#the blood of youth ep 35
lostinadrama · 2 years
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 (2023)
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porunareff · 2 years
Crying because I’m rewatching Stardust 😭
You have inspired me to compile the ultimate JOJO tearjerker marathon challenge for all the legends out there who want to exercise their tear ducts:
Phantom Blood ep. 9, The Final Ripple
Battle Tendency ep. 11, Caesar: A Lonely Youth
Stardust Crusaders ep. 44, Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice p.3
Stardust Crusaders ep. 46, DIO's World p.2
Stardust Crusaders ep. 48, The Distant Journey - Farewell Friends
Vento Aureo ep. 28, Beneath a Falling Sky
Vento Aureo ep. 33, His Name is Diavolo
Vento Aureo ep. 35, The Requiem Plays Quietly
Vento Aureo ep. 37, The King of Kings
Stone Ocean ep. 22, Time for Heaven, New Moon!
Stone Ocean ep. 37, Made in Heaven p.2
Stone Ocean ep. 38, What a Wonderful World
By successfully completing this challenge, you'll unlock a very cool secret super power (puffy eyes and runny nose)
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simply-whump · 2 years
The Blood of Youth (少年歌行) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Xiao Se played by Li Hong Yi, Lei Wu Jie played by Ao Rui Peng, Wu Xin played by Liu Xue Yi and Tang Lian played by Li Xin Ze
Synopsis : As a disciple of the Lei Clan, Lei Wu Jie can't wait to prove his worth as a hero. His trip to the city Xue Yue is waylaid by an unfortunate mishap at the Villa of Fallen Snow. As proprietor of the Villa, Xiao Se is less than pleased when his establishment is damaged by the antics of a young, wannabe hero. Demanding he make amends for the damage he caused, Wu Jei can think of only one way to appease the grumpy Xiao Se, and that is to take him with him. With no other options, the two set off together, without any idea of what fate has in store for them. (MDL)
Genres : Wuxia, Historical, friendship, youth, fantasy
Note : This was an unexpected fun watch ! I didn't get bored at all watching this drama and the brotherhood between the characters was great.
Warning ! Possible spoilers below!
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Xiao Se ( Xiao Chu He / Prince Yong An)
Ep 1-3 : None
Ep 4 : (Flashback) Hit by a powerful magical attack, on the ground shaking, passes out, can’t use martial arts since that day — (Present) Hit, thrown to the ground, punched
Ep 5-8 : None
Ep 9 : Arm pierced by a needle, momentarily in pain
Ep 10-13 : None
Ep 14 : Stabbed in the shoulder, bleeding, concern for him
Ep 15 : None
Ep 16 : Collapses after giving some of his energy, concern for him — Unconscious, carried on Wu Jie’s Back, speaking weakly — Unconscious in bed, treated, in pain (Gif Set) — Wakes up in bed — Given medicine
Ep 17-18 : None
Ep 19 : Uses his full strength to save his friend knowing it might kill him, fighting, hit by an energy blast, spits blood, passes out, concern for him — Doctor says he can’t save him, concern for him
Ep 20 : Still being treated with no success, bleeding from the mouth, treated by a more competent doctor — All his friends want to protect him (not really whump but it was a great moment) — Doctor says his life is still at stake — Very weak — (They’re all going on a trip to cure him)
Ep 21 : None
Ep 22 : Told he only has 5 days to live
Ep 23 : Participates in the fight even though he is dying, concern for him — Taken away, spits blood, treated, in pain, knocked out (Gif Set)
Ep 24-26 : None
Ep 27 : Teary-eyed, grieving 
Ep 28-35 : None
Ep 36 : Fighting — Thrown to the ground, attacked — Pulse taken
Ep 37 : None
Ep 38 : Enters an array that makes him face his inner demons — Worried for someone — Has a difficult fight, arm cut, injured, spits blood, shielded and protected by his friends, on one knee holding his chest
Ep 39 : Has a difficult fight, thrown to the ground, spits blood, more fighting, on one knee, concern for him, helped up — Collapses unconscious, concern for him (Gif Set) — Unconscious in bed, concern for him
Ep 40 : Crying
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Lei Wu Jie
Ep 1 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, groaning in pain
Ep 2 : Grabbing his chest after using some power, in pain — Fighting, thrown to the ground — Grabbing his chest after using a powerful attack
Ep 3 : Collapses, grabbing his chest — “Knocked out”, injuries “magically treated” (kinda hard to describe) — Wakes up in a cell, (flashback) fighting, tied up, captured
Ep 4 : Tied up to a tree
Ep 5-7 : None
Ep 8 : Powers acting up after drinking some liquor, collapses, passes out — Has a difficult fight
Ep 9 : Passes out from exhaustion — Has a nosebleed
Ep 10 : Uses a powerful skill, passes out
Ep 11 : Crying
Ep 12-14 : None
Ep 15 : Poisoned, weak, given energy
Ep 16 : Shocked after killing for the first time
Ep 17-18 : None
Ep 19 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, spits blood — Wakes up in bed
Ep 20-22 : None
Ep 23 : In pain after using a lot of power
Ep 24-25 : None
Ep 26 : Crying, emotional
Ep 27 : Teary-eyed, grieving
Ep 28-37 : None
Ep 38 : Has a difficult fight, spits blood
Ep 39 : Fighting, choked — Fighting his friend (Wu Xin) — Exhausted, almost collapses, caught before he can fall
Ep 40 : None
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Wu Xin (Ye An Shi)
Ep 2 : Knocked out
Ep 3 : Crying
Ep 5 : Fighting, hit, grabbing his chest — Crying
Ep 6 : Has a difficult fight, puts his dislocated shoulder back in place — Passes out after using a powerful technique — Collapses exhausted
Ep 7 : Teary-eyed
Ep 29 : In pain after using his power to save someone, grabs his chest, spits blood — Unconscious, chained
Ep 30 : Chained and unconscious, was experimented on
Ep 31 : Was brainwashed, fighting his friends, headache 
Ep 36 : Chained, unconscious — Fighting his friend, trying to resist, headache, controlled, attacks Xiao Se
Ep 39 : Controlled, fighting his friends, mind-control broken, unconscious
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Tang Lian
Ep 1 : Fighting, hit, holding his chest
Ep 2 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, grabbing his chest, struggling to stand up, passes out after using a powerful attack
Ep 3 : Wounds treated
Ep 19 : Stabbed in the leg, hit, thrown to the ground, concern for him, stabbed in the other leg, spits blood
Ep 25 : Has a difficult fight, bleeding from the mouth, grabbing his chest, collapses, weak
Ep 26 : Very weak after the previous fight, dies
Ep 27 : Mourned
>> Another whump List with Li Hong Yi
>> More Whump Lists
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moononmyfloor · 1 month
Dashing Youth Ep 33-35 Commentary
Ep 1-10, Ep 11-16, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 36-40
Ep 33
This show stresses the fuck out of me now and not because it has entered its tragedy arc and 1. I enjoy well-done tragedies 2. I started watching this knowing it'll be tragedy anw
But because upcoming events feel just so superficial and I'm not convinced at all about why things weren't preventable. The wedding part was so sad and evoked so many emotions out of me precisely because I could see everyone gave their best fight and in the older gen's pov, their best reasonings for their inaction.
And now?? Many years have passed, Dingzhi has COMPLETELY let his guard down I mean bro if I was having a kid with emperor's runaway consort I'd move places like. every 2 yrs in the very least, Wenjun still trusts people too easily- girl you could've at least consulted the wise monk next door and trusted him to deliver the proper message to Dingzhi or SOMETHING idk, Dongjun seemed to have spent the entirety of those years high on alcohol and wifey and performance adrenaline in his immaculate cloudy mansion and equally unreal carriage, so much for trying to find and help out his missing bro before like, the very last moment.
It all just feels so juvenile and like the scriptwriters have given up because we all know what the ending is gonna be anyway, yknow? It's like they all actively waited for the disaster to hit them.
The only scene that I enjoyed in this ep:
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(I'm trying to erase the sight of the scared and lonely young dad Dingzhi braving through the night forest with his baby to get their girl back, so traumatising)
Ep 34
Sikong Changfeng once again fights battles that are not his, while the actual people who need to be doing this are being preoccupied. He's the best boy.
Lei Mengsha also practices inaction but the kind where he will not stop a capable person from doing the right thing, therefore he is also a good boy.
Show ruined Wenjun's character once and forever with the bullshit attitude and reasoning she had in this ep. Girl, I fought tooth and nail to defend your rights and you severely let me down today.
I saw this discussion on Chinese bilibili (autotranslated, but you can understand the basic gist) and I think it explains the problem perfectly.
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The problem was never that she was physically weak and comparatively naive. It was not about whether a girl in the exact same position as she did in today's episode would have done the same thing. It's just that the writers don't want her to.
And it's not just Wenjun, at this point of the story, stuff just happen one after the other just because they need to, before BoY.
Ep 35
Singlehandedly the most valid character of the show (not to mention the screenstealing acting, He Yu where have you been before my boy), Ye Dingzhi going berserk was so vicariously satisfying. Like everybody has lofty ambitions but since they are too weakass to accomplish them, they want this poor homebody to be their farm cow and do everything for them or what. Like wtf, enough is enough and everyone got what they deserved.
And if the scene of him killing everyone and taking over the throne wasn't satisfying enough, we get this:
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It's the sheer lack of surprise, exhaustion and disappointment he delivers these lines for me. He never expected anything from the world since Day 1, he learnt the humans are shit since very young. He knew he couldn't trust anyone but himself to make his own existence better, let alone fix things for all the humanity. And sorry Dongjun, for all your idealistic speeches and displays, you've never done anything to really have Dingzhi value you as a true friend beyond mere childhood sentiments.
He's the most shunned ex-jianghu personality by the time of Blood of Youth, but in fact he's the most heroic of them ALL, not the much celebrated Lord Langya in my opinion. You call him selfish but what exactly have anyone else of his generation had done for the world out of their so-called selflessness?
He didn't have big ambitions, he simply
Stood up
And by that, he finally set things in motion to liberate the whole country of years of corrupted monarchy.
And I find that incredibly powerful and timeless and relatable for anyone across the whole world. If you don't fight for your rights, noone will. Someone needs to raise their voice first.
The accomplishments of Blood of Youth's generation wouldn't have been possible if not for the chain reaction he started imo, because as far as I can see noone else among the parents lifted a single finger let alone laying a foundation for the kids to work upon because they were all too busy looking at the bigger picture or whatever.
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save-the-data · 2 years
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the blood of youth | s01e29
Chinese Drama - 2022, 40 episodes  
EP:- 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15 : 16 : 17 : 18 : 19 : 20 : 21 : 22 : 23 : 24 : 25 : 26 : 27 : 28 : 29 : 30 : 31 : 32 : 33 : 34 : 35 : 36 : 37 : 38 : 39 : 40
~ Episode List ~
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519magazine · 7 months
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hatingwithfears · 2 years
TOP 150 ALBUMS of 2022
150- Scarcity- Aveilut
149- Alice Glass- PREY//IV
148- Plains- I Walked With You a Ways
147- Sigh- Shiki
146- Bjork- Fossora
145- Boris- Heavy Rocks
144- Father John Misty- Chloe and the Next 20th Century
143- Vieux Farka Toure & Khruangbin- Ali
142- Palm- Nicks and Grazes
141- Deathcrash- Return
140- Rhodri Davis- DWA DNI
139- Hagop Tchaparian- Bolts
138- Cheekface- Too Much To Ask
137- Sarahsson- The Horgenaith
136- Sam Grendel- BlueBlue
135- Sam Gendel, Antonia Cytrynowicz- Live a Little
134- Makaya McCraven- In These Times
133- Julian Lage- View With a Room
132- Earl Sweatshirt- SICK!
131- Whatever The Weather- Whatever The Weather
130- Absent in Body- Plague God
129- Moin- Paste
128- Cheri Knight- American Rituals
127- Matt Ball- Amplified Guitar
126- Jairus Sharif- Water and Tools
125- Behemoth- Opvs Contra Natvram
124- Monster Rally- Botanical Dream
123- Ashenspire- Hostile Architecture
122- Death Cab For Cutie- Asphalt Meadows
121- Dave Douglas- Secular Psalms
120- Cult of Luna- Long Road North
119- Maria Moles- For Leolanda
118- Full Court Press- Full Court Press
117- Animal Collective- Time Skiffs
116- Luminous Vault- Animate the Emptiness
115- Mizmor & Thou- Myopia
114- KMRU & Aho Ssan- Limen
113- Sofie Birch- Holotropica
112- Avishai Cohen- Naked Truth
111- Philippe Bronchtein- Catch My Breath
110- Nik Colk Void- Bucked Up Space
109- Kelly Lee Owens- LP8
108- Nick Cave and Warren Ellis- Blonde
107- Infinity Knives, Brian Ennals- King Cobra
106- Johanna Warren- Lessons for Mutants
105- Joel Ross- Te Parable of The Poet
104- Brad Mehldau- Jacob’s Ladder
103- The Comet Is Coming- Hyper Dimensional Expansion Beam
102- Avishai Cohen- Shifting Sands
101- Patricia Brennan- More Touch
100- Madeleine Cocoas- Spectral
99- Skulcrusher- Quiet The Room
98- Caroline- Caroline
97- Knifeplay- Animal Drowning
96- Avalanche Kaito- Avalanche Kaito
95- Billy Woods- Aethiopes
94- Mamaleek- Dinner Coffee
93- Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker- Canti di Guerra, di Livorno e d’amore
92- Melissa Aldana- 12 Stars
91- Joy Guidry- Radical Acceptance
90- Binker Golding- Dream Like a Dogwood
89- black midi- Hellfire
88- Akusmi- Fleeting Future
87- Arp- New Pleasures
86- Daniel Rossen- You Belong There
85- Junior Boys- Waiting Game
84- Shearwater- The Great Awakening
83- Florist- Florist
82- Szun Waves- Earth Patterns
81- No Age- People Helping People
80- Lucretia Dalt- ¡Ay!
