#the ages and everything is so fucked up in this AU XD
narudoblog · 2 years
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Hello long time no see have some AU dorks.
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rubberduckyrye · 3 months
Please tell me more about this despair mascot au im so confused but SO interested
Bucfxgvhvgcf Okay do there isn't much to it it's literally a Crack AU--or a silly AU that spawned in from me complaining about how Kokichi couldn't be Junko's right hand man because logically the age difference would be too great. He would be like six years old when Junko is 18!
So @ultimateplaylistmaker said that he would be more like a mascot than her actual right-hand man
Then chaos ensued after that as me and some askers started developing the silly idea further
To condense!
-Kokichi has the Ultimate Luckster (Lucky Student) talent which makes him both unkillable and incorruptible
-This was discovered by Mukuro, who he was following around because she had a cool knife, and he probably followed her to somewhere secret so she tried to kill him but every attack failed
-She takes him to Junko and declares "this thing is unkillable"
-Junko takes Kokichi and says "mine now"
-She dresses him up in a Monokuma onsie and gets him to voice act for Monokuma
-She also uses him to taunt Future Foundation like "LMAO I HAVE THIS CHILD IM GONNA CORRUPT HIM HAHAHAHA"
-He doesn't understand, he's just sipping at his choccy milk
-At first the Remnants of Despair are confused and jealous over the new little mascot baby but then he endears himself to them and they all collectively agree that if anything happened to him they would kill the world and then themselves
-Monaca is the only one who hates Kokichi because he gets all the attention from her Big Sis and she tries to kill him but is thwarted due to Kokichi's lucky talent. He bites her legs and they fight a lot.
-Kokichi doesn't actually suffer throughout any of this he just gets spoiled with soda and choccy milk and appy juice. He draws pictures of his weird aunts and uncles and gives them choccy milk when they're being a little too crazy (Looking at you, Junko and Nagito)
-In the end Kokichi ends up pacifying each of the despairs just by being a cute lil baby and now he's got a fucked up lil found family raising him
And I think that's everything so far! xD Aside from specific silly plot bunnies about Kokichi interacting with the remnants ofc
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raygirlramblings · 10 months
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Welp I guess I’m going to have to go into some detail now XD
So here is a very basic timeline of the key events in this AU and how it fits into the Blood Dragon universe. There’s even a few pictures!
WARNING this is a LONG post and features discussion of scientific abuse and torture so read with care.
The setup starts before Eden takes over with the Rabbid invasion of the US and Rayman being dumped into this universe from Dimension X
The Rabbids are dealt with by the military but Rayman is captured and held as an alien by the government, who don’t really know what to do with him but he seems friendly and hey it’s a free alien they can keep as a science project.
Rayman is not ok with this but he has nowhere else to go and these military guys seem to not want to kill him so ok.
Then Eden takes over. They basically do this through corporate meddling and financial control and managed to do it without needing Rayman as a mascot.
BUT now they have control over the government and all the stuff they have they find Rayman and go ‘oh cool, free test subject’ and start to experiment on him to figure out a) how he works and b) tie this into their plans to create a dimension portal gun.
Rayman is VERY not ok with this but he doesn’t have much choice.
Cue poor Ray getting physically tortured for months as Eden tries to figure out how he works.
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MEANWHILE we cut to Sam Fisher. He’s pretty much the same as he was in the show. Ex us military guy who doesn’t like how Eden is corrupting the youth and destroying the nation etc etc
He lives with his daughter Sarah who is at the age where Eden is trying to corrupt her young mind (but they don’t have the Rayman Kids concept so it’s not quite as effective). Plus Sam is a good dad who is trying to keep his little girl on the right track.
Sam connects with Marcus Holloway and his hacker network in the hopes of getting Sarah out of Eden to stay with a military buddy of his.
Holloway agrees to help him smuggle Sarah out but in return wants the ex military badass to do some recon for him to figure out what the hell Eden is doing with this whole dimensional portals thing.
Sam is like ‘sure if it helps my daughter and messes with Eden a little I’m game’
So Sam uses his super espionage skills to break into one of Eden’s science divisions to get info.
He doesn’t get far before he gets discovered and has to retreat, but not before he ends up finding Rayman locked in Eden’s basement,
Eden has pretty much taken everything they need from poor Ray and left him to rot until they can figure out what to do with him.
Sam being a cool dude takes pity on the limbless guy and invites him to escape with him. Rayman is 100% ok with this plan.
Cue daring escape.
Sam takes Ray home to meet Sarah who is instantly fascinated by the little limbless alien and the two form a sibling like bond. Rayman is just happy to be somewhere safe where he’s not being tortured for science and is reminded that humans are ok actually.
This bond also helps Sarah because the idea that Eden would hurt Rayman helps her not fall for their bullshit propaganda so easily.
The little family spend a few months together to form a bond until Marcus gives Sam the all clear for Sarah to escape Eden
Originally Rayman is supposed to go with Sarah but she asks him to stay with her dad to keep him safe in Eden. Rayman agrees and he and Sam send Sarah out of Eden safely with Marcus’ help.
Almost immediately after this Marcus and his hacker group are raided and captured.
Sam is obviously gung-ho to rescue him in return for what he did for Sarah, so he and Rayman bust into the VR jail to rescue Marcus.
Sam, Rayman and Marcus form their own rebel group to take down Eden and retreat to the desert VR facility as the foundation of their base.
Cue several years of recruiting and fucking with Eden’s propaganda as Eden grows in power.
Sam trains Rayman to help him take part in stealth missions with him and Marcus is the tech guy support. Basically Rayman becomes the Splinter Ray skin from Rayman Legends
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Through this they also make contact with the Assassin organisation that Bullfrog is part of and the teams start working together to wreck Eden.
Sam and Rayman meet Bullfrog. Yay!
More cool training and sharing of skills between Sam, Rayman and Bullfrog.
This leads into Wasteland War as Eden strikes back against the rebels.
During this time Dolph is working for Eden but his story more of less plays out the same with him meeting Alex, ditching the military and going on the run. He’s not really involved with the rebellion at this point.
MEANWHILE Sarah returns to Eden and reunites with Sam.
