#the comedic potential is so great šŸ˜‚
gardenerian Ā· 6 months
hey im watching 7x12 and im definitely not watching past this season (except for 10x12) so im just wondering if u remember if ian ever ends up telling the rest of the family about him meeting with mickey? like. ik there's a deleted scene where he talks to lip about it but knowing ian and his capacity for secrets i feel like he didn't tell them... i wish he did tho. like great comedic potential there it'd be fucking hilarious to be able to see that conversation can u imagine
HEY omg the jealousy i feel right now.... what i would not GIVE to watch 7x12 again for the first time. it is one of my favorite episodes of tv everrrrr i hope you loved it šŸ„² don't tell me if you didn't it would break my heart
so if you finished the ep you saw he told trevor about it - but i think that's the only canon conversation unless i blocked something out (which is not impossible tbh most of s8 was deleted from my brain as it should amen)
it is the most IAN thing in the world to jump at a few days on the run with mickey, only to be pulled back home..... but not before emPTYING HIS BANK ACCOUNT FOR HIM...... then suffer through the loss of his mother - and then just. not tell anyone???? about his poor heart broken in his chest COOL šŸ˜­
but yeah holy shit can you imagine him talking to carl about it šŸ˜‚ he would be so fucking pumped to hear about mickey successfully saying a big fuck you to cops and prison lmao
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maddys-nerd-blog Ā· 2 months
TMNT Character Ranking ask Game: Michelangelo
HELLO šŸ‘‹šŸ»
Oooooooo okay. Time to get controversial. Lemme choose three of the ones that I feel 1: Stands out from the rest, and 2: Is a perfect blend of both little bro and comedy!
In my opinion, Batman vs. TMNT Mikey is probably the BEST Mikey. Period. Heā€™s the perfect balance of comedic relief and wacky little brother who cracks jokes to break the ice. His little friendship with Alfred is also golden. Kyle Mooney is also AWESOME as the nunchuck master!
The silver medal goes to 2012 Mikey. Firstly Greg Cipes provides an excellent vocal performanceā€” heā€™s literally the best voice actor for Mikey! I think heā€™s also a great little brother, always being there to support his family when the cards are down, generally being so kind and accepting of those who otherwise wouldā€™ve been rejected, being helpful and quirky, justā€¦ heā€™s so wholesome. ALSO HE ISNā€™T STUPID OR HELPLESS, AND HE HAS HIS FAIR SHARE OF FLAWS!
The bronze medal goes to Mutant Mayhem Mikey! Iā€™m so honored I got the opportunity to meet Shamon Brown Jr in June, and I think this version brings a ton to the table!! Heā€™s fun, uplifting, and just hoped for acceptance by the world, never giving up his dream even when faced with doubt. Iā€™m so excited for the series and to see what they do with him, heā€™s got so much potential!!
As for the rest, lemme summarize!
Rise! Mikeyā€” Runner up! Heā€™s fun and has some badass mystic abilities with that kusari-fundo, turning him into a Ghost Rider Spider-Turtle šŸ¤£ but we donā€™t really get too much of stand alone Mikey to really KNOW him like we did with Raph, Leo and Donnie. Even April got her own solo episode!
1987 Mikeyā€” Who doesnā€™t love the classics! Such a chill, fun goober with a ton of great moments and very wholesome!
1990 Mikeyā€” Robbie Rist provides excellent vocal work and makes this live action iteration iconic for all the best reasons.
2007 Mikeyā€” Great voice actor, but we literally donā€™t get to spend time with him outside of his intro. This movie is the Raph and Leo variety hour šŸ˜‚
Bayverse Mikeyā€” If they had taken those stupid Innuendos out of the first film heā€™d be great! He got slightly better in the second one, but DAMN, missed opportunity.
And then, settling in bottom place, my least favorite version of him everā€¦ 2003 Mikey.
Lemme start by saying IM SORRY. I know everyone likes him butā€¦ god, I cannot STAND him. Heā€™s just so irritating and obnoxious! He makes everything about himself, heā€™s self centered and bratty when he doesnā€™t get his way, he COMPLAINS when heā€™s tasked to take part in a plan to break out of space prison and HES THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE IN THE LAST TWO SEASONS šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
But yeah! These are my hot takes!
Hope you liked this! šŸ˜Š
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rius-cave Ā· 4 months
May I share some angsty Adam and AdamsApple HCs with you? šŸ™‚ (not sure why I have more angst for them when I believe they have a great comedic potential too šŸ˜‚)
of course!! I get those all the time!
