#the adopted son who tries to earn his father's love
lobeliamaximoff · 4 months
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am I the only one who sees this?
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officialbruciewayne · 2 months
so, do you have a favorite son? i hear you have several
(asking for a friend, of course)
I see. I wonder if we have similar friends.
I suppose now is as good a time as any to teach Red Robin a little about fatherhood. I'm old, so I'm entitled to a little bit of rambling, so I hope you indulge me, Red Robin.
People often say your children are a reflection of yourself, but I strongly suspect those people do not have children. Or if they do, then they are missing out on really understanding their children.
They certainly do not have my children.
Not one of my children is a reflection. They are a vision. It is like witnessing the dawn- no matter how many different sunrises I see in my life, I am humbled every time.
In order of how I received my blessings, because I must put it in an order, and chronologically is at least a logical place to start. My apologies Duke.
Dick, my eldest. I see in him integrity, love and hope. When I think of the future, I see his face. His parents would be so proud of him and so am I. He gave me the gift of his childhood, and I will love him forever.
Although James is really her father, I still consider Babs to be my first daughter. Her understanding and her vibrancy are her gifts to the world, and I am lucky to know her. I think the entire world is.
Jay deserved better from me. All my children do, but especially Jaylad. Despite my many missteps with him, I am coming to understand the strong, loving man my son has become. Something he did without my help.
Timmy was the best surprise of my life. His brilliance, his kindness, his insight and his courage... all of these things came into my life at a time when I didn't know how to appreciate these gifts. I owe my life to Timmy.
I don't know if Steph sees me as a father to her. She and I do not work well together, and I've used that as an excuse to dismiss her. It is through other's eyes that I am discovering that what I saw as stubbornness and impulsivity is determination and fearlessness.
Cass is... ah I miss her sometimes, but how can I not be proud to see her become more than she ever believed she might be? She is sweet, and she is funny, and she deserves the world. I would tear this city down to keep her safe.
Damian is... I feel I have missed so much of his life. It is private, but Damian's beginning in life was very harsh. I wondered for a long time who he would have been if I had known about him sooner, but that regret keeps me from understanding the son I do have. A child with more love than he has ever been taught what to do with.
And Lena, my darling. She came back into my life then- and it is a miracle that she did. A miracle that she was not lost to me forever. I fear sometimes that she is. That I failed to protect her heart. It's not that I want to earn her trust, I want to teach her how to trust again, build it up within her.
Harper is maybe... another who does not see me as a parent. She has built a family for herself with Cullen, but I want her to know I see her. I see her bravery. Her and Cullen are my kids too, at least to me. The strength of finding and fighting for your family is something I cherish.
Many of my kids have complicated relationships with their own families, and that is part of why legal adoption is not always what a child needs. Duke has come into my life after experiencing tragedy and he needs to know that the world has not ended, that his parents will recover, and that I am not replacing his dad. But he is still my son, and I hope he knows that.
It is fairly... well documented that I experienced the loss of my own parents at a young age. I have tried to be the man that I needed that night. To each and every child that needs me.
I hope this answers whatever question you really wanted to ask Red Robin. Thank you for the opportunity to talk about my little flock.
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halfagone · 1 year
So here’s a unique twist of a common prompt. Danny is the son of Bruce Wayne, whoever his mother is is up to you. However, Danny wants nothing to do with Bruce or his family for whatever reason, whether it’s because Damian treated him badly as a child or maybe he just doesn’t like how Bruce operates. Either way, they meet and the meeting ends badly. What do you think?
There are actually a lot of reasons why Danny might not want to stay with Bruce or stay away from Bruce. There is, of course, the usual "Danny has billionaire trauma" route that works for some arguments (although not all (but I'll leave that ramble for another time)). You could always go with Danny and Damian didn't get along (if we're doing a Demon Siblings AU). But I think the route that goes best is just that... Danny has a lot of Trauma™ and he's not ready to join another family.
Unfortunately those kinds of AUs would probably be the sadder ones because that can mean that he has problems and/or is cut off from Jazz too. Because as much as I love Jazz, she was never the bastion of perfection and older sisterhood that we sometimes like to paint her as. She tried, just like her parents did, and sometimes she failed. ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ
In those AUs Danny is probably trying to live on his own. Maybe he's emancipated, maybe he's turned 18 already (I do have a fic idea where Danny moves out of the house after turning 18 despite not graduating yet, which is a thing you can do. Plenty of kids' birthdays pass before June graduation in the U.S., after all.) He's just started to stand on his own two feet and probably move past the neglect, both physical and emotional, that came with living with the Fentons.
Enter Bruce. Bruce, who has abandonment issues and is one paranoid motherclucker (and yes, that was intentional), who has just found out he has an unknown son from either a past relationship or one-night stand. Of course he's going to want to know more about Danny and catch up on all the time he lost with Danny. And the thing about Bruce is that sometimes he acts like a bad father purely because he doesn't know how to communicate his feelings and does all these things that come off as insensitive and/or overbearing.
Sometimes Danny might be able to make it work. But depending on the downturn his life might have taken... sometimes he can't. And for a Danny that might have just gotten that hard-earned independence... it likely won't be pretty.
Danny doesn't know what to make of Bruce Wayne. The man seems nice... enough. He's a bit too excitable, tries a little too hard. It's clear as day that he's trying, much more than Danny's adoptive parents could ever bother to sometimes, but it's... Danny would appreciate it more if Bruce just gave up.
He's happy to see that Bruce didn't willingly give Danny up. No word yet on Danny's bio mom, but at least he's got that going for him. He could do without Bruce's meaningful attempts to introduce him to the rest of the family or find out more about him.
Danny absentmindedly tugs at his collar. He really wishes he'd just turned Sam down when he had the chance. Tucker had balked when she extended the invitation out to him. Usually Danny would be her first choice, since he had some semblance of High Society Table Manners™ which usually Sam wouldn't give a shit about, but well, Tucker had gone once, got embarrassed to hell and back, and pretty much sworn off against it ever since.
He'd only moved out from Fenton Works three weeks ago. Danny could understand why she didn't want to ask him while he got settled in.
But well, she was his friend. And with the risk of her parents trying to openly marry her off to some rich guy (as opposed to subtly trying to marry her off, like they were doing now), Danny had taken one for the team and agreed.
If he knew this was going to happen, he would have just stayed home and figured out how to cook scrambled fucking eggs.
"I'm not very comfortable with this conversation right now, Mr. Wayne," Danny said plainly to the man. They were off in a side room at this point, tucked away from the rest of the crowd that would usually gawk at them otherwise. Already he'd turned heads when people recognized him as familiar.
To be honest though, even if they hadn't gone to a more secluded room, Danny still would have told it to the man straight.
"Oh, is it because your friend isn't here? I told you you're more than welcome to-" Bruce started again but Danny cut him off with a sigh.
"That's not the problem here, Mr. Wayne," Danny deadpanned. "I don't know why you're expecting me to be on board so quickly but I- I just turned eighteen. I have an apartment, I have a job. I know I'm still a kid in your eyes but I haven't been your kid in- ever. No matter what any paternity test ends up saying, which I still haven't agreed to by the way-"
"You're not even willing to try?" Bruce asked in return, like he'd been struck across the face.
It seemed genuine enough, like he was sincerely hurt by Danny's standoffish attitude. And Danny would feel guilty if he weren't so tired right now. He'd been tired for the past four years and he didn't need this on top of it all as some twisted cherry on top of the shitty whipped cream that was his life.
"No, I'm not," Danny told the man, straightforward. People had said no to Bruce before, right? Surely, someone had.
He began to doubt when Bruce just stared at him, dumbfounded. Danny didn't let the silence linger because he didn't linger, just moved on and left the side room. He could feel Bruce's eyes on him as he went, and then some of the other Waynes' eyes on him when he came into view. He ignored all of them and tried to find Sam.
Maybe her parents would even be willing to let him go back to the hotel room, after the huge 'scene' he'd just caused.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Zerofuku as forgotten queen adopted him under her wing, he realizes she sacrifice to ever finding her son to make everyone happy
With determination he found her son playing happily with other children
A reunion between mother and son as she cries hard as she hold them close and open her arms to Zero as a gesture saying he's her son as well and she loves them both
-You could still see him, your baby, your only child, your son, smiling up at you, calling out to you, all those years ago. You smiled softly as you thought of him, how sweet and caring he was, the perfect future king.
-You also remembered how his father tried to kill you before taking your throne, taking your son away, trying to turn him into a violent, evil person.
-You took back your throne, earning it back the hard way, but to you, it meant nothing as you cradled your son’s dead body, weeping quietly. Your husband had killed your son in an attempt to make you halt your siege, but it made you go harder, taking his head.
-When you came to Valhalla, you looked around often for your son, praying he had been sent to Valhalla as well, but with each passing day, each year without seeing or holding your child, you began to lose hope.
-You had a new son, Zerofuku, who could never replace your son, C/N, he became a light in your world, bringing your smile back, even just a bit.