Because she wasn’t brainwashed as a kid she believes in the strength of the rebellion. She came back to either take her dad somewhere safe or join the team. Obviously she does the latter.
Sam and Rayman are obviously overjoyed to see Sarah again.
In order to locate her dad she had to make contact with someone on the inside of Eden who would be willing to send her updates and info
Jade and Sarah are penpal buddies yay
By this point we pretty much have the whole gang together on the rebel side.
Marcus is like ‘hey guys we should have this badass on our side’
Sam and Rayman are like ‘lol ok’
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They bust him out and ‘encourage’ him to join their rebellion.
Dolph is hesitant until Marcus tells him he can get him info on Alex.
Dolph joins the rebellion strike force because he’s just that easy to convince XD
Everyone is here and as stated above we follow Dolph’s story coming to terms with his new team, learning about their history and how they all work together.
And there we go! Basically all the setup for an alternate take on the Blood Dragon universe. Let’s call it the ‘Splinter Cel Remix’ :D
Obviously there is a lot less death and double crossing in this version and some people might thinks that’s lame but this is only the background for a continuing plot line so anything could happen. Also I’m SURE my timelines are all messed up with character ages and when the Wasteland war was, and even more screwed up with removing Rayman as Eden’s mascot. BUT WHATEVER it’s just a fun little what if.
Thank you for reading this utterly self indulgent nonsense from my tiny brain. I hope the pictures helped!
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the-final-sif · 3 months
Aaaand my convict childcare au obsession is back ... yay
So, I've been meaning to ask for ages so I guess I will just bite the bullet now. I absolutely love the AU and I'm taking any scraps of lore you would be willing to share (and didn't share so far) but what I remember really wondering about (there is more but this is the first thing I could think of) is that timeline when Karl kills Quackity and Dream revives. Or at least I assume it was Dream, he is the only one who has XD's private number after all.
Why lead Dream to reviving Quackity? What are everyone's, namely Dream's and Quackity's feelings about this? What would Quackity be up to being alive again? Do they ever interact after the revival?
Just as someone who enjoys Quackity as a character I am delighted to see him alive again but I struggle to wrap my head around why? After all the torture, Dream is probably the last person who would want to see Quackity alive isn't he?
I'm really sorry if this had already been addressed and I failed to notice it
Have a nice day <3
I'm not sure if I talked about it on tumblr or not, but I did have a sense of how that went that I think I talked about on discord.
Basically, after c!Karl murdered c!Quackity, c!Sapnap went into a serious depressive slump that did not go unnoticed by other people. It's a really rough time on him emotionally, and it really isn't getting better.
c!Dream by this point already revived c!Ranboo (although hilariously because nobody is really hunting Dream anymore what with Quackity being dead, it takes fucking ages for anyone to realized Ranboo is alive again), so that obligation is complete and his hands are doing a lot better. So making a book isn't as much of a big deal as it was before, and he has more time on his hands. He's also slowly getting caught up on stuff happening around the server.
Additionally, Ranboo has also been able to tell him about how awful limbo was and about how awful the time difference is. So c!Dream doesn't particularly feel good about leaving anyone dead for a long period. Still, he considers Quackity a threat to the commune so he hestiates.
It's when he starts getting reports (first through c!Punz as a mention, then through c!Ponk and c!Foolish when they visit as both of them are in regular contact with c!Bad whose really worried about Sapnap) that he starts seriously considering reviving Quackity. It's a mix of personal morality, wanting Sapnap to be happy despite everything, and on some level wanting to prove that he isn't scared of Quackity.
I think for him, the second part was the real reason he did it, and the last part was how he justified it to himself. It's a form of closure. Of proving that he moved on, that's he's not broken, and that he's not afraid of Quackity.
But mostly, it's about the fact that despite everything, he still loves Sapnap and wants him to happy, no matter the cost to his personally.
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melkyt · 1 month
CW Blood, Dubcon, emotional abuse, everything that could go along with DoffyLaw, Lawlu endgame
Vampire au where they have an unhealthy spawn and creator relationship, where Law can't quite get away because Doffy has power over him.
The Originals vibes, Klaus And Elijah, but its Cora and Doffy,
Doffy blaming Law for the fact that he 'had' to dagger his brother, and using that guilt to twist Law's perceptions, and put him under control. Also the fact that Law preatty much begged Doffy to become a vampire, they have a complicated relationship as most Vampires do when it comes to their spawn and vice versa
Luffy in his 'i dont what i want corner' freshly turned Hybrid, not a vampire or a werewolf but something else. He got cursed with vamperism for pissing a witch of, and then awakened as a wolf on first kill, so nobody controls him and he continues to get into peoples business but now with ten times more success lolol
Ofc he gets into Doffy's business, crosses Law who handles things Doffy considers below him. Law sees an opportunity to take down his sire with this feral wolf.
He cant stands wolves but he is willing to look past it so he can take down Doflamingo and free Cora.
Drama, blood, magic, toxic codependent relationships, throw in some prophecy about hybrids and how Luffy will bring a new age for all species.
Law who first wanted to just use Luffy, getting attached and starting to believe the prophecy.
Doffy taking control of Law as a thrall, forcing him to do shit against his will.
Some grand scene where Luffy breaks through to Law, and Law trying to say its useless and giving up that Doflamingo will always control him, there is no point, whats going to stop him from doing worse next time? What if he kills someone, what if he killls Luffy? Law set on them parting ways and determined to make a deal with Doflamingo so Luffy is never hurt again, and left alone.
Luffy calls him an idiot, and they probably fight in a dramatic adrenaline fueled skirmish that is just *charged*. Perfect time for them to kiss covered in blood xd.
They eventually tell Doffy to fuck off, and leave them alone, maybe stab him with a dagger and leave him in Cora's place in an eternal slumber
Luffy biting Law and then sharing his blood, so Law is a hybrid from that point on. That causes other problems, as Luffy is his sire now, but thats another story for another time xd.
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cuubism · 2 years
please please please more silly rabbit au? (eyes)
i... literally had to go write more because there was none XD
more... utter nonsense designed specifically to satisfy @magnusbae 😂
The Middle Ages had been getting… weird, lately.
Not the Middle Ages, the historical time period, though that was always reliably weirder than expected, in Daisy’s experience. No, what was truly weird nowadays, and getting weirder by the minute, was The Middle Ages, history and literature class taught by Professor Robert Gadling.
