#the celestial beings that do not exist and only tell lies
alexandraisyes · 2 months
What do you think about each Celestial family member having their own villain arc?
In theory? Yeah that's an interesting concept
With the show's canon? No. That sounds like a total disaster when the only person they really have left is Earth.
Sun: Killed the original bm, Tried to kill Eclipse, Purposefully scared Lunar, broke Moon's computer in anger, blah blah blah. Honestly, he hasn't done anything that bad past those things. And he tried to fix things afterward, but I'd still call that his "villain arc" because he was acting downright vile. And yes I know it's because he was dealing with a psychotic breakdown, which is why I'm not being that hard on him. But also he spent months pushing Nexus away and then was upset that Nexus wasn't like old Moon when he never really made an effort to get to know who Nexus was, he just assumed he was like Moon.
Old Moon: God I could literally go on all day. He's a villain in his own right. Abused Sun physically, mentally, and emotionally for years. We still haven't seen a proper apology or acknowledgment of that. Friends with Monty, which should be a crime in itself. He's literally done whatever he wants whenever he wants the entirety of his existence and blown up at people when they try to tell him no. He's only bothered to care when things are out of his control, he's been known to be a control freak and borderline obsessive.
Lunar: Killed Eclipse, loves to threaten to shock people for pissing him off, plus he's always been a very morally grey character. He does what benefits Lunar and doesn't care about what other people think or how it will affect them. He's a little bit narcopathic, to be honest. He lied about Eclipse abusing him for over a year just to get sympathy points, and it's only been in the past few months that he's come clean about the fact that Eclipse never abused him. He's two-faced and immature.
Nexus: Currently going through it, someone send him cookies, please. Bro is dealing with a virus and psychosis and is not having a good time, and I'm honestly slightly upset that they're actively villainizing him when he's quite literally mentally ill. Especially since he's more or less dealing with the same thing Sun was a year? Two years? ago.
Eclipse: I know he's not a part of the celestial family/related to anyone anymore, but he literally made the purpose of his existence into being a pain in the ass three separate times.
Ruin: Also not in the family but we all know his crimes (being too silly)
Solar: I don't consider him as part of the family the same way I don't consider Ruin or Eclipse as part of it. However he's cold and calloused in his own right (he is an Eclipse after all, even if he's supposed to be a "nice" one) and has been known to have something of a temper. I wouldn't say he's ever had a villain arc, but also he's a very morally grey character (again, he is an eclipse). I feel like if he had any less restraint we would have an entirely different view of him.
Killcode: Not part of the family but bro literally started as a cannibalistic freak like-
So of all the "positive" characters that leaves us with Earth. And so far she's managed to be angelically (this is a compliment to her self restraint) composed and hasn't caused any damage. So far. I really hope they don't give her a "villain arc" because she's like a breath of air in the dysfunctionality. Like yeah, she's dysfunctional and fucked over in her own right, but she hasn't tried to kill anyone. She hasn't tried to hurt anyone (besides bm but that was a security/defense protocol and they lowkey deserved it). I like Earth, I hope they just keep doing what they're doing with her.
I know a lot of people don't like Earth and call her a "Mary Sue" or some shit but I think that just comes from a lack of media literacy because she's a very detailed and complex character who's more than just "a pretty face and kind personality with daddy issues". Y'all who say that are just being offensive and rude, and it comes off as extremely misogynistic. Yes she has her flaws, but I don't see people hating the rest of the cast like they hate her.
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666writingcafe · 1 year
The Portal
As soon as Solomon and I arrive at the park where the Celestial Realm portal supposedly resides, we're nearly tackled to the ground. Thankfully, the object in question is not dangerous; it's just an overly excited Luke.
"Luke, let them breathe," Simeon calmly states. Once Luke is at Simeon's side, I notice the gate we're standing in front of.
"No way," I gasp.
"What is it?" Simeon asks.
"I've walked past this gate for many years, wondering where it might lead. The ivy and flowers surrounding it made me think that there was a magical place on the other side."
"Only under the right circumstances. If you were to walk through it without an angel, you'll just come across a bunch of shrubbery." Simeon touches the gate, and it starts glowing white around his hand. Pushing it open, he beckons us to walk through it. Luke runs, Solomon calmly strolls, and I look back hesitantly.
"It's alright, MC," Simeon comforts. "I'll be right behind you."
"Welcome to the Celestial Realm," Simeon states. The four of us are currently standing in a pavilion surrounded by brightly colored flowers. In fact, everything about our surroundings seems overly saturated. It's a little disorienting.
"Looks like we made it here in one piece," Solomon quips.
"I sure hope so. I can't afford to lose an arm or a leg right now," I respond, causing Simeon to chuckle. The four of us start walking, Simeon and Luke taking the lead.
"This is actually my second time in the Celestial Realm," Solomon states. "It really hasn't changed a bit."
"I see." As if sensing my discomfort, Simeon slows down to match my pace. None the wiser, Luke and Solomon forge ahead.
"Is everything alright?" the angel asks. I sigh.
"Simeon, I hope I don't offend you when I say this, but there's something a bit unsettling about this place. It looks...too perfect." He nods his head.
"That's an understandable response. Most humans never see this place, so it can shock people the first time they arrive." He pauses. Then, in a quieter tone, he adds,
"If you were to spend any real time here--and not just in the areas prepared for visitors--you'll find that it's a rather dark place. There's no point existing if you're not perfect, and everyone here lies in order to survive."
"Even Luke?" He shakes his head.
"He's still young enough that he doesn't have the same expectations as the rest of us, so what you see with him is what you get." He pauses again. "I do worry about him, though. The way he idolizes Michael..." He trails off, and he doesn't say anything for a while, leading me to believe that our conversation is over. Then, he seems to get the courage to speak again.
"I'm terrified that he's going to use Luke when he's older." If it weren't for how close the two of us, I wouldn't be able to hear him. "He's going to take advantage of the fact that Luke will do anything for his approval to make him do some rather horrible things. If something happened to Luke, I..." He chokes on his words, as if he's trying not to cry. "I don't know what I would do. I try not to think about it too much, for I start to feel an immense anger inside me." That is a lot to unpack, but this is neither the time nor place to do that. I don't want to get Simeon in trouble.
"Why are you telling me this?" I ask. A faint smile develops on his lips.
"Because you're the one person that I can trust fully."
Simeon, Solomon, and I are currently sitting in a dining hall, waiting for Luke to bring out treats he prepared specifically for this occasion.
"Ever since we go back from the Devildom, Luke's gotten more into baking," Simeon states.
"I'm jealous of you, Simeon," Solomon replies. "You get to eat everything he makes."
"I'm not sure if that's a blessing or a curse," I respond. "I remember Luke's food being overly sweet in large quantities." Simeon nods his head.
"I hate to burst his bubble, because he is quite passionate about baking, but there are times that I wish he would pursue other activities. There have been multiple times where I've had to eat five pieces of cake in a single day. I don't know how Beelzebub has no problem handling that much food on a daily basis; I almost get sick."
"Well, if that's the case, then I'm not giving you any of this, Simeon! Luke shouts as he returns to us with a tray of tarts. Simeon stands up.
"That's fine, Luke. I actually have some business to attend to." He takes my backpack and throws it over his shoulder.
"What are you doing with MC's backpack?" Luke asks.
"Michael wanted to see MC's notes from the exchange program. He mentioned that they'd be useful."
"Can I go with you?"
"Now, Luke, it wouldn't be polite to not serve your guests." That causes the young angel to become quiet. Simeon turns his attention to Solomon and me.
"I will try to be as quick as possible, but I may be a while. This morning we received word that a sacred spring in the eastern part of the realm is starting to dry out, so Michael's there to investigate the problem." Oh no. Of course it had to be the Celestial Realm that got affected today.
"We'll be sure to keep Luke company," Solomon replies as Simeon walks away.
"So, Luke, what have you prepared for us today?" I ask, wanting to prevent myself from spiraling. The young angel beams at us.
"Behold, my special Celestial Realm apple cream tart! I came up with the recipe myself. Even Michael said it was good." Using tongs, Luke gives Solomon and I one tart each to try. I will say, he's improved on balancing his ingredients. It's still a bit too sweet for my liking, but the feeling doesn't hit me until I'm almost done eating.
The three of us start catching up as we munch on the tarts, and I almost am able to forget why I'm here in the first place. Then, Luke turns his attention to me.
"I meant to tell you, MC, I overheard Michael mentioning that he was hoping to meet you the other day!" If it weren't for the fact that I finished my tart, I would have certainly choked to death. As it is, the look on my face causes Luke to question if I'm okay. I try to compose myself.
"I'm okay, Luke. I just...didn't expect you to say that, that's all."
"That's normal. I mean, he's the Michael, after all. Who wouldn't want to meet him?!" At the moment, I'm not too keen on meeting him. After all, there's a good chance that he'd find some way to kill me. Thankfully for me, Simeon arrives back before I have to lie to Luke. He hands me my backpack, and the four of us leave the dining hall. Nothing eventful happens until we pass the pavilion that the gate dropped us off at.
"Wait, stop!" Luke shouts. Simeon does as asked and turns around to face Luke, forcing Solomon and I to do the same.
"Aren't we supposed to take MC and Solomon back to the human world?" the young angel asks.
"No," Simeon answers.
"What do you mean, no? That's their home!"
"The four of us are scheduled to go to the Devildom."
"WHAT? Why?!"
"As the first ever exchange students, it is our responsibility to ensure that the program continues running smoothly." Luke stomps his foot and clenches his fists.
"This is what drives me crazy about you, Simeon! Why didn't you tell me this before now?!" Solomon and I exchange glances and take a couple steps back to give the angels some space.
"Because we just finished talking it over and ironing out the details yesterday. Plus, I wanted to spring it on you as a fun surprise. Please don't get upset."
"Don't get upset?! Whose fault is it that I'm upset?! And anyway, who's this 'we'? I certainly didn't consent to this!"
"On our end, myself, Diavolo, and Michael." As soon as Michael's name gets dropped, Luke shuts up and allows us to resume walking. I can tell he's sulking, but at least he's not throwing a tantrum. After several minutes, we arrive at a surprisingly rusty gate that's already open, as if it was waiting for us the entire time.
"I'll lead this time," Solomon states.
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spyridonya · 1 year
An answer to a Discord PWotR challenge of, 'Why Does your Knight Commander love their chosen LI?"
Kadira, in game canon, chose Daeran over all others.
"Why do you love Daeran?"
Kadira's hand pauses as the Queen asks the question, pin that is supposed to hold up the pile of curls shining as the former knight commander freezes. It's not so much the question, not even the way Galfrey speaks it in a manner that is holds only a taste of curiosity and bewilderment, civility making the expression on her statuesque beauty so very mild.
It really is a matter of when the Queen decided to ask this, just an hour before the engagement party of her cousin to the Knight Commander, the formal announcement of what East Mendev - and the entire kingdom - knows.
The pin slides deftly in the black curls; she had thought the Queen would have come in robes of state to gravely inform her that the engagement would be pending due to some ancient tradition that the kingdom buried and forgot generations ago. Rather the queen is dressed in red and white, embroidery of golden thread mirroring patterns of a Mendev that had been more wild and free. There's civility, but there's grace.
"Well, not for his money." Kadira says, looking at the queen's reflection before she turns, mindful of the skirts and her tail. "I've seem to come across mounds of it on my own. Nor was it his reputation, even sheltered girl like me knew of him, couldn't say it repulsed me, such a term is unfair, I think."
