#the black hoodie and messy hair swooped to the side
jula483 · 7 months
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him 🖤
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Bracket E Round 1
Poll 13
Archus “Archie” Dandelion (@one-bit-oat) vs. Alexander Woress & Axe (@azure-za-raid)
281. Archus “Archie” Dandelion (@one-bit-oat)
An escapist science experiment turned anarchist against the government, this whimsy little demiboy chooses love over brooding because of *ahem* backstory. Also on a quest to reunite with his long-lost brother after 10 years, who was stolen away. Archie’s a bit stuck in the past, and for the worse when they meet again only to find said brother in possession of a troupe of friends and talented combat skills. Envy results, fueled by the creatures that hijack his darkest emotions to feed on them. But, he chooses love. To believe. To believe in himself, even when he inadvertently caused so much heartbreak for others. To believe he would be accepted back, even with his less-than-human qualities. He has the brightest smile to show for this,, warmer than the aching sands on a hot summer’s day.
More info can be found at:
Long, black hair just over the shoulders. Slender, androgyne build. Amber eyes, brimming with kindness and life. Frilly, sensual clothes.
282. Alexander Woress & Axe (@azure-za-raid)
He / Him for both
Alex and Axe are two characters that I’ve worked with for a good chunk of my life. It’s been a goal of mine to share them with people and get to see their stories unfold. Ever since getting into the world of writing, art, comic making, animation, and video game creation, I’ve always wanted to have my own character with their own unique adventure and story to tell.
To give some detail on who they are:
Alex is an amalgam hybrid from my series in the works, Hybrid Complex. After he begins a journey to find his brother, Anthony, who one day vanished he becomes involved in a long running mystery surrounding the disappearance of hybrids across the world.
Axe, on the other hand, is  a person with strong ties to Alex who is being pursued by a masked man for reasons he has yet to unveil.
The inspiration for both came from my deep interest in clone and alternate characters (think Sora and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts or the concept of Echo Fighters from Smash Bros.)
I would love for people to be able to get to know these two more
For Alex:
Alex is a tall and stocky teen being the largest person of his age group. He has short, messy, lilac hair that covers the top of his head and black hair on the bottom that is more prominent on the left side. He has a full beard that is lilac and tusk that protrude from his mouth. His left eyebrow is black while the right is lilac and his eyes have gold sclera and dark irises that contain white pupils. His horns swoop backward, point forwards and away from each other.  He has a long black tail that has an electrical, indigo energy pulsing from it. Alex has markings that can appear on his body when using magic that fluctuate from a dark blue to a bright indigo and take an appearance akin to lightning. Alex wears a two tone pink and black zip up hoodie that has a stripe that starts at his shoulder and ends about half his bicep. There is white stripe that intersects the first and it has pink compression cuffs. Underneath, he wears a t-shirt with a dark collar with matching cuffs and hem. He also wears dark sweatpants and gray boots with a dark heel counter with matching vamp, laces, and rim of the top and top of the tongue.
In his human form, Alex is an entire foot shorter and much lighter. His hair becomes much shorter on the sides and his eyes are normal with gold irises. Alex wears a blue short sleeve hoodie with a black and gray two tone long sleeve shirt underneath, dark sweatpants and sock, and shoes that match his hoodie.
Occasionally, Alex wears a brown tone messenger bag with a sketchbook connected to the side.
For Axe:
Axe has an uncannily similar appearance to Alex, even mistaken for Alex at some point (and vise versa). He bears the exact same size and height as Alex. Axe, however, has entirely black hair that appears reddish pink in certain lightings, he has a full beard with a longer goatee, and short tusks that protrude from his mouth. His eyes have black sclera with orange irises that contain white pupils. A notable feature on his face is that the helix of his ears, forehead, nose, and nose bridge have a darker coloration than the rest of his skin. He has horns that sweep backward and point forwards away from each other. He has a long, black tail that has an electrical, magenta energy that occasionally pulses to red. Axe has markings that can appear on his body when using magic that fluctuate from a dark red to a bright magenta and take an appearance akin to lightning.
Axe wears a red and black two tone collared hoodie with matching cargo sweatpants and grey and black boots that have a red lining.
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moonslove7 · 4 years
Moonys Soft
(Remus Lupin x reader)
Summary: (Y/n) accidentally encounters Moony while having a midnight stroll, what happened next was of course unexpected and highly unusual...
You sighed as you stopped studying, letting the book fall on the table completely out of your hands, you had been studying for three hours straight for a test and finally decided you had done all you could until the next morning so you looked to the window behind you which had a perfect view of the moon that hung ever so beautifully in the sky. Sighing again your thoughts moved to Remus, your boyfriend, you wondered what he was up to with his friends, and if of course when the morning came he would be sporting a new scar or injury. The moon used to be beautiful for you but now it just brought distaste and annoyance to you, for this was the worst night of the month for your boyfriend and probably many others, who are forced to go through it. 
‘Maybe I could do with some fresh air... Rem did say they usually are in the Shrieking Shack, so what could a little walk do?’ Nodding to yourself in agreement you picked up your textbook and notes, putting them all inside your bag and then took them to your dorm room, grabbing a hoodie that probably belonged to Remus you quickly pulled it through your arms and head, then realised how it had his usual scent of books, parchment paper, chocolate and a woodsy kind of smell, you inhaled it silently smiling at the comforting smell. The hoodie was slightly bigger because of Remus’ height but it was insanely comfy.
Putting your wand in the hoodie pocket you quietly closed the door and descended down the stairs and on your way to the woods. You weren’t going to go far, you just wanted to have walk in the refreshing fresh air near your boyfriend. Walking slowly, your hands stuffed in the hoodies pocket with your fingers wrapped around your wand just in case, as you walked you got a little distracted by the oncoming coldness that came your way, before you knew it you had made it to the lake, looking at it you slowly started to realise it was completely iced over, your breath now visible when you exhaled, the coldness consuming anything warm it could, furrowing your eyebrows you looked around, something didn’t feel right. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a trail of black like an octopus’s tentacle sway behind a tree, you turned instantly to face it but nothing was now there. 
‘I’m being watched, aren’t I?’ You said to yourself, breathing quicker out of fear, you tried to think what could possibly be watching you, remembering the fact it wasn’t this cold when you first started to walk into the forest only one creature came to mind, one which shouldn’t even be there in the first place, you kept denying that it couldn’t be but what other creature turns its surroundings ice cold in seconds. 
Hearing a swishing sound from behind you, you turned quickly around so your back now faced the lake and instead coming out from the trees was a dementor somehow, you slowly backed up as it approached you, you fell backwards onto the ice cold frozen lake which began to crackle at your fall. You thought this was it, you’d never be able to feel properly ever again, you had no idea how to fight them because you had only just learned they existed in class, not how to defend yourself from them. It started to pick up its speed and was now flying fast towards you, you screamed hoping someone was near by, if anyone would help. 
Closing your eyes tightly and flinching, you heard a growl coming from behind the Dementor, you couldn’t see what was happening but little did you know your boyfriend’s werewolf form had ran into the forest a few minutes after you ventured off into it yourself, and right now all he could tell was that his lover was in danger, snarling at the Dementor Remus ran on all fours towards the Dementor making it swoop off further into the air and fly away instead of at you, making Remus stop running and watch it fly away with you. You were so distracted by the Dementor and making sure it left neither you or the lycanthrope noticed the lake was still crackling, becoming unsteady from the warmth of your body and fall, Remus was just at the edge of the lake, and when you looked at him and locked eyes the ice had broken and you had fallen into the freezing water, shivering from the painfully cold water you tried desperately to swim up to breathe, as you swam your limbs felt heavier and heavier, Remus or rather Moony began running again but onto the ice, he ran to where you were, panting profusely he leaned his snout down to grab onto your jumper to try and help you to get out, he even tried using his two front paws but they did little to help, you managed to drag yourself out with the help of your boyfriend who waited beside you for you to catch your breath, whimpering at how you shivered.
Eventually you stood up, still shaking from the cold but you watched Remus, amazed that he didn’t try to kill you at all, instead he protected you. “Moony...” You whispered, smiling slightly you reached out a hand, to him which made him stop whimpering and instead lean his head towards your hand, you slowly stroked his head in amazement, he wasn’t too furry, but he was definitely fluffy. After a moment he looked up and stood up properly, remembering you were still freezing cold Moony started to whimper again, you walked closer to him whispering words of comfort “It’s okay Moony baby, I’m okay and you’re okay.” You reached out again with both of your arms but to hug him, your arms wrapped around his neck, not too tightly though, and the lycanthrope nuzzled his snout into your neck, licking you slightly you giggled at the feeling and at the outcome of the night.
A few moments later Sirius and James came running out next from the dark trees in their animal forms, their worry turning into wonder at what was happening before them. They had always heard that when someone changed into a werewolf they would hunt and kill any human they could, but he wasn’t; not with you. When you caught eyes with Sirius he tried to point his nose back to the area of the whoomphing willow tree, telling you to try and send Moony back to where they knew he would be safe. You nodded and smiled at him, you began to let go of the lycanthrope, who then began to watch you as you moved slightly backwards and he followed instantly to be by your side. “Come on baby, back to the shrieking shack we go.” You whispered to him, as you both walked back to the tree Moony kept bumping his arm or side into you, you guessed it was his way of knowing you were still there without looking, soon enough you and Moony ended up near the tree, you never knew how to tame the tree to go inside so you waited to see if Sirius or James would show you but instead they just raced inside the tree, Moony looked between them and you, and then decided to take matters in his own hands, trying to be gentle he wrapped his paws under your legs and arms, you squeaked as you realised he was going to run inside with you, and he did. It somehow worked, and Moony didn’t let you down until he reached the top of the house, where a bed was and a sofa, the sofa being in the company of the deer and a black dog who looked to be playfully fighting, Moony walked to the bed where he gently let you down from his long arms, he stood back to give you some space, he was panting again from all the running, you sat up on the bed crossing your legs as you leaned your back against the headboard of the bed.
“Come here Moony.” You whispered again, not wanting to scare him, he leaned his head against the side of yours his snout nuzzling into your cheek, his nose was slightly wet making you giggle at the feeling, you reached out again with your right hand, petting his face softly, eventually he started to lay down on top of you, leaving his head to rest on your shoulder. He then began to snore quietly in your ear, and you brought a hand up to stroke his back as he fell deeper and deeper asleep.
When the moon had gone for the morning sunrise, Remus transformed back to his normal self but to his surprise he was in your lap. He looked at you in confusion, pulling his head back to see you had fallen asleep, his friends laid on the sofa also asleep, he thought to himself ‘at least I haven’t hurt them I don’t think’, wanting to know what exactly happened last night from you he slightly shook your shoulders making you begin to wake up, “Rem?” You asked tiredly, you smiled at him, bringing your hand that rested on his back to his messy hair, “(Y/n) ? what happened? Why are you here? Did I hu-” “No Remus, you didn’t hurt me, you did the exact opposite.. you saved me.” You interrupted the worrying Remus, letting him no straight away he had not harmed you in anyway, one of the things he was most worried about in the relationship was accidentally hurting you. “H-how come I didn’t? I’m glad I didn’t but... I’ve never been near a human before while in my uh, other form and not hurt them.” Remus then heard his best friends yawning, having turned back into their own human forms they looked at the pair sleepily, “Well well well lovebirds, looks like Moony is also pinning after you (Y/n),” Sirius said with a smirk, James was smiling almost giggling at Sirius and how Remus arched his eyebrow at him. “Of course you two idiots saw.” He groaned into his hands, “You two are awful at your job by the way,” he added making James then raise an eyebrow at him, “It’s not our fault Moony wouldn’t stop nuzzling his girlfriend.” James said, Remus shook his head at the pair who looked like they had been to a rave instead of helping him not go near any humans. 
“Rem, it’s okay yeah? Also don’t you remember what happened?” You asked worryingly. “It takes a minute or two but yeah, I do. I guess they’re right though, Moony must also love you too.” He kissed your nose, then started to climb off of your lap, wincing every few seconds from the aching and possible bruises and who knows what from him transforming, you tried to steady him by grabbing his upper arms as he left your lap, he laid on the other side of the bed beside you, “Hey guys.. let’s uh, ditch for a day?” James said as he laid back down with Sirius on the sofa, instantly feeling a growing need to fall back into dreamland. “Mhm, I got a test today, so only five more minutes for me, then I’ll help Rem go to the nurse.” You replied, Remus looked at your hand before holding it and watched you as you smiled and slowly closed your eyes to sleep again, he smiled at your sleeping figure, knowing you were probably safe around his other form, which was something he feared a lot about, he slowly started to succumb to the sleep that had captured both you and his best friends as the Sun rose higher in the sky.
This was so long wtf, anywho I hope you enjoyed, if you want to request for a Remus x reader fanfic please do, i love Remus so much I swear this is the longest one I’ve ever wrote. 
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citydreamgrls · 4 years
they were roommates - part two
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a weasley twins x fem!reader fic
summary: she had nowhere to go, fleeing home to pursue something along the lines of freedom, so being welcomed into the entrepreneurial twins life was a whole world of new experiences waiting to happen.
an: thank you for the overwhelming love for the first part of this series, which i will link HERE for you guys!! also MASSIVE thank you for over 700 followers, when i posted the first part i was just hitting 600, so this has been crazy, love you always and hope you enjoy <333
words: 4,949
A warmth covered y/n’s face as she grumbled to herself, trying to roll herself away from the light that spilled in from the large windows. Her eyes squinted uncomfortably and the noise of the room finally settled into her head bit by bit.
The sound of a coffee machine whirring, doors opening and closing, and the faint sound of the morning radio show that Neville would often play at the inn. It all felt so new, yet so familiar.
“Morning sleepyhead,” The girl frowned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes to see one of the twins place a mug on the small coffee table nearby. “Feelin’ better?” The girl nodded, feeling guilty that she once again couldn’t tell whether it was Fred or George that was talking to her.
“I’m sorry- this is really rude but, are you Geor-”
“I’m Fred.” He didn’t seem bothered by her wild guess, standing up as if nothing was amiss and heading to the kitchen. “Come and get something to eat will you, or else it’ll get cold!” He called back, disappearing to find his brother and leaving her to pull on a nearby hoodie.
She shuffled over to the table, a small chuckle sounding out at the sight of their plates. Piled high with more food than she’d usually eat in a whole day, the girl sat down and started on a piece of toast, hoping they wouldn’t mind her starting a little prematurely.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” George laughed, his twin obviously urgent to have them sit down together for breakfast. Was this normal for them, or was she the exception? They both wore matching suits, dressed for their day of work, with the difference being that Fred’s tie was red and George’s blue.
One glance at the clock and the girl wanted to head straight back to bed, but if she wanted to thank them properly for their hospitality, then it needed to be before the shop opened anyway. Their sofa had felt like heaven, and now she needed to leave it behind and fend for herself.
The two men sat across from her at the table, as they had done the night before. But now the jeans and t-shirts had been forgotten, and their once loose hair was now fixed neatly. It was funny to the girl how they could pull off two extremes so well.
They sat with a grin on their face, watching her sip on her coffee warily, unsure as to what they were waiting for.
“Are you two okay?” Please don’t let them be creeps, not now. She begged to herself, seeing them exchange a nod before looking back to her once again.
“We have an idea to offer up,” Fred started.
“One that will benefit both of us.” George added in, y/n urging them on with her sunny smile. She couldn’t help but smile around them, it was like they were made to make people laugh.
“We’ve been saying for a while that we need help in the shop,”
“Someone to cover the tills when we’re talking to customers mainly,” “Oh yeah, we hate the tills.” They went a little off track, but managed to catch train of thought again.
“Anyway,” George chuckled, seeing her look of confusion. “You need somewhere to stay, and we can’t afford to pay for someone to work in the shop.” “So, if you agree to help out then we’ll let you stay here.” “With us!”
They waited, a small moment of silence as they watched her face for a reaction. The news took a second to process, as she realised it was the ideal outcome for both of them. That way she wouldn’t feel in debt to them if she stayed, either.
Her head bobbed up and down very slowly, the two men sharing a look of pride as they high fived like kids. The girl stood up, racing over to their side of the table and wrapping her arms around them both.
“Thank you so much,” She didn’t dare speak too loud, in case she broke the floodgates on their shoulders.
Fred and George chuckled, squeezing an arm each before reassuring her that it was fine, they didn’t want her to feel as though she owed them the whole time.
“I’ll help out anywhere I can, I mean it, not just in the shop either-”
“I can cook, I can do the laundry or- or even just shop for food every week.”
“Calm down,” Fred laughed, seeing her fall into a rant over her possible chores.
“We don’t need you to do all that!” George teased, ruffling her already messy hair and heading off to the bathroom.
“Better get ready quickly, looks like there’s already a queue out there!” He chimed, peering his head to look from one of the windows to the street below, where hoards of excited kids were already waiting to get inside.
“Come on then y/n, we’ll show you everything don’t worry.” Fred had noticed the way her smile faltered at the warning of so many people all at once, she’d never had a job before working at the leaky cauldron and now she needed to learn everything in one go.
She got up, wasting no time, and made herself look presentable. The girl grabbed her open case and pulled out some black trousers and a green cardigan to put on, slipping into the bathroom once George was finished to get changed.
“I’ll go open up!” She heard him shout once the door was shut, and she stumbled around trying to be as quick as possible. Once she charmed her hair to wave nicely and cast a quick freshen up spell, y/n found Fred waiting in the living room.
“Here,” he held a little badge inside his large palm, the swirly writing showing her name. “That way, everyone will know who you are.”
Y/n took it from him, a wide smile on her face as she placed it onto her cardigan. Only a handful of people had ever bothered to learn her name when she was pulling pints, the twins included, but now everyone would know it. They wanted people to know it.
Fred felt his cheeks blush at the way she squealed with excitement, her previous nerves nowhere to be seen as she bounded towards the door of the loft.
“Wait for me!” He laughed, running after her, grabbing his jacket that hung on the back of the chair.
The girl ran down the few flights of stairs that were out of sight before running into the chaos. Now, the shop that she had seen sleeping the night before burst into action before her eyes. The entire place was a cacophony of lights, sparks and laughter. A small crowd of children watched in awe as George showed off yet another variety of firework, their cheers of delight echoing up to where y/n watched from.
“Come on then, better get on the tills before people start nicking things.” Fred nudged the girl’s back a little and she happily weaved through the shop to reach the little counter where an old till sat waiting for them. People were already waiting to pay, so Fred took charge, giving her a chance to watch what he did before giving it a go herself.
After the initial shock of the morning, y/n easily settled into the flow of the shop, working well between the two twins who watched her proudly while she served customers. It was around midday, and less and less people were coming in as the time passed, giving the three of them a chance to relax after the neverending hoard they’d dealt with.
“It’ll pick up again-” Fred laughed, leaning against the counter as she sat upon it and sighed happily.
“It always does, every single day-” George joined. “Without fail.”
“At about two normally.”
Working there was such a difference to the bar that she almost felt surprised when people would greet her with the same smile she’d give them. That had been a rarity when all she had been to people previously, was a barmaid.
“I love it here,” The girl admitted, swinging her feet off the side of the counter like a child. George was moving boxes from the back onto the shopfloor, opening each one and emptying the contents onto shelves. She wondered how he hadn’t run out of space yet, there was already a surplus of things everywhere she looked.
“I’m glad you do.” Fred beamed, turning to look at her.
“Hey! You guys, we’ve got a new shipment of bottled weather!” George pulled them from their daydream, calling the pair over to see what he’d found.
“What’s that?” She asked.
“Well it’s weather… in a bottle.” Fred tried to explain, but saw he wasn’t much help. “It’s probably just easier to show you.” He chuckled nervously, fishing through the cardboard box until he found one he liked the look of. “See, this one’s a rainbow.”
He screwed open the top, leaning back a little so that the beam of colour could release itself without hitting him in the face. Him and George had learnt to avoid it the hard way when they started selling them a year ago.
Y/n’s face lit up, watching it bounce around in the air until it found its place and settled into a perfect curve.
“Wow,” Her eyes surveyed it intently, wanting to reach out and touch it, but knowing that would most likely end up bad. “That’s incredible!” The man beside her swooped the jar over it and pressed the lid on tightly, the strip of colour disappearing once again in front of her eyes.
“Oh yeah, they’re incredible, until every fourteen year old boy wants to open one and suddenly there’s a load of rain clouds in here and plenty of puddles for me to clean up!” George grumbled, finishing up with that box and heading off to find another. The girl giggled, unable to picture his tall figure with a measly mop.
“He’s not a fan of the rain.” Fred whispered to her, not helping the giggling to go down. “Personally, I love it.” “Me too, well, I used to.”
Their quiet moment was caught off guard by the sound of the bell tinkling, telling them that someone was coming in. A voice called out, one that she vaguely recognised, but couldn’t for the life of her know the name to go with it.
“Fred! George! It’s Harry!” Well, that was always helpful.
“By the till mate!” He called back, standing up from the counter to give him a quick hug.
She recognised this man’s face, he’d been in the leaky cauldron with them a couple times over the past months. But he had very rarely spoken to her, just the quick exchange when he would get another round for everyone.
Harry’s face seemed to reflect his confusion, surprised to see her sitting with a nametag on that matched the twins’ instead of behind the bar. Still, she smiled his way, which he eventually returned.
“It’s good to see you again y/n, are you- do you work here now?” He looked to Fred for confirmation, to which the man just nodded.
“She’s staying with us for a bit, and INSISTED on helping out.”
“So you’ve set her to work so soon, how charming.” Harry joked, greeting George when he reappeared with another handful of boxes to unpack, surely they didn’t do this every day?
She watched the sun outside as it danced through a select few shop windows, including one of their own, the stream flying in and lighting up the small flecks of dust that flitted across her line of sight. It was easy for the girl to get lost in her own thoughts, drowning out the sound of Fred and Harry talking enthusiastically about quidditch as she basked in the warmth that hit her legs.
George came up behind her, placing a few boxes down beside her.
“Could you do me a favour,” She jumped a little at his voice, nodding when she realised what he’d asked of her.
