#bioluminescence hell yeah
mochinomnoms · 6 months
I am eating up shirmpy chronicles content
I was thinking of the mix of genes that maybe there are some shirmpkids that have sharp pointy teeth like eels and eelkids that have a bit more blunt teeth like yuu what if we add Azul to the mix? Either in octopolycule or in uncle Azul either way he just wouldn't tolerate if the kids get bullied by "not fitting their species standards"
Also i fully agree with the ideas of mixes of shirmps and eels for the kids learning how a hybrid would work looks interesting but tiring I do think little eels and shirmps in case of octopolycule with purple-ish colors and spots would be so cute but as far as hybrid goes maybe MAYBE one of the elvers get born with shirmp antennas AND THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE and and more Azul and merkids Azul's mother teaching the kids how to do simple cooking stuff and while preparing the ingredients there is an elver next to her playing trashcan so when there is something that isn't of use from the ingredients the elver just goes :O and eats it
Hell yeah! I have a few ideas for hybrid shrimpkids, I'll separate them via Tweels and Octopolycule:
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Shrimpy Chronicles: Explanation of Hybrid Children
For reference: Fries can refer to both baby shrimp and octopi, so the shrimps will be called berries (cause the eggs look like berries lol) and octopi as hatchlings. Elvers are still baby eels! I'll refer to all the babies as fries in general to make it easier to read.
All the kids, regardless of their fathers, are half-human. While the transformation potion permanently alters Yuu's appearance, it doesn't change their DNA. As such, the kids are a bit more mammalian than aquatic. This means that technically speaking, if Yuu is able to, the fries could be breastfed, but this depends on how human the fries are born as.
The most common variation in the hybrids is more varied colors/patterns. However, certain aspects of one species can pass over, such as the twin's teeth, pharyngeal jaws, and claws. Azul's dumbbell-shaped eyes, rectangular pupils, ink, and chromatophores can also be passed down. Shrimp Yuu's antennas, legs, “cleaning” behaviors, and patterning can be passed down, as well as some more human traits. Namely, the ones mentioned before, but they also have the potential to transform from merform to human without the aid of a transformation potion.
Because the fries are half-human, they are not suited well for the deep sea, unlike their father(s). Neither is Shrimp Yuu, even their type of merfolk is suited for corals reefs and bays. There is a chance that at least one or two of the fry will develop closer to their father(s), however.
The more gluttonous fries are actually a tie between the berries or the elvers. So the fry going :O to be a trashcan can be either shrimp or eel.
All the fries are prone to hiding. Eels, octopi, and shrimp all tend to hide in corals, crevices, etc. This makes them excellent at both hide n seek and giving their parents heart attacks.
Their diets are extremely varied due to their parentage, and while technically the berries and hatchlings can eat shrimp and octopus, it's more of the principle of the thing.
Moray/Shrimp Children
The most common result in hybridization for the twin's and Yuu'd children is higher variation in their colors and patterns. Teal and red at best makes a muted purple-brown, at worst is just a plain brown. Their kids are more likely to come out as either teal, red, or a more mosaic coloring (think of mantis shrimp's colors and patterns).
The elvers can develop antennas on their heads, like their berry siblings. Alternatively, they may not have pharyngeal jaws or sharp teeth, or claws. These elvers require more protection/supervision. Likewise, berries can develop all those traits as well.
Whether or not the elvers or berries are bioluminescent is random, but the ones with more eel traits are more likely to develop the trait
Sharp teeth are a dominant trait, so more likely than not most of the fries will have sharp teeth. Not all of them will develop the pharyngeal jaws though, and is more likely to show in the elvers than the berries.
Behavior-wise, the fries that take on more eel traits (regardless if elver or berry) will be prone to more predator behavior and instincts. You can find one of the berries barring their teeth at one of the elvers if they both take after their father(s) in this case. The opposite is true for the fries that take on more shrimp traits.
All the fries, regardless of which parent they take after more, will have the need to tend and clean each other and their family. This is because I just think the idea of Jade/Floyd being covered in fries is funny.
Octopus/Shrimp Children
Various patterns and coloring are also a common result for Azul and Yuu's children. Purple/lavender and red are adjacent colors (I think that's the word) so they mix much better. These kids will find themselves in a variety of shades of magenta, cool pinks, purple, lavender, red, or a patterned mosaic of those colors. They will have patterns similar to freckles on their skin, rings, but due to their ability to easily change their colors, they will copy their parents' patterns out of comfort.
The hatchlings can develop antennas like the berries, but the berries won't develop tentacles. They will, however, have more arm strength similar to their hatchling siblings.
Similar to the elvers, the hatchlings and berries with more octopi traits or behaviors are more likely to be bioluminescent
Berries may be able to produce ink from their mouths, while not all the hatchlings are able to do the same. Because of this, they are more prone to hiding to avoid danger and conflict.
Behavior-wise, both hatchlings and berries are prone to hiding. They are much shyer than their elver siblings, and you can find them using baskets, large shells, pots, etc as hiding spots. Often, if you find one, you will find many in that same spot. Sometimes, the hatchlings will develop the same cleaning tendencies as the berries.
These kids will also find themselves prone to cleaning their siblings and parents, but they are also collectors. The hatchlings and berries will get into groups and compete on who can find the coolest items. Their elver siblings are judges.
Moray/Octopus Children
Various patterns and coloring are once again the most common result for any of Azul and the twins' fry. Purple/lavender and teal produce a muted blue. But the fry will find themselves in a variety of shades of muted blues, purple, lavender, teal, or a patterned mosaic of those colors. They will have patterns similar to freckles on their skin, or the stripes seen on the twins' skin. They can also easily change their skin colors.
Hatchlings can develop Jade/Floyd's pharyngeal jaws and sharp teeth, as well as their claws. On the opposite end, the elvers may not develop those traits.
Regardless if they take more moray or octopus traits, they are all bioluminescent.
The elvers may produce a more ink-like mucus on their skin, while the hatchlings may not produce any ink at all. They may however produce the same mucus on their skin as the elvers.
Behavior-wise, technically speaking both morays and octopi are a type of predator, morays just more so. But you can find eels and octopi fighting in the wild. So, you can actually find the elvers and hatchlings play fighting against each other. They make it a game (whoever loses has to take over the other's chores).
The hatchlings and elvers are more protective of their berry siblings, and you can often find them in pairs or trios, with at least one elver/hatchling with one or more berries.
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And that's all I got today folks! Womp womp, I love the Shrimpy Chronicles, they're so fun to write!!! As me for more, I have many thoughts and names for the potential children, hehee.
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barleyo · 1 year
Recom! Miles Quaritch X Fem! Reader
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A/N: I finished this is 3 hours, so this might seem a little rushed, but I am obsessed with this man in a life-consuming, unhealthy, scary way. I just feel the need to share the goings on of my mind with you all via my writing, so prepare for a LOT of Miles Quaritch posts. When I say a lot... I mean it.
Wordcount: 1.4k
TAGS: Age difference, phone sex, public masturbation, solo fem and male masturbation, mutual masturbation, voice fetish, sex pollen, phone sex with a stranger, interspecies relationship
Solo missions were not uncommon for Miles. Any one-man job immediately went to him, as a colonel he could hold his own, however, the forests of Pandora were not kind to lone wolves. Everything and anything out in the wild posed a threat, animals and natives. Plants.
He was confident in his physical abilities, and even though he didn’t like to admit it, he was ignorant to the flora and fauna of this world, so in his mind, everything was blended together into a pool of danger and death. Any sound in the still forest was a red flag to him, any leaf crunching or branch shifting caught his attention. That’s why he was so quick to turn around when a loud rustling of leaves sounded behind him.
“Ha!” Quaritch turned around, gun held up in defense, ready to shoot. He held the gun steadily as the sound continued. He slowly brought his gun back into its proper place, strapped over his bare, azure shoulder.
Just as his guard fell, a small wisp of color lunged past him, knocking him onto the forest floor. He looked up, not seeing the creature, whatever it had been. Pushing himself up, he noticed that he had touched a mushroom-like plant. It was bioluminescent, and left a powdery dust on his palm.
“This fuckin’ place,” he sighed, wiping the white dust off onto his cargos. His face scrunched up in discomfort  as an itching sensation ticked at his hand. He scratched at it to no avail. The feeling built quickly from a small itch to a flaming burn. 
The heat spread from his hands to his arms, then to his chest, and soon coated his entire body. It felt as if he were submerged into a body of boiling water like he was being cooked, simmered and stewed in a pot.
“What was that shit?” He groaned, feeling the slick of his sweat drench through his shirt. Quaritch dug through his pant’s pockets and grabbed his walkie talkie, speaking into the front of it. “Colonel to Blue Team, over.” The line was dangerously quiet, the only sound being the fizzing of the radio. “Blue Team? Lyle?” He cursed, not receiving a response. “Forgot how bad the connection was on these things.”
He smacked the device, hoping it would offer him a clear connection. With his slicked palms, he dropped the walkie talkie, muttering profanities to himself. He snatched it and held it to his ear as a final pathetic attempt to connect to his team. “Hello? Anyone there, for God’s sake?” 
To his surprise, there was an answer. Not just any answer, but a soft, clear one.
“Hello? Hello, are you there? This is (Y/N).” 
He shuddered. From relief, maybe, but the warmth spreading to his crotch pointed towards arousal. It confused him, this wasn’t the first time he’d heard a voice as beautiful as this one, but instead of dwelling on it, he frantically spoke back. 
“Yeah, ‘m here, Colonel Miles Quaritch, over.” His mouth was dry and his tongue felt far too large,
“Colonel? Uhm, well, what has you tuned into the lab department’s line? Can I help you?”
