#the big meaner ones are gonna get them 8^((((
spiralcloudpassage · 2 years
What about SMT demons, give me a list of 10 of your faves
im gonna use non usable demons as well because some of them are too cunt to leave out but
1. MASTEMA hes i think probably the best law alignment demon though chiaki's whole schtick is a very close contender
2. baal avatar is so iconic. so legendary. so gamechanging. mastema admittedly is only above her because of his 60 black silky inches and because i have the canon url but baal avatar's reveal, her boss fight, her death..... no kingdom can have two kings, demifiend!
3. mem aleph. they have to bring her back SOON because every time she's on screen in sjr she's showing us how it's done i'm talking full mayhem miller realness with that face and hair. literally karmically assigned MILF progenitor you will never be her.
4. mother harlot no one is giving what she's giving and I'll be adding her to #Bayonetta soon enough rest assured. her fight is scary if you forget that she has 2 hp. i think about her hardtype fight always.
5. shekinah. #girl. if i put on her song i'm in shambles every time and just the metaphysical implications of her existence in sjr makes me dizzy.
6. metatron. hey girl. always a baddie who's fun to see
7. skadi because you know we're spamming mabufudyne once we hit level 65 every game. love that she talks to you in game when she uses skills i know she's spitting fire
8. shiva and we have GOT to get him on the big screen again soon he didnt serve enough pussy in smtv but he DID serve it. will also be putting him in bayonetta soon.
9. matador bc hes the funniest intro boss other than, like, maybe medusa in IV but even then hes meaner imo
10. archangels gabriel/raphael/uriel/michael its not a smt game if they dont show up to cause problems
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ziracona · 3 years
[Very excited for the next bit & hopefully life quits kicking my butt soon so I can get it done. Anyway, an update.]
The Kid (pt: 1, … 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ?) [Fate Grand Order AU]
Adrenaline pumping so fast I think I might puke, my hand is already up and I’m halfway to shouting Billy’s name to summon him when the door opens again.
I stop, unused command seal on my lips, and stare as it shuts again and locks, then opens quick. It. OH.
I feel my face on fire as it clicks. I am so glad no one was here to see this. It must automatically lock—must have been locking every time it shut. The pattern is just repeating again, and I couldn’t see the lock from the other side.
Okay. Okay… I make myself take a long, deep breath. You’re okay.
It’s…funny. I wasn’t scared at all until I was alone, and now I’m…completely freaked, I think. …Maybe I was scared before, too, but not like this. It’s okay. You can call for help if you need it. You know they’re all depending on you, so you have to do a good job. You can do this, Ritsuka. Come on1
Right. So. I’m okay. Whoever opened the door is not trying to lock me in, as far as I know anyway. Why did they call me?
Remembering I haven’t, I turn and look at the room behind me. It’s lit, but only dimly. It…kind of looks like a hospital room? But. An old one, and not a very nice one. Like they do in movies from earlier times. There’s almost…a replica of a room? Built into the middle of this one. It’s…like in Mission Impossible movies, when they finish tricking someone and pull down the walls and it wasn’t really a hotel room at all. There’s two windows, and I can’t exactly see what’s in the room from where I am, but I can tell that whoever is in there is seeing little medical set pieces left outside them. This is weird.
It's…way more elaborate than any of the others have been. That seems really strange. Are they actually trying to trick whoever is in there?
I can’t think of another reason to do this.
And there is someone in there, right? There’s gotta be. Or, why would I be getting a call for help? So, a heroic spirit, in a really weird death trap? One that is tricking them into thinking they’re somewhere else. That’s…meaner, somehow, I think. I feel a pang in my chest at the guesses I’m making in my head. I hate this—I hate all of this. I just can’t understand why they’re doing it at all. It’s all been bad since that moment I first saw Billy from across a room, but I really can’t get the way the Lancer looked out of my head. I keep wondering how it would feel to be alive and see your guts hanging out on the ground, and I hate that thought—it makes me sick imagining it, but I can’t stop. And he did—he lived that for real! Minutes ago. Minutes ago, he was hanging there with his guts on the ground and a pole through his stomach. He felt all of that, all of it. For he said two and a half days. I…I can’t even…begin to imagine…
And. ...The other thing is, I also keep thinking that none of the spirits liked it, when they saw him like that, but, none of them seemed really…surprised. I wonder. …I wonder if that means this isn’t so different from other things that happen to them. I. I really hope it is—I hope this is nothing like what normally happens, and I’m just making a big deal of nothing in my head. I hope the worst of it is being bossed around and made to fight, because that’s bad enough. But.
I…might not be experienced, but. I’m not stupid. And…I know it’s more than that…
I know it’s worse…
Okay. Come on. Time for this later. Get moving! It’s about them and you want to help them, so let’s go—let’s help! You got this.
Shaking myself internally, I give the stuff around me a quick glance. First thing, better let the person opening the door know they can stop—that’ll eventually draw attention. Whoever it is can’t see me, in Robin’s cloak, and I’m a little afraid to take it off, so…
Settling on a nearby medical cabinet prop, I walk over and open one of the drawers a few times. It works. Whoever it is might not see me, but they can sure see the ghost cabinet, and they take the hint. The door closes and stays shut, which…is unsettling, but. I pretty much just asked for them to do that, so. It’s probably okay. And if anything seems off, I can call for backup. Whoever is out there asked for my help, though, so I’m gonna believe that was sincere until I have proof otherwise, and I’m gonna try.
Turning, I go slowly towards the little mock room ahead, and hesitate at the door. It doesn’t have a window, but it has an old-fashioned keyhole, so I stoop and peer inside. It’s not a good angle, but I can make out a hospital bed in there, with a body on it. I think their eyes are open, but they’re perfectly still. There’s something unsettling about the sight, even after everything I’ve seen today. And there’s…something else. A weird…heaviness, to the room. Some kind of mana, I think, but I don’t know enough about magic to tell what it is. I do know enough to be able to tell whatever it is, isn’t good.
I consider my options. I can still hear fighting faintly above me, so I shouldn’t call for help unless I need it—I might mess them up. I could wait, but now that they know we’re here, they might start killing the spirits they have. So…I should go ahead and go in alone. It’s not like I haven’t done that before. And…it should be fine. If I explain who I am, I think I’ll be safe, and if anything starts to go wrong, I’ll call for help.
My heart’s thudding in my chest so much I feel like throwing up, but I clench my fist and bring it in tight against my chest, then reach my hands up and pull off the hood of Robin’s cloak. I’m not totally sure how it works, and if it’s the action, or the fact I want to stop being invisible, but I see myself again as I do it. No going back I guess. If I’m on camera, I’m on camera. I pause to take a deep breath, and turn the knob.
It isn’t locked.
The door swings open, and before me, I can clearly make out now what looks like a pretty convincing old-fashioned hospital room. Not…in a good way. There are bars over the windows, and straps on the bed, for holding patients down, and here’s a man on the bed, held in place by them.
It…it feels so unnecessary. He looks ill, like he probably would have trouble getting up off the bed no matter what, and a little old. White hair, but a face not as old as I expect with it. I have a hard time telling how old adult people are when they’re between 40 and 70, and he seems not at the older end of that spectrum, but at first glance I thought for a moment he was older. His face is haggard, worn out like he’s on the verge of death. Huge bags under his eyes, gaunt features, and his eyes themselves are milky and vacant. There’s…something really wrong with him. He’s got a bandage on his head too, and one around his throat, both blead-through a little. What…happened to you?
He doesn’t seem to see me at first. Just keeps staring blankly towards one of the fake windows, then slowly turns his head and his empty eyes towards me.
Something changes. The haze drops, if just a little, and I can see life deep beneath the clouds in his eyes.
“A child?” he asks me. His voice is damaged, from whatever happened to his throat, and he sounds weak, but the thing that stands out isn’t that, it’s how his voice itself sounds. There’s an air I’ve only ever heard from teachers, the good ones—a kind of sophisticated and educated and understanding way of talking that makes them sound smart and kind and good to be around all at the same time. “What are you doing here?”
He tries to smile at me. He looks so weak, it’s pitiful.
“…” I can’t find my voice. I swallow, take a step closer, and try again. “I’m. Ritsuka, Fujimaru—I came here to try to help.”
“Help?” he echoes, confused. There’s…so much pain in his voice too. Like being sad is a part of who he is.
“To—get you out of here,” I manage, taking another step.
His brows knit in weak confusion. “Do I know you?”
“No, but I’m here to help everyone trapped in here anyway,” I answer.
He smiles a little, sadly, and shuts his eyes for a moment, breathing taking immense effort. “That’s very kind of you. It’s not the most comforting place to end a life.” He speaks and his voice has that same tone, gentle, and overflowing with pain. “But I don’t think there’s a lot more you can do for any of us. Than come to visit.” He opens his eyes again and turns his head weakly to look at me. “Which is always nice. It can get lonely in a place like this.”
I don’t. Understand? He.
“You want to get out, right?” I ask, taken aback.
“Of course,” he answers simply, shutting his eyes again, voice and breaths raspy, “But it’s not that simple. I have to be here now, and it won’t be much longer.” He smiles to himself again. “You’re kind to worry for us.”
He sounds like he really means that. I’m so confused—unless—?
Thoughts racing, I take in the room again, the attention to detail. I try hard to focus on the heaviness in the room; I’ve never been good at sensing magic, but I give it everything I’ve got, and I can tell something is not just in the room, it’s on him. A curse? A spell? Maybe…If I can find it, I can…
Taking a step to try and see him up close, he hears me moving and opens his eyes and turns to look. Seeing me, he looks surprised.
“Hello there, little one. What are you doing in a place like this?”
I stop and stare.
“Are you alright?” he asks, concerned.
“We…just talked—do you not remember me?” I ask. My voice sounds so small it surprises me. I see his face fall. He looks…some kind of very deep sad, like that question cut to his core.
“I’m sorry,” he says, eyes moving to look at something that isn’t me, “My memory isn’t what it was.” He tries to smile at me and looks back again. “What brings someone like you to a place like this?”
“I came…to help you,” I reply meekly. There’s no recognition in his eyes. Just mild surprise again.
What did they. …Why did they...
“Sir,” I say, taking another step, “Do you know that you’re a heroic spirit?”
I think he almost laughs, and I can see in his face he has no idea not only what he is, but what a heroic spirit is at all. “I appreciate the compliment, but there’s really nothing heroic about me,” he says like he’s found my question very sweet.
Oh boy. What do I do? I don’t know complex magic. I can’t…I can’t fix this on my own, unless, if I can get him to contract, I could with a command spell, but. If he doesn’t even know what heroic spirits are, he’ll never agree! He won’t even be able to. And, if I try to explain, and he thinks what I’m doing is super weird, he might freak out, and- …Okay, okay, come on, think. Stay cool.
“What happened?” I ask, indicating his injuries as I move closer. I’m almost at the bedside now, and there’s a little metal chair there. I move it beside him and sit down, like I really am someone who came to visit a hospital room.
No. Not hospital. Asylum.
His face loses the little color it had.
“I’m sorry—I—maybe that’s too personal,” I say quickly, feeling very bad, “I shouldn’t have asked.”
He gives me a kindly smile. “Fell,” he answers, and he tries to indicate I think the head wound, but can’t because he’s strapped down, and I see surprise and then pain and shame with it register on his face as he looks down at himself. You forgot. That too…
“What’s your name?” I ask, hoping to distract him.
It sort of works. He glances back at me, surprised again. “You don’t know me? Are you just visiting everyone here today?”
“Yes,” I answer, because in a way that’s true.
He smiles. There’s barely anything but skin and bones on his face. He looks so ill I believe what he said earlier, about how it wouldn’t be much longer. “That’s kind of you,” he says again, “I’m sure it will cheer all of us up. It can get a little boring around here, the days long.”
The thought of how true that must be is agonizing. It makes me want to cry. Whoever he was, this must have been how he died, a long time ago. Alone, hurt, and with a broken memory, in an asylum. I can’t think of many lonelier ways to go.
“My name is Antonio,” he says. He must have been some kind of teacher, the way he sounds proud and welcoming at once saying his own name.
“I’m Ritsuka,” I introduce myself again, “Fujimaru.”
“Ritsuka,” he echoes, curious, “Where are you from?”
“Japan,” I answer.
“Your Italian is perfect—even the accent,” he says.
“We aren’t speaking Italian,” I say before I can think not to.
Something cracks in his face. He winces, almost like a full-body tick. His eyes get vacant, and then very, very alive for just a moment, and there’s horror in them.
“I,” he says, faltering. Listening. “Sto…parlando Italiano…No.”
Crap. Crap crap crap.
He looks at me, terrified. Right on the edge of understanding something, and unable to make it.
“What am I?” he begs me in his broken voice. It’s not what I thought he’d say, and I am completely lost in how to answer him. “Who?” He tries to move his hands again, and can’t and in despair tries to rip them free. Failing again, he turns back to me, desperate. “Please!”
“It’s okay—it’s okay--I’m here to help you!” I promise. I can’t stand the way he’s looking at me like I’m doing this and he’s begging me to stop. I would never. “I know this is confusing—I don’t know what they did to you, but they messed with your head.”
“My?” He tries to move a hand again, already having forgotten, and looks down in despair at the restraints, then me.
“Here,” I say quickly, and I unthread the ones around his wrists, then chest. Still unbelievably weak, he raises a shaking hand to his head and feels it, wincing, then brings it down to his neck and leaves it there.
Staring into space, confused and horrified, and out of it.
“Antonio?” I try.
He glances at me again, distracted, but more awake than he was.
“I can help you, but I need you to trust me to do it.” I look at my hand, then hold it out to him, palm-up. “You’re still you, whoever you were before. You’re still Antonio. But it’s later than you think, and you’re a little different too. I can explain, but I think if you trust me, I can fix what they did to you, and you’ll be able to remember on your own. That way will make a lot more sense.”
“Trust you,” he echoes, and I see the fog starting to settle back over his eyes, his previously terrified posture starting to go slack.
“No-no-no-no, hey!” I say, reaching over and putting a hand on his shoulder.
That does something, and he blinks and looks at my hand. I’m so afraid he’s going to ask me who I am again, but instead he says, “What?” in a kind of out of it voice.
Crap crap I’m gonna lose him.
“Listen to me. I’m speaking Japanese right now, and so are you. This place?” I say, letting go and hopping up, idea formed, “It’s not real—You’re not where you think!” I run at the nearest wall and slam into it, and it topples back like the set piece it is, and he watches in horror and jerks when it thuds against the floor, then stares at the room past it in alarm. “You’re being kept here against your will, and the people who did this are messing with your head! I can help you—I came here to help, but you have to trust me.”
Face ashy, he focuses back on me.
“If you form a pact with me, I can help you,” I say more calmly, going to sit back down.
“I don’t-“ he starts, and then he winces again, that full-body kind of jerk, like something has cracked inside him, and when he looks at me again, the fog has receded a little. “I’m…you said, ‘heroic spirit.’ I’m…dead. …I’m…I’m not…Antoino… I am…I’m…I…”
I’m losing him again and he’s staring at the wall. I reach over and put my hands on his and that snaps him out and he looks at me again. “You are. You’re Antonio. You’re Antonio…?”
“Salieri,” he says almost vacantly, but his eyes are still alive, and holding mine. I can see him deep in there past whatever Ur-shanabi’s done to him, fighting.
“You’re Antonio Salieri,” I echo, “And you’re a heroic spirit. If you form a contract with me, I can help you. I’ll try to anyway, if you don’t want to, but I’m not very good at magic. I’ll do my best, but I swear, if you are willing to form a contract, I won’t do anything to hurt you—I’m only here to try—”
There’s a loud sound between a thud and a hum, and we both look up towards the source of it. Something in the ceiling?
I was so used to the sound of it, I hadn’t even realized the bedframe itself was making a low-pitched humming as well, but it shuts off and I am immediately aware of the absence of it. We both look in unison again, down at the bedframe, and I see Antonio’s brow furrow in confusion, and then he holds up a hand, and I realize it’s not completely opaque.
It's already not completely opaque.
No. No!
“They pulled the plug!” I say desperately, and he turns his head to look at me again. Whatever they did to make him like this, it must not have been connected to his power source, because he’s just as out of it as before. This is all wrong and he’ll be dead in a few seconds, as fast as he’s starting to vanish! I have to—“Please—hurry—if you vanish they’ll summon you back! I can ground-“
His expression changes entirely.
In an instant, the fog is gone and the welcoming calmness and kindness is gone and his expression is hard and volatile.
I was wrong—whatever curse was on him was connected to his power source, because it is gone now, and it’s like he’s not even the same person he was a moment before. He looks into my face and I’m scared of him. No, I think…I think I’m terrified of this person. He looks like death—he looks like hate—looks like them in a way I had no idea person could look. Like they’re not what he’s feeling, they’re what he is. Meeting his gaze makes me scared he’s going to snap me between his fingers, and not even for any personal reason, just because it’s his nature. But then I’m past that in his eyes, and behind it is the same thing I saw before. The same person, deep beneath it. Kind and intelligent and composed. Like he’s wearing a terrifying Halloween costume over who he really is.
And I’m okay.
I think he sees that, sees all of it, and he looks…hurt and touched and a little surprised, all at the same time. He glances down at me, and then holds out a transparent hand, palm-up.
“I am not much of a servant,” he warns me, and he sounds harder than before, colder, and sharp, but the teacher tone is still there. The one that says ‘I will show you how to do it right even if it takes a long time, don’t worry. Come take a seat,’ all patient, and kind, and knowledgeable. Layered beneath the new tone, the same way the look in his eyes was. “I’ll warn you ahead of time that I’m dangerous to be around, and I haven’t much power to offer you, but if you still want a contract with a servant like me, I will accept your offer.”
“Of course I do,” I say without hesitation, and I take his hand, “But I don’t want a servant. I want a partner.”
He tilts his head like this is unexpected, but somehow his face doesn’t look too surprised, and he closes his vanishing fingertips around mine.
“My soul becomes your will, your spirit becomes my destiny. If you hear me and accept my call, then bind to me-“ I realize I have no idea what his class is and look to him.
“Avenger,” he says in that broken, sad voice, but he has a weak smile on his face.
‘Avenger’? “-Avenger,” I finish.
“I accept,” he replies, and I feel a tug on my chest and flood of mana, and I thought I’d be fine because I’m getting used to this, but I forgot I’m kind of beat right now, and I think I pass out—only for a second, but I’m upright, and then I’m face-first on the bed, no idea how I got there, the Avenger gently helping me back up.
I feel awful, but he’s solid again, mostly, and looking better. I mentally check to make sure everyone I have a contract with is still alive, and I feel all the connections going strong.
“Great,” I say weakly, grinning at him, “We did it.”
“Are you alright?” he asks.
“Mmm…hh..” I slump forward and pass out.
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neonponders · 3 years
✨Hogwarts Harringrove ✨ pt. 13 ( 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 14 • ao3 )
Heads lifted from the tables to see an older woman with longish, dark hair and curtain bangs opening her arms for Will to run into. Midterms were on the horizon, so the school had extended lunch period to allow study sessions. Many students took advantage and sunbathed on the grounds, but Steve, Robin, Billy, and some others hunkered down with the mindset to get the disastrous tests over with. Plus, helping Billy and Max study inadvertently helped the upper classmen improve.
Jonathan followed right after his brother, hugging them both until Mike and Dustin hollered from the Gryffindor table, “Hi, Mrs. Byers!”
“Hi, guys. Shhh,” she tried to both greet and chide. She hugged Nancy next, and waved over her shoulder at Steve.
After being noticed, he returned to his notes and stuck a plantain chip in his mouth. He’d been alternating between the savory plantains and sweet banana chips for so long that his breath smelled like banana pudding. He touched Max’s notes and reassured, “Don’t worry about the Magical Creatures practical. If the professor is too busy to tutor you - which he usually isn’t - then me, Hopper, and Ellie can help you.”
