#the concept of food as a love language in this show has me absolutely feral
qpjianghu · 4 months
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Li Lianhua + saying "I love you" without saying "I love you" (1/?)
Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023)
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romeosharpae · 8 months
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theodore nott x reader
last and final part of this series!!! another series is on the way but not sure when though... it's lowkey funny that i wrote that first post in 2022 and now it's 2024.. enjoy though!!
content warnings : cursing, mature language, explicit adult content, rough sex, make up sex, hate sex? (i don't know y'all theo's gone feral), kind-of toxic! theodore nott.
word count: somewhere in the 5k’s
let’s all be happy this part one took 2 months!!
parts : 1,2,3-
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Some things just never changed, huh?
Your eyes searched around the crowded ball room and that sentence constantly replayed in your head. The entire thing was cliche, and humbly, you thought you were really above all of it. To avoid vomiting from annoyance, you bring the fleet of champagne in your hands up to your lips and take a long sip.
Standing aside you was boasting your mother and father. The ending of the war was a celebration for new beginnings! Or that's what your father declared in the multiple letter's that he wrote you. Though you knew that wasn't the actual reasoning behind your father's sudden urge to party; He had been trialed for being in cahoots with Voldemort.. and luckily, he was proven guilty. But the concept that you couldn't grasp was why your family wanted to celebrate with a party, it's not like the moment these people walked out of your childhood home that your mother wouldn't judge everything about them. Despite your disagreement of this you were unfortunately still in attendance, wearing an expensive black dress that nicely hugged your curves with your hair neatly pinned up.
Truthfully, if it hadn't been for your father's threat you wouldn't be here. You smiled when the twenty-seventh person approached your parents tonight and engaged in a meaningless conversation. Very rarely did any of the guest direct words towards you, and you really didn't even care because this was probably the last time you'd see most of them.
"Ah! Y/N, I almost didn't recognize you." The women spoke awkwardly, a fake smile slapped on her face. "How has things been going for you abroad?"
"Fine, Thanks for asking."
Before you even finished speaking the women turned back to your parents. About 3/4 into your sixth school year at Hogwarts you made the decision to go and study abroad, well, your parents knew that Hogwarts was in shambles and no longer wanted you there, so they sent you to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You didn't put up much of a fight because you always wanted to travel the world, and on top of that there were things that you needed to detach yourself with at Hogwarts. So, for the past three years of your life, you've been living happily between Italy, France, and America. Ironically, your extremely rich father funded that and threatened to stop doing so if you didn't show up tonight.
So here you were, sipping through endless champagne as you were surrounded by stereotypical aristocratic purebloods. It reminded you of when you were still in school.. you hated it then and even more now.
"Excuse me, I need some air."
Your parents didn't pay much attention to your words, far to engaged in their conversation. You took another sip of your beverage as you stepped outside of the ballroom and onto the balcony. There was a part of you that missed England while there was another that didn't -- Your life was filled with so much diversity now. You traveled, met new people, ate new food, learned about cultures… everything! But you still missed your home,
Or at least that's what you tell yourself it is.
In your heart, although you were often belittled for your lack of "accomplishments" you absolutely loved traveling the world. But sometimes when you were lying in bed, staring at the celling in silence, you couldn't but to feel sometimes that there was a void that needed to be filled. It was almost like your mind and body feened for something that you couldn't actually make out.
"…Y/N?" The deepness of the voice almost has you thinking it's your father.
With a bull-crap apology sitting on the tip of your tongue you twisted your body to where the sound come from. To your surprise it wasn't your father here to scowl you… it was the last person you needed to see. Your apology swallowed back down, along with every insult you promised yourself to throw Theodore's way the next time you crossed paths. The familiar deep blue gaze and beautifully structured features had your stomach falling your feet. Were you seeing things? Or dreaming?
Why would your parents invite Theodore Nott to your home? They always wanted the two of you together and perhaps that's why they allowed him to take advantage of your naiveness for so long, but you expressed when they wrote you about him three years ago that you wanted zero involvements with the brunette.
