#the both of them didnt act professional...
strangestcase · 1 year
glad we all agree Allan LXG is forgettable at best. sure sure the story needs an old British hero to work but what is his personality really. Sean Connery playing him like every single sentence he says is utter torment also doesn't help.
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peripaltepsy · 1 month
BEWARE OF "body mod advices" - they can be dangerous and LETHAL.
(this post was about a deactivated blog but extends to any possible future blog like it)
edit3 since he deactivated: Red told me in the DMs that he WILL be more careful about all this risk stuff, I believe he is going to do better. Im sure he's a good person and he also was extremely civil in the DMs. Since he's not here to defend himself anymore I'll gladly take his side and say that despite this mess, all Red wanted to do was indeed reduce harm and potentially save lives. Good luck on all your endeavors, Red, I wish you a beautiful and successful career and that you have a great positive impact in the atypical dysphoria community, both on and offline. I don't know how my post truly impacted you, I'm so sorry if you're feeling bad. You acted the best way you possibly could.
Second, if Red comes back, DO NOT HARASS HIM, let him be himself and don't let his past hold them down.
Third, all my points still stand for their deactivated blog and any potential body mod tips blogs in the future. Please everyone, take care, stay safe.
Past edit: DONT HARASS any possible blogs like hers, just REPORT and spread awareness, (also don't make the same mistakes as me: TALK TO THEM FIRST)
Past edit: minors please interact with this post, forget my bio for this one
Past edit: editing editing the post since I talked to Red and he isn't bait. I definitely should have talked to them in DMs first. I sincerely apologize. So sorry Red! To those reading, don't make the same mistake as me, ok? Always talk to people privately first, I genuinely fucked up bad. This mistake of assuming others intentions, can traumatize them. If I were in Red's shoes I'd be traumatized. So yeah, I fucked up bad.
Their intentions are genuine but my point still stands that its extremely dangerous and can't qualify as harm-reduction / end edit note
alright, I'm not transid/radqueer but you guys need to REPORT AND WARN OTHERS of these accounts as soon as they appear. Do not entertain them, no matter how desperate you are to transition. You can become a victim of dangerous charlatanism.
Archive to what i'm about to post
Red claimed to be "a non-professional surgeon, planning on getting better with practice." Bad move!
Red has told me he's pursuing a medical degree and won't actually do non-qualified surgery.
Red: "The blog is centered around an idea of "extreme" body mods that I would like to explore further, [...] things like breaking and re-mending bones, creating new joints, replacing skin, etc."
My point: the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and your blog was unsafe.
To any possible counterarguments: "But they (people following/asking advice) know the risks!" That's victim-blaming. Red gave himself the responsibility to give harm-reducing advice, but he didn't do a good job.
"But I know the risks!" You can't possibly know the risks because Red doesn't know either or "kinda knows" but has not properly informed his audience, it didnt give sources, oversimplified their advice and failed to provide accurate information about risk. Or gave plain misinformation.
Again I'm not transid, I can't possibly imagine what you're going through in order to try anything at all to feel better, including trying experimental surgery not legally available or not researched at all. However, please please please do not become a victim of medical deceit or whatever tf it's called. Even if the blog owner tries their best to be reliable.
They might sound confident, but they do not know what they are saying, what they're telling others to do.
Ask: "How would I make my skin gray without tattoos?" (DO NOT SHAME THIS USER BTW)
Red: "[...] I assume you want permanent grey. To do this, it's pretty simple, although it'll take a lot of time. Basically, what you want to do is to constantly be exposed to lots of silver. Any product with silver in it like specific lotions and skin creams. also fish, milk, mushrooms, and whole grains tend to have silver in them! So tldr, consume lots of silver!"
STOP!!! DONT FOLLOW THIS ADVICE!!! DONT OVER-EXPOSE YOURSELF TO SILVER!!! "Silver toxicity causes argyria. Silver toxicity occurs when too much silver is in your body." <- from a simple research on "too much silver in blood"
Yall. Anything in excess will fuck up your body, including iron, vitamins, and silver.
To whoever asked Red, I don't know your mind, but I'm sure you'd love to live a happy life with grey skin! You'd love to have a body you're comfortable with and looks rad as hell! But you wouldn't be able to enjoy it if you're deeply sick with ARGYRIA, WHICH IS WHAT RED'S ADVICE WILL GIVE YOU!
Ask: "How do I get darker skin without going too dark? I’m pale and burn easily, I just want a color similar to Lin Manuel Miranda" (AGAIN DONT HARASS THIS USER)
Red: [...] "expose yourself to the sun more! As you do this, you'll get tan which will protect you from future burns and make your skin slightly darker, do this enough and you can engineer your skin to be as dark as you want!"
THATS MISINFORMATION! Yes you may tan to get darker (Lin's tone may or may not be achievable to you) but one: it's not permanent unless you're constantly going out; two: SKIN CANCER!!!! DONT OVER-EXPOSE YOURSELF TO THE SUN!!!! USE SUNSCREEN!!
TO ANYONE SEEKING A MUCH DARKER TONE: YOU CAN'T "GO AS DARK AS YOU WANT TO" BY TANNING. Just look at people who have lived their whole lives outdoors like farmers! White people can't tan to black! There's a limit to how tan you may get! Are you seriously gonna risk skin cancer for an impossible thing???
Red: "Self amputation is really dangerous! You should learn how to use a tourniquet, that way, you can stop the bleeding! [...]" WHERE ARE YOU GETTING YOUR SOURCES, RED?
If anyone reading this is seriously thinking of amputating themselves, and will not change their minds no matter what, please just have someone immediately drive you to the hospital. I do not support such operation and you can still die or get horribly sick even with your best precautions, but you better receive actual medical attention and stay alive rather than trying to heal it yourself. Because what you'll most likely get from following Red's advice is DEATH FROM BLOOD LOSS. Again, if you absolutely cannot get rid of this dysphoria with therapy, or manage it at least, or have a doctor do it for you, I still would NEVER suggest you do it yourself, but IF you end up doing that then at least please go straight to the hospital instead of trying to heal it yourself.
Red: "do not try and break your own bones to make modifications! [...] Get another person (Like myself) to help you with the bone breakage instead."
Also, now that Red has clarified she won't perform surgery until having an actual degree, you can't really go to her XD
Red: "Some advice for surgery [...] This one's important, make sure your patient is strapped down and properly sedated, if they move, even slightly, you risk hitting a vital artery or organ, if you do hit an artery, don't panic, this is why you learned how to use a tourniquet! if you hit a vital organ though, odds are you won't know how to fix that, so be extra careful with abdomen and face surgery!"
Thats still promoting medical malpractice, mutilating and potentially killing friends, dangerously downplaying surgery so much, this is not harm-reduction
Ask: "I want to be blind in one eye, but more-so in the sense of extreme but not total vision loss. I want to do something permanent in the future!" (AGAIN DONT HARASS THIS USER)
Red: Well, a simple fix to your problem is just get some calcium hydroxide in your eye and wash it out a few minutes later, this should lead to permanent, extreme (but not total) vision loss in that eye. Keep it in too long and it can cause total vision loss so be careful!