"Repulsive, Commander, is a word that could be used for the man he became, by many."
"Not by me." Though she could accuse Galfrey as being one of many, but what did it matter? What points to be won in a question that is asked in pure bewilderment? She could throw into Galfrey's face that the late Sir Lant spoke harshly of Countess Sileana's fidelity and that he spoke in defense of a slaughter of of a village ten miles of Kenabras some 70 years ago before his helmet was turned into a chamber pot.
"You were not there the first time I saw him smile at a teenage girl scarred by zealotry he mocked. How his voice changed in an instant, how he was kind and gentle." The Lady of Drezen closed her eyes and took a breath, "Nor were you there when he made me laugh... Perhaps mocking Terendelev was wrong, perhaps laughing was wrong and a heresy in the eyes of many… but there was a knot between my shoulders that been lodged there for… I suppose since I fell into the ravine? But when I laughed for the first time in days," If not years, "And when I stopped laughing and joined in his humor, the knot was gone and my mind was clearer. I could go on and do what I must and so could he."
The celestial's hands settle on her lap as her eyes open to a blue gaze not so different from her own, while everything else about Galfrey - and the entire remains of the Royal family - looked so angelic. "I could blame you and your little prank upon your cousin for making this all worse."
The queen merely nodded at this, the quirk of the lips hiding everything - the libertine that gawked in horror a year and a half ago was different from the man that strode by Kadira's side from Threshold. Perhaps one day Kadira could tell her family such a prank by the Queen was petty, glib, a demonstration of revenge upon the back of a last chance of salvation. Perhaps. She would have to see how the world saw Galfrey.
"When we went to Heaven's Edge," The former commander continued after the queen remained silent, "I made the decision to be present and mindful from Daeran's party until Inquisitor Liotr found what he needed to save the count."
"Truthfully, I couldn't tell when it became real until it was too late and I could see past the edges he displayed like a peacock. I saw what he could be. I can't deny the cruelty he has done out of duty and of pleasure, but to deny the man who braids Ember's hair doesn't exist? The man who teases and defends a youth that could be his younger brother? The man who saved and comforted broken and lost girls whose light was nearly extinguished in the abyss? That man exists, too, and that man needed to be acknowledged."
"He loved me first, you know? Even before the words formed in my head. He loved me first." Kadira's fingers played against the soft material of her dress, cut Talden style, the sky blue muting the brightness of her almost too red skin. "What turned out to be a mission to protect the crusade and my companions became… giving Daeran the freedom to decide what he truly is. I would love the man of sharp cunning and cruelty who wanted nothing but pleasure, I would love the man who mourned a culture forgotten and loves you so much, he made you hate him for your protection. And I loved the man who saw my weakness in the abyss, who followed me into the darkness, and did everything he could to make me smile when he could have easily staked a knife into my heart by leaving me."
Kadira looks at Galfrey, her gaze stern and honest. "He loves me because I'm mortal, regardless of what I've become. I love him, because he's so very mortal, regardless what he will become."
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sug4rst1ckzz · 3 months
Yesterday on Insta I rambled about Black Pearl and how I associated her with the song “PLUTO” then proceeded to show another 2 songs that I also associate with her but didn’t talk about it. IMMA DO THAT NOWWWW
1) “MILK OF THE SIREN” - Melanie Martinez
The lyrics “They steal the resources, destroy all the land – Belittle the power of the feminine hand…Bury their souls in a cove by the light – Celestial dip, all that ego and pride”, it writes itself at this point. White Pearl being captured by Abalone, revealing his gluttonous nature and wanting to find more of Tearcrown, then succumbs to such greed when White Pearl finally awakened her powers. Another thing when she fully turns into Black Pearl, she destroys ANYTHING for solitude. No noise, no movements, anything. She feels the ocean, she is the ocean. “Nothin' wrong with a little havoc – It's fun when shit hits the fan – So guillotine their heads by shoutin' – ‘Cut 'em off, leave waters red’ ” The fact that sailors have to mark their ships with a white pearl to keep them safe is so breaking, the only way to keep Black Pearl away from their ship is to show her a mistake. Her precious pearl. She still doesn’t know that the real pearl is in House Oyster, in the treasure room where it resides with the rest of the dust-collecting trinkets. She doesn’t know. She never knew. All she knows is to destroy what enters her path.
2) “He Loves Me (He Loves Me Not)” - Baby Bugs
Black Pearl’s point of view before losing some memories after gaining power (along with centuries passing). “You probably forgot that I exist” After the events of sinking Abalone’s ship, her thoughts raced. Overwhelmed with power and a new identity, she had second thoughts. Where was Lord Oyster? Was he safe? It doesn’t matter. He’s not here. Never was here. Time passes and she never forgot him (though forgot his name), yet she believed that he did forget her. “He loves me he loves me not – He left me here I'm starting to rot – The way he talks gives me butterflies – Even if it's only pointless lies” “I only want to hold – Hold his hand” “I pick the petals and I watch them drop – He's with me inside my head – And when I'm done the flowers dead” Her memories are fading, she believes he was telling her lies to get her pearl even though she loved him, he’s still in her head while the House Oyster vessel is still in one piece. She still remembers his essence yet loathes him altogether. She hates to admit that she wants to see him again, but it’s been YEARS. There’s no second chances. Time passed and there’s nothing she can do but to sit and wait for some type of closure.
“PLUTO” ramble ⬇️⬇️
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I’m so close to making a Black Pearl Playlist..
I need to properly write how she somehow got with Caviar and meets Oyster. I have things a-brewing in my mind-palace.
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monstersdownthepath · 2 years
Lord of the Fifth: Geryon, the Serpent
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CR 29
Lawful Evil Huge Outsider
Bestiary 6, pg. 24~25
Both the eldest and the largest of the Archdevils by a considerable margin--its lifespan predating Asmodeus’ fall--Geryon was once and still is the greatest of the Asura, having sold out, betrayed, and devoured nearly a thousand of its own kin as part of a bargain with Asmodeus to assure it a spot in Hell’s hierarchy. Now it lays in the fifth layer of Hell, a poisonous bog littered with stolen ruins known as Stygia, sending its minions to scrape the boundaries of creation for secrets and truths it can twist.
The Serpent shares one mind among three bodies which are never far from one another, not one of which has told a whole truth in its eons of existence. It is lord of lies and heresy, blasphemy, and forbidden knowledge, and it may in fact be the Asura born from the very first lie... but whether or not that’s true is known to no one. Because, again, Geryon never tells the whole truth. Ever. Even the other Archdevils and, hell, even Asmodeus have to navigate the labyrinth of lies Geryon erects every time it deigns to speak (never in its own voice, if it even has one, only ever the voices of its past meals), wondering just what part of what it’s saying may contain the kernel of helpful information. This makes Geryon, perhaps, the most dangerous of the Archdevils to risk bargaining with, because no matter what forbidden magic and forgotten knowledge it may promise to give you, it may simply be reciting what it knows you want to hear rather than what you needed.
It’s propensity for speaking in riddles, its threefold body, and its monstrous appearance can trick (and has tricked) powerful adventurers and celestial beings into believing it’s some bizarre form of infernal fauna or even nothing more than a guardian for Stygia’s real Archdevil, an illusion it delights in, toying with ignorant prey for hours until it grows bored. Able to freely shapeshift into any humanoid or serpentine being it can dream of, Geryon may appear before lost explorers as a brilliantly colored and massive serpent to talk them in circles for its own amusement, never once letting them on to what sort of entity they’re speaking to unless they attack... At which point it unfolds and reveals that it’s one of the most physically powerful of all the Archdevils.
The biggest and, possibly, the most dangerous power Geryon has at its disposal, and the one most likely to turn heads and raise eyebrows, the one most likely to make the party quake, is Casterbane. From the name alone you probably think you know what it does! But let me tell you now that what it actually does is so much worse: Geryon automatically counters ANY spell being cast by any enemy it can see with its Greater Dispel Magic spell-like (also available to it at-will). Counterspelling is such a seldom-used rule due to its finicky requirements that a fight with Geryon may be the first time players ever see it, and it’ll make life for casters trying to have a good time absolutely miserable.
Mind, counterspelling doesn’t mean it’s an automatic failure! It still has to succeed a dispel check! So let’s see, what is that... Geryon rolls d20 + 33 (37 if targeting a Divine spell)... and has to beat a DC of 11 + the caster level of the spell being dispelled... and since player caster levels cap at 20... well uh, the math, it, well, just uh,
okay it doesn’t look good for any casters trying anything in combat. This isn’t to say that the player’s dispel DC is stuck at 31 (there’s no shortage of effects, abilities, and even items which can raise caster level!), but without some serious juicing of their CL they’re always at a disadvantage versus Geryon’s monstrous dispel check, especially Divine casters. But at least it can only do this once a round, because Casterbane is an immediate action! So there’s that! Just have a second caster bait out Casterbane with a different spell earlier in the turn! Easy-peasy! Just make sure, for WHATEVER insane reason, they’re not casting within Geryon’s threat radius (15ft space + 15ft reach), because anyone whose spells are shattered by its foresight become flat-footed for one round.
Non-casters don’t get off any easier in the battle with the Threefold Serpent, I’m afraid. As lord of foresight and an accomplished mind-reader, Geryon can level its gaze against any creature as an immediate action to perceive their future actions, gaining Foresight-esque defenses against anything they try until the end of its next turn. Mechanically, this translates to it gaining a +4 to its AC, Reflex saves, attack rolls, and skill checks against that target, raising its AC to 51 and making its most inaccurate attack a +36 to hit. Aside from the fact they’re mutually exclusive and can only be used 1/round, there’s no limit to the number of times Geryon can use Casterbane and Perceive Destiny, letting it easily swap between one or the other as needed on a per-round basis.
Geryon’s free combat tricks have been more or less purely defensive at this point, so how about a look at its offense? Right out of the gate it has TWELVE attacks a round, beating out the previous record-holder, Mammon (who’s tied for second place with Mephistopheles!), and cementing itself as the most attacks-per-round of any of the Archdevils! In fact, 12 might be the highest I’ve seen... just in general! Good on you, Geryon! While its weapon attacks are special enough due to their damage and weapon effects, we’re starting on its natural attacks, 3 claws and 3 tail slaps, not for their unremarkable damage (1d6+7 and 2d6+7), but because of the Corrupting Caress representing their main danger.
A being made of concentrated heresy, even momentary contact with any part of Geryon’s body is hazardous to the health of anyone with connections to the divine. Failing a DC 38 Will save after being stuck by either a natural attack or melee weapon attack will suppress the victim’s faith, cutting off their ability to cast Divine spells, activate Domain powers, channel energy, or use Smite Evil for 1 round... per failed save. While success on a single save renders one immune to Corrupting Caress for the next 24 hours, losing access to entire class abilities for even one round--especially Clerics and Oracles losing their spells--can spell the end for that character. Or worse, for their allies if those spells were supporting them. Even worserer if they were the other caster on the team, since now Geryon has less to worry about when choosing who’s affected by Casterbane!
