#the boy go nyoom
ryonello · 1 year
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catboy omen :3
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ra-vio · 8 months
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im supposed to be studying
#resident evil#resident evil 4#ada wong#I ACCIDENTALLY MADE THIS CANVAS SO SMALL SO I HAD TO RESIZE AND NOW ITS BLURRY AHHHHHHHH#its fine but ITS NOT FINE IT BOTHERS ME SO MUCH LOL#i had to switch mice for this. the other one was so slippery. i dunno if its because its wireless or whatever. that boy go NYOOM#changing the settings didnt help.#anyway. last week i finished the mercenaries and got leons rpd outfit. it was hell. it wasnt but i was in a rush so it was#i think after everything my favorite is still ada cause that grapple gun is everything. the hardest for me was krauser#krauser should have been the easiest cause you just knife everything but i kept slashing dynamite and had to redo the village like 10 times#it was absolute ass. he's the most broken character why would they do that to me#and then immediately after i started on my separate ways professional S+#its funny someone said the S+ was harder than base game. base game's pro S+ burnt me out so bad#i didnt touch the game for months afterward. separate ways S+ was a cake walk after. you dont even have to fight krauser ovo)b#the most difficult parts are probably the double garradors and the countdown to get to leon at the end#immediately after i got all my achievements I was plunged into a depression like no other. plus i had a discrete math midterm on friday#i am SO SAD. WHO WAS I BEFORE SEPARATE WAYS#i did the same silly thing i did when i drew Link. the shine in her hair says 'Ada' because i have to derive joy from somewhere
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kurohaai · 2 years
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Night encounter.
More Mermay AU doodle
Mer Das - mine Researcher Pavnis - @theartisticapparition's
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trashleykiwi · 1 year
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batbabydamian · 1 month
The Boy Wonder #1 by Juni Ba rambling about why every time i open this book, i stare in wonder...HAHA and ofc!! how cute Damian is!!
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Juni Ba’s style is so absurdly effective in telling a fairy tale for the ages. It’s a stunning blend of simplicity and complexity I'M GRIPPING THE PAGES AGAINST MY EYES…
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Before getting into the interiors, THE COVER!! It associates autumn leaves to Damian's Robin title through the iconic cape shape/color; and on top of that, for a Robin going through a big transition in his life...a season of change one might say...Juni Ba your brain...
Damian and the leaves being the only colored parts of this cover is nice in focusing on those elements, but i also like to think by not coloring the background it prepares you to expect impressive inkwork in this book.
On that note, the interiors!! Starting off with Ba's backgrounds of Gotham as it establishes the strange new world that our young hero has been thrust into:
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We get a neat tracking shot following a champagne glass that gives us a glimpse of Gotham from the upper echelons to the downtrodden in "Underwell"
This opening sequence quickly lays out the environment Damian will be traveling through in this series! It also sets the tone for some silliness with the cute zoom on the champagne glass before it BOKs the robber lol. Along with Ba's inks, O'Halloran's colors makes every part of Gotham pop - especially love the golds of the higher society shifting into the blues of the underbelly!!
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Besides Damian’s personal conflict, Gotham feels like its own entity that he has to contend with. The dialogue speaks for itself, but within the art as well!!
"This city of ours swallows and crushes everything it can" -> a gargoyle's beak over Damian, crowds of people, and walls of advertising
"You've seen it too...the way it coils around one's mind from below." -> bridges and a passing train on a rail viaduct towering over a civilian
"A dark voice calling as if to say..." -> literally, "FEED ME"
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LOVELY SHOT OF MOVEMENT... and i love how Damian's venture into Gotham opens with him passing a tree - its branches and leaves are the most organic element on the page before getting into the gritty details of the city! Some yammering because the inks are. so cool: the delicate lines of the leaves in the tree to the thicker/bigger lined ones closer to the camera on the right; the background inks allowing space around Damian's form + the fine line of his grapple!! More O'Halloran praise - PRETTY, and love his coloring over Ba's bg lines, particularly here, keeping the leaves darker on the right.
It's not only a pretty page it's just a really clean layout!! Ba exhibits this throughout the book but i really enjoy it here - from Damian nyooming, we head into these last 3 panels. his cute lil "Robin" shape easily draws the eye to the tops of the panels as we take in Gotham's liveliness alongside the lettering/narration
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and the "Robin" shape?? SO CUTE. it's instantly familiar to us as Robin!! bold outline and filled with yellow...it's a Robin in movement!!...AN AUTUMN LEAF IN THE WIND... yeah, still not over that 😭
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Damian's inciting incident is introduced in the former panel with a gorgeous backdrop of Gotham in the distance (plus itty bitty Trinity cameo haha). The shot parallels!! beautifully!! in the final page!! Damian is now in the depths of Gotham, his objective out of reach. The colors are of note too, where the familiar yellows of Gotham are suddenly a startling green after the demon makes its appearance. The Gotham land looks even more unfamiliar, which prompts Damian to seek help.
Some speculation, but the green could also be associated with the more mythical side of demons and such (like the ghost?? of the thief), but it could even imply there's a connection to the Al Ghuls themselves as it's the only other time green is so prominently used.
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Now that the land of Gotham is established, popping in other fav bgs!
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More lovely mix of Ba's inks and O'Halloran's colors!! especially allowing some of the brush/marker strokes to show faintly as part of the twinkling sky...STUNNING!! 😭 i love this whole page but this panel gets me weepy, SMALL DAMIAN IN THE VAST UNIVERSE COMBINED WITH THIS LINE "He knew he could be great. How unfair of the world to make him feel so small." KICKS MY ASS... i need to lie down
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YAPPING AT MORE WONDERFUL INKING: the suggestion of windows offscreen from the frames casting these thick lines over the walls and stairwell; the minute shadow details over the railing; the hatching on the suits in the portrait; the framed portrait being its own panel!! cute hooded Damian in the gutter space looking in on the portrait/panel!! CUTE HOODED DAMIANS!!
SPEAKING OF PANELS, along with general effectiveness and efficiency, there's more whimsy in others!! like this kickass page of Nightwing whipping his escrima from first panel -> afterimage lines going POWPOWPOW hitting demons from a distance to ones closer to the camera -> and back into his hand!! IT'S SO GOOD AND SO FUN!!
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Ba's action employs more diagonal panels, and characters are less restrained within boxes - there's more energy and freedom across the page!
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not necessarily focusing on the action for this one, but THE WHIMSY!! the border itself is goop!! Also gotta point out that looming hammer shape!!