“I thought the grounds keeper was an auror,” Max said grumpily. She had almost the same workload as her stepbrother.
“He turns into a bear,” said brother informed. “Safe to say, he’s used to navigating forests and what lives in them.”
Max’s jaw dropped and then she snatched it back up. “I told Mike there were bear tracks outside. Shit head can’t stand being wrong.”
“It’s a Wheeler thing - ” Steve began, only to have a Wheeler touch his shoulder.
“Steve?” Nancy frowned at their conversation but continued, “Can I talk to you outside?”
“Yeah, sure.” He left his things on the table and transferred Cupcake to Billy’s shoulder, planting a kiss on his hair. “Stay with Billy, Cup.”
She was already humming something suspiciously akin to ‘Radio Ga Ga’ as Steve and Nancy exited the Great Hall.
In their absence, Robin queried, “How do you two practice animal stuff without one? It’s required or Transfiguration.”
Max answered, “The school loans us stuff. We only had time to buy wands and uniforms. For some reason, they gave me a rabbit the size of a dog.”
Robin chuckled. “It has to be big enough to stand in a classroom of owls.”
“It’s meaner than an owl,” she remarked, causing Billy to snort in his water.
* * *
Steve stared at Nancy while holding onto his hips. “You think he’s where?”
She sighed and leaned back before he uttered, “We need to tell Hopper.”
“Do you really think Greg is going to respond well to an auror walking into his hiding place?”
Puzzled eyes diverted from her earnest blue ones. “I don’t know? Milch has always been book smart. Not really great at the decision making, though. Obviously - ”
“I’ll go.”
They both refrained from startling at the calm voice suddenly beside them. Ellie wore rose tinted glasses today. It was fine to look at her briefly, but too long and the glasses weren’t good enough. Steve and Nancy had the muscle memory to keep their eyes moving.
Nancy peered between her and Steve. “Ellie?”
“Hopper said he’s sick. Too much potion.”
Steve intercepted, “Yeah. Which is why Hopper should be the one to bring him to the hospital wing.”
“Why?” Ellie asked.
“Because first aid. In typical, academic bullshit, we know how to levitate stuff but we don’t know magical first aid. What are we gonna do? Catapult him toward the school and hope we aimed at the right windows?”
“I won’t miss,” El confirmed.
Nancy ventured a small smirk but waited as Steve shifted his weight, sliding his jaw to the side as if he had much to deliberate on. Finally, he let his eyelids fall shut and shook his head, resigned. “Just another day sneaking off school grounds.”
* * *
To the people of Hogsmeade’s credit, they hardly noticed three students wandering through the village. If anything, they were used to students figuring out how to skip class. Either way, El tucked the red scarf Steve loaned her into the oversized coat Hopper had bought.
Steve inhaled while squinting at the sky. “It’s warm, but smells like snow.”
“We need to get him to the school before the weather changes,” Nancy agreed.
“How did you even know it was Milch? Only me, Billy, and Hopper know. Well, I guess Conners, too.”
“He’s in my Potions class,” Nancy said. “Or, was supposed to be.”
The shack standing on the far side Hogsmeade was more like a small, dilapidated estate. Generations of students had explored the abandoned and neglected vineyard, along with the fusion of Italian and Scottish architecture of the house. It was tradition to prove courage by visiting the place on Halloween, but also to sign one’s name on the walls before graduating.
Ironic, how the place carried fear but also hosted a line of graduates queueing through its halls every spring.
El surprised Steve by taking his hand. She wasn’t the type to seek physical comfort, usually. He squeezed it back and asked, “See something spooky?”
Nancy and Steve glanced at each other, the former admitting, “I didn’t know the shack had ghosts.”
“Explains the noise,” Steve said with a bit of a laugh. Extra bragging rights went to those who could get laid in the shack.
He kept it to himself as they carefully traversed the hills and broken stairs up to the front door. It was locked. The shack was never locked.
Nancy magicked it open wordlessly. Steve released El’s hand to be the back of their train, glancing behind him before shutting the door. El pointed upwards through the ceiling. “There.”
Nancy called out, “Greg! It’s Nancy and Steve! We’re coming up!”
The house creaked, as if a weight shifted, making the floorboards sigh. The three of them shared a look and one by one, navigated the old stairwell. Ellie’s fingers grazed over the many markings on the walls: faded ink, chipped paint, and clumsy etchings.
They found Greg in one of the bedrooms, bundled up in both Ravenclaw quidditch robes as well as his usual uniform. The hood stayed over his head as he greeted in a pitch-uneven voice, “The prefects getting ahead of the job. Exemplary.”
Nancy cut right to it. “How much potion have you had, Greg?”
He sighed heavily. “Enough to be stuck.”
Steve blurted, “Stuck?”
It was a testament to his dwindling resolve that he shoved his hood right off his head. The visage before them was a perfect and disturbing amalgamation of both his and Elizabeth Conner’s faces. Blond hair mixed with brown. One eye blue and the other dark. A skinny bottom lip and a plush top.
“What’s the kid doing here?” he spat when El slid her glasses onto her hair, but his averting eyes gave him away.
He had to flinch back when Ellie stepped forward, capturing his eyes with hers. “I can hold him.”
Nancy countered, “Ellie, I don’t really think that’s necessary. Greg, you need the hospital wing. You needed it days ago. We’re not here to punish you. We just want to get you back in the right body.”
El glanced back at her and Steve, and the moment Greg’s mind snapped back into his control, his resolve shattered. Wracking sobs filled the room. Steve and Nancy exchanged uncomfortable, sad looks with each other. It was hard to look at him, let alone listen to.
After a moment, Steve asked, “Greg, where’s your wand?”
A loud sniffle, and then the piece of wood skittered over the floor. Nancy picked it up and Steve continued, “Can you walk?”
“It hurts,” he stammered, sounding far younger than the youngest in the room.
“Okay,” Steve finished softly, and moved his velvet cloak aside to reveal the broom the three of them had ridden down here. Not unlike Robin’s basket enchantment, Steve could hide large things under that cloak and appear no different than any other silhouette. “We’ll help you sit down and I’ll get you to the doctors.”
* * *
Billy whistled a melody since he couldn’t get a damn radio in this school. Cupcake finished the tune for him, more and more familiar with his favorite songs.
“Is that them?” Max said beside him, pointing through the cloisters on this side of the castle. It was approaching dinnertime, but in the last hours of sunlight, they gazed down the slopes of the grounds. He saw the familiar circle of people sitting in the grass behind Hopper’s cabin. The blend of red and blue paraphernalia.
“Want a head start?” he asked the bird when they were close enough for her to recognize Steve. With a screeching announcement, she flew off with a great smacking of feathers.
Steve’s head turned at the sound and he raised his hand to catch her. Billy heard him say, “Make room. Puff incoming,” and then the circle expanded enough to let Billy sit down between Steve and Dustin. On the other side were Nancy, Jonathan, and Will. Lucas, Mike, Robin, Ellie, and Max filled in the gaps.
“Where’ve you been?”
Steve’s brows reached for his hairline as he exhaled. A less than ideal sign. “Convincing Greg Milch to let me fly his ass to the hospital wing. Nancy had a hunch and she was right. He Frankensteined himself. Half his girlfriend, and half himself.”
“Jesus,” Billy said, unconsciously watching Cupcake bob her head from where she stood on Steve’s thigh. “Is that it? This is the guy that used your bird as bait.”
But Steve shook his head. “It doesn’t feel like a victory. It’s just feels...sad.”
Billy realized that was what their huddle felt like: somber. A little sad. Nancy sat with a leg folded against her torso, elbow on that knee while she held her head up. Jonathan rubbed her back as she elaborated, “He spilled everything to Hopper. His parents don’t like Elizabeth, so he thought some quidditch wins and excellent grades would turn their opinions.”
Robin exclaimed, “That’s...that’s a lot. That’s more than just a polyjuice potion scheme.”
“He loves her,” Nancy lamented. “It’s sweet. Sweet and infuriating.”
“That’s Gryffindor,” Dustin said as he adjusted his blue headband, which doubled as ear covers, over his fluffy curls. “Brave to a fault, and loyal past the point of agony. Thankfully I asked to be in Ravenclaw.”
Lucas retorted, “Only because you’re allergic to the barrels around the Hufflepuff dorm.”
“Don’t remind me of my greatest tragedy! You have no idea what I go through, living sixteen floors away from the kitchen.”
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miekasa · 3 years
since you don't believe in miemin, you should rate your self-ships!!
Finally [cracks knuckles] my time has come. I will, objectively, rank all the self ships with the boys, just to show you how much blondie pales in comparison okay lets go
Levi + Mie: 20/10—brat + reluctant brat tamer, honestly he and I have a lot in common which is good, but I would still annoy him (affectionately) and he would pretend to grimace. Overall most responsible pairing: exchanges weekly grocery shopping lists, pays bills on time, and has occasional treat yourself evenings together. Cons: neither one of us will make plans with our other friends so they call us hermits n then we’re forced in a weekend vacation with them in Erwin’s cottage
Eren + Mie: 12/10—dumb + dumber, I’m about to “omg I bet I could totally win a fight against you haha” my way into getting this man to pin me and dick me down and it would work. Braidable hair, personal chauffeur, plus we book our therapy appts at the same time and high five each other for not crying during our sessions. Cons: I will not participate in PDA, and he will try to make me.
Jean + Mie: 10/10—rebellious bimbo + babysitter boyfriend, will steal all his blazers and make dresses out of them, self-care out the window because Jean will take care of me instead, hands large for gripture. I wouldn’t have to do a single thing while dating Jean and you know what, good for me. Cons: he’s very romantic and I might pass away at said romantic gestures, but I’ll die for his dick it’s okay
Connie + Mie: 8/10—arsonist + arsonist apologist, we’re both always down for some very random potentially slightly illegal behavior and I think that makes us a pretty good pair, we would both insult each other a lot which might seem a little harsh from the outside perspective but it’s okay. Cons: he has terrible taste in food, and would probably get us kicked out of Ikea
Porco + Mie: 8/10—mean + meaner, we probably wouldn’t even remotely give off the vibes that we were a couple in public and you know what, I’m okay with that as long as he remembers my food orders and he accepts the flowers I give him in public to embarrass him. As besties we’re 100/10 tho, let it be known. Cons: I tell him I’m gonna fuck Marcel whenever he acts up, and he leaves me on read for a week :/
Reiner + Mie: 6/10—seems mean + teddy bear, he’s a little too gentle and I feel like I could say something to make him cry very easily. I think we’d be better as friends, and we would probably have to play mom and dad when everyone else gets a little too drunk. He’s good for when I’m feeling down n just want a big bear hug tho. Cons: I don't like spending time with people and he takes it personal, he doesn’t like that I’m friends with Porky lmfao
Berty + Mie: 6/10—angry and tiny + tall and nice, we’re both too socially aloof for this to ever work honestly it would be a miracle that we even got together, I think we’d have fun together tho in a kinda sorta opposite energies kinda way. Cons: he has a lot of nervous energy and I’m already an anxious person so we might just fail neuronally together rip in peace 
Armin + Mie: 2/10—nice and kind + mean and short, I doubt that we would even be friends, he would say I’m mean to him and then cry when I told him to choke about it, looks like he claps when the airplane lands and I would rather eat a cactus through a reusable straw than to have to call someone like that my boyfriend. 
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Ive had this story ive been wanting to share ever since i started following this blog (months) which is the main reason why i started shipping bkdk and why, whenever i hear people saying their relationship hasnt changed at all, or that Bakugo hasnt grown enough, or that Midoriya is just being delusinal on "admiring" kacchan(have you ever heard that one?), i get very frustrated, soooo
May you listen to my story? :T
Basically i also had a childhood friend i shared the same class with for 10 years. From 5 to 15. So a big chunk of my child/teenage years
We were besties for 8/9 of those years?
She was... What my sister calls "a fictional character in real life". She was just... A huge princess, bratty, confident, and always made sure she got her way. She also grew up to become, in my opinion, the prettiest girl my age I'd ever met.
I dont know how we became friends, but my youngest memories of us together are of me chasing after her while she, (and the rest of her admirers) did whatever they wanted.
She wasnt the best person to me.. I dont think even half of the stuff she did she realised she was hurting me for real, but she did. I was her bestie, so i couldnt play with anyone else, but while i was with her I was called useless, nerd, weirdo, annoying. Once, when we were little, she isolated me from a sleepover at her house cause i didnt want them to cut my stuffies fur. That might not seem like much now, but inside the world of a 7 year old.. It was big. Once we got older, it got much worse as i was the only girl in my class who was still flat as board, didnt have an insta, and worse off all, they found out i liked anime and games :00.. It was as if i had been outed for liking that stuff and they constantly shamed me for it.. It was absolute hell for at least 2 years until we got to a bigger school where more people liked those things and people with more strength than me and didnt take shit made her shut up.
This might already remind you of a certain angry boi from a certain bnha(or not, thats fair), but the part that connects it all is that.. I really really admired and liked her despite all that crap, for all those years.
Honestly, shes the reason i still question my sexuality. I think i had a crush on her back then.
She was just.. So awesome when she wasnt bullying me! She was confident, and made friends easily, and had a way to manipulate others that was so obvious snd yet somehow no one seemed to get it, and she just had this charm, and always looked so pretty... If she decided she was gonna do something, then she'd do it. And she was strong too.. Some stuff would happen in her home life and shed shrug it off. Then there were also these moments where she opened up a little and let me see inside. One of my sweetest memories of her was once where she appeared as a surprise to my birthday to sleepover. She begged her mom to do it cause she wanted to see me during my birthday,as i later learned. We spent the night undercovers playing and talking. My mom had a photo of us all tangled up together sleeping the next morning. I was the only one she did that for. I loved knowing that. I was proud of it.
And so, no matter what else she did, i never left her side.. I didnt have anymore friends, and despite our relationship being toxic, i couldn't leave her..
But eventually, we just, broke? Im not sure how it happened. I met other people, better people, who were good friends, and i still talk to. She also met other people, who liked taking pictures and going shopping, and gossiping. And then, for the first time ever, we were separated into different classes. We never really talked again after that.. And that just makes me.. So empty inside. I wish i could talk to her now, and tell her so much crap. How she hurt me, and how i loved her despite it, and how she was my definition of confidence and victory. Still is.
When i met bnha, Bkg and Mdr, i remembered her, and our friendship, and now when i see them together in the manga now,i just think what couldve been for us if we stuck together. Especially cause i still see her sometimes, with other friends and boyfriend now, and she really seems older.. More grown up. Not the brat i knew. Im not sure cause we dont talk, but yeah.
So i completely understand Midoriya. How he admired Bkg despite the bullying, and believes in him, and felt overjoyed when Bkg spoke to him, or simply doesnt care anymore when Bkg is meaner. He knows its just him being bratty, not exactly mean
And when people say they haven't evoluted(?) enough, i just... Get frustrated!
Theyve changed so much! The way they interqct now is different, and will probably keep changing, and whqt i think they really need to fix theur relationship is the apology.. I long for that horribly.. For maybe obvious reasons :|
I wish id had the opportunity to work through my relationship with her too.. If our relationship could be like theirs is now.. Id be overjoyed
Sooooo, just a little story for any anti-bkdk or just people that cant understamd how Deku still tolerates Bkg.
To anyone who cared enough to read this, hope you have a super duper day! ^^
(this was too big omg, im sorry Q^Q)
-The Shy Pancake 🥞
Never too big, my friend. Thank you for sharing your experience with my, I love to learn about my followers and this was very sweet to read. It's always wonderful to be able to connect to fiction based around our real life experiences, as long as we're able to separate ourselves from it, of course.
I think it's great how you're able to better understand Deku because of what you've experienced in your own life, and I love that it allows you to appreciate the relationship between him and Bakugo.
I hope maybe one day you could talk to that friend again. 💕
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whitmage · 6 years
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when she wanted to keep her wolves but raubahn says no
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hot-wiings · 5 years
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Requested By: Wattpad User
[Edited: 8-11-19]
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Kirishima and Bakugo slowly walked down the forbidden aisle in the grocery store. Kirishima could barely look at the products sitting on the shelf without looking away with tinted cheeks.  
Whereas Katsuki lamely gazed at the products. He didn't really get what the big deal was. Sure it was an intimate and private thing. But they were just fucking sanitary napkins. It's not like girls could change the fact they needed them. It was a necessary need. They shouldn't have to hide it. 
“What do we grab?”
“I don't know. They all look the fucking same.”
“Women are staring at us. We should just grab something and go.”
Kirishima grabbed two packages and compared them, trying to figure out which is better. 
“No! She was pissed at us. We don't wanna upset her any more than she already is.”
“Whose fault was that?”
Katsuki scanned the shelf. 
“What the fuck are wings?”
“Maybe we should ask someone? I mean they’re staring.” 
Katsuki grumbling he walked over to the women. 
“Can you tell me what the fuck wings are.”
“How rude.” 
The woman walks away upset at Katsuki’s blunt, rude way of asking. As well as his language. Looks like it was Eijirou’s turn.
“Excuse me, ma'am? I'm sorry for his language. Could you tell me what package to get? It's for my girlfriend.”
“Your buying sanitary napkins for your girlfriend? That's so sweet! She's lucky to have you. If I had a quarter for every time my boyfriend acted like periods were contagious I’d be rich.” 
Eijirou follows her to a certain selection of pads. 
“Do you know if she's on a heavy or light flow?”
“No, is it important?”
“No, it just helps know what to get her. I would get her Nighttime wings.”
She hands Eijirou a purple medium package. 
Eijirou walked back over to Katsuki and grabbed his hand.
“How come she fucking helped you, but not me?”
“It's all about how you ask, babe.“
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Kirishima and Bakugo knock on your door. You groan, getting up from your spot on the couch. Why couldn't people just leave you alone? You wanted fucking solitude. Not to be bothered. 
You open the door to see them and slam it back shut. Back for round two.
“I told you to leave me alone!”
“Baby, I brought you stuff. Uh, things, and pain medication.”
He went all the way to the store and bought something he knew nothing about. He really loved you. A smile played on your lips as you opened the door. 
“Eiji, you can come in.”
One of your boyfriends comes in. However, as Katsuki moves to come in, you put a hand on his chest and force him out. 
“I said Eiji. Your not Eiji.”
You slam the door in his face.
“But I bought them with him!”
“You also called me an emotional, baby!”
You started crying for the third time that day. Eijirou hugged you and rubbed your back. To be fair, you were acting very emotional. Raging one minute, crying the next. 
When he asked why you were being emotional, it sounded harsh. That's just because he talks the way he does. If he wanted to be harsh, it would have sounded a lot meaner. 
He thought it was cute if he tried fixing his ‘Emotional’ mistake, by calling you his emotional baby. It was supposed to be endearing, Didn't girls like that stuff?
“How was I supposed to know you were on your period!”
“OH! Just fucking shout it for the neighbours to hear! I'm gonna skin you. Don't ever knock on my door again. We’re through.”
More tears fall down your face, and Eijirou wiped them away. Poor Eijirou was stuck in the middle. Your hormones were everywhere, Katsuki was hot-headed, and Eijirou was in between. 
“Baby isn't that going too far...?”
“No, he was an asshole.”
Eijirou trails kisses on your neck and carries you to bed.
“We’ll circle back to it... for now, let's cuddle."
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You and Eijirou finished watching ‘A Walk To Remember.’ Both of you in tears now. Hey, real men weren't scared to cry in front of women.
“I’m hungry.”
“Let's find you some food.”
Eijirou kisses your temple and leads you to the kitchen. You scrambled through the fridge. Nothing to eat.
Suddenly there was knocking on your door again.
“I swear to God. If he's back, I'll skin him alive. I'm not even joking.”
You grab a wooden spatula off your counter only for Eijirou to take it from you.
“Baby, we should avoid hitting our boyfriend.”
You grumbled and crossed your arms.
“He's not my boyfriend. He's an asshole.”
“You don't mean that.”
“Yes, I do.”
