#the complete 180 is hysterical
“The ghost is hunting! It’s coming after you! Wait! No! It’s stupid!”
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docochocart · 22 days
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[ victim ]
In the blink of an eye the evening had been flipped on its head.
As Social Star graciously accepted her award, an unknown object had dropped from the ceiling at breakneck speed.
Almost instantaneously, a splatter of blood smacked the spotlight lit curtain behind the now terrified girl. Just like that, Cowboy was dead.
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*ding dong*
"A body has been discovered!"
This chilling announcement was interrupted with the sound of metal crashing against the floor, followed by the tremendous thud of Cowboy's corpse.
A thick wave of red quickly washed across the stage as the room descended into complete chaos. As the insanity unfolded around her Drummer stood motionless, reflecting on what Rebel had warned of.
Social Star hurriedly escaped the stage turned crime scene, hopping into Personal Trainer's hysteric grasp. With the doors to escape till locked by MonoMaton, the cast was forced to stew in their hysteria.
Cowboy's absence was immediately evident in this scene. There was nobody to lead the room and stop this chaos. Well, almost nobody.
Ice Skater had taken center stage, staring down at her horrified classmates as blood pooled under her boots. She parted her lips to speak, only to be interrupted by her usual protesters.
Bartender and Sailor took to the bottom of the stage, staring the power-hungry woman down from beneath with a fervor. The gruesome twosome weaponized their insane combined volume to make Ice Skater completely inaudible to the room.
"Well, Well, Well... Look what we have here."
The cast did a 180 to meet this sickeningly sweet voice, seeing a lone MonoMaton standing in front of the locked exit:
"What's to do now? We have two more students to award tonight."
The cast looked on in disbelief, not one of them uttering a word in response. MonoMaton, predictably, continued anyway:
"Okay fine... let's just get this over with."
MonoMaton playfully waddled through the crowd, making his way onto the stage with the final goodie bags tucked behind his back:
"Luckily, both of our winners are already with me on stage!"
Joyfully skipping toward the side of Cowboy's corpse, MonoMaton announced the winner of 'perfect victim' was the deceased. The crowd, including Ice Skater, stood in silence as the plushy made the short trek across the stage to deliver her the final award:
"And to the shock of nobody, our perfect killer award goes to... Ice Skater!"
Confetti shot into the air for a final time showering the eerily quiet room with a dreamlike glimmer.
As MonoMaton made a hasty exit and the last of the glitter rained down, Ice Skater took her opportunity to speak. She strongly suggested that the group split into pairs to cover as much ground as possible in the short time allotted.
To the shock of nobody Bartender and Sailor contested this idea, insinuating that Ice Skater, and by extension Marine Biologist, couldn't be trusted.
To the shock of everybody an unexpected camper stepped up to settle the matter.
Rebel stomped his way toward the front of the crowd, grumpily nominating himself to 'keep an eye' on Ice Skater while they investigate.
Seeing an opportunity she'd rarely get, Drummer spoke up for once:
"I could pair up with Marine Biologist."
Other than a strange look from PT, there wasn't any pushback on Drummer's offer. The same went for Rebel's as the group continued on claiming pairings.
Sailor and Bartender's pairing went without saying, while Streamer awkwardly assigned herself to an inconsolable Welder. Because of the group now being an odd number, PT and Social Star insisted they take Ghost Hunter with them.
With that settled, each pair was assigned a section of the farm to comb over. Drummer and Marine Biologist were given the hotel and animal pens to search.
Marine Biologist sheepishly approached Drummer to begin their search, quietly whispering "thank you" as the two left the Pageant Hall.
The two traveled back to the hotel in an unbearable silence.
Marine Biologist was clearly very distraught, leading the two by several paces and constantly checking her surroundings as they walked. Drummer followed closely behind, to paralyzed with anxiety to comfort her.
Once enough distance had been made between them and the pageant hall, Marine Biologist stopped in her tracks. She looked back at a now frozen Drummer with wide eyes. She spoke with a tremble:
"She snuck out again. Last night."
Drummer didn't know what to say for a moment, pausing before muttering:
"Then... Why keep covering for her?"
Marine Biologist seemed offended by the question, furrowing her brow as she turned away:
"Let's just focus on the investigation for now."
After an uneventful search of the Hotel, the pair awkwardly made their way to the pig pen. Words still failing both of them, Marine Biologist trailed several feet behind Drummer as they walked in silence.
Finally reaching the edge of the pen, an unbearable stench brought a wince to their faces. It seemed much worse than the typical petting zoo stench they'd grown accustomed to over the week. Neither of them questioned it as they circled the perimeter of the enclosure.
As they skimmed through the crowd of pigs, the deformities of each grew more and more prominent. Many had their facial features slightly askew, their shoulders and hips miss-aligned and a smattering of teeth like growths dotting their heads.
Drummer grew more and more disturbed as she took the time to inspect the pigs closer, only pausing to check for Marine Biologist's reaction. The poor girl stood frozen a few feet behind before finally breaking the silence:
"Why are they like this?"
Drummer turned back to the hoard of swine, desperately racking her brain for some sort of explanation for this. Fearing letting another conversation die, Drummer began to guess aloud:
"Maybe it could be-"
As Drummer began theorizing, a part in the crowd of pigs revealed a mangled pile of innards on the ground beneath their misshapen hooves. The carnage was just a few feet from the girls.
Marine Biologist was the first to react, letting out a terrified shriek as she clung helplessly to Drummers shoulder. Within a moment, Drummer joined her in screaming.
As the two clung to one another in terror, a dreaded noise rung all throughout the farm:
*ding dong*
"A body has been discovered!"
By the end of this announcement, the two had finished their panic. They remained transfixed on the small glimpses of deep red they got between the pig's bodies as the speakers petered out.
The screaming, however, continued.
With both of the girls now completely silent, they realized they hadn't been the ones to find a fellow camper's body.
The girls hurried down the trail to meet the far away call fearing the worst. Unfortunately for them, they'd be right.
Reaching the shanty town, Drummer and Marine Biologist were met with a sobbing Social Star sitting on the trail out front of the Saloon.
Personal Trainer and Ghost Hunter both were cautiously trying to soothe the distraught diva to no avail. All three of them were visibly shaken up by what they'd just witnessed:
"She's fucking-g... she's fucking dead!
Social Star continued her uncontrollable wailing, completely ignoring the arrival of Drummer and Marine Biologist. Personal Trainer silently pointed the girls into the saloon, they followed this order without question.
Once inside, they were met with a Welder, Bartender and Sailor sitting anxiously in the dining area.
Welder's sobbing rivaled Social Stars, with their head pressed firmly into the table as they wailed. While Sailor was clearly too drunk to be concerned with anything, Bartender turned to the girls with dread in her eyes:
"She's in the kitchen."
The girls slowly stepped through the kitchen door, peaking around the corner to see rebel guarding the large, metal of a walk-in freezer.
Without a word, the pouting lug rolled his eyes and opened the massive, steel door to reveal the gruesome scene hidden inside.
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Streamer dangled in the center of the meat locker, suspended feet above the ground. She was nearly unrecognizable with the amount of blood that had been frozen to her corpse.
Ice Skater stood just behind the hanging corpse, silently inspecting the damages. She paid no mind to Drummer's and Marine Biologists screams as she combed over the body.
Rebel slammed the cellar door shut after a few moments, waiting for the girls to finish screaming before he spoke:
"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Back to the dining room. We got two bodies and a trial in less than an hour."
To be continued...
