#the connors are Perplexed
cypherscript · 2 months
Some of Young justice are teleported/isekai'd during one of their battles to an underdeveloped world barely out of the iron age.
The planet confuses them, perpeptual night but the climate is warm and the flora abundant regardless of the missing sunlight. It has a single yellowy green moon that is stuck in orbit at the same point in the sky as the stars move around it.
Some of the locals have accepted them into their small village, their language is close to spanish; esperanto Wally says. Atleast they can somewhat communicate now. The people are unsettingly human with only slight changes to their body; lighter skin, pointed ears and glowing eyes.
They spend a little over two weeks helping the locals with their building some kind of stage for a festival. A large corridor of metal, spires of green crystal that Connor says make him woozy on top of his already low solar energy from the weeks stranded here and thick braided cord wound around the bases of the spires and inlayed into an intricate pattern winding their way to the corridor of metal.
The chief, Degelinta Stellumo, is happy to say the festival can begin early. When asked about the festival they cant translate much other than it's to thank their god for keeping them safe. About how thousands of years ago the day god Rox tried to consume their world, the night god Phan covered their world in protective night to protect it from Rox's anger.
The team is perplexed as the festivities begin, rhythmic chanting fills the air as one of their young men, that Megan recognizes as Stelo, walks forward dressed in furs and a iron crown upong their head. He steps into the corridor, the crystals glow brightening as he does so, almost alive in the perpeptual moonlight and the chanting getting faster and faster. Duh-duh-duh-duh-da-duh-duh-da-duh-da~.
There is a massive flare of light coming from the corridor, the crystals shatter and fly everywhere and the people cheer. Stelo steps, no floats from the now blackened corridor changed; his body glows in a pale white light, hair once black now pure white while his eyes are toxic green from his previously white and a cloak of stars floats behind him in an invisible wind.
He looks around confused, tired, until his eyes settle on the young superheroes going from Connor's house of El crest to Miss Martians skin to Robins stylized R.
Everyone is shocked as the being speaks to them in echoy but clear english, "You lot are a long ways from home, arent you?"
"Uhm, yes... sir," Tim hesitantly asks hesitantly unsure how to address this being? God? Entity?
"Right, well not to belittle your situation but we're holding up the festivities I'm certain the Sheo'lp people have been working on for some time. Let us celebrate a bit then we can talk about your situation."
"What are you," Megan blurts out, confused, "Stelo stepped into that corridor and his mind is gone and now theres just static."
"I suppose i can answer that easily enough. My name was/is Danny and I dont know what I am anymore. Once the festival ends, Stelo will return to himself. I promise."
The now named Danny stops floating and walks over to the tribespeople, stopping to hug and greet everyone by name and accepting food and drink happily. He cries as he eats the food and drink, thanking the people in esperanto repeatedly as he does so, this goes on for several hours before the partying starts to die down and Danny takes the group over to a dying bonfire.
"Right, I suppose you have questions but I would like some verification."
"Yup, just need to know if you are who I think you are. It's been forever since I've been around earth but you look familiar.
He points at Miss Martian, "M'gann M'orzz?"
Pointing to kid flash, "Bart? No... Wally West."
Points to Robin, "Damian Wayne."
Points to Superboy, "and that would make you Jon Kent."
They partially confused, partial perturbed that this entity knows some of their names. Tim looks him square in the eyes, studying him, thinking about protocols for what to do when a godlike entity just namedrops your baby brother like its no big deal.
"Its just Robin as I am," Tim says, eyes never leaving Danny's.
"Shit right, apologies I forgot about superhero 101, no names. Its been a while since I had to worry about names, time is blurry these days to me. Now! What about those questions?"
"Can you get us home," Tim asks straight forwardedly. "We've been missing from earth for a few weeks now."
"Sure," he says nonchalantly, surprising the team, "Well yes and no. *I* can get you home but I know something who can but you need to Promise me that you'll follow my directions once you go home. Deal?" He holds out his hand to Tim, who looks at it before shaking it.
"So long as it doesnt endanger those i care about then Deal."
Danny nods before taking a deep breath and holding out a hand, a small crack running through the seam of reality as green light fills the area, from the crack a scroll flies through at high speeds as he catches it. "Hello old friend," he says tiredly, seeming to have dimmed greatly from that stunt.
"A scroll," Connor asks incredulously.
"A map," Danny corrects, "of everything. Take hold of each other before taking the Map, once you do take the map and say where you want to go." He looks at connor briefly, "it wont be a pleasant trip for Jon but it is nessesary for you to get home. Hopefully this trip should innoculate your biology against ecton radiation."
"Wait radiation," wally yelps.
"Its harmless to humans, mostly. Its the fastest way to get back to Earth, youre on the other side of the universe kids. Now, once you're back on earth tell the Map to return home and let go. So take the map, i need to go speak to the chief for a bit. Thank you for being here and letting me help." Danny groans as he slowly gets up and walks over to the chief's tent.
"Do you think he's okay," Megan asks the group as Tim looks the rolled up map over.
Connor watches as Danny leaves, "He's low on energy. Like how Kryptonians are without yellow sunlight."
"Unfortunately we cant focus that right now, grab hands its time to go." They each take the others hand as Tim holds up the map, "take us to the Justice Leagues Watchtower on Earth." The map unfurls as a blue energy grows over the group as they begin floating and the scroll begins to drag them across the sky, a similar crack as before opens before them and swallows them up and the next couple of seconds are filled with blurred visions of vast green voids, purple doors and massive beasts lurking in the distance, the eyes following the team as the fly past.
As quickly as it began its over as a final crack tosses them out at a fast speed into the Justice Leagues cafeteria, scattering on impact and flinging food everywhere as the security systems begin to screech as the team sigh in relief.
"We're home..."
"So you mean to tell us you've been trapped on another planet for all this time," Barry asks as the members of young justice sit at the conference table with the other adult members of the justice league.
"Yes sir."
Batman is pensive as hes thinking, "and this entity called you by your names?"
"Mostly, he thought Kon el and I were our younger counterparts."
Kid Flash leans over to Megan and whispers, "that's bat for I dont like this." Barry cuffs him over the head.
"So should I return the map to Danny?"
"Did someone say my name," a chipper young voice says as he sticks his head through the table, familiar glowing green eyes and white hair who freezes at the sight of the map, "how do you have that? B What's going on?"
"The young justice team has been stranded on a distant planet for several weeks, they just got back with the help of this artifact. Do you recognise it?"
"Course I do, don't know how you have it because its supposed to be with FB in the zone."
"Wait a second," megan exclaims, suddenly recognizing the static she was getting from him "You're Danny! What happened to Stelo?"
"Who?" That takes the wind out of her sails, "oh... i get whats going on here. Classic time travel, don't tell me anything. If you have the map then FB or I gave it to you for a reason. You should send it back."
"Do as he says Robin," Batman says nodding in understanding.
Tim takes the map in his hand, "go back home, uh... map?" He drops it as it unfurls and zooms off through another green crack. "What's all this about?"
"Dunno," Danny says as he leans back as he floats through the table, "hasn't happened yet."
Authors note:
Little more detail on what happened between the gods in the Sheo'lp's tale. Their sun was going supernova and Phantom in a last ditch effort to save the planet wrapped his being around the planet as the sun exploded around them. His ice core cooling the suns now explosive heat, his body giving them stars to look at and his core to give them light. Their planet is essentially a terrarium surrounded by a critical nuclear reactor. Due to time dialation from earth to there hes been holding back the sun for over a thousands of years by the point YJ arrive.
The festival is a recreation of the fenton portal that they offer one of their own for Phantom to overshadow to partake in their food and drink as thanks. Once he runs out of energy from the crystals his overshadow breaks and he returns to his duty leaving the host with memories to later become the chief and lead their people with their knowledge.
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yauchfilms · 3 months
fever pitch ✢ connor dewar
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pairing: connor dewar x fem!reader 
warnings: fluff!, mentions of vomiting, this is a sick fic!!!, swearing, connor being down bad
summary: connor comes to pick up y/n for their first date. he wasn’t expecting to spend the evening playing nurse…..
word count: 2.3k
author's note: based tightly on one of my favorite scenes in cinema, from the greatest film of all time. 
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connor grasps tightly onto the bouquet of flowers he had thrown together earlier in the evening from his weekly trader joe’s run: baby’s breath and daisies haphazardly wrapped in yesterday’s edition of the star tribune that he so graciously “borrowed” from the pr office this morning. nervously bringing his closed fist to the door, he sends it; three curt knocks hitting the front door to your apartment. 
he waits a beat, hearing nothing but what he swears is a loud, ominous groan. perplexed, he knocks again. 
“hey, it’s, uh, it’s connor? kaylee and du- uh, brandon’s friend,” he calls out, not entirely sure that he’s even speaking to anyone. 
suddenly, the handle turns, and he’s met with you – pale, chapped, hair a sweaty, matted mess and totally unlike what you looked like in the photos that his teammate’s girlfriend had showed him last week when she decided you two needed to grab a drink together. 
“oh my god,” you utter, “come back; i’ll call you tomorrow. i’m so sorry, i’m so fucking sick.”
you attempt to close the door, trying to retreat back into the comfort of your apartment to stake your claim back on the toilet bowl, when suddenly an arm is blocking your path.
“wait, wait! what kind of sick? are you- are you in pain?” connor probes, a look of genuine concern washing over him. his blue-gray eyes meet with yours, pleading with you, and suddenly, the amount of guilt in your mind increases tenfold. 
“i- i ate at this new place for lunch, and i think –” you muster, and suddenly a wave of nausea overtakes you once again, and you sprint your way back to the safety of your bathroom, leaving your date at the door once again. 
“are you faking it? because, you know, we don’t have to really do this. we can lie and tell kaylee we went out, if you want,” you hear connor call out to you, him still not daring to cross the threshold. 
you don’t respond, your head too busy shoved into the toilet, trying to empty out the contents of your stomach. you plead to anyone you can to save yourself from this torment – your mom, god, any higher power at this point. 
you hear footsteps suddenly approaching, and you let out another groan. he really won’t take the hint, will he?
suddenly, there’s a knock on the open bathroom door. 
“so, uh, do you wanna call a raincheck on this? i can come back tomorrow if you’re not busy,” he calls to you, his head finally peeking into the bathroom. you can’t believe he’s seeing you like this, as you let out another heave into the bowl. all you can do is groan again.
a few moments pass, and you finally feel a wave of reprieve, sitting back on your heels.
somehow, he’s still standing there, leaning against the doorframe.  
he stuck it out for this long; surely he could be of help in your time of need?
