#the beginning...😳😳
rbf451 · 1 year
sanjsajn on tiktok 20.6.2023 At Beer Fest, Belgrade 19.6.2023
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ryansjane · 2 years
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“I hope that one day... you’ll kiss me again.”
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myokk · 21 days
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Her whole body was on fire.
Not the pleasant, tingling sort of fire that had been consuming her as she kissed Sebastian just moments before.
These were terrible, burning flames that made her nerves scream in agony as her body tried to purge itself of the curse. Once her coughing stopped she tried her hardest to straighten her spine and pretend that it wasn't what they both knew it was. But everything hurt so badly, and she knew she wasn't fooling Sebastian.
Eloise was terrified. She had seen how Anne's body had wasted away due to the curse, and Eloise wasn't hopeful she would survive. Even if Sebastian hadn't given up hope when his sister was cursed, he had already been researching relentlessly for a cure for over a year without any breakthroughs - and his research was in addition to Nurse Blainey and St. Mungo's fruitless attempts to heal her.
But...she could take a small measure of comfort from the fact that she had managed to save Anne.
Even if it was at the expense of her own well-being.
"What did you do?" Sebastian whispered, voice raspy, eyes wide and horrified as he looked at her.
Her eyes darted away from his accusing glare, down to the white sleeve that was now peppered with tiny spots of the blood she had just coughed up. They were slowly growing, the tiny spatters expanding and mingling with each other. "I..."
Throat constricting, tears welling up in her eyes, a sob that she was trying to swallow back down.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
Eloise shook her head helplessly. "I have no idea."
She wasn't lying. When she had run to help Anne in Feldcroft all those weeks ago, she had been acting on pure instinct. Just as she had when Leander had hit Sebastian with diffindo. It was the most natural thing in the world to dip into whatever ancient magic reserves she was privy to and just use them. Even if she didn't fully understand these instincts.
"What did you do?" Sebastian repeated, voice rising with every word. He started pacing in front of the fireplace, running an agitated hand through hair that Eloise had already messed up. "I...oh, god. This can't be happening again."
"I would do it again. I saved Anne." Eloise's voice sounded very small to her ears and she shrunk away at the expression on his face when he turned to look at her. It was incredulous and devastated and furious and she couldn't look at him any more. She turned her head to watch the flames. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his agitated, jerky movements.
"At the expense of your own health! Merlin, this is all my fault. I -"
Eloise couldn't hear whatever Sebastian was about to say as his words were lost to another fit of coughing. His anger slipped away and was immediately replaced with concern as he moved to stand in front of her, gently reaching out a hand to her shoulder.
She was lost to the pain and flames screaming - was she screaming? - their way up her throat, the hacking coughs so gratingly painful that it was all she could focus on.
"Fuck," she heard Sebastian say. "Wait..."
He put an arm around her waist and helped her move the short distance to the bed. As soon as he let go of his hold on her, she fell to her side. Her arms were useless at the moment, and the side of her face met the mattress as she fell without being able to catch herself. Tears were streaming down her face as she coughed and coughed and coughed and -
"Here. Please..." A reassuringly solid presence at her side, leaning her body against his chest, her head lying limply across his shoulder. A gentle hand grabbed her jaw and then forced a potion down her throat.
Eloise immediately started gagging and tried to wrest herself from his grasp. The potion was thick and viscous and tasted like mud, slowly sliding its way down her throat. If the curse had manifested itself in all-encompassing flames, this potion was its antidote in the form of shards of ice that burned in an entirely different way. Her ears were ringing and her head swam in pain as she whimpered.
The coughing had stopped.
Her eyes slowly opened.
Sebastian's face swam in and out of her vision as she blinked away the tears. There was a sharp stab of pain through her head when she tried to focus her vision, so she just closed her eyes again and moved her face into the crook of his neck.
Her breath came out in ragged gasps, but at least she wasn't coughing anymore.
She felt his arms tighten around her, one of his hands starting to massage the base of her neck as he cradled her body to his. Sebastian was warm, reassuring, solid. That, she could focus on. Eloise breathed in deeply, and the faint smell of cinnamon mixed with what she was now recognizing as Sebastian filled her senses. She tried to move an arm so she could caress him the way he was, but her arms were numb and tingling and she was just so tired.