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el-conejo-loco · 7 months
Howlin' For You (Wolf x Reader) Valentine's Day Special !
Wolf tries to confess his love to the reader. Emphasis on "tries". As it turns out, murderers suck at figuring out their own emotions. Happy Valentine's Day ! 💕 Based on some headcanons by Crispy_Bonnie. Go check out their works.
He remembered the way he had met you: when you had been announced as a new member of the gang, and walked past the door.
Everyone had cheered, and he had shaken your hand, like everyone else, but no warmth laid behind the gesture.
Let's hope this one's not a rat. He had mused, with a side glance to you. Then he had gone back to work, like nothing had happened.
It had taken him a while to begin trusting you. At first, he was wary, observing your every move, convinced you had something nasty in mind. He kept an eye on you at all times, hoping to catch any suspicious movement from you before you could put a bullet through someone's skull. He slept with his bulletproof vest on, locked the door every night, and otherwise never talked to you outside of heists. He watched you from afar, like a stranger in the otherwise tight group of friends he had.
Bain probably had good reasons to trust you, but he didn't. Just in case, he'd err on the side of caution. Instead of protesting, or confronting him about it, it seemed you understood why he was so cold, and just let him be. He had to admit he at the very least apreciated that about you. If he had a penny for every single time that Jimmy guy had barged into his workshop, leaving blood and white powder everywhere, he wouldn't even need to rob banks anymore...
Well, he liked robberies, so he'd probably do it anyway.
He had started opening up, after a while. It was a slow improvement, but a welcome one. He began warming up to you: he would occasionally bounce back on some comment you made, as you all discussed the heist of the day in the van; or he cheered when you managed to take down one of those sneaky sons-of-bitches they called "cloakers" before one of them greeted you with one of their infamous drop-kicks. He even grumbled an occasional "thanks" or two when you pulled him out of a sticky situation.
You saved his ass; he saved yours. A symbiotic work relationship. He had lost his animosity towards you, and thought of you as his colleague. A partner in crime. Not as close to him as the others, but not as far as you used to be, either.
Then, he got to know you better, through anecdotes shared over a couple beers, as a celebration for successfully completing a particularly tricky robbery. Everyone had laughed, and shared a bit about their past. He wasn't very talkative when drunk; he mumbled to himself a lot, mostly in Swedish, and it wasn't always a piece of cake for the others to understand what he was on about, but he had gladly chatted with you, upon hearing you answer in the same language, and had found out you guys had more in common than he first thought.
Later on, you had helped him de-escalate a particularly bad panic attack, and his view on you had done a complete 180° turn. Your patience and comprehensive attitude had punched right through the wall of defiance he held against you.
That night, you had become a friend, to him. A real one, one he knew he could count on. You had no obligation to help him with something he considered so ridiculous, yet you had chosen to do so.
You guys had had a night of hysterical laughter, following this particular act of yours, talking shit about the others, right in front of them, in the native language you both shared, which only you two could understand. That is, until you uttered a snarky remark towards Bain, and he spat back at you both, from over the speakers.
Turns out, the contractor knew Swedish too. Who would have thought that some genius mastermind with contacts all across the world would be fluent in more than one language ? Wolf and you had laughed it off, like the good friends you had become.
But that had changed, as well, and now, he stood outside of your room, repeating a script he had made up for the occasion.  
"Hey, we've known each other for a while, huh ? I think I'm starting to like you. Do you wanna go on a date, or something, one of these days ?"
He had rehearsed it in front of the mirror for hours, until it had felt right. Until it had sounded just right, which it now did. He just had to go for it, now.
He knocked on your door, in that special pattern you two used for one another. Your voice called out a casual "come in" and he pushed the door open. Sitting there, working on something, you smiled at him, and he felt himself freeze.
When he had first seen you without your mask on, he had thought, just casually, that you were a rather good-looking person, but, now, he couldn't even hold your gaze anymore. You weren't just good-looking: you were magnificient ! Your eyes sparkled, so gorgeous, and the little creases at their corners when you smiled made him melt everytime.
Speak of that, your smile? It was mesmerizing. Every single time you sported it, he felt weak at the knees. As of your laugh, the sound of it made his chest sink with a feeling of warmth whenever it reached his ears. He would be ashamed to admit it, but, often, he acted like a total idiot around you, simply to hear it...
If the others had noticed, they probably saw it as a friendly thing. Would you two have to make it official, if you said "yes" ? Would you have to announce your relationship to the others ? Would they say it was obvious he loved you ? He cringed. It was none of their business, really.
He shook his head. Whatever. They'd figure it out, if they cared. The big issue, for now, was making it official to you. He had prepared. He was ready. He knew he could do it.
He opened his mouth, but, to his surprise, nothing came out. His mind had suddenly gone blank, and his carefully crafted speech was now completely out of his mind.
"Uh... uh... I..." He tried. "Do you think... err... do you... ?"
Nope. Radio silence in his head. Not a word could be uttered, as if he had forgotten the language abruptly.
He raised a pair of wide eyes to you, in a pained expression.
Come on, this was just ridiculous ! Why couldn't he say it ?  
You looked back at him, confused: he usually never acted nervous around you. At least, not anymore.
"I, uh... no ! Um... you... uh..."
He groaned in frustration, unable to get the words out.
Fuck... he could feel you watching. Your pretty eyes were now digging holes into his skull, while he glared at his shoes to avoid meeting your gaze.
His face felt boiling hot, yet he was shaking like a leaf. He hoped he wasn't blushing, for the sake of his dignity, but that might have just been the case.
It was the case. As you observed him, you started worrying. You wondered if he was having another panic attack, or something of the sort. He was prone to this kind of stuff, so it was entirely possible.
"-Hey, man, what's going on ?" You questioned.
"-I..." His eyes met yours, and he found himself petrified. You were so damn beautiful. How could he ever believe he had a chance with someone like that ?
"Uh..." He started fidgeting with his hands, seeming mildly uncomfortable on the outside; while, on the inside, he was panicking, trying his hardest to put his hands onto his script from earlier.
And you just stared, waiting, albeit, with the awkward silence surrounding you, you were starting to feel a little nervous.
Not as anxious as him, though. He was panicking. In such a panic, in fact, that he reverted back to his native language, scolding himself for his inability to tell you what he had in mind. You weren't sure if if it was a reflex, or if he did it hoping that you wouldn't understand, but you did.
"C'mon, c'mon... just say it. Just fucking say it !" He whined, to himself.
In his mind, he saw himself give up, go back to his own room, and be left to ruminate on his feelings some more. He didn't want to keep them to himself anymore ! He wanted to tell you. Scratch that, he needed to tell you. It was taking too much of a toll on him.
But now ? It wouldn't work ! He couldn't articulate a sentence for the life of him ! The ambiance of the room felt more and more suffocating, and a lump was begining to form in his throat.
With a little laugh, meant to convey sympathy for his situation (and release the awkward tension that was building up around you two), you patted him on the back.
"-Take your time. I'm not going anywhere, so you're in no hurry."
It wasn't a matter of time ! It was a matter of whether or not he could pull his shit together. And it seemed like he was fighting a lost battle.
It should have taken him ten seconds maximum to say it. It was not supposed to be this hard, and the pressure he felt was becoming infuriating.
Fuck... Fuck ! FUCK ! Why couldn't he say it ?! Why was it so hard to say that he loved you ?
Well, that was it. He didn't need to say much more than that, did he ? 
He took your hand in his, squeezing it perhaps a little too hard, and, at last, spoke. Well, yelled.