Daisy had heard a lot about Professor Gadling before enrolling in his class. She’d heard he took a common man’s approach to history, focusing at least as much, if not more, on the experiences of average people than on the movements of kings. She’d heard he’d read everything under the sun and was far better than Google if you needed a source for your paper. She’d heard he had a playful lecture style that the burned-out older students, in particular, appreciated.
She had not heard about the boyfriend.
This was, admittedly, a new development, at least according to the gossip mill. Which was feverish, as Prof. Gadling was both well-liked and mysterious, a deadly combo.
But now there was the boyfriend, and what a boyfriend.
If Daisy had been asked to picture what any boyfriend of Professor Gadling might be like, she would definitely not have pictured this pretty goth thing, this being with a preternatural elegance to him. Where did this guy even come from? He even managed to look elegant dressed down and comfy in jeans and a sweatshirt as he was.
The rumors said that he was way younger than the professor, but Daisy didn’t think so. There was something… unaccountably ancient about him, no matter how young he looked on the surface. An old soul, she supposed.
One who just happened to win the genetic lottery and age – or rather not age – like a god.
Morpheus, which was apparently what his name was – and that was a whole other trip – was reclining in one of the seats near the front of the lecture hall. Reclining, quite literally, as he had his feet up on the back of the seat in front of him, notebook balanced on his thighs.
And he was writing with a quill. A fucking quill.
Daisy would have thought he’d just be listening, not being a real student and all (she assumed and also hoped), but he seemed to be taking proper notes, unreadable, swooping cursive notes though they were.
He was also doodling birds in the margins of the page.
Daisy should really stop staring. She forced her gaze back to the front of the room.
Professor Gadling was in the midst of explaining the historical background of the text they were reading, The Book of Margery Kempe. It was a fascinating book, actually. If only Daisy didn’t keep getting distracted by whatever strange competitive game it seemed to be inspiring in her weird professor and his weird boyfriend.
The first time Morpheus had interrupted the lecture with a comment, Prof. Gadling had straight up ignored him, just steamrolled over him, waited until he raised his hand, and then called on him. Morpheus had not seemed embarrassed or chastised about this in the slightest, just blithely asked, “Professor, are we certain that Margery’s visitation from Jesus was a psychotic break, or could it have possibly been a dream?”
Professor Gadling had sighed, hands on his hips. “I think you’re going to have to answer that one for yourself, Morpheus. Also, we haven’t even gotten to that part of the text!”
“I read ahead.”
“Yeah, I’m fucking sure that you did.”
This sort of thing had continued apace for the rest of the lecture.
Then there had been the eye-fucking. Dear God, the eye-fucking. Every time Morpheus made a snarky comment. Daisy wondered if they knew how obvious they were being.
Daisy had to give the prof credit, though. Despite all the antics he never skipped a beat in his lecture. Didn’t miss a goddamn bullet point.
Daisy really hadn’t thought university would be like this, though.
Now it seemed they were again having an argument over the book.
“It’s said that Margery’s tale is the only surviving firsthand account of an ordinary person’s life in the late thirteen-hundreds,” Prof. Gadling was saying, when Morpheus interrupted, very much in a drawl—
“Oh, but I don’t think that’s quite true.”
Prof. Gadling raised a challenging eyebrow at him. “Is that so?”
Morpheus smiled, very snake-like. “Quite.”
“Care to share with the class, Morpheus?”
Morpheus leaned further back in his chair, arms crossed. “I think you know whereof I speak.”
“Oh, I see.” Prof. Gadling’s smile was pleasant. Too pleasant. “You’re talking about that one lost manuscript. Very much lost and not accessible.”
“If that is how you wish to interpret my words.”
“That’s how I wish to interpret it, you git. Stop interrupting the class.”
“I’m simply engaging with the material,” Morpheus protested, pouting. “I believed this was a modern classroom.”
“You can engage with the material later,” Prof. Gadling said, with a significant look, which brought a smirk back to Morpheus’s face.
Oh God, back to the eye-fucking. Daisy did not need this. Right in front of her lecture notes and everything.
“Right,” said Prof. Gadling, forcibly dragging himself back to the classroom and the present. He pointed at Morpheus. “You, quiet. Does anyone else have questions or comments?”
Based on that one class, Daisy might have assumed they had a sort of contentious and snarky relationship. But at the end of the lecture, she caught something different.
She’d lingered behind to ask Professor Gadling a question about the assignment – though she was starting to think that question was better left for office hours later.
As the students were filing out, Morpheus climbed down from his lounging position in his seat, picking his way down the steps until he was standing by Prof. Gadling at the board. Daisy hadn’t noticed before that his notebook had ravens on the cover; why was that so cute?
Prof. Gadling ran a hand through Morpheus’s hair, then let it fall to rest on the side of his neck, softer than Daisy would have expected after their snappy conversation from earlier. “Going to have to ban you from sitting in on lectures, love.”
Morpheus raised an eyebrow. “You would dare?”
“I would dare.” There was something soft about the way he said it, though. Like he was daring to steal a kiss rather than kicking him out of the lecture hall.
Morpheus tipped his head back, looking at Professor Gadling from under his eyelashes. “What if I promise to behave myself?”
Prof. Gadling played with the hair at the nape of his neck. “You can’t be giving away all my secrets.”
“Never,” murmured Morpheus, his free hand finding Prof. Gadling’s jacket. “Though it has occurred to me that your students are missing out on some unique historical knowledge.”
Prof. Gadling sighed. “Can’t do much about that. Such is life.”
“Full of frustration?”
“Full of give and take,” Professor Gadling corrected. “Most blessings require a sacrifice of some kind, too, you know.”
“Oh?” said Morpheus. “And which am I?”
Professor Gadling smiled, fond. “Which do you think?”
Morpheus gave him a look that was sly, mischievous. “Nightmare.”
“Oh, too right.”
Prof. Gadling pulled him into a kiss, tilting his head into it with a hand on his jaw, and Morpheus dropped his notebook to bring his hands up to Prof. Gadling’s shoulders.
Daisy realized she was staring again, and slunk out of the classroom before she could be caught.