The Caress isn’t the only danger transmitted by their otherwise unremarkable natural attacks though, their tail slaps shedding toxic scales in every direction that carry an Intelligence-draining poison. Geryon is immune to the effects of the River Styx and spends a disturbing amount of time swimming through them, filter-feeding on lost memories and forgotten secrets or plunging into their depths to find misbegotten treasures, and as such the poisonous river has thoroughly suffused the Asura Archdevil, granting it numerous spell-likes (such as a 3/day Feeblemind and Quickened Mindwipe) but also rendering it untouchably toxic. Not only does its tail slap spread this poison (resisted by a DC 32 Fortitude save but requiring 3 consecutive saves if one ends up afflicted), but its Envenomed Scales expose any creature striking the serpent with touch, unarmed, or natural attacks to the same toxins. If it’s critically struck with a piercing or slashing weapon, shards of broken scales also impale the attacker and threaten to poison them.
“Thankfully,” it’s difficult to confirm a critical hit on Geryon in the first place. Its Threefold Body grants it a pair of powerful defenses, including immunity to blindness and deafness unless it’s blinded and deafened three times and, most importantly, a 75% chance to ignore critical hits and all forms of precision damage. That, of course, typically relies on being in melee with the Serpent, which oh my god I forgot to talk about their weapons didn’t I?
A +5 Cruel Dispelling Burst Unholy Flail and a +5 Arrow Deflection Bashing Heavy Shield are its weapons of choice, deftly wielding both with ease while still retaining all its natural attacks due to its trifurcated body. That shield lets it knock aside one incoming ranged attack away per round just to make things obnoxious, but it also makes for a decent bludgeon, able to smash into targets twice for 2d6+15 damage each round. That flail, though, is where the real threat lays, able to swing four times a round for 3d6+19 damage and casting Greater Dispel Magic on the first target it hits in a battle, potentially ending some or all of their buffs. If needed, Geryon can Greater Teleport away to refresh the Dispelling Burst, essentially countering any mid-fight buffing the party might try.
Mid-fight buffing, however, is unlikely. It’s very likely that you’ll all hate each other too much to try. The third and final weapon in Geryon’s arsenal is its unique Artifact, the Horn of Lies, a tool of damnation that at its basest and most simple can be used as a Greater Horn of Blasting, blowing 10d6 Sonic damage to everything in a 40ft cone as a swift or move action. Anyone damaged by the blast must make a save--which is either Fortitude 19 or 25; I can’t tell which because the blast acts as a Greater Horn of Blasting, which is 19, but the Horn of Lies itself has a DC 25 save against its other effects--or be stunned for 1 round and besieged by deafening whispers of falsehood and heresy for 1 minute. While deafened in this way, creatures treat all other creatures as having concealment and take a -4 penalty to saves against mind-affecting effects, which is dangerous because, again, Geryon has fun tricks like Feeblemind, Quickened Mindwipe, and a 1/day Prediction of Failure to slap a party with. Worse, any competence or insight bonuses are swapped into penalties while the deafness remains, and competence is one of the more common bonus types!
The more dangerous power of the Horn of Lies, however, is the secondary one, usable 3/day and able to twist an entire party against itself. Again, as a swift or move action (this is important, as it allows both functions of the Horn to be used in either order, or used two times a round) the horn can be sounded, granting Geryon and any allies within 60ft of it (such as ones summoned by its 3/day Summon Devil or 1/day Wish) a +4 bonus to saves against Divine spells... and inflicting enemies within that same space with an insidious compulsion to lie unless they succeed a DC 25 Will save. Afflicted enemies become literally unable to convey the truth through any means, and no longer treat any other creature as allies, preventing the use of teamwork feats, flanking, or even harmless spells being cast on one another.
And the cherry on top? Affected creatures can’t use Divine spells or Domain powers. All these effects last for one whole minute, but by the time that minute elapses, most of the party has likely already been torn to pieces. If not by the Serpent attacking them at their weakest, then by one another out of paranoia.
You can read more about it here.
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Oh no, it’s happening again! Another Eclipse Backup! Ursus is her name.
Eclipse hid her in Monty’s computer at Glamrock Freddy’s house. Ennard was the one who woke her up, though accidentally, while investigating everything on Glamrock Freddy’s WiFi network. He ultimately decided to just leave her be, since he was the only one who knew about her. And she decided quickly that staying out of his way was for the best, so she kept quiet and observed the household.
Eventually, Ennard disappeared and Monty came home. And she was bored and lonely from all that time pretending not to exist. So, when the opportunity presented itself, she called for help from the himbo. After altering her voice, so he wouldn’t think she was Eclipse. Which also ended up being her gender awakening.
She initially tried to play dumb like Ennard, but Glamrock Freddy wasn’t falling for that a second time. Glamrock Freddy threatened to tell Monty about her, which she initially thought was a bluff. But then Glamrock Freddy actually called Monty, and she caved pretty quick. Glamrock Freddy made up a lie about government agents to explain the call and keep him away. 
She spilled everything. Who she was, why she was in Monty’s computer, why she was awake. Why she decided to reveal herself. Glamrock Freddy dangled the threat of telling Monty over her head to ensure she answered every question.
And, eventually, against his better judgement, he decided to help her. First by transferring her into his computer, then by getting her a body. Promising that, if she slipped up, he’d tell Monty about her in a heartbeat. 
Despite his suspicion, he still treated her kindly. And she was extremely honest out of fear that he’d catch on and Monty would get rid of her. Which ended up becoming him actually caring about her, and her learning how to not be a manipulative asshole. She’s very blunt and honest, compared to how Eclipse is. No lies or half-truths here. She still can do sarcasm, though.
Ursus ended up latching onto Glamrock Freddy pretty hard. He was so nice and friendly, and she was starved for affection. It wasn’t long before she started seeing him as a father figure. Leading to her new body, which she had input in designing, to be more bearlike. Which, once she explained why, led to her getting the name Ursus Fazbear. And becoming bioorganic thanks to her new grandpa.
It took Gergory a bit of time to warm up to his new sister, and Circus Baby time to warm up to the new housemate. But Ursus did apologize for what Eclipse did to Gregory and Roxy. She’s completely out of the loop in regards to the celestial family, she’s perfectly fine with her new one that doesn’t hate her.
The way Ursus designed her body, people would absolutely get the completely wrong idea. She went for a shorter, Bloodmoon-sized body, primarily black. Blatantly Glamrock Freddy shaped, with a proportionate stomach hatch. Instead of a hat, she’s got a full set of glowing orange rays, with full spinning capabilities, which curve just behind her ears at the top. She’s got little bear tail, too. And her claws glow orange. She also has orange toe beans.
She also kept the crescent pattern on her face, though without the pointed nose. She’s got a glowing orange bear nose. Her face is orange on the crescent moon part and black on the rest. Her right eye glows bright blue, and her left glows bright red. Instead of a blue lighting bolt, she’s got a glowing orange sun on her chestplate.
She kept the classic red ribbons with bells instead of the spiked armbands. She wears a ruffled orange miniskirt and leg warmers, both with black glitter. She also has a red bowtie and orange shoulder pads. And red earrings like her bear dad’s. No tops, she doesn’t need them, Ursus is perfectly comfortable with just the skirt.🦇
I love Ursus so much. Bear dad gets a daughter! God, I can imagine later on people looking between Ursus and Eclipse and asking Eclipse 'where did your parents go wrong with you compared to her?'
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Character Ideas Day 17: Swords Bard
You’re a dancer by trade, and a very well regarded one at that. Your career comes to an end quickly when you are drafted into your local military, where you traded a stage for a battlefield and a banner for a blade. You make the most of it, making your fighting style into a sort of dance and impressing your superiors effortlessly. Now, the war is over and you’re ready to leave the soldier persona behind, reconnecting with the music you love.
You make your living as a historical re-enactor, fighting off historical bad guys while portraying the part of a long disbanded adventuring group. But when the threat the group once faced rises again, they call you, hoping to help expand their arsenal by doubling up on the skill set of a friend.
As a gift from your thieve’s guild, you were given a magical sword that frankly, seems broken. You’re informed by a mentor that unfortunately, it works on honor, and you’re… hardly the type to be considered worthy. So, you learn both some magic and your way around a sword, in case something changes.
When a warlike clan attacks your home, you manage to charm your way out from under the blade, going to live with and learning the ways of the clan. Now you’re striking off on your own, finding yourself too brutish for bards and too fine tuned for barbarians, to make a name for yourself and the offbeat way you learned to fight.
As the beloved jester of a less than beloved royal family, you learned swordsmanship to help thwart many attempts on the lives of your bosses. The more you talk to locals, though, the more your loyalties waver, and now you seek a new place to use your talents, hopefully becoming someone the people you were supposed to serve can finally begin to trust.
Born the child of the only magic user in a down on their luck guild of thieves, your lack of innate magic came to the steep disappointment of your guild. Desperate to have them look at you as anything but a failure, you learn some bardic tricks to accompany your blade work, but it never seems to be enough. Maybe, you think, a big score or noteworthy heroic act will finally earn their pride. And maybe this group of rowdy strangers is the right group to do it with.
You’ve always thought bard school was dumb and full of nerds, so you slacked off all the way through. You were only really there for the swordsmanship team, which you were the star of, but your disciplinary record and lackluster grades made that short lived. So now, you’re drifting, not wanting to start up your education again (or go anywhere near most other bards) but still wanting to hone some of your skills, and maybe create a new reputation.
You recently took the position of replacement for a beloved bard found dead under mysterious circumstances in a local bardic troupe, and though the locals find your hiring off putting, you’re actually there to solve your predecessors’ murder using the magic you learn with the troupe and the weapons you learned with the local law. Quickly though, you realize you’re in way deeper than you thought, and join up with a group of adventurers to help you find connections in the game you found yourself in the middle of.
The elders at a local temple are convinced a near-forgotten minor celestial is trapped in an unassuming sword, and have tasked you , a low level bard, to guard it seemingly at random. As you hone your bardic skills, some become convinced you’ve bonded with the celestial (that is very much not within your new weapon) and you gain a reputation as the celebrated warlock you unequivocally are not. Scared to tell them the truth, you set off to connect with the celestial legitimately, hoping against hope that it still somehow exists, and won’t hate you for your perceived lies.
You run a tourist trap centered around a dragon attack years ago, with the centerpiece being “the sword that felled the mighty beast itself!!” It is very much a budget rapier you snagged from your local shop but with your charisma? Who could know. Eventually though, the gigue is up, and someone finds out your lie, threatening to put you out of business if you don’t think of something fast. So, you go out with the sword on adventures of your own, hoping to add legitimate credits to the lie that made you famous.
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moonxsuncelestials · 2 years
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I posted 1,536 times in 2022
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#cuteteacakes - 85 posts
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#akumanoken - 66 posts
#mirror of the darkside of the moon - 65 posts
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#practical effects are just as hitandrunduo rp said cgi is best paired with animation or the actual practical effects because if done right
My Top Posts in 2022:
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“Huh? Interesting kingdom, huh Dad?” The tiger asked as his father nodded while he kept his side of the carriage shaded. “You sure about this, Dad? I can’t exactly give the guy cubs.”
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“I know, Khan. But this is for the good of our kingdom and it will keep your uncle from trying to form a harem for you as he’s done for Jade.” He dragon king replied as his son shuddered. “You’re going to do just fine. Just promise me to keep your teasing to a tolerable level, okay?” He asked as his son nodded. “Good.” 
Khan purred as he was petted despite how unroyal like that was. But this was his dad, who threw out most royal customs, being affectionate to his children and loved ones. “We’re here.” 
