the connotations of a continued stream of “upset” or “annoyed” synonyms.)
Her hands sought something to do as the burgers crackled loudly, and so she set to arranging the fruit basket and the flowers and the utensil rack. It was there that her train of thought resumed, recounting her husband’s late arrival-- Saturday afternoon had turned to Sunday morning without so much of a call--and how dare he. How dare he!
And granted she hadn’t needed to yell when he came home-- maybe she should have waited even, who knew-- but! But!
Her fingers twitched in a stifled show of displeasure. Down came the clatter of knives in her hands, a mess of silver on tile floors. She clicked, stooping to gather the things in the mouth of her apron. They’d need to be washed probably, scrubbed and dried and put back into place. This did nothing to soothe the unearthed annoyance.
“Who said,” she snapped, picking them up and jamming them harshly into the fabric pocket, “Who said he’d be home? Who made plans for that, huh? You can’t just up and go wherever you want!”
“You can’t just….leave.”
There was a satisfying crash when the knives met with the silver of the sink, one that reverberated on the pot lid that was sitting in there. One that snapped her out of her tiff of anger and made her focus on the slight tremble of her hands and the sudden desert in her throat.
The words were foreigners to her, weapons she didn’t know how to use. So she tucked them away in the pocket of her skirts and smiled broadly as she dealt with the slowly charring hamburger.  
She convinced herself that it was a fluke, and that “Honey, I’m lonely, please come home.” was just a one time feeling. It would get better with time.
“I’m not the reason why Dad left.”
Her throat fused shut, the words shriveling as her skin began to crawl. Thick gulps of air made it impossible to breathe. Her son stared at the table where the food had catapulted to the floor. Or at least she thought it was her son. The steel cut of his words seemed drastically familiar but she strained to connect the dots to a little boy who loved her.
Silence wrapped an invisible bind around her mouth, forced it shut as her heart thrummed in her chest. The rusty tool that was her brain struggled to kickstart, shock rendering it useless. It was courteous enough to respond when Eishi asked to be excused.  
Two thoughts made themselves known as Eishi stormed away, leaving her in the company of empty chairs and a ruined dinner. The first was bored almost, a drawl that said, “Well, things really do stay the same, don’t they?” while the second, in a shocked stupor, babbled, “Well that was a surprise.”
Mama bent down, tucked her skirt under her knees and picked at the remains of the dinner she’d worked heckin’ hard on. She frowned at the glisten of the golden wedding band, then again at the incandescent glow reflecting on the rims of fallen plate. So much for slow and steady.
Her hands trembled. They shook. She gripped them together and swallowed the thing that raged at the back of her throat. She moved against the image burned into her mind, the venom that coursed through her veins, seeping away her energy.
All at once the silence became deadly, her faults echoing with a torrent of ferocity from every open space. Passive sneers in her voice, ghosts of conversations that could have gone so much better.
Mama began to talk.
She’d been talking for two for a long time now, had become skilled at holding conversations with only one participant. As with now and many other times, it was either filling the silence or suffocating on its tar-like presence. Eishi rarely humoured her with a response, usually blanking completely or glaring testily off into the distance until she affirmed that yes, son o’ mine, you’re still in the same room and I am talking to you.
Usually Mama exceeded at pretending she didn’t see that, too, and would spend the meal times chittering idly about her day. It was a phase, probably. He always was a sensitive child.
Her fingers trembled. She forced them into claws and picked the discarded plate, scooping as much of the rice as she could back into it despite the way her hands didn’t cooperate.
That… that hadn’t ended the way she’d expected.
Like, at all.
I’m not the reason why Dad left.
There was a storm in her belly, an inferno that scorched her throat and burned her eyes. She wanted to say that she hadn’t thought it through, that it was a mistake on her part, that she’d...stepped on some mine that she hadn’t noticed.
But, heck, maybe she didn’t have the right. Who knew? Eishi actually talked to the Kamoda boy, and the uncommitted grunts he usually passed for conversation were rarely so cutting. He was a sensitive boy, somehow attuned to her ever bleeding weaknesses.
She bit down against the latest angry sniffle and forewent salvaging the rest of the meal. Extras could be packed away and used for some other time. The part of the meal that had gotten acquainted with the floor was escorted to the garbage.