You hear your stomach growl loudly. You sighed as you opened the door to find a very sorry Katsuki. Drenched in the rain, holding a box of chocolate.
“I thought I told you, we were through?”
“Kitten, I'm s- Um, I'm sor- Ugh, I'm fucking sorry.”
“You were mean to me.”
Eijirou wraps his arms around and buries his face in your neck.
“He gives such good back rubs.”
Your stomach growls again. But its really loud this time. 
“He makes some really good curry.”
Maybe, just maybe... You were being irrational. Perhaps, just a tiny bit, you were being too harsh. 
“Fine, you can be my boyfriend again, but only if you cook some food. I'm starving. You and Eiji also have to cuddle me.”
Katsuki comes in and kisses you. You missed his touch. Yup, you were definitely being irrational. Not that you'd ever admit it. 
“Sounds like you only want me for my food.”
He was teasing you. You tease him back a bit. 
“Well, you're really hot too.”
“You know, you're soaked from the rain. You should take your shirt off while you cook.”
“I agree. You could get sick.”
“Yes, for health purposes.”
Katsuki sighed while he stripped to his boxers. The things he did for his lovers. Of course, he knew they really deeply loved him and he would definitely be receiving some payment for his nude cooking later.
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2ofswords · 4 years
I’m gonna give a Patho opinion, because I want to at least get one out there and this the last flame I have in my inbox right now. Sorry anon, if you are not interested in that. “^^
Now for which one to choose... 
I think that Capella in P2 is actually nicer than Capella in P1 or at least on the same level. Both of them are pretty similar in that they have the theme “kindness to other people by using a cold and calculating approach from atop”. That is kind of her whole stick and I always feel a bit weird when it gets called out in P2 only or that she is being seen as meaner or even as backstabbing.
I honestly am not quite sure where the sentiment is coming from when only analyzing their character. They are handled quite similar, though P1 Capella is more calm and P2 Capella has a bit more dramatic flourish in her speech patterns. She might feel a little more theatrical and performative because of that? But its still pretty similar, both are very open to Artemy and a bit blunt and both are also businesslike in times. However I actually think Capella in P1 actually goes a bit more ham with this businesslike approach. There is a quest in the Haruspex route where you are asked to save Notkin from Barley’s gang and when you report that you have saved Notkin’s life, she just calmly pays you and sends you on your way again. The notes in the questlog even have Artemy be confused and quite a bit distraught because Capella seemed to handle the situation without direct empathy, so this theme is definitely in P1. And when Capella asks you to keep tabs on the children on day 8 she describe in contrast to Clara that “they are useful but in different ways” to her which is... you know also a very cold approach, even if they are “useful as friends”. Capella in P2 has a similar manner of speech - we can hear her being detached and a bit apathetic to her own feelings in her cut pantomime - but it definitely isn’t exclusive to her P2 version and the way she describes friendship actually sounded a bit less drastic, less driven by a political battle between the mistresses but from a personal sense of responsibility and duty, which, quite frankly, should feel a bit familiar. 
The thing that I really see for this argument is the graveyard scene that seems to aggravate some people? So let me elaborate on this one:
Yes Capella seems to go against what we as Artemy see as the right thing to do and trying to undo the trust and care we fought very hard to obtain when she takes the children into her own care, but that is what it looks like from Artemy’s perspective. Remember that he still is a stranger, who arrived like little more then a week ago, while Capella is being the leader of the children in town for like years? So she obviously holds herself to this responsibility and... quite frankly has a reason to do that and to distrust Artemy and go against his decisions. And her summoning might be final but she is telling him about this, she isn’t really going behind his back or sneakily betraying him. She has the right to make her own choices, she doesn’t own Artemy and she has neither exclaimed some sort of loyalty nor has Artemy ever bothered to involve her in his plans. She isn’t going against anything the two have spoken about. She is cold in the discussion but you can also see that it is clearly driven by  the desire to do the right thing, acting with the information she has. And that information is that the arrival of the train and the military, will destroy the children. The dreams of the mistresses might not be entirely reliably in that they are hard to read and analyse but she is obviously been taught to follow them as a mistress herself. So, Capella in P2 is only trying to do the right thing, even if it goes against our responsibilities as a player and while that can make us frustrated and angry as a player (and as Artemy) it doesn’t mean that she is worse for doing that. It kind of goes with the theme of Pathologic: In games we think our allies are pretty fixed and that going against the player aligns with a big betrayal scene. We also think that all responsibility of doing good should fall onto the player or be only supported by people to make sure of the plot going forward that the player doesn’t get to do. But Pathologic does not work that way. This time Capella directly involves herself in the agency of what the player is doing. Which is not something we are used to. But if we see her side of the story: Why shouldn’t she? The plan to evacuate the children in the Polyhedron is actually better than what Artemy can do for them, which is at this point being either completely unreliable or assigning a medicine that almost kills you. But the player is not used to other people doing tasks that you are supposed to do and think of this either as failure or betrayal. I think this is part from where this reaction is coming from at least. Who knows, maybe I am overlooking something here, but I think seeing Capella make her own decisions and actively involving herself makes her sense of duty seem more real than only recruiting Artemy as the children’s doctor in classic Pathologic and promising him the “gratitude of a mistress”. She is obviously willing to do stuff herself this time around and I think that makes her own resolve more commendable and not less. 
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cait-with-luv · 5 years
J.JK Soul Ink - Playlist
Previous | Next
¬ Me, Myself & I - G-Eazy ft Bebe Rexha
Oh, it's just me, myself and I Solo ride until I die Cause I, got me for life,yeah Oh I don't need a hand to hold Even when the night is cold I got that fire in my soul
¬ Him & I - G-Eazy ft Halsey
Cross my heart, hope to die To my lover, I'd never lie He said "be true", I swear I'll try In the end, it's him and I He's out his head, I'm out my mind We got that love, the crazy kind I am his and he is mine In the end, it's him and I, him and I
¬  You Don't Own Me - Grace ft G-Eazy
You don't own me I'm not just one of your many toys You don't own me Don't say I can't go with other boys
Don't tell me what to do And don't tell me what to say Please, when I go out with you Don't put me on display
¬Control - Halsey
I sat alone, in bed till the morning I'm crying, "They're coming for me" And I tried to hold these secrets inside me My mind's like a deadly disease
I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
¬ Gasoline - Halsey
And all the people say You can't wake up, this is not a dream You're part of a machine, you are not a human being With your face all made up, living on a screen Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline
I think there's a flaw in my code These voices won't leave me alone Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold
¬Hold me down - Halsey
My demons are begging me to open up my mouth I need them, mechanically make the words come out They fight me, vigorous and angry, watch them pounce Ignite me, licking up the flames they bring about
¬ Without Me - Halsey
Gave love 'bout a hundred tries Just running from the demons in your mind Then I took yours and made 'em mine I didn't notice 'cause my love was blind
¬ Nightmare - Halsey
I've tasted blood and it is sweet I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet I've trusted lies and trusted men Broke down and put myself back together again Stared in the mirror and punched it to shatters Collected the pieces and picked out a dagger I've pinched my skin in between my two fingers And wished I could cut some parts off with some scissors
¬ Now or Never - Halsey
Never pick up, never call me You know we're runnin' out of time Never pick up when you want me Now I gotta draw a line Baby I done, done enough talking Need to know that you're mine Baby we done, done enough talking Gotta be right now, right now
¬ I Walk The Line - Halsey
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep my eyes wide open all the time I keep the ends out for the tie that binds Because you're mine, I walk the line
I find it very, very easy to be true I find myself alone when each day is through Yes, I'll admit that I'm a fool for you
¬  Desperado - Rihanna
Gotta get up out of here and You ain't leaving me behind I know you won't, 'cause we share common interests you Need me, there ain't no leaving me behind Never know, no, just want out of here yeah Once I'm gone, ain't no going back
¬Needed Me - Rihanna
I was good on my own, that's the way it was That's the way it was You was good on the low for a faded fuck On some faded love Shit, what the fuck you complaining for? Feeling jaded huh? Used to trip off that shit I was kickin' to you Had some fun on the run though I give it to you
¬I'm Gonna Show You Crazy -  Bebe Rexha
I'm tired of trying to be normal I'm always over-thinking I'm driving myself crazy So what if I'm fucking crazy?
And I don't need your quick fix I don't want your prescriptions Just 'cause you say I'm crazy So what if I'm fucking crazy? Yeah, I'm gonna show you
¬ Bad Bitch - Bebe Rexha ft Ty Dolla $ign
You're sayin' that your tired of all your empty habits You want something that's deeper 'cause you're over the generics You're fuckin' with them basics when you really want the baddest So come on, baby, get it, 'cause to miss it, it would be tragic
¬ Straight Shooter - Skylar Grey
Married into this family and I'm datin' a bunch of outlaws Even the children drawing guns out of little crayon box Playing with scissors, cuttin' straight to the point Don't need to beat around the bush, we takin' shots to the groin
¬ Yonce/Partition - Beyoncé
Driver roll up the partition please I don't need you seeing 'Yonce on her knees Took forty-five minutes to get all dressed up We ain't even gonna make it to this club Now my mascara running, red lipstick smudged
¬ Or Nah - SoMo (Rendition)
I'm a freaky-deeky lover wanna hit you from the back and other ways That you have never experimented under the covers Roll around the bed with me is something you don't just discover If you wanna get with me you gotta keep it on one hundred I'mma make you scream my name
¬ The Hills - The Weeknd
I only love it when you touch me, not feel me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah
¬ Gangsta - Kehlani
I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue I'm built for it, all the abuse I got secrets, that nobody, nobody knows I'm good on, that pussy shit I don't want, what I can get I want someone, with secrets That nobody, nobody, nobody knows
¬ CRZY - Kehlani
Everything I do, I do it with a passion If I gotta be a bitch, I'ma be a bad one I'm AI with the designs, du-ragging Bounce back game good, why we talkin' practice? Yeah, yeah, yeah Pull up score when I want to Best thing next to Heaven They be tryna count me out though I'm just countin', countin' blessings A real woman 'bout her paper
¬ Good Life - Kehlani & G-Eazy
Raise up a cup up for all my day ones Two middle fingers for the haters Life's only getting greater Straight up from nothing we go Higher than the highest skyscraper No Little League, we major The proof is in the paper
¬ Sucker For Pain - Imagine Dragons, X Ambassadors, Lil Wayne, Logic, Wiz Kalifa, Ty Dolla $ign
I torture you Take my hand through the flames I torture you I'm a slave to your games I'm just a sucker for pain I wanna chain you up I wanna tie you down I'm just a sucker for pain
¬ Do Re Mi - blackbear
If I could go back to the day we met I probably would just stay in bed You run your mouth all over town And this one goes out to the sound Of breaking glass on my Range Rover
¬ Zipper - Jason Derulo
I'ma mark my territory Shawty I'm an animal, slowly digging in to you Spread you like a bad story Turn you to a criminal, let me see you cock it back
¬ Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding
Fading in, fading out On the edge of paradise Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've gotta find Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire Yeah, I'll let you set the pace 'Cause I'm not thinking straight My head spinning around, I can't see clear no more What are you waiting for?
¬ Beating Heart - Ellie Goulding
Wanna hear your beating heart tonight Before the bleeding sun comes alive I want to make the best of what is left hold tight And hear my beating heart one last time.
¬ Pillowtalk - Zayn
I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure Nobody but you, 'body but me 'Body but us, bodies together I love to hold you close, tonight and always I love to wake up next to you
¬ Dusk Til' Dawn - Zayn ft Sia
'Cause I wanna touch you, baby And I wanna feel you, too I wanna see the sunrise and your sins Just me and you Light it up, on the run Let's make love, tonight Make it up, fall in love, try
¬ I Don't Wanna Live Forever - Zayn ft Taylor Swift
Been sitting eyes wide open behind these four walls, hoping you'd call It's just a cruel existence like there's no point hoping at all
Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and every day Give me something, oh, but you say nothing What is happening to me?
¬ Wrong - MAX Ft Lil Uzi Vert
Wanted to take her back to my place Driving 90, let the cops chase Making that "Damn it feels so good" face Cause she don't wanna wait, no, wait 'til we get home
¬ Youngblood - 5SOS
Remember the words you told me, love me 'til the day I die Surrender my everything 'cause you made me believe you're mine Yeah, you used to call me baby, now you calling me by name Takes one to know one, yeah You beat me at my own damn game
¬ Champions - Fall Out Boy ft RM
Have you ever felt how hard it is to be an anybody To be living, to be breathing, not choosing a dead body Remember, the man told me that this life is a party Yeah, all the glory's so short you should put away the garbages Normal ain't normal, ordinary is a luxury
¬ Crossfire - Stephen
He'd trade his guns for love But he's caught in the crossfire And he keeps wakin' up But it's not to the sound of birds The tyranny, the violent streets Deprived of all that we're blessed with And we can't get enough, no
¬ Revolution - Diplo
Can you see it? The worst is over The monsters in my head are scared of love Fallen people listen up! It's never too late to change our luck
¬ Bad Guy - Billie Eilish
White shirt now red, my bloody nose Sleeping, you're on your tippy toes Creeping around like no one knows Think you're so criminal Bruises, on both my knees for you Don't say thank you or please I do what I want when I'm wanting to My soul? So cynical
¬ Bad Moon Rising- Mourning Ritual ft Peter Dreimanis
I see a bad moon rising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightning. I see bad times today.
Don't go around tonight, Well, it's bound to take your life, There's a bad moon on the rise.
¬ Give It To Me- Agust D
(Same Lyrics, just in Hangul and in English)
아직은 성공의 비법은 몰라도 망하는 비법 잘 알 것 같어 딱 너처럼 놀고 나불대는 게 비법 죽어도 그렇겐 안 살 것 같어
I'm still not sure about the secret to success But I think I know the secret to failure The secret is to play the fool just like you And keep blabbing your mouth But I wouldn't live like that even if I had to die
¬ Jopping - SuperM
You think ya big boi, throwing three stacks I'mma a show you how to ball, you a mismatch Opinionated but I'm always spitting straight facts Throwback, I might throw this on an 8 track Believe me, I'm sight to see Exciting go and drop the beat We get it jopping the party, it don't stop The festival is now starting
¬  Tove Lo - Vibes
Skin to skin Seepin' in Flickering, our eyes go wide You giving me studded sight Painting stars In our hearts Yeah, you know I'm down for you I want you to lick my wounds
¬ Bad Things- Machine Gun Kelly ft Camila Cabello
Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind? If you only knew the bad things I like Don't think that I can explain it What can I say, it's complicated Don't matter what you say Don't matter what you do I only wanna do bad things to you So good, that you can't explain it What can I say, it's complicated
¬ Home - Machine Gun Kelly ft Bebe Rexha ft X Ambassadors
I been through so much pain And it's hard to maintain, any smile on my face 'Cause there's madness on my brain So I gotta make it back, but my home ain't on the map Gotta follow what I'm feeling to discover where it's at I need the (memory) In case this fate is forever, just to be sure these last days are better And if I have any (enemies) To give me the strength to look the devil in the face and make it home safe
¬ Way Down We Go (Stripped) - Kaleo
They will run you down, down 'til the dark Yes and they will run you down, down 'til you fall And they will run you down, down 'til you go Yeah, so you can't crawl no more
¬ 7 Rings - Ariana Grande
Been through some bad shit, I should be a sad bitch Who woulda thought it'd turn me to a savage? Rather be tied up with calls and not strings Write my own checks like I write what I sing
¬ Don't Call Me Angel - Ariana Grande,  Miley Cyrus & Lana Del Ray
See you here with somebody Dude sizin' up my body Don't you know that I bite when the sun set, yeah? So don't you track 'em around me Might work on them, but not me Don't you know that I bite when the sun set?
¬ Into You - Ariana Grande
I'm so into you, I can barely breathe And all I wanna do is to fall in deep But close ain't close enough 'til we cross the line So name a game to play, and I'll roll the dice, hey
¬ Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande
Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
¬ Seven Nation Army ( Glitch Mob Remix)
I'm gonna fight 'em all A seven nation army couldn't hold me back They're gonna rip it off Taking their time right behind my back
¬  Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez
No one never listens, this wallpaper glistens Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchenPlaces, places, get in your places Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces Everyone thinks that we're perfect Please don't let them look through the curtains
¬ Carousel - Melanie Martinez
Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go, Will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know, Chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I, Feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel
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spacegaywritings · 4 years
CoS - Chap 14 “A sky full of stars (but you are the only light I see)“
Summary: <<he asked whether it is a date and Logan is pulling the "i am hereby asking for your consent to call this meeting a date - in the romantic sense" card>>
TW: crying, drama (bit), panic, gay gay gay shit, stargazing, soft stuff, sappy logan, past abuse, trauma mention, talks of past abandonment, mentions of past cheating, mentions of trust issues, mentions of violence, empty threats, weapon mention, stabby threat mention, dry humour, mentions of arson, demiboy virgil, thoughts of being broken, questioning (logan and Virgil).
The drama is short and necessary for HURT AND COMFORT
ao3 : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16+ // all
Tumblr: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 /  11 / 12 / 13 / 14 (u are here) / 15 / 16 +  
  My KoFi  - Support me ♥ or Commission me
 Story under the cut: (Wordcount: ~4,7k)
“Ri, please. I will be home in time, I promise.”
 Virgil pushed the cup of coffee closer to Remy in an attempt to appeal to him and somewhat sweeten the deal. The elder sibling eyed the offer with suspicion. Maybe the coffee was not poisoned but Remy might as well treat it as if.
 “Alright, alright. Just .. please be here around midnight? I want to be with you when the next day starts. Just this one thing?”
 Virgil jumped up and emitted a loud squeal.
 Their dark eyes sparkled with warmth. In no time, Remy was met with a bundle of Virgil in his arms and he giggled.
 “Now now, what is going on with you?”
 He chuckled. His hands brushed through Virgil’s dyed hair.
 “Logan asked me out! We will do things tonight!”
 They giggled more and snuggled up to their sibling with an energetic smile on their lips.
 “Logan? Library kid Logan? I think you told me about him.”
 Remy hummed in thought, still carding his fingers through Virgil’s messy hair.
 “V, do you feel ready to date already? I don’t mind if you do. I will support you, no matter what.”
 Virgil pursed their lips and shrugged.
They wanted to nod but their head did not want to comply.
 “I.. I want to try it. I can, um.. I can tell him I don’t want to go further. At least now. I - I don’t know. I really like him. I like him like I like Dee, you know?”
 Remy nodded sagely and patted their head in support.
 “It’s okay. I don’t wanna roast you about this, anyway. You learned enough in life and if you want advice, I am here for you. I am your wise sibling after all!”
 He smirked.
Virgil groaned and leaned away.
 “Ewww, don’t do that! You’re just old, Ri!”
 Virgil jumped up again and skipped away.
 “I need to, like, fucking dress up and shit!”
 Remy’s laughter echoed through the rooms.
 “Stop laughing you jerk!”, Virgil yelled back from afar, their hurried steps echoing in Remy’s head. He smiled at the rapidly shifting figure.
 Once they were in the bathroom to take a shower,, or whatever Virgil did in there, then in their room, in Remy’s room to probably steal clothes, then in the bathroom again.
Virgil seemed to be seconds away from prom.
Speaking of which, Remy thought they never really had a real prom.
 He got up to make a small meal for his dramatic kid sibling. They might be about to become a legal adult - one who could drink alcohol, too, not just sign contracts - but they were still such a young baby to him.
Probably, Remy would always see the neonate in Virgil he had been marked with when they “met” for the first time.
 He pressed his lips together. He frowned at the toast he prepared.
The professor actually sounded like a suburban supermom who could not cope with the idea of their kid growing up or whatever.
Not that he could cope with it but still.
 “Riiii, I am stealing your jeans!”
 The addressed adult snorted as soon as he heard it. It took him a moment to compose himself and gain enough breath as he dissolved into the tickling giggles and the light-hearted sensation of situational comedy.