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Nightwing's critical hit spans the entire page!! from silhouettes of a flip -> flashy stomping pose/Clayface -> to a distant shot of Dick landing
and a smooth finisher page!! love the motion lines on Dick's arms and waist + his head and arc effects popping outside of the borders; then the smaller panels for quick activity, and the final WOOB WOOB WOOB LOL i can hear this sound effect just as much as i can see it
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Along with O'Halloran on colors, Aditya Bidikar on lettering works seamlessly with Ba's vision!! The text boxes for the fairy tale narration are like strips of yellowing pages from an old storybook!! Had to look up the term for this lol, but also reminiscent of those storybooks, there's even a use of "drop caps" - the big fancy capital letter!
Smaller things of note, but the bit of "Weakness" text from Ra's has a kind of. grandiose feel to it. Then the cute B< Damian behind the window!! Love how the bubble and text are faded behind the glass too! The end of the bubble tail is a nice touch as it matches well with Ba's bg inking :0
Otherwise, it seems Ba has done a majority of the lettering - dropping a couple of my favs below!!
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also just this whole page: the very loud AAAH! text draws both Damian's and the reader's attention to the panel below!! it's a cool transition to a new shot where you can see Damian's silhouette on the building! The final panel is cartoony violence off-page through the bold POW BOOM SLAM haha + DAMIAN'S LIL FIST!!🥺 and the guy's tooth RIP
Pure speculation - Juni Ba's concept art included Carrie Kelley, so i'm wondering if the hostage in the beginning could be her and we'll be returning to this moment in time by the end. The worn Robin colors are similar to the design + their head is conveniently covered.
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In terms of story, I'm obviously heavily biased, but the initial read got me rolling in emotions with how it has you caring for Damian. Damian as a character is so fantastical in essence - it’s part of his individual charm in the batfam cast! an heir of two kingdoms, born and raised with great expectations suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar land. he has a sword. he has a dragon bat for a companion. he is haunted by the sins he has committed. he is two apples tall. he's truly fairytale material!!
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LIKE...past the panels of only his silhouettes, this is our introductory appearances of Damian. It's laid out clearly in the narration, but this parallel is SO GOOD: from the powerful and ornate visuals of Damian and the Al Ghuls -> to a simple panel of Batman's shadow behind a boy littered in scars, stripped of his home and status
Damian is out of his element and proves himself in the way he knows how!!
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just kick me down a flight of stairs why don't you. i don't know which messes me up more, the top 3 or bottom 3 panels. His facial expressions!! his expectations for approval dashed!! Damian's hand reaching for his father!! only to be left alone with the body. The page after this is the final nail in the coffin in feeling just how lost he is in the world before he acts on it. And you root for him the entire way!!😭
Despite Damian's fanciful background there's so much heart to be shown in his struggles and discoveries - and this classic form of a fairy tale lays it out so brilliantly!! It's shaping up to be an amazing balance of heavier elements and whimsy based on this first issue, and it leaves you wanting more!!
Besides being a thoroughly enjoyable read, it's inspiring work!! i've ordered Juni Ba's other books to consume more of his storytelling, and here's the ones i've found so far if you're interested in checking them out as well!!
Mobilis: My Life with Captain Nemo
Monkey Meat
Djeliya: A West African Fantasy Epic
The Unlikely Story of Felix and Macabber
okay shockingly, i didn't blab about how cute Damian is as much as i thought i would, but i think the collage at the top speaks for itself lol
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this is all you need to know how cute Damian is in this!! his cheeks are so pinchable, it was done on page!! 🥺 these panels obliterate me
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songmingisthighs · 2 months
Pitiful, You're Pitiful
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ch. iii
group : ateez
pairing : aged up!wooyoung × aged up!reader
genre : angst, mature
word count : 2.5 k
warning : adultery, cheating, medical condition (?), mentions of loss/miscarriage, negative depiction of wooyoung
a/n : I'M FINALLY UPDATING THIS HOLY SHIT i would like to thank stress and my manic episode for making me abandon sleeping at 4 am and just went nyoom with this
a/a/n : btw happy black day 🫶🫶
buy me coffee ?
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The three weeks that passed after Wooyoung's incident was rather hard on you but it was severely... bland.
Mind you, there was nothing in particular that happened but between finding out you were pregnant with a child you didn't even know how your cheating husband would feel about and finding out the person your husband cheated with was his staff member, you couldn't tell if your morning sickness was mostly caused by your pregnancy or as a physical reaction to your current marital situation. Not to mention your daughter had been severely opinionated regarding your care of her father.
Despite everything, you still took care of Wooyoung well. That day you left after finding out that Wooyoung was with a bitch who had some audacity to make big claims about her status, and you came back not two hours later with Wooyoung's things. Upon your arrival, Wooyoung was visibly tense, as if he was being wary and you assumed that the nurse said something about the whore he was with not being his wife and he panicked because how was she supposed to know that? You didn't make things easier for him either when you showed up all calm and collected unlike how a wife usually would react upon finding out that her husband had been hospitalized. He knew how you would usually fuss over him when he was ill so your behaviour struck to him as abnormal and concerning. Or well, something to be concerned about, it's not like he would be concerned over you at this point, right? Though, you excused yourself as being out of it and he just bought the lame excuse. Luckily, his mom soon came and later when you brought your children to visit him, your behaviour became less of a concern and the next two days he was under observation went by smoothly.
But still, the turmoil you felt didn't die down, it stayed stagnant within you and you were at a point where you were feeling too much but couldn't exactly let anything out. Except for puking, that's non-negotiable.
"You need to check that stomach bug out," Wooyoung said as he poured himself a glass of coffee upon hearing your footsteps nearing the kitchen. You had gotten into the habit of ignoring him because you didn't know what you would do or say to him if you opened your mouth. So you simply let out a hum of acknowledgement, not even bothering to answer him completely, not after you just emptied your stomach. "Did you drink any wine last night?" Wooyoung asked, now leaning on the counter to look at you who had situated yourself on the stove to prepare your children some breakfast before they had to go to school. But of course, you simply shook your head whilst turning the electronic inductor on and placing a pan over the surface.
It seemed like Wooyoung had taken note of your odd behaviour and while normally you would be glad that your husband had taken interest in you, all you felt was just sick to the pit of your stomach. It was as if his attention no longer mattered knowing that he shared that with someone else. Someone who hadn't done anything for him for years only to be betrayed yet someone worth risking his marriage and vows to you for.
