#the anxiety is through the roof
dragonpyre · 4 months
First motorcycle rode with my permit, wish me luck 😵‍💫
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weirdcat1213 · 3 months
I'm gonna get personal but if you have/want to have kids I'm gonna beg you to do this:
Apparently I need a sports bra now for work and honestly????? I don't know how/where to buy one?????? Like where do I go, what material is good, what brand is good, SIZES. IDK SIZES
And just leaving the dysphoria that whole mess is gonna give me aside, idk this shit cuz my mom never let me buy that stuff by myself. She always bought it for me, probably because she was afraid I wouldn't pick the correct/nice one. And it was nice yknow? Not needing to think about it (cof cof I wonder why)
Idc if it's an uncomfortable conversation. Just teach your kid the basics and let them take it from there. This sucks
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a-star-that-fell · 8 months
not gonna lie i’m really really not doing good rn
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plethomacademia · 7 months
Like IDK, you ever just feel like you don't fit in a place even if you want to? Like it's not you shaped? Even if they might want to change, you don't want to ask for it?
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maiiuelle · 2 months
august is the worst the only good thing about today is that it feels like fall outside so it’s time to watch over the garden wall
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cisnecorazon · 4 months
ooc ;
It’s storming really badly here. Unfortunately, my house is surrounded by gigantic pine trees.
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rapidhighway · 5 months
I need every public place to have detailed descriptions of the entire place + how to behave and what behavior is acceptable or not and i need it all as straightforward as humanly possible
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triaelf9 · 9 months
Fuck. welcome to 2024, major tsunami warning for the west coast of Japan, holy FUCK
Three massive quakes in Ishikawa, all in under 20 min, and a 5m tsunami warning, ffffffff
if you are there, get the HELL OUT. do not go film it for the love of GOD
EDIT getting a chain reaction, it's setting off other epicenters on the west coast, so UM YEAH WHAT THE FUCK 2024! Has there ever been a biggie on New Years before? Hopefully everyone is away from home and way into the city away from the coast.
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ticklepinions · 22 days
No more t*ckling scenes in media. PLEASE
Why is it the ones that circulate always sprinkled with an unhealthy amount of *weird*
Or is it just me because I'm hyperaware of seeing my own interest on the big screen
What happened to lighthearted pokes in the sides why is it so deeply non consensual or used in a way to make fun of it.
Like PLEASE be fucking normal about it!!!! Whether it's as a kink or not don't make it weird 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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creations-by-chaosfay · 2 months
Telling me to make and list larger quilts will improve my sales is rude. Especially after I explain why I currently can't do that (my wrists and hands are a wreck).
If you're so determined I make these, you need to purchase a machine for me to be able to do that.
Until probably next Spring, I won't be able to do any handquilting. It will need to be done by machine. Neither of my two machines is large enough enough to quilt more than 30x30 inches without injuring myself. I received a quilting frame that will allow me to use a regular machine for the machine quilting and no strain on my body. Except neither of my machines is large enough. I have three on that linked list, all large enough, and the biggest has a 19 inch workspace and was made for the frame I have. I could finish a dozen or more quilts from 40x40 inches up to queen size (I have zero desire to deal with a king size quilt). The prices would drop like rocks because it wouldn't take over 300 hours to finish these. Nope. Closer to 50 hours.
If you would like to teach me to fish, you need to give me a fishing rod for the lessons to be of any use.
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mfdragon · 6 months
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Me and Kizaru during this 3 week break my GOD
We really going through it this arc 🙃
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heavenhillgirl · 1 year
I sure say “I want to die” a lot for someone with crippling health anxiety
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cardinalfirefly · 27 days
Gentle reminder oasis stans:
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buddiesmutslut · 5 months
Buddie feels SO inevitable to me sometimes like, I genuinely can’t see them not going canon after everything that’s been presented to us, but then I see other posts and interviews and I remember that I actually DON’T know what’s going to happen & I feel a little insane??? Like, am I gaslighting myself rn?? Am I certifiable??? wtf is happening??? Is this all in my brain??? Have I lost my actual mind???? Like, reality boops me on the nose sometimes and I am always confused by it 😂
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sebsxphia · 7 months
imposter syndrome can suck my—
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
honestly shout out to “visibly queer” people. shout out to us because it’s really fucking scary. i think people think that if you’re visibly queer you’re automatically confident and unafraid and while I’m sure that’s true for some people, in my experience that’s not the case. I make a choice to be visibly queer because of the amount of times people have told me that it makes them feel safer to be themselves. That doesn’t mean I’m suddenly completely unaware of what could easily happen to me every time I leave my house. It’s more than nerve-wracking. I’ve even seen people say that the visible queers are privileged because clearly we’ve never faced discrimination otherwise we wouldn’t have the freedom to be so open but that’s really dismissive of the work so many of us have had to put in to be confident enough to be that way. i see the eyes on me as I walk down the street and they burn into my skin. It is scary. I see a lot of support for people who have to hide their queerness, which is not a moral failing in any way, but bravery isn’t just one thing. Visibly queer people are not silly stereotypes. Twinks who fit every gay guy stereotype proudly are not your enemy they are your fiercest allies, so are the genderfucky trans people who don’t make an effort to pass as cis and the butches and studs who are fucking proud. We’re brave and just because we appear so confident and impenetrable on the outside doesn’t mean we don’t have the same struggles or support needs. So just shout out to us. I’ve had a few… experiences… lately and it’s made me reevaluate my decision to always be so open, but I’m willing to risk my safety to make a change and make others feel safe and I and others are brave for that and deserve your love.
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