His mouth gasped for breath and sucked in the sweet sweet oxygen so he could laugh even more.
 Once he had calmed down, he sighed and put the sandwich together with cheese and put it into a pan to grill it because Virgil liked this kinda stuff. Remy at least gave the kid some fresh fruits too. He glanced at the little bowl of fruit salad he had made earlier.
Yeah, he was not feeding the kid purely bullshit food or anything. He was not a dummy neglectful idiot.
He was supportive. So he would not laugh and go be a supportive sibling.
 “Sure, just turn up the legs, so you don’t fall over or walk on them. I want my pants back as they were - please don’t cut them, I will eat your hair dye.”
 Virgil passed him in the kitchen.
They were so fast, Remy did not even have the time to turn around to properly look at them.
He flipped the sandwich in the pan, letting the heat sizzle and seize the cooler piece of white bread.
 “Yeah, sure, like you would know”
 They stuck out their tongue and Remy half-heartedly glanced at them with no fire in his amused eyes.
He did not have it in his heart to poke fun at Virgil when he knew they could boil over at any moment, considering they were probably anxious about this date thing. Well, Remy assumed this but with Virgil tugging at their sleeves and looking at their hands as they sat there in the most oversized clothes that looked punk yet comfortable enough to hide them away.
Honestly, they were a walking fabric storage.
 The ripped black jeans were too big and gave them an odd artisan air. Virgil also wore a black dress shirt that looked big enough to accommodate the siblings together. It was kept together by their tie with was loosely tied around their neck and had black and red stripes with little metal chains closer to the tip.
They were shiny and silverish.
As always, Virgil had their black and purple, stitched-up mess of a jacket on that served as a mobile cave for them to retreat to.
They had their piercings on as well. Black rings around their lips, purple gauges in their lobes, one gauge each ear. These were hollow inside but one could barely see through them. One of them had a thin, golden hoop through it and the rest were regular piercings: simple golden studs in line with their naturally warm skin tone.
 They were everyone’s emo nightmare and Remy appreciated it.
 “You look great, kid,”
 Virgil rose their eyes to look at Remy for just a moment before tearing their gaze away and back onto their fidgeting fingers.
An audible sigh could be heard. It was short, void of breath, if that made any sense. Almost as if they were physically exhausted from running a long distance without break. Sprinting, perhaps.
 “Oh, Virgil. What is wrong? Who do I need to beat up because I am strong and taller than you and I will take a bitch!”
 Remy flicked his wrist majestically, slowly and ever so dramatically to reveal one single finger sticking out among all other peasant fingers bowing to the Queen of Middle Fingers.
 “I can and will fuck up a bitch because there is no bitch meaner than me.”
 The punk looked at him, eyes weirdly distant. It slowly faded into something like a glare rather than an empty stare into nothingness.
 “If you get arrested for some shit, you would just, like, get your teaching license revoked or something. Sounds like bullshit to me, to be honest.”
 A grin appeared on their lips, it flinched onto them but disappeared as fast as it came up.
 “No, it is okay. It.. just... Anxious and all”, Virgil admitted in a tired voice. They sounded as if energy was lacking but jumped into a rash and pumped up statement after just one moment of pause, “and before you ask, yes, I went to therapy - remember? I texted you and brought you coffee from there.”
 Remy nodded carefully and shut the stove before moving over to approach Virgil. The air smelled of salty cheese and it was as alluring as it was sickening but Virgil was not sure which feeling was overpowering at this moment.
 They nodded and patted the table. Remy nodded back and gave a small smile in appreciation as he sat down with Virgil, keeping his respectful distance.
 “I am scared, um.. just.. anxiety bullshit - not that I am, you know. It is just irrational. Logan is not like this, is not like,, like him, like Nate. Fuck Nate. Logan is not even into chicks, I think. I don’t.. I don’t know, you know? I don’t even know this about him and I am trying to date him and I slept in his bed. Ri, we fucking shared a bed and I don’t even know whether he would cheat on me!”
 Something in Remy’s face changed when Virgil spat out the last part, voice getting red and hot in all-consuming anger and.. betrayal.
They hugged themself and buried their head between their knees.
 “Breathe, please. Are you with me?”
 Virgil shrugged but silently breathed instead of getting further into the conversation. Numbers were counted slowly, it felt like a dragging of time and it was a never-ending burn in their lungs. Their sibling patiently moved closer to hug them and Virgil cuddled up to his chest.
 “I am.. I am being irrational. I know I .. I don’t know all about him but neither does he about me and that is okay because it is just dating and I am not obliged to do anything. I-it feels nice to think about being with him and to be with him and if he gives me red flags, I will shoot him down. I just don’t think he would.”
 Virgil sighed, looking at their hands again.
 “I.. I am doing the right thing. He agreed and we will just have some fun doing dumb things and such. No obligations, no relationship, no stupid cheating.”
 They got up and sighed again.
 “I, um, smell food..? Please tell me you are gonna feed me, I am a beast when hungry.”
 Remy chuckled.
 “Get a snickers, you hoe”
 Their shoulders trembled as they silently snickered.
 “You should eat one. I can bring you disgusting fast food when I come back. Hot cakes?”
 Virgil got their hands onto the plate and plopped the toast onto it in silence. They squipped in happiness and got some cutlery.
 “I will eat everything you have, Ri, just you wait”, they promised with a sense of playful threat. They settled on their chair, silverware clattering as they dropped it onto the wooden table.
In seconds, the toast stuffed their mouth completely and effectively prevented them from communicating any more comprehensive speech.
“Jwuft fwuh wayt!”
 Not that they did not try it anyway. No mortal piece of bread would be able to withstand their sheer will to fucking do it because they could and were not supposed to.
Remy rolled his eyes at the performance.
 “Yeah yeah, keep going with your threats. But thanks, I don’t need hotcakes.”
 The smaller sibling nodded.
 Remy licked his lips seriously. The air changed from a light-hearted playfullness to another shade of depth once more.
 “You can text me”, he took a small break to smack his lips. Virgil looked up at him in an unidentifiable mixture of feelings. “if you feel anxious, that is. I will get to you in an instant if you even have a remotely bad feeling. If your friend, date dude or whatever hot bitch you are excited about, is as kind as you perceive him to be, he will understand anything that will come up even if he does not expect it.”
 Virgil cronched the toast loudly and hummed.
 “Being close to you is about being able to be spontaneous and patient. You know what you need and you know not every person is ready to be this patient and kind. That is okay.”
 Their shoulders slouched but they nodded dejectedly. This was like reading the same story over and over but it still affected them every time they got to its synopsis.
 “ “m nutt yur problm”, they mumbled in reply and curled up on their chair, still chewing. Remy smiled and nodded sympathetically, his heart on his tongue.
 “You are not a problem at all, my heart. You are a stubborn little fuck and you just refuse to die and we will drink on that - as people who refuse to fucking die at all.”
 Virgil swallowed and grinned at Remy, hands suddenly full of energy as they dynamically scooped up the trophy that was a bit of fruit salad.
 “Do I at least look hot? Because I gotta have to blow a nerd off his socks tonight and I wanna do a great job at it. Skirt too much?”
 Remy chuckled but shrugged.
 “I like you dressed this way or in anything else you feel comfortable in. You definitely are staying true to your aesthetics. You and your date will steal for the homeless, I see?”
 The smaller sibling got up to put the dishes into the dishwasher. Their fingers trailed over the machine for a moment as they got lost in thoughts for a bit. Just a moment.
Their phone rang again.
Oh, yes. The alarm.
 “Imma get going. I will steal your keys and a hot fucker’s heart.”
 The keys fell against one another, creating the sweet melody of arrival and departure, endings and beginnings.
Remy looked after them, a little bitterness weighing their smile down.
 Well, it was time to make a cake and wait for Virgil to come back. It would just be a few hours.
 Virgil slowly walked the last few meters to the door Logan had told them to go to. It was a weird feeling to be visiting the university so late at night. They had not even noticed this had been Logan’s intended meet-up point but once they had closed in, they started growing suspicious.
 The science building was not exactly the place they would usually hang around but alas, it was time to test the waters and get into new things and just dare stuff again, right? Life was about daring new stuff all the time and just going a bit further again and again.
 Their right hand formed a fist around their phone. The display kept shining into the night, showing them the room number they had sent Remy. The chat was open and they would be able to call or text him within moments, if need be.
The fingers were ready for everything.
 They stopped at the door, eyes glancing over the screen to check the number.
Yeah, seemed about right.
Their left hand rose to form a fist and knock the tall door.
 Within less than a second, the door swung open and Logan stood in front of Virgil, towering over them.
He.. he looked special this day. No tie, no pretty shoes. He was in a comfortable set of pants, a loose band shirt of Bunny Smashskull with the eye strain of their neon logo version. Even the shoes were just regular old shoes, sports shoes - they looked and worn yet rather comfortable.
 Virgil was nearly leaning against his chest. They were so close..
 DAMN IT. They had not been ready for this, apparently!
….go get him, tiger.
Ew, no, Virgil. You are not a tiger, you are a tiny human and you will go get a Logan-date. Uh, like.. wow, Virgil. Just be a normal dude and be .. you… who is not normal.
Hey wait, is that dude talking? Fuck, fuck, talk to him!
 By the time Virgil caught themself again, Logan’s lips were moving and they did not listen at all. They shifted from leg to leg and coughed into their elbow awkwardly.
 “Uh- Log, I .. I did gay-out for a sec. Wha’did ya say?”
 Logan smiled and nodded. One of his hands moved away from the door handle after a last squeeze and instead closed in on Virgil.
They flinched, staring at the intruder.
 He only offered to take their hand. Just a hand. Nothing else.
Virgil’s heart was beating fast.
 “I was just saying you are stunning as always, Virgil, if not more so.”
 Logan cleared his throat. The smaller of the two gave themself a last mental pep talk before brushing over the insider of Logan’s warm, big hands. The upside of their fingernails scratched against his palm, starting from the naturally caved-in middle and slowly tracing over the Logan’s fingers until they reached his nails.
They swallowed and looked up at Logan, fingers stretched out, still. Then, they slowly crooked them to wrap them around Logan’s patient hand.
 His face lit up like turned-on fairy lights at the gesture. Instinctively, he squeezed.
If anyone else had been there, Logan could never pretend to not care about feelings-y things and interpersonal relationships. The smile on his bright, vivid face was significant and it changed everything Virgil had ever seen about him.
 Their right hand was still clutching their phone, ready to call Remy.
They let go and followed Logan inside, a smile mirroring the taller man.
 Now, their heart was beating for a whole other reason.
Panic was only a nightmare in this room.
 “Let us watch the stars again”
 Logan tugged the smaller emo along, fingers entangled. Hearts beat together like in a drum circle, forming one rhythm and one string of melody.
When they came to a stop, Virgil took in the room properly.
 The older of the two looked at Virgil, blocking their view.
 “Huh? Whaddup, Log?”
 “Can you trust me enough to close your eyes right now?”
 Their right flinched a bit.
Logan was too observant of a person to miss even a single bit of detail about his date, especially. They shrugged.
 “If you scare me, I might break your nose or stab you. You have been warned.”
 Logan shrugged as well.
Apparently, he cared about the lights more than his ribs but who was there to blame him? For him it was a matter of hurt or Virgil and he was more than willing to take a risk for them.
 Virgil was not drunk, was not stupid. They were broken and confused and always scared, vigilant and ready to fight. They were feral.
But they were also just a simple person, wanting love, wanting to be surprised and be courted.
 Eye lids shut down, heavy and trusting.
 His arm rose, one knuckle extended just enough to brush over the light switch and nudge it barely yes just so much, it moved and the light was gone.
 “Thanks. You can open them again.”
 His voice was low, low like the light in the room. They dimmed down together. When Virgil opened their eyes, the world of little like lights and soft atmosphere was opened up to them. The room, the machines and walls, everything, even they and Logan were immersed in the lights of a thousand stars. They were a part of the universe, they were right in it and surrounded by nothing but the darkness of the night and the light of life.
 They muttered, barely audible.
To be honest, they literally had no more breath. It was away, taken and forever with the stars only. They would not get it back but it was okay. It was an exchange.
Virgil got to stand amidst the myriad of lights in the vast darkness of the universe and they paid the tribute with their own breath.
 Just like it would be if they were in outer space for real.
 “Let us watch the stars we are standing in, Virgil. I want to watch the stars with you.”
 The two laid down and stayed quiet and just relished in the view, in the feeling, in being together.
They were lost but did not need to be found.
 After a while, Virgil spoke up.
Their voice was timid before the stars and planets of the universe.
 “I am sorry about being a little shit last morning. I just.. this was not about you at all and I did not mean to and I know you said it is okay but it is never okay to be shit to someone, even if you have a reason. It is just not an excuse and I was being shitty to you for nothing you did. I just .. I can’t talk to you without feeling guilty and bad, so I got upset.”
 Logan was silent as Virgil squeezed their eyes shut and took a deep breath.
 “I know you only want to assure I am fine because you are worried and that is cool, it is.. it is nice to be cared for, cared about.. it is just still a bit new to me and such a weird concept. The fact you guys took me in within a moment of just.. seeing me? That is so nice and I cannot understand how complete strangers, new people in my life just become friends this loyal and -and kind.”
 Their voice broke. This time, they broke out into sobbing. Instinctively, Logan wrapped his arms around them and hugged them close.
Virgil hid their sloppy self in Logan’s chest. They hugged back with a passion while the taller one had expected a slower and more anxious reaction. The young adults melted into the universe, the the stars and the light of each other.
 “It is okay”, Logan murmured into their hair, “it is okay. It is over now. We care about you. We will continue to care about you, even much later in life. Even if things go wrong. You still deserve a nice life and kind people and every bit of love you can handle or have to learn how to handle.”
 A torn cluster of giggles worked through their sobs.
The waterfall of tears started flowing harder, wetting the band logo of their beloved band Bunny Smashskull.
 “I-I’m sorry”, they cried, “ I.. I mean..”
 They curled up against Logan, suddenly being nothing but a small and fragile being in the middle of the universe.
No need to be found.
But still found and still appreciating it.
 “Don’t be sorry for bad things and people happening to you. In life, people experience a lot of aversive events they would rather not witness yet sometimes we cannot do anything about it, especially in younger years of life. Aversive childhood experiences are actually not rare. Usually, everyone experiences at least a few of them. Your way and effectiveness in coping with it depends on your safety net and other positive or healthy experiences to build your self-esteem and other things among this.”
 Virgil snuggled up to Logan and hummed over their sniffles and sobs.
 “I .. I know.. I am coping now and h-ave, like, all this therapy stuff and crisis talks and all this shit with friends and all. It.. It is better but you know, like, a little more than one year ago I would get piss-drunk and set buildings on fire and break people’s noses and fuck shit up and be a whole fucking asshole and hack and fight and break any law I could find. Now I am.. so nice and stable..”
 Virgil sighed and slowly wiped the tears away.
 “I um.. I set something on fire while I was drunk and dumb, I did not mean to do it - anyway, I actually did a good job doing it. I have no regrets. Nobody was hurt but a fraud was uncovered in this whole mess.”
 They shrugged.
 “If you wanna ditch me, ditch me now, I mean.. I am giving you the official permission to throw me out of space-nirvana. Go, on.”
 Virgil lightly pushed against his chest.
 “I am not even sure what kinda sexuality I have. I am just saying gay because I don’t know what else to say and because I know I like dudes and I am not even a dude, like, not fully. I- I am a demiguy and I don’t even use he/him all the time, not even right now. I am a mess.”
 The emo brushed through their hair and snorted.
 “Forget it, you are... you are too good and prefect and great and nice for a messy arsonist and poly-amorous mess of imperfections and societal rejections.”
 They shook their head.
 “No. No, it is okay. It is alright. I... I am sorry for just putting this on you all of a sudden and expect you to make a decision. Like, wow, way to be a dick. You are a nice dude, Log. Thank you for the date and the stars. This is the nicest date I ever had in my entire life.”
 Their voice was warm with the wonders of the world.
Logan melted at the idea.
 He carefully brushed over their jaw, still holding them loosely.
 “I will love you, whether you are a man or not. I will love you now and later and when you dropped a book when I made an unfunny joke about chemistry and you laughed. You looked so happy. When you called me for help, you were shattered but you were still full of life and will to live. You met Patton and you two hugged. You never fail to surprise me with your talents. I never knew you were so clever and skilled you could hack, I never knew you fought the government. I never knew but I wish I will never stop to learn more about you.”
 He licked his dry lips and glanced at their lips, at their eyes and pursed their own mouth, letting out a whispered “may I?”
 His voice was soft. It was soft and Virgil blinked, smiled and stormed forward to experience soft lips. Lips softer than anything Virgil had ever felt before.
It touched them deep inside, brushed their heart, let their chest bloom and glow in feelings, in comfort.
 They carefully leaned against Logan and closed the gap their stupid outburst had put between them. Within a fast heartbeat, they rolled over and straddled him.
Chests brushed against one another, pounding themselves into oblivion.
 But together.
 When Virgil pulled back, their lips were flushed and tingly from smooching so much. Even Logan’s usually pale face was tinted with rosy colours and warm tinges of affection and contentment. The two lazily smiled at one another.
 “Consent is sexy, Log.”
 Logan snorted, chuckled, laughed out loud and lost himself in the surge of dopamine. He threw his arms around Virgil and tugged them down so they could press their foreheads together and nudge each other’s nose as if it was the only way to communicate his intense feelings for them, the butterflies and glistening tears of happiness in his mortal body.
 He was happy.
Really, Virgil seemed happy, too.
For the first time in forever, everything just seemed .. okay. The two knew they had found each other to be the thing they did not need but wanted so bad and deserved as much as any other great good in life.
They had.. arrived.
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lovemesomerafael · 5 years
El Amor Todo Lo Puede       Chapter 39:  Cataclysm
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Source:  @shadowassassin32
Chapters 1-35  Chapter 36  Chapter 37  Chapter 38
As spring became summer, Peter ducked Laura as much as he could.  She called, she texted, she stopped by his office when she was in the building, but he could always think of something more important that needed his attention. Conversations were brief and superficial, and when she tried to press him on how he was, he would insist he was fine and either change the subject or suddenly have an important appointment to go to.  He was usually brusque and dismissive with her, which hurt her even more than his obvious avoidance.  He became pale and a little puffy around his usually angular face.  Worse, Laura began to hear comments about how much, and how often, he was drinking, and his apparently abundant sex life.  He didn’t seem to care enough to go to bars that weren’t frequented by his colleagues at the D.A.’s office and NYPD.  
It was time to make him talk to her.  She wasn’t looking forward to it.  Although she knew the sweet, kind, generous side of Peter that he kept private, she was also fully aware of his public persona. The tough, argumentative, black and white, borderline cold attorney that feared nothing and pulled no punches. She fully expected that was the Peter she’d be dealing with.  Laura was aware of no force on Earth that could make Peter Stone talk about something he didn’t want to, or do something he didn’t want to do.  
She knew he’d be at one of a handful of places. When she struck out at Forlini’s, she headed to Maxwell’s and found him sitting at the bar alone, with a glass of something dark and probably 100-proof in front of him, and an empty glass nearby. Damn.  She’d hoped to catch him before he got going, but had been at the hospital with a rape victim until late.  It was now after 8 p.m. He scowled into his glass, tossing back half the contents at once.  When he set the glass down on the bar, his lips were pressed into a grim line.  Peter’s reaction to her greeting told Laura immediately the two glasses in front of him were not the full story.
“Sunshine!  Come give me a hug!”  
Laura walked to him and hugged him, feeling him lean just a little too heavily on her.  “I was hoping to catch you earlier, but I got stuck at work.  I want to talk to you.”  
“Ugh, you sound so serious.  Let’s not get into a big discussion, all right?  Let’s have some fun.”  He pulled her back to him and kissed her sloppily on the side of her head.
“I really need to talk to you, Peter.”  She hiked herself up on the barstool next to him, but waved the bartender off.  Peter wasn’t drunk yet, but he wasn’t sober enough to have a real discussion.  It didn’t look like there was much point in staying.  