Such a beautiful voice, even for a science puke, he thought. “Damn radio won't connect to my team line, but I’m out in the middle of nowhere in this God forsaken forest. I fell on some weird mushroom lookin’ thing and now I’m so itchy and sweaty that I can’t even fuckin’ think straight,” he said into the device, “Hell, I can barely walk. It’s starting to hurt too.” He stretched the fingers on his aching palm, trying to soothe it. It did not work and the pain only shot through the rest of his body, just as the itching and burning had as well.
“Oh, Mr. Quaritch, I’m sorry to hear that,” the woman replied, urgency in her voice, “can you tell me what this ‘mushroom’ looked like more specifically?” There was a twinge of excitement in her voice that pissed him off.
“What’s that gonna do? Damn it, can you just put me on with my team?”
“Please, calm down. If I can figure out what you have interacted with, I can tell you how to fix it.”
He sighed. “I already told you, it was like a mushroom. It left this weird powdery shit on my hand.”
“Powder? Oh my,” she sucked in a breath, “Colonel, I’m going to ask you something, and I need you to answer me. Are you, uh, are you–”
“Miss, can you spit it out already? I don’t have time for this, if you’ve forgotten, I’m in the middle of fucking nowhere and sweating buckets right now.”
“Are you hard right now? Your– your dick, is it hard?”
Quaritch swallowed thickly, feeling the bulge in his pants twitch again.
“Yes, really hard. What does that have to do with anything?”
“The plant that you had touched, it is known to release pollen that arouses one to an extreme, if you do not satisfy yourself soon, the pain will be unbearable.” Miles could hear panic in the woman’s voice and the click of a door as if it were being locked. “You understand, don’t you, Colonel?”
“It’s already awful.” A groan reverberated in his chest as he spoke, “So I’m supposed to jerk myself off in the middle of the forest, right in the open?”
“I’m afraid so, please you must start now, the pain will be much worse without stimulation.” 
He nodded, even though he knew she would not know and unbuttoned his pants, pulled his boxers down, and freed his dick. It was striped, just like the rest of his Na’vi body that he was slowly getting used to. 
Miles nervously grabbed his own length. This wasn’t the first time he had touched himself in his Na’vi form, it was second nature to him now, but this was the first time he had done it out in the open, and the first time he had done it with a woman talking him through it. 
He pumped slowly, fucking his fist. He couldn’t help but imagine his hand being the warm, tight cunt of the woman on the other line. A trembling moan strained from his mouth as he picked up the pace, seeking more friction in his palm. “(Y/N)--”
“I’m still here, sir, don’t worry,” she said, comfortingly.
His face flushed with a purple tint, not realizing she was still there. Obviously she was still on the line, it’s not like she could just leave, he rationalized it in his head. “It still hurts so bad, darlin’, fucking my hand ain’t helping,” he groaned.
“Just try, you must do it. You must cum, Colonel, please. Do it for me,” she whispered into the walkie talkie, embarrassed yet aroused by her own words.
“Fuck,” he hissed, sharp teeth barring down. “Need ya’ to touch yourself too, not fair if it’s only me.” Pre-cum oozed from his fat, leaky tip, beading at his hole.
“O-oh, I’m not sure..” her hands rested on the band of her panties, undecidedly fiddling with the elastic. 
“Can’t cum unless you do it with me, missy, c’mon, need it bad.” His hips bucked into his hand again, moans catching in his throat.
(Y/N) hummed and slipped her hand into her pants. She slid the tips of her fingers through her wet folds, rubbing past her clit with gentle strokes. Focusing on the peaked bud, she drew tight, neat circles over it and felt her thighs try to close over her hand. “Oh, Christ, Mr. Quaritch, it feels good, mm.”
“I know, sweet girl, I know. Tell me when you’re ready, wanna cum with you.”
Lazily slowing down, Miles gave (Y/N) a chance to catch up with him. When he could hear breathy, needy moans from the line, he continued at his earlier pace, slamming his hips into his hand. Her whines were sweet to his ears, he could practically smell her, taste her. He threw his head back and huffed. 
“Close, ‘m really close.”
“Gonna cum, baby girl? C’mon, cum like you’d cum all over my cock,” he rutted into his fist, feeling his balls tighten and stomach coil.
“Yes, fuck, yes,” she drawled out a messy, noisy moan, “Cummin’ now, sir, ah–”
“Good job, baby,” he said through gritted teeth as he spilled his seed on the ground, fucking himself through his fading orgasm.
There was a long, comfortable silence on each line as they each caught their breath. Miles was the one to break the silence. 
“Thank you for helping out, bunny, but it just wasn’t enough. Still hurting. Gonna help me when I get back to base?”
“Yes, sir. Let me find some proper directions so you can come home.”
“Be ready for me when I get there, I wanna see you as soon as I get there, girl.”
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
60 with Lo'ak x reader? I put in 1-101 on a generator and this came up three times so i think it's a sign PFFT
it just feels right for lo'ak to have this with someone, kind of like Ronal and Tonowari speaking with their eyes basically!! reader can be omaticaya or metkayina , whatever you deem fitting :)
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#60: In Sync/Wordless Conversations
Pairing: Lo'ak x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Warnings: Language, fluff, time skips
Na'vi Words: olo'eyktan - clan leader, tanhì - bioluminescent freckle, marui - home, sem'pul - father, maite - daughter, nivi - hammock, skxawng- moron, nantangtsyìp - dog (Earth animal)
A/N: Oh, hell yeah I love this sort of prompt. Wordless Conversations is definitely my love language. Do I love it because I'm terrible at vocally expressing my feelings and crave for someone to know me inside and out without prodding me for words? Shut up and lemme cope.
He had always struggled with saying what he meant, and he always said things he didn't mean. In his youth, he was Jakesully's troubled son, someone who wasn't Neteyam, the firstborn golden child. Being second in everything, Lo'ak couldn't live up to so many expectations being Toruk Makto's son, and so his communication skills were shit, to say the least.
Lo'ak knew Y/n would one day be his mate simply because no one understood him like she did, and she understood him without even asking.
From day one, when he first saw her emerge from the waters of Awa'atlu, their eyes met, blue on yellow, he knew he was done for. Those eyes stared into his very soul and read him from the inside out. He wasn't sure if it was even possible to keep a secret from her. During their very first interaction together, when Tsireya had properly introduced the pair, Lo'ak couldn't hold back what he was thinking, no matter how hard he tried to keep it to himself. One look from Y/n, and he was spilling his newly found secret, "Beautiful."
Day one and Y/n could See Lo'ak in ways that no one, not even his family, could see.
It was safe to say that Lo'ak could See Y/n, too. After he had called her beautiful, their interactions were cute, shy, and flirtacious. Y/n would help Tsireya, Rotxo, and Ao'nung teach the Sully children their ways in between her chores. Nearly every time she walked up to their little group, Lo'ak is the first to spot her, and every time he grins and calls out, "She's back!"
"I am. And how are you, Lo'ak?" She rolled her eyes, despite smiling.
"Same as yesterday. You didn't stay away long," his grin was attractive, fangs sparkling in the sun, and looked as though he knew the secrets of the universe, "You just can't get enough of me, can you?"
"Please make him shut up," Ao'nung snarled under his breath, addressing it to only Neteyam who stood beside him.
Even before learning the sign language, Lo'ak was able to See Y/n. While Tsireya is using hand gestures to speak to the Sully kids in the water, Y/n spoke to Lo'ak with her eyes. They swam close together, weaving through the coral reefs as they explored the sea life around them.
Lo'ak had reached out to touch a particular fish that glowed green, but one glance in Y/n's direction beore he had done so made him pause.
She didn't move her hands or even shake her head to tell him 'no'. Her eyes, staring through Lo'ak's soul, said what he needed to know. 'Stings.'
He moves away from the fish, swimming closer to her instead, eyes bright and eyebrows raised in her direction. He was smiling with his eyes, and even through his eyes, he was grinning. 'Worried for me?'
She rolled her eyes in response, and his own crinkled as his way of laughing. He didn't miss the way her ears darkened a shade of teal.
Payakan was his Spirit Brother and Lo'ak would defend him, even against a mighty olo'eyktan like Tonowari. However, even Y/n knew when enough was enough, fearing her clan leader more than Lo'ak did in that moment of stupidity. From over Tonowari's shoulder, Lo'ak caught Y/n's gaze, and with one look, her ears pinned back to emphasize the warning, Lo'ak closed his mouth.
Quaritch had grabbed Y/n by the throat and all Lo'ak could see was red. He lashed out, hissing and baring his teeth, struggling against the orange cuffs. He was so preoccupied with insulting the Recom with every bit of foul language known to Na'vi that he nearly missed Y/n's eyes flicking in his direction, her second pair of lids wiping away the salt water that was her tears. Lo'ak noticed, anger slowly calming as he stared back at her. It was obvious she was afraid, and much like how you would try to appear smaller when calming a scared cat, Lo'ak did just that. He stopped struggling against his restraints, closing his mouth to hide the fangs away. Ears resting in a more natural position, Lo'ak made sure to keep Y/n's beautiful eyes on him. His gaze softened once she slowly began to calm herself, eyes blinking slowly as she caught her breath. Lo'ak smiled at her and nodded with encouragement. 'Do not be afraid.'
After they escaped, Lo'ak gathered her in his arms. Gently cupping both sides of her face in his hands, he stared her down with one glance, 'Okay?'
She nods, sinking into his embrace and hiding her face away in his chest.
With one tilt of her head, his tail swayed in response, betraying his thoughts as he watched the way her smile twinkled and their eyes met again. The tilt of her head was pointed in the direction of the jungle behind the village, and after the communal meal, Lo'ak found himself following Y/n there, without a verbal invitation needed.
She was leaning against a tree, facing him when he broke through the heavy foliage. Expectedly, he waltzed over to her, eyes never leaving hers as she tilts her chin up to follow his height. They stood so close now, sharing the same air as the sky darkened and the fauna around them began to glow, igniting both Omatikaya and Metkayina tanhì like constellations. Lo'ak knew what she wanted without ever saying a word. Leaning in, he did what she had asked and kissed her.