-Zerofuku learned of your son, learning what had happened to him and he wept for you, for C/N, to hear how cruelly a child had been treated and cut down by a coward of a man.
-Zerofuku knew how much you missed your son, even if you never said it out loud, he could see you watching the children playing, hope in your eyes that you might one day find C/N.
-He knew that when you were alive, you had to be strong, reclaiming your kingdom, leading your people to prosperity once again, until you were snuffed out, but not without taking some of the bastards with you.
-Zerofuku left you a note when you went looking for him, telling you that he was going to look for something and he would be home later, before he went to Buddha to enlist his help to find C/N!
-As the son began to set, you started to worry for Zerofuku, not wanting him to be out late, and when you went to head out to go and look for him, you froze in the doorway.
-There, walking up the path to your home, was Zerofuku, beaming brightly, holding the hand of a child, C/N, who was also beaming, the two of them singing a song they had heard.
-You felt like you couldn’t breathe, your heart felt like it stopped as your eyes went wide, your voice catching in your throat.
-The two saw you and C/N’s eyes went wide, “Mama!!” before running to you.
-You fell to your knees, unable to take even a single step as he leapt into you, wrapping his arms around you. It was truly him, as the tears welled in your eyes, and you finally embraced him, your eyes closing as you let out a sob, clutching your son tightly, overcome with joy.
-Zerofuku knew, even though you were crying, you were happy, which made him happy as he wandered over, wanting to ask you if you were happy with him.
-He froze as you lifted a hand to him, reaching out to him, your teary eyes meeting his own as you smiled and as he kneeled you cupped his cheek before sliding it to the back of his head, pulling him into you as well, hugging him close.
-Zerofuku had somehow convinced himself that you wouldn’t need him anymore, now that he had brought C/N home, but as you pulled back, you smiled at the both of them, “Come in, dinners waiting, my sons.”
-Zerofuku teared up, hearing that you weren’t making him leave, you still wanting him too as they both nodded, taking your offered hands and you led them inside to have the first of many family meals together.
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lumina-luceat · 1 year
Part 2 Omega Spider
Here is part 1 So yeah! Part two is hereeee💕 Omega Spider head-canon
• Spider hate wearing and choker, on earth omega have to wear it to prevent getting bites on the neck (bond? I am not sure what they call it?) Norm tried to let him wear it for a longtime until finally gave up.
• Like I said in the last post, the Omega pheromones in Pandora smell like animals in distress but normally other people like Alpha can smell the pheromones too, so Spider probably smells like a rain forest. The Sully didn't know that because they basically live in forest
• In the human form Jake is Alpha. Norm and Max are Beta. Quaritch obviously Alpha, Paz is probably Omega but registered herself as Beta so Quaritch didn't know she was an Omega. (Female Beta can get pregnant with Male Beta and Male Alpha so Quaritch didn’t suspect.)
• Eywa is Spider Godmother 🤣 you can't convince me otherwise.
• Spider has been blessed by Eywa but not like he can breathe Pandora air, he just got a lot of love from other animals. The Sully often see Spider and Kiri napping together and Atokarina just flew around both of them.
• The relationship between Spider and Neytiri is better than the original. Like she starts to accept him when see Eywa has blessed him as well. She starts to see him as who he is, not just his father's sin.
• Neteyam didn't grow apart from this Spider, they are still close friends and kinda protective over Spider. Lo’ak don’t fully understand how ABO work he is still treat Spider the same as before which is Spider like that a lit because after they know he is an Omega, everyone literally treat him like a fragile little glass and it bothering so much!!
• Tuk is always Tuk. She is really clingy to Spider as usual. Tuk always said Spider smells like a refreshing rain but everyone just didn’t seem to acknowledge that and though she just imagines things up.
• Kiri is closer with Spider than before because not just animals love her, they love her best friend too! She feels really connected like she is not the only one.
• Mo’at still didn't know why Eywa blessed this human child but she respect great mother and so does everyone in the village. After that everyone just really became fond of Spider, he is a kind kid l, hard working and really friendly and slowly they finally accepted Spider as one of their Omaticaya.
• Basically Spider in this AU getting love and attention he deserves!! And he finally gets adopted by Sully. Earned his songcord and had his very first bow.
• Spider getting Ikran too! Even though he doesn't have an tswin to bond with. But when he walks to the banshee they just slowly walk back to him and lower their head so Spider can pet them just like how Kiri tamed her Ikran. After that he and Neteyam finished their Iknimaya together at the same time.
• About humans. Norm and Max didn't let any Alpha people meet Spider unless there was one adult presence at that moment because they know how people will treat Spider with his secondary gender. The McCosker was banned for life and didn't get a chance to see Spider ever again because the last time they almost tried to get spider pairing with their Alpha son. (And for Eywa sake Spider was just 12 at that time! /scream Norm)
Part 3 is going to be about the time when Spider gets kidnapped by RDA. It is time for papa bear Quaritch and the Recom!!
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munsonhoneybaby · 1 year
would you ever write anything about henderson!reader being adopted? i’d love to hear about her background if you were interested in writing about it!
i’d love to get a little bit more into what background i imagine for reader!! idrk a good way to do this in a drabble tho so i hope headcanons are okay :)
tysm for the ask <3
Warnings: 18+ mdni, angst, probably very inaccurate descriptions of the foster care system, some brief mentions of abuse/neglect, mention of drug addiction and overdose, a sentence or two that very very vaguely alludes to childhood sexual trauma
A/N: some of the things mentioned here are incredibly dark but i also tried to make it incredibly vague because i wasn’t trying to make this super sad or hard to read, please let me know if i missed anything in the warnings and absolutely send in more asks if you’re interested in anything else about tmic !! for @darlingdixon
➺ Dustin was seven years old when his parents got a divorce, and almost eight when his father moved out of state with little to no explanation. He sent letters and, for a little while, got postcards back— but after a year or so the postcards stopped coming.
➺ It was just before his ninth birthday that his mom asked how he would feel about having someone new in the house, almost like a sister. His nose wrinkled slightly at the thought of a baby in the house, but then she explained further. He didn’t understand all the specifics of foster care then, just that there was a fourteen year old girl who needed a place to live because she didn’t have a home or a family of her own. He was so sad just losing his dad; what would he do without anyone? Without anything? He’d hope somebody would be nice enough to share with him. He thought he could share with you.
➺ It was weird when you moved in. Mom bought you new things, replacing what used to be his dad’s office with your new bedroom. He was upset about it for a few days, but when you invited him in and set up the Mouse Trap board game that his dad never wanted to play with him, he realized that the room was a lot more fun than it used to be.
➺ Initially, your stay with the Hendersons was meant to be a temporary placement. Somewhere to stay for a few months, maybe even a year, while the system tried to find somewhere more permanent to put you. Your neglectful, drug-addicted ‘mother’ had overdosed three long years ago and your ‘father’s name wasn’t even on the birth certificate. But you’d already been through three short-term placement homes: the first, which put you through hell in ways you were too young to truly understand; the second, which only took you in for the money they would earn; and the third, which you were booted from the moment the couple learned they were expecting a child of their own. And now you were edging fifteen. Before too long, you would be placed in a group home, and you weren’t sure you could take that.
➺ It didn’t take long to realize that Claudia Henderson was different than the other foster ‘parents’ you’d stayed with. She made sure you were eating multiple balanced meals every day. She tried to watch movies with you. She offered to take you shopping, even in those record shops you could tell she thought were seedy. She tried to get you to open up about your past, and comforted you whenever you allowed her to. She welcomed you like you really were family, and you were sure that was because she had just lost some of her own. You felt for her, and her young son, and as the weeks passed you started to let yourself trust them more and more.
➺ You spent a lot of time with Dustin. It was far from your first time being around younger kids, but he was so easy to get along with. It didn’t take long for him to get comfortable with you, and soon he was knocking at your door nearly every afternoon to watch a movie, or go outside, or play a game. He liked to talk to you. He’d tell you about his day at school, and his friends, and sometimes he’d tell you about his dad— about him leaving and how it made him feel, about how he felt bad when he missed him and felt bad when he didn’t miss him. And you listened. You let him sit in your bed with you and look at your records, and lean on your shoulder. You told him it would all be okay, that it was okay to feel bad. And when he cried, you told him it was okay to do that too.
➺ Months ticked away and you started to worry about how much time you had left. When would you be swept away from these people you were beginning to care so much about? How could you leave Dustin? How long would you last if they put you in a group home?
➺ Until the day Claudia asked if you’d be comfortable with long-term placement. You wouldn’t have to live the next year and a half on edge wondering when your short-term placement would end. You could stay with them until you were adopted, or simply aged out of the system— a much more likely outcome considering not a lot of families were in the market for a teenager.
➺ So, you did.
➺ The months kept coming, and you only grew closer to the Hendersons. You got to decorate your own bedroom and help Dustin with his homework and learned to cook with Claudia; shortly after the two-year-mark, you even started to call her Mom.