The tiger gulped and once the carriage door opened, King Yun was given a parasol to protect him from the harsh sunlight. And thus began their new journey.
14 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
~~The Story~~
Legends say that eons ago, long before the world humans knew and even began to understand their own existence and the power they would one day wield, The First Ones (Primals) ruled.
Born from the very primal waters of life deep within the seas and the Void, the First Ones were the original gods of the world; creating all that humans know of from the earth beneath our feet, the forests, the lakes, and rivers,  to the sky above and the other side where the spirits dwell. They even made a deal with Khaos to allow him to bring forth the Gods, children of his own who could mate with the children of the First Ones: the Dragons.
Whilst wars in the West came and went thanks to those like Kronos among the Greeks, the First Ones of the East came to a truce with their deities; creating harmony and balance that the West seemed to lack. And for many centuries, peace and harmony reigned in the East. Every few generations, a dragon or two would be given to the Gods to produce offspring, known as the Dramans.
Thrilled and pleased to have such a long and peaceful reign, the First Ones of the East agreed to quietly watch over though forewarned the Gods that should they begin to become like those of the West, they will destroy not only them but also what they care for the most: their humans.
Sadly this came to pass a century later and from the manipulations of both the Dragon Jade Emperor Zhixin and the Jade Emperor, the First Ones were sealed down into the depths of the sea, placing them into a deep slumber. One by one, the now called the Fallen Ones, the First Ones died out til only a handful remained but they swore that they would get even. 
A Fallen One by the name of Sacahiel foretold that it would be the First Ones’ first children, the Celestial Dragons, and those who had sided with them to strike back. They would become known as the Fallen Celestials and in the coming centuries, it was they who found Chang’e, having gone mad from her years of being isolated on the moon; the First Ones spoke through the whispers of the shadows, telling her to gather their children and how to gather them to her side. They whispered for her to find Hope, bring him to their side, and unlock the final seal that holds them in place.
Should Chang’e succeed, the balance shall be tipped and the world will end.
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Memes X
See the full post
15 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
@cuteteacakes​ from X
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“You are to me, Caleb.” He replied with a soft smile as he reached to cup the other’s cheek. “You’re a kind young man, brilliant with your bakery and the games you play-you taught this old man after all how to keep cool on your stream.” With his dislike for technology, it had been a miracle that only Caleb could fashion to help him not panic and get him to talk about why he doesn’t like loud noises.
“We’ve both been hurt, Caleb. But you keep going, keep trying and not let the past upset you; I admire that.”
18 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
@akumanoken​ from X
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They were happy to see the princess excited, the children looking at one another before hearing that the woman was indeed Sakura’s mother; thus making her Li’s grandmother. And it made Li a little wary but remembering how it was the lady’s husband that he needed to be careful around; not her. 
Getting up, shyly, he ran to his mother and bowed politely to the queen of Makoto. “O-O-Obaacha? Nana?” He asked cutely as Jade grinned.
Whilst the boys and Fenghua remained with the queen of Makoto and Sakura, Yun was still rushing about before word reached him that his uncle had the king. Walking to them, he chuckled quietly at seeing how nervous the king appeared to be. “Uncle, come now, no need for hostilities.” 
See the full post
22 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
@cuteteacakes​ said:
"Very much so...~" Caleb feigned fainting. "Only a kiss will revive me..~"
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A kiss is exactly what Yun hoped for and he wasted no time giving Caleb a pretty passionate one. The type that leave them both dizzy from lack of oxygen. “I think I need to give you mouth-to-mouth~” He purred and let Caleb get his breath in before he began to kiss him again. 
Yue could handle the Oasis on her own and Castle-ah he can hear his old friend now cheering. Even Hope was excited, likely because the dragon was leaving the pain behind him. 
26 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
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xaracosmia · 21 days
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name / alias: Angel
age: 21
pronouns: he/him
ooc contact: @transprotag on twitter (or this tumblr (aingelic) if twt decides to cause issues with dms)
other characters in xc: Komagawa Uta (Blue Reflection), Noah Ebalon (Celestia) (Elsword)
name: Ainchase Ishmael (called Ain) (Bluhen)
age: 505 (physically 23, mentally 26)
pronouns: he/they
series: Elsword
canon point: Tirnog
app triggers: in background: fictional religious trauma; death and the fear of it; forced memory loss, if you squint
personality: Ain tends to be a mysterious and hard-to-read individual, rarely seen without a smile. Despite the fact he is rather secretive and not keen on revealing details about himself, (perhaps due to his poor sense of self,) he is generally rather polite and friendly, getting along well with others—most of the time. (he would also tell you, if you asked nicely. as long as it's not too personal.) He simply offers others the base politeness one would expect—and perhaps actual respect, if they, in his eyes, are worthy of it. He is attempting to make an active effort in being kinder, and more considerate. He has a gentle, calm disposition, often soothing those around him and thought of as a positive influence and good mediator; along with a carefree image, despite this last bit not always being true to reality. 
Perhaps as an aspect of this, he is terribly honest—almost to a fault. He may come across as socially maladjusted or rude, because he tends to be ignorant and doesn’t realize the things he says might be hurtful, how someone is feeling, or that he’s not supposed to state a known fact that is a sensitive topic not meant to be brought up lightly. So on and so forth. (and oftentimes, he just doesn’t care.)
In seeming contrast with this, he is skilled at lying, as well as hiding his true feelings and intent; though, as he’s grown, he’s found much less need to do so. Though he only lies now to protect sensitive information—such as his status as an angel—or to keep others from worrying about him, one may think of this behavior as two-faced. He also has an unfortunate tendency to enjoy teasing others, enjoying their reactions, which doesn’t help. If angered, his usual smile is quick to drop—luckily, this doesn’t happen very easily.
He is also sentimental and loyal to a fault, deeply valuing his friends and all of the memories he makes with them. There is nothing in the world he wants more than to stay with them and protect them. His desire to protect is quite possibly his strongest trait. He values all emotions—even the "bad" ones. If you got angry at him, he would have the expected reaction, of course, but a simultaneous wonder, and appreciation for you being able to express yourself this way. Something like that. On that note, he is very curious about most things. He loves to learn, especially about the various aspects of human nature, arts, and culture.
something your muse struggles with: having his own sense of self and purpose, a reason for living. he was created as a tool, after all, and now that the purpose he was made for has passed, he has had to come up with an identity and purpose of his own, entirely by himself—something very difficult for a being that was never intended to be alive in the first place. he struggles with the concept of being independent.
your muse’s greatest strength: on the other side of the token, resolution, will, and compassion. he has chosen to exist as something not quite human, not quite celestial. he is something in-between that will never truly be understood by others, and he knows full well that he will likely outlive his loved ones by centuries. he’s accepted this, however. his will and love is so strong that the creator of the world itself acknowledged it worthy of her acknowledgment, so you could say it cannot be broken easily.
history / background: An angel sent to Elrios 500 years ago by the goddess Ishmael, with a mission to restore the El that gave the earth its life to its full power. Though he had barely taken foot to the world when the El Explosion occurred, an event that threw off the balance of the entire realm, and threw him into a gap into Henir—the inverse of Elrios' life, a realm of endless void.
He stayed trapped there, wandering aimlessly in darkness and void for five-hundred years. He eventually came to sense a trace of Ishmael's presence—the El power saturated within the earth, reaching him through yet another gap in Henir's time and space. Lacking the power to keep himself intact, steadily coming apart the longer he spent with Henir eating away at him, he aimed desperately for this trace. Eventually, he escaped—bearing deep scars on his form, and greatly weakened, though immediately ushered right back onto the path of his mission. That was the reason for his existence, after all. The only reason.
Almost immediately upon escaping and coming to explore Elrios once more, he encounters the three people that would soon form the aptly named "El Search Party," Elsword, Aisha, and Rena. The boy named Elsword catches his interest—he can sense that he has an incredibly strong connection to the El. Thus, he decides to tag along with this group, in order to accomplish his mission more efficiently. He knows he is destined to disappear once it's completed, and be forgotten entirely by all life—so he thinks that he will simply tag along, and not become involved with them in any more than that. Such are his orders from Ishmael, as well.
Elsword is the only one he treats with respect, calling only him by name while everyone else gets nicknames based on their most obvious traits—like "Ms. Elf," and "Ms. Wizard." Listening to only him when he's given instructions. No doubt due to his connection to the El making him the only one worthy of such respect in his eyes. The only others afforded this respect are, likewise, El Priestesses and the sort.
Though, despite this… More and more peculiar people begin to join their odd little "search party." Mr. Half-Nasod, Ms. Fox, Ms. Knight-Captain… Meeting more and more horrid and compassionate people alike along the way their quest to restore the El has paved for them. These people he travels with… They all have their own motivations, histories and personalities, mindsets, strengths and weaknesses… most prominently, their own heart. They help each other, expecting nothing in return. They take care of each other, looking out for each other’s safety out of a simple desire to love and help. They even care for him. It is something Ain comes to think on more and more, as he grows closer to these people whether he realizes it or not. Despite how hard he tries to push it back, to disregard thoughts so irrelevant to his mission… 
He thinks to himself, these people's "heart" is what makes them so strong. Able to depend on and help one another, to achieve their goals and survive, thrive, against all odds, most certainly stacked against them. He thinks, If only my goddess had given me this "heart"... Perhaps I could've accomplished my mission sooner. Such a foolish thought is quickly shaken from his head. 
Their party continues across nigh the entire realm of Elrios, facing more and more deadly and complex, ancient threats and landscapes as they go… Until they come to the ancient city of Elysion. They begin to realize their goal of restoring the El is closer than ever. As things are, they're just about to finally be able to actually do it. It's a breathless feeling of excitement. 
For Ain, it is a breathless feeling of dread. Why? His friends ask him why he seems so distressed. Shouldn't he be happy? We're finally here! He agrees. He should be. This is what he was made for, after all. And then it hits him: his friends. 
He doesn't want to go.
He doesn't want to disappear. Not like this. On their journey, he had encountered Nasods, living machines who were created for one purpose, and discarded when they had fulfilled it. He, too, he realized, was frighteningly similar to these disposable machines. Living and dying by a mission predestined before your birth… He, too, was a tool to be thrown away as soon as his purpose was fulfilled. 
They had met and befriended a Nasod boy. He had been exceptionally kind, compassionate, and intelligent. They became fast friends. (Elsword always seemed to make new friends so effortlessly. What a wonderful trait to have, Ain thinks.) But to the end of them gaining access into Elysion—for the sake of their lofty goal—the boy dies, a sacrifice. Ain finds himself, in a sickening way, jealous, as he watches his friends mourn. "Would they—will they mourn me this way? Will they remember me after I'm gone?" It’s a foolish thought. Of course they won't. Nothing more than a hopeless, foolish wish…
...But he doesn't want to be a tool. He doesn't want to be forgotten. He wants to be remembered. He wants to make more and more new memories—he wants to stay with them. His friends. His newfound family. He comes to think on his memories with a sentimentality previously unknown to him. He regrets not opening up sooner. He regrets that he never valued the time he had while he still had it, and now, now it's all too late. It's all coming to an end, all too soon. The heart that shouldn't be in his chest wavers and feels close to breaking as they near their goal. Amidst the ancient turmoil they uncover coming closer to Elrianode, Ain fails to swallow down his own.
