#the apple does not fall far from the tree here
ellenchain · 1 year
Aaaaaaah, the otters! Cuteness overload!
I love how cool mysterious bad boy Lucas turns into a blushing first date nerves mess. 47 has that effect on him.
Olivia: Omg, only cringe washed up middle aged losers who desperately want to connect to their long past youth wear skinny jeans. You're so embarrassing!
Lucas: ....but I am a washed up middle aged loser without a youth.
Lucas is a man of many faces, but when it comes to 47, somehow no mask fits quite right 🤡
((both men are incredibly deadly, but I think when exactly two of the same ilk meet, it cancels the deadliness and coolness out, and what remains are two men who somehow don't know what they are beyond that))
And hahahaha yes exactly, Lucas is a washed up middle aged loser without a youth. Sad, but true. I think all parents are embarrassing at some point, Lucas has to go through this phase too. He can be a cool mercenary all he wants - for Olivia, he's the guy with too-tight jeans and holes in his T-shirt who picks a fight at the supermarket checkout because the cashier wouldn't accept the coupon from the old lady in front of him.
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toodrasticallydumb · 1 year
Oh c’mon you knew I had to.
My version of the Barbie mugshot with stricklake because I just COULD NOT get it out of my head:
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This is specifically from my Trollhunter!Strickler au solely because of the white streak in Barbara’s hair lol and now that I’ve drawn it I am oh so tempted to have it be an actual scene that happens somewhere along the story…
Little snippet of the would-be scene (it's so long it got away from me, I'm sorry):
*the two are rummaging around in a very much broken into museum to find what may or not be a message from Nomura*
Barbara: Walt...?
Walter: Hm? Yes, love?
Barbara: What's that outside?
Walter, pausing for a second to listen: Oh. That would be the em...the police, my dear.
Barbara: Oh, okay, okay, excuse me, the WHAT.
Walter: ...Em. That is, I- um I suggest you hide the skathe-hrün somewhere, lest the authorities care to investigate further into what exactly it is when they take it from your person.
Barbara: So we're not even avoiding this? You know, getting arrested by the police?
Walter: Mmmm, no, unfortunately. I don't want you using the skathe-hrün (or more specifically its magic) anymore than absolutely necessary for today. You've expended yourself enough as it is.
Barbara: And getting arrested for breaking and entering is not an 'absolute necessity'???
Walter: Not particularly, it would only be a considered a second-degree burglary since it is a museum and not a residential, habitated building; which that sub-type of burglary is a 'wobbler' charge in the state of California, which equates—if it is persecuted as a misdemanor rather than a felony—to merely (at most) a year in county jail—
Barbara: A year?!
Walter: —and 1,000 dollar fine if, that is, we are found guilty by being proven to have harbored the intent to steal something, of which we did not and do not have evident by the fact neither of us pocess any given tools to break or take any item from its case. I assume this is the first time you have been accused of any given crime aside from speeding or any other driving-related violation? Without evidence of a previous criminal record we should be lined up quite well to be merely fined or, if NotEnrique can manage it (if I can bear to call upon endless embarassment and taunting), nothing at all but a slap on the wrist though I doubt we could not accomplish that on our own given our positions in the community as school teacher and doctor respectively.
Barbara: You have wings, Walt.
Walter: And mothman escaping a building with a strangely human-shaped figure in its arms is not at all a cause for alarm to the police who will no doubt be keeping close watch of all exits and entrances which would also draw unneeded attention before we can reach the proper cover of the clouds.
Barbara: *face-palms* Getting arrested. How wonderful. 'Oh, just breaking and entering, officer, not much.'
Walter: It is hardly as terrible as it sounds, really. We can omit the 'breaking' portion since we snuck in through the window without running into any trouble that would damage it. Frankly, we could go the route of claiming guilty to the crime of trespassing according to the Penal Code 602 (California's trespassing law) being that we entered the exhibit past museum hours. On top of which it is far more accurate to what we're doing in actuality, not proper burglary since we have established neither of us had the intent to run off with anything that was not ours. Doing so we would also fare far better than with a so-called 'breaking and entering' offense (such a named law does not actually exist in California, only burglary and trespassing separately but I will clasify it as the burglary law for sake of consistency) in which we would be recieving just a simple fine rather than possible felony charges that could come with a second-degree burglary we may have committed.
Barbara: Not really helping here, Walt.
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Walter: Right, apologies-
Barbara: Which, of course, getting arrested is an experience you obviously know about.
Walter: The (pun intended) offense aimed against me is dully noted. However, my dear, the fact I know how the intricacies of the specific laws of California operate does not entail I have been arrested prior to this. That would be Nomura who holds the experience in that particular department.
Barbara: Walt. Don't you dare. You stop it right there. Unless you want--
Walt: The police department. Heh. *guilty snort*
Barbara: *sends him the disappointed death glare*
Police: *break through the door* Hands up! On the ground, now!
Walter: *laying down* I hardly find my pun to have been that egregious.
Barbara, already on the floor: Really, Walt? Good puns involve good TIMING too.
Police: Dispatch, we have the two culprits in question now in our custody. *taking a pair of cuffs out* You're coming with us. You have the right to remain silent.
Walter, being actively handcuffed: Well, I suppose then, now would be the less than appropriate time to say this museum has gained quite the em...standing in the Lake family...?
Barbara, being stood up with her arms behind her back: Officers, I have no idea who this man is.
Walter: I never once said I intended to make good puns.
I made this entirely too long but once it started I couldn't really find myself stopping. Whoops. Hope you enjoyed chaotic Walt not caring about being arrested because jail is honestly the least of his problems rn. It would honestly be a break.
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maelialuv · 1 year
A Farmer's Friend. a Bridgerton fanfic <3
part one: A Chance Encounter
Summary: division brings unity. secrecy creates infatuation. a king's venture into the real world reveals desire.
Warnings: slow burn! strangers to friends to lovers! (Charlotte does not exist) smut! cold showers are on me.
Wordcount: 3.4K
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The country side , to you, was heaven on earth. The far roaming hills, the deep valleys. The wide expanse of nothing but lush green fields. There was truly nothing more beautiful.
Your father's farm, to you, was the most beautiful of all. Located at the farthest edge of the county, miles and miles away from the city of London, it was a haven of tall grass, fruitful crops and rich orchards. That is where you spent most of your time, perched between the trunk and wide branches of a tall apple tree in the deepest part of your family's gardens. Far away from the bustling farm house, the uproar of live stock and the erratic, but loving, nature of your home.
From the moment the sun rose over the hills and danced across your face in the morning, to the moment it tucked itself into the valley at night, you were out in the fields. Tucked away indoors, you found yourself claustrophobic. Cased in, stir crazy and a tad hysterical. From a young age, your parents had to heard you inside at the end of a day much like the sheep dogs would heard the lambs back into their pens. It was no different, even as you approached adulthood.
You had your back to the trunk of a tree, a book clutched in one hand and an apple - freshly plucked from the branch above you- in the other, when you caught sight of one of the stable boys chasing after your father in the field ahead of you.
A man of great strength and pride, your father took his work in the fields very seriously. Even after the death of his own father, he was back shearing sheep after just two days. This is why it confused you ever so much , brows furrowed in a frown, to see your father drop his shears at once in front of the stable boy and clutch his chest. The pair raced down the field, sprinting in the direction of the house with the dogs trailing behind them in a flurry of brown and grey and white.
You took a pensive bite of the apple, crunching deliberately. 'Whatever is the matter?' you thought. 'What is the meaning of such fuss?' You tried desperately to get back to your book, the words of the author falling on distracted thoughts as your mind pondered such a reaction from your father. You snapped your book shut with a huff, annoyed and now positively rabid with curiosity.
John, an Orcher in his late fifties, was plucking apples from a tree just next to yours. You peered your head over to him. "John," you called, "have you any reason for father's fuss with the stable boy?"
John's face paled, almost frightfully white, at your question. He took his cap off with the type of remorse one shows with deep apology. "I'm terribly sorry, madam. I thought all the children were aware." You quirked a brow at his words, irritated that the farms people still saw you as one of the children despite being the eldest daughter in the house. His voice was gruff and gravely, years of shouting at yardsmen wearing on his vocal chords. "There is to be a royal visit, madam. Today."
Your eyebrows shot up so fast , you wondered for a moment if they were still on your face. "A royal visit? Here?" The Dowager Princess had not been out in the country since the passing of the late King. Your brows furrowed in deep confusion. "Whatever for?"
John shrugged his shoulders earnestly.
"Lord knows but I, madam. Some sort of review of the farmland, but that's between the King and his advisors."
"The King?" you squawked. You hiked your skirt up, throwing your legs over the branch and jumping down. You stalked to the bottom of the ladder John was standing on. "The King is coming here?"
In all your eighteen years, you'd only ever seen one monarch. Even so, it was a painting of His late Majesty. All you knew of the current King was that he made no visits to the towns, nor galas or balls. He had been labelled somewhat a recluse of a man. You wondered how that could be healthy for such an old person. At least, you assumed he was old. The previous king had died aged seventy and two, so this king must have been creeping into his late fifties now.
"Yes, madam." John said. "Your father has been called now, to prepare. He is due to arrive soon."
Your feet sprang into action, galloping down the aisle of the orchard at lightening speed as you raced toward the direction of the house. You never cared for pompous displays, or the royal family as a whole, very much at all. But today was different. The king himself was visiting your home. Your fields, your valleys and your hills. You felt oddly protective. As if this inspection was to be one with an insulting conclusion. You reassured yourself that they would see the beauty in your home. In the sway of the grassy hills in the wind.
Knowing your mother would not let you close enough to see even the Royal carriage make its way through the wooden gates of your home, you rounded the corner of the brown farm house and clambered your way up the large oak tree in the middle of the drive way. From high above in the branches, you would not be seen by your mother - as she so preferred. She yearned for a daughter more like the ones her sisters had. Lady like and proper and ones that smile at every pleasing farmer their mothers set them up with.
Your mother was disappointed in the lack of girlishness in you. She was displeased in your fascination with reading, and your taking to the outdoors. She was put off by the closeness between you and your father, finding it strange that the two of you could be friends as well as father and daughter. She found your desire to spend all day outdoors odd, and you found her desire to marry a farmer whilst hating farms to be odd in return.
You gripped on to the tallest branches, peering through leaves in the hopes of seeing the gleams of gold as the carriage approached. You saw your father and the farmer boys line up in front of the door below, and your mother and younger brothers waited just behind them. In the distance, you heard a low thrumming sound. It got louder, and seemingly closer, as more seconds ticked by. You realised, as you heard the clop clop clop noise, that it was the sound of horses' hooves on the dirt tracks as the carriage came into view.
The carriage halted in front of your door, and your father outstretched his hand to an older gentlemen in a plush blue suit. Though your fathers clothes- an old grey shirt and black trousers- were not as elegant, he looked just as regal as he shook hands with the stranger, who you assumed to be the King. He had greying hair, curled into ringlets by his side. There were several other men beside him, ranging from young to old to very old.
You craned your neck to hear their voices, a chorus of low hums and stiff lipped compliments from the old man you saw to be the king. Several minutes ticked by, boredom creeping in as you swung your legs back and forth over the branch, before the group of men finally split to tour the farm land with your father. You rejoiced, a grumble in your belly making any words they said inconsequential. You began your decent from the tree.
With scraped palms and knees, you made it to the ground with a thud. A successful spying , you thought as you wiped your hands on the skirt of your dress. Your monologing was interrupted by the stifled chuckle of a man behind you. You whipped round, narrowing your eyes at the man. Dressed in a simple white shirt and the same black field trousers as your father, he looked to be a fielder himself.