Wooyoung huffed and pushed himself off the counter to go over to you, leaning on the countertop close to you to take a good look at your face. "I'm worried. You seem like you haven't been yourself for quite a while now," boy did you want to whack him and claw his eyes out for saying that because how dare he act like he cared when you knew he had something going on with a cheap side piece. But you held it in as best as you could, balling your hands tight that the spatula in your hand almost snapped and just shrugged, "d'know what you're talking about," you muttered lowly, trying to avoid as much interaction with him as you could. With a sigh, Wooyoung tried to push some hair out of your face but for some reason your body moved involuntarily out of the way as if revolted by his touch which surprised Wooyoung who stood aghast, staring at you with wide eyes as you stared him back with nose twitching. Knowing you (ironically), you would not avoid his touch or act as if he was going to hurt you because (to his knowledge) he had never hurt you nor does he have shown any inclination that you should be afraid of him. Both of you just stood there in the kitchen, Wooyoung in surprise at your reaction and you in annoyance and once you finally took a good look at him, you glared at him in anger and boy did Wooyoung took notice of that.
"What?" He asked, stupidly, you might add. "What?" You answered back, returning to scooping breakfast to your children's plates. "Okay, sure, act like you haven't been avoiding me these past three weeks, (y/n). Did something happen when I was in the hospital?" yes, you got hurt but you were as fine as a peach because your mistress was there, "Are you mad that you had to take care of me these past three weeks?" no, but I am mad that your whore claimed to be your wife to the nurses and even had the gall to visit you while I was right there against my will, pregnant and all, "Did I do something wrong?" and that was when you snapped your head and crossed your arms at Wooyoung, "I don't know, Wooyoung, you tell me. Did you do something wrong?" though he wanted you to answer him, the tone of your voice surprised him greatly to the point that he straightened up. "Hm? Tell me Wooyoung, is there something you think that you know is VERY wrong that you wish to tell me right here right now?"
How you wished you had a camera to capture just how stupid Wooyoung looked. It was obvious to him, or made obvious to him, that you knew that something was up but there was no way Wooyoung could confirm that you knew that he had been cheating on you with his subordinate out of all people. As much as it was the most logical answer to your sudden hostility, Wooyoung didn't want to accidentally confirm his suspicion much to your dismay.
The moment he heard footsteps rushing to the kitchen was the moment Wooyoung believed that God existed because he knew the conversation was coming to an end. "Morning!" Woohyun chirped, throwing his book bag by the doorway before rushing to give you a hug, completely unaware of the tense situation or even the stare-off you were having with your husband. With one final glare, you shifted your attention from the cheating bastard Wooyoung to Woohyun, smiling to cover up your annoyance, "Morning Woodonnie," it had been a while since Woohyun grew out of his lisp phase but the nickname stuck and he liked that you had a special name for him, "Slept good?" he nodded with a wide grin, "Want food?" his grin widened and his nod was firmer. "Dayoung, do you want food?" you asked your daughter, who was too busy grinning on her phone to actually look at you, "Hey, Dayoung?" You called out again, sighing after carefully handing Woohyun his plate of eggs and half a toast.
Realizing that Dayoung was ignoring you, Wooyoung huffed and snatched Dayoung's phone, causing her to let out a 'hey!', "Your mother was talking to you, Dayoung," he stated, unimpressed with his daughter's blatant disregard for you (for once). Dayoung rolled her eyes and turned to you, "Yeah, I want breakfast, if not I wouldn't have come here now, would I?" Wooyoung was about to scold her but he was stopped when he saw you visibly gag, halting everyone's activities. Then you gagged once more before dropping the spatula on the counter and rushing to the toilet without saying anything else.
"She hadn't thrown up on those eggs, did she?" Dayoung asked, cringing at the thought of you doing something to her breakfast. Wooyoung snapped his head to Dayoung and glared at her, "Can you not? Your mom is sick and the last thing she needed was for you to act disrespectful to her," he scolded which surprised Dayoung because, to her knowledge, Wooyoung hadn't been that defensive of you for a long while.
"Is mom okay?" Woohyun asked, worry visible on his face and he was about to get off his chair to go to you when Wooyoung patted him on his head, "Don't worry about mom, okay? She'll be fine and she'll be even finer if she sees you eating," he smiled, trying to assure Woohyun which thankfully work as Woohyun began eating his breakfast with so much gusto Wooyoung had to tell him to slow down.
When Wooyoung got to you, you were getting out of the bathroom, looking pale and sweaty. He immediately approached you with a small towel he grabbed from the linen closet when he was getting to you, "Really, (y/n), you need to go to the hospital and get this checked out. I'll go with you today, okay? You definitely can't go anywhere yourself right now, I-" you simply snatched the towel from his hand and pat your mouth dry, refusing to look at him as you turned away, "I'm fine, Wooyoung, I can manage myself," it was the first time that you hoped he would just shrug and go back to not caring but of course, Wooyoung didn't come through when you desperately needed him to. Instead of leaving you be like you wanted, Wooyoung grabbed your shoulders gently and turned you around, "(y/n), please stop being stubborn and let me help you, okay? You're clearly unwell and whatever it is, we can get rid of it and you'll be better!"
You knew that he didn't mean it like that because you knew that he didn't know about the growing person inside of you. But still, with your current state both physical and emotional, you were hurt and you couldn't help but think that his words meant that he didn't want the child that he helped create.
Balling your fists, you used the tension in your hands to stop yourself from rushing over and punching Wooyoung in the face. Instead, you pushed his hands off of you. "Like I said, I can manage myself. Shouldn't you be worried about work? You know, with people at work that you need to give more attention to?" you tried pushing past him to tend to your children but he effectively blocked your path with his body, frowning down at you, "What's with you? I'm trying to help here, (y/n), I'm worried about you!" "Well, maybe you've been ignoring me too much too long to the point that right now I'm so used to doing things myself without your help, Wooyoung. You've been very absent from me and I'm sorry to say this but it has come to the point that your presence is actually making me feel annoyed and I don't know if it was because of you in general or if it's because of this very uncharacteristic shift in your behaviour that's making me wonder if you're compensating for something or if you genuinely want to be there for me now."
Though you had managed to not physically hit him, your words stung worse than any slap you could deliver to him. Wooyoung was painfully aware of how distant he had been with you since your miscarriage and what he thought was his attempt to give you space had instead caused a rift in your marriage. He never meant for things to go this far, heck he never thought that he was capable of cheating on you but when another woman approached him when he was crying in the practice room to offer him a shoulder to cry on, he felt like his own pain was being acknowledged. After all, the loss didn't just happen to you, it happened to him too. While you were in your zombie state, Wooyoung manned the ship and put himself on the back burner, not even letting himself falter and stupidly not letting himself process the pain. He wasn't justifying his infidelity whatsoever, he knew that it was beyond wrong and he was disgusting for committing to it for so long. But it felt nice to let his vulnerability taken care of even if it ended up with him using someone he had no affection for as a mean to get some form of twisted connection because he was too ashamed of himself to touch you again.