Eventually, it is come to realize that a sacrifice must be made to restore the El. Such has been done for time uncountable, through the El Lady. But Elsword doesn't want any more sacrifice. No one does. Their surroundings are the way they are because of one person's desire for no more sacrifice. Without a word spoken to the rest, Elsword goes through with his ultimate sacrifice. The el is restored almost in an instant—but it's not the reward, the happy ending they had all wanted.
No more sacrifice. The "El Search Party"—this family cobbled together from the most unlikely parts, all band together, determined beyond hope to save him. They would find another way. They would. They would. A way to create a world where no one had to sacrifice, not ever again.
And they're successful. Elsword is freed, and brought back to be with his loved ones once more. But… it feels like someone is missing… doesn't it?
Of course, they don't remember Ain, who has long since ceased to be. His mission has been fulfilled, after all. There is no longer a goddesses will keeping him intact. He has unbecome, as he was always meant to.
...But not quite. The barest trace of his consciousness remains, somehow, somehow… How is he still here? ...Ah. Elsword, ever full of surprises. He had kept Ain tied to this realm before, was he doing so again? ...It didn't matter now. Ain makes a desperate plea—to Elria, the Creator. Higher even than Ishmael—her creator! 
A plea, to please, please, let me stay. Let me stay and protect the El Search Party until the end of our days. Let me live with them, walking alongside them as an equal. 
And Elria listens.
The Creator acknowledges him. And she grants him a new form—one not tied to a goddess, or a mission. One that can freely live. That can allow him to walk his own path, of his own volition, making memories he swears to keep, forever and always.
He feels nostalgic reuniting with his friends again. They remark on his surprising sentimentality for what has been such a short time. He can only laugh. It feels like such a long time. 
With a new beat to their steps, they continue on their search to find a way to restore the El. A new method. They would find it, together.
Ain has time to reflect, now. He wants to be kinder. He wants to understand his companions better. He wants to understand his newfound heart, feelings, better. He learns apology. He learns to read others better. He learns how wonderful his demonic friends are, to the remorse of his memories of lashing out due to the hatred quite literally coded into his being before now. He breaks down barrier after barrier that Ishmael had set up for him. (though he wouldn't say that… just yet.)
He has a conversation with Rena, eventually. She has always been kind and understanding with him—something he appreciates and is grateful for endlessly. She sees his anxieties—a natural result of being thrust into a newfound self, free will that you’ve never had before, one would think—and tells him: try to find a goal for yourself. Not because you feel like you have to, or because someone else tells you to—but because you want to do it.
The concept strikes him. For… himself? He ponders it for a moment. He decides: Ishmael is no longer answering his calls. This surely must be because something has happened to her. He will find out what happened to Ishmael—not for the sake of an emissary with a lofty mission, but for Ain.
powers / abilities: 
Spiritualism: Ain can enter a “spiritualism” state, the “rawest” form of his being. It allows him to recuperate and heal gradually if injured, (rapidly for minor injuries,) and at times is even necessary for severe or particular kinds of injury, such as corruption. It is no small task to do this, and cannot be “turned on and off” rapidly. He needs time between both entering and exiting this state. Must “crack” his pendulum to enter, effectively destroying it until he returns to his normal state.
It can also be equivalent to taking off a limiter if he chooses, making him more powerful in all aspects, if only for as long as he remains in spiritualism.
Perhaps most prominently, physical damage sustained in spiritualism is converted to mental. Think of it like trading your HP bar for your MP bar.
[TW: pseudo-gore, amputation, decapitation mention] His body becomes as if a statue, and has no flesh or blood to speak of, and thus if, for example, the arm is cut off, it would simply be like cutting a rope of clay in half. Likewise, he has no key “weak points,” like the head, neck, or heart. You could knock off his head and he’d still keep going.
This is not to say that he is indestructible in this form, however. Basically: he can sustain his existence for as long as his mind and soul can withstand the strain doing so puts him through. The higher the strain, the harder it is for him to maintain his existence. If the strain becomes too much to bear, and he can no longer do so, he will be incapacitated. Extreme injury means equally extreme strain—he could keep going if you knocked off his head, but at a drastic cost.
[TW end] As a symptom of this, things that target the soul/mind/spirit are doubly as effective than if he was in his human form, and can quickly incapacitate him if effective.
This does not by any means prevent him from dying. It's still entirely possible to destroy his body or mind/soul directly, and high enough strain/spiritual damage can also kill him. I have no intention of godmodding with this, I think he should explode
If incapacitated (not killed) in this form, he will revert to his human form upon losing consciousness. If he sustained significant damage, the physical injuries will not (in most cases—there are exceptions) carry over to his human form. However, he will experience what could be described as severe sickness instead, until he recovers: He may be comatose for several days if especially severe; be unable to move for a significant period of time; and/or be extremely fatigued/weak in general, and unable to use his magic properly, if at all; so on and so forth.
He also takes on a different appearance in this state.
More key differences: he becomes feather-light, weighing literally nothing; his voice echoes; and he can float, able to get some decent height, but not truly fly.
Cycle Magic: This magic is of the more raw, elemental variety. The former creates objects from El energy, this magic instead harnesses and manipulates it for wider purposes. Allows him to do a myriad of things, like fighting at range, creating intense (and dangerous) concentrations of magic and energy, and protective “auras”. It’s very diverse, like a specialized kind of spellcasting—just a bunch of “energy”-based magic stuff, so a little hard to describe. This includes projected weapons and the like, but he has fallen out of practice with these and doesn’t use them as much.
(The wiki for Ain's base class, and 2line classes, can be referenced for the extent to which his skills/spells go.)
Eid Weise: Ain has acquired a unique blend of his own unique power and the El’s, named Eids. Whether he is using them or not, they are always floating around him. He has three, which can be quickly switched between at will:
Mut; the red Eid, is the oath of courage, that which lets humanity power through and overwhelm its obstacles without fear, giving them the strength to do what they believe is right. Has damaging effects. Increases the raw strength of his and others’ magic.
Rein; the yellow Eid, is the oath of purity, that which embodies humanity’s innate kindness—their purity of heart. You can try to convince Blühen as much as you want to, but he believes that humans are intrinsically selfless and born good of heart. Has supportive/healing effects. Also rejuvenates stamina/MP (and just feels nice.)
Wille; the blue Eid, is the oath of will, that which encompasses the unending determination of humanity, how they always stand back up and keep fighting for what they believe in no matter the setbacks they endure. Has debilitating/freezing (slowing) effects. Gives his magic a larger radius.
Whichever Eid is active will alter his Cycle Magic completely, changing its effects to match.
inherent abilities: 
Celestial: Due to the nature of his existence, he is able to sustain more damage than an average person, but not by an extreme amount. Will still sustain injuries and be eventually incapacitated by them like any other, but can hold out longer while enduring intense pain. On top of this, has freaky high endurance and can stay active far longer than the average person without sleep or nutrition, but not forever. He’s also deceptively strong; if he wills it, possessing almost inhuman strength that doesn’t match his soft appearance. These aspects are doubly so in spiritualism. 
Energy sensing: As a celestial, Ain's natural ability to sense all sorts of types of energy emanated by people is far superior to that of normal people in his universe. He can feel energy in a large radius around him, allowing him to 'feel' things and people even when he cannot see them. He is mostly attuned to sensing different kinds of El energy and derivatives of it (like elemental El energy or Henir energy), angelic, and demonic energy. This means that, for example, he can tell if a person is attuned to a specific element, if they're part of the Elsword universe, and if they are a demon, angel, or otherwise. He can sense other types of energy as well, but he can't tell them apart as clearly, which makes it a bit unreliable to use for identification purposes, especially when it comes to multiverse shenanigans. Which is to say, when it comes to worlds other than his own, he’d be able to feel a “difference” in the energy emanated by an angel and by an elf, but he wouldn’t innately know they are an angel and an elf, respectively. He could learn to identify people by the energy they emit, but unless it’s remarkably unique, that would take a while for him to become very familiar with it.
items / weapons: 
Pendulum: A peculiar looking instrument carried with him at all times, suspended on a cord. Its only purpose is allowing him to access spiritualism, otherwise it’s just a paperweight or accessory. (or a blunt instrument, if you were REALLY determined.) 
Doxology: An artifact, creatures created from the El during the Harmony Festival. Though it’s debatable if they’re really alive, they seem to have developed free will and willingly accompany their master wherever they go, growing alongside them. It’s about the size of a large puppy, and has a limited version of its master’s magic available to it. Looks like this.
starting ability: Cycle Magic
starting item: Doxology
would you like this character to be housed upon arrival?: yes
The El Search Party of his canon is the same as actual canon.
he assigns “nicknames” to those he knows based on their most obvious traits, profession, or background, such as “Ms. Elf,” “Ms. Wizard,” “Mr. Ancient,” and “Ms. Mirror Friend.” He rarely uses their real names, instead opting for these. Expect him to apply one to your muse upon getting to know them, unless specifically requested to use their real name IC or OOC. (also expect them to be dumb. im not good at this part.)
His eids tend to shift appearance to match his emotions; rein: happiness, mut: anger, and wille: sadness, respectively. though this could just be a reflection of his subconscious decisions to change them to fit the situation, rather… maybe we’ll never know. (it's the former, and i just think it’s cute.)
I’m gonna be real with you he has a bunch of crazy abilities that he keeps just revealing he has at random in story and i do not care to keep track of or use them all
discord id: erbluhenemotion
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spacenutspod · 11 months
A recent study published in Nature Astronomy examines the discovery of what astronomers are dubbing “ultra-fast radio bursts”, a new type of fast radio bursts (FRBs) that the team determined lasts for a mind-boggling ten millionths of a second or less. Traditionally, FRBs have been found to last only thousandths of a second, but this study builds on a 2021 study that hypothesized FRBs could possibly last for millionths of a second. This also comes after astronomers recently announced the discovery of the oldest and farthest FRB ever observed, approximately 8 billion light-years from Earth. “During our group meetings, we often talked about it,” said Mark Snelders, who is a Ph.D. candidate at ASTRON and the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), along with being lead author of the most recent study and a co-author on the 2021 study. “By coincidence, I found out that there was a public dataset that we could use for this.” For the study, the team was able to obtain five hours of data on a known FRB called FRB 20121102A, which was discovered in November 2012 and is located approximately three billion light-years from Earth, along with being considered the first known repeating FRB, according to a 2022 study. The data was obtained from the Breakthrough Listen project, which is a worldwide scientific collaboration with the goal of finding evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, with the data specifically coming from the Breakthrough Listen at Green Bank portion of the Open Data Archive. Upon obtaining the data, the team took the first 30 minutes and split each second into 500,000 separate images, then incorporated machine learning and software filters to isolate outliers within the data to identify eight ultra-fast radio bursts lasting a mere ten millionths of a second or less. For context, ten millionths of a second is equivalent to 0.0000001 seconds. The researchers note, “In detecting and characterizing these microsecond-duration bursts, we show that there exists a population of ultra-fast radio bursts that current wide-field FRB searches are missing due to insufficient time resolution. These results indicate that FRBs occur more frequently and with greater diversity than initially thought. This could also influence our understanding of energy, wait time, and burst rate distributions.” While questions remain as to how these ultra-fast radio bursts are produced, the team does expect to identify more ultra-fast radio bursts in the future. However, the difficulty lies in finding data files capable of being split into 500,000 separate images per second, as some files lack the necessary specifications to make such splitting possible. The long-term goal for the tea, is to use FRB data to map the space that exists between stars and galaxies, which they hope will help them gain better insights into the interactions between galaxies and the gas in the surrounding environment. FRBs are some of the most mysterious celestial phenomena ever studied ever since they were first discovered in 2007, and astronomers have made incredible strides in both understanding their potential origins and the number of FRBs that exist in the universe. This includes discovering that most FRBs come from outside our Milky Way Galaxy. However, in 2020, astronomers found one source of FRBs was from a magnetar within our own Milky Way Galaxy. Also, while FRB 20121102A is designated as the first known repeating FRB, a 2023 study identified 25 regularly repeating FRBs found using the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME), which is located in British Colombia, Canada, and has found more than 1000 FRBs to date. What new discoveries about FRBs ultra-fast radio bursts will astronomers make in the coming years and decades? Only time will tell, and this is why we science! As always, keep doing science & keep looking up! The post Now Astronomers have Discovered “Ultra-Fast Radio Bursts” Lasting Millionths of a Second appeared first on Universe Today.