"Hello," he said, voice even and light. He stood with his hands behind his back, polite and effortlessly straight. He was young, younger than the rest of the group you assumed he had been standing with. He must have been no more than three years older than you, as his cheeks still had the faintest roundness to them.
"What are you doing?" he asked when you did not say anything.
You knew your eyes were wide, those of someone caught. There was no use in lying , nor excusing. This man had watched you climb down the tree, from where you had spied. You outstretched your hands, as if stating the obvious. "I was climbing down. From the tree."
"From the tree?"
"Yes, from the tree."
"From that tree?" the man asked, voice teasing and smile irritating as he pointed to the tall oak you had previously been perched in.
"Yes, that tree."
"Whatever for?" He placed his hands behind his back once more, slowly pacing around you in a circle.
"I was hungry, you see." You deadpanned.
"Ah," he affirmed, "and you did not bring food when you climbed up the tree." He was enjoying teasing you, as the smirk on his face grew larger at your squirming. "Or simply not enough."
"Well," you trailed off, waiting for the man to introduce himself to you.
"Forgive me," he said, outstretching a hand. "I am George."
"Well George," you continued. "Usually the trees I climb have some sort of fruit or such for me to eat while I climb, or lounge, or read. This is not my typical tree to climb." You explained.
"And I suppose you have a typical tree?" His face was oddly gleeful, as if this conversation with you - a stranger- was the best part of his day. His smile was wide, showing teeth.
"Yes, I do."
"Which is?" He asked, stepping closer toward you. His smirk was a teasing grin now.
"The apple tree," you stated, that protectiveness creeping back into your tone. "at the farthest end of the orchard."
"Now," he said, voice lilted with mock impress, "I must see this tree, that you so fondly and regularly climb." His voice was a stage whisper.
"Alas, I cannot." You teased back, some what enjoying the banter yourself. "I do not simply show my tree to strangers."
"Ah, but I am not a stranger," he said, closer again now. "I am just George." He stuck his hand out again, waiting for you to shake it. Hesitantly, you did. "I would be honoured to see your tree."
"Do you not have business to attend to?" You asked, gesturing in the direction the other men and the Royal herd had walked in. George shook his head, waving off your remark.
"They are fine themselves. They have no use for my agreements here and questions there." He said. "And even so, if I were to re-join them now," he took another small step closer to you, eyes searching in the distance, "my mind would think of nothing but this apple tree at the farthest end of the orchard."
You smiled at the man as he looked down at you, and felt the strangest urge to lead him by the hand to your sacred reading spot. Something about George made you trust him, utterly and completely, as if you'd known him your whole life. As if you'd run through the fields with him as children, and he knew where the tree was already.
"All right, just George."
A bright, down right contagious smile etched itself on to his face. You couldn't help but smile just as brightly.
The two of you strode side by side through the back field of the farm, chatting idly as you lead him to the orchard. George told you he was a keen farmer himself, but his family bound him to the city. "Why don't you just leave them?" you asked as you opened the large wooden field gate for him.
George paused, leaning on the gate with both arms crossed. "It is not that simple," he said, his face contort in a frown. "I am obliged to stay there. It is a duty, of sorts." He looked around at the tall grass, the wild flowers that bloomed in the field at his feet. "If it were up to me, I would spend all my time in the country."
You felt immensely sorry for him. The thought of being away from the country for more than a day put a nasty pit in your stomach. Gently, you placed your hand on his arm. He looked up at you with glum eyes. You gave him your best reassuring smile as you squeezed his arm lightly. He smiled back at you.
You fell back into stride with one another after that. George asked about your family, and you told him about your father and your three younger sisters. He asked where they were, and you let out a haughty laugh. "They cower at the sight of mud. They are cooped inside with my mother, embroidering or learning the pianoforte or some other nonsense."
"You see no value in these tasks, then?" George asked with a small smirk.
"I see no point, given where we live. What use have I for musical impress or intricate sewing when I spend my time outdoors?" You paused your walking, gesturing to the cows grazing near by. "Any man I encounter in these parts will be as impressed by my pianoforte as those cows."
"Ah, I see." George chuckled to himself. "You are to be a spinster then." You whipped round to face him, annoyance turning your brows into a tight v shape. George laughed again.
"For a stranger you are certainly bold."
"I do not hear a defence."
"No, I am not to be a spinster." You crossed your arms, uncrossing them when George cocked his head to the side slightly. You must have looked ridiculous, like an petulant, spoilt child. You huffed.
"I am not to be a spinster. At least not by intention." You both began walking again, rounding the corner to the long aisle of the orchard. "There," you said, pointing to your tree at the very end.
You turned when George remained silent. His mouth was agape slightly, brown eyes wide and almost honey in the mid day sun. "Beautiful," he sighed out.
It caught you off guard, the strange desire to lead him by the hand to your tree and show him the very best branches. The way he looked at your favourite spot with such awe made you near desperate to share it with him. You had to restrain yourself from reaching out and touching his hand that was inches from yours at your side. You shook your head slightly, as if a jitter would rid of of such peculiar feelings. "Come along, then."
George walked obediently at your side, keeping perfect pace with you. As you walked, he couldn't help but notice the sway of your hair in the light breeze, the way it framed your face so gently. Or the patches of freckles that spotted the bridge of your nose, or the subtle fullness of your bottom lip, how it was slightly larger than the top.
"You said you are not to be a spinster by choice," he began as you reached the foot of the tree. "Whatever do you mean?"
"What I mean is," you said as you reached up to a near branch, pulling yourself up with little struggle, "no man here is in need of a wife, and I am in no need for an elderly husband." You frowned when George laughed again. "You must stop that!" You cried.
"Stop what?" He smiled through his teeth again.
"Laughing at me!"
"I am not laughing at you, forgive me." He said, reaching up to the same branch and - just as you had- hauled him self up with ease. "I simply find it hard to believe no one here is in need of a wife."
"Everyone is already married, or too old, or far too young." You deadpanned. "I do not want to marry a frail old man."
"Let me rephrase," George began. He reached across you, and for a moment you thought he was going to touch your cheek. You sucked in a nervous breath. He plucked an apple that was hanging just above you ear. "I find it hard to believe no one here wants you for a wife."
You found it hard to form words, stuttering over a response. George bit into his apple , smugness radiating off of him in reams.
The two of you sat in peaceful silence for a moment, your backs leaning against the trunk of the tree while your legs stretched out next to each other. "Do you sit out here all day?" George asked softly, turning his head toward you. His breath fanned over your face slightly. You nodded.
"Most days," you sighed contently. "I am usually the one that goes into the towns if needed. Otherwise, I am left alone to sit here as I please." You looked out as the sheep roamed the field ahead of you.
George rested his head back against the trunk of the tree.
"I am envious of you, truly." He said, looking at you from the corner of his eye. You turned your head to face him. Your shoulders were brushing against each other with every breath.
"You are welcome to come here," you said, in an uncharacteristically soft voice. "You can bring a book, and you may sit here for as long as you like, whenever you please. Whenever your family allows you to be in the country."
This close to him, you noticed the flecks of gold in George's eyes. The small freckle above his eye brow. The rosiness of his cheeks. His words echoed in your head.
'I find it hard to believe no one wants you for a wife."
In the distance, you heard the ruckus of the men returning to the front of the house. George shot up. You shot up with him.
"I must go," he said hurriedly. He swung his legs over the branch and jumped off. As you moved to do the same, you saw him waiting on the ground with his hands outstretched. He was helping you down. You reached a hand out to him, and he pulled you down. Expecting a thud, you noticed he had steadied you with a hand on your waist. "I wish I could stay longer, I truly do. Alas, they will run like chickens without heads if I am not back soon."
You wished to find some poetic goodbye, but all you could muster was a soft sigh. "Will you be back?" His hand was still gripping yours.
George chuckled breathily.
"Of course," he said, as if it was obvious. "I must bring a book and see if this really is the best spot for reading."
The voices in the distance got louder, calling George's name now. He looked over his shoulder, then back to you. "I am back in the country in two weeks time. May I see you then?"
You smiled at his politeness, hoping your hasty nod came across as friendly and not desperate. "Of course."
He brought your hand to his lips then, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your knuckles. "It has been a pleasure, madam." He said with a gentlemanly bow.
He turned to walk away then, and you felt as though the wind had been knocked right out of you. Your feet were glued to the ground, unable to move you from that same spot.
"Oh," George called from a distance. "The inspection went fantastically. Your farm shall have a wonderful review." He grinned, all boyish and joyful, before turning back and sprinting in the direction of the loud voices.
His words only sunk in after he'd rounded the corner gate, and you nearly collapsed onto a log.
Not only had you spent your afternoon with a total stranger, telling him your deepest thoughts and secrets, scandalously close should a gossiping eye see it.
You'd just spent your afternoon with the King of England.
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lxkeee · 7 months
⋆.˚ . FLY ME TO THE MOON ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚.
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Archangel Raphael! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Notes: Lucifer and [y/n] will see each other again next chapter 👁️👁️
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A lot of timeskip...
[Y/n] sat in her office chair. Bored out of her mind. Hand fluidly moved in motion as she signed her signature in each document. Paper works. So much paperwork. Just because she finished her duties on the mortal realm for this week doesn't mean she doesn't have work to do back in heaven. She needs to do countless paperwork. Writing down every detail of what happened during her time on earth.
She groaned, placing down her pen on to the table. Throwing her head back lazily against the comfort of her chair.
It has been years since Lucifer's fall. Years after the meeting he asked for that concern about his hotel to redeem sinners.
Thinking back about it. She regrets the harsh words she has said to him during that meeting. Rather too cold for her liking.
She can't blame past her either. She was mad at Lucifer, who wouldn't?
Your best friend stopped spending time with you as he spent most of his time learning about the newly made humans God created.
And once he got the time to spend with her, he always talked about the mortal woman that God has created.
It was very annoying.
Then suddenly, he did what she warned him. Giving the fruit of knowledge to Eve that caused his fall from grace.
[Y/n] loved him, she still does.
She was mad that Lucifer neglected her. She was mad that an angel as beautiful as Lucifer chose a mortal woman.
She was... Jealous.
Now, she heard he has a family now.
She sighs, eyes looking down on her hand. The wedding ring she used to wear is now on her middle finger. She and Azrael are still married to each other platonically for shits and giggles.
They still loved each other platonically. Often having sleepovers at each other's houses.
She wondered, Azrael is such a great man. Everything she'll ever need in one. Smart, funny, sarcastic, intelligent, incredibly handsome, and loving.
It's truly unfortunate her heart lies within another.
She sighs softly. She's been doing that often lately.
As she was about to continue working, the door to her office bursts open and her ex-husband flamboyantly announced his grand entrance.
“Wifeyyy, I have tea to share. I know you'll be interested.” Azrael asked, [y/n] had to look up as the man was literally taller than her. His slicked back black hair shined against the chandelier lights. His eyes are half-lidded—showing off the golden eyeshadow he's wearing, a smirk on his mischievously attractive face. Pulling back a chair across her desk, he sat down.
[Y/n] raised an eyebrow at him, curious what gossip he has to share this time.
“What is it?” she asked lacing her hands and placing her elbows on the table and placing her chin on her knuckles.
Azrael smirked, playing with his staff.
“Luci has a family right?” he asked and [y/n] just looked at him with curiosity. Surprised that Azrael brought the topic of the fallen angel up.
“Yes, what about it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at the angel in front of her.
“I heard his daughter is coming up here for a meeting, Morningstar's daughter wanted to propose an idea to... Redeem sinners. Reminds me of Lucifer.” Azrael says with a smirk and small chuckle.
“The apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.” [y/n] says with a small shrug. She wondered if Lucifer's daughter would propose the same idea like his.
