#the MISCOMMUNICATION they dont hate each other they know that ofc they do but they dont show their love for e/o in the same way
theladyfae · 4 months
once again thinking about how ram says 'leela jaisi koi nahin' like it's being punched out of him. he yells at god about it. lists her virtues and hates himself so much for it that you know he resents her too. for daring to love him and listen to him and give him the chance he asked for and let him drag her down because deep down he fears he does have that infernal trait in his blood and that he will end up hurting her irrevocably despite how hard he works not to. and then later when its clear they couldnt undoom themselves, that it was foolish to even try, that it wasnt ever going to be sustainable when he can't even break free of the role he's been assigned enough to reciprocate in the way she deserves, he sings along to the chant in ram chahe leela as if their love is the biggest joke of all, because at that point it is.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Warning: probably a long text w/ a horse cutted by half because it's been years since I watched 2012 TMNT. (Only 3 seasons or 2 I watched but I remember their dynamics, and in willing to watch it again and complete the series)
Well, I remember when watching 2012 the turtles would be indeed having those problems between them and it's something you can see sometimes about how they interact- but yeah as ppl are saying when you see who uses the abuse only looks towards Mikey, but he's not a "UwU baby" no he's not 👤 and Tbh all of the boys have their own flaws and Ahole moments for ig tension for some discussions between them.
Ofc for what I've seen, it does get a lot of road to walk in the series, of their own relationships and problems. I don't think they are abused or abuse each other. Tbh the thing you can say it's:
They miscommunicate, they are immature(for alot of things) but I don't see it as the level of "Omg they're abusers to *insert fan favourite*!!" Because as said, some of the excuses for say that could be then easily putted on the whole ass family. But ya.
I'm not an abuse specialist since I'm really slow on shit that are around me lmao
But in a shitty conclusion:
Depends on your view. But their siblings demonstration is ofc different from others iteration. Their way is that. I do remember hating on 12 Raph but now I see myself on him. And pretty much it's most of how they're distante from each one at some points and don't even see their family problems and yeah, I think they do have their point we're they are more united and learn but yeah.
And being distant is something that happens w/ me and my sib. We have points were we joke around but we are distant about our own feelings and things that bother us. And it's a problem because there's fights because of that. And I remember that on some part of their relationships in 2012.
But who I am do say much🫂
im not an abuse specialist either but to me abuse is any kind of repetitive mistreatment and disregard for boundaries (i could probably spend more time on my specific definition but we'd be here for days if i did that) (neglect is also abuse and i think the turtles have probably been at least emotionally neglected, but that's not what we're talking about rn).
so the question of if they abuse each other is, to me, more of you the viewer deciding how much they care about what they do to each other.
like if mikey doesn't actually mind when raph hits him its probably not abuse, just sibling roughhousing. likewise, if for example, Donnie genuinely hates being made fun of and it makes him feel less able to open up about his feelings, but the others keep doing it anyway cause thats Just What They Do, then that WOULD be abuse to me.
but they all kind of do this cause its a 2012 kids show and emotional constipation is basically the law of the land around those parts.
ah but i think i've made that point before, so i'll try to stay on topic..
ive gotta agree that if i wrote about the 2012 gang and abuse, I wouldn't just focus on mikey. mainly because that's not usually the whole story when it comes to abuse. typically if one kid is being abused by all the others, its because they've all been encouraged to in some way by the adult. and if you DONT join in there's a chance you could be the next target. and thats a threat in itself, so even IF Mikey was the only one being abused (which I wouldnt write because that doesn't really align with how i see the 2012 boys) the others would STILL be in a fucked up situation and need to have their own problems addressed.
but i dont see mikey as the punching bag. it seems like they can all be pretty cruel to each other sometimes. and i know its like part of the era the tv show came from but that doesnt stop me from being interested in exploring those dynamics.
anyway, thanks for the input! i appreciate it
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twistedyapping · 5 months
booktok is a peculiar phenomenon.
so i just watched a video on the disaster that is booktok (the video in question) and it got my brain going ur honor.