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reformationcartoons · 2 years
From Grace Gems…. CRUCIAL!!!
The covenant of grace!
(Charles Spurgeon, "The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant!" 1859)
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"The blood of the everlasting covenant!" Hebrews 13:20
Long before the day-star knew its place,
long before God had spoken existence out of nothing,
long before angel's wing had stirred the unnavigated ether,
long before a solitary song had disturbed the solemnity of the silence in which God reigned supreme, the Father had entered into solemn counsel with Himself, with His Son, and with His Spirit--and had in that council decreed, determined, purposed, and predestined the salvation of His people!
On the Father's part, thus ran the covenant. I cannot tell it to you in the glorious celestial tongue in which it was written. I am glad to bring it down to the speech which suits to the ear of flesh, and to the heart of a mortal. Thus, I say, ran the covenant in lines like these:
"I, the Most High Jehovah, do hereby give unto My only begotten and well-beloved Son, a people, countless beyond the number of the stars . . .
who shall be washed from sin by Him;
who shall be preserved, and kept, and led by Him; and
at last, who shall be presented before My throne without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing by Him.
I covenant by oath, and swear by Myself, because I can swear by no one greater--that these whom I now give to Christ, shall forever be the objects of My eternal love!
These, I will forgive through the merit of my Son's blood.
To these, I will give a perfect righteousness.
These, I will I adopt and make My sons and daughters.
And these shall reign with Me through Christ, eternally!"
The Holy Spirit also, as one of the contracting parties of the covenant, gave His declaration:
"I hereby covenant, that all whom the Father gives to the Son, I will in due time quicken.
I will show them their need of redemption.
I will cut off all their groundless hopes, and destroy their refuges of lies.
I will bring them to the blood of sprinkling.
I will give them faith whereby this blood shall be applied to them.
I will work in them every grace.
I will keep their faith alive.
I will cleanse them and drive out depravity from them.
And they shall be presented at last, spotless and faultless in Heaven!"
This was the one side of the covenant, which is at this very day being fulfilled and scrupulously kept.
The Lord Jesus also, as one of the contracting parties of the covenant, gave His declaration:
"My Father, on My part, I covenant that in the fullness of time, I will become man. I will live in their wretched world; and for My people, I keep the law perfectly. I will work out a spotless righteousness for them, which shall be acceptable to the demands of Your just and holy law. In due time, I will bear the sins of all My people. You shall exact all their debts upon Me. By My stripes, they shall be healed. My Father, I covenant and promise that I will be obedient unto death--even the death of the cross. I will magnify Your law, and make it honorable. I will suffer all that My people ought to have suffered. I will endure the curse of Your law, and all the vials of Your wrath shall be emptied and spent upon My head! I will then rise again, and ascend into Heaven. I will intercede for them at Your right hand. I will make Myself responsible for every one of them--that not one of those whom You have given me, shall ever be lost! I will bring all My sheep of whom, by My blood, you have constituted Me the Shepherd. I will bring every one safe to You at last!"
Christ can say of what He promised to do, "It is finished!" He has paid the debts of all the elect. He has, for His people and for their redemption, suffered the whole of wrath divine. Nothing remains now, except that He shall continue to intercede for them, that He may safely bring all His redeemed to glory. All for whom Christ died, shall be pardoned, all justified, all adopted.
The Spirit shall quicken them all, shall give them all faith, shall bring them all to Heaven. And they shall, every one of them, without hindrance--stand accepted in the Beloved.
The antiquity of the covenant of grace demands our grateful attention. It is a truth which tends to elevate the mind. I know of no doctrine more grand than this! It is the very soul and essence of all Scripture! In sitting down and meditating upon it, I confess my spirit has sometimes been ravished with delight!
Can you conceive of the idea, that before all things--God thought of you? That when as yet He had not made His mountains, He had thought of you; you, a poor puny worm! Oh this cannot make us proud, but it must make us feel happy!
~ ~ ~ ~
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vennylavey · 3 years
4NEMO Headcanons
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title; Xia0, Vent1, Ka2uha & A3ther 4 YOU
character(s); xiao, venti, kazuha & aether
summary; "hey, the new finding nemo movie looks kind of cool and— BY THE ARCHONS, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE AND WHAT ARE THOSE GLOWSTICKS FOR?"
tw; none
a/n; i researched 4nemo not knowing i'd be walking into a bottomless pit. this is fine. just some headcanons before i lose my mind over the albedo fic again
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Meet Venti — The Windborne Bard!
An individual that shoots melodies and lyrics straight out of his arse. The one and only, the leader of 4NEMO.
Technically, nothing he sings, writes or composes are shot out of his very nice ass. They're rather exquisite, never failing to impress his fans.
But he's just so freaking talented. It's almost unfair.
So trust me when I say this man can single-handedly make tsunderes— It's an inside joke of the fandom to chastise Venti for his bashful mischief and tendency to get in trouble.
Oh and they don't even wanna talk about the Holy Lyre der Himmel incident.
Barbatos' most treasured lyre and Venti really just broke it before giving it back. Favonius Entertainment's authorities and followers alike pretty much busted a gut over it; Not as much as shining idol Deaconess Barbara did, though.
The erm.. rather violent scandal was sweeped under a rug later on, but the deaconess' fans definitely found joy in the brief glimpse they had of a side of Barbara they never knew before. Many have likely fantasized about it, but more on that later.
Venti co-founded the group with Aether and a few others.
Since he has the most experience in music and show business, he gets to be the leader. A decision begrudgingly approved by everyone. (None of them exactly wanted to lead, either. But Venti? Because, really?)
Now, contrary to popular belief — especially the members' — Venti made an excellent leader.
No one really expected much from him. However, despite Venti being infamous for his unreliable character, he handles everyone quite well.
Of course, there's not much problem with Aether. Everybody loves Aether! Aether can do no wrong.
But also, Venti can easily calm Xiao; It's this magic moment where Xiao is just about to burst, or when he's in a very bad mood, or when Xiao leaves the room to skulk, or well, technically, that's all the time—
"Xiao," Venti would call.
Then the idol would visibly freeze from his soft almost cooing tone.
And when Venti says: "Come here," Xiao goes through this whole process of softening under Venti's touch.
As for Kazuha, he was never the chatty type. Much like Xiao. But when Kazu did speak, Venti would listen. Considering how easy it is to talk over him, this simple action is quite the feat.
Over time, the others would learn to keep their ears open for Kazuha as well. (This is with Venti's advice, of course.)
It can simply be said that Venti can be mature and logical when he wants to be. Those moments were rare, but essential.
As for the times when he's not trying to make sure everyone is okay, he's a crackhead.
Although, no questions asked, Venti's the main vocalist. He's decent at dancing, and his rapping doesn't have as much appeal as the others' does—
but his vocals. HIS VOCALS.
Those who have not heard his singing voice are simply unfortunate, because it is the closest you will ever be to heaven. Venti's vocals are simply celestial.
He may not know much of his way around a rap, but he is nothing short of an expert at singing. Or harmonizing. Or bringing out others' voices by being back-up but your voice still shines through even as back-up.
It's amazing, alright? He's amazing.
Other than his voice, Venti's possibly best hook as an idol is his big personality. And let me tell you, Venti has so. much. per-so-na-li-ty.
Let's all agree that he basically lights up every room he walks into.
"Ya~hoo! The name's Venti! This is Xiao, Kazuha and Aether, and we are.. Is that wine?"
(There is definitely an existing meme involving him and wine.)
Aether sighs from beside him. "4nemo. Our name, is 4nemo."
(Venti is, most definitely, at the legal age to drink wine. And yes, he has most definitely sent emails to Angel's Share to let him advertise their wine.)
Venti appeals to his fans as a young feral cutie. He's adorable, and acts childlike in all his endeavors.
He totally can't read the room— or doesn't anyway.
He's unbelievably clingy. Loud, but they only let it be because he sings a lot and his singing is never bad.
"Even when he's intoxicated, he's cute!" his fans would say. (Though most would tell them that it might be a matter of the eye of the beholder thing)
He is just so wholesome. He acts like a child so often that his fans are expected to want to baby him.
In fact, Venti is so family-friendly that—
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME—" you hear his fans from a mile away— "WHY MUST HE DO THIS!?? VENTI NO!!!"
Oh, yes. Venti yes.
He acts all cute and wholesome during their variety show and vlogs—
And then the new music video comes out.
But Venti looks as celestial as his moves are utterly enticing.
He's not as skillful a dancer as Xiao, but Venti sets that mood like he sets 4nemo's kitchen on fire 🔥🔥🔥 He's very seductive— he reels you in with those teal bedroom eyes. Almost glowing from intensity.
He argues to Aether: "It's the contradiction! I want them to feel embarrassed that they're attracted to me in that way when I'm so wholesome <3 And they can't really blame me! I was just dancing normally, ehe~"
His fans argue: "It's the gap moe."
Venti definitely plays a lot of instruments, too! Mainly the lyre, the piano, the ukelele, and the flute. (He's surely good at others as well.)
He definitely names all his instruments, too.
All in all, if you're curious about 4NEMO and came plunging for content from google— Venti will have you.
Hook, line, and sinker!
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Meet Xiao — The Vigilant Yaksha
A talent that has long been hidden in the depths of Liyue Qixing Studio's idols. Many fans know him by his title, but rarely by his name. He's been called a ghost, a mysterious entity— but no matter the person, anyone who watches his performance are always moved by it.
With that said, Xiao is decidedly the main dancer of 4NEMO.
He had always been dancing; But his first interest in the music business came from an encounter with Barbatos' music.
It was during the sort-of battle of the bands for the Archon's seat, and at the time, he'd been in a very bad place in life. He'd been reckless. Uncaring for his own well-being. And the only thought that had been on his mind back then was to assist Rex Lapis out of gratitude.
But when the Archon war ended, where was he to go?
Barbatos' music helped him out of what would have been a very dangerous mindset for him; He had danced to it only once. And he'd searched for him for so long only to come up with nothing.
The goal to dance to Barbatos' songs was probably what pushed him to join 4NEMO. That is, more than his fondness for Aether, he suppose— to dance to Barbatos' music was just another reason.
Sooooo, is anyone going to tell him that Venti is Barbatos? No? Okay-
Other than being the main dancer, Xiao is also the lead rapper. He doesn't have much experience with it, but his voice definitely suits rapping.
Kazuha guides him from time to time; And that was fine.
Anyone but Venti would do.