She felt herself drifting off to sleep in his arms, the overwhelming feeling of safety and comfort being her last fleeting thoughts before sleep overcame her.
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the scene after their first kiss, that I drew a while ago😇😇😇
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dartbread · 9 months
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More than just a fling.
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digital999placebo · 11 months
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back on my usual shit. Tormenting the one I love. A lidl fanfic snippet beneath cut hehehe (a convo between Gilbert and Roderich on the topic of Germany)
[Somewhere in Continental Europe, 1870]
“You can’t be serious about raising him on your own,” Roderich spits acid, “You have no experience or qualifications outside of war, let me do it.”
“If I can manage an army of men, I believe I’m capable of caring for one child.”
“Children are not trained men, Gilbert.”
“You’re the last person I want to be lectured by on this,” Gilbert cuts in and adjusts his position in the chair. “I mean no offence, Roderich, but I rather have Feliciano beneath me than beside me.”
Roderich makes a strangled sound and opens his mouth to retort that Feliciano is perfectly well-adjusted when Gilbert continues.
“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t doubt your efficiency in raising regular children. You could turn a stuttering fool into a credentialed politician and a tone-deaf cripple to the most renowned pianist. You and your country have a culture that mine does not. Your understanding of music is something I couldn’t even dream of achieving, but what you lack is the ability to admire a well-oiled machine. I want Ludwig to not only be a force to be reckoned with within the political spectrum, I also want him unbeatable on the field. I want people terrified at the mere mention he’s coming… And that is nothing you can provide.”
Roderich nearly laughs at Gilbert’s delusion. The nation before him couldn’t seriously believe that Ludwig, a wiry and mutilated little thing, a walking blasphemy against God and Mother Nature herself, covered in sutures and wrapped in bandages that needed to be changed daily, was going to become anything but what he was created of, dead tissue. He searches Gilbert’s face for a trace of self-awareness and is horrified when he doesn’t find it.
“That– Ludwig won’t even survive that long,” Roderich manages to get out, quiet, angry, and small. He can’t help how his voice shakes and rises. He’s furious, but can’t say why, perhaps because he feels bad for the little thing Gilbert has created, so frail yet already carrying the weight of Gilbert’s expectations, he’s angry because he knows better and he doesn’t know how to make Gilbert understand that. “He’s blind and mute; incapable of even feeding or relieving himself despite his age. You haven’t created a machine, you haven’t even created a person, you’ve created a thing whose only purpose is to suffer a slow death.”
Gilbert’s mouth tightens and he drums an impatient finger against the chair’s armrest, “You’re underestimating him.”
“I’m realistic, one of us has to be. That thing is suffering every day,” Roderich begs. “It’s sadistic.”
Gilbert hits the armrest with his fist and Roderich reels back.
“Don’t call him that! He’s not a thing, he’s the future of Europe,” Gilbert sneers at him, all composure finally lost, “You sit here and speak as though he were to die any day now, yet you beg me to resign him to your care?” –Gilbert wrinkles his nose in disdain– “I can see why Feliciano turned out the way he did, you have no perseverance, no dignity or strength, giving Ludwig to you would be to cut his throat. You’ve never struggled in a way that matters, nothing worth having is easily attainable. Ludwig will be great.”
Roderich trembles with withheld fury and he curls his lips to match Gilbert’s crude sneer.
“Fine,” he spits, “If that thing makes it at all.”
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baddybaddyadardaddy · 10 days
Mmmmm.... so
Adar's into knife-play... 👀
Not surprised, and also NOTED
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magistralucis · 5 months
A princeling fair to see, the pearl of minstrelsy [Oltyx/Yenekh snippet]
(I started scribbling this after seeing @eleooooooo's take on necrontyr Yenekh a few days ago, holy hell that boy is fine. And such a fine boy deserved another. IDK if I'm going to make this a full thing, but it's been a long time without any content from my end... and we could all do with something sweet, always 👍)
On the day Kynazh Oltyx's statue was unveiled on Sedh Yenekh recognized the sweetbitter inkling of his fate.
News seldom came so fast in fringeworlds such as theirs. The young prince had recently returned from war, and the dynast Unnas in his pride had commissioned for him this statue, a copy of which was to be instilled in every world held by Ithakas. As Yenekh made his way to the central square, it seemed that over half the planet had joined him to bear witness. Patriot champion, the whole city whispered, a fine lad and a strong warrior, a true leader to his men. And since the lot of everybody on Sedh was tied to the mercy of their high command, they were very interested to know what this one promised, and were all in all pleasantly surprised.