“Of course,” “I took some paperwork up to the loft the other night, it’s on the desk in my room, could you grab the invoices for these wonderwitch packages and bring them down. I need to go set up the blasted thing, and god knows Fred won’t be helping any time soon.” He grinned, rolling his eyes at his brother and their friend getting more and more excited about something.
The girl got up with a smile, taking a quick mental note of how many different products there were before the man took them away to be set up near the front window. She scurried off, bounding up the stairs with a spring in her step. By the time she reached the top she was well out of breath, but it didn’t matter. Never in her life had she been treated with such kindness from almost strangers, not to mention that they actually seemed to like her.
George’s door was half-ajar, his open window blowing the light curtains around gently, as she walked inside. It felt cosy, yet fresh, in there. His bed was neatly made and everything seemed to be put away very methodically, much like how he preferred to display things in the shop. Whereas Fred was the one who would just shove things anywhere.
As long as people buy it!
He had told George nearly four times just that morning, unfazed by the way his brother went around correcting it all once he was seemingly out of sight. Fred never mentioned it, leaving the other twin to do as he pleased.
But it seemed as though George’s desk was the one place where all the rules on organisation went, quite literally out the window, as there were sheets and quills and parchment all over the place. She sighed, getting to work on finding what she needed.
Downstairs, Fred and Harry had just about talked each other's ears off about Ginny’s last match, discussing how amazing she had been as her teams substitute seeker when the actual player had gotten a mild concussion.
“She’s training all day today so that’s why I’m delivering her messages today.” Harry chuckled, knowing that Fred would make some kind of remark about his sister bossing him about so easily. In truth, he didn’t mind. “She wanted me to let you know that she’s gonna pop by later and visit after practice.”
“Ah! So we’ll be seeing her more than you, poor boy.”
“Be quiet, I’ve booked her all weekend.” Harry huffed, just glad to have his fiance to himself for more than one evening at a time.
“So, how’s things with y/n getting on?” He asked the twins when George came over to catch up with the younger wizard.
“She’s doing great, given that it’s only her first day.”
“Yeah, and we’re actually sorting out a surprise for her.” Fred peeked up the flight of stairs, seeing no sign of the girl. “Come on, we’ll show you before she comes back.”
The three of them went to the storage room round the back of the counter, where George had been ferrying boxes out of all morning.
“We’re gonna clear all this out and then get her some furniture and posters and the like, make it feel a bit more homely for her.”
“Woah, so you guys must like her.” Harry laughed, nodding at the large amount of room there was when nothing was stacked up inside.
“She’s worth it, isn’t she Freddie.”
“She deserves it, you mean.”
By the time the girl found the paperwork George had asked for, Harry had left to go see Neville and Hannah, just in time for the afternoon rush to start up and distract them all once again.
Fred kept an eye on the girl, who continued to happily serve behind the till, from the safety of the shelves where he was taking a break between product demonstrations. George, he hoped, would finish clearing out the storage room by the end of the day so that they could get to work fixing it up for her while she slept in the loft that night.
The two twins became so overwhelmed with jobs to do that day, that both of them forgot to mention to y/n that their sister Ginny was to visit that evening. Only getting a chance to speak to their new worker once the last customer left and the front doors were locked shut.
“That seemed like more people than last week eh Georgie?”
“I could barely reach the back shelves; there were so many of them, at least most of them are small so I can just reach over their heads.”
“Still, it’s good business.”
“Hey- where’s y/n gone?”
Fred found the girl near the back of the shop, her cardigan slumped over a nearby chair, as she swung her wand back and forth. The broom beside her followed perfectly, sweeping the floor of mess that had been trudged about throughout the day. She clocked the man behind her and smiled.
“I’ll finish up sweeping then do a once over with the mop.”
“Jesus, I don’t think we’ve ever cleaned that much!” Fred laughed, giving her shoulder a squeeze. “Why don’t you head up and chill out, you’ve done more than enough for us already.”
“Are you sure?” Her eyebrows joined together in a concerned frown, but the man could only smile down at her and nod.
“Go on, we won’t be long anyway.”
The girl thanked him and went up the stairs, flashing a grin George’s way when she passed him.
“Good idea, now we can get some furniture in without her seeing.” He whispered, crediting his brother’s sharp mind.
“Come on Georgie, you need a break sometimes too, we can finish it off tomorrow anyway.” They both looked up in the direction of the loft when music came filtering down.
“Do you think she’s really happy here Freddie?”
“She seems it.” He shrugged. “She always seems happy, but do you think she really is.”
“Probably… I hope so.” “Me too.” George hummed, finally giving up his task of the day and offering to get them dinner from a nearby muggle restaurant while Fred finished brushing up behind the counter.
The music got louder, but he didn’t mind. Most days, him and George would be too tired to do much together besides their weekly pub visits. And even then it was only because someone else would persuade them to take a break. Now, just having y/n around, was like taking a breath of fresh air amongst their hectic and exhausting days.
Fred saw a flash of long blonde hair pass the front of the shop window, flattering slightly before moving off again. He scrambled to his feet, watching as he saw his little sister’s friend a little further down the alley.
“Luna!” He called out, waving when she turned slowly, a genuine smile on her face. She always was happy to see people.
“Hello Fred. It’s been such a long time, how are you?”
“I’m not bad, how are things with you- how is Rolf and the Boys?”
Y/n flung herself on the sofa, her legs aching with the day’s work well behind her. The guitar whined out in its case to be used, but she couldn’t find the energy to even pick it up, let along strum something decent. So she flicked her wand towards the radio, the stations passing by until she found one she liked, turning it up with a content smile.
Not long after, there was a flash from the fireplace that sat lonely at one end of the loft’s long living room. The girl jolted up, not having seen a floo line used very often when she lived at one. For a second the green flames put her in a trance, her mind forgetting that it meant someone was going to appear in the room before her.
A tall girl, wearing just jeans and a hoodie stood before her, a bewildered and yet excited look on her face. She turned towards the radio that was blasting out an old rock song, the red hair on her head bobbing as she dropped her sports bag and laughed.
“I love this song!”
“Give the twins a kiss from me!” Fred called after Luna, glad to have caught her when he did. With her husband always off exploring new magical creatures, she was often left with her hands full looking after the young twins. Still, she seemed composed as ever.
“There you are, took long enough!” George rolled his eyes at his brother’s words, holding out a bag for Fred to take from his one hand.
“Yeah well I was just going to get enough for the three of us but remembered Ginny was coming and thought she must be hungry after practice.” He explained.
“Oh yeah of course- wait!”
“GINNY!” They both exclaimed, the twins rushing to lock the shop doors behind themselves so they could warn their newest tennant of their little sister’s arrival.
But when they both burst into the loft, they realised there was nothing to worry about. The sight of both girls dancing around the kitchen together and laughing along to the way neither of them could get the lyrics right, settling their nerves.
“So I see you two have met.”
“Brothers!” Ginny laughed, making no moves to greet them, too enthralled in the girl’s company. She had friends on her quidditch team of course, and her siblings and their fiances. But god she loved new people, especially when they were always up for a good time like she was. “I love her! Can we keep her! Please, please, please.” She begged, gripping the girl’s arm like a whining child.
“Y/n’s our guest okay, so play nice.” Fred grumbled, setting down the food and letting everyone help themselves.
“I’m always nice, see I got the drinks ready for everyone.” Hey! That’s ours.” George pointed to the bottle of wine she had already cracked open.
“Exactly, ours.” Ginny giggled, passing him a glass, which would no doubt keep him quiet until he had one too many, then you’d never shut him up.
All four of them clinked glasses, the twins soon loosening up and matching their sister’s party attitude as they joined in with the girls’ dancing. George was headbanging like a madman, his grown out hair flying all over his eyes. His mother had been begging to cut it like she had done when they still lived at home, but he realised he had always preferred it longer. Fred had done the same, keeping his a bit neater around the edges than his brother, but enjoying the length over the breeze he felt whenever it got shorter.
Ginny had always seen the twins as nuisances when she was younger and still at school, but after the war ended she learnt to enjoy her life a little more. That was when she finally realised that they had been doing so all along. The youngest Weasley sibling then decided to join a professional quidditch team and take life one day at a time, her mother had been horrified of course, but like the twins she couldn’t deny how good Ginny was when she whizzed through the sky.
Y/n got to know the girl better, as their glasses were refilled by George everytime they took a sip. He always did enjoy hosting, especially when he was getting as drunk as everyone else. The four of them had danced for what felt like hours, grateful for the lack of neighbours, then collapsed onto the sofa where they continued to share stories and finish off another three bottles of wine between them.
“These two threw water over me and blamed Ron!” Ginny laughed, reminiscing on their summer holidays at the burrow.
“Mum would have never believed us!”
“I can’t remember why she did?” The twins protested, their many pranks over the years made it hard to recall smaller ones such as drenching their sister in her sleep.
“Because you timed it so that when mum went to find Ron he was filling up a bucket to water the plants!” She explained, having heard the other brother’s recollection every time it was brought up at a family dinner.
“Ah yes!” They said in unison, the girl in between them in fits of giggles over their mischievous side.
“You two really are trouble,” she chuckled, keeping her nearly empty glass out of George’s sight in fear of having a horrible hangover the next morning. At least the shop was closed on Sundays, or else they would have all struggled.
“You can’t escape!” Fred boomed, acting like a brainless zombie.
“We’ve trapped you.” His brother joined in.
“Good luck with these two, they’ve obviously tried to keep the chaos hidden… but it’ll come out sooner or later.” Ginny laughed, checking the time with a humorous face. “Good lord, I better get back before Harry starts sending owls after me.”
“He can wait!” George whined, pouring into her glass as she tried to stand up.
“I know he can Georgie, but I’ve also had a very long day at the pitch so I need to get some sleep soon.” Her legs turned to jelly as she wobbled over to her sports bag, staggering under its weight. The redhead waved goodbye from the fireplace, taking a handful of floo powder and announcing her address before bursting into flames.
Y/n sort of wished that Ginny would have stayed longer, as she was only just beginning to know her properly. But she too couldn’t deny the wave of fatigue that hit her like a brick wall the second she blinked a little longer than she should have.
“Tired darling?” George sneered from beside her, waking her again.
“Oh no… not at all.”
“Leave her be, you can sleep if you want- we won’t disturb you.” Fred leant over her to shove his brother playfully.
“You should sleep too Georgie-” She teased, her drunken smile still just as perfect as her regular one.
“And why’s that sunshine?”
“Because you’ve been moving all those boxes, you must be exhausted by now!”
Both men froze a little, concerned that she’d noticed him working on the storage room all day. Fred eyed his brother, urging him to say something in the awkward silence they had created.
“Uh- yeah- well, we need to make space for a new shipment.” George lied, in a panic, the other twin silently grimacing and how awful he was under pressure.
“That means things are selling right? That’s good?” She looked between them, seemingly oblivious to the way the men were freaking out in their heads.
“Alright- alright we’ll go to bed!” Fred laughed, breaking the tension, and standing up to clear the coffee table of glasses and plates. George joined him, wanting to avoid any more possible interrogation if he could help it.
The girl reached for the bowls before her but they cut her off.
“We can do all this, you get some sleep okay?” George smiled sweetly, to which she just nodded, too tired to argue back this once.
“Thanks,” She murmured, reaching into her case to find her pyjamas.
While she went to change in the bathroom, the two men stood together in the kitchen, very aware that they were quite drunk by now.
“She’s good isn’t she,” George mused, stacking more plates into the sink that washed them.
“See, I knew you’d come round to her.” Fred accused. “I didn’t dislike her!”
“You weren't mad about her.” 
“And you are?”
There was a moment of silence, which worried George, as he knew his brother all too well. If what he’d asked wasn’t true, then Fred would immediately deny it, in turn sounding guilty. But the silence always meant he was right.
“She’s different,” He finally spoke up, focusing his attention on drying whatever came from the sink.
“She’s also living here Freddie.”
“I know, it’s not ideal, but I just like her.” “Everyone likes her, she’s well- she’s her.” George stuttered, never having heard his brother talk about a girl this way before. Even his high school crushes had been purely based on appearances.
“Exactly, I can’t help it.”
“And say you tell her- and she doesn’t feel the same, which is very possible-” “I know.” Fred snapped.
“She has nowhere else to go, and telling her something like that would force her away… you know it would.”
The sound of the bathroom door opening echoed across the loft, making both men jolt into action, trying to seem as natural as possible despite the air of awkwardness around them.
“Night you two,” Y/n smiled, leaning into the kitchen.
“Night darling.” George replied, wondering whether he should drop that nickname around Fred.
“Night y/n.” He barely looked up from the sink, watching his reflection distort in a handful of spoons, with the hope that she would just go to bed.
The girl, luckily for him, was still very much tipsy and didn’t notice anything wrong with either of the twins as she turned and headed for the sofa. George stepped closer to the sink, watching to make sure she couldn’t hear them.
“Look Fred,” He whispered.
“It doesn’t matter okay, leave it.” He threw the cloth down with an agitated sigh, obviously not having thought over the consequences to his little crush, and went to leave.
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
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Day 1: “You took all the pillows so i’m using you as one.”
It is herrrreee!!! I hope you enjoy and let me know all your thoughts.
Non-descript, non-canon-compliant AU
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Jason Grace smiles as he ends the call with his sister, promising her he’ll call before she gets on her flight to another obscure place. One would think after an entire year of living, mostly, alone she wouldn’t be so worried, yet each time she goes off she has to send him a hundred messages and call him a hundred more times to make sure he’s okay. The day is dawning bright and chilly and he has every intention of snuggling up in his bed with a good book and copious amounts of hot cocoa. University has finally shut down for winter which means he has absolutely nothing to do. It is pure bliss.
He hops onto the counter, scrolling through his phone while the kettle boils. His instagram is filled with people in various tropical places, or places much colder than his little London apartment. Snow and skis, and beaches and cocktails scatter across his feed and he is equal parts jealous and excited. The kettle clicks and he sets to making his chocolatey drink, adding an obscene amount of marshmallows and some extra chocolate chips just for fun. Might as well indulge. Tomorrow he would have to make an effort to dress in something more than a ratty t-shirt and fading boxers, and interact with other people. The few of them that are still here are planning a holiday movie night complete with blanket forts and popcorn and terrible romance plots. But today, with the sky grey and weeping gently, and the world as quiet as he’s ever heard it he can just be unexciting, unworried Jason.
He launches himself onto the bed, after carefully placing his mug on the side table and snuggles deep into his duvets, sighing contentedly. There is almost nothing that could make this better. Except one person. But he has no energy to dwell on that. Because that person is gone to Montauk with their family and even if they weren’t they wouldn’t be here with him.  He shakes the thoughts from his head and opens his book, ready to get lost in a world far away from this one. But just as he starts reading, a knock sounds at his door. Every bone in his body groans, like the worst thing that could have happened to them has just occurred. He agrees wholly and debates ignoring the unexpected visitor. But then he thinks about his elderly neighbour who’s always losing her keys or needing help with something on the top shelf and he sighs as he resigns himself to getting up. His book, and heart, cry when he tumbles out of bed and slips his feet into fluffy pink slippers. The knocking sounds again and he all but rolls his eyes, before flinging open the door.
As he expects Mrs Tremblay is on the other side, a kind smile on her face. “Hello Jason dear,”
“Hello Mrs Tremblay, how are you?”
“Oh just peachy dear. My wife isn’t home yet and I can't seem to locate the butter. Would you mind coming to have a look. I am sorry to be a bother on such a day that requires everything but bothering.”
He holds in a snort and closes his door behind him, “No worries ma’am. I’m happy to help.”
“Yes, well you’re very kind dear. The last tenant who lived there was a rowdy unfriendly man who smelled disgustingly of bleach and cigarette smoke.” Her nose scunches so that the wrinkles in her face deepen considerably.
He doesn’t give a response, mostly because he doesn’t really know how to reply, so instead he ushers her into her apartment and makes his way to the kitchen. After a quick squiz in the fridge he sees the butter all the way at the back of the top shelf. Getting it out, he places it on the counter with a smile.
“Here you are Mrs Tremblay.”
“Oh you are a darling! I’ll be sure to save some snickerdoodles for you.” She claps her hands, already pulling her apron over her head.
“Is there anything else you need me to help with?”
“That’s alright dear.” Distracted with her scale she waves his question away, “You’ll see yourself out, won't you?”
“Sure ma’am, have a good day.” He waves. She doesn't catch it. “Say hi to Precious for me.”
“Bye now.” Is her distant reply before she’s scaling chunks of butter and losing herself to her baking.
With a huffed laugh he escapes back to his own apartment and settles into his bed once more. This time he does get swooped into his book, travelling over mountains and sleeping in rocky valleys. Every word produces a new kind of feeling, like he is a well of all the most wonderful emotions. Sometime later, and a good portion of the book gone, he drains the last of his now-cold cocoa and decides it’s time for a bathroom break. As he finishes up another knock sounds at his door. Must be Mrs Tremblay with the cookies she’d promised.
He jogs to the door, pulling a hoodie over his head, as the wind seeps in through the cracked windows. He opens the door and the hood flops over his face.
“Mrs Tremblay, the snickers finished already?” He fiddles with the fabric and pushes his now messy hair out of his eyes.
“Uh- I did not bring cookies?” A voice that Jason hears in his dreams washes over him.
He freezes, blue eyes as wide as planets, as he takes in who stands at his front door. “You’re not Mrs Tremblay.” He blurts out.
A twinkle enters those emerald eyes, a smirk slowly takes over that beautiful, angular face. “I am not. As far as I know i’m still Percy Jackson.”
“Yes you are.” He replies breathlessly, and then cringes so hard he sees black dancing in his vision. That smirk only grows wider. “Please come in.”
“Thanks. It’s freezing out there. I’m sure all the nerves in my fingers have burned to nothing.”
“What are you doing here? I thought you were in Montauk? Is everything okay with your family? With you? Here let me take your jacket.” He eases the dark denim from his friend’s hands and slings it over the chair in their little dining room.
Percy laughs at all his questions, "Everything is fine with everyone. Paul has family in Brighton, and I asked mom if I could visit you while we’re here.”
That twinkle only brightens as they make their way to his room. “Yes oh.” He winks, and then sobers as he takes in the rumpled sheets on Jason’s bed. “Am I interrupting something? I can totally come back another day. We’re here for two weeks so…”
The blonde’s cheeks go crimson as he realises what his friend thought was going on. “No, no, no. I was just reading. I’ve been in bed, uh, all day.”
Percy’s eyebrows touch his hairline in surprise. “You? You’ve been in bed all day?”
He blushes harder but nods all the same. “It’s cold and I have a book. I finally have the time to read.”
A brown hand reaches up to touch his forehead, “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? The Jason Grace I know would have had his morning run, started on assignments due in two months time and volunteered to go grocery shopping for all his neighbours.”
He makes a face, shoving the black-haired boy, “I’m not such a goody-two-shoes.”
A laugh as pretty and devastating as the ocean echoes through his body. “Alright Jase,” He collapses onto the bed, waggling his dark eyebrows. “If you say so.”
“I do say so.”
That laugh catches between his butterflies and the whole world slows down. He stares at his friend, who looks so completely at home that his heart clenches a little. Black hair a stark contrast against his white covers, and earth brown skin glowing under the yellow light above their heads. He takes a deep breath in.
“Do you want to finish your book and then we can talk?” Percy asks, eyes still stuck on the ceiling, tracing the constellation of stars stuck up there.
And with that question Jason melts into the floor and thanks the powers that be that he has found home.
“If you don’t mind?” He moves to lie on the bed, already snatching up the book and paging through it to find his way.
Percy scoffs, “Of course i don’t mind.” He shuffles, eyes darting around before a gleam enters them. He promptly moves further up, and places his head on Jason’s stomach.
“What- what are you doing?”
“You took all the pillows so i’m using you as one.”
And indeed the two pillows that are usually on the bed are shoved behind his back, for the extra comfort. “Oh, uh, okay.”
“Are you uncomfortable? Should I move somewhere else?”
“No, no!” He cries, ‘I’m fine.” Even though his heart is beating a hundred miles a minute and the butterflies in his stomach had been released into a zoo.
A beautiful smile takes over Percy’s face as he settles into his pillow and closes his eyes. Jason reminds himself to breathe, as he stares at the serene face right under his nose.
“Are you going to keep staring at me or actually read Grace?” His friend’s lips twitch but those ocean eyes stay closed.
“Shut up.” He grumbles, wondering how he knew.
“Make me.”
His golden cheeks go bright red, again, and he is grateful the black-haired boy is still closed to the world. Finally his heart calms enough, and his mind goes quiet and he can get lost in his book. Percy’s soft, unhurried breathing deepens as he drifts to sleep, and Jason follows not long after. They are content. They are peaceful. They are happy.
They wake up as they had gone to sleep: Percy’s head resting against his stomach, and him propped up on pillows. Jason’s eyes open first and after he glances out the window to see the grey sky darkening he takes the quiet moment to stare, unobstructed at the boy before him. Long eyelashes brush sharp cheekbones, and a strong nose, slightly skewed from being broken one too many times, twitches. He really is one of the most beautiful people.
“Are you still staring at me?” A raspy, playful voice rings out.
The blonde about has a heart attack right there. “You’re awake?”
“Just barely.” He groans, pulling himself up, and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Jason almost groans at the loss of contact but stifles it under a laugh. “You wanna make some cocoa and we can tell each other secrets?”
“I only have one secret,” Percy winks, hauling himself off the bed and holding out a hand for him.
He takes it, but is unprepared to be launched halfway to the sun, or to topple into a hard chest. The black-haired boy catches him before they fall to the floor, and every nerve in his body narrows to the warm hands on his hips.
“What’s your secret?” He whispers.
“Take a wild guess.”
He narrows his eyes, racking his brain for any ideas, but every thought is discarded because all of them involve something he knows is impossible.
“Got nothing?” He grins.
“Not a clue.” Disappointment floods through him fast and sharp.
“My mother secretly calls me pineapples.” His friend mutters and in the second it takes him to process the words the black-haired boy is already shaking. His forehead presses into the blonde’s shoulder as he laughs and he can’t help but join in; the absurdity of the statement breaks his confusion, and disappointment.