(sorry for taking so long btw :')
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eemcintyre Ā· 6 months
"Seawolf: The Pirate's Curse" (2005) review
Surprisingly, honestly... why did I enjoy this? I guess after a couple of major misses for me in the form of "The Kidnapping" and "Beyond Forgiveness", my expectations were appropriately low, but this one actually had some likable characters and humor, and that always manages to rope me in. I have a soft spot for fun, silly action fare like this bc of childhood shows like "The Greatest American Hero", I think.
So, the title never makes any sense... what was it supposed to mean? what curse?
First and foremost, I must say TIG is looking oh-so-very pretty and rugged here- the necklaces, the bandanas, the curly-q hair, the tank tops, the sweaty, the ARMMMSSSS šŸ˜©
Initially had absolutely no clue what was going on in the beginning; a bunch of people with weird ass outfits in the dark and I was just like please no don't let that be him in the damn fucking cape and eyepatch and o n e l e g; I was like he can't possibly have one leg the whole time, right?? šŸ¤Ø
But yeah I was definitely experiencing the "dear God what did I get myself into, cheers to another awful mess" šŸ«”šŸ„‚
Why does half the audio sound dubbed (particularly everything that comes out of Rachel's mouth)? Also props to Rachel for being the most emotionally unaffected person ever bc her reactions were so disproportionately calm to what would happen if my bf was constantly disappearing overseas and totaled my gorgeous pink car
We're getting some very Max Parrish-type hooting and hollering up in here; a concise summary of Thorpe is that he's basically if Max had a boat and was an alcoholic instead of a drug addict
We get another hallmark of TIG's movies with a slew of incredibly cringe one-liners that elicit a physical reaction of pain from me, but for every few there was actually a genuinely funny one here and there, so I'll allow it this time...
The whole "I'm a pirate, my father was a pirate, etc." speech had me ROLLING and NOT IN THE WAY THE WRITERS INTENDED I THINK BC HUH??
When he met Helene in that random room full of paintings I was sure we were supposed to take it that the mission was smth art theft-related. but no she just has a passion for maximalist design ig.
Why does the camera get randomly shaky for no reason? Very avant-garde of them
Am I the only one who thinks that Carlos looks like a Walmart George Clooney? Someone else pls tell me I'm not insane
Always throws me off-guard but it's such fun to see TIG in an uncharacteristically light scene like the one where he's dancing in the parade and surrounded by the circle of dancers in the bar. At least he seemed like he was having a good time in this movie šŸŽ‰
Ramon and his lil book and the bar scene of Thorpe and Helene drunkenly arguing w each other and sitting on the side of the road was what really started to sell me
Plus I cannot go without mentioning my appreciation for the way he was holding her knee šŸ‘€šŸ’•
Love how he spends the majority of this movie just dressed like someone's hot dad who works out, in his cargo shorts, tank top and goatee- oH WAIT IT'S BC HE IS A HOT DAD WHO WORKS OUT IN REAL LIFE
Love how Carlos and all the other villains are devoid of personality or motive except for ~money~, like "the Colonel" doesn't even have a name!!!
Was genuinely stressed that my boy was going to clock himself in the head when he was swinging that rope trying to scale that building
When Helene straight-up PUNCHED HER SISTER IN THE FACE like these ladies have some beef and I need to know where it stems from
This film is another great example of TIG's grossly underutilized comedic potential- a lĆ  the map reading scene
Hilarious how Carlos just shrugs like "I don't care, whatever I guess" when who he believes to be Marlena says she wants to say a dramatic goodbye to Thorpe
Ok but how did he not die?? Thank goodness but how??
Even more hilarious how the Colonel, who has had nothing but hatred and murderous intent for Thorpe throughout, is just so touched by Thorpe's being a āœØ big softie with morals āœØ that his vengeful compulsions are soothed and he's content with taking the gold like "hey bro, we're square now <3" and just fuckin walks away
Good on them for giving the treasure back to Mexico
Was legit concerned for too long there that they weren't actually going to end up together and I was screeching
Honestly, I think they could have leaned even more into the humorous aspect and the treasure hunt part of the film; made it a bit more of a National Treasure/Indiana Jones sort of thing, and I definitely would have liked some more character development, esp. for the sidekicks and villains, but overall, I award this film an unexpected 6/10. I had a good time šŸ™ƒšŸ©·
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firstkanaphans Ā· 8 months
Hiii, the anon from yesterday šŸ«¶ I'm watching everything on the weekends (LT, Pit babe, Twins, The Sign, DFF, Cherry Magic and Cooking crush!!) and then me and my friends watch other dramas on the rest of the days and that's how I've managed to get to 10 lmao. Surely it can't be a good marketing strategy to air all the shows on the weekend!!! Especially the sign and dff since they release at the same time I think.