It wasn't their first fight, but for Lo'ak, everything with Y/n felt like the first time. They had been mated for three years up until this point, three years of gaining more tribal tattoos, being one of the Metkayina, and lying in a hammock that was meant for two with the most beautiful woman in the world.
He couldn't remember what the fight was about, but between his pride and Y/n's stubbornness, it was safe to say that both of them could have easily been the cause of it. After the argument, Lo'ak left to cool his thoughts. He had already said some things he didn't mean (as always, it was still a bad habit) and struggled to say the things he wanted to say. He couldn't bare to stay any longer knowing he could do something he would sincerely regret. After a few hours to relax and recollect his thoughts, he returned. Y/n was still in their marui and didn't bother looking up when he entered. She keeps her head facing away from him and purposely pinned her ears back. 'No, I don't want to talk to you.'
He understands clearly. Trying his best not to touch her, he pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear and left to go hunting with Ao'nung, Rotxo, and Neteyam. He had stayed in his parents' marui that night.
After he returned the next morning, Y/n was still there, though her posture had definitely relaxed and her mood had shifted. She stood up and moved out of her husband's way so that he could get what he needed to be ready for the day. When he turned to leave again, she cleared her throat. Right, how could he have forgotten? Lo'ak turned on his heels and fit himself in front of his wife, planting a parting kiss on her lips and reveling the smile she bore as he left.
Almost every night it was like this, their little girl begging to stay up late because all her older cousins get to.
"Sem'pul, can I please stay up with you?"
Her eyes were even bigger than Tuk's when she was that age. Lo'ak was ready to give in until he saw the way Y/n looked at him behind their daughter's back, "Of co-- Actually, maite. I just remembered how I'm not feeling well and should probably get some sleep."
"Oh, no! You have to rest, Dad! I can tuck you in."
"That would make me feel so much better, baby. Thank you."
Y/n smiled with her eyes, nodding with approval as she moves to join the two in their family-size nivi. Lo'ak was nearly smothered with the little girl nestled in his chest and the woman pressed comfortably at his side, but he wouldn't want it any other way.
Ao'nung's son? With Lo'ak's daughter? Hell fucking no! What is that skxawng thinking?!
Lo'ak makes one step toward the son of the olo'eyktan only for Y/n to step in front of her mate, keeping his line of sight strictly on her. She stares up at him with half-lidded eyes and a sweet -if not amused- smile. Both smile and eyes now had soft wrinkles in the corners, and her hair wasn't as dark as it used to be. But, like before, time with Y/n was always like the first time, and nothing had changed except for their age and the fact that Ao'nung's son wished to court Lo'ak's daughter!
The thought brings anger back into Lo'ak's eyes that Y/n quickly stamped down with a glare of her own, her amusement forgotten in replace of forcing her husband to sit down with just one look. Kiri had watched the scene with amusement, muttering "Walk him like a nantangtsyìp, Y/n," loud enough for Lo'ak to hear it and snap his teeth at her.
At least Ao'nung was just as displeased as Lo'ak was when he found out about it. Finally, they agreed on something. However, everyone knew that Lo'ak was wrapped around his baby's fingers, and eventually, he welcomed the chief's son into their family after his daughter exclaimed, "I want what you and Mom have!"
He couldn't argue with that.
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moonliched · 3 days
Hey could i just. Help design random ass plants. For art. Because ✨why not✨
If not, sorry for asking!
hell yeah, why not? i actually was thinking of some aquatic alien plants for my fnaf mer au, but we don't have to stick to that genre xD
imagine a carnivorous flower with hooked teeth lining the pistil. or a plant that glows with bioluminescence only when ripe, so animals will eat it and spread the seeds. lemme know what you come up with, feel free to add in a reblog :3
and here's some ideas i drew for my au!
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sanguineed · 8 months
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@peterstankoffski ‘s lautski little mermaid au has consumed me so I decided to draw Pete making a deal! I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now but unfortunately fish are hard to draw,,,,, and you will never guess what a majority of this piece is,,,,
Anyways thoughts and rambling under the cut (+ no shading ver)
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ok now that thats out of my system
In the fic this scene takes place relatively close to the surface however the idea of the lords in black being these neon fish screamed bioluminescence to me so,
nibbly is supposed to be based on an alligator snapping turtle, it’s never specified   in the fic and i thought the spikes on that type of snapping turtles shell would be really cool if they looked like teeth but I am not subtle and got very carried away so it doesn’t really count anymore but it counts in my heart
Also pokey being a snakehead fish was fucking genius on @peterspankoffski ’s part because a lot of them have these patterns on them,,, and they look like the blue shit ,,, and it fits so well just argh
I’m the least happy with how tinky came out because you know how I said drawing fish was hard?? Yeah otters are hell (also he screwed up the values of the piece but that’s mostly a me problem)
Saying once again (but slightly calmer) the fic is amazing one of my favourite lautiski aus go read it please just <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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Not a bug, but apparently Finland also has glowing cave moss called Aarnisammal (Schistostega pennata). I saw an info sign about it in Helvetinjärvi (National Park in Ruovesi).
Saddly, it isn't bioluminescence. The moss has just optimized its light collecting and reflects usuless wavelenghts back towards the source which gives the moss "a greenish-gold glow".
It seems that the English name for it is goblin gold.
Ooh yeah, that's something I have heard of. In the name, the word aarni is a very, very archaic old word for treasure of some sort. It's only met in combination with other words, such as aarnituli - a will-o'-the-wisp that hovers above buried treasures as a magical marker of the place. The word "tuli" is simply "fire", so aarnituli is simply to the mythical treasure what a torch is for human settlement.
And fascinatingly enough, the word aarni is also part in aarnikotka - gryphon, combining aarni with kotka, eagle. Finnish folklore does not naturally have griffins of any kind, so whoever needed to come up with a finnish name for the heraldic symbol considered it more necessary to clarify that this beast is an eagle-like creature that guards treasures, not that the ass end of it is a lion.
To clarify for the english-speakers present, in aarnisammal, the latter word of the name just means "moss", any kind of moss. So much like aarnituli is "a fire that marks the location of some great, supernatural treasure", aarnisammal is "a moss that grows somewhere around (the same kind of) great, supernatural treasure". So back in the day, people saw something in the woods that glows in the darkness in ways that nothing naturally should (as far as they understood), and made the educated guess "whatever that is must belong to the world of ghouls and unnatural spirits, and while it's alluring, I should probably not fuck with it."
Also as a bonus translation about the name of the national park: "Helvetinjärvi" literally just translates to "Lake of Hell." Like the christian Hell.
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justyanle · 2 years
Home in the war.
(Spider x f!Reader)
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Spider has been talking sweet about a woman to Lo'ak, you were certain that he yearned for someone else.
Home in the War. | CH 2
Taking a stroll amongst the bioluminescent forest that becomes more breathtaking night was a way to make me feel at peace, especially at times like this - a war.
The Sky People have returned, worse. They have more weaponry and power, stronger than the last time. Bullets flying faster, more propellers in the sky, and dreamwalkers turned Na'vi - Avatars.
I have been trying to get my mind away from thinking about the war that has affected me and my friends, especially Spider, our bond is closer compared to others, we were polar opposites but we still magnetize one another - He was outgoing, loud, and cheerful. I have stayed in the lab for as long as I can remember, observant, and apparently "too behaved" according to Spider. I would be lying if I said I hadn't taken a liking to the boy,
he was practically my everything. Spider's smile could beat the shine of a thousand stars, Spider's eyes could emit light brighter than any fire in the world, Spider is the peace and home I find amongst all the havoc.
The memories of my friends and I have taken it's way into my mind, making a soft grin plastered to my face, it's peaceful.
"Yeah bro! She's literally so pretty as well!"
The state of tranquility has left and my heart basically falls to my feet, I could recognise that voice anywhere.
It feels like there's a crack forming in my heart, as fragile as glass.
"Bro, you're sappy as shit right now it's making me feel like my vomit went all the way up to my mouth." Lo'ak replied with a tone obviously laced with such sarcasm.
"Shut up! You're acting like you don't find her pretty too! I mean she's crazy smart, nice, and practically perfect, who wouldn't like her?!" Spider spat back with a louder voice.
The crack is imitating an earthquake's breaking ground.
"She's pretty alright, but there's no way I could like her the way you do, you're so all over her it's disgusting."
"She's fucking perfect.." He breathes out in a hushed tone, almost silent, laced with an entranced dreamy tone.
The glass shatters.
I fled the tree I was hiding from, gosh, what the hell was I thinking. I knew hiding and eavesdropping on my two best friends was wrong, yet I couldn't pull away from the conversation, curiosity really kills the cat.
A few days have passed since I heard the words exchanged from the two boys. Specifically distancing myself from the boy I had grown to desire - Afraid I would be annoying him, especially because I might get into the way of the girl he liked. I worked harder in the lab that I ever had. Stayed longer in the lab than I've ever been.
Me and Spider have only shared quick glances and longing looks, I wanted to talk to him, I had hoped he reciprocated the desire.
I had excused myself every time the Sully children had visited the lab, locking myself in farther areas in the lab, trying to get away from facing the cause of my shattered heart.
I was quite certain that the girl he was wondering his mind off was Kiri, I had seen the way they laughed with each other, looked at each other, and smiled at each other - Each time, I prayed that it was me in that position, I wanted to be the reason he laughs, why he looks in my direction, and I wanted to be the reason he reveals his toothy smile.
"Hey kid, you okay?" I had not noticed that Norm had made his way in my direction, a hand landing on my shoulder in a way of reassurance.
An uncomfortable aura had step foot into the conversation. I wanted to just disappear at the very moment, wanting to be left alone.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"It's not visible you're fine"
"No, please trust me, I am." I let out a dreaded breath, trying to get away from the bubbling conversation.
Norm sighs, he grabbed my chair that I am seated in that was once facing the studies I have conducted on my desk, now facing him.