Finally they sober up and Percy, whose hands are still on him, stares directly into his eyes. “I lied. I have one more secret.”
And then Percy Jackson smiles as bright as the stars and kisses Jason Grace. What a lovely secret indeed.
70 notes · View notes
mythgirlimagines · 3 years
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As the creation of two calming waves crashing together, a calm ocean breeze is quickly birthed through them. And that calm ocean breeze is commonly known as Myth Anon, Former Ultimate Swimmer!
Born to two happy owners of a beach house on a scenic and heart-rending beach, Myth knew how to swim, before she could even crawl, much like her older sisters before her. Upon entering middle school, she was encouraged to enter her school’s swim team and quickly became the star of the team. However, because she only likes to swim for fun, inner peace, and poetic inspiration, Myth eventually quit competing, but still managed to get enough coverage from the media to gain her Ultimate status. In her adult years, she is currently working part-time alongside her sisters at her parents’ beach house, and is currently studying to become a marine biologist, which she (unsurprisingly) turns out to be both very passionate and a veritable expert about.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Detective
Wyre and Myth have been only the best of friends ever since they were children and have met one faithful day on the beach. Although Wyre is also known for their criminal sketchworks and their skills as a physical enforcer/bodyguard, it’s Wyre‘s skills as a homicide detective that made Wyre gain their Ultimate status, that is still going strong (and even stronger) in their adult years. For the eternally scatterbrained and innocent swimmer, Wyre is usually around to watch over both her and her belongings and to prevent weirdos from trying anything funny with their friend. Myth really appreciates Wyre’s help in finding misplaced items and she just loves walking across the beach with them all the time.
Outfit: A brown overcoat and a light green and yellow striped vest and a black tie over a white button-up shirt, pants that match their overcoat, darker brown leather gloves and loafers.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Programmer
Famous for creating one of the first ever instances of self-sufficient, self-teaching, and ultimately benevolent AI (known by the code name “D-3M-0N”), Scar is also a big name in online role-playing groups, where she is known as “Mother-Board, the Master Technomancer”, a ruler of a tech-based science-fiction realm who is in charge of all the high-end technology in it. On particularly busy and sleepless nights, she can even be caught acting as Mother-Board herself. Because Myth lived in a tech-less beach house, she is absolutely clueless in the ways of modern technology, and that is where heroic Scar swoops in and tries her best to teach the swimmer the way of the computer.
Outfit: Messier hair that is done up in two messy side buns, a purple hoodie worn hood-up with black and white striped sleeves, a ruffled purple skirt, black and white striped stockings and purple boots, the mask from her original design.
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Affluent Progeny
Despite only striking it rich very recently, Fusion’s business acumen helped expand his father’s failed company into a multi-million dollar industry and it also ensured that his noveau-riche parents’ finances would stay with them for a long time. He may get constantly underestimated by equally influential but longer-running business magnates, due to his situation and age. When not performing business operations, he loves gorging himself on lavish buffets and learning all he can from the massive library installed in his house. Upon entering the Kibo-Con, he began showering his fellow con-mates with lavish gifts. Needless to say, Myth really appreciated the life-sized plush walrus.
Outfit: Hair tied into a ponytail, a blue overcoat (that has a pocket watch in his right lapel) over a white button-up shirt, a pink vest, and a yellow and red striped tie, white gloves, pants that match his overcoat and the glasses and loafers from his original design.
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Moral Compass
Fusion II attended a school with a rather high rate of delinquency, and, by the time she left for Hope’s Peak, all instances of delinquency have diminished in an instant. Claiming that she became a public moral committee because “you can‘t break the law, if you are the law” and ”I just want power”, Fusion II wishes to rise to the top of the corporate ladder and become like the rich magnates that she idolised so much, all to prove to her classmates that she is so much more than just a mousy little overachiever. Myth may not understand the moral compass’s dreams and ideals, but anyone who praises Myth’s mindset and thought process (read: actually unread sarcasm) must be a good person in her book.
Outfit: Fake reading glasses, a grey blazer over a white button-up shirt and a light blue and dark blue striped tie, a red armband indicating her position, a long skirt that matches her tie, black stockings and brown Mary Janes.
Just Anon, Ultimate Fanfiction Author
With a sparse and sporadic uploading schedule, Janon’s (or as he is known online, ��JustInThisForFun”) fans and followers commonly refer to the times he actually bothers to upload one of his fica as “Random-Time Rapture”, for you could never really predict when he will upload a fic, but anyone who reads his fanfiction would know that they are veritable masterpieces that can almost match the quality of the original works. Despite their differing temperaments, Myth and Janon love to relax together and introduce entirely new ways of relaxing to each other. Myth’s suggestions of relaxing on a particularly warm rock and lying face-up in the Con’s fountain are Janon’s two new favorite relaxation methods.
Outfit: Same outfit as the original, but with a bandolier of pens and other writing supplies.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Baseball Player
Considered a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to both Little and Major League Baseball, Sparkle catapulted her all-girl’s softball team (called The Shimmering Meteors) into stardom, with both her skills in the sport and her bombastic and dramatic personality, when on the diamond. Despite both being pioneers in women’s athletics, Sparkle and Myth‘s personalities and philosophies couldn’t be any more different, much to the confusion of the two girls. While the loud yet intelligent Sparkle plays mainly for the glory and thrill of competition, the calm yet ditzy Myth only swims for fun and for poetic inspiration. Sparkle and Myth just can’t comprehend each other’s athletic philosophies and motives.
Outfit: Hair in a bobcut, orange and pink sports jacket with her team’s logo on the back (and matching hat on her head) over a black and white baseball uniform, black cleats and a sparkly pink bandana around her neck.
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Idol, and Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Fashionista
With their twin as their loyal costume designer in tow, Egg takes in to the stage with such cursed songs as, “Deodorant Push-Pop” and “Discord DM Detonator”, which have garnered quite the cult following online, and quickly became one of the most infamous idols in show business, thanks to their song’s subject matter, as well as being one of the few ever NB idols. Egg and Wet Sock regularly love to antagonise Myth, but thanks to her ditzy and unaware nature, any and all cursed comments uttered by the twins would either be unintentionally ignored, giggled at and agreed to, or even getting used in one of Myth’s poems much to the ire of the duo who live off of attention, positive or otherwise.
Egg’s Outfit: A garishly covered fedora, a t-shirt with a cursed meme on the front, green and red striped upside-down pants, pink crocs.
Wet Sock’s Outfit: Hair over one of their eyes, pink eyeshadow, a black hoodie with white fluff, tight jeans, white and black converses.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Clairvoyant
Raised in a family that are all experts in supernatural powers, Curious stands out amongst the rest of their family with their clairvoyance powers being far above that of any other ancestor before them. This caused the fortune-telling booth that was passed down from Curious’s parents to them to skyrocket in popularity, and earn Curious a free spot in the Hope’s Peak Middle School roster as the “Jr. Ultimate Clairvoyant”. As a lover of the spiritual herself, Myth found herself fascinated by Curious’s powers, and Curious was all too happy to show off and teach the awestruck swimmer all about their powers. But than again, one could ask Curious to do anything, and they’d do it without hesitation.
Outfit: A green and off-white kimono with a red obi, brown prayer beads around their neck, white socks and brown geta sandals.
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Soldier
Born and raised in a territory that was eventually wracked by the spoils of war, Nerd was drafted into his cruel nation’s army, thanks to a combination of his natural anger-induced strength and his natural talent in piloting, repairing and even inventing war weapons and machinery. All the time spent combating both potential and certain threats made him constantly hostile and quick to anger, even in his adult years, when the war was long over. Taking sympathy on her fellow chaperone, Myth decided to teach Nerd all sorts of relaxation techniques (that mostly just involve wading or lying in water), but to no avail, for Nerd has feelings for someone that he would much rather blast with his scouter (read: Myth).
Outfit: A black suit of armor with built-in-weapons and the scouter from his original design.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Novelist
Under the pen name “R.C. Wells” (because he doesn’t want evil corporate executives to trace his location), Eldritch particularly specialises in dystopian novels that seek to expose the real world for the apocalyptic wasteland that it‘ll become, if the sheep (read: his audience) remain oblivious to all the horrors of the world they’re living in. Despite Eldritch’s blatant dislike and constant insulting of his audience, he only has the best of intentions for the world, and he thinks that the written word is the best way to combat against the propaganda in the media. Needless to say, Myth‘s relaxation tactics doesn’t exactly sit well with the constantly-worried novelist, so he avoids her like the plague.
Outfit: Reading glasses, a pencil behind his ear, a brown overcoat over a white dress shirt and a red tie, dark brown pants and matching shoes.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Gambler
Despite what her age and her childish personality would suggest, Dream is a veritable genius, when it comes to turning the odds to her favor, and winning boatloads of money at the gambling tables and betting on sports. Dream is infamously referred to, by her foes, as “Lady Luck’s Lovechild”, for her seemingly supernatural ability to make luck fall into her favor and guarantee her automatic wins, against otherwise dangerous odds. Just like with Curious, Myth found herself fascinated with Dream’s supernatural luck-changing powers and likes to sneak under the gambling tables and watch Dream gamble to uncover her secret, much to the embarrassment of the gambler.
Outfit: A grey and white fedora and pantsuit with card suit-themed buttons, a pink undershirt and heels.
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Martial Artist
As current heiress to the Ryuseitai Martial Art’s Dojo, despite what her clumsiness and regular slip-ups suggest, Iris is regarded by martial artists everywhere as a prodigy in combat, who is able to take down foes that are at least a foot taller than her. Iris is also quite the excellent instructor, teaching her elementary-aged students all about mindfulness and positive thinking, which helps breed a brand new generation of strong martial artists. Because of their shared interest in mindfulness and odd philosophies, Iris gets along very well with Myth, who has a similar nature to her, and they have regular meditation sessions underneath a waterfall hidden in the forest behind the Kibo-Con.
Outfit: Hair tied into two Sailor-Moon-esque buns, a pink gi with a big purple star on the front and back, pink sandals, bandages all over her body, the hoodie from her original design tied around her waist.
Purple Anon, Ultimate Lucky Student
Being from one of the more wealthy families in her neighbourhood, Purple was signed up to Hope’s Peak’s annual Lucky Student raffle by her parents, and her supernatural luck meant that she was the lucky girl selected to attend. Because Purple was sheltered a lot, she is very timid and regularly speaks in old-fashioned and archaic terms. Because of a majority of these qualities, Myth and Purple get along very well, thanks to their shared interest in writing poetry, and Myth’s fascination with both Purple’s supernatural luck powers and her odd mode of speech, which sounds much like her own. Whenever they get together, hardly anyone can tell what the two girls are saying.
Outfit: The original outfit, but without the beret and a four-leaf-clover pinned to her sweater.
Watch as this oddball swimmer either befriends or baffles the people around her!
Needless to say, Swimmer!Myth is one hard-to-read swimmer, for she has quite the odd thought process and an equally eccentric vocabulary, often speaking in odd poetic terms about water or marine life, and always searches for inspiration for her poetry. Swimmer!Myth also has a strong love for the supernatural, and can usually be seen learning about and getting in touch with her calm and spiritual side, if she’s not swimming or lying back-up in shallow bodies of water. Swimmer!Myth also gets easily distracted, and regularly wanders off, requiring a buddy to help ground her back to Earth (read: Detective!Wyre). Swimmer!Myth is also heavily empathetic, and, in spite of being an athlete, actually hates competition, which is why she dropped out of being an Olympic-level competitive swimmer years ago, and she really treasures her loved ones.
Swimmmer!Myth has long and wavy brown hair with a French braid tieback, that she can put up in a ponytail while swimming, and blue swimming goggles on her head. Swimmer!Myth swims practically all the time, and her simplistic outfit reflects that perfectly. She wears a pink, blue, and purple wetsuit with blue frills on her sides, a pink translucent shawl and a seashell necklace around her neck, along with purple flip-flops on her feet.
Now that I’m finished with this AU, I’d love to hear your opinions on the talentswap! In the meantime, look out for more content made by your’s truly!
-Fusion Anon
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probablyjustamagpie · 3 years
So I wrote this last October, and figured I’d share. Hope you enjoy!
The Witch’s Brew
Inkblot, my raven, perches on my shoulder as I close the door to the dorm, cooing softly to the  rhythm of my roommate’s snores from where she lays among a tangle of blankets. Our morning walk is quiet and uneventful, with the city just barely awake. The autumn air fills my lungs and I feel good despite the rather dreary weather of the morning. The rain patters gently as I walk, and I resolve to make myself a mocha when I get to the store to warm myself up.
The Witch’s Brew is only a few blocks away from the dorm, and is still technically on campus. Nora is already there when I arrive, getting the register ready. Inkblot swoops over to the ornate metal tree that many bird familiars like to inhabit when they come in. Occasionally, the odd raccoon or squirrel familiar will find their place there too.  Nora and I smile at each other, but we don’t talk much unless it’s about work.
As I’m placing the last of the blueberry muffins in the glass display case, the first of the morning coffee rush begins to trickle in. The day always starts the same way, with the early morning regulars hurrying in to get their caffeine fix, off to their office jobs. Nora and I rush to get all the orders out in time; macchiato with a luck enchantment, plain black coffee with a joy enchantment, a regular cinnamon bun, the list only goes on and on and the rain only drums harder and harder on the windows.
The morning coffee surge is still in full swing nearly an hour later, but now it's more tourists and travelers, bright eyed and bushy tailed, sometimes literally. The full moon was last night, so tired werewolves are commonplace this morning.
It’s yet another hour and a half before Micha and Cecily wander in. They'd promised that they were going to stop by, just like every week. By now it was just another part of our routine. Cecily always orders iced coffee with an extra shot of espresso and two pumps of vanilla, while Micha likes to switch it up. Neither of them ever asks for an enchantment on their drink.
“What will it be, oh-indecisive-one?” I ask Micha as he stares helplessly at the menu. 
Alphonse, his familiar, peers at me from the pocket in Micha’s hoodie, before scrabbling up his arm and curling his long ferret body around Micha’s shoulders like a fluffy, living scarf.
“Uh, Chai tea? With extra cinnamon?”
“Hot or cold?” “Hot. Seems too late in the year to get it iced.”
“Lame,” interjects Cecily, “It is never too cold for iced coffee!”
“You are a living stereotype,” Micha tells her.
I make their drinks quickly, as they head off to find one of the unclaimed tables among the crowded coffee shop. The Witch’s Brew is a popular place, big windows and lots of seating, though most of it is now taken. Along one side of the main counter, there is a bar of sorts, where people can sit, order drinks, and chat with the baristas as they zip around. It’s there that Micha and Cecily inevitably find themselves..
“It’s only because we don’t want to take up a table. We definitely wouldn’t want to distract you.”
“Mmhmm, somehow I don’t believe you, Cess,” I say, handing them their drinks.
I turn back to the door in time to catch a flash of bright red hair, a smiling face, and a denim jacket coming through the glass doors. My calm demeanor cracks for a moment and I’m certain my mouth won’t close all the way.
There is one girl from school who I am absolutely terrified of talking to, and that's Blaine Rynn, the owner of that bright, soft hair, that kind and stunning smile, that fur-lined and pin-covered jacket. I’ve never seen a pride pin on it, though, and thus is the endless torment of a gay girl.
I whirl back to Micha and Cecily, who snicker. As my best friends they, of course, have been subjected to my endless pining for the one girl I can’t muster the guts to talk too. But Nora is helping someone else, and I shall never cease suffering, so I make my way to the register.
“Hello! Welcome to the Witch’s Brew, what can I get you today?” My brain goes into autopilot, and I plaster on my best customer service smile.
“I’ll get an iced caramel mocha - for here, please.”
That only reminds me of the mocha I never made this morning, and suddenly I wish I was making that instead. Nevertheless, I try to make some semblance of conversation, though my voice shakes just a little.  “Squeezing out the last few days of the season?”
“It's never too cold for iced coffee.”
I laugh a little, finally look Blaine in the eyes, and smile. Tamping down the little flare in my chest, I try to return to the task at hand. Iced coffee year-round does not mean she’s gay, despite to jokes Micha and I make.
“Anything else?” My voice comes out an octave too high.
“Uh, maybe a blueberry muffin too. Luck enchantment on the coffee, please.”
I nod, and ring her up, silent. I no longer trust my voice.
“I like your glasses by the way. They’re cute.” Blaine says, before finding a table.
“Thanks!” I say, and  in that moment, my face gets oh-so-very warm.
Her order shouldn’t take much time, but it takes longer for me to make than normal due to Micha and Cecily winking at me and making faces. The sigil for the enchantment is easy enough when I cast it on her glass, and using my magic steals something inside me, easing the stormy sea that is my stomach.
I place it delicately at her table, and she smiles so brightly when I give it to her that I almost ask her out right there, but I hold myself back. You hardly know her, Tia, I try to remind myself. Well, you know she volunteers at the aquarium, and takes bio with Iris, and that she’s a selkie. You know Blaine has the best smiles and her choppy bob is perpetually messy in a stylish way, and she always steps on the crunchy leaves, and-
I shake my head a little as I make my way back to the counter. That line of thinking never leads anywhere good.
“Have you asked her out yet?” Cecily asks.
“Just do it! What could go wrong?”
“So, so much. She could be straight, she could be homophobic, she could just plain not be interested!”
“But do you know that?” Micha adds.
“No?” I despise his voice of reason.
“Then ask!” they say at the same time.
“I - no. Too much could go wrong.”
Cecily grabs a pen from the counter, and scribbles a note on the just slightly coffee-stained napkin next to her.
He swoops over, and lands at her side.
“Give this to the selkie over in the window, please.”
In a traitorous swish of black feathers, he does. 
“Cecily!” I say, loudly enough that a patron or two gives me a look.
I look over at Blaine, who seems perplexed at the bird now trying to drop a napkin in her drink. When she grabs it though, and reads it, her face turns a light shade of pink. It's a really cute blush, in all honesty, and her freckles contrast against the red of her cheeks.
I watch as she stands up, and Inkblot flutters back to me, like he didn’t sign my death warrant. As she makes her way over, I swear someone must have done a time freeze spell, because even the rain seems to stop.
“Was this yours?”
“Yeah, the little traitor bird belongs to me.”
Blaine laughs a bit, and the full force of her smile shines on me, rendering me somewhat speechless.
“I think my luck enchantment worked. I’ll, uh, call you tonight?”
“Yeah, tonight works.” I give her a smile too, and the little flare in my chest turns to a blaze.
As Blaine walks back to her table, Micha gives me a ‘I told you so’ look, which Alphonse mimics. I can’t help but laugh at how easy and simple that was, and how light I feel now. 
“Perhaps, just maybe, I should listen to you two more often.”
Cecily and Micha leave soon after, coffee finished and homework looming,  and I find the rest of the day passes in a blur. When I leave the shop in the late afternoon, there’s a spring in my step and I practically float, despite not casting any spells. Inkblot soars above me, enjoying the clear sky. The leaves seem a little brighter in color on the few trees along the sidewalk, the sky a fresh, bright blue after the morning rain.
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Moonlight Sonata (Part II) | Kevin Moon (The Boyz Imagine)
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A girl forms an unlikely bond with her neighbour; a young violinist who seems to understand her sad songs.
(This Kevin is the best Kevin in my opinion)
Part 2 of moonlight Sonata is up! :) Thank you all for waiting! <3 
Word count: 4.2K 
Gnere: angst but fluffy ending yikes 
There’s always some kind of awkwardness that comes with mornings just after one has fallen asleep crying.
Disoriented and squinting at nothing for a full five seconds, realization dawns onto her and she springs up so fast she causes her neighbour’s head to slip off her shoulder. He wakes up just as abruptly, blinking at her with a confused frown, before his eyes widen in recognition as memories of last night flit through his mind.
“You—Uh, hey,” he mumbles and slowly tries moving away upon noticing how close the two of them are.
“Hey,” she mumbles back just as shyly, all boldness from last night gone. She surveys the pallor of his skin and for a minute, her awkwardness is replaced by concern, “How are you?”
“I’m—“ he swallows thickly, “I’m alright, I guess.”
She nods. Silence prevails. A bird chirps outside and a car roars by.
“Thanks,” he blurts out suddenly, “for yesterday.”
“Oh,” she fumbles with the edge of her t-shirt, “no—no problem.”
Part of her wishes that they hadn’t gotten into such a predicament for it feels like she’s intruded onto one of his secrets he’d rather keep private. Not like she knows any one of his circle to tattle on him, but even she has to admit that it must feel weird for a practical stranger to know about the deepest, darkest struggle, one that you’ve been hiding away from the world in hopes that no one will notice.
She tries to put herself into his shoes and she definitely feels ten times worse when she does. There’s no way she would’ve been able to live with herself after blurting out the truth about the countless demons sitting on her shoulder and whispering bad nothings about how useless she is and how the world would be better off without her.
So it is to her utmost surprise when the doorbell rings five minutes after she gets into her flat that night, to find the said young man — with his raven hair pushed off his forehead and shedding the shirt and slacks for comfortable sweatpants and a hoodie — standing on the other side with a box in his hands.
She blinks at him blankly, “yes?”
“Uhm, here—gift.”
He thrust the box into her hands so violently she staggers back. He looks mortified, “so—sorry, I mean—I just wanted to thank you. For last night, you know.”
She blinks at the box for a few beats of silence and catches sight of the post-it note with a messy ‘thank you’ scrawled over it.
Her eyes flicker up to meet his only to see that he’s busy averting his gaze like a child who knows he’s done something wrong and is about to receive his punishment, causing a soft giggle to erupt from her lips.
“You didn’t have to,” she murmurs, “but thanks.”
“Right,” he clears his throat and is already turning away, “well then, good—“
“Do you want to come in?” she blurts out before he can make an escape, watches how his eyes suddenly widen with panic and quickly rectifies herself, “You don’t have to, I just thought that we might share what you bought together. Only if you want to, no—“
“Sure,” he is quick to reply, “that’ll be great.”