Ok so, it's great that you're trying to come up with alternative ways for users not to kill themselves by gouging their eyes out, but you've still failed to give them the full picture
From a quick search "calcium hydroxide in the eyes": Exposure to the skin can produce burns, painful irritation and necrosis, and exposure to the eyes may cause severe pain and vision loss that can be temporary or permanent. If calcium hydroxide is exposed to the skin, contaminated clothing should be removed, excess amounts of the chemical should be wiped off and the affected skin should be flushed repeatedly with water. Victims of calcium hydroxide exposure to the eyes should flush their eyes with water continuously for the first 15 minutes, but all cases of external exposure should receive immediate medical care. Inhaling calcium hydroxide through the nose or mouth can also cause immediate, painful and potentially life-threatening complications. Throat and nasal passages may become painful and swollen, and the swelling may restrict airways, making breathing difficult or impossible. If the calcium hydroxide particles are carried all the way to the lungs, this may further complicate breathing. Victims of this type of exposure should be taken immediately to a fresh air environment, and emergency services should be contacted right away. Administration of oxygen and emergency respiratory assistance may be required.
Red (answering an ask): "the question shouldn't be what DO people replace their skin with, it should be what CAN they, after all, just because it's never been practiced or very rarely practiced doesn't mean it's bad or impossible! Of course, my personal favorite skin substitutes are rubber and red velvet, I am also a big fan of stainless steel."
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hi to chrom hater anon i'm a professional chrom enjoyer
if you get deranged enough about awakening i think chrom is a very well done character :) he's ignorant but well meaning which meshes in interesting ways. he's not overtly prejudiced to the plegians he knows personally but still *generally* prejudiced because of his upbringing.
additionally in discussions of the ylisse-plegia war he tends to focus on how ylisse came away from it because that state of ylisse is what shaped his formative childhood years (seen particularly in his feelings about emmeryn's early years as exalt). this is UNDERSTANDABLE but still an extremely DEEPLY FLAWED and naive stance when doing politics on a larger scale, which chrom is incredibly ill-prepared for. it's a very childish view of a large scale conflict.
chrom's propensity for violence is a trait that actually deeply fascinates me. he has intense admiration for emmeryn's desire for peace yet he has a very short temper in tense situations (seen in basically all of chrom's interactions with gangrel), and he tends to lash out easily at anyone he views as an enemy. he admires peace but sees no other means to achieve it than violence. isn't that interesting. the implications here. like, he's the inheritor of the falchion, he's the only son in his family, in all likelihood it was expected that HE would take the throne and continue his father's war, but he was so young when the exalt passed that the crown went to emmeryn instead.
it really seems like emmeryn intentionally kept her siblings away from politics, which results in BOTH of them being naive in vastly different ways, with the expectation that she would always shoulder the burden of the crown yet left all the bigger a void when she died.
mind, intentionally being raised to behave this way isn't an excuse either. it's ultimately still something chrom, as an adult, SHOULD examine critically. this is, in fact, a character flaw, and i think its great.
you can then of course do nice little compare and contrast at the shitty dads, i.e. chrom's dad vs validar. robin's first act as an awakened god is murdering validar. robin became the monster everyone saw them as, the one their father thinks they were born to be. it's a neat lil nature vs nurture comparison if you really get into the depths of grima-ology (hi grima ✌️ mutuals).
to dig more into points the chrom hater anon makes.
"chrom is transphobic for killing excellus" do you hear yourself. excellus was an enemy commander. chrom has no personal grievances against the commanders other than they are part of the army with the known intent to raze ylisse.
SAME WITH ROBIN BURNING DOWN THE BOATS. THEY ARE AT WAR. IF ROBIN DIDNT DO THAT THEY'D ALL GET KILLED. they would have to fight the valm forces ON FOOT and BE KILLED VIOLENTLY because they are vastly outnumbered. it would be weird if he WASN'T at least happy about this.
he could stand to be regretful about the massive loss of human life but honestly hashtag robin warcrimes W.
"chrom makes sure to only recruit white ylisseans" i think this is just dev colorism actually. like you know how robin's dad (who is evil) is brown, but robin (who is good) is white? and how that makes no sense and robin should logically also be brown? i dont think chrom would've turned down if like, mustafa joined him. it is simply that intsys was still in their racism era (which is, tbh, only really ended with engage, like, cmon, look at literally all of FE, this isn't a chrom flaw, it's a FE being racist flaw.)
same with the sexism things actually FE is just homophobic and sexist a lot so all the characters are also by extension. this is called doylist analysis
Chrom tells Aversa "One person's life means nothing in the shadow of millions" Chrom is a hypocrite i hope this helps. additionally what aversa is doing is "help the dark god literally causing the apocalypse rn" whereas the sacrifice/save robin choice is "doom people in some hypothetical far off future" which is FAR less personal than "all of humanity RIGHT NOW".
TLDR: the real chrom enjoyers know about his character flaws and love him anyway because it's nice flavor to chew on
also never insult my beautiful daughter lucina ever again. she is deeply compelling even if she is narratively underutilized. anyone who calls themself a chrom fan and hates lucina is a faker and will not survive the winter.
also learn the difference between flaws of the story's writing and flaws of the character otherwise everybody in awakening is sexist.
anon you should read chrom/grima fanfiction unironically we fucking love tearing this dude to shreds for his flaws. this has all been a ploy to say that. chrom is naive and selfish and hypocritical and i love him very much he is my wif e :)
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lady-charinette · 1 year
AU where Twilight gets replaced with a different guy after he leaves Operation Strix and he sees how the new guy doesn't treat Yor and Anya as they deserve to be treated.
He isn't rude to them or anything, but he acts incredibly detached and treats them the way a hardened agent would: like assets to a mission and nothing else. He's strict about Anya's schoolwork, but doesn't help her do her homework like Twilight did.
He gives firm orders to Yor to clean the house better, learnt to cook better bc that's whats "expected" of normal civilian women. He asks her to limit the time she spends socializing, asks her stuff like playing good hostess when company is over and that she doesn't sit with the men at the same table but stays in the kitchen...etc. He occasionally walks Bond, but delegates that task mostly to Yor. He trains Bond excessively too, the poor dog is exhausted many times.
Yor, Anya and Bond are miserable.
When Loid sees this (bc he's spying on them duh), he gathers evidence and goes to Handler to report the spy for not properly carrying out his mission and endangering the assets in the mission.
Sylvia points out the spy IS doing his job correctly, he follows the rules to a 'T'. He acts like a typical family man outside but he's professional detached at home where people can't see them.
And Twilight realizes that it was HIM who hadn't quite been following the rules as he should have.
He didn't HAVE to buy Anya all the toys she has, he didn't HAVE to buy Yor new clothes that flatter her. He didn't HAVE to walk and play with Bond. He didn't HAVE to cook every meal to perfection, he wasn't expected to by society's standards. He didnt HAVE to help Yor make friends or Anya with her schoolwork.
He didn't HAVE to care.
But he did.
The old spy is called back to HQ. Yor and Anya don't know whats going on, Anya only knows a different guy is supposed to come, but she didn't want someone else, she wanted her papa back. Bond seemed oddly calm given the circumstances.
The next day, the door to the Briar house opens again.
Yor and Anya brace themselves for the new, unfamiliar face to greet them.
Until a warm, very familiar face greeted them instead.
Both Yor and Anya catapult themselves from their spots, tackling Twilight in a bear hug. Bond completed the pile by falling onto everyone and slapping Loid's leg with his wagging tail.
Loid laughed, cradling Yor's back with one hand and rubbing Anya's head with the other one affectionately.
"Loid, does this mean-...?" Yor's eyes were filled with unshed tears.
"-...you'll stay?!" Anya cried out, fats tears already rolling down her cheeks.
Loid chuckled, a hint of a blush on his cheeks. His gaze uncharacteristically soft. "As long as you'll have me."
"Good work, Sylvia." The HQ boss greeted the woman, still donning her disguise.
"Thank you, sir." Sylvia ripped the mask off, the face of the spy that replaced Twilight as head of the Forger family laying in tatters on the ground.
Both Sylvia and her superior glanced at a picture of the reunited, happy family (covertly taken by one of their agents in the field) and smiled.