Wooyoung stood there silent, not knowing how to react, or more like not knowing what to react to first. So you simply shook your head and walked past him, this time successfully.
Soon, Wooyoung heard Dayoung and Woohyun saying (yelling) their goodbyes which was then followed by the front door shutting.
When the silence of the empty house settled in on him, he found himself slumped on the couch, emotionless as your words kicked him all over. His chest burned with hatred for himself and his fingers became tingly from anxiety. He couldn't help but think of the ways he had failed as a husband and perhaps as a father considering how his daughter treated you. It dawned on him how mad he was when Dayoung disrespected you earlier, how he hated seeing you, who had always treated Dayoung with a lot of consideration, to be treated that way. And while he felt justified for chastising his daughter for her action, it was almost laughable how he didn't do the same when what he had been doing was a hundred, if not a thousand times more disrespectful. He was a hypocrite. You didn't deserve this.
Negative emotions welled inside Wooyoung, creating turmoil that almost made it hard for him to breathe.
Unfortunately, despite his realization, Wooyoung found himself driven to an action he had repeatedly done like a sick act of compensation when he was feeling bad. His hand fished the phone out of his pocket and his fingers moved as if on their own, immediately finding the contact that he didn't even bother to fake because he trusted that you wouldn't snoop because you were not that kind of a person.
"Hey, I know you're not busy until later in the evening, can I come?"
And the self-hate repeated itself.
But how much can he hate himself when he is being distracted by shallow, unfulfilling "pleasure" instead of dealing with his true feelings? How much more pain should he give you before he could finally take the first step to stopping and coming clean?
Maybe this was the last time he did it.
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positively-mine · 1 year
Laser tag
With gojo, established relationship, not proofread
A/n: At this point i keep breaking my promises so i need to make it up somehow. Pls take this as a start. I have a few more ideas in mind but idk who to match it up with. If you have any characters you'd like let me know!
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You shouldn't have agreed to gojo's idea. What were you thinking when you thought that it would be fun to play laser tag with an overgrown man child.
Not much apparently.
He was running around the arena like a mad man eliminating all the other children. You couldn't be more embarrassed when a little boy started wailing due to your boyfriend. Now you were 100% sure you were never coming here again.
You on the other hand have been seeking refuge in a corner behind some obstacles. Staying hidden with another child who was staring at you.
Kind of sad that he was on the same team as yours and couldn't eliminate you. You were beyond embarrassed at this point by the white haired man.
And that's when you hear a familiar giggle that sounded suspiciously close to where you were.
In an instant, the boy was eliminated with a bewildered look on his face. Once gojo's face comes into view, the boy leaves with an annoyed expression.
"You are so embarrassing." You grunted. "I'm never going anywhere with you anymore."
"Aww. Don't be like that. I'm just having fun!" There he goes with that annoying smile again. You just want to rip it right off his face.
He stalks over to where you are and that's when you feel the atmosphere change. He looms over your frame and nudges you against the wall.
What's with the sudden silence is what you're thinking.
He looks down at you and leans into your face. You can see his blue irises staring back.
He leans towards your lips and gives you a final glace before pressing a kiss to your lips.
It didn't last very long though.
He moves back slightly and stares back at you. His eyes have turned into a mischievous squint.
And that's exactly what you hear a second later. The sound of you losing to your 6 foot 3 boyfriend.
He lets out another maniac cackle before running off to find his next victim(s).
Mouth still agape (from the kiss or you being eliminated) you stand there like an idiot.
And then you feel the annoyance bubbling up again. Once he was done being a brat you were going to rip out all of his hair from his scalp.
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yanderepuck · 11 months
The Pets Favorite Toy
He likes anything metal. Anything that will make a clinking sound when he hits it against something. Metal sounds the most pleasing...and happens to be the most annoying
Mozart needs to keep him away from his violin bow because he loves to swing that around and ruin the strings on it. But he really loves bells. He has one on his perch and loves to ring it. Sometimes it seems like he's trying to make music with Mozart.
A simple string does the trick. But he has a little stuffed mouse that he carries around. He's always batting it around Leonardo's room and losing it and he cries until Leonardo moves things to be able to get it back out
Anything he can get his hands on. For a week he just carried around a spoon. He also has a thing for taking Comte's ties and hiding them under the couch.
The boy wants to play tug of war with anything. So if he has something in his mouth and you go to take it, he thinks you also want to play. Theo has had shirts rip from this. However he's giving me sick vibes. He just carried around one of Theo's socks when he's working for comfort
He has a ball he loves to play fetch with, but man does he love to dig in the garden. That has to be his favorite thing to do. He also wants to find the biggest stick and try to carry it.
Isaac made him a wheel to run on and that's all he does now. Those little legs go so fast. Nyoom. But he would also love digging through packaging peanuts. Putting some treats in there for him to find.
String also works for her. But she goes crazy for feathers. So when the birds are shedding, Jean gathers their feathers and puts them on a string for her.
Paper. He wants to rip up paper. He thinks it's so much fun to rip it up and put it in his nest. But he will play with anything he can get to. He tends to steal paintbrushes.
He has a little tunnel he runs in and out of, and is acting like he is hiding. He will sit in it and watch Will do his thing, thinking he is hidden and cannot be bothered from inside the tunnel.
Comte's shoes. If he leaves his shoes out Time will chew on them. But he also loves playing with a ball, chasing it up and down the hallway. Sometimes treats will come out of the ball and.he gets super happy.
She has a little kiddie pool and she begs Sebastian to fill it up. If there's no water in it she stands in it and baaas at him. She just wants to play in the lil pool
Definitely a squeaky toy kind of gal. But also anything crinkly. If it makes noise she wants it. But if it's a squeaky she wants to rip it out and then play with the toy. They have no clue why. She just wants to rip something to shreds and take it's heart out
Faust gives her a lot of little kid puzzles and she loves them. The ones where you have to fit the right shape through the right hole? She loves it. But she also has a little stuffed animal she carries around and she CRIES when Faust has to wash it.
Basically anything he's allowed to chew on. They give him teething toys and he sits there and chews. However. He also loves the red dot. And the fact that he can climb makes it even more fun for Charles.
