#the brainstorm gc <3
effervescentdragon · 1 year
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this is somehow so funny to me @milflewis @lewishamil10n 😹
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ghostclangen · 5 months
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Marshlily dreams of the Dark Forest again. The smell of rot fills her nostrils, and she retches, barely holding down the contents of her stomach. She’d dreamt about it every night for moons now, but she still can’t get used to the squelching of mud between her toes, the only sound in the uncannily silent expanse. What did she do to end up here, so far from StarClan?
She takes a few steps forward, but quickly stumbles. The shaking is worse here, rapid jerks that make it difficult to walk—not that trying to run away would save her. 
“Is anyone here?” she calls, as she always does; her words are chopped up by the tremors that wrack her body. It’s with a frozen feeling in her stomach that Marshlily realizes that that’s not the only thing cutting her off; in what feels like just seconds, her throat has become clogged with foul-tasting blood. She hacks it up, splattering red on the damp ground, but it just keeps coming, choking her more and more by the second no matter how much she coughs and splutters.
This hasn’t happened before. This is new. Panting between coughs, she stares down at the pool of blood that’s growing on the grass before her. She’s faint, fainter than she should be; it’s not so much a loss of blood that makes the world bleary, but a sort of … a sort of … Marshlily shakes her head, unable to think of some way to describe it but finding herself unable to think of the words. 
She digs her claws into the earth to keep herself grounded. Her mind, however, can’t be gathered so easily; the dissolving feeling lingers. I’m all apart, the part of her that remains within in her grasp thinks. Through a mouth of blood, she gives a garbled cry once again: “Is anyone here? Help me!” 
After a few moments of silence, Marshlily hangs her head and whines gutturally. Why does she even try anymore? Nobody ever answers …
And then someone does. 
A familiar voice echoes in her ears, high-pitched and scratchy: “Marshlily …”
Weakly, Marshlily lifts her head, her ears pricked. “... Hornetstar?” she asks. “Where are you?”
“We care about you, Marshlily.” “We need you, Marshlily.” “Come home, Marshlily.”
Marshlily looks frantically from side to side, looking for Celebi, Crageagle, and—her heavy heart jumps in her chest—Charredtail. “Where are you? Where is everyone? Did you come to rescue me?” 
As the voices continue, they begin to sound closer, and with some time, Marshlily can pinpoint the direction they’re from. She takes a wobbly step toward them, but she makes it only a few taillengths before the voices of her loved ones fall quiet and a piercing scream erupts inside her brain. It’s like that alien feeling she’s been having, but worse, overwhelming her senses. There are no words put to it, no way to understand what’s going on, just a desperate yowl. 
“Leave me alone!” Marshlily cries. “Let me go!” She sinks to the ground in a heap as the screeching continues and begins to scream herself, wearing her bleeding throat raw. Of course it wouldn’t let her go. Of course her only hope would be a trap. The dissolving feeling, which had dissipated slightly, comes back with a vengeance. She really could just lie there and give in—it’d be a lot less painful …
As soon as she resigns herself to the faintness, though, something cuts through the screaming. It’s faint, but it’s there, and little by little it gets louder until Marshlily can finally hear it clearly: “I love you, Marshlily. I’ll always love you.”
It takes Marshlily a few moments to recognize the voice, but when she does, her breath stops in her chest. “Mom?” she asks, her voice wobbling. “Mom, is that you?” Half-remembered memories float to her head: milk scent; a soft, murmuring voice; the warmth of her siblings snuggled up against her. 
The voice doesn’t answer. Instead, it continues, “You have to keep going.”
It’s with uncertaintly that Marshlily gets to her paws, and the screaming in the back of her head never relented, but nonetheless, she does. Her movements are jerky and discoordinated, and she stumbles over her paws more than once, but with nothing else to do, she follows the voices of her loved ones: “It’ll be okay, Marshlily.” “You have to keep trying.” “Just follow my voice …”
She can’t begin to tell how long it takes—it could have been minutes or days; they’re all the same here—but eventually, as Marshlily continues in her unsteady gait, something shifts behind the rotting trees. The air here is always a bit misty, but this is different: a hulking wall of fog hangs ahead of her, condensing in mere seconds as she approaches, as if it were waiting for her. 
Tentatively, Marshlily pads through the last few trees ahead of her and into a small clearing. She can see the fog clearly from here; it writhes like something alive, but she doesn’t find herself unsettled by the breath-like undulations. Instead, she’s overwhelmed by a feeling of welcomeness and love. She takes a few steps toward it and realizes something: she can walk straight now. The jerking has stopped, and when she swallows, she finds that there’s no taste of blood in her mouth any longer. She’s thinking clearer, too. 
“Come here,” a chorus of voices says, and Marshlily grits her teeth. What if it’s a trap? What if she never gets better? What if she falls right back into the thrall of whatever—whoever—is screaming inside her head? 
But then, what other choice does she have …? It’s stay here and dissolve into nothingness or risk the pain of whatever might lie on the other side. With just enough trust to allow the warmth of it, Marshlily braces herself and runs through.
She jolts awake into a world of silence. No, it’s not silent … there’s the birds, the rustling of leaves in the wind, the rushing water of a nearby stream. What’s silent is the inside of her head: no screaming; no vicious, alien thoughts; just her own internal monologue, so much clearer than it has been in moons.
Marshlily takes a few breaths in and out, in and out, then closes her eyes shut. What if this is just a dream? What if this is the Dark Forest playing tricks on her? How can she trust it? 
Tentatively, she brings herself to her paws and stares out across the land; she’d run far from the Cavern the night before, but she’s still high enough up that she can see across all four territories from here. There’s PrairieClan’s, out in the tall grass of the moor; that over there is SerpentClan’s, wrapped in the shadows of the forest; and way on the opposite side is MoonClan’s, a mix of warm sand and tall trees. They’ve never looked so beautiful. Surely the Place of No Stars and its denizens could never create a place like this.