Recalling how he emotionally drained you years ago have goosebumps spreading across your skin. Recalling your emotional breakdown in the common room that night makes you more uneasy. The only thing that comforted you was the promised that you made and kept so far, since that night in the common room Theodore Nott never had you again. Not as a lover, as a friend, as an acquaintance… nothing! For the first few weeks it was hard, you missed him because you loved him, but seeing the smugness on his face in the great hall that declared "she'll be back" kept you from going back. Then eventually you left, and your healing became much easier.
"Hi Theo." You softly greet. "You look Good."
You were telling the truth, the brunette looked extremely handsome tonight. His brunette hair was styled in a way that you never seen before but liked and the suit he wore was black. You couldn't help but to think that in a way, the two of you almost looked like you came to this party together.
The brunette pays your compliment no mind, eyes simply piercing into yours, and he wore an expression like maybe he thought he was seeing things or dreaming. The intensity behind his eyes has shivers rolling down your spine -- There was a moment in time when that would've turned you into puddy but now the effect wasn't that strong. Ironically, there was a moment in time when you never could've imagined not talking to Theodore for three minutes let alone three years.
"There you are, Y/N. Come back inside."
Your mothers voice rang through your ears. When you turn around, she's standing at the entrance of the balcony, shooting you a disappointed look. Her eyes than snapped to Theodore who was still staring at you, "What a pleasant surprise, Hello Theodore!"
Your mother wore a smile that lets you know that she purposefully invited the brunette against your wishes. You scoffed, underneath your breath and folded your arms over your chest. Theodore continued staring at you, distracting himself from what your mother was saying.
After taking the hint that Theodore probably wasn't in the right mind to give a response your mother stepped back into the party. There was something deep inside of you that didn't want to leave Theodore standing out here, it was telling you to talk to him. For closure? Or perhaps a better understanding? You didn't know. Eventually you followed behind your mother and stepped into the party, but you couldn't help but to look over your shoulder,
"It was nice seeing you" You cooed.
And before he got a chance to respond your lost in the herd of people.
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The next time that encountered Theodore Nott was just as unexpected as the last. Your mother had convinced you to stay in town for a couple of days extra, you easily agreed. Being your mothers only child came with self-inflicted guilt growing, your father was always working, so aside from the house elf's (Which you didn't have any more thanks to Hermione Granger) your mother was at the house alone all of the time. So, when she asked you stay a few days after the party, even though your gut was telling you no, you did. Plus, you didn't really have anything to do for the next week anyways you really didn't mind.
You were walking into your favorite muggle bistro, inhaling the sweet smell of fresh baked goods. Pansy Parkinson and you always made stops here during the summer for the delicious Angel Cake and ever since you step foot in England you've been craving it. Luckily for you your mother had been at some book club for pureblood housewives this evening, so you were able to go without being criticized for eating from muggles.
You laugh to yourself as you remembered that the last time you came here three years ago. Theodore and you drank so many frapes that your stomach hurt from all of the sweetness. Merlin, although he was horrible to you it was the best when he was good. Remembering the good times for you were hard, mainly because you had to bombard your head with the bad ones to be able to fully get over your attachment to him.
The look that he gave you at the party played through your head like a broken record. You wondered; did he finally realize what he lost after all these years? Did he finally value you as much as you did him back then? It was far too late for all of that.
"Y/N? is that you?!" A voice chirped.
Looking over your eyes immediately lit up at the sight of the bistro's owner daughter. When you used to visit the shop, she'd always insert herself in you and Theodore's conversations, he found it irritating while you thought it was cute because she was so much younger. The small curly head girl ran to you, wrapping her arms around your waist as she embraced you.
"Hi, how have you been?"
"Good! Sit down, I'll go put your order in." The ten-year-old girl dragged you to sit down at the counter, "Same thing, right?"
You smiled, "You know it."
The little girl's hair bounced off her shoulders as she ran into the back, smiling ear to ear. You sat down on the stool, picking up a menu to see of they've put anything new that you'd like to try on there.
You didn't pay much attention as someone came and took a seat beside you, an empty stool between the too. The Frangrance that your nose caught a whiff has your heartbeat picking up… and you didn't understand why because your mind hadn't processed it at first.
"How can I help you?" The waitress asked.
"Can I get a slice of Angel Cake and then a medium Carmel Latte with extra whipped cream, please."