"Oh, FUCK !" He snapped. "I love you ! Really love you, I mean."
The weight in his chest was immediately lifted, but a terrible sensation of having done the wrong thing replaced it. Like spitting out something you were choking out, only to realize you did so on someone's shirt.
Oh, shit. That was out. He couldn't take it back, now.
You stood there, for a second, staring ahead at his crimson face, unsure of how to reply to that.
So that's what he wanted to say ? That's why he was freaking out on you like that ?
Well, it did make sense. Frankly, he had never been good at opening up, and, if you had to be completely honest, you'd even recognize that he wasn't the most emotionally stable person you knew. Which is precisely why you were so suprised: you couldn't believe this guy was capable of falling in love, let alone do something as normal as confessing his feelings for you. You were as happy as can be to hear it, but it was pretty surprising.
All you'd seen him do before was panic in the middle of a police assault, and cheer after a clean getaway. That was... new. Him being loving or shy ? Yeah. It was really new.
You stopped thinking about any of that, when he raised a hand to his face, and started sobbing. That snapped you right out, and you realized, remorsefully, that you hadn't answered him yet. He might have taken that as rejection. That, or he was reasonably overwhelmed, after expressing an emotion that he wasn't familiar with.
"-No, no, no... Wait. Hey, don't cry, man." You called out, in a low voice, and pulled him into a hug.
"-I'm sorry..." He sniffled. "I'm just..."
He paused, as if to reflect on what he was trying to say.
"I'm not used to it."
Yeah. Typical Wolf. Awful at processing his own feelings, and hates to show them.
"-No, it's cool." You patted him on the back. "It's a lot to process, I bet. It must have been tough to say. But I love it."
He raised a pair of fearful blue eyes to you, watching for a reaction. When he met your smile, your beautiful smile, instead of the look of pity he expected, a glint of apprehension seemed to vanish from his eyes. His cheeks visibly flushed, and he lowered his gaze, but you tipped his chin back up to you.
"Come on. Look at me, Wolfie."  That nickname caught his attention, and he timidly complied.
He sighed. All he could think about was how ethereal you looked. It was beyond words. Getting to be so close to you, and to look at you like that felt like such a privilege. How could anyone even be this-
He cut himself off, nearly jumping out of his skin, when he felt your lips against his. If confessing was already a little too much for him, now, his brain was going into overdrive, flooded by a multitude of feelings and thoughts he couldn't quite understand.
As you pulled away, he stood in place, immobile, almost scarily so. You could nearly imagine a "404 error" message popping up behind his eyes, with how unresponsive he was. You even thought you could see smoke coming out of his face, for a moment.
"-I'm sorry." You cleared your throat, feeling suddenly upset with your reaction. "I should have asked, first. That was not cool..."
He blinked twice, looked around, raised a hand to his lips, as if to analyze the sensation onto them, then turned to you, with the brightest, most excited smile he ever bore on his face.
"-Can you do that again ?" He chuckled, and you felt yourself beaming as well.
You grabbed his face in between your hands, and dove into the kiss. He seemed hesitant, at first, as if the sensation was still unfamiliar to him, but quickly relaxed. The softness of his lips against yours stunned you. You felt like a sensation of pure warmth was coursing through you. Even more so when you felt the corners of his lips raise into a smile, as he snuck his arms around your back, and pressed his body closer up against yours. That small sign of validation felt so right, and, to be truthful, it was a relief, when you thought about how long you had wanted to do this for. 
It felt like floating on a cloud, in the middle of the room. Just you and him, holding onto each other, sharing a surprisingly tender kiss, for two criminals. You hoped it felt as good to him as it did to you.
It did. Although the room was quiet, he could hear the blood rushing to his ears, and felt his heart pounding in his chest. Finally getting to do this with you was a sensation like no other. He was overexcited, obviously, but a strange calm inhabited him, all the same. As if your presence alone sufficed to soothe him to his very core.
You loved him back...  You really did !
He couldn't believe it ! It had been worth all the stress he had felt, if it meant getting to hold you like that. If it meant finally getting to kiss you, like he'd been dreaming of doing for months.
When your lips parted, the both of you stood quietly, with your forehead pressed against the other's, savouring this moment you just had. The begining of something beautiful, for sure.
He was the first to break the silence, speaking in a questioning tone:
"-So, um... do you wanna go on a date, or something, one of these days ?"
He drummed his fingers onto the side of your shoulder, nervously awaiting your answer.
"-Totally, yeah !" You nodded.
A long silence followed, instead of a display of excitement, during which you noted his bitter expression.
"-Nämen... it wasn't that fucking hard to say... could've been ten minutes ago."
You burst out laughing.
"-You didn't know I liked you back, ten minutes ago. That's why."
The corners of his lips twitched up into a smile, as he considered how lucky he was to hear you say those words. Another, smaller silence. This time, you broke it.
"And, honestly, I'm glad you said it first, because I would have never had the balls to. It's been months of me being a total schoolgirl about it."
He had to bite his lips to contain a squeal of excitement, when hearing you say, loud and clear, that you'd felt the same for a while, too.
"-You kidding ?" He joked back. "I was scared shitless the whole time ! I thought I was gonna pass out !"
"-Yeah, I thought you were gonna do it, too !" You both laughed.
And with that, he wrapped his arms against you, and planted his face in the crook of your neck. You left a peck onto his temple, and heard a muffled chuckle from him. Your heart sunk into your chest, overcome with affection for that one crazy, awkward little maniac you worked with.
Love comes from the strangest places, after all...
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chiisaihiro · 1 year
in which hiro gets his wisdom teeth removed:
and tadashi didn’t die
tadashi just records the whole thing for blackmail
hiro after anaesthesia is the funniest fucking thing ever
at first he’s just sobbing his eyes out, totally, totally confused
and tadashi, knowing his brother is literally fine, just rips the piss into him the whole time
he’s like “hiro, hiro, who do you love the most?”
and hiro, bawling hysterically, is just like “my-my big brother-” like, SOBBING
aunt cass is like omg tadashi lay off of him !! but tadashi’s just like absolutely not ma’am this is GOLD
hiro talks smack shit about robotics and starts going on tangents during his crying stage because he’s trying to convince himself he’s still a genius
and he’s barely coherent with all the gauze in his mouth so the fact that he’s struggling to talk makes him even more upset
tadashi just fires the dumbest questions at him to confuse him even more which leads to more crying and they just keep repeating the same cycle the entire time they’re in the hospital
he fully vlogs the whole thing, giving the phone to aunt cass when he needs to help hiro in/out of the car or just to transport him literally anywhere
hiro thanks all the nurses and doctors like a trillion times before he leaves even though he’s still sobbing
when they get him settled in the car he finally calms down and then just does a complete 180 and laughs the entire time
they stop for ice cream and tadashi runs into a gas station to grab a pack of gummy bears to throw on top which is basically pointless because hiro barely manages to eat them anyway
hiro drops a fun fact about every single thing they see and keeps returning to the same topic every once in a while and each time he brings it up again tadashi and aunt cass lose it
he goes on a big long ramble about mochi and how he’s such a great cat except he isn’t because he doesn’t really do his job and he keeps at it for so long
then he reverts back to the genius thing and he’s like “it’s so cool i’m this smart like i could’ve just been not this smart but i’m actually just so smart”
tadashi pisses himself each time and just keeps winding him up
when they get back to the cafe they settle hiro on the couch with blankets and tadashi lies beside him to keep him company
hiro naps then for the rest of the afternoon and wakes up in the evening still sort of groggy but most of it has worn off so he’s just like bruh
all in all 5/10 experience for hiro and a solid 12/10 for tadashi & aunt cass
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Can I get a lady lesso X reader where the teachers are doing a group bonding as part of the unification of the schools (aka getting drunk). This leads to everyone sharing their stories of how they were in school and since most of the teachers are of similar ages they'd discuss shared iconic school moments. However since r is much younger than most of them only being 20ish they didn't attend with any of them so nobody knows how r was. This leads to much suspicion as r has been very silent and was very reluctant to talk about it. They get worn down and it is revealed r was secretly a very rebellious punk never student which is a complete 180 from them being a nerdy ever teacher in the present. Everyone is shocked by this especially lesso who wants to know why r changed so drastically and why they pretended to be an ever so confronts r later on when they are alone. R reveals that they have really strict parents who were both very powerful/well known evers and they ended up disowning r and all the people in their friends from when they were a teen ended up dying or in jail so they really don't have anyone so thought it'd be better to reinvent themselves because they know everyone judged them and their friends based on looks and being a never but anyone who actually knew them would know they were really cool people who just had a really fucked up life that for the most part was their fault. Lesso ends up telling r to be themselves for her if not for r's teen self and r agrees to the next day. Everyone is shocked by the transformation and lesso is just over here trying not to die from how hot r looks.