"Listen kid, I want you to be comfortable with me, you've told me every single thing that has happened to you growing up, I care for you." He gives me a sad smile, I knew he was getting upset seeing me in a blue mood as well. I couldn't help but let the salty liquid build up in my irises.
I tackled the scientist that had fostered me growing up. "I just- I don't -" The tears and weeps couldn't be helped as I stood and cried in Norm's chest, his arms wrapping around my back in a way of comfort.
"Shh, you're going to be fine kid, as long as you have us here you can tell us everything, your feelings will be accepted no matter what, y'know," he sends reassuring rubs on my back in a sense of giving me the well needed comfort.
"It's Spider, and.. I like him, Norm, it's just that.. I heard Lo'ak and him having a conversation once about a girl, Spider just sounded so dazed by her, I just wish it was me." I confess, breath heavy and shaking trying to make up words to spill the feelings I felt to my father figure.
Norm lets out a chuckle "Oh [Y/N], if only you saw the way that kid looks at you."
"Huh?" I questioned quizzical with a confused expression.
"Believe me, I've watched the two of you hang out enough to see how he feels about you, it's so visible he's head over heels for you, kid!" Norm releases a breathy laugh.
My breath hitches in my throat, backing away from Norm and looking up at his face, I let out a few sniffles due to the tears.
"I think, I have to go for a moment Norm.. I need to think." Norm nods as he lets me go, watching me from a far.
Was I going insane trying to actually consider his words? There were multiple girls from the clan trying to obviously flirt with Spider, trying to compare hand sizes, asking him what it's like to be a human, trying to beautifully bat their eyelashes at him, it's sickening, not because of them obviously fawning over the guy I had grown to like, it's because he might reciprocate their wanting for him. They're tall, strong, and could probably fool everyone with their bubbly and sweet persona, while I am just a mere human, an awkward girl that prefers to be left alone and barely had any skills that the Omaticaya are searching for.
The girls were beautiful, El'tera was one of the healers under the lessons of Mo'at, Namari was one of the greatest hunters amongst the youth of the Omaticaya, Desina't was the most fierce dancer of the clan, often having young Na'vi boys locked their eyes on her.
Putting on my exopack as I left the lab, trudging once again to the familiar forest, back go where I had my mind fogged and heart practically getting squeezed.
I was close to a pond, not just any pond, one that held many memories. Memories of him.
"HEY [Y/N]! GET BACK HERE YOU SKXAWNG!" Spider yells, trying to chase after me as we played in the water, splashing each other in the process, getting water on our bodies. The wide land filled with trees only had the vibration of laughter in it's air.
"Catch me first, bitch! You can't keep up with me!" I cheered as I kept on sprinting in the water trying to get away from my crush. He even looked perfect when both of us were causing a wreck.
Once he was close enough to me, he grabbed my wrist, placing a close proximity between us, I glanced up to look at the beautiful boy,
He was already looking into my eyes first.
A twig snapped, the peaceful memory that had replayed in my mind faded, I get my knife that I mostly kept with myself when venturing into the forest, in case of any horror that I face.
Unfortunately, the cause of the noise I faced was worse than any horror I anticipated. The boy I had been going above and beyond for, trying avoid for almost a week.
"[Y/N], I finally found you." Spider stated in a serious tone, awfully knowing the thick tension between the two of them for the past few days.
"Hey Spider!" I quickly put on a cheery facade, acting like nothing has happened between us. Afraid he would only bring it up.
"Don't "Hey Spider!" me, [Y/N]! Why the hell were you avoiding me?!" And shit. He did bring it up.
"I don't know, I'm pretty busy, Spider, I have to study a lot." I replied, trying to keep my stance up, obviously not wanting to be having this conversation.
"That's such bullshit, [Y/N]! We were just hanging out a few days ago before you started to ignore me, why?!" His voice was laced with the poisonous venom of anger, voice almost cracking - wanting an explanation to erupt from me.
"I told you Spider! I'm busy! Why won't you believe me?! Don't you have a girlfriend to go talk with or something?! Go talk to her instead! I'm busy." I was getting teary eyed, quickly turning away from his face and trying to pack up the stuff I had brought with me to the forest, ready to go back to the lab.
"Girlfriend?! What the fuck are you talking about?!" He was puzzled, not knowing he apparently had a girlfriend until now.
"Huh.." I was just as confused as he was, turning back to face him, tears now gone as a baffled look was now replaced on my face.
"Why would you think I have a girlfriend, [Y/N]?" He breathly laughs, stunned at the assumption.
"Well, I thought you had chosen amongst El'tera, Namari, and Desina't, y'know. Those girls are really beautiful. You should try to go out with one of them! You still look good with them either way." I put on a cheery facade once again, trying to obviously get away from the conversation that was now calming down.
"None of them is the girl I like though." he states while taking a seat next to me.
"Oh, can you describe her to me? She must be very lovely." Looking in the other direction, I try not to let out another set of tears threatening to slip down my cheeks.
"Well, she is lovely, the loveliest of every woman here, her intelligence is unmatched, she's so fucking smart it's insane. Her personality can warm me up so fast, my heart can't help but go on a marathon when I'm around her, her eyes beat the glow of the bioluminescence in Pandora, her smile is like the a drug you'll keep looking for over and over again... She is the drug you'll keep looking for over and over again."
I turn to face him with a sad smile, a sinking feeling in my heart. Expecting him to be looking at the water with a longing gaze but,
He was already looking into my eyes first.
My heart rate increases, my brain feels like it's going numb, petals of roses practically blooming in it, the blood in my body circulating to my face faster than the speed of light, the shards of my heart rebuilding like it was never broken.
The memories we had on this pond had flooded back into my mind.
We were younger, lankier, louder, and more playful.
Yet on this very place, young and old, he still looked at me the same like before.
"You're driving me insane, [Y/N]." he grabs ahold of my hand, interlacing our fingers and stacks his free hand above our laced one.
"You are the only girl I would choose throughout this whole planet."
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also requested by anon! i forgot to write it in the request 😭
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The Spider and The Witch Chapter 2: The Visitor and The Proposal
Summary: After gaining Spidey powers in an experiment gone wrong, Y/N finds an unexpected visitor in his room who offers him the proposal of a lifetime
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Mild language
Word Count: 1.2K
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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The last person you expected to see spinning in your desk chair was Tony Stark.
“Holy shit!”
“That would be ‘holy shit, Mr. Stark’ to you,” Tony answered as he grabbed your desk to stop himself from spinning.  
“Sorry, Mr. Stark,” you mumbled, dropping your backpack to the floor.  
“I’m kidding.  Just kidding.  Ask Peter, he’ll tell you about my sardonic sense of humor.”  He extended his hand to you.  “You must be Y/N.”
“Yeah,” you gulped as you shook his hand.  Your hand was sweaty.  Hopefully he didn’t notice or care too much, but the Tony Stark was standing right in front of you, shaking your hand, in your bedroom.  
“Peter told me about your little…mixup in the lab the other day.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, wandering around your room as he looked at everything on your shelves.  “Guess that’s one way of testing your experiment.”  You chuckled weakly, watching him as he picked up a science fair trophy you’d won in high school.  “First prize, huh?”
“Junior year.  Natural occurrence of bioluminescence in various ecosystems.”  You felt wildly inferior telling the head of Stark Industries about the science fair project you spent hours working on back in high school.  But you figured Tony wasn’t here to discuss your high school endeavors.  “Mr. Stark-”
“I get it.  You’re a busy man, I’m a busy man, let’s cut the bullshit and get right to it.  You can do things now, things some people only dream of.  I’ve been looking for someone to take over for Peter for a while now.  The job’s yours if you want it.”
“Mr. Stark-”
“It’s a lot, I know.  One minute you’re studying for…what are you studying?” He snapped his fingers and cocked his head as if he was trying to remember a long forgotten conversation between the two of you.
“Biochemistry.  Studio art minor.”
“One minute you’re studying for your bio midterm, the next minute you’re hanging from the ceiling and shooting webs out of your wrist-?”  He looked down at your arm hanging by your side, almost asking you to show off.  You flicked your wrist in front of you as a web shot wildly from your wrist, landing on the window over to your left.  “Aim’s a little off,” Tony noted, “but we can work on that.”
“Peter’s old room is free.  You can take that.  It’s right next to Vision’s.  He’s got a bit of an issue with phasing through walls, but that’ll get better the second he sees you naked for the first time.”
“Mr. Stark, thank you for the offer, but I’m not interested.”  
Tony studied you.  You felt like he was trying to unravel the deepest depths of your brain.  He looked you up and down, his eyebrows raised as he tried to figure out what was really going on behind your eyes.  “You sure?”
“Yeah.  I mean Peter’s told me enough stories to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground.”
“Can’t say I’m surprised.  Peter told me you’d say no.”  He stared at your Back to the Future poster, his hands once again shoved in his pockets.  “We can’t all be heroes now, can we?”
The room suddenly felt too hot as your face tinted red with shame.  His unspoken disappointment hung in the air.  While you knew you weren’t under any obligation to join, you knew that Peter’s loss left an indelible hole on the team.  It was a sensitive situation.  Logistically they were just fine without a Spider-Man, but the lack was felt all over the compound and in the City of New York as well.  It had been a long time since the neighborhood web-slinger fought off the local urchins.  Sure, there was the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, but he stuck to more of the vigilantes and the underground crime rings.
“Look, Mr. Stark,” you explained.  “I appreciate the offer, I really do.  I just, I don’t know…I want to go to med school, you know?  I want to be a normal guy doing normal college things.  I know Peter loved being an Avenger, but the things he’s told me…I mean, that last accident, Mr. Stark-?”