The order makes your ears perk up and finally draws your eyes away from the menu. Ironically enough, that was your same exact that you've been getting from this bistro since you discovered it at the age of twelve. You smiled, "Hey, that's my exact order t--,"
His eyes flew to you the second he heard your voice. Why is Theodore ordering your order? He used to act like this place was the worse now he's coming here voluntarily to eat their food. His blue eyes pierced into yours, and for about two minutes the two of you just stared at each other. You hoped he wouldn't just stare at you like he'd done at the party… It made you nervous. You humorlessly chuckled, gesturing to him,
"I thought you didn't like it." You smiled.
"Yeah, I don't."
"Yeah, why are you buying it then?"
Theodore didn't give you an immediate answer and it makes your stomach twist. You'd spent three years getting over him, why were you so nervous now? The brunette cocked his head, rolling his tongue inside of his cheek before chuckling, his much more humorless than yours.
"Because when you came back, I wanted it to be a shortage of Angel cake, so you'd regret leaving."
"Nothing would make me regret leaving."
Coming back to a shortage of this bistro's Angel Cake probably make you flip out but not make you regret leaving. Truthfully, you don't think nothing would make you regret leaving your six years because deep down you know that had you stayed, Theodore would still be dragging you along like some dog.
He knew that to and perhaps that's why there's fury burning behind his eyes as he looked at you. Yeah, you left without saying anything to him, but it was laughable to you that Theodore wore an expression like you betrayed him by ripping his heart out and stomping on it. You couldn't understand why he didn't grasp the concept that he's the reasoning behind your split… you can't even say break up because you were never in a relationship.
"I've written you eight hundred and thirty-seven times."
"I know." You admit.
"You didn't write back."
"I had nothing to say to you, Theodore."
That was the God honest truth. All of the letters that Theodore had written you from the time you left to about three ago were stuffed in a kitchen cupboard in your flat along. It wasn't like you didn't want to read them, it's just that you knew that you couldn't read them for your own sanity.
Theodore wasn't as calm and collected as you were, he snaps, "And why is that?"
"I'm not going to argue with you." You shrugged. "We're too old for that now, don't you think?"
"Okay let's talk then, Y/N. Let's talk like two civilized adults."
"There's no point in that, Theodore."
A large smile spreads across your face when the young girl brought your desserts out. Following behind her was a different girl with the identical thing for Theodore who was now looking at you like you were talking nonsense. If looks could killed, you'd be lifeless on the floor from the way that Theodore eyes were staring at you. When the dessert was placed in front of you you wasted no time digging your fork into it and breaking off a piece.
"Yes, there is because my feelings for you are never changing, Y/N."
Theodore was trying so hard to get you to fold, but you weren't. It almost sounded believable, but luckily enough you know that Theodore loved to pillow talk and get you exactly where he wants you.
"You don't care anymore."
Theodore spoke the words in a way that lets you know that he wasn't asking you, he was saying it like it was a fact. Your nonchalant attitude was fueling his thinking of that and that brought you satisfaction. To say that your fully over the brunette would be 100% percent lying so you wouldn't say it. You missed him, you shouldn't, but you did.
"Yeah, because you never did." You argued.
"I always did."
You sighed, "I don't want to talk about this anymore Theodore."
"So, you just disappear for three years and now you wanna cry because I want answers, Y/N?--,"
You couldn't believe the words that had just left his mouth. He couldn't be serious right now… you were the villain for leaving? Unknowingly, you stood up to your feet, "Real typical of you to invalidate my feelings and prioritize yourself, Theodore! You want me to sit here and listen to your feelings like you literally didn't break my heart."
"You don't deserve answers."
"I'm sorry."
For the first time, those words sounded genuine leaving Theodores mouth. It almost makes you want to give in, feeling like you've finally proved your point by hurting him back... then you realized two words weren't enough. Two words couldn’t even compare to emotions that you felt when Theodore broke your heart three years ago... it wasn’t enough.
It wasn't enough to forget the fact that he practically used you for his own pleasure, disregarding the emotional attachment that you were beginning to develop.
"What can I do to make you forgive me?"
"Y/N." He interrupts.
What could Theodore do to make you forgive him? Were you even in the proper mindset to forgive Theodore Nott for the troubles that he put you in? You we're sure, if you were, you're not sure that you wanted to forgive Theodore.