The echoing voice comes from somewhere above her, and Marshlily turns to see Hornetstar bounding down the rocks, Hubert, Celebi, and Nettledawn in tow. She slows down as she approaches, her pawsteps becoming (rightfully) tentative, but she doesn’t flinch away in fright, which is more than Marshlily could ask for, really.
“Hi, everyone,” Marshlily croaks, and winces at the ache in her throat. For a brief, panicked moment, she thinks it’s blood that’s making her voice groggy; common sense kicks in when she realizes that the only thing she tastes is stale morning breath. She laughs at herself internally; of course her throat is sore, she’s been sleeping for … “How long was I gone?” 
“Days!” Hornetstar says. “You weren’t responding, just flailing around and talking to someone. Were you dreaming about Kestreltail?”
Marshlily can’t keep back a melancholy smile at the sound of her mother’s name. “A little bit.”
“Come on, stop with the chatting,” Hubert says, taking a couple steps toward Marshlily. “How are you feeling? Are you still sick?” 
Marshlily thinks on it for a long moment. The violence in her head is gone; she turns to Hornetstar and hears no disembodied urge to attack. She turns to walk a few paces this way and that, and her body doesn’t jerk, or even twitch. “I don’t think so,” she says finally, turning back to the others. “I think I might be okay.” 
As soon as the words are out of her mouth, Hornetstar is pressed up against her, purring up a storm. “I was so worried! I thought you were going to … I mean, I was scared that …”
Marshlily chuckles and nuzzles her face into Hornetstar’s shoulder. “You and me both, Hornet,” she says, voice muffled by her thick pelt. “You and me both.”
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
already obsessed w feral teeth max snap bite smile what a collection of words
(this is referring to this post)
hehe!! it was an idea born from this post
i brainstormed a little bit in the gc but it's something like
max with like feral teeth, not fangs, but a mouth full of big sharp teeth. he's a little hairier than most people, his eyes are a little unsettling. people have been a little scared of him all his life, calling him aggressive and feral at any given opportunity. kids didn't want to play with him because their parents were afraid he would bite them. he puts his hands in front of his mouth when he smiles or laughs because otherwise people get scared. people make jokes about muzzling him and keeping him on a leash as if he's a rabid dog. he gets blamed for incidents on track that aren't even his fault.
he doesn't want to hurt anyone and he just wants to race and for people to not flinch when he steps too close or laughs, but by the time he gets to f1 he's resigned to be sad and alone for the rest of his life.
enter daniel, who just like that tiktok sounds goes "can i pet that daaawg?" and nobody stops him <3
daniel who is one of the first people to not be scared of him and treats him as a person. who isn't afraid to play around with him, even when max gets a bit too heated and accidentally snaps his teeth at him. daniel who lets him playfully bite him like you do with a kitten. daniel who barks back at him when max growls. daniel who defends him to the press, who throws his arm around max's shoulders and isn't afraid of being that close to his mouth.
daniel who makes him laugh so hard he forgets to cover his mouth, and who just keeps laughing with him, even if max's teeth are fully exposed.
yeah something along those lines!
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croholz · 10 months
Reverse 1999 men doodles from the past ~3 days
Mainly Diggers, Click and some
Forget me thot
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The second I saw this man in game I knew I was going to make some good shit
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Click/diggers because why not
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Click in the femboy eboy fit bc… yeah
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Hot air balloon idea for fic that me and the gc brainstormed
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
Could I ask Bart for the hc asks?
Headcanon A: realistic
he just shows up at his friends houses whenever he wants to hang out. he especially got into the habit of inviting himself over to the kent farm when he was living with the garricks, because it was right there. ma kent adores him because she can feed him so much. bart adores ma kent because she feeds him so much. incredibly mutualistic relationship right there
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
somehow dox, his dog, acquires a connection to the speed force. manchester, alabama, becomes somewhat accustomed to the sight of impulse zipping across town going NO!!!! WHAT IS IN YOUR MOUTH!!!!! SPIT IT OUT!!!!!! SPIT THAT OUT!!!!!! as he chases down a small normal-looking dog that seems to keep teleporting.
max says this is karma. he's entirely too amused by it. until dox digs up all of his chives in about 0.4 seconds flat, anyway.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
like i know the real reason is that geoff is stupid but in-universe the reason he doesn't use scouts in tt03 is that he's still dealing with the rammys of owaw and Experiencing Death as a scout + wwyj just kinda forcing him to confront that before he was ready. of course, then he just experiences death as himself, so. oops?
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
ive said this before and i'm sure i'll say it again but FUCK geoff making him into kid flash. he's impulse for life and the only alternative i'll accept is bart mercury. (this includes a bit where he's sitting around brainstorming about it with his friends like okay but bart mercury doesn't have the same alliterative thing going on that max mercury does... and cassie snorts and starts giggling and just goes. bart bercury.) (this is his name in the core four gc for the next few weeks.)
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flame-x · 1 month
Nyello, do you have any fic/au ideas that you’ve thought about but not posted?
hi nate :3 ty for de ask
there’s definitely several ideas that have been rattling around in my brain for ages (including continuations for the gc fic lmao)
I suppose the biggest thing I’ve never posted on tumblr (that I recall anyway? I don’t think I ever mentioned it on here but ik I did in mistocord) was the nobility/whodunnit au, which was my human murder mystery au set kinda late 1800s/early 1900s in england. I put sooooo much effort and thought into it and recently it’s been creeping back into my brain but. this is really embarrassing LMAO but I can’t remember what the motive of the murderer was 💀 I never wrote it down!! I assumed I’d remember something important as that but apparently not lol. but! I have been brainstorming a new one lately and I was recently looking back through my (extensive) notes on it so that’s. something that might come back eventually? maybe? Idk but it was SO much fun.