The damn claw hands were useless once she got to the sink. Clumsy beasts that were incapable of maneuvering the smooth surface of the bowl. She dumped sponge and dish alike and balled her hands to fists. She’d tried that time, dammit.
“I worked through a new cookbook for that recipe,” she said aloud, pretending that the turn of the night was because of her choice of side dish. Because she wasn’t licking her wounds, she wasn’t, “You could’ve, I don’t know, finished it, maybe?”
She willed her hand to the curve of a bowl, “And where the hell do you get off snapping, huh? I’m the one who should be angry! You punk!”
The words were forced, a mirror over real hurt, but she continued on, “Leaving in the middle of the night--do you know what happens at night?” did she know what happened at night? When he left, and she was alone praying he'd be back safe? “Bad things, alright? Bad things happen at night! And if you get hurt, what am I supposed to say, huh? What am I supposed to do--?”
And then she stopped, the words jamming at the base of her throat, refusing to move, to let her speak. She breathed instead, and pulled out the dish she’d scrubbed at least twelve times now to let it rest. A sudden wave of nausea sent her twisting back to the still-set table.
Eishi’s seat was askew and she let herself flop into it, fingers finding her face as the kitchen echoed back a firecracker of silence.
Eishi flew away, not looking back. Leaving her behind. The look on his face etched into her mind and
Like father like son.
Her breath cut her throat. 
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
My Neighbor Totoro
Welcome to the 'highglossfinish' room. Knock Out: You as well! Pheonix: I'm off to panama, to dig a new lock in the canal ;) Pheonix: lol Thebes: night! thenightetc: ...What's this Knock Out: Stupid chickens deceived by ice. Jalaperilo: Here she is! Thebes: to be fair, it's not hard to trick a chicken Knock Out: It really isn't. Jalaperilo: evening all Knock Out: Hello, everyone! thenightetc: Kinda hungry now Jalaperilo: if we're doing info mercials, can we watch jaboodydubs Banoodle video? Knock Out: Absolutely we can. Jalaperilo: yey!
Jalaperilo: ba'pic ba'nic thenightetc: Oh my god Starscreamapillar: . . . Knock Out: Welome to this. Jalaperilo: i love these Jalaperilo: the sticky buddy is also good Jalaperilo: warm sticky guilt! Knock Out: The best kind of guilt, of course. Thebes: shoulda bought a tap light Jalaperilo: ah, one for yout back seat knock Starscreamapillar: Ah yes, the half used batteries. Jalaperilo: yey! caffienatedconfetti: HELLO Jalaperilo: caffi-confii! caffienatedconfetti: WE'RE WATCHING TOTORO AND I AM SO HAPPY caffienatedconfetti: THIS MOVIEEEEE IGYKDHKNJB Thebes: catbussss thenightetc: *hasn't seen it yet* Jalaperilo: neither have i caffienatedconfetti: it's the cutest caffienatedconfetti: are you watching infomercials? Knock Out: Just passing the precious gift of time with a few of these. caffienatedconfetti: did you look at "big bill hell's cars" Knock Out: We have not! caffienatedconfetti: it's thee best Thebes: I laugh every time I see this one caffienatedconfetti: WE'LLL *** YER WIFE caffienatedconfetti: heck i forgot the filter Knock Out: I've yet to figure out how to turn it off. caffienatedconfetti: anyeway caffienatedconfetti: award for most agressive car salesman caffienatedconfetti: oooooh goodness caffienatedconfetti: oh, this is the japanese version? Knock Out: It is. Jalaperilo: how dare you make me read! Jalaperilo: j/k thenightetc: spide caffienatedconfetti: i've never seen it in japanese caffienatedconfetti: bet it'll still be heckin cute Knock Out: I've seen them all, but favor this one. Starscreamapillar: Are children commonly stored with the furniture? caffienatedconfetti: nah, there just wasn't any room up front Jalaperilo: so people dont use children as footstools? caffienatedconfetti: not usually, no thenightetc: Well, that looks safe! caffienatedconfetti: that is not a good idea Starscreamapillar: They are very excited to be living in a wreck. caffienatedconfetti: they look overjoyed at how structally unsound their