Yeah. She’d definitely just be waiting until office hours.
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theshadowrealmitself · 3 months
Hopeful this finds you alive, if not well, after your paper
I've been thinking of your time-displaced!human who was able to grow all these random seeds that turn out to be Vulcan spices and herbs au from a while back
Can't remember if you already said, but! Had a thought XD
Imagine they had a vulcan neighbor who had a kid in star fleet. And when the neighbor's kid (same-ish age as the human) returns, the human gives them a packet of fresh and dried herbs from the garden which, because of the loss of their planet, has more meaning to it than the human was going for. And they now find themselves being courted (not that they realize this at first. Their neighbor's child just happens to be very polite and pleasant company and answers their questions about the time they've found themselves in)
Thoughts: My thoughts whenever I think about my ocs like this (cause. I have. several. that match that description 😭) always come back to them having to fight off scientists trying to move into their garden to study the thriving plants and what not
(They look away for one fucking second and there’s a team of them already studying the soil and the temperature and everything else that affects the plants and writing down papers on it, they keep having to shoo them away to get some privacy in their backyard again)
So how I would do this is, instead of them thinking the neighbor’s kid is just nice, they think the neighbor’s kid is trying to set up shop in their garden and that’s why they’re accidentally overlooking any and all signs of courtship
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mygeekcorner · 1 year
Asking cuz I'm curious (coming from no place of hate)
what makes you ship Aideku? :0
like,, what exactly is the appeal? Is it the student-teacher dynamic?
How does it make you feel?
Oooh what a fun question Nonny!
what makes me ship anything, really? xD
It's a lot of things I guess? On a personal level I have always liked my partners older than me and having crushes on adults as a teen was very much a thing. Be it how cute I found certain actors who were waaay older than me, or teachers that made me feel safe while still being young enough that I could think they looked nice. As a student I had crushes on teachers and I will probably never be growing out of that lol
Aizawa is hot as fuck. Have you seen him? Have you heard his VA? Like give a bitch a chance to catch her breath!
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Izuku is our main protag so we're already seeing everything from his point of view, meaning we all think Aizawa is super cool and stuff because Izuku thinks he is. Also kid has adorable character design that just looks good next to anyone he is shipped with.
So on a surface level I guess I ship them cause we all project a little bit on Izuku, Aizawa is hot as fuck, and when I was a horny teen having crushes on cool teachers was a very safe little fantasy to carry.
With their personal dynamic as well, even in AUs where age difference is evened out or Aizawa was never Izukus teacher they just have the Right Vibes.
Black and Green look amazing together as colour palettes go.
One is a reckless and self-sacrificial little optimist who doesn't know when to quit and the other is a level headed grump with a hidden heart of gold.
It's just too yummy to pass up.
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
Yeah yeah yeah I'd love to hear your thoughts on the dynamics!!!
OKAY. SO. To restate myself: I THINK (almost) EVERY OAK AND CLOSE/FOSTER SHIP IS SO INTERESTING. They always have something fun going on … and also they’re always bi4bi which is deeply important to me. Sorry if any of this is hard to understand I am so so tired XD
Meryl and Hildy are the only two where I’ve not really dedicated thought to them. However, I could absolutely see them as like… you know that trope of a Casanova desperately chasing after the only woman who isn’t interested in him? THAT. THEY ARE THAT TO ME. Hildy is too focused on her career for men and it drives Meryl crazy
My thoughts on Barry and Bill should not be said in a public setting but I will provide this
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Barry is gray and bill is blue. He should fuck that old man (purposefully ambiguous on who I mean). Anyways
My feelings on Glennry are. Well explored LMAO They’re my favorite ship! I know they can be super toxic as a ship, but I do really love them, most of all, as a ship where both parties fight tooth and nail to get better for the other. Because they understand each other and care for one another and the other person is just so so so fucking worth it to them. It makes me happy :]
Henry/Jodie is like, a sleeper agent in my mind. I think they have the capacity to be so fuckin compelling but I’m usually dedicating too much time to Glennry and Rodie to think about it. I LOVE these two though. I’m not usually a huge fan of Jodie struggling with his sexuality (it’s just funnier to me if he dated Scam with no hesitation.) but I’m in love with it specifically for Henry/Jodie contexts. Something about Henry being so loose and free with his sexuality contrasted with Jodie being so buttoned up about everything makes me so fhdksgajdhskdh!!! And of course, it is canon in that one AU-of-an-AU for MnMoms LMAO
Nark <3 one of my original ships and one I’ve been thinking about a lot this weekend. The PEAK of adhd boyfriend/autism boyfriend in my mind. As I said the other day - I love them as established but ambiguous. No one knows what their relationship is, least of all them, but it has been going on for years. I find them really interesting but I don’t tend to agree with some of the like, I dunno, trademark features of popular Nark dynamics? I think Nicky is the type to do anything to get approval from those who cares about, way more so than I’ve seen some people give him credit for (more, maybe they give him too much credit? Wording LOL), and I think Lark feels intense guilt for the mere act of existing, and I think these two characteristics are SO fun to throw up against each other. Also I know Nicky is a cool alt demon boy when they’re teens, but he’s still a cop’s son and I LOOOVE that in contrast to Lark’s hot-to-those-in-his-age-group brooding and general delinquency vibes (ie (our only real example) swapping places with his twin so he can risk his life LMAO). GOD SORRY IM RAMBLING ABOUT NARK NOW I like them. A lot
In contrast to Nark, I think the general consensus on Lovesong is awesome. Sparrow and Nicky liked each other so much as teenagers, they were an adorable T4T couple, they’re adhd boyfriend/autism girlfriend, and now they’re the worlds messiest exes ever and it’s everyone’s problem <3 ohhh sword to throat scene, you will ALWAYS be famous. I also love them with a dynamic of like… Sparrow being much more confident around Nicky, but struggling a lot in general social interactions. Something about her blossoming and opening up when around Nicky in particular, and maybe neither of them even notice at first… but then one day it clicks. They’re just SO comfortable around each other and I love thinking about like. The details of how that relationship dissolves, and how much worse it must have made the betrayal. Their current antagonism is made so so so interesting, especially when Sparrow is such a pushover to everyone BUT Nicky… OUGH. LOVE THEM!!!! (do you guys like how I automatically trans fem Sparrow in Lovesong settings specifically LMAO)
Oakworthy is another one I’ve talked about at length. They are two bugs I am raising in captivity together and they keep trying to each other, so I have to separate them, but I put them back together anyways. Because thIS IS HOW OAKWORTHY CAN STILL WIN-!! I love these two, fully immersed in the fantasy that they’re going to fix things and get together in the end. I think the fact that they both have such strong identity issues but in different ways - Hermie has no idea who he truly is and tries on a million masks to compensate, while Normal tries so desperately to be someone else but his true identity always shows in the end - makes for a REEEALLY interesting dynamic. They both try so hard to be who the other person wants, and fail to realize that what the other wants is for them to be themselves. Makes me crazy
AND FINALLY. NORMAL/TAYLOR. Tayloak <3 only something I’ve started thinking about, like… in the past few weeks XD but I think they’re REALLY FUN. Obviously there’s this massive aspect of Normals jealousy of (and over) Taylor, which can be fun to play with in a “do I want him or do I want to be him” way! I think those types of crushes are SO funny in fiction. And also. Once again. They fit the autism x adhd dynamic except this time, they’re both high energy. Tackling as a love language. To me.