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olliesneweyes · 27 days
magic and monsters... my many hours poring over my 10 dnd 5e sourcebooks are coming for me. gonna just touch on ale for right now i think because otherwise i will yap for. an eternity. (the racial thoughts are supplementary for most bc i'm not fully sure, except in andrew's case where i have reasons for my thoughts.) andrew: dark elves (drow in 5e) are sunlight sensitive and also there's a whole stigma due to the predisposition they have in lore to be evil-aligned (yes i know they're dedicated to lolth and exceptions are rare but. it fits andrew ok. he can't see shit in the light, people see him and think he's a certain way... ough.) as for his class, i could see him as trying to be life domain cleric (life domain is all about healing and caring for those in need), but he instead is given the grave domain (focused on keeping the cycle of life, keeping the dead dead) or light domain (light is focused on rebirth and truth- though a lot of spells involve flashbanging the opposition and andrew could see that as his penance for asking the deity's aid). if he were a paladin, i'd see him as an oath of devotion one, its tenets line up with how he thinks i feel! also when he fails to save someone or when something happens that is out of his control he'd blame himself long before anyone else would, thinking he broke his oath when he never did... and we have bright light emittance as a capstone ability which. not good for him!! he can't see!! he has str/con from his work, and i think he'd be better at wis than cha (points for cleric - paladins cast with charisma and clerics with wisdom), int is around the middle and his dex is not good. luca: get that boy into the artificer class! i feel like he'd absolutely have an engineering focus, as an artillerist perhaps (sometimes he needs to build a cannon, ok? it's enrichment), or maybe battle smith (a sort of defensive class, which could make sense. he doesn't remember what he originally worked on, but he can work with these tools still, he can make sure he doesn't hurt anyone this time. he can protect them. right?) as for race if we go on dnd standards, i'd place him as a... maybe a half elf, elf on herman's side? maybe a gnome too. that impulsive nature is extremely gnome of him, and i believe he had a good amount of that before he uh. yeah. high int and cha, low str and con, dex and wis in the middle. emil: this man can zoom! give him a high dex stat and a scout rogue build (able to nyoom out of the way of opponents and excels at moving fast: knowing his grappling hook, we could apply that logic), with some barbarian or fighter multiclass to represent his fighting he had to do if we want the pain. i think barbarian due to the focus on channeling rage, though the heavy focus on certain spiritualities and the 'primal path' wording is difficult since i don't think he grew up with connections to living in the area the flavor text associates with barbarians, he just had to survive. beast path where he's been treated like a dog so long he becomes one in battle... berserker path where the memory is just as fuzzy as always, but now with a new goal in mind... sorry. im ill. i could see him as like. a dwarf perhaps? maybe whoever he is he's out of place where he lives currently until he meets andrew and luca and finds a family within them... looking alike never meant belonging. and these two really make him feel like he belongs.
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whoops-im-obsessed · 1 year
(More) Things I Noticed in UKsies: Fansie Night Edition (Act 2)
First one got too long so here is act 2!!
At Jacobi's Albert says 'why do old people talk?' Directly to Jacobi who waves him off
'Jack don't run from no fight!' '*in the highest, squeakiest voice imaginable to mock Les* Take it down short stop!!'
Katherine dances on the tables with the boys in KoNY and I'm not sure if Bronté does but Bobbie does the nerve tap!
Cup song time
Katherine and Les have such cute little interactions
Nyoom tables!!
They don't shy away from showing what they do to keep themselves safe, when the newsies grab the lamps, you can see them clip themselves on but it only serves to make you go 'something is about to go down!!'
The newsies on the ground dance around the tables and tap metal plates to the table newsies' feet
Ascension with frantic spinning, incredible
In a bit of a stark contrast, letter from the refuge is a really poignant moment
Crutchie breaks the forth wall and speaks directly to the audience, including them in his thought process
A cop watches the whole thing from the scaffolding
Crutchie is left handed
Crutchie actually starts crying at 'I'll be fine' and hearing that emotion in his voice contrasted with his trying to be optimistic - ugh, have I mentioned that I love Matthew Duckett?
Crutchie gets up and passes on his letter to Specs before being slowly helped off stage by a refuge newsie, still struggling when the next scene begins. When he got up he winced so hard someone next to me whispered 'ooh that was real'
Jack was Properly Angry in Watch What Happens reprise and his fear for Crutchie shone through
Ryan!Davey may be the king of eye-rolls but Alex!Davey is the king of raising his eyebrows in incredulation, especially to Les
'Lighten up no-one died' is said a lot subtler, like he knows how bad that sounds but doesn't know how to confront it
The mayor actually shows some sympathy towards the newsies but in the end doesn't act due to Synder and Pulitzer's influence
Fun fact: Jamie Golding (Wiesel/mayor/theatre worker/police/etc) has NINE costume changes during the show, he is so many people
Pulitzer grabs Katherine as she's trying to walk away at 'you can't have mine'
George Crawford (Morris Delancey) has an amazing evil laugh which he uses a lot during the show
As the printing press is being brought out, the Delancey brothers bring Jack behind the scaffolding. Although this can't be seen by most of the audience they continue to intimidate him and get really up in his space
Shout out to Zack Guest super swing who played Oscar!!
Brooklyn newsies met with the Most applause they are so cool
Brooklyn's here is broken up with a little roll call which makes the 'now them soakers' hit harder
Spot has a slight lisp
'If we disband the union..' *outrage* 'this is your union!!'
The newsies all call Jack out in various ways when they see him take the money, Spot has to be physically held back from beating him up
Something to Believe in is a little different, the Jatherine is believable but isn't really focused on much in the show, it almost feels like an afterthought. The line 'what was ours still will be' really resonates, it feels more like they had a little whirlwind mutual attraction but both think it'll end with the strike
Universal 'oooohh!!' From the audience when they kiss
Lighting for once and for all is so pretty, they have lanterns and there's a sort of orange mottled pattern like the reflection of the lamps projected across the entire theatre
Once and For All really lets the vocals shine, it isn't as high energy as the other numbers and the scaffolding doesn't move like it does in livesies, instead a giant newsies banner falls from the ceiling that they parade around the stage. The choreo isn't missed at all, the sheer wall of sound is incredible
The newsies line the theatre as Jack talks to Pulitzer and smack their fists either into their hands of onto the railings in time with the music as they hum
'The boy, Jack Kelly is here :)))'
Spot makes the 'I'm watching you' gesture at Pulitzer
As the other characters leave Jack to talk to Pulitzer, Hannah loudly says 'I love your show!!' To Medda
So many hugs when they win
Crutchie coming in with his little police hat, greeted with the biggest hug from Race and the boys
The reaction to Crutchie calling Roosevelt 'your highness'
Crutchie & Les reunion 🥺
And perfect finale and curtain call!!
The post finale choreo is incredible and was met with applause right up to the final bows
Crutchie is up on the scaffolding for much of the choreo and makes his way down for the bows. He slid down the stair rails in the same way you would slide down a ladder. Then he kept sliding. And kept sliding. And then his leg got caught. And then he kept sliding. Basically, he ended up on the floor tangled in the stairs and had to call a couple of people to help him out of the mess he got into 😅
And that was that! Post-show Q&A was pretty short but really lovely, there were mostly questions about the audition process, advice, favourite bit of the show, etc but it was really sweet how they all cared to stay and so many people did! Plus there were mega shout outs to dance captain Alex Christian who plays Butttons and is a legend!!