Yenekh had never seen anything like it. Royalty for him had always been stoic. Aloof and distant, most of the time, crushingly immediate when they deigned to gaze upon Sedh. That was how Unnas was depicted, indeed all the kings of Ithakas before him, towering over the people in their bold-faced majesty. That was how Kynazh Djoseras was depicted, the elder prince who'd drawn similar crowds some years before, his slim face uncannily stern as he stared straight ahead of him. (Unlike his father he was only ever shown alone, and only as a side profile, though his judging gaze was felt by all who saw him.)
But there was no precedent for Oltyx's statue, not among royalty, nemesors or overlords. His was a full-body sculpture, unlike his father and his brother carved in friezes. It was of realistic size too; the statue was set on a high plinth, the bodily proportions slightly magnified to account for perspective, but otherwise one could almost believe it was the real kynazh standing up there. Already that was too down to earth to be the norm, but what really shocked the denizens of Sedh was the expression - for yes, Kynazh Oltyx had an expression, a genuine marker of personality. The fair prince stood with glaive in one hand, the other held palm-up as if in hail, and he was smiling.
It was not a vivid smile, nor a triumphant smile. They would have understood that, although privately, they might've thought it uncouth to show that much emotion when a stoic stare would have done just as well. No, his was a demure smile, so subtle that it seemed a sculptor's secret grace: the prince's eyes were slightly downcast, hooded as if he were sharing sweet mysteries, and the curve of his mouth rose so delicately one might think it a trick of the light. His raised arm seemed almost inviting, as if to swear oaths to a lover, or to clasp his admirers in an embrace.
It was a sight to take Yenekh's breath away. Indeed, it was the closest thing to benevolence any of them had ever seen from the heart of Antikef. It was so unusual, so unlike royalty, that as Yenekh stood there starstruck his elders began debating whether this was a serious depiction of the prince or not.
Though, well, surely it was. Like Yenekh and the other warriors of his ilk Kynazh Oltyx had come of age during wartime. This was the first time his image had been presented all over the Ithakan kemmeht, the royal court had to get it right. The dominant consensus was that the sculpture would not have been approved, neither by his older brother nor his father, if it hadn't reflected something about the prince's reality - a point which Yenekh's father considered paramount, and took great care to impress upon his son.
"After all, you are soon to present yourself at the royal court," he said, resting a warm hand on Yenekh's shoulder. "The war is over - the body politic, within and out of Antikef, must resume its role - you are the next branch of Sedh's nobility, and among our finest, and it won't be long before the future of this world rests on your shoulders. Go, see if you might seek the younger prince's favour. I daresay we'd flourish somewhat if he were to look kindly upon Sedh, even if it were he alone who did so."
Back then nothing was more important to Yenekh than the will of his father. "I will." He said, and prepared to present his home in the best light, though he didn't seriously think anything would come of it at the time. Yenekh's father had once heard the same words from his father. His father's father, too, and that father's brother all the way up the House of Aetis, and little had changed for their pains.
It was not for lack of faith in Sedh. Yenekh loved Sedh, thought the world of it even, but they were just too far away from the crownworld to merit royal attention. That was not for lack of faith in Antikef, either, the distance was not negotiable. From the royal court's perspective Sedh was not even in the provinces, they were beyond the provinces, where the kemmeht was stretched so thin that one might peer through it like a veil. The lords of Sedh were not weak - they'd defended the border for uncountable generations, they had strength, they had pride - but there were a million things they could beg of royalty, while royalty required nothing from Sedh other than its continued obedience. If its lords did not plead for grace they wouldn't see any at all.
How could Yenekh alone possibly change this state of affairs?
Yes, he supposed the young prince was wondrous fair. (Yenekh began to dream of him often from the day he laid eyes on the statue.) Perhaps he might even be kind. That wasn't a good reason to tie an entire world's hopes on one person, not that it'd stopped them doing it to Yenekh. Such is the kinship of youth, the warrior thought wryly, and he kept all this in mind until his first official engagement came around.