79- Rich Ruth- I Survived, It’s Over
78- Colin Stetson- Chimaera I
77- Ulla- Foam
76- The Lord + Petra Haden- Devotional
75- Nonsun- Blood & Spirit
74- Bill Callahan- Reality
73- Aoife Nessa Frances- Protector
72- The Soft Pink Truth- Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This?
71- Kendrick Lamar- Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers
70- High Pulp- Pursuit of Ends
69- Soul Glo- Diaspora Problems
68- Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn- Pigments
67- Bartess Strange- Farm to Table
66- Burial- Antidawn
65- Keiji Haino & Sumac- into this juvenile apocalypse…
64- Beth Orton- Weather Alive
63- Jenny Hval- Classic Objects
62- Angel Olsen- Big Time
61- Nils Frahm- Music for Animals
60- Daniel Bachman- Almanac Behind
59- Wilco- Cruel Country
58- Boris- W
57- Goose- Dripfield
56- Steve Lacy- Gemini Rights
55- Sun’s Signature- EP
54- Gang of Youths- Angel in Realtime
53- Mary Lattimore & Paul Sukeena- West Kinsington
52- Aeviterne- The Ailing Facade
51- Pusha T- It’s Almost Dry
50- Black Country, New Road- Ants From Up There
49- Ashley McBryde presents: Linderville
48- Alina Bzhezhinska & Hip Harp Collective- Reflections
47- Pinegrove- 11:11
46- Various Artists- Here It Is: A Tribute To Leonard Cohen
45- Bonnie Light Horseman- Rolling Golden Holy
44- Chat Pile- God’s Country
43- Oren Ambarchi- Shebang
42- Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling, Andreas Werliin- Ghosted
41- Horse Lords- Comradely Objects
39- Anja Lauvdal- For a Story Now Lost
38- CC Sorensen- Phantom Rooms
37- Kali Malone- Living Torch
36- Heart of The Ghost- Summons
35- Miles Okazaki- Thisness
34- Weyes Blood- And in The Darkness, Hearts Aglow
33- Maggie Rogers- Surrender
32- Loraine James- Building Something Beautiful For Me
31- Eli Winter- Eli Winter
30- Oded Tzur- Isabela
29- Sharon Van Etten- We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong
28- Max Richter- The New Four Seasons: Vivaldi Recomposed
27-Heith- X, Wheel
26- Ian William Craig- Music For Magnesium_173
25- Cecile McLorin Salvant- Ghost Songs
24- Medicine Singers- Medicine Singers
23- Joe Rainey- Niineta
22- Andrew Bernstein- A Presentation
21- Bill Orcutt- Music for Four Guitars
20- Danger Mouse & Black Thought- Cheat Codes
19- Tanya Tagaq- Tounges
18- Destroyer- Labyrinths
17- Lambchop- The Bible
16- Sault- Air
15- Claire Rousay- Everything Perfect is Already Here
14- Jeremiah Chiu & Marta Sofia Hunter- Recordings from the Aland Islands
13- Yayamoto+Fowler+Parker+Hirsh- Sparks
12- Nickolas Mohanna- Sight Drawings
11- Jasmine Myra- Horizons
10- William Parker- Universal Tonality
9- Michael Giacchino- The Batman
8- Beach House- Once Twice Melody
7- Surya Botofasina- Everyone’s Children
6- OHYUNG- Imagine Naked!
5- The Smile- A Light for Attracting Attention
4- Sarah Davachi- Two Sisters
3- Immanuel Wilkins- The 7th Hand
2- Big Thief- Dragon New Warm Mountain
1- Rachika Nayar- Heaven Come Crashing
0 notes
shire-snail · 3 years
**all gifs are used with artist permission, thank you artists!!**
EP 31: "Bringin' Home the Rain" by the Builders and the Butchers
(qiongqi ambush, jin zixuan dies, wens' sacrifice)
"There's no one here to tell you about the depth of the water, or the trouble that you're in."
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gif credit: @thejingshi
Alt 1: "Drawn to the Blood" by Sufjan Stevens: "I am drawn to the blood/ The flight of a one-winged dove/ How... how did this happen?" "For my prayer has always been love... What did I do to deserve this?"
Alt 2: "I AM SATAN" by Field Medic "I don't wanna be the darkness anymore/ Rain chipping at your windows/ My fingers are the storm." "I don't walk with the devil/ I'm him."
EP 32: "Heel Turn 2 - Jordan Lake" by the Mountain Goats
(nightless city pt.1, wwx on the roof vs lwj, yanli dies)
"Drift down into the new dark light/ Without any reservations/ You've found my breaking point/ Congratulations."
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gif credit @gusucloud
Alt: "Achilles Come Down" by Gang of Youths "Just humor us, Achilles/ Achilles, come down/ Won't you get up off the roof?" "You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you, Achilles/ It's not much but there's proof." "Remember the pact of our youth." "Where you go, I'm going/ So jump and I'm jumping/ Since there is no me without you."
EP 33: "Genesis 30:3" by the Mountain Goats
(nightless city pt.2, the fall, the morning 13 years later, wandering cloud recesses)
"Open up the promise of the day/ Drive the dark things away/ I will do what you ask me to do/ Because of how I feel about you."
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gif credit: @gusucloud
Alt 1: "anything" by Adrienne Lenker: "Didn't you believe in me?"
Alt 2: "Never Quite Free" by the Mountain Goats: "It's okay to find the faith the saunter forward/ With no fear of shadows spreading where you stand/ And you'll breathe easier just knowing that the worst is all behind you/ And the waves that tossed the raft all night have set you on dry land." "It's so good to learn that from right here/ the view goes on forever/ And you'll never want for comfort/ And you'll never be alone."
EP 34: "A Complete List of Fears Age 5-28 (Approx)" by The Yellow Dress
(gratuitous hiding behind lwj, saving jl from nie tombs, meeting jc)
"Oh, and mainly losing you. These days, mainly losing you."
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gif credit: @wangxiians
Alt 1: "communist love song" by Soltero: "If you would stick up for me in the face of great adversity/ Know that I would do the same/ Know we are the same." "If you would stick up for me/ Speak kindly and poetically/ You can be my personal ambassador to the world."
Alt 2: "Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat" by Del Water Gap: "I used to call you my best friend/ Way back before you were my everything." "Is it okay/ That I don't want anybody else touching you/ Like I do, like I do, like me?"
EP 35: "Nightswimming" by R.E.M.
(carried in the moonlight, questioning nh, flute gift)
"Nightswimming deserves a quiet night/ It's not like years ago/ The fear of getting caught/ Of recklessness and water."
"September's coming soon, pining for the moon/ What if there were two, side by side in orbit."
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gif credit @wangxiians
Alt 1: "Take it From Me" by the Weepies: "What can I compare you to?/ A window the sun shines through/ Maybe the silver moon, a smile rising."
Alt 2: "Tried to Tell You" by The Weather Station: "You were so afraid/ To try to pull apart/ The endless rain/ You thought of as your heart." "You never felt the tide/ Of the moon pulling closer/ I tried to tell you/ That is the way that you want her." "Some days there might be/ Nothing you encounter/ To stand behind the fragile idea/ That anything matters." "Would it kill you to believe in your pleasure?"
EP 36: "Steamroller" by Phoebe Bridgers
(chicken thievery and drunk lwj mischief, emotional q&a)
"You're my partner in crime/ You're the feeling I get when I'm feeling fine."
"Part of me wants you/ But most of me needs you/ So I won't fall unless you ask me to."
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gif credit: @wangxiians
Alt 1: "It'll All Work Out" by Phoebe Bridgers: "When she needed me, I wasn't around/ That's the way it goes, it'll all work out." "There were times apart, and times together/ I was pledged to her for worse or better/ When it mattered most, I let her down/ That's the way it goes, it'll all work out."
Alt 2: "Me & My Dog" by boygenius: "We had a great day/ Even though we forgot to eat/ And you had a bad dream/ And we got no sleep/ Cuz we were kissing." "I had a fever until I met you/ Now you make me cool." "I never said I'd be alright/ Just thought I could hold myself together/ When I couldn't breathe I went outside/ Don't know why I thought it'd be any better." "I cried at your show with the teenagers." "I dream about it/ And I wake up falling."
EP 37: "Harbor Me" by the Mountain Goats
(coffin town part 1, juniors field trip, sizhui feelin safe, wwx vs xy)
"Living in fear until you come back/ Sound of the key, like an orchestral cue/ Into the daylight, thank god it's you"
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gif credit: @wangxiians
Alt: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers: "We came across a pharmacy with its windows busted out/ Pushed on through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around/ The medicines, the medicines, that esculent macabre for the mouth."
EP 38: "Boy With a Coin" by Iron & Wine
(coffin town pt.2, empathy, songxian breakup)
"A boy with a coin he crammed in his jeans/ Then making a wish, he tossed in the sea/ And walked to a town that all of us burn/ When God left the ground to circle the world."
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gif credit: @gusucloud
Alt: "Murder Song" by Sammy Copely: "Lovers lost between the lines." "You have killed the thing you loved/ And now you have to die."
EP 39: "Comfort" by Deb Talan
(mourning xxc, lantern date, lxc arrives)
"So cry, why not, we all do, then turn to one you love/ And smile a smile that lights up all the room."
"Take comfort, there is comfort, take comfort wherever you can."
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gif credit: @wangxiians
Alt 1: "The Messenger" by Linkin Park: "When life leaves us blind/ Love keeps us kind."
Alt 2: "By the Time it Gets Dark" by Yo La Tengo: "Baby every cloud has a silver lining/ Baby every dog really has his day/ And it matters to me to see you smiling/ Why don't we blow all your cares away?" "Maybe, by the evening we'll be laughing/ Just wait and see all the changes there'll be/ By the time it gets dark."
EP 40: "Elephant" by Samia
(return to carp tower, bonding with jl, paperman flirting)
"I swore I wouldn't end up here again."
"You cannot make everyone happy/ But you can force a smile on their face."
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gif credit: @wangxiians
Alt 1: "Ashes On Your Eyes" by Deb Talan: "Now you only dream in peaceful blue/ The morning doesn't even scare you anymore/ You are a phoenix with your feathers still a little wet/ Baby, the ashes just look pretty on your eyes."
Alt 2: "Ghosts in the Graveyard" by Sincere Engineer: "There's plenty of fish in this graveyard/ There's plenty of ghosts in the sea/ And now I'm sinking quickly with this concrete heart/ I'm yelling 'You can't catch me, You can't catch me.'"
Eps 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50
Playlist link: Standard or Extended
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E& D: Episode 9 Shownotes (Hyuna & Dawn, Ha Sung Woon, Winner, and BTS)
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Episode 9 of Eonni & Dongsaeng, run by two friends who are more like sisters, who share a deep love and affinity for South Korea and its music scene, specifically kpop.
We kick off the ninth episode with the iconic duo Hyuna and Dawn, an their newest EP! Dongsaeng introduces us to soloist Ha Sung Woon (Wanna One) with his whimsical yet powerful comeback.
Our topical themed discussion this week is about the amazong historical, funny kdrama Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth starring our flaming charisma favourite of the podcast, Minho! Closing the episode, both D and E talk go a little bit back in time to some big names third generation pop idols. Hit making machine Winner and Global sensation BTS round up the episode. We hope you enjoy our perspectives, and find some new music to enjoy. Below are the timings for the episode and links to any content we suggest. Goodbye from your older and younger sister! Annyeong E & D 00:43 - Hello's 04:31 - Hyuna & Dawn - 1+1=1 EP 08:30 - Hyuna & Dawn 'Ping Pong' M/V 16:55 - Hyuna & Dawn 'XOXO' 20:38 - Ha Sung Woon - Select Shop Album 23:45 - Ha Sung Woon 'Galaxy Dust' 27:32 - Ha Sung Woon 'Sneakers' M/V 34:00 - Fashion sneakers! 35:01 - Topical Themed Discussion: Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth (Kdrama) 41:44 - Winner - Fate Number For EP 45:05 - Winner 'Really Really' M/V 47:20 - Kang Seung Yoon on Masked Singer 52:15 - Winner 'Fool' M/V 58:02 - BTS - Wings Album 1:01:41 - BTS 'Blood, Sweat & Tears' M/V 1:07:54 - BTS 'Cypher4' Performance 1:16:21 - BTS ' 21st Century Girl' Dance Performance 1:21:49 - Ending Thoughts
N.B: Please note all views are expressly our own. All music is sourced from Epidemic Sound. Thank you for checking out the Eonni & Dongsaeng Podcast. If you have any thoughts, questions or feedback, please drop an ask into our inbox.