“please stay,” you whisper, voice barely audible in the echoing bathroom. 
suddenly, he’s by your side, helping you up off the ground. steadying your grip on his arm, his opposite hand skirting your waist, not daring to roam anywhere unwanted. he looks around for a trashcan, unable to locate one in your bathroom. he grabs the closest thing he can find – an empty, cloth laundry bag tucked into a metal basket. normally you would complain, but all you want in this moment is your bed. 
he leads you out of the en suite and back into your bedroom, being careful as to not move too quickly or suddenly.
“that’s it, almost there,” he soothes, not quite in your ear, but close enough to where the words feel comforting. 
he leads you to your bed, attempting to prop your weakened body up against the side of it. 
“that’s it; right there,” he mutters, almost to himself. turning quickly, he lets go, and you immediately flop back onto the bed.
“oh fuck!” he exclaims, quickly moving to catch onto you. all you can do is wince at the impact. 
he runs a soothing hand over your aching head. 
“shhh,” he coos, grabbing one of your pillows. he tells you to lift up, and soon he’s placing the pillow under your head. you look back up at him, babbling incoherently about the embarrassment of the situation. but if he heard it, he chose to ignore it. 
he stands back up, smoothing out the jeans he’s wearing. 
“do you have any pajamas?” he asks, and you realise that you’re still in the outfit you had planned on wearing out tonight.
“top drawer,” you manage to get out, pointing lazily towards your dresser across the room. 
he gets a move on, sauntering over to the dresser, clapping his hands together as if creating a game plan in his head. his concern, coupled with his ability to keep the situation light, made you feel at ease. 
opening the drawer, he spots an old, ratty minnesota wild t-shirt, a shirt that has obviously been a sleep staple for years.
he lets out a small giggle, holding it up to show it off to you.
“you know, i think i could get you some cleaner ones; i’m kind of a big deal around here,” he says, a smile appearing across his face. 
you chuckle to yourself. it’s the first time you have felt any semblance of normalcy since the feeling in your stomach first appeared. 
your eyes meet again, and he closes the drawer with the shirt and a pair of pajama shorts. 
putting the clothes down next to you, he grabs your arms and places them around his neck. you rest your chin on his shoulder, breathing in the scent of his cologne, a soft, yet manly scent that makes you feel at ease. 
“i’m so sorry about this again,” you whine into his ear. rubbing your back, he assures you that you have nothing to be sorry about. 
suddenly, you’re standing up, chests pressed tightly against each other. you pause to really take in his features – reddish hair tousled loosely against his forehead, freckles lining the bridge of his nose. looking down to meet your eyes, he brings a hand up to push back the hair caked to your forehead from sweat.
“i’m gonna help you change, if that’s okay. i promise i won’t look.”
all you can do is nod your head. 
his hands fall to your waist, lightly gripping the bottom hem of the top you’re wearing. it’s in that moment that you forgot that you had forgone a bra today, suddenly feeling exposed, but honestly not even caring at this point. 
he lifts the material over your head and lets out a deep sigh.
“okay, i looked. sorry. they’re nice,” he confesses, and all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of the moment. picking the t-shirt from the bed, he tucks it over your head, guiding your arms through the holes. at this point, you are more than aware that you could dress yourself, but there’s something about the intimacy of it all that you find exhilarating. 
next to go is your jeans, the long t-shirt fortunately covering your lower half. you unbutton them yourself, so as not to take things too far too soon. you hold his shoulders to help you stand up, the soft muscle under his shirt making your mind race. he brings the shorts up your legs, his fingers trailing up ever-so-gently your thighs. if you weren’t so ill right now, you might just jump his bones. 
“feel better?” he asks, waiting for your approval. you give him a quick nod, signaling to him that you’re ready for bed. you look back behind you, ready to crawl up on the bed yourself, when suddenly, his arm is scooping under your thigh, and he has you in his arms. you could have walked there yourself, but you must admit, this is kind of nice. 
lowering you to the bed, you hear him mutter, “hey, it’s gonna be okay; there’s nothing left to throw up; i promise!” there’s a sweetness and sincerity to his voice that makes you melt. 
“and if you do, you got your hamper right here,” he continues, and you know he’s being serious, but you can’t help but laugh. 
he gives your hand a squeeze, and you reciprocate, his touch feeling oddly calming to you. he looks around the room for a second, unsure of his next move, until he walks out of your bedroom, leaving the door slightly ajar. within minutes, you fall asleep. 
you had assumed connor had left. there was no more reason for him to stay, right? so when you wake up to the sound of shuffling in your room, you’re caught by surprise. connor walks toward you, placing a bottle of gatorade on your bedside table. he leans down, pushing a loose piece of hair from your face. you know you must look like a mess.
“hey, drink this when you feel like it, baby,” he whispers. baby. hm. you liked how he said that. it must’ve been a force of habit for him, but you wouldn’t complain. 
his calming touch sends you back to sleep almost immediately, you whispering your thanks to him as you drift off.
suddenly, you’re awake again, but you swear you’re still dreaming because you look into your bathroom, and there he is, on his hands and knees, scrubbing your toilet. there’s no way any of this is real, and you think to yourself that you just might have to propose when you’re coherent enough. 
the next morning, you wake up, feeling significantly better than the night before. you quickly retreat to the shower, washing away the sweat and filth that coated your body, and thinking about the absolute fever dream that was last night. slipping into your bathrobe, you brush your teeth to rid the last bits of funk from your palette. 
walking into your living room, you fully expect to find yourself alone, but instead, there connor is, asleep on your couch, cuddled up with your dog, ernie. you smile to yourself, clearing your throat. ernie scrambles off the couch, and connor bolts awake. 
“oh my god, i’m so fucking sorry,” he exclaims, embarrassment settling across his face. 
“no, no, it’s okay, i just wasn’t expecting you to actually stay,” you respond, the smile on your face never wavering. 
he gets up off the couch fully, sauntering over to you. you’re now finally standing face to face, both of you fully coherent. you can see him taking you in, his breath hitching. you look him over, fully realizing just how attractive he is. you take his hand, giving it a squeeze. 
“you didn’t have to stay, but you did. that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me. thanks for cleaning the bathroom by the way.”
“yeah, it’s no- it’s no problem. i couldn’t let myself leave you like this. i would’ve been kicking myself if i knew you had gotten worse if you were all alone,” he replies. 
“there’s more gatorade in the fridge, by the way. it was 3 for $6 at the bodega and i figured you should probably continue stocking up on those electrolytes, you know,” he continues, a shy blush stretching across his cheeks. 
“wow, you would think you’re some kind of professional athlete or something,” you jest, and his face breaks into a mischievous grin. 
“yeah, i’ve picked up a thing or two, i guess,” he retorts.
“well, connor, i definitely think i owe you a better date. do you want to go get breakfast?” you ask, silently praying that you hadn't turned him off with the awkwardness of the night before. 
he pulls his phone out of his pocket, looking at the time, a wince escaping his lips.
“unfortunately, i’ve got practice in an hour, so i don’t think i can do breakfast. if you give me a few hours, though, i can swing back by and we can grab lunch around 2? if that works for you?”
you nod your head in agreement, and boldly, you wrap your hands around his neck. his hands find comfort on your hips, fingers toying with the belt of your robe. 
“you know, as far as first dates go, this was definitely the most interesting one i’ve had,” you smirk, and he looks down at you, eyes lingering towards your lips. 
“oh is that right?” he teases, his hand coming up to cup your jaw. “can i kiss you?” he mumbles, the nervousness in his voice evident. 
“i did just brush my teeth…” you trail off, your face settling into his hand. 
he leans down, placing a chaste, yet sweet kiss to your lips. you chase him, deepening it, melting into his touch. it was silly, making out with a boy you just met in your living room, after he spent the night cleaning up your vomit. but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
suddenly, you’re interrupted by the sound of his phone pinging. 
“oh shit, i forgot i’m supposed to be picking dewey up for practice this morning,” he sighs, not wanting to sour the moment.
“it’s okay, you go. you know where to find me when you’re done,” you reply, a hint of seduction in your voice. 
he gathers up his things, heading towards the door, giving ernie a pat on the head on his way out. you stop him before he leaves, planting one last kiss to his lips, before he’s fully out the door and walking down the hall with a quick “see you later”. you close the door behind you, finally noticing the bouquet of flowers he had left on the catch-all by the door. you let out another deep sigh.
yeah. you were screwed. 
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie was M.I.A. and Buck was too.
The video above includes the scenes from S6 where Buck and Eddie were either missing or weren't mentioned even though they should have been.
During Season 6, Eddie was M.I.A. (missing in action) from several scenes even though he should have been present and Buck was either not mentioned or he was missing too even though he should have been present.
While I was watching 6x4 when it originally aired, I noticed Buck wasn’t on a call while the rest of the team was at work and as 6A progressed, it became a pattern.  For the duration of 6A and well into 6B, Buck’s or Eddie’s absences became even more noticeable and they were so prevalent that they were JARRING AND GLARINGLY OBVIOUS.  By the end of 6A, viewers were wondering what happened.  The showrunner (KR) said in an interview that they were trying new pairings which was fine but hindsight is usually 20/20 and when I started analyzing the scenes that didn’t include one of them, it kind of seemed like she may have been telling a half truth.  I mentioned how storylines and pairings were affected in a post I did in November 2022 but now I believe their absences or the lack of mentioning the other one was INTENTIONAL.
Buck and/or Eddie not being present bothered me and I wanted to know why but I didn’t research it until recently because of the way season 6 ended.  With the way TM (the OG showrunner) has been releasing and rereleasing photos of Buddie and Bathena for the last few weeks, I believed their absences in season 6 became too glaring for me to continue ignoring them.  For Buck and Eddie to be drastically removed from each other’s lives had to be on purpose and IMO, it was done so the audience would realize how them not being with each other didn’t make sense.  Let’s be real, regardless as to whether a viewer ships Buck and Eddie as a romantic couple, their presence in each other’s lives and the Buckley-Diaz family’s dynamic has become a staple on the show and when they’re not included, people notice.  Everyone knows how close they are so for them to be separated and viewers along with journalists writing about it was perplexing to say the least.