➺ Your 16th birthday came, and by then you knew for certain that you weren’t going anywhere.
➺ When Dustin was pushing twelve years old, he still let you sit on the edge of his bed and read to him until he fell asleep. He pretended that he was getting too old for it, but he didn’t want to admit it still took him longer to fall asleep without it. You always asked him if you could so he didn’t have to say it.
➺ It was the summer before your senior year that Mom asked you if she could legitimately adopt you. Your eyes welled with tears immediately. You didn’t understand why she’d go through all the trouble, pay any legal fees required, when you were turning eighteen so soon.
➺ “Because I want us to become a family in every way we can before it’s too late.”
➺ And again, you did.
➺ You insisted you wanted to stay home and work more your senior year. She helped you manage a decent homeschool education, aided partially by staff at Hawkins High School, while you helped her work out the technicalities of adopting an almost-eighteen year old with no known living relatives.
➺ Dustin, of course, was thrilled about the adoption. He loved taking any excuse he found to talk about how his beloved sister was officially going to be a Henderson.
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darkdrin6 · 1 year
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It's no longer a secret that NRS is just abominably treating Bi-Han in the new game, and the more materials appear, the more we are outraged. This man was the embodiment of the tragedy and injustice of the life of an assassin, he did not do the most righteous deeds, but it could not be said that he was devoid of honor or at least some compassion. Bi-Han was just doing his job, it was something he had been used to all his life, and he didn't know any other life than the one the clan gave. And now, from a man with a gray morality, he turns into a flat villain who gets punched in the face in the very first chapter. Thank you, NRS, but you made Tanya, the main traitor of the series, noble. A luxurious solution, just ten out of ten.
And in fact, we feel the need to somehow protect and justify Bi-Han. Yes, of course, we most likely will not get at least some clear motivation for his actions, except for POWER. And, perhaps, more POWER. But this man deserved something more than just the flat motivation of some petty villain for one episode. There are too many antagonists in MK who want POWER, so this is already some kind of bad taste.
(We will not consider Bi-Han from the MK 2021 movie as a worthy motivation, because he also does not have a clear motive. He wants to cut out Hanzo's entire bloodline because he wants to cut out Hanzo's entire bloodline, and there's no explanation for it at all.)
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What if we suggest you look at Bi-Han's situation from a certain angle? Consider it a fanon, a random idea, anything that will help us justify and protect this person, we don't care, we will fight for him.
So… How about the fact that Bi-Han's downfall is entirely his father's fault?
Yes, we remember that their father, an unnamed previous grandmaster, is still portrayed as a noble man who loved his sons and even adopted the orphan Tomas, who lost his parents due to the actions of his people. It sounds even too good for someone who leads a clan of assassins in the service of his homeworld.
Such a person must have a certain self-control, such is his life, and this is required by his duties to his clan and the Earthrealm.
Let's remember that Lin Kuei is still a clan of assassins, a secret organization (or at least moderately secretive). Were Bi-Han and Kuai abducted from their mother, as in the original? Most likely, yes. Did the grandmaster feel guilty for this, because he deprived his children of their mother? It is quite possible that yes. But he has a duty to his clan, and his children are primarily a valuable resource. Yes, this is a cruel approach, and what kind of father could put up with it? But when a person is pressed by such strong obligations, he has to put up with it. From the extended scene, we can know that the previous Grandmaster saw the clan's path in service, which was probably part of his views too. And here you can go to the next point.
There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Bi-Han, as the eldest son, had always been regarded as the Grandmaster's heir. Is there any logic in this? Yes. In the clan, as we understand it, the primacy is passed from father to son, and traditionally the older children become the heirs.
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What did this mean for Bi-Han himself? Probably a very special attitude. Realizing that his son would have to carry not the simplest burden, the Grandmaster had been preparing him for this since early childhood. He was stricter and colder with him than with Kuai, because Kuai is the youngest child, he should be an ally of his brother, not the head of the clan. Seeing the unequal treatment, Bi-Han felt jealous and tried to earn his father's attention with his successes. But the more he succeeded, the more was demanded of him. Trying to raise a worthy heir from his son, the Grandmaster unknowingly broke his life from the very beginning. Feeling the pain of being so cruel to his son, but unable to back down, the Grandmaster accepted Tomas into the family and gave him father's unspent love. For Bi-Han, who was desperately trying to be better and achieve a better result for the sake of his father's recognition, it was like being ousted from his own family, replaced by someone else.
His whole life was devoted to serving the clan. Bi-Han grew up with the idea that one day he would lead the clan, that this was the meaning of his existence. All his efforts, efforts, sufferings, everything he went through, were only for the clan that all this was not in vain. His unconditional devotion to Lin Kuei was encouraged, and everything that could distract from this goal was ruthlessly eliminated, leaving only the clan and its goals in Bi-Han's life.
It's not easy to become the best, but he has become. The years had honed his skills, his upbringing had instilled in him unconditional loyalty to Lin Kuei, all his aspirations from now on were directed at the clan and its greatness. For Bi-Han, the clan meant everything, was his whole life. He lived for this purpose.
But seeing how bitter the son was, and realizing that he had gone too far, the Grandmaster said that the head of the clan would not be Bi-Han, but Kuai.
Was it a cruel betrayal? Yes. Bi-Han was literally robbed of his life, the meaning of his existence. Father devalued in one moment everything that he had experienced, what he valued, for which he tried and suffered.
Did he kill his father in anger for the way he just threw years of his life into the trash? It is possible that yes. After all, this man trained him, made him what Bi-Han is now. It was his father who ruined his life, trying to raise the perfect warrior for the clan. The death of the previous Grandmaster finally tied Bi-Han to the clan. His whole life, his personality, his whole world was locked in the interests of Lin Kuei. Because while Lin Kuei is succeeding, Bi-Han is not living in vain.
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His fanaticism and his irritation with his father and brothers (to be honest, with everyone in general) could easily be explained by such a development of events. Of course, the studio will not allow itself to outline something like this and probably will not give any explanations at all, so we will prefer to stick to this version of events. In the end, it would make at least some sense.
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andreal831 · 18 days
Can you rank all the fathers of TVDU?
Ranking of TVDU Fathers, Worst to Best:
14. Giuseppe Salvatore
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Giuseppe did almost nothing redeemable as a father. He emotional and physically abused his family and then killed them when they tried to help the vampires. At no point did it seem like he loved his children. Maybe when he tried to stop Damon from running out to save Katherine, but even that felt more like a reflex than fatherly affection. There's literally nothing positive I can think to say about him which puts him at the very bottom.
13. Joshua Parker
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Similar to Giuseppe, Joshua does very little to show love for any of his kids, let alone Kai. I also always have wondered where the Parker parents were as their children were running for their lives from Kai. Jo was stabbed in the stomach as she attempted to save them, but no parent came to help.
Joshua always put the the coven over his own children. He gets points over Giuseppe because I think he did care about his children, other than Kai, but just cared about the coven more. Still a terrible father who was willing to risk his children for the good of the coven.
12. Mikael
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Mikael was awful, but he isn't the worst simply because, at some point, he did care for his children. All of them, including Klaus. He beat and abused them in his own twisted way to make them stronger so he wouldn't lose them like he lost Freya. He went about it in a terrible way, partly we can blame on his own upbringing and the time they lived, but then he spent a thousand years hunting down his children and tormenting them. While his main goal was Klaus, he still was willing to kill the rest of them for standing by Klaus.
None of this justifies his behavior, but he gets points over the other fathers simply for caring to some extent about his children.
11. Richard Lockwood
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Yet another toxic masculine father who emotionally and physically abuses his child. Richard is Mikael if he had been born in the 20th Century. Richard is such a great example of an abusive parent because he is closer to what we see in reality. He is a textbook narcissist who could charm the whole town while abusing his son in the shadows. Tyler and Carol were better off after he died.
These bottom four are honestly all interchangeable. They are all the same character, just different fonts.
10. Bill Forbes
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Bill not only tortured his daughter but also abandoned her before she became the thing he hated. While Liz initially is scared of Caroline, she comes around and protects her daughter from Bill. While Bill comes around at the very end of his life, he never apologizes for torturing her or trying to kill her. He potentially could have been a better father if he had lived longer, but during his life, he was pretty terrible.
9. John Gilbert
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Yes, John sucks. But not because he wanted to keep Elena away from vampires. That actually moves him up the list. He sucks because of his lack of involvement in Elena's life. It's fine that he wasn't ready to have a child when Isobel got pregnant, but the fact that he didn't bother stepping up, even as Uncle John, when Elena and Jeremy lost their parents really shows his character. Then when he did get invovled, all he wanted to do was control her.
He does end up sacrificing his life for Elena, which also earns him so points. For the most part, he was an absentee father, but he showed up at the end when it mattered.
8. Klaus Mikaelson
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While Klaus is typically viewed as one of the best parents in TVDU, there is a lot to be desired. Especially when you actually focus on his first child, Marcel. Klaus made the decision to adopt Marcel and then continued to throw it in his face, even getting angry at Marcel for succeeding in his control over New Orleans.