The way that Theodore and you were just staring at each other caused the body hair on your arms to stick up. It felt awfully weird seeing the same cold green gaze from three years ago be filled up with so many emotions now. You heaved out a deep sigh, eyes pulling away from his and onto your drink. You only look back when Theodore placed a hand on your leg, basically sending a shockwave through your body.
"One more chance, Y/N."
You blinked, "Do you even think that you deserve one more chance…?"
All you could do was hum in response to Theodore. At least the brunette was finally being truthful to you, well, that was the least that he could do after all of these years. You took a bite from your Angel Cake, no longer seeing the point in participating in this conversation with your ex-lover.
"I know that I don't deserve another chance Y/N… but--" Theodore shoots out. "Please."
"I was sixteen--"
"Yeah, so was I Theodore but I had enough common sense to string someone along for an entire year." You sighed, shaking your head. "What do you want from me Theodore? I just don't understand."
"I want you to let me show you that I've grown Y/N. Look, I know that I took you for granted and I'm sorry that it took you leaving for me to realize that I need to show that I cared--"
"I accept your apology Theodore, I do."
"You do?"
You were never really the one to hold grudges and Theodore was aware of that, so you didn't understand the shock behind his eyes. Of course, you didn't hate Theodore, no matter how hard you tried you just couldn't. Your mind would always flashback to Theodore's confessions to you, how broken he was and how that might be the reason he treated you the way he did. Back then that excuse made sense, now it was almost laughable; Theodore's trauma wasn't the reason he behaved so nonchalantly towards you, he did it because he wanted to and thought you would never stand against it.
"Of Course."
With that you stand to your feet, grabbing onto your frappe. You sent Theodore a small smile, mainly because you were leaving him to pay your bill, before walking out of the Bistro.
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The week that you promised your mother that you spend with her went by in a flash. Hopefully by this time tomorrow you’d be inside of your Flat in Rome, laying on your couch and binge watching your favorite muggle series.
But at this time today you were standing in the corner of a crowded party, watching as Pansy Parkinson basically dry-humped Draco on the dance floor.
Pansy spent the entire day with you doing meaningless nostalgic stuff that the two of you did during your time at Hogwarts. You didn’t understand why she decided to hang out with you your last day but the answer came to you eventually when she mentioned a party being thrown tonight in honor of Blaise Zabini’s 20th birthday. She knew you were more likely to go had she been in your face pleading rather than her asking over the phone.
There were numerous of reason why you didn’t want to attend tonight’s party. For starters you knew there was a good chance you’d see people you attended Hogwarts with and they’d question you about your disappearance. That was a conversation that you’d rather avoid because you knew they already assumed it had everything to do with Theodore Nott. Secondly, you knew that this party would consume of nothing but Slytherin’s which you had nothing in common with but having wealthy pureblood supremacist parents. And your last reason was shamelessly staring right at you over the brim of their red cup.
You learned a long time ago that Wherever there was Blaise Zabini there was Theodore Nott not to far behind. So when Pansy mentioned the get together you automatically began spewing up excuses of not wanting to go that didn’t include the tall brunette. You were so determined on not going but there was apart of you that felt guilty; You just disappeared and now you were declining her offer to hang out because of your own selfish reasons.
And that’s you ended up here, standing in the corner watching as Draco and Pansy danced while being eyed like prey.
Theodore’s staring makes you nervous in undeniable ways… so nervous that you feel the sudden urge to use the bathroom. You almost felt pathetic, you weren’t sixteen years old anymore so why would you get so nervous over a look? Sighing softly you turned on your feet and made your way to the restroom. According to Pansy the party was being thrown in Blaise’s flat but you’d considered it more of a penthouse than flat. It peered over the beautiful city of London, giving you in sight of what was taking place on the streets.
It takes you about five minutes to handle your business inside of the lavatory. Before stepping out you fix yourself up, ensuring that you don’t look as nervous as you feel. When you pulled the door open, hands still damp from your wash a gasp left your lips at the unexpected figure standing in front of the door.
“Why are you following me?” You grumbled lowly.
“This is my home, Y/N. I’ll go anywhere I please without being questioned.” Theodore’s snappy tone makes your eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
You tried to move out of the bathroom but Theodore just stepped in front of you. Your body shifted in the other direction and he blocked you once again. With squinted eyes you stared up at him once again, “What do you want?”