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spicybylerpolls · 3 months
so i think most people who are anti foah on here (including any discussion of noah and finn at all, even their work together) are not worried about us speculating on like whether there's feelings involved - because you can be attracted to someone or acknowledge their beauty without feelings - but rather they think that discussing them at all is almost like... i dont know, gossiping? or talking behind someone's back?
like, especially portraying a romantic relationship on screen, it would be very childish to still act disgusted by a co-star just to stop people around you saying 'ooooooh'... wouldnt it? unless you are genuinely repulsed by someone, once you become an adult you typically dont act that way. you get to an age where you can straight up say 'yeah, that person is beautiful' or attractive or what not, and you can say that about friends too, without anyone thinking you are falling in love with them.
i really remember the harry potter cast doing this and it was such a joy to see them grow up and acknowledge these things rather than just blush in interviews and pretend they never had crushes on each other.
or if you genuinely are repulsed by someone, you would deal with that in a mature way. especially if you were working professionally - i mean youre doing a job, but that still involves emotion and both disgust and attraction could be part of that.
i know the duffers hammed up the kiss between finn and millie, but hopefully that was cos they were kids (i didnt love that they did that, though we will never have full context), and hopefully for byler everything would be treated with respect. that also doesnt mean you totally lose the excitement and juice - love and attraction turns people of all ages into puddles - but rather that it is also still just a scene, and treated like any other scene, in service to the story.
for example, why is it taboo for an actor to be totally into a love scene, but not totally excited and joyful doing a scene on a ferris wheel or biking down a hill? why is there shame in the natural emotive expression, even when performing? and why is there shame in us discussing or anticipating that? we are essentially being spectators of the joy of human emotion - its why people love stories. stories are designed to make us think these people are real. why are characters, intrinsically, any different to real people in terms of the way we interact with them?
is it because they cannot be touched by us and we cant hurt them?
yes. but that leads us back to the nuance of shipping two irl actors and discussing human behaviour. this blog is unlikely to reach finn or noah. we are discussing them in relation to mike and will, not paparazzi'ing them outside their homes. this isn't a tabloid. its a tumblr blog.
maybe there are some people who edit together miniscule interview moments and invent fictions between real people. but again thats very different to just picking up on human behaviour and discussing it, as two people would over dinner, when they realise their mutual friends have got a thing going on.
i also think noah being gay brings a lot of discomfort to people because there is not even that plausible deniability of he and finn just doing a job. but like, he might he enjoy it? but so might finn? if they do, why is that bad? why can't they be professional AND enjoy it? just like they would filming a scene biking down a hill?
so my point is that people who are anti foah seem to be anti any discussion of finn and noah, even re: their work. they somehow can't separate this kind of discussion about creating art and being human from the juvenile idea of harassing two actors, despite the time-honoured human enjoyment of talking about other humans.
and re: finn's sexuality, the most common poll answer is... i dont have enough info to speculate. WELL DUH. thats why its called speculation? if you had enough info, you would have a solid answer lmao! its like byler evidence all over again. thousands of pages of tiny things that could be evidence, when all you need is one solid reason why they'll have a romance, like the way they look at each other, or, i dont know, the narrative itself?
wow this has got so out of hand. im going to end here lmaoooooooo
all very fascinating points, nonny!
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dragoncookies · 9 months
ENTP misconceptions
For awhile I honestly thought I was an ENTJ (at first even INTJ but I was goin through a ruff time when I discovered MBTI we'll just put it at that). I can get REALLY ambitious, and then ruthless/strategic with how I go about things in order to see it through. I even bullet journal, and make planners for months in advance just so I can keep track of all my ambitions. Some people would consider me Type A because of how eccentric I can be and how detailed I can get with how I spend my time.
What they don't know is that my poor use of Si causes me to do things like work on projects for four hours straight and watch the hours tick by until its 1 am and, oh no! I have somewhere to be the next morning. This happens multiple times.
I also am a professional at winging it. People would be shocked at how many of the things I do are last minute choices, or put together the night before/the moment of. I mean, I cannot count the number of times I've said (tw death) "guess I'll die" every day.
Cannot forget the fact that during quarantine I would RUTHLESSLY argue about my favorite book characters to strangers online. I wrote pages and absolute essays that would probably get high marks if I fixed them up a little. I was a menace out there.
It was only after actually researching about the cognitive functions did I realize that there was absolutely no way I could have Te. Like, at all. I learned that my constant fantasizing and well of ideas for everything in the world around me was, in fact, a high Ne user trait.
I don't get fomo from missing out at a social event, I get fomo from missing an opportunity to put my creative resources to work to entertain people.
I like to think that I stray more towards the "Jack Skellington' entp type. One might think he's an entj because of how he has this goal in mind and then goes through every little detail to see it through, but what about him getting tired of all the routines in the beginning of the movie and wanting something new (Ne)? And when he finds Christmas town, what does he do? He analyzes the heck out of it, trying to figure out how it works (clear Ti use). So, even though the stereotypes might lead one to believe Jack is an entj, in actuality, he types as an entp.
Heres some IRL examples of how I might not seem ENTP.
For preface, I am an identical twin. I type as an ENTP, meanwhile my twin types as an INFJ (it is a very interesting relationship). Our highschool offered speech and debate. Guess who started taking it first? Not me, the entp. I didn't really know much about it and thought it was just a nerd thing. Then my twin took it and had a ball (I was lowkey was super jealous). Even though my twin is the "humanitarian" feeling type, they made for a terrifying opponent and had no mercy. My twin is also often thought of as way crueler than I am most of the time, where I am described more like a sunflower and they more as a thorny rose. My twin can get so passionate they turn argumentative, and if something doesn't fit the little storyland they build their world around, they argue a lot. So, my parents always said that they should be a lawyer. My twin can get so inside their heard (high Ni) that they act narcissistic and uncaring.
It irks me how one can pay so little attention to the world around them, but you'd think I'd be the cruel narcissistic one, who people say should be a lawyer. Because I am an entp.
Personally? I like writing poetry and going to cafes. I like reading and if I see that either side of argument can be argued for within reason, I won't feel like arguing. So I don't argue as much. The whole reason I didnt take speech and debate at first was just because I thought I wouldn't enjoy arguing for things where both sides could be right (I now know I overlooked the beauty in the argument itself). The Ne/Ti/Fe/Si function stack applies to me completely, just not in the stereotypical way. Its pretty helpful. When I analyze things too much (Ti), I can recognize I am probably a little stressed. I also know that there are places in my life I should have SOME routine/structure just to be a more functional person.
So, when people say "MBTI isn't real/is pointless because people get different results all the time and how can 16 personality types fit everyone its so limiting"
Its not, really. You just have to let the idea cook inside your head and explore yourself and how you think for a little.
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cottoncloud0 · 2 months
little hope review *SPOILERS*
i was gonna write this ages ago and i literally forgot about this lmao but i promised the two people who are interested in these reviews that i would write another and tbh i find these really fun lol.