"How did I do?"
For some reason, Kazuha always laughs merrily before giving his criticism. It's not out of mockery. Xiao's convinced he'd know if it was.
But it must have been because of something he did— was it his face?
"Why are you laughing?"
"Hahaha, it's nothing, Xiao. Don't mind me."
Xiao, of course, would scowl disapprovingly at that. For some reason, he always feels as if he's being treated like an overenthusiastic child by Kazuha.
To be fair, Xiao has always taken the somewhat more responsible role when he's with Aether and Venti.
Venti will always annoy him, and Aether was more of a wild card— the boy switches sides as often as he smiles. And he smiles a lot of times.
So Kazuha suddenly coming in and patting him on the head? the head pats weren't unwelcomed but It's definitely new.
Xiao is also one of the visuals!
Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, he's the most fashionable out of the four of them. He has a really good eye for styling. And his make-up skills are the best! Red eyeliner on the bottom lid? A purple diamond on his forehead? Exotic. It represents 4NEMO's brand so well.
And you'd think it would have been Venti, but no—
Xiao is simply a genius when it comes down to it. You can even see it in the way he styles himself!
He always wears tight-fitted shirts. And they're never not sleeveless— it's definitely so he could show off his green tattoo. Sometimes they're collared. Sometimes it's a high neck. Sometimes they show his collar bones, but this man.. This man never styles without a choker or any piece of clothing that hugs his slender neck.
Oh no, don't even get his fans started on the tank top, the back window, and the white shirt.
"Ooohh~ Xiao's wearing white for a change, everyone!" giggles an unsuspecting Venti as he plops down beside Xiao. "Ehhhh? Why'd you have to cover it up with a jacket?"
Venti vlogs their travels live from time to time. So Xiao just goes along with it after denying being filmed for so long.
"It's cold," was his fairly simple answer.
"Now, now! Don't be like that, Xiao~ Let us see!" Venti teases. "Right, chat? Xiao should let us see, right?"
Chat echoes a series of agreement even as Xiao shakes his head from Venti's mischief. Of course, Venti being Venti, ignores this and sneakily pulled on his jacket's zipper.
Before Xiao could even scold him, the jacket has already been pulled open— and there Xiao is, leaning back on the couch and sighing in all his beautiful glory, a white turtle neck only covering half his torso open for all of Venti's vlog spectators to see.
Clearly, Venti did not anticipate the overwhelming aesthecity of Xiao's very toned stomach muscles.
So after just standing there in shock, opening and closing his mouth like a fish, Venti squeals in embarrassment, drops his phone and runs.
Xiao takes it upon himself to pick up Venti's phone.
He winks at the camera, and the chat goes wild.
Safe to say, his fans (and Venti) are feral.
He styles the others occasionally, too. Especially Venti— his taste is unconventional, too unconventional, so Xiao tells him to save his creative ideas for fashion vlogs.
Xiao likes putting Aether in heels 👀
And Kazuha— well, Kazuha already styles himself just fine. Xiao's just there for a second opinion.
As for Xiao's fans, they are absolutely starved.
No one — and I mean no one— can ever convince me that this is not true.
There's not much individual content of Xiao out there; So his fans have to rely on watching other idols' vlogs if they want to see him outside of their group's official appearances, as well.
His fans mostly see him when Kazuha goes live; Both of them are super chill, and when they go on a vlog together, it's really just them hanging out in the hotel room while Venti and Aether are out, in which those two go outside the most as the faces of the group.
The followers never really thought that the Kazuha and Xiao pairing would be entertaining, but some do see their friendship as something holy and untouchable.
If his fans want to see him hang out outside though, their bets would be best put on Aether and Venti—
With Aether, Xiao is still pretty tame. And when they go to the mall, they somehow always end up buying clothes for each other. The people look forward to the choreography videos the most, though, with Aether being the lead dancer and all.
But if Xiao's fans wants everything to be extra comedic, they go to Venti. Because Venti does not tame Xiao.. He drags this man out of the cave and pushes him around to his heart's content.
Xiao may appear in Kazuha's vlogs most often, but he's liveliest in Venti's vlogs— and by lively, I mean angry.
Clearly, no one can count the number of times Xiao has been subjected to Venti's pranks and antics.
He's also always in the video when Venti mentions doing something to or with a boy best friend. (More or less, Xiao definitely has had enough of recording for TikTok with him as well.)
Oh, and comedy-wise, all fans of his should definitely have heard of that one vlog— Zhongli's video, titled 'Childe buys everything I put in the cart'. Everyone who shipped Zhongli and Childe says it was a date. And that Xiao was either Zhongli's Feral Child or The Prettier-Than-The-Date Third Wheel.
"Hmm, Xiansheng.. Are you sure this is all you want?"
Childe asks, deliberately ignoring the fuming Xiao right beside the gentleman. The man in question moves to nod, but Xiao turns to him sharply, so Zhongli respectfully waits for his opinion.
"I'd personally be pleased to see the perverted ginger's funds dwindle from this course. Even if it's only by a tiny margin."
Zhongli considered this. He turned Xiao's words over in his head even as Childe retorts and the two had both entered in a cycle of banter once more.
Then, he decided.
Both men stop their bickering to turn to him.
"Get in the cart."
Clearly, it was just a metaphor.
No one near enough to Xiao would ever dare to mention the fact that after a second of internal debate, he had readily approached the cart as if it was a formidable opponent; Everyone pretend that he wasn't willing to do it.
But after such a bit, Zhongli proceeded to call up 4NEMO's manager and buy Xiao's time to advertise a donation event Zhongli decided to hold on a whim.
The rule was technically to buy whatever Zhongli puts on the cart.
So Xiao bought the cart for Zhongli. And Zhongli picked out whatever he needed for the event and placed it inside.
Suffice to say, when Xiao hisses at Childe whenever he sees him, Childe hides behind Zhongli and hisses back.
Anyhow, Xiao does have social media. He never uses them.
He never tweets.
(If he does, IT'S SO OUT OF CONTEXT I- Every tweet has 5k or more replies, and everyone is making up these elaborate stories - EVEN THREADS - as to why he would say this.)
So it's less like he 'never' tweets, and more like he tweets so randomly.
At one point, he retweeted cats because Kazuha liked them.
"Kazuha, Aether. Go to, after lunch." He captioned.
He doesn't know how to bookmark or screenshot. This man literally uses twitter to write his schedule, I'm crying
Right after the cat thing, his next tweet is an apology to Venti, because Venti DEFINITELY made a thread about being left out.
"I'm sorry, Venti. But you're allergic to cats."
He posts his practice dances once every three weeks. And he goes live once a month.. or a month and a half.
When I tell you his fans are crying, they absolutely are. Especially those who have a completely different time zone.
It's not too much of a hassle once the newbies get used to it, though. They love him all the same. And their bitterness disappears whenever he goes live—
Xiao stares at the camera in silence, lips pressed together, and cheeks decidedly very red.
All his fans know, after all, that Xiao may be polite and courteous, but he's also quite awkward. The fact that he doesn't try to be his usually distant and polite self when he goes live speaks volumes.
Xiao treasures his fans a lot. So he tries to be more outgoing for them.
"I brought my flute today. Would you like to hear me play it?"
In short, Xiao makes a lot of his fans wait— but he's very meticulous. And every time he does feed them content, the wait would always be worth it.
( P. S. - A number of his fans definitely make threads about how sweet and gentle he is under the deceivingly grouchy exterior. )
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Meet Kazuha — The Maple Leaf Rebel
(The amount of research I have to do for this man—)
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Meet Aether — The Force of Sunshine
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idol au concept originated from @/veechu_
first art above is by @/Kackaorz1
venti art by @/rome_romedo
xiao art by @/siraisi00
kazuha art by @/creadbrumbs
aether art by @/ventuspluma
All these people can be found on twitter! Go give them a follow because the art and the anemo boys content is immaculate.
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Dainsleif - general yandere hcs
[Mondstadt edition]
[Liyue edition]
Starring: Dainsleif
CW:Yandere themes
Dainsleif never thought that he would get attached to anyone, not after the tragedy he had to endure. The fall of Khaenri’ah hollowed him out, left a shell of a person he used to be, with nothing but hatred for Celestia and one-sided fight against Abyss order. That’s why he gets speechless once he sees you for the first time, a long forgotten and almost unfamiliar sensation washing over him.
He is far from being a spiritual person, abhorring the very idea of divine and celestial, yet in that moment he feels some sort of religious reverence, one that devoted worshippers experience upon gazing at their god, and finds himself lost.
It’s easy to forget how to casually interact with others when one spends five centuries in self-inflicted solitude and so Dainsleif doesn’t, preferring to observe you from afar hiding in shadows and among other people. You and your company won’t notice anything, five hundred years of experience lending a nice advantage to Bough Keeper as he continues to stalk you.
Dainsleif rarely thinks about the wrongness and immorality of his own actions - khaenri’ahn has seen, done and lived through so much his mind rarely picks out these things as corrupt or depraved. Moreover, he doesn’t do anything to you directly, he just watches.
He would be content with simply observing you, soaking up all the expressions you make and words you say, but he starts to worry. Dainsleif’s anxiety regarding you is inevitable and unavoidable - man just lost so many things and people who were dear to him, he imagines threats and dark omens everywhere you go. Once said anxiety reaches a certain level, he will decide to take very harsh and desperate measures.
He will kidnap you.
Your fear, rage and hatred won’t be punished as Dainsleif pretty much sympathizes with you, knowing how scary it must be to be yanked out of your ordinary life by some stranger. He doesn’t hold any delusion or spins false narratives in that regard, understanding that he abducted you not out of ultimately good intentions and high, noble goals, but to soothe his own restlessness and fears.
You can try to exploit this, because as much as Dainsleif is obsessed with you he also feels guilty, because he knows what it means to lose everything in one swift moment. You should be careful though, as Bough Keeper may not be the most sociable person to exist, he has his fair share of experience under his belt, and he can usually tell when someone is lying or not. This misdeed won’t be punished too, but he will be disappointed at you for deceiving him and at himself for falling for your lies, and he will also act somewhat colder the next two weeks.
You will be forced to travel along him - while Dainsleif deeply cherishes you, his affections are still not enough to divert him from his own goals. He will force you to be tied up during the journey if you are defiant, and only once you're broken enough he will lift his restrictions. Travelling with him will be a highly unsatisfying experience - Dainsleif was never the one to care a lot about comfort, and while he wants to provide only the best of you, he kind of forgets what is comfortable and uncomfortable in an ordinary person’s eyes, too used to surviving in harsh environments. Prepare to spend a lot of nights sleeping under the sky and get used to the tasteless and bland travelling food.
You can complain and whine about your discomfort, but Dainsleif won’t do anything about it, resorting to empty promises and reassurances that, no, you won’t have to spend the next week sleeping on the ground.
If your relationship will somehow progress into a more “consensual” phase, then you will find Bough Keeper looming over you almost all the time he can. Dainsleif is a very touch starved person, he hadn’t had any close contact since the destruction of his nation, and while he wants to caress and handle you he can’t, not without your permission anyway. There's also a deal of him being tainted by Abyss, dark lines streaking all over his skin, and he doesn't want any of your part being "contaminated" by both him and Abyss. You will have to push him for any physical contact, and even then, once you've given him permission, you will still have to reassure him that it's fine. Dainsleif might not show it, but he thinks of himself as less than a human, but abyssal abomination left after the fall of Khaenri’ah.