“Well, I don’t want to talk at all.  You know what I do want to do?”  He leaned over to kiss her, but she angled away from him.  
“Stop it, Peter.”
“C’mon, just for old times’ sake, huh?  Your boyfriend doesn’t have to know.”
Now he was getting handsy.  This was absolutely not the Peter she knew.  “You know me better than that.  Let go of me.”
“You know what?  You were more fun when you drank.”
Laura was stunned speechless for a moment by the uncharacteristic offhand cruelty of his remark.
“I never cheated, even then.  Which you also know.  Knock it off, or I’m leaving.”
“That’s probably a good idea if you don’t want to have a good time,” he pouted, pushing her away, then added spitefully, “You’ll just get in the way of me finding someone who does.” 
“I’m going to need your keys.”
“I’m not gonna drive.  Need I remind you, you are not in a position to judge me?”
Peter Stone, intentionally mean?  Laura wasn’t sure whether she was more angry or more afraid for him.  “No.  You don’t need to remind me.  I remember quite well.  But you are going to need your car tomorrow, and you can’t leave it here overnight.  I was offering to drive it to your apartment for you.”
He silently handed her his keys, still at least himself enough to look slightly ashamed.  She kissed him on the cheek.  “Call me if you need me.  Good hunting, I guess.”
On the way out, Laura stopped one of the bartenders she knew slightly as he picked up some glasses from a newly-vacated table.
“Hey, it’s Franco, right?”
“I’m Laura.”
“Yeah, I seen you in here before.  You’re a cop, right?”
“Yeah.  Hey, listen, Franco, I’m a friend of Peter’s…” She jerked a thumb at Peter over her shoulder.  “I’m a little worried about him.  How often is he here?”
Franco smiled with one side of his mouth.  “You his girlfriend?”
“Well, then, I’ll tell you.  It’s none of my business, but…  he’s in here two or three times a week.  And he leaves with a different chick every time.  Except tonight, he got shut down by the babe he was working, so he’s had a few more than usual.” 
“OK, thanks.  I appreciate it.”  Shit.
 On the subway from Peter’s apartment to her own after dropping off his SUV, Laura thought about what Peter had said, and what she had learned about his recent behavior.  She knew she had to do something, but she also knew Peter.  When he dug in his heels…  She shook her head, thinking that Peter must have had very similar thoughts about her back in her drinking days.  She tried not to think about him sleeping his way across Manhattan.  
 When Laura let herself into his apartment, Rafael was laying on his couch, reading something that looked work-related while the news station played in the background.  He looked up, smiling, and tossed his papers onto the floor next to him.
Laura stretched out on top of Rafael, giving him a quick kiss and then lying her head down on his chest.  
“Tired?  Bad day?”
“No, it was OK.  I’m just glad to be here with you.”
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he ordered in a quiet voice.
“Nothing. Peter just said something shitty to me, is all.”
“How’s he doing?”  Rafael asked, his voice neutral although Laura could feel his body tense at Peter’s name. 
“Well, he’s discovered that sex with random strangers kills the pain just as well as booze, but doesn’t give you a hangover. Apparently, he’s been sleeping with a large percentage of the population of the tri-state area.”  
“He’s a grown man, Laura.  He can do what he wants.  If you don’t like how he’s acting, just cut him loose.”  There was a definite edge to Rafael’s voice now.
“He’s not thinking straight.  He’s messed up over Pam’s death, and he’s just trying to cope. Yeah, he’s doing a crappy job, but you wouldn’t abandon a friend for that, would you?”
“You did say he was shitty to you.”
“He was, but…”
Rafael shifted his body, moving to get out from under Laura.  She lifted herself off of him and sat on the other end of the couch from where he lay. “I’m getting really tired of hearing about Peter Stone,” he muttered, frowning.
“Well, you asked.  Let’s just not talk about it.”
He pushed on her leg with his foot, a playful gesture intended to try to avoid an argument or a tense silence.  “I’m not trying to be an ass.  I just really don’t like him.  And I wish you didn’t, either.”
“I know.”  She put a hand on his foot, absently slipping her hand under the hem of his jeans to touch bare skin.  Neither spoke for a while, Rafael watching Laura as she retreated deep into memory. Her eyes told him that her mind was a thousand miles away.  “I don’t think I could ever explain how badly I treated him, Rafael.  I owe him.  There’s no way to make up for the things I did.  I’m just trying to be there for him.”
“That’s… nice, I guess, but…”
It was as though she didn’t even hear him. “I used to pick fights with him so that I could go out and get drunk and blame it on him.  I’d yell at him, bait him, try to piss him off so he’d say or do something I could use against him. That was bad enough.  But it stopped working.  I can remember screaming horrible things at him and throwing things, but he just wouldn’t get mad.  It drove me crazy, and the crazier I got, the meaner I got.  Peter has the longest fuse of any man I’ve ever met.  I couldn’t get to him.  I would end up just having to storm out, when he hadn’t given me one single thing to be mad about.”
“This one time, I hadn’t had a drink all day. It was supposed to be my first day not drinking - how many of those did I have?  I don’t know how to describe what it’s like to be desperate for a drink, but it’s an unbearable pressure.  You’ll do anything.  Finally, I just decided, ‘screw it, I’ll drink tonight and try again tomorrow’.  And Peter tried to talk me out of it.  I got mad, of course, and yelled at him, but this time, he just went and stood in front of the door.  He stopped talking; he wasn’t going to fight with me.  He just stood there so I couldn’t get out. I started hitting him, slapping him, pushing him.  And I was screaming.  I said the most horrible, evil, cruel things I could think of.  The things I said…”
The tortured look on Laura’s face was enough to make Rafael sit up and put an arm around her.  He wasn’t sure she noticed, as lost in the distressing memory as she had become.  He watched the play of expressions over her face as she remembered the vile taunts she’d hurled at Peter.
“He was like one of those statues on Easter Island, just no expression.  And he’s built like them, too; he just stood there and let me whale on him.  I wasn’t making a dent.  But then…  I somehow landed a solid punch to his jaw.  I think he might have seen stars for a second.” 
“What did he do?”  Rafael kept his voice subdued, empty of any criticism.  He hoped he sounded compassionate.
“He took my hands and he said, ‘That’s enough.’  That was it.  After all that abuse, and all that hitting, two words, in a normal tone of voice.  ‘That’s enough.’  He just held my hands until I calmed down enough to stop hitting him.  Not tight; he wasn’t hurting me.  His grip was just so strong I couldn’t pull away.”
“So what happened?”
Laura sighed and wiped a tear.  In a small voice, she asked “Did you ever notice that scar he has on his right temple?”
“Not that I recall.”
“I was never going to get him away from the door.  So I pretended to calm down.  And when he let me go, I picked up a lamp and I swung it at him.”  She paused.  “Base first.  He went down, and I could see he was bleeding.  But I…”  Her voice cracked and she couldn’t go on.
“Tell me.  It’s OK. You what?”
“I stepped over him and I left.  I went out and got blasted, and I didn’t come home for three days.”
Rafael said nothing.  What could he say?  He began to understand why she said that there was no going back for her and Stone.  
“He needed seventeen stitches.  He told the people at the hospital he fell and hit his head on a table.  I did that to him.  And I was dead sober when I did it.”
The only thing Rafael could think to do was put his other arm around her.  He couldn’t help but understand why she felt guilty, and his heart hurt for the shame and self-hatred that still clung to her even now.  But he was reaching the end of his ability to tolerate Stone’s presence in Laura’s life.  And his own. He really wished it had been him who clocked Stone with a lamp.
 Three days later, the SVU squad was running down a case for Rafael in which Laura played a significant part.  Yet she played almost no part in the discussion. She was distracted, seemed fatigued, and wasn’t listening.  In fact, at one point, Rafael had to get her attention to get her to answer a question he’d asked her directly.
“Detective?  Would you care to join us?”  He asked irritably.  He assumed that he knew exactly who she was thinking about at that moment.  He was deeply offended and, worse by far, he was stung by the idea that he was always acutely aware of her in these meetings, whereas she hadn’t even heard him when he spoke directly to her.  In front of the entire squad.
When the meeting broke up, he tried to be unobtrusive about leaving without speaking to her.  As he gathered his tablet, pens, and other items into his briefcase, he realized he needn’t have bothered.  Laura stood up, zombie-like, and turned away from him toward her desk.  He saw Rollins lean toward her and put an arm around her as they stepped away.
“Peter?”  Rollins asked, discreetly but not quietly enough for Rafael to miss the name his ears were particularly attuned to.
“What else?”  Laura answered sadly.
He shoved the last of his papers into his briefcase, crushing them, and left the squad room as fast as he could without causing a scene.  
It was after midnight before Laura got home from working with Fin to find (and, in some cases, chase) the witnesses from whom Rafael had asked for statements.  The Grand Jury was meeting the next day, so there had been no time to waste.  She was bone tired, heartsick and worried about Peter, and particularly upset that Rafael had rushed out of the squad room without a backward glance and hadn’t answered any of her texts or calls.  
She knew he hated her friendship with Peter, and that he particularly resented the time she had devoted to him since his sister had been killed.  She hated doing anything that made Rafael unhappy, and especially hated acting in ways that reminded him of his puta malvada[1] of an ex-wife.  Laura felt trapped.  She was completely in love with Rafael.  She would never willingly hurt him.  And she loved Peter.  She would never abandon him.  
She quickly changed into some leggings and a hoodie, then ran up the stairs to Rafael’s apartment.  
None of his lights were on.  She found him in bed, apparently asleep, turned away from what had become her side of the bed.  She tossed her clothes on the nearest chair and snuggled up behind him, grateful at least that she could be physically close to him.
Two hours later, her phone pealed shrilly from the bedside table.  Laura was instantly awake, and she could feel Rafael stir beside her.  Rolling her eyes at the idea of having to go back to work after so little sleep, she swiped up on her screen without looking at it.
“Hello, is this Sunshine?”
Laura blinked and frowned sleepily.  “Excuse me?”
“I’m calling for someone.   This number is in his phone as his emergency contact.  Is there somebody there named Sunshine?”
“Peter Stone?  What’s happened to him?”
“Yeah, Peter Stone.  He’s not hurt or anything, but he’s at my bar and he’s plastered.  I need someone to take him outta here.”
“Why don’t you just put him in a cab?
“I usually do, but this time…  He’s pretty out of it.” 
“All right.  Where is he?”
“Oh, shit.  Jack?”
“Yeah, who’s this?”
“Laura Parker.”
“Hey, Detective.  Who’s Sunshine?”
“Long story.  Jack, how much of a mess is he?  He’s a D.A.”
“I know.  That’s partly why I called you.  I like him.  I don’t want him to make a fool of himself.”
“Thanks.  Just keep him upright until I get there.  I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Will do, Sunshine.”
“Don’t start.  It’s been a day.  And thanks, Jack.”
Laura sat up on the side of the bed and whisper-screamed a number of colorful phrases in English.  Spanish wasn’t going to do it this time.
Laura turned toward Rafael.  “I’m sorry.  Go back to sleep.”
“I said no.  You are not going to leave my bed and go to that drunken asshole.”
“Someone has to.”
“That’s what beat cops are for.  Tell them to call 911.”
“I’m not going to do that to him.”
“No, you’d rather do this to me.”
“Rafael, please.  I’m not doing anything to you.  I’m trying to help a friend in trouble.”
He turned toward her then, his eyes glittering with anger.  Even in the dark room she could see he was sneering.  “Bullshit.”
Laura took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Look, I get how this looks, and how it must feel.  I do. And I never want to give you one second of pain.  But there is nothing going on with me and Peter, and I do not have a choice here. I’ve explained that.”
“You have a choice.”
“Rafael, there are trust issues, and then there is a trusting me issue.  You can trust me, and you know that.” 
“Don’t pull that crap with me.  This isn’t about me.  This is about you and your so-called ex-boyfriend.  If you walk out that door, you won’t be walking in again.”
Dumbfounded, reeling from the blow of Rafael’s words, Laura could only stare.  She waited, trying to assemble the myriad thoughts careening around her brain, hoping he would say something more.  Something to undo the ultimatum he’d just delivered.  He remained silent, the hostility radiating off him in waves.
Finally, Laura found the strength to whisper, “Rafael, I love you.  And I will not abandon Peter when he’s in trouble.  Both of those things are true.  Please don’t ask me to choose between you.  Please.”
Rafael lay motionless, unwilling to move or speak. He wasn’t sure whether he was even able. He glared at Laura as she got up from the bed and put on her clothes.  
“I love you,” she said again, and left his apartment. 
 Jack at Forlini’s helped Laura get Peter into the waiting cab.  As they were pouring him into the back seat, she asked Jack how often Peter was there, and got the same answer she’d received at Maxwell’s.  Which meant Peter was out several nights a week, drinking and screwing.  Jack told Laura that Peter had struck out tonight, which was an unusual occurrence. That was the reason he’d drank so much more than usual.
Laura was as kind as she had the patience to be as she once again put Peter to bed and prepared him for the hangover to come. As she paid the cabbie, including the rides to and from Forlini’s, the wait time, and the fifty extra dollars for helping her get Peter up to his apartment, she bitterly cursed the situation. If Peter’s bullshit had destroyed her relationship with Rafael…
She didn’t regret the irate note she’d left on Peter’s bathroom mirror.
             Call me when you finish puking.  If I haven’t heard from                                      you by 2 p.m., I’m coming to find you.  Don’t test me on this.
 “No, I am not going to meet you at a bar,” Laura griped when Peter called her late the next morning.  She looked helplessly at Fin, who was driving them to a witness interview in TriBeCa.  He seemed to be enjoying her misery.  Bastard. Wait’ll the next time he has a problem.
“Fine,” Peter snapped.  “We can meet at my office.”
“Are your walls soundproof?  There’s gonna be yelling.”
“Laura, I really don’t need a lecture.”
“You absolutely fucking need a lecture.  And you’re gonna get one.  Question is, do you want to get it in public, or in private?  Because it makes no difference to me.”
He sighed wearily.  “I legitimately can’t do it tonight.  I’m prepping a witness for a hearing tomorrow.  I can meet you at my place tomorrow night at… I don’t know. Seven.”
“Seven tomorrow at your place.  You better be there, or I swear…”
“Yeah, I get the idea.”
Neither Peter nor Laura bothered to say goodbye before they hung up.  
 Laura arrived home just before six that evening, which normally would have prompted excited and perhaps suggestive texts to Rafael, asking him if he could come home early.  Tonight, however, she was at a loss.  Was she even allowed to text him at this point?  Would he flame her with furious texts telling her to fuck off?  How the hell did they get here?
She was saved from having to make a decision by a knock at her door.  Looking out the peephole, she saw a tired-looking, almost disheveled Rafael, if such a thing was possible.  Guess the fact that he didn’t use his key tells me where his head’s at.
As he walked past her into her apartment, he was so distant, so closed and unreachable, that she knew something was very wrong.  It terrified her.  It looked like they were finally going to address what was going on between them.  She definitely wanted it to stop, but she had never seen Rafael like this.  
“Let’s sit,” Rafael said, indicating a club chair next to her couch.  
When they were sitting, she on the chair and he on the end of her couch nearest it, he leaned toward her and took both her hands in his.
“Laura, I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed these past few months.”
Her gut clenched.  He couldn’t possibly be going through with his ultimatum from the night before. This sounded an awful lot like goodbye. But it couldn’t be that.  Of course it couldn’t be that.  Could it?
“You’re scaring me.  Can we get to the ‘but’?”
He looked down at his shoes and sighed.  After a moment, he looked back up at her.  “But… I am not going down this road again.  I hope we can stay friends.  I mean, we work together so we’re going to have to maintain some kind of friendship, but…  just… not this.”
The words he rehearsed were mangled and twisted up somewhere in what he’d said, but it had come out a complete mess.  Still, he’d managed to choke the words out, so he stopped talking.
Laura sat gaping at him, too afraid to react in case it would make this real. He knew that she loved him.  He knew that she and Peter were only friends. He knew that.  
Rafael simply sat, holding her hands and looking up into her face with an unreadable mask covering whatever he was actually feeling.  She knew him well enough to know that he would wait her out, no matter how long it took her to respond.  It was an old interrogation technique.  Allow an uncomfortable silence, and the subject will fill it.
“I have never lied to you.  I am seeing only you.  I want only you.”
“Well.  Be that as it may, I want to be on my own again.”
“No, you don’t,” she said, an unbelieving edge to her voice.  He wasn’t making any sense.  He’d told her in an unguarded moment that he hadn’t realized how lonely he’d been until she had come into his life.  
She wasn’t making this any easier on him.  Of all the scenarios he’d imagined – tears, angry words, cold indifference – he really should have known that what he’d get was straightforward denial that she was seeing Stone, and questioning of the bullshit he was spouting about wanting to be on his own again.  She trusted him.  She was sure of him.  Of them.  So she was genuinely wounded and confused to hear him essentially call her a liar and a cheat, and follow it up with something she knew wasn’t true.  He passionately envied her that certainty. 
“Actually, I do.”  
She leaned closer to him, searching his face for something.  She spoke slowly, carefully.  “If you’re not serious, if you’re not actually telling me it’s over between us, now is the time to say it.”
“I’m completely serious.”
She took her hands from his and sat back in the chair, distancing herself from him. She blinked, hurt bewilderment tinged with the beginnings of anger clouding her expression.  “Tell me why.”
“I told you, I won’t go down this road again.”
“I am not that woman you were married to.  I am not seeing Peter Stone.  Or anyone else but you.  Period.”
“Whatever. I just want my old life back.”
“And that’s a lie.  Don’t lie to me.  I deserve better than that.”
“And I deserve better than…”  He started to hiss something brutal, stopping himself just in time.   “I enjoyed the time we spent together.  It’s time for me to go.”
Laura sat, looking at his hands as they rested on his thighs, unable to believe this moment was happening.  
“Please don’t do this.”  Her voice had lost all of its anger.  It was now a naked, fervent plea, a last desperate attempt to stop him from shattering her heart in a million pieces.
Rafael said nothing.  The agony of this moment was necessary to spare himself the infinitely worse torment to come - the moment when she told him she was leaving him for Stone.  He was committing emotional suicide, rather than let her destroy him.  This time, he would be in control.  Even at this price.
Finally, she slowly stood up.  Glassy eyed and tentative, like a sleepwalker, she went to the counter between the living room and kitchen and picked up her keys.
She found the key to his apartment and began to work it off the ring.  Her eyes were filled with tears.  She struggled with it, panicky and blind with grief, unable to get the key to come off and finally resorting to trying to pull it off by pure brute force.  
Rafael stepped over to her and gently tried to take the keys from her, but she shoved him roughly away with her elbow.  A small sob broke from her and she swiped the tears from her eyes, then started again.
When she had worked the key free, she held it out to him, fat tears spilling over and running slowly down her cheeks.
“I’ve been completely faithful to you.  And I don’t believe a word of just wanting your old life back,” she said, in a small, breaking voice.  “But I guess you don’t owe me anything.”  
The pain in her tear-filled eyes tore at Rafael as he pulled his own keys from his pocket and took her key from his key ring.  Everything in him wanted to take her in his arms and beg her to forget what he’d said, to explain the fundamental flaw in his makeup that compelled him to do something this self-destructive and completely counter to what he really wanted.  
Instead, he handed her the key, and accepted his own back from her.  She didn’t look at him.  She was struggling desperately not to cry, and looked more hurt and confused than he had ever seen her.  But what broke his heart was the steel determination underneath the roiling emotions she was working so hard to control.  If he wanted out, she was going to let him go with as little drama as she could manage, preserving whatever might remain of her pride.  It was all he could do not to fall to his knees.
“Take care of yourself, cariño[2],” he whispered.
“You, too,” she replied, voice raw with pain.  