Contrary to what she thinks is an awkward interaction turns out to be a night filled with countless jokes and intimate interactions as they share stories over a bottle of wine that she’d forgotten at the back of her pantry, probably dated from a few months ago when she had resorted to alcohol to solve her problems. The more they talk, the less weight bears down upon her shoulders, the more she gets to know this man in a way that she hasn’t gotten to know anyone else before. Maybe it’s the fact that she’s seen him cry when no one else has, maybe it’s the fact that he’s overshared his story without meaning to. In any case, there’s something so pure and honest about the raw sadness that they share that brings her a kind of comfort she can’t find in anyone else.
Kevin, that’s his name when she finally asked him about it, Kevin Moon.
She finds it suits him, a memory of their first encounter. He’s impressed that she recognized the melody.
“Moonlight Sonata,” she states, “right?” “Dang girl,” he grins, “you play too?”
“No, my dad used to play classical music all the time when I was younger.”
Admittedly, it’s easier to leave behind some of the pain tugging at her heartstrings as she spends more and more time in his company, and while she never outrightly asks him how he feels about constantly being around her, she guesses that he might just be as dependent on her as she is. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t come knocking when he hears her door creak open on the other side of the wall.
He introduces her to his group of friends eventually, a gang of noisy, loud boys who attend the same arts college, each mastering a different type of discipline. There are too many faces to count, too many names that pass right over her head at first, but she doesn’t let that deter her and instead revels in the aura that hangs around them like a halo. It’s comforting to be around them, it’s cozy, it feels like home. She understands why Kevin appreciates them so much.
“So you’re the girl that’s been making Kevin smile these days,” one of them — he has a dimple and an expression that resembles that of an overgrown puppy — proceeds to tease her the moment she introduces herself. His comment makes her bite her lip in nervousness as a blush spreads over her cheeks.
“Oh shush,” Kevin smacks his shoulder playfully, “he’s lying. Don’t listen to him.”
For a while, the empty hole inside her chest numbs out like ice melting on a hot summer day. The coming weeks are filled with a sense of serenity and peace, she soon finds it easier to smile, easier to laugh for no reason. Flowers seem to bloom across her chest, giving birth to an array of sunlight and warmth that fills her, bathes her in a light she can’t help but carry around even when her job takes a toll over her physique.
But all good things come to an end at some point. Just like her happiness.
Sure, it hangs around her shoulders for a while, gives her the mental boost that she seeks. But the sadness is never far behind, always catching up to her and pulling her back into its arms like an ex-lover she can’t get over.
No matter how much she pushes the thought out of her mind, it comes back to haunt her, more and more prominent as the time goes by. Soon enough, she finds herself wading through wave after wave of insecurity, balling up her sadness with tight fists as it swoops in at her weakest moments, just like all the other times where her emotions get the better of her, like a barrier stepping between herself and the outside world and slowly causing her to retreat back into the depths of pain just as easily as though she’d never left in the first place.
At first, she brushes off Kevin’s concern, making up excuses about how tired and worn-out she is from work. But that doesn’t hold out for long, for the young man is curious and adamant to find out what exactly is simmering beneath her nonchalant exterior.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” he asks one night, perched onto the edge of her terrace and gazing down at her with eyes so intense that she struggles to keep her face washed blank from emotion. She gazes at the wine glass in her grasp and tilts it this way and that to admire the burgundy sheen reflected in the dim light coming from her flat.
“Nothing,” she mumbles in hopes that he’ll just drop it.
He’s silent for a long moment, too long. She wonders briefly whether he’s heard her.
But then, he speaks up once more.
“Remember when I said I can see it in you?” his voice is soft, a husky murmur that makes her bite her lip in thought, “that I can see you?”
She nods. “Well, I can see you now. And from what I see,” he shakes his head, “it doesn’t seem like it’s just nothing.”
Of course, of course he knows. Placing her abandoned wine glass down on the floor to wrap her arms around herself, she can’t help but feel her insides coil at the truth that sting with the aftermath of his words.
“I don’t know,” she mumbles, “I don’t know. I was fine for a few days. You—You actually made it better, whenever I spent time with you. But—“
That’s when the sadness lurches through her chest and the hole starts bleeding out with a kind of mind-numbing pain that causes her breaths to stagger and for her body to hunch over, suddenly attacked by the tears bursting out of her like a balloon suddenly bursting under pressure.
It feels like a nightmare. She hates crying in front of people, most of all the beautiful, raven-haired young man with eyes as dark as the night itself and who is presently gazing at her with a mixture of understanding and sympathy. If anything, it makes her cry harder.
She isn’t sure when Kevin’s arms manage to wrap around her or when his chin tucks her into the crook of his body in a semblance of comfort. All she knows is that her hands reach out instinctively to cling onto him as though he’s her lifeline, as though he’s the only tangible thing that makes sense through the whirlwind of pain spreading through her like poison as sob after sob crawl out of her throat, caged monsters that had been dormant for too long.
“It’s okay,” he hushes gently with one of his hands smoothing over her head, “it’s okay, let it out.”
When she finally manages to settle down, when the storm finally subsides and the ocean of pain slowly settles into slow, mulling waves that are easy to ignore, she risks a glance up at Kevin, fearful of what she might find on his face.
What she sees in his eyes causes a breath to catch in her throat.
His eyes, dark mahogany, almost inky black, with the moonlight bouncing off his features and making him appear ethereal, almost dreamlike, tugged at her heartstrings.
He was looking at her as though she was something still worth saving, as if what he’d just seen isn’t a broken mess but a piece of art that mesmerizes him somehow.
“I’m sorry,” she murmurs in a shaky breath.
One of his hands reach up to push back a damp strand from her face, “don’t apologize, not for being sad.”
“I wish—I wish I knew—“ she bites down onto her lower lip and doesn’t realize that she’s cuddling even closer to him until his other arm tightens around her frame so that her nose is buried in his chest, “I wish I knew why I feel like this sometimes.”
“Being sad for no reason isn’t a crime.”
“I know,” their faces are so close, his breaths are washing over her face and her lips tingle at the sensation. Still, his eyes never stray from hers, “but—“
“Do you need any reason to be happy?” he cuts her off.
She thinks for a minute, then mumbles out a, “no.”
“Then you don’t need any reason to be sad.”
The tiniest trickle of warmth tingles through her heart. While she’s aware that part of his words are only ways to make her feel better, she has to admit that it works.
Allowing herself to feel his warmth and relish in the soft vanilla scent that he carries around like a cloud of cotton candy, she whispers out her question, “can I ask for a favour?”
He cocks his head down at her, waiting.
“Could you play your violin for me?”
A smile so wide it causes his eyes to form crescent moons breaks across his face, “sure.”
Having someone understand her in a way that no one else can is a feeling close to exhilaration. She’s never felt that kind of closeness with anyone else before, and having Kevin know her deepest, darkest secrets and not judge her for it is relieving in a way that allows her to open up to him in a way that would’ve made her run for her life before.
The next day, she wakes up with puffed up eyes and a blotchy nose, only to find another post-it note stuck to her fridge. This time, there are two smiley faces and she can’t help but laugh.
Life is a little easier to deal with whenever he’s around. He doesn’t push her, doesn’t ask anything of her other than her silent support and her ear whenever he wishes to talk about something that’s been bothering him.
“Is there really nothing going on between you guys?” the guy with the dimple, whom she now knows is named Changmin, is always teasing her whenever Kevin is not around.
She blushes, “nothing’s going on.”
“Whatever it is, it’s definitely something that’s making him a whole lot happier these days,” another one of his friends, Jacob, says while munching on a slice of pizza, “so keep it up.”
“I’m sure that there are other reasons why he’s in a good mood,” she tries explaining faintly while wishing her cheeks won’t burn so obviously.
“I think he likes you.”
She gawks at Changmin. So does Jacob, who hits his shoulder a second later, “dude!”
“What?” seemingly unbothered, Changmin proceeds to stuff his face with some pizza, “did I say something I shouldn’t have? I’m just trying to speed things up.”
Hearing those words come out of Changmin’s mouth definitely rattles her, except — it can’t be true, considering the amount of beautiful girls that flock to their art academy like it’s one of their pre-requisites to be a student. She shrugs it off as mere teasing instead for the sake of her own sanity and tries not to think about it for the next few days to come. That, however, proves to be quite a challenging feat when the said young man’s actions make her heart flutter as if constantly ruffled by butterflies; like how he enjoys leaving her cute post-it notes with random words of wisdom or — if he’s feeling playful — with lame dad jokes, like how he ensures to wrap her in his sweater whenever it’s too cold out, or like how his permanence in her flat is a reminder that it is completely okay to be how she is.
“Can I show you something?” He asks one night in particular as he steps into her flat with a paper bag tucked under his arm.
She straightens up from her position on the couch, “what?”
Half-expecting him to pull it out of the mysterious bag in question, she blinks in confusion when he motions her to follow.
“Wear something warm,” he instructs, throwing her a random jacket hanging across her front door, “it’s cold out.”
She grumbles, but complies nevertheless before they set off down the road in comfortable silence. When she asks him where they are going, he only shakes his head in response with a mysterious smirk painted across his lips, not reassuring her in the least.
When they walk up to a park entrance currently closed to the public for construction, she pulls his arm back with a protest. But he makes a grab for her hand instead before pulling her along, right over the ‘no trespassing’ sign and into the thick foliage that shrouded them in momentary darkness.
“This is not reassuring,” she can’t help but murmur out, causing Kevin to chuckle softly in return. His palm squeezes hers in an attempt of comfort, and warm tingles unexpectedly rush down her spine.
The forest gets thicker as the trees close in around them, the sounds of the neighbourhood dissipating in the slow hum of the crickets echoing around their figures and filling the silence that feels utterly and blissfully peaceful. The more they walk, the more she finds her muscles relaxing to enjoy the serenity that fills up her soul in a way that no other medicine can, and impulsively breathes in the cold night air infused with a softened humidity lingering along her skin.
After what seems like an eternity of mindlessly walking through the dark, she hears Kevin murmur out:
“We’re here.”
And as she peeks over his shoulder, her eyes widen at the sight before her and her jaw goes slack with surprise.
Because right before her very eyes that peek over Kevin’s shoulder, a troop of golden glistening lights sparkle along the trees, into the tall grass surrounding them, bringing life to the endless night as though the stars themselves have fallen to mother earth.
It’s beautiful. It’s so fragile and breathtaking and just— magical.
“You said you wanted to catch fireflies,” his murmur breaks through the stunned silence accumulating in her heart and just like that, it jumps right through her throat and causes her chest to squeeze with emotion. Her eyes risk a glance up at his face only to see him already gazing down at her, a tender softness lingering in those dark pools reflected by the golden glow echoing around them.
She doesn’t know what to say, what to do. She’s touched beyond comprehension and fears that speaking will only make her cry. Biting her lip and looking down at their entwined fingers, there’s a fleeting suspicion that Changmin might be right after all.
“I—Uhm—I—That’s—“ she tries to make sense of the flurry of words bubbling up her throat, her cheeks reddening when she realizes that she’s said nothing but nonsense, though Kevin lets out a small laugh at her antics before reaching out to grab a passing glowing bug.
He fails miserably, as she does. They exchange soft giggles as they keep alternating. It’s harder than it looks and she finds herself giving up after a few failed attempts, content to sit down and enjoy the atmosphere instead. Kevin sits down beside her after some time, with hands cupped together and a mischievous smile on his face.
“Here,” he nudges her shoulder with his, before opening up his hands ever so slightly. Sure enough, there’s a glowing yellow orb in-between his cupped hands and she gasps in surprised happiness.
“Okay, now make a wish,” Kevin orders. She closes her eyes instantly and clasps her hands together for a few beats of silence. Then, she opens them again with a huge smile while gazing up at him like a kid about to go on her favourite adventure.
“One, two, three,…” his hands then release the firefly. It springs up in the darkness, fluttering for  bit, before whizzing over to its other counterparts as the pair watched with mesmerized eyes.
“I’d ask you what you wished for, but then that wouldn’t make it happen,” Kevin turns to her, lips still turned upwards with the remnants of a grin.
Does he realize how beautiful he is? She thinks to herself, her gaze never straying from his face as his smile slowly fades into puzzlement. He shifts towards her and it’s only then that she senses his warmth pressing against her side.
“What?” He cocks his head in curiosity, “Why are you smiling like that?”
“You’re gorgeous,” she blurts out before she can think twice about the consequences. Face heating up instantly when realization hits, she quickly ducks down to avert his eyes.
Smooth, she can’t help but scold herself inwardly, real smooth. She bites down onto her lower lip with growing nervousness.
To her ultimate surprise, Kevin just bursts out laughing, “thanks, but I think I need to return the compliment.”
“You’re just saying that to be nice,” she retorts and was about to continue babbling to stop herself from falling deeper and deeper into the pits of embarrassment, when she feels a sudden warmth cup her cheek to turn her head to his.
Her gaze locks onto Kevin’s own moonlit ones, heart rocking inside her chest at the gentleness swirling through his eyes. She can feel him, his warmth, his vanilla scent with a tinge of that minty smell he carries around with him like a breath of fresh air. The closeness renders her breathless, practically choking on air. She can’t feel anything. Not right now, at least.
All the pain, the sadness, comes to a standstill to give way to a new rise of emotion, as young as a baby bird slowly breaking out of its eggshell. It thrums through her chest, a melody that alights her with a fire that she didn’t know she had.
The air feels charged with electricity. Kevin shifts closer, nose brushing hers, breaths intermingling.
There’s nothing that can be said to describe the way her heart is constantly fluttering inside her chest like a hummingbird wishing to break free.
Giving her enough time to pull away if she wants to, he dips his head down, closer and closer, before his mouth finds hers.
Every inch of her body lights up with a fire when he kisses her softly, a mere pressure of his lips against her own. Her head bobs back in response, before his other hand comes up to hold her nape in place. Angling his head to the side, he slants his mouth over hers in a way that sends her heart racing right to the moon and her hands unconsciously come up to curl over the material of his dark hoodie to pull him closer.
She can hear the hum of the fireflies, feel the chill in the night breeze blowing through their clothes. But Kevin’s body surrounds her, pulls her in like a drug, and though her lungs are dying from lack of air, she can’t seem to stop from kissing him back gently.
He pulls back after a moment, mouth mere inches from hers and gazing at her through half-lidded eyes that hold a question.
A question she answers by closing her eyes and returning his kiss.
A surprised gasp bubbles up his throat, she smiles against his lips. Her hands weave around his neck, pull him in so that she can feel him, all of him, against her. He parts his mouth like a flower opening up to the sun, and she trembles at the sensation of his tongue swiping across her lower lip with a temptation that causes shivers down her spine.
Everything falls away, time escaping them without meaning as they keep holding each other tightly through the throng of dancing fireflies. She only comes to her senses when they break away and she gets a lungful of fresh air. But Kevin doesn’t relent, his mouth marking a warm path of kisses along her jaw, down her neck, nibbling softly on a sweet spot that makes her whimper in delight.
If she did have any doubts left, they are completely wiped out of her mind right now.
“Can I tell you something?” his mouth parts over her ear then, his breath sparking an electrical sizzle down her spine, “don’t freak out?”
Her heart is practically bursting out of her chest at this point. Her head dips down in a nod.
“I—“ his throat bobs up and down, his features flash with nervousness, “I like that you see me.”
Her mouth curves into a smile and she tries to bite her lip to stop herself from looking so foolishly happy, “I like that you see me too.”
He brushes back her hair, smoothing a hand down the side of her head, “I…I love that you see me, what I’m trying to say, what I think I want to say is—“ he exhales shakily, “that I like you. A lot.”
Her jaw falls slack. She blinks up at him, slightly lost.
“I know, I know. I sound stupid. But I do, I really do. You don’t try to judge, you just listen and—you get it, you see what I am, who I am without trying to dissect what I do, or don’t do,” his voice is rough as he continues, “and that—it matters. It matters a lot. You matter,… to me.”  
The smile is inevitable at this point. It’s tugging up the corners of her mouth no matter how hard she tries to reel in her emotion. There’s a surge of happiness drumming through her stomach and though fear is lingering at the corner of her mind, she forcefully pushes it back. No, it’s not going to ruin anything. Not now.
Slowly, her hands grab his, fingers interlocking as though they’re meant to be there in the first place. Fluttering her eyes up to lock gazes with Kevin, who now looks unsure and uncertain, more fragile than she’s ever seen him, she squeezes his hand softly.
“You matter a lot,” she whispers, “to me, too.”
The smile that blossoms over his face is pure happiness. With a choked-up laugh, he doesn’t hesitate to hug her close as his nose buries itself in her hair while the fireflies flutter around them, golden specks of dust alighting the night with a newfound life that can only be seen for the ones who take the time to see, to search, to seek.
Just like she sees him. And he sees her, for what she is.
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College AU
With Cocky Hawks, Dabi and Gamer Shigaraki. A RP turned fic .
Keigo was outside with his friend Dabi tossing the ball back and forth , they had class right now but eh. Keigo was in the air catching the ball being flashy to the girls walking by, waving with his wings and sending them a feather. Dabi always rolled his eyes at his friends' actions but that didn't mean he did not give the girls a smirk and kiss face too.
Cocky jocks…
That same day Iris was getting up early to fix her hair and get dressed, putting her long hair into a messy bun and throwing on a grey long sleeve off the shoulder top with black pants and flip flops , she looked back at her roommate who was still asleep , grabbed her bag and left heading for the courtyard.
“So how was uhh.. that one chick?” Dabi asked, tossing the ball up.
Keigo caught the ball and lounged in the air , a smirk on his face as he twirled the ball around. “Which one?” He tossed the ball down to Dabi.
“The red head.” He said catching the ball and tossing it up.
“Oh , Amber. Was alright, fire quirk, nearly burned my feathers off” he tossed the ball back. “Want me to send ‘er your way?”
“I dont want your sloppy seconds” Dabi snarked catching the ball and seeing Iris approaching him. Keigo swooped down near his friend's head . “Ah ill remember that when you text me at 12 in the afternoon how you need the frat house to yourself”
“Shut up” he playfully pushed his friend away. “Hey Cousin, where ya goin?”
“To class, something you should do, Dabi” Iris said, rolling her eyes, folding her arms, looking her cousin over. He was smug as ever, but his friend behind him was even worse.
“Oh its Iris!!!” Keigo landed on the ground holding his hand out to the girl. “Don't you look lovely this morning, can i walk you to class?”
“You should be in class too, bird boy.” She stuck her chin out walking past both men and going into the main hallway of the college.
Keigo still had his hand out and the cocky smile on his face when Dabi tassel his hair . “Wow keigo, i could just feel the chemistry that time.”
Keigo straightened out, fixing his already messy golden locks and flapping his wings, lifting himself off the ground. “Help me out Dabiiii” he flew to the school with his friend following.
“Help you bang my cousin? Uhm no “
“Whys she so cold to me.” He landed stuffing his hands in his pockets going into the school.
“Uhm ice quirk? She was called Ice Queen in high school for a reason KFC.”
“Hmph.. oh hello.” A girl walked past them and Keigo turned on his heel to follow her , Dabi rolled his eyes . “My point exactly.” He kept on walkin, might as well go to class.
Back at the dorm Kyra was slowly getting up , she stretched in bed wagging her tail all around to get her blanket off her body. She sat down on the bed rubbing her eyes and glancing around the room. “No Iris.. hmm..” Kyra got off the bed to get ready for her day. She pulled on a t shirt and shorts along with some sneakers, grabbed her bag and left for class.
She was on her way to science class, Dabi spotted her rushing around and lifted his arm so she could pass him. He knew she was Iris’s friend and that she had a cat quirk but that was it. Kyra passed him not saying anything and rushed right into science class to sit by the window.
More kids filled in and she spotted Shigaraki. Her tail little wagged all around and she fiddled with her paws watching him take his seat on the other side of the room. She had never talked to him before but wanted too, just too shy.
The teacher came in and passed out some papers explaining the upcoming week and a partner project which made everyone groan. “Kyra, Shigaraki. Partner up.” He said reading off names.
Kyra dug a claw into the desk feeling anxious ,Shigaraki looked over to see who Kyra was and waved slightly . Kyra waved back, heart beating loud in her chest. It was going to be a long first period.
After hours of lectures and quizzes Kyra was finally free to leave. She packed up her books in her backpack about to get up when Shigaraki walked over, her ears falling back on her head.
“Hey uh.. Kyra right?” He asked, pulling his backpack over his shoulder.
“Ye-yeah” she got up holding her bag tight.
“I was thinking about the library?” He pulled a Switch from his hoodie pocket, turning it on.
“Uhm sure..” Kyra tilted her head at the oddly shaped thing. “What is that?”
He looked up, eyes wide. “What..? My Switch? You play games on it.”
“Oh! Uh, ive never played a game.”
“...” he reached out, taking her paw and walking. “C'mon i'll show you in the library”
“O-okay! I'm comin” her tail wagged behind her as she followed this slightly annoyed boy to the library.
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ginnranger · 4 years
Character Information
 Clearly I have put more thought into some of these characters than others, but I will add to this as I write more and develop them more.
General Information -
Name: Ginn Ranger
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Little G, Sweets (By Martin only), Lady Ranger (Martin), Little Ember (Past - hated),
Date of Birth: 1st January, 2002
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Ethnicity: English, Irish
Nationality: British
Species: Human
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual
The Ranger family is an Irish descended family, residing in Liverpool City, then London. They are a poor family, but they get by well enough with what they have. Patrick and Mary had Ginn accidentally when they were 18. They got married when Ginn was 5 years old, when they were 23. They follow an ancient and rare tribal culture, known as Star Chasers, who believe the stars are the souls of their ancestors, and prioritise a person’s ability to fight.