“Indeed. So, are you going to attend the meeting? I heard Sera is handling it this time. Lucifer's daughter sure is lucky she won't be having a meeting with the seven.” Azrael says with a smirk before pouting a little.
“When will it be?” [y/n] asked, picking up her pen once more as she resumed working.
“In two days.” Azrael says with a shrug.
“Unfortunately I have work, all seven of us do.” [y/n] says with a shrug, a bored tone in her voice.
Azrael sighed and nodded, “Unfortunately, but... We can still attend but not physically. Eavesdropping as what others call it.” Azrael says with a grin, snapping his fingers and two eyeballs with wings appeared out of nowhere.
“We can use these. Both of us can have an eye.” he suggested and [y/n] looked at him with a raised eyebrow, curious why this man is so interested in listening to a meeting that is probably a repeat of history.
“I can see that look in your eyes that you're wondering why I'm so eager to listen to this meeting. I have a feeling that something will be revealed during this meeting and I am curious to what it is. My instincts are never wrong.” Azrael says, eyes staring outside [y/n]'s window. He has a feeling that the Seraphims are hiding something and he wants to uncover that.
“A secret?” [y/n] asked, curiosity piqued.
“Yes, I have a feeling that the seraphims are hiding something and that is a no-no especially if a high seraphim is hiding something.” Azrael says, his voice becoming serious. [Y/n] looked at him, her eyes narrowed at the possibility. The seven virtues are barely in heaven and that means the seraphims are in charge of the order up here. Lately, Sera has been acting strange but they just dismissed it thinking it was nothing. Now that Azrael mentioned it, they need to find out the truth.
“I assume we don't need to tell them we'll be attending the meeting then?” [y/n] asked and Azrael smirked and nodded.
It was finally the day where Lucifer's daughter would visit heaven for a meeting. [Y/n] sat on her couch in the comfort of her home, a third eye on her forehead. It means her consciousness is connected to the flying eyeball Azrael allowed her to use. It is currently the courtroom, hiding from plain sight.
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Lucifer's daughter is really a copy of the said fallen angel. Same ideals too.
The meeting seems to be a bore, Charlie as what she learned the girl's name is, just proposed the same idea Lucifer proposed years ago.
The meeting was nothing but boring, annoying as she has to listen to Adam and Lute.
[Y/n] is still confused why that is in heaven and why he's being favored. The man is literally a walking asshole with a shit personality.
Azrael is probably in the same boat as her but he's back on earth doing his duties while simultaneously listening to this meeting.
The seven does not like Adam very much. Adam is too privileged.
Though, her views on the hotel changed as Charlie showed the progress of her guest, a demon named Angel Dust. Perhaps this silly hotel might actually work.
[Y/n] was about to stop listening and watching the meeting when Adam said something that caught her interest. Something that made her heart drop.
Exterminate... Extermination...
Of human souls.
Based on the reactions of other angels in the court, it was only Sera, Adam, Lute and other exorcists who knew about it.
Demon or not angels have no reason for doing this.
She's pissed and she could feel Azrael's annoyance from the eye she was using.
Who gave Sera the right to play God?
And the fact she didn't let the seven know about it is inexcusable.
The meeting ended and the two eyeballs remained hidden, eavesdropping on Emily and Sera.
So she's doing this because the demons were uprising?
Didn't they like to took care of it years ago? This just showed that Sera has no belief that heaven can handle a mere uprising of demons.
If the seven wanted to they could wipe out the entirety of hell. But no, there's no need for that. They have far more important matters to deal with such as trying to minimize the evil slowly growing on earth.
Hell couldn't steal heaven, they'd be dead before they could even enter the gates.
The third eye on [y/n]'s forehead closes and disappears. The others needed to know about this.
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The others were concerned about this, angry even. Heaven does not need to do this yearly cleansing but apparently it has been happening for a few years already. So many human souls are killed by the hands of angels.
The seven talked about this with their creator and of course, he didn't listen to their concerns about this. Though, he did promise that if a soul is actually redeemed then the cleansing isn't necessary and Sera would be placed on trial as the seraphim didn't tell the seven nor god about this decision. The seven virtues didn't tell Sera they knew and just continued doing their duties. They trust their creator, based on his voice. He knew something that they don't.
[Y/n] has a feeling that this silly hotel might even work and she can't wait to finally put Adam, the exorcists, and Sera back to their place. To remind them where their power lies within the heavenly ranks.
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@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata
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zweiginator · 1 month
Omg omg I saw a p0rn caption with a father in law and ejsjajkakan
DILF!Patrick who's stepson is just as scummy as he was. And it shouldnt piss Patrick off - he's not even his actual kid, and why does he care about you, the stupid pretty girl who seems oblivious to the things that your boyfriend is doing.
But you're so ... Sweet. You do the dishes without being asked. You wear *curlers* to bed.
He must be getting soft. Why else does he get painfully hard watching you putter about the kitchen in the mornings? Why does he sit through your stupid TV on the many nights his idiot stepson leaves you home alone? Why does he find himself furiously fucking his fist after you walk by in your tiny silk PJs, but its your sweet smile he needs to think about to come? He's inside another woman, and she's doing everything right, but it's your smile that gets him there, and he bites back a moan of your name?
He really must be going soft. And when you find out the truth about his stepson - he'll just have to make sure he's there to pick up the pieces.
oh panda yes…
and patrick can’t be mad about it—he must’ve learned it somewhere. the old adage is completely true. the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. and patrick is a single father because of his own sexual endeavors, his utter inability to keep his dick in his pants and stay tied down with commitment.
his son, before going off to college, didn’t hold onto girlfriends. maybe he had internalized his own parents’ relationship and that’s why he cheated on them, screwed them over.
but then after his junior year, he came home with a girl on his arm. you. you with a pink duffle bag and a stuffed bear tucked under your own arm. patrick had told his son it would be more than fine for you to stay with them. your relationship with your own family complicated and your ability to afford a flight home extremely limited.
you tell your boyfriend how sweet his father is. so kind and doting. he helps you pass the time—while his son sleeps in until two in the afternoon, you’re up early, making pancakes and sipping coffee in your silk pajama sets. patrick tries not to stare as you bend over to pick up some chocolate chips that fall to the ground as you try to open the bag.
you don’t realize patrick was awake.
“mr. zweig. sorry to make a mess—i hope you don’t mind. just wanted to make a nice breakfast.”
he shakes his head, sitting down at the kitchen island as you plop some butter into the hot pan.
“no worries at all sweetheart. what’s mine is yours.”
he smiles and you see your boyfriend in him. for obvious reasons, it makes sense. but patrick is more mature. he pays more attention. he talks to you about the world, your studies. your family and plans after college. where are you from? you don’t sound like you’re from around here.
butterflies burn inside your stomach because your boyfriend doesn’t care this much to ask. he likes sleeping in and drinking beer. going out on saturdays and lazy conversations that don’t reach the profound depth that your’s and patrick’s do.
you talk with him all morning. he shares the pancakes with you and he compliments them endlessly.
“wow—“ his eyebrows furrow as he takes the last bite, melted chocolate smearing on his lip. “these are delicious. you’re quite the catch!” he nudges you and you want to sit closer. he does too. he can’t be thinking like this, about his son’s girlfriend. your nipples are hard, poking against the silk of your pajama top and he quickly looks away. he gathers the dishes.
“you go and get ready for the day. i’ll do the dishes honey.” he winks at you; a habit born from old behaviors. old habits die hard. and it’s no harm. he’s not being a creep. and how you smile and nod—it doesn’t seem like you mind either.
and as soon as his son wakes up, he’s out the door. he goes to his friend’s house and doesn’t invite you. instead of moping, you ask patrick to teach you tennis. you can let him hang out with his friends alone—you have the whole summer.
patrick is more than willing. and your tight purple tank top and little white skirt is so enticing. he likes how it flips up and down as you jump to hit his serves.
“you’re a natural!” patrick peeks at you over his sunglasses. he takes his shirt off and you can’t help but watch. you’ve wondered how his body looks underneath those loose t-shirts. he’s toned and tan and jumping into the pool now.
“come in! it’s too hot out there.” he splashes some water at you and you roll your eyes. you jump in and pretend patrick is your lover. that he cares like your boyfriend should. like he desires you. and you don’t realize patrick is thinking the same thing. jumping through hoops in his mind to ask himself if it would really be so bad to flirt with you, share a kiss or two with you. the fact he’s doing mental gymnastics at all shows it’s wrong. he pushes the desires back, fights it like it’s tug-of-war.
he has to go, he tells you. he has a lunch date. you try not to let your face fall. but you can revel in some alone time. as he leaves, you change into your bikini and grab a book you brought.
he comes back a few hours later; your boyfriend is still out.
“how was your date?” you ask patrick. he has to work to lift his eyes, to stop them from staring at your tits, at the sweat pooling in your navel, how your lips part to take a sip of water.
the date was okay, he tells you. he doesn’t tell you that he fucked her, back at her apartment while her kids were at their father’s house. the sex was good but patrick found himself thinking about your body being pinned beneath his instead of hers. he had to stop himself from your name falling from his parted lips as his cock stroked in and out of her. you’d be so tight, so thankful. he can tell his son doesn’t give you the attention you need. you deserve.
your boyfriend doesn’t come back until late at night. almost one in the morning. and you hear patrick yelling at him.
“are you fucking kidding me?” patrick slams the magazine that he was reading down onto the coffee table. "you invite your girlfriend to this house and you fucking ditch her all day?"
"dad--" he rolls his eyes. you're listening from your room, the guest room. you don't want to share a bed with him. he's drunk. you're mad at him. "why does it matter? i'm just having fun with my friends."
patrick is silent for a moment and you can't see them. he points at his son's neck, marked with hickeys. "she deserves so much better. you're not good at hiding it. i know it because im not either."
"exactly--you're not one to talk. cheating on mom with some fucking bimbo--" patrick grabs his shirt.
"this isn't about me. this is about you. i've felt bad about that for years. but you don't invite your girlfriend here and fucking ditch her."
"whatever." he goes to bed. slams the door. patrick knows you're not sleeping with him; he checked on you when you fell asleep after dinner.
and against his better judgment, he goes upstairs and opens the door. you're asleep so peacefully, hugging your little stuffed bear, snoring softly. you wake up, thinking it's your boyfriend. what does it say that you're relieved when you see it's his father instead?
"mr. zweig?" you rub your eyes. the name makes him hard. everything you do does.
he closes the door and locks it. he's sure his son is asleep by now.
"is he back now?" even with so much pent up anger towards him, you're still worried about him. patrick admires how caring you are.
"yeah. he's sleeping."
you don't ask patrick why he's there. you just peel the covers back as an invitation, and patrick joins you. his bare chest is warm against your skin and you feel his breath fanning into the crook of your neck.
"you deserve better, you know." he whispers it against your ear, half-thinking that you may have fallen back asleep.
you open your eyes and peer at him through your lashes. "i don't know better."
patrick tilts your chin up. "i can show you."
and he feels awful. his son is right about him. and can he be mad at his son for being so distinctly like his father? can he be mad at his son when he was secretly hoping for something like this to happen? for an excuse for him to knock on your door and tell you there's good men out there and one is right here and he can show you how a woman should feel, be treated, be pleasured.
maybe you don't realize what patrick means, but you don't pull away from the kiss. it's desperate because you are. for affection, for attention. the kind patrick's been giving you. he pries his mouth open, intent on pushing his tongue against yours, tasting the remnants of your toothpaste. you moan. you run your hand down his chest just to feel him, to see if this is real. he pulls you into him so your body is flush against his. you want him to suffocate you with his chest and his arms, the smell of his cologne still stuck on him from hours ago.
your hands tangle in his hair and you don't realize you're rutting against eachother. patrick's hands go under your top. he feels your nipples and you lean into his touch, cuddling your head into the crook of his neck, your back now pressed against his chest, half on top of him. his hands are so big and strong and he's breathing heavy into your mouth.
you want his hands to move down. you do it yourself, dragging his hand under your shorts. and when he feels how wet you are, all bets of stopping this before it goes too far are off. he's drunk off the smell of your vanilla lotion, the feel of your chapstick on his own lips as you whimper against him. he rubs circles over your clit and plunges his fat fingers into your cunt and you fuck yourself against them.