He walked slowly to the door and let himself out, turning back just in time to see the door close.  For a while, he just stood there, unable to make his legs move to take him away from her door for the last time.  Maybe she would open the door and beg him to stay, and that would be enough to finally allow him to let himself fully trust and commit to her.  Maybe she could find a way to un-break him, to make him strong enough to…  Fuck it.  He wasn’t strong enough, and that was that.  She wasn’t coming out.  He had told her it was over, and she had taken him at his word.  She had accepted his decision.  She didn’t like it, and she might be sad and angry for a while, but she would be fine, with Stone or with someone else.  It was his life that was over.  It was him who would have to live around a permanent ragged wound right in the middle of his world.    
She stood for a second, trying to stop time, trying to prevent the crushing weight of loss from crashing down on her, trying to find a way to escape the searing pain of what Rafael had just done.  It hit her anyway.  In some dry corner of her brain, she was reminded of a time back in Chicago when she had been fifty yards from a meth lab in a storage shed when it had exploded. She thought how similar the blast wave had felt to this moment; how she had been blown off her feet and could only lie cowering, hands over her head, while lethal chunks of wood and glass had hurtled through the air all around her.
She fell back against the wall, hands clutching her mouth as though to keep in the scream of agony that threatened to tear loose from her throat.  As she slid down the wall to the floor, she buried her face in her knees, shaking her head.  She could not allow herself to give in to the wild grief that she desperately tried to hold off.  It felt as though her very sanity was at stake; there was no way she could survive the full brunt of losing Rafael.  No way. It would overwhelm her, sweep her away, leaving a blasted husk where a living woman had been.
This was nothing like losing Peter.  Nothing.  By the time Peter had left her, she had been so filled with self-hatred that her overwhelming feeling was relief that he would finally be safe from her.  She understood Peter leaving her.  She congratulated him on his escape.  She accepted the pain of losing him as her penance for her alcoholic rampage through their life.  But this?  She was being accused of a crime she didn’t commit, a crime he had to know at some level she wouldn’t commit.  And Rafael wanted to be with her.  She knew that as surely as she knew her own name.  They’d been happy.  In fact, she realized with a shock, she’d been happier with Rafael than she had ever been in her life.  So why?
She made an instant decision to throw sobriety out the window.  She would get stinking, reeling drunk.  Just as quickly, she realized why that wouldn’t work, and it had nothing to do with caring about herself.  It was that she could not possibly sit still, letting this anguish tear and pound at her.  There was only one thing she could think to do.  She stumbled blindly into her bedroom and threw on something - she didn’t know or care what - that she could run in.  She strapped reflective bracelets on her wrists and ankles and shrugged into the vest with reflective strips and blinking red LEDs she wore to run at night.  It was still light now, but she intended to run until she collapsed from exhaustion. All night, if she could.
She thought about what people would say about a young woman running through Manhattan at night and gave an ugly, bitter laugh.  She hoped someone tried to attack her.  She needed desperately to beat the shit out of someone right now. And honestly, if she was the one who got beat, if somebody raped or killed her, she really didn’t give a fuck. If she got hurt while she was pounding out her grief on the streets, that was just the price of doing business. She absolutely could not sit still in this apartment, feeling this pain.
Rafael finally found his way back to his apartment and got blind drunk.  He dug out a pack of old, stale cigarettes that he remembered seeing when he was looking for something else.  He hadn’t smoked in years.  He didn’t even remember where these cigarettes had come from.  He closed all the drapes, feeling assaulted by the light from outside, then smoked and concentrated on the glowing tips while he sat in the dark, drinking and crying.  He drank to the bottom of a bottle that had been more than half full. He could only imagine how sick he would be the next day, but he couldn’t dredge up the energy to give a shit.  He needed to do whatever it took to dull the burning torment in his heart.
This was what he’d been afraid of.  This was why he had fought so hard not to fall in love.  This was the chasm he knew was waiting somewhere in the deceptively beautiful landscape he’d been stupid enough to go running through with Laura. He knew he would fall this hard for her, knew it almost from the beginning.  And he knew this is where it would lead.  Because he knew that he wasn’t capable of letting go of his fear, even for her.  She’d never hurt him.  Not once. He strongly suspected she’d never broken his trust, either.*  She swore that she wouldn’t, and he believed her.  The problem wasn’t her.  It wasn’t even Peter Stone.  Rafael simply could not believe that she could love him.  He absolutely knew in his soul that, one day soon, she would wake up entirely disgusted with him and dismiss him contemptuously from her life. Because that’s what happened when Rafael Barba let himself fall in love.  
[1] Cheating whore
[2] Sweetheart
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xnovamore · 5 years
They Mean Everything To Me
Written for @ft-wwtdp Day 21 Prompt: She don’t need nobody to be her man” and Day 24 Prompt: “They mean everything to me”
This is apart of my ’Home is Where They Are’ series which is just happy Erzajane family fluff.
Read on Ao3
The house was quiet when Erza got back from the guild.
Too quiet.
It was mid-afternoon on a Thursday which meant Rhea should be trying to squeeze in some tv time before dinner, Andre should be just waking up from his afternoon nap, and Mirajane should be in the kitchen deciding what she was going to make Erza cook for dinner. They had a routine where they swapped dinner days Sunday-Thursday, ordered takeout Fridays, had dinner at a restaurant on Saturdays, and ate at the guild on Sundays. Thursday dinner was usually a left over of stuff they didn’t use the rest of the week making them team up with something creative, so they didn’t have to drag an 11-year old and a toddler to the market on Thursday night.
Sure enough, Erza found her wife in the kitchen mulling over prepared iteams. Still, it was too quiet. Something was off.
No answer. Instead of speaking, Mirajane slowly turned allowing Erza to get a good glimpse of her expression.
Its one all too familiar. The bitten lip, tense body language, raising panic displayed so clearly in her eyes.
Oh gosh, it was about the kids then.
“Erza!” Mira hissed suddenly very very serious. “I-I think Rhea’s upset she doesn’t have a father.”
“What the-Mirajane?!”
“Wait no!” Mirajane latched onto her wife’s wrist not letting the other woman shake her off. “Listen to me! I’m serious!”
“What is this about?” Erza moved them over to their breakfast bar. She sat down pulling her wife into her lap trying to fight down the rising panic her partner’s words caused.
“Tell me everything but please start from the beginning.”
“Well its what Rhea said when she got home from school”
“When I said you needed to eat more baby, I didn’t mean me” Mira cooed to the toddler in her arms. She got was a wide toothy smile in return.
They really should talk to Wendy about this biting phase. Little Andre had chewed on Rhea’s dolls, drooled over Erza’s scrolls, and bit holes through more than one of Mira’s dresses. This behavior was to be expected from a teething toddler, but that didn’t make it any easier to deal with.
She shifted Andre onto her hip and ran her freed arm under the sink’s cold water. Andre had mostly calmed down now running his tanned hands through her white hair. Raising Andre was an experience. They had adopted Rhea when she was already a child, an independent one at that. She was a bright girl that didn’t need much discipline or guidance. She just required a lot of attention. Rhea used to follow Mira and/or Erza around the house telling them all about her day, what she did, who she talked too, etc. She’d even climb into their bed at night still in the middle of a story about something that happened days ago. She was their little chatterbox, and they loved that, until she got older and suddenly they had to ask how her day was. Now at 11 Rhea didn’t tell them everything about her day like she did when she was 8 and 9. Erza and Mirajane were slowly being shut out more from their daughter’s day-to-day life, especially her school life.
Mirajane teaches Magic 101 classes for the children of the guild 3 days a week. She brings Rhea along despite the girl having no magic herself because both Mira and Erza decided it was still important for her to learn about it being surrounded by wizards. Rhea also attended a regular school with other children without magic during the week. They decided it would be a good option for her to have opportunities outside of wizarding. (Secretly, the thought of her daughter never going into the dangerous and unpredictable life of a wizard was more comforting to Mira then she would voice out loud.)
Right on time, the front door slammed open and small feet could be heard coming across the doorway. Mirajane turned around in surprise to see Rhea, still fresh in her school outfit, lingering by the kitchen entrance.
“Oh.” She gasped before quickly swallowing down her astonishment. Rhea had started going straight to her room after school a couple months ago. Today was obviously different. Judging by her squirming, she obviously wanted to talk.
Biting back a smile, Mirajane turned the sink off and faced her daughter. “Hey hunny, how was school.”
“It was okay.” Rhea moved forward to lightly squeeze Andre’s toes. The toddler laughed and made grabby hands at his sister indicating wanting to go to her. Mira handed Andre to her and started pulling out the ingredients for dinner. She heard the two playing behind her until Andre’s uneven footsteps ran out of the kitchen.
“Can I help make dinner?”
“Of course, hunny!”
They worked in silence before Rhea broke it. “Do you remember the Rose girl I told you about.”
“The one with the wizard father? Yes, I remember her.”
“Well her dad came into lunch today and brought her this big gift basket full of chocolate flowers. It was because he was out on a job and missed her performing in the play last week. Anyways Rose was really happy, and everyone spent all lunch talking about all things their dads do for them cause they were jealous of Rose’s awesome basket.”
“Oh? Well did she share with them?”
“Well yeah but that’s not the point mom.” Mirajane looked over to see Rhea frowning down at the table. “I just-it was sweet you know? It was really nice, and everyone was talking about all the stuff their dads do for them and I just…I don’t have that.”
Rhea shook her head sending her red curls bouncing across her face. “It’s stupid but I just couldn’t help to think of that. Anyways I’m going to go watch t.v. till dinners done.”
And Rhea walked right out of the kitchen not noticing the shock her words induced in her mother.
“Okay…that does sound bad.” Erza admitted.
“But it’s something fixable.”
“Do you have a plan then?”
A killer smile, “You know I do.”
Rhea walked down the hill leading to the entrance of her school carefully. A concerned frown appeared on her face as she attempted to continue walking forward without jostling the basket in her hands. She was almost to the bottom when a voice called her name. Rhea glanced behind her to see Rose skirting down the hill.
“Hey!” Rose smiled big and wide as usual.
“Hey.” She shifted the basket in her arms again. It was getting heavier the longer she held it.
“Ohh what’s that?! Is that a candy basket?”
“Yeah. I uh, I told my moms about what your dad did yesterday. I think they misunderstood what I said.”
She didn’t tell Mama Mira about Rose’s dad giving her the gift basket in school because she wanted one. She just thought it was a pretty awesome thing to do.
She looked over at Rose now smiling a bit thinking of yesterday. Rose was by far the nicest girl in their class, and half of the class either loved or hated her for it. A lot of the meaner remarks about Rose were targeted at her looks and her father. Her dad had some sort of magic that turned his skin gray, his eyes red, and his hair the color of ash. Her mom, on the other hand, had a glowing brown skin tone, a few shades lighter than Rhea’s own dark skin, and chestnut brown hair that was always pulled back into a bun when she dropped Rose off in the mornings. Rose got mix features from the two of them with light skin similar to Mama Erza’s, sun-bleached blonde hair, and really pretty eyes that look purple in sunlight. Rose was a little bigger than most of the other girls in class too and they tried to use that to make fun of her before Rhea put a stop to it. They’ve been friends ever since.
And maybe it was seeing Rose, whose been made fun of because of her dad, run and jump proudly into her father’s arms in the crowded cafeteria that made Rhea say what she did yesterday. But she didn’t mean to insinuate that she was unhappy with having two moms instead of a mom and a dad. No, she just meant she wondered what it would be like to have a dad that came to see her first thing after a job. But last night before bed, she realized that she didn’t need to wonder about that. She’s already lived it whenever her Mamas come back from jobs and smother her as if they haven’t seen her in years instead of days. And her room was filled with gifts from all over the world brought back from jobs. Rhea had gone to sleep last night knowing that she didn’t need a dad when she had the two of them. She had forgotten all about it the next morning until she came down the stairs to find a brightly decorated left-over Easter basket filled with chocolate swords, wings, hearts and bunnies. Her moms smiled so brightly when they gave it to her that she accepted the basket with a confused thank you and left for school.
“These are so cool! Why are there 4 different ones?”
“I guess there supposed to resemble our family.” Rhea answered taking a closer look. “The swords are obviously Mama Erza. The wings resemble one of Mama Mira’s takeovers. The bunny’s probably Andre since that’s what Mama Erza calls him. And the hearts me.” Rhea blushed a little. She was not about to tell Rose of the time she made her moms heart shaped cards for Valentine’s day. Way too embarrassing.
“That’s so sweet! They probably spent all night working on these. Your moms are pretty cool.”
“Yeah,” Rhea smiled. “Yeah they are.”
Today was Friday meaning both her mothers were going to be home early with takeout. She’d explain that this was a big misunderstanding, but she still appreciated her mothers love and didn’t need anyone else but them. They’d all cuddle on the couch and watch Andre attempt to chew through the head of the bunny she got him for Christmas last year. And tonight, she’d grab Andre and they’d sleep in their moms room.
For now, she glanced at her friend. “Do you wanna share some of these with me?”
“Of course! Are you gonna share with the rest of the class too?”
“Are you kidding?” Rhea scoffed. “I’m not nice like you. If those freeloaders want some their gonna have to pay.”
Rhea went home that night with a pocket full of jewels and a content smile on her face.
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imjustthemechanic · 5 years
Tumblr media
Part 1/? - Transmission Part 2/? - The Sandhill Hotel Part 3/? - Piccadilly Part 4/? - The Future Part 5/? - Too Late Part 6/? - The Mystery of the Missing Time Machine Part 7/? - Underway Part 8/? - The Sierra Bunker Part 9/? - Cross-Country
The room was an office, albeit a rather spartan one: the floor was tile rather than carpet, and the furniture a very basic desk and chair, and a couple of shelves of books and documents on one wall.  It was entirely dominated by the one decorative item in it, a massive painting hanging opposite the door.
That was Klimt’s Dido, a massive gilded portrait of a dark-haired woman wrapped in flames, and it caught Peggy’s attention not only because it overwhelmed a room not nearly big enough for something so ostentatious, but because she recognized it.  During the war, Steve and the Commandos had been given a set of photographs of paintings stolen by the Nazis which they were to watch out for – one of them was the Dido, which they had never managed to find.  She wondered now how many other missing paintings were hanging on the walls of HYDRA operatives’ offices in the future.
If the picture were too much for the room, it also completely overshadowed its occupant.  The man sitting at the desk, who must have been Mr. Smith, was a perfectly ordinary-looking fellow in his mid-to-late thirties.  He had brown hair that was just starting to recede, and a pair of rimless glasses on his nose.  He wore a light green shirt and a tie with diagonal stripes, and he’d been working on a laptop computer much the same as Toulouse’s Sandhill’s.  By the time Peggy managed to tear her eyes from the Dido and look at him, he was on his feet, his mouth hanging open.
“Look who just knocked on the door,” said the man from Yorkshire.
Smith was still gaping in disbelief.  “They just… they just walked in?”
“Sure did,” Yorkshire nodded.
It took a moment more for Smith to recover and sit down again, and then he gestured to a stack of plastic chairs against one wall.  “Sit down,” he said.
A man brought chairs over for Peggy and Howard. The man from Yorkshire forced them to sit down in them.
Smith licked his lips.  He clearly had no idea how he was going to deal with this.  “How did you get here?” he asked.
Peggy opened her mouth to tell him that was none of his business, but Howard spoke first.  “We have connections,” he said.
She gave him a kick.  “Howard, don’t talk,” she ordered.  Saying things like that would lead these people to Toulouse, and Toulouse did not deserve that.
“Shit,” groaned Smith.  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, and had to think for a moment before he could come up with his next question.  “All right.  Do you, or do you not, have the Glocke crystal?”
Peggy frowned.  “What’s it worth to you if we do?” she asked, not because she expected an answer but to buy herself time to think.  What did he mean by the Glocke crystal?  Was he talking about those pieces of quartz they’d found in the crate with the time machine?  Could it be that one of those, rather than some bell-shaped superweapon, was die Glocke?
“I’m not here to make deals,” said Smith.  He was starting to recover his composure now, and had gotten to his feet again with his hands on his hips.  “Either you have it or you don’t.”
“Whether we do or not, I see no reason we should tell you unless you can give us what we want,” Peggy replied.  Smith would surely be able to guess what they wanted, but he was doubtless also smart enough to realize that sending them back to the 1940s was not in his best interests.  For all he knew, they had already found out exactly who he was and were planning to prevent him being born.
“They told Zola they didn’t have it,” said the man from Yorkshire.  “He didn’t think they knew what he was talking about.  He thought they might know other things we could use, though.”
Smith frowned, then shook his head.  “No, they’re a liability,” he decided.  “We can’t go leaving bodies nobody can identify.  Better drop them in the Pit.”
Howard looked at Peggy with panic in his face. She had nothing to say in reply. She had no idea what that would entail, and could not reassure him.  Behind them, one of the men took out a phone and made a call.
Some forty-five minutes later, Peggy and Howard were dragged back out front and loaded into the back of a brown and gold UPS delivery truck.  Peggy didn’t know what the back of such a vehicle was supposed to look like, but she doubted it was supposed to have an area set off by bars with wire mesh in between them, just a little over arm’s length from the back doors.  Peggy and Howard were loaded into that, and both the bars and the actual back of the truck were closed on them, leaving them imprisoned in the stuffy heat.  Sweat was already rolling down the small of Peggy’s back as they drove away.
Once they were on the road and presumably no longer surrounded by armed men, Peggy wriggled out of her handcuffs and got Howard out of his, then took a look at the doors.  The cage bars had a lock, but there was no way to get a hairpin into it with the mesh in the way.  When she felt along the ceiling, she found the mesh welded into the join between the bars and the roof.  The back doors had windows in them, although there was a dark film over them to keep anyone from seeing in.  By the light from that, Peggy could see that there’d once been an internal latch, but that had been removed and a plate of metal welded over the hole.
“It’s too bad they took our phones,” said Howard. “We could have called Toulouse.”
Peggy shook her head and sat down on the floor to take her stockings off and inspect the damage to her feet.  “She wouldn’t be able to do anything to help us now.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” sighed Howard.  “They’re probably already coming for her, anyway.”
“I’m sure they would have figured it out eventually,” Peggy said with a sigh.  Toulouse had been the only other person win the Piccadilly Sandhill, and she’d left it at the same time they had.  Sutcliffe may even have been able to see her in the Uber, though he might equally have been focused on Howard waving at him.  So much for not getting her friends into trouble anymore.
“She’s a sweet kid,” Howard said wistfully.
Peggy managed not to roll her eyes.  “Yes, I’m sure she’ll look very fetching in a diamond bracelet.  You can leave a message with the jewelers to save one for her, assuming they’re still in business in 2015!”
This suggestion popped out sounding rather meaner than the light sarcasm Peggy had intended, but Howard didn’t seem to notice.  He looked thoughtful.
“Apparently I’m gonna give a girl a diamond ring eventually,” he said.  “I wonder what she’ll be like.  I wonder what her name is.”
Peggy was about to tell him that he’d just have to wait and see, but in their current situation, that wasn’t true.  “When we get out of this, you can ‘google’ it,” she said.
Howard hadn’t thought of that, either.  He mulled it over a minute and then shook his head.  “Nah. I’d rather be surprised.
That was more character than Peggy would have credited Howard with, and she was actually kind of proud of him, although she wasn’t going to tell him so.  “And I’m going to have two husbands,” she mused.  “I suspect Daniel will be the first one, but I haven’t any guess about the second.  I probably haven’t met him yet.”  She did wonder what would lead her and Daniel to split up.  Or perhaps… Toulouse had said Peggy outlived both her husbands.  Maybe it would be until death did them part.  She shivered.
“You think anything’s gonna be different now that we know this stuff?” Howard asked.  “What if I propose to the wrong girl, just because I know I’m gonna get married someday?”
“I don’t know,” said Peggy.  What if she decided not to marry Daniel, out of fear that she would be the death of him? Given her track record it wasn’t all that improbable.  What if she decided not to have children now that she knew at least one of them would predecease her?  If she didn’t have children, what would happen if one of them were destined to be a doctor who saved lives, or an influential scholar, or President of the United States?  Now that they knew even hints about the future, were they prisoners of it?