Honestly this show means so much to me and to be able to see it with such an enthusiastic cast and audience was incredible, see it if you can because it is in a league of its own.
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lewis-winters · 9 months
would love to hear more about the skinny/speirs confrontation 👀 (I'm sure other would too so feel free to answer publicly)
Ok I did not actually anticipate ppl being interested HAHAHAH but since ya'll asked nicely (@ep6bastogne and @hellofanidea mWAH to you too), here it is under the cut.
Ok so like. Understandably, people are more focused on Web and Lieb when it comes to the mountain top scene and that's perfectly fine. They're the ones I first thought about too. But then the more I watched that scene, the more I nyoomed in on two details: 1) It is implied that Speirs personally gave the order for Liebgott to go up there and deal with the officer, and 2) Skinny is the one who ends up pulling the trigger.
Which brings me to like. This fic I started planning in my head but couldn't quite write down because I am. Lazy. Anyway, it follows several plot points:
1) This is piggyback riding off my meta that Ron had ulterior motives to sending Liebgott up the mountain, which I have outlined in this post. TL;DR Ron used Lieb's anger (and to some extent, Web's too-- in my head, he heard about the incident with the baker in ep9, and he wanted to exploit that, not anticipating that Web's own self-preservation (of both his own person and morals) would get in the way) to do his dirty work, knowing that he wouldn't be questioned because of his position and because of said anger blindsiding all logic Lieb might have.
2) Skinny somehow knows this. He's more intuitive that people give him credit for. If Ron handpicked Lieb and Web because he knew, at least to some extent, that their anger would push them to do what he wants, then what the hell was Skinny doing there?
3) That question will haunt Skinny for awhile. Because why did Ron know, somehow, that Skinny would pull the trigger when either Lieb or Web could not? What anger and violence did Ron see in Skinny that made him think: "ah, yes, him; that's my killer of killers"? And most importantly, why did Skinny prove him right?
This is very much informed by how irl Skinny's PTSD was very much centered on the people he killed as a soldier (as opposed to people he lost). He's constantly cited in his writings and his letters that he felt unforgivable. So it isn't a massive leap for me to go yeah!! that boy killed an unarmed man (albeit a nazi, but I don't think even that could help him justify this) and then was later present when Web says "war's over, anyone would run" which no doubt would add to his already guilty conscience.
Add all of that together, and you have a recipe for a very traumatized lost boy wondering if maybe he's carrying a monster inside of him, and if maybe Ron could see it.
4) the answer, in the end, is that Ron couldn't see it. This was the dialogue I wrote first, and it has had me by the balls ever since:
"So why me? What did you see in me that was so twisted and cruel that you decided I should be up there, huh? Tell me!"
"... Nothing. I just needed a third man."
5) anyway. Ronald does, finally, admit to having used Lieb and Web to get what he wants. But Skinny doesn't care, because all he hears is that he's collateral damage. And that's not quite as comforting as Ron thinks it is.
soooooo. yeah.
**another plot point I have listed but couldn't really put anywhere in this weird ass list: there's also some cognitive dissonance sprinkled in there-- Skinny could justify Lieb and Web's reactions. He'd say Lieb has the right to do it. He'd also say Web's attempt at perserving himself as wise. it's important to note that Skinny went into this with the mindset that he was already unforgivable from the beginning. this just exacerbated it, but also gave him somebody who could probably answer his questions (i.e. am I really unforgivable? am I rreally a monster? am I a murderer? etc etc).
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soclonely · 10 months
Hope you feel better soon! If you're still doing The Clones As prompts, maybe The Clones as People You'd See at a Roller-Skating Rink?
Oh ABSOLUTELY. I missed these so much. Lets seeeeeee... Rex-"Wait, i thought you said we were going ice skating! I can't rollerskate!"
Echo- spends entire time in the arcade area wearing skates but not touching the wood ONCE
Fives- middle school boys who skate around and play tag
Jesse- *deathgrips the wall while legs go in about 80 different directions at once*
Kix- the group of girls who think its okay to link arms and skate in a line
Tup- messy bun girl who has to fix her hair at every turn because it keeps falling out but shes too nervous to stop because she JUST got the hang of it and if she stops she wont get to the pace shes at again
Dogma- the jackass who brings inline skates
Hardcase- kid constantly running up to the counter slamming cokes and pixie sticks
Coric- the dj all the middle schoolers are bugging to play Yeah by usher 8 more times
Bly- the couple who rented skates to take a couple quick instagram photos at the entrance of the rink, before quickly removing them and leaving lmao.
99- The oldtimer. amazing skate skills. probably did a lot of light drugs at that same rink in the 70s. Dresses up for disco night in his flashy 70s outfit
Cody- the dweeb who skates backwards around like he's hot stuff. Dude you are 26, at a roller rink on a saturday night by yourself because your DnD session got cancelled. calm down
Waxer/Boil- picture it, 2005-2006. its students night for your elementary/middle school at the local rink! You are in 5th grade. Your mom drops you off with money for rentals and an extra $15 for a slice of pizza, some popcorn, and a jones soda. You and your friends spend a majority of the time sitting in a booth in the concession area, giggling and running your skates casually under the table while you gossip about 6th grade and what its going to be like in real middle school next year, one of your friends looks around, jerks her head back around real quick, and squeals because your crush jacob has just come over to the concession area to but some nachos and made eye contact with the same cashier you had made eye contact with 5 minutes previous so it was practically him looking into your eyes on a beach sunset. You all giggle and chatter, staring at him until he awkwardly waves while shoving his change into his pocket as he shuffles back to his group of friends. it didn't matter that in 4 years he would be coming out of the closet to your whole school and taking the lead singing spot in the show choir. All that mattered was that small concession area. Life was good.
Wolffe- moms with annoying toddlers running around in shitty cheap plastic skates that clip onto their shoes
Boost/Sinker- asshat who doesn't watch surroundings and crosses over, bumps into everyone, and doesn't apologize
Hunter- Rockabilly dressed ladies witht heir hot pink skates. god i wish that were me.
Wrecker- the beefy dad guy there for his kids party. The dude can't skate, but you bet your sweet ass he strapped on this badboys and skated right out the rink and flat on his ass because his little princess BEGGED him to. He terrible at it but he's got spirit!