Before I delve into this, please understand these are MY OBSERVATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS of the things I noticed during season 6, therefore, it’s ok if someone doesn’t agree.  Everyone interprets media differently so it’s ok for two differences of an opinion to coexist without someone trying to force their thoughts onto the other person.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I believe it all started with the scene below when Eddie asked, “Buck!  Where the hell you going?” because their absences started right after it and they continued through the early part of 6B.
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In 6x4, Buck was off work while Bobby, Chimney and Eddie were all at work but there was no explanation given as to why Buck was off.  Everyone knows Buck loves being at the firehouse especially since he filed a lawsuit to get back to the team after the ladder truck explosion (whether he was right or wrong in filing the lawsuit will not be discussed here.  It happened more than four years ago and I’ve moved on from it).  He wasn’t sick so it’s not like he used a sick day but maybe he used a personal day or he used some PTO time but either way, the audience wasn’t told why he wasn’t with the 118.
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He went to Hen’s house to discuss Connor's request for him to be his sperm donor but since she was on leave, no explanation was needed for why she wasn’t at work.  Reminder, Buck wasn’t on leave so he could have gone to her house to talk to her after their shift ended but he didn’t.  His absence was noticeable especially since at the beginning of the episode, he was sitting at the other end of the table alone and away from the group while Eddie, Chimney and Hen talked about Eddie disciplining Chris for skipping his science club meetings.
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In 6x5, Eddie took Hoover the dog to Buck’s loft but the audience didn't see it.  It was the only handoff that wasn't shown in CANON but the question is, why?  What was the issue with the audience seeing Eddie give Buck the dog ?  The only thing that makes narrative sense is they wanted viewers to not see it so they would notice.  Interesting!
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In 6x7, Eddie didn't mention Buck at all when he told Felisa about Chris being lost in the Tsunami but once again the question is why?  Everyone who watched 3x1-3x3 knows Eddie took Chris to visit "His Buck" that day and Eddie showed Hen and Chimney a selfie of Buck and Chris while they were on a call. In the photo, Buck and Chris were at breakfast earlier eating pancakes.  Also, after the first wave hit, we know Buck saved Chris and they got separated so Eddie’s scene with Felisa was another glaringly obvious one where Buck wasn’t mentioned and it had to have been done for a reason.  Reminder, Eddie told Felisa “My wife died… and six months later my son was on the pier when the Tsunami hit.”  Well, Chris wasn’t there alone so 👀.
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In 6x8, Buck was missing when Eddie and Chris were getting ready for Chris' first school dance. Carla was there but it was kind of off putting and it seemed like she shouldn’t have been the one Eddie was talking to the same way she shouldn’t have been talking to him in 5x10 when he was preparing to leave the 118.  If they didn’t want Buck there, then it could have easily been a father and son moment between Eddie and Chris especially since she didn't do anything but say she thought it was Chris' first crush after they went into the kitchen.  It was only one of the two episodes she was in for the entire season, so what gives?
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Later in the episode, Eddie ended up telling Buck and the 118 about it anyway and based on Buck’s reaction, it's likely Chris had already told Buck about his crush (post linked here).
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In 6x10, Eddie was present and at the firehouse while Buck and Chimney cleaned the fire engine and the ladder truck.  He was on the floor throwing a baseball with Hen.
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But Eddie was missing from the call when a lightning strike hit the car and the woman gave birth but reminder, the scene happened after he was AT THE FIREHOUSE with everyone else.   It's possible he could have been man behind but the point is he was missing.  Also, why was he missing?  Buck helped Bobby with the baby and Bobby had to call Hen and Chimney over for assistance which means Eddie’s help as a medic was needed for all three victims but it was kind of like the show wanted him to be absent so the viewers would notice and we did.
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In 6x11, Eddie was only in Buck’s coma dream at the beginning when Daniel told him the next time he goes up a ladder, he should have someone to have his back and Buck said he did.  Other than that initial interaction, Eddie WASN'T there and his absence was glaringly obvious.
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In 6x13, Eddie was M.I.A. twice. The first time was after a call that he went to with Buck and Hen.  It was the one where the couple misplaced a "toy".
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Chimney wasn't on the call with them but when they were leaving work and Buck was calling all the women he slept with to see if he satisfied them (which was 🙄 I don’t even have words), Eddie wasn't there but Chimney was.  But the question once again is why? Could it be the show was making a point since Buck had just had a conversation with a victim’s husband about an article he read that stated 80% of women aren’t satisfied by their partners (related post about Buck’s woodworking skills linked here)?
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In 6x13, Eddie wasn’t at the loft while Buck and Chris were baking cookies and it appears to be a call back to 5x3 when AF was caring for Chris during the blackout (related post linked here).  Reminder, AF left a mess in Eddie’s kitchen but Buck’s kitchen was clean and organized while him and Chris were baking cookies for Chris’ whole class.  They even talked about cooking the steaks Buck and Eddie won while they played poker for dinner.
What was the reason for all of this?
Initially I, like many others was pissed at the lack of Buck and Eddie, Buck, Eddie and Chris and Buckley-Diaz Family scenes in 6A.  I’m still annoyed by it but like I mentioned above, hindsight is 20/20 so it’s possible the show was trying to get the audience to realize how important they are in each other’s lives by omitting them from specific and important scenes.
Did they do a good job of illustrating it?  NO!
They could have done it differently like a lot of other things but the season ended messily and by then it was too late to change it.
The point of this post is whenever Buck and Eddie are absent, it's noticeable and it can't be denied.  KR said they were mixing up the dynamics (related post linked here) but that can't be it because in 6x9 Hen ended up talking to her best friend Chimney about the way she was feeling about Denny wanting to meet Nathaniel after Eddie and Buck dropped off their four-way call, so she wasn't telling the whole truth.
Could their absences be a coincidence? No. Why?
Because in 6x7 Athena said she didn't believe in them and in 5x17 Karen said once is a mistake, two times is a coincidence and three times is a pattern.  Well, their absences happened more than three times so Buck and Eddie missing in action from each other's lives was a pattern in season 6 and it seems to have been done on purpose.
It appears the omittances of Buck and Eddie from specific scenes in season 6 was in preparation for season 7 but the question is, will anything come of them?  Who knows except for the showrunner (TM), the writers, producers and the actors and actresses so we shall see.
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mechaknight-98 · 7 months
Gathering side story: Tasigur the Golden Fang
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“Sho wake up,” Chaewon said as she shook me awake. I sat back up with expedited force
I wipe the sleep out of my eyes “What's up Chae?” I say as I recover. Chaewon chuckles before answering
“The Nightfall Ritual is starting,” Chaewon said excitedly. I nodded and watched the fireworks start(not literal fireworks) the first part of the ritual was boring a lot of talking about generations of werewolves and otherkin working together to protect the pack, yadda, yadda, yadda.
“To that end and to stay in line with our roots we have our new brood fight for their mates,” Voruna said. I perked up at hearing fighting. Silently Voruna admonished me with just a look, and it took the wind out of my sails. Chaewon noticed this and grasped my hand tightly.
“First can we have the omegas declare the desired partners.” I watch as Chae gets up when I'm mentioned. The other standout is a guy who is exceptionally dressed in white and gold, but I notice he's standing funny. It takes me a quick gaze at his stance to notice he's favoring his right leg. I look around as if everyone just accepts this as is.
“Hey, Chae I'm going to be right back.”
I get up and walk to the young man who looks at me terrified. In the background, I hear people asking if I'm challenging his claim I turn to Duskana
“What no I'm trying to see what's up with his leg now if you'll excuse me,” I say. The packs watch me vehemently until I find the culprit there. His leg has a broken bone that didn't heal properly.
The young man looks at me terrified
“What's your name boss?” I ask sternly.
“Preston why?” he asks as he stands on guard
I ignore his attempt at bravery, I'm not here to step on his claim, “No reason hey is your right leg bothering you?”
Preston eyes me worried before I gesture for him to sit. Thankfully he does “Yeah ever since I was a kid why?”
“I'm going to fix it,” I reply
“Wait how?” Preston inquires
“Best not to think about it” I answered as I put his leg up.
“What hobbies do you have?” I say as I search for the incongruity.
“Um, I play Magic the Gathering,” Preston answers confused at the situation
“Oh word me too. What's your favorite colors?” I ask having found the break and getting ready to fix it.
“Orzhaaaaah,” he says as I snap his bone before setting it. He looks at me with intense hate until he begins to move his leg and notices the pain he feels is gone. He stands up and pirouettes of all things. He looks at me confused.
“We will finish this talk later. Your uneven gate was annoying me and I needed it fixed.” I turn to the rest of the pack who look at me in complete confusion and disbelief. I walk back to my seat with Chae who's trying hard not to laugh. As is Voruna. Duskana is less than pleased. she decides to finish up the omega before giving us a 45-minute break. I decided to go back to sleep. Well, Chaewom forces it by laying me down on her lap and caressing my head. I look up at her and she gives me the cutest smile. Her blonde hair only amplified her cute features. As I began to fall asleep I felt Chaewon lightly tap my shoulder. I yawn and get up from our seats to see Sakura, Yunjin, Connor, Dexter, Eunbi, Siyeon, Gahyeon, Preston, Karina, and Daewon approach. Chaewon and I waved to them as they sat around us. Preston was the first to speak.
“Um, you are…not what I expected you to be based on the rumors.”
“What did you expect?” I ask intrigued
“Less feral manchild, and more untamed monster,” Preston answered. I should have expected that. I looked at Preston perplexed but chose to ignore it, then I considered his words at face value and decided a teaching moment was in order.
“What exactly do you mean by “feral-Manchild,” I ask because it's said so often feels like that word has no meaning,” I ask pointedly. The room goes silent enough that you could theoretically hear a pin drop
“Um it's just that you disrupt the ritual for childish reasons, an annoyance over my gait?” Preston questioned
“Would you rather me fuck up your leg again. Because I can do that? Or is this more about the principle and respect of hierarchies in place?”
Preston looked at me shocked before saying, “The latter.”
“Okay let me break it down for you. I don't respect the hierarchy present or the leaders (except Voruna) for very legitimate reasons. I won't bore you with the full story but I will say this if it were not for Voruna andbChaewon I wouldn't be here. The nightfall ritual is antiquated, barbaric, and not reflective of the community it serves. Especially since several members are practicing nonviolence religiously. So for me someone who “lives and breathes violence” this is an insulting waste of my time. However, because I love Chaewon I'm here going through it.” everyone except Chaewon looked at me with befuddled intrigue.
Chaewon looked at me with lustful pride, but she has gone on the record saying “I love when you show your intelligence.”