Father: Patrick Ranger is a Northern Irish descended man who moved to Liverpool with his father when he was 10 years old, after the mysterious death of his mother. He was arrested and thrown in Juvenile Detention when he was 15 for assault and assist in an attempted murder, where he stayed until he turned 16. Once he was released, he was put on parole and pursued an apprenticeship and career in carpentry. He met Mary in the carpentry workshop, as she worked as the clerk in the shop. He is extremely creative, and blessed with artistic skills, like drawing, carving, and pyrography. He also enjoys music, and played guitar, until he had to sell it to scrounge enough money for bills when he was 25. His mother died mysteriously when he was 10, making his father even more neurotic than before, and forcing them to run to England and live with his uncle and cousin. He was disowned by his father at 17, when he started dating Mary. He has rusty ginger hair, styled messily, cut 4 inches at the sides and back, and 5 inches in top, having it fall over his right eye. The sides are tucked behind his ears. He has forest green eyes and light pale skin. He has a slim build, with broad shoulders and strong arms.
Mother: Mary Pendle (Later Ranger) is a Southern Irish descended woman whose family moved to Liverpool two generations before Mary was born. She completed A-Levels in Maths, Physics, and a B-TEC in Business, then moved on to do a degree in Mathematics and Finance in the university of Liverpool. She met Patrick at age 16, when she went to work as the saleswoman in the carpentry shop Patrick worked in. She worked so she could make her own money and run away from her abusive mother. However, she was disowned by her mother when she started dating Patrick. Her mother and her sister attempted to murder her after disowning her, but luckily, she managed to get into public eye before passing out to be taken to the hospital. Mary became pregnant aged 18 with Patrick’s child, so struggled a lot more with university than originally thought. She was diagnosed with Autism when she was 20, after one of her professors recognised some of the general characteristics in her. She has curly, messy, brown hair, that she usually keeps down, with a fringe swooping to the right, and cut to the middle of her shoulder blades. She has pale skin, with light freckles over the bridge of her nose, and bright, electric blue eyes. She has a skinny, curvy build.
Other family (s): Liyo Anand (Friend of Mary and Patrick, husband of Scot), Scot Lander (friend of Patrick and Mary, husband of Liyo), Amanda Lander (the mother of Scot, who took in Mary and Patrick when they were disowned, and helped them with Ginn when she was a baby), Gillian Pendle (Mary’s mother, never met), Finnley Ranger (Patrick’s father, never met).
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s): When she is older, she helps Martin’s charity.
Occupation(s): Illustrator, activist
Appearance -
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 6st 5lb
Eyes: Heterochromia; right eye is electric blue, left eye is amber-brown
Complexion (skin tone/ conditions): pale, with light freckles on bridge of nose, and often had bags under her eyes. She had two large scars on her back, stretching from her right shoulder, down diagonally to the middle of her back, under her shoulder blades. There is a straight, thick scar on her left side, a slimmer scar on her right forearm, and a few self harm scars on her thighs.
Hair Colour/ Style: Rusty ginger. Cut short to the top of her ears, but often left to grow to jaw length, in a choppy and messed up style. She has a fringe swept to the left, covering her brown eye. It is mainly cut at home by her mother, but she will cut it on her own when she is going through a crisis. She had longer hair when she was younger, but she went through some traumatic experiences that made her cut it short to feel more in control.
Dress sense: She dresses in loose, baggy clothing, as she is very uncomfortable with being perceived as feminine due to trauma. She often wears an oversized khaki green army style jacket. Her favourite colour is green, so she often wears one of her many green tshirts, with all types of sleeve length. She likes black jeans and walking trousers, and often wears boots.
School Information -
Worst Class(es): English (Dyslexia), Sciences
Best Class(es): Art
Sport(s): running, gymnastics (no team, but very good) (Enjoys free-running and parkour)
Club(s): N/A
Status: Loser, outcast, art kid. When she becomes friends with the others, she moves up the social ladder
Trivia -
(Random facts about them, future job, etc.)
Random Facts:
Favorite place: top of Anglican Cathedral. likes to be outside, so is happy anywhere she can see the stars at night.
Hobbies: Drawing, animating, running, parkour.
Past events: As a child, she was never able to connect with her peers, for reasons she could not understand. This made her so lonely, she was manipulated into entering a bad crowd, but she only ended up gaining scars on her back, trauma from sexual and physical abuse, and more trust issues. She says the only good thing she got from those experiences is her excellent judge in character and her ability to fight.
Medical/Psychological history: She has a rare medical condition (Hemovenenum [blood poisoning]) that requires 1-2 injections a day in order to keep her steady and alive. This makes her have heart attacks, and makes her immunity severely low. Needs at least two check-ups a year. She developed PTSD and depression from the traumatic experiences as a 12 year old. She developed social anxiety after so much rejection by her peers as a child.
General Information -
Name: Martin Williams
Gender: Male
Nickname(s): Mart, Tin (by Ginn), Master Williams (By Ginn)
Date of Birth: 25th October 2001
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Ethnicity: Spanish, Black
Nationality: British
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: The Williams family is new money rich. Martin’s father, Conner, invented a new printing press machine, as well as more sustainable paper and ink, patenting it and creating his own printing company. Mr Peterson’s magazine was the first to invest in Conner’s company. This happened when Martin was 4 years old. His mother’s side is Spanish, and father’s side is black. They are all extremely close, having family gatherings a lot and doing many of their hobbies together. Their main connection is their love for music, all of them playing a different instrument and writing songs together. Martin and his two brothers love to run and venture through nature, parkouring through the wilderness.
Father: Conner Williams is a British black man, who despite his money, is very down to earth as he remembers what it is like to struggle. He is a caring CEO, and makes sure every employee has a good wage, great conditions, and an excellent experience in the workplace. He likes to help people, and is very generous. He enjoys music, and taught Martin how to play different instruments. He has dark brown eyes, thick curly black hair, and a thin, neatly shaved beard.
Mother: Elena Williams moved to England when she was 20, her family following her six years later. She is an interior designer, and works with Zack Peterson, advertising herself and putting simple designs in a section of his magazine. She is a caring, unbothered woman who does not care what people think of her, she just lives her life how she wants. She taught all her children Spanish, plays piano wither family, and taught Martin and Valeria how to cook. She had long, wavy, mahogany brown hair, reaching almost to her butt. She likes to keep it down, but if needed she will put it in a pony tail. She has large, russet brown eyes, and sun kissed skin.
Conner and Elena were the youngest couple in the group of parents, until Mary and Patrick joined them.
Other family (s): Dominic (eldest brother), Mateo (older brother) Valeria (younger sister), aunts, uncles, cousins, all four grandparents
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s): a charity he volunteered in from 14yrs old.
Occupation(s): the same charity he volunteered in
Appearance -
Height: 5’7” (age 15), 6’2” (adult)
Weight: 11st
Eyes: russet brown, sparkling, often bright and happy.
Complexion (skin tone/ conditions): Dark skin, but closer to his mother’s lighter shade than his father’s
Hair Colour/ Style: Mahogany brown. Ordered messy, like he had spent several minutes gliding his fingers through his hair, methodically spiking it up, then brushing it forward, leaving bits sticking up. Every portion of his hair was cut to a similar length, apart from the front, which was slightly longer, dropping lightly in front of his right eye
Dress sense: Martin’s dress sense is often describes a grungy by his friends. He wears loose fitted tshirts, slim fit, dark coloured jeans, with bright coloured trainers. Depending on the weather, he switches between wearing button ups over his tshirts, zip up hoodies, and pull over hoodies and jumpers. His hoodies are all oversized and baggy.
He has been described by his teachers as ‘looking for trouble’, as his crooked smile makes him look like he is planning something. Really, he is thinking about something funny.
School Information -
Worst Class(es): sciences, art
Best Class(es): music, English
Sport(s): gymnastics (likes free-running and parkour)
Club(s): band, debate club
Status: disruptive one in class, but means well
Trivia -
(Random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc.)
Random Facts:
Favourite place: mountain tops, his paternal grandparents’ living room
Hobbies: music, making videos, anything to do with social justice
Past events: a few generations before, Martin’s ancestor “Andrew Williams” and Ginn’s ancestor “Hailey Ranger” were friends in the Army. Ginn and Martin bond over this. Martin was excluded for two weeks after he punched the PE teacher for discriminating against him.
General Information -
Name: Alex Peterson
Gender: Male
Nickname(s): Domer
Date of Birth: 14th November, 2001
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Ethnicity: English
Nationality: British
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
The Peterson family is descended from people who were more than able to get themselves into The Dome after the Nuclear War. They are a rich family, living in the rich city centre of London. Zack Peterson inherited his business from his father, like his father did before him. They are a well respected family in society, so image is everything to them, however, they still remain pleasant and kind people.
Father: Zack Peterson is the owner of a massive world-wide magazine, Wonder. He inherited it from his father, like his father before him, and he is obsessed with keeping his social image pristine and perfect, so he tries his best to make good connections and do good things. He loves writing, both fact and fiction, but is useless when it comes to DIY and housework. He has a Masters Degree in English, and a Bachelors in both English and Business. He has short blond hair, and vibrant blue eyes. He tends to wear suits, even when he is not working.
Mother: Sarah Peterson is a psychologist with a particular interest in child development and how trauma affects a young person. She is supportive and maternal, but is also image driven, so hides problems. She has long blonde hair, neatly cut down to her mid-back, that she usually keeps up in a braid or bun, and light blue eyes. She has a very feminine style, never wearing trousers.
Other family (s): Grandparents, paternal uncle, maternal aunt, cousins
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s): Churchill’s Private Secondary school, Parliament (adult)
Occupation(s): Politician
Appearance -
Height: 5’9” (age 15), 6’2 (adult)
Weight: 10st
Eyes: Cornflower blue
Complexion (skin tone/ conditions): pale but healthy. As an adult, he would have bags under his eyes a lot.
Hair Colour/ Style: light blond. Shaved sides and back, with a classic side parting, favouring the right
Dress sense: Alex likes to wear button up shirts with jeans, trainers or canvas shoes, with smart casual jackets.
School Information -
Worst Class(es): Biology, physics, maths
Best Class(es): ICT, History
Sport(s): Rounders
Club(s): Photography, rounders team
Status: nerdy jock
Trivia -
(Random facts about them, future job, etc.)
Random Facts:
Favourite place: Gardens and parks, his bedroom, the lounge in the Peterson home
Hobbies: photography, editing, photoshop
General Information -
Name: Louise Mitchel
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Lou,
Date of Birth: 2th April 2002
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: British
Species: human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Louise is the eldest child of three in the Mitchel family, with twin brothers, who are 6 years younger than her. Her parents married as they are secretly gay, and they think they hide it from their children and friends, but fail terribly, as they fool no one. Still, they refuse to break up until their incredibly religious parents die.
Father: Parker Mitchel is a lawyer. He is secretly gay, and often stays out late hooking up with men. Laila honestly could not care less.
Mother: Laila Mitchel is a speech therapist. She develops strong crushes on women very quickly due to her repressed sexuality. Mary Ranger is a particular weakness for her.
Other family (s): Jacob (younger brother), Thomas (younger brother)
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s):
Occupation(s): Psychologist and counsellor
Appearance -
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 9st
Eyes: Sky blue
Complexion (skin tone/ conditions): Pale and pristine
Hair Colour/ Style: Light brown. Long (mid way down back), often kept up in a loose braid.
Dress sense: Louise likes to dress very feminine, wearing short skirts and neat blouses. She is classy, yet hot.
School Information -
Worst Class(es): history, art
Best Class(es): Psychology, English
Sport(s): N/A
Club(s): N/A
Trivia -
(Random facts about them, future job, etc.)
Random Facts:
Favourite place: her bedroom, libraries
Hobbies: sewing, makeup, dance
 General Information -
Name: Elsie Brown
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): El, Els, 
Date of Birth: 6th March 2002
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: British
Species: human
Sexuality: Straight
Family: her parents bonded over their similar names.
Father: Daniel Brown is a botanist specialising in fruit/veg baring plants to make them more efficient in harvest.
Mother: Danielle ‘Dani’ Brown is a marine biologist professor at the University of London. 
Other family (s): Jasmine (younger sister), Robert (older brother)
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s):
Occupation(s): Primary school teacher
Appearance -
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 8st 8lb
Eyes: forest green
Complexion (skin tone/ conditions): pale, but slight tan. Darker than the other girls
Hair Color/ Style: strawberry blonde. Long and wavy. Barely ever kept up. Has a thick fringe swept to the left side.
Dress sense: Elsie likes to dress more conservatively than Louise, but still very feminine. She wears skirts down to the knee, with tights and simple dolly shoes.
School Information -
Worst Class(es): Art, music
Best Class(es): Maths, English
Sport(s): N/A
Club(s): N/A
Trivia -
(Random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc.)
Random Facts:
Favourite place: anywhere she can see water
Hobbies: making cloths, dancing
 General Information -
Name: George Groden
Gender: Male
Nickname(s): N/A
Date of Birth: 10th September 2001
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Ethnicity: white
Nationality: British
Species: Human
Sexuality: Straight
Family: the richest family in the group.
Father: Grant Groden is a doctor and medical researcher in a private hospital. He is rather pretentious and class based, so has a slightly low view on the Rangers, but eventually he’ll get used to them
Mother: Molly Groden is a high class Interior Designer.
Other family (s): Diana (Older sister)
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s):
Occupation(s): Doctor and Medical researcher
Appearance –
Height: 5’11” (15), 6’0” (Adult)
Weight: 11st 5lb
Eyes: Dark forest green
Complexion (skin tone/ conditions): more tanned skin than Elsie, but still not dark
Hair Colour/ Style: light honey brown hair, neatly combed and cut short, with a fringe
Dress sense: George likes to dress simple yet formal. he often wears woollen vests over button up shirts, and dress trousers.
School Information -
Worst Class(es): history, English
Best Class(es): all sciences, maths
Sport(s): N/A
Club(s): N/A
Status: stook up nerd publicly, but more relaxed with his friends
Trivia -
(Random facts about them, future job, etc.)
Random Facts:
Favorite place: Library, sitting under a tree with a book, museums
Hobbies: drawing, writing, reading
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WhatsApp? Part 9. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you
A/N: Man I live for Sam Wilson. He's too much to handle. He's that chaotic friend for sure.
Warnings: Probably like none? Idk.
Word count: 2.9 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme, @songforhema, @mikariell95, @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Read the rest here: Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four  Part five  Part Six  Part seven  Part eight
If you like to have your readings in order :):  H E R E  
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For the first few seconds, you couldn't see a single face sitting in the crowd, cheering for you loudly. The lights made you blind, and all you could focus on were your own feet clapping on the high heels and the chair you held in your hand. You were the last one to from the backstage and the one with the most nervous smile from all of them.
You heard as some man introduced your charity in a quick summary before leading the crown into the racy intimacy of your performance. Most of the people were cheering, but you also heard some things from the gents and giggling from the ladies who were present. 
You exhaled loudly. All of this, no matter how it looked like, was for fun. You were going to nail all of it. You knew you will be good, but the nervousness made you tremble. 
When the first melodies of the song made you swayed your hips, you turned onto autopilot. You manipulated with the chair, bending, arching your backs, making your legs stand out since the girls told you that they are your nicest features. 
A huge wave of cheering could be heard from everyone, when you took off your tuxes and threw it away from you, staying there only in your skirts and shirts. Just two another dance moves away, you took your skirts down and stood there only in your jean shorts. A way bigger wave of cheering took through the hall. After that, your moves became purely seductive, because you could hear and feel that Steve is somewhere out there and he's cheering for you as well. 
Then the coolest part of the choreography came - every one last of you jumped off the stage, with the help of the marinas and dances through the crowd. You knew where Steve was sitting, you could recall the reading of the hall plan, but you couldn't remember at that moment. You just knew he's somewhere in your sector, but your panicking, hysterical brain which needed to pretend that it is completely cool held you from finding the seats.
You made your way through the tables, smiled at the men and women around as Deena did just in the aisle on your left side. Some men gave you a shy smile or a little touchy-touchy, nothing too harsh, cheering you up and some women stood up, gave you a high five or a quick hug. Some people were even recording the whole thing.
It seemed that people liked the things you were doing in the rhythm of Christina Aguilera's Candyman, which was possibly the biggest win in your eyes. Then you looked in front of yourself. You only saw that man coming for you. He was walking slowly with a wicked smile.
You laughed loudly when he offered you a hand to dance. He was truly dreamy - not high as a skyscraper, but nos as small as a gnome, his brown eyes shined playfully and his skin reminded you the best chocolate.
You could feel on your spine that Steve's somewhere out there and watching you - only little could you know he's directly in front of you, bobbing his head in the rhythm, hidden under a hoodie. He watched you all along. And Sam's bold move surprised him. Sam couldn't even guess you were Steve's WhatsApp date.
Sam just adored the look of you - dressed in the tightest denim shorts ending above your knees, the way you practically owned that look in the shirt showing just a little bit of your skin under your breasts because those shorts were really high wastes. And your hair was done in 40's style and those black high heels on your feet? You were a hotshot for Sam since the moment you stripped the tux of your khaki-green uniform.
Sam, as he liked to say a lot, was a hunter and you became his prey. He couldn't sit there without making you dance with him.
And a second later you found out that he has really good dance moves, dancing with you like his life mattered on it. He was hot, his skin burnt under his a bit too much tight t-shirt and those forearms? They held you T I G H T. But even tho, you felt your heart racing at the thought of Steve being present.
He just sat there next to Bucky who was grinning at the sight of a birdbrain, drinking his beer. He had his cap on, the hair from the front of his shoved into a messy man bun lead through the back of the cap. Steve couldn't thank more that someone who looked like Jesus was sitting beside him.
Because of his thoughts? Those were the most dangerous. He couldn't reveal himself yet he imagined how his hands held your hips and swayed them instead of Sam's. He imagined how your body must've felt so hot against Sam's skin... He was jealous of you actually. He should make you smile like you did. It was meant to be him, not Sam. There was a slight moment when his body tensed completely and Buck noticed it, just to Steve let go of it in the next second.
He heard you laughing so carelessly when Sam was spinning you around. He heard him laughing as well. It felt like if you two have... Clicked. And boy, did that piss Steve off. You were his lady for god's sake. He watched as Sam swooped you off your feet just to catch you before you landed down.
"That's that. I need to go!" - You shouted at Sam, laughing when he refused to let you go off his arms. He twirled you once again before just holding your arm. And then he playfully kissed your knuckles. You seemed to be taken off rails, opening your mouth and laughing out loud nervously. You were surprised, but it a nice way. Steve could just feel it. You liked Sam's behavior.
Then you run off, giggling. You were late, the others already stood in the stage. And you saw Deena's and May's looks on you. You knew that May will play her Hawaii 5-0 on you later but at the moment you have too swayed away.
A man, a certain attractive man in his best years just couldn't let his gaze off you. He was a good dancer... Good looking... Flirting... And then you stopped. You were there for Steve. That off stage? A show. On stage? Just for his eyes.
Each of you saluted in the rhythm and then took off the stage with loud giggles. You were definitely successful. Some Marina men helped you back on stage again, touching you at your waist, two pulling you up with your palms tightly holding you.
Deena was all-natural kissing every one of them on the cheek. They were basically drooling over her, but she was well aware of her success with men. She always said, "they can look, they can touch, they can fuck, but I'm nobody's girl". You wished to say that about Steve. That you were his girl.
Big applause made you basically deaf for a good few moments to come. All of your girls just hugged tightly on stage, laughing loudly. You've done it. And nobody was dead. And plus you danced with some really sexy man. That was more than what you originally anticipated. The nerves left your body completely when you just stood there, waving at everybody and blowing some kisses to the air.
The marina men and women continued on with singing the basic line of the song, prolonging the song more and more. When no one took notice, Suzie got to the microphone, starting to sing the first chorus with her own angelic voice. You caught as you sang along with the others, clapping in the rhythm. Everybody was singing at that moment. That was the danger of choosing a well-known song for your choreography.
Some elder couple in the corner even got up and danced, which encouraged the others to stand up and make some dance moves too. Even the little kids were showing off. You were out of your mind, filled with happiness, slowly feeling how you're about to cry like a little girl.
You liked the second part, which was totally unexpected, even more than when the reproduction was shouting the song loudly. This was somehow more enjoyable and sweeter, making you feel slightly dizzy. You could hear about one hundred people clapping, singing along, stomping in the sloppy rhythm and laughing.
"May I?" - Deena reached her hand to you and you accepted it without thinking. She twirled you around and so you did with her. Then you circled your hand around her shoulder and started to dance in a sloppy rhythm. In the end, she was holding you from the back just as Leo held Cate in Titanic as you both sang the final catchphrase out loud. You yelled it because you knew that no-one can hear you at that point, swaying your hips against each other in some rhythm which didn't even match the sloppy one.
When the marina finished the chorus on their own with the rest, everyone clapped, yell, whistled and God knows what. You were clapping on the stage as well. That was beautiful.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the ladies from St. Peter's Charity with the residence in Queens. Let me hear you, how you loved this performance!" - The moderator got his microphone back from Suzie somehow and asked the audience for another wave of applause. - "Now we have The Dancing Queens band ahead of us, so please, leave your seats if you don't have the following tickets. If you loved this performance, leave your donations at Kate's or Rosie's counter and raise some funds for the families of the Marinas and soldiers who fell for our country. We'll be back after a brief pause!"
The trio walked from the hall you had your choreography in. The people were excited about your performance, everyone was chatting about this and that, your tuxedos and the song, they were thrilled. Bucky was smiling silently - it was a nice throwback to his old days full of those sweet, sweet ladies.
Sam had a dreamy look on his face. That girl he danced with? She was a killer. She was hot but sweet, so innocent yet seducing him with her gaze. He was certain that he felt it.
And Steve? Steve was smiling to himself. You were truly something. Something cute and so sweet it was too much for him to handle. He already left his donation at the counter and had a special request - Rosie was going to give you a necklace which he bought for you.
But they stopped all of a sudden because Sam stopped.
"What's wrong? You forgot something in the hall, birdbrain?" - Bucky asked silently. Steve watched them with a frown. He knew the look that Sam was pulling off at that moment. And he didn't like it for sure.
"That woman, man. Have you seen her? I think I need her number. She was... Wow." - Sam laughed, smoothing his face with his palms. Yeah. You were completely dreamy. Especially when the performance turned to go seriously off rails with people making all of you go for another round and you had the weird dance something with your friend.