Theodore took a step closer to you, reducing the space between the two of you until there was none left. For some reason you were stuck, not being able to take a step back to open the space again. Goosebumps rise across your skin, being this close to Theodore did something unexpected to your body. You were scared, knowing that despite your rejection of giving him another chance that you’d allow Theodore to take you on right here if he did the right thing.
“I miss you.”
You sighed deeply, “Theodore we don’t need to keep having this conversat--"
“But we do because you don’t believe me.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t believe that Theodore Nott missed you in the past three years.. it’s that you knew you shouldn’t believe that Theodore Nott missed you. You couldn’t understand what else the brunette could want from you, He’d taken your pride, dignity, and ability to want anyone else but him. And here he was standing with desire laced in his gaze.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Theodore gently said, taking your hand inside of his. “I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head and looked away, feeling the pace of your heart pick up immediately at his convincing words. Theodore quickly grabbed onto your face and turned you back to meet his low green eyes.
“Please Y/N?”
“You’re gonna hurt me again!” You shouted in an unfamiliar tone. “Why are you doing this? Why do you keep doing this?” Tears pricked in the corner of your eyes and your fingers tried to pry his hands off of you but he wouldn’t budge. “You’re so Selfish!”
Theodore had always been self when it comes down to you. Freaking out when you made other male friends, playing the hot and cold game, But this right here was another degree of selfishness coming from him—Theodore knew that he hurt you horribly and that you’ve spent the past three years trying to get over from that hurt. So for him to come after realizing that he could not in fact find someone better than you.. it was selfish.
“I know.” He admits.
A single tear slipped from your eyes, recalling the pain from everything that Theodore had put you through and the fact that you still loved him. It hurts your mind, your body, and your soul. Theodore’s quick in swiping the tear away from the skin of your cheek, you found it funny that after all of these years he was still able to wipe away the tears that he caused. Suddenly, He shushed your quiet cries by pressing his soft lips against yours.
And Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest at the taste of the brunette back on your lips. While your mind was telling you to push him away, telling you to stop him, but the way that he kissed you made your body crave otherwise.
Perhaps that’s why you’re eagerly wrapped your legs around his waist when he reached underneath your knees to pick you up. You gasped when his hard erection pressed against his lower half and with your mouth opened Theodore takes his chance to slide his entire tongue inside of your mouth.
The two of you continued your sloppy make out session as he carried you inside of his bedroom. After this all of your built up self-respect from the past three might as well go down the drain and truthfully you’re not sure that you cared. Your legs felt weak from arousal when Theodore sat down on his bed with you straddling him.
You gasped from pleasure when his mouth trailed down your neck. Theodore’s kisses were filled with desperation and you could tell how much he wanted you. While one of his hand he lifted your hips up and the other flys to the button of his pants. Sometimes you got annoyed with Theodore’s lack of foreplay during the heat of the moment.. but right now all you wanted was for him to be inside of you.
Need filled your stomach to the brim while your hands yanked your dress up and pulling your underwear to the side. Drool nearly slipped past your lips when you caught glimpse of Theodore’s freed thick cock, precum leaking from the tip.
His lips caught yours in a kiss again, a moan slipped past your lips when he begins rubbing the tip of himself against you a few time, collecting your wetness.
Before you could brace yourself he was pushing the head of himself inside, the familiar stretch has your body burning and your legs practically spasming.
“Stay still, Y/L/N” Theodore groaned.
Although you wanted to listened to him you just couldn’t. Truthfully, you hooked with a couple of euro boys but they didn’t even half-compare to Theodore Nott. The pleasure spreading across your body has your head spinning.
“Goodness, I’ve missed you so much.” Theodore grunted huskily. “Ugh--I hate it when you keep this away from me.” The pace of him thrusting into you picked up and the sharp pain of his fingernails digging into your skin as he kept your waist in place wasn’t even noticeable,
You’ve missed this so much.
Your fingers slide up from Theodore’s frame, you placed your hands around his face and he shuddered. An unexpected vulnerability filled his eyes while he moaned that almost caused you to close yours. You were token aback by it, your walls fluttering around him.
“I won’t hurt you again.”
“Theodore… Please--,” You gasped, barely catching your breath to speak to him. “--Don’t.”