Tech- parent that sanitizes EVERYTHING
Crosshair- the person who cant skate, or is a newer skater who decides they are too cool to go around the edge and try to skate in the middle and inner lanes instead. GET TF OVER
Omega- the parent who is WALKING in the main rink holding their little kids hands. Usually they have the tiny corner one for them TAKE THEM OVER THERE SO I CAN GO NYOOM
Howzer- The obnoxious skaters who are def advanced, but try to show off in ways that can get people hurt
Fox- the poor skate rental counter guy in his 30s who looks like he just hates his life because his manager is a 16 year old girl.
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nicoforlifetrue · 2 years
Thinking about how soft shell turtles can run 15 mph.
Thinking about how the boys natural talents where made even better by the mutation process.
Thinking about Donnie being able to run at minimum 15 mph but how funny it would be if he could go 30 and the only thing holding him back is that he's got that autistic clumsyness which makes him crash into shit.
Thinking about Donnie going NYOOM
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epithet-beloved · 10 months
what about Naven comforting a trans reader through a rough dysphoria day?? it can be platonic or romantic, or whatever you think best fits the story you want to tell :))
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Naven + Reader with Gender Dysphoria
synopsis… Headcanons on how Naven helps out a reader with gender dysphoria!
ft. Naven Nuknuk
tags… epithet erased spoilers, but only if you squint, platonic, slight hurt/comfort, gender dysphoria, reader identity kept vague, headcanon content
word count… 661
a/n… Naven is so trans to me. Trans masc? Trans fem? No one knows. (I’m personally a genderfluid Naven truther). ((Nyoom/Zapped Apples is actually sapphic if you pretend real hard)). Comfort character writing to ward off the malaise lesgo!! ✧ 🦝
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Epithet God bless this guy i mean it
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He feels so deeply for you.  If he could, he’d wipe away any indication in your mind that you had to transition, that you simply are how you identify.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 But, alas, he cannot, even if he really really desired it.  That’s not how life works, he so begrudgingly knows.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 But… that doesn’t mean he can’t try.
“Oh, I love that outfit on you!”  Naven would compliment you as you pass him one day, wearing something you feel particularly brave about for once.  His bright grin is infectious, and you can’t help but feel flattered when he says, “it suits you very well.”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 I personally headcanon that Naven had a great fascination with the rise of the punk scene and ideology, especially when he was a teenager.  Thus, he always sort of had a loose relationship with his gender, preferring to present himself exactly how he wishes.  As he grew older, he felt it would be more professional to be a bit less brazen, but he still wouldn’t care if you refer to him with she/her or something.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 His experience of transness is a little bit outdated compared to young trans people today, but Naven hopes he can validate you in any way that he can, from the subtler things to the widespread action.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you frequent STEM, he’ll push for gender neutral bathrooms, for example.  Actually, considering certain people he’s worked with, I don’t doubt that he already has some in the building!�� He does all he can to make things as welcoming as possible.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 On a more personal level, Naven checks in on people face-to-face quite frequently.  If you bring up your gender dysphoria to him, he smiles sadly and tells you that he understands, and sort of guessed, based on your tells.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He offers you to tell him if there’s literally anything he can do to help.  Your comfort is his priority, after all!!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He’s a secret sucker for clothes shopping for others.  If you’re close enough, he’s totally here for shopping with you and buying aaaaannnyything you want (cause let’s be real he’s probably loaded).  He doesn’t care if it’s expensive, he’ll get you that gender euphoria!
“How about this?”  Nave points at a certain belt from your selection of clothes on the fitting room door.  From where he’s seated, he makes a great judge of your new outfits, and he’s always clapping and chittering gladly about how something looks on you. He stands up to pick up the belt and compares it with what you are wearing.  “Yes, this would go great with your style!  Let’s give it a shot, hm?”  You can’t deny his eagerness to see what the belt looks like, as you turn and go back into the changing room.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you’re transfem, Naven actually likes to help you with vocal training!  His voice is rather effeminate himself, so he has some tips on how he gets his voice sounding more like a woman’s.  (How does he have this knowledge?  You always forget to ask.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you’re transmasc, Naven likes giving you jobs that kind of makes you feel more ‘manly,’ as it were.  He’s the teacher that asks “are there any Strong Boys who like to carry these chairs? :)” except he picks out the girls (or repressed trans mascs) to help instead.  He really well and truly is a teacher.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If anyone, anyone, were to question whether you “really are” a certain identity… Oh, you should see the glare Naven gives them.  Despite his squinted eyes, his furrowed brow and tight frown really makes your blood run cold.  Trust that person will get a stern talking to later… Maybe a little more. ^^
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Also entirely separate note if there are any artists out there PLEASE give Naven a cute long skirt i’m on my knees he deserves to be pretty PLEASEEE 🙏🧎
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
All 4-1 May challenge! A tots-tally crazy night.
I saw opportunity for whacky comedy and memes, and I took it.
Summary: A Movie Night turns out in a babysitting challange for the reader. Can they survive 4 adorable turtles before their dad arrives?
Tags: @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @madammuffins @sharpwindow @dilucsflame33 @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @pheradream-15
You truly don't know what happened. Probably never will. Probably that's for the best.
One night you were at the lair with Leo, Mikey and Raph watching a movie. It was the latest Fast and Furious, so Raph had to drag anyone he could to watch it. Donnie was at the lab. Splinter... apparently was in Chinatown. Brothers had found little communities across New York that truly accepted them and Splinter had benefitted from it by finding friends to play mahjong with, and judging by some of the more hilarious stories you heard from the brothers, god knows what else. Maybe if he was there that night....
Anyway. You went to the bathroom for maybe 5-10 minutes and when you returned it truly was a pandemonium. The lair looked like a grenade went off. The brothers were missing and your stress shot through the roof as you immediately hid behind the wall looking for hidden enemies.
Then you heard a cry. A child's cry. When you left the room there were no children as far as you knew! Investigating, you slowly re-entered the main area and headed to where....
A small turtle child has been crying sitting in the ocean that was an enormous pair of trousers. Trousers you remembered used to belong to Leo. Now that you looked closer there was his mask. Holy shit. What did Donnie do this time?
The child looked up and sniffled.
"Do I lo-" You sputtered, then took a deep breath in. No time to freak out. "Heeey little buddy." You knelt down. "What's your name?"
Fuck. You looked around and noticed similar pairs of trousers and accessories usually worn by the other ninja turtles. Sans the turtles.
"Do you know where are your brothers?" You asked gently. Leo shook his head and stretched his arms out to you. Oh gosh. You picked him up and cuddled the tot. You had no idea how old he was supposed to be. He was small. Truly a shocking discovery considering how large they grew to be as adults. What was Splinter feeding them???