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
~Season 5, Episode 49~
Journey back with DJ Billy Goate some two decades ago to revel in the heart of the Grunge era: the year 1993. For this broadcast, he's selected 29 of his favorite songs from space of those 12 months that gave birth to new music from Alice in Chains, Cathedral, Clutch, Helmet, Kyuss, Motorpsycho, Mudhoney, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Primus, Sonic Youth, Soundgarden, Tad, The Smashing Pumpkins, and more. If you dig the broadcast, let me know in the comments which year in heavy music history you'd like me to explore next!
INTRO (00:00)    1. Nirvana - "Scentless Apprentice" (00:09)    2. Clutch - "12 Ounce Epilogue" (03:57)    3. Tad - "Grease Box" (06:47)    4. Primus - "My Name Is Mud" (10:40)    5. Green Jelly - "Three Little Pigs" (15:27)
HOST SEGMENT I (21:21)    6. Kyuss - "Green Machine" (23:16)    7. Clutch - "A Shogun Named Marcus" (26:54)    8. Cathedral - "Ride" (29:37)    9. Skin Yard - "Miss You" (34:34)   10. Treepeople - "Cartoon Brew" (37:22)   11. Helmet - "Primitive" (39:03)
HOST SEGMENT II (43:01)   12. Toadies - "Possum Kingdom" (EP version) (45:05)   13. Mudhoney - "Between Me & You Kid" (56:51)   14. Motorpsycho - "Nothing To Say" (1:00:29)   15. Sonic Youth - "It Is My Body" (Alice Cooper cover) (1:05:48)   16. Soundgarden - "Show Me" (1:08:41)
HOST SEGMENT III (1:11:30)   17. Alice in Chains - "What The Hell Have I" (1:12:28)   18. Nirvana - "Milk It" (1:16:26)   19. Melvins - "Hooch" (1:20:21)   20. Skin Chamber - "Throb" (1:23:13)
HOST SEGMENT IV (1:29:16)   21. Pearl Jam - "Blood" (1:30:44)   22. Uncle Sally - "U.S. Blues" (1:33:35)   23. My Sister's Machine - "I Slip Away" (1:38:30)   24. The Smashing Pumpkins - "Hummer" (1:41:48)   25. Alice in Chains - "A Little Bitter" (1:48:45)
HOST SEGMENT V (1:52:34)   26. Melvins - "Lizzy" (1:54:02)   27. Pearl Jam - "Leash" (1:58:46)
 *incidental music during host segments by Goddess from the album 'Voyager' (2019)
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alexthegamingboy · 4 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 03/28/2020
Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld (Alicization Awakening) EP#35 (11) - Heartless Choice: In the following morning, the decoy force discover that Vecta has ordered the army to traverse the massive ravine by crawling over 10 suspended ropes, and plan a counter-strategy. Meanwhile, in the Ocean Turtle, Critter has successfully disabled the fluctlight acceleration and has deployed a patch program to invite AmuSphere users in America to "beta test" a PvP slaughter VRMMO, tricking them into thinking that it was a game. At the same time, Yui sees their strategy and warns Kirito and Asuna friends, with Leafa and Sinon going to the STL into the Rath's Roppongi base after authorization and Lisbeth going into ALO to try to convince the Japanese players to help the Underworld against the American players. In the end, with 20,000 American players ready to join, Critter deploys them on the other side of the massive ravine.
My Hero Academia U.A. School Festival Arc Season 4 EP#81 (18) - Relief for License Trainees: It's October, and the U.A. students are planning to launch a school festival for the fall. Meanwhile, Izuku and Mirio have been requested to see Eri. But she still hasn't been saved from the inside, and Overhaul's shadow is blocking out the light, meaning she doesn't know how to smile or have fun. So in order for her to smile, Izuku decides to bring Eri to the school festival. Elsewhere, a villain named Gentle Criminal and his subordinate, La Brava, are searching for a scheme that will put his name down in the history of villainy.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#20 - The Final Mission from the Boss: Bucciarati's crew arrives in Venice and read the final mission from the boss on the data disc. The instructions are for only one person to take Trish to the top of the bell tower of the church on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. Bucciarati takes Trish ashore, but also wears one of Giorno's ladybug brooches as a tracking device while the others wait in their speedboat. Bucciarati and Trish ascend in the tower's elevator, but when they arrive at the top, Bucciarati discovers that Trish has disappeared and that he is only holding her severed hand. Bucciarati has a flashback to his youth when he first joined Passione and realizes that the boss intends to kill his daughter to protect his own identity. Bucciarati follows the boss and manages to attach Giorno's ladybug tracker to him before he disappears. Bucciarati attacks the boss and reconnects Trish's hand, but the boss uses his Stand King Crimson[x] to erase time and effortlessly avoid Bucciarati's attacks. Having appeared behind Bucciarati, King Crimson pushes his fist all the way through Bucciarati's chest in an attempt to kill him.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Functional Recovery Training Arc EP#22 - Master of the Mansion: Tanjiro comes face-to-face with the nine most powerful Demon Slayers: Giyu (the Water Pillar), Shinobu (the Insect Pillar), Kyojuro Rengoku (the Flame Pillar), Tengen Uzui (the Sound Pillar), Mitsuri Kanroji (the Love Pillar), Muichiro Tokito (the Mist Pillar), Gyomei Himejima (the Stone Pillar), Obanai Iguro (the Snake Pillar), and Sanemi Shinazugawa (the Wind Pillar). They put Tanjiro on trial due to him having violated Demon Slayer Corps rules by traveling with a demon, even if she is his sister. Tanjiro states she won't eat humans and can fight with the Demon Slayers to protect humans. Sanemi comes outside with Nezuko in her box, calling him deluded and stabs through the box and into Nezuko's shoulder. Tanjiro charges him and Giyū calls out that the Master will soon be here and to stop, which startles Sanemi, giving Tanjiro an opening to headbutt him and knock him to the ground, impressing the Hashiras. The Master of the Demon Slayers arrives before Sanemi can strike him back and all the Hashiras kneel, Sanemi forcing Tanjiro's head down. The Master is a blind man with scars across the upper half of his face, accompanied by two white-haired girls. The Master states he has sanctioned the situation with Tanjiro and Nezuko and asks the Hashiras to accept it, but the majority refuse. The Master has one of the girls with him summarize a letter from Urokodaki Sakonji, the former Water Pillar, asking the Master to approve of Tanjiro's situation as Nezuko has neither lost her human emotions nor harmed a human. If Nezuko ever assaults a human, Urokodaki vows that he, Tanjiro, and Giyū will all commit seppuku (ritual suicide), with Tanjiro shocked at their faith. Rengoku replies that seppuku won't bring back the human Nezuko kills, objecting to the request. The Master agrees there is no guarantee Nezuko won't attack humans, but points out that there is no proof that she will attack humans. Even when starved, she has not harmed one in two years, on the basis of which the Master decides to risk it unless the Hashiras can come up with a more convincing argument than she may. He then adds that Tanjiro has met Kibutsuji, shocking them as none of the Hashira have ever seen the reclusive progenitor of the demons. They start demanding he tell them details about Kibutsuji until the Master silences them. Kibutusuji has sent pursuers after Tanjiro, perhaps only to silence him and Nezuko, but it's the first time he's revealed himself and the Master doesn't want to let him escape. Sanemi agrees to spare Tanjiro but refuses to allow Nezuko to live. He cuts open his arm and stabs Nezuko twice more through the box, intending to prove she can't be trusted. After tossing the box inside a house out of the sun, he opens it, telling Nezuko to attack him for the human blood she hungers for. An injured Nezuko emerges from the box and turns to him, salivating through her muzzle.
Food Wars: The Second Plate Stagiaire Arc EP#35 - The Stagiaire: The Stagiaire program requires students to take up residence and leave their mark on various restaurants. Soma is paired with Hisako, who has been feeling inferior since she lost the Autumn Elections, and they are sent to Mitamura Western Restaurant. They discover that the restaurant is struggling to keep up with the barrages of orders from commuting customers, but Soma manages to use his experience to take control and keep everyone organised. Meanwhile, Erina and Megumi are sent to a French restaurant, where Erina instantly takes command of the kitchen and Megumi finds her own way to make improvements. While Hisako becomes more accustomed to her role, Soma believes that the restaurant needs to change, so that it doesn't struggle again once the Stagiaire is over. With the staff unwilling to cut down their large menu, Soma suggests that they become a reservations-only restaurant. After passing the first stage of the Stagiare, Soma tells Hisako to stop feeling ashamed of her defeat, telling her that she should aim to stand beside Erina, instead of behind her.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#111 - The Eyes in the Mirror: Within the dream world Reve confronts the Bulls, explaining that she has full control of the dreams reality. Vanessa is relieved to find Rouge can still use her magic to keep them alive. Sally uses her extensive magical knowledge to combine the Bulls magic into new attacks as well as working out exactly how Reve's magic functions. The Bulls become drowsy and Reve reveals that anyone trapped in her dream world for long periods will eventually fall asleep forever. Sally realises that anything Reve imagines in the dream world will physically appear, even against her will. With this in mind Sally tricks Reve into imagining and accidentally creating exits leading back to the real world. Meanwhile within the Shadow Palace Yami and Jack become lost as they are manipulated by the elf Baval using Dice Magic to warp reality. Droit and Eclat try to kill Asta, but he is saved by Gordon, Grey and Henry. Despite activating his demon form Asta is paralysed by Eclat but is saved again when Henry transforms part of the base's rubble into a flying bull. As he is only alive because of the magic power he took from his friends Henry decides he will sacrifice all his remaining magic and even his life to keep Asta alive long enough to defeat Droit and Eclat.
Slightly Damned Page 956:  https://www.sdamned.com/comic/956
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porlockstompf · 5 years
ALL BOMBS 2018     my favourite platterstompf
01 up-tight "live in europe" [cdr & k7]
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02 france "à la recherche de la flexitude du temps" [cd]
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03 dylan carlson "conquistador" [lp]
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04 kawaguchi masami's new rock syndicate " now" [lp]     + masami kawaguchi "13.3.18" [dl]     + masami kawaguchi, fukuoka rinji & anla couris "ramen en los parlantes" [cd] 05 bardo pond / plastic crimewave syndicate "live amen" [k7]     + bardo pond "volume VIII" [lp]     + bardo pond & major stars "this inner light b/w s.l.t." [7"]     + curanderos "on the glaze b/w danger bird" [lathe cut 12"]
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06 hôpital de la conception the electric rockin' chair [k7] 07 skullflower "werecat powers of the crossroads at midnight" [lp] 08 ulaan markhor "helm" [k7]                                09 roy montgomery "day of the lords" [lathe 8"]                    + roy montgomery "suffuse" [cd] 10 demdike stare & il gruppo di improvvisazione nuova consonanza       "the feed-back loop" [k7]      + demdike stare "passion" [dl]      + demdike stare "stitch by stitch part IV (back)" [k7] ...