new house is Knock Out: Impact doesn't like when I call the little one toad-like, but just between all of us, that's a horrific toad child. thenightetc: It's a fixer-upper caffienatedconfetti: mei is kinda annoying Jalaperilo: these children are too excitable Welcome to the 'highglossfinish' room. Jalaperilo: i guessed caffienatedconfetti: lol just wanted to say in case someone didn't know caffienatedconfetti: sorryt Starscreamapillar: If there are house rodents, I do not think walking with shoes on will make the biggest mess. thenightetc: "I didn't see anything if you didn't" caffienatedconfetti: SCARE THEM AWAY WITH YELLING Knock Out: Dear Unicron, her mouth. caffienatedconfetti: oh lord this part scared me when i was little caffienatedconfetti: "DON'T GO UP THERE, THERE'S MONSTERS" caffienatedconfetti: ow caffienatedconfetti: oh no poor little guy thenightetc: Weren't these little guys in Spirited Away, too? Thebes: yeah, but they had legs there caffienatedconfetti: i always love the way ghibli animates water caffienatedconfetti: and food caffienatedconfetti: mostly food caffienatedconfetti: oh, this kid caffienatedconfetti: he's a butt Jalaperilo: ngl? these kids shouting is starting to grate Starscreamapillar: They are very loud. caffienatedconfetti: you're one to talk Starscreamapillar: Do not make me consider my position on stepping on you. caffienatedconfetti: do you really want to have to clean my blood and guts off of your foot Starscreamapillar: True. I suppose I could just kick you into something solid. Spare myself the mess. caffienatedconfetti: i'll still splatter blood on you. out of spite Knock Out: No splattering in my chat room. caffienatedconfetti: knockout please rephrase that Knock Out: Splatter not. Starscreamapillar: Spared, out of respect for our host. caffienatedconfetti: sure, why not Starscreamapillar: If both parents have black hair, how did the youngest end up with brown hair? Jalaperilo: whats wrong with the mum> caffienatedconfetti: they don't specify in the movie caffienatedconfetti: as for the other question, genetics are qeird Jalaperilo: prob sick of the children screaming caffienatedconfetti: *weird Jalaperilo: my mam used to kicked me out the house when I got too rowdy Knock Out: The data net says tuberculosis. caffienatedconfetti: ouch. that's a nasty one Knock Out: The children's screaming clearly caused her tuberculous lungs. caffienatedconfetti: i don't think that's how it works Starscreamapillar: Is tuberculosis not contagious? By visiting her they should all be doomed to die. caffienatedconfetti: no, sometimes it can become dormant Knock Out: She's going home to her people. caffienatedconfetti: ok that got a laugh thenightetc: Pfffff caffienatedconfetti: oooooOOOOO caffienatedconfetti: LOOOK ATR IT caffienatedconfetti: BVKSJGNYZUI caffienatedconfetti: it's so smol thenightetc: it IS caffienatedconfetti: oh dear caffienatedconfetti: that look on her face tho caffienatedconfetti: pure evil Starscreamapillar: She looks like she plans on eating it. caffienatedconfetti: RUN BBY RUN Knock Out: It's having none of her giant mouth or her squatting. caffienatedconfetti: OH MY GOD THE NOISE IT MADE RUNNING AWAY caffienatedconfetti: PTCHOOO thenightetc: omg caffienatedconfetti: OH MY GOD THERE'S TWO OF THEM YEYUTFEYS caffienatedconfetti: RUNRUNRUN caffienatedconfetti: MY GOOD SWEET BBYS caffienatedconfetti: FACEPLANT caffienatedconfetti: wait ohmygod Thebes: LITERAL FACE PLANT caffienatedconfetti: LITERAL caffienatedconfetti: YES caffienatedconfetti: RUN Starscreamapillar: Following spirits into the woods rarely ends well for wayward children. Knock Out: I'm more concerned for the spirits. caffienatedconfetti: yes but these spirits look like lil bunnies caffienatedconfetti: ooooooooooooh here he comes caffienatedconfetti: THERE HE IS caffienatedconfetti: BIG BOI caffienatedconfetti: SUCH FLUFF Starscreamapillar: Yes. Touch that strange beast. That's smart. caffienatedconfetti: she's four years old dude caffienatedconfetti: it's big, it's fluffy, she's gonna touch it caffienatedconfetti: THE NOISES Starscreamapillar: And she