"mr. zweig--" there you go with that fucking name again. "fuck me--i want you to fuck me."
he could do the right thing and shake his head. say no, this is all so inappropriate. but you grab his erection and push his pajama pants down. he pulls your back so it's flush to his chest and he doesn't waste time, nudging his cock into your pussy. so tight, so ready. he holds your legs and pushes inside all the way. your head leans back into his shoulder. a mewl, and broken moan.
"god--fuck. this is what you deserve. this pretty pussy--" he rubs your clit, spitting on his fingers.
you're lost in it, in him. his balls are heavy, slapping against your ass as he fucks you, his fingers digging into the back of your thighs. for most of it, you're just staring at each other, at dilated pupils and red bitten lips, parted.
he holds your hips and you move them to feel him deeper. he's about to cum because he's telling you so. his sweat is sticking to your back and his spit is in your mouth. you love it all.
"cum in me--i want your cum."
he does what you want. he's a strong, older man but he can't say no to you and those pleading eyes, welled with tears. he's stretching you to the brim and he's cumming inside you and a part of you wishes he could get you pregnant and you could be his forever and ever.
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railingsofsorrow · 4 months
an apple doesn't fall far from the tree (until it does)
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: reader takes care of her daughter while she's sick and some memories of her childhood resurface.
pairing: s.reid x f!bau!reader
w.c: 2.2K
warnings/content: being neglected by a parent; reader has mommy issues & spencer has daddy issues; crying; discussions about a difficult childhood; insecurities; mentions of v*mit and fever (the flu symptoms); Eden Reid being everyone's source of joy; Spencer in glasses always; hurt/comfort; very brief (implied) suggestive content; spiders; I proofread this at 2am.
A/N: here's my entry for @imagining-in-the-margins kid fic challenge i was so sad that I didn't see this until after May 1 :( but here it is! absolutely love writing about dad!spencer. it's legit a source of inspiration.
cm masterlist
want to read more works about this au?
→ [recharging] - [day off]
“No, it's the other way around.” You laugh when Eden places the egg shells inside the cake batter instead of the egg yolk.
“Oh,” she mumbles with parted lips. Then squirms away and giggles when you tickle her sides. You do manage to get most of the egg shells out of the batter. “Sorry, mamma.”
“It's okay, baby. Now what's next?”
She studies every material in the counter thoroughly, her fingers moving as she thinks it over. That's the moment you stop and stare fondly because of how much she resembles her father. Her hair had grown longer in the past few months, it's nearly past her shoulders and the honey brown curls are exactly like Spencer's.
“Sugar!” She raises her pointer finger, giving you an eager look, anxious to know if she's correct or wrong. You take a few seconds to build suspense and reveals the veredic. Eden jumps in the chair in excitement and you gasp, holding her in place so she wouldn't fall.
One of your favourite sounds in the whole word is Eden's laughter. It's contagious and childish and unforgettable. And a bit healing, if you're being honest. In case you're feeling a little down, making Eden giggle is the cure.
When you were called at the school by her teacher today because your daughter had threw up during class, you were finishing up the pile of paperwork in your desk. It took some convincing for Spencer not to immediately run to the school, but when he heard she had asked for you in the phonecall, he caved in. Giving you one condition: to send updates of Eden's wellbeing every hour so he could know how she was.
Your husband listed at least a thousand medications and natural medicine to help with the symptoms before you were able to leave the office.
Eden had the flu, that's what the doctor said. She needed rest, the strawberry flavoured syrup, the medication to avoid nausea and cuddles to heal faster.
Thankfully, she was laughing again by the afternoon, which meant she was feeling slightly better. You noticed her paleness diminished after taking the medication and having a good four-hour nap, her fever had also went down.
“Good girl,” you praise after she takes a spoon of her medication not hiding her grimace. “Now we wait for the cake to be ready so we can have a big bite.”
She nods dutifully, rubbing her eyes with her small hands. You recognise the sign of a sleepy child, so you scoop her up and take her to her bedroom.
Although, before you place her in bed with her stuffed friends, you decide to keep her in your arms for a while longer, mumbling a lullaby softly while rocking her to sleep. Almost like when she was a baby, the difference now is that she's bigger and not bald.
It doesn't take ten minutes for her soft snores to be heard. You put her to bed and leave the door ajar in case she needs you during the night. You would come check in on her every hour anyway, to make sure her fever wouldn't rise again.
There's this weird thing about being a parent: you never quit worrying. It's not exactly weird, it is, in your case, the maternal instinct that you can't avoid. It was there ever since Eden was born.
The reason why you find that odd is because you never had that. Not when you were a child, not when you were a rebel teenager, not as an adult. In fact, you were pretty convinced your mother's maternal instinct was nonexistent.
The only time you remember being held by your mom was when you cut your head when you fell down the stairs and you had to spend an entire night for observation. She held your hand as you slept the entire time, kissed your temple and then told you she loved you. She never did it again. Eden's grandmother wasn't maternal, she wasn't a fan of bedtime stories or mother and daughter times.
But she takes Eden to school and insists on staying with her on some weekends so they can bake Eden's favourite biscuits and decorate it.
She wasn't your mother when you needed, but she is a good grandmother to your daughter.
You don't understand it. You are thankful, of course. It's not like you expected that she would treat Eden bad or anything, but you can't help but wonder if that coldness and distance was just reserved for you as a child? And what did you do to deserve that. You must have done something. Still, she never told you what.
“Why are you sitting in the middle of the hallway in the dark?”
You let out a gasp, quickly covering your mouth. You take a glimpse inside Eden's room through the small space left and notice her sleeping frame tucked in with Mr. Greenie.
You had been sitting on the floor, staring at nothing in the dark in the middle of the hall, which is why Spencer is questioning you, rightfully so. But he startled you.
“I'm monitoring,” you say rather dumbly but out of excuses. “... her fever.”
He lifts his glasses up his nose — he recently went back to wearing because his eyes got too sensitive for contacts — while squinting doubtfully at you, then he turns on the light to sit down crisscrossed by your side after also taking a look inside Eden's bedroom. He would give her a goodnight kiss in a minute.
You don't even realize you're crying until his thumb travels across your cheeks to gently wipe your tearstained cheeks. His mouth tugging downwards at your puffy eyes.
“You told me her fever went down an hour ago.”
“It did.”
“Then what's wrong, angel?”
She's fine, you're not. He thinks.
You sniffle, shaking your head. You feel like a child all over again. This is so stupid. You are an adult, why are you still feeling like this? You have your family now, there is no need to dig into the past and suffer. You cannot change anything about it.
He scoots into your personal space, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him. You rest your head on his chest, hearing the thump thump of his heartbeat against your ear. For a moment, that's all you thought about. Spencer's hands drawing invisible patterns on your arms and back, muttering softly about his day as to not disturb the peaceful silence and kissing the crown of your head occasionally.
“She's perfect.”
His hands halt on their way up and down your arm. “Yes, she is.” He knows who you were talking about, he always does, like he read your mind.
“I'm scared I might ruin her.”
This sentence alone terrifies you to no end. It's so much deeper than feeling unloved as a child because it isn't about you anymore, it's about the life you created, the life you are raising and watching grow up. The life who carries your DNA, the same one you share with you mother, who is the person that made you question every single encounter with a human being and if you really deserves to be loved.
Every day, you wonder if you were cold or short with Eden at any moment. If, maybe, a comment slipped last your lips and it would define how her day would be. Or if you gave her a look of disapproval that would make her question her way of speaking or her way of being.
You are scared of ending up like her and to have your daughter regret being raised by you.
“That's just not possible.” Spencer says firmly, squeezing you as reassurance. “You're a wonderful person and a wonderful mother, there is just absolutely no way you would ruin her or do anything remotely close.”
“If I'm so wonderful, then why didn't she love me?”
Parents can impact your life in a good way or catastrophically bad. There's the line in between, the gray line. From what Spencer heard you talk about your mother, she leans a little towards the catastrophically bad. It isn't that she doesn't love you. It is about the way she didn't show it.
“It wasn't your fault.”
Spencer finds your mother a sweet woman who took care of Eden when both of you are away on cases, or just because she wants to be with her granddaughter that day. And that's fine, he likes her. She's okay. What isn't okay is how she left you to drown in doubt in your childhood as you questioned every action you did in your entire life afterwards.
That was cruel and cold and unfair. You might forgive her for how she treated you one day, but he wouldn't.
You scoff, harshly drying your tears as they kept coming. “I must have done something.”
“You were a child.” Spencer insists, caressing your cheek. He understands where the blame comes from, he used to carry that burden, sometimes he still does. Did he make his dad leave? Could he have done something to stop it? The answer is no. A child cannot blame themselves for their parents mistakes.
And that's easier said than done.
He sighs, lifting your chin so he can look into your eyes and stick what he is about to say into your brain for good.
“Is there anything Eden could do that would make you treat her with indifference?”
Your brows raise in disbelief, “God, no. She's my everything.”
He gives you a pointed look at your quick answer. You didn't even think twice, you didn't have to. She is your everything. The best part of you. And you would do anything to put a smile on her face. Because that's what parents are supposed to do.
“You know that you're her first source of comfort?”
You tilt your head to show you're listening, focusing on playing with his calloused knuckles. “What do you mean.”
“You're the first person she wants after a nightmare, when she has a bad day at school or even when there's a bug in the room that you're also terrified of.”
You can't hold back the snort that comes out of your mouth.
“You're not talking about spiders, certainly. Remember that night you saw one in our bedroom and screamed so loud our neighbours made fun of us on the weekend?” Spencer rolls his eyes and you carry on, too amused to stop. “They thought we were going at it. like rabbits.”
“Okay,” Spencer huffs, pretending to be annoyed. He can't actually be annoyed at you. “It was huge and what if it had walked all over our bed before we found it? Where was it before? When did it get there? Did you know that the bite of the false widow spider Steatoda nobilis can develop infections that are unresponsive to antibiotics?”
“Baby.” You peck his lips until he stops rambling. You do love when he goes off on a rant but he will just spiral out of control if he thinks anymore about spiders and decide to clean-up the entire house to be convinced there is no spider lurking in the corner. “I killed it, okay? You're safe.”
He hums, leaning forward for another kiss. “My hero,” he mumbles into your lips.
Both of you check Eden's temperature and kiss the mini version of you goodnight before going back to the living room.
“So you do understand, right?” He wraps both arms around you when you sit on the couch, kissing the back of your head. “You're wonderful and kind and lovely and you. Our girl and I couldn't have been more lucky.”
“If you want to make me cry again just say the word, Spencer.” He chuckles, spreading little kisses down your neck, lips wavering closer to your ear.
“Never, but I do want to make you smile, so I got ice cream.”
That makes you turn around fast, an excitement glint on your eyes. “Which flavor?”
His lips twitches into that smug grin when he knows he is right about something. He shrugs pretending to be nonchalant. “Cotton candy, I guess.”