“Oh right, I'm just supposed to be a big dumb oaf sorry,” I added to the conversation
Preston’s confused intrigue swept away before saying,” But shouldn't you integrate with the pack better if you worked with them and within their constraints.”
“I would but I lack the finesse and sympathetic story to make that stratagem work. Especially when they find out who I am and what the Machinist did to me.” I stated calmly. Preston looked at me confused before I heard Chae’s stomach growl. She gave me a shy look and I responded to it by saying “Oh this is an excellent time to go on our first date.” Chaewon smiles as she gets up
“Let's do it.” she says fearlessly I give her the thumbs up then I turn to everyone else and say “Well be back in like 15 minutes or so.” before creating a small warp gate and walking with Chae.
I walked inside of my parent's house who looked at me surprised as I took off my eye patch.
“You can see out of that eye?” Chaewon said incredulously.
“Yeah, the only reason I cover it is because well look.” I show Chae my “evil eye.”
“Oh yeah, you can't go parading that around. Do your parents know about it?” Chaewon affirmed
I shook my head vehemently as I answered“No they don't know about my extracurriculars or me being…well you know.”
Chae looked at me terrified before saying “Wait why not?”
I squinted before explaining “Mostly because they are an extremely anti-magic household.”
Chaewon's eyes widened with understanding as she said “I see I'll be on my best behavior then.”
I smile and then say, “Thanks, Chae.”
I open the door and our big dog approaches Chaewon curiously. Chaewon smiles as my dad's dog sniffs her then gives Chaewon her signature smile. Chaewon instantly falls for her like everyone does.
“Oh so cute,” she says to the dog as she goes to pet her. The dog in question loves the attention after a few minutes my mom walks over
“Oh Pj you're back I thought you were spending the night with Connor and Dexter?” she says
“I am just in the area. Hey mom is there any Gumbo left?”
“Yeah in the fridge (my mom notices Chaewon) oh who is this young lady?” my mom asks surprised. My dad also walks in at this time.
“Mom, Dad this is Chaewon she's my girlfriend.” my parents look at me processing the information before
“Nice to meet you,” Chaewon says politely. My parents give polite smiles that I know are hiding concern.
“Chaewon and I were hungry so I figured why not come back for a bit. Persephone and August aren’t here right.” My parents nodded and I led Chaewon to the kitchen.
“Your house is so nice.” She said as she followed me. My mom smiled before saying thank you. Chaewon sat down on a stool as my dad’s dog (named Noelle) came up to her while I got bowls ready.
“So Chaewon how did you meet PJ?” My mom asked as I put the soup in the microwave.
“Oh, we met at a pizza place. In…” Chaewon looked to me for help
“In Buena Park” I responded
“Yeah, Buena Park.” She said with her cute accent. “Hey came up to me and started chatting with me and my friends who were there.”
Things began to click for my dad.
“She’s the one you have the picture with on your home screen.” My dad exclaimed.
Chaewon looked at me after hearing my dad’s statement. “Jinja?” She says laughing
“What was that?” My mom asked
“Oh, Chae just said “Really?” I answered
My mom nodded and then asked Chae where she was from because her accent seemed “foreign”
“Oh, I’m from Korea,” Chae explained. My parents gave me an oh face and then left us alone for the time being as we ate.
“Mmm delicious,” Chaewon said after her first spoonful. “What is this?”
"Gumbo. You like it?"
"I love it!" Chae answers happily. I smile at her enthusiasm. after we finish eating my watch goes off telling me it's time to go back to the ritual. I groan. While Chae smiles
"Come on it won't be that boring." I shrug, and her response is to scowl cutely. When we leave I get a text from my parents saying "We need to talk later about this Chae situation." I reply "Sure" and we head back into the building. we cross the threshold through the door to the alphas and Chae points to my chest. I go light-headed and look a my chest as a sword with green light impaled me. As it recedes I hear Duskana and Voruna arguing. I fall backwards as Brok an omega from earlier walks in front of me.
"Huh, that was easy." He chuckled
I lay in a pool of blood I look over to Preston who is holding Chaewon back as her eyes go crimson and she shifts. I sigh and I summon all my strength to get up.
Using the last remnants of my werewolf and tech powers I grab Chaewon and warp the two of us to safety. I set her down and let her rest. I try to as well but every time I close my eyes flashes of them attacking me go through my head, and at one point those images switch from me to Chaewon and that's when all hope of civility and peace negotiation goes out of the window. I run my finger over my ring of the apexes as I sit with Chaewon. Her exertion caused her to pass out. Her tiny body wasn't used to the new powers yet probably.
The air begins to heat, and the room begins to humid, and announces his arrival.
“You're cured,” the voice says
I raise my face and turn to my old mentor “What do you want Archipelago?”
Archipelago smiles then says “Well my apprentice I came to finally finish what we started, but it seems I've come at a bad time..”
I nod and reply “A little bit.”
Archipelago raises an eyebrow before asking “What happened?”
I shrug and reply “An omega and hisPimarch attacked me with a moonlight great sword.”
Archipelago looked at me confused “Wasn't that supposed to be legend though? According to Voruna?”
I nod as I answer “Yes, it was.”
Archipelago grimaces “That would explain the stab wound. What did you do to make them that mad?”
I shrugged as I was always annoying but not threatening “Had too much power.” I figured
Archipelago nodded in understanding “Oh yeah, that. I told you people love strength until it's out of reach, especially when it costs what you paid. Speaking of why have you been so willing to sacrifice for power? I mean you haven't needed it in a long time being on par with pretty much everyone except that one guy with the Mordeo powers?”
I turned to him curious “Wait who is that?”
He shrugged before answering “Some guy named Theodore Sobek…something. He's American and Egyptian, but that's not important why the obsession with power…minus the discipline practices?” I wonder if it's the same Theodore that Sakura mentioned earlier
“Because at any point I need to be ready for someone to take their shot, and I need to be strong enough to protect those I care about,” I answered dejected
“So fear of losing?” Archipelago concluded
I acquiesced “In a reductive way yeah.”
Archipelago put his hand on my shoulder “But that's not you though. You are the bare-knuckle brawler who gets hit and strikes back 11 times harder. Your power is retaliation, and I think all of that nanites and magical druids stuff got to your head and made you lose sight of that. You are no grand protector or hero that's loser shit. What matters is power and using that power to create the world you want. There is no good or evil. That's all cowardly shit they use to manipulate and control the masses and you are not one of them..”
I laughed at Archipelago’s conjectures but ultimately he was right no one remembers the loser or the good guy unless they win.
“Don't let these people make you a mediocrity. You are too brilliant for that.” Archipelago asserted “I mean you walked off an attack from a legendary weapon. Fuck what they think of you. Get back up dust yourself off, clean the blood off you, and spill theirs.”
“That's super evil but ultimately I agree. Good evil. It's all pointless. Had I kicked Duskana’s face in when I had the chance I'd not be in this situation but then I'd probably have had other issues…ugh well no time like the present.” I got up showered then changed my shirt. When I was walking back out Archipelago smiled
“Looking sharp,” he said I smiled.
“Yo, you got any silver weapons?” I asked.
“No, but I do have your old gear,” Archipelago said as he handed me my old "trick weapons". I laughed as I grabbed them. As I did Chae began to stir.
"Oh looks like your girlfriend is waking up, which means it's my turn to leave. Well, you know the drill. Knock 'em dead." Archipelago says before disappearing. I groan before Chaewon gets up.
"OH Sho you're safe," she says
"Um not exactly," I say while showing her the scar. Chae looks worried and unconvinced. "Look we are going to go back and I am going to deal with this directly and then after we can cuddle," I reassure her. She doesn't buy it but follows me regardless.
We get back to the ritual sight. Before we enter I turn to Chae and say "Um you are going to see some pretty horrifying things please don't hate me for them. I like you and what I saw earlier today made me realize that I don't want to lose you, or die without you. .where several people are surprised to see me. before any of them can react I take out one of my many weapons. and shoot Duskana in the face. several pieces of her flesh fly off. She screams as she roars. I summon two knives and pin her feet to the ground. she tries to shift but before she can I am in her face with my hammer and I turn her face into a red paste.
After making sure she was dead this time I laughed. I turned the rest of the pack.
"Any more questions?" I ask maliciously. to several faces that shake no.
Brock stepped forward and before he could say anything or make any type of move. I take out my revolver and shoot him in his chest. He falls as his blood pools at his feet.
I look at him with detached coldness, “So that's how it looks to bleed out. Weird.” Brock looked up at me gurgling blood and spat at my face
“Coward,” he said flatly.
“No cowardly is stabbing someone in the back because their mom told them to, at least this way you die faster. I could have brought out the sword and slowly cut you to pieces.”
“What kind of sick freak are you?” Brock spat again.
I sighed as I got up not wanting to be bled on anymore, and I shrug at him. I turn to the rest of the people there and walk back to Chaewon. The pack is silent until Voruna speaks.
“That was quite reckless Percival.” she chided
“Hey I got stabbed,” I replied
“Yet you still live.”
“Because I have too much I need to get done.”
“So you shrugged off an attack from a weapon that ends immortals.”
“Well if memory serves correct it just resets the person to “their normal status.”
“If you're worried about me killing more people (I point to her friends, both dead and alive) I will do my best to avoid it.”
Voruna scowled at me.
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pinkdoodoofart · 2 months
Your Hair (Connor x Black! Reader)
Summary: Connor is still adjusting to being at the DPD and improving his relationships with you and Hank. He starts with you, trying to understand you more and grow closer to you. (Will be a bunch of one-shots in chapters I guess?)
Word Count: 1141
This has not been proofread, wrote this today before work so it will be edited later maybe. A little comfort oneshot for those who struggle with liking their hair, i def struggled ToT
Though he has his own desk now, Connor is still not generally familiar with his environment or his partners at the DPD. Lieutenant Anderson, better known as Hank, shows much disdain towards Connor. Making it difficult to work on cases efficiently, much to Connor's dismay.
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However, all is not entirely formidable. His other partner, (Y/N), quiet as you can be, was pleasant and understanding. When you first met, he wasn't ignored, pushed to the side, or spoken to rudely. Instead, you greeted him as if he were another human being. However, meeting at the homicide crime scene of Carlos Ortiz was not what he would consider cordial.
Today was a slow day at the department. Hank hasn't shown up yet, Gavin is loud and obnoxious, and no one will even bat an eye in his direction. Connor sits at his desk, scanning over the same files repeatedly looking for anything to pique his interest.
