#the cupboard game
rebouks · 8 months
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♦ simulated dreams ♦
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exy-shmexy · 1 year
Bee adopting the twinyards when they are toddlers so they both grow up in a healthy environment and the only times she needs to worry about them is when they grow a bit older and the house is suspiciously silent for a suspiciously long amount of time
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The Whumper knows exactly where Whumpee is hiding, but they pretend they have no idea.
The thrill of the chase is half the fun, to catch Whumpee scrambling from one place to another out of the corner of their eye, to see the traces left behind in the form of open vents and bloody smears that create the perfect path to them. Whumper always makes sure to linger just in front of where they've tucked themself away, calling out to them, checking every nook and cranny except the one they know contains Whumpee.
And as soon as they leave, as soon as Whumpee dashes out of the compromised room for a new hiding spot, the hunt is on again to be as prolonged as Whumper desires.
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lgwilt · 2 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the brilliant @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, thank you! 💚 I'm trying to get better at doing these - they definitely help with WIP inspiration (and as a reminder of the truly ridiculous number of WIPs in my drafts folder).
A snippet from an angsty timeslipping fic:
“Nearly there,” Mobius promised, tightening his grip on Loki’s arm. “Where are we going, exactly?” “You’ll see. Just trust me, ok?” After several more twists and turns Mobius ushered him into what looked like an abandoned office turned glorified store cupboard. The limited space was almost entirely taken up by a large desk shoved against the far wall, piled high with an assortment of broken and discarded office supplies. One of the ceiling panels was hanging loose, disgorging a writhing mass of multicoloured electrical wires; there was something unsettling about the sight, almost grotesque, as though the TVA’s pristine façade had been stripped away, leaving the entrails open and exposed.
Tagging @insert-witty-user-name-here @dewdropreader @blackbirdofasgard @mirilyawrites @starport-seven-five, if you'd like to (for now or next week) 💕
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dogtoling · 1 year
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Got my test tubes at last :]
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hershelwidget · 10 months
I really wanted to remember how to play Uno but I had nobody to play with so I set up a thing using six of my plushies. I made drawings of the event because Sun/Moon, BoTW Link, Jack Skellington, a panda, a rainbow sheep, and a Shiny Mimikyu playing Uno together was the FUNNIEST bit I have ever committed to.
The drawings! Actual images of the scene under the cut :3
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Half of the game was everyone bullying the rainbow lamb and the other half was bullying Jack but the bits where they hurt the lamb were CONSIDERABLY funnier because I was able to use voices for them at the beginning. This poor girl was SOBBING
Honourable mentions for parts I didn't draw go to this one point where EVERYONE had said Uno EXCEPT for the lamb, a bit where Jack and the panda had teamed up for a single round and then the panda said "fuck it" and kept on blocking Jack's turns, and perhaps my FAVOURITE bit of them all: The Staring at each other that lasted the whole game.
Ok now og pics!
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This was a very interesting experience! I really wanna try this again with other games, so let me know what games you’d like to see these guys play next!
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padfootastic · 2 years
here’s the thing.
prongsfoot can go two ways.
1. natural, uncomplicated, easy.
- always sleeping in the same bed; turning around one morning and kissing the other on the lips. no acknowledgement other than a lazy, satisfied smile. going about their day per usual only with added affection. no one even bats an eyelid (most already thought they were together, just with the collective conscience of a virginal victorian)
- don’t have to talk about the change in status bc does it really matter? they’ve been each other’s since the day they met. their hearts & souls are twined beyond belief. u can’t tell where one ends and the other begins.
- slow and simple and steady. love that has existed for years and is strong, enduring. they know it too, because they know each other better than their own self.
also. consider.
2. oblivious pining idiots
- somewhere along the line, they developed feelings for each other. good? NO. because they’re ~brothers and ‘no way he likes me like that oh my god oh my god oh my god what do i do i didn’t prepare for this omg’ type panic.
- stolen glances and blushes and flustered stutters and just. generally being hot messes
- terrified that they’ll be found out, considered a creep, and then the best relationship they’ve ever had in their entire life will crumble and it’ll be their fault (more sirius than james tho)
- making a fool out of themselves in front of the other
- the entirety of hogwarts oscillating between exasperation and humor because fuck is it exhausting to watch these two idiots not realise how much they love each other but also watching these two cool dudes act like fkn losers is comedy gold yanno?
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marigoldthegamer · 2 months
I just finished Kaneshiro's whole place in ONE DAY. (minus the mandatory visits)
Just.. LOOK.
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I feel so fucking proud of this. Like. I needed to tell someone about this.
I'm playing the Royal version of the game.
I have the camera strap equipped on all party members.
I was already seriously over-levelled before I started the palace (we're talking like level 27 before I even entered).
And finally, I have been hoarding items since the start of the game, lmao.
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judesstfrancis · 7 months
nobody asked but I think eddie and wayne play board games together when they both have a night off. I think they'll put on a record they both like and play go fish or something for an hour or two after dinner. u can't tell me I'm wrong bc I won't listen
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obliviongate · 1 year
Mythic Dawn: Getting the Amulet of Kings will be easy it's being guarded by old monks
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Exhibit of Sorrows is a really good game do you want to get emotionally attached to some cute lil clown guys without even meaning to look at my guy Mr Floaty
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[ID: A pedastal in a colourful environment. On it is a round clown doll with a smiling face, wearing a blue suit with yellow stars, a matching hat, and red shoes. He is attached via a tube to a pump, and is floating in the air. End ID]
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notcatherinemorland · 1 month
tagged by @kallistoi !! first 10 songs on your "on repeat" playlist + tag people
Graceless by the National
The Fall by half-alive
Heather on the Hill (acoustic) by Nathan Evans
Glockenspiel song by Dog Is Dead
Years on by Novo Amor
Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng
Take me to Church by Sinead O'Connor
I want to know what love is by Foreigner
Stay Alive by Jose Gonzalez
Opaline by Novo Amor
I've been doing 3 separate play-by-post threads for my d&d pc, so all of these songs are from her current playlist!! My little drow cleric is not having a nice time in the desert dungeon crawl lmao
tagging: @photographerh @fireryn @caiternate @nightmarefemme @chiefskye @meggydolaon @worthlessclericbuild @royalwhitehorse @dracolizardlars @frogs4macattack @lesbianlizzybennet and anyone else who fancies doing this, please consider this a tag!! :D
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pastafossa · 1 year
i get how it might seem like a good idea to put a tarp over the hole in the ceiling but i can’t get the image of the plumbers peeling it off and a gazillion spiders fall from it like balloons in a game show and then they scatter like they’re in an indiana jones movie i’m so sorry to disturb you with this information 😭
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milf-harrington · 9 months
my friend: *leaves the room while we're watching a movie*
me, pointing at the screen: "tits!"
the same friend: *comes sprinting back into the room*
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twofoursixohjuan · 2 months
More of the untitled 100 Cupboards Monmouth backstory fic please
thank you!
"Questions already?" said Monmouth, but there was less heat in it. "It was, as it happens. Haven't had one for a while. I was starting to think I was over it." He blew out a short breath and leaned back against the rocky wall, staring out at the cave mouth. "How much did you see?" "All of it, I think," Henry admitted. "I was...in the ceiling, sort of, right up until you threw me out. How did you do that, anyway?" "I'll show you sometime," said Monmouth absently. "Not now. Gives me a headache."
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lollitree · 2 years
I just spent an entire day recreating the exterior of Sycamore’s lab in 3D whoops
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