He was among innumerable youths from the kemmeht. All were sturdy and bright-eyed. All had favours to seek. Much to Yenekh's surprise, those were the only correct predictions he'd made about his lot. It was his first time encountering the royal court, but it wasn't at Antikef; no, it was with the Nihilakh, at Gheden's famous Lantern Festival to hail the new year. He did not blend in as thoroughly as he'd expected, though it wasn't in a bad way; for the first time in his life Yenekh was made to understand he was beautiful, though no one at Sedh had ever remarked on it. (Compared to the lords of the inner worlds he'd thought he was so plain, but his white-and-blue robes accentuated his form gracefully, his silver belt and collar shining bright.) And although he could never have hoped for a prince to look directly upon him, that was exactly what Kynazh Oltyx did on the day they met, the central square teeming with the lords of a hundred dynasties.
Yenekh knew the prince at once, at the faintest snatch of his rich warm voice. He moved carefully past the youths of Ithakas - the kynazh was turning his head, just as Yenekh reached the front of the group - as Oltyx looked upon the darkest and faintest star of his high kingdom, his brown eyes widened, and he smiled that same gentle smile Yenekh had admired upon the plinth.
"Gosh." He said. "You're pretty."
In that instant Yenekh was consumed by love's first flame, and he yielded to it as he’d never yielded before.
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xariarte · 16 days
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mlobsters · 28 days
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evil s2e8 b is for brain / alien (1979)
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frecklystars · 1 year
I fucking love Ryan Gosling in these Barbie interviews. Someone asked "hey what would Ken say in his bio on a dating app? what kind of person is he looking for?" and Ryan's like "uh... well before he even looks for a Type Of Person™, he's gotta be real up front that he's got no job... and no house... no real prospects of any sort, really, he just kinda sleeps on the beach, and -- you know what, he doesn't even have a phone? I... I don't know if he can even sign up for this app?" and Margot said "oh but he has abs. That should get him somewhere" and he said "no, no, I don't think he even has an email address, I don't think there's any way to contact him??"
and it's like three minutes of them talking about Ken not even having any pickup lines because his way of flirting isn't even flirting, it's him picking up something Barbie accidentally dropped (even though Barbie doesn't make mistakes) and saying "oh hey you dropped this 😳" and then offering it to Barbie and then when Barbie says thank you while making eye contact he's shaking and thinking "oh god what a perfect day Barbie looked at me" and then he'll ride that high the entire day. and the interviewer was like "but that isn't a pickup line" and Ryan said "no I don't... I don't think Ken does that, I think he just creates moments with Barbie and cherishes them" WHAT THE HELL SIR YOU'RE MAKING ME FALL FOR KEN EVEN MORE
#'the dude is homeless and unemployed basically. and has no phone'#'and he wouldnt even flirt he will pick up something you dropped and stare at you'#im already on my knees with a wedding ring in my hand#ken will you do the honor of being my malewife#my horsegirl boyfriend pathetic wet piece of paper of a malewife#i promise i'll make eye contact with you the entire time despite the obstacles my autistic ass trying to prevent me from doing so 😳#love notes#💕 I'll fight for you!! - ̗̀🐎🏖️✨ ̖́-#the fucking way ryan is like. tired. sipping coffee and his voice is husky#bc he JUST FUCKING WOKE UP#nd theyre asking him these questions and hes politely like... ken would not do these things#every time someone asks him abt ken he's politely saying. oh. youre wrong FJDHGFKD#hes like. ken is the most loyal devoted motherfucker and his entire life is dedicated to Barbie#someone's like hey what's ken's favorite food and ryan is like ANYTHING BARBIE LIKES#i love the running joke in all these interviews that kens just huddle on the beach#margot jokes that they literally just go completely inert#while the barbies get beauty sleep the kens just stare into space completely immobile#and then snap out of it when the sun rises#i think thats more merciful than literally sleeping on the plastic pink sand#god i love these interviews im having a field day#ALSO in the beginning of the interview#margot was like 'wait why would barbie need to be on a dating app?'#and ryan's like 'HM. YEAH. WHY.' side glacing at her LKFDJJLSDFKJ#and he said 'ken picks up your phone you dropped and sees YOU'RE ON DATING APPS'#love notes: ken ♡#love notes: barbie ♡
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justacasualidiot · 2 months
so i was gonna be skipping jades banner unless sampo was on it (bc he is the SINGLE four star i don’t have and i want him for my nihility team so bad)… anyway, i saw jades trailer.