I so want First to ran away with the pretty twink šŸ˜­ I got so mad at Zee telling him he never liked him even though Sprite told him he likes First!!! Can't you be a little sympathetic?! And Sprite going all "ah I wanted to tell you something but I don't think I will anymore" ARE YOU SERIOUS? sjdbsj can't believe they're leaving it till the last ep, anyways don't feel bad I'm still having frustrating fun!
DomeVee are my absolute faves, love them!! Falling for the sister's bf just like Akk šŸ˜€
It is the perfect little show, idk why I overlooked it when it was airing. I think it was because I was drowning in shows at that time, too šŸ˜…
Eagerly awaiting more SandRay, AkkAyan and everything you'll be writing this year šŸ„° have a great day!
You know what I would have loved to see from Twins? Zee being forced to be nice to First in order to maintain Spriteā€™s cover. Like imagine the comedic potential! He never would have done it just for Sprite (clearly) but he definitely would have if Salmon asked him to.
ā€œYou donā€™t have to go out of your way to flirt with him or anythingā€”weā€™ll tell him that youā€™re just trying to focus before the big matchā€”but when he talks to you, be nice. Spriteā€™s in love with him!ā€
And then we get two full episodes of Zeeā€™s autistic ass trying not to flinch away from every touch, faking smiles, and cursing his brotherā€™s name (as is his right!). Bonus points if him and First actually manage to become friends themselves! All of this would culminate, of course, in First trying to kiss Zee on the court after a big win and Zeeā€™s just standing there like Michael Scott on that one episode of the Office where he has to kiss Oscar and thatā€™s when Sprite finally decides heā€™s had enough and jumps between them shouting, ā€œMine!ā€
Like cā€™mon!!
Anyway, I have a whole ā€œFix-it Fic Iā€™ll Never Writeā€ post ready for Twins because those writers clearly need some help. I just want to see how it ends firstā€¦
But Iā€™m glad youā€™re enjoying Youā€™re My Sky! Iā€™ve decided it is my mission in life to make everyone watch it šŸ˜‚
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shrinkthisviolet Ā· 8 months
for ship bingo hartmon and eddie x savitar :)
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Theyā€™re sweet! Idk if Iā€™d write about them beyond prompt fills here and there, but theyā€™d be an awesome duo with great comedic potential šŸ˜‚ and they definitely make Team Flash suffer by bantering incessantly
Eddie x Savitar:
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I am so intrigued by this šŸ‘€ tell me more
send me a ship, and Iā€™ll fill out the bingo!
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myfaveisfuckable Ā· 1 year
Rants under the read more
obi wan/grievous: Ok so this is a HUGE crackship and some people are not going to agree but like, Obi-Wan is what comes to mind when you think of the jedi and Grievous hates the jedi as a whole because he believes them to the cause of his mutilation and the suffering of his people, but the jedi are not the ones who did this. Grievous is a pawn in the game of the sith and he doesn't realize that his mind has been altered against his wishes or that he will be desposed of as soon as the war ends. Obi-Wan is a compassionate man and is able to consistently go toe to toe with Grievous, making him a rival Grievous can't help but respect in a weird way (his people are warriors, for all we know, fighting could be a method of flirting to his people yaknow? And obiwan genuienly flirts as a way to throw off his enemies, think of the comedic potential if Obi-Wan didnt realize how MUCH hes been a flirt or if Grevious acctualy gets flustered by it because obiwan is such a competent fighter and IF ONLY HE WASNT THE ENEMY-) If Obi-Wan knew what happened he would have tried to make amends and help his people, and if Grievous learned that it was Dooku (a former jedi turned sith) who turned him into a monster against his will, he'd probably be willing to team up with Obi-Wan to bring down Dooku and the Sith plans for Galactic domination to avenge and to protect his people, and they would be an absolute powerhouse since they are already familiar with eachothers way of fighting and from a writers point of view its filled with so much potential angst and drama, and hijinks, and even enhances the plot and creates parallels between the two that the franchise has never bothered to make and it has so much potential even if they don't fall in love they could be really good friends/partners/allies and if order 66 goes as planned they would be badass rebels its such an overlooked possible dynamic PLEASE šŸ„ŗ
I made this one up as a joke but now i'm invested. ummm i'm just gonna c-p the rant I made on discord
they both have bright green eyes....
that's it, that's all i got ...
you probably won't like me for this, but i think it's funnier as a ship
...okay, explain šŸ˜‚
er, not even funny, like i think they could make a good couple!