(reminder that this review is in no way professional, it is just my personal opinion and a bit of fun)
(side note i will only be talking about the theatrical cut)
this prologue was really interesting for me, both parts. i love that they didnt actually show any of the bus driver and it gave a really good mysterious aspect to the town of little hope, especially with the state trooper warning the bus driver about the town.
omg i cant even begin to say how much i enjoyed the second part of the prologue. the character building of the 80s family is so good. it established the dynamics of the group brilliantly without it being too obvious what the actual plot will be. i also likes that it kind of left you in the dark of whats going on, almost connecting itself to the first part of act one.
quick side note, i just learned that the choice you make on how tanya should escape the fire (going down the drainpipe or going through the window) directly affects taylors and tabithas deaths e.g if you chose the drainpipe like i did taylors demon will be the hanged demon and tabitha will be hanged and if you chose the window taylors demon will be the burned demon and tabitha will be burned at the stake.
if im being completely honest i really didnt like taylor in the beginning lol. but i think thats a good thing. i mean its boring as fuck to play a game where you like every single character and none of them have flaws (this is also why i have a mixed relationship with locked traits but ill talk about that later).
okay lets talk about the pacing. when i first played little hope i thought that by the time i finished act one i thought i had ALSO finished act two. i think that says everything that needs to be said.... but seriously act one was way too long. this seems to be a theme in the early dark pictures games, like i said in my man of medan review.
i do think that the introductions to the characters were done really well though because even though almost of the characters had relationships previously to the game you could still develop or break any of them during the game. even when youre still in the first few chapters you can affect ,for example, taylor and daniels relationship drastically only with a few choices.
(i know this because i accidently got their relationship to like under halfway with like three choices 😭)
what do you mean the supposed main bit of the story is the shortest section in the game? what do you mean it has less than half of the amount of chapters act one has? WHAT DO YOU MEAN????
in all seriousness, i completely forgot about some of the chapters in this act like 'lost' and 'troubled history' but on the other hand it also gave us one of the most memorable chapters in the game 'surrounded'. this is actually baffling to me because how do you make the most boring sections of the game immediately move onto one of the chapters i enjoyed most? its just quite inconsistent so now in my memory i can only really remember the bus crash, the bridge, the church and the house. and can i just add that only one those segments is in act two, which i think is supposed to be the main part of the story.
although, i did really enjoy the demons in this act and i think the developers did a great job of introducing the demons (the only gripe i have with it is that they were introduced quite late into the story but i think i feel that way because act one was so long and the demons were only introduced in the ending chapter of act one). i feel its a massive improvement to man of medan when they were trying to introduce two threats at the same time with one taking a backseat almost as fast as it was introduced.
i also liked how all the characters got back together about halfway through act two and in a completely natural way as well. it doesnt feel forced or rushed it just feels normal and how i would expect a group of terrified civilians to act with each other.
there seems to be a pattern in all of the acts in little hope. forgettable first halfs and memorable and incredibly fun second halfs. act three is no different.
i think the fact that i could remember almost everything that happened in the ending but i had to go back on the chapter wikis to remember any of the first two chapters says a lot.
honestly the start of this act just feels like a plot extender and an extra opportunity to get people killed. BUT THE ENDING OF THIS ACT I LOVE <3. i like that i takes a quick break from running away from the demons to develop the mary storyline (which i will ALSO talk about later) and the choices you make really do matter and they actually make the players think about the choices theyre making because the 'right' answer isnt clear throughout the game so youre really left in the dark and have to make the call completely off your own accord.
quick final bit before we get onto the ending, but i also love the segment when everyone is running away from their respective demons and john and angela are the last one out there. the reason i love this section so much is because it can really define how angela is as a character or how you want to play her, which can also affect the ending.
right. time to talk about 'full circle'. i dont think words could describe how fucking annoyed i was when i had kept everyone alive right until this chapter only for taylor and john to be killed because of a mechanic that i didnt even know existed. AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THERES MORE PEOPLE WHO EXPERIENECED THIS.
the locked traits mechanic is very cool, trust me, but the fact that it was never ,at least, given some hints that it would be the decider of the characters fate and that they were something that genuinely matter.
at first i thought that they were just pre-determined flaws that each character had lol.
little hope has a total of seven endings and i do actually want to touch on a few of them because holy shit some of them are insane 😭
the ending i got was: vince called the police and another protagonist was alive. this resulted in andrew being revealed to be anthony (like in all endings) and being taken away in a police car as it is also revealed that the other protagonists (in my case daniel and angela) were hallucinations.
i get why some people would hate this ending, i do too, only because the previous game also had the exact same plot twist??? and that is just so uncreative that they couldnt figure out a different ending to give to one of the games. in my opinion if they DID actually give a new ending to man of medan or little hope i would 100% want it to be man of medan, which i can now confidently say is my least favourite game made made by supermassive.
quick side note, ending 5 is fucking insane and if you got it on your first ever playthrough i would have loved to see your reaction lol.
for those who dont know what the fuck im talking about ill give a quick summary of ending 5.
to get this ending vince must have not have called the police, andrew has the gun and it has at least one bullet in it and mary had to have been excecuted. after the initial cutscene, andrew aims the gun at his temple. megan then appears behind andrew and screams at him, causing him to shoot himself. After it was revealed that andrew was anthony/the bus driver all along, his corpse is shown laying at the doorstep.
like what the fuck.
in all honesty i had no clue on what to pick regarding the mary situation. i think i chose like 4 different choices all contradicting each other in my playthrough, but seriously what is the objective 'right' path defending mary or killing her?
as for collectibles, i found i think 43 (?) secrets, all black pictures, 4-5 white pictures and the gold pictures. in this game it is already such and improvement to man of medans exploration system. for example, if opening a certain door or picking up a certain item the game will show you this '>>>>' which means it will move you onto the next segment and oh my god this has made exploration so mad more enjoyable and easier can i just say.
this game is miles better than man of medan. i enjoyed the aesthetic, gameplay, concept, characters (some more than others) and yeah it was overall a good game (not better than house of ashes though ;) )
Angela (the funniest character in lh, she had humour but also a serious personality, where was she for half the game? 😭)
Daniel (so sweet and caring to everyone, love him and taylor)
Andrew (he is THE male protagonist but we love him for that, anthony is deeply traumatised 🙏)
Taylor (hated her in the beginning but she grew on me, he deaths are so brutal lmao but she is so incredibly funny)
John (alcoholic and annoying, he did really care about angela though)
6 or 7/10 / 3 1/2 stars
as always if youre still reading by this point respect to you my friend and tysm for reading i hope you enjoyed me waffling about random games for 1,750 words ilysm <33333
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mikasuxxx · 2 years
MW2 Random Headcanons part 2
this one includes graves and price
this man is definitely floridian
like he was a beach boy, like he has old pictures from when he was a teen with a tan
He's southern, and so is his family
They're the epitome of white people, but they're actually pretty nice people
like if you're Graves' girl spending the holidays at his family's place they'll beg you to eat with them and say its no trouble
Truly the southern hospital is strong with his family
He used to go miami and pick up girls from the club, and just have one night stands with them.
He has an older brother who's a professional poker player/gambler
and you can tell because of the big gold chain and the tommy bahama shirts and loafers he always wears (even when its cold he'll still wear them)
He also lives in vegas
He tries to flirt with you but Phillip shuts that down real quick
Phillip used to play baseball in high school, and his girlfriend at the time loved watching him play (but really she just liked how his ass looked in his uniform pants)
His brother played football for a bit
Surprisingly, Phillip was at the top of his class in high school. And he got a car for his graduation gift. a red 1967 chevy impala
that car was his pride and joy
You cant tell me that he wasnt a frat boy in college
Constantly picks up sorority girls in his car, and invites them to his dorm to fuck
Even girls who weren't sororities; atheltes, shy girls, even his professors (but that was when he was like a junior and senior, and he did it because his grades sucked and he was desperate)
What makes him different from other frat boys, is that he takes no for an answer. like hes flirting with you and and you say no he'll back off, no questions asked
He still has friends from college
Okay now to the sad shit: he constantly gets compared to his older brother. mostly by his dad (his mom is a sweetheart and loves both of her sons equally)
His older brother wasnt good at school, was an alcoholic, dropped out of college, the only thing that makes him better in their father's eyes is that he played football, and he's found a way to become rich
Phillip was good at school and sports, won prom king, went to college, had a degree and a decent job and yet that still wasnt enough to please his dad
His dad is...an old fashioned dude. like if phillip has a daughter and he sees him playing with her, he'll call him a pussy
Or even if he has a son and he even so much as hugs him, his dad will also bicker and bitch about him "acting like a mom"
Phillip still goes to family events but avoids talking to his dad as much as possible, or if he's forced too he'll just try to end the conversation
His uncles are alright, somehow. Like they're funny, but not in a misogynistic way. they're still kinda ignorant in their own way tho
His mom is a very good cook. like she actually uses seasoning and stuff (and of course his dad bitches and whines about it)
She wanted a third kid because she was hoping for a daughter, but the dad said he didnt wanna push their luck because he didnt want a girl, so they just stopped at 2 kids
Jokingly calls Gaz his son. gaz is happy about it honestly
He loves kids. like when he had kids he was literally the happiest man alive
Yes, this man is a certified dilf
He has twin girls, both of which he loves to death and will die for them
He's always been able to tell whos who. Hes learned every detail about each one of them
Sometimes they try to gaslight him by switching identities but hes way too smart for that
Twin 1(pretending to be twin 2): "hey dad, can i have some candy?"