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kindheartedgummybears · 11 months
sorry for not being active yesterday I went to do some personal stuff and saw(ahhaha) saw x and ummm
This movie is going to be my whole personality the next few days so I'm sorry for that
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henryhas2moms · 2 years
s1 of ouat is so funny because regina is trying SO HARD to scare emma and it DOES NOT WORK hardly at all. meanwhile emma isn’t really trying to scare regina most of the time, mostly she’s just running around town doing side quests for fairy tale characters and playing spy games with her son, but her very presence has regina quaking in her jimmy choos
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zhansww · 1 year
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
♱ DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Prologue Pt.1 ♱
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―― As immeasurable as the ocean
Is the depth of my love for you, and you alone;
The more I have to surrender to you,
The more infinite is its growth upon my soul*.
No matter how close I come,
You always seem to escape from my sight.
And still I swear on my very life,
We will be reunited under the stars once again.
    [ Lord Richter ]
⌜Scene: Elysium⌟
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Man #1: There is no point in lurking in the shadows anymore. You can feel it too, after all, can’t you? The time is now――
Man #2: It been that long already?
Man #1: Time moves slower down here. Much slower. For them, it has been several upon several years since that night…
Everything should begin to play into our hands.
Just don’t get ahead of yourself. Taking the woman for our own is your priority… Avenging the past is not. Do you understand me?
Man #2: ... ...
Man #1: Do you understand me?
Man #2: …Yes.
Man #1: Then go. You know what you must do.  
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⌜Scene: Outside the ‘Haunted’ Manor⌟
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ー Yui walks towards the house.ー
Yui: ーー Pwah... Could this really be the place?
I never imagined my relatives would live somewhere so... eerie.
( Thank God there is reception out this far... )
My legs are killing me... Haa...
( At any rate, I thought Father said they were apart of the Church as well? But, I don’t see a Church anywhere near here. )
ー Yui walks a little closer.ー
Yui: ... ...
The lights aren’t even on inside... I suppose knocking wouldn’t do any harm, though.
ー She knocks at the front door. ー
Yui: ...Hello? Excuse me!
ー She knocks once again, after silence. ー
Yui: Excuse me! Hello, in there?
... ...
Aah, there really is nobody home.
( Maybe I was right to be skeptical about this place... Especially after those weird looks I got when asking for directions. )
( Something about this place being “haunted”? )
ー There’s a faint rumbling of thunder in the distance.ー
There’s really no way I can stay out here in weather like this! By the sounds of it, it’s going to rain any minute now...
ー The door of the manor creaks open.ー
Yui: Eh? Did the door just open by itself?
( I know I shouldn’t trespass on someone else’s property but... I’ll leave right after the rain and this thundering stops! )
ー Yui makes a dash for cover inside the manor.ー
Yui: Pwah... Haa... 
Just in time; it’s beginning to pour...!
ーFaint footsteps sound behind her.ー
Yui: …! Is someone there…!?
( Could it be... the owners of this place? )
I’ve been sent by the Church…!
( No…body? I could have sworn I heard someone creeping around… )
( For some reason I’m really jumpy this evening after hearing all those rumours… I really wish I had just gone with Father… )
ーA man appears behind Yui, his face mostly concealed by his head-covering. ー
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???: By the church, you say?
Yui: Kya…! Uuh…!
( Suddenly…my heart…!! )
( H-Heart attack…!? N-No way… )
???: 「ーー Cordelia! You’re so close. Come to me! 」
Yui: ( Where... is that voice coming from? )
ーYui clutches her chest.ー
???: Is something the matter?
Yui: … ...
???: Well?
Yui: It’s just… You scared me…!
???: If that’s all, then please remember to keep your voice down on private property.
Yui: I-I’m sorry…!
( He just appeared out of nowhere…! I heard him coming, but didn’t see him…! )
( Plus, when sneaking up on people, dressed in all black and hiding your face… How are you supposed to not scare people…? )
( Could this man be the relative that my Father was talking about? )
???: From the Church, are you?
Yui: U-Uh, y-yes…!
Please, excuse me for entering this place unannounced...! It was beginning to  rain, you see, and I really didn’t mean any trouble.
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???: So… You’re the one, then?
I was expecting far less of an eyesore, although I suppose this is for the best. We wouldn’t want you attracting any unwanted attention.