Quick recap of the general overview: Silvanus Deuteronomy, wealthy Duke and Certified Bastard(tm) hosts an annual Ball known as, (here it comes), the Jellicle Ball! The Duke is found dead in his study on the evening of the Ball and every guest is a suspect with motive (oOoOoOoOo~). Whodunnit? His son Munkustrap, set to inherit the title and estate? Munkustrap’s wife, Lady Demeter? Or perhaps the Duke’s other son, the rebellious Rum Tum Tugger? It was well known that they had a troubled relationship… Nobody could suspect his daughter Jemima, could they? But it turns out Jemima knows more about the goings-on in the family than her brothers expected…
Perhaps it was Victoria, the daughter of his cousin who’s lived with them for several years? Silvanus recently found out about her forbidden relationship with a servant of the house, Mungojerrie…
Speaking of servants, more than one of them have a motive, too. Between blackmail, illegitimate children and debts, a few of them would have reason to take a blade to the Duke’s throat. And what’s more, as the Manor House is snowed in during a storm the night of the murder, with no help to be reached other than the inexperienced, vivacious detective and her assistant already in attendance at the Ball, it comes out that there are motives for murder among the numerous high profile guests. The Lords and Ladies of the country are placed under scrutiny by the sharp-minded Trudicat and her slightly bumbling assistant Attionsoles (he’s a himbo there’s no other way of putting it)
What’s more, it turns out that Deuteronomy’s old political nemesis, Lord Macavity has planted spies under his very roof… and that he has a dark and dangerous obsession with a certain daughter-in-law of Silvanus’s…. (Someone also sent a pair of assassins on the night of the ball… apparently several people wanted the Duke of Jellicle dead.)
featuring many, MANY ocs, a lot of creative license and an unrealistic (but very, very fun) amount of drama. brought to you by my love of period pieces (read:downton abbey) and murder mysteries (read: I have consumed way too many murder books and shows)
I definitely missed stuff in this but damn did I have fun revisiting this au so thank you again for the ask nate <3
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prince-simon · 2 years
how do you come up w fic ideas? i wanna start writing but my head is empty 🥺😭
i think i'm entirely the wrong person to ask bc like. i literally get inspired by anything. i watch a movie or show or even a goddamn casting show and i'll immediately go to my gc like. hey guys. so i had another idea bear with me. then we're pingponging ideas back and forth until we have a whole story established basically and sometimes i write it, more times i don't djksd
but honestly, the best tip i can give you is write what you wanna read
like try to think of a trope or a pairing or even just one scenario that you really wanna see and then don't think too hard and just write.
also something that i used to do in my previous fandom when i was in a writing slump i'd do a "200 word prompt" game with a friend of mine. it could also be just 100 words but basically what we did is, i think we had three categories. trope, pairing and i can't think of the third one but idk some other detail that should be in those 200 words which will be chosen at random and then you write (for example: meet cute - wilmon - university au). 200 words really isn't all that much and chances are you will write more - it worked for me a couple of times to make a full blown fic out of it but it's definitely a good warm up
for me the brainstorming with other people definitely helps a lot. you just get a way broader scenario out of it so if you have friends who'd be willing to brainstorm with you, it could be as easy as starting with "okay i want an enemies to lovers wilmon story"
also there's this website (here) that throws random prompts at you which could also be helpful to get the gears turning
and just in general i'd suggest never to force it. bc that's gonna put you under pressure and working under pressure can work out but most time it really doesn't and, like you said, your head's just empty
writing is supposed to be fun, don't forget that.
aaahh i hope this helped at least a little bit! happy new year <3
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nekole-doodles · 2 days
I am proud to report that I have once again used my schoolwork as an excuse to ramble about my hyperfixations, specifically DSMP fanfics. First with Unlikely Events(by Nymphii) in my Hero's Journey essay 2 years ago, then my Hero's Journey SLIDESHOW from last year, and now it's Tommyinnit's Clinic for Supervillains for Spanish 2 :D
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Excuse the probably incorrect Spanish, this is a class and I'm still learning. But yeah, I just went all in and was literally vibrating in my seat because of how excited I was to do this. The minimum was 15 sentences, 3 sentence for each verb we were given, but I just started kinda rambling and now there are 23 sentences! I also had to do a recording of me speaking at least 10 of the sentences, but it had to be creative or else I wouldn't receive full credit, so I kinda had to brainstorm some ideas. I was thinking about using my makeshift cosplay for Siren but decided against it because it would be weird to speak as the character and it makes me internally cringe, and then I considered just adding audio of my recorded voice in each slide of my slideshow but I doubt my teacher would consider that "creative" and would give me a 0 on the presentation aspect. So, I finally decided to bust out Gacha Life 2 after a while of leaving it alone and start using that. I seriously debated against it for about 2 days because I couldn't bring myself to make a GL2 video, even just for homework because 1, do you have any idea how tedious it is to design the characters, position them, find the right poses out of the limited selections they give you(or make an entirely new pose if it comes to that), and EDIT IT ALL IN AND PAINSTAKINGLY SYNC IT WITH THE AUDIO?! Yeah, there's a reason I haven't finished a GL2/GC video in about a year despite having multiple video ideas. 2, it's just- Gacha videos just have a bad rep(partially reasonably so), so it just feels weird to make a video using one again, but I'm not going to spend DAYS trying to make it a hand-drawn minicomic because that would take even longer and it's due on Monday :/ So GL2 it is! I'm probably not going to post the final product anywhere, but eh. I finished the screenshots and I'm about to do the recordings but I am not looking forward to using Capcut again :|
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zeewonderland · 2 years
Blog #1
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Hope’s Peak Academy. An Academy that brings the Peak of Hope, and undoubtedly an Academy that I, myself wish to attend.
It is, sadly a fictional one QAQ
Made by the brainstorming and imagination of our group, Hope’s Peak is the result that fulfills the criterias that we have set for a “dream school.” The process of creating this “school” was quite amusing and unique. In order to communicate easily, the group created a messenger chat group that is now known as the “HPanians”(From the HP(Hope’s Peak). Through the HPanians GC, the group members discussed the various needed information for the creation of the school. The motto was decided to be “Individualitas Libertas Proprium” which means Individuality, Freedom and Talent, this aligns with Einstein's Opinion, as we decided to encourage and implement the freedom of expressing oneself(Individuality) and the freedom of Talent by having a curriculum as follows.