or at least an entertaining one
two ways you could take this, depending on whether you go w/ pre-breakdown Sephiroth, or post-breakdown, sadistic alien ghost who just wants to burn the world and torment cloud
for the latter, that's crackier but i'm just saying Toph is down w/ dramatic villainy and destruction
[insert: I AM MELON-LORD *maniacal laughter* gif]
(ok maybe not for real, but it would make a funny crack fic)
but pre-Nibelheim Seph (with the caveat that my understanding of his character is 90% from fanfic) he kinda personality of Zuko, circumstances of Azula
eh,,, ,that's not really on the mark
but anyways I know Zuko/Toph can be a great ship, i've seen it.
i think you'd could write a similar dynamic here
Sephiroth had his whole life laid out for him and he excelled at everything he was expected to do, but it's never been really about what he wants, like he's never really gotten to express himself. Or, like, develop a personality?? He's very isolated.
Toph also grew up very isolated, but she had kinda the opposite, where she utterly discarded the expectations people set for her (dressed up pretty helpless doll) and established her own person, wants, and goals very early on so they've got "coming from similar places but approaching things very differently", would lead to some very interesting interactions i think plus they're both down to work out emotional problems by sparring
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empress-of-snark Ā· 1 year
Lol yes to Eddie kissing everyone except Steve bc he knows he canā€™t get away w it unless itā€™s everyone but he doesnā€™t wanna deal with Steveā€™s complaining afterwards šŸ˜‚
Also I think tow the lesbian wedding & 2 parties could work with Chrissy & her momā€™s relationship (modified oc). People like Laura usually have a lot of repressed anger towards their own parents for forcing their kids to fit their molds, so they continue the cycle and take it out on their own kids. I donā€™t see Laura becoming a great person overnight, but I could see her potentially realizing that a lot of her hostility towards Chrissy was bc she was rebelling against all the things that Laura herself was not able to rebel against when she was Chrissyā€™s age, leading her to deceiving to leave her husband bc he was her Jason. And then after her party, she and Jonathan can commiserate about their parentsā€™ divorces (which is one of my favorite Rachel and Chandler moments). Also could definitely see every thing else from that episode happening: Nancy getting pissed bc no one is enjoying her party, Robin and Steve getting all the hot girls to come to their party, Jonathan secretly smuggling guests out of Nancyā€™s party, Eddie fully willing to make an absolute ass of himself to keep Chrissyā€™s parents separate, Steve kissing Laura to distract her from the dad leaving šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Love all of this, anon!
Honestly, Iā€™ve been looking for an excuse to write Laura Cunningham with a little bit of nuance in one of my stories for a while now, but Iā€™ve been hesitant because Iā€™m not sure how welcoming the fandom would be to an alternate interpretation of her character. Not saying sheā€™s not definitely implied to be abusive in canon, but we also only get a very tiny glimpse of Chrissyā€™s home life in episode one. And we know that Vecna likes to make someone appear to say or do things that theyā€™d never say or do in real lifeā€”he does it with Lucas and Max later on.
(But I also know that my opinion may be biased because I have a great relationship with my own mom and dad. Someone who has experienced abuse from their parents is probably a lot less willing to give an implied abuser the benefit of the doubt, and thatā€™s totally valid.)
Anyway, all that to say Iā€™m definitely open to bringing Laura into the story and unpacking some of her and Chrissyā€™s trauma, maybe giving her at least the start of an implied redemption arc? That episode would be a great opening for it. Iā€™ve always loved Rachelā€™s scene with her mom where her mom says ā€œYou didnā€™t marry your Barry, but I did.ā€
I agreeā€”the later scene between her and Chandler is so great, especially since those two didnā€™t have a lot of one-on-one scenes together that werenā€™t comedic. And we all know how much I love Jonathan and Chrissyā€™s friendship! I can absolutely see them having a quiet little moment out in the hallā€”she puts her head on his shoulder and they just sit in silence for a few beats.
Everything else is totally perfect as wellā€”obsessed with the idea of Steve taking the bullet and kissing Laura to distract her. Maybe she slaps him afterward, but sheā€™s a little dazed because thatā€™s just the Steve Harrington effect lmao
Iā€™ll have to do some brainstorming to figure out the logistics/timeline, but Iā€™ve been seriously considering adapting this episode for a while now, and Iā€™m glad yā€™all are interested to read it, too!
Thank you for the ask and the great ideas! ā™„ļø
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iā€™m hoping sebek or malleus get an ssr card, cuz iā€™ve seen a silly comic about Vil teaching mal to appear less intimidating lol
Vil basically went ā€œnobody will be scared once Iā€™m finished with youā€
[Referencing this post!]