Tony averted his eyes as he picked up the Rubik’s cube on your nightstand.  He fiddled with it, turning sides absentmindedly.  He shook his head, chuckling as he tossed the toy from one hand to another.  “Yeah.  That was a shitty night.  I, umm…I blame myself.  I shouldn’t have put him in that situation.  Look at him now.  Bright kid, hell of a future ahead of him, just sucks his life went this way.”  He trailed off as he placed the Rubik’s cube back down.  “I get it.  Less danger when your feet are firmly planted on the ground, right?  You’re not going to break your neck performing surgery.  But if you ever want it, the offer stands.”
“Thanks,” you replied, extending your hand.  Tony grasped it firmly, looking you in the eye as he shook your hand. 
“You ever need an internship or something, just let me know.  I’ll hook you up.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.  That means a lot.”
“Still can’t believe you turned him down,” Peter griped as Kirby smashed Pikachu.
“In what universe did you think I’d say yes, Pete?” you quipped as Kirby jumped up to the next level only to be flattened by Donkey Kong.
“I think you should do it.  Just give it a try at least.”
“Y/N, it’ll be good for you.  Look, if anything it’ll help you get used to living with these powers.  It’s fucking weird.  I’ve known that for a while, but just being in an environment where you can experiment and train will help you a lot in the long run.”
The two of you sat in an awkward silence for a while, the only sounds in the room coming from the game on the TV.  As much as you hated to admit it, part of you knew that Peter was right.  Ever since you gained the “Peter Tingle” as Peter’s Aunt May lovingly called it, you felt you were going through the world slightly slanted to the left.  Everything was ever-so slightly off.  Tony had experience working with both Spider-Man and designing the technology for his suits; he was a great resource for you.
“Do you think Mr. Stark would be okay with a part-time commitment?  I don’t want to drop out of school for this.”
“I don’t see why not,” Peter shrugged.  He threw the Switch controller down on the couch next to him.  “See if you can go over winter break.  That’s about a month.  Plenty of time to train and get a basic handle on things.  If you like it, great.  If not, then you come back and keep going with life.  That’s a fair trade-off.”
“Yeah, I guess,” you reluctantly agreed.  
“Plus you can put down that you had a Stark Internship on your med school applications.  Harvard Med would totally kill to get someone who worked at Stark Industries.”  You smiled at that thought.  Harvard was your dream medical school.  There wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do to help boost your chances of being accepted.  
“Lemme see your phone.  You’ve got his number right?”  Peter tossed you his phone.  You scrolled through his contacts list until you found the number that filled you with both excitement and dread.  Placing the phone to your ear, you waited for a familiar voice to say hello.
“Mr. Stark?  It’s Y/N.  I have a proposal for you.”
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strangelittlestories · 6 months
Eos emerged from the pool and stretched and his spine cracked with a hundred years of spent tension.
“Sounds like you needed that.” Said Nyssa, who had been sitting by the pool, waiting.
Eos took in their surroundings for the first time. The two of them were in a cave, lit by a seam of glowing mushrooms overhead. The water reached up to Eos’s waist; the pool was black as space and just as cold. Strangely, they didn’t shiver. The cold was just a curiosity.
The water did not rippled as Eos walked towards its edge. Reflected in the pool’s perfect obsidian surface were Eos, Nyssa, and the fungal bioluminescence which turned the dark water into a cosmos. 
“I’m sorry … who are you?” Asked Eos, as they clambered up onto the rough rock floor. “For that matter, who am I?”
“You’re Eos. I’m Nyssa.” She smiled and her smile told a story of grief and mischief. “And this is Stinger.”
For the first time, Eos noticed the creature sitting in Nyssa’s lap. It was somewhere between a hedgehog, a badger, a wolverine and patch of weeds, with green leaves and barbs sticking up like fur.
“How did I get here?”
“We came in together. We were in a bit of a state, apparently. Your soul must have been more ragged than mine, as I crawled out a couple of days ago.”
“I remember fire like old rot. The face of a god carved in the wind.” Eos winced at the memory, like picking at scars on their brain. “And pain. Lots of pain.”
“Yeah, whatever did this to us tore our bodies to shredded hell. Nearly took our spirits with us.”
“You remember?”
“No. Stinger told me.” Nyssa stroked the creature, careful to only touch the soft underside of her leaves. “She’s a nettle possum. My familiar. It pays to keep some of your memories on the outside, apparently. The pool wipes them clean, otherwise.”
Eos started walking towards the tunnel at the back of the cave. Their legs wobbled like a drunken heron.
“We have to get back…”
Nyssa reached over to grab one of Eos’s ankles and they teetered for a moment, before grabbing onto the cave wall.
“Nothing to go back to. It’s been, oh, at least a full generation for the pool to restore us.”
The remaining strength in their legs gave out and Eos sat down hard on the floor.
“The world outside is what it is.” Nyssa shrugged and the shrug was the whole world. “For now, we have one job.”
“What’s that?”
“We teach each other who we are. Again.”
“How? My head feels ... unmapped. All my memories just roads leading I don't know where.”
“Well, they say the past is foreign country.” Nyssa smiled that sad menace smile again. “But there is no border a witch can’t hop if she really needs to…”
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desertduality · 7 months
i wasnt sure where to put this jskdflaksfj but your moth alien pearl idea inspired me a lil :D shes jus a fluffy creature idk
(writing id: many teeth [pointing at a drawing of her mouth open], bioluminescent [pointing at the lighter part of the wings])
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YESSS HELL YEAH BIOLUMINESCENCE MY BELOVED <333 I love this design she is just a fluffy moth creature and can kill you <333 colors are so pretty as well
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neteyamssyulang · 1 year
Day 12
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Pairing: Lo’ak aged up x Fem omaticaya reader
Summary: Everyone knew you had an obsession with Lo’ak, you’d finish your chores early only to go hunt him down afterwards.
Warnings: Obsessive reader, Dom Lo’ak, Sub Reader, P in V, Fingering obvi, Scent marking, Brief Oral (m) receiving.
Word count: 1303.
Translation(s): Tanhì -> Littke star/bioluminescent freckle, Syulang -> Flower.
A/N: Soo this turned out alright, Despite me almost forgetting the prompt😭 Enjoy <3
Tags: @pandoraslxna @teyamsatan <3
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Another day of finishing up your chores, you always finished earky so what better way to spend the rest of your time than to watch your crush?
You knew where he was at all times of the day so it was easy to find him now at the training grounds. Of course, everyone knew you had an obsession with him it was obvious from how you acted around him.
Quietly you watched him from the trees admiring how handsome he looked, with his beautiful yellow eyes, toned chest, and oh his ass was fine too.
Training finally ended and like always he took the same path home, unbeknownst to you he knew you would follow him. Would he say anything? Hell no he thought you were crazy, but he likes crazy.
As he was walking you were following from the branches trying your best to be quiet, he suddenly stopped and looked around scanning the trees.
“You can stop following me, I know your there y/n” he said scoffing. Sighing you climbed down the tree and walked to him now standing a few feet away.
“Why must you follow me everywhere I go?” You giggled before replying “What? I can’t follow my handsome mate around?”
He muttered something to himself before saying “I am not your mate y/n, I do not know what fantasy word you live in but wake up.”
You scoffed “You are my mate, I’ve always loved you lo” taking his hand in yours as you speak.
Lo’ak pulled his hands away narrowing his eyes at you “Again I’m not your mate, I love Saeyla not you.”
“Saeyla?!” You shouted making him flinch, “What does she have that I don’t? Hm?!” Sure Saeyla was beautiful, came from a respected family and grew up alongside the sully’s but she was also how do I say this? Ehh dumb.
She was oblivious to anyone who tried courting her, it’s the reason that now at 22 she’s still unmated, no one would stick around for long.
Yes your unmated too but that’s because you only had eyes for lo’ak and no one else. You’ve turned down all the possible suitors your parents sent your way and regret nothing.
Gulping the man says “Well for starters she’s not crazy like you following me everywhere, she’s also still innocent.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. So what if your kind of crazy? Your crazy about HIM. And the only reason why Saeyla was innocent is again because she’s oblivious, no one wants to feel guilty if they took her innocence.
You’ve only been with what 2 people and both couldn’t even make you cum, it was embarrassing. For them not you of course.
“I may be crazy but I’m crazy for you lo’ak and yeah I am not innocent but I can still pleasure you good if you let me” you look into his eyes as you speak.
He chuckles softly for a second “Not happening sorry, go find someone else” with that he continues walking to the village leaving you behind.
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Once eclipse started you snuck out of your hut making your way over to Lo’aks. Upon reaching the flap of the hut you hear small whimpers coming from inside.
Finally entering it you hear the whimpers stop and the soft snores of him. You crawl over to him ever so quietly peering down at his sleeping form but your eyes widen at what you see.
His loincloth was off and he was already hard leaking pre-cum. You never thought you’d say this but his cock was beautiful, the patterns of tanhì covering from the base to the tip of it and eywa he was huge and thick.
Slowly you leaned down licking from his balls to his beautiful blue tip before taking him into your mouth. You savored how salty sweet he tasted, almost like yovu fruit which was your favorite.
To your surprise he had no reaction, you knew he was awake by his breathing and you knew exactly how to get a reaction out of him.
His cock slid out your mouth with a pop as you leaned back up removing your tewng before getting ontop of him.
Lining his tip with your entrance you took a deep breath before slamming down onto him, a scream threatening to leave your lips as your eyes watered from being stretched to accommodate his length.
Just as you figured his eyes flew open as he groaned placing his hands on your hips holding you in place. “Sh-shit what are you doing” he gulped looking up at you.
“What? I told you I could make you feel good if you’d let me” giggling softly you move your hips in a circular motion watching as his eyes roll back.
“Oh wait that’s right” he looks at you through hooded eyes confused, “You want Saeyla not me, so I’ll just go and have fun with Akwey instead, I’m sure he’d love it.”
A deep growl rumbles through his chest as you try getting off him, in one swift motion he flips you both over so he’s hovering ontop of you. “The fuck you are.”