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11 bridget hayden "pure touch only from now on, they said so" [lp] 12 brian ruryk & schakalens bror "2 guitars country style" [k7]                   13 hex waves "canine rising" [k7]                               14 altaat "maa on täysi" [k7] 15 yann gourdon "15.10.15" [cd & dl]
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16 ian william craig "tresholder" [lp] 17 stephen o'malley & anthony pateras "rêve noir" [cd] 18 sunn 0))) downtown la rehearsal rifftape march '98 [lp] (2018)°    + °sunn 0))) live @ echoplex los angeles 181118 [dl] (2018)° 19 wet tuna "great wet wonders" [cdx2]   + wet tuna "livin' the die" [lp]   + wet tuna "mountain busted" [cdrx7] 20 the opawa 45s "silver screen guitar" [k7]    + the opawa 45s "the ostrich triptych" [dl]    + the opawa 45s "live at lyttelton coffee company" [dl]
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21 pro et contra "pro et contra " [cd] 22 the dead c "on the outbreak of civil war b/w good consul is punished [7"]       23 mainliner & expo 70 black hole bw totality wormhole [7"]   + mainliner / plastic crimewave syndiate "no mellow" [k7] 24 midnight mines "stations b/w radio dub" [7"]    + midnight mines "invisible insurrection of a million minds" [k7]      aka midnight mines "live @ cafe oto 200517" [dl] 25 buñuel "the easy way out" [lp]
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26 ilta hämärä "velloa" [7"]                                   27 fadensonnen "brut" [k7] 28 fukuoka rinji & michel henritzi "desert moon' [cd] 29 slift "la planète inexplorée" [12"]   30 black helium "primitive fuck" [lp]
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31 keiji haino & konstrukt a philosophy warping... [live] [lp]   + keiji haino & sumac "american dollar bill..."  CF 2017 !!!   + keiji haino & musqis "keiji haino & musqis" [cd]                       32 wooing "daydream time machine" [7"]                   33 fuji/ junzo "live at de audio plant" [k7]   + fuji & suzuki junzo "live at de audio plant plus" [dl] 34 leda "japanese key b/w the silent contest" [7"] 35 the caretaker "everywhere at the end of time stage IV" [lpx2]   + the caretaker "everywhere at the end of time stage V" []
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36 albedo fantastica "culvert & starry night" [cd] 37 giegue "'77 tachikawa trip [hadaka no rallizes tribute]" [dl]     + giegue "noise guitar pop" [ep] [dl] 38 the band whose name is a symbol "basement blowouts" [lp] 39 mark lanegan & duke garwood "with animals" [cd]     + mark lanegan & duke garwood "mescalito" [10"] 40 suzuki junzo & ikuro takahashi     "live phantasmagoria vol I helluva lounge 27/11/16" [cdr]
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41 comacozer / blown out "in search for highs volume I" [cdr] 42 parades against parades "driving me stoned" [lp] 43 headroom / dire wolves (just exactly perfect sisters band) "split" [lp] 44 hastings of malawi "visceral underskinnings" [lp] 45 barth, hjorthol, & åm "the broken vessel" [cd]
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46 "in death's dream kingdom" [lpx4] 47 le réveil des tropiques "big bang" [lp]                    48 urthona "destruction blues" [cd]   + urthona & the asterism "murmurations" [cd] 49 brant bjork "mankind women" [cd]                     50 antony milton "(don't have) much to say" [dl]
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Your Annual Bowery Eclectic:
& The Usual Baker Street Irregulars:
many many rereleases & the odd compilation (short list):
01 high rise "high rise II" [1986] [lp & k7]
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02 public image ltd "the public image is rotten (songs from the heart)"      [cdx5 & dvdx2] 03 einstürzende neubauten "grundstück" [2004] [lp] 04 earth "the bees made honey in the lion's skull" [2008] [lpx2] 05 ian william craig" a turn of breath [extended]" [2014] [lpx2]
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06 tappa zukie "dubshot zukie" [dl] 07 bauhaus "bela lugosi's dead: the bela session" [1979] [lp/cd] 08 brainticket "zürich/lausanne" [1983-1984][cdx2] 09 snatch "snatch" [1983] [lp] 10 new york dolls "personality crisis: live recordings & studio demos '72-'75"     [cdx5]
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11 "step forward youth roots masters from the "punky reggae party" [cdx2] 12 augustus pablo "dub from the hills" [dl]     + augustus pablo "presents dj's from 70's to 80's" [1997] [cd] 13 international harvester "remains" [1968-1969] [lpx5] 14 "birth work death - work, money & status in country music" [lp] 15 "hillbillies in hell volume 666 country music's tormented testament '52-'74" [lp]      + "hillbillies in hell volume 777 country music's tormented testament '52-'74" [cd]   + "hillbillies in hell the rapture country music's tormented testament '52-'74" [cd]   + "hillbillies in hell the resurrection country music's tormented testament                 '52-'74" [cd]
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16 simply saucer "cyborgs revisited" [rec '74-75] [1989] [lpx2] 17 the heads "rkt!" [1998-2002] [cdx2] 18 thisquietarmy "unconquered [10th anniversary edition]" [2008-2018] [cdx2] 19 ut "ut live at the venue" [rec 1981] [lp]   + ut "early life" [1987] [lp] 20 siglo xx "box" [1982-1983] [lpx3]
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most pleasing purchases:
01 cottonwoodhill "places of light b/w poetry" [1970] [7"]
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02 batkin brothers "mai... b/w tropical" [1970] [7"] 03 worst "mmxvii" [2017] [k7] 04 shit & shine "bass puppy" [2010] [12"] 05 sister spliff & demon dread "marchena city dub" [1980] [lp] /      king blood "eyewash silver" [2010] (2015) [cd]
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bardo pond live @ magasin4 040618
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01 bardo pond “live @ 100 club london 060618″ [dl]   + bardo pond "live @ union pool brooklyn 170218" [dl]        
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02 van morrison "the catacombs tapes / live in boston '68" [dl] 03 einstürzende neubauten “live @ helsinki 241118″ [usb]
favourite record sleeve:
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surprise ;)
the dream dates “the mess you’re in b/w search & destroy” [7’’] (1979)
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               ...  sadly, 2018 saw brian turner leaving wfmu ...
01 jim sclavunos "conway savage tribute @ soho radio 240918" [dl]
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2018 summer hit:
your annual reminder:
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                   youpi youpi yeah “youpi youpi yeah” [cd] (2010)
01 hans teeuwen "real rancour" / "echte rancune" [dvd & dl]
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          ex aequo      01 stewart lee "content provider" [dvd]
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  02 simon munnery "renegade plumber" & "sings soren kierkegaard" [gfs] [dl] 03 jeroen leenders "jeroen leenders experience" [soundcloud] [dl] 04 tony law "lost show" [gofasterstripe] [dl] 05 james acaster "repertoire" [netflix] ex aequo      luke mcqueen "the luke mcqueen pilots" [bbc]
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dire times... the world needs lou sanders more than ever !
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01 "here to be heard: the story of the slits" [dvd & scrapbook]
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02 suburra "season I" [netflix] 03 counterpart "season I" [starz] / 12 monkeys "season IV" [syfy] 04 bas heijne "onbehagen" [vpro] 05 altered carbon "season I" [netflix] /      queen of the south "season III" [usa network]
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06 bron/broen "season IV" [sveriges tv / danmark radio] 07 endeavour "season V" [itv] 08 commissario monalbano "season XII" [rai 1] 09 killjoys "season IV" [syfy] 10 inside n°9 "season IV" [bbc] / david rodigan "reggae fever" [bbc]
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favourite blog:
best interwebs:
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       ... a rare glimpse of the true potentiality of the interwebs ...
may your home be safe from tigers, x leroy
HNY & stay hungry!
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the long list:
adam stone & dead sea apes "warheads" [cd] alvin lucier "criss cross b/w hanover" [lp] + alvin lucier "so you (hermes, orpheus, eurydice" [cd] amm "an unintended legacy" [cdx3] amt & the melting paraiso ufo "reverse of rebirth in universe" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "hallelujah mystic garden part one" [lp] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "electric dream ecstasy" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "paralyzed brain" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "the man who fell to us live in nagoya 2017" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo    "either the fragmented body or the reconstituted soul" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "sacred & inviolable phase shift" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo vs lee van cleef "psychic battles vol V" [lp] anna von hausswolff "dead magic" [cd] black spirituals "black access/black axes" [lpx2] black thumb "lucy leave [syd barrett]" [dl] bonnie 'prince' billy & roadie "hope is all i'm holding" [dl] + will oldham "songs of love & horror" [lp] + bonnie 'prince' billy / naked shortsellers "the best of folks b/w harbour men" [7"] + bonnie 'prince' billy "blueberry jam" [dl] boris "eternity - dear 25th anniversary tour live 28-12-17" [dl] + boris "phenomenon's drive" [12"] br'lâab "other people's crimes" [10"]
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campbell james kneale "naamah" [k7] + campbell james kneale "o blessed fornicatrix" [k7] + campbell james kneale "timid seamstress" [k7] + campbell james kneale & anla courtis "one-1-I b/w two-2-II" [7"] chris forsyth & the solar motel band "rare dreams: solar live 2.27.18" [dl] connorparty "koko [keiji haino]" [dl] cousin silas & the glove of bones "spirits of afrodubism" [k7] dan melchior "the folksinger" [lp] + dan melchior & sigtryggur berg sigmarsson dark arc [lp] + dan melchior & dylan nyoukis "unusual dealers" [cdr] daniel bachman "the morning star" [cd] david nance group "peaced & slightly pulverized" [cd]      --- "110 blues" --- + david nance group "stalled out b/w profit" [subscriber 7"] dhidalah "moon people" [k7/dl] ecstatic vision "under the influence" [cd] efrim manuel menuck "pissing stars" [lp] einstürzende neubauten "live in helsinki nov 24 0529pm" [usb stick] elkhorn "lionfish" [k7] + elkhorn "live fish" [cdr] eugene chadbourne "solo guitar volume 1 1/3" [dl] + eugene chadbourne "29.10.17" [dl] + eugene chadbourne, beresford & ward "pleasures of the horror" [lp] flame 1 [aka burial & the bug] "fog bw shrine" [12"] fuji yuki, michel henritzi, & harutaka mochizuki "shiroi kao" [cd]
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gnod "chapel perilous" [cd] + gnod "be aware of your limitations" [12"] grouper "grid of points" [lp] heather leigh & peter brötzmann "crowmoon (the auckland concert)" [cd] + heather leigh & peter brötzmann "sparrow nights" [cd] + heather leigh "throne" [cd] "hexadic III" [lp] hibushibire "official live bootleg vol III" [cdr] + hibushibire "official live bootleg vol IV" [cdr] honey radar "psychic cruise" [7"] + honey radar / john peel   "middle class revolt bw the fall as introduced by john peel" [7"]    aka chunklet industries a mark e smith tribute single [7"] + honey radar & henry owings    "wind-up man b/w 172 seconds over louisville" [7"] + honey radar & gotobeds "no present" [7"] ilta hämärä "himmeä kaihoisa sininen" [lp] it hurts "estuary" [lathe 8"] jean dupuy "all of the time: sound works 1969-2017" [lp] jo meares "back to the world" [cd] jjuujjuu "zionic mud" [lp] john zorn "insurrection" [cd]   jozef van wissem "we adore you, you have no name" [cd] julia kent, jean d.l. "the great lake swallows" [cd]           keaton is dead "treat me like I knew you would" [dl]       + keaton is dead "flying woman machine" [dl] + keaton is dead "itzy bitzy [ep]" [dl] mainliner / expo seventy "black hole bw totality wormhole" [7"] marisa anderson "cloud corner" [cd] mark kozelek "mark kozelek" [cdx2] michael gira "the egg: stories by michael gira" [cd] michael gordon, kronos quartet "clouded yellow" [cd] michael nyman "mcqueen" [cd] moe / marhaug "capsaicin" [cd] moon duo "no fun b/w jukebox babe" [12"] mv & ee & the golden road "feral run live @ brattleboro 140118" [dl]
