#the actual chapter is uploaded
awhoreintheory · 2 years
Mama, I'm home
The team stepped out of the cramped HUMVEE into an already swarming crowd. Loud chatter, the usual ‘we’re saved!’ from civilians, relieved but unsure looks from Garrison officers, curious and excited chatter from children. While Keith and Shiro talked with officials, introducing the Alteans, explaining, while also getting a rundown of the situation. Pidge had a heartfelt reunion with her family. 
Hunk, much like Lance, was picking through the crowd, searching. Hunk anxiously fiddled with his fingers, and Lance nervously biting his lip. He wasn’t entirely sure what to look for. His family could’ve changed in so many ways while he was gone! Hair-cuts, hair dye, scars, growth spurts, anything! Lance wasn’t there for any of it. 
Lance took a deep breath, calming himself. He was here now. 
Lance heard it before he saw it, definitely felt it before he saw it, too. 
“Lance...? Lance!” A body slammed into Lance full force, and he fought every honed instinct as a soldier not to throw them off. Because, this was, undoubtedly, Veronica. 
“Ronni..?” Lance whispered, voice cracking and wavering, and he gingerly wrapped an arm around her. Almost as if he were scared she’d disappear like in one too many of his dreams. 
“¡Leandro! ¡Oh, dios mío, hase vuelto! You’re back! You’re alive!” Veronica sobbed into his shoulder, the two of them slowly sinking to the ground with a soft ‘thump’. 
“Ronni― it’s you, it’s really, really you, I―” Lance buried his head in Veronica’s shoulder, a shaky sob escaping as it finally sank in. Veronica was here, in Lance’s arms. Lance was here, on Earth, in Veronica’s arms. 
“¿Mijo?” A shaky, worn voice hesitantly called out. 
“Mamá?” Lance called back, looking up. Not that it helped much, from all the tears blurring his vision. 
Lance had expected angry cursing and a crushing hug from his pistol of a mother, but all he got was soft gentle touching and big, disbelieving eyes. “Leandro? Es that you? Mi Lancito?” 
She gently caressed his face, fingers tracing his barely aged face but still noticeably different. A scar cut through his left eyebrow, had lost all his baby fat that clung to his face by now, and had grown quite a few inches. While Lance’s mom had only seemed to age. She had more wrinkles than Lance remembered, more gray in her hair, and her eyes seemed foggier than normal. She was getting on in life, and Lance hadn’t been here for it. Lance hadn’t been there for it. 
“It’s me, Mamá. I’m here.” Lance gently wrapped his hands around her wrists, leaning into her touch. 
More tears spilled from her eyes, and Lance was wrapped in a feather-light hug. So light he wasn’t even sure it was actually happening, his thick armor not really helping in the feeling department. Veronica had gone apparently to grab the rest of the McClain family, and soon enough Lance was surrounded. All his siblings were here, his siblings' spouses, and his niece and nephew. 
Lance’s Abuelo and Abuela didn’t make it, though. 
Abuelo died from a brain tumor a year after Lance disappeared, and his Abuela died after the Galra struck. Her body was just too old and frail, and it didn’t help she was stupidly self-sacrificial. It must be true how the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree. 
“So you’re the blue paladin, Tío Lance?” Sylvio questioned, knocking on Lance’s chest-plate. 
“That’s so cool, Tío!” Nadia was excitedly bouncing around Lance, inspecting every inch of his armor and asking a million questions a minute. 
Lance laughed heartily, shaking his head. “No, actually! I’m the Red Paladin! That’s kinda more like the second command, by the way. A right hand man metaphorically and literally!” Lance grinned, pretending not to notice how his mother’s brow creased in concern and the shared looks between his siblings. His line of work was dangerous, and now that Earth had been invaded, everyone got a taste of just how true that really was. 
“That’s even cooler!” 
Lance scratched his neck; a nervous tick he could never quite shake. “Do.. you guys want to meet my team? I know you probably want to catch up and stuff, but we’re gonna have to have a meeting with Commander Sanda and Mr. Holt n’ stuff, but they’re like my second family― not that I replaced you guys!― and like, Voltron and whatever― we save shit together.. Ohmyfuckinggod, we’re like a platoon of Jeasuses―” 
Lance’s ramble was interrupted by a familiar and less-than-painful pinch from his mother. “Lancito! No swearing!” and flipped like a switch and smiled gently at Lance. “We’d love to meet your team, Mijo.” Lance smiled softly back, rubbing his arm even though his armor no doubt blocked it. 
Turning, Lance made eye contact with Keith, who was watching the whole interaction with a soft smile. He smiled back, beckoning Keith over. Who better to introduce first than their fearless leader? Keith looked around, sporting an adorable confused face, pointing at himself and tilting his head. Asking a silent question of ‘me? you’re seriously introducing me to them first?’
Nodding, Lance waved him over again. A silent ‘yes, you doofus, come here’. Keith looked at Shiro, who smiled gently and gave him a nudge in that direction. Lance was too far away to hear, but he saw Shiro’s mouth move and Keith’s resulting smile. Keith slowly made his way over, looking for all the world bashful, expertly avoiding people even with his eyes glued to the ground. 
“Mamá, this is the Black Paladin and our fearless leader, Keith Kogane.” Lance grinned, grabbing Keith’s fidgety hands and dragging him forward the last couple steps. 