He pulls back till the tip is just inside then slams back in setting a rough pace. You scream and hold onto his shoulders as each thrust gets you closer and closer to that sweet release.
“Fuck.. you feel amazing mamas..” Lo’ak moans in your ear before licking and sucking on your neck. Your for sure gonna have marks by the end of this but you don’t care, you want the marks, want everyone to see that your his.
Just as your about to cum he pulls out but immediately shoves two of his long digits inside you curling them just right reaching the spongey part inside causing you to cry out as you cover his fingers with your essence.
“That’s it syulang” he coos giving you praises. Once your high ends you beg him to fill you again to which he shakes his head no. “You’re going to give me two more and then we will see if you deserve my cock inside you.”
And just as he said, you did. But it didn’t just stop at two, no no, he made you give him 3 more. By the 5th one you were so overstimulated you tried moving away to no avail.
“Lo-lo’ak please I can’t it’s too much!” Tears roll down your cheeks as he just laughs. “Oh but you can, and you will. You want to be a good girl for me yes?”
You nod your eyes yes making him smile “Then be a good girl and give me one more mamas.” Picking up his pace he curls his fingert right hitting that one spot making you see stars.
He coaxes you through your high whispering praises and once it’s over removes his fingers only to put them in his mouth groaning at your taste. “You taste so good little one.”
Lo’ak then looks down at your fucked out state chuckling softly, he hovers over you slightly leaning down putting his face in the crook of your neck scenting you as his.
Sure you were crazy and he liked Saeyla but he was addicted to you now. All he wanted was you and he would eventually make you his officially.
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mayfay · 5 months
Writing Organization
Just gonna put all my writing stuff in one place for organizational purposes. Have Fun!
Update! Analysis has been moved to my side blog Mayfay Analysis (https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay-analysis)
MHA Quirk Analysis/Ideas
Blood Supernova Mutation-minor emitter: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/751237741405159424/akamatsu-eizan-i-have-spent-3-4-weeks-figuring?source=share
Minji TIF Emitter: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/747871725759447040/minji-minji-help-ive-fallen-to-the-old-hubris?source=share 
Hardening: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/748517502756241408/hardening-analysis?source=share
Koda: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/747922601670836224/the-fact-they-dont-do-a-million-tests-in-canon-is?source=share 
Force Absorption: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/748148721309614080/damn-thats-a-tough-one-gonna-poke-it-with-a?source=share
Goat Mutation: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/748144120467423232/so-cute-gonna-do-a-tiny-bit-of-quirk-analysis?source=share
Soft Sting Mutation: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/748140534075441152/love-the-character-design-not-a-ton-of-purely?source=share
Flower Body Mutation-Emitter: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/750141654037610496/havent-been-able-to-get-this-one-out-of-my-head
Building Blocks/Canon Mutation/Transformation: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/748136581893931008/ooo-these-two-are-interesting-to-start-with?source=share
Self Destruct Emitter/Mutation: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/748131878688735232/hell-yeah-glad-you-enjoyed-always-eager-to-pick?source=share
Drawing Fabrication Emitter: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/750210764174950400
Slime/Morph Emitter: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/748224485025611776/damn-horikoshi-really-missed-the-mark-on-that
Slime Body Mutant: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/750210975199838208
Infest Emitter/Mutation: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/748342995316867072/crumb-you-have-sent-me-spiraling-down-a-well-of?source=share
Hydrokinesis Emitter: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/751774451910295552/dear-god-im-a-sham-i-completely-forgot-to-mention
Cloud Creation Emitter: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/748942345418031104/she-gives-off-such-a-comfy-vibe-im-loving-the?source=share
Bioluminescence mutant: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/749828615008616448/if-you-want-to-keep-some-aspects-of-the?source=share
Blood Web mutant/emitter: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/750502280171831296/glad-you-liked-it-still-no-internet-working-on
Danny Phantom (+Crossover) Ideas
Dannys Medical Complications: https://www.tumblr.com/mayfay/749686626134982656/dannys-medical-complications
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torukmaktoskxawng · 7 months
Snippet of tsamsiyu ta'em chapter sixteen
Despite coming to many revelations, only to be riddled with just as many questions, Kayla still found time to be with Ronal and Tonowari, just the three of them. Even though every bone in her body told her to refuse and avoid their presence, she found that her feet were still walking in the direction that Tonowari had instructed her to meet them after their evening meal.
She tried to come up with excuses in her head as to why they wanted her to join them at night. Perhaps it was under the guise that all three of them had been extremely busy ever since Kayla and Spider returned, but that still didn't make her feel better, knowing that to want to spend time with her meant that they cared for her in some way shape, or form. And even though she logically didn't want that... she couldn't ignore certain other parts of her that were seemingly devoid of logic. Parts of her wanted to believe that they wanted her around for something besides gratitude, besides wanting to keep an eye on her or wanting her to do her part and not be useless to their village.
She finds them standing along the beach where they told her to meet them, their toes dipped into the bioluminescent sand, creating a rippling galaxy beneath their very feet. Kayla can't help but think of the Milky Way, a long line of clustered stars lining the island where the sand meets the ocean. Ronal and Tonowari stood at the center of the cluster of stars, immovable planets that demand others to revolve around them, and in a way, Kayla found herself doing just that, moving toward them like an unforeseen gravity pulling her in. 
Tonowari was watching her approach while Ronal was looking up at the sky, watching that familiar, beautiful gas giant with the large crater glaring down at them. Kayla was now standing close enough where she could count the tattoos on both of their faces, so she stopped, deciding that this would have to be close enough, a few feet away, just out of arm's reach. It was for the better.
Tonowari watched as Kayla peered up into the sky, watching the same gas giant as Ronal before the chief spoke up, "It is Naranawm. 'Great Eye.'"
Kayla hummed in understanding, "My people call it Polyphemus, named after a cyclops."
Both pairs of Metkayina eyes are now trained on her, Kayla's ears tucking close to her head out of embarrassment while she shyly explains herself, "It's uh... it's a mythological creature from my homeworld. The Cyclops is a man-eating giant with only one eye at the center of its face." 
"That is barbaric." Ronal simply states with a scrunched nose.
A breath of a laugh escapes Kayla, "And yet, you guys have man-eating creatures here that are considered the stuff of nightmares where I'm from. Polyphemus was one of the pretty popular in one or two stories. His father was the god of the sea-- or something like that."
"God of the sea?" Tonowari tilts his head with interest.
Kayla nods, deciding that it would be inappropriate to share how she imagined Poseidon to look like Tonowari if such a benevolent god existed, "Yeah. Um... depending on what part of Earth you lived on, your faith in certain deities varies. Polyphemus stems from Greek mythology and the Greeks believed in multiple gods, Poseidon being one of them. He was the god of the sea."
"What deity did your part of the world believe in?"
"One god, like Eywa..." Kayla shivered at distant memories of religious trauma, "Only the Great Mother tends to sound kinder."
A/n: Fucking hell, I might've lied when I said I was never going to write a 20k+ chapter again. Anyway, can't wait to finally post once it's all said and done!
Taglist (bold indicates "could not tag"): @motheroffae @undeniableadrenaline @mooniequeen @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @heart-an0n @amiets2 @slutforsmut4ever @yeosxxx​ @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @sucker4angstt @inolaphoenix @ilovechickenwings @tojisleftarm @andyfromku @ivysully @lightandshadow31 @jamie-poopoo @brittney69 @avatar-lover
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To Make a Heaven of Hell (9/?)
Virgil finds himself in the residential levels of hell in need of a certain heroic incubus after running from his teasing friends.
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Chapter warnings: A person being a little creepy with flirting and not backing off
Notes: Okay I have absolutely no excuse for this one taking me like seven months fdjslfjds uhhh oops??
Hell's Belles coming back from hiatus definitely sparked this again - though this fic is definitely set a little bit behind the canon point of the series haha, so Ruggy and Sharkie won't be reincarnating in this fic for a little while <3
“Soooo…” Angel said, looking at Virgil in a way that he knew meant he was about to get teased within an inch of his life, “Did’ja get his number?”
Okay, maybe less teasing and more right to killing him by fluster overload. 
“I- wha- huh-” Virgil stammered, their face bright red whilst Angel cornered them in the break room, he attempted to recover, but it didn’t really go very well, “Wha- I mean, who- who’s number? What’s a number? What’s a phone-”
Angel burst out into giggles just as Penny came into the break room too - finally, someone reasonable. 
“Miss Penny please save me-” Virgil basically begged, making Angel laugh harder. 
“Well-” Penny started, “Did you?”
“Did I what?” Virgil asked, the moment he said it he knew this was a trap.
“Get the cute demon’s number?” She asked with a teasing grin. Virgil groaned.
“Yes - okay! Yes I got his number!” Virgil cried, “It’s not even that special he was already in the goddamn group chat.”
“Oh,” Angel said, “Right.”
“Yeah. Right,” Virgil grumbled, before getting up and grabbing a cookie and storming out of the break room. 
He wasn’t actually that upset - he’d text them both in a minute to make sure they knew, but they just couldn’t handle the teasing in the moment. The heat on his cheeks had gotten too much for him. 
Not to mention thinking about Roman too much always seemed to lead to thoughts he shouldn’t be having in public.  
But then again, he’d seen the books Lily read. Maybe his thoughts weren’t that bad. 
“Hey Vee!” Sharkie called, “Where’s my desk buddy going?”
“Dunno,” Virgil called back as he stormed off, “I’ll be back later, call if you need me.”
“Oh - okay! Everything okay?” They called, Virgil glanced back to see them ignoring some random person at the desk, looking over at him in confusion. Virgil clutched his phone in his jacket pocket and nodded.
“Yeah just - need a break,” he said, waving them off with one had before heading for the elevator that would take him deeper into hell. 
“Do you think we really upset him?” He heard distantly from who he thought might have been Angel. 
Virgil had never been down to the residential levels of hell before. 