Obviously, all of this is just my personal opinion!!! I do not pretend to know these characters better than anybody else (except Jodie.) and this is just my interpretation of these ships :] if people have wildly different opinions I’d love to hear em as well, just be nice LOL
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samsalami66 · 9 months
Hello, (and sorry if I'm being annoying)
I don't know if you are still writing the dreamling Sparta/Athens AU (no pressure, I love what you've already written!!), but I happen to have stumbled upon an history magazine and it immediately made me think of your fic so I just thought I'd share it 😊
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Anyway, have a good day/night 🙂
Hey! :D
Don't you worry about annoying at all, I'm actually jumping happily up and down at this ask (and every ask in general). I'm overjoyed to hear you like our ancient Greece au and seeing the magazine made you think of it! Hopefully there was some useful information in it :D!
As to if we still write it... let me tell you that we are absolutely doing so! There's an outline for about 10 chapters so far (and plot for probably another 10 at least XD). We are also 6k into the fic and planning to really start writing it for an upcoming event!
And since we're 6k in already... how about a snippet? This part isn't written by me, but by my wonderful @im-not-corrupted and its just fucking perfect.
Hob Gadling first saw Morpheus from a distance. (Of course, he didn't know his name at first, and so called him the Stranger for the single day they remained strangers.) The Stranger was not the first person Hob saw who wasn’t from Sparta, but he was certainly the most memorable. With his eyes—a beautiful ocean blue, so deep he found himself sucked into their depths even as far away as he was—and his skin pale as moonlight, Hob found himself staring. He looked, for lack of better word, delicate. Not at all like the Spartan boys he knew for the grand ten years of his life, like the warriors he looked up to and wished to be one day. If anything, this boy looked so...so out of place, almost otherworldly.  Even at the grand age of ten—something that felt so very much even then, as everything did to children—the Stranger held himself apart from everything else, like he didn't belong there among them. Hob thought that was easy enough to believe—he looked as though he had been carved from marble, looked like he would bleed gold instead of red like the rest of them. It was not too difficult to imagine that this boy belonged on Olympus instead of the streets of Sparta, and Hob found himself enamoured then and there. The boys next to him, who Hob hardly remembered were even there with his head too full of the Stranger, scoffed at the new boy. Hob didn't quite understand why—though he only set his eyes upon the boy for a single moment, though the Stranger hadn't even glanced his way, he wished to know him. He wished to talk to him, something he didn't think he, with the dirt under his fingernails and scrapes on his knees, was entitled to. Even at such a small age as ten, Hob knew this Stranger belonged somewhere far greater than by his side. He wore clothes too fine to be anything but the son of some important ambassador from one of the other city-states. Surely, any attempt to talk to this Stranger would only taint him, stain him. Still, Hob's stubbornness was deep-rooted, even then. And he wanted. He wanted the full attention of those eyes upon him, wanted to see what made his Stranger hold himself so strangely. He certainly wasn't supposed to be the friend of somebody so otherworldly, so brilliant, but what did that matter? He wanted to be friends with him, and he squared his shoulders then and there and decided, simply, that he would.
Have a wonderful day, love! Thanks for taking the time to send this ask!
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cdroloisms · 2 years
can I have a refresher on the plot of the just him and me au? I got super brainrotty over it when y'all first made it but then i forgot my tumblr password for like ages
hello hello again anon! don't worry talking about jmah is like my bread and butter i can do it literally all day every day it's SO bad this AU changed my brain chemistry forever i stg 😭
here's a link to my tag on the AU, and if you go to @theminecraftbox kat also has her tag linked for you to look through a lot of JMAH rambling XD. For a general outline on the concept and timeline, JMAH (or just me and him AU) is a concept that starts with c!Sam, freshly killed at the end of the Daedalus arc, getting tp-ed back into his old body right as c!Tommy is about to enter for his first prison visit on January 21st, 2021. He comes to terms with what's going on pretty fast and decides that this time around, he's going to take things more seriously. This time, he's going to do it right.
That leads into the JMAH prison arc, which--true to the name of the AU--consists of just j!Sam and j!Dream for as long as j!Sam can manage it. Here's a quick rundown of major events:
January 21st, 2021 - j!Sam first gets tp-ed into the prison again. He prevents Tommy from actually ever visiting Dream, marching him out of the prison and immediately banning visitors to Pandora's Vault entirely. He goes back to the cell, freaks out at a very confused j!Dream, confiscating most of the items in the cell (taking the clock, blowing up the chest and lectern and cauldron to collect them), j!Dream's potatoes, and his mask. j!Dream fights when j!Sam tries to take his mask--it doesn't go very well. He gets pretty badly beaten and j!Sam himself doesn't come out unscathed either.
January 22nd, 2021 - j!Sam modifies the cell entirely--adds a lot more dispensers along the back, adding the crying obsidian, and most importantly adding a row of glass with a piston door to keep j!Dream locked in the back of the cell with only about two or three blocks of space from the glass to the back wall. A return system very similar to the one in c!Ponk's cell is installed. j!Dream is reeling and injured and kinda in shock about what the hell is going on with Sam, what - and as j!Sam starts putting harming potions in the dispensers above his head, he starts to realize that. Oh. He might be a little bit fucked.