Basic Core Education (Grade School to College)- This would be required as a subject for all grade levels. The difference is it would only teach the “Basics” of Mathematics,English,Sciences and Others. After a certain point of education, it would be up to the student if they wish to take on the more complicated topics of the subject.
Interest Based Classes - Students would get to pick the subjects they wish to learn according to their interests and hobbies, this way, the student would be able to cultivate their talents and be able to learn about topics that they are favorable to study.
The school will offer an advanced class based on skill-level. The school would have a progression type of promotion wherein depending on the skill-level, you may take the advanced classes.
Students will be graded depending on the classes that they will be taking and the activities that are customized for them. The grade would still depend on the teacher, but the student could contest it if they believed it was unjustifiable. Subjects that are related to opinions such as art and others would be graded based on fundamentals but would also give consideration to other factors such as uniqueness, etc. Everybody will have different kinds assigned to them, focusing mainly on their weaknesses and sometimes strengths, specifically that the schoolwork would mostly play on strengths while also relearning and trying to fix or understand the weaknesses.
The following are the pictures for the school uniform and facilities.
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And now you have reached my insights (YEY!!<3). The Creation process was fun to do, especially since the members of our group were really cooperative and passionate about the project. The topic of a “dream school” was very engaging and gave us a lot to think about, and thus resulted in wonderful conversations about the finer details, jokes about how the school would be and banters about the school. Although there were some mistakes made (Setting the school on a place that's not in the Philippines TvT) I could say that overall, the output was well done and well executed by the group. I would not mind having more activities such as this one, if the friends that I made Hope’s Peak Academy would still be my groupmates for them. 
It was a valuable experience.  This Concludes my Blog #1! Thank You! <3
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ivant1ll · 2 years
HIHI!! can i request a fluff fic of seven from mystic messenger? THANK YOUU
#. Cuddling With 707 !
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. loading 100% 🍓 \\ synopsis : cuddling with an overworked seven? hell yes. ♯. genre = fluff ! word count : 1515
AAAAAH I WOULD LITERALLY GIVE THE WORLD FOR SEVEN THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST KU!! Me when the 4lifers in the gc give the best requests !!! the way i have once again changed my formatting a bit, god damn was it fun to put extra effort into this fic!!
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You know that Seven is often overworked. His job mercilessly working him through the nights, leaving him beyond worn out. Unable to really leave much due to the lack of energy, you can't help but feel so incredibly bad when you'd notice the small details. Disheveled hair, bags under eyes, constant yawning, you wish you could do more for your boyfriend to help take the stress of the workloads off of him. As you begin brainstorming to yourself at your desk, suddenly you get a ping on your phone, it seems to be a notification from the messenger. Your curiosity peaks as you wonder who sent a message this time.
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Y/N! Mannn im so tired T_T... just had to work another all-nighter lolol
"Again... what if I maybe head over to his place to go hang out with him? Getting his mind off of everything happening with work might help him out. Why does being a hacker have to be such a complicated and hard job anyway..." You complain, but alas you can't just expect Seven to not have a job. You begin typing up a response.
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SEVEN!! Good afternoon<3 are you alright? How are you feeling right now? You should really take a nap or something soon if you're this tired, I don't want anything to happen if you don't sleep enough.
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Nah don't worry about it darling~ I'll be just fine. This is normal anyway, so I'll just make some coffee or something and try to find something to do
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Well.... how about this, why don't I head over to your place. I really have been missing you and I'd honestly really like to see you right now
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Omg... I'd actually really love that yes!! Quick quick come over, faster than you've EVER gone anywhere. Now I wanna see you so so badly!!!
You giggle to yourself at Seven's child-like reactions when he is excited by something. You quickly go to pick out a cute outfit as you type a quick response.
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Well then if you say so lol, I'll start getting ready now! I LOVE YOU SEVEN I'LL SEE YOU SOON<3
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LOVE YOU TOO BABE! Now, go begin your ultimate speedrun!
You swiftly then begin to get ready, putting on an outfit enough to wow your boyfriend. You hope that this will hopefully make him feel even better, swiftly leaving your apartment right after you pack up everything you may need. The drive over to Seven's place is decently long, seeing as he lives in quite a secluded area. You don't mind though; it is quite nice to be in such a quiet area when visiting him.
As you finally make it, you text Seven asking to let you in since the security system has always been far too confusing to try and learn. You stand there for a few moments once it says he reads your text, until suddenly the door opens. There standing before you is your lovely boyfriend Seven, once again sporting his disheveled sleep deprived look.
"Jesus Christ has he not slept in days?!" You worriedly ask yourself. Due to that worry, you quickly rush in to hug Seven feeling as though he needed it. You tightly embrace him, ensuring that he is wrapped in nothing but the tender feeling of your overwhelming love to take away any worries he may have. His face lights up in response, beyond happy to see you. You then realize how much he must have missed you while constantly working, which makes you only wanna hug him tighter.
Seven breaks through the silence of you both hugging to lean down and give you a tender kiss on the forehead, "I missed you so much babe!" He lets out an accompanying yawn. "Come on inside." He says with an adorable grin on his face. You can already tell he feels quite happy which can't help but make your heart feel even warmer. "Oh yeah... heh- I'm sorry about the mess. There's things like everywhere but, I'll try to get to cleaning it as soon as possible." Seven let's out an awkward laugh and you walk in to see the effects of your boyfriends' sleepless nights on his small house. Empty bags of Honey Buddha chips, energy drinks, barely anything that's really even considered food.
"Oh, it's fine, I can help you clean! Just like always don't pick up any of the stacks of papers and other documents rights?" Knowing that Seven keeps a lot of confidential info in here, you make sure that you offering to help wouldn't be invading in the privacy of his work.
Seven smiles once again at your kind gesture, "Well, I wouldn't want to have you cleaning up after my mess but thank you so much babe! I really appreciate the offer~ you can just pick up the small items all over the floor I'll take care of the papers later when it doesn't feel like my body is gonna slump over and just..." He then dramatically slumps back in his desk chair, "And just die...!" He laughs in response at his own joke, to which you nudge at him for his teasing, "Well then, you better make sure you get some good sleep tonight cause maybe you 'just dying' isn't very fun!"