Lily and the others had told him all about them. Roughly they knew what to expect when they stepped off of the elevator. The hustle and bustle being primarily made up of demons was something he definitely expected, all sorts of different people - just like the demons he saw in the lobby but so many more of them. These people too seemed less scarred, he supposed a lot of the front gate demons were retired soldiers after all. 
There were kids here, younger than Dante, some who were barely toddlers and a few in whom he saw himself - the fears he had had when he was first starting school, when he was taking his finals. Somehow, though, no-one looked miserable as he made his way aimlessly through the streets - looking for anything to take his mind off of his thoughts and, more importantly, feelings. They supposed afterlife school was probably easier than mortal world school. 
Virgil saw a coffee shop across the road and sighed. That was good enough. Warm light spilled through the open doorway, the interior was dark but not gloomy - lit with warm yellow lights that weren’t too bright or fluorescent. Bioluminescent flowers sat in vases on the windowsill and the counter - providing extra lighting under the menu and in the window booths for those who were coming to work on something. 
Right now though, the cafe wasn’t too busy. Less than half of the tables were filled and the single demon working at the counter didn’t look overworked or stressed in the slightest. In fact, they waved Virgil over when they saw him standing awkwardly in the doorway. 
“Hey handsome! Welcome to Brewed Brimstone Cafe!” They said brightly with a wave, their forest green skin shimmering in the light from the flowers, they upt their hand on their hip and give him a flirty look - making Virgil frown, “See anything that takes your fancy today?” 
“Just um -” The introduction had thrown him off, the immediate compliment and the flirting - what was that about? His eyes darted to the menu but he had no room to process that in his mind right now, “-Can I just have the sweetest iced coffee you’ve got?” Virgil asked, stepping up to the counter and tilting their head. The demon hummed and turned to look at the ingredients they seemed to have on offer.
“Ahh, sweet tooth, I can get behind that - I’m sure I can whip something perfect up for you! How ‘bout you sit that cute little butt down over there and I’ll bring it over for you since it’s not busy?”
“Oh - um, thank you,” Virgil said with a small, polite but awkward smile, going over to sit down at a two person table and pulling out their phone. They shot a quick text over to Penny and Angel to let them know they weren't upset. He’d just… gotten anxious and ran off. That was his fault and not theirs. 
“Hey hon, you look a little down there, everything okay?” The barista demon asked a few minutes later as they placed down a tall glass full of something pale with a whole heap of cream, marshmallows and chocolate powder on top. 
“Yeah, everythings fine,” Virgil said, shaking his head. The demon put a straw into his drink before hopping up again.
“You sure? I’ve been told I give great advice,” they say, winking as they pull a napkin out of the pocket of their apron and fold it neatly before placing it next to Virgil’s drink. They leaned over and looked at him - as if waiting for him to tell them what was going on. Well, fat chance. Virgil didn’t even know this person - and honestly they were starting to make him a little uncomfortable with the persistent flirting despite Virgil’s complete lack of reciprocation. 
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Virgil said, nodding before taking a sip of his drink. It was really good - he did want to stay and finish it, of course, but part of him really wanted to get out of here.
“Okay well, anything you need, okay?” They asked with a wink. Virgil nodded slowly before looking down at his phone again as a couple walked in through the door and they hurried back to the bar. 
Virgil wanted out of here - or at least the situation, but they didn’t want to leave their drink nor the cafe. This seemed like the perfect place to relax if it wasn’t for… the barista who was giving him an odd look - it almost looked like that same look Lily gave Bell sometimes before they ran off to do… things. Virgil didn’t particularly like having that look directed at him, especially not by a stranger. Yeah, he didn’t think staying here alone with his problem saying no to people was going to be a good idea. 
He could text someone at the desk, he was sure they would come and rescue him, but they were all working… Bell was training, Greg was down in Level 9, Remus was off in a different realm somewhere, Janus was likely at home in his paradise - almost everyone else was busy, so that left….
Virgil shifted their hand and he noticed something written on the napkin they’d been given. A phone number. They then noticed the demon at the bar giving him a bright smile. They seemed like a nice guy, sure, but Virgil wasn’t interested and he didn’t know if he’d be able to protest if something happened. He felt vulnerable here, but if he got up and left without finishing they were worried the barista would go after them.
There was one person they could text for help. They’d just have to hope he wasn’t too busy right now - and that they didn’t die of embarrassment from texting him. 
He opened up the group chat and clicked on Roman’s contact, pausing to take at least four deep breaths before typing out a quick private message and hitting send before he could think too hard. 
<xx4llpanic-nod!scoxx> Hey this is gonna sound really weird
<xx4llpanic-nod!scoxx> Srry in advance esp if ur busy
<xx4llpanic-nod!scoxx> can you come rescue me?
<xx4llpanic-nod!scoxx> The barista at this coffee shop I’m at is being weird and flirty and I cna’t leave and idk what to do 
<Your Prince Charming> Great timing cutie - I just got sent on my break, where are you?
<xx4llpanic-nod!scoxx> Coffee shop - Brewed Brimstone
<xx4llpanic-nod!scoxx shared a location> 
<xx4llpanic-nod!scoxx> Here
<Your Prince Charming> Gotcha - sit tight!! I’ll be there in ten!
<xx4llpanic-nod!scoxx> Tysm omg
<Your Prince Charming> No problem darling!
Virgil breathed a deep sigh of relief, going back to sipping his drink and playing minesweeper on his phone and attempting to ignore the barista’s longing gaze whenever there wasn’t a customer to serve. Halfway into the ten minutes he was to wait, Roman sent another text asking if they would be okay with touch and that he had a plan. Virgil sent back a thumbs up - not quite sure exactly what Roman had planned - and received instructions just to play along. They’d be okay with any sort of plan. Hell, if Roman had to kiss him to get him out of this situation he’d be okay with it (they may be okay with it regardless, but that’s irrelevant). 
Five minutes later, Roman came through the door full of energy. He immediately drew every pair of eyes just with his aura - and maybe his outfit. 
Roman was wearing skintight jeans with a loose flowy pale pink top tucked in with a large belt - gold buckle and all. He was wearing a whole host of jewellery adorned to his wrists, neck and horns. With a hand on his hip and his tail swaying back and forth Roman’s eyes quickly found Virgil. His hair was tied back and he was wearing platform boots. Virgil might die if he kept looking at him like that.
“Hello beloved,” Roman announced, ignoring the barista entirely in favour of approaching Virgil and taking both of their hands in his, immediately pulling them up to kiss their knuckles, “I’m sorry I was late for our date darling, just got caught up in theatre, but I’m here now! Oh! You got yourself a drink whilst you waited - perfect, I’ll just get one to go and we can head off to the museum like we planned, sound okay?”
It took Virgil just a tiny moment to process everything Roman had just said, okay, so the plan was fake dating. He couldn’t have said that?? At least given Virgil a chance to mentally prepare himself for an onslaught of cute petnames and gestures. 
“Oh - yeah, of course, it’s okay,” Virgil said, doing his best to play along despite the raging blush on his cheeks and the way his entire mind was screaming, “Don’t worry about it - um - I wasn’t waiting long…”
“Oh good, I’m glad,” Roman said, helping Virgil up from the seat and immediately wrapping his tail around Virgil’s waist. He blushed deeply - even though he wasn’t all too in the know about demon culture, that felt incredibly intimate. 
Turning to the barista - who was now staring at the two of them like they’d grown six heads - Roman flashed a winning smile, “Hi there! Could I get a hellfire mocha to go? With cream and rainbow sprinkles if you please, would you like anything, my darling?”
It took Virgil a few seconds to realise that the last part was directed at him, but when he did he managed to stammer his way through an order, “O-oh, um, yeah I - can I have the same thing you made me before? But um - to go as well?” He asked the bartender, he was trying not to seem so nervous, though he knew he was failing. He just hoped it would come across more as flustered. 
“Sure, coming right up,” The barista said, looking significantly glummer than they did before as they turned back to make the two drinks. Virgil let out a quiet sigh of relief. 
Once they got their drinks, Roman quickly took Virgil by the hand and led them outside and down the street a little way, where he let go of them and stepped away looking oddly bashful. Virgil’s face hadn’t calmed down in the slightest and now they were outside. Right, Roman had rescued him. 
“Thank you so much for that,” Virgil said, taking a deep breath, “They were just - they gave me their number and kept looking at me like Lily looks at Bell sometimes and it just freaked me out - sorry for taking you away from your break-”
“It’s okay sweetheart,” Roman said, ruffling his hair in the same way Remus often did, somehow making Virgil relax even more with the soft tone and familiar gesture, “I was going to get coffee anyway - and I’ll never complain about rescuing someone in distress - I just hope you weren’t too put off by my methods.”
Virgil sighed in relief hearing that he hadn’t pulled Roman too far from his plans, before he choked at the last statement, his face returning to it’s red state where he’d just been starting to calm down dammit, “No - no it’s fine I didn’t- I didn’t mind- um-”
“Careful, you’ll be giving me a run for my money if you keep getting redder,” Roman teased, gesturing to his own crimson skin. Virgil huffed and stuck his tongue out at him as he tried to de-red his face, “Anyway, what are you doing down here on such a fine day?”
“I was - kind of running away from Angel and Penny…” Virgil admitted, Roman raised a curious eyebrow, “They were teasing me about uh - stuff-” 
“Ah, stuff, I see,” Roman nodded solemnly, “Angel can be like that, don’t let her bother you too much - but if you wanted to stay down here… perhaps you’d like to come back to the theatre with me? I’m running a day-long rehearsal today, but I’m sure no-one will mind your pretty face in the audience-?”
Virgil smiled - he had never actually been to any sort of theatre production before, and this was just a rehearsal, but it was with Roman and it gave him something to do, and he’d called him pretty, so… “Sure, why not? What do you do in the theatre anyway?”