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Half of me hopes Malleus is the new FG SSR (because then I wonā€™t be tempted to pull), and half of me hopes Sebek is (because I feel like that scenario has more comedic potential).
All Iā€™m picturing is Sebek swatting at the smaller fairies and loudly declaring that Briar Valley fairies are superior to them, maybe complaining about how ineffective the FG clothes are as battle armor? Itā€™s not the ideal situation for a heist plan, but itā€™d be an effective distraction! It could also open lore potential for Sebek to get in touch with his fairy side, which he has great pride in, by being among other fae. Weā€™ve seen how callous Sebek is in a predominantly human environment, so Iā€™ve always wanted to see how he acts in a predominantly fairy environment.
I think Vil would have a harder time getting Sebek under control than Malleus since the first yearā€™s much more... spirited and prone to outbursts šŸ˜‚ Malleus might give off an intimidating aura, but I think he would know how to properly conduct himself when heā€™s with what is essentially another fairy royal and her subjects. It might be interesting to see Malleus in all white though! Heā€™s usually depicted in black since thatā€™s the traditional color of the Draconia family, so seeing him in white instead of black would definitely be jarring.
I guess weā€™ll just have to wait and see in a few hours šŸ‘€ what TWST is dealing us...
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smhalltheurlsaretaken Ā· 2 years
I donā€™t even go here but Book of Acts: The Sitcom sounds hilarious and I would watch it. So, you know, something something religious media but with mass appeal. (ā€œKilled anyone with your sermons lately?ā€ ā€œThat was ONE TIME and anyway he got betterā€”ā€œ)
(Regarding this hilarious post.)
God has an AMAZING sense of humour and the Book of Acts has great comedic potential! And that anecdote of a guy falling asleep on a window and falling to his death (and then getting better ah ah) is so absurdly relatable and darkly comical. Or like: Peter escaping prison, going to the house where everybody is praying for his safety, telling the girl at the door it's him, and she gets so excited she forgets to let him in, hurriedly tells everybody that Peter's here!!! and gets ignored and mocked (cus... he's not here), and then realizes that she left him hanging on the doorstep - it's like you can hear canned laughter in the background reading that part.
If an Acts sitcom is something you'd be into then The Chosen is about the Gospels, not Acts (yet), but so far it had a few pretty funny moments too - like Jesus at a wedding party telling his disciples their horrible dancing is something even He can't fix šŸ˜‚
I'm all for poking fun at the humanity of the apostles and Christians in general (God knows we deserve it) while leaving God and the Bible untouched so I'd be super into a show like that. Christian movies and shows largely suck badly and that's sad because when they don't they have some amazing things to work with!
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feelingofcontent Ā· 3 years
DNP Rewatch:Ā Awkward Stories From The Closet
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Date video was published: 07/10/2020 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 418
Following up from his last video where he mentioned that he had more of these stories. And here they are!
0:05 -Ā ā€œas a young, secret gayā€ great start
0:16 - many plot twists indeed
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0:36 - itā€™s nice that was doing the audience interaction piece by sharing comments in several videos, especially because he wasnā€™t doing any sort of live show or anything at this time
0:56 -Ā ā€œIā€™ll goā€ lol thirsty Phil
1:06 - somehow just dropped his phone there
1:16 - what even was that voice šŸ˜‚
1:25 - amusing segue there. spon time
1:41 - OF COURSE a memory from the Japan trip. every time they talk about that trip I swear to god...it must have been something special
1:50 - and a new shared picture from the trip!
2:14 - literally all Japan-related ones
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2:46 - as Dan said, the 90s were not okay
2:52 - lol, good job Phil. referencing back to his last video where he almost used the guyā€™s real name
3:01 - my parents used the shove-a-book-at-her method for this too
3:18 - a very relatable point there
3:40 - Philā€™s story-telling is so great. you can see how this one might end in disaster...
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4:07 - full gay panic time
4:21 - at least he seemed to have had nice friends growing up
4:35 - he did not prepare names for the incidents, haha
5:03 - such weird times on the internet
5:21 - whyyyyy did he have to make us think about potential aquarium dates.Ā ā€œthatā€™d be cuteā€ help šŸ„ŗ
5:26 - donā€™t know about those gestures...Ā 
5:37 - I mean yikes. I would be freaking out
6:19 - that would not have helped the panic
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6:28 -Ā ā€œletā€™s gay it upā€ I love it
6:57 - yeah that is not the way to find out
7:07 - this is amazing. a venue that could only exist in a uni town
7:21 - I really enjoy how many more university-Phil stories weā€™ve gotten pco
7:49 - what a conversation opener, lol šŸ˜‚
7:53 - I donā€™t think I want to know what truly-flirty Phil is like
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8:25 -Ā ā€œa moveā€ the drama of the storytelling and his comedic timing are so good
8:49 - thatā€™s a good way to ask someone subtly
8:52 - oh poor Phil
9:11 - that car insurance commercial really haunted him
9:27 - he seems to have gotten his hopes up so many times in uni (from just the ones heā€™s talked about) and never had it work out. eventually though...