"No need to go back. I can give the number if you want it so much. Trust me, she's one of the sweetest ladies you will ever have the luck to encounter." - Steve answered silently. He was sure that Sam seriously froze at one place at that moment.
"Ya mean... That dat lady, dat hot chick was your internet date? Are you kiddin' me? You must ask her out, propose to her, marry her and have children with her. Even at the one same day. She's so stunning." - Sam muttered in shock. He was sorry about the comments he made just a few seconds ago, but his friends were more than anything in the world. You were Steve's girl? You stayed Steve's girl. - "Sorry about that. I didn't mean it. She's all yours."
"No. I don't think you should be sorry. I think that maybe you'll not be the only one thinking like that." - Steve stated. He was seriously worried about his position. You were a breathtaking woman, something he was completely taken by. And he knew more men, not only Sam, got their eyes on you or your friends. What if somebody asks you out before he will have the guts to do so?
"I liked the girl next to Y/N." - Bucky stated all of a sudden, taking everyone by a surprise. - "There was something nasty about her. And I'm not gonna lie, I would die to know that girl better. You mind getting me her number?"
"Yeah. You can marry them on the same day. You know. Like a couple wedding?" - Sam joked and that broke a wide smile on Steve's frowned face.
"Do you have an acceptance speech?" - Rosie from counter asked you after an hour on the bar, watching the other. There was a slight competition for the most rising performance of the night. May looked at her, giggling.
From the moment you got off the stage, every one of you was blasting with happiness, pouring some drinks on the bar. May was basically drunk at that moment. - "Noooo, why should we, darlin'?" - She wined, hugging Val's shoulder to be able to walk on her own feet.
"You should work on it then, we'll be giving you the certificate in twenty minutes." - Rosie laughed when she watched you.
"We won? Are you shitting me?" - Deena squealed in surprise as each of you watched Rosie with a surprise on your faces. You knew were good, that was for sure. But you were so good that you have won? Was she shitting you?
"Some man left you a ten grand check which helped you a lot to climb onto the top. Plus the people basically fought to give you at least two dollar donations. Girls, your performance was sold out. Bet your drunk asses that you've won." - Rosie laughed and every one of the girls started to scream, drunkenly singing We Are the Champions and you just laughed. - "And he left you this. I think he really liked you." - She winked at you and gave you a small package. Steve.
Fucking Steve made a ten grand donation. So much money. Hella money. Just because you were there. You covered your mouth, being completely taken away by the package, opening it instantly. Every girl from the office and also Rosie watched as you opened it up. It was a beautiful necklace with a short note.
"He was really here, fuck me." - Deena whispered and told you to turn your back to her so she could hang the necklace around your neck. - "What a fucking man. It looks so good on you. He knew for who he was shopping." - She said with a contented smile. It made every one of them make a little "awww". And you shone with happiness.
"So, who'll have the speech?" - Suzie asked the relevant question. - "I nominate Y/N. She's the only one who has their shit together at this moment."
"Agreed. The economic accountants are usually the smartest. She's a sly fox." - May said drunkenly. Deena just nodded and Val just showed you thumbs up.
"I hate you so fucking much it makes me love you." - You laughed out loud. But you marched to the stage with liquid courage in your veins. When they said your charity's name everyone clapped when you climbed onto the stage with the marina's men help.
You shockingly giggled when Tony Stark walked from the second side of the stage with a hilariously big certificate for the winner of the Event night. At the moment, there were basically only some Stark Industries employees and mostly the performers drinking.
"I think it's time for me to crawl out of the shadows." - Tony Stark took the microphone as the first one and you just stood there with a big smile. - "Not gonna lie, I wasn't here. I just came from some boring meeting and I've heard only the things miss Potts told me." - He continued and everyone giggled.
"But thanks to all of you for taking the time today. You were raising money for a good cause and this year was really, really good for our event. I hope that the next will be even better. But let's face the reality here - even though you tried to be the best, there is only one first place." - Stark looked directly on you, his stare told you to hold the second side of the certificate. - "This year, St. Peter's Charity based in Queens have won. Try your luck next year and congratulations to you, ladies." - Stark finished and hold our his palm to shake yours. He leaned and kissed both of your cheeks before handing you that board. You loudly yelled and raised the board above your head.
And the people who were your contest cheered for you loudly.
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Deku Origin Story
This is the first chapter of a fanfiction I’m writing over on Wattpad it’s BakuDeku/ Villiandeku/ UA villain rehab. I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think?
2 years ago 7th grade....
Midoriya: "Hey Kacchan could i talk to you alone"
Bakugo: " Fine nerd"
They walked out into the hallway away from all of their classmate. Izuku was standing with his back against the wall and his head staring at the ground trying to figure out the right worlds to say, Katsuki was facing him eyes glaring.
Bakugo: "Spit it out shitty Deku"
Midoriya: " I'm in love with you Kacchan, I always have been, I wanna be with you and us both be hero's together"
A single tear rolls down Izukus face, Katsuki just stares not knowing what to say his expression seemed to soften but Izuku couldn't see he was still staring at the ground.
The spiky haired blonde thought about what he just heard from the shorter green haired boy, its true hes always loved Izuku more than anything, But since he found out Izuku would never have a quirk he knew he couldn't give in to his feelings.
Not if he wanted to be the number one hero, He saw his feelings for Izuku as a weakness.
He didn't know what to do he was happy yet at the same time hurt, angry, a flood of emotions went through him and the only way he new how to handle it was to lash out on the boy he wanted more than anything.
Bakugo: " Ha you think I could ever love a shitty quirk-less deku like you"
As he started to walk away he could hear Izuku starting to cry, it hurt him so much.
He didn't want the other boy to love him anymore, He knew how it felt to hurt like that and if he couldn't stop how he felt he at least wanted the other boy to stop hurting.
" You know if you really want to be a hero that badly, there's actually another way. Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan, dive off the roof of the building. "
He wanted Izuku to hate him, To be free of the feelings he had for him, Even if it hurt him.
School ended and on the way home Izuku was attacked by the Sludge Villain. All might swooped in and saved him Izuku being his biggest fan and after the day he had Needed to talk to him. After holding onto All Might when he took off he was flying threw the air when the mighty Golden haired hero noticed the small child he landed on top of a building.
All Might: "Not a very smart move. Bang on the door for a while, someone will let you in. Now I have to go, see you on the flip side".
Izuku: "Wait, not yet. One second".
All Might: "No, I don't have any time".
Izuku: " Wait, I HAVE TOO KNOW...Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk?" " I'm a normal kid without any powers. Could I ever hope to be someone like you?"
All Might: "Without a quirk?" "Pro heroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can't be bitten without powers". "So no, I honestly don't think you can be a hero without a quirk".
And with that all of Izukus hopes and dreams were gone.
He felt like maybe he should just kill him self take a swan dive just like kacchan said he should. After All Might left Izuku walked to the ledge and contemplated.
He stood there for 10 minutes lost in thought but was to scared to go through with it.
He went to the door and when finally someone came he just walked past them and kept going, He didn't know where he was walking he just continued on he didn't wanna go home he felt like a burden on his poor mother, a worthless loser at school. He felt like he had nothing to live for.
He eventually made his way into an alleyway, He'd been walking for hours it was already dark outside, He leaned against the cold brick wall of a run down building and sunk down to the ground his knees in his chest with his arms wrapped around his legs.
He took his phone out of his pocket to check the time it read 11:55. 'Huh' he thought to himself its almost midnight and still not a text from mom she must be working late to help support him. He hated how useless he felt and with that he threw his phone at the wall across from him. He curled up even tighter and started to cry.
After what felt like hours of him crying when its only been around 15 minutes he heard the voice of a boy " Hey whats wrong?" and then a females voice " Is he ok? Hes crying".
Izuku looked up to see a boy maybe 14? He had turquoise eyes, scars on his face and arms, piercings and spiky black hair, He was wearing a black hoodie with the words lowlife in red on it, black jeans and purple vans.
He then looked to his left and saw the girl now crouching next to him, She looked to be the same age as him 13. She had blonde hair in two messy buns, Yellow cat like eyes, She sported a big smile her fangs fully visible, She wore a beige cardigan with a blue skirt, blue knee highs and brown shoes.
Izuku was confused why were these two complete strangers asking if he was okay?
Toga:"Hi My names Himiko Togo but you can just call me Toga" she said with a giant grin and giggling.
Izuku: "My names Izuku but most people call me Deku" He looks back down at the ground trying not to start crying again.
Toga: " Doesn't that mean useless you don't look useless?"
Dabi: " Yea it doesn't look like theirs anything wrong with you so how can you be useless?" "I'm going by Dabi right now so that's what you can call me" he said smiling with a smirk reaching out a hand to Izuku " How bout we be friends?".
Toga: "Yay Yea lets be Dekkun" she starts screeching in excitement.
Izukus a little surprised by this no ones ever wanted to be friends with him.
Izuku:" You guys wouldn't wanna be friends with me sorry " with his eyes starting to fill with tears, Finally two people seemed to show interest in him and he knew it was just going go away when they found out the truth.
Dabi: " And whys that?" he asks while looking over to Toga who just shrugs and looks back at the green haired boy crying.
Izuku: "Because i don't have a quirk" he starts to shake going into one of his panic attacks as he braces for them to start laughing but to his surprise the taller boy sat down next to him and wrapped his arm around him.
"Why would that matter?" said Dabi and Toga in unison. Izuku looked up shocked hes never had anyone act this way towards him before.
Dabi: " You have a home Izuku?" looking down at the smaller boy arm still wrapped around him but now Izuku was holding onto it for what seemed like dear life
Izuku: "Not anymore" he said not wanting to go home and be a burden to his mother or the people around him anymore.
Toga and Dabi looked at each other and silently nodded knowing what to do.
Toga: " Dekkun come with us" she smiles at him "You can be apart of our family if you'd like"
Izuku: " What family" Izuku looked up shocked.
Dabi: "A family of misfit" dabi chuckled "People that everyone else has given up on" grabbing Izukus hand.
In that moment Izuku felt safe and wanted two things he hasn't felt like that in along time. He weakly smiled at the two other teens and says "Okay" and with that the three stood up and walked down the alley.
After around 15 minutes of walking they got to what looked like a door behind an abandoned building.
Toga puts a pass code into a little number pad next to the door after a few seconds it unlocks, I follow them threw the door into what looks like a bar
There was a purple mist guy in a nice suit standing behind the bar polishing a glass, and a light blue haired guy who looked around 18 sitting at the bar watching TV.
When they noticed us walk in the Mist guy looked at Toga and Dabi and with a Serious tone said "Where Have you two been its past 1am" "That's no time for two teenagers to be running around the city what if the hero's saw you two".
" Sorry Kirigiri" The two whined in unison " We didn't mean to worry you" Toga squeals.
"Lay off them Kirigiri" the light blue hair man chuckles " It looks like they made a friend" He looks over to Izuku " Hi My names Tomura Shigaraki whats yours" he smiles lightly and tilts his head.
Izuku: "m,m,my names Iz-Izuku" the green hair boys looks down stuttering wasn't out of the ordinary for him but he didn't wanna look stupid in front of these people they where all being so kind and welcoming.
Tomura: " Nice to meet you Izuku what brings you to our home tonight, or should I say this morning"
Dabi: "He doesn't have any where to go Tomura" he answers for his new friend griping his hand knowing that the shorter boy was having a tough time.
Toga: " Yea Shigi, Dekkun said he wants to be apart of our family" she says in a hyperactive tone jumping up and down.
Tomura: " Is that right?" looking at Izuku.
Izuku: The younger boy Nods his head yes, "But i don't have a quirk, I'll understand if your don't want me. No one ever has"
Hes never felt this way around people before, Around his mom he felt like he was just burdening her even though he never said or showed that but he knew, and all the kids at school just hated him and treated him like trash.
But these people they excepted him, They wanted him. He could tell by how everyone looked that none of them where biologically related but the bond they all had looked stronger than any Biological family he's ever seen.
Tomura: " What does having a quirk have to do with being family?" He looks confused.
Toga: " Shigi we already told him that" grabbing on to Izukus other hand.
Izuku starts to tear up he doesn't know what he's done to deserve this.
Tomura: " Don't cry everything's gonna be alright"
Kirigiri: " Welcome to the family Izuku you can look at me like an uncle" "I'm Kirigir"
Tomura: " And you can look at Me and Dabi like older brothers and Toga like a sister" "You don't have to feel alone anymore"
Izukus now fully crying but these arnt tears of sadness they are tears of joy hes never has felt so cared for before.
Tomura: " Would you like to go meet the man whos like our father?"
Izuku shakes his head yes and follows Tomura threw the bar and down a few hallways until they get to a Big oak door, Tomura knocks on the door and it swings open. A mans voices comes from the door " Come in you two", As we enter the door Tomura introduces me to the man inside and then leaves so the two can talk alone.
Izuku and the man sit there for a few minutes before the man asks for Izuku to tell him is life story, Izuku gladly tells him everything that has lead him hear all the pain the suffering the heart break everything. Hes never felt cared about before and this man wanted to know everything about him it felt like he had a father finally.
After he finished telling the man everything he was shocked when the man said "Would you like to have a quirk?, If that will make you happy my quirk will let me give you one" "But even if you don't want one you will still be allowed to be apart of this family we will still get you everything you want and need" after hearing that he didn't need a second to think.
Izuku: " Yes, please Dad give me a quirk".
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lovelyrocker · 5 years
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~RPF ~Warnings - None ~ Jensen, Jared, Lexi(OFC), Alan Ackles ~Jared x Lexi(Eventually) ~Word Count 3,327
Alexia stared out of the window of the beige luxury car, her head leaning against the door. She ignored the sounds of honking car horns in the hot Texas heat of late July. Her earphones blared classic rock and 90’s punk music as she sat there in her grunge tank top, ripped jeans, dark eye makeup and raven hair, pulled back into a messy bun.
“This isn’t a punishment, Lexi.” Her father, Alan, spoke as she rolled her eyes for the hundredth time that afternoon.
“Oh, come on!” She gawked at him. “Does this really require shipping me across the country?”
“Alexia Ann Ackles, I am not shipping you anywhere.” He stated in a stern tone. “Brookston is a very prestigious preparatory academy. You will be challenged there. You won’t get bored nearly as easily. This will be good for you.”
“Did, did you hear yourself just there?” Lexi spoke pointing a finger “Prep school. Do I look like the prep school type?” She went on gesturing to her appearance with red and black manicured fingernails. “You know maybe this is a mistake. I’ve been known to be irrational at times.”
“Lexi, just try it for a semester or two, then we’ll see what happens.” He went on sliding easily through the afternoon traffic.
“At least its with Jay.” She mumbled with a shoulder shrug.
“That’s a positive right there.” He waved his hand again. “All that quality time with him. I know how much you miss him when he is in Vancouver.” Placing his hand back on the steering wheel he exhaled.
Today, fifteen year old Alexia Ann Ackles, Lexi as she preferred, a nickname given to her by her big brother, Jensen, was making the move from Dallas Texas to Vancouver Canada to live with her big brother. The already high school senior was in advanced level classes and nearly three years ahead of her peers. Her parents, Alan and Donna,felt  that she needed a challenge. Over the past year Lexi had gotten into minor trouble and, as Donna put it “got mixed in with the wrong crowd.” Her parents felt that she needed a change, something different.
Due to encouragement a few months prior, Lexi applied to a very prestigious prep school in Vancouver. Brookston Academy was known as one of the toughest schools to get into in Vancouver. When Lexi got her acceptance letter Alan and Donna were filled with such pride.
“I don’t get it.” Alan chided. “A month ago you were over the moon with excitement about getting accepted. What changed?”
Lexi exhaled loudly. “It’s not that I DON’T want to go, it’s just-”
“You’re scared.” Alan interrupted with a knowing expression. “I get that, honey. You have barely ever left Texas. It’s normal. But this is a good idea. It will broaden your horizons and give you life experience that kids your age don’t get.”
“I know, dad. It’s the across the continent thing that freaks me out just a bit.” Her gaze cast down to her feet once more.
“Kiddo, what does your gut tell you?” He asked with a side glance.
“That I would be stupid not to do this.”
“Well, there you go.” He commented knowingly. “What do I always tell you, your brothers and your sister?”
“If you don’t try then you can’t complain.”
Lexi shook her head and couldn’t help but laugh at her father. She knew everything he did was out of love and came from a loving, caring place.
Pulling into the airport he looked to her. “Do you want me to walk in with you, kid?”
“Dad, I got this.”
“Come here.” Pulling her into a hug he squeezed her tightly. “Jensen will be there to pick you up when you land. Be sure to text us both when you land.”
“I know, I know.” She gave an eye roll and then a smile. “I love you, dad.”
“I love you too, kiddo.”
Waiting two hours, going through airport security and all the headache that was required to board, Lexi finally sat down in her seat. Letting her head fall back against the seat she closed her eyes taking a much needed deep breath she felt the vibrations of her phone in her pocket.
>>Dork 7:02am You should probably be boarding about now.
<<Punk 7:02am How do you do that?!
>>Dork 7:03am I’m magic
<<Punk 7:03am Oh really? Then turn my 6hr flight into a 30min one.
>>Dork 7:03am Not that good, Punk.
<<Punk 7:04am Love ya, you Dork!
>>Dork 7:04am Love you too Punk.
Lexi smiled, turning off her phone. Jensen and Lexi were thick as thieves despite their twenty one year age difference. Nearly five years ago while Jensen was working in Los Angeles, he was plagued by a deviant that kept trespassing in his backyard and going through his garbage. That deviant turned out to be an eleven year old Lexi. She was living in and out of foster homes due to parents who would rather get high than be actual parents and take care of her.
After months of short  run ins  between Jensen and Lexi, Jensen decided to take her under his wind and watch out for her. As time passed she melted his and his parents' hearts with her personality. Lexi managed to fit in with them so well. He parents overdosed and passed away a short time later and that’s when Jensen talked to his parents about the idea of Lexi becoming an Ackles officially. He originally wanted to be the one to adopt her but his age and her age would have made that tricky. Alan stepped in and Jensen became big brother. A fatherly big brother but big brother nonetheless.
Fast forward five years and now you have a bright, well brought up young woman that was making a giant leap to further her future. A future that was non existent five years ago. Pulling out her journal she slipped on her headphones and settled in for the flight.
Six hours and fifty two minutes later , the plane landed with a rough jerk in Vancouver. Gathering her things, Lexi filed in line to exit the plane. Powering up her phone she was greeted with a message.
>>Dork 1:26pm Hey Punk I hate to do this to you but I got called back on set. Jare is gonna pick you up. Be nice. Don’t hurt him.
Lexi smiled at her brother’s message turning to the baggage claim, she heard a familiar voice. “Excuse me miss but you look lost.” Lexi turned to see Jared standing behind her, a small bouquet of  white roses in hand. He stood in his tall glory, a white beanie atop his head, a hoodie and dark jeans.
“Hey, Skyscraper!” She exclaimed reaching on her tiptoes to hug him. “My God, did you get taller?”
Jared swooped her up in a bear huge and gave her a quick spin before setting her back to the ground. “Well, hello to you, yoo beautiful. These are for you.”
“My favorite!” She exclaimed, burying her nose into the flowers. “Thank you, Jare!”
“What’s it been, like two months?” He asked looking her over.
“About, but it doesn’t feel that long.”
“That’s because you are always at my house.” He jested. “I swear you are one of the few people Gen trust the kids with.”
Lexi grabbed her bag with excitement. ‘Oh, speaking of!” She said handing Jared a folded up piece of paper. “Your little artist have been channeling Picasso lately.”
Jared with a smile of pride, chuckled. “I can see that.” He grinned reading the words ‘we miss you daddy’. “Oh and Gen told me Sheppy learned a new word at the pool the other day.”
“Okay?” Lexi gave him a confused stare.
“What was it?” Jared said playfully. “Oh yeah, bobbies.”
Lexi let out a laugh. “Dude, I was holding him and he just pinched me and shouted ‘boobies!’ I just take it That he will be a boob man.”
Jared shook his head with another laugh as they headed to the car. Once inside Lexi turned to him. “Locate the nearest Starbucks, please. I feel like a zombie.” She told him buckling her seat belt.
Pulling around the corner Lexi handed Jared a card. “Venti iced cinnamon dolce, please.”
“Put that away.” Jared instructed as he turned and order both coffee.
“Yes, sir!” Lexi gave him a mock salute.
It was a forty five minute drive to the house filled with small chit chat and catching up. Jared noticed something was different about Lexi. Sure, he hadn’t seen her in two months and she was a changing teenager, but something was indeed different. He couldn't put his finger on it.
Pulling into the drive Lexi gawked at the house. “Geez!” She looked tp Jared then back to the house. “It’s like ten times the size it looked in the pictures!” She exclaimed looking at the house for the first time.
“Yeah, well when you have three kids coming and going, you need big.” Jared said grabbing her bags and making his way to the door.
“Dude, I can get my own bags.”
“What do you have in here? A dead body?” Jared asked as he opened the door.
“No, that’s in the other bag.” She joked following him in the house.
“This is you room.” Jared told her as they reached up stairs. “Jensen got the room on the end and i’m across from you.” He sat the bags on the bed. “Do you need help unpacking?”
“Nah, I think I can manage.” She told him looking out the windows. “Dude you can see mountains!” Jared laughed at her excitement. “So, Jay’s directing this week?”
“Yeah, they had to reshoot a few shots that need to be in tonight. So looks like you’re stuck with me awhile.”
“Good, I may need you for some high shelves.” She poked fun.
By late that night Lexi and Jared had unpacked most of the boxes. The sun had long set and the temperature dropped. It was much different from the humidity in Texas. Their evening was mostly spent laughing till their stomachs hurt and catching up on things.
“Lex, this small box of stuff, where do you want it?” Jared asked opening it looking through pictures and movie ticket stubs. “Looks like keepsakes.”
“Let me see.” She said walking over. Jared watched as her expression changed when she looked in the box. “Oh, um, just, I’ll, I’ll take it.” She grabbed the box and set it at the bottom of her closet, tossing stuff over it.
“An ex?”
“What? Why would you say that?”