With Hope, we do see him be more loving, but this love tends to come off as controlling and possessive. Klaus is so worried about being a bad father to Hope, clearly showing us he didn't view himself as Marcel's father or his understanding that he was a bad father to Marcel. He then proceeds to put himself over Hope's needs for most of her life. Ending with him, unnecessarily, sacrificing himself when Hope needed him most.
I did have trouble placing him since he does seem to want to do right by Hope, which is more than most of the fathers on this list. So he gets points because he does love his children (bare minimum) and would do a lot for them, but at the end of the day, his narcissism wins out.
I'm including a link to a longer discussion I've had regarding Klaus here.
7. Jackson Kenner
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Jackson was a good stepfather to Hope, but he could have been a better father. There were numerous times that he walked out on Hope and Hayley, including one time when he calls Mary in without letting Hayley know he is leaving Hope. Jackson tended to hold the Mikaelsons against Hope. He definitely loved her, but he often viewed his role as her babysitter rather than a father. We never really get a moment between Hope and Jackson where it is clear he views her as anything other than Hayley's daughter.
Jackson and Klaus are fairly tied, but at least Jackson never murdered anyone in front of her or tortured her mother. They both love their children, but hold things over their children that aren't necessarily fair. They also both let their pride get in the way of what is best for the child, creating more instability in the child's life.
I go more into this discussion here.
6. Rudy Hopkins
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Rudy essentially abandoned Bonnie after Abby had already abandoned Bonnie, leaving her in the hands of Grams because he didn't like witchcraft. He only comes back when Carol dies and they ask him to be mayor. While he does say he agreed to take the position to be close to Bonnie, it seems odd since he's been missing from her life for years, even after Grams died. But when he comes back, he is probably the most present parent we get outside of Liz.
Rudy tries to protect Bonnie from the supernatural world and even herself, trying to stop her from harming herself to help her friends. He does lose some points for abandoning her and trying to control her, but at the same time she was just a teenager so I get him wanting to protect her from the supernatural. I hated that he never even knew Bonnie was dead since they had been rebuilding their relationship. The scene of him being killed broke my heart for Bonnie.
He is leagues better than most of the fathers on this list simply for loving his daughter and showing her how proud he was of her. I mean, he was one of like two parents at graduation (granted most of them were dead at this point).
5. Alaric Saltzman
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This is a hard one, mainly because I've not fully watched Legacies. I did once love Alaric with his relationship with Jeremy and Elena. He stepped up just because of his relationship with Jenna, but it was clear he cared for them outside of that. He stuck around after Jenna was killed and even was still there for them when Jenna needed a break. However, he doesn't seem to carry that same loyalty to his own children.
While I have issues with how he treated Caroline in TVD in the last couple of seasons, it was clear he would do anything for the twins. But then in Legacies, from what I've seen, he seems to prioritize Hope over his children. He runs the school and barely helps his own children feel comfortable, let alone the others kids. My theory was always that it was his way of getting the last win over Klaus. He stepped in and raised her to be his weapon, which he knew Klaus would hate. Even his relationship with Hope seems problematic.
He's fairly high on the list for his behavior in TVD but loses massive points for his behavior in Legacies.
4. Declan
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I'll be honest, the timeline with Declan confuses me a lot. It seemed like Hayley and Declan were still in early stages of dating, yet he seemed to have a long relationship with Hope. This could make sense if Hayley and him had started off friends, but Hayley breaking up with him in order to focus on Hope confuses me more. If he was so invovled in Hope's life, this wouldn't be necessary and I would think he would have reacted differently, like trying to get invovled with Hope. But season 5 is terrible writing so moving on.
It does seem that he was an active father figure to Hope. Likely the only one she really remembered. From his conversation with Klaus, it sounds like he's known Hope for a few years at least and was still invovled in her life while she was away at school, even teaching her to drive. Hope also is very protective of Declan, showing how much she cares for him. I wish he would have been more focused on Hope after Hayley died, I get he just lost his girlfriend, but as a father figure, he should have stepped up for her because lord knows no one did.
I honestly ranked him this high more for what the show wanted him to be rather than what they allowed him to be. Season 5 was too short to bring in another father figure for Hope when they could have just used Alaric to make Klaus jealous. But, Declan gets extreme points for being willing to fight Elijah and Klaus to protect Hope.
3. Father Kieran
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Kieran may not have been their parent, but it is clear he stepped up and took care of Cami and her twin brother. And then when they lost Sean, he helped Cami through her grief. In his last moments, he spent them trying to protect Cami.
While he valued his role in the city, he valued Cami more. Even threatening the vampires to stay away from her. I only wish he would have told Cami the truth when she confided in him that she was losing her mind.
2. Jonas Martin
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The Martin family deserved so much better. Jonas had a moral code, but he had to bend it to "rescue" his daughter. He would do anything for his children and proved it time and time again. Losing Luka broke him and I'm almost thankful that he died before finding out his daughter was willingly working for Klaus. Even in his anger he was still focused on saving his children, restoring Bonnie's powers and telling her how to defeat Klaus.
My only issue is that he seemed to put Luka in jeopardy in order to rescue Greta. But he was desperate to save his child, so I can understand it.
1. Marcel Gerard
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I love an accidental father and Marcel is the perfect example. He rescued Davina and took her in, yes partly because he wanted a powerful witch, but he grew to love her and became incredibly protective over her. My only complaint is that he seemed to pull away at times and leave Davina to her own devices when she definitely needed a parental figure or some adult guidance. But I love that he made Vincent step up when he couldn't.
Marcel would do anything for Davina and he proved it. He went up against his own family for her. He protected her from their enemies. He loved her no matter what she did, even when he disagreed with her. They have one of the best bonds in TO. I wish we could have seen more of them in season 5 or in Legacies.
Honorable Mentions
Vincent Griffith - Vincent losing his child is not discussed enough. But even though he couldn't be a father to his own child, he stepped up for Davina. He even was a surrogate for Freya and Keelin (I'll always be confused by that). I just know he is actively invovled in that child's life. Ansel - I didn't put him in the main list because we don't actually see him interact with Klaus much. Yes, we can say he was clearly protective of Klaus when Esther brought him back and theorize how he would have been as a father, but it's just a theory. People like to blame Esther for keeping Klaus from Ansel, but he was right there watching as Mikael raised and abused Klaus. He never once stepped in. Yes, I understand there are reasons and have even defended Esther's decision to keep it all a secret. But we can't blame Esther and not also hold Ansel responsible for Klaus' childhood. Grayson Gilbert - I mentioned Miranda in the other post so I felt I had to bring up Grayson. We, again, don't know much about him. His children clearly loved him, but his torturing supernatural makes me question if he would have reacted the same way Bill had. Katherine's Father - Forcing his daughter to give away her child is awful. Yes, it may be a sign of the times, however, he still sucks. Hayley's Father - We also don't know much about him so I'll just repeat what I said about Hayley's mom. He agreed to his daughter's arranged marriage when she was an infant and that he sacrificed his life to protect Hayley. From what we are told, it seemed like Hayley's parents were on the right side of the war, but it is hard to say. Matt and Vicki's Father - We don't know who their father is, but I don't think it's fair to judge Kelly for being terrible without at least mentioning him. He also sucks. August Sienna - We also don't see August ever interact with his children, but the fact that he is raising them in a cult is a red flag. Elijah Mikaelson - No, Elijah was never a father, but his siblings/parents definitely pushed him into that role early on. Elijah had the potential to be a good father, we see this in the few moments he had early on with Marcel. However, his love for his siblings blinds him and makes him do terrible things while allowing his siblings to do terrible things. Not a great disciplinarian.
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cybernightart · 8 months
Bonnie brothers Au
(The bear family)
Okay, so there's going to be a lot of talking that's just going to be a general summary of the beginning of the bear family becoming a little family unit, but under all that there's going to be a bunch of drawings. So if you just want to look at the drawings, scroll down lol.
As mentioned in one of @bxnnie-bxwl 's recent posts, in this AU the main bear family consists of Wilfred(FNAF 1 Freddy), Alfred (FNAF 2 withered Freddy), and Freddy!(FNAF SB glamrock Freddy)
Wilfred is the single father to his son Freddy, who he had at a very young age, having him dropped off on his doorstep one day out of the blue accompanied by only a note from wilfred's ex saying how this is his son and that she never wants to hear from him or his son again and that she does not want him. The now freshly 20-year-old Wilfred is on his own in a very small apartment, working a minimum wage restaurant job which doesn't make enough money to support him and a newborn baby, though he tries his best.
Wilfred being an orphan himself couldn't bear (hehe bear) to give his son away but he felt like he had no option after months of trying and trying and barely being able to scrape by with it all coming to a head when he is unable to forward feeding this growing cub who with everyday needs more and more food pretty much. And the last thing he wants to do is to put his son up for adoption due to his absolutely horrible experiences in the orphanage he was at, but the auction seemed more and more like the only one. The more he sat there and cried as he cradled this baby in his arms alone in his apartment.