You couldn’t handle hearing Theodore’s pillow-talk right now. Him lying about going to be better was something you couldn’t handle..Something that this intimate moment couldn’t handle. Your eyes fell close when he pulled you in for another wet open-mouthed kiss.
“Don’t what?” He hummed.
Theodore ran his hand through your hair. You couldn’t form a response, truthfully you’d forgotten that the brunette even asked you something. But clearly that didn’t please him because Theodore suddenly rolled the two of you over. Your body was now pinned underneath him, completely vulnerable to whatever strokes he wanted to give you.
And clearly they weren’t nice ones…
Suddenly, there was a change in Theodore’s thrusting. It was rougher, animalistic almost. You weakly pushed against his stomach, small whimpers leaving your lips at every hateful thrust he gave you.
“Look at me,” He growled, grabbing onto your neck and forcing you to look at him. The way that Theodore drives himself into you has your eyes watering, tears streaming down your face, so he was a bit blurry. “Don’t do what?”
The hard squeeze that he gives your throat has you spiraling. You hiccuped, eyes rolling in the back of your head, toes flexing as you came.
“Yeah, Just like that.” Theodore begins guiding you through your orgasm, thrust becoming deeper yet still rough.
“--Theo,” You panted his name.
“Yeah, Theo.” He mocked you. “That’s who’s fucking You.”
Despite you being stuck underneath him, you squirmed at his tone. You already sensed the possessive words he’s about to spew and you’re sure it would send you cumming once again.
“That’s who’s always gonna fuck you, Y/N. Me.” He practically growled in your face, forcing you to keep eye contact with him.
“You don’t wanna hear that I’m sorry? I don’t care because you need to, I’m sorry that it took me this long to realize it but I do love you.”
You moaned but it was overpowered by the sound of Theodore moaning in your ears. Overstimulation filled your body as Theodore finally came undone, spilling his cum inside of you. Your fingernails dig deep into his back while he snapped his hips at yours, drilling his release deep inside of you.
With a grunt, Theodore smashed his mouth against yours in a sensual kiss. He mummers against your mouth, “I’m gonna change, I promise.”
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taglist: @jeyusosgirl @rae-pottah @abeltownshipslittlebitch
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Billy Russo and Foreign!Reader
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@twoj-stary-var-emreiss has given me some food for thought and I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS CONCEPT
At first, he's surprised because you don't sound foreign (as in English is not your first language)
Lowkey impressed that you know at least two languages
Absolutely loves when you make calques or literally translate a saying
(but first, he needs to tease you a lil)
Listens to your conversations in fascination but gets suspicious when he hears his name
Tries to sneakily learn a few words/phrases to impress you
And impress your parents, because he's striving for the A+ son-in-law rating
Let's be real, people can be racist and Billy is having NONE of that
They would duel at dawn but Billy ain't got time for that, we doin' it now
You call him pet names in your first language and he has no idea what they mean but you say it in such a loving way it has to be something good, right?
Definitely tries to repeat them to you
Repeats random words/sentences after you
(completely butchers the pronunciation but he's so excited it's the cutest thing you have ever seen)
You say to him "I love you" in your native language and he's giving it his best to pronounce it well
Your heart is absolutely melting when he confesses his love to you in your native language
He pronounces it in a very specific way and it completely ruins the phrase for you because no one can ever say it better
New York is a melting pot of ethnicities and nationalities so there's definitely at least one store and/or restaurant that serves cuisine/products from your motherland
While visiting, you have a nice little chat in your native language with one of the owners while Billy stands next to you absolutely lost and fascinated
Tries any food you recommend
You're like 10x sexier to him when you speak your first language
(he didn't know it was possible for you to be even more sexy but life is full of surprises)
If you swear and/or call him a pet name in your first language while having sex he goes absolutely feral
You read to him books written in your native language
He hasn't the faintest idea what you're saying but it sounds lovely so please carry on
When he can't sleep or he's upset about something or woke up from a horrifying nightmare, you sing to him some folk song from your home while hugging him close
a.k.a The Epitome of Comfort and Feeling Loved
Later on, he catches himself mindlessly humming the melody
Billy notices all the little quirks you have because of your foreign upbringing
Like different table manners, body language, cultural habits, etc.