"Good morning Connor," a sweet and soft voice greets, prompting Connor to raise his head in the direction of his quiet partner. His eyes shoot up to your head before responding. Your hair was gigantic and different from when he last saw her with braids.
"Good morning (Y/N), did you have a safe drive to the station?" He questions as he watches you set up at your desk. He couldn't stop his eyes from drifting to your hair as he spoke. You look at him with a soft smile as you sit down, "I did, less traffic than normal thank fuck." This makes Connor chuckle a bit, you're quiet, but you have quite a dirty mouth.
"That's good..." he says as he keeps staring intensely. You look up to see him staring intensely at your head, making you look up as if something was above you.
"Is something wrong Connor?" you question while sitting at your desk, facing him. Finally, his attention shifts to your face as he turns his head to the left slightly, "Your hair is drastically different from the last time I saw you. It's... very big". This makes you let out a loud and uncontrolled laugh (which gets the attention of other coworkers, prompting you to quiet down), not telling him about the unintentional innuendo he said.
"I took my braids out and decided to go with the 'fro," You say simply staring at him with a smile trying to calm yourself down. This further confuses him, it shouldn't look like that after taking them out, right? "Do you like it, Connor?" You ask while puffing it out as if putting on a show for him. He continues to stare, perplexed by the volume of your hair having increased considerably. While distracted, he doesn't notice you moving closer in your chair. "You seem lost in thought, you good?" You examine when your first question remained unanswered.
"I'm fine Detective, but I do have a question," he finally responds after some time. You nod and sit patiently, waiting for him to elaborate. "Your hair's volume and mass has increased drastically, how is that possible?" He sounds like a curious child when an adult is working on something unfamiliar to their knowledge.
"My hair is very interesting Connor. When wet, it shrinks and curls up, when blow-dried, it expands. My braids were getting old, so I decided to take them out, wash my hair, and go with the 'fro." You state, touching your hair as you explain. The circle on his temple goes yellow for a moment before transitioning back to blue, "I see, that is very interesting Detective. It's vastly different than my hair." You pause, lips forming a tight line, which does not go unnoticed. "Did I upset you, Detective?" He asks slightly worried and confused, did he say something wrong?
"No, you're fine Connor. Just thinking about how younger me would've loved to have hair like yours," You say, slightly cringing at the thought. Once again, he does his cute little head tilt, "Like mine? My hair is fake as I am a machine." You chuckle a bit before putting a hand on his shoulder, "I mean the texture hun". He's further confused by your answer, why would you want hair like his?
"But why? Your hair is beautiful and unique whereas the texture of my hair is simplistic." You smile at the compliment before you explain yourself, "Growing up, I went to a predominately white school, from kindergarten to high school. Everyone had straight hair, could jump in the pool and their hair wouldn't shrink or be hard to comb through. Even when I straightened my hair, it didn't look like the other girls. Although I was never bullied for my hair, that didn't stop the insecurities." You finish while looking at the ground.
A hand pulls your head up to look at its owner, Your hair is beautiful the way it is (Y/N)," He reaches a hand towards your hair, silently asking for permission to touch it. With an approving nod from your end, he feels through your hair slowly, letting out a noise of satisfaction. "Your hair is soft to the touch, and smells of coconuts. It's like a soft blanket that could keep you warm from any cold. Love your hair as it is (Y/N)". His response brings a blush to your cheeks (not like you can see it), a feeling of delight rushing through your chest.
You close your eyes with a hum as he continues to comb his fingers through your hair, "Thanks Connor, This feels really good." You say as you lean more into his hand. He stops his hand for a moment before continuing.
"I am glad you are enjoying the feeling Detective," he states without stopping. Before you can utter another word to Connor, a loud noise erupts from the desk across from his. Connor stops as you both look up to see Hank staring at you both intensely.
"What the fuck are you doing to her Connor?' Hank asks, confused but with a hint of amusement in his tone. Connor removes his hand quickly as you continue to sit, refusing to make eye contact with either individual, "Detective (L/N) and I were having a conversation". Connor states while staring at Hank with a neutral expression. In the corner of your eye, you can see Hank staring at you before he scoffs, "More like digging your mechanical hand in her hair," he stops for a moment, seeming to try not to laugh before continuing, "We got another place to check out, get your stuff and let's go," and with that, Hank is already heading outside to his car. You pack your stuff up and quickly head in Hank's direction, but not before smiling softly at Connor. Smiling in response, Connor felt his day had suddenly gotten better
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19871997 · 5 months
oilers breaking the first playoff game loss curse on connor and leon's 50th playoff game.. immovable object (perplexing sports curses) vs unstoppable force (the power of friendship) .
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vermont-writes-fanfic · 6 months
Getting Hurt While Protecting Them
Prompt: How do the Detriot Become Human characters react to you getting hurt while trying to protect them
Request: No
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, Mentions of abuse (Alice & Todd), mentions of blood, injury,
Characters: Kara, Marcus, Connor, Hank
A/N: This is something I had sitting in my writing binder for a little while and I thought I'd just go ahead and shore it here lol, if you come across it than please enjoy and leave feedback! The Deviant version will be next in line!
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It was during a visit to your brother Tod's house, you were their to drop off some money. You knew he was addicted to the new drug on the market, Red Ice, so you had offered to help him pay his bills and hand him some money to take care of Alice in hopes that he would get back on his feet. As you were getting out of the car you heard a scream and rushed in to see a frightened Alice hiding behind Kara, a high Tod in front of them with a look that you weren't to happy about. He raised his hand to swing and before he even layed a finger on her you were in front of Kara taking the blow. You could almost hear the wind displaced by his handd as it swung down on your cheek,hard. As the sting of the slap subsides and the warmth of blood pooling to the surface of the area begins the taste of metal hits your tongue and you spit it out into a stray napkin giving your brother a vicious glare. As you turned and made sure Alice was okay, Kara examined you. As you turned to her to ask if she was okay she nodded, perplexed almost. You couldn't help but notice her LED flickering as she looked at you.
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You were a friend of Karl's, and made it a point to frequently visit him. Always kind, the type one would expect Karl to hang around, you encouraged Marcus to act freely and of his own accord rather than the order of others. One night, Leo - Karl's son- came around asking for some money. You offered it but on the orders of Karl, Marcus prevented you from funding any of the activities Leo got up to. Already not a fan of the android, Leo ignored him and took to trying to guilt trip his father instead while advancing closer to him. Marcus stepped between the two of them causing Leo to pause in his steady advancements towards his father. Leo, aggravated by the androids interferance, shoved Marcus out of the way but Marcus wouldn't have it. Before Marcus could even caculate the outcomes Leo to a step sending a large part of his body into a rage withdrawal induced punch. You, at the last few moments stepped between them takin the blow instead. Quickly realizing his mistake, Leo turned tail and rushed out of the area down the stairs and out the door while Marcus checked Karl's vitals.
"Why did you do that?" He questions once he is satisfied with what he had examined.
"I coulnd't very well just let the prick hurt you now could I?"
"Hm..." He doesn't respond, as if he is registering something.
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Chasing Deviants was always a work out, it was better than the situation at hand though. A Deviant andriod had a knife held to Hank's throat while his 'friend' was running at Connor. You knew you needed Connor so when you realized what the deviant was going for, Connor's Thirium pump, you dove right in front of the attack. The hand sunk into your flesh leaving you out of breath right before its hand dug deeper into your skin and tore a sizable chunk from your stomach leaving you in pain. With the deviant distracted however, Connor was able to pin it down to thee ground and hand cuff it with the spares Hank had given him. At some point, to cope with pain, you had sat down and Connor came over to you and helped you up helping you head to the EMTs, the entire time his face looked off.
"Why are you looking at me like that Connor?"
"You are hurt, that deviant was not going to hurt you. "
"It was going for where your thorium pump is, we needed you functioning fully."
"I have several minutes before I cease to function without my Thirium pump, you did not need to interact in a way that was detrimental to your health."
"Instinct Connor, it was instinct to help us all okay? Just take it as face value, I sacrificed a chunk of my body to catch some Deviants and keep you safe."
"Besides, isn't that kind of trauma the thing that causes deviancy in androids?"
"I have no signs of deviancy."
"Sometimes I wish you did..."
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You and Hank had partners for years and with Connor, injuries to humans such as yourself are more than prone to happening. He just came home from Jimmy's Bar, heavily drunk, when he was called to ,and entered, the crime scene. A deviant suspect snapped and engaged in a fist fight with it's owner before fleeing into the basement where it was now cornerd by you, Hank, and Connor. To save Hank from a long winded speech and the rest of the office from Hank and Fowlers less than civil disagreements, you stepped in front of Hank getting between him and the deviant. It took every chance and engaged in a fightt with you forcing you to take several blows before you could pin it down with the help of Connor. Seeing you bruised and bloodied was enough to sober him up, and the moment you three were back in the car he sent a long drawn out lecture about just how stupid your descision was.
"Do you have any idea how fucken stupid that was? What if that thing beat ya to death?"
"How about a thank you for saving your drunk ass from a deviant and Fowler?"
A beat of silence is followed by a sharp fatherly glare as you smirk and speak again.
"No? You just gonna ignore that?"
Hope you liked it! Feel free to request stuff!
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tia-amorosa · 3 months
Sunset Died - Hatch/Frio
New, old Friend
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Emma ran over to him with quick steps until she was standing close behind him. "Hey, are you ignoring me?". He slowly turned to face her. And looked her up and down, he was simply shocked. "You… you're alive? How?"/ "It's all a longer story… It's nice to see you, it's nice to finally be here again"….
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"I…I really don't know what to say, Emma, so…It's really a miracle that you're standing in front of me and so…". . "I'm that slim? Hnhn, I've been walking a lot in the last few months…"/ "Really… And where have you been? Were you alone?"/ "No, I wasn't and I didn't come back alone either. Blair and Cyclone are back here too"/ "really? Are you all all right?".
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Connor's shocked face slowly relaxed, but he was still a little perplexed. "Yes, you're all right, shall we say, according to the circumstances?"/ "Why, what happened? Sorry, but I have a lot of questions… A lot has happened here too, as you can see". He looked to the side, down the street. Where there should be a road, there was now just a wide path that people used to get from A to B. "mhm, I know. can we maybe go inside and talk there?"/ "Sure".