a lot of booktok tropes and such revolve around the whole enemies to lovers thing and listen 🎶🎶Random Disclaiiaiamemmemrrr🎶🎶
if u fuck with enemies to lovers stuff that's fine yknow to each their own, this is just gonna be me yapping abt why i don't understand it that much
ive always seen stuff along those lines and especially always seen an immense amount of hype behind it like "omg enemies to lovers is the best trope" and stuff like that- and i have never been able to get behind it for some reason
i even tried it on cai at one point like there was a prompt where i was like Huh ya this definitely seems like enemies to lover stuff- fuck it ill try it why not-
and it just made me Angry- like it was awful- i love the character i did it with to this day but in that specific moment i Hated his fucking guts- like no room for reconciliation level hate And he was indeed going along with the usual enemies to lovers trope that im aware of at least- yknow big argument that ends in fucking or something- Dude my blood was BOILING u have no fucking idea.
and maybe it's my relationship with anger and like the fact that i have trust issues and such but after that i just like. genuinely don't get the concept.
Ok so lemme get this straight right- two people hate each other, cannot stand each other!!! cant even be in the same room together- And then somehow they dont ?. And they fuck ?.
like do these ppl have such short emotional attention spans that the second one of them starts rizzing the other up they just totally forget abt "Oh ya i hated you actually"????? Like are u THAT horny??? Is that what it is?????????
is the enjoyment of the trope coming from the fact that the sexual aspect overpowers the hate aspect?
on one hand i dont care that much But on the other hand i genuinely wanna know bc there must be a psychological component to it that im missing-
is it the adrenaline rush?? the feeling that you're doing something wrong???
listen im AAAAAALLLLLLLL for the concept of like losing control over ur emotions via Fucking But enemies to lovers still isnt it for me-
it has to be like the wrong terminology or something maybe- bc there's no way if ur gonna be going from enemies to lovers that u were Actually enemies in the first place- like u must've been like. Just two people that were in love with each other but didnt wanna admit it.
in which case that's certainly not actual enemies, it's basically just miscommunication tbh
and at THAT point i can get it like that TOTALLY makes sense to me- but the ones where it's like.
"my name is inigo montoya. you killed my father. prepare to die." and the other person's just like "haha. wanna fuck 😎" LIKE BRO WHAT IS GOING ON HAHAHAHHAHAHA
and im sure there have been some books or even fanfics where the enemies to lovers trope has been genuinely well executed, well enough that anyone in their right mind could appreciate it as genuinely good fiction, but i have not seen that so im kinda left in the dark here.
the stuff i see on booktok is also very concerning ngl- it's a lot of these like. older, violent men manhandling these younger women (in fiction ofc, at least i hope none of them are based off of true stories 😧) and like degrading the shit out of them but somehow being painted as "attractive" and "alluring" Like. Bro what.
again i totally get sexual degradation and stuff but only when it's coming from the right place???? Like you're doing it because it's what the other person Wants and what makes them feel good- But this shit isn't that and if it's trying to be, it's horribly executed bc they're essentially just going off of the concept of "one person THINKS that's what the other person wants but we don't actually know if it's true or not bc surprise surprise, there was no communication beforehand of ANY kind."
im the kinda guy that u gotta kinda code shit in for me right- consent is non-negotiable But if u fuckin ask me "Do i have ur consent to fuck you" NOT ANYMORE U DONT!!!! DAMN!!!!! WHERE'S THE ATMOSPHERE WHERE'S THE PIZZAZZ BITCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
so im not sayin these books or fanfics or whatever absolutely HAVE to have like a terms and agreement kinda fuckin scene where they go over what they fuck with and what they dont But what im sayin is damn you couldn't've like... Kinda talked about it at least...? Like idk maybe a scene in passing where one of em calls the other a bitch and then they're like "wow wow wee wow say that again mister!!!" U KNOW LIEK HAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHA
ur writers!!! get creative!!!!!! And im sure the above thig i described has indeed happened multiple times BUT DO IT BETTER!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!
anyway i have no idea But ive just never been able to get behind the booktok stuff man it's literally just glorified corn- Haha korn- Yeunara oo ratapenetaa eentaa ooo- and it's a very weird side of tiktok to me like yessirrrrr sex positivity u love to see it But not. Not like that.
sex positivity absolutely!!!!!! sexualization............ no...