will not get older with those sorts of survival instincts. caffienatedconfetti: four year olds have no survival instinct thenightetc: Those whiskers caffienatedconfetti: wiggly Jalaperilo: there is a theory that its a metaphor for this child dying or going missing caffienatedconfetti: scootch scootch Jalaperilo: something to do with the missing shoe? Jalaperilo: i keep losing my colour caffienatedconfetti: totoro's not having yo bull caffienatedconfetti: them's the good scritches Jalaperilo: i remeber south park doing a perfect shot for shot remake with cartman and cthulhu caffienatedconfetti: wha caffienatedconfetti: what caffienatedconfetti: waht caffienatedconfetti: um caffienatedconfetti: i caffienatedconfetti: i'm sorry? Thebes: yeah, no joke, South Park did A Boy And His Cthulu for a whole trilogy and there were many, many references. Totoro was just the one. caffienatedconfetti: oh caffienatedconfetti: oh Jalaperilo: about south park theres a 2 part episode involving BP unleashing cthulhu onto the world Thebes: I thought it was a 3-parter? Jalaperilo: i tied in a lot of the lovecraftian lore with kenny Jalaperilo: it might be, its been a while since i watched it caffienatedconfetti: i still love the dad character caffienatedconfetti: he's such a dork caffienatedconfetti: god this music, i still remember it years latert caffienatedconfetti: awe and wonder thenightetc: awwww caffienatedconfetti: big fluff boi caffienatedconfetti: heck, she's just needy since her mother's sick.... caffienatedconfetti: four year olds are stupid and emotional, not exactly their fault caffienatedconfetti: OW caffienatedconfetti: hhhhhere it comes thenightetc: aaaaaaaaaaaaa caffienatedconfetti: EEEEE Knock Out: I like the long stretches of nothing broken up by occasional bursts of Totoro. caffienatedconfetti: he spook caffienatedconfetti: blink Knock Out: stare thenightetc: this is delightful caffienatedconfetti: spooj caffienatedconfetti: spook caffienatedconfetti: wait caffienatedconfetti: no caffienatedconfetti: joy caffienatedconfetti: such joy caffienatedconfetti: awwwww caffienatedconfetti: BOUNCE thenightetc: PFFF Thebes: Totoro is basically the incarnation of 'want to hug' caffienatedconfetti: CATBUSSSSSSSSS Thebes: CAAAATBUS caffienatedconfetti: MEEEEEEEEOW Jalaperilo: i feel like theres a metaphor that im missing thenightetc: he is TAKING their UMBRELLA Starscreamapillar: . . . Thebes: honestly it's probably just that someone let their imagination run wild when they saw a cat's eyes shining in hte dark caffienatedconfetti: the metaphor is "don't do drugs" Starscreamapillar: This does seem like a fever dream from being out in the rain too long. Knock Out: If there's a drug metaphor, it's "do as many drugs as possible." caffienatedconfetti: ASH Knock Out: GREEEH caffienatedconfetti: JFSKGHNM caffienatedconfetti: GREEEH caffienatedconfetti: seriously tho the look of joy on totoro's face when the rain hit the umbrella caffienatedconfetti: priceless Knock Out: "Totoro gave us a lovely present tied with dragon lungs. I'm sorry the bacterium are affecting your spine." Knock Out: *Dragon whiskers Starscreamapillar: *Snrks* caffienatedconfetti: dragon lungs caffienatedconfetti: did the dragon have tuberculosis Knock Out: It caught it from the mother. caffienatedconfetti: WHAT A TWIST caffienatedconfetti: NEXT UP: two children take part in an occult ritual Knock Out: Does it promise to be whimsical and charming? caffienatedconfetti: yes caffienatedconfetti: POP caffienatedconfetti: POP caffienatedconfetti: OPOPPOPOPPOP Knock Out: I love this music, I have to say. Jalaperilo: this is the good kind of summoning caffienatedconfetti: ooooo caffienatedconfetti: NOMNOMNOM caffienatedconfetti: OH MY GOODNESS caffienatedconfetti: YES PLEASE caffienatedconfetti: FLUFF caffienatedconfetti: YEESSSSSS caffienatedconfetti: BWAAAAAAAAAH Thebes: It's like Mary Poppins but as a cat-wookie caffienatedconfetti: oh my god you're right Jalaperilo: is it just me its buffering for> Knock Out: Now, frankly, why does everyone make such a fuss over the whole "the children are dead" reading? Knock