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nick cave & the bad seeds "distant sky [live in copenhagen]" [12"] + nick cave & warren ellis "kings [ost]" [cd] + nick cave & warren ellis "wind river [ost]" [cd] norman westberg "after vacation" [lp] + norman westberg "idling live" [cd] + norman westberg "before the bridge" [dl] oneida "romance" [cd] orchestra of constant distress "distress test" [lp & k7] oren ambarchi, jim o'rourke, with special guest u-zhaan "hence" [lp] + oren ambarchi, kassel jaeger & james rushford "face time" [lp] + oren ambarchi, crys cole & leif elggren "certainly" [lp] + oren ambarchi, sprenger & sollmann "panama b/w suez" [12"] -"scale" [cdx2] peter brötzmann & fredrick lonberg-holm "ouroboros" [lp] purling hiss "out tonight b/w walkin' with jesus" [k7] schakalens bror "omelette of disease" [lp] + schakalens bror "overdrive" [k7] scientists "braindead (resuscitated) b/w survivalskills" [7"] + scientists "mini mini mini b/w perpetual motion" [7"] simon wickham-smith "extreme bukake" [dl] stefan christensen "city code" [lp] sumac "love in shadow" [cd] + sumac "wfmu" [k7] sun kil moon "this is my dinner" [cdx2] + sun kil moon "linda blair" [dl] suzuki junzo "the magus" [cd] tape loop orchestra "lead is into the light" [lp] + tape loop orchestra "return to the light" [lp] + tape loop orchestra "before the light" [lp] tashi wada with yoshi wada & friends "nue" [cd] the aints! "church of simultaneous existence" [cdx2] the band whose name is a symbol "ottawa psychfest 2018" [dl] + the band whose name is a symbol "symbol ensemble III" [dl] + the band whose name is a symbol "basement blowouts 2" [dl] + the band whose name is a symbol "droneverdose" [lp] + the band whose name is a symbol "codocil" [dl] the limiñanas "shadow people" [cd] touts "sleep" [dl] träden "träden" [cd] uh "uh" [cd] uncle jim "my niece's pierced knees" [dl]       young fathers "coccoa sugar" [cd] zeal and ardor "stranger fruit" [cd]
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-anthroprophh "omegaville" [cdx2]                           -black elephant "cosmic blues" [lp]                         -brigid mae power "the two worlds" [cd]                     -broeder dieleman "komma" [cdx2]                             -carlton melton "mind minerals" [cd]                         -civic "new vietnam" [12"]                                  + civic "live on pbs" [k7]  + civic "those who no" [7"] -dirtmusic "bu bir ruya" [cd]                             -la morte young "a quiet - earthquake style" [cd] -long hots "monday night raw" [k7]                             -mazzy star "still" [12"]                                       -nicolas wiese "unrelated" [lp] -okkyung lee "dahl-tah-ghi" [cd]                                   -sadahiro yamada "shitaiha" [k7] -sean mccann "saccharine scores" [cd]                           -stefan neville & greg malcolm "a nuance" [lp]                   -the final age "the final age" [lp]    
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    moments of brilliance (long list B):
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1/3 octave band "headlands" [lathe cut 12"]                   20 guilders "il grande silenzio: guitar improvisation 2017" [cd]     "a" trio & amm "aamm" [cd]                                 a-sun amissa "ceremony in the stillness" [cd] akio suzuki & aki onda "ke i te ki" [cd]                     alexandra philips & jan henderikse "you b/w i" [10"] alien mustangs "alienation" [lp] alternative tv "her dark places" [12"] andreas ammer & fm einheit "sie sprechen mit der stasi" [dl] anji cheung "terma" [k7]                                           + ani cheung & burial hex "solstice tape split" [k7] ash brooks "crown of thyme" [k7] ben bertrand "ngc 1999" [lp] benjamin boone & philip levine "the poetry of jazz" [cd] big blood & thunder crutch "big blood & thunder crutch" [cdr] + big blood "operate earth spaceship properly" [lp] blk w/bear "mo re b roken th an y ou" [cd] bill callahan "live at third man records" [12"]         bill orcutt "neu bros/ok phone/rural beatles" [lp] + chris corsano & bill orcutt "brace up!" [lp]                     + bill orcutt & chris cosano "gucci tops & bottoms" [k7] bong "thought & existence" [cd] boris "secrets" [cd] brian eno w/ kevin shields "the weight of history b/w only once away my son" [12"] bruce russell & noel meek "classical music" [lp] bob bucko jr "under cover summer" [k7x2] + bob bucko jr "trade mark of quality" [k7x3] brownout "fear of a brown planet" [cd] capri-batterie & stewart lee "bristol fashion" [lp] cave "allways" [cd] claire potter & bridget hayden "i am come from a place" [k7] colin stetson "the first ost vol I" [dl] + colin stetson "hereditary [ost]" [cd] constant mongrel "living in excellence" [lp] corrupted "felicific algorithm" [lp] country heroes "honky tonk tears" [cd] -courtney marie andrews "may your kindness remain" [cd] dalot & sound awakener little things [dl]   + dalot & sound awakener strangers in the city [dl] darksmith "hatred of sound" [lp] datashock "kräuter der provinz" [lpx2] dead fretts "howlin' wolf (live)" [dl] + dead fretts "third day (live)" [dl] death grips "year of the snitch" [cd] derridada "derridada waits for wolf" [k7]           dreadful "attack of the space machine" [dl] dreamweapon "sol" [lp]  
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eagle twin "the thundering heard: songs of hoof & horn" [cd] ellen fullman & okkyung lee "the air around her" [dl] emmanuel witzthum "songs of love & loss" [cdr] epic beardmen "season 1" [12"] félicia atkinson & jefre cantu-ledesma "limpid as the solitudes" [lp] + félicia atkinson "coyotes" [k7] flower room "arrangement I" [dl] futurians "distorted living" [lp] + futurians "lta" [k7] gad whip "post internet blues" [lp] geography of hell "hiroshima 1945 / nagasaki 1945" [lpx2] gerald murnane "recites how i wrote elastic man by the fall" [dl] giuda "saturday night's alright for fighting" [7"] giulio aldinucci "disappearing in a mirror" [cd] + ian hawgood & giulio aldinucci "consequence shadows" [cd] + giulio aldinucci & star pillow "hidden" [cd] + martijn comes & giulio aldinucci "split" [lp] goat "let it burn b/w friday pt 1" [7"] grand veymont "route du vertige" [lp]                       heads "collider" [cd]   henry blacker "the making of junior bonner" [cdr]                             hunderd year old man "breaching" [cd] + hunderd year old man "rei" [s-sided 12"] immersion "sleepless" [cd]                                    jandek "houston tuesday" [cd] + jandek "san francisco friday" [cd] jah wobble "the butterfly effect" [cd] + jah wobble "dream world" [cd] john zorn "in a convex mirror" [cd] + john zorn "the urmuz epigrams" [cd] jon spencer "spencer sings the hits" [lp] kinky friedman "circus of life" [cd]                         kleistwahr "acceptance is not respect" [cd]
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lajoie-tuttle "american primate" [k7]                           lee 'scratch' perry "the black album" [cd] + lee perry & diggory kenrick "the antisnake" [10"] lo carmen "gold guns and silver" [dl] l.o.x. "l.o.x. time" [k7] low "double negative" [cd] lydia lunch "marchesa" [cd] mad professor "elctro dubclubbing" [cd] + mad professor "ariwa 2018 riddim series" [dl] marianne faithfull "negative capability" [cd] marissa nadler "for my crimes" [cd] martin & bell "roman totale's death song [a tribute]" (040218) [dl] mary gauthier "rifles & rosary beads" [cd] -max rubadub "style & passion" [cd] mayuko hino "lunisolar" [cd] michael morley "blessed high regency" [dl] + michael morley "reverse bondage k.o." [dl] + michael morley "zéro de conduite" [dl] + michael morley "call back your dogs" [dl] + michael morley "here today gone tomorrow" [dl] + michael morley "rise above" [dl] + michael morley "we are here because of you" [dl] + gate "winter songs" [dl] + the righteous yeah "goodbye forever" [dl] + the righteous yeah "unknown album" [dl] + the righteous yeah "history of love" [dl] + the righteous yeah "game changer" [dl] + the righteous yeah "oiseau de paradis" [dl] mick harvey & christopher r. barker  "the fall & rise of edgar bourchier & the horrors of war" [cd] minami deutsch "with dim light" [lp] ml wah & herbcraft "no slack" [k7] + ml wah "big air" [k7] more klementines "more klementines" [lp]
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nagual & stefan christensen "third" [7"] + nagual "florida" [cdr] nww / artaud [mini cd] + nww "nerve junction" [cd] + nww "changez les blockeurs and" [cd] + nww "experimente [personal archive mixes]" [cdr] + nww "experimente II [son of trippin' music]" [cdr] + stapleton, ka-spel, potter & rollet    "the man who floated away b/w the closer... etc" [cd] ocre "ocre" [7"] øjerum "selv i drømme lyser den første sne" [lp] + øjerum "a certain grief" [k7] okkyung lee "speckled stones & dissonant green dots" [dl] pama international meets manasseh "trojan sessions in dub" [cd] peter zummo "frame loop" [lp] [rec 1984] philip marino "chasing ghosts" [cd] philippe petit & friends "on top" [12"] phosphorescent "ç'est la vie" [cd] pierre vervloesem & alinovsky "invisible quality" [cd]           pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs "king of cowards" [cd] pinch points "mechanical injury" [k7] platinum boys "we don't dance (anymore)" [7"] pumice "platelets" [7"] r stevie moore, alan jenkins & the kettering vampires "the embodiment of progressive ideals" [cd] razen "the night receptionist" [cd] rie fukuda & tabata misuru "precog" [cd] roy montgomery "jesus saves country boys too" [cd] ryan porter "the optimist" [cdx2] ryley walker "deafman glance" [cd] + ryley walker, z mark duo & extended fractures duo "lb 067" [k7]
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sarry "oppidum desertum" [cd] + sarry "exspiravit planeta" [dl] scientist meets hempress sativa "in dub" [lp] seez mics "live long enough to learn" [cdr] sheku kanneh-mason "inspiration" [cd] shilpa ray "nihilism" [k7] sigur rós "route one" [lp] sleaford mods "sleaford mods" [12"] sleep "the sciences" [cd] + sleep "leagues beneath" [s/sided 12"] sly & robbie meet nils petter molvaer ft eivind aarset & vladislav delay  "nordub" [cd] + sly & robbie meet dubmatix "overdubbed" [cd] sly & the family drone & dead neanderthals / mai mai mai  "flesh logics b/w anatole" [7"] snakes don't belaong in alaska "interstellar harvester" [cdr] + snakes don't belong in alaska "radar ocean reconnaissance satellite" [cdr] + snakes don't belong in alaska II "astral audit" [dl] somesurprises "alt" [k7] stefan neville & hermione johnson "7/10/17" [dl] stoned earth "psycho city" [dl] + stoned earth "sonic planet" [dl] sundays & cybele "on the grass" [lp] suns of arqa "pressure drop: a tribute to the great lizard logan" [dl] tanz mein herz "une autre version de territory" [lp] tender crust "the earth's axis & hare" [k7] "the black book" [lpx3] the black vomit "black dada nihilismus" [dl]                   the limiñanas "remix" [12"] the oscillation "wasted space" [lp] + the oscillation "uef" [lp] thurston moore "mx liberty b/w panik" [7"] unknown artist "ijzeren rots" [12"]                         wild billy childish & ctmf "something's missing inside" [7"]   young gods "figure sans nom" [dl]
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-akira sakata, chikamorachi ft masahiko satoh "proton pump" [cd]   -balmorhea "clear language: reworked" [lp]                         -bongripper "terminal" [lp]                                         -charalambides "tom and christina carter" [lpx2]                   -chris butler "got it togehter!" [cd] -cinchel "a sad study in temporal dissonance" [k7]  + cinchel "at once pleasant [live]" [dl] -cowboy junkies "all that reckoning" [cd]                       -dead valley girls "darkness rains" [cd]                           -dmbq "keeenly" [cd]                                           -earthless "black heaven" [cd]                                    + earthless "from the west" [cd]                                           -foudre! "kami 神" [lp] -guiguisuisui & emerge "enchanted garden" [k7] -haley heynderickx & max garcía conover "among horses III" [cd] -idles "joy as an act of resistance" [cd] -james greer & neil luck "we all emerge some hours later baffled" [cd] -jfk "weapon design" [lp] -jochen arbeit & friends "jochen arbeit & friends webcast" [dl] + jochen arbeit, gerd beßler & hopek quirin "abq" [dl] + jochen arbeit, munsha & hopek quirin "live at roter salon" [dl] + jochen arbeit, martina bertoni, munsha & hopek quirin    "live at volksbühne berlin" [dl] + jochen arbeit & hopek quinn "live at white rabbit" [dl] + jochen arbeit & paolo spaccamonti "cln" [lp] -kathryn joseph "from when i wake the want is" [cd]                   -keir vine "instance" [lp] -ktl "the pyre: versions distilled to stereo" [lp] -kyle bobby dunn & wayne robert thomas "kbd / wrt" [12"] -laurie anderson & kronos quartet "landfall" [cd] -lunar grace "the sunstruck forest" [dl] -randall dunn "beloved" [lp] -scot jenerik "drifting ash" [dl] -soundwalk collective "what we leave behind jean-luc godard archives" [lp]  -sterile garden "concrete maze" [k7]   -tales from the sleeping land "III" [cd]                             