Trying to change the topic from his current sleep situation, he quickly brushes off your comment. "Yeah yeah, you do look incredibly pretty in that outfit right now though. Literally just seeing it makes me want to kiss you more and more by the second..." You can see Seven's face has gone a shade of pink, and he is trying to contain his smile of awe.
"Well, I wanted to make sure that I dressed my best today to see you! I thought it would put a smile on your face and well, mission accomplished~" You walk forward and proceed with the kiss before the redhead could get to it. The sudden showing of affection makes Seven whip out the theatrics again, "Oh alas, it seems as though the princess has stolen my heart again! Looks like I gotta get you back and do that to you unexpectedly now!" You both proceed to giggle as you begin helping to pick up the small pieces of trash on the floor, tables, etc. Buy, you couldn't help but continue eyeing Seven, knowing that he doesn't want you to be concerned about his current state. It's not until you see him stumbling around, obviously barely even to keep his body even standing, you quickly panic and rush over to the redhead.
"Seven! You need to rest, now! You can't just keep causing harm to your body and saying it's okay. If you're worried about causing me concern, then please know you'll only cause me more from not taking care of yourself. Please babe, rest..." You plead softly as you lead Seven over to his bed.
"Y/n... please don't feel like you have to be so concerned for me- I'm fine I swear." He tries to give a soft laugh to reassure you, but it's obvious that his body cannot even muster that in the state it's in.
"Nope, don't wanna hear it!" You place your boyfriend on his bed, placing yourself right next to him.
"But whyyy- y/n, you traitor!" Seven whines.
"Traitor? Yeah alright, how dare I make you lay down~" You teasingly reply as you nudge yourself closer to the redhead. Stroking his hair slowly in rhythmic patterns, you begin to bring Seven in another warm embrace. "Seven, I care about you... so incredibly much. I don't want you to just start assuming you can just mistreat yourself right after working for so long. Please, start taking care of yourself more babe." You lecture him as you kiss him on the forehead, he looks down.
"Yeah yeah... I'll try y/n- I'm sorry for keeping you so concerned, you really don't need that kind of stress." He places his head right under your chin, his hair tickling along your next as you continue stroking his hair.
You give a smile, "Don't apologize Sev~ just... get some good rest my love."
He doesn't respond, but that's fine. You continue to lull the redhead to sleep until finally, you can hear his soft peaceful snores. Never has it looked like someone could be enjoying sleep more than Seven in that very moment, that's what gives you an overwhelming sense of comfort. Just holding him, keeping him close and protecting him. Your heart skips a few beats at first, your face a shade of pink.
Your eyes begin to slowly drift into slumber as well.
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© grayson-png \ please do not repost or redistribute my work as your own
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effervescentdragon · 6 months
Fun prompt (?)
Fernando, but he’s a character in Derry Girls. You decide if he remains Spanish or becomes Irish. Either way he’s catholic, chaotic and insane
thats just @milflewis actually
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
since im already here im gonna leave another yasuhiro request because gosh darnit i love that man ʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔ
can we get some yasuhiro x m reader hcs where the reader gives yasuhiro the silent treatment after he says something really dumb/offensive and yasuhiro is trying everything he can to apologize?
(you don't have to, but if the reader accepts his apology at the end, could you write that he smothers them in kisses ok thank you (。>﹏<。))
Yasuhiro Hagakure trying to apologize after saying saying something dumb and making his boyfriend give him the silent treatment
i'm not doing daily posts again but I'm so fucking bored right now so I'm writing once again LMFAO I got this batman comic but it ended up being a volume 2 but harley is in it so I'm still gonna read it even though I hate reading just random volumes in stories which is a little stupid but
also update on the man I'm with since he's all I can think about uhhhh we are sharing clothes with each other and calling each other pet names which is so fucking hadnjksfdh because I'm friends with a girl he was fw and awhile ago she mentioned all the things they ain't never do together and ykkkk I be doing them with himmm.. I got him to start using tone tags for me (which turned into the gc using them) and I'm the only one who's unmuted on his phone. my contact name even has a <3 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I call him hvlambisha holitopa because it means "my most treasured and beloved Bat" in my language since he's EMO.
currently listening: training wheels by melanie martinez
playlist: spotify blend
-Mod Souda
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❤ He just be saying shit sometimes. There is a certain trait of his that you had to learn about through experience. He won't realize that something he said is offensive until he sees your reaction. Words slip from his mouth all the time, and sometimes he can catch them before he finishes his sentence (as in, he's offended you with it before, and he's learning his lesson).
❤ When he finally says something that really irritates you, the first thing you do is squint at him. Is he going to take it back? Is he going to apologize after he realizes his audacity?
❤ But no, he just continues.
❤ I don't think he'll notice the silent treatment until like a the next day ngl.
❤ He'll be like "oh they must not be in a good mood," and then google what to do and it'll be like give them space and he's like okay!!!
❤ And then it doesn't get better and he's like wait I think they mad at me...
❤ He will like be awkwardly scratching the back of his neck trying to figure out if he should approach you or not. Like literally, that's what he's doing, and you can see him in the corner of your eye.
❤ He'll like leave some snack out on the kitchen counter with a small note that says sorry :( in his sloppy handwriting. That's his first move.
❤ He is like - what do they do in the movies? Is he supposed to buy flowers?
❤ What flowers should he buy?
❤ He does not end up buying the flowers but god was he thinking about it.
❤ He mostly focuses on brainstorming. If words cause the problem then maybe words will help solve it?
❤ He still leaves tiny things around that he knows you like along with notes.
❤ He decides that if those won't work then he will just confront you and apologize.
❤ The thought of making you more upset is what lingers in his mind so that's what prevents him from apologizing immediately. Give them space, give them space, give them space. That's all that's in his head.
❤ When he finally does apologize he does so by walking up to you, trying to make it look like everything is perfectly fine. He tries to look confident but it doesn't work. You can see sympathy written all over his face (at least!).