You shoot up from the couch before he can utter another word and run towards the fridge, whispering-yelling I love you so as to not wake up your daughter. Spencer nods with a fond smile, leaning against the kitchen counter to watch you moan over your favorite ice cream and remember the part of your childhood that you enjoyed. Cotton candy, afternoon walks in the park and friends sleepovers.
“I love you,” you confess as your mouth splits into a wide smile while you're kissing him. His tongues travelled through his lips after you split apart and he tastes the sweet flavor of cotton-candy provided by you.
Spencer presses his lips to both of your cheeks and the tip of your nose, gazing down at you lovingly. “I know, and I love you too.”
taglist: @lilyviolets ; @whore-for-spencer-reid ; @yeonalie ; @ninkieminjaj ; @hoeshissworld ; @r-3dlips ; @pleasantwitchgarden
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The Rift - Chapter Seven
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Marcus Acacius x Marcus Pike x f!Reader
Rating: E (18+ only, explicit smut)
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: dream/nightmare sequences, mentions of spouse death and hypothetical child death (in the dream sequence), angst, references to smut, m/m/m/f dynamics
Summary: Each Marcus deals with conflicting emotions after spending the night together.
A/N: WHOOPS, who let all the angst in here???? Sorry about that!
Masterlist | Chapter 6 | Next chapter>>
Marcus Moreno is about to die. Alien tentacles ooze toward him out of a strange crack in the world itself, moving with terrifying speed. He can choose to draw his swords and ready himself, or to shove the people beside him away and out of danger, but not both. He’s somehow both controlling his body and observing the scene from the outside as he turns to see a pretty young woman with fierce eyes, a man dressed in Roman armor, and the FBI Agent he admires so much that it hurts. They all look at him with fear in their eyes as he lets out a strangled yell and throws them out of harm’s way with all of his strength. They land on the pavement several feet away, but it’s not far enough. The tentacles engulf them, and Marcus cries out in anguish as he draws his swords, slashing and hacking frantically, spilling thick, black blood everywhere as he tries to reach his loved ones.
He throws off the last of the writhing black mess, but somehow, the three people he had thought had been there before have changed. Now, only two bodies lie broken and bloodied on the pavement–one much smaller than the other. When he sees the eyes of his late wife staring unseeingly up at the sky, he drops to his knees with a guttural scream of grief and pain. He can’t bring himself to look at the second body, knowing exactly what he’ll see when he does. 
No, he whispers as tears fall down his cheeks. No, no, no, no–
He shoots up in bed, gasping for air. He’s soaked in sweat and shaking uncontrollably, heart still pounding in his chest from the remnants of the dream. It’s only when something shifts behind him, a broad, bare chest turning and facing the other direction does he remember he’s not alone. 
He breathes a sigh of relief when he realizes his movements hadn’t woken anyone else. Carefully, he scoots down the bed, avoiding several pairs of legs, and retrieves his phone from the pocket of his discarded pants before retreating to the living room. 
Hey, he taps out a message. How’s college life?
He stands in the middle of the room, staring down at the bright screen and feeling rather awkward in his nudity, not really expecting a response at this time of night but wishing with every atom in his body for one anyway. 
He’s about to give up and try to force himself back to sleep when three little dots appear at the bottom of the screen.
M: Who’s asking, leader of the Heroics or my papá?
Marcus snorts softly.
Do I receive a different response depending on my answer?
M: 1. I am studying at the library, or 2. It’s dollar beer night at Lotus.
He smiles. 
I choose option 1, obviously.
M: The real question is what are YOU doing up so late? 
Couldn’t sleep. Just felt the need to check in on you. Everything okay?
M: Everything’s fine. Are YOU okay? You haven’t sent me Worried Dad texts in the middle of the night in a while.
Marcus begins tapping out a response, deletes it, starts again, and deletes that too. He sighs, glancing warily back at the bedroom. I’m afraid to let anyone else into my life, he wants to tell her. You’re my only success story, and I worry every day that I’m going to lose you, too. 
It’s too much to lay on his twenty-one year-old daughter, so he turns it into a joke instead.
I’m short on my Dad quota and wanted to make sure the Dad Boss doesn’t fire me.
M: You’re weird.
Ever heard the saying ‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?’
The message is left unread for several minutes, and he imagines that her friends are all goading her to get off her phone and rejoin the fun. Good. He does all the worrying for both of them, so that she can remain carefree. He smiles softly and taps out one last text.
Have a good night, bug. Call me sometime. xo 
He locks his phone and holds it at his side, but remains standing in the same place, mulling over his thoughts. 
He hadn’t been exaggerating earlier when he said it had been a long time since he’d had… well, anyone really. The last time he’d had sex was during a disastrous no-strings-attached hookup after one of his coworkers convinced him to download some app and set up a profile. That was… shit, it had to be almost two years ago now. He hadn’t realized it had been quite that long. 
The last time he had a relationship was more of a trick question. He dated a few people on and off, once Missy had been able to mostly fend for herself at home, but they never lasted long or ever became serious. None of them had even met his daughter. The real answer to ‘when was your last relationship’ was ‘not since his wife died.’
It wasn’t just that no one could compare to her. It was that he couldn’t allow them the opportunity to even try. The closer people are to him, the more danger he puts them in. 
But ever since a certain FBI Agent waltzed into his office and asked so earnestly for his help, he found himself wanting to let someone in for the first time in a very long while. 
And now, to his great surprise and bewilderment, he has not just one more person he cares about, but three. Can he let himself get closer again? Can he afford to?
He looks at the book left open on the coffee table. At first he thinks there must be something wrong with his eyes, because the words all look like gibberish, but then he realizes the book is in Latin. Oh. Somehow he had forgotten that Marcus Acacius did not actually belong here. He can’t tell if the thought troubles him or relieves him–knowing that one less person will be in danger because of him.
The Heroic debates sleeping on the couch for a few moments, but the remnants of the dream still trickle unpleasantly through his bloodstream, and he doesn’t want to be alone. Carefully, he pads back into the bedroom and crawls back into the still-empty space that he had vacated. 
He lies awake for a long time, listening to the sound of breathing.
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Marcus stirs, cracking open his eyes to see the first rays of daylight reflecting on the wall opposite your bedroom window. He rolls onto his back, being careful not to wake you as he turns over. Moreno is snoring softly beside him, looking peaceful. This is the only time he hasn’t seen worry lines etched on the man’s forehead, and he wonders about the burden of one man trying to protect the entire world. 
The Roman is already awake, piercing brown eyes meeting his with a mischievous twinkle. Marcus nods to him in greeting and gives him a small, crooked smile. The other man reaches over the Hero to run the tip of his index finger down the length of Marcus’s arm, and he shivers softly. 
“Early riser,” he comments in a whisper. 
“I have always risen with the sun.”
“Makes both of us,” Marcus grins. 
“And decidedly not our hostess.”
They both laugh quietly, not wanting to wake the other occupants of the bed. 
“Coffee?” he asks the Roman. 
“I would love some.”
Marcus helps himself to your kitchen, knowing exactly where you keep your coffee grounds and filters. He can’t remember the last time he’s felt so at home in someone else’s space; he’s spent more time here over the past several weeks than he’s spent at his own apartment, and from the beginning he had secretly preened over the excuse to get to know you better.
At first, your temporary houseguest had been a slightly befuddling distraction–his distinctive presence ensured that he looked completely out of place in every environment, and his constant refrain of “Quid est, quid est, quid est” was equal parts endearing and frustrating. Marcus didn’t often feel like a small man, but he couldn’t deny that the way the General’s broad shoulders seemed to fill every room had him feeling some kind of way about it. 
It’s a fascination, he had told himself so many times. A temporary infatuation that’s distracting you from the woman of your dreams. 
When the translators were introduced, and the Roman’s sharp wit and mischievous sense of humor could be understood for the first time, the pull became even stronger. It didn’t help that the man seemed to be a shameless flirt with everyone–himself, you, and when Moreno began spending the odd evening here, him too. 
Even so, the events of the previous night had been so far beyond his imagination that he can hardly make sense of it. Marcus has always been a serial monogamist, hopping from one way-too-serious relationship to another and hoping against all odds that the next one wouldn’t end in disaster. He’s never been able to do anything that could remotely be considered casual.
He had no concept of what last night had meant. 
He pours the coffee into two mugs–dumping a fair amount of cream and sugar in one, and far less in his own–and hands one to Acacius. 
“You are pensive this morning,” he remarks, his voice still carrying a light rasp from sleep.
“Just thinking.”
“You and the Hero both strike me as men who are inclined to think themselves into an early grave.”
Marcus snorts. “That might be true.” Might be. Everyone he’s ever known has called him an over-thinker. “You're a great tactician when it comes to war,” he challenges the man. “Surely you appreciate the benefits of analysis.”
“There is analyzing a situation, and then there is helpfully standing in place wondering what action you are going to take while the enemy completely surrounds you.”
Marcus pauses, coffee cup halfway to his lips, and really looks at the man beside him, leaning casually against the kitchen counter. He tries to imagine him in the armor he had been wearing that first night, bruised and bloodied, leading the armies of Rome with a fierce battle cry. “I don't often find myself surrounded by an army.”
“The enemy can be many things. There is a word for this, no?”
“A metaphor?”
“Mmm,” he grunts in assent. “When is an army not really an army?”
Marcus smiles to himself, setting the mug down on the counter and staring into the middle distance. “So, what do you think my enemy is?”
The General looks him up and down. “The things that you carry with you.”
His eyes snap to Acacius in shock and surprise. The man is discerning–alarmingly so, at times. Marcus’s breath catches in his throat when he responds thickly, “What is it that you think I’m carrying?”
“This is not for me to know,” the man remarks casually, raising one eyebrow. “Unless you are wanting to tell me something?”
“What are you two chattering about?” your soft voice cuts through their conversation. Marcus turns to see you padding toward them wearing only a shirt and looking satisfyingly mussed. 
“A soldier that carries the weight of his past failure into the next battle will surely lose,” the General says cryptically. 
You stare at the two of them blankly. “Yeah, I’m gonna need some coffee if you’re going to be talking like that.” You look at Marcus shyly. “Good morning.”
“Good morning.” 
Marcus doesn’t know what to do. Does he kiss you? Is that rude? He wants to reach for you, to take you into his arms, but the two other men have him at a loss–how does one act after group sex? He has no blueprint for this situation.
“How lucky we are to have such a beautiful woman in front of us, still looking so well-fucked from our attentions last night.” The other man croons, moving closer to Marcus and nosing the shell of his ear. 
Feeling emboldened by the other man’s candor, he extends his arm to you, and you immediately fill the space perfectly, your head resting against his bare chest. Marcus presses a soft kiss to your forehead. With the General at his back, he feels completely surrounded by warmth–and wonders, despite himself, if he might be lucky enough to hold onto this feeling. The only thing better would be…
“Our other Marcus still asleep?” he jokes.
“The Hero was awake for some time in the night,” Acacius comments. 
Ah. That explains it. “We’ll let him sleep, then.”
“Or,” you say with a sultry smile, “or we could all three of us go back and… wake him up.”
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Marcus Acacius likes this more than anything else. More than any of the hedonistic acts that had come before, more than the thrill of building sexual tension between partners, is this: 
The utter decadence of sweaty, sated bodies, limbs tangled together… delicious. 
The hero lies boneless, half-sprawled over him. A man who has been pushed into a position of strength all his life, he finally appears free of all those expectations here. The General has always been able to read people, but it hardly took any effort at all to see that Marcus Moreno desperately craved the ability to let go. His breath shudders slightly on the exhale, and the other man curled around him makes a soft noise of inquiry.
“Feel okay?”
“Mmhmm,” the hero mumbles, not opening his eyes, and Acacius smiles.