“Time travel really is a terrible idea, isn’t it?” asked Peggy.
“Yeah,” said Howard.  “It is.  Yeah.”
Peggy had assumed that this Pit would be somewhere nearby, but apparently she was wrong.  The truck continued to rumble along, its insides getting hotter and closer by the hour.  Through the back windows Peggy could see that they passed through the Sierras and came down into the Nevada desert, where they began heading north.  A second vehicle, a dark red van, followed them the entire afternoon, as flat scrubland rolled by under a slightly hazy sky.
Towards the evening they stopped briefly in a town for petrol – a sign near the station identified their location as Wells, Nevada. Peggy stood up and stretched, thinking this might be an opportunity to make some noise and summon help.  When she looked out the window, though, she found a man leaning on the back of the truck.  He was wearing a brown uniform, to match the vehicle, but when he straightened up to wave at somebody she could see the handgun under his jacket.  If she made a sound, he would do something about it, or at least make excuses to whoever heard.
The red van was at the next set of pumps behind them, also filling up.  Even if somebody heard her, there were allies nearby to prevent an escape.
A few minutes later the driver returned, and they set off again.  Evidently they were planning to drive through the night.
“I bet the drivers got to eat,” Howard grumbled.
“We’re not going to live very long,” said Peggy. “Why bother feeding us?”  She hoped he would warn her if he needed to pee again.  Now that they were locked up somewhere they could see, she definitely planned to turn her back.
Peggy slept fitfully on the vibrating metal floor, waking up every time the truck went over a bump and missing the soft pillows and lavender-scented sheets of the Sandhill hotel.  Even the foldaway bed she’d once shared with Colleen would have been an immense improvement.  This was like trying to sleep in a cargo plane while a dogfight went on all around her, and when their destination was a ‘pit’, it was probably just as likely to end in a hard collision with the ground.
She woke up in the morning with half her bones aching, and desperately needing to pee, herself, but having no place to do so. Peggy sat up and stretched, grimacing as her neck refused to straighten, then turned around and checked on Howard.
“Are you awake?” she asked softly.
He’d been sleeping curled on his side, facing away from her.  When he heard her voice, he groaned.  “We’re still in the back of a truck in the future, aren’t we?” he asked.
“I’m afraid so,” said Peggy.  “How does it feel to wake up and not be hung over?”
“Terrible,” Howard replied.  “I need the hangover to keep me balanced.”
Peggy shook her head and got stiffly to her feet to look outside.  The air was chilly now, and smelled damp – they were definitely no longer in the desert. The view out the window showed that they were driving slightly uphill, along a two-lane road through open pine forest. The van rumbled over a little bridge with metal guard rails to keep anyone from accidentally driving into the narrow, fast-flowing stream below.  Behind on them on the horizon, under towering grey clouds, were the silhouettes of mountains.
The red van was gone.  That was interesting.  Had it only been a coincidence, or had somebody decided that backup wasn’t necessary after all?
“No signs,” Peggy said, sitting back down. They were probably somewhere in the Rockies, but it was impossible to say exactly where.  Certainly a very long way from people.  The wilderness was a great place to hide bodies.
The truck made a left turn, and the sound under the wheels changed – they were on a gravel road now.  Trees closed in behind them, and they slowed to a stop.
Though her knees complained, Peggy grabbed the bars and hauled herself to her feet again, and helped Howard to do the same. As when they’d thought Mr. Smith was coming for them in the walk-in safe, they wanted to meet their fate head-on. It was probably too much to hope for that it would be help instead of harm this time, too.
“Keep your hands behind your back and hold on to the handcuffs,” Peggy whispered.  Howard nodded.
The door opened.  The wind was cold and it was starting to rain a little, just a mist that didn’t really wet anything but could be felt on the face.  Outside were two men in brown uniforms, with guns in their hands.  One of them unlocked the inner cage and let Howard and Peggy down onto the ground.  He gripped Peggy roughly by the arm as she made the long step, and she nearly lose her hold on the handcuffs.
“I suppose you’re going to shoot us now,” she said.  “Could we at least have permission to die with some dignity?”
Her captor frowned in confusion.  “What do you mean?” he asked.  Another Brit, Peggy noted, this one probably Suffolk.  Had British members of HYDRA escaped arrest by fleeing to America?  Toulouse had said America had rounded them up, too, but then, America was a much bigger country, with proportionately more places to hide.
Peggy looked at Howard, who understood totally. “She means that we both really, really need a bathroom, pal.  Can we find some bushes or something so we don’t die pissing ourselves?”
The two men exchanged a look.  The one holding on to Howard almost laughed, but saw the serious expression on his colleague’s face, and controlled himself.  “Maybe once there are more…” he began.
He never got to finish.  Peggy drove her knee into his bollocks and he doubled over in pain.  Howard pushed him over and took his gun away from him, and snapped the handcuffs around his legs so he couldn’t get up again.  Peggy used her own cuffs to hit her guard in the temple, then pushed him into the back of the truck and slammed the door.  Howard kicked the second guard in the face as he tried to get up, then turned to Peggy and smiled.
“High five!” he said, holding up a hand.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“I saw it on the television – you slap your hand on mine.”
Peggy shook her head.  “We’re not finished escaping yet.”
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venuixe · 6 years
The Life of a Voltron Fan:
Person: [explaining math]
My mind: 
“We are a good team.” 
“I punched Sendak!”
“I cradled you in my arms!”
“Nope, don’t remember, didn’t happen.”
 “Lead the way, Lance.”
 “Lance? LANCE COME IN!”
“You ran away, maybe you should have just stayed away.”
“PoW pOw PoW!”
“Pachu Pachu Pachu”
“Your brain can never be hacked.”
“What the Garrison doesn’t know won't hurt them.”
“You’re my brother, I love you!”
“Hey, Keith’s back!”
“How can I be sure this isn’t Keith’s cooler meaner and grizzled older brother?”
“Is that your nanny?”
“Oh, you have a nanny!”
“I left to protect the person I most love, you...”
“Wow, you are cuddly...”
“You’ve had your eyes on the blue lion since day one!”
“Patience yields focus.”
“Go be great.”
“It’s the dawn of a new day.”
“I’M A LEG!”
“You five have been brought here for a reason.”
“Shut your quiznak!”
“Shiro’s the head."
“Coran Coran the gorgeous man!”
“I’m going to call you Rover.”
“When I say Vol, you say Tron.”
“I’m the cool ninja sharpshooter!”
“Whatever, drop-out!”
"It is too late to stop what is coming.”
“Stop thinking about your girlfriend, Pidge!”
“He’s our leader, plus he’s half Galra, so he’s like, the future.”
“I just don’t want to be stuck here for eternity with Lance.”
"Roger that, team leader."
"Enough with the bad sounds effects! Besides it's BlAM BLAM BLAM!"
"What? No! Wrong!"
"Cya Pala-dudes!"
"Oh sorry Shiro, I was trying to hit Keith"
"Heh. Like that?"
"They keep repeating one word, Voltron."
"A man can be driven to do anything, if a beautiful woman is just really, really mean to him."
"No, nope, no no no no no! I'm saving Shiro!"
"Hasta la later Keith!"
"you guys having a clock party?"
"Wait What? Pidge is a girl and the castle is a ship? How long have I been out?"
"Girl you've already activated my par- Lance!"
"Wait Keith and Allura, in the middle of the night? You don't think they're... sitting in a tree?"
"Pidge is a what? Are you sure?"
"Alright look alive team"
"They call me the tailor"
"You come out here to rock out?"
"Maybe you just have to knock?"
"Aww you got a cute little Bayard"
"Yeah, it is pretty cute"
"Hello? Pizza? Girls? Astronauts?"
"Excited to see his new girlfriend!"
"It's like we're space cops on space patrol."
"Knock knock. Who's there? The Avenging Fury of Voltron, son!"
"I knew it!"
"I'll stick you in a wormhole!"
"The hunter becomes the hunted hm?"
"He's probably going to shoot first and ask questions later and they won't be able to answer his questions because they'll BE DEAD!"
"Ah ah ahblablablablabla"
"Uh, the name's Lance"
"I actually don't hate you right now"
"Hey Lance, I got your lion back"
"What's that? I uh- you're cutting out. I can't- I can't hear you."
"The amount of information in your brain can be stored into a paper airplane"
"Oh good one Lance!"
"I'm Lance, and you're right here in my arms."
"I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid."
"I would absolutely travel across the galaxy to find you."
"Are you from outer space? Because your body is out of this world!"
"Yup" *smirk smirk*
"Oh the princess of what?!"
"Leave it for Coran...?"
"I'm Keith and I'm so emooo"
"Coran, do we have a siren we could turn on?"
"You getting scareedd?"
"Be careful man! This isnt a simulator!"
(Season 8)
“Bon appetit”
“I love you Allura”
“I’ve been thinking about Chip.”
“You and your puns...”
“Clear day! Clear day!”
“She grew to understand that there is good in everyone”
“It’s a simple life, just the way I like it”
“Let me guess, they asked you to be their leader and you said no?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Classic Keith!”
“I do, very much...”
“Hey Lance, woah! What are you wearing?”
“Man, you can be a really hard guy to find when you want to be.”
“A date... with Allura? Wow, well done Lance.”
“If she’s going out with you, it’s because she likes you. The annoying, stupid, earth version of you.”
“You watching the sunset?”
“And we’re gonna do it with the Lance that’s the Paladin of the Red Lion. The Lance that’s always got my back... and the Lance that knows exactly who he is and what’s he got to offer.”
“Speaking of dates, maybe you could put in a good word for me with that long-haired friend of yours.”
“You’ll find a good boy with a big heart”
“He seemed rather popular with women...”
“You look amazing...”
It goes on...
Person: so did you understand?
Me: huh? erm... Quiznak!
9 notes · View notes
mommydragon-of-all · 6 years
OC Interview Meme
This looks fun. Also some answers drastically differ depending on around what time this "interview” takes place. So i got thinking and since I was tagged by@sakurabunnie who’s getting to know my pre-inquisition Soren, i choose to time this before Inquisition. Then i was tagged by dear @hadiden-lavellan too, but by then i was halfway through his post, and hey why not, some looking back :) Thank you both!!!! :3333
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For Soren (Lavellan):
1. What is your name?
“A lot of people have called me by a lot of names. You can call me Soren.”
2. What is your real name?
“It is actually Soren. Yep, just Soren. I lost my original belonging and i didnt take any of my families surnames. Not permanently nor in any way official.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“Oh well, my parents wanted a pair of short and strong names that ring together, even if they had to get a bit creative. Also, as i learned, a pair of names that can be lilted and growled equally well haha “
4. Are you single or taken?
“i am free like a bird. Does your nest have some extra space on a cold night by the way?”
5. Have any abilities or powers?
“Im a highly trained assassin, among … other things. If you ever get in trouble… *slides over a strange little object* flash this around the shady parts of any city. They will take care of the rest. But for your lives sake, do not try to lie”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“ I dont think i ever used that alias… “
7. What’s your eye color?
“Oohhh you are welcome to gaze into them closer, yes ;) no low light excuses, they have their own, so just lean over… “
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8. How about your hair color?
“ Oh yes that is harder to tell in different lights. Its dark red, like good wine or blood from the liver .”
9. Have you any family members?
“ I have tons. If you meant blood relation… other than my twin sister i have some distant family. Literally distant even, like few and far between, out in the world. Some of us exchange awesome birthday gifts some years though, regardless of the exact date. Who has time to time that. “
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(Scattered by the wind, but firmly standing like the trees)
10. Oh? What about pets?
“ Sadly animals are deadly afraid of me. It takes just a sniff to run for dear life… Even predators… it takes a special blend of proud and crazy to befriend me it seems. I would kill for such treasures. Like that Hart i once fought for an apple in that deep forest and lately rode to far destinations… i think it starts to get even attached!!! If he sticks around im gonna call him Captain. But remember, Dont go close to him! For your dear life, please dont. He is easy to recognize. Big as a mountain and looks like “Oh, Shit”. “
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(’Where to, Captain?’)
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“ Those things are about to change. Or drop in numbers significantly in the world. Just wait. …as truly as i want to mean that, unfortunately some things never change. Like the darkness in people, festering hearts. There will always be things like betrayal, prejudice, hatred, discrimination, envy, greed, cruelty,... i could go on. People who mostly keep themselves above those shades of their nature are all worth to be protected.“
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“ Oh there are so many awesome things in the world and so many exciting things to do! I cant even count them. Like there’s hunting dragons for one! Speaking of hunting, there is also treasure hunt and demon hunt and manhunt and wyvernhunt and countless others, the bigger and meaner the better! But then theres also MAGIC! Do you have any idea how awesome that is? Everything magic and everything it touched. Putting together and using magic objects for so many things! And spells??? Potions, lotions, weapons... And there are also PEOPLE! The most magical thing is the warm light in ones heart. And they are so various and unique! There are different languages and codes and symbols and oh the stories! And dance and music and pleasures and laughing and caring and helping and…. oh … haha… im sorry, are you awake? Please ask away. “
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(’Ah, what a beautiful day!’)
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“ I think you snoozed off and forgot about my profession already. :)  “
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“ Hahaha oh these sharp and pointy things and stuff arent for chopping and cooking vegetables either.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“Pfffft i am my own species! Hehe! A unique hybrid i guess! But definitely a big animal, yes. Sis’ won that argument long ago, so there you have the answer. “
16. Name your worst habits.
“Hmm? What?” (*Muffs out with one of the interviewers -already leafed through-notebooks between his sharp teeth, booth on table...*) Hey! That is… how did you… *sigh*... nevermind  
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(exhibit 99: ‘”I’ll go straight there!”)
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“My sister, definitely. She is the best. She is indestructible in every way i swear! Gotta be the strongest person alive. She is also really cool. But hot. I mean explosive! Not that shes not hot, technically... she is my female version after all haha. And caring for me with great big sister love (*mumble*:even if i am like 5 minutes older), but dont spread that ;) Might harm her notoriety.  I also look up to several of my tutors and many other people for many different reasons. People can be so many kinds of amazing.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“You can not expect me to label my interests in a world full of so many differently beautiful people with warm hearts.”
19. Do you go to school?
“Yes. Life. 24/7. Got less intense since i learned how to survive and sustain myself, and grew a strong body to back up my needs and will, but there are always new things to learn and lessons you never asked for too. I had some actual teachers along the way too, but lately mostly i just teach myself what i dont just encounter by diving into new things. Which is not only fun by the way, you are bound to learn a few things. Then there are books, theories, researching, digging, honing instincts and reflexes, combining and refining techniques or theories, trial and error... Life is a bottomless school “
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20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Wow, wow, you mean like.. babies? Sweet Fade, i wouldnt dare breathe their way, they are so fragile... little young PEOPLE, persons who arrived so recently and understand so little and cant even tell whats up just cry and i cant understand them, i understand every language but i can not understand babies for my life and ... and... thats terrifying! And do you have any idea how EASY it is to kill someone? And then there is that small bundle of vulnerability, my proximity could be lethal to it! And .... *sigh*... sorry just... It all would depend on that special person i might find who would want to keep me for life, for better or worse, and if they wanted kids... even if babies, i would be on board. I would do anything for that special someone. Even learn baby care... Bigger kids, well, i already have :D . In good care. If any of them were to be taken under my constant and indirect care, would depend on a lot of things. Right now they are much safer otherwise.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“Most certainly ;D.But none of them know much about me, of course. With that comes a transformation of those feelings”
22. What are you most afraid of?
‘Im not afraid of ANYTHING!” *eyes instantly betraying* “Fine, fine, gotta be loss. Ironic, isnt it, for i have but what is on my person. Replaceable come and goes. Im mostly afraid of losses that arent even really “mine”, but others. Loved ones or even barely known ones loosing their lives or their light. Loosing my sister, myself, my heart... that is all i am. The only thing i cannot live without is my heart, i AM my heart, and loosing pieces of it or have it broken or freezing through a hole... I hate how selfish that is. But yeah. There you go. I still tend to leave pieces of it everywhere, and it only grows with that, funny how that works, but it also tends to get wounded on every turn. I fear the numbing cold. I fear the day when i cant hold it together and go on anymore.”
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(from “When you are away”)
23. What do you usually wear?
“What you see is my whole wardrobe, hahah. But i shift and change to blend in from the dirt of Orzammar’s dust town to the shining halls of Orlesian palaces. Its fun.  What i like to wear mostly are well covering clothes, that allow a great scale of mobility, but not baggy to catch on things. Made of high quality materials only. My clothes MUST be of great quality materials, more for comfort than durability. Heightened overall senses arent always fun. Oh and for outer wear i like leather, especially dragonskin stuff for light armor, and long boots are the only footwear i acknowledge, some with high heels, and a matching pair of long gloves from soft fine leather are necessary too. Long coats from mostly leather and all the necessary leather straps and harnesses and pouches and belt too of course. If it counts, all my current favorite necklaces with magical pendants and bracelets are a constant wear too. It also doesnt hurt if my clothes look great. But fine materials tailored to my body and my needs usually bring that effect without further touches.”
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(*his gear gotta let his smooth ass move*)
24. Do you love someone?
“I love all good people. ...and some others”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
"Bahahahhahaa now thats some blunt question! It deserves to be answered truthfully. I wish i could say when i was a baby, but truth is i think it happened a few times during the wilder rides of intense poison training with blood magic assistance, but im not really sure, i was barely conscious through those parts from pain and all kinds of nasty sensations, i came to my senses naked and tucked in after them. I never do extreme limit pushing training alone. There were also times when i was subject to some blood spells and experiments unwilling too. I have some suspicious blurry memories that i have made all sorts of messes. Egh. Lets move on to more fun questions”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
“I live outside of such systems. But i took part in every class during my life, thanks to current families or goals.”
28. How many friends do you have?
“Plenty, but one cant have too many. Helping each other goes a long way. I tend to make some friends everywhere i go, but i have few close friends. The closest one is my sis’. She knows me more than i know myself, and she is always there for me, at any cost.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Pie? One of the most fun cakes. It was invented for throwing i swear!”
30. Favourite drink?
“Hmmmm... old, red wine, hot and seasoned, spiced with a nice kick of that special antivan poison blend. I dont recommend you trying it, but you dont know what you’re missing out.”
31. What’s your favourite place?
“Wherever i am welcome.”
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(*one favorite place example. It is not Where, it is Who*)
32. Are you interested in someone?
“I am interested in everyone. Are you fishing for some special interest?”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“Hahahha oh you never disappoint! Well, it was a long time ago when i last i wore a bra, back when i could still pull off the young girl appearance, to get in paces and so on. I always made sure to have a proportional but quite evident bosom. Oh it was such fun, my long hair helped too, and i dished out that act spot on! Like that time in Val Royeaux, when the heads i turned waltzing in as part of a rich antivan court were spinning all around in frantic search in the chaos, while i walked right out as a male servant. Oh sorry, i got distracted. You also asked about my “willy” if i recall correctly. If you would like to measure it so badly we can discuss that later ;) “
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“Hmmm.... whichever promises more sunk treasures and secrets. Some lakes hide quite the surprises let me tell you.”
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(’Looks like a perfect place for some diving..’)
35. What’s your type?
“My type of what, exactly, dear? ;)”
36. Any fetishes?
“I am very flexible in many ways, let me tell you, in case you are planning to bend me to your will. And if id have some suggestions, well, let it remain a little mystery for now ;p”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“Depends. What would you like me to be?”
38. Camping or indoors?
“Nothing beats a warm bed and a well secured resting place. Especially with my... condition, and experiences”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“Are you kidding me? You have such awkward, uncomfortable questions... Let me get a new round of drinks for us and lets do this till morning!” “What do you mean new round... when did this cup of hot wine get here? It has my name on it??? What the... I better go i think.”