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the longest list:
6majik9 ritual "zero / monk nun" [cdrx2] a place to bury strangers "pinned" [cd] + a place to bury strangers "frustrated operator [slowdive remix]" [dl] aesop rock "klutz" [7"] airway "live at moca" [cd] alejandro escovedo & don antonio "the crossing" [cd] amen dunes "freedom" [cd] ana da silva & phew "island" [cd] anton mobin, kris limbach & hopek quirin "live" [dl] antony milton "unrealised films" [dl] årabrot "who do you move" [cd] archie & the bunkers "songs from the lodge" [lp] + archie & the bunkers "play the damned" [7"] aries mond "come on let's wait" [cdr] asbest "driven" [cd] ashtray navigations "zoom up" [cdr] + ashtray navigations "neon eating stationary planes" [cdr] asian women on the telephone "so wot" [k7] awkward geisha & gx jupitter-larsen "final destination" [k7] bandulu dub & dub dillah "disconnect" [dl] bart de paepe "verdronken land" [lp]                       + bart de paepe "pagus wasiae" [lp] bas van huizen "kulverzuchter" [cd] bazuingeschal "bazuingeschal" [lp] beak> ">>>" [cd] bear bones, lay low "atlantean encrypted message" [12"] + bear bones, lay low  & don't dj "plafond 3" [lp] blacklab "under the strawberry moon" [dl] black moon circle "psychedelic spacelord " [cd]                     black rainbows "pandaemonium" [cd] blóm "powerfrau" [k7] blood quartet "until my darkness goes" [k7] blue chelise "daughters of time" [lp] bras mort "give her this, she takes that" [lp] "braublff [materie und laut]" [7"x2] brecht ameel "polygraph heartbeat" [lp] bruce gilbert "ex nihilo" bruxa maria & casual nun "bruxa maria & casual nun" [lp] bryan's magic tears "4 am" [lp] bvdub "drowning in daylight" [lpx2] + bvdub "a different definition of love" [cd] + bvdub "nights of nine vigils" [dl]
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camera "emotional detox" [cd] celer "malaria" [dl] + celer "a chance isn't really a chance at all" [dl] + celer "advert subversion" [dl] + celer "arc eye" [dl] + celer "something cathartic" [k7] + celer "plays ravel" [dl] + celer & forest management "landmarks" [k7] ceremony "east coast" [dl] + ceremony "darling" [k7] chaines "the king" [lp] chaos echoes & mats gustafsson "sustain" [lp] + chaos echoes "mouvement" [cd] charalambides "out of place" [k7] charlemagne palestine "interrvallissphereee" [lp] + charlemagne palestine "ttuunneesszz duh rruunneesszz" [lp] charlotte de witte "brussels" [12"] chihei hatakeyama "scene" [k7] + chihei hatakeyama "void XV" [dl] + chihei hatakeyama "void XVI" [dl] + chihei hatakeyama "butterfly's summer and vanished" [cd] + chihei hatakeyama "afterimage" [cd] + eraldo bernocchi, chihei hatakeyama "solitary universe" [cd] + vida voji´c, chihei hatakeyama "fts002" [12"] child's pose "child's pose" [7"] chlorine "the wanting seed" [dl] chris butler & ralph carney "songs for unsung holidays" [cd] chris carter "chemistry lessons volume I" [cd] church of cash "thank you sir" [cd] circuit breaker "hands return to shake" [lp] circuit des yeux ft moon bros "sœur de race [catherine ribeiro]" [dl] cocaine piss "my cake" [s-sided 12"] cold meat "pork sword fever" [7"] commodo "dyrge" [ep] connan mockasin "jassbusters" [cd] consumer electronics "the weight b/w hostility blues" [7"] coolies / the futurians "u. cs-01" [k7] cosmic ground "IV" [cd] craig gerdes "smokin', drinkin' & gamblin'" [cd] crash toto "crash toto" [dl] crayon sun "crayon sun" [cd] crazy doberman "lungs of carbon or urban paranoia without a tonal center" [k7] + crazy doberman "rust clatter for the midwest sun" [7"] + crazy doberman "confused debris from slow dreams" [k7] + crazy doberman "2038" [k7] + crazy doberman "acid gallery 3am empty bottle blow out" [cdr] + crazy doberman "live @ wfmu" [dl] + crazy doberman "live fall 2017" [k7] + crazy doberman "this land god has abandoned" [dl] + crazy doberman "get lost pens of baldwin particle one" [k7] + crazy doberman "th'basement mother 2" [k7] creep show "mr dynamite" [cd] cruel diagonals "disambiguation" [lp] current 93 "the stars on their horsies" [cd] + current 93 "the light is leaving us all" [cd] cyril cyril "certaine ruines" [cd]
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d.u.d.s. "immediate" [lp] dagger moths & philippe petit "ovaries" [12"] dandelion "every other day" [7"] dark sun "innerspace astronauts rare & unreleased" [k7] datashock "banana spleen" [k7 ep] david eugene edwards & alaxander hacke "risha" [cd] dead meadow "the nothing they need" [cd] dead neanderthals "life" [cd] + dead neanderthals "birth" [dl] dead otter "bridge of weird" [lp] dead vibrations "dead vibrations" [cd]                          deafheaven "ordinary corrupt human love" [cd] deafkids "espiral da loucura" [dl] dean ween group "rock2" [cd] delacave "window has no glass" [lp] delaney davidson "shining day" [cd] delgres "mo jodi" [cd] deludium skies "aspirations" [cdr] dirk serries "epitaph" [cdx2] + n(52) & dirk serries "scatterwound" [cd] + dirk serries & colin webster "gargoyles" [cd] + dikeman, hadow, serries, verhoeven, vicente "ideal principle" [cd] dirk wachtelaer, jürgen de blonde, alec ilyine, gert de meester  "tales from the hellhole" [dl] dj klakke "black thursday in luxemburg" [dl] dogs in reverse "drella" [k7] donkey bugs ancient chinese secrets [12"] downward spiral galaxy "dsg spacebarn bootleg live 2018" [dl] + downward spiral galaxy "remembering the sunshine on a rainy day" [dl] drew mcdowall & hiro kone "the ghost of georges bataille" [12"] drew's theory "future vintage" [dl] drinks "hippo lite" [cd] drudkh "they often see dreams about the spring" [cd] dub foundation "the good the bad and the dubby" [dl]
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è-lg "vu du dôme" [lp] earthling society "mo - the demon" [lp] echotourist soundsystem "naomi" [k7] eiko ishibashi & darin gray "ichida" [lp] electric moon "live 2015 zeiss planetarium bochum aka kosmos" [dl/lpx3] eleh "home age 2" [cd] + caterina barbieri & eleh "bestie infinite b/w wear patterns" [lp] elephant9 "greatest show on earth" [cd] emma ruth rundle "on dark horses" [cd] ergo phizmiz "boîte - the end of music" [k7x3] + ergo phizmiz "fstarstark mstarn winkyface" [dl] eric arn & margaret unknown "paranza corta" [lp] eugene chadbourne "29.10.17" [cd] fermata "salvaged space" [k7] fire down below "hymn of the cosmic man" [cd] flowers must die "där blommor dör" [lpx2] forest management "21st century man" [12"] + forest management "rotating angle" [k7] + forest management "biqui" [k7] + forest management & v i c i m "arid fragments" [dl] former selves "forgiveness circles" [k7] free/slope "abracadabra" [lp] frustration "midlife crisis b/w sad face" [7"] fuc lerrari & nean jégroni "souvenirs uchroniques" [k7]              futur.s mort.s "futur.s mort.s II" [dl] gallery six "kazemakase" [cdr] + gallery six "bansyun" [dl] + gallery six "geisyun" [dl] garcia peoples "cosmic cash" [lp] + garcia peoples "suite" [dl] gareth sager & the hungry ghosts "juicy rivers" [cd] gas "rausch" [cd] gashrat "rock on [do it for me]" [dl] ggallan partridge "eyesore" [8"] glasseyelashes "jellyfish" [k7] gnaw their tongues "genocidal majesty" [cd] + golden ashes "the desolation" [dl] goat "double date"  [10"] goat bath eternity "downers" [k7] goatman "rhythms" [lp] gøggs "pre strike sweep" [cd] graham day & the forefathers "emmaretta b/w love help me" [7"] gudrun gut "moment" [lp] guerilla toss "twisted crystal" [cd] guru guru "rotate!" [cd]
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hairbone "earth to momma" [lp] hank wood & the hammerheads "hank wood & the hammerheads" [lp] harutaka mochizuki & makoto kawashima "free wind mood" [lp] hawthonn "red goddess [of this men shall know nothing]" [cd] herman de vries & the eschenau chaos band "idem" [lp] hermann nitsch "traubenfleisch" [cdx2] high aura'd "if i'm walking in the dark, i'm whispering" [k7] + high aura'd & asama "oil pourer" [k7] holy motors "slow sundown" [cd] holy wave "adult fear" [cd] hookworms "microshift" [cd] hopek quirin "live at chateau gorilla" [dl] howlin' rain "the alligaor bride" [cd] i am johnny cash "i am johnny cash" [cd] iguana death cult "femme fatale b/w faster faster" [7"] ilsantobevitore "realm of consciousness" [k7] ilyas ahmed "closer to stranger" [lp]   international observer "free from the dungeons of dub" [cd] j c satàn "centaur desire" [lp] j gallagher "unknown cowboy [demos]" [dl] james carothers "still country, still king: a tribute to george jones" [cd] jarboe "the cut of the warrior" [cd] jay glass dubs "plegnic" [lp] + jay glass dubs & bokeh edwards "earth two² [mixtape]" [k7] + jay glass dubs "the safest dub" [12"] + leslie winner & jay glass dubs "ymfees" [12"] jean grae x quelle chris "everything's fine" [lpx2] jeffrey lewis & the deposit returners "works by tuli kupferberg [1923-2010]" [cd] jem-one "endless days" [12"] jess williamson "cosmic wink" [cd] jessica93 "en public [live] in rennes" [dl] jim o'rourke "sleep like it's winter" [cd] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 38" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 39" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 40" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 41" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 42" [dl] jimi tenor& tony allen "oto live series" [12"] joanne cash "unbroken" [cd] joe talia "tint" [lp] jóhann jóhannsson "mandy" [ost] [cd] + jóhann jóhannsson & hildur gudnadóttir "mary magdalene [ost]" [cd] + jóhann jóhannsson "the mercy [ost]" [cd] john carter cash "we must believe in magic" [cd] john krausbauer & david kendall "pdrm" [cd] john parish "bird dog dante" [cd] john tilbury, keith rowe, & kjell bjorgeengen "sissel" [cd] jon porras "voices of the air" [cd] josh pearson "straight hits" [cd] joujou jaguar "cheap life" [7"] jsm "sound system" [12"] junkpile jimmy "wants you dead" [lp] just mustard "wednesday" [12"] julian cope "skellington III" [cd]
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kapital & richard pinhas "flux" [cd] kawabata makoto "live @ akihabara goodman 281118" [dl]             kikagaku moyo "masana temples" [cd]                             killing flies "killing flies" [cd]                               king bong "beekse bergen vol I old school cool" [dl] + king bong "beekse bergen vol II electric boogaloo" [dl] + king bong "beekse bergen vol III bong sulfur sax magick" [dl] + king bong "beekse bergen vol IV dreadful gate" [dl] + king bong "beekse bergen vol V to infinity & between" [dl] + king bong "dickus pickus live at circolo gagarin" [dl] klara lewis & simon fisher turner "care" [lp] kosmischer läufer  "secret cosmic music of the east german olympic program '72-'83 vol IV" [dl] la muerte "la muerte" [cd] lärmschutz "dons" [k7] langham research centre "tics & ampersands" [k7] + langham research centre "gateshead multi-storey car park" [dl] + langham research centre "tape reworks vol I" [7"] lawrence wasser "the garden" [k7] lay llamas "thuban" [cd] + lay llamas "thuban dub ep vol I" [dl]                            lea bertucci "metal aether" [12"] leather jacuzzi "the whole hog" [lp] lee ranaldo "electric trim live @ rough trade east" [lp/dl] leroy "leroy" [12"]                                                 les horribles travailleurs, mechanical ape "collaborative soundworks" [k7] lincoln durham "and into heaven came the night" [cd] little wings & maher shalal hash baz "share" [12"] louise landes, bart de paepe, & paul labrecque "collodial love" [10"] + louise landes levi "ikiru or the wanderer" [dl] "losing today" [dl] ludo mich with jennifer walshe & w ravenveer  "ludo mich with jennifer walshe & w ravenveer" k7] luke mawdsley "luke mawdsley" [dl] lumerians "call of the void" [cd] make flames ft gavin laird "a map is not the territory it portrays" [dl] mamuthones "fear on the corner" [lp] marianne schuppe "nosongs" [cd] marie davidson "working class woman" [cd] + marie davidson & lamusa II "la ecstase" [dl] mary bell "histrion" [12"] mary halvorson with bill frisell "the maid with the flaxen hair" [cd] mats gstafson & didi kern "marvel motor" [lp] matt lajoie "the fountain [k7] + matt lajoie "free to be.." [k7] maurizio abate "the maadi sessions" [lp] + maurizio abate "standing waters" [cd] + riccardo sinigaglia & maurzio abate "dialoghi nel vuoto" [lp] maze & lindholm "where the wolf has been seen" [lp] meg baird & mary lattimore "ghost forests" [cd]     melvins "pinkus abortion technician" [cd] + melvins cock & bull bw reedy creek roast [7"] merzbow, balázs pándi, mats gustafsson, thurston moore  "cuts up cuts out" [lp] [rsd] + merzbow "monoakuma" [cd] mésange "gyspy moth" [lp] meteor vortex "absorb / implode" [k7]     mick jenkins "pieces of a man" [dl] miss red "k.o." [cd] + miss red "dagga b/w one shot killer" [12"] mythic sunship "another shape of psychedelic music" [cd] + mythic sunship "upheaval" [cd]