Out: Who cares if they are? Knock Out: I'd like to see this when I die. Starscreamapillar: They sure do not seem to. caffienatedconfetti: they're not dead!!! i hate that theory caffienatedconfetti: totoro is a story about childhood wonder and dealing with family struggles Knock Out: I didn't read it that way. Just saying, it's the softest depiction of the afterlife I've ever seen. Knock Out: Or would be, rather. caffienatedconfetti: sorry, that interpretation is just a pet peeve caffienatedconfetti: you're right, tho Knock Out: It does seem like it would be gilding the lily. Knock Out: I like that it's a tale about nothing. caffienatedconfetti: hm Knock Out: It does seem like it would be gilding the lily. Knock Out: I like that it's a tale about nothing. caffienatedconfetti: hm caffienatedconfetti: yeah, i think you're right thenightetc: ...Nanny.  No. caffienatedconfetti: sometimes it's nice to indulge in something cute and small Starscreamapillar: That is reckless to tell children thenightetc: It really is. caffienatedconfetti: what'd she say? thenightetc: That if the mom ate the vegetables she'd be cured. caffienatedconfetti: ooooooh dear Knock Out: Someone else please watch these children. Starscreamapillar: Clearly she cannot really watch them. caffienatedconfetti: lay off the old lady starscream Starscreamapillar: Never. Knock Out: Oh, but she sounds like the old human from the sticky buddy dub. Jalaperilo: hah! caffienatedconfetti: oh goodness thenightetc: GOAT EYES. caffienatedconfetti: AHHHH caffienatedconfetti: AHHHH caffienatedconfetti: NO Jalaperilo: i love goats caffienatedconfetti: sorry but that one looked terrifying caffienatedconfetti: beign angry and sad is tiring Jalaperilo: is that why i'm knackered all the time? caffienatedconfetti: probs thenightetc: ...I don't think it's "just a cold" Knock Out: Stop saying unhelpful things! thenightetc: Oh my god! thenightetc: Now if she DOES die it'll be like she was deliberately leaving! Starscreamapillar: Indeed. Knock Out: "Mommy's lungs are filling up with cottage cheese because you were naughty once." Jalaperilo: *** hell knock Thebes: WHY is she the only option for babysitting! thenightetc: And now apparently Mei's run off to bring her corn, because Nanny said the corn would make her get better. caffienatedconfetti: because they're in the middle of nowhere thenightetc: Good.  Job. thenightetc: "So, your four-year-old's missing... I may have told her some.... things... anyway, it's not my fault" caffienatedconfetti: hey, she wasn't being malicious Jalaperilo: we had TB vaccines in school as a nationwide program as a kid, but we had to have a Heaf test before to see if we were immune. and i was the only one in the year group of 200 to reacted positive. Jalaperilo: i've never had tb previously, or been near someone who had, so they guessed I was a dormant carrier Jalaperilo: so i cant wait for my lungs to fill with cottage cheese thenightetc: s...so some other small child may have drowned there. Starscreamapillar: Well, it is apparently easy for them to just wander off. Knock Out: I'm sure that won't happen. And if it does, they'll offer you more substantial treatment than corn. Jalaperilo: hah Jalaperilo: and here i was already shucking a corn caffienatedconfetti: "whhhhhaaaa slow down bby" caffienatedconfetti: "im sleep" caffienatedconfetti: "oh my god dont cry" caffienatedconfetti: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR caffienatedconfetti: the catbus cometh Jalaperilo: ngl. totoro is a bit terrifying caffienatedconfetti: just a lil caffienatedconfetti: but his teeth aren't sharp so no flesh-eating there Knock Out: Unless he swallows you whole. Starscreamapillar: The flat teeth are to shatter your bones. Jalaperilo: the 4 year old is missing so we're gonna let the 11 year old run off as well caffienatedconfetti: you're thinking of hippos Starscreamapillar: That cannot be good for the power lines. caffienatedconfetti: blink Knock Out: It's an anatomically correct bus. Lovely! caffienatedconfetti: rowr caffienatedconfetti: blink Jalaperilo: it looks like the mother has hydrocephalus