And good lord i could do a whole other rant abt sexualization itself and how watered down the term has become but that's for another day ur honor-
and sexualization probably isn't the right word Exactly but im not quite sure else what 2 call it-
ANYWAY idk consider me uneducated but i Am willing to learn- there's gotta be a psychological component to it that i just dont know abt yet BUT im gonna end this yapping session here i think so thank u stay tuned for next time n i apologize if i came off wrong at any point bc i always wanna treat stuff like this with the due amount of respect while still being silly so 😮‍💨
- 🌙 -
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I've been with my S/O for about five months now. Both of us are uni students, we've been friends since school too. Their subjects and stream in uni are pretty taxing, theyve taken sciences and get really busy sometimes. I'm trying so hard not to be cynical but this relationship feels doomed. Sometimes they dont get time for me, and in those times I can't stop myself from thinking that their busy-ness will only increase and increase. I've told them this before, and it was yesterday when I had the thought of breaking up with them. The thing is, I don't want to end up hating them for not having time for me. I don't want to feel bitter towards them for being busy, because as much as they like me, we all need to prioritize and focus. Sometimes I end up feeling stupid for wanting to talk to them because they reply so much later. I don't want to be depressed because of them at all. I don't want them to be a reason for my sadness. So I thought maybe if we broke up now, it wouldnt hurt as much if it was much later. I like them so much. So so much. I hate that it would have to end so early, but I also dont want to prolong the agony of waiting around for them. Idk what to do.
If the situation was reversed and they were hesitating to tell you these things, what would you want them to do?
Finding a compatible partner in life is not only about if you like them. It is just as much about aligned priorities and schedules as it is about how much you like their personality and/or sexual attraction. Quality time is a love language.
This is a pivotal point in your lives. It's not wrong for someone to want to focus on their studies right now so they can have a comfortable career, but they may not be ready to spend time on a relationship. Likewise, other people might think strengthening the bonds / relationships with other more important than a score on a test. I think you two should have a talk about this and find out what each other's present priorities are. It doesn't mean they don't like you. Maybe it's quite the opposite - they could be working hard at uni because they want to contribute to the future of the relationship.
But it is also possible that you may not be compatible in this aspect of the relationship. That might be a deal-breaker for you. It doesn't mean they or you are bad people. We all have a finite amount of time in a day and a finite amount of attention we want to give each aspect of our lives.
If you want to continue the relationship, you need to think of solutions to present to them. It can feel antagonizing and heartless if you simply say what you don't like and don't offer suggestions. One way is to have scheduled time to spend together. Pick up a show and watch an episode every week and discuss it. Go on a walk together after dinner every night. Find a game to play together. Even couples who live together do this because, even if you're always together, you might not be investing time into each other.
You need to think about what you want from a partner. Ambitious, driven people are busy. They keep themselves busy because achieving their goals brings them joy. Likewise, there are people who are extremely invested in their relationships and will put school / work on the back burner for their loved ones. This doesn't mean that the former don't invest in their relationships; they just show their love differently. "I want to become someone worthy of your love." (where have you heard that? haha XD)
Understand how you show love and the actions that make you feel loved. Communicate these to your partner. Have them tell you the same things so you can better understand each other.
I don't know about others, but I don't like indecision in my relationships. If my partner thinks about breaking up with me (in a non-joking way ofc), then I would rather have us go our separate ways. I don't like wasting time. But maybe your problem is just miscommunication and lack of language to articulate. Also, university is not forever. Eventually you and them will become employed and (typically) you both will no longer be doing homework or studying for exams. But it all depends, because some people's jobs are 24/7 (esp if they are creative careers or self-employed). Knowing what kind of future work-life balance you want is important too.
Also, being adult means you'll be the one doing chores.
I know.