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nathan salsburg "third" [cd] neneh cherry "broken politics" [cd] nickk dropkick "der club de faust" [dl] + nickk dropkick "sweet, sweet jazz for the soul" [dl] neil campbell "i must have my manias" [dl] neko case "hell-on" [cd] nerve beats "nerve beats" [lp] newaxeyes "black fax" [lp] nhung nguyen "illumination [piano day '18]" [dl] + nhung nguyen "oblivion" [dl]   nordvargr "mx.tape.rn" [dl]   no joy & sonic boom "no joy & sonic boom" [12"] obnox "templo del sonido" [lp] + obnox "bang messiah" [lp] olan mill "variations on the letter h" [k7] + olan mill "sounds of a new father" [cd] + olan mill "curves" [cdr] olympus "band on the gum" [dl] one eleven heavy "everything's better" [lp] øresund space collective "live in berlin '18" [cdx2] + øresund space collective "chatoyant breath" [cdx2] + øresund space collective "kybalion" [cd] + øresund space collective "space jam 160 live @ urban spree" [dl] orgue agnès "à une gorge" [lp] otherworld ensemble "live at malmitalo" [cd] oulu space jam collective "intergalactic spy music redux" [dl] + oulu space jam collective "the lotus-eaters" [dl] p j philipson "distante" [dl] + p j philipson "linotopia" [cd] p wits "blonde on blonde" [k7x2] + p wits "feel-be" [ep] [dl] + p wits "i will fall" [single] [dl] paint "paint" [cd] papa m "a broke moon rises" [cd] parquet courts "wide awake" [cd] + parquet courts "wide awake remixes" [12"] pausal "volume flow" [cd] perhaps "hexagon" [lp] + perhaps "hexagain" [cdr] + perhaps "excerpts" [dl] peter broderick "two balloons" [10"] peter strickmann "mellow toes" [lp]                                 pharaoh overlord "chewing gum live" [lp] + pharaoh overlord "zero" [cd] pheek "returning home" [dl] pierre bastien, cabo san roque, anna homler, adrian northover, & dave tucker "fts003" [lp] pink fairies "resident reptiles" [cd] posset "another forever tomorrow" [cdr] prana crafter "enter the stream" [k7] + prana crafter "bodhi cheetah's choice" [k7] preening "greasetrap frisbee" [7"] primitive knot "thee opener of the way" [k7] pullout kings "sweat crimes" [k7] questions and answers "tell us the truth" [7"]   
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               radar men from the moon & 10.000 russos "rmftm & 10.000 russos" [lp] rafael anton irisarri "el ferrocarril desvaneciente" [k7] + rafael anton irisarri "sirimiri" [k7] rainbow grave "sex threat b/w you are nowhere" [7"] + rainbow grave & orthodox "death pyramid b/w spain is the place"[7"] rainforest spiritual enslavement "red ants genesis" [k7] ras g "ras g meets moresounds" [12"] red lama "motions" [lp] richard youngs "endless futures" [lp] + richard youngs "belief" [lp] + richard youngs "fierce years etc." [dl] + richard youngs "six panels for dissolution" [dl] + richard youngs "foot guitar vol VI" [dl] + richard youngs "foot guitar vol VII" [dl] + richard youngs "arrow" [dl] + richard youngs "daybreak" [dl] rosanne cash "she remembers everything [deluxe]" sasha grey & pig "that's the way [i like it] remixed by youth" [10″] + sasha grey & pig "that's the way [i like it]" [12″]                samara lubelski "flickers at the station" [lp] + samara lubelski / bill nace "samara lubelski / bill nace" [cd] sarah davachi "let night come on bells end the day" [cd] + sarah davachi "gave in rest" [cd] savage grounds "let your love groan" [7"] scarab "erect in the garden of grace" [dl] schwund "technik und gefühl" [lp] set and setting "tabula rasa" [lp] shame "songs of praise" [cd] + shame "all the hits" [12"] + shame "tasteless" [dl] shit & shine "bad vibes" [lp] + shit & shine "very high" [12"] simon felice "the projector" [cd] sister iodine "venom" [lpx2] snapped ankles "violations" [12"] sneers "heaven will rescue us, we're the scum, we're in the sun" [lp] sons of kemet "your queen is a reptile" [lpx2] sound awakener "duskiness" [dl] spaceslug "eye the tide" [cd] spiral galaxy with plastic crimewave "d machine" [dl] + spiral galaxy with plastic crimewave "celestial omen" [dl] spiritualized "and nothing hurt" [cd] starbirthed "citrine dreams" [2017] [k7] + starbirthed "starbirthed" [lp] + starbirthed "the dweller on the treshold" [k7] + starbirthed" messages from..." [dl] sterile garden "night loops III" [dl] + sterile garden "wandering in circles" [dl] + sterile garden "city corridors: sound & the city" [dl] + sterile garden "live recordings" [dl] steve ignorant & paranoid visions "1977220174u" [cd] stuart a staples "arrhythmia" [cd] sudden infant "buddhist nihilism" [cd] sugar pills bone "slack babbath plays peep durple" [k7] sutcliffe jugend "the hunger" [cdx2] + sutcliffe jugend "live at maschinenfest 2017" [k7]
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the bleak engineers "introspecto b/w indiscriminate" [7"] the buckshot boys "perform the ultimate survival machine" [7"] the cool greenhouse "london b/w the end of the world" [7"] the dead brothers "angst" [cd] the dwarfs of east agouza "rats don't eat synthesizers" [lp] the ex "27 passports" [cd] the fadeaways "transworld 60's punk nuggets" [lp] the heartwood institute "secret rites" [lp]                         the staches "the great depression" [7"] trust "dans le même sang" [cd] uk subs "subversions" [cd] underworld & iggy pop "teatime dub encounters" [cd] vintage cucumber "arabische nächte II" [dl] vomir & discipline "split" [k7x6] wicked shimmies exile on 5th street [k7] °debris related (2018)° william shatner & jeff cook "why not me" [cd]                        + william shatner "shatner claus" [cd]
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-adderall canyonly "museum of fire" [lp] -allen ravenstine "waiting for the bomb" [cd] -alpha steppa & nai-jah "the great elephant" [cdx2] -armonite "and the stars above" [cd] -arp "zebra" [cd] -atomonaut "inner space vol I" [dl]                                 -axelle red "exil" [cd]                                             -azusa "heavy yoke" [cd]                                             -bebe buell "baring it all" [lp] -bitchin bajas & dsr lines "encyclopedia of civilizations vol II atlantis" [lp] -black space riders "amoretum vol I" [cd]   + black space riders "amoretum vol II" [cd] -bonnacons of doom "bonnacons of doom" [lp] -brix and the extricated "breaking state" [cd] -brother jt "tornado juice" [cd] -catherine britt & the cold cold hearts "idem" [cd] -cave story "punk academics" [cd] -cavern of anti-matter "hormone lemonade" [cd] -charlotte gainsbourg "a-ring o'roses [sebastian on the beat remix]" [dl] -chris dooks joppa waves [dl] -christophe clébard on va crever [dl]   + christophe clébard & carrageenan "split" [7"] -connorparty "flying colors!" [dl] -damo suzuki & jelly planet "damo suzki & jelly planet" [cd] -deniz tek "lost for words" [cd] -die wilde jagd "uhrwald orange" [cd] -dungen & woods "myths 003" [lp] -easy life "creature habits mixtape" [10"] -echo & the bunnymen "the stars, the oceans & the moon" cd] -eddy mitchell "le meme tribu vol II" [cd] -exitmusic "the recognitions" [cd] -glenn matlock "good to go" [cd] -grant-lee phillips "widdershins" [cd] -hatis noit "illogical dance" [cd] -hilary woods "colt" [cd] -ida sofar "mind" [cd] -jack ladder & the dreamlanders "blue poles" [cd] -jenny hval "the long sleep" [12"] -john grant "love is magic" [cd] -johnny jewel "themes for television" [cd] -juan d'oultremont "je pense donc je fuis" [dl]   + juan d'oultremont "ma fiancée" [dl]   + juan d'oultremont "otages b/w invisible" [dl]   + juan d'oultremont "avant l'incident" [dl] -khalab "black noise 2084" [cd] -king dude "music to make war to" [cd] -kode9 & burial "fabriclive" [cd]
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-la race "drancy ostinato" [lp] -laraaji, arji oceananda, dallas acid "arrive without leaving" [12"] -larry heard "heaven dub" [12"] -len leise & jura soundsystem "for adrian b/w udaberri blues" ]12"] -life education "earth tones" [cd] -malcolm middleton "bananas" [cd] -matthew "doc" dunn "lightbourn" [lp] -nurgul jones "carcosa" [dl] -okkervil river "in the rainbow rain" [cd] -oneohtrix point never "age of" [cd]   + oneohtrix point never "love in the time of lexapro" [dl]   + oneohtrix point never "the station" [dl] -open mike eagle "the dark dark purple tape" [k7]   + open mike eagle "what happens when i try to relax" [12"] -orchestre tout puissant marcel duchamp "sauvage formes" [cd] -paolo conte "live in caracalla 50 years of azzurro" [cd] -peter hammill "x/ten" [cd] -protomartyr & spray paint "irony prompts a party rat" [7"] -ramble tamble "outlaw overtones" [k7] -rimjob texas "buttleg jan18" [dl]   + rimjob texas "plačilni nalog" [dl] -ruby karinto "ruby karinto" [lp] -silencaeon  "dead channel (music inspired by william gibson's neuromancer)" [dl] -sink ya teeth "sink ya teeth" [cd] -slightly stoopid "everyday life, everyday people" [cd] -stephen inglis "cut the dead some slack" [cd] -suishou no fune "moonlight" [k7x2] -territorial gobbing "circle of dads" [k7] -thalia zedek band "fighting season" [cd] -the decemberists "I'll be your girl" [cd]   + the decemberists "traveling on" [10"] -the lumineers "c-sides" [dl]   + the lumineers "live tracks" [dl] -"veterans in dub [deluxe version]" [cd] -zacht automaat "memory of the world" [12"]   + zacht automaat "commercial waste" [dl] -zola jesus "wiseblood (johnny jewel remixes)" [12"]   + zola jesus "okovi: additions" [dl] -тпсб "sekundenschlaf" [lp] - bevis frond "we're your friends, man" [cd]
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- bevis frond "we're your friends, man" [cd] - bloody hell "my boss ross" [7"] - bobby body "rock on" [7"] - chocolat billy "délicat déni" [cd] - colin self "siblings" [lp] - dita von teese "dita von teese" [cd] - father john misty "god's favorite customer" [cd]   + father john misty "live at third man records" [12"] - gary war "gaz forth" [cdr] - jennifer warnes "another time, another place" [cd] - jonathan richman "sa" [cd] - marc ribot "songs of resistance 1942-2018" [cd] - meghan patrick "country music made me do it" [cd] - no age "snares like a haircut" [cd] - nytt land "odal" [cd] - pablo raster "dub addicted" [dl] - pascal comelade & ivette nadal "arquitectura primera" [7"] - piloot "recuerda tu futuro" [k7] - rosali "trouble anyway" [lp] - ry cooder "the prodigal son" [cd] - salad boys "this is glue" [cd] - sarah shook & the disarmers "years" [cd] - satis "saturnalivm" [dl]  + satis "planetarivm" [dl] - simon love "sincerely, s. love x" [cd] - spain "mandala brush" [cd] - spiny normen "spiny normen" [cd] - the johnny clash project "the johnny clash project" [cd] - the mountain goats "hex of infinite binding" [dl] - vanessa paradis "les sources" [cd] - weiland "perruche b/w vakbond" [7"]
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simply-whump · 2 years
High & Low Series - Whump List
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Whumpees : Cobra played by Iwata Takanori, Yamato played by Suzuki Nobuyuki and Noboru played by Machida Keita
Synopsis : After the disbandment of a legendary organization called "Mugen", five organizations emerged, with the aim to take control of an area. As a result, this area came to be known as SWORD, an acronym attributed to the names of the five organizations. These 5 gangs will put their pride on the line as they engage in a fierce battle for dominance! However, the plot thickens... a mysterious group called "Mighty Warriors" appears. And the question that everyone is asking now is, are they enemies or allies? What fate awaits this town. (MDL)
Genre : Action, Crime, Youth
Notes : This list covers all the High & Low dramas and movies that include Cobra as one of the main characters, which are : 
High&Low: The Story of S.W.O.R.D (Season 1)
High&Low Season 2
High&Low The Movie
High&Low The Movie 2: End of The Sky
High&Low The Movie 3: Final Mission (best whump)
There is A LOT of fighting, so I won’t list every punch thrown or received, only the bigger stuff.
Warning ! Possible spoilers below !