"You're [Twin 1], youve already had a ton of candy today"
Twin 1: "..no im [Twin 2] and i havent eaten any candy today"
"You're not fooling me [Twin 1]"
Twin 1: "damn..."
Has a small silver heart locket with their picture in it. he wears it all the time under his uniform
After missions he'll bring them gifts when he comes back from wherever said mission took place
One of them is really jealous and fussy, the other is chill and cuddly
like when they were babies/toddlers she'll screech if she sees Price giving her sister even an inkling of attention
when they were babies, sometimes price would be found on the ground in the living room sleeping with his daughters sleeping in his arms
as babies they would always tug at his mustache
would both freak out if he even so much as trimmed it
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Will papyrus ever be included in the storyline, maybe sans opening up to him about it, or he gets suspicious about sans's behavior and corners him or something?
Aaaand are there any prominent side characters that we'll see?
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Papyrus notices that his brother has been leaving the house more, and at first, hes overjoyed! Sans was finally leaving the house! But, he realised after a while, that he always dodged the question as to where he was going. (Sans, being the secretive little fuck that he is, refuses to tell anyone about the ghosts.) Worried, Papyrus follows him one day, only to find him walking al the way to the park. And then he just stops, and starts talking to air.
Papyrus is CONCERNED (tm,) and goes back home to wait for Sans to come home. It takes him HOURS to come back, (he visits everyone he can,) and, when confronted, he once again try to avoid the questions.
Papyrus says he followed him, saw him talking to air, and was considering getting him professional help, his depression had been bad before, and if he was starting to see things now as well...
Sans is forced to tell the truth.
And he does. For the next few hours they sit and talk about the ghosts. Papyrus want to believe him, really, he does! But he cant help but still be worried, so says takes his phone out and googles "Nightmare - Prince" and shows him the results. He then goes through the lot of them, showing death reports, news articles, anything that appears really, and Papyrus finally believes him.
From then on, he insists Sans takes something for them every time he visits, and often makes them food to give (more often that not, its spaghetti,) and asks how they're doing. Sometimes, they go and Sans acts as a medium, for them, so Papyrus and the ghosts can talk directly.
Killer and Dream especially take a liking to him, while Dust is pretty scared of him (he looks way to much like his won brother its actually scary,) and always ask how he is when Sans comes without him.
Side characters.. It depends what you mean by that.
Every Sans you could ever want can exist here, they just might not haunt the town,
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(i got lazy when drawing here, so its just a messy sketch but yk)
(Red - shot, epic - shrapnel, Fresh - car crash, Outer - fell)
Alternatively, most of the ghosts had family members, most of them had a Papyrus look alike, (Papyrus isn't reincarnated here, but every Sans deserves a Papyrus, even fate believes it so)
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(Nim (Dream and Nightmares mother, Queen), Phantom (Dusts brother,) Horror had lots of siblings, ect...)
Buuut, while many of the original Undertale cast have been spread out throughout the years, Toriel, Chara and Frisk are all based in the present time.
Toriel, after the death of her son, adopts two kids, twins, who were considered "difficult" children, (really there were disabled, but why would they care about that, - Chara has some mental issues, and Frist is mute and has sight problems.) They're lovely kids , and they visit quite regularly, typically with their mother. Sans was named their Godfather (Papyrus was considered, but he told them Sans was a better choice, ) because Toriel knew he'd love them.
Sans and Toriel met at a comedy gig, both preforming on the same day, and became friends instantly over their shared love of stupid puns. (They're not together, this universe has no canonical relationships, everyting's platonic here, but ships are totally allowed and welcome if you wanted lol.)
Holy moly, that was a lot of work lmao, would you believe it, i dont think ive ever actually drawn Papyrus before? I have no idea why, just havent, ill have to do more so in the future cus hes fun.
Ive also never tried to draw anyone from the angle Sans is at in the first drawing, think it looks fine as long as you ignore the feet lol.
No, i didnt get lazy drawing the ghost in the first, it was a stylistic choice! /j /sarcasm, also, Hi, im Whisp, i hate backgrounds!)
Please excuse me attempt at drawing a wimple for Nim and the tricorned hat for Phantom, they're very difficult!
All of Horrors siblings there don't have names, they were just designed on the spot really, so if anyone has and names for them, ill take them on board!
But hope it all looks okay, this is all full of firsts lol. Have a lovely day everyone! :)
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licncourt · 2 years
What particularly about Louis turns Lestat on? Personally and physically & vice versa. Do they have any preferences with love making? I just want to know what’s got them eternally obsessed. Carnally lmao 🤗
do you have more nsfw headcanons to share....... asking for a friend
I got both of these on the same day plus a req for Vamptember PWP, you're all going to horny jail (affectionate)
Since my opinions have been solicited, I've decided to offer my definitive (unless I think of something else later) list of the most important Loustat kinks and turn-ons. My word is law, obviously
NSFW under the cut as usual
Edging/orgasm denial
I think this stems from so much Catholic repression, probably some kind of subconscious enjoyment from subverting the idea of forced, shameful abstinence. Plus he seems like the type to enjoy being taken care of, to have someone who cares enough to take their time and help him really enjoy it. It would be good for him to reframe that kind of frustration to be a precursor to and part of the experience of pleasure.
I see this one as being another sort of catharsis, a way to reclaim that negative self-talk into something playful and pleasurable. I don't think he'd like anything super intense (especially given their history), but when in the correct mood, some teasing and name-calling definitely works for him. This can definitely go hand in hand with the aforementioned edging/denial at times.
I don't have a ton of rationale for this one, but I think he'd enjoy Lestat wearing lingerie (his favorites are a classic garter/stockings/bustier combo, those see-through babydolls, and the slutty French maid outfit). Maybe it has something to do with how the feminine clothing highlights masculine features (something he didnt let himself appreciate for so long) and maybe just the indulgent taboo.
Actual bondage feels more like an Armand/Daniel thing, but I think Lestat would enjoy being pinned down, manhandled, choked etc in bed. He has so many issues around his post-Akasha body that being physically dominated by Louis, even if he could break free, would be pleasurable for him. There's also the element of desire, of being wanted and taken like that by the person he loves.
Honestly, look me in the eyes and tell me Lestat wouldn't want to be called a slut and have his ass smacked. That's mostly canon tbh. We know he loves Louis' severity (and his sexy riding crop), so I definitely thinks he acts up just so can be taken over a knee like a ~naughty boy when they're alone. He's 70% of the way to a teacher kink.