9:50 - sometimes I feel like Phil was too nice to people that didnā€™t treat him very well
9:59 - at least he can laugh about these stories now
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I always love a video where Phil is telling stories, and this one is great! He had so many more he could share pco.
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mkstrigidae Ā· 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where the starks think that sansa hates jon and are considerably surprised that she gives him her kidney (not as a christmas present but because he needs it obviously šŸ˜‚)
The ANGST of it all is absolutely delightful.
Or- it could be a completely comedic series of misunderstandings. Due to COMPLETE coincidence, Jon and Sansa are never in the same place at the same time. Their schedules overlap, and after a while, the Starks assume that they both make excuses for not attending family events because they dislike the other one, but ohhoho no, it's just absolutely hilarious coincidence. They actually get along great, and both have crushes on the other that they think are unreciprocated.
At one point, Jon is invited on a Stark family vacation, and the Stark kids FREAK out, plotting a series of reverse-parent trap shenanigans to keep Jon and Sansa away from each other so that they all have a successful vacation (Jon's been sick for a while and no one wants to stress him out, and Sansa just went through a really nasty break-up with harry and no one wants to stress her out), and Jon and Sansa end up extremely confused because every time one of them sits down to try and talk to the other, Robb or Arya will pop up out of fucking thin air to tug one of them away with some manufactured crisis or another.
(poor Rickon ends up having to be a good sport about this- the details are lost, but they dunk him in a lake in December at one point to distract Jon and Sansa from one another. He's fine, but a bit salty about it, understandably)(Arya gets desperate enough at one point to distract Sansa with claiming to need 'boy advice' about her friend Gendry- Arya's completely talking out of her ass at first, but ironically enough, this convo convinces her that she's actually in love with the idiot)(At one point, Robb upends an entire bag of flour onto Sansa when Jon walks into the kitchen and it kicks off a food fight that Arya wins and that Cat makes them all clean up)
After about four days of this, Jon and Sansa are irritated, confused, and both get up early (Robb probably is, but no metric in the world can convince me that Arya, Bran, and Rickon are morning people), to drive to a nearby cafe so that they can FINALLY talk to each other without getting interrupted. They're catching up on current life stuff (you know, like they've done twice a week for ages now, YES i have a life outside of you, Robb, thanks), and Sansa gets an email on her phone that she stops to check.
At this point, the other Starklings have been dragged out of bed by Robb, and are spying on Jon and Sansa, utterly confused, from the other end of the cafe (Arya's the only one who actually blends in, Robb's wearing a ridiculous disguise, and Bran and Rickon are trying to hide behind a comedically small pillar), and they see her jump out of her seat and promptly tug Jon into a HUGE hug that he reciprocates (The Starklings don't know it, but it was an email from her doctor- she got tested, and just found out she was a match for Jon, and can be his donor), and I'm not sure if they confront the two in the shop, or if they wait until later, but Jon and Sansa are like 'We've been friends for ages??? We have a standing lunch date???? We like all the same books?? What is going on????'
Meanwhile, Ned and Cat, who talk to both Jon and Sansa regularly, and are of course in the loop about all of this, are just sipping coffee and watching the fallout in amusement.
I didn't expect this one to be this fun, but I genuinely might end up writing this at some point?? The comedic potential is off the charts, tbh. Thanks so much for the ask!
Send me an anonymous ask completing the sentence ā€œI wish you would write a fic whereā€¦ā€
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l33hyunjaes Ā· 3 years
"ANYONE WHO HURTS MY HYUNJAE WILL SEE MY FISTS" ADJKDJSJ i'm laughing so hard at your tags AHAHA. and yes it's so booring not having a crush but... guess that's why we're here šŸ¤” the bermuda line appearance was just me being self indulgent but i see it worked on u hehe
alsooo do you have enough data to pick a fave(s) from my works that you've read? i wanna know what kind of elements you enjoy in writing (and pls... don't say hyunjae... LOOL)
FLSKDJFKLDS yes I ... expressed pretty much everything that came across my mind in those tags HAHAHA
Oh yeah I definitely live vicariously through fics when my own life is boring lololol and yes the Bermuda line appearance definitely worked on me hheeheh
Ohhhhhh a fave? HM wait let me see ... ok it's definitely more than one lol but!