Who you truly are|NSFW
*Authors note ~ okay so this is an amazing prompt and so detailed. I am going to bace reader off one of my oc so it's going to link to queen Regina from ouat ever so slightly. I hope that's okay.*
Trigger warnings~ praise overstim kink mistress kink jealousy sex insecurities unable to be themselves alcohol usage
Prompt~see ask^^^^^
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Ever since the schools have merged, there's been tension on both sides. Learning to co exist in ways they hadn't had to before was hard. Some unwilling to try others not knowing what to say or do. That is why a new rule was passed for all professors. The Unification rule was probably one of the best parts of the merger. Strictly adults only and a lot of alcohol. You could quite easily see it becoming your favourite part of the month. Once a month you got to see everyone interact without the usual rivalry.
You were completely tipsy, half way there to that happy drunk state. Pretty much everyone was either drunk of tipsy by now, the conversations flowing effortlessly as you all chattered nonsense really. Clarissa decided you should all share memories of your time at school. The other teachers were a fair few years older than you so the versions they described were quite old fashioned. It was interesting to think of them with back combed hair and drastic makeup. The images your mind was conjuring up was making you giggle hysterically. That seemed to have drawn attention to you. They immediately asked what you looked like, how you acted, if you were always the nerdy Ever that preferred to be buried into a book.
You visibly pealed and tried to bluff your way through and of course Leonora called you out on your lie. Their suspicions looks told you that it wasn't only Leonora that didn't quite buy your tale. You then had to completely tell the truth. Truthfully, you were quite the memorable student in your school days, but not for the right reasons. The gasps of shock and questions seemed to poor from the others. Leonora smirked at your description of yourself and the glint in her eyes told you that she wouldn't be dropping it that easy.
The night trickled on and you were downing alcohol like it was tap water. Truthfully you were two sheets to the wind by the end of the night, slurring absolute nonsense. There was this one Never teacher, she called herself Isadora if you remember correctly, and she was flirting with Lady Lesso. The rage you felt at the sight was overpowered by the instant insecurities you felt. Suddenly everything that was you seemed average. The attributes you usually loved seemed to be nothing in comparison to Isadora. And the way she makes Lady Lesso laugh like no other, yeah you were definitely jealous. You didn't realise just how badly until Leonora placed her hand on Isadoras shoulder and leaned over into whisper in her ear, you were glaring daggers into Isadoras head. If looks could kill she would be dead. And that most certainly didn't go unnoticed by the dean of evil, she quickly dismissed the unaware teacher and made her way over to you watching as you rapidly blinked trying to disguise your jealousy.
"Come pet, you're absolutely out of this world" she purred leading you away from everyone else and back to her chambers. If you were sober you would've noticed however, you were absolutely out of your mind so you followed willingly. And that was how you found yourself tucked up next to her where you passed out instantly. She couldn't help but chuckle and follow suit after making sure there was some water at your bedside for the morning.
The sunlight seeped into the room through the gap in her curtains, stirring you awake with a groan. God your head was pounding, and the sheets too damn comfortable. Wait. Your head was resting on someone? With a small peak from under your eyelashes you saw the one and only Leonora. A blush rose over your cheeks at the fact you were in her bed, the fact you remained in last nights clothes meant nothing other than sleep had occurred. A chuckle next to you roused you from your thoughts. "Awake now are we pet?" God her morning voice. You'd imagined it of course but nothing could compare.
As if she read your mind she reassured you, "nothing happened love, and I know just how badly you wanted it to. But i would never take advantage of such a pretty play thing. However, now you're more or less back to normal all you have to do is ask." You lay there in shock. No way was she offering what you thought she was. Right? "But what about Isadora" you whimpered, your insecurities showing. Her laugh was everything, "Isadora isn't my type darling. I don't want her I want you if you'll let me have you" was all it took for you murmur a simple plead.
"Mistress darling, say it. Say please mistress like a good girl" she taunted you loving how eager to please her you were. "Mistress please I want you" you whined. That was all it took for her to straddle your hips and capture your lips in a possessive kiss. She was claiming you as hers and truthfully you'd never been happier than here and now.
Leonora was a diligent lover, she placed kisses all over your skin as she exposed it, paying almost worship like attention to every part of you. She murmured praises and reminded you just how perfect she saw you to be. The sweet one had to be when she placed her lips directly above your heart and whispered, "this is my most prized possession of you'll allow me to have it pet."
After all her worship like attention everywhere but where you were aching for her, she started to please you in ways you'd never been pleased before. Leonora made your past lovers seem like fools, you were use to one climax and done, but this women brought you over that edge time and time again. Not even stopping to ask for anything in return. Praises were constantly thrown at you as you violently fell over the edge for her. "Mistress! Please can't' no more!! Hurts so good please" you all but whined. You were a complete mess, and she was loving every moment of it. "One more pet, just one more like the pretty girl you are. So good for your mistress" she murmured before bringing her lips back to your clit. It was the feeling of her younger flattening against you that had you coming with a strangled cry. She fucked you through it before moving to clean you up. There you lay with half lidded eyes and completely fucked dumb for the very talented Dean of evil.
Word count ~ 1451
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The Clone Wars 2x14 ‘Duchess of Mandalore’ Reaction
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This first Mandalore-Obi-Wan/Satine-Obitine arc started out so well. 2x12 ‘The Mandalore Plot’ was an absolute hoot. One of my favourite episodes so far. 2x13 ‘Voyage of Temptation’ wasn’t quite at the same level but still had some fantastic and hilarious moments. And then everything just felt like it fell completely flat in the final episode of this Mandalore arc.
We’ve just been introduced to Satine, who we very quickly get to know as an exceptionally capable, hyper competent, dedicated and principled leader. She’s smart, shrewd, quick witted, intelligent, and has the nous to best Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Great Negotiator himself, whenever they flirt verbally joust. The Satine we know is there at the start of her appearance in the Senate, where she delivers the absolute banger of a line that is “You would trample our right to self-determination.”  