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S1 Ep 3 : Has a brutal fight 1v1 against the leader of a rival gang, face bloody and bruised, helped to walk
S1 Ep 10 : Lets himself get punched (a lot) without fighting back — Crying
S2 Ep 2 : Attacked by surprise, hit on the back of his head, collapses
S2 Ep 4 : Face bruised, shoulder hurting
S2 Ep 6 : Worried for Noboru, emotional, crying
S2 Ep 10 : Almost hit by a car
The Movie : (41:05) Grabbed by his hair — (44:05) Punched by someone he trusted — (1:38:30) Brutal fight against his former mentor, LOTS of punches and kicks received, LOTS of being thrown around, face bloody and bruised, emotional, crying 
The Movie 2 : (1:40:23) Fight against the leader of the bad guys — (1:43:35) Fight continues — (1:46:06) Fight continues and becomes more brutal — (1:47:22) On the ground out of breath
The Movie 3 : (09:54) Kicked hard in the chest, collapses, coughing — (17:55) Ambushed, beaten to the ground with crowbars, knocked out — (36:27) Wakes up shirtless with his hands tied above his head, beaten with crowbars, spitting blood, heavy breathing, hair grabbed, remembers past memories, more beating with crowbars, face grabbed, funnel shoved in his mouth, is going to be fed cement (Gif Set) — (42:08) friends worried and looking for him, almost fed cement, saved at the last second — (1:32:55) Almost caught in multiple explosions
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Asahina Yamato
S1 Ep 1 : Injury on his back treated
S1 Ep 3 : Getting beat up without fighting back, collapses on Cobra’s shoulder
S1 Ep 10 : Crying — At gunpoint — More crying, emotional 
S2 Ep 6 : Worried for Noboru, emotional, crying
S2 Ep 10 : Almost hit by a car
The Movie : (34:55) Wounds from a fight treated — (41:00) Punched and kicked by someone he trusted — (1:38:30) Brutal fight against his former mentor, LOTS of punches and kicks received, LOTS of being thrown around, face bloody and bruised, emotional, crying
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Harada Noboru
S1 Ep 8 : Getting beat up pretty badly, kicked repeatedly, stepped on, choked 
S1 Ep 10 : Crying, emotional — Hit by a car 
S2 Ep 5 : In a coma in the hospital 
S2 Ep 6 : Still in a coma, his condition worsens, given cpr, concern for him, flatlines, heart starts beating again, wakes up
S2 Ep 9 : In a wheelchair, trying to get up but failing, in pain — Tries to get up, falls, concern for him
More Whump Lists
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
Moononmyfloor's Masterlist
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1. Marvelous Women Posts
Review 1, Review 2, Dingsheng Cake
2. Royal Feast Cuisine Catalogue
3. Delicacies Destiny Cuisine Catalogue
4. A Compilation of Costume Cdrama OSTs inspired by Classical Poetry
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
5. Compilation of Noodles Rhapsody videos
Part 1, Part 2
6. Heroes Posts
Concept Art Part 1, Concept Art Part 2, Weapons
7. Midnight Diner: Lǎobǎn's Recipes
8. Dream of the Red Mansions (2010)- Lin Daiyu's Naiad's House
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
9. New Life Begins Posts
Nine Regions Backdrop, Ep 1-14 review, Blue-Green Mountains and Rivers, Li family costumes
10. Yearly Cdrama Reviews
2022 2nd half, 2023 Part 1, 2023 Part 2, 2024 1st Quarter, 2024 2nd Quarter
11. My Mamianqun, Baidiequn
12. Solar Terms Infographics
13. Bai ethnicity in Meet Yourself
14. Advisors' Alliance/Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon Mini Encyclopedia
15. Pocket Love: The Untamed
Cloud Recesses, Shijie and Zixuan's House
16. A League of Nobleman posts
Scrying Bowl, Full body spasm, How to Coax Your Boyfriend to Drink His Tea, Calligraphy Seller Peizhi, Fan edit compilation, Reading the novel, Imperial Uncle casting thoughts, Zhang Gong An (Cases of Judge Zhang) vs Jun Zi Meng (A League Of Nobleman)
17. Flavorful Origins: Gansu gifs
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
18. Hui-Style Architecture in Da Ming Under the Microscope (显微镜下的大明) Posters
19. Hi Producer (正好遇见你) Infodump Catalogue
20. Young Blood 2 Posters
Suoyi Raincoat, Ethnic Fashion, Homage to Intangible Heritage
21. Cinderella Chef (萌妻食神 - Méng Qī Shí Shén) Food
Season 1, Season 2, Season 3
22. Qingtuan Dumplings
23. The Spirealm The Human Realm Is Not Worth It Bilibili FMV appreciation
24. Dashing Youth Posts
Master Li analysis and appreciation, Ep 1-10 Commentary, Ep 11-16, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40, Ye Yun/Yi Wenjun fmv
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Old Posts
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save-the-data · 2 years
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the blood of youth | s01e31
Chinese Drama - 2022, 40 episodes  
EP:- 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15 : 16 : 17 : 18 : 19 : 20 : 21 : 22 : 23 : 24 : 25 : 26 : 27 : 28 : 29 : 30 : 31 : 32 : 33 : 34 : 35 : 36 : 37 : 38 : 39 : 40
~ Episode List ~
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gazemoil · 5 years
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E’ strano pensare che dieci anni sono passati dall’inizio di questo decennio. Nelle nostre teste siamo ancora alla fine degli anni duemila, mentre in realtà giungiamo alla conclusione del decennio successivo, quello che va dal 2010 al 2019, gli anni ‘10. E’ persino bizzarro chiamarli così, tornando alla prima decina e sottintendendo che nelle centinaia ci sia uno “0″ e nelle migliaia un “2″. Durante questi anni la fruizione musicale si è spostata definitivamente non solo nei supporti digitali, ma in quelli virtuali, dove internet con lo streaming - spesso gratuito - è diventato la risorsa primaria per l’ascolto di musica, ormai immediata e alla portata di tutti. Il CD o l’mp3 sono ormai obsoleti, mentre il vinile ha riconquistato valore come un oggetto da collezione da mettere eventualmente in funzione per concedersi un piacere particolare. L’esperienza dell’ascoltarsi un disco ha continuato a perdersi, mentre la musica dal vivo continua a non tramontare mai, ma seguire un artista è diventato un concetto del tutto nuovo, soprattutto perché integrare elementi artistici multi-disciplinari è molto più fattibile e grazie alla capillarità dei social si possono condividere informazioni in tempo reale. Molti dischi di successo di questi ultimi dieci anni hanno guadagnato un certo status grazie alla loro diffusione su internet e molti artisti indipendenti hanno avuto la possibilità di mettere sul mercato il proprio album sfruttando la trazione che ottiene un contenuto quando diventa virale sul web, al posto di affidarsi al sostegno di un’etichetta. Forse mai come prima abbiamo avuto così tanta scelta, sia per il numero di dischi sia per la vastità di generi musicali - categorie che tra l’altro spesso non valgono più per classificare un disco. La competizione per entrare nella lista dei migliori 100 del decennio è tanta. Eppure ci abbiamo provato. Tracciamo quel segmento finale che, dopo dieci anni, sigilla il cerchio all’interno del quale si riassume tutto ciò che è successo in musica.
*Il criterio seguito è max. n.3 album (esclusi mixtape, EP o compilation) per artista, ordinati secondo personale preferenza decrescente ed usciti durante il decennio in questione. La valutazione numerica assegnata ad ogni disco (che potrete consultare tramite il link a fine lista) ha un valore relativo, vale a dire che ci sono casi in cui un disco con un voto minore si può posizionare prima di un disco con un voto maggiore. La ragione di ciò sta in un criterio differente, più globale (diversamente pesato tra gusto soggettivo ed opinione pubblica) e in cui vengono messi in conto ulteriori fattori (come gli anni che intercorrono tra la pubblicazione del disco ed il presente in relazione a contenuto e qualità, caratteristiche meglio individuabili in un disco “più vecchio” e meno in uno “più nuovo”). Tale ragionamento è stato adottato per stilare una lista che non si affida semplicemente ad un valore numerico, sicuramente adatto in un contesto più ristretto, ma a considerazioni maggiormente precise. 
100. Bastille - Bad Blood (Virgin Records, 2014)
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99. Drake - Take Care (Cash Money Records, 2011)
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98. Coldplay - Ghost Stories (Parlophone, 2014)
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97. Arctic Monkeys - AM (Domino, 2013)
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96. Macintosh Plus - Floral Shoppe (Beer On The Rug, 2011)
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95. Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest (4AD, 2010)
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94. Daughters - You Won’t Get What You Want (Ipecac, 2018)
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93. Deafheaven - Sunbather (2013)
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92. KAYTRANADA - 99.9% (2016)
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91. Damien Rice - My Favourite Faded Fantasy (2014)
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90. Mitski - Puberty 2 (2016)
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89. The xx - Coexist (2012)
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88. Rihanna - Loud (2010)
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87. Björk - Vulnicura (2015)
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86. JPEGMAFIA - All My Heroes Are Cornballs (2019)
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85. Lana Del Rey - Born To Die (2012)
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84. Kurt Vile - Wakin on a Pretty Daze (2013)
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83. Sun Kil Moon - Benji (2014)
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82. Swans - To Be Kind (2014)
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81. Run The Jewels - Run The Jewels 2 (2014)
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80. Lady Gaga - Born This Way (2011)
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79. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree (2016)
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78. M83 - Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming (2011)
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77. Queens of the Stone Age - ...Like Clockwork (2013)
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76. Sufjan Stevens - The Age of Adz (2010)
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75. Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising (2019)
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74. Lorde - Melodrama (2017)
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73. Car Seat Headrest - Teens of Denial (2016)
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72. Stromae - √ (2013)
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71. Death Grips - The Money Store (2012)
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70. Kamasi Washington - The Epic (2015)
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69. Cage The Elephant - Melophobia (2013)
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68. Flume - Skin (2016)
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67. The Black Keys - Brothers (2010)
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66. Parquet Courts - Wide Awake! (2018)
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65. The National - High Violet (2010)
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64. Earl Sweatshirt - Doris (2013)
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63. A Tribe Called Quest - We got it from Here... Thank You 4 Your Service (Epic, 2016)
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62. Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker (2016)
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61. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Piñata (Madlib Invazion, 2014)
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60. Beach House - Teen Dream (Sub Pop, 2010)
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59. Father John Misty - Fear Fun (2012)
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58. Chairlift - Moth (2016)
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57. Joanna Newsom - Have One on Me (Drag City, 2010)
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56. Beyoncé - Lemonade (Columbia / Parkwood, 2016)
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55. The War On Drugs - Lost In The Dream (Secretly Canadian, 2014)
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54. Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise (Circus Company, 2011)
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53. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires Of The City (XL, 2013)
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52. The Comet Is Coming - Trust in the Lifeforce of The Deep Mystery (Impulse!, 2019)
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51. St Vincent - St Vincent (Loma Vista, 2014)
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50. Frank Ocean - Channel Orange (Def Jam, 2012)
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49. Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition (Warp, 2016)
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48. Grimes - Visions (Arbutus, 2012)
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47. Beach House - Bloom (Sub Pop, 2012)
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46. Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues (Sub Pop, 2011)
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45. Rosalía - El Mal Querer (Columbia, 2018)
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44. Frank Ocean - Blonde (Boys Don’t Cry, 2016)
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43. Alabama Shakes - Sound & Color (ATO / Rough Trade, 2015)
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42. The National - Sleep Well Beast (4AD, 2017)
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41. A.A.L. (Against All Logic) - 2012-2017 (Other People, 2018)
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40. BADBADNOTGOOD - IV (Innovative Leisure, 2016)
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39. Pinegrove - Cardinal (Run For Cover, 2016)
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38. Arcade Fire - Reflektor (Merge / Mercury Records, 2013)
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37. Kanye West - Yeezus (Roc-A-Fella / Def Jam, 2013)
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36. Citizen - Youth (Run For Cover, 2013)
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35. Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma (Warp, 2010)
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34. Grimes - Art Angels (4AD, 2015)
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33. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked At Me (P.W. Elverum & Sun, 2017)
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32. King Krule - 6 Feet Beneath the Moon (True Panther / XL, 2013)
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31. Moses Sumney - Aromanticism (Jagjaguwar, 2017)
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30. D’Angelo - Black Messiah (RCA, 2014)
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29. Jamie XX - In Colour (Young Turks, 2015)
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28. Tyler, The Creator - IGOR (Columbia, 2019)
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27. Adele - 21 (Columbia, 2011)
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26. Brockhampton - SATURATION TRILOGY (I, II & III) (Question Everything / Empire, 2017)
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25. FKA twigs - LP1 (Young Turks, 2014)
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24. Tame Impala - Lonerism (Modular, 2012)
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23. Ben Howard - I Forget Where We Were (Republic, 2014)
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22. The 1975 - The 1975 (Dirty Hit / Polydor, 2013)
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21. Florence + The Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (Island / Republic, 2015)
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20. LCD Soundsytem - This Is Happening (DFA / Virgin, 2010)
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19. Saba - Care For Me (Saba Pivot, 2018)
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18. Arcade Fire - The Suburbs (Merge, 2010)
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17. Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy (Matador, 2018)
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16. Daft Punk - Random Access Memories (Daft Life Limited, 2013)
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15. Bon Iver - Bon Iver (Jagjaguwar, 2011)
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14. Childish Gambino - “Awaken, My Love!” (Glassnote, 2016)
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13. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (Roc-A-Fella / Def Jam, 2010)
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12. David Bowie - Blackstar (Columbia / RCA, 2016)
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11. Idles - Joy as an Act of Resistance. (Partisan, 2018)
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10. Kendrick Lamar - good kid, m.A.A.d. city (Interscope / Aftermath, 2012)
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9. Tyler, The Creator - Flower Boy (Columbia, 2017)
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8. Tame Impala - Currents (Interscope, 2015)
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7. James Blake - James Blake (Atlas / A&M, 2011)
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6. Lorde - Pure Heroine (Universal Music, 2013)
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5. Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell (Asthmatic Kitty, 2015)
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4. Bon Iver - 22, A Million (Jagjaguwar, 2016)
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3. Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool (XL, 2016)
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2. alt-J - An Awesome Wave (Infectious, 2012)
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1. Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly (Aftermath / Interscope, 2015)
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