January 24th, 2021 - j!Quackity tries propositioning j!Sam for Las Nevadas. j!Sam emphatically refuses, makes some weird implications about j!Quackity wanting to torture j!Dream (??? what ??? like not that the thought didn't cross his mind but what the FUCK??) and is ultimately pretty cagey and aggressive in ways that pretty thoroughly sour j!Quackity to the guy, especially when he learns about the weirdness that happened with j!Tommy's prison visit. The two of them start hanging out more, and in the process start theorizing that maybe j!Sam is in with the enemy--maybe j!Dream has played them all. (Around this time, j!Sam also seals up the Egg Room. Okay, problem boxed fixed, not his problem now!)
~March, 2021 - Lacking any updates from inside the prison, j!Ranboo sets off the TNT in a last ditch attempt to try and communicate with the man inside. j!Dream is heartened by the reminder that he's not been forgotten, but also faces Consequences for this. He's slowly coming to terms with j!Sam's deal and trying to figure out what the hell he's going to have to do to survive it and get out of here. On the other hand, the TNT freaks out j!Sam badly--even now, even after everything he's done, j!Dream is still hiding things from him. Still getting things past him. It's a pretty rough day for them both.
~ May 2021 - j!Quackity and j!Tommy's efforts to break into the prison to figure out what the hell is going on finally bears fruit in a convoluted, definitely-should-not-work-in-the-slightest-by-any-stretch-of-the-imagination kind of plan that. Miraculously. Somehow. Does manage to work, through a combination of j!Sam being a little too careless and distracted and hey like after you try different things like a hundred different times maybe you'll come up with something a little less bound to fail on step one and sheer, plain, dumb luck - they manage to break in while dragging Ghostbur with them, wanting information on what's going on (and j!Quackity, of course, looking for information on the revive book.) Once they get to the cell, all hell breaks loose - in the chaos, as j!Sam makes harming rain down from the dispensers to try and gain control, j!Dream ends up reviving j!Wilbur before j!Sam arrives in the cell. j!Sam maims and kills j!Quackity, taking two fingers and a life, and then once again throws j!Tommy out of the prison. IT's the first major deviance from the old timeline, and it is. a Huge blow to j!Sam, who has otherwise been convincing himself that everything has been running smoothly thus far. It's a awful cocktail of some of the moments from the old timeline where he felt the most out of control (taking Ponk's arm, watching Tommy die, being unable to stop Dream from reviving Wilbur, Quackity's visits) and it shakes him up badly. His relationships have been slowly burning as this timeline has proceeded - despite managing to not torture and maim j!Ponk this time around (woo great job for that one j!Sam) they had a very messy + very public breakup, j!Tommy's complaining hasn't really done his reputations any favors, cutting off the rest of the Badlands and not keeping j!Bad and j!Ant as guards hasn't helped their relationships at all, and he's also just . Been holing himself in the prison. This incident gets pretty publicized and only ends up making his reputation worse - and j!Sam ends up spending even more time within the prison.
~ November, 2021 - Tired of j!Sam's bullshit, j!Quackity's planning goes from 'trying to figure out what's going on' to full on Butcher Army, time to plan a coup. Enlisting j!Techno for the cause (hey, they've got to have a shared grudge against j!Sam, right?) he starts planning a takeover of the prison. He's going to take out j!Sam, trap him, j!Dream, and j!Techno inside the prison, and get the keycards for himself. Time for him to be top dog, whatever. His plan goes off pretty well...except for how j!Techno had a stasis pearl and manages to leave before he gets to him. Whoops. Still, he's got j!Dream and j!Sam and an axe he's been grinding for months--time to get the keycard and get the Revive Book and get his fucking revenge for good.
~ end of November, 2021 - j!Techno returns not too long after gathering some supplies necessary to break in and break out of the prison again, the weak points being. Much, much more shoddily patched together, given that they were fixed by j!Quackity. At this point, j!Quackity has been visiting the cell daily for about two weeks, mostly focusing on j!Sam because he's really fucking angry about the whole "oh yeah i maimed and killed you lol" thing and because...honestly j!Dream isn't even as fun or as satisfying, mans has a pretty high pain tolerance and isn't nearly as scared of him as he is of disappointing his Warden >:/. j!Techno arrives, j!Quackity books it the hell out of there, and he's left with j!Sam and j!Dream in the prison. He's here to break j!Dream out, obviously...but what to do with Sam? Dream tells him he'll handle it.
about a week later - j!Dream returns. j!Sam had told Quackity about the time travel, j!Dream wants the keycards (and with the threat of j!Quackity coming back, j!Sam is definitely pretty willing to give them over, relatively speaking) and...j!Dream wants answers. JMAH Daedalus goes on for a stretch of time that I don't think we firmly decided on before j!Dream kills j!Sam with an axe to the heart, and...j!Sam is left back at where he started. One life down and wondering how it all went so wrong.
Of course, these are just most of the main ~events~ in the timeline and honestly, these don't really touch on how things develop within the prison at all. That's covered more in other posts about JMAH--which, definitely check em out if you're interested :D Or ask more questions, of course. I'm always down to brainrot about themb.
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muekyn · 1 year
aot oc show and tell: day one
this is a summary of my self insert for @shingekinomyfeelings's aot show and tell event! :> sorry it took me so long hehe ^_^' but i hope you like learning about my self insert !
Day 1: Basic Introductions
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Name: summer !
Gender: haha idk rn tbh. female pronouns are fine though
Age in setting: 23
Bold all of the following that apply to your OC!
Context: Canon Setting (though not as often) | Modern AU | Other AU
What niche does your OC serve for you? Self-insert | Completely original character | Self-shipping | Roleplaying | Writing fics | Creating art | Only the scenarios and adventures that I imagine inside my head and share with no one! get fucked I ain't creating shit | Something else
A Bit More
If your character is in the AOT canon setting, what's their allegiance? Survey Corps, Military Police, Marleyan, Warriors, etc?
in a modern setting i imagine being part of the survey corps, though very very reluctantly. my chances of survival would admittedly be low though lol. i'd probably get caught in my own gear or trip off the roof when trying to grapple onto something xP
If your character is from an AU, what's their occupation?
just like me... unemployed and living life as best as they can haha
Do you ship your character with a canon character? If so, who?
yes!!! they're dating eren!