If the lipstick matches (maybe don't wear it): Y/N thinking that Juyeon would be really that stupid to not recognise them is just too funny! Of course, I loved the setup of the situation in the first place, and all those lab moments were so precious <3 (Also loved the teasing of Hyunjae - and yes, I say this from the version of me that didn't even know who Hyunjae was when I read the fic for the very first time!)
The regular dilemma: sometimes I just think about the part where Juyeon 'inspects' the uh ... latte art ... šŸ˜‚ The humour in this one is top-tier, personally! Also Juyeon's persistence in actually coming despite Y/N giving him the wrong number is just too cute~ Omg just realized that this also features the rest of Bermuda line slkjdfklsdjflksj hahahahahaha
Bad at being bad: yeah I know it's a Hyunjae fic but in my defence! I didn't really know who he was until way after I read this fic HAHAHA (and look where we are now šŸ¤”). Also the opening lines take on a whole new meaning nowadays HAHA! I really liked the 'duality' of Hyunjae in this fic, and also how every single time Y/N heard about his 'bad boy' persona, they had actually in fact been there when the incident happened (and he was definitely NOT a bad boy lol).
Offend: I love the teasing in this hehehe from both Sunwoo and Hyunjae! I know this was more like a drabble but I think it has a great amount of potential! (I also looooovveeeeee enemies-to-lovers tropes lskjdflksdjfls)
Take a hint: I loved the rollercoaster of emotions that this took me on as a (semi-frustrated) reader - like the miscommunication trope! The best friends to lovers trope!
(sldkfjskldjfl I already tried to stop myself from naming all the fics of yours that I've read and describing what I liked most Hyunjae in each of them HAHA)
Hm I think common thing that I like about your fics is definitely - comedy! Seems like the ones I really like all have quite memorable comedic relief moments! Perhaps because they make the fics seem a bit more realistic? Like not everything goes well / perfectly, and there are always awkward moments in life hehe - I guess these moments also make the characters a bit more relatable too. I also know you said that you've realized you use a lot of dialogue in your fics hahaha but! I personally really like them, and I think a lot of your iconic fic lines are from dialogues! (Also I love college!aus a lot HAHAHAHA)
Hm also in general, I really like it when you describe their confessions / kisses - they seem very romantic, and you take your time to describe them, which I really like (gives me lots of butterflies!). The way you describe them like they hold the whole world in their hands or something ... you know, it's just so poetic! ā¤ļø
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roeyliteratiforever Ā· 3 years
Imagine the comedic potential of Rory coming to a Friday Night Dinner with a hickey while dating Jess
Hahaha that would be so great! I love this head cannon! Thank you for sharing this now I can't not think about it! He comes with a black eye, the next time she comes with a hickey! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ The comedic potential of that is rediculous! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
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themusicsweetly Ā· 7 years
Have you noticed the darker tone that has been resonating through-out the show. I was looking forward to Ian acting like a cartoon character when he first sees Claire. I'm not complaining. In the 1st season we had the comedy routine of Angus & Rupert but none of those characters a balancing the dark tone that has been slowly getting darker every episode. Next ep is the one I've been waiting for this season. But, I hope they throw in some laughter-soon.
[part 2] Darker Tone Anon: Oh! I understand WHY they left out Ianā€™s cartoon response to Claire. I just realized how much I missed those two goofs Angus & Rupert. S1 & the 1st novel are my favorites because of these two. Of course, J & C / S&C but it always good to have a someone make you laugh when things get difficult. I hope they start inserting some comedy into each ep. I understand why right now but later- hopefully. I did love whatā€™s his name"itā€™s not even noon / Godā€™s tooth comment:)
Hiya Darker Tone Anon! Hope your Monday is treating you well.
I think we were just introduced to our new Rupert + Angus duo in Fergus and Ian! So far I donā€™t think these two have done anything but bring a bit of lightness into the show. What with Fergusā€™ adorably-not-so-humble nature and Young Ianā€™s (surprising) innocence, this is a bromance I can get behind. Young Ian, in particular, has been kind of acting ā€“ for lack of a better way to describe it ā€“ like heā€™s in a Disney movie. And not just for the awful singing in 3x07 xD I mean, him spouting off how heā€™s mature enough to understand what goes in a place like Madame Jeanneā€™s but then asking with open childlike wonderment if his Auntie actually lives in a dun?? Despite even my current misgivings about this version of Young Ian, that part was priceless. What I didĀ miss from that exchange was Ianā€™s response to hearing Claire came back for Jamie after 20 years:Ā ā€œGod, thatā€™s romantic!ā€ But then again, in the book he was drunk, so canā€™t expect the same level of cartoon-ness I suppose lol.