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However it all goes downhill from there when the recording plays and she gets all flustered and upset. Now that is understandable given that she has the lives of her people at stake and she has just discovered that her deputy minister and supposedly good friend has betrayed her while in the middle of the Senate. Yet we’ve seen Satine maintain a level head and remain collected in the face of peril, threat and adversity before so why did she suddenly lose that composure in the Senate? It feels a little too much like leaning into the ‘women are too emotional to be leaders’ nonsense. Even with everything that’s happened, I really couldn’t understand this sudden 180 on Satine’s character. Also, a recording? Of course it’s fake. Though this is an audience perspective looking in, and there was no proof that it was doctored so of course Satine has to go off and find said proof. I did enjoy how much she was pissing off Palps though, and how much he couldn’t show it. Anytime that happens is deeply satisfying.    
Then we get to Obi-Wan and Satine having their first real proper fight. The whole thing just seemed really unnecessary. I really was not impressed with Obi-Wan basically barging in with advice and telling her not to be hysterical. Sexist much? I guess this is one of those times where I have to remind myself that this episode aired over 13 years ago and so this is another example of how TCW has aged. Younger nerd me would still be pissed at that though so it doesn’t excuse it. Also, how is 2010 13 years ago?! I can see both of their points of view, even if Obi-Wan really didn’t go about delivering his in a considerate manner. In a way, they’re both right and they’re both wrong. Nothing good comes of it and then the Death Watch promptly tries to assassinate Satine, which gives you some idea of how well her day is going.
All the smarmy politics nonsense that happened after this was utterly frustrating. Hopefully that was the point because what else could that have been apart from an assassination attempt?! The speeder of a visiting political leader crashes into a building and that isn’t suspicious? I also really don’t like how the Republic thinks it can just march on over and decide what’s best for planets under the guise of helping. Sounds very colonial of them but then that’s probably the point. Just because the Republic might think they’re helping doesn’t mean they actually are. Especially when the people and elected leader of said planet have specifically stated multiple times that they don’t want them there. I can think of a lot of real world parallels that this is echoing. Another example of TCW tackling difficult, more nuanced topics. Though I’m beginning to realise that for all TCW is held up as fairly decent to good writing in Star Wars, there’s still plenty of ways that it also disappoints.    
Satine has to find proof of the recording being doctored so of course she goes to the Coruscant underworld and of course her day gets even worse and she ends up framed for murder and is now a fugitive on the run. She’s got a hilarious unsubtle royal red hooded cloak on as a disguise, complete with ornate gold detailing. How is that fooling anyone? And then we had the chase sequence, which was utterly ridiculous. It was so laughably bad it reminded me of the speeder bike chase from The Book of Boba Fett. 
I’m putting this tangent here immediately so that I don’t get hate for this. I want to make it completely clear that I enjoyed The Book of Boba Fett. There were some absolutely fantastic parts of the series. I think the highlight for me was the physicality Temuera Morrison brought to his acting and to Boba. He imbued so much of his Māori culture into Boba and You. Can. Tell. It was amazing. I loved it. There’s a video interview where he talks about this and I wish I could find it because it’s fantastic and definitely worth a watch. TLDR I enjoyed The Book of Boba Fett. Sometimes it feels like I’m one of the few who actually did. That said, I can completely recognise that there were quite a few elements of the show that were lacking, along with some decisions that were just ridiculous. Just because something is enjoyable doesn’t exempt it from critical thinking. Sidelining Boba in his own show and turning the back half of the season into The Mandalorian Season 2.5 was particularly grating. There were also parts of the show that unfortunately just didn’t land, and the speeder bike chase was one of them. It was supposed to be a speeder chase. That implies speed. The word is there in the name of the vehicles. Yet the whole thing looked like it was trundling along at about 20km/h, almost as if in slow motion. The chase sequence of Satine in this episode had the same vibes. It just seemed ridiculous. Everything happened so comically slowly. Clones are trained from birth and created with the sole purpose of being the perfect soldier and here they are bumbling around Coruscant like a pair of incompetent buddy cops from a dated British comedy show. There’s only so much you can suspend disbelief and it really didn’t feel believable that a pacifist royal could continue to evade a whole cavalcade of pursuers that included two highly trained genetically engineered soldiers and a Mandalorian Death Watch assassin.
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Obi-Wan meeting up with Satine, at what I assume was the top of Umate, was also hilariously ridiculous. Two hooded figures in the most populous public space on Coruscant? That’s not suspicious at all! Though there might’ve been a little bit of an acknowledgment of this in Obi-Wan’s line “Nice disguise.” I did love the moment where Satine grabbed Obi-Wan by the front of his Jedi robes and dragged him away from where they were sitting. I’m realising more and more that it’s the little moments that really make the characters and the show. Also, these moments are often a lot more fleeting than I thought they’d be. There’s a similar one at the end of the show where Satine and Obi-Wan both look out over Coruscant through the window of the Chancellor’s office. I was expecting this to be a longer scene with conversation and a moment between the two of them. But instead it barely lasts a few seconds before the credits roll. 
I will admit that Satine handing herself in as a distraction to allow Obi-Wan to get into the Senate building was particularly gutsy. So the episode is at least bookended by the Satine we know. I’m almost up to the next Mandalore arc in season 3 and it’ll be interesting to see how that goes. I also have so many episodes that I’ve watched and need to write about and Ahsoka comes out August 23 and I still have to get through seasons 3-7 of TCW and all of Rebels before that starts. Why have I done this to myself? *cries* I may have to revise my approach to these recaps again but I want to get through these ones first before I try changing things again.  
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cornertheculprit · 2 years
it's endlessly funny to me how when maya was freaking out in the detention center in 2-2 phoenix immediately goes into comfort-mode as much as he's able and says "calm down, maya! take deep breaths." if you present the kitchen knife to her she gets upset because she says she'll never be able to use it again and phoenix instantly goes "it's alright. i'll buy you a new one, ok?" like he tries so so hard to speak gently to her and calm her down and alleviate her anxieties in any way he can (even if it doesn't always work, but most of the time it does) and the reason it's so funny to me is because when you compare it to his actions in 1-4 with edgeworth it's a complete 180. an earthquake hits and edgeworth is left curled up on the floor in a shivering little ball and phoenix's only reaction is "(i've heard of running away, but curling up in a ball?)" he's being so JUDGY about a goddamn trauma response and it's like phoenix. buddy. cmon. and i mean he's a LITTLE better about it to edgeworth's face in 3-5 but the minute edgeworth leaves for the garden phoenix literally goes "he's got so much pride that he's probably off crying in a corner of the garden..." and then when he goes out there to MEET with edgeworth he literally goes "(wow. i can't believe it's still bothering him.)" AND I MEAN??? he does say he was ready to hug it out with him if edgeworth wanted but the differences in his reactions when maya is freaking out vs. when edgeworth is freaking out is absolutely hysterical. it's like this gordon ramsey meme:
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darcyolsson · 11 months
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first of all. completely hysterical worldbuilding when it comes to families and inheritance and adoption as always. phenomenal, no notes. second of all this is really top 10 anime betrayals towards the lightwoods jace bestie who CARES about a house or even will herondale's welsh dragon tattooed ass. we spent 6 books establishing theyre your actual family only for you to now do a 180 in the literal last chapter of the last book be so forreal right now
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acourtofthought · 11 months
I know I shouldn't let anyone sway my opinion about characters but I think you're one of the few people that make me like elain. I was fairly indifferent when I first read the series for the first time and just waiting for her book before making any real judgements, but she's been so thoroughly butchered by e/riels that I haven't liked her for a good long while. Your meta and genuine love of her character is so refreshing and one of the few things that keep me sane in this wacky fandom for real.