as well Starscreamapillar: 'They'll be fine' as they both manage to run away. caffienatedconfetti: blink caffienatedconfetti: cern Knock Out: Well, it's reached her brain. Knock Out: Oh, that's too charming. thenightetc: It is! Knock Out: Alright. So the girls are NOT dead, but if they were, it would be Nanny's fault. thenightetc: Yes. Starscreamapillar: Indeed. Thebes: Absolutely caffienatedconfetti: i like to imagine totoro keeping the umbrella  so long that moss and grass and flowersgrow on it Knock Out: That's adorable. Jalaperilo: there another anime, where a young sibling does actually die and the older one goes to get its sould Jalaperilo: i think theyre cats? Jalaperilo: its f ed up caffienatedconfetti: heck caffienatedconfetti: snowtoro Knock Out: Night on the Galactic Railroad? caffienatedconfetti: awwww man caffienatedconfetti: i still love this movie thenightetc: That was great. Jalaperilo: Cat Soup caffienatedconfetti: looks like we're out of luck huh Thebes: try kissanime.co caffienatedconfetti: anyway i gtg, it's getting late caffienatedconfetti: thanks so much for streaming this movie! Knock Out: Glad you were able to make it, caffienated human! Have a good night! caffienatedconfetti: totoro was my childhood fave caffienatedconfetti: and i have so many fond memories caffienatedconfetti: i'll draw him for you! caffienatedconfetti: ^u^ caffienatedconfetti: bye! night night! Jalaperilo: dont stay too caffinated or youll never sleep caffienatedconfetti: lelellelelle caffienatedconfetti: also, don't let starscream squish me caffienatedconfetti: he's a butt Starscreamapillar: ... Starscreamapillar: I think insulting me is grounds for crushing you. Cardinal: Hello! Jalaperilo: i think i'm heading off as well. i'm gonna eat the last bites of Stollen and go to bed caffienatedconfetti: you would crush someone for looking at you the wrong way Jalaperilo: night all Knock Out: Goodnight, Jalaperilo human. Knock Out: Hello, Cardinal! Starscreamapillar: Hardly, or I'd spend my days doing nothing but crushing people. Jalaperilo: hi and bye Cardi caffienatedconfetti: i'm not getting into this caffienatedconfetti: i could spend all night insulting you Cardinal: *waves* Thebes: I want ten caffienatedconfetti: hell i'm stayin for tyhe kitten Starscreamapillar: This one has sharp teeth. caffienatedconfetti: OOHOOOHOHO thenightetc: omg thenightetc: OMG. caffienatedconfetti: THAT IS caffienatedconfetti: A LOT OF TOTOROS caffienatedconfetti: OH MY LORD caffienatedconfetti: OOHOHOHOOH caffienatedconfetti: OOOHOOHOG Knock Out: Did they carry her off to something sinister? thenightetc: Do they just keep getting longer and longer with more and more legs as they get older, or...? Starscreamapillar: She is this night's sacrifice. caffienatedconfetti: She's the sacrifice caffienatedconfetti: oh my god jinx Knock Out: The Totoros fill it and then it flies out into the sea and crashes. Knock Out: Such is the circle of life. Knock Out: Oh no, she choked it. thenightetc: Noooo thenightetc: At least she's okay caffienatedconfetti: oh my sweet lord jesus baby christ on a bke Thebes: FLAPPY CATBOAT thenightetc: So many legs. caffienatedconfetti: i am so glad i stayed Knock Out: I want to know where it's taking them and why "their" Totoro didn't go. Starscreamapillar: That was weird. caffienatedconfetti: looks liket hat's thge end! caffienatedconfetti: i'll see ya! Knock Out: Looks like it! thenightetc: On an adventure? Starscreamapillar: The land of wind and shadow, probably. Knock Out: Where they may or may not be feasting on bones. Starscreamapillar: Definitely feasting on bones. Knock Out: What a beautiful note to end the night on. Thebes: faded out background characters with lights in them? I'm guessing they're dead, 'cause Ghibli likes that Thebes: catboat flappin' off into the afterlife. Starscreamapillar: Indeed. Thank you for the entertainment, I enjoyed it. thenightetc: Yes, thank you for the stream. :) Thebes: it was great! Knock Out: Thank *you* for your commentary! thenightetc: Aww, shucks. thenightetc: Goodnight! Knock Out: Goodnight, all! Thebes: good night!
0 notes