“Well I do act of course, it’s one of my passions,” Roman said, “But I also help direct and run the youth musical theatre group for this area, right now we’re putting together a medley of our favourite mortal world musical songs, We only began last week, so it’s still very much a work in progress, but the blocking process is lovely to watch with everything coming together and these kids are rather dedicated so I’m sure you’ll have fun…”
Roman kept rambling all the way to the theatre, Virgil smiled and listened to everything he said - Roman was good at talking, he filled the space well and wasn’t overwhelming even though he was boisterous and fairly loud.
When they arrived Roman introduced them to the gathered kids and they gave an awkward wave. He sat in the audience and watched with interest. Though being honest he was watching Roman more than anyone else, the passion with which he moved around the stage to give everyone tips as they practised scenes, the way he got truly engaged with the students instead of sitting up front and yelling at them… Virgil could practically feel the passion in the room. 
Once the rehearsal concluded, Virgil waited for Roman - who offered chivalrously to walk him home despite it being all the way up in paradise and Virgil accepted because they were trying to learn to take nice things when they were offered to them (Lily would be proud). They walked back through hell and up to paradise arm in arm. 
Virgil really hoped this was going where he thought it might be, because he couldn’t deny to anyone anymore that he had the biggest raging crush on Remus’ brother possible. 
They were going to tease him something awful about this when they found out, he was sure. 
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @scalesfeathersnfur @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @littlerat2 @goldnskyart (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
Hell's Belles AU tags: @awitchbravestheverge @twoalpacas @goldnskyart @anxious-mess19 @doteddestroyer @yourchemicallyimbalancedromance :)
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demelza00 · 2 years
Glass. Part 3
Tsireya x Fem!Omaticaya!Reader
Contains: some angst, some comfort finally, implied Avatar: The Way of Water spoilers
Word count: 910
Finally edited lol
Final part! Sorry this took so long, I did not think anyone would see the other two :0 (Also I'm a bit disappointed with this one, might rewrite it in the future lol). Thank you all sm for reading<3 If y'all like this story w/ Tsireya, I'm not sure if my next writing will be a similar concept with another character or a different prompt entirely with Tsireya. Any suggestions? <3
-(Name)'s POV
I cried. I screamed, and cried, and screamed more and kept doing so until my throat was raw and there were no more tears to fall. I have no idea how long we sat there, Tsireya holding me and smoothing my hair down.
I let everything out. I told her how I couldn’t see a way that I could ever fill Neteyam’s role, how I didn’t know how I could even go on without the guidance of my older brother. I told her that I was scared, maybe more scared than I ever had been, and that I was completely lost with no idea what to do next.
And Tsireya held me. She cried with me through some of it, keeping one of her hands firmly pressed against my back, grounding me. When I stopped crying, she eventually moved my head back and wiped the tears from my face.
“(Name). I see you. Your family will guide you, you will be alright. I know that you will do well,” she tells me. I try to protest, but barely get out a word before my voice cracks, tears flooding my eyes yet again.
Tsireya pulls me back into a hug. “I believe in you and I will be here for you. You are my best friend,” she says. Amazingly, through all of the grief of the day, the words ‘best friend’ manage to sting.
She must see my ears go back or something, because she yet again pulls back and looks at my face. Her big eyes look as though they are searching for an answer on my face, and she seems to find it.
“I will always be at your side,” she says.
I bite my lip to keep from sobbing again, and nod. She smiles weakly, nodding as well.
I’m not sure how much longer we sit there, now settled beside each other, leaning back against a large rock and watching the waves. It must’ve been a while, though, because the sky has started getting ever-so-slightly brighter, though the sun isn’t yet rising from the water.
When it gets bright enough that our bioluminescent spots start to dim, yet still before sunrise, Tsireya turns her head slightly, catching my attention. “We might want to get back soon,” she says quietly, still looking out at the water.
I nod my head. “Yeah, that is probably a good idea,” I agree, also quiet. It's like there is a peace that neither of us want to disturb. But when I look over at her, and see the pure, gentle beauty of her face, I find I can't stop myself.
“Tsireya..” I say quietly. She turns to look at me, and when her eyes meet mine, I almost falter. “I think I’m in love with you.”
It felt like the world had stopped. Tsireya’s mouth fell open in a silent gasp, my heart nearly stopped, and even the slight breeze stopped. Neither of us moved for what felt like hours, but then her mouth closed and she frowned slightly.
“(Name)..” She said quietly. I felt like puking. The one person I’m comfortable with, that I know I can trust! Why did I fuck it up? What the hell is wrong with me, Tsireya is the most beautiful girl in Awa’atlu, and the next in line to be Tsahik, why would I ever think-
“I’m worried that you only say that because I comforted you. If you only think you feel that way because you don’t know how else to cope with what’s happened, then..” She trailed off, trying to find more words but ultimately leaving it at that.
What..? Only because she comforted me? Is that what she thinks I meant?
“It is not because you comforted me,” I said, looking away from her as I felt my cheeks burn. “Since we became friends, I believe I have been falling in love with you. You are the kindest, gentlest, and most beautiful person I have ever met.. I have never been able to be vulnerable with people to the extent as I have with you. And seeing the way that you care for my family, showing them patience and respect.. You have stood up for my siblings and I, you have scolded your own brother for calling us freaks.. How could I not fall in love with you?”
When I finally had the courage to look at Tsireya again, her cheeks had a beautiful blush, and she looked to be surprised. When she came to reality again, I saw small tears pool in her eyes, and she smiled slightly. “Do you mean that..?” She asked quietly.
I nodded, and the next thing I knew, she had launched herself from her seat in the sand and hugged me, with so much momentum that we both ended up falling. When she leaned back, her hair falling around my head as she looked down at me, she smiled widely, showing the beautiful dimples that I had missed.
“Do you.. feel the same?” I asked hesitantly, smiling slightly as well. She laughed, nodding as she used one of her hands to wipe the small tears from the corners of her eyes. The other moved to hold her up, then she cupped my face gently. “Can I kiss you (Name)?”
I nodded, and she giggled again, leaning down and finally pressing her lips to mine. “I see you (Name).”
“I see you Tsireya.”
Hope you enjoyed <3 Should I make more Tsireya content next or do y'all wanna see some other characters?
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marrowcrunch · 5 months
What are your top 3 favorite vtm clans (or bloodlines)?
Bonus: which clan do you think you'd fit in with? :3c
Oh boy, this is going to be long lol
Favorite: Tzimisce 
Gosh, what a surprise :O
But yeah. I mean, firstly, the cool factor is undeniable. It's always such a joy designing Tzimisce characters because even toeing the strictest borderlines of canon they're allowed to get real weird with it in a way that most other clans aren't. I don't mean this as hate at all so I hope it doesn't come across like that, all clans are beautiful <3 but if you're playing Ventrue, Brujah, Tremere etc to some degree you'll always just be playing as Some Guy. With a Tzim it’s like…Do you want some sick-ass bone blades on your arms? No problem! Another pair of arms to put more bone blades on? Sounds good! Do you want to be bioluminescent like a squid? Great! Go crazy! 
Second: Full disclosure, I am the “My fursona is my TWOO SELF” flavor of furry. And the idea of having near total freedom of form— to be able to give myself a tail, claws, fangs, horns, [long censor beep], whatever I want, to abandon my human shape, fills me with Yearning. 
In the complete opposite direction, I also find personal meaning in the clan as someone who suffers from chronic pain. Shamelessly copy-pasting a reply to another post: 
The flavoring of Vicissitude as a creeping infection, as the actual body of the Eldest spread from generation to generation, able to rise up and consume its bearers at any moment, resonates with me very deeply as someone whose pain is caused by congenital tissue defects and which will inevitably get worse over time.
The idea that…there’s something horrible lurking inside your body. It can’t be cured. It can’t be removed. It is part of the very fabric of your being. And it is going to eat you alive, it is going to eat and eat until there’s nothing left. That no matter how you struggle, eventually it’s going to win. But you struggle anyways, because what the hell else is there to do?
The clan also has its revenant families, who are all collectively my most Specialist Little Guy in the world. I am a huge sucker for ye old trope of Special Family Bloodline Technique, and they scratch that itch for me in a really fun and interesting way. 
Second favorite: Giovanni. I actually don't have any deep reasons for this one, I just think that “fucked up necromancer vampire crime family” is such a fun concept lol. I like organized crime stories. It's also another one for the “bloodline technique” category— in v20, they even have their own associated revenant family, the Rossellinis! 
Third favorite: Salubri. The vibe I get is that they’re deeply underappreciated because people feel like their designation in both fluff and crunch as “the nice ones” means that they’re boring and clash with Masquerade’s overall tone. But I STRONGLY disagree— I think that's exactly what gives them so much potential for the sort of personal, existential horror that is supposed to be at the heart of Masquerade. I actually want to write a much longer post sometime that really gets into why, but part of it is this— being a magical pacifist unicorn prancing in a sunny flower field isn't “horrifying,” but being a magical pacifist unicorn in a dark forest where the only other animals are wolves that want to eat your face sure is. I also think the contrast between mainline (healer) Salubri and Salubri antitribu is a really rich thematic vein— again, I want to write more on this later. 
Bloodline lightning round:
Ahrimanes: Cat-themed woman power. I like the concept of Gangrel in tune with the spiritual elements of nature. Spirits in World of Darkness are fun because they can be anything. 
Ventrue antitribu: Knights in modern settings are cool.
However, if the question was “Which clan are you most like?” instead of “What's your favorite”, the answer is far and away Toreador. I love making art, and while I mostly just write now because my body has kind of fallen apart, I used to dabble in a bunch of different mediums and loved them all. That and I already do the “oh that flower/painting/ random pattern of light on the wall is really pretty *zones out and stares at it*” thing in real life lol so that would just be business as usual. If I couldn't be a Meat Criminal this is actually the clan I'd choose to be embraced into. 
Thanks for giving me a chance to talk :)
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