❤ He stumbles over his words a little, which you think is cute. You honestly get a bit prideful seeing how much he cares about you, he obviously feels very bad.
❤ "It's okay," you say. "It's perfectly fine. Thank you for apologizing."
❤ When your hand cups his cheek, he absolutely melts. He missed your touch so much.
❤ He smiles and wraps his hands around your chest, bringing you in and pressing kisses to your cheek, his pecks trailing up your temples and to your forehead. "Thank you so much!"
❤ "What are you thanking me for?"
❤ He pauses. "I don't know."
❤ After rolling your eyes, you grab his face and press a kind kiss to his lips.
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joshuas · 3 years
☆.*+falling for u profiles 1 | a svt social media au
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☆ our beloved mcs:
y/n: a second year psych major. the only student on this earth that is not part of the shua fan club. a tsundere in denial. a realist but passionate (runs a pretty popular foodstagram in her spare time), and a secret softie. especially if you offer cake. in a constant battle with jeonghan over topping each other’s gpas. they’re academic rivals, basically.
joshua: a literal angel in disguise. works at the local uni café. everyone simps over him. is completely oblivious to the popularity and the numerous fan clubs created for him. a total sweetheart, though. also a second year psych major !!
jeonghan: on the contrary to joshua, he’s a literal devil in disguise as an angel (joking… mostly-). also in his second year! doesn’t know why he’s doing law but his friends said he was good at negotiating so here he is. hangs out at the cafe with shua in his free time, claims it’s because he likes to see him suffer from the sheer amount of simping he has to deal with but is actually there to just protecc ! will annoy the heck out of you just for laughs, but is the most caring bean you’ve ever met. designed to annoy y/n. especially about their gpa battle </3 academic rival things, you wouldn’t understand </3
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☆ the besties:
soonyoung: 1/2 of y/n’s best friends. seems like a simp, is a simp. very hyper - minghao tries to control him but fails every time </3 resident dance major and captain of the dance team. runs the bss radio show with seungkwan and seokmin ! and clowns seungkwan the most on air </3
minghao: 1/2 of y/n’s besties !! probably the calmest of the group. hides the simp, but is the secret president of the shua fan club (started the gc as well !!) tries to calm soonyoung down 80% of the time, but fails </3 also part of the dance club ! a highly caffeinated, sleep deprived english major. #letminghaosleep2k21
seungkwan: 1/3 of the bss radio show !! majors in theatre and is known for always bringing an iced americano to his classes. is consistently clowned by his friends, but is always supportive, no matter what.
seokmin: 1/3 of the bss radio show !! also majors in theatre alongside seungkwan. go check out the musical he’s in !! the sweetest and most sunshine-y of the lot. if you need a hand with something, he’s your guy! unless it’s school work related - stay away, stem majors. one of jeonghan’s underlings in training.
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tag list: @beomberries @starlightjoong @lavenonie @lovingyu04 @jadezircon @mostlikelynotmelissa @potato2earth @wonunuu @shuajeong @softforqiankun @serenadesvt @kwonthefire @ktzuki @sunflowergyeomie @caratgether
special thank you to @networkluvs for helping me brainstorm and everyone else in the coffeeshop server <3
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morvantmortuary · 3 years
Don’t question the speed.
🎁&🎥 for the October Arc?
(I only consider it an honor babe 🖤😂🥰
both of these got long - mea culpa - do they’re below the cut!!
🎁- Any writing advice for people who want to write something like this?
Can I just say how flattered I am that you’d ask this question to begin with? bc I really am!!
My best advice actually applies to all the longer stuff I’ve written, including urges and fswl over on my other blog - apologies if any of it seems obvious: 
1. Do the thing that interests you most, and then just do the parts of it that interest you. You put way too much yourself if you think you have to write the Be All End All accurate depiction of whatever thing you’re writing, be it historical archives or mortuary science or Victorian switch relationships. As long as you’ve at least done a reasonable amount of research on your subject (as in, you’re not just walking in cold and hitting “post” when you’re trying to include a lot of really specific detail), then you should be okay! And even then, it’s okay to get things wrong, as long as you’re willing to go “oh whoops my bad” or something of the sort and tidy it up for later. Just remember that the people reading your work aren’t going to be quizzing you on every last detail you put in there (unless they have a lot of time on their hands) - generally, I just appreciate it when I see someone has enthusiasm for what/when/who they’re writing about, and for the rest I’m willing to go along for the ride. But if you’re like me and you tend to dig yourself into big-ass projects that spiral out before you know what you’re doing, you’ll definitely want to make sure you at least like what you’re writing about enough to want to spend hours with it. I’ve been living in Greymoon in my head for months, at this point, and that’s only because I stuck to the parts of it that have interested me most, rather than the parts that maybe logically you’d encounter first. Sounds super basic, I know, but you’d be surprised how many holes I’ve dug myself into on previous stories that never saw the light of day bc the initial fascination didn’t turn out to be sustainable!
2. There’s a million ways to phrase this next part, but I think the most candid way would be me talking to a very dear friend in the gc the other night (hey wanda! ♥️):
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I have had multiple moments across all of these stories where I’m like “is this The Line? is this Too Much? Is this going to be the thing where everyone goes ‘oh jesus give me a break’ and dips?”