I love messages like this ❤️
And I agree, Elain's character is probably the most twisted of any character across the board. Some turn her into a completely unrecognizable version of herself where she's basically a carbon copy of Feyre / Nesta even though we're continually told she's different. They call her Kingslayer and have her wearing tattoos strapped to her thigh in Illyrian leathers though she herself did not want credit for killing the King, did not want to wear the leathers and gave the dagger back (without looking back). To me that all means that through SJM, we're told Elain is choosing a different life for herself. Some claim "well Nesta didn't want to train either" but they miss how despite Nesta's words, everything hinted that being the direction she was going. "Why do I need to train at all?" yet she turns around and wears the leathers. She turns around and takes a dagger with no fuss. Rhys tells us that Elain is Elain but Nesta is Illyrian at heart. Nesta walked over and cut off the kings head BEFORE her book (violent, right?) while as of SF, cruelty still bothers Elain. Elain stabbed the king to stop him from hurting her sister but she didn't have that loathing in her heart the way Nesta did, the way that made Nesta want to make him suffer and cause it to be as bloody and violent as possible. Some think that just because Rhys tells us Elain is ready to get her hands dirty that equals violence but they are two completely different things. There's a way to be involved without having to torture and wield weapons, without having to hurt others.
Then there's those that have turned her into a villain who deserves to be killed off even though SJM has confirmed numerous times on numerous occasions that Elain will have her own book (and she doesn't give villains books). That Elain has a similar energy to SJM herself. Others still think she's the exact same as SJM wrote her in book 1 when she initially thought the sisters would be the stereotypical antagonistic (step)sisters from a fairytale though she's done a complete 180 since ACOTAR when Feyre once said that it probably never occurred to Elain that she could get her hands dirty. But here we are as of SF having Elain offer to search for the Trove when even Nesta was too scared to do it. Where we have Elain putting Nesta in her place for thinking she gets to tell Elain what she's allowed to do with her own body. Where even after that, we see her laughing hysterically when Nesta tells her to fuck off. She's now got FMC energy without coming off as being too much a part of the IC (if SJM wrote it where she was so valuable and involved, we wouldn't be picking up on the clues that she's meant to end up elsewhere).
She learns from her past mistakes, accepts blame for her part in things, and she doesn't hold grudges but is now someone who can call someone out when they're they're wrong, then moves on.
"Moves on". That's another thing that bothers me about E/riels. Az told her she was a mistake and she returned his necklace (a strong message) yet they think she's still secretly harboring feelings for him and pining for him. The guy called her a mistake with no explanation (he said this BEFORE he spoke to Rhys, not after), yet they think Elain is sneaking around having some sort of forbidden romance with him? After Solstice and after Rhys and Feyre almost died?! Az has not done right by Elain. He was unwilling to tell Rhys that he was over Mor for Elain. He was unwilling to say anything he liked about her to Rhys. He had no plans for how he might actually be with Elain considering his thoughts of her hadn't gone further than his sexual fantasies. He couldn't convince Rhys he didn't just want her for sex. He said that if he returned to the River House and did something with her it would be something he'd regret (yes, because a girl always feels awesome when a guy regrets being with her). That's the kind of guy they think Elain should be with? To me, they don't like Elain all that much if that's the case.
In general, I think a lot of who Elain is goes unnoticed because she's got such a quiet way of dealing with things but it takes an incredible amount of maturity to not blame others for the bad things that happen to you and I love that about Elain.
She probably lost the most when she was made because she really loved her life in the human lands and was in love while neither Feyre or Nesta cared all that much about the people there yet not once did she blame Feyre the way Nesta did. Not once did she blame Nesta for not protecting her though Nesta beat herself up over not being able to do anything. And while she once told Lucien, "you betrayed us", to which he replies that it was a mistake, she turned around and invited him to come live in Velaris after the war. Also, she loved her father more than Feyre or Nesta ever did yet again, she never blamed anyone but the King for what happened. Maybe we'll come to find she harbors her own guilt over it when she gets her POV but she's not taking it out on anyone.
She's quietly but steadily been growing since book 1 but it's consistent and really noticeable if you pay her character attention. She hasn't even had her book yet she's evolved so much, I really look forward to her "final" transformation and I think she's ready. Amren said she's ready, Rhys said she's ready. Feyre, difficult as it was to ask Elain to put herself in danger, did so in SF and also said they'd be helping her after helping Nesta. Now we just have to see it happen in her own book, something that finally gets her out of the NC so she can finally find where she's meant to be and with the people who will help push her the rest of the way.
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iamthecomet · 8 months
SO, I'm jumping in here so I can stop hijacking your comments 🤭 here's your excuse for a book-related thread where you can scream about your newest reads!!
I need a new stand-alone book recommendation. All the folks at work are on a romance kick and I need something completely different. 180-degree spin kinda different!!
Tell me about your latest fave!
Do you have a GoodReads?
Feel free to rant!!
Ok SO. You have no idea what you've gotten youself into by giving me permission to do this BUT thank you. ♥ I do have a goodreads, but I haven't been good at keeping it updated this year. I've been using StoryGraph instead because it has pretty charts and graphs and I am a sucker for things like that. I have the same username and (and profile picture) over there as I do here, just in case anyone feels like stalking my reading habits hehehe. As far as stand-alones and not romances go that I've read recently (ish) and enjoyed, you can find them under the cut to save space :)
Family Lore - Elizabeth Acevedo - Magical realism about a couple generations of women most of whom have supernatural gifts. One, Flor, has dreams when people are about to die. She suddenly decides to throw herself a living wake, but won't tell anyone (not her sisters or her daughter) if that means she dreamt of her own death or not. It's very grounded in the real world and very much a book about family and relationships and heritage. It's strange and heartbreaking sometimes and feels real. It won't be my favorite book of the year but I really enjoyed reading it. Manhunt - Gretchen Felker-Martin - Now for something completely different. Found it on the horror shelf. Not so much scary as it is very gorey. The premise is it's been several years since a disease ended the world as we know it and turned most AMAB people into cannibalistic monsters. The story follows two trans women, and a trans man as they fight their way through an organization of TERFS and some really spoiled rich women to try to find a place they belong among this madness. Also, they kill feral men and eat their balls which apparentely keeps them from suffering the same fate as other AMAB people (there is probably science in the book but I read that part long enough ago that I don't remember it). Not a stand alone but I have to mention The Thursday Murder Club series by Richard Oseman. You can absolutely just read the first one and never move onto the second. I hate mysteries, I adore these books. They're about four 75+ year olds who live in a retirement village in England who get together every Thursday to try to solve cold case murders. And then...a murder happens basically on their doorstep so they decide they're going to solve a REAL murder. Hysterical, heartbreaking at times, the characters feel like real people. The plots are unpredicitable and complicated but not unrealistically. It is not my usual thing, but the 4th one in the series is my only 5 star read so far this year. I cannot say enough good things about it.