“I know that look you had on your face.”
“You hungry?” She asked changing the subject giving little acknowledgement to the comment or question.
Jared, picking up on her reluctancy, went with her. “Grilled cheese?”
At midnight that night Jensen walked through the front door, tossing his jacket on the couch. “Where is my little punk!?”
“Hey you big dork!” She ran into his arms squeezing him tightly.
“How was your flight? I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to pick you up.” He held her hands in his.
“It’s all good. I had good company.”
“You look like you’ve grown since I last saw you!” Jensen looked at her.
“Just my boobs and butt.”
“Yeah, keep those covered.” He laughed pulling her into another hug before moving to the living room.
“Jared showed me a map of the city and I’ve already pinpointed the coffee shops and shopping centers.” Lexi explains sitting.
“Of course.”
“So, tell me, how is directing?”
The next morning Lexi was awakened by the sound of men laughing and talking loudly downstairs. Having went to bed in her normal tank top and shorts, Lexi was freezing. She would definitely need time to adjust to the weather difference. She drug herself out of bed and dug through a few leftover boxes till she found her Chili Peppers hoodie.  Pulling it over her head she  got up and headed downstairs.
The sun hadn’t even risen yet and the men walked around the kitchen bustling with energy, laughing.  Lexi walked into the kitchen and saw Cliff standing with coffee in hand.
“I’m sorry, punk. Did we wake you?” Jensen asked pouring a cup of coffee.
“Y’all have big mouths.” Lexi sat at the counter laying her head on her folded arms.
“That little touch of southern drawl is so cute.” Cliff said setting the cup of coffee in front of her.
“Cliffy, you always knew the way to my heart.” She said as she sat up.
“When do you start school?” Cliff asked.
“Later wanna come hang on set?” Jensen asked lacing his boots.
“Yeah, as long as you behave.”
“Hell yes!” She told him. “Just let me get a few more hours of shut eye first. Beauty sleep is a necessity after traveling across the continent.”
“You’re beautiful.” Jensen told her as he leaned kissing her forehead before leaving.
Late morning rolled around and Lexi and Cliff were pulling up to the entry gate at Warner Bros.  Cliff handed her a pass. “Keep this on you till the guard and security get used to who you are. After the get familiar with you you won’t really need other than to get in and out of the lot.”
“Okay, got ya.” She slipped the pass over her head.
Cliff introduced her to people as they passed on their way to the set. When they reached the set Jensen greeted her in his normal tight hug and excitement. It was easy to see he loved having his little sister around. He boasted on her and made sure she met everyone she hadn’t had the chance to meet. When the camera was rolling Lexi couldn't help but be amazed at how precise her brother was behind the camera as well as in front.  She admired him in his determination to seek greatness in his task.
“Why do you look so concentrated?” Jared asked handing her a bottle or water.
“Jensen looks so in his element.” Lexi said. “And you,” She turned to Jared. “You are  intense during certain scenes, just, wow!” She chuckled.
“When you truly love your job it comes natural.”
“Yeah, well I hope I find something I’m this passionate about.”
“You plan on going to college?”
“Yeah. I’m expected to.” She sipped on her water. “It’ll help me figure out what I want to do with my life. I haven’t even decided on a university yet.”
“Actually, I only have till the end of the school year.”
“Oh, right!” Jared pointed. “You’re a few grades ahead.”
“Yup, weirdo smart kid, right here.” Lexi pointed at herself.
“Nothing wrong with being smart.” Jared commented.
Lexi spent the entire rest of the day on set observing every possible thing she could. Lexi always had a love of learning. She was like a sponge just waiting to absorb whatever she could and took advantage of every opportunity she had to learn something new. After eight hours of asking questions and taking note of all that was going on around her, she made herself comfortable in her big brother’s chair.
“Somebody is worn out.” Jared said motioning to Lexi laying with her legs draped over one side of the chair and her head on the other, arms crossed over her chest.
A smile spread across his lips as he looked over seeing his little sister. Making his way over, he pushed her hair from her face. “Hey, punk, wake up.” He spoke softly.
Lexi opened her eyes and gave a chucked as she exhaled. “I totally just fell asleep in your chair didn’t I?” She covered her face with her hands.
“But you look so cute.” Jared crooned showed her a picture he’d taken on his phone.
“Oh, God, delete that!” She said standing. ~
Monday morning rolled around and by five am Lexi was already wide awake. Her nerves wouldn’t allow her to sleep much later than four thirty that morning. She sat at the counter with a cup of coffee dress in her new school uniform.
“Nice threads, preppy.” Jensen smiled walking down stairs.
“Haha.” Lexi said sipping her coffee in the khaki skirt and white button down blouse.
“A little.” She shrugged. “Just not sure what to expect. What if people think i’m weird or make fun of my accent?”
Jensen sipped from his cup. “Okay, one, you barely have an accent. And the little bit of one you do have is adorable.” Lexi rolled her eyes. “And two, you will do great, because you’re an Ackles. We kick ass.” Lexi couldn’t hold back her laugh at him. “You sure you don’t want me to drive you?”
“Positive. Cliff will drop me off this morning and I’ll walk back.”
“Whoa, walk back?” Jensen asked hearing this new information.
“It’s not far.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll walk the few blocks from school to the bus stop, then the two blocks from the bus stop here.”
“I don’t want you walking home alone. I’ll tell Cliff to pick you up.”
“No, Jay, I don’t want you putting people out of their way for me. I’ll be fine, I’ll manage.”
Jensen and Lexi had a stare down for a moment then Jensen huffed. “Okay, how about this, Cliff will drop you off and pick you up for one week.” He saw Lexi about to protest then he spoke again. “Just long enough to give you time to get used to the surroundings.”
Lexi rolled her eyes. “Fine, deal.”
Cliff and Lexi pulled into the school and she looked around at all the students with a mixture of anxiety and dread. “You’ll be fine.” Clif k9 f spoke. “If anyone messes with you, kick ‘em in the crotch.”
Lexi laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She took a deep breath grabbing her bag. “Here goes nothing.” She opened the door.
“Have a good day and good luck.” Cliff said as Lexi leaned in the big black SUV meeting Cliff’s extended fist with her own. “I’ll be back at three.”
“See, ya.” Lexi said closing the door and walking into the school.
She found her locker easier that she thought she would. Placing her books in, she looked at the paper in her hand and found her first class. Finding a seat in the back of the classroom, Leci sat quiet messing around on her phone trying to remain unnoticed.
“Morning, class!” She heard a woman say loudly causing her peers to begin seating themselves and quiet down. “When you’re ready.” The woman said urging the students to settle suddenly. “We have a new student joining us.” “Lexi’s eyes shut in panic. Do they seriously do this in every country? Lexi thought.  The embarrassment of being introduced to the entire class when all you want is to blend in. As if being fifteen and a senior was bad enough. “Please, welcome Alexia Ackles.”
Everyone turned to her as she gave a small wave from her seat. “It, it’s Lexi, actually. E- everyone calls me Lexi.”
“Alright then, Lexi, want to tell us something about yourself?”
Not really, she thought. “Uh, I’m Lexi and I just moved up here from Texas.”
“Ackles as in Jensen Ackles?” A blonde girl with way too much makeup asked from across the classroom.
“Tall guy, green eyes, bow legs? Yeah, that’s my brother.” She said with a touch of cynicism in her voice.
“Welcome to Vancouver and welcome to Brookston, Lexi.” The teacher said as she then began her lesson.
Lexi was more appreciative that the focus was no longer on her. Taking a small but deep breath she took her books out and began following along with the lesson. She could do this, she told herself.
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jitteryjive · 3 years
Each leader who share a faction have simalarities, if you look close enough you can see things that dont seem right with them, that their true form peeking out. All also have some blood satins on their cloths but their very hard to see.
Abomination Faction:
All: Light brown skin, purple eyes, black hair with a pruple gradient at the tips, freckles, purple/white/black color scheme
Maeve: 10'9, wears a black tutrle neck sweater and yoga pants under a white lab coat with purple tennis shoes and black gloves, there is dryed out sludge on their lab coat, xey also have big glasses with a purple rims and a necklace with apurple gemstone. Their hair is in a raggedy bob cut.
Gregor: 10'8, wears purple tank top with a skull with big thick out lining and black jean shorts. He basicly has two black and purple little squirt water pistols that he keep around with them all the time(Yes even in the bathroom dont ask him why) he also has a big pump up water gun filled with sludge along side some water ballon also filled with sludge(you cant tell from the outside) along side purple flip-flops and black sunglasses, they also have the same style haircut as you DJ toad gijinka has.
Raddix: 10'8, wears cut up black hand me down jeans from Gregor (she did that herself) and under that black fishnet stalkings(dont ask me why people wear thoes thing in roller derbys) and over that shin high black and purple triped socks, a cut up purple tank top turned into a crop top witht the word 'BadAzz' in big bold jagged letters. She's wearing all her protective gear (Ie: Helmets, knee pads, wrist band, elbow pads(All black and purple) and with decrative stickers) and custom skates with purple wheels,a black body and , she has the smae hairstyle has Gregor, she also has a purple ring she wears at all times.
Bard Faction:
All: Light skin, red eyes, red/black/white color scheme
Cadence: 11', he wears a basic tuxsedo with a red bowtie along side pointed shoes and white gloves. their hair goes in a swoop to the left.
Madesh DJ 5p1d3r: 10'11, xey wear a black jakcet/hoodie over a white t-shirt, xey also have a full face LED mask and black,white and red sneakers. Xey also have a black and red fingerless gloves.
Beast keeping Faction:
Brian: 9', he has long matted and messy orange hair five o'clock shadow and is either in a simple orange dress or just a white tank top and shorts or even a burlap sack with a pice of rop tieing it to her body, he is never caught with a pair of shoes on, she also had a hair pin in the shape of a pig.
Construction Faction:
Charlie: 10', he has dark skin and black dreads tied into a ponytail, he also has 5 o'clock shadow, he usualy seen in his old white T-shirt,brown working vest, blue jeans stuffed into brown leather boots with black shoe laces and a pair of brown gloves.
Healing Faction:
Hayden: 10'05, has light skin,blonde hair and dark blue eyes, wears dark blue heels and pencil skirt, a white button up shirt with black button and white over coat and a dark blue pearl necklace.
Illusion Faction:
All: Light skin, yellow hair, light blue eyes, light blue color scheme
Llona: 10'09, he and their sister/brother basicly have the same out fit exsept for some deatails, they both wear a light blue full body leotard and a corset vest with, he chooses to wear a bow tie with their outfit and a hair pin in the shape of the sun, his hair is slicked back sorta like what Julius Cuccumber has going on with his hair.
Laolani: 10'09, as said before her and his brother share the same outfit, exsept she chooses to put bows on her ballet flats and a small skirt attached to his vest, her hair is in eihter a ponytail or pigtails tied up with ribbons and bows and a hair pin in the shape of a moon.
Oracle Faction:
Odalys(Ori,Orilses): Ori wears a light purple dress with golden acsents and patterns of the stars and constalation on it, a pair of black heels, and a light purple mask covering ori's lower face and a scarf the same color.
Plant Faction:
Pahukumaa: 9'11, light skin, blonde, green eyes, wears a staw hat with sunflower on it, dark green overalls with a pige front pocket embroidered with flowers stuffed into black clondike boots, along with a pair of black gloves.
Potion Faction:
Palani: 10'08, has light brown skin, yellow eyes and dark hair tied up in a tight bun, wears butlers atire and black roller skates with red wheels. Has a yellow wrist whatch.
Thats all I've got! Hope you like them!-Music
AWEOSME. I DO ABSOLUTELY. I love tall people sooo much
0 notes
littlerose13writes · 7 years
Sweeter Than Fiction Chapter 15: The Right Person
Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter have decided fifth year is going to be their year; the year everything works out for them, and if that means Scorpius keeping his huge crush on his best friend a secret, then that’s just what he’s going to have to do.
It’s just a crush. He can get over it well before fifth year is over, can’t he?
Chapter 15/27
Updates every Monday and Friday
Read on AO3
Scorpius had missed Albus a lot over the holidays. He always missed him when they were apart - after all, they spent nearly all their time together at school - but this was a deeper, stronger sense of missing him. As if the feelings he was finally letting himself feel were manifesting themselves in Albus’ absence, which was why seeing a flash of that dark, messy hair - longer than Scorpius had ever seen it - made his heart leap.
He wanted to go barrelling over and attack Albus with a huge hug, but he wasn’t sure if that was something Malfoy the Platonic could get away with. Albus didn’t seem to have spotted him yet as he laughed easily with Lily and his mum, a yellow pygmy puff perched on his shoulder.
“Go on,” his dad’s voice said shrewdly, watching Albus too.
It was at that moment when Albus looked over and lit up when he saw Scorpius. He reached up and removed the pygmy puff, handing it to Lily, and he ran over to Scorpius. “Scor!” he cried happily, throwing his arms around Scorpius in a giant hug exactly like the one Scorpius had wanted to give him.
“Hi, Albus,” Scorpius held on for just a second and forced himself to pull away.
“Hello, Albus.” His dad sounded amused for some reason.
“Hello,” Albus smiled back. “Did you have a good Christmas?” he asked them both.
“Very pleasant, thankyou,” his dad responded.
Albus grinned at Scorpius and he noticed the infuriatingly attractive smattering of new freckles over the bridge of his nose. “It’s so good to see you, I missed you.”
Scorpius felt a swoop in his stomach at the idea that Albus had missed him too, even if he meant it in a platonic way.
“Behave yourselves this term, boys,” Draco said with a tiny smirk.
Once they were on the train, before they found a compartment, Albus fixed Scorpius with a very serious look. “Be honest with me, Scor. Was your holiday really okay? Nothing happened?”
Scorpius frowned. “No, nothing happened. No attacks, nothing bad. I would have told you in my letters.”
Albus’ expression lifted as they reached an empty compartment. “I know, sorry, just checking. That’s two whole months now, though! I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks,” Scorpius smiled and waited until the door was closed behind them. “I saw a therapist.”
It felt weird to say my therapist when he’d only been once.
Albus sat down. “How was it?”
“I liked it,” Scorpius said honestly, choosing to sit beside Albus. “It was nice, helpful.”
Albus reached out to gently touch Scorpius’ shoulder. “I’m so pleased for you, Scor.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you, Albus. Thanks for giving the courage to do it.”
Albus went a bit pink underneath his new freckles. “Oh, no, I didn’t really do anything…”
Scorpius gave him a look and reached into his pocket. “I brought leftover Christmas chocolate!”
They shared the chocolate and Albus showed Scorpius photos from his trip away. There were lots of James and Lily on a beach, and some artful shots of the sun setting.
“Albus, you’re not in any of these,” Scorpius commented, flipping through the stack of photos.
“No, I took most of them. There’s a couple Mum took near the end.”
Scorpius reached the end of the pile and came to a shot of Albus with Lily, a surfboard tucked under his arm and his wet hair swept back from his freckled face, smiling brightly, clearly not aware his picture was being taken.
Malfoy the Platonic was mightily glad Cole chose that moment to come barging noisily in and sit with them for the next two hours.
After only a week of being back at school, the first Hogsmeade weekend was upon them and with it, Scorpius’ date with Rose. The closer it got, the more Scorpius was starting to wish he’d never asked her and he could just go with his best friend like usual.
It hadn’t been until the end of their fourth year that Albus and Scorpius had finally decided to venture into the village and they had been pleasantly surprised to find it was actually as fun as everyone said.
Scorpius brushed his hair neatly, the way he did every morning. For some infuriating reason, it chose to defy his wishes and stick out on one side, no matter how many times he brushed it into place. He was reminded instantly of Albus and his hair’s wayward habits, although if Scorpius was being honest with himself, everything reminded him instantly of Albus.
He wished he could do what Albus did and hide his hair under a hat, something Albus managed to pull off effortlessly when he wasn’t in his school uniform (and sometimes when he was). Scorpius pictured himself wearing one of Al’s grey beanies with his own smart, black outfit and grinned at the image.
Al entered the dorm, wearing the grey beanie Scorpius had been imagining. He’d thrown it on casually, his long, dark fringe poking out adorably at the front, and paired it with his favourite emerald green zip up hoodie and faded, black, fitted jeans. On his feet were a pair of white lace up trainers. He would have looked every inch a muggle if it weren’t for the thick cloak he was carrying, along with his Slytherin scarf; Scorpius suddenly felt incredibly attracted to him.
“You look-” Scorpius quickly stopped himself from complimenting Albus’ appearance, “ready.”
“Oh, yeah I’m gonna leave in a minute. Er, are we walking down together? Shall I wait for you?”
Scorpius desperately wanted to say yes, but he hardly thought Rose would be amused if he turned up for their date with his best friend in tow. “That’s okay, you go ahead. Maybe I’ll see you in Hogsmeade?”
“Maybe. I don’t know if I’ll stay long, it’s not much fun on your own.” Scorpius couldn’t help but hear the wistful tone in Al’s voice and he reminded himself that he must be thinking about Thea. Albus seemed to notice his own miserable tone and quickly spoke again. “It’ll be alright, James said he’d meet me for a drink at the Broomsticks, and Uncle Ron will be at the shop. Mainly I want to see Teddy, get this mop sorted out.” He grinned, pointing at his hat-covered hair.
Scorpius wanted to tell Albus not to cut his hair; he secretly loved Al’s hair when it was long enough to sweep back from his green eyes. But that would hardly be a platonic thing to say, nor would Scorpius explaining how much he one day wanted to sweep Albus’ hair from his green eyes himself and kiss him senseless.
Once, when he’d not been concentrating, he’d told Albus he liked his hair when it was longer. Albus had gone very red and very quiet and Scorpius had rambled for ten minutes about Gobstones in an effort to cover up his mistake.
“Okay, well I might see you around then. Have a good time!” Scorpius found himself speaking in a small voice as Albus threw his cloak on and left the room.
Scorpius made a few more unsuccessful attempts to get his hair to behave, then gave up and donned his own cloak and scarf, his nerves building inside him as he left the common room.
Was it socially acceptable to bring a book with you on a date? Scorpius felt like he needed an option to escape more than ever before.
Rose looked very nice as he approached her in the Entrance Hall. She wasn’t scowling or giving Scorpius a pitying look, which made a nice change.
“Hello, Scorpius,” she said in a friendly voice.
“Hi,” Scorpius squeaked and cleared his throat.
There was a pause. Was he supposed to hug her? Shake her hand? He’d never hugged Rose before and a handshake didn’t seem right either.
“Shall we go then?” She grinned and led the way outside.
Was he supposed to hold her hand as they walked?
Just as he was contemplating this thought, she stuffed both hands into her pockets against the freezing, January air. Scorpius took that to mean no, he was not supposed to hold her hand as they walked.
“We could go for a drink at the Three Broomsticks?” Rose suggested. “We can’t go there,” she said sternly as she saw Scorpius glance at the colourful, inviting display of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, “my dad will be in there.”
Scorpius gulped and hurried on. Although Albus seemed to really like his Uncle Ron, Scorpius wasn’t sure the protocol for how to behave if he was faced with him in the middle of taking his daughter on a date.
Or perhaps it was Rose taking him on a date, as it had been her who had initiated the whole thing and now it was her making all the decisions about where they went. He pushed open the door of the Three Broomsticks and held it open for her as they stepped inside.
The pub was busy, packed with Hogwarts students. Scorpius spotted Lily Potter and Poppy Longbottom whispering secretively and casting furtive glances at a nearby group of boys. At the next table, Thea was surrounded by her Slytherin girls, seemingly having a wonderful time with her friends. She caught Scorpius’ eye and gave him a little wave which Scorpius returned.
“Can’t I even go on a date without having to compete with Thea Jordan?” Rose rolled her eyes at the interaction and Scorpius immediately felt like he’d been caught misbehaving by Professor McGonagall.
“Uh, sorry,” Scorpius muttered uncomfortably as they looked for a free table.
“It’s okay, she hasn’t got a date, has she?” Rose grinned and picked a table in plain sight of the Slytherin girls.
Sat across from each other at the small table, a warm butterbeer in each of their hands, Scorpius realised he really didn’t have much to say to Rose. And as it turned out, she had little to say to him either.
He cast around desperately for some kind of conversation topic. “Have you had any ideas about getting the dress code changed? You know, the skirts and trousers thing?”
Rose shook her head. “No, not yet.”
Scorpius didn’t know what to say after that; he didn’t have any ideas for the dress code either.
They talked about Quidditch for a bit, Rose describing a few of her more recent successes as a Beater for Gryffindor and Scorpius nodding along. But as Scorpius was best friends with a member of the rival team, she was careful not to give too much away and the conversation quickly fizzled out.
“What are you going to get Albus for his birthday?” Rose asked, after a pause that had been just that bit too long.
“Oh! I’ve had his present bought and wrapped since November,” Scorpius replied honestly. “It’s an extension for his music box, it reads the user’s mood and chooses music for them based on what they want to hear.”
Rose looked impressed. “I was just going to get him a box of chocolate frogs.”
As silence settled on the unlikely couple again, Scorpius spotted a flash of dark hair and a Slytherin scarf out of the corner of his eye and, with a jolt, he remembered Albus had said he would be meeting James here too. He casually turned around, on the pretence of scratching his ear, but it wasn’t his best friend at all, just some other Slytherin with dark hair which was far too tidy in Scorpius’ opinion.
The rest of their date passed in a similar way: Rose would suggest where they went, Scorpius would agree, they would arrive there and have a brief conversation about something, the conversation would die out, Scorpius would become paranoid he had seen Albus.
It wasn’t until Rose bumped into a huge gang of Gryffindors in Dervish and Banges that she seemed to be having a good time. She was laughing and joking and chattering freely with her friends. One of the friends was holding up some sort of contraption he had just bought as the rest spoke enthusiastically about the ‘wicked game’ they were going to have with it up in the Gryffindor common room. They rushed off, one of them turning curiously to see why Rose hadn’t followed.
She looked at Scorpius awkwardly. “You don’t mind, do you Scorpius? I’ll catch you later.” She gave him a fleeting hug and ran to catch up with her friends, leaving Scorpius stood there feeling like he wanted the ground to swallow him up.