Exhibitionism & voyeurism
Lestat is a professional attention whore and for sure wants someone to show off for, maybe even to get caught bedding the hottest vampire north of the equator. Every undressing is a striptease and there's nothing he'd love more than for a cop to knock on their car window. On the flip side, he is an appreciator of beauty, so he definitely asks Louis to touch himself/play with toys in front of him or to even likes to watch him shower/get dressed etc.
As far as general turn-ons
Louis is tall, but the kind that's all leg. They are also very nice legs and Lestat was devastated when tight breeches went out of fashion in favor of trousers. Louis is canonically a big shirt-tight pants gay, so Lestat is a big fan of those high waisted skinny jeans in the modern day (Louis likes them or those ultra-slim fit slacks with a tucked in poet top or turtleneck because it reminds him of the 18th century silhouette). If Louis' feeling generous (or horny), he'll wear yoga pants or very short lounge shorts around the house for Lestat. As a treat.
Lestat also REALLY likes to watch Louis feed. At this point hunting together is basically foreplay. Getting to watch is extremely intimate because of how private Louis is about feeding, but the erotic aspect means it fills a similar niche to sexual voyeurism. Bonus points because Louis has so little ability to control himself with blood, it becomes even more exciting and alluring to Lestat to witness.
He doesn't like to admit it, but Louis is very turned on by Lestat's rock star getup. The leather pants, the mesh shirts, eyeliner, all the sparkly, slutty nonsense and goth boots that make his ass look amazing. Though his career was short lived, Lestat keeps up the rocker look in his streetwear pretty consistently, but he definitely pulls out his old stage outfits once in a while as a birthday or anniversary gift to his favorite groupie.
Louis has a big thing for Lestat’s hair too. It was the first thing that caught his eye as a mortal and he still loves to brush it, pet it, and definitely pull on it. It gets lots of twirling and nuzzling in day-to-day life, but Lestat can always tell when Louis wants to take things to the bedroom if he starts raking through and tugging on his hair. A pretty eye-watering twist and pull is also the early warning sign that he's about to come during a blowjob.
They both (sometimes secretly, sometimes not so secretly) enjoy when the other is jealous. Sometimes Lestat will flirt with other interested parties or "seduce" pretty mortals to get Louis possessive and worked up for some PDA or rough sex. In turn, Louis will let his admirers chat him up and flatter him in earshot of Lestat when he wants some attention (or a good ravishing in the powder room).
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nahalism · 7 months
You re getting very long questions &i apologize but i don’t think i can make this one short. Different anon i hope it’s okay to tag along. If i am not wrong here a lot of evolutionary psychologist among others go to the nature argument and state that homosexual orientation as we observe in some humans [so a persistent attraction to the same sex, as opposed to a situational one (for example when a partner from the opposite sex-to whom we are fundamentally attracted to-is not available to them so they ”compensate”)] is unnatural and should be corrected or at the very least accepted like any other mental issue but not normalized, treated as a sexuality disorder (because our purpose is to survive and procreate so everything that leads us away from it is a deviation from whats natural, normal and beneficial in this take, that it’s a dis-order and an undesirable state. That plus the argument that ”problems” with sexuality usually go hand in hand with other disorders and mental problems) the argument i saw is that there are cases of homosexual acts in animal kingdom but apparently it’s mostly either accidental, caused by inability to find a partner of opposite sex or if it does happen to be a persistent purely homosexual attraction then the animal gets somehow rejected (like in monkeys) just like they would for any other deviation from the norm. We can observe that they exclude or even ridicule in their own ways individuals that are ”different”, sometimes in rather cruel ways. So i guess that would make some straight people’s disgust and rejection of homosexual people valid and natural in that scenario?
Just to clarify i am not speaking of or from my own views&mind here & onley chiming in to mention something i have personally heard from professionals, something that has been a big block on the road of my own acceptance of my orientation and sth that irks me if i try to look to animal kingdom for answers/guidance and rely on nature arguments too much because they caused me to feel like a malfunction of it rather than part of it. I’d be most interested to hear what you think. I send well wishes
heyyy, disclaimer, im no authority on what is right and wrong. i dont know what the creators intentions are, i can only speak on my own feelings and convictions (all of which are constantly evolving and changing based on what i learn and come to know)
i have heard similar theories, and other theories that differ in their line of argument but lead to the same conclusion. id be lying if i said some of them didnt have a convincing edge/haven't caused me to question the validity of my own sexual orientation. but ultimately, i live life based on my own convictions and beliefs. you can only fight theories with theories, and im not about to formulate a theory to justify myself because i dont want to have to convince anyone of my right to exist as i am. however, what i do have are my feelings and my experiences. ive loved women, ive loved men, ive loved agender/nonbinary folks, and ultimately it all comes down to the same thing. loving another human being — i can tell you now, the love i felt in those moments, was and is incredibly pure. i have no doubt that god, or whatever you wish to refer to it as (if you refer to it at all), approved. and for me personally speaking that enough.
now.. this is controversial but id be lying if i didnt speak on it.. i do think there is a balancing of poles that occurs when a man and woman are together. something, energetically shifts with the joining of two opposing halves and i believe procreation is merely a metaphor/physical symbol for the creative possibilities that come as a consequence of that merging. i think when two opposite individuals learn to harness their receptive and assertive energies and balance those energies both within themselves and as a pair, a specific energetic portal is opened. other souls (aka babies) can come through that portal, however, so can so much more. (a topic for another time). that being said!!! i also dont believe the main purpose of life for both humans and animals is procreation.
the idea we all just come here to make babies and go is very anachronistic, and even more so with the current overpopulation of humans in the world (7.888 billion -__-). if we were all here simply to procreate, i think we'd have completed that mission and returned to source by now, no? perhaps, we are all here as different expressions of the same energy, gathering intel and experience that with the expression of each life, collectively encourages the evolution of our collective consciousness, thus progressing humanity, the beings we share the earth with, and the cosmos at large, forward — perhaps we are helping the universe learn and understand itself, or perhaps the universe is using us to teach one another its own nature, and the true face of love. thus, the love i have for you, for a dog, for my partner, for my mother, for a random pig etc, all compiles into a 'data bank/record' that creates a feedback loop, and each time i love well, or each time i lack love completely, the universal energy learns, we learn, we self correct, and we come closer to unity, closer to oneness, closer to love. unfortunately, contrast and conflict creates greater evolution and need for evolution that homogeny does. without superficial differences would we recognise the depth of our fundamental similarity? without pain/discomfort, would we wholly grasp the joy of experiencing pleasure/comfort?
anyway, to wrap it up, i believe that we all come here with different missions, and maybe for some, their mission is to practice that balancing of halves, and as such experience a hetrosexual relationship. however, for others, their mission may be something else entirely. it may be learning to love and meld with a reflection of their own energy, it may be teaching people that love can take multiple forms, and that the true definition of love is to take another person as a part of yourself and love them, unconditionally, without prejudice, regardless of who they love, or how different they are to the 'norm'. if my theory that the joining of any two individuals creates a form of energy exponentially larger than their physical form in realms invisible to the eye, that still stands for queer couples. fine, the energy may not take the same form in the sense that a child cant be born from it, but that doesnt mean its any less valid, any less important, or any less magnificent in its capacity for what it is able to create.
humans are full of theories and ultimately we as people have to live in our truths and trust in our own intuition before giving credence to the opinions and theories of other people, because after all, they are just people. they are no different to us, and nor are they exempt from being infalliable. be your self and love who you love proudly because loving in a world like this is never something to be ashamed of.
sending u love and well wishes <3
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zstargalaxy · 1 year
Verite Betrachtung meets the Pomeifiore dorm members.