That is until the doorbell went.
Wilfred caught up to open the door to see if it was there. I wanted to see his neighbor Alfred standing there with a box of food in his hands, and pretty much without saying a word came in. Gave Wilfred the food he'd been holding as Wilfred had not been properly feeding himself for the past few months in order to feed Freddy, and with ease took over looking after little baby Freddy while Wilfred was actually able to get some sleep for the first time in months.
Over the next few years. Alfred became more and more like family, eventually becoming the official godfather to Freddy and filling in the role of a grandparent for him. Allowing Wilfred to go to work. And earn the money he needs in order to support him and his son along with the support of Alfred as well, who works as a gardener and beekeeper. Alfred taught Freddy multiple things growing up, including being the one to introduce him to singing and performing music. Other things Alfred taught him included many wiccan practices, and other forms of witchcraft which Freddy ended up taking up an interest in and continuing to practice by himself as he got older.
When Freddy was around 5, Wilfred was given the restaurant that he worked at by the owners who were retiring and trusted him to continue on the restaurant as they believed the business would be in good hands with him. This significantly helped the family income and allowed them to move into a bigger family home, instead of the one bedroom apartment where Wilfred had been sleeping on the couch for many, many years as he had given the only bedroom to Freddy.
When Freddy was little he would come to work with Wilfred from time to time and help him wait tables where he got given his own little tray where he would carry a singular drink or side dish so he could feel like he was helping, the customers absolutely loved this and would end up tipping Wilfred More, as well as tipping Freddy. This resulted in Freddy amassing a decently large sum of money which he used to take his friends to the local arcade, sweet shoppe, toy store, and more.
Speaking of friends! Freddy's childhood friends consisted of Chloe (glamrock chica) who was the daughter of chica, A fellow business owner who runs a local bakery who is very close friends with Wilfred. Archie(basically glamrock foxy), who is the son of Captain foxy, a local fisherman who pretty much has a monopoly over the entirety of the fish market for the bear district, who is also very close friends with Wilfred. And lastly, Felix (Funtime Freddy)! The one friend Freddy was able to make in school, as one day Felix saw Freddy getting picked on by some of the other bears and decided to stand up for the little bear. Felix being a polar bear was very intimidating for the other bear cubs who had been picking on Freddy so they quite quickly left him alone. This then created a lifelong friendship between the two.
I will go into more of the story beyond this point in later posts as this is already getting quite long, but now it's time for the drawings! (Primarily of Freddy and Wilfred) I will say though in the future not only will it include how Freddy meets the rest of the future band, how he and Bowie (glamrock Bonnie) meet and fall in love, The pure chance meeting of Wilfred and Brooks (FNAF 1 Bonnie), and another family member of the bear household who has a very dark past and has very mysterious ties to Wilfred/Freddy and Even somehow connects back to Bonnie's family and a tragedy that occurred many many years ago 👀👀👀
Quick additional info!
•Alfred is a Kodiak bear
•Wilfred and Freddy are Cambrian brown bears
•Wilfred and Freddy speak Spanish as their "first" language with English being their technical second.
•All bears speak bearish as their legitimate first language being the language that they're able to speak from the moment they can make noise when they're born. This consists of the normal bear sounds, including growling,huffing, barking,woofing, jaw pops, chuffs, hissing, squeaking, and even purring! The types of noises they can make are dependent on the species of bear they are, as each species of bear has slight variations of noises they can make.
•Also bears in this world live in more isolated communities almost entirely consisting of only other bears, This is due to the rest of the species in the world Fearing bears and what they're capable of as they have still retained a lot of their sheer strength and power and physical capabilities that they're original form of animal had. They're also feared due to the spreading of false and greatly exaggerated rumors about how violent and dangerous bears are in this universe. This is led to bears being very discriminated against and bears themselves isolating themselves in fear of scaring or hurting the others around them. Even though, despite their large size for a majority of them, they are no more dangerous than anyone else in the world. However, these biases and misconceptions still remain.
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Here is wilfred's design! Seems like a relatively normal guy, though he does seem to have a distinct marking over his eye and the side of his face 👀
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Here is a cute little pen doodle I did of Wilfred and little Freddy! (This drawing of Freddy still gives me cuteness aggression)
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Some Papa bear and baby bear activities ✨
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Baby Freddy in his little space themed PJs 😭🥺<3
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And here is a side by side comparison of Wilfred (age 40) and Freddy (age 20) rocking the same outfit!
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A cute little doodle I did of the bear fam together on a day out. Here you can see a side by side comparison of the giant size of Alfred being a Kodiak bear(8ft tall), compared to Wilfred who is a Cambrian brown bear (6.8ft), and the lil sleepy baby Freddy XD
Here are some additional doodles!
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I wonder who he could be? And... my that plushie does look very familiar... Strange how it resembles *****...
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HAHAH- gay
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Kim Dokja being watched over by Hades throughout his journey which led him to being adopted by the Underworld as this fantasy of being able to earn love from your parents. Kim Dokja being good enough, brave enough so someone noticed him and wanted him as his child.
Kim Dokja being offered immeasurable power for just being himself when all his life he felt that his biological parents only gave him suffering or abandoned him. KD getting parents who give him agency and push him forward.
But also Kim Dokja growing to understand his biological mother and forgiving her. His moms talking to each other, Persephone learning more about KD from his bio mom. And just this dynamic of a mother talking to her son about feelings and supporting him because a father is too emotionally stunned to speak up. And KD taking a risk to ask about the why and what instead of just taking the power (and how hard is it to ask if someone loves you when you are scared the answer would be no).
And KD getting a father, a real father who doesn't abuse him. A father who also appreciates stories, who while also bad at feelings tries to reach out. Just as KD is trying to. Hades being just a guy, a guy who gives his son an army and support and "The Underworld is your ally." instead of talking.
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kankuroplease · 5 months
Who are the characters you hate in anime? and the villains you like?( for me I like Garo in one punch man 🤩)
Very few characters earn actual hate from me because I don’t take anything that serious. But anyways, this is a long post. So under the cut it goes
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I can give you my strongly disliked character list;
Sae - Peach Girl. Beginning of my trust issues
MeiMei - JJK. Whole weirdo and a waste of a badass
Shou Tucker - FMA. Worst anime dad, hands down
Danzo - Naruto. Stole my boys eye, stole bug dilfs adoptive son, and a general coward that tried to act like he wasn’t
Yasui - 7 Seeds. makes my blood boil and I don’t care about his redemption
Hisoka - HxH. makes my ass itch
Zoldyck family (minus Killua and Alluka) - HxH. icky ass itches
Mr. Yashiro - Erased. Added stress to my life and subtracted a year or two because of it.
Robin - Heavenly Delusion. For OBVIOUS TW reasons
Griffith - Berserk. I need him dead yesterday
Light - Death Note. I just don’t like him
Mineta - BNHA. Why?
Koza - Samurai Champloo. I can forgive a weak character, I can not forgive a manipulative backstabbing character that is also weak
Shindo - Sk8. Unhand that boy, sir.
Favorite Villains (I don’t count them all as bad guys, but they are antagonist);
Dabi - BNHA. Yeah he did it all, and? Look at his home life.
Enji Todoroki - BNHA. Not a villain but a whole ass villain at the same time.
Madara - Naruto. He had a point
Itachi - Naruto. I know what he did, but…
Kisame - Naruto. Nart hubby #2
Obito - Naruto. I’d wait for him to get out of jail Ngl. Nart hubby
Overhaul - BNHA. Terrible. Horrendous. Belongs in jail even, but I have a visual type
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Aizen - Bleach. Smash
Ulquiorra - Bleach. My boy deserved better 😭
Unohana - Bleach. I support her wrongs
Grimmjow - Bleach. He’s not so bad
Sukuna - JJK. He’s hot
Toji - JJK. I was informed he goes here but I don’t believe it 🤧
Gyutaro - Demon Slayer. Such a good big brother
Akaze - Demon Slayer. Loved his wife and won’t consume women? A wins a win
Rem - Death Note. I don’t think my baby belongs here, she’s just an amoral Pookie
Millions Knives - Trigun. It’s a love hate thing
Gilgamesh - Fate series. A beautiful disaster. 
Izaya - Durarara!! Asshole (affectionately)
Scar - FMA. The splits. I would do them for him
Broly - DBZ. Again, splits. I volunteer as tribute!
Fujimoto - Ponyo. He’s a loving father and he did nothing wrong 😤
Sesshomaru - Inuyasha. Not counting the sequel the OG mangaka would not agree with either.
Sephiroth - FFXII. not an anime but THE hottest villain and a total shame to not mention
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wolfxplush · 11 days
Max and his parents!!!!!
•Max’s parents were masters at putting on a show. In public, especially at social events, they acted like doting parents—praising Max’s achievements, talking about how much joy he brought into their lives. But as soon as they were behind closed doors, their affectionate smiles vanished, and they barely acknowledged him. Max quickly learned that their love was conditional—only for display when others were watching.