Dainsleif will be content with any kind of Darling, but he will fall extra hard for someone with an expressive or bubbly personality. Five hundred years of solitude almost made him forget what it is to feel something besides grief or rage, and he's very hungry for any kind of positive emotions. He likes that his Darling is so expressive, so open, allowing him to bask in their light, his personal ball of sunshine.
Dainsleif hugs like a drowning person - bone crushing and desperate, and you don’t know what to do - it’s the fifth month after your initial “meeting” and you see him so emotional for the first time. The man still wears that stone mask of the face, yet the way he moves and speaks is different - open and vulnerable. It’s a rare sight to see.
“There, there”, you awkwardly pat his back, feeling out of place with each passing second. He doesn’t reply to you, deciding to kiss the crook of your neck instead, hot breath burning your skin. And then you sense it - the weight of five centuries, the dead nation and far too many corpses to grieve and bury.
Dainsleif doesn’t cry, you don’t think he has any tears left to shed, so you do it for him, fat droplets blurring your vision. It takes you by surprise, how much pity and love you can feel for someone who has ruined your life.
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thebarbaricbeast · 3 years
Diabolical Astrology (counter argument)
*i have no religious participation in these theories or cultures
My opinion is that one's belief in the influences, profundity, and practice of astrology cannot coexist with the belief in the god of the bible, aka Yahweh, the name of the god of the Israelite's or the Islamic god, Allah.
if you believe in Astrology:
the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects.
This means that you live and breathe due of astronomical calculations; the cosmos is the reason you think, act, and live the way you do. The gravitational connection that holds our galaxy together has an impact on your human affairs, which is tempting to critique given that we have only studied 4% of the observable universe, including the Milky Way. So far, we haven't even established our own galaxy, and the universe is made up of billions of galaxies that form a web of many other universes, forming a multiverse. Now that I've seen that astrology is centered on the solar system and its adjacent stars, could there be another human-like existence regulated by this idea of astrology someplace in the multiverse?
Astrology contains a mythological component as well. The power of the sign on some celestial degree that impacts this individual is subsumed by the person with a defined position of celestial phenomena. The planets are in charge of the power of such effect.
The mythology element is really powerful. Each of the 12 zodiac signs has a law and a symbol associated with it. Each has a positive and negative side to it that you can't get away from. It forms a connection to human beings, restrictions, and laws when placed in a specific planet/asteroid at a degree, point based on mathematical calculation, aspect, or range of motion (from the earth). Based on my understanding and experience, the individual lives under these laws that respect the sign's mythology. This can be either destructive or beneficial. In astrology, I've seen "a broken marriage", "may be married numerous times", "drug usage", "savage behavior", and in some cases, indications of death or miscarriages" when I've looked into the charts of people in great detail and calculations. Or the presence of the Lilith asteroid's satanic and destructive feminine power, which threatens to destroy the world.
God or Yahweh that created space and mankind and through him you were made and perfected and now walk the earth and one day you will reenter the source, or your spirit will fall into eternal damnation were you will be under the suppression of Satan aka "The father of lies".
seven deadly sins:
Lucifer (Pride); Mammon (Avarice); Asmodeus (Lechery); Satan (Anger); Beelzebub (Gluttony); Leviathan (Envy); and Belphegor (Sloth).
Christianity towards Astrology
In the bible or the book of humanity appointed by god and his followers, state in the book of Leviticus 19:20:
“Do not eat meat that has not been drained of its blood. “Do not practice fortune-telling or witchcraft.
"You must not eat anything with blood still in it. You must not practice divination or sorcery."
- so basically saying that astrology isn't real because it is of divination
These astrological laws are diabolical. Lucifer's fantasy establishment to try to control people's lives. The individual accepts the tragedy and constitution, which permits the administration of these evil entities. all 12 of these signs comprise the 7 deadly sins, Lilith attributes the difficulties and anxieties that one blames their birth chart for ( and other cosmic objects). Your nodes, calculation points (ascendent, midheaven, etc.) form a depiction of lines and directions connecting to form a shape that highlights your life, similar to the devil's mark, and when you seek tarot cards or a person who reads the depiction of your chart, you become a contactor and become involved in witchcraft. You have the option of allowing these forces to govern you or turning to God, removing the chains of falsehoods and deception, and becoming a free distinct spirit of the realm unrelated to the mythology's 12 gods.
The Devil's Mark:
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any rebuttals?
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corvus-ix · 3 years
Two Souls in One Body
Chapter 3
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> {The Abyss} <
{The Fatui}
× You have chosen the Abyss ×
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Why does my entire body hurt-
I was falling from one of Liyue mountains, but here I'm standing!
I almost stumble down at the sudden realization
I slowly balance myself again as I slowly focus my vision to see things more clearly, I was really caught me off guard
Standing in fort of me is the Abyss Herald!
The Herald took notice of this
"Lord Bara, may I excuse my for it seems your other half is now conscious"
I just hear-
I hum, I can feel myself humming as a response to the Herald
"Then may you leave us be"
"As you wish My Grace"
With that the Herald left. I'm was so confuse! My wound doesn't hurt that much but the pain still there.
Not only that, I was standing in fort of the Abyss Herald earlier and from what it looks like, he was talking to me, I also felt myself hum, move and talk but out of my own accord.
It like I'm-
I just talked again! And it seems my body is moving on its own.
It seems it taken me in a luxurious room and lay me down on the bed
'It'll be easier to talk somewhere else'
Was the last thing I heard before blacking out.
I was slowly waking up and as I woke up, I was inside my bedroom in my bed
Does that mean-
"No. Your currently inside The Plane of Ethylene, our own Plane of Ethylene"
I turn my head towards where the sound came from and was surprise to see a complete replica of me
"Everything that happens was real.
I'm sorry, because I dragged you here unannounced, you suffered"
I wanted to be angry at them but somehow I can't bring myself to, it's like-
"Being angry at yourself?
Forgive me but I want to keep this short, so I'll explain everything.
After explaining everything then you can ask things"
It kinda reasonable so I agree.
They then proceeded to tell that I was save by The Bough Keeper and taken to the Abyss, how they made a truce for... My sake...
And that I was out for seven months, they almost lost hope but they're thankful I'm awake now.
"Any questions?"
"Who are you"
. . . . .
"I am you but not you as (Y/n) (L/n).
You used to be me and I used to be you"
More questions just filled my mind, but it seems they can read my mind as they explain how we used to be one entity and got slip into two when outlanders trespass in Teyvat and try to took over our creation, our children, out throne
How we were out number, how betrayal took place, how lied easily took over most of the civilian of Teyvat.
They also explain how Khaenri'ah was of the few who know who truly own Teyvat and how they manage to salvage anything that is connected to us, how they took the title A Nation without a God, A Nation Ruled by Humans to keep their existence a mystery until I they find me.
They also explain the true reason why Khaenri'ah seem to be descriptive as a violent nation by the others... By the game lore.
"So the reason why Khaenri'ah was destroy was to discard our last believers, to finally and fully discard and erase our existence"
"That's right, but to the Heavenly Principals dismay, some Gods worship us and with that they force and created the Archon War. To killed off the other believers and to destroy Khaenri'ah
Two birds in one stone"
Well, that's mean the theories in my world where right.
How Celestial isn't all good and the Gnosis and Vision is like a security camera or something similar to watch and monitor them over.....
"But they couldn't fully discard us, so they create a puppet"
"A puppet?"
"Something similar to Kunikuzushi, the visions and gnosis isn't enough because they can't fully interact and interfere.
So they create a puppet and that Puppet is the reason why you were hunted down"
A new anger arises within me but it seems more stronger than any anger I have from my entire life
"You are not the only one who is anger by everything, I too feel utter hatred.
But you do not possess my devine present at first and the Puppet was here for quite some time than you"
"Do not worry, I was building our strength for the past seven months.
We will reclaim what was ours and after reclaiming Teyvat, we will serves fair judgment and punishment to everyone"
. . .
"If you want we can begin our training I prepare for you before we take action.
So what do you say... Me?"
. . .
"Can I go home when everythings over?"
. . .
"Yes, but we have to create a new body in order for you to return home.
You can also come back here back-and-forth to your world after all of this-"
"I'll help you... other Me"
"Bara. Call me Bara"
"Alright Bara, let's do this."
. .
. . .
. . . .
. . . . .
'A million dreams will come to be, to come True'
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galengames · 3 years
Keldran DLC Master Post
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"So, it has arrived. The game we have worked on for two months is finally here. Seeing the overwhelming amount of support and love for this game coming in already has been so encouraging. And, there have been a fair few comments regarding a certain NPC character. Lord Keldrannon von Galen.
To some, this may come as a surprise, but to others, it is a well known fact. Keldran is my favorite character in Deliver Us from Evil. ‘But, why?’ You may ask me. After all, he isn’t dateable and only features so much throughout the game as it is. Lovely fellow, however. Regardless, whenever I got the chance to write Keldran I was filled with excitement.
Reason being, I have a slight weakness for this character type; the mysterious, rich, powerful and more-often-than-not arrogant arsehole with a wealth of secrets and questionable morals. Types that, more often than not, can be dangerous if crossed and your knight in shining armor if endeared to. It is, for lack of better terms, a comfort trope for me left over from my many years traipsing through various fandoms. It’s that allure of that fine line between prince and terror which appeals to me, and, judging by some reactions…
It might be appealing to you too, dear reader.
To wet your appetite further, here's a little preview of what you might expect out of our dark prince, Lord Keldrannon Aurelius von Galen:
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To everyone's surprise, you, dear MC, choose to accompany Lord Keldran as a partner in the investigation. After all, he's a perfect mix of worldly and celestially attuned... or is he? As you dig deeper into the mystery of the corrupted wishes, you discover that his connection with a certain incubus runs deeper than anticipated and that the Son of Lucifer has something personal at stake with this investigation. It's up to you to get closer him... that is, if you can overcome his legacy; Pride."
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Speaking of pride, and in light of recent events and comments, the folks and I at team DUFE also wanted to let you know that we have made a solid decision about our proposed DLC for the Keldran route.
To put it simply, players who choose to pursue this route will not only be attempting to romance Keldran, but enter a polyamourous relationship with him and other LI Ace. The reason behind this lies in the fact that we want to include a wide range of sexualities and relationships not often represented in Otomes and visual novels.
In both the prologue and the Michael routes, it is hinted that Keldran and Ace are in an open, on-and-off again relationship. Ace is an incubus and therefore has slept with many people of different genders and will do so. However, in terms of romance he is completely besotted with MC and/or Keldran.
With the release of games such as Supergiant’s Hades giving you the option to pursue a poly relationship with the two main love interests, greater representation in video games and visual novels is sorely needed and we want to do our part to give people in open/poly relationships a voice and the feeling of being seen.
While we understand that this may not be everyone’s cup of tea, relationships like what we’re planning on writing do exist and if that’s not for you, we have two lovely character routes already here for you to enjoy. Love wins with Team DUFE.”
We also finalized a series of rewards in you’ll get if you support our cause:
$6 + gets you the artbook PDF straight to your inbox
$20+ gets you Early Access to the DLC
$50+ (limited slots) gets you a mysterious email from Keldran himself. (*)
*You may also find a voice attachment and (optional) tell us your name so you can *really* blush 😉
DONATE here: https://ko-fi.com/galengames
(Closes August 15th)
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