You sat the boy on the sofa and wrapped him in a blanket. You turned to TV and switched channels looking for something more child-appropriate. There was some re-run of a really old cartoon and it had turtle boy as a protagonist named Franklin.
"Here you go." You smiled. "Whatch this while I look for your brothers, ok?"
He nodded. What a good boy. Maybe the others won't be as difficult... Your hopes were crushed as soon as you heard a loud crush coming from the kitchen.
There you found another turtle tot, free of clothes, climbing the cabinets and making a mess while eating peanut butter straight out of the jar. It was everywhere.
"Mikey!!" You called out, running to him. There was no denying who that was.
Unfortunately, as you shouted, the boy lost his balance and it was inevitable he was going to fall! You swan dove for him. The hard shell hitting you over your chest knocking the air out of you.
The turtle tot giggled. His face was fully covered in beanutbutter. You sighed.
"You welcome."
After carrying and bundling up the orange menace with Leo on the sofa you went to look for the other two. You went to check their father's room but found nothing. The gym, the arcade, you were approaching the dojo, when something nyoomed between your legs. You spun around trying to see what it was and the chonkiness of this one gave you an idea. Did he have something in his hand?
"Raph! What do you have there!"
"A ThAI!!" The tot yelled back with a mad cackle, holding a said over his head like a prize.
"NO!" That thing was sharp!!! It shouldn't be but it was!
You sprinted after him but damn he was fast! How was he this fast on those short stubby legs!! You had to outsmart him! Taking a bit of a short cut over the water canal you intercepted the little runner.
"Gotcha!!" You tossed quickly the weapon away. Raph wildly wiggled and loudly protestd on being carried. You held him in front of yourself unsure whether he'd bite you or not. He got grumpy and sulky when you immobilized him with a blanket. Then you noticed your turtle count was back to two.
"Leo, where is Mikey, sweetie?"
Leo pointed to the right and you could see the peanutbutter footprints. He was going to the garage. Oh no. You ran.
"Mikey?" Nothing. "Oooh Miiikeeeeyyy~. Where are you?" Garage and lab were Donnie zones. Power tools, tools that were definitely some sort of sci-fi inventions, sharp objects... Your stomach sunk at what could happen to an energy volcano that was little Mikey tot.
Something fell over and you turned around. Ther- no, that wasn't Mikey.
"Donnie?" You looked at the tall turtle boy with crooked eyeglasses on his head. Then you noticed that in one hand he had a blowtorch and the other hand hiding behind his back.
Your mind went back to the Sai you werestled out of toddler!Raph's hand. What weapon of mass destruction could this child be weilding?!
"What's in your hand?" You asked carefully.
He looked on the floor, taking a step back, looking guilty as fuck. "nOtHiNg".
He threw the blowtorch to the side. The other hand was still behind his back.
"Donnie... Show me what you have."
He shook his head adamantly taking a step back. Oh, he better not be running!
"Come over here!" You lunged forward. Wrestling a child wasn't on your Bingo card tonight but here we are!! Thank God, he didn't have the strenght of his adult self, you'd never win that match! He was still a slippery little fella. It took a lot of determination to pin him down! Soon enough you had him, holding his shell to your chest one arm around him and hand held up.
"What's in your hand?" You demanded to know.
The anwer was so quiet you almost missed it "a booger…"
Oh noooo. You released him. "Oh, I'm so sorry..." You turned him around. He definitely looked like he was about to cry. "Oh, sweetieee." You fucked up. "Hey, how about, you go to the TV and I'll come back later with an ice cream? And uh... poptarts?"
He reluctantly nodded. "Okay, you're a good boy." You hugged him and released him. You had the orange menace to find. Truly, your respect for Splinter grew.
The next morning you woke up, crushed over the full sized adult turtles sleeping on top of you under the blanket/pillow fort you have build last night. Splinter was staring at your face.
"You don't want to know," you said.
"Then I shan't ask..." he replied, amused.
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jellybeanbabi · 1 year
Nightmares- Collector & King + little!reader
Synopsis- you have a nightmare and The Collector and King comfort you
Notes- set during S3, nightmares, hurt/comfort, gn reader, little!reader, sibling cg!King, sibling cg!Collector, pizza bagels, pacifier use, fluff :)
524 words
3 AM.
It was incredibly late, especially for someone as young as you, yet no matter how much you tossed and turned you just couldn't get back to sleep. You pulled your knees to your chest as tears started to cloud your vision, your nightmare replaying in your head as you started to sob. You hadn't noticed Collector was awake until you felt his arms wrap around you, the boy engulfing you in his embrace as he spoke to you in a concerned, ever so slightly softer than usual tone. "What's wrong (name)? Please don't cry!" He frowned deeply at the sound of your sobs as he continued to hold you. The noise eventually woke King up too, his annoyance immediately turning to worry as he noticed you crying. "Hey.. are you ok? Did something happen?"
"B-Bad dream.." was your only response, burying your face further into The Collector's chest as you cried. Their eyes softened a little at your terrified words, their arms tightening around you as he protectively held you in a manner an older sibling would hold their younger sibling. "It's okay! Me and King aren't gonna let anything hurt you. Right King?"
"Yeah, of course not. You're safe, okay?" The titan responded softly. You seemed to calm down a little at their words, clutching your stuffed animal to your chest as your sobs died down. King had now climbed into bed with both of you and was cuddling you in an attempt to calm you, the two of them continuing to tell you you were safe and that everything was gonna be ok.
"I know what'll make you feel better!" Collector suddenly perked up, a wide smile on his face. "Pizza bagels!"
"Isn't it a little late for pizza bagels?" King responded, the other boy promptly shaking their head. "It's 3am-"
"But they're crying!" They retorted which seemed to make King relent. He left and then returned about 10 minutes later with a plate of small pizza bagels in hand and your pacifier in the other one. Collector gently pulled you to sit up, King setting the pizza bagels down in front of the 3 of you as he handed you your pacifier. "How're you feeling?"
"Little better.." you murmured, the two of them smiling softly at your words. Collector picked up a pizza bagel and popped it into your mouth, making a little "nyoom" sound as he did in a small attempt to cheer you up. It seemed to work, a soft giggle leaving your mouth as you ate it. The three of you happily shared the rest of them, a little smile on your face as well as some sauce. Even once you had calmed down, Collector's arms remained firmly wrapped around you, the child being incredibly hesitant to let go of their baby sibling. You popped your pacifier into your mouth as your eyes started to droop, Collector laying back down and pulling you down with him.
"Night Night!"
"N'Night.." you mumbled sleepily, King pulling the blanket over the three of you as you cuddled up against The Collector's chest and started to close your eyes.
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