•Max’s adoptive parents compensated for their emotional absence by showering him with expensive gifts. They bought him the best clothes, gadgets, and anything money could buy, as if material wealth could replace the warmth and affection he craved. Max, over time, grew resentful of these hollow gestures, realizing that no amount of stuff could fill the void their indifference left. Once he was shipped off to bullsworth with not so much as a glance back and a platinum credit card in his back pocket,his distaste only grew.
•At home, family dinners were cold and formal. His parents would talk amongst themselves, often about business or social obligations, ignoring Max entirely unless they needed to instruct or correct him on his manners. Max ate in silence, pretending not to notice their disinterest, growing increasingly alienated in his own home. His hands bruised and bleeding from the constant whip of the ruler his father brought down on him had he make a mistake.
•His parents adopted him as part of their effort to appear like the perfect family, especially in their elite social circles. Max was less a son and more a prop, expected to behave impeccably at public events. Whenever he misstepped or caused the slightest embarrassment, his parents would punish him by withdrawing even the little attention they gave him. They made sure he understood that their affection was contingent on his performance. A prize to be won, max needed to be a good boy to earn it. Max could be a good boy, he promises!
•His parents excelled at flipping the switch. Around guests, they were full of compliments for Max—calling him intelligent, handsome, or gifted. They’d put a hand on his shoulder, hug the boy close, or beam at him during gatherings, but the moment the guests left, his parents would retreat to their separate lives, leaving Max in a house that was more a museum than a home. Empty and cold.
•Max was never allowed to have deep conversations with his parents. Every time he tried to express his feelings, their responses were dismissive. “You have everything you could ever want,” his father would say. “Stop acting ungrateful,” his mother would snap. Over time, Max stopped trying to open up, knowing it would only be met with indifference or scorn.
•His parents had high expectations, not because they cared for Max’s well-being, but because his achievements reflected on them. Whether it was academics, sports, or social behavior, Max was constantly under pressure to excel. Failure was not an option, as any shortcoming was seen as a blemish on their carefully cultivated image. So once he became more open with his disorders his parents were quick to throw any doctor and medication his way. Even attempting horrid treatments.
•The house Max grew up in was grand, filled with luxury, but it was empty. Emotionally, Max felt like he was living with strangers. There were no family movie nights, no personal conversations—just silence and isolation. Max spent most of his time in his room, retreating into his own world where he didn’t have to deal with the coldness of his parents. His mind his only company. So much so he made up imaginary friends to keep him sane.
•Max’s obsession with Gary stemmed in part from his lack of validation at home. Since his adoptive parents never gave him the attention or care he needed, Max sought it elsewhere, finding in Gary someone who, at least in his mind, could give him the admiration and validation he so desperately craved. This longing for approval became an obsession, pushing him to do anything to please Gary, in a way he never could with his parents.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Ror fam with their now adult child that's about to get married, but on the day of the wedding their spouse to be ends up getting cold feet and runs away. Poor kid is going to be utterly heartbroken......
What lovely angst this is~ I couldn’t stop thinking about it when my insomnia wouldn’t let me sleep last night. Picture below of the wedding dress for this HC.
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-It was a day your family had been dreading for a long time coming, your wedding day.
-You were their precious little princess, having adopted you when you were only a child, raising you with so much love and care and you returned it, they never wanted to lose you.
-When you first started going out with your boyfriend, there were many who were against it, as they saw him as taking you away from them, while others were a bit more lenient, making a promise to themselves if he hurt you, he would die.
-Those who opposed your relationship became more anguished when you announced your engagement to one another, upset that they didn’t do more to keep you from leaving them.
-They didn’t want to hurt you, they never wanted to hurt you, many silent prayed for your stupid fiancé to do something that would make you leave him.
-However, as your family, until you made that decision on your own, they were going to support you with this venture.
-Your wedding was going to be on the beach, at a beautiful resort, in a giant room with floor to ceiling French doors that led to a balcony overlooking the ocean.
-Your dress was beautiful, flowing and light chiffon, you looked like a fairy. Eve, despite not wanting to lose you, was gushing in your room where she was helping you get dressed, while your bridesmaids were in the next room over.
-Your bridesmaids were Goll, who had ugly cried when you asked her, and your fiancé’s sister, while your maid of honor was your best friend, F/N.
-You felt nervous as the ceremony drew closer and you were waiting for Jack to come and get you, as he had won rock paper scissors months ago against all of you other father and brotherly figures of your massive family, but as you sat in your room, you grew concerned when he was over a half hour later.
-You grabbed your bouquet, sunflowers and red roses and headed down to the venue, but you grew concerned, your eyebrows furrowing as you heard loud shouting.
-The room froze when you entered, your family’s eyes all went wide, seeing you in your wedding gown, you looked like an angel.
-The room was divided, your massive family and friends, other gods and warriors from Valhalla, on one side and your fiancé’s on the other, but your fiancé and F/N were both missing, confusing you, “What’s going on?”
-His mother glared at Brunnhilde, who had been shouting with her, and the valkyrie turned, “Y/N, it seems that F/N and that bastard of a fiancé of yours have been having an affair for over three years now.”
-You froze, eyes going wide as your bouquet slipped from your hands, “What?”
-His family was just as furious, his mother turning on you, “He was supposed to get married to you first, then divorce you and take all your money, then he and F/N were going to get married and live comfortably along with us. Those two would be taken care of since you’re such a cash cow with your loaded family. But that idiot son of mine decided to run off with F/N before he could marry you!”
-The tears easily came but didn’t fall as you processed this, F/N and B/N had been seeing each other behind your back for years now, and his family knew about, keeping it from you, as they liked her more than they liked you.
-They were only going to use you for your money, which you had a ton of yourself that you earned on your own, not even counting your family around you.
-Your throat clenched as you tried to not cry, “You knew about this? You let him lead me on for years just for my money?!” their cold eyes, showing no remorse, broke your fragile little heart.
-She went to yell at you for disrespecting her, but Brunnhilde spoke, her voice and eyes like ice, “If you yell at my Y/N, I will not hesitate to remove your head from your shoulders, bitch.” His mother instantly shut up, feeling the wave of fear wash over her.
-Goll and Eve were quick to come over to you, as your eyes went dim, breaking mentally and emotionally as his family were all furious, demanding to be compensated for wasting their time with this wedding as their plan had fell through and were left with nothing.
-Zeus was the one to speak next, mocking them, “Ho-ho~ you want us to compensate you when it was your child who ruined your plans. That seems like a you problem. Go to him if you want your precious money back.”
-This caused more arguing, back and forth before his sister spoke like this situation was no big deal, “Just get over it Y/N, you’ll forgive him like you always do when he comes crawling back like he always does.”
-You were in tears, having slid to your knees, Eve kneeling beside you, your head in her chest as you couldn’t comprehend, “He-he lied…they all lied…”
-You family was furious, seeing you in such a state as Hercules spoke, glaring down at his sister, “Liars will only make more liars.”
-His father went to say something, but Odin spoke first, the air growing cold as he slowly let his aura out and soon a dark aura was surrounding everyone in your family, “You mortals have seem to have forgotten that we are gods. Gods that you have disrespected and insulted with your words and actions. You have insulted our child.”
-His family were very quick to sober up, as they knew that with you married into their family, the gods and warriors wouldn’t do much, they had no such connection now, and now realized that their actions have made several of the strongest gods and warriors in history very, very mad.
-His mother was quick to scream out your name, begging you to stop them, but Eve spoke, her eyes cold, “Why would she help someone who has lied to her for years and backstabbed her on her wedding day?”
-His family were very quick to change their tune, trying to kiss ass and beg for their forgiveness, other bold ones trying to go after you, to make them stop.
-The door behind you burst open and attention turned to the door; your teary eyes went wide, seeing F/N and B/N struggling in the arms of Thrud and Raiden, who you hadn’t realized was missing until you saw the two of them.
-Raiden’s eyes hardened, seeing you there and in tears, while Thrud’s eyes softened, seeing you upset before they threw the offenders down in between the two families before Thrud kneeled next to you and Goll, as you were both crying.
-His family was quick to start shouting at him and F/N, for ruining the plan they had all been working on for years, now because of it, they were going to lose out on all of the money that they had been planning on living on to live plush and cushy lifestyles.
-F/N and B/N were quick to turn to you, seeing that you were there, you would help them, right?
-Raiden swept you up into his arms, holding you with one arm, keeping you away from them as they tried to go for you, trying to tell you that this was just a bit elaborate joke, a big prank for the wedding.
-His family was quick to join in, trying to laugh it off, but Nikola spoke, “May I have everyone’s attention!” everyone looked at him as he pulled out a remote, a projector playing, showing pictures of the two of them over the years they had been going behind my back, “Here they are at your twenty third birthday part Y/N, this selfie was taken behind Buddha’s tree.”