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Connor let Emma into the house. And Emma was a little surprised. "This is the Andrews' house, isn't it? Are you living here now?"/ "mhm, for now, until I find somewhere habitable again…"/ "uff, okay. They wouldn't exactly be my favorite if I were looking for a place to stay". He shrugged his shoulders. "I couldn't help it, we even have to sleep in the same room"/ "eww, and you have to put up with Beau naked?"/ "no… But he looks better, healthier. Why don't you sit down…".in
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Emma sat down on the sofa. It was still the same one that had been here before the disaster. Everything was relatively well preserved, except for the upper floor of the house, which was almost completely destroyed. "Everything okay?"/ "huh? Yes,… Yes, everything's fine, it's just… you're here now and I have to process this first, hnhn"/ "hnhn. hii, it's really me".
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"yes, it's you…h-hh…". He took a deep breath and Emma realized that something was on his mind. "Hey, something's wrong, isn't it? Is it because of me? Or… Hey, what about your brother?". Connor paused for a moment before continuing. "He's not there anymore, Emma… He was just too stupid to listen to me. Right up until the end I told him to just leave that fucking car…"/ "I'm sorry about that…"/ "Don't be, we all know what he was like…"/ "But he was your brother".
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"yeah, was. Man, even Claire was killed by those fucking things and he had just found out from her that he was going to be a father… Do you think he cared?". Emma breathed a loud sigh of relief and gave him a little pat on the room. "Maybe not. Really, I'm so sorry about that, for the baby too…"/ "I would have made friends with the idea of taking care of it myself, if she had managed it…"/ "mhm". Emma was shocked by the news that his brother and Claire, who was pregnant at the time, were no longer alive. "what do you do all day, Connor?".
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Connor realized that she wanted to divert attention from the subject a little. He was even a little grateful for that. "tz, well, what do I do? There's still plenty to do, people still need help with the renovations. At least we're using everything that's available to us here. Everyone helps everyone, and I… I recently picked up a pen again, I haven't been able to do that for a long time… basically I'm as boring as ever, but I'm getting involved"
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Emma looked at him with a small blink and smiled as she scrutinized him a little: "hm, so you were never really boring, at least not for me. And you've lost weight too…"/"Well, with the downside that it doesn't look as good on me as it does on you," he joked a little. "hn, thanks."/ "I'm serious. Have you had a look around?"/ "mhm, a little, yes, and I'm surprised at how much has been rebuilt here. Who actually lives here with whom now?".
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Connor had of course not only made it his business to help the others rebuild their homes, he also kept a little record of who was still living here in the town, who wasn't and he also knew a little about who was now in a relationship with whom. So he told Emma how he and the others had fared here over the last few months.
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After the two of them had spent almost two hours talking about everything they had experienced in the last few months, they slowly became much more relaxed. "Really, you brought chickens here?"/ "Hnhn, yes, they're still in my room and pooping all over the place"/ "Hehe, you should build them a shelter as soon as possible. I know where there's enough wood".
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"Show me later, okay? I gave the chickens something to eat earlier, I think they'll manage without me for a few more hours. Hm, is there anywhere around here you can have a bit of fun, Connor? I've only seen green forests for many months, I need something colorful again." Connor remembered that Emma also liked to socialize. "Hmm, maybe I know something. I don't know if there's anything going on there today or tomorrow". She looked at him and smiled a little mischievously. "just show me" / "so… okay, let's go then".
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover 😊
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gogogodzilla · 2 years
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Chapter 4
Summary: The hunt begins for a deviant that is on the run a.k.a you try not to strangle Connor after he risks his life. ✧ masterlist ✧ ao3 ✧ wattpad ✧ ✧ previous chapter ✧ next chapter ✧
The ride to the Ravendale district was silent except for the heavy metal music blaring through the speakers of Hank's car. Once, you reached your arm out to change the music and Hank smacked your hand away. You yanked your hand away grumbling.
"C'mon, Hank," you begged, "just this one time." You waggled your eyebrows, hoping to sway the older man.
"Fine," Hank huffed and you pumped your fist at your victory. You flipped through the radio channels, hoping to find something good before Hank could change his mind. You froze as you heard the familiar guitar strum of "Stacey's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne. Your jaw dropped as you leaned back in your seat, relishing in the nostalgia.
Hank groaned, but you sent him a look. "This is a classic, Lieutenant. You can't just skip over it," you argued.
Hank pulled up outside of the supermarket and you took in your surroundings. The downpour outside discouraged you from moving from your seat. You cursed yourself for not grabbing your umbrella.
"Let's get this over with," Hank grunted, maneuvering out of his car. Connor followed and you ambled out of the car, squinting as the rain hit your face.
Your small group moved over to Detective Collins to get the lay of the land. You allowed Hank to do most of the talking. Hank interviewed witnesses and other officers, tapping away on his tablet. You stood under the small canopy of the supermarket attempting to stay out of the rain as much as possible.
"What're you gonna do with that?" Detective Collins probed, his gaze falling over Connor standing stoically in front of Hank's car. You narrowed your eyes at the pair of older men.
Hank sighed, "I've no idea." He left Collins and headed back to the two of you.
"It took the first bus that came along," Connor spoke up, "and stayed at the end of the line. Its decision wasn't planned, it was driven by fear."
Hank let out a scoff, "Androids don't feel fear."
"Deviants do. They get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions," Connor countered.
Hank pressed his lips into a thin line, "Ah... Well, that still doesn't tell us where it went."
You interjected, "They didn't have a plan, and they had nowhere to go." You paused, eyes scanning your surroundings, "Maybe it didn't go far."
You, Hank, and Connor scouted the surrounding area, eyes peeled for indication of where the deviant went. Eventually, you came up to a dilapidated house.
"Gross," you said as you crinkled your nose.
Connor crawled through the hole in the fence and emerged on the other side, "There's blue blood on the fence. I know another android was here."
"Go get 'em, killer," you encouraged, raising your fist. Connor looked back at you, a perplexed expression gracing his face. He shook his head before wandering to the front of the house.
You watched as Connor walked away. He would rub his hands together as he walked. The small gesture made him seem so human.
"You gonna help a lady through the fence, or are we just gonna stand here lookin' stupid?" You questioned Hank, raising your eyebrow with a slight grin on your face.
Hank scoffed, shaking his head before heading over to the fence, holding up the small section so you could get through. You curtsied before crawling through the fence. Once you were through, you returned the favor for Hank.
A commotion from the inside of the house caused you and Hank to take off towards the front door. Hank pushed you behind him before emerging in front of the entrance, "Connor, what's going on?" He questioned.
You peeked over Hank's shoulder to see Connor on the floor before he shot up, "It's here! Call it in!" Hank nodded and ran off to report the android. You followed, hot on his heels. You helped each other through the fence and Hank ran to his car to call it in. You stopped on the sidewalk, head on a swivel searching for the android.
Connor sprinted by you, a flash of black jeans and bright blue accents. "Connor!" You called, chasing after him. It was unnerving how fast he was. You weaved through the people crowding the sidewalk, skidding to a halt in front of one of the alleyways. You jogged up to where Connor was staring through the chain-link fence.
"Fuck," you panted, leaning your hands against your knees aiming to catch your breath.
"That's insane," Hank wheezed, in somewhat worse condition than you. The android and the little girl made their way to the median, somehow managing not to get themselves killed. Fucking hell.
Connor started to amble up the fence but you grabbed him by his jacket, yanking him back down. "Absolutely not. You are not going after them," you hissed through your teeth as you dug your fingers into the fabric.
"I can't let them get away," Connor looked down at you, his hold firm on the fence.
Hank huffed, still out of breath, "They won't! They'll never make it to the other side."
Connor attempted to shrug your hand off of him but your grip tightened. "I can't take that chance," he said, before making his way up the fence again.
Hank grabbed him this time, your combined strength pulling him back down, "You will get yourself killed! Do NOT go after 'em, Connor, that's an order!" Hank sounded like a parent scolding a child, his grasp tight on Connor's shoulder.
Connor shrugged off both of your hands and was on the other side of the fence in an instant. "Connor!" you shrieked, hands gripping the fence.
He landed on the muddy embankment and slid down before jumping the barrier. You could only watch as Connor dodged the vehicles flashing by.
"Goddamnit," you whispered, unable to look away. You weighed your options, looking up at the spiked top of the fence. Even if you could climb the fence you'd never survive crossing the highway. Your eyes flitted to your right to the bridge that was connecting both sides of the highway. Before you could even make up your mind you were off, Hank calling after you.
"MOVE, DPD!" you yelled at the crowd beginning to form on the bridge, elbowing your way past them. You watched as Connor and the deviant struggled in one of the lanes. Their bodies missing side mirrors by millimeters. The deviant elbowed Connor, causing him to clip one of the cars passing by.
"CONNOR!" You shouted, your feet moving out of instinct, praying to meet him on the other side. You watched him from the end of the bridge as he stumbled. Your heart stopped as time seemed to slow down. Connor toppled over, but he was up within a second, a car's mirror clipping him again. He was alive. He clenched his fists in anger, but you didn't care.
Connor made his way to the other side and you rushed to meet him on the other side of the barrier. You were on him before his other foot touched the ground, gripping the lapels of his jacket so hard your knuckles were turning white.
"What is wrong with you?" You questioned through your clenched teeth. Your throat tightened and you forced yourself not to look away. "You could've died, you idiot!" You were shaking him now, white-hot anger filling you up and easing away the chill that had soaked into your bones. You were thankful that it was raining as a few tears fell down your cheeks. You ripped your eyes away from him, looking over at the crowd that began to form on the other side of the bridge.
You glared at Connor before shoving him away. You were shaking, and not just from the cold. You turned on your heel and headed back to Hank's car. 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Hi clan! I was wondering if you could do a Detroit become human x reader where the reader is one of zlatko's experiments and was saved by Hank and Connor?
"My god..this looks like a fucking torture chamber."
"It appears this is where Zlatko has done illegal experimentation and reconstruction on androids." Connor spoke as he gazed at the large contraption in the mansion’s basement.
It was a massive disassembly device, hooked up to nearby computers that were still on. He made note to have this shutdown later on..though it also made him wonder where Zlatko got such a complicated piece of machinery.
During their investigation into Kara’s whereabouts, him and Hank got a lead that pointed to the mansion once owned by the Russian. Apparently she had fled here along with Alice.
Though upon arrival, Zlatko laid dead outside and his car was missing. After an analysis, Connor deduced that blunt force trauma led to his demise. And judging from the holding cells, countless biocomponents, notes on past androids, and other clues--these “prisoners” took revenge on their captor and fled into the woods.