“Hi― um, hello? I’m Keith, the Black Paladin― oh, Lance just said that…” Keith flushed, scratching the back of his neck and looking everywhere but the people in front of him. Lance only felt weirdly endeared, seeing that Keith actually cared enough about Lance’s family to get embarrassed― this man never got embarrassed― and even attempted a good first impression! Did you see the amount of effort he put into saying hi? 
“Muchas gracias Mijo, for keeping mi baby safe.” Lance’s mother grasped Keith’s hands in her own, a few stray tears escaping her eyes as she thanked Keith profusely, her spanish and english mingling. 
“Of―of course! Lance had our backs just as often as we had his! He’s told us a lot about you, I’m― I’m honored to meet you!” Keith promptly flushed, he didn’t mean to say that much! But he did mean it, one hundred percent. Keith had only heard the highest praise about Lance’s family, and after only hearing about them all these years and not being able to meet them? Keith was, honest to King Alfor, flustered. 
Lance’s mother blinked in genuine surprise, as did most of Lance’s family. The Black Paladin, leader of Voltron, someone who was literally the universe's only hope, was honored to meet… them? 
There was a beat of silence, before Lance’s mother gently led Keith into a hug. Her squeeze was so feather light and maternal Keith could barely stop the wetness that gathered in his eyes, the warm and suffocating feeling that swarmed his stomach and wormed its way up to his lungs. This was everything Lance had described his mother’s hugs as, and at the same time, completely different. 
The small woman in his arms laughed wetly, rubbing Keith’s back as if he was the one who hadn’t seen his son in six years. Which wasn’t helping his already swelling emotions. 
“It’s our pleasure, mijo. Come, come! Bring the others!” 
Lance smiled to himself as Keith smiled excitedly, waving the others over enthusiastically. His heart swelled, seeing all of the people he loved the most in one all together. All alive. 
He’d make sure it stayed that way. 
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mousec1ub · 4 months
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chapter 1 🎞️
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winwintea · 20 days
secure that card! 31. assigned seats
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
TAG LIST ▸ @marvelahsobx @lyvhie @odxrilove @jkslvsnella @aquaphoenixz @wonnieluv @acidwon @syatchy @sleepyvic @grassbutneo @chcnlcs @taeeflwrr @hibernatinghamster @jaeimjaemin @gukuwii @slayhaechan @yyangj3lly @seunghancore @clean-soap @bath1lda @lostinneocity @defzcl @ckline35 @multifandomania @meltinghershey @foxy-kitsune @jising-jisang-jisung @minkyuncutie @zuzu-the-simp @dojaejunging @leehanascent @nosungluv @sunflowerbebe07 @h-aecat @layuhsblog @fae-renjun @w3bqrl @hyuckies18 @wonbin-truther @bugcattie
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Breaking Dawn 16 - Cellbit's Good Day
Chapter Summary:
Three things that are in this chapter:
1. Conflicting emotions 2. Omegaverse (again) 3. Aliens
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campbyler · 4 months
if i had kept chapter 9 in one part, it would currently be 36k. and counting. so you're welcome, everybody
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inkblackorchid · 3 months
I swear to fucking—this duel is tormenting me. Outline and all, I have been writing on this thing for a month. I'm officially shaming myself for stuffing a duel with too many plot-relevant elements, character moments, and card game actions. Somebody put a dunce hat on me.(Or pat me on the head and tell me to keep going, I am s t r u g g l i n g.)
Like. Don't get me wrong. Would I rather be doing anything else than this? No. Am I still acutely frustrated with how hard it is to juggle several structural writing threads at the same time, while weaving them together to form something coherent? YES.
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fruitybashir · 4 months
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holidate ch10 spoilers without context 😌✨️
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dire-kumori · 1 year
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shootingthe-stars · 2 months
my rule of thumb for writing is that everyone needs to be at least a little bit out of their fucking mind which is why the marauders era is so fun to write about. why are all of you actually insane
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Going to be vulnerable for a second but uploading this fic has been such a downer. I expected less engagement because I've been gone for so long and because FFnet is less popular these days, but..
Like the story has barely gotten any follows or favorites and even less reviews. And it sucks because I've been working on this for so long, and I'm genuinely think this story is so good. I'm so proud of it. But despite the fact that a few people claim to be really excited about it, I'm just getting NO interactions from readers.
I don't want to be stuck up about it, but I'm actually considering just not uploading anymore because of how disheartening it feels to be met with silence for every chapter I upload.
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goodfellowe · 1 year
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what if they were crime fighting time travelers?
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aphel1on · 9 months
the most autistic thing i've done in the past year is when i typed out a transcript of the text from the entire main storyline in Pokemon Legends: Arceus into a wordpad document, complete with basic image descriptions, and then i didn't even write the fanfic which was supposedly the reason i started that whole project in the first place
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true-blue-sonic · 4 months
Another chapter of Stories is up🍀
Title: If You Could Stop Offering Me Tea, That’d Be Great Actually Summary: Wherein Espio finds himself surrounded by people with bad ideas and very little desire to listen to him in turn.
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manofthepipis · 9 months
i'm so glad toby fox took it easy this year
i don't think i'd be able to handle new deltarune stuff as well as fionna and cake right now
like i'd explode
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scenteddean · 3 months
what is it about spring that makes me want to work on my desitel comic so so bad
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