And, not a book I read super recently but: Tender Is The Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica. It's a book with an obvious agenda which always knocks things down a couple pegs. But reading it was like watching a car crash I couldn't look away from. The modern version of The Jungle but intentionally a horror book instead of just accidentally one. It's about the not so distant future where humans are farmed for meat instead of animals. It follows a man who works in the meat industry as he grapples with the morality of what he's doing. I can't say it an amazingly well written book, but it is deliciously fucked up which is sometimes all you need for a good read. It's also a very quick read. I read it a couple of years ago and it has stayed with me. It really feels on par with golden age sci-fi to me (1984, Fahrenheit 451) it just has that vibe (which I really like, so maybe that's why I love it). And if you're in the mood for some feel good realism that isn't a romance book, The Last Chance Library by Freya Sampson made me tear up several times during the book both for happy reasons and sad. It's about a painfully shy small town library assistant who has to figure out how to stand up for herself (and a lot of other people) when her library is threatened with closure. Maybe I just loved it because it was about libraries but it was just warm and fuzzy and also heartbreaking and infuriating (I did want to shake the MC several times, and/or slap her to snap her out of her bullshit, but I don't think that's a bad thing). I will stop now before I rant about books for literal years. But if anyone EVER wants to talk books with me I am more than happy to chat about them, give recs if I can, scream about how bad something is (I have to hate read a few books every year, I just have to).
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justatinybunwriting · 2 years
Prompt 8 of this promptober list!
Synopsis: As Richard and Jac are trying to open a portal that would lead to home, a man hired by a wicked queen approaches Jac.
Notes: The first part of this story takes place in the Fairy World Detective AU!
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
In an instant, the fairy behind the glass appeared before the wicked queen and replied with a cocky grin.
"Hate to break the news to ya lady, but there's a new gal in town that goes by the name of Jac."
The queen was infuriated and tossed her bubbling drink onto the mirror, barely missing it.
"Well, she met up with her sister Red Rose and is now in a cabin with a bear I believe. So she's no longer in this fairy kingdom, ma'am."
"Good. That bear will take care of her. But WHO IS THIS INBECILE JACK?"
"Beats me. She just came out of nowhere, like poof! And she was there."
Meanwhile, Jac and her giant friend Richard were stuck in a crossroad, both literally and figuratively.
"Cheeze brought us through the wrong wormhole again!" Jac fumed. "This is definitely not Never Never Land!"
"Never trust a rabbit to do a fae's job." Richard replied as he held a shining crystal in his hands. "Don't worry, I'm on it. If I can just get this artifact to work I can open the Tunnel of Chaos again so we can get back to headquarters and start over."
"Or we could try to find the right checkpoint ourselves and head over there straight away from the tunnel."
"Jac, we discussed this. The last time we did that we wounded up switching sizes. I'm not going to take that risk again."
"But I liked being big.." Jac pouted as she folded her arms.
Just then, a rugged man wielding a knife walked up to Jac from behind. She whipped around as soon as she noticed him; the sight of the weapon in his hand caused all the hairs on her neck to stand. She was about to do a quick draw of her taser when the stranger backed up and held back his blade. He had a sorrowful look in his eyes.
"Oh, oh... no, you're pretty." He uttered.
"What?!" Was Jac's angered response.
"I'm sorry. I was hired to kill you. But once again I cannot. I am a weak man."
At that very moment, the man was suddenly plucked up by the rim of his coat and was just as quickly brought up to the giant's face. The assassin was flabbergasted by how he failed to notice this titan before and flailed about wildly.
"What do you want me to do with him, Jac?" Richard bellowed in an almost beastly manner.
"Please!! Mister giant!! Don't eat me!!" The assassin pleaded.
"No? Why would I want to do that? You look disgusting. I was thinking more like... how about I throw you over the horizon? That sounds like it would be fun, wouldn't you agree?"
"Richard!! Put him down!!" Jac was folding her arms and thumped her foot. The giant then turned his head and looked upon her with a fake pout.
"Why don't you want me to mess with him? He did just try to kill you after all."
"I think I know which story we're in! We're not supposed to screw around with it remember? Just fix the messes that the Time Warper has made, remember?!"
"All right, all right..." Richard then turned his attention back to the shivering man in his grasp. "You promise you won't tell anyone else about this?"
The Wile giant then sat the man down roughly on the grass. He then lowered himself and looked at him straight in the eyes before returning with a growling voice.
"Now BEAT IT before I change my mind."
The man did a complete 180 and made a beeline for the hills, all while he wailed hysterically like a madman. Richard got up to his full height and brushed the dirt off his hands.
"He won't keep his word. We better get outta here before all the King's horses and all the King's men come after us with pitchforks."
"The usual." Jac raised her arms.
Not long after, after reciting the spell for the umpteenth time, at last the crystal in Richard's hands lit up a bright blue and a portal started to form right in front of the two. At that exact time, they heard the telltale hollers of an angry mob in the far distance, so the interdimensional tunnel couldn't have come at a better time.
As what was normally the case, the hole was only big enough for a human to pass through, though that wouldn't be a problem for Richard. Shrinking down to human height is a necessary evil (in his mind) when the situation called for it. Taking Jac by the hand, the two of them jumped in at once, and were pulled in just as the wormhole was about to close behind them.
Jac had awoken underneath Richard's hand. The Wile giant had propped her against his chest, and he was apparently startled awake about the same time as she was.
"I... had that weird dream again..." Jac said groggily as she wiped the crust off of her eyes.
"Which one...?" Richard asked with a yawn.
"That I was a fairy world detective. And you were there, and helping me out with solving mysteries in fairy land..."
"You've been watching too many cartoons."
The start of the morning was quiet, as neither of them had work that day. So they were free to prep in their own leisure. Jac had gone to freshen up in the human sized restroom, with the bits and pieces of what she remembered of her dreams still stirring up her thoughts.
As she brushed her hair, she noticed a small green dot on the mirror. She couldn't figure out where it came from or what it was exactly, but one thing was for certain: it was gross and it needed to go. She was just about to pull out a paper towel in order to wipe the blotch out, when it suddenly moved.
Jac froze in place as the little green figure fluttered about; it held it's hands over it's face with what appeared to be a snicker, before at last it flew out of the frame. Jac immediately turned around, but saw nothing behind her. It was too late anyway since the little thing was too fast for her to follow.
She could have sworn that it was the very same fairy that she saw behind the magic mirror in her dream.
For a few moments thereafter she became lost in a sea of what ifs. Eventually, after the initial shock had weathered down, Jac figured that she was still drowsy from the restless sleep she had the night before. She was still pretty tired, so it wasn't unusual for her to let her imagination wander during these times. So with that, Jac decided to not ponder about it any further, as she continued on as usual with the rest of her day.
She never did see that green fairy again, so she was pretty certain it was all in her head. Maybe.
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forestslut · 2 years
I think about Esidisi from Jojo at LEAST once a week. something about him breaking down hysterically over losing his arm and then doing a complete 180 and immediately going back to being serious…….. we love the duality
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kunosoura · 2 years
we watched My Favorite Wife tonight and other than the movie gently joking about the leading man being gay in a way that nonetheless evoked that era’s horrifying medicalization of homosexuality, what stood out to me was how it wanted you to think Bianca was this horrid hysterical unkind woman when she’s first of all the only person 0.00% responsible for the tangled love web at the center of the story and second of all how all her emotional fraughtness and rudeness is 1000% a reasonable reaction to your newlywed husband doing a complete 180 after your wedding night, not consumating the relationship, running away from your honeymoon, not telling his kids she’s their stepmother now or carrying her over the threshold or any of the socialize norms for marriage at all. and there’s a strange woman in your house also transparently flirting with your husband even though she says he’s like a brother to her. and she got them matching nightgowns!!! like damn dude sure your first wife miraculously survived a shipwreck and came back 7 years later and that’s a rough situation to find yourself in on the night of your wedding to your second wife but don’t be such a chickenshit about it
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j3tsabyss · 2 years
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#nintendo - 380 posts
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Longest Tag: 101 characters
#and i’m worried about babylon 2022 because there’s tons of implications that his role is only minimal
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Eddie Brock getting his camera broken then just randomly pulling out a new camera is peak comedy
61 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Ok this has been in the back of my mind for like years and I guess I’m finally saying it
I’m so sick and tired of the way people outside of the HU fandom treat Hollywood Undead. They like to act like HU is this horrible 2000s band with “old” band members that haven’t done anything new in the past 10+ years when none of that is true. Like what is it about mentioning HU that makes people react with visceral hatred?