You have to do your own laundry. And put it away. No, you can't leave it on your dining table. What are you doing? Presenting it? You gonna eat it? Get up from that mattress in your living room right now. No, Jungkook, don't just lay down on a different one!
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lansizhuis · 6 years
*lurks from your posts* I see someone stans Jiang Cheng here as well helloooooo Can you give some thoughts about him and his relationship with Wei WuXian? Also if you happen to know any fics about them (shippy-wise, brotherly, anything with them), can you recommend some? Thank you!
HELLO!!!!! i got your ask when you sent it days ago but i needed some time to calm down over my feelings for my boys so i’m only answering it now lol
- his interactions with wwx (the teasing, the brotherhood, the dog story when they were kids — “Although, because of this, he held hostility toward Wei WuXian for a long time, after the two grew familiar, they had begun to cause mischief together. Whenever he ran into dogs, Jiang Cheng would always chase them away, then have a good laugh at Wei WuXian, who jumped onto a tree.”)- he really does care for wwx (his reaction when he found out from lxc that the whippings on wwx would take days to heal, when he carried him, when he tried defending him against his mom despite being scared of her, when he saw what happened to him with the branding iron, his worry when wwx couldn’t swim away, THE WHOLE CONVERSATION WHEN WWX GOT BACK***, how he wanted to help wwx when his mother whipped him, clinging to his mother’s leg when he thought she was gonna cut off wwx hand, when they met again after he “restored” his golden core and wwx has finally started controlling corpses, when he defended him against lwj when they thought lwj wanted wwx punished)- “The two knew how to continue each other’s words ever since they were young. Now, one sentence after another, the argument flowed seamlessly…” shows how close they really are (let’s not talk about the context for this bc that one HURTS)- ***the second time he met w/ wwx in a new body (“From the beginning of his memory until now, Jin Ling had never seen such a look on Jiang Cheng’s face before…Although his face had always been clouded, marked with arrogance and satire, it seemed as if every corner of it had come alive. It was difficult to determine whether it was vengeful wrath, fathomless hatred, or raving ecstasy.”) MAN HE HAS BEEN WAITING and i feel like it’s a confusing mixture of hate (why did he kill shijie) and hurt (where did everything go wrong between them) and a very big bulk of relief (wwx is alive, ALIVE and maybe—maybe they can fix things)- OUR BOY KNEW IT WAS DEF WWX y’all perhaps even from the start and WWX knew this as well (“…he exclaimed in his heart that Jiang Cheng really knew the best way to deal with him.” + “…in front of someone who knew him so thoroughly, it’d be impossible to argue. This was an obstacle harder to overcome than Zidian.”) and he even controlled zidian’s force so it wouldn’t really truly incapacitate wwx- The first person WWX became truthful to upon his return was JC even going as far as to somehow admit who he truly was. His first legit conversation was with him im ahdhkslahdkala (‘Jiang Cheng pulled a curt smile on his face, “… Don’t you have anything to say to me?”’ ‘With a sincere tone, Wei WuXian replied: “I don’t know what to say to you.”’)- BUT ofc since our resident chaotic bi is a runner up for miscommunications this conversation went downhill pretty fast. OK BUT IMAGINE IF THE CONVERSATION WENT BETTER AND WWX ACTUALLY EXPLAINED SOME STUFF - and istg it’s not that im rolling on an ocean of my tears here but jiang cheng fucking kept chenqing (wwx’s flute) for the past 13 years and just in case you guys wanna suffer, just think about these two boys who were brothers that became two men unsure of where exactly things went awry bet them- in short, jiang cheng shouting at wei wuxian = jiang cheng caring for wwx in the past (maybe even a bit of that in their present??? nope dont mind me im just crying in the corner here about my boys)
ps to the anon who sent me the headcanon of jc letting zidian recognize wwx as another master without anyone else knowing I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I THINK AND SCREECH ABOUT THAT EVERY NOW AND THEN
FOR THE FIC REC, im so sorry for failing you but i don’t know of anything ahshfdlalajdh IF ANYONE KNOWS ANY, PLEASE DO SEND THEM IN ❤️
tl;dr JIANG CHENG: *aggressively cares*
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