#the construction of transgenderism
this-or-that-poll · 3 days
i wasn’t sure if i should be more specific but just choose whatever you align with the most :)
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laurasinele · 11 months
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treegender · 2 months
The only downside to being raised mostly gender neutrally is that none of the rules work the same way with you than with other people so you feel extremely alienated in your own community. I dont know where i belong and if i ever will belong anywhere outside of my family. I might not understand myself completely but i will fight like a dog to protect what makes me happy and anyone who tries to label me something without my consent needs to completely fuck off.
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tepehkwi · 2 years
culturally-specific orientations and gender identities are real and they exist whether you want to validate them or not. terfs and truscum refuse to accept these facts because their ideologies can only be defended by racist and colonialist arguments, such as insisting that gender is biologically-dictated or that your gender is not real unless you experience gender dysphoria and pursue medical transition with hormones, surgeries, and legal document changes.
biological essentialism, cis-normativity, and the pathological idea of ‘transgenderism’ are racist, they’re concepts made up by colonizers that are violently enforced by christianity and white supremacy. when we say “gender is a social construct” we mean “the gender binary and the idea of transness, as it is defined by western standards, are ideas constructed by a white christian society.” i am ‘trans’ and ‘queer’ only because i am considered trans and queer by white christian standards. in my own culture, i would not have to ‘transition’ because my gender would simply be accepted.
colonizers force upon us their concepts of gender, biological sex, and sexuality while they continue to erase ours. you cannot separate the extermination of our culturally-specific sexual orientations or genders from the violent genocidal destruction of our cultures. the words that once existed for our concepts of gender and attraction were erased when our languages were banned and we were punished, beaten, and tortured for teaching them.
my own two-spirit identity can only be labeled using the language of my oppressors because the words for what i am are no longer spoken.
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roses-edge · 4 months
I can be openly feminist with women in my life, openly honest about my opinions on porn, period stigma, male degeneracy, gay rights, reproductive rights- all without sugar coating, all of them agreeing, all of us sharing our fears, experiences, and our hope for the future-
But when it comes to being critical of gender, of its role that it plays in our lives, in our oppression, I have to be very, very careful, and it's exhausting. Suddenly we have to awknowledge that well it's our Choice and even if it is a drag and takes up time it's Ok because other women like it so we can't be mean!!! It's not bad!!!
We dance around trans topics like bathrooms and sex specific spaces and we can't get into discussions about the concept of transgenderism because its their Choice and if they're a woman, they are! Even if we all agree gender is a social construct and meaningless, their gender still has meaning, somehow, and we must respect it.
Both these topics we quietly and surface level discuss, there is no deeper discussion to be had, and it's infuriating. If I try to gently prod deeper- "Hey, if gender is meaningless and a construct, why do you need transition at all?" "Hey, is it really a choice if you've never let your hair grow, never felt comfortable without makeup?" It's met with another mantra, Let People Live, it's our Choice still, etc etc.
Which is why so often I end up talking about gender critical topics a lot on here, about choice feminism and its impacts, because it's something I can't do in real life. I still hold these women in high regard obvi- but tumblr is, for me, the only place I can be mad at men in wigs and find that missing connection I want in my real life. I just hope some day I will find that balance of real radfems in real life, and I can stop posting mainly about topics I can't say out loud and start focusing on all-around feminism on my blog.
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eastgaysian · 6 months
succession as a show is transgender precisely because none of the characters can be transgender. that is to say, transgenderism is on the outside trying to get in. because the characters must be cisgender, they in fact demonstrate the inherent ridiculousness of being cisgender as an imposed state - because they do not actually have to be cisgender, but a rigid and unbending concept of gender is forced upon them to make them so, despite or even because of the fact that they continually fail at being a gender/continually fail to be made a gender. the cisgender ideal must be constructed in opposition to a transgender freak but the transgender freak must be forcibly converted into the cisgender ideal in order to maintain the illusion that the cisgender ideal is the only possible form of existence. or whatever we're all saying words on this website
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the „queer community“ and their activism is detrimental to gay and lesbian as well as womens and childrens rights.