Whenever you are faced with this choice, I’m going to beg you to do the thing that you’re thinking about holding back. Which sounds so cheesy, but it’s completely true!! Some of my favorite moments in all these stories have been where I’m like “mmm I don’t know” and then entirely leaned into it bc what were people going to do, really??? I’ve absolutely had people stop reading my stuff before after certain moments where I’ve done this, and it sucks, for sure!! but what’s the point of writing something if you’re not going to make it what you want to read, first and foremost??? It’s your baby. Follow your rabbit holes and impulses, because they’re what makes your work your own. 🖤 I had completely different outlines for all three Morvants when I first drafted them, but then when I really started writing, I had a moment for all of them where I felt that pull and followed it, and here we are. :3c
3. Get yourself a supportive group of friends!! Writing is a solo activity, and most of the time when I’m writing, I’m spending hours at a time pretty much dead to the world (except when my cat jumps on my lap and reminds me he needs fed). But the thinking/brainstorming time is so much more fun when you have people you can share your little fictional guys with!! I love writing for this blog and sharing with y’all when you write into the askbox, even if I’m kind of quiet socially. There have been definite points where I’m like “ooh I can’t wait to post this and see what people think omg,” and that’s half the fun 🥰 But also, get some fellow writers who will be there for you when you just wanna bang your head against your keyboard, and the whole thing will feel so much better. 🖤 As I’ve mentioned a few times, I’m really lucky to be part of a gc that originally started as a few fellow fanfic writers hanging out to watch Daniel Brühl movies, and now we have a separate chat where we talk about stuff we’re writing/things we’re trying to iron out/moments we’re just feeling blah about our own work. I really honestly wouldn’t have gotten nearly as far as I did on the October Arc without them, and their kindness and encouragement really has meant the world. 🖤 I also have an IRL friend in my grad program who’s a fellow fiction writer, and we frequently hang out and talk plot/characters when we get coffee each week or hang out on the weekends. Find some people who can get excited with you about the parts where you’re not posting a finished polished thing, and it’ll be so much more fun, I promise!!
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
this isn’t quite what this question is looking for, but I wasn’t kidding when I said this is one of the most personal stories I’d ever written - certain parts of it are definitely from my life. I had a cancer scare when I was in elementary school, which kind of cracked my existential egg and I’ve been obsessed with death and funerary traditions ever since (much to my mom’s dismay lmao). my dad’s family was Cajun, and spoke mostly French until a generation ago, so I grew up with stories of some of the folklore that’s going to turn up later. I’ve been writing stories set in Louisiana for years; one of the people you’re going to meet in the next Arc is actually from my college capstone that was set in another small town like Greymoon with even more weird shit going on lmao. We actually have family on my dad’s side who are in the funeral business, but unfortunately I’ve never met them lol. I also grew up in Texas, which partially inspired Hector and his family being from Mexico. Maggie (name changed) is based on a beloved family cat who got out one weekend when we were out of town and never came home. Lula (name changed) was based on my late real aunt who I was very close to, growing up. when Maxi’s proving to Reader in Lovesong part 2 he can talk to ghosts, Reader and Lula’s last goodbye was how my last goodbye to her actually went. I got in the habit of leaving her places in my stories where she could pop in if she ever wanted to visit. <3
Part of it is also from my academic background - I’ve been studying the Southern Gothic subgenre for almost a decade now, and I’ve been into Horror since I was a wee babybat renting my first R movie lmao. a lot of this is from a lifetime of being into weird shit, but I tried to break down the major stuff as best I could!
for the story in general:
the True Blood tv series - both for setting vibes, and bc a rewatch with an old friend reminded me how much I love Denis O’Hare. Vincent is hugely based in my mind on his turn as Russell Edgington in s3, especially his news station monologue - check it out if you haven’t seen it, ever.
the Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman - this inspired my love of huge masquerade scenes that are actually a trap, plus I just love how earnestly big and sweeping and cheesy it is.
Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories - there’s a reason I listed this as Rora’s favorite book in particular, which I’ll get into in a minute, but also her prose so inspires me and my concepts of romance that I can’t not give it credit for affecting the story overall.
Nuke’s Top 5, Nexpo, and Reignbot on YouTube - these are three of my favorite creepy Youtube channels, and I keep them on rotation when I need a dose of inspiration/need to get into a spooky mood. [Big ass content warning for these, because some of the IRL things the latter two cover in particular can be really quite upsetting.]
Nexpo actually also turned me on to Local 58, whose two videos “Contingency” “You are on the Fastest Available Route” and “Show for Children” are inspirations for the vibe of Greymoon as a whole. (Warning on Contingency, as it’s a fake news bulletin telling people to kill themselves. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
The Interview with a Vampire movie, mostly for setting vibes but also for how the human members of They Who Decide see themselves. (Plus, Tom Cruise in that wig! Goddamn!)
Dangerous Games to Play in the Dark by Lucia Peters
Romance Novels in general - specifically, Sarah MacLean or Lisa Kleypas. Just try one. Trust me.
Bryan Fuller’s Pushing Daisies series - I think Maxi and Ned are really quite similar in a lot of ways (although Maxi is a bit less withdrawn due to his work), but especially in how they feel about Final Them and Chuck, respectively.
The original Candyman film - good lord, if I don’t have a huge residual crush on Tony Todd. Maxi’s “Be my victim” speech in spellbound (reprise) is an homage to the same speech Robitaille gives Helen at the climax of the movie. It’s flawed for sure, and parts of it haven’t aged well, but gosh if I don’t still love it.
Caitlin Doughty’s “Ask a Mortician” channel on Youtube - she’s been really great for learning about the technical bits of the Mortuary, plus she and the Order of the Good Death are up to some really good work when it comes to death acceptance/awareness/planning in the US.
Truman Capote’s Other Voices, Other Rooms - there’s a lot that can be said about this book, and there’s a reason I named it Maxi’s favorite. It’s got some flaws related to when it was written (namely its treatment of its Black characters), but I feel like Maxi would relate a lot to Joel in particular of just feeling lost and nothing feeling like it should.
The Addams Family, obviously, but especially the two ‘90s Barry Sonnenfeld movies and the ‘60s sitcom! He’s both inspired by Gomez, and in the story itself, he thinks of Gomez v much as Goals
A lot of Maxi’s specific arc was inspired by when I was reading Carol Clover’s Men, Women, and Chainsaws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film for my grad school exams lmao. It was written in the ‘80s and ‘90s, so some of the theory is out of date, but I still find it super helpful!
Anything to do with the Mütter Museum, but especially the helpful videos on their channel on YouTube.
Hector’s particular look was inspired by Diego’s role in the Flatliners remake - it’s not a great? movie?? but teehee handsome <3 He was actually almost an ER trauma surgeon before I saw that photo of Diego holding the film camera and went “OH HELLO”
The filmography and writings of Guillermo del Toro in general, but particularly El Espinazo del Diablo (The Devil’s Backbone). Fun fact - this is the movie where I actually got his mom’s family name, from my favorite character in the film.