Do you have any cute art or picrews of them together? Let's see one.
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i have too many drawings and picrews to count lol. so here's one drawing/animation thing i just uploaded today :>
Character Creation
How long have you actively been developing your OC?
about a year now! i started drawing them around sometime in nov/oct so one year is coming up ^_^
Is there any significance behind your OCs name?
nope, not really! :P i didnt put any thought into the name tbh lol xD
If your OCs appearance is based on yours, do they have any different features?
id say their hair is more orange and pointy than mine. but for the most part everything i draw about them is similar to myself :3
Is there anything you want to try doing with your OC that you haven't yet? (ex RPing, art, fics, etc)
i've been wanting to start drawing comics with them! little snippets of stuff, not a full length comic book hehe. and so far ive been starting to do that, so i'm excited to share the art i've been working on ! :D
ty so much for the chance to talk about my self insert! this was very fun and i'm looking forward to the next event :D
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cacodaemonia · 1 year
For the ask thing... Waxer for #16! 😃
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves Ah, you got me, I think! In my main AU, he did have one that was one of those things he hadn't even realized about himself, but it's not a secret anymore in that story. That said, I'm sure my version of him in other AUs still has it unintentionally locked away, so I'll blab about it below the cut.
So there's all the nastiness in canon and fanon with clones being treated as expendable products made to follow orders, and I imagine the VAST majority of them would realize at some point, after exposure to other cultures or just not being on Kamino, etc. that that's very fucked up. But I imagine for some (many?) of them, being told what to do and having so much structure in their lives is also a familiar comfort.
So then you look at even irl veterans, who sometimes have trouble reintegrating into society, and in this case, I'm thinking about people being overwhelmed by all of the options available to them. Hell, it even happened to me a little when I moved back to the US from Japan, where enormous department and grocery stores were not common at the time.
But then (post-war No66 world) you have the clones, who were never part of society to begin with, so literally everything is new to them. They don't know how renting an apartment works or how much things typically cost of what cleaning products to buy for different purposes or what the names of various kitchen implements are. They have to choose what they're going to wear every day. Even the most basic things would probably seem like a mystery to them, and then you add all of the choices available—most of which are slightly different but there's seldom a 'correct' answer. I think all of that could get super overwhelming and lead to major decision fatigue and probably a lot of stress over time.
So anyway, Waxer. This is a problem he has after the war in my Open Skies AU, but he figures it out over the course of my Kinktober 2022 fic. The 'dark secret' part of it is that Waxer is kind of disgusted by himself at first when he realizes that there were aspects of the dehumanization he experienced on Kamino etc. that he... Well, I can't say that he 'liked' them, but they were easier, in some ways. Because sometimes, all the little decisions he has to make every day get to be too much and he just wants to be told what to do for a while.
That doesn't always manifest as always a sexual thing in this AU, of course, though he and Boil have some fun with it later when Waxer accepts this about himself and they talk about it etc.
Okay sorry that was such a novel but it's been an important part of (my version of) his character for a long time and it took him ages to figure it out in the story, so it's fun for me to talk about XD
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mobolanz · 1 year
AOT OC Show and Tell Days - Day 1: basic introductions
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Name: Evelyn Marianne Auroré
Gender: Female
Age in setting: not thought out yet since I'm contemplating if to age up the characters for the storyline actually considering I'm finally laying it out (most likely yes) but I'm not sure on how many years. 🤧
Suggestions welcome 😵‍💫
Bold all of the following that apply to your OC!
Context: Canon Setting | Modern AU | Other AU
What niche does your OC serve for you?:
Self-insert | Completely original character | Self-shipping (in the projecting sense xD) | Roleplaying | Writing fics | Creating art | Only the scenarios and adventures that I imagine inside my head and share with no one! get fucked I ain't creating shit | Something else
A Bit More:
If your character is in the AOT canon setting, what's their allegiance?
Survey Corps | Military Police | Marleyan | Warriors | etc.
Do you ship your character with a canon character? If so, who?
She understands my Reiner love almost better than I do oml 🤧🤧🤧
Do you have any cute art or picrews of them together? Let's see one:
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Not pictured is a light brushing with a surprising delicacy of her bangs to the side as he bends a bit to kiss her tenderly on the forehead no I totally didn't come up with this while typing wdym 🤭🤧(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)✨✨✨
Obligatory fake screencap to give her a clearer image in my head for the scenarios since my choice to redesign her came during lasting artblock aofjakkfkakf
I'm planning to make another one for WIT's style based on something I'll mention later in the post!😆😆
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For most part here's a rought draft . But also considering her design is for s4 I might create a special pre-timeskip look for that since it's set there.
Character Creation:
How long have you actively been developing your OC?:
As an Aot oc? March 2022. As an overall character? … took a good while since August 2019, jumped between… *counts fingers* 5 different fanbases, nothing came of any of these, all her ships were one dimensional unconvincing shallow and dull. Yet when I tried here, a wave of inspiration hit me like a comet D: 💫
Her hair was fucking blue aodjqidjakdjajkw
Is there any significance behind your OCs name?:
Glad you asked! :D I have this reaching and overextensive research for the meaning & how it ties to the whole character story&arc
Evelyn (driven from Eve,if I added the meta behind this it'd reach the tumblr word limit if there is any) : desired (ahhh ahaah…(⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠). Also has some fairytale motif not as deep but alfjakdka.) , life (self explanatory :"). )
Marianne: (driven from Maria, also actually what my own name & my 2nd favourite oc's name is driven from🤭)- star, grace. I mostly only added it after making her an aot oc, but a middle name would be a fancy addition right? :D😆😆
Auroré - driven from aurora meaning dawn(& familial ties with another oc of mine themed after Northern lights).
Plus.... fitting for her hair color.! :D
Combine her first and last name and it's sounding like: life's (graceful) dawn.