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Verite has come many times to NRC, even when there is no festivel gatherings or field trips that have been planned.
He will be immediately be recognized by many of the students due to he's famous social media account on magicam that had shown he's make up products and tutorials.
But he's true rising fame was when he and Eli first had made a social media debut together after she had evolve into Espeon as a celebration during Verite's fifth year in MJA.
Pomeifiore dorm members would immediately praise him for he's excellent talent at such precise work in makeup and compliment on he's and Eli's amazing teamwork at creating such beautiful works of arts.
He's training for he's upcoming pokemon contests with he's partners really pay off.
When Verite had shown his other pokemon, many admirations and compliments kept going on at the sight of such elegant and powerful beasts.
Such beasts are hard to tame after all and to see these beasts as not just strong but also great at performing arts is a sight for sore eyes.
Which had gotten the attention of very interested individuals...
👑Vil Shoenheit 👑
He and Verite go way back before both of them even go to their present day schools due ro their Father and Mother being acquinted with one another.
Vil and Verite still contact one another after all those years later despite the busy schedule they have.
They act professionally to one another, chatting to away if what is happening but in private, they are would rent out eachothers problems as they do eachothers hair and make up.
Verite is Vil's go to guy when it comes to make-up.
And also a friend to share he's distress.
One of them would visit to eachothers schools but Verite is mostly the one who would visit Vil in NRC since he has more free time due to the yearly assignment he and he's school mates would have that gives him more free time to visit Vil from time to time.
Vil did find he's childhood friend's familiars very intriguing, especially when he was given a chance to see one of Verite's contests where he had witnessed the magnificent showcase that these Pokémon display.
The Actor is aware that such beings like these are quite hard to tame yet here they are, not just tame but also has a good taste in fashion.
But in all honesty, he is very neutral with them for most of the time.
He is mostly close to Eli the Espeon since she has a good eye in one's style and knows which accessory or make up that would go well.
Sometimes he wish he would get a familiar that is like Eli.
The Pomeifiore students would be in awe at how excellent these Beasts that Verite has.
🏹Rook Hunt 🏹
Rook is enchanted by these beautiful beasts!
Such powerful creatures that could level up the place but is tamed by a trainer that enhenced their skills and beauty in performing.
He has heard about an country containing powerful beasts that are tamed by it's magicless inhabitants but to see some and their trainer is a whole new experience.
The hunter is dazzled by the magnificent performance that Verite had displayed for the dorm to show how pokemon contests are.
You can say that the Vice-Prefect has already sang many poems afterwards and taken many pictures that he had kept in a separate album just for pokemon.
(And pictures that he hide in he's wallpaper)
Verite is casual with Rook and find he's enthusiasm in beauty is fine but does find he's stalking habits disturbing and nerve wrecking that he would sometimes steer abit him and he's pokemon away for safety.
Albert once even send out an energy ball at the man.
Despite all that, it didnt put a rain on this hunter's parade at admiring such animals that he would see once in a life time.
Lilith, the Gothorita and Dominic, the Gardevoir were certainly the ones he was able to get closer, especielly Lilith.
She was wary about the man at first, until she soon warm up to him just a few moments after meeting him, in which Verite had ro take a double take if he is seeing it right.
Rook and Lilith love to do a small dance with one another, enjoying eachother's company as Dominic watch over to see if the hunter isnt doing any funny business and would join with them a few times.
🍎 Epel Felmier🍎
He had thought at first that he was like Vil, which he is kinda right, but had change his mind after seeing him and he's pokemon in action.
Epel had heard about Verite a few times but he had never thought of him as some kind of beast tamer since taming beasts, especielly magical ones, are quite hard and is a dirty work so he had never imagine someone that Vil is acquainted is one to do so.
Verite wouldnt mind Epel being a rough country boy since he had grow up with the concept of diversity and the whole diamond in the rough thing but he will not tolerate him being so senseless in fashion.
He dosent knew who is worse, Epel or Vesta.
Sometimes he would even agree that Epel spirit is almost like Savannaclaw and that being in Pomeifiore was a mistake. almost.
Abit disappointed that Verite isnt like those battling trainers that he had heard about and even seen the visiting MJA students do.
Nor have those strong looking pokemon.
Yet he cant complain that some of he's familiars are pretty cool.
Especielly Albert as he is Epel's favorite one to be with so far.
Both prefer something more cooler than the elegant and frilly.
These two boys would sneak off and went on their own shopping trip until they are pulled back by the Vs.
Oh boy, Vil and Verite has their hands full with these stubborn boys.
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unrelatabledude · 6 months
Under the cut
I do want to say as a little start here: I really didnt enjoy the second two routes of uuultraC. Shirou's chapter drove me into a mink route level depression and I hated how the third route ended. so really this is a little bit of me rewriting the bits i liked and then. making it ensemble stars.
but yes let me. bullet points some bits for u.
HiMERU -The main difference between the two worlds is kaname's death. Our himeru has been pretending to be kaname for literal years -Tried acting and modelling for a while, but keeps getting locked out -Has not realized hes a Kaiju, but Rinne knows -Kaiju stuff awakened when Kaname died, and helps make his disguise perfect -Has the worlds strangest most co dependant fwb thing going on with Rinne. He thinks Rinne is dating Niki (who knows about him) -Has a dream connection with Kohaku. They share dreams and memories -Knows Jun and Tatsumi as Kaname's friends, and is bad at interacting with them, blames tatsumi for Kaname's death
Rinne -Left his hometown in a bid to see the outside world -The next day the town has leveled, and Hiiro died. He blames himself. -Still calls Niki his wife, but its a joking thing. They mean the world to each other. Niki still took him in until he started mooching off Himeru. -Met Himeru while Himeru was bartending. He saved him from falling, and theyve been inseperable ever since. -Doesn't get the whole hero appeal thing, but desperate to save ppl. -Says hes getting into professional gambling and writing, doesnt want Himeru to read his work
-Reincarnation of the younger brother Rinne lost
-He's normal aged in the other world, and dies again in this one
-They're close in the other world and live a happy life
Tatsumi -Apart of ORANGE -Desperate not to fumble Kaname again. -Has not realized Himeru is not Kaname. Very forward with him -Wants to make the world better for Kaname, became a kaiju for him
The other routes would have -Kohaku and Madara (platonic not ship) as a replacement for the second route. Madara's detective agency and the high schooler that keeps saving him from trouble he gets into. Madara 4D chessing his way into situations to get Himeru to act as bait. That kinda stuff.
-Izumi and Leo as the third route Leo being an alien, desperately searching for divine inspiration as he rips the world apart. Formed ORANGE with Tsukasa to instigate monster fights. Izumi is obsessed with him, and desperate to make him better, but they keep talking past each other. Kohaku is their main agent, but has been going rogue to help Madara.
Other ppl involved would be -Niki as the hero and coworker both Himeru and Rinne share without knowing -Aira as the investigative blogger getting into trouble -Mayoi as a young kaiju that Madara helps
SORRY THIS IS SO CONFUSING AND NON-SENSICAL. I dont know how to explain myself and if youre confused or want more info i will do my best. thank you for your interest im really touched and wanna cry. sorry that its not so good. Have a tatsumi
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urthemiiel · 10 months
band name bestie and wild card for mercy, beginnings bandmates and tattoo for kian (hope it's not too much ddjdskjd)
THANK U!! it is not too much dont worry <3 but ill put it under the cut bc its long hehe
infamous mc ask game!!
Band name: How did they and the others come up with the band name? Has the name changed since it was founded?