they promote these harmful ideas:
sexuality is fluid (implying that sexuality can change, which is what homophobes think as well which is why conversion therapy exists)
sex change is possible
trans and lgb are inherently linked (even though half of the trans community is heterosexual)
lgb are queer, but so are tqia+, opening up gay and lesbian spaces to straight people
lgb are queer, and kink is queer, reinforcing the idea that homosexuality is sexual deviancy
„queer“ as an umbrella term doesnt just connect gays and lesbians to straight people and fetishists but sometimes even to pedophiles
transgenderism is beautiful and not a product of internalised homophobia and misogyny resulting in severe body dysmorphia, or a fetish
gender is fluid so we dont need female-only spaces
words dont mean anything and anyone using any label is valid
individual identity is more important than the protection of clearly defined marginalised groups
gender is a construct but also a valid identity (literally a paradox)
the body and mind are separate entities
feminism is responsible for all marginalised groups
question and deconstruct everything but also dont ever question someone‘s identity (another paradox)
sex has no definition (but sex can be changed; yet another paradox)
there is no inherent shame in any kink, not even in pedophilia
actually nothing is real so do we even need an age of consent?
porn and prostitution are just expressions of sexuality there is nothing inherently wrong with it
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redditreceipts · 4 months
The only coherent, non-rabidly misogynist and factually right thing OP say in this whole thing is at the very beginning when she recognized transgenderism as a completely made up modern human concept XDDDDD
Okay, let’s go through this word by word:
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you can piss of both because it's just blatantly wrong and stupid. I could also say "the earth is flat" and piss of the catholic church and trans activists. what have I proven? nothing.
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correct so far lmao
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well yeah, everyone shares common experiences with trans and genderqueer people, because nobody identifies and behaves 100% according to their assigned gender at birth
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woah, if I didn’t know that this was a gendie blog, I would think that this is a terf lmao. yes, some women are trans (aka trans men), and some men are trans as well (aka trans women)
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I mean yeah, if you define “transphobia” as “opposition to gender nonconformity”, she sure as hell lived through transphobia. it’s just a bullshit definition, because being gender non conforming does not imply being trans. the thing with these definitions (i.e. defining trans as “not identifying with your gender assigned at birth” or defining transphobia as "an opposition to gender non-conformity") is that in this type of analysis, there is simply no space for gender non-conformity. every type of discrimination a gnc person experiences is transphobia, and every gnc person is trans or genderqueer.
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yeah, maybe she just wore this type of clothing because she liked it. maybe she thought it looked stylish. maybe it suited her best. maybe she had sensory issues with skirts and dresses. maybe she really got a message from God. maybe she wanted to protect herself from sexual violence. it literally doesn’t matter, because she should be able to wear whatever she likes for whatever reason
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good for her that she stood by what she wanted to do and started wearing the clothing she liked (which happened to be associated with the male sex in that time). and yeah, the society of that time was sexist, so they probably wanted to punish her for crossing gender roles
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i mean, many gnc women wear clothes that are typically associated with the male sex for very different reasons, not just as a means to an end. women have always seen things that defy the patriarchy as vital to their soul, like loving other women, abortion, wearing certain clothes, doing certain trades etc. all of these things could have gotten them killed at one time or the other. you just pick “wearing masculine clothing”, because for you gender is just about fashion statements. 
also, nobody presents as cisfeminine, because femininity is an unreachable standard imposed by patriarchy, and “cis” would imply a total identification with that absurd standard. everyone is gnc in one sense or the other, some less and some much more, so there is really no inherent transness about Jeanne D’Arc. 
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no, I don’t care about what the Catholic Church says, and we also don’t know whether Jeanne D’Arc actually heard some divine commandments or whether she just had mania or schizophrenia or something. It doesn’t matter at last, because “genderqueer” is not a useful analysis of anything. the human condition is one of being “genderqueer”, because at least for women, it is considered genderqueer to not shave - our natural bodies are “genderqueer”. you’re “queering” something that didn’t exist in the first place - a happily gender-conforming woman. Jean D’Arc is "genderqueer" because she did what she wanted, like every woman who does what she wants is "genderqueer". every free woman is “genderqueer”, every happy woman is "genderqueer", every courageous woman is "genderqueer". 
so in conclusion, this is not per se wrong, because gendies will just define any word how they like it and don’t do any analysis in the end, because the definition of things like “genderqueer” or “trans” is constructed in such a way that it always confirms the point the author wants to make. but because of its tautological nature, we don’t learn anything. 
but the huge problem with this type of analysis is that the language of “her gender expression”, “her masculine gender expression as vital to her soul”, and the individualised analysis of an experience that fundamentally, all women share to varying degrees: the inability to remain both a whole human and to submit to patriarchal demands. You can’t be gender-conforming and be a full autonomous member of society. And in that sense, being “trans” or “trans-adjacent” is an emotion that every woman shares, some more and some less. The thing is that gender roles were never meant to produce a woman that fulfils them completely, they were only ever meant to occupy women’s minds enough so they don’t start a revolution. 