It definitely makes sense why the first half of this season has been darker than others (but letā€™s be honest here, no season of Outlander has been or ever will beĀ ā€œlightā€ xD). I think thereā€™s a lot of potential for the comedic moments youā€™re looking for, though, especially with the upcoming Shipnanigans. I definitely foresee them having some very lighthearted moments, like when Claire has to take care of a wobbly, seasick, grumpy JAMMFĀ šŸ˜·ā›µšŸ˜‚
The Rupert x Angus dynamic was one of the great successful changes/enhancements the show made from the books and I so applaud production for recognizing their potential. Rupert, in particular, was original and fantastic, even to the very last.
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And oh my gosh, GEORDIE! As much as I love to hate that uptight whiner, that line and that delivery was so great! Why Godā€™s tooth should care about whether the Frasers are getting their freak on in broad daylight or not, I have no idea, but thatā€™s a level of extra I aspire to achieve šŸ˜‚
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empress-of-snark Ā· 1 year
Hey I love your fic!! I know you were thinking about including TOW the Flashback where everyone almost hooks up with someone else; if you are writing that (and donā€™t mind spoiling) who do you think would try to hook up? It was easy in Friends because there were 3 straight men & 3 straight women, Iā€™m curious how would it work with Robin and Eddie in the mix.
(Ignore me this is just me brainstorming) I can def see Steve and Nancy perfectly matching the Joey and Monica story bc that just really feels like a Steve move, but idk abt the rest of them. I guess if you avoid Eddie/Chrissy it would either be Chrissy/Jonathan & Eddie/Robin or Chrissy/Robin & Jonathan/Eddie. I feel like either Eddie/Robin or Chrissy/Robin could go with the Rachel/Chandler story. I could see Robin trying to make a move on Chrissy (maybe she overhears her talking to her friends about how she regrets not experimenting in college at all bc she kinda went straight from Patrick to Jason) and I could also see Eddie trying with Robin before he knows sheā€™s gay. I could maybe see Jonathan/Chrissy having a moment similar to Ross/Phoebe one, like maybe back in college they bumped into each other while Chrissy was upset about Patrick and Jonathan was upset about Nancy and something almost happened. I agree w you abt Jonathan/Eddie having potential: maybe when they first met Eddie thought Jon liking Bowie was a signal thatā€™s heā€™s gay/bi. Or I could see a younger Jonathan potentially being interested in experimenting w Eddie when theyā€™re high esp if heā€™s sad abt Nancy. Anyway this is just me rambling, Iā€™m sure whatever you write will be amazing and be the most true to the characters. Have a great day!!
Thank you so much!!
I actually have SO MANY thoughts about the potential of this episodeā€”youā€™re so right that Robinā€™s sexuality definitely throws a wrench into the plans (I say with love). Itā€™s whatā€™s kept me from being able to come up with a concrete outline.
That being saidā€¦
Totally agree that Steve/Nancy is a given (although Iā€™ve talked plenty about the potential of Eddie/Nancy). They already have a romantic history in canon, so it makes sense. I can definitely see them having a brief infatuation when Steve first moves across the hall before realizing very quickly that they donā€™t make sense together.
(For context, I donā€™t completely hate Stancy, but I donā€™t like the idea of them being endgame. He wants a big family and she doesnā€™tā€”neither of them should have to compromise on that)
I absolutely adore the idea of Jonathan and Chrissy maybe finding comfort in each other when dealing with their respective romance woes. I have a soft spot for themā€”I think theyā€™d actually make a really cute couple, being so similar. Chrissy kind of needs someone to look after her and Jonathanā€™s very good at looking after people (itā€™s rotten work/not to me, not if itā€™s you vibes honestly)
The comedic potential of Eddie hitting on Robin or Jonathan before finding out theyā€™re not interestedā€¦ amazing šŸ˜‚
However, I am also into the idea of both Jonathan and Chrissy experimenting with their sexuality a bit. I can just picture Robin overhearing Chrissyā€™s comment and immediately tripping over herself like ā€œhi yes, Iā€™m Robin, Iā€™m very gay and Iā€™m more than happy to volunteer my servicesā€
I also had an idea that Robin might be feeling low after getting rejected by a straight girl and thinking hell, maybe she should give men a try, after all. But after one extremely awkward, stiff kiss with Steve (think Chandler and Phoebe in ā€˜the one where everyone finds outā€™) sheā€™s like ā€œnope, still gayā€
Ugh, thereā€™s so many good possibilities! I wish I could write them all!
Thank you so much for the ask! Hope you have a lovely day as well!
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