40. Now it’s over!
“What? Oh come on, we just got to some really “embarrassing” parts! Talking about “embarrassing”, would you like to hear the story of my encounter with this qounari dreadnought captain and ended up on board to Ostwick? Maybe you can tell me some stories yourself too in exchange..” *puppy eyes+shining grin combo* “Well, im not exactly in a hurry...” “Excellent!” *shifts closer and pours more wine*
I tag @quizzikemen @pelle-lavellan @hadiden-lavellan @sakurabunnie @elalavella @nipuni and everyone who wants to do it! For those who already did this consider this a tag for another OC! Gotta love them all :D (if you feel like doing it. I always feel like reading it)
5 notes · View notes
allthemslogans · 4 years
Good slogans or taglines help if you want to gather ideas of slogans or taglines that are effective.
Slogans are important.
And in today’s era, their importance can’t be overlooked now that everything is digital and on the internet.
It is because there are millions of businesses that operate online and it is up to you to be different from them in terms of values and what you provide to your target audience.
This is where slogans can help.
They can make your brand recognizable from the group of other businesses that offer the same services or products as yours.
With that being said, a good slogan can take you way ahead of your competitors.
And if you want to look at some of the good slogans, we have the list for you to get ideas from.
Let’s get started.
Note: These slogans are generated by our free slogan generator that uses AI and Machine Learning. Even though we've trained our model to provide you with the best slogans, you may still find some that do not sound perfect.
List of Good Slogans or Taglines for Your Business:
Following are some of the good slogans or taglines to make use of.
YOUR-BUSINESS Perfection at Its Finest
YOUR-BUSINESS: Music to The Ears
151 Countries One YOUR-BUSINESS
3-In-1 Protection For Your YOUR-BUSINESS
8 Out of 10 Owners Who Expressed A Preference Said Their Cats Preferred YOUR-BUSINESS
A Day Without YOUR-BUSINESS Is Like A Day Without Sunshine
A Different Kind of Company A Different Kind of YOUR-BUSINESS
A Finger of YOUR-BUSINESS Is Just Enough to Give Your Kids A Treat
A Glass and A Half in Every YOUR-BUSINESS
A Most Excellent YOUR-BUSINESS
A Smooth-Running YOUR-BUSINESS Is A Relaxing Experience
A Tough YOUR-BUSINESS to Follow
A YOUR-BUSINESS ‘s Too Wet Without One
A YOUR-BUSINESS A Day Helps You Work Rest and Play
A YOUR-BUSINESS and Popular at The Same Time
A YOUR-BUSINESS’s Too Wet Without One
All The YOUR-BUSINESS That’s Fit to Print
All You Need Is A YOUR-BUSINESS and A Dream
Always Giving You Extra
Always The Real Thing Always YOUR-BUSINESS
Always There
America’s Most Trusted YOUR-BUSINESS
And All Because The Lady Loves YOUR-BUSINESS
Any Time Any Place YOUR-BUSINESS
Anyone Can Handle YOUR-BUSINESS
Are You Ready For YOUR-BUSINESS?
Ask The Man From The YOUR-BUSINESS
Ask. Listen. Solve.
At The Service of Your Ideas
Australians Wouldn’t Give A YOUR-BUSINESS For Anything Else
Be Inspired by YOUR-BUSINESS
Be Young Have Fun Drink YOUR-BUSINESS
Be Young Have Fun Taste YOUR-BUSINESS
Because I’m Worth YOUR-BUSINESS
Because Life’s Complicated Enough
Because So Much Is Riding on Your YOUR-BUSINESS
Because YOUR-BUSINESS Can’t Drive
Because YOUR-BUSINESS Is Complicated Enough
Behold The Power of YOUR-BUSINESS
Better Ingredients Better YOUR-BUSINESS
Better Living Through YOUR-BUSINESS
Beware of Expensive YOUR-BUSINESS
Biting The Hand That Feeds YOUR-BUSINESS
Break Me off A Piece of That YOUR-BUSINESS
Break Through With YOUR-BUSINESS
Bridge That Gap With YOUR-BUSINESS
Bringing Out The Best in The Lives We Touch
Britain’s Best Business YOUR-BUSINESS
Buddy That’s All YOUR-BUSINESS
but I’d Rather Have A Bowl of YOUR-BUSINESS
Call A Friend Call YOUR-BUSINESS
Can You Tell YOUR-BUSINESS From Butter?
Can’t Do It in Real Life? Do It on YOUR-BUSINESS
Central Heating For YOUR-BUSINESS
Change Your Whole YOUR-BUSINESS
Chocolate YOUR-BUSINESS Since 1911
Choosy Mothers Choose YOUR-BUSINESS
Cleans A Big Big YOUR-BUSINESS For Less Than Half A Crown
Cleans Right Round The YOUR-BUSINESS
Cleans Your Floor Without YOUR-BUSINESS
Come and Talk to The Listening YOUR-BUSINESS
Come Fly The Friendly YOUR-BUSINESS
Come One Come All to YOUR-BUSINESS
Come See The Softer Side of YOUR-BUSINESS
Come to Life Come to YOUR-BUSINESS
Come to YOUR-BUSINESS and Let’s Get It Done
Commitment You Can YOUR-BUSINESS On
Committed to Your Success
Crunch All You Want We’ll Make YOUR-BUSINESS
Cuts YOUR-BUSINESS Time in Half
Designed For YOUR-BUSINESS Engineered to Last
Devon Knows How They Make YOUR-BUSINESS So Creamy
Did Somebody Say YOUR-BUSINESS?
Ding-Dong YOUR-BUSINESS Calling
Discover The World of YOUR-BUSINESS
Discover The YOUR-BUSINESS Difference
Do You Eat The YOUR-BUSINESS Last?
Do You Have The YOUR-BUSINESS Inside?
Does She or Doesn’t She? Only Her YOUR-BUSINESS Knows For Sure
Does The Hard YOUR-BUSINESS For You
Does The Hard YOUR-BUSINESS So You Don’t Have To
Doing It Right Before Your YOUR-BUSINESS
Don’t Be an Amber YOUR-BUSINESS
Don’t Be Vague Ask For YOUR-BUSINESS
Don’t Forget The YOUR-BUSINESS Mum
Don’t Forget Your YOUR-BUSINESS
Don’t Get in The Way of YOUR-BUSINESS
Don’t Just Book It YOUR-BUSINESS It
Don’t Leave Home Without YOUR-BUSINESS
Don’t Leave Your YOUR-BUSINESS at Home
Don’t Live A Little Live A YOUR-BUSINESS
Don’t Play With Fire Play With YOUR-BUSINESS
Don’t Say Brown Say ‘YOUR-BUSINESS ‘
Don’t Worry YOUR-BUSINESS Takes Care
Don’t You Just Love Being in YOUR-BUSINESS?
Double The Pleasure Double The YOUR-BUSINESS
Dude You’re Getting A YOUR-BUSINESS
Easy Breezy Beautiful YOUR-BUSINESS
Endless Possibilities With YOUR-BUSINESS
Every Bubble’s Passed Its YOUR-BUSINESS
Every Kiss Begins With YOUR-BUSINESS
Everyone Loves YOUR-BUSINESS
Everyone Should Believe in YOUR-BUSINESS
Everyone Wants A YOUR-BUSINESS
Everyone’s Favorite YOUR-BUSINESS
Everything Is Simple With YOUR-BUSINESS
Everything We Do Is Driven by YOUR-BUSINESS
Exceedingly Good YOUR-BUSINESS
Fast YOUR-BUSINESS and Good For You
Feel The Magic of YOUR-BUSINESS
Feel The Raw Naked YOUR-BUSINESS of The Road
Fill It to The Rim With YOUR-BUSINESS
Filling Pantries. Filling Lives.
Five Star Service Guaranteed
For A Fresh Change Try YOUR-BUSINESS
For A Hard-Earned Thirst YOUR-BUSINESS
For That Deep Down Body YOUR-BUSINESS
For The YOUR-BUSINESS You Don’t Yet Know
Four Out of Five Dentists Recommend YOUR-BUSINESS
Free YOUR-BUSINESS With Your Purchase
Fresh From The Captain’s YOUR-BUSINESS
From Here. For Here.
From Our YOUR-BUSINESS to Yours
Full of Eastern YOUR-BUSINESS
Gee Your YOUR-BUSINESS Smells Terrific
Get Back Your ‘Ooo’ With YOUR-BUSINESS
Get More From Life With YOUR-BUSINESS
Get The Door – It’s YOUR-BUSINESS
Get YOUR-BUSINESS Before Your Friend Does
Get YOUR-BUSINESS Forget The Rest
Get Your Daily Dose of YOUR-BUSINESS
Gives A Meal YOUR-BUSINESS Appeal
Go on Get Your YOUR-BUSINESS Out
Go to Heaven With YOUR-BUSINESS
Go Where The Winners Go – YOUR-BUSINESS
Gonna Be A While? Grab A YOUR-BUSINESS
Good Honest YOUR-BUSINESS Since 1896
Good to The Last YOUR-BUSINESS
Good YOUR-BUSINESS Has Danish Written All Over It
Got A YOUR-BUSINESS? You’re in Luck
Grab Life by The YOUR-BUSINESS
Great YOUR-BUSINESS Great Times
Half The YOUR-BUSINESS All The Taste
Hands That Do Dishes Can Be Soft as Your YOUR-BUSINESS
Happiness Is A Cigar Called YOUR-BUSINESS
Happiness Is YOUR-BUSINESS-Shaped
Have A YOUR-BUSINESS and Smile
Have The Life You Want
Have You Forgotten How Good YOUR-BUSINESS Tastes?
Have You Had Your YOUR-BUSINESS Today?
Heal The World With YOUR-BUSINESS
Helping You Get Where You Want to Be
Helping You Grow
Here Today. Here Tomorrow.
Hey Have You Tried YOUR-BUSINESS?
Higher Standards
How Can We Help You?
How Do You Eat Your YOUR-BUSINESS?
How Many Licks Does It Take to Get to The Center of A YOUR-BUSINESS?
How Refreshing How YOUR-BUSINESS
Hungry? Why Wait? Grab A YOUR-BUSINESS
I Am Stuck on YOUR-BUSINESS ‘Cause YOUR-BUSINESS’s Stuck on Me
I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole YOUR-BUSINESS
I Can’t Believe It’s Not YOUR-BUSINESS
I Can’t Believe It’s YOUR-BUSINESS
I Feel Like YOUR-BUSINESS Tonight
I Learned It by Watching YOUR-BUSINESS
I Liked The YOUR-BUSINESS So Much I Bought The Company
I Lost Weight With YOUR-BUSINESS
I Love What You Do For YOUR-BUSINESS
I Quit Smoking With YOUR-BUSINESS
I Saw YOUR-BUSINESS and I Thought of You
I Scream You Scream We All Scream For YOUR-BUSINESS
I See YOUR-BUSINESS in Your Future
I Think Therefore YOUR-BUSINESS
I Want YOUR-BUSINESS and I Want It Now
I Wish I Were A YOUR-BUSINESS Weiner
I Wish They All Could Be YOUR-BUSINESS Girls
I Wouldn’t Leave The House Without YOUR-BUSINESS
I’d Do Anything For YOUR-BUSINESS
I’d Like to Buy The World A YOUR-BUSINESS
I’ll Show You My YOUR-BUSINESS If You Show Me Yours
I’m A Secret YOUR-BUSINESS Drinker
I’m Not Gonna Pay A Lot For This YOUR-BUSINESS
I’m Not Just The YOUR-BUSINESS I’m A Member
I’m Only Here For The YOUR-BUSINESS
I’ve Seen The Future and It’s YOUR-BUSINESS-Shaped
Ideas Ahead
If Only Everything in Life Was as Reliable as A YOUR-BUSINESS
If There Is A Will There Is A YOUR-BUSINESS
If You Like A Lot of Chocolate on Your YOUR-BUSINESS Join Our Club
If You Like A Lot of YOUR-BUSINESS on Your Biscuit Join Our Club
If You Really Want to Know Look in The YOUR-BUSINESS
If You Want to Get Ahead Get A YOUR-BUSINESS
If You’ve Got The Time We’ve Got The YOUR-BUSINESS
Is It Live or Is It YOUR-BUSINESS?
It All Comes Back to YOUR-BUSINESS
It Makes Your YOUR-BUSINESS Smack
It Needn’t Be Hell With YOUR-BUSINESS
It Takes A Tough Man to Make A Tender YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s A Beautiful YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s A Lot Less YOUR-BUSINESS Than A Hover
It’s A New YOUR-BUSINESS Every Day
It’s A YOUR-BUSINESS Adventure
It’s Different in A YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s Fast It’s Furious It’s YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s Good to Talk YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s Just For Me and My YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s Not A Dream YOUR-BUSINESS Is Real
It’s Nothing but YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s Shake ‘n’ YOUR-BUSINESS and I Helped
It’s Slightly Rippled With A Flat YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s That YOUR-BUSINESS Feeling
It’s The Bright One It’s The Right One That’s YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s The YOUR-BUSINESS Fizz That Does The Bizz
It’s The YOUR-BUSINESS You Can See
It’s Time to Think About YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s Our Business to Know Your YOUR-BUSINESS
It’s Privilege to Serve You
Join Us For Good
Just For The Taste of YOUR-BUSINESS
Just Like YOUR-BUSINESS Used to Make
Just One More YOUR-BUSINESS Will Do
Just One YOUR-BUSINESS – Give It to Me
Just What The YOUR-BUSINESS Ordered
Keep Going Well. Keep Going YOUR-BUSINESS.
Keep That YOUR-BUSINESS Complexion
Kids Will Do Anything For YOUR-BUSINESS
Kills All Known YOUR-BUSINESS – Dead
Let The YOUR-BUSINESS Take The Strain
Let Your Fingers Do The Walking Through The YOUR-BUSINESS
Let Your YOUR-BUSINESS Do The Walking
Let’s Face The Music and YOUR-BUSINESS
Let’s Talk About YOUR-BUSINESS
Life Should Taste as Good as YOUR-BUSINESS
Life. Money. Balance Both.
Life’s Beautiful With YOUR-BUSINESS
Life’s Pretty Straight Without YOUR-BUSINESS
Lightening The YOUR-BUSINESS
Like YOUR-BUSINESS Like Never Before
Little Yellow Different YOUR-BUSINESS
Live in Your YOUR-BUSINESS Play in Ours
Look For The YOUR-BUSINESS Label
Loves The YOUR-BUSINESS You Hate
Made in Scotland From YOUR-BUSINESS
Made to Make Your YOUR-BUSINESS Water
Make Every YOUR-BUSINESS Count
Make It Happen
Make Someone Happy With A YOUR-BUSINESS
Make The Most of YOUR-BUSINESS
Make The World A Better Place With YOUR-BUSINESS
Make Yourself at Home With YOUR-BUSINESS
Makes You Feel YOUR-BUSINESS Again
Making Every Moment Count
Making YOUR-BUSINESS Possible
Making YOUR-BUSINESS Taste Better
Mama’s Got The Magic of YOUR-BUSINESS
Mamma Mia That’s A Spicy YOUR-BUSINESS
Marvin The Mountie Always Gets His YOUR-BUSINESS
Maybe She’s Born With It Maybe It’s YOUR-BUSINESS
Melts in Your YOUR-BUSINESS Not in Your Hand
Men Can’t Help Acting on YOUR-BUSINESS
Mild Green YOUR-BUSINESS Liquid
Moms Like You Choose YOUR-BUSINESS
Monsieur With This YOUR-BUSINESS You Are Really Spoiling Us
Moving at The Speed of YOUR-BUSINESS
My Doctor Says ‘YOUR-BUSINESS’
My YOUR-BUSINESS Beats Everything
Naughty Little YOUR-BUSINESS
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Never Knowingly YOUR-BUSINESS
New Thinking New YOUR-BUSINESS
Next to The Breast YOUR-BUSINESS’s The Best
No Finer YOUR-BUSINESS Can Be Found
No Need to Worry With YOUR-BUSINESS
No-One Does Chicken Like YOUR-BUSINESS
Nobody Better Lay A Finger on My YOUR-BUSINESS
Nobody Does It Like YOUR-BUSINESS
Nobody Doesn’t Like YOUR-BUSINESS
Not Your Typical YOUR-BUSINESS
Nothin’ Says Lovin’ Like YOUR-BUSINESS From The Oven
Nothing Acts Faster Than YOUR-BUSINESS
Nothing Comes Between Me and My YOUR-BUSINESS
Nothing Is Faster Than YOUR-BUSINESS
Nothing Sucks Like A YOUR-BUSINESS
Nothing to Worry About With YOUR-BUSINESS
Nothing Works Better Than A YOUR-BUSINESS
Now With 50% More YOUR-BUSINESS
Oh My Goodness It’s A YOUR-BUSINESS
Once Driven Forever YOUR-BUSINESS
Once You Pop You Can’t Stop YOUR-BUSINESS
One Client at A Time
One Goal One Passion – YOUR-BUSINESS
One Is Not Enough
One YOUR-BUSINESS Is Better Than Two of Something Else
Only A Fool Breaks The YOUR-BUSINESS
Only The Crumbliest Flakiest YOUR-BUSINESS
Only YOUR-BUSINESS Can Prevent Forest Fires
Only YOUR-BUSINESS Has The Answer
Our YOUR-BUSINESS Will Give You Softer Skin
Out of The Strong Came Forth YOUR-BUSINESS
Pardon Me Do You Have Any Grey YOUR-BUSINESS?
Play YOUR-BUSINESS Start Living
Please Don’t Squeeze The YOUR-BUSINESS
Pleasing YOUR-BUSINESS The World Over
Plop Plop Fizz Fizz Oh What A YOUR-BUSINESS It Is
Prepare to Want YOUR-BUSINESS
Pride of The YOUR-BUSINESS For Over A Hundred Years
Probably The Best YOUR-BUSINESS in The World
Problem? The Solution: YOUR-BUSINESS
Prolongs Active YOUR-BUSINESS
Promise Her Anything but Give Her YOUR-BUSINESS
Put A YOUR-BUSINESS in Your Tank
Put YOUR-BUSINESS in Your Pipe and Smoke It
Puts The YOUR-BUSINESS in Britain
Reach Out and Touch YOUR-BUSINESS
Recommended by Dr YOUR-BUSINESS
Refreshes The YOUR-BUSINESS Other Beers Cannot Reach
Relationships Beyond YOUR-BUSINESSing
Review The Facts YOUR-BUSINESS Is The Best
Right YOUR-BUSINESS. Right Now
Ring Around The YOUR-BUSINESS Gets Your Whole Wash Clean
Savor The Flavor of YOUR-BUSINESS
See The Face You Love Light up With YOUR-BUSINESS
See The World With YOUR-BUSINESS
See The YOUR-BUSINESS Feel The Shine
Serving to Empower
Shake The Bottle Wake The YOUR-BUSINESS
Share Moments Share YOUR-BUSINESS
Sharing The YOUR-BUSINESS of Your Life
Silly Rabbit YOUR-BUSINESS Is For Kids
Simple Impartial YOUR-BUSINESS
Smart Beautiful YOUR-BUSINESS
Smart People Choose YOUR-BUSINESS
So Easy No Wonder YOUR-BUSINESS Is #1
Solid Partners Flexible Solutions
Solutions For A Small YOUR-BUSINESS
Something Special in The YOUR-BUSINESS
Sometimes You Feel Like A YOUR-BUSINESS Sometimes You Don’t
Spreads Straight From The YOUR-BUSINESS
Start The Day With YOUR-BUSINESS
Your Kind of People Your Kind of YOUR-BUSINESS
Your Life. Your Money. Your YOUR-BUSINESS.
Your Perfect YOUR-BUSINESSing Partner
Your YOUR-BUSINESS Never Sleeps
Your YOUR-BUSINESS Your Way of Life
These are some of the good slogans or taglines that you can modify based on your own needs and then make use of.
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