But why do we have to call that very natural impulse “genderqueer”, implying that feeling like this distances you from womanhood in any way? Feeling like patriarchy is restrictive is the most female thing anyone could experience, and is a confirmation of Jean D’Arc’s womanhood. 
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pinene · 9 months
Sometimes I feel like so much of the discourse around transgenderism, especially trans kids, is so fixated on figuring out how and why individuals dislike their gender, what implications they have, why they’d want to change genders, or not conform to the one they have. And we make a grave mistake when we meet these anxieties where they’re at— when we also take on the assumption that male and female are real, coherent categories of humanity. We then have to play defense and cherry-pick bullshit like male/female brains, transmedicalism, the born in the wrong body narrative, and other such reductive explanations. But what if we just open this discussion up, and contemplate, for a second, that maybe the WEIRD thing here is not the child who wants to “be a different gender”, but the very act of gendering this child, or anything. Perhaps what is contrived and socially contagious is the idea that you can cleanly divide 8 billion human souls into two categories. Perhaps when children “reject” their gender, it’s because we had no right to put them in a random box for reasons they can’t understand in the first place.
in my opinion, gender is constructed as an ancient blurring of how the most average sexes acted and operated. So it’s easy to basically maintain, because the bulk of the population will effortlessly get the gist.. but there’s plenty of people that fall outside of the middle of the bell curve! And treating these glorified astrological signs as absolute fact is such a fucking nightmare.
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qvincvnx · 9 months
have been listening to good omens bc it's the only audiobook i had downloaded on my phone to listen to on site and
it's good. i remembered it fondly but have been so annoyed by the fandom that i didnt remember how MUCH i like that stupid book
lots of retroactively hysterical transgenderism in the feelings i had about it the first time i read it (i was 8)
since i was so young when i read it to me it's much more an Experience and Sequence Of Vignettes where Characters Bounce Into Each Other Like Billiard Balls. this is probably the longest i've gone without a reread (since the show came out) and i feel like i came to it kind of fresh and i'm just filled with a lot of appreciation for like... how neatly and intricately it's done, specifically how the plot is constructed, and also weirdly my favorite character dynamic this time is adam and anathema. its so good. feed your local antichrist leftist nonsense for the world's most based and ecoconscious apocalypse.
the urge to read fic about it is hitting me so hard but if i have to read show fic i truly will kill my whole self
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radmista · 2 months
OMGGGG it's so crazy that you can communicate with a wild hyena to get their thoughts and feelings on gender...is that a radfem specific delusion, or do you have bonus ones?
You realize this also applies to you and your crazy thoughts that a hyena would identity as non binary somehow because you decided that a muscular female isn't a female. Like, you do realize how stupid you sound right? How do /you/ know a hyenas "thoughts on gender". You don't. Y'all just love making your fave things agree with everything you think and believe because it's impossible for you to tolerate someone not believing your specific dogma. It's in the same vein as people making their favorite blorbos regurgitate "twaw" even if they'd have 0 idea what the hell that is or care.
Gender is a man-made social construct, why in the world would animals know what the fuck it is. And even if they did, why do you project that they'd have the exact same modern human interpretation of gender and transgenderism?
The only delusional one here is you sis.
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"OMG TEACHERS ARE GONNA MAKE MY KIDS TRANSITION!!" You are completely delusional, I hope you know that. Like thats a completely insane and embarrassing thing to say. thats also not how transgenderism works in the slightest. transgender people have always known theyre transgender. its not a choice, its a fact. See: the story of the man who had a botched circumcision that removed his penis. His parents tried to raise him as a woman and never told him. In his twenties, he started to identify as a trans man until he finally had a DNA test done and learned he was in fact a cis man without a penis. you can't change what you identify as and no one can change it for you, retard. learn how things work or just end your miserable life so no one has to have the misfortune of dealing with you. I recommend jumping in front of a train.
It's so weird being routinely told I'm hateful and evil for saying maybe we shouldn't mutilate children by people gleefully telling me to kill myself. But it always makes me feel better about myself, knowing that I have never once done such a thing, and never will.