The Agent, on the other hand, is much like himself, in that he seems to be just as comfortable in a position of power as he is in submission. Marcus hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off the man as he guided the hero through his first time receiving–gentle, but firm, one hand wrapped around the man’s cock and the other grasping his shoulder for leverage, his fingers always reaching possessively for his neck. Marcus Pike does not simply take a lover, the General concluded, he desires to own them.
It was that obvious possessiveness that had kept Marcus from insisting the Agent share with the others the night previous, allowing him to be the sole proprietor of your pleasure–but the way the man had shuddered at the sight of his beloved with his own thick cock down your throat gave him less qualms about the matter today.
And if that resulted in Marcus delighting in the hot, wet clutch of your cunt for himself, that was simply a fringe benefit, was it not? Oh, you were a sweet one, and it was easy to see why Pike was completely enraptured. You whimpered so beautifully when he broke you open for the first time, squirming around his cock with a little wrinkle of discomfort on your forehead. When the Agent reached down to palm your cheek and soothe you through it, you greedily sucked his thumb into your mouth and bit down gently, eliciting a soft groan from the man. 
Marcus eventually flipped you on your stomach to take you fast and hard, mirroring the intensity of the two men beside you. You were delirious, drunk on your own pleasure, but still had the presence of mind to reach out and stroke the cheek of the Hero, who was moaning into the pillow next to you. You smiled softly, seeing the other man’s overwhelmed expression, and moved yourself closer to him. The two of you were still tangled together when you reached the point of ecstasy.
You’re curled into Marcus’s chest now, your soft breaths disturbing the smattering of hair and your warm body leaving his own glistening with sweat. You beside him, the Hero sprawled bonelessly on top of him, and the Agent with his arm draped over top, his fingers brushing against the top of his pubic bone–and Marcus Acacius feels utterly at peace. 
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apomaro-mellow · 10 months
King&Prince 4
"Hey Eddie, what happens if you stick a finger up someone's ass?", Dustin asked.
Eddie choked on nothing and looked up from the map he'd been studying. He cleared his throat and flailed his hands at his young ward.
"The fuck Henderson?"
"I asked Steve about it once but he said he wouldn't tell me yet."
"Steve?!" Eddie got up while slamming his hands down. "As in the prince? As in the one I have locked away in the dungeon as we speak?"
"Yeah", Dustin replied, unbothered by the shadows shifting behind Eddie as his hair began to stand on end.
"I will say this in the simplest terms I can. Stay. Away. From Harrington."
Dustin put down the anatomy book he'd been reading. "But he's not dangerous. At least not while he's caged up. He's got pretty decent knowledge of how to hurt someone though."
"Oh I'm sure. He comes from a long line of people who live to hurt." Eddie moved from behind his desk, leaving the map behind. The fireplace was burning bright, the sun had set long ago and Eddie should have sent Dustin to bed by now, but he liked the company. "You know what his family has done."
"I do, but it's not like he's done it. He doesn't deserve to sleep in a shit hole just because his family is a bunch of assholes", Dustin said.
"And who's to say he isn't just as much of an asshole? Apples don't fall far from trees." Eddie moved to stare into the fire. He had been studying the map of his kingdom to think of ways to move his citizens and creatures. He didn't want to displace people, nor seem like he was conceding the border, but the Harringtons weren't giving him much of a choice.
"Can't you just give him some new clothes? He's literally starting to smell."
"I want you to stay out of the dungeons. You keep it up and I'll tell your mom that you're fraternizing with the enemy."
Dustin let out an offended scoff, upset that Eddie would go as far as tattling on him. Well, he had ways around that. Curious about the royal hostage, Dustin had intercepted the servant going to give him his meal and took over that task. But since Eddie told him he couldn't go anymore, Dustin got someone else instead.
Mike had to be bribed with a book, but he went and asked Steve what was worse, internal bleeding or dying of infection.
"Are you one of Dustin's friends?"
"Just answer the question so I can get outta here", Mike sighed.
"I'm not a doctor. I don't know which is worse. But infection is definitely more gross", Steve said. "Especially if it's on your-"
"On your what?", Mike pressed.
Steve considered how much of a pest Dustin was when he didn't get a straight answer and decided that having a conversation partner so he told Mike what he knew about infections while eating. Mike's jaw never left the floor.
"Eddie was wrong about you. You're so-!" Mike stopped short when Steve looked up at him. "You're uh, you're fine, I guess. Do you know a lot about gross stuff like that?"
"I don't know about a lot. I know a thing or two", Steve shrugged. That name came up again, Eddie. Steve was almost interested enough to ask about him but figured he was probably just someone else in the castle that hung out with these kids. And apparently he was someone they looked up to.
From then on, he had a rotation of visitors to bring him food. Dustin was still around, and he'd met Mike. But now there was also Lucas, who mostly asked about the fighting techniques Steve knew about. He also met Will, who usually came with a list of questions Dustin had but also asked about his kingdom in general. Something about the whole thing caught Steve off guard and he asked Dustin the next time he saw him.
"Does your king only employ children?"
"What? No, we don't get paid, but we should", Dustin rolled his eyes as he slid the food over. "We just live here. Lucas and Mike wanna be squires. And I-"
"Where are all the monsters?", Steve asked.
"You probably mean the demobeasts. They live outside, you know, like most animals." Dustin looked at him like he was stupid. It was a common expression on his face.
"They're not like, crawling around?", Steve hadn't even seen so much as a rat, even here in his cell.
"It's not a wild house", Dustin crossed his arms. "I brought one demodog into the castle and Eddie lost it just because it tore up some scrolls."
"You and this Eddie guy hang out a lot? How come you've never sent him down here?", Steve asked.
"He's pretty busy. Plus, he doesn't like you that much."
Steve didn't need to ask why. He was an enemy prince, after all. So far, only Dustin and his friends had shown him anything resembling kindness. Just a day ago, someone had been sent to 'clean' him. Which was really just tossing a bucket of cold water at him. And even those that knew him beyond his status weren't so loving and warm. It was why Steve wasn't surprised that his family had yet to burst through the doors to save him.
Alric had known long before he got a letter that his son had been taken and by whom. Steve's escorting party had returned much sooner than planned. Many of them injured, but none dead. They had reported to their king the events and just who was responsible. Still, Alric waited for the official word, just to see what that devil of a king wanted in exchange for his son.
It turned out to be a call to end his aggression and enter a truce. A call to discuss the details of the truce more in person. To sit at the same table as equals and figure out how to live harmoniously as neighbors.
He threw the letter into the fire.
Such terms were unthinkable, as was sending a reply of any kind. Alric would allow his silence to do the talking.
When it went on week three without any sort of word, Eddie called his council to discuss.
"What does it mean when a king doesn't care about his prince?", Eddie had asked.
"It's got to be a ploy", Nancy said. "He wouldn't abandon his only son."
"Unless he was some sort of disgrace", Jeff said. "But then again, something like that would have hit the rumor mill already."
"How can a prince be disgraced? They get away with everything", Robin commented.
Eddie was pacing around the table in the council room. "The point is, dear old dad doesn't seem to bothered with this. It's almost like he wants to be rid of him."
"So what do we do?", Jeff asked.
"We need a clearer picture", Nancy said.
"Clearer picture...", Eddie mused, pausing in his pacing. Then he let out a very loud, every exaggerated groan while bending so far backwards his head almost touched the floor. "Time to visit my favorite hostage."
Part 6
Tag Team
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent @snakeorsquid @ignoremyworld @theclichefortunecookie @goodolefashionedloverboi @just-a-tiny-void
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spectersgirl · 10 months
Hi!! If u still do request i have one. Can u do one where harvey x reader has a stubborn son (like a mini teenage version of him)? love your fics btw!!
This is part two!! Part one is here!
Mini Harvey (p2)
You were reading peacefully when you noticed the voices of your son and husband raising louder and louder. The tension crackled between Harvey and your teenage son. Oliver, much like his father, was headstrong and determined, especially when it came to his desire to pursue a career in law.
This time, the argument centered on Oliver's college decision. He was adamant about attending Stanford all the way in California, but Harvey, ever the protective father, had different ideas. If Oliver was going into law, the only option in Harvey's mind was Harvard, his own alma mater.
A few more minutes of yelling passed, followed by the slamming of a bedroom door, and then it was silent. You decided it was best not to get in the middle of their argument this time, knowing that at least one of them would be coming to you for a venting session anyway.
As if on cue a gentle knock interrupted the quiet, and there stood Harvey, looking an odd mixture of pissed off and nervous. "I need your advice," he admitted, a touch of vulnerability in his voice. "Oliver and I... I just don't know how to get through to him."
You beckoned him to sit beside you, offering a soft smile. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?" you joked, hoping to lighten the mood.
Harvey managed a small smile. "He's got my stubbornness, that's for sure."
You giggled and placed a hand on his back, rubbing it softly causing him to relax into your touch just a bit.
"He's just so insistent," Harvey confessed. "I want the best for him, but I'm afraid I'm just pushing him away. I just wish I knew how to make him see my reasoning."
You paused before responding, meeting Harvey's gaze. "Harvey, sometimes it's not about making him see your reasons. It's about understanding his. Have you even asked him why he wants to go to Stanford over Harvard? Ask him about his choices instead of getting him to come to your side. He needs to feel heard and supported."
Harvey nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. I've been too focused on what I think is best for him without even thinking about his perspective. Thanks, baby."
He gave you a quick kiss to the temple before standing and leaving the room. As Harvey left, you prepared yourself for the conversation with Oliver, which was sure to come any minute. Soon enough, another knock sounded through the room.
"Mom," Oliver began, "Dad just doesn't get it. He won't even listen to why I don't want to go to Harvard, he just always thinks he's right and knows what's best”
Inviting him to sit down, you spoke gently. "Dad just cares about you, Oliver. But maybe he's not expressing it in the best way. Have you tried seeing things from his perspective? He might have valid reasons, but he needs to listen to you too."
Oliver's frustrated demeanor softened as he mulled over your words. "I guess I haven’t. Thanks mom, I’ll go talk to him."
Later that evening, when you were getting ready for bed, Harvey entered and closed the bedroom door behind him.
“Hey, did you talk to him?” You asked.
“I did. We both apologized and I heard him out, then I explained that no matter where he decides, I’ll always be proud of him.”
“I’m proud of you, I know it was always your dream for him to go to Harvard but it makes me so proud to see you let that go and let Oliver choose his own dream.”
Harvey smiled, with a touch of sadness behind his eyes. He walked over to you, wrapping you in his arms.
“When did our little guy get big enough to argue with me about colleges?” Harvey murmured into your hair.
“Don’t get all sentimental now, we are not having another”
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crownmemes · 5 months
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Fallout Sentences
(Sentences from Fallout (2024-). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Get that jelly mould out of here!"
"Everyone knows who I am, but do they know who they are?"
"Maybe you should do what you do best - run and hide."
"I'm not letting anyone else get hurt on my behalf, okay?"
"Violence is merely a tool."
"What would you know about where I'm from?"
"Us cowpokes, we take it as it comes."
"You come from a world of rules and laws. This place is indifferent to all of that. I do not think you would be willing to do what it takes to survive here."
"The question is, will you still want the same things when you have become a different animal altogether?"
"I know that it can't have been easy for you, what with all the murder and dirt."
"I think this conversation would benefit from some actual ideas."
"You saved me!"
"How do you live like this?"
"Now, that right there is the closest thing we've had to an honest exchange so far."
"I come from a place where the world is what you make of it."
"Everyone wants to save the world. They just disagree on how."
"The things I'm willing to do for you never cease to amaze me."
"You might be the only one of my invites that actually showed up!"
"You smell good."
"That was weird, right?"