-The pictures were damning, showing that this wasn’t an elaborate prank, they had been sneaking around, even while you were in the same area, like they got a thrill off trying not to get caught while being so close.
-You had touched Raiden’s chest gently during the pictures and he sat you down, but kept his hand on your shoulder, while you watched the pictures showing their affair, even up to this morning, F/N in her bridesmaid dress.
-They were shouting, trying to claim that those pictures were private, trying to save their lie before all attention turned to you.
-B/N tried to approach, but a growl from Lu Bu halted him in his tracks as he struggled to speak, “Y/N, I-I didn’t…” his voice trailed off as your eyes, usually so gentle and full of life, were dull and broken, saying nothing.
-He begged you to say something and F/N was begging you to forgive her and the froze as a tear slipped down your cheek, one that seemed to infuriate your family even more.
-After a moment you finally spoke, “What? You two expect me to just say I forgive you, and we forget this whole thing happened? You both used me! You all used me-lied to me! Why should you be given forgiveness?” your voice started weak but grew in anger as you called his whole family out as liars, but then it broke as more tears fell.
-Eve cupped your cheeks gently as you broke down, shoulders shaking, trying to wipe your tears away, “Oh Y/N, shh don’t cry. You don’t have to explain anything to them.”
-Adam then spoke, his voice seemed to chill everyone, even those of your family, “Eve, take Y/N back to her room.” Eve nodded and Goll and Thrud went with you.
-You ignored the screams and demands of your ex-fiancé and ex- best friend and his family as the door closed behind them.
-You couldn’t hear any screams, because Odin and Beelzebub put up wards that blocked off all sound in the room and blocked the windows, so none could see in.
-It was hours later before you calmed down, Eve, Goll, and Thrud helping you wash your face of your pretty make up, brushed out you hair, and helped you out of your wedding dress.
-You loved your dress, even if you weren’t getting married, treating it carefully, holding it in your lap, feeling the soft material beneath your fingers.
-Eve, seeing your love for the dress, spoke gently to you, “We can dye it, if you want to? It is a pretty dress and would make a lovely summer dress if you changed the color.” She saw just a bit of light appear in your dull eyes, as you liked that idea.
-Thrud had left, just for a bit, returning with food and water for you, as you had been crying so much, the three of them gently encouraging you to eat while the rest of your family had to clean up the venue hall after making a mess, which wasn’t hard to do with a bit of magic.
-As your family and friends from Valhalla had rented out the resort for the wedding, as well as the rooms, which meant that his family was in another hotel nearby, they didn’t want to give up this lovely beach resort vacation, even if it was only for a few days.
-You were quiet and despondent from everyone, allowing yourself to be pulled by Goll who held your hand, trying to make you feel better by getting you ice cream or taking you down to the beach.
-Your family hated seeing you like this, the guilt inside them gnawed at them, as they felt at fault for not noticing this sooner, they could have saved you from heartache if they had paid more attention to your scumbag of an ex and friend.
-When you had looked around, worried that he and his family was still around, Loki, who had stolen you away from Goll, walking with you down the beach, told you that they had made them all leave and to never contact you again.
-You didn’t question him, accepting his words as the truth, as you knew they wouldn’t lie to you, not like this, they would lie to you in the way of that they would deny knowing who ate your ice cream that you had been saving.
-Adam held you when you couldn’t sleep, much how he used to when you were still a child, soothing you to sleep, he hated seeing you crying, they all did, each having spent time trying to calm you down during this mini vacation.
-You whispered up to him, reminding him of when you were little, speaking like a scared child, “Did-did I do something wrong…to-to make them do this to me?” your voice was so soft and meek, it made his blood boil that you had been hurt so badly.
-He squeezed you, hugging you to him, he heard your soft sigh of content, warm and safe in his embrace, “No Y/N, you weren’t the one who did anything wrong. You were perfect. They were the ones who were wrong, they hurt you, and nobody is allowed to hurt you.”
-You smiled softly before you started to doze off, which he saw and he held you until you were asleep, stroking your hair gently.
-Nobody would ever hurt you again.
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Alright, so, I wanna ramble about my Ninjago Infinity Train AU I wanna write because ubfeuhrbfenw
First things first, I'm prolly gonna write it no matter what because I'm silly like that, the poll was more so to decide if I should post it.
Second, what is Infinity Train? Well I'm here to teach you uncultured folks. Infinity Train is an animated show that centered around people boarding a train with infinite cars and being given glowing numbers on their hands, making friends with denizens, creatures who live on the train, as they go from car to car to find a way home.
I have to go into spoiler territory after this, but if you haven't watched Infinity Train, I highly recommend you do so first because it's so good and so underrated. You can watch it here!
you better have watched infinity train
It's revealed that the numbers on their hand actually represent a trauma or something in their life (divorced parents, bullying, neglect, abandonment, broken friendships, etc) they must learn to overcome to lower their number to 0 and eventually get off the train, however, if they make the situation worse, their number can go up instead.
So, essentially the Infinity Train is just a train that lowkey kidnaps people to give them therapy, top tier business.
This AU would essentially just be the Ninjago characters in a modern, normal world with no elemental powers, ninja, or anything like that, so they all live in different places and don't know who each other are.
That's until they all end up boarding the train.
Cole boards first. His rocky relationship with his father has finally pushed him to his breaking point, after his mother's death, that he never really got over, his relationship with Lou only got worse and worse until one night Cole finally decides that he's leaving, running away and boarding a train to get him as far away as he can, only for it to be the Infinity Train
Next is Jay. Jay has been struggling with bullying for years at this point, completely isolated from the other kids his age as he's looked down on for his poor life and excitable personality. Luckily, he's always had his parents who have been nothing but loving and caring to him, acting as the main source of stability in his life. That all crashes down when his class has a heritage assignment where Jay finds out he's adopted. Wanting nothing more than to hide away, the train comes to pick him up.
Zane is picked up third. I find his intro the hardest to explain, but I'll still try. Zane is mostly struggling with why he's so different and why he doesn't understand why people do things the way they do. On his mission to understand others, he accidentally gets himself in trouble again and again with the people around him. All this eventually accumulates to his single father losing his job. Feeling guilty, Zane doesn't want to be a burden on his dad any more and attempts to leave to try to live on his own, causing him to board the train.
Kai and Nya board the train at the same time. Like in the show, Kai and Nya are left to raise themselves since a young age, causing them to grow up in an incredibly stressful situation. One night they get into an argument about how each of them thinks the other is sacrificing too much. Kai is frustrated and stressed that Nya is pushing herself so hard to be perfect and wants to drop out so he'll be spending less money and Nya is frustrated and stressed that Kai has already dropped out and completely thrown away his life for her. This eventually accumulates to Nya storming out, only for her to be forcefully picked up by the train, Kai getting taken as well when he tries to save her. They wake up on the train separated.
Finally, Lloyd boards the train. For as long as he can remember, it's just been him and his mom against the world. She tries to earn enough money to take care of her son while Lloyd is often mistreated by everyone due to crimes his, now missing, father committed. It causes everyone to see him as a danger and Lloyd to feel like a burden on his mom. One night, when walking home, Lloyd is ambushed and beaten up by a group of teens, only for the train to suddenly pull up, scaring them away. Lloyd, however, is drawn to it, which causes him to board the train. While on it, he quickly learns that something and that he's different due to huis number being broken, glitching and giving him secret messages.
From there, we follow the characters' journeys on the train as they meet characters from throughout ninjago, some are fellow passengers, others are denizens, friends and foes are made, battles are fought, the six characters all working towards getting home as they eventually become their found family of six.
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floydsmuse · 10 months
Meggy dearest, ask and ye shall receive for the brain is an endless pantry full of thoughts/thots and just know that if ever you want me to actually write anything for you, the ask box is always open, I don't bite unless somebody else tried to bite first (lol).
We've seen work life with Cal x wifey!reader, but what about at home?? I don't think we've really looked at that much (lol).
Of course you and Cal have been married for a while and as a result you've gotten to know his family really well......maybe a little too well (lol).
Calvin and his baby brother, John, were adopted as babies from an orphanage (I kinda feel like it was a situation similar to J. R.R Tolkien where they were under the temporary care of a priest). His adopted father, Henry Evans Jr., was a Marine who had served in World War I and later in Nicaragua under Chesty Puller, while his adopted mom, Patricia had been a World War I combat nurse at Belleau Wood. Both of them were really, really young when all that was going on and had a few older children before adopting Cal and John when they were little. Even in his adult years, Calvin remained close with Father McDowell and asked him if he wouldn't mind marrying you two when the time came.
Everything you learned about the kitchen came from Patricia. You swore up and down from the day you met her, that this woman was a kitchen witch in disguise. She had an entire cabinet full of recipes that were handed down from her family members, including one that she complied herself and that you both jokingly refer to as "the grimoire". She's also got a ton of home remedies that work like a charm. One time, Cal came down with a bone cracking bout of bronchitis at the beginning of winter and as soon as he came through the door, hacking his brains out, Patricia beckoned you into the kitchen, told you to boil some water and to throw a bunch of blood oranges and mulling spices into the pot (star anise, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, allspice and black peppercorns). As soon as that was all boiled down, she made Cal drink it and oh did it clear him the fuck up!! (lol).