The funny thing here is the story of David Reimer actually proves the opposite of what this person is presenting: Reimer was raised as a girl on the orders of John Money, the "sexologist" chiefly responsible for promoting and legitimizing the belief that gender is a social construct and something assigned at birth. Reimer didn't "start to identify as a trans man" in his twenties, and there was no DNA test; he simply knew he was a normal little boy all along who had been abused by an evil and deceitful medical practitioner pushing the cult of transgenderism:
"By the age of 13 years, Reimer was experiencing suicidal depression and he told his parents he would take his own life if they made him see Money again. Finally, on 14 March 1980, Reimer's parents told him the truth about his gender reassignment, following advice from Reimer's endocrinologist and psychiatrist. At 14, having been informed of his past by his father, Reimer decided to assume a male gender identity, calling himself David." (wikipedia)
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eternal-echoes · 6 months
hi there. i understand that your church is not a fan of trans people. but please know that the anti-trans movement (the sources you tend to reblog) is full of lies. i don't expect you to like us, i know we're "sinners" according to your church's interpretation of the bible. but just as i would trust you to know yourself best, to make the choices that are right for you even if i don't understand them, please give us the same grace. the anti-trans rhetoric is killing us, very literally.
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A 2016 medical article documenting the tragic death of one of the participants in the linchpin Dutch study upon which the entire child sex change experiment is based indicates that puberty suppression was to blame for the young person’s death. The case is that of an 18-year-old trans-identified male whose puberty was blocked by the Dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn’t enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to create a “neo-vagina.” Therefore, a more risky procedure using a section of the patient’s bowel was necessary, which resulted in fatal necrotizing fasciitis. ... The investigation into the young person’s death revealed that the deadly strain of E-Coli most likely came from the patient’s own intestines, not from the hospital setting, meaning that the more risky vaginoplasty surgery necessary due to early puberty suppression almost certainly caused the fatality.
Read the full article here.
The Catholic Church does not hate trans people, the Church does not even see transgenderism/gender dysphoria as a sin. The Church simply recognizes that God doesn't make mistakes; no one is born in the wrong body even if they don't fit socially constructed gender stereotypes. The body and soul are not separates; together they make up one substance.
We humans are integrated beings. That means our souls don’t reside in a round glowing ball in the middle of our chest. Our bodies aren’t something to detest, something that holds our soul for now but isn’t important. We are one being. So just as much as your soul is you, so is your body you. What we do with our bodies matters. You don’t just hurt my nose if you punch my face, you hurt me. If someone uses my body sexually for their own gratification, it’s not just my body that is affected, I am affected – my whole personhood has been hurt by being objectified.
Emphasis are mine. Read the full article here.
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By posting the experiences of detransitioners like Luka Hein here, my intention is to warn people that this could happen to them if they go down this path. I don't want them to suffer these side effects for the rest of their lives.
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mistymeow69 · 2 months
This is your reminder that my account was created to share my "alternative" personal views. I will take little to no criticism, I will not change based off of what the majority tells me to, even if it's already a minority. I will always honor myself and what I believe in. This account is to talk about the things that normally wouldn't be socially acceptable to.
I'm getting attacked for my last post, but honestly idc lol. (Rant kinda)
if you wanna be a safe space for creeps, baits, and overall people who mock our community and diminish our struggles so they can use a label they don't understand, go ahead, but not everyone wants to be associated with that. Just proves what kind of person you are, someone who doesn't understand us at all.
Paralleling me to transmeds is crazy. Just because transgenderism and other transids are similar, doesn't mean they're not completely different in many other ways. Gender is a subjective thing. You can't be hypothetically disabled.
Things such as gender and race ARE social constructs, so you can interpret your identity with them as you please. It's not real, after all. Things such as transabled, however, are based off of real things that people struggle with daily. I'm not saying it's wrong to transition to it, but it's not something to be taken lightly. There's a very thin line between minimizing disabled peoples experiences and mocking them vs. actual transabled people who know what they're talking about, and I'm sick of people mixing them up and referring to them both as the same.
Disabilities are a VERY real thing. You can't just transition to it for the labels and an inner feeling that doesn't even match the transition like you can gender and race. There's literally no way to host an identity like that WITHOUT feeling at least a little dysphoria and wanting to transition, even if you can't. I don't care how much you ostracize me for this, we need to stop being a safe space for bad people. This is why the respectful radqueers still get judged so heavily.