"Trust doesn't come easily to those of us with a guilty conscience."
"When it comes to leadership these days, dangerous is what they call a prerequisite."
"Somebody's got to step up and bring some order around here."
"In my experience, the apple tends not to fall too far from the tree. Is that true in your case?"
"There's always some new little faction, isn't there?"
"Hypocrisy is like violence in the movies; if you only let the bad guys use it, the bad guys win."
"Our test subjects were less compliant than we anticipated."
"Your ignorance cannot excuse your cruelty."
"Such a display of loyalty! You don't see that much anymore."
"The future of humanity comes down to one word: management."
"What? No! When you put it like that, it sounds downright morally questionable!"
"War? War never changes."
"You see what this place does to people?"
"Maybe you can stop them, maybe you can't. Maybe all you can do is try."
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getinthefuckingjaeger · 6 months
the problem with Scamanders
for @jakes3resin (you did a lot, my turn for presents now)
“You could have written, you know.” 
Bucky’s legs stopped as though glued to the cobbled street of the little village he found himself wandering that night. His shoulders fell back along with his head, neck tilted almost painfully to the night sky as he heaved a great sigh. Christ and Merlin, here we fucking go.
He stayed stubbornly still, ignoring the crick in his neck the longer he tilted his head like that. It's not a bad view - an explosion of stars in the night sky fills his eyes in the absence of a German air raid. The shops in the highstreet of this unassuming village in Ipswich are all asleep around him. Thin fog that isn't really a fog flows languidly between his military-shine boots before climbing his legs like vines to a tree. The magic is warm like sunshine and soft as a caress when it touches Bucky’s hands. He flexed his fingers to disperse the white wisps and tuck them into his trousers pockets. 
He still absolutely refuses to budge. No, sir. 
“Merlin, you’re still as stubborn as a Hippogriff, aren’t you Johnny?” A low chuckle cuts through the otherwise quiet night and Bucky can hear the sounds of expensive Oxfords getting closer to where he stands, until there is a wall of flesh and magic by his side, a firm shoulder pressing against his. “Come on, then. Give us a smile.” 
Bucky grimaces at the sky. Looks down at his feet with another sigh. Then looks to his side, and into a face so much like his own. 
With wizards' lifespan as long as it is, the face Bucky sees had barely aged from the last time he saw it. The same gold skin tanned by Quidditch, the same dark mahogany curls falling from its coiffed hairstyle and hanging over the same dark blue eyes - almost navy in the darkness.
But where there’s an absence in signs of age, there is stark evidence of war on that familiar face. Bucky notes the discolored scars peppering the left side of the man’s face like something exploded too close for comfort, the way his nose sits a little crooked like it was set-wrong and far too late to rectify, and - Bucky paused a moment to stare - a thin, barely visible line that runs from under his left ear to his adam’s apple. 
Familiar aftershave fills his lungs, reminding him of a childhood on a vast estate and the summer sun warming his back, as he paddles through cool sparkling waters of the massive fountain on the cul de sac of their mansion’s driveway. He can almost hear his aunt’s exasperated complaints and boisterous laughter of his cousin and uncles, the sounds of struggle as his father tried to push Newt off his perch on the edges of the marble fountain. 
That was another life, then.
“Auror Scamander, sir.” Bucky lets the mask of Major Egan take over as he steps away from his cousin. “Hope you’ve been well, sir.” 
Only years with Buck could ever prepare him to withstand the quiet, appraising look that Theseus is giving him. The stare weighs heavy on his chest as he looks just over Theseus’ shoulder as he would to any senior officer in the USAAF.  Theseus, damn the man, tilts his head just so and catches Bucky’s eyes - his smile is tired, resigned. 
“I’ve been better - the ah, hunt keeps me on my toes, so to speak.” Bucky watches as Theseus tugs lightly at his coat and white silk scarf. “Newt sends his regards, as does Tina - he also sends his thanks, for looking after Frank the... Thunderbird?” 
Bucky and Theseus share a commiserating look, the first one in almost a decade since Bucky was sent back. It wasn’t a chore to disapparate from Texas to the deserts of Arizona after lights out a few times a month. Certainly one of the most rewarding things he’s ever voluntarily done, to be able to run his hands over the beak of such a majestic creature. It’s through Frank that Bucky realizes the calm that one can find sitting in the middle of a literal storm as the massive avian flies over his head. 
I fell in love with the big birds, Buck told him once. Bucky had agreed, but couldn’t explain that his big bird is a little more literal than Gale’s. And that it creates thunderstorms when it flies. 
The glint of Theseus’ cufflinks pulls Bucky away from desert storms and back into the cold English night air. The Scamander crest twinkles under the starlight like a taunt. Bucky didn’t even realize Theseus had put out all the street lights. Goddamn aurors. 
He moves to a parade rest to remind himself of who and where he is now - that he’s no longer just John Egan, cousin of Newton and Theseus Scamander, the three remaining Scamander. 
“Why haven’t you written, Johnny?” Theseus remains a respectable distance from him, but Bucky can tell how much he’s probably itching to shake him by the shoulders in frustration. “Years of silence from you and your mother’s family in Wisconsin. Newt tried to look for you when he’s stateside, but you’re always never there. It's like you vanished - if Frank hadn’t hinted at it, or if your likeness weren't still moving on the family tapestry we’d have thought you dead.” 
Bucky tenses just as Theseus rocks back on his heels like the weight of his anger was a physical thing. 
“What was it all for then, if we thought you died, too?” 
It plays out like a picture reel in Bucky’s head - him, at eight years old with his right hand in Theseus’ left as they walk down the carpeted floor of the Scamander ancient mansion. 27, a war hero, as tall as the suit of armors that used to dot the hallways and the greatest wizard he’s ever known. Then there was Newt, only a year younger than Theseus, his figure painted in hues of red, purple, and green from the large stained glass windows - Bucky can still recall Newt’s excited chatter about all the wonderful creatures on the estate and the Hippogriffs that Aunt Artemis has in her enclosure. 
Then Bucky, at thirteen years old and shaking with barely suppressed excitement as he clutched his shiny new broomstick that Theseus gave him for Christmas. The grand bubble of joy that buoyed him through the entire afternoon of flying lessons with Theseus, half the family sitting on picnic blankets spread over snow covered grounds, the fabric charmed to be warm and dry. The lightness he felt as he shot himself across the estate grounds despite Theseus’ yelling is something he has tried time and time again to recreate as his fort lifts-off. 
And finally at eighteen, once again walking down the carpeted floor of the Scamander mansion. Alone, at night, confused and hurting. Aunt Artemis had gone to town that autumn morning with his parents but none returned. Newt has disappeared - likely on another errand for Dumbledore - and he has never seen Theseus so angry as he threw Aurors, his own colleagues, out of their parlor. 
The subsequent argument he had with Theseus - just the memory of it brings him shame of how it inevitably ended. 
“You need to go, Johnny - Grindelwald is hunting us down.”
“I can fight, T - I’m of age!” 
“I know, I know, you can. I just can’t allow you - think of the family, Johnny. Grindelwald will try to kill you and Newt to get to me, and I can’t protect both of you at once.”
“Fine, I get it. Can’t trust the half-blood to take care of himself, huh?” 
“You said I needed to go and I did what you told me to.” 
Bucky drops the parade rest and shoves his hands in his pockets where Theseus cant see how they shake. Un-fucking-believeable that he’s flown multiple missions, have survived so many things he shouldn’t up there where hell resides above the clouds, but his hands have never shaken like this. Not once. “I had a lot of time to think and I realized - as much as I fucking hated it- you couldn’t afford distractions.”
“It’s not like that-”
Bucky shakes his head and shuffles in his boots. He itches for a cigarette. “I ain’t saying that to be an ass, T. I understand that now more than ever - this war I’m fighting… it puts things in perspective.” 
“I see.”
And Theseus does see - Bucky holds his gaze for as long as he can stand. He kicks a loose stone and it skids neatly over to Theseus’ toes. His cousin nudged the stone back to Bucky. They share a grin. “How bad is it, your end?” He falls back into parade rest, puts away John Egan who was once Mr. Scamander to his peers in Hogwarts, and brings Major Egan to the forefront once again. 
“As well as it is going for yours, I’d imagine Major.” Theseus, always the best one out of the three Scamander scions at reading people, adjusts his posture from soft and imploring, to hard and imposing. Demanding respect, like the Head of the British Auror Office. He pursed his lips in thought. “You may want to properly practice your wandless magic, Major Egan. I’ll take care of MACUSA and the Ministry.”
Bucky splutters. He thinks of an alder wand that used to be an extension of himself and how the yoke of his B-17 can never replace that kind of power.
“How do you expect me to do that, sir?” He grits out. Easy, John, easy now the Buck in his head soothes his ire. “Between the suicide missions and trying to keep everyone’s head on straight - how the fuck do you expect me to do that, sir?” 
“You’ll figure it out, Major.” It came out like an order. Theseus’s lips quirked. “You apparrated from one state to another back in your Muggle flight school, didn’t you? Apparating from London tonight must have been a breeze. Power like that needs tending to. Particularly when you have talent for wandless casting.” 
“With all due respect, sir, but last I checked you’re not my CO - you ain’t even an American, so you can kindly shove-”
“Do it for Major Cleven and your boys, then.” 
The ensuing silence rings through Bucky’s head as the streetlights come back up one by one. Theseus’ hard look softens just a touch as he walks backwards and away from Bucky.  
“I heard your boys are flying a mission tomorrow morning - Bremen again, I think - arresto momentum and subtle shielding charms will do.” Theseus winks, then apropos of nothing, said “I’ll come round’ for tea.”
That broke through Bucky’s bewildered suspension, but not fast enough to stop Theseus from disapparating with a soft pop. 
“Goddamn wizards.” 
Bucky spun and disapparate just as the last streetlight returned.
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I want to cry when I think of the old gen in SGE.
You're telling me it's canon that Lady Lesso was Callis' Dean (With Callis being the not-so-ugly uglification teacher).
It's cannon that Lady Lesso absolutely despised Evelyn and Rafal because hello, Evelyn ratted her out and Rafal forced her to make a choice, BUT THEN Evelyn and Rafal's son (Japeth) is obsessed with Lady Lesso's son (Aric).
It's cannon that 2 generations, no, THREE generations of evil were obsessed with Sophie? Rafal(love interest), Rhian(Love interest)/Japeth(Interest) and Evelyn(Interest). Although truth be told Evelyn was probably a bit irritated after she read the Story of Agatha and Sophie and saw Sophie kissing Rafal. Maybe she pushed it to the side with 'Oh it's fine, he's just using her'. Ok Miss Clown and you think he ain't using you? She probably realized he is when he turned her to dust.
Do you guys ever think that Sophie thinks that she practically dated a father and his son(s)? As we know her probably not.
Here's my question, I can't exactly recall if in book 5 when we are shown how Rhian and Japeth's existence came about if Rafal was young and beautiful or not(aka if he was old).
But if he WASN'T old and ugly then what happened in the meantime? How did he turn wrinkled and ugly as hell?
Was he also ugly or not when he tried to propose with Calissa? Cuz I can't remember for the life of me.
Are we also just gonna ignore that Evelyn was practically on the streets and that the Green Knight, the OG Japeth took care of her? Talk about being a deadbeat dad Rafal (cough RHIAN cough).
How does he keep seducing all these women?! I mean with Calissa it was a fail, Sophie was easily manipulated, and hell only knows what Evelyn's thinking process was given how easily she dismissed her each time she tried to be 'useful' to him.
Do you guys think Rafal knew that Japeth liked Aric? And if so is that why he made Aric the Dean of New evil(besides his own...evilness and the fact that he is Lady Lesso's son and inherited her magic).