Yui: Unwanted a-attention…?
( What’s more, calling me an eyesore… )
( Is this sort of person really related to Father? I’d thought they have a little more… manners. )
...I’m Komori Yui.
My Father sent for me to come and live with some relatives at this address… Which, I’m assuming, is… you?
???: Your Father?
Yui: Yes…! He’s a Parish Priest, Komori Seiji. He said you would be informed of my visit…?
Ah, wait…! I think I have his letter!
ーYui rustles around for the letter. ー
…Right here.
ーThe man has suddenly disappeared.ー
Yui: Ehー?
( Where did…!? )
He just disappeared into thin air...! No way, right? That man…He must have gone up the hallway when I wasn’t looking…
( Does he expect me to follow him...? )
ー There is a crash of thunder outside suddenly.ー
Excuse me!? Please wait a moment…!
ー Yui presses further into the manor.ー
Yui: Excuse me…!?
( There is nobody at all here… So, just where did that man go, and how did that door open? )
This seriously must have been a misunderstanding somewhere... Either that or that man is just skilfully elusive…
( Maybe it’s best to turn back...? )
???: Nfufu~ Is this who I smelt?
ー A man appears before Yui’s eyes.ー
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Yui: ...!
( That’s not the man from before, but... Where did he come from!? )
???: Caught you, red hand~ed.
What do you think you were up to, sneaking in here like that? Trying to catch a glimpse of something unnatural in the haunted house, maybe~?
Yui: E-Ehh!? No, not at all...!
You see, the man from beforeーー
???: Look at that. You’re chattering away like your life depends on it...
And who knows? Maybe it does~ 
Yui: Wh-What!?
ー A second man suddenly appears.ー
???: Shuddup.
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Oi. Laito.
Yui: ( This other person...! He appeared out of thin-air! )
Laito: Nfu, Su~ba~ru~kun. Come to welcome our new house guest too? 
Subaru: Che, no. I thought I smelt someone else...
Laito: What a coincidence...
But, alas, it was only Bitch-chan. I’m not totally disappointed though; Doesn’t she look so scrumptious, shaking like that~?
Yui: Wha... Ex-Excuse me! I think I’m in the wr-wrong house... I’m sure there’s just been some misunderstanding!
ー The two of them creep closer.ー
Subaru: You’re the one that wandered in here, it’s your fault you’ve gotten into this mess now, trapped between two Vampires.
Yui: V...Vamp...ire?
Laito: You had no idea? Naw, I suppose we’ll go a little easy on you, for starters then. Fufu, thank you for the meal~!
Yui: No...! God, please...!
ー The windows slam open with wind, the lights blowing out. The two males are forced backwards by an unseen force.ー
Yui: ...!
Laito: Nnh...
Subaru: ...!?
???: Fufufu.
Yui: ( God...? Is that you? Did you hear me!? Thank you...! )
( I’ve got to run for it! )
ー Yui begins to run for the door. ー
???: What the hell is goin’ on?
Yui: Kyaa!
ー Yui suddenly collides with the man, falling to the floor. ー
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Yui: Uuf... O-Ouch...
( This man appeared right in my path...! How is that possible? I didn’t have enough time to react, and crashed right into him! )
Laito: Ayato-kun~ Was that your way of trying to get Bitch-chan all to yourself? A little dramatic, don’t you think?
Ayato: Shuddup! Why would I waste my energy on somethin’ like that?
This chick looks more like a stray dog than a tasty meal. Who let her into this place? I was just tryna nap when I heard all the fuss.
Yui: ( Tasty meal...? Just who are these people? )
Laito: She wandered in herself... But this wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened, or the first time we’ve cleaned up the mess, right~?
Subaru: If we’re gonna kill her, we better do it quickly. We’re the only guys ‘round, so we’ll get a bigger fill if we do it right now.
Yui: ( No way! ‘Kill’!? )
J-Just a moment...! You can’t be serious!!
???: I would certainly hope not.
[ ✥ Part Two ✥ ]
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━━─┉┈┈◈ Notes ◈┈┈┉─━━
  1.  The way Richter set’s the scene with his prologue here is a reference to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It’s a reimagining of the quote: “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite”.
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wurm-food · 1 year
ok fine…. I’m actually going to catch up on jjk 😔
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