Transharmed is one thing, it's your body so it's your choice as long as you know what you're talking about, doing, and respecting people who were born with it, but transharmful? I genuinely don't get it. Like transna/zi and transgro/omer? Do people seriously think these identities are okay? Identifying with ra/cism and eu/geni/cs and overall harming others goes COMPLETELY against the original rq ideology.
Call me a fake radqueer, call me a transmed, call me an exclusionist, but I will never ever support people who are harming anyone intentionally.
Transitioning to anything isn't something to be taken lightly. It's not a joke, it's not something fun, it's not aesthetic. It's a grueling, painful experience that, if any of us had the option to not have to go through it, we wouldn't. It hurts. So I wish people would stop pretending like our suffering is just something they can do for a week for fun.
We're a community that was built off of our unusual dysphoria and being ostracized out of our own communities. Please don't continue the cycle by ostracizing people who have their own views.
Anyway, because of all of this drama, and a lot of my personal ideologies and morals not fitting the standard radqueer ones, does anyone know of any similar labels? Should I make my own?
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burningtheroots · 1 year
Hey girl. I’m a 21 year old cis woman, so roughly the same age as you. This could be a long one so I apologize in advance. I hope this doesn’t come across as patronizing or rude, I come from a place of kindness. I, like you, have chosen to be a feminist and uplift women and women’s voices and lives. But it seems you’ve chosen a path that differs from my own, and I don’t think you realize how you, yourself, are upholding the patriarchy. It’s true that gender identity is a social construct, and modern day gender identities rely on the patriarchy to exist. But they are also deeply rooted in colonialism. Gender and sex have been different for a very very long time, and many cultures before colonization embraced many different sex and gender identities free from modern day patriarchal concepts. What you’ve been told about sex and gender are rooted in patriarchal understandings of sex. The modern day understanding of sex NEEDS the patriarchy, to exist. Sex is a spectrum, the two ends being male and female. The patriarchy wants just male and female, so one can be superior to the other based on ancient (and white) societal concepts. With a wider range of sex identities, less men exist, and it becomes harder to be superior. I encourage you to take a look at how other cultures viewed women, and people of other genders, before colonization. It wasn’t all “women are lesser to men,” that’s just what most people learn because that’s what upholds the patriarchy. As a woman, I understand your fear of men invading our spaces to hurt us. But trans women are not going to do that, the process of transitioning is long and complicated and I encourage you to learn more about it. By putting down transgender people you are ultimately siding with the very men who do want to hurt you, and they want to hurt transgender people too. The people restricting abortion rights, divorce rights, all womens rights, are the same people restricting trans rights. Have you never stopped to think why that is? It’s because they go against the patriarchy, the societal norm. You and I will never be free while we put down other minority groups. We must focus on the true goal of eliminating the patriarchy and this war against trans people is a distraction. I promise you, if a man wanted to invade the spaces of women, they would not go through years of hormone replacement, put on women’s clothing, grow out their hair, and act/talk feminine to do so. You and I both know they just have to walk in. I implore you, talk to some trans people there are many on this platform. Interact with biologists to learn about human sex and gender and how they work, both are so interesting and complex it’s a real shame we learn none of it. I hope one day things get better for both of us.
I respect your effort, but you underestimate the amount of research I‘ve done and experience I‘ve gained. I‘m familiar with transgenderism and trans rights activism as I used to be part of the movement.
Gender critical feminists don‘t side with (conservative) men. Whilst it might superficially seem that way (critical of trans ideology), these men want to stick to traditional gender roles & stereotypes whereas we want to abolish it altogether.
Sex is not a spectrum. Sex is dichotomous. You‘re either biologically male or female. Intersex people are often used as "evidence" for the claim that sex isn‘t binary, but what your community likes to leave out is that intersex people are still either male or female (intersex male & intersex female). Disorders of sexual development and sexual dimorphism are not the same as transgenderism, which is entirely based on gender (a patriarchal construct).
There are already examples of transitioned men who use their gender identity to enter women‘s spaces, including prisons, and men who transition during their prison sentences.
Regardless, self-ID laws are dangerous and whether a man is truly dysphoric or not doesn’t justify putting women at risk, especially since 'transwomen' are statistically just as prone to male pattern violence as men who aren‘t trans.
Dysphoria is a psychological condition and should be treated accordingly. That doesn’t mean anyone has to stick to traditional gender roles — just be yourself and do what you want, wear dresses, use makeup etc. — or don’t — but don’t call yourself a woman when you‘re male & don‘t invade women‘s spaces when you‘re male.
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