We don't forget that 'Rafal' literally laughed when he was told he'd have to marry a woman for evil, right? Right? And then he became the Number 1 playboy. But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree because his true name sake(Rhian) took Sophie for the same reason (power) as his father while liking Kei and Japeth, the son that took after him, took Sophie with the intent of reviving Aric.
(I still refuse to believe Japeth was conscious of how Aric would act towards him when he came back. Japeth x Aric feels like it has a weird symmetry to Evelyn x Rafal due to the possible toxicity between the two given Aric was low-key homophobic. Well... More than low-key but that's beside the point)
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
He your son you idiot (6)
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The saying the apple does not fall from the tree, and you are your father son had deeper meaning long ago. It seems like those phases were either still there but no longer the same, as the one child who was labeled a “bad child” had become their own person. Far from the image and reputation everyone else had placed on them, based on events that were out of their control.
Loak “ …….” Loak had woken up early and went for a walk before breakfast will be served, you had offered to come with him but it seems like he need time alone for a bit.
????? " hey kid you are out here early" lo'ak had turned his head a bit and saw Jake standing there.
lo'ak " hello sir"
Jake " so what are you doing out here already"
lo'ak " I woke up early and decided to go for a walk, mama had volunteered to come with me but I said I was good"
Jake " oh that good so we get some father and son time"
lo'ak " sure until anyone else shows up"
Jake " so what are you into these days seeing how much you have changed, and it been a long time since we seen each other"
lo'ak " wel I'm still into the same hobbies I was in before I left home, but I have tried out some sports meantioned from dinner and some school actives as well"
Jake " amazing"
lo'ak " I have done some actives with my friends from school and other with grandpa"
Jake " that great you are keeping social while being away from home"
lo'ak " yeah mama said it will be good if I made some friends when, I was at my school and it worked perfectly"
Jake " that is your mama has she meet them"
lo'ak " yes she has meant them they think she a cool mom"
Jake " so how was living at home I mean your mama home"
lo'ak " living at home is good she had some of my stuff waiting there for me, so that made coming back good and loved"
Jake " we are sorry we weren't there if we knew ...."
lo'ak " it okay you were busy with your lives and getting on this trip"
Jake " yeah busy but I think this trip will help bring our family closer once again"
lo'ak " yes it will be good"
???? " good morning you two" the father and son pair had soon looked back to see you standing there. You had seem to take a picture of them.
lo'ak " hey mama"
y/n " hey kiddo I had saw you both over here and thought it was good photo opportunity, as I have been taking pictures of everything else"
y/n " when I look at this pictures there still some similarities between the both of you, along with differences as well"
Jake " oh yes those old family photos of our boy and he looked so much like me"
y/n " yes but it seems like lo'ak it growing into his own person, and that makes me so proud"
lo'ak " I do my best"
y/n " oh yes your grandafather said he will be calling he will love to speak, with all his grandchildren"
tuk " wait grandpa is calling when when"
y/n " hello baby girl and it good to see you are hyper already"
tuk " yes mama so when is grandpa calling"
y/n " he said sometime this afternoon when we dock at first stop"
tuk " yeah grandpa is calling I can tell him about our days so far, and what I learn in school"
neteyam " so we hear grandpa is calling from tuk cheers and her dance"
kiri " it woul be good to speak with grandfather"
neytiri " yes it always good to speak with grandparents even, your grandmother will be calling as well we can do a group call'
y/n " yes that's sounds like a good idea"
Jake " well we can talk more about it later on maybe during breakfast or after"
tuk " come on lo'ak you can sit by me"
lo'ak " sure anything for you tuk tuk" the kids had wonder off leaving their parents standing there, looking at each other as the cruise ship sailed on the water.
y/n " it warms my heart and makes me happy to see the children getting along, after so long apart"
neytiri " yes it good we are a big happy family again after being away, with our lives"
Jake " you know we can be a big happy family again at home maybe, you and lo'ak can move home for some time and everything can be good again"
y/n " we can speak more about that later Jake some words had been said, painful ones that will not be easy to fix right away but that can be dealt with later the kids wiat for us"
Jake & neytiri " yes" you had walked away of them and soon had been followed by neytiri. As Jake looked at an old photo of him and lo'ak where had, the time gone for the father and son pair. When did Jake truly lost the last image that he had of his son, and did he still have his son after all that had happened.
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funnyscienceman · 1 year
listen listen listen listen. i am never going to get over singed & viktor. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE MENTAL ANGUISH. THE MESS OF EMOTIONS VIKTOR HAS TO DEAL WITH. he's so steadfast with his morals and ideals. hextech must not be weaponized. dangerous science is fine as long as the only person at risk of getting hurt is me. the moment it kills someone else he's fucking BROKEN by it and just throws in the gd towel. YET SINGED WAS THE ONE WHO TAUGHT HIM. like just. imagine, ok. imagine— take the premise that singed & viktor were actually pretty close. viktor was lonely as a kid, but he found company in rio. in singed. singed provides a space and opportunity for viktor to do his science stuff. "we can be loners together." here's someone he probably has a decent amount of affection and respect for, maybe even admires like a kid would a mentor/role model/parental figure. and he hurts rio. and viktor doesn't understand, he can't reconcile this. "we can be loners together," but also, "you did this?" viktor's got like a whole slew of emotions to deal with. What the fuck? How could you? I hate you. But also, "I told you, I was consulting a friend about our quandary."
"You built this? Why aren't you playing with the others?"
"We can be loners together."
Like just what are you supposed to do when someone who provided for you — who took care of you, who looked after you as a kid — hurts someone? Someone that you care about? What the FUCK are you supposed to when that person is willing to torture and kill for science — something that you are also passionate about, the very thing you both found commonality in, bonded over — and does it all without even a hint of remorse? What are you supposed to think?
Are you allowed to find comfort and safety in that person anymore? Can you still have good memories about them, and look back at them fondly? Can you be thankful for all the good that person's done for you?
What does it say about you, if they're the one who influenced you so much so early in your life, and here they are now?
Viktor gets Sky killed, and can you imagine what must've been running through his head? I'm no better than him. I'm turning out just like him. I am just like him. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
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rebouks · 8 months
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Previous // Next
Tommy: C’mon.. if you’re not gonna let us pay you back, at least let us spoil your kids. [Oscar grumbled, admitting defeat; despite his stubborn pride, his kids were his weakness] Oscar: You’re an asshole, coming here n’ using the degree I paid for against me. Tommy: That’s your own fault; makin’ it difficult n’ all. Oscar: Yeah, yeah.. thanks, Tommy. Tommy: What goes around comes around, right? … Rhys: That one’s for-… Robin: I know all about this model. Rhys: You’re a pro already, huh? Robin: I read stuff about ‘em-.. never thought I’d get to use one though. Rhys: Well, it’s all yours. Robin: Woah-.. seriously? [Robin practically vibrated with excitement, cradling Rhys’-.. no, his camera as though it were made of solid gold] Rhys: Mhm, just make sure your brother n’ sisters don’t get their sticky mitts on it. Robin: I’ve got a good hiding spot, don’t worry. Rhys: You can hang out with me in the studio sometime, if you’d like. I’m sure your folks would be cool with it. Robin: Probably-.. what do you even take photos of in a studio? Rhys: Models, mostly. Robin: I prefer being outside-.. or catching people when they’re not looking. Rhys: Ah.. fan of candid shots, eh? Robin: I guess so. … Oscar: Getting the hang of it? Robin: Uh-huh! Oscar: Good-.. just don’t go taking pictures of people in the bathroom again, alright? Robin: I’ve still got one of you. Tommy: [cackling] That’s solid bribery material right there. Robin: It’s yours for a tenner. Oscar: How ‘bout I keep the money n’ put it toward your hospital bill. Robin: Hospitals don’t cost money. Oscar: Call it a taxi fee then. Robin: But we have a car… Oscar: I’ll make you get the bloody taxi on your own. Robin: So, I may as well keep the tenner? Rhys: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it? Oscar: [snorts] What is this, national bully Oscar day? Robin: He loves it really…
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crunchy-lesbun · 1 year
Let’s talk Limbus Company!
Something I recently noticed is that Limbus Company’s Abnormality numbering system is slightly different from that of Lobotomy Corporation. Whereas L Corp. used one letter and two numbers, the Company threw in an additional number to the set that throws everything slightly off. Additionally, there’s a few extra variations we see in Limbus that we don’t in Lobotomy, so without further adieu, here’s what I think the different parts of Limbus Company’s Abnormality designations mean, gathered from what we already know and have theorized about L Corp’s system:
Letter — Denotes the Abnormality’s origin as one of the following:
• Original — Spawned from nothing but the thoughts and desires of the Dreamer and therefore the purest type of Abnormality
• Trauma — Spawned as the fallout of the Dreamer’s grievances with the City
• Fairytale — Based on literature or folklore, generally originating from outside the City
• Myth — Based on artifacts and ideas discovered from the days before the City, but could also be exclusively religious in nature (it is difficult to tell given we currently only have three known examples to go off)
• Sin — Spawned from one of the seven sin resonances, so far only consisting of Peccatulae
• Donator — Granted to L Corp. from an outside source
First Number — Denotes the shape of the Abnormality as follows:
1 - Humanoid Organism
2 - Non-Humanoid Organism
3 - Supernatural Being
4 - Object without Moving Parts
5 - Object with Moving Parts
6 - Undefined
7 - Breaching Tool
8 - Peccatulum
9 - Standard Tool
Second Number — Denotes the District in which the Abnormality was first encountered by Limbus Company.
Third Number — Unique identification number given to each Abnormality within a District.
So, for a few examples as proof of this theory’s validity:
S-08-04-01, Peccatulum Gulae, is a Peccatulum (Automatically making it S-08) and the first Abnormality we meet in the game’s first dungeon in District 4 (Making the last two numbers 04-01).
M-04-04-05, Doomsday Calendar, is based on the stone calendars created by Mesoamerican cultures of the real world (M-04). It is the fifth Abnormality encountered in District 4 (04-05). Also, from now on, I won’t be bothering with the third number because it is somewhat arbitrary.
T-04-10-05, Have You Become Strong, takes the form of a large, plastic freight container and can be presumed from its combat event to be formed from a dreamer who was involved in or witnessed some kind of industrial accident (T-04). It is found in District 10 (10-05).
F-05-10-18, Baba Yaga, is based on a Russian folk character, a witch known as… Baba Yaga (F). Specifically, it is based on the hut that the witch lived in that walked about on fowl’s legs (05). It is found in District 10 aaand you get the idea.
Now, the weird one that kind of threw a wrench in this entire thing initially was F-04-03-04, Ebony Queen’s Apple. This Abnormality is an Aberration of Snow White’s Apple from Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, automatically making it a Fairytale-type due to its association with the popular children’s story. Though some might argue it should be considered a humanoid or non-humanoid organism, this apple has already fallen from its tree and is therefore more in the inanimate object category, making its first number 04. Make sense so far? Of course it does. The strange thing about this Abno is that, despite making its debut appearance in District 4, its second number is 03. So, why is this?
There are two possible theories. One is that the Abnormality is not one of a kind, and that a previous team from Limbus also sighted the exact same creature in District 3, which opens up an entire can of worms about the uniqueness of Abnos. The second is that, shortly before the fall of L Corp, the Ebony Queen’s Apple was transferred from a Branch in District 3 over to the one Yuri worked at, which ALSO has weird implications.
Anyway, I’ve rambled on way too long about this, now. I don’t really have a good way of ending this post, so I guess I’ll just say that Limbus is still a relatively new game, and I’ll be making sure to check how future Abnormalities fair in this classification system.
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