J.A. Bayona’s El Orfanto (The Orphanage). This movie is one of my favorites, but it’ll absolutely break your heart, I’m warning you.
I didn’t really have this movie in mind when I first wrote for Hector originally, but now I can’t watch Savageland without thinking of him. It’s a found footage movie that acts as an examination of the aftermath of a zombie attack on a town on the Arizona/Mexico border, and the only person who really knows what happened is a Mexican man who took photos of the attack as it was happening, and is currently being held as a scapegoat. It’s one of my favorite sleeper movies, but there’s a couple characters who are based off A/lex J/ones and J/oe A/raipo who can really make it hard to watch.
Various animated works by Jorge Gutiérrez, and not just because he tends to cast Diego in some of them lmao <3
Inverting this question, I actually wasn’t thinking of Coco at all when I was writing Hector, and it was only after I’d published his intro post that I remembered the name of one of the characters and I was like “...Oh whoops :’D”
Various works by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, whom I adore
A Head Full of Ghosts, by Paul Tremblay
I’m actually right now re-reading Hex’s favorite book (Roland Barthes’s Camera Lucida) and reading Beyond the Dark Veil: Post-Mortem and Mourning Photography by The Thanatos Archive to get ready for his upcoming arc!
The Penny Dreadful series - parts of it are a mess, and the ending is really disappointing, but Eva Green’s tenure as Vanessa Ives absolutely enchanted me and terrified me and took my breath away. I knew if anyone was going to be Maxi’s sister in all her cold poised fury, it had to be her. If you watch anything, at least watch the second episode for the seance scene, where Eva Green scared me under the covers the first time I saw it with just her face and her voice.
Anything by Shirley Jackson, but especially We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Merrikat was a huge inspiration for Rora as I originally imagined her, when she was going to be stuck being eighteen forever (before I decided that would be kind of a drag).
The titular story, “The Lady of the House of Love,” and “The Company of Wolves” from Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories - so much of Rora’s relationship to gender and her sexuality is shaped by theses stories, and I wanted to write a character just as sharp as one of Carter’s
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
Carson McCuller’s The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, specifically for the heroine’s complicated feelings relating to her own gender/femininity
Parts of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein <3
Marya Morevna in Cat Valente’s Deathless as much as the author drives me insane now
the novel of The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (for her relationship to her mother Mathilde)
and finally, Alice Hoffman’s Practical Magic
okay! so this turned into a whole long giant thing/commentary and I’m so sorry for that lmao. :’D If you’ve read this far, nonny, you’re a saint and I love you. Thanks for being kind enough to ask (even though you might be sorry now!)
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do we get the story 👀 (if you're comfortable of course don't have to answer this otherwise)
>be me
>group of friends in school posing for a Polaroid picture. Polaroid gets taken and we take it home.
>group of friends normally has equal guys and girls but in the Polaroid it's just one girl and 3 guys. let's call her e
>in the gc she asks about posting that picture on insta. we brainstorm captions. none of them work
>she posts the picture anyway. captions it 'they're all secretly in love with me' only one of them properly is.
>the comment section breaks into a war between the group, with people not present making jokes about it.
>i comment 'not true. im in love with e and this other guy [let's call him m] only' both of these people like my comment.
>the only guy i say im not in love with, let's call him a, is shocked and grieving that i didnt include him. he's also my oldest friend. he comments 'betrayal' and shuts down instagram for the rest of the day
>friend 4 comments 'im not in the photo, but im in love with e as well'
>e is not interacting with anyone now
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vintageumbroshirt · 4 years
creator tag game
Thank you so much @leedsau @sunflowrsix @wallsbylouis (and @quelsentiment and @deludedandlostcause last month, if I’m not mistaken?) for tagging me to do this <3
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work.
Well, I only write fic and make occasional shit posts, so:
1: pull me back together again (the way you cut me in half) — this one is my little pride because it was my first time writing something longer, it was a topic I really wanted to explore (even if it’s not popular in the fandom at all) and I was really pleased when I handed it in for the @1dbreakupfest
2: don’t call me baby — I love this one because Lu gave me the plot so it unified me writing something for her birthday and for TBSL (which was my fave song when Fine Line first came out). I love talking about Harry’s pettiness and jealousy and it was fun to be able to bring that to life in a fic
3: The cat is out of the bag — the Halloween piece I wrote for the Challenge we made in the larrie writers gc I’m part of. I genuinely had to googled things cats do (I am very allergic to cats so I’m not really familiar with their behavior) and I had a lot of fun brainstorming with Lu (once again)
4: Mother I’d Like to * & It’s none of your business — the two works I wrote for the @momrryfest2020! I’m really proud of the first one because I think I managed to get the humor I went for across nicely. The second one has a special place in my heart because it was the first fanfiction I ever wrote and it was super self-indulgent and, even though I look back at it and see many faults, I’m happy that I wrote it and had the courage to post it.
5: Your flowers just died — I wrote this as a thank you for Evelin and I had to do research about Greek Mythology from scratch and I had so much fun doing it! It was also my first time trying more poetic language and longer paragraphs (I love experimenting!), and I’m happy with the outcome.
6: Nice To Meet You — special shoutout to this piece because I genuinely thought it was just average but it’s the fic I have most feedback on in the sense of people wanting a sequel and asking about it... so thank you to everyone who read it and commented <3
Also, I want to thank every single person who supported me as I started to write. Karlee @heathenharry for being here with me from my first time, every single person who has beta’ed for me and given me advice and my friends who are my own personal cheerleaders. I love you guys. 
If I don’t tag you below and you want to do this, go ahead (and tag me so I can see it!) 
@whatevertearsyou @siredcrab @aichathebrave @sashinalash @uhohmorshedios @chrysopon @evilovesyou @thethieves @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @senshine @slytherinzouis @bravestylesao3 @mercurial-madhouse
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