Hank remarked it as being much-deserved.
However, the duo would soon discover that not all of the deviants left.
The RK800 heard the sound of shuffling and immediately looked to the cell, noticing a dimly-flickering red LED in the darkness. He entered with caution, eyebrows furrowed.
“Hello? Identify yourself-”
Suddenly, he heard thumping noises and turned around just in time to see a damaged URS12 growling at him. He was utterly perplexed at how Zlatko managed to experiment on a polar bear android, and wasn’t sure what to do when it began cornering him.
“What the fuck?! CONNOR!” Hank shouted in bewilderment, aiming the gun at the bear as he stormed into the cell. Though it swung its head towards him with a roar, and he tensed, unsure of whether shooting it was the best course of action.
But before either one could do anything, a timid voice came from the darkness.
“D-Don’t hurt him! He means no harm!”
Confused, Hank and Connor saw you finally making your presence known:
As one of Zlatko’s “creations”. You were completely stripped of any clothes or exoskin; instead pieces of your plastic flesh were either missing or cut into mismatched segments. Dried blue blood and ash caked your body, especially your arms, and the transparent piece of your chestplate revealed your rapidly pumping heart.
“Holy shit.” Hank bluntly muttered, lowering his weapon.
You went over to the polar bear worriedly, gently petting its head as it grumbled softly. “Shh..it’s okay..it’s alright.”
The detective was standing there, mouth agape like a fish out of water. But Connor approached you, seemingly only somewhat concerned. He couldn’t identify your model series nor number--you were far too damaged to be recognizable.
“We’re not here to cause any trouble. We just have some questions about what happened here.” He explained calmly, aware of your high stress levels.
Slowly turning your head, you noticed he was a perfectly-functioning android. “Q-Questions...?”
“Connor, we shouldn’t waste our time.” Hank grumbled. “The poor thing looks like it’ll fall apart any second. Just put it out of its misery-”
“DON’T!!” You suddenly snapped at him, though seeing Connor’s stern glare as he blocked your view of him made you flinch away. “S-Sorry...I don’t want to die. I’ll tell you anything you wanna know..just spare me...please..I’ve only had a chance to taste freedom now.”
"It seems capable of conversation, lieutenant." The RK800 noted.
"...go ahead." Hank huffed, deciding to check around the basement some more while you stood in front of Connor.
"An AX400 was reported in this area, along with a little girl. Have you seen them?"
"The-The..AX400..? Oh! Yes..yes.. She saved us all!" You rubbed your hands together with glee, remembering Kara and all she did to help you and the other androids who shared your misery. "She freed us from the Master!"
"The Master?��� He raised an eyebrow. “You mean Zlatko?”
“Mhm..evil man..he made us call him that. He almost took control of her...almost made her like us. But she resisted and...she gave us the hope we needed. And the strength to fight back! She is good. She was the light in our darkest hour!”
Connor shrugged off your giddiness, choosing an indifferent response. "It reportedly attacked its owner and abducted his child. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s-"
“You wouldn’t understand..not yet..” You huffed, slightly pouting at him. “Wouldn’t you do the same if your life was in danger? If hers was? Or if your owner tortured you everyday and turned you into some plaything?”
Your questions made him blink for a moment, as he recalled the interrogation with the deviant HK400.
"He tortured me everyday."
{Software Instability ^}
"Its owner insisted it attacked him unprovoked." He tried to point out. "But I understand your reasons to attack Zlatko. He irreversibly damaged you. Tell me..how are you still functioning?"
You gave it some thought, before simply shrugging. "Spite."
He wasn't sure how to respond to that. So he moved onto another question. "Where are all the other androids who were captured?"
"Gone. Free at last, but..I stayed behind. The world out there will only see us as monsters. I-I begged them not to go but..no one listened." You sighed sadly, your demeanor changing within seconds. "This house is a living nightmare..yet it's so quiet now. No screams. No yelling..just silence."
Connor’s LED spun as he processed this information. Obviously he wasn’t going to waste time tracking down the escaped deviants--they could be anywhere or incapable of responding like you. But before he could further question you on Kara’s whereabouts, Hank spoke up after he finished his search.
“Well, that son of a bitch is dead and gone. So if you feel perfectly safe in this creepy mansion, we’ll be on our way-”
“L-Let me come with you.”
“......seriously?” He looked at you up and down with a raised eyebrow. “The cold’ll probably kill ya before you get to the car.”
“By the grace of RA9, I’ll make it to that car.” You whispered, stepping closer to the duo with pleading, glowing eyes. “I’ll tell you more. I’ll help..in your investigations. Just let me go with you, away from this awful place.”
After some debate, they agreed to let you ride in the backseat, believing you could be more helpful in their search for Kara--or even the spike in deviancy and human crimes against androids.
Hank was surprised that Connor didn’t suggest disassembling you once you gave them all the information they needed.
Perhaps you were more than just an expendable deviant.
Perhaps..you’ve gained the deviant hunter’s sympathy. 
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stackofstories · 2 years
Title: ????
Chapter: 5/?????
“Well. That was a huge waste of time,” Connor said, letting out a long breath the second they were away from the Big House.
“What do we tell the kid?”
Connor closed his mouth. “What.”
Travis looked at him like he was plain stupid. “The kid. Nico. What do we tell him?”
“Tell him—?” Connor asked, perplexed.
Travis made a frustrated sound in the back of his throat, pinching his face together. “I know you can be Connor sometimes and worrying about other people isn’t exactly natural for you, but surely, even you can understand how delicate of a situation this is: his sister was nominated for a quest. A quest she’s unprepared for. A quest where she might die.”
“Might is doing a lot. She is going to die.”Connor shrugged. “And I don’t see how that’s our problem.”
“It’s our problem because Nico’s in our cabin,” Travis said. “Because you’re a head counselor.”
Connor snorted and rolled his eyes. “That only means something to you. I’m in it for the shower privileges.”
The pinched look on Travis’s face relaxed. “Yes. I’m trying to be a good head camp counselor because it’s my responsibility and I care for the kids even if they’re just passing through. And I don’t know, maybe, I care about Nico more than I should. You heard what Aphrodite said.”
Connor hesitated.
The goddess of love gave them a simple enough task. Give the shirt to the Hunters. She wanted nothing to stand in the way of Percy going on the mission. In gratitude, she had told them, when Nico gets his heart broken chase after him.
“Nico’s sister is leaving. She should be the one to tell him,” Connor said.
“We agree.” Travis folded his arms. “But I don’t think she will. She’s barely talked to the kid since she’s been here. Whatever her reason, I think the sooner the better. There’s been a lot of excitement tonight.”
Connor found himself nodding along. It had been a lot between the capture the flag game and the oracle deciding to take a midnight stroll.
“We can tell him in the morning during breakfast. There’s barely anyone else out,” Connor said.
“And we’ll tell…”
“Him the truth, Travis. That being a half blood is dangerous. It’s scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.”
Travis looked at him but Connor could tell he was somewhere else.
“What?” Connor asked.
“It’s just. I don’t know. I’m glad we have each other,” Travis said.
Connor’s grin widened, a warmth in his chest at the acknowledgement of them. “You’re such a chick.”
“Dick.” Travis’s face mirrored his own.
Together they walked the worn path back to their cabin. Thankfully the harpies had been warned of their meeting so they weren’t prowling around waiting to pick one of them off. Nico noticed them first.
He popped up from his spot on the staircase, beaming at them. He raced over. Drew followed at a slower pace.
“You’re not dead. That’s awesome! Look at what Drew got me. Look!” Nico shoved a plastic pack of cards in Connor’s face.
“Nico, I don’t think he can see like that.” Connor heard the smile in Travis’s voice.
A moment later Connor blinked rapidly. Nico chattered. “I’m sorry. It’s the limited edition Africanus Extreme expansion deck. It has Ananasi and Katobleps and Eshu, and so many others. I can’t wait to go back to Westover. Man, Donovan is going to be so jealous. Thank you, Drew.”
“I told you, Nico. It’s no big deal. I was going to give it to my brother for Christmas, but Mom got there before me.” Her eyes were bright as she did a half shrug.
“Very cool.” Travis placed a hand on Nico’s head, gently ruffling before leading him up the cabin. “And it’s way passed lights out. C’mon.”
“I don’t even know who my brother is anymore,” Connor said when they were alone.
Drew’s smile widened.
“He’s a cute kid,” Drew said. “There’s really nothing more to it. The meeting?”
“You’re going to have to keep an eye out for Silena. She’s fixin to fight every Hunter that looks at her funny.”
“Hmm. I’ll talk to the meatheads in Ares. Was it bad?”
“I’ve never heard of a good prophecy,” Connor said.
Drew glared at him, a hand on her hip. “Anything about Annabeth?”
Connor raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t look at me like that. She’s an annoying know-it-all with a self important stick jammed up her cooch. But. She’s Annie.”
“Your heart really has grown three sizes.”
“Why are you so annoying?”
Connor threw his head and laughed. “There wasn’t anything about Annabeth. It was agreed the Hunters would go with their chosen three, then Grover and Thalia would make up our two. Grover promised to search high and low for her.”
“So, Percy’s not going.”
“I think he believes that.”
Drew snorted. “He’s got it bad. Oh well. They’re pretty cute for being basic. I’ve got to go now.”
She waved goodbye to him, sashaying away.
The floorboards creaked in the dead of night. It was another reason Connor knew Nico wasn’t theirs. Most of their brothers and sisters don't make noise when they move kinda like an assassin or ninja. Nico's steps were loud and clumsy …
Connor lifted from his mountain of pillows.
Connor moved close to the edge of the bed, he leaned over, staring at his brother long ways on the bottom bunk.
“Don’t follow him.”
“Werent you the one bitchin’ earlier about how we need to protect the rugrat and swaddle him like he's the newborn baby Jesus?”
Connor couldn't see it but he knew his brother rolled his eyes. “OK, smartass. One day, you and I are gonna sit down and talk about the words compassion and empathy. Anyway, I'm saying we don't follow him because what if he’s seeing his sister.”
“And what if he’s running away with his sister because he learned the truth?”
If he ever found out Travis was going on a quest, he’d follow him in a heartbeat.
“That’s his choice.”
Connor laughed. “The monsters sure will be lucky when the di Angelo’s step passed the boundary. It’s like a two for one deal.”
“Would it kill you to show optimism?”
“Just leave it. The kid needs some privacy.”