Dad on the other hand was a bit of a different story (lol).
Henry has the sickest sense of humor you have ever seen, like this man has absolutely no filter whatsoever but you and Cal absolutely LOVE IT!!! He was the one who taught Cal not only how to fix the car, the furnace etc. but he also fed Cal's love of chemistry (hell, any kind of science if I'm being honest). The one thing that Patricia probably could've done without though was Henry teaching their son to swear in six different languages (lol).
"Henry, if you teach any of the grandbabies those filthy, dirty words that you taught our kids, I'll send you running from that garage!"
"Pat I used to blow shit up in the jungle for a living, nothing you say or do could possibly scare me any more!"
Because of her nursing background, you often ask Patricia if she wouldn't mind coming to help with lectures down at the college. She's always happy to be a part of it no matter what and the girls absolutely LOVE HER!!!! One time however, she put a snobby admin in their place and the way she spoke had even Six-Thirty sitting up a little straighter and crossing his paws (lol).
"Young man, I had to earn my stripes in the middle of a shelled out church in France, rearraigning men's guts day after day while everywhere else was having the living daylights pounded out of them," she said. "So until you yourself have been there, I suggest you sit up a little straighter, keep your legs crossed, shut your mouth and mind your own business." (lol).
And of course there's Six-Thirty, your husband and father-in-law's favorite companion. When you and Cal found out you were expecting your first child together, that dog became soooooo protective of you it wasn't even funny. If anybody on campus even remotely looked at you the wrong way, Six-Thirty would go from sweetest dog in the world to one nasty son of a bitch in a snap. He, like Cal, especially hated D'Nadi after the slimeball tried to have you fired for being pregnant but thankfully, partially due to the stinkbomb incident, the college president (who was raising his own grandchildren) fired D'Nadi and anybody else who was spreading the petty bullshit around. Truth be told too, he never minded Six-Thirty wandering into his office to deliver important papers and memos (lol).
Six-Thirty is a seriously gentle giant with your baby. She cries in the middle of the night? He's waking you and Cal before anybody else has a chance. Weird noises flying around the house? He's guarding her crib like her life depends on it, even if it's just the house settling in the frigid, winter weather. She'll hug his whole face with her little body if she can which makes Cal laugh like an idiot, but oh God when she starts sitting up on her own, Six-Thirty plays this weird game with her where he'll drag her through the house on her blanket. It actually got to the point where you and Cal had no choice but to put up a baby gate near the stairs that went upstairs and in front of the basement entrance in the kitchen (lol).
Meggy I was expecting only to make an appetizer and instead I gave you a whole meal (lol).
Mary my darling! i seriously am living for all of your thoughts/thots & i absolutely love reading them 🥰 i’m sorry it took me a few days to get back to you. i’ve just been a bit busy & didn’t have the time to really sit down to dive into this, but i’m here & ready to read what amazing things you’ve come up with!
~ oooh! i love that you’ve decided to add Calvin’s family into the mix :) just wanna say on a side note, that i love that you mentioned J.R.R. Tolkien in regards to Calvin’s younger brothers. i am a huge lotr nerd & love the world of Tolkien! anyways… Calvin’s adoptive father being a marine & adoptive mother being a nurse just makes so much sense to me!
~ i like the idea of wifey learning how to cook from Cal’s mom! calling her a “kitchen witch” is just so funny to me😂 but i love it! & i love that she has been able to make up & create these home remedies that help with different sicknesses. i have a feeling that Calvin would also use these remedies when you fall sick or are not feeling the best. i also believe that he would use them with yours & Cal’s children. your babies would call Calvin, “the magic doctor”🥹 because once he whips up one of these “potions” (remedies) & they have a taste, they would feel better instantly & with such ease :,) ugh just the idea of Calvin with kids is making me all 🫠🥰😍
~ i love the idea of Calvin’s dad having a good sense of humor! i love a good laugh & i know people who also don’t have a filter, which can certainly be a trip! okay but i love how you said that his dad was the one who helped fuel his love for chemistry🥹 that’s so sweet! & omg haha. the whole part about Pat warning Henry not to curse in front of the grand babies & also teaching Cal how to curse in 6 different languages is sooo funny! it just seems like such a dad thing to do.
~ aww! momma Evans going into the college to help out with wifeys lectures & the students loving her is just awesome! i love it. ooh! & it seems like momma has got some fire in her, telling up that admin! as she should!! 😌
~ Six-Thirty is the best companion anyone could ask for & i completely agree that he would be super protective of wifey! he would be glued to your feet & would even sleep with his head gently lying on your belly during bedtime. he would even experience the moments where the baby would kick & he’d feel it🥹 making him perk up & look at you! he’d also protect your babies & be like an almost “bodyguard” to them :,) this is making me so soft !! oof damn D’Nadi! 😤 always causing unnecessary disrupt! i can’t stand him! but i’m glad wifey could still keep her job, thanks to the college president stepping in.
~ STOP IT RN. im actually going to sob, MARY !!! you are so right! Six-Thirty would be like the ultimate protector for your little baby. he would so alert Calvin & Wifey, as soon as the baby even starts to fuss. he would definitely guard the baby’s crib & wouldn’t leave their side no matter what. okay but Six-Thirty dragging baby around on a blanket in the house is such an interesting thing to imagine😅 but you know he’d be so gentle & baby would be letting out a fit of little squeals & giggles🥹 UGH I NEED A FIC WITH CAL, WIFEY, BABY & PROTECTOR SIX-THIRTY! i BEG PLSSS🥹😭💗
i can’t with all of this. your brain, Mary! these thoughts were just everything! thank you soo much for sharing them with me!! i seriously get such a kick out of reading them ! you have so many amazing ideas :,) i’m loving it all <3 ty again for this my darling! mwah😘
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
That defense anon post was blinding!
Dear Empress the defense anon post was STUPENDOUSLY GOOD is there any way you can disseminate this to all the other blogs? I would love a decent journo to read it and use it! We know they come to tumblr and Reddit for their information we've seen it!
Now while I know that Sussex PR always refers to reconciliations and olive branches, I have a nasty feeling that Charles wants that too. What do we know about him? He is super sensitive to his image, has huge sense of guilt and has an unhealthy relationship with confrontation or lack of it. He reminds me of that kid hiding under the bed sheets willing the monster to go away. He thinks he is hidden yet the monster sees his every move. I am afraid this strategy does not work. The reason why Harry has twisted him around so cunningly is because he cannot distance himself from his own lonely neglected childhood. He has transferred those emotions (which at times can be useful in forging empathy) to Harry's deluded view point.
Yes Harry was neglected just as Charles was but while one was over disciplined by his father, the other was not. Charles is again adopting that, "you can't see me" philosophy with all of us who are watching this tragedy. We saw that Charles failed during and after the Diana years (but so did she, luckily her death canonized her. In many ways by not addressing his son, so did he) and yet he seems to think that by letting time soften the pains, that we suddenly see him as the good father. (Just because time warmed us to Camilla, Charles thought this largesse was extended to his son. No. Camilla earned respect, Harry did not).
We see the reality that he was in a hard spot, dealt with it badly, tried to overcompensate, thought all was well just like the acceptance of Camilla and could not see it was backfiring. Back under the blanket he went. In short he was a parent struggling and because he projected his own childhood neglect onto his son, was doomed to be a slave to him. This is where we are now and Harry knows it. Sadly Charles seems to think that correcting his son after his Diana failings is hypocrisy. As long as he does this and fails to accept his son is lost to him, he will feel pain and not heal, so I think Harry and Charles are linked in a way that William and Charles are not. William made this wise acceptance a long time ago and healed himself.
Dealing with confrontation is not a bad thing. It is not weakness to stand up for yourself and adapt the morality rules of the game if you are fighting for the greater good.That is how Charles has been bested by his son and DIL, they play two different games. For them confrontation though it may be passive aggressive at times is their way of reinforcing their self worth. BUT despite all of this doom and gloom part of me wishes someone would step in and shake Charles, he is Denethor from LOTR right now! There is the long game but then there is also the 'floodlights have gone off and the pitch is empty' the key is to get the balance right.
Personally I think Harry is trying to kill off his father and become King. Illogical I know but remember this guy thought he was the spare all this time and is still living in a time where he was number 3 anointed by God. In his mind William is an avatar that does not exist, much like in his beloved computer games only there to be wiped away.
Another great submission. I agree that he is slowly trying to eliminate one competitor after another. These are not family members to him, they are obstacles to eliminate in order to get to the throne. He is doing to Charles what he did to The Queen, except he is doing it much more aggressively since the Queen was far more popular than that Charles is currently. When Charles is out the picture, he will do the same to William. Again, it will be far more malicious.
PS: I am posting it this way to protect the sender's anonymity.
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