- their band name is final girl, like the horror movie trope! mercy is a big fan of horror or gore or anything spooky. the name has been the same since the band was started, and it’s always been fitting since they are a punk band with a female lead and the aesthetics to match the ongoing horror theme!!
Besties: What’s their friendship with Rowan like? What are some things only he knows about them?
- she and rowan are super close!! he’s her best friend in the band. only he knows the full extent of her delusions LOL every day she texts him that she is fully convinced orion wants her bad and every day he says “u are literally insane ❤️”
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like.
- shes super active on social media and has a decently large following even before botb. her fans love her for the drama… u better not piss her off bc she Will post call outs on her main ig 😭 during botb she absolutely heckles both soft violence and underground wastebasket and says mean things to their fans just bc she thinks it’s funny. besides being a troll she also posts a lot of selfies and thirst traps bc shes hot!!!!
Beginnings: When and how did they know they wanted to be a professional musician? Was there a deciding factor?
- kian was a bored and lonely child and his parents felt enough guilt that they enrolled him in piano lessons so he could have Something to do(idk how canon this could be but its canon To Me). he was a natural, and he loved it. it was his introduction to his love for music and for a while he did think he’d pursue it as a career but ultimately decided it would be boring and his dream switched to being a famous rockstar instead. going to his first live shows, discovering misfit alley, and meeting seven/eventually starting the band in high school solidified that goal
Bandmates: How do they feel about the members of the band? Would they still be interested in stardom if they weren’t with that group?
- hes close to everyone in the band in his own ways. mostly rowan and devyn tho. rowan is a partner in crime, they have the most fun together and will always find a way to piss off orion. devyn is the rational one and kind of a calming presence. they got closer after the whole party/seven fiasco. if he didnt have the band i think he’d still pursue that kind of music, but probably as a solo singing type thing
Tattoo: Did they keep the tattoo with Seven’s initials? Why/why not? What was that decision/execution process like? (Bonus: What do they think of Seven keeping their tattoo?)
- he did keep the tattoo and he also doesnt conceal it on stage. so something about kian is that he is absolutely terrified of needles. hes never gotten piercings or any other tattoos, and the one tattoo he has for seven is a testament to how much he loves him bc it was a whole ordeal just to get it. so besides the fact that he is still horribly in love with sev, he also will not get it removed or covered bc he acts like sitting in the chair and being touched with the needle again is the same as being tortured to death. he says that he will get it removed once seven gets it removed, but the thought of seven removing his initials makes him ill 🤕 its like his last shred of hope that seven doesnt completely hate him
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bunnyb34r · 9 months
Lmaooo someone's getting in trouuuuuble today and I can't be 100% sure bc I didn't see who did it but i think I know
Context under the cut bc it's a long one:
So I've bitched on here many a time about how front end will do aaaalll their go backs and leave the massive pile of clothing returns (that they would have time to do if they didnt let it build up the way they do) in our area
We've been having a constant 2+ FULL carts in our area for months now. We clear em, they come back the next day with more.
We've even been petty and taken them back up front before. It comes back with MORE
Now I get that front end is a hectic job but It's literally part of their job, they don't leave go backs of like baby isle stuff in the baby isles, or go backs of heavy cleaning supplies in the cleaning isle, it's only clothing bc they dont wanna do it/think we just fold clothes all day
AND they've been yelled at several times to stop fucking doing this, by several managers and team leads.
Well we got told yesterday that when we come in, even if it's just one of us that day, we are to empty the carts before ANYTHING else. K.
So BratBoy told [rc] who went to complain ab how unfair it is that we are forced to do this job when it is literally their responsibility to do it. And he said he told their manager several times and they still do it, so he's gonna start writing people up for it. Checking cameras to see WHO specifically did it.
Anyway, I come in and BratBoy told me to tell him if theres a cart there. There was.
It was maybe 10 items or so so not a lot, but that only goes to show HOW FUCKING EASY THEY COULD'VE DONE IT THEMSELVES. Anyway, took me 5 minutes, whatever now I have two carts. (Important for the story)
So he comes by maybe 20 min later and asks if there was a cart and I said yeah and he goes "I'll take care of it"
To which I was like "oh no i did, first thing right?"
He meant "I'll take care of it" that being the whole cart issue itself.
So I say "k" and go ab my work, utilizing both carts bc why not. One has my trash bag and a stack of Sharter's clearance I was gonna liquidate after I came back from break/put in a box to deal with later. The other has my water bottle and some paper. Across the top of the middle of both carts is a flattened cardboard box I was saving for the Sharter's.
I go to do my signs, go on break.
Come back and theres a pile of clothes pushed into my cart, the one with the trash bag, pushed in behind the bag. I was livid.
I put up my signs (only now hours later realizing I did them wrong) and track down BratBoy and tell him that when he gets a minute come to clothing, he asks why and I must have looked/sounded like I was gonna cry but that's just my "I'm fucking irritated at this stupid job and trying to remain professional" bc he looked so concerned
So I tell him what happened, relaying that it was pushed into the cart that CLEARLY HAD TRASH IN IT ALREADY and these carts were literally touching so it wasn't like they got to one first
He looked like "are you fucking kidding me" and said he'd check the cameras and take care of it.
Then as I'm getting ready to leave, I get flagged down by a coworker that one of the front end ladies wanted to talk to me
I didnt clock out yet so I follow him
She was like BratBoy said something ab the cart ect ect
And I was trying to not act like I had ratted them out sgdggdgd turns out she wanted to make sure she hadnt gotten ME in trouble, that that's not why BratBoy said something and I was like no thats not it. And she was like "I left hoodies there but I didnt put them in your cart" okay then this isnt ab you...
So I told her no, what was in the cart was also pants and shit not just hoodies
So I'm willing to bet money it was the transphobic religious lady who did it bc I saw her and aforementioned coworker leaving clothing as I returned
Like she has a track record of just leaving carts like 🤗 here you go!🥰
As if shes like helping us giving us her fucking work
Anyway I left the cart and told BratBoy that and hes like "oh dont worry, they'll take care of it"
Oh! And it was the clothes that were fucking shoved under the front desk too. Like they, instead of still using a cart to make their job easier and putting shit away themselves, decided to shove clothing in the front desk... real classy bunch
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taikanyohou · 2 years
i looove that you pointed out how vegas fulfills pete's physical needs and pete fulfills vegas' emotional needs because yes, that is 100% what i was getting from the end of this episode. a big part of me wonders--what do you think will make pete want to keep working at a relationship with vegas, beyond what he gets from vegas physically?
hiiiii anon!!!
oh thats a good question! my simple answer to that would be that they're both 2 sides of the same coin, in that they both have shared similar mafia backgrounds and histories with their fathers that help them connect to/understand one another more easily, but also in terms of needs. what vegas needs, he finds in pete. what pete needs, he finds in vegas. yes.
but its how they see each other also. up until now no one has ever made pete feel this desired, this wanted, this sexy, this worshipped. people just look at pete for his professional capabilities, but not really beyond that. they only pay attention to Pete, The Bodyguard, not Pete, The Person.
vegas couldnt give a fuck about Pete, The Bodyguard. he sees the main family use him like a dog, and sees that pete follows along, never rebelling. but with vegas? god. he MAKES pete rebel. he makes pete act in ways pete would Never with the main family. bc no one sees him as this sexy, enticing, alluring, attractive being that's had this whole other side to him so deeply hidden, that even he himself didnt know in some ways, until vegas awoke that in him. and i think sex, with vegas, just gives pete so much freedom to explore and see what he likes and express himself and be heard in a way he's never been able to before. and vegas gives and gives and gives to him. and for once, pete can take and take and take.
but then there's also this quote i associate alot with them: i am in you and i am you, by rumi. vegaspete are literally the embodiment of that.
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