Connor pulled back from the edge and settled on his pillows. He got comfy. It was whatever. If Nico wanted to run away then that was his decision. If the Gods were kind he’d be eaten two seconds alongside his dumbass sister.
It would save them the trouble of having their hopes and dreams die a slow and torturous death.
The next morning Bianca and Percy were nowhere to be found and Nico was parked between them swinging his legs as he picked off his fruit salad, bright eyed and bushy tailed as always.
“I have a secret,” he announced.
“Do you now?” Connor buttered his toast.
“Well, I’m not supposed to tell,” Nico’s voice dropped. “Percy might get in trouble.”
“You can trust us,” Travis said as sweet as a sinner in church. Connor nodded.
Nico beckoned them closer. His curious dark eyes darted between their faces. “Percy went on the mission with the Hunters even though he wasn’t supposed too. He promised he would protect Bianca, my sister. I lied to Mister Chiron and he believed me.”
It was adorable how Nico thought he pulled the wool over the eyes of a kid-trained thousands year old being. Travis gave him a look, which told him not to break the fantasy. He was no fun.
“Really?” Travis grinned. “That’s awesome!”
Nico nodded practically purring with self importance.
“But you know Bianca can still get hurt?” Connor asked.
“I know that. That’s why Percy’s going with her. Percy’s the strongest demigod ever. You should have seen him when he was fighting.” Nico mimicked holding a sword slicing the air with his cutting edge noise effects. “He’s a hero! No one can stop him. As long as he’s there nothing bad will happen!”
Did you hear the sound of that flush? There it was. The script of them gently breaking the news of Bianca’s almost sure death just flushed down the toilet with this hero worship crap.
Connor caught the startled look in Travis’ eye and the twitching smile he struggled to keep. He had really fallen head over heels for the kid if he wasn’t prepared to yank him back down to reality.
“Percy’s pretty strong,” Connor agreed around a mouthful of toast. “And he always manages to come back from pretty dire situations. He’d probably crash his own funeral. He’s like a roach now that I think about it. Those things could survive a nuclear blast.”
Nico nodded. He picked off the last remaining pieces of strawberries and blueberries. “I’m all done. Can I go shoot arrows with Drew?”
“Go on,” Travis said softly. “Meet us back at the pavilion at noon.”
Nico headed over nearly tripping over his own feet in his excitement. Without a care in the world.
Travis groaned, he slumped onto the wooden table. His fingers tapped a nervous rhythm.
Connor continued to eat his breakfast. He’d never budge on his opinion even years down the line. They should have told Nico the truth.
Sometimes people made promises they could not keep. Sometimes the best of heroes failed.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Unworthy: Connor Rhodes x Reader
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Tagging: @cosmic-psychickitty   @brianbabygirlzvonecek   @ikbenplant   @rosaliedepp   @mrspeacem1nusone   @daniacat   @htariq   @sowrongitslottie   @readingbookelf​
"Sometimes I worry you don't understand that I love you." You told Connor as you sat beside one another on the bench outside of the hospital.
It was autumn and the two of you were wrapped up in your jackets, hands clasped around take away coffee cups. The brown and gold leaves rustled as the wind carried past. Your hip nudged against his as he turned to face you, his vibrant blue eyes meeting yours as his dark eyebrows furrowed.
"I understand the fact that you do, but I can't figure out why." He told you.
It was the most heart-breaking thing you had ever heard because you could see the honesty shining in those eyes of his, the perplexed expression on his face.
“Connor, you are wonderful, compassionate.” You told him before tapping a fingertip upon your chest. “Despite everything you’ve been through, you’ve still retained the ability to care about other people, to use your skills to help them. You always give one hundred percent and I love you for that.”
“When you say it like that, I almost believe it.” He whispered, swallowing hard against the well of emotion that was building in his chest. He didn’t know why he doubted you, those negative thoughts paraded through his head like a circus, their fanfare blotting out all the good things until he could only focus on them and only them.
She deserves better…
You aren’t good enough for her…
How can you give her what she needs?
“Connor.” Your hand grasped his lightly, drawing him out of his own head and back into the present. He looked down at your joined hands, your fingers entwining with his. This feeling right here, this warmth that filled him up every time you touched him, he needed to hold onto that, to cling to. You were his person, the one that knew him better than anyone else.
“I know that you feel unworthy, I know how that thought can burrow into your brain and eat you up inside. I know what it feels like to feel darkness, to have it blind you until you don’t know which way is up. I want you to know I am here for you, that you deserve to feel loved, to be loved.”
“Thank you.” He murmured, his lips brushing over the back of your hand as he brought it to his mouth. “I really needed to hear that today.”
Love Connor Rhodes? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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unstablerk800 · 6 months
❛ you're a hot mess ❜
You're a hot mess
Connor looked temporarily perplexed by the comment. He tilted his head as he analyzed Wanda's words, translating its meaning in a matter of a second. He chose to smile, then.
"Do you really think so?"
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blackjackkent · 5 months
Baelen, it seems, made it back to relative safely and is in the midst of conversation with someone who Rakha assumes is the woman he mentioned - Derryth. She doesn't seem too pleased with him.
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"Look at that," she snaps irritably at Rakha as she approaches. "Got my useless old man back. I suppose that's your doing? His hands are empty as a hole - will have to send him back out soon enough."
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Rakha squints slowly. The woman's tone already has her on edge before she's completed ten words, and the rest of the words don't help.
She finds she is rather perplexed by this. She has encountered two other married couples so far - the pair of tieflings in the grove, and Mayrina and her dead husband. Both were very close; the tieflings were eagerly planning a life together in the city, and Mayrina was ready to sacrifice her child in order to have Connor back.
(And somewhere inarticulate in the back of her mind, unacknowledged even to herself, there is a picture of the way she and Wyll stand at each other's sides that connects to both of these memories in a way she does not yet understand.)
Derryth and Baelen, however, show no such affection. Baelen seems mostly perplexed, and Derryth seems as if she'd rather he was anywhere else.
It doesn't make sense.
"Seems like there's no love lost between the two of you," she says, raising an eyebrow. Out of the corner of her eye she can see Wyll wince, suggesting what she has said is probably too blunt, but she doesn't care. She wants to understand.
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"Love?" Derryth snorts. "Never heard of it. Baelen's meek now but he used to be a rotten old bastard. Treated me like an old shoe for seventy years. Losing his mind was the only good he ever did by me."
Rakha chews this over in silence. (Another image contrasting with the first - the fear she felt after Ethel's betrayal, the fear that the trust she has gained for Wyll will turn on her in the end and he will end up ripping some piece out of her just as Ethel did.) Love, it seems, is a complicated thing, a thing that can break as easily as it is built.
"This is dangerous territory," she says, changing the subject abruptly. "You must be down here for a reason."
Derryth shrugs. "Collecting noblestalk. Valuable mushroom. We've a shop in Baldur's Gate. The locals go mad for it."
Rakha tilts her head slowly to one side. "What makes it so valuable?"
Derryth smiles tightly. "Nearly nothing it can't cure. Blindness. Poison. Hair loss..."
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Rakha stiffens suddenly. Cure... Too much to hope that such a mushroom might cure the tadpoles - she's finally been burned by too many attempts to believe anything outside of Moonrise could do that. But it's not the only thing she needs to cure...
"Could it cure... Baelen's memory loss?" she asks carefully. She has no interest in revealing the extent of her own infirmity to this sharp-edged woman, but Baelen offers a convenient cover for the question.
"Probably." Derryth rolls her eyes. "But Baelen in his right mind wasn't worth half a half of noblestalk. I know him better than anyone. Got the scars to prove it."
Rakha has already stopped listening; she turns without another word and stalks off. Noblestalk cures memory loss. The words hang in her mind, burning like fire. I could remember who I am...
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19871997 · 3 months
oilers temp gm/ceo making perplexing moves to confirm to the public that he’s NOT connor mcdavid’s ex agent any more and in fact connor mcdavid and leon draisaitl’s biggest enemy
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shadowmaat · 5 months
More batshit lawyering
Today I have fallen down the rabbit hole of a wild case with an even wilder lawyer.
My first intro to it was a lawtuber (Law & Lumber) who was confounded and perplexed by the dual docs he read: "Motion to Compel Lunch" and "Reply in Support of MTC Lunch."
If you're wondering is "compelling lunch" is what it sounds like, you're right: The plaintiff's lawyer felt he being ignored by the defendant's lawyer and tried to use the court to force him into having lunch so they could discuss the case. If I'm understanding things correctly, the Judge granted the compulsion but also said that the petitioner had to produce all the documents/evidence that the respondent has been requesting and set a hard date for that to happen.
Now let's back up and talk about the case for a moment. From what I've been able to gather it sounds like a woman (Laura, NOT LAUREN THE MORTICIAN) had sex with/gave a blowjob to/was raped by a man (Clayton Echard, former Bachelor star). She claimed to have gotten pregnant from this encounter and threatened to terminate the fetus(es) if Clayton didn't date her. I'm not sure what happened after that, but apparently it involved a miscarriage and her attempting to sue Clayton for a lot of money.
From the sound of it there are a whooole lot of questions surrounding pretty much everything to do with the alleged pregnancy and alleged miscarriage and it sounds to me like it was some kind of scam to try and extort money from Clayton. TBH, I don't really care about the case (beyond it being a shitty thing to lie about stuff like this). It's Laura's lawyer that is astounding.
David Gringas is the latest of many lawyers Laura has gone through. And he is an absolute sack of elephant diarrhea. He's the one who has been harassing Clayton's lawyer about "let's do lunch" (except by "lunch" he means beers & nachos, like the bros do). He's compared Clayton's fanbase to the KKK and referenced "special ed." He's boasted that he's the "Connor McGregor of litigation" (UFC champion?) and that he "look[s] forward to reading their obituaries."
His emails to Gregg Woodnick (Clayton's lawyer) are often aggressively-worded, condescending towards Mr. Woodnick's experience as a lawyer, boastful (of his own experience, of course), and have the kind of misguided threats of legal repercussions I've seen from people like Jeanette Braun. He so far hasn't provided any of the documentation/photos Woodnick has repeatedly requested in order to have experts go over them for veracity (this seems to be of more concern than usual since Laura has previously provided falsified information). It'll be interesting to see what happens with the judge ordering him to hand over that stuff (which may or may not even exist).
I want to see Davey go down in the flaming wreckage of his own hubris. And Mr. Woodnick deserves all the cookies for maintaining a professional front in the face of all this crap.
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