Which has a coincidental similarly to the last episode of s4 part 2 (the dawn of humanity)
If your OCs appearance is based on yours, do they have any different features?:
No not really, I just unironically want this look and think it's gorgeous. Blood-red hair and everything (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Is there anything you want to try doing with your OC that you haven't yet? (ex RPing, art, fics, etc):
I'm actually finally writing the full first meeting oneshot nowadays! As of now it was just brain-dump scenarios connecting (somehow that alone ended up being 2k wth) xD. I've also been more openly brainstorming about it so I'm opening up to questions!:D
Also on an art note, I actually kept on the side a DIY nendoroid figure I'm planning to turn into her 😆😆😆
For him <3
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lesyarei7 · 1 year
WARNING OF NSFW CONTENT ─ 🔞 mdni, oral sex, debauchery
Madara x Haruko, Modern AU, 4458 words Full on 🔗 Wattpad 🔗 AO3 🔗 Pixiv 🔗🎵Short Voiceover video The duration of the whole video is 12 min. Just a snippet from the chapter.
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Author here. The voiceover of the 📱 phone Sеx excerpt from this chapter in a 2-minute teaser that you can listen to on YouTube. I tested a video editor by adding 'phone' effects to the voice, placing SFX to make the video lively, and again made a short voice-over with ASMR in the background of passing cars and engine sound, engine roar, etc. It's interesting to listen to on headphones. The sound of the song is coming from the radio in the car Madara is listening to. xD Sort of. Randomly found this song Cheat Codes x Kris Kross Amsterdam - SЕX, and it fits so well. As well as some of my other all-time favorites E-rotic - Tempt Me on the Line. E-rotic - Sеx on the phone. ❤️ Love these old bands.  All the materials I used to create this short video, whoever is interested, check out the links I attach below in the A/N at the end of this chapter and in my YouTube description.
The full 12 min of uncensored NSFW 🎵mp3 audio and video formats are posted on my Patreon for free. 🔗The link to listen/watch the video - 🔗HERE ✦ I'm also posting 2000 px HD artwork of all these chapters without watermarks on 🔗Patreon. Those who are interested are welcome. 
 ⭐↓↓↓ 🎵 Voiceover teaser video ↓↓↓⭐
⬇️ Songs for the mood ⬇️
🕥 21:25 | Highway 🛣
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Madara was driving his auto on nearly deserted roads in the nighttime when he received the call.
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He drove recklessly, surpassing the permitted speed on the road at over 200 km/hour, a behavior he often indulged in during the night. In Japan, the approved velocity limits are set at '60km/h on regular roads' and '100km/h on expressways.' He sometimes drives without buckling up at all.
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Operating a vehicle at a rate exceeding the legal limit is prohibited, regardless of the presence of rotation rate regulation traffic signs. However, now and then, he embodied the kind of individual who defied these rules. He had been captured by traffic cams previously but resolved a speeding fine and committed the offense again. So far, he had only transgressed the rules three times. Should he persist in this behavior, he will jeopardize his driver's license under Japan's point system.
As for Haruko, she had yet to uncover his fondness for high-speed racing and the myriad of other perilous activities and hobbies he enthusiastically pursued.
Madara's youthful impulsiveness often propels him to act without a hint of shame or guilt. He bears a sense of maturity, yet allows himself to delve into his ambitions, aspirations, and contentment, all while pursuing adventure in every possible way to create lasting memories. What resides within the thoughts of a 24-year-old? This age often represents a time of self-discovery, where they explore different facets of life, push boundaries, and savor new experiences. This is a period marked by a hunger for excitement and a wish to take advantage of his prime while balancing it with his wisdom. In summary, Uchiha craves everything the universe has to offer, and if, for any reason, the world denies him something, he will fuck the world.
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Answering a call, I replied, "I'm all ears, honey."
📞 "Hi, baby, are you coming home?" Haruko cooed.
"I'm en route. I'll arrive within half an hour. Why?" I wondered.
📞 "Madara, you're too serious behind the wheel. I need to change that." She pouted.
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Continuation🔗Links to CH 20📖: Wattpad AO3 Pixiv Voiceover
▶Previous 37-minute voiceover of CH 19◀
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quinloki · 8 months
QUIN! I hope you're feeling better. Hopefully this is a little distraction ramble before I head off to work <3
SO I don't have any particular OTPs anymore (and I picture my OC with everyone at this point sooooo the vibes change depending on who lol) BUT for the longest time my OTP in one piece was Nami/Zoro and it's so funny bc shipping a navigator with someone who is directionally challenged cracks me up. Tbh I tend to pick two faves and ship them, like Kurama/Botan from YYH xD But I don't really ship much anymore but I do love to see all the ship art of everything people are so creative in their ships between canon/canon or canon/oc characters too I love it
ANYWAYS I don't know that I've ever told anyone about my OC (except like, people I used to RP with back in the gaia days) but she was basically assigned to me when I was 13 (so like 20 years ago lmaoooo) and I've just rocked with her since then, making some changes here and there but her general appearance/name has stayed the same. Her personality/age changes a little depending on the world I'm thinking of her in, but she's kind of just like a self insert but cooler/stronger. And for some reason I always think of her as an interpreter in any modern AU even tho I can't speak other languages. I'm not sure if you've read false confessions (the manhwa) but I was shook when I first started reading that bc the main character is exactly what I pictured her like in terms of appearance. Honestly I'd really like to get back into drawing just for her bc I used to draw her all the time and it's been years since then but I'm out of practice and starting up again is harddddd. I did get some anime coloring books and I'm planning on coloring some with her colors maybe xD
anyways here's an old art of her I commissioned back on gaia bc I found it on my computer recently
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Hope you get through this Wednesday!!
(ps fuck law, marry marco, kill teach byeeeeeee)
Okay, Nami/Zoro is hilarious for the Never Lost, Never Found kind of vibes xD
(Speaking of Kurama/Bulma I want to share something that I wrote in 2010... ) 😎
Oh gaiaonline, man, talk about some memories. O_O
( 🤝 cooler/stronger self-inserts are awesome OCs)
I love the art \o/ I love EVERYTHING about this ask. I wish I had less snot in me and more brain left, so I could articulate things better >.<
Also you're right for that FMK and I'm not gonna disagree. ❤️
Ship it Good ask game
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