Like first off HU is still doing well, in fact they have a new album coming up possibly this year. They have been releasing music for 10+ years in the music industry and it’s actually amazing they’re still at it for 17 years. They have so much potential, yet they still have been underrated for so many years
But then despite the hatred, sometimes some people like to think that Swan Songs is their best album and disregard their other albums. Like Swan Songs is good but… it’s aged not very well and the HU guys have really changed since that album. And then because of Swan Songs being the most well known among their other albums that’s probably what makes people think they still are like that when, no HU isn’t like that. They aren’t the same twenty something “party all day” haughty guys from the late 2000s. They still have done some party songs and they’re kind of still… the way they are (using constant sarcasm) but they have really changed. They have been maturing so much that they even decided to not use their masks anymore
And speaking of their more recent stuff, the fact that now at least 2 HU guys have done solo albums now is fricking amazing. As someone whose been a fan since 2015, a solo album from one of them felt like a distant dream. But now it’s finally happened. They definitely haven’t stopped their creativity and they definitely have no plans to stop any time soon
Also while I do believe their lyrics are kind of repetitive in recent albums, I still think they have a spark in them. And they should continue on with that spark
Like if you don’t like HU then that’s completely fine everyone has different tastes. But HU definitely isn’t the “worst” band out there and they literally have potential to become bigger but they still haven’t. And people should stop acting like there’s no current HU fans because there’s still an active fanbase, just only on 3 platforms which includes this very site :)
TDLR; I wish people would stop acting like HU is a horrible band and that Swan Songs is their only album. I wish HU would have one of their more newer songs blow up so people can finally stop treating HU like they’re a joke and realize their potential
67 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
I keep forgetting that American Psycho is a real movie and not something that Spencer randomly invented
72 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Venom 2 has ruined me I can just think of Eddie Brock saying “the planet Ming Mong” and I start laughing hysterically
100 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Baby boy baby
111 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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beldaroot · 3 years
the way tanjiro zenitsu and inosuke went straight from rengoku to uzui as their hashira mentor is so hilarious. like it went from a beloved teacher who doted on and praised them regularly to a substitute teacher who barged in claiming he was “god” and then sold them to one direction. 
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acey-wacey · 2 years
my heart totally melted with your baby mc/reader hcs😭may i please request the same concept with riddle, leona, azul, and malleus?
Of course, lovely! I really loved those ones too!
Taking Care of You as a Baby
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts🌹
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At first, Riddle isn't really sure what to do with you.
He scolds you for getting yourself transformed but gives up when he realizes you're just playing with the rose pin on his uniform.
He's reluctant to take you to class but he cares more about his grades than the embarrassment of having a baby in his lap.
During the class, Ace says something stupid but before Riddle can reprimand him, you point your chubby little finger at Ace and say "off wit his heab!".
Riddle is now heart eyes for you.
He carries you around in his arms, glaring at anyone who dares to question the child he's holding.
Riddle: I've only had Y/N for a day and a half but if anything happened to them, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
All the Heartslabyul members are completely speechless about how head over heels their strict dorm leader is for this baby.
Most of them have never seen him genuinely smile until he blows bubbles on your tummy just to make you laugh.
It's a complete 180 in his personality, reserved only for baby you.
He lets regular you get away with way more than his own dorm members but as a baby, he doesn't even care what you do.
You tug on his hair? He laughs and offers you his hand to hold instead.
You knock over a red paint can for the roses? He scolds Ace and Deuce for letting you get into trouble and goes to wash you off.
He didn't realize that he loves kids so much until your transformation and now he has baby fever.
You eventually fall asleep on the couch while he reads you a storybook, wondering if you'll remember everything when you turn back to normal.
🦁 Leona Kingscholar 🦁
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Leona does NOT like kids.
At least that's what he tells everybody else.
He has some experience from babysitting Cheka on occasion but it will be a reluctant agreement.
He spends a good five minutes grumbling about how he shouldn't be the one who has to take care of you.
Ruggie gets tired of it pretty quick and offers to take care of you instead.
Leona immediately gets defensive.
Absolutely no one else can be trusted to take care of you. Ruggie will just get you into trouble.
He knows that isn't true but he isn't going to admit that your chubby toddling form has been growing on him.
He expected you to be rather high maintenance but after trying to figure out what you want for a good long while, he realized that you were quite content just to sit on his lap and play with his braids.
Leona sat there sulking while you giggled in his arms.
One thing he did appreciate about baby you is your inclination for napping.
It meant that he could sleep too instead of keeping a constant eye on you to make sure you don't get into trouble.
He held you tightly against his chest to prevent you from wandering away just in case you woke up.
The steady rise and fall of his breathing lulled you to sleep until you would turn back to normal, not opposing to the previous position.
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
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To be honest, the only reason Azul even took you in was so you wouldn't be left alone to Jade and Floyd's devices.
He didn't really have time to give you the attention you wanted but he felt really bad about it.
After every meeting, he would play with you, stretching your feet up and down as you giggled hysterically.
Apparently, the concept of the human baby feet was foreign to both of you and Azul was quite interested in the your tiny, squishy toes.
He studied you as he played, taking notes for future reference, then blushing profusely when his first thought was of a child you and he would have together in the future.
Eventually, he ended up forgetting all about his business duties and closed the Mostro Lounge to play hide-and-seek with you.
Jade was a bit concerned but after seeing the grin on Azul's face, he left the two of you alone.
As soon as you gestured grabby hands at Azul, he was complete putty.
He picked you up and refused to put you down for the rest of the day, even during some of his obligatory meetings.
He assumed it must have been harder for his clients to take him seriously while he bounced a laughing baby on his knee but any objections they had were quickly silenced with a glare from Floyd.
When you fell asleep on his lap, he was so afraid to disturb you that he didn't get up from his chair all night, instead sleeping upright just to keep you comfortable.
🐲 Malleus Draconia 🐲
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Malleus had to nearly pry you away from Lilia, who was dead set on taking care of you.
It took some persuasion, and by that I mean bribery and a good word from Silver.
Malleus, not unlike Azul, wasn't particularly familiar with the whole "human baby" concept and he found you fascinating.
How you just stared at him, studying his face for so long his legs went numb with your weight,
How you touched his horns with the gentlest stroke and giggling at the smoothness of them,
He couldn't help but giggle with you, amazed by your childish lack of inhibition.
He would never let anyone touch his horns normally but he guessed it was okay if it was you and if you were just a baby.
You quickly grow on him, figuratively and literally.
You're attached to him now and you aren't letting go.
He hugs you tightly as you wrap your arms around his neck while walking around campus.
You definitely got a few confused stares as the Prince of the Faelands carried a tiny human baby.
Sebek didn't trust you, even as a baby and he was constantly on the defensive.
Malleus loved to give you forehead kisses and watch your face scrunch up with laughter.
He was so gentle with you which seemed a stark contrast to his usual harsh and intimidating demeanor.
He misses your cuddly nature a bit when you turn back and sometimes uses the cold on your midnight walks as an excuse to hold you closer.
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