Asks a lot of questions about your home country
Wants to go on a trip with you so you can show him around your hometown
If you make him food from your country he's willing to get married right then and there
Sometimes you forget a word and instead of checking it, you explain it to him in a stupid simple way
Even if he knows what you mean, he pretends he doesn't because the way you're explaining it is both cute and funny
Definitely asks if you ever feel homesick
And maybe you do but he's doing whatever he can to bring some of your motherland to you, like bringing you imported snacks
Which helps and you eat them together while you're telling him childhood stories
He learns cringy pick-up lines in your first language and proudly uses them to your dismay
"Are all women from XX this beautiful or is it just you?"
Billy definitely pisses you off on purpose just to hear you swear at him in your native language
He has completely no idea what you're saying but it sounds nice
@restingbitchsblog @intothesoul
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drangues · 4 years
I can imagine how bad it was, trust me, I live in this hell hole. Anyways, Dazai is absolutely CEO material and Mori is,,, Fitting, for a Shady Businessman. He has that vibe, which I guess makes sense since he’s a mafia boss? But YES I love tiny characters, it’s just very cute??? And fairies are adorable too, I have a weakness for small things. Like Kunikida probably does, even if he won’t admit it. (Nyanon, 1/5)
Though he does have to admit that being Worried about a coworker making Atsushi go Squish is a bit too much stress, so he’ll have to deal with the short period of time he has to get an Excuse to pull out the tiny workplace. But moving on LUCY AND ATSUSHI ARE GREAT AND IM ETERNALLY MAD WE DONT GET MORE INTERACTIONS WITH THEM, I wanna see them dorking off togetherrr- And just bonding in general, there’s potential there! It needs using!!! But yeah, she would be. SO MAD. (Nyanon, 2/5)
That the ADA pulled that, even if it was unintentional, and Lucy is definitely the sort who is Always ready to fight, so SHES gonna wanna meet them in the Denny’s parking lot at three am, even if Atsushi says it isn’t a big deal (two be honest these two WILL go feral for each other, not in a romantic way but both of them will brush off being stabbed unless you also stab the other and it’s great, do you know what I mean). I’m torn on what comfort food they’d make though? (Nyanon, 3/5)
I mean, ochazuke. Obviously- But what’s Lucy’s favorite food? Does she have one??? Hm... Well, either way, I bet she makes cute latte art on coffee for them! They probably curl up in a pile of blankets and pillows and stuffed animals and cuddle. Listen if I have to experience the Feelings, so! Do! You!!! That aside, onto another Dazatsu Concept- Which might also be an AU, I guess: So, I’ve gone down the hole of yanderes! (Nyanon, 4/5)
And that made me think of when there was discussion of Dazai taming his own Yandere tendencies, which gave me an idea- What if a self aware, Yandere Dazai had to protect Atsushi from another Yandere character, who had no qualms with doing whatever they felt necessary to get Atsushi? I feel there would be much shenaniganry with Dazai having to play keep away, both darker and funnier. (Nyanon, 5/5)
tbh i would love to have an au where mori is dazais dad and is actually a very caring dad buT THATS JUST ME WANTING EVERYONE IN A SHOW BEING A NICE PERSON AWOWHEJKLSDs
IM ALSO MAD ATSUSHI AND LUCY DONT GET INTERACTIONS TOO LIKE PLS IM BEGGING I WANNA SEE MORE </3 theyre just THAT good and protective of each other and about lucy’s favourite food. Hm . godamn. i read about the real life author a bit and she loves nature so i think lucy would love to just. eat a whole platter of fruit if that makes sense?? i think her love language is cutting up fruit and atsushi cuts up all the fruits she wants when shes in a bad mood UGH (and yes i am well aware, i also feel the same, if i have to experience feelings so do YOUUU)
but hmmm if he meets with another yandere that cant control themselves what would he do?? i feel like dazai would DEFINITELY at first run a background check on the person, look for where they live, their social medias, and observe the person. at first atsushi wont notice that something is off with the person until he starts getting uncomfortable (but cant say anything cus he keeps brushing it off)
and dazai is the one to tell him that the person is being creepy which atsushi then agrees a bit and dazai just thinks “two can play this game” . i feel like there would be a scene where dazai literally stalks the yandere and meets them one on one to give them a fair warning
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