All Scorpius could focus on was how much he wanted his best friend: Al’s reassuring smile, his kind laughter as Scorpius told him what a disaster it had been, his warm, comforting hugs.
Scorpius trudged glumly up the quiet high street towards Locks by Lupin. After the disappointment of not seeing Al anywhere in Hogsmeade that day, he thought it unlikely he’d still be in the village but he wanted to check before he returned to the castle alone.
The shop was the quietest Scorpius had ever seen it, with nobody in the waiting area. The receptionist smiled up at him as the shop bell rang. There was music playing faintly in the background, a band who sounded familiar to Scorpius as something Albus might have listened to in their dorm.
He couldn’t see Albus in the shop anywhere, but he could have been round the corner with Teddy, who Scorpius also couldn’t see anywhere.
“Hi, do you have an appointment today?” the smiling receptionist asked him kindly, but she looked a bit confused, probably aware that he did not have an appointment.
“Er, I’m looking for my friend,” he started to explain. “He probably left already, sorry.”
At that moment, Teddy emerged and greeted Scorpius with a wide smile. Despite only having met the older boy a handful of times that summer while he was staying at the Potters, Teddy was always friendly towards Scorpius. He knew Albus considered him a brother, which was funny because it was actually Scorpius who was distantly related to the metamorphmagus.
“Hi Scorpius, are you here for a haircut?” Teddy asked him and Scorpius immediately felt self-conscious. Did he look like he needed a haircut?
“Um, no,” Scorpius replied stiffly, running his hand through the front of his hair. As soon as he said it, he realised it sounded rude. Damn the Malfoy need to be overly polite. “Not that I don’t want you to, er, well, I just got my hair cut in the holidays.” He tried to explain why he’d said no immediately.
“It looks great,” Teddy said genuinely with a smile.
“Thanks,” Scorpius replied, reminding himself why he was there in the first place. “Um, is Al here? I know he said he would be at some point and I couldn’t see him in The Three Broomsticks.”
“Hey, Scor.” Albus appeared from where Teddy had also just been. He was looking adorably grumpy and Albus-y, his green hoodie tied around his waist revealing his bright, white t-shirt with the logo of a band he liked. His hair, while not the messy length Scorpius had admired before Albus had left, still made his fingertips tingle when he thought about running his hands through it. It was shorter at the back and long on top and it really suited him quite well like that. It fell into his face artfully and brushed at the freckles dusting his cheekbone. Scorpius caught himself starting to stare and tried to rearrange his face into a casual, I-wasn’t-just-checking-out-my-best-friend expression.
“Hey,” he replied in a small voice.
“Where’s Rose?” Albus questioned, still looking a bit sulky. Scorpius wondered if he was still peeved he’d had to come to Hogsmeade on his own instead of with Thea (or him, but he wouldn’t let himself think that).
“Er, with her mates,” Scorpius replied, the embarrassment of his afternoon washing over him again.
“Good date?” Albus asked, not sounding very interested in the answer. Scorpius felt slightly hurt that his best friend didn’t seem to care about how it had gone.
Still, there was no point in being anything less than honest. “On a scale of one to ten, one being the worst, most awkward encounter you can imagine experiencing, ten being blissful oblivion, better than a thousand sunsets-”
“I get it, Scor,” Albus interrupted him, his expression warming ever so slightly.
“It was around a minus five.” Scorpius stared at his feet, knowing how comforted he would be if Albus started acting like himself again.
“That bad?” Teddy put in, leaning on his shop counter and giving Scorpius a strange look. “Blimey, I thought Rose was alright,” he grinned.
Scorpius couldn’t have them thinking badly of Rose. “Merlin no! She is, it was all me.” He turned from Teddy to Albus, wanting his best friend to sympathise with him. “Turns out I’m terrible at going on dates. Really, truly awful at them.”
Albus looked at him briefly, his eyes still giving away a hurt Scorpius couldn’t explain.
“Maybe you haven’t been on a date with the right person yet?” Teddy mused, and unbidden to Scorpius, a vision came to his mind of going on a date with Albus. Sitting cozily opposite Albus drinking butterbeer, agonising over whether to hold hands with Albus as they walked down the street, going to all of Albus’ favourite places because Scorpius loved to see the smile on his face when they visited the apothecary that hardly any students went to, huddling together to keep warm outside the shrieking shack and maybe, just maybe, sharing a kiss with Albus.
“The right person, maybe,” Scorpius mumbled, willing the image to go away before he said something stupid. “No offence to your cousin, Al. It’s not Rose’s fault. I’ve never been on a date with a girl before and I’m not sure I’d want to again.”
He wondered if Albus picked up that he meant he wasn’t sure if he’d want to go on a date with any girl again. Albus wasn’t looking at him though.
“How was your Hogsmeade visit?” Scorpius changed the subject from his disastrous date, relaxing a bit and leaning against the counter.
“Okay,” Albus replied, mirroring his movement and bringing them closer together. “Didn’t do much: saw James in The Three Broomsticks, said hi to Uncle Ron, came here and got my hair cut.”
“It looks very nice,” Scorpius said quickly, hoping this sounded as platonic as he wanted it to and didn’t give away just how attractive he thought Albus was.
“Thanks.” Albus ran a hand through his dark hair and looked up at Scorpius through his eyelashes. “Wasn’t really as good as Hogsmeade normally is though.”
“No,” Scorpius agreed, feeling a bit reckless. “I suppose I missed hanging out with you.” What he wanted to say was I missed you but that didn’t seem platonic enough.
Scorpius didn’t miss the sudden grin that took over Albus’ sulky face, which he quickly tried to conceal. “Did you?”
He looked adorably vulnerable in this question, giving Scorpius the confidence to tell Albus some of the truth. “Yeah, I really did. I was on my disastrous date with Rose, and all I could think about was how much fun Hogsmeade usually is with my best friend.”
Albus’ posture relaxed at Scorpius’ words and Scorpius felt pained that Albus might have thought he didn’t want to spend time with him.
“So, will you be going on another date with Rose?” Al teased, sounding more like himself.
Scorpius laughed, pleased that his best friend was back. “Absolutely not. Al, you would have found it so funny, there was a point where nobody spoke for ninety-two seconds! I counted! Neither of us could think of a thing to say, I felt like a goldfish, just opening and closing my mouth. It was hideous!”
Albus joined him in his laughter, shrugging his cloak back on to leave. “See you later, Teddy! Thanks for the haircut.”
“Bye, Teddy,” Scorpius said as he left the shop side by side with his best friend.
“So tell me more, Romeo,” Albus said keenly, bumping his shoulder into Scorpius’ side. Scorpius responded by messing Albus’ new hairstyle up with his hand and Albus grinned and ducked away from his reach.
Scorpius talked him through the catastrophe that had been his date with Rose, leaving out only the parts when he thought he’d spotted Albus. He told Albus nearly everything, right up to the point before Rose had abandoned him in Dervish and Banges to go off with her Gryffindor friends. “It was a disaster from start to finish, I’m sure she’s wishing she’d never gone with me.” Scorpius tried to evaluate his feelings towards this fact. While he was still crawling with embarrassment at the whole thing, he also felt distinctly relieved that there was no chance Rose would want another date with him.
“Well if she is, she’s an idiot.” Albus sounded a bit fierce and Scorpius gave him a questioning look. “She shouldn’t be messing you around like that,” Albus said softly.
He knew he’d been kidding himself more or less the whole time, but he’d thought maybe he’d have so much fun with Rose he could learn to like her in that way. It was with that thought that Scorpius considered what would have happened if it had gone well and Rose had wanted another date, what if she had really enjoyed herself and he’d just been using her the whole time? Scorpius decided with that horrible thought that enough was enough and he wasn’t going to involve anybody else in his crazy, weird feelings for his best friend.
“Maybe that’s just what dates are meant to be like?” Albus joked, the grumpiness he’d displayed back in Teddy’s shop long gone. “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been on one. Rose was right, I barely know what ‘dating’ is.”
“I don’t understand why you haven’t. You’re amazing at Potions and you’re on the Quidditch team and you’re funny and you care about others and-” Scorpius abruptly stopped himself before Malfoy The Platonic was overpowered by Scorpius-who-fancies-Albus.
Albus had gone quiet and was looking at his feet as they walked. “You’re a good best friend, Scor.”
“I’m not just saying that because I’m your best friend, Al. It’s all true! Do you know I once overheard a group of girls in our year all discussing how much they wanted to date you?” Scorpius had never shared this with Albus before, mainly because it reminded him that they’d also described his best friend as ‘cold and unfriendly’, but he felt it was the right time for Albus to hear it.
“Did you?” Albus sounded uninterested, as if he thought Scorpius had made it all up.
“Yes! I think you could… I think you could have anybody you wanted if you put your mind to it.”
“Because it went so well the last time I asked someone out?”
“Albus, stop! Thea only said no because she was going with someone else.” Scorpius said this quickly, a sudden realisation flashing before his eyes. Because he’d seen Thea hadn’t he? And she definitely wasn’t on a date with anybody else. So why would she say no to Albus? Why would anyone say no to Albus?
Albus grumbled and said nothing, Scorpius decided not to reveal he’d seen Thea.
“You really like her, don’t you?” Scorpius was afraid of the answer.
Albus looked up from his feet, an uncomfortable expression on his face. “No. I don’t actually fancy her. It just seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Scorpius internally scoffed at his best friend’s stubbornness but he let his expression soften, telling Albus it was okay to feel the way he did. “Albus, it’s okay if you do. I mean, you were very upset when we left Slughorn’s Christmas party.”
There was no other explanation for how upset Albus had been that night when Thea had turned him down (apparently by lying to him, which Scorpius was not happy about).
“I wasn’t… That’s not… Have you ever had a crush on anyone other than Rose?” Albus asked in a very small voice.
Scorpius considered his words. Yes, I have a huge crush on you, stronger than anything I’ve ever felt for Rose.
“It’s hard to know, what are crushes supposed to feel like?” is what he settled on instead.
“Mum once said it’s when you look at them or think about them and it feels different than with anyone else. Is that how it feels when you look at Rose?”
Scorpius considered Ginny’s words but not in the context of looking at Rose. They seemed to perfectly explain how he had always felt when he thought about Albus, what he had first thought was just how friendship felt. They definitely didn’t describe his feelings towards Rose; those were more nervous and fearful and desperate to impress her and failing miserably every time.
“I’m not sure, maybe not.”
“I told her that didn’t make sense because, when I looked at Gonçalo Flores playing Quidditch, it felt different to watching anyone else. But, well, I couldn’t have had a crush on him, could I?”
“Couldn’t you? People do that don’t they, have crushes on other people who are the same as them. You know like girls having crushes on girls, or boys having crushes on boys.” Or me having a crush on you.
Albus nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah of course they do! Mum and Dad’s friends are married and they’re two boys. But I was so young, only eight.”
“Oh I see! Well, what about when you watch him play Quidditch now?”
“He’s been retired for several years,” Albus explained, looking suddenly gloomy.
Scorpius’ stomach lurched: was Albus implying what he thought he was? He didn’t say I wouldn’t have a crush on him! He’s a boy and I’m not into that.
“So, do you think you have a crush on Thea?” Scorpius knew the answer, but he sort of wanted Albus to admit it to him.
Albus shook his head fervently. “No, I told you I don’t fancy Thea.” He sounded genuine, which didn’t make any sense.
“You don’t?”
“No. In fact, I have no crushes on any girls. I don’t think I know how to have a crush on a girl.”
Scorpius froze. No, he couldn’t mean… Albus wasn’t trying to say… there was no way he was saying…
“Y’know, ‘cause they’re so weird and everything. I’m sure James would find it easier if he didn’t like any girls.”
What about liking a boy? Scorpius asked in his head, trying to pluck up the courage to say it out loud. But he couldn’t quite bring himself to vocalise this thought, and instead Albus tailed off, leaving a companionable silence between the two of them.
They didn’t talk about dating anymore after that, as Albus was reminded of a hilarious story from practice he hadn’t told Scorpius yet, involving Cole and inside-out Quidditch robes.
But Scorpius couldn’t help but feel as if something had shifted between them.
read from the beginning
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read chapter 16 (coming Monday 26th March)  >>>
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The Mercenary
This was written by Jonah B., he is an intelligent man and you can find him @co2ultraspider he is absolutely great.
Allan Grant: Episode Two Code: Scrap Outskirts of Town (Outside Wall) 0428 I stood waiting with my green sea bag on my back and my double barrel pistol on my side. The mission was simple enough, go two towns over and provide security while another group stole the food from the food pantry. It would be easy enough if I wasn’t working fucking god damn rookies, to my knowledge it was just some lackeys from Vincent’s gang. The sun would be rising soon…I hoped the other people would show up soon or I’d just go on my own. “Hey mercenary!” came a familiar voice. I turned seeing Bryan Ramirez, a rival mercenary. Well to be honest most mercenaries were rivals, we were all trying to complete jobs to survive. Bryan wore a torn dark blue camo hoodie with navy fatigue pants, he had a black sling pack on and held a Mk-45 in his left hand. His dark red hair was tied up, but it looked still messy…he’d been in a fight recently. I looked down at his boots seeing there was specs of dry blood, it could’ve been from a while ago but given his history with Vincent something told me there was more to the story. “Hey Bryan,” I said looking back up at him, “didn’t think Vincent would hire you for something like this.” “Yeah well,” he said with a shrug, “I can be quite the convincing guy. He told me get this job done and we’d call things square.” “And you wanna square things up with him?” I asked watching his expression. He glared at me, I kept an eye on his trigger finger. “Look you wanna get this job done or do you wanna play twenty-one questions!” he yelled pushing past me. There was no point in continuing messing with him, though I did have a feeling he was lying about Vincent. “How’re we getting to Trenton?” he asked. “Had Nico equip the Sandhawk with some extra support and armor for the mission,” I said taking out the keys, “But since you and I are going I don’t think we’ll need it that much. We’ll be going inside on foot, I don’t want another accident with this jeep. Nico gets real pissed about that stuff.” Bryan rolled his eyes chuckling. “Let’s just head to the job.” He said. “Right, are you on the food pantry team?” I asked. Bryan paused, he didn’t know about the two teams. “Yeah,” he said, “I um…I’m helping with that.” Yeah he was for sure lying. Two powerful mercenaries on the same team, seemed a bit overkill. But I didn’t have anymore time for this, we needed to just get this job done, and it wouldn’t matter so long as I got paid. “Come on Bryan.” I said shaking my head as I headed towards the Sandhawk, “you know the drill.” Trenton Town (Wall Outside) 0514 We drove up to the side entrance wall stopping before we’d get in sight of the sentry. The sun was gonna rise in just around forty minutes to an hour, there’d be no room for error…or Bryan’s famous killing sprees. “Hey Allan,” Bryan said as he got out of the passenger seat, “Why don’t you do your little ability thing as see how guards we’re dealing with while I cover the Sandhawk up.” Psh, like I needed him telling me how to mercenary. I looked over at the wall as my eyes went x ray mode. Right, I guess I didn’t mention it but most mercenaries like me and Bryan had amazing abilities. For me my eyes could go night vision, x ray vision, heat vision, and tracking. Bryan could control weapons, like make them appear so…he was a walking weapons rack. “Got two guards on lookout near center of town and maybe…ten guys just around town with some big looking guns.” I said as my vision returned to normal, “should be a pretty easy fight if we do this right. We keep this quiet and quick and maybe we can avoid a town hating us in the future.” “You watch yourself Allan,” he said as he pushed past me, “I can handle myself.” So much for using teamwork… Trenton Town (Inside) 0520 As I climbed over the wall, I was able to actually see the town for what it was. Trenton was a dump…the buildings were boarded up and people looked sickly as hell. What was the point of robbing a place like this? They had nothing. I did another quick scan before I ran down the street, I spotted a figure standing on a rooftop. He wore a sleeveless jean jacket and dusty blue jeans, from the looks of him he was a mercenary. “Hey buddy,” I said as I stopped in my tracks, “You ain’t gonna wanna do this. Why don’t you just go back where you came from.” He smiled as his skin turned pale white as he grew fangs and sprouted wings, his body looking more deformed. “Ugh…gross!” I cried reaching for my gun, “Do we really have to do this?!” He screeched as he swooped down at me trying to get a swipe at me with his claws. He was fast but I’d had plenty of training against people like him, people who like to overdose on powercore energy to get stronger. Me being a test tube experiment, I didn’t have much of a choice but lately these mercenaries were getting desperate. I couldn’t shoot this guy, I was supposed to be doing this with stealth. I’d need to get this guy grounded and knock him out. I quickly scanned his body searching out his weak spots as he dove past me. I quickly grabbed on to his neck pulling him backwards, he jerked forward sending me flying into the dirt. I put my gun away taking out my knife as he charged at me again. He ran into me at full force sending me back a bit, I caught my balance as I stabbed him behind his ear. He screeched again as I tossed him into the dirt, stabbing him in the side. He changed back to normal as he struggled to get up. “Fuck…” he groaned as I walked over to him, “I-I’m not done ye-yet.” “Hey man,” I said as I kneeled down, “I gave you a chance to walk away.” I quickly got him in a chokehold, choking him out. He put up a bit of a fight but even a blind man could see the fight was over. I dropped him on the ground, as I got up dusting myself off. He might’ve actually have been a threat had he known what he was doing. No time to waste though, it’d be sunrise soon. I took off down the street running for the tower in the center of town. No doubt Bryan had beaten me. When I reached the tower I found two duffle bags outside of the tower, full of guns and medical supplies. Bryan was no where in sight, and also it seemed he’d done a number on the guards around the tower as well. “Good you finally decided to show up.” Came Bryan’s voice. I turned seeing him walking out with two more bags. “Vincent didn’t tell us to rob the place clean,” I said folding my arms, “there’s no reason to overdo it. This town is already suffering.” “Yeah well so are some of us,” he said pushing past me, “you can either help me or you can stand aside. I already stole a van from these fucks.” He was never very good at hiding lies, then again he also wasn’t much of a brains. “You sure Vincent will pay extra for this?” I asked as I picked up two duffle bags. “Man fuck Vincent,” he snarled, “fucking prick. What has he ever done to help us out? He’s just a piece of shit thug.” “He’s also our employer.” I said “One of them!” Bryan yelled dropping the duffle bags, “I’m not doing this for him Allan. Help me out or be taken down.” As mercenaries it wasn’t uncommon for Bryan and I to often bump heads, but I could tell that he was dead serious about this. But now really wasn’t the time for this, if we spent anymore time we’d end up getting caught and the stealth mission would be ruined. “Relax Bryan,” I said calmly, “You’re right, okay? Is that what you want to hear? We really don’t have time for this crap man.” “I’m not letting you in the van,” he said not looking at me, “Sorry man.” I dropped the duffle bags, balling up my fists. Goddamn it Bryan! We didn’t have time for his childish behavior. I feel it should go without saying but Bryan’s stupidity ended up getting us surrounded by guards. “Hands up thieves!” came a man’s voice. We both turned seeing four guards standing in armor, holding guns at the ready. Fuck We were pushed out in the open where another squad of soldiers stood with guns drawn, for a total of eight guards. I quickly turned on my x ray vision scanning around to look for any other guards. Two snipers were up on a tower not too far away looking in our direction bringing the total up to ten guards. Not to mention there was probably their actual army force on standby, gearing up currently for a total of possibly thirty to forty guards. I looked over at Bryan mouthing the number to him, he nodded understanding. “Scan em,” said one of the guards standing back behind us, “you know how these mercenary types are.” I sighed as I felt the cold metal of the scanner jabbing me in the neck, it beeped loudly. “Sh-shit…” the guard said quickly stepping back, “they’re one of them! Freaks!” They all raised their weapons, taking aim. “That’s a bit rude,” I said shaking my head, “You didn’t even scan my buddy.” Bryan chuckled as he stuck out his hands, the guns being yanked out of the soldier’s hands. “We don’t have time for your games,” he said as the guns crumpled into nothingness, “believe me I’d love to kill you all but I’m just trying to leave.” People, normal innocent people, began to leave their homes to see what all the noise was about. This situation could be getting out of hand, but I doubted Bryan was going to leave without his duffle bags. I took out my pistol keeping people at bay, as Bryan and I began taking steps back towards the van. “Grab the bags Allan,” he whispered as he summoned an M4, “I can keep watch of these people.” I picked up the duffle bags tossing them in the back of the van, we needed to leave. Bang! The fuck…please tell me he didn’t. I ran around the van seeing a man, middle aged bleeding out with Bryan standing over him. “What the fuck Bry?!” I yelled pushing him, “You said you’d watch them!” “He came at me,” he said with a shrug, “let’s just go man.” He walked past me, getting into the van, closing the door. I didn’t want to leave this place like this though…but I didn’t have much of a choice. A job was a job, part of being a mercenary was having people not like you. It was something that I was willing to accept. Dessert 0558 “You shouldn’t have killed that man.” I said breaking the silence as we drove, “he was just trying to protect his family.” Bryan sat in the back, laying down with his face in the cushion. “Look I didn’t want to do it,” he mumbled, “the guy fucking ran at me. It was my reflexes.” Like I’d said, he and I disagreed quite a lot but one of the biggest problems I had with him was his lack of remorse for killing innocent people. We weren’t in any danger, those people had nothing without their guns. Hell even if they’d made a bomb we’d be injured but not dead! “I’m pretty drained from all that crap,” he said closing his eyes, “Mind if we take a break before you turn in whatever you have?” We’d made pretty good time, despite Bryan being a fuck boy at the last second. I guessed we could make a quick stop. The closest town happened to be Scrap City, where Nico and Barry worked. Be a great time to see if I could get an upgrade. “Sure,” I said looking in the rearview mirror, “We’re going to Scrap City.” “Ah…going to go see your boyfriend.” Bryan laughed from the backseat. So immature. “Yes,” I said rolling my eyes, “I haven’t seen Nico in a bit of a while as well.” Yes, Nico was my boyfriend and my mechanic. He was really good when it came to electronics and weapon upgrades